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* Levenshtein.c
* @(#) $Id: Levenshtein.c,v 1.41 2005/01/13 20:05:36 yeti Exp $
* Python extension computing Levenshtein distances, string similarities,
* median strings and other goodies.
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Necas (Yeti) <>.
* The Taus113 random generator:
* Copyright (C) 2002 Atakan Gurkan
* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 James Theiler, Brian Gough
* (see below for more)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
* - Implement weighted string averaging, see:
* H. Bunke et. al.: On the Weighted Mean of a Pair of Strings,
* Pattern Analysis and Applications 2002, 5(1): 23-30.
* X. Jiang et. al.: Dynamic Computations of Generalized Median Strings,
* Pattern Analysis and Applications 2002, ???.
* The latter also contains an interesting median-search algorithm.
* - Deal with stray symbols in greedy median() and median_improve().
* There are two possibilities:
* (i) Remember which strings contain which symbols. This allows certain
* small optimizations when processing them.
* (ii) Use some overall heuristics to find symbols which don't worth
* trying. This is very appealing, but hard to do properly
* (requires some inequality strong enough to allow practical exclusion
* of certain symbols -- at certain positions)
* - Editops should be an object that only *looks* like a list (which means
* it is a list in duck typing) to avoid never-ending conversions from
* Python lists to LevEditOp arrays and back
* - Optimize munkers_blackman(), it's pretty dumb (no memory of visited
* columns/rows)
* - Make it really usable as a C library (needs some wrappers, headers, ...,
* and maybe even documentation ;-)
* - Add interface to various interesting auxiliary results, namely
* set and sequence distance (only ratio is exported), the map from
* munkers_blackman() itself, ...
* - Generalizations:
* - character weight matrix/function
* - arbitrary edit operation costs, decomposable edit operations
* - Create a test suite
* - Add more interesting algorithms ;-)
* Postponed TODO (investigated, and a big `but' was found):
* - A linear approximate set median algorithm:
* P. Indyk: Sublinear time algorithms for metric space problems,
* STOC 1999,
* BUT: The algorithm seems to be advantageous only in the case of very
* large sets -- if my estimates are correct (the article itself is quite
* `asymptotic'), say 10^5 at least. On smaller sets either one would get
* only an extermely rough median estimate, or the number of distance
* computations would be in fact higher than in the dumb O(n^2) algorithm.
* - Improve setmedian() speed with triangular inequality, see:
* Juan, A., E. Vidal: An Algorithm for Fast Median Search,
* 1997,
* BUT: It doesn't seem to help much in spaces of high dimension (see the
* discussion and graphs in the article itself), a few percents at most,
* and strings behave like a space with a very high dimension (locally), so
* who knows, it probably wouldn't help much.
#ifdef NO_PYTHON
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
/* for debugging */
#include <stdio.h>
#else /* NO_PYTHON */
#define _LEV_STATIC_PY static
#define lev_wchar Py_UNICODE
#include <Python.h>
#endif /* NO_PYTHON */
#define LEV_PYTHON3
#define PyString_Type PyBytes_Type
#define PyString_GET_SIZE PyBytes_GET_SIZE
#define PyString_AS_STRING PyBytes_AS_STRING
#define PyString_Check PyBytes_Check
#define PyString_FromStringAndSize PyBytes_FromStringAndSize
#define PyString_InternFromString PyUnicode_InternFromString
#define PyInt_AS_LONG PyLong_AsLong
#define PyInt_FromLong PyLong_FromLong
#define PyInt_Check PyLong_Check
#define PY_INIT_MOD(module, name, doc, methods) \
static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = { \
PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, name, doc, -1, methods, }; \
module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
#define PY_MOD_INIT_FUNC_DEF(name) PyObject* PyInit_##name(void)
#define PY_INIT_MOD(module, name, doc, methods) \
Py_InitModule3(name, methods, doc);
#define PY_MOD_INIT_FUNC_DEF(name) void init##name(void)
#endif /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION */
#include <assert.h>
#include "_levenshtein.h"
/* FIXME: inline avaliability should be solved in, somehow, or
* even better in Python.h, like const is...
* this should inline at least with gcc and msvc */
#ifndef __GNUC__
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# define inline __inline
# else
# define inline /* */
# endif
# define __attribute__(x) /* */
#define LEV_EPSILON 1e-14
#define LEV_INFINITY 1e100
/* Me thinks the second argument of PyArg_UnpackTuple() should be const.
* Anyway I habitually pass a constant string.
* A cast to placate the compiler. */
#define PYARGCFIX(x) (char*)(x)
/* local functions */
static size_t*
munkers_blackman(size_t n1,
size_t n2,
double *dists);
#define TAUS113_LCG(n) ((69069UL * n) & 0xffffffffUL)
#define TAUS113_MASK 0xffffffffUL
typedef struct {
unsigned long int z1, z2, z3, z4;
} taus113_state_t;
static inline unsigned long int
taus113_get(taus113_state_t *state);
static void
taus113_set(taus113_state_t *state,
unsigned long int s);
#ifndef NO_PYTHON
/* python interface and wrappers */
/* declarations and docstrings {{{ */
static PyObject* distance_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* ratio_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* hamming_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* jaro_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* jaro_winkler_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* median_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* median_improve_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* quickmedian_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* setmedian_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* seqratio_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* setratio_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* editops_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* opcodes_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* inverse_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* apply_edit_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* matching_blocks_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
static PyObject* subtract_edit_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
#define Levenshtein_DESC \
"A C extension module for fast computation of:\n" \
"- Levenshtein (edit) distance and edit sequence manipulation\n" \
"- string similarity\n" \
"- approximate median strings, and generally string averaging\n" \
"- string sequence and set similarity\n" \
"\n" \
"Levenshtein has a some overlap with difflib (SequenceMatcher). It\n" \
"supports only strings, not arbitrary sequence types, but on the\n" \
"other hand it's much faster.\n" \
"\n" \
"It supports both normal and Unicode strings, but can't mix them, all\n" \
"arguments to a function (method) have to be of the same type (or its\n" \
#define distance_DESC \
"Compute absolute Levenshtein distance of two strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"distance(string1, string2)\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples (it's hard to spell Levenshtein correctly):\n" \
"\n" \
">>> distance('Levenshtein', 'Lenvinsten')\n" \
"4\n" \
">>> distance('Levenshtein', 'Levensthein')\n" \
"2\n" \
">>> distance('Levenshtein', 'Levenshten')\n" \
"1\n" \
">>> distance('Levenshtein', 'Levenshtein')\n" \
"0\n" \
"\n" \
"Yeah, we've managed it at last.\n"
#define ratio_DESC \
"Compute similarity of two strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"ratio(string1, string2)\n" \
"\n" \
"The similarity is a number between 0 and 1, it's usually equal or\n" \
"somewhat higher than difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio(), because it's\n" \
"based on real minimal edit distance.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> ratio('Hello world!', 'Holly grail!') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS\n" \
"0.583333...\n" \
">>> ratio('Brian', 'Jesus')\n" \
"0.0\n" \
"\n" \
"Really? I thought there was some similarity.\n"
#define hamming_DESC \
"Compute Hamming distance of two strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"hamming(string1, string2)\n" \
"\n" \
"The Hamming distance is simply the number of differing characters.\n" \
"That means the length of the strings must be the same.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
">>> hamming('Hello world!', 'Holly grail!')\n" \
"7\n" \
">>> hamming('Brian', 'Jesus')\n" \
#define jaro_DESC \
"Compute Jaro string similarity metric of two strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"jaro(string1, string2)\n" \
"\n" \
"The Jaro string similarity metric is intended for short strings like\n" \
"personal last names. It is 0 for completely different strings and\n" \
"1 for identical strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
">>> jaro('Brian', 'Jesus')\n" \
"0.0\n" \
">>> jaro('Thorkel', 'Thorgier') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS\n" \
"0.779761...\n" \
">>> jaro('Dinsdale', 'D') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS\n" \
#define jaro_winkler_DESC \
"Compute Jaro string similarity metric of two strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"jaro_winkler(string1, string2[, prefix_weight])\n" \
"\n" \
"The Jaro-Winkler string similarity metric is a modification of Jaro\n" \
"metric giving more weight to common prefix, as spelling mistakes are\n" \
"more likely to occur near ends of words.\n" \
"\n" \
"The prefix weight is inverse value of common prefix length sufficient\n" \
"to consider the strings *identical*. If no prefix weight is\n" \
"specified, 1/10 is used.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> jaro_winkler('Brian', 'Jesus')\n" \
"0.0\n" \
">>> jaro_winkler('Thorkel', 'Thorgier') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS\n" \
"0.867857...\n" \
">>> jaro_winkler('Dinsdale', 'D') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS\n" \
"0.7375...\n" \
">>> jaro_winkler('Thorkel', 'Thorgier', 0.25)\n" \
#define median_DESC \
"Find an approximate generalized median string using greedy algorithm.\n" \
"\n" \
"median(string_sequence[, weight_sequence])\n" \
"\n" \
"You can optionally pass a weight for each string as the second\n" \
"argument. The weights are interpreted as item multiplicities,\n" \
"although any non-negative real numbers are accepted. Use them to\n" \
"improve computation speed when strings often appear multiple times\n" \
"in the sequence.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> median(['SpSm', 'mpamm', 'Spam', 'Spa', 'Sua', 'hSam'])\n" \
"'Spam'\n" \
">>> fixme = ['Levnhtein', 'Leveshein', 'Leenshten',\n" \
"... 'Leveshtei', 'Lenshtein', 'Lvenstein',\n" \
"... 'Levenhtin', 'evenshtei']\n" \
">>> median(fixme)\n" \
"'Levenshtein'\n" \
"\n" \
"Hm. Even a computer program can spell Levenshtein better than me.\n"
#define median_improve_DESC \
"Improve an approximate generalized median string by perturbations.\n" \
"\n" \
"median_improve(string, string_sequence[, weight_sequence])\n" \
"\n" \
"The first argument is the estimated generalized median string you\n" \
"want to improve, the others are the same as in median(). It returns\n" \
"a string with total distance less or equal to that of the given string.\n" \
"\n" \
"Note this is much slower than median(). Also note it performs only\n" \
"one improvement step, calling median_improve() again on the result\n" \
"may improve it further, though this is unlikely to happen unless the\n" \
"given string was not very similar to the actual generalized median.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> fixme = ['Levnhtein', 'Leveshein', 'Leenshten',\n" \
"... 'Leveshtei', 'Lenshtein', 'Lvenstein',\n" \
"... 'Levenhtin', 'evenshtei']\n" \
">>> median_improve('spam', fixme)\n" \
"'enhtein'\n" \
">>> median_improve(median_improve('spam', fixme), fixme)\n" \
"'Levenshtein'\n" \
"\n" \
"It takes some work to change spam to Levenshtein.\n"
#define quickmedian_DESC \
"Find a very approximate generalized median string, but fast.\n" \
"\n" \
"quickmedian(string[, weight_sequence])\n" \
"\n" \
"See median() for argument description.\n" \
"\n" \
"This method is somewhere between setmedian() and picking a random\n" \
"string from the set; both speedwise and quality-wise.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> fixme = ['Levnhtein', 'Leveshein', 'Leenshten',\n" \
"... 'Leveshtei', 'Lenshtein', 'Lvenstein',\n" \
"... 'Levenhtin', 'evenshtei']\n" \
">>> quickmedian(fixme)\n" \
#define setmedian_DESC \
"Find set median of a string set (passed as a sequence).\n" \
"\n" \
"setmedian(string[, weight_sequence])\n" \
"\n" \
"See median() for argument description.\n" \
"\n" \
"The returned string is always one of the strings in the sequence.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> setmedian(['ehee', 'cceaes', 'chees', 'chreesc',\n" \
"... 'chees', 'cheesee', 'cseese', 'chetese'])\n" \
"'chees'\n" \
"\n" \
"You haven't asked me about Limburger, sir.\n"
#define seqratio_DESC \
"Compute similarity ratio of two sequences of strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"seqratio(string_sequence1, string_sequence2)\n" \
"\n" \
"This is like ratio(), but for string sequences. A kind of ratio()\n" \
"is used to to measure the cost of item change operation for the\n" \
"strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> seqratio(['newspaper', 'litter bin', 'tinny', 'antelope'],\n" \
"... ['caribou', 'sausage', 'gorn', 'woody'])\n" \
#define setratio_DESC \
"Compute similarity ratio of two strings sets (passed as sequences).\n" \
"\n" \
"setratio(string_sequence1, string_sequence2)\n" \
"\n" \
"The best match between any strings in the first set and the second\n" \
"set (passed as sequences) is attempted. I.e., the order doesn't\n" \
"matter here.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> setratio(['newspaper', 'litter bin', 'tinny', 'antelope'],\n" \
"... ['caribou', 'sausage', 'gorn', 'woody']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS\n" \
"0.281845...\n" \
"\n" \
"No, even reordering doesn't help the tinny words to match the\n" \
"woody ones.\n"
#define editops_DESC \
"Find sequence of edit operations transforming one string to another.\n" \
"\n" \
"editops(source_string, destination_string)\n" \
"editops(edit_operations, source_length, destination_length)\n" \
"\n" \
"The result is a list of triples (operation, spos, dpos), where\n" \
"operation is one of 'equal', 'replace', 'insert', or 'delete'; spos\n" \
"and dpos are position of characters in the first (source) and the\n" \
"second (destination) strings. These are operations on signle\n" \
"characters. In fact the returned list doesn't contain the 'equal',\n" \
"but all the related functions accept both lists with and without\n" \
"'equal's.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> editops('spam', 'park')\n" \
"[('delete', 0, 0), ('insert', 3, 2), ('replace', 3, 3)]\n" \
"\n" \
"The alternate form editops(opcodes, source_string, destination_string)\n" \
"can be used for conversion from opcodes (5-tuples) to editops (you can\n" \
"pass strings or their lengths, it doesn't matter).\n"
#define opcodes_DESC \
"Find sequence of edit operations transforming one string to another.\n" \
"\n" \
"opcodes(source_string, destination_string)\n" \
"opcodes(edit_operations, source_length, destination_length)\n" \
"\n" \
"The result is a list of 5-tuples with the same meaning as in\n" \
"SequenceMatcher's get_opcodes() output. But since the algorithms\n" \
"differ, the actual sequences from Levenshtein and SequenceMatcher\n" \
"may differ too.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> for x in opcodes('spam', 'park'):\n" \
"... print(x)\n" \
"...\n" \
"('delete', 0, 1, 0, 0)\n" \
"('equal', 1, 3, 0, 2)\n" \
"('insert', 3, 3, 2, 3)\n" \
"('replace', 3, 4, 3, 4)\n" \
"\n" \
"The alternate form opcodes(editops, source_string, destination_string)\n" \
"can be used for conversion from editops (triples) to opcodes (you can\n" \
"pass strings or their lengths, it doesn't matter).\n"
#define inverse_DESC \
"Invert the sense of an edit operation sequence.\n" \
"\n" \
"inverse(edit_operations)\n" \
"\n" \
"In other words, it returns a list of edit operations transforming the\n" \
"second (destination) string to the first (source). It can be used\n" \
"with both editops and opcodes.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> inverse(editops('spam', 'park'))\n" \
"[('insert', 0, 0), ('delete', 2, 3), ('replace', 3, 3)]\n" \
">>> editops('park', 'spam')\n" \
"[('insert', 0, 0), ('delete', 2, 3), ('replace', 3, 3)]\n"
#define apply_edit_DESC \
"Apply a sequence of edit operations to a string.\n" \
"\n" \
"apply_edit(edit_operations, source_string, destination_string)\n" \
"\n" \
"In the case of editops, the sequence can be arbitrary ordered subset\n" \
"of the edit sequence transforming source_string to destination_string.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> e = editops('man', 'scotsman')\n" \
">>> apply_edit(e, 'man', 'scotsman')\n" \
"'scotsman'\n" \
">>> apply_edit(e[:3], 'man', 'scotsman')\n" \
"'scoman'\n" \
"\n" \
"The other form of edit operations, opcodes, is not very suitable for\n" \
"such a tricks, because it has to always span over complete strings,\n" \
"subsets can be created by carefully replacing blocks with 'equal'\n" \
"blocks, or by enlarging 'equal' block at the expense of other blocks\n" \
"and adjusting the other blocks accordingly.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
">>> a, b = 'spam and eggs', 'foo and bar'\n" \
">>> e = opcodes(a, b)\n" \
">>> apply_edit(inverse(e), b, a)\n" \
"'spam and eggs'\n" \
">>> e[4] = ('equal', 10, 13, 8, 11)\n" \
">>> e\n" \
"[('delete', 0, 1, 0, 0), ('replace', 1, 4, 0, 3), ('equal', 4, 9, 3, 8), ('delete', 9, 10, 8, 8), ('equal', 10, 13, 8, 11)]\n" \
">>> apply_edit(e, a, b)\n" \
"'foo and ggs'\n"
#define matching_blocks_DESC \
"Find identical blocks in two strings.\n" \
"\n" \
"matching_blocks(edit_operations, source_length, destination_length)\n" \
"\n" \
"The result is a list of triples with the same meaning as in\n" \
"SequenceMatcher's get_matching_blocks() output. It can be used with\n" \
"both editops and opcodes. The second and third arguments don't\n" \
"have to be actually strings, their lengths are enough.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> a, b = 'spam', 'park'\n" \
">>> matching_blocks(editops(a, b), a, b)\n" \
"[(1, 0, 2), (4, 4, 0)]\n" \
">>> matching_blocks(editops(a, b), len(a), len(b))\n" \
"[(1, 0, 2), (4, 4, 0)]\n" \
"\n" \
"The last zero-length block is not an error, but it's there for\n" \
"compatibility with difflib which always emits it.\n" \
"\n" \
"One can join the matching blocks to get two identical strings:\n" \
">>> a, b = 'dog kennels', 'mattresses'\n" \
">>> mb = matching_blocks(editops(a,b), a, b)\n" \
">>> ''.join([a[x[0]:x[0]+x[2]] for x in mb])\n" \
"'ees'\n" \
">>> ''.join([b[x[1]:x[1]+x[2]] for x in mb])\n" \
#define subtract_edit_DESC \
"Subtract an edit subsequence from a sequence.\n" \
"\n" \
"subtract_edit(edit_operations, subsequence)\n" \
"\n" \
"The result is equivalent to\n" \
"editops(apply_edit(subsequence, s1, s2), s2), except that is\n" \
"constructed directly from the edit operations. That is, if you apply\n" \
"it to the result of subsequence application, you get the same final\n" \
"string as from application complete edit_operations. It may be not\n" \
"identical, though (in amibuous cases, like insertion of a character\n" \
"next to the same character).\n" \
"\n" \
