// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify import * as NS7624605610262437867 from './Schema'; export var org; (function (org) { var apache; (function (apache) { var arrow; (function (arrow) { var flatbuf; (function (flatbuf) { flatbuf.Schema = NS7624605610262437867.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Schema; })(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {})); })(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {})); })(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {})); })(org || (org = {})); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * The root Message type * This union enables us to easily send different message types without * redundant storage, and in the future we can easily add new message types. * * Arrow implementations do not need to implement all of the message types, * which may include experimental metadata types. For maximum compatibility, * it is best to send data using RecordBatch * * @enum {number} */ (function (org) { var apache; (function (apache) { var arrow; (function (arrow) { var flatbuf; (function (flatbuf) { let MessageHeader; (function (MessageHeader) { MessageHeader[MessageHeader["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; MessageHeader[MessageHeader["Schema"] = 1] = "Schema"; MessageHeader[MessageHeader["DictionaryBatch"] = 2] = "DictionaryBatch"; MessageHeader[MessageHeader["RecordBatch"] = 3] = "RecordBatch"; MessageHeader[MessageHeader["Tensor"] = 4] = "Tensor"; MessageHeader[MessageHeader["SparseTensor"] = 5] = "SparseTensor"; })(MessageHeader = flatbuf.MessageHeader || (flatbuf.MessageHeader = {})); })(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {})); })(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {})); })(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {})); })(org || (org = {})); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Data structures for describing a table row batch (a collection of * equal-length Arrow arrays) * Metadata about a field at some level of a nested type tree (but not * its children). * * For example, a List with values [[1, 2, 3], null, [4], [5, 6], null] * would have {length: 5, null_count: 2} for its List node, and {length: 6, * null_count: 0} for its Int16 node, as separate FieldNode structs * * @constructor */ (function (org) { var apache; (function (apache) { var arrow; (function (arrow) { var flatbuf; (function (flatbuf) { class FieldNode { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } /** * @param number i * @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb * @returns FieldNode */ __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } /** * The number of value slots in the Arrow array at this level of a nested * tree * * @returns flatbuffers.Long */ length() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos); } /** * The number of observed nulls. Fields with null_count == 0 may choose not * to write their physical validity bitmap out as a materialized buffer, * instead setting the length of the bitmap buffer to 0. * * @returns flatbuffers.Long */ nullCount() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + 8); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Long length * @param flatbuffers.Long null_count * @returns flatbuffers.Offset */ static createFieldNode(builder, length, null_count) { builder.prep(8, 16); builder.writeInt64(null_count); builder.writeInt64(length); return builder.offset(); } } flatbuf.FieldNode = FieldNode; })(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {})); })(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {})); })(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {})); })(org || (org = {})); /** * A data header describing the shared memory layout of a "record" or "row" * batch. Some systems call this a "row batch" internally and others a "record * batch". * * @constructor */ (function (org) { var apache; (function (apache) { var arrow; (function (arrow) { var flatbuf; (function (flatbuf) { class RecordBatch { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } /** * @param number i * @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb * @returns RecordBatch */ __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } /** * @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb * @param RecordBatch= obj * @returns RecordBatch */ static getRootAsRecordBatch(bb, obj) { return (obj || new RecordBatch).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } /** * number of records / rows. The arrays in the batch should all have this * length * * @returns flatbuffers.Long */ length() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } /** * Nodes correspond to the pre-ordered flattened logical schema * * @param number index * @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.FieldNode= obj * @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.FieldNode */ nodes(index, obj) { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.FieldNode).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 16, this.bb) : null; } /** * @returns number */ nodesLength() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } /** * Buffers correspond to the pre-ordered flattened buffer tree * * The number of buffers appended to this list depends on the schema. For * example, most primitive arrays will have 2 buffers, 1 for the validity * bitmap and 1 for the values. For struct arrays, there will only be a * single buffer for the validity (nulls) bitmap * * @param number index * @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Buffer= obj * @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Buffer */ buffers(index, obj) { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? (obj || new NS7624605610262437867.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Buffer).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 16, this.bb) : null; } /** * @returns number */ buffersLength() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder */ static startRecordBatch(builder) { builder.startObject(3); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Long length */ static addLength(builder, length) { builder.addFieldInt64(0, length, builder.createLong(0, 0)); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Offset nodesOffset */ static addNodes(builder, nodesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(1, nodesOffset, 0); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param number numElems */ static startNodesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(16, numElems, 8); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Offset buffersOffset */ static addBuffers(builder, buffersOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(2, buffersOffset, 0); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param number numElems */ static startBuffersVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(16, numElems, 8); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @returns flatbuffers.Offset */ static endRecordBatch(builder) { let offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createRecordBatch(builder, length, nodesOffset, buffersOffset) { RecordBatch.startRecordBatch(builder); RecordBatch.addLength(builder, length); RecordBatch.addNodes(builder, nodesOffset); RecordBatch.addBuffers(builder, buffersOffset); return