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And perhaps they were. In their own way. Rami Elhahan and Bassam Aramin. Men in their fifties. All the tell-tell signs were there. The eyes. The eyes. The way they met. Their lightness and the gentleness of touches. The slightest of smiles.\nIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has fallen behind his main challenger in opinion polls ahead of next week's election but still has an easier path to form a government that would keep him in power for a record fifth term.\nThe children of murdered Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi have received million-dollar houses in the kingdom and monthly five-figure payments as compensation for the killing of their father.\nTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AK Party has decided to lodge objections to local election results in all 39 Istanbul districts, the 'Hurriyet' newspaper said yesterday, after results showed a narrow lead for the main opposition candidate.\nTwo Israeli researchers said yesterday they had discovered a network of hundreds of fake Twitter accounts that promoted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and attacked his political rivals, a week before the election.\nIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party is scrambling to regain lost ground in the polls by trying to paint his main rival as mentally unstable.\nA third young Palestinian has died as tens of thousands of protesters gathered near the Israeli border to mark the first anniversary of weekly demos in the Gaza Strip.\nA \u20ac388m superyacht belonging to a Russian billionaire in one of the world's costliest divorce battles has been released by a Dubai court after being impounded last year.\nAn airstrike, most likely by the Saudi-led coalition, struck near a rural hospital in northern Yemen, killing seven people including four children, according to the charity Save the Children, which supports the facility.\nSchoolsS reopened in southern Israel and traffic clogged Gaza's streets yesterday amid signs of a de-escalation from the most serious cross-border fighting in months.\nIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned home from Washington yesterday, going straight into military consultations after a night of heavy fire as Israeli aircraft bombed Gaza targets and Palestinian militants fired rockets into Israel.\nTen children, part of the same extended family, were killed by a US air strike in Afghanistan, along with three adult civilians, the United Nations has said.\nThe Israeli military said it had begun carrying out strikes on Hamas militant targets in the Gaza Strip yesterday, hours after a rocket struck a house in Israel.\nDubai's government has vigorously denied a claim by R&B singer R Kelly that he had planned concerts in the emirate after he had sought permission from a US judge to travel there despite facing sexual-abuse charges.\nThe US-backed Syrian forces' push to defeat Isil in its last bastion in Syria has been slowed by the presence of civilians and scores of prisoners held by the extremists, officials said.\nIsrael pounded Gaza with airstrikes hitting 100 locations after militants in the territory fired two rockets towards Tel Aviv, the first time the coastal city has been targeted since the war in 2014.\nIsil faced imminent defeat in its final enclave last night as hundreds of jihadist fighters and their families surrendered and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) claimed the battle was as good as over.\nIsraeli troops shot dead a Palestinian man after he ran at them with a knife in the Israeli-occupied West Bank yesterday, the military said.\nAir strikes by the Saudi-led coalition killed at least 22 civilians, including women and children, in a village in northern Yemen, the United Nations said.\nIn Baghuz, a single black flag fluttered yesterday in a light afternoon breeze above wrecked vehicles and improvised tents - the last Isil banner flying over the last of its territory east of the Euphrates. The final slice of the terror group's \"caliphate\" was braced for a fresh assault from Western-backed forces.\nU.S-backed fighters will resume their assault on Islamic State's last, small patch of ground in eastern Syria if no more civilians come out by Saturday afternoon, one of their spokesmen said on Friday.\nTurkey is running out of time to avert a showdown with the United States over its plans to buy Russian air defences and spurn a counter-offer from its Nato partner, raising the chance of US sanctions against it.\nAmerican and British-made bombs may have killed or injured nearly 1,000 civilians, including women and children,", + " on Instagram also asked for my opinions regarding COSRX products. Today I will share with you my opinions on the product that I have been tested for approximately 2 months now: COSRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid. Stay tuned for my future review for BHA Blackhead Power Liquid, and Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence.\nBefore we started, I have a confession: I am absolutely in love with COSRX as a brand. Their ingredients list is relatively short and pretty straight forwards. Products is fragrance free, paraben free and coloring free, which is a huge plus for sensitive and acne-prone skin like mine. After using their products for a while now, I am confident to say that my skin has been greatly strengthened and healing process happens much faster for the aftermath of my acne fighting, scars fade faster, skin texture is less bumpy and I am indeed a much happier girl \ud83d\ude42 My goal is to finish the rest of my skincare and convert all my products to COSRX and COSRX only. Yup, I am absolutely in love. Now I shall share in details about the product that I have been tested.\nAHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid clears away old dead skin cells trapped inside the pores. Works alongside vitamins, whiteners and natural moisturizer treatments. Managing dead skin cells without unnecessary stimulation. Helping skin management while creating healthier skin with more vitality. Star ingredients Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Water: An alpha-hydroxy acid naturally-occurring found in sugar cane and malic acid, derived from apples, which will help to exfoliate dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation, diminish the appearance of large pores and acne scarring. A great ingredient for reducing blackheads, whiteheads and troubles on skin. It even moisturizes the skin at same time as removing dead skin cells. You will find your skin is smooth, soft, and comfortable.\n1) Moisture, pore control, and brightening. It immediately purifies and tones up your skin leaving is clearer and more bright.\n2) Whitehead clearance. No more difficulty removing whiteheads and sebum !\n3) AHA product with hyaluronic acid. It controls excessive sebum and achieves excellent moisture retention in combination with hyaluronic acid.\n4) AHA for repairing skin damage. Works well for sun damaged skin. Also it is good for spots, dryness and trouble.\nThe product is packaged in a very simple and straightforward packaging, just like the formula itself. Even though it might deemed to be a little bit bland for my aesthetics, I honestly do not mind it that much. The functional aspects of the packaging is strong, with sturdy packaging, excellent quality pumps that is designed nicely. One pump is enough for my entire face.\nEven though the product claims to have Apple Fruit Water as the first and start ingredients, I was so put off with the smell at first. The smell was so pungent and strong and definitely does not smell anything like apple. Overtime I get used to the smell a little bit, but I can\u2019t help but stop inhaling whenever I apply this product all over my face.\n5) AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid is high concentrated product. Please use a small amount on areas with whiteheads and dead skin cells. Begin with using only once a week, and after skin has adjusted, use 2 to 3 times a week to maintain clear skin without dead skin cells, sebum and whiteheads.\n6) When you use AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid, do not use other exfoliating products on same day.\nI did not want to mess with the caution, so I use this on alternate with the Blackhead Power Liquid, and notice great results. I normally use this after my toner step, when my skin is perfectly cleansed and balanced. After waiting for 20-30 mins, I move on with a hydrating essence/serum, followed by sheet mask, light gel cream and sleeping pack. It is important that other products following your acid treatment step are all hydrating to help sooth the skin after the treatment.\nIt is an extremely light-weight texture that is as runny as water. The liquid absorbed onto my skin with minimal efforts, a little bit of tapping with help it absorbs much faster.\nThis using in conjunction with the Blackhead Power Liquid improved my skin significantly over the past 2 months. I must say, my skin has never do so well for the longest time ever. All my acnes and pimples are in control, scars are fading quick and most importantly, those funny bumpy texture on my skin is gone. Now since I use this together with the Blackhead Power Liquid, it is hard to identify which problems is solved by which products, but I believe this controls stuffs that happen more on the surface of your skin.\nYes I will, together with Blackhead Power Liquid as a duo as these are the best treatment I have found in years", + " logical step in Russia\u2019s escalation ladder and thanks to the \u201cmedia friendly\u201d invasion troops, its revelation was just a question of time.\nEight days after the fall of Debaltseve (article), many analysts still believe, the worst in terms of fighting might be over in eastern Ukraine and Russia\u2019s thirst for more territory appeased. Fighting activity continuously decreased during the last days along the border of occupied Donbas and yesterday was the first day of no Ukrainian fatalities since the signing of the Minsk 2 agreement on February 12. Still, this impression deceives.\nThe prediction, I stated in my last article, that large parts of the offensive Russian forces which were active in and around Debaltseve moved south after their victory there and will soon turn up in the greater Donetsk area as well as near the southern coastal city of Mariupol was meanwhile confirmed by multiple analysts, including several sources on the ground in southern Donetsk region. However, what seems not to have been realized by analysts and international media organizations yet is that the question, whether or not an attack towards Mariupol will take place or not has already been answered. It started the moment, Debaltseve fell to the invasion army.\nIn early February, Ukrainian national guard forces from Regiment Azov were not willing to obey the suicidal \u201cdefense only\u201d strategy by the military and political leadership in Kiev and decided to go on the attack (article), amid a weak Russian / local separatists-held frontline east of the city (as most forces were active around Debaltseve). Within 2 days, they recaptured around 120 km\u00b2 of Ukrainian land and established new fortified positions in a number of towns, some 10-15 east of Mariupol.The below (professional) map gives a good impression of what could be regained and put back under Urainian control during this offensive.\nBut the joy was only brief. 5 days later, on February 16, Russian forces started massive attacks on the front, pushing Azov troops out of Shyrokyne and to the town\u2019s eastern outskirts (geolocated) in a first stage of their counterattack. Several days of relative calm followed, but on February 23, their offensive gained pace again, using all kind of weapons \u2013 of course \u2013 forbidden in the Minsk 2 agreement \u2013 and even Russian air force surveillance planes over the occupied territory. The below detailed map shows what was used where and what the initial situation in terms of territorial possession at that time was.\nDue to the (anti!-)Ukrainian strategy of adhering to the Minsk 1+2 agreements, defending Azov troops could only fight back with small arms and mortars, by far not strong enough to resist the fresh Russian push, executed by forces coming from central Donbas via Telmanove as well as via Novoazovsk and thus directly from Russian army and invasion bases across the border (article). Reports from the Information Resistance group say up to 600 invasion forces stand ready to take part in the offensive as well as dozens of tanks and armored fighting vehicles, not to speak of heavy artillery and MLRS systems.\nAs a logic consequence of the uneven (allowance to use) force, Ukrainian troops initially had to withdraw from Kominternove and shortly after from Pavlopil and its tiny suburb Pyshchevyk, meaning a loss of some 70% of the territory, Regiment Azov liberated earlier this month. Not even today, as the Ukrainian ministry of internal affairs report the use of Russian army T-72 tanks to attack Regiment Azov positions near Shyrokyne, the Ukrainian army command would give its troops the needed artillery cover. The below map shows the situation as it appears according to all available reports on February 25.\nLast but not least, many people keep asking if Russian forces will attack Mariupol itself and capture it in another step to build a land corridor to (also-)occupied Crimea. There should be doubt about that for the coming weeks at least. While some analysts believe, the Russian army and local separatists might directly attack or bypass and encircle the town, the cost for that move might be massive and possibly too high for both sides, especially taking into account that \u2013 different from Debaltseve \u2013 here both sides will have a steady streeam of resupplies and reinforcements until cutting the opponent\u2019s supply lines with extreme force. Thus, the more likely scenario in the short term is that Russian forces will try to get back into the comfortable situation of controlling all smaller settlements east of Mariupol, being able to attack military and civilians targets in and around the town like it was the case between September last year and January 2015. Doing this, they would be able to inflict constant smaller casualties on the fixed Ukrainian line of defense, keeping the conflict boiling on a low but steady flame. At the same time, it would enable them to raise the stakes (attack Mariupol itself) whenever their supreme command in", + ", not of various other course I HDACs (i.e., HDAC 1, 3, and 8) . In t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the AML1/ETO fusion proteins promotes leukemogenesis by recruiting course I actually HDAC-containing repressor organic towards the promoter of AML1 focus on genes, seeing that described over. VPA disrupts the physical discussion between AML1/ETO and HDAC1, stimulates the global dissociation from the AML1/ETO-HDAC1 complicated through the promoter of AML1/ETO focus on genes, and induces relocation of both AML1/ETO and HDAC1 protein through the nucleus to Lenalidomide a perinuclear area. Mechanistically, these results are connected with a substantial inhibition Lenalidomide of HDAC activity, histone H3 and H4 hyperacetylation, and recruitment of RNA polymerase II, leading to transcriptional reactivation of focus on genes (i.e., IL-3) in any other case silenced with the AML1/ETO fusion proteins. Eventually, these pharmacological results led to significant antileukemic activity mediated by incomplete cell differentiation and caspase-dependent apoptosis . VPA was lately proven to enhance proliferation and self-renewal of regular hematopoietic stem cells, increasing the chance that VPA could also support development of leukemic progenitor cells (LPC). Certainly, VPA taken care of a considerably higher percentage of Compact disc34(+) LPC and colony developing units in comparison to control civilizations in six AML examples, but selectively decreased leukemic cell amounts in another AML test with appearance of AML1/ETO. These data recommend a differential aftereffect of VPA on the tiny inhabitants of AML progenitor cells and the majority of aberrantly differentiated blasts in nearly all AML samples examined . The brand new hydroxamic acidity derivative, ITF2357, obstructed proliferation and induced apoptosis Lenalidomide in AML1/ETO-positive Kasumi-1 and major blast cells in focus of 0.1?M, whereas AML1/ETO-negative HL60, THP1 and NB4 cell lines were private and then 1?M ITF2357. In Kasumi-1 cells, ITF2357 induced AML1/ETO degradation through a caspase-dependent system and also established DNMT1 efflux from, and p300 influx to, the nucleus. Furthermore, ITF2357 induced regional H4 acetylation and discharge of DNMT1, HDAC1 and AML1/ETO, paralleled by recruitment of p300 towards the IL-3 gene promoter. ITF2357 treatment, nevertheless, did not stimulate re-expression of IL-3 gene. Appropriately, the methylation degree of IL-3 promoter, aswell as of other genes, was unmodified . As VPA and ITF2357 appear to particularly focus on AML1/ETO-driven leukemogenesis, integration of both course I-selective and pan-DACi in book therapeutic techniques for AML1/ETO-positive AML could be beneficial. Single-agent DACi in severe lymphoblastic leukemia The anti-leukemic activity of DACi in every has been analyzed in a small amount of preclinical studies; many of these examined DACi as an individual agent using individual ALL cell lines as versions. An early research compared the consequences from the cyclic tetrapeptide romidepsin (FK228) on individual leukemia/lymphoma cells and cell lines with regular hematopoietic cells . Romidepsin induced G1 arrest and apoptotic cell loss of life at nanomolar concentrations. Scientific samples from sufferers with ALL had been more delicate to romidepsin at medically achievable medication concentrations than either regular peripheral bloodstream or bone tissue marrow mononuclear cells or regular progenitor cells. Manifestation degrees of HDAC-1 and HDAC-3 proteins didn\u2019t correlate using the level of sensitivity to romidepsin. The anti-leukemic activity and setting of action from the hydroxamic acidity derivative, LAQ824 was analyzed using four human being pre-B lymphoblastic cell lines as versions representing different cytogenetic subsets (Sup-B15 and TMD-5, both t(9;22) positive, SEM, t(4;11) positive, and NALM-6 cells). LAQ824 considerably inhibited the proliferation of leukemic lymphoblastic cell lines; this is due to improved apoptosis followed by activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9, cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose)-polymerase (PARP) aswell as by down-regulation of Bcl-2 and disruption from the mitochondrial membrane potential. Remarkably, LAQ824", + "? What is the idea of Shiva telling me..to run away or to flow with life? And I think, the answer is this simple \u2013 \u201cSometimes you have to disconnect to stay connected\u201d.\nMy today\u2019s post is about one of my most favourable places on this earth, the ancient Hindu Shiva Temple and one of the 12 Jyothirlingas, Trimbakeshwar.\nJyothirlinga, the infinite pillar of light means \u2018The Radiant Sign of The Almighty Shiva\u2018. Trimbakeshwar is surrounded by three hills namely Brahmagiri, Nilagiri and Kalagiri. River Godavari originated in these hills and can be seen distantly from the Lord\u2019s abode. A very serene place, it gets more verdant during monsoons. About the temple, read more here on wiki.\nIt is a very positive experience visiting Trimbakeshwar. You will be given yourself after the visit. You will be left with some new questions in mind and you will get some answers too. You will be left in a unique peaceful state of mind to continue your quest for the light. The simplicity and stillness of the place combined with the aura and holiness of the formless Jyothirlinga radiates good vibes and shows you the right direction.\nLet me be frank. I don\u2019t get it when people say what\u2019s in Grand Canyon except for the rock. Personally, I get very philosophical every time I visit it or think about it. May be it\u2019s just me, as it is said \u2018Beauty is in the eye of the beholder\u2018. So, here is my little ode to this magnificent natural wonder that awe-inspires me every single time I visit it.\nStanding royal, the Grand Canyon reiterates the power of nature to us. Every glance at its dimensions takes our breath away and each attempt to peruse it reminds us how tiny we are in this Universe. It inspires us to be undeterred by the trivial problems of life and to stand sentinel to protect ourselves and those who trust in us. Here is my Grand Salute, to The Grand Canyon!\nDo share links of your blogs on Grand Canyon, I would love to read!\nA happy day with the Arts People!\nLast weekend, as the sun shone bright, I reached the venue where I was supposed to volunteer as a Vendor Relief, and was so looking forward to it. With not many expectations in mind, I checked in to the Phoenix Festival of the Arts and took my badge and t-shirt.\nSpotting this mom-dotty duo who were volunteering at the entrance welcoming guests and just began to have their lunch, I took a quick chance to approach them and ask for their company as I was already starving. So, that\u2019s how my day began, with very pleasant and welcoming lunch partners. Is this how life feels in a strange land, with strange people? Yeah, I think being in the company of total strangers is one of the nicest feelings in this world. No prejudices, no barriers, no opinions, no distances and no strings attached. We enjoyed lunch together while we spoke about what and why the volunteering, etc. Also, I got to see this Christmas Parade by some pretty children in the Fair Grounds.\nMy next stop was the beginning of my volunteering. So, this event was an Art Festival held by the Phoenix center for the Arts every year.\nFirst things first. Dressing up to the occasion. Well, it is definitely a choice, if you don\u2019t want to. But, dressing appropriately to an occasion connects you to the event, puts you in the right mood and also changes the way people look at you which is important if you want to \u2018connect\u2019.\nSince it was an Art Festival, I decided to give an Ethnic touch to my ensemble by wearing a Red Cotton high-low kurti with white printed designs on it that I got in India paired with blue jeans. Wearing an Indian Kurti, when you are in an Art Festival on a Foreign land is for sure trendy and classy, and makes it look unique. I paired this attire with big cream colored Stone ear-hangings, and a knitted scarf to beat the cold in case. But, tee hee..once I got the volunteer t-shirt, I had to layer myself up with it that\u2019s a different story though \ud83d\ude09 To perfectly complement the outfit, I carried my favorite Fossil Explorer Straw Cross Body Bag and wore my perfect colorful Mojdis bought in a craft expo in Hyderabad, India, though replaced them later with my comfy Crocs as my walking time increased. Ta da! Didnt I pretty much nail the outfit?\nMy first stop was this booth where a lady was exhibiting her hand made jewelry. Call it an act of Universe or not, a particular blue resin pendant caught my attention and it had etched on it, Dancing Ganesha with eight arms. I am a Hindu, and all our prayers and Pujas first begin with praying to Lord Ganesh. You can read more", + " Anatomy of a fern ; Pretty, pretty lichen ; Mysterious mosses ; Waterbears ; Mycelium ; Anatomy of a mushroom ; Marvelous mushrooms ; Rotting log ; Foraging in the forest -- 5. In my childhood I would be obsessed with this book, and I would bring it on every camping trip and road trip. That's precisely what illustrator extraordinaire Julia Rothman and her collaborators Jenny Volvovski and Matt Lamothe celebrate in The Who, the What, and the When- an illuminating inventory of the little-known champions behind a wide range of cultural icons. Just visit my Amazon profile for the link.\nIt gives a reader friendly general overview of the planet including but not limited to rock cycles, insect anatomy, water bodies, animal adaptation, macro and micro fossils, mushroom anatomy, weather, bird eggs, seashells, and more. Have Such a beautiful fascinating book! If you \u2014 or your nature players \u2014 have ever wanted to see how mountains are formed, wondered about cloud formations, the life cycle of a mushroom, or the different feathers on a bird, this is the book for you!. Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Common Ground Really Moving - Layers of the Earth - Minerals - The Rock Cycle - Fossils - Landforms - Mountains - North American Landscapes - Field Succession - Loose Landscape Painting Chapter 2 What's Up? In my childhood I would be obsessed with this book, and I would bring it on every camping trip and road trip. Reading this book was kinda like that. She shows it all Some people are blessed with a cool aunt or cool uncle, one that takes you on hikes and catches bugs with you to study. Synopsis See the world in a new way! Remember that fascination with the world around you? Read it, you'd be happy you did : I truly loved this book.\nPint-size epicures will, by contrast, savor the consonant potential of dishes such as tonnato, tournedos and tostadas. Julia Rothman is your cool aunt. Adjust for individual reading level. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. A set of graphical representations proposed by a scientist. The one rule: Before putting pen to paper, each artist is only allowed to see the panel that precedes his or her own.\nIt has the same beautiful artwork, but with a wider range of topics which makes sense, since the natural world is so vast and varied. And the content, while it was stuff with which I am generally familiar, would be amazing and accessible for what I imagine is a vast majority of people, especially those who haven't taken a science class in years. Le\u00eddo en la edici\u00f3n e No es un libro al uso, sino un mont\u00f3n de ilustraciones de la autora, agrupadas por temas, con textos que explican curiosidades. The E-mail message field is required. It is a good idea ruined by a failure of editing. The reason I did not give it five stars is because it would have been nice to have more detailed illustrations.\nBut it isn't as amazing as all the ratings I've seen make it out to be. Think 's , which is a masterful, humorous, knowledgeable take on these early heroes of computer science. But she is fascinated by food. Come close : Anatomy of a flower ; Anatomy of a bee ; Anatomy of a butterfly ; Metamorphosis ; Plants that attract butterflies ; Beautiful butterflies ; Colorful moths ; Sedges, rushes, grasses ; Grazing edibles ; Incredible insects and bugs abounding ; Spectacular spiders ; Anatomy of an ant -- 4. If you \u2014 or your nature players \u2014 have ever wanted to see how mountains are formed, wondered about cloud formations, the life cycle of a mushroom, or the different feathers on a bird, this is the book for you! They will get much more out of the book that way. Nature Anatomy is more fun and simple. Combining ink lines with deeply saturated blocks of color, the uncluttered illustrations provide a stylish showcase of architectural structures, which are further explained in an appendix.\nSee more pictures of the book on my blog. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. Whether read cover to cover or simply used as a reference, Nature Anatomy is sure to inspire every time it's opened. A little bird told me : Anatomy of a bird ; A bevy of birds ; Kinds of feathers ; Birdcalls ; a variety of nests ; Extraordinary eggs ; Intriguing bird behavior ; Birds of prey ; Owls ; Big birds ; A variety of beaks ; Water birds -- 7. You should buy a", + " DAS card. This is a new system for kids and adults who aren\u2019t able to wait in lines without great distress. Lola\u2019s blindness and sensory issues make waiting in line very difficult, meltdowns etc. Trust me, we did the 40 minute wait for Buzz Lightyear without the DAS and it was a quasi-disaster.\nThe DAS card is basically waiting in line while out of line. To acquire the card you simply stop by the customer service area at the front of the park, explain the disability and why it makes lines difficult. We were asked very little questions and it was a very smooth process. They took Lola\u2019s picture and printed out a little card with her name and photo on the front.\nTo use the card you simply hand it to the cast member at the front of each ride and they write a return time on the card. The return time is the current wait time minus 10 minutes. So if the Mine Train wait was 70 minutes our return would be an hour later. We were able to ride other rides with short wait times, eat a meal, take in the Christmas decor or rest a little. We also utilized fast pass so DAS wasn\u2019t necessary with all rides. The cast members were always friendly and although the pass was only for 6 people they had no problem allowing more family members to ride with Lola. We were also allowed to sit in the very front for events like the Frozen Sing Along.\nIn addition to finding success with the DAS card we also found the characters and cast members quick to pick up on Lola\u2019s extra needs and respond appropriately. For example, the characters recognized Lola\u2019s need to get super close and to touch their costumes. They would take her hand and put it on their nose (Mickey) or bend down toward her face. We typically didn\u2019t mention her eyes, but it was clear they realized that her experience needed to be slightly different.\nLola was also chosen to take part in a few shows. We were hesitant at first but once we informed the cast members they were sure to guide her and give her extra cues, no problem. Lola even played the part of the Beast, dancing with Belle as the story was told.\nWe had a great week at Disney, celebrating our family and spending time with extended family. We hope to return again in a few years to relive all the fun and excitement. Despite the changes to the disability system I still give Disney a thumbs up in this department.\nSo glad you guys had a great time - how wonderful too for Lola to have that experience!\nLet\u2019s be honest. For most of us, the last week has been focused on how much we can get and how little we can get it for. Now, let\u2019s be fair. As some of you may know, today is Fair Tuesday as in shop Fair Trade today. There is tons of stuff for women, but this post is focused on the stuff for guys, who are always harder to shop for.\nThese items focus on being fairly traded, ethically sourced, and life impacting. Here are 5 on Calvin\u2019s list.\nThe Piko is a durable lightweight bag that delivers when you need it the most. With separate laptop access and the front instant pocket, the Piko is ideal for a person that is on the move from place to place. #GiveTuesday Sale! Use Code Give20 For 20% Off At Checkout!\nThe Wonderbag was developed to ease the social, economic and environment impacts of the current global circumstances. The Wonderbag is a non-electric, heat-retention cooker that allows food that has been brought to a boil, to continue cooking after it has been removed from the fuel source. All our recipes have recommended timings and simple steps to guide the Wonderbag cooking process. Production capabilities in Rwanda, Mexico and Turkey with launches in Kenya, Nigeria and Somaliland with a buy-one-give-one model to support getting Wonderbags into humanitarian relief.\nOur Passport Wallet is made out of premium quality Ethiopian leather hand selected for Parker Clay. Travel ready and features multiple card slots and compartments for a passport, credit cards, ID and cash, along with frequent flyer cards and flight tickets.\nMade in Ethiopia, the Adibo combines style with durable, lasting comfort. Each shoe is created with the goal of contributing to the development of a thriving middle class in Africa. Curated by Invisible Children in partnership with Oliberte: This is Africa. Currently on sale for $40. Free shipping for $100 orders.\n\u2013 Subtle variations add to the uniqueness of each product.\nWe have made an effort to simplify our Christmas over the past few years; three gifts, focus on Jesus, and more time at home. Advent readings are a great addition, keeping our focus steady as we move through a world that constantly pulls our attention elsewhere. I was excited to find a free Advent Reading plan that corresponds with a book that many of us already have, the Jesus Storybook Bible. (use code HOLIDAY30 to get 30% off", + "-2-[(10-methylundecanoyl)amino]-\u03b2-D-glucopyranuronosyl]-38-[[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] carbamoyl]-42-O-\u03b1-D-mannopyranosyl-15-N-methyl(ristomycin A aglycone) hydrochloride.\nDalvance is supplied in clear glass vials as a sterile, lyophilized, preservative-free, white to off-white to pale yellow solid. Each vial contains dalbavancin HCl equivalent to 500 mg of dalbavancin as the free base, plus lactose monohydrate (129 mg) and mannitol (129 mg) as excipients. Sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid may be added to adjust the pH at the time of manufacture. The powder is to be reconstituted and further diluted for IV infusion [see Dosage and Administration (2.3), How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16)].\nDalbavancin is an antibacterial drug [see Microbiology (12.4)].\nThe antibacterial activity of dalbavancin appears to best correlate with the ratio of area under the concentration-time curve to minimal inhibitory concentration (AUC/MIC) for Staphylococcus aureus based on animal models of infection. An exposure-response analysis of a single study in patients with complicated skin and skin structure infections supports the two-dose regimen [see Dosage and Administration (2.1), Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].\nCardiac Electrophysiology: In a randomized, positive- and placebo-controlled, thorough QT/QTc study, 200 healthy subjects received dalbavancin 1000 mg IV, dalbavancin 1500 mg IV, oral moxifloxacin 400 mg, or placebo. Neither dalbavancin 1000 mg nor dalbavancin 1500 mg had any clinically relevant adverse effect on cardiac repolarization.\nDalbavancin pharmacokinetic parameters have been characterized in healthy subjects, patients, and specific populations. Pharmacokinetic parameters following administration of single intravenous 1000 mg and 1500 mg doses were as shown in Table 4. The pharmacokinetics of dalbavancin can be described using a three-compartment model.\n1 Data from 50 healthy subjects.\n2 Data from 12 healthy subjects.\n3 Based upon population pharmacokinetic analyses of data from patients, the effective half-life is approximately 8.5 days (204 hours).\n4 Data from 49 healthy subjects.\nIn healthy subjects, dalbavancin AUC0-24h and Cmax both increased proportionally to dose following single IV dalbavancin doses ranging from 140 mg to 1500 mg, indicating linear pharmacokinetics.\nThe mean plasma concentration-time profile for dalbavancin following the recommended two-dose regimen of 1000 mg followed one week later by 500 mg is shown in Figure 2.\nFigure 2. Mean (\u00b1 standard deviation) dalbavancin plasma concentrations versus time in healthy subjects (n=10) following IV administration over 30 minutes of 1000 mg dalbavancin (Day 1) and 500 mg dalbavancin (Day 8).\nNo apparent accumulation of dalbavancin was observed following multiple IV infusions administered once weekly for up to eight weeks, with 1000 mg on Day 1 followed by up to seven weekly 500 mg doses, in healthy adults with normal renal function.\nDistribution: Dalbavancin is reversibly bound to human plasma proteins, primarily to albumin. The plasma protein binding of dalbavancin is approximately 93% and is not altered as a function of drug concentration, renal impairment, or hepatic impairment. The mean concentrations of dalbavancin achieved in skin blister fluid remain above 30 mg/L up to 7 days (approximately 146 hours) post dose, following 1000 mg IV dalbavancin. The mean ratio of the AUC0-144 hrs in skin blister fluid/AUC0-144 hrs in plasma is 0.60 (range 0.44 to 0.64).\nMetabolism: In vitro studies using human microsomal enzymes and hepatocytes indicate that dalbavancin is not a substrate, inhibitor, or inducer of CYP450 isoenzymes. A minor metabolite of dalbavancin (hydroxy-dalbavancin) has been observed in", + "%, and 1% of movable 20ft container house respectively. Movable 20ft container house products are most popular in Domestic Market, South America, and Africa.\nProduct Description Modular portable container house is designed according to specifications of shipping container.It is made of prefab light steel as house frame and sandwich panel for wall and roof, then facilitated with windows, doors, flooring, ceiling, and other additional accessories.\nMovable 20ft Luxury Shipping Container House For Sale . Container house features. 1. Attractive design:The whole home looks beautiful and elegant. 2. Light in weight and convenient in shipping. 3. Easy to assemble and dismantle, the container home can be rebuilt for dozens of times .\n20ft Economical Portable Shipping Container Prefab House for Sale and Shipping Container House is affordable,stylish and durable. They can also be portable. Tailored to your needs!\n20FT Container House, Mobile Movable Homes, Office manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Tiny House / Cabin Shipping Container, Transportable Expandable Container House with Bathroom and Kitchen, Customized 20\u2032 House Container and so on.\n20FT Container House, Mobile Movable Homes, Office manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Australia Standard Shipping Container Houses, Transportable Expandable Container House with Bathroom and Kitchen, Customized 20\u2032 House Container and so on.\nA: The package size of this 20ft expandable house is 2200W*5910L*2520H, the door size of 20\u2019GP container is 2200W*2200mmH,so it can\u2019t be loaded into 20\u2019GP container. If you just buy one unit, it will waste your shipping cost a lot.\nFolding Container House Introduction Modulad folding container house is designed to fit shipping container when export. It is made of galvanized steel pipe as house frame and sandwich panel for wall and roof, then facilitated with windows, doors, flooring, ceiling and other additional accessories.\nMovable Container House Flat Pack Office, Movable Container House for Camping, Steel Frame Living Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Movable Container House 20FT Luxury Shipping Container Office (SU-C123), Prefabricated Steel Structure Shopping Mall for Sale (SD-603), Billboard Steel Structure Design Prefab House for Sale (SD-600) and so on.\nContainer House, Movable House, Prefab House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Australia Europe USA 20ft and 40ft Luxury Container Homes, New and Used 20FT 40FT Overseas Shipping Container for Sale in Qingdao Shanghai Ningbo, 40gp 40hc 40FT Shipping Container for Sale in Australia and so on.\nStandard 20ft prefab japanese movable container house/prefab house/modular house Company information : Jiangsu CS Modular House Co.,Ltd is the lead manufacturer for modular container house.\nLuxury 20ft modern portable modular insulated prefabricated house prefab container outdoor houses. 1. Q: Are you a factory or trading company? A:Guangzhou Moneybox Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd. is a factory located in Panyu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province.\nprefabricated 20ft 40hq container houses villa/movable house for sale with one bedroom, US $ 2,200 - 4,500 / Unit, Tianjin, China (Mainland), Zhonejie, 20ft, 40ft and 40HQ.Source from Tianjin Zhongjie Jinchen Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\n20ft/ 40ft shipping container house /bedroom movable house/expandable container homes, US $ 3,000 - 5,000 / Set, Zhejiang, China (Mainland), SUR, XYJ.Source from Hangzhou Xiaoya Prefabricated House Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\nContainer House, Temporary House, Shipping Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering 20FT Movable Shipping Container House for Dormitory (Office & Accommodation), Fashionable Two Floor Shipping Container Villa, Cheapest Bunk House Folding Container Family House and so on.\nPrefab house office container Introduction. Container House is designed and developed according to the standard size of shipping container. It is widely used as office, meeting room, dormitory, shop,toilet, storage, shower room, restaurant, labor camp and so on.\n20FT Prefab Container House, Prefab Container House, Prefab House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering China Movable Prefab Assemble and Disassemble Container House, 20ft/40ft Shipping Container/ISO Shipping Container, Mobile House and so on.\nPrefabricated House, Light Steel Structure, Modular House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering M", + " pair of midfielders in Fulham's 20-year-old Luca de la Torre, who has one cap, and Malmo's 23-year-old Romain Gall, for which this will be his first senior national team camp. Gall has impressed in Sweden in 2018, scoring 14 goals in 30 matches for Sundsvall and Malmo. Veteran and captain Michael Bradley, who had returned last month after a yearlong national-team hiatus, has not been included for this trip.\n\"With the availability of some players that we didn\u2019t get to see in the last fixture window due to injury, the thinking is this roster gives us depth with young players that still need the experience of big games, especially games abroad,\" Sarachan said in a statement. \"With Michael Bradley, there are a couple reasons. The first is that after having earned 142 caps, his need for these games is far less important than it would be for players with less experience. Secondly, Michael\u2019s schedule the past two years with Toronto FC has been virtually non-stop and he has largely played without a break. At this stage, it made sense to give him some extra time off and also allow these games to be a platform for players that lack that kind of experience.\"\nSteffen and Guzan appear to be the top two on Sarachan's depth chart, in that order, but it remains baffling that Bill Hamid isn't called into camp as one of the three options, especially with D.C. United out of the MLS playoffs. Bringing both Guzan and Steffen, whose teams could both advance, seems unnecessary, though the calls are merited based on their form. Steffen, at 23 and with more clutch playoff showings under his belt, remains the present and future of the No. 1 job.\nAs for the No. 3, which ultimately is of little consequence in these camps, Horvath has at least started Brugge's last two league games after a spell of inactivity and is getting the nod in Tuesday's Champions League match vs. Monaco, but he needs to show considerably more on a consistent basis to put his name back among the upper echelon.\nThis is more or less the same group that appeared last month, with Moore, Villafa\u00f1a and Zimmerman joining and NYCFC's Ben Sweat being left behind. Villafa\u00f1a should push the up-and-down Robinson for starter's minutes at left back, with the young Wigan player being beaten for pace by recent South American opposition while also showing the penchant for delivering a good ball while getting into the attack.\nOn the other side, Moore and Cannon should push Yedlin to start in at least one of the matches. Yedlin's familiarity with England's players from his time in the Premier League, not to mention his overall experience, would figure to give him the leg up in the opening friendly at Wembley.\nWith Miazga's recent struggles at Nantes and Long's solid showing vs. Peru, you wonder if the starting center back job next to Brooks is up for grabs, though.\nGetting the opportunity to play in Wembley would be a nice bonus for Robinson and Carter-Vickers, who were both born in England.\nAt last, Sarachan has his full complement of young midfielders from which to choose. Pulisic, McKennie, Adams and Weah figure to make up the nucleus of the national team for the foreseeable future, and this is the first time they've all been in a camp together. Barring any injuries picked up Tuesday in Champions League vs. Atletico Madrid or Saturday in the Bundesliga vs. Bayern Munich, Pulisic will make his first U.S. appearance since May and only his second since the World Cup qualifying failure. That's nothing new, but it's no less staggering of a fact.\nIf the four start across in the midfield, that would figure to leave Acosta or Trapp behind them in a No. 6 role, though Trapp, despite multiple apperances donning the captain's armband, has yet to show the consistent quality at the international level to lock down that spot. If given another chance, it's a good opportunity to prove his worth.\nThe thinnest part of the U.S. roster remains as such. There's no Andrija Novakovich, who had been present in past camps but never had the chance to make a dent on the field, while Jozy Altidore is dealing with an ankle injury that cut his season with Toronto FC short and prevented him from being reintegrated into the fold. Going down the line, the options are uninspiring and wholly inexperienced for the moment.\nThat leaves the 18-year-old Sargent, who opened eyes with his play vs. Peru and is looking to make headway with the Werder Bremen first team after shining for its reserves, and Wood, who scored a very nice goal vs. Colombia, to lead the line.\nGetting Sargent, Pul", + ", repainting, stuff like that, but for the most part, all of the big things are unpacked, and I feel a lot more settled. I'm just that type that can't relax until I have things my way, which isn't a good thing! I can't wait to see pictures of your house! And thanks for the pasta love, Annie!\nWe moved in over 2 months ago, and I JUST organized my walk-in closet last week! The kitchen was my first thing to organize and I said the same thing about buying more food to fill up my cabinets! There is just nothing better than tons of cabinet space! Easy meals are definitely a necessity during a move and this pasta looks just perfect.\nI am SO loving my cabinet space! I know I will have it filled up quickly though, because they say the more space you have, the more stuff you acquire! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Keri!\nGood luck organizing Gayle! It is so much fun! I would totally start with the closet, too! This dish looks perfect! So easy to make and delicious!\nHave fun organizing, Gayle! The walk-in closet and kitchen are the perfect places to start :) Easy and flavorful meals like this are so helpful when you just move. Looks delicious and I love that you used basil pesto here!\nPesto basil pasta sounds incredible, Gayle! Love that this meal is so quick and easy. I'm so happy to hear you are getting settled into your new place!\nThank you, Denise! It's so nice to have more space...I'm loving it! :) And thanks for the pasta love!\nGayle, I just love this 30 minute Thursdays idea! What a wonderful theme for you and few other blogger friends. :) Goodness knows, we all need a bit more convenience to help us with our crazy schedules. Also, go you on organizing the walk-in closet first for the new house! Lol. I would so do the same thing--well, maybe a debate between the closet and the kitchen. Ha! Looking forward to more updates on the new house. Loving this basil pesto pasta! <3 Pinning, of course!\nThanks for the kind words, Demeter! Aren't 30 minute Thursdays so much fun? :) I pretty much organized my kitchen right along with my closet...the two most important tasks!\nhaha I took over pretty much the entire closet at our house too. The husband is always asking if he can have another shelf. Um nope, no you can't! lol This pasta sounds delicious! I can never get enough broccoli!\nHaha no more space for husbands! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Ashley!\nEasy meals are a must when getting organized in a new house, and Gayle, these are some of your prettiest photos! I love those close-ups -- I just want to dive in! These ingredients are all some of my very favorite, and carbs are always a bonus!\nThank you for the kind words, Marcie! I'm in love with this pesto pasta!\nMmm 2 of my favorite veggies in my favorite pasta sauce! It can't get any better! Love it!\nThanks for the pasta love, Manali!\nThat last picture definitely has me hooked! This is a perfect meal any night of the week - but especially on nights when you're as busy as you are these days! Happy Organizing!!\nGayle, love this dish! I LOVE a good pesto in the summer and love the broccoli and mushrooms!!!\nThank you, Alice! Broccoli and mushrooms make this dish so much better!\nCongratulations on the new house! I'm sure you are having tons of fun organizing! I love a pesto pasta and this mushroom broccoli version is so creative and looks amazing!\nThanks for the kind words, Rachelle!\nSo glad you liked it, Elda! Thanks for stopping by.\nWhat a great way to use the pesto. I seriously need to make a big batch of that. I like having things like that on hand for fast recipes. Sounds great!\nCongrats on getting settled in your new house, Gayle! That is so exciting! It feels good to get things organized, especially when you have more space to work with. :) This pasta is my kind of dinner! I love all of the veggies that you've packed in here, and I bet the pesto really brings all of the flavors together!\nThank you, Kristine! It definitely is a great feeling to have more space! :) And thanks for the pasta love...the pesto just makes this dish even better!\nPesto pasta is one of my favourite things, but I don't make it too often cause the rest of the family doesn't love it quite as much. Love the mushrooms and broccoli - this is calling my name! We move in a couple of weeks too so I'll be making it for sure! Good luck with getting all the moving stuff done!\n30 minute meals are always good to have on hand! I'm a", + " like the salesperson examination, dealer candidates must register on the Department of State website and arrange an account with EAccessNY This is the DOS online management system. The state examination consists of a hundred questions damaged up into 45 questions of Actual Property Legislation, forty five questions of Actual Estate Rules and 10 questions of Real Estate Math. Real estate licensure candidates who\u2019re denied a license have the fitting to file an attraction with the DOS. On the Albany Center , I am the net instructor and maintain the required CDEI Certification to teach the programs.\nThere are multiple-choice quizzes for every session and classroom workouts to permit the coed to display mastery of this real estate course materials. Brokers licensed after January 1, 2001 should complete one hundred-twenty (120) further hours of Fee accredited education earlier than the third anniversary of their broker license. 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Also, pop-up home windows are probably the most misused features on actual property websites.\nRemember, as a on the market by owner, you should not have a Realtor to be the facilitator and guide you thru the house inspection, radon inspection, termite inspection, appraisal process, underwriting process, and coping with the escrow company to close.\nWe are in search of knowledgeable real property agent to be an intermediary between sellers and consumers. The word REALTOR\u00ae is a federally registered collective membership mark that identifies a real property skilled who\u2019s member of the NATIONAL AFFILIATION OF REALTORS\u00ae and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. This situation can get murky actually fast, so we have put collectively this text on the whole lot essential you\u2019ll want to know about actual estate agents before making the transfer.\nThere are important variations between the actions, powers, obligations and liabilities of brokers and estate brokers", + " and excellent customer support. We have a good expertise in installations of various systems and have over 1500 successful installations all over India to our credit. We interact very closely with our niche customer base and sort out their application issues right from creating a requirement to final execution of order followed by installation in-warranty to post-warranty support. Being a service oriented organization, we have a strong foothold in terms of after sale support and offer them a 24X7 support on call. Our team includes Scientists, Engineers, Software programmers, Application scientists to cater to all demands of our customer base. 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You can continue to touch the screen to find the music as well as the cover of view. No change now there. 40 hours of audio playback. Video playback is a little \"better! Quicker processor allows A4 iTunes HD video you buy to play, and you will notice that makes them look oh so appealing. The cameras are the only small disappointment. Best camera is well . however , how perhaps you face working hours? The quality of the camera backwards and specifications are not up to the level of many expect, considering the fact that camera phone \"gets better with ages. However, Apple decided to make the thinnest ever jailbreak iphone 4s! Thinness restricting the camera that connects to the device. First of all, Mac Blu-ray Player is very first universal media player for Mac & PC in the world. As we all know which Blu-ray disc applies its extra capacity combined i'm able to use of advanced video and audio codec to consumers an unprecedented HD experience. But the further advance to Blu-ray world is realized by this software. With advanced Blu-ray decryption and processing capability, Mac Blu-ray Player can decrypt any Blu-ray discs successfully too as . Of course, it is possible to select an ISO format file from a computer and open it directly from the interface sprouted. Moreover, it could be also offer the Blu-ray discs recorded or burned automatically. There can be lots of software and websites for sale to help an issue ios5 jailbreak now as it has been in the sell for quite a few days right right. However, individuals still are looking for reliable associated with ios 7.1.3 jailbreak and ios 6.1.4 jailbreak, as his or her jailbreaks remain brand new and quite not reachable by folks. IOS 6.1.3 jailbreak ipad is only relevant to apple iphone on entire iPhone, which came subsequently. Although, people are waiting anxiously for your official words in the jailbreak community over these jailbreaks obtain will find sites which offering these kinds of for just a little charge that can bring the awesomeness of just a jailbroken iPhone for you really. Robocity ($.99) - Captain Hiz crash-landed on a bizarre planet filled up with robots. He's to fight his way through him in order to find everything he needs auto repairs . his give. Amazingly, the Aero is endowed with Quick Office Document Viewer and Editor, which completed in", + " the elevation before pushing yourself. Pollution is also a reality in Mexico City. Try planning your runs in the morning or the evening, and the air quality will be better.\n**Big thanks to Go! Running Tours for their help outlining the best running routes in Mexico City**.\nMexico City is huge but there are various forms of public transit to help you get around. The quickest form of transportation is the metro system, consisting of 12 lines with 195 stations. All lines operate from 5am to midnight weekdays, 6am to midnight Saturday and 7am to midnight Sunday and holidays. Peseros (also called microb\u00fases or combis) are gray-and-green minibuses operated by private firms. They follow fixed routes, often starting or ending at metro stations, and will stop at virtually any street corner. Route information is randomly displayed on cards attached to the windshield. The city\u2019s bus rapid transit line is the Metrob\u00fas. The metrob\u00fas stops at metro-style stations in the middle of the street, spaced at three- to four-block intervals. Buses and peseros operate from around 5am till 10pm daily, depending on the route. Electric trolleybuses generally run until 11:30pm.\n\u201cBosque de Chapultepec\u201d (Chapultepec Forest) is the largest city park in the Western Hemisphere and is often referred to as Mexico City\u2019s \"lungs\". We've mapped out a 3.6 mile park loop, and 5k loops of El Sope and Minor Lake.\nCentrally located park located in the trendy Condesa neighborhood provides an urban oasis for runners. A loop of the trails and paths is about 1 km, so you'll have to do some laps.\nThis is a 6.2 mile tour of some of Mexico City's most important and historic sites, starting from the Z\u00f3calo metro station. Note that on Sundays, Reforma Avenue is closed to traffic until mid-day -- a special bonus for runners!\nA 3 mile tour of Coyoac\u00e1n, a quaint neighborhood is known for its cobblestone and bohemian flavor. Includes some parks, pretty residential streets, and some sites including Templo de San Juan Bautista and the Frida Kahlo Museum.\nA stunningly beautiful neighborhood of cobblestone streets, Colonial-Era homes, as well as several worthwhile museums south of the city center. Mexico City\u2019s Secretary of Tourism named the San Angel neighborhood a Barrio Magico (Magic Neighborhood).\nA forest in the Cuajimalpa delegation in Mexico City. The best time to visit is on the weekends, when it is bustling with runners and walkers. There are native tree species such as fir, ash and pine. A running circuit of about 2.15 miles is very popular.\nCanal Cuemanco, in the eastern part of the city, was the venue for rowing competitions in the 1968 olympic games. A paved 5K path around the canal makes for a great place to run away from Colonia Centro. Great views of volcanoes and mountains.\nThe Bosque de Arag\u00f3n is a park located in the Gustavo A. Madero, near the International Airport of Mexico City. There is a 2.5 km paved path surrounding a fountain and a second 5 km dirt path around the perimeter of the park.\nForest of Tlalpan is perhaps one of the best known by runners, athletes, and nature lovers who live south of Mexico City. The five different running tracks, and natural beauty make this forest one of the favorite places for exercise. Accessible by public transport.\nMexico City enjoys mild, pleasant weather (great for running) year round. It\u2019s climate is classified as subtropical highland due to its tropical location and high elevation. The average high is between 70 an 85 (21 to 28 12 to \u00b0C) throughout the year. Nights can be cool, as low as 5C in thw winter months. October through May is the city\u2019s dry season, and from June through September is considered the \u201crainy season\u201d. During the summer months it rains on average once a day, though the rain rarely lasts longer than a few hours. Due to the city\u2019s location near the equator, there is not great variation in daylight length.\nThere are numerous options for lodging in Mexico City. Some of the most reasonable places are in the Centro Hist\u00f3rico, while more luxurious accommodations, are concentrated in Polanco and the Zona Rosa. Staying in Centro Hist\u00f3rico and Zona Rosa provides access to the Historic Downtown route from your front door. Similarly, staying in Polanco (bordering Chapultepec Forest), has easy access to running routes in the forest. South of Zona Rose lie the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods. These bohemian neighborhoods feature the city\u2019s hippest cafes and bars, from cutting-edge restaurants to off", + ". It can be a financial leverage, a perfect tool to create holdings provided one is careful that indebtedness is only a transitional phase before making the capital gains on one's purchase. Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits.\nThe bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market.\nTaking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge.\nThis formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a \"dry\" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan.\nIf the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late.\n3 - The Bridging loan with a \"total allowance\"\nThis option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month.\nThe redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment.\nAs time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we \"amortize\" thus the property this way.\nHowever, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client.\nFinally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable.\nDuring the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment.\nThe bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan.\nDo not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incap", + " for the service that everyone should be using. Apple provides 5 GB of free iCloud storage for Apple ID account, which is the account you use to login to the App Store and buy apps. This storage can be used for many purposes including storing photos, but perhaps its best use is for backing up your iPad.\nBy default, every time you plug your iPad into a wall outlet or a computer to charge it, the iPad will attempt to back itself up to iCloud. You can also manually initiate a backup by opening the Settings app and navigating to iCloud > Backup > Back Up Now. You can restore from a backup by following the procedure to reset your iPad to factory default and then choosing to restore from the backup during the setup process of the iPad.\nIf you upgrade to a new iPad, you can also choose to restore from a backup, which makes the upgrade process seamless.\nFind My Device. Another important feature of iCloud is the Find My iPhone/iPad/MacBook service. Not only can you use this feature to track down the whereabouts of your iPad or iPhone, but you can also use it to lock down the iPad if it is lost or even remotely reset it to factory default, which erases all data on the iPad. While it can sound creepy to have your iPad tracked wherever it travels, it also combines with putting a passcode lock on your iPad to make it quite secure.\niCloud Drive. Apple's cloud storage solution isn't quite as smooth as Dropbox, but it ties in well with the iPad, iPhone, and Macs. You can also access iCloud Drive from Windows, so you aren't locked into Apple's ecosystem. So what is iCloud Drive? It is a service that allows apps to store documents on the Internet, which allows you to access those files from multiple devices. In this way, you can create a Numbers spreadsheet on your iPad, access it from your iPhone, pull it up on your Mac to make edits and even use your Windows-based PC to modify it by signing into iCloud.com.\niCloud Photo Library, Shared Photo Albums, and My Photo Stream. Apple has been hard at work delivering a cloud-based photo solution for a few years now and they've ended with a bit of a mess.\nMy Photo Stream is a service that uploads every picture taken to the cloud and downloads it onto every other device signed up for My Photo Stream. This can make for awkward situations, especially if you don't want every photo uploaded to the Internet. It also means if you take a picture of a product in a store so you can remember the brand name or model number, that picture will find its way onto every other device. Still, the feature can be a life-saver for those who want the photos taken on their iPhone to transfer to their iPad without doing any work. Unfortunately, My Photo Stream photos disappear after a while, holding a maximum of 1000 photos at a time.\niCloud Photo Library is the new version of Photo Stream. The big difference is that it actually uploads the photos to iCloud permanently, so you don't have to worry about the maximum number of photos. You also have the ability to download the entire image on your device or an optimized version that doesn't take up as much storage space. Unfortunately, iCloud Photo Library isn't part of iCloud Drive.\nApple, in their infinite *cough* wisdom, decided to keep the photos separate and, while they advertise the photos are easily accessible on your Mac or Windows-based PC, the actual usability is poor. However, as a service, iCloud Photo Library is still very useful even if Apple hasn't quite nailed the idea of cloud-based photos.\nContacts, Calendars, Reminders, Notes, etc. Many of the basic apps that come with the iPad can utilize iCloud to sync between devices. So if you wanted to access notes from your iPad and your iPhone, you can simply turn on Notes in the iCloud section of your iPad's settings. Similarly, if you turn on Reminders, you can use Siri to set a reminder on your iPhone and the reminder will also appear on your iPad.\niTunes Match and Apple Music. Apple Music is Apple's answer to Spotify, a subscription-based all-you-can-listen service that allows you to pay $9.99 a month to stream an incredibly large selection of music. This is a great way to save on buying songs all the time. Apple Music songs can even be downloaded, so you can listen if you aren't connected to the Internet, and placed into your playlists.\niTunes Match is a rather cool service that doesn't get much press these days. It is a $24.99 a year service that allows you to stream your music library from the cloud, which means you don't need to put a copy of the song on your iPad to listen to it. How is it different from Apple Music? Well, first, you will need to actually own the song to use it with iTunes Match. However, iTunes Match will work with any song, even those that are unavailable for streaming through Apple Music. iTunes Match will", + "10 took the spoils in a very low scoring game against Kinoulton 68-10.\nAfter leading the division for most of the season Lowdham capitulated on the final day as they were bowled out for just 44-10 against third placed Hucknall who had Nathan Whittamore 3-14, George Judd 3-16 & James Guthrie 3-10 all returning magnificent figures this result then gave fellow title contenders Young Lions the chance to grab the title and they did with both hands bowling opponents Hyson Green Carrington out for 121-10 and finished on 122-3 in reply with once again Rav Digwa 51* & 5-22 lead the way.\nBhuvanesh Sankaran 66 top scored for Gedling Colliery 174-8 but finished on the losing side as Woodborough finished on 176-7 with 8 overs to spare.\nKirsten Cowlishaw 105*, Tommy Wright 99, Tauseef Rashid 35 & Haider khan 6-21 all had a day to remember in a high scoring affair which saw Gedling & Sherwood 275-6 defeat Balderton 210-10 for whom Dave Colcomb top scored with a fine 89.