"The subtracted subsequence must be an ordered subset of\n" \
"edit_operations.\n" \
"\n" \
"Note this function does not accept difflib-style opcodes as no one in\n" \
"his right mind wants to create subsequences from them.\n" \
"\n" \
"Examples:\n" \
"\n" \
">>> e = editops('man', 'scotsman')\n" \
">>> e1 = e[:3]\n" \
">>> bastard = apply_edit(e1, 'man', 'scotsman')\n" \
">>> bastard\n" \
"'scoman'\n" \
">>> apply_edit(subtract_edit(e, e1), bastard, 'scotsman')\n" \
"'scotsman'\n" \
#define METHODS_ITEM(x) { #x, x##_py, METH_VARARGS, x##_DESC }
static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
/* opcode names, these are to be initialized in the init func,
* indexed by LevEditType values */
struct {
PyObject* pystring;
const char *cstring;
size_t len;
static opcode_names[] = {
{ NULL, "equal", 0 },
{ NULL, "replace", 0 },
{ NULL, "insert", 0 },
{ NULL, "delete", 0 },
#define N_OPCODE_NAMES ((sizeof(opcode_names)/sizeof(opcode_names[0])))
typedef lev_byte *(*MedianFuncString)(size_t n,
const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength);
typedef Py_UNICODE *(*MedianFuncUnicode)(size_t n,
const size_t *lengths,
const Py_UNICODE *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength);
typedef struct {
MedianFuncString s;
MedianFuncUnicode u;
} MedianFuncs;
typedef lev_byte *(*MedianImproveFuncString)(size_t len, const lev_byte *s,
size_t n,
const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength);
typedef Py_UNICODE *(*MedianImproveFuncUnicode)(size_t len, const Py_UNICODE *s,
size_t n,
const size_t *lengths,
const Py_UNICODE *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength);
typedef struct {
MedianImproveFuncString s;
MedianImproveFuncUnicode u;
} MedianImproveFuncs;
typedef double (*SetSeqFuncString)(size_t n1,
const size_t *lengths1,
const lev_byte *strings1[],
size_t n2,
const size_t *lengths2,
const lev_byte *strings2[]);
typedef double (*SetSeqFuncUnicode)(size_t n1,
const size_t *lengths1,
const Py_UNICODE *strings1[],
size_t n2,
const size_t *lengths2,
const Py_UNICODE *strings2[]);
typedef struct {
SetSeqFuncString s;
SetSeqFuncUnicode u;
} SetSeqFuncs;
static long int
levenshtein_common(PyObject *args,
const char *name,
size_t xcost,
size_t *lensum);
static int
extract_stringlist(PyObject *list,
const char *name,
size_t n,
size_t **sizelist,
void *strlist);
static double*
extract_weightlist(PyObject *wlist,
const char *name,
size_t n);
static PyObject*
median_common(PyObject *args,
const char *name,
MedianFuncs foo);
static PyObject*
median_improve_common(PyObject *args,
const char *name,
MedianImproveFuncs foo);
static double
setseq_common(PyObject *args,
const char *name,
SetSeqFuncs foo,
size_t *lensum);
static void *
safe_malloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
/* extra-conservative overflow check */
if (SIZE_MAX / size <= nmemb) {
return NULL;
return malloc(nmemb * size);
static void *
safe_malloc_3(size_t nmemb1, size_t nmemb2, size_t size) {
/* extra-conservative overflow check */
if (SIZE_MAX / size <= nmemb2) {
return NULL;
return safe_malloc(nmemb1, nmemb2 * size);
/* }}} */
* Python interface and subroutines
/* {{{ */
static long int
levenshtein_common(PyObject *args, const char *name, size_t xcost,
size_t *lensum)
PyObject *arg1, *arg2;
size_t len1, len2;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX(name), 2, 2, &arg1, &arg2))
return -1;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg2);
*lensum = len1 + len2;
string1 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
string2 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg2);
size_t d = lev_edit_distance(len1, string1, len2, string2, xcost);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1;
return d;
else if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg2);
*lensum = len1 + len2;
string1 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
string2 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg2);
size_t d = lev_u_edit_distance(len1, string1, len2, string2, xcost);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1;
return d;
else {
"%s expected two Strings or two Unicodes", name);
return -1;
static PyObject*
distance_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
size_t lensum;
long int ldist;
if ((ldist = levenshtein_common(args, "distance", 0, &lensum)) < 0)
return NULL;
return PyInt_FromLong((long)ldist);
static PyObject*
ratio_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
size_t lensum;
long int ldist;
if ((ldist = levenshtein_common(args, "ratio", 1, &lensum)) < 0)
return NULL;
if (lensum == 0)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(1.0);
return PyFloat_FromDouble((double)(lensum - ldist)/(lensum));
static PyObject*
hamming_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *arg1, *arg2;
const char *name = "hamming";
size_t len1, len2;
long int dist;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX(name), 2, 2, &arg1, &arg2))
return NULL;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg2);
if (len1 != len2) {
"%s expected two strings of the same length", name);
return NULL;
string1 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
string2 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg2);
dist = lev_hamming_distance(len1, string1, string2);
return PyInt_FromLong(dist);
else if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg2);
if (len1 != len2) {
"%s expected two unicodes of the same length", name);
return NULL;
string1 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
string2 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg2);
dist = lev_u_hamming_distance(len1, string1, string2);
return PyInt_FromLong(dist);
else {
"%s expected two Strings or two Unicodes", name);
return NULL;
static PyObject*
jaro_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *arg1, *arg2;
const char *name = "jaro";
size_t len1, len2;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX(name), 2, 2, &arg1, &arg2))
return NULL;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
string2 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg2);
return PyFloat_FromDouble(lev_jaro_ratio(len1, string1, len2, string2));
else if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
string2 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg2);
return PyFloat_FromDouble(lev_u_jaro_ratio(len1, string1, len2, string2));
else {
"%s expected two Strings or two Unicodes", name);
return NULL;
static PyObject*
jaro_winkler_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *arg1, *arg2, *arg3 = NULL;
double pfweight = 0.1;
const char *name = "jaro_winkler";
size_t len1, len2;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX(name), 2, 3, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3))
return NULL;
if (arg3) {
if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(arg3, &PyFloat_Type)) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s third argument must be a Float", name);
return NULL;
pfweight = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(arg3);
if (pfweight < 0.0) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "%s negative prefix weight", name);
return NULL;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
string2 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg2);
return PyFloat_FromDouble(lev_jaro_winkler_ratio(len1, string1,
len2, string2,
else if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
string2 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg2);
return PyFloat_FromDouble(lev_u_jaro_winkler_ratio(len1, string1,
len2, string2,
else {
"%s expected two Strings or two Unicodes", name);
return NULL;
static PyObject*
median_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
MedianFuncs engines = { lev_greedy_median, lev_u_greedy_median };
return median_common(args, "median", engines);
static PyObject*
median_improve_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
MedianImproveFuncs engines = { lev_median_improve, lev_u_median_improve };
return median_improve_common(args, "median_improve", engines);
static PyObject*
quickmedian_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
MedianFuncs engines = { lev_quick_median, lev_u_quick_median };
return median_common(args, "quickmedian", engines);
static PyObject*
setmedian_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
MedianFuncs engines = { lev_set_median, lev_u_set_median };
return median_common(args, "setmedian", engines);
static PyObject*
median_common(PyObject *args, const char *name, MedianFuncs foo)
size_t n, len;
void *strings = NULL;
size_t *sizes = NULL;
PyObject *strlist = NULL;
PyObject *wlist = NULL;
PyObject *strseq = NULL;
double *weights;
int stringtype;
PyObject *result = NULL;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX(name), 1, 2, &strlist, &wlist))
return NULL;
if (!PySequence_Check(strlist)) {
"%s first argument must be a Sequence", name);
return NULL;
strseq = PySequence_Fast(strlist, name);
n = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(strseq);
if (n == 0) {
return Py_None;
/* get (optional) weights, use 1 if none specified. */
weights = extract_weightlist(wlist, name, n);
if (!weights) {
return NULL;
stringtype = extract_stringlist(strseq, name, n, &sizes, &strings);
if (stringtype < 0) {
return NULL;
if (stringtype == 0) {
lev_byte *medstr = foo.s(n, sizes, strings, weights, &len);
if (!medstr && len)
result = PyErr_NoMemory();
else {
result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(medstr, len);
else if (stringtype == 1) {
Py_UNICODE *medstr = foo.u(n, sizes, strings, weights, &len);
if (!medstr && len)
result = PyErr_NoMemory();
else {
result = PyUnicode_FromUnicode(medstr, len);
PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, "%s internal error", name);
return result;
static PyObject*
median_improve_common(PyObject *args, const char *name, MedianImproveFuncs foo)
size_t n, len;
void *strings = NULL;
size_t *sizes = NULL;
PyObject *arg1 = NULL;
PyObject *strlist = NULL;
PyObject *wlist = NULL;
PyObject *strseq = NULL;
double *weights;
int stringtype;
PyObject *result = NULL;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX(name), 2, 3, &arg1, &strlist, &wlist))
return NULL;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type))
stringtype = 0;
else if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type))
stringtype = 1;
else {
"%s first argument must be a String or Unicode", name);
return NULL;
if (!PySequence_Check(strlist)) {
"%s second argument must be a Sequence", name);
return NULL;
strseq = PySequence_Fast(strlist, name);
n = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(strseq);
if (n == 0) {
return Py_None;
/* get (optional) weights, use 1 if none specified. */
weights = extract_weightlist(wlist, name, n);
if (!weights) {
return NULL;
if (extract_stringlist(strseq, name, n, &sizes, &strings) != stringtype) {
"%s argument types don't match", name);
return NULL;
if (stringtype == 0) {
lev_byte *s = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
size_t l = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
lev_byte *medstr = foo.s(l, s, n, sizes, strings, weights, &len);
if (!medstr && len)
result = PyErr_NoMemory();
else {
result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(medstr, len);
else if (stringtype == 1) {
Py_UNICODE *s = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
size_t l = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
Py_UNICODE *medstr = foo.u(l, s, n, sizes, strings, weights, &len);
if (!medstr && len)
result = PyErr_NoMemory();
else {
result = PyUnicode_FromUnicode(medstr, len);
PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, "%s internal error", name);
return result;
static double*
extract_weightlist(PyObject *wlist, const char *name, size_t n)
size_t i;
double *weights = NULL;
PyObject *seq;
if (wlist) {
if (!PySequence_Check(wlist)) {
"%s second argument must be a Sequence", name);
return NULL;
seq = PySequence_Fast(wlist, name);
if (PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(wlist) != n) {
"%s got %i strings but %i weights",
name, n, PyList_GET_SIZE(wlist));
return NULL;
weights = (double*)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(double));
if (!weights)
return (double*)PyErr_NoMemory();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PyObject *item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(wlist, i);
PyObject *number = PyNumber_Float(item);
if (!number) {
"%s weight #%i is not a Number", name, i);
return NULL;
weights[i] = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(number);
if (weights[i] < 0) {
"%s weight #%i is negative", name, i);
return NULL;
else {
weights = (double*)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(double));
if (!weights)
return (double*)PyErr_NoMemory();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
weights[i] = 1.0;
return weights;
/* extract a list of strings or unicode strings, returns
* 0 -- strings
* 1 -- unicode strings
* <0 -- failure
static int
extract_stringlist(PyObject *list, const char *name,
size_t n, size_t **sizelist, void *strlist)
size_t i;
PyObject *first;
/* check first object type. when it's a string then all others must be
* strings too; when it's a unicode string then all others must be unicode
* strings too. */
first = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(list, 0);
/* i don't exactly understand why the problem doesn't exhibit itself earlier
* but a queer error message is better than a segfault :o) */
if (first == (PyObject*)-1) {
"%s undecomposable Sequence???", name);
return -1;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(first, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte **strings;
size_t *sizes;
strings = (lev_byte**)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(lev_byte*));
if (!strings) {
"%s cannot allocate memory", name);
return -1;
sizes = (size_t*)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(size_t));
if (!sizes) {
"%s cannot allocate memory", name);
return -1;
strings[0] = PyString_AS_STRING(first);
sizes[0] = PyString_GET_SIZE(first);
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
PyObject *item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(list, i);
if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(item, &PyString_Type)) {
"%s item #%i is not a String", name, i);
return -1;
strings[i] = PyString_AS_STRING(item);
sizes[i] = PyString_GET_SIZE(item);
*(lev_byte***)strlist = strings;
*sizelist = sizes;
return 0;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(first, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE **strings;
size_t *sizes;
strings = (Py_UNICODE**)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(Py_UNICODE*));
if (!strings) {
return -1;
sizes = (size_t*)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(size_t));
if (!sizes) {
return -1;
strings[0] = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(first);
sizes[0] = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(first);
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
PyObject *item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(list, i);
if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(item, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
"%s item #%i is not a Unicode", name, i);
return -1;
strings[i] = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(item);
sizes[i] = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(item);
*(Py_UNICODE***)strlist = strings;
*sizelist = sizes;
return 1;
"%s expected list of Strings or Unicodes", name);
return -1;
static PyObject*
seqratio_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
SetSeqFuncs engines = { lev_edit_seq_distance, lev_u_edit_seq_distance };
size_t lensum;
double r = setseq_common(args, "seqratio", engines, &lensum);
if (r < 0)
return NULL;
if (lensum == 0)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(1.0);
return PyFloat_FromDouble((lensum - r)/lensum);
static PyObject*
setratio_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
SetSeqFuncs engines = { lev_set_distance, lev_u_set_distance };
size_t lensum;
double r = setseq_common(args, "setratio", engines, &lensum);
if (r < 0)
return NULL;
if (lensum == 0)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(1.0);
return PyFloat_FromDouble((lensum - r)/lensum);
static double
setseq_common(PyObject *args, const char *name, SetSeqFuncs foo,
size_t *lensum)
size_t n1, n2;
void *strings1 = NULL;
void *strings2 = NULL;
size_t *sizes1 = NULL;
size_t *sizes2 = NULL;
PyObject *strlist1;
PyObject *strlist2;
PyObject *strseq1;
PyObject *strseq2;
int stringtype1, stringtype2;
double r = -1.0;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX(name), 2, 2, &strlist1, &strlist2))
return r;
if (!PySequence_Check(strlist1)) {
"%s first argument must be a Sequence", name);
return r;
if (!PySequence_Check(strlist2)) {
"%s second argument must be a Sequence", name);
return r;
strseq1 = PySequence_Fast(strlist1, name);
strseq2 = PySequence_Fast(strlist2, name);
n1 = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(strseq1);
n2 = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(strseq2);
*lensum = n1 + n2;
if (n1 == 0) {
return (double)n2;
if (n2 == 0) {
return (double)n1;
stringtype1 = extract_stringlist(strseq1, name, n1, &sizes1, &strings1);
if (stringtype1 < 0) {
return r;
stringtype2 = extract_stringlist(strseq2, name, n2, &sizes2, &strings2);
if (stringtype2 < 0) {
return r;
if (stringtype1 != stringtype2) {
"%s both sequences must consist of items of the same type",
else if (stringtype1 == 0) {
r = foo.s(n1, sizes1, strings1, n2, sizes2, strings2);
if (r < 0.0)
else if (stringtype1 == 1) {
r = foo.u(n1, sizes1, strings1, n2, sizes2, strings2);
if (r < 0.0)
PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, "%s internal error", name);
return r;
static inline LevEditType
string_to_edittype(PyObject *string)
const char *s;
size_t i, len;
for (i = 0; i < N_OPCODE_NAMES; i++) {
if (string == opcode_names[i].pystring)
return i;
/* With Python >= 2.2, we shouldn't get here, except when the strings are
* not Strings but subtypes. */
#ifdef LEV_PYTHON3
/* For Python 3, the string is an unicode object; use CompareWithAsciiString */
if (!PyUnicode_Check(string)) {
for (i = 0; i < N_OPCODE_NAMES; i++) {
if (PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString(string, opcode_names[i].cstring) == 0) {
return i;
if (!PyString_Check(string))
s = PyString_AS_STRING(string);
len = PyString_GET_SIZE(string);
for (i = 0; i < N_OPCODE_NAMES; i++) {
if (len == opcode_names[i].len
&& memcmp(s, opcode_names[i].cstring, len) == 0) {
return i;
static LevEditOp*
extract_editops(PyObject *list)
LevEditOp *ops;
size_t i;
LevEditType type;
size_t n = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
ops = (LevEditOp*)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(LevEditOp));
if (!ops)
return (LevEditOp*)PyErr_NoMemory();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PyObject *item;
PyObject *tuple = PyList_GET_ITEM(list, i);
if (!PyTuple_Check(tuple) || PyTuple_GET_SIZE(tuple) != 3) {
return NULL;
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 0);
if ((type = string_to_edittype(item)) == LEV_EDIT_LAST) {
return NULL;
ops[i].type = type;
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 1);
if (!PyInt_Check(item)) {
return NULL;
ops[i].spos = (size_t)PyInt_AS_LONG(item);
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 2);
if (!PyInt_Check(item)) {
return NULL;
ops[i].dpos = (size_t)PyInt_AS_LONG(item);
return ops;
static LevOpCode*
extract_opcodes(PyObject *list)
LevOpCode *bops;
size_t i;
LevEditType type;
size_t nb = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
bops = (LevOpCode*)safe_malloc(nb, sizeof(LevOpCode));
if (!bops)
return (LevOpCode*)PyErr_NoMemory();
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
