--- language: - ko --- # KR-FinBert & KR-FinBert-SC Much progress has been made in the NLP (Natural Language Processing) field, with numerous studies showing that domain adaptation using small-scale corpus and fine-tuning with labeled data is effective for overall performance improvement. we proposed KR-FinBert for the financial domain by further pre-training it on a financial corpus and fine-tuning it for sentiment analysis. As many studies have shown, the performance improvement through adaptation and conducting the downstream task was also clear in this experiment. ![KR-FinBert](https://huggingface.co/snunlp/KR-FinBert/resolve/main/images/KR-FinBert.png) ## Data The training data for this model is expanded from those of **KR-BERT-MEDIUM**, texts from Korean Wikipedia, general news articles, legal texts crawled from the National Law Information Center and [Korean Comments dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/junbumlee/kcbert-pretraining-corpus-korean-news-comments). For the transfer learning, **corporate related economic news articles from 72 media sources** such as the Financial Times, The Korean Economy Daily, etc and **analyst reports from 16 securities companies** such as Kiwoom Securities, Samsung Securities, etc are added. Included in the dataset is 440,067 news titles with their content and 11,237 analyst reports. **The total data size is about 13.22GB.** For mlm training, we split the data line by line and **the total no. of lines is 6,379,315.** KR-FinBert is trained for 5.5M steps with the maxlen of 512, training batch size of 32, and learning rate of 5e-5, taking 67.48 hours to train the model using NVIDIA TITAN XP. ## Downstream tasks ### Sentimental Classification model Downstream task performances with 50,000 labeled data. |Model|Accuracy| |-|-| |KR-FinBert|0.963| |KR-BERT-MEDIUM|0.958| |KcBert-large|0.955| |KcBert-base|0.953| |KoBert|0.817| ### Inference sample |Positive|Negative| |-|-| |현대바이오, '폴리탁셀' 코로나19 치료 가능성에 19% 급등 | 영화관株 '코로나 빙하기' 언제 끝나나…"CJ CGV 올 4000억 손실 날수도" | |이수화학, 3분기 영업익 176억…전년比 80%↑ | C쇼크에 멈춘 흑자비행…대한항공 1분기 영업적자 566억 | |"GKL, 7년 만에 두 자릿수 매출성장 예상" | '1000억대 횡령·배임' 최신원 회장 구속… SK네트웍스 "경영 공백 방지 최선" | |위지윅스튜디오, 콘텐츠 활약에 사상 첫 매출 1000억원 돌파 | 부품 공급 차질에…기아차 광주공장 전면 가동 중단 | |삼성전자, 2년 만에 인도 스마트폰 시장 점유율 1위 '왕좌 탈환' | 현대제철, 지난해 영업익 3,313억원···전년比 67.7% 감소 |