\nWaleed Khan hit 50 to give Clifton\u2019s 220-10 promotion hopes a boost with a 101 run win away at Hoveringham and now the second promotion slot will be settled next weekend as 2nd play 4th whilst Clifton play Oxton.\nChilwell 179-10 lie fourth after going down to defeat against Bramcote 186-10 in a game they looked set to win until Tamil Dhanaseeian 41 & 4-41 struck late on with the ball.\nOxton 175-7 at now have a fighting chance of avoiding the drop after a match winning performance from Richard Martin 52 & 4-34 in their win over Thrumpton 146-10.\nKeyworth 110-10 lost the chance to gain automatic promotion as they went down to a heavy defeat against runaway champions Attenborough 221-5 who had the pair of Sam Randall 72 & James Grenfell 97 in great form.\nMan of the match Richard Wells 40 & 5-41 starred as Cotgrave 143-10 defeated Wollaton 125-10.\nTony Downie 49*, AJ Joseph 4-41 and Rohit Dwivedi 55 & 3-51 all helped Thurgarton 165-10 to a narrow 18 run away win at Chilwell 147-10 despite a fine 72 from Martin Tonkin for the home side.\nJosh Buckley hit 50 as Stapleford 130-8 nervously took the win and secured promotion as they came away from Caythorpe 129-10 with the win.\nR Parker hit 86 for Lenton Willoughby 208-9 in an entertaining win over Basford Old Boys 210-4 for whom D Hibbert hit 84.\nA Crouch 6-17 from 10.5 overs including 5 maidens bowled excellently but Kimberley 119-10 fell to defeat against champions Madni 120-8 by just two wickets.\nUnderwood\u2019s relegation was confirmed when they failed to raise a side against Basford Mill.\nChampions Ellerslie 89-10 went down to defeat at the hands of Radcliffe on Trent 122-10 in a low scoring match which saw just one batsman pass 30.\nJ Picker with 44 and D Evans 4-18 ensured it was an early finish as Great Dalby 71-0 cruised home against Newark R & M 69-10. Yaqoob Khan 87 & 3-41 was once again on top of his game as Ruddington 199- 9 secured promotion and in the process the defeat upon Gedling Colliery 195-6 meant they suffer relegation despite a valiant 96 from Geoff Burton.\nLuke Driscoll 38* batted with maturity and guided Kirkby Portland 69-4 to an away win over Lowdham 68-10.\nNazakat Ali again reached treble figures 109 as Poplars 260-7 squeezed home by just 9 runs against Breast", + " article charts the different facets of Resnais\u2019s work, adopting a broadly chronological approach that highlights the major films, as well as Resnais\u2019s relation to the New Wave, philosophy, and intermediality and collaboration.\nThere are many useful overviews of Resnais\u2019s work. Armes 1968, Kreidl 1978, Sweet 1981, Pr\u00e9dal 1968, and Bounoure 1974 treat the early films, up to and including the 1960s and 1970s, while Pr\u00e9dal 1996 and Wilson 2006 also examine the films of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. Some of these monographs adopt a thematic perspective: Benayoun 1980 and Monaco 1978 consider the question of imagination, and Wilson 2006 looks at memory and the senses in Resnais\u2019s work. Resnais gave many interviews about his work over the course of his career, and many of these are collected in the Goudet 2002 Positif dossier, which also contains many excellent short readings of various films. The special edition of Contre bande (Special Issue: Alain Resnais) also brings together a range of French criticism on the director. Liandrat-Guigues and Leutrat 2006 adopts an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais\u2019s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music.\nA concise early work that provides some useful biographical information and close readings of Resnais\u2019s work, from the early documentaries to Je t\u2019aime, je t\u2019aime. The book also includes a detailed filmography, films stills, and on-set photographs.\nBenayoun, Robert. Alain Resnais: Arpenteur de l\u2019imaginaire. Paris: Stock/Cin\u00e9ma, 1980.\nA lively and meticulous account of Resnais\u2019s work up to 1980, paying great attention to biography, form, and intertextuality. This book usefully includes an appendix of interviews with Resnais and R\u00e9mo Forlani, among others.\nBounoure, Gaston. Alain Resnais (Cin\u00e9ma d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui 5). Paris: Seghers, 1974.\nAn accessible, convincing, and subjective early account of Resnais\u2019s work up to the mid-1970s, with useful sections comparing the themes of Resnais\u2019s documentaries with motifs found in later works.\nGoudet, St\u00e9phane, ed. Positif, revue de cin\u00e9ma: Alain Resnais. Paris: Gallimard, 2002.\nA comprehensive, indispensable anthology of the cinema journal Positif\u2019s writings on Resnais from 1956 to 2002. It includes a fascinating selection of writings on Resnais\u2019s filmic career, including the later films, with sections by Fran\u00e7ois Thomas, Robert Benayoun, and Jean-Louis Leutrat, as well as several interviews with Resnais about his films.\nKreidl, John Francis. Alain Resnais. Boston: Twayne, 1978.\nAn impressively detailed early work that traces the evolution of Resnais\u2019s cinematic style through the major fiction films. It devotes two chapters to the history and politics surrounding the creation of Muriel.\nLiandrat-Guigues, Suzanne, and Jean Louis Leutrat. Alain Resnais: Liaisons secr\u00e8tes, accords vagabonds. Paris: Cahiers du Cin\u00e9ma, 2006.\nAn expansive and somewhat personal book on Resnais, replete with rich color photographs of on-set filming, written by two of the most renowned French critics of his work. The authors adopt an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais\u2019s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music.\nAn early writing on Resnais that offers a clear and readable overview of his major films. The book also presents an interesting discussion of Resnais\u2019s \u201cnonfilms,\u201d works the director planned but never completed.\nPr\u00e9dal, Ren\u00e9. Alain Resnais. Paris: Lettres Modernes, 1968.\nA useful work that adopts a broadly psychoanalytic and thematic approach to Resnais\u2019s work and addresses the significance of silent cinema, musicals, and cartoons to the director\u2019s vision. It also includes some excellent interviews with Resnais conducted by Jacques Belmans and Jacques Sternberg.\nPr\u00e9dal, Ren\u00e9. L\u2019Itin\u00e9raire d\u2019Alain Resn", + " biotech firm are suing each other over the right to grow and sell the highly anticipated Cosmic Crisp apple variety, which is expected to appear on store shelves early next year.\nThe legal dispute will determine whether Phytelligence \u2013 a company founded by a WSU professor that is partly owned by the university \u2013 can use its \u201ccutting-edge science\u201d to grow Cosmic Crisp buds and sell them to commercial apple producers.\nBut with millions of trees already planted across the state, the outcome of the dueling lawsuits seems unlikely to affect consumer availability of the Cosmic Crisp, a flavor-packed hybrid of the Honeycrisp and Enterprise varieties.\nBrandt said the Cosmic Crisp has the potential to displace other popular varieties in Washington\u2019s $2.4 billion apple industry, which accounts for roughly 70 percent of U.S. production. And he said no other variety has been introduced to the market so rapidly. Producers typically plant new apples a little at a time to test consumer demand, but the Cosmic Crisp, which is said to have excellent sweetness and a remarkable shelf life, promises to be a hit.\nWSU researcher Bruce Barritt began developing the Cosmic Crisp about two decades ago. Until 2012, the year he filed for a patent, the tree was known only as WA 38.\nWSU professor Amit Dhingra founded Phytelligence in 2011 to commercialize a method of growing trees from tissue cultures rather than soil, which enables them to reach maturity and bear fruit in less time. Dhingra remains a WSU professor and the company\u2019s chief science officer.\nIn 2012, Phytelligence entered into a \u201cpropagation agreement\u201d with the university that allowed the company to cultivate WA 38 plants for research purposes. The agreement did not grant Phytelligence rights to the trademarked name Cosmic Crisp, but it did include an \u201coption to participate as a provider and/or seller\u201d once the apple went to market.\nIn February, Phytelligence filed suit in King County Superior Court, claiming the university had violated the agreement by refusing to issue a commercial license.\nWSU responded last month, claiming Phytelligence had not met clear requirements for obtaining a license and alleging the company had illegally sold 135,000 Cosmic Crisp trees to a grower near Yakima. The university also filed a patent-infringement claim in federal court.\nPhil Weiler, WSU\u2019s vice president for marketing and communications, said the university must protect the \u201csignificant financial investment\u201d it has made to develop the Cosmic Crisp by ensuring that no one grows the apple without proper licensing and quality-control measures in place.\n\u201cThe investments made by growers over the past two decades is at risk as well,\u201d Weiler said.\nWSU claims it terminated its agreement with Phytelligence after the company handed over sales orders and invoices showing it sold 135,000 Cosmic Crisp trees to Evans Fruit Co. in April 2016. The university also demanded that Phytelligence destroy any Cosmic Crisp plant materials in its possession.\nPhytelligence has refused to do so.\n\u201cWe are not going to destroy the material because we feel it\u2019s within our rights to get the license,\u201d said Ken Hunt, the company\u2019s CEO.\n\u201cWe don\u2019t own land, so we used ground over at Evans, in large part because we thought we\u2019d be using some of those buds to service their order,\u201d he said.\nBut he insisted the move did not violate Phytelligence\u2019s agreement with WSU or the university\u2019s patent.\nHunt said Phytelligence has refunded payments to Evans Fruit, and the Cosmic Crisp budwood is back in Phytelligence\u2019s possession.\nAs for the company\u2019s efforts to obtain a license, Hunt said WSU required Phytelligence to become a member of the Northwest Nursery Improvement Institute, a nonprofit association of tree fruit nurseries, but the university would not provide clear requirements for doing so. NNII has the authority to license its members to grow the Cosmic Crisp.\nHunt suggested Phytelligence faced pushback because the company\u2019s scientific approach can generate apples more quickly than the traditional nurseries, but Weiler, the WSU spokesman, said he was not aware of such competitive concerns. Weiler said several other companies managed to obtain commercial licenses without a problem.\n\u201cFor whatever reason, (Phytelligence) chose not to follow the path that was laid out in the agreement,\u201d he said.\nThis is not the first time a WSU-bred apple has been the subject of litigation. The university also went to court with a Yakima fruit company that had been selling the WA 2 variety under the brand name Crimson Delight. The apple was recently rebranded as Sunrise Magic.\nIn any case, Weiler said, apple lovers should brace themselves for the Cosmic Crisp. Not only is it sweet and tangy, it can retain its flavor and texture for up to a year in storage, and it\u2019s slow to brown after being sliced", + " at tea interval that all seemed to be going to plan as Oxton were bowled out for 122-10 with Haider Ali taking 3-22 but then Mark Groom produced probably the most important spell of bowling he has ever delivered taking 7-17 and with James Bailey 3-30 it meant Clifton were dismissed scoring just 47-10 in 14.5 overs.\nBurton Joyce 84-2 finished of the season with a very convincing win away at East Bridgford 83-10, initially R Bramley 3-18 had been the pick of the bowlers and David Howarth 32* at least gave the score some respectability and it was left to Matt Powroznyk with 62 to see them home in double quick time.\nTom Godfrey 31 top scored as West Bridgfordians 141-6 went down to a nine wicket defeat at the hands of Beeston & Toton Sycamore 143-1 for whom Jamie Bowns 48*, Dennis Wright 43* & Stuart Tideswell 29 knocked off the runs required as earlier Donny Pezzola had taken 3-37 for the victors.\nRoss Brown hit a final day 87 and Paul Harley 48 as Hucknall posted 206-8 but Bingham 207-8 ran out the winners with three overs to spare and had fine performances from both Joshua Beavis 37* & 2-37 and Brent Cox 3-24 in the win.\nCongratulations to Hucknall 289-6 on securing the title with a winning draw away at Long Eaton 202-9 as skipper Robin Maxwell 108, Dale Campbell 87 & Aaron Lee 64* secured the points required and then Adam Scott 4-72 and Jack Pates 3-67 helped them to celebrate although Tim Taylor 45 and Ryan Cuthbert 43 & 5-64 gave excellent performances for Long Eaton. Belvoir 216-2 signed of in style with an away win at Collingham 210-5 as Tom Neville 114* and Greg Oldfield 89* eased them home, earlier Ben Dixon 87* had top scored for the host\u2019s. Balderton got back to winning ways with a comfortable home win over Gedling Colliery 96-10 as David Lynn 63, Chris Morris 46, Ian Robert Sellars 44, Luke Endley 6-42 & Jordy Ashby 3-3 all made significant contributions.\nReturning back to the top flight Hyson Green Carrington 173-6 finished the season of with a win thanks to Zahid Iqbal, 54, Kaiser Altaf, 71* & Umar Zaman 6-36 as they defeated Calverton 172-10 in an innings which saw Darren Wright & Matt Dean both score 44.\nChampions Hoveringham 226-10 took maximum points as they came away from Bottesford 174-10 in celebratory mood and Stuart Walton 79 was once again the stand out innings of the match.\nDespite a fine 79 from Danny Williams it did not prevent Kimberley 160-10 falling to defeat against Wollaton 161-4 for whom Ed Savill 74* and Falsal Khan 5-31 starred and next week\u2019s game against the champions will be a nail biter in their bid for safety.\nCraig Fairhill\u2019s 46 proved decisive as Clifton 203-10 overcame West Bridgfordians 156-8 in a winning draw and it most worthy of mentioning a fine piece of sportsmanship from John Sheard from West Bridgfordians in the game which received positive comments from players from both sides.\nJosh Scully 3-45 and Tom Harker 5-39 reduced Kirkby Portland to 170-10 but in reply Thrumpton were dismissed for 115-10 as the trio of Jonathan Williamson 3-25 Ashley Severn 3-24 & Michael Jennings 3-14 struck for the visitors.\nSouthwell 155-5 gained the win they needed to avoid the drop as Dave Rimmer took 3-49 as they dismissed host\u2019s Gedling Colliery for 154-10 earlier in the day.\nA final ball thriller saw Beeston & Toton Sycamore 180-10 victorious in the local derby against Attenborough 179-10 the highlights were", + " Internet is the sky and that the sky is made up of all of these different clouds, each one of which can provide a different service. The Gmail cloud, for instance, delivers us our mail. The Dropbox cloud stores our files. So where does the iCloud fall into this?\nThese services include iCloud Drive, which is similar to Dropbox and Google Drive, iCloud Photo Library, which is an offshoot of Photo Stream, iTunes Match and even Apple Music. iCloud also provides us with a way to back up our iPad in case we need to restore it at a future point, and while we can download the iWork suite to our iPad from the App Store, we can also run Pages, Numbers, and Keynote on our laptop or desktop PCs through icloud.com.\nSo what is iCloud? It is the name of Apple's cloud-based or Internet-based services, of which there are plenty.\nWhat Can I Get From iCloud? How Can I Use It?\niCloud Backup and Restore. Let's start with the most basic use for the service that everyone should be using. Apple provides 5 GB of free iCloud storage for Apple ID account, which is the account you use to login to the App Store and buy apps. This storage can be used for many purposes including storing photos, but perhaps its best use is for backing up your iPad.\nBy default, every time you plug your iPad into a wall outlet or a computer to charge it, the iPad will attempt to back itself up to iCloud. You can also manually initiate a backup by opening the Settings app and navigating to iCloud > Backup > Back Up Now. You can restore from a backup by following the procedure to reset your iPad to factory default and then choosing to restore from the backup during the setup process of the iPad.\nIf you upgrade to a new iPad, you can also choose to restore from a backup, which makes the upgrade process seamless.\nFind My Device. Another important feature of iCloud is the Find My iPhone/iPad/MacBook service. Not only can you use this feature to track down the whereabouts of your iPad or iPhone, but you can also use it to lock down the iPad if it is lost or even remotely reset it to factory default, which erases all data on the iPad. While it can sound creepy to have your iPad tracked wherever it travels, it also combines with putting a passcode lock on your iPad to make it quite secure.\niCloud Drive. Apple's cloud storage solution isn't quite as smooth as Dropbox, but it ties in well with the iPad, iPhone, and Macs. You can also access iCloud Drive from Windows, so you aren't locked into Apple's ecosystem. So what is iCloud Drive? It is a service that allows apps to store documents on the Internet, which allows you to access those files from multiple devices. In this way, you can create a Numbers spreadsheet on your iPad, access it from your iPhone, pull it up on your Mac to make edits and even use your Windows-based PC to modify it by signing into iCloud.com.\niCloud Photo Library, Shared Photo Albums, and My Photo Stream. Apple has been hard at work delivering a cloud-based photo solution for a few years now and they've ended with a bit of a mess.\nMy Photo Stream is a service that uploads every picture taken to the cloud and downloads it onto every other device signed up for My Photo Stream. This can make for awkward situations, especially if you don't want every photo uploaded to the Internet. It also means if you take a picture of a product in a store so you can remember the brand name or model number, that picture will find its way onto every other device. Still, the feature can be a life-saver for those who want the photos taken on their iPhone to transfer to their iPad without doing any work. Unfortunately, My Photo Stream photos disappear after a while, holding a maximum of 1000 photos at a time.\niCloud Photo Library is the new version of Photo Stream. The big difference is that it actually uploads the photos to iCloud permanently, so you don't have to worry about the maximum number of photos. You also have the ability to download the entire image on your device or an optimized version that doesn't take up as much storage space. Unfortunately, iCloud Photo Library isn't part of iCloud Drive.\nApple, in their infinite *cough* wisdom, decided to keep the photos separate and, while they advertise the photos are easily accessible on your Mac or Windows-based PC, the actual usability is poor. However, as a service, iCloud Photo Library is still very useful even if Apple hasn't quite nailed the idea of cloud-based photos.\nContacts, Calendars, Reminders, Notes, etc. Many of the basic apps that come with the iPad can utilize iCloud to sync between devices. So if you wanted to access notes from your iPad and your iPhone, you can simply turn on Notes in the iCloud section of your iPad's settings. Similarly, if you turn on Reminders, you can use Siri to set a reminder on your iPhone and the reminder will", + " for oppressed star nations everywhere.\nAngie Kaneshiro was a veteran of the Freehold Forces of Grainne, but was now crew on board a tramp freighter. Then the war with Earth started. The UN forces may hold most of the stations, the docks, and the jump points, but war is complicated, and heroes can be forged in its crucible\u2014even if the hero turns out to be a tramp freighter crew-woman willing to fight for the freedom she loves.\nFor as long as Vikram Bannerji can remember, the alien Jao have ruled the Earth. Just four years old when the invasion began, Vikram has grown up hating the alien overlords. But now something has changed. The Ekhat, once thought to be nothing more than a Jao myth, have launched an attack on Earth. And the Ekhat are far worse than any Jao. Now Vikram must make a choice: let years of anger and blind hatred rule his life . . . or choose a nobler path.\nRead \u201cBringer of Fire\u201d by David Carrico here.\nAnd check out the latest novel in the Jao Empire series, The Span of Empire by Eric Flint and David Carrico, here.\nBaen Books is proud to present a new epic poem, serialized in ten parts. Written by celebrated poet Frederick Turner, Apocalypse examines the effects of catastrophic climate change\u2014and the men and women who do whatever it takes to save the planet.\nOver the next weeks, a new section of this novel-length work will be posted on the Baen Books main web site, and then collected complete as an ebook that will appear when the serialization is done. So watch every Thursday from now until the end of September 2016 for new installments!\nIt seems every so often there\u2019s a news article heralding a new, bold step toward creating an Artificial Intelligence. Some futurists believe we\u2019ll have AI within our lifetimes. Not so fast, says Dr. John Lambshead. Sure, you can simulate intelligence. But, as Dr. Lambshead points out, you can also simulate rain\u2014\u201cbut no one gets wet.\u201d So what differentiates true intelligence from the science fictional artificial variety? The answers can be found in this month\u2019s free nonfiction essay.\nRead \u201cQuantum of Consciousness\u201d here.\nComing soon to the Baen Free Radio Hour: Les Johnson discusses near future science fiction novel On to the Asteroid, the sequel to Back to the Moon by Travis S. Taylor and Les Johnson. Rick Boatright and Kerryn Offord on 1636: The Chronicles of Dr. Gribbleflotz; and David Drake discusses his landmark science fiction novel Redliners which is now out in an all-new 20th Anniversary Edition with an essay by Drake and supplemental new material. Missed past episodes? No problem. We\u2019ve got every episode archived for your listening pleasure.\nTo coincide with the release of The Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015, Baen Books is pleased to announce the second annual Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure Science Fiction Readers\u2019 Choice Award. The award honors the best of the best in this grand storytelling tradition, and its winner will receive an inscribed plaque and a $500 prize. And YOU are the judge! Choose your favorite story from the contents of The Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015 and reward its author for excellence. Voting closes August 31, 2016.\nThe Mesan Alignment has engineered a war in order to undercut the Star Kingdom of Manticore\u2019s galaxy-wide reputation. But even the best laid plans can have unintended consequences, and one of those consequences may just be the dawn of a new bright day of freedom for oppressed star nations everywhere.\nFrom Robert A. Heinlein\u2019s \u201cOrdeal in Space,\u201d in which the merest kitten confers the gift of courage on his human, to Cordwainer Smith\u2019s \u201cBallad of Lost C\u2019mell,\u201d which answers the very question of what would be the outcome of the melding of human and cat, we offer here sixteen reasons why space is truly the feline frontier.\nThe laws of Xylar decreed that a king could only reign for five years, after which he would be beheaded. King Jorian, however, had different ideas. When his half-decade was up, he made a run for it. But his beloved wife was left behind. Now, with the help of the wizard Karadur, he\u2019ll mount a rescue.\nThis collection of transcribed conversations delves into all aspects of Silverberg\u2019s life, such as his extensive travel, passion for film, opera and classical music\u2014as well as his decades-spanning career in SF.\nThese inventive and compelling stories contain tales of transcending cyborgs, shapeshifting bears, sentient hands, rogue GPSs, superhero moms' groups, zombie chipmunks, and a story told from the point of view of a paddle in Pong", + " movable 20ft container house respectively. Movable 20ft container house products are most popular in Domestic Market, South America, and Africa.\nProduct Description Modular portable container house is designed according to specifications of shipping container.It is made of prefab light steel as house frame and sandwich panel for wall and roof, then facilitated with windows, doors, flooring, ceiling, and other additional accessories.\nMovable 20ft Luxury Shipping Container House For Sale . Container house features. 1. Attractive design:The whole home looks beautiful and elegant. 2. Light in weight and convenient in shipping. 3. Easy to assemble and dismantle, the container home can be rebuilt for dozens of times .\n20ft Economical Portable Shipping Container Prefab House for Sale and Shipping Container House is affordable,stylish and durable. They can also be portable. 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It is made of galvanized steel pipe as house frame and sandwich panel for wall and roof, then facilitated with windows, doors, flooring, ceiling and other additional accessories.\nMovable Container House Flat Pack Office, Movable Container House for Camping, Steel Frame Living Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Movable Container House 20FT Luxury Shipping Container Office (SU-C123), Prefabricated Steel Structure Shopping Mall for Sale (SD-603), Billboard Steel Structure Design Prefab House for Sale (SD-600) and so on.\nContainer House, Movable House, Prefab House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Australia Europe USA 20ft and 40ft Luxury Container Homes, New and Used 20FT 40FT Overseas Shipping Container for Sale in Qingdao Shanghai Ningbo, 40gp 40hc 40FT Shipping Container for Sale in Australia and so on.\nStandard 20ft prefab japanese movable container house/prefab house/modular house Company information : Jiangsu CS Modular House Co.,Ltd is the lead manufacturer for modular container house.\nLuxury 20ft modern portable modular insulated prefabricated house prefab container outdoor houses. 1. Q: Are you a factory or trading company? A:Guangzhou Moneybox Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd. is a factory located in Panyu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province.\nprefabricated 20ft 40hq container houses villa/movable house for sale with one bedroom, US $ 2,200 - 4,500 / Unit, Tianjin, China (Mainland), Zhonejie, 20ft, 40ft and 40HQ.Source from Tianjin Zhongjie Jinchen Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\n20ft/ 40ft shipping container house /bedroom movable house/expandable container homes, US $ 3,000 - 5,000 / Set, Zhejiang, China (Mainland), SUR, XYJ.Source from Hangzhou Xiaoya Prefabricated House Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\nContainer House, Temporary House, Shipping Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering 20FT Movable Shipping Container House for Dormitory (Office & Accommodation), Fashionable Two Floor Shipping Container Villa, Cheapest Bunk House Folding Container Family House and so on.\nPrefab house office container Introduction. 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Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits.\nThe bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market.\nTaking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge.\nThis formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a \"dry\" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan.\nIf the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late.\n3 - The Bridging loan with a \"total allowance\"\nThis option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month.\nThe redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment.\nAs time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we \"amortize\" thus the property this way.\nHowever, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client.\nFinally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable.\nDuring the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment.\nThe bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan.\nDo not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incapacity.\nIn the scope of a purchase via a Civil Company in Real estate (SCI) the same personal documents", + " Hist\u00f3rico. Here you\u2019ll find historic landmarks, important public buildings, the partially unearthed Aztec ruins of the Great Temple, and numerous museums. This is our guide to the best places to run in Mexico City, Mexico.\nWithin Colonio Centro is Chapultepec Forest (Bosque de Chapultepec)\u200a\u2014\u200ais Mexico City\u2019s largest oasis and one of its running highlights. It is divided into three sections, and home to forests, lakes and several important sights and attractions. In between Colonia Centro and Chapultepec Forest lies Zona Rosa, which is one of the city\u2019s most touristy areas. South of Zona Rose lie the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods. These bohemian neighborhoods feature the city\u2019s hippest cafes and bars, from cutting-edge restaurants to offbeat shops, art galleries, and nightclubs.\nOther running highlights in Mexico city are the Coyoacan and San Angel neighborhoods. Not far from the city, El Ocotal, Cuemanc, Bosque de Tlalpan, and Forest of Aragon are worthy running destinations.\nThere are two obstacles when running in Mexico City: altitude and pollution. Located at an altitude of 7,350 ft in the Valley of Mexico (a large valley in the high plateaus at the center of Mexico), it is important to allow yourself to become acclimated to the elevation before pushing yourself. Pollution is also a reality in Mexico City. Try planning your runs in the morning or the evening, and the air quality will be better.\n**Big thanks to Go! Running Tours for their help outlining the best running routes in Mexico City**.\nMexico City is huge but there are various forms of public transit to help you get around. The quickest form of transportation is the metro system, consisting of 12 lines with 195 stations. All lines operate from 5am to midnight weekdays, 6am to midnight Saturday and 7am to midnight Sunday and holidays. Peseros (also called microb\u00fases or combis) are gray-and-green minibuses operated by private firms. They follow fixed routes, often starting or ending at metro stations, and will stop at virtually any street corner. Route information is randomly displayed on cards attached to the windshield. The city\u2019s bus rapid transit line is the Metrob\u00fas. The metrob\u00fas stops at metro-style stations in the middle of the street, spaced at three- to four-block intervals. Buses and peseros operate from around 5am till 10pm daily, depending on the route. Electric trolleybuses generally run until 11:30pm.\n\u201cBosque de Chapultepec\u201d (Chapultepec Forest) is the largest city park in the Western Hemisphere and is often referred to as Mexico City\u2019s \"lungs\". We've mapped out a 3.6 mile park loop, and 5k loops of El Sope and Minor Lake.\nCentrally located park located in the trendy Condesa neighborhood provides an urban oasis for runners. A loop of the trails and paths is about 1 km, so you'll have to do some laps.\nThis is a 6.2 mile tour of some of Mexico City's most important and historic sites, starting from the Z\u00f3calo metro station. Note that on Sundays, Reforma Avenue is closed to traffic until mid-day -- a special bonus for runners!\nA 3 mile tour of Coyoac\u00e1n, a quaint neighborhood is known for its cobblestone and bohemian flavor. Includes some parks, pretty residential streets, and some sites including Templo de San Juan Bautista and the Frida Kahlo Museum.\nA stunningly beautiful neighborhood of cobblestone streets, Colonial-Era homes, as well as several worthwhile museums south of the city center. Mexico City\u2019s Secretary of Tourism named the San Angel neighborhood a Barrio Magico (Magic Neighborhood).\nA forest in the Cuajimalpa delegation in Mexico City. The best time to visit is on the weekends, when it is bustling with runners and walkers. There are native tree species such as fir, ash and pine. A running circuit of about 2.15 miles is very popular.\nCanal Cuemanco, in the eastern part of the city, was the venue for rowing competitions in the 1968 olympic games. A paved 5K path around the canal makes for a great place to run away from Colonia Centro. Great views of volcanoes and mountains.\nThe Bosque de Arag\u00f3n is a park located in the Gustavo A. Madero, near the International Airport of Mexico City. There is a 2.5 km paved path surrounding a fountain and a second 5 km dirt path around the perimeter of the park.\nForest of Tlalpan is perhaps one of the best known by runners, athletes, and nature lovers who live south of Mexico City. The five different running tracks, and natural beauty make this", + " all over India to our credit. We interact very closely with our niche customer base and sort out their application issues right from creating a requirement to final execution of order followed by installation in-warranty to post-warranty support. Being a service oriented organization, we have a strong foothold in terms of after sale support and offer them a 24X7 support on call. Our team includes Scientists, Engineers, Software programmers, Application scientists to cater to all demands of our customer base. We are more than happy to provide a perfect partnership bridging the gap between evolving technologies and ingenious users.\nUV-VIS-NIR Spectometers & Fiber optics accessories, lamp source etc..\nkyray's Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescent Spectrometer are highly precise and cost effective.\nBrimrose has recently introduced the VA210 Series of AOTF Hyperspectral Imaging Adapters.\nWorkshop on, Chennai \u201cEmerging Technologies in Optical Spectroscopy \u201c at the Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University.\nand products by joiningour mailing list!\nThis craze for gadgets can rise to the top mostly on the list of youth of your world. So today web the gadgets are targeted mainly towards youth. There has been whole new wave of technology within form of ipod. Conducted is developed to satisfy the tunes lovers. The tranquility of and the portability of the ipod qualifies it to be able to the best media player of appropriate. The fan following of device is outside your imagination. 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Although, people are waiting anxiously for your official words in the jailbreak community over these jailbreaks obtain will find sites which offering these kinds of for just a little charge that can bring the awesomeness of just a jailbroken iPhone for you really. Robocity ($.99) - Captain Hiz crash-landed on a bizarre planet filled up with robots. He's to fight his way through him in order to find everything he needs auto repairs . his give. Amazingly, the Aero is endowed with Quick Office Document Viewer and Editor, which completed in I will easily notice from the supporting documents, is not included relating to the supposedly-a-tablet Streak. These are a", + " a lot and my fascination to witness the Bhutanese way of living increased by the day. All the enthralling aspects of Bhutan and my all time obsession with nature, and mountains in particular, I added Bhutan travel to my bucket list.\nCome 2016, life showed a direction towards pursuing my travel dream. And yes, I visited Bhutan, the Kingdom of Happiness.\nPristine landscapes, spectacular views, amicable people and their spiritual way of life, rich heritage, comforting food, and everything else so heavenly qualify Bhutan for a Utopia. Nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is full of never-ending range of hills, verdant plains, meandering perennial rivers, meditative sounds of the Buddhist chants and colorful prayer flags tied everywhere reminding us that nature and spirituality are inseparable.\nThough the pictures don\u2019t do justice to the real beauty of this paradise, and my words can\u2019t describe the magical experience, I shall try my best to give a brief of how and what it was. Our tour was of four days covering the two major cities of Bhutan, Thimpu and Paro. A further long stay will give you much time and opportunity to explore the country better.\nThe Memorial Chorten or Memorial Stupa was built in the honor of the third King of Bhutan Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. It does not contain human remains, but just a photograph of the King. It is circumambulated in clockwise direction like other religious structures. We spent about an hour in the Chorten witnessing the annual recitation of \u2018Seven Line Prayer\u2019 to Guru Rinpochhe. The whole milieu was sacred and ingenuous.\nWe later visited the Great Buddha Dordenma, a 169ft gigantic Buddha statue and the Takin Preserve. Takin is the national animal of Bhutan.\nRest of city tour had viewing gorgeous vistas and visiting the important places of interest like Changlimithing multi-purpose national stadium, National Institute for Zorig Chusum (Arts and Crafts school), Authentic Bhutanese Crafts Bazaar, National Library of Bhutan etc.\nNational Institute for Zorig Chusum trains the Bhutanese youth in 13 native and traditional Bhutanese arts like wood carving, statue-making, painting, weaving, tailoring, embroidery etc. Some of the finished products are also sold for good prices.\nThe shops had a unique collection of handcrafted house decors, clothes, book marks, key chains, Bhutanese masks, Bhutanese musical instruments, hand bags, jewelry and many more. The place was a kaleidoscope of colors.\nTashichhoedzong build by the first Dharma Raja, is a Buddhist monastery and fortress on the banks of Wang Chu River. There are thirty temples, chapels and shrines within it. It is the office of Bhutan\u2019s civil government and Kingship together. A few kms near the Dzong is the King\u2019s palace, the Dechencholing Palace. The photograph below is an aerial view of the Dzong and its surroundings.\nComing to cuisine, red rice and buckwheat are Bhutan\u2019s two main foods. Red rice in Bhutan has an earthy flavor. The Bhutanese make soups and stews out of various vegetables and meats (yak meat being a specialty). Ema datshi, which is their national dish, is spicy made with large, green chili peppers in a cheesy sauce. It is one of their major comforting and widely made dishes. Momos (dumplings) are also quite famous. Butter Tea (also called Suja) is made of the Bhutanese Tea Leaves, Water, Butter and salt. The Bhutanese also include various spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, caraway etc in their cooking.\nThe National game of Bhutan is Dha or Archery. We made sure we wore the traditional dresses of Bhutan (Gho for men and Kira for women) and played archery amidst the serene hilly terrains.\nTraditional Architecture remains prevalent in Bhutan. Throughout its history, Bhutan has mainly followed the Tibetan tradition of Buddhist architecture. Any new structure construction is supposed to abide the rules. Read more on the Architecture of Bhutan in wiki here.\nTouring Bhutan is not only a way to escape in the tranquility of nature, but also a fun trip getting to know their unique culture and tradition. It opens your heart to simplicity, variety and spirituality.\nRevive your body and awaken your soul, go visit this magical Kingdom.\nMore on the remaining itinerary in next blogs. I will take through our Paro city tour and the sacred mountainous passes.\nMonsoons remind me of Visakhaptnam aka Vizag, my home town. I have lived all my childhood waking up to a kaleidoscope of greens, thanks to my dad, an ardent nature lover who thought we should live as close to nature as possible.\nMonsoons in Viz", + " with perceived frontrunner Gregg Berhalter still alive in the MLS playoffs as coach of the Columbus Crew.\nThose playoffs have thrown a wrench into Sarachan's roster selection, too, with eight clubs still alive and featuring potential U.S. call-ups. That number of clubs will be reduced to four by next Sunday night, and with some MLS-based players arriving later in camp, Sarachan has expanded the roster to 28 players to ensure full training sessions while also giving opportunities to some newer faces.\nAmong the intriguing newcomers are a pair of midfielders in Fulham's 20-year-old Luca de la Torre, who has one cap, and Malmo's 23-year-old Romain Gall, for which this will be his first senior national team camp. Gall has impressed in Sweden in 2018, scoring 14 goals in 30 matches for Sundsvall and Malmo. Veteran and captain Michael Bradley, who had returned last month after a yearlong national-team hiatus, has not been included for this trip.\n\"With the availability of some players that we didn\u2019t get to see in the last fixture window due to injury, the thinking is this roster gives us depth with young players that still need the experience of big games, especially games abroad,\" Sarachan said in a statement. \"With Michael Bradley, there are a couple reasons. The first is that after having earned 142 caps, his need for these games is far less important than it would be for players with less experience. Secondly, Michael\u2019s schedule the past two years with Toronto FC has been virtually non-stop and he has largely played without a break. At this stage, it made sense to give him some extra time off and also allow these games to be a platform for players that lack that kind of experience.\"\nSteffen and Guzan appear to be the top two on Sarachan's depth chart, in that order, but it remains baffling that Bill Hamid isn't called into camp as one of the three options, especially with D.C. United out of the MLS playoffs. Bringing both Guzan and Steffen, whose teams could both advance, seems unnecessary, though the calls are merited based on their form. Steffen, at 23 and with more clutch playoff showings under his belt, remains the present and future of the No. 1 job.\nAs for the No. 3, which ultimately is of little consequence in these camps, Horvath has at least started Brugge's last two league games after a spell of inactivity and is getting the nod in Tuesday's Champions League match vs. Monaco, but he needs to show considerably more on a consistent basis to put his name back among the upper echelon.\nThis is more or less the same group that appeared last month, with Moore, Villafa\u00f1a and Zimmerman joining and NYCFC's Ben Sweat being left behind. Villafa\u00f1a should push the up-and-down Robinson for starter's minutes at left back, with the young Wigan player being beaten for pace by recent South American opposition while also showing the penchant for delivering a good ball while getting into the attack.\nOn the other side, Moore and Cannon should push Yedlin to start in at least one of the matches. Yedlin's familiarity with England's players from his time in the Premier League, not to mention his overall experience, would figure to give him the leg up in the opening friendly at Wembley.\nWith Miazga's recent struggles at Nantes and Long's solid showing vs. Peru, you wonder if the starting center back job next to Brooks is up for grabs, though.\nGetting the opportunity to play in Wembley would be a nice bonus for Robinson and Carter-Vickers, who were both born in England.\nAt last, Sarachan has his full complement of young midfielders from which to choose. Pulisic, McKennie, Adams and Weah figure to make up the nucleus of the national team for the foreseeable future, and this is the first time they've all been in a camp together. Barring any injuries picked up Tuesday in Champions League vs. Atletico Madrid or Saturday in the Bundesliga vs. Bayern Munich, Pulisic will make his first U.S. appearance since May and only his second since the World Cup qualifying failure. That's nothing new, but it's no less staggering of a fact.\nIf the four start across in the midfield, that would figure to leave Acosta or Trapp behind them in a No. 6 role, though Trapp, despite multiple apperances donning the captain's armband, has yet to show the consistent quality at the international level to lock down that spot. If given another chance, it's a good opportunity to prove his worth.\nThe thinnest part of the U.S. roster remains as such. There's no Andrija Novakovich, who had been present in past camps but never had the chance to make a dent on the field, while Jozy", + "2, with horrific consequences.\nThis entry was posted in Henri de Navarre, Infamous Women, Jeanne d'Albret, Marguerite of Navarre and tagged Catherine de' Medici, France, henri de navarre, history, History of Europe on June 9, 2011 by Gillian.\nOn 5th January 1589, Catherine de\u2019 Medici, the Queen Mother of France died at Blois, possibly of pleurisy. She was 69 years old and had spent the last thirty years fighting to keep the French throne in the hands of her sons, three of whom succeeded their father, Catherine\u2019s husband Henri II, to be king of France.\nCatherine had arrived in France from her native Italy in 1534. Pope Clement VII (who famously refused to give Henry VIII his divorce from Catherine of Aragon), her uncle, had used his wealth and power to arrange a most illustrious marriage for her. She was descended from the Medici family but though they had been important in Florence, bankers could rarely expect to marry princes. However, Francis I of France had depleted his treasury in the pursuit of land and glory the Italian Wars and the handsome dowry which Clement promised to send with Catherine, along with an alliance with the Pope, meant that Francis was willing to overlook Catherine\u2019s less-than-ideal pedigree.\nThat said, Catherine did have a small amount of royal blood. Her mother, Madeleine was related, fairly distantly, to the French crown. Sadly for Catherine, she never knew Madeleine as she had died only a few days after her daughter\u2019s birth. It is thought that she had contracted syphilis from her womanising husband Lorenzo. Within a couple of weeks, he too succumbed and Catherine was left an orphan.\nThe young girl was raised initially in Florence with relatives and later in Rome, under the care of her uncle the Pope. She was intelligent, witty and lively but never described as a great beauty. Luckily for her, her family wealth and influence would go some way towards making up for such a defect. Many female failings could be compensated for with a heavy enough purse. Various matches were suggested for Catherine but it was the one with Francis I\u2019s second son, Henri Duc d\u2019Orleans, which went to fruition. As the second son, Henri was not expected to become king and so Francis was content to marry him off to the banking heiress.\nAged 14, Catherine set sail for France and was welcomed to Marseilles with great festivity. Soon after her arrival she and Henri married in a lavish ceremony. Henri was a withdrawn youth, scarred by his time as a hostage in Spain. He proved to be a polite and dutiful husband but his affection lay with his long-term mistress, the vampish Diane de Poitiers. Though Henri was distant and disinterested in his plain little wife, Catherine adored him.\nPredictably enough, the marriage was troubled and Catherine and Henri\u2019s lack of heir compounded the problem, especially after Henri\u2019s elder brother died making him next in line to the throne. Catherine was in danger of being repudiated and replaced with a more fertile wife (the assumption being that infertility was the woman\u2019s \u201cfault,\u201d particularly after at least two of Henri\u2019s mistresses gave birth to his children.\nCatherine reputedly tried all manner of superstitious solutions to her infertility. Eventually, after some medical intervention (the exact nature of which is shrouded in mystery), Catherine finally conceived after ten years of fruitless marriage. She went on to produce ten children in the following ten years, of whom three daughters and four sons survived infancy. Of those sons, three would become king of France.\nAs dauphine and then queen, mother to the heirs of France, Catherine still enjoyed all but no influence over her beloved husband. Instead, Henri discussed matters of state with Diane and it was with her that wise courtiers curried favour, not the dowdy foreign queen. Diane even encouraged Henri to visit his wife\u2019s chambers in order to have more children with her but after the delivery of twin girls (both of whom died) in 1556 almost cost Catherine her life, she was advised not to attempt to bear more children. Henri therefore never slept with her again.\nIn 1559 tragedy struck when Henri was injured in a joust. His opponent\u2019s lance shattered on his visor, sending shards through the king\u2019s eye. After several days of agony, Henri died with Catherine at his side. Catherine took her revenge on Diane by barring her from attending to Henri as he lay dying, calling for his mistress. She then ordered that Diane was to return all the jewels that Henri had given her during their long relationship, claiming that they were crown jewels and not Diane\u2019s to keep. She then banished her from court.\nUnfortunately for the queen, her grief (for the rest of her life she rarely wore any colour other than black) and desire", + " demands of our customer base. We are more than happy to provide a perfect partnership bridging the gap between evolving technologies and ingenious users.\nUV-VIS-NIR Spectometers & Fiber optics accessories, lamp source etc..\nkyray's Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescent Spectrometer are highly precise and cost effective.\nBrimrose has recently introduced the VA210 Series of AOTF Hyperspectral Imaging Adapters.\nWorkshop on, Chennai \u201cEmerging Technologies in Optical Spectroscopy \u201c at the Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University.\nand products by joiningour mailing list!\nThis craze for gadgets can rise to the top mostly on the list of youth of your world. So today web the gadgets are targeted mainly towards youth. There has been whole new wave of technology within form of ipod. 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First of all, Mac Blu-ray Player is very first universal media player for Mac & PC in the world. As we all know which Blu-ray disc applies its extra capacity combined i'm able to use of advanced video and audio codec to consumers an unprecedented HD experience. But the further advance to Blu-ray world is realized by this software. With advanced Blu-ray decryption and processing capability, Mac Blu-ray Player can decrypt any Blu-ray discs successfully too as . Of course, it is possible to select an ISO format file from a computer and open it directly from the interface sprouted. Moreover, it could be also offer the Blu-ray discs recorded or burned automatically. There can be lots of software and websites for sale to help an issue ios5 jailbreak now as it has been in the sell for quite a few days right right. 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These are a couple of the most common errors you are able to encounter the actual blackrain jailbreak installation. There are other problems may possibly possibly encounter with blackrain jailbreak, depending into your system, and the technical specifications you are using. But don't panic. Check out BestJailbreakSoftware house another iDevice in melancholy. If all else fails, you do a restore to originally settings of your gadget using iTunes.\n100ft Ring Road,", + "raid shielding where they all combine to provide powerful cable performance reliable connections.\nIt transmits high definition videos and clear music from your computer to a monitor for gaming or video streaming. It provides a secure connection where it has a button that is always lowered before unplugging. This cable is 10 foot long, and this gives you an easy time when using it from any position.\nThis cable has gold-plated connectors that resist corrosion and any form of damage. The gold connectors also enhance reliable and increased connectivity. It features inner braided foil that reduces interference and increases video and audio quality. The 6 feet cable connects a display port enabled computer to an HD monitor or projector with DP port unit for audio and video streaming.\nThe cable gives you the best and quality video resolution you need. The DP has a latch that provides a secure and reliable connection with the port where the latch must be pressed down before unplugging the connector. This is perfect for extended display or mirrored displays.\nThe cable supports resolutions of up to 3840 by 2160 and high-definition videos. This display port provides you with a secure and reliable connection any time you need it. It has pure copper conductors and triple metal shielding that enhance a perfect performance.\nThis cable transmits both high definition video from your computer or tablet to an HD display. It has gold-plated and copper conductors that protect the cable from damage and improve its performance.\nHas foil and braid shielding that helps in reducing electromagnetic interference.\nIt has an ergonomic design where it has secured grips for easy plugging and unplugging. The cable measures 6 foot and supports a high video resolution. This cable provides you with a high-quality connection no matter where you are.\nThis is a perfect choice when you need quality and clear videos and pictures. The cable provides you with a high video resolution. The cable is 10 foot long to provide you with enough and secure connection from any position.\nThe cable is gold-plated for preventing corrosion and providing a secure connection. Has a release button that is always lowered before unplugging. Has a slim design where you can fold it easily for easy carrying.\nThis cable has latching gold-plated connectors for providing a secure and reliable connection. The gold plating also helps in resisting damage, and this enhances the durability of the cable. Features braided copper conductors for providing a reliable signal from source to display design with foil design for an uninterrupted connection.\nThe display port provides you with a secure connection where it has a release button that must be lowered before unplugging. It transmits HD audio, and video from you\u2019re your computer to a monitor for video streaming and gaming. You can also connect and configure your monitor for an extended monitor display.\nThis cable is easily connected to a display port that is equipped with a desktop to an HD monitor or projector for easy streaming and gaming. The cable transmits high definition video and audio from your computer to a monitor where it also convenient for gaming and live streaming. It supports it provides you with a high video resolution.\nIt can work with various display port modes for providing you with deep color depths and sharp images. It is gold plated for increasing providing quality connection where the plating also prevents damage. The cable has an available price that will favor your pocket.\nFlexibility: Before buying any cable, you ask yourself the questions like what type of install is the cable going into? Is everything fixed? You need to find a cable that is flexible enough such that it is mobile to be used everywhere and in different scenarios. A flexible will always give you the freedom of using the cable everywhere provided the cable has a slim design for easy carrying and storage.\nDurability: Buying a durable display port cable means you will keep yourself out of the shops buying new products time by time. Consider buying a cable that is plated with strong material that prevents corrosion or any form of damage. There are other cables that are made from strong materials that are strong enough to enhance the durability of the cable. You have to do better research on the product you want to buy because there are many products in the market and buying a durable cable can be a tiring job.\nCost: Consider buying a port that is very well priced and a cable that will suit your pocket. Mostly, the high-quality cable is costly than the low-quality cables. You can still buy the low priced cables where they perform their function efficiently. Buying an expensive or low costing product only depends on the strength of your pocket. Avoid buying a product that will affect your budget, but if you are financially stable, you can spend on the expensive cables.\nDesign: A good cable should always have a perfect design that will make its use simple. It should have a slim design for easy carrying and storage. A foldable cable is always portable, and this makes it best to use in any position. A cable that is molded with good design will always provide you with the best results you want.\nQuality: Consider buying a cable that is of high quality and a cable that will suit your needs very well. If you", + " protests in Gaza last year.\nAt least 10 people were killed and more than 20 injured when a fire broke out at the main train station in Egypt's capital on Wednesday, two medical sources said.\nA Saudi princess has been named as the country's first ever female ambassador and its next envoy to the United States.\nA devastating fire has raced through densely packed buildings in a centuries-old shopping district in Bangladesh's capital, killing at least 70 people, officials said.\nIsil appeared closer to defeat in its last enclave in eastern Syria as a civilian convoy left the besieged area where US-backed forces estimate several hundred jihadists are still holed up.\nAround 200 families are trapped in a tiny pocket of land in Syria still controlled by Isil and are being bombed by US-led coalition forces, the UN has said.\nSaudi Arabia has agreed to free more than 2,100 Pakistani prisoners as the kingdom's crown prince concluded a visit to its nuclear-armed ally.\nOne of Israel's most prominent dovish politicians, former foreign minister Tzipi Livni, yesterday said she was leaving politics and warned \"democracy is in danger\".\nKhudida Haji has followed news of the battle for the caliphate's final stronghold more closely than most. For four and-a-half years, he has been hoping for information on family members captured by the jihadists. Out of the five that went missing the day Isil overran the Yazidi homeland of Sinjar, northern Iraq, in 2014, only one returned.\nWidowed, homeless, having already lost two young children and utterly alone save for the unborn baby she is soon to give birth to in a Syrian detention camp. So one might expect to detect a note of contrition in the east London accent of teen jihadi bride Shamima Begum.\nA senior French officer involved in the fight against the co-called Islamic State terror group in Syria faces punishment - from his own side - after launching a scathing attack on the tactics used by the US-led coalition to defeat Isil in its remaining stronghold of Hajin, a French army spokesman said yesterday.\nIran is planning a \"new Holocaust\" to destroy Israel, US Vice President Mike Pence claimed at a summit on Middle Eastern security.\nTurkish police believe the remains of murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi may have been burned, according to a police report.\nDisplaced by war, starving and living under a tree, 12-year old Fatima Qoba was just 10kg when she was carried into a Yemeni malnutrition clinic.\nWhen London teenager Shamima Begum fled Britain with two other schoolgirls in 2015 to join Isil, it shocked a nation. Now, she wants to go home.\nConjoined twin boys born under blockade in Yemen nearly three weeks ago died at the weekend after attempts to secure their evacuation for potentially life-saving treatment failed.\nUS-backed troops yesterday battled at Syria's eastern edge to oust Isil from the last square mile of the group's once-sprawling so-called caliphate territory.\nThe landscape of the eastern Syrian Desert is so flat that from a vantage point 300 yards away you can almost see the entirety of the minuscule last pocket of territory ruled over by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.\nConjoined twin boys born in the chaos of Yemen's war may be evacuated to Saudi Arabia for lifesaving treatment, Saudi authorities said yesterday.\nA five-year-old girl was rescued from the rubble of an eight-storey apartment building in Istanbul yesterday, raising the number of survivors of the collapsed structure to 13. At least 10 people have been found dead.\nAfghan opposition leaders are set to meet Taliban envoys in a meeting decried by Afghanistan government officials as a betrayal that could let insurgents exploit political divisions.\nPope Francis is opening his historic visit to the United Arab Emirates by meeting with the federation's leader and a group of Muslim elders before addressing faith leaders in a show of religious tolerance in a Muslim region known for its restrictions on religious freedom.\nFrance is planning to repatriate more than 100 Isil suspects from Syria amid fears they could lose track of them after US troops withdraw from the war-torn country.\nThe United Arab Emirates vice-president boasted of the country's \"significant progress\" on gender equality as he handed out awards for promoting equal opportunity. The only trouble was - all of them went to men.\nA senior US government official, speaking after six days of US peace talks with Afghan Taliban militants, said that Washington was committed to withdrawing foreign forces from Afghanistan to end more than 17 years of war.\nThe United Nations said shelling of a camp for displaced people in northern Yemen killed eight civilians and wounded 30 others, as the UN envoy arrived yesterday in the capital Sanaa for ceasefire talks with Houthi rebels.\nTaliban officials said US negotiators yesterday agreed a draft peace deal stipulating the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan within ", + " the brilliant idea to put my love for pasta, mushrooms, and pesto to good use.\nRemember when I shared this Easy Basil Pesto a few weeks ago? Well, I\u2019ve been making it non-stop and freezing some jars so that I always have some whenever my cravings strike. And it really comes in handy since it\u2019s already prepared, which is perfect for this 30 minute meal.\nIf you adore pesto like I do, then this pasta is just begging to be made. And really, this dish couldn\u2019t get any easier to prepare. Because, remember, I\u2019m all about the simple dishes here at Pumpkin \u2018N Spice. And when it\u2019s summer and the weather is hot, I definitely don\u2019t want to be standing around a hot stove all day.\nYou\u2019ll simply cook some pasta according to the package directions and set aside. I chose to use cavatapi noodles because I love their shape, but any pasta works in this dish.\nWhile the pasta is cooking, saut\u00e9 the broccoli in some olive oil, and then add in some baby bella mushrooms to the same skillet. When both veggies are tender, add in the pasta and pesto, and stir to combine. And that\u2019s it! Told you it was easy! You can use a store-bought pesto sauce for convenience, but if you have the time, please make this pesto\u2026it\u2019s SO easy and so good!\nOne bite and you\u2019ll be hooked on the tender veggies and zesty pasta. It\u2019s flavorful, simple and perfect for busy weeknights or lazy weekends!\nThis Basil Pesto Pasta with Broccoli and Mushrooms is an easy dish that's full of flavor. Tender pasta is tossed with basil pesto, saut\u00e9ed mushroom, and fresh broccoli. It's simple to make and is perfect for busy weeknights!\nCook pasta until al dente, according to package directions. Drain and set aside.\nWhile pasta is cooking, add olive oil to a large skillet. Add broccoli and saut\u00e9 until just starts to become tender, about 4-5 minutes.\nAdd mushrooms to same skillet and saut\u00e9 until tender, about 5-6 minutes. Add more olive oil, if needed. Season with salt and pepper.\nOnce broccoli and mushrooms are tender, add noodles and pesto to skillet. Stir to combine.\nYou can never go wrong with pesto and pasta! I can add just about anything to that mix and my family will devour it. Love this easy dinner idea!\nTake ALL the closet space, Gayle. Leave him none!! We gals need it more. You know, for the shoes. Such a delicious, fresh pasta dish! I'm so into mushrooms in pasta. Happy dance!\nMeals like this are ideal for when you have moved house, or generally busy. Pasta pesto is a staple for use during busy times too.\nYes! Definitely great for busy times, Dannii!\nGayle - This pasta sounds (and looks) delicious. I planted a ton of basil in my garden and can't wait to make this dish in the summer months!\nThank you, Erin! Fresh basil is SO perfect for this dish!\nI like unpacking and organizing. But I don't like cleaning. I need someone to do that part for me! Glad to hear you two are getting settled. It always seems to take forever to get things all in order. I still haven't hung up all my artwork and I've lived in my house for a year now. Lol! Love this pasta. Carbohydrates and an easy dinner FOR THE WIN!\nThank you, Liz! I'm slowly but surely getting there! And yes, carbs and easy meals for the win!\nI'm always a fan of pesto with pasta! Love this easy meal!\nBasically everything we have moved to the new house has been dropped just inside the front door....and we have lawn chairs in the living room. Red neck much?! hahaha! I am so envious of your moving skills! I am SO good when I have a plan but I haven't been able to formulate one...I just kind of put things in the car and then go drop them off. lol! This pasta looks AMAZING! I need good easy dinners like this this month!\nHaha I love the lawn chairs! We still have a lot to do as far as working on our basement, repainting, stuff like that, but for the most part, all of the big things are unpacked, and I feel a lot more settled. I'm just that type that can't relax until I have things my way, which isn't a good thing! I can't wait to see pictures of your house! And thanks for the pasta love, Annie!\nWe moved in over 2 months ago, and I JUST organized my walk-in closet last week! The kitchen was my first thing to organize and I said the same thing about buying more food to fill up my cabinets! There is just nothing better than tons of cabinet space! Easy meals are definitely a necessity during a move", + " time so lost an hour on top of that. It seemed my virtually rain-free trip would be spoiled, morning forecast called for 60%+ chance of thunderstorms on Saturday. Miraculously, the park got virtually no rain, the storm system veered just west of Pigeon Forge.\nGot there around 9:15 and boarded at Tram Stop B. \"B is for Butterfly.