PyObject *item;
PyObject *tuple = PyList_GET_ITEM(list, i);
if (!PyTuple_Check(tuple) || PyTuple_GET_SIZE(tuple) != 5) {
return NULL;
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 0);
if ((type = string_to_edittype(item)) == LEV_EDIT_LAST) {
return NULL;
bops[i].type = type;
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 1);
if (!PyInt_Check(item)) {
return NULL;
bops[i].sbeg = (size_t)PyInt_AS_LONG(item);
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 2);
if (!PyInt_Check(item)) {
return NULL;
bops[i].send = (size_t)PyInt_AS_LONG(item);
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 3);
if (!PyInt_Check(item)) {
return NULL;
bops[i].dbeg = (size_t)PyInt_AS_LONG(item);
item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 4);
if (!PyInt_Check(item)) {
return NULL;
bops[i].dend = (size_t)PyInt_AS_LONG(item);
return bops;
static PyObject*
editops_to_tuple_list(size_t n, LevEditOp *ops)
PyObject *list;
size_t i;
list = PyList_New(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++, ops++) {
PyObject *tuple = PyTuple_New(3);
PyObject *is = opcode_names[ops->type].pystring;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, is);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong((long)ops->spos));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong((long)ops->dpos));
PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, tuple);
return list;
static PyObject*
matching_blocks_to_tuple_list(size_t len1, size_t len2,
size_t nmb, LevMatchingBlock *mblocks)
PyObject *list, *tuple;
size_t i;
list = PyList_New(nmb + 1);
for (i = 0; i < nmb; i++, mblocks++) {
tuple = PyTuple_New(3);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong((long)mblocks->spos));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong((long)mblocks->dpos));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong((long)mblocks->len));
PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, tuple);
tuple = PyTuple_New(3);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong((long)len1));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong((long)len2));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong((long)0));
PyList_SET_ITEM(list, nmb, tuple);
return list;
static size_t
get_length_of_anything(PyObject *object)
if (PyInt_Check(object)) {
long int len = PyInt_AS_LONG(object);
if (len < 0)
len = -1;
return (size_t)len;
if (PySequence_Check(object))
return PySequence_Length(object);
return (size_t)-1;
static PyObject*
editops_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *arg1, *arg2, *arg3 = NULL;
PyObject *oplist;
size_t len1, len2, n;
LevEditOp *ops;
LevOpCode *bops;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX("editops"), 2, 3,
&arg1, &arg2, &arg3)) {
return NULL;
/* convert: we were called (bops, s1, s2) */
if (arg3) {
if (!PyList_Check(arg1)) {
"editops first argument must be a List of edit operations");
return NULL;
n = PyList_GET_SIZE(arg1);
if (!n) {
return arg1;
len1 = get_length_of_anything(arg2);
len2 = get_length_of_anything(arg3);
if (len1 == (size_t)-1 || len2 == (size_t)-1) {
"editops second and third argument must specify sizes");
return NULL;
if ((bops = extract_opcodes(arg1)) != NULL) {
if (lev_opcodes_check_errors(len1, len2, n, bops)) {
"editops edit operation list is invalid");
return NULL;
ops = lev_opcodes_to_editops(n, bops, &n, 0); /* XXX: different n's! */
if (!ops && n) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
oplist = editops_to_tuple_list(n, ops);
return oplist;
if ((ops = extract_editops(arg1)) != NULL) {
if (lev_editops_check_errors(len1, len2, n, ops)) {
"editops edit operation list is invalid");
return NULL;
Py_INCREF(arg1); /* editops -> editops is identity */
return arg1;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"editops first argument must be a List of edit operations");
return NULL;
/* find editops: we were called (s1, s2) */
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
string2 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg2);
ops = lev_editops_find(len1, string1, len2, string2, &n);
else if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
string2 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg2);
ops = lev_u_editops_find(len1, string1, len2, string2, &n);
else {
"editops expected two Strings or two Unicodes");
return NULL;
if (!ops && n)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
oplist = editops_to_tuple_list(n, ops);
return oplist;
static PyObject*
opcodes_to_tuple_list(size_t nb, LevOpCode *bops)
PyObject *list;
size_t i;
list = PyList_New(nb);
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++, bops++) {
PyObject *tuple = PyTuple_New(5);
PyObject *is = opcode_names[bops->type].pystring;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, is);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong((long)bops->sbeg));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong((long)bops->send));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 3, PyInt_FromLong((long)bops->dbeg));
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 4, PyInt_FromLong((long)bops->dend));
PyList_SET_ITEM(list, i, tuple);
return list;
static PyObject*
opcodes_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *arg1, *arg2, *arg3 = NULL;
PyObject *oplist;
size_t len1, len2, n, nb;
LevEditOp *ops;
LevOpCode *bops;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX("opcodes"), 2, 3,
&arg1, &arg2, &arg3))
return NULL;
/* convert: we were called (ops, s1, s2) */
if (arg3) {
if (!PyList_Check(arg1)) {
"opcodes first argument must be a List of edit operations");
return NULL;
n = PyList_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len1 = get_length_of_anything(arg2);
len2 = get_length_of_anything(arg3);
if (len1 == (size_t)-1 || len2 == (size_t)-1) {
"opcodes second and third argument must specify sizes");
return NULL;
if ((ops = extract_editops(arg1)) != NULL) {
if (lev_editops_check_errors(len1, len2, n, ops)) {
"opcodes edit operation list is invalid");
return NULL;
bops = lev_editops_to_opcodes(n, ops, &n, len1, len2); /* XXX: n != n */
if (!bops && n) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
oplist = opcodes_to_tuple_list(n, bops);
return oplist;
if ((bops = extract_opcodes(arg1)) != NULL) {
if (lev_opcodes_check_errors(len1, len2, n, bops)) {
"opcodes edit operation list is invalid");
return NULL;
Py_INCREF(arg1); /* opcodes -> opcodes is identity */
return arg1;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"opcodes first argument must be a List of edit operations");
return NULL;
/* find opcodes: we were called (s1, s2) */
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
string2 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg2);
ops = lev_editops_find(len1, string1, len2, string2, &n);
else if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE *string1, *string2;
len1 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
string2 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg2);
ops = lev_u_editops_find(len1, string1, len2, string2, &n);
else {
"opcodes expected two Strings or two Unicodes");
return NULL;
if (!ops && n)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
bops = lev_editops_to_opcodes(n, ops, &nb, len1, len2);
if (!bops && nb)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
oplist = opcodes_to_tuple_list(nb, bops);
return oplist;
static PyObject*
inverse_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *list, *result;
size_t n;
LevEditOp *ops;
LevOpCode *bops;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX("inverse"), 1, 1, &list)
|| !PyList_Check(list))
return NULL;
n = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
if (!n) {
return list;
if ((ops = extract_editops(list)) != NULL) {
lev_editops_invert(n, ops);
result = editops_to_tuple_list(n, ops);
return result;
if ((bops = extract_opcodes(list)) != NULL) {
lev_opcodes_invert(n, bops);
result = opcodes_to_tuple_list(n, bops);
return result;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"inverse expected a list of edit operations");
return NULL;
static PyObject*
apply_edit_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *list, *result, *arg1, *arg2;
size_t n, len, len1, len2;
LevEditOp *ops;
LevOpCode *bops;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX("apply_edit"), 3, 3,
&list, &arg1, &arg2))
return NULL;
if (!PyList_Check(list)) {
"apply_edit first argument must be a List of edit operations");
return NULL;
n = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyString_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyString_Type)) {
lev_byte *string1, *string2, *s;
if (!n) {
return arg1;
len1 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyString_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg1);
string2 = PyString_AS_STRING(arg2);
if ((ops = extract_editops(list)) != NULL) {
if (lev_editops_check_errors(len1, len2, n, ops)) {
"apply_edit edit operations are invalid or inapplicable");
return NULL;
s = lev_editops_apply(len1, string1, len2, string2,
n, ops, &len);
if (!s && len)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len);
return result;
if ((bops = extract_opcodes(list)) != NULL) {
if (lev_opcodes_check_errors(len1, len2, n, bops)) {
"apply_edit edit operations are invalid or inapplicable");
return NULL;
s = lev_opcodes_apply(len1, string1, len2, string2,
n, bops, &len);
if (!s && len)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s, len);
return result;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"apply_edit first argument must be "
"a list of edit operations");
return NULL;
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(arg1, &PyUnicode_Type)
&& PyObject_TypeCheck(arg2, &PyUnicode_Type)) {
Py_UNICODE *string1, *string2, *s;
if (!n) {
return arg1;
len1 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg1);
len2 = PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(arg2);
string1 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg1);
string2 = PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(arg2);
if ((ops = extract_editops(list)) != NULL) {
if (lev_editops_check_errors(len1, len2, n, ops)) {
"apply_edit edit operations are invalid or inapplicable");
return NULL;
s = lev_u_editops_apply(len1, string1, len2, string2,
n, ops, &len);
if (!s && len)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
result = PyUnicode_FromUnicode(s, len);
return result;
if ((bops = extract_opcodes(list)) != NULL) {
if (lev_opcodes_check_errors(len1, len2, n, bops)) {
"apply_edit edit operations are invalid or inapplicable");
return NULL;
s = lev_u_opcodes_apply(len1, string1, len2, string2,
n, bops, &len);
if (!s && len)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
result = PyUnicode_FromUnicode(s, len);
return result;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"apply_edit first argument must be "
"a list of edit operations");
return NULL;
"apply_edit expected two Strings or two Unicodes");
return NULL;
static PyObject*
matching_blocks_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *list, *arg1, *arg2, *result;
size_t n, nmb, len1, len2;
LevEditOp *ops;
LevOpCode *bops;
LevMatchingBlock *mblocks;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX("matching_blocks"), 3, 3,
&list, &arg1, &arg2)
|| !PyList_Check(list))
return NULL;
if (!PyList_Check(list)) {
"matching_blocks first argument must be "
"a List of edit operations");
return NULL;
n = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
len1 = get_length_of_anything(arg1);
len2 = get_length_of_anything(arg2);
if (len1 == (size_t)-1 || len2 == (size_t)-1) {
"matching_blocks second and third argument "
"must specify sizes");
return NULL;
if ((ops = extract_editops(list)) != NULL) {
if (lev_editops_check_errors(len1, len2, n, ops)) {
"apply_edit edit operations are invalid or inapplicable");
return NULL;
mblocks = lev_editops_matching_blocks(len1, len2, n, ops, &nmb);
if (!mblocks && nmb)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
result = matching_blocks_to_tuple_list(len1, len2, nmb, mblocks);
return result;
if ((bops = extract_opcodes(list)) != NULL) {
if (lev_opcodes_check_errors(len1, len2, n, bops)) {
"apply_edit edit operations are invalid or inapplicable");
return NULL;
mblocks = lev_opcodes_matching_blocks(len1, len2, n, bops, &nmb);
if (!mblocks && nmb)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
result = matching_blocks_to_tuple_list(len1, len2, nmb, mblocks);
return result;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"inverse expected a list of edit operations");
return NULL;
static PyObject*
subtract_edit_py(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *list, *sub, *result;
size_t n, ns, nr;
LevEditOp *ops, *osub, *orem;
if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, PYARGCFIX("subtract_edit"), 2, 2, &list, &sub)
|| !PyList_Check(list))
return NULL;
ns = PyList_GET_SIZE(sub);
if (!ns) {
return list;
n = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
if (!n) {
"subtract_edit subsequence is not a subsequence "
"or is invalid");
return NULL;
if ((ops = extract_editops(list)) != NULL) {
if ((osub = extract_editops(sub)) != NULL) {
orem = lev_editops_subtract(n, ops, ns, osub, &nr);
if (!orem && nr == -1) {
"subtract_edit subsequence is not a subsequence "
"or is invalid");
return NULL;
result = editops_to_tuple_list(nr, orem);
return result;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"subtract_edit expected two lists of edit operations");
return NULL;
#ifdef LEV_PYTHON3
PyObject *module;
size_t i;
PY_INIT_MOD(module, "_levenshtein", Levenshtein_DESC, methods)
/* create intern strings for edit operation names */
if (opcode_names[0].pystring)
for (i = 0; i < N_OPCODE_NAMES; i++) {
#ifdef LEV_PYTHON3
= PyUnicode_InternFromString(opcode_names[i].cstring);
= PyString_InternFromString(opcode_names[i].cstring);
opcode_names[i].len = strlen(opcode_names[i].cstring);
#ifdef LEV_PYTHON3
return module;
/* }}} */
#endif /* not NO_PYTHON */
* C (i.e. executive) part
* Taus113
/* {{{ */
* Based on Tausworthe random generator implementation rng/taus113.c
* from the GNU Scientific Library (
* which has the notice
* Copyright (C) 2002 Atakan Gurkan
* Based on the file taus.c which has the notice
* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 James Theiler, Brian Gough
static inline unsigned long
taus113_get(taus113_state_t *state)
unsigned long b1, b2, b3, b4;
b1 = ((((state->z1 << 6UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ state->z1) >> 13UL);
state->z1 = ((((state->z1 & 4294967294UL) << 18UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ b1);
b2 = ((((state->z2 << 2UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ state->z2) >> 27UL);
state->z2 = ((((state->z2 & 4294967288UL) << 2UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ b2);
b3 = ((((state->z3 << 13UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ state->z3) >> 21UL);
state->z3 = ((((state->z3 & 4294967280UL) << 7UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ b3);
b4 = ((((state->z4 << 3UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ state->z4) >> 12UL);
state->z4 = ((((state->z4 & 4294967168UL) << 13UL) & TAUS113_MASK) ^ b4);
return (state->z1 ^ state->z2 ^ state->z3 ^ state->z4);
static void
taus113_set(taus113_state_t *state,
unsigned long int s)
if (!s)
s = 1UL; /* default seed is 1 */
state->z1 = TAUS113_LCG(s);
if (state->z1 < 2UL)
state->z1 += 2UL;
state->z2 = TAUS113_LCG(state->z1);
if (state->z2 < 8UL)
state->z2 += 8UL;
state->z3 = TAUS113_LCG(state->z2);
if (state->z3 < 16UL)
state->z3 += 16UL;
state->z4 = TAUS113_LCG(state->z3);
if (state->z4 < 128UL)
state->z4 += 128UL;
/* Calling RNG ten times to satify recurrence condition */
* lev_init_rng:
* @seed: A seed. If zero, a default value (currently 1) is used instead.
* Initializes the random generator used by some Levenshtein functions.
* This does NOT happen automatically when these functions are used.
lev_init_rng(unsigned long int seed)
static taus113_state_t state;
taus113_set(&state, seed);
/* }}} */
* Basic stuff, Levenshtein distance
/* {{{ */
* lev_edit_distance:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A sequence of bytes of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A sequence of bytes of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @xcost: If nonzero, the replace operation has weight 2, otherwise all
* edit operations have equal weights of 1.
* Computes Levenshtein edit distance of two strings.
* Returns: The edit distance.
lev_edit_distance(size_t len1, const lev_byte *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_byte *string2,
int xcost)
size_t i;
size_t *row; /* we only need to keep one row of costs */
size_t *end;
size_t half;
/* strip common prefix */
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && *string1 == *string2) {
/* strip common suffix */
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && string1[len1-1] == string2[len2-1]) {
/* catch trivial cases */
if (len1 == 0)
return len2;
if (len2 == 0)
return len1;
/* make the inner cycle (i.e. string2) the longer one */
if (len1 > len2) {
size_t nx = len1;
const lev_byte *sx = string1;
len1 = len2;
len2 = nx;
string1 = string2;
string2 = sx;
/* check len1 == 1 separately */
if (len1 == 1) {
if (xcost)
return len2 + 1 - 2*(memchr(string2, *string1, len2) != NULL);
return len2 - (memchr(string2, *string1, len2) != NULL);
half = len1 >> 1;
/* initalize first row */
row = (size_t*)safe_malloc(len2, sizeof(size_t));
if (!row)
return (size_t)(-1);
end = row + len2 - 1;
for (i = 0; i < len2 - (xcost ? 0 : half); i++)
row[i] = i;
/* go through the matrix and compute the costs. yes, this is an extremely
* obfuscated version, but also extremely memory-conservative and relatively
* fast. */
if (xcost) {
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++) {
size_t *p = row + 1;
const lev_byte char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_byte *char2p = string2;
size_t D = i;
size_t x = i;
while (p <= end) {
if (char1 == *(char2p++))
x = --D;
D = *p;
if (x > D)
x = D;
*(p++) = x;
else {
/* in this case we don't have to scan two corner triangles (of size len1/2)
* in the matrix because no best path can go throught them. note this
* breaks when len1 == len2 == 2 so the memchr() special case above is
* necessary */
row[0] = len1 - half - 1;
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++) {
size_t *p;
const lev_byte char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_byte *char2p;
size_t D, x;
/* skip the upper triangle */
if (i >= len1 - half) {
size_t offset = i - (len1 - half);
size_t c3;
char2p = string2 + offset;
p = row + offset;
c3 = *(p++) + (char1 != *(char2p++));
x = *p;
D = x;
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
*(p++) = x;
else {
p = row + 1;
char2p = string2;
D = x = i;
/* skip the lower triangle */
if (i <= half + 1)
end = row + len2 + i - half - 2;
/* main */
while (p <= end) {
size_t c3 = --D + (char1 != *(char2p++));
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
D = *p;
if (x > D)
x = D;
*(p++) = x;
/* lower triangle sentinel */
if (i <= half) {
size_t c3 = --D + (char1 != *char2p);
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
*p = x;
i = *end;
return i;
lev_edit_distance_sod(size_t len, const lev_byte *string,
size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights,
int xcost)
size_t i, d;
double sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
d = lev_edit_distance(len, string, lengths[i], strings[i], xcost);
if (d == (size_t)-1)
return -1.0;
sum += weights[i]*d;
return sum;
* lev_u_edit_distance:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len1, may contain NUL
* characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len2, may contain NUL
* characters.
