--- language: - ru tags: - toxic comments classification --- ## RuBERT-Toxic RuBERT-Toxic is a [RuBERT](https://huggingface.co/DeepPavlov/rubert-base-cased) model fine-tuned on [Kaggle Russian Language Toxic Comments Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/blackmoon/russian-language-toxic-comments). You can find a detailed description of the data used and the fine-tuning process in [this article](http://doi.org/10.28995/2075-7182-2020-19-1149-1159). You can also find this information at [GitHub](https://github.com/sismetanin/toxic-comments-detection-in-russian). | System | P | R | F1 | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | MNB-Toxic | 87.01% | 81.22% | 83.21% | | M-BERTBase-Toxic | 91.19% | 91.10% | 91.15% | | RuBERT-Toxic | 91.91% | 92.51% | 92.20% | | M-USECNN-Toxic | 89.69% | 90.14% | 89.91% | | M-USETrans-Toxic | 90.85% | 91.92% | 91.35% | We fine-tuned two versions of Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder (M-USE), Multilingual Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (M-BERT) and RuBERT for toxic comments detection in Russian. Fine-tuned RuBERT-Toxic achieved F1 = 92.20%, demonstrating the best classification score. ## Toxic Comments Dataset [Kaggle Russian Language Toxic Comments Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/blackmoon/russian-language-toxic-comments) is the collection of Russian-language annotated comments from [2ch](https://2ch.hk/) and [Pikabu](https://pikabu.ru/), which was published on Kaggle in 2019. It consists of 14412 comments, where 4826 texts were labelled as toxic, and 9586 were labelled as non-toxic. The average length of comments is ~175 characters; the minimum length is 21, and the maximum is 7403. ## Citation If you find this repository helpful, feel free to cite our publication: ``` @INPROCEEDINGS{Smetanin2020Toxic, author={Sergey Smetanin}, booktitle={Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2020”}, title={Toxic Comments Detection in Russian}, year={2020}, doi={10.28995/2075-7182-2020-19-1149-1159} } ```