\" Walking through the front areas before rope drop there is a very nice fountain. Also, due to the threat of rain, there weren't many people here at opening. The duck population on the midways outnumbered the people population. Unfortunately, all of the ducks were holding park maps and headed the same place I was. Oh c'mon, those baby ducks aren't even tall enough to ride.\nWild Eagle. The theming is well done. There's an awesome massive eagle statue at the entrance, and Dolly herself recorded a special song just for the ride. Flyyy Eagle, Flyyy Eagle, Wild Eagle Flyyyy.... (thankfully there is more than that). The trains themselves have eagle heads with wings spanning the middle of each row.\nEagle's zero-g roll, which comes right after the first loop, was my favorite element here. You really do feel like you're flying. I preferred the back. This one's worth doing front seat at least once though, there are some great legchopper effects there in the second half that had me pulling my knees up. From a pure ride standpoint, now having ridden all 3 of B&M's US Wing Coasters, GateKeeper is better, but I enjoyed Wild Eagle quite a bit more than X-Flight. I wouldn't classify any of the 3 as \"intense\" but that's not really a negative in my book. It's a solid crowd pleasing design, they are fun to ride, and they have a certain -- dare I say -- majestic quality, which isn't an adjective I'd use to describe many other coasters.\nAfter 4 laps on Eagle (max 10 minute wait this early in the morning), Tennessee Tornado was nearby so walked on. One of the last Arrow loopers, and now my second favorite of its type (Loch Ness is still first, those interlocking loops are so pretty.) Fairly smooth with virtually no headbanging and the tunnel drop is sweet. Rode it a second time. Next was Blazing Fury. Nearly identical to SDC's Fire In The Hole (the former was based on the latter), even the ride ops were serenading departing trains with a shout of \"Fire in the hole!\" However, this one has no splashdown, apparently they took it out a couple years back. Still a fun dark coaster.\nWalking back through the upper half of the park, did Mystery Mine twice. This ride is disorienting in a good way and hard to describe. Part indoor, part outdoor, and very unique. But bangs your head around in a couple spots. Kept going to Thunderhead. A very solid woodie, no single element is outstanding (the station flyby is slick though) but has some good airtime moments throughout its lengthy course and keeps up a good rate of speed.\nWent back to Thunderhead, max 10 minute wait so got 4 more rides on that, 2 more on Eagle, 1 more on Tornado. For a Saturday I sure am riding a lot. Then took a swing on Barnstormer, funny this was my first S&S swing of the season. The \"giant barn\" theme fits this ride type well (SDC's swing is similarly themed).\nI passed on dessert before but was wanting some now. Exiting Barnstormer, I walked to the nearby Grist Mill and -- a la Toucan Sam -- followed my nose inside. Cinnamon bread. Oh goodness this is delicious. You get a decent sized loaf served warm and fresh, there's enough to share, or in my case take some home. I then headed to Celebrity Theater for the Great American Country Show. Shows aren't really my thing -- my last was way back in 2008 (CP's Misadventures of Molly and Maverick) -- but considering Dollywood's reputation, I made an exception. I don't feel qualified to critique in detail, so I'll just say the production values were top-notch and I liked it. But given a do-over (or hopefully if I visit Dollywood again!) I probably would have selected a \"smaller\" show. Looking back I think the Country Show is Dollywood's \"biggest\" this season in terms of scale.\nThere were a couple hours left til close, and all I really wanted was a couple night rides on Eagle. I took some time to walk around the Village and Country Fair sections, as I hadn't been though them yet. Rode the train, which actually travels a bit outside the park boundary through some heavily wooded areas. Rode the nearby carousel after the train", + " you who aren't doing so yet, you should be aware that your own House Energy & Commerce Committee caucus has thoughtfully posted a handy report breaking down ACA enrollments by every US Congressional District.\nThere are 25,000 district residents who were previously uninsured but now have quality, affordable health coverage because of the Affordable Care Act.\nOverall, the number of uninsured district residents has declined by 27%.\nApproximately 22,600 individuals purchased quality, affordable coverage through the new health insurance marketplace, 19,400 enrolled in Medicaid, and 5,400 young adults were able to retain coverage through their parents\u2019 plans. For more than 87% of the individuals enrolled in the health insurance marketplace, financial assistance was available that could reduce the cost of the average plan to $97 per month.\n283,000 individuals in the district \u2013 including 52,000 children and 122,000 women \u2013 now have health insurance that covers preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.\n10,400 seniors in the district received Medicare Part D prescription drug discounts worth $14.1 million.\n153,000 seniors in the district are now eligible for Medicare preventive services without paying any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.\n235,000 individuals in the district are protected by ACA provisions that prevent insurance companies from spending more than 20% of their premiums on profits and administrative overhead. Because of these protections, over 8,400 individuals in the district received approximately $3.4 million in insurance company rebates.\nUp to 36,000 children in the district with preexisting health conditions can no longer be denied coverage by health insurers.\n235,000 individuals in the district now have insurance that cannot place annual or lifetime limits on their coverage.\nFirst, this only includes private marketplace enrollment figures through April 19th and doesn't account for those who never paid their first month's premium (around 800,000 people). The good news is that, ironically, by my calculations this number should be more than cancelled out by the additional enrollees since April 19th (around 1.3 million nationally, of which around 900K have paid). Even if I'm off by a bit one one side or the other, there's a good 100K cushion there...so yes, the number of paid enrollments as of September should be around the same as the total number listed in your district report.\nSecond, the Medicaid numbers only include the 6.7 million newly-added enrollees through May 31st, which leaves out an additional 500,000 Medicaid/CHIP enrollees from June....as well as, I'd imagine, another good half million or more from July and August. Whatever \"Medicaid/CHIP\" number is listed in your district report is almost certainly at least 15% higher by now (for states which have expanded Medicaid) or perhaps 5% higher for states which didn't.\nThe only quibble I might have with these numbers is the first one, which assumes 60% were previously uninsured based on the KFF study instead of the actual 57%. However, again, those numbers are only based on either 4/19 or 5/31 totals, so I'm certain that the 3% difference has been more than made up by now, making those numbers accurate as of September.\nThe other slightly squirrelly number is the \"young adults on their parents plan\" figure, which has been the subject of dispute since it was released. Again, however, this number is from 2 years ago (remember, some ACA provisions have been in effect since 2010), and whatever the actual number was then has certainly gone up since that time.\nIn other words, no matter what, you should be on very safe ground with the numbers in these reports. Use them.\nShould the GOP take control of the Senate, drop-off voters are most concerned that \u201cRepublicans will take away a woman\u2019s right to choose and restrict access to birth control\u201d (58 percent rank this very concerning), \u201cRepublicans will cut access to health care for 8 million people and let insurance companies refuse to cover people with pre-existing conditions\u201d (58 percent) and \u201cRepublicans will cut back workplace protections for women, denying equal pay for equal work\u201d (57 percent)\u2026.\nOf course, the truth is that it's far more than 8 million people whose healthcare is at risk here. There's also another 6-7 million or so on Medicaid who'd be at risk of having their coverage yanked away as well, not to mention that millions more would be at risk of going back to the \"good old days\" when insurance companies could kick you", + ". Many followers on Instagram also asked for my opinions regarding COSRX products. Today I will share with you my opinions on the product that I have been tested for approximately 2 months now: COSRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid. Stay tuned for my future review for BHA Blackhead Power Liquid, and Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence.\nBefore we started, I have a confession: I am absolutely in love with COSRX as a brand. Their ingredients list is relatively short and pretty straight forwards. Products is fragrance free, paraben free and coloring free, which is a huge plus for sensitive and acne-prone skin like mine. After using their products for a while now, I am confident to say that my skin has been greatly strengthened and healing process happens much faster for the aftermath of my acne fighting, scars fade faster, skin texture is less bumpy and I am indeed a much happier girl \ud83d\ude42 My goal is to finish the rest of my skincare and convert all my products to COSRX and COSRX only. Yup, I am absolutely in love. Now I shall share in details about the product that I have been tested.\nAHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid clears away old dead skin cells trapped inside the pores. Works alongside vitamins, whiteners and natural moisturizer treatments. Managing dead skin cells without unnecessary stimulation. Helping skin management while creating healthier skin with more vitality. Star ingredients Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Water: An alpha-hydroxy acid naturally-occurring found in sugar cane and malic acid, derived from apples, which will help to exfoliate dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation, diminish the appearance of large pores and acne scarring. A great ingredient for reducing blackheads, whiteheads and troubles on skin. It even moisturizes the skin at same time as removing dead skin cells. You will find your skin is smooth, soft, and comfortable.\n1) Moisture, pore control, and brightening. It immediately purifies and tones up your skin leaving is clearer and more bright.\n2) Whitehead clearance. No more difficulty removing whiteheads and sebum !\n3) AHA product with hyaluronic acid. It controls excessive sebum and achieves excellent moisture retention in combination with hyaluronic acid.\n4) AHA for repairing skin damage. Works well for sun damaged skin. Also it is good for spots, dryness and trouble.\nThe product is packaged in a very simple and straightforward packaging, just like the formula itself. Even though it might deemed to be a little bit bland for my aesthetics, I honestly do not mind it that much. The functional aspects of the packaging is strong, with sturdy packaging, excellent quality pumps that is designed nicely. One pump is enough for my entire face.\nEven though the product claims to have Apple Fruit Water as the first and start ingredients, I was so put off with the smell at first. The smell was so pungent and strong and definitely does not smell anything like apple. Overtime I get used to the smell a little bit, but I can\u2019t help but stop inhaling whenever I apply this product all over my face.\n5) AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid is high concentrated product. Please use a small amount on areas with whiteheads and dead skin cells. Begin with using only once a week, and after skin has adjusted, use 2 to 3 times a week to maintain clear skin without dead skin cells, sebum and whiteheads.\n6) When you use AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid, do not use other exfoliating products on same day.\nI did not want to mess with the caution, so I use this on alternate with the Blackhead Power Liquid, and notice great results. I normally use this after my toner step, when my skin is perfectly cleansed and balanced. After waiting for 20-30 mins, I move on with a hydrating essence/serum, followed by sheet mask, light gel cream and sleeping pack. It is important that other products following your acid treatment step are all hydrating to help sooth the skin after the treatment.\nIt is an extremely light-weight texture that is as runny as water. The liquid absorbed onto my skin with minimal efforts, a little bit of tapping with help it absorbs much faster.\nThis using in conjunction with the Blackhead Power Liquid improved my skin significantly over the past 2 months. I must say, my skin has never do so well for the longest time ever. All my acnes and pimples are in control, scars are fading quick and most importantly, those funny bumpy texture on my skin is gone. Now since I use this together with the Blackhead Power Liquid, it is hard to identify which problems is solved by which products, but I believe this controls stuffs that happen more on the surface of your skin.\nYes I will, together with Blackhead Power Liquid as a duo as these are the best treatment I have", + " today because before the advent of feminism and the beginnings of a deeper awareness of the rights of women, at least in western culture, they could only get what they wanted by stealth or feminine guile.\nIt would not have done for a woman of my mother\u2019s generation to be to open with her desires. She would have needed to obscure them, perhaps even from herself.\nGood luck with the problems that Cate's request poses.\nI don't think you should assist in this way. If she wishes to make peace she should do it herself. Any half decent detective could find them pretty easily.\nAs to the will she can simply list their names and direct the executor to search for for them dutifully.\nI showed your post to my husband and he said, \"Has Cate looked up her kids on Facebook and tried to friend them?\"\nRespectful decline Cates request as it could get real messy and ugly. You could get stuck right in the middle of a family dispute, believe it's not a nice place to be :-).\nI'm not sure if you're asking, but I would hesitate to get involved under the circumstances.\nSo far there are no problems with Cate's request, though it's early days, Elephant's Child. On the other hand, as you suggest, self deception can be dangerous. Thanks.\nGlenn above is on-the-button: Facebook of course.\nAnd I agree with Antares above as well. this whole thing smells.\nCate needs to at least MENTION her children, each by name, in her Will.\nA person who is mentioned in a Will, cannot contest it, as the mention indicates they were properly in the thoughts of the author.\nYou're not the first to suggest I should not help out here, Laoch, though I feel inclined to at least let it be known that this mother is trying to contact her children. Beyond that I'll do nothing.\nWe all manipulate. We manipulate with reason as much as we do with emotion but the emotional manipulators usually get the most flack. I would suspect that, of the two, it is the most common as not everyone is capable of intellectual reasoning to that level but I don\u2019t think one is worse than another; it all depends on intent. Either way it\u2019s easy to see people who try and get us to do things we would rather not do as aggressors.\nMy daughter says of me, \u201cYou do good guilt,\u201d by which she means I know exactly what buttons to press with her. And I do. Like me she has a natural propensity to feel guilt and so it take no great skill and very little effort to make her feel guilty; it\u2019s bubbling under the lid anyway. And so I have to tread carefully. She expects to get an Upper Second Class Honours for her Psychology Degree and I\u2019m proud of her because she\u2019ll have done that whilst holding down a fulltime job. A 2:1 is good, but it\u2019s not a First. And she knows it. So I don\u2019t know if my eyes gave me away or what \u2013 you can do so little about body language \u2013 but I did my best to be genuinely pleased. And I am. I think I am. I don\u2019t know what I am.\nAlthough I \u201cdo good guilt\u201d I\u2019m not sure that I abuse that power. If I want people to do things I\u2019m more likely to reason with them. I manipulate with logic but I don\u2019t feel so bad about that. I trust reason; reason is honest. Emotions an notoriously unreliable. I\u2019ve seen some very dirty fighters though and it does tend to be women but I guess that\u2019s because they lack physical power or feel they don\u2019t have a position of equal authority in the family and so they resort to \u201cunderhanded\u201d methods. My mother most certainly did, or tried to do. But of course a manipulator is only effective if they know their target\u2019s triggers. My mother would send me to Coventry (give me the silent treatment) for days and it had no effect on me whatsoever. It should have had but I knew I could last longer than she could. The same happened at work once. For some reason I crossed a picket line (not like me to be so principled) and my group ostracised me. Several weeks later my boss approached me on their behalf wanting to put an end to all hostilities. I\u2019d worn them down, not the other way round.\nThis doesn\u2019t mean that I\u2019m not susceptible to being manipulated because for years I allowed my father to do exactly that. He used religion as his implement of choice. Most bullies have their gangs just in case they\u2019re not intimidating on their own and most thugs will have a heavy standing at their shoulder. And they don\u2019t get heavier that God Almighty. He didn\u2019t need to scream, rant or rave or hold his breath until he turned blue. All he had to say was, \u201cWell, God says\u2026\u201d and I didn\u2019t have a leg to stand on.\nI think most of", + " for her. She was descended from the Medici family but though they had been important in Florence, bankers could rarely expect to marry princes. However, Francis I of France had depleted his treasury in the pursuit of land and glory the Italian Wars and the handsome dowry which Clement promised to send with Catherine, along with an alliance with the Pope, meant that Francis was willing to overlook Catherine\u2019s less-than-ideal pedigree.\nThat said, Catherine did have a small amount of royal blood. Her mother, Madeleine was related, fairly distantly, to the French crown. Sadly for Catherine, she never knew Madeleine as she had died only a few days after her daughter\u2019s birth. It is thought that she had contracted syphilis from her womanising husband Lorenzo. Within a couple of weeks, he too succumbed and Catherine was left an orphan.\nThe young girl was raised initially in Florence with relatives and later in Rome, under the care of her uncle the Pope. She was intelligent, witty and lively but never described as a great beauty. Luckily for her, her family wealth and influence would go some way towards making up for such a defect. Many female failings could be compensated for with a heavy enough purse. Various matches were suggested for Catherine but it was the one with Francis I\u2019s second son, Henri Duc d\u2019Orleans, which went to fruition. As the second son, Henri was not expected to become king and so Francis was content to marry him off to the banking heiress.\nAged 14, Catherine set sail for France and was welcomed to Marseilles with great festivity. Soon after her arrival she and Henri married in a lavish ceremony. Henri was a withdrawn youth, scarred by his time as a hostage in Spain. He proved to be a polite and dutiful husband but his affection lay with his long-term mistress, the vampish Diane de Poitiers. Though Henri was distant and disinterested in his plain little wife, Catherine adored him.\nPredictably enough, the marriage was troubled and Catherine and Henri\u2019s lack of heir compounded the problem, especially after Henri\u2019s elder brother died making him next in line to the throne. Catherine was in danger of being repudiated and replaced with a more fertile wife (the assumption being that infertility was the woman\u2019s \u201cfault,\u201d particularly after at least two of Henri\u2019s mistresses gave birth to his children.\nCatherine reputedly tried all manner of superstitious solutions to her infertility. Eventually, after some medical intervention (the exact nature of which is shrouded in mystery), Catherine finally conceived after ten years of fruitless marriage. She went on to produce ten children in the following ten years, of whom three daughters and four sons survived infancy. Of those sons, three would become king of France.\nAs dauphine and then queen, mother to the heirs of France, Catherine still enjoyed all but no influence over her beloved husband. Instead, Henri discussed matters of state with Diane and it was with her that wise courtiers curried favour, not the dowdy foreign queen. Diane even encouraged Henri to visit his wife\u2019s chambers in order to have more children with her but after the delivery of twin girls (both of whom died) in 1556 almost cost Catherine her life, she was advised not to attempt to bear more children. Henri therefore never slept with her again.\nIn 1559 tragedy struck when Henri was injured in a joust. His opponent\u2019s lance shattered on his visor, sending shards through the king\u2019s eye. After several days of agony, Henri died with Catherine at his side. Catherine took her revenge on Diane by barring her from attending to Henri as he lay dying, calling for his mistress. She then ordered that Diane was to return all the jewels that Henri had given her during their long relationship, claiming that they were crown jewels and not Diane\u2019s to keep. She then banished her from court.\nUnfortunately for the queen, her grief (for the rest of her life she rarely wore any colour other than black) and desire to extract a petty revenge caused her to miss the more important opportunity which had presented itself. Her eldest son Francis had acceded to the throne on Henri\u2019s death. As Francis was only fifteen years old, a regent had to be appointed. Typically, the Queen Mother would take on this role however Francis was married to Mary, Queen of Scots, and it was Mary\u2019s uncles who held the real power and Catherine was regent in name only. Francis was crowned at Rheims as was customary but within eighteen months he too was dead after an ear infection led to an abscess in his brain. He was succeeded by his younger brother who became Charles IX.\nCatherine was not to let this opportunity slip through her fingers. The Guises held no particular power over Charles and Catherine took the reins of government on herself, finally able to exercise some power. During Charles\u2019s minority and beyond, Catherine strove to reconcile the Catholics and Huguenots (French Protestants) and avoid civil war. Catherine was", + " continues, security experts fear that the next battleground could be on the information infrastructure front. Such attacks could disrupt power systems, penetrate financial institutions and disable voice communications systems.\nThe United States is not producing the talent or investment needed to confront the threat. A shortage of trained information security specialists, poorly designed and tested software, and a lack of funding for security education and research poses serious risks to the country's infrastructure.\nWe have too few trained individuals who really understand the principles of security and there is almost no national investment in producing more. The incredible growth of our society's deployment of computing has too often been conducted with concerns for issues of safety, security and reliability.\nThe scope of infrastructure protection is larger than just computer security, and we should be concern with a broader scope, that could be called information assurance. Information assurance also involves issues of physical security, malicious software, privacy, software engineering, database security, network security, computer forensics, intrusion detection, and several other fields.\nAnyone who produces computer code or build systems should be aware that some practices are more dangerous than others, could cause harm to the public and infringe on privacy. Engineers in particular should have an awareness that there are areas where their expertise does not reach and they need to call in specialists.\nInformation security specialists are a scarce commodity. Of the 23 leading U.S. universities involved in computer security research, only 20 Ph.Ds were granted in the last three years. There are probably fewer than 100 faculty in the United States who really have some experience on this field. There are very few who have a broad view and actually can address the whole area.\nInstead of finding ways to design new systems resistant to attack, must of the effort is directed at how to apply new patches to the same old, buggy code. This does not serve to fix the long-term problems. The immediate problems of cyber systems can be patched by implementing best practices, but these will not address the fundamental problems of cyberterrorism.\n\u00b7 Interruption: An asset of the system is destroyed or becomes unavailable or unusable. This is referred to as an attack on availability. Examples include destruction of a piece of hardware, such as a hard disk, the cutting of a communication line, or the disabling of the file management system.\n\u00b7 Fabrication: The attacker inserts counterfeit objects into the system. This is referred to as an attack on authenticity. Examples include the insertion of spurious messages in a network or the addition of records to a file.\nA useful categorization of these attacks is in terms of passive attacks and active attacks. Passive attacks are in the nature of monitoring of transmissions. The goal of the attacker is to obtain information that is being transmitted. Two types of passive attacks are(1) release of message content;(2) traffic analysis. A release of message content is easily understood. A telephone conversation, an electronic mail message, and a transferred file may contain sensitive or confidential information.\nThe second passive attack, traffic analysis, is more subtle. Suppose that we had a way of masking the contents of a message or other information traffic so that Cuba, even if they capture the information, could not extract the real information because of the use of encryption. The attacker could after a period of time extract the information and messages, defeating the encryption process.\nThe second major category of attack is active attacks. These attacks involve some modification of the data stream or the creation of a false stream. It can be subdivided into four categories: masquerade, replay, modification of message, denial of service.\nA masquerade takes place when the attacker, under certain entity, pretends to be a different entity, and therefore enabling an authorized entity to obtain extra privileges. Replay involves the passive capture of a data unit and its subsequent retransmission to produce an unauthorized effect.\nModification of service simply means that some portion of a legitimate message is altered, or that messages are delayed or reordered, to produce an unauthorized effect. The denial of service prevents or inhibits the normal use or management of communications facilities. This is a very important and serious possible attack. It could disrupt an entire network, either by disabling the network or by overloading it with messages so as to degrade performance. The attacker could target airports, financial centers, power companies, dams control centers, etc. It is quite difficult to prevent active attacks. The goal is to detect them and to recover from any disruption or delays caused by them.\nThe objective of the intruder is to gain access to a system or to increase the range of privileges accessible on a system. The intruder must acquired information that should have been protected. In most cases, this information is in the form of a password. The password file can be protected by one way encryption or by limiting the access control to the file. What are the most common techniques used so far to try to break into a system?\nNetwork security has assumed increasing importance. Individuals, corporations, government agencies, must heighten their awareness to protect data and messages, and to protect systems from network-based attacks. The disciplines of cryptography and", + " loss we\u2019ll have to the business,\u201d said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm.\nAs Kang notes in her article, the FCC has no plans to appeal the decision, so battles will resume at the state level. Advocates will need to be twice as vigilant because incumbents - the only ones that come out ahead from this decision - may try to push state legislators for even tougher anti-competitive state barriers.\nEPB customers love the fast, affordable, reliable Internet access they get from their muni and they appreciate the way its smart-grid helps them save money on their electric bill. According to a new J.D. Power report, their municipal utility is also the highest rated mid-size utility in the South for customer service and reliability.\nJust a month ago, Consumer Reports magazine rated EPB the best TV and Internet access utility in the county for customer satisfaction, as chosen by a reader survey. The J.D. Power report went on to rank EPB number two in the country in the category of municipal or investor-owned electric utility.\nThe Times Free Press reports that in 2015 EPB Fiber Optics earned a net income of $23.5 million while the electric division earned $3.5 million. EPB President David Wade said that the smart-grid has reduced power outages by 60 percent and contributed to customer satisfaction by enhancing reliability of the system.\n\"The lesson that utilities can learn from other high-performing service providers is that to excel you need a culture that puts customers and employees first,\" said John Hazen, senior director of the utility practice at J.D. Power. \"And because customer expectations continue to increase, you need to have a mindset of continuous improvement to keep up.\"\nEPB Chairman Joe Ferguson said the favorable grades from EPB customers reflect the utility's local ownership, public service and management focus on serving the customer.\nMinneapolis, MN - The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decided today to dismiss the FCC's February 2015 decision to encourage Internet investment in Tennessee and North Carolina. Tennessee and North Carolina had both restricted local authority to build competitive networks.\n\"We're disappointed that the FCC's efforts to ensure local Internet choice have been struck down,\" says Christopher Mitchell with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. \"We thank the FCC for working so hard to fight for local authority and we hope that states themselves will recognize the folly of defending big cable and telephone monopolies and remove these barriers to local investment. Communities desperately need these connections and must be able to decide for themselves how to ensure residents and businesses have high quality Internet access.\"\nILSR and Next Century Cities filed an Amicus brief in support of the FCC's position. View the Court's Opinion here.\nDisappointing news from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today as the Court chooses to reverse the FCC\u2019s February 2015 preemption order that peeled back restrictive state laws in Tennessee and North Carolina. We have the opinion for you to download and review. You can also view the decision at the Sixth Circuit's website.\nWe consider the Sixth Circuit\u2019s decision disappointing, incorrect, and we hope the FCC and the cities of Chattanooga and Wilson appeal this decision. Local connectivity and telecommunications should be determined by the people who will be affected by their own decisions, not by officials who are distant, unaware of local matters, and lobbied by rich corporate Internet Service Providers with an interest in limiting competition.\nIn their statement, Next Century Cities, who joined us in filing an Amicus Brief, said, \"Today\u2019s court ruling is a setback in the fight to ensure access to next-generation broadband for more Americans, and Next Century Cities is disappointed by this decision.\"\n\u201cToday\u2019s ruling doesn\u2019t change the fact that these laws were hurting communities in Tennessee and North Carolina. They were written by telecom industry lobbyists to protect incumbents like AT&T and Comcast from competition. Similar laws exist in other states, and they all need to go. State legislatures should repeal these laws and replace them with ones that promote competition and consumer choice.\nThe results of a statewide Tennessee survey on residential and business connectivity are in and they ain't pretty. Thirteen percent of the state - more than 834,000 people - don\u2019t have access to 25 Megabits per second (Mbps) download and 3 Mbps upload, which is the FCC's definition of broadband. Authors of the study make a number of recommendations, the first of which is removing state barriers that stifle Internet infrastructure investment.\n\"...A More Open Regulatory Environment\"\nThe study, commissioned by the state\u2019s Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) earlier this year, includes feedback from more than 23,000 households and businesses.\nThe State of Tennessee could consider lifting administrative burdens and restrictions to broadband infrastructure investment to fostering a more open regulatory environment.\nIn the report, the authors provide detailed reasoning for why the state should embrace an open regulatory environment to encourage competition. They note that state barriers impact electric cooperatives, municipalities that operate electric utilities and cannot", + " August 10th supporting the states of Tennessee and North Carolina in their challenge from an FCC decision from February 2015. Both states objected to the FCC\u2019s decision to preempt state laws preventing municipalities from providing fast, affordable, reliable connectivity via municipal Internet networks. The Appellate Court Judges reviewed the legal arguments, the precedent, and the interplay between federal authority and state sovereignty.\nThe impact of their ruling will affect more than a few pages in a law school text book. Access to high-quality Internet access positively impacts real people and businesses and, as Cecila Kang captures in her recent article in the New York Times, the people who depend on it fear the outcome if their state legislators take it away.\n\u201cWe\u2019re very worried because there is no way we could run this equipment on the internet service we used to have, and we can\u2019t imagine the loss we\u2019ll have to the business,\u201d said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm.\nAs Kang notes in her article, the FCC has no plans to appeal the decision, so battles will resume at the state level. Advocates will need to be twice as vigilant because incumbents - the only ones that come out ahead from this decision - may try to push state legislators for even tougher anti-competitive state barriers.\nEPB customers love the fast, affordable, reliable Internet access they get from their muni and they appreciate the way its smart-grid helps them save money on their electric bill. According to a new J.D. Power report, their municipal utility is also the highest rated mid-size utility in the South for customer service and reliability.\nJust a month ago, Consumer Reports magazine rated EPB the best TV and Internet access utility in the county for customer satisfaction, as chosen by a reader survey. The J.D. Power report went on to rank EPB number two in the country in the category of municipal or investor-owned electric utility.\nThe Times Free Press reports that in 2015 EPB Fiber Optics earned a net income of $23.5 million while the electric division earned $3.5 million. EPB President David Wade said that the smart-grid has reduced power outages by 60 percent and contributed to customer satisfaction by enhancing reliability of the system.\n\"The lesson that utilities can learn from other high-performing service providers is that to excel you need a culture that puts customers and employees first,\" said John Hazen, senior director of the utility practice at J.D. Power. \"And because customer expectations continue to increase, you need to have a mindset of continuous improvement to keep up.\"\nEPB Chairman Joe Ferguson said the favorable grades from EPB customers reflect the utility's local ownership, public service and management focus on serving the customer.\nMinneapolis, MN - The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decided today to dismiss the FCC's February 2015 decision to encourage Internet investment in Tennessee and North Carolina. Tennessee and North Carolina had both restricted local authority to build competitive networks.\n\"We're disappointed that the FCC's efforts to ensure local Internet choice have been struck down,\" says Christopher Mitchell with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. \"We thank the FCC for working so hard to fight for local authority and we hope that states themselves will recognize the folly of defending big cable and telephone monopolies and remove these barriers to local investment. Communities desperately need these connections and must be able to decide for themselves how to ensure residents and businesses have high quality Internet access.\"\nILSR and Next Century Cities filed an Amicus brief in support of the FCC's position. View the Court's Opinion here.\nDisappointing news from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today as the Court chooses to reverse the FCC\u2019s February 2015 preemption order that peeled back restrictive state laws in Tennessee and North Carolina. We have the opinion for you to download and review. You can also view the decision at the Sixth Circuit's website.\nWe consider the Sixth Circuit\u2019s decision disappointing, incorrect, and we hope the FCC and the cities of Chattanooga and Wilson appeal this decision. Local connectivity and telecommunications should be determined by the people who will be affected by their own decisions, not by officials who are distant, unaware of local matters, and lobbied by rich corporate Internet Service Providers with an interest in limiting competition.\nIn their statement, Next Century Cities, who joined us in filing an Amicus Brief, said, \"Today\u2019s court ruling is a setback in the fight to ensure access to next-generation broadband for more Americans, and Next Century Cities is disappointed by this decision.\"\n\u201cToday\u2019s ruling doesn\u2019t change the fact that these laws were hurting communities in Tennessee and North Carolina. They were written by telecom industry lobbyists to protect incumbents like AT&T and Comcast from competition. Similar laws exist in other states, and they all need to go. State legislatures should repeal these laws and replace them with ones that promote competition and consumer choice.\nThe results of a statewide Tennessee survey on residential and business connectivity are in and they ain't pretty. Thirteen percent of the state - more than 8", + " For most of us, the last week has been focused on how much we can get and how little we can get it for. Now, let\u2019s be fair. As some of you may know, today is Fair Tuesday as in shop Fair Trade today. There is tons of stuff for women, but this post is focused on the stuff for guys, who are always harder to shop for.\nThese items focus on being fairly traded, ethically sourced, and life impacting. Here are 5 on Calvin\u2019s list.\nThe Piko is a durable lightweight bag that delivers when you need it the most. With separate laptop access and the front instant pocket, the Piko is ideal for a person that is on the move from place to place. #GiveTuesday Sale! Use Code Give20 For 20% Off At Checkout!\nThe Wonderbag was developed to ease the social, economic and environment impacts of the current global circumstances. The Wonderbag is a non-electric, heat-retention cooker that allows food that has been brought to a boil, to continue cooking after it has been removed from the fuel source. All our recipes have recommended timings and simple steps to guide the Wonderbag cooking process. Production capabilities in Rwanda, Mexico and Turkey with launches in Kenya, Nigeria and Somaliland with a buy-one-give-one model to support getting Wonderbags into humanitarian relief.\nOur Passport Wallet is made out of premium quality Ethiopian leather hand selected for Parker Clay. Travel ready and features multiple card slots and compartments for a passport, credit cards, ID and cash, along with frequent flyer cards and flight tickets.\nMade in Ethiopia, the Adibo combines style with durable, lasting comfort. Each shoe is created with the goal of contributing to the development of a thriving middle class in Africa. Curated by Invisible Children in partnership with Oliberte: This is Africa. Currently on sale for $40. Free shipping for $100 orders.\n\u2013 Subtle variations add to the uniqueness of each product.\nWe have made an effort to simplify our Christmas over the past few years; three gifts, focus on Jesus, and more time at home. Advent readings are a great addition, keeping our focus steady as we move through a world that constantly pulls our attention elsewhere. I was excited to find a free Advent Reading plan that corresponds with a book that many of us already have, the Jesus Storybook Bible. (use code HOLIDAY30 to get 30% off) Oh how I love this book. If you don\u2019t have it, do yourself a favor and put it in your child\u2019s stocking. It\u2019s inexpensive and illustrates how the entire Bible points toward Jesus, our savior. It is captivating and beautifully written and illustrated. Our children are all young (3-7 years old) but definitely at varying developmental ages and interests, I\u2019ve found that this book keeps them all equally engaged.\nHere is the full link, including a section for notes.\nWhat are you planning for advent this year? I would love to hear your ideas and traditions.\nGood points all around. Truly apcetpiared.\nI wrote about kindness yesterday. Which is helpful because posts like this need to come from a heart FULL of kindness and a desire to educate rather than rant.\nThe Holiday season ushers in many opportunities to help families and individuals in need. It\u2019s a beautiful thing as many families are struggling rather than celebrating. However, organizations that aim to help these families, individuals and kids have chosen to use the word adoption in their campaigns. The word adoption has been made synonymous with the word help, sponsor and support. While this seems harmless to the general population, we\u2019ve somehow forgotten that the general population contains thousands upon thousands of adoptees.\nI realize that there is no way to make everyone happy. And many who read this will think, \u201coh great, another PC term I have to remember.\u201d But this is more than not being politically correct. It\u2019s downright INCORRECT. Adoption doesn\u2019t mean helping. Adoption is permanent. Adoption is creating a family. Adoption is hard. Adoption can be painful. Adoption is beautiful.\nIf you\u2019re wondering how common the issue is, here are just a few organizations using this wording.\nI respect my children who entered our family via adoption. I respect their right to grieve, to ask questions, to be confused. I will walk with them through every step of every mess that comes our way. I will be their voice when they come home and ask if the 3-year old girl their class is \u201cadopting\u201d will live in their classroom. True story.\nThat is what happens when adoption is used incorrectly. A child who understands that adoption is forever is now being told that adoption can mean other things as well, like buying underwear for a child in need. Additionally, those kiddos we are sponsoring have PARENTS. Parents who love them enough to seek out assistance. Adoption does not pertain to these families.\nChurches, organizations, schools and Friends: Please consider replacing the word Adoption in your Christmas campaigns. There are wonderful", + "2-9 finished as runners up in the division with a twelve run victory over Balderton 160-10 as Hamish Moore top scored with 32 they were restricted by some fine bowling from Harry Capstick 4-23 and Luke Endley 3-42. In reply Balderton too found it tough going and only David Makey 41 found runs easy to compile as Ollie Taylor 5-18 and Hamish Moore again 3-38 gave the Little Bound\u2019s side their highest ever league finish.\nKimberley 132-6 gained the win they needed to ensure divisional safety as they defeated already crowned champions Hoveringham 129-10, batting first the title winners were indebted to Stuart Walton with 56 in their low score as Danny Williams 3-32 & Sukhdeep Sidhu 3-22 bowled superbly and in reply Faraz Khan steered them home with 36* despite a fine spell from Brett Lear of 3-28.\nIt was a case of get your calculators, rule book and abacus out as Eastwood 173-5 took the win against Wilsons 172-9 and stave of relegation finishing on the same points as Wollaton. Zahir Ahmed hit 80 for the hosts but James Wooliscroft with 44 saw Eastwood home to the win with 7 balls remaining.\nChampions Plumtree 170-8 finished of the season with a tight 2 wicket win over Gotham 169-8 who once again had the duo of Paul Blatherwick 42 & 4-67 and Rob Goddard 40* & 3-36 as the players in form but Daniel Bazmi 73 along with Steve James 43 saw Plumtree home in style.\nIan Graham 61 was the only batsman to show any kind of form as Keyworth were bowled out for just 137-10 with Zac Ashworth 5-33 being the chief architect for Southwell who finished on 143-6 at the close.\nAttenborough 205-10 had a convincing win over Keyworth 146-10 as both Martin Shoemaker 67 and Jack Harrison 61 both enjoyed fine end of season knocks although Adam Pick bowled a fine spell taking 4-35, it was the down to bowlers James Hallam 4-47, Martin Rayner 3-25 & Tom Shields 3-47 to see out the season with another win for the runners up.\nThe mathematics were quite simple all Clifton had to do was to win their final game and hope Keyworth lost to secure promotion and at tea interval that all seemed to be going to plan as Oxton were bowled out for 122-10 with Haider Ali taking 3-22 but then Mark Groom produced probably the most important spell of bowling he has ever delivered taking 7-17 and with James Bailey 3-30 it meant Clifton were dismissed scoring just 47-10 in 14.5 overs.\nBurton Joyce 84-2 finished of the season with a very convincing win away at East Bridgford 83-10, initially R Bramley 3-18 had been the pick of the bowlers and David Howarth 32* at least gave the score some respectability and it was left to Matt Powroznyk with 62 to see them home in double quick time.\nTom Godfrey 31 top scored as West Bridgfordians 141-6 went down to a nine wicket defeat at the hands of Beeston & Toton Sycamore 143-1 for whom Jamie Bowns 48*, Dennis Wright 43* & Stuart Tideswell 29 knocked off the runs required as earlier Donny Pezzola had taken 3-37 for the victors.\nRoss Brown hit a final day 87 and Paul Harley 48 as Hucknall posted 206-8 but Bingham 207-8 ran out the winners with three overs to spare and had fine performances from both Joshua Beavis 37* & 2-37 and Brent Cox 3-24 in the win.\nCongratulations to Hucknall 289-6 on securing the title with a winning draw away at Long Eaton 202-9 as skipper Robin Maxwell 108, Dale Campbell 87 & Aaron Lee 64* secured the points required and then Adam Scott 4-72 and Jack Pates 3-67 helped them to celebrate although Tim Taylor 45 and Ryan Cuthbert ", + " on our basement, repainting, stuff like that, but for the most part, all of the big things are unpacked, and I feel a lot more settled. I'm just that type that can't relax until I have things my way, which isn't a good thing! I can't wait to see pictures of your house! And thanks for the pasta love, Annie!\nWe moved in over 2 months ago, and I JUST organized my walk-in closet last week! The kitchen was my first thing to organize and I said the same thing about buying more food to fill up my cabinets! There is just nothing better than tons of cabinet space! Easy meals are definitely a necessity during a move and this pasta looks just perfect.\nI am SO loving my cabinet space! I know I will have it filled up quickly though, because they say the more space you have, the more stuff you acquire! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Keri!\nGood luck organizing Gayle! It is so much fun! I would totally start with the closet, too! This dish looks perfect! So easy to make and delicious!\nHave fun organizing, Gayle! The walk-in closet and kitchen are the perfect places to start :) Easy and flavorful meals like this are so helpful when you just move. Looks delicious and I love that you used basil pesto here!\nPesto basil pasta sounds incredible, Gayle! Love that this meal is so quick and easy. I'm so happy to hear you are getting settled into your new place!\nThank you, Denise! It's so nice to have more space...I'm loving it! :) And thanks for the pasta love!\nGayle, I just love this 30 minute Thursdays idea! What a wonderful theme for you and few other blogger friends. :) Goodness knows, we all need a bit more convenience to help us with our crazy schedules. Also, go you on organizing the walk-in closet first for the new house! Lol. I would so do the same thing--well, maybe a debate between the closet and the kitchen. Ha! Looking forward to more updates on the new house. Loving this basil pesto pasta! <3 Pinning, of course!\nThanks for the kind words, Demeter! Aren't 30 minute Thursdays so much fun? :) I pretty much organized my kitchen right along with my closet...the two most important tasks!\nhaha I took over pretty much the entire closet at our house too. The husband is always asking if he can have another shelf. Um nope, no you can't! lol This pasta sounds delicious! I can never get enough broccoli!\nHaha no more space for husbands! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Ashley!\nEasy meals are a must when getting organized in a new house, and Gayle, these are some of your prettiest photos! I love those close-ups -- I just want to dive in! These ingredients are all some of my very favorite, and carbs are always a bonus!\nThank you for the kind words, Marcie! I'm in love with this pesto pasta!\nMmm 2 of my favorite veggies in my favorite pasta sauce! It can't get any better! Love it!\nThanks for the pasta love, Manali!\nThat last picture definitely has me hooked! This is a perfect meal any night of the week - but especially on nights when you're as busy as you are these days! Happy Organizing!!\nGayle, love this dish! I LOVE a good pesto in the summer and love the broccoli and mushrooms!!!\nThank you, Alice! Broccoli and mushrooms make this dish so much better!\nCongratulations on the new house! I'm sure you are having tons of fun organizing! I love a pesto pasta and this mushroom broccoli version is so creative and looks amazing!\nThanks for the kind words, Rachelle!\nSo glad you liked it, Elda! Thanks for stopping by.\nWhat a great way to use the pesto. I seriously need to make a big batch of that. I like having things like that on hand for fast recipes. Sounds great!\nCongrats on getting settled in your new house, Gayle! That is so exciting! It feels good to get things organized, especially when you have more space to work with. :) This pasta is my kind of dinner! I love all of the veggies that you've packed in here, and I bet the pesto really brings all of the flavors together!\nThank you, Kristine! It definitely is a great feeling to have more space! :) And thanks for the pasta love...the pesto just makes this dish even better!\nPesto pasta is one of my favourite things, but I don't make it too often cause the rest of the family doesn't love it quite as much. Love the mushrooms and broccoli - this is calling my name! We move in a couple of weeks too so I'll be making it for sure! Good luck with getting all the moving stuff done!\n30 minute meals are always good to have on hand!", + "balances of histone acetyltransferase (Head wear) and deacetylase activity (DAC) that bring about deregulated gene manifestation are commonly seen in leukemias. carcinoma cells and leukemic blasts produced from individuals with AML, it had been found that VPA functions as a DACi . Furthermore, VPA causes selective proteasomal degradation of HDAC2, however, not of various other course I HDACs (i.e., HDAC 1, 3, and 8) . In t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the AML1/ETO fusion proteins promotes leukemogenesis by recruiting course I actually HDAC-containing repressor organic towards the promoter of AML1 focus on genes, seeing that described over. VPA disrupts the physical discussion between AML1/ETO and HDAC1, stimulates the global dissociation from the AML1/ETO-HDAC1 complicated through the promoter of AML1/ETO focus on genes, and induces relocation of both AML1/ETO and HDAC1 protein through the nucleus to Lenalidomide a perinuclear area. Mechanistically, these results are connected with a substantial inhibition Lenalidomide of HDAC activity, histone H3 and H4 hyperacetylation, and recruitment of RNA polymerase II, leading to transcriptional reactivation of focus on genes (i.e., IL-3) in any other case silenced with the AML1/ETO fusion proteins. Eventually, these pharmacological results led to significant antileukemic activity mediated by incomplete cell differentiation and caspase-dependent apoptosis . VPA was lately proven to enhance proliferation and self-renewal of regular hematopoietic stem cells, increasing the chance that VPA could also support development of leukemic progenitor cells (LPC). Certainly, VPA taken care of a considerably higher percentage of Compact disc34(+) LPC and colony developing units in comparison to control civilizations in six AML examples, but selectively decreased leukemic cell amounts in another AML test with appearance of AML1/ETO. These data recommend a differential aftereffect of VPA on the tiny inhabitants of AML progenitor cells and the majority of aberrantly differentiated blasts in nearly all AML samples examined . The brand new hydroxamic acidity derivative, ITF2357, obstructed proliferation and induced apoptosis Lenalidomide in AML1/ETO-positive Kasumi-1 and major blast cells in focus of 0.1?M, whereas AML1/ETO-negative HL60, THP1 and NB4 cell lines were private and then 1?M ITF2357. In Kasumi-1 cells, ITF2357 induced AML1/ETO degradation through a caspase-dependent system and also established DNMT1 efflux from, and p300 influx to, the nucleus. Furthermore, ITF2357 induced regional H4 acetylation and discharge of DNMT1, HDAC1 and AML1/ETO, paralleled by recruitment of p300 towards the IL-3 gene promoter. ITF2357 treatment, nevertheless, did not stimulate re-expression of IL-3 gene. Appropriately, the methylation degree of IL-3 promoter, aswell as of other genes, was unmodified . As VPA and ITF2357 appear to particularly focus on AML1/ETO-driven leukemogenesis, integration of both course I-selective and pan-DACi in book therapeutic techniques for AML1/ETO-positive AML could be beneficial. Single-agent DACi in severe lymphoblastic leukemia The anti-leukemic activity of DACi in every has been analyzed in a small amount of preclinical studies; many of these examined DACi as an individual agent using individual ALL cell lines as versions. An early research compared the consequences from the cyclic tetrapeptide romidepsin (FK228) on individual leukemia/lymphoma cells and cell lines with regular hematopoietic cells . Romidepsin induced G1 arrest and apoptotic cell loss of life at nanomolar concentrations. Scientific samples from sufferers with ALL had been more delicate to romidepsin at medically achievable medication concentrations than either regular peripheral bloodstream or bone tissue marrow mononuclear cells or regular progenitor cells. Manifestation degrees of HDAC-1 and HDAC-3 proteins didn\u2019t correlate using the level of sensitivity to romidepsin. The anti-leukemic activity and setting of action from the hydroxamic acidity derivative, LAQ824 was analyzed using four human being pre-B lymphoblastic cell lines as versions representing different cytogenetic subsets (Sup-B15 and TMD-5, both t(9;22) positive, SEM, t(4;11) positive, and NALM-6 cells). LAQ824 considerably inhibited the", + " 5-29 & & Dean Cowdell 3-18 bowled Burton Joyce 160-9 to victory over Gotham at Spital Farm as they entertained Gotham 93-10.\nTwo issues were settled at the weekend firstly Caunton 63-2 gained promotion in emphatic style by crushing rival contenders Ravenshead 61-10 as N Suiter 4-17 & C Jewitt 4-21 eased the away sides nerves.\nThe second issue to be determined saw Southwell 171-7 relegated after falling to defeat against Beeston & Toton Sycamore 279-6 as James Rhodes 102, Jamie Bowns 72 & Rob Howe 3- 37 all produced when it mattered most for the victorious winners.\nHugo Orme 72 & Spen Taylor 33 & 5-33 combined together as Flintham 214-8 ran out easy winners over Bottesford 164-10. Farhad Amin returned figures of 5-10 for West Bridgford Legion 114-10 took the spoils in a very low scoring game against Kinoulton 68-10.\nAfter leading the division for most of the season Lowdham capitulated on the final day as they were bowled out for just 44-10 against third placed Hucknall who had Nathan Whittamore 3-14, George Judd 3-16 & James Guthrie 3-10 all returning magnificent figures this result then gave fellow title contenders Young Lions the chance to grab the title and they did with both hands bowling opponents Hyson Green Carrington out for 121-10 and finished on 122-3 in reply with once again Rav Digwa 51* & 5-22 lead the way.\nBhuvanesh Sankaran 66 top scored for Gedling Colliery 174-8 but finished on the losing side as Woodborough finished on 176-7 with 8 overs to spare.\nKirsten Cowlishaw 105*, Tommy Wright 99, Tauseef Rashid 35 & Haider khan 6-21 all had a day to remember in a high scoring affair which saw Gedling & Sherwood 275-6 defeat Balderton 210-10 for whom Dave Colcomb top scored with a fine 89.\nWaleed Khan hit 50 to give Clifton\u2019s 220-10 promotion hopes a boost with a 101 run win away at Hoveringham and now the second promotion slot will be settled next weekend as 2nd play 4th whilst Clifton play Oxton.\nChilwell 179-10 lie fourth after going down to defeat against Bramcote 186-10 in a game they looked set to win until Tamil Dhanaseeian 41 & 4-41 struck late on with the ball.\nOxton 175-7 at now have a fighting chance of avoiding the drop after a match winning performance from Richard Martin 52 & 4-34 in their win over Thrumpton 146-10.\nKeyworth 110-10 lost the chance to gain automatic promotion as they went down to a heavy defeat against runaway champions Attenborough 221-5 who had the pair of Sam Randall 72 & James Grenfell 97 in great form.\nMan of the match Richard Wells 40 & 5-41 starred as Cotgrave 143-10 defeated Wollaton 125-10.\nTony Downie 49*, AJ Joseph 4-41 and Rohit Dwivedi 55 & 3-51 all helped Thurgarton 165-10 to a narrow 18 run away win at Chilwell 147-10 despite a fine 72 from Martin Tonkin for the home side.\nJosh Buckley hit 50 as Stapleford 130-8 nervously took the win and secured promotion as they came away from Caythorpe 129-10 with the win.\nR Parker hit 86 for Lenton Willoughby 208-9 in an entertaining win over Basford Old Boys 210-4 for whom D Hibbert hit 84.\nA Crouch 6-17 from 10.5 overs including 5 maidens bowled excellently but Kimberley 119-10 fell to defeat against champions Madni 120-8 by just two wickets.\nUnder", + ", 19,400 enrolled in Medicaid, and 5,400 young adults were able to retain coverage through their parents\u2019 plans. For more than 87% of the individuals enrolled in the health insurance marketplace, financial assistance was available that could reduce the cost of the average plan to $97 per month.\n283,000 individuals in the district \u2013 including 52,000 children and 122,000 women \u2013 now have health insurance that covers preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.\n10,400 seniors in the district received Medicare Part D prescription drug discounts worth $14.1 million.\n153,000 seniors in the district are now eligible for Medicare preventive services without paying any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.\n235,000 individuals in the district are protected by ACA provisions that prevent insurance companies from spending more than 20% of their premiums on profits and administrative overhead. Because of these protections, over 8,400 individuals in the district received approximately $3.4 million in insurance company rebates.\nUp to 36,000 children in the district with preexisting health conditions can no longer be denied coverage by health insurers.\n235,000 individuals in the district now have insurance that cannot place annual or lifetime limits on their coverage.\nFirst, this only includes private marketplace enrollment figures through April 19th and doesn't account for those who never paid their first month's premium (around 800,000 people). The good news is that, ironically, by my calculations this number should be more than cancelled out by the additional enrollees since April 19th (around 1.3 million nationally, of which around 900K have paid). Even if I'm off by a bit one one side or the other, there's a good 100K cushion there...so yes, the number of paid enrollments as of September should be around the same as the total number listed in your district report.\nSecond, the Medicaid numbers only include the 6.7 million newly-added enrollees through May 31st, which leaves out an additional 500,000 Medicaid/CHIP enrollees from June....as well as, I'd imagine, another good half million or more from July and August. Whatever \"Medicaid/CHIP\" number is listed in your district report is almost certainly at least 15% higher by now (for states which have expanded Medicaid) or perhaps 5% higher for states which didn't.\nThe only quibble I might have with these numbers is the first one, which assumes 60% were previously uninsured based on the KFF study instead of the actual 57%. However, again, those numbers are only based on either 4/19 or 5/31 totals, so I'm certain that the 3% difference has been more than made up by now, making those numbers accurate as of September.\nThe other slightly squirrelly number is the \"young adults on their parents plan\" figure, which has been the subject of dispute since it was released. Again, however, this number is from 2 years ago (remember, some ACA provisions have been in effect since 2010), and whatever the actual number was then has certainly gone up since that time.\nIn other words, no matter what, you should be on very safe ground with the numbers in these reports. Use them.\nShould the GOP take control of the Senate, drop-off voters are most concerned that \u201cRepublicans will take away a woman\u2019s right to choose and restrict access to birth control\u201d (58 percent rank this very concerning), \u201cRepublicans will cut access to health care for 8 million people and let insurance companies refuse to cover people with pre-existing conditions\u201d (58 percent) and \u201cRepublicans will cut back workplace protections for women, denying equal pay for equal work\u201d (57 percent)\u2026.\nOf course, the truth is that it's far more than 8 million people whose healthcare is at risk here. There's also another 6-7 million or so on Medicaid who'd be at risk of having their coverage yanked away as well, not to mention that millions more would be at risk of going back to the \"good old days\" when insurance companies could kick you to the curb on a whim or tell you to go pound sand if you have a pre-existing condition (that is, something which requires, you know, medical treatment).\nThe Affordable Care Act (aka \"Obamacare\", aka \"the ACA\") isn't a perfect law; no law is. However, it's still a huge improvement over what we had before, and it paves the way for an even better system going forward. That's why I support it, and that's why Democrats should be doing so loud & clear", + " throw its weight into the battle to see if it can recapture entire Donbas. However no one thinks that Poroshenko would order such an attack as another defeat would mean the end of his political career. To make sure, nobody in the Ukrainian leadership does, the EU wants Ukraine to remain under-equipped to a certain degree. Also it is afraid that IF Ukraine\u2019s army became a proper opponent to what Russia can send it at any moment, the conflict could spiral out of control.\nThe Ukrainian army position on the diplomatic initiative is: \u201cRussia suffers under the sanctions, keeping them in place is the only way to eventually solve the conflict due to negotiations\u201d. Some experts think that this implies, lifting the sanctions against Russia could make the Ukrainian government and army turn to \u201cPlan B\u201d as mentioned above.\nAsked about OSCE observations that the Ukrainian army sometimes advances into the grey area, officers made it clear that they regard the \u2013 signed also by Russia! \u2013 September 19, 2014 contact line as the real one, according to Minsk. This means the army sees advances into the grey zone \u201cto supply our citizens in it\u201d and possibly take new positions as its full right.\nThe grey zone, meaning points behind what Ukraine holds now but what it regards as on its side of the September 19, 2014 contact lin,e reaches \u201cbetween 200 meters and 7 kilometres\u201d into not-held territory, sometimes held by separatists, sometimes held by nobody. Thus, it includes \u201chundreds of settlements\u201d which Ukraine regards as under its protection according to the first Minsk agreement. The army denies that entering these areas violates Minsk and left open, whether it could install permanent positions inside this area. For now, only temporary advances are on the agenda.\nRussian-speaking people could turn to Russia, fleeing to it or even rise up in the eastern and southern regions, trying to make those areas part of Russia. By the way: All experts agree that Russia is not better off economically, just more successfully creating that image with its propaganda, also received among many \u201cneutral\u201d Ukrainians.