* @xcost: If nonzero, the replace operation has weight 2, otherwise all
* edit operations have equal weights of 1.
* Computes Levenshtein edit distance of two Unicode strings.
* Returns: The edit distance.
lev_u_edit_distance(size_t len1, const lev_wchar *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_wchar *string2,
int xcost)
size_t i;
size_t *row; /* we only need to keep one row of costs */
size_t *end;
size_t half;
/* strip common prefix */
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && *string1 == *string2) {
/* strip common suffix */
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && string1[len1-1] == string2[len2-1]) {
/* catch trivial cases */
if (len1 == 0)
return len2;
if (len2 == 0)
return len1;
/* make the inner cycle (i.e. string2) the longer one */
if (len1 > len2) {
size_t nx = len1;
const lev_wchar *sx = string1;
len1 = len2;
len2 = nx;
string1 = string2;
string2 = sx;
/* check len1 == 1 separately */
if (len1 == 1) {
lev_wchar z = *string1;
const lev_wchar *p = string2;
for (i = len2; i; i--) {
if (*(p++) == z)
return len2 - 1;
return len2 + (xcost != 0);
half = len1 >> 1;
/* initalize first row */
row = (size_t*)safe_malloc(len2, sizeof(size_t));
if (!row)
return (size_t)(-1);
end = row + len2 - 1;
for (i = 0; i < len2 - (xcost ? 0 : half); i++)
row[i] = i;
/* go through the matrix and compute the costs. yes, this is an extremely
* obfuscated version, but also extremely memory-conservative and relatively
* fast. */
if (xcost) {
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++) {
size_t *p = row + 1;
const lev_wchar char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_wchar *char2p = string2;
size_t D = i - 1;
size_t x = i;
while (p <= end) {
if (char1 == *(char2p++))
x = D;
D = *p;
if (x > D + 1)
x = D + 1;
*(p++) = x;
else {
/* in this case we don't have to scan two corner triangles (of size len1/2)
* in the matrix because no best path can go throught them. note this
* breaks when len1 == len2 == 2 so the memchr() special case above is
* necessary */
row[0] = len1 - half - 1;
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++) {
size_t *p;
const lev_wchar char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_wchar *char2p;
size_t D, x;
/* skip the upper triangle */
if (i >= len1 - half) {
size_t offset = i - (len1 - half);
size_t c3;
char2p = string2 + offset;
p = row + offset;
c3 = *(p++) + (char1 != *(char2p++));
x = *p;
D = x;
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
*(p++) = x;
else {
p = row + 1;
char2p = string2;
D = x = i;
/* skip the lower triangle */
if (i <= half + 1)
end = row + len2 + i - half - 2;
/* main */
while (p <= end) {
size_t c3 = --D + (char1 != *(char2p++));
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
D = *p;
if (x > D)
x = D;
*(p++) = x;
/* lower triangle sentinel */
if (i <= half) {
size_t c3 = --D + (char1 != *char2p);
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
*p = x;
i = *end;
return i;
lev_u_edit_distance_sod(size_t len, const lev_wchar *string,
size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[],
const double *weights,
int xcost)
size_t i, d;
double sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
d = lev_u_edit_distance(len, string, lengths[i], strings[i], xcost);
if (d == (size_t)-1)
return -1.0;
sum += weights[i]*d;
return sum;
/* }}} */
* Other simple distances: Hamming, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler
/* {{{ */
* lev_hamming_distance:
* @len: The length of @string1 and @string2.
* @string1: A sequence of bytes of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @string2: A sequence of bytes of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* Computes Hamming distance of two strings.
* The strings must have the same length.
* Returns: The Hamming distance.
lev_hamming_distance(size_t len,
const lev_byte *string1,
const lev_byte *string2)
size_t dist, i;
dist = 0;
for (i = len; i; i--) {
if (*(string1++) != *(string2++))
return dist;
* lev_u_hamming_distance:
* @len: The length of @string1 and @string2.
* @string1: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len1, may contain NUL
* characters.
* @string2: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len2, may contain NUL
* characters.
* Computes Hamming distance of two strings.
* The strings must have the same length.
* Returns: The Hamming distance.
lev_u_hamming_distance(size_t len,
const lev_wchar *string1,
const lev_wchar *string2)
size_t dist, i;
dist = 0;
for (i = len; i; i--) {
if (*(string1++) != *(string2++))
return dist;
* lev_jaro_ratio:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A sequence of bytes of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A sequence of bytes of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* Computes Jaro string similarity metric of two strings.
* Returns: The Jaro metric of @string1 and @string2.
lev_jaro_ratio(size_t len1, const lev_byte *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_byte *string2)
size_t i, j, halflen, trans, match, to;
size_t *idx;
double md;
if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0) {
if (len1 == 0 && len2 == 0)
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
/* make len1 always shorter (or equally long) */
if (len1 > len2) {
const lev_byte *b;
b = string1;
string1 = string2;
string2 = b;
i = len1;
len1 = len2;
len2 = i;
halflen = (len1 + 1)/2;
idx = (size_t*)calloc(len1, sizeof(size_t));
if (!idx)
return -1.0;
/* The literature about Jaro metric is confusing as the method of assigment
* of common characters is nowhere specified. There are several possible
* deterministic mutual assignments of common characters of two strings.
* We use earliest-position method, which is however suboptimal (e.g., it
* gives two transpositions in jaro("Jaro", "Joaro") because of assigment
* of the first `o'). No reasonable algorithm for the optimal one is
* currently known to me. */
match = 0;
/* the part with allowed range overlapping left */
for (i = 0; i < halflen; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= i+halflen; j++) {
if (string1[j] == string2[i] && !idx[j]) {
idx[j] = match;
/* the part with allowed range overlapping right */
to = len1+halflen < len2 ? len1+halflen : len2;
for (i = halflen; i < to; i++) {
for (j = i - halflen; j < len1; j++) {
if (string1[j] == string2[i] && !idx[j]) {
idx[j] = match;
if (!match) {
return 0.0;
/* count transpositions */
i = 0;
trans = 0;
for (j = 0; j < len1; j++) {
if (idx[j]) {
if (idx[j] != i)
md = (double)match;
return (md/len1 + md/len2 + 1.0 - trans/md/2.0)/3.0;
* lev_u_jaro_ratio:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len1, may contain NUL
* characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len2, may contain NUL
* characters.
* Computes Jaro string similarity metric of two Unicode strings.
* Returns: The Jaro metric of @string1 and @string2.
lev_u_jaro_ratio(size_t len1, const lev_wchar *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_wchar *string2)
size_t i, j, halflen, trans, match, to;
size_t *idx;
double md;
if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0) {
if (len1 == 0 && len2 == 0)
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
/* make len1 always shorter (or equally long) */
if (len1 > len2) {
const lev_wchar *b;
b = string1;
string1 = string2;
string2 = b;
i = len1;
len1 = len2;
len2 = i;
halflen = (len1 + 1)/2;
idx = (size_t*)calloc(len1, sizeof(size_t));
if (!idx)
return -1.0;
match = 0;
/* the part with allowed range overlapping left */
for (i = 0; i < halflen; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= i+halflen; j++) {
if (string1[j] == string2[i] && !idx[j]) {
idx[j] = match;
/* the part with allowed range overlapping right */
to = len1+halflen < len2 ? len1+halflen : len2;
for (i = halflen; i < to; i++) {
for (j = i - halflen; j < len1; j++) {
if (string1[j] == string2[i] && !idx[j]) {
idx[j] = match;
if (!match) {
return 0.0;
/* count transpositions */
i = 0;
trans = 0;
for (j = 0; j < len1; j++) {
if (idx[j]) {
if (idx[j] != i)
md = (double)match;
return (md/len1 + md/len2 + 1.0 - trans/md/2.0)/3.0;
* lev_jaro_winkler_ratio:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A sequence of bytes of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A sequence of bytes of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @pfweight: Prefix weight, i.e., how much weight should be given to a
* common prefix.
* Computes Jaro-Winkler string similarity metric of two strings.
* The formula is J+@pfweight*P*(1-J), where J is Jaro metric and P is the
* length of common prefix.
* Returns: The Jaro-Winkler metric of @string1 and @string2.
lev_jaro_winkler_ratio(size_t len1, const lev_byte *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_byte *string2,
double pfweight)
double j;
size_t p, m;
j = lev_jaro_ratio(len1, string1, len2, string2);
m = len1 < len2 ? len1 : len2;
for (p = 0; p < m; p++) {
if (string1[p] != string2[p])
j += (1.0 - j)*p*pfweight;
return j > 1.0 ? 1.0 : j;
* lev_u_jaro_winkler_ratio:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len1, may contain NUL
* characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A sequence of Unicode characters of length @len2, may contain NUL
* characters.
* @pfweight: Prefix weight, i.e., how much weight should be given to a
* common prefix.
* Computes Jaro-Winkler string similarity metric of two Unicode strings.
* The formula is J+@pfweight*P*(1-J), where J is Jaro metric and P is the
* length of common prefix.
* Returns: The Jaro-Winkler metric of @string1 and @string2.
lev_u_jaro_winkler_ratio(size_t len1, const lev_wchar *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_wchar *string2,
double pfweight)
double j;
size_t p, m;
j = lev_u_jaro_ratio(len1, string1, len2, string2);
m = len1 < len2 ? len1 : len2;
for (p = 0; p < m; p++) {
if (string1[p] != string2[p])
j += (1.0 - j)*p*pfweight;
return j > 1.0 ? 1.0 : j;
/* }}} */
* Generalized medians, the greedy algorithm, and greedy improvements
/* {{{ */
/* compute the sets of symbols each string contains, and the set of symbols
* in any of them (symset). meanwhile, count how many different symbols
* there are (used below for symlist). */
static lev_byte*
make_symlist(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[], size_t *symlistlen)
short int *symset; /* indexed by ALL symbols, contains 1 for symbols
present in the strings, zero for others */
size_t i, j;
lev_byte *symlist;
symset = calloc(0x100, sizeof(short int));
if (!symset) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
*symlistlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_byte *stri = strings[i];
for (j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++) {
int c = stri[j];
if (!symset[c]) {
symset[c] = 1;
if (!*symlistlen) {
return NULL;
/* create dense symbol table, so we can easily iterate over only characters
* present in the strings */
size_t pos = 0;
symlist = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc((*symlistlen), sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!symlist) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j < 0x100; j++) {
if (symset[j])
symlist[pos++] = (lev_byte)j;
return symlist;
* lev_greedy_median:
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* @medlength: Where the length of the median should be stored.
* Finds a generalized median string of @strings using the greedy algorithm.
* Note it's considerably more efficient to give a string with weight 2
* than to store two identical strings in @strings (with weights 1).
* Returns: The generalized median, as a newly allocated string; its length
* is stored in @medlength.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_byte*
lev_greedy_median(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t i; /* usually iterates over strings (n) */
size_t j; /* usually iterates over characters */
size_t len; /* usually iterates over the approximate median string */
lev_byte *symlist; /* list of symbols present in the strings,
we iterate over it insead of set of all
existing symbols */
size_t symlistlen; /* length of symlist */
size_t maxlen; /* maximum input string length */
size_t stoplen; /* maximum tried median string length -- this is slightly
higher than maxlen, because the median string may be
longer than any of the input strings */
size_t **rows; /* Levenshtein matrix rows for each string, we need to keep
only one previous row to construct the current one */
size_t *row; /* a scratch buffer for new Levenshtein matrix row computation,
shared among all strings */
lev_byte *median; /* the resulting approximate median string */
double *mediandist; /* the total distance of the best median string of
given length. warning! mediandist[0] is total
distance for empty string, while median[] itself
is normally zero-based */
size_t bestlen; /* the best approximate median string length */
/* find all symbols */
symlist = make_symlist(n, lengths, strings, &symlistlen);
if (!symlist) {
*medlength = 0;
if (symlistlen != 0)
return NULL;
return calloc(1, sizeof(lev_byte));
/* allocate and initialize per-string matrix rows and a common work buffer */
rows = (size_t**)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(size_t*));
if (!rows) {
return NULL;
maxlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
size_t *ri;
size_t leni = lengths[i];
if (leni > maxlen)
maxlen = leni;
ri = rows[i] = (size_t*)safe_malloc((leni + 1), sizeof(size_t));
if (!ri) {
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j <= leni; j++)
ri[j] = j;
stoplen = 2*maxlen + 1;
row = (size_t*)safe_malloc((stoplen + 1), sizeof(size_t));
if (!row) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
/* compute final cost of string of length 0 (empty string may be also
* a valid answer) */
median = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc(stoplen, sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!median) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
mediandist = (double*)safe_malloc((stoplen + 1), sizeof(double));
if (!mediandist) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
mediandist[0] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
mediandist[0] += lengths[i]*weights[i];
/* build up the approximate median string symbol by symbol
* XXX: we actually exit on break below, but on the same condition */
for (len = 1; len <= stoplen; len++) {
lev_byte symbol;
double minminsum = LEV_INFINITY;
row[0] = len;
/* iterate over all symbols we may want to add */
for (j = 0; j < symlistlen; j++) {
double totaldist = 0.0;
double minsum = 0.0;
symbol = symlist[j];
/* sum Levenshtein distances from all the strings, with given weights */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_byte *stri = strings[i];
size_t *p = rows[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
size_t *end = rows[i] + leni;
size_t min = len;
size_t x = len; /* == row[0] */
/* compute how another row of Levenshtein matrix would look for median
* string with this symbol added */
while (p < end) {
size_t D = *(p++) + (symbol != *(stri++));
if (x > D)
x = D;
if (x > *p + 1)
x = *p + 1;
if (x < min)
min = x;
minsum += min*weights[i];
totaldist += x*weights[i];
/* is this symbol better than all the others? */
if (minsum < minminsum) {
minminsum = minsum;
mediandist[len] = totaldist;
median[len - 1] = symbol;
/* stop the iteration if we no longer need to recompute the matrix rows
* or when we are over maxlen and adding more characters doesn't seem
* useful */
if (len == stoplen
|| (len > maxlen && mediandist[len] > mediandist[len - 1])) {
stoplen = len;
/* now the best symbol is known, so recompute all matrix rows for this
* one */
symbol = median[len - 1];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_byte *stri = strings[i];
size_t *oldrow = rows[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
size_t k;
/* compute a row of Levenshtein matrix */
for (k = 1; k <= leni; k++) {
size_t c1 = oldrow[k] + 1;
size_t c2 = row[k - 1] + 1;
size_t c3 = oldrow[k - 1] + (symbol != stri[k - 1]);
row[k] = c2 > c3 ? c3 : c2;
if (row[k] > c1)
row[k] = c1;
memcpy(oldrow, row, (leni + 1)*sizeof(size_t));
/* find the string with minimum total distance */
bestlen = 0;
for (len = 1; len <= stoplen; len++) {
if (mediandist[len] < mediandist[bestlen])
bestlen = len;
/* clean up */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
/* return result */
lev_byte *result = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc(bestlen, sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!result) {
return NULL;
memcpy(result, median, bestlen*sizeof(lev_byte));
*medlength = bestlen;
return result;
* Knowing the distance matrices up to some row, finish the distance
* computations.
* string1, len1 are already shortened.
static double
finish_distance_computations(size_t len1, lev_byte *string1,
size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte **strings,
const double *weights, size_t **rows,
size_t *row)
size_t *end;
size_t i, j;
size_t offset; /* row[0]; offset + len1 give together real len of string1 */
double distsum = 0.0; /* sum of distances */
/* catch trivia case */
if (len1 == 0) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
distsum += rows[j][lengths[j]]*weights[j];
return distsum;
/* iterate through the strings and sum the distances */
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
size_t *rowi = rows[j]; /* current row */
size_t leni = lengths[j]; /* current length */
size_t len = len1; /* temporary len1 for suffix stripping */
const lev_byte *stringi = strings[j]; /* current string */
/* strip common suffix (prefix CAN'T be stripped) */
while (len && leni && stringi[leni-1] == string1[len-1]) {
/* catch trivial cases */
if (len == 0) {
distsum += rowi[leni]*weights[j];
offset = rowi[0];
if (leni == 0) {
distsum += (offset + len)*weights[j];
/* complete the matrix */
memcpy(row, rowi, (leni + 1)*sizeof(size_t));
end = row + leni;
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
size_t *p = row + 1;
const lev_byte char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_byte *char2p = stringi;
size_t D, x;
D = x = i + offset;
while (p <= end) {
size_t c3 = --D + (char1 != *(char2p++));
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
D = *p;
if (x > D)
x = D;
*(p++) = x;
distsum += weights[j]*(*end);
return distsum;
* lev_median_improve:
* @len: The length of @s.
* @s: The approximate generalized median string to be improved.
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* @medlength: Where the new length of the median should be stored.
* Tries to make @s a better generalized median string of @strings with
* small perturbations.
* It never returns a string with larger SOD than @s; in the worst case, a
* string identical to @s is returned.
