1%|▌ | 100/11800 [12:45<25:55:55, 7.98s/it] 2%|█ | 199/11800 [24:54<20:08:45, 6.25s/it] 3%|█▌ | 299/11800 [37:18<29:05:53, 9.11s/it] 3%|██ | 400/11800 [49:53<22:55:28, 7.24s/it] 4%|██▍ | 499/11800 [1:01:50<17:39:50, 5.63s/it] 4%|██▍ | 500/11800 [1:01:55<16:52:37, 5.38s/it]The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length. ***** Running Evaluation ***** Num examples = 6463 Batch size = 72 Configuration saved in ./checkpoint-500/config.json Model weights saved in ./checkpoint-500/pytorch_model.bin Configuration saved in ./checkpoint-500/preprocessor_config.json {'eval_loss': 0.2469930201768875, 'eval_wer': 0.36629738582545746, 'eval_runtime': 294.3209, 'eval_samples_per_second': 21.959, 'eval_steps_per_second': 0.306, 'epoch': 4.24}