\nBecause of all this, economic experts assume that Ukraine is \u201ctoo big to fail\u201d and must be economically secured at any price. So the fight against the economic downturn is closely connected to the fight against Russia\u2019s hybrid war on the country and the fight against corruption.\nAgainst the backdrop of an \u2013 again \u2013 escalating war in Eastern Ukraine, it was revealed today that Russia extended its \u201csupport for the rebels\u201d or rather: supply of its troops by a further mean, namely by a direct train connection from Russia into occupied Donbas.\nGiven the fact that the Russian invasion command did everything to conquer the important railway knot of Debaltseve and seeing a steady escalation in Russian-led violence in Eastern Ukraine over the last weeks, the assumption that full-scale hostilities will resume until summer seems rather obvious. Thus, it is no surprise that the Russian army needs to create a strong and steady supply line to its forces in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Rumors that such line was established popped up here and there over the last 2 months, however, solid evidence was missing so far.\nThis changed today, when the Ukrainian Twitter user \u201cLenz Gottfried\u201d uploaded a picture of two Russian \u201chybrid\u201d troops, hugging at an undosclosed train station in front of what seemed to be a (state-owned) Russian Railways cargo train, packed with ammunition boxes.\nAccording to the uploader of the picture, the boxes contain ammunition for the \u00ab\u0410\u043a\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438\u00bb / 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery, however this type of artillery system is not known to have been deployed by Russian forces so far. While this description might be a (rather unimportant) mistake given the clearly military cargo inside the wagons, the exact geolocation of the picture inside Ukraine was crucial to verify the claim that the scene played inside Ukraine. This process needed no less than 2 hours, in which I matched more than 50 train stations inside occupied Donbas with the picture, searching for a facility with the properties and objects that can be seen in it. Finally, I found the right one and was able to confirm that despite the small ammunition type error, the scene indeed shows what it claims, namely a direct Russian army supply line into Ukraine\u2019s Luhansk region via railway, more precisely the town of Sukhodil\u2019s\u2018k, around 10 km from the border with Russia. The below picture shows the analytical chart that verifies the location as well as the way, the train probably took to get there.\nAs it can be seen in the chart above, the train likely entered via the Russian-occupied Izvaryne border crossing, which (despite claims to have done so) the Ukrainian army was never able to reach since the start of the invasion in April last year. Thus, it served as a safe passage for Russian troops and equipment, crossing it in vehicles as well as the notorious \u201chumanitarian aid convoys", + " this is a victory for them. In 2010, which was the first midterm election under President Obama, the Democrats lost 6 senate seats and 63 house seats. In 2002, however, the Republicans kept both Houses under President Bush. This makes sense, given the political climate at the time and the war just beginning in Afghanistan. In 1994, during President Clinton\u2019s first term, the Democrats lost 9 Senate seats and also lost 54 House seats. Given the history of first-term midterm elections, President Trump gaining seats in one of the chambers is a victory for the Republicans. Also, keeping the Senate is arguably more important than keeping the House. With control of the Senate, Trump can get his court appointments confirmed. The biggest problems with not having control of the House is the possibility of impeachment and a block of any future tax cuts. However, Trump has already gotten his big tax cut through, so he isn\u2019t looking to do another one very soon. Also, impeachment isn\u2019t a problem because the Senate has to remove the President from office, which won\u2019t happen with a Republican Senate. Keeping the Senate will be more important for Trump than keeping the House because he can still get his appointments confirmed by the Senate.\nThis is why this was a victory of the Republicans. They beat history and gained a few seats in the Senate. However, they lost the House. The was a lesser evil for Trump, because he can do more with a Republican Senate than a Republican House. Even though the Democrats gained the House, this year was not a victory for them. It was still a decent election for them, because they took control of one of the chambers, but the Republicans still got what they needed to achieve their goals.\nThe House \u2013 With California\u2019s 21st Congressional District, the last undecided race of the 2018 midterms, and the vast majority of election wins certified, the numbers are in: Democrats gained 39 House seats, securing a solid 234-seat majority for the next session. Central to their victory was the political shift among sparsely populated suburban areas that voted solidly Republican in 2016, delivering a net Democratic gain of 15 seats. Likewise, densely populated suburban districts that voted solidly Democrat in 2016 shifted more Democratic, with 12 more seats flipping. Overall, the shift was most profound in districts that voted for Romney and Trump in previous elections, accounting for one-third of Democratic pickups \u2013 a sharp rebuke of Republican policies that have ostracized many independent and conservative voters alike.\nThe Senate \u2013 In the Senate, Democrats fared better than expected, losing only 2 seats for a 53-seat Republican majority against a brutal electoral map: 74% of senate seats up for election were held by Democrats, the most seats any non-presidential party had to defend in midterms since 1914. In addition, Democrats overperformed in nearly every state, beating even partisan leans of 25+ points in states that voted overwhelmingly for Trump, like West Virginia \u2013 which he had previously won with a 36% margin.\nThe Voters \u2013 Both parties\u2019 bases were highly motivated, with voter turnout increasing nearly 10% from the 40% national average; in Texas alone, voter turnout increased 14% to 46% total. Democrat Beto O\u2019Rourke came to within 3 points of Republican Ted Cruz by winning over burgeoning urban voters that already, in five counties alone, encompass 43% of Texas\u2019 population. The combination of high urban population growth and continued high voter turnout is projected to make Texas a swing state by 2024, and much more competitive in 2020, when Senator John Cornyn\u2019s seat is up for election.\nThe Future \u2013 The recent news about Special Counsel Mueller\u2019s investigation into alleged Russian interference and current Democratic control of the House and its Judiciary Committee suggest more conflict ahead. It is necessary among Democratic and Independent voters to protect the Special Counsel \u2013 himself a lifelong Republican, former Marine, and 12-year FBI director \u2013 from executive interference. However, many Americans expect legislative gridlock in the coming session to stall policy-making at a time when national debt interest, accruing faster due to a recent tax overhaul and spending bill, will surpass defense spending. Moreover, the international status quo increasingly demands unified action.\nMy Opinion \u2013 Keeping in mind the above, the American people have delivered their most resounding verdict yet on the current status quo \u2013 one of bitterness, partisanship, and sociopolitical division ordained by populist demagoguery \u2013 by voting for checks and balance, rule of law, and reason in candidates professing different views than a Republican contingent that seems bent on abandoning its foundations of fiscal responsibility and constitutionality for political expediency, all the while championing the burning effigy of moral integrity. Its base, the Great Silent Majority of working-class, suburban, law", + " paper template.\nCultural diversity essay topics computer store business plan ideas integral calculus solved problems pdf download best group insurance plans for small business sample dissertation ppt step by step guide to writing a business plan template scholarship essay writing help on leadership apa 6th edition dissertation sample outline example of a strategic plan for a business loan what you need to start a party planning business, good essay leads mers assignment of mortgage form research paper workshop 123 free essay codes nonprofit business plan template, data warehousing research papers pdf free reword essay generator weekly homework answer key love of basketball essays article essay difference, degree dissertation proposal social science research paper outline template pldt mydsl business plan free research paper outline examples for science teaching problem solving skills for psych topic of research paper tips on college essay about identity princeton supplement essay example. 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Attractive design:The whole home looks beautiful and elegant. 2. Light in weight and convenient in shipping. 3. Easy to assemble and dismantle, the container home can be rebuilt for dozens of times .\n20ft Economical Portable Shipping Container Prefab House for Sale and Shipping Container House is affordable,stylish and durable. They can also be portable. Tailored to your needs!\n20FT Container House, Mobile Movable Homes, Office manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Tiny House / Cabin Shipping Container, Transportable Expandable Container House with Bathroom and Kitchen, Customized 20\u2032 House Container and so on.\n20FT Container House, Mobile Movable Homes, Office manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Australia Standard Shipping Container Houses, Transportable Expandable Container House with Bathroom and Kitchen, Customized 20\u2032 House Container and so on.\nA: The package size of this 20ft expandable house is 2200W*5910L*2520H, the door size of 20\u2019GP container is 2200W*2200mmH,so it can\u2019t be loaded into 20\u2019GP container. If you just buy one unit, it will waste your shipping cost a lot.\nFolding Container House Introduction Modulad folding container house is designed to fit shipping container when export. It is made of galvanized steel pipe as house frame and sandwich panel for wall and roof, then facilitated with windows, doors, flooring, ceiling and other additional accessories.\nMovable Container House Flat Pack Office, Movable Container House for Camping, Steel Frame Living Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Movable Container House 20FT Luxury Shipping Container Office (SU-C123), Prefabricated Steel Structure Shopping Mall for Sale (SD-603), Billboard Steel Structure Design Prefab House for Sale (SD-600) and so on.\nContainer House, Movable House, Prefab House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Australia Europe USA 20ft and 40ft Luxury Container Homes, New and Used 20FT 40FT Overseas Shipping Container for Sale in Qingdao Shanghai Ningbo, 40gp 40hc 40FT Shipping Container for Sale in Australia and so on.\nStandard 20ft prefab japanese movable container house/prefab house/modular house Company information : Jiangsu CS Modular House Co.,Ltd is the lead manufacturer for modular container house.\nLuxury 20ft modern portable modular insulated prefabricated house prefab container outdoor houses. 1. Q: Are you a factory or trading company? A:Guangzhou Moneybox Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd. is a factory located in Panyu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province.\nprefabricated 20ft 40hq container houses villa/movable house for sale with one bedroom, US $ 2,200 - 4,500 / Unit, Tianjin, China (Mainland), Zhonejie, 20ft, 40ft and 40HQ.Source from Tianjin Zhongjie Jinchen Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\n20ft/ 40ft shipping container house /bedroom movable house/expandable container homes, US $ 3,000 - 5,000 / Set, Zhejiang, China (Mainland), SUR, XYJ.Source from Hangzhou Xiaoya Prefabricated House Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\nContainer House, Temporary House, Shipping Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering 20FT Movable Shipping Container House for Dormitory (Office & Accommodation), Fashionable Two Floor Shipping Container Villa, Cheapest Bunk House Folding Container Family House and so on.\nPrefab house office container Introduction. Container House is designed and developed according to the standard size of shipping container. It is widely used as office, meeting room, dormitory, shop,toilet, storage, shower room, restaurant, labor camp and so on.\n20FT Prefab Container House, Prefab Container House, Prefab House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering China Movable Prefab Assemble and Disassemble Container House, 20ft/40ft Shipping Container/ISO Shipping Container, Mobile House and so on.\nPrefabricated House, Light Steel Structure, Modular House manufacturer / supplier in China,", + "-edge restaurants to offbeat shops, art galleries, and nightclubs.\nOther running highlights in Mexico city are the Coyoacan and San Angel neighborhoods. Not far from the city, El Ocotal, Cuemanc, Bosque de Tlalpan, and Forest of Aragon are worthy running destinations.\nThere are two obstacles when running in Mexico City: altitude and pollution. Located at an altitude of 7,350 ft in the Valley of Mexico (a large valley in the high plateaus at the center of Mexico), it is important to allow yourself to become acclimated to the elevation before pushing yourself. Pollution is also a reality in Mexico City. Try planning your runs in the morning or the evening, and the air quality will be better.\n**Big thanks to Go! Running Tours for their help outlining the best running routes in Mexico City**.\nMexico City is huge but there are various forms of public transit to help you get around. The quickest form of transportation is the metro system, consisting of 12 lines with 195 stations. All lines operate from 5am to midnight weekdays, 6am to midnight Saturday and 7am to midnight Sunday and holidays. Peseros (also called microb\u00fases or combis) are gray-and-green minibuses operated by private firms. They follow fixed routes, often starting or ending at metro stations, and will stop at virtually any street corner. Route information is randomly displayed on cards attached to the windshield. The city\u2019s bus rapid transit line is the Metrob\u00fas. The metrob\u00fas stops at metro-style stations in the middle of the street, spaced at three- to four-block intervals. Buses and peseros operate from around 5am till 10pm daily, depending on the route. Electric trolleybuses generally run until 11:30pm.\n\u201cBosque de Chapultepec\u201d (Chapultepec Forest) is the largest city park in the Western Hemisphere and is often referred to as Mexico City\u2019s \"lungs\". We've mapped out a 3.6 mile park loop, and 5k loops of El Sope and Minor Lake.\nCentrally located park located in the trendy Condesa neighborhood provides an urban oasis for runners. A loop of the trails and paths is about 1 km, so you'll have to do some laps.\nThis is a 6.2 mile tour of some of Mexico City's most important and historic sites, starting from the Z\u00f3calo metro station. Note that on Sundays, Reforma Avenue is closed to traffic until mid-day -- a special bonus for runners!\nA 3 mile tour of Coyoac\u00e1n, a quaint neighborhood is known for its cobblestone and bohemian flavor. Includes some parks, pretty residential streets, and some sites including Templo de San Juan Bautista and the Frida Kahlo Museum.\nA stunningly beautiful neighborhood of cobblestone streets, Colonial-Era homes, as well as several worthwhile museums south of the city center. Mexico City\u2019s Secretary of Tourism named the San Angel neighborhood a Barrio Magico (Magic Neighborhood).\nA forest in the Cuajimalpa delegation in Mexico City. The best time to visit is on the weekends, when it is bustling with runners and walkers. There are native tree species such as fir, ash and pine. A running circuit of about 2.15 miles is very popular.\nCanal Cuemanco, in the eastern part of the city, was the venue for rowing competitions in the 1968 olympic games. A paved 5K path around the canal makes for a great place to run away from Colonia Centro. Great views of volcanoes and mountains.\nThe Bosque de Arag\u00f3n is a park located in the Gustavo A. Madero, near the International Airport of Mexico City. There is a 2.5 km paved path surrounding a fountain and a second 5 km dirt path around the perimeter of the park.\nForest of Tlalpan is perhaps one of the best known by runners, athletes, and nature lovers who live south of Mexico City. The five different running tracks, and natural beauty make this forest one of the favorite places for exercise. Accessible by public transport.\nMexico City enjoys mild, pleasant weather (great for running) year round. It\u2019s climate is classified as subtropical highland due to its tropical location and high elevation. The average high is between 70 an 85 (21 to 28 12 to \u00b0C) throughout the year. Nights can be cool, as low as 5C in thw winter months. October through May is the city\u2019s dry season, and from June through September is considered the \u201crainy season\u201d. During the summer months it rains on average once a day, though the rain rarely lasts longer than a few hours. Due to the city\u2019s location near the equator, there is not great variation in daylight length.\nThere are", + " its most basic level, the cloud is the Internet, or more accurately, a piece of the Internet. The underlying metaphor is that the Internet is the sky and that the sky is made up of all of these different clouds, each one of which can provide a different service. The Gmail cloud, for instance, delivers us our mail. The Dropbox cloud stores our files. So where does the iCloud fall into this?\nThese services include iCloud Drive, which is similar to Dropbox and Google Drive, iCloud Photo Library, which is an offshoot of Photo Stream, iTunes Match and even Apple Music. iCloud also provides us with a way to back up our iPad in case we need to restore it at a future point, and while we can download the iWork suite to our iPad from the App Store, we can also run Pages, Numbers, and Keynote on our laptop or desktop PCs through icloud.com.\nSo what is iCloud? It is the name of Apple's cloud-based or Internet-based services, of which there are plenty.\nWhat Can I Get From iCloud? How Can I Use It?\niCloud Backup and Restore. Let's start with the most basic use for the service that everyone should be using. Apple provides 5 GB of free iCloud storage for Apple ID account, which is the account you use to login to the App Store and buy apps. This storage can be used for many purposes including storing photos, but perhaps its best use is for backing up your iPad.\nBy default, every time you plug your iPad into a wall outlet or a computer to charge it, the iPad will attempt to back itself up to iCloud. You can also manually initiate a backup by opening the Settings app and navigating to iCloud > Backup > Back Up Now. You can restore from a backup by following the procedure to reset your iPad to factory default and then choosing to restore from the backup during the setup process of the iPad.\nIf you upgrade to a new iPad, you can also choose to restore from a backup, which makes the upgrade process seamless.\nFind My Device. Another important feature of iCloud is the Find My iPhone/iPad/MacBook service. Not only can you use this feature to track down the whereabouts of your iPad or iPhone, but you can also use it to lock down the iPad if it is lost or even remotely reset it to factory default, which erases all data on the iPad. While it can sound creepy to have your iPad tracked wherever it travels, it also combines with putting a passcode lock on your iPad to make it quite secure.\niCloud Drive. Apple's cloud storage solution isn't quite as smooth as Dropbox, but it ties in well with the iPad, iPhone, and Macs. You can also access iCloud Drive from Windows, so you aren't locked into Apple's ecosystem. So what is iCloud Drive? It is a service that allows apps to store documents on the Internet, which allows you to access those files from multiple devices. In this way, you can create a Numbers spreadsheet on your iPad, access it from your iPhone, pull it up on your Mac to make edits and even use your Windows-based PC to modify it by signing into iCloud.com.\niCloud Photo Library, Shared Photo Albums, and My Photo Stream. Apple has been hard at work delivering a cloud-based photo solution for a few years now and they've ended with a bit of a mess.\nMy Photo Stream is a service that uploads every picture taken to the cloud and downloads it onto every other device signed up for My Photo Stream. This can make for awkward situations, especially if you don't want every photo uploaded to the Internet. It also means if you take a picture of a product in a store so you can remember the brand name or model number, that picture will find its way onto every other device. Still, the feature can be a life-saver for those who want the photos taken on their iPhone to transfer to their iPad without doing any work. Unfortunately, My Photo Stream photos disappear after a while, holding a maximum of 1000 photos at a time.\niCloud Photo Library is the new version of Photo Stream. The big difference is that it actually uploads the photos to iCloud permanently, so you don't have to worry about the maximum number of photos. You also have the ability to download the entire image on your device or an optimized version that doesn't take up as much storage space. Unfortunately, iCloud Photo Library isn't part of iCloud Drive.\nApple, in their infinite *cough* wisdom, decided to keep the photos separate and, while they advertise the photos are easily accessible on your Mac or Windows-based PC, the actual usability is poor. However, as a service, iCloud Photo Library is still very useful even if Apple hasn't quite nailed the idea of cloud-based photos.\nContacts, Calendars, Reminders, Notes, etc. Many of the basic apps that come with the iPad can utilize iCloud to sync between devices. So if you wanted to access notes from your iPad and your iPhone, you can simply turn on Notes in the iCloud section of your iPad", + " interference and increases video and audio quality. The 6 feet cable connects a display port enabled computer to an HD monitor or projector with DP port unit for audio and video streaming.\nThe cable gives you the best and quality video resolution you need. The DP has a latch that provides a secure and reliable connection with the port where the latch must be pressed down before unplugging the connector. This is perfect for extended display or mirrored displays.\nThe cable supports resolutions of up to 3840 by 2160 and high-definition videos. This display port provides you with a secure and reliable connection any time you need it. It has pure copper conductors and triple metal shielding that enhance a perfect performance.\nThis cable transmits both high definition video from your computer or tablet to an HD display. It has gold-plated and copper conductors that protect the cable from damage and improve its performance.\nHas foil and braid shielding that helps in reducing electromagnetic interference.\nIt has an ergonomic design where it has secured grips for easy plugging and unplugging. The cable measures 6 foot and supports a high video resolution. This cable provides you with a high-quality connection no matter where you are.\nThis is a perfect choice when you need quality and clear videos and pictures. The cable provides you with a high video resolution. The cable is 10 foot long to provide you with enough and secure connection from any position.\nThe cable is gold-plated for preventing corrosion and providing a secure connection. Has a release button that is always lowered before unplugging. Has a slim design where you can fold it easily for easy carrying.\nThis cable has latching gold-plated connectors for providing a secure and reliable connection. The gold plating also helps in resisting damage, and this enhances the durability of the cable. Features braided copper conductors for providing a reliable signal from source to display design with foil design for an uninterrupted connection.\nThe display port provides you with a secure connection where it has a release button that must be lowered before unplugging. It transmits HD audio, and video from you\u2019re your computer to a monitor for video streaming and gaming. You can also connect and configure your monitor for an extended monitor display.\nThis cable is easily connected to a display port that is equipped with a desktop to an HD monitor or projector for easy streaming and gaming. The cable transmits high definition video and audio from your computer to a monitor where it also convenient for gaming and live streaming. It supports it provides you with a high video resolution.\nIt can work with various display port modes for providing you with deep color depths and sharp images. It is gold plated for increasing providing quality connection where the plating also prevents damage. The cable has an available price that will favor your pocket.\nFlexibility: Before buying any cable, you ask yourself the questions like what type of install is the cable going into? Is everything fixed? You need to find a cable that is flexible enough such that it is mobile to be used everywhere and in different scenarios. A flexible will always give you the freedom of using the cable everywhere provided the cable has a slim design for easy carrying and storage.\nDurability: Buying a durable display port cable means you will keep yourself out of the shops buying new products time by time. Consider buying a cable that is plated with strong material that prevents corrosion or any form of damage. There are other cables that are made from strong materials that are strong enough to enhance the durability of the cable. You have to do better research on the product you want to buy because there are many products in the market and buying a durable cable can be a tiring job.\nCost: Consider buying a port that is very well priced and a cable that will suit your pocket. Mostly, the high-quality cable is costly than the low-quality cables. You can still buy the low priced cables where they perform their function efficiently. Buying an expensive or low costing product only depends on the strength of your pocket. Avoid buying a product that will affect your budget, but if you are financially stable, you can spend on the expensive cables.\nDesign: A good cable should always have a perfect design that will make its use simple. It should have a slim design for easy carrying and storage. A foldable cable is always portable, and this makes it best to use in any position. A cable that is molded with good design will always provide you with the best results you want.\nQuality: Consider buying a cable that is of high quality and a cable that will suit your needs very well. If you purchase a low-quality cable, you will be forced to return it to the shops or buy a new one, and this will be costly. To avoid all these problems, do proper research on the product you want to buy.\nChoosing the best Display port on the market can give you stress because the products are numerous in the market and you have to do proper research before buying any cable. You have to consider many things to avoid buying a product that will not suit your functions. Consider the products in the guide above because they are of high quality and well", + " is careful that indebtedness is only a transitional phase before making the capital gains on one's purchase. Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits.\nThe bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market.\nTaking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge.\nThis formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a \"dry\" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan.\nIf the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late.\n3 - The Bridging loan with a \"total allowance\"\nThis option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month.\nThe redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment.\nAs time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we \"amortize\" thus the property this way.\nHowever, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client.\nFinally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable.\nDuring the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment.\nThe bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan.\nDo not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incapacity.\nIn the scope of a purchase via a Civil Company in Real estate (", + " Kang captures in her recent article in the New York Times, the people who depend on it fear the outcome if their state legislators take it away.\n\u201cWe\u2019re very worried because there is no way we could run this equipment on the internet service we used to have, and we can\u2019t imagine the loss we\u2019ll have to the business,\u201d said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm.\nAs Kang notes in her article, the FCC has no plans to appeal the decision, so battles will resume at the state level. Advocates will need to be twice as vigilant because incumbents - the only ones that come out ahead from this decision - may try to push state legislators for even tougher anti-competitive state barriers.\nEPB customers love the fast, affordable, reliable Internet access they get from their muni and they appreciate the way its smart-grid helps them save money on their electric bill. According to a new J.D. Power report, their municipal utility is also the highest rated mid-size utility in the South for customer service and reliability.\nJust a month ago, Consumer Reports magazine rated EPB the best TV and Internet access utility in the county for customer satisfaction, as chosen by a reader survey. The J.D. Power report went on to rank EPB number two in the country in the category of municipal or investor-owned electric utility.\nThe Times Free Press reports that in 2015 EPB Fiber Optics earned a net income of $23.5 million while the electric division earned $3.5 million. EPB President David Wade said that the smart-grid has reduced power outages by 60 percent and contributed to customer satisfaction by enhancing reliability of the system.\n\"The lesson that utilities can learn from other high-performing service providers is that to excel you need a culture that puts customers and employees first,\" said John Hazen, senior director of the utility practice at J.D. Power. \"And because customer expectations continue to increase, you need to have a mindset of continuous improvement to keep up.\"\nEPB Chairman Joe Ferguson said the favorable grades from EPB customers reflect the utility's local ownership, public service and management focus on serving the customer.\nMinneapolis, MN - The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decided today to dismiss the FCC's February 2015 decision to encourage Internet investment in Tennessee and North Carolina. Tennessee and North Carolina had both restricted local authority to build competitive networks.\n\"We're disappointed that the FCC's efforts to ensure local Internet choice have been struck down,\" says Christopher Mitchell with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. \"We thank the FCC for working so hard to fight for local authority and we hope that states themselves will recognize the folly of defending big cable and telephone monopolies and remove these barriers to local investment. Communities desperately need these connections and must be able to decide for themselves how to ensure residents and businesses have high quality Internet access.\"\nILSR and Next Century Cities filed an Amicus brief in support of the FCC's position. View the Court's Opinion here.\nDisappointing news from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today as the Court chooses to reverse the FCC\u2019s February 2015 preemption order that peeled back restrictive state laws in Tennessee and North Carolina. We have the opinion for you to download and review. You can also view the decision at the Sixth Circuit's website.\nWe consider the Sixth Circuit\u2019s decision disappointing, incorrect, and we hope the FCC and the cities of Chattanooga and Wilson appeal this decision. Local connectivity and telecommunications should be determined by the people who will be affected by their own decisions, not by officials who are distant, unaware of local matters, and lobbied by rich corporate Internet Service Providers with an interest in limiting competition.\nIn their statement, Next Century Cities, who joined us in filing an Amicus Brief, said, \"Today\u2019s court ruling is a setback in the fight to ensure access to next-generation broadband for more Americans, and Next Century Cities is disappointed by this decision.\"\n\u201cToday\u2019s ruling doesn\u2019t change the fact that these laws were hurting communities in Tennessee and North Carolina. They were written by telecom industry lobbyists to protect incumbents like AT&T and Comcast from competition. Similar laws exist in other states, and they all need to go. State legislatures should repeal these laws and replace them with ones that promote competition and consumer choice.\nThe results of a statewide Tennessee survey on residential and business connectivity are in and they ain't pretty. Thirteen percent of the state - more than 834,000 people - don\u2019t have access to 25 Megabits per second (Mbps) download and 3 Mbps upload, which is the FCC's definition of broadband. Authors of the study make a number of recommendations, the first of which is removing state barriers that stifle Internet infrastructure investment.\n\"...A More Open Regulatory Environment\"\nThe study, commissioned by the state\u2019s Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) earlier this year, includes feedback from more than 23,000 households and businesses.\nThe State of Tennessee could", + " candidate assessment platforms on the market. We did thorough research and created a list of the best skill assessment tools, measured by reviews, services offered and ease of use.\nAll of the platforms we included in our list offer candidate assessment tests which can be administered quickly and easily through well-designed software.\neSkill is an online skills assessment solution which helps organizations deploy the most accurate, valid tests for pre-employment and skills gap assessments. You can choose from over 600 standard tests, 5000 combinable topics or create your own content for any job and industry.\nDevskiller offers developer screening and online interviews in one platform. They offer a possibility to test programming languages, frameworks and libraries. With their Test Wizard, you can generate a coding test based on your job description in order to verify the coding skills you are looking for.\nWith Interview Mocha, you can verify your candidate\u2019s job fit with our 1000+ skill tests, aptitude tests, enterprise-ready assessment platform. You can choose from a vast library of pre-built skill tests, customize one yourself or order a custom-made test specially designed for you.\nThe Hire Talent offers different pre-employment test solutions, including people (EQ) & logic (IQ) assessments, work personality assessments, skills assessments and sales aptitude and skills assessments.\nMercer Mettl is an online talent assessments platform which can help you measure your candidates\u2019 skills, personality and ability. You can choose from their test library of different psychometric, cognitive and technical test or get custom test built for your specific needs.\nEmployee recognition is a very effective method for improving employee motivation, engagement, productivity and job satisfaction. It\u2019s a fact.\nIn a time of war for talent, employees have the power to choose their employer. Losing your top talent to your competitors can be detrimental for your business.\nThis is why many employers invest a lot of time, money and effort to improve their employee experience. They are doing their best to keep their employees happy and satisfied. For example, most companies these days try to provide fancy perks and benefits, implement an employee wellness program, etc.\nBut the question is how effective are all of their efforts? What do employees really care about?\nIs it really true that a simple act of saying praise to your employees can improve your company\u2019s bottom line by keeping your best employees?\nI won\u2019t say a word. The following statistics speak for themselves.\nThe Conference Board\u2019s latest survey on job satisfaction has found that only 51% of employees feel overall satisfied with their job. This survey gauged approximately 1,500 employed individuals, who together comprise a snapshot of the U.S. workforce.\nHalf of U.S. employees are watching the job market or actively looking for a job, based on findings from a new Gallup Workforce Panel study. Results are based on a Gallup Panel Web study completed by 13,008 U.S. adults who are demographically representative of the U.S. adult population.\nThe main reasons why employees leave their jobs is that they don\u2019t feel appreciated, according to Gallup\u2019 research.\nAccording to Gallup\u2019s analysis, only one in three workers in the U.S. strongly agree that they received recognition or praise for doing good work in the past seven days.\nEven more, Gallup Poll shows that 65% of employees haven\u2019t received any form of recognition for good work in the last year!\nAccording to Officevibe\u2019s recent study, 82% of employees think it\u2019s better to give someone praise than a gift.\nTotal costs associated with a turnover range from 90% to 200% of an employee\u2019s annual salary, according to a report from the Center for American Progress.\nDiscover the top 5 data-backed reasons to use skills assessment tests in your hiring process.\nAre you using skill assessment tests in your hiring process?\nAccording to Career Builder research, 74% of employers admit they\u2019ve hired the wrong person for a position.\nLuckily, there is a simple way to avoid making a bad hire.\nUsing a skills assessment test helps companies to ensure that their job candidates really have the required skills to successfully perform their jobs.\nThere are many advantages of using skill assessment tests along with the traditional selection methods such as reviewing resumes and conducting job interviews.\nSkills assessment tests help employers check if their perfect candidates are really a great fit for the job and the company culture as they claim to be. As a result, making a bad hire is much less common among employers who use skill assessment tests.\nUsing a skill assessment test has proven benefits.\nSkill assessment test help employers check the truthfulness of candidates\u2019 resumes. By applying skill assessments test, employers can verify is their candidates really possess the skills they claim to have.\nUsing skills assessment tests is an effective method to address the serious problem of skills gaps among job candidates.\nRecent research conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management has found that 75% of HR professionals who reported difficulty recruiting in the past 12 months say there are skills gaps in job candidates.\nSkill assessment test can provide", + ". It can be a financial leverage, a perfect tool to create holdings provided one is careful that indebtedness is only a transitional phase before making the capital gains on one's purchase. Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits.\nThe bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market.\nTaking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge.\nThis formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a \"dry\" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan.\nIf the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late.\n3 - The Bridging loan with a \"total allowance\"\nThis option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month.\nThe redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment.\nAs time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we \"amortize\" thus the property this way.\nHowever, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client.\nFinally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable.\nDuring the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment.\nThe bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan.\nDo not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incap", + " Internet access positively impacts real people and businesses and, as Cecila Kang captures in her recent article in the New York Times, the people who depend on it fear the outcome if their state legislators take it away.\n\u201cWe\u2019re very worried because there is no way we could run this equipment on the internet service we used to have, and we can\u2019t imagine the loss we\u2019ll have to the business,\u201d said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm.\nAs Kang notes in her article, the FCC has no plans to appeal the decision, so battles will resume at the state level. Advocates will need to be twice as vigilant because incumbents - the only ones that come out ahead from this decision - may try to push state legislators for even tougher anti-competitive state barriers.\nEPB customers love the fast, affordable, reliable Internet access they get from their muni and they appreciate the way its smart-grid helps them save money on their electric bill. According to a new J.D. Power report, their municipal utility is also the highest rated mid-size utility in the South for customer service and reliability.\nJust a month ago, Consumer Reports magazine rated EPB the best TV and Internet access utility in the county for customer satisfaction, as chosen by a reader survey. The J.D. Power report went on to rank EPB number two in the country in the category of municipal or investor-owned electric utility.\nThe Times Free Press reports that in 2015 EPB Fiber Optics earned a net income of $23.5 million while the electric division earned $3.5 million. EPB President David Wade said that the smart-grid has reduced power outages by 60 percent and contributed to customer satisfaction by enhancing reliability of the system.\n\"The lesson that utilities can learn from other high-performing service providers is that to excel you need a culture that puts customers and employees first,\" said John Hazen, senior director of the utility practice at J.D. Power. \"And because customer expectations continue to increase, you need to have a mindset of continuous improvement to keep up.\"\nEPB Chairman Joe Ferguson said the favorable grades from EPB customers reflect the utility's local ownership, public service and management focus on serving the customer.\nMinneapolis, MN - The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decided today to dismiss the FCC's February 2015 decision to encourage Internet investment in Tennessee and North Carolina. Tennessee and North Carolina had both restricted local authority to build competitive networks.\n\"We're disappointed that the FCC's efforts to ensure local Internet choice have been struck down,\" says Christopher Mitchell with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. \"We thank the FCC for working so hard to fight for local authority and we hope that states themselves will recognize the folly of defending big cable and telephone monopolies and remove these barriers to local investment. Communities desperately need these connections and must be able to decide for themselves how to ensure residents and businesses have high quality Internet access.\"\nILSR and Next Century Cities filed an Amicus brief in support of the FCC's position. View the Court's Opinion here.\nDisappointing news from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today as the Court chooses to reverse the FCC\u2019s February 2015 preemption order that peeled back restrictive state laws in Tennessee and North Carolina. We have the opinion for you to download and review. You can also view the decision at the Sixth Circuit's website.\nWe consider the Sixth Circuit\u2019s decision disappointing, incorrect, and we hope the FCC and the cities of Chattanooga and Wilson appeal this decision. Local connectivity and telecommunications should be determined by the people who will be affected by their own decisions, not by officials who are distant, unaware of local matters, and lobbied by rich corporate Internet Service Providers with an interest in limiting competition.\nIn their statement, Next Century Cities, who joined us in filing an Amicus Brief, said, \"Today\u2019s court ruling is a setback in the fight to ensure access to next-generation broadband for more Americans, and Next Century Cities is disappointed by this decision.\"\n\u201cToday\u2019s ruling doesn\u2019t change the fact that these laws were hurting communities in Tennessee and North Carolina. They were written by telecom industry lobbyists to protect incumbents like AT&T and Comcast from competition. Similar laws exist in other states, and they all need to go. State legislatures should repeal these laws and replace them with ones that promote competition and consumer choice.\nThe results of a statewide Tennessee survey on residential and business connectivity are in and they ain't pretty. Thirteen percent of the state - more than 834,000 people - don\u2019t have access to 25 Megabits per second (Mbps) download and 3 Mbps upload, which is the FCC's definition of broadband. Authors of the study make a number of recommendations, the first of which is removing state barriers that stifle Internet infrastructure investment.\n\"...A More Open Regulatory Environment\"\nThe study, commissioned by the state\u2019s Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) earlier this year, includes feedback from more than 23", + " the calves, feet, and hands. While painful, they are harmless, and in most cases, not related to any underlying disorder. Nonetheless, cramps and spasms can be manifestations of many neurological or muscular diseases.\nThe terms cramp and spasm can be somewhat vague, and they are sometimes used to include types of abnormal muscle activity other than sudden painful contraction. These include stiffness at rest, slow muscle relaxation, and spontaneous contractions of a muscle at rest (fasciculation). Fasciculation is a type of painless muscle spasm, marked by rapid, uncoordinated contraction of many small muscle fibers. A critical part of diagnosis is to distinguish these different meanings and to allow the patient to describe the problem as precisely as possible.\nNormal voluntary muscle contraction begins when electrical signals are sent from the brain through the spinal cord along nerve cells called motor neurons (Nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement). These include both the upper motor neurons within the brain and the lower motor neurons (nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement) within the spinal cord and leading out to the muscle. At the muscle, chemicals released by the motor neuron stimulate the internal release of calcium ions from stores within the muscle cell. These calcium ions then interact with muscle proteins within the cell, causing the proteins (actin and myosin) to slide past one another. This motion pulls their fixed ends closer, thereby shortening the cell and, ultimately, the muscle itself. Recapture of calcium and unlinking of actin and myosin allows the muscle fiber to relax.\nAbnormal contraction may be caused by abnormal activity at any stage in this process. Certain mechanisms within the brain and the rest of the central nervous system help regulate contraction. Interruption of these mechanisms can cause spasm. Motor neurons that are overly sensitive may fire below their normal thresholds. The muscle membrane itself may be over sensitive, causing contraction without stimulation. Calcium ions may not be recaptured quickly enough, causing prolonged contraction.\nInteruption of brain mechanisms and overly sensitive motor neurons may result from damage to the nerve pathways. Possible causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, neurodegenerative diseases, trauma, spinal cord injury, and nervous system poisons such as strychnine, tetanus, and certain insecticides. Nerve damage may lead to a prolonged or permanent muscle shortening called contracture.\nProlonged exercise: Curiously, relaxation of a muscle actually requires energy to be expended. The energy is used to recapture calcium and to unlink actin and myosin. Normally, sensations of pain and fatigue signal that it is time to rest. Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp. The familiar advice about not swimming after a heavy meal, when blood flow is directed away from the muscles, is intended to avoid this type of cramp. Rigor mortis, the stiffness of a corpse within the first 24 hours after death, is also due to this phenomenon.\nDehydration and Salt Depletion: This may be brought on by protracted vomiting or diarrhea, or by copious sweating during prolonged exercise, especially in high temperatures. Loss of fluids and salts--especially sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium--can disrupt ion balances in both muscle and nerves. This can prevent them from responding and recovering normally, and can lead to cramp.\nMetabolic disorders that affect the energy supply in muscle. These are inherited diseases in which particular muscle enzymes are deficient. They include deficiencies of myophosphorylase (McArdle's disease), phosphorylase b kinase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase.\nMyotonia: This causes stiffness due to delayed relaxation of the muscle, but does not cause the spontaneous contraction usually associated with cramps. However, many patients with myotonia do experience cramping from exercise. Symptoms of myotonia are often worse in the cold. Myotonias include myotonic dystrophy, myotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, and neuromyotonia.\nThe pain of a muscle cramp is intense, localized, and often debilitating Coming on quickly, it may last for minutes and fade gradually. Contractures develop more slowly, over days or weeks, and may be permanent if untreated. Fasciculations may occur at rest or after muscle contraction, and may last several minutes.\nMost cases of simple cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching. Gently and gradually stretching and massaging the affected muscle may ease the pain and hasten recovery.\nMore prolonged or regular cramps may be treated with drugs such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, or quinine. Fluid and salt replacement, either orally or intravenously, is used to treat dehydration. Treatment of underlying metabolic or neurologic disease, where possible, may help relieve symptoms.\nCr", + " programs.\nThere are multiple-choice quizzes for every session and classroom workouts to permit the coed to display mastery of this real estate course materials. Brokers licensed after January 1, 2001 should complete one hundred-twenty (120) further hours of Fee accredited education earlier than the third anniversary of their broker license. Contact IREC staff for assistance in case you have ever had a felony or knowledgeable license revoked. You\u2019ll receive the all-inclusive courses and supplies to construct your actual estate data and expertise.\nPrograms must be accomplished at an establishment of higher learning accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or by a comparable regional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Division of Training, or by a personal real estate college which has had its courses accredited by the California Actual Property Commissioner.\nI\u2019m also proprietor of Cram for , a website that provides observe actual estate exams for New York and New Jersey. Our employees features a team of workers which can be devoted to the success of all of our college students in each Allied real estate online programs. At Climer College of Actual Estate, we advise that, earlier than you enroll in actual estate faculty, apply to your Florida actual property license. This 6-course Actual Estate + Prep + Enterprise Etiquette Program is complete with the 6 TREC necessary programs needed for pre-licensing, state examination prep with flashcards, and our 2-day Enterprise Etiquette Program. The actual property standards of observe and code of ethics is emphasised all through every section of business. Larson Educational Providers provides the very best high quality actual estate schooling obtainable.\nYou need a professional web presence that conveys to the market the standard of your enterprise, whereas allowing you to market your properties merely and to their finest potential. CitiLights is a modern and stylish actual estate theme that may give your website a contemporary and up to date feel. We pleasure ourselves in being reliable partners in your actual property advertising and work to supply only the best to our clients. Responsive websites additionally result in elevated WEBSITE POSITIONING, which will help potential customers discover your small business. Primarily we sweep MLS feeds in lots of areas of the country, present college and neighborhood data, develop web sites and real estate instruments for the actual estate trade.\nDreamVilla is a powerful and resourceful, engaging and visually interesting, straightforward to use and very responsive WordPress single property real property web site theme. This revealed categorised list of high a hundred free categorised promoting websites is compiled by means of guide choice of very good advert websites for Indian as well as international visitors and advertisers alike. If you are a real property agent that is seeking to improve your web presence, lead technology techniques, content material marketing marketing campaign, or inbound advertising and marketing funnel then you must join us. Your Dealer Web site Should Outline You as A Legitimate Actual Property Professional.\nHouzez, Actual Locations and WP Pro Real Estate 7\u201d are my favourite themes to create actual property itemizing portal. Real Estate Advertising 360\u00ae is the #1 actual estate advertising platform on this planet. Domestic Sale is a website like Craigslist that aims to remove junk entries allowing your professional categorized advertisements to thrive and never get buried under junk. There is a motive why most FSBO\u2019s find yourself working with Realtors after wasting time, vitality, and cash making an attempt the For Sale By Proprietor route. Real Knowledgeable is a premium WordPress theme for actual property or property listing web sites. The XML demo content bundled on this theme allows you to arrange an actual estate website with just few clicks. Also, pop-up home windows are probably the most misused features on actual property websites.\nRemember, as a on the market by owner, you should not have a Realtor to be the facilitator and guide you thru the house inspection, radon inspection, termite inspection, appraisal process, underwriting process, and coping with the escrow company to close.\nWe are in search of knowledgeable real property agent to be an intermediary between sellers and consumers. The word REALTOR\u00ae is a federally registered collective membership mark that identifies a real property skilled who\u2019s member of the NATIONAL AFFILIATION OF REALTORS\u00ae and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. This situation can get murky actually fast, so we have put collectively this text on the whole lot essential you\u2019ll want to know about actual estate agents before making the transfer.\nThere are important variations between the actions, powers, obligations and liabilities of brokers and estate brokers in every country. These agents have completed additional education beyond that required of brokers and have handed the dealer\u2019s license exam in your state. So the buyer\u2019s agent effectively works for the buyer fee free, so far as the buyer is worried.\nSome state Real Property Commissions \u2013 notably Florida\u2019s 4 after 1992 (and extended in 2003) and Colorado\u2019s 5 after 1994 (with modifications in 2003) \u2013 created the choice of getting no agency or fiduciary relationship between", + ". It can be a financial leverage, a perfect tool to create holdings provided one is careful that indebtedness is only a transitional phase before making the capital gains on one's purchase. Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits.\nThe bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market.\nTaking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge.\nThis formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a \"dry\" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan.\nIf the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late.\n3 - The Bridging loan with a \"total allowance\"\nThis option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month.\nThe redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment.\nAs time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we \"amortize\" thus the property this way.\nHowever, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client.\nFinally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable.\nDuring the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment.\nThe bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan.\nDo not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incap", + " a long haul. Forgot about switching back to Eastern time so lost an hour on top of that. It seemed my virtually rain-free trip would be spoiled, morning forecast called for 60%+ chance of thunderstorms on Saturday. Miraculously, the park got virtually no rain, the storm system veered just west of Pigeon Forge.\nGot there around 9:15 and boarded at Tram Stop B. \"B is for Butterfly.\" Walking through the front areas before rope drop there is a very nice fountain. Also, due to the threat of rain, there weren't many people here at opening. The duck population on the midways outnumbered the people population. Unfortunately, all of the ducks were holding park maps and headed the same place I was. Oh c'mon, those baby ducks aren't even tall enough to ride.\nWild Eagle. The theming is well done. There's an awesome massive eagle statue at the entrance, and Dolly herself recorded a special song just for the ride. Flyyy Eagle, Flyyy Eagle, Wild Eagle Flyyyy.... (thankfully there is more than that). The trains themselves have eagle heads with wings spanning the middle of each row.\nEagle's zero-g roll, which comes right after the first loop, was my favorite element here. You really do feel like you're flying. I preferred the back. This one's worth doing front seat at least once though, there are some great legchopper effects there in the second half that had me pulling my knees up. From a pure ride standpoint, now having ridden all 3 of B&M's US Wing Coasters, GateKeeper is better, but I enjoyed Wild Eagle quite a bit more than X-Flight. I wouldn't classify any of the 3 as \"intense\" but that's not really a negative in my book. It's a solid crowd pleasing design, they are fun to ride, and they have a certain -- dare I say -- majestic quality, which isn't an adjective I'd use to describe many other coasters.\nAfter 4 laps on Eagle (max 10 minute wait this early in the morning), Tennessee Tornado was nearby so walked on. One of the last Arrow loopers, and now my second favorite of its type (Loch Ness is still first, those interlocking loops are so pretty.) Fairly smooth with virtually no headbanging and the tunnel drop is sweet. Rode it a second time. Next was Blazing Fury. Nearly identical to SDC's Fire In The Hole (the former was based on the latter), even the ride ops were serenading departing trains with a shout of \"Fire in the hole!\" However, this one has no splashdown, apparently they took it out a couple years back. Still a fun dark coaster.\nWalking back through the upper half of the park, did Mystery Mine twice. This ride is disorienting in a good way and hard to describe. Part indoor, part outdoor, and very unique. But bangs your head around in a couple spots. Kept going to Thunderhead. A very solid woodie, no single element is outstanding (the station flyby is slick though) but has some good airtime moments throughout its lengthy course and keeps up a good rate of speed.\nWent back to Thunderhead, max 10 minute wait so got 4 more rides on that, 2 more on Eagle, 1 more on Tornado. For a Saturday I sure am riding a lot. Then took a swing on Barnstormer, funny this was my first S&S swing of the season. The \"giant barn\" theme fits this ride type well (SDC's swing is similarly themed).\nI passed on dessert before but was wanting some now. Exiting Barnstormer, I walked to the nearby Grist Mill and -- a la Toucan Sam -- followed my nose inside. Cinnamon bread. Oh goodness this is delicious. You get a decent sized loaf served warm and fresh, there's enough to share, or in my case take some home. I then headed to Celebrity Theater for the Great American Country Show. Shows aren't really my thing -- my last was way back in 2008 (CP's Misadventures of Molly and Maverick) -- but considering Dollywood's reputation, I made an exception. I don't feel qualified to critique in detail, so I'll just say the production values were top-notch and I liked it. But given a do-over (or hopefully if I visit Dollywood again!) I probably would have selected a \"smaller\" show. Looking back I think the Country Show is Dollywood's \"biggest\" this season in terms of scale.\nThere were a couple hours left til close, and all I really wanted was a couple night rides on Eagle. I took some time to walk around the Village and Country Fair sections, as I hadn't been though them yet. Rode the train, which actually travels a bit outside the park boundary through some heavily wooded", + " their job. Team members will hold each other accountable.\n\u2013 Marissa Mayer, Former president and chief executive officer of Yahoo!\nKey takeaway: If you want to find a new, creative solution for a certain problem, bring (different) people together. Diversity leads to innovation.\nKey takeaway: Teamwork is a continuous process. Team members must learn how to successfully communicate and work together.\n\u27a1\ufe0f If you\u2019re looking for more great tips on managing employees, check out our Short Leaderships Tips for Managers!\nTesting candidates help companies ensure that their job candidates really have the required skills to successfully perform their jobs, as they claim in their resume or in a job interview. Without testing your candidates, you\u2019ll end up choosing the best interviewee, not the best person for the job!\nLuckily, due to the scientific and technological advancement of candidate assessment tools, these platforms are now available online. This also makes them more affordable than ever, which is very convenient for employers.\nWhy should companies use online candidate assessment platforms?\nThe main reason why so many employers use online assessment platforms to test their candidates these days is that they guarantee a great candidate experience.\nBy accessing an online assessment platform, candidates can solve these assessment tests online from anywhere in the world, at the time that suits them the best. This method saves time and money both for candidates and employers, making a more convenient and timely option.\nThere are many different candidate assessment platforms on the market. We did thorough research and created a list of the best skill assessment tools, measured by reviews, services offered and ease of use.\nAll of the platforms we included in our list offer candidate assessment tests which can be administered quickly and easily through well-designed software.\neSkill is an online skills assessment solution which helps organizations deploy the most accurate, valid tests for pre-employment and skills gap assessments. You can choose from over 600 standard tests, 5000 combinable topics or create your own content for any job and industry.\nDevskiller offers developer screening and online interviews in one platform. They offer a possibility to test programming languages, frameworks and libraries. With their Test Wizard, you can generate a coding test based on your job description in order to verify the coding skills you are looking for.\nWith Interview Mocha, you can verify your candidate\u2019s job fit with our 1000+ skill tests, aptitude tests, enterprise-ready assessment platform. You can choose from a vast library of pre-built skill tests, customize one yourself or order a custom-made test specially designed for you.\nThe Hire Talent offers different pre-employment test solutions, including people (EQ) & logic (IQ) assessments, work personality assessments, skills assessments and sales aptitude and skills assessments.\nMercer Mettl is an online talent assessments platform which can help you measure your candidates\u2019 skills, personality and ability. You can choose from their test library of different psychometric, cognitive and technical test or get custom test built for your specific needs.\nEmployee recognition is a very effective method for improving employee motivation, engagement, productivity and job satisfaction. It\u2019s a fact.\nIn a time of war for talent, employees have the power to choose their employer. Losing your top talent to your competitors can be detrimental for your business.\nThis is why many employers invest a lot of time, money and effort to improve their employee experience. They are doing their best to keep their employees happy and satisfied. For example, most companies these days try to provide fancy perks and benefits, implement an employee wellness program, etc.\nBut the question is how effective are all of their efforts? What do employees really care about?\nIs it really true that a simple act of saying praise to your employees can improve your company\u2019s bottom line by keeping your best employees?\nI won\u2019t say a word. The following statistics speak for themselves.