1956967341,"empty","xoshayzers","@tiffanylue i know  i was listenin to bad habit earlier and i started freakin at his part =["
1956967666,"sadness","wannamama","Layin n bed with a headache  ughhhh...waitin on your call..."
1956967696,"sadness","coolfunky","Funeral ceremony...gloomy friday..."
1956967789,"enthusiasm","czareaquino","wants to hang out with friends SOON!"
1956968416,"neutral","xkilljoyx","@dannycastillo We want to trade with someone who has Houston tickets, but no one will."
1956968477,"worry","xxxPEACHESxxx","Re-pinging @ghostridah14: why didn't you go to prom? BC my bf didn't like my friends"
1956968487,"sadness","ShansBee","I should be sleep, but im not! thinking about an old friend who I want. but he's married now. damn, & he wants me 2! scandalous!"
1956968636,"worry","mcsleazy","Hmmm. http://www.djhero.com/ is down"
1956969035,"sadness","nic0lepaula","@charviray Charlene my love. I miss you"
1956969172,"sadness","Ingenue_Em","@kelcouch I'm sorry  at least it's Friday?"
1956969456,"neutral","feinyheiny","cant fall asleep"
1956969531,"worry","dudeitsmanda","Choked on her retainers"
1956970047,"sadness","Danied32","Ugh! I have to beat this stupid song to get to the next  rude!"
1956970424,"sadness","Samm_xo","@BrodyJenner if u watch the hills in london u will realise what tourture it is because were weeks and weeks late  i just watch itonlinelol"
1956970860,"surprise","okiepeanut93","Got the news"
1956971077,"sadness","Sim_34","The storm is here and the electricity is gone"
1956971170,"love","poppygallico","@annarosekerr agreed"
1956971206,"sadness","brokenangel1982","So sleepy again and it's not even that late. I fail once again."
1956971473,"worry","LCJ82","@PerezHilton lady gaga tweeted about not being impressed by her video leaking just so you know"
1956971586,"sadness","cleepow","How are YOU convinced that I have always wanted you? What signals did I give off...damn I think I just lost another friend"
1956971981,"worry","andreagauster","@raaaaaaek oh too bad! I hope it gets better. I've been having sleep issues lately too"
1956972097,"fun","schiz0phren1c","Wondering why I'm awake at 7am,writing a new song,plotting my evil secret plots muahahaha...oh damn it,not secret anymore"
1956972116,"neutral","jansc","No Topic Maps talks at the Balisage Markup Conference 2009   Program online at http://tr.im/mL6Z (via @bobdc) #topicmaps"
1956972270,"worry","sweet8181","I ate Something I don't know what it is... Why do I keep Telling things about food"
1956972359,"sadness","xamountoftruth","so tired and i think i'm definitely going to get an ear infection.  going to bed "early" for once."
1956972444,"worry","jomama6881","On my way home n having 2 deal w underage girls drinking gin on da bus while talking bout keggers......damn i feel old"
1956972557,"sadness","LilithGaea","@IsaacMascote  i'm sorry people are so rude to you, isaac, they should get some manners and know better than to be so lewd!"
1956972884,"worry","oONEPTUNEOo","Damm servers still down  i need to hit 80 before all the koxpers pass me"
1956973598,"sadness","username_origin","Fudge.... Just BS'd that whole paper.... So tired.... Ugh I hate school.....  time to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!"
1956973690,"worry","catchtheapple","I HATE CANCER. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT."
1956974706,"hate","MavrickAces","It is so annoying when she starts typing on her computer in the middle of the night!"
1956975441,"neutral","LovableKeKe","@cynthia_123 i cant sleep"
1956975860,"neutral","analalalah","I missed the bl***y bus!!!!!!!!"
1956975876,"neutral","jubaldo","feels strong contractions but wants to go out.  http://plurk.com/p/wxidk"
1956975927,"neutral","mikhaelaela","SoCal!  stoked. or maybe not.. tomorrow"
1956976187,"neutral","ivoflipse5","Screw you @davidbrussee! I only have 3 weeks..."
1956976312,"sadness","amy__xx","@ether_radio yeah :S i feel all funny cause i haven't slept enough  i woke my mum up cause i was singing she's not impressed :S you?"
1956976371,"worry","babyxj","I need skott right now"
1956976557,"neutral","JanBenn","has work this afternoon"
1956976681,"neutral","HarryHarley","@GABBYiSACTiVE Aw you would not unfollow me would you? Then I would cry"
1956977084,"happiness","ktierson","mmm much better day... so far! it's still quite early. last day of #uds"
1956977187,"fun","diNGUYEN31","@DavidArchie <3 your gonna be the first  twitter ;) cause your amazing lol. come to canada  would do anything to see you perform"
1956977618,"worry","MDD113","just picked up her Blackberry from the middle of the street! Both she and it are crushed!"
1956977624,"worry","alexsnaps","Why do I have the feeling I should be packing and hitting for SFO around this time of the year? I think I'm missing something..."
1956978276,"empty","Aggie9","@creyes middle school and elem. High schools will remain open for those who need credits to graduate. Cali is broken"
1956978410,"worry","TannerMade","Bed!!!!!... its time,..... hope i go to school tomorrow, all though i don't feel very well right now"
1956978668,"worry","bryancheung","@onscrn Ahh.  ... Well, I was hoping that I could learn some stuff on the way. ... Why not you and I work on separate things but also"
1956979150,"sadness","rionne","I'm having a problem with my photo here in twitter amf!!!...can't see my face!"
1956979437,"neutral","shenamygans","@jakeboyd, oh noooo!  if i blow a tire you're reaaaally going to have to send up some batman smoke."
1956979756,"neutral","ryarellano","wnna take a bath!!!!"
1956979894,"neutral","lookitsholly","Chocolate milk is so much better through a straw. I lack said straw"
1956979900,"worry","a_schmel","why am i so tired?"
1956979917,"empty","Dreness023","@djmicdamn hey yu lil fucker i textd yu"
1956980788,"neutral","nathaliep","@Mennard time diff and i've just been wrapped up in day to day stuff so i havent been tweeting. talk soon,must sleep...up in 6hrs"
1956980883,"neutral","hollywoods500","@benballer  no way! damn that sucks B!  are you ok?"
1956980972,"worry","syl3nt","sucks not being able to take days off of work or have the money to take the trip  so sad"
1956981427,"enthusiasm","Caillie","bed...sorta. today was good, sara has strep thought Angelina does to; i shared a water with her B4 they told me, i will prob get it to"
1956981850,"neutral","robuttley","@ramtops the recession. her hotel are restructuring how the accounts are done. adds a bit more pressure in the short term but we'll cope"
1956982075,"neutral","minamic","@lostluna But I got dibs on Sulu..."
1956982383,"sadness","Ameeee","@maternitytees Aww  Onward and upwards now, yay! Still sad to leave I bet."
1956982449,"worry","DawnofOURnight","@itsgabbith at once haha.  poor aby still gets sore!"
1956982576,"sadness","kShadhavar","diesel yaris... 70mpg  so sad its not available in the US. That'd be awesome."
1956982605,"sadness","Diyeni","I want to buy this great album but unfortunately i dont hav enuff funds  its "long time noisy""
1956983160,"sadness","crittyjoy","@Pokinatcha  in all honesty...pain   blech."
1956983171,"sadness","paulyum","Ok ... the passengers ... no one is alive ... they're all dead ... you just don't know it til the end ... then you cry ..."
1956983467,"neutral","njc87","At home alone with not much to do"
1956983509,"worry","heyitsmisti","@DavidCookLove ia so much! i haven't really been happy with any of cooks choices for singles."
1956983690,"sadness","Trishalove","@vincew @stefanyngo  i fell asleep on the beach and didn't put on enough sunscreen  lol"
1956983851,"worry","sweetkisses277","So i think my son might have the flu cause I def. just cleaned up a stanky puke mess  Poor pumkpin"
1956983874,"happiness","joia","So great to see Oin & Cynthia.  So happy.  Dinner was great, cute little place.  Too bad Oin got sick afterwards."
1956983931,"neutral","MunkyMunch","I cant give @jertronic any bday nudges."
1956984185,"worry","HarryLyme","...and all woman who transfer their first impressions (sexual/maternal) onto a less 'threatening' man -- are themselves as weak as 'Him'"
1956984205,"neutral","chicabajoelsol","Brothers Bloom won't be opening this weekend in El Paso.  I'll just buy Brick and enjoy that until I can watch Brothers Bloom."
1956984559,"neutral","Marielii","says I miss plurking.  http://plurk.com/p/wxion"
1956984864,"worry","Amantou","Bitten to blood by my cat, on my way for a rabies bacterin. Seems 7 shots for 2 months. Never wash my cats at home again, they hate water"
1956984894,"neutral","Chai_Bo","I miss Voobys!"
1956985129,"neutral","Cookphotos","@Dancing_Monk Neither are ELP!!"
1956985535,"happiness","quarrygirl","@havingmysay  dude, that is my favorite sandwich place ever. ummm did you take PICTURES?"
1956985612,"worry","juliehuang","is sad that shin ae got married...and it wasn't to alex"
1956985758,"worry","jazz_angela","@shondarhimes Sure you will tweet about this when you're back, but news is abuzz about TR Knight's leaving "confirmed" today.  Muy triste."
1956985764,"sadness","Samm_xo","@RachelLock22 ohh thursday i have exams.. all day  what about wednesday ?"
1956985973,"neutral","ssabz","there was a mix up with my dentist appt this afternoon. so they rescheduled me for tomorrow @ 9am."
1956986211,"sadness","metaphysical1","@gcrush @nopantsdance i was just thinking about how excited i am for you guys to move, but then i realized how sad i am to see you go."
1956986359,"worry","bittenbyte","goooood mooorning people... sun is out.. definitly spring now, we had our first spring hail storm, my car has dimples now.."
1956986767,"sadness","AshLaws","@artfuldodga I love those 'it'sakey' USB sticks. We only have the 4GB in Australia"
1956987381,"worry","supkeke","fresh prince and sleepy sleeps my nightly routine  gotta go to Dmv early tmrw"
1956987600,"hate","naterkane","dammit! hulu desktop has totally screwed up my ability to talk to a particular port on one of our dev servers. so i can't watch and code"
1956987828,"worry","palomalopes24","@emmarler i am jealous of your mom talking to @taylorswift13. i want to see you all our twittering is making me miss you"
1956987904,"worry","creativevixen86","I can't sleep...I keep thinking about the puppy I played with today"
1956987950,"worry","smiles4dayyz",".. I'm suppposed to be sleep. But i got some much to do. & i got that one part of the song stuck in my head "your a jerk (iknow)"  blaahh"
1956988145,"neutral","padfootly","@lepetitagneau what's going on sweetheart?"
1956988218,"neutral","callatya","How can it be so freaking difficult to get a system-wide spellchecker? Shit, I'd settle for an office suite one. Stupid unhelpful Windows"
1956988223,"worry","kabilan","Last one month due to summer, strawberry is not availble in the Chennai markets!"
1956988477,"neutral","enlightenthem","@willxxmobb work at 6am. Gotta go to bed soon"
1956989093,"love","Angela_Grace","@RobertF3 correct! I ADORE him. I just plucked him up and put him under my arm cuz he was cryin.  All better now! Hahaha"
1956989514,"sadness","yellowduckx","@sweeetnspicy hiii im on my ipod...i cant fall asleep"
1956989526,"sadness","KaKuBby","dont wanna work 11-830 tomorrow  but i get paid"
1956989560,"sadness","benchidol","feels sad coz i wasnt able to play with the guys!!!  http://plurk.com/p/wxiux"
1956989601,"hate","M0anique","@ cayogial i wanted to come to BZ this summer :/ not so sure anymore... a teacher's life in the summer SUCKS"
1956989914,"worry","Fowl2","First ever dropped call on my mobile. On a call to @Telstra no less! ( being charged for data even though I have a data pack  )"
1956990288,"hate","MissPassion","@mrgenius23 You win ... SIGH Rakeem"
1956990413,"neutral","Wendywitwoo","Oh is that time for real?"
1956990568,"sadness","sarah_walter","Darn these allergies! I don't like this time of year because of this! I never used to have this problem either"
1956990729,"worry","marpizza","Oh no one minute too late! Oh well"
1956991009,"hate","rdyfrde","@soviet_star Damn, that sucks"
1956991673,"sadness","M0anique","@cayogial i wanted to come to BZ this summer :/ not so sure anymore... a teacher's life in the summer SUCKS"
1956991704,"hate","Tweetyangie","@mileycyrus THIS WEBSITE GAVE ME A VIRUS! When i opened it more windows kept POPPING up"
1956991723,"worry","briwyatt","ahh! big scary bug flying around my room!!!!!"
1956992030,"sadness","mafiaman8108","I wish she knew what she puts me through..She stole my heart, never gave it back..and occasionally she likes to be like look what I have!"
1956992144,"worry","Margotkay","is up with a nasty cough i cant be sick i have a huge weekend ahead of me"
1956992349,"neutral","jarekpastor","@justamedicine  That was stone cold   Crazy....  ?"
1956993007,"boredom","villa_ld","i'm so tired"
1956993080,"neutral","cheiyinkeithsui","shift time  bbye biochem waaaaahhhhhh!! http://plurk.com/p/wxizo"
1956993206,"neutral","dashdragan","@melbournegirl I'm sure some1 will cum out and play. I'm workin through til midnight."
1956994067,"neutral","lockerhaxor","@thecreativeone I second that. I wish it rained more where I am"
1956995196,"sadness","jnvelasquez912","@neesabear early happy day of birth in case I don't make it! Very tired from therapy today n just taking my medicine!  misshu! Love ya!"
1956995505,"neutral","twakatovsrocks","damn it were is Eric or anyone else when you need your hair to be played with"
1956995679,"neutral","jmil1733","I'm feel deflated. Ugh. No more dog."
1956995762,"sadness","foxtail84","Allergies suck ducks nuts.     <=====8@8=====>"
1956995852,"neutral","ErikaAlexxis","Well it almost was a good day... Guess I just retry tomorrow"
1956996081,"hate","snursalim","@IamYeTe Waraku is tasteless and expensive! Portion is so little!!!!!  re: waraku"
1956996385,"love","votech","@freepbx sounds good. Appreciate the suggestion. Been a week now and we're still offline  Time to ask for a refund..."
1956996470,"worry","ohmygoshnina","@poinktoinkdoink He died.  Wait, what about Magic Jack? I just read it."
1956996673,"hate","Merekdavis","@britblackbird  youstinkatrespondingtotexts!"
1956996730,"sadness","Rowch","wonders why her Karma points turned into 0.00.  http://plurk.com/p/wxj54"
1956996765,"happiness","rarmendariz","Need to pack for CALI CALI! Cannot waittt! Thinking a glass of wine is in order to celebrate my weekend vaca. Still work 2morrow, tho."
1956996776,"sadness","KitaCupcake","Is miserable  i feel like im gona cry  sux!"
1956997143,"neutral","louiethecat","@megturney well I ran out of beer so I left. Not sure about the ETA. Waiting waiting waiting. Bleh  Gonna be a long nite methinks."
1956997352,"worry","1azylizzie","$#@! My nose stud fell out and I can't find it  Looks like I'll have to head into Amsterdam today and get a new one"
1956997619,"neutral","kudosbeauty","claire @breakfastnt love the show, got into the office @ 5am and no radio"
1956998370,"love","rockinchick11","Pats in philly at 2 am. I love it. Mmm cheesesteak.  Miss my boyfriend   but I love vacation."
1956998532,"sadness","katienaas","*sigh* I'm going to bed... I just don't feel right anymore..."
1956998538,"neutral","jeannicole","What? I focused on Tom so much I didn't see my beloved Barack! Oh no! I must vote for both! Poor president only has 626 votes."
1956998698,"neutral","FoOie","@jwillock EpiCentre Wheelock Place - tourists only.."
1956998704,"sadness","sillynic","Now I am depressed after watching so you think you can dance"
1957000040,"sadness","minauderie","Just cross 'cause I'm stuck twiddling my thumbs now, ugh"
1957000077,"neutral","danzjoe","miss 16'th"
1957000152,"neutral","RoxieDax","@TheHarvardian I know. But like I said, I have no idea how long it takes for them to investigate this stuff."
1957000290,"worry","Ohtybaby","I cant sleep, but im too sore to move"
1957000314,"neutral","Phenikone","@LaFloozita http://twitpic.com/4phze - Awe! I miss my baby"
1957000336,"empty","Gen22","@softtouchme just answered you- never learned how to write in French- just basic stuff-"
1957000372,"neutral","cv70","what is it with chocolates? i just can never say no"
1957000788,"worry","zpavic","Achieving a new appreciation on how a xml build script can really be painful and cumbersome"
1957001049,"neutral","amy__xx","@ether_radio i'm too awake now  ill have a nap this afternoon"
1957001370,"worry","katlovesjoelk","@omfgiselle i cant do anything"
1957001496,"neutral","miss_sammi","still needs another 6 hours of sleep"
1957001506,"relief","benmfowler","I'm at work"
1957001854,"fun","Samiijoo","RIP leonardo. You were a great mini fiddler crab"
1957001967,"neutral","mozwold","Morning tweeple,way to early again"
1957002082,"sadness","V0NST3V3","Last day working for the Uni today, sad times"
1957002773,"love","UncoolRockstar","@NisforNeemah thanks neemah. I'm gonna be soooo close to you and izzy, yet so far"
1957002923,"worry","indpndentgirly","My head hurts so bad I could scream!"
1957003048,"worry","rianne_kelsey","i just go up and IM SO TIRED and my airmatras is broken somewhere and now im in even more pain"
1957003356,"worry","nettlej","New work wellness challenge not going well.  I committed to not check email between 10 pm and 6 am.  Failed on first day.  Twice"
1957003440,"worry","autotips","New blog post: [Blog] auto insuran...: I just found that my auto insurance policy had been expired. ( I am too careless  ...) .. Meanw ..."
1957003715,"neutral","BlaqueBeautyy","where are all ma bestfriends at ? , MIA or wat ?"
1957004184,"worry","rionne","oh men!!!!!!......I really can't see my face........c'mon guys!!!"
1957004519,"worry","asteinke","I'm showing my age. Renewed my tags last week, went down $20. Got my insurance renewal email today, went down $100. I don't wanna be old"
1957004606,"worry","riannasc","my sole supporter is not my sole supporter"
1957004749,"hate","golden_one","don't you hate it when you finish all your work and there's still 1.25 hours left of work time"
1957005165,"worry","RebeccaBrunner","@Emilyyy16 urgh stop it guys"
1957005226,"sadness","GiselleLee","is still missing her husband.    I really want him home."
1957005279,"sadness","PYTDavis","I miss my puppy"
1957005410,"surprise","HIM357","2 days of this month left, and I only have 400MB left on my onpeak downloads."
1957005696,"fun","nickhalme","@IdleThumbs Up is out?  I didn't get the memo   It looks amazing."
1957005713,"sadness","smilyross","@nzdeany I've given up on pizza - kids would never let me have my fav  (the hot ones)"
1957005817,"worry","JBabyLove","Up reading tabloids about other people's lives...thinking what I'm gonna do with mine when my baby leaves?"
1957006033,"sadness","klybob","@BarbSchaefer yearling in pet home died... very sad for their whole family"
1957006074,"neutral","rnbprincess79","fun in the sun hmmm hell no it's cold"
1957006098,"worry","puelladei","I got a giant splinter stuck up underneath my finger nail today at Muppets...it hurt.  But I got to go to First Aid for the first time!"
1957006245,"sadness","bella_facia","@heresmyhello92 We hate change, so of course. We're fans for life. <3 Oh and if we haven't met Rob by then something went horribly wrong."
1957006307,"worry","ninz_0214","is feeling sad... for some reason..  http://plurk.com/p/wxji3"
1957006547,"sadness","spookychan","well fuck- this new pain med has an odd warning that actually applies to me. i can't take this. -chan is displeased."
1957006674,"sadness","nel5on","just uploaded my new blog... a painful story about an 80s year old man who cried because he wanted to die... very sad"
1957006725,"neutral","andrewjennings","@juneyee i don't think so.  I WANT DETAILS."
1957006830,"neutral","AddITame","@jackgraycnn Hi...!!! Who is Mary Poppins???"
1957006947,"worry","miiiiiiike","@jaychuck Its so addicting, but its kind of a curse to do them at night time. Everytime i do one, i feel like making music afterwards"
1957007167,"neutral","Dillontate","my last tweet didn't send  bad phone"
1957007268,"fun","EmaMolly","@relly1  OMG Ur alive!!! LOL  2day has gone sooo slow  I'm going insane Grrr You doing anything tonight?"
1957007357,"empty","_SNO_","Have a headache  I'm going to bed. Goodnight!"
1957007394,"neutral","jarekpastor","@taxidermi  I was watching Parental Control"
1957007437,"fun","grrimadinox","@JessiJaeJoplin did you get them from california vintage? ahahah they have the BEST dresses, i want them but i dont have ebay"
1957007633,"sadness","IAmYourDensity","I just saw pics from this past Thanksgiving and am sad because Grandma was in them."
1957007981,"worry","MunkyMunch","@jertronic it wont let me"
1957008075,"sadness","Inamint","Took a shift tomorrow.    I don't really feel like working right now."
1957008193,"sadness","kimchiipanda","but now i have no money for a phone"
1957008287,"worry","KarlOnSea","Spent last night in A&E (ER). Wife tangled wheels with Daughter & hit the deck. Dislocation & fracture resulted."
1957008292,"worry","RoseMarionTyler","@TheLastDoctor 9 days  I'm about ready to visit Torchwood and see if they've heard anything"
1957008434,"surprise","Just_Cath","@Bern_morley where are you? In Bris? I can't hear any thunder"
1957008478,"surprise","bekahjayne","bec vs fat food   --- winner = fat food  but not this weeknend, ill beat it!"
1957008498,"sadness","CathyDohling","Too bad the Red Devils.. disappointing to say the least"
1957008766,"surprise","shutitoff","I had a dream about a pretty pretty beach and there was no beach when I woke up"
1957008802,"sadness","pfak","@xdjio Have a 3ware 9650SE, not fast enough for 3x X25-M SSD RAID5. 800Mhz IOP on the HPT. Might try an Adaptec 5405 (1.2Ghz)."
1957008987,"surprise","lilTanker","when da heck will the garage man get here I ask you.. WHEN.."
1957009454,"worry","woahitsJana","Ate Mandy, please forgive me. I really am sorry. I don't wanna lose my Bff"
1957009666,"hate","wendyisastar","@melluffsyew Umm yeah. That's probably a pretty good note to self because eeeeeewwwwwwww."
1957010072,"worry","tiffalo","why are plane tickets so expensive"
1957010329,"fun","NoteRobot","(@wendyisastar) @melluffsyew Umm yeah. That's probably a pretty good note to self because eeeeeewwwwwwww."
1957010415,"worry","trina3mg","Needs a job BADLY!!!"
1957011291,"sadness","ABCeCe","@AlexanderGWhite daaammmnnnnn I do wish I was there."
1957011738,"worry","ignoredt","Went to Di Bella coffee roasters today and asked for a job...   The person I needed to speak to is on holiday...  #fb"
1957012476,"sadness","nickhalme","@yuki_hime I played up until the latter parts of the voodoo village part co-op until I lost my usual partner"
1957012535,"empty","SexyBeach","@DymeDiva23 Nite. Now I'm up n bored as opposed to almost sleep frm b 4"
1957012769,"sadness","ditzyfrenchfrys","is a bad friend"
1957013149,"neutral","cheeseyy","@rlcpbiatch happy birthdayyy! hope you have an awesome day. didn't see you at next last night!"
1957013166,"hate","jupzchris","@SparkDawgMusic im doing that shit right now ... im on vacation and you got me workin"
1957013488,"neutral","LetitiaIvy","@aiderushton ill be over in an oir"
1957013697,"neutral","Labellajuicy","@only1kcj guess its a no go girlie. I'm still at the gym and work at 6:30am"
1957013723,"hate","babygurl0791","would wish the severe migrains would stop!!! doc's prescriptions arent working"
1957013804,"love","jammmaster1021","@bobbyedner i missed the game"
1957013885,"sadness","debraladiva","@moggy99 No internet last night; ER was brill, there was a massive explosion at the end of a nearby gas works ER on standby"
1957013895,"hate","kkjordan","@tiffalo cuz airlines are super lame."
1957013896,"sadness","sigitt","@lenje - Still a pity it comes with no lamb though"
1957014267,"sadness","Karoli","@bloomsday16  I'm sorry to hear that. Here is my optimist: Things will get better. For all of us."
1957014389,"relief","misscinders","is done painting all the bedroom furniture, I still have to do the table but it will wait until after the move. Uggh moving in the heat"
1957014493,"hate","Taynted_lyfe","I'm so very tired...and have insomnia."
1957014517,"neutral","dalastmil62","@juiceegapeach A hungry fool. Ill probably never see that Krispy Kreme again. Had to enjoy it. They closing down"
1957014653,"neutral","sloanquigley","@yelgiuQnayR airport? and you didnt show up tonight homo!"
1957014706,"hate","butteredninja","I hate Bakersfield and I hate the Ports, let me go home already.  I want to start my vacation."
1957015287,"neutral","skk123","@MrRathbone what about me"
1957015475,"neutral","WgtnCoffeeCup","Looking for desktop twitter app that will actually let you access URLs, any suggestions? I liked Twittle but no linking"
1957015719,"worry","dancingwithself","people in my house do not know how to close doors"
1957016086,"surprise","chrisshennan","Why am I completing facebook quizzes at this time of the morning... especially a friday morning"
1957016169,"neutral","thatonebroad","out with @lizzziemonster & @jamiejamess i am soooo hungry"
1957016339,"worry","R_nB","@munchkinhugs I don't like the possibility of the left side of my brain hurting because of the thing called a VP shunt and possible death"
1957016697,"sadness","fritoleva","Had to cancel wow for now"
1957016818,"worry","PnkRckGirl97","wants to make a music profile but i don't have money i don't know how to write music i don't know how to play an instrument and no studio"
1957017164,"sadness","RoxieDax","@fairyfroggie But yeah...I'm sad about my "Ravenclaw" account. I love that account to bits."
1957017177,"worry","KCSuzy","It's 1:15 AM, and I hear a helicopter flying over my house. That's kind of weird. In other news, my headache is back. BOOOOO."
1957017320,"worry","xSpotlighted","@__sugar oh no  i am always here ;) <3"
1957017333,"neutral","serinurshira","back from school. Ms Suhana's last day as our FT  OCU was okay. I'm playing ALTNOY over and over again."
1957017486,"neutral","skypen","@ poll : was trying to get it to work in a powerpoint to no avail."
1957017522,"happiness","Davislb921","took a math test today. The day before the test, the teacher says bring your calculator. Luke was confident. Teacher decided no calcs."
1957017595,"happiness","c10gg3rgirl","omg, the concert was awesome, madrigals gave me chills on almost every piece...brooks also called up alumni, but i didnt get to go"
1957017610,"neutral","thetoughsams","@livestrongnj yeah, it's terrible  cockatoos are the hardest to live with, so emotional. good thing he found you, though!!"
1957018061,"sadness","lsvdmbfan","Up late with nothin 2 do....."
1957018162,"worry","leilanire","i think the vog is making me sicker than i think. feeling slightly achy"
1957018678,"empty","oohZOE","@TheTombert i was watching Harpers Island, lol... there was no vodka involved"
1957019034,"worry","monkeylover96","i am doing homework it sux big time maths is the worst!!!!!!"
1957019121,"neutral","portablegamer","@Nymo would have been better, IMO, if it let you play through all 3 songs provided. I just start to "get it" and it blacks out."
1957019458,"neutral","RefinedCaliber","#3wordsaftersex it never started..."
1957019556,"sadness","JMarmo13","sometimes i wish things could go back to the way they were the beginning of last summer"
1957019715,"worry","Mrs_Jackman","I downloaded the new twitterfon update thinking they were fixing the typing problem for new tweets, but no, they didn't"
1957019766,"empty","retroglo","@tarng Trudy's off Burnet...the one up north that no one goes to"
1957020180,"sadness","ChickenNuggets","@kateisbored I feel the same way, but I guess no matter where you are there will always be memes."
1957020385,"happiness","itspaigepenales","I Can`t do 30 minutes of Treadmill  but done 30 minutes for today already, gonna do 20 minutes more"
1957020390,"worry","Karmenyl","i'm sooooooooooooo confused"
1957020593,"neutral","anbudan_BALA","With friends like VaikO,Nedumaran, LTTE didn't need enemies. Wrong advice at wrong time led to numerous deaths & a lost cause as well"
1957020624,"worry","Tonysize","Work day 7 of 7,"
1957020702,"happiness","HD_Fury","Chillin with the roomies. Can't wait for the zombie CLWN CR. Its gonna be 6-8 weeks"
1957020861,"neutral","BritishAtHeart1","I looove guitars, and playing them. I think they sound magnificent. If only i was better... If only"
1957021039,"worry","Musti08","@SuperJerry No refunds but they do retrieve accounts, takes like a week. Just hoping the thief doesn't use hacks or then it's permaban"
1957021224,"neutral","la_oooo_ra","@mysticnz no im not  cries LOL"
1957021305,"sadness","AndyClaudine","Cute Malay girl came to seemy room for rent - sadly think it was for her guyfreind   bit misleading and disappointing LOL"
1957021321,"surprise","FoOie","@Gurlstrange EpiCentre Wheelock Place, 250 units & for tourists only. Starting today"
1957021486,"hate","karissaferg","I hate the new mt dew commercial..the one with a giant mosquito..it scares me and grosses me out all at the same time."
1957021631,"neutral","KittyPoops","Come on Knight... It's been well over 4 hours"
1957022610,"worry","leonperkin","not super keen on the drive home through the rain.. additional concentration required that i don't really wanna deal with"
1957022799,"surprise","dan11ela","@FoxxFiles aw u can't let me in on the secret!"
1957023061,"surprise","MissxMarisa","@freshypanda Im sorry  I don't think I stick out, at least compared to what I used to look like."
1957023133,"worry","AmyFuentes","no transport for church  wont be making it, im crushed. Oh well, more time for assignments I suppose. My throat really hurts ..."
1957023263,"hate","youulovemee","i HATE when i see pregnant women smokinggg!!!! its sooo irresponsible n selfish! its saaad. ultimately, the baby is the one who suffers."
1957023739,"hate","Tin06","Lies...lies...lies....you just cant avoid to lie about practically...EVERYTHING!"
1957023842,"neutral","hoolahoopchick","twittascope is NOT rocking my socks - go away already!!"
1957023917,"neutral","schlingel","Driving Back home because I forgot the piece of cake for @v_era"
1957024334,"worry","o0hmaig0d","@seemouserun so I tried jumping without the trampoline and its like thud* thud*  shouldn't have eaten that cookie.  http://myloc.me/1XIz"
1957025428,"sadness","lungjen","Everytime I send an email to my coach, I feel a need to practice.   shitty balls.  Lol"
1957026475,"sadness","annamaurice","It's pissing me off and not letting me follow ericka"
1957027495,"sadness","FreddyS87","Is going to sleep not peaceful  wanted to hear him say Good Night but that didn't happen  Good Night everyone...."
1957027630,"sadness","CforrClemmensen","my mums trying to make me feel ebtter about stopping voting adn not winning shortstack. i almost cried."
1957027687,"neutral","lucasd","@koifusionpdx i was so close to the tacos...one spot too late"
1957027841,"empty","730Fam","@msz_rockstar umm how bout em?..aint get 2 see da game  but i see dey survived anotha game of da series due to notin but Lebron im guessin"
1957028656,"surprise","Fairywinds","is thinking so much and i'm at work"
1957028775,"worry","MllexCamelia","I have forgot the live with the Jonas Brothers on Facebook"
1957028895,"sadness","d0nnadean","I haven't seen Muffin in two whole days!"
1957029111,"sadness","InNoSenseLost","@YumiFujii i'll miss y'all back... give @LesleyBoudy my regards..."
1957029634,"surprise","maddy_1212","my gap year is going so quick"
1957029641,"worry","jocelleuntalan","I have to admit, I'm a bit bummed out that I wasn't with my friends walking today...."
1957029899,"neutral","tokyojackson","@jennyvokals girl a blunt is soooooooo in my thoughts right now. I had an absolutly GREAT day with a few stressors...come home"
1957030196,"worry","SoSpoiledDatsMe","my twitter has been hacked again"
1957030545,"sadness","faddict","Just found mj mouse flats at DJs. Of course there are none left in my size"
1957030596,"neutral","PULLINGTEEETH","@passingcarss i wont have time to buy  and i need a new binder pa"
1957030622,"hate","sharnanicole","@lanacaitlin  hahaha well its try its so ugly"
1957030793,"neutral","aeria_gloris","25-man Ulduar is hard..."
1957031520,"worry","Intel_Eric","@jmoriarty I don't even want to know WHY you know about VHEMT, but don't go - we'd miss you"
1957031859,"fun","KylieMalchus","@OooChelcyooO That's awesome! We have that this weekend too but I can't go because I'm moving this Sat.  I should be a lot of fun though"
1957032014,"neutral","Simranvfc","night night twitter world. [still cant believe the thomas thing  tomorrow's gunna be FUN/SAD]"
1957032051,"neutral","allieeeec","@princess_oats this is happening to me too"
1957032114,"surprise","johnnypurple","@qi_tah oh no.  *hugs*"
1957032127,"neutral","minauderie","@oxygen8705 bored now because i was talking to someone but now they're busy with something else  just kinda a bummer, idk"
1957032228,"sadness","tiffanylue","@xoshayzers i knoww  things won't be the samee </3"
1957032539,"worry","tweeterchic66","OMG-ness it's 11:18 pm and I need to beup early to set up my garage sale it starts a 8am, wish I said 9am. I'm beat."
1957033043,"happiness","carlysialevert","@vinylvickxen i kno i doooo!!!!!!!!!! yall partyin with out me"
1957033103,"worry","sjwilling","Okay, so twitter suddenly changed, how do I respond to messages now"
1957033219,"neutral","mstellacrap","ugh.. my dad just told me to read an article about Kavya Shivashankar the spellin bee girl..and be more like her."
1957033558,"worry","Rossco_NZ","Decided that no matter how good my hair looks curly it doesn't justify the burn I get from the curler! My hands covered  I suck at it!"
1957033776,"sadness","vivianenguyen","Going to sleep. Gonna fall asleep playing apps again. Tmrw is going to suck"
1957033815,"neutral","ANDREAMARIEXOXO","@ThaBillCollecta  YEA     I GOTTA BE UP AT 7:30"
1957033874,"hate","Lilixbabi3","I hate when my bf beats da dogs. But I guess that the only way to teach these pitts."
1957033901,"worry","ACjoint","sprained my ankle  like really badly and tore some stuffs. it hurts! and its my birthday weekend"
1957034202,"sadness","JohnnyFiction","I can't believe the Metal Gear Solid song was stolen    I'm so disappointed  http://bit.ly/YKkSu"
1957034289,"hate","kimba1bl","think i may have broke a toe at the bar tonight......thanks drunk girl for steppin all over me!!!!!"
1957034434,"neutral","dawnoftheprawn","Not one sale done today at work. Explored balconies in the big theater w coworkers. A fun day, but void of chili fries and tips"
1957034566,"sadness","mara_nerdgirl","@MacZombieRawr  I wish I had Left 4 Dead. But first I'd need something to play it on..."
1957034940,"neutral","mommyanjayyy","@sillybabyjulie me too"
1957034983,"neutral","djcosta1977","@digenis that story reminds of living in Portugal"
1957035419,"neutral","twinkleval","@jhicks  youre diabetic?   so is my dad.  & i might be too, not sure.  are you still allowed to eat sugar throughout the day?"
1957035564,"happiness","rondhi","I spilled my beer all over my leg. Wasted half my beer.  Home now. I met a cute girl. Good conversation."
1957035950,"hate","geezitslouize","my roommate @tess_tickle loves to ignore me"
1957036183,"neutral","LizSkoczylas","@SuperFiasco  I'll make him nachos tomorrow. Better than if he would have made them himself."
1957037405,"neutral","cynthiaperez","@MyDailyRoutine yeahhh. &dont judge my pillow"
1957037860,"relief","oh_slc","Scary lightning and thunder  I'm glad it's over now. Going to sleep, I hope I'm not late to school tomorow again. Haha"
1957038324,"sadness","judez_xo","my teeth and head hurts"
1957038398,"sadness","christynnicole","I HATE rob zombie movies. & the smell of weed. Vommmm."
1957038470,"hate","No1PanicFan","@jcwentz Maths and Science were the strongest for me i think..dunno bout geography, only did like 1 day of study for 1/2 a year of work!"
1957038475,"boredom","kameezy","Waiting in line @ tryst"
1957038477,"worry","LinksMommy","Hope I get a job cuz we need an apartment. I'm drunk & miss my lil punkin  TEHE!!!"
1957038763,"worry","xxkxx07","just got home! not wanting to read the last chaper of breaking dawn cause i dont want it to beover"
1957038970,"worry","melissacalderon","I need to be held...  Gnite."
1957039203,"worry","megan_kelli","Hanging out with sam, billy, and veronica. not going to school tomorrow to take sam to body shops. Dang car accidents"
1957039456,"sadness","trixbiscuits","no more arrested development. i am sad."
1957039841,"neutral","Elliecopter_","@Giggles_xo  wicked , what time you leaving? how come you cant stay the night"
1957039894,"sadness","TheNewBradie","omg i keep losing followers this is so sad  i want 90 one day....thats my goal ;D"
1957039922,"sadness","jmil1733","I feel so deflated. No more doggy."
1957039947,"worry","Ennjo","@blood_rain i wanna see her hair  hows everyone?"
1957040172,"sadness","kourt_1023","I just had to empty my trash on the mac. that was one of THE MOST DIFFICULT things I have ever done in my life. 8,000 pictures are GONE."
1957040395,"sadness","joe_uberkawaii","im contacting PAWS Philippines so i can find "tiger" a new owner. im so sad. i love my dog soo much"
1957040988,"sadness","xxkxx07","just got home! not wanting to read the last chaper of breaking dawn cause i dont want it to be over"
1957041569,"worry","searchformatt","Aww...  Pray for the arroyo family everyone!"
1957041648,"neutral","ssanyal","@the_babsi there's a manual process... but it's taking 4ever on my outlook database... pffff. crappy msft product"
1957041745,"sadness","ROBOKAWAII","Fuuudge. Movie store is closed"
1957041767,"sadness","courtneyyy3","ALO is so sad and quiet and empty tonight"
1957041812,"hate","MissxMarisa","@meganmansyn Hahahaha! It's not horrible, if others were singing with I'm sure it could work. I wish I could afford my own drum set"
1957041856,"worry","Kgreenel","@wuzzyangel You never answered your DM I sent you....   I need your info..."
1957042008,"worry","kharise","Am trying to get through the pilot of the first season of friday night lights. Oh gosh  Pass the tissue..."
1957042316,"sadness","heartbeam","@Mona26 Aw where are you headed to? i just cancelled my trip to Aussie"
1957042474,"worry","andimoonpie","I have cystic lacrimal infectection?? my eye and face are swollen and it hurts!!"
1957042509,"worry","thecareysisters","@jose3030 I didn't think anyone caught that"
1957042579,"empty","rebekahlynne","I need to be sleeping.. But i'm not even tired.."
1957042799,"neutral","sparklyrainbowz","OH NEVERMIND I THINK THIS THING IS UNSALVAGEABLE"
1957042862,"neutral","Kaxiee","lyin in bed, up faaaaar too early"
1957043226,"sadness","lindseyrivera","Sad that Christian Lacroix had to file bankruptcy"
1957043241,"sadness","princessniki1","I dont feel good AT ALL. fuckkk"
1957044366,"boredom","snoopync18","why did i agree to work a double shift"
1957044680,"worry","SomeThingTiny","looks like i'll never go to the zoo"
1957044694,"worry","ABabyBlueEyes","@djvinceadams Ohh poor girl  I'll email her... I am relying on you being here in October Mr!!"
1957044783,"neutral","brianalotto","When will Medhurst play again?"
1957044789,"worry","GothWab","@Moss1982 bad times?"
1957044935,"hate","helenmurdock","aarrgghh - fu*k.....a hose has leaked water all over the new floating floor"
1957045395,"sadness","DudeAsInCool","Have to go to the dreaded DMV tomorrow"
1957045641,"neutral","kbeilz","@duncm I'm a bit Ben's Thai-ed out"
1957045692,"happiness","Fredrikkk","english class! working on interactive orals"
1957045940,"worry","dzgraphicdesign","@SharonHayes Thank you for the rec but that doesn't work"
1957046053,"neutral","alexandraduggan","@dmoneymania  I'm sorry. Excited for tomorrow night? Karaoke!! Getting anything special for bday?"
1957046090,"worry","TweedyLynn","My puppy Gizmo h8s me..  haha. He still growls @ me.  I always look back @ my long pruple scar on my fingie"
1957046631,"worry","Atheprincez","I don't know how ima work out tomorrow wit my body dis sore  ugh"
1957046815,"neutral","md_alston","in 7-11  w/o you"
1957047408,"neutral","kbeilz","@becjee Yeah, plus it's just a little too far to walk to Pinocchio's for sushi"
1957047569,"worry","kilrturkey","I'm feeling this pressure in my head that always kicks in just before a nasty headache. I'm not looking forward to this."
1957047571,"sadness","marissazaguirre","Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas looked really good together. I'm kinda sad they broke up."
1957047787,"worry","CherTwinkles","I'm suppose to turn in a sentence outline for my research paper within the hour online but my neck hurts."
1957047828,"worry","5Neezy","Lady across the way had a miscarriage, say a prayer"
1957048027,"sadness","imsoapee","God I just want to sleep."
1957048703,"hate","JBMareMareJB","@ksutt11 ohhhh thunderstorms...boo  why do they always have to make the power go out??"
1957048870,"worry","jmil1733","I feel so deflated. No more doggy."
1957049167,"sadness","theangelicsin","Found my book. Starting a real paper-bound journal tonight. Have an annoying zit above my lip. Makes me look like I have herpes"
1957050684,"worry","Suemagoo01","is feeling bad  just got bad news about my Mum"
1957050747,"sadness","Nick_Myndflip","@RealBlackWidow But but I dun wanna"
1957050890,"sadness","queenbmakeup","@imjustlalayone damn girl I'm so down but ya gotta let me know so I can get my kit together & I got a flyer  Any next weekend? I"M DOWN!"
1957051517,"sadness","sloanquigley","@JustinOdom dbl booooooo for being sick, flippin blows! ... bahaha i kno i dont have many friends on here either. i feel so lame  haha"
1957052167,"neutral","Fluffy_Cupycake","@brettyrocks thats what i was thinking but the only time it's gonna be on is 1 am!"
1957052211,"neutral","echothirteen","Peeps still here. Fun times. Gotta sleep tho. Work in the A.M. Some cool, hot chicks here. But none as cool as ____________. Missing her"
1957052409,"worry","divya084","don't feel like working  I think I tweet this too often!"
1957052932,"sadness","shaghayeghhh","feels sick to my stomach and idkk whyy"
1957053170,"worry","Tania_Satine","vineri...nimic special sau probabil un alt weekend pierdut..."
1957053247,"neutral","Roblex","Counting the hours of lost sunshine until the Weekend"
1957053338,"surprise","savindotme","@justintevya - dude i just saw your SF pics. looks like your mini excursion was pretty kick ass! didn't see any sun while i was there tho"
1957053409,"relief","gangstamittens","is home.  safely... but hungry"
1957053566,"sadness","Anime81","@hello_jodie Um, I was thrown from @JareWolf's van yesterday and had to be taken to the ER"
1957055178,"worry","dolphin8772","got to final table, but....went out third.  Don't think I'll be getting my free seat"
1957055396,"neutral","girlyghost","good morning work this morning gutted lol nevermind"
1957055530,"hate","TK04","I have to work in the morning while my friends get to party it up.....stupid bberry lite flashing red and I have no messages!"
1957055981,"happiness","montanaspeaks","FB is boring   and i wanna sing RIGHT NOW..! *-*"
1957056027,"sadness","joslinjewels","@judyrey  The link doesn't work"
1957056041,"neutral","AmyJade","@Deedubau hahaha I don't know anyone or anything about it except they have powers lol... I live in my own bubble"
1957056896,"worry","cadences","The humpalow um ya I think so... Cell is dying"
1957057026,"worry","omaroonie","Last day at work...Sick to the bone"
1957057469,"worry","ohsht","i feel like I'm on house arrest."
1957057586,"neutral","m_y16","love is like a war,,easy to begin, hard to end..fiuuhh..."
1957058130,"surprise","iamQuest","@heavenjones ur supposed to be in BK tho"
1957058219,"worry","ecctv","@cosmiclagoon Did you know that there is a shortage of shells for crabs to use on the beach due to beach combers? It is very sad"
1957058436,"surprise","Miiiiich","Oh no!  Nighty night."
1957058504,"happiness","neovile","@celldweller Must... have... new music... I won't sleep until you give us Chapter 1... I might die first though...  Hurry!"
1957059348,"sadness","chubbbie","my stupid tooooth hurts"
1957059587,"love","Pretty_Edgie","@neyoofficial: love the song "together". that's "his" song for me...well i think it's still is"
1957059671,"neutral","D_MiKeY","Ready To Go @ School"
1957059917,"sadness","MelissaWOOF","@turnitgrey my computers broken and I broke my laptop so I had to use the phone  ahh still on he cause they fucked up my order."
1957060283,"neutral","mizzlizwhizz","@Richard_Gable It's good isn't it! Our holiday chalet is out of sight but look v similar to those ones. Going home again today"
1957060439,"worry","Aeonflux21","It's a sad economy. Just heard of another friend losing their job.  so sad. But just a reminder that..."
1957061418,"worry","ashleeadams","@jarekpastor I'm just starting to feel really panicky and anxious that something bad has happened cos it seems like it's been ages"
1957061527,"worry","morganis_21","my dog ran awayyy"
1957061884,"hate","caitimac","@all_is_one84 Those suck so bad."
1957062262,"worry","Flergs","I'm back. top molar extracted  swollen face, all numb.  But no more toothache or sinus pain."
1957062621,"relief","antonywu","just finished 8 hours of Texas Life Insurance CE tonight, 22 more hours to go"
1957062676,"worry","iamsarahkelley","does anyone know any good rap songs? i need to make a rap/fun cd and i have no idea  helllllpppp"
1957062698,"love","ShirleyValverde","I want to go to Peru this summer ahhhhhhh! Hopefully! Yesyesyes! I miss it over there!!!"
1957062783,"empty","moikusmanruzuar","@exortabreedoll what happen to the maids of yours? Quit once again? ..."
1957062827,"sadness","SamG2020","I'm awake. Anybody else awake? Wish I lived in the US since all the fun happens when I'm asleep!"
1957063783,"hate","Craz_Monkay21","At Charle's with the power out. LOL! Damn SaveMart lost power and we could not buy beer."
1957063845,"sadness","nadanada","@Penguin_J heehee. i love you! i am tired."
1957064177,"worry","q_ueenie","my mobile phone refuses to charge!!  either the battery is broken or the chargerrr ( booooo"
1957064253,"worry","katiebisson","@Kirsten613 oh how i wish you would get her to sign something then send it to me or let me call you when you meet or something"
1957064566,"worry","Monica2112","@kimberly625 hmmm, I thought u were sleeping!! Too bad I can't see those videos until tomorrow night."
1957064575,"sadness","barbieprincess","Morning everyone sorry for going early last night had bad news, felt totally crap   Today is a new day"
1957064578,"empty","samantha_x","went to the beach and it started raining"
1957064908,"sadness","Sh33na_C","how I wish my parents put me into a Chinese school when I was younger. Then, it'll be so much easier for me to get a job..."
1957065570,"relief","davidbarrett1","@AnthonyLucas @iainfunnell Yeah, physically moving too!  Apparently we'll be reporting directly to Mr. Hayward..."
1957065963,"neutral","sloanquigley","@nayRyelgiuQ airport? and you didnt show up tonight homo!"
1957066120,"worry","bozackula","@charloro jealous  it looks like schindler's list in toronto"
1957066701,"enthusiasm","FinIsKing","I want another tatt"
1957067386,"neutral","maneeraj","@avalonabsinthe what?! Come as you are!!! But erock just left  bah D:"
1957067779,"enthusiasm","Maureen12683","So, I need to make a lot of money tomorrow"
1957067988,"sadness","whaaalian","@joiskol  being in your room makes me sad."
1957068229,"worry","the1germ","Nearly fell asleep, but was jolted out of bed by a massive panic attack and now I'm not sure if I can sleep at all."
1957068585,"neutral","20K_MILLIONAIRE","for the gays i only made 200 tonight"
1957068880,"sadness","GarageGlamorous","@CocktailChic oh f*ck! I completely forgot about Thirsty Thursday! oh. my. gaga. this sucks"
1957069453,"sadness","charubhashini","if one people did any wrong, the world blames all the people over there, this is the great world which we are living in!  Shit!"
1957070273,"surprise","courtneyyy3","@MandyAlwaysKnws nope.  they are all sleeping cuz they live on the east coast."
1957070484,"neutral","harempriestess","@dravenreborn I bet its cool down in SR, huh? It's not here. I haven't stopped sweating since noon when dad and I were packing"
1957070534,"sadness","jjae725","@meljachin: eww. dislike"
1957070786,"worry","Jaydeyn","Tactical mistake: going to the city library and buying milk. Who knew? OUCH OUCH OUCH. Maybe a good thing I didn't try for uni."
1957070871,"neutral","Bre_Baby","decided 2 trans frm relaxed 2 natural hair but i wish my whole head looked like my roots.  Age of the instant gratification...."
1957071331,"sadness","only1lucylocket","@SuzyDunkley sorry bout the cat,"
1957071583,"neutral","maica888","needs to have an increase on her salary  http://plurk.com/p/wxluu"
1957072308,"worry","heyisabelle_","my stomach feels like it's touching the ground..i'm SO full"
1957072400,"love","kaboyd5","Pug just woke me from an incredible sleep!"
1957072637,"love","destinyhope92","@ddlovato i can`t wait to hear your new album. i`m sure will be amazing.please just replay to me  i love you so much!!!!"
1957072682,"worry","anticlothes","Sooo much work so little time"
1957072896,"sadness","Jsskkaa","missed iron chef"
1957073073,"sadness","iRoy","@thevowel the DS version sucks"
1957073201,"sadness","Katja112","what a bad day"
1957073668,"enthusiasm","kort030","@lilxamyx08 i know ridiculous! we never got to hang out  i love chicago and want to go shopping... so a trip sounds like fun"
1957073753,"hate","imayami","hates the net. ayaw bumukas ng twitter.  http://plurk.com/p/wxlxs"
1957073984,"worry","GravesNovels","Ugh, my internet was down!"
1957074101,"surprise","Ms_MaryJane","omg i didnt tweet all that much today.... *sadness*"
1957074214,"worry","nurulz","is feeling so giddy and wanna go home."
1957074267,"neutral","NACYBUL","the week just wasnt the same without an adam lambert performance!!!"
1957074812,"neutral","joslinjewels","@rockingjude The link doesn't work"
1957074977,"worry","thewebguyuk","Up and packing. Its the last day of youth camp"
1957075035,"neutral","chowcassendra","GOSSIP GIRL, WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK  ! chaceeeeeee.."
1957075180,"neutral","SoundExecution","Smh @ hiphop nursery rhymes"
1957075229,"worry","Chassidy72","Somebody please save the polar bears!"
1957075268,"happiness","mrs_mcsupergirl","@PandaMayhem noooooooooooo i just look at a lot of pictures   lol lol"
1957075370,"surprise","inimeg","@CrazyBallerina Not really sleepy ...bored is the right word ... again not much work"
1957075457,"worry","ljslover","It has come to my attention from a 16yo friend that I've recently gained a TON of weight. He didn't know it was me."
1957075557,"worry","Dreamofdragons","guess im staying home tonight...no movie-ing for me"
1957076048,"sadness","hakeem","went to the cd store to search for the cd. But"
1957076214,"worry","passionsista","@BuzzEdition reminds me of the weather a month ago it was horrible  I hope all is well hugs"
1957076433,"sadness","sayble","I miss my mom..  "May angels lead you in""
1957076450,"love","brockm","there's really no android twitter app of Tweetie's calibre"
1957076577,"hate","benfulghum","on jacksonville beach walking in the cold Ass water   but have to work in the morning   ily <('-')>"
1957077528,"neutral","KhoreoKat","@taylor_d No, it's not..."
1957077552,"sadness","krzy415","@chocolovere i feel the same way every day"
1957077564,"sadness","M_R_Barlow","Can't sleep. Sucks. The one day i have to sleep in and i have to get up and go shopping with mom. Ugh."
1957077934,"neutral","MunjknMoe","@crunchmonkey78 well i just got home and its not on till tmw at 530p but with comcast its on right now  but i didnt miss it"
1957078157,"sadness","LoveRichele","Sleppytime. Really missing my godfather right now. Love you Wayne"
1957078740,"sadness","KayLove254","So have a headache right now and it sucks"
1957079130,"worry","AmGies","@JayDz hope ya sleepin well  guys still here"
1957079355,"fun","drugunter","i should be finished.... but i'm not.  color drawing, here i come."
1957079403,"sadness","XonneL","@jwray12 Lakers, baby Lakers!! I'll miss the game tmwr. I have to work  you'll have to keep me posted please"
1957079496,"sadness","joanneliyeng","comfort food of the day: pan mee. though, it didnt taste any good.."
1957079533,"worry","hot_firekitty","damn being drunk and hot sucks"
1957079568,"sadness","moniquemiranda","misses my baby."
1957079622,"worry","KevinAbbeyTech","is not sleeping because he has paperwork to do."
1957079972,"worry","mauramora","Showered in ice-cold water. Sweating now. Means one thing: I'm sick"
1957080150,"worry","drdre07","midnight cry.. wish the person I wanted, wanted me right now"
1957080521,"neutral","KiraTalise","@mousebudden I'ma need you to follow me real quick cause I can't DM you"
1957080579,"sadness","btiggs","I'm poorly and can't sleep"
1957080963,"worry","violetscream","Went to pole class. Feeling discouraged. I am hopeless when it cones to dancing or sexy moves or spreading my legs."
1957081280,"worry","Toxiferous","@RoasterBoy And these poor, unfortunate souls don't appear to have any pants at all...  ? http://blip.fm/~78qvz"
1957081795,"worry","katcal","@damohopo @StephanieEllen If I told you how often I wash my hair you would never speak to me again"
1957082086,"worry","drinkupgorgeous","Looks like another sleepless night dedicated to homework. Sorry in advance, Ms. Chapman."
1957082503,"worry","teenicky","@jessicaduncan http://twitpic.com/662vk -  WHY DO U LOT MOCK ME!!!"
1957082536,"worry","soulpoet101","didnt say goodnight to you"
1957082538,"hate","sin__","@abguerraartist  I am not a pussy! damnit!  [sending you an e-mail right now btw]"
1957082926,"sadness","ScottFerrante","has work tom."
1957082939,"neutral","dansterdavid","In the Hongkong International Airport. Has to wait for 3-4 hours for our next flight to Cebu."
1957083056,"neutral","Rmgrooms","Can't sleep and nothings on tv!!"
1957083084,"love","synerje","The pics I just uploaded are the baby pics of my cats. Missy is now an adult and a pretty little kitty, but Batty is in kitten heaven now"
1957083230,"neutral","endlessblush","@KallieT oh ... you've been superseeded?  not good enough"
1957083616,"sadness","Mayceej","today we say goodbye to the second good friend in a week from dmp  but at least the sun is shinning and I'm definately NOT working this pm"
1957083641,"anger","elDi_irk","fuckin'm transtelecom"
1957083786,"boredom","munkeysmomma","is really, really bored... I guess I will go to bed"
1957083910,"worry","goyuuki","@Syo_of_the_dead I met a stranger just 10 min ago. He was stalking me at the store"
1957084165,"surprise","FreeBleuDaVinci","@ModelTheany  tee we beefin....what was u supposed to do before leavin????"
1957084166,"sadness","SteeleKarma","Sometimes the things you say hurt the ones you love most unintentionally.  And you can never ever take it back or fix it."
1957084446,"sadness","megan901","@nickkk_ that sucks!"
1957084552,"neutral","Mari8275","@dorkydeanna IIII know!!! and mean"
1957084638,"sadness","Sweta","Having Fever  dont feel to work"
1957084742,"worry","dsd721","Taking Horse Pills, hoping I can get some sleep tonight"
1957084935,"neutral","saurabh","@BusyGod PGPM student from where? I myself was a PGPM student about 4 years back. I wish I could stay one"
1957084945,"sadness","TinaBinaTooReal","missing @MeLDiBiAsE...6 days can't pass quick enough"
1957085151,"hate","josh_kim","@juliaiiivir Hey! That's my school! I hate that place."
1957085211,"sadness","d3signar","Working from home today, my back is killing me  Doctor and then physio after later today."
1957085406,"neutral","chaitanyak","back to work.. with no distractions.."
1957086137,"happiness","destinyhope92","@ddlovato demi, just say hi to me and it`s enough. just replay to me please  love you so much!!!"
1957086150,"neutral","veedigga","awwww  i never noticed this http://bit.ly/RConp"
1957086168,"neutral","lpstewie","@heavyharts that sucks  well state starts tomorrow so im headin 2 bed, nitey nite"
1957086444,"worry","steveapple","Looks like it's going to be too nice to work today, how annoying as I have no choice"
1957086920,"neutral","TartyTart","@mygoldmask did you guys keep a set list? I forgot to ask for one  xx"
1957087043,"neutral","elver","First impression of Silverlight: sadly, based on what I saw today, it's quite problematic"
1957087059,"worry","AbiCorker","is desperatly hoping my dad takes me to vanessa's game"
1957087780,"worry","imma_winner_bby","@pb_and_jay hi!  Fuck your job!"
1957087793,"sadness","Quastbabynumbr5","Missing you all deeply"
1957088016,"neutral","hiimmjramos","the time you go to bed,  i have to get up to go to work"
1957088179,"happiness","Halo3Junkie","@mrssunshine96 big now!!! Vanessa is going to be 3 in September, its going by so fast!  its hard cuz Im workin so much, I miss out on alot"
1957088224,"sadness","shen_nanigans","@Ravels sniff sniff  take care ravels! Hopefully we'll be chatting again soon. In the mean time, I'll HELLA miss you."
1957088340,"neutral","pezz361356","@miss_cheryl Lucky, now I want to teleport"
1957088574,"worry","Chassidy7","Somebody please save the polar bears!"
1957088900,"worry","TriciaRuiiiz","My nose is runny, my head is pounding, and teeth hurt like a bitch. MAN. @-) I feel awful.  =(("
1957089208,"sadness","Dannnielleuhh","I don't want her to leave.."
1957089386,"relief","DjLiTeEyEz","Headin home...Refreshed my mind and soul justa lil bit...Bac to reality."
1957089465,"happiness","allanmoran","good lord, just seen the agency work for our upcoming Open Day. Money for Jam"
1957089708,"empty","Jayisfly","wut do i do now????"
1957089935,"anger","umi78","Working   But it's Fridaaaayyyyy"
1957090025,"worry","kathleenkane","At the Grove for 'Drag Me to Hell.' I hope that it doesn't suck."
1957090285,"worry","ily_cutebutt","@NOLAevol so i feel like shit for saying HAPPY BELATED BIRFDAYY.. i'm only a month late"
1957090408,"sadness","divinedreams4me","@KaliyahPjones lmao...thats sad, kinda discourages me 4rom goin if the shit's wack"
1957090493,"surprise","FeistyRedheadHB","Got home from work @ 9:45 and JUST finished cleaning. Now I need to eat dinner and don't know what I want!!  Ugh...oh well. Might not eat."
1957090496,"sadness","BossTycoonLZ","@WillyNorthpole I wish I was there"
1957090643,"sadness","synerje","I miss my little Batty, she was only 3 months old when she got sick, she was always so fun and full of life <3 Even at the very end..."
1957091075,"neutral","mmodi93","FC is finally up again. it's about time. i hate that this keeps happening"
1957091147,"neutral","lilmissmelz84","seriously bored without anyone to talk to... but not tired enough for sleep"
1957091327,"sadness","WeeWifie1981","morning again! I hate mornings. So offensive!"
1957091357,"neutral","hobosexual","@keytar still!! give your computer a break omg"
1957091372,"sadness","ambieshell","bed bed bed @samuelasanders do you never answer texts anymore?  I thought of you the other day and sent one but never heard back. Sad day"
1957091954,"neutral","hommieJ","where u at?"
1957092017,"sadness","Tinatru","@brianshead waah. We're no longer your peeps."
1957092623,"sadness","drewcuano","@angelica_yo LOL wow dawg doesn't sound like you're playing!  I feel bad now haha"
1957092921,"surprise","Quastbabynumbr5","Extremly deep"
1957093069,"happiness","StoneFoxapparel","My little foster kittens are getting big...chubba and Winston are going 2 b missed when they get amazing homes."
1957093096,"enthusiasm","AmyIsDayDreamin","one week till exam block"
1957093148,"neutral","KlownDogg","@Forever_Yours13 I'm not at home with my cats right now!"
1957093185,"worry","jesshui","hoping i didn't fail english. that would just be sad"
1957093471,"worry","linercare","Know what would be great? For my shoulder to stop hurting so I can sleep normal again.  I just want/need a few solid hours of good sleep."
1957093807,"neutral","psychkatie","Leno's last show was tonight.  I like him better than Conan."
1957093920,"sadness","ebelow","@MariusLT I'm sorry about your bad driving experiences."
1957093924,"neutral","mrs_mcsupergirl","@monpio i don't have any of that"
1957094323,"sadness","VdChiongbian","Already misses @CMontecillo"
1957094812,"hate","vyvien","plan may changes , nooooooo"
1957094989,"hate","tonydeanxo","my sister is a douchebag"
1957095452,"surprise","textdrivebys","@fiercebanana there's relisting fees when you don't complete a sale?  that sucks!"
1957095604,"neutral","Spigrrl","@eCheers Random has an a"
1957096302,"worry","purplelaptopgrl","I knew I should've worn the SARS mask on the plane from SoCal.. feeling the beginnings of a sore throat"
1957096324,"sadness","ether_radio","Gutted that the bathroom still isn't free- early work isn't going to happen  . And I need the loo!"
1957096447,"neutral","Samm_xo","@ddlovato july... too long"
1957097210,"worry","shyninjahinata","@laurelexmachina awww I wish I could have been there  I'm stuck here about to jab out my eyes with knitting needles"
1957097329,"surprise","karinb_za","@astynes Me too.  Wonder if Mnet will show it..."
1957097629,"neutral","AGTK","Wearing glasses gives me a headache."
1957097730,"enthusiasm","dappyiznum1","@calvinharris stop talkin about food haha fill like sum nw  hha hows your day goin or starting"
1957098732,"worry","ThatWhisperKiss","finished sewing for the night, uploading pictures from slidebar and beach. i cant believe i am having difficulties with twitter!"
1957098844,"sadness","YoCorina","thank you @ddlovato (: cant wait!!!! ummm btw ima crash still sick"
1957098983,"sadness","joseaqui","First my work computer, now my home laptop is fucked."
1957099112,"worry","oOoshecutee","#liesgirlstell  a guy calls her phone to see if the number is real ) ohh my phone isn't working . try tomorrow ."
1957099375,"worry","xntrek","#beer #friday #melbourne #cbd #mtub #mini #cmon Thirsty and lonely ... you buggers are making me feel like a scotty no mates"
1957099717,"worry","BoothFactor2","@debbylovespr I know. We came back from 22 down in the 1st just to lose the lead in the last 6 minutes."
1957099719,"worry","Lia_arch_angel","gosh... summer vacation is almost over here at the philippines.. kinda sad..  i wonder what section will i be in?"
1957099757,"neutral","aerynblack","@shanajaca But @feltbeats is on page 6 at Ms Twitterworld, only 26 votes"
1957099758,"worry","JayhawkSteph07","I'm bummed that I can't wear my sweet Nike kicks to work."
1957100044,"worry","deviantweapon","@Pickleybaby - your twitter is broken"
1957100351,"neutral","KatieQuan","sleep....good night tweeties!!! down to OC tomorrow. I hope and pray that Rachyl gets better SOON!!!"
1957100428,"sadness","Frontieruk","@joek949 It's depressing I'm stuck inside all day"
1957100610,"worry","soumyatilak","@rachelasha I even saw the news feeds of the archie website. But can't believe he'd choose veronica. I'm disappointed"
1957100791,"sadness","truebluboy","i hate being sick. i miss @cynthiasheree @lucyowns and @larilync"
1957101169,"neutral","marymkeane","@iceweasel im eating sliders at barjohnnys! (theyre pork tho not beef  still on the search...)"
1957101953,"happiness","_SarahF_","Getting ready for school - second maths test today  also its my last day of 3rd year!! Next week i will officially be in 4th year"
1957102054,"sadness","oceane23","Woke Up,I Wanna Stay In My bed"
1957102266,"worry","name_me_aly","depressed that i wasn't included in the morcom gardens quiz on facebook"
1957102331,"worry","harempriestess","@dravenreborn yeah, its still totally in the high 60s here. soooo notlooking forward to aug and sept up here"
1957102464,"sadness","rscholar","Upsidedown tomato plants died!"
1957102562,"boredom","Quastbabynumbr5","So deep its priecing my soul"
1957102785,"worry","TezG","@ashleypratt Oh come on!!! You get next week off and I get next week full of exams!"
1957103043,"neutral","LadyotLane","friday here at last, not much fun when your skint though"
1957103680,"worry","arielol","@vocabularies i know, don't tell anyone  i dont know if my dad told the famz yet. i think i'm taking it online."
1957103831,"sadness","Nicolee09x","@ddlovato Caan't Iht Be Earlier? ICant Wait That Long.  Ahar. (:"
1957103842,"happiness","triciaruth","Friday yay!! And a bonus, don't have to drive to Wales tonight.  Athough will miss kitten cuddles and going for a ride"
1957103882,"worry","moonblessed","My children have promised me birthday brekkie in bed. There's a problem with that in that there's bugger all food in the house"
1957104001,"worry","missbossy","@RDeRozario woops! I only just realized my DMs to you are not going through"
1957104581,"neutral","sosleazy","I don't think I will be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning  we will seeeee!"
1957104795,"surprise","viherrera","I cant use my blackberry today. This sucks."
1957104830,"enthusiasm","juliancarter","Q: what studio created 'Open Season'? should google it or look at the dvd downstairs but feeling lazy"
1957104858,"neutral","Sixerdude123","the times they are a changing"
1957104948,"sadness","FMillan","@prncsztalia why do you hate me!?"
1957105472,"hate","hiracdelest","time for tv in bed.Then spending all day catching up on studying  i hate online summer classes"
1957105525,"neutral","bimbler","@slickiris video is not available to us foreigners"
1957105755,"sadness","keymistress","http://twitpic.com/663vr - Wanted to visit the animals but we were too late"
1957106132,"worry","mandalynsupra","@prime8507 PC I agree...  We have a problem. We must stop spending and only work!!!"
1957106328,"sadness","alyssainescruz","#jonaswebcast i just missed it!!!!"
1957106609,"hate","Anne_A4L","Dang it! I REALLY look like crap!! Sigh only had 35mins to shower and 10mins to get ready"
1957106752,"neutral","elleavery1","waiting to get picked up!"
1957106916,"sadness","jessywuv","So exhausted..can't sleep. I don't like these nights"
1957107095,"sadness","ver0nica","i'm gonna miss all the live Comet action tomorrow! i have to go take care of my cousins and they don't have access to the interwebz"
1957107599,"surprise","mrscwuby","lol i cant drink!!"
1957107658,"surprise","evangelinanana","if bill compton has wii, why can't he have twitter?"
1957108151,"sadness","Super_Stevie","@NothinButSin sorry to hear that."
1957108253,"worry","CaitlinnnWright","Morning ;Sports day today, and I have to do the three-legged race with @Weefeetfrankie  ; Mr Pettigrew said I'm not aloud to trip her up"
1957109281,"sadness","Kuteywithabooty","Just found out I can't drink at this bar! Booo missing e1 at palomino's! No cheers sad face"
1957109545,"worry","RobertAlbrecht","Cannot sleep. 2+ hours of tossing and turning."
1957109983,"worry","Kurty4lyf","Omg going to die of swine flu when I go to Melbourne"
1957110088,"anger","NayNay_Rt","Packing  I don't like it.."
1957110716,"neutral","Elliecopter_","@Giggles_xo   dang it, so its not certain ? ? ? are you okay?"
1957111029,"neutral","Whitta3","wishes Dave Gilmour and Roger Waters would re-unite for a Pink Floyd concert"
1957111072,"sadness","awesomeness31","finished a whole box of ice cream"
1957111113,"neutral","Rahchichi","In 1 horse town + 2 blown out car speakers ="
1957111130,"neutral","mustardio","Someone make me a cofffeeeeeee......"
1957111418,"worry","andrewbarnett","@crispynoodles plus I just deposited tax return cheque but for first time in 7+ years it didn't clear immediately"
1957111643,"love","georginaluxford","Photo: martwo: OMG i love you!!!! i accadentally deleted this photo  yay hes SO beautiful http://tumblr.com/xvd1wankt"
1957111702,"worry","ChelseyChapman","@AshleighRyder I knooww  & my hot water bottle iss in whangamata without me. ahhhhh"
1957111950,"neutral","SimpliBeautyful","My nose is stuffy"
1957112500,"neutral","alanajuteau","last night in newport"
1957112696,"relief","Zensunni","@charlieboy808 thanks for the rt and sorry about your new place with the domestics"
1957112843,"happiness","Cecekc","Ok, other then my shoe, the club is cool. Its fun, and its poppin except 4 the ppl tryna dance wit me"
1957112874,"worry","VivaLaLaurennn","Holy crap! It's raining in LA and I don't have a jacket!  oh no."
1957112925,"neutral","BossTycoonLZ","Aright Twitter Fam... guess ima be outties.. gonna try n sleep off some of this horrible pain"
1957113207,"neutral","dig4knowledge","Baby was not herself after recieving vaccines"
1957113231,"worry","sdrotar","Wish I could attend E3 this year. But these small events like the NBA and Stanley Cup Finals keep getting in the way.   Work, work, work."
1957113346,"happiness","dantrancisco","@o0hemmy lol hi emmy, latin would help me study for the aptitude tests to get into grad school ;\ thats why i wanna take it"
1957113650,"sadness","janinebonilla","@chrisontv88 btw I am not a wimp"
1957113687,"relief","VarianDavid","@kaseypoteet LOL yeah yeah you big perv ;) Was hoping to see you next week but scrapped plans"
1957113844,"worry","beeblez","Rejecting all food substances."
1957114162,"worry","cameronreilly","@bigyahu no I was trying to interview Dr Paul Twomey, CEO of ICANN. Phone issues cut the interview from 30 mins to 15."
1957114575,"sadness","GabbyRose","@queenbmakeup i can't add you on myspace girly  it asks for a last name and email"
1957114604,"hate","Fiibs","back at Vienna (  ), sooo tired, luggage lost, Manchester 'd been great - very good outcome from Seminar at MBS & great people around ..."
1957114904,"worry","bookiedee","@meghanwong don't think i can take a needle. watched a horribly gory short film on drugs a few months ago. i'm scarred for life."
1957114960,"sadness","derntrex","I don't wanna go back to work   sleepy time."
1957115194,"worry","theogeo","@jprestonian It feels not good."
1957115198,"neutral","intanzie","watching The Biggest Loser on Hallmark. Never fails to make me cry  nyeh."
1957115476,"neutral","DutchRaymond","@zaharh that sucks!  how old are you actually?"
1957115546,"worry","JennySim17","Thinking about getting up for work"
1957115742,"neutral","WinnyLengkey","Still confuse..."
1957115997,"worry","msi_sux","I was a very naughty girl tonight. dissappointed with myself"
1957116154,"worry","andrewbarnett","@rbuerckner That's better than Missy 8 telling me I should be on The Biggest Loser"
1957116289,"sadness","KristenODay","http://bit.ly/3W9w1  NOOOO! he goes for Orlando! OMG  I'm gonna CRY!!!!!!!!"
1957116742,"surprise","INKDMOM","@MyCakesRock  AAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!!!  SOOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEET !!!!!!  I miss that age ..... SOOOO MUCH !"
1957116748,"surprise","Caibear","Just saw a fox!  as i was getting on the freeway... I hope it goes home"
1957116826,"neutral","jonturnermusic","scratch that; sleep on a stage bound."
1957117050,"surprise","wastemyself","recapping on britains got talent. britain seems more talented than america"
1957117307,"neutral","Munder11","@officialTila I cnt get it!! its goin to ur old messages?!?  >>>> HELP?<<<<"
1957117458,"love","Bill_Hudson","good time Rocking out @ open mic, thanks 4 all the love n support. Now working on Business plan presentation. No CG again 2nite"
1957117786,"neutral","shyninjahinata","@laurelexmachina Swimming is a no go for me"
1957117968,"sadness","SueWhitehead","@johnpopham Morning John, yes I do, however I have a diary clash and sadly can't attend!"
1957118155,"sadness","gayasarainblow","I miss my friend"
1957118207,"neutral","vliemena","@duciaestherine ohh ic ic haha, iyaa my summer is filled with ONE Course that lasts for the whole summer"
1957118513,"sadness","Chassidy7","Yea i just saw this really sad commercial"
1957118612,"sadness","daftapeth","Hmmm. Using TinyTwitter on a small non-touch screen is really not much fun"
1957119110,"fun","Jensiphone","@plantweb  Lettuce & spinach does best in cool weather.. I live in florida..not much luck growing those.."
1957119780,"love","johnholdun","@IkramShahnawaz Oh I love 'em, but when I think about the kind of preservatives they're using to stay "just-baked" it kinda makes me sick"
1957119815,"neutral","brucemorrison","@ccburns Unfortunately not"
1957120282,"worry","sanajanani","@elephantgravy my new lens isn't working. It worked for a bit and now gives an fEE error"
1957120549,"sadness","NykkiMassengill","Hates having to sleep alone"
1957120794,"empty","lrieke","Needs a new phone"
1957120823,"worry","koenvroom","back at school again. almost weekend. oh wait, i gotta work from eight to four tonight"
1957120981,"sadness","womanschitchat","I loved johnny carson now I'm going to hate seeing jay leno go"
1957121259,"sadness","mel95","even though everyone wanted to do a newish song and our teacher agreed :S old grumpy doesn't like us happy  haha"
1957121670,"worry","sheh","doing my english essay (on r&j...wtf) that i should have done a long time ago when it was assigned last thursday"
1957121753,"worry","Kay_Dazzle","@Tiff_Tiff_Marie  I think I do it too much...."
1957121970,"sadness","msulatbuku","@razitul ya. i was suffering the whole day yesterday. met dentist and feel a bit better. i still look like rocky balboa though"
1957122083,"worry","joyofzen","@GQbound I didn't end up really eating  had more snacks. sigh"
1957122354,"surprise","r3dux","FINALLY...the internet is up. The server is down in Phoenix and it was fucked up."
1957122428,"neutral","itsael","ups ketauan cabut nih gimana dong"
1957122777,"worry","crucifire","@Harishk: @krist0ph3r @saurabh sorry guys i have to drop out of the trip... some personal commitments.."
1957122923,"sadness","dezi_a","I didn't get a callback for the play I cried...  oh well I guess it's back to being a techie.."
1957123048,"happiness","blak4ever","@UniqueMakis Awesome! Wish I could fly out to see her"
1957123281,"sadness","Veronica_F","@lunafactor I kinda wish I went with you now!.. I can't fall asleep"
1957123350,"relief","Thamar","@nawid nope  het is LOST&found he ;-)"
1957123469,"worry","billydrag","At Rocky Cola Diner in Whittier tonight with teacher pal Mr. B, we had a great time chatting but no one else came..."
1957123693,"neutral","bskinner14","Off to bed!! Still exhausted from Vegas"
1957123747,"love","bella_facia","@heresmyhello92 LOL, very true. Maybe next year. I loooved that siggy, and I don't remember what the password for the mod thing was  Cake?"
1957124014,"worry","MINGA_REPREZENT","ummm sooo yeh....its really hard to concentrate rite now wen i have this weird #lupus feeling goin thro my body"
1957124073,"worry","mrspaja2009","@charleyboorman http://twitpic.com/65623 - OUCH!! That looks so painful"
1957124088,"neutral","Mr_Krypton","Took a 4 hour nap after work today and won't be able to sleep all night    This is a bummer"
1957124444,"fun","fangirldak","@JetWolf I know I enjoy watching you two on twitter. About as entertaining as the comic.  That I miss"
1957125420,"neutral","slynnerd","Loving lil ken and absolutely dreading saying goodbye in less than a week"
1957125620,"sadness","manuelchao","@Dakshinamurti Not yet... sorry"
1957125747,"worry","shradhac","All I want to do is sit back & relax for a little while. How can that be this difficult?!"
1957125791,"worry","flyingspaceship","@zhenerak I thought I was your best friend?"
1957125863,"neutral","PeKii97","HII!! Thats�meE!! I woke up and I am goinG to SchooL... Why me??"
1957126750,"sadness","michul","FALL ASLEEP ON ME AGAIN  But I know how it feels now LOL. Drag Me To Hell tonight! Quite excited"
1957126765,"worry","r_u_b_y_l","god i cant even catch public transport. swine flu is shit house"
1957126859,"worry","nuraliaa","Dad just said that our trip to UK is cancelled, due to da swine flu. Ooops! Sorry abang."
1957126889,"neutral","gecalovesyou","asks for karma points please.  http://plurk.com/p/wxnt9"
1957127234,"love","ilovejulietoo","Hahaha! Alright  .."
1957127251,"hate","ver0nica","@guitar21g @jackie_hussein i have to wake up earlier than i thought.. my dad wants me to take him food at 9AM! no0o0o0o!"
1957128448,"happiness","PULLINGTEEETH","someone take me to LA  I NEED TO SEE THE LEMON TREE"
1957128473,"sadness","milyssa","um... so I don't think my text msgs have a "subject line" ... I fail"
1957128727,"sadness","caleighbenson","tummy ache."
1957128989,"surprise","stevencraig","Math quiz: If Meow =  but Allergies =   then Meow + Allergies = ?"
1957129191,"love","khendi16","wants see my friends  ;-) http://plurk.com/p/wxnwa"
1957129392,"worry","PuppyZach","@goddessfleur youre so far away, I don't know what to do...."
1957129667,"neutral","halvfet","L.A. said "wipe the slate clean" before the jelly!"
1957130105,"happiness","jgomez89","@hiracdelest who's the one always working now?  oh yeah, still me."
1957130295,"neutral","seanbonner","@seanpercival Unless that invite comes with a beta key I'm not going to be much help..."
