from __future__ import annotations from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from typing import Literal, Sequence import librosa import numpy as np import soundfile import torch from cm_time import timer from tqdm import tqdm from so_vits_svc_fork.inference.core import RealtimeVC, RealtimeVC2, Svc from so_vits_svc_fork.utils import get_optimal_device LOG = getLogger(__name__) def infer( *, # paths input_path: Path | str | Sequence[Path | str], output_path: Path | str | Sequence[Path | str], model_path: Path | str, config_path: Path | str, recursive: bool = False, # svc config speaker: int | str, cluster_model_path: Path | str | None = None, transpose: int = 0, auto_predict_f0: bool = False, cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0, noise_scale: float = 0.4, f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio", # slice config db_thresh: int = -40, pad_seconds: float = 0.5, chunk_seconds: float = 0.5, absolute_thresh: bool = False, max_chunk_seconds: float = 40, device: str | torch.device = get_optimal_device(), ): if isinstance(input_path, (str, Path)): input_path = [input_path] if isinstance(output_path, (str, Path)): output_path = [output_path] if len(input_path) != len(output_path): raise ValueError( f"input_path and output_path must have same length, but got {len(input_path)} and {len(output_path)}" ) model_path = Path(model_path) config_path = Path(config_path) output_path = [Path(p) for p in output_path] input_path = [Path(p) for p in input_path] output_paths = [] input_paths = [] for input_path, output_path in zip(input_path, output_path): if input_path.is_dir(): if not recursive: raise ValueError( f"input_path is a directory, but recursive is False: {input_path}" ) input_paths.extend(list(input_path.rglob("*.*"))) output_paths.extend( [output_path / p.relative_to(input_path) for p in input_paths] ) continue input_paths.append(input_path) output_paths.append(output_path) cluster_model_path = Path(cluster_model_path) if cluster_model_path else None svc_model = Svc( net_g_path=model_path.as_posix(), config_path=config_path.as_posix(), cluster_model_path=cluster_model_path.as_posix() if cluster_model_path else None, device=device, ) try: pbar = tqdm(list(zip(input_paths, output_paths)), disable=len(input_paths) == 1) for input_path, output_path in pbar: pbar.set_description(f"{input_path}") try: audio, _ = librosa.load(str(input_path), sr=svc_model.target_sample) except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"Failed to load {input_path}") LOG.exception(e) continue output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) audio = svc_model.infer_silence( audio.astype(np.float32), speaker=speaker, transpose=transpose, auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0, cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio, noise_scale=noise_scale, f0_method=f0_method, db_thresh=db_thresh, pad_seconds=pad_seconds, chunk_seconds=chunk_seconds, absolute_thresh=absolute_thresh, max_chunk_seconds=max_chunk_seconds, ) soundfile.write(str(output_path), audio, svc_model.target_sample) finally: del svc_model torch.cuda.empty_cache() def realtime( *, # paths model_path: Path | str, config_path: Path | str, # svc config speaker: str, cluster_model_path: Path | str | None = None, transpose: int = 0, auto_predict_f0: bool = False, cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0, noise_scale: float = 0.4, f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio", # slice config db_thresh: int = -40, pad_seconds: float = 0.5, chunk_seconds: float = 0.5, # realtime config crossfade_seconds: float = 0.05, additional_infer_before_seconds: float = 0.2, additional_infer_after_seconds: float = 0.1, block_seconds: float = 0.5, version: int = 2, input_device: int | str | None = None, output_device: int | str | None = None, device: str | torch.device = get_optimal_device(), passthrough_original: bool = False, ): import sounddevice as sd model_path = Path(model_path) config_path = Path(config_path) cluster_model_path = Path(cluster_model_path) if cluster_model_path else None svc_model = Svc( net_g_path=model_path.as_posix(), config_path=config_path.as_posix(), cluster_model_path=cluster_model_path.as_posix() if cluster_model_path else None, device=device, )"Creating realtime model...") if version == 1: model = RealtimeVC( svc_model=svc_model, crossfade_len=int(crossfade_seconds * svc_model.target_sample), additional_infer_before_len=int( additional_infer_before_seconds * svc_model.target_sample ), additional_infer_after_len=int( additional_infer_after_seconds * svc_model.target_sample ), ) else: model = RealtimeVC2( svc_model=svc_model, ) # LOG all device info devices = sd.query_devices()"Device: {devices}") if isinstance(input_device, str): input_device_candidates = [ i for i, d in enumerate(devices) if d["name"] == input_device ] if len(input_device_candidates) == 0: LOG.warning(f"Input device {input_device} not found, using default") input_device = None else: input_device = input_device_candidates[0] if isinstance(output_device, str): output_device_candidates = [ i for i, d in enumerate(devices) if d["name"] == output_device ] if len(output_device_candidates) == 0: LOG.warning(f"Output device {output_device} not found, using default") output_device = None else: output_device = output_device_candidates[0] if input_device is None or input_device >= len(devices): input_device = sd.default.device[0] if output_device is None or output_device >= len(devices): output_device = sd.default.device[1] f"Input Device: {devices[input_device]['name']}, Output Device: {devices[output_device]['name']}" ) # the model RTL is somewhat significantly high only in the first inference # there could be no better way to warm up the model than to do a dummy inference # (there are not differences in the behavior of the model between the first and the later inferences) # so we do a dummy inference to warm up the model (1 second of audio)"Warming up the model...") svc_model.infer( speaker=speaker, transpose=transpose, auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0, cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio, noise_scale=noise_scale, f0_method=f0_method, audio=np.zeros(svc_model.target_sample, dtype=np.float32), ) def callback( indata: np.ndarray, outdata: np.ndarray, frames: int, time: int, status: sd.CallbackFlags, ) -> None: LOG.debug( f"Frames: {frames}, Status: {status}, Shape: {indata.shape}, Time: {time}" ) kwargs = dict( input_audio=indata.mean(axis=1).astype(np.float32), # svc config speaker=speaker, transpose=transpose, auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0, cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio, noise_scale=noise_scale, f0_method=f0_method, # slice config db_thresh=db_thresh, # pad_seconds=pad_seconds, chunk_seconds=chunk_seconds, ) if version == 1: kwargs["pad_seconds"] = pad_seconds with timer() as t: inference = model.process( **kwargs, ).reshape(-1, 1) if passthrough_original: outdata[:] = (indata + inference) / 2 else: outdata[:] = inference rtf = t.elapsed / block_seconds"Realtime inference time: {t.elapsed:.3f}s, RTF: {rtf:.3f}") if rtf > 1: LOG.warning("RTF is too high, consider increasing block_seconds") try: with sd.Stream( device=(input_device, output_device), channels=1, callback=callback, samplerate=svc_model.target_sample, blocksize=int(block_seconds * svc_model.target_sample), latency="low", ) as stream:"Latency: {stream.latency}") while True: sd.sleep(1000) finally: # del model, svc_model torch.cuda.empty_cache()