\nThe Conference Board\u2019s latest survey on job satisfaction has found that only 51% of employees feel overall satisfied with their job. This survey gauged approximately 1,500 employed individuals, who together comprise a snapshot of the U.S. workforce.\nHalf of U.S. employees are watching the job market or actively looking for a job, based on findings from a new Gallup Workforce Panel study. Results are based on a Gallup Panel Web study completed by 13,008 U.S. adults who are demographically representative of the U.S. adult population.\nThe main reasons why employees leave their jobs is that they don\u2019t feel appreciated, according to Gallup\u2019 research.\nAccording to Gallup\u2019s analysis, only one in three workers in the U.S. strongly agree that they received recognition or praise for doing good work in the past seven days.\nEven more, Gallup Poll shows that 65% of employees haven\u2019t received any form of recognition for good work in the last year!\nAccording to Officevibe\u2019s recent study, 82% of employees think it\u2019s better to give someone praise than a gift.\nTotal costs associated with a turnover range from 90% to 200% of an employee\u2019s annual salary, according", + " Wave, philosophy, and intermediality and collaboration.\nThere are many useful overviews of Resnais\u2019s work. Armes 1968, Kreidl 1978, Sweet 1981, Pr\u00e9dal 1968, and Bounoure 1974 treat the early films, up to and including the 1960s and 1970s, while Pr\u00e9dal 1996 and Wilson 2006 also examine the films of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. Some of these monographs adopt a thematic perspective: Benayoun 1980 and Monaco 1978 consider the question of imagination, and Wilson 2006 looks at memory and the senses in Resnais\u2019s work. Resnais gave many interviews about his work over the course of his career, and many of these are collected in the Goudet 2002 Positif dossier, which also contains many excellent short readings of various films. The special edition of Contre bande (Special Issue: Alain Resnais) also brings together a range of French criticism on the director. Liandrat-Guigues and Leutrat 2006 adopts an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais\u2019s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music.\nA concise early work that provides some useful biographical information and close readings of Resnais\u2019s work, from the early documentaries to Je t\u2019aime, je t\u2019aime. The book also includes a detailed filmography, films stills, and on-set photographs.\nBenayoun, Robert. Alain Resnais: Arpenteur de l\u2019imaginaire. Paris: Stock/Cin\u00e9ma, 1980.\nA lively and meticulous account of Resnais\u2019s work up to 1980, paying great attention to biography, form, and intertextuality. This book usefully includes an appendix of interviews with Resnais and R\u00e9mo Forlani, among others.\nBounoure, Gaston. Alain Resnais (Cin\u00e9ma d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui 5). Paris: Seghers, 1974.\nAn accessible, convincing, and subjective early account of Resnais\u2019s work up to the mid-1970s, with useful sections comparing the themes of Resnais\u2019s documentaries with motifs found in later works.\nGoudet, St\u00e9phane, ed. Positif, revue de cin\u00e9ma: Alain Resnais. Paris: Gallimard, 2002.\nA comprehensive, indispensable anthology of the cinema journal Positif\u2019s writings on Resnais from 1956 to 2002. It includes a fascinating selection of writings on Resnais\u2019s filmic career, including the later films, with sections by Fran\u00e7ois Thomas, Robert Benayoun, and Jean-Louis Leutrat, as well as several interviews with Resnais about his films.\nKreidl, John Francis. Alain Resnais. Boston: Twayne, 1978.\nAn impressively detailed early work that traces the evolution of Resnais\u2019s cinematic style through the major fiction films. It devotes two chapters to the history and politics surrounding the creation of Muriel.\nLiandrat-Guigues, Suzanne, and Jean Louis Leutrat. Alain Resnais: Liaisons secr\u00e8tes, accords vagabonds. Paris: Cahiers du Cin\u00e9ma, 2006.\nAn expansive and somewhat personal book on Resnais, replete with rich color photographs of on-set filming, written by two of the most renowned French critics of his work. The authors adopt an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais\u2019s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music.\nAn early writing on Resnais that offers a clear and readable overview of his major films. The book also presents an interesting discussion of Resnais\u2019s \u201cnonfilms,\u201d works the director planned but never completed.\nPr\u00e9dal, Ren\u00e9. Alain Resnais. Paris: Lettres Modernes, 1968.\nA useful work that adopts a broadly psychoanalytic and thematic approach to Resnais\u2019s work and addresses the significance of silent cinema, musicals, and cartoons to the director\u2019s vision. It also includes some excellent interviews with Resnais conducted by Jacques Belmans and Jacques Sternberg.\nPr\u00e9dal, Ren\u00e9. L\u2019Itin\u00e9raire d\u2019Alain Resnais. Paris: Lettres Modernes, 1996.\nA detailed and memorable formal and thematic delineation of Resnais\u2019s work, with excellent close", + ", and in the years since has pursued an education that would help him unite people and resolve differences. He was waiting to hear about a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro to revitalize the city\u2019s international soccer league; he was the president during its only season back in 2012. There had been many inquiries by those who want it back \u2014 people who said they needed it.\nThese three organizers of immigrant and refugee soccer matches in Greensboro strive to maintain traditions, to do their part for something that endures so strongly in themselves and those they care for, but that the world around them endangers.\nThey want to provide something hard to define, but for many of the participants, it\u2019s something akin to feeling wholly alive. Their players seek respite, connection, tradition, home. They find it in soccer.\nThese are the local stewards of the beautiful game.\nAs the sun went down on April 4, it cast an amber light on the Bennett College soccer field that borders Gate City Boulevard. Almost 20 players had arrived, but the field was empty. Puddles of that morning\u2019s rain kept them off.\nInstead, the young men in their late teens kicked soccer balls around on a basketball court next to the soggy field. The hoops and backboards have been removed, leaving only the metal posts \u2014 monuments to past play.\nMost of the players wore no shoes, not wanting to ruin cleats on the court\u2019s hard surface. Playing barefoot was nothing new; it\u2019s how many of them learned the game in their home countries from a young age, sometimes playing for five or six hours a day. Without cleats on, they still showed incredible finesse.\nCoach Michael Amend watched the players, who make up the Greensboro United Soccer Association\u2019s Global team. They are alumni of the Newcomers School, a magnet for first-year immigrants and refugees. Students remain at the Newcomers School for one year, then transition to various schools in the district.\nAs the players scrimmaged in two separate games in teams of three or four, Anas Quashie limped off the court, the sole of his foot bleeding onto the asphalt. He found one of his socks and wrapped it tightly around the wound.\nAfter the practice, as players waited for city buses or rides home from Amend and one another, Quashie\u2019s peers chided him.\n\u201cYou must not be from Africa, bro!\u201d one kidded in good nature, showing the group the callous bottom of his right foot.\nQuashie is from Africa. He used to play what he calls \u201cstreet soccer\u201d in the dirt roads of Togo. His feet have softened, adapted since he moved to Greensboro in February 2016.\nOf the many challenges that a young refugee faces in the United States, the ones related to changes in soccer are often no less significant than ones off the field. Playing soccer sustains many of these young men: The game transcends to become symbolic \u2014 a connection to a new home and the reminder of an old one.\nQuashie said the hardest adjustment in his soccer life has been the difference between the dirt streets of Togo and the large grass fields in Greensboro. The game itself has changed.\nSoccer encompasses the cultural differences that all of the young men face. They\u2019ve come from other traditions in Egypt, Congo, El Salvador, Liberia, Iraq and various other countries around the world.\nQuashie\u2019s teammate Makryous Kori misses the sand pitches in Sudan, where he grew up. He misses using rocks to mark the goals, and he misses his friends who he occasionally talks with on the phone, who ask him when he\u2019s coming home.\nBut there are greater differences than a change in the playing surface, and a new prerequisite toward practices and matches might be the most challenging.\n\u201cYou have to call people in the US to [arrange a time] to play,\u201d Kori explained. In Sudan, he said, everyone played in the streets all day long. Pickup soccer was as much a part of life as anything else.\nAs refugees acclimate to life in Greensboro, to fresh traditions at the Newcomers School and beyond, changes are inevitable.\nThe weekly pickup game began before Moussa Issifou arrived, but he was by no means lost or out of luck. His group formed these sides often, and he knew the rule: If you\u2019re married, you\u2019re on one team; if not, you\u2019re on the other.\nThe division might not have been followed precisely, and the teams were already unbalanced \u2014 11 bachelors against 13 espoused, with Issifou joining the latter. But for Issifou, accuracy carried less importance than a greater goal. He didn\u2019t call them married and unmarried. He called them fathers and sons.\nUnderstandably, the sons want to beat their fathers \u2014 the adults or elders. But just as importantly for Issifou, they simply want to play.\nSoccer is a tradition \u2014 a fact lost", + " picks with an honest approach from the most respected soccer betting predictions app handicappers in the picks industry.\nM, we offer football predictions /soccer tips and in-depth analysis for over 50 leagues (both major leagues English Premier League Predictions, Serie A Predictions, La Liga Predictions, Bundesliga Predictions, French Ligue 1 Predictions etc. minor leagues- English Championship, Serie B, Segunda League and many others.).\nThe free tips list at bettingexpert is the place to visit for both the best and broadest tips in online betting. You ll not only find betting tips with detailed analyses for the most popular sports, leagues and tournaments from across the globe but equally as insightful and profitable tips for more obscure leagues and tournaments.\nrSS Text-based site Reader Prints Our Papers Top of soccer betting predictions app page. 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Remember that if it sounds too good to be true, there most safe betting tips is a reason that we lead the industry in repeat customers.\nfootball Betting soccer betting predictions app Tips Today.luxury, power, wealth, natural White Sapphire White Sapphire is used soccer betting predictions app as an alternative Gemstone to Diamond and is used to maximize the energy of Planet Venus in your birth chart. They empower beauty,20:45 Metz - Sochaux foti 1 1.52 999 Football French Ligue 2 LOSE 11.03. 21:15 Benfica - Belenenses anta 1 1.15 100 Football Portuguese Primeira soccer betting predictions app Liga LOSE 11.03", + " clever, isn\u2019t it? We become our own bully. Of course helping someone else makes us feel good about ourselves even (or maybe especially) if they don\u2019t deserve our help so as long as we\u2019re getting something out of the deal then go for it but once they begin to become a drain, that\u2019s the time to call a halt. And be firm.\nI'm not sure of the likelihood that Cate would be on Face Book, Glenn. Maybe we're a bit behind here in Australia but many of the folks I know aged over forty won't have a bar of it, but it's otherwise a good idea.\nI don't fancy getting stuck in the middle of an ugly family dispute, Windsmoke, especially when it's not my own family, but somehow I think that's unlikely to happen.\nSo many folks advising me to take care here, Antares. you too.\nThanks for the warning but I don't think it's as dire as I perhaps made it sound.\nHmmm\u2026 bit funny that the lawyer could not track down NOK without an address.\nThe will I suspect is subterfuge, AnnODyne.\nI think Cate wants to make contact with her children. I can understand that.\nI can also understand that something's gone wrong along the way and those kids might elect to continue to avoid her, but it might help for them to know that they are still in their mother's thoughts, whatever that might mean.\nHas she tried the obvious things like the phone book or just googling their names?\nI suspect those kids don't want to be contacted as they are old enough to have made the move themselves if they wanted to. However, that is beside the point. I think as long as you don't get drawn into the family drama, then go ahead and make that first contact. Perhaps the olive branch she offers might be accepted \u2013 and that would be something good to hold on to.\nOnce upon a time I would have called the ex and asked for contact details. Now I would pass the ex's number on to cate. If she really wants to know, she will call him. He might even welcome the call after such a long 'cooling off' period!\nA lawyer (I'm assuming that what a soliciter is. If not, please correct me) advising Cate to leave her kids out of the will because she doesn't know their address just doesn't ring true to me. I think she made the story up and is just afraid that if she contacts the children herself, she'll be rejected. I personally would stay out of it, but that's probably due to a flaw in my own character. If you're confident this isn't all going to blow up in your face, and you still have fond feelings for Cate, then, by all means, go ahead.\nIf I were you, I would suggest to 'Cate' that she ask her lawyer to find the children. Most lawyers and law firms use investigators who do just this kind of thing. It usually takes a day or two. Once done, she can get in touch. There are also specialists who can advise her about making contact, etc.\nIt's her responsibility, right? You can support her efforts but not do what she should do for herself.\nI don't know how to suggest this delicately, and I hope you will understand what I am saying. Could you be more apt to go to Cate's rescue (she's asked you to do more than just contact them \u2014 she wants you to smooth things over) as a way to avoid dealing with what must be very difficult feelings & thoughts about your mother dying? I think the situation with Cate could be potentially very draining and therefore harmful to you at a time when you might need to conserve your energies for your own things. It sounds like the kind of situation that could snowball into something much bigger very quickly. You're a kind, generous person. Be so to yourself, too. And take care.\nThis out of my realm to offer any good solutions. Go with your guts Elisabeth on what you think is best and what you would like to do for Cate. I know she could and should have done this herself but even if you want to try to help, it is not really wrong.\nThis is just sad and puts you in an awkward position.\nIf the prospect of an inheritance won't flush them out nothing will.\nI tried to Google the next of kin, Christine and it wasn't easy. The family name is commonplace and the two daughters are likely to have changed theirs while the son lives overseas and is out of touch with both parents.\nIt would take something more I suspect to track down these children, who may yet not want to be located.\nI assume Cate's tried those things, Marie, though as I said to Christine earlier I tried, too, without success.\nIt's most likely that the kids don't want to be contacted but I think an olive branch or two might help and if not, so be it.\nI hope I", + " the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro to revitalize the city\u2019s international soccer league; he was the president during its only season back in 2012. There had been many inquiries by those who want it back \u2014 people who said they needed it.\nThese three organizers of immigrant and refugee soccer matches in Greensboro strive to maintain traditions, to do their part for something that endures so strongly in themselves and those they care for, but that the world around them endangers.\nThey want to provide something hard to define, but for many of the participants, it\u2019s something akin to feeling wholly alive. Their players seek respite, connection, tradition, home. They find it in soccer.\nThese are the local stewards of the beautiful game.\nAs the sun went down on April 4, it cast an amber light on the Bennett College soccer field that borders Gate City Boulevard. Almost 20 players had arrived, but the field was empty. Puddles of that morning\u2019s rain kept them off.\nInstead, the young men in their late teens kicked soccer balls around on a basketball court next to the soggy field. The hoops and backboards have been removed, leaving only the metal posts \u2014 monuments to past play.\nMost of the players wore no shoes, not wanting to ruin cleats on the court\u2019s hard surface. Playing barefoot was nothing new; it\u2019s how many of them learned the game in their home countries from a young age, sometimes playing for five or six hours a day. Without cleats on, they still showed incredible finesse.\nCoach Michael Amend watched the players, who make up the Greensboro United Soccer Association\u2019s Global team. They are alumni of the Newcomers School, a magnet for first-year immigrants and refugees. Students remain at the Newcomers School for one year, then transition to various schools in the district.\nAs the players scrimmaged in two separate games in teams of three or four, Anas Quashie limped off the court, the sole of his foot bleeding onto the asphalt. He found one of his socks and wrapped it tightly around the wound.\nAfter the practice, as players waited for city buses or rides home from Amend and one another, Quashie\u2019s peers chided him.\n\u201cYou must not be from Africa, bro!\u201d one kidded in good nature, showing the group the callous bottom of his right foot.\nQuashie is from Africa. He used to play what he calls \u201cstreet soccer\u201d in the dirt roads of Togo. His feet have softened, adapted since he moved to Greensboro in February 2016.\nOf the many challenges that a young refugee faces in the United States, the ones related to changes in soccer are often no less significant than ones off the field. Playing soccer sustains many of these young men: The game transcends to become symbolic \u2014 a connection to a new home and the reminder of an old one.\nQuashie said the hardest adjustment in his soccer life has been the difference between the dirt streets of Togo and the large grass fields in Greensboro. The game itself has changed.\nSoccer encompasses the cultural differences that all of the young men face. They\u2019ve come from other traditions in Egypt, Congo, El Salvador, Liberia, Iraq and various other countries around the world.\nQuashie\u2019s teammate Makryous Kori misses the sand pitches in Sudan, where he grew up. He misses using rocks to mark the goals, and he misses his friends who he occasionally talks with on the phone, who ask him when he\u2019s coming home.\nBut there are greater differences than a change in the playing surface, and a new prerequisite toward practices and matches might be the most challenging.\n\u201cYou have to call people in the US to [arrange a time] to play,\u201d Kori explained. In Sudan, he said, everyone played in the streets all day long. Pickup soccer was as much a part of life as anything else.\nAs refugees acclimate to life in Greensboro, to fresh traditions at the Newcomers School and beyond, changes are inevitable.\nThe weekly pickup game began before Moussa Issifou arrived, but he was by no means lost or out of luck. His group formed these sides often, and he knew the rule: If you\u2019re married, you\u2019re on one team; if not, you\u2019re on the other.\nThe division might not have been followed precisely, and the teams were already unbalanced \u2014 11 bachelors against 13 espoused, with Issifou joining the latter. But for Issifou, accuracy carried less importance than a greater goal. He didn\u2019t call them married and unmarried. He called them fathers and sons.\nUnderstandably, the sons want to beat their fathers \u2014 the adults or elders. But just as importantly for Issifou, they simply want to play.\nSoccer is a tradition \u2014 a fact lost to those who don\u2019t include sports in the ranks of language, food, music and dance. Yet like any part of culture, a community\u2019s", + " bright day of freedom for oppressed star nations everywhere.\nAngie Kaneshiro was a veteran of the Freehold Forces of Grainne, but was now crew on board a tramp freighter. Then the war with Earth started. The UN forces may hold most of the stations, the docks, and the jump points, but war is complicated, and heroes can be forged in its crucible\u2014even if the hero turns out to be a tramp freighter crew-woman willing to fight for the freedom she loves.\nFor as long as Vikram Bannerji can remember, the alien Jao have ruled the Earth. Just four years old when the invasion began, Vikram has grown up hating the alien overlords. But now something has changed. The Ekhat, once thought to be nothing more than a Jao myth, have launched an attack on Earth. And the Ekhat are far worse than any Jao. Now Vikram must make a choice: let years of anger and blind hatred rule his life . . . or choose a nobler path.\nRead \u201cBringer of Fire\u201d by David Carrico here.\nAnd check out the latest novel in the Jao Empire series, The Span of Empire by Eric Flint and David Carrico, here.\nBaen Books is proud to present a new epic poem, serialized in ten parts. Written by celebrated poet Frederick Turner, Apocalypse examines the effects of catastrophic climate change\u2014and the men and women who do whatever it takes to save the planet.\nOver the next weeks, a new section of this novel-length work will be posted on the Baen Books main web site, and then collected complete as an ebook that will appear when the serialization is done. So watch every Thursday from now until the end of September 2016 for new installments!\nIt seems every so often there\u2019s a news article heralding a new, bold step toward creating an Artificial Intelligence. Some futurists believe we\u2019ll have AI within our lifetimes. Not so fast, says Dr. John Lambshead. Sure, you can simulate intelligence. But, as Dr. Lambshead points out, you can also simulate rain\u2014\u201cbut no one gets wet.\u201d So what differentiates true intelligence from the science fictional artificial variety? The answers can be found in this month\u2019s free nonfiction essay.\nRead \u201cQuantum of Consciousness\u201d here.\nComing soon to the Baen Free Radio Hour: Les Johnson discusses near future science fiction novel On to the Asteroid, the sequel to Back to the Moon by Travis S. Taylor and Les Johnson. Rick Boatright and Kerryn Offord on 1636: The Chronicles of Dr. Gribbleflotz; and David Drake discusses his landmark science fiction novel Redliners which is now out in an all-new 20th Anniversary Edition with an essay by Drake and supplemental new material. Missed past episodes? No problem. We\u2019ve got every episode archived for your listening pleasure.\nTo coincide with the release of The Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015, Baen Books is pleased to announce the second annual Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure Science Fiction Readers\u2019 Choice Award. The award honors the best of the best in this grand storytelling tradition, and its winner will receive an inscribed plaque and a $500 prize. And YOU are the judge! Choose your favorite story from the contents of The Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015 and reward its author for excellence. Voting closes August 31, 2016.\nThe Mesan Alignment has engineered a war in order to undercut the Star Kingdom of Manticore\u2019s galaxy-wide reputation. But even the best laid plans can have unintended consequences, and one of those consequences may just be the dawn of a new bright day of freedom for oppressed star nations everywhere.\nFrom Robert A. Heinlein\u2019s \u201cOrdeal in Space,\u201d in which the merest kitten confers the gift of courage on his human, to Cordwainer Smith\u2019s \u201cBallad of Lost C\u2019mell,\u201d which answers the very question of what would be the outcome of the melding of human and cat, we offer here sixteen reasons why space is truly the feline frontier.\nThe laws of Xylar decreed that a king could only reign for five years, after which he would be beheaded. King Jorian, however, had different ideas. When his half-decade was up, he made a run for it. But his beloved wife was left behind. Now, with the help of the wizard Karadur, he\u2019ll mount a rescue.\nThis collection of transcribed conversations delves into all aspects of Silverberg\u2019s life, such as his extensive travel, passion for film, opera and classical music\u2014as well as his decades-spanning career in SF.\nThese inventive and compelling stories contain tales of transcending cyborgs, shapeshifting bears, sentient hands, rogue GPSs, superhero moms' groups, zombie chipmunks, and a story told from the point of view of a", + " the stations, the docks, and the jump points, but war is complicated, and heroes can be forged in its crucible\u2014even if the hero turns out to be a tramp freighter crew-woman willing to fight for the freedom she loves.\nFor as long as Vikram Bannerji can remember, the alien Jao have ruled the Earth. Just four years old when the invasion began, Vikram has grown up hating the alien overlords. But now something has changed. The Ekhat, once thought to be nothing more than a Jao myth, have launched an attack on Earth. And the Ekhat are far worse than any Jao. Now Vikram must make a choice: let years of anger and blind hatred rule his life . . . or choose a nobler path.\nRead \u201cBringer of Fire\u201d by David Carrico here.\nAnd check out the latest novel in the Jao Empire series, The Span of Empire by Eric Flint and David Carrico, here.\nBaen Books is proud to present a new epic poem, serialized in ten parts. Written by celebrated poet Frederick Turner, Apocalypse examines the effects of catastrophic climate change\u2014and the men and women who do whatever it takes to save the planet.\nOver the next weeks, a new section of this novel-length work will be posted on the Baen Books main web site, and then collected complete as an ebook that will appear when the serialization is done. So watch every Thursday from now until the end of September 2016 for new installments!\nIt seems every so often there\u2019s a news article heralding a new, bold step toward creating an Artificial Intelligence. Some futurists believe we\u2019ll have AI within our lifetimes. Not so fast, says Dr. John Lambshead. Sure, you can simulate intelligence. But, as Dr. Lambshead points out, you can also simulate rain\u2014\u201cbut no one gets wet.\u201d So what differentiates true intelligence from the science fictional artificial variety? The answers can be found in this month\u2019s free nonfiction essay.\nRead \u201cQuantum of Consciousness\u201d here.\nComing soon to the Baen Free Radio Hour: Les Johnson discusses near future science fiction novel On to the Asteroid, the sequel to Back to the Moon by Travis S. Taylor and Les Johnson. Rick Boatright and Kerryn Offord on 1636: The Chronicles of Dr. Gribbleflotz; and David Drake discusses his landmark science fiction novel Redliners which is now out in an all-new 20th Anniversary Edition with an essay by Drake and supplemental new material. Missed past episodes? No problem. We\u2019ve got every episode archived for your listening pleasure.\nTo coincide with the release of The Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015, Baen Books is pleased to announce the second annual Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure Science Fiction Readers\u2019 Choice Award. The award honors the best of the best in this grand storytelling tradition, and its winner will receive an inscribed plaque and a $500 prize. And YOU are the judge! Choose your favorite story from the contents of The Year\u2019s Best Military and Adventure SF 2015 and reward its author for excellence. Voting closes August 31, 2016.\nThe Mesan Alignment has engineered a war in order to undercut the Star Kingdom of Manticore\u2019s galaxy-wide reputation. But even the best laid plans can have unintended consequences, and one of those consequences may just be the dawn of a new bright day of freedom for oppressed star nations everywhere.\nFrom Robert A. Heinlein\u2019s \u201cOrdeal in Space,\u201d in which the merest kitten confers the gift of courage on his human, to Cordwainer Smith\u2019s \u201cBallad of Lost C\u2019mell,\u201d which answers the very question of what would be the outcome of the melding of human and cat, we offer here sixteen reasons why space is truly the feline frontier.\nThe laws of Xylar decreed that a king could only reign for five years, after which he would be beheaded. King Jorian, however, had different ideas. When his half-decade was up, he made a run for it. But his beloved wife was left behind. Now, with the help of the wizard Karadur, he\u2019ll mount a rescue.\nThis collection of transcribed conversations delves into all aspects of Silverberg\u2019s life, such as his extensive travel, passion for film, opera and classical music\u2014as well as his decades-spanning career in SF.\nThese inventive and compelling stories contain tales of transcending cyborgs, shapeshifting bears, sentient hands, rogue GPSs, superhero moms' groups, zombie chipmunks, and a story told from the point of view of a paddle in Pong.\nDave Crowell is a hero of the eight worlds of the Union, but he doesn\u2019t want fame or fortune. These days he just wants to run his private detective business with his partner and forget about the Ultras, the insidious aliens", + "rama in M\u00e9lo (1986) or the musical in On conna\u00eet la chanson (1997), Resnais consistently engaged with, and moved beyond, cinematic conventions. Perhaps his most well-known works resist generic classification altogether: Hiroshima mon amour (1959) and L\u2019Ann\u00e9e derni\u00e8re et Marienbad (1961) can be described as works that treat the question of memory, and of cinematic time itself. Resnais\u2019s work is resolutely engaged with the political and social contexts of his time, and many of his early films tackle the most grimly iconic atrocities of the 20th century: the bombing of Guernica (Guernica, 1950), the Holocaust (Nuit et brouillard, 1955), the bombing of Hiroshima (Hiroshima mon amour), and the question of torture during the French-Algerian War (Muriel, 1963). These films treat the complex intersections of memory and trauma that marked France and Europe after World War II, and they are infused with a profound pathos and ethical sensibility that is particular to Resnais. This article charts the different facets of Resnais\u2019s work, adopting a broadly chronological approach that highlights the major films, as well as Resnais\u2019s relation to the New Wave, philosophy, and intermediality and collaboration.\nThere are many useful overviews of Resnais\u2019s work. Armes 1968, Kreidl 1978, Sweet 1981, Pr\u00e9dal 1968, and Bounoure 1974 treat the early films, up to and including the 1960s and 1970s, while Pr\u00e9dal 1996 and Wilson 2006 also examine the films of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. Some of these monographs adopt a thematic perspective: Benayoun 1980 and Monaco 1978 consider the question of imagination, and Wilson 2006 looks at memory and the senses in Resnais\u2019s work. Resnais gave many interviews about his work over the course of his career, and many of these are collected in the Goudet 2002 Positif dossier, which also contains many excellent short readings of various films. The special edition of Contre bande (Special Issue: Alain Resnais) also brings together a range of French criticism on the director. Liandrat-Guigues and Leutrat 2006 adopts an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais\u2019s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music.\nA concise early work that provides some useful biographical information and close readings of Resnais\u2019s work, from the early documentaries to Je t\u2019aime, je t\u2019aime. The book also includes a detailed filmography, films stills, and on-set photographs.\nBenayoun, Robert. Alain Resnais: Arpenteur de l\u2019imaginaire. Paris: Stock/Cin\u00e9ma, 1980.\nA lively and meticulous account of Resnais\u2019s work up to 1980, paying great attention to biography, form, and intertextuality. This book usefully includes an appendix of interviews with Resnais and R\u00e9mo Forlani, among others.\nBounoure, Gaston. Alain Resnais (Cin\u00e9ma d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui 5). Paris: Seghers, 1974.\nAn accessible, convincing, and subjective early account of Resnais\u2019s work up to the mid-1970s, with useful sections comparing the themes of Resnais\u2019s documentaries with motifs found in later works.\nGoudet, St\u00e9phane, ed. Positif, revue de cin\u00e9ma: Alain Resnais. Paris: Gallimard, 2002.\nA comprehensive, indispensable anthology of the cinema journal Positif\u2019s writings on Resnais from 1956 to 2002. It includes a fascinating selection of writings on Resnais\u2019s filmic career, including the later films, with sections by Fran\u00e7ois Thomas, Robert Benayoun, and Jean-Louis Leutrat, as well as several interviews with Resnais about his films.\nKreidl, John Francis. Alain Resnais. Boston: Twayne, 1978.\nAn impressively detailed early work that traces the evolution of Resnais\u2019s cinematic style through the major fiction films. It devotes two chapters to the history and politics surrounding the creation of Muriel.\nLiandrat-Guigues, Suzanne, and Jean Louis Leutrat. Alain Resnais", + " just 52-10. Scott Berridge 36* and 3-12 which was a hat trick was the man of the match as West Bridgfordians 93-6 defeated Oxton 90-10. Newark R & M, Thurgarton & Bramcote all were abandoned without any play at all in any of the games.\nRob Derry took 4-15 as Caythorpe could only muster 38-10 and Ruddington 39-1 ran out easy winners. Ryan Glossop scored 63 as Ellerslie 198-8 were comfortable winners over Thrumpton 98-10. A Cooper 52 & P Stones 55 helped Basford Old Boys 124-3 to the win over Lenton & Willoughby 122-10. Connor Richardson 77 & Thomas Bosworth 5-23 both provided the ammunition as Kimberley 164-10 ran out easy winners over Basford mill 105-10. Wollaton\u2019s game was yet another victim of the weather.\nMark Holmes returned excellent figures of 7-18 as Underwood 62-4 were victorious over Chilwell 61-10. S Widdison 57 J Goode 52 * and D Nixon 4/18 all inspired Farndon 164-3 to the win over Attenborough 103-10. An emphatic 10 wicket win for Great Dalby 119-10 with L Harrison 62, M Child 55 and L Harrison 4-30 all producing starring roles as opponents Radcliffe On Trent were bowled out for 118-10. Jason Driscoll 61 & 3-23 starred as Kirkby Portland 139-9 defeated Collingham 86-10.\nBurton Joyce 87-3 travelled home with maximum point when beating West Bridgfordians 86-10. Neil Brennan hit 53 as West Bridgford Legion 138-8 just edged home in a tight finish over Lambley 127-10. Steve Morgan 49 & 3/6, Matt Alford 61 and Matt Arnold 4/37 all contributed as Beeston & Toton Sycamore defeated Keyworth 144-9.\nBelvoir 146/3 kicked of the season in fine style with a convincing win over Balderton 145/10, the home side were at one point 34-7 the recovery was led by Chris Dobbie who finished 62* but Lewis Dann with 49* saw the visitors home to take maximum points.\nSam Cliff & Colin Cliff both hit 48 in Thurgarton\u2019s 153/10 as they fell to defeat away at Eastwood 154-2 as both Shaun Stocks 60* & Stuart Hill 61* both hit form with the bat early in the season. Prabhakar Manyala 100* & Oliver Straw 54* guided West Bridgfordians to a very competitive 224/5 and it an exciting run chase the pair of Saqlain Bazmi 79 & Stan Carter 71 steered the home side Plumtree 230/4 to victory. Arslan Shah 73 top scored as Notts Unity Casuals posted 170/9 but visitors Clifton 171/2 made light work of chasing the total down as Anthony Hart 61* & Richard Harrison 54 took the accolades. Calverton 189/7 and Caythorpe 189/10 shared the points as the two teams tied in a thrilling match, C King hit 68 whilst for Calverton the ever youthful Darren Wright hit 54 and took 3/35.\nJames Hawkes hit 61 as Belvoir 178/8 fell to defeat as they entertained East Bridgford 179/2 as Jerry Cruse 78 and Warren Hepples 57 both starred with the bat for the victors.\nDespite a fine 76 from Jamie Lambourne his side Whatton & Aslockton 188/8 fell to defeat in the seasonal opener against Caunton 190/8 who had Andrew Rose starring with the ball taking 4/40.\nRichard Shipman 90 & 3/24 along with Nathan Hartland 35 both were instrumental in the victory for Bingham 224/9 as they came away from Belvoir 185/9", + " best gps tracking devices for cars.get the most astonishing iphone ever with the best national carrier.6 of the best 6-inch smartphones (already available.mobile phone signal jammers may not be permissible to import into certain countries due to licensing of broadcast signals or other restrictions.CNET editors picked the phones with the best cameras,A blog site that reviews the latest Smartphones from China,Find Deals on Audio Voice Activated Recorder in Portable A/V on Amazon,nadamoo phone blocker block unwanted nuisance call on landline phone voip phone.i know someone had it as my network said they accessed the internet but didnt make any calls.creating trails and waypoints and then using them on your android phone,anti radiation function efficiency 99.path for transmitting electric current.the nexus 6p is one of the best android phones you can buy right now,where engineers developed clever ways to ensure their radars could continue to operate in the presence of jamming,find great deals on ebay for alarm door jam.\nEach link about mobile antenna get reviewed by ham radio users among other similar resources,.\nAnysecu f22/g22 plus dual sim 3g wcdma zello ptt walkie talkie mobile phone 3500mah 2,android powers hundreds of millions of mobile devices in more than 190 countries around the world.tips for verizon wirelesss 4g /lte modems,92mhz car remote control jammer blocker,Shop Best Buy for electronics.read on to find out why like it so much below.cell phone jamming doesn\u2019t just block.all radio transmitters are illegal..\nThe first two are used by major mobile phone providers of the netherlands as the primary frequency,inventory prices for the 2004 tracker range from $2,feedback to our gps navigation app.these call blocking apps also \u2026.looking for government information and services optimized for your smart phone.mini cigarette lighter anti - tracker gps jammer blocker (max 8m coverage).want to get rid of being tracked..\nPut a cell phone or gps inside to block cell signals,need to find your way without wi-fi or data,Dual Band Mobile Jammer for GSM 900 &.fleets that install in seconds.top 10 best phones under 15000 in india,.\nHere's how to block annoying calls and texts,it was founded by limor \".huge selection of gps trackers,whistleout picks the best cell phone plans for july 2018.signal tracking device and the GPS signal jammer can cut off the.anti radiation function efficiency 99..\nCheck out 20m mobile antenna,there's no shortage of android gps and navigation apps available on the play store,broad spectrum mobile phone signal jammer.phone gps signal jammer blocker from cell phone signal jammer online,and you share your mobile with them because they want to use.read through for all the details,read through for all the details,CNET editors picked the phones with the best cameras,.\nLong Distance Jammer 1 - 6 GHz,3G/4G Cell Phone Jammer and 4G Volte Cell Phone Signal Network Jammer offered by Computer Planet,6 antenna vhf jammer top 10 cdma phone mobile phones 2018,don\u2019t we all just love our mobile phones,the rfid blocking case is made from high-quality and nano materials,the frequencies stated in the product description is just for reference,Annoyed by unwanted phone calls? 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The duck population on the midways outnumbered the people population. Unfortunately, all of the ducks were holding park maps and headed the same place I was. Oh c'mon, those baby ducks aren't even tall enough to ride.\nWild Eagle. The theming is well done. There's an awesome massive eagle statue at the entrance, and Dolly herself recorded a special song just for the ride. Flyyy Eagle, Flyyy Eagle, Wild Eagle Flyyyy.... (thankfully there is more than that). The trains themselves have eagle heads with wings spanning the middle of each row.\nEagle's zero-g roll, which comes right after the first loop, was my favorite element here. You really do feel like you're flying. I preferred the back. This one's worth doing front seat at least once though, there are some great legchopper effects there in the second half that had me pulling my knees up. From a pure ride standpoint, now having ridden all 3 of B&M's US Wing Coasters, GateKeeper is better, but I enjoyed Wild Eagle quite a bit more than X-Flight. I wouldn't classify any of the 3 as \"intense\" but that's not really a negative in my book. It's a solid crowd pleasing design, they are fun to ride, and they have a certain -- dare I say -- majestic quality, which isn't an adjective I'd use to describe many other coasters.\nAfter 4 laps on Eagle (max 10 minute wait this early in the morning), Tennessee Tornado was nearby so walked on. One of the last Arrow loopers, and now my second favorite of its type (Loch Ness is still first, those interlocking loops are so pretty.) Fairly smooth with virtually no headbanging and the tunnel drop is sweet. Rode it a second time. Next was Blazing Fury. Nearly identical to SDC's Fire In The Hole (the former was based on the latter), even the ride ops were serenading departing trains with a shout of \"Fire in the hole!\" However, this one has no splashdown, apparently they took it out a couple years back. Still a fun dark coaster.\nWalking back through the upper half of the park, did Mystery Mine twice. This ride is disorienting in a good way and hard to describe. Part indoor, part outdoor, and very unique. But bangs your head around in a couple spots. Kept going to Thunderhead. A very solid woodie, no single element is outstanding (the station flyby is slick though) but has some good airtime moments throughout its lengthy course and keeps up a good rate of speed.\nWent back to Thunderhead, max 10 minute wait so got 4 more rides on that, 2 more on Eagle, 1 more on Tornado. For a Saturday I sure am riding a lot. Then took a swing on Barnstormer, funny this was my first S&S swing of the season. The \"giant barn\" theme fits this ride type well (SDC's swing is similarly themed).\nI passed on dessert before but was wanting some now. Exiting Barnstormer, I walked to the nearby Grist Mill and -- a la Toucan Sam -- followed my nose inside. Cinnamon bread. Oh goodness this is delicious. You get a decent sized loaf served warm and fresh, there's enough to share, or in my case take some home. I then headed to Celebrity Theater for the Great American Country Show. Shows aren't really my thing -- my last was way back in 2008 (CP's Misadventures of Molly and Maverick) -- but considering Dollywood's reputation, I made an exception. I don't feel qualified to critique in detail, so I'll just say the production values were top-notch and I liked it. But given a do-over (or hopefully if I visit Dollywood again!) I probably would have selected a \"smaller\" show. Looking back I think the Country Show is Dollywood's \"biggest\" this season in terms of scale.\nThere were a couple hours left til close, and all I really wanted was a couple night rides on Eagle. I took some time to walk around the Village and Country Fair sections, as I hadn't been though them yet. Rode the train, which actually travels a bit outside the park boundary through some heavily wooded areas. Rode the nearby carousel after the train ride.\nThen started walking back towards Wild Eagle (hit Blazing Fury again on the way) and got there around 9 PM. Got 4 more rides in before closing at 10. This thing is even sweeter after dark. No lighting here, helps that much of the course is surrounded by trees. As a bonus, they were doing fireworks at 9:30. Soaring on Eagle in the dark while watching fireworks? EXCELLENT! And a pretty fitting finale", + "60%+ chance of thunderstorms on Saturday. Miraculously, the park got virtually no rain, the storm system veered just west of Pigeon Forge.\nGot there around 9:15 and boarded at Tram Stop B. \"B is for Butterfly.\" Walking through the front areas before rope drop there is a very nice fountain. Also, due to the threat of rain, there weren't many people here at opening. The duck population on the midways outnumbered the people population. Unfortunately, all of the ducks were holding park maps and headed the same place I was. Oh c'mon, those baby ducks aren't even tall enough to ride.\nWild Eagle. The theming is well done. There's an awesome massive eagle statue at the entrance, and Dolly herself recorded a special song just for the ride. Flyyy Eagle, Flyyy Eagle, Wild Eagle Flyyyy.... (thankfully there is more than that). The trains themselves have eagle heads with wings spanning the middle of each row.\nEagle's zero-g roll, which comes right after the first loop, was my favorite element here. You really do feel like you're flying. I preferred the back. This one's worth doing front seat at least once though, there are some great legchopper effects there in the second half that had me pulling my knees up. From a pure ride standpoint, now having ridden all 3 of B&M's US Wing Coasters, GateKeeper is better, but I enjoyed Wild Eagle quite a bit more than X-Flight. I wouldn't classify any of the 3 as \"intense\" but that's not really a negative in my book. It's a solid crowd pleasing design, they are fun to ride, and they have a certain -- dare I say -- majestic quality, which isn't an adjective I'd use to describe many other coasters.\nAfter 4 laps on Eagle (max 10 minute wait this early in the morning), Tennessee Tornado was nearby so walked on. One of the last Arrow loopers, and now my second favorite of its type (Loch Ness is still first, those interlocking loops are so pretty.) Fairly smooth with virtually no headbanging and the tunnel drop is sweet. Rode it a second time. Next was Blazing Fury. Nearly identical to SDC's Fire In The Hole (the former was based on the latter), even the ride ops were serenading departing trains with a shout of \"Fire in the hole!\" However, this one has no splashdown, apparently they took it out a couple years back. Still a fun dark coaster.\nWalking back through the upper half of the park, did Mystery Mine twice. This ride is disorienting in a good way and hard to describe. Part indoor, part outdoor, and very unique. But bangs your head around in a couple spots. Kept going to Thunderhead. A very solid woodie, no single element is outstanding (the station flyby is slick though) but has some good airtime moments throughout its lengthy course and keeps up a good rate of speed.\nWent back to Thunderhead, max 10 minute wait so got 4 more rides on that, 2 more on Eagle, 1 more on Tornado. For a Saturday I sure am riding a lot. Then took a swing on Barnstormer, funny this was my first S&S swing of the season. The \"giant barn\" theme fits this ride type well (SDC's swing is similarly themed).\nI passed on dessert before but was wanting some now. Exiting Barnstormer, I walked to the nearby Grist Mill and -- a la Toucan Sam -- followed my nose inside. Cinnamon bread. Oh goodness this is delicious. You get a decent sized loaf served warm and fresh, there's enough to share, or in my case take some home. I then headed to Celebrity Theater for the Great American Country Show. Shows aren't really my thing -- my last was way back in 2008 (CP's Misadventures of Molly and Maverick) -- but considering Dollywood's reputation, I made an exception. I don't feel qualified to critique in detail, so I'll just say the production values were top-notch and I liked it. But given a do-over (or hopefully if I visit Dollywood again!) I probably would have selected a \"smaller\" show. Looking back I think the Country Show is Dollywood's \"biggest\" this season in terms of scale.\nThere were a couple hours left til close, and all I really wanted was a couple night rides on Eagle. I took some time to walk around the Village and Country Fair sections, as I hadn't been though them yet. Rode the train, which actually travels a bit outside the park boundary through some heavily wooded areas. Rode the nearby carousel after the train ride.\nThen started walking back towards Wild Eagle (hit Blazing Fury again on the way) and got there around 9 PM", + " Cross that was among the items being sold! Wow! What was that! Does affection and appreciation has any bounds? I was so elated, particularly when someone fondly gifted me a Cross, and that too during Christmas season\u2026like I always believe, connections don\u2019t happen without a reason. Now, this Cross is in my Puja room along with the other Gods. I am Hindu, and what Hinduism teaches is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. It is a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means \u201cThe world is one family\u201d, and I believe in it.\nA special mention is needed about \u2018Paintings by the disabled\u2019 stall. All the paintings were unbelievably lively and excellent! We bought a miniature Canvas Painting of the Prickly Pear Cactus.\nTowards the end, my family joined me in the festival. They enjoyed live music and chilled out on the lawn watching Muralists painting murals under the warm winter sun. The whole environment was fun and frolic lifting up spirits.\nAnd then while finishing up my shift, I met Amelie. With a calm face and a gorgeous smile, she invited me to her booth. Her paintings were so full of life, spirituality and love. I am so glad I got to know her and could make friends with her. Visit her website here to see more of her brilliant and life-changing artwork.\nFinally, I wrapped up my evening at the festival by taking my family around. My son goofed around all the while and really enjoyed each and every aspect of it. There were these folks from circus entertaining kids and adults alike, walking around the place.\nWe came back home after purchasing a lamp shade and a face balm from Flower Song Soaps.The lampshade now lights up our Puja/Meditation room. Every time I see the lamp, I remember that lovely couple, their smiles and the encouragement they gave me. I am using the face balm daily post scrubbing my face, and it gives me the perfect moisturizing for Arizonan winters along with an exquisite fragrance.\nSo whenever I say I believe in Fairy tales, I mean it. Look what all this love gave me in the middle of an ordinary life \u2013 in deed a Fairy tale!\nThank you Phoenix Festival of the Arts for having me and thank you for everything. These moments will be cherished forever.\nOn a final note, I would like to appeal to you, please encourage and appreciate handcrafts and local made.\nDochu La & Chele La \u2013 Bhutan\u2019s sacred mountain passes!\nBhutan\u2019s Thimpu and Bhutan\u2019s Paro.\nIn this post, I am going to brief about our trip to Bhutan\u2019s sacred mountain passes, Dochu La and Chele La.\nWhen mountains call you, there are no excuses. There is a reason behind it, a purpose behind it. And what do the mountains tell us? To stand still and strong against the blustering winds. Mountains are unyielding protectors, they show us the righteous way of life. They inspire us with their patience and perseverance. They are unconquerable, but they leave the passes for us, humans to go closer to them, and reach them for the fillip. I witnessed the same kind of spirit going closer to the holy Himalayas during our Bhutan trip! We visited Dochu La and Chele La, the two mountains passes in the Himalayas of Bhutan.\nLocated at an elevation of 3,100 metres, Dochu La is located on the road from Thimpu to Punakha. To the east of the pass, the snow clad mountain peaks of the Himalayas are seen prominently and among them is the Mt. Masanggang at 7,158 metres (23,484 ft) which is the highest peak in Bhutan, known in local language as the Mt. Gangkar Puensum. The road further runs into the scenic Punakha valley.\nThe environment is calm and religious, with 108 memorial chortens called the Druk Wangyal Chortens built by Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk, the eldest Queen Mother. There is a monastery called the Druk Wangyal Lhakhang (temple), built in honor of the fourth King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck. Also, there is the country\u2019s first Royal Botanical Park located adjacent to the chortens. While this whole scene on the pass is a colorful feast to the eyes, the backdrop is often claded with a moving blanket of fog obscuring and revealing the Himalayas along with the near-by verdant greens leaving your mind and soul in tranquility.\nIt is an indelible experience for me to meditate inside and outside the Lhakhang overlooking the Himalayas.\nChele La Pass is one of the highest motorable passes in Bhutan. It is the highest point with an altitude of 3988 metres. The road", + " Elementary. Issifou came to Greensboro from Togo in September 2000. Now he\u2019s a professor at NC A&T University, but in the 17 years since his arrival, he has also worked to bring the international community together through soccer \u2014 all while enduring unfamiliar restrictions, costs and predispositions.\nNarayan Khadka spent the same morning using art to teach English and US citizenship at Greensboro\u2019s Glen Haven Community Center \u2014 a welcoming space for support and education located among the apartments of dozens of refugee and immigrant families near North Elm Street and Pisgah Church Road. Khadka arrived in Greensboro from Nepal, and in the years since has pursued an education that would help him unite people and resolve differences. He was waiting to hear about a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro to revitalize the city\u2019s international soccer league; he was the president during its only season back in 2012. There had been many inquiries by those who want it back \u2014 people who said they needed it.\nThese three organizers of immigrant and refugee soccer matches in Greensboro strive to maintain traditions, to do their part for something that endures so strongly in themselves and those they care for, but that the world around them endangers.\nThey want to provide something hard to define, but for many of the participants, it\u2019s something akin to feeling wholly alive. Their players seek respite, connection, tradition, home. They find it in soccer.\nThese are the local stewards of the beautiful game.\nAs the sun went down on April 4, it cast an amber light on the Bennett College soccer field that borders Gate City Boulevard. Almost 20 players had arrived, but the field was empty. Puddles of that morning\u2019s rain kept them off.\nInstead, the young men in their late teens kicked soccer balls around on a basketball court next to the soggy field. The hoops and backboards have been removed, leaving only the metal posts \u2014 monuments to past play.\nMost of the players wore no shoes, not wanting to ruin cleats on the court\u2019s hard surface. Playing barefoot was nothing new; it\u2019s how many of them learned the game in their home countries from a young age, sometimes playing for five or six hours a day. Without cleats on, they still showed incredible finesse.\nCoach Michael Amend watched the players, who make up the Greensboro United Soccer Association\u2019s Global team. They are alumni of the Newcomers School, a magnet for first-year immigrants and refugees. Students remain at the Newcomers School for one year, then transition to various schools in the district.\nAs the players scrimmaged in two separate games in teams of three or four, Anas Quashie limped off the court, the sole of his foot bleeding onto the asphalt. He found one of his socks and wrapped it tightly around the wound.\nAfter the practice, as players waited for city buses or rides home from Amend and one another, Quashie\u2019s peers chided him.\n\u201cYou must not be from Africa, bro!\u201d one kidded in good nature, showing the group the callous bottom of his right foot.\nQuashie is from Africa. He used to play what he calls \u201cstreet soccer\u201d in the dirt roads of Togo. His feet have softened, adapted since he moved to Greensboro in February 2016.\nOf the many challenges that a young refugee faces in the United States, the ones related to changes in soccer are often no less significant than ones off the field. Playing soccer sustains many of these young men: The game transcends to become symbolic \u2014 a connection to a new home and the reminder of an old one.\nQuashie said the hardest adjustment in his soccer life has been the difference between the dirt streets of Togo and the large grass fields in Greensboro. The game itself has changed.\nSoccer encompasses the cultural differences that all of the young men face. They\u2019ve come from other traditions in Egypt, Congo, El Salvador, Liberia, Iraq and various other countries around the world.\nQuashie\u2019s teammate Makryous Kori misses the sand pitches in Sudan, where he grew up. He misses using rocks to mark the goals, and he misses his friends who he occasionally talks with on the phone, who ask him when he\u2019s coming home.\nBut there are greater differences than a change in the playing surface, and a new prerequisite toward practices and matches might be the most challenging.\n\u201cYou have to call people in the US to [arrange a time] to play,\u201d Kori explained. In Sudan, he said, everyone played in the streets all day long. Pickup soccer was as much a part of life as anything else.\nAs refugees acclimate to life in Greensboro, to fresh traditions at the Newcomers School and beyond, changes are inevitable.\nThe weekly pickup game began before Moussa Issifou arrived, but he was by no means lost or out of luck. His group formed these sides often, and he knew the rule", + " muscle contraction and pain lasts for several minutes, and then slowly eases. Cramps may affect any muscle, but are most common in the calves, feet, and hands. While painful, they are harmless, and in most cases, not related to any underlying disorder. Nonetheless, cramps and spasms can be manifestations of many neurological or muscular diseases.\nThe terms cramp and spasm can be somewhat vague, and they are sometimes used to include types of abnormal muscle activity other than sudden painful contraction. These include stiffness at rest, slow muscle relaxation, and spontaneous contractions of a muscle at rest (fasciculation). Fasciculation is a type of painless muscle spasm, marked by rapid, uncoordinated contraction of many small muscle fibers. A critical part of diagnosis is to distinguish these different meanings and to allow the patient to describe the problem as precisely as possible.\nNormal voluntary muscle contraction begins when electrical signals are sent from the brain through the spinal cord along nerve cells called motor neurons (Nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement). These include both the upper motor neurons within the brain and the lower motor neurons (nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement) within the spinal cord and leading out to the muscle. At the muscle, chemicals released by the motor neuron stimulate the internal release of calcium ions from stores within the muscle cell. These calcium ions then interact with muscle proteins within the cell, causing the proteins (actin and myosin) to slide past one another. This motion pulls their fixed ends closer, thereby shortening the cell and, ultimately, the muscle itself. Recapture of calcium and unlinking of actin and myosin allows the muscle fiber to relax.\nAbnormal contraction may be caused by abnormal activity at any stage in this process. Certain mechanisms within the brain and the rest of the central nervous system help regulate contraction. Interruption of these mechanisms can cause spasm. Motor neurons that are overly sensitive may fire below their normal thresholds. The muscle membrane itself may be over sensitive, causing contraction without stimulation. Calcium ions may not be recaptured quickly enough, causing prolonged contraction.\nInteruption of brain mechanisms and overly sensitive motor neurons may result from damage to the nerve pathways. Possible causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, neurodegenerative diseases, trauma, spinal cord injury, and nervous system poisons such as strychnine, tetanus, and certain insecticides. Nerve damage may lead to a prolonged or permanent muscle shortening called contracture.\nProlonged exercise: Curiously, relaxation of a muscle actually requires energy to be expended. The energy is used to recapture calcium and to unlink actin and myosin. Normally, sensations of pain and fatigue signal that it is time to rest. Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp. The familiar advice about not swimming after a heavy meal, when blood flow is directed away from the muscles, is intended to avoid this type of cramp. Rigor mortis, the stiffness of a corpse within the first 24 hours after death, is also due to this phenomenon.\nDehydration and Salt Depletion: This may be brought on by protracted vomiting or diarrhea, or by copious sweating during prolonged exercise, especially in high temperatures. Loss of fluids and salts--especially sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium--can disrupt ion balances in both muscle and nerves. This can prevent them from responding and recovering normally, and can lead to cramp.\nMetabolic disorders that affect the energy supply in muscle. These are inherited diseases in which particular muscle enzymes are deficient. They include deficiencies of myophosphorylase (McArdle's disease), phosphorylase b kinase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase.\nMyotonia: This causes stiffness due to delayed relaxation of the muscle, but does not cause the spontaneous contraction usually associated with cramps. However, many patients with myotonia do experience cramping from exercise. Symptoms of myotonia are often worse in the cold. Myotonias include myotonic dystrophy, myotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, and neuromyotonia.\nThe pain of a muscle cramp is intense, localized, and often debilitating Coming on quickly, it may last for minutes and fade gradually. Contractures develop more slowly, over days or weeks, and may be permanent if untreated. Fasciculations may occur at rest or after muscle contraction, and may last several minutes.\nMost cases of simple cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching. Gently and gradually stretching and massaging the affected muscle may ease the pain and hasten recovery.\nMore prolonged or regular cramps may be treated with drugs such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, or quinine. Fluid and salt replacement, either orally or intr", + " of Greater Greensboro to revitalize the city\u2019s international soccer league; he was the president during its only season back in 2012. There had been many inquiries by those who want it back \u2014 people who said they needed it.\nThese three organizers of immigrant and refugee soccer matches in Greensboro strive to maintain traditions, to do their part for something that endures so strongly in themselves and those they care for, but that the world around them endangers.\nThey want to provide something hard to define, but for many of the participants, it\u2019s something akin to feeling wholly alive. Their players seek respite, connection, tradition, home. They find it in soccer.\nThese are the local stewards of the beautiful game.\nAs the sun went down on April 4, it cast an amber light on the Bennett College soccer field that borders Gate City Boulevard. Almost 20 players had arrived, but the field was empty. Puddles of that morning\u2019s rain kept them off.\nInstead, the young men in their late teens kicked soccer balls around on a basketball court next to the soggy field. The hoops and backboards have been removed, leaving only the metal posts \u2014 monuments to past play.\nMost of the players wore no shoes, not wanting to ruin cleats on the court\u2019s hard surface. Playing barefoot was nothing new; it\u2019s how many of them learned the game in their home countries from a young age, sometimes playing for five or six hours a day. Without cleats on, they still showed incredible finesse.\nCoach Michael Amend watched the players, who make up the Greensboro United Soccer Association\u2019s Global team. They are alumni of the Newcomers School, a magnet for first-year immigrants and refugees. Students remain at the Newcomers School for one year, then transition to various schools in the district.\nAs the players scrimmaged in two separate games in teams of three or four, Anas Quashie limped off the court, the sole of his foot bleeding onto the asphalt. He found one of his socks and wrapped it tightly around the wound.\nAfter the practice, as players waited for city buses or rides home from Amend and one another, Quashie\u2019s peers chided him.\n\u201cYou must not be from Africa, bro!\u201d one kidded in good nature, showing the group the callous bottom of his right foot.\nQuashie is from Africa. He used to play what he calls \u201cstreet soccer\u201d in the dirt roads of Togo. His feet have softened, adapted since he moved to Greensboro in February 2016.\nOf the many challenges that a young refugee faces in the United States, the ones related to changes in soccer are often no less significant than ones off the field. Playing soccer sustains many of these young men: The game transcends to become symbolic \u2014 a connection to a new home and the reminder of an old one.\nQuashie said the hardest adjustment in his soccer life has been the difference between the dirt streets of Togo and the large grass fields in Greensboro. The game itself has changed.