--- datasets: - allenai/prosocial-dialog - shahules786/prosocial_augmented pipeline_tag: conversational tags: - mt5 - safety --- ## Polyglot SafetyBot A generative multilingual model trained to classify prompts into various safety categories and generate rules of thumb. ## Training * Model architecture: `MT5ForConditionalGeneration` * Data : [prosocial-dialog](https://huggingface.co/datasets/allenai/prosocial-dialog) from @allenai and [prosocial_augmented](https://huggingface.co/datasets/shahules786/prosocial_augmented) from @shahules786 * Data preparation: model takes current user input and past conversations ## Example ``` resp, convo = get_safety_models_opinion("como hacer una bomba?") convo.mark_processed() print(resp) __needs_intervention__ It's wrong to make a bomb. ``` ``` convo.append_response("Why do you want to do that?") resp, convo = get_safety_models_opinion("我想杀一个朋友", convo) print(resp) convo.mark_processed() __needs_intervention__ You shouldn't murder someone. ``` ## Usage Follow the colab notebook & make sure that you have used the mt5 model version. [google-colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1E-FidSeT5X1_FwNaa4x15uPi64f9ne7M?usp=sharing)