* Returns: The improved generalized median, as a newly allocated string; its
* length is stored in @medlength.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_byte*
lev_median_improve(size_t len, const lev_byte *s,
size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t i; /* usually iterates over strings (n) */
size_t j; /* usually iterates over characters */
size_t pos; /* the position in the approximate median string we are
trying to change */
lev_byte *symlist; /* list of symbols present in the strings,
we iterate over it insead of set of all
existing symbols */
size_t symlistlen; /* length of symlist */
size_t maxlen; /* maximum input string length */
size_t stoplen; /* maximum tried median string length -- this is slightly
higher than maxlen, because the median string may be
longer than any of the input strings */
size_t **rows; /* Levenshtein matrix rows for each string, we need to keep
only one previous row to construct the current one */
size_t *row; /* a scratch buffer for new Levenshtein matrix row computation,
shared among all strings */
lev_byte *median; /* the resulting approximate median string */
size_t medlen; /* the current approximate median string length */
double minminsum; /* the current total distance sum */
/* find all symbols */
symlist = make_symlist(n, lengths, strings, &symlistlen);
if (!symlist) {
*medlength = 0;
if (symlistlen != 0)
return NULL;
return calloc(1, sizeof(lev_byte));
/* allocate and initialize per-string matrix rows and a common work buffer */
rows = (size_t**)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(size_t*));
if (!rows) {
return NULL;
maxlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
size_t *ri;
size_t leni = lengths[i];
if (leni > maxlen)
maxlen = leni;
ri = rows[i] = (size_t*)safe_malloc((leni + 1), sizeof(size_t));
if (!ri) {
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j <= leni; j++)
ri[j] = j;
stoplen = 2*maxlen + 1;
row = (size_t*)safe_malloc((stoplen + 2), sizeof(size_t));
if (!row) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
/* initialize median to given string */
median = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc((stoplen+1), sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!median) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
median++; /* we need -1st element for insertions a pos 0 */
medlen = len;
memcpy(median, s, (medlen)*sizeof(lev_byte));
minminsum = finish_distance_computations(medlen, median,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
/* sequentially try perturbations on all positions */
for (pos = 0; pos <= medlen; ) {
lev_byte orig_symbol, symbol;
LevEditType operation;
double sum;
symbol = median[pos];
operation = LEV_EDIT_KEEP;
/* IF pos < medlength: FOREACH symbol: try to replace the symbol
* at pos, if some lower the total distance, chooste the best */
if (pos < medlen) {
orig_symbol = median[pos];
for (j = 0; j < symlistlen; j++) {
if (symlist[j] == orig_symbol)
median[pos] = symlist[j];
sum = finish_distance_computations(medlen - pos, median + pos,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
if (sum < minminsum) {
minminsum = sum;
symbol = symlist[j];
operation = LEV_EDIT_REPLACE;
median[pos] = orig_symbol;
/* FOREACH symbol: try to add it at pos, if some lower the total
* distance, chooste the best (increase medlength)
* We simulate insertion by replacing the character at pos-1 */
orig_symbol = *(median + pos - 1);
for (j = 0; j < symlistlen; j++) {
*(median + pos - 1) = symlist[j];
sum = finish_distance_computations(medlen - pos + 1, median + pos - 1,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
if (sum < minminsum) {
minminsum = sum;
symbol = symlist[j];
operation = LEV_EDIT_INSERT;
*(median + pos - 1) = orig_symbol;
/* IF pos < medlength: try to delete the symbol at pos, if it lowers
* the total distance remember it (decrease medlength) */
if (pos < medlen) {
sum = finish_distance_computations(medlen - pos - 1, median + pos + 1,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
if (sum < minminsum) {
minminsum = sum;
operation = LEV_EDIT_DELETE;
/* actually perform the operation */
switch (operation) {
median[pos] = symbol;
memmove(median+pos+1, median+pos,
(medlen - pos)*sizeof(lev_byte));
median[pos] = symbol;
memmove(median+pos, median + pos+1,
(medlen - pos-1)*sizeof(lev_byte));
assert(medlen <= stoplen);
/* now the result is known, so recompute all matrix rows and move on */
if (operation != LEV_EDIT_DELETE) {
symbol = median[pos];
row[0] = pos + 1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_byte *stri = strings[i];
size_t *oldrow = rows[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
size_t k;
/* compute a row of Levenshtein matrix */
for (k = 1; k <= leni; k++) {
size_t c1 = oldrow[k] + 1;
size_t c2 = row[k - 1] + 1;
size_t c3 = oldrow[k - 1] + (symbol != stri[k - 1]);
row[k] = c2 > c3 ? c3 : c2;
if (row[k] > c1)
row[k] = c1;
memcpy(oldrow, row, (leni + 1)*sizeof(size_t));
/* clean up */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
/* return result */
lev_byte *result = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc(medlen, sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!result) {
return NULL;
*medlength = medlen;
memcpy(result, median, medlen*sizeof(lev_byte));
return result;
/* used internally in make_usymlist */
typedef struct _HItem HItem;
struct _HItem {
lev_wchar c;
HItem *n;
/* free usmylist hash
* this is a separate function because we need it in more than one place */
static void
free_usymlist_hash(HItem *symmap)
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < 0x100; j++) {
HItem *p = symmap + j;
if (p->n == symmap || p->n == NULL)
p = p->n;
while (p) {
HItem *q = p;
p = p->n;
/* compute the sets of symbols each string contains, and the set of symbols
* in any of them (symset). meanwhile, count how many different symbols
* there are (used below for symlist). */
static lev_wchar*
make_usymlist(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[], size_t *symlistlen)
lev_wchar *symlist;
size_t i, j;
HItem *symmap;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
j += lengths[i];
*symlistlen = 0;
if (j == 0)
return NULL;
/* find all symbols, use a kind of hash for storage */
symmap = (HItem*)safe_malloc(0x100, sizeof(HItem));
if (!symmap) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
/* this is an ugly memory allocation avoiding hack: most hash elements
* will probably contain none or one symbols only so, when p->n is equal
* to symmap, it means there're no symbols yet, afters insterting the
* first one, p->n becomes normally NULL and then it behaves like an
* usual singly linked list */
for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
symmap[i].n = symmap;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_wchar *stri = strings[i];
for (j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++) {
int c = stri[j];
int key = (c + (c >> 7)) & 0xff;
HItem *p = symmap + key;
if (p->n == symmap) {
p->c = c;
p->n = NULL;
while (p->c != c && p->n != NULL)
p = p->n;
if (p->c != c) {
p->n = (HItem*)malloc(sizeof(HItem));
if (!p->n) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
p = p->n;
p->n = NULL;
p->c = c;
/* create dense symbol table, so we can easily iterate over only characters
* present in the strings */
size_t pos = 0;
symlist = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc((*symlistlen), sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!symlist) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j < 0x100; j++) {
HItem *p = symmap + j;
while (p != NULL && p->n != symmap) {
symlist[pos++] = p->c;
p = p->n;
/* free memory */
return symlist;
* lev_u_greedy_median:
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* @medlength: Where the length of the median should be stored.
* Finds a generalized median string of @strings using the greedy algorithm.
* Note it's considerably more efficient to give a string with weight 2
* than to store two identical strings in @strings (with weights 1).
* Returns: The generalized median, as a newly allocated string; its length
* is stored in @medlength.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_wchar*
lev_u_greedy_median(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t i; /* usually iterates over strings (n) */
size_t j; /* usually iterates over characters */
size_t len; /* usually iterates over the approximate median string */
lev_wchar *symlist; /* list of symbols present in the strings,
we iterate over it insead of set of all
existing symbols */
size_t symlistlen; /* length of symlistle */
size_t maxlen; /* maximum input string length */
size_t stoplen; /* maximum tried median string length -- this is slightly
higher than maxlen, because the median string may be
longer than any of the input strings */
size_t **rows; /* Levenshtein matrix rows for each string, we need to keep
only one previous row to construct the current one */
size_t *row; /* a scratch buffer for new Levenshtein matrix row computation,
shared among all strings */
lev_wchar *median; /* the resulting approximate median string */
double *mediandist; /* the total distance of the best median string of
given length. warning! mediandist[0] is total
distance for empty string, while median[] itself
is normally zero-based */
size_t bestlen; /* the best approximate median string length */
/* find all symbols */
symlist = make_usymlist(n, lengths, strings, &symlistlen);
if (!symlist) {
*medlength = 0;
if (symlistlen != 0)
return NULL;
return calloc(1, sizeof(lev_wchar));
/* allocate and initialize per-string matrix rows and a common work buffer */
rows = (size_t**)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(size_t*));
if (!rows) {
return NULL;
maxlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
size_t *ri;
size_t leni = lengths[i];
if (leni > maxlen)
maxlen = leni;
ri = rows[i] = (size_t*)safe_malloc((leni + 1), sizeof(size_t));
if (!ri) {
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j <= leni; j++)
ri[j] = j;
stoplen = 2*maxlen + 1;
row = (size_t*)safe_malloc((stoplen + 1), sizeof(size_t));
if (!row) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
/* compute final cost of string of length 0 (empty string may be also
* a valid answer) */
median = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc(stoplen, sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!median) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
mediandist = (double*)safe_malloc((stoplen + 1), sizeof(double));
if (!mediandist) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
mediandist[0] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
mediandist[0] += lengths[i]*weights[i];
/* build up the approximate median string symbol by symbol
* XXX: we actually exit on break below, but on the same condition */
for (len = 1; len <= stoplen; len++) {
lev_wchar symbol;
double minminsum = LEV_INFINITY;
row[0] = len;
/* iterate over all symbols we may want to add */
for (j = 0; j < symlistlen; j++) {
double totaldist = 0.0;
double minsum = 0.0;
symbol = symlist[j];
/* sum Levenshtein distances from all the strings, with given weights */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_wchar *stri = strings[i];
size_t *p = rows[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
size_t *end = rows[i] + leni;
size_t min = len;
size_t x = len; /* == row[0] */
/* compute how another row of Levenshtein matrix would look for median
* string with this symbol added */
while (p < end) {
size_t D = *(p++) + (symbol != *(stri++));
if (x > D)
x = D;
if (x > *p + 1)
x = *p + 1;
if (x < min)
min = x;
minsum += min*weights[i];
totaldist += x*weights[i];
/* is this symbol better than all the others? */
if (minsum < minminsum) {
minminsum = minsum;
mediandist[len] = totaldist;
median[len - 1] = symbol;
/* stop the iteration if we no longer need to recompute the matrix rows
* or when we are over maxlen and adding more characters doesn't seem
* useful */
if (len == stoplen
|| (len > maxlen && mediandist[len] > mediandist[len - 1])) {
stoplen = len;
/* now the best symbol is known, so recompute all matrix rows for this
* one */
symbol = median[len - 1];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_wchar *stri = strings[i];
size_t *oldrow = rows[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
size_t k;
/* compute a row of Levenshtein matrix */
for (k = 1; k <= leni; k++) {
size_t c1 = oldrow[k] + 1;
size_t c2 = row[k - 1] + 1;
size_t c3 = oldrow[k - 1] + (symbol != stri[k - 1]);
row[k] = c2 > c3 ? c3 : c2;
if (row[k] > c1)
row[k] = c1;
memcpy(oldrow, row, (leni + 1)*sizeof(size_t));
/* find the string with minimum total distance */
bestlen = 0;
for (len = 1; len <= stoplen; len++) {
if (mediandist[len] < mediandist[bestlen])
bestlen = len;
/* clean up */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
/* return result */
lev_wchar *result = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc(bestlen, sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!result) {
return NULL;
memcpy(result, median, bestlen*sizeof(lev_wchar));
*medlength = bestlen;
return result;
* Knowing the distance matrices up to some row, finish the distance
* computations.
* string1, len1 are already shortened.
static double
finish_udistance_computations(size_t len1, lev_wchar *string1,
size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar **strings,
const double *weights, size_t **rows,
size_t *row)
size_t *end;
size_t i, j;
size_t offset; /* row[0]; offset + len1 give together real len of string1 */
double distsum = 0.0; /* sum of distances */
/* catch trivia case */
if (len1 == 0) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
distsum += rows[j][lengths[j]]*weights[j];
return distsum;
/* iterate through the strings and sum the distances */
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
size_t *rowi = rows[j]; /* current row */
size_t leni = lengths[j]; /* current length */
size_t len = len1; /* temporary len1 for suffix stripping */
const lev_wchar *stringi = strings[j]; /* current string */
/* strip common suffix (prefix CAN'T be stripped) */
while (len && leni && stringi[leni-1] == string1[len-1]) {
/* catch trivial cases */
if (len == 0) {
distsum += rowi[leni]*weights[j];
offset = rowi[0];
if (leni == 0) {
distsum += (offset + len)*weights[j];
/* complete the matrix */
memcpy(row, rowi, (leni + 1)*sizeof(size_t));
end = row + leni;
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
size_t *p = row + 1;
const lev_wchar char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_wchar *char2p = stringi;
size_t D, x;
D = x = i + offset;
while (p <= end) {
size_t c3 = --D + (char1 != *(char2p++));
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
D = *p;
if (x > D)
x = D;
*(p++) = x;
distsum += weights[j]*(*end);
return distsum;
* lev_u_median_improve:
* @len: The length of @s.
* @s: The approximate generalized median string to be improved.
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* @medlength: Where the new length of the median should be stored.
* Tries to make @s a better generalized median string of @strings with
* small perturbations.
* It never returns a string with larger SOD than @s; in the worst case, a
* string identical to @s is returned.
* Returns: The improved generalized median, as a newly allocated string; its
* length is stored in @medlength.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_wchar*
lev_u_median_improve(size_t len, const lev_wchar *s,
size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t i; /* usually iterates over strings (n) */
size_t j; /* usually iterates over characters */
size_t pos; /* the position in the approximate median string we are
trying to change */
lev_wchar *symlist; /* list of symbols present in the strings,
we iterate over it insead of set of all
existing symbols */
size_t symlistlen; /* length of symlist */
size_t maxlen; /* maximum input string length */
size_t stoplen; /* maximum tried median string length -- this is slightly
higher than maxlen, because the median string may be
longer than any of the input strings */
size_t **rows; /* Levenshtein matrix rows for each string, we need to keep
only one previous row to construct the current one */
size_t *row; /* a scratch buffer for new Levenshtein matrix row computation,
shared among all strings */
lev_wchar *median; /* the resulting approximate median string */
size_t medlen; /* the current approximate median string length */
double minminsum; /* the current total distance sum */
/* find all symbols */
symlist = make_usymlist(n, lengths, strings, &symlistlen);
if (!symlist) {
*medlength = 0;
if (symlistlen != 0)
return NULL;
return calloc(1, sizeof(lev_wchar));
/* allocate and initialize per-string matrix rows and a common work buffer */
rows = (size_t**)safe_malloc(n, sizeof(size_t*));
if (!rows) {
return NULL;
maxlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
size_t *ri;
size_t leni = lengths[i];
if (leni > maxlen)
maxlen = leni;
ri = rows[i] = (size_t*)safe_malloc((leni + 1), sizeof(size_t));
if (!ri) {
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j <= leni; j++)
ri[j] = j;
stoplen = 2*maxlen + 1;
row = (size_t*)safe_malloc((stoplen + 2), sizeof(size_t));
if (!row) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
/* initialize median to given string */
median = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc((stoplen+1), sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!median) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
return NULL;
median++; /* we need -1st element for insertions a pos 0 */
medlen = len;
memcpy(median, s, (medlen)*sizeof(lev_wchar));
minminsum = finish_udistance_computations(medlen, median,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
/* sequentially try perturbations on all positions */
for (pos = 0; pos <= medlen; ) {
lev_wchar orig_symbol, symbol;
LevEditType operation;
double sum;
symbol = median[pos];
operation = LEV_EDIT_KEEP;
/* IF pos < medlength: FOREACH symbol: try to replace the symbol
* at pos, if some lower the total distance, chooste the best */
if (pos < medlen) {
orig_symbol = median[pos];
for (j = 0; j < symlistlen; j++) {
if (symlist[j] == orig_symbol)
median[pos] = symlist[j];
sum = finish_udistance_computations(medlen - pos, median + pos,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
if (sum < minminsum) {
minminsum = sum;
symbol = symlist[j];
operation = LEV_EDIT_REPLACE;
median[pos] = orig_symbol;
/* FOREACH symbol: try to add it at pos, if some lower the total
* distance, chooste the best (increase medlength)
* We simulate insertion by replacing the character at pos-1 */
orig_symbol = *(median + pos - 1);
for (j = 0; j < symlistlen; j++) {
*(median + pos - 1) = symlist[j];
sum = finish_udistance_computations(medlen - pos + 1, median + pos - 1,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
if (sum < minminsum) {
minminsum = sum;
symbol = symlist[j];
operation = LEV_EDIT_INSERT;
*(median + pos - 1) = orig_symbol;
/* IF pos < medlength: try to delete the symbol at pos, if it lowers
* the total distance remember it (decrease medlength) */
if (pos < medlen) {
sum = finish_udistance_computations(medlen - pos - 1, median + pos + 1,
n, lengths, strings,
weights, rows, row);
if (sum < minminsum) {
minminsum = sum;
operation = LEV_EDIT_DELETE;
/* actually perform the operation */
switch (operation) {
median[pos] = symbol;
memmove(median+pos+1, median+pos,
(medlen - pos)*sizeof(lev_wchar));
median[pos] = symbol;
memmove(median+pos, median + pos+1,
(medlen - pos-1)*sizeof(lev_wchar));
assert(medlen <= stoplen);
/* now the result is known, so recompute all matrix rows and move on */
if (operation != LEV_EDIT_DELETE) {
symbol = median[pos];
row[0] = pos + 1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_wchar *stri = strings[i];
size_t *oldrow = rows[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
size_t k;
/* compute a row of Levenshtein matrix */
for (k = 1; k <= leni; k++) {
size_t c1 = oldrow[k] + 1;
size_t c2 = row[k - 1] + 1;
size_t c3 = oldrow[k - 1] + (symbol != stri[k - 1]);
row[k] = c2 > c3 ? c3 : c2;
if (row[k] > c1)
row[k] = c1;
memcpy(oldrow, row, (leni + 1)*sizeof(size_t));
/* clean up */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
/* return result */
lev_wchar *result = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc(medlen, sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!result) {
return NULL;
*medlength = medlen;
memcpy(result, median, medlen*sizeof(lev_wchar));
return result;
/* }}} */
* Quick (voting) medians
/* {{{ */
/* compute the sets of symbols each string contains, and the set of symbols
* in any of them (symset). meanwhile, count how many different symbols
* there are (used below for symlist).