\nSoccer encompasses the cultural differences that all of the young men face. They\u2019ve come from other traditions in Egypt, Congo, El Salvador, Liberia, Iraq and various other countries around the world.\nQuashie\u2019s teammate Makryous Kori misses the sand pitches in Sudan, where he grew up. He misses using rocks to mark the goals, and he misses his friends who he occasionally talks with on the phone, who ask him when he\u2019s coming home.\nBut there are greater differences than a change in the playing surface, and a new prerequisite toward practices and matches might be the most challenging.\n\u201cYou have to call people in the US to [arrange a time] to play,\u201d Kori explained. In Sudan, he said, everyone played in the streets all day long. Pickup soccer was as much a part of life as anything else.\nAs refugees acclimate to life in Greensboro, to fresh traditions at the Newcomers School and beyond, changes are inevitable.\nThe weekly pickup game began before Moussa Issifou arrived, but he was by no means lost or out of luck. His group formed these sides often, and he knew the rule: If you\u2019re married, you\u2019re on one team; if not, you\u2019re on the other.\nThe division might not have been followed precisely, and the teams were already unbalanced \u2014 11 bachelors against 13 espoused, with Issifou joining the latter. But for Issifou, accuracy carried less importance than a greater goal. He didn\u2019t call them married and unmarried. He called them fathers and sons.\nUnderstandably, the sons want to beat their fathers \u2014 the adults or elders. But just as importantly for Issifou, they simply want to play.\nSoccer is a tradition \u2014 a fact lost to those who don\u2019t include sports in the ranks of language, food, music and dance. Yet like any part of culture, a community\u2019s athletic and sports", + ", there are a number of choices available.\nThe timekeeping procedure is followed all around the world and so there are endless uses of watch. You can also see the apparel style or dress code which is appropriate to your own watch may be distinct from now and again. Watches for armed forces should be created with some consideration about the uniform\u2019s shade. Here is the chief reason for which watches G-Shock military inspired series are of the colors like like grey, olive green, navy blue. Some watches that are specially designed to wear along with glamorous gown should have some sparkle color, for example silver and gold.\nWhere to purchase your demanding watch is dependent on your own taste. I know some people still love going to their local watch store to buy their watches. If you are the sort of shopper who needs to physically touch and see an item prior to buying, then online shopping may not be your cup of tea. The reason for which I want to buy my tough watches online is the reality that I get to do plenty of research work through the reviews of other users prior to buying. In addition, with hundreds of online stores at your disposal, I normally have a higher possibility of finding small versions such as G-Shock military inspired series online.\nIt is important consider the several things before deciding to buy a tough watch. The most crucial considerations are watch movement and the strap material. There are few different materials that are usually used to make the strap of tough watches.\nTitanium and stainless steel are popular watch materials; although they enrich the look of tough watches they are not the best for the military niche. That is why most G-Shock military inspired series use resin sort of material that can take on different camouflage colors.\nThe watch movement is very important because poor quality movement will not last particularly during a fall. It is necessary to read rough watches review before making a choice of purchase. It is impossible to get the toughest watches if you do not read and compare the watches available in the market.\nFinding the finest watch that will match your character can be difficult for you, particularly should you not know how exactly to do it. It is vital to go through the critiques of tough watches so you have access to the widest change of accessible tough watches. Make sure you are clear about your own personal demand so that you understand what issues to look out for. G-Shock group should be the first name that occurs for most buyers looking for the toughest watches in the world. In case that you don\u2019t like the look of Casio G-shock, then there are other options available from different manufacturers. But do not equate military watches as the toughest watches since they\u2019re not. As a last note, a tough watch will last you for a long time so do not attempt to skimp on this one.\nShould there be one thing that unites the various cultures and cuisines together, it\u2019ll be coffee. Today, Coffee remains the world\u2019s most loved drink. This is regardless of numerous efforts to highlight the disadvantage of caffeine which have been conducted through various types of studies.\nYou are able to go to common sites like Mc Cafe and grab a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Despite the popularity of such institutions, I was astonished to learn that when given a choice, most coffee drinkers prefer to brew their own cup of coffee.\nHousehold appliance makers are quick to identify this growing market segment which explains why we\u2019re seeing a wide variety of form of coffee makers in the market. As consumers, we may genuinely believe that more options always mean better. On the contrary, the task of finding the Best Coffee Maker is made difficult as a result of the aggressive marketing campaign used by the many manufacturers. That is why getting hold of good coffee maker reviews is essential.\nWhenever you are buying a coffee maker, there are many factors to consider. While capacity of your coffeemaker is essential, don\u2019t forget about other factors including the ease of maintenance and price. Selecting the most appropriate capacity that fits to your need is very important because of few reasons. If you are brewing for group consumption, the best coffee maker for your case is those with larger capacity such as 4-cups coffee makers instead of single serve coffee makers that are more suitable for individual consumption. The brewing time taken by a single serve coffee maker is faster than the time required by a 4-cups coffee maker. Furthermore, expect smaller water tank capacity when you are buying single serve coffee makers. The size range of most coffee glasses is between 4 to 8oz. It is logical for 4-cup coffee makers to take on greater dimension. Understanding the maintenance effort required out of the coffeemaker that you are purchasing can be important. Some coffee machines have rinse functionality. Using the press of a button, this feature allows you to clean the filter after each use. Your coffeemaker budget might range between less than $100 to more than $1000, depending on the features and brands that you are buying. Rich set of features are found in higher priced coffee machine models but only few of them are really useful. For", + " valley through the `Cathedral' and along the river and past the Mac Falls amongst many others. The God's Window to Pongola trail (recommended day 1) is a long, moderate walk 10km. The Pongola to God's\ufffdWindow section (day 2) is a shorter, steep and stunning 6km. GOD'S WINDOW BASE CAMP: 2 x Double storey wooden pagoda's, but rock and wooden houses, built into the extraordinary canyons, with bunk beds and mattresses, 8-10pers.(max of 20 hikers.) Communal equipped kitchen dining area, braai facilities indoors and outdoors and kitchen utensils. Electrified and equipped with hot showers and \"loo's with a view\". Ladies bath room!! Safe parking at the camp.\nDescription: Daywalks. Base- and bush bungalows, sleeps 30.\nDescription: The trail opened in 2010 when the three estates, Wathaba, Five Assegais Country Estate and Bermanzi collaborated to create the first 5-day trail on private land in South Africa. The Num-num explores some of the mos amazing landscapes in the world. The circular trail is 38.9 kilometers in length, with daily hikes of between 7 and 9 km between camps that cater for a maximum of 20 hikers.The Trail starts at the pongola Express. DAY 1 `Die Bergbas roete: 7.4 km: Takes one up 400 meters in easy stages from the Schoonspruit valley past timeless old kraals with stunning panoramas DAY 2 `The Bladdernut Track: 9.4 km: Traverses the Skurwerand then plunges into the Bankspruit gorge DAY 3 `The Milkplum path: 6 km. Easy walk. DAY 4 The Pom-Pon Way: 7.2 km. Skirts the edge of the escarpment before plunging down an indigenous forest valley into the Schoonspruit Valley DAY 5 `Die Koko Boom Pad: 8.9 km: Follows the Schoonspruit past stunning waterfalls and cascades to the Mac falls.\nDescription: The Pongola Express - Candlewood loop consits of two equal sections from either camp. Both sections are about 8km long and include some steep climbs, very dramatic with a wide variety of terrains. This Camp consists out of old train carriages, beautifully renovated and can accommodate up to 20 hikers. There is electricity, ablutions with hot water showers. Equipped kitchen, braai area, big social lapa and deck overlooking the valley. These historic 1934 SAR carriages were brought to this spot in the 60's as a weekend retreat. They have been renovated and now form the hub for the Num-num\ufffdand other hiking trails on the estate. This is the ideal start or end to any hike.\nDescription: trail rides varying between a few hours to a few days, or take part in cattle drives, cutting & roping, branding and other farm work. Rocky Ranch also offers pony camps over the school holidays for children 10 - 16 years old.\nComments: Rocky Ranch is a working cattle ranch situated on the escarpment of Mpumalanga. Our purpose is to establish an understanding of Western riding and to give guests the opportunity to experience the life and ways of the old-time cowboy.\nDescription: 18.3km/2 days; average to difficult; network; on a farm; overnight; 32 persons max. From a well drawn and very specific map, hikers can decide on their route, to suite each individual need. On the very edge of the Highveld escarpment, a trail network of more than 40 km awaits the hiker. These trails nestle deep in a picturesque valley and can be hiked all year round by hikers with different levels of experience - from families with junior hikers to the wilderness hiker. The trails are situated on Welgedacht, a dairy and trout farm with vast unspoilt wilderness areas. A unique feature of these trails are the ecological zones they span, namely river and wetland; grassland and foothills; indigenous mountain forest and kloof; and escarpment and highland. Two of the trails linking the valley to the highlands, cut through indigenous kloofs; some of the most unspoilt areas of indigenous forest in the Eastern Transvaal. Every trail has its unique focus such as flora, bird-life, archaeology and the magnificent vistas that hikers can enjoy from every vantage point. Overnight facilities: Oom Tos' house has 16 beds. Braai facilities with wood and grids. Potjie, pans and kettle. Ablution facilities - flush toilets and showers. Donkey fired geyser. Paraffin lamps. Two-", + " with the FCC's characterization of municipal networks as beneficial, Congress had not given the FCC the power to overrule state management of its subdivisions (cities). As we have often said, restricting local authority in this manner may be stupid, but states are allowed to do stupid things (especially when powerful companies like AT&T and Comcast urge them to).\nLisa and I explore the decision and explain why we are nonetheless glad that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Commissioners Rosenworcel and Clyburn moved on the petitions from Chattanooga and Wilson to remove state barriers to next-generation network investment. We also reference this blog post from Harold Feld, which is a well-done summary of the situation.\nThe Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued their order on August 10th supporting the states of Tennessee and North Carolina in their challenge from an FCC decision from February 2015. Both states objected to the FCC\u2019s decision to preempt state laws preventing municipalities from providing fast, affordable, reliable connectivity via municipal Internet networks. The Appellate Court Judges reviewed the legal arguments, the precedent, and the interplay between federal authority and state sovereignty.\nThe impact of their ruling will affect more than a few pages in a law school text book. Access to high-quality Internet access positively impacts real people and businesses and, as Cecila Kang captures in her recent article in the New York Times, the people who depend on it fear the outcome if their state legislators take it away.\n\u201cWe\u2019re very worried because there is no way we could run this equipment on the internet service we used to have, and we can\u2019t imagine the loss we\u2019ll have to the business,\u201d said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm.\nAs Kang notes in her article, the FCC has no plans to appeal the decision, so battles will resume at the state level. Advocates will need to be twice as vigilant because incumbents - the only ones that come out ahead from this decision - may try to push state legislators for even tougher anti-competitive state barriers.\nEPB customers love the fast, affordable, reliable Internet access they get from their muni and they appreciate the way its smart-grid helps them save money on their electric bill. According to a new J.D. Power report, their municipal utility is also the highest rated mid-size utility in the South for customer service and reliability.\nJust a month ago, Consumer Reports magazine rated EPB the best TV and Internet access utility in the county for customer satisfaction, as chosen by a reader survey. The J.D. Power report went on to rank EPB number two in the country in the category of municipal or investor-owned electric utility.\nThe Times Free Press reports that in 2015 EPB Fiber Optics earned a net income of $23.5 million while the electric division earned $3.5 million. EPB President David Wade said that the smart-grid has reduced power outages by 60 percent and contributed to customer satisfaction by enhancing reliability of the system.\n\"The lesson that utilities can learn from other high-performing service providers is that to excel you need a culture that puts customers and employees first,\" said John Hazen, senior director of the utility practice at J.D. Power. \"And because customer expectations continue to increase, you need to have a mindset of continuous improvement to keep up.\"\nEPB Chairman Joe Ferguson said the favorable grades from EPB customers reflect the utility's local ownership, public service and management focus on serving the customer.\nMinneapolis, MN - The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decided today to dismiss the FCC's February 2015 decision to encourage Internet investment in Tennessee and North Carolina. Tennessee and North Carolina had both restricted local authority to build competitive networks.\n\"We're disappointed that the FCC's efforts to ensure local Internet choice have been struck down,\" says Christopher Mitchell with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. \"We thank the FCC for working so hard to fight for local authority and we hope that states themselves will recognize the folly of defending big cable and telephone monopolies and remove these barriers to local investment. Communities desperately need these connections and must be able to decide for themselves how to ensure residents and businesses have high quality Internet access.\"\nILSR and Next Century Cities filed an Amicus brief in support of the FCC's position. View the Court's Opinion here.\nDisappointing news from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today as the Court chooses to reverse the FCC\u2019s February 2015 preemption order that peeled back restrictive state laws in Tennessee and North Carolina. We have the opinion for you to download and review. You can also view the decision at the Sixth Circuit's website.\nWe consider the Sixth Circuit\u2019s decision disappointing, incorrect, and we hope the FCC and the cities of Chattanooga and Wilson appeal this decision. Local connectivity and telecommunications should be determined by the people who will be affected by their own decisions, not by officials who are distant, unaware of local matters, and lobbied by rich corporate Internet Service Providers with an interest in limiting competition.\nIn their statement, Next Century Cities, who joined us in filing an", + " to Wayland\u2019s existing world class system of cannabis cultivation. Outdoor cultivation will take place in existing alfalfa fields, to supply Wayland with low cost inputs. Initial extraction will take place in Argentina.\nThe Company has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of Colma Pharmaceutical SAS (\u201cColma\u201d), a licensed producer of THC cannabis in Colombia, holding four licenses for cultivation and processing on a leased premise in Ibaque, Colombia. Wayland plans to cultivate THC cannabis outdoor and year-round with an infrastructure investment including 415,000 square feet of processing and clone and vegetation greenhouse facilities to support outdoor cannabis flower production of 125 hectares.\nWayland has entered into an agreement to acquire 50.1% of Tropicann Pty Ltd. (\u201cTropicann\u201d), a privately owned Australian company located in Darwin, Northern Territory. It plans to build an outdoor grow facility to take advantage of the ideal cannabis cultivation climate with minimal environmental impact. The Company believes it can leverage a major port in Darwin that will provide access to major APAC markets.\nThe Company\u2019s flagship facility is located in Langton, Ontario with cultivation, extraction, formulation, and distribution capabilities. The facility is a purpose-built cannabis production facility with an emphasis on automation and energy efficiencies. The Company partnered with Rockwell Automation to develop a fully automated system including the development of AI Data Grow, the Company\u2019s artificially intelligent master grower. This allows Wayland to drastically reduce its cultivation labour needs by approximately 90% of the industry average while also mitigating risks associated with infecting crops. The facility will be completed in two phases, the first of which is approximately 225,000 square feet in size with 90,000 square feet of production and office space and approximately 135,000 square feet of grow space which will yield the Company approximately 65,000 kg of dried cannabis flower per year. Phase two will bring an additional 719,000 square feet of grow space online taking production capacity much greater than 100,000 kg per year.\nWayland\u2019s Langton campus has been certified by the European Medicines Agency after receiving the certification of EU-Good Manufacturing Practices (\u201cEU-GMP\u201d). EU-GMP certification allowed Wayland to sign the largest ever medical cannabis export deal with Cannamedical of Germany, agreeing to provide the medical cannabis distributor with a minimum of 9,000 kg of product over a three-year period. Wayland is one of only five cannabis companies in the world to receive the EU-GMP designation which is another advantage the Company believes it has in the global medical cannabis arena as demonstrated by this large purchase order.\nManitoba: Supply agreement with the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation (\u201cMBLL\u201d) to make available for purchase by MBLL at least 550kg of various cannabis products during the first twelve months of the agreement.\nAlberta: Supply Agreement with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Commission (\u201cAGLC\u201d) to allocate up to 3,375kg of cannabis product for the Alberta market within the first six months.\nBritish Columbia: Through a memorandum of understanding (\u201cMOU\u201d), Wayland is a preferred licensed producer to the BC Liquor Distribution Branch (\u201cBCLDB\u201d) to initially supply approximately 3,622kg of non-medical cannabis to BCLDB over the first 12 months following legalization.\nOntario: Selected by The Ontario Cannabis Store (\u201cOCS\u201d) to supply a variety of safe, high quality cannabis products through its online store since launching October 17, 2018.\nThe Company has taken a purposeful and consumer-centric approach to each of its brands/offerings, each validated and optimized with local consumer research. Strains within each portfolio will match brand positioning and satisfy target consumer needs and benefits.\nSolara C: Designed for the modern, active consumer who is looking to find solutions to help them live healthier/better without using stronger pharmaceutical alternatives. This brand will be CBD-only and create a wide range of products from beverages to topical creams with the expressed purpose of promoting a healthy, balanced lifestyle.\nKiwi: Designed for light users who are new to the category and looking to better understand Cannabis and its effects. The brand will exist to simplify and make the cannabis experience more welcoming and approachable to the masses.\nNorthern Harvest: Designed for light / medium users who enjoy Cannabis as part of their active and social lives. The brand will exist to promote a more natural and balanced approach to Cannabis with a focus on providing a fun and lighthearted experience.\nHigh Tide: Designed for medium to heavy users who enjoy the cerebral effects of Cannabis. This brand will produce high quality, high THC cannabis with the expressed purpose of pushing the limits of the THC experience.\nLost at Seed: Designed for medium to heavy users who want only the best Cannabis money can buy. This brand will provide highly desirable and impossible to", + "2-[(10-methylundecanoyl)amino]-\u03b2-D-glucopyranuronosyl]-38-[[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] carbamoyl]-42-O-\u03b1-D-mannopyranosyl-15-N-methyl(ristomycin A aglycone) hydrochloride.\nDalvance is supplied in clear glass vials as a sterile, lyophilized, preservative-free, white to off-white to pale yellow solid. Each vial contains dalbavancin HCl equivalent to 500 mg of dalbavancin as the free base, plus lactose monohydrate (129 mg) and mannitol (129 mg) as excipients. Sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid may be added to adjust the pH at the time of manufacture. The powder is to be reconstituted and further diluted for IV infusion [see Dosage and Administration (2.3), How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16)].\nDalbavancin is an antibacterial drug [see Microbiology (12.4)].\nThe antibacterial activity of dalbavancin appears to best correlate with the ratio of area under the concentration-time curve to minimal inhibitory concentration (AUC/MIC) for Staphylococcus aureus based on animal models of infection. An exposure-response analysis of a single study in patients with complicated skin and skin structure infections supports the two-dose regimen [see Dosage and Administration (2.1), Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)].\nCardiac Electrophysiology: In a randomized, positive- and placebo-controlled, thorough QT/QTc study, 200 healthy subjects received dalbavancin 1000 mg IV, dalbavancin 1500 mg IV, oral moxifloxacin 400 mg, or placebo. Neither dalbavancin 1000 mg nor dalbavancin 1500 mg had any clinically relevant adverse effect on cardiac repolarization.\nDalbavancin pharmacokinetic parameters have been characterized in healthy subjects, patients, and specific populations. Pharmacokinetic parameters following administration of single intravenous 1000 mg and 1500 mg doses were as shown in Table 4. The pharmacokinetics of dalbavancin can be described using a three-compartment model.\n1 Data from 50 healthy subjects.\n2 Data from 12 healthy subjects.\n3 Based upon population pharmacokinetic analyses of data from patients, the effective half-life is approximately 8.5 days (204 hours).\n4 Data from 49 healthy subjects.\nIn healthy subjects, dalbavancin AUC0-24h and Cmax both increased proportionally to dose following single IV dalbavancin doses ranging from 140 mg to 1500 mg, indicating linear pharmacokinetics.\nThe mean plasma concentration-time profile for dalbavancin following the recommended two-dose regimen of 1000 mg followed one week later by 500 mg is shown in Figure 2.\nFigure 2. Mean (\u00b1 standard deviation) dalbavancin plasma concentrations versus time in healthy subjects (n=10) following IV administration over 30 minutes of 1000 mg dalbavancin (Day 1) and 500 mg dalbavancin (Day 8).\nNo apparent accumulation of dalbavancin was observed following multiple IV infusions administered once weekly for up to eight weeks, with 1000 mg on Day 1 followed by up to seven weekly 500 mg doses, in healthy adults with normal renal function.\nDistribution: Dalbavancin is reversibly bound to human plasma proteins, primarily to albumin. The plasma protein binding of dalbavancin is approximately 93% and is not altered as a function of drug concentration, renal impairment, or hepatic impairment. The mean concentrations of dalbavancin achieved in skin blister fluid remain above 30 mg/L up to 7 days (approximately 146 hours) post dose, following 1000 mg IV dalbavancin. The mean ratio of the AUC0-144 hrs in skin blister fluid/AUC0-144 hrs in plasma is 0.60 (range 0.44 to 0.64).\nMetabolism: In vitro studies using human microsomal enzymes and hepatocytes indicate that dalbavancin is not a substrate, inhibitor, or inducer of CYP450 isoenzymes. A minor metabolite of dalbavancin (hydroxy-dalbavancin) has been observed in the", + "19,400 enrolled in Medicaid, and 5,400 young adults were able to retain coverage through their parents\u2019 plans. For more than 87% of the individuals enrolled in the health insurance marketplace, financial assistance was available that could reduce the cost of the average plan to $97 per month.\n283,000 individuals in the district \u2013 including 52,000 children and 122,000 women \u2013 now have health insurance that covers preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.\n10,400 seniors in the district received Medicare Part D prescription drug discounts worth $14.1 million.\n153,000 seniors in the district are now eligible for Medicare preventive services without paying any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.\n235,000 individuals in the district are protected by ACA provisions that prevent insurance companies from spending more than 20% of their premiums on profits and administrative overhead. Because of these protections, over 8,400 individuals in the district received approximately $3.4 million in insurance company rebates.\nUp to 36,000 children in the district with preexisting health conditions can no longer be denied coverage by health insurers.\n235,000 individuals in the district now have insurance that cannot place annual or lifetime limits on their coverage.\nFirst, this only includes private marketplace enrollment figures through April 19th and doesn't account for those who never paid their first month's premium (around 800,000 people). The good news is that, ironically, by my calculations this number should be more than cancelled out by the additional enrollees since April 19th (around 1.3 million nationally, of which around 900K have paid). Even if I'm off by a bit one one side or the other, there's a good 100K cushion there...so yes, the number of paid enrollments as of September should be around the same as the total number listed in your district report.\nSecond, the Medicaid numbers only include the 6.7 million newly-added enrollees through May 31st, which leaves out an additional 500,000 Medicaid/CHIP enrollees from June....as well as, I'd imagine, another good half million or more from July and August. Whatever \"Medicaid/CHIP\" number is listed in your district report is almost certainly at least 15% higher by now (for states which have expanded Medicaid) or perhaps 5% higher for states which didn't.\nThe only quibble I might have with these numbers is the first one, which assumes 60% were previously uninsured based on the KFF study instead of the actual 57%. However, again, those numbers are only based on either 4/19 or 5/31 totals, so I'm certain that the 3% difference has been more than made up by now, making those numbers accurate as of September.\nThe other slightly squirrelly number is the \"young adults on their parents plan\" figure, which has been the subject of dispute since it was released. Again, however, this number is from 2 years ago (remember, some ACA provisions have been in effect since 2010), and whatever the actual number was then has certainly gone up since that time.\nIn other words, no matter what, you should be on very safe ground with the numbers in these reports. Use them.\nShould the GOP take control of the Senate, drop-off voters are most concerned that \u201cRepublicans will take away a woman\u2019s right to choose and restrict access to birth control\u201d (58 percent rank this very concerning), \u201cRepublicans will cut access to health care for 8 million people and let insurance companies refuse to cover people with pre-existing conditions\u201d (58 percent) and \u201cRepublicans will cut back workplace protections for women, denying equal pay for equal work\u201d (57 percent)\u2026.\nOf course, the truth is that it's far more than 8 million people whose healthcare is at risk here. There's also another 6-7 million or so on Medicaid who'd be at risk of having their coverage yanked away as well, not to mention that millions more would be at risk of going back to the \"good old days\" when insurance companies could kick you to the curb on a whim or tell you to go pound sand if you have a pre-existing condition (that is, something which requires, you know, medical treatment).\nThe Affordable Care Act (aka \"Obamacare\", aka \"the ACA\") isn't a perfect law; no law is. However, it's still a huge improvement over what we had before, and it paves the way for an even better system going forward. That's why I support it, and that's why Democrats should be doing so loud & clear this fall", + " State University and a Seattle-based biotech firm are suing each other over the right to grow and sell the highly anticipated Cosmic Crisp apple variety, which is expected to appear on store shelves early next year.\nThe legal dispute will determine whether Phytelligence \u2013 a company founded by a WSU professor that is partly owned by the university \u2013 can use its \u201ccutting-edge science\u201d to grow Cosmic Crisp buds and sell them to commercial apple producers.\nBut with millions of trees already planted across the state, the outcome of the dueling lawsuits seems unlikely to affect consumer availability of the Cosmic Crisp, a flavor-packed hybrid of the Honeycrisp and Enterprise varieties.\nBrandt said the Cosmic Crisp has the potential to displace other popular varieties in Washington\u2019s $2.4 billion apple industry, which accounts for roughly 70 percent of U.S. production. And he said no other variety has been introduced to the market so rapidly. Producers typically plant new apples a little at a time to test consumer demand, but the Cosmic Crisp, which is said to have excellent sweetness and a remarkable shelf life, promises to be a hit.\nWSU researcher Bruce Barritt began developing the Cosmic Crisp about two decades ago. Until 2012, the year he filed for a patent, the tree was known only as WA 38.\nWSU professor Amit Dhingra founded Phytelligence in 2011 to commercialize a method of growing trees from tissue cultures rather than soil, which enables them to reach maturity and bear fruit in less time. Dhingra remains a WSU professor and the company\u2019s chief science officer.\nIn 2012, Phytelligence entered into a \u201cpropagation agreement\u201d with the university that allowed the company to cultivate WA 38 plants for research purposes. The agreement did not grant Phytelligence rights to the trademarked name Cosmic Crisp, but it did include an \u201coption to participate as a provider and/or seller\u201d once the apple went to market.\nIn February, Phytelligence filed suit in King County Superior Court, claiming the university had violated the agreement by refusing to issue a commercial license.\nWSU responded last month, claiming Phytelligence had not met clear requirements for obtaining a license and alleging the company had illegally sold 135,000 Cosmic Crisp trees to a grower near Yakima. The university also filed a patent-infringement claim in federal court.\nPhil Weiler, WSU\u2019s vice president for marketing and communications, said the university must protect the \u201csignificant financial investment\u201d it has made to develop the Cosmic Crisp by ensuring that no one grows the apple without proper licensing and quality-control measures in place.\n\u201cThe investments made by growers over the past two decades is at risk as well,\u201d Weiler said.\nWSU claims it terminated its agreement with Phytelligence after the company handed over sales orders and invoices showing it sold 135,000 Cosmic Crisp trees to Evans Fruit Co. in April 2016. The university also demanded that Phytelligence destroy any Cosmic Crisp plant materials in its possession.\nPhytelligence has refused to do so.\n\u201cWe are not going to destroy the material because we feel it\u2019s within our rights to get the license,\u201d said Ken Hunt, the company\u2019s CEO.\n\u201cWe don\u2019t own land, so we used ground over at Evans, in large part because we thought we\u2019d be using some of those buds to service their order,\u201d he said.\nBut he insisted the move did not violate Phytelligence\u2019s agreement with WSU or the university\u2019s patent.\nHunt said Phytelligence has refunded payments to Evans Fruit, and the Cosmic Crisp budwood is back in Phytelligence\u2019s possession.\nAs for the company\u2019s efforts to obtain a license, Hunt said WSU required Phytelligence to become a member of the Northwest Nursery Improvement Institute, a nonprofit association of tree fruit nurseries, but the university would not provide clear requirements for doing so. NNII has the authority to license its members to grow the Cosmic Crisp.\nHunt suggested Phytelligence faced pushback because the company\u2019s scientific approach can generate apples more quickly than the traditional nurseries, but Weiler, the WSU spokesman, said he was not aware of such competitive concerns. Weiler said several other companies managed to obtain commercial licenses without a problem.\n\u201cFor whatever reason, (Phytelligence) chose not to follow the path that was laid out in the agreement,\u201d he said.\nThis is not the first time a WSU-bred apple has been the subject of litigation. The university also went to court with a Yakima fruit company that had been selling the WA 2 variety under the brand name Crimson Delight. The apple was recently rebranded as Sunrise Magic.\nIn any case, Weiler said, apple lovers should brace themselves for the Cosmic Crisp. Not only is it sweet and tangy, it can retain its flavor and texture for up to a year in storage, and it\u2019s", + " a Seattle-based biotech firm are suing each other over the right to grow and sell the highly anticipated Cosmic Crisp apple variety, which is expected to appear on store shelves early next year.\nThe legal dispute will determine whether Phytelligence \u2013 a company founded by a WSU professor that is partly owned by the university \u2013 can use its \u201ccutting-edge science\u201d to grow Cosmic Crisp buds and sell them to commercial apple producers.\nBut with millions of trees already planted across the state, the outcome of the dueling lawsuits seems unlikely to affect consumer availability of the Cosmic Crisp, a flavor-packed hybrid of the Honeycrisp and Enterprise varieties.\nBrandt said the Cosmic Crisp has the potential to displace other popular varieties in Washington\u2019s $2.4 billion apple industry, which accounts for roughly 70 percent of U.S. production. And he said no other variety has been introduced to the market so rapidly. Producers typically plant new apples a little at a time to test consumer demand, but the Cosmic Crisp, which is said to have excellent sweetness and a remarkable shelf life, promises to be a hit.\nWSU researcher Bruce Barritt began developing the Cosmic Crisp about two decades ago. Until 2012, the year he filed for a patent, the tree was known only as WA 38.\nWSU professor Amit Dhingra founded Phytelligence in 2011 to commercialize a method of growing trees from tissue cultures rather than soil, which enables them to reach maturity and bear fruit in less time. Dhingra remains a WSU professor and the company\u2019s chief science officer.\nIn 2012, Phytelligence entered into a \u201cpropagation agreement\u201d with the university that allowed the company to cultivate WA 38 plants for research purposes. The agreement did not grant Phytelligence rights to the trademarked name Cosmic Crisp, but it did include an \u201coption to participate as a provider and/or seller\u201d once the apple went to market.\nIn February, Phytelligence filed suit in King County Superior Court, claiming the university had violated the agreement by refusing to issue a commercial license.\nWSU responded last month, claiming Phytelligence had not met clear requirements for obtaining a license and alleging the company had illegally sold 135,000 Cosmic Crisp trees to a grower near Yakima. The university also filed a patent-infringement claim in federal court.\nPhil Weiler, WSU\u2019s vice president for marketing and communications, said the university must protect the \u201csignificant financial investment\u201d it has made to develop the Cosmic Crisp by ensuring that no one grows the apple without proper licensing and quality-control measures in place.\n\u201cThe investments made by growers over the past two decades is at risk as well,\u201d Weiler said.\nWSU claims it terminated its agreement with Phytelligence after the company handed over sales orders and invoices showing it sold 135,000 Cosmic Crisp trees to Evans Fruit Co. in April 2016. The university also demanded that Phytelligence destroy any Cosmic Crisp plant materials in its possession.\nPhytelligence has refused to do so.\n\u201cWe are not going to destroy the material because we feel it\u2019s within our rights to get the license,\u201d said Ken Hunt, the company\u2019s CEO.\n\u201cWe don\u2019t own land, so we used ground over at Evans, in large part because we thought we\u2019d be using some of those buds to service their order,\u201d he said.\nBut he insisted the move did not violate Phytelligence\u2019s agreement with WSU or the university\u2019s patent.\nHunt said Phytelligence has refunded payments to Evans Fruit, and the Cosmic Crisp budwood is back in Phytelligence\u2019s possession.\nAs for the company\u2019s efforts to obtain a license, Hunt said WSU required Phytelligence to become a member of the Northwest Nursery Improvement Institute, a nonprofit association of tree fruit nurseries, but the university would not provide clear requirements for doing so. NNII has the authority to license its members to grow the Cosmic Crisp.\nHunt suggested Phytelligence faced pushback because the company\u2019s scientific approach can generate apples more quickly than the traditional nurseries, but Weiler, the WSU spokesman, said he was not aware of such competitive concerns. Weiler said several other companies managed to obtain commercial licenses without a problem.\n\u201cFor whatever reason, (Phytelligence) chose not to follow the path that was laid out in the agreement,\u201d he said.\nThis is not the first time a WSU-bred apple has been the subject of litigation. The university also went to court with a Yakima fruit company that had been selling the WA 2 variety under the brand name Crimson Delight. The apple was recently rebranded as Sunrise Magic.\nIn any case, Weiler said, apple lovers should brace themselves for the Cosmic Crisp. Not only is it sweet and tangy, it can retain its flavor and texture for up to a year in storage, and it\u2019s slow to brown", + "especially when powerful companies like AT&T and Comcast urge them to).\nLisa and I explore the decision and explain why we are nonetheless glad that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Commissioners Rosenworcel and Clyburn moved on the petitions from Chattanooga and Wilson to remove state barriers to next-generation network investment. We also reference this blog post from Harold Feld, which is a well-done summary of the situation.\nThe Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued their order on August 10th supporting the states of Tennessee and North Carolina in their challenge from an FCC decision from February 2015. Both states objected to the FCC\u2019s decision to preempt state laws preventing municipalities from providing fast, affordable, reliable connectivity via municipal Internet networks. The Appellate Court Judges reviewed the legal arguments, the precedent, and the interplay between federal authority and state sovereignty.\nThe impact of their ruling will affect more than a few pages in a law school text book. Access to high-quality Internet access positively impacts real people and businesses and, as Cecila Kang captures in her recent article in the New York Times, the people who depend on it fear the outcome if their state legislators take it away.\n\u201cWe\u2019re very worried because there is no way we could run this equipment on the internet service we used to have, and we can\u2019t imagine the loss we\u2019ll have to the business,\u201d said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm.\nAs Kang notes in her article, the FCC has no plans to appeal the decision, so battles will resume at the state level. Advocates will need to be twice as vigilant because incumbents - the only ones that come out ahead from this decision - may try to push state legislators for even tougher anti-competitive state barriers.\nEPB customers love the fast, affordable, reliable Internet access they get from their muni and they appreciate the way its smart-grid helps them save money on their electric bill. According to a new J.D. Power report, their municipal utility is also the highest rated mid-size utility in the South for customer service and reliability.\nJust a month ago, Consumer Reports magazine rated EPB the best TV and Internet access utility in the county for customer satisfaction, as chosen by a reader survey. The J.D. Power report went on to rank EPB number two in the country in the category of municipal or investor-owned electric utility.\nThe Times Free Press reports that in 2015 EPB Fiber Optics earned a net income of $23.5 million while the electric division earned $3.5 million. EPB President David Wade said that the smart-grid has reduced power outages by 60 percent and contributed to customer satisfaction by enhancing reliability of the system.\n\"The lesson that utilities can learn from other high-performing service providers is that to excel you need a culture that puts customers and employees first,\" said John Hazen, senior director of the utility practice at J.D. Power. \"And because customer expectations continue to increase, you need to have a mindset of continuous improvement to keep up.\"\nEPB Chairman Joe Ferguson said the favorable grades from EPB customers reflect the utility's local ownership, public service and management focus on serving the customer.\nMinneapolis, MN - The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decided today to dismiss the FCC's February 2015 decision to encourage Internet investment in Tennessee and North Carolina. Tennessee and North Carolina had both restricted local authority to build competitive networks.\n\"We're disappointed that the FCC's efforts to ensure local Internet choice have been struck down,\" says Christopher Mitchell with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. \"We thank the FCC for working so hard to fight for local authority and we hope that states themselves will recognize the folly of defending big cable and telephone monopolies and remove these barriers to local investment. Communities desperately need these connections and must be able to decide for themselves how to ensure residents and businesses have high quality Internet access.\"\nILSR and Next Century Cities filed an Amicus brief in support of the FCC's position. View the Court's Opinion here.\nDisappointing news from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today as the Court chooses to reverse the FCC\u2019s February 2015 preemption order that peeled back restrictive state laws in Tennessee and North Carolina. We have the opinion for you to download and review. You can also view the decision at the Sixth Circuit's website.\nWe consider the Sixth Circuit\u2019s decision disappointing, incorrect, and we hope the FCC and the cities of Chattanooga and Wilson appeal this decision. Local connectivity and telecommunications should be determined by the people who will be affected by their own decisions, not by officials who are distant, unaware of local matters, and lobbied by rich corporate Internet Service Providers with an interest in limiting competition.\nIn their statement, Next Century Cities, who joined us in filing an Amicus Brief, said, \"Today\u2019s court ruling is a setback in the fight to ensure access to next-generation broadband for more Americans, and Next Century Cities is disappointed by this decision.\"\n\u201cToday\u2019s ruling doesn\u2019t change the fact that these laws were hurting communities in Tennessee", + " Mpumalanga: the Bride's Leap. Hells Bells Half Day trail: (+-8km): Less strenuous but a spectacular and intimate walk, down Hells Kloof, through a magic old forest of yellow wood and huge stink hout and tree ferns. Past smaller waterfalls and panoramic views on Swaziland. A lot of game species to be seen!\nComments: Night one: The God's Window Camp is electrified, there are 3 charming double story wooden pagodas, not tree houses but rock houses, built into the extraordinary sandstone rock canyons that are a feature of this estate, with bunk beds each sleeping 8 for a maximum of 24. Each hut is equipped with a fridge, stove and braai plus kitchen utensils and a sink. The camp has 4 open air hot showers incorporated into the rocks as well as 3 toilets that look over the whole of the Komati valley down to Badplaas as well a ladies only toilets and shower block and a spectacular natural boma with a fire place and seating to create a spectacular and comfy bush camp. Night two is spent at The Stables at Bermanzi providing accommodation for up to 40 people. The original farm stables have been renovated to provide comfortable backpackers accommodation in rooms with bunk beds and a loft with views over the escarpment. There is a boma with with braai facilities, electric stove, hotplate, refrigerator, pots and mattresses. The ablution facilities have hot and cold showers and flush toilets. The hiking trail has Green Flag status.\nDescription: 12km, Day loop, moderate. This beautifully laid out path takes you over the Skurwerand, a spectacular landscape of wind and water eroded ancient sandstone, filled with yellow wood trees and aloe gardens with views over the Komati valley all the way to Swaziland. The trial then plunges into the Bankspruit gorge taking you past crystal pools and rapids through a pristine gorge forest to the foot of the second highest waterfall in Mpumalanga, then out of the gorge and across old veld pastures filled with game back to the hiking camp situated on the very edge of the escarpment.\nComments: The God's Window Camp is electrified, there are 3 charming double story wooden pagodas, not tree houses but rock houses, built into the extraordinary sandstone rock canyons that are a feature of this estate, with bunk beds each sleeping 8 for a maximum of 24. Each hut is equipped with a fridge, stove and braai plus kitchen utensils and a sink. The camp has 4 open air hot showers incorporated into the rocks as well as 3 toilets that look over the whole of the Komati valley down to Badplaas as well a ladies only toilets and shower block and a spectacular natural boma with a fire place and seating to create a spectacular and comfy bush camp. The trail has Green Flag status.\nDescription: 5km trail takes you down the infamous `Hells Kloof Pass'. The trail meanders from the camp down into one of the largest yellow wood forests in the gorge, with a spectacular swing bridge in front of the waterfall and down past rapids and pools where the Louries cry and the orchids bloom, through secret places untouched by man, returning through this unspoiled forest of mosses and ferns back to the camp.\nComments: The God's Window Camp is electrified, there are 3 charming double story wooden pagodas, not tree houses but rock houses, built into the extraordinary sandstone rock canyons that are a feature of this estate, with bunk beds each sleeping 8 for a maximum of 24. Each hut is equipped with a fridge, stove and braai plus kitchen utensils and a sink. The camp has 4 open air hot showers incorporated into the rocks as well as 3 toilets that look over the whole of the Komati valley down to Badplaas as well a ladies only toilets and shower block and a spectacular natural boma with a fire place and seating to create a spectacular and comfy bush camp. The hiking Trail has Green Flag Status.\nLocation: The Five Assegais Estate is situated between Machadodorp and Badplaas in Mpumalanga.\nDescription: The Candlewood Loop goes in an anti clockwise direction from either camp both sections are about 10km with steep climbs and falls. Excellent hike for the more experienced hiker! Stunning views and lots of opportunities to swim in rock pools. CANDLEWOOD CAMP: This is the most recent addition to the estate. It is built on the most spectacular site with views over the Bankspruit gorge and the dramatic waterfall that falls 275 feet. This `green' camp is not electrified and a donkey geyser supplies hot water. Accommodates 20 persons in two romantic corrugated iron construction style dormitories from the days of the gold rush with a", + " a muscle cramp. The rapid, uncontrolled contraction, or spasm, happens unexpectedly, with either no stimulation or some trivially small one.\nThe muscle contraction and pain lasts for several minutes, and then slowly eases. Cramps may affect any muscle, but are most common in the calves, feet, and hands. While painful, they are harmless, and in most cases, not related to any underlying disorder. Nonetheless, cramps and spasms can be manifestations of many neurological or muscular diseases.\nThe terms cramp and spasm can be somewhat vague, and they are sometimes used to include types of abnormal muscle activity other than sudden painful contraction. These include stiffness at rest, slow muscle relaxation, and spontaneous contractions of a muscle at rest (fasciculation). Fasciculation is a type of painless muscle spasm, marked by rapid, uncoordinated contraction of many small muscle fibers. A critical part of diagnosis is to distinguish these different meanings and to allow the patient to describe the problem as precisely as possible.\nNormal voluntary muscle contraction begins when electrical signals are sent from the brain through the spinal cord along nerve cells called motor neurons (Nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement). These include both the upper motor neurons within the brain and the lower motor neurons (nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement) within the spinal cord and leading out to the muscle. At the muscle, chemicals released by the motor neuron stimulate the internal release of calcium ions from stores within the muscle cell. These calcium ions then interact with muscle proteins within the cell, causing the proteins (actin and myosin) to slide past one another. This motion pulls their fixed ends closer, thereby shortening the cell and, ultimately, the muscle itself. Recapture of calcium and unlinking of actin and myosin allows the muscle fiber to relax.\nAbnormal contraction may be caused by abnormal activity at any stage in this process. Certain mechanisms within the brain and the rest of the central nervous system help regulate contraction. Interruption of these mechanisms can cause spasm. Motor neurons that are overly sensitive may fire below their normal thresholds. The muscle membrane itself may be over sensitive, causing contraction without stimulation. Calcium ions may not be recaptured quickly enough, causing prolonged contraction.\nInteruption of brain mechanisms and overly sensitive motor neurons may result from damage to the nerve pathways. Possible causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, neurodegenerative diseases, trauma, spinal cord injury, and nervous system poisons such as strychnine, tetanus, and certain insecticides. Nerve damage may lead to a prolonged or permanent muscle shortening called contracture.\nProlonged exercise: Curiously, relaxation of a muscle actually requires energy to be expended. The energy is used to recapture calcium and to unlink actin and myosin. Normally, sensations of pain and fatigue signal that it is time to rest. Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp. The familiar advice about not swimming after a heavy meal, when blood flow is directed away from the muscles, is intended to avoid this type of cramp. Rigor mortis, the stiffness of a corpse within the first 24 hours after death, is also due to this phenomenon.\nDehydration and Salt Depletion: This may be brought on by protracted vomiting or diarrhea, or by copious sweating during prolonged exercise, especially in high temperatures. Loss of fluids and salts--especially sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium--can disrupt ion balances in both muscle and nerves. This can prevent them from responding and recovering normally, and can lead to cramp.\nMetabolic disorders that affect the energy supply in muscle. These are inherited diseases in which particular muscle enzymes are deficient. They include deficiencies of myophosphorylase (McArdle's disease), phosphorylase b kinase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase.\nMyotonia: This causes stiffness due to delayed relaxation of the muscle, but does not cause the spontaneous contraction usually associated with cramps. However, many patients with myotonia do experience cramping from exercise. Symptoms of myotonia are often worse in the cold. Myotonias include myotonic dystrophy, myotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, and neuromyotonia.\nThe pain of a muscle cramp is intense, localized, and often debilitating Coming on quickly, it may last for minutes and fade gradually. Contractures develop more slowly, over days or weeks, and may be permanent if untreated. Fasciculations may occur at rest or after muscle contraction, and may last several minutes.\nMost cases of simple cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching. Gently and gradually stretching and massaging the affected muscle may ease the pain and hasten recovery.\nMore prolonged or regular cramps", + "! And my pantry\u2026I could stare at it for hours, it\u2019s so big that I need to buy more food to fill it! Ok, so that\u2019s an exaggeration, but you get the point.\nI actually organized my walk-in closet first, because, you know\u2026I love clothes and shoes, so I had to claim almost the entire closet, sorry to the hubster. But that\u2019s ok, we have three other bedrooms to spare with lots and lots of closet space. And in case you didn\u2019t notice, I love organizing! Shelves, closets, drawers, pantries\u2026you name it! I also love cleaning and am a bit of a neat freak, so my kitchen always sparkles.\nBut anyways, because we\u2019ve been so busy unpacking, cleaning, and getting organized, easy meal ideas are definitely needed around here. And that\u2019s when I had the brilliant idea to put my love for pasta, mushrooms, and pesto to good use.\nRemember when I shared this Easy Basil Pesto a few weeks ago? Well, I\u2019ve been making it non-stop and freezing some jars so that I always have some whenever my cravings strike. And it really comes in handy since it\u2019s already prepared, which is perfect for this 30 minute meal.\nIf you adore pesto like I do, then this pasta is just begging to be made. And really, this dish couldn\u2019t get any easier to prepare. Because, remember, I\u2019m all about the simple dishes here at Pumpkin \u2018N Spice. And when it\u2019s summer and the weather is hot, I definitely don\u2019t want to be standing around a hot stove all day.\nYou\u2019ll simply cook some pasta according to the package directions and set aside. I chose to use cavatapi noodles because I love their shape, but any pasta works in this dish.\nWhile the pasta is cooking, saut\u00e9 the broccoli in some olive oil, and then add in some baby bella mushrooms to the same skillet. When both veggies are tender, add in the pasta and pesto, and stir to combine. And that\u2019s it! Told you it was easy! You can use a store-bought pesto sauce for convenience, but if you have the time, please make this pesto\u2026it\u2019s SO easy and so good!\nOne bite and you\u2019ll be hooked on the tender veggies and zesty pasta. It\u2019s flavorful, simple and perfect for busy weeknights or lazy weekends!\nThis Basil Pesto Pasta with Broccoli and Mushrooms is an easy dish that's full of flavor. Tender pasta is tossed with basil pesto, saut\u00e9ed mushroom, and fresh broccoli. It's simple to make and is perfect for busy weeknights!\nCook pasta until al dente, according to package directions. Drain and set aside.\nWhile pasta is cooking, add olive oil to a large skillet. Add broccoli and saut\u00e9 until just starts to become tender, about 4-5 minutes.\nAdd mushrooms to same skillet and saut\u00e9 until tender, about 5-6 minutes. Add more olive oil, if needed. Season with salt and pepper.\nOnce broccoli and mushrooms are tender, add noodles and pesto to skillet. Stir to combine.\nYou can never go wrong with pesto and pasta! I can add just about anything to that mix and my family will devour it. Love this easy dinner idea!\nTake ALL the closet space, Gayle. Leave him none!! We gals need it more. You know, for the shoes. Such a delicious, fresh pasta dish! I'm so into mushrooms in pasta. Happy dance!\nMeals like this are ideal for when you have moved house, or generally busy. Pasta pesto is a staple for use during busy times too.\nYes! Definitely great for busy times, Dannii!\nGayle - This pasta sounds (and looks) delicious. I planted a ton of basil in my garden and can't wait to make this dish in the summer months!\nThank you, Erin! Fresh basil is SO perfect for this dish!\nI like unpacking and organizing. But I don't like cleaning. I need someone to do that part for me! Glad to hear you two are getting settled. It always seems to take forever to get things all in order. I still haven't hung up all my artwork and I've lived in my house for a year now. Lol! Love this pasta. Carbohydrates and an easy dinner FOR THE WIN!\nThank you, Liz! I'm slowly but surely getting there! And yes, carbs and easy meals for the win!\nI'm always a fan of pesto with pasta! Love this easy meal!\nBasically everything we have moved to the new house has been dropped just inside the front door....and we have lawn chairs in the living room. Red neck much?! hahaha! I am so envious of your moving skills! I am SO good when I have a plan but I haven't been able to formulate one...I just kind of put things in the car and then go drop them off. lol!", + " are familiar with the sudden pain of a muscle cramp. The rapid, uncontrolled contraction, or spasm, happens unexpectedly, with either no stimulation or some trivially small one.\nThe muscle contraction and pain lasts for several minutes, and then slowly eases. Cramps may affect any muscle, but are most common in the calves, feet, and hands. While painful, they are harmless, and in most cases, not related to any underlying disorder. Nonetheless, cramps and spasms can be manifestations of many neurological or muscular diseases.\nThe terms cramp and spasm can be somewhat vague, and they are sometimes used to include types of abnormal muscle activity other than sudden painful contraction. These include stiffness at rest, slow muscle relaxation, and spontaneous contractions of a muscle at rest (fasciculation). Fasciculation is a type of painless muscle spasm, marked by rapid, uncoordinated contraction of many small muscle fibers. A critical part of diagnosis is to distinguish these different meanings and to allow the patient to describe the problem as precisely as possible.\nNormal voluntary muscle contraction begins when electrical signals are sent from the brain through the spinal cord along nerve cells called motor neurons (Nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement). These include both the upper motor neurons within the brain and the lower motor neurons (nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement) within the spinal cord and leading out to the muscle. At the muscle, chemicals released by the motor neuron stimulate the internal release of calcium ions from stores within the muscle cell. These calcium ions then interact with muscle proteins within the cell, causing the proteins (actin and myosin) to slide past one another. This motion pulls their fixed ends closer, thereby shortening the cell and, ultimately, the muscle itself. Recapture of calcium and unlinking of actin and myosin allows the muscle fiber to relax.\nAbnormal contraction may be caused by abnormal activity at any stage in this process. Certain mechanisms within the brain and the rest of the central nervous system help regulate contraction. Interruption of these mechanisms can cause spasm. Motor neurons that are overly sensitive may fire below their normal thresholds. The muscle membrane itself may be over sensitive, causing contraction without stimulation. Calcium ions may not be recaptured quickly enough, causing prolonged contraction.\nInteruption of brain mechanisms and overly sensitive motor neurons may result from damage to the nerve pathways. Possible causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, neurodegenerative diseases, trauma, spinal cord injury, and nervous system poisons such as strychnine, tetanus, and certain insecticides. Nerve damage may lead to a prolonged or permanent muscle shortening called contracture.\nProlonged exercise: Curiously, relaxation of a muscle actually requires energy to be expended. The energy is used to recapture calcium and to unlink actin and myosin. Normally, sensations of pain and fatigue signal that it is time to rest. Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp. The familiar advice about not swimming after a heavy meal, when blood flow is directed away from the muscles, is intended to avoid this type of cramp. Rigor mortis, the stiffness of a corpse within the first 24 hours after death, is also due to this phenomenon.\nDehydration and Salt Depletion: This may be brought on by protracted vomiting or diarrhea, or by copious sweating during prolonged exercise, especially in high temperatures. Loss of fluids and salts--especially sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium--can disrupt ion balances in both muscle and nerves. This can prevent them from responding and recovering normally, and can lead to cramp.\nMetabolic disorders that affect the energy supply in muscle. These are inherited diseases in which particular muscle enzymes are deficient. They include deficiencies of myophosphorylase (McArdle's disease), phosphorylase b kinase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase.\nMyotonia: This causes stiffness due to delayed relaxation of the muscle, but does not cause the spontaneous contraction usually associated with cramps. However, many patients with myotonia do experience cramping from exercise. Symptoms of myotonia are often worse in the cold. Myotonias include myotonic dystrophy, myotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, and neuromyotonia.\nThe pain of a muscle cramp is intense, localized, and often debilitating Coming on quickly, it may last for minutes and fade gradually. Contractures develop more slowly, over days or weeks, and may be permanent if untreated. Fasciculations may occur at rest or after muscle contraction, and may last several minutes.\nMost cases of simple cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching. Gently and gradually stretching and massaging the affected muscle may ease the pain and hasten recovery", + " educational studies and throughout their careers, and shows how new types of research can be created that resonate with the artistic process. Offering a rich array of sources and resources, the book will be of interest to clinicians and teachers in many fields, such as psychiatry, psychology, social work, counseling, art, and education. Approaches to Art Therapy, 3rd edition, is an essential resource in the assembly of any clinician's theoretical and technical toolbox, and in the formulation of each individual's own approach to art therapy. Mentalization Based Art Psychotherapy Dominik Havsteen-Franklin B. An Eclectic Approach to Art Therapy Harriet Wadeson Conclusion Index Series Title: Responsibility: edited by Judith Aron Rubin.\nGussak describes the role of the art therapist as an expert witness in a murder case, the way to use art as evidence, and the conclusions and assessments that professionals can draw from a defendant's artworks. The third edition of Approaches to Art Therapy brings together varied theoretical approaches and provides a variety of solutions to the challenge of translating theory to technique. Approaches to Art Therapy, 3rd edition, is an essential resource in the assembly of any clinician's theoretical and technical toolbox, and in the formulation of each individual's own approach to art therapy. Art therapists at all levels, as well as any mental health professional utilizing art in their clinical work, will find this new edition of value and interest. Art therapy can be very useful in these situations because the client can engage in creative expression and self-expression and not feel pressured to formulate insightful verbal insights.