import io import os import re import pandas as pd from typing import Any, Dict, List import requests from PIL import Image as PILImage from scraper import ScraperBot, ScraperBotConfig from helpers import starts_with_quotes, get_start_end_quotes from dataclasses import dataclass from datasets import Image @dataclass(frozen=True) class HFDatasetScheme: caption: str image: Image(decode=True) link: str message_id: str timestamp: str url_pattern = re.compile(r'https?://\S+') def parse_fn(message: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[HFDatasetScheme]: """Parses a message into a list of Hugging Face Dataset Schemes. Parameters ---------- message : Dict[str, Any] The message to parse. Returns ------- List[HFDatasetScheme] A list of Hugging Face Dataset Schemes. """ content = message["content"] (first_quote_index, last_quote_index) = get_start_end_quotes(content) # Extract the text between the first and last quotes to get the complete prompt prompt = content[first_quote_index + 1:last_quote_index].strip() image_urls = url_pattern.findall(content) timestamp = message["timestamp"] message_id = message["id"] return [HFDatasetScheme(caption=prompt, image=None, link=image_url, message_id=message_id, timestamp=timestamp) for image_url in image_urls] def condition_fn(message: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """Checks if a message meets the condition to be parsed. Parameters ---------- message : Dict[str, Any] The message to check. Returns ------- bool True if the message meets the condition, False otherwise. """ return["content"]) and starts_with_quotes(message["content"]) def prepare_dataset(messages: List[HFDatasetScheme]) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.DataFrame( { "caption": [msg.caption for msg in messages], "image": [ None for msg in messages ], # Initialize to None, will be filled in later "link": [ for msg in messages ], # will maintain just because we use it to filter "message_id": [msg.message_id for msg in messages], "timestamp": [msg.timestamp for msg in messages], } ) def get_image(link: str) -> bytes: image =, stream=True).raw).convert("RGB") img_byte_arr = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") return {"bytes": img_byte_arr.getvalue(), "path": None} if __name__ == "__main__": config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config.json") config = ScraperBotConfig.from_json(config_path) bot = ScraperBot(config=config, HFDatasetScheme=HFDatasetScheme, prepare_dataset=prepare_dataset, parse_fn=parse_fn, condition_fn=condition_fn, download_fn=get_image) bot.scrape(fetch_all=os.environ.get("FETCH_ALL", "false").lower() == "true")