1957130303,"neutral","uhoh_lindsey","@Johnny_Exp not where i live."
1957130797,"sadness","naontiotami","@askegg I'm sorry, Andrew. I wish there was something I could do..."
1957131196,"sadness","mz_kellyy","as if i finsh work at eleven.. IS THAT EVEN ALLOWD?  cauz i really dont want to.. lol"
1957131233,"empty","miszundastood","Is ANYBODY up? .... I'm sooo bored!"
1957131626,"sadness","abideinlove","@AmandaMallard i'm not at chaseton's either  please don't die, my heart will be really sad"
1957131642,"happiness","krazedaise","that was an interesting show to say the least. recap tomorrow. first i must sleep. work in am."
1957131762,"worry","ESTlady_Lauren","@omgjoker o its feels like a hot box and no matter where i go in here it still feels like a hot box! ice cream isn't working n e more"
1957132096,"worry","Brewhouse94","Very Sad.... please get better Grandma"
1957132373,"worry","k8turpin","@aannniieee uuuugh  i hate everything"
1957132397,"worry","nisaho","Gosh. Today's weather is HOrriTerrible! Extreme hotness. I'm losing a lot of water weight by doing nothing.  - http://tweet.sg"
1957132511,"worry","Sp44ky","Is taking a moment to reflect...I want my annonymity back,FB!!!!  Is it safe to say anything about someone else to another friend again?"
1957132647,"surprise","CHWong","@pastorpeterko Hey Peter, thanks for the follow. So many Sydney pastors tweet!!! Shame no Bris pastors are on Twitter; we're behind."
1957132732,"neutral","impapibitch","@sha_da_asshole � cant im not @ my sister house no �-net tonite"
1957133079,"neutral","sukasukaariska","Damn, hi Facebook ? what's wrong with you ? can't add photos"
1957133192,"surprise","jeanneherawati","aku kbangun gara2 mimpi @manyolitha, very bad dream"
1957133461,"neutral","katiebanana","4 more followers.. follow me and I'll love you!! *pouts* Please?"
1957133601,"worry","PamiiUngco","@alyssainescruz aww. me too  annoying!!! :|"
1957133900,"neutral","ssabz","@textdrivebys i dont even have a WII! b likes xbox, so that's what we have  do you use it?"
1957133923,"sadness","JackieOshry","I can't sleep, this is so darn frustrating."
1957134074,"neutral","blahisremixed","@thunder_express i didnt get to see it tonight"
1957134278,"fun","tractorqueen","My BFF rocking Hotel California now. No @NKOTB songs!  done stay the same. What's next? Hmmm.. Careless whisper!"
1957134402,"sadness","texasraver","@stormyamorette just one of those days where loneliness creeps up on you slaps you in the face."
1957134460,"sadness","k8turpin","RIP kelly  fucccccck"
1957134780,"worry","marci723","@RockedByPickler well I don't have vacations so let's NOT go there"
1957134969,"worry","RebelAngel","I think im being ignored...by my best friend, jake....a) i hate being ignored. b) we all know how things go with him"
1957135265,"love","AdrianaJauregui","@Anna_Viola love it! By the way I didn't end up having time to go this week  I'm sooooo sorry! Next week for sure!"
1957135415,"neutral","soadman","2nd to last episode of jay leno  itll never be the same!  nite twitter"
1957135976,"sadness","Leslieloks","Not feeling too good"
1957136360,"sadness","cellguru","Ok. Time to nodd off its gonna be a long day tomorrow. Saying goodbye to my car for good"
1957136490,"neutral","indexhtml","Fakin' kisha...just my luck!"
1957136519,"worry","Raes28","Taking a nap after work=no sleep right now. The nap felt soooo good but now it seems like a bad idea"
1957136704,"worry","ms_mary_mac","is going home... I've seriously had enough"
1957136998,"enthusiasm","Dutchie_Lizz","Counting the minutes when my dad's g-friend is leaving"
1957137074,"sadness","kerriruta","i miss oklahomaaaaa  listening to citizen cope til i pass out."
1957137139,"neutral","liamhui85","so tense..so emotional...so not me.."
1957137171,"enthusiasm","dancer2techie","@leopardqueen @seekinspiration Have fun! I miss you guys a lot!"
1957137208,"worry","iSasha","@skyduke478 that makes me sad for you"
1957137805,"neutral","SeanBuchananKS","playing the game of watching straight people hook up but can't leave because of another reason"
1957138437,"neutral","shoptilldrop","@daveg38 yeah work today  never mind only one day then sun sun sun...."
1957138659,"worry","HGhost","Feels like im going to cough up a lung"
1957139587,"sadness","elizbethunny","its funny. i'm kinda sad on my last day"
1957139613,"neutral","bella_facia","@heresmyhello92 I don't think it was either. But I can't remember it."
1957139668,"neutral","jakieee08","anyone got JBs live chat vid? i was @ school  I saw joe hug and tackle nick lol"
1957139854,"sadness","team_sleep","Jenny fell asleep and didn't come over"
1957140078,"worry","hannah_bananah2","@thedailysurvey Why do we love those that we cannot have?"
1957140211,"sadness","sammiejo2502","Wishes you had teased me with movie night"
1957140229,"worry","Stephanya","I lost 4 followers over night, nobody likes me"
1957140443,"sadness","robinsons","@johneast I've missed one this year(!). It's the forbidden fruit. Of all the trees in the garden I munch in disappointment on that one."
1957140584,"worry","frenchbabel","I want a new phone  I've seen too much cellphone commercials ("
1957140914,"worry","hello_jodie","@Anime81  I'm soo sad. It's just on the edges of the pages, but it's not gonna come out. *cries*"
1957140966,"worry","trishababycakes","this time, i really need to shut it.. i'm going to sleep! my head aches badly and i really can't take it.."
1957141622,"sadness","Samm_xo","@IvanaE i love it to.. but i knw there gna cut stuff out on tv"
1957141723,"neutral","nico80013","@soonseeofpred becuz you braggin"
1957142001,"sadness","MadisonMitchell","@JoannaAngel I do  But Im on a strict diet. . . ugh I feel like if i cheat for one day Ill throw everything up."
1957142083,"worry","waireyes","Oh no, hubs is so sick! I hope I don't catch it"
1957142103,"neutral","bunnymousekitt","@lawikyn ze Franz has not friended me  i think they think i'm a creepy stalker or sommat. Hmph."
1957142715,"hate","whiterr_x","Taking back the HORRIBLE shoes my mum made me get.. urgggh. They are some nasty footwear! Problem is, I can't find any other shoes!"
1957142917,"worry","SuRe_Sh0t","Ran out of money. I r a sad panda"
1957143180,"neutral","i_bored","And then you find out today they had there first kiss! }"
1957143236,"sadness","ohbrenlee","So Cal Dachshund Rescue found a home for my foster pup, Max. I'm soooooo sad to see him leave"
1957143446,"sadness","gayish","wow I feel like ish  and I really feel bad because those ignorent aholes wont overturn prop 8"
1957143564,"sadness","AmieeRC","off to work now, finish about 9pm  booooo."
1957143679,"sadness","sammiejo2502","Wishes you hadn't teased me with movie night"
1957144205,"worry","GauravSaha","@RitikaKar  http://bit.ly/179jxS But gotta wiat till next week  btw...you from Mumbai itself?"
1957144247,"neutral","FF5Freak910","dont know why so tired today  bye, time for beddy"
1957144266,"empty","mandysaster","intentando intentarlo ONCE AGAIN!"
1957145383,"sadness","brianmcgui","maybe i should take up drinking again, feel as if i have a ,massive hangover  still not ,yself today"
1957145425,"worry","Crackberryfreak","i have a really bad head ache  gonna go to bed i might be back maybe not bye bye"
1957145483,"worry","ChenHelen","friends from Traveller's Tales held a farewell party for me but I kinda disappointed them that I would still be here until Sep. My fault."
1957145531,"hate","holleeann91","night 5 not talking to my victor  i'm so bored at night now. grrrr i hate this shit"
1957145546,"enthusiasm","stinkylink","I am going to die tomorrow night.  @emilazy should be here."
1957145627,"neutral","joanneliyeng","@syafique ooh maggi goreng. yums. i cant eat, sore throat cmin"
1957145817,"hate","Jessicahhhh","gonna get off to try and catch some Z's, no more high school after tomorrow! which really sucks  i wish i didn't have to grow up!"
1957145833,"neutral","baneen","@curligirl morning hon. what you having for breakfast? I cant decide"
1957145956,"sadness","panopticonisi","should be sleeping.  lost my voice a couple day ago."
1957146159,"neutral","PokrPrinses","did I mention my BF bubbled the WSOP employees event after 12 hrs with AA  Working doubles  now for the next 6 weeks"
1957146363,"sadness","cutebabe016","I was too sleepy earlier and i didnt get to see matt"
1957146502,"love","annabarclay","big day 2day the xt launch was amazing! so much free stuff thanx 2 the edge and telecom! found the phone i want...cnt afford it yet tho"
1957146742,"worry","milaaaaycyrusss","@bethBABE4 Oh yeah, i'm the poorest person of all. But i shouldnt joke about that, poor other people"
1957146963,"sadness","J_Potter","I just realized I spelled "adorable" wrong when I tweeted @mindykaling she must hate me now"
1957147025,"neutral","FireBurn","@DellOutletUK But now it's gone"
1957147097,"worry","NikaB84","@janesas_mommy oh  well i hope she gets better"
1957147219,"worry","VictoriaDoyle","@jordskkk who are the crew? please dont be me...  i dont think it is but i could be wrong i have been a number of times..."
1957147399,"sadness","shermaineee","how to have a glowing face? my complexion is always so pale"
1957147422,"sadness","ryandc","Downloadfestival's lineup isn't as good as i thought it was. There are some other awesome bands doing the festivals, but missing DL"
1957147537,"worry","ellentai","haven't watched gossip girl in ageeees ! and need one tree hill season 3 . god i'm so slow"
1957147618,"relief","clairey67","@colstewart You're cycling tho' that's good. Healthy eating  Healthy and eating are a contradiction in terms."
1957147658,"hate","MEG_B_johnson","Sooo.....I'm kinda o sick n tired of the bs that guys dish out  !!!!!!!!"
1957147665,"love","Melissataylor15","@daveockun I hate you , Fleetwood is my favorite band...I'm so jealous  ok I still love you haha"
1957147848,"surprise","sammy148","So wish the Carlton game was on live  stupid channel 7 lol."
1957148385,"worry","thebassman","Up early again tomorrow... heading to bed now. I keep saying I'm going to take a midday nap, but it hasn't happened this week yet..."
1957148490,"neutral","itsael","ups ketauan cabut sama @gemamalove @chikachilo nih"
1957148550,"empty","MegDebs","says morning everyone, off to work in 10 min's  http://plurk.com/p/wxom8"
1957148955,"love","Adalias_Grave","i no i no bt i had only been a gamer for like 2 years when i made that attempt  lol yea i luvd F1 to an extent @yellowshirts"
1957149016,"neutral","ashleeadams","It's 4pm Friday, he left at 6am Thursday.... surely he should be there now"
1957149064,"worry","queenbmakeup","@imjustlalayone  I'm so sorry .. ya gotta let me know! I've been booked all week!"
1957149170,"happiness","amandalaur","@Sashairene hahaha oh man please come to pomona i would love to see you everyday instead of like once a year if that"
1957149458,"worry","AmbzMox","@letsgeticecream I miss you!  Come to Michigan like now....I can't wait till July"
1957149571,"neutral","a99kitten","@talentdmrripley  maybe a good night's sleep for everyone?"
1957149586,"worry","ellentai","farrrrr . pdhpe assignment due next week and have english homework !"
1957149886,"worry","Chris_Clayford","forgot his access card in the car�too lazy to fetch it"
1957150173,"neutral","kesoleil","@_erica Yea, its tough to keep it going. Sometimes I'm not sure its worth it."
1957150281,"fun","joeboyfresh","@BriannaBanshee such a dissapointment  hhaha"
1957150332,"worry","Cherye101","@4EvaAFanOfPaula hun are you okay? I see alot of your posts your exercising like mad,not eating or sleeping"
1957150462,"sadness","chelsea_playboy","oh no my tweetdeck is malfunctioning :O il have web will its fixd"
1957150576,"sadness","schamloser","@ElectraX ...i'm sorry about you are still sick  u know most of them, AND i know that u will guess the "pelzer present" ;-)"
1957151064,"sadness","SoupAirCool","@maliciousmandy1 Adam Samberg + new moon trailor = good evening. Too bad my cable is off as of friday"
1957151134,"worry","avinashmeetoo","@carrotmadman6 What happened? I'm afraid I missed a large part of the story"
1957151356,"neutral","cabbruscato","Work at 5:45am ="
1957151415,"neutral","roddickremixed","@anthothemantho Hell yes. I'm too late."
1957151709,"worry","midekra","Dell FX100 Pc-over-IP audio device (Teradici) is giving me a hard time in #Linux #Ubuntu Jaunty  Kernel isnt loading the snd-hda-intel drv"
1957151748,"sadness","ShamelessAngel","Just got my ass kicked in Tripoly lol  I got such bad cards... i suck"
1957151886,"fun","xdetergentx","creeped it up at the ice cream social! good times. lars and the real girl, such a sad movie"
1957152277,"worry","Rianti_W","sooo.... Hot in here hufff....."
1957152425,"worry","Jessicalam112","closeness or distance? closeness... but now everything seems so distant..."
1957152662,"sadness","CrysMH","Annnnnnddd another one bites the dust"
1957152849,"worry","J_Dizzly","Ahhhhh! My "Let The Right One In" DVD broke"
1957153131,"enthusiasm","Lau_Morales","@drewseeley hey i loved ACS but i had to see it online, is not here yet   cant wait to buy it!!! you look amazing there"
1957153177,"worry","cyberop5","@hisheidi  my thoughts dwell on a certain person"
1957153763,"worry","alyxandrawr","fml my work uniform is on the washing line"
1957153898,"worry","MuGzyMcFLy","ohh shit i just realized she still not talking to me  it b like dat some times.."
1957153926,"sadness","DaKidMiles","on my 42nd written fuck.. i get less ideas every day, and every day"
1957154044,"worry","WillSpringfield","@MelissaLynnette naw, it doesnt match up LOL and i have no shenanigans to discuss...  but i did do the thing..."
1957154062,"worry","katertotter","@mayora not this part, unfortunately."
1957154220,"worry","daveingland","@soverpeck dude, i didn't know it was a personal experience. sorry something like that went down"
1957154452,"worry","HeatherBAustin","@A_Lay aww well I just randomly woke up and now I can't sleep! Too many things on my mind"
1957154606,"worry","darlingnikki01","@donperignon me too baby... Miss you"
1957154717,"neutral","blak4ever","@ddlovato Since obviously living in Alaska, only a few radio stations we get here."
1957154821,"hate","marconipoveda","i just murdered two fucking mouses!!! now i cant sleep"
1957155160,"neutral","MiCTLaN74","Oh noes.  hey, what's my tatoo say?"
1957155266,"neutral","karinb_za","@astynes I don't have a VCR..."
1957155610,"sadness","goodwill","@hammett I wish I could have time for my xbox  project all tied"
1957155968,"worry","skyeeeee","all my pancakes always end up soggy."
1957156210,"worry","Joannazhou","4 very big ???zongzi) for lunch, ate more, but not work more.Work less but eat more, what  can I do w/h it? Too useless become."
1957156484,"hate","dj_melza","sososo bummed, like really bummed, i hate this rain, ruin my date..."
1957156949,"hate","DasutinD","Working late at night on a Dell notebook, Dell's quality has gone down hill, warrenty service sucks too, poor people  buy a Mac instead"
1957157433,"surprise","air_nautique","Wow. That hurt way worse than i thought it would."
1957157469,"worry","metalxhack","Why do none of my thoughts make sense when I'm sober?"
1957157790,"neutral","KayKay4ever","@MsAKAtainment I know right  but hopefully something comes up though"
1957158373,"worry","konneko","I cant to sleep and tomorrow i must wake up too early"
1957158466,"worry","Locococomoco","@JustDes As it is now, my body has already developed a mind of it's own but that mind refuses to co-operate with set schedules"
1957158560,"neutral","Vichka","@claudiuvoicu supposed to be back Sun (via private jet btw#!:o) but mite hav to stay bymyself (thnk god) for another week  & want Bruno!"
1957158904,"sadness","FeistTheRogue","And trash repops.  Getting it tomorrow night I suppose."
1957158993,"worry","ashtangi_paul","Nursing bruises from motorbike crash on Wednesday night leaving London workplace. The ground is so much harder the older you get"
1957159693,"worry","sshannonlouisee","so bored, i have a headache."
1957159745,"neutral","fearless911","Huge headache...goodnight!!"
1957160024,"sadness","ashthomson","feels like crap whenever she lays down. @)(1+-'$#! I hate heartburn & backaches!"
1957160410,"sadness","Traaaaaacy","@katiefreeze I miss you!!!! It's lonely and empty without you!  http://yfrog.com/3o3zxoj"
1957160428,"sadness","Gwakkle","@lozzyx NOICE. I realised that after exams I have 2 more weeks  Forgot about the whole 2 weeks of Unit 4 in term 2 thing :/"
1957160547,"neutral","DamjanaJuden","I justwatched like, 5 straight episodes of escaped on ID Discovery channel. A guy imprisoned 6 women, killed 2 and cooked them"
1957160631,"sadness","CharlotteFoss","Missing Everyone"
1957160649,"empty","argonplatypus","Should have gone to bed ages ago, damn you tedtalks!  Gotta get up early too"
1957160829,"neutral","flynnister","its only 0.2! Just give me my 3 points!"
1957160843,"hate","victoriaaa_","@calvinharris make the most of pork products while you can, they've fucking stopped importing it here in dubai. bad times"
1957160993,"worry","cruisemaniac","another build failed! something is not right in the big scheme of things!"
1957161106,"worry","markkenny","My wife took my last �20, no McDonalds breakfast for me today"
1957161380,"love","MissAleks","I wish I was going to we love sounds"
1957161860,"sadness","CASSIEoliver","My sisser is moving tomorrow and of makes me sad  actually I guess technically in a couple of hours since it's already Friday."
1957162285,"worry","ChalsiEspiritu","I keep on falling asleep when I'm suppose to be awake. I miss my babyy.."
1957162630,"neutral","believingpony","@ryanhalloran why not?"
1957162853,"worry","bexofcov","On my way to nottingham..I so don't want to be going"
1957162894,"surprise","ramsey33","No churchill downs for me tomorrow"
1957162928,"neutral","cherylchi","to Chicago... but why isn't my ride calling me back?"
1957163020,"neutral","camiv93313","K, goodnight! Gotta do Chuck E Cheese tomorrow following kindergarten shots and physical... Bla"
1957163152,"worry","samanthaalyson","I need to wake up earlier so I'm actually tired enough to fall asleep"
1957163172,"surprise","DJNoxpt","Bahh the police ended the party @ 5!!  Just when i was starting...."
1957163634,"neutral","Geeno33","I've got to catch the bus to work"
1957163968,"sadness","CBTheCross","@wired that is so sad"
1957164444,"surprise","sami_bby","@Jordalynn omg you've never seen 'the Ring' its a creppy ass movie"
1957164542,"surprise","Mel4Zac","mannnn..... @alllyy_ got an iphone!!! im jealous...."
1957164607,"love","Hanzi83","@kirstiealley funny u havent showed me any love yet at all"
1957165453,"neutral","sarahjanerulez","@pegbanditkitty absolutely nothin"
1957165693,"love","shagreenxo","@AnnetteStatus I luv urs! admitting niley with a kiss (: but then they change their minds  haha & demi/sterling (: not jemi but still cute"
1957165874,"neutral","At3f3h","@ecctv If it makes you feel better I lost 10 overnight cause I posted a picture of a baby"
1957165933,"sadness","ellabreyes","is still sick  sigh"
1957166244,"worry","milaaaaycyrusss","@bethBABE4 Oh poor beths friend  i'm not naughty, i'm just unperfect."
1957166454,"surprise","TeamEdward6","Josh just called me a big bucket of ugly  wish me luck for my audition tweets!"
1957166877,"sadness","j7en_16","i feel really weird"
1957166935,"surprise","xmjox","@future_perfect I'm trying to self learn photoshop but it's not going so well!"
1957167206,"worry","weelissa","@BrianLimond Ever seen the tv show Dead Like Me? I died and became a grim reaper. Taking people's souls after accidents"
1957167375,"neutral","beverlynoelle","@scumm_boy I'm sorry  I'm thinking about you and hope the week gets better!"
1957167387,"worry","JudithLewis","Steam Punlk fashion show at Anime North and for the first year since TorCon we aren't back til @Anticipationsf & missed it"
1957167519,"sadness","meeeegaan","my throat hurts  gonna go read and go to bed. text mee!"
1957168110,"worry","kin_meng","I am dying to hangout on a Friday afternoon..."
1957168160,"worry","thep","Eh.. it's cold"
1957168222,"neutral","iphonetalktoday","mannnn..... @alllyy_ got an iphone!!! im jealous....  http://bit.ly/NgnaR"
1957168762,"sadness","lizbarnett","fjdskal im really frustrated."
1957168874,"neutral","omgitsafox","@regent_lord Aww, you should've YouTubed it."
1957168966,"sadness","michellequek","Wondering how come mcdonalds take so long to deliver my food."
1957169086,"surprise","XxMindyNicolexX","@desdoulas Ya, the weather has been super weird here. It looked like it was gonna rain today but of course it didn't, darnitt,"
1957169132,"sadness","Ndege","@kenyaimagine ... much more injustice than we can imagine now. It will get worse before it gets better, I am afraid. No doubt here. Sorry"
1957169154,"neutral","K_J","Will miss nostalgia ... everyone please kick tushar"
1957169213,"sadness","MEG_B_johnson","Sooo.....I'm kind of sick n tired of the bs that guys dish out  !!!!!!!!"
1957169248,"worry","AliciaVelasquez","class color day tomorrow! last time!  I have a lot to remember for tomorrow but I bet I'll forget -_-"
1957169451,"sadness","princessniki1","@StarOnMaineSt idk lol my head hurts. rly bad. & so does my stomach... hmm... personally, i think its from all the #s ive had 2 deal wit"
1957170158,"worry","movewithme","@keytar @badtwin BUT THEY ARE EXPENSIVE."
1957170232,"hate","deenahdeedoodah","WTF facebook just cleared out my whole survey and i was on the last q, this night gets better and better  what else is next?"
1957170358,"neutral","the_andrenator","says good (or should i say bad?) afternoon!  http://plurk.com/p/wxpdj"
1957170449,"neutral","Fiah29","says I've got number 10~  getting low~~ http://plurk.com/p/wxpdr"
1957170760,"worry","anthonylewry","Misses his twitastic fwiends"
1957171202,"worry","eckodabrat","@Deziree_Divine take my advice lookin through the phone cost me my relationship"
1957171745,"fun","J_Cahn","was playing street fighter IV and Seth Raped me"
1957172292,"hate","sylverxrainbow","Its weird being at the guy's house without them here. I don't like it"
1957172370,"surprise","WillSpringfield","FUCK wasting deodorant... i aint goin no where... i aint havin company  let me funk it to ya!"
1957172893,"neutral","sidestreets","@summer_eyes I wish I knew!  The curse of Tumblr."
1957173062,"sadness","kevintuk","what a beautiful day - shame I've got to spend it in an office"
1957173458,"empty","nataliatanyadji","I came with a q: "any recommended hairdresser? U r full and they suggested me to others  " His ego talked and I'm in d line"
1957173834,"neutral","VictoriaRolfe","Business exam tomorrow"
1957174053,"worry","chickman07","@WTF_JayR oh, i know how budgeting is."
1957174125,"sadness","sesh","Just finished watching the series return of the Chasers War on Everything - really quite crap compared to how it used to be"
1957174158,"sadness","JenStewartPhoto","Wow just realized haven't checked Twitter since 9am when I saw my to-do list. Good news- got lot done. Bad news-don't know where day went"
1957174207,"sadness","razearellano","http://twitpic.com/664b7 - miss my bestfriend :'( now she left school"
1957174335,"surprise","MandyKitKat","OUCH! my earphones just shocked me"
1957174342,"empty","ErictheAzn","@allyycase I'm trying to sleep!!! It's not working"
1957175219,"sadness","samterror","Tummy hurts"
1957175259,"neutral","sammio94","back from grimsby  it sucks bein back but was amazin wknd anyway!!"
1957175385,"sadness","opalsdownunder","farewelling an employee tonight..."
1957175518,"neutral","BrookeAmanda","@allysonalfonso haha, its under 18 :@ so ive got no one to go with  curse none of my friends liking TAI lol"
1957175560,"worry","dougedey","Gorgeous weather, but no bike"
1957175586,"sadness","theloz","Morning all. The water heating's packed up, so i can't have a bath. I REALLY want a bath!"
1957175992,"sadness","EmptiMind","@heavenlyriot Girls are confusing."
1957176048,"sadness","motleydeflep6","@ lyrically_Me   Why would you do that to me?!"
1957176189,"love","mzambitious","@jamasweetie06 see...u shouldn't be comin' 4 the city, u should be comin' 4 me"
1957176357,"sadness","jasku","Blackout in the city is never good"
1957176603,"neutral","Maya_L","@angelazodiak Aww maybe i traumatized her."
1957177248,"happiness","Idoby2","@wedplanworkshop . Flights already booked, plus its GGD2 1st birthday. Can't miss that ! especially as we missed GGD1"
1957177654,"hate","ZenHarmony","@mrskutcher  Where I live, all the small markets deliver their day-old bread to the food bank, but times are really tough, even for me"
1957177660,"worry","jessismalls","I have drunk hickups. I had a pretty laid back, great night. But I still can't help but be mad about the situation I put myself in"
1957178636,"worry","CandleNtheDark","why do i think i have to take medicine cuz i was laughing to hard?. my head should not be in this much pain. i thought laughter was gud"
1957179054,"neutral","cpwhiteshadows","Ugh. Too much happened today. I really need a hug"
1957179157,"enthusiasm","waaaida","boring. i wanna go for taekwando"
1957179475,"enthusiasm","HDrobiarz","Watching Leno for the second to last time on the Tonight Show"
1957179532,"neutral","Robi27","@n3rin3 Ur pic is gone"
1957180100,"worry","MARCisaballa","My tongue still hurts.  I need to sleep!!!"
1957180254,"neutral","ShawnaDaniese","how do you twitter?"
1957180598,"sadness","weelissa","@half_a_mind Chris and I are staying in Glasgow instead cause there is absolutely no accomodation in Edinburgh due to the marathon"
1957181030,"love","helefra","I can't wait till it's Sunday, a new episode of Supernatural but then there are only 6 episodes left now"
1957181400,"neutral","MariahHoneyLee","@JWess awww  ok lol hopefully by than im still here and not back over in the states"
1957181678,"sadness","soporificfrog","@t_isfortammy Sad tweets are sad"
1957181879,"worry","zoe_king","needs a little lie down. not feeling great today. boo"
1957181945,"neutral","andybutterworth","@djcoombs not at my workplace.   but a short-sleeved shirt is absolutely necessary today!"
1957181947,"sadness","maughmer","Have decided I just can't stand @GuyKawasaki's Alltop spam any longer."
1957182104,"worry","tinyvamp","its from all that anal sex, i forgot the lube. damn  may need to go to the E.R."
1957182181,"worry","eberhartn","Playn madden with austin. Im going to miss him.."
1957182382,"sadness","happy_inside","i miss rich"
1957182504,"sadness","art_is_hard","Headache of the century coming- I can feel it  Fuck."
1957182827,"sadness","v1ncensia","disappointed to know that I got the Silver Award. I want the GOLD award. I hate being second best."
1957183021,"worry","hutchouse","PLEASE MAKE THE LIVECHAT ON SATURDAY CUS I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL ON WEEKDAYS(5/6 AM here)   @Jonasbrothers"
1957183110,"worry","Nicolaarthur","I want to go back to bed but have a child to look after!  I may sleep all of sunday, my enevitable hangover may require it!"
1957183149,"worry","brandehhh","I just got mad tired so no sex  sleepytime night!"
1957183352,"boredom","shandatru","THIS TWITTER SHIT BORES ME, NOW I C Y I HAVEN'T BEEN ON HERE IN A MONTH"
1957183431,"neutral","SallytheShizzle","does anyone know how to convert 6 est to Aus time? ROFL xD fucking radio disney"
1957183897,"sadness","kanahina","home from ice cream tweet-up (my very first tweet-up!) No pics because my camera battery died last night and i forgot to charge it"
1957184403,"neutral","kaushal","@sakshijuneja ok that's subtly saying i'm no longer a fave  temme 1 thing - did the firangs steal your vocab? ur eating words and how!"
1957185446,"worry","iluvkrisallenx3","@scotty_mcc bye, Scotty!  i'm gonna miss you. ily<333"
1957185625,"worry","jowkitechblog","New Comment On Jowki:  I wish I had the time to blog more often  http://cli.gs/ZzRe1P"
1957186277,"worry","Joannina","we can get a temporary tattoo. I would be totally sad if he died."
1957186411,"worry","ItsIMANIrose","@professor12 gray! .... i so feel neglected"
1957187070,"worry","Curlyman1001","@Desert_Star95 oh so you know how I feel then  Damn representative for bank of america tried to make it sound like I did it. What a b ..."
1957187082,"worry","energizerame","is tired and cold and runny"
1957188146,"sadness","just_reva","@narain Dun wanna travel all the way there for lunch now. But yeah i have been there. Nice place. Missing Shan-e-Punjab though..."
1957188633,"hate","karaready","Doing a mass cleanout of my room before rearranging it. Just sent mother out to buy me a bin and a bookshelf since mine sucks. Bad mood"
1957188800,"sadness","bradhawkins87","@xMyLifesAStoryx rob got lucky that game he beat me 209-205"
1957188806,"hate","maojoa","feeling really sick  watching the fifth element, and about to smoke a cigg. ugh i hate colds!"
1957188904,"surprise","liangtfm","Bah I don't think @bing's FB fan page will get to 7500"
1957188908,"worry","_kaaaty","someone save me!! i dont want to pack anymore"
1957188950,"sadness","G_eor_gia","home from school had the shitest day today"
1957189228,"love","Jellie1981","@markiti The sweety sat on the table this morning...Just woke up! Very sweet! Oh...btw...I think i'll be home around 7 pm!!!  Xxx"
1957189540,"worry","CassieTipps","bruise on knee will make it hard to skate tomorrow."
1957189551,"sadness","movewithme","@hobosexual lol.  When I went to buy my new laptop in Feb., I already knew, lol, but I looked anyway and walked away sadfaced. :/"
1957189838,"neutral","pas_non","FYI no internets until THURSTAG!!!! after saturday  i have a feeling i will become 800x more productive during those days."
1957189924,"sadness","Louie_E","Sitting by myself. Everyone took the good seats."
1957190114,"worry","helloglo","NO FREE WIFI!?!? My vacay is ruined!!!!"
1957190291,"sadness","TimRogers","@sfannah Ahhhhh  Well at least I'm up to!"
1957190628,"love","JacquiOx","@mattpro13 Maatt Havent spoken to you in ages dudeee  Dont forget bout ur Aussie fan  ;) lool. Love ya xx"
1957190952,"sadness","Sambo_O","@DHughesy ME! oh wait wrong state"
1957190983,"surprise","n0tin","It's fucking cold here north now! It was like 77 DF yesterday where I was, here it's 37,4"
1957191024,"happiness","sridharv86","Are u missing ur frnds ? Hear to "Manasellaam " From Kulir100 Degree movie. Its amazing !!!  Nanbargale - Miss u guys !!!"
1957191331,"worry","saroqq","Trying to sleep without any pills... Not working. 3am and wide awake. But now it's too late to take them because I'll sleep til 3pm"
1957191437,"worry","tastetheL0VE","Phone will die soon. What to do now? Oh no!"
1957191516,"sadness","Quastbabynumbr5","Sorry was that mean"
1957191630,"worry","ThePoonie","Forgot my power cable at home today"
1957191924,"surprise","ceggs","Dogs eyes seem bad. Just forked out on new washing machine so why not a vets bill to top it off eh?!?!"
1957191925,"worry","OnyxWolf","I can't sleep. I can't find my grandmother's quilt or locket. I'm sick at myself cause I may have lost them somehow. Or they were stolen"
1957192084,"worry","Nightmarelynn","@ZachMoore1 I thought I was going to see a pic of your clean car"
1957192167,"worry","chelsea_playboy","@hot30 i want to! but im not over 18 and t&c says over 18's only  wanna make an exception for me ;)"
1957192307,"worry","mensoh","@ingridkerr No, but it does amazing things with keeping all your online conversations in one place... unfortunately that place is Google"
1957192397,"sadness","androidinfo","@rscheuer sorry, is only in spanish for the moment"
1957192464,"worry","ash1225","@ddlovato Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! but thats sp far away!"
1957192594,"fun","itsurgirld","must clear out my DVR... getting rid of it tomorrw."
1957192957,"hate","LucHeidenreich","Bummed that F! F! F! broke up"
1957192967,"neutral","teiladnam","I signed up for an account on a political website so I could post a comment but it isn't working."
1957193010,"neutral","UggGirlie","How Come I Can Never Sleep Past?? Not Good"
1957193022,"worry","HalfCentaur","@Sageey My public talk in July got canceled and I don't know why."
1957193805,"neutral","DMB_","@typicalrouse I would but its like 1800 or 1000+ miles  gas prices are crazy im doing alpine next summer most def"
1957194036,"worry","Becky548","Feeling so rough today, just want a cuddle and some sleep"
1957194329,"happiness","tineymarie","@cha_rade oh no the economy gotcha?  sorry but so happy that you got another one in LA!  Enjoy SoCal! Ahahaay! LOL"
1957194339,"worry","HighandDriving","@portugaltheman Where'd the songs go on the site, I want "Do You" on this computer too"
1957194454,"sadness","circelilith","has had the flu pass unto me by andy...went shopping and got fresh chicken for chicken soup...but no d&d this sat ...is a sad panda"
1957194726,"neutral","henouk","has an exam at 10am - I slept about 3 hours last night"
1957194802,"sadness","CiaranActon","not well"
1957194936,"sadness","bloodlusttypo","@Miss_Rain oh what the hell  way to tell me."
1957195159,"neutral","laurenmikael","Wish I lived in or atleast relatively close to Ohio!   Haven't seen @SmallTown_Troy or @Derk_McLoven in almost a year."
1957195244,"sadness","She_shines92","@theblackestsea oh crap!!"
1957195455,"happiness","seniahh","so carlie came over and she fell asleep on me"
1957195514,"neutral","velofille","@3Gguy and within a short time of the last clue all of them"
1957195703,"neutral","VictoriaDoyle","my phone still doesnt tweet"
1957195915,"neutral","karinb_za","@blindcripple Good idea Brain, you can't not be on Twitter..."
1957195949,"sadness","StephiieG","@shaundiviney i didnt get the msg!! :'( but i bought princess"
1957196056,"love","sandrawheelis","Trying to learn how to do this "twitter" thing... I'll get there. Welcome to all my followers, though Im not that interesting"
1957196074,"neutral","Lyoung6168","@mrskutcher just checked library website and girl with dragon tattoo is checked out"
1957196203,"surprise","badtwin","@movewithme lol ik they are, but i figure i've kept it for a year+ without needing virus software or to get it fixed  sigh"
1957196764,"worry","gailey1305","first puppy gone 2 new home."
1957196825,"sadness","gemmy628","I'm so unhappy being here. I hate it. It's affecting everything. My relationships with people, my personality, my attitude..."
1957196855,"sadness","itsToniA","There's Nothing To Do Right Now And I'm Tired But I Don't Want To Sleep. Cleaned Up Pretty Good, So Proud. At Least I'd Be A Good Janitor"
1957197501,"worry","VictoriaDoyle","feeling extremally ill"
1957197786,"sadness","LaurenKayW","@Madush oh my... now im offended.  ha"
1957198077,"relief","Caitlinmfg","Off work, trying to relax for about 30 mins before I've gotta go back to sleep"
1957198359,"hate","Dutchrudder","@StonedSteve yes it was good 2 see them laught at each other,,but that poor lad asking his mum & dad 2 kill him"
1957198430,"neutral","benmfowler","I'm at work"
1957198551,"worry","urtherevolution",""my name is Tony!!!!!! ...not hey!!!!" -  poor tony"
1957198598,"neutral","HighandDriving","@portugaltheman @liftingfaces Where'd the songs go on the site, I want "Do You" on this computer too"
1957198802,"worry","LatinAngel9393","back time.  I wish I was a teenager again. I wish I could feel healthy again. I can't remember what it's like to feel healthy anymore."
1957198814,"sadness","KatrinaMarieee","The 3d version of Up sold out   regular version it is!"
1957198981,"worry","gudnewzcixx","@YEPNAYDEA I don't have ur #...anymore, I think!!"
1957199055,"sadness","Nickygeezy","@NickTheIntern my love!!! We still havn't done lunch together like we said we would.. I miss you my friend"
1957199368,"happiness","kittykatorphan","To all my friends: Im deeply sorry i'm moving, i will miss u all so very very much!"
1957199401,"surprise","Jazzy813","Where is my bestie when i need him @iAmcertiPHIed"
1957199558,"neutral","YOUNG_KC","@CheetahmamiBia oooo ok   why  havent you accepted my friends request"
1957199632,"worry","turbowanda","Damn i have something to say and no one is listening"
1957200791,"neutral","vrodriguez420","just got home after killing a possum"
1957201369,"worry","Samm_xo","@Jessicaveronica OMG YAYA!!! we put you #5 please not the end of the year"
1957201670,"worry","LatinAngel9393","I miss the old healthy me and I am loosing faith that I ever will be again"
1957202373,"fun","Embabe09","@Jukie_08 hell yeah! i missed u last nite  lol do u like my opinion?"
1957202477,"worry","reallysucks","gonna get off to try and catch some Z's, no more high school after tomorrow! which really sucks  i wish i didn.. http://tinyurl.com/lk9ag8"
1957202674,"neutral","ivyivydeliz","... that's all"
1957202990,"worry","Mattdennis","Rawr and whatnot. I am having a godawful drawing night tonight... even less progress has been made than I expected."
1957203110,"happiness","ErictheAzn","@allyycase suuure"
1957203255,"neutral","hash_yahoo","@anshprat yahoo maps! lots more to desire #yahoo"
1957203256,"worry","dereckbreuning","I miss my daily quotes! Why don't i get them anymore? @sschabowski am I kicked from your mailinglist?"
1957203878,"sadness","singingchef85","now aches & chills have joined the party. Why couldn't the cold just go away? It had to get worse?"
1957204382,"worry","kalilahtwitts","@MateRiaLGirL1 I won't b hereeeeee. Imma b in georgia  and then I'm off to LA. Grrrrrr!"
1957204499,"worry","shrikhande","@sensonize ohh sorry , thats someone else's pic  my bad"
1957204516,"worry","matthysbakker","Missed my train by 5 secs  yesterdaynight knijp, jaap & flashback. Now sitting on the blisters. If you know what I mean. ;)"
1957204629,"worry","HiImMimi","Why am I still upppp????? LOL.  Work in less than 5 hours."
1957204970,"sadness","audreywilles","bed. with stomach ache"
1957205389,"worry","jaynedoefresh","@Bam_Hall Is that why you aint answer my call? Thought we were homies!?"
1957205446,"worry","cherryzntash69","gnite  Fukn Nite * wanted sum {pinga} but couldn't get any"
1957205757,"empty","jemariie","@Tinkabellastar no. my school will start on June1.  two days to go. i still don't want. :l"
1957205912,"neutral","sammiidizzle","facebook quizzes are one cure of boredom haha, my teeth/mouth hurts"
1957206063,"sadness","lrharley","lappy charger is completely dead... conserving what's left of the battery until i can afford to buy a new one"
1957206142,"sadness","yuetmui","finally accepting the fact that all cute guys are taken"
1957206274,"surprise","ziggywas","Summer Glau to appear in Dollhouse next year http://tinyurl.com/mnrezc... I still can't believe they won't renew TSCC"
1957206336,"worry","RochelleReyes","Finally watched the rest of The Guild Season 2. I always feel so sorry (and hopeful at the same time) for your char, @feliciaday"
1957206343,"neutral","JerrodK","@debbylovespr I've got one too  though i think mine was attributed to the seizure inducing color/light show in the movie The Soloist."
1957206401,"hate","delboy1203","@GoblinZA Can't access your site!"
1957206634,"love","frekklz","@craftjoshua I CAN'T!!! My heart aches for her children  I wanna adopt alexis"
1957206666,"love","Kelndan","@TicketChoice lunch was going home to rest...not well today"
1957206844,"neutral","MRSCAMPOS","goodnight everyone."
1957207123,"empty","chris_sponge","those workmen extending R block can't start this early surely.. its 7:45am and already they're making a racket and woken me up!"
1957207318,"sadness","pamvila","@HazelAngeli @V0TR0N  too bad Vo got me sick I think  & I don't even have meds to feel like you."
1957207392,"neutral","denis_v_pavlov","@IsaGoksu  http://yfrog.com/11z2ip  nothing there"
1957207486,"empty","leslie666","@Steinmoney      You'll be missed!!  Bring me back  a keychain!"
1957207781,"enthusiasm","kinarodriguez","Only one more day of Jay Leno  que sad!"
1957207790,"worry","antandbecks","Just spoke to Keith Urban's record company, we can't get him on the show till we're back from holidays  sorry Jack, we're trying mate!"
1957208359,"worry","ziggywas","Summer Glau to appear in Dollhouse next year http://tinyurl.com/mnrezc ... I still can't believe they won't renew TSCC"
1957208462,"sadness","nikkitastic","Honza takes his flight back to the Czech Republic in the morning  I'm really going to miss him."
1957208962,"boredom","M_Rice","Not actually managed to purchase anything from the ovi store yet. Constant server error on check out"
1957208989,"worry","Col_RFTL","@HoptonHouseBnB now theres a thought .... do you still get goldfish at the fair ?? not seen them for years"
1957209074,"worry","bigenya","@cocoy @mike_online That's the sad thing about it."
1957209188,"happiness","Angelfish42","ah thats better snow patrol! now to be stuck indoors  still weekend coming up and fresh air excellent hope its sunny!"
1957209385,"enthusiasm","Maiababyblu","Good morning my sexy twitter how's yall doing??? I'm gd but it's like 7:49am n I still wanna sleep"
1957209459,"worry","theotherkid","Oops, Corey saw my last tweet. I guess I'M not getting laid tomorrow."
1957210815,"surprise","dangergianni","@FriendlyFetus cause they changed man...."
1957210996,"worry","charielibunao","feels disappointed..mahirap talaga mag-supervise ng tao..  http://plurk.com/p/wxqwa"
1957211180,"worry","lovealways343","I dont get twitter  Someone help me!"
1957211192,"happiness","littlerabbit","up early again  loads to do- but the suns out, hurrah!"
1957211597,"hate","TannuhFS","Its so Fucking hot! Damn no air conditioning."
1957212085,"hate","godmagnus","@hillaryhatt I never liked that boy  Jerms!"
1957212416,"neutral","summatusmentis","really, realy want a netbook. mrr. Techno-lust sucks"
1957213189,"happiness","SoulAfrodisiac","@BevJack Babes it was sooo much fun!!  Thank you so much for making that happen!  Had fun with the ladies too!  Time went to fast."
1957213250,"sadness","ratherironic","Matty is le tired."
1957213679,"worry","kellbo9","watching two of my patients die tonight has put me in a funk. one was young."
1957213816,"neutral","cindyleigh","@RichardGiles mine pools... just in someone elses pocket"
1957214477,"worry","joey234","The Aila Cyclone left my house in Calcutta with a broken sunshade, balcony and a huge branch of tree thru our bathroom window....."
1957214583,"worry","glam_girl_92","@hot30 guys why did paranoid drop out of the countdown?? thats so not fair  iv voted heaps for it!!!!!"
1957214887,"sadness","nwoidaho","@NellaGrl not really having a good night... missing my little girl..."
1957215074,"empty","GiaGallardo","my knee is killing me  im off to bed!!"
1957215551,"neutral","jonnotay","@ndrew10 I know!!!! He didn't ask me"
1957215920,"sadness","foxxy1406","Nite Tweeple.  Tomorrow will be day 25 at work."
1957215947,"neutral","Kelndan","@MrsSOsbourne Ozzy isn't following you yet"
1957216150,"sadness","fedzy","Ahh man up and getting ready for work  I wanna sleep!!!"
1957216446,"sadness","AlenaSerrano","@JasmineCJones  I was just thinking the same thing! I love our morning chats! We totally need 2 live 2gether full time. Lol"
1957216776,"sadness","PetteB","Wish I was at sri panwa now"
1957216783,"fun","xoxnicoco","i wish i was at @angelcore's burning trees and trying on dresses..."
1957216827,"fun","shellsandcheese","I just spent 2 hours playing TF2 and I don't think I'm any better at it than when I started."
1957217150,"worry","Rachecullen","@tanyaDlove whats up? im sad  you didnt text today."
1957217758,"boredom","kazkiely","Tweeting from the tarmac at Cork Airport. Delayed"
1957218546,"neutral","bugyboo","I hate TweetDeck when it reaches access limits"
1957218610,"hate","LenasLife","this sucks i'm tweetless...and i f'n hate money, why does it have to be an issue"
1957218626,"worry","v2black","have to wear my glasses today, cos my right eye is swollen and i don't know why"
1957218667,"neutral","CallMeKellz","@ANAIZZ you might want to get some rest...i promise you wont retain the knowledge sleepy"
1957218733,"worry","cupcake_kayla","@lizhodgins I heard your moving to Sydney next year im not happy"
1957218793,"hate","DInstros","dam it keeps rainin on me"
1957218864,"empty","pachieshee","wants to go home."
1957219010,"sadness","prettysmile4u","wants to listen to musiq soulchild, but it is not on the iPod"
1957219077,"worry","quinniesin","still has half a math worksheet, science WB pages + worksheet, and english to go! feels a sniffle and dry eyes coming along too."
1957219264,"sadness","pauiieee","i miss seeing fireflies....."
1957219313,"worry","GodsEmerald","Never has a chance of sleeping before midnight  my mind is so tired......"
1957219315,"relief","djmobeatz","@KevinDavis1914  .... It was just alriiightt"
1957220173,"worry","kimmiecubaby","happy to b home .. then my mind wanders an I can't sleep"
1957220804,"love","feelthesexism","i wanna be love drunk"
1957220978,"worry","kait_duh","weebo is dying"
1957221717,"worry","SheeqS","4 cases of swine flu!"
1957222771,"worry","EmaMolly","@relly1 Hopfully a quiet one @ home,,, No cash to do anything  Then u coming 2 the pub 2moz 2 watch the Pups???"
1957222804,"worry","JCTurner","Got a flat on the way in today - Pot hole. Another thing to tick off the "crap things that can happen in a week" list"
1957223393,"sadness","gfunkunit","@Brookeleeadams hang in there- health should be priority #1 right now! i do hate seeing good people get mistreated so i'm genuinely sorry"
1957223405,"worry","zoziekins","@FrankieTheSats people are pathetic  how do u know some one is trying?"
1957223703,"happiness","successfool","@ColeDavid had  a little family party tonight   hope it rocked"
1957223709,"worry","BenZ17","Complicated with a dream"
1957223957,"relief","vanessaleighh","@ddlovato, ahhhhhhh so excited for july 21 (: ecxept stupid australia won't get it til like decembbberrrrrrrr  but stilll ahhh! congratss."
1957224360,"sadness","Reggiekc","Had a awesome time 2. Got2meet brandon rhyder! Unfortunatly i can't sleep n tomorrow.  back 2 the ole job. @pattymlt got my game face on!"
1957224368,"sadness","omgitsafox","@Saresa And I feel your pain."
1957224476,"surprise","ItsTheNeeNee","My Pandora is hitten hard, why can't real radio play great music like this"
1957224712,"sadness","camcamaussie","2orw!!!!! Nooooooo I want to go back to Newcastle!!!!"
1957225139,"relief","Sept7th","@kimberlymdg I had fun tonight! I'll leave you with this...Brandi Carlile will be in Dallas today.  We should just sneak into the show!"
1957225471,"sadness","doctornaughty","bout to watch notorious cause that's how i'm feelin now. wish i could eat something, but i can't.  surgery tomorrow. no food til saturday"
1957225620,"surprise","nancyyeh","Where are all you Motivated/Determined/wannabe sexy successful young professionals!??! I might really have to join a BNI if there is no1!"
1957225624,"worry","ce1es","meh, almost didn't sleep, ain't finished anything, I'm close to cancel the Dokomi"
1957226827,"worry","aporajita","Hospitals unnerve me  ~  waiting for the Doc, flipping thru magazines  ~"
1957226828,"neutral","Isil_Loves_Mcr","@Wolfie85 @christelmcr Ah  sameway Yet,@mikeyway has 2006 votes ((.We need more vote :'D"
1957227060,"neutral","PatitosMom","I want a Monte Cristo sandwich sooo... BAd!!!"
1957227127,"worry","jadedlioness","Awake, no migrane (yey) but tummy is hurting, evil IBS"
1957227155,"neutral","JenniferRhea","Just finished watching "Marley and Me""
1957227285,"relief","_ranna","@DHughesy ME! I wanted to go."
1957227521,"sadness","CaptiveHeart","@Jessicaveronica you guys gonna tour with Short Stack again? I missed your last tour  Me friend went and said it was mad!"
1957227657,"surprise","sarahmars","@hudaaaa eeeeeeeeeeeeee i jealous sia i didnt get to seee"
1957227794,"neutral","fruityalexia","@GeoffComma no fair"
1957227877,"worry","bella456","@rsuenaga im not at litle oven tonight"
1957228023,"surprise","heyyitskate","arrrgh. i'm bored. so bored. there's nothing to do except slouch at the computer all day long."
1957228259,"worry","VictoriaDoyle","wow i'm really reallly ill"
1957228264,"neutral","libster_t","Nina was on my lap, but just decided to jump off"
1957228324,"neutral","jemma_r","the swine flu is in robina, gold coast"
1957228449,"sadness","serinurshira","I'm going to miss Miss Suhana"
1957228512,"empty","prem_k","Unstable broadband and electricity taking toll on my mental stability."
1957228670,"sadness","BillSykes","Why are the sinks in hospital toilets so low? Now the crotch of my grey suit is spattered with water! Just in time for Physio"
1957228684,"worry","wyzyeeyez","mary hates me again  i wana walmart it butno one wants to go"
1957229464,"worry","kimhallows","is feeling really sick"
1957229627,"surprise","DjDATZ","@mandy2610 and @esko yea, just confirmed that this game indeed is already patched...  LOL guess you'll have to help me tomorrow ;)"
1957230190,"love","its_MaiMai","@MaritessDeLeon aww tessy wanna hug?"
1957230282,"neutral","Lexylovesyoutoo","Def wants to cuddle it out maybe play but has no one to do it with the bc is far away"
1957230433,"worry","eunicesandoval","My face an my arms. Tragic. Seriously."
1957230479,"boredom","Jen_Paris","Feeling nauseous and can't sleep."
1957230570,"love","MolliexD","just got Up and going to get ready to go to meadowhall ;) can't believe my internet broke yesterday  GUTTED"
1957230653,"worry","StephiieG","@andyclemmensen you didnt send me the text"
1957231014,"hate","7immizzle","@MissMadalena err i think they're like 15 bucks a ticket cause its 3D too. too expensive"
1957231223,"worry","sylenc","Damnit. I have run out of candy coated books."
1957231506,"hate","elliejanexo","Omg grr my parents left probably 15 minutes ago to belgium and typical i wake up a stupid o'clock"
1957231837,"neutral","Praxilla","Gotta go back out there."
1957231863,"neutral","murdkipz","I don't remember what i text to twitter to get a list of commands  halp"
1957232185,"love","carysfelicity","I am watching Blood + on veoh episode 19 love the music.wishing i could watch the live action but not old enough"
1957232619,"fun","lowennn","is it unny today or not? taking too long to decide haha. i wna get a tan"
1957233257,"surprise","Hail_zzz","Gonna go watch Shorty Street & then prison break marathon then bed maybe. Nobodies texting me!"
1957233475,"neutral","neonpowerbomb","@gettothefalcon i miss that too"
1957233540,"worry","lilcortez4ever","tummy hurts"
1957233877,"sadness","popthebob","I should go get a life. Sam just texted me 'Phuture tonight?'  http://sgBEAT.com/pic/81/"
1957233929,"hate","geoffchapman","Just watched The Goode Family premiere online... And I think this may be the last episode I watch. It's pretty amazingly mediocre  pass."
1957234958,"neutral","jesssicababesss","I cant watch anythgin till tonight"
1957235120,"sadness","Lilytyger","sad that will have to leave my beautiful apartment"
1957235177,"surprise","sh00tingxstarr","gonna dream about my prince charming tonight, n see if everything goes back to normal. I really hope so   <3"
1957236286,"neutral","BubbleFreeze","@workhomexpert Nope, re-reading it all over again.     No offense meant"
1957236446,"surprise","viintagedresses","wow i have no friends on twitter"
1957236672,"sadness","prempanicker","@greco31 I've been trying not to think about that!"
1957236960,"neutral","laurenggraves","Jay Leno has one more show left as the host of The Tonight Show"
1957237366,"worry","Dleelee","sitting in school  sucks to be me!"
1957237503,"hate","utehbaik","and this stupid wireless wont work downstairs"
1957237598,"hate","Jady0903","Change my hairstyle,but it isn't good as it supposed to be N don't wealth that much money..  hate that hairdresser~~"
1957237641,"neutral","nicemovemumbles","@TLuke08  sometimes going and doing other stuff cures that"
1957237879,"worry","Lalaaleslie","Ew I have creepy followers"
1957238059,"love","delboy1203","@Snuva Mmmmmm I love curry. Don't have an Oregan though."
1957238263,"worry","Natalija","Insomniaaaaaaa..... all night trying to get a sleep... no luck... and now have to work"
1957238377,"neutral","jrj12","..i graduate today"
1957238515,"sadness","lady_n","Waiting on the bus! I miss my car"
1957238725,"sadness","ghulai","says I'm still dreaming about that Nikon D60..erRr!  *ate, kuya **PLEASE** lang* huhuh http://plurk.com/p/wxrx5"
1957238908,"neutral","NataliaMichelle","@504chucky whats with u hating on becky soo much? ur bio says ur nice....guess not"
1957239393,"worry","Lastoadri","@Muhammad_Adel they didn't reply yet.. wait till they confirm.. in case somebody might have translated it already.."
1957239436,"sadness","cutthroatpixie","It is kind of lonely when nobody will answer their phone."
1957239570,"sadness","SeXyDreAdhEaD","Rest In Peace  ADaM 12 & GLeNN EPPS.... Gone but never forgotten... what a week ...Loud in da air 4 ya"
1957239652,"worry","buggirl1964","It was my baby bros last time singing in front of his school  im so so proud of him !!! but when did i get old  im only 22!"
1957239665,"relief","kianne_13","@delta_goodrem should updatd her twitter"
1957240070,"worry","jysla","http://twitpic.com/664oz - this is what happens when i have no models"
1957240397,"worry","onastysainto","can't find Skins on the stacks, @milosundae  90210/The Hills? wdyt?"
1957241061,"empty","artgrrl","@wettingfeld  guess I have to get dressed and be pretty then"
1957241204,"empty","KINGmoney","@makavellirayne nah the lights killed the mood now you got to get out my bed"
1957241208,"hate","LGoodyer09","Have to go to work  typical sunshine and deep sleep; stupid friday."
1957241391,"neutral","rachel_hills","@Salamandroid its not just you - its properly dragged this week"
1957241621,"worry","desired_waste","I still miss him... And i dont think he's coming back"
1957241801,"neutral","NassauCT","looks can be deceiving"
1957242084,"sadness","Zosog","is having the worst week, things really do happen in threes"
1957242104,"empty","fresherika","@meeksdigital haven't worked there for a long time but kinda miss it! I miss anna  seen her? i'll prob be in SLO most of the summer! you?"
1957242310,"worry","lanarsbananars","My tummy still hurts  another cubs game tom...goood night."
1957242838,"sadness","jayTOCIE","@katrinalmoreno and im an idiot for missing their last show"
1957242975,"love","kimislolling","wth is happening with my neck. this is definitely not stiff neck :|"
1957243017,"love","Amanda702","Looking at old pictures... I love it & miss the good ol days"
1957243299,"neutral","robfitness","Week-end is over and now it's time to get back to work"
1957243451,"worry","dreemkill","@TreverKeith come back to Perth     I missed the show here!"
1957243516,"surprise","Kikirowr","@Katarinea Oh wow  ouch..."
1957243682,"neutral","anambanana","Summer is about to end.  For some, it's just about to start. Hahah."
1957243718,"worry","eckodabrat","My baby was so drunk I brought her home for an hour to pass out then carried her to the car"
1957244220,"worry","Dropsofreign","@JonConnelly You can vote every 20 mins I'm on page 2   http://twurl.nl/hxux3o"
1957244523,"worry","emyquant","I can't find my ipod"
1957244537,"neutral","jak89","@toddh3284 T, im sooooo bored right now"
1957245122,"surprise","rubyberrry","@ruthchu wat the! you were in riverside??"
1957245151,"neutral","Joshuah_Pearson","@CHARITY_GANT popularity contest and they think twitter will help.... and it's become trendy"
1957245396,"neutral","gorgeousapg","madd bored"
1957245567,"worry","BrookeAmanda","@allysonalfonso yeahh, yeah its the hifi lol. grr dads being a pain, he said if i dont find anyone to go with i cant go :@"
1957245632,"neutral","theseang","My wife can't get on the guest list for tomorrows show because it doesn't exist. LAME. I guess no wife at the show."
1957245904,"fun","TimDaTiger","I just watched 7 pounds, maaaannnnnnnnn!"
1957245960,"sadness","Trekstar_32","@chuybe. you left me first .. and left your bed here for me to look at"
1957246195,"worry","maistro86","finally off to bed almost everything is packed gotta be up in about 6 hours to get ready for a double shift of work"
1957246312,"worry","megan_hudson","My throat hurts and I can't sleep."
1957246875,"worry","missrubyrouge","i pulled a muscle in my neck this morning just feels like its getting more sore"
1957247325,"love","paul_tarnate","Just finished The Minish Cap. It's a great game! I'll miss Ezlo and Link."
1957247328,"sadness","kasiandra","Bike trail - 1, Miss J - 0, two front teeth - 1 1/2.. Hopefully! Vacations suck!"
1957247634,"neutral","Samm_xo","@jesssicababesss @IvanaE @RachelLock22 DECEMBER... thats like a year away..."
1957247732,"worry","Supremacii","@yahyan where did you go babe?"
1957247855,"sadness","nevillejohn","Sadly I am bprohibiting myself from tweeting tonight. Sorry"
1957248127,"hate","sunayana","@anant24121986 it is so unfair that all the good rock shows happen only in B'lore and Pune"
1957248267,"worry","lauraaa767","its raining  now my hair will gett all gay"
1957248556,"worry","jecamooz","@JERI7YN aww you're going back to east coast again?i haven't even seeen you!"
1957249003,"relief","sharris11","missed all the awesome weather, because she was in a movie!"
1957249020,"neutral","bekkalynnerks","Ugh cant sleep on  this bus.  still have like 5 hours"
1957249164,"worry","karinamack","Is feeling really bad about goofin' on @NinaParkerTMZ not knowing she really wasn't at the meeting! Dang I'm sorry! Me & my big 'ol mouth"
1957249452,"sadness","_erica","@kesoleil Oh man, Did Yogg today. Worse than last week."
1957249526,"neutral","jbkaruna","Alcohol does not promote weight loss."
1957249686,"boredom","shaunau","Friday tubes at work are slow.."
1957250995,"hate","DJinDia","almost everyone can suck my clit right about now. ive had it up to here with people fucking me over !"
1957251210,"worry","ryankelly81","@nassrenj I miss u guys too  I prob won't b bk til august sumtime... But if I come bk anytime b4 then ill 4 sure let u kno!"
1957251371,"worry","kerrygleeson11","Been up since 5am with my poorly sick baby girl"
1957251533,"neutral","imzachhh","is up too early"
1957251669,"fun","stacespace","so much fun at the beach today!  and delicious dinner at @kimbononowowo's house!! i friggin love Mark and Josh!! I'm gonna miss them!!"
1957251799,"neutral","1unreadmessage","3am i still cant sleep"
1957252101,"relief","kookijhe","just got back from school.  SHEMMS!! Summer class has been officially ended.  http://plurk.com/p/wxsgy"
1957252272,"worry","patep34","worried about Mr. Socks tonight."
1957252405,"hate","iskyworld","says BAD TRIP! (angry)  http://plurk.com/p/wxshi"
1957252543,"worry","rottenbeard","@JAYOJAY I'm straining to hear but it's very hard from all the way over here."
1957254388,"sadness","sunayana","@anant25121986 it is so unfair that all the good rock shows happen only in B'lore and Pune"
1957254860,"worry","AnnSue","The birds are out,, oh man... That's NOT cool && I didn't sleep yet for the night!!!"
1957255178,"worry","nzj","Worried about the reply after sending THE SMS to 78277."
1957255401,"surprise","autumnmariegray","@sydthekid why are you sad?!"
1957255794,"worry","Supremacii","@yahyan where'd you go!"
1957256096,"neutral","edebreo","Going to a wake of a dear friend Marlito Sy tonight in Novaliches"
1957256459,"worry","brandi_marie","Oh good God crampsss..."
1957256797,"worry","Lunarcraft","Again working on the internet shop ... don't think we will achieve the goal of uploading by the previously set time   Will keep going"
1957257295,"happiness","tunatweets","I miss the concert Tuesday already. I'd really like a time machine to go see it again... It was so fun..."
1957257361,"worry","JOscarG","Home early, yeh! work to do over the weekend, $%$#@!!!! not happy!!! so much 4 a big1"
1957257636,"sadness","Destiny_Joyy","cant sleep again! I couldnt sleep last night eather!  *Wabble Wabble*"
1957259101,"love","Weapondrift","@cheri two macaroons go into a bar....one says oh your a nut.  wow I need to get out more."
1957259425,"worry","kasey79","Ok hubby really isnt going to be logging off anytime soon  what to do what to do?"
1957259752,"happiness","Valeriuh","hahaha yeah i see that. but he can't twitter me back"
1957259756,"sadness","xtamalx","have to stay away from home, and since this part of india dnt hav gud wireless internet, im fucked"
1957259916,"relief","tzie","off to my Psychology class."
1957259948,"sadness","Mercs","Wookei why did you never accept my psn friend request"
1957260020,"worry","vaowen","Can't get the sound to work while on DVD. I was going to watch Mary Poppins."
1957260515,"sadness","amandanat","@davidaKaplan As do I  Leopold says hello."
1957261056,"sadness","spacecadet007","because my dad has the tv to loud. Then i get creeped out cuz im from a dodgy neighbourhood and there was someone in my bush."
1957261841,"sadness","VictoriaDoyle","cant talk very well, just remembering about something once said to me...  not a good thing fucking bully nasty pieces of work arrrrgrrrrrr"
1957261926,"worry","MrAntony","what am i gonna do when my iphone is full!"
1957261950,"sadness","danielcaguin","@tiataquito you stop it"
1957262114,"happiness","sikat","Watching Jay Leno's 2nd last Tonight show   I haven't gone a day without Leno in like four yearss."
1957262195,"sadness","apleezy","just got home.. downtown was dead.. plus im kinda under the weather and i gotta get up for work tomorrow"
1957262657,"worry","alexlee003","I honestly feel like I'm not healing or getting any better. This is not good"
1957262854,"relief","KatieSouthie","#thingsmummysaid You need to learn to wash dishes and do laundry because I won't always be here to do them for you. She was right"
1957263518,"neutral","shoptilldrop","i sooooooooo dont want to go to work today to nice outside."
1957263744,"hate","sacha91","omg!!! mcdonalds combo and wendys sundae = puke material"
1957263978,"hate","Kaydeescrafts","I really need to sort out a bird table and some feeders - the robins and blue tits are being bullied"
1957264031,"love","seattlegeekly","@TheKJA finished listening to Last Days of Krypton's audio book! Loved it...so sad though..."
1957264295,"worry","MarioArriaga","Gotta a lot of work knocked out on the project but there's one feature that just refuses to work right. Can't release next version until"
1957264644,"worry","annzhou","tiiiired but i cant sleep"
1957264816,"sadness","Wicked_Jinx","Yesterday a friend of mine was thrown off his horse as a lorry drove past us, ignoring us signaling for him to slow down"
1957265116,"worry","GracieAlbernaz","@DannysGhirl no sleeping for me im at work   it will be summer break soon. Tell them to get there butts out of bed lol"
1957265221,"sadness","jeffgrant","Ready to go into work now.  cannot be bothered."
1957265612,"hate","MsMac74","But why do I have to spend it in the office"
1957265830,"sadness","TonyPrice1970","I hate working nights, cos I'm not really able to enjoy this gorgeous weather, as I will be asleep"
1957265858,"enthusiasm","skupiter628","i want candy!!!"
1957265895,"neutral","himynameisdath","need a camera blower.. my camera censor is dirteeh.."
1957265914,"worry","NDiiBaBii","@TerrenceJ106 insomniac over here as well"
1957266048,"sadness","jasmine_pie","i really should stop relying on my family when they say their going to get me lunch"
1957266196,"sadness","Jady0903","Changed my hairstyle,but it isn't good as it supposed to be N don't wealth that much money..  hate that hairdresser~~"
1957266295,"worry","t_blackie","i lost mx way"
1957266393,"worry","Mystical13","The computers and the Ethernet at school are so slow!"
1957266491,"surprise","ejtormes","@niccoqp I miss going to EK every summer & christmas vaca  Take me there!"
1957266782,"sadness","Kikirowr","@_erica I know right"
1957267208,"worry","AlluringBri","i wish people would leave jon & kate alone  i really like that show"
1957267231,"sadness","rohan_kini","@roshnimo yup .. sad eh .. Betty man .. it should have been betty"
1957267963,"surprise","c9xgmr","they shot him  he was still alive too..."
1957268164,"worry","Pinguin98","very very bad headache that is getting worse by the minute not better."
1957268224,"neutral","belchito","S'acaba la setmana del rap vintage  amb la millor: MC Hammer - U can't touch this http://open.spotify.com/track/1B75hgRqe7A4fwee3g3Wmu"
1957268633,"hate","traceydukes","@MissMaryJ M Jizzle I need u to Hit me too, ugghh I'm sick of this damn phone! Like seriously!"
1957269141,"worry","postalidol","Here at work having lunch. A lot of work and not enough help"
1957269286,"neutral","Dalmasy","... Money money money...      http://twitpic.com/664uz"
1957269543,"hate","kristinarosexxx","@iamivanxxx That sucks to hear. I hate days like that"
1957269942,"sadness","_kimberly","@polyap POL! Is this song from a new album? I am really missing out on UdD!"
1957270955,"sadness","BrittanyRenee92","is tired of summer already"
1957271130,"sadness","elematt","feels really sick."
1957271323,"worry","JEN_LUVS_LA","Why am I having such a hard time falling asleep"
1957271601,"boredom","Arwa_3green","omg i realy can't sleep ughh"
1957271702,"surprise","onastysainto","@runhipporun just took the Terminator trilogy :-D but what I need is actually TV series and I still can't find anything tempting"
1957272236,"love","TOM_HARDY","wishing i had marvelous misadventures of flap jack on DVD"
1957272611,"love","squishy3000","@MitchBenn Waah! You were in Aberdeen? F**K why do I miss all the best gigs?!"
1957272674,"neutral","gracebee","walked home in the rain."
1957272756,"neutral","thekillerpitch","@mvermut translation = complicated sh-t that someone is going to have to teach me"
1957273033,"worry","Celz29","someone has hacked into my emails!! fuck off!!"
1957273413,"sadness","Shitfuckdamn","@Trentskers Pfftt... I wish. Don't have time though."
1957273826,"enthusiasm","RealRobMugabe","Dying to get my hands on the Diagnosis Murder DVD boxset but those pesky kids at Amazon still won't deliver to Zimbabwe"
1957274215,"worry","ninjachristine","Noones talking to me anymore"
1957274963,"neutral","yayfuckbuddies","bored, nothing to do"
1957275627,"happiness","sophiastication","@assembled ive been there before  haha"
1957275711,"sadness","abhishek_karna","Mom asking if I'm feeling better after dargah visit. Dad swears he sees +ve "change".  I am amused.   But yeah, still depressed"
1957276419,"hate","xcherylax","This train is so squeaky its givin me a sore head its bad enough i have to go to work!"
1957276719,"sadness","HUIYUNN","Their songs make me want to cry.."
1957276810,"sadness","skk123","@AshleyGofficial aww dont cry ashley"
1957277190,"surprise","djsteeley","Oops, they don't open until 9am"
1957277936,"worry","bigenya","@overlordtrainee Sigh. It is a sad, lonely profession."
1957277972,"worry","escribitionist","looks like the eprocurement e-mail address from office mate is blacklisted by IT here.. asking them to whitelist now."
1957278010,"hate","_erica","@Kikirowr Downside though is that you're breaking the thread."
1957278370,"sadness","imthrowinaparty","My siblings left me alone.   Bored. (:|"
1957278377,"worry","kaisjy","Wow slept in with no dolidh here to wake me up"
1957278625,"worry","nikitabroz","@isilwenlinwelin i am public and can't get anyone to follow me"
1957278650,"happiness","gorguz_georgie","i have the biggest headache right now, i washed my hair wif mum's shampoo and now it's gross  i like my shampoo way better"
1957278941,"neutral","Luna_c312","@PorkChopJones Sorry   move back?"
1957278958,"sadness","Lourini","In the bus... Almost an hour late because of my crappy alarm clock  should be in Leeuwarden at about 9:45"
1957279276,"worry","Celz29","ok deleted all messages and hope they don't come back!!"
1957279773,"worry","coolakool7","@againtoday i'm hear ya dude, i can't either"
1957279860,"worry","drummwill","boo  rabbits pisses on people you know that"
1957280676,"empty","fashionsflyest","Can't sleep, just laying here in the dark"
1957281019,"sadness","DaisyReyes","I wish my grandmother had taken me to the US with her"
1957281398,"sadness","brandonbolivar","@noiselesssound I just heard that Regina girls song @ les deux! And I think u should/have 2 come back 2 mc! I miss u"
1957281523,"sadness","ishinebrighter","bummed i didnt get to see manchester orchestra bc it was sold out, i spent all night buying tv shows on itunes  lame"
1957282070,"surprise","briBOFA","@valdivia1 what about me?"
1957282284,"sadness","mysunshinecoast","Well thats me for the day, watching Panthers tonight beat the Saints (fingers crossed) cause there are no QLD teams playing this round"
1957282467,"relief","mattedmondson","@redframer123 I think they make you turn your phones off  I'll see what I can do!"
1957282585,"worry","gkhamba","Walmart opening its first store in Amritsar tomorrow (of all places)...the horror..hoping its limited to wholesale"
1957282768,"neutral","thecrimedonkey","@_anniemay OMG No fair"
1957282972,"sadness","IronChefKristen","@Krista_Watson I can't this weekend, sorry  And Steph is working."
1957283025,"relief","minauderie","@oxygen8705 aww ty! s'just a bummer watching conversations"
1957284094,"neutral","marci723","@RockedByPickler no I won't honey I got mad yrs to go , why am I crazy?"
1957284135,"worry","CAiTLiN4547","I've had a sore throat since monday morning @joeyawesome...I'm just sick of it hurtin and I want some freakin sleep!"
1957284303,"worry","Melissaraad","Gha, off to work - hopefully traffic has cleared up by the time I get there!!"
1957284360,"happiness","anna_samara","Heading home now, yay! Was going to buy a much needed bottle of wine to drink with dinner, but my wallet is MIA so no wine for me tonight"
1957284576,"love","Dr_Jared","oooooh!  this guy is so amazing, he's so cute, and he sent me a photo!  and no...i can't show"
1957284632,"sadness","yoimlun","just got home. im so effin sad"
1957284838,"sadness","xXdaniiiXx","@lizz_xx cheer up lizzi there will b another foh hero concert   but still i suppose we can b upset  xoxoxo"
1957285346,"enthusiasm","JosBirken","Just discovered a shortcoming of Gravity. When you use Twitpic (integrated) it doesn't subtract the pic URL from the 140 character limit"
1957285542,"worry","grentone","@starlingpoet lol.. that's worrying"
1957286023,"hate","dessey","The Taxi Q at Pelangi was super loooong.. and now I'm getting headaches because of the hot-cold transition"
1957286264,"neutral","acraigdsa","Got back and putting in the laundry. We got in there last  o well as long as its clean. #DSAA09"
1957286889,"sadness","justasundaygirl","@zackintoys Sadly, it doesn't  I was so hopeful after American Doll Posse, too ... it's just so blah and vacant of dynamic."
1957287189,"neutral","grapplingmaster","Brake time!! Nothing for lunch. Tonite."
1957287286,"hate","Born2Rune","@WoWInsider I would be playing my old rogue but a friend took the account and could not get it back"
1957287436,"relief","RoeBloodBathx","Aw. The sky is weeping."
1957287662,"worry","Roberto958","just tried talking........voice died before end of sentence! Annpyimg thing id, i feel fine!! Another day of not playing the hits"
1957287672,"sadness","madlymint","@MommaSalty ...that's a miserable afterparty report"
1957287721,"neutral","kasiandra","rented bikes + unknown trail with random bumps + big hills + kids = one beat up little girl. Not a good day on the B family vacation."
1957288483,"neutral","RoisinMcK","I feel like ive done the London marathon, I ach all over"
1957288690,"worry","provokative","going to die from study overload this weekend. too much homework, with paying work to interrupt! i'm screwed"
1957288830,"sadness","MyLifeInGeneral","Not excited of blowing out another candle today... [as when I was a kid!]"
1957288916,"sadness","christine_tung","sigh....it's always so sad when you watch the series finale....no more green wing left to watch"
1957288930,"worry","theanand","@vivzy yeps...just for today though  I badly wanted to do some geek-shopping..."
1957288955,"worry","its_sb","I was just watching some cartoons as I haven't in years when I was eating my breakfast, the programs have changed"
1957289252,"anger","crazy_erin","I tried to dye my hair and all i got was a blond chunk in the front middle part of my hair. Dang."
1957289809,"sadness","warfoot","Got the BrainBone daily question wrong!  - http://bit.ly/11dd2T"
1957290049,"worry","Christine_oprey","Is sooooo tired... wants to crawl back into bed"
1957290428,"sadness","shmerin","The fam back on the Big Island said the vog has been so bad that they can't see the ocean. Sad!"
1957290577,"surprise","xZOSEPH","NOOOOO! serena and darrian don't remember each other, and i've been waiting all day to see them confess their love"
1957290619,"sadness","25zerotwo","A sunny morning in the Big K, with lawns to mow and a 2 mile to run to attempt, urgh"
1957291084,"neutral","itsNaida","@DantiChos baby help me with math"
1957291305,"anger","msfussybritches",""locked up abroad" makes bein half brown good risk mgmt when travelin 3rd world. i blend. i feel sorry for my hostage magnet white pepo"
1957291380,"worry","IAmLawrence","why does IE have to be always a big problem"
1957291550,"surprise","KeyzFabLife","@bskeete87 THEN Y R U LEAVN???? STAY!?"
1957291614,"surprise","purplepleather","@destinyeyes i'm sorry! lol i have never had, like, actual time to spend there unfortunately. everything's always been INSANE when i go"
1957292251,"worry","jenifaojennyjen","@larrysullivan sorry i couldn't fit hal's name"
1957292414,"worry","darkspector","@someone Kills me to see you online and not be able to say hello"
1957292590,"fun","thatgirlFel","@OXtravaganza and I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to go to CLUB Hidden House on sat night. hehe."
1957292653,"worry","MariSmith10","thinks its annoying when i keep getting twitter error messages from my mobile"
1957292899,"worry","semsy","@_shannon1234 Shannie im so sorry! didnt mean to upset you! i just thought you would find it cute  im sorry dont be sad!"
1957293082,"surprise","Homebrewed","@Potato_Chip That's right! I totally forgot. Might not be till August, though    Have a great summer!!"
1957293095,"sadness","NikkiMontana","@USOuljah Ohh Emmm Geee. Souvlaki from Dimitris...I wanna go homeeee  LOL"
1957293165,"worry","sameernanjangud","trying to get a sale in my job..."
1957293485,"worry","MyLifeInGeneral","Not excited of blowing out another candle today... [as when I was a kid!]   We gotta grow up soon or later..."
1957293548,"hate","misshuiying","rah rah. youtube isn't working again. oh great"
1957294470,"hate","allysonalfonso","@BrookeAmanda that sucks  what bout kate"
1957294554,"sadness","IsilwenLinwelin","Wants milk"
1957295065,"sadness","hellocuppycake","@madeleinelaurin whys your cat in pain?"
1957295425,"neutral","taneliang","Epicfail and Joseph in class... Very long liao"
1957295973,"sadness","epicwinmaster","aww my poor tank friend.    his guild is fucking him over after promising him main OT. he barely even gets to go now.  ;_;"
1957296720,"worry","nigam214","morning class  .. always late or bunk ... how can someone wake-up at 8! ..."
1957297066,"worry","MissNickyHilton","@aliwise is tweeting so much that she's not even paying attention to me!"
1957297096,"love","Aly_x","@LMA_xo My daddy lives in Manchester, I love it there :-D HULL?! :O bitch! I have a mate there and I wanna go"
1957297644,"sadness","wolfcat","@franksting yeah... it is very very dry down here"
1957297725,"neutral","cancan86","the physical. It's coo now i know. Just lettin off some steam."
1957298103,"worry","ElleninOz","What a busy day ... am disappointed that today's show is a repeat"
1957298252,"sadness","KeckyxOx","god it pisses me off that i always enter comps & never win.I am such a sore loser"
1957298429,"neutral","theanand","@vivzy wanted to change my handset covers, pen drives and a headphone in some place..guess its not happening..."
1957298715,"worry","skessynews","jessie has gone away 4 the weekend!! I miss her already"
1957299195,"love","kellygirl27","There is something wrong with me! I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Yet all I've done for the last 3hrs is toss & turn in bed"
1957299236,"sadness","gogogoya","Can�t stop loosing.  Worst month results ever... Bubble two times in a row."
1957299609,"worry","anusharaji","my HD is full. need to cleanup a lot"
1957299627,"worry","shortylaney","@rockstargirl209 what happened?"
