--- license: mit datasets: - squad_v2 - squad language: - en library_name: transformers tags: - question-answering - squad - squad_v2 - t5 - lora - peft model-index: - name: sjrhuschlee/flan-t5-large-squad2 results: - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: squad_v2 type: squad_v2 config: squad_v2 split: validation metrics: - type: exact_match value: 86.785 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 89.537 name: F1 - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: squad type: squad config: plain_text split: validation metrics: - type: exact_match value: 85.998 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 91.296 name: F1 - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: adversarial_qa type: adversarial_qa config: adversarialQA split: validation metrics: - type: exact_match value: 35.767 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 45.565 name: F1 - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: squad_adversarial type: squad_adversarial config: AddOneSent split: validation metrics: - type: exact_match value: 75.322 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 79.327 name: F1 - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: squadshifts type: squadshifts config: new_wiki split: test metrics: - type: exact_match value: 74.153 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 86.567 name: F1 - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: squadshifts type: squadshifts config: new_wiki split: test metrics: - type: exact_match value: 81.053 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 89.043 name: F1 - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: squadshifts type: squadshifts config: nyt split: test metrics: - type: exact_match value: 83.815 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 90.416 name: F1 - task: type: question-answering name: Question Answering dataset: name: squadshifts type: squadshifts config: reddit split: test metrics: - type: exact_match value: 73.212 name: Exact Match - type: f1 value: 83.214 name: F1 --- # flan-t5-large for Extractive QA This is the [flan-t5-large](https://huggingface.co/google/flan-t5-large) model, fine-tuned using the [SQuAD2.0](https://huggingface.co/datasets/squad_v2) dataset. It's been trained on question-answer pairs, including unanswerable questions, for the task of Extractive Question Answering. This model was trained using LoRA available through the [PEFT library](https://github.com/huggingface/peft). NOTE: The token must be manually added to the beginning of the question for this model to work properly. It uses the token to be able to make "no answer" predictions. The t5 tokenizer does not automatically add this special token which is why it is added manually. ## Overview **Language model:** flan-t5-large **Language:** English **Downstream-task:** Extractive QA **Training data:** SQuAD 2.0 **Eval data:** SQuAD 2.0 **Infrastructure**: 1x NVIDIA 3070 ## Model Usage ### Using Transformers This uses the merged weights (base model weights + LoRA weights) to allow for simple use in Transformers pipelines. It has the same performance as using the weights separately when using the PEFT library. ```python import torch from transformers import( AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, AutoTokenizer, pipeline ) model_name = "sjrhuschlee/flan-t5-large-squad2" # a) Using pipelines nlp = pipeline( 'question-answering', model=model_name, tokenizer=model_name, trust_remote_code=True, ) qa_input = { 'question': f'{nlp.tokenizer.cls_token}Where do I live?', # 'Where do I live?' 'context': 'My name is Sarah and I live in London' } res = nlp(qa_input) # {'score': 0.984, 'start': 30, 'end': 37, 'answer': ' London'} # b) Load model & tokenizer model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained( model_name, trust_remote_code=True ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) question = f'{tokenizer.cls_token}Where do I live?' # 'Where do I live?' context = 'My name is Sarah and I live in London' encoding = tokenizer(question, context, return_tensors="pt") output = model( encoding["input_ids"], attention_mask=encoding["attention_mask"] ) all_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(encoding["input_ids"][0].tolist()) answer_tokens = all_tokens[torch.argmax(output["start_logits"]):torch.argmax(output["end_logits"]) + 1] answer = tokenizer.decode(tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(answer_tokens)) # 'London' ``` ## Metrics ```bash # Squad v2 { "eval_HasAns_exact": 85.08771929824562, "eval_HasAns_f1": 90.598422845031, "eval_HasAns_total": 5928, "eval_NoAns_exact": 88.47771236333053, "eval_NoAns_f1": 88.47771236333053, "eval_NoAns_total": 5945, "eval_best_exact": 86.78514276088605, "eval_best_exact_thresh": 0.0, "eval_best_f1": 89.53654936623764, "eval_best_f1_thresh": 0.0, "eval_exact": 86.78514276088605, "eval_f1": 89.53654936623776, "eval_runtime": 1908.3189, "eval_samples": 12001, "eval_samples_per_second": 6.289, "eval_steps_per_second": 0.787, "eval_total": 11873 } # Squad { "eval_HasAns_exact": 85.99810785241249, "eval_HasAns_f1": 91.296119057944, "eval_HasAns_total": 10570, "eval_best_exact": 85.99810785241249, "eval_best_exact_thresh": 0.0, "eval_best_f1": 91.296119057944, "eval_best_f1_thresh": 0.0, "eval_exact": 85.99810785241249, "eval_f1": 91.296119057944, "eval_runtime": 1508.9596, "eval_samples": 10657, "eval_samples_per_second": 7.062, "eval_steps_per_second": 0.883, "eval_total": 10570 } ``` ### Using with Peft **NOTE**: This requires code in the PR https://github.com/huggingface/peft/pull/473 for the PEFT library. ```python #!pip install peft from peft import LoraConfig, PeftModelForQuestionAnswering from transformers import AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, AutoTokenizer model_name = "sjrhuschlee/flan-t5-large-squad2" ```