import streamlit as st from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification import pandas as pd import numpy as np import torch from preprocess import Preprocess from utility import Utility st.title("Movie Genre Predictor") st.subheader("Enter the text you'd like to analyze.") text = st.text_input('Enter text') # out = model() model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("./checkpoint-36819") #'cuda') if st.button("Predict"): st.write("Genre: ") preprocess = Preprocess() clean_plot = preprocess.apply(text) utility = Utility() id2label, label2id, tokenizer, tokenized_plot = utility.tokenize(clean_plot, ["Action","Drama", "Romance", "Comedy", "Thriller"]) st.write(tokenized_plot) input_ids = [np.asarray(tokenized_plot['input_ids'])] attention_mask = [np.asarray(tokenized_plot['attention_mask'])] st.write([np.asarray(tokenized_plot['input_ids'])]) st.write(clean_plot) # # create Pandas DataFrame # input_ids_labels_df = pd.DataFrame({'input_ids': xtrain_input_ids, 'attention_mask': xtrain_attention_mask, 'labels': ytrain.tolist()}) # # define data set object # TD = CustomTextDataset(torch.IntTensor(input_ids_labels_df['input_ids']), torch.IntTensor(input_ids_labels_df['attention_mask']),\ # torch.FloatTensor(input_ids_labels_df['labels'])) # input_ids_labels_val_df = pd.DataFrame({'input_ids': xval_input_ids, 'attention_mask': xval_attention_mask, 'labels': yval.tolist()}) # VD = CustomTextDataset(torch.IntTensor(input_ids_labels_val_df['input_ids']), torch.IntTensor(input_ids_labels_val_df['attention_mask']),\ # torch.FloatTensor(input_ids_labels_val_df['labels'])) # # trainer = Trainer( # # model, # # train_dataset=TD, # # eval_dataset=VD, # # tokenizer=tokenizer, # # compute_metrics=compute_metrics # # ) # # y_pred = trainer.predict(VD) # # y_pred = model(input_ids, attention_mask) # preds = torch.FloatTensor(y_pred[0]) # y_predictions = [] # predictions = [] # for pred in preds: # # apply sigmoid + threshold # sigmoid = torch.nn.Sigmoid() # probs = sigmoid(pred.squeeze().cpu()) # prediction = np.zeros(probs.shape) # prediction[np.where(probs >= 0.5)] = 1 # predictions.append(prediction) # y_pred = predictions # st.write(out)