1957299984,"surprise","Lucie2k9","I was awake until 12:45am then my mum turned the internet off so i couldnt watch the @jonasbrothers live chat i was ccrying i was sad"
1957300222,"neutral","beesleybob","@HomeSwapperteam what is the point of your twit on bgt i must be one of the only people you havent found a swap for depite the promises"
1957300243,"worry","P1LL0WH3AD","@viintagedresses aww poor Caity  :L add people n they will add you"
1957300745,"neutral","inyoll","hampa hatiku"
1957300913,"worry","JaffasGirl","is very very tired  just want to sleep.  Stupid work getting in the way!!!"
1957301151,"neutral","FastKid414","I don't ship out until October"
1957301234,"neutral","libster_t","I would of won that contest if I weren't to have chickened out"
1957301633,"sadness","makennacunliffe","Time for bed, oh how I wish someone was laying next to me"
1957301684,"love","vaowen","I really wanted to watch Mary Poppins and sing along."
1957301728,"worry","tabitha_","I'm so sleepy my head hurts.  gnite lovers! See ya in that am !"
1957301854,"surprise","ahalizev","???-?? ? youtube ? ????"
1957302143,"worry","ItsSkyylarr_","Theres a spider above my bed  calming my fears by listening to greeeeen day<3"
1957302206,"neutral","julialeft","Poltergeist! In my house"
1957302412,"worry","5yntifik","Is. this. a. lie? FML. F uuuuuuu. I can be such a fool sometimes"
1957302602,"happiness","gyurnec","@captainboots  YOU'RE FAKING IT! Hahaha...I kid."
1957302818,"worry","Luv_ChelseaFC","@burnspank41 shit i hope theyr all wrong we need him"
1957303200,"worry","cheyennerr","There's a spider in my room. Save me..."
1957303384,"surprise","AyoMillions","@mzstokes No twitpic?  lol"
1957303396,"neutral","lmvc11","@Joseph_KHC wooow. lucky XD my break is gonna end. my classes starts @ june 4"
1957303620,"surprise","DRUMMERBOI9002","@DSTROYR @RockDaMullet awwww i have no internet right now....  -drummer boi"
1957303737,"sadness","AnniesBangkok","Today is going to be a normal day for I hope. We had a group of pilots from a large airline come in last night so it was too much drink"
1957305026,"boredom","GrahamGerritsen","Gogol Bordello < par.    Prolly not even in the top 10 of GB shows I've seen.   Perhaps some old fashioned Civilization II will help?"
1957305086,"sadness","vintage_93","OMG sore shoulder"
1957305112,"worry","Katz0806","@JKeith1982 hmmmm, that's not nice... think you should take it back. I can't help it I'm hungry. No food in this office."
1957305294,"sadness","maehashi","@irkengir No. As a result, the salary is a decrease"
1957305609,"sadness","musicspheres","Can I get tonight's SYTYCD online anywhere...streamed like Hulu or paid like iTunes. I missed my favorite judge and now I can't sleep."
1957305935,"hate","epicwinmaster","lol my other tank/dps friend is having the same problem in a different guild.  wtf is wrong with this server?"
1957306189,"boredom","gemidjy","@Natalija been there  sucks like hell."
1957306361,"worry","Mymacgeek","an aston os my dream car but its wishful thinking"
1957306485,"neutral","spinsallnight","FML still awake  melatonin not working!"
1957307429,"love","mojojay","@kellanator I don't mind Sam. But I liked Kate more.  I don't like Chris. He's smarmy."
1957307462,"empty","jessycanikole","@wolfofmibu   I need a wardrobe intervention"
1957308122,"neutral","skuldchan","Augh, fever's gone up again. If I end up missing the WeHo clubbing tomorrow night, I am going to be pissed. Stupid boytoy gave me plague."
1957308408,"sadness","Candydeuces","I feel sick..like don't wanna get out of bed, be bothered, don't go 2 work, turn da light off, pull da shades n tv off type of sick"
1957308753,"love","emmmahh","aw. nick got his heart broken.  poor baby. i love you!"
1957309670,"worry","Socks89","Been working lots of overtime this week. Only just realized I booked a half day tomorrow so this week will just break even"
1957309999,"worry","Smoooooch09","what am l doing?? .....nothing much atm"
1957310090,"sadness","gelaibabydoll","@yelainez  oist the 1st tym, di pa ko 18, the 2nd tym, may sakit na siya... don't blame me"
1957310177,"worry","themaguire","@dopeboySHAKE omg man  i'll pray for ya"
1957311063,"sadness","Sini74","Why don't we close the library due to the great weather?  And the ac isn't working  #fb"
1957311522,"sadness","faiznurdavid","Time to do house chores! Ugh!"
1957311527,"hate","carolineee","my hsbc savings apy dropped to 1.55%. sort of feeling like pulling out all my money and keeping it underneath my mattress."
1957311599,"sadness","SlivaBatti","getting ready for school.. reading what's going on on set in Montepulciano, and practically crying cause i'm not there"
1957311874,"neutral","AroundHarlem","@BrentLauren that doesn't sound like fun"
1957312495,"happiness","achura","@pourmecoffee I won my 5th grade spelling bee. Went down trailing flames on 1st word at county spelling bee  http://post.ly/geb"
1957312815,"sadness","SkullRockCandy","missing Taylor like crazy  cant wait till he's back"
1957312851,"relief","elematt","shattered! PWG botched his hybrid dolphin shirt order and sent him xl"
1957312930,"worry","captainboo","@mrskutcher All Pret-a-manger & some marks & spencers stores in the UK donate their food at the end of the day. Most lock their bins"
1957312973,"neutral","Imagine19","Come to bed"
1957312977,"sadness","joliverfan","Had a good day till he twisted his ankle on his two mile run"
1957313260,"happiness","Hemp316","Can you believe it:Tomorrow Night will be Jay Leno's last episode of the Tonight Show  I encourage everyone to watch it and welcome Conan."
1957313297,"surprise","2leggedspider","Bing! no its not Chandler Bing, its the new Search engine from Microsoft http://tinyurl.com/mgcotd ..but why the name Bing"
1957314023,"surprise","AADawson","aw got orthodontist today"
1957314118,"sadness","smiles4dayyz","@TerrenceJ106 yooo! Its rainin dumb hard out."
1957314701,"worry","laneymarie7","i cant sleep"
1957315485,"worry","MaryMooh","@MooNooH I don't understand anything, HELP"
1957315651,"neutral","jicholls","lonely .."
1957316186,"neutral","tanushreebaruah","I was rooting for Betty."
1957316390,"sadness","Jady0903","Changed my hairstyle,but it isn't good as it supposed to be~~N I don't think it wealthed that much money..  hate that hairdresser~~;("
1957316459,"sadness","BARACKOKITTY","@J2thaESSICA yeah dnt go there.. I have 3 dif apps on my phone for it  so sad but there is a reason as to why lol"
1957316549,"neutral","devil_kiss","crash in Qmbol"
1957316581,"neutral","Nibor1102","I'm such a chicken"
1957316683,"worry","jesikahhhudson","Homework. ew fml. Should I pull an all nighter? I think I'm gonna have to again"
1957317110,"sadness","savawatts8","Um k.. this is NOT Close My Eyes.. this song always makes me cry bc my mom is gone but I <3 it anyway.."
1957317304,"neutral","FashionistaJay","@Burgandy1 Girl I know!"
1957317577,"worry","Widdlweed","Good Morning campers, I'm not a happy bear this morning, had an awful dream during the night, & am v worried."
1957317646,"sadness","ailish79","@SmellTheCheese I know, that is so sad.  I"
1957317721,"hate","JohnWarnas","damn another day at the office, the sun is bursting from the sky...and the women are eh well...back to the keyboard"
1957318057,"worry","She_shines92","@ihatecrayons i'm so fucking nervous!!!"
1957318219,"neutral","rudyfacio","@metafisix i thought you were gonna be at the show"
1957318577,"boredom","TinaELITE222","is really ultra bored"
1957318639,"worry","lornali","@quikness Waaaahhh! So sad     Let me know when ur next down this way!"
1957318668,"worry","danielbedford","@kyza holy cute! Dexter has already lost his kitten face  gettin a chunky butt since we got back from qld too haha"
1957318888,"neutral","ascendingdove","Bucky, my ferret officially has insulinoma  Now on daily prednisone. Had interview with p-doc today, have to go back monday for testing."
1957319044,"fun","AlyshiaSheree","@TerrenceJ106  aww-that's my last one. Roo-Oop"
1957319291,"fun","dratsab","@ghozali actually I'd prefer a rum or gin but don't have have any as I've preferred them too much previously"
1957319833,"worry","d0ink","awwww, writing my resume's too difficult XD how do i tell them i've taken 10 different jobs and quit them within the span of two months?"
1957320064,"worry","tannwick","@yellowbag Hmmm, should have looked at it a little more methinks"
1957320104,"happiness","jimscard","Bought a new combo printer at costco today (officejet j4550) cause it was cheaper than ink 4 old one. #windows7 doesn't like the fax part"
1957320171,"happiness","Hannahpianna","why do i have to wake up so early goddam?! 7.30 on my last day off  bummer"
1957320299,"neutral","MelodyAnnJones","Goodnight world! I have t o be up at 5am"
1957320720,"neutral","eckodabrat","@Fasn8nUrMind ima goodgirl I'm not down with takin advantage"
1957320931,"anger","Medros","@LouGagliardi  damned hordies"
1957321080,"hate","shalmalisohoni","Another Day gone by....  Have to wake up early again tomorrow"
1957321147,"neutral","snishemoto","gahh!! i'm so tired right now."
1957321474,"worry","stefaniariann","valium makes you feel goood. i need more. i can't fall back asleep. i want my mommy"
1957321983,"worry","KerrieBerrie21","I'm wake and sad  what the hells going on"
1957322281,"neutral","aktoman","@whitespider1066 "toys"??? Advanced load carrying system. Low-cost 1-man outdoor shelter. I didn't get the Wolverine glove"
1957322382,"sadness","redbarrington","@dj_cm  Didn't drink enough for a hangover, just tired and over worked"
1957322446,"surprise","carrrrla","my cheeeks hurt so bad. what happened!?"
1957322504,"neutral","valsharess","???��  ???CE d grade?mock?????, ???????"
1957323090,"neutral","thaetatituteto","need a lots of moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey"
1957323105,"worry","nbangura","I don't think Jon and Kate should get a divorce, but I do think if they want to save their marriage they have to quit the show..."
1957323292,"love","tiffyniffy","@thomasfiss i think you should come tomarrow....because i was really really really looking foreword to seeing you.......please come?"
1957323890,"neutral","libster_t","i have nothing to do"
1957324346,"sadness","ericakrysl","Just awoke in a completely freaked out frantic frenzy.  It's going to be a long night."
1957324684,"worry","jacob_coy","Off to work I go"
1957325063,"worry","tliell","@Nanava_3 U know - kids do what we DO - not what we SAY ... well, don't we all, really  ...."
1957325229,"neutral","RyanChrisSmith","@AdamKruth serious! Perhaps Sat will work out better"
1957325406,"worry","totalimortal","@melisamelisa haha you have a better life than most. we should go get drinks again soon. jury duty has been boring"
1957325431,"neutral","AshCuz","i got no followers i only have like 2  someone follow Me please?"
1957325896,"sadness","michellekuak","where's enthusiasm in meeeee"
1957327322,"surprise","hello_nina","@kim_flores aww i don't! i guess that's why it doesnt  (blackberrymessenger)"
1957327491,"sadness","RichTracey","drinking some really nice coffee, got to go to the dentist at 9am this morning"
1957328258,"hate","CloudiestClairy","i'm so sick   bad throat and the WORST toothache.  good thing i work in a pharmacy.  load me up with drugs!!"
1957328299,"surprise","stuherbert","looks like my ION-based mini-itx board won't ship until mid-June now at the earliest"
1957328439,"worry","crmsh","Hoping that this will just heal on it's own because anything I put on it just makes it worse. Owww"
1957328727,"sadness","sheeeeeeeeeeeep","@jessereed did u watch the day the earth stood still? did u not see my bye when u got d/c...  im sad i left 2 and now ur gone  ily<333"
1957328936,"worry","GetEmQ","@forevertanoya awww dnt say that. I wanted to see it  how bad is it?"
1957329024,"neutral","ILoveEvanxD","Dude. everyone could. it wasn't ment to be bad.."
1957329151,"happiness","noooeeee","@tifftiff88 what don't be sad?  Be glad. Your 21"
1957329181,"neutral","MissDaviz","@TerrenceJ106 I'm with you...been up till 5-6 for the last few nights..."
1957329516,"worry","Drackir","Apparently excessive heat is just as bad for a cold as excessive cold. My body is all blerg. My sofa is not comfy enough for my gaming"
1957331051,"sadness","kthoms","#DepecheMode concert next week cancelled  Alternative date not known yet. Dave Gahan had a tumor."
1957331263,"sadness","RAQUELchea","its 2:08 am. I CAN'T SLEEP!!!!!  i thought it was b/c im hungry, so i whipped up a pb&j with milk. hopefully it works!!!!"
1957331325,"sadness","Dr140","Only 1 tweet in the last 24 hours?  Nobody likes my tweetboard"
1957331468,"neutral","yoimlun","im saaaaaaaaaaaaaad  i need someone to talk to."
1957331550,"sadness","BradleyJean","i'm so bored i can barely even tweet. i have nothing to talk about.  #boredboots"
1957331850,"worry","acoetser","@Radio702 Tshwane wants double rates but try and phone to get service - endless loop #fail"
1957331877,"hate","hantu","@avrilchan never invite"
1957332231,"sadness","siaraarroyo","my head is killing me, i keep sneezing, and i think my boyfriend fell asleep. greaaat"
1957332651,"worry","jaybeecc","@mcvie saying goodbye to something familiar never becomes familiar"
1957333645,"sadness","chalenasmiles","Tired. About to climb into bed and fall asleep. I hope this weekend will be fun... I only have a couple of weeks left"
1957334622,"sadness","Tanujkakkar","Bad day, just got worse..."
1957335011,"sadness","maehashi","@irkengir It is a recession"
1957335106,"worry","mystique413","On the bus goin 2 work but omg seriously im sooooo tired dont know if i'll survive the 8 hour shift"
1957335162,"fun","A_RAVEN","@kevindavis1914 @taylorblack said no  ...she'll b @ home in 5mins to tweet u lol"
1957335305,"worry","snukembears","I am down  I need my snuggles but he is at work and he don't like to snuggle  ironic huh..."
1957335437,"neutral","Green_Freak","Hi anyone there?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1957335510,"surprise","duncan_tweet","Headache from last night has morphed in to a hangover  and now it's time to drive down the motorway... to Wolverhampton (WHY OH WHY?!)"
1957336017,"neutral","EdinaMedina","Last night in Australia"
1957336120,"worry","KimPhotog","gotta love how im waking home at midnite. dangggg pray for mr. im so jumpy"
1957336804,"sadness","bigenya","@Meikah Hala, I do not know that one.  Shame on me."
1957336806,"empty","kobraman88","@kimoraklein my sleep pattern is screwed i need to try and stay up 2 midnight so i can get some decent sleep coz i havent slept"
1957336824,"worry","VoiceofCritics","i need some hot green tea  I cant sleep  ...."
1957337655,"neutral","tbatina","The time in Germany went by too fast, only 2 days left   Hopefully I will move here soon."
1957337961,"neutral","cassieventura","@Cause4Conceit  wish u could rub my head too"
1957338393,"neutral","crataegustess","@philcampbell blue skies? where, it's still grey and hazy out of my window"
1957339208,"worry","iarobin","Test another update... sorry for bothering all of u guys"
1957339420,"love","PaulinePiso","Jus Got Hom Fr. TDa Funeral... I'm So Sad! I Cried So Much Times! Much Love Grandpa!<3 I Never Got To Say My Last "Goodbye" to Him."
1957339578,"worry","richfeistel","mmkayy TOTALLY going to bedd now. i mean it!! im only gonna get 3 hours of sleep tonight"
1957339774,"worry","LicklePickle","@iancpalmer they don't use MSN either I don't think  and they are thousands of miles away so can't do it face to face"
1957339781,"worry","faiththiang","@ErikVeland Dude... That sucks! Why would they tow it from your own space?"
1957340043,"neutral","manZanoooooooo","@risamarie: no i'm not going."
1957340145,"happiness","djla013","Goodmorning yall! I woke up to early"
1957340216,"neutral","skater_surfer","Varsity Fanclub will never be the same!!"
1957340848,"worry","ensly20","@busays12 dont undrstand malaysian busays.just english,tagalog at waray only"
1957340928,"worry","Lianne_Burgess","cant sleep again! Been up for ages..."
1957340996,"worry","AlexiaRamirez","Well I did run over a cat today (I know how sad) I cried and screamed my lungs out!!! I felt HORRIBLE, poor thing"
1957341357,"relief","CATHYDUHH","Done with my drew and jayk handmade gifts now watching old menudo vids"
1957341444,"sadness","Tomi1190","2moro is the end of my stay @Grandmas to bad shes in NY Then off 2Ft Laud 4a weddin Florida is fun but i miss Home and Spike(car) lol"
1957341789,"worry","rociopayan","ahh..my stomach hurts"
1957342084,"neutral","jessicadbrewer","@arania nope i cant figure out how to get the updates on my blackberry. . . i need to go running too"
1957342606,"fun","melmariedavis","i really want a blackberry  my sidekick is hella wack. night"
1957342876,"worry","asnallar","Work, work, work"
1957343086,"neutral","boyle111","Is up so early and proppa shattered and knackered"
1957343437,"sadness","MERCURIG","@godfatherobie  I'm @ work and missed everythin yesterday but don't know wot? Anybody"
1957343439,"neutral","teepee34","Shame I've gotto go to work"
1957343450,"enthusiasm","brindy","Google Wave looks cool. I should be working for these guys, I came up with some of these ideas years ago.  http://tinyurl.com/m77gp7"
1957344732,"hate","rainbowbreeze","Gday... Do you know if NHibernate has issues with COM Interop (VB6 <-> .Net Wrapper <-> .Net+NHibernate dll)? I'm getting crazy"
1957345027,"sadness","Damiex","fell asleep waiting for my ride!"
1957345163,"worry","milan_pandya","loved, but hated driving in pollution"
1957345815,"sadness","skrivkoop","Today feels like friday. Too bad its not"
1957345881,"hate","CristianTorrent","@stevecruzblog  It is so unfair, Hustlaball, US citizens working here, Personal Appearances Expectations, Prowler, can I do that there?"
1957345942,"neutral","zainy","@ayawan I actually meant to type "end of September" but I was in the middle of a conversation with someone and I cant multitask"
1957346003,"sadness","Mickaylaa","now im gettin a complex my followers are shrinking   want to make 100 b4 Sunday"
1957346292,"worry","TheyCallMeLolli","Can't sleep!!! People keep textin me!!!"
1957346454,"surprise","unclekins","Fun game of 'Candamir' with the kids last night. Can't believe it's now our last day"
1957346593,"hate","Jady0903","Changed my hairstyle,but it isn't good as it supposed to be~~N I don't think it worthed that much money..  hate that hairdresser~~;("
1957346788,"love","KaLiCiA4","kewl the JB chat was awesome. I had to miss lots of it though cause i had 2 go 2 skewl"
1957346841,"worry","HollyBelle13","I hate the fact that I'm 4.5 hours away from you tonight and tomorrow we'll be 1946 miles apart  I wish you were here ("
1957346856,"worry","endlessblush","@greentm  ... i have phone calls like that often .. different subject - same result of feeling beaten to pulp and left for dead"
1957347056,"neutral","aDDuSQa","i�m ill.. bueeee.."
1957347167,"hate","primrosegrace","he just fully yelled @me saying dnt be so fcking stupid grow up! stop with this band shit then... throws the remote at me thnks love u2"
1957347193,"fun","kaifreaky602","Listening to some nice music.. I think I should go to bed now so I get nice and rested but i'll miss Russel Brand's Ponderland"
1957347353,"neutral","Jazzy813","@BARACKOKITTY ur right! i dont have a reason to be up early but im sure my niece will be in my room in a few hrs botherin me"
1957347410,"sadness","snow_whitex","Has been underpaid  just when i really didn't need to be as well."
1957347794,"sadness","ciberjohn","@Adamastorlx ohyeahhh  hate the heat!  http://twitpic.com/665a2"
1957348100,"neutral","IfOlLoWyUrLeAd2","to spend the weekend...to not spend the weekend.....that is hte question that is on my mind..."
1957348198,"sadness","Rachecullen","@sashaostrikoff i miss you"
1957348794,"sadness","tiggerwoods","Feeling bad that @muemerry didnt get to see UP"
1957349011,"worry","rasyraminey","Algebra test in three hours!"
1957349129,"worry","bigmadkev","Morning all: Looks like no Nintendo Gameboy phone"
1957349429,"sadness","roseburgirl","Disappointment really sucks!  I'm getting used to it."
1957349582,"worry","NaniKnocksville","@ Pretty_Mess you missed all the free shots"
1957349765,"surprise","gegengerade","Getting rather annoyed at my notebook. I know it's old and has got wrinkles but it's never been this slow before"
1957350007,"worry","amy__xx","@galaxydazzle okay thank you! i can't find it"
1957350646,"neutral","keely_0_o","My door looks naked   It makes my room feel bigger though."
1957351077,"surprise","MeLLo_T","@_C_A_S_ IM MAD IT WASNT SCAREY"
1957351082,"worry","magicswebpage","Oh no.... Trouble in paradice"
1957351140,"happiness","Carsomyr","@SharktailYPP The red font up the top is very nice. But where did they put all the old entries?"
1957351242,"fun","xLunaLovegoodx","EXPECTO PATRONUM!!! ----- nothing happens.."
1957351445,"surprise","AlyssaDiaz95","@deezeen I know, pero available na yata eh. Sa Singapore, though!"
1957351556,"sadness","kimmychoo","Season 1 of Lie To Me was serious. Damn, now here comes the wait."
1957351933,"sadness","theresababy","i mean monday take the test monday!!!! please o please !"
1957352020,"neutral","augustusvondoom","@lumivalkoinen nice you look awesome in photos .. whereas I look like a drunken soccer fan in all of mine"
1957352215,"sadness","ericakrysl","@SummerXoxo That's exactly how I feel.  I hope you start feeling better soon."
1957352671,"worry","Barkley53","Still awake can't fall asleep I'm not one bit sleepy"
1957353147,"sadness","AmauryLove","My birthday is now over."
1957353248,"worry","carrieleemay","going crazy, the pain is unbearable..& i gotta wait till thursday!?"
1957353477,"sadness","Lonnie_Nguyen","at work and tired just want to go to bed"
1957353800,"surprise","exortabreedoll","feeling so dizzy right now"
1957353973,"sadness","Mr_GaGa","@msalonen I feel like a Truck just hit me too! I also Resemble a man hit by a truck!"
1957354740,"hate","mrkmattos","@powertwitter Not a fan of the layout change of hyperlinks. I don't like the indentation and, well, I'm clicking and no link shows."
1957355196,"relief","Babii_J","Bout 2 lay iit down, got a head ache   @niariley we hangin tomorrow idont care wat u say lol..soooo dm me ur # & imma hit u tomorrow k ;)"
1957355791,"worry","stfuppy","@charlietotem just a concert i can't go to due to trials"
1957355934,"worry","irvanpiacheski","so sad about Mike Tyson's daughter."
1957356105,"love","AlyssaDiaz95","@marjorielu MISS YOU, TOO!"
1957356328,"worry","NataliaMichelle","@BeckyBuckwild do you ever respond to ppl?"
1957356574,"relief","dudeitsmanda","@trinsgarcia Yeah I`m okay. I couldn`t breathe for like 7 seconds.  I thought I was gonna die. Hahaha"
1957356590,"worry","alely_noemi","We're having an impromptu pool party... Except I don't know how to swim so I can't get in"
1957357268,"surprise","kayte_girll","@ZDAEfron and @hudgensness why are u two fighting."
1957357361,"happiness","emcrxtna","@ahhrjay useless tweet! LOL jk yay!!! You're coming tmr! How long u gnna be in phils for  ?"
1957357393,"hate","khristaaa","My stomach is killing me do j can't sleep"
1957358280,"worry","khristaaa","My stomach is killing me do I can't sleep"
1957358607,"worry","nicstevenson","Holy shit it's super sunny, Friday and Whitsun, my tube is deeeesearted. Wish I was in the park"
1957358992,"sadness","BARACKOKITTY","@Jazzy813 I miss my neice  can't wait to see her bad n grown ass! Lol"
1957359317,"sadness","iwishiwas","Holy shit it's super sunny, Friday and Whitsun, my tube is deeeesearted. Wish I was in the park  http://tinyurl.com/ns2l55"
1957359624,"happiness","iamjhernandez","I am soo happy! But frustrated at the same time!  :]  :S. Ohh noo!!! Britney is recording her new video for Radar!!!  Sooo ExxCiiTeed!!!"
1957359653,"happiness","strybe","BOOYA!! Sup Tweeps!? Happy inFAMOUS day to you all, off to get it very soon. Can't wait to play, need to find some more time though"
1957359907,"worry","dudeitsmanda","@erikamodina Yeah ! I downloaded her whole album. :"> THE FAME ! I miss you taking care of me  Hahah !"
1957360601,"worry","JordanWednesday","Scary guy on colbert..."
1957360852,"happiness","Truly_Unexpecte","@TerrenceJ106 I'm up wit cha!! Just got home from da reggae club, wishin I was sexin somebody!!!"
1957361291,"neutral","zeroseven_","almost 100 cases of swine in australia. hope may still decides to come visits me"
1957361311,"worry","ishamay","not so good mood.."
1957361569,"sadness","australias","Ugh talk to me someone  I'm really bored."
1957361603,"hate","rikaisuru","@digicho I'm inclined to think it's stupid."
1957361654,"worry","moanyboot","@dancinqueenie Morning! I have loads to do 2day  goin for a walk 1st to get rid of last nites haribo's"
1957362094,"worry","Dancndiva9","Where's a bridge when you need one?..... FUCK!"
1957362549,"worry","cymberrain","I think I might have to break down and purchase some from the US just because I donot know what to call it over here"
1957362570,"sadness","tcalvs","Sleeping on the streets of nyc for a celebrity...nothing new. Wish i had a huge blanket though"
1957362871,"sadness","ManishaBaji","have a splitting headache!"
1957362899,"sadness","_erica","OMG. Period cramps are FTL. So much pain."
1957363478,"worry","mick3y93","shady's making me  Trying to code something, if you know php, HELP!"
1957363569,"neutral","swarrick","@EnglishRoses Equations and graphs"
1957363721,"relief","BrentLauren","@AroundHarlem that reminds me, i need to pick up a mask 2mrw. Thanks  I prefer not to take meds because i will b addicted"
1957363745,"hate","teammartin","Hates untalented bitches being mean to my talented friends"
1957364066,"worry","histapleface","I have to goto work now ahhh kill me  my life isn't going the way I want it too atm. Ta ta kids x"
1957364129,"worry","multitaskingpro","feeling lonely,DH on night shift all w/e"
1957364477,"neutral","ladycroft14","Addicted to Glee... watching the video over and over again....I should be out"
1957364648,"sadness","Spidersamm","@shortstackband grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
1957364677,"neutral","AnalAmanda","I had a horrible dream  it had to do with a scary face, now im awake for the rest of the night. God dammit :\"
1957364890,"surprise","jelaniharris","I thought that there was going to be another Def Jam Fighting game, but then it turned out to be crappy karaoke game. I miss the fighting"
1957364947,"hate","ITbarbie","Arghhh So annoyed-yet again gone 2 starbucks & given skimmed milk instead of soy milk!! I can't have milk so hav 2 throw away! Expensive"
1957364986,"worry","azandiaMJBB","@lisisilveira   I sent my donation to #Eric and wanted to put the banner on, but my avatar disappeared when I tried ~"
1957364996,"worry","Lushebo","confused on why and how people pose as others on twitter. I mean they really do their homework on peoples lives to imitate them. it's sad"
1957365206,"worry","kellygirl27","@Emsy Twitter's being mean w/ the pics lately! Stole mine for an entire day!"
1957365278,"hate","MrNokill","@markbuchholz the non-Europers managed to dump the sun here! its gonna be a hot time now!"
1957365292,"worry","darlingnisey","@onmammaz ugh! I have a knee injury too, except mine is just an infected cut that hurts like hell"
1957365541,"sadness","itsashleyLOL","Using tiffys computer...it feels different from mine... the touch is different."
1957366118,"neutral","AlexSaglimbeni","@brandillio that would be most ideal. However...now I dont see myself leaving before 3  Gonna have to take a rain check"
1957366488,"worry","nakedxa","@pkBLGdonahue he's not logging in yet.  and i doubt if he will check his his replies here in twitter. but we must keep on trying!"
1957366702,"empty","DiscoverClocks","Good night twitter friends - I'm nodding off at the 'puter"
1957366885,"sadness","jenstar","Bummed out I am missing a rock climbing trip next week"
1957366994,"sadness","adamfarmer91","Stuck in some shitty traffic! This day is going to be crap"
1957367214,"surprise","eleusis7","@Maccah Red? wtf happened to dark blue + black stripes?"
1957367293,"sadness","jcksl","sick to my stomach.. and i have a headache.. i wish someone could come rub my temples."
1957369079,"worry","muSicFienDkiCks","I just really want to sleep butmy eyes won't let me"
1957369110,"sadness","gudgeon","Not a good start to the day left my money at home . So i'll hot a day me looking for free carparks"
1957369316,"worry","ninjamuse","http://twitpic.com/665e9 - i miss this place"
1957369382,"empty","ashleeadams","I want it to be Wednesday already so I can hurry up and go to New Zealand so I'm busy and not sitting here bored and stressing"
1957369758,"neutral","smorkalov","??????? ????????? ?? Google Chrome - ?? ???????, ?? ??? ???????? ??? ?? Firefox"
1957369983,"neutral","SnappyTouch","@yarivs Storysize is 2 (and it's posted as a short story, not one liner), but doesn't show up in any news friends can see. Only in wall"
1957370551,"sadness","Ariadnex","@deathnerd ah man, that's sucks.  What happened to it that's prompting a reinstall?"
1957370577,"sadness","nettlecake","@Farctum Oh poor thing  Hope it's easily sorted out. (and not too expensive!)"
1957371013,"neutral","cymberrain","@bannersrus hemp cloth is marvelous but unfortunately no"
1957371316,"relief","iamcaseface","on that note - i do not feel missed."
1957371465,"worry","lolapug","Has been rejected"
1957371472,"worry","pixie_darling","@linojoelsap still got one more year with t-mo tho  I might just get a new bb curve. Not too concerned abt apps. Batt life is important"
1957371550,"surprise","Buzzyboo","my stupid msn wont sign in"
1957372371,"neutral","rosshill","@bronwen @jjprojects you might have missed my latest experiment - I know blogs have too many words these days  http://tinyurl.com/ne6twc"
1957372521,"surprise","hockeyfan45214","Ship. I'm stuck."
1957372522,"sadness","Rachecullen","@Lil_maggie you okay? i miss you @tanyadenalilove im sad you didnt text todayh"
1957372567,"worry","BriBriD","@andyclemmensen Me too  @shortstackband haha I did but have no credit"
1957373593,"sadness","Mz_Cognac","#3wordsaftersex it hurts now"
1957374741,"sadness","ShotaD","Heavily medicated but can't sleep. Ugh..."
1957374992,"sadness","blueautopsy","Grrrrr fuck. Just remembered that I'm doing the later shift today, so not at work for another hour! What a wasted lay in opportunity"
1957375017,"worry","kimmerz88","is getting a cold    *cough, oink, cough*"
1957375661,"happiness","ciarafegan","Is dreading going to work  BUT....its friiiiiday!! whoop!!!"
1957375982,"sadness","VdChiongbian","@DontLetGo14 at home  im so lonely here..."
1957376288,"worry","ajinka","I am in school. Absolutely I have been sick .. I want to go home - we are writing of geography, the best it will"
1957376424,"worry","Celz29","ok so i'm a lil happier now.. i hope i fixd my emails.. hope they weren't hacked although it seemed really suspicious!!"
1957376490,"sadness","ilsepla","what is love!? baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. I WANT TO WATCH 'NIGHT AT THE RUXBURY' RIGHT NOW!!!!"
1957376526,"neutral","CustomerSense","You need to remember the data the customer has entered on previous pages when they use the back button. So, so many don't do this"
1957376603,"worry","jesusismyoxygen","I'm frightened that zombies are going to attack me.  i don't like scary movies."
1957376888,"worry","patriciannroque","@kyluhtoots oops. Cy's place is too near. Trouble for me."
1957376910,"surprise","joyangg","blast from the mofo'ing past. NTS why must you suck so badly at school?"
1957377238,"neutral","k_lala","NOT excited for 32 people reservation in the morning  damn LOVIN halo3 right now for sure too"
1957377376,"worry","bettinapaula","sad that she didn't get to see Rica before she leaves later today.."
1957377577,"worry","EmmaGunders","@JohnGunders I want Ulead back, it was awesome and it worked. But unfortunately it's only for PC"
1957377693,"neutral","Dejope","Is there a way to block followers?  I have no idea who you are. .  Sorry.."
1957378228,"worry","Fredtechno","my internet income project has got a BIG problem today."
1957378234,"relief","creativeoutcast","I just want somebody to love, and who loves me. I think and day-dream about about that CONSTANTLY."
1957378535,"hate","katiemul","This is exactly y I hate driving thru dandy - sittin at lights next to a car of asians who r callin out to me & 1 held up a knife  scum!"
1957378778,"hate","JuwalBose","@AravindJose thanks dude. Being a low level business man its hard to get normal credit cards..also our place is not listed with any bank"
1957378809,"worry","NikkayPandarr","@Humangummybear Doodle whats wrong?"
1957379042,"empty","NicholeAurora","so had a freakin lond thursday  ready to hit the hay and surprise surprise I can't freakin sleep :/ Boo!"
1957379061,"neutral","jasonxcore","i really don't want to go to the eisteddfod concert tonight, it would be ok if i didnt have to wear the dumb band uniform"
1957379307,"fun","shadowcat_mdk","Walking to work on a gloriously sunny day. Going to be a good weekend in which I will burn as always even with suncream on  #fb"
1957379882,"worry","rachelbeer","Morning. Panic. Clicked a link and opened up my browser. Firefox, what have you done with all my saved tabs??? Gone! That'll learn me..."
1957380003,"worry","JulieBinnie92","just going into school 2 get some spanish CDs "sigueee" haha. Then guess what my plans are .. studying all day again!"
1957380317,"sadness","LittleLee","Its too early"
1957381185,"worry","twinkljiawenni","When the weather's... ugh, something like asthma. So, yeah, Ventolin."
1957381579,"neutral","CforrClemmensen","i now have 3 new videos on my ipod, i delted a few so i could replace them"
1957381679,"worry","keka_ontherocks","i need a good idea... FAST!"
1957382211,"surprise","tortoiseandkare","wowza, only the second tweet of my entire trip and i leave in 3 days   but first - BLOW UP SF TOMORROW NIGHT!"
1957382337,"worry","Feebz78","it seems my phone is dying!  boo!"
1957383118,"sadness","ebistolas","My computer is being killed by a combo of mirrors edge and really poor win7 thermal management...75c gpu = one sad game"
1957383267,"surprise","sailesh88","@serenetan Is it? Wah. Wasted trip!"
1957383269,"worry","jysla","this weather makes my fingers numb / still waiting"
1957383403,"neutral","sdltheman88","trying to finish moving stuff for tonight don't feel good!!!!!"
1957383622,"hate","cambrosio","@jaysun093  yes it is. Sucks don't it"
1957383698,"neutral","stuandem","Mudweight hauled in for last time by @dandypig  http://yfrog.com/0zr2jqj"
1957383729,"sadness","TonyPrice1970","@Kingsrockandrol I'm a bit down zoe cos I'm off to bed soon, so I will miss this gorgeous weather, were having  what you up too today? X"
1957384135,"surprise","prashant7aug","Lots of confusions I've at my work place.."
1957385273,"sadness","Franccinee","My tummy hurts  go away cramps! I hate chuu!!!!"
1957385439,"worry","Duncanma","@irascian ach, probably not... they are labeled as MI-5, which I believe was the name used when they aired on BBC America"
1957385704,"happiness","MichelleChunii","I wanna go to DBSK oppa's Mirotic Concert in Thailand!!! I REALLY WANNA GO SO MUCHHHHH...    *burst into tears*"
1957385950,"worry","adiandcriticism","Need to come up with another blog post today. But for now, I AM SLEEEEEPPYYYYYY!!!!!!!!"
1957386633,"fun","bannersrus","@joanne7964 yeah I was like oh oh oh yeah that's it but then she said no  lol bummer"
1957386977,"neutral","ahhrjay","1 month ahaha. AND i dunno if I can go tomorrow LMAO cause i went today   Freakin filipino parents AHA"
1957387122,"love","YourGetaway08","@mimiwinfrey i wish i could find my camera cause i really wanna record some too..."
1957387163,"happiness","tetradian","@rettema "might be interested" - thanks, I was: I came, I saw, I winced..  too much like Flatland http://bit.ly/12f0y"
1957387445,"worry","ozzympw","A day of administrative jobs"
1957387521,"empty","AmazinglyEnough","@106jackfm I'm not that's why I'm sulking  not free all day"
1957387539,"worry","amisij","Spring cleaning episode 2....do I really have to"
1957387676,"worry","DutchieElise","i was awake 7 hours ago, should have checked twitter"
1957388050,"worry","Heathurr88","Ahh! my right kidney hurts soooo bad!!! Ooommmmggggg!!!!"
1957388131,"enthusiasm","JULINSKI","worked out tonight, had to work off the Cheesecake I ate todAY. To all the pple who are on a diet.. DON'T QUIT! It's not worth it"
1957388211,"worry","BonesCrazy24","Blehckk ! my cereal is yuck  why does it taste sour ?"
1957388367,"sadness","happypeyy","i lost my voice . what should i do ? it's very torture"
1957388484,"worry","dicesix","Did 2dives w/ Oceans Deep Dive. 10m vis, no sun, no colours. Dynamite fishing has done it's toll on the reefs."
1957388601,"sadness","Lalutza","it's pretty cold outside  today i got another exam..."
1957388625,"worry","shentabla","Shen computer just broke  Time to get the old IBM out..."
1957389266,"neutral","dayeee","forecast in sf for friday, may 29: 66 degrees."
1957389794,"fun","histapleface","@ThatPaigeKid haha so your having father daugter bonding time? Lol anyways I g2g work get on msn later I'll be bored  x"
1957389821,"worry","Sparrowsrflying","Hate washing my hair! Because then it has to be dried & straightened.  And then i find the grey hairs in the middle layers of my hair"
1957389830,"worry","alexbrown1972","Now I need to change my monitor"
1957389904,"surprise","shmerin","I'm a genius  put rug in washing machine, left folding door half open, machine moved now door won't close or open. shaking head."
1957389932,"neutral","ahhrjay","@emcrxtna 1 month ahaha. AND i dunno if I can go tomorrow LMAO cause i went today  Freakin filipino parents AHA"
1957390538,"hate","heartillery","why the fuck am I on twitter!!!"
1957391156,"neutral","RachaelBrannan","excited for YSJ Summer Ball - I wish we had one too"
1957391560,"love","mel95","I love music so much that i've gone through pain to play :S my sides of my fingers now are peeling and have blisters from playing so much"
1957391983,"neutral","KLNY","@melkoo Hi Mel, if you feel unhappy just take a bit of fries but don't overdo.  If can help it don't"
1957392269,"sadness","ShayMarie21","@Lmhustle4life Shit none. But yea last weekend was crazy, i think i partied to hard, thats why im sic."
1957392449,"empty","dmcn","@Lacrimae Pfft, there you go with the logic again!"
1957392514,"neutral","evelynsharma","@Bkk_Saluja but i think the choco diet is worse  cuz every time ur hungry ur only allowed to eat a tiiiny piece of chocolate D:"
1957392537,"neutral","pikaplusmin","it's about rain here, or it's just plain cloudy. i don't know which..."
1957392621,"neutral","hobosexual","@keytar make up your mind"
1957392626,"sadness","SABruce19","@itstayloryall Im so sad we missed you at Family Reunion!!"
1957392627,"worry","omgitsafox","@Kikirowr Aww, why not?"
1957393311,"worry","Plexchan","is envious of people not in long-distance relationships...she's all mushy with no one to cuddle."
1957393357,"worry","qlotusboy","Omg... Prison break... The final break. The two episodes that only aired in the uk. Wow. Watch them if you haven't. Soo sad. Tear"
1957393522,"worry","nizzicole","Muay Thai was awesome. I'm gonna be sore in the morning! I feel like being bad and eating junk tho"
1957393560,"love","kestrel_chan","All this talk of buttershots has me wanting some!  Maybe I'll have a small bit over ice, I haven't had any since faire."
1957393736,"hate","lukehmuse","On way to exam, very very nervous  bah"
1957394083,"worry","samgillespie","not happy with my 5:45 wake up call this morning  ... she's going to be grumpy later!"
1957394130,"love","gab_iii","@westonbuck i want a zune but i looove my pod  hahah"
1957394632,"surprise","adamleedesign","@absolutelytrue  #nightshift I'm still working  luckily having fun with it. I can turn the music up when no one else is in the office. yay"
1957395113,"worry","andrewn89","http://twitpic.com/665jw The racoons ate our bread!"
1957395705,"sadness","lekogeko","@1825remnant, i missed everyone tonight"
1957395823,"empty","ironwilliams","Today = marking *135"
1957396215,"sadness","micooper1","Ugh our two week push to produce a six pack has produced nothing but pain!"
1957396566,"love","carlacharisse","standing here open hands and i know i can't do this alone hold on, hold on, baby, hold on...geeez"
1957396708,"hate","LilCeasar","is tryna find her a 30 yr old junt with a 401 k, stable job, good home with an extra room 4 me and my baggage..so tired of u young dudes"
1957396745,"neutral","architortured","@Maxsterism naisee. is it bad that i can see lens flares all arond me while listening to it? XD cant really catch what they're saying tho"
1957397142,"neutral","arpitnext","@Cookie_Monstr  u may try Prism http://prism.mozilla.com/"
1957397161,"hate","brittina","Dang you internet. . . Its been down all night. . ."
1957397325,"neutral","trashcanpatrol","http://www.speedtest.net/result/483892161.png i get good download speed only when no one else is using the connection"
1957397407,"worry","dazb",":| Yikes,  ants are everywhere in the house.  Ants scare me"
1957397410,"hate","DaWaBZ94","@bb_nation just launched twittix v1.10 - not convinced"
1957398563,"neutral","MegsEggs","@laubow_  me too!"
1957398625,"relief","KLNY","@melkoo If it is any consolation I got my BMI tested hahaha it says I am obesed  well so much for being unhappy for about 10 minutes."
1957398648,"sadness","ralimiley","ooh i feel so sleepy... its 10:24 a.m. and i dont wanna go to school 2day  but i have to..."
1957398677,"sadness","danyella5","@love2reed thx girl! I just now woke up! I cnt believe I'm sick!! Now I have a fever... Wish I could pound nyquil  This sucks."
1957398720,"neutral","annienebauer","Hitting the docks soon."
1957398769,"worry","Susantse","its at 3 am, im very tired but i can't sleep"
1957399202,"sadness","Jaunski","@donald_jackson already there's none left  back to cabbage soup"
1957399970,"sadness","ThePartyBand","Wrong button  ... My music biz building that is."
1957399972,"worry","ponyhorrorshow","@r4nt penis.  @shdwtrev i hope you made sure it's okay. D:"
1957400184,"neutral","waynep","Too much sand in the SD 790 from pismo this weekend. ANOTHER canon powershot broken. 2nd one in a year  What to buy this time..."
1957400770,"sadness","twiri","having the flu, not the swinish-one, but the flu."
1957400803,"sadness","ArythMourn","really annoyed that work appear to have blocked facebook now..."
1957401335,"worry","Branwen6277","@hermorrine Yeah I've noticed  I miss Spender. But you were closer to him. How are you holding up?"
1957401551,"worry","sbutlin","looking at the sunshine out of my office window"
1957401850,"hate","valeriuhh","im gonna die of a heart attack one of these days, if i keep going off to bed this pissed.  GGGGGGG'NITEEEEEEEE"
1957402129,"worry","xnarx","@ashmart miss you"
1957402597,"worry","joerel_faith","i'm lonely.  i need some hug."
1957403098,"hate","LucaBon","How freaking cold is it out in Sydney tonight..."
1957403389,"sadness","smashattack","its friday!  well, technically anyway...but its really thursday for me.  dang having to work saturday mornings"
1957403428,"sadness","randolphmanoe","20 mins from BEJ to Semanggi. Traffic on Friday  *siggghh*"
1957403480,"worry","CatherineSam","Trying to get to sleep but my migraine is getting in the way"
1957403707,"neutral","gelodgreat","@itsJorx what do you mean jorx?"
1957403743,"worry","TomnomsPrincess","Off to get ready for toms..  gotta go make sure he's not done anything stupid  ill tweet later."
1957403754,"hate","tamodom","woke up from bad dream.  grrrr"
1957403773,"neutral","paloozais","@madpierrot maybe it'll listen to you  dude it's like three in the morning. what time is it over there?"
1957403824,"worry","neptune06","@yukihoang and of course it happens on the day I got a carwash."
1957403939,"fun","insertsmiley","@amyypee LOL i know! i only get to read it sometimes though cos my dad always chucks it out before he gets home"
1957404195,"hate","rjdennis","Any city person want to trade n live in the country? House comes w racoons n skunks livin under deck. *sigh*"
1957404303,"neutral","BlaqueRose","I used to have a remote for my tv."
1957404489,"worry","dj_bubble","anticipating a tough day ahead"
1957404492,"neutral","tishh","@leslieyuko mine too"
1957405143,"neutral","MarianellaCorde","So tired."
1957405491,"worry","xdchel","@sarahlchu  poor you lmao, just stick your head out the window!"
1957406009,"worry","Veronica_F","Grrr... why can't I fall asleep"
1957406370,"worry","leroienjaune","My head hurts"
1957406858,"worry","nzphoenix","I just managed to stab a piece of bhuja (hot, of course) into the roof of my mouth. Blood everywhere - well, at least in my mouth."
1957407020,"worry","yousefcisco","is jealous of his family  their all having an amazing breakfast and all i get is rice crispies"
1957407698,"worry","andreamylla","@siskack what?? can't believe it"
1957407968,"sadness","weelissa","@AyeBloodyRight Taking the souls of your friends and family and watching them die is a nightmare. Trust me"
1957408010,"worry","Lissie89","Ugg. Unpacking sucks"
1957408311,"neutral","onedrgirl","thinks Coast Capital sent her work number to telemarketers"
1957408530,"worry","kaylee1234","@andyclemmensen aww haha, i want one but can't get one coz u dun  have my number"
1957408561,"hate","dancingwithself","I hate it when this computer screws up and decides not to play sound on videos"
1957408740,"neutral","danishinaye","@poohbaby91 hey you WHORE!! that's kinda mean dont yu think?!"
1957409096,"worry","jangoo","REALLY want to go to an old friend's party tonight, but I have fakeflu. That and alcohol probably won't mix well."
1957409145,"love","SusieMariex3","@LishaKatherine i hope your doing great! I, your friends, and california miss you!!!"
1957409511,"neutral","chowmut","http://bit.ly/LaZEL  Wow Christian Lacroix bankrupt.. sad"
1957409566,"neutral","ryantard","Brownie sundaes at Five and Dumpster. Blood Bros on iTunes. Palm Reader was closed  Fun at the 371 anyway."
1957410345,"surprise","kellygirl27","@Emsy Yeah, mine said "That's a nice picture" & gave me the red x!  Hope you get it working soon!"
1957410592,"worry","darwii","@shaundiviney i got a messgae but it didnt work cause i have a text saver not like money credit  im sad now. wat do i do?? xoxo"
1957410705,"neutral","xoxobethy","i have much to learn"
1957410722,"sadness","CarismaLogan","missin my bro.."
1957410954,"empty","Mr_Vose","is tired of being tired"
1957411109,"surprise","RebeccaBillups","... A kidney stone. Really?? Ugh  http://tinyurl.com/qsw9vq"
1957411581,"neutral","sammyx618","@taylorswift13 so my friends are coming to see you on NYC...but im on stupid vaca in the stupid cayman islands so i cnt go  iloveyou<3"
1957411728,"neutral","JaredSaul","@Yaelzraw fell asleep with techno songs on shuffle. Loud.  Its been on for hours. Im too lazy to go turn it off. He has like 800"
1957411775,"sadness","Ciloha","@DarynJones Your youtube account is down."
1957411988,"worry","stikiflem","im back to this z-index problem...again"
1957412151,"happiness","jonathanlumang","@sueveeyall Haha, I wish I could"
1957412230,"neutral","BARACKOKITTY","@J2thaESSICA also just spoke to my <3...              �tear�"
1957412353,"surprise","Royal_S_Ent","@jlynn242001 ur there when I'm not  lol"
1957412378,"sadness","Run_TMC","still sick  @ Home http://loopt.us/iArPRg.t"
1957412380,"sadness","ilstjohn","not feeling too great today"
1957412478,"worry","missecila","Am in the place called 0UT OF NOW WHERE!! Take me out from here, somebody  http://myloc.me/1XRI"
1957412562,"happiness","JeffRJohnson","Warwick Castle http://snurl.com/izzau Amazing!  Off to Devon for a week...no internet, no updates"
1957412584,"sadness","KellyHillll","i hate that feeling you get when you listen to a song and it completely reminds you of how things used to be & you get emotional"
1957413321,"worry","majqee","I want to ride my bicycle today, but it's too cold and cloudy today"
1957413593,"boredom","lorraincium","Last Chemistry lesson for this school year!  On a brighter note, my birthday will be sandwiched between two days in chemistry lab!"
1957413675,"enthusiasm","Neekatron","@ScottRhodie I wanna be drinking at the pub"
1957413976,"sadness","Fluffy_Cupycake","you ever come across something that reminds you alot of the one person that completely broke your heart? cause i just did"
1957414055,"neutral","flossybunny","Sitting waiting for an exam to start"
1957414375,"neutral","andradeaf","am hungry agaaaaaaiiiin maaaam"
1957414719,"worry","RecordScratch","Up already  Nooooooo!"
1957414727,"empty","mjh81","@LittleLee yup! way to fucking early and I'm already at work"
1957414856,"sadness","GraceEdra","Ria got a a G1 phone and im jealous"
1957415150,"enthusiasm","welshblue78","Up early this morning, first to portmeirion then home"
1957415182,"fun","princess_mara15","@DoeMarley SOMEBODY ACTUALLY TOLD ME THAT!!  LOL"
1957415641,"worry","bunnydozer","Have a golf ball sized swelling on my ankle and it's turned black and blue."
1957415838,"sadness","xdetergentx","my party is wiped out they be all dead and stuff"
1957416220,"worry","kydnice","@LydiaCaesar why have you still not called me back regarding the groundbreaking production i sent you earlier"
1957416738,"sadness","hermorrine","@Branwen6277 I'm better today.  Yesterday was really hard.  It's still just so unbelievable.  I miss him, too... and probably always will."
1957416857,"worry","Linsteyn","I only hve 9followers"
1957417035,"neutral","brianlj","Morning folks! Light tweeting today ('Hurrah!' from the crowd!) 'cos I've a busy Friday. Me inside, sunshine out."
1957417241,"surprise","johannschwella","@AmandaSevasti Ugh, frustrating. I see a few briefs a week with groups in them, mostly from traditional agencies."
1957417853,"neutral","toddvic","Oh dear. Travellers moved onto land very near my house. They always leave a bloody mess and council take a year b 4 they clean it up"
1957419654,"neutral","KittenFlower","I can't have any pets in the appartment I really want, so no rat yet."
1957420156,"neutral","monicachung","going to work soon"
1957420885,"surprise","RussellBfan90","@BrandyWandLover Oh I see who u mean now-tht heltershelter person lol. yer looks scary"
1957421094,"worry","nydia_nicole","I should be sleep. I have to wake up soooo early"
1957421152,"neutral","tanepiper","So hot today.  Why must it be a weekday"
1957421436,"neutral","Diablo5163","IT DIDN'T WORK"
1957421539,"neutral","catiecait","I'm going to see Le Mis tonight. - myonlysanction: ugh, so jealous. aw  im a sucker for musicals, but i... http://tumblr.com/xtl1wb089"
1957421654,"happiness","elisabethklein","good morning people !! in good old germany is it soooo cold"
1957421741,"worry","AyeBloodyRight","@weelissa p.s. Dead like me was awsome. Loved that show  missed the last 2 episodes tho ?"
1957422689,"happiness","caseydunks","@sunnyphoenix there was like no1 there n tha DJ comp was hella wack... no gud DJs  but got in free so its all gud"
1957422877,"worry","TotallyQueer81","@phenryss What's wrong?"
1957422951,"relief","lindseywallace","just fed three very hungry stray kitties three cans or tuna. i hope they stay warm and safe tonight"
1957423525,"worry","fezzer64","t'internet on blackberry fooked so no checking of the tweets and whether phill has taken up my request"
1957424035,"neutral","Berathus","Gotta sleep, and then off to work"
1957424185,"sadness","yungdes","is lonely in need of company"
1957424353,"neutral","munineye","listens to MSI and bakes banana bread. How weird is she? Remarkably not so much anymore."
1957424442,"relief","mariocarreon","is finally gotten online after logging 200km over the last two days on errands as the family driver  http://plurk.com/p/wxz12"
1957424693,"surprise","ElaineGiles","WTF? Advertising gone mad, they want access to my  camera and microphone? What for? Amazon should really know better  http://bit.ly/5FoKQ"
1957424709,"surprise","twebbstack","i hate it when a website says the ticket prices are on another website and their not"
1957424853,"surprise","alicee_","alice doesn't know what to wear to the cinema  <3"
1957425216,"worry","helen_lo","Wondering why it's so cold - the skylight is open - I left the gas on this morning"
1957425437,"worry","hemhem666","home form school...its a long weekend  most ppl would be happy but im not...im still mad and sad about him"
1957425787,"worry","benyrun","I can't go to sleep until tech support emails me back"
1957425914,"worry","louiethecat","@Debblues didn't know you folks were there, sorry."
1957426109,"surprise","halina1979","I don't think I am going to get to see any of the sun today  gutted I NEED COLOUR!"
1957426142,"worry","scottairth","Youtube's tubes appear to be clogging up somewhat today, connection errors a plenty."
1957426182,"sadness","EAZY_ERON","@dameenrouge I have been to Tara Thai a few times for friend's birthdays and the food I had was pretty bad."
1957426614,"worry","juliana_g","@aprilholle hmm. grows. in this case i am screwed. i can't even keep the "easy care" love fern alive."
1957426747,"surprise","ilovemytroops","wow i must have been tired. i fell asleep @ exactly the start of the 10pm news & now up as if its 8am."
1957426941,"empty","TrustTommy","@katiemoffat I was never a good stereotypical teen"
1957427070,"sadness","braedon","hates continually getting sick whenever he has exams"
1957427532,"neutral","1gemineye","@whatthelillyyo we just missd each otha again! I was at disney all day YESTERday!"
1957427946,"neutral","babydoll20","i wanna go vivid light walk"
1957428311,"sadness","followbike","I want to ride my bicycle today, but it's too cold and cloudy today  http://snipurl.com/izzsn"
1957428358,"worry","Kelsee89","i have the song here comes goodbye stuck in my head not a good song to be singing considering my situation"
1957429060,"worry","Kaydeescrafts","I went green yesterday and I was out so I missed it  do I get another certificate????"
1957429077,"neutral","killiandarling","is it weird that i really want a harry potter bed spread and pillows???? i wish i could find one that wasn't gryffindor"
1957429079,"worry","currymansam","Heading to the hospital to sort out my back, not looking forward to this"
1957429148,"love","MissMasochism","im gonna go to bed alone again.  Sad day for me. but itll get better."
1957429200,"worry","samslam","is ready for a productive friday. one of the last of the year"
1957429364,"neutral","iAMCHuCKDiZZLe","@CHEVerlyHillz im hella pushin for it...how was tha graduation..sorry i couldnt smash thru..."
1957429768,"worry","felixley","is sick & tired of being sick & tired"
1957429845,"neutral","sethiphor","what am i doing? what can i do?"
1957429876,"neutral","Azizah_Crane","wishes that she has a private jet so that she can go see her BFF @ times like this.. ok ok..ot really thinking of carbon footprint here."
1957429927,"neutral","195fifty","That seized bolt, ya it's still stuck! The bushing is actually seized to the bolt, very very lame   Perhaps some heat will work?"
1957430094,"sadness","adelina_s","stupid weather"
1957430312,"worry","jax180","Just found out one of my ankles is swollen...eeks now it hurts"
1957430751,"surprise","Baaheeyaah","OMG My sister got my brother a "Jonas Brother" look-a-like trenchcoat and I'm like JONAS STYLE and they told me to shutup no1 likes them"
1957430884,"empty","jasongaunt","I spent my free time over the last few days converting my server to 64bit, getting VT-x working etc just to get something to run. No Luck"
1957430907,"worry","gaaaaaby","I had the worst dream ever: the Lakers were losing 11 : ZIP  & Courney Cox had a mohawk wtf."
1957430941,"sadness","DJYungFlyFlashy","Why cant a girl just like me for who i am and not whats in my walet?"
1957431361,"worry","zomgshroom","http://twitpic.com/4sx96 - before they put a CAMERA in the smokers pit.  i can no longer vandalize that door, without being caught."
1957431489,"worry","OpheliaPunk","@minauderie @oxygen8705 Totally broke is right. I have to wait till Monday to get paid though! BOOHOO!"
1957432228,"enthusiasm","Liz31tt","Getting ready for work and the sun is shining, plus it's the w/e! Bgt tonight..... what am I gonna do after it's finished?!"
1957432819,"worry","Rossco_NZ","@bekimccabe true that! don't know why i bothered this morning cos I just put it up in a pony soon as I got to work anyways"
1957432831,"worry","SexyKellyC","@songbookbaby lol. u got AC right? u know it's getting chill here again...  n its gona rain tmr"
1957433026,"worry","chefcutie","not looking forward to dress shopping tomorrow. so afraid there's no way i'll be able to get what i want"
1957433155,"relief","BlackChoc25","Cape Town was spitting all morning - now that im behind this desk; the sun comes out...perfect timing"
1957433634,"worry","SunshineeKiid","@Amara_angel I cant i dont have mms  but i will waer it nexxt time i see you"
1957433660,"neutral","sanasaleem","@ammaryasir link  I need go on my laptop then sigh."
1957434111,"sadness","NGowers","Good Morning, it's beautiful here today. Shame I'm going to spend most of the day being an unpaid taxi driver."
1957434460,"relief","viancajunise","Ahh feels good to have played guitar hero after months! I suck at it now but  haha"
1957434478,"worry","dinesh_tnpl","just got on twitter. no friends to add!  none of my friends are in twitter"
1957434742,"sadness","raveninorbit","@overshootTV Thx! Old computer here, too slow for both Kubuntu and Blender really."
1957434779,"worry","its_sb","@xcharlotteyx Awww it's still not the same  I'm going to have a look though."
1957434786,"worry","goodwill","vmware fusion seems getting slower and slower"
1957434995,"neutral","MissxMarisa","@tsarnick This year"
1957435007,"hate","ClarineV","Waiting for my driver! Hate to wait!!!!!"
1957435158,"sadness","Travvee","Why Telstra Why do you are biggest Teleco have to be so greedy  we need fast Internet and NO Download Caps!"
1957435228,"worry","priyanka_dhiman","Gudafternoon twitter followers.. Hey m giving u chance now to help me get a gud placement.. m still maintaining a jobless profile... ;("
1957435496,"sadness","sidneykidney","@Velf79 Missed you last night hon"
1957436057,"worry","heydavej","@colocelt My man, its like 3:30 in NJ. I have classes to worry about again"
1957436063,"neutral","ZorkFox","You know... time was, you could look at a Web page's source code and figure out how it worked. Now it takes a lot more effort."
1957436693,"happiness","melansonnnn","wishes she would call him ...   *hc*"
1957437702,"neutral","whitney_lynn23","is laying in bed, wishing i could meet Kellan Lutz.... haha im a nerd...dream on"
1957439470,"love","Lizziedeh","@soscandalous love you ::hugs:but i'm not seeing anything...wondering if i'm doing something wrong)"
1957439635,"sadness","brettntucker","@ab_normal Shucks!  Sorry!  Sometimes I get wrapped up in FB and forget to check  how you doin'?"
1957439681,"surprise","Sprungchic","I'm going to bed ....it's weird the 1st time in a long time.. He didn't call and say goodnight  ... Ima lil curious"
1957440033,"worry","iSibisy","I caaaaan't sleep.....it's 3.30am! wahhhh... i wanna cry"
1957440078,"sadness","She_shines92","And apparently I misplaced my iPod, the 30 gb"
1957440197,"enthusiasm","FoOie","@gnoserif FANTASTIC IDEA.. you the man! but I'll end up all lonely when the tourist goes home"
1957440258,"sadness","danzr23","very disappointed in him    gonna have to sleep it off...."
1957440766,"worry","Bluurox","Is also having a lonely night.... Wishing she could go to Audun's so that she doesn't have that bad dream again..."
1957441479,"hate","madrizen","A central lesson of history is that States are parasites which always expand until they destroy their host population. - Stefan Molyneux"
1957441745,"neutral","madartista","@mikdev  i leave the 27th, back the 5th or 6th."
1957442173,"hate","ihatecrayons","@she_shines92 aww that sucks"
1957442526,"sadness","johnnydonovan","4am foodshopping cause I was sick all day and was in hospitals  being alone blows"
1957442679,"worry","j_irwin","wondering where all the money i earnt this financial year has gone... i can account for like 3 grand but wheres the rest"
1957442918,"neutral","OnyaRain","you forgot your fans too!  haha"
1957443166,"surprise","jamvmusic","http://twitpic.com/665to Less than 24 hours till the show! Oh and Lee broke his guitar at practice    http://twitpic.com/660vv"
1957444251,"sadness","annzoo","@heavenlykevinly You go to sleeeeeeepz"
1957444306,"worry","mayj","@arielleGore I so dont  And wtf. Whatthefuck. REALLY? Really? Are they trying to kill me? But i might be... Depends..."
1957444525,"worry","mikmk","I just lost a fight against @hangy on Tweefight. I lost  Please revenge me! Try now http://tweefight.com/?opp=hangy"
1957444593,"sadness","PrincessEleasha","is seriously heartbroken!!!"
1957444758,"hate","rarrkun","@dragonflyeyes nick's voice still makes me wanna kill things"
1957444831,"worry","JamilaL","@tonibraxton Will you ever come to SF Bay Area to preform, i feel left out"
1957445001,"worry","michelleangot","oh! i think i didnt do well on my photo editing for Db!  sorry :|"
1957445052,"worry","Ruthiexo09","Aww sad @Ruthiexo09 now  stupid crapped up phone and deciding that you would go and screw yourself up and never again work arghhh"
1957445117,"worry","emliqua","start work 2 moro at 6:30.  not looking forward to it"
1957445252,"sadness","nwoidaho","@NellaGrl ...being lonely all the time."
1957445404,"love","alamby","@thoughtmecca still on track to move back, albeit in 2-3 years.  However, my buddy Jen is now moving with me, so we're on a FAST track!"
1957445511,"neutral","craigyd","O and i have to wear a damn jacket today cos i didnt notice a mark on my shirt..."
1957445561,"worry","nickcreevy","God the weather in London is ammmmazing! Yet I'm on a train half the day"
1957445896,"love","Joseph1391","Ok so I did shed a few tears watching the preview for next weeks Medium. I'm so scared. I'm so addicted to this show. I love it"
1957445955,"neutral","TheEmmaHamilton","@amazondotjon Can you ask Ryan why he stopped following me on Twitter"
1957445998,"surprise","burlybugger","So it's Friday... I have to keep reminding myself since every day seems the same"
1957446240,"worry","clarexsaula","Going to see Angels and Demons tonight. It better not scare me!!"
1957446534,"neutral","jeoestreich","should be going to bed but cannot sleep right now."
1957446539,"worry","DarthGraham","Having horrible nightmares not gonna go back to sleep"
1957446936,"sadness","surkova","@drinkins I'm suffering from the Internet that works bad, only sites hosted on russian servers are available for me"
1957447080,"surprise","Sweet_salt","i want to go to singapore but my mother seems not"
1957447147,"worry","andrea_0125","is trying so hard to not worry and be at peace despite her circumstances, but wonders why some christians are the ones making it so hard."
1957447320,"worry","reverberating","i wish i had more chicken wings"
1957447369,"happiness","DimitriMOMB","My life what a beautiful morning, i can think if no better way to ruin it than by being at work"
1957447702,"worry","AmeliaBT","Selling 10jaffa race tickets. My friends are so heartless they wont even buy one"
1957448065,"worry","johnnydonovan","I feel like I'm on alott of drugs"
1957448182,"worry","metalmentality","asks can someone pass me some load. :| Kahit 2 pesos lang.  http://plurk.com/p/wxzyr"
1957448906,"worry","fluvk09","ahhh fusterated"
1957448941,"anger","Crystal_Lyn","@bcollinstattoo yes, boo for soar throats and earaches!"
1957448963,"worry","heavenlykevinly","I think I should hire one of those tranlsators.. because no one ever understands me...."
1957449038,"empty","Punkmunkyuk","http://twitpic.com/665w2 - see miles away"
1957449087,"neutral","jessicabcd","is desperate to go to the venice beinnale"
1957449193,"neutral","BrittNelson","Sleep. Work tomorrow."
1957449197,"sadness","Keiralou","ouch  epic bruise between my toes and a lump just under my ankle  bad times"
1957450153,"neutral","vniarbcca","got GREATscores. i'm off a while for exam yeaps."
1957450274,"sadness","akulbanskiy","Epic ocd moment? I deleted my sims file that i spent hours building just because i set his favorite food wrong"
1957451066,"worry","LewisBeechey","@MrDix ugly. What programmes do you have open?"
1957451307,"surprise","mimidang","Owww I'm aching alll over!!"
1957451499,"worry","dyde121","massive headache. argh"
1957451625,"worry","hilarity","It's so hard to settle on a name"
1957451999,"surprise","richsarge","yay it's friday... hold on I have to work tomorrow"
1957452090,"relief","JayashreeR","Oopsie, the origami box I just made looks like a strawberry! should I be allowed to teach?"
1957452386,"sadness","docbaty","Heading home. Could really have done without banging my head on the way into the bus"
1957452600,"worry","ktjbpa2006","@AlexAllTimeLow awww that is very sad.  I sawwy"
1957452660,"sadness","joshuamange","also i hit my chin on something when i fell down and it hurts  ugh... work is gonna suck"
1957452685,"worry","taralovesmochi","feels sorry every time I'm printing out, I use like 200 new papers"
1957452732,"sadness","nicolepenney","Doing uni work all weekend. Fun times"
1957452923,"sadness","YellowLlama","@_enzo blech... thats a fail when you're receiving dollars. I quoted a job in USD last month. i'm getting paid now = major losses"
1957453581,"sadness","CLIENTAV","@aliwise TMZ HARVEY LEVIN, OR TYPE....TMZ IN ...FIND PEOPLE   ~~~~"
1957453609,"sadness","Lrod23","First time I'm going home early  sucks to b single no one to call"
1957453857,"happiness","kaitXOhop","wish my nicky were home too"
1957454104,"hate","Trekstar_32","@chuybe again your fault  i didnt make u leave"
1957454181,"surprise","alliepawell","umm...why will it not let me change my background?! im twitter-challenged."
1957454380,"love","Paoloandrei","i really want to marry leighton meester. damn, can`t take my eyes of her."
1957454639,"worry","beingmyself","@mosapp just say no reeesee cup"
1957455270,"worry","EmmaaCluniee","Ill in bed my stomach is killing me"
1957455328,"happiness","Broooooke_","hmm..Osaka. Last show today.Very sad  . i can decode ur msg ;) haha cant wait till u get 2 Sydney ;D i missed out on tickets tho :o xx"
1957455502,"sadness","Ambo_Nads","@veronicasmusic When are you guys coming back to do a tour in Oz? I missed you when you were here earlier this year   Made me sad"
1957456086,"worry","taraw07","@menace718bk Bummer I know   LOL  I actually do more partying when i am in school then out of school..I think it somehow helps me..hahaha!"
1957456442,"worry","bunny_red","Housemate saw Angel & Demons last night, but left me at home. Was looking forward to seeing that  Wanted 2 reminise http://bit.ly/qFsAg"
1957456771,"neutral","lukesolomon","@blucu so u aren't going to be in Chicago"
1957457074,"worry","khalol","And it's starting to get cold"
1957457324,"worry","jacdo","@mikusi gawd. People still remember the preggers comment. Hate you!"
1957457583,"neutral","CrazyA64","I think I've finally reached the point in my life where I need a nasal hair trimmer"
1957457689,"sadness","tequilasunrise","hmm. I'm disappointed. I made 2 servings, and I am only able to enjoy one because my stomach is now full  wishing I had company to help."
1957457743,"worry","especial_53","@iFollowMike ugh I'm not doin too good"
1957457789,"worry","laurencdowling","Whyyy am I still awake when I have to work at 8?! This is not good"
1957458128,"worry","Nushums","really thinks wee callum should of got through last night"
1957458292,"sadness","Broooooke_","its taking foreverrr for @jess_0000 to get here  im bored.."
1957458462,"worry","abcicantcount","I had my hair cut today and my boyfriend didn't notice...."
1957458543,"neutral","the_REAL_luvina","@antwanduncan ew, tongue kiss"
1957458704,"neutral","Lishhhyyy","Walls of Jericho please come to WORCESTER asap! Candace pleeaassee! Why did Flee the Seen call it quits? whyyy?"
1957458941,"hate","FelineMoonchild","I'm pretty sure Isis has a tapeworm.  So she's allowed to snuggle with me all she wants tonight."
1957458958,"neutral","infAmySF","@smallchou I'm still working."
1957459248,"worry","bazzareido","Did not feel like getting up"
1957459378,"sadness","osmg33k","is very cold"
1957459568,"worry","priyanka_dhiman","Gone r the days wen we used to sit 4 exams.. no more exams, no more classes, no more bunking n no more fun.."
1957459680,"worry","Susantse","its at 3 am, im very tired but i can't sleep  but i try it"
1957460018,"love","DaniDanceDance","@Jessicaveronica MARRRRRRRRRRY ME! <3 have fun partying tonight, have a drink for me, if only i was 18 i wud come there just to see you!"
1957460293,"sadness","shuchii","what a waste of lives ... http://tr.im/mLou"
1957460364,"sadness","LittleLee","@mjh81 I know man, my day off and am pulling myself out of bed"
1957460452,"hate","ajc03","got such sore feet"
1957460469,"worry","aniaanka","@Wykrzyknik uff, ble litt trist av � lese den siste tweetsen din  the challenge prooved too be tough!! :'("
1957460511,"worry","Frankkken","i cant find my itouch for the 64577 billionth time n i need it to sleep"
1957460526,"sadness","zymandthebean","@yenbearr yis  i ryke it."
1957460735,"worry","je72","Back from A&E, very nice Doctor diagnosed ligament damage, she felt I could still do my 5k run, but it might take me 10 days to heal"
1957460736,"sadness","Icykyusya","I'm havin the stupid stomach pain again & again... Today is my outing with SPH frenz & my stomach nvr fails to dissappoint me. Haiz"
1957461006,"love","Girl_Racer09","@Roberto958  awwww  thanks for follwin me thou. lol"
1957461171,"surprise","JohnnySaiz","@roninreckless dude you didn't even say bye"
1957461215,"sadness","aniaanka","if not impossible"
1957461549,"neutral","Tow411","sometimes spam leaks in to the message board."
1957461580,"neutral","supercopygurl","@stalyn Yeh I suppose, but its not the same you know? To me Henry isn't really a gunner any more"
1957461849,"worry","madgestar","Son's 15th Birthday this weekend.Taking him out for a Mexican meal and a major game buying spree.I miss the Lego days"
1957462278,"surprise","Fayanora","@paper_hand Oops! I completely forgot!"
1957462323,"worry","zymandthebean","@AmalSyazwani i shorry bebeh  it okeh ada one more chance."
1957462405,"sadness","shinsh0ku","boo for all the season finales.."
1957462485,"worry","manny_miles","Certain tweets I write are on the spot messages for a person, group, or pornstar, and those tweets usually get deleted within the hour"
1957462569,"worry","TAVOBLACKWALLIN","cavs got lucky 2night  lol but lebron took over and killed em another triple double"
1957462737,"sadness","minauderie","@OpheliaPunk nothing  it's sad, actually"
1957463311,"love","tmcmahon417","using my brothers G1 phone.. love it! driving to vegas... my phone died this morning and my charger broke"
1957463319,"happiness","khupapipz","huhuhu still working to get new clients in motion graphics"
1957463446,"worry","Paris36","Rain rain go away"
1957464145,"surprise","Applecored","@thatlass he was a very tallented man so its fitting wish I was closer to see it myself"
1957464154,"worry","specialdave197","Fucking typical. GH:M arrives just as I leave for work. It's going to be a long day"
1957464188,"fun","Carlie_pie","Is constantly listening to the @Jonasbrothers song Fly with Me...b/c it's the cutest song..."Peter Pan & Wendy turned out fine""
1957464216,"sadness","chrismbr","@Vzzzbx I'm glad/sad that it's not just me/my iPhone  #badoptus"
1957464811,"worry","brandonbMK09","Bout to knock out. Feelin a lil sick  peace y'all"
1957465021,"neutral","Zanciitis","need to pass the exams"
1957465170,"worry","valerielynn1","Just got home after walking the dogs.  Very humid in Kaneohe.  No AC in my home    Ceiling fans work!"
1957465210,"worry","omgitsafox","@Cadistra NOOOO I'll miss you too much!  I went stag to my prom and all the high school and middle school dances, if that helps. >_>"
1957465259,"hate","NANCY___","FUCKSAKE i shouldn't smoke so much stuff."
1957465266,"neutral","hipikat","Every element in the DOM with children is a single parent"
1957465395,"sadness","PrincessXLauryn","likes being friends but it hurts when u love your friend but the feelings arent the same. trying to sleep. has to really try to give up."
1957465483,"love","MrHollywoodXTC","slept all day.. lol. now time to start on my UN article.. what fun (: ..."
1957466063,"neutral","kikikat","@zaam It's is in the July issue of OXM... so I don't have anything to link you to right now"
1957466267,"neutral","victoriavictor","I give in to easily"
1957466403,"worry","chasecuddly","Why don't any of my friends ever miss me  why do 40 year old pervs like me  why can't I be a shape shifter (((((((((((((((((("
1957466651,"worry","pedrocustodio","Entered house searching mode yesterday... we need to find an apartment in D�sseldorf until the end of August, this one was temporary..."
1957467419,"sadness","deltatwo","@TheLastDoctor He was creepy for me at first, but I did really grow to like him. I cried like a baby when he and Tosh died."
1957467582,"fun","whatacatchx","@sweetavalanche lol yeah  haha. yeah, things are okay, pretty much the same. slowly sorting out everything lol. exams are coming D: haha"
1957467645,"love","ssoun126","@SexyKellyC hey chocolate chips is good.  i want a snack too but i'm out of snacks."
1957467675,"worry","silvernik","with hubby at the dentist ready to hold his hand  and getting nervy about potentially buying a car tomorrow"
1957467913,"happiness","rodbear","Why does #googledocs do folders, instead of labels like #gmail? I kind of like labels"
1957467935,"hate","Jullyna","So damn tired! Another long day trw!"
1957468342,"hate","el7omed","just woke up, I'm starving"
1957468844,"neutral","HollywoodMaxi","I need a present for my mom.  Could anybody help me ?!"
1957469109,"sadness","tayalouise","going down the post office to try and sort this whole ebay hacker thing"
1957469278,"empty","MisusRad","sore throat. Planning the TET outing to Marwell though...good times"
1957469739,"surprise","stephenrawson","Devastated,set alarm for 9.30,forgot to turn 7.30 alarm off got up at 7.30 and showered thinking it was 9.30,I am a full fool"
1957469840,"neutral","Broken4est","Guess what happened to my butt yesterday? Yes - Annas finger came for a visit... and I said nothing about it."
1957469877,"worry","brtak","@abduzeedo something wrong, layout of abduzzeedo site looks no good today, anyone?"
1957469948,"happiness","AcePower","@Lara82 Yeah  He was such a good..erm...entertainment )"
1957469992,"worry","rosa_lives","Getting that funny feeling that usually indicates I'm sick. Great...."
1957470293,"sadness","fooflington","Bacon Fail at Gulb... lack of chef"
1957470717,"worry","E_rocKsteadY","got another long day of papers and projects tomorrow  but this time one of the projects is shaving, its been like 2 mths lol. man legs.eww"
1957471166,"worry","damohopo","@thatlass yeah, it's gonna be rubbish!"
1957471766,"sadness","RosieReaper","@chantalclaret D; You get hate tweets  that's sasd."
1957471796,"neutral","onastysainto","@milosundae akhrnya The Hills nggi..90210-nya macet2..HIMYM cm ada season4,pdhl gw nyari season3nya"
1957471968,"sadness","emmalaiho","is suprisingly okay. or possibly still drunk. goodbyes suck though"
1957472022,"worry","ZombieBoySam","Just checked my bank balance. I spend like a millionaire despite the fact I am nowhere near as rich as one."
1957472094,"worry","amitkavi","Wow i will be away and my "expecting" wife is going to be here in India, thats gonna suck since I have made her so dependent on myself"
1957472320,"sadness","_radcliffe","i wanna go out"
1957472414,"sadness","NicoleSantero","it's overwhelming how i'm finally catching up with my cousin/bff since i was three who i haven't seen in years. ah, memories. miss her"
1957472514,"worry","amzneric","missing my man, two months is so long to not see him"
1957473076,"neutral","geraldfowler","Surgery when I wake up"
1957473438,"sadness","tywhite","SF felt WAY too intense for me tonight. Hope that doesn't keep up. Upset with myself for not hanging with @fascinated and pearl"
1957473563,"worry","MarthinusSwart","I read the disclaimer, I had to close my browser  http://tinyurl.com/n28lr3"
1957473571,"worry","Rellz","Its chilly n lonley n this livingroom"
1957474013,"sadness","Scarlettjen","@divabat so sorry to hear that.  I lost two hard drives this year, I know the feeling"
1957474049,"sadness","blucrystal","So many farewell parties! sad to see people leaving .."
1957474232,"enthusiasm","marci723","@JustcallmeMac your making me jealous now  I want one! How long have u guys been married?"
1957474409,"fun","nissyoh","http://twitpic.com/6661g - is on her last day at METRO magazine  Ta-ta, dream job. (PS: June issue out now. Czech it out!)"
1957474522,"worry","Syd33","Memphis just can't catch a break these days. My poor Tigers"
1957474620,"neutral","KARENmagazine","@lorrainelock they are having a closing down sale !    does not look good."