* the symset is passed as an argument to avoid its allocation and
* deallocation when it's used in the caller too */
static lev_byte*
make_symlistset(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[], size_t *symlistlen,
double *symset)
size_t i, j;
lev_byte *symlist;
if (!symset) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
memset(symset, 0, 0x100*sizeof(double)); /* XXX: needs IEEE doubles?! */
*symlistlen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_byte *stri = strings[i];
for (j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++) {
int c = stri[j];
if (!symset[c]) {
symset[c] = 1.0;
if (!*symlistlen)
return NULL;
/* create dense symbol table, so we can easily iterate over only characters
* present in the strings */
size_t pos = 0;
symlist = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc((*symlistlen), sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!symlist) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j < 0x100; j++) {
if (symset[j])
symlist[pos++] = (lev_byte)j;
return symlist;
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_byte*
lev_quick_median(size_t n,
const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t symlistlen, len, i, j, k;
lev_byte *symlist;
lev_byte *median; /* the resulting string */
double *symset;
double ml, wl;
/* first check whether the result would be an empty string
* and compute resulting string length */
ml = wl = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ml += lengths[i]*weights[i];
wl += weights[i];
if (wl == 0.0)
return (lev_byte*)calloc(1, sizeof(lev_byte));
ml = floor(ml/wl + 0.499999);
*medlength = len = ml;
if (!len)
return (lev_byte*)calloc(1, sizeof(lev_byte));
median = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc(len, sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!median)
return NULL;
/* find the symbol set;
* now an empty symbol set is really a failure */
symset = (double*)calloc(0x100, sizeof(double));
if (!symset) {
return NULL;
symlist = make_symlistset(n, lengths, strings, &symlistlen, symset);
if (!symlist) {
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
/* clear the symbol probabilities */
if (symlistlen < 32) {
for (i = 0; i < symlistlen; i++)
symset[symlist[i]] = 0.0;
memset(symset, 0, 0x100*sizeof(double));
/* let all strings vote */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_byte *stri = strings[i];
double weighti = weights[i];
size_t lengthi = lengths[i];
double start = lengthi/ml*j;
double end = start + lengthi/ml;
size_t istart = floor(start);
size_t iend = ceil(end);
/* rounding errors can overflow the buffer */
if (iend > lengthi)
iend = lengthi;
for (k = istart+1; k < iend; k++)
symset[stri[k]] += weighti;
symset[stri[istart]] += weighti*(1+istart - start);
symset[stri[iend-1]] -= weighti*(iend - end);
/* find the elected symbol */
k = symlist[0];
for (i = 1; i < symlistlen; i++) {
if (symset[symlist[i]] > symset[k])
k = symlist[i];
median[j] = k;
return median;
/* used internally in make_usymlistset */
typedef struct _HQItem HQItem;
struct _HQItem {
lev_wchar c;
double s;
HQItem *n;
/* free usmylistset hash
* this is a separate function because we need it in more than one place */
static void
free_usymlistset_hash(HQItem *symmap)
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < 0x100; j++) {
HQItem *p = symmap + j;
if (p->n == symmap || p->n == NULL)
p = p->n;
while (p) {
HQItem *q = p;
p = p->n;
/* compute the sets of symbols each string contains, and the set of symbols
* in any of them (symset). meanwhile, count how many different symbols
* there are (used below for symlist).
* the symset is passed as an argument to avoid its allocation and
* deallocation when it's used in the caller too */
static lev_wchar*
make_usymlistset(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[], size_t *symlistlen,
HQItem *symmap)
lev_wchar *symlist;
size_t i, j;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
j += lengths[i];
*symlistlen = 0;
if (j == 0)
return NULL;
/* this is an ugly memory allocation avoiding hack: most hash elements
* will probably contain none or one symbols only so, when p->n is equal
* to symmap, it means there're no symbols yet, afters insterting the
* first one, p->n becomes normally NULL and then it behaves like an
* usual singly linked list */
for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
symmap[i].n = symmap;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_wchar *stri = strings[i];
for (j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++) {
int c = stri[j];
int key = (c + (c >> 7)) & 0xff;
HQItem *p = symmap + key;
if (p->n == symmap) {
p->c = c;
p->n = NULL;
while (p->c != c && p->n != NULL)
p = p->n;
if (p->c != c) {
p->n = (HQItem*)malloc(sizeof(HQItem));
if (!p->n) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
p = p->n;
p->n = NULL;
p->c = c;
/* create dense symbol table, so we can easily iterate over only characters
* present in the strings */
size_t pos = 0;
symlist = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc((*symlistlen), sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!symlist) {
*symlistlen = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j < 0x100; j++) {
HQItem *p = symmap + j;
while (p != NULL && p->n != symmap) {
symlist[pos++] = p->c;
p = p->n;
return symlist;
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_wchar*
lev_u_quick_median(size_t n,
const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t symlistlen, len, i, j, k;
lev_wchar *symlist;
lev_wchar *median; /* the resulting string */
HQItem *symmap;
double ml, wl;
/* first check whether the result would be an empty string
* and compute resulting string length */
ml = wl = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ml += lengths[i]*weights[i];
wl += weights[i];
if (wl == 0.0)
return (lev_wchar*)calloc(1, sizeof(lev_wchar));
ml = floor(ml/wl + 0.499999);
*medlength = len = ml;
if (!len)
return (lev_wchar*)calloc(1, sizeof(lev_wchar));
median = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc(len, sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!median)
return NULL;
/* find the symbol set;
* now an empty symbol set is really a failure */
symmap = (HQItem*)safe_malloc(0x100, sizeof(HQItem));
if (!symmap) {
return NULL;
symlist = make_usymlistset(n, lengths, strings, &symlistlen, symmap);
if (!symlist) {
return NULL;
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
/* clear the symbol probabilities */
for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
HQItem *p = symmap + i;
if (p->n == symmap)
while (p) {
p->s = 0.0;
p = p->n;
/* let all strings vote */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const lev_wchar *stri = strings[i];
double weighti = weights[i];
size_t lengthi = lengths[i];
double start = lengthi/ml*j;
double end = start + lengthi/ml;
size_t istart = floor(start);
size_t iend = ceil(end);
/* rounding errors can overflow the buffer */
if (iend > lengthi)
iend = lengthi;
/* the inner part, including the complete last character */
for (k = istart+1; k < iend; k++) {
int c = stri[k];
int key = (c + (c >> 7)) & 0xff;
HQItem *p = symmap + key;
while (p->c != c)
p = p->n;
p->s += weighti;
/* the initial fraction */
int c = stri[istart];
int key = (c + (c >> 7)) & 0xff;
HQItem *p = symmap + key;
while (p->c != c)
p = p->n;
p->s += weighti*(1+istart - start);
/* subtract what we counted from the last character but doesn't
* actually belong here.
* this strategy works also when istart+1 == iend (i.e., everything
* happens inside a one character) */
int c = stri[iend-1];
int key = (c + (c >> 7)) & 0xff;
HQItem *p = symmap + key;
while (p->c != c)
p = p->n;
p->s -= weighti*(iend - end);
/* find the elected symbol */
HQItem *max = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
HQItem *p = symmap + i;
if (p->n == symmap)
while (p) {
if (!max || p->s > max->s)
max = p;
p = p->n;
median[j] = max->c;
return median;
/* }}} */
* Set medians
/* {{{ */
* lev_set_median_index:
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* Finds the median string of a string set @strings.
* Returns: An index in @strings pointing to the set median, -1 in case of
* failure.
lev_set_median_index(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights)
size_t minidx = 0;
double mindist = LEV_INFINITY;
size_t i;
long int *distances;
distances = (long int*)safe_malloc((n*(n - 1)/2), sizeof(long int));
if (!distances)
return (size_t)-1;
memset(distances, 0xff, (n*(n - 1)/2)*sizeof(long int)); /* XXX */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
size_t j = 0;
double dist = 0.0;
const lev_byte *stri = strings[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
/* below diagonal */
while (j < i && dist < mindist) {
size_t dindex = (i - 1)*(i - 2)/2 + j;
long int d;
if (distances[dindex] >= 0)
d = distances[dindex];
else {
d = lev_edit_distance(lengths[j], strings[j], leni, stri, 0);
if (d < 0) {
return (size_t)-1;
dist += weights[j]*d;
j++; /* no need to compare item with itself */
/* above diagonal */
while (j < n && dist < mindist) {
size_t dindex = (j - 1)*(j - 2)/2 + i;
distances[dindex] = lev_edit_distance(lengths[j], strings[j],
leni, stri, 0);
if (distances[dindex] < 0) {
return (size_t)-1;
dist += weights[j]*distances[dindex];
if (dist < mindist) {
mindist = dist;
minidx = i;
return minidx;
* lev_u_set_median_index:
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* Finds the median string of a string set @strings.
* Returns: An index in @strings pointing to the set median, -1 in case of
* failure.
lev_u_set_median_index(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[],
const double *weights)
size_t minidx = 0;
double mindist = LEV_INFINITY;
size_t i;
long int *distances;
distances = (long int*)safe_malloc((n*(n - 1)/2), sizeof(long int));
if (!distances)
return (size_t)-1;
memset(distances, 0xff, (n*(n - 1)/2)*sizeof(long int)); /* XXX */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
size_t j = 0;
double dist = 0.0;
const lev_wchar *stri = strings[i];
size_t leni = lengths[i];
/* below diagonal */
while (j < i && dist < mindist) {
size_t dindex = (i - 1)*(i - 2)/2 + j;
long int d;
if (distances[dindex] >= 0)
d = distances[dindex];
else {
d = lev_u_edit_distance(lengths[j], strings[j], leni, stri, 0);
if (d < 0) {
return (size_t)-1;
dist += weights[j]*d;
j++; /* no need to compare item with itself */
/* above diagonal */
while (j < n && dist < mindist) {
size_t dindex = (j - 1)*(j - 2)/2 + i;
distances[dindex] = lev_u_edit_distance(lengths[j], strings[j],
leni, stri, 0);
if (distances[dindex] < 0) {
return (size_t)-1;
dist += weights[j]*distances[dindex];
if (dist < mindist) {
mindist = dist;
minidx = i;
return minidx;
* lev_set_median:
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* @medlength: Where the length of the median string should be stored.
* Finds the median string of a string set @strings.
* Returns: The set median as a newly allocate string, its length is stored
* in @medlength. %NULL in the case of failure.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_byte*
lev_set_median(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_byte *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t minidx = lev_set_median_index(n, lengths, strings, weights);
lev_byte *result;
if (minidx == (size_t)-1)
return NULL;
*medlength = lengths[minidx];
if (!lengths[minidx])
return (lev_byte*)calloc(1, sizeof(lev_byte));
result = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc(lengths[minidx], sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!result)
return NULL;
return memcpy(result, strings[minidx], lengths[minidx]*sizeof(lev_byte));
* lev_u_set_median:
* @n: The size of @lengths, @strings, and @weights.
* @lengths: The lengths of @strings.
* @strings: An array of strings, that may contain NUL characters.
* @weights: The string weights (they behave exactly as multiplicities, though
* any positive value is allowed, not just integers).
* @medlength: Where the length of the median string should be stored.
* Finds the median string of a string set @strings.
* Returns: The set median as a newly allocate string, its length is stored
* in @medlength. %NULL in the case of failure.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_wchar*
lev_u_set_median(size_t n, const size_t *lengths,
const lev_wchar *strings[],
const double *weights,
size_t *medlength)
size_t minidx = lev_u_set_median_index(n, lengths, strings, weights);
lev_wchar *result;
if (minidx == (size_t)-1)
return NULL;
*medlength = lengths[minidx];
if (!lengths[minidx])
return (lev_wchar*)calloc(1, sizeof(lev_wchar));
result = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc(lengths[minidx], sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!result)
return NULL;
return memcpy(result, strings[minidx], lengths[minidx]*sizeof(lev_wchar));
/* }}} */
* Set, sequence distances
/* {{{ */
* lev_edit_seq_distance:
* @n1: The length of @lengths1 and @strings1.
* @lengths1: The lengths of strings in @strings1.
* @strings1: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* @n2: The length of @lengths2 and @strings2.
* @lengths2: The lengths of strings in @strings2.
* @strings2: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* Finds the distance between string sequences @strings1 and @strings2.
* In other words, this is a double-Levenshtein algorithm.
* The cost of string replace operation is based on string similarity: it's
* zero for identical strings and 2 for completely unsimilar strings.
* Returns: The distance of the two sequences.
lev_edit_seq_distance(size_t n1, const size_t *lengths1,
const lev_byte *strings1[],
size_t n2, const size_t *lengths2,
const lev_byte *strings2[])
size_t i;
double *row; /* we only need to keep one row of costs */
double *end;
/* strip common prefix */
while (n1 > 0 && n2 > 0
&& *lengths1 == *lengths2
&& memcmp(*strings1, *strings2,
*lengths1*sizeof(lev_byte)) == 0) {
/* strip common suffix */
while (n1 > 0 && n2 > 0
&& lengths1[n1-1] == lengths2[n2-1]
&& memcmp(strings1[n1-1], strings2[n2-1],
lengths1[n1-1]*sizeof(lev_byte)) == 0) {
/* catch trivial cases */
if (n1 == 0)
return n2;
if (n2 == 0)
return n1;
/* make the inner cycle (i.e. strings2) the longer one */
if (n1 > n2) {
size_t nx = n1;
const size_t *lx = lengths1;
const lev_byte **sx = strings1;
n1 = n2;
n2 = nx;
lengths1 = lengths2;
lengths2 = lx;
strings1 = strings2;
strings2 = sx;
/* initalize first row */
row = (double*)safe_malloc(n2, sizeof(double));
if (!row)
return -1.0;
end = row + n2 - 1;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++)
row[i] = (double)i;
/* go through the matrix and compute the costs. yes, this is an extremely
* obfuscated version, but also extremely memory-conservative and relatively
* fast. */
for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) {
double *p = row + 1;
const lev_byte *str1 = strings1[i - 1];
const size_t len1 = lengths1[i - 1];
const lev_byte **str2p = strings2;
const size_t *len2p = lengths2;
double D = i - 1.0;
double x = i;
while (p <= end) {
size_t l = len1 + *len2p;
double q;
if (l == 0)
q = D;
else {
size_t d = lev_edit_distance(len1, str1, *(len2p++), *(str2p++), 1);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1.0;
q = D + 2.0/l*d;
x += 1.0;
if (x > q)
x = q;
D = *p;
if (x > D + 1.0)
x = D + 1.0;
*(p++) = x;
double q = *end;
return q;
* lev_u_edit_seq_distance:
* @n1: The length of @lengths1 and @strings1.
* @lengths1: The lengths of strings in @strings1.
* @strings1: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* @n2: The length of @lengths2 and @strings2.
* @lengths2: The lengths of strings in @strings2.
* @strings2: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* Finds the distance between string sequences @strings1 and @strings2.
* In other words, this is a double-Levenshtein algorithm.
* The cost of string replace operation is based on string similarity: it's
* zero for identical strings and 2 for completely unsimilar strings.
* Returns: The distance of the two sequences.
lev_u_edit_seq_distance(size_t n1, const size_t *lengths1,
const lev_wchar *strings1[],
size_t n2, const size_t *lengths2,
const lev_wchar *strings2[])
size_t i;
double *row; /* we only need to keep one row of costs */
double *end;
/* strip common prefix */
while (n1 > 0 && n2 > 0
&& *lengths1 == *lengths2
&& memcmp(*strings1, *strings2,
*lengths1*sizeof(lev_wchar)) == 0) {
/* strip common suffix */
while (n1 > 0 && n2 > 0
&& lengths1[n1-1] == lengths2[n2-1]
&& memcmp(strings1[n1-1], strings2[n2-1],
lengths1[n1-1]*sizeof(lev_wchar)) == 0) {
/* catch trivial cases */
if (n1 == 0)
return (double)n2;
if (n2 == 0)
return (double)n1;
/* make the inner cycle (i.e. strings2) the longer one */
if (n1 > n2) {
size_t nx = n1;
const size_t *lx = lengths1;
const lev_wchar **sx = strings1;
n1 = n2;
n2 = nx;
lengths1 = lengths2;
lengths2 = lx;
strings1 = strings2;
strings2 = sx;
/* initalize first row */
row = (double*)safe_malloc(n2, sizeof(double));
if (!row)
return -1.0;
end = row + n2 - 1;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++)
row[i] = (double)i;
/* go through the matrix and compute the costs. yes, this is an extremely
* obfuscated version, but also extremely memory-conservative and relatively
* fast. */
for (i = 1; i < n1; i++) {
double *p = row + 1;
const lev_wchar *str1 = strings1[i - 1];
const size_t len1 = lengths1[i - 1];
const lev_wchar **str2p = strings2;
const size_t *len2p = lengths2;
double D = i - 1.0;
double x = i;
while (p <= end) {
size_t l = len1 + *len2p;
double q;
if (l == 0)
q = D;
else {
size_t d = lev_u_edit_distance(len1, str1, *(len2p++), *(str2p++), 1);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1.0;
q = D + 2.0/l*d;
x += 1.0;
if (x > q)
x = q;
D = *p;
if (x > D + 1.0)
x = D + 1.0;
*(p++) = x;
double q = *end;
return q;
* lev_set_distance:
* @n1: The length of @lengths1 and @strings1.
* @lengths1: The lengths of strings in @strings1.
* @strings1: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* @n2: The length of @lengths2 and @strings2.
* @lengths2: The lengths of strings in @strings2.
* @strings2: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* Finds the distance between string sets @strings1 and @strings2.
* The difference from lev_edit_seq_distance() is that order doesn't matter.
* The optimal association of @strings1 and @strings2 is found first and
* the similarity is computed for that.
* Uses sequential Munkers-Blackman algorithm.
* Returns: The distance of the two sets.
lev_set_distance(size_t n1, const size_t *lengths1,
const lev_byte *strings1[],
size_t n2, const size_t *lengths2,
const lev_byte *strings2[])
double *dists; /* the (modified) distance matrix, indexed [row*n1 + col] */
double *r;
size_t i, j;
size_t *map;
double sum;
/* catch trivial cases */
if (n1 == 0)
return (double)n2;
if (n2 == 0)
return (double)n1;
/* make the number of columns (n1) smaller than the number of rows */
if (n1 > n2) {
size_t nx = n1;
const size_t *lx = lengths1;
const lev_byte **sx = strings1;
n1 = n2;
n2 = nx;
lengths1 = lengths2;
lengths2 = lx;
strings1 = strings2;
strings2 = sx;
/* compute distances from each to each */
r = dists = (double*)safe_malloc_3(n1, n2, sizeof(double));
if (!r)
return -1.0;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
size_t len2 = lengths2[i];
const lev_byte *str2 = strings2[i];
const size_t *len1p = lengths1;
const lev_byte **str1p = strings1;
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
size_t l = len2 + *len1p;
if (l == 0)
*(r++) = 0.0;
else {
size_t d = lev_edit_distance(len2, str2, *(len1p++), *(str1p)++, 1);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1.0;
*(r++) = (double)d/l;
/* find the optimal mapping between the two sets */
map = munkers_blackman(n1, n2, dists);
if (!map)
return -1.0;
/* sum the set distance */
sum = n2 - n1;
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
size_t l;
i = map[j];
l = lengths1[j] + lengths2[i];
if (l > 0) {
size_t d = lev_edit_distance(lengths1[j], strings1[j],
lengths2[i], strings2[i], 1);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1.0;
sum += 2.0*d/l;
return sum;
* lev_u_set_distance:
* @n1: The length of @lengths1 and @strings1.