RecordBatch.endRecordBatch(builder); } } flatbuf.RecordBatch = RecordBatch; })(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {})); })(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {})); })(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {})); })(org || (org = {})); /** * For sending dictionary encoding information. Any Field can be * dictionary-encoded, but in this case none of its children may be * dictionary-encoded. * There is one vector / column per dictionary, but that vector / column * may be spread across multiple dictionary batches by using the isDelta * flag * * @constructor */ (function (org) { var apache; (function (apache) { var arrow; (function (arrow) { var flatbuf; (function (flatbuf) { class DictionaryBatch { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } /** * @param number i * @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb * @returns DictionaryBatch */ __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } /** * @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb * @param DictionaryBatch= obj * @returns DictionaryBatch */ static getRootAsDictionaryBatch(bb, obj) { return (obj || new DictionaryBatch).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } /** * @returns flatbuffers.Long */ id() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } /** * @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.RecordBatch= obj * @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.RecordBatch|null */ data(obj) { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.RecordBatch).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; } /** * If isDelta is true the values in the dictionary are to be appended to a * dictionary with the indicated id * * @returns boolean */ isDelta() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : false; } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder */ static startDictionaryBatch(builder) { builder.startObject(3); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Long id */ static addId(builder, id) { builder.addFieldInt64(0, id, builder.createLong(0, 0)); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Offset dataOffset */ static addData(builder, dataOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(1, dataOffset, 0); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param boolean isDelta */ static addIsDelta(builder, isDelta) { builder.addFieldInt8(2, +isDelta, +false); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @returns flatbuffers.Offset */ static endDictionaryBatch(builder) { let offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createDictionaryBatch(builder, id, dataOffset, isDelta) { DictionaryBatch.startDictionaryBatch(builder); DictionaryBatch.addId(builder, id); DictionaryBatch.addData(builder, dataOffset); DictionaryBatch.addIsDelta(builder, isDelta); return DictionaryBatch.endDictionaryBatch(builder); } } flatbuf.DictionaryBatch = DictionaryBatch; })(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {})); })(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {})); })(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {})); })(org || (org = {})); /** * @constructor */ (function (org) { var apache; (function (apache) { var arrow; (function (arrow) { var flatbuf; (function (flatbuf) { class Message { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } /** * @param number i * @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb * @returns Message */ __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } /** * @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb * @param Message= obj * @returns Message */ static getRootAsMessage(bb, obj) { return (obj || new Message).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } /** * @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MetadataVersion */ version() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : NS7624605610262437867.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MetadataVersion.V1; } /** * @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MessageHeader */ headerType() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MessageHeader.NONE; } /** * @param flatbuffers.Table obj * @returns ?flatbuffers.Table */ header(obj) { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? this.bb.__union(obj, this.bb_pos + offset) : null; } /** * @returns flatbuffers.Long */ bodyLength() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } /** * @param number index * @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue= obj * @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue */ customMetadata(index, obj) { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return offset ? (obj || new NS7624605610262437867.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null; } /** * @returns number */ customMetadataLength() { let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder */ static startMessage(builder) { builder.startObject(5); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MetadataVersion version */ static addVersion(builder, version) { builder.addFieldInt16(0, version, NS7624605610262437867.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MetadataVersion.V1); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MessageHeader headerType */ static addHeaderType(builder, headerType) { builder.addFieldInt8(1, headerType, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MessageHeader.NONE); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Offset headerOffset */ static addHeader(builder, headerOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(2, headerOffset, 0); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Long bodyLength */ static addBodyLength(builder, bodyLength) { builder.addFieldInt64(3, bodyLength, builder.createLong(0, 0)); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Offset customMetadataOffset */ static addCustomMetadata(builder, customMetadataOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(4, customMetadataOffset, 0); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param Array. data * @returns flatbuffers.Offset */ static createCustomMetadataVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param number numElems */ static startCustomMetadataVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @returns flatbuffers.Offset */ static endMessage(builder) { let offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } /** * @param flatbuffers.Builder builder * @param flatbuffers.Offset offset */ static finishMessageBuffer(builder, offset) { builder.finish(offset); } static createMessage(builder, version, headerType, headerOffset, bodyLength, customMetadataOffset) { Message.startMessage(builder); Message.addVersion(builder, version); Message.addHeaderType(builder, headerType); Message.addHeader(builder, headerOffset); Message.addBodyLength(builder, bodyLength); Message.addCustomMetadata(builder, customMetadataOffset); return Message.endMessage(builder); } } flatbuf.Message = Message; })(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {})); })(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {})); })(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {})); })(org || (org = {})); //# sourceMappingURL=Message.mjs.map