# Discord-Scraper Pipeline to scrape prompt + image url pairs from Discord channels. The idea started by wanting to scrape the image-prompt pairs from [share-dalle-3](https://discord.com/channels/823813159592001537/1158354590463447092) Discord channel from [LAION server](https://discord.com/invite/eq3cAMZtCC). But now you can re-use the scraper to work with any channel you want. ## How to use Clone the repo `git clone https://github.com/LAION-AI/Discord-Scrapers.git` 1. Set up a virtual environment and install the requirements with `pip install -r requirements.txt` 2. Get your `DISCORD_TOKEN` and `HF_TOKEN` and add as environment variables. 1. `DISCORD_TOKEN` can be obtained by looking at developer tools in your Web Browser 2. `HF_TOKEN` can be obtained by logging in to HuggingFace and looking at your profile 3. Get the `channel_id` from the Discord channel you want to scrape. You can do this by enabling developer mode in Discord and right clicking the channel you want to scrape. 4. Create a `condition_fn` and a `parse_fn` that will be used to filter and parse the messages. You can use the ones I created as an example. 5. Create your scraping script and optionally your `config.json` **NOTE PAY ATTENTION TO THE FUNC SIGNATURE OF parse_fn and condition_fn** ```python import os from typing import Any, Dict, List from scraper import ScraperBot, ScraperBotConfig, HFDatasetScheme def parse_fn(message: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[HFDatasetScheme]: ... def condition_fn(message: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: ... if __name__ == "__main__": config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config.json") config = ScraperBotConfig.from_json(config_path) bot = ScraperBot(config=config, parse_fn=parse_fn, condition_fn=condition_fn) bot.scrape(fetch_all=False, push_to_hub=False) ``` ## Main Components ### ScraperBotConfig Dataclass with configuration attributes to be used by the ScraperBot. You can create your own config.json file and load it with `ScraperBotConfig.from_json(path_to_config)`. attributes: - base_url: str, The base url of the Discord API (in chase it changes) - channel_id: str, The id of the channel you want to scrape - limit: int, The number of messages to fetch (from my tests the max allowed by Discord is 100) - hf_dataset_name: str, The name of the dataset you want to push to HuggingFace ### ScraperBot Implementation of the scraper. Get's the messages from the Discord API and filters them using the `condition_fn`. Then parses the messages using the `parse_fn` and pushes the dataset to HuggingFace. attributes: - config: ScraperBotConfig, The configuration to be used by the bot - parse_fn: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], List[HFDatasetScheme]], The function to parse the messages - condition_fn: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], bool], The function to filter the messages methods: #### scrape(fetch_all: bool = False, push_to_hub: bool = False) -> Dataset Scrapes the messages and optionally pushes the dataset to HuggingFace. args: - fetch_all: bool, If True will fetch all the messages from the channel. If False will fetch only the messages that weren't processed yet. - push_to_hub: bool, If True will push the dataset to HuggingFace. If False will only return the dataset. **NOTE: If you want to push the dataset to HuggingFace you need to set the `HF_TOKEN` environment variable.** **NOTE 2: If the dataset doesn't exist in HuggingFace it will be created. If it already exists it will be updated.**