\nThe counselling approach that is chosen should best suit the client and their needs along with the skillset you have developed. Some have limited evidence and some have copious amounts of evidence. Moreover, a therapist will also be influenced by their first place of employment when deciding which counselling approach to use with their client. He examines the effectiveness of expert testimony as communicated by the prosecution, defense, and court, and weighs the moral, ethical, and legal consequences of relying on such evidence. Cognitive-Behavioral Art Therapy Marcia Rosal 18. Moreover, for all of the evidence in support of the effectiveness of the therapy, there is usually a component of criticisms directed towards the effectiveness of the therapy or the scientific approach taken to analyzing its usefulness.\nI honestly do not think I understood the integrative approach to art therapy until I picked this book up and started reading it and it was not my first semester of art therapy classes. The third edition of Approaches to Art Therapy brings together varied theoretical approaches and provides a variety of solutions to the challenge of translating theory to technique. Detailing an outstanding example of the use of forensic art therapy in a capital murder case, David Gussak, an art therapist contracted by the defense to analyze the images that were to be presented as evidence, recounts his findings and his testimony in court, as well as the future implications of his work for criminal proceedings. Jungian Art Therapy Nora Swan-Foster 9. Art therapy has commonly followed more psychodynamic and humanistic approaches.\nI have kept it and reread it many times and I highly recommend it for anyone in the field of art therapy\u2014student and therapist alike. Clinical examples and nearly 100 illustrations are employed as the authors present the creative and effective treatment of patients. Much more than a new edition, this is a true re-visioning as only Judith Rubin could do. Chapter Five continues the theme of violence within families, and Chapter Six, 'The Cycle of Healing,' includes a discussion of resilience illustrated by a variety of stories from an integration of family and art therapy. Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy Laury Rappaport 16. This book is a wonderful contribution to efforts to encourage the highest standards of professional competence in art therapy.\nThe E-mail message field is required. Commentaries by well known art therapists follow each section of the book. Object Relations and Art Therapy Arthur Robbins 7. Discovery and Insight in Art Therapy Judith Rubin 5. This exciting new volume contains a diverse selection of chapters written to examine the current transitional phase of the profession where new paradigms of thinking and research methods are emerging due to the continued examination of old assumptions and development of new knowledge. The creator of seven books and thirteen films, she serves on the faculties of the psychiatry department at the University of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Center in Pennsylvania. This book is packed with data on theory and practice with case material and art exercises.\nGestalt Art Therapy Janie Rhyne 12. Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy Natalie Rogers 13. A Theory-based Approach to Art Therapy draws on the latest research in the field and will be a valuable text for art therapy theorists, educators, students and researchers, as well as for other social practitioners interested in understanding how to integrate the arts into their practice. The introduction begins with a brief introduction to Randy and his Dad and Stepmother. The therapist and client work together to formulate a future vision for the client", + " Minerals - The Rock Cycle - Fossils - Landforms - Mountains - North American Landscapes - Field Succession - Loose Landscape Painting Chapter 2 What's Up? In my childhood I would be obsessed with this book, and I would bring it on every camping trip and road trip. Reading this book was kinda like that. She shows it all Some people are blessed with a cool aunt or cool uncle, one that takes you on hikes and catches bugs with you to study. Synopsis See the world in a new way! Remember that fascination with the world around you? Read it, you'd be happy you did : I truly loved this book.\nPint-size epicures will, by contrast, savor the consonant potential of dishes such as tonnato, tournedos and tostadas. Julia Rothman is your cool aunt. Adjust for individual reading level. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. A set of graphical representations proposed by a scientist. The one rule: Before putting pen to paper, each artist is only allowed to see the panel that precedes his or her own.\nIt has the same beautiful artwork, but with a wider range of topics which makes sense, since the natural world is so vast and varied. And the content, while it was stuff with which I am generally familiar, would be amazing and accessible for what I imagine is a vast majority of people, especially those who haven't taken a science class in years. Le\u00eddo en la edici\u00f3n e No es un libro al uso, sino un mont\u00f3n de ilustraciones de la autora, agrupadas por temas, con textos que explican curiosidades. The E-mail message field is required. It is a good idea ruined by a failure of editing. The reason I did not give it five stars is because it would have been nice to have more detailed illustrations.\nBut it isn't as amazing as all the ratings I've seen make it out to be. Think 's , which is a masterful, humorous, knowledgeable take on these early heroes of computer science. But she is fascinated by food. Come close : Anatomy of a flower ; Anatomy of a bee ; Anatomy of a butterfly ; Metamorphosis ; Plants that attract butterflies ; Beautiful butterflies ; Colorful moths ; Sedges, rushes, grasses ; Grazing edibles ; Incredible insects and bugs abounding ; Spectacular spiders ; Anatomy of an ant -- 4. If you \u2014 or your nature players \u2014 have ever wanted to see how mountains are formed, wondered about cloud formations, the life cycle of a mushroom, or the different feathers on a bird, this is the book for you! They will get much more out of the book that way. Nature Anatomy is more fun and simple. Combining ink lines with deeply saturated blocks of color, the uncluttered illustrations provide a stylish showcase of architectural structures, which are further explained in an appendix.\nSee more pictures of the book on my blog. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. Whether read cover to cover or simply used as a reference, Nature Anatomy is sure to inspire every time it's opened. A little bird told me : Anatomy of a bird ; A bevy of birds ; Kinds of feathers ; Birdcalls ; a variety of nests ; Extraordinary eggs ; Intriguing bird behavior ; Birds of prey ; Owls ; Big birds ; A variety of beaks ; Water birds -- 7. You should buy a copy for the child in you, as well. With time and pressure, the minerals in the water are deposited into the structure of the organism and solidify, leaving behind a three-dimensional fossil. Warhola, who inspired her son Andy's fascination with groceries.\nA delicate black line describes the architecture with dexterity, allowing readers a glimpse of wonders that may await on their own journeys as they root for Brick to succeed on hers. I like the ink line styles with filled colours. She shows it all through beautiful illustrations and manages to make you feel such love for the nature around you, however small it is. Reading this book was kinda like that. It makes you wonder why textbooks aren't this fun to read. I read it with my toddler, and it reminded me of so much I used to know. All the bits of information are presented alongside Julia Rothman's simple but beautifully coloured illustrations.\nNature Anatomy was even better! It gives a reader friendly general overview of the planet including but not limited to rock cycles, insect anatomy, water bodies, animal adaptation, macro and micro fossils, mushroom anatomy, weather, bird eggs, seashells, and more. Reading it was a pure joy and it can teach you much about the", + " friendly general overview of the planet including but not limited to rock cycles, insect anatomy, water bodies, animal adaptation, macro and micro fossils, mushroom anatomy, weather, bird eggs, seashells, and more. Have Such a beautiful fascinating book! If you \u2014 or your nature players \u2014 have ever wanted to see how mountains are formed, wondered about cloud formations, the life cycle of a mushroom, or the different feathers on a bird, this is the book for you!. Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Common Ground Really Moving - Layers of the Earth - Minerals - The Rock Cycle - Fossils - Landforms - Mountains - North American Landscapes - Field Succession - Loose Landscape Painting Chapter 2 What's Up? In my childhood I would be obsessed with this book, and I would bring it on every camping trip and road trip. Reading this book was kinda like that. She shows it all Some people are blessed with a cool aunt or cool uncle, one that takes you on hikes and catches bugs with you to study. Synopsis See the world in a new way! Remember that fascination with the world around you? Read it, you'd be happy you did : I truly loved this book.\nPint-size epicures will, by contrast, savor the consonant potential of dishes such as tonnato, tournedos and tostadas. Julia Rothman is your cool aunt. Adjust for individual reading level. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. A set of graphical representations proposed by a scientist. The one rule: Before putting pen to paper, each artist is only allowed to see the panel that precedes his or her own.\nIt has the same beautiful artwork, but with a wider range of topics which makes sense, since the natural world is so vast and varied. And the content, while it was stuff with which I am generally familiar, would be amazing and accessible for what I imagine is a vast majority of people, especially those who haven't taken a science class in years. Le\u00eddo en la edici\u00f3n e No es un libro al uso, sino un mont\u00f3n de ilustraciones de la autora, agrupadas por temas, con textos que explican curiosidades. The E-mail message field is required. It is a good idea ruined by a failure of editing. The reason I did not give it five stars is because it would have been nice to have more detailed illustrations.\nBut it isn't as amazing as all the ratings I've seen make it out to be. Think 's , which is a masterful, humorous, knowledgeable take on these early heroes of computer science. But she is fascinated by food. Come close : Anatomy of a flower ; Anatomy of a bee ; Anatomy of a butterfly ; Metamorphosis ; Plants that attract butterflies ; Beautiful butterflies ; Colorful moths ; Sedges, rushes, grasses ; Grazing edibles ; Incredible insects and bugs abounding ; Spectacular spiders ; Anatomy of an ant -- 4. If you \u2014 or your nature players \u2014 have ever wanted to see how mountains are formed, wondered about cloud formations, the life cycle of a mushroom, or the different feathers on a bird, this is the book for you! They will get much more out of the book that way. Nature Anatomy is more fun and simple. Combining ink lines with deeply saturated blocks of color, the uncluttered illustrations provide a stylish showcase of architectural structures, which are further explained in an appendix.\nSee more pictures of the book on my blog. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. Whether read cover to cover or simply used as a reference, Nature Anatomy is sure to inspire every time it's opened. A little bird told me : Anatomy of a bird ; A bevy of birds ; Kinds of feathers ; Birdcalls ; a variety of nests ; Extraordinary eggs ; Intriguing bird behavior ; Birds of prey ; Owls ; Big birds ; A variety of beaks ; Water birds -- 7. You should buy a copy for the child in you, as well. With time and pressure, the minerals in the water are deposited into the structure of the organism and solidify, leaving behind a three-dimensional fossil. Warhola, who inspired her son Andy's fascination with groceries.\nA delicate black line describes the architecture with dexterity, allowing readers a glimpse of wonders that may await on their own journeys as they root for Brick to succeed on hers. I like the ink line styles with filled colours. She shows it all through beautiful illustrations and manages to make you feel such love for the nature around you, however small it is. Reading this book was kinda like that. It makes you wonder why", + " and easy. I'm so happy to hear you are getting settled into your new place!\nThank you, Denise! It's so nice to have more space...I'm loving it! :) And thanks for the pasta love!\nGayle, I just love this 30 minute Thursdays idea! What a wonderful theme for you and few other blogger friends. :) Goodness knows, we all need a bit more convenience to help us with our crazy schedules. Also, go you on organizing the walk-in closet first for the new house! Lol. I would so do the same thing--well, maybe a debate between the closet and the kitchen. Ha! Looking forward to more updates on the new house. Loving this basil pesto pasta! <3 Pinning, of course!\nThanks for the kind words, Demeter! Aren't 30 minute Thursdays so much fun? :) I pretty much organized my kitchen right along with my closet...the two most important tasks!\nhaha I took over pretty much the entire closet at our house too. The husband is always asking if he can have another shelf. Um nope, no you can't! lol This pasta sounds delicious! I can never get enough broccoli!\nHaha no more space for husbands! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Ashley!\nEasy meals are a must when getting organized in a new house, and Gayle, these are some of your prettiest photos! I love those close-ups -- I just want to dive in! These ingredients are all some of my very favorite, and carbs are always a bonus!\nThank you for the kind words, Marcie! I'm in love with this pesto pasta!\nMmm 2 of my favorite veggies in my favorite pasta sauce! It can't get any better! Love it!\nThanks for the pasta love, Manali!\nThat last picture definitely has me hooked! This is a perfect meal any night of the week - but especially on nights when you're as busy as you are these days! Happy Organizing!!\nGayle, love this dish! I LOVE a good pesto in the summer and love the broccoli and mushrooms!!!\nThank you, Alice! Broccoli and mushrooms make this dish so much better!\nCongratulations on the new house! I'm sure you are having tons of fun organizing! I love a pesto pasta and this mushroom broccoli version is so creative and looks amazing!\nThanks for the kind words, Rachelle!\nSo glad you liked it, Elda! Thanks for stopping by.\nWhat a great way to use the pesto. I seriously need to make a big batch of that. I like having things like that on hand for fast recipes. Sounds great!\nCongrats on getting settled in your new house, Gayle! That is so exciting! It feels good to get things organized, especially when you have more space to work with. :) This pasta is my kind of dinner! I love all of the veggies that you've packed in here, and I bet the pesto really brings all of the flavors together!\nThank you, Kristine! It definitely is a great feeling to have more space! :) And thanks for the pasta love...the pesto just makes this dish even better!\nPesto pasta is one of my favourite things, but I don't make it too often cause the rest of the family doesn't love it quite as much. Love the mushrooms and broccoli - this is calling my name! We move in a couple of weeks too so I'll be making it for sure! Good luck with getting all the moving stuff done!\n30 minute meals are always good to have on hand! I'm a big pasta lover and this basil pesto version sounds soon delicious!\nGayle! This looks amazing! I love that it only takes 30 minutes!! So perfect for summer! xoxo Cailee!\nThanks for the pasta love, Cailee!\nCongrats on the new move!! 30 minute meals are CRUCIAL right now for sure. This pasta looks so delicious by the way - I'm loving the broccoli, mushroom, pesto...everything!\nThank you, Jessica! This is one of my favorite, easy meals!\nThis looks like the perfect easy dinner idea! I also think it is just light enough that it is perfect for summer! And cheers on moving to your new place! Whenever I move the kitchen is always one of the first things to get organized!\nSo exciting about your new house! This looks like a great meal for busy nights!\nAnother great recipe to try. My favorite pasta shape! Thanks also for the basil pesto recipe. BTW, I have made the honey garlic chicken - fantastic! I added a couple drops of Sriracha, just to give it a little \"bite\".\nIsn't cavatapi pasta the best? It's my favorite shape, too! :) And I'm so glad that you liked the honey garlic chicken. I will have to try adding sriracha the next time I make it...such a great idea. Thanks for sharing and having a great weekend", + "The muscle contraction and pain lasts for several minutes, and then slowly eases. Cramps may affect any muscle, but are most common in the calves, feet, and hands. While painful, they are harmless, and in most cases, not related to any underlying disorder. Nonetheless, cramps and spasms can be manifestations of many neurological or muscular diseases.\nThe terms cramp and spasm can be somewhat vague, and they are sometimes used to include types of abnormal muscle activity other than sudden painful contraction. These include stiffness at rest, slow muscle relaxation, and spontaneous contractions of a muscle at rest (fasciculation). Fasciculation is a type of painless muscle spasm, marked by rapid, uncoordinated contraction of many small muscle fibers. A critical part of diagnosis is to distinguish these different meanings and to allow the patient to describe the problem as precisely as possible.\nNormal voluntary muscle contraction begins when electrical signals are sent from the brain through the spinal cord along nerve cells called motor neurons (Nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement). These include both the upper motor neurons within the brain and the lower motor neurons (nerve cells within the central nervous system that carry nerve impulses controlling muscle movement) within the spinal cord and leading out to the muscle. At the muscle, chemicals released by the motor neuron stimulate the internal release of calcium ions from stores within the muscle cell. These calcium ions then interact with muscle proteins within the cell, causing the proteins (actin and myosin) to slide past one another. This motion pulls their fixed ends closer, thereby shortening the cell and, ultimately, the muscle itself. Recapture of calcium and unlinking of actin and myosin allows the muscle fiber to relax.\nAbnormal contraction may be caused by abnormal activity at any stage in this process. Certain mechanisms within the brain and the rest of the central nervous system help regulate contraction. Interruption of these mechanisms can cause spasm. Motor neurons that are overly sensitive may fire below their normal thresholds. The muscle membrane itself may be over sensitive, causing contraction without stimulation. Calcium ions may not be recaptured quickly enough, causing prolonged contraction.\nInteruption of brain mechanisms and overly sensitive motor neurons may result from damage to the nerve pathways. Possible causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, neurodegenerative diseases, trauma, spinal cord injury, and nervous system poisons such as strychnine, tetanus, and certain insecticides. Nerve damage may lead to a prolonged or permanent muscle shortening called contracture.\nProlonged exercise: Curiously, relaxation of a muscle actually requires energy to be expended. The energy is used to recapture calcium and to unlink actin and myosin. Normally, sensations of pain and fatigue signal that it is time to rest. Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp. The familiar advice about not swimming after a heavy meal, when blood flow is directed away from the muscles, is intended to avoid this type of cramp. Rigor mortis, the stiffness of a corpse within the first 24 hours after death, is also due to this phenomenon.\nDehydration and Salt Depletion: This may be brought on by protracted vomiting or diarrhea, or by copious sweating during prolonged exercise, especially in high temperatures. Loss of fluids and salts--especially sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium--can disrupt ion balances in both muscle and nerves. This can prevent them from responding and recovering normally, and can lead to cramp.\nMetabolic disorders that affect the energy supply in muscle. These are inherited diseases in which particular muscle enzymes are deficient. They include deficiencies of myophosphorylase (McArdle's disease), phosphorylase b kinase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase.\nMyotonia: This causes stiffness due to delayed relaxation of the muscle, but does not cause the spontaneous contraction usually associated with cramps. However, many patients with myotonia do experience cramping from exercise. Symptoms of myotonia are often worse in the cold. Myotonias include myotonic dystrophy, myotonia congenita, paramyotonia congenita, and neuromyotonia.\nThe pain of a muscle cramp is intense, localized, and often debilitating Coming on quickly, it may last for minutes and fade gradually. Contractures develop more slowly, over days or weeks, and may be permanent if untreated. Fasciculations may occur at rest or after muscle contraction, and may last several minutes.\nMost cases of simple cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching. Gently and gradually stretching and massaging the affected muscle may ease the pain and hasten recovery.\nMore prolonged or regular cramps may be treated with drugs such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, or quinine. 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This is our guide to the best places to run in Mexico City, Mexico.\nWithin Colonio Centro is Chapultepec Forest (Bosque de Chapultepec)\u200a\u2014\u200ais Mexico City\u2019s largest oasis and one of its running highlights. It is divided into three sections, and home to forests, lakes and several important sights and attractions. In between Colonia Centro and Chapultepec Forest lies Zona Rosa, which is one of the city\u2019s most touristy areas. South of Zona Rose lie the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods. These bohemian neighborhoods feature the city\u2019s hippest cafes and bars, from cutting-edge restaurants to offbeat shops, art galleries, and nightclubs.\nOther running highlights in Mexico city are the Coyoacan and San Angel neighborhoods. Not far from the city, El Ocotal, Cuemanc, Bosque de Tlalpan, and Forest of Aragon are worthy running destinations.\nThere are two obstacles when running in Mexico City: altitude and pollution. Located at an altitude of 7,350 ft in the Valley of Mexico (a large valley in the high plateaus at the center of Mexico), it is important to allow yourself to become acclimated to the elevation before pushing yourself. Pollution is also a reality in Mexico City. Try planning your runs in the morning or the evening, and the air quality will be better.\n**Big thanks to Go! Running Tours for their help outlining the best running routes in Mexico City**.\nMexico City is huge but there are various forms of public transit to help you get around. The quickest form of transportation is the metro system, consisting of 12 lines with 195 stations. All lines operate from 5am to midnight weekdays, 6am to midnight Saturday and 7am to midnight Sunday and holidays. Peseros (also called microb\u00fases or combis) are gray-and-green minibuses operated by private firms. They follow fixed routes, often starting or ending at metro stations, and will stop at virtually any street corner. Route information is randomly displayed on cards attached to the windshield. The city\u2019s bus rapid transit line is the Metrob\u00fas. The metrob\u00fas stops at metro-style stations in the middle of the street, spaced at three- to four-block intervals. Buses and peseros operate from around 5am till 10pm daily, depending on the route. Electric trolleybuses generally run until 11:30pm.\n\u201cBosque de Chapultepec\u201d (Chapultepec Forest) is the largest city park in the Western Hemisphere and is often referred to as Mexico City\u2019s \"lungs\". We've mapped out a 3.6 mile park loop, and 5k loops of El Sope and Minor Lake.\nCentrally located park located in the trendy Condesa neighborhood provides an urban oasis for runners. A loop of the trails and paths is about 1 km, so you'll have to do some laps.\nThis is a 6.2 mile tour of some of Mexico City's most important and historic sites, starting from the Z\u00f3calo metro station. Note that on Sundays, Reforma Avenue is closed to traffic until mid-day -- a special bonus for runners!\nA 3 mile tour of Coyoac\u00e1n, a quaint neighborhood is known for its cobblestone and bohemian flavor. Includes some parks, pretty residential streets, and some sites including Templo de San Juan Bautista and the Frida Kahlo Museum.\nA stunningly beautiful neighborhood of cobblestone streets, Colonial-Era homes, as well as several worthwhile museums south of the city center. Mexico City\u2019s Secretary of Tourism named the San Angel neighborhood a Barrio Magico (Magic Neighborhood).\nA forest in the Cuajimalpa delegation in Mexico City. The best time to visit is on the weekends, when it is bustling with runners and walkers. There are native tree species such as fir, ash and pine. A running circuit of about 2.15 miles is very popular.\nCanal Cuemanco, in the eastern part of the city, was the venue for rowing competitions in the 1968 olympic games. A paved 5K path around the canal makes for a great place to run away from Colonia Centro. Great views of volcanoes and mountains.\nThe Bosque de Arag\u00f3n is a park located in the Gustavo A. Madero, near the International Airport of Mexico City. There is a 2.5 km paved path surrounding a fountain and a second 5 km dirt path around the perimeter of the park.\nForest of Tlalpan is perhaps one", + " and 1% of movable 20ft container house respectively. Movable 20ft container house products are most popular in Domestic Market, South America, and Africa.\nProduct Description Modular portable container house is designed according to specifications of shipping container.It is made of prefab light steel as house frame and sandwich panel for wall and roof, then facilitated with windows, doors, flooring, ceiling, and other additional accessories.\nMovable 20ft Luxury Shipping Container House For Sale . Container house features. 1. Attractive design:The whole home looks beautiful and elegant. 2. Light in weight and convenient in shipping. 3. Easy to assemble and dismantle, the container home can be rebuilt for dozens of times .\n20ft Economical Portable Shipping Container Prefab House for Sale and Shipping Container House is affordable,stylish and durable. They can also be portable. Tailored to your needs!\n20FT Container House, Mobile Movable Homes, Office manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Tiny House / Cabin Shipping Container, Transportable Expandable Container House with Bathroom and Kitchen, Customized 20\u2032 House Container and so on.\n20FT Container House, Mobile Movable Homes, Office manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Australia Standard Shipping Container Houses, Transportable Expandable Container House with Bathroom and Kitchen, Customized 20\u2032 House Container and so on.\nA: The package size of this 20ft expandable house is 2200W*5910L*2520H, the door size of 20\u2019GP container is 2200W*2200mmH,so it can\u2019t be loaded into 20\u2019GP container. If you just buy one unit, it will waste your shipping cost a lot.\nFolding Container House Introduction Modulad folding container house is designed to fit shipping container when export. It is made of galvanized steel pipe as house frame and sandwich panel for wall and roof, then facilitated with windows, doors, flooring, ceiling and other additional accessories.\nMovable Container House Flat Pack Office, Movable Container House for Camping, Steel Frame Living Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Movable Container House 20FT Luxury Shipping Container Office (SU-C123), Prefabricated Steel Structure Shopping Mall for Sale (SD-603), Billboard Steel Structure Design Prefab House for Sale (SD-600) and so on.\nContainer House, Movable House, Prefab House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Australia Europe USA 20ft and 40ft Luxury Container Homes, New and Used 20FT 40FT Overseas Shipping Container for Sale in Qingdao Shanghai Ningbo, 40gp 40hc 40FT Shipping Container for Sale in Australia and so on.\nStandard 20ft prefab japanese movable container house/prefab house/modular house Company information : Jiangsu CS Modular House Co.,Ltd is the lead manufacturer for modular container house.\nLuxury 20ft modern portable modular insulated prefabricated house prefab container outdoor houses. 1. Q: Are you a factory or trading company? A:Guangzhou Moneybox Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd. is a factory located in Panyu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province.\nprefabricated 20ft 40hq container houses villa/movable house for sale with one bedroom, US $ 2,200 - 4,500 / Unit, Tianjin, China (Mainland), Zhonejie, 20ft, 40ft and 40HQ.Source from Tianjin Zhongjie Jinchen Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\n20ft/ 40ft shipping container house /bedroom movable house/expandable container homes, US $ 3,000 - 5,000 / Set, Zhejiang, China (Mainland), SUR, XYJ.Source from Hangzhou Xiaoya Prefabricated House Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.\nContainer House, Temporary House, Shipping Container House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering 20FT Movable Shipping Container House for Dormitory (Office & Accommodation), Fashionable Two Floor Shipping Container Villa, Cheapest Bunk House Folding Container Family House and so on.\nPrefab house office container Introduction. Container House is designed and developed according to the standard size of shipping container. It is widely used as office, meeting room, dormitory, shop,toilet, storage, shower room, restaurant, labor camp and so on.\n20FT Prefab Container House, Prefab Container House, Prefab House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering China Movable Prefab Assemble and Disassemble Container House, 20ft/40ft Shipping Container/ISO Shipping Container, Mobile House and so on.\nPrefabricated House, Light Steel Structure, Modular House manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Movable", + " Spain. He proved to be a polite and dutiful husband but his affection lay with his long-term mistress, the vampish Diane de Poitiers. Though Henri was distant and disinterested in his plain little wife, Catherine adored him.\nPredictably enough, the marriage was troubled and Catherine and Henri\u2019s lack of heir compounded the problem, especially after Henri\u2019s elder brother died making him next in line to the throne. Catherine was in danger of being repudiated and replaced with a more fertile wife (the assumption being that infertility was the woman\u2019s \u201cfault,\u201d particularly after at least two of Henri\u2019s mistresses gave birth to his children.\nCatherine reputedly tried all manner of superstitious solutions to her infertility. Eventually, after some medical intervention (the exact nature of which is shrouded in mystery), Catherine finally conceived after ten years of fruitless marriage. She went on to produce ten children in the following ten years, of whom three daughters and four sons survived infancy. Of those sons, three would become king of France.\nAs dauphine and then queen, mother to the heirs of France, Catherine still enjoyed all but no influence over her beloved husband. Instead, Henri discussed matters of state with Diane and it was with her that wise courtiers curried favour, not the dowdy foreign queen. Diane even encouraged Henri to visit his wife\u2019s chambers in order to have more children with her but after the delivery of twin girls (both of whom died) in 1556 almost cost Catherine her life, she was advised not to attempt to bear more children. Henri therefore never slept with her again.\nIn 1559 tragedy struck when Henri was injured in a joust. His opponent\u2019s lance shattered on his visor, sending shards through the king\u2019s eye. After several days of agony, Henri died with Catherine at his side. Catherine took her revenge on Diane by barring her from attending to Henri as he lay dying, calling for his mistress. She then ordered that Diane was to return all the jewels that Henri had given her during their long relationship, claiming that they were crown jewels and not Diane\u2019s to keep. She then banished her from court.\nUnfortunately for the queen, her grief (for the rest of her life she rarely wore any colour other than black) and desire to extract a petty revenge caused her to miss the more important opportunity which had presented itself. Her eldest son Francis had acceded to the throne on Henri\u2019s death. As Francis was only fifteen years old, a regent had to be appointed. Typically, the Queen Mother would take on this role however Francis was married to Mary, Queen of Scots, and it was Mary\u2019s uncles who held the real power and Catherine was regent in name only. Francis was crowned at Rheims as was customary but within eighteen months he too was dead after an ear infection led to an abscess in his brain. He was succeeded by his younger brother who became Charles IX.\nCatherine was not to let this opportunity slip through her fingers. The Guises held no particular power over Charles and Catherine took the reins of government on herself, finally able to exercise some power. During Charles\u2019s minority and beyond, Catherine strove to reconcile the Catholics and Huguenots (French Protestants) and avoid civil war. Catherine was pragmatic on matters of religion and hoped to achieve an accord by extending toleration to Protestants while maintaining the support of the powerful Catholic factions. Despite her efforts, antagonism on both sides spiralled out of control and France was torn apart by thirty-six years of on and off civil war.\nThe nadir of Catherine\u2019s period of power was the St Bartholomew\u2019s Day Massacre which began on 23 August 1572 and led to the murder of thousands of Huguenots. The Massacre followed the marriage of Catherine\u2019s daughter Marguerite (known popularly as Margot) to Henri of Navarre, the Protestant king of Navarre. The marriage, of a prominent member of the Catholic ruling family, to Henri, a Prince of the Blood and a Calvinist, had been designed to unite the quarrelling factions and bring about it a lasting peace. It was not to be: another civil war followed.\nCharles IX died only two years after the massacre, reputedly driven almost mad with guilt. He was succeeded by his brother who styled himself Henri III. Although Henri was old enough to rule in his own right, Catherine retained a prominent position at court and Henri left her to deal with the business of ruling which did not interest him, preferring to devote himself to acts of conspicuous piety, such as flagellation.\nThough he married, like his brothers before him, he too failed to produce a male heir. The throne to which Catherine had held on so tightly was slipping from their grasp. When Catherine\u2019s youngest son, the duc d\u2019Alen\u00e7on, the heir apparent, died before his thirtieth birthday, Henri was forced to name his brother-in-law Henri of Navarre", + " has tremendous potential, as it is built on the solid foundation we have laid from five years of organizational learning as a licensed producer in Canada. This has allowed us to become one of five companies with EU-GMP certification on top of having all the requisite cultivation and processing licenses in Canada. It is time for us to capitalize on the largest future cannabis market in the world and focus our efforts in the wellness and medical markets to accomplish our vision of enhancing life through cannabis,\u201d stated Ben Ward, CEO of Wayland.\nCanaccord Genuity Corp. has been retained to serve as the Company\u2019s financial advisor related to the strategic review process.\nThere can be no assurance the strategic review will result in the completion of any transaction or any other alternative. The Company has not set a timetable for completion of the review process, and it does not intend to comment further unless a specific transaction or alternative is approved by the Board of Directors, the review process is concluded, or it is otherwise determined that other disclosure is appropriate.\nWayland has several active initiatives in Germany that give the Company a distinct advantage in the German and European markets. The Company is the only organization in the world that has a facility ready for domestic cannabis cultivation. Located in Ebersbach, just outside of Dresden, the proposed facility gives Wayland 820,000 square feet of clean-room cultivation, processing, and extraction capabilities. It is currently being utilized to process industrial hemp from the Company\u2019s adjacent 164-hectare hemp operation where the Company recently completed their first harvest yielding over 120,000 kg of dry hemp flowers. Once processed, the CBD distillate will be used for the Company\u2019s recently launched nutraceutical business, MariPlant GmbH. Finally, the Company expects to receive their second EU-GMP certification for the Ebersbach facility in a matter of weeks, further strengthening Wayland\u2019s medical production and distribution capabilities.\nWayland\u2019s second European cultivation site is located in Regensdorf, Switzerland, a suburb of Zurich. The 60,000 square foot facility\u2019s current production profile is approximately 2,000 kg of CBD flower per year. Wayland plans to upgrade this facility to bring it in line with the Company\u2019s production standards from existing GACP standards and increase capacity to 14,000 kg per year with the goal of developing their own CBD products for sale throughout Switzerland and the rest of the European Union. Wayland will locate its Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) manufacturing site for its global operations in Switzerland, taking advantage of existing phyto pharmaceutical talent in country.\nWayland has a definitive joint venture agreement with CBD Italian Factory S.S., a company of Group San Martino for the production of high quality cannabis products in Italy. The Company expects that the joint venture will marry the best of both entities with world-leading technology by Rockwell Automation paired with existing infrastructure in Piedmont, Italy, which includes agricultural expertise and biogas electricity. This will allow the sustainable production of quality CBD and THC products from a naturally derived fuel source. CBD Italian Factory S.S. and San Martino Group will bring mass-scale agricultural skills to the joint venture with a focus on local sustainable practices and expertise in Biomass Energy production. The Company holds 50.1 % of the joint venture while 49.9% is held by CBD Italian Factory, with Massimiliano Umberto Signorini assuming the role of CEO for the new company.\nIn July of 2018, Wayland\u2019s application to Malta Enterprise to set up a business in Malta to manufacture finished dose medical cannabis was approved. Malta will offer the Company a unique advantage as Wayland will have the ability to import, extract, manufacture finished dose products, and distribute cannabis for medical purposes within Malta and the entire European Union. Malta Enterprise allows the Company to develop a wide variety of pharmaceutical products and export them across the European Union, and as Malta is a member of the EU, certain VAT tax are inapplicable to Malta Enterprise.\nThe Company has entered into an agreement to acquire a 51% stake in U.K. based Theros Pharma Ltd. (\u201cTheros\u201d), an early stage company that has successfully imported cannabis to the U.K. for patients with a prescription for medical cannabis. The company expects to be able to import cannabis to patients in the UK as early as March 2019.\nWayland has entered into an agreement to purchase 819 hectares of existing developed agriculture land in San Juan Province in Argentina, which is the ideal micro climate for cultivation. The properly has existing mass scale irrigation, using runoff from the Andes Mountains, and produces 1,000,000 kg of wine juice, and 400,000 kg of olives per year. Existing on site agronomists and farmers will take their knowledge of horticulture and apply it to Wayland\u2019s existing world class system of cannabis cultivation. Outdoor cultivation will take place in existing alfalfa fields, to supply Way", + " is held by CBD Italian Factory, with Massimiliano Umberto Signorini assuming the role of CEO for the new company.\nIn July of 2018, Wayland\u2019s application to Malta Enterprise to set up a business in Malta to manufacture finished dose medical cannabis was approved. Malta will offer the Company a unique advantage as Wayland will have the ability to import, extract, manufacture finished dose products, and distribute cannabis for medical purposes within Malta and the entire European Union. Malta Enterprise allows the Company to develop a wide variety of pharmaceutical products and export them across the European Union, and as Malta is a member of the EU, certain VAT tax are inapplicable to Malta Enterprise.\nThe Company has entered into an agreement to acquire a 51% stake in U.K. based Theros Pharma Ltd. (\u201cTheros\u201d), an early stage company that has successfully imported cannabis to the U.K. for patients with a prescription for medical cannabis. The company expects to be able to import cannabis to patients in the UK as early as March 2019.\nWayland has entered into an agreement to purchase 819 hectares of existing developed agriculture land in San Juan Province in Argentina, which is the ideal micro climate for cultivation. The properly has existing mass scale irrigation, using runoff from the Andes Mountains, and produces 1,000,000 kg of wine juice, and 400,000 kg of olives per year. Existing on site agronomists and farmers will take their knowledge of horticulture and apply it to Wayland\u2019s existing world class system of cannabis cultivation. Outdoor cultivation will take place in existing alfalfa fields, to supply Wayland with low cost inputs. Initial extraction will take place in Argentina.\nThe Company has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of Colma Pharmaceutical SAS (\u201cColma\u201d), a licensed producer of THC cannabis in Colombia, holding four licenses for cultivation and processing on a leased premise in Ibaque, Colombia. Wayland plans to cultivate THC cannabis outdoor and year-round with an infrastructure investment including 415,000 square feet of processing and clone and vegetation greenhouse facilities to support outdoor cannabis flower production of 125 hectares.\nWayland has entered into an agreement to acquire 50.1% of Tropicann Pty Ltd. (\u201cTropicann\u201d), a privately owned Australian company located in Darwin, Northern Territory. It plans to build an outdoor grow facility to take advantage of the ideal cannabis cultivation climate with minimal environmental impact. The Company believes it can leverage a major port in Darwin that will provide access to major APAC markets.\nThe Company\u2019s flagship facility is located in Langton, Ontario with cultivation, extraction, formulation, and distribution capabilities. The facility is a purpose-built cannabis production facility with an emphasis on automation and energy efficiencies. The Company partnered with Rockwell Automation to develop a fully automated system including the development of AI Data Grow, the Company\u2019s artificially intelligent master grower. This allows Wayland to drastically reduce its cultivation labour needs by approximately 90% of the industry average while also mitigating risks associated with infecting crops. The facility will be completed in two phases, the first of which is approximately 225,000 square feet in size with 90,000 square feet of production and office space and approximately 135,000 square feet of grow space which will yield the Company approximately 65,000 kg of dried cannabis flower per year. Phase two will bring an additional 719,000 square feet of grow space online taking production capacity much greater than 100,000 kg per year.\nWayland\u2019s Langton campus has been certified by the European Medicines Agency after receiving the certification of EU-Good Manufacturing Practices (\u201cEU-GMP\u201d). EU-GMP certification allowed Wayland to sign the largest ever medical cannabis export deal with Cannamedical of Germany, agreeing to provide the medical cannabis distributor with a minimum of 9,000 kg of product over a three-year period. Wayland is one of only five cannabis companies in the world to receive the EU-GMP designation which is another advantage the Company believes it has in the global medical cannabis arena as demonstrated by this large purchase order.\nManitoba: Supply agreement with the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation (\u201cMBLL\u201d) to make available for purchase by MBLL at least 550kg of various cannabis products during the first twelve months of the agreement.\nAlberta: Supply Agreement with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Commission (\u201cAGLC\u201d) to allocate up to 3,375kg of cannabis product for the Alberta market within the first six months.\nBritish Columbia: Through a memorandum of understanding (\u201cMOU\u201d), Wayland is a preferred licensed producer to the BC Liquor Distribution Branch (\u201cBCLDB\u201d) to initially supply approximately 3,622kg of non-medical cannabis to BCLDB", + ": I am absolutely in love with COSRX as a brand. Their ingredients list is relatively short and pretty straight forwards. Products is fragrance free, paraben free and coloring free, which is a huge plus for sensitive and acne-prone skin like mine. After using their products for a while now, I am confident to say that my skin has been greatly strengthened and healing process happens much faster for the aftermath of my acne fighting, scars fade faster, skin texture is less bumpy and I am indeed a much happier girl \ud83d\ude42 My goal is to finish the rest of my skincare and convert all my products to COSRX and COSRX only. Yup, I am absolutely in love. Now I shall share in details about the product that I have been tested.\nAHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid clears away old dead skin cells trapped inside the pores. Works alongside vitamins, whiteners and natural moisturizer treatments. Managing dead skin cells without unnecessary stimulation. Helping skin management while creating healthier skin with more vitality. Star ingredients Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Water: An alpha-hydroxy acid naturally-occurring found in sugar cane and malic acid, derived from apples, which will help to exfoliate dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation, diminish the appearance of large pores and acne scarring. A great ingredient for reducing blackheads, whiteheads and troubles on skin. It even moisturizes the skin at same time as removing dead skin cells. You will find your skin is smooth, soft, and comfortable.\n1) Moisture, pore control, and brightening. It immediately purifies and tones up your skin leaving is clearer and more bright.\n2) Whitehead clearance. No more difficulty removing whiteheads and sebum !\n3) AHA product with hyaluronic acid. It controls excessive sebum and achieves excellent moisture retention in combination with hyaluronic acid.\n4) AHA for repairing skin damage. Works well for sun damaged skin. Also it is good for spots, dryness and trouble.\nThe product is packaged in a very simple and straightforward packaging, just like the formula itself. Even though it might deemed to be a little bit bland for my aesthetics, I honestly do not mind it that much. The functional aspects of the packaging is strong, with sturdy packaging, excellent quality pumps that is designed nicely. One pump is enough for my entire face.\nEven though the product claims to have Apple Fruit Water as the first and start ingredients, I was so put off with the smell at first. The smell was so pungent and strong and definitely does not smell anything like apple. Overtime I get used to the smell a little bit, but I can\u2019t help but stop inhaling whenever I apply this product all over my face.\n5) AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid is high concentrated product. Please use a small amount on areas with whiteheads and dead skin cells. Begin with using only once a week, and after skin has adjusted, use 2 to 3 times a week to maintain clear skin without dead skin cells, sebum and whiteheads.\n6) When you use AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid, do not use other exfoliating products on same day.\nI did not want to mess with the caution, so I use this on alternate with the Blackhead Power Liquid, and notice great results. I normally use this after my toner step, when my skin is perfectly cleansed and balanced. After waiting for 20-30 mins, I move on with a hydrating essence/serum, followed by sheet mask, light gel cream and sleeping pack. It is important that other products following your acid treatment step are all hydrating to help sooth the skin after the treatment.\nIt is an extremely light-weight texture that is as runny as water. The liquid absorbed onto my skin with minimal efforts, a little bit of tapping with help it absorbs much faster.\nThis using in conjunction with the Blackhead Power Liquid improved my skin significantly over the past 2 months. I must say, my skin has never do so well for the longest time ever. All my acnes and pimples are in control, scars are fading quick and most importantly, those funny bumpy texture on my skin is gone. Now since I use this together with the Blackhead Power Liquid, it is hard to identify which problems is solved by which products, but I believe this controls stuffs that happen more on the surface of your skin.\nYes I will, together with Blackhead Power Liquid as a duo as these are the best treatment I have found in years.\nThanks for your review I really love it \u2764\ufe0f But I want to ask you this to make sure \ud83d\ude42 I currently order 3 products : 1/klair vitamin c , 2/Cosrx aha 7 power liquid , 3/Cosrx bha power liquid. As you say that you use it alternately so I want to know that can I use it like this ?", + " and play without struggling. You can directly connect the display port that is equipped to your desktop for high definition videos and clear audios.\nThis is a convenient cable that connects a display port cable directly to a projector or HD monitor with display port unit. This cable is portable and mobile where you can use it anywhere. It features gold-plated connectors that with copper connectors and braid shielding where they all combine to provide powerful cable performance reliable connections.\nIt transmits high definition videos and clear music from your computer to a monitor for gaming or video streaming. It provides a secure connection where it has a button that is always lowered before unplugging. This cable is 10 foot long, and this gives you an easy time when using it from any position.\nThis cable has gold-plated connectors that resist corrosion and any form of damage. The gold connectors also enhance reliable and increased connectivity. It features inner braided foil that reduces interference and increases video and audio quality. The 6 feet cable connects a display port enabled computer to an HD monitor or projector with DP port unit for audio and video streaming.\nThe cable gives you the best and quality video resolution you need. The DP has a latch that provides a secure and reliable connection with the port where the latch must be pressed down before unplugging the connector. This is perfect for extended display or mirrored displays.\nThe cable supports resolutions of up to 3840 by 2160 and high-definition videos. This display port provides you with a secure and reliable connection any time you need it. It has pure copper conductors and triple metal shielding that enhance a perfect performance.\nThis cable transmits both high definition video from your computer or tablet to an HD display. It has gold-plated and copper conductors that protect the cable from damage and improve its performance.\nHas foil and braid shielding that helps in reducing electromagnetic interference.\nIt has an ergonomic design where it has secured grips for easy plugging and unplugging. The cable measures 6 foot and supports a high video resolution. This cable provides you with a high-quality connection no matter where you are.\nThis is a perfect choice when you need quality and clear videos and pictures. The cable provides you with a high video resolution. The cable is 10 foot long to provide you with enough and secure connection from any position.\nThe cable is gold-plated for preventing corrosion and providing a secure connection. Has a release button that is always lowered before unplugging. Has a slim design where you can fold it easily for easy carrying.\nThis cable has latching gold-plated connectors for providing a secure and reliable connection. The gold plating also helps in resisting damage, and this enhances the durability of the cable. Features braided copper conductors for providing a reliable signal from source to display design with foil design for an uninterrupted connection.\nThe display port provides you with a secure connection where it has a release button that must be lowered before unplugging. It transmits HD audio, and video from you\u2019re your computer to a monitor for video streaming and gaming. You can also connect and configure your monitor for an extended monitor display.\nThis cable is easily connected to a display port that is equipped with a desktop to an HD monitor or projector for easy streaming and gaming. The cable transmits high definition video and audio from your computer to a monitor where it also convenient for gaming and live streaming. It supports it provides you with a high video resolution.\nIt can work with various display port modes for providing you with deep color depths and sharp images. It is gold plated for increasing providing quality connection where the plating also prevents damage. The cable has an available price that will favor your pocket.\nFlexibility: Before buying any cable, you ask yourself the questions like what type of install is the cable going into? Is everything fixed? You need to find a cable that is flexible enough such that it is mobile to be used everywhere and in different scenarios. A flexible will always give you the freedom of using the cable everywhere provided the cable has a slim design for easy carrying and storage.\nDurability: Buying a durable display port cable means you will keep yourself out of the shops buying new products time by time. Consider buying a cable that is plated with strong material that prevents corrosion or any form of damage. There are other cables that are made from strong materials that are strong enough to enhance the durability of the cable. You have to do better research on the product you want to buy because there are many products in the market and buying a durable cable can be a tiring job.\nCost: Consider buying a port that is very well priced and a cable that will suit your pocket. Mostly, the high-quality cable is costly than the low-quality cables. You can still buy the low priced cables where they perform their function efficiently. Buying an expensive or low costing product only depends on the strength of your pocket. Avoid buying a product that will affect your budget, but if you are financially stable, you can spend on the expensive cables.\nDesign: A good cable should always have a perfect design that will make its use simple", + "1 Predictions etc. minor leagues- English Championship, Serie B, Segunda League and many others.).\nThe free tips list at bettingexpert is the place to visit for both the best and broadest tips in online betting. You ll not only find betting tips with detailed analyses for the most popular sports, leagues and tournaments from across the globe but equally as insightful and profitable tips for more obscure leagues and tournaments.\nrSS Text-based site Reader Prints Our Papers Top of soccer betting predictions app page. Feedback Monday, daily Mail Mail on Sunday This is Money Metro. Mar 18th 2019 3PM 36F 6PM 48F 5-Day Forecast Updated: 08:39 EDT Sitemap. 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Such attacks could disrupt power systems, penetrate financial institutions and disable voice communications systems.\nThe United States is not producing the talent or investment needed to confront the threat. A shortage of trained information security specialists, poorly designed and tested software, and a lack of funding for security education and research poses serious risks to the country's infrastructure.\nWe have too few trained individuals who really understand the principles of security and there is almost no national investment in producing more. The incredible growth of our society's deployment of computing has too often been conducted with concerns for issues of safety, security and reliability.\nThe scope of infrastructure protection is larger than just computer security, and we should be concern with a broader scope, that could be called information assurance. Information assurance also involves issues of physical security, malicious software, privacy, software engineering, database security, network security, computer forensics, intrusion detection, and several other fields.\nAnyone who produces computer code or build systems should be aware that some practices are more dangerous than others, could cause harm to the public and infringe on privacy. Engineers in particular should have an awareness that there are areas where their expertise does not reach and they need to call in specialists.\nInformation security specialists are a scarce commodity. Of the 23 leading U.S. universities involved in computer security research, only 20 Ph.Ds were granted in the last three years. There are probably fewer than 100 faculty in the United States who really have some experience on this field. There are very few who have a broad view and actually can address the whole area.\nInstead of finding ways to design new systems resistant to attack, must of the effort is directed at how to apply new patches to the same old, buggy code. This does not serve to fix the long-term problems. The immediate problems of cyber systems can be patched by implementing best practices, but these will not address the fundamental problems of cyberterrorism.\n\u00b7 Interruption: An asset of the system is destroyed or becomes unavailable or unusable. This is referred to as an attack on availability. Examples include destruction of a piece of hardware, such as a hard disk, the cutting of a communication line, or the disabling of the file management system.\n\u00b7 Fabrication: The attacker inserts counterfeit objects into the system. This is referred to as an attack on authenticity. Examples include the insertion of spurious messages in a network or the addition of records to a file.\nA useful categorization of these attacks is in terms of passive attacks and active attacks. Passive attacks are in the nature of monitoring of transmissions. The goal of the attacker is to obtain information that is being transmitted. Two types of passive attacks are(1) release of message content;(2) traffic analysis. A release of message content is easily understood. A telephone conversation, an electronic mail message, and a transferred file may contain sensitive or confidential information.\nThe second passive attack, traffic analysis, is more subtle. Suppose that we had a way of masking the contents of a message or other information traffic so that Cuba, even if they capture the information, could not extract the real information because of the use of encryption. The attacker could after a period of time extract the information and messages, defeating the encryption process.\nThe second major category of attack is active attacks. These attacks involve some modification of the data stream or the creation of a false stream. It can be subdivided into four categories: masquerade, replay, modification of message, denial of service.\nA masquerade takes place when the attacker, under certain entity, pretends to be a different entity, and therefore enabling an authorized entity to obtain extra privileges. Replay involves the passive capture of a data unit and its subsequent retransmission to produce an unauthorized effect.\nModification of service simply means that some portion of a legitimate message is altered, or that messages are delayed or reordered, to produce an unauthorized effect. The denial of service prevents or inhibits the normal use or management of communications facilities. This is a very important and serious possible attack. It could disrupt an entire network, either by disabling the network or by overloading it with messages so as to degrade performance. The attacker could target airports, financial centers, power companies, dams control centers, etc. It is quite difficult to prevent active attacks. The goal is to detect them and to recover from any disruption or delays caused by them.\nThe objective of the intruder is to gain access to a system or to increase the range of privileges accessible on a system. The intruder must acquired information that should have been protected. In most cases, this information is in the form of a password. The password file can be protected by one way encryption or by limiting the access control to the file. What are the most common techniques used so far to try to break into a system?\nNetwork security has assumed increasing importance. Individuals, corporations, government agencies, must heighten their awareness to protect data and messages, and to protect systems from network-based attacks. The disciplines of cryptography and network security have matured, leading", + ".\nBefore we started, I have a confession: I am absolutely in love with COSRX as a brand. Their ingredients list is relatively short and pretty straight forwards. Products is fragrance free, paraben free and coloring free, which is a huge plus for sensitive and acne-prone skin like mine. After using their products for a while now, I am confident to say that my skin has been greatly strengthened and healing process happens much faster for the aftermath of my acne fighting, scars fade faster, skin texture is less bumpy and I am indeed a much happier girl \ud83d\ude42 My goal is to finish the rest of my skincare and convert all my products to COSRX and COSRX only. Yup, I am absolutely in love. Now I shall share in details about the product that I have been tested.\nAHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid clears away old dead skin cells trapped inside the pores. Works alongside vitamins, whiteners and natural moisturizer treatments. Managing dead skin cells without unnecessary stimulation. Helping skin management while creating healthier skin with more vitality. Star ingredients Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Water: An alpha-hydroxy acid naturally-occurring found in sugar cane and malic acid, derived from apples, which will help to exfoliate dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation, diminish the appearance of large pores and acne scarring. A great ingredient for reducing blackheads, whiteheads and troubles on skin. It even moisturizes the skin at same time as removing dead skin cells. You will find your skin is smooth, soft, and comfortable.\n1) Moisture, pore control, and brightening. It immediately purifies and tones up your skin leaving is clearer and more bright.\n2) Whitehead clearance. No more difficulty removing whiteheads and sebum !\n3) AHA product with hyaluronic acid. It controls excessive sebum and achieves excellent moisture retention in combination with hyaluronic acid.\n4) AHA for repairing skin damage. Works well for sun damaged skin. Also it is good for spots, dryness and trouble.\nThe product is packaged in a very simple and straightforward packaging, just like the formula itself. Even though it might deemed to be a little bit bland for my aesthetics, I honestly do not mind it that much. The functional aspects of the packaging is strong, with sturdy packaging, excellent quality pumps that is designed nicely. One pump is enough for my entire face.\nEven though the product claims to have Apple Fruit Water as the first and start ingredients, I was so put off with the smell at first. The smell was so pungent and strong and definitely does not smell anything like apple. Overtime I get used to the smell a little bit, but I can\u2019t help but stop inhaling whenever I apply this product all over my face.\n5) AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid is high concentrated product. Please use a small amount on areas with whiteheads and dead skin cells. Begin with using only once a week, and after skin has adjusted, use 2 to 3 times a week to maintain clear skin without dead skin cells, sebum and whiteheads.\n6) When you use AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid, do not use other exfoliating products on same day.\nI did not want to mess with the caution, so I use this on alternate with the Blackhead Power Liquid, and notice great results. I normally use this after my toner step, when my skin is perfectly cleansed and balanced. After waiting for 20-30 mins, I move on with a hydrating essence/serum, followed by sheet mask, light gel cream and sleeping pack. It is important that other products following your acid treatment step are all hydrating to help sooth the skin after the treatment.\nIt is an extremely light-weight texture that is as runny as water. The liquid absorbed onto my skin with minimal efforts, a little bit of tapping with help it absorbs much faster.\nThis using in conjunction with the Blackhead Power Liquid improved my skin significantly over the past 2 months. I must say, my skin has never do so well for the longest time ever. All my acnes and pimples are in control, scars are fading quick and most importantly, those funny bumpy texture on my skin is gone. Now since I use this together with the Blackhead Power Liquid, it is hard to identify which problems is solved by which products, but I believe this controls stuffs that happen more on the surface of your skin.