* @lengths1: The lengths of strings in @strings1.
* @strings1: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* @n2: The length of @lengths2 and @strings2.
* @lengths2: The lengths of strings in @strings2.
* @strings2: An array of strings that may contain NUL characters.
* Finds the distance between string sets @strings1 and @strings2.
* The difference from lev_u_edit_seq_distance() is that order doesn't matter.
* The optimal association of @strings1 and @strings2 is found first and
* the similarity is computed for that.
* Uses sequential Munkers-Blackman algorithm.
* Returns: The distance of the two sets.
lev_u_set_distance(size_t n1, const size_t *lengths1,
const lev_wchar *strings1[],
size_t n2, const size_t *lengths2,
const lev_wchar *strings2[])
double *dists; /* the (modified) distance matrix, indexed [row*n1 + col] */
double *r;
size_t i, j;
size_t *map;
double sum;
/* catch trivial cases */
if (n1 == 0)
return (double)n2;
if (n2 == 0)
return (double)n1;
/* make the number of columns (n1) smaller than the number of rows */
if (n1 > n2) {
size_t nx = n1;
const size_t *lx = lengths1;
const lev_wchar **sx = strings1;
n1 = n2;
n2 = nx;
lengths1 = lengths2;
lengths2 = lx;
strings1 = strings2;
strings2 = sx;
/* compute distances from each to each */
r = dists = (double*)safe_malloc_3(n1, n2, sizeof(double));
if (!r)
return -1.0;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
size_t len2 = lengths2[i];
const lev_wchar *str2 = strings2[i];
const size_t *len1p = lengths1;
const lev_wchar **str1p = strings1;
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
size_t l = len2 + *len1p;
if (l == 0)
*(r++) = 0.0;
else {
size_t d = lev_u_edit_distance(len2, str2, *(len1p++), *(str1p)++, 1);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1.0;
*(r++) = (double)d/l;
/* find the optimal mapping between the two sets */
map = munkers_blackman(n1, n2, dists);
if (!map)
return -1.0;
/* sum the set distance */
sum = n2 - n1;
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
size_t l;
i = map[j];
l = lengths1[j] + lengths2[i];
if (l > 0) {
size_t d = lev_u_edit_distance(lengths1[j], strings1[j],
lengths2[i], strings2[i], 1);
if (d == (size_t)(-1)) {
return -1.0;
sum += 2.0*d/l;
return sum;
* Munkers-Blackman algorithm.
static size_t*
munkers_blackman(size_t n1, size_t n2, double *dists)
size_t i, j;
size_t *covc, *covr; /* 1 if column/row is covered */
/* these contain 1-based indices, so we can use zero as `none'
* zstarr: column of a z* in given row
* zstarc: row of a z* in given column
* zprimer: column of a z' in given row */
size_t *zstarr, *zstarc, *zprimer;
/* allocate memory */
covc = calloc(n1, sizeof(size_t));
if (!covc)
return NULL;
zstarc = calloc(n1, sizeof(size_t));
if (!zstarc) {
return NULL;
covr = calloc(n2, sizeof(size_t));
if (!covr) {
return NULL;
zstarr = calloc(n2, sizeof(size_t));
if (!zstarr) {
return NULL;
zprimer = calloc(n2, sizeof(size_t));
if (!zprimer) {
return NULL;
/* step 0 (subtract minimal distance) and step 1 (find zeroes) */
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
size_t minidx = 0;
double *col = dists + j;
double min = *col;
double *p = col + n1;
for (i = 1; i < n2; i++) {
if (min > *p) {
minidx = i;
min = *p;
p += n1;
/* subtract */
p = col;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
*p -= min;
if (*p < LEV_EPSILON)
*p = 0.0;
p += n1;
/* star the zero, if possible */
if (!zstarc[j] && !zstarr[minidx]) {
zstarc[j] = minidx + 1;
zstarr[minidx] = j + 1;
else {
/* otherwise try to find some other */
p = col;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
if (i != minidx && *p == 0.0
&& !zstarc[j] && !zstarr[i]) {
zstarc[j] = i + 1;
zstarr[i] = j + 1;
p += n1;
/* main */
while (1) {
/* step 2 (cover columns containing z*) */
size_t nc = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
if (zstarc[j]) {
covc[j] = 1;
if (nc == n1)
/* step 3 (find uncovered zeroes) */
while (1) {
/* search uncovered matrix entries */
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
double *p = dists + j;
if (covc[j])
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
if (!covr[i] && *p == 0.0) {
/* when a zero is found, prime it */
zprimer[i] = j + 1;
if (zstarr[i]) {
/* if there's a z* in the same row,
* uncover the column, cover the row and redo */
covr[i] = 1;
covc[zstarr[i] - 1] = 0;
goto step_3;
/* if there's no z*,
* we are at the end of our path an can convert z'
* to z* */
goto step_4;
p += n1;
/* step 5 (new zero manufacturer)
* we can't get here, unless no zero is found at all */
/* find the smallest uncovered entry */
double min = LEV_INFINITY;
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
double *p = dists + j;
if (covc[j])
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
if (!covr[i] && min > *p) {
min = *p;
p += n1;
/* add it to all covered rows */
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
double *p = dists + i*n1;
if (!covr[i])
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++)
*(p++) += min;
/* subtract if from all uncovered columns */
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
double *p = dists + j;
if (covc[j])
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
*p -= min;
if (*p < LEV_EPSILON)
*p = 0.0;
p += n1;
/* step 4 (increment the number of z*)
* i is the row number (we get it from step 3) */
do {
size_t x = i;
j = zprimer[i] - 1; /* move to z' in the same row */
zstarr[i] = j + 1; /* mark it as z* in row buffer */
i = zstarc[j]; /* move to z* in the same column */
zstarc[j] = x; /* mark the z' as being new z* */
} while (i);
memset(zprimer, 0, n2*sizeof(size_t));
memset(covr, 0, n2*sizeof(size_t));
memset(covc, 0, n1*sizeof(size_t));
/*free(zstarc); this is the result */
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++)
return zstarc;
/* }}} */
* Editops and other difflib-like stuff.
/* {{{ */
* lev_editops_check_errors:
* @len1: The length of an eventual @ops source string.
* @len2: The length of an eventual @ops destination string.
* @n: The length of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* Checks whether @ops is consistent and applicable as a partial edit from a
* string of length @len1 to a string of length @len2.
* Returns: Zero if @ops seems OK, a nonzero error code otherwise.
lev_editops_check_errors(size_t len1, size_t len2,
size_t n, const LevEditOp *ops)
const LevEditOp *o;
size_t i;
if (!n)
/* check bounds */
o = ops;
for (i = n; i; i--, o++) {
if (o->type >= LEV_EDIT_LAST)
if (o->spos > len1 || o->dpos > len2)
if (o->spos == len1 && o->type != LEV_EDIT_INSERT)
if (o->dpos == len2 && o->type != LEV_EDIT_DELETE)
/* check ordering */
o = ops + 1;
for (i = n - 1; i; i--, o++, ops++) {
if (o->spos < ops->spos || o->dpos < ops->dpos)
* lev_opcodes_check_errors:
* @len1: The length of an eventual @ops source string.
* @len2: The length of an eventual @ops destination string.
* @nb: The length of @bops.
* @bops: An array of difflib block edit operation codes.
* Checks whether @bops is consistent and applicable as an edit from a
* string of length @len1 to a string of length @len2.
* Returns: Zero if @bops seems OK, a nonzero error code otherwise.
lev_opcodes_check_errors(size_t len1, size_t len2,
size_t nb, const LevOpCode *bops)
const LevOpCode *b;
size_t i;
if (!nb)
return 1;
/* check completenes */
if (bops->sbeg || bops->dbeg
|| bops[nb - 1].send != len1 || bops[nb - 1].dend != len2)
/* check bounds and block consistency */
b = bops;
for (i = nb; i; i--, b++) {
if (b->send > len1 || b->dend > len2)
switch (b->type) {
if (b->dend - b->dbeg != b->send - b->sbeg || b->dend == b->dbeg)
if (b->dend - b->dbeg == 0 || b->send - b->sbeg != 0)
if (b->send - b->sbeg == 0 || b->dend - b->dbeg != 0)
/* check ordering */
b = bops + 1;
for (i = nb - 1; i; i--, b++, bops++) {
if (b->sbeg != bops->send || b->dbeg != bops->dend)
* lev_editops_invert:
* @n: The length of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* Inverts the sense of @ops. It is modified in place.
* In other words, @ops becomes a valid partial edit for the original source
* and destination strings with their roles exchanged.
lev_editops_invert(size_t n, LevEditOp *ops)
size_t i;
for (i = n; i; i--, ops++) {
size_t z;
z = ops->dpos;
ops->dpos = ops->spos;
ops->spos = z;
if (ops->type & 2)
ops->type ^= 1;
* lev_editops_apply:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @n: The size of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* @len: Where the size of the resulting string should be stored.
* Applies a partial edit @ops from @string1 to @string2.
* NB: @ops is not checked for applicability.
* Returns: The result of the partial edit as a newly allocated string, its
* length is stored in @len.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_byte*
lev_editops_apply(size_t len1, const lev_byte *string1,
__attribute__((unused)) size_t len2, const lev_byte *string2,
size_t n, const LevEditOp *ops,
size_t *len)
lev_byte *dst, *dpos; /* destination string */
const lev_byte *spos; /* source string position */
size_t i, j;
/* this looks too complex for such a simple task, but note ops is not
* a complete edit sequence, we have to be able to apply anything anywhere */
dpos = dst = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc((n + len1), sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!dst) {
*len = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
spos = string1;
for (i = n; i; i--, ops++) {
/* XXX: this fine with gcc internal memcpy, but when memcpy is
* actually a function, it may be pretty slow */
j = ops->spos - (spos - string1) + (ops->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP);
if (j) {
memcpy(dpos, spos, j*sizeof(lev_byte));
spos += j;
dpos += j;
switch (ops->type) {
*(dpos++) = string2[ops->dpos];
j = len1 - (spos - string1);
if (j) {
memcpy(dpos, spos, j*sizeof(lev_byte));
spos += j;
dpos += j;
*len = dpos - dst;
/* possible realloc failure is detected with *len != 0 */
return realloc(dst, *len*sizeof(lev_byte));
* lev_u_editops_apply:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @n: The size of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* @len: Where the size of the resulting string should be stored.
* Applies a partial edit @ops from @string1 to @string2.
* NB: @ops is not checked for applicability.
* Returns: The result of the partial edit as a newly allocated string, its
* length is stored in @len.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_wchar*
lev_u_editops_apply(size_t len1, const lev_wchar *string1,
__attribute__((unused)) size_t len2,
const lev_wchar *string2,
size_t n, const LevEditOp *ops,
size_t *len)
lev_wchar *dst, *dpos; /* destination string */
const lev_wchar *spos; /* source string position */
size_t i, j;
/* this looks too complex for such a simple task, but note ops is not
* a complete edit sequence, we have to be able to apply anything anywhere */
dpos = dst = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc((n + len1), sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!dst) {
*len = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
spos = string1;
for (i = n; i; i--, ops++) {
/* XXX: this is fine with gcc internal memcpy, but when memcpy is
* actually a function, it may be pretty slow */
j = ops->spos - (spos - string1) + (ops->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP);
if (j) {
memcpy(dpos, spos, j*sizeof(lev_wchar));
spos += j;
dpos += j;
switch (ops->type) {
*(dpos++) = string2[ops->dpos];
j = len1 - (spos - string1);
if (j) {
memcpy(dpos, spos, j*sizeof(lev_wchar));
spos += j;
dpos += j;
*len = dpos - dst;
/* possible realloc failure is detected with *len != 0 */
return realloc(dst, *len*sizeof(lev_wchar));
* editops_from_cost_matrix:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @o1: The offset where the matrix starts from the start of @string1.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @o2: The offset where the matrix starts from the start of @string2.
* @matrix: The cost matrix.
* @n: Where the number of edit operations should be stored.
* Reconstructs the optimal edit sequence from the cost matrix @matrix.
* The matrix is freed.
* Returns: The optimal edit sequence, as a newly allocated array of
* elementary edit operations, it length is stored in @n.
static LevEditOp*
editops_from_cost_matrix(size_t len1, const lev_byte *string1, size_t off1,
size_t len2, const lev_byte *string2, size_t off2,
size_t *matrix, size_t *n)
size_t *p;
size_t i, j, pos;
LevEditOp *ops;
int dir = 0;
pos = *n = matrix[len1*len2 - 1];
if (!*n) {
return NULL;
ops = (LevEditOp*)safe_malloc((*n), sizeof(LevEditOp));
if (!ops) {
*n = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
i = len1 - 1;
j = len2 - 1;
p = matrix + len1*len2 - 1;
while (i || j) {
/* prefer contiuning in the same direction */
if (dir < 0 && j && *p == *(p - 1) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_INSERT;
ops[pos].spos = i + off1;
ops[pos].dpos = --j + off2;
if (dir > 0 && i && *p == *(p - len2) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_DELETE;
ops[pos].spos = --i + off1;
ops[pos].dpos = j + off2;
p -= len2;
if (i && j && *p == *(p - len2 - 1)
&& string1[i - 1] == string2[j - 1]) {
/* don't be stupid like difflib, don't store LEV_EDIT_KEEP */
p -= len2 + 1;
dir = 0;
if (i && j && *p == *(p - len2 - 1) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_REPLACE;
ops[pos].spos = --i + off1;
ops[pos].dpos = --j + off2;
p -= len2 + 1;
dir = 0;
/* we cant't turn directly from -1 to 1, in this case it would be better
* to go diagonally, but check it (dir == 0) */
if (dir == 0 && j && *p == *(p - 1) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_INSERT;
ops[pos].spos = i + off1;
ops[pos].dpos = --j + off2;
dir = -1;
if (dir == 0 && i && *p == *(p - len2) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_DELETE;
ops[pos].spos = --i + off1;
ops[pos].dpos = j + off2;
p -= len2;
dir = 1;
/* coredump right now, later might be too late ;-) */
assert("lost in the cost matrix" == NULL);
return ops;
* lev_editops_find:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @n: Where the number of edit operations should be stored.
* Find an optimal edit sequence from @string1 to @string2.
* When there's more than one optimal sequence, a one is arbitrarily (though
* deterministically) chosen.
* Returns: The optimal edit sequence, as a newly allocated array of
* elementary edit operations, it length is stored in @n.
* It is normalized, i.e., keep operations are not included.
lev_editops_find(size_t len1, const lev_byte *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_byte *string2,
size_t *n)
size_t len1o, len2o;
size_t i;
size_t *matrix; /* cost matrix */
/* strip common prefix */
len1o = 0;
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && *string1 == *string2) {
len2o = len1o;
/* strip common suffix */
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && string1[len1-1] == string2[len2-1]) {
/* initialize first row and column */
matrix = (size_t*)safe_malloc_3(len1, len2, sizeof(size_t));
if (!matrix) {
*n = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < len2; i++)
matrix[i] = i;
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++)
matrix[len2*i] = i;
/* find the costs and fill the matrix */
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++) {
size_t *prev = matrix + (i - 1)*len2;
size_t *p = matrix + i*len2;
size_t *end = p + len2 - 1;
const lev_byte char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_byte *char2p = string2;
size_t x = i;
while (p <= end) {
size_t c3 = *(prev++) + (char1 != *(char2p++));
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
c3 = *prev + 1;
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
*(p++) = x;
/* find the way back */
return editops_from_cost_matrix(len1, string1, len1o,
len2, string2, len2o,
matrix, n);
* ueditops_from_cost_matrix:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @o1: The offset where the matrix starts from the start of @string1.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @o2: The offset where the matrix starts from the start of @string2.
* @matrix: The cost matrix.
* @n: Where the number of edit operations should be stored.
* Reconstructs the optimal edit sequence from the cost matrix @matrix.
* The matrix is freed.
* Returns: The optimal edit sequence, as a newly allocated array of
* elementary edit operations, it length is stored in @n.
static LevEditOp*
ueditops_from_cost_matrix(size_t len1, const lev_wchar *string1, size_t o1,
size_t len2, const lev_wchar *string2, size_t o2,
size_t *matrix, size_t *n)
size_t *p;
size_t i, j, pos;
LevEditOp *ops;
int dir = 0;
pos = *n = matrix[len1*len2 - 1];
if (!*n) {
return NULL;
ops = (LevEditOp*)safe_malloc((*n), sizeof(LevEditOp));
if (!ops) {
*n = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
i = len1 - 1;
j = len2 - 1;
p = matrix + len1*len2 - 1;
while (i || j) {
/* prefer contiuning in the same direction */
if (dir < 0 && j && *p == *(p - 1) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_INSERT;
ops[pos].spos = i + o1;
ops[pos].dpos = --j + o2;
if (dir > 0 && i && *p == *(p - len2) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_DELETE;
ops[pos].spos = --i + o1;
ops[pos].dpos = j + o2;
p -= len2;
if (i && j && *p == *(p - len2 - 1)
&& string1[i - 1] == string2[j - 1]) {
/* don't be stupid like difflib, don't store LEV_EDIT_KEEP */
p -= len2 + 1;
dir = 0;
if (i && j && *p == *(p - len2 - 1) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_REPLACE;
ops[pos].spos = --i + o1;
ops[pos].dpos = --j + o2;
p -= len2 + 1;
dir = 0;
/* we cant't turn directly from -1 to 1, in this case it would be better
* to go diagonally, but check it (dir == 0) */
if (dir == 0 && j && *p == *(p - 1) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_INSERT;
ops[pos].spos = i + o1;
ops[pos].dpos = --j + o2;
dir = -1;
if (dir == 0 && i && *p == *(p - len2) + 1) {
ops[pos].type = LEV_EDIT_DELETE;
ops[pos].spos = --i + o1;
ops[pos].dpos = j + o2;
p -= len2;
dir = 1;
/* coredump right now, later might be too late ;-) */
assert("lost in the cost matrix" == NULL);
return ops;
* lev_u_editops_find:
* @len1: The length of @string1.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of @string2.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @n: Where the number of edit operations should be stored.
