from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util import pandas as pd import numpy as np import gradio as gr embedder = SentenceTransformer("sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2") all_emb = np.load('embeddings.npy') def recommend(prompt, option): raw_data = pd.read_csv("data/titles.csv", encoding='utf-8') titles_unfiltered = pd.read_csv("data/titles.csv", encoding='utf-8', usecols=['title', 'description', 'type']) titles_unfiltered = titles_unfiltered.dropna() #6114 titles titles_unfiltered = titles_unfiltered.reset_index(drop=True) if option == "Movie": titles = titles_unfiltered.loc[titles_unfiltered['type'] == 'MOVIE'] removed = titles_unfiltered.index.difference(titles.index).tolist() filtered_emb = np.delete(all_emb, removed, 0) elif option == "TV Show": titles = titles_unfiltered.loc[titles_unfiltered['type'] == 'SHOW'] removed = titles_unfiltered.index.difference(titles.index).tolist() filtered_emb = np.delete(all_emb, removed, 0) else: filtered_emb = all_emb titles = titles_unfiltered titles = titles.drop(['description', 'type'], axis=1) prompt_emb = embedder.encode(prompt, convert_to_tensor=True) res = util.semantic_search(prompt_emb, filtered_emb, top_k=1) res = pd.DataFrame(res[0], columns=['corpus_id', 'score']) match = titles.iloc[res['corpus_id']] pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) des = raw_data.loc[raw_data['title'] == match.values[0][0], 'description'] imdb = raw_data.loc[raw_data['title'] == match.values[0][0], 'imdb_score'] return ( match.values[0][0], des.to_string(index=False), imdb.to_string(index=False) ) app = gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft( with app: gr.Markdown( """ # NetflixGenie 🧞 """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown( """ Tell me what you're looking for and I will recommend a show or movie on Netflix! """ ) choice = gr.Radio( ["Movie", "TV Show", "Anything"], label="Pick one:", value="Anything" ) prompt = gr.TextArea( label="What would you like to watch?", value="A documentary on polar bears", placeholder="I want to watch..." ) submit = gr.Button(value="Recommend Me Something!") with gr.Column(): result = gr.Textbox( label="Your recommendation... ", ) rating = gr.Textbox( label="IMDb Rating" ) description = gr.Textbox( label="Description" ) fn=recommend, inputs=[prompt, choice], outputs=[result, description, rating] ) app.launch()