\nYes I will, together with Blackhead Power Liquid as a duo as these are the best treatment I have found in years.\nThanks for your review I really love it \u2764\ufe0f But I want to ask you this to make sure \ud83d\ude42 I currently order 3 products : 1/klair vitamin c , 2/Cosrx aha 7 power liquid , 3/Cosrx bha power liquid. As you say that you use it alternately so I want to", + " inquiries for that evening\u2019s game held at a field near Falkener Elementary. Issifou came to Greensboro from Togo in September 2000. Now he\u2019s a professor at NC A&T University, but in the 17 years since his arrival, he has also worked to bring the international community together through soccer \u2014 all while enduring unfamiliar restrictions, costs and predispositions.\nNarayan Khadka spent the same morning using art to teach English and US citizenship at Greensboro\u2019s Glen Haven Community Center \u2014 a welcoming space for support and education located among the apartments of dozens of refugee and immigrant families near North Elm Street and Pisgah Church Road. Khadka arrived in Greensboro from Nepal, and in the years since has pursued an education that would help him unite people and resolve differences. He was waiting to hear about a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro to revitalize the city\u2019s international soccer league; he was the president during its only season back in 2012. There had been many inquiries by those who want it back \u2014 people who said they needed it.\nThese three organizers of immigrant and refugee soccer matches in Greensboro strive to maintain traditions, to do their part for something that endures so strongly in themselves and those they care for, but that the world around them endangers.\nThey want to provide something hard to define, but for many of the participants, it\u2019s something akin to feeling wholly alive. Their players seek respite, connection, tradition, home. They find it in soccer.\nThese are the local stewards of the beautiful game.\nAs the sun went down on April 4, it cast an amber light on the Bennett College soccer field that borders Gate City Boulevard. Almost 20 players had arrived, but the field was empty. Puddles of that morning\u2019s rain kept them off.\nInstead, the young men in their late teens kicked soccer balls around on a basketball court next to the soggy field. The hoops and backboards have been removed, leaving only the metal posts \u2014 monuments to past play.\nMost of the players wore no shoes, not wanting to ruin cleats on the court\u2019s hard surface. Playing barefoot was nothing new; it\u2019s how many of them learned the game in their home countries from a young age, sometimes playing for five or six hours a day. Without cleats on, they still showed incredible finesse.\nCoach Michael Amend watched the players, who make up the Greensboro United Soccer Association\u2019s Global team. They are alumni of the Newcomers School, a magnet for first-year immigrants and refugees. Students remain at the Newcomers School for one year, then transition to various schools in the district.\nAs the players scrimmaged in two separate games in teams of three or four, Anas Quashie limped off the court, the sole of his foot bleeding onto the asphalt. He found one of his socks and wrapped it tightly around the wound.\nAfter the practice, as players waited for city buses or rides home from Amend and one another, Quashie\u2019s peers chided him.\n\u201cYou must not be from Africa, bro!\u201d one kidded in good nature, showing the group the callous bottom of his right foot.\nQuashie is from Africa. He used to play what he calls \u201cstreet soccer\u201d in the dirt roads of Togo. His feet have softened, adapted since he moved to Greensboro in February 2016.\nOf the many challenges that a young refugee faces in the United States, the ones related to changes in soccer are often no less significant than ones off the field. Playing soccer sustains many of these young men: The game transcends to become symbolic \u2014 a connection to a new home and the reminder of an old one.\nQuashie said the hardest adjustment in his soccer life has been the difference between the dirt streets of Togo and the large grass fields in Greensboro. The game itself has changed.\nSoccer encompasses the cultural differences that all of the young men face. They\u2019ve come from other traditions in Egypt, Congo, El Salvador, Liberia, Iraq and various other countries around the world.\nQuashie\u2019s teammate Makryous Kori misses the sand pitches in Sudan, where he grew up. He misses using rocks to mark the goals, and he misses his friends who he occasionally talks with on the phone, who ask him when he\u2019s coming home.\nBut there are greater differences than a change in the playing surface, and a new prerequisite toward practices and matches might be the most challenging.\n\u201cYou have to call people in the US to [arrange a time] to play,\u201d Kori explained. In Sudan, he said, everyone played in the streets all day long. Pickup soccer was as much a part of life as anything else.\nAs refugees acclimate to life in Greensboro, to fresh traditions at the Newcomers School and beyond, changes are inevitable.\nThe weekly pickup game began before Moussa Issifou arrived, but he was by no means lost or out of luck", + " careful that indebtedness is only a transitional phase before making the capital gains on one's purchase. Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits.\nThe bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market.\nTaking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge.\nThis formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a \"dry\" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan.\nIf the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late.\n3 - The Bridging loan with a \"total allowance\"\nThis option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month.\nThe redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment.\nAs time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we \"amortize\" thus the property this way.\nHowever, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client.\nFinally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable.\nDuring the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment.\nThe bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan.\nDo not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incapacity.\nIn the scope of a purchase via a Civil Company in Real estate (SCI", + " bird eggs, seashells, and more. Have Such a beautiful fascinating book! If you \u2014 or your nature players \u2014 have ever wanted to see how mountains are formed, wondered about cloud formations, the life cycle of a mushroom, or the different feathers on a bird, this is the book for you!. Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Common Ground Really Moving - Layers of the Earth - Minerals - The Rock Cycle - Fossils - Landforms - Mountains - North American Landscapes - Field Succession - Loose Landscape Painting Chapter 2 What's Up? In my childhood I would be obsessed with this book, and I would bring it on every camping trip and road trip. Reading this book was kinda like that. She shows it all Some people are blessed with a cool aunt or cool uncle, one that takes you on hikes and catches bugs with you to study. Synopsis See the world in a new way! Remember that fascination with the world around you? Read it, you'd be happy you did : I truly loved this book.\nPint-size epicures will, by contrast, savor the consonant potential of dishes such as tonnato, tournedos and tostadas. Julia Rothman is your cool aunt. Adjust for individual reading level. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. A set of graphical representations proposed by a scientist. The one rule: Before putting pen to paper, each artist is only allowed to see the panel that precedes his or her own.\nIt has the same beautiful artwork, but with a wider range of topics which makes sense, since the natural world is so vast and varied. And the content, while it was stuff with which I am generally familiar, would be amazing and accessible for what I imagine is a vast majority of people, especially those who haven't taken a science class in years. Le\u00eddo en la edici\u00f3n e No es un libro al uso, sino un mont\u00f3n de ilustraciones de la autora, agrupadas por temas, con textos que explican curiosidades. The E-mail message field is required. It is a good idea ruined by a failure of editing. The reason I did not give it five stars is because it would have been nice to have more detailed illustrations.\nBut it isn't as amazing as all the ratings I've seen make it out to be. Think 's , which is a masterful, humorous, knowledgeable take on these early heroes of computer science. But she is fascinated by food. Come close : Anatomy of a flower ; Anatomy of a bee ; Anatomy of a butterfly ; Metamorphosis ; Plants that attract butterflies ; Beautiful butterflies ; Colorful moths ; Sedges, rushes, grasses ; Grazing edibles ; Incredible insects and bugs abounding ; Spectacular spiders ; Anatomy of an ant -- 4. If you \u2014 or your nature players \u2014 have ever wanted to see how mountains are formed, wondered about cloud formations, the life cycle of a mushroom, or the different feathers on a bird, this is the book for you! They will get much more out of the book that way. Nature Anatomy is more fun and simple. Combining ink lines with deeply saturated blocks of color, the uncluttered illustrations provide a stylish showcase of architectural structures, which are further explained in an appendix.\nSee more pictures of the book on my blog. I have taught most of the content of this book to middle school science classes, and learned even more of it from just growing up in an area where my parents pushed me outside and I had ecologically diverse mountains in my backyard. Whether read cover to cover or simply used as a reference, Nature Anatomy is sure to inspire every time it's opened. A little bird told me : Anatomy of a bird ; A bevy of birds ; Kinds of feathers ; Birdcalls ; a variety of nests ; Extraordinary eggs ; Intriguing bird behavior ; Birds of prey ; Owls ; Big birds ; A variety of beaks ; Water birds -- 7. You should buy a copy for the child in you, as well. With time and pressure, the minerals in the water are deposited into the structure of the organism and solidify, leaving behind a three-dimensional fossil. Warhola, who inspired her son Andy's fascination with groceries.\nA delicate black line describes the architecture with dexterity, allowing readers a glimpse of wonders that may await on their own journeys as they root for Brick to succeed on hers. I like the ink line styles with filled colours. She shows it all through beautiful illustrations and manages to make you feel such love for the nature around you, however small it is. Reading this book was kinda like that. It makes you wonder why textbooks aren't this fun to read. I read it with my toddler, and it reminded me of so much I used to know. All the bits of information are", + " have about the results of the Sixth Circuit case reviewing the FCC's action to remove state-created barriers to municipal networks. We devoted Community Broadband Bits episode 217 to the case and aftermath.\nThe Sixth Circuit ruled against the FCC narrowly - finding that while it had no dispute with the FCC's characterization of municipal networks as beneficial, Congress had not given the FCC the power to overrule state management of its subdivisions (cities). As we have often said, restricting local authority in this manner may be stupid, but states are allowed to do stupid things (especially when powerful companies like AT&T and Comcast urge them to).\nLisa and I explore the decision and explain why we are nonetheless glad that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Commissioners Rosenworcel and Clyburn moved on the petitions from Chattanooga and Wilson to remove state barriers to next-generation network investment. We also reference this blog post from Harold Feld, which is a well-done summary of the situation.\nThe Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued their order on August 10th supporting the states of Tennessee and North Carolina in their challenge from an FCC decision from February 2015. Both states objected to the FCC\u2019s decision to preempt state laws preventing municipalities from providing fast, affordable, reliable connectivity via municipal Internet networks. The Appellate Court Judges reviewed the legal arguments, the precedent, and the interplay between federal authority and state sovereignty.\nThe impact of their ruling will affect more than a few pages in a law school text book. Access to high-quality Internet access positively impacts real people and businesses and, as Cecila Kang captures in her recent article in the New York Times, the people who depend on it fear the outcome if their state legislators take it away.\n\u201cWe\u2019re very worried because there is no way we could run this equipment on the internet service we used to have, and we can\u2019t imagine the loss we\u2019ll have to the business,\u201d said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm.\nAs Kang notes in her article, the FCC has no plans to appeal the decision, so battles will resume at the state level. Advocates will need to be twice as vigilant because incumbents - the only ones that come out ahead from this decision - may try to push state legislators for even tougher anti-competitive state barriers.\nEPB customers love the fast, affordable, reliable Internet access they get from their muni and they appreciate the way its smart-grid helps them save money on their electric bill. According to a new J.D. Power report, their municipal utility is also the highest rated mid-size utility in the South for customer service and reliability.\nJust a month ago, Consumer Reports magazine rated EPB the best TV and Internet access utility in the county for customer satisfaction, as chosen by a reader survey. The J.D. Power report went on to rank EPB number two in the country in the category of municipal or investor-owned electric utility.\nThe Times Free Press reports that in 2015 EPB Fiber Optics earned a net income of $23.5 million while the electric division earned $3.5 million. EPB President David Wade said that the smart-grid has reduced power outages by 60 percent and contributed to customer satisfaction by enhancing reliability of the system.\n\"The lesson that utilities can learn from other high-performing service providers is that to excel you need a culture that puts customers and employees first,\" said John Hazen, senior director of the utility practice at J.D. Power. \"And because customer expectations continue to increase, you need to have a mindset of continuous improvement to keep up.\"\nEPB Chairman Joe Ferguson said the favorable grades from EPB customers reflect the utility's local ownership, public service and management focus on serving the customer.\nMinneapolis, MN - The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decided today to dismiss the FCC's February 2015 decision to encourage Internet investment in Tennessee and North Carolina. Tennessee and North Carolina had both restricted local authority to build competitive networks.\n\"We're disappointed that the FCC's efforts to ensure local Internet choice have been struck down,\" says Christopher Mitchell with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. \"We thank the FCC for working so hard to fight for local authority and we hope that states themselves will recognize the folly of defending big cable and telephone monopolies and remove these barriers to local investment. Communities desperately need these connections and must be able to decide for themselves how to ensure residents and businesses have high quality Internet access.\"\nILSR and Next Century Cities filed an Amicus brief in support of the FCC's position. View the Court's Opinion here.\nDisappointing news from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today as the Court chooses to reverse the FCC\u2019s February 2015 preemption order that peeled back restrictive state laws in Tennessee and North Carolina. We have the opinion for you to download and review. You can also view the decision at the Sixth Circuit's website.\nWe consider the Sixth Circuit\u2019s decision disappointing, incorrect, and we hope the FCC and the cities of Chattanooga and Wilson appeal this decision. Local connectivity and telecommunications should be", + " more settled. I'm just that type that can't relax until I have things my way, which isn't a good thing! I can't wait to see pictures of your house! And thanks for the pasta love, Annie!\nWe moved in over 2 months ago, and I JUST organized my walk-in closet last week! The kitchen was my first thing to organize and I said the same thing about buying more food to fill up my cabinets! There is just nothing better than tons of cabinet space! Easy meals are definitely a necessity during a move and this pasta looks just perfect.\nI am SO loving my cabinet space! I know I will have it filled up quickly though, because they say the more space you have, the more stuff you acquire! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Keri!\nGood luck organizing Gayle! It is so much fun! I would totally start with the closet, too! This dish looks perfect! So easy to make and delicious!\nHave fun organizing, Gayle! The walk-in closet and kitchen are the perfect places to start :) Easy and flavorful meals like this are so helpful when you just move. Looks delicious and I love that you used basil pesto here!\nPesto basil pasta sounds incredible, Gayle! Love that this meal is so quick and easy. I'm so happy to hear you are getting settled into your new place!\nThank you, Denise! It's so nice to have more space...I'm loving it! :) And thanks for the pasta love!\nGayle, I just love this 30 minute Thursdays idea! What a wonderful theme for you and few other blogger friends. :) Goodness knows, we all need a bit more convenience to help us with our crazy schedules. Also, go you on organizing the walk-in closet first for the new house! Lol. I would so do the same thing--well, maybe a debate between the closet and the kitchen. Ha! Looking forward to more updates on the new house. Loving this basil pesto pasta! <3 Pinning, of course!\nThanks for the kind words, Demeter! Aren't 30 minute Thursdays so much fun? :) I pretty much organized my kitchen right along with my closet...the two most important tasks!\nhaha I took over pretty much the entire closet at our house too. The husband is always asking if he can have another shelf. Um nope, no you can't! lol This pasta sounds delicious! I can never get enough broccoli!\nHaha no more space for husbands! :) Thanks for the pasta love, Ashley!\nEasy meals are a must when getting organized in a new house, and Gayle, these are some of your prettiest photos! I love those close-ups -- I just want to dive in! These ingredients are all some of my very favorite, and carbs are always a bonus!\nThank you for the kind words, Marcie! I'm in love with this pesto pasta!\nMmm 2 of my favorite veggies in my favorite pasta sauce! It can't get any better! Love it!\nThanks for the pasta love, Manali!\nThat last picture definitely has me hooked! This is a perfect meal any night of the week - but especially on nights when you're as busy as you are these days! Happy Organizing!!\nGayle, love this dish! I LOVE a good pesto in the summer and love the broccoli and mushrooms!!!\nThank you, Alice! Broccoli and mushrooms make this dish so much better!\nCongratulations on the new house! I'm sure you are having tons of fun organizing! I love a pesto pasta and this mushroom broccoli version is so creative and looks amazing!\nThanks for the kind words, Rachelle!\nSo glad you liked it, Elda! Thanks for stopping by.\nWhat a great way to use the pesto. I seriously need to make a big batch of that. I like having things like that on hand for fast recipes. Sounds great!\nCongrats on getting settled in your new house, Gayle! That is so exciting! It feels good to get things organized, especially when you have more space to work with. :) This pasta is my kind of dinner! I love all of the veggies that you've packed in here, and I bet the pesto really brings all of the flavors together!\nThank you, Kristine! It definitely is a great feeling to have more space! :) And thanks for the pasta love...the pesto just makes this dish even better!\nPesto pasta is one of my favourite things, but I don't make it too often cause the rest of the family doesn't love it quite as much. Love the mushrooms and broccoli - this is calling my name! We move in a couple of weeks too so I'll be making it for sure! Good luck with getting all the moving stuff done!\n30 minute meals are always good to have on hand! I'm a big pasta lover and this basil pesto version sounds soon delicious!\nGayle! This looks amazing! I love that it only takes 3", + " the political and social contexts of his time, and many of his early films tackle the most grimly iconic atrocities of the 20th century: the bombing of Guernica (Guernica, 1950), the Holocaust (Nuit et brouillard, 1955), the bombing of Hiroshima (Hiroshima mon amour), and the question of torture during the French-Algerian War (Muriel, 1963). These films treat the complex intersections of memory and trauma that marked France and Europe after World War II, and they are infused with a profound pathos and ethical sensibility that is particular to Resnais. This article charts the different facets of Resnais\u2019s work, adopting a broadly chronological approach that highlights the major films, as well as Resnais\u2019s relation to the New Wave, philosophy, and intermediality and collaboration.\nThere are many useful overviews of Resnais\u2019s work. Armes 1968, Kreidl 1978, Sweet 1981, Pr\u00e9dal 1968, and Bounoure 1974 treat the early films, up to and including the 1960s and 1970s, while Pr\u00e9dal 1996 and Wilson 2006 also examine the films of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. Some of these monographs adopt a thematic perspective: Benayoun 1980 and Monaco 1978 consider the question of imagination, and Wilson 2006 looks at memory and the senses in Resnais\u2019s work. Resnais gave many interviews about his work over the course of his career, and many of these are collected in the Goudet 2002 Positif dossier, which also contains many excellent short readings of various films. The special edition of Contre bande (Special Issue: Alain Resnais) also brings together a range of French criticism on the director. Liandrat-Guigues and Leutrat 2006 adopts an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais\u2019s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music.\nA concise early work that provides some useful biographical information and close readings of Resnais\u2019s work, from the early documentaries to Je t\u2019aime, je t\u2019aime. The book also includes a detailed filmography, films stills, and on-set photographs.\nBenayoun, Robert. Alain Resnais: Arpenteur de l\u2019imaginaire. Paris: Stock/Cin\u00e9ma, 1980.\nA lively and meticulous account of Resnais\u2019s work up to 1980, paying great attention to biography, form, and intertextuality. This book usefully includes an appendix of interviews with Resnais and R\u00e9mo Forlani, among others.\nBounoure, Gaston. Alain Resnais (Cin\u00e9ma d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui 5). Paris: Seghers, 1974.\nAn accessible, convincing, and subjective early account of Resnais\u2019s work up to the mid-1970s, with useful sections comparing the themes of Resnais\u2019s documentaries with motifs found in later works.\nGoudet, St\u00e9phane, ed. Positif, revue de cin\u00e9ma: Alain Resnais. Paris: Gallimard, 2002.\nA comprehensive, indispensable anthology of the cinema journal Positif\u2019s writings on Resnais from 1956 to 2002. It includes a fascinating selection of writings on Resnais\u2019s filmic career, including the later films, with sections by Fran\u00e7ois Thomas, Robert Benayoun, and Jean-Louis Leutrat, as well as several interviews with Resnais about his films.\nKreidl, John Francis. Alain Resnais. Boston: Twayne, 1978.\nAn impressively detailed early work that traces the evolution of Resnais\u2019s cinematic style through the major fiction films. It devotes two chapters to the history and politics surrounding the creation of Muriel.\nLiandrat-Guigues, Suzanne, and Jean Louis Leutrat. Alain Resnais: Liaisons secr\u00e8tes, accords vagabonds. Paris: Cahiers du Cin\u00e9ma, 2006.\nAn expansive and somewhat personal book on Resnais, replete with rich color photographs of on-set filming, written by two of the most renowned French critics of his work. The authors adopt an all-encompassing approach that successfully situates Resnais\u2019s work within his broader interests in literature, cartoons, theater, painting, and music.\nAn early writing on Resn", + " did not last long or affect her significantly.\nWe continue to have a great experience with our Living Well Chiropractic friends. They are great with kids, using phrases like \u201ctime for popcorn back\u201d or \u201cI\u2019m going to make you into a pretzel, do you like your pretzels with cheese or salt?\u201d Super cute and super relaxed for kiddos. Our visits are quick and Lola enjoys her time there. Charlotte tags along for appointments and has recently decided to be a chiropractor when she grows up, she gave me a practice adjustment yesterday. Adorable.\nI will keep the updates coming! We are hopeful and excited.\nAfter one year of planning, making reservations and saving money our family made a grand visit to Disney World. We knew this would come with some challenges so we did our best to plan ahead, especially where Lola\u2019s needs were concerned. She really had a great week and we were impressed with how the Cast Members (Disney employees) responded to her.\nWe were given a Disability Access Card, which I will refer to as the DAS card. This is a new system for kids and adults who aren\u2019t able to wait in lines without great distress. Lola\u2019s blindness and sensory issues make waiting in line very difficult, meltdowns etc. Trust me, we did the 40 minute wait for Buzz Lightyear without the DAS and it was a quasi-disaster.\nThe DAS card is basically waiting in line while out of line. To acquire the card you simply stop by the customer service area at the front of the park, explain the disability and why it makes lines difficult. We were asked very little questions and it was a very smooth process. They took Lola\u2019s picture and printed out a little card with her name and photo on the front.\nTo use the card you simply hand it to the cast member at the front of each ride and they write a return time on the card. The return time is the current wait time minus 10 minutes. So if the Mine Train wait was 70 minutes our return would be an hour later. We were able to ride other rides with short wait times, eat a meal, take in the Christmas decor or rest a little. We also utilized fast pass so DAS wasn\u2019t necessary with all rides. The cast members were always friendly and although the pass was only for 6 people they had no problem allowing more family members to ride with Lola. We were also allowed to sit in the very front for events like the Frozen Sing Along.\nIn addition to finding success with the DAS card we also found the characters and cast members quick to pick up on Lola\u2019s extra needs and respond appropriately. For example, the characters recognized Lola\u2019s need to get super close and to touch their costumes. They would take her hand and put it on their nose (Mickey) or bend down toward her face. We typically didn\u2019t mention her eyes, but it was clear they realized that her experience needed to be slightly different.\nLola was also chosen to take part in a few shows. We were hesitant at first but once we informed the cast members they were sure to guide her and give her extra cues, no problem. Lola even played the part of the Beast, dancing with Belle as the story was told.\nWe had a great week at Disney, celebrating our family and spending time with extended family. We hope to return again in a few years to relive all the fun and excitement. Despite the changes to the disability system I still give Disney a thumbs up in this department.\nSo glad you guys had a great time - how wonderful too for Lola to have that experience!\nLet\u2019s be honest. For most of us, the last week has been focused on how much we can get and how little we can get it for. Now, let\u2019s be fair. As some of you may know, today is Fair Tuesday as in shop Fair Trade today. There is tons of stuff for women, but this post is focused on the stuff for guys, who are always harder to shop for.\nThese items focus on being fairly traded, ethically sourced, and life impacting. Here are 5 on Calvin\u2019s list.\nThe Piko is a durable lightweight bag that delivers when you need it the most. With separate laptop access and the front instant pocket, the Piko is ideal for a person that is on the move from place to place. #GiveTuesday Sale! Use Code Give20 For 20% Off At Checkout!\nThe Wonderbag was developed to ease the social, economic and environment impacts of the current global circumstances. The Wonderbag is a non-electric, heat-retention cooker that allows food that has been brought to a boil, to continue cooking after it has been removed from the fuel source. All our recipes have recommended timings and simple steps to guide the Wonderbag cooking process. Production capabilities in Rwanda, Mexico and Turkey with launches in Kenya, Nigeria and Somaliland with a buy-one-give-one model to support getting Wonderbags into humanitarian relief.\nOur Passport Wallet is made out of premium quality", + ", the storm system veered just west of Pigeon Forge.\nGot there around 9:15 and boarded at Tram Stop B. \"B is for Butterfly.\" Walking through the front areas before rope drop there is a very nice fountain. Also, due to the threat of rain, there weren't many people here at opening. The duck population on the midways outnumbered the people population. Unfortunately, all of the ducks were holding park maps and headed the same place I was. Oh c'mon, those baby ducks aren't even tall enough to ride.\nWild Eagle. The theming is well done. There's an awesome massive eagle statue at the entrance, and Dolly herself recorded a special song just for the ride. Flyyy Eagle, Flyyy Eagle, Wild Eagle Flyyyy.... (thankfully there is more than that). The trains themselves have eagle heads with wings spanning the middle of each row.\nEagle's zero-g roll, which comes right after the first loop, was my favorite element here. You really do feel like you're flying. I preferred the back. This one's worth doing front seat at least once though, there are some great legchopper effects there in the second half that had me pulling my knees up. From a pure ride standpoint, now having ridden all 3 of B&M's US Wing Coasters, GateKeeper is better, but I enjoyed Wild Eagle quite a bit more than X-Flight. I wouldn't classify any of the 3 as \"intense\" but that's not really a negative in my book. It's a solid crowd pleasing design, they are fun to ride, and they have a certain -- dare I say -- majestic quality, which isn't an adjective I'd use to describe many other coasters.\nAfter 4 laps on Eagle (max 10 minute wait this early in the morning), Tennessee Tornado was nearby so walked on. One of the last Arrow loopers, and now my second favorite of its type (Loch Ness is still first, those interlocking loops are so pretty.) Fairly smooth with virtually no headbanging and the tunnel drop is sweet. Rode it a second time. Next was Blazing Fury. Nearly identical to SDC's Fire In The Hole (the former was based on the latter), even the ride ops were serenading departing trains with a shout of \"Fire in the hole!\" However, this one has no splashdown, apparently they took it out a couple years back. Still a fun dark coaster.\nWalking back through the upper half of the park, did Mystery Mine twice. This ride is disorienting in a good way and hard to describe. Part indoor, part outdoor, and very unique. But bangs your head around in a couple spots. Kept going to Thunderhead. A very solid woodie, no single element is outstanding (the station flyby is slick though) but has some good airtime moments throughout its lengthy course and keeps up a good rate of speed.\nWent back to Thunderhead, max 10 minute wait so got 4 more rides on that, 2 more on Eagle, 1 more on Tornado. For a Saturday I sure am riding a lot. Then took a swing on Barnstormer, funny this was my first S&S swing of the season. The \"giant barn\" theme fits this ride type well (SDC's swing is similarly themed).\nI passed on dessert before but was wanting some now. Exiting Barnstormer, I walked to the nearby Grist Mill and -- a la Toucan Sam -- followed my nose inside. Cinnamon bread. Oh goodness this is delicious. You get a decent sized loaf served warm and fresh, there's enough to share, or in my case take some home. I then headed to Celebrity Theater for the Great American Country Show. Shows aren't really my thing -- my last was way back in 2008 (CP's Misadventures of Molly and Maverick) -- but considering Dollywood's reputation, I made an exception. I don't feel qualified to critique in detail, so I'll just say the production values were top-notch and I liked it. But given a do-over (or hopefully if I visit Dollywood again!) I probably would have selected a \"smaller\" show. Looking back I think the Country Show is Dollywood's \"biggest\" this season in terms of scale.\nThere were a couple hours left til close, and all I really wanted was a couple night rides on Eagle. I took some time to walk around the Village and Country Fair sections, as I hadn't been though them yet. Rode the train, which actually travels a bit outside the park boundary through some heavily wooded areas. Rode the nearby carousel after the train ride.\nThen started walking back towards Wild Eagle (hit Blazing Fury again on the way) and got there around 9 PM. Got 4 more rides in before closing at 10. This thing is even sweeter after", + " meticulous and excellent customer support. We have a good expertise in installations of various systems and have over 1500 successful installations all over India to our credit. We interact very closely with our niche customer base and sort out their application issues right from creating a requirement to final execution of order followed by installation in-warranty to post-warranty support. Being a service oriented organization, we have a strong foothold in terms of after sale support and offer them a 24X7 support on call. Our team includes Scientists, Engineers, Software programmers, Application scientists to cater to all demands of our customer base. 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You can continue to touch the screen to find the music as well as the cover of view. No change now there. 40 hours of audio playback. Video playback is a little \"better! Quicker processor allows A4 iTunes HD video you buy to play, and you will notice that makes them look oh so appealing. The cameras are the only small disappointment. Best camera is well . however , how perhaps you face working hours? The quality of the camera backwards and specifications are not up to the level of many expect, considering the fact that camera phone \"gets better with ages. However, Apple decided to make the thinnest ever jailbreak iphone 4s! Thinness restricting the camera that connects to the device. First of all, Mac Blu-ray Player is very first universal media player for Mac & PC in the world. As we all know which Blu-ray disc applies its extra capacity combined i'm able to use of advanced video and audio codec to consumers an unprecedented HD experience. But the further advance to Blu-ray world is realized by this software. With advanced Blu-ray decryption and processing capability, Mac Blu-ray Player can decrypt any Blu-ray discs successfully too as . Of course, it is possible to select an ISO format file from a computer and open it directly from the interface sprouted. Moreover, it could be also offer the Blu-ray discs recorded or burned automatically. There can be lots of software and websites for sale to help an issue ios5 jailbreak now as it has been in the sell for quite a few days right right. However, individuals still are looking for reliable associated with ios 7.1.3 jailbreak and ios 6.1.4 jailbreak, as his or her jailbreaks remain brand new and quite not reachable by folks. IOS 6.1.3 jailbreak ipad is only relevant to apple iphone on entire iPhone, which came subsequently. Although, people are waiting anxiously for your official words in the jailbreak community over these jailbreaks obtain will find sites which offering these kinds of for just a little charge that can bring the awesomeness of just a jailbroken iPhone for you really. Robocity ($.99) - Captain Hiz crash-landed on a bizarre planet filled up with robots. He's to fight his way through him in order to find everything he needs auto repairs . his give. Amazingly, the Aero is endowed with Quick Office Document Viewer and Editor, which completed", + " with some challenges so we did our best to plan ahead, especially where Lola\u2019s needs were concerned. She really had a great week and we were impressed with how the Cast Members (Disney employees) responded to her.\nWe were given a Disability Access Card, which I will refer to as the DAS card. This is a new system for kids and adults who aren\u2019t able to wait in lines without great distress. Lola\u2019s blindness and sensory issues make waiting in line very difficult, meltdowns etc. Trust me, we did the 40 minute wait for Buzz Lightyear without the DAS and it was a quasi-disaster.\nThe DAS card is basically waiting in line while out of line. To acquire the card you simply stop by the customer service area at the front of the park, explain the disability and why it makes lines difficult. We were asked very little questions and it was a very smooth process. They took Lola\u2019s picture and printed out a little card with her name and photo on the front.\nTo use the card you simply hand it to the cast member at the front of each ride and they write a return time on the card. The return time is the current wait time minus 10 minutes. So if the Mine Train wait was 70 minutes our return would be an hour later. We were able to ride other rides with short wait times, eat a meal, take in the Christmas decor or rest a little. We also utilized fast pass so DAS wasn\u2019t necessary with all rides. The cast members were always friendly and although the pass was only for 6 people they had no problem allowing more family members to ride with Lola. We were also allowed to sit in the very front for events like the Frozen Sing Along.\nIn addition to finding success with the DAS card we also found the characters and cast members quick to pick up on Lola\u2019s extra needs and respond appropriately. For example, the characters recognized Lola\u2019s need to get super close and to touch their costumes. They would take her hand and put it on their nose (Mickey) or bend down toward her face. We typically didn\u2019t mention her eyes, but it was clear they realized that her experience needed to be slightly different.\nLola was also chosen to take part in a few shows. We were hesitant at first but once we informed the cast members they were sure to guide her and give her extra cues, no problem. Lola even played the part of the Beast, dancing with Belle as the story was told.\nWe had a great week at Disney, celebrating our family and spending time with extended family. We hope to return again in a few years to relive all the fun and excitement. Despite the changes to the disability system I still give Disney a thumbs up in this department.\nSo glad you guys had a great time - how wonderful too for Lola to have that experience!\nLet\u2019s be honest. For most of us, the last week has been focused on how much we can get and how little we can get it for. Now, let\u2019s be fair. As some of you may know, today is Fair Tuesday as in shop Fair Trade today. There is tons of stuff for women, but this post is focused on the stuff for guys, who are always harder to shop for.\nThese items focus on being fairly traded, ethically sourced, and life impacting. Here are 5 on Calvin\u2019s list.\nThe Piko is a durable lightweight bag that delivers when you need it the most. With separate laptop access and the front instant pocket, the Piko is ideal for a person that is on the move from place to place. #GiveTuesday Sale! Use Code Give20 For 20% Off At Checkout!\nThe Wonderbag was developed to ease the social, economic and environment impacts of the current global circumstances. The Wonderbag is a non-electric, heat-retention cooker that allows food that has been brought to a boil, to continue cooking after it has been removed from the fuel source. All our recipes have recommended timings and simple steps to guide the Wonderbag cooking process. Production capabilities in Rwanda, Mexico and Turkey with launches in Kenya, Nigeria and Somaliland with a buy-one-give-one model to support getting Wonderbags into humanitarian relief.\nOur Passport Wallet is made out of premium quality Ethiopian leather hand selected for Parker Clay. Travel ready and features multiple card slots and compartments for a passport, credit cards, ID and cash, along with frequent flyer cards and flight tickets.\nMade in Ethiopia, the Adibo combines style with durable, lasting comfort. Each shoe is created with the goal of contributing to the development of a thriving middle class in Africa. Curated by Invisible Children in partnership with Oliberte: This is Africa. Currently on sale for $40. Free shipping for $100 orders.\n\u2013 Subtle variations add to the uniqueness of each product.\nWe have made an effort to simplify our Christmas over the past few years; three gifts, focus on Jesus, and more time at home. Advent readings are a great addition, keeping our", + " texts and emails \u2014 inquiries for that evening\u2019s game held at a field near Falkener Elementary. Issifou came to Greensboro from Togo in September 2000. Now he\u2019s a professor at NC A&T University, but in the 17 years since his arrival, he has also worked to bring the international community together through soccer \u2014 all while enduring unfamiliar restrictions, costs and predispositions.\nNarayan Khadka spent the same morning using art to teach English and US citizenship at Greensboro\u2019s Glen Haven Community Center \u2014 a welcoming space for support and education located among the apartments of dozens of refugee and immigrant families near North Elm Street and Pisgah Church Road. Khadka arrived in Greensboro from Nepal, and in the years since has pursued an education that would help him unite people and resolve differences. He was waiting to hear about a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro to revitalize the city\u2019s international soccer league; he was the president during its only season back in 2012. There had been many inquiries by those who want it back \u2014 people who said they needed it.\nThese three organizers of immigrant and refugee soccer matches in Greensboro strive to maintain traditions, to do their part for something that endures so strongly in themselves and those they care for, but that the world around them endangers.\nThey want to provide something hard to define, but for many of the participants, it\u2019s something akin to feeling wholly alive. Their players seek respite, connection, tradition, home. They find it in soccer.\nThese are the local stewards of the beautiful game.\nAs the sun went down on April 4, it cast an amber light on the Bennett College soccer field that borders Gate City Boulevard. Almost 20 players had arrived, but the field was empty. Puddles of that morning\u2019s rain kept them off.\nInstead, the young men in their late teens kicked soccer balls around on a basketball court next to the soggy field. The hoops and backboards have been removed, leaving only the metal posts \u2014 monuments to past play.\nMost of the players wore no shoes, not wanting to ruin cleats on the court\u2019s hard surface. Playing barefoot was nothing new; it\u2019s how many of them learned the game in their home countries from a young age, sometimes playing for five or six hours a day. Without cleats on, they still showed incredible finesse.\nCoach Michael Amend watched the players, who make up the Greensboro United Soccer Association\u2019s Global team. They are alumni of the Newcomers School, a magnet for first-year immigrants and refugees. Students remain at the Newcomers School for one year, then transition to various schools in the district.\nAs the players scrimmaged in two separate games in teams of three or four, Anas Quashie limped off the court, the sole of his foot bleeding onto the asphalt. He found one of his socks and wrapped it tightly around the wound.\nAfter the practice, as players waited for city buses or rides home from Amend and one another, Quashie\u2019s peers chided him.\n\u201cYou must not be from Africa, bro!\u201d one kidded in good nature, showing the group the callous bottom of his right foot.\nQuashie is from Africa. He used to play what he calls \u201cstreet soccer\u201d in the dirt roads of Togo. His feet have softened, adapted since he moved to Greensboro in February 2016.\nOf the many challenges that a young refugee faces in the United States, the ones related to changes in soccer are often no less significant than ones off the field. Playing soccer sustains many of these young men: The game transcends to become symbolic \u2014 a connection to a new home and the reminder of an old one.\nQuashie said the hardest adjustment in his soccer life has been the difference between the dirt streets of Togo and the large grass fields in Greensboro. The game itself has changed.\nSoccer encompasses the cultural differences that all of the young men face. They\u2019ve come from other traditions in Egypt, Congo, El Salvador, Liberia, Iraq and various other countries around the world.\nQuashie\u2019s teammate Makryous Kori misses the sand pitches in Sudan, where he grew up. He misses using rocks to mark the goals, and he misses his friends who he occasionally talks with on the phone, who ask him when he\u2019s coming home.\nBut there are greater differences than a change in the playing surface, and a new prerequisite toward practices and matches might be the most challenging.\n\u201cYou have to call people in the US to [arrange a time] to play,\u201d Kori explained. In Sudan, he said, everyone played in the streets all day long. Pickup soccer was as much a part of life as anything else.\nAs refugees acclimate to life in Greensboro, to fresh traditions at the Newcomers School and beyond, changes are inevitable.\nThe weekly pickup game began before Moussa Issifou arrived, but he was by no means lost", + " done that whilst holding down a fulltime job. A 2:1 is good, but it\u2019s not a First. And she knows it. So I don\u2019t know if my eyes gave me away or what \u2013 you can do so little about body language \u2013 but I did my best to be genuinely pleased. And I am. I think I am. I don\u2019t know what I am.\nAlthough I \u201cdo good guilt\u201d I\u2019m not sure that I abuse that power. If I want people to do things I\u2019m more likely to reason with them. I manipulate with logic but I don\u2019t feel so bad about that. I trust reason; reason is honest. Emotions an notoriously unreliable. I\u2019ve seen some very dirty fighters though and it does tend to be women but I guess that\u2019s because they lack physical power or feel they don\u2019t have a position of equal authority in the family and so they resort to \u201cunderhanded\u201d methods. My mother most certainly did, or tried to do. But of course a manipulator is only effective if they know their target\u2019s triggers. My mother would send me to Coventry (give me the silent treatment) for days and it had no effect on me whatsoever. It should have had but I knew I could last longer than she could. The same happened at work once. For some reason I crossed a picket line (not like me to be so principled) and my group ostracised me. Several weeks later my boss approached me on their behalf wanting to put an end to all hostilities. I\u2019d worn them down, not the other way round.\nThis doesn\u2019t mean that I\u2019m not susceptible to being manipulated because for years I allowed my father to do exactly that. He used religion as his implement of choice. Most bullies have their gangs just in case they\u2019re not intimidating on their own and most thugs will have a heavy standing at their shoulder. And they don\u2019t get heavier that God Almighty. He didn\u2019t need to scream, rant or rave or hold his breath until he turned blue. All he had to say was, \u201cWell, God says\u2026\u201d and I didn\u2019t have a leg to stand on.\nI think most of the time though the kind of person you\u2019re talking about in your post rely on people\u2019s good natures. We judge ourselves if we turn them away. It\u2019s very clever, isn\u2019t it? We become our own bully. Of course helping someone else makes us feel good about ourselves even (or maybe especially) if they don\u2019t deserve our help so as long as we\u2019re getting something out of the deal then go for it but once they begin to become a drain, that\u2019s the time to call a halt. And be firm.\nI'm not sure of the likelihood that Cate would be on Face Book, Glenn. Maybe we're a bit behind here in Australia but many of the folks I know aged over forty won't have a bar of it, but it's otherwise a good idea.\nI don't fancy getting stuck in the middle of an ugly family dispute, Windsmoke, especially when it's not my own family, but somehow I think that's unlikely to happen.\nSo many folks advising me to take care here, Antares. you too.\nThanks for the warning but I don't think it's as dire as I perhaps made it sound.\nHmmm\u2026 bit funny that the lawyer could not track down NOK without an address.\nThe will I suspect is subterfuge, AnnODyne.\nI think Cate wants to make contact with her children. I can understand that.\nI can also understand that something's gone wrong along the way and those kids might elect to continue to avoid her, but it might help for them to know that they are still in their mother's thoughts, whatever that might mean.\nHas she tried the obvious things like the phone book or just googling their names?\nI suspect those kids don't want to be contacted as they are old enough to have made the move themselves if they wanted to. However, that is beside the point. I think as long as you don't get drawn into the family drama, then go ahead and make that first contact. Perhaps the olive branch she offers might be accepted \u2013 and that would be something good to hold on to.\nOnce upon a time I would have called the ex and asked for contact details. Now I would pass the ex's number on to cate. If she really wants to know, she will call him. He might even welcome the call after such a long 'cooling off' period!\nA lawyer (I'm assuming that what a soliciter is. If not, please correct me) advising Cate to leave her kids out of the will because she doesn't know their address just doesn't ring true to me. I think she made the story up and is just afraid that if she contacts the children herself, she'll be rejected. I personally would stay out of it, but that's probably due to a flaw in my own character. If you're confident this", + " are the local stewards of the beautiful game.\nAs the sun went down on April 4, it cast an amber light on the Bennett College soccer field that borders Gate City Boulevard. Almost 20 players had arrived, but the field was empty. Puddles of that morning\u2019s rain kept them off.\nInstead, the young men in their late teens kicked soccer balls around on a basketball court next to the soggy field. The hoops and backboards have been removed, leaving only the metal posts \u2014 monuments to past play.\nMost of the players wore no shoes, not wanting to ruin cleats on the court\u2019s hard surface. Playing barefoot was nothing new; it\u2019s how many of them learned the game in their home countries from a young age, sometimes playing for five or six hours a day. Without cleats on, they still showed incredible finesse.\nCoach Michael Amend watched the players, who make up the Greensboro United Soccer Association\u2019s Global team. They are alumni of the Newcomers School, a magnet for first-year immigrants and refugees. Students remain at the Newcomers School for one year, then transition to various schools in the district.\nAs the players scrimmaged in two separate games in teams of three or four, Anas Quashie limped off the court, the sole of his foot bleeding onto the asphalt. He found one of his socks and wrapped it tightly around the wound.\nAfter the practice, as players waited for city buses or rides home from Amend and one another, Quashie\u2019s peers chided him.\n\u201cYou must not be from Africa, bro!\u201d one kidded in good nature, showing the group the callous bottom of his right foot.\nQuashie is from Africa. He used to play what he calls \u201cstreet soccer\u201d in the dirt roads of Togo. His feet have softened, adapted since he moved to Greensboro in February 2016.\nOf the many challenges that a young refugee faces in the United States, the ones related to changes in soccer are often no less significant than ones off the field. Playing soccer sustains many of these young men: The game transcends to become symbolic \u2014 a connection to a new home and the reminder of an old one.\nQuashie said the hardest adjustment in his soccer life has been the difference between the dirt streets of Togo and the large grass fields in Greensboro. The game itself has changed.\nSoccer encompasses the cultural differences that all of the young men face. They\u2019ve come from other traditions in Egypt, Congo, El Salvador, Liberia, Iraq and various other countries around the world.\nQuashie\u2019s teammate Makryous Kori misses the sand pitches in Sudan, where he grew up. He misses using rocks to mark the goals, and he misses his friends who he occasionally talks with on the phone, who ask him when he\u2019s coming home.\nBut there are greater differences than a change in the playing surface, and a new prerequisite toward practices and matches might be the most challenging.\n\u201cYou have to call people in the US to [arrange a time] to play,\u201d Kori explained. In Sudan, he said, everyone played in the streets all day long. Pickup soccer was as much a part of life as anything else.\nAs refugees acclimate to life in Greensboro, to fresh traditions at the Newcomers School and beyond, changes are inevitable.\nThe weekly pickup game began before Moussa Issifou arrived, but he was by no means lost or out of luck. His group formed these sides often, and he knew the rule: If you\u2019re married, you\u2019re on one team; if not, you\u2019re on the other.\nThe division might not have been followed precisely, and the teams were already unbalanced \u2014 11 bachelors against 13 espoused, with Issifou joining the latter. But for Issifou, accuracy carried less importance than a greater goal. He didn\u2019t call them married and unmarried. He called them fathers and sons.\nUnderstandably, the sons want to beat their fathers \u2014 the adults or elders. But just as importantly for Issifou, they simply want to play.\nSoccer is a tradition \u2014 a fact lost to those who don\u2019t include sports in the ranks of language, food, music and dance. Yet like any part of culture, a community\u2019s athletic and sports traditions can falter as the youngest generations of families new to the United States adjust.\nFathers and sons face off at a field near Falkener Elementary in a game Moussa Issifou helped organize.\nAfter the separate sides warmed up \u2014 the fathers as a synchronized regiment and the sons in a loose circle of chatter \u2014 the sons removed their shirts and the game began.\nPlayers on the field usually range from around 15 to 50. In special circumstances, the fathers allow the even younger kids to join.\nThis wasn\u2019t the case on April 16. As the big game got underway, some of the youngest kids started a miniature match in an unused corner of the field", + " It can be a financial leverage, a perfect tool to create holdings provided one is careful that indebtedness is only a transitional phase before making the capital gains on one's purchase. Common sense imposes to evaluate carefully the limits of one's investment capacities such as having noted the various existing loans before committing to a real estate operation with credits.\nThe bridging loan or loan for purchase and resale is offered to the owners who wish to purchase a new property before having sold the property put on the market.\nTaking a bridging loan offers the option to receive from the bank an advance on the future proceeds of the sale. The funds released thanks to this transition loan on short term enable the purchaser to have the time necessary to sell his/her previous lodging without having to sell it off cheap. Moreover, it is generally difficult to have the dates of purchase and sale converge.\nThis formula suits the purchase of a new property with a value inferior or equal to the property sold. In this case, the bank offers a \"dry\" bridge, that is to say a simple financial advance reimbursed by the sale of one's own property. Here, the advance shall thus be on short term: one year maximum and the borrower only reimburses monthly the interest of the loan.\nIf the amount of the bridging loan is not sufficient to finance the purchase of a new housing, the borrower thus has to cover the remaining amount by a property loan. As long as the first property is not sold, the borrower reimburses the loan interest every month of his bridging loan, in addition to the monthly instalments of his usual property loan. It is thus possible in this case to benefit from a differed payment: here, the interests are not paid back monthly but are capitalized. They thus increase progressively the amount to reimburse at the time of the sale of the property. The instalment thus much relieved but the total amount to pay back in the end shall be heavier by as much as the sale is executed late.\n3 - The Bridging loan with a \"total allowance\"\nThis option is granted for a term of 24 months. In this case, the borrower does not reimburse the loan interests during the first 12 months. If he/she sells his/her property before then, he/she pays back the capital of the bridging loan and the interest for the past months. If the borrower has not sold his/her property in the first 12 months of the bridging loan, from the thirteenth month he/she pays back the loan's interest as well as those of the first month.\nThe redeemable credit is the most common loan solution in France with individuals to finance properties. As its name suggests, it enable each taker of this sort of loans to pay amortize at the same time the capital owed as well as the interest in the same instalment.\nAs time goes by on your loan, the lower is the share of the interest, leaving space for more amortization of capital. We commonly say that we pay the interest of the loan during the first part and the capital in the second part. On each instalment we owe less and less capital to the bank, we \"amortize\" thus the property this way.\nHowever, depending on the terms of the contract, the instalments can also be decreasing or increasing if the instalments are flexible. Every year, on the anniversary date of the credit, the instalment can vary by more or less 30% depending on the wish and the capacity of the client.\nFinally, the interest rate of the redeemable credit can be fixed or flexible. If it is fixed, the borrower will lose out if the rates decrease and win if they increase. More often the borrowers favour the fixed rate for more safety. The flexible interest rate consists in a reference index and a margin. It is in general more attractive but revisable.\nDuring the whole term of the loan, the borrower only pays back monthly the interest of the loan or this capital borrowed is only reimbursed that the end of the loan, in one instalment.\nThe bank verifies the borrower's capacity of repayment imposing him a monthly payment on a savings product (a life insurance for example) for a pre-determined amount. This saving progressively supplied up to the capital borrowed represents a guarantee of reimbursement at the maturity of the loan. The main advantage of this loan is on a tax point of view: the investor can deduct the loan interests from his income, the total amount of which is higher than for a classic loan.\nDo not forget that, to take a property loan, the bank demands that the borrower takes a life insurance covering death and invalidity to cover its instalments and the capital borrowed. Despite its cost, this security offers some advantages: if the borrower dies during the term of the loan or were to become an invalid, this life insurance will reimburse the bank. Himself or his heirs will then have a house fully paid and a life insurance subject to the regime of the transfer outside of the inheritance. In case of a partial invalidity, the coverage will be in proportion with the level of incapacity", + " Friday driving from Branson to Pigeon Forge. Definitely a long haul. Forgot about switching back to Eastern time so lost an hour on top of that. It seemed my virtually rain-free trip would be spoiled, morning forecast called for 60%+ chance of thunderstorms on Saturday. Miraculously, the park got virtually no rain, the storm system veered just west of Pigeon Forge.\nGot there around 9:15 and boarded at Tram Stop B. \"B is for Butterfly.\" Walking through the front areas before rope drop there is a very nice fountain. Also, due to the threat of rain, there weren't many people here at opening. The duck population on the midways outnumbered the people population. Unfortunately, all of the ducks were holding park maps and headed the same place I was. Oh c'mon, those baby ducks aren't even tall enough to ride.\nWild Eagle. The theming is well done. There's an awesome massive eagle statue at the entrance, and Dolly herself recorded a special song just for the ride. Flyyy Eagle, Flyyy Eagle, Wild Eagle Flyyyy.... (thankfully there is more than that). The trains themselves have eagle heads with wings spanning the middle of each row.\nEagle's zero-g roll, which comes right after the first loop, was my favorite element here. You really do feel like you're flying. I preferred the back. This one's worth doing front seat at least once though, there are some great legchopper effects there in the second half that had me pulling my knees up. From a pure ride standpoint, now having ridden all 3 of B&M's US Wing Coasters, GateKeeper is better, but I enjoyed Wild Eagle quite a bit more than X-Flight. I wouldn't classify any of the 3 as \"intense\" but that's not really a negative in my book. It's a solid crowd pleasing design, they are fun to ride, and they have a certain -- dare I say -- majestic quality, which isn't an adjective I'd use to describe many other coasters.\nAfter 4 laps on Eagle (max 10 minute wait this early in the morning), Tennessee Tornado was nearby so walked on. One of the last Arrow loopers, and now my second favorite of its type (Loch Ness is still first, those interlocking loops are so pretty.) Fairly smooth with virtually no headbanging and the tunnel drop is sweet. Rode it a second time. Next was Blazing Fury. Nearly identical to SDC's Fire In The Hole (the former was based on the latter), even the ride ops were serenading departing trains with a shout of \"Fire in the hole!\" However, this one has no splashdown, apparently they took it out a couple years back. Still a fun dark coaster.\nWalking back through the upper half of the park, did Mystery Mine twice. This ride is disorienting in a good way and hard to describe. Part indoor, part outdoor, and very unique. But bangs your head around in a couple spots. Kept going to Thunderhead. A very solid woodie, no single element is outstanding (the station flyby is slick though) but has some good airtime moments throughout its lengthy course and keeps up a good rate of speed.\nWent back to Thunderhead, max 10 minute wait so got 4 more rides on that, 2 more on Eagle, 1 more on Tornado. For a Saturday I sure am riding a lot. Then took a swing on Barnstormer, funny this was my first S&S swing of the season. The \"giant barn\" theme fits this ride type well (SDC's swing is similarly themed).\nI passed on dessert before but was wanting some now. Exiting Barnstormer, I walked to the nearby Grist Mill and -- a la Toucan Sam -- followed my nose inside. Cinnamon bread. Oh goodness this is delicious. You get a decent sized loaf served warm and fresh, there's enough to share, or in my case take some home. I then headed to Celebrity Theater for the Great American Country Show. Shows aren't really my thing -- my last was way back in 2008 (CP's Misadventures of Molly and Maverick) -- but considering Dollywood's reputation, I made an exception. I don't feel qualified to critique in detail, so I'll just say the production values were top-notch and I liked it. But given a do-over (or hopefully if I visit Dollywood again!) I probably would have selected a \"smaller\" show. Looking back I think the Country Show is Dollywood's \"biggest\" this season in terms of scale.\nThere were a couple hours left til close, and all I really wanted was a couple night rides on Eagle. I took some time to walk around the Village and Country Fair sections, as I hadn't been though them yet. Rode the train, which" + ], + "desc_act": false, + "exllama_config": { + "version": 1 + }, + "group_size": 128, + "max_input_length": null, + "model_seqlen": null, + "module_name_preceding_first_block": null, + "modules_in_block_to_quantize": null, + "pad_token_id": null, + "quant_method": "gptq", + "sym": true, + "tokenizer": null, + "true_sequential": true, + "use_cuda_fp16": false, + "use_exllama": true + }, + "rotary_emb_base": 10000, + "rotary_pct": 1.0, + "scale_attn_weights": true, + "seq_length": 2048, + "softmax_in_fp32": false, + "tie_word_embeddings": false, + "tokenizer_class": "QWenTokenizer", + "torch_dtype": "float16", + "transformers_version": "4.38.2", + "use_cache": true, + "use_cache_kernel": false, + "use_cache_quantization": false, + "use_dynamic_ntk": true, + "use_flash_attn": true, + "use_logn_attn": true, + "vocab_size": 152064 +}