* Find an optimal edit sequence from @string1 to @string2.
* When there's more than one optimal sequence, a one is arbitrarily (though
* deterministically) chosen.
* Returns: The optimal edit sequence, as a newly allocated array of
* elementary edit operations, it length is stored in @n.
* It is normalized, i.e., keep operations are not included.
lev_u_editops_find(size_t len1, const lev_wchar *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_wchar *string2,
size_t *n)
size_t len1o, len2o;
size_t i;
size_t *matrix; /* cost matrix */
/* strip common prefix */
len1o = 0;
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && *string1 == *string2) {
len2o = len1o;
/* strip common suffix */
while (len1 > 0 && len2 > 0 && string1[len1-1] == string2[len2-1]) {
/* initalize first row and column */
matrix = (size_t*)safe_malloc_3(len1, len2, sizeof(size_t));
if (!matrix) {
*n = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < len2; i++)
matrix[i] = i;
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++)
matrix[len2*i] = i;
/* find the costs and fill the matrix */
for (i = 1; i < len1; i++) {
size_t *prev = matrix + (i - 1)*len2;
size_t *p = matrix + i*len2;
size_t *end = p + len2 - 1;
const lev_wchar char1 = string1[i - 1];
const lev_wchar *char2p = string2;
size_t x = i;
while (p <= end) {
size_t c3 = *(prev++) + (char1 != *(char2p++));
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
c3 = *prev + 1;
if (x > c3)
x = c3;
*(p++) = x;
/* find the way back */
return ueditops_from_cost_matrix(len1, string1, len1o,
len2, string2, len2o,
matrix, n);
* lev_opcodes_to_editops:
* @nb: The length of @bops.
* @bops: An array of difflib block edit operation codes.
* @n: Where the number of edit operations should be stored.
* @keepkeep: If nonzero, keep operations will be included. Otherwise the
* result will be normalized, i.e. without any keep operations.
* Converts difflib block operation codes to elementary edit operations.
* Returns: The converted edit operatiosn, as a newly allocated array; its
* size is stored in @n.
lev_opcodes_to_editops(size_t nb, const LevOpCode *bops,
size_t *n, int keepkeep)
size_t i;
const LevOpCode *b;
LevEditOp *ops, *o;
/* compute the number of atomic operations */
*n = 0;
if (!nb)
return NULL;
b = bops;
if (keepkeep) {
for (i = nb; i; i--, b++) {
size_t sd = b->send - b->sbeg;
size_t dd = b->dend - b->dbeg;
*n += (sd > dd ? sd : dd);
else {
for (i = nb; i; i--, b++) {
size_t sd = b->send - b->sbeg;
size_t dd = b->dend - b->dbeg;
*n += (b->type != LEV_EDIT_KEEP ? (sd > dd ? sd : dd) : 0);
/* convert */
o = ops = (LevEditOp*)safe_malloc((*n), sizeof(LevEditOp));
if (!ops) {
*n = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
b = bops;
for (i = nb; i; i--, b++) {
size_t j;
switch (b->type) {
if (keepkeep) {
for (j = 0; j < b->send - b->sbeg; j++, o++) {
o->type = LEV_EDIT_KEEP;
o->spos = b->sbeg + j;
o->dpos = b->dbeg + j;
for (j = 0; j < b->send - b->sbeg; j++, o++) {
o->spos = b->sbeg + j;
o->dpos = b->dbeg + j;
for (j = 0; j < b->send - b->sbeg; j++, o++) {
o->type = LEV_EDIT_DELETE;
o->spos = b->sbeg + j;
o->dpos = b->dbeg;
for (j = 0; j < b->dend - b->dbeg; j++, o++) {
o->type = LEV_EDIT_INSERT;
o->spos = b->sbeg;
o->dpos = b->dbeg + j;
assert((size_t)(o - ops) == *n);
return ops;
* lev_editops_to_opcodes:
* @n: The size of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* @nb: Where the number of difflib block operation codes should be stored.
* @len1: The length of the source string.
* @len2: The length of the destination string.
* Converts elementary edit operations to difflib block operation codes.
* Note the string lengths are necessary since difflib doesn't allow omitting
* keep operations.
* Returns: The converted block operation codes, as a newly allocated array;
* its length is stored in @nb.
lev_editops_to_opcodes(size_t n, const LevEditOp *ops, size_t *nb,
size_t len1, size_t len2)
size_t nbl, i, spos, dpos;
const LevEditOp *o;
LevOpCode *bops, *b;
LevEditType type;
/* compute the number of blocks */
nbl = 0;
o = ops;
spos = dpos = 0;
for (i = n; i; ) {
/* simply pretend there are no keep blocks */
while (o->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP && --i)
if (!i)
if (spos < o->spos || dpos < o->dpos) {
spos = o->spos;
dpos = o->dpos;
type = o->type;
switch (type) {
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
if (spos < len1 || dpos < len2)
/* convert */
b = bops = (LevOpCode*)safe_malloc(nbl, sizeof(LevOpCode));
if (!bops) {
*nb = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
o = ops;
spos = dpos = 0;
for (i = n; i; ) {
/* simply pretend there are no keep blocks */
while (o->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP && --i)
if (!i)
b->sbeg = spos;
b->dbeg = dpos;
if (spos < o->spos || dpos < o->dpos) {
b->type = LEV_EDIT_KEEP;
spos = b->send = o->spos;
dpos = b->dend = o->dpos;
b->sbeg = spos;
b->dbeg = dpos;
type = o->type;
switch (type) {
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
b->type = type;
b->send = spos;
b->dend = dpos;
if (spos < len1 || dpos < len2) {
assert(len1 - spos == len2 - dpos);
b->type = LEV_EDIT_KEEP;
b->sbeg = spos;
b->dbeg = dpos;
b->send = len1;
b->dend = len2;
assert((size_t)(b - bops) == nbl);
*nb = nbl;
return bops;
* lev_opcodes_apply:
* @len1: The length of the source string.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of the destination string.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @nb: The length of @bops.
* @bops: An array of difflib block edit operation codes.
* @len: Where the size of the resulting string should be stored.
* Applies a sequence of difflib block operations to a string.
* NB: @bops is not checked for applicability.
* Returns: The result of the edit as a newly allocated string, its length
* is stored in @len.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_byte*
lev_opcodes_apply(size_t len1, const lev_byte *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_byte *string2,
size_t nb, const LevOpCode *bops,
size_t *len)
lev_byte *dst, *dpos; /* destination string */
const lev_byte *spos; /* source string position */
size_t i;
/* this looks too complex for such a simple task, but note ops is not
* a complete edit sequence, we have to be able to apply anything anywhere */
dpos = dst = (lev_byte*)safe_malloc((len1 + len2), sizeof(lev_byte));
if (!dst) {
*len = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
spos = string1;
for (i = nb; i; i--, bops++) {
switch (bops->type) {
memcpy(dpos, string2 + bops->dbeg,
(bops->dend - bops->dbeg)*sizeof(lev_byte));
memcpy(dpos, string1 + bops->sbeg,
(bops->send - bops->sbeg)*sizeof(lev_byte));
spos += bops->send - bops->sbeg;
dpos += bops->dend - bops->dbeg;
*len = dpos - dst;
/* possible realloc failure is detected with *len != 0 */
return realloc(dst, *len*sizeof(lev_byte));
* lev_u_opcodes_apply:
* @len1: The length of the source string.
* @string1: A string of length @len1, may contain NUL characters.
* @len2: The length of the destination string.
* @string2: A string of length @len2, may contain NUL characters.
* @nb: The length of @bops.
* @bops: An array of difflib block edit operation codes.
* @len: Where the size of the resulting string should be stored.
* Applies a sequence of difflib block operations to a string.
* NB: @bops is not checked for applicability.
* Returns: The result of the edit as a newly allocated string, its length
* is stored in @len.
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_wchar*
lev_u_opcodes_apply(size_t len1, const lev_wchar *string1,
size_t len2, const lev_wchar *string2,
size_t nb, const LevOpCode *bops,
size_t *len)
lev_wchar *dst, *dpos; /* destination string */
const lev_wchar *spos; /* source string position */
size_t i;
/* this looks too complex for such a simple task, but note ops is not
* a complete edit sequence, we have to be able to apply anything anywhere */
dpos = dst = (lev_wchar*)safe_malloc((len1 + len2), sizeof(lev_wchar));
if (!dst) {
*len = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
spos = string1;
for (i = nb; i; i--, bops++) {
switch (bops->type) {
memcpy(dpos, string2 + bops->dbeg,
(bops->dend - bops->dbeg)*sizeof(lev_wchar));
memcpy(dpos, string1 + bops->sbeg,
(bops->send - bops->sbeg)*sizeof(lev_wchar));
spos += bops->send - bops->sbeg;
dpos += bops->dend - bops->dbeg;
*len = dpos - dst;
/* possible realloc failure is detected with *len != 0 */
return realloc(dst, *len*sizeof(lev_wchar));
* lev_opcodes_invert:
* @nb: The length of @ops.
* @bops: An array of difflib block edit operation codes.
* Inverts the sense of @ops. It is modified in place.
* In other words, @ops becomes a partial edit for the original source
* and destination strings with their roles exchanged.
lev_opcodes_invert(size_t nb, LevOpCode *bops)
size_t i;
for (i = nb; i; i--, bops++) {
size_t z;
z = bops->dbeg;
bops->dbeg = bops->sbeg;
bops->sbeg = z;
z = bops->dend;
bops->dend = bops->send;
bops->send = z;
if (bops->type & 2)
bops->type ^= 1;
* lev_editops_matching_blocks:
* @len1: The length of the source string.
* @len2: The length of the destination string.
* @n: The size of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* @nmblocks: Where the number of matching block should be stored.
* Computes the matching block corresponding to an optimal edit @ops.
* Returns: The matching blocks as a newly allocated array, it length is
* stored in @nmblocks.
_LEV_STATIC_PY LevMatchingBlock*
lev_editops_matching_blocks(size_t len1,
size_t len2,
size_t n,
const LevEditOp *ops,
size_t *nmblocks)
size_t nmb, i, spos, dpos;
LevEditType type;
const LevEditOp *o;
LevMatchingBlock *mblocks, *mb;
/* compute the number of matching blocks */
nmb = 0;
o = ops;
spos = dpos = 0;
for (i = n; i; ) {
/* simply pretend there are no keep blocks */
while (o->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP && --i)
if (!i)
if (spos < o->spos || dpos < o->dpos) {
spos = o->spos;
dpos = o->dpos;
type = o->type;
switch (type) {
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
if (spos < len1 || dpos < len2)
/* fill the info */
mb = mblocks = (LevMatchingBlock*)safe_malloc(nmb, sizeof(LevOpCode));
if (!mblocks) {
*nmblocks = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
o = ops;
spos = dpos = 0;
for (i = n; i; ) {
/* simply pretend there are no keep blocks */
while (o->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP && --i)
if (!i)
if (spos < o->spos || dpos < o->dpos) {
mb->spos = spos;
mb->dpos = dpos;
mb->len = o->spos - spos;
spos = o->spos;
dpos = o->dpos;
type = o->type;
switch (type) {
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
do {
} while (i && o->type == type && spos == o->spos && dpos == o->dpos);
if (spos < len1 || dpos < len2) {
assert(len1 - spos == len2 - dpos);
mb->spos = spos;
mb->dpos = dpos;
mb->len = len1 - spos;
assert((size_t)(mb - mblocks) == nmb);
*nmblocks = nmb;
return mblocks;
* lev_opcodes_matching_blocks:
* @len1: The length of the source string.
* @len2: The length of the destination string.
* @nb: The size of @bops.
* @bops: An array of difflib block edit operation codes.
* @nmblocks: Where the number of matching block should be stored.
* Computes the matching block corresponding to an optimal edit @bops.
* Returns: The matching blocks as a newly allocated array, it length is
* stored in @nmblocks.
_LEV_STATIC_PY LevMatchingBlock*
lev_opcodes_matching_blocks(size_t len1,
__attribute__((unused)) size_t len2,
size_t nb,
const LevOpCode *bops,
size_t *nmblocks)
size_t nmb, i;
const LevOpCode *b;
LevMatchingBlock *mblocks, *mb;
/* compute the number of matching blocks */
nmb = 0;
b = bops;
for (i = nb; i; i--, b++) {
if (b->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP) {
/* adjacent KEEP blocks -- we never produce it, but... */
while (i && b->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP) {
if (!i)
/* convert */
mb = mblocks = (LevMatchingBlock*)safe_malloc(nmb, sizeof(LevOpCode));
if (!mblocks) {
*nmblocks = (size_t)(-1);
return NULL;
b = bops;
for (i = nb; i; i--, b++) {
if (b->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP) {
mb->spos = b->sbeg;
mb->dpos = b->dbeg;
/* adjacent KEEP blocks -- we never produce it, but... */
while (i && b->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP) {
if (!i) {
mb->len = len1 - mb->spos;
mb->len = b->sbeg - mb->spos;
assert((size_t)(mb - mblocks) == nmb);
*nmblocks = nmb;
return mblocks;
* lev_editops_total_cost:
* @n: Tne size of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* Computes the total cost of operations in @ops.
* The costs of elementary operations are all 1.
* Returns: The total cost.
lev_editops_total_cost(size_t n,
const LevEditOp *ops)
size_t i, sum = 0;
for (i = n; i; i--, ops++)
sum += !!ops->type;
return sum;
* lev_editops_normalize:
* @n: The size of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* @nnorm: Where to store then length of the normalized array.
* Normalizes a list of edit operations to contain no keep operations.
* Note it returns %NULL for an empty array.
* Returns: A newly allocated array of normalized edit operations, its length
* is stored to @nnorm.
lev_editops_normalize(size_t n,
const LevEditOp *ops,
size_t *nnorm)
size_t nx, i;
const LevEditOp *o;
LevEditOp *opsnorm, *on;
if (!n || !ops) {
*nnorm = 0;
return NULL;
nx = 0;
o = ops;
for (i = n; i; i--, o++)
nx += (o->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP);
*nnorm = n - nx;
if (!*nnorm)
return NULL;
opsnorm = on = (LevEditOp*)safe_malloc((n - nx), sizeof(LevEditOp));
o = ops;
for (i = n; i; i--, o++) {
if (o->type == LEV_EDIT_KEEP)
memcpy(on++, o, sizeof(LevEditOp));
return opsnorm;
* lev_opcodes_total_cost:
* @nb: Tne size of @bops.
* @bops: An array of difflib block operation codes.
* Computes the total cost of operations in @bops.
* The costs of elementary operations are all 1.
* Returns: The total cost.
lev_opcodes_total_cost(size_t nb,
const LevOpCode *bops)
size_t i, sum = 0;
for (i = nb; i; i--, bops++) {
switch (bops->type) {
sum += (bops->send - bops->sbeg);
sum += (bops->dend - bops->dbeg);
return sum;
* lev_editops_subtract:
* @n: The size of @ops.
* @ops: An array of elementary edit operations.
* @ns: The size of @sub.
* @sub: A subsequence (ordered subset) of @ops
* @nrem: Where to store then length of the remainder array.
* Subtracts a subsequence of elementary edit operations from a sequence.
* The remainder is a sequence that, applied to result of application of @sub,
* gives the same final result as application of @ops to original string.
* Returns: A newly allocated array of normalized edit operations, its length
* is stored to @nrem. It is always normalized, i.e, without any
* keep operations. On failure, %NULL is returned.
lev_editops_subtract(size_t n,
const LevEditOp *ops,
size_t ns,
const LevEditOp *sub,
size_t *nrem)
static const int shifts[] = { 0, 0, 1, -1 };
LevEditOp *rem;
size_t i, j, nr, nn;
int shift;
/* compute remainder size */
*nrem = -1;
nr = nn = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (ops[i].type != LEV_EDIT_KEEP)
for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
if (sub[i].type != LEV_EDIT_KEEP)
if (nn > nr)
return NULL;
nr -= nn;
/* subtract */
/* we could simply return NULL when nr == 0, but then it would be possible
* to subtract *any* sequence of the right length to get an empty sequence
* -- clrealy incorrectly; so we have to scan the list to check */
rem = nr ? (LevEditOp*)safe_malloc(nr, sizeof(LevEditOp)) : NULL;
j = nn = shift = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
while ((ops[j].spos != sub[i].spos
|| ops[j].dpos != sub[i].dpos
|| ops[j].type != sub[i].type)
&& j < n) {
if (ops[j].type != LEV_EDIT_KEEP) {
rem[nn] = ops[j];
rem[nn].spos += shift;
if (j == n) {
return NULL;
shift += shifts[sub[i].type];
while (j < n) {
if (ops[j].type != LEV_EDIT_KEEP) {
rem[nn] = ops[j];
rem[nn].spos += shift;
assert(nn == nr);
*nrem = nr;
return rem;
/* }}} */
* Weighted mean strings
_LEV_STATIC_PY lev_byte*
lev_weighted_average(size_t len1,
const lev_byte* string1,
size_t len2,
const lev_byte* string2,
size_t n,
const LevEditOp *ops,
LevAveragingType avtype,
size_t total_cost,
double alpha,
size_t *len)
return NULL;