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[NOT TESTED] initial implementation of app
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import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, euclidean
def geometric_median(X, eps=1e-5):
y = np.mean(X, 0)
while True:
D = cdist(X, [y])
nonzeros = (D != 0)[:, 0]
Dinv = 1 / D[nonzeros]
Dinvs = np.sum(Dinv)
W = Dinv / Dinvs
T = np.sum(W * X[nonzeros], 0)
num_zeros = len(X) - np.sum(nonzeros)
if num_zeros == 0:
y1 = T
elif num_zeros == len(X):
return y
R = (T - y) * Dinvs
r = np.linalg.norm(R)
rinv = 0 if r == 0 else num_zeros/r
y1 = max(0, 1-rinv)*T + min(1, rinv)*y
if euclidean(y, y1) < eps:
return y1
y = y1
# Transformation code fomr pytorch3d
def rotation_6d_to_matrix(d6: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Converts 6D rotation representation by Zhou et al. [1] to rotation matrix
using Gram--Schmidt orthogonalization per Section B of [1].
d6: 6D rotation representation, of size (*, 6)
batch of rotation matrices of size (*, 3, 3)
[1] Zhou, Y., Barnes, C., Lu, J., Yang, J., & Li, H.
On the Continuity of Rotation Representations in Neural Networks.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019.
Retrieved from
a1, a2 = d6[..., :3], d6[..., 3:]
b1 = F.normalize(a1, dim=-1)
b2 = a2 - (b1 * a2).sum(-1, keepdim=True) * b1
b2 = F.normalize(b2, dim=-1)
b3 = torch.cross(b1, b2, dim=-1)
return torch.stack((b1, b2, b3), dim=-2)
def matrix_to_rotation_6d(matrix: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Converts rotation matrices to 6D rotation representation by Zhou et al. [1]
by dropping the last row. Note that 6D representation is not unique.
matrix: batch of rotation matrices of size (*, 3, 3)
6D rotation representation, of size (*, 6)
[1] Zhou, Y., Barnes, C., Lu, J., Yang, J., & Li, H.
On the Continuity of Rotation Representations in Neural Networks.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019.
Retrieved from
batch_dim = matrix.size()[:-2]
return matrix[..., :2, :].clone().reshape(batch_dim + (6,))
def _sqrt_positive_part(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Returns torch.sqrt(torch.max(0, x))
but with a zero subgradient where x is 0.
ret = torch.zeros_like(x)
positive_mask = x > 0
ret[positive_mask] = torch.sqrt(x[positive_mask])
return ret
def matrix_to_quaternion(matrix: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Convert rotations given as rotation matrices to quaternions.
matrix: Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
quaternions with real part first, as tensor of shape (..., 4).
if matrix.size(-1) != 3 or matrix.size(-2) != 3:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid rotation matrix shape {matrix.shape}.")
batch_dim = matrix.shape[:-2]
m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = torch.unbind(
matrix.reshape(batch_dim + (9,)), dim=-1
q_abs = _sqrt_positive_part(
1.0 + m00 + m11 + m22,
1.0 + m00 - m11 - m22,
1.0 - m00 + m11 - m22,
1.0 - m00 - m11 + m22,
# we produce the desired quaternion multiplied by each of r, i, j, k
quat_by_rijk = torch.stack(
torch.stack([q_abs[..., 0] ** 2, m21 - m12, m02 - m20, m10 - m01], dim=-1),
torch.stack([m21 - m12, q_abs[..., 1] ** 2, m10 + m01, m02 + m20], dim=-1),
torch.stack([m02 - m20, m10 + m01, q_abs[..., 2] ** 2, m12 + m21], dim=-1),
torch.stack([m10 - m01, m20 + m02, m21 + m12, q_abs[..., 3] ** 2], dim=-1),
# We floor here at 0.1 but the exact level is not important; if q_abs is small,
# the candidate won't be picked.
flr = torch.tensor(0.1).to(dtype=q_abs.dtype, device=q_abs.device)
quat_candidates = quat_by_rijk / (2.0 * q_abs[..., None].max(flr))
# if not for numerical problems, quat_candidates[i] should be same (up to a sign),
# forall i; we pick the best-conditioned one (with the largest denominator)
return quat_candidates[
F.one_hot(q_abs.argmax(dim=-1), num_classes=4) > 0.5, : # pyre-ignore[16]
].reshape(batch_dim + (4,))
def quaternion_to_matrix(quaternions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Convert rotations given as quaternions to rotation matrices.
quaternions: quaternions with real part first,
as tensor of shape (..., 4).
Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
r, i, j, k = torch.unbind(quaternions, -1)
two_s = 2.0 / (quaternions * quaternions).sum(-1)
o = torch.stack(
1 - two_s * (j * j + k * k),
two_s * (i * j - k * r),
two_s * (i * k + j * r),
two_s * (i * j + k * r),
1 - two_s * (i * i + k * k),
two_s * (j * k - i * r),
two_s * (i * k - j * r),
two_s * (j * k + i * r),
1 - two_s * (i * i + j * j),
return o.reshape(quaternions.shape[:-1] + (3, 3))