1957474784,"sadness","Nuggy1","I'm sleepy but is feeling under the weather! ugh! These damn tonsils. I need some company or somebody to talk too!"
1957475168,"worry","CraigHarris","5500 words and counting.  My hands hurt"
1957475541,"happiness","stephyday","@mileycyrus I would totally take you to prom...if i hadnt already gone  sorry lol"
1957475589,"worry","sentimentalizzy","I miss the Doctor Who regular series."
1957475954,"worry","UltraSub","Jeez! Little one is seriously constipated. Don't know what to do anymore. Anyone tips? It's terrible seeing him in serious pain"
1957476026,"sadness","JacobLovesGucci","im the only ho that didnt go to tigerheat tonite"
1957476456,"happiness","Reidsui","@RASHIDIAN Come hang out wif meeee"
1957476665,"worry","TrustTommy","@damienmulley Yes otherdad  @katiemoffat Wait, do I go back to sleep or cause mischief?"
1957476811,"happiness","kidcrayola","Hmmm thinking about taking back that I feel better this morning - I think I spoke to early"
1957476852,"sadness","kk","not to be too macabre but its hard to believe we dropped a real nuclear weapon on real japanese humans.  http://ow.ly/9NRu #warisfucked"
1957476860,"worry","cdels","Inshalla! Devo I wont be at the Astor tonight"
1957477011,"sadness","minauderie","@OpheliaPunk i wish i wasn't all  bummed but i kinda am"
1957477066,"sadness","RussellBfan90","@notmywords yup-unfortunately  Took today off work and just slept all day."
1957477381,"worry","identigral","iTunes upgrade reset playcount to zero  How will I know which one of 143 Hasta Siempre versions I liked best?"
1957477598,"sadness","morwanggg","is feeling so bored... i miss school time"
1957477630,"worry","Queeniet74","Watched The Notebook last night.... Wahhhhhhh!  V good.  Cried my eyes out!  Maybe a bit too close to home I think.    Go watch!"
1957477724,"anger","anthraxmoh","My stomach is all EXPLODE from the wendys  why is everything that tastes good bad for you?"
1957477835,"neutral","ZmajZena","go to my father's house or not?!that is the question...domestic food and people around me vs my bed,my tv and my world...dont know"
1957477924,"worry","stellery","@_erica /hugs those are the worst. Mine used to be really bad on the first day..sometimes can't even get out of bed."
1957478985,"neutral","sydeshow","@kegrocks I did one last night  it will be available in dvd, blue ray, and digital download via the iTunes store by the end of the week"
1957479011,"neutral","JonasBrothas","@mrspaulkjonas No, havent heard anything about the show   It hasnt been on on saturday nights, but there are the occasional sunday reruns."
1957479384,"worry","Broooooke_","@AlexAllTimeLow aww  cant wait till u get 2 Sydney ;D i missed out on tickets tho.. :O xxx"
1957479599,"worry","lindamalm","imissu, come back home now honey"
1957479921,"surprise","ilsmiles9","falling asleep and waking to gun shots arent fun"
1957479923,"worry","MissxMarisa","@Zobi09 I'm concerned for that family"
1957480314,"hate","carnivalesq","@Epiphora I will never forgive you for burying the erotica. You're snuffing out our love."
1957480356,"hate","IndigoToad","Had to fix bike chain on the way to work...arrived a filthy, bloody mess   lovely weather though!"
1957480358,"neutral","cathking","@grum have you seen who's knocked you off top spot on wefollow for #perth?"
1957480395,"sadness","00mouse2000","@etschuetz that sux  but mayb 4 the btr u nvr know"
1957480573,"neutral","carocat","@dreamsthedream @dreamsthedream @dreamsthedream I came back to Germany yesterday. My five days in the UK were over."
1957481172,"sadness","becaghist","Cant sleeeeep & i miss my long hairrr"
1957481237,"neutral","Emmanuel_7","3) I really want to see "Up""
1957481924,"sadness","SonjaReneStuart","mom is ok so far. just missing jaron"
1957482102,"fun","Galiiit","@twebbstack nuhhhh no info on ticketek yet  Heaps excited though! I dont care how much but I hope it isn't too much.."
1957482122,"worry","rsrecidoro","just called Toyota. Car won't be ready til 5."
1957482294,"love","_trisha","im finally going home but didnt get to finish all my work  so ill be back tomorrow"
1957482343,"worry","sunshine_mafia","@mrcoups oh dear  not fun"
1957482834,"worry","amy_carol","Can't sleep...so I'm watching HGTV. I'm afraid infomercials are about to take over"
1957482960,"neutral","uaoh","Because twitter is about being an attention whore: meet new haircut, same as the old one: http://u.nu/8748 She refused to cut a fringe"
1957482979,"sadness","SaMannequiN","has had AWFUL hiccups today and now can't fall asleep because of them"
1957482992,"happiness","babyowls","@pyroezra i know!  i wish she would. I just wanna cuddle and sleeep in ga! And go to the world of coke"
1957483056,"neutral","GeminiJS","I guess I'm just not smoking tonight"
1957483412,"sadness","archeens","Use twitter, quit life"
1957483566,"worry","kilted","@widrfm  hey, is your site down? I was going to listen to the web stream but can't get to the site..."
1957483606,"neutral","throg","Oh cr*p ... Placebo tix and Tori Amos both go on sale at 9am. Anticipating hot cake distribution of both."
1957483655,"relief","gilmanjunkiez","Happy belated Birthday to Billy!! I forgot to say that on his bday.  I  feel aweful!"
1957483776,"love","whatacatchx","@sweetavalanche haha yeah i know  yeah, things are okay, pretty much the same. i'm slowly sorting things out.. exams are coming D: haha"
1957483970,"sadness","jazminepearl","Listing to old jb music.... Going bck to 2006&2007 <33 i miss tht"
1957484159,"hate","Nita1207","wants to move to QLD already, this cold weather is killing me"
1957484500,"sadness","jennuh21","Just woke up & can't go back to sleep. Had a txt from the bff sayin if you're up call me, sounds important but that was 4 hours ago"
1957484585,"neutral","skyguy27","3/4 through project car 1."
1957484797,"neutral","Sebyola","playing bejewled on facebook.. damn it i want a higherscore!"
1957485047,"neutral","gem_quack_quack","starting to wonder if I'm going to get this job... came across as though i'd find work elsewhere if needs must... not intentionally"
1957485240,"sadness","xya","My truss failing  http://yfrog.com/154upj"
1957485286,"worry","3riplelclothing","@Keiyaunna So i guess im stuck in the LOBBY"
1957485317,"worry","Claymaan","365days rperss.... where are youuuuuuu"
1957485440,"hate","KobieThatcher","stuck in huge traffic jam"
1957485710,"worry","veriette","This porridge tastes shit! I cba with today man."
1957485760,"worry","FannyAddams","Have to sell my car. It's costing me too much. Can now afford one rollerskate. Bye bye petey"
1957485864,"neutral","jellybabynet","Lovely morning to cycle to work but met with a 29 degree office"
1957485942,"sadness","GhostOtaku","Trending Topics on Twitter used to useful. Now they're just like middle schoolers passing around notes cause class is boring."
1957486370,"hate","sheh","hates typing on a mac. wishing that i'll be done my english essay soon.  sleeeepy"
1957486984,"fun","simplyvinay","Want to get my hands dirty with FubuMVC. http://bit.ly/J00ha, but the document is not yet complete"
1957487022,"neutral","Aeris_Reborn","going to work, it's 3:30am"
1957487203,"worry","nikki_marion","seriously getting hurt.... 4 days before nationals.. what a joke"
1957487615,"sadness","CandleNtheDark","@helloinsightful CEREAL DOESNT COME WITH TOYS ANYMORE!. i jus been thinkin i was buyin the wrong kinds  say it aint so Mo."
1957487865,"empty","heatherbyzz","sleep? what's sleep again? I've seem to have forgottten the meaning. too much on my mind. or it's just my usual insonmia."
1957488446,"sadness","KingDavid1973","Now the mosquito truck is waking me up"
1957488540,"worry","waffleygoodness","@katelynizzle haha okay you were talking about middle college grad I think and I got worried"
1957488983,"worry","carissawarner","I hate tossing and turning.. Why can't i just fall asleep?"
1957489460,"sadness","eddietang68","Another boring meeting to attend"
1957489791,"happiness","dreamsthedream","@carocat Nooo  But hey you're back next week! Are you moving back for good?"
1957489961,"enthusiasm","loveli","can't tell you how thrilled I am to have just had a nosebleed.  first time in ages.  overjoyed doesn't cover it.  urgh"
1957490113,"worry","katadare","Can't seem to sleep tonight... Its 3:38am, I need to get up in less than 4 hours..."
1957490341,"hate","seyko_","bah, i h8 waking up"
1957490410,"enthusiasm","Sagan_Myers","@katieclair88 You guys didn't call or come over  Did we do something?! Def. give us a call tomorrow and hang out with us chick!!"
1957490526,"happiness","bet33","@ykesha2001 yeah, I also had to do a paper.. I only have one more final left: algebra.. & I take it on my birthday!!   (june 3)"
1957490771,"hate","loveletsgo","i hate working, especially when the weather is good"
1957491235,"sadness","ancientbruises","damn i missed @xsparkage's blogtv  i hope it was funsies?"
1957491739,"neutral","godmademefunkie","On the train now. I forgot by charger  that means no whoshere for me today till I get home haha!  but I'd still tweet u guys! xxx"
1957492058,"sadness","LucyJuiceNewton","I'm torn, do I get an extended warranty for my iPhone when mine runs out, or jailbreak? I've already got problems with battery & earpiece"
1957492349,"worry","Naibabi","@dawndela yeh still have the weekend, but I get weekends anyways, today is my full last day of vacation time"
1957492389,"surprise","Miriam_met2xi","Back at work.....too much email in my inbox...."
1957492675,"sadness","thatlass","friday night is my fav night of the week but now I have to go to stupid dog training classes"
1957492899,"sadness","EdwardVampire","@xBellaMariex Hello Bella, why r you going to delete your account..?"
1957492909,"worry","gerrymoth","@HannaManna I think it goes against everything i thought the olympic spirit of Team GB is/was"
1957493869,"worry","LadyKry","Auditions are good but, Iam super nervous! That is one of my virtues"
1957493957,"sadness","lollbirdsey","@nicolepenney That sucks! I'm going to be doing summer school.  Need to catch up on several units"
1957494472,"worry","HayleyBee1","Going to revise for physics."
1957494894,"hate","kleyva","Have you ever stepped on a slug by accident? I just did  I hate bugs"
1957495122,"sadness","DandelionQueen","Damn, 4got to turn off my alarm so I woke up at 5:45am"
1957495794,"sadness","aurocka","I miss Cary and want to drink some chocolate milk with him."
1957495917,"neutral","KayTyler","@krissysalisbury don't ask  Hoping that today will be an improvment on the rest of the week. Looking forward to the weekend weather!"
1957495950,"relief","Mbo0305","Can't I just be a stay at home mom already"
1957496048,"relief","mickla","this sux but took like 4 minutes. going to sleep finally  http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/4603/iprevailedsig.png"
1957496061,"neutral","je72","10 days to recover from ligament damage (from now) will give me about 3 days to train for the 5k"
1957496192,"worry","lost_dog","@urbancritter I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1957496270,"neutral","nwoidaho","@NellaGrl 64 degrees would be a dream. it's 75 in Boise still."
1957496945,"happiness","chatterchatbox","@_faeriequeen I just saw the Hamlet update too - excellent news... Never so good as live though"
1957497094,"sadness","Leemcathy","im ill hate it. seeing the doc at 5 too 10."
1957497165,"worry","simplyvinay","Want to get my hands dirty with FubuMVC. http://bit.ly/J00ha, but the documentation is not yet complete"
1957497342,"hate","hypnoticzexy","Shit week all fucking week  off to the gym now with the worst headache."
1957497862,"surprise","mimiedejesus","oh men..not in the mood  I'll go home tomorrow..wanna be w/ my family..its my birthday"
1957498023,"sadness","Sean2theO","@JasonVonBerg thats the crazy part - was for 16:30. but reasons include "full schedule" & "travelling with his daughter"... So. Not. Cool"
1957498577,"happiness","Disc0Fidget","I can't work twitter on my phone!  we're just in bed thinking of funny stuff from last night! (L) GOOD TIMES!"
1957498830,"neutral","kateboardman","feel like am at one of those gyms where the machines work you rather than you them"
1957498978,"hate","peachylaaa","my eyes are streaming!! i HATE hayfever  it's so bad even my tablets aren't working!"
1957499078,"surprise","igetthatalot","@TylerHarrell do you really smoke???"
1957499577,"worry","katie18O","@Yvette_Maree omfg are you alright?"
1957500245,"worry","divabat","@yanq_ndo OMG I'm so sorry. I'm the worst employee ever. My hard drive just failed taking the survey data with it"
1957500308,"worry","Rhainnon90","is bored at school and my throat it swollen"
1957500585,"sadness","crvenk","Approaching the weekend quite quickly and so much more work left to do."
1957500630,"fun","alpha1736","@Knightpkf Yay! Thank you.. Feels like ur yelling at us   LOL"
1957500749,"worry","leysonnet","down with a nasty cold in cagayan de oro"
1957500831,"sadness","gsamzbrownsuga","NOW IM SAD BUT IM NOT GIVING IN FIRST..I DIDNT DO NOTHING!!!!    :**-("
1957501257,"boredom","caffeinatedKiss","My brother just woke me up to help him with his homework. I'm not happy"
1957501281,"sadness","shehulk123","Disturbed. They sold the baby tiger I met in Thailand as an exotic pet. Greedy bastards"
1957501496,"neutral","jezzierelle","wishes wag na sana ma reject thesis proposal ko nadedepress na ko eh (goodluck) (annoyed)  http://plurk.com/p/wy27u"
1957501587,"neutral","binncheol","@DamoDarko yep, i wish they were all playing dubiln"
1957501764,"sadness","thatlass","and I'm so naughty I cant even take my dog, I have to sit & watch how proper dog owners do it, will Brunos life ever be the same?"
1957501955,"surprise","cleslie92","Ok, ahhh! Last chance to go into school before chemistry exam!!"
1957501970,"sadness","A_M_Y_B","Also, anyone else hayfevery today??? I've only been awake for 40mins and sufferin already"
1957502074,"sadness","jasmineadarling","I'm glad that all got cleared up.  I lah you!  Idk why Linda hates me though.."
1957502220,"empty","Exyso","dog just farted  so bad....."
1957502273,"sadness","ems_london","@alexandramusic morning Alex hope you will be tweeting lots today as we do miss you when you aren't on here  xx"
1957502283,"worry","rakhmad","Euh, got LDAP Schema Error  Why oh Why"
1957502640,"neutral","paperkites","lunch at 5.30pm!"
1957503142,"surprise","OhDaffy","Sooo tired i cant believe its already dark outside i didnt even get to see the day"
1957503252,"empty","jodiem","@Alegrya Yeah, I've got the same issue - signed up but no confirmation email"
1957503296,"love","bdiddy77","I loved johnny carson now I'm going to hate seeing jay leno go  (via @womanschitchat) that's what I was waiting for someone to say!"
1957503297,"sadness","a2kx","@TheeRealFDHC Sorry to hear that man  He is were the bullshit cant reach him now. My heart goes out to you and your family."
1957503381,"love","fabgabo","@diane4president visit si fr joemar dito bataan (frm camiguin) & sum of my ofcmates& i are supposed to meet him this saturday  can't luwas"
1957503973,"neutral","xelmarj","prepare yourself"
1957504449,"hate","nelia39","@GGSerena boo you didnt answer my text"
1957504506,"happiness","Rogerlam","@NMaize Lucky Rob... always gettin' the T8's from Emalon"
1957504579,"worry","alltimelowtokyo","@AlexAllTimeLow aw  were sad you had to leave tokyo. come back.please"
1957504642,"fun","mick_the_real1","there are # days of summervac & school comes along just 2 end it & the annual problem of r generation is finding a good way 2 spend it!!"
1957504759,"neutral","TheAmHamShow","@Silbersurfer TOLD YOU!"
1957504984,"love","BeesLikeZeebras","@BK_II It's foggy here"
1957505158,"neutral","babyowls","@pyroezra but you should move here! I have school."
1957505194,"surprise","brookedanielle_","@dougiemcfly Aint the UK fans your fav people!?"
1957505533,"fun","Feather1228","@lesleyroy haha! nice! Have fun doll! Hopefully I'll see ya soon! I miss ur face!"
1957505599,"worry","maricanna","E docs are getting younger these days.can u guess where am i??yup, NUH!! paying my ear doc a visit. Ouch!!"
1957506331,"enthusiasm","Hengonz81","Well I'm going to try and sleep now I have to be at work at 9 tomorrow  and then the weekend starts!!!!  http://myloc.me/1XTs"
1957506476,"worry","Courtney_J_","@chrissalad My Mum said I probably wont get out of it  ALSO - it goes for like 2 months. That's normal right?"
1957506500,"sadness","Georgiieee","im cold  i still cant find my hoodie"
1957506990,"neutral","lemi_dovato","Eating pringles at nearly 1 AM really reminds me  of touring with the Jonas Brothers (don't ask).......I miss that so much...."
1957507085,"empty","PinkCandyCross","@davidnikel i don't even know what sporting social enterprise means...."
1957507539,"neutral","kellygirl27","@Emsy Your pic didn't show up for me  Boo!!!! All the other pics on that site show up, but not yours"
1957508197,"fun","vinithasaira","yummy chocolate cake..wish even i got one for my b'day!!   anybody listening???"
1957508224,"sadness","vanessabricker","Um, why arent episodes 1-14 of Lost season 5 on abc?!  Good thing Im going to Vegas in the am to keep me distracted from this tragedy."
1957508254,"worry","lilmui","@fauzims It was white...  I acidentally left it in when i was doing my colours..."
1957508406,"happiness","gigivsantos","Going back to Manila this evening. All my trips to Cebu are so bitin."
1957508686,"love","RebelxRebel","@albamayo...I just posted my First video... A contest entry and my still is terrible too  boo...luv ur videos btw. Xxxrebelrebelxxx"
1957509110,"worry","Ladybirdd","I seriously hate my life: it's currently 2:42am, I have 3 finals tomorrow, and have not slept a single second"
1957509180,"worry","BrooklynzFinest","@KINGmoney I'm sorry...I'll make sure I do that next time."
1957509662,"sadness","ialejandro","@Kristie999 same. Was going to try warm milk but I'm lactose intolerant  haha."
1957509668,"neutral","GianninaRossini","@lady_jane   hope yours will go away quicker than mine (10 weeks now and counting)"
1957509761,"worry","mick_the_real1","yack yack -- resorting to these :#2&!@#$%^&*()etc. to stay within twitter limits?? not good"
1957509861,"worry","SweetBullshit","I wish I could go back to bed with @wowshaggy"
1957509927,"boredom","CerysLoach","just woke up day off and need to go in to work that sucks. Also have to go dentist for filling at 12 then st helens for mri scan at 2"
1957510139,"sadness","Frannie_x","Mom has left... again"
1957510247,"surprise","Alma773","Is up and I can't go to sleep!"
1957510555,"sadness","nakedxa","chapter 27... probably on monday. i still need more comments."
1957510645,"neutral","svijayak","Just finished watching terminator. Other than the music nothing is great"
1957511036,"worry","pyroezra","i cant afford it  go to school here ? !!"
1957511193,"worry","xJessika","cries. AJ radio is gone  Guess I won't be DJing anymore.. until I get this fully fixed.. How are we btw? Heaps of homework, long weekend."
1957511342,"happiness","mattdeceptive","@drewpeacock85 cool dude! yeah i was hoping your rate was still $2.75. lol! yeah not sure when ill mar and par for my birthday dinner."
1957511517,"sadness","jhien","... need retail therapy, bad. AHHH.....gimme money geebus"
1957511769,"worry","roaraaa","i feel less than nothin'.. lower than zero.."
1957511787,"worry","tintinxtorres","Attempting to sleep. My puppy is sick already"
1957512592,"hate","thisloveisblind","my mind is racing ... b/c of 4 words he wrote.  I hate him, but I hate her most. ... and I can't keep from falling for him"
1957512669,"sadness","kayyyluh","cant sleep  so tired! goodnight... maybe :/"
1957512735,"neutral","TalkingTwilight","So, I am working on the news as well while I am doing all of this & Rob is all over the place!  No wonder that boy never gets left alone!"
1957513178,"enthusiasm","nickyjames","got my cable set up! WIN!  got my lock put on my door! WIN! feeling a tad neglected... FAIL."
1957513363,"sadness","mparaz","@dtothealex really... I'm an alumnus, and I don't know myself! and we didn't have Macs yet when I was there..."
1957514138,"worry","lady_jane","@GianninaRossini blimey! You're still suffering?!!"
1957514298,"neutral","MissxMarisa","@tsarnick Yeah, that was my thumb last night. Sorry"
1957514300,"sadness","sirasits","Back to LA from Las Vagas, Nice Trip , Nice Food ....but lose $100 with Slot Machine..."
1957514387,"fun","_shellzbellz","@SplashAdams ill be alright but the whip may not"
1957514391,"worry","3riplelclothing","@Keiyaunna OH FACK U GAVE ME POLICE THATS SOME SERIOUSE SHIT"
1957514633,"surprise","pyroezra","@bbyowls i cant afford it  go to school here ? !!"
1957514752,"worry","mitdoq","Too broke for cigarettes."
1957515026,"fun","beezybabyx","@kimberly__joy i feel like red lea now"
1957515183,"worry","jatetenkins","squirrel! where? i hate squirrels"
1957515772,"neutral","caityisawinner","@grantarnow WHY DIDNT I SEE YOU?"
1957516147,"empty","pandafeifei","Just watched Mall Cop. Wasn't that funny, but wasn't too bad. I guess. I kinda wish I still worked at a movie theater...."
1957516189,"worry","Blu3b3rri","Can't sleep....  & why isn't my $ in my damn account!? BofA is trippin"
1957516403,"worry","shermaineee","@tissuerose i'm with you in this.  i've always have prob prioritizing myself ahead of him."
1957516437,"happiness","ChasityBelt","Morning twitties! Heading to college, just back from the docs, god I'm hungry  streching my ears again today! 10mm ;) payday I love you!"
1957516839,"fun","Strachdan","Five o'clock can't come any faster"
1957516892,"boredom","Shinybiscuit","Finishing the video. Fuck me, it's so long"
1957517199,"worry","EdieWei","LAPPYTOP BATERRRY DYING,tryingtofind a movieto watch since im staying in.  and goingto my room."
1957517289,"sadness","janellejose","wowowee willie of fortune is just making me depressed  damn love."
1957517844,"hate","jayajha","Bluedart takes a shipment all the way before figuring out "No Deliver" and then bring it back! Databases anyone?"
1957518106,"sadness","somethinglemon","Watching Jimmy F.  delete all his social network profiles  No more Jimmy cyber time."
1957518521,"worry","AlwaysTheHrdWay","I no longer have a ticket for ny"
1957518703,"empty","AussieLiz","The sun is shining and I'm stuck in work"
1957518896,"worry","Jack_O_C","...I have to study ...."
1957519335,"hate","OzSarge","Just been bitten by SmoothStreaming, it doesn't seem to work for my client's linux users...fan-fricking-tastic"
1957519394,"neutral","babyowls","@pyroezra idk if i could.  it would cost me soo much there."
1957519529,"hate","twinklepuff","? MADAYA KA CHRISTIAN. BLEH!!! I HATE U  http://plurk.com/p/wy2yg"
1957519539,"worry","jakec","Squabbling with people over the internet is great for my Tumblarity, but bad for my ego when they have more internet friends than me"
1957519801,"enthusiasm","PERUAN0","Wow, been away 4 a while...stupid lap top is in the shop...still    Hope everyone is well!"
1957519910,"worry","ahitsCHRIS","Type cold in my room"
1957520168,"sadness","realchrissystar","Desperately wishing I could sleep - But I am too frazzled about my Gma, and can't sleep.. :'( It's really bad tonight  xx"
1957520247,"fun","BrewGirl","Planning a road trip down to San Diego- With a detour into Vegas to celebrate my birthday! Too bad it's 7 wks away  I want to go now!"
1957520271,"worry","Samm_xo","is MySpace mobile free? or do u have 2 have credit... cause they are liers"
1957520347,"worry","HankKeleher","@MaryKathrynK Yikes!  I hope she was okay.  I never her heard her say her tummy hurt."
1957520555,"empty","rachbabe6","@MAGUSWEAVER don't follow me. You will ruin my twitter experience"
1957520585,"worry","patsylagan","Flight to hurghada delayed 7 hours"
1957520614,"worry","Gavin_Morgan","Going to be a strange weekend. Probably srtarting off with working til midnight tonight"
1957520723,"enthusiasm","zeabphotos","I Need to get my friggin cameras cleand ASAP !!"
1957521136,"fun","chenoa_cutie","@JBFutureboy lucky kid...i so wanna see loserville  pity im in oz...."
1957521722,"love","youremynextexbf","Friends! Come over and give me a massage  I can't sleep."
1957521826,"surprise","pythons","@FannyAddams Aw you named your car, that's very sweet. I'm sorry to hear that Petey has to go, I hope you find a really posh rollerskate."
1957521888,"neutral","redvers","@beakpie yes. Yes you will."
1957522267,"sadness","haselhurst","No allowed a calculator for this exam despite it containing laths that is impossible to compute in my head."
1957522313,"worry","thezachkoche","Whataburger closing all locations but tally  so harsh, might have to transfer schools"
1957522630,"relief","rachellylove","im very sorry."
1957522687,"sadness","evenieves","3 hours of sleep and a mild hangover = carelessness and the loss of a brand new ipod pouch"
1957522759,"worry","edwardbueno","@MarieLuna I'm sure it's not what you think. Is this really you? i saw you couple of months back in NAIA,was shy to approach 4 a pic."
1957523139,"worry","kwinexx","i'm so worn out, this week has sped by soo fast. gonna ask mum if we can go to the movies. i'm desperate"
1957523187,"sadness","mamaVH","Wee laddie's been SO upset for about 2 hours. Tried soothing him in bed, nursing, etc. Nope. Up at 3:30am for real food. Blue Clues now."
1957523236,"love","kimalba","@ddlovato july 21st!?? that means at your concert I won't know all the songs.  oh well, yay demi!! <3"
1957523762,"happiness","Becca__W","I have been playing skate for two hours. Now i need to get out and actually skate. But it's too late"
1957523936,"worry","Mnemosyne","I've got a dentist's appointment soon!  The drill feels like I've got my brain in a blender - not looking forward to it"
1957524173,"neutral","biglime","Ghhh! Went an hour earlier to bed thinking ill get an area hr of sleep, woke up an hr earlier. Today is gonna be a looooong one again."
1957524669,"happiness","writepudding","@mitch_400iso Me too, she was adorable and you could tell the pressure got to her."
1957524727,"neutral","carlyluvsunited","@AdamAxon That bloody free kick after 1 min 07 seconds was sooooooo close to going in.......if only"
1957525224,"neutral","queendien","contemplating when to hand in my lovely car"
1957525246,"worry","divabat","@Scarlettjen fuck. it should be recoverable. it's just the boot part that's messed up. grr argh. my business was on there."
1957525374,"neutral","rayinsd","Live TV coming to the XBox 360.  But only if you live in the UK.  http://tinyurl.com/kq47ah"
1957525821,"worry","SoundExecution","@ajaedandridge ate pussy, I refuse to bless her cuz she already clingy"
1957525964,"neutral","unfollowgod","you people are missing the point here, instead of @god loosing followers he's GAINING! over 50 new ppl in 6 hours"
1957526477,"neutral","calvin_s","@munzee the 14-24 is definitely going... sold the 70-200 and 200F2 is  too HEAVY  Think I'll get away with the 50/85? #Twedding"
1957526480,"worry","glennym","Not well again  @littlereidy it's definitely not hayfever"
1957527906,"sadness","madeofmilk","@madeofhoney1 im sorry. i dont wanna cuz of how u act. u just turn right around and ignore me and all that"
1957528037,"surprise","jeninacastillo","Oh my gosh! My hair is so short! I miss my long hair!"
1957528109,"worry","donnagow","@SydneyAlterEgo probably not in this weather"
1957528306,"neutral","IvanaE","@Samm_xo Today yeah"
1957528469,"neutral","actorstar101","@justin_roe oh well.  I've never seen him do anything before so I'm not gonna say anything."
1957528737,"sadness","thecraftyninja","Ugh id better get up for work"
1957528883,"love","UltimateLohan","@sevinnyne6126 Lindsay we are your spanish fansite and we love you www.ultimatelohan.org please reply us  I wish you a good flight <3"
1957528884,"worry","kleineanne","I am living in a country where the government is ALWAYS a circus show ... sad but true..."
1957529306,"neutral","timmillwood","@markboulton @robertmills Looks like I'm on tea duty all day."
1957529390,"sadness","Leeceeuh","had my lip pierced for about 30 minutes.  and then it died."
1957529624,"sadness","sushmeet","why not everything workout as you planned."
1957529643,"worry","DedeIsnaeni","Don't know who U R anymore!!!"
1957530108,"sadness","Kyle4Music","aww only 15minutes left of family guy"
1957530258,"neutral","Mz_Cognac","#3wordsaftersex my turn yet?"
1957530310,"worry","CiaraWielgosz","My dead grandpa pays more attention to me than you do"
1957530571,"neutral","LeylaScaparone","WANTS TO GO TO SLEEP WITH THE SOUND OF THE RAIN"
1957530722,"love","UltimateLohan","@sevinnyne6126 Lindsay we are your spanish fansite and we love you www.ultimatelohan.org please reply us  I wish you good luck"
1957530907,"boredom","ssloth","don't know what to do today.  amazing weather and i'm sitting here, great."
1957531120,"worry","jamessparrow","BIG NEWS?! But I don't know if I can share it."
1957531218,"neutral","NicoleArcano","@ac07 LOL. Academy-ish. Haha. I really really miss O.B."
1957531493,"worry","melarno","@alabamawhirly I'll be stuck inside the office all day today"
1957532215,"worry","phillipsdj","Being dragged round Ikea this morning  Bad times!"
1957532494,"worry","primesuspect","@Nelley aww sorry boo. I haven't bought a printer in 4 years; my canon i900d is still making amazing prints. Have zero fisheye exp."
1957532522,"sadness","usmcwifenicole","I wanted to see the story on ACORN tonight on Glen Beck but I missed it"
1957532571,"worry","Lynne73","So ... Still finishing errands for a trip tomorrow morning where I have to be at airport at 6am."
1957532810,"sadness","mrb0nj","Tv arrived but can't play cos have to go to stupid work"
1957532930,"worry","MarkOfRespect","@QueenofScots67 this is a little sad and I know I am new but no one has ff me yet"
1957533215,"worry","tuttle88","Invasion of the Old Ladies has just ended, still have to clean up not going to be able to make it to the tweetup tonight."
1957533383,"neutral","HipHop_Haven","down in my series with denver on 2k9 3-1"
1957533499,"surprise","SarahMorrison","I almost say "bless you" to a sneezing cat"
1957533699,"enthusiasm","RopeMarksMuse","At work   leave for Berlin at 17:00 by car, will be a late arrival"
1957533750,"worry","JBeauty","@monroejnicole Im goodie. I feel like we are so disconnected"
1957533813,"happiness","dshen02","@DaRealSunisaKim There's ding tai Fung here in Sydney aswell...  making me want dumplings..."
1957533940,"worry","hometowndj","arrives in mfk... With these potholes.. I foresee a wheel changing session. Hai no man"
1957533942,"sadness","MrCartersNurse","going to bed...with NO sexy time UGHHH!"
1957533945,"worry","littlemissfae","sneezing is never a good sign"
1957534006,"sadness","Azul_Azul","Sometimes I have a pillow and sometimes I don't"
1957534074,"worry","darkashnet","@GuitarHeroDevs Why online one download this week?"
1957534223,"worry","missmusikera","*sigh* i always disappoint people who get in my way...  everyone .. i'm OUT.. i might disappoint everyone else here.."
1957534268,"sadness","kkimmydaviss","@kpatthethird FML dad didnt leave me any moneyz, so i have 2 wait till he gets home   call me when you finish work?"
1957534508,"worry","SHAMfreakinWOW","@ajaedandridge  ummm...last night when I DM'd you, you said it was a "good" question."
1957534742,"hate","basilmcneck","I hate this bit"
1957534931,"neutral","MeLLo_T","@RaNTeLLDaT I KNO I SHOULDA CAME"
1957534934,"love","VdChiongbian","I miss you sweetie!"
1957535325,"sadness","KristenODay","I miss Feb 23rd 2008  best night of my whole entire fucking life. I'd rather re-live that night then win $1million."
1957535434,"love","GillLeeIn","@AntBoogieWorld Wish you were coming to Australia & New Zealand with the Sticky Tour Ant"
1957535446,"sadness","ArtRevel","@harneet @RangitaNandy as a kid, i remember searching with the local video store owner in a godown , got a video tape with fungus badluck"
1957535907,"neutral","impresariozero","I wish I had company"
1957536415,"worry","ThrillaEnt","@FLASxyBlck25 right now thats about all I can deal with  I work too much and I need my space! Most women dont offer that!"
1957536519,"worry","amandacotyk","work suckd.. another closing nite with 30 dollars pockeded..  i need a new job"
1957537632,"neutral","squeekycheese","has woken up feeling a little special...i dont thing drink the bar dry is on the cards. when i finally sober up its home time i think"
1957537716,"love","mich_and_ge","what a bummer that tomorrow is friday again!"
1957537967,"neutral","morriscat","@BuddyThePuggy Poor Buddy, being teased by mini puggy  I think what you need is a #PUGHUG"
1957538443,"worry","julietnowell","screw the fact you can't post LONG updates on twitter"
1957538725,"worry","hollyjunesmith","@Miss_Thrifty eBay 10 mile rule not working for me.  Too many pairs of leather trousers being sold in Aberdeen. Will try next week."
1957538752,"love","UltraSub","@IljaCoolen Thanks! Just used a therm to pry it out. Was like concrete! Blood and everything!  He's doing a lot better now. Thank god."
1957538772,"neutral","kkilty","@breakfastnt wasn't much of a debate"
1957538841,"worry","regineking","@NosliwEiggam hey, got your text sms. i plan on maybe just catching a flick tonight. last night was a wee bit too much for me"
1957538998,"surprise","kwinexx","#3breakupwords you have changed"
1957539103,"neutral","brendalogy","Only four full days left in Aussie-land. I don't want to go home."
1957539161,"neutral","Irishcreamy","They're gone."
1957539623,"sadness","vivac","#freakyfriday Slipped in the shower and fell. Lucky to escape with just a couple of concussions!"
1957540034,"sadness","profitbaron","Damn I failed in my assassination attempt on Louis  re: http://ff.im/3mrIM"
1957540579,"sadness","Ippso","@displayspook damn i missed it too"
1957540985,"sadness","Dreamm","Y AM I STILL AWAKE!!!! SMH.... THIS SUCKS!!!"
1957541030,"sadness","lancedatuin","is having headache and colds..."
1957541294,"surprise","manda_was_taken","@beautifulpyre GRR. we are only allowed gas grills where i live, it sucks."
1957541562,"sadness","jasonmumbles","This headache is killing me yet I need to cover some boring police event."
1957541698,"worry","aricha21","Another night of not sleeping"
1957542198,"worry","brookedanielle_","@tommcfly, @dannymcfly, @mcflyharry and @dougiemcfly i think you should come home now"
1957542271,"worry","itsANDRIANx3","You guys dont get too drunk without me"
1957542303,"neutral","sexycheekybum","on way to work"
1957542487,"neutral","MacoKiki","is sick in the doctors waiting room"
1957543156,"hate","sickophantikmnd","This place blows! My UberTwitter isn't functioning here! Had to switch to TB"
1957543263,"worry","gabvirtualworld","@UltraSub Too much details !!!    (But glad he is better)"
1957543295,"love","xerulean","Just finished The Village. So in love,could watch it over and over! Wonder why I can't get to sleep tonight"
1957543470,"sadness","Mamade2ninos","I'm sooo lost without my car  This is truly depressing. Pregnant people should NEVER be this stressed out!"
1957543560,"surprise","Tosemy","what's wrong with people? Second break-in at Wallmans tonight"
1957544315,"sadness","WeirdMeta","@jessiimiica I am like the most saddest person on jtv right now because you are not on"
1957544939,"sadness","detence","Heathrow Connect is �7.40,i thought it was a bargain (express is 15),but then it terminated at Hayes/Harlington and i had to take a bus"
1957544941,"love","sydeshow","http://twitpic.com/666gy - My glass is empty. Will someone be a dear and fetch me another?"
1957545115,"neutral","melodyhellyeah","@Jay5920 leave Fraser alone"
1957545299,"sadness","ELJmcfly","@brookedanielle_ it just upsets me , becasue like 6 years we have loved them .. and then this happens  imm really uset now x"
1957545936,"surprise","MashAnnable","@Phoebo oh poor you  atleast get paid for staying back or?"
1957546027,"sadness","lover626","Marley and me is the saddest movie ever I never cry in movies but this movie mad me cry"
1957546032,"surprise","BreeSymone","@TerrenceJ106 Here! Got a 2JOBs &a degree, but my damn car DIED so @lamborghinibow just made me feel shitty bout not havin a car!"
1957546463,"sadness","VeraxDoll","I was looking forward to seeing @PapaRoach in Raleigh (fan for 10 years NB too) but scalpers took the tix and sell them for $200  morons"
1957546602,"sadness","ashMula","@chasssss they got attacked by the club"
1957546773,"hate","SparkyMA","Cars been dropped off for service and mot  getting the train home! Hate public transport!!"
1957546998,"worry","Beth_Walker","Morning tweeple! I'm a bit sneezy today"
1957547323,"relief","eriol78","I am soooo  right now!"
1957547586,"neutral","rrrache","trying to understand why WHY i joined twitter.....everyone else was doing it i felt left out"
1957547705,"neutral","Yoshimikiosha","@Mogeezie u ever jus fell like damn, i jus want to cake it n lay next to ur baby...watch movies chill freak on all night..."
1957548074,"worry","laurahuhne","Did not win Kelly Clarkson Tickets. Sorry Cecilia. Really wish I could give that to you! You so much deserve it."
1957548511,"sadness","kobraman88","@xxsteebiexx lol i know i wld like to get a reply from seann william scott but he dont reply  and hes one of my favourite actors"
1957548686,"sadness","samanthaaharrel","i'm so mad that im going to be missing the maine tomorrow because it takes all effing day to fly to florida"
1957548733,"neutral","katemate09","Just wants to stay in bed all day but has to go to work instead  sux"
1957549337,"love","IvanaE","All of you can have fun tweeting all day while im cleaning hair  LOL"
1957549507,"worry","TaneenaGee","what do u do when ur dads losing it mentaly and dosent remeber you"
1957549557,"worry","ashleigholsen","why am i up...i have to wake up at 7"
1957549564,"sadness","kreativsounds","Google Wave presentation: http://bit.ly/2ehfov  I'm not very impressed. It's nice, but it's not really for me"
1957549641,"worry","lost_dog","@dylandersen I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1957549892,"sadness","SallyKellaway","Fixed my favourites. $180 and the heels fell off after 4 wears"
1957550054,"neutral","patreesho","Dizzy  I wanna lie die, but those calories aren't gonna just balk because I ignore them."
1957550294,"neutral","laurendaniellex","is super tired"
1957550766,"neutral","alaamusic","just realized that Chris Lake was spinning in stockholm yesterday, and I missed it!"
1957551636,"surprise","sarahxkennedy","@Scrambledmegs haha i love surprises! i don't work til sunday tho so i have to wait."
1957551990,"worry","manuelmagic","Hate be late"
1957552080,"worry","Shammysticks","feeling like shit. hope its not swine flu or something"
1957552432,"worry","KimpThePimp","Its friday and i'm sick, story of my life..."
1957552900,"worry","honeyteodoro","how i wish the result IS true..."
1957552960,"love","anambanana","Summer is really ending. It's raining."
1957553186,"worry","mynameissasha","@queeeniee Where's yummiest Pan Mee? For me it's behind Dance Center, Ipoh Garden South. and i miss it"
1957553244,"neutral","juliesllama","I almost lost you again phone  silly indy"
1957553456,"happiness","RelientTU","This is one of my all-time favorite episodes/quotes from The OfficeUS only   )  http://bit.ly/ARMJ"
1957553482,"neutral","jaczie","@inrsoul I can't buy, only rent!"
1957553622,"sadness","AlexaRPD","Nice action shot: http://bit.ly/m8zfx   I miss working a pole."
1957553753,"sadness","jayajha","I am not going to entertain any request for reducing shipping cost by using registered post instead of courier from now on...."
1957553873,"worry","Carto","I still have a very depressed feline fuzzball...it's another trip to vet tmrw to see what can be done...worried doesn't even cover it"
1957553875,"surprise","Glock","@wilw wtf pogs are back too?"
1957553916,"sadness","MLB_ChiVino","Going to miss my roomie @Staycy... We will no longer be roomies starting tomorrow"
1957553928,"worry","pocholobutete","@crunchybunny Sus Ate, I was so upset, I wasn't informed AT ALL. Turns out, they told Sarms and they expected her to tell me. Huff."
1957554204,"hate","x333xxx","Hydro drive abandoned after three miles"
1957554604,"neutral","brookedanielle_","@ELJmcfly Were done so much for them, then brazilians ha! but no meh, i think they love the other countries more then the UK"
1957554694,"worry","Beaniebanks","@MadamSalami pmsl @poo... We had crap everywhere too. But NO More. Love it. My wool stash today though"
1957554966,"sadness","missme211","dreading work tomorrow wish I had one more day off"
1957555202,"worry","dayeee","@anttoekneeeeeee with 14mph winds!!"
1957556258,"worry","minauderie","@Rina_spn what's going on?"
1957556471,"worry","suchducks","where has my sleep run off to??"
1957556693,"neutral","amandacotyk","work sucked .. another 8 hour shift with only 30 dollars to show for..    i need a new job..."
1957557232,"empty","shartlesville","I had 2 buy a new washer, bought the dryer 2.  Dryer labeled electric but is gas   GRRR.  Now we have 2 load it up tomorrow 2 return it."
1957557283,"neutral","Roxtar73","@SophiaF3F3 word i'm always up"
1957557426,"sadness","Yoshimikiosha","@mizzlalabaybii @KEWSBOOGIE im just so lonely right now. maybe SADE GOT ME FEELING LIKE THIS"
1957557902,"sadness","xdott","very tired and anxious"
1957557944,"happiness","PixieLouWho","I chilled in my room with my baby book missed my bro leavin  he really is cool had a stripper shirt on said I suppoort single moms! Funny"
1957558319,"sadness","michram","its my burfday and i'm all alone"
1957558459,"worry","eleventhvolume","@disquiet Business or pleasure? Will keep my eye out for anything. You're just missing a Moondog concert tomorrow night"
1957558651,"sadness","sowhat28","@JoelMadden I applaud you for accepting gay marriage, I have rels that are born again that hate me for it."
1957558721,"hate","seutje","hmz... second most popular page on this governmental site is the 404 page... fail"
1957558770,"neutral","icapineda","hates karma down. bakit kse nilagnat aq khpon?  http://plurk.com/p/wy4ju"
1957558782,"worry","cheer_babe2013","Can't freakin sleep and i have a horrible stomach ache"
1957559642,"worry","GeoffSlaughter","@DavidAWatson link no worky-work"
1957559824,"sadness","Yoshimikiosha","@Alma773  want somebody to hold me Alma! tear tear"
1957560149,"neutral","cyberoidx","IS BORED. Can't even tease people now"
1957560246,"neutral","sandradictation","@geekinpink804  i can't."
1957560561,"worry","TheRealBillyman","@kaybob23 too bad i dont have either"
1957560891,"empty","PhDenny","Curse you breakfast gods....full bowl of cereal + not enough milk ="
1957560911,"surprise","brookedanielle_","@ELJmcfly I don't think any of what i just said it true, i just had a rant about mcfly, i cant belive i did that  i feel ashamed"
1957561005,"sadness","brinnerz","Its beginning to get way too hard to please all of my friends at once"
1957561232,"surprise","micooper1","yea dude... 5'8"! really!?"
1957561314,"sadness","MrCartersNurse","@MrDeNiro i wish someone would inspire me with some sexy time right now ugh but thats not gonna happen...  ugh"
1957561596,"sadness","rieriobelix","not in the mood"
1957561630,"sadness","trapikcaster","I'll miss the 39th floor view..."
1957562001,"sadness","sinnyxo","now i'm awake i can't get back to sleep"
1957562184,"sadness","spixxy666","Now i feel really really bad...sorry"
1957562310,"worry","Susi185","where is the sunshine...the only thing i see are clouds..."
1957562388,"happiness","kellygirl27","Sleep....take two....this better work!"
1957562548,"neutral","niamhyc","Two day hangover"
1957562940,"neutral","Avril4everr","I'm not here this weekend...  See you monday twitters"
1957562993,"sadness","ginaveee","@elmers10 miss u more"
1957563194,"fun","LaBellaBijoux","i didn't have fun at the club tonight, had a lot on my mind"
1957563287,"sadness","Rosinacarley","@HellenBach the geek, the stepson and the live in nanny love BGT, me - can't stand it!  Had to watch TV upstairs all alone!"
1957563297,"love","neilthomas45","Oh Cr*p.... Here goes my head again, "I'm Spinning Around""
1957563348,"worry","minauderie","@Rina_spn aww  sick? and i hate soup, too"
1957563359,"hate","Hildingstam","@upcomingpixar Too bad we're in Sweden where Up isn't up on the theaters  here until October"
1957563562,"worry","coryellc0412","Wide awake. Wishing I wasn't. Damn nightshift routines. Got turned down for the job in Nashville  oh well ..."
1957563695,"sadness","lewisandrewsiii","Enjoying the nice couple dad with my brother to bad we never really see each other anymore..."
1957563814,"worry","daisydaisymae","Homework day"
1957564207,"worry","hdnoriega","In the emergency room with my cousin. She's got mad flu and can't walk or breathe.  Why are hospitals always so cold?"
1957564346,"sadness","krystlefershiz","Just got finished watching marley and me, and I cried like a fucking baby...I'm missing my beast like crazy!"
1957564908,"sadness","soradio","My phone passed away yesterday.. He jumped off the table  Searching for a new phone..."
1957565022,"sadness","addictedtotext","oh my god. my twitter feed has been taken over by geeky stuff! @bmw @brampitolo @kodinlanewave @kenkeiter so funny! I wish i understood"
1957565044,"worry","rynrichardson","@misstiffytaylor try having your best writing five years behind you  heh, it happens"
1957565659,"worry","Mary_Maciel","@Brizzers haha i agree lame....another thought  y are their concerts so expensive......that's kinda lame too"
1957565783,"neutral","leeveritymusic","Tummy bugs are lame! Got about an hours sleep if that."
1957565961,"worry","elliotcoach","nt online & mayb next week  if u havent voted pls do: http://bit.ly/hHigd"
1957566076,"sadness","philshills","nobody loves me on twitter"
1957566265,"worry","iheartmeowing","@glassdahl: i'm more than willing to give him what he needs. XD but srsly, i also think he needs one soon."
1957566280,"sadness","HiImMimi","@iAmNauj can't.  wish I was sleeping. Gotta be at work in less than 4 hours... Wait, what're u doing up???!"
1957566708,"surprise","natamari","@iSpyLevis nooooooooo i just got into my pyjamas!"
1957566751,"surprise","etafish","@liedra Bubble tea is awesome, it's been so long since I've had some"
1957566984,"neutral","razzbingo","@Badger5000 probably, but the yoot don't care no more grandad"
1957567167,"worry","danniSTACK","Soooo full that im starting to feel sick"
1957567222,"worry","viviene24","I didn't catch the Jonas Brothers Facebook Webcast...  It already ended when I logged in to my Facebook account..."
1957567698,"sadness","jradc","@Rina_spn your boyfriend didn't even say bye!"
1957568081,"neutral","pyroezra","@bbyowls i know   but its better than nothing"
1957568605,"sadness","menendezm08","Have you ever realized you never fully have everything you want?  feelin' down."
1957568998,"neutral","babyowls","@Pyroezra i know hella  i wish i could be how my mom was and just move across the usa!"
1957569117,"empty","hannahhh_","what the hell am i doing awake this early,"
1957570514,"sadness","michaelalacey","Gutted, been invited to a bbq tomorrow night, gonna miss the BGT final   ...Wonder if they can wheel the TV outside??"
1957570595,"neutral","apemura","@From__Hell beeeeaaaaatooooo!!!!!"
1957570614,"worry","sarahhhhhs","I don't know what to wear...."
1957571193,"worry","citylove","How sad is it that your best friend is so selfish and heartless that they exclude you from their life completely...I'm so sad"
1957571320,"worry","Pennygiirl","working on my oral presentation and upset........."
1957571358,"neutral","elliotcoach","nt online today & mayb whole of next week  if u havent voted pls do: http://bit.ly/hHigd"
1957571502,"sadness","RealMrMatrix","@jerseyzmorenita: Sad But True  :: I SHouldnt Right?"
1957571516,"worry","Mz_Cognac","#3wordsaftersex i think im bleeding."
1957571721,"sadness","steaky","supposed to be great weather today & 2moro; just my luck Im stuck in work 1-10 both days!"
1957571904,"worry","KrystelWilde8A","i miss you soo much"
1957571940,"sadness","kittycatemeow","i lost all my friends, i'm alone and sleepy..i wanna go home"
1957572715,"sadness","crucifire","@brainstuck i didnt get the joke"
1957573018,"hate","brtak","@jojototh @abduzeedo firefox ok, but opera and IE - footer is not ok"
1957573205,"neutral","ahmetrauf","Can't concentrate  need a booster to woork"
1957573557,"sadness","se_brandon","Also, I'm really missing Sami... just thought I would throw that one out there..."
1957573854,"worry","nstefan","Thanks those who have clicked :p Well I think I did something wrong, it's still at 0 visitor, 0%.. maybe I need to reinstall everything"
1957573908,"worry","archanasuswaram","i'm new!!!!! dunno whatta doo!"
1957574071,"neutral","Yoshimikiosha","@Lickasha sorry 19/female/atl very lonely"
1957574114,"worry","MakeUpByBrooke","@MakeupGeek I am soo excited about your pasadena seminar...if only i can find the confermation email"
1957574386,"worry","ByronJH","My bed had tha nerve 2 call my blackberry askin me where the hell I was.......looks like I gotta go ya'll  I'll c u in 3.5hours, after nap"
1957574479,"surprise","Heffertron","what a lovely summery morning! Shame I have to be in work!!!!"
1957574803,"neutral","kristinejanke","tried to 'bing' today.. not operational in australia yet"
1957574843,"worry","sarahlay","This already feels like one of those days where I just won't be able to win."
1957574844,"happiness","tinybaybee","@ACALLPRO -- yeahhh u wasnt thereeeeeeeeeee"
1957575428,"hate","bengillam","@berkscub no sorry twitter sucks balls since the replys change  #fixreplies"
1957575701,"neutral","heyyitskate","RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! i'm gonna melt. damn it's cold. freakin cold.  brrrrrr"
1957576278,"sadness","JOJO1124","i REALLY miss my photofiltre and photoscape  GIMP is too damn confusing"
1957577074,"relief","jaleesaa","" ...not academically of course. " I miss him already"
1957577809,"neutral","LydiaLovesU","it says not in stock"
1957577994,"neutral","Benskis","Beer in the fridge"
1957578230,"worry","misskittymarie","why is it so hard to find good house events in the Sacramento area?"
1957578246,"neutral","msfudgey","@Jalanii awwww wat i was gonna buy myself something pretty  nvm"
1957578248,"worry","sssssstephanie","@fifitheconquero I was going to go to london for a week then had to change my ticket! I would have been there right now"
1957578438,"sadness","k0nan97","at last i wr0te again....got bored the previous dayss...."
1957578654,"relief","anvimal","Finally installed ovi in mobile. it would have been good if it could be downloaded to comp and installed to mobile. Frickin 3MB download"
1957578856,"surprise","dougiedaydream","@halina1979 what sun?"
1957579637,"worry","Stephny","@julsey I should be asleep  trying to be..."
1957580027,"neutral","Alysiaisgay","Ah this is getting to me"
1957580450,"sadness","galaxydazzle","@binncheol  I'm afraid so. All tour I have had people refusing to believe that I am anything else... Irish all the way."
1957581121,"worry","sannedeleeuw","Totally prepped for interview at 10, too bad twitter is off line..  - http://mobypicture.com/?onewzs"
1957581680,"worry","kayla_chantel","In bed can't sleep .... Something is missing....."
1957581930,"worry","legendaryTVAC","actually, i think i'm being mean to her....i feel sorry now"
1957582469,"sadness","M_Snead","It's 4 am and I'm hungry"
1957582513,"sadness","AshFlores","Why do weddings on TV make me cry? Is it just my inner desire to be eternally happy and start the rest of my life??"
1957583045,"sadness","stacii1980","can't go to bed  An am sooooo tired!!!"
1957583174,"hate","miss_r","Shit shit, i didn't mean to dall asleep again, it's 9am, I wanted to be out by 9.30. Don't know why I'm so tired,I wasn't late last night"
1957583241,"sadness","razzles13","man.. it's starting to rain real hard.."
1957583470,"worry","kelly960","@Ozalina It's been fine for me for like, a week, but now it just won't load."
1957583574,"worry","lillycarrico","Can't sleep....restless mind! Agh"
1957583578,"worry","liedra","@demios101 oh, sorry to hear about this too  sad"
1957583581,"hate","tieandshades","Okay I'm seriously bored. I have nothing to do. I can't go out cause it's raining."
1957583645,"worry","fingermarked","My mock ACET scores have shown me that I am doomed to fail not because of ignorance but because of stupidity."
1957583765,"worry","draganamusic","Had a nice concert yesterday. Nice location, nice people, it was great. But I have a bad cold since yesterday night  Being sick sucks!"
1957583820,"surprise","shriggles","can't believe he has to wait till October to see "Up!" when Americans get to see it this weekend."
1957584006,"hate","oliverwalton","Up earlier because of a stupid orthadontist appointment"
1957584163,"worry","scribblegurl","The horror that is Maggie Gallagher is still with me. Such a big ball of ignorance. You can't reason with idiots like that, which sucks."
1957584375,"surprise","cecilyhania","@sebchew YoYo door nazis refused me entry on account of no ID  gutted! Heard it was a good night tho.. Next time I'll come prepared!"
1957584587,"sadness","Rachelfurner","Just wrote lyrics to my new song exciting!I slept on a full stomach again it's the worst feeling waking up and still feeling full  euggh"
1957584973,"happiness","FromYesterday","@DeadMemoriesX Poor you   If I was with you right now; I would probably give you a hug ;D"
1957585266,"neutral","garyyuen","@eucalyptusapp I saw the note in FAQ about other languages.  any thing that would change your mind? need any help or anything else?"
1957585499,"worry","kimimd2b","Can't sleep bc I know I have to be up early !"
1957585756,"sadness","glitzyangel","got paid nowhere near as much as she thought she would"
1957586112,"worry","jaimekristene","I'm bummed that I didn't get TEDx tickets"
1957586187,"surprise","rdavemacdonald","Wow one year today Luc Bourdon was killed, doesn't seem that long ago"
1957586335,"worry","mentor2mentor","@niteskolar Now you only have 2 hours to sleep...  - Rest if you need it."
1957586403,"worry","aaronakateejay","DANG! I just ran over a bunny on the way home.  Why do I feel so bad? And Why do I have more compassion for animals than I do humans?"
1957586783,"worry","steph2theleft","@yourmajestyy haaaw..well i get out of class at 10:50..i hope i make it"
1957586924,"happiness","Lighthousestudi","Wow what a sunny day,  just recovering some erased files"
1957587344,"neutral","SlimDD","@Roy_Thomas ahhhh probably will...not good  u been Dubai before??"
1957587490,"anger","ArunBasilLal","@rmilana Hey, Wahts happening in #coffeclub..? I didnt have coffee for two days now  @dharshana"
1957587498,"sadness","MikeTheTech","I have not been this sick in years. OMG. This sucks so bad. Sickness ended up including a full restroom cleanup."
1957587933,"surprise","wenli","@swpave ?????????????"
1957588074,"neutral","LaylaNatalie","@zacktate  where u goin"
1957588348,"boredom","ciaranhenderson","@solobasssteve I'm with you there - filing is so much less fun than sorting cos you still have to look at it & hunt down details"
1957588423,"worry","andrewsayer","I also shall be missing Lauren when she goes for a week"
1957588813,"neutral","alikat2k","@psychorn We are at alexander. Just had a 3 course dinner and i am wearing someone elses red wine"
1957588879,"sadness","TessMorris","@pilgrimfamilyuk oh no I hate that"
1957589272,"sadness","MsDianeG","How I wish I get at least 2 days-off in a row. 1 day off is not enough to rest.  3 days on, 1 day off, 4 days on, 1 day off...Ugh!!!"
1957589419,"sadness","ThetaHealerMaya","@hojomo im having trouble finding really yummy egg free ice-cream   #favoriteicecream - got any recommendations anyone?"
1957589597,"anger","noidSyStems","Did a historical Jesus ever exist? Im finding it hard to prove, its all hearsay accounts ... it bugs me ..."
1957589662,"neutral","geo2011","I just spent 2 hours looking for a blog topic and ended up inventing my own.  grrrr    http://bit.ly/QRz6y"
1957590087,"worry","Mercs","mayb he was raped when he was younger"
1957590363,"sadness","ahashake","I guess you're not talking about Orlando Magic @whoiskenan! There was nothing magical about it"
1957590387,"worry","iCARAlot","I'm tired. I think I'm becoming too old to go out."
1957590946,"worry","fxravin","Back in Durham from Greensboro but Cook-Outs closed.  hmmmm...."
1957591160,"worry","sparkling_jewel","says God please i hope it doesn't brownout...i'm burning my files  http://plurk.com/p/wy5za"
1957591576,"sadness","Tin06","I never thought falling in love can cause so much pain...  good thing that I'm so over that phase!"
1957591738,"neutral","hnygirl2000","@charlieboy808 : thats if u go on a weekend."
1957591739,"happiness","jackieeeg","is wondering where all her friends went..."
1957591836,"relief","eyerizzz","I feel like flying off somewhere. It's been a month since my last trip..."
1957591849,"sadness","xLakeEffectKid","@MarkK_H when you wake up, tweet me and let me know when ur on msn. I really need to talk to you  miss you"
1957591986,"sadness","caldjr","@libbyoliver caught tweets on it and got home in time for the last 5 mins of the ITV2 show!! #bgt Out tonight too so will miss it again"
1957592011,"sadness","Sidepocket","The Good: I drank Jager and licked a hot asian girl's foot. The Bad: I was reminded once again that I will never get asian girls ever."
1957592237,"empty","curmudgeonlaine","@femiknitzi Three-quarters through I believe. Will not finish tonight.  I blame errands and a certain loud at a bookstore."
1957592620,"sadness","jtothe9","3 hours sleep last night, all of my being wants to crawl into a ball somewhere and sleep for about 5 more hours. At work till six too"
1957593179,"neutral","EMMALPN","had a horrible sleep + in a rather bad mood"
1957593237,"worry","beckylucas","Sore throat coming,and recording about to start for new citipointe EP album! ARGGHHH!!!  prayers needed"
1957593508,"neutral","maattatoio","http://is.gd/IQ03 Microsoft has released Zune also in Europe, no HD for us"
1957593724,"worry","GarethCrew","http://bit.ly/ZGuQP  What would happen if the Bees died?"
1957593845,"neutral","whenyougethigh","heading to bed, somewhat reluctantly, as there is Look Around You on at 1:30. Why must the DVDs be Region 2 only?"
1957594049,"surprise","rainonmyparade","i thought it was already winter. turns out winter has even started"
1957594329,"worry","PaccmanSEQ","@Jinsing what Brody how dare u"
1957594789,"love","minorityx","@melissaohh omg  when do they finish??"
1957594795,"neutral","llaurenmeow","@shaundiviney i just got mine, but it wouldnt let me call you"
1957594919,"worry","suigi","has tummy pains  n woke stu up for a drink in the middle of the night, I don't remember it"
1957595567,"happiness","movewithme","@mangointhesky idk. The original is so great."
1957595665,"relief","ColumbusPirates","we are looking forward to daddy returning from work on Saturday. He's been gone a whole month"
1957595785,"happiness","TiaRose11","Finishing Homework.  BOOO"
1957595823,"hate","ginaflemmen","@Sihm and the "fuck  " was because I dont get my gift!   I was SO exited about it, and it was sooo awesome..."
1957595865,"sadness","sweetsofgeorgia","Is so freaking bored on the bus. Hate being poor, �4.80 return for a 10 min train or �2 return for an HOUR long bus.ipod has no battery 2"
1957596055,"sadness","lottie_89","@BK_II I have no choice  have to get on it!"
1957596516,"happiness","pelelatif","Football session after this.fun"
1957596519,"fun","Richard_Gable","@Bass_ Heading off to Poole around 4ish, @LucyKD has some serious gardening to do before we go, no Tweetdeck til Sunday evening,"
1957596976,"worry","astynes","@karinb_za its not fruit, its those sugar covered sweets. My tummy is not happy"
1957597348,"anger","cierinethegreat","lost all my files since high school."
1957597414,"love","kmctabs","is not ready for school yet!!!  http://plurk.com/p/wy69d"
1957598181,"love","ohthedotty","@KarenAnn_P i'm so sorry about that  i was really excited about it too! but i might continue posting externally, so fingers crossed!"
1957598283,"worry","KingLaffo","I hope I get the job so I can have some steady income and start eating well again. All the cheap food is horrible for you"
1957598944,"neutral","jtetsuya","All of a sudden I'm craving broccoli and cheese soup really bad...  oh the hunger"
1957599143,"happiness","laurakendrick","job centre bound. oh yay."
1957599694,"worry","magia3e","Is anyone's #visialvoicemail working. Have done the sync. Turned off & on. But still not going  Help?"
1957599748,"worry","tashan","Ready, Set.... hmmm DELAY"
1957599828,"worry","lesleh","driving lesson then off to ikea with the mother and finally work. today is going to be wank"
1957599931,"happiness","renekreijveld","@hilsatlvsonline Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately a major crash in my https site, just as ExtPlorer"
1957600441,"boredom","tnyaeezawesome","fo shizzle. . . i'm bored and wanna go do something.  wish i went to pisay today. oh wellz. wonder who were there."
1957601007,"neutral","iliana","picat 21"
1957601055,"happiness","thefluentone","@moneymakn1 Thats actually not that fun as you would think... I was hurting for a week after a similar experience."
1957601390,"neutral","xCarlieCullenx","Listening to Someday We'll Know... It's raining!!!!"
1957601782,"sadness","emotionalpedant","@FelipeAzucares Everyone seems to love it, but it felt kinda lazy and repetative to me.  I was really disappointed."
1957601857,"neutral","Anthony_VD","Is de examens al beu"
1957601859,"sadness","xPrincess_Danax","Its a lovely day sky is clear birds are singing and i'm stuck in an office with on windows for 9 hours"
1957601979,"neutral","nicolemillarez","who wants to be FRIENDS ??? i need a friend right now"
1957602228,"fun","silasistheman","I'm saying goodbye to Sydney for a few days, and Hello to Rapeville.... I'll miss pretty"
1957602412,"neutral","MashAnnable","@Phoebo yeah....but I finish go home get changed etc etc then im off again"
1957602666,"surprise","AmyLSwindler","Not ah huge fan of getting up in the middle of the night to change peed sheets and underpants."
1957602754,"sadness","hannahbeth1990","nothing could get worse, or could it? if it did i think id be on the verge of killing myself or someone else, things are not good anymore"
1957603474,"worry","evababydiva","where's Jake??"
1957604270,"love","scarletshimmer","@Dichenlachman oh I love oreos!! U can't get many varieties in the uk"
1957604271,"worry","tkenny","In work early, frustrating myself with my own work before I get frustrated with other work. Not much time for design today"
1957604493,"worry","Maureen12683","@NKOTBahamas2009 Aw it says the pic doesn't exist anymore"
1957605220,"worry","stevedisme","@DreamnetFaith69 I will have spent my allowance at cybernet expo in SF by then  send me a dm with rates, tho, mayb cash flo bttr 4 me then"
1957605334,"love","ashtonwait","@jassily but ... but it's michael bay ...*sigh* i'm sorry, love - didn't know you felt that way about it   XD"
1957605564,"worry","hiiibnr","hurt. done trying.."
1957605698,"neutral","AisforAudrey","i have a yucky burn"
1957605809,"worry","sinfulsignorita","@HzNKzM i want cafe latteeeeeeeeeee"
1957605896,"worry","alyghasani","I took my yearbook photo earlier at school, and I don't think that it will turn out great"
1957606490,"worry","dabida","very malakas ang ulan. how will i go to fort"
1957606569,"worry","JuliePee","@dalzinho I was trying to back all her documents up but it wasn't playing along. its taking forever but am back at it again now"
1957606730,"neutral","kptron","@alisonmyra It's called a RipStick.  When I had a job I sold a lot of those..."
1957607501,"neutral","beefbeff","@iminditch yesh and that potato guy is online... but hes not live"
1957607620,"neutral","jtetsuya","All of a sudden I'm craving broccoli and cheese soup really bad... my mouth is watering envisioning a bread bowl in my head..."
1957607977,"sadness","sprinkles_","todays weigh in....  only lost 1/2 pound this week :o depressing"
1957608118,"worry","alicekazam","holiday time | got my grizzly bears cd, bit it wont read  | adventures tomorrow | swine flu is scaring me | i still have a cold"
1957608321,"hate","lilmissash","it should be.. not a wink >.<"
1957608637,"worry","jasonberry","@daveoflynn Amen to that"
1957609123,"happiness","BriannaTerry","@shaundiviney 04182012154 send me one PLEASE!! I TXTD IN BUT I GOT A NEW PHONE"
1957609876,"sadness","Tiffanyco22","@SASHAMINAJ lol   the things u gotta do sometimes man smh lol"
1957610175,"sadness","seetee","@sophiatam haha yea! Just working and chillin in the eastbay. Unlike u, I don't get a summer break  boo"
1957610600,"neutral","violetbakes","@naughtymutt ... an explosion of them? in the late eighties we had very odd weather and instead of them migrating the wind blew them back"
1957610623,"worry","MyMandyy","i need to go out of office again.. i am melting.."
1957611008,"worry","TaratheDiva","I think i should go to sleep considering i hav to b up on 3hrs...."
1957611093,"neutral","nikazwaa","In Kelantan! Good to be (sort of) home! :pI'm guilt stricken after having that turtle egg.  Really. Won't do it again. Really."
1957611147,"empty","stolemyusername","@catticho diego? i know lo ame a jack"
1957611608,"hate","petraaafied","; keeps getting such delayed responses. why is my internet so messed up?!"
1957611873,"sadness","aliyaki","@papermelody although these are a BIT tighter (smaaaaller) than my last pair, they were baggy as hell, now I get front wedgies"
1957612030,"neutral","ilovegayboys","@theguiltshow ikr!!!"
1957612314,"happiness","magia3e","@MarkStanto why thx! #webdu I was only at the conf on Thurs"
1957612372,"happiness","megspeaks","Aww I heard I just missed you two @logieo & @egg104 !"
1957612378,"happiness","amienguyen","writing report cards  soooo tired but what an amazing day. check it out on fb soon!"
1957612543,"worry","DeidreSmith","@david_tennant yes! Watching season 2 all evening.  Wish I could get BBC2"
1957612640,"worry","wampykitty","@dean_b if I drive home now I think I am breaking the laws?  Tooooooo many dranks.  Toooooo many. I am stuck in MF burbank."
1957612853,"sadness","ruthie_0_o","Damn, got Chili Beans on my shirt  I hate that I can be a messy eater. Such a lady!"
1957612987,"worry","juliecj","Caught up with apprentice last night, poor Howard, it was Lorraine's turn to go"
1957613033,"worry","joneorange","Start of diet today  I think I have to face I will never get back down to 77kilos (unless I cut a leg off)�"
1957613098,"worry","gsamzbrownsuga","@m8m1adym307 yea me too  lol"
1957613114,"sadness","ChrystallJane","@JeremyRylan I'm on mobile web and it won't let me  it looks awesome though....and no one reads my tweets anyway."
1957613292,"enthusiasm","Ithinkimlost","@ubuntugeeks good morning to you!  No wait, its evening.  You still have a whole day of work to go before the weekend!"
1957613766,"sadness","Liloh_","@dave_mueller yes i love it  its just a little bit complicated, because i want it on my BB , but it doesnt work"
1957614435,"worry","DrErnie","#Ferber As happens every few days, Rohan woke up unhappy at midnight.  The good/bad news is that I was still awake, due to afternoon nap"
1957614712,"love","NANCY___","@BrianLimond but lorraine kelly is a sexy mama!"
1957614755,"neutral","ilser6","@mikebthatsme ugggh idk how to do that  but i only wanna stop getting texts from twitterr  -ilsE*"
1957615489,"neutral","CeeCeeJayez","@riineySTACKEDx lol cnt its too slow"
1957615648,"worry","wusel","@_refugee_ /me gets "Your video will start in 15 seconds", Exiting to watch ... for minutes  #flash #linux #fail"
1957616058,"sadness","idonmessgavin","i'm so sad, because my beloved boy doesn't online, i wait for him everyday.."
1957616062,"sadness","AvaAddams","@DaveDeRoo hardly :/ some of my furniture is being shipped from who knows where and is backordered  I may cancel and shop local."
1957616075,"surprise","airwillson","huh? its 1 am already? shucks"
1957616089,"sadness","GremlinShadow","bwarg. can't sleep, tired of drawing."
1957616119,"worry","MKCOL","@fueledbyregret I walk to & from work...about 25 mins...think that makes it worse   Improves once indoors tho."
1957616228,"worry","cathylando","@empemp: aiaahh.. poor u  tell ur mom already?"
1957616743,"worry","damselseo","Oh my!...It's raining...I don't bring with me my umbrella..   baha na naman ngayun...for sure.."
1957616813,"worry","hippyhayley","so cold"
1957616935,"sadness","eclectish","Don't have time to chat (sorry girls  Miss y'all!), but we have a new lawnmower... yeah, that was today's highlight. Tomorrow is..."
1957617046,"worry","AnniJB","I so don't wanna go outside, I don't have anything to do there  Maybe I will write later..."
1957617107,"neutral","diamondsharelle","@thawrite1 oh you and @mdotperiod had free drinks?! thats wasup..Im givin up drinkin for a lil bit"
1957617281,"sadness","babyowls","@pyroezra i really wish i could."
1957617285,"worry","soliniguez","My phone is dying ...."
1957617413,"hate","Don_Egan","is not paying �8 per hr for Internet access so may be limited to Twitter via txt"
1957617432,"sadness","rosskie","@Nelja exactly like that ...in glasgow now ...it's a bgt busier"
1957617440,"sadness","uneekstylez","Can't wait to come home! I miss my Bubba. Too bad my parents are taking him to Canada."
1957617744,"empty","Overcast","@ApDiggles He's my mother's favorite. It was so hard telling her."
1957617858,"happiness","emma_BMTH","laughed so much today over that picture of lauren, that my chest hurts."
1957618067,"sadness","vimahimanulua","I'm SAD SAD SAD!!! thought my aunty Stina coming but no more  i was so looking forward to having family..i miss dat! i'm alone on maui"
1957618813,"worry","AnnieRoseM","i miss the Soulja Boy dance..."
1957619367,"neutral","jesssicababesss","I wanna buy a million copies. But i aint that rich  @jessicaveronica just buy some more copies urself hahah"
1957619663,"worry","xMsSarax","Still not asleep. Ahhh  Wtf?!"
1957619749,"worry","azmirhamzah","new flat heads"
1957619821,"surprise","MsHoly","Arghhh...my korean dvd can't see..I need to laugh.."
1957620215,"neutral","alltimelowtokyo","@AlexAllTimeLow  get back to tokyo man..we miss you."
1957620347,"sadness","tamztam","has to do two 50 page assignments this weekend  there goes any chance of relaxation!!"
1957620383,"worry","tiffyhavok","omgeee that hurt like helll. finally got it back in. can't close it put the ball back in"
1957620391,"worry","amoorejones","Have been feeling very sick    had day off today... ARRRGH"
1957620685,"neutral","MissLohan83","Least u can get some more! Im broke"
1957620839,"sadness","eclectish","Town. Uncle and Gabriel are coming in. I miss Gabe  Tempted to ask if I can go back to Baton Rouge with and stay with other side of fam..."
1957621246,"relief","BiancaCris","At least my wish came true, its not hot anymore...just rainy"
1957621719,"surprise","ShannonElizab","@amberndragt  There isn't any right now. They need to make more. Sorry."
1957622351,"sadness","cessyyy","lost my BA115 enlisted class in CRS!! ( whyyyy. hindi naman conflict or whatever.  ang labo ng CRS grabe. T.T"
1957622495,"sadness","SharronEm","3rd day of pain"
1957622502,"fun","ketchupinacan","This is great curl-up-in-a-ball-and-read later. I wish I had a book."
1957623473,"enthusiasm","AmyyyC","ahhhhh, I am falling asleep here, there is no way I'll be able to survive Liverpool   Although, I can't wait to have my Nan's food."
1957623513,"worry","Shinybiscuit","I think I've forgotten to mention some people on my video"
1957623666,"worry","sk1995","Hear @jonasbrothers full album preview during todays webcast!  #jonasnewsongs NO WAYYY I couldn't 'tune in'"
1957623928,"worry","jenjenmyfriend","Trying to get some sleep but cant  i gotta wake up early for my doctors appointment too ugh!!"
1957624003,"worry","susieblake2002","@VikkiJCapra Aw I left it at home  I do have some Travis or Coldplay though?  xx"
1957624138,"love","jenkellytisdale","@HaylieK can't do class tomorrow audition at 10am  but free from 11 to 3 if u wanna work out!"
1957624367,"neutral","Yen24","@lou_lantos Jeff can't Forcast tonight.  He says Saturday he's good at 8:30 your time. If,you know� you don't have A LIFE on Saturdays."
1957624493,"neutral","LindseyGross","so. I'm taking my life guarding classes fri (7-9pm) sat (9-6pm) sun (9-4pm) and mon (3-630pm) live eat and breath life guard stuff. yay."
1957624580,"worry","JamesH6097","Leaving in 25 mins to go to Latin revision class"
1957624723,"sadness","azmirhamzah","missed out on westcott micro apollo too"
1957624963,"neutral","Mixaelala","..the weather may makes it, cause temp fell down to 15C from 30C which were yesterday  ..."
1957625143,"worry","xvanna","getting stuck from visiting sites by rain"
1957625271,"worry","nadiaishere","Busy.. Busy.. Busy.. :S Wont be on Ning for few days."
1957625794,"neutral","emmaplowman","my thumb hurts after breaking the nail...."
1957625871,"worry","janewongaaa","My smartcard fell out of its holder when I was going home today. If anyone finds it, please tell me"
1957626598,"sadness","BRAINknowsBETTR","Dad: "No trips to Lahore for you." Me: "I do live in DC & NYC which also = big targets." Bummer, no Pizza Hut chicken tikka pizza for me"
1957627521,"worry","ollyking","@Redjotter no, but I will. It just seems such a cruel condition"
1957627650,"sadness","Lopsi","Last night I had 1/2 a bottle of wine in my house and 2 cocktails. Came home sober but still gonna be sick"
1957627730,"hate","blackarazzi","I remember when Vanessa first stepped on to the scene. She would give it up to the paps!  Now shes 2 famous I guess. Use us, abuse us!"
1957627966,"neutral","salmonmoose","@Tarale dinner appointment tonight"
1957628018,"worry","missodessa","cupcakes gave me heartburn"
1957628989,"worry","mieeeek","Stayin over at dustins tonight... my car hates me!"
1957629160,"love","prasoonk","No http://twtvite.com/3koyqo #twtvite #aptw Have to miss this now because of other engagements"
1957629202,"neutral","MissCapule","Finally reunited with my Hunny bunny@tarzan_0802 I have him for a few days b4 he leaves me again for another week away @ work  night!"
1957629221,"sadness","KimOFDakiraAve","@DatDoodRace Thts kinda young 4 me, boo."
1957629319,"worry","rosiemint","Has horrible toothache, and had only a wink of sleep  xx"
1957629394,"hate","jamskii23","Was woken up by my screamin lil nefuew"
1957630067,"sadness","nerdish","Weather is back to being great! Shame I have to wait in for my delivery"
1957630785,"sadness","lovejonas_x","@Jonasbrothers movie out today but i cant go see it"
1957630903,"worry","susieblake2002","In trouble - I haven't finished reading Crow Road  Book Club's off for me today I'm afraid. Lazy mare."
1957630905,"worry","trashbandit","wishing my days off were the same days that people wanted to party."
1957630940,"worry","hilarion","@capricious_and IKR. I myself am headed out for a meeting."
1957630949,"sadness","Rohan_01","@HoneyJune k... i guess i cant help it.... byeee 4eva....  (m really sad)"
1957631138,"neutral","drnikhil","leave for calcutta-delhi-lucknow tomorrow...10 days of absence!!!"
1957631217,"sadness","cindyrs","I hate the "out-of-nowhere" stuff..."
1957631424,"worry","MarkBrindle","Been rebuilding my Dev. machine after a disk crash last night"
1957631448,"worry","lovethepink","@haylescakes Sis...I dont think I will be up 4 2nite sadly  Im in alot of pain 2day & had bad nite...can we go out anotha week soon?xx"
1957631452,"worry","Jennn__","I can't believe it's 9am and i'm awake, and i have to start getting ready soon. I hate the doctor's"
1957632370,"sadness","imuyachan","sick n tired of people who steal other people's work"
1957632398,"sadness","PuppyZach","@SeandBlogonaut daddy wanted to buy me shoes, but they were prettie esspensive, so nao I haff to go bearfoot"
1957632543,"neutral","imnothelz","@ontrich Yes I do"
1957632870,"surprise","meganstorey","Is too much of a bro"
1957632896,"sadness","ChloeBell13","back at work  its too warm to be in here today!!!"
1957633015,"happiness","cookie_crumbles","Lobbying in twitter! Here too!!  Yuk! Gettin rid of groupies ;)"
1957633056,"surprise","MCMLXV","@davidmarkscott another letter for you - this one car insurance - ouch"
1957633103,"worry","JesStar619208","@ColeyRenee I miss you terribly"
1957633214,"sadness","MaddySmally","Went to the Athletics Carnival today! Tired, very tired! I hurt my back when I jumped for the second time on the High Jump!"
