--- library_name: sklearn tags: - sklearn - skops - tabular-classification model_file: model.pkl widget: structuredData: area_mean: - 407.4 - 1335.0 - 428.0 area_se: - 26.99 - 77.02 - 17.12 area_worst: - 508.9 - 1946.0 - 546.3 compactness_mean: - 0.05991 - 0.1076 - 0.069 compactness_se: - 0.01065 - 0.01895 - 0.01727 compactness_worst: - 0.1049 - 0.3055 - 0.188 concave points_mean: - 0.02069 - 0.08941 - 0.01393 concave points_se: - 0.009175 - 0.01232 - 0.006747 concave points_worst: - 0.06544 - 0.2112 - 0.06913 concavity_mean: - 0.02638 - 0.1527 - 0.02669 concavity_se: - 0.01245 - 0.02681 - 0.02045 concavity_worst: - 0.08105 - 0.4159 - 0.1471 fractal_dimension_mean: - 0.05934 - 0.05478 - 0.06057 fractal_dimension_se: - 0.001461 - 0.001711 - 0.002922 fractal_dimension_worst: - 0.06487 - 0.07055 - 0.07993 perimeter_mean: - 73.28 - 134.8 - 75.51 perimeter_se: - 2.684 - 4.119 - 1.444 perimeter_worst: - 83.12 - 166.8 - 85.22 radius_mean: - 11.5 - 20.64 - 11.84 radius_se: - 0.3927 - 0.6137 - 0.2222 radius_worst: - 12.97 - 25.37 - 13.3 smoothness_mean: - 0.09345 - 0.09446 - 0.08871 smoothness_se: - 0.00638 - 0.006211 - 0.005517 smoothness_worst: - 0.1183 - 0.1562 - 0.128 symmetry_mean: - 0.1834 - 0.1571 - 0.1533 symmetry_se: - 0.02292 - 0.01276 - 0.01616 symmetry_worst: - 0.274 - 0.2689 - 0.2535 texture_mean: - 18.45 - 17.35 - 18.94 texture_se: - 0.8429 - 0.6575 - 0.8652 texture_worst: - 22.46 - 23.17 - 24.99 --- # Model description This is a Logistic Regression trained on breast cancer dataset. ## Intended uses & limitations This model is trained for educational purposes. ## Training Procedure ### Hyperparameters The model is trained with below hyperparameters.
Click to expand | Hyperparameter | Value | |--------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | memory | | | steps | [('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('model', LogisticRegression())] | | verbose | False | | scaler | StandardScaler() | | model | LogisticRegression() | | scaler__copy | True | | scaler__with_mean | True | | scaler__with_std | True | | model__C | 1.0 | | model__class_weight | | | model__dual | False | | model__fit_intercept | True | | model__intercept_scaling | 1 | | model__l1_ratio | | | model__max_iter | 100 | | model__multi_class | auto | | model__n_jobs | | | model__penalty | l2 | | model__random_state | | | model__solver | lbfgs | | model__tol | 0.0001 | | model__verbose | 0 | | model__warm_start | False |
### Model Plot The model plot is below.
Pipeline(steps=[('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('model', LogisticRegression())])
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## Evaluation Results You can find the details about evaluation process and the evaluation results. | Metric | Value | |----------|----------| | accuracy | 0.965035 | | f1 score | 0.965035 | # How to Get Started with the Model Use the code below to get started with the model. ```python import joblib import json import pandas as pd clf = joblib.load(model.pkl) with open("config.json") as f: config = json.load(f) clf.predict(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(config["sklearn"]["example_input"])) ``` # Additional Content ## Confusion Matrix ![Confusion Matrix](confusion_matrix.png)