class TextReplacer: def __init__(self): self.replacements = { 'aa':'A', 'ae':'ऍ', 'ag':'ऽ', 'ai':'ऐ', 'au':'औ', 'axx':'अ', 'ax':'ऑ', 'bh':'B', 'ch':'C', 'dh':'ध', 'dxhq':'T', 'dxh':'ढ', 'dxq':'D', 'dx':'ड', 'ee':'E', 'ei':'ऐ', 'eu':'உ', 'gh':'घ', 'gq':'G', 'hq':'H', 'ii':'I', 'jh':'J', 'khq':'K', 'kh':'ख', 'kq':'क', 'ln':'ൾ', 'lw':'ൽ', 'lx':'ള', 'mq':'M', 'nd':'ऩ', 'ng':'ङ', 'nj':'ञ', 'nk':'Y', 'nn':'N', 'nw':'ൺ', 'nx':'ण', 'oo':'O', 'ou':'औ', 'ph':'P', 'rqw':'ॠ', 'rq':'R', 'rw':'ർ', 'rx':'ऱ', 'sh':'श', 'sx':'ष', 'txh':'ठ', 'th':'थ', 'tx':'ट', 'uu':'U', 'wv':'W', 'zh':'Z' # ... Add more replacements as needed } def apply_replacements(self, text): for key, value in self.replacements.items(): # print('KEY AND VALUE OF PARSED OUTPUT',key, value) text = text.replace(key, value) temp="" for i in range(len(text)): if text[i]!=" ": temp=temp+text[i] return temp def apply_replacements_by_phonems(self, text): ans=self.replacements[text] # for key, value in self.replacements.items(): # # print('KEY AND VALUE OF PARSED OUTPUT',key, value) # text = text.replace(key, value) return ans