1957633293,"worry","thongar","Burnt 3 of my fingers from trying to keep my hands warm over the rice cooker."
1957633384,"sadness","missellenj","its too sunny for work  !!!"
1957633518,"neutral","MzAmyElizabeth","I want more followers."
1957633853,"neutral","blissfox","i joined this because i think my smith chips invent a flavour competion entry wont be recognised  its  SWEETPOTATOE AND SEASALT  flavour ?"
1957634473,"neutral","majorshake","@caitlandkawaii im a pleb  i had to take it out of the freezer.. and put it in the oven!"
1957634550,"love","5rob","They changed the way Golden Gaytimes are made. They used to be awesome."
1957634913,"worry","JAYv2","@FireFly74 And most of us are going to be stuck in an office, some without windows"
1957635569,"worry","nokking","@T_A_R_A I was wondering where you were, how come you didn't twitter for a week? and yeah Adam withdrawal syndrome is real/not nice"
1957635726,"fun","casscc","@heyennovy haha we had balcony seats  not that great. there's a giant dragon thing that has glowing red eyes and moves its wings!"
1957635781,"worry","LizS4ra","@treasaint don't i know it, writing an exam essay this weekend myself"
1957635919,"worry","HalloweeNut","is now going to see his very ill uncle on saturday and the night at his house as even more bad news has come up"
1957636107,"worry","katiemoffat","oh dear, I'm being followed by someone that claims to help you stay young  the end is nigh"
1957636568,"sadness","andreaakamana","boys and girls lie? awww is santa not real either?"
1957636613,"sadness","nigelcutty","@oliviamunn that was pretty lame babe"
1957636679,"worry","cataspanglish","uff - hard to get going today, up half the night with 6 year old son"
1957636726,"sadness","electromarkie","@rawrgoesaimee Ah bibisita ka kina GQ bukas o  sasama ka sa Rushers EB? I won't be able to visit Jumpstart tom coz I have something to do"
1957636776,"worry","pete","@3Easy Last week of July  Will you be up and at em by then?"
1957636784,"worry","antorra","stunning business cards! ashamed of mine  http://bit.ly/zpsQo"
1957636841,"worry","brodiejay","@fuckbomb awww that sucks  also, when i finish uni, you should totally have a mini housewarming. yes, work it around my schedule, LOL."
1957636881,"sadness","VitamynDee","i miss my daddy"
1957636887,"worry","bogart17","gawd the rain is too strong"
1957636980,"happiness","daniellemhicks","@lisaxjbx3 Goodnight is not on the trending topics.  lol"
1957637097,"worry","varsityfangirl","@thomasfiss ur gonna be missed you know  but i hope things will be better for you"
1957637428,"neutral","GoldCoastGirl","@ErikVeland i'm not in the best financial situation myself at the moment. i'm beyond broke. my money is spend as soon as i earn it atm"
1957637482,"neutral","kasemc","I have to choose between @pink and @Essendon_FC on Sunday and @pink wins. I'm shattered.  Why can't I be healthy enough to go to both?"
1957637615,"neutral","amandakara","@TimmyNess for cervical cancer, I have to get 2 more"
1957638260,"worry","HalloweeNut","is now going to see his very ill uncle on saturday and spend the night at his house as even more bad news has come up"
1957638410,"sadness","Newy_ShortStack","owww i think i tore something in my leg"
1957638499,"worry","twinklies","morning, still trying to find a babysitter, there is a creche at the gym so might leave him there, but just know he won't be happy"
1957638599,"surprise","xoxo_arielletse","I can't believe how fast this week has gone by"
1957638643,"neutral","KBMonster","@assrocket You must be scared to be trolling here. You guys are so sad.   #tcot #right"
1957638753,"worry","marcogennuso","I don't want to work tomorrow. I don't feel good. Haven't felt good in 4 days =/ My body needs rest but my mind won't slow down!"
1957638771,"love","QueenBxoxo","Oh ffs :@ a don't get paid till monday :@:@:@ :$. Sorry william, gonna have to wait till next weekend till I give you �  :@"
1957638860,"sadness","jesssicababesss","@Beckinelson idkk if il get to see it again"
1957639255,"sadness","byatrobe","Bah day is not ending as nicely as it began"
1957639281,"sadness","ChimeraX","Already 26.1c in our office. Can people melt? We're fighting for air con because fans just don't help, but can't find the budget"
1957639561,"fun","sentricmusic","@theJBs @wearecutaways  We were all set to get a room last Saturday! I can't apologise enough for missing out Deccy"
1957639612,"fun","ArunBasilLal","@aravindkumar Whats up today..? missed the #coffeeclub that day"
1957639804,"worry","Overcast","@ApDiggles That was a horrible day."
1957639945,"fun","_ilovefashion","I wanna see the Jonas Brothers in concert.."
1957640118,"worry","serenium","@zoecorkhill do you get headaches a lot? What painkillers do you take? Nothing works for mine"
1957640151,"sadness","Beautiful_Leena","@iamdiddy I don't think they sale Ciroc where I stay..Damn..thats just my luck"
1957640696,"neutral","kelbdubs","Last day in Dijon"
1957640700,"neutral","Boomtownrat_","Back on track with the transcription process. Still can't stop my lappy overheating, though"
1957640730,"worry","polyboyjt","feels very, very rough!"
1957640805,"relief","ohhcarissa","Tucking myself in tonight  Mogwai on repeat"
1957640813,"enthusiasm","charlieboy808","@Melissa808 nah im pooped from moving 2day im just laying down relaxing  lol"
1957640886,"sadness","sovietkiki","@ferretwho Defeated by a Polo"
1957640928,"neutral","tinyminds","fine, i give in, docs again today. not being able to breath this morning made me think i should. hate docs"
1957640993,"worry","Mariine90","Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday = EXAM !!  wow shit"
1957641284,"relief","GuvnaB","Today is my last official day of Uni! No more balancing uni work with music!!!! Til october atleast"
1957641302,"neutral","heyitsmisti","omg why are the marshmellows in lucky charms so damn tiny now? i feel cheated."
1957641364,"sadness","violetbakes","@violetbakes My friend is a massive Beatles fan, and she wasn't impressed"
1957641646,"happiness","HannahLGrace","Nevermind! Beyonce doesn't have a Twitter  Haha"
1957642332,"surprise","elainesnowden","@jesssicababesss really? cuz KC.com said it was releasd 24/4 here n the main station doesn't even hav it"
1957642933,"sadness","MarkPower","@kathtrinder @samscam what's that? The sun? No sign here"
1957643351,"sadness","viintagedresses","@Emiily_Kate i know its heaps awesome. if your not working all weekend"
1957643801,"hate","JellyBeans1991","As predicted i feel lyk shit  gahh i hate bein ill!! At wrk tweet lata xx"
1957644306,"neutral","aShtRayy","waaaaay over all tht bitchy ninth grade bullshit (: half yearly exams over & im sickkk"
1957645080,"worry","_Toki_","@shinyflash my plans might have just gone out the window too  bit gutted."
1957645545,"sadness","iandvedwards","@mistermagnus A friend uses Logic and I must admit I did like it...but I don't have a Mac"
1957645950,"happiness","libbyoliver","@caldjr yeh me 2"
1957646194,"worry","x3_anahdez","can't go to sleeeeeep  whyyyyy"
1957646415,"neutral","ddlovatofans101","@hannahdevonne Follow both because I don't know which one will send it. PS Dont get your hopes up because she may not sen it"
1957646478,"love","Ingenue_Em","@mizplunderbunny *hugs* why?"
1957646585,"sadness","MegsEggs","It's too hot to be sat in an office!  I wanna be out in the sun shineeeee."
1957646633,"neutral","arpitnext","adsense exchange rate 1 : 47.060 ($ : INR )"
1957646733,"enthusiasm","Sze17","I'm missing crab legs and attending my going away instead!"
1957647154,"worry","becskr","Maybe I'm lacking in Friday feeling cos more of my trousers won't go on  Thunder thighs!"
1957647362,"worry","banksy34","I have a broken wrist"
1957647555,"neutral","LaDi_KsTaR","@Ekstatikladii sorry love had no left overs  but come through sat @ mi casa for ton's birthday! we'll have tons of food"
1957647569,"neutral","Marina8903","starts tomorrow and I start to study again"
1957647768,"happiness","simpsoid","Just got Skyfire (http://get.skyfire.com/).  Firts impressions, it looks good but it's a little too memory hungry for my ageing HTC TyTN"
1957648204,"worry","nickcatal","the @collegedems 2009 convention ( http://tr.im/mLvw ) doesn't look that great this year  - going to vegas then sounds much more fun"
1957648354,"worry","Rosinacarley","@HellenBach then he has gone down in my estimation"
1957648426,"neutral","ArualSnikpoh","@Jewel_Lia Should have grabbed some on the way to work"
1957648527,"worry","ginny_with_a_g","I'm awake and can't sleep bc I'm feeling sick  yuck!!!"
1957648636,"worry","slinqui","@allergymeds im allergic to cats! my tonsils get swollen and they hurt  what do i dooo?!"
1957648828,"surprise","so_cocky","@oOogabriela wat u doin my bad im mixin this song"
1957649134,"worry","mayj","@arielleGore phaket.  what did anneliese want to do?"
1957649194,"empty","Isabellbear","I fall asleep and didnt get to see the jonas brothers web cast  ... Still tierd"
1957649481,"love","portis_ed","@sarahkate1 sleepover's the shit! I love those guy, I totally forgot they played tonight"
1957649700,"worry","beeedi","Bought new racquet for $145... wish this racquet will do the  half and God the rest .well despite recession things are fkin costly"
1957650050,"fun","ginevramicol","Why can't I see WHITE SOX players @ random bars I go to.. NOT Cubs players  waaah"
1957650383,"sadness","twebbstack","@BlueEyed_Cat @himynameisrose we all know and yes dont remind me im so effin jealous  fuck aust some times"
1957650618,"worry","Nessaspeaks","@wizofozgurl I think I'm going to be the only lame person to cry for Jay's last episode...lol... I wish I were able to go"
1957650667,"worry","ASA_Gary","I lost followers  Was it something I said?  I swear I am not into freeballing.  Ugg that is the last time I mention that thing."
1957650945,"hate","dani_l37","I feel so useless"
1957651728,"sadness","mummyjane","Is now crying  Omg I am fed up with this pain !!!"
1957652124,"hate","lkespiritu","awhile ago it freaking hot! now it's wet  turn off!"
1957652633,"neutral","Thehodge","hmm @buysellads is following me and to think, they declined thehodge.co.uk for inclusion into there network"
1957652644,"surprise","Izrael","@atlprincess 'erocka the ruler' i called you, but i see i gets the no love   whats up with that?"
1957652992,"sadness","theephil","I'm up way to early today!  Work later."
1957653107,"worry","Dmoney424","Wow.....I've been stood up  Might as well go to work."
1957653418,"sadness","Tearaa","im really tired.. not much time to sleep"
1957653553,"worry","Marquise21","@peacelovetylr Help i need the stalker police can you give me their number"
1957653803,"neutral","diedajew","@raerobinson it was just the handle tg"
1957653814,"surprise","ChewChewTray","@ncremins Wednesday? you are joking me? that soon???  when's the partaaaaaaay?"
1957653981,"sadness","kohlerm","@codemonkeyism there were attempts to somehow extend inner classes, which would be close to #closure, can't find the ref ATM"
1957654133,"neutral","_joyjoy","im going to miss khyy so much"
1957654191,"worry","Shadehouse","@amandapalmer was there going to be a recording of with the needle that stings in her heart on youtube or something? i missed the stream"
1957654739,"sadness","tamyof_thetams","sad day!!!!! Love you Ma� (8 years ago!)"
1957654937,"neutral","claudiatweets","@joyeuxmort Miss you too  tomorrow is friday...the day we usually just lounged around trying to figure out what to do"
1957655015,"neutral","erhys","@bareknuckleyell not the best way to start your day"
1957655552,"fun","sarahjanelopez","All alone in this old house again.  Thanks for the net which keeps me alive and kicking! Whoever invented the net, i wanna kiss your hair!"
1957655903,"worry","letronje","@nikhilbelsare exactly the same problem i am having with pure classical music, i cant njoy it"
1957656059,"sadness","lizzola","Is going to get a full nights sleep tonight so her arm can get better. It's no fun being forced to use your left hand"
1957656102,"worry","BrenTheMeanCow","is scanning the pics all over again .."
1957656361,"neutral","csorensen32","I should learn not to walk all day, and then sprint through sprinklers without stretching."
1957656441,"neutral","tiffany_chu","i want Van Basten to b the milan manager !!!"
1957656872,"sadness","JeskaEatsBrains","@jennytalia SHUT YOUR FACE! Why are you so mean to me? Pedro is supposed to be the mean one"
1957657056,"sadness","Ice_Ziggee","... and it�s FFA *evil grin* but I�m so busy at work today I won�t get anything done"
1957657158,"neutral","OnikaCole","i dont have my iphone until maybe next week!"
1957657323,"neutral","noezzzie","jus woke up, late  runnin to work have students to train!"
1957657457,"worry","merkayla","always tired, always cold and always have a headache.  cant wait for vacashun..and the frickin g1 update..i want onscreen keyboard dammit!"
1957657600,"neutral","piggybum","l need some more aussies !"
1957657765,"hate","issie07","@x_Beckiie_x omg are you going to see it?! another reason to not live in devon none of the f***in cinemas have the film im so annoyed"
1957657920,"worry","MissXu","is there a way to "stabalise" a shaky video in post production? I apparently have a very shaky hand."
1957657992,"hate","polonapajk","Aaaaaaaa!! I hate fucking winshit!!"
1957658054,"worry","DrunkenBaracuda","That room will be an oven too"
1957658212,"hate","KevMain","Think it may be time for a  lemsip soon, having a cold really sucks"
1957658327,"worry","_greyblueeyes","i have to go to the doctor... i don't want to... cause there i can wait sooo long..."
1957658932,"sadness","Rowan_Henderson","Fell down the stairs at dancing, sword fell on me and now my bum hurts"
1957658976,"neutral","angch","in a meeting discussion colour of bikeshed"
1957659279,"worry","shewitt","@LycoLoco i'm not proud. but os x excels at video/photo editing where the pc lags so much behind."
1957659322,"neutral","clarebearXD","emily is over tonight XD work experience is over. Jen I'm  going to miss seeing you like everyday"
1957659731,"worry","LuvMyGurlz","Its 1:11am and both my girls are still up! .. im so tired .."
1957659979,"worry","krishol","Internet is getting damn slow today.."
1957660486,"love","tamyof_thetams","SAD day! love you Ma� (8 years ago!) miss you so much!!!!"
1957660901,"sadness","tom_uts","@wethedan nope, would be no music"
1957660915,"surprise","scotwriter","@MAVinBKK it feels like ages away! More than 5 months"
1957661225,"neutral","blackteabreak","why do i turn red"
1957662098,"empty","Beth_Ann_","@steve_caruso So I took the polish off of the nail of the finger the door handle murdered earlier, and well... it's not pretty...."
1957662837,"sadness","laceefranks","@JustDarline DArLiNE!!* miss you"
1957662943,"worry","thejellybeankid","Just missed my train"
1957662946,"worry","MadisonKellyNYC","@iprmktg Haaay are those the Kettle black joints???  I have them in black!!! Super dope, just wished they came in gold!!!"
1957663147,"worry","zoyaz","driving around for 3 hours going nowhere is not as fun as it seems, i missed my singing lesson"
1957663256,"worry","agiftedmind","You all have no Idea how badly I wish that I was at botcon.  Oh well! NEXT YEAR!"
1957663307,"worry","KINGmoney","@illestnana me and my friend over here are disappointed we cant make it"
1957663384,"sadness","martygallagher","Why didn't I book today off as well could not be bothered with work the weather is too good to be in here"
1957663637,"hate","mkeats","@alexlomas Bastard! I want to be at the beach in the sun"
1957663654,"worry","sprinkles_","@MadamSalami i had to get the same sized jeans, i couldnt get my hips into the 14's"
1957663833,"worry","sarahakh","cant believe i stay out this late!.....waking up for work in T-minus 4hours"
1957663990,"fun","pony_hooves","@QueenKelso dooood! it is working! tea time later? are you working tonight?"
1957663999,"worry","Anniee451","@CNReilly I missed Match Game tonight    I hope I make it tomorrow night."
1957664223,"enthusiasm","CraigMillett","UP was awesome! Everyone should go see it.  But the stupid theatre didn't show the Pixar short film."
1957664259,"sadness","ChewChewTray","@ncremins thats not really fair. I mean you just up and leave like that and you dont even give us a party  So when you coming back or  ..."
1957664536,"happiness","Ziliphar","I hereby proclaim it to officially be summer as it is AWESOME today! But I'm stuck inside a chilly office"
1957664578,"hate","crashedinlife","I bruised my toe worse than my I did my finger. It fuckin hurts right now even with ice on it"
1957664609,"neutral","phoenixlove1987","@Quietjack I'm probably going to be doing the same thing"
1957665077,"hate","lilpaowow","@ShiGGaShay - I only get bubble tea during the cambodian new year - only once a year  & when i do, i stand in line for over 10-15 min."
1957665404,"neutral","Jewel_LiA","@Lucalexa thanks  scared of dentists.. looks like I am going to have to get over it and go"
1957665608,"worry","Shinybiscuit","@jackfaulkner I forgot all of those people"
1957666234,"surprise","pegebernholt","sleeping... would've been home sooner but we accidentally killed bambi on the way home"
1957666935,"happiness","missymarie_","had the lovliest night last night but was ruined by doctors inability to warn me of side effects. back again for more tests."
1957666939,"surprise","aussyaa","Woke up and there was sun! And then it started to rain"
1957667820,"worry","neerav","cant take photos of Darling Harbour fireworks cause its raining  carried all my camera gear to work for nothing #fb"
1957668005,"worry","justlisa89","just woke up, and my tummy hurts  there's always something wrong with me :S"
1957668210,"love","samanthajulia","@MrsSOsbourne Hi Sharon Missed you on our x factor last year!!  Come Back!! x"
1957668214,"neutral","CraigMarr","3-4 hours sleep last night  barely functioning"
1957668465,"worry","svijayak","Seems like 60 min wait time  should I call the wife now"
1957668997,"sadness","foxcek","@tahninial just called me a cheeseburglar. He made me sad"
1957669145,"worry","magicswebpage","Not happy got a big choice to make"
1957669293,"sadness","ria_das","Getting bored sitting at the hotel room the entire day"
1957669387,"neutral","becca_caddy","It's natsmith88 last Friday today"
1957669715,"surprise","GeoAtreides","Uuu, am din nou PR 4. Yeey, my epenis is now bigger! ... ... ..."
1957670571,"hate","Ediesedgwick83","@Sarahies I will be ok when I have been to the drs again today and got my essay done  x howre you?? x"
1957670920,"neutral","HannahJ98","Hmm... I should go make a time machine to go forward to 12:00 God im genius.. Oh yeh i dont no how too...  x"
1957671446,"neutral","miawoods2005","I don't think the Master Cleanse was intended for travelers  feeling gross...."
1957671827,"neutral","lisaxjbx3","@daniellemhicks lol what!! where is it!"
1957671999,"worry","Larissa_SG","@Anne_A4L Hey Anne! I stayed up 2 try 2 arrange 4 some NYC Archies 2 get tix 2 the concert. Logged off @ 2.30 but only fell asleep @ 5am"
1957672003,"happiness","wizdomlakers","Bumping Air Supply's Greastest Hits"
1957672274,"neutral","IanWoolf","I forwarded an email about a cool science event in Canberra, and a friend thought it was in Sydney and trekked out to the wrong place"
1957672283,"worry","EmeraldDiscount","@christineduggan we keep getting pet days  but i heard the weekend is to be fab !!! wedding how soon again ?"
1957672347,"sadness","AliJRayner","can't believe I'm peeling from one and a half days of sunshine"
1957672425,"worry","Pica85","I don't know what this is all about  but I'm goin to sleep"
1957672698,"surprise","bholfeltz","@k_tron oh god, whose tire?"
1957673248,"worry","RamiHage","@SamerKaram but better hurry, so you wouldn't be labeled as copycats"
1957673270,"neutral","becca_caddy","It's @natsmith88 last Friday today"
1957673482,"happiness","redraccoon1","Will be flying to Ontario in 4 hours!Will probably stay awake.I will be there for a 8 days...Camping 4 the first time YAY!I am sleepy now"
1957673495,"relief","kellybazza","is gutted to be at work when it is sooo nice outside"
1957673692,"happiness","dubfairy","is going back home  love ya Zagrebe <3"
1957673742,"hate","peachy_gold","Geography papers are so boring!  I hate revision!"
1957673862,"neutral","EvoSim","Came out of my house this morning to the stink of cat poo. I have cats doing their business in my little bit of garden."
1957674075,"neutral","sampan22","bah! bk on reception  comps aint working.....BUT the sun has got his hat on hip-hip-horay  x"
1957674180,"worry","blue_cat_online","[BBC] Malaria parasites becoming resistant to drugs  http://trunc.it/9yn5 ~ this is really not good as Malaria affects so many people"
1957674579,"worry","tickvg","Morning all. I appear to have a bit of a sore head. Perhaps the bag of pork scratchings for dinner wasn't such a good idea"
1957674594,"surprise","ashleigh_03","has just booked her appointment to give blood 18:20pm 2nd June! Scared"
1957674693,"hate","barbsrad","urgh, my head is banging."
1957674793,"neutral","lilianerausch","@Donnette i am fine. just having a headache for days now"
1957675041,"worry","its_sb","@professorgreen & you still are not following me"
1957675193,"empty","NicoleMarieLer","Awake at 4am..  can't sleep"
1957675277,"worry","Ducer15","@Cleric20 Nope. Im hearing bad things."
1957675402,"worry","strings_puppet","My attempts at writing tonight seem to be failing."
1957675449,"neutral","applexible","Got a day of painting"
1957675512,"hate","LauraSmetsers","@robinlefeber Ojee! That sucks..."
1957675601,"neutral","Conny__x3","Flypside - When it was good..i must creat my presentation in english  by guys ?"
1957676144,"happiness","Sparks_25","staring at the sunshine through my office window!"
1957676286,"sadness","Ciel","I wish I had a concept of what time it is right now....  not adjusting well. Obvs."
1957677002,"worry","soulballadeer","i juz registered my cp in twitter, but my tweets wont go thru? Argh..Hmm wanna follow my idols lyk @DavidArchie away from the PC.."
1957677153,"surprise","Bashair_E","getting dressed to go to Granny's,another day of now twitting"
1957677282,"sadness","davidyell","Feeling pretty poo today"
1957677285,"neutral","renatolz","I need to buy a Tablet"
1957677542,"worry","bootyhouse","ugh. I totally can't sleep."
1957677591,"sadness","MartukaPop","I wanna go to the beach...but I have to study"
1957677602,"sadness","corithmalin","What's worse than a fever and sore throat? Cancelling a trip to see your little bro because of a fever and sore throat."
1957677837,"sadness","GabrielleJay","On a brighter note.. still at work at 6:15 on Friday working on other peoples problems...  oh man. I'm SO eating pizza tonight. hoorah!"
1957678014,"worry","kkimmydaviss","@kpatthethird D; im sowwwy  urgh i feel bad >.< kkkkkkk so should i call you when i get 2 bullschitt?"
1957678173,"empty","lady_firey","My cucumber has gone limp"
1957678866,"fun","heyitsmisti","@shanzer22  you're missing out, bb! i'm such a cereal nut, i think i like every kind available."
1957678919,"worry","parambir","@gulpanag unfortunately I choose sleep over gym almost everyday  trying to get over it!"
1957679052,"surprise","Michelle90210","just reached for her plate to get another bit of toast and realised id eaten it all  not a nice feeling"
1957679152,"fun","Misdreavus_72","@Banette_ good to be back! It's really late though and I just got back from scaring some people and I'm pleased but really tired"
1957679175,"neutral","Chrissiiee","Got about 2 hours sleep."
1957679893,"hate","jesssicababesss","Oh fml its probs gunna be at shepards bush  i hate it there"
1957680374,"worry","ShaneSakata","@Danisidhe Wow - that's one deep sleep!  Wish I could sleep like that -one little noise and I'm awake"
1957680381,"worry","Rohan_01","@cutiemoet i noe... bt i jus cant help it....."
1957680942,"worry","Mz_Cutie","@TwoOnTheBeat i wud do but im at work   srry xx"
1957681147,"surprise","adrialarasati","geez why do u have to be SO obvious?"
1957681220,"surprise","ohmysunshiine","i messed up my back/hip. it hurts so bad"
1957681266,"neutral","akihabara_edo","wonders when all of these end... hay...  http://plurk.com/p/wy9wi"
1957681370,"surprise","mutedriposte","@jolynnchew so early??"
1957681466,"worry","amomca","@kelleyrowe my internet just crashed  i will ttytomorrow."
1957681827,"hate","Peterkin","Anyone got any remedies for neck pain? Haven't been able to turn my head properly without a bad twinge for a few days now"
1957681870,"sadness","Morena485","Had a crazy night, lost keys, walked home, missed my papi's calls from the swizzy.    I'm sad"
1957682388,"surprise","Errric","@vmysterrr are you serious!? that bloooooows"
1957684033,"happiness","Moonanet","Mooorning! It's Friday, and that's terrific! Smile up!    :-|      :-D"
1957684137,"worry","cambrose","@primesuspect  If only my writing wasn't so scrub."
1957684648,"worry","OCchaleee","gotta get up in a few hours...booo  gooodnight!"
1957685654,"surprise","So_CalChica","Going to bed...going back to Korea tomorrow"
1957685893,"sadness","kradisonfan","missed the #jonaswebcast"
1957685970,"enthusiasm","KaraTheBomb","I WANT LASAGNA TOOOOOOO."
1957686480,"neutral","iggypintado","@julie_posetti Nice reference to #LM program in How Journalists Are Using Twitter in Australia but no mention of me   http://bit.ly/JwuZL"
1957686543,"sadness","JaneilleForever","At millys having some yummy asian food! Haha. And listening to let go, such a sad song"
1957686686,"hate","EAZY_ERON","My record player has decided to die. Why on Friday night? Sad E  http://twitpic.com/667a4"
1957686687,"neutral","theboinq","just wants to get it over and done with. I miss working"
1957686896,"sadness","schjerning","my blog is crashing my browser"
1957686950,"sadness","Malexis86","My mind is playing tricks or me!...or could it be? Either way this ish is on my mind heavy and in sleepy"
1957687122,"worry","JadeeSon","I miss my peanut gallery"
1957687260,"sadness","zacktate","@LaylaNatalie nowhere babe  ice come to do a few jobs here this morning *sigh*"
1957687772,"love","TheDiva_KMarie","aww @iCONtips you are too kind!! Hi sweetie! Are you guys out partying without me   I'm the only person who came to work 2nite lol"
1957688423,"worry","arpitnext","@djain1989 yes .. thats a problem   #prism #fail"
1957689175,"sadness","DavidSwinburn","@terryronald When does it close? I didn't think it'd been running that long? I still haven't had chance to see it!"
1957689210,"hate","camilleali","I can't sleep ugh!! and I have shit to do all damn day tomorrow. Wanting to take a sleeping pill but I know Ill get up late"
1957690674,"worry","shiplikeyou","@dc493 sassafrass reminds me of rachel  i miss her"
1957690755,"worry","MzMonaLisa","@mhall214  youre not supposed to..."
1957690758,"worry","isafailure","@AlexMaza thanks for the follow! Isafailure was supposed 2 b a team thing, but my friend hasn't emailed me or communicated n 4ever"
1957691079,"sadness","paul_steele","@ladybug8320 oh yes i sure will, but sad cause i will miss the view at the house am leaving actually"
1957691093,"neutral","jun6lee","@dreaming_aloud @DanBarnes501 and that hindi flick '99' that came out a couple of weeks ago that never made it to the UK"
1957691248,"sadness","nyachii","#liesboystell Your the only one, I love (they really have several women)"
1957691371,"worry","wampykitty","@dean_b BF @ gig in Portland OR.  That's not driving distance to come save me from Burbank. I stuck ATM.  Working on plan B"
1957691398,"neutral","pax_et_amor","awww, watching 18 y.o. britney on snl. she's so young and cute and really funny! i miss this britney"
1957691421,"worry","Richard_Gable","@NikkiNoo1956 That's not good, sorry to hear that, where did he park it?"
1957692704,"neutral","zacktate","@the_prototype09 no where I'm working for a bit up here"
1957692821,"sadness","superstylin_","@NANCY___ just got your TWEETS. that sucks my love"
1957692870,"worry","LianneThompson","is house bound with acute mumps  bad times.... whole day ov supernatural me thinks  x"
1957692927,"happiness","SqueekyPenguin","sadly awake. wondering about contact info for all of the fun folks I hung out with at the shop. YAY 23b!!! Miss you guys"
1957693067,"happiness","mikeydreidel","@realchrissystar we'll be back sunday to play @ the horse, I was out last night at mex you were not  miss you"
1957693735,"surprise","Mr_Teez","@LivLaughLove7 u didn't hit me up"
1957693897,"sadness","LukasVandenberg","fuck elora danan are breaking up  too and im missing their last nsw show too  def need to hit up melbs !! someone come with ?"
1957694436,"sadness","ElysElectric","I guess its bedtime. Goodnight twitter.  my bed is so big and empty without him."
1957694469,"surprise","MisterRo","@helga_hansen Darn - I just realised "pull the other one" would have been a *far* better response to your name suggestion"
1957695026,"neutral","DarkOctoberNite","So my life has come down to nothing more then making choices ill only regret later"
1957695327,"relief","Miss_Mika1","@streetkingpin Well my battery just needed a jump...and now I gotta pay extra to get my nail fixed"
1957695799,"worry","hantu","OK crowdsourcing failed,"
1957696120,"worry","LydiaLovesU","why have 3 people stopped following me  is it something I said??"
1957696344,"worry","zmjohnson","My acid refulx is acting up�probably the worst it's been in months. I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight."
1957696425,"surprise","NChill","still can't believe all of the gig posters in the Little Civic have been taken down!?"
1957696481,"hate","Pixie_Anna","@maddieprior mother is hogging the TV"
1957696981,"worry","wildJ09","i cant sleep ughh n i have registration tomorrow at 11 this suxs   *Shooting Star*"
1957697529,"love","TM777","I thought when u go #2 your tummy is supposed to feel better not worse"
1957697532,"neutral","ChewChewTray","@ncremins I could do with another one now myself. was back to work on Monday after being off for 7 weeks  not good."
1957697561,"neutral","vacant_heart","@Dr_DinaSadik forensic mein kya hai! bas rat te jaao  and micro?havin a micro exam soon,the lab diagnosis of all d individual bacteria!"
1957697894,"surprise","fildv","@stvwrnr i can't believe it..."
1957697920,"sadness","jflame24","My car broke down.   Time to start looking at getting another.  If its not one thing its another."
1957698081,"worry","Tink3rbell","Oh no  I wanted to go to sea but today the sun is not here!  SIGH!"
1957698231,"worry","xoxmillyxox","@torilovesbradie definitely, or even just "i'll call you", they never do  how was ur day? xx"
1957698707,"love","replete","@benmatewe being updated to have multiple 'skins' for different GT members. Nightmare. 82k of CSS to hack!  No time to redo; woe is me."
1957698931,"sadness","Dirtygemz","@subray put me right off my scrambled egg breakfast  #fartingloud"
1957699016,"worry","magicswebpage","Guys i dont think chris loves me   he never show me attenition or affection   i think its time to end it.  What you think?"
1957699183,"surprise","xWindyMillerx","Rather jealous of my football club who have all gone to Portugal on tour today. They're even playing a Sporting Lisbon veterans side."
1957699809,"worry","DJSMOOK","@funhiguy Hi man, yeah I so wanna go, but I'm on Maui  #liloven"
1957700264,"worry","Dianne_","Installed office for Mac & messed up all my fonts on safari, crap on a stick! help! can't even read the solutions online  #badmicrosoft"
1957700822,"worry","Crystal89white","I'm thirsty in the middle of the night and get to the fridge only to find my Brand New bottle of Cran-Cherry juice gone....  FML moment!!"
1957701073,"worry","egnaronik","@yin9shi what interview! leave me alone"
1957701215,"worry","Traacyy","i got a bruise on my foot out if nowhere!  it hurts!"
1957701220,"worry","alitariera","finally graduation no more school ... im sick today"
1957701226,"neutral","jehovah_jireh","@Jemistryteam --- has demi ever replied to you? Coz I haven't got any..."
1957701449,"neutral","Breeargh","i want a text from short stack ,but i dont understand the texting thing"
1957701538,"sadness","TheRealFranklin","My assistant had me watch The Notebook. I miss Deborah"
1957701592,"sadness","controllinnolan","it's official- the Twilight Saga has ended...*sigh*...my life is empty!"
1957701853,"sadness","TarrynLeighEia","@SamGrierson awwww....    , ah well at least I can sober up for a week or 2 and possibly get to the gym.....u gonna make music live? xx"
1957702096,"sadness","RussellBfan90","@pinkbunny69 awww thts no good hun-i'm having the worst day as i'm sick as"
1957702153,"happiness","whatsdafus","@AlexaRPD Nice action shot: http://bit.ly/m8zfx  I miss working a pole.   __ dont you see clients everyday?  lol"
1957702343,"sadness","SteWane","@breagrant Thought you was one of the best on Heroes, pitty they are killing all of the good characters off  how do i use this thing!? lol"
1957703036,"sadness","SamMlot","Nooo! I'm ill  Must Have Paracetamol! Nice weather today, though."
1957703106,"worry","Ricardo3G","@BunnyLuv87 Sorry I didn't go  Jesus wasn't feeling it. And you know I can't see it with out my best bud. Well that movie anyways @Eexst"
1957703662,"sadness","youtah","wow, serious hard time sleeping. on a decongestant and its keeping me wide awake. I JUST WANNA SLEEP"
1957704526,"worry","HeathCastor","@afrocurl mark harmon just got shot on my tv"
1957704700,"worry","SallieBMcFly","that was terrible..."
1957704889,"love","lisabatty","lovely day again... hope it continues all weekend, I'm stuck at my desk today"
1957705294,"neutral","tiarelove","@mgrpowers http://twitpic.com/1aida - snood"
1957705467,"neutral","stinginthetail","@docbaty ow"
1957705562,"worry","BetaBoy","Bug in damn cod4 system link. My map pack isnt working"
1957705597,"worry","scenexbbyx13","fuck, can't sleep.  feening for cigs. i'm horrible. :X"
1957705954,"relief","wolvojon","Back at work"
1957706273,"happiness","LotsOfSexyPants","Good Morning Every1!!! Its gorgeous out again n im stuck in work  Wish i was at home chillin out.. Hopefully tha day goes quick  doh !!"
1957706345,"sadness","kacsaful","@gedhead if only @stephenfry wouldn't have some fiftythousand followers... hugh laurie's just a needle in a haystack now!"
1957706506,"worry","feedyourmusic","@LoveisTrain it drained my energy"
1957706885,"hate","blistereduk","Hates headaches! Maybe I'm not ready to rock"
1957706994,"sadness","MarinkadeJong","4th time in 1 month that i'm spending time @garage, for a broken airco this time.... sigh, great with this weekends weather"
1957708069,"neutral","funstay","@alperdotr i got bored   lunch time?"
1957708099,"hate","Badger5000","@razzbingo britain is shit"
1957708223,"enthusiasm","KOKahKOK","company is offering 2nd round of VSS RIF!"
1957708788,"worry","Mina_love","@taylorswift13 ....... i'm wondering if you're as awake as i am. ?"
1957708971,"sadness","Becca_x_","Is going to miss Reemer for a couple of months now the tour is over"
1957709186,"worry","icyblue93","The test today was killer. I didn't even manage to finish on time."
1957709225,"happiness","cuteXpoison","watched the Bones finale last night in the UK & it rocked!! oh how much I missed Zack!!!  @EricMillegan is so freakin' awesome <3"
1957709337,"happiness","ShannonNiebuhr","Someone bring me milk for my cookies!"
1957710003,"sadness","scotwriter","@MAVinBKK I know but the wait will be worth it - November just seems so far away at the moment  ;)"
1957710304,"love","luckygnahhh","@RikkAlaniz I'm glad he didn't get too hurt, I know some bad things can happen on motorcycles  you and everyone else are okay too, right?"
1957710544,"neutral","ellaxceleste","@Ahmaeya so im listening to this random playlist and its leaning toward serani..."
1957710747,"neutral","earff","@m_bui yeah right. I just accepted my grants, and it covered at least 10,000+ of my school fees. tritonlink is down so i cant verify"
1957711217,"sadness","layamaria","is now writing 100-word newsbites  http://plurk.com/p/wyb4h"
1957711409,"sadness","RexTR","@ankurb english screwed up my overall percentage in X, in XII again and probably in adm tests too. shit happens."
1957711658,"worry","3Easy","@pete too early I'm afraid  op to take screw out week Tuesday. The family will going off, I'll me looking fir that Guinness ;)"
1957712080,"worry","honeysnowflakes","@KinanLW Wah, why are you sad?"
1957712115,"neutral","PinkerJewel","@IzzySc Hi Isla! I hope it does, too."
1957712124,"surprise","RalphBassfeld","Had to cancel subscriptions today to NZZ and Economist at office  #costsavings Luckily they also have online versions"
1957712225,"surprise","kaboooom","@xC_A_Tx lol i havent watched it yet..  congrats!"
1957712281,"sadness","niclizzybeth","low low low low low low low low low............................."
1957712406,"worry","winzy","@mathewsanders boo! I must've deleted it from my phone!  can't find it in my emails either!"
1957712673,"sadness","Ed_Costa","I'm slowly reallizing how this burn I got at work 5 hours ago really sucks"
1957712678,"worry","noomnoom","2 hours after teleconference. but can't go back to sleep. got some work to do. sigh sigh"
1957712948,"neutral","Rohan_01","@cutiemoet i meant i cnt help but stop chattin wid her.....    gud dat u noe everything.... so do u think its fair????"
1957713231,"worry","RussellBfan90","@_hayles yer there must be-not sure tho-caught it off my brother but got it worse"
1957713326,"surprise","lovemandy","http://twitpic.com/667g1 - Marshmellows + muffins = fail  They all bubbled and then evaporated leaving big holes! heh still taste alri ..."
1957713519,"worry","KrissKross","my iMac's died  keeps cutting out for no reason. Anyone recommend a good mac place for service / parts? Think I need a new power supply"
1957713846,"happiness","trickyireland","on later than normal this morning, got attacked by a swarm of mini fly's after opening the veranda last night took an hour to get rid!!"
1957714009,"worry","ememfrick","Leaving for Paris tonight. Trying to cram all my assignments for the week done in two days.   I think I'm half done, I hope."
1957714261,"worry","the8bitch","it's almost comforting to know all LDN people not working on this beautiful day will get skin cancer.... I want out of this office now"
1957714342,"hate","Adesto","@nicko236 It was an app that changed your wallpaper to one of several hundred at random intervals. It's hard to find good wallpapers."
1957714355,"worry","GordonRyan","red update: temp of 40+. Suspected infection. Antibiotics given. Appt tomorrow to check temp again. fingers crossed.  #fb"
1957714445,"sadness","AlliecatinTX","@lupin_bebop that's lame, sorry"
1957714787,"worry","mor10am","is having a hard time concentrating today.  Have to get it together!"
1957714838,"sadness","PawPrintHrt","knee surgery.... back home for about 6 weeks"
1957715254,"neutral","carla_casanova","July issue is stressing me out..."
1957715515,"relief","kirstykay","@joehhzeh in august with anberlin. they're not headlining though  and yes there is a perth show"
1957715674,"worry","in_the_air","@JulieAdore I checked ULCA, they've got a program in producing, I'll be so much interested in. But...."
1957716189,"worry","SydMonk","My neck hurts a lot."
1957717288,"surprise","veneschamarie","@SmileDaily I wish I was getting pancakes  booooooooo"
1957717420,"love","Anistorm","The Blowout ended"
1957717916,"sadness","goaskalicia","@sassisam agh mine just left for New York last month!!"
1957718245,"boredom","thoehler","Again documentation day"
1957718335,"surprise","lamhine","By the time we got back up to grizzly peak with cameras to capture the sea of fog we were above, it already engulfed everything"
1957718513,"sadness","mizsedz","@KINGmoney yep and its freezing, i hate winter  im literally wearing blackets"
1957719408,"surprise","melpig","ucler!!! I got 2 big ones in my mouth"
1957719456,"neutral","Dianne_","http://twitpic.com/667hh - this is what happened after installing office for Mac  #badmicrosoft"
1957720016,"worry","snowland","dual reject ...  http://tinyurl.com/mfm7tl"
1957720907,"sadness","sphinx000514","My room is too hot to sleep in."
1957720998,"worry","anotherJohn","Shit... It's 2am and I'm wide awake"
1957721395,"worry","Angelavdvlist","29 mei, missing my dad for over a year now"
1957721499,"neutral","TaraLynnFoxx","Its funny how I want something even more... now that someone else has it and i cant anymore    hahaha NEXT!"
1957721605,"worry","bekkynixon","@neg2led what's wrong?  maybe I can help?"
1957722065,"worry","just_00110111","I definitely feel sorry for Jamie Stewart... Amsterdam audience can really suck (www.xiuxiu.org and read his post of May 27th  )"
1957722183,"happiness","Ali_Gardiner","Looks like a beautiful day...and I am off work til Sunday, yay!! No bbq as yet though, gonna have to postpone my invitations"
1957722487,"worry","Rellyb757","i thought payday was today but its on saturday  so happy hour wont be happening today lol...thank goodness its friday tho !!"
1957722577,"love","iadiedee","@Nasnous Thanks bro but I'm awake already  How are you?"
1957722810,"worry","iamloganw","Feeling sick the now"
1957723895,"worry","royalle88","@NatashaTamara awwwwww....I know that feeling!!"
1957723997,"sadness","Klee207","is way too sleepy to be awake"
1957724418,"anger","mm39","i hav a chance to win $10, $100, $1000.  i was given a free can of $ plant..have to wait till the plant grow to know if i won anythin!!?!"
1957724705,"enthusiasm","groggits","Looking for photo inspiration. But everything I want to do required more space than I have"
1957724733,"surprise","BlueFoxAlley","I am horrible at appraising peer work. What are these Americans thinking when they compose poems? Or maybe I am the one with the problem."
1957724787,"worry","PoppyGOESrawr","agh! freaking out about going to Wales already! >< not packed!!"
1957725236,"love","Leeuwin60","@Kellyke28 You poor thing  Hang in there. -xxx- luf joe"
1957725352,"neutral","Blakes8th","The girl in the hair salon asked me "Shall I trim your eyebrows!" How old do I feel?"
1957725379,"sadness","PatriciaUbaldo","I overslept  headache"
1957725660,"neutral","socktopus","Deucie picked up by his sitter for the weekend."
1957726156,"worry","Jack_of_Clubs","Raaaaaaaaaaagh early morning  and its not even early!! Must leave for work in 6 minutes..."
1957726444,"worry","M_A_M_O_Y","he's ok dw but i think he's not  http://plurk.com/p/wybsv"
1957726484,"fun","lamunro","morning all....beautiful day...best go enjoy some sunshine before i have to go to work...unfortunately"
1957726763,"sadness","xoxoshahirah","@drumstickboy I also used to be close with adiel and sabby. But now they changed alot. I like when we were in sec 1."
1957726844,"neutral","tristan_mayer","Has lost his vocie and Adele is laughing at me LOL and still wondering why I'm in college on me week off"
1957726936,"worry","NorCalStang","Just watched hella home movies with my aunt and uncle. I miss the days where our whole family got along"
1957727266,"worry","Tiredofbeinsex","The stars are out. Where were you when I needed you"
1957727430,"worry","golden_one","@ashleeadams no wonder you hate driving and country roads and stuff"
1957727546,"surprise","KKCappie","@ManaMoose I can't believe you went and got boba without me."
1957727560,"worry","shangrey","@maddysen ohhh i wanna go  gahhh but i dunnooooooo :S me confuzzzledd should i or not???"
1957727757,"relief","Cup_Of_Katy","@rms70 ooh how is Milan? i could do with a holiday! Bfoyf is off to Geneva today visiting fam so ive got a weekend on my own"
1957727818,"sadness","aibrean","@kevincl Same here. But I am just going to browse SA until I get bored."
1957727853,"worry","geewhy","@ryankanno ack, no can see @mustheartdogs either.  and weird, these tweets are in my mentions, but not my timeline (oh wait, new Twitter)"
1957728058,"enthusiasm","nowamunkie","@sotongs Sigh"
1957728081,"worry","tojipot","33 minutes left before my flannel hobbit shoes get wet  RAIN, PLS GO AWAY!"
1957728181,"worry","HevRhi","Can't believe we're going through redundancies again! The government has well and truly screwed up..  Off with their heads!!"
1957728610,"neutral","quickquacker","my littelist fish, udon, is dearly departed"
1957728707,"anger","halona5429","i never knew a dentention was so hard 2 get"
1957728860,"neutral","sunnysunnysunny","@karess I do feel bad for him too. Especially na ngayon pa siya nagrerehab siya and all. Wrong timing. Still, maybe he had it coming"
1957728914,"sadness","WTFKatie","@ConcertJunkie "I SAAAAAAID!!" Haha. It kinda makes me sad though.  http://bit.ly/uJUA3"
1957729413,"empty","gemmamcnaulty","is leading dull life this Friday... Babysitting!"
1957729537,"sadness","imjoie","@nursebettie666 he is the meanest lil boy ever!!!!!!!!!! When I was a lil girl everyone loved me"
1957729651,"worry","Toddles88","my knee hurts!"
1957729695,"worry","wi_ing","planning June - lots of appointments. meeting, briefings and litte time to finish my reports"
1957729727,"surprise","Medros","@Rilgon ahh seen a few of those drop, but I just tossed them thinking it was a once only turn in"
1957730135,"surprise","edziardo","@vibzfabz Hey, you change your twitter account, and you didn't even tell me..."
1957730729,"empty","lw_blink182fan","so bored..."
1957730963,"sadness","jamesbradshaw","#freeagentapp free trial ran out today, cannot subscribe because Abby accidentally canceled my card - still waiting for a new one"
1957731256,"empty","jiaaaa","You fooled me!"
1957731297,"hate","Luke_Simpson666","trying to get used to twitter, i have a cold"
1957732004,"happiness","limeice","@primaveron I need them  It would've made my picture so much cooler. Mine are bottle green. Eeyea-thooo!"
1957732062,"worry","abbydeguzman","Rain stopped a few minutes ago. I noticed that every time I cheer for the rain while it's raining, it stops. I shall not cheer next time."
1957732478,"worry","Jessymar","i really need to go and start some more revision,biology or chemistry today me thinks"
1957732711,"worry","niccikk","Ready for the trip. Not ready to leave my baby!!!!"
1957733765,"love","rum1t","Archie Proposes Veronica in the Latest Archie's Comic. The Longest known Love Triangle is coming to an End. Poor Betty."
1957733849,"sadness","imthrowinaparty","Guitar lessons tomorrow. ( I have to wake up early again."
1957733956,"sadness","adam_parker","Last day in Exeter! Had last session in gym, last breakfast.. last meeting coming up"
1957734409,"sadness","Taeshi","I'm so dizzy already and I'm only on the third page of chapter 73  *plops head*"
1957734470,"worry","HRx3","i misss my phone,"
1957734674,"sadness","Ashaii","I'm soooo sleepy  but I'm not a home just yet"
1957734941,"enthusiasm","Tonybee12","waiting for PRINCES PROTECTION PROGRAM online in English version  so long"
1957735312,"neutral","lizz_xx","still need new pics on my phone  and music.."
1957735631,"sadness","ChuckBstg","So Tired. It's not right to have to get up so early"
1957735739,"neutral","xxxKimberleexxx","So slpy 2day  zzzz"
1957736261,"sadness","LucySiebens","i have a headache"
1957736515,"fun","kvegas911","@eljefe1401 oh, joy. We have the Elmo potty video too."
1957736705,"sadness","aagw","@livetosingxo and i had our first fight"
1957737219,"neutral","jima6636","need to get a hand"
1957737246,"worry","finallee","@andymakesurandy don't worry iPhone users are just as privileged  wish i were heading to the pool"
1957737436,"surprise","Andicurrie","@iszi_lawrence did you forget something this morning? you nearly ran me over at the bottom of the hill!  its very very warm in the shop! x"
1957737906,"worry","Saschav","Jinxed myself! Damn system upgrade didn't stick... Starting again"
1957738262,"hate","Lieszl","preparing for my spanish.. BAAAAAAAAAAH"
1957738636,"enthusiasm","Gregorovich","http://bit.ly/Wl9yL  i want to go here"
1957738720,"neutral","MGDriver","@christianedward it's a good sized family room, so not too cramped, watched match in room  Watched tv on iplayer after kids asleep"
1957738760,"neutral","Nickgrubb","1am, quietly tidying up after dinner party. Whilst closing tupprwre lid, centre island in my kitchen collapses! Wakes baby. Mayhem ensues"
1957738949,"sadness","Memset_Martyn","Some of the figures quoted are so wildly optimistic, they are the stuff of science fiction.  A bit disapointed in CIBER and SABIP"
1957739289,"worry","soliniguez","So I played this game , yeahhhhh I lost  I'm inlove ughh....really cause I'm such a fool."
1957739309,"worry","bincho8","my boss is bullying me..."
1957739534,"worry","michelleewtf","K now I'm really going to bed even tho I ain't tired  night! <3"
1957740028,"relief","hussainhaidry","@lavsmohan In my case, it's going to be exams showing me a thing or two.  I'm very much hopeful about November '09, though."
1957740057,"sadness","CleoManago","It's clear intellectually that severing my relationship was best, yet my heart seems 2 B in complete disagreement. It hurts so so much"
1957740784,"neutral","shiplikeyou","@dc493 me too  she better be back soon! dude, this is my typical bedtime. but look who is talking! what are YOU doing up so late?"
1957740832,"sadness","golden_one","@ashleeadams I don't know what to say except *hugs*"
1957740913,"sadness","jessikerrr","10 minutes to boarding; 14 hours to home. no window seat"
1957741118,"neutral","margapoo","all my files got deleted"
1957741318,"enthusiasm","djcool_m","Anyone up this te of night? The tweets have slowed down  let me know ur out there and I'll follow u"
1957741538,"worry","Mooky_moo","is sad his new SB6 CD's got nicked"
1957741548,"sadness","sazp","@amerz Love it! I wish my other half could even name web design ladies"
1957741825,"worry","3riplelclothing","@Keiyaunna I normally dnt sleep until like 6  cud never sleep at night n ur entertainment"
1957741959,"worry","Koleya_","Layin in bed awake. Txtin my girl in vegas. Wishin I didn't have to work and I was w her"
1957742079,"surprise","cam_horror","why am i awake?"
1957742569,"hate","dylanholshausen","I am so damn hungry it's not even funny!"
1957742572,"sadness","YvetteObeney","#bigfanfriday 2day, & i go & friggin loose 1, life sucks!!"
1957742696,"fun","dinore","leather shoes and bags are so hard to resist.."
1957742770,"sadness","siccNasty","@ihuntmidgets I just wish @kimmikennedy would send a bruh a DM 'I won't be on til' so I don't waste my erection on a bot"
1957742855,"relief","MareikeMueller","Working on a newsletter but I'd say I've got a writer's block atm  - take a deep breath and get on with it, girl..."
1957743172,"neutral","domdingelom","@geekgrrl  I missed one"
1957743458,"worry","SquishMitten","My mobile has stopped recieving text messages AGAIN. Stoooopid thing"
1957743491,"fun","djstephfloss","@StorIbook8 I see. Lol. I'll make it fun for you to follow me tomorrow...I have to go to bed now."
1957743637,"worry","BlackKat1979","@thecoffeewhore I'm sowwy.   It sucks, I know, I've been there. Yay for half days though!"
1957743749,"neutral","primaveron","@LimeIce awww... dangness!  i cant wait to see the picture!  lime green elements...wooot!"
1957743977,"worry","Nikedunks23","chillin after a LOOOONNNGGG day of basketball  hella tired sleepy time zzzz"
1957744120,"worry","Dobarthegreat","I think my iPod touch may be breaking itself."
1957744150,"empty","hschottm","Woe, it's definitely NO fun to travel first class with a bike. You have to fight your way through 7 coaches 'til you reach your seat"
1957744379,"happiness","littleh77","@andyroddick At work at the mo and it's so sunny here today   Off to see a band tonight!!"
1957744492,"fun","supercracko","I want to play parachute games."
1957744649,"hate","BILLABABE515","@cynimarie p.s. There is such thing as having too much sushi! Bleeeeah!"
1957744815,"neutral","larry_urbano","home for the nite, sleeping on the pull out bed with Maggie. wishing it was @kyla_durden  I got to find a apt"
1957744920,"worry","RebeccaJade","@mapsadaisical just tried DMing you but it tried to download some strange file so stopped!  How come no gmail MaccyM?  Missing you  SADS!!"
1957745036,"neutral","40shadesofgrey","epic writing fail, ew. going to try and sleep"
1957745188,"worry","b4sh18","Revision Time, Biology exam monday"
1957745372,"neutral","_Mintyfresh","@jonpaulkaiser love the stuff he sell... you should help this guy with his logo and shop  it's kinda Wordart"
1957745434,"worry","Rohan_01","@cutiemoet u think its fair...... k den i guess m wrng.... still i feel its not at all fair...."
1957745839,"surprise","monkeytypist","Endlessly fascinated by the dual engine monitor in this cab. Then it reminds me of #sustainability fail . Sorry next gen."
1957745855,"happiness","ishotjamier","Such a nice day...and we're all working"
1957745868,"hate","Sirvinya","What a gorgeous day!! And I'm going to be stuck in a lab for the next 9 hours or so"
1957745916,"sadness","youroryoure","[Wrong!] #liesboystell Your the only one, I love (they really have several women)  http://tinyurl.com/nl6pct"
1957746079,"relief","sami_bby","@ShelbyRayne no im doing it in the morning, lol. i know i havent slept at all"
1957746560,"neutral","whywherewhatwho","@JohnCleese    Mc  John  sim posit  3 yr passed  no  softees   stranded without warren tea out  tech spec  kaching !!"
1957746643,"neutral","amy__xx","@Reynolds_x all three are in the first 2 weeks of june for me"
1957746645,"empty","squeegeebean","@chrisontv88 I had a joke for you, but it's too long to tweet."
1957747226,"love","Claire_SnugBaby","I was glorious at 6.50 when I went outside, so why has it gone cold and cloudy now"
1957747612,"sadness","aphie","Felt like crap, behaved like my son; ate to compensate. Pigged out on home-roasted sugar almonds. Painful tum, threw up, still feel sick."
1957748036,"sadness","dreamsoflove","right, so richard marx's right here waiting is really making me feel nauseatingly sad."
1957748175,"worry","HudsonKent","Ugh my neck really hurts  I'm out aquatards, xox"
1957748430,"neutral","Ediesedgwick83","@Sarahies this week has dragged a bit for me too  have an essay to write about the seaside then Im seeing eddie izzard tonight x"
1957749422,"sadness","piscesgurl3","@captblackeagle  miss you captain"
1957749897,"worry","Jayar3317","@lick_it_good den fell asleep on me!!!"
1957750148,"neutral","pajp","woke up."
1957750373,"worry","seapeny","http://bit.ly/1052x1  DO WANT. I need a PS3 soon."
1957750991,"worry","Naomi_23","Dentist in less than 2 hours  Arrgghh. I like my teeth the way they are. Except for the toothache, but that's a minor quibble."
1957751073,"sadness","firedrakepriest","@KnightOnline booooo, at least give us what the mantanence is for? we've waited this long, can we have hints clues or full detail pls?"
1957751180,"sadness","megsv6","ready 4 the weekend! yay me. even though once its over, im the lucky person that gets to work 10 days in a row till i get another one off"
1957751306,"sadness","dayeee","@b4dm1n7on I heard that you can't make it!!"
1957751374,"sadness","joellexD","At school, it's so boring"
1957752116,"worry","_algin_","aw! I'm gonna miss my old username... nick jonas, shontelle layne, and sean kingston replied to my OLD USERNAME!  I'm gonna start all over"
1957752630,"relief","OpheliaPunk","@jradc Awww....gnight.  haha"
1957752939,"neutral","andreaspetzel","IBood DOWN"
1957753119,"worry","serenabeena","I'm so worried about my sister's guinea pig. I hope Stalin makes it through tonight!  you can do it baby!!"
1957753190,"relief","saintfjr","@adrenalynntoao Hope you feel better! If your alone we can talk until your ready to go to bed...I'm alone too"
1957753219,"sadness","juanitaaam","it�s raining... I hate rain...  going to shop and drink coffee all day."
1957753472,"neutral","chibi_sora","So tired"
1957753583,"worry","Shewolf1963","Else find this extremely unfair and unjust. The people spoke about the mmj laws 10 years ago here and yet our voices are still not heard."
1957753586,"sadness","chellebellez","@KINOFLYHIGH fuck i shouldnt have left!"
1957753701,"worry","abean2007","Hey Fused Gaming, FusedGaming Forums have been delayed until 9PM PT/12AM ET tonight... sorry   (abean2007 live > http://ustre.am/1ntp)"
1957753845,"sadness","princes_beth","hm...still workin on my contract.hmm...i'm feelin awful.."
1957753872,"worry","thepurplediva","The sun is wonderful but makes me feel incredibly fat.. The less clothes and more exposure thing  today I diet. Again......"
1957754460,"fun","Ladybloodymuck","What a beautiful day! Going to edit Lisa Maxwell interview from her last day at The Bill now. Shame I can't see my laptop screen outside"
1957754611,"neutral","lorraincium","Things aren't just as easy and simple as they seem to be."
1957754687,"sadness","Money_A","@iamdiddy it is so sad that me and my roommate fry chicken just about every night @ 330 4. We just finished tonight's batch"
1957754732,"worry","Ste1987","The sneezing begins..."
1957755023,"happiness","RnBDiva83","good morning! off to the gym I go"
1957755309,"sadness","xxxxxxx","@girlx they're at the bottom of the thing and aren't moving at all. feels bad man."
1957756204,"love","vibzfabz","I think I love a part of me saying some cynical words. Even though I smile when I say them. Do you think it's bad?"
1957756631,"neutral","btudor","@sdrb  You've got to love fly tippers: http://tinyurl.com/mt4opc  Worst I've seen is a dead mule dumped on Holmbury Hill."
1957756693,"worry","amyherndon","it makes me  when i see people replying to people that are only after followers and would never reply back"
1957756889,"neutral","kelliesimpson","@Nicers I'm pretty sure my bum shape will still be imprinted there"
1957757593,"fun","impactvelocity","@ashetler I've totally been MIA, i know  bad me"
1957758024,"worry","Spiderduff","Oh no... that bird is back"
1957758091,"sadness","helenmurdock","oowww...why do wisdom teeth hurt so much"
1957758099,"worry","Mgnfarrow","Isnt looking forward to going back to work. 3 days off isnt long enough"
1957758561,"love","MissMegin","@SexySkins Miss you!!"
1957758701,"anger","squeegeebean","@drakesizzle  If you don't want to come then don't come. JEEEEEZ."
1957759412,"surprise","revbrandy","omg. cat had a hairball. awake now."
1957759446,"neutral","Peterkin","@Helena210 No one to rub it in"
1957759448,"worry","StaxxMcdouglas","On my way to work! I'm runnin late and I'm sooooo tired!"
1957759540,"worry","Kittycat01","@ladybug8320 ooh, work im afarid  looking forward to a sunny weekeknd tho!!!"
1957759566,"worry","DJLORi","@theerealfdhc OMG, my regards to ur nephew. I'm sorry for ur loss"
1957759622,"neutral","DOcreative","@Mezandy me! @DOcreative"
1957759723,"neutral","tmofee","@blue_cupcakes  sometimes plugging it into 240 can fix problems.."
1957759748,"surprise","sweetkisses277","Omigoodness I feel like a popsicle"
1957759997,"hate","ohsailoralex","i'm sick of waking up and feeling exhausted"
1957760077,"worry","paulakahumbu","My paradise fly catchers abandoned their nest....  they are starting again... but it's gonna b tough"
1957760171,"empty","TasiaB2Gutta","sittin here bored az hell...nuffin 2 do at lyk 3:30 in da morning in monroe,louisiana!!!"
1957760429,"neutral","gomark2","Working now"
1957760580,"neutral","mattlingard","Moodle Intro training this morning... ages since i've done that... and only 2 bookings"
1957760645,"worry","photosil","@dabobabo I can't believe this! Did they give you any reason?"
1957761057,"neutral","busytucker","but @pennyessex Humira isn't right for everyone. Some respond better to Enbrel. Ask your Rheumy. But not much long-term testing done"
1957761567,"worry","littleemilyjane","still ill. HOW LONG MUST THIS GO ON?! meh meh, stuck at home doing history revision til 10.30am"
1957761849,"neutral","stibbons","@benno37 I have been subtly replacing it with "penetration testing" when I see it, but nobody's caught on yet."
1957761940,"worry","InterSimi","It is really hot now. I have shorts on and plenty of factor 20! No fish caught yet, they may be spawning"
1957761943,"sadness","tricksatthebar","@gleeding Need a tickettttt  Gah. Ya you've got me on there, reason346.. Haven't listened to dear Elliott for a few weeks...overdue.."
1957762018,"sadness","jen_0523","I can't sleep!!  epp someone is awake and it scared the crap outta me!"
1957762118,"neutral","Jeanne47","says headache  http://plurk.com/p/wydaf"
1957762473,"neutral","kevinavis","On a day like today I would wear shorts and tshirt, but now I'm at DHQ it's office wear..."
1957762573,"worry","benbenbenbenben","One of these days I'm going to delete something really important   Someone, please, restrict my access!"
1957762576,"relief","assafwa","just got up, smoking a cig and drinking coffee.. i need to start working on my final project for the univ"
1957762612,"hate","jiangyin","hate this fucking cold. i can't stop sneezing. and claratyne only works for an hr or 2"
1957762985,"worry","Kwech","@YOitsEILEEN And web-less starting the day after that  #homeless"
1957763033,"worry","Graftacus","just seen 1 of the fat single Mums from up the road "seductively" sprawled across some poor blokes bonnet. He probably needs new shockers"
1957763550,"neutral","ranacse05","@hasin my bad"
1957763616,"neutral","Ink727","@vxpresxv aww... me too"
1957764349,"worry","uglysarahsassy","cannot go, cannot refused to feel the pain"
1957764405,"happiness","bryonyb","AH! so nice to be back on bike commute although three days off and my (what google sez are called) my quadriceps literally screaming. gah"
1958033524,"happiness","mattgarner","@iAmiAdam Hes away longer then me. Im only away for a few hours"
1958033549,"worry","CristaltheGreat","@ShomariW LOL. PR is AMERICA!!! LMAO!!! He dont like me... theres nothing I can do!"
1958033875,"worry","imjoie","I was hoping ABC will pick up "king of the hill" but they said no"
1958033897,"worry","karlaarandela","My poor andrew just had 2 of his wisdom teeth removed.  i wish he'll get better fast."
1958034055,"neutral","gemmaformosa","wanting to nap, but if i sleep i might not wake up before kyle gets here  and sooo hungry."
1958034634,"worry","Katie_Lewin","did not sleep a wink last night  X"
1958034853,"neutral","sassyback","@myinkyfingersAU I can't take it"
1958034886,"sadness","OOFTStuart","beautiful day... and im working  leaving now so i can get some sun though"
1958034887,"empty","tashaNKOTB","@DonnieWahlberg lol i wos gona send mine in bt i was too late  xx"
1958034904,"surprise","whatkatiedoes","@AriannaHalshaw Oh no"
1958034928,"worry","kdr76","went to bed last night with the feeling of a migraine coming and woke up feeling worse."
1958035297,"neutral","hopeless","Cashflow forecasts are fun but big red numbers aren't"
1958035570,"worry","panicxobsesssed","today is my last day of high school! most things i do today will be my last time doing them..  pure CRAZINESS!"
1958035829,"love","ChrissiX","@truestepper Other people have their Glasgow ones, standing and seats, for all nights."
1958036042,"fun","Mz_Cutie","@DJIronik hmm....well it aint that hot in hull lol   xx"
1958036224,"sadness","xxanna","@skateramps omfg  whyyyyyy not that sucks!!! and r18?? wtf...  T.A.I. getcho' asses down here"
1958036297,"enthusiasm","Rachael102","im going to work"
1958036304,"sadness","ahmish","I got a new high speed Machine stuffed with latest technology for Development in office but it z crashed now"
1958036392,"worry","MandieMorrison","Bob Dylan - It Aint Me Babe. Important day today, tell you guys more later. Off to work, iIm late"
1958036498,"sadness","jordanstaunton","@kateesslemont i tried. and failed"
1958036866,"sadness","EatingBroadway","Elena left this morning. Nine months spent living with her and now it'll probably be about 2 years till I see her again. Hmph."
1958037347,"sadness","Big_Pants","@Wiccawise21   We're idiots.  Ok mostly I was skint but hell I could've done something......"
1958037565,"fun","ohaijosh","Just found out my kitty isn't pregnant  its a good thing though, we are going to adopt one instead"
1958037646,"neutral","zildara","On my way home in the sunshine with a bag full of my stuff from work..."
1958038404,"worry","gavinwillingham","Forced myself out of bed this morning, but failed to cycle in. Damn."
1958038580,"sadness","SicknastyLaura","I was sleeping soo good but just woke up like 10 mins ago n got sick  not feeling so great. I wanna go back to sleep but I'm wide awake."
1958039189,"sadness","dyeleepong","Happy Grey's day everyone! Oh I miss Grey's!!"
1958039256,"neutral","yshiee","i wish i can go to two different schools at the same time."
1958039354,"worry","musclebear","We'll be moving from a strength to a hypertrophy phase for chest, back, shoulders and arms for the next few weeks. Legs will stay behind"
1958040390,"worry","judyyyyyy","jerk josh! didn't even come meet me  - im thinking of a number guess ?"
1958040760,"worry","8060","i am not happy at all"
1958040810,"worry","kellyappleby","Im regretting the alcohol I consumed last night, MY HEAD"
1958040832,"neutral","TrangBucker","http://twitpic.com/6698b - Clean"
1958041172,"worry","DamnedHalo","Bloody servers are down at work for at least 3 hours. Want to go home now!"
1958041749,"hate","mareklutz","in the mailbox already for 2 hours"
1958041763,"worry","Cheep_Tweeter","@CourtneySit Hey are you quiet today or is it me...work was nuts today...no tweeting time"
1958041790,"neutral","KristenSousa","@trishastewart - ooh. Don't like horseradish  Any alternatives?"
1958041874,"relief","jrccooper","Feeling a little under the weather today  got a funny tummy - however, the sun is shining and I'm at home. Yay!"
1958041924,"worry","orangesox","Is in the badbooks again, don't know why I bother"
1958041951,"worry","Applecored","@mrtrev *hug* yep I hate that meself"
1958041993,"neutral","ChrisCousins","@Odbod Yeah it's the Ford Focus Titanium, you only get the helicopter add on with the top-end luxury models unfortunately"
1958042381,"worry","sausheong","In KL now took wrong turn after Sg Besi now jam in city center"
1958042421,"sadness","patriciaburgos","im so hungry and i have nothing to eat"
1958042965,"hate","emacgrass","@JeremyTheXIV i take it you're not a fan"
1958043257,"worry","musclebear","That was a  and it's because I missed too many leg sessions recently."
1958043277,"sadness","_annella","oooh battlestar galactica is on the other channel. it's the rebellion episode! man, i feel so sad about what became of gaeta.  i liked him"
1958043816,"worry","HelenH20","@EPMorgan I can't even do that  not good!!"
1958044331,"worry","stupiemountain","eughhhh feels really ill today  - headache, bunged up and a sore throat - hayfever?"
1958044446,"worry","liv99ngu","won't be going to the Oxford Internet Institute Sunner Doctoral Programme in Brisbane: lack of funding"
1958044798,"neutral","palomaaarawr","@JackAllTimeLow wish you we're coming to Perth"
1958044855,"sadness","jaronmc","@ijoostin Not so good  I think that's my fault though - didn't use buttermilk. Recipe was on back of the flour."
1958045010,"neutral","Chappers67","@Damevegas am alive   but at work   finish at 1300   sun is out"
1958045330,"worry","becca_uk","@rookiepaul that doesnt sound like a good situation"
1958045336,"empty","IlBLisSlI","headed to the hospital. i can't take the pain anymore"
1958045796,"worry","marcflores","@steamsmyclams @ADalrymple I'm not a big fan of Costa  I ended up going to EAT as they have one outside our office!"
1958045814,"worry","evanopsi","absolutely boiling! Got factor 50+ on! Must not turn orange, must not look like oompa lumpa... My left shoulder is burnt from yesterday"
1958045881,"worry","benroach","Waiting for the bus. The bus is going to be uncomfortably hot I bet"
1958045954,"neutral","ggmxo","should be going nfg tonight"
1958046096,"worry","ontrich","@imnothelz Oh that can't be nice"
1958046160,"sadness","dogpossum","@kirsty_l I got excited when I thought that exhibit was in Sydney. But it's not"
1958046178,"hate","LeanneMellows","@lordofleisure Will have to it's only across the water and all. Just damned expensive"
1958046204,"neutral","ggimmickgirl","It's cause you give me a reason to assume.  - http://tweet.sg"
1958046629,"surprise","Spidersamm","so during that whole whole addiction talk with my brother and that lady....i broke down and couldnt help but cry"
1958046791,"worry","Woodeh","Wish someone would by my 90mm Mamiya MF lens. Needs the money"
1958046970,"sadness","criducoeur","Just got bullied by Dillah.  HELP!"
1958047558,"hate","Nad_d","i can't studyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  i have an exam tom"
1958047987,"surprise","LaColombella","damjust finished watching Prison Break: the final break...omg i dont think i've cried so hard for a show..Finally understand the finale"
1958048092,"neutral","ErinJene","up and about to do my hair...ugh, i dont want to go to work today!"
1958048285,"worry","brookeschuette","Slept 7pm-almost 10pm, didn't fall asleep again until 3am, got back up at 5am. Aw, school."
1958048408,"neutral","skateparks","@mayhemstyle Well I live in Ohio  but here's our California parks: http://tinyurl.com/nmr7pc"
1958048529,"sadness","LaColombella","dam just finished watching Prison Break: the final break...omg i dont think i've cried so hard for a show..Finally understand the finale"
1958048623,"worry","DoraShaunte","princess_I have to pack up my house today.. ButIneedhelp"
1958048725,"worry","liv99ngu","won't be going to the Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme in Brisbane: lack of funding"
1958048749,"love","loseoxygen","@effyobie LOL. dood, i love you and miss you."
1958049146,"neutral","katha181183","Seems like i'm the only person over here doing postal voting for the upcoming election ... been there already twice to get the documents"
1958049240,"worry","xingkit","is still waiting."
1958049507,"surprise","rhiebaby","if someone had've told me things would get this hard..i would never have done it"
1958049508,"worry","aussyaa","I want to see my friends  Mindless fun. No work, all play. All drunk, all walwal. All being mean to each other and sleeping in one bed"
1958049543,"neutral","cynicalmonkey","signed up for broadband today could take 4-6 weeks"
1958050345,"worry","jessjuvenilex","I failed my maths exam today. fxxxmylife"
1958050481,"neutral","letranvananh","?� nh?n ???c bonus r?i. Ch?c ch? ?? b� v�o kho?n unpaid leave"
1958050811,"hate","atikastuart","i know i was wrong. maybe i shouldnt did all of those fuckin things like that"
1958050864,"surprise","linnoow","OMG, it's JULY'S LAST DAY!"
1958050980,"worry","EmilyxRose92","Cross Country was today...Hmmphh my feet hurt"
1958051034,"neutral","wafflezombie","Bacon Fail.  Ended up with a commiseration muffin"
1958051039,"sadness","ymaethetrinket","@irrationallogic Yeah daw. Awww...  Wear a mask na!"
1958051442,"fun","lukemepham","Working at home  Wifi not reaching the garden"
1958051516,"love","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy Maybe we will meet later again my friend - would luv too )) I�m still at the office and have a lot of work"
1958051802,"worry","puthali","was doing a hard copy doc review,while writing comments realized 've forgotten writing i.e. on paper,can hardly recognize or read it back"
1958051928,"worry","blackhawk24601",""sometime around midnight" by The Airborne Toxic Event, literally cannot escape it. FML"
1958051997,"worry","stevecrowther","My cold now seems to me settling on my chest  worried I am sounding like a typical man with flu !"
1958052100,"love","Joshyxspicenz","@TaylaMe3 id poke u...on face book but u dont have 1  lol"
1958052827,"sadness","kitcat091","Enjoying the sun with a heavy heart no depeche this weekend  no spending time with the man I love too double gutted"
1958053035,"empty","pierre_nel","@timwhitlock err you can turn on optimized js+css & caching once we deploy the thing, but I hear what you're saying"
1958053059,"sadness","teganvictoria","has a headache. wants to go out but doesn't think it's worth it, maybe, i don't know"
1958053074,"worry","anandjangid","stranded @ delhi Airport  flight delayed"
1958053196,"worry","Kristy_Lee_","will b having my last V tomorow   will have2live off of apples n not caffeine ;( n have2cut down on chocolate bye bye chocy"
1958053263,"surprise","linnoow","OMG, it's JULY'S LAST DAY!  @ Muchachomalo"
1958053731,"sadness","NikkiOttoway","Is Sitting Alone In A Very Quiet House !"
1958054166,"worry","kimmie007","Has that sinking feeling that it's all about to go t*ts up.....bracing myself for the comedown"
1958054210,"worry","maymaysun","is having brain blockage in musical thoughts"
1958054216,"hate","baldeggie","Hey now that I'm on a roll everybody in twitter-ville is sleeping  grrr I never WIN :/ http://myloc.me/1Y2J"
1958054790,"worry","GraciaMelsz","Can't sleep, clowns will eat me"
1958054940,"fun","VernishiaRenee","Goin 2 eat some SMACKS 4 breakfast then getting started on my day- catch ya on the flipside- I really wish I cud go mobile-dang Bahrain"
1958055016,"neutral","Ashmrx","@deabarnes why??"
1958055436,"hate","SelyJonas","Sick, sick, sick. This sucks. i can't even breathe properly"
1958055468,"worry","PCurd","It's /far/ too sticky hot today. I do wish my cars air conditioning worked"
1958055568,"worry","Salo2","Aaaa! I need to work today, Why cant i ever get the weekends off? It makes me want to cry"
1958055789,"neutral","jenniewhite85","@atlumschema thank you! need to pass my test first"
1958056577,"surprise","mam1cutie","@pntbtrkisses WHAT! That's horrible! To purposely write about it to a bunny is just mean & cruel!    Not to mention just plain tacky...."
1958056953,"worry","mrsfilan2","@filanfurball sorry bout 2day  bloody typical,goin 4 a laydown now feel sick again,ooo this not nice x"
1958057087,"sadness","CristineeMarie","I'm up. getting ready for skill. can't wait to fail my bio final yay! ugh, honor classes suckkkk.  ):"
1958057287,"fun","tammywammy","@Moyo88 oh no! I woke up accidentally.  how can we get you to fall asleep? Should I scare you with P2 or P3 stories? JK!"
1958057754,"sadness","laurapatricklp","The doggy is sad  cheer up Jessie!"
1958057797,"sadness","Jane_Howitt","@paulshadwell Thanks for trying! Done just that and no good  If I can't fathom it I'll take it to Apple Store. Sigh..."
1958058066,"neutral","StaffsGamesTech","@Kaneth yeah, we couldn't get there today  was the showreel playing?"
1958058379,"neutral","evilwallpaper","@pickassoreborn thanks, now its going to rain all weekend"
1958058383,"sadness","samii5689","im sick and sad its cold"
1958058583,"relief","fattialias","Just finished work nd now waiting in the freezing cold drinking a mango magic, haha FAIL T.T mama, wheree are yu ? I'm cold"
1958058801,"neutral","charlene205","Good morning/afternoon/night to all.....studying as usual!"
1958058819,"hate","xlisamx","sick of having constant bad dreams  grr"
1958058829,"worry","name_me_aly","@epic_zorz_peep count yourself lucky i was gonna say the OTHER word instead...and rsvp...sorry i cant come to ur birthday...day?"
1958058875,"neutral","libbyoliver","@sazzzle my forehead is starting to peel  not impressed"
1958059684,"empty","ilovemysister","Ugh 2 days whatever to somewhere"
1958059978,"worry","rohanspong","Is feeling like he has a bad flu. Yes. Bad. Flu."
1958060382,"worry","ThatKidChalkie","Ohhh  only a bit of time left to have an account on the forums.. I do hope I get to be a leader some day :/"
1958060869,"worry","GiselledelaCruz","i wish i could of been at commencement this yr  i wonder if they're really going to protest."
1958060997,"worry","sofiereynolds","I would Join you shopping but i have work all weekend  six degrees of seperation is confsuing"
1958061020,"worry","martijnwillems","isn't singing Oh what a beautiful day though it is from the musical Oklahoma  due to insomnia and a lot of noise outside motelroom"
1958061037,"worry","nisemonolabs","Why am I limited to only being able to sync with 1 MS Exchange account on iPhone?  ... same goes for Outlook. Why can't I have more? Lame."
1958061059,"sadness","QuizzicalDemon","It's a beautiful day outside today, shame I'm stuck in the office with the blinds shut to stop glare."
1958061096,"neutral","fidainc","@chunghow3 prolly E71... I can't think of anything else and I'm unfortunately not a Singtel customer"
1958061850,"hate","JBnVFCLover786","@Jenniferlai7 What can you say about Jayk??I'm pretty pissed at pretty much everything right now"
1958062208,"neutral","jasperwagenmans","Tired of hearing stories about everybody going to Ibiza..."
1958062537,"worry","itsblurr","@quwanaisnotmynm no  the love of my life is. so i guess now im definately shooting for good"
1958063259,"love","Brownie1871","Aaaagh, aircon not working in my office"
1958063332,"worry","margapoo","@sofiacoyiuto my mac's hard drive crashed then i brought it to powermac, they couldn't recover the files  no back up ("
1958063663,"happiness","anjilou","@iPat143  hmm.. idk that song."
1958063856,"sadness","SimplyPanera","Why am I always the one on time. They are always late. I wanna sleep. I miss Mere."
1958063917,"sadness","SorenLorensen","@RedMummy And it's such glorious weather too - poor you"
1958064166,"worry","a5haman","So sick >.< feeling shitty whole body aching!! Hope I get well before boo boo's grad show   sighs........."
1958064440,"sadness","gregpower","Never has a 2pm finish looked so enjoyable. Pity I'm teetotal for another week"
1958064592,"worry","fashionwars","Doing accounts revision. Boo"
1958064841,"sadness","dustbunniesss","Wide awake and grouchy as fuck."
1958065074,"enthusiasm","ayeshabilqis","i miss justin timberlake's voice. i want him to make new album again"
1958065414,"anger","Sparkey09","@_supernatural_ more Demon Sam!! I need it to numb the pain  xXx"
1958065473,"sadness","XgcXspX","i keep coughing my guts up"
1958065575,"worry","iphonetalktoday","Why am I limited to only being able to sync with 1 MS Exchange account on iPhone?  ... same goes for Outlook. Why... http://bit.ly/etB8H"
1958066158,"worry","LucyMcFly","Really Wish i could see dave from @reemerband again, missing him already"
1958066404,"worry","hannahlouu","Its so hot here"
1958066406,"neutral","asdosanjh","needs 1000 words for 502 part 2 .... then freedom ..... until another few assignments and exams"
1958066662,"neutral","oleg_kapranov","@fladdermus_a  ??????, ??????????"
1958066717,"sadness","FuturePresent","@lucyburchell sorry we didn't get a chance to chat at #screengrab09. Caught glimpse of you across room but was dragged home prematurely"
1958066745,"sadness","charlii1","@torilovesbradie last thursday or yesterday that sucks i missed it  was it at lunch time ox"
1958066799,"neutral","_China_Doll_","Totally just skid all over the road."
1958066861,"empty","sarausa5","@DonnieWahlberg and now I have to shut computer down and get ready to go home from work....what a bummer."
1958067040,"surprise","kevin_choo","Getting stressed over a sortie tomorrow. And like I am really really stress.."
1958067204,"worry","misstlc_vicky","@TVXQUKnow  I feel tired of my work  Cheer for me please~"
1958067215,"sadness","mam1cutie","@pntbtrkisses I agree with @Dog_Crazy it's not worth it - block them & let Twitter police know about harrassment."
1958067252,"surprise","vanessasaywhaaa","sadly  brother told me there are no skateparks where he lives. BUMMER!"
1958067852,"sadness","SParker09","@dannymasterson Miss you in that 70s show!!!!!!"
1958067906,"sadness","hellomirv","home alone and no one left me any gummy bears"
1958067947,"worry","qywprikitiw","feels guility . sorry 'bout that  http://plurk.com/p/wyqow"
1958067957,"worry","qmcgirl","Woke up at 8:30am....now 10:30am and no clue what to do....?"
1958067960,"neutral","BisexualManiac","@TheSims3 well us Brits have to wait a few more days for it!  I thought it was all gonna realized at once! I guess it's worth the wait!"
1958068448,"worry","allendoggie","tomorrow will be my last day in work.. how sad.. bye Ange"
1958069049,"sadness","shaunabotrel","Why did I agree to work on this gorgeous day?"
1958069290,"worry","zzzValzzz","uhh I wish someone would include me in their follow friday - would be great to get more followers"
1958069408,"neutral","nixchan","waiting for landlord to come see about our shower"
1958069746,"neutral","georgew0304","@BeckyKingston I don't think I've ever tried peanut butter on toast"
1958069756,"sadness","claire_berry","@sixjaw i can so sympathise with that"
1958070022,"sadness","StevieNew","wished didnt spend money last night"
1958071042,"worry","canbernard","what?! i just missed home + away! nooooooooo"
1958071153,"love","reyniiita","baby alex i miss you  ily<3 good night</3"
1958071294,"love","brijeshmarathe","Japan is treating me good as of now...don,'t know how long"
1958071362,"happiness","fluffybunny81","Morning world, the sun seems to have gone away, maybe to Majorca or some other popular tourist spot. Hope it comes back soon"
1958071722,"worry","Shambis","will miss jay leno .."
1958071845,"sadness","LavSiren","@_supernatural_ http://twitpic.com/6695k - hhaha, now i wanna cry too"
1958072134,"sadness","SillyStephy","I don't feel well. I feel like i could throw up, and my throat hurts really bad! Sad day"
1958072584,"worry","libster_t","I stung myself with stinging nettles all down my shin"
1958072829,"relief","LilXavier","@hartluck Oooh but your not coming to Perth  that sucks but you still Rock!"
1958073174,"boredom","Nathalie95","why im not sleeping  !!"
1958073482,"fun","LouisSiuol","@jodieharsh Ahhh so Jealous!  Have a nice time and I'll see you when you get back x"
1958073636,"surprise","trouble182","i don't understand the whole follow friday thing?"
1958073637,"sadness","Jewel_LiA","made dentist appointment. 9th of June. feel sick and nervous already  However. Ibprofen, Paracetemol and Codeine are my friends. *sigh*"
1958073734,"worry","lavenderella","I dreamt someone committed suicide w a drip stand!  - http://tweet.sg"
1958074248,"neutral","catamoto","@deepwarren you're not gonna paint me? oh well  ;)"
1958074359,"worry","xarcex","I did not twitt yesterday cause it was a very busy day but I'll be back tomorrow  BTW I can not sleep  I'm like in zombie mode @_@"
1958074533,"boredom","APampos","i think that studying has really started taking its toll.."
1958074577,"fun","slam87","I'm not looking forward to working over the next 8 days! Come next Sunday, I may or may not be dead"
1958074722,"worry","tolranet","sigh, still SEOs are submitting their client sites with part or no contact information on, I really don't know how to make them read"
1958074763,"worry","NicBall","@brentoli oh no  say it aint so"
1958075002,"neutral","sandhya_iyer","@ArvindRocks - No work, but gotta be here till 9pm  Enna kodumai sir idhu..."
1958075261,"surprise","_L_H_","why am i up so early"
1958075394,"worry","YoYoBlaZe","In the UK with no phone service  oh yea and still sick (cough, sniff)"
1958075486,"anger","sarahsarah94","@LeahMul awh, thats not good,   get better soon!"
1958075512,"surprise","ERisbayDSA","@dilyaela nope not really only a sweatshirt.  oh and these really really awesome doughnuts haha"
1958075577,"neutral","IsaMilano","@LittlestarRed SIGH  How are you?"
1958075811,"sadness","TrinaWright","Off to work now apparently sun shining not a valid excuse to stay home"
1958075918,"love","2_S73P_T0M","@sabrepulse you've got the H1N1 tsk tsk tsk it's a shame  haha feel better bro"
1958076248,"sadness","Nad_d","i am living in ignorance  :@"
1958076301,"neutral","jonhmpk83","#liesboystell buzy this week"
1958076371,"happiness","Gail_Hamilton","The Renegades last day was today and...well... he's gone... didn't catch him  Gutted... Closest he came to Greenock was Kilmacolm!"
1958076599,"worry","ThursDaughter","Fyi- putting makeup on under flourescents = FAIL. ... oh face-peely, why must you look so hideous? Also, wheres my lipstick?"
1958076611,"neutral","itsyasmin","Getting really guilty"
1958076737,"neutral","itsblurr","@quwanaisnotmynm davey is"
1958078952,"worry","special_noodles","@JohnGreenaway dammit, no! one tweet from september, noodles is also taken"
1958079136,"sadness","Petrat76","Not made it to work  couldn't get up feelin blurgh"
1958079432,"worry","laowai","It started out so lovely this morning, now looks like it's gonna chuck it down"
1958079581,"worry","jordandiana1","exams are the worst mahn!! 2 to go"
1958079779,"hate","Max_ElectroBoy","trying to draw some manga/anime for our new website ... very bad idea!   http://bit.ly/k6iOv"
1958080434,"sadness","clare_10","Such a nice day today but stuck indoors revising  3 weeks and it is all over!!"
1958080600,"neutral","josordoni","@ireallydohate nooooo dont do that.  I just get a rash of nobodies trying to sell me something."
1958080808,"neutral","ezieziezi","cannot relaxing because she have to practice for her graduation"
1958080837,"sadness","samf1983","Loving the weather this weekend, shame i'm back into work tomorrow"
1958081239,"surprise","karen_","The sun has gone in!"
1958081761,"worry","aryaning","i'm not ready for tomorrow's competition!"
1958081810,"neutral","babyexpat","@ubudroi I *know*. It just took us that long to get around to it! Yes they do takeaway *and*seafood delivery. Forgot to get a menu"
1958082084,"empty","Graciouskisay","friends romans and country men lol ppl need 2 help me out and say i have twitter i dont have any friends   loner loner la da da"
1958082182,"neutral","kirrus","@elwoodicious Crab boat? I have my mobile set to go off every night, to remind me to head to bed"
1958082200,"sadness","mizsedz","i have the bigggest headache"
1958082388,"neutral","ColuDave","Half term is almost over"
1958082492,"surprise","allyyy","i hate the fact that it is so nice outsidee, and im inside doing revisionn"
1958082587,"love","moneymakn1","@CristaltheGreat  ok Cristal we gonna tweet talk again when its not so late...just follow sweetie....tweethug 4 ya"
1958082743,"worry","ellabreyes","wants to feel better"
1958083092,"enthusiasm","misstlc_vicky","@herojaejoong Feel hungry now   Cook for me pleaseYour food it's my energy to work~"
1958083274,"worry","Joshyxspicenz","@fiercemichi i havent got poked much"
1958083279,"neutral","druey","@DanielMiller89 They used to. Many moons ago."
1958083661,"neutral","menace718bk","@taraw07  cuss u siad u weren't having it...lol"
1958083743,"fun","Infantry11bdub","@sweetkisses277 Yup, 1987 lol. SWEET YEAR  haha"
1958083833,"worry","JustmeKimDillon","@Parquette1 Haha! maybe I should try that. The insomnia is kickin' my butt"
1958084886,"sadness","Ymbt1995","awe.. gotta go.. my mom commands me to sleep already.."
1958085745,"sadness","thomas_paul","Hulu Desktop looks nice but not for my region"
1958085882,"surprise","DelBoy822","Just got refused a bottle of morgan's in tesco despite saying helen could verify my age...  shocking... Just left all the shopping! X"
1958085888,"happiness","littlelaura84","Well that was an interesting attempt at the commute to work... didn't exactly plan to end up where I did though...great"
1958085892,"worry","hannahlp","Depressing day today, have to pack as leaving ridiculously early tomoro."
1958086017,"love","sallyormond","@HospitalityMan  got the laptop but no golden rings  This weekend's job is to get it all set up - oh joy"
1958086605,"neutral","chloeconnellyx","home not well hate not workin"
1958086773,"enthusiasm","BisexualManiac","well us Brits have to wait a few more days for it!  I thought it was all gonna released at once! I guess it's worth the wait!"
1958086944,"sadness","LesWalton","I knew I shouldn't have confessed to using phone to look up answers in pub quiz. A shame is now upon me"
1958087218,"sadness","freeman1993","Have been rolling on the bed for the past 2 hours ... Still unable to sleep"
1958087850,"worry","mrsevilgenius","Good morning tweeps. Busy this a.m. but not in a working way"
1958087866,"sadness","keiligirl254","I had a bad dream an now i cant go to sleep   KEILIGIRL254"
1958087876,"sadness","missleandra","I can't sleep without him nearby"
1958087903,"worry","RetroCherry","Omg, I'm a murdere! I accidently just killed a spider"
1958087984,"hate","abbysaga","Aww.. I lost 3 followers.  FOLLOW ME !"
1958088154,"neutral","CrismkII","is doing boring accounts stuff"
1958088206,"worry","rampok","apparently even Novell Moonlight doesn't work on my Jaunty"
1958088208,"sadness","stellabock","@BrodyJenner i live in manchester england but still have never been to london"
1958088599,"love","sherwin","@jwpage your SMS managed to crash my phone."
1958088905,"sadness","pink_soprano","@RedBaff I have popcorn and fruitcake now...but it's just not the same as Chocolate"
1958088999,"happiness","PattiB0i","@Jessums31 yup its working. they couldn't recover anything on it though"
1958089441,"worry","n00dlez","@hazelnutchoc Same as, it's BS I tell you! Ah well, better attempt some"
1958089527,"sadness","xodaniiiiyoo","@zachsang when nina picked up my call lastnight i didnt know she was talking to me and i like totally didnt answerr"
1958090013,"worry","sleepingforest","@johan__ thank You! I almost forgot hoe to type on the keyboard how long I was anway from my PC.."
1958090342,"sadness","salgal017","LAST DAY in St Andrews.. i will spend it on west sands! and then packing"
1958090581,"worry","IsaMilano","@lislBR My brother shared his microbes with me"
1958090699,"worry","BisexualManiac","@TheSims3 well us Brits have to wait a few more days for it!  I thought it was all gonna released at once! I guess it's worth the wait!"
1958090725,"neutral","dadsfave","Rod stewart's new song"
1958090786,"relief","taraa","Roommate is sssnoring :/ And my throat is so dry"
1958091165,"hate","SY94","don't want to go!!!"
1958091187,"relief","_emmamullan_","Back from London  Now just catching up on all the tv and sleeping all day!"
1958091205,"hate","therealdevil","@nixsight  yes indeed, makes it a bitch to try and design universally"
1958091288,"worry","nnurse","@dublins98dave me too! I am down 400 euro"
1958092285,"surprise","chumbayaa","@Fnoo was like that last night as well man. somebody didn't make it in time to the 30p loos"
1958092381,"sadness","Mizuyes","Got three shots today.   I can't lift my arms..."
1958092412,"happiness","FuriedFate","@trixie360 zombie wrangler sounds like fun. I don't have halo wars."
1958092481,"happiness","Psydragonfly","Good morning from RSA Twitterverse!! Please send me some happy vibes & cheerfulness today I'm feeling a little sad"
1958092752,"happiness","janleem","early morning~2:30 am~what's up? I am!~~!!played w/ my babies outside~wow~was in the 80's~felt great!~~got lonely, misses sissy and jess"
1958092921,"worry","Katiebear94","Ahh I'm so confused  what can I do? I don't wanna run away but can I really handle a real relationship? What is love anyways.. False hope!"
1958092948,"neutral","rachyroo91","never did sleep last night  feeling horrible today, time to call work I thinks..."
1958092994,"worry","Charlotteis","@steve228uk Awh I forgot you had the pox  Hope you get better soon!"
1958093165,"surprise","FreeFlyFerret","@trixie360 trivia? Working, no computer!"
1958093437,"fun","MissBoo1","Ive finished 4th year!!! Argh Uni is going soooooo quick"
1958093751,"worry","EPMorgan","@HelenH20 ugh! Tis so warm outside too  unfair! I want to go read and pack!"
1958094009,"neutral","TimelessP","@philiplinden @secondlife Blake Sea should have been a water sandbox (a la Cordova), but we can't rez objects and autoreturn is 5 mins"
1958094192,"love","Recumbent_Jim","@Iam04 tea...  Mmmm crispy but no cake  Have headphones!"
1958094193,"sadness","missadrian","its too early  i wanna go back to sleeep"
1958094323,"surprise","serenityangels","Acquiring a CentOS live CD, now where did I put my memory stick, I would like to boot from that. I wonder if I left it at home"
1958094500,"worry","conker_m","Still gutted that man utd lost"
1958094564,"neutral","cheeyanie","done washing our clothes.. i'm so tired.."
1958094911,"happiness","ubudroi","@babyexpat commercial shoot in Tokyo. not much time to play there   quick and dirty"
1958095494,"worry","Thibow","What a bad day!"
1958095589,"sadness","DrJasonAbbott","feeling very stressed and strung out, awake at 4.50am, mind buzzing... and Mrs Dr. A is not talking to me"
1958096127,"worry","simfin","@simfin part 2: social networking??.. there is even room for people"
1958096155,"happiness","yettezkiedoodle","I soo wanna eat McDonalds Fries"
1958096366,"surprise","philipjohn","@calvin141170 If it's any consolation I've had to abandon the back garden thanks to my super-reflective laptop screen"
1958096787,"worry","NeoTech2020","Omg I want TF2, everybody on my Steam Friends list is playing it"
1958096947,"love","happymoonfox","i want my WOOSOO like now plz  i gant wait, knowing she's so close is driveing me NUTTS"
1958096967,"sadness","lemonsareyellow","@Ste1987 Feel your pain with the hayfever - forgot to take mine yesterday, again."
1958097082,"worry","annnabelleee","@MGChislett  Is there going to be any more TAI TV? Ah I hope so"
1958097151,"worry","neonash7777","@JamanthaLopez it was me the whole time I did a ton of things so u would believe me but u wouldn't listen or let me prove it. Or blve me"
1958097331,"sadness","xLoz_91x","Can't believe ER is over"
1958097596,"worry","tahirakram","Thinking about someone. Now a days I think more and code less  What is it...?"
1958097705,"worry","thraseia","@katemthompson I wish I could still drink it but I had two bad nights with white wine in London and then I was sick for almost a week"
1958097869,"worry","Sweetbaby50","Stupid me, accidentally gave my honey the Atomic flavored buffalo wings and now his stomach feels just awful..... Im sorry baby"
1958098078,"worry","DarwynXRivver",":O Job interview today, i'm really gonna mess this uuuup"
1958098112,"worry","montejon","@naomijade Heavens, not good  I can empathise. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to anything and you can sleep easy. Wishing for the best..."
1958098158,"worry","riisssaface","eww. cant sleep and its 2:38 am"
1958098319,"neutral","cmanholla","woke up an hour early just to study for        a test"
1958099201,"surprise","sausheong","@sengming learning tat the scenic way  din plan to go town but somehow was herded there?"
1958099853,"surprise","TagAlongTess","@bronte_saurus Oh. Hrmmm in that case I have no idea. And I only just realised you're talking about THAT bike! Solly"
1958099994,"worry","mrsdam","i need people to talk to me please im very bored  x  follow me!"
1958100100,"neutral","darenBBC","@ilicco I don't have an invite  i might try Mr P Bale for an invite"
1958100367,"relief","PurrrpleOrchid","Still soo tired..not ready to get up for the day...work again"
1958100476,"enthusiasm","BexieLady","@nzclothnappy we can all but hope... georgia is still wide awake and has the hiccups"
1958100867,"worry","yettezkiedoodle","Its times like these that I miss Manila. I'm not feeling up to myself lately"
1958100869,"sadness","inimeg","No AC, the fan doesnt swing our way ... we are sweating it out on a hot humid day"
1958101230,"neutral","CharlesGreig","@virginmedia is there something wrong with the internet in chelmsford? my tv on demad isnt working right and my internet is SUPER slow"
1958101304,"worry","catcalledjesus","Seriously, google, WTF? I don't feel online if I can't get into my inbox"
1958101472,"hate","eppsie","IS ANYONE AWAKE?!?!?!?! oh my god i am dying here. i want to go to SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. :["
1958102506,"love","davewark","@harrisongilmore if only that was really my job title"
1958102523,"neutral","stargirltasha","want's to see '2001 Maniacs' Why won't it come through the post!?"
1958103103,"neutral","Angels_C","@demonicangel81 yay but u have no idea what you look like"
1958103183,"sadness","nnurse","@dublins98dave me too! I am down 400 euro"
1958103225,"sadness","1001100","@AdamBien good luck. An me waiting that they are online, can't be in #JavaONE this year"
1958103305,"sadness","KerryMG","Dagnamit, latest power twitter update is pants - no clickable links"
1958103600,"sadness","MissRascal","Tired, tired, tired.. Didn't sleep well last night..   Thought too much.. Slept not much.. Glad that it's almost weekend!"
1958103630,"fun","bebetaya","home sweet home? i think no! huaaaa"
1958103708,"worry","viksra","Pretty sure my laptop just died 100%. HP DV2000, wireless problems constantly, tons of heat, won't start at all now. Fried circuit?"
1958103791,"worry","criticalhit","Oh man. I have been sick all night. I feel awful."
1958104165,"happiness","JohnVeitch","I am totally knackered and back in the meeting"
1958104313,"sadness","reubal","Devon has caught and ate a fly. I dont know why she swallowed a fly. I guess she'll die."
1958104410,"worry","kemeny","@sianmclachlan Sorry, that was a bit negative!"
1958104512,"hate","citizensmitt","@gerald_d I can't view anything, Gerald. Not only am I banned, I can't even read the damn place."
1958104863,"hate","SY94","I am NOT in the mood for a long car drive"
1958105411,"worry","puthali","@mrugeshkarnik oh, /me still hasn't got around to starting it"
1958105637,"neutral","lynz7302","the weather is good mmm what to do today??? shame working tomorrow"
1958106051,"sadness","JBnVFCLover786","@Karina_Escobar some people seem to be getting over it pretty quick  and the guys to me didn't seem to care"
1958106109,"neutral","kelly1783","Wish I was @ wembley"
1958106557,"neutral","Harry_Johnston","Work today"
1958107130,"relief","nzclothnappy","@BexieLady I feel for you, that sounds like how Kiya was last night  all I can say is get comfy on the couch and enjoy the cuddles!"
1958107300,"worry","Stu_Avfc_11","Missing Going To Villa.. Another 2 Months With Out Them"
1958107531,"sadness","_LauraJane","My friend went to New York without me and all I got was this picture of her and Will Smith  http://twitpic.com/669l2"
1958107692,"surprise","daniellefred","Omg its so gross out. no  relays tonight!"
1958108246,"worry","Dhryss","My heads spinning from math, started to dream in formulas. NOT good."
1958108422,"neutral","kimlovesba","how do i get my cat 2stop killin rabbits? another headless (baby) rabbit n garden dis morn  live close 2field wher lots rabbits live"
1958108546,"happiness","LauraLaRue","I am hungry already. Not impressed! And everybody has gone to Rubys"
1958108778,"empty","I_enigma","@RedBaff no wine here - I don;t drink  - but I have have plenty of forbidden cholocate"
1958108938,"worry","simfin","@russellprue (duh typo error) part 2: social networking??.. there isn't even room for people"
1958109052,"sadness","nikitalikewoah","my head hurts"
1958109187,"sadness","JBnVFCLover786","@James_Phelps I was sad yesterday..1 of the guys from my fave band quit the band  and they replaced him"
1958109203,"sadness","shaunau","Finally. Deleted her number from my phone contacts  #heartbreak"
1958109277,"fun","AshleyMcCraw","TWEEEEEET! good morning twitterland! going to work at 1 so need to keep packing and cleaning this flat! move out in t minus one day"
1958109417,"neutral","DateMeCT","@nawty I've been well, thx. Just getting up for an early morning meeting and wondering why I agreed to it. Don't like getting up early"
1958109577,"neutral","_LauraJane","And this picture of her with Zack from Saved By The Bell  http://twitpic.com/669lg"
1958109594,"relief","oinksatme","VERY upset....  Mom is in the hospital"
1958110071,"anger","dibstaru","stuck in stupid Jeuno with flag up.  Wish I was in Windy fishing"
1958110078,"surprise","karinb_za","@DexterAddict Aw  *hugs* Sorry man.  If I were rich I'd buy u a ticket NOW!"
1958110482,"neutral","AviiS","I will get my business coursework done by today. I will. I will.. I won't."
1958110598,"worry","XercesdA","Mortified. could lose my job"
1958110692,"neutral","vikram","@mateoviento don't see the link on my web interface"
1958111004,"sadness","mcflychloe94","@gfalcone601 ohhh ok. thats upsetting  sorry for wasting your time. xx"
1958111128,"worry","LesMarianne","I want 2 get my nails done today, but according 2 superstition I can't. Guess I'll have 2 wait til tomorrow then..  off 2 French!"
1958111217,"sadness","okwithmydecay","@spotibot I am afraid you've had a bit of a #fail as the last two recommendations aren't available in the UK"
1958111506,"sadness","CodyyRB","@BeckyBuckwild Omg Beckky i love you! you should've won the 250G's  i was rootin for you.. hows things going?"
1958111693,"worry","chichuwink","dunno where to start, so many things to do..."
1958111780,"worry","Jamash","someone please tighten some bolts in my brain  :s  there are too many parts loose, some might even be missing"
1958112083,"neutral","symsquarepants","i should of gone to kirsty's for the night, anything to get out of the house"
1958112612,"sadness","vampirerue","ahh yes the obligations of a vampire kept me away from twitter.but now i'm back & will try 2 update as much as possible.i lost a donor"
1958113021,"worry","130587","bahhhh.. cold weather is making my teeth hurt."
1958113171,"sadness","bclovesdc","@chescaaaaaa  yeaaaahh."
1958113302,"neutral","marsherlin","@rizzle_d We might not get Movie Night this week.  Unless it's like really early in the morning for you, lol."
1958113467,"sadness","Georgiabuttons","@JackAllTimeLow I wish I could go to your melbourne show but my parents won't let me  *cries*"
1958114034,"worry","boilerette","ooooh.... I have a headache.  Got to go to work now"
1958114332,"sadness","McKerrowTweet","I had a dream that I went to Evo fest, but I didn't."
1958114497,"sadness","chiquitita8","i m totally confused and bored.. my life must change!!"
1958114779,"sadness","VioletLily","@christineknight Poor love  Hope you get to relax somehow on the weekend."
1958114835,"sadness","jeremy_ellis","@lesley007 Morning Lesley...ya making me jealous"
1958115102,"neutral","Misao08","leaving tomorrow"
1958115243,"boredom","axely","im bored.. RC is goin maintenance"
1958115653,"worry","BrookeDavis_x","Morning. Forgot my daily booth yesterday.. shocking! I want to sit in the garden today and read but we have a huge bees nest"
1958115796,"hate","ohhcarissa","http://bit.ly/147HEU  - don't judge me. tucking myself in tonight  mogwai on repeat"
1958115823,"boredom","Pnpy","I need something t do like hello... Im fucking bored now.  um... yeh..."
1958115928,"sadness","wubbleface","waiting for someone's SMS. it's been weeks and nearly a month  :?"
1958116166,"worry","mmaaddddiiee","@TaylorKarney Ugh, did you just say your friend might have swine flu? OMG, why?"
1958116578,"surprise","colinofski","Fighting a sore throat.. Few more days hard training then rest next week for Sunday race.. Oooohhh sun's out... Nope.. Gone..."
1958116760,"worry","beth_dunc","Home. Don't think i'll wake up at 5. :-p I had set an alarm for 6 in the kids' room & forgot to turn it off. I feel bad about that."
1958116874,"sadness","vagamom","I wish i could sleep past four a.m. on my nights off  good morning!"
1958117076,"worry","spaceyfan","It's this year. Can't catch it, won't be in NY till Oct 2010.   http://bit.ly/AF8JT"
1958117120,"sadness","ShikhaBirdie","Want 2 transfer my Naini trip pictures 2my comp so I can upload thm on web bt i dnt hv my USB  Snt few via multimedia @ 5 Rs/pic. Expnsiv!"
1958117297,"fun","xo_Mikaela_xo","yay cheerleading when im sick. its gonna be a fun  night peoples"
1958117453,"neutral","spudsies","@NikForsyth july 8th flight gets in, my mate here is on about goin hm early so am all"
1958117612,"hate","Sandrake","Getting very frustrated by people who don't know what they want... can't wait to go home tonight..."
1958118652,"surprise","iAppleGeek1","Just had my hair cut it looks like shit"
1958118795,"worry","haydeee","@jesse_la ben's dreams make me so saddddddd  i want them to be togetherrr. i swear if this shit gets me bawlinggg, so help me.."
1958118994,"love","longlostpenpal","lovely day and i have to work"
1958119099,"sadness","hullrobin","@gemmak500 Know exactly what you mean  I've lost too many friends. I do feel for you all"
1958119313,"hate","colinrmccabe","@tweetie Why do I have to enter my registration details every time I update?"
1958119384,"love","weesimon","@cjwilliams1975 @barmanandy We were in Lindos, and it absolutely ruled. Will post some pictures somewhere, some time. Back to work today"
1958119401,"worry","kevlarhead","Really wish I could have gone to @bikeradar this weekend"
1958119443,"hate","jemariie","@CheskieBear gosh! i hate it. my school will start in monday too.  and my classes will start 6.00 and end at 12.00 i'll never had a chance"
1958119561,"surprise","eepitswill","Yay! Power = on! Phone = charged. It's hot"
1958119794,"worry","julierockaholic","@MYFUTURELIES No way. What about Sydney?  yeah, you guys are like the semi-older version of Short Stack. However, with the same talent."
1958119955,"hate","special_noodles","@lordlucan i had terrible trouble with 'sp' words as a child, would drop the 's' pider, pade etc, needed lessons. bad memories"
1958119963,"sadness","dopekristine","I am such a worthless person. No one i love loves me back the way that they should."
1958119966,"happiness","chelsea_playboy","yay dad agreed to pay for my tuition and equipment! yipee not till nxt jan tho"
1958120056,"surprise","halbpro","Oh. Seems the playable Joker PS3 exclusivity on Arkham Asylum is much bigger than thought."
1958120188,"worry","_annee","wish i was home in time for the #jonaswebcast today"
1958120296,"sadness","oscarbpt","@AubreyODay  Aubrey, i know i speek for a lot of fans when i say we miss seing you on T.V. I hope we will be seeing you again  ..."
1958120487,"worry","CiTay500","@billyraycyrus Please get a cell phone with a better camera on it... your pictures are real bad quality compared to those that Miley took"
1958120577,"happiness","amikaadeleigh","got back from the embassy; missing one paper  go again on Monday!!!good luck me!!!"
1958120644,"neutral","jemariie","@CheskieBear to go in their next live chat."
1958120792,"worry","spaceyfan","It's this year. Can't catch it, won't be in NY till Oct 2010  http://bit.ly/AF8JT"
1958121008,"neutral","sammyD748","cutting hair allll day  wish i was outside"
1958121021,"surprise","Jonnyapps","I thought there was more Fanta in my can than there was"
1958121341,"worry","shanedawson","sorry for my lack of tweets  ive been buzy. new vid this saturday!!"
1958121405,"worry","Dumskull","@Glinner the trailer has been removed  i have a look and see if i can find it somewhere"
1958121511,"love","DramaQueenTeTe","@kekeinaction Thats ok...ur a good person + My Idol soo good people deserve sum good comments..hows the weather ova der --London is cold"
1958121814,"sadness","iamCollins","i dont like funerals"
1958122002,"happiness","Kat_04071991","@mitchelmusso Heyyyyy us English fans want some signings too"
1958122038,"sadness","froebe","So guttered that Ruby got eliminated from NZNTM..  I'm all about supporting the locals. Haha. Hosanna better not win..!"
1958122164,"worry","totalgaming","@General_Coxy Apologies, we've had CMS issues all week"
1958122262,"neutral","pimpyouriphone","This is what I had to endure to get prizes of to my lucky winners  http://twitpic.com/669nm"
1958122532,"neutral","littlepretty","@tofuatomic my boss. She's moving to NYC"
1958122540,"empty","jeremy_ellis","@Jayce_Kay Morning! Hows your day. Hope you're not another lying in the sun"
1958122553,"worry","Stegofreak","ARG! Eirtaku got hit by stupid bots. So much porn on a kid friendly site."
1958122909,"sadness","chochocamacho","I miss my wacom. Especially the mouse. Laptop touch pad is horrible"
1958123125,"surprise","Maisy13","Job???????   Not so much."
1958123187,"surprise","TheCheesyRiders","@sideone yeah, I much prefer tweetdeck but if you must have multiple accounts"
1958123217,"happiness","Yukari_Fujii","Finally gonna try and fall asleep goodnight.. More like morn... I sleeP"
1958123273,"sadness","PrincessPhoebe1","is on twitter for the second day running. This is what study leave does to me! If only my car were in one piece"
1958123382,"hate","karinb_za","@GarethCliff Oh stop boasting already.  I've got a horrible piece o' crap cellphone.  *pulls a tongue*"
1958123587,"worry","iLoVaLiCe","@rainbowbrite22 What r u stressin' bout mare?"
1958124238,"neutral","malbryc","can't help but feel today will be a massive Michael Jackson rumour day.  [Cue all the MJ haters...]"
1958124855,"neutral","SeanEKay","Had nicotine replacement patch on for 4 hours. So far, so good, but I did sleep for most of those 4 hours. Getting a bit twitchy now"
1958125388,"sadness","Missmakebelive","the day goes on and on...i think im gonna write a song about it! still thinking it�s impossible for me to get a true friend  why????"
1958125646,"worry","eLi182","@Blinkollieb182 : nooo  i don't know why...i click on TweetDeck_0_25_manual_Blink182.air and it doesn't run!! so sad..."
1958126037,"love","euthanasia86","I miss @abhorredlife so much  I wish I had enough money to be with him again"
1958126213,"neutral","SelenaShines","@WhoButStretch  you aint invite me"
1958126346,"neutral","ASinisterDuck","back soon, need to run to the shops and cut the grass"
1958126362,"neutral","scorpfromhell","@narendranag no not that expensive  windows or linux"
1958126683,"neutral","Carolnoe","I think a crow took one of the baby birds in my garden today. I know it's nature but I still don't like It."
1958126712,"hate","gangstaaadisney","hates having to be at work for six am"
1958127181,"happiness","heathrocks","@tonibrockliss fyi, connie and carla is not as totally awesome as the previews make it seem  sorry about that one."
1958127215,"worry","emmao414","@davidbaillie they are evil mean people, who hurt you. I have a terrible phobia of dentists, but had toothache from hell this week"
1958127427,"sadness","BelleBot","@C_J_Stuart Unfortunately not yet, I am still without licence."
1958127480,"worry","JessicaJuliana","I just had a horrible dream."
1958127569,"relief","freakypuspita","just in imagination"
1958127797,"sadness","Puppykat84","@Eminem can't wait for that!! recently bought metallia guitar hero but cant play it coz my sony tv went kaput!"
1958127848,"empty","tmofee","@blue_cupcakes that busy wowsa .. okay my pizzas gonna be a while  sorry.."
1958127867,"neutral","hopeanddreams","is missing out on the sunshine and trying to stay awake after having just 2 hours sleep"
1958127965,"worry","rawitat","no food since woke up."
1958128132,"sadness","RussellBfan90","@ShesElectric_ i'm in bed sick atm-been sick since yesterday   hru hun?"
1958128172,"neutral","floppyarms","@tidygraphic Suspect tax-man is at fault...."
1958128173,"hate","KatWoman17","Fed up today        No-one's available for comment"
1958128181,"enthusiasm","vibzfabz","@edziardo : Hi, there! I'm sorry for not telling you  Let's meet up! With @yayi_meirizka too. You promised to treat us! XD"
1958128207,"worry","felippesouza","i reeaally miss my cosito  hope hes getting good scores!"
1958128385,"love","FeistyLeo","@pleasurep Just read that message about u being at Stephanie's in Greensboro.....love it! I miss my home!"
1958128554,"worry","hemalkuntawala","@JenniferSmithCo Just checked the diary and it clashes with uSwitch.net beers"
1958128886,"neutral","richardireland","Mozzer cancelled tonight by the looks of it."
1958130099,"neutral","ArualSnikpoh","@Jewel_Lia  Are the drugs working?"
1958130674,"sadness","HelenH20","@EPMorgan I know!  I can read bt I can't sit outside coz I gota answer the phone"
1958131281,"worry","Potastic","No callback yet."
1958131412,"neutral","elle_2009","nope no way in to stop  just have to put up wiv it"
1958131790,"hate","phonographh","@Tolman21 I was asleep until my brother woke me up asking me if I ate the rest of the frosted mini wheats. I can't go back to sleep."
1958131886,"worry","pigiuz","working wearing sunglasses...my eyes are bleeding!"
1958132007,"neutral","APoopeyBum","school..  i wish it would just end already!"
1958132008,"neutral","thehogester","I want a new mountain bike"
1958132112,"sadness","Christine_May","@kev_watson   Sorry address was wrong. where I put samuel in the address, it should be just sam. I am having a stupid brain day today."
1958132254,"neutral","ImranA","Guy coming to see my car is late"
1958132657,"surprise","riandawson","Almost showtime in Osaka.  Our last night here in Japan  I will miss youuuu"
1958132734,"neutral","GRIMACHU","This month was a bad month to try and get an advert together for Kobold Quarterly"
1958132777,"worry","sarasuhaili","My dad's not feeling well. I want to make him soup. Suggestions guys? + get well soon ayah"
1958133009,"neutral","venessaaaa","at MKG 3 now. and all alone"
1958133344,"sadness","tdlucas","@ShaneSakata Hi Shane, that link doesn't seem to work"
1958133546,"sadness","ryguy999","I can't get to bed"
1958134071,"sadness","chaneldeschanel","rain got so big weather so cold right now"
1958134441,"sadness","kilionaACU","tonight was a very bad night"
1958134444,"worry","breadsticks","I have too much homework to do today"
1958134519,"sadness","jayohsee","@kaliie i'm sorry but LOL! what is this about? waitt... you think your mum would still let you do bday stuff this weekend?"
1958134698,"sadness","fleurdeguerre","@Loulou_de_B You have to email her - she only gets what people want in so they aren't on the site. Shame about the trousers"
1958134970,"surprise","rickoshea","@Dublins98Dave @doneganland has tickets.......?"
1958135171,"neutral","mylivetweets","@mylivetweets where were u?  (via @evregirl) - Meetings..."
1958135185,"worry","cdutoit","Waiting for Hetzner to fix my server... Seems like Interspire SendStudio caused the problems"
1958135239,"neutral","Barnsley_FC","Barnsley To Keep Davey   And Sign A New Experienced Striker."
1958135246,"sadness","I_enigma","@RedBaff alright - was only joking - I just said no wine here  - fool me maybe? - I don;t like drinking"
1958135352,"surprise","Veronica_F","Ugh RUDE!.."
1958135914,"sadness","HeathCastor","@msalonen I can't get it to load.  And I wanted everyone to see my "Bette Davis Eyes" remix video today. boooooo"
1958136398,"worry","Avril4everr","Our neighbors cat died!  I really loved him =("
1958136518,"neutral","yharafauziyya",": nothing to do"
1960121903,"sadness","uexpectme2talk","@bagginsboy oh yes. There was no feasts left"
1960122086,"worry","tfunk","We actually have milestones due for 3 high profile projects in the next 2 weeks, & they are all scheduled when I am on vacation -"
1960122166,"worry","sboots15","I just woke up. My teeth really hurt from my rubber bands"
1960122482,"sadness","moime1812","can't wait to see marco later; not feeling my best"
1960122779,"worry","HeatherDales","Burnt the fuck out of my hand today."
1960123002,"worry","amitbhawani","Google Adsense Income down by 6% in this months Payment, Indian Govt Happy for $ Falling, Publishers Sad"
1960123074,"worry","LLnL","@labelladiva Are you blogging yet? I miss you writing"
1960123126,"happiness","girls_from_711","Now that I have a salary, I can actually spend money. Hooray! Time to go shopping and have dinner at Ahora to say goodbye to @yusufyusuf."
1960123382,"worry","mau555","@edma my brain has become a converter ed. i've been converting into LM for  the past 2 yrs. every 5 mins of every single day"
1960123645,"sadness","jdmabry","Dangit! I just got my Kiss Album in and it's the wrong color."
1960123769,"relief","BrookeJasmyn","Losing makeup bags is TRAGIC...luckily I keep 4 in diff places but I gotta replace my Bare Escentuals  *tearrrrrrrr*"
1960124059,"neutral","keisawilliams","@msmyers No. That would be too easy. All I have is the user manual which is not enough for me to claim his bike"
1960124246,"sadness","toddwalden","RIP Robin from the Washington Park library"
1960124303,"neutral","Aragorn3001","Academy Rector with tons of tutors looks like the way to go, since all the good Trix draw engines and mana accel is gone."
1960124319,"neutral","leahjadee","@iamepiclyamazin but....why?!"
1960124678,"sadness","HotWomenLover","@JaylaStarr  I guess you are not interested !!"
1960125294,"sadness","jrkgirlnla","@KIMP19 I know...  it's already been two weeks!"
1960125646,"love","DaisyFab","I KnO they're my guilty pleasure like shopping   @diorchick0420"
1960125815,"worry","Jim_Barker","Woke up from aspirating some stomach acid. I'm praying that I dont acid reflux  and that it was a one time thing"
1960125938,"sadness","desireefoo","School is going to be absolutely horrible today. Peace out, '09"
1960126096,"sadness","SloTwitch","@BrianLehrer  The ONE day I want to listen to you live and the stream is down  Enjoy you on podcast ALL the time."
1960126195,"love","lianaseini","ugh-cold and dank out"
1960126248,"sadness","Geena619","Driving to work running late like always..... No time for starbucks"
1960126494,"worry","ChasForever","almost got a kitty yesterday...but it didn't work out"
1960127422,"worry","navart","Too much information"
1960127657,"worry","kyliemahon","doesnt want to go to work"
1960127805,"neutral","mkalaitzakis","@danperry By the way, let me know when you want to schedule a round or two. Played highland woods monday. Shot 96."
1960128357,"worry","ElectriKateD","*sits at the airport waiting for @DenalisAngel to get here*..I got in early to surprise her and i can't find her"
1960128438,"worry","JulieBramman","went to Marsee-they changed the store around & I felt as though I was interrupting the staff"
1960128542,"worry","QueenBattlezone","is school over yet? Im ready for vacations already"
1960128547,"sadness","doidazzleyou","a dog got hit by a car in front of jamies house"
1960128670,"worry","margarettronsor","baaaaaaaah!!!! there's a MEGA cockroach in the kitchen and i have no one to kill it!  heeeeelp me!!!! haha my retarded cats are no help!"
1960129594,"sadness","nickovey","booo Dario let TK get a hair cut"
1960129867,"anger","jasminbryant","@mikeavila ack! I just read about your show  that's horrible!!! No accounting for taste."
1960130347,"neutral","jboMaria","no work today! went shopping, and now relaxing  &learning for the toefl"
1960131069,"worry","lilgrownkid","The puppy is sick  and some one put they hands on my momma >:-|"
1960131305,"neutral","nindeee","I can't feel the weekend fever anymore when everyday is  a day off"
1960131512,"neutral","Gary_Muller","Well friends i think today is just gonna be one of those days........a work day"
1960131630,"worry","mistymcnew","My puppies killed my cat lastnight,they thought she was a stuffed animal.  RIP Meanie  http://yfrog.com/104m6wj"
1960131779,"neutral","Quaxx","@hildy77 yikes, that sucks about the TV. hopefully some animals in the wilderness between harstad and oslo are enjoying it."
1960131906,"worry","DeavonS","why does my body decide NOW is a good time to wake up every morning at 8?! Maybe Dean will wait for me in my dreams..."
1960132682,"worry","NKOTB_Fan77","@JonathanRKnight I`m really sad, that you didn`t give me an answer until now"
1960132737,"love","ss_chick","@thomasfiss @drewryanscott i jus listened 2 'not okay' it's nice i lik it.. I've been thinkin abt thomas throughout e whole song..  luv ya"
1960132752,"worry","Nickyyy92","@FrankieTheSats @MollieOfficial @Rochellewiseman @Unahealy @vanessawhite Post man Pat has now been & still no birthday cards from yous?!"
1960132838,"worry","BrownBunny81","still fighting off this cold, ugh"
1960133001,"worry","Hellopanda_","this is horrible. lauren cant go out no more. and arghhh, i really fancied going out tonight. looks like a day and night in. grrreeaaattt"
1960133316,"boredom","JamieTownsend","is boiling in the office, air con any1 ?"
1960133559,"worry","Siblog","Can't seem to find the new Mountain Dew Throwback in 12 packs....only in 1 liter bottles"
1960133927,"neutral","Leahhh_x","castlebar doesnt have 3d so im going to galway to see the jb 3d movie but that could be next week or the one after that"
1960134273,"worry","jasmineyql","Mad tired. But it's the hols! I miss chomp chomp terribly!"
1960134556,"worry","betterinrealife","today is going to be AH. Giving notice to my boss today. She is going to be upset  I'm totally stressed."
1960135272,"neutral","_3_","@To_The_Moon Do you mean @mrjimbob (Jim Bob, obviously) or @chiminee (Fruitbat)? I think Jim Bob played Brixton at the weekend. Cldnt go"
1960135599,"neutral","keren4562","@FrankieTheSats hey plz look > http://www.twitpic.com/5m7vd < what do u think? plz tell me"
1960135656,"worry","figure10point1","My tummy hurts...again"
1960135791,"worry","wbgookin","@mublogger Weird, suddenly blogtalkradio is giving me a domain not found error.  I was just on it 5 minutes ago!"
1960136207,"worry","AshleyBrazzel","Long to-do list. Little desire to do it all."
1960136609,"worry","zoernert","@iod2009 Will arrive tomorrow morning at 7  #early"
1960137406,"anger","Nikandjb","@Greenwichlad Oh let me clarify,know lots of nice people who live there, but thought it always was a breeding ground 4 BNP"
1960137875,"surprise","allenskd","following people around, though there are so many.. where are the webdesign twitters!"
1960137994,"worry","catfaulkner","There is a baby cardinal fallen out of its nest. I dont want to get attacked by the mom bird but i dont want the dog to get the bird"
1960137999,"worry","CharmL","The Heater blew up"
1960138771,"worry","AdamuAwak","is so sorry for letting her down"
1960138796,"relief","ceritaanak","After being down for several hours, finally my site is back online. Silly DNS setting mistake"
1960138824,"sadness","Jamie__Bailey","today has not started out very well"
1960139071,"neutral","argol","seeeeeeeeed tengo sed"
1960139828,"worry","akurys","@speedysari I know   But maybe by then you will have forgotten about it, and it will be like Christmas in July!!"
1960139893,"happiness","bufyluver5","Finally, a beautiful, sunny day in Atlanta. Too bad I'm stuck inside working..."
1960140442,"sadness","SadiquaP","@onlyme614 girl yes, as if having it where you CANT see it wont gross enough"
1960140597,"worry","b_____","@KoSoVaR  got a limit sell @ .94 for even pretty much, cover commissions. Didn't like my entry on this one"
1960140623,"sadness","tiffbarbee25","Working!!! Still sick"
1960140631,"worry","sheshalfnippon","Missed FMA..."
1960140664,"sadness","SarahRobinson","I forget how much I miss my tribe til I have limited access to talking to them. Spotty internet in the country so I won't be here long."
1960140825,"worry","Trayzz","@Jack_O_C I'm seriously screwed  I haven't studied at all!!!! :'("
1960141187,"worry","Fknshtzcrazy","is nervous and wants things to be dealt with already, it sucks having important life stuff up in the air..."
1960143056,"worry","danipoynterjudd","Mel best hurry up back from asda i'm so hungry"
1960143456,"relief","JeremyMelloul","Just got up a half hour ago.... Ugh not much sleep"
1960143638,"boredom","reesehorvath","Cleaning the old apartment today. Yay..."
1960143734,"sadness","MicaMichellee","its my last friday of my high school years!"
1960143909,"surprise","aNorthernSoul","Why can't I buy the Nokia N97?!? Amazon says "cannot ship to this address.""
1960144239,"neutral","sharpjes","last full day of vacation"
1960144566,"worry","HelloPritty","Oh shit!  I forgot to eat! Grumble grumble."
1960144607,"neutral","djbabyyu","@djpayce i wanna play  golf"
1960145072,"neutral","qet_stupified_x","trying to wake up, but is finding it very hard"
1960145249,"neutral","jessie_morris","@jasonbetts Poor you  Get outside and sleep in the garden, the sun will do you good. But don't forget suncream!!!"
1960145321,"sadness","jenncabello1","Is sick today"
1960145467,"hate","KellySutton","@luketurcotte Not having Hulu in Germany sucks"
1960145634,"hate","SirCrumpet","I can't think of a way to express in 140 chars how disspointed I am with the advertising on Lifehacker's Why I Didn't Buy A Mac article."
1960146088,"worry","Shinybiscuit","@jackfaulkner Don't have time - got work later"
1960146167,"worry","shessofresh","Ugh, I feel like shit-- gonna call out of my classes today  hope it doesnt affect my grade"
1960146461,"neutral","XxxjlsphyscoxxX","is soo bored its lovley day outside but nuttin to do"
1960146849,"worry","azrynna","currently working on the SDP's Prototype.... so much to do..."
1960146895,"enthusiasm","fastseahorse","@FuschiaFoot sold, so i hit cash and just took the tax out of my tips. but then my drawer ended up being 5 dollars short  idk if its cause"
1960147587,"hate","longlostpenpal","want to read twilight all day, not work at the stupid cher function"
1960147599,"worry","MissShell20","Today just fucking sucks for me!!"
1960147647,"neutral","Chloooee","@Fearnecotton who sings 'I Remember'? i alwaysss hear it on Radio 1 but never catch the artist"
1960147683,"neutral","rahitom","it is on environmental studies and driving me mental"
1960148104,"worry","lehnchen","sun - where are you?"
1960148191,"worry","michaelequigg","@inotherwords_c re:headaches my wife is in the same situation and has finally decided to go with meds because its just too much"
1960149024,"worry","imilse","ipod touch: worth the money? because i'm thinking of buying one. my ipod is dead since this morning"
1960149051,"happiness","tjw100","@mselliott09 hahaha thanks for clearing up the"
1960149064,"worry","Dilina","@keheliya Forget completely abt uploading the assignemtn.   Only remmebered cos of ur twit."
1960149561,"worry","diamondfingerz","My wiki project is going to have to wait another month  But manager thinks I need loads of time to prepare + has halved my workload"
1960149869,"happiness","citruslatte","@TheMandyMoore good morning sunshine. sleepytown is sleepy."
1960149874,"love","TizzySizzleberg","@Rockergirl75 And now she also rides giant squids...who knew! Ama hafta go now  i'll try and get on later, love to you xxx"
1960149950,"happiness","tinabattistella","getting ready for the day, out then work till close"
1960150464,"neutral","loisallsmiles","Work out. Now actual work"
1960150817,"worry","helenad1","just found out i wont know my uni results for this year until 17th july at the earliest!!!! hate the wait"
1960151133,"sadness","_DESiMO_","@Smileyquanta oh, is it good? I've been wanting to watch that movie but nooobody would watch it w/me"
1960151240,"worry","CKanicsar","Wishes I was going to the pxy summer jam, but can never seem to win"
1960151360,"sadness","itzwanduhhfo0","@KristinHolder aww i'm sad  i didn't get to go to your going away party!  stupid work!"
1960151551,"neutral","daedreams","@KGWSunrise I missed you guys this morning. I'm in Tacoma w/ no KGW to start my day."
1960151659,"worry","fastseahorse","@FuschiaFoot i didn't hit the right button or what. i wrote on the sheat tho, that i thought it was the cafe currency button. im sorry"
1960152187,"neutral","caass19","@malena_music aah i stopped getting your updates on my home page!!  saddd..im guna re-follow you ..it worked with tswift"
1960152252,"love","jenyourfantasy","@thereallilza  wut itell u yesterday lol"
1960152262,"worry","_amylia_","is starving & has a chem quiz due at noon"
1960152329,"worry","steve_bug","wanted to go to white sands today. forecast says there will be thunderstorms..."
1960152349,"happiness","Moniqarella","so happy its friday...not so happy about this rain"
1960152622,"happiness","AndreaDG","@i_dulay i swear it took me 2 hours to get from bel air to alabang.  but yes, i LOVED reminiscing about our HK trip with you & @cdeocampo"
1960152875,"sadness","cley26","About to go to my last theater lunch  im gonna cry."
1960153335,"worry","leahjadee","@iamepiclyamazin but...he's..mine  you told me a couple of weeks ago that you didn't find any other guys hot apart from the ones you..."
1960154044,"neutral","leifb","Spent some time exploring Atlas and Hercules craters; re-finding things in UMa; Oph; Ser Caput; & Saturn w/ a fogged eyepiece   Home by 2a"
1960154064,"neutral","jenibella","@elledeutsch ok ! can you text me so I have your number..i didnt have any saved to sim"
1960154390,"sadness","sixthessence","I am writing the most boring part of my paper. Hmm. The sun is shining and I do not feel like working on this, however I have to"
1960154609,"neutral","freesoup","PRAYING FOR : RYAN SMITH && MIKE FERNANDEZ"
1960154693,"surprise","carrie_taz_girl","It's Friday and sun is shining and its quite warm already, Just walked the dog, He is so freaky  hyper"
1960154731,"love","msfeistus","@knightinqs O noes!       <3  Nathan said he'd wear the tie to the rally.  If you missed that."
1960155191,"worry","shinsh0ku","computer.. please stop being so loud so i can do my work"
1960155197,"neutral","MCRmuffin","@mcraddictal okay"
1960155373,"worry","kristinpena","last night's paper writing session=still not done. I need to prioritize better."
1960155747,"neutral","vanessaseah","needs to mug for Chinese A's but doesn't feel like it."
1960156450,"worry","Phee78","@HeathersNotBSC No.  I was thinking just before how much I miss my T-Dub."
1960156877,"neutral","rjc3599","I hate covering for other stores"
1960157324,"hate","darkpaintedrose","@EricMM76 What's sad is that I actually had to google that term. That sucks, tho."
1960157637,"sadness","bons14","@taylorswift13 soooooo wish i could, but im in school and myspace is completely blocked"
1960158106,"sadness","weiseldog","@WerewolfJacob Thank you for the shout out..when you get time to chat with me come back! I miss you terribly"
1960158324,"fun","smishpixie","@jennyreyn Fail.    If you fancy a pit stop and a cuppa you know where I am!  lol"
1960158571,"worry","emilyelectric0","is so sick of myself + my life  i'm never going to be as good i want + need to be. xoxoxo </3"
1960158758,"love","jamesy_duh","wants to smoke a cig but doesn't have a lighter."
1960159464,"neutral","tomharlow3","just starting my day...a long Friday"
1960159686,"enthusiasm","TheHappySchizo","Duuuude, Tim said that they're making a Red vs Blue animated series! It'll be either on Adult Swim or G4. I hope AS, coz I don't have G4!"
1960159892,"love","kels450","@c0v89 i know!  This season has just zoomed by!"
1960160188,"worry","envisean","@thomasphantom don't have one yet  but hopefully I'll be ponying up for one soon because this 15" is definitely hitting a wall"
1960160194,"love","yamaLi","Goooooodmoring , I don't want to be up I am YAT   happy birthday again @its_aygee !"
1960160266,"hate","nikkinana","not sure why I can't get tweetdeck to work on my computer. want to know what all of the hype is about"
1960160636,"neutral","MrQuocHung","Speaking,,,Speaking ..."
1960160894,"sadness","xoemmmaxo","wow.. tomorrow and then it's over. i'll never see some of those people again. it's kind of sad."
1960161966,"fun","rachielouwho","Ulcer the Musical! It's ulcer-rific! uls-tacular?! Stomach bleeding fun for the whole family!! (apparently even two drinks is a no no)"
1960161991,"neutral","blueyes8279","after show at our house rocked! saying goodbye soon"
1960162032,"neutral","jasburgess","my to do list is bananas, before i leave for Europe BOOOO"
1960162423,"sadness","DiscoDaveUK","HES BACK!!!!! OH NOES!!!! have you missed me?  Work has been insane and the band has really taken off so i haven't had a moment to myself"
1960163033,"surprise","SweetieAngel","NO! Our TV's busted  The screen turned white for about a nanosecond while it made a quick "popping" sound."
1960163075,"worry","medaox08","I'm a fat and sad puffyn now"
1960164268,"worry","mcraddictal","@MCRmuffin i couldn't be there for her last night cause i fell asleep like a retard.  agh."
1960164604,"enthusiasm","ninayuri20","enjoying and exploring my n96 phone.. grr.. it's awesome.. but i wanted the samsung omnia.."
1960164777,"happiness","lil_madam","Very lonely here in Gosforth gallery  but excited for meal at Six followed by Antony and the Johnsons tonight. Woohoo!!"
1960165478,"neutral","Giovanny","The internetz is busy this Friday morning: Google Wave, Hulu Desktop, Microsoft's Bing, Tweetie Update and Megan Fox as Wonder Woman"
1960165500,"worry","areli89","Sore throat. This is not good. I have four performances this weekend."
1960165822,"sadness","trippyhippy","i never get any followfridays"
1960166165,"sadness","whereamygoes","@xkaraxcupcakex  I'm sorry. This is all so sad."
1960166403,"worry","stratosphear","Oh hell, I forgot the non-alcoholic cider for Monday's dinner. MPP is teetotaler. Now must drive to Waupoos. Have 7 cases of wine in car."
1960166730,"happiness","infatuatedgabby","On my way to the burial"
1960167127,"sadness","ShelleyFletcher","@Laura_McKay2009 sadly no, sitting inside as mobile signal won't work in the garden   I'll be opening the wine at bang on 5pm though!"
1960167394,"hate","jrnygirl","suffering benadryl hangover this morning and a killer headache.... ugh!"
1960167488,"worry","lunaleahayes","Garden going well, almost all the corn and peas are up, no onions or beets up yet though."
1960167902,"neutral","LaKiKix","Good Morning Twitts! Another GloOmy day in NYC!"
1960168026,"worry","k3v0","@bdule the installer is crashing towards the end of the installation"
1960168132,"neutral","ChenthilMohan","Is off to meet my folks after a while...gonna b a working weekend too"
1960168291,"worry","sordaz","@jenisus aww  I have to go to class on that day... So imma do some weird half day thing just cause I wanna see what it's about"
1960168482,"hate","SamBam911","@gprado Awww I HATE that one!!"
1960168502,"happiness","maxzephraim","@pixls hahahahhahaha it was true! and i could really stretch out and stuff! shame rem's dog got mad when i tried to put him in avi's face"
1960168536,"enthusiasm","ralpharama","@garrulous_gal of course! *cough* I mean, no, 1.5 hours extra testing and debugging time"
1960168797,"sadness","ileftmycookie","@xjaded25x not helping!"
1960168925,"surprise","fxpoignart","dev.java.net : the slowest website"
1960169021,"surprise","leahjadee","@iamepiclyamazin bahah. but....nick.."
1960169342,"worry","ms_sugakane","My back is killing me...  It won't keep me from dropping it low...hope I got someone to pick it back up tho... LOL"
1960169489,"surprise","JessTheBestDuuh","@Andre_Mitchell i've never been to the opera before...don't think that was me"
1960169610,"worry","msretro","Attending Matthew's Senior Day for recognition and I'm so not ready for this."
1960169784,"hate","honeysnowflakes","@KinanLW I live in the Philippines. >.< and honestly i wanna live somewhere with snow!!"
1960170610,"surprise","anithamathew","has a headache already?  boo"
1960170962,"sadness","steve5424","Stuck in office till 5. It's so warm outside"
1960190407,"sadness","mlevison","@dwhelan I've wondered about rake to.  The client has made it clear .NET only, don't force devs to learn a new lang  #agile #ccnet"
1960190470,"worry","CSheely","My ancient iPod is nearing death"
1960190630,"hate","luisbg","sorry paul scheuring, but prison break series finale sucked... in so many levels"
1960191045,"happiness","yoliebear","Yay !!!! It's firday.... Have a good one everyone. On my way to work,    Lot's of work pending."
1960191284,"worry","mastergara","Searching for Dr. Scholl's sandal inserts for men. It seems they only make them for women"
1960192012,"neutral","theaariffic","now, 3 teardrops."
1960192441,"neutral","kellytee","Come on bell, RING. I want to go outside."
1960192464,"worry","ladyofsorrow629","@craigeryowens I work at a movie theatre in Toledo and I'd let you come see it for free. But it's not in 3D"
1960192806,"empty","stefism","is so bored..."
1960192821,"worry","creid99","I only have 2"
1960192921,"love","bryanandcarla","I hope you come over today...its almost 8  Ill be leaving at 8:30 if you dont show up...I love you & good morning."
1960193477,"worry","johnbiehler","@fuzzydave at YVR.... Fog delay is in SFO so we can't leave yet"
1960193716,"worry","Lesmy","@fosforo  shame on me!!!"
1960194070,"relief","megnm","@ost8doc  Sorry...but, I bet they aren't that bad..."
1960194171,"sadness","charly_murg","Oops spent too much already lol 50 quid gone"
1960194451,"neutral","jeffglasson","@mdurwin Yes - noticed that after the retweet.."
1960194630,"enthusiasm","spilla_","had to take my baby to the vet again today"
1960194707,"neutral","jamesy_duh","@changhee07 i have cigs but no lighter."
1960195075,"sadness","telishamantini","i've been sick for the past few days  and thus, my hair looks wierd.  if i didnt have a hat on it would look... http://tinyurl.com/mnf4kw"
1960195099,"relief","airarowena","gotta go! bye twitterland!  good night! i'll try sleep. so that i will recover easily! still sick!  bye!"
1960195679,"sadness","iconiquemag","Recession hit Veronique Branquinho, she has to quit her company, such a shame!"
1960196306,"worry","Fliss88","@Emz2009 so sad emma  u sad to be leaving the show? xx"
1960196628,"hate","MissCindyBaby","ugh damn! my usual babysitters graduation is on Wednesday and I just got a meeting request from my boss during her graduation"
1960197220,"worry","nathanstarnes","Forgot to set the alarm for a 6am ride  Hope I can get in a few easy miles after work.  Tomorrow: racin' the Gap!"
1960197522,"sadness","JasonBohata","@apostropheme i'm a real BOY goddamit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guh. apostro. i feel sad. the library lady thinks i'm stupid. SHE'S STUPID.  j"
1960197672,"worry","tiggz","@lkenner i ask myself that all the time."
1960197782,"boredom","BigCatMamma","@memow what did you think of the finale?  I thought it was kind of a cheap way out"
1960198264,"fun","amy4669","@DJstweet I know... It was just a joke... all in good fun...  some people get my humor & some don't..."
1960198368,"neutral","AlanNordman","@soyko I have spammed/trolled howardforums.com as well. I have to keep bumping my thread"
1960198392,"sadness","adrianm14","Where's  poss   i miss him"
1960198566,"sadness","ardenkhan","I'm at my saddest right now. I lost my mobile phone earphones. Waz feels a little incomplete and I feel the same"
1960198609,"worry","DrNinjaPhD","@mlbliss   Let us know what happens, poor little guy."
1960198631,"sadness","chuckidoodlez","if i wasnt workin in 5 hours id be gettin ratarsed to the point where i couldnt even see let alone stand up...THAT is how shit i feel"
1960198781,"neutral","jagregory","@erikvanbrakel company policy. Has been for the last two places I've worked at"
1960198996,"neutral","brennanrusnell","Last day of CGI 09"
1960199422,"happiness","MaryGoswell","@iamchrisc I'm soo jealous right now!!"
1960199499,"neutral","tonyg2388","@hellocuppycake yeah, guess we gotta wait til sometime in June"
1960200131,"worry","alexandraowens","@NateZim well we aren't normal then because 1. we can't drive in mexico (you have to be 18) and 2. there are no dairy queens here"
1960200429,"worry","LovelyLilacLL","Waiting waiting waiting very difficult for an impatient lass like me..."
1960200942,"worry","lejlaxo","Feeling down again. Today is way too stressful."
1960200977,"surprise","RnRFan119","i have sore throat. that's suck."
1960201189,"hate","hillary_ann","school is so pointlesss. seriously though. 7 days of school left and all we do is watch movies and make powerpoints. let me leaveeee"
1960202183,"surprise","kittyannette","will be attending CIC's parents' orientation tomorrow...need to wake up early"
1960202541,"neutral","alliebear4","goin to my aunts for the weekend. wont have my laptop blahh"
1960202575,"hate","Julietteshay",""I'm giving up on you. I don't care how you mess up your life now."... :'("
1960202687,"sadness","Sloaneyyy","@streetztalk physics  the most boring class ever!"
1960202790,"sadness","damohopo","@katcal i'm relying on my mobile, which lacks reception. Trying to help, but just looking silly"
1960202983,"neutral","ThatAussieChick","Y CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG"
1960203024,"love","lorettamore","@MYoungPSU  i must have just missed you. I was down there until 9:40 or so. Not sure if I'll make it down again"
1960203357,"surprise","BruneiArsenal","I'm making a logo on photoshop & it didn't work out..  hehe.. try again lah.."
1960203449,"sadness","FenixWings","@lewace11 that sucks man"
1960203710,"sadness","tonightless","Grew fat today  GSS was so hxc I saw a full house Chanel, JC, Pedder Red and Ferragamo! How great is the economic downturn."
1960204018,"neutral","kurandoinu","No want work"
1960204273,"fun","poprocker85","http://twitpic.com/66ltb - Finito~! Hunk Ah Hunk of Burning Love! I do believe my camera phone is stuffed. Stupid blurryness"
1960204776,"neutral","ellejonees","dont go... im sorry for disappointing you"
1960204939,"worry","mac_mogul","thoughts out to Vicki (MOM) who just hit a deer in her Stage 3 Roush"
1960205095,"love","laceysavage","@TrixieStilletto Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry.  That's the last thing you needed right now. *hugs*"
1960205270,"neutral","BreathlessDebby","wants the tickets for the concert"
1960205694,"sadness","brodykenny","No more mrs. reilly"
1960205748,"happiness","ModernDayFire","Just woke up! Annnnd have just realised I missed un uber sunny day...score"
1960205794,"worry","Ann_Nee","Is stranded at home. home in Sg Long."
1960206133,"neutral","Ohnaa","I want some Starbucks.."
1960206643,"sadness","jbb","Wah, my fav whattaburger location is closing on the 31st. Damn. Good thing I'm moving.  Damn  Mon/fri won't be the same"
1960206813,"worry","angusmaclean","I saw the best 1980s back combed poofy bangs this morning on a 30yo... 8 in high. By the time I turned around she was gone... no picture"
1960206854,"surprise","steveackles","it's raining again"
1960206931,"surprise","schmelissa","MIffed to discover that I only own De La Soul's "Stakes Is High" on cassette! And iTunes/Amazon don't sell a digital copy"
1960206942,"worry","ashleybella","I should probally bring a box of kleenex to schoool today, I'm going to cry so much"
1960207676,"empty","sarahjoystrange","is working. Boo"
1960207689,"fun","GlowMore","@NotARichGirl everyone else get all the good stuff!!"
1960207859,"worry","Twyst","bf moves to the city tomorrow. Currently he lives down the st.  Sadness.  He will be far away  (not TOO far, but not down the street )"
1960208002,"sadness","Lexxu","Gotta go now .. i'm going to Circus .. the real Circus not Britney's Tour  sadly .."
1960208055,"worry","Imadiva3015","@LATINQUEEN83 They ended up staying late  But how was ur night?? LOL"
1960208172,"neutral","HeartOFHatred","Logging off Twitter app to preserve battery life."
1960208219,"hate","jmorell","@cskly Kev, fuck off! I'm stuck in Westgate working"
1960208433,"neutral","timeistheenemy","@KatStopFeeling i widddd but i'll be on a bus to london    & also"
1960208554,"worry","ceyKo","wating for the next metal gear"
1960208715,"neutral","saaaaaarah15","off to revise again now"
1960209316,"worry","iJeremy","I cut my thumb on a broken coffee pot."
1960209610,"relief","GoEddy","@tpgraham the AC tix are actually $20 but the show is sold out.  I'd have to get tix through stubhub and pay up to $70."
1960210067,"worry","thisgoodlife","Oh, ew. That's too bad - after not using this certain lip gloss for a long time I just tried to wear it - literally making my lips burn."
1960210420,"worry","BruneiArsenal","'m working on a logo on photoshop & it didn't work out..  hehe.. try again lah.."
1960210481,"happiness","SirPsycho84","@Cholle2001 lucky...you get to do capoeira"
1960210509,"love","IsaMilano","@AnikoHeartsJon I am a little bit sick  (voice, nose and head). My brother has shared his microbes with me *sigh* See you later !"
1960211167,"relief","Lauradorapercy","Finally finished that topic. Quick revision break, then on to How far did Heath change the Conservative party?"
1960211176,"sadness","lucalessio0205","need some Pizza...can't get out of office"
1960211444,"sadness","Sobk13","@mycaricature My pleasure and sorry to hear about the pollen thing"
1960211665,"hate","nightatnoon","My generation is too fucking apathetic to party down in the desert. 30+ knows how to have fun and my age group is generation myspace?"
1960211675,"worry","BrookeDavis_x","don't want to go to work tonight"
1960211736,"sadness","jennypoynter","@claireyjonesy LMAO i want him to reply  booooo you @tommcfly REPLY TO ONE OF US lmfaoooo"
1960211971,"neutral","adantes326","Ahh ! I just woke up.  forgot to reset my alarm clock."
1960213062,"hate","wraith2021","I never get invited to go anywhere"
1960213478,"love","itzwanduhhfo0","@Famousnae i know.  i would of gone to red river but i forgot bout it and was tired from work. we need a donut hole eating date soon!"
1960215194,"sadness","TeacherE20","@Tiffany_in_VA I'm not getting your updates to my phone  I'm trying to figure it out but it makes me sad!"
1960215417,"worry","7angofragger","yeha i broke their page... damit... im trying to fix it how... hope you dont bank with communityfirstandtrust"
1960216090,"neutral","AshleeKayy","@katiekayx come back for another year  pllleeeaaasse"
1960216202,"worry","nataliedotpeace","just when i thought things couldn't get any worse. it just did. and it will get even worse tonight, i bet.  my life is a misery."
1960216372,"worry","LegendaryWriter","@lstcinthabldg im good! im on my laptop using and external internet plug. i need to send it away to be fixed"
1960216389,"sadness","loflosmith","Is home from MARCO ISLAND and missing it and my girls already...back to work!"
1960216757,"neutral","Jixisticks","just got back home with my disappointing report card"
1960216827,"empty","MattBrowne","Fighting with Nagios configuration.  Great tool but the config is a bit of a labour"
1960216859,"hate","Judi6o9","Sighs, well I accidentally clicked back space on my mouse"
1960217210,"worry","astressedmom","@My2Cynts kittens are cute then they grow up n become CATS"
1960217240,"worry","XanderGryphon","Told Verizon not to send anyone before 11. He showed up at 10. Gotta deal with this bullshit now, dunno how long I'll be offline."
1960217456,"sadness","i_love_you_more","i only hav 8 followers                 !"
1960217752,"sadness","MissPeterPan","oh...my foot's hurting now. About 5 minutes after I took it out though."
1960217788,"sadness","Nicole1013","not feelin so hot"
1960218381,"surprise","SpankRansom","@jaspercullen I would think you'd want to follow me."
1960218940,"worry","irene_velasquez","Oh no adult school again"
1960219020,"sadness","jwesonga","My anticipated meet up with Tapan Parikh is no more  apparently he wont pass by Nairobi, and will head straight from Mombasa"
1960219095,"worry","vivianavitetta","@JonathanRKnight Sorry to hear ur flight got cancelled  that blows!!!"
1960219235,"neutral","BeautyBBoxRadio","heyyy where'd my tweet go?  *shouts to @fuseboxradio bc her lists are always amazing!"
1960219422,"worry","niboowin","I'm currently feeling the wrath of too much alcohol consumption"
1960219464,"worry","azboricua","@kasperapd I tried registering on the website. No go, I get an error with all 4 browsers. Firefox, chrome, ie, safari."
1960220256,"empty","RoxyyA","@QueenQH D= indeed"
1960220314,"sadness","beccaspeaks","@davidtreynolds but but but. I want steak"
1960220475,"worry","sweepeep","Can't understand why I'm not getting any response"
1960252350,"happiness","ciutank","Raining...  I missed the rain so much...  I am grateful for it ;)"
1960252817,"worry","sherischrier","@BleedingSweat I saw this link, but I get an error on the CNN site when I open this page and cannot read the article."
1960253190,"relief","pinktoegal","I guess I am too freaky for followers."
1960253203,"worry","tattersallx","i'm not feeling twitter at the moment"
1960253964,"worry","orlandojuice","@dreski757 nah I don't finish til next yearrrr!!!   are u stayin in the bad news after graduation?"
1960255496,"neutral","Malallory","working today.  Can't find my key so I had to borrow Miranda's."
1960255629,"neutral","KSdaisy","I'm back but not for long"
1960255884,"sadness","AbbyrHarris","Parents decided to drop in on their tour-de-US. The whole family is at my house. I am at work"
1960256363,"happiness","ROCKSTARSYRUP","had fun tonight ^^ make up, pillow fights and skins. wish i could have stayed over"
1960256837,"surprise","kveals2531","Going to work.  Could use some happy pills"
1960256871,"neutral","evagarc33","@eligong me too"
1960256999,"sadness","bullyinguk","@Rainbowcentre No  sadly its not  bit disappointed will try again later see if i change my mind"
1960257337,"fun","Ashleym2988","@shtoofi well just remember that tmrw is another day and hopefully won't be as craptastic. sorry girrrrl"
1960257358,"worry","hoyle1337","@allyeatscat ya she prob does but i dont want to no about it"
1960257465,"neutral","hoozle","@beardoctor I really should put up a pic, I guess."
1960257548,"worry","wdupkryxiaaane","Chem final right now. Awwh mrs. Oli! Imma miss you!"
1960257615,"sadness","maddm","i cant hear anything outta my left ear"
1960258523,"worry","glenngillen","@Caius the gloss screen on my macbook would probably rule me out"
1960258624,"sadness","AlyxandraB","At work  oh no it's the first day of monthly visitor ahhhhhh"
1960258802,"sadness","AbSuLUte8","Anotha day of work  not lookin forward i hate closin fri"
1960259229,"neutral","iEhab","Bandwith limit exceed on filaty"
1960259434,"worry","AliTechno","@Peter_Duerden JealousMUCH..I want to be outttt  Not stuck in revising. You better have green dragon in my honour lol"
1960259597,"enthusiasm","vibhavsingh","Dubai!!! Still trying to settle down"
1960259781,"happiness","shaunhinklein","Omega is tomorrow. Haven't really planned anything for it. Make sure to come if you can. It'll be awesome. Then move-in June 1st."
1960259808,"hate","postverta","I hate packing"
1960260363,"fun","kpink007","ready for a very busy, FUN day tomorrow! gotta keep myself busy when my lover is gone"
1960260618,"worry","Anthony_y_Tony","@TeeJay882 heyyyyyyyy no love for me no more !?"
1960260812,"enthusiasm","ynaaa","I really want a camera!"
1960260831,"sadness","miss_dra","@mgiraudofficial  i'd give anything to be there. too bad i'm in tennessee."
1960260905,"worry","Sarahboooo","i seriously neeed to study"
1960260922,"sadness","brogan1279","this hot day is making me tired"
1960260938,"hate","KMuncie","Seems like everyone I know is asking for computer help...   kill me now"
1960260996,"worry","xsamantharae","funeral at 2.  today is going to be bad."
1960261060,"neutral","RyanELloyd","Is at work"
1960261135,"neutral","xdisenchantedx3","tikcets are only �91...each...BUT I SO WANT TO GO"
1960262282,"neutral","sebsharp","@rodcub They know no bounds....."
1960262431,"surprise","SoniaLaw","does not know hot twitter works"
1960262681,"love","TatianaOrtiz","@ddlovato hey! im a fan form Puerto Rico .. can'wait for your next CD ... xoxoxoxo Come back on tour here please  !!"
1960263190,"enthusiasm","cverbarg","Going to the Chiro to see what is wrong with my bum ankle."
1960263209,"hate","xxdepinkladyxx","When r these DAMN exams ever gone b over and done with?  i wanna b out in the sun"
1960263221,"neutral","airwaves","@jasonmhines Rude."
1960263541,"relief","Twist_er","Omfg.lmao.lassetti was right... those bangs did look bad.  lmao"
1960263545,"sadness","stephaniealana","@AdInterim Still jealous"
1960264884,"sadness","Ktbkr","@kevholditch It's NOT good.  1 of our directors said we could go home and the other said back to work  boo! It was good while it lasted."
1960265264,"relief","theherel","Pas si terrific que �a ce twitterrific"
1960265389,"sadness","Taylor_x3","My stomach hurts so bad"
1960265663,"sadness","Asomers888","I dont wanna get out of bed i wanna go back to sleep.. i have to open the store at work though"
1960265805,"sadness","thecelebhost","@TheReal_RedBone stop that babe u makin me feel very bad now! :/"
1960265837,"worry","shellbbyyyy","on my way to school of my last friday of high school ever!  and i don't even get to see holly Gabbie and hannah"
1960266036,"love","jareed3386","@JenRajpura HAHAHA, I'm going to be so disappointed that I miss this   But if you go HAVE FUN!!!"
1960266393,"worry","Miss_DG","It's tough being a thick chik"
1960266959,"worry","MichelleHollis","i suppose i best get ready for work  grrr"
1960267047,"sadness","Mubecca","Sick kid trumps advance planning.  Bummer"
1960267054,"enthusiasm","smandersx","@Hilareeee But...but...I'm not!"
1960267316,"hate","wndwhni","unemployment office sucks"
1960267344,"worry","Mirna023","So disappointed about the talent lineup for "Revent�n Super Estrella 2009"...hmm...Have the feeling I won't get tix this time around."
1960268448,"sadness","HelKatUK","@Sweena ... so I can't charge you by the hour then?"
1960268822,"empty","gouneexp","Is hungry with a sub"
1960268939,"worry","KarennaColcroft","@moriagerard Won't really get a break till custody issue is settled and I've moved... another month or so, at least"
1960269287,"worry","DJClicheDarknes","@SarfaBarfa My friend Cliff has the tix, so I have to wait on him   Or you can ask trent to just let me in.  You  know, over all else >.>."
1960269312,"neutral","OhMyDamnKelsey","It's hella itchy!  http://twitpic.com/66m7f"
1960269399,"love","EgleTumosaite","weekend along with the summer is here so why do I feel sad?"
1960270104,"worry","chris_topher","@cccaaasss what's wrong?"
1960270132,"worry","samanthamarie","My hair looks really bad  First thing I'm doing is washing it when I get home."
1960270257,"sadness","rejou","@Pharriell nothing  let's stay quiet together. ps: did you cry?"
1960270468,"sadness","effbot","So effing tired  http://bit.ly/e0ZFz"
1960270613,"worry","Gedankensturm","its sad that the rats are becoming aggressive against the guinea pigs. I have to seperate them."
1960270743,"neutral","geektonic","@VINYLFREAK RE: Hulu Desktop in Windows 7 Media Center  http://bit.ly/DEc64but not on extenders unfortunately"
1960270832,"neutral","ricktaps","If I were a transformer... I'd step on people just to hear them *squoosh*. But I'm not so I guess I'll just have a cup of coffee instead."
1960293602,"love","ShaddixSG","@RennaSuicide Alright...you missed one crazy party last night"
1960293684,"worry","cbird_182","My knee fucking hurts man  Haylee doesn't even care, GET ME MORE MILKSHAKE-SHAKE-SHAKE-SHAKE IT!"
1960293689,"sadness","pattyxxcore","Only four hours and fifteen minutes until three day packing spree!!! Ugh work"
1960294025,"empty","ali_wright","Glorious day in Glasgow for a change, and I'm working  Too much to do to even contemplate knocking off early..."
1960294030,"sadness","knitkat","@benjamin_cook you make me sad. Why do I like in canada? I can never watch these things. I should move. Know anyone who needs a roommate?"
1960295070,"worry","zazaty","got 34/40 for exam 1... percentage doesnt look good."
1960295364,"hate","Bibi_SD","Can I get some gd news for gods sake"
1960295566,"hate","elseyah","I am doing Geography Revision on Earthquakes!  How Boring!!"
1960296070,"worry","R0GUE","ive made a terrible mistake   i need an auto save function for everything i do !"
1960296139,"worry","DilScheenaard","Still unbelievably shocked about the firing of THE best radio personality, Martin Streek"
1960296250,"sadness","ladylogan","@SuFiGirl35 well that's no way to start the day off !!!"
1960296269,"hate","tecscarff","What a burden. Abit of a fail lunch with Dan"
1960296577,"sadness","amzeus","Jus back after watching Night at a Museum 2......would rate it 5 on 10"
1960296801,"worry","the_real_tobi","no please!"
1960296965,"love","vixster___x","Really fucking loved him"
1960296980,"worry","AmberOrMrsA","At work I don't like today its nasty outside  can't wait to get home today and clean my house!"
1960297077,"worry","Xiantayne","@hotelqueen hmm...your blog won't let me post a comment."
1960297149,"worry","oohtravie","@BLEXXED shit i got a shit of hw to do 2nite"
1960297237,"hate","TheChrisD","Right, fuck the whole Twitter silence experiment. The last four days have been murder with the inability to mouth off"
1960298202,"love","kimitabum","@almcheese alms ur tweets r all delicious. Haha! Since its about foodddd... Anyway gatau nih aku mau pindah dr binus"
1960298248,"neutral","eamrichardson","@andy_sims do you know of any inside scoop on a station that's anything what kwod was? there's nothing for us now"
1960298313,"neutral","KendallCazabon","in communications class"
1960298847,"sadness","anniem695","Didn't bring connector for camera on trip...saving new photos will have to wait another week..."
1960298901,"worry","jessicaengen","hair, grow back!"
1960299035,"fun","groupleisuremag","Travel trade stalwart, David Steele of City Cruises marks his retirement with a Thames Cruise Party tonight - press day means I miss out"
1960299135,"neutral","AlexHall2009","just been playin out i am all itchy now  it was fun"
1960299634,"neutral","kabeza","arriving at itexa. Lots of mails to read and some work to do  thanks god weekend is just here"
1960299706,"worry","lindsaydoerr","@stinegirl2 thats a bad start to the day!"
1960300158,"worry","LauraKILLS","@seansmithsucks i would be looking forward to seeing you tonight if i was going"
1960300173,"worry","tmonneyyy","Freaking out a bit..crossing my fingers that things will work out ok"
1960301147,"sadness","infatuatedgabby","Its so sad"
1960301441,"neutral","Joshyxspicenz","@TaylaMe3 excuse me ...theres me!!!  jkidding lol...so how long b4 yr fun night out starts lol"
1960301465,"worry","msjennybeth","I miss my boys"
1960301638,"worry","im_the_martian","@LatinAngel9393 that is so sad. wish I can do something big for the kids. may God Bless the kids always."
1960302026,"neutral","Miss_DG","@shablack I give it 2 snaps down  how's work going?"
1960302289,"worry","cariine_","@tommcfly I'm depressed ! I want to know you and kiss you all"
1960302395,"worry","Jack_O_C","@trayzz ... I think I'm gonna fail aswel!"
1960302709,"worry","dwaq","@chezmax butbutbut... it has a qwerty keyboard... how can something with a qwerty keyboard go without a nethack port!?"
1960302841,"sadness","hisydneyxo","@mixxxonn we watched the today show(: we didnt see you though"
1960303032,"happiness","garethpoole","@zenithus at least you have a next year  into the big wide world for me!"
1960303224,"neutral","lovejeylee","shuuut up  stupid."
1960304029,"surprise","texanoutofwater","@operationkiwi Ooo....sounds great! hope the weather does stay nice.  re: hot water bottle, was just thinking how BAD it would be to leak"
1960304042,"sadness","batterivatten","Have spent half of the day troubleshooting something that wasn't even within my control. Clusters doesn't always mean high availability."
1960304230,"worry","joshtastic1","@theboycharlie ooooo sooooo wanna swap my day is well boring revising for looming uni exams"
1960304614,"worry","jennieelizabeth","I really, really want a golden retriever. Too bad I won't be living in a home where she could run around for about 10 years"
1960305113,"worry","bryancheung","I think i'm broke again.  :\"
1960305139,"fun","closetgeekshow","job hunting. yay....."
1960305400,"sadness","s_monkieLOVE","I have a headache. And I have nobody to keep me company.   _wants.to.be.a.kidd.again<3"
1960305421,"neutral","coraline73","@MrBillyBones Twitpic won't show me the picture"
1960305539,"sadness","dangaaajoli","I think I may cry. I just sold my 97 civic. Its no longer mine."
1960305964,"sadness","JeLaudi","I hate when you cant sleep"
1960306067,"sadness","gina_pina_14","@aianna21 @nandiaramos Sadly not, no. They're his colleagues and it's a work party"
1960306309,"worry","Amaru279","I miss my water cuz my well went dry"
1960306367,"worry","mikecferrara","@grayguitar @andrewconnell I'm starting to feel depressed with this hurricane talk... I'm on the front lines down here!"
1960306418,"worry","haleighbooberry","Have to walk to school, and i have two welts on my thighs!"
1960306437,"neutral","VampireFaust","I wish I could go to #BEA this weekend."
1960306762,"worry","AsianGangstaa","Head is pounding.  Well not really pounding, more like tapping I suppose.  Homework time."
1960306939,"worry","linnieclark","It's beautiful outside. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and I? I'm studying  Wish it were already vacation."
1960307823,"sadness","MargaritaNKOTB","@JonathanRKnight I wish I was there.I've just moved from San Diego to WA and I'm very depressed, I miss sunny San Diegoooooooo!!"
1960308245,"worry","sanman_ish","met the shortest line ever at FCB Tunapuna... then the tellers disappeared"
1960308585,"worry","JohnHok","Dang I just realized how bad my eyes have gotten"
1960309438,"worry","luigimasi","urgh there's a power cut!!"
1960310068,"worry","annaaralar","@runaholickassy i spent the whole day shopping with Aiza.  i don't really like shopping.  still, i had fun but my feet didn't."
1960310244,"neutral","joeyguerra","@Snakecharmers It's becoming a very tough race. Linda is indeed very talented. But someone has to go every week.  We cut two this week."
1960310671,"worry","Kelly208","@ejhildreth I keep trying to invite @ShannonMorgan out, but I think she's afraid of me."
1960310709,"worry","deborahn00b","sitting in the parking lot-by myself  i miss you baby. couple min til i gotta deal with a bitch. then i'm peacin' out and hitting the gym"
1960310760,"sadness","Jennyh021","just got off work.... working night shift at the hospital 12 hrs a day is starting to get to me..."
1960310907,"surprise","ergo14","why did last.fm wanted money from me to listen to my radios"
1960310944,"neutral","CitaStar","i want a dog..."
1960315010,"worry","serynzia","Nightmares last night so bad I slept curled tightly in a ball. Sore all over. Took three aspirin. Still hurts."
1960315113,"sadness","TXAggieGirl09","is really wishing you would just let me go and let me fight this on my own...i'm tired of feeling like shit because of you!!!"
1960315413,"worry","detectivemonko","the #liesgirlstell and #liesboystell threads show how women and men alike are screwed up and struggle to have real, honest relationships"
1960315759,"neutral","mimConaN","@marianawerneck o que houve?"
1960316102,"worry","DevHawk","@JSMSoftware IronPython + Windows Mobile is a no-go. Compact Framework doesn't support Reflection.Emit."
1960316509,"sadness","angelicanicolle","didnt do my devos...  hopefully my day doesnt suck because of it."
1960316744,"neutral","imafanatic","@JonathanRKnight   Delays/cancellations really bite. Have had my fair share and can sympathize. Hang tough!"
1960316758,"sadness","actressL2","Havnt gotten any in months  my ex seems into dating but there isn't that spark anymore  still in love with loser who left me"
1960317017,"worry","C_Joy","#flylady Oh deary me: 15 mins not enough to rescue kitchen  I shall come back to it later so I can mow the lawn while still cool outside"
1960317285,"happiness","doitJEFFSTYLE","@flippy10 deh, i wish the deal was up when i bought my macbook in december  but.. at least i got 100 bucks off! :]"
1960317292,"neutral","setv","Gen. Casey: US Ready To Fight War Against North Korea http://tinyurl.com/nehqpb  uh,oh, the war pigs are getting excited again"
1960318129,"love","MandieBalliache","watchin' a moovie...and im sited about going 2 ma friend Sara's tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. She was injured   I luv ya'll. i will keep u updated"
1960318611,"sadness","Kariodude","@pistol62 Is the Bee to Busy to talk to his buddy on Yahoo?"
1960318666,"worry","miamendez","@LayDown28 man I don't know... they been there a few months and he actually almost cries when he is speakin back to her. Sad"
1960319406,"happiness","AnggieJ","Back home  Had a great time!"
1960319430,"neutral","lilacpixie","@iskrin I haven't got ANY cupcakes yet  I was hoping if I said it enough, some would appear!"
1960319808,"neutral","KelseyHency","@lukeholland  I am mid-detox, I won't eat any"
1960320160,"neutral","vpierc1","back to br"
1960320482,"sadness","bekahfischer","has work to go to."
1960320903,"neutral","bigfatloser","@anaruba I need carseats"
1960321065,"happiness","MaggieC32","Havin a much better day today!! Finished the last Twilight book yesterday. Classes start next week!      Get at me yall!!"
1960321175,"neutral","baileywatkins","More homework."
1960321323,"sadness","catfish743","Getting into the swing of things. I miss someone"
1960321986,"hate","Jakkers","@Jimmers31 U so dirrrrrty... Why oh why did I pick the Hawks  I figured I needed a longshot and they were a better bet than CAR"
1960322294,"sadness","stephanierachel","Ughh none of my apps are working !  phone why do you hate me !"
1960322421,"worry","Jennymac22","@foxy1982 Yeah, plus I always totally overspend"
1960322600,"love","monaah","contemplating borrowing one of my moms dogs just for today..i want to take care of someone."
1960322665,"worry","muhranduh","it doesn't feel like a friday"
1960322909,"worry","veggisaurous","On my way to work wish I had more days off"
1960323106,"happiness","badazzbabydoll","Hopped up out the bed put my swwwaaaaggg oooonnnn! Then got back in the bed it's raining"
1960323135,"worry","hannah106","Thinks that my friends lifes go around with what they boyfriends do and then they have not time for us girls"
1960323256,"sadness","Rstaristick","@Kay26 *sigh* me miss them days !!"
1960323456,"worry","unusualway","@StartSwimming: I'll be in Heerlen on Sunday but you won't be there, right?"
1960323938,"sadness","michaelsluming","New issue of @olivemagazine in the office...desperately want to flick through but have so much to do. It'll have to wait"
1960323954,"happiness","catherinexlove","i got a freakin macbook!!!!! hoorayyy! but i freakin deleted phootbooth."
1960324291,"neutral","SoraiLaFey","Strike one.    (Three and I'm out.)"
1960325403,"worry","adanrico","Back to Tokyo tomorrow. Expecting some rain and no sunshine"
1960325505,"worry","stephrose","@kngibbard03 NOOOO!!!!! I'm so sorry"
1960325556,"sadness","ShelleyAllison","@JonathanRKnight actually, I wish I was back in Tahoe.  I miss it there."
1960325570,"sadness","kristynhuckeba","mcdonalds mccafe tastes like chewin on a cigarette butt.  I miss my sonic card"
1960325702,"sadness","B_Ri","@marvelvscapcom doesnt work already"
1960326134,"sadness","guilbeaux","@epiphanygirl i am so upset i didn't get tickets... 3 of my all time FAV artists at one venue"
1960326138,"worry","siokyin","@ RyanSeacrest : hi there might be a problem as it says no stream online, wat's not right?"
1960326481,"neutral","MiStErNoCk","thinkin twitter is really quite borin"
1960326887,"hate","toyaMTL","super late for work, and got an earful from the PSYCHOPATH. GRRRR! Day, please get better"
1960327138,"hate","ShawnKing","@jojeda I'm a minute in and I want to strangle the used car salesman doing the presentation. Is he related to the ShamWOW guy?"
1960327139,"neutral","mandasue8706","It looks like it might rain"
1960327146,"neutral","techiekat","@stephenfry  i didn't get it. although, as it's a religious thing i think i'll let that one slip by..."
1960327402,"worry","jujubaah","I miss them.."
1960327485,"boredom","cassbabyy","in math class waiting for lunchhhhhhhh. seniors are done in fifteen minutes"
1960327601,"sadness","becca4656","is upset, I left my phone at home again"
1960327604,"neutral","shellenay","WELL one is a muscle relaxant and the other is an narcotic If your still not getting help i dunno what to say  moist heat?!"
1960327891,"fun","olaitanayanwale","@Janiro dammm..i thought i was on to something  lollllll"
1960327936,"worry","slytherinbunney","@PotterEntourage I'm glad you threw the tantrum!  I was going to, but I don't know her well enough yet   Was she apologetic, darn her!?"
1960328274,"hate","natureboyrowe","rt : @LiLi214 ughhhh got fuckin pulled over for talkin on my cell in a school zone  FUCK HIGHLAND PARK POLICE rude mofo"
1960328354,"worry","McGrathComm","@IZEAinc So sad...found otu about your boot camp too late.   Oh well, may be in LA that day anyway."
1960328397,"neutral","misweeetie","Pissed I  fell asleep before I pushed 'record' and missed @chrispalko!!"
1960328802,"sadness","brightlights72","@AsiaRain22 @ the expensive of their workers welfare  other than that they are the shit !"
1960329331,"worry","InsightsGal","@Policani The Northern Clemency.  But I don't recommend it.  Too much description and not enough action. Too slow"
1960329437,"love","renataparpz","@LifewithMikey82 this is the end of the semester so i am really busy... have got no time for twitting  what a pity cause i love it"
1960329657,"relief","katrinekjeldsen","Off for a loooong weekend of inlawing...  ... ..."
1960329792,"worry","tessalouise7","@jaynenorthover oh and yes (Y) metros, but I dont think I will be drinking, I think I mite have work the nextday"
1960329964,"worry","jimmiekaska",""No offense, but your hair is bad today." Life isn't worth living anymore   Nothing hurts quite like hair insults. *cries into pillow*"
1960330048,"worry","vanishes","@exton won't anyone give poor ernie reyes jr a break?"
1960330134,"surprise","pensivepisces","@dhewlett Well that�s disappointing to hear."
1960330385,"sadness","izaartillero","Checking out Ciege Cagalawan's S/S Collection and I am regretting that I did not see his collection tonight  I got invites!"
1960330501,"worry","niyasabila","needs my mommy  http://plurk.com/p/x116r"
1960330631,"hate","RRSellers","Im sure the 5 ppl who came in after me will be seen by a dentist before I will"
1960331062,"neutral","ladylogan","@ArmyWife98 I second this !!"
1960331256,"sadness","charleymarley","I didn't get the job at Stuff Magazine  Dammit, that would have been amazing!! Oh well."
1960331302,"fun","galleysmith","@simonschuster Celebrity sighting: Spongebobs here! #BEA09   LOL! Now I'm even more distraught I missed it"
1960335067,"neutral","Louise_ann","is wondering what actually to do, when I have a week to do fuk all bar pack, most peeps r leavin too"
1960335223,"surprise","SherriMcKnight","@dsfq Definitely grass cutting   Cole has committed himself to stacking wood for our neighbor as well. Past 2 days set is back too far."
1960335720,"worry","nandiaramos","@gina_pina_14  Not good!!He wouldnt like his girl flirting with his colleagues,would he?"
1960336689,"worry","becca4656","is upset, I left my phone at home again"
1960336931,"empty","Ben_Grauwiler","Is Bored at Home"
1960337108,"worry","darkbluGirL","Dimples was in the preview... are they not on today?  It hasn't aired here yet... via http://twib.es/CPF"
1960337145,"hate","tsand","@dmolsen Gain an instant follower, just use the #tits tag in a tweet. WTF? Lesson learned, Summer of Todd to get a new *official* tag."
1960337157,"sadness","itslaratime","@DinoB937 ask mark if he still has that old blink sense of humor!! i miss it"
1960338146,"sadness","kaitxedge","going out on thursdays is a terrible idea. i knew there was a reason i haven't done it all quarter. *pops advil*"
1960338186,"worry","prCarrS","@aka55 Hope you mom is okay"
1960338574,"worry","shortxstack","@SeanHughes it is  tequila never ends up being a good decision."
1960338579,"surprise","fashionelf","@simoncollister I moved in with the other half, so no balcony anymore  Have got a great mini-herb garden on window sill though! you?"
1960338589,"neutral","Haarlz","@fluBALLOW can i have itL"
1960338605,"sadness","mhico18","is exhausted."
1960338716,"neutral","CoachChic","Morning, all!  And, since I only have a few more days to move, I won't be able to stay long..."
1960338825,"worry","NeoCydude","@xXScarletBXx I think that may look a little silly -.- Also my camera is broken so no photo"
1960338852,"love","chuckphie","@_supernatural_ http://twitpic.com/66l83 - i liked old ruby best."
1960339940,"surprise","noh8tr","@alexalgebra Unfortunately, that's how it usually goes.  In answer to yesterday...I'm okay. Things may be looking up. Miss talking to you."
1960339975,"worry","Booliver","@hillaryohara because I couldn't get the money to mikey in time.  trust me. It makes me sad too."
1960340051,"surprise","heatherirving","really cant be bothered going to work tonigh, its too nice to be stuck inside"
1960340146,"fun","Jonster","@idlemichael I will watch that at some point. Have it on hd but Stace also wants to see it in hd so waiting"
1960340201,"neutral","heidimarie1985","at work  closing files"
1960340901,"neutral","thelovelyleo","@moniqhar heeeeey! You abandoned me here on Twitter momma dots?"
1960341329,"worry","trying2lead","Sitting at my kids school listening to moms discuss their daughters becoming women. I feel unsafe."
1960341449,"surprise","annief1","@sallyinnorfolk I have to spend lots of  our money on a new boiler...great!!! Not so lucky hey"
1960341680,"worry","EunicePL","Sweat is just not cute.  Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to work out without sweating. BOO."
1960342217,"worry","ThogoriwithaT","Im starting to rethink my "I cant stand cold places" stance..this heat, humidity is unbearable & i cant stand the ac no more  #meltingaway"
1960342255,"neutral","Be_Brittany","i am up - dont want to be though  wish i had slept in more heather woke me up. i've got to work later but first i will read some twilight!"
1960342701,"worry","Lionheart197","Back to work!"
1960343250,"sadness","mandalot","@RetroRewind i have to wok a nite shift tonite so will miss it  please DM me, i promise i wont tell anyone else ;0) !!!"
1960343673,"worry","jamievbred","@zwaloo I've tried that already..."
1960345226,"sadness","gelaibabydoll","@althearicardo: 3 hrs to go pa ako"
1960345678,"neutral","earth_mommy","Something is totally eating up my broc, cab and beans   Insecticidal soap just isn't getting rid of the pests but I don't want chemicals"
1960345955,"hate","natalies09","Stuck in an office, red hot"
1960345960,"sadness","Harmonyivory","Field day is sad. No ribbons for me."
1960346269,"worry","created4mykids","being upset"
1960346308,"worry","andyarnolduk","@PortlandUK  Hope you don't get let down again."
1960346631,"happiness","Mkenn076","@EsmeACullen AWWWWWWW you totally rock...I felt all  and now I'm the happiest girl eva!"
1960347100,"neutral","janielovesyou","My baby is going to her first sleepover tonight   I'm gonna need a lot of wine to get me through today"
1960347673,"worry","DBH819","@lindseygbaker yeah ill be on verizon... so those are my two options right now..."
1960348903,"worry","Stevieb0y","Found out I have to go to the US again in August. Getting tired of transatlantic flights. Not good for my carbon footprint either"
1960348907,"sadness","janex10","@jasondjkim i knowwww.. i cant deal. this 9-5 life is not for me"
1960348971,"sadness","Moki921","@kjNYC it's depressing"
1960349056,"worry","MaxKind","Gonna go get my teeth taken out."
1960349738,"neutral","Haarlz","@fluBALLOW mean"
1960349806,"relief","emma_norman","waiting for 5pm to go for a drink with ones out of work because Belinda leaving today  at least the sun is shining for her!"
1960349891,"worry","ryanzundell","@wolverine66 didn't get them"
1960351117,"worry","sophzilla","I am tres depressed"
1960352040,"surprise","Neesha0429","@asheleybg That's actually not too far from the truth"
1960352475,"sadness","colombo1971","Have $#@&!!! Malware on my work PC!  I miss having an IT dept"
1960352628,"surprise","thejessicas","@MiaOMal i'm not partying tonight"
1960352903,"worry","izaartillero",".. so I can only recover 10 photos"
1960353097,"worry","Traceysays","I can't find @HRHBrianthecat  hope he didn't get eaten by anything last night...he jumped off the deck   he just wont stay in safe *sigh*"
1960353321,"surprise","icedgems03","@bex_1210 holy crap, I need to see that! Too bad I gotta wait until tomorrow"
1960353326,"neutral","WolfieFett","work work work. my desk is a sea of papers and I am the dinghy being tossed about in its waves."
1960353441,"neutral","pocahontas007","@E_L_S How was the game? Unfortunately, teh Cavs lost  I'm sure you had fun though"
1960353550,"sadness","JennyLoNo","At work... What a miserable day"
1960353551,"sadness","chadolson11","I feel like such a failure this morning"
1960354169,"worry","teegin","Yay for having a giant headache  stupid glasses."
1960354251,"worry","liilaantunes","waking now, so lazy and very worry ..."
1960354276,"worry","cojan_duffy","What's with the mass exodus from work at half three?  It makes me sad"
1960354292,"worry","davidiangray","Enjoyed last night at what I call "real world social networking" -  LOK event in Vancouver.  It was great!.  But headeache today"
1960354374,"worry","mcraddictal","@Boy_Kill_Boy oh sorry! not getting all my replies  nothing against you. and yes, i do know nirvana"
1960354566,"worry","mverstrepen","@rogiertje just checked my account I also paid twice"
1960376784,"neutral","aarondimaano","will sleep in a while. still mourning the adobo he cooked.  http://plurk.com/p/x12gf"
1960376885,"hate","ediekaemmerlen","Really? 87 degrees as the high and I'm on my way to work?!?  hagg lake tomorrow is going to be especially bomb sauce!!"
1960376921,"worry","forgetmaine","i think 90% of the irish population of manchester have come to my house today yet none of them are the 1 person i want to see"
1960377015,"sadness","darkbluGirL","Finally finished exams & home not watch Otalia & the PBP on BPD - no Otalia today  hmm! via http://twib.es/COP"
1960377127,"worry","CaliSker","My Street Fighter IV skills are lacking, can't beat Seth on easy."
1960377130,"worry","snuffygirl","is at home with a pukey boy! Poor little baby"
1960377541,"happiness","ohemgeitsnikkie","I did that once"
1960377687,"happiness","tiffanyb","On the list of park closures - Calaveras Big Trees SP, where I'm headed this weekend. So glad to be visiting before it's too late."
1960377967,"worry","adamshilton","@Jakeshears poor pooch..."
1960378046,"sadness","andi_lynn","I think i need some new friends"
1960378089,"worry","mommybeach","Poor DS is in bed with 100.8 fever - he won't be able to walk in Relay for Life tonight - feel so bad for him, he's so sad"
1960379163,"sadness","jknapp221","Finishiing up the Training Exercise in New mexico..  Not looking forward to the 19 hour bus ride home this weekend."
1960379461,"worry","vgiacoppo","@jerseybites I get bit by ticks all the time  I eat a ton of garlic in the summer to keep them and mosquitoes away! boo >:O"
1960379668,"worry","AngharadEvans","I've burnt my collerbone and arms and face! aww!"
1960379746,"love","queenofbabble82","@anijade she was wonderful, did not get to meet her though"
1960379789,"worry","Cilla04","@JonathanRKnight Poor Jon, I feel for you dude   Eat some chocolate, that'll make you feel better, oh & some ice cream - YUM!!!"
1960380005,"neutral","envylisa","wants to be sunbathin!!"
1960380177,"hate","jamiehigh","http://twitpic.com/66mw1 - My poor car"
1960380630,"sadness","bsturdi","@1capplegate still sad about Samantha Who?"
1960381038,"neutral","littlesunflower","@MrsHoskins ooh I've got that DVD, never got around to watching it   Is it any good?"
1960381185,"happiness","suzannapavelle","Sold bikes faster than expected, and we are running out of sizes.    Luckily the single speeds are on the ocean now! ETA -  EO June."
1960381485,"neutral","thebexperson","@cherrycoke1969 Yeah, but there's nothing really to say about it. Breakfast pizza?"
1960381645,"sadness","nessacakes","a bird flew into window at my parents house and snapped his poor neck. gotta bury him"
1960381715,"neutral","shaynearroyo","today is a busy day. exhausting!"
1960382512,"surprise","Holsworth","gutted - the handbag I wanted has been sold!"
1960382852,"relief","nancy1053","We need to remodel the house and the thoughts of doing it make me kind of ill   He has one way and I have anouther, I just want to move. !"
1960382925,"neutral","louispattison","@AB_recordings Alas no - this is all occuring in an office in central London..."
1960383371,"surprise","meechie1920","@jj1814 WOMAN, I didn't know you came home  you so suck!!! When are you going back!"
1960383540,"worry","christide","@danielrhodes I worked on the precursor to bing at msft. They canned our project"
1960383764,"neutral","jdshanko","Tati, I sent you an emal doll, did you get it?    @littletati"
1960383852,"sadness","Ran61","looking out window is depressing it is so beautiful out and I am in here"
1960384131,"neutral","ohemgeitsnikkie","@AndrewGreer  I did that once"
1960384392,"worry","falloutdanny","worst, most depressing day, ever.  r.i.p"
1960385091,"neutral","PPEMONYMONE","@Firstladydaboss wats wrong boo"
1960385114,"worry","masalaskeptic","@antiheroine That sucks"
1960385140,"sadness","Riverchick538","@iAlejandro Aww I thought you forgot me last night. I was  I hardly have my twitter on my phone so just text me in the evenings ok?"
1960385365,"worry","dustnc","@crazydaisyfire Well thats even worse cuz when it gets hurt everyone is in pain, but poor Stephen has a smushed twitter now!"
1960385436,"enthusiasm","cowboymathu","Need to buy a bluetooth device for machine"
1960385554,"worry","gianinaalexis","trying to learn how to speak french !  can't even remember a single word!"
1960385744,"enthusiasm","mangosparks","The JBs love to keep secrets!  'Oooooh!'"
1960386215,"happiness","Pandajkv","Just took daughter to school. Still tired and still no voice. I know some people are happy!! LOL. Time to get ready for work"
1960386291,"neutral","TayTayLynn","Ugh going to town. I can never rest!  wants to go to tylers but who knows when i will get back. (exausted)"
1960386429,"happiness","Ant_D","I've got a bit of neckache after going hard (not going home) at Alternative night. I mean I have to, it's nearly all over"
1960386618,"neutral","FrancisViner","It's a windy and rainy day"
1960386912,"neutral","erinwallis","the puppy shall loose his um... manly parts today  poor guy...."
1960387155,"neutral","lovemypoodles","@poppyscorner He steals my stuff, buries them under fence. Embarassing when it's the man returning them! Not much I can do about frogs."
1960387346,"happiness","urbanpeach","greeeeeeeeeeeat  this summer i have four classes...if you know me...u know why"
1960387470,"love","Selestial","@jennyrae Wow, I really hope it gets better. Asthma sucks"
1960387680,"fun","GallifreyReject","@vickybonnett lmao! a good push up bra always makes the abs look smaller. in order to have Robbikin-esque abs.. 6 days a week working out"
1960387687,"worry","suesuelolo","TODAY FRIDAY: I really hope you will read my messages here and reply to me soon. I could not reach you by phone before you go to work."
1960387788,"surprise","JimmyRyan","Woke up to the sound of my neighbor getting a new roof"
1960387890,"neutral","cyberspice","@ElizabethN I may be in the US for it in which case I'll attend but if its off my own back I can't afford to go"
1960387975,"love","jjennuh","I'm going to blow ticketmaster up. I had 8th row tickets for @taylorswift13 and ticketmaster messed up. Just like my life.  im sad"
1960388281,"hate","candeeezy","@chellemariee I have my 830 class  fuckin school! what time you work wed? if jade comes ima have to get her in antioch at amtrak."
1960388314,"worry","writingaddict","@afrolicious Chile, I gotta study   But I do hope to catch an art show or sumshin...i need to get out."
1960388833,"worry","officialdeez","@SoundBwoyFast Gloomy as ever. I wanted to hit the beach too.  might as well get like you and handle my errands too lol"
1960389377,"worry","hannahmaee","FML, i cant loose another friend"
1960389605,"sadness","ilovemytroops","Sry but other day tweets were MIA - twitter network glitch, but story was re: funeral mix-up, as in wrong remains delivered to ea."
1960389973,"hate","lilacpixie","@iskrin rubbish!"
1960390307,"neutral","kaylers007","@addisontodd um hi. Good morning. Rough night?"
1960390408,"sadness","himynameisfariz","might have to go back much earlier than expected. bye bye bay area"
1960390487,"sadness","Illene24","Covering for @grnturtle its slow today & lonely"
1960390744,"sadness","michaelmeloni","@macmuso not in Hobart sorry"
1960390988,"sadness","kymmij","@JerryAZ most definately! They are having a hard time, cuz I'm so young & never saw this, but I wrkd hard making cars & now I'm disabled"
1960391116,"worry","KMSchrier","@autotunethenews i think there's something wrong with the video, it only loads the first 40-ish seconds"
1960391282,"love","haleytibbetts","@LaurenConrad    the hills is gunna be so different!! gl with your designing etc."
1960391378,"empty","KayteeElizabeth","has had to reboot her laptop to factory settings, losing EVERYTHING in the process."
1960391389,"worry","jhindley","@illmindPRODUCER careful the cops dont mistake you and your kids for criminals - i hear there is some indiscrimate shooting going on"
1960391573,"worry","LiLi214","@AshMarie214 they tried to take me 2 jail sissy  apparently i have a warrant in agg town (yeah shocked the hell outta me 2)lmao yeah right"
1960391817,"worry","bncampbell","Happy Friday! I just realized I left my cell phone at home today though"
1960392032,"happiness","aLiCeWoNDeR3","@tiffaniallen: i'm happy you got your hair did!! and i cant wait til i get back to see it! we're leaving today"
1960392100,"neutral","liddesigns","I really fancy Baked Eggs, but I have no Spinach"
1960392207,"happiness","melissa1424","@lilabiem hahaha well why would you smack ME for that?!  hahaha THE BIG BANGGG"
1960392360,"sadness","rrrrrrrrrrachel","None of the people I talk to in my P.E. class are here  I'm going to be so bored all period."
1960392515,"neutral","katiecassandra","WHAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1960392649,"sadness","scottknaster","@kellykfog Totally unsurprised that Dave isn't coming back to 10@10. But Annalisa is wrong for it, opposite of big warm mellow Dave."
1960419284,"fun","iamladylyric","@Craziscorpio ready for the weekend! I hope the sun comes out later today tho.  Where u from?"
1960419350,"neutral","gracewarren","@holliebarden me tooo"
1960419728,"empty","notoole","@alanmcnamee nope no idea, I've registered, so far no response"
1960419822,"worry","MandyPandy32","@AnotherJulia Wish I'd had the balls, but with my 2 kids with me and not knowing how illogical these ppl can be, didn't want to risk it"
1960420090,"worry","omgitsrobert","@ahhchieee haha. I know. And then I need a new car too. Oh ps I got a speeding ticket."
1960421184,"sadness","waseka_kabir","why doesnt he want me anymore"
1960421281,"surprise","antonio_lima","@MoosejawMadness You arent following me, so i cant send you a DM.."
1960421383,"sadness","DeannaSlater","If Hamilton gets a hockey team, I really think the name Hamilton should be in the team name. If not, I'll be sad."
1960422487,"anger","Lady_Lills","The toaster oven was my fault. Now I'm going to look like an idiot in front of my father."
1960422732,"sadness","Binstruct","binstruct suffers from an update of the mib package... and the developer of that package is on holidays"
1960423130,"sadness","lozikins","@GarethCliff my heart hurts for them. Imagine how shit their skin will be when they're twenty from all the stuff they smeer on it. shame"
1960423953,"neutral","zeroecho","@leodisBeanie it involves posting your thoughts and reading others mr.bean. You got a new number btw, had no txts back from you?"
1960424249,"love","ShynJAmero","@lowkeyriez nnnaaa uhhhh playah! shawty aint got nun, maybe it was ur phone or mines  but I wanted to hit me up when u left the studio"
1960424278,"neutral","seamusgrady","will not be home til 10 pm tonight"
1960424332,"worry","Ken_Lupton","@release30  Enjoy...wish I was there! Nice day in Springfield today..however I have my end of month expense report to do"
1960424648,"worry","fatimahs","i'm really tired today!!"
1960425218,"worry","AngelaRae","@johannabee Oh, no.    I'll think good thoughts."
1960425570,"worry","davidmash","not enjoying this cold, raininy Boston day.  I think my new metal back doesn't like getting wet. ;-)"
1960425693,"worry","floppyarms","Finding it hard to stay productive now the sun is coming through my side of the building"
1960426224,"empty","Drella_Bella","Hoping I hear something soon about Krystles surgery"
1960426297,"sadness","DudeXY","I think my computer is sick"
1960426497,"worry","Blender93","I tell him today! :S it's his last day"
1960426853,"love","p_relf","@Rob_Hammond Were on the way home from a night in London! Was lovely! Now working all weekend and Monday  when the weathers nice x"
1960427531,"worry","somakitty","@lofigirl who what?  call me"
1960427979,"worry","burin","working from home and ran out of coffee!"
1960428138,"sadness","BecReedman","@jessiemayumi Shame about your job  have you thought about working for yourself?  there's big money to be paid http://bit.ly/1864ml"
1960428274,"neutral","steveofmaine","@poetprodigy7 It's not much better than instant."
1960428582,"sadness","JenUpchurch","@DonnieWahlberg I'm not feeling very inspired today...I was suppose to be @ the B'ham concert tonight!"
1960428637,"worry","AkashaTheKitty","@PotterEntourage I hope your mom is ok?"
1960429076,"sadness","ronnie1977","@JonathanRKnight welcome back! I'm stuck in jury duty today."
1960429867,"neutral","ligthfairy","D�a sin sol... grrrrrrr.... �why? �WHYYY????????"
1960430302,"love","KSdaisy","@_Trystianity_ you got some sexy pics girl!!!  Love the eyebrow piercing!  I used to have a ton of piercings now I only have my ears  lol"
1960430451,"worry","shirlyhardjono","such a failure, i just ate a char siew pao  just when i thought i can skip dinner and go along my non-existent diet"
1960430788,"sadness","yay4puddin","This weather is awful! I just want to curl up and read a book all day"
1960430973,"neutral","MelRoc7","@hookbill YAY! Thanks for the #followfriday. #FAILFriday is still winning, though."
1960430985,"sadness","MandyPandy32","@NacMacFeegle Sad to see...despite my being glib about it"
1960431364,"enthusiasm","thamanagement","@MelzieC I saw the show listing and saw it was on a Wednesday!!!!"
1960431374,"surprise","crystalshong","@chelleis Whoa man, now THAT was a great one. I went to Heaven for 5 seconds. U know why lah but pls shhh. LOL. So sorry u weren't there!"
1960431729,"fun","LiLi214","@DJASAP who is @lil214....lili homie...LILI.... and i am black  75% to be exact lol"
1960432066,"worry","scpancake","@natdcook NAT!!! I'm going to miss you so badly"
1960432135,"worry","JinxedO_o","@TomFelton Oh how cool!!!, ok so for your head just laydown and put ice on it, that should heep the swelling down, I feel really bad"
1960432151,"hate","gusColiadis","Some idiot just crashed into me on his bike.  Now my bike has a small dent in it and I have to buy a new set of pedals"
1960432832,"neutral","lizziebphoto","@detroitduchess arg..tried one pic, but she moved so i failed to save it...then they never showed her feet again  but they were purty!"
1960433031,"worry","carolinehartley","Feeling very undervalued and neglected. Not even the sunshine is pulling me out this lul."
1960433085,"neutral","lost_dog","@b_sorensen I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1960433676,"sadness","WNBAFann","@TheRealScarab and this is better 4 me than a snickers bar or hersheys w/almonds.... which i use to b addicted to b4. i miss them  LOL"
1960433726,"worry","reneechantelle","Hi there all! Can't stay to long have to go to work soon"
1960433862,"worry","Fwana","my Chrissy is sick w/ a spring cold   Tissues stuck up his nose last night looked so pathetic.  Feel better soon baby..."
1960434203,"neutral","DEWz_PingPong","No u guys! @jonathanrknight said California in an angry tweet to perez hilton! Jonathan was so upset he spelled California wrong"
1960434330,"hate","Abbster8D","Locked out of my fucking house!"
1960434593,"neutral","simplesimon2009","@mizbrightside lol hehehe ok!!! well hope u njoy your night tonight ok!! need to give Jim hand with shopiing"
1960434611,"worry","evenrege","is going to our cabin soon"
1960434659,"worry","debeeler","The iPod is gonna die and gymnastics isn't over  boo"
1960434791,"sadness","nycgadgetgirl","@Sadandbeautiful That sucks about your prints. Sorry"
1960434953,"love","foreveryoung_21","i ditched school ( i hate it ) and im taking a huge dump.......    it hurts REAL BAD!"
1960435083,"neutral","siokyin","@ 102.7 KIIS-FM hey, I can't seems to get ryan's show online, what's not right then?"
1960435187,"sadness","bfrank87","has the day open until 4. don't know what to do. everyone is leaving today"
1960436149,"sadness","MDenden","Watching Scrubs season 2. Oh I'm gonna miss that show"
1960436221,"neutral","7tats","So I passed out last night in the middle of 4th quarter. I didn't witness my Magic lose"
1960437054,"worry","michelle_1394","@BrittyBoo_20 I hope he does it soon, and i know i hate fakes"
1960445085,"love","graycenelson","Just had my teeth checked, now my eyes. I'm dying for a coffee but can't drink for an hour."
1960445090,"sadness","_ross_the_boss","Not a happy bunny"
1960445111,"empty","nickgravelyn","It's supposed to be even hotter today than yesterday.  Wearing shorts to work."
1960445142,"sadness","spiderboi826","@kiddshow @deviantlysweet @causeimrossome still no shout out for Spider"
1960445254,"surprise","srbeatty","@hollyneufeld i found a few a couple of weeks ago.    i spazzed and then pulled them all out, so life is back to normal, lol."
1960445717,"hate","zbrando","Trying to recover photos after a problem between Windows and my XD card. Result: shots are all half visible  damn Microsoft..."
1960446063,"worry","smurphy01","slaving away at work"
1960446097,"sadness","Caz297","Its time for me to pack up at work now and have not had much time for twitter!  Thank you for any follow fridays. Be back later!"
1960446216,"worry","QthePhotog","@TALENTEDGENIU5 and that prob wont happen...."
1960446401,"neutral","walls6","@janey79 she's in LA, wanting sun today... but apparently LA isn't cooperating"
1960446720,"worry","gummie2509","on my way to work! working sucks big time"
1960447249,"sadness","sophielo","@Doonytime I have no Minstrels   I might have to grab some from the petrol station before I head back to work.  They are delicious!"
1960447291,"neutral","zoefairhurst","http://twitpic.com/66nbd - Ready for our 3D Jonas Brothers Experience. Real Brothers, not included"
1960447564,"neutral","luv4svu","@hollypop04 mmm  Where is it Holly?"
1960447670,"sadness","joshuabruce","Hope ur all havin a nice Friday! Been feeling down this past week since my dog's passing..."
1960448322,"sadness","1248wjp","*sigh* my @ubank USB died on my this afternoon. R.I.P, you will be missed! I hadn't even had the chance to parade you around yet"
1960448597,"sadness","theonenamedher","Anyone ever had that heavy feeling of sadness in their hearts? Thats my case rite now."
1960448602,"worry","beccabreu","is just waking up.. not very impressed with my sleep or my dreams. today is going to be a sucky day, I can feel it"
1960448738,"worry","StaceyyyyyyMo","So i sprained my ankle yesterday and it hurts worse today"
1960448767,"worry","ashleypalmero","@nanpalmero - can't get the live chat"
1960449301,"sadness","MRJELLYBEaNZ","Lmao i come on mad replies im like damn im missed ... Damn follow friday lmao so im still not important or missed"
1960449455,"neutral","JoannaLeeMorgan","Well that exam rocked...one more to go - the one we've all been dreading! Bit of revision tonight before work tomorrow"
1960449559,"worry","LizzieMacfrenzy","@LittleLee  oh well,,,you dunno where i liv eANYWAY!"
1960449624,"love","Jerforjonas","Got approximately 3 hours of sleep last night....I love my life"
1960449828,"worry","steve_nicholls",".@daveharte ... and now I wish I hadn't"
1960449843,"worry","LeandraJuliana","@sole_investor  how....no phone"
1960450455,"neutral","zwineb","I feel like... I'm not gonna make it this year"
1960450476,"neutral","Lyngay","Wow, a drive-by done by rappers mad they were kicked out of Spiros? http://bit.ly/Ik6KF"
1960450682,"hate","georgiaknowles","i hate history coursework sooo much"
1960450705,"worry","rawrdinosaurz","Friday is the new Thursday"
1960450835,"worry","Ginotta78","@JonathanRKnight i wish i  would in california.....i m so sad"
1960450938,"sadness","jamiebball","My modem has been offline for a week now... God bless the 3g network. Tim just left... Again!! May schedule has been brutal"
1960451048,"love","NikkiD13","Watching French Open tennis - sad to see Venus make an early exit this morning!"
1960451278,"sadness","pohelia","Wants to go sit in a park but should really be painting the bathroom"
1960451378,"sadness","chelseakent","going to funeral today for friend and classmate who died in a car wreck last Friday"
1960451391,"sadness","heartsxheather","whenever it rains it's so hard to get motivated"
1960451739,"neutral","tommsinclair","Anyone know a good PNG compression tool for OS X? Tried PNGCrush but it just doesnt run"
1960451786,"worry","trinityl","is sad she got her plans cancled"
1960452123,"hate","Tonjesimplelife","just got a haircut, NOT happy!"
1960452919,"happiness","CC_Cassin","@GlasgowGooner Boo  well its good fun tho.. sucks if u cant get cards.. I finished 10th in last nights #tpt I took @street out LOL"
1960452956,"neutral","ashlux","Is there a cvs equivalent to "git status"?"
1960453722,"worry","hannah894","is SO frustrated!!! I'm stuck at home without any transportation to the global god conference!!! Ahh"
1960453760,"relief","VahNessah","TGIF... this "short" week has been wayyyyyy too long"
1960453848,"neutral","astridandrene","@SWFLmoms We went not so long ago. I used to go when I was a little kid. Back then there were TONS of teeth. Now, not so many at all!"
1960454225,"sadness","BlytheX","I wish yesterday was Friday"
1960454379,"empty","FlashBack1968","@DeAnnLR :::just got it cut yesterday  http://twitpic.com/66ncy"
1960454526,"happiness","KaraSaysSo","@HansenBanana Kayyy XD Yeah, everyone always talks about the part where the dog dies  I need to find a movie that you haven't seen now XD"
1960454646,"love","anguillabeaches","inside on a beautiful day!"
1960454836,"worry","LionPebs","Worried about friend"
1960455427,"worry","elizacrunk","Woke up early! Still sick"
1960455495,"relief","milliewalsh","is HOT. Just done some late spring cleaning! About to settle down with a book i can barely read, left my glasses at my mums"
1960455779,"relief","zangelle1","Chirstina said shes gunna twitter more ...no more partners"
1960455844,"neutral","_ophelia","@_laertesgirl Ohh of course. She did stop once though, end of Dream. John Woodvine & Zoe Thorne, only ones not signed my programme"
1960455918,"sadness","Shinybiscuit",":O Looking through my old stuff and found a record from my old band! Well,a band that I was in for about a month. Ever heard of  ?"
1960455972,"sadness","AppleJuice1234","going to eat with my aunt soooon, not getting ready just changing.   i hope today is a goood day  idk i miissss himm"
1960456030,"worry","johnfurst","@GregDigneo: Your mail server just rejected a simple, plain reply to you as potential spam/virus threat. Not Good"
1960456079,"happiness","lorikdd","Broke my carafe  went to Starbucks for my caffiene fix and the lights go out...just for a sec but are you kidding me..got to laugh. Ha!"
1960456096,"neutral","simplymac29","Me + court ="
1960456136,"worry","snukembears","Ok this is a lot more boring then I thought  and matt has me on lockdown bc of moolah..."
1960456900,"worry","LauraLk3","Science, History And maths.. its so nice outside"
1960456936,"worry","HeyitsLezlie","it's 8a and i'm already dressed  but we're on set today so let the real fun begin!!! lights! camera! action!"
1960457038,"neutral","davidd843","@HockeyGal78 yeah back to work  I get out at 3:30 so it's not that bad"
1960457407,"neutral","SmorWig","@EmilyenFrance Oooo look who got a pic!  So much for swimming today"
1960457645,"neutral","laurlita","@agrinavich This is late, but I was actually in the spelling bee back in the day. I got eliminated in state finals though."
1960457648,"worry","summer_g","iProcrastinate: This is by far my #1 character flaw. Gotta session at 11 and I don't want to emerge from my covers."
1960457675,"neutral","zachflauaus","Note to self: never ever leave the MacBook Pro on the stupid iCurve. It fell off."
1960457767,"worry","FRaphael","I wish I was in dallas with the kiddnation family"
1960457865,"happiness","livefires","@GothLitChic It's too nice to be inside"
1960458164,"happiness","adamsimons","@aligomm wow! How cool is that! or was I guess, I have 18 now  haha get another follower!"
1960458328,"sadness","Evolved_Aries","@CEO_INTHEMAKING :aw"
1960458524,"sadness","angelcano","The CD  player in my car is broken.  So much for listening to my Kidz Bop Happy Meal CD."
1960458526,"neutral","siokyin","gonna be in bed soon as Friday's over soon,   would like to plug in!!"
1960458916,"neutral","jessifresh","going drinking tonight... drinking away the blues......"
1960459566,"fun","amvald01","Good Morning. It's Friday and the start of my work week  But... Lakers are going to take the 4th W tonight. Woohoo GO LAKERS!!!!"
1960459596,"empty","B_Style_P","@youngstud07 I found it, I added it, but it's still blocked!"
1960460013,"neutral","sdrchaits","browsing nd watching barca win da champs league"
1960460076,"neutral","katiecamie","That damn money sign. Ugh."
1960460262,"sadness","sodrumming","bored well its not like any one can see this i havent got any friends"
1960460785,"happiness","Shatae","Vacation over!!!  Looking forward to the next one........"
1960461027,"sadness","NoteRobot","(@zachflauaus) Note to self: never ever leave the MacBook Pro on the stupid iCurve. It fell off."
1960461187,"sadness","amalbog","feels not good at all"
1960461240,"sadness","Abieeee","Last day for seniors bye bff"
1960461627,"happiness","CrazedSuperMOM","Off to work. My last day. Get to walk around and out-process. I am very happy to be one step closer to what I really want to do, but  2."
1960461639,"surprise","zazaty","@lynnisnotgay tsk baddie. imissmonkeh today"
1960462908,"worry","EmmaaCluniee","Going To the dentist"
1960463164,"empty","jcpwee","25 hours and counting."
1960463668,"worry","purekrystalmeth","I'm scared to set the pw on my BB bc I might forget it & end up losing all my data. But yet I have financial info on it. Catch 22"
1960464262,"neutral","JunkRoxxx","@DGNY I'm ready homie..actually ima be working"
1960464904,"worry","blueeyesblur","@8short_stack8 mady were did u go?  truck did u run away?"
1960464921,"fun","EvaBeaverr","just spent all day putting up a trampoline but is now too tired to use it...  it is very cool though!!"
1960465215,"surprise","xxxmybullet","jake thomas looks so precious :'( i hate when they say "there it is i see the white light" in every ghost whisperer show"
1960465264,"happiness","redheadlindsay","@emily859 Glad to hear the weather's nice.  It's rained just about every day for the last five days.  Not fun for exploring"
1960465414,"sadness","normalguyguide","@HilaryKennedy i would share mine. but i have no hair"
1960466081,"happiness","rosagil","@Xanthetwirls I only saw urs by chance. Who else would have that name! Think I'll b missing 2nite too.  Thank god for YouTube."
1960466356,"sadness","UtahPersonals","W4M: No clever headline, Sorry  (Salt Lake City) 29yr http://tinyurl.com/mpoghc"
1960466725,"worry","lalayu","@akomuzikera HAHAHAHAHAH I thought I was following you already..I don't know what happened. sorry ha?"
1960466758,"worry","DeeTenorio","@maya_banks "Something must be wrong. Only found 17 July Harl/Sil books I wanted"
1960466847,"worry","ariesta1988","@BrittanyHauff Jz local movie here. The title's virgin 2 :p actually i feel not so good. So tired n dizzy"
1960466934,"worry","Katleavixen","sitting thinking how warm it is and wishing it wasnt so! Has so many things to sort out its driving me bonkers"
1960466946,"neutral","dopegirlfresh","@shopbatty  you may have to email the tech support ppl. that's odd."
1960467003,"sadness","NillaLove","Happy Sammy is going 2 here 2morrow!! But unfortunatly I'm not gone be able 2 go 2 the club he performing @"
1960467071,"worry","mazygracey","i hate my life big time its sooo poop gode i ould cry"
1960467237,"hate","AnasuyaRC","Tweetiful people, I am sick."
1960467577,"sadness","KPRamirez","just woke up, its laura's last full day here  Last night we watched embarrassing home movies"
1960467838,"enthusiasm","redheadeddiva","@capitaln Um...no  We will most likely be inside a lot, maybe the skirt will work!"
1960468056,"worry","bsgper4","Charley horses in both legs all night. What the fuck?"
1960468415,"sadness","bigsmooth433430","Heading to the gym.  The group of guys that USED to go with me has all quit...well, except for Brandon.   Makes me terribly sad"
1960468669,"worry","xtrahmxwohld","sinus congestion is making thinking straight difficult"
1960468825,"hate","captainboo","@VVbrown It just sucks that I'm stuck in an office  but I have you at Selfridges to look forward too."
1960468830,"relief","shiningcher","@jackiejewel ohh yeahh with the showcase he said his artist will be outta town  so keep me posted as to the next one"
1960468892,"worry","kaushal","damn! got caught eating my Cadbury Temptations by the brother. Last 6 pieces gone  will get Bournville next time. u have to earn it!"
1960469291,"worry","DaniCali522","@tarynantoniou where are you going tonight?!"
1960469335,"sadness","SniffapaloozaKA","Nothing like yoga to clear the mind and make you realize how crappy things really are"
1960469576,"fun","jarrelt","@mhisham hahaha tempting! but nvm la. i'm quite a klutz.  i actually fare better with my hp cam LOL"
1960469737,"happiness","shaynamarie09","chillin at home for the day yippee...wish @youngives was here to keep me company"
1960469995,"neutral","clockworkange","my 21month daughter's seperation anxiety is intense. it's killing me. i cant leave her sight without her breaking into an anxiety attack"
1960470367,"surprise","DarianMarie43","Damnation. I just woke up."
1960470494,"neutral","BreathlessDebby","@officialcharice Hey Charicee! How are u? Are you going to come to Italy again? please tell me yes"
1960470693,"worry","caraaaaaa","Going to meet the new family I'm babysitting for... Wish I was still sleeeeping"
1960470707,"enthusiasm","CorCorjdore","I have myself barely 4 hrs of sleep and the Lord blessed me with what feels like 8, but it came with a sore throat  pumpin out this paper!"
1960470985,"hate","darsilee21","@Andy_Hawk @andy_sims works sucks without being able to stream KWOD"
1960471056,"sadness","meganleung","GAWD!. If only that dream actually happened last night...."
1960471338,"neutral","bethan_182","@TheCavalry I'm at work"
1960471609,"hate","_peaches","i hate feeling like this about him  i need a break away from everyone... as soon as exams are over i'm defo off to portsmouth for a bit"
1960471845,"fun","JaiMurali","did U watch the spelling bee contest ? winner: Kavya Shivshankar ! Impressive performance - i had not even heared most of the words b4"
1960471934,"sadness","MaryCertad","last day working for Tend"
1960472012,"sadness","rrodrigues823","my ipod came back to me after visits to cali, china, and alaska...but its at home and im @ work..."
1960472058,"sadness","semi234","is *ugh* what a miserable looking day. 54 degrees. Where did summer go?"
1960472282,"sadness","heeereeesjonny","spent all morning watching Eddie Izzard's Glorious! SO funny... realli shud hav studied thou..."
1960472412,"surprise","patchh","@beamatti Ayy.  Okayyy. It was nice seeing you kanina ! :> I like your hair. :>"
1960472543,"worry","cezarmaroti","@vladalexa I have a Palm now. I would like an HTC HD, but it costs 3 times more than my phone"
1960472599,"worry","AppleCharlee","Grrr, I can't even practice Trumpet or vocals because my glands in my neck hurt too much! Guitar it is then."
1960472644,"worry","Pezzzzer","is abit happier at the thought that Ashleigh & Loocie with be here soonish, but sad to miss her S-ane  ;)"
1960472893,"sadness","e_noir","gutted!!! vodafone wont repair my faulty Samsung Omnia due to non existent water damage  grrrrr"
1960472950,"surprise","ang_w","One load of washing put away, and another load on. Amazing how the house doesn't look any better for all my efforts"
1960473109,"worry","whineandchz","I am never going to get these pictures taken"
1960473115,"worry","chrissnell","Just had another Army-provided root canal. Not fun. I'm starving and craving lunch at Paloma Blanca. That's a long way from here."
1960473317,"sadness","JoeCascio","Just started raining in earnest... guess golf is off for today..."
1960473783,"surprise","ZanTruluck",""yeah them men love them blowjobs" -something you never want to hear your grandma say over breakfast talkin about charles barkley"
1960473858,"neutral","betterisxoneday","I woke up with a sore throat  Work tonight. Grad practice in the morning, hanging with family, then GRADUATING FROM HIGH SCHOOL"
1960474044,"neutral","CarolinaWriter","It's Friday, it's payday...oh yeah, as a state employee I had 1/2 of 1 percent of my annual salary deducted from my paycheck"
1960489538,"neutral","fuckingxtrigger","@katismonster OMG are u still naked 1313 XDD omg i miss you so muuch"
1960489545,"relief","ogolble","i got all my hair cut off, it's almost above my ears"
1960489578,"fun","dannialmaguer","Its already hot outside...  thank goodness my car has amazing a.c!!! cyalater!!! off to work!!!"
1960489702,"sadness","Crazysientje","pff, Life sucks sometimes!"
1960489887,"sadness","haraldstoll","http://tinyurl.com/nqudrt - Hurt my finger at work"
1960489963,"neutral","Run_TMC","@crazycori713 I don't think I'm going camping"
1960489966,"empty","Stotty2910","Just got back from my first session at the gym with a PT. I'm sore allread"
1960489983,"surprise","nadinenatalin","says ptour2 tom.  hello school again. shit! http://plurk.com/p/x15fh"
1960489986,"neutral","tcdzomba","Currently 52� in Msla, not a cloud in the sky, no humidity, gonna get into the 80s today, and I'm...working."
1960490016,"worry","xxshebeexx","totally overstressed ... going to work now ... just want the college work to go away ... i don't wanna fail"
1960490034,"love","JackieRoe","@Jackobeanz I'm blue.  In other news, you will love tonight's DC!"
1960490916,"worry","International_J","I've got a headache"
1960491502,"worry","ladylogan","@SuFiSammy praying you get better soon you sweet one , sorry your still not well"
1960491550,"hate","silversangel","EVIL CREDIT CARD COMPANIES!!  God, and just when I was starting to *build* my credit again - I get this stupid 'ding' from them!"
1960491756,"sadness","cittiecait","http://twitpic.com/61ov1 - @martinhiggins  i ahte stress, its supposed to be friday! it makes me wanna cry"
1960491812,"neutral","steveh11","Oh, great.  I suppose it was inevitable I'd get spammed on Twitter, too."
1960492134,"worry","naomicupcakes","Ahh, I forgot about the test today"
1960492280,"hate","hellojamely","Gahh ! This weather sucksss !"
1960492385,"hate","aruky","I really like how the weather widget on imac and iphone always predict different weather...not!"
1960492482,"love","sparklystarsx","i saw some lovely skinny jeans today for �3 at a charity shop, but they were just a little bit tight on my thighs.  ahhh so annoying"
1960492581,"sadness","melissa1424","@lilabiem awww  don't do this to meee haha now you're gonna make me saddd"
1960493100,"hate","AyasLyric","@ryanmtedder He is the truth! But what about Maxwell? You can't forget the future father of my children!"
1960493118,"fun","LKay77","trying to win tickets! com'on dc101..."
1960493502,"neutral","joannavos","American trade journalists ask PRs 'how are you' almost 100% of the time; UK journalists? Erm...not so much   How come?"
1960493884,"worry","sloanjr1","My sunburn is peeling,"
1960494488,"worry","tamisara","It's sooo hot 2day!! Put a ton of sunblock on before jogging; still think my face burnt though!"
1960494527,"neutral","RallfGG","@mrpandora I got a headache because of all the hard work today, still not ready, with a #Heineken trying to finished up"
1960494819,"neutral","Dfunktxpression","@_NewAmerykah_ im alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll about that... a nigga woke up late... didnt get my breakfast (wakenbake)"
1960495284,"worry","shauna_leigh","Ahhhh I think the rain is gonna begin shortly"
1960495571,"neutral","RonaGal","@Chilosa09 Have fun tomorrow night. I think it will be more fun at a bar than art gallery. Wish I could be there"
1960495618,"love","xarous","Muffins: Muffins are delicious, Muffins are neat, I have no more muffins to eat."
1960495622,"sadness","AnnabelWynne","You know that 'rule' that says always point the knife away from you? Just  learned my lesson on that one! Straight through my finger!"
1960495890,"sadness","Cathie_D","I think my cheap sunglasses are falling apart. Oh well"
1960496025,"hate","iyaitssuzanne","urgh, i really hate that medicine"
1960496091,"worry","alexisnoel","Wants somebody to cheer her up"
1960496253,"worry","AnneDouglas","I guess you didn't hear the grumbles when kindle came out with no cover. My purse +eink screen = shortcut to broken screen  @COOLERebook"
1960496851,"sadness","Vikx993","getting bored of walking up and down the stairs"
1960497327,"neutral","bimbler","@CrAppleton for sure....I still got 2 hrs till I will be home at the fridge  but then BEER BEER BEER lol"
1960497607,"sadness","Soph4Soph","@Juicytots you getting a ton of spam mail into your inbox?? I am too.... driving me insane!!"
1960497619,"sadness","abeeken","I'm officially on holiday! A week in Center Parcs, no internets  bye my peeps, see you when I return..."
1960497718,"sadness","colette181","@ozzblair  hugs for the bad day you're having?"
1960497916,"neutral","amber_cntrygrl","i should be "bus stalking" right now..i soo wish i were still meeting @jordanknight today"
1960497975,"neutral","Haarlz","I CAME BACK THERE WAS A CAT OUT THERE"
1960498065,"neutral","LilJb17","On the way home."
1960498118,"neutral","nosetu","@aristocat123 I should get out more often!"
1960498584,"sadness","ss3_gokoux","NO! Keyboard Cat is/has been dead for YEARS! Play yourself off, Keyboard Cat."
1960498607,"worry","_KatieMcElliott","'Wake Up Darling'"
1960498619,"neutral","Erykah_","@unloveablesteve Morrissey cancelled on me"
1960498991,"worry","sarahthequeen1","@runsforcupcakes that sounds yummy.  Does it take quite a few almonds to get the amount you need?  Nuts are expensive."
1960499080,"sadness","ohannablume","I'm feeling very alone at the moment   Mh..I'm going to leave now."
1960499527,"neutral","laughalot66897","Woke up and watched Jon and Kate plus eight. I tried to pretend like they were still a normail family"
1960499554,"neutral","Mom2HalfDozen","We'll watch & wait & tomorrow I can take anyone who needs to the dr w/o having to take everyone else....N's cheeks & ears red as my hair"
1960499717,"surprise","josordoni","@swingsandpretty tip 2 : at the very least make sure the bottle top is on securely and tightly..."
1960499876,"sadness","kimberlypizzi","im gonna fail this test miserably in history"
1960500018,"sadness","Leazy22","Back to reality... boo"
1960500178,"worry","lenasaur","Really nervous about my animal rights presentation next period"
1960501232,"worry","Dogbook","Fritz Roderick Von Hughes is sad to be in the kennel all day  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6882699"
1960502245,"happiness","ichigobby","@kiitzyy I think so hahah geez lady 3 hours ago?? Go to bed!! Lack of sleep is bad for your skin!"
1960502400,"sadness","vampyran","#asylm yay registered but lost all my friends"
1960502547,"worry","mely16","Still sick at home"
1960503471,"sadness","robzor","good news: my flat is great at regulating temps. in the heat. bad news: its sodding lovely outside and i'm working!"
1960503891,"sadness","nixxy311","All the people I talk to are GONE"
1960504319,"worry","snurtz","Went to bed at 12:20 last night. Woke up around 10:45. Holy crap.  I need to get up EARLIER. Like 8. Wish I could get up at 6 every day."
1960505251,"neutral","halvfet","The CIA said "the grass is always greener on the other side" alongside overconfident January!"
1960505394,"worry","CassManning","I can't believe tour is almost over"
1960506100,"sadness","Fly3r85","@1outside a jo; tak nic no"
1960506210,"worry","elektrikluv","@CajoleJuice Likewise. But I don't know anyone who uses gtalk and the likes so I'm not holding much hope"
1960506460,"sadness","shawnaelacy","@woodywoodford unfortunately I didn't leave the house in time"
1960506737,"sadness","hewhocaves","Overslept. While the extra sleep was nice, it does play havoc with the days to-do list."
1960507341,"sadness","MrsMccracken","Getting my phone taken away"
1960507478,"neutral","nsfw4me","@chaselisbon we tried to DM you but your not following us"
1960508158,"neutral","Acuguru","deck building buddy missing in action"
1960508857,"sadness","jentranced","My cat has been missing for 2 days. I am freaking out."
1960509682,"worry","SamMahmood","@actionscripter I tried to translate your tweet using google translation service, but it just spat it out back out at me"
1960509729,"worry","samantherp","Reading and taking notes but undertanding none of it  ... HELP!"
1960509951,"sadness","worriedoll","all my worms either escaped or died  bums!"
1960509995,"sadness","KimGVille","Dam only 5 votes  not gonna win anything now"
1960510011,"hate","YourAznBarbie","feels so used I hate guys grrrr"
1960510179,"worry","britm9","real stressed"
1960510606,"empty","ComedyQueen","@Dojie oooh lush. i cant sunbathe i burn way to easily even with sun cream  @sofisticat im great thanks lovely sunny day no?"
1960511009,"worry","paramoreroxx","My twitterberry wont work on my friends and me"
1960511071,"hate","angelle321","@erinealberty that sucks!"
1960511157,"surprise","icats","Oh man sold out  had to step away from my desk for 10 min! @theaskanison you were right"
1960511400,"worry","susiebennett","@maltpress sorry - didnt mean to   hope you can think positivly about being 80 and looking back on 30!"
1960512103,"sadness","ktx1011","I'm sick!  it sucks! IM me! ohbabayy33"
1960512131,"surprise","dahlbyk","@PirateEric When I read that, my first thought was using Cast<T>() as a status symbol"
1960512487,"surprise","izaartillero","@luzy_artillero Hahaha. Sana someone's selling the full version of "Coding Workshop Photo Recovery Wizard" CD! Demo mode lang eh"
1960512637,"surprise","Sidepocket","I just found out that one of my friends, someone who I use to talk to all the time who has disappeared is blocking me from Flickr."
1960512836,"sadness","MiniMakala","Just Finished My English Final...Just One Step Closer To The End."
1960512862,"relief","awpotdc","Inspection went fine ... they like the house woopee. Would just be nice if it had been this morning so I could have done stuffs today"
1960513269,"neutral","alan_martinez","Today is going to be a long day."
1960513664,"neutral","danadangerous","@mimisaurusrex i know... I don't want to be left in our home by myself during the weekend..."
1960513742,"hate","Mr_McFox","@ZomberellaMcFox not a fan"
1960514213,"worry","comesaturday","@tinytim2701 kinda, my housemates were a bit frantic as I appeared to have every fork we own hiding in my room, need to revise now"
1960514513,"sadness","Mogtzi","My leg broke, now I am waiting untile i can go again"
1960514520,"love","Anddh","@mockingbird_ I'm good thanks! Did you have a good drive? Careful with your blackberry, we don't want you getting screamed at"
1960514549,"hate","K8Brown","Kyles going out of town this weekend  play time wif my fwiends. Rawrrr."
1960514884,"sadness","fiestaaa","@forgetmaine there's a 9 year waiting list to get an appointment."
1960515298,"worry","RROCHELLEKARR","My throat hurts so bad that i dont even want to swallow my own spit.       And i officially cant talk now...."
1960515691,"worry","brat_monster","@PMSexgeek ugh something is wrong, suddenly I feel extremely flushed and shaky and I broke out in a sweat. Idk what's wrong."
1960515732,"neutral","Heather_Hezrien","Lexy add me here..... I can't locate your handle for whatever reason"
1960515884,"happiness","whawouldjudasdo","The weather is SO nice! And there were so many hot guys in town, I felt like a kid in a candy store. Except all the candies are straight"
1960516481,"worry","mollypockett","@DrRonVonDoom i couldn't fucking sleep today either. it was hard for me to stay asleep for some reason"
1960516511,"sadness","amandafouts","Bummer... I missed Taylor Swift on the Today show!  Those were my only plans for the day!!!"
1960516913,"neutral","trempot","finally got home. ohhh my aching feet!  but am happy to finally watch the giro!!!"
1960517013,"sadness","BeckiSulley","should not have waled past the Quad! I want to be outside having fun."
1960517273,"worry","Jamjar84","@_Janet_ ouch, I hate it when favourite items of clothing get ruined."
1960517670,"happiness","rachpink818","@putitonmyvisa haha nice! I heard it's a sweet hotel. On another note, not a good game last night"
1960517766,"happiness","OmarShammas","My storm is acting up  ....Excited for the discussion session regarding Social Media. Scott Lake, CEO of ThinkSM, will be attending."
1960517774,"hate","KevinBlissett","@principalspage Grrr. We don't finish until July 3rd."
1960518377,"happiness","PjFromOz","@peterfacinelli You didn't answer my riddle  Party pooper lol. Jokes Joyce  it was a good one tho haha. Hav a gr8 weekend!"
1960518960,"fun","SamanthaaGreco","hearing the birds chirp makes me think its nice outside...well its not  rain rain go away!!!"
1960519072,"worry","turgeon9527","is thinking today will be a longg day!"
1960520195,"hate","GilbertErik","can't gauge the time of day in my office anymore... It's worse than a friggin' casino in here... no waitresses, smoking, or booze"
1960520203,"hate","faiznurdavid","@chevale my internet is being a ***** again!!! wtf. i think im gonna sleep afterward. internet is driving me crazyyy!"
1960520265,"sadness","vgtero","@HBSExecEd that was the class I was keen on. Guess I have to wait for next summer. bummer."
1960520455,"worry","__roland__","14 pages left to read, then it will be time to start all over again, and again.  Off to Lunch Duty...love 6th graders"
1960520960,"worry","Dbomb252","@blankdeluxe  no i havent got mine yet, did u get yours?"
1960521178,"hate","twitrclectic","Back in Glasgow, stuck in traffic on the M8"
1960521519,"sadness","tursiops718","@Visadharah I'm still at Disney (just trained at Soarin), Rose is the same, we applied for an apartment last night, and Eric lost his job"
1960521642,"hate","kayte_girll","@BrittanyASnow omgsh i know  i'm dealing with that rite now. its no fun!"
1960528170,"neutral","bootypirate","Wave looks interesting. http://bit.ly/pvYYh  If we are going to live our lives so connected might as well be easy right? Google owns us."
1960528203,"worry","robots_","@yerex i want to adopt him"
1960528493,"worry","the_1prince","Sooo tell me how I lost followerzzz"
1960528650,"neutral","josieln","@ITTO88 @walls6 well its pouring here. Rly rly wet"
1960528762,"fun","GentleSinner","@jessicamloring Haha! I can't a good vid of it on tubey,you thugh"
1960528948,"worry","huggerdog","@ispeed72 Could've said hi. We're off down south tho"
1960529407,"neutral","manderpoo","@ Ahhhhh FML! Classic Crime is sold out!"
1960529858,"sadness","musicismylifeee","@SeanLights Nooooo!!!!! Dont You Dare! Lol =( Im Gonna Cry  I <3 Your Hair!"
1960530052,"worry","savestheday91","my tummy hurts  i blame last night's chinese food."
1960530104,"worry","luvinmesomed","@DsBabyGirl I know. I want it to come bec I'm excited, but then I don't bec it's gonna go by so fast & then it will be over"
1960530194,"worry","crystalauger","@RyanSeacrest Im feeling sad, not likeing my new haircut"
1960530621,"worry","flavorschannel","@RiceBunny cause my eyelids are not deep set.  thanks it would help me a lot."
1960530713,"worry","risha_","@scorpio1641 I have no idea  I'm watching Rafa too. Running to the comp ever to often to check live score. he's 3-2 down in the third."
1960532051,"neutral","trevormusliah","chillin in Durban. playing with a new puppy. she has no name yet. but she's not for me  present for my uncle"
1960532185,"worry","DecemberDoll","@Keitakeita girl you stay inviting me but not doing a follow-up hahaha... no phone call to check up on me"
1960532576,"neutral","paintdFACEmakup","On our way to Disneyland... Without Retsi"
1960532835,"worry","haleymcilvain","@ELIZABETHANNN I'm sorryyyyyy  I'll be home as fast as possible where we meeting at?"
1960533254,"enthusiasm","ninimuc","i feel like taking a day off but cannot afford it  looking forward to the dfb cup final tmrw night though. go werder!!!"
1960533315,"sadness","davejlewis","another rainy day"
1960533608,"sadness","Britannica","@TheCubs Cubbies at an even .500. So what else is new?  No matter: Beat dem Bums! #chicago #baseball"
1960533851,"sadness","do0dlebugdebz","@evonmichelle It's my mum's. LOL They haven't got me anything yet.  Sad, Sad... haha"
1960534160,"neutral","velliswade","Might have broken text messages."
1960534371,"sadness","TraytablesTrvls","@Wizardess I got a coupon, but I couldn't register it because you have to be in the US"
1960534634,"worry","JustMar01","GM TWITS! Headed to the BX to clean up the new Apartment! But kinda sad cuz I dreamed about him last night"
1960534684,"worry","tenelilli","@happylovesChuck I know. But the second problem being: he doesn't REALLY exist still applies. Shame"
1960534792,"relief","devilsnachos","spray tan = fail on legs and feet. I've been scrubbing them and feet look better, but they looked awful this morning  Everywhere else = ok"
1960535134,"sadness","mmcarlso","horrible dreams last night  also had one in which i was employed...sigh, if only."
1960535146,"neutral","mokulen22","One lactose pill is not enough for coffee....oopse"
1960535192,"surprise","suzysquirrel","back to my office.  the fire alarm went off due to someone burnt food in microwave"
1960535535,"relief","Illie_D","@SamWilson1 - sigh"
1960535604,"sadness","BonesCrazy24","Sorry if I'm unsociable I'm loading up stock in the shop, mums making me"
1960535809,"fun","meganjay100","@jesssicababesss  how unreall  http://twitpic.com/66nvm"
1960535991,"sadness","Keldo","Traffic jams are rubbish. Anyone know what's going on on the A48 between Cowbridge and Cardiff? We're stuck both directions"
1960536161,"worry","tomschultzbaby","@yeahgiancarlo Can't  No money to spend."
1960536520,"neutral","tanya25m","Playing Monopoly Jr. with the lil one.. Cheating isn't as much fun when the other person has absolutely no idea"
1960536524,"neutral","essential_e","getting ready for work"
1960536987,"surprise","RoxieDax","Twitter seriously, SERIOUSLY dropped the ball here with my RoxieRavenclaw account. I'm so mad and sad about this."
1960537056,"worry","bunnyrice","moving today.... sad day"
1960537095,"hate","twins160","Getting ready for week  Its too nice today to be stuck inside working!"
1960537115,"worry","lorynlycan","I need some plugs. for real. my ears want to stretch. and I have no money"
1960537689,"hate","MsCherrylicious","I hate going to the dr  just wasted 1 hour and a half for them to say my back pain is probly depression or stress. Duhh! I need it fixed"
1960537750,"neutral","WiltshireWills","Its hard to get a good Google listing for wills in Wiltshire because one of the local MPs is called Wills"
1960538385,"boredom","lolitajane","trying to finish my ass-ignment.please god help me to finish it"
1960538791,"boredom","elaineinspired","@MeanMillies boo"
1960539094,"worry","immi12","thinking about having lunch soon, but we have no food in"
1960539110,"love","Mara_Espri","I just made myself a wonderful breakfast!!!!!!!! Now I have to get ready to workout"
1960539519,"neutral","ChloeFairy","is thinking about a career change"
1960539621,"neutral","spartan11","Men it's far too sunny"
1960539640,"worry","silviaO","@energeticspace If I can run by then, I will join you...miss running"
1960540058,"sadness","rachgarvey","another gorgeous day here in Pau...will be home this time in 2 weeks though, such a depressing thought!"
1960540143,"surprise","HungryBirds","It's 11:05 and I'm already on my lunch break"
1960540427,"sadness","Scout703","Good Morning Folks 13 more days to go! and sadly 2 more days of the Giro  but that means the Tour is not too far away"
1960540635,"worry","microphonemr","nyc placements have started to come out, but it looks like upgrades might have to wait yet another two weeks for placements! dreadfully"
1960540951,"relief","FlyToSun","Oh, my God..... The end of the first course))) don't believe in it) but, yeh, so many exams  La-la-la// everything is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!"
1960541171,"sadness","MaddiMaccie","Drop the girl she's only got it for your heart she's sure to leave broke and bleeding, and you know she'll turn her back on you.  I lo ..."
1960541265,"sadness","princesspooh90","@billbathgate ....any  sorry wahh!! lub u toooo ;)"
1960542577,"sadness","DsBabyGirl","@LuvinMeSomeD That's how it was for me in March...it came sooo slow..then it was over in a heartbeat"
1960542817,"surprise","absasteel","so im dogsitting at my friends house and her cleaning lady came this morning. and she told me i looked like i was 18.  man. growing younge"
1960542934,"sadness","_Rach3l","Finally back from the stupid holiday ! Missing the fit bar men though"
1960543568,"worry","gingatheninja","need to go to work soonish but i really dont want to  also trying to save money... life is fab (not)"
1960544150,"worry","KevMain","Moving office tomorrow after 3 years at this one, its a sad day"
1960544388,"happiness","Bahstine","Last time we'll get tacos like this."
1960544570,"happiness","Dot12b","@littlelaughalot nice! it's days like today I wish we had a garden"
1960544806,"worry","jmaefields","my lord! this day is going to slow"
1960545040,"anger","agthekid","@eboogiee smh Your whin with that comment"
1960545393,"neutral","ShesElectric_","I may have to take a trip in to the loft to get the fans down...its like being in spain!! Except without a pool to cool down in  xxxxxxxx"
1960545926,"sadness","katmunsta","@GavinHolt i wish i was outside"
1960546098,"worry","AsaAyeee","stayn @ home from school. sick. doc says I have bronchitis"
1960546324,"neutral","helena847","no Yoga tonight  but i am going to try Pilates. lets see how many un-used muscles i can discover"
1960552525,"worry","anthonysargeant","Going to see Star Trek (again) tomorrow night but this time in full IMAX glory!  I hope my motion sickness doesn't get the better of me!"
1960552772,"neutral","lauramposada","Please vote for my husband Jorge at the All Star Game @ http://bit.ly/TGxzu! I can't vote anymore"
1960552890,"sadness","AmburRockell","ooh@LuLu_Bell whatchu goin as? Monsterpalooza's this weekend for us.  on the no Ink, i won't be a stressed contestant this year! Miss U X0"
1960552941,"sadness","MissBethAnn","@bimbler I have too much work to drink now.   but I do love afternoons in the pub."
1960553358,"sadness","SKSturmchris","i got ill and tomorrow i�ve got birthday..."
1960553547,"hate","shariselw","FML. . .i have the worst paper cut on my knuckle from all the papers i was handling. i hat this damn research paper!!!"
1960554443,"fun","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Tom! @buonotomato and I were wondering if you'd do a tour in Asia, specifically the Philippines. Any chance you will soon?"
1960554738,"sadness","paulmchugh","@jimmycarr I've been sat sunbathing in the bombed out church all day and left and missed you"
1960554951,"fun","wahliaodotcom","@inrsoul argh. Interested. Time maybe can't go. Maybe."
1960555152,"sadness","DIMPLEMONSTER","watching chicago. @bambamonline honeyyyy im with you I miss me some hey arnold! and wild thornberrys"
1960555219,"sadness","MsDreahTonnea","Congrats to ALL Graduates! Such a Beautiful thing & Big DEAL! I jus wish i cudve attended My lil man Ryan kdg graduation  Feel verY SAD!"
1960555226,"worry","12Jee34","Am hating my life at the moment. There's only so many NOs my delicate little mind can take"
1960555614,"neutral","l3nke0","@MissKarley How did we just get paid and still be broke as hell?! No shopping spree for me today"
1960556130,"worry","BrooksClagg","NEEDS an external hard drive. I don't have enough money   < I don't wanna give up my music! >"
1960556390,"sadness","jiggajae","@SoSimplyMe. I'm sitting here with this girl that urk my nerves damm yo"
1960556773,"worry","ivymutant","@krissylin you're a busy Bob, I'm jealous. I'm not sure I can even afford to go meet John de Lancie and Leonard Nimoy"
1960556834,"hate","Hold_your_hand","i HATE U.S. history"
1960557958,"sadness","Schokokeksi","well,only one week left of my holidays,sad sad"
1960558019,"surprise","usumcasane","@Twyst The devil you say!  I've been waiting for the Black Widow in movies and now she won't be awesome at all."
1960558298,"happiness","tamz1976","@kirstiealley It'd be nice but soon we'll have to Pay to Tweet"
1960558912,"neutral","mareeclo","@RetroRewind OMG and you have to do this when I'm at work and can't listen"
1960558967,"worry","love_fool","great. my mom is pissed at me, so she sent me to the asbestos filled backroom"
1960559262,"sadness","UsborneJody","@AndresHenriquez thanks for the #ff shoutout -you stuck an extra e in my username tho, so the link doesn't work"
1960559604,"love","tinymoose","@Td_keepsitreal haha awe. Well right now, I could be at home but I have to be here. It's horrible  Lol"
1960559618,"hate","microphonemr","aahhh! nyc placements have started to come out, but it looks like upgrades have to wait yet another two weeks for placements! dreadfully"
1960559624,"worry","BrunoLogan","@ceichstaedt I guess it'll work under fusion. Otherwise you'll have to boot directly to Vista just to do some online banking, which sucks"
1960559820,"sadness","jamiesaurus","MY PUFFFFY IS LEAVINGGGGGGG  NOOOOOOOOO"
1960559837,"worry","Billyhime","I'm going to miss my iMac so much over the next month."
1960559985,"sadness","DonMcAllister","@izzyvideo Izzy!!! So sorry to hear that - what a disaster"
1960559995,"sadness","saraharmageddon","Rainy day today.  No car so we're stuck in the house   I needed to go to the post office too...bastards"
1960560212,"worry","purpleweb","@drford not too good  how are you feeling today?"
1960560676,"happiness","Becci_McFry","i really want to see cash cash again"
1960560769,"neutral","sergio_mg03","@awesomeann7 u already took da pic with out me"
1960560891,"sadness","ballerina1928","thanks gourmetcook! But cold shower wouldn't help."
1960561437,"worry","cwhitaker88","I am never going in to town on a sunny friday in half term again. eugh got no electricity"
1960561640,"happiness","RubinaMelati","aaah good bye mikee  smoked crabs!"
1960561784,"neutral","katrobot","@liambrazier I only ever seem to listen to Dirty these days. Most of our CD's are still at Greg's parents"
1960562249,"worry","suzanne_tennant","@suziperry @AnnaPhylaxis Oh no matey, did you get ill?  It would be a bit mean of Suzi to be calling you chicken scabs if you're not!"
1960562591,"sadness","kaarmstrong","@katieeeian143 you're missing the devil wears prada!!!!! sad..."
1960562891,"surprise","tinywook","@Samtagious DAMN! a mass unfollowing and i didnt get the invite! im bummed now"
1960563466,"neutral","KrystalOLynne","Sitting in an empty yearbook room.  attempting to figure this asap out lol"
1960563813,"worry","Ell_Bel","@ian_watkins Oh my gosh ian i always miss you when your on"
1960563945,"sadness","BabsyLove","My hairstylist left the salon without telling me where she was going.   Damn!"
1960564940,"worry","RoxieDax","@Blue_Rose *hugs* thanks. I don't know how I'm going to fix this if I'm ever going to get my account back."
1960565074,"worry","shesapeach","@tigerlilyleo lots and lots of red wine...knowing good and well how it has managed to make me sick a few times before"
1960565268,"neutral","plumkitty","sitting in awe that the price to renew my laptops warranty has doubled in a matter of weeks"
1960565313,"enthusiasm","glecharles","@KatMeyer Hey, is the #beatweetup badge required for tonight? Just realized I left mine at home!"
1960565354,"sadness","williamdasilva","TGIF, too bad the weather sucks..."
1960565849,"hate","curious_cat09","lousy mofo landlord.   need to focus on kid's packing but cant . nevermind sew sleeping bag"
1960565967,"worry","caegle","figuring out wats wrong with her she can drink but cant eat  ..."
1960566167,"relief","TeaganB","is awake.  Still feeling sick.     But I got the blog done at least. http://plurk.com/p/x17t9"
1960566233,"neutral","jiggly_tuna","is back to revision. Bye bye Hannah  <3"
1960566393,"worry","rampaiger","Sephora is having a 75% off sale. And I'm so broke  Life isn't fair."
1960566583,"worry","Jaelynnnn","ughhhhhhhhhhhh  :/"
1960566871,"sadness","midnightbex","@skoosie probably not. I hate when that happens!"
1960567413,"hate","sheenley","Ugh! I can't access through my mobile web!"
1960567815,"sadness","MsJerzi","PSA::::: Being that I've been usuing twiddict- my last 14 tweets have yet to show on the bored. Bare w me."
1960568036,"hate","Dutchshe","@lishreece She has her perfect moments. She just broke one of the tiles on the floor in the hallway. I don't find her very perfect now."
1960568105,"worry","actressL2","@singlemom75 that's the prob, no idea how to meet guys. Met all my exs online & now I've dated that pool dry"
1960568196,"sadness","pbandzb","Just paid my bills now I have no money"
1960568255,"happiness","darrell","@JamesScholes Yes. We have a copyright exemption we're apparently trying to ensure the rest of the world doesn't have.  #sccr18"
1960568579,"sadness","niion","@pampian I want to know who is that ??.6  I tried to ask P'KIA but he still not reply me  but now he change his status to 'away'"
1960569290,"sadness","obsico","Warhammer 40k: Space Marines 'officially' announced, only for 360 and PS3.  No luck for PC gamers"
1960569575,"worry","twinkle656","Waiting patiently to go out tonight....al by my lonesome"
1960572404,"boredom","89xoxolaura","nomatter how much i sleep am still tired"
1960572503,"neutral","picturehouses","Looking out the window, beautiful blue sky, great forecast for the weekend - not good for cinemas"
1960573170,"sadness","chibimoon","@JoeWitless more nightmares?  *huggles*"
1960573430,"worry","LoveJC","ok, back to the dentist today. All I want to do is bask in the sun"
1960573988,"sadness","CdreaminA","ugh back to work today"
1960574654,"neutral","jnield","@arulnick I tried that but I can only use import/export for contacts saved locally on my Outlook. Thanks Though"
1960574841,"sadness","Ceejay850","I hate being young"
1960575049,"worry","ChantiParnell","@Lealala i no its so warm isnt it!! :O My arms are sore  Bad times. My face is a little red too :S"
1960575702,"worry","DeeKaRmA","Good mornin & no u tol twitter LOL but I knew & called u yesterday 2 see if u were okay but no answer  how r u feelin babe?"
1960575835,"worry","todaayx","'ss back to the gym project. Finally finished ... Damn filthy hobo's always trying to eat my taco's.  !!   </3"
1960576036,"worry","Itxi_Itx","@Eyglo That's beautiful! Thanks for sharing... My grandpa was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers too...."
1960576419,"neutral","drunkenmonkey87","@RobbieBarnes hmmm they are on offer in Tesco as well but I don't think the wee one next to me will stock them!"
1960576502,"sadness","artmeetstony","@RichardMadeley Oh, final msg - Why didn't you review my boardgame Bookchase� when you were on telly? We didn't even get a nice letter.."
1960576554,"worry","89xoxolaura","nomatter how much i sleep am still tired  either going to sleep early or late...."
1960576714,"sadness","LaurenNWaggoner","Field day.... Gt class...not winning..."
1960576873,"sadness","katiieee345","loves florida but misses her american friends"
1960577145,"love","jasheldo","So far absolutely perfect. Great view, directly across from the elevators and ice machine and impecible weather. I need my bike."
1960577269,"worry","robhammond","oh when will #gfail end? been on HTML version all day"
1960577481,"sadness","no0odi","michael scofiled Noooooo !!  I hate the writer, director n production"
1960577807,"hate","robots_","@yerex UGH I HATE QUEUEING"
1960577913,"happiness","nygma","Last night was fun w the lightening and thunder  Today will be in the 90s"
1960577964,"worry","holeinthedough","I really need to lose weight. Anybody wanna be my exercise-buddy?"
1960578330,"neutral","shankargan","@sapauljoseph me too  chrome's popup blocker is better"
1960579119,"worry","bigbadej","Where is Teng?"
1960579216,"neutral","ashbob234","i love how nice the weather is today and i am camping tonight! oh and i hate my hair"
1960579271,"worry","welovechrisc","@iamchrisc pleeease reply !"
1960579405,"neutral","chrissyhammond","just missed Paul the ice cream man at work"
1960580011,"surprise","misschatterbox5","is waiting for the estate agent to do valuation. oh joy. *sigh* i need to be in the funhouse  pink baby come back!!!!"
1960580206,"neutral","bazabba","Last quiz of the week. Now back to the grind"
1960580315,"love","Lee_was_here","Altona... Wogs, Gota love em.. All I can smell is awsome food and makes me hungry"
1960580710,"happiness","therealjovan","@patrickmanning Yes PM PM you are right"
1960580941,"worry","CASBAD","@workingmoms thanks he got hurt Wednesday and going to vets today"
1960581168,"happiness","hanagirl28","@menchuly it's Friday and sweldo day too"
1960581466,"worry","aye_ROX","@herseyd That happened to me once... only I wasn't drunk. lol"
1960581956,"neutral","miamendez","@JennyGnow It is sad... I feel bad when I hear it. They look like mid 30's. It's like something u wld see on lifetime"
1960583096,"sadness","AniSSa_MaRiE","@1Shan no sir...i woulda put honey...but i don't have any"
1960583151,"neutral","travelin_gypsy","@JonathanRKnight so, how long have you been at the airport? can you smoke inside a bar or somehting?  would SUK to do security again, lol"
1960583193,"sadness","jessicaleap","@YankeeGirl20 besides I haven't had strep for like 10 years because of that reason. I'm more tired than anything else"
1960583429,"relief","fogarty347","Glad to see the sun out in Dublin after a great week in London. Back to work"
1960583576,"worry","Shadowe_Filker","@the_magician Yes, apnea, but it's not the prob. I'm on meds that might be causing this.  they help otherwise so much, don't want to stop"
1960583763,"sadness","Arnulfo","darn it. I did it again.!  keep forgetting that darn "D" for DM's....."
1960584142,"worry","mainelementlove","@DonnaSpeaks I dont know  I didnt even realize it was gone  let me put it up again...darn twitter!"
1960584360,"worry","redchinese19","Wanna know a not fun way to wake up? Having a panic attack and not being able to breath for no fucking reason, that fucking sucked"
1960584414,"worry","LDub47","Up. Showered. Struggling for the drive to get out the door. I'm gloomy. I miss my sway."
1960584640,"neutral","nat_73","my hubby is staying for one more week in Uzbekistan"
1960584783,"sadness","LetsTwatThis","@jaceypants well piss on that. I can't get into their site @ work nor does it come thru on my phone."
1960585200,"worry","MsDreahTonnea","ConGrats to all Graduates! Such a Beautiful thing & Big Deal! I wish i cudve attended my lil man Ryan Kdg Graduation..  Feel verY Sad!"
1960585208,"sadness","kk5hy","@CinemaChic I have the most failures using Lacie drives"
1960585404,"love","MarniBeetle","little beetle not feeling any love  Searches are bring up zilch, bar 2 peeps that appear funny !!!"
1960585744,"empty","harlemjamesgang","WTF rehearsal  off  got to space and room was booked and the  brothers have stuff right after so we cant transfer to another room studio"
1960585785,"worry","DEWz_PingPong","Well can ya please send some luvin to @JonathanrKnight   im sensing deep fiery anger surrounding his presence right now..."
1960585833,"hate","Olia12","Weather sucks!!... It's raining again!!"
1960586640,"love","ladyquest31","im not feeling like getting myself in motion to go to work..."
1960586751,"surprise","Ben_Hall","wow, EMC's new site is - different"
1960587112,"happiness","JustinSMV","@NikkiBons Happy Birthday Dork!! Lots of love for you today!!!  I wish I was there so I could buy you a drink   Make it a great night!"
1960587331,"worry","Fedfan1414","is surprised Lleyton isnt putting up much of a fight"
1960587893,"empty","MarkDC","@wrhunt and what did you do last night, I don't recall being invited"
1960589008,"surprise","NatashaNikitas","@PETAEurope OMG!! that is tragic!"
1960589360,"worry","Nani_H","got fever and is now half-dead."
1960589365,"hate","alexparton","hates this weather"
1960589516,"surprise","andienbelle","sooo cloooseee"
1960589717,"neutral","DarkAngel425","I'm not gonna be here when the new Transformers comes out.... i'll be in Colombia"
1960589831,"surprise","letskilldave","The NVIDIA ION-based Lenovo IdeaPad S12 (  http://is.gd/J6Zy ) is awesome.  Fn key to left of Ctrl makes it non-starter for me though"
1960590438,"surprise","Chambers_","Notion video deleted."
1960590815,"worry","georgew0304","Can't play World in Conflict because the computer is running too slow"
1960590902,"worry","FleshForFantasy","http://twitpic.com/66o7z - Yep. Drank Bawls this morning  ... No more Bawls for me. This will be my last."
1960591078,"happiness","CSick09","@DoperahStyles chillin promoting muzik...not eating  lmaao"
1960591132,"worry","lesleymarie74","It's a bad start to the day when you're sweating your butt off before 0930 at the range"
1960595396,"neutral","MissPrecious2","Doing my FF later, too busy making up plans for today. Beshie @MissSimone32 @SongzYuuup is gonna be in DC June 5-6 for a bball game."
1960595814,"relief","the_grub","1:13 finished essay! off to sleep, busy day tmr"
1960597024,"sadness","lpstkone","@AsherUK i wanted to go for my birthday..."
1960597254,"neutral","miss_miley","omg... i want full JB- hey baby song"
1960597903,"sadness","intelligentSHAY","@omarjdavis lolol...i was trying to do that this morning but sadly i couldnt"
1960598002,"neutral","chiefluddite","Damn Latvian beaurocracy. As a non-resident I can't publish my braille highway code. Another blind alley  Woe is me. Anyone speak farsi?"
1960598079,"sadness","OneAndOnlyLia","Another long walk in the heat... I hate this..."
1960598106,"sadness","HannahSneddon","Spyed Princess Anne today, and listented to all my friends cooking up the perfect evening, Working sucks for me and OB ?"
1960598323,"worry","mightykat","@LushLtd why can't i buy the new night in for toes? i see it, it's within my grasp, but it's just not bringing it to my shopping cart"
1960598362,"sadness","alycejo","just watched devil wears prada, and i want to live in new york city more than ever. why must i be so poor"
1960598982,"anger","TaylaMe3","@_hayles are u serious???? you touched his arse? ohmygod u bitch!!! lol aaaaawwwwwww y did u tell me that!!!"
1960599083,"worry","MSMASSIE","@alshepmh yeeeeeessss I can't wait! Too bad I can't drink"
1960599136,"worry","Harrington19","off to work! missing out on all the sunshine!"
1960600274,"worry","xXHAZELXx","#ff sports: @BaseballFanNat @BKCyclones @blind_baseball @ESPNBaseball sorry for not getting around to everyone my phone is acting up"
1960600394,"love","iam_mexoxo","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/336u5 - i love her too !!! she shouldve won"
1960600641,"neutral","kbreland","wants her boo  btw love fhnixon's posts hilarious!!!!"
1960601246,"sadness","clairabellejp","@Jamjar84 that's mean of them!"
1960601386,"worry","AH_06","Another day I haven't got time to play plus it's raining and chilly And also have a headache - WTH? . . going back to sulking mode."
1960601484,"worry","danishk","I'm so pissed off today n sadly.. Can't even share the reason here"
1960601518,"worry","Ally_BCheah","Well it's friday and usually the start of something awsome...I'm not sure if that'll be this time around  I gotta shake this"
1960601566,"sadness","vaughnchicago","@acmaurer No wonder I didn't get into Urbana"
1960602485,"worry","RachelxMae","Fuck. My arms feel like really sore jell-o"
1960602598,"worry","beth1170","@littlereview Awww!!"
1960602722,"relief","tnrep","Last day for our professional interns"
1960603006,"fun","caroline730","Demoing with Gary burr!!! So excited to get some "girls" music on tape!! Missing Tayla"
1960603122,"happiness","dylanparry","Just had an iced coffee. Christ that tasted nasty"
1960603153,"neutral","vivianenguyen","Allergies  sun is out, wearing shorts.  Stuck with my advisory the whole day.... This should be boring. Except fun. If people make it fun?"
1960603390,"empty","icamook","Working... And attempting to keep squirrels away.............. Squirels 1, jesska 0   I should stick to spiders"
1960603462,"worry","corrienav","why does the beach have to be so far away from atl??    need beach, need beach."
1960603723,"neutral","mstatz","@pikalek No html converter on there   Think we're going with  http://bit.ly/3pJNC  'cause it took 5 min. to get working."
1960604076,"neutral","AmyPredsfan","@TheYotesDiva You might have too. One of them accused you guys to being "One Sided" on the issue. They're getting way, way out of hand."
1960604444,"worry","_DESiMO_","@jasonrockz352 aw man im sorry! I have logical reasoning I promise! I had to study in order to tutor my new student! 4give me"
1960604860,"worry","pewhitfield","I missed you yesterday, Lacey.    We get to go to granulation tonight, though."
1960605122,"sadness","akinodorama","I ran out of Eclipse mints"
1960605248,"boredom","analauraleao","bored...disgusting weather..bored..sooo bored for my last weekend here"
1960605930,"worry","vossro","off to work again ... mercedez's last day"
1960605943,"love","Hermione19","Noo! I Don't wanna leave! i love it here"
1960606019,"worry","_christel","To eat or not to eat? Its gonna be my last meal for the next 2 weeks."
1960606095,"worry","MrLanga","Just got past really bad crash.........car was mangled"
1960606607,"neutral","nikkimaltby","Im going in now, it looks like the sun has gone"
1960606825,"worry","tabyyy","oh no somebody hacked into my email  i'm scared now. what the fuck!!"
1960606836,"neutral","HTBhonesttoblog","I'm loving the fact that there is tension on the set of Iron Man 2, poor Gwenyth can't handle being in Scarlett's shadow"
1960606957,"sadness","clairabellejp","@pennynash I was scared by the Daleks in the DW Exhibition in Cardiff."
1960607071,"fun","ShayneFly","@ExtremeWithin Yes, soak it up for sure. It's gonna be fast n furious. Only one show this year  More reason to revel in the moment."
1960607270,"worry","DsBabyGirl","@LuvinMeSomeD Yep, exactly   And I'm really sad about this tour...I know I'm gonna cry at my last M&G...."
1960607479,"worry","zombiejess","@ani_trip I bet he didn't fall asleep till like this morning  sorries."
1960607942,"love","AshMac1990","@miztrouble89 love you loads hun ) hot weather gutted i aint with you now chillaxing  but we got tomoz  xxxx"
1960608296,"happiness","_ilovebadgers_","@filthydukes _yeah thanks for that you pair of gits  (hope it's mega- like the bus!)"
1960609076,"worry","PaigeTJohnson","@EricaJo42 yeah but there are like 5,000 types of snakes..and it's wicked wicked wicked hot...and idk. i don't think i'd like it"
1960609180,"sadness","taylahhh","I ran outta bathroom passes.  maybe mrs. French will be nice today?"
1960609479,"worry","Trapes","Had to come in, was baking out there and have slight headache now"
1960609525,"worry","_kotenok","don't think that went well, was only in there for 15 mins"
1960610523,"hate","LauRenxExCarter","FACT 1: iHate DirecTV OnDemand w/a passion that burns w/the white hot intensity of 1000 suns. FACT 2: iMiss Comcast. Like a lot"
1960610649,"sadness","meetmeinmontauc","for all the effort and time put into some of these relationships with people, you learn enough not to trust anyone..."
1960611150,"worry","Summerluvsblock","@DonnieWahlberg Hi Donnie today i want 2 hear from u that u guys r going to reschedule NC so i dont have 2 b bummed anymore"
1960611290,"sadness","Hyper8","@faulko1 i'm watchign the garden from the window...far too hot for me"
1960611693,"love","Miss_Neci","Not feeling very well."
1960611793,"worry","lost_dog","@geekasia I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1960611880,"sadness","ryancormack","I slept so late"
1960611948,"neutral","imamulki","I hate PC"
1960612064,"worry","jadeperri","well dnt really knw wot to do stay wit some 1 who doesnt want 2 b wiv me or move home to rents after 4yr of bein away"
1960612135,"love","CRChan","at starbucks with my love. eff school. i have work later too."
1960612553,"worry","lifeonwry","@SaylaMarz Looks like we're on the exact same track  Nothing worse than not being able to fix things for someone you love."
1960617447,"worry","tikigeeki","@lindseylu My club card and picture and I just cured world hunger! And made of gold! This thing is awesome! Too bad you don't have yours."
1960617748,"worry","strawberryluna","@pennydog Yucky!  Time to bring out the vaccuum and go to War. Our house is always a spider haven for some reason. Not cool."
1960618310,"neutral","pvccsoftball","Is about to go to work...."
1960618420,"empty","kelseymcivor","home for lunch & double free. work 5-8. so much school work"
1960618455,"sadness","loverlizzay","...aw i want classic burger."
1960618484,"sadness","sweetperception","i always feel last."
1960618810,"fun","danielsnotcool","I want to go to Universal too!"
1960619560,"surprise","TayluhTeel","Pshh i dont have it"
1960619920,"love","nwoidaho","@karleemay Thank You, Sweetie. I just don' understand how people can be mad at me for something THEY made as a choice in life.."
1960620259,"neutral","FreekitTweekit","@LauRenxExCarter @PoloBandit he didn't come to school 2day"
1960620269,"sadness","SaraGThatsMe","@CostaVidaFred awwwwww sorry we're going to miss you!"
1960620314,"sadness","sezykins","@kirstiealley So you wouldn't reply to my gorgeous hot pink shoe then?"
1960620358,"hate","AngsMom","Yukky  Rainy Friday"
1960620762,"sadness","GiovannaGiselle","Okay I lied! I meant this time next week! That is sooo much longer!!  I miss my mommy..."
1960620873,"worry","heartsigh","I'm trying to figure out how on earth I am supposed to be able to update my statuses via my phone. Someone help meeee!"
1960621228,"hate","ladyluff","I was awoken by loud banging and it continues all day  Good thing I got an early rest last night!"
1960621600,"surprise","jonsky","@blondebear87 ah yes dropping the bear thing  it's such a lovely day here! Very odd for stafford!!"
1960621638,"worry","fatandfabchic","It's official nobody is getting a raise this year"
1960621684,"worry","secretXeyes","Been 2 years and m still devistated that they knocked down my old primary school"
1960622350,"worry","WillStrohl","@nokiko Oh, I see what you mean. That is true if they are used improperly, which we know they are."
1960622891,"worry","ckmca","Today is my last day of employment for the next 3.4 years. Here I come graduate school!  Going to miss the action at www.shugartbates.com"
1960623184,"worry","user7d5","E3 2009 will be the first time I will not get to see G4TV's E3 coverage since Comcast moved the  G4 channel from basic cable to premium"
1960623373,"enthusiasm","gemalouise_","I WANT A GARDEN  sitting inside when it's sunny sucks."
1960623426,"love","malindu","at a auto shop getting m suv fix ugh more $   http://twitpic.com/66of2"
1960623470,"hate","platypusgdfan","@TheColorAbi That sounds shitty too."
1960623734,"neutral","hawkins_boi","@xDKrystal yen lol but i can only get the vid on my phone and ipod cant find the song  lol"
1960624080,"neutral","kelseabrooke","im up  ..going to work!"
1960625068,"happiness","monkey2939","Had a lovely day yesterday. The weather was great! Now stupid slapton"
1960625563,"sadness","bsymphony18","on the way home , no sleep  makeup and pedicure then graduation ceremony"
1960625682,"neutral","jslyon","only 2 more days of minnie"
1960626140,"enthusiasm","findingtrixie","fcuk! ayoko na!! I said that in tagalog cuz idk what to do anymore!"
1960626434,"worry","lindenitzan","The lab informs me the logic board is dead as well. It is farking expensive to replace. I don't know what to do.  #MyPowerBookG4RIP"
1960626574,"worry","leewaters","@ryking I never know whether they include me. Just straight white men, right? I wanna be part of the problem too."
1960626731,"neutral","xdiamond_doll","@RussellDevon - NOT A HEAP HEY. JUST BOUT TU HIT THE SACK. ITS 1.15AM HERE. I NEED SOMEONE TU CUDDLE. SUCKS  WBU.? X"
1960626773,"hate","Mia__Cavallo","@To_The_Moon Hiya hun! It's just not my day. Dentist appointment (ouch!),notebook being a bitch. Feeling sick  How's you?"
1960626795,"worry","deelah","Back to work.  Extremely slow now that start up's over."
1960626966,"sadness","DStuart","@Debut_Steve yes....but now I'm not going to be paid to be in the pub"
1960627024,"sadness","TiffB83","@deegospel Hey Dee... I wish I could make it to the mastermind session tomorrow  I'm in a wedding in Statesboro. hope to chat soon."
1960627142,"worry","lostangel","@laurenmichell Scary!"
1960627442,"neutral","Sunfire2109","Although technically the major project he gets to do is something that's communal in theory but always comes to me and is massive/awful."
1960627700,"hate","markvdpoel","Infamous should have arrived today. But it didn't..."
1960627797,"hate","SassyAmber","@davenavarro6767  it so sucks not having fast internet   dial up sucks everything takes to long to load no way i would have won"
1960628037,"love","Cuppycake21","Booo. Finally I could get back on here. My Internet went out"
1960628049,"worry","squawkbox","One downside of the nice weather: It brings of the chavs..."
1960628242,"sadness","fijma","wishing I got fij"
1960628883,"neutral","bunnybabyyyy","@hoezay__x3 trueee"
1960629157,"hate","elitetravelgal","@Aubs my thoughts exactly re: leaving my 3 dogs. They al hate when they see the luggage come out"
1960629164,"worry","lucychan","My mother is taking Gambit to the vet today. I hope it's nothing too serious."
1960629198,"sadness","EvilKeg","@getape I had bad net issues on Weds so couldn't broadcast  Am on tonight tho... tune in for new anthems and bad mixing!"
1960629299,"surprise","robnero","@theguigirl I'm afraid not much  I just realized the true difficulty of this design. I may cry soon. #idmfinal"
1960629759,"happiness","JordanMayTwigs","I am sick  but Ians coming over so its all good ;)"
1960629778,"sadness","maddoctormaryse","Someone stole my new laptop at the airport. haven't even used it. Guess the US economy is breeding a new set of "opportinists""
1960630103,"worry","LolzyluvsJB","@NmcDee Haha ....I Cudnt Get Tickets For Dublin ..I Was soo Upset"
1960630480,"boredom","lynnychien","i dislike math, but math HATES me"
1960630714,"sadness","rmh08c","is tanning with emily! too bad its prob gonna rain"
1960630922,"sadness","beckiloo","I think I have hayfever. Not sure due to wearing next to nothing in horrific weather on wed."
1960631340,"worry","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Tom! Do a tour in the Philippines, please?  That would be so awesome!"
1960631393,"love","mahimagoel","@miss_devi thankyou. i wont but you know"
1960631522,"hate","Shardonay","@db412 Amen to that! My vitamins made me so ill  I felt better before i started taking them!"
1960631559,"worry","bookerT510","is hoping that she left her bb at home and didn't lose it on the Metro"
1960631717,"happiness","cheerygirl88","@MollieOfficial congrats mollie! just wish i could have got some tickets"
1960631767,"neutral","topley","It feels like it should be a Bank Holiday weekend!  I bet it is in France, they're always on holiday..."
1960631962,"sadness","NekoPurrPurr","@kiso666 omg!!!! I feel bad,  .Was it good?              ;"
1960631989,"neutral","gracesmith","Hey everyone  Bit of a hectic day for me, just back from the vets, @pradasmith has a bad infection & is staying over the wkend"
1960632121,"worry","Indyshaped","oh kasa, please lose the hair do"
1960632260,"sadness","ramsin_taffles","Lunch time! Feeling really odd today, generally not great"
1960632359,"worry","justmetalking","The reason why I can't find the latest Arena magazine is because it has folded due to the recession. Grrrrr. GQ/FHM survive? No justice."
1960632615,"sadness","cee_cee_tv","Shopped til i dropped....come bac sunshine i miss u"
1960633359,"relief","Mel_xXx","had a shit contact with both parents >.>  grrr"
1960633664,"worry","mony06","My sisters in laws house, car and tree got hit by lightning last night! Aint that some shit lol its on the news, awww me sorry"
1960633762,"sadness","toolboa","@joeburkel Looks like they dialed it in a LOT...payed attention to all the small but important details in gameplay...still no blood tho"
1960633846,"relief","McEntire1255","Moment of truth!! Im nervous for her!"
1960659688,"sadness","saurabh","@krist0ph3r Anything for @sgElectra. So sorry man  I am not a patsy generally..."
1960659700,"surprise","yolaa","my best friends bought something which i really want."
1960659851,"sadness","Susy412","@Enchanted_Myst I am soooo disappointed that that is what he looks like btw! The image is gone"
1960660078,"love","intanindira","watching midsomer murders... totally in love with this show. Should have pursued forensic psychology instead of this brain thingy"
1960660160,"worry","Dazal2005","WOW i just drank a drink of water - 12 ice cubes that took ages to melt. i now have brian freeze"
1960660348,"fun","oldporscheracer","@briancash Yum...wish we could be there today. I have a cold and don't want to infect others...so we will miss our Friday session."
1960660475,"worry","3rdEden","@jdawg Still waiting for a email  from MAX. So i consider no news, bad news."
1960660690,"surprise","runnerbird","@pangwingyin OHMIGOD, I would have loved that. Alas, there was just lots of gun play. No dancing"
1960661455,"worry","LisaL675","Missing my mom today. We made it a "date" every year to get our flowers together. This yr I was alone. Felt so weird"
1960662133,"hate","md20737","@LAKEVIA @kingdobson dont listen..he do him..but I tried not taking a nap yesterday and I still was up til 1am and than I got up at 7am"
1960662447,"happiness","tiffanyminne","It just hit me that I am leaving conti...     boooooooo.."
1960662950,"love","fuckingxtrigger","@katismonster i wnt there yesterday!  wish u could go with me someday u,u LOOVE YA <3"
1960663017,"worry","monashand","@Bing11 Yes, and I really hoped to do one last gas price story... but I guess it wasn't meant to be!!!"
1960663369,"worry","kiana_b","My back hurts"
1960663837,"surprise","NadiaWest","@dahveed76 Um your latest tweet sounds like something bad has gone down."
1960663959,"sadness","Maarten1977","Once again, I'm dealing with cancer in my direct family. Bugger  Cancel sucks!"
1960664361,"sadness","hazardous_zone","@KillzoneDotCom  tis a sad day"
1960664885,"neutral","Jessicccca","Just went with Kerri to her locker for the last time."
1960665284,"sadness","singitback82","My stomach effing hurts. Sadly there'll be no gym class this afternoon"
1960665387,"sadness","liltwinstars","@lestockdrop i wish i was there too"
1960665438,"sadness","Pecicilan","@faizis i wish for kiau to go cat heaven too. and meet my seuss"
1960665556,"sadness","FakerGigi","@SteveChaiGuy Your Steve Chai sounds awesome. *wishes she had one now* But I'm stuck with: Idon'tknowwhatdamnbrandcoffeethisis"
1960666000,"worry","KillzoneDotCom","@Malcmail I wasn't given an exact date, but it shouldn't be much longer. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience!"
1960666009,"love","spiller2","@zincroof ahh ok! Enjoy! I'll miss it"
1960666037,"sadness","Mr_Fransson","Cab is so slow so I will probably miss the first beer..."
1960666137,"sadness","yofu","I AM SUCH A CREEPER  I feel disappointed because of it. Damn my cyberstalking skills   the internet = no more privacy."
1960666217,"sadness","gchapiewski","@tinogomes @MarceloN passed away"
1960666433,"worry","SamtheRedhead","can't feel my tail bone."
1960666441,"worry","Bill_Ironside","@alpew Good luck.. I have still to get wireless working post IT6"
1960666536,"worry","SaiyoukoSensei","@SidViciious You must be doing different poetry to me. All we get is Catullus, some Ovid and and an extract from the Aeneid.  x"
1960667125,"worry","Shardonay","@Mandelin Omg i'm on a one year work permit! Going home end of June...i'm really gna miss it   #canada"
1960667439,"worry","LaDonnaRae","there are many jobs I aspire to, supervisor is not one of them  talk about too much stress for too little pay"
1960668104,"worry","kethni","So tired and I don't know why"
1960668746,"empty","MidgyWidgy","Facebook.com isint letting me change my profile picture"
1960669209,"worry","britstreh20","Kidney Stones again  What did I ever do to deserve this kind of pain, not once or twice but five times in my life??? Took drugs, peace out"
1960669303,"sadness","jocelynANALY","in school w. linda doing nothing  ;i miss you"
1960669360,"worry","DsBabyGirl","@nkotblorib Nothing definite yet..and the show is in a week   I may just be resorted to giving them away"
1960669636,"sadness","SwEeTnSaSsIe83","Just got up thinkin about how weird it is w/out our dog"
1960669696,"surprise","superloza","@MeriDubs whaaat. I still have next week"
1960669699,"neutral","HarrySampsonIV","@OfficialBabyV : yes she got all lovey with him& he returned the love&1thing led2 another&  also @BrittanySnow wants2 know y ur mad at her"
1960669735,"worry","ShanonXOXO","@LadyLogan I thought u were down here so I came down and u were mom said no RJ took them"
1960669889,"neutral","AmyDeWitt","Sitting here, waiting to go to the gym.....almost left, then realized I never charged my iPod from my trip to Wisconsin....it's dead"
1960669986,"worry","tartdarling","maaaaan! I spent an hour on a project for work, only to have the computer bork and crash and lost it all"
1960670056,"enthusiasm","kevinhigley","@umphreysmcgee Great Podcast!  I wish you guys had more Chi shows this summer.  The only times I will see you will be at Alpine"
1960671176,"sadness","First_lady22","@TeeRibbzz noo.. U dont even know how upset I am right now.."
1960671183,"worry","nyproperty4sale","@AgingBackwards I use to own a 32 lbs tabby cat. Got him for North Shore Animal league he had diabetes"
1960671746,"sadness","kristyc7","Well, @suzylake I discovered I can't swim.  I'm out.  Sorry"
1960671763,"worry","skyflower719","I'm looking forward to going home tomorrow, but I really wish it was for a different reason."
1960671885,"fun","motoman15","And figuring out how to watch Middlesbrough games next year, after the dreaded drop."
1960672098,"empty","amandapercy","really hates delayed trains especially 44 minute delayed trains. Now going to be late for work"
1960672480,"sadness","trevaladiva","@gaspsiagore "stunningly beautiful" and "new piece" don't usually go together. Wish I could go"
1960672702,"relief","ayyoangela","Nothings better than having to take a cold shower in the morning"
1960672880,"boredom","courtdee22","Ok super bored... guess no one else it"
1960673165,"neutral","xxdesmus","@lucky_luciano jailbreak went great, just not a tremendous amount of apps ready for 3.0 though. No winterboard yet"
1960673237,"worry","janeschmidt","Hey #rda2009cla presentation was too large to post!  sorry   (From rules to entities: cataloguing with RDA live > http://ustre.am/2j3l)"
1960673469,"surprise","doombox","@mynameisgay You are so lucky you get to travel."
1960673722,"worry","mariahsyrett","TGIF. I don't feel good."
1960673939,"happiness","Trezzay","@lurkey hahaha chivalry's not dead, just rare"
1960674017,"empty","ThriftyMamaB","Working on some Product Buzz (product reviews) for the blog... have a pain in the back of my neck"
1960674331,"love","VanessaM77","@aliis32 LoL....heeeyyy love! Not much working   and you"
1960674415,"sadness","robitots","shares I miss my niece and nephew. http://tinyurl.com/mrgqdc http://plurk.com/p/x1ap6"
1960674473,"worry","GleaningHarvest","@reflective aww... sorry for both of you.  May the LORD give you strength and rest today!"
1960674625,"fun","disco_kuusisto","@JamesDReid i got coupons to Popeye's chicken but I'll probably end up getting a burrito at freshii - this salad joint. healthy"
1960674778,"worry","Raph4","@MarceloN rlly dead?  Descanse em paz... #luto #sad #RIP"
1960675145,"sadness","jonsidnell","Experiencing pain with paginating ASP.NET ListView controls"
1960675157,"worry","lauurajm","painting my nails green in an attempt to look like an army person. annoyed that everyone seems to tan apart from me! freckles and sunburn"
1960702141,"surprise","danabrit","Sometimes I wish I had my own Prototype mentor."
1960702229,"relief","BrookeKalsch","Finally it's Friday! Things are going to be so different starting next week...my house will be empty!"
1960702589,"worry","SchumiFan","Trying to revise Environmental Studies and write my personal statement at the same time is really hard!!"
1960702652,"worry","reuber_666","This is very bad news...  BTW, now i started with some friends to make the jedi academy unleashed mod. It will be only SP and for PC!!!!"
1960703926,"neutral","trierstudio","@alexandrakeller Haha, yeah. It was here and there before but now it's constant"
1960704293,"worry","TeknicFire","@marvelvscapcom I entered it in within 20 seconds of post and still didn't get it"
1960704390,"worry","kelliwelch","@ATTNews Still no Internet today"
1960704760,"neutral","JezChatfield","@jemimakiss but have you got @nrierp, and twitted a link to it. No? Fail."
1960705157,"worry","intanindira","super hungry... Dominos or martabak... both tempting and fattening"
1960705629,"surprise","MeowMeowHotMix","My chick wont shut up  Will only stop chirping if i sit with the bloody thing."
1960706134,"happiness","djerockalypze","@ConciseKilgore morning T! I love their breakfast! If I wasn't stuck at the shop right now getting maintenance done to the ride!"
1960706333,"happiness","2cute_2001","O dnt even like wearing  my skinny jean no more cuz of yall bitch ass ni99as..."
1960706545,"neutral","marcolindoso","to doente"
1960706546,"sadness","anaili1106","i dont get it"
1960706810,"worry","macshorty213","@Smilystace i am so sorry"
1960707578,"happiness","aimeebanks","ooh lovely, a ridiculous amount of revision left to do"
1960708072,"hate","cerealuk","i have no idea wtf im doing"
1960708095,"sadness","Rickty","Sorta needs to somehow forget that its E3 in LA practically during my ethics exam and self-imposed revision time."
1960708562,"sadness","oliviawessman","Beyonce helps me through the day, I'm starting to get sick"
1960708665,"sadness","iLoveLutz","Oh my poop. Stupid Twitter won't let me put up a new picture."
1960708674,"sadness","shutupmeg","(@MeowMeowHotMix) My chick wont shut up  Will only stop chirping if i sit with the bloody thing."
1960709258,"neutral","Alex__MacLeod","has got grass all over him"
1960709405,"love","MissD757","@mr2oh2 So you're gonna make me go alllll the way to the store??? LOL  I have to find one...I'll Google.  Thanks.    LOL"
1960709516,"worry","nita_1818","Up early for class. ((Blahh))-------> Hang Over kiddies"
1960709931,"surprise","K_MacFarlane","@skyladawn Exactly. She becomes completely incapable of anything unless he's there helping her. Too many of those are out there."
1960710059,"worry","oOohlalaLAUREN","@MattyV AND! you wouldnt even be able to go. its too far for you"
1960710222,"love","caroruiz","@rcf89 you have GH:WT? i hate you! i "got" it but it was DVD9  and i need it now the drums are being sold separately"
1960710447,"sadness","calaveradiva","My head is starting to ache again, and I have to reinstall operating systems on 31 computers."
1960710520,"worry","xdiamond_doll","@SolarAvada - DAMN. LOL ON FRIDAY.? ITS NOW SATURDAY HERE LOL. IM IN AUSTRALIA"
1960710613,"sadness","sarahbeery","@hookedonwinter   your picture makes me thristy EVERYDAY!"
1960710773,"neutral","bowenthebeard","Google Chrome forgot what everything looks like for some reason"
1960711232,"sadness","ShaniaMileyFan","the columbus blue jackes may be movieing to anew city to play at  thats sad news"
1960711934,"sadness","KCollins720","stupid rain, now our picnic is cancelled till tomorrow"
1960712118,"surprise","abby_rathburn","Oh man, there are dead deer everywhere in michigan."
1960712472,"neutral","foodiesarah","@alisongow I think I've been killed judging bt my energy after attacking just to see what happened  #spymaster"
1960712490,"neutral","stefiex","@Phlupp You're phone is off"
1960713129,"sadness","allisonsautter","Wants to go home with the seniors"
1960713668,"sadness","onthe222","Philadelphia Phillies' Brett Myers out indefinitely with injured hip - http://tinyurl.com/megxu2 (via @PHI_Phillies) nooooo"
1960713922,"sadness","MelissaHartog","Will this rain ever go away, my puppy is getting cabin fever and she doesn't like going out in the rain"
1960713940,"surprise","Shredd3r","@NHL10 I was hoping for a better trailer"
1960714137,"empty","mr_shy21","At wrk  ...gtta come back tonite"
1960714335,"surprise","xsmellycatx","PEOPLE!!! wat the hell is a follower on twitter???? I DONT GET IT!!!"
1960714620,"worry","ZacSniderr","About to get my wisdom teeth pulled!"
1960714631,"worry","fresh816163","Woke up and felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg. No school for me today"
1960714837,"worry","tbrd","@_kotenok !!  ... maybe they took one look at you and said "That's our girl!""
1960714890,"love","HarrySampsonIV","@OfficialBabyV : yes she got all lovey with him&he returned the love&1thing led2 another&  also @BrittanyASnow wants2 know y ur mad at her"
1960715055,"worry","joraff","Taking a load of old broken concrete to the landfill. Tried to find a recycler"
1960715335,"worry","sourcherrywhip","Sitting at the Connection listening to the employees reminisce and mope about their last shift"
1960715341,"worry","emmeleebee","misses driving already"
1960715538,"happiness","Aunjelique","what up world im just chillin, bout to go get this money!! But in this economy no money is easy money anymore"
1960715733,"love","SeXyLoVeRs","i <3 maria but i wish she was in my class!!!  i love her lol bored in class again!!"
1960715778,"love","ampersandrea","@dopegirlfresh YAY!!  I was supposed to be there next weekend. But its off now.   But I'ma make it out there...I <3 Philly."
1960716018,"relief","IheartIzzy","My last full day in NY  but can't wait to go to Seattle and La la land"
1960716218,"sadness","klea94","crying so hard......."
1960716265,"worry","Driven365","i really miss you @STYLEnista i wish you were down here"
1960716423,"relief","nabhere","It's Friday, but not the most pleasant ones  waaaaaay to much work..."
1960716555,"neutral","brett","i wish my blog was working properly - i have a great #followfriday blog post i wanted to showcase!"
1960716755,"worry","ericdsgirl4ever","I'm very conflicted here.  I really like Mike but I still have feelings for Darrin.  It's really complicated.  I don't know what to do."
1960717106,"worry","jdfwoods","I'm really tired today - I must have slept very badly... I'm glad it's an "off" Friday, but I've still got a ton of stuff to get done  #fb"
1960717528,"surprise","DeadSpider","@Yampolito That will make things fair. My poor Tiger has no claws or nutz"
1960718050,"empty","markls86","I don't want to program today"
1960718324,"neutral","courtdogs","At the dentist. I have a hole in my tooth"
1960718440,"neutral","kemberleey","@funmsdrebirth I'll be back soon"
1960718447,"sadness","robnero","@theguigirl Awwww...thanks!! ;) Unfortunately, everything closes at 4pm in Sweden on a friday. Presentation is 9am Monday."
1960718708,"happiness","PrissyPercy","@arlastouch nothing yet  still looking....but lets for sure do lunch next week!!"
1960719601,"worry","labellerebelle","is afraid she caught that thing going around... I feel utterly drained and it's only 10 am!"
1960750680,"worry","wolfgirl86","@jdcritte Though it was a cold that would go away, turns out it's a sinus infection that just keeps getting worse and worse by the day."
1960750788,"neutral","Michaelcrosbys","dreading history coursework on monday"
1960750898,"worry","clarisseee","I gotta do my assignments tomorrow  OMG mackillop has swine"
1960751051,"sadness","Tuesday34","ughhh have a tummy ache"
1960751129,"sadness","warningmark","Why are we busy ugh I have the largest headache"
1960751226,"neutral","miahernandes","@telemaniatik hahaha no you don't! it was amazing! they're really amazing! today they have another one. I can't go"
1960751234,"worry","SuzieSunshine","@anitapsays what happened?  are you suffering from neck/shoulder/back pain like me?  i can't move either"
1960751420,"love","Nicolargh","Jesus Christ meadowhall could do with better air con! Too hot"
1960751542,"neutral","delanotho","@MikeAbrams Link doesn't work"
1960751563,"worry","Cade_One","@htoddcarter @CatholicMeme http://tinyurl.com/mdr7b4 I just noticed that too"
1960751750,"sadness","unicorn80","has had a fab day on placement, But working all weekend."
1960751832,"sadness","felicialieto","Its a gorgeous day and I'm going to work allll day  Just gotta keep telling myself its for NYC!!"
1960752399,"worry","MDMacapinlac","@leilaanasazi: I'm sure lots of that studio equipment was collected analog stuff that can't be bought anymore.    seriously, condolences."
1960752950,"worry","mindywhite","bye LA... I already miss you"
1960752961,"sadness","Xyense",""I only think of you as breaking my heart, I'm trying to keep it together but I'm falling apart.""
1960753118,"sadness","nizarnizar","pengen nonton Friens of mine comeback show di prost beer house kemang besok.. tapi ga bisaaaaaaaaaa.."
1960753306,"worry","sheilawr","i wanna watch PCD concert dad"
1960753619,"worry","JackVegas83","What a dreary, rainy, crappy day."
1960753649,"empty","Mia702","@GeezusHaberdash Awww   I told you when I would change it. I suggest you try to get in touch w/ Dre's people. LOL"
1960753683,"sadness","Berk0385","@silenceiseasy no no no lol I cut my bangs like Kate Hudson in bride wars a few months ago and it was super cute. Looks diff this time"
1960753793,"surprise","bizziefan","@musical_musings Good morning!  It is raining here"
1960753816,"surprise","Sonja_S","@Abougu I didn't see this until after"
1960753996,"sadness","j_lebron","@shutupandspinx3: yay! Lol. Now I know how you felt when I was gone."
1960754573,"sadness","babynraven99","@davenavarro6767 Not Columbus but just wanted to say sorry to be missing Indiana show tomorrow. So sad  I will be in the woods with 8 GS."
1960754647,"sadness","velabonz","missing ontario.."
1960754735,"fun","jayohsee","@teaanyone why not?  its the most retarded thing someone could do at their 16th, and you know me- I like to be retarded. 8("
1960754818,"empty","BenRoldan","cleaning and packing"
1960755192,"worry","ryvintage","i am very very tired"
1960755212,"hate","girlingrey","i hate the biatches of this world"
1960755374,"worry","macdonst","@fortrel The newest versions are not any better"
1960755437,"worry","chayakitty","@Petiethecat None of Meowmie's friends have money, and even if they did, she wouldn't be able to pay them back."
1960756219,"sadness","rolltiderolling","what a bad day 1 of my close relative has died so i wont be going to florida"
1960756433,"surprise","Luphinus","Up early. Knee throbbing. Maker Faire 99% out now. Possibly Califur too. Same torn ligament as before I think. No insurance tho."
1960756493,"sadness","hyper_baffoon","phew! i am MELTING!  stupid fan - you picked a good day to stop working"
1960756509,"sadness","taylahhh","@meeshel that sucks.   did you save any of it?"
1960756863,"worry","Jemzamia","Gah the sunlight is so bright today it's giving me a headache  Resorted to wearing new sunglasses"
1960756870,"sadness","zakirahmed","bad grades again"
1960757422,"fun","chelseasms","@HelloHolland noooo, why!!  what are you gonna do there? wandelweekend??"
1960757440,"worry","kindypop","10 25 Am Still waiting on the doc to come and break my water."
1960757474,"neutral","Maxnot","@sirpopey I'm not part of that generation unfortunately.  This is really good though"
1960757601,"sadness","johnpanico","@michelleweber  Been there and never at a good time   Your recourse is small claims or you can get a atty involved. But that is more $"
1960758189,"hate","ikelsey","I hate when it's cloudy. I either want it to be all sunny or raining. It's cloudy"
1960758309,"worry","johnno888","i want to borrow an MX5 this weekend"
1960758436,"happiness","sarahlestrange","@ElizaPatricia =o YOU SAW FLEETWOOD MAC! I'm insanely jealous. I don't have enough money to buy tickets.  I think I'll never see them. =("
1960758721,"fun","addiiee","@yoitsbooty ) NICE. I want it. I'll get the pirated. ) I MISS YOU"
1960758936,"hate","Bean_xoxo","I have had it with job hunting. I try all day and nothing works  I bet I couldn't even work at the strip club because of my cider belly!"
1960758973,"happiness","riitchiie","So I get up early and I feel good about the day. I walk to work and I'm feeling alright. But guess what... I don't work today."
1960759009,"sadness","kellenheller","no internet in my pocket   edge network down in denver  *sob*"
1960759330,"worry","twinkletash","just been in the garden but i was being attacked by bugs so i came inside"
1960759416,"worry","indieandiejones","I know that just sounded really stupid.  having 2 jobs sucks. I don't like feeling like this. I feel bitter and angry. What am I? 70??"
1960759470,"sadness","Edgesmash","@kdelbonis Well I can't get Cupcake because I can't connect to T-Mobile's network because my SIM card is corrupted"
1960759723,"sadness","blantonious","VCenter is screwing up on me today.  More specifically the MSSQL server that it connects to."
1960759920,"fun","DaimyRain","@ColinOLN i'm trying to make myself like it but i haven't been successful so far. haha"
1960760156,"sadness","twittwootwiggy","@iamlittleboots all my recording eqpmnts out. a full day 2 myself and minds gone blank. outfit for G-A-Y still nt arrived eitha"
1960760349,"surprise","Dan_","@cashbingo - I read that as follows: "I'm a what?! What'd I do? Yes, she is rather simple. I miss you dicks too...   ""
1960760470,"neutral","theporter","getting ready to head out to Camp Allen.  Unless somethings changed, that means no phone service for about 24 hours."
1960760512,"worry","ThuLovesOprah","Eatting all these candies I bought from little mexico last night... Charged my ass .50 for swipping my card and it all taste like shampoo"
1960760738,"sadness","Stylish_T","@alwaysmuah Hey Ruthie girl... u send me all these lovely twitts but never respond!  I'm hurt... how's Mikey and Dion?"
1960761152,"sadness","AlanaPotter","heading up to the farm   dont want to i wanna stay here and talk with my boyfriend... STUPID MOM FOR MAKING ME GO UP >.<"
1960761194,"hate","nic_kers","@LRon_Jaii :-S weirdo leave him alone"
1960761257,"neutral","x__claireyy__x","It's too hot. I hate summer  #harrymcflytosing"
1960761328,"neutral","twbrit","I have that 'Friday' feeling, though - I am working tomorrow"
1960761762,"neutral","Fitz","@spifferiferfied - We used to eat there often when the company was over there. Now since moving to Des Plaines all we eat is Wendys."
1960762036,"sadness","NmcDee","@LolzyluvsJB Neither could i! And i looked on ebay and it was like 250 euro for two!!!! but i doubt my parents would fork that amount out"
1960762038,"neutral","bbcrewjenn","@drea3000_bbcrew dude im sleepy and went to bed as soon as i got home.  whhaacck."
1960762039,"sadness","RADIO_QUEEN09","there's something about this area that makes my tonsils swell up everyday. i don't get it..  i feel slightly miserable. #FF done 4 now!!"
1960762163,"sadness","Dragon_Eyez","@RetroBakery I would have to agree on the Bacon Cupcake... Would rather drive 2 the shop instead of 2 the office"
1960762262,"sadness","judel","@nettagyrl What makes me sad is when I follow someone I converse with and have similar bios, but they don't follow me back!"
1960762455,"empty","daracorrato","@DsBabyGirl  having a stressful morning! just got my computer back (crashed) - trying to reinstall everything."
1960762553,"worry","courtneyisneato","You know you're too old to party like a rockstar when....you realize no one else claps when they dance. It's just you"
1960762713,"sadness","sugaryrush","browsin thru the videos in my multiply and i saw the video u sang with my bf. i miss you, N. we all miss you. pls come back wherever u r."
1960763448,"happiness","girlgamy","@cc_chapman #whuffaoke is the same night as @ACDC at Gillette Stadium!"
1960763784,"fun","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Will we see you guys in the Philippines?  That would be the coolest thing ever! Always wanted to go to one of your concerts!"
1960763862,"neutral","dafferss","@McFrog I can't be mean without you."
1960763963,"sadness","sarahlestrange","Now I'm all sad because I'll probably never see Fleetwood Mac."
1960806569,"relief","whitmcclellan","@grizzlycullen it was days yesterday and probably today that I wish I had taken the top off my jeep.  I need help haha. IT'S FRICKEN HOT"
1960806856,"neutral","patpreezy","@nptnmkiii I dunno...I thought I was funny"
1960806953,"sadness","NJDEVS","I feel guilty bc I think it's my fault the hard drive died"
1960807273,"neutral","Crel","@Jaxboxchick77 @lesleyadams @PMSharlequin You HAD 6 - 5 star reviews in Canada, at least until the "Talk like a Canadian" incident"
1960807415,"sadness","PrinceAdam93","Could do with some messages to cheer me up  !!!!! @RobynLouise1993 @leahstakes @MissKeriBaby @jewlear @Celenko @sarahbeeny @Beverleyknight"
1960807693,"happiness","galleysmith","@bookaliciouspam Hey welcome to VA, LOL.  It's muggy up here by DC too.  Worst part of summer I'd say"
1960808064,"sadness","xiwantitallx","is in the costume shop cleaning and STARVING. Bring me food???"
1960808720,"love","kolfriendfeed","35mins through the 1hr 20mins Google Wave demo, that looks a lot of fun, would love to test it though.  http://bit.ly/WnMSc"
1960808956,"sadness","hadarvc","@PhilipHotchkiss Sorry, but I don't see a Twitter user named @TomClain"
1960809015,"worry","sarahmette","@sk8n_bree say hi to the otters! They are my favorite- besides the fact they are slowly killing themselves with each shell they open."
1960809017,"worry","demilover5","sorry guys i didn't sign in for a while  sorry every1"
1960809129,"neutral","djshottacee","@jonraff I jus spoke 2 my lawyer, if I blow trial =3to7"
1960809381,"worry","Liz_Pix","Horrid dream. I suspect I will have to cancel my plans tonight..."
1960809431,"neutral","j_marlow","@twenty8 Shitttttt"
1960809457,"neutral","irasistible","@kianlim Snap To Grid. I just realized that I haven't seen Iqbal in 5 days."
1960809800,"anger","HarryJA","@mashable Link to ff "how it works" is broke!"
1960809900,"worry","GlynisMenace","@SquishT77 So sorry to hear about your mum."
1960810082,"happiness","cbond007","I don't think I'm very well. Just in time for the weekend"
1960810151,"neutral","plannerpatricia","Follow Friday is a bit hard to do when my work kicks in on Fridays"
1960810579,"neutral","AliciaCaine","bad timing- a new mommy just called for newborn pictures and I can't fit the baby into my schedule no matter how hard I try"
1960811112,"worry","coortega","my online portfolio is down  great...esp when jobs are trying to look at it"
1960811399,"happiness","Iggyhopper","I want dazzle,"
1960811552,"neutral","paula_mcfly","Plane tickets to UK and everywhere to Europe are BEYOND cheap (for June-Oct!!), but there's NO gig in the near future announced yet"
1960811597,"worry","GreenChicMama","@Jaisaphira I agree, however I can't sell  until I'm a full brick & motar store...  soon though hopefully"
1960811611,"love","courtdee22","I THINK EVERYONE HATES ME ON HERE   lol"
1960811720,"hate","Piratealice","ow, I just rolled over my toe with my desk chair."
1960811752,"worry","elisaaa_","The one day I do my hair, weather sucks  where is the sun?"
1960812087,"neutral","andygriffwozere","@Scottysingo don't you agree?"
1960812135,"worry","lindsayshaw","4 hours of sleep, a migraine, again? What is wrong with me?    hate my life"
1960812512,"worry","velogrrl","@clairmc my riding time has been dismal too during these rainy weeks.  haven't been able to make myself to go to the gym instead."
1960812607,"worry","textualoffender","@ekalavyab dammit i had the passes but i am still at work"
1960812644,"sadness","defygravity720","@IamChrisMann I'm just sick of stupid guys but for a moment u make me believe not all of them suck then I get back to reality"
1960812888,"worry","tylermunro","Going to the doctors now. Scared as shit."
1960813248,"worry","AlicenWonderLa","My body hurt  I need a rub down like NOW!"
1960813431,"worry","lost_dog","@chantelnicole I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1960813657,"worry","Miss_Janey","@countingcrows i'm totally gutted, i ended up with my foot in a cast today so i can't travel to nottingham now to see you guys   xxx"
1960814213,"worry","Gravecat","@electricdog 140 characters, I find, is rarely enough to elaborate much upon anything."
1960814657,"sadness","mginn82","@thinkgeek curses upon the ridiculously slow internetz at work!  The dang image just now loaded..."
1960814796,"neutral","paula_mcfly","Plane tickets to UK and everywhere in Europe are BEYOND cheap (for June-Oct!!), but there's NO gig in the near future announced yet"
1960814958,"sadness","LDinh","@flyyKiDDangel lmao I need a shopping partner today."
1960815185,"hate","guerillamilk","@RoTone u suck! had i went to jail i couldnt tweet anymore"
1960815535,"love","inashlalaland","it's you and me forever ?, it's you and me right now   flywithmeobsessive. Im crying"
1960815803,"fun","jacoblockhart","Mucking about on Guitar Rig 3. The demo, that is"
1960816199,"worry","borninbrit","My throat hurts"
1960816516,"worry","jessjardine","@EAZY_ERON Effy breaks my heart."
1960816581,"happiness","riahpf","@DaveJMatthews concert tonight at fenwayyy! hopefully the rain stops"
1960816677,"sadness","aslesinski","@LinkedInBrian Unfortunately, I will be nowhere near the beach. I have fam in that area, too."
1960816732,"neutral","maddiefry","watching it rain"
1960816877,"worry","voyage2k","@thinkgeek Aw, man!"
1960816923,"enthusiasm","Vero_Special","@yvetterdz84 nah, he won't  but I will sit here and enjoy the view :-P"
1960817125,"love","Clareies","@Mpisthename Kisses! or its screwed. i'll be a raggy old cat woman ha i'm pretty sure of it"
1960817237,"hate","TinaSalazar","Got the sniffles   I SO don't want to get sick - I don't need this."
1960817356,"hate","bbSTEPHANIE","Just got woken up by my mom... Our ENTIRE first floor is flooded. All our furniture, curtains, moms expensive rugs.... Soaked and ruined"
1960817866,"surprise","PlayRadioPlay","My mom just texted me and told me that Rodney was chasing fireflies in their backyard. Awwwww I'm miss him    http://twitpic.com/66pn1"
1960817868,"happiness","dontnamethis","Such a beautiful day. I just wish I had the energy to enjoy it."
1960818134,"sadness","zephyrhills123","darn it that was supposed to be a haiku but the formatting failed me."
1960818158,"neutral","ReneKinzett","@aligoldsworthy @Politics_Cymru you would think so, Ali! I found Evan's web: http://www.evanprice.co.uk/index.htm but no twitters"
1960818196,"neutral","Aleph009","I have to go to work now."
1960818403,"worry","sheffield0474","http://pinkpawsforlife.org/ - pets get cancer too."
1960818444,"neutral","Bastante_P","@ELLISNYC hey handsome!  I'm packing"
1960818559,"sadness","SamGoessling","Really wants to buy new clothes"
1960818690,"neutral","ethanswanson","i hate not being able to twitterize on my cell phone  oh well"
1960818727,"worry","PhillipeFollop",""Isn't she lovely? Isn't she beautiful?" Sorry Stevie, you're not really in a position to make that judgement  #steviewonder"
1960818988,"worry","KiraAnderson","Braxton was up at 2:30 untill 4am and now he won't sleep more than 15 minutes at a time! It's hard to be a mom on days like this!"
1960819050,"sadness","Smilerzgurl","walk was grand peeps lol feet are really hurting now thought  xx"
1960819672,"worry","brittney_sum87","Sitting @ home sick.... wish this cold wuld go away.... start skool mon!!! yay!!!! not so much"
1960819896,"happiness","xelectrostatic","shopping with @curlysue69x tonight, cant wait!  Lucky bastard @jayrunway has already finished work  im stuck here forever!"
1960820049,"worry","RaenetteTan","trying to get into the groove of studying  heeelllppppp meeeeeeee"
1960820352,"sadness","charchee","How could they kill him? Hollyoaks made me sad."
1960820362,"worry","kopigao","@infinitus_ When they don't pop well. I feel lousier after playing those."
1960820637,"sadness","eb20x","i need to get my life together aka my apartment all cleaned and back how it was before my birthday"
1960820828,"neutral","letsgoduke","@novah gah i forgot about separate bins. maybe this is a bad idea"
1960821314,"worry","ami2411","ahh everyone's out today taking in the sunny weather except me  might go and watch some tv..."
1960857150,"empty","limecello","@jenthegingerkd @c2s @cjewel @JenSchaller I like fridays generally, but class is extended today  and I'm starving :X haha </whine> O:-P"
1960857833,"neutral","MKFlynn","@stoweboyd I'm with ya.... @howardlindzon doesn't  follow me either"
1960858521,"surprise","usuke","??? weekend standby duty??????????????????????????????????????????????????"
1960858748,"happiness","omgsean","getting cds ready for tour"
1960858820,"worry","ImaginaryX","got back from walking to school gotta go back around one or two that heat almost gave me a stroke"
1960859052,"neutral","holblake","goin to work"
1960859086,"worry","karlea","you know you're working to late when you hear about the sun setting via twitter"
1960859191,"worry","AngelaCatherine","starting phase 1 of operation "be productive"- pack clothes. can't find pink tank top!! oh no!!!"
1960859266,"love","luvinmesomed","@kamy775 It's gonna be hot here today too. today is Ryan's last day of pre-k. I can't believe it!  I've been a SAHM since I had him!"
1960859287,"relief","JELuttrull","@xXHAZELXx: Ok its suppose 2b followfriday not unfollow Friday  aw well I have nice tweeters anyway! <-almost doesnt sound right...lol;)"
1960859432,"neutral","deedeefr","presentations finished. Busted ankle after stupido models broke catwalk and I TWICE fell in hole in beautiful bottle green Mary Janes"
1960859442,"sadness","CassidyLovesYou","- me and my mom's cars were broken into.  I feel violated."
1960859823,"neutral","DMD666","@schittyw0k KILL IT JASMINE! Haven't talked to you for ages."
1960860254,"neutral","MissCCDemented","Ok I'm frustrated, there is hella dust between the screens of my blackberry"
1960860290,"sadness","BritTheIntern","My car is in the car hospital for the nxt 7 days  I gotta go pick up a loaner car b4 6! Bein without wheels 4 7day will set me back heavy!"
1960860729,"worry","uluvsheena","@Youngbanks206 did you already get your update? I havent yet"
1960860950,"worry","Jovi_Jonas","@cazp09  lol y? is it really gross??  i'm HUNGRY and theres nothin to have"
1960861119,"neutral","kevinbracken","Need a nap  but I have to take 4 trains now"
1960861234,"worry","azzauk","@uncomplex not sure I can make it afterall"
1960861397,"worry","xxgracie04xx","i had my chance and blew it, now i have to suffer the consequences..gnite tweeps"
1960861531,"worry","FocuseDaily","kids out for summer/ pool has been taken over/ no more tanning girls  #haiku #yayschoolisout #sarcasm"
1960862057,"sadness","tiffiniholland","@tcwmatt oh no!!!  well..... When you get back lots of pictures!!!"
1960862577,"worry","zoombaby","My sister got a lunch date and I don't"
1960862935,"hate","KevSpiers","@mcpactions bugger didn't know that  shame people have to stick there nose in!"
1960863363,"sadness","SpaceVidcast","@cheetham Alas, we can't broadcast the lunches as we have no bandwidth in those rooms"
1960863696,"hate","wetheryan","I HATE FLORISTS  No rose for cassadee tomorrow now =/ fricken fag florist people ={ hmm..need something else...hmm..."
1960864509,"worry","MissMahoganyT","Sitting at my desk wishing things were different"
1960864593,"worry","Hammonassett","is wondering why no one else is following it....  C'mon people!"
1960865527,"worry","geribabyyy","@CaityKaboom so sad i have to pay $60"
1960866055,"love","serial","@clovisdied *hugs* me too."
1960866158,"worry","SarahHoste","Not feeling comfortable with myself today"
1960866492,"worry","filmfaker09","@eogasawa you looked great for being sick yesterday! i'm sorry I didn't really make an effort to say hi...  I was preoccupied for a while"
1960866929,"sadness","michelleashraf","I SO should've gone right now!!! *wish I could alter time!!  *"
1960867210,"neutral","xxLINDSAYxx","@girltrumpet she said no"
1960867244,"relief","Frangelo","@pmayroy cause i wasn't there!"
1960867380,"love","xtifferyx","i forgot to put my work clothes in the dryer  also, i love my new slippers!"
1960867459,"worry","glam_girl_tee","I HAVE A HEADACHE"
1960867575,"happiness","lolamarya","So I cannot find my poetry book. It wasn't at my dad's and I'm about to tear up my room looking for it. It I don't, I'm gonna be sad"
1960868483,"happiness","allyugadawg","@BD_illustrated Me Too! Its hard to argue w/ him 'cause he makes some great points, i just can't wrap my heart around that one"
1960868535,"sadness","sydneyrenee","Tracy and Berwick breaks my achy breaky heart  They split ways in the hallways."
1960868779,"happiness","dansterdavid","Chatted with my old schoolmates. Awww  I miss my Highschool."
1960869075,"sadness","Alexmilway","@deadlyknitshade  OOh but you soon get to meet the dung mice!!"
1960869603,"worry","AnnJeeEinmo","is sooo confused these days   But glad to be back from Lillestr�m"
1960869894,"worry","bonnietsang","Of all things good and awesome about shooting destination weddings, I'll miss my baby girl for few days.   #fb"
1960869895,"neutral","tomtiger123","is watching the final episode of E.R  Goon SuBo 2 win Britians Got Talent"
1960869957,"surprise","atomicplayboy","@JinxCat What? I was being serious."
1960870564,"sadness","wcsideshow","Awh, its the last day of the tour  I'll miss hangin w/@sendoutscuds and Children 18:3. Soooo...let's make it an awesome nite in OK!!"
1960870774,"neutral","eivl","http://pic.im/4d8   Horten moss k�"
1960870809,"neutral","auntiedragon","I've been killing ants today ( put workers to alcohol for genetic analysis). I feel kind of bad for that... Its necessary, but not nice"
1960870847,"happiness","crazy_sarah","WALES HERE I AM! 1st 2 weeks away in wales. but idk if the guys at school really like me..."
1960871098,"sadness","CynthiaBuroughs","@semipenguin they are gone after I restarted TwetDeck  , and I wanted to follow  the peeps that I got posted frommy friends :/"
1960871159,"surprise","zandperl","Energy steadily increasing, thankfully, but the cough isn't going away."
1960871691,"sadness","ScotsThistle","@Brookeleeadams Gutted you won't be on live office girls anymore"
1960871813,"worry","JChang3","@dnbauman hahah yeah, i had the same problem. Tomorrow there is a bday dinner for Terry at 7:30 so i don't think we'll see the fight"
1960871822,"fun","jillraf","@CMiget That's always fun to clean up"
1960872623,"neutral","OneLoveAB","starting to pack stuff up"
1960872744,"worry","victoireo","my car is in at the garage & is not coming out anytime soon! last time I heard the gearbox was the problem, still waiting for the quote."
1960872766,"sadness","Awbrayy","Taking my brother to the airport  Then gym."
1960873353,"enthusiasm","HotMess4CCNK","@Katiekins08 I want to SOOOOOOO BAD!!!"
1960874124,"sadness","ksatt","@esatt you don't wanna see me while you're here?"
1960874279,"neutral","laurakempton","eating lunch. then school"
1960874435,"worry","djphotography","On hold with unemployment, hoping to get call completed before I need to get daughter from school! Not looking good"
1960874743,"neutral","jenjeahaly","@Kainz_UK I'll hopefully get a chance to play it tomorrow. Hope it's good otherwise I've wasted so many points"
1960874750,"worry","jesicama","I�m Back, sorry, lot a work  news?"
1960875002,"empty","munipenny","@NamOf I know  My bro asked if I shaked my fists and now own 6 cats. Will have to make up for last night this weekend when I'm in Philly."
1960875774,"empty","herozero53","bored bored bored. nothing to do today besides work at 5"
1960900130,"hate","aiyshamisha","@doug251192 not impressed....! it might go away if you complain too much!  x"
1960900440,"worry","upso","ok nevermind. photo was set to private. sorry."
1960900792,"sadness","rlyneMARIE","just got home from school and from the wake of my friend's father.  so tired.."
1960900960,"sadness","shirlswifty","is off to get her hair cut in the morning, and is not looking forward to spending a weekend alone"
1960901140,"sadness","TylerTragic","Life can get soo Dull sometimes what do you do when u have no 1 around  x"
1960901222,"worry","kayla_maynard","@ilovesarai i think i am going to do lennys.. i dont know! ahh! lol i hate making decsions!"
1960901387,"hate","stefanpelayo","i hate my new section this school year.. huhu.."
1960901389,"neutral","stinaeli","@marciechapa im back on twitter."
1960901495,"neutral","UrbanGlamxX","@BBL0ve lmaoo me too  & omg thank you 8-| he does need to act his damn age. I'd be ashamed if he was my damn grandpa 8-|."
1960901797,"happiness","weiseldog","@WerewolfSeth well, i must say she is very lucky to have you! i guess that means no chillin and concert with me huh"
1960901988,"surprise","latirana","@cindyandcindy u never told me abt ur date ... who is the lucky guy im so out of the loop"
1960902150,"sadness","standardpoodlel","I'm too busy at work today...it is interferring with socializing"
1960902194,"happiness","markhawker","@goodlaura  *waves to make it all OK again*"
1960902624,"worry","kellieburgess","TGIF! What a morning! It's been non-stop & I need coffee. Stayed up late last night trying to get todays work done. Didn't work"
1960902724,"surprise","saturnian_s","@ringqvist juice! I miss juice, any fruit"
1960902861,"sadness","iMuff","Broke Up with girlfriend, FEELING Very lonely and heartbroken  Sad times guys (N)"
1960902882,"worry","Mari1189","@deedz I totally agree. I just don't like it when everybody closes the windows in buses, trains etc. I'm afraid of getting diseases there"
1960902907,"neutral","mcsantia","@alex_roy haha, I actually have it here but it won't hook up to the internet!"
1960903104,"sadness","NmcDee","@LolzyluvsJB Yeaa i'm so sad i've watched her live performances in Peru etc and they are EPIC!   I wish she'd just come to N.I! lol xo"
1960903364,"sadness","bishopia","the mall i once worked at has turned into a very depressing place"
1960903539,"hate","sc4twit","Stupid kubuntu keeps on freezing on me. I thought linux never freezes"
1960903914,"worry","Kristina_Cooper","@Rukkie    What To Say?"
1960904269,"hate","briarrose1306","@charlej47's going to Disney World, lucky bitch."
1960904459,"neutral","larasati","I've got no idea how to reach the birthday brunch location.. Roads around west Jkt? Clueless"
1960904853,"worry","artreverie","@NancyEDunne oh Nancy - so sorry for your loss  & wishing you the best!"
1960904903,"worry","brandih","Slept at my parents the bed was hard as a rock now my back feels like a rock"
1960905153,"neutral","jatori","Still at work."
1960905445,"happiness","caitlinw13","..exams.  haha just remembrd the china buffet king yesterday. vair amusing ...."
1960905559,"sadness","ohsnapattack","(@isabelmariee) oh snap"
1960905670,"worry","KevinRWright","@deadra I could have bought a Vespa with the amount of money I just spent"
1960906107,"sadness","mahafreed","@daaku @danishk lol.. zzzzy in office and I'm alone in my bay again."
1960906137,"worry","megerah","industrial tommorow! oh yeah & I get to go see a bunch of old people go away forever & I will probably cry all over the place."
1960906439,"worry","KIST_ME","I always feel like I'm betraying her trust in me when I drop the pup off at the groomer."
1960907183,"surprise","ilovedannyjones","@tommcfly Is it true that you love brazil more than australia  nitey"
1960907311,"sadness","MamaSeal","http://twitpic.com/66q88 - So....I don't have a PE  but I do have a Pocket Artoo!"
1960907330,"sadness","LaurettaVR","it's raining.."
1960907350,"worry","EVPS_MEMBER","thinkin & tryin 2 figure out lifes tricks"
1960907396,"worry","manduhhluvsjb","omg i was so nervous last block. i had my speech and i almost puked. it was horrible.... i bet i got a bad grade on it...."
1960907499,"neutral","troph123","thought id tanned after an hour in the sun, i was wrong....i've just burnt"
1960907587,"surprise","ensign117","heading down to beach! still no fone....woo!"
1960908039,"sadness","MandaDawn","@thewordaliveaz  I was SUPPOSED to be coming...life got in the way lol give my friends a wild time!!!"
1960908186,"worry","r0xp0x","I want Guitar Hero:World Tour SOO bad."
1960908419,"boredom","monicananz","I am sooooooo bored in textiles !"
1960908651,"happiness","martinmccloud","Managed to find a bottle of Pimm's! If only we had the weather to go with it"
1960908799,"worry","B1GgP3tE","just realized i gained 40 pounds in the last year  http://bit.ly/wCr3a"
1960909186,"hate","mandahs","TGIF I don't like 12 hour workdays  I need to stand up, run around 4 a while.... too much sitting!!! Plus, I have honest ade tea 2day! YAY"
1960909270,"relief","mininni","On a flight home  after an awesome trip with my cousin! Miss you sophia"
1960909310,"neutral","dougiemcfly17","@circusaudium it's saying that it is the wrong link-it cannot find the address."
1960909333,"worry","Emily91692","I'm really bored! My brother went to get his permit! Stay off the roads! Jk lol! It feels like all my friends have abandoned me! Except 1"
1960909337,"hate","TdMPhotography","@EddieMalone yeah sucks eh!"
1960909409,"worry","chelbel3","@drewryanscott I would be there... But I live across the country"
1960909426,"worry","Osiris292","so hot in the office as air con been broken for weeks, fans on all round office but they just push hot air around really and not helping"
1960909699,"sadness","MyAppleStuff","@joinrick cool, not a big user of DM though"
1960909714,"love","AmyJade","@enrapture_ I'm still waiting for them to recontinue their "breathless" scent..  lol"
1960909790,"worry","LarisaDanielle","wait a sec. there are only 8 more days left of hotdogging?  ....i did not sign up for this..."
1960909797,"sadness","andykent","I really despair over the whole copyright situation http://bit.ly/yLY0I ~ being visually impaired means you don't deserve to read  #sccr18"
1960910072,"worry","rhjerseygirl","gettn ready to take a trip to Jersey my dad's not doing so good, he needs a new heart~whoeva see's this please say a prayer for my dad"
1960910316,"worry","megg_xo","ive got a headache now"
1960910528,"worry","watergirl61687","Today seems like it should be a good day! Even though my fuel pump is going out on my car  *~xoxo~*"
1960911349,"worry","huttah","i didn't wake up early enough to go roller blading  contrary to a tributary, i flow endlessly"
1960911358,"boredom","HiBee","Moving in the rain is not fun. Last day in the Hamptons"
1960911806,"hate","stevegarufi","@michelleflores Michelle, I slept for 11 hours last night. I'm still stick with this fever."
1960912269,"sadness","LBA1086","I don't like waiting"
1960912358,"neutral","wirah","@voyd ya I heard 7 was a giant leap in the right direction. This is a work comp though  Ill enquire!"
1960912573,"worry","laceyfran","Not feeling too good at ALL, about to head to work from 12-5.  Not a bad shift, just not fun when you don't feel well! Hope it goes FAST"
1960912616,"surprise","imhungrydude","@gladieator  got my hair rebonded at some korean place. dude! my hair is f'in fried! cut 5" already ... now just chopping it off!!!"
1960913203,"worry","no1lefthere","@MINDY979  I wish I knew..  Trying to figure something out here too"
1960913342,"worry","JBlacks7","I think I'm running a fever and not feeling so well!"
1960913749,"worry","CountKrolock","I'm extremely hungry.... and the only thing I have in my house is Soup...  I don't like soup... *pouts*"
1960913872,"worry","andykenny","Mouth hurts"
1960914525,"neutral","TMSIDRSchnapper","Looking for accessories for my #livescribe smartpen.. not many sources here in germany for it."
1960915261,"worry","mckenned","@megshine: have fun focus grouping! i have no participants as of yet.."
1960915698,"love","3kelvin","Now that Hugh Laurie has mentioned he follows @stephenfry on twitter, thousands of idiots think this (@hughlaurie) is him. IDIOTS!"
1960941755,"worry","GetEmQ","@allureonfire I'm lookin @ the news and its not gonna b warm enough for the beach"
1960942322,"sadness","AngelCityGurl","tryin not to fall asleep at work..."
1960942535,"worry","PilonBignell",".@jkmodels I missed your party...you must forgive me pleassse, i feel bad.."
1960942720,"sadness","imarriage","My wife lost her sprint blackberry 8330 on a bike ride in AM.  Anyone have an extra BB laying around? retweet"
1960942815,"sadness","Life_Stylist","@QueenBofMakeup I need to do some more post but I don't have time on this tour  ........... Apologies to all my supporters."
1960942961,"worry","hotelangel","Its payday! Yay! For all the good it does. Bills bills bills....I'm broke again already"
1960943129,"sadness","equilibriumgirl","@jvfriedman can't! need to work on overtime project at lunchtime.    Sorry!"
1960943778,"worry","brianaloveleigh","So tired. Work today."
1960945108,"worry","rockmygypsysoul","ok, i have to turn off all of my twitter device updates until i get a new battery. phone goes from fully charged to dead in about 5 hours"
1960945109,"worry","SSullivan21","i have high cholesterol"
1960945171,"happiness","Nautiboi55","@garageglamorous I agree, 'Paparazzi' waz an amazing vid, I luved it, but felt bad cuz it waz leaked & I watched it"
1960945588,"happiness","clairecookie","Whoop! I got a prom date today! Who knew? Ha-ha! But I can't tell you who."
1960945637,"worry","Ms_Best","Headed to verizon. Praying that pinkberry is going to make it."
1960945895,"worry","bryanpayne","Back to the salt mine for my one day work week. So much to do."
1960945928,"hate","alexiacarter","ive very picky about what i put in my mouth. i hate onions. they make me cry  )"
1960946030,"worry","mokulen22","I have to pee (fucking coffee)  sooo long until break time. 77 more letters...what to write, what to write..oh, used them all up."
1960947143,"worry","MsXtinaMarie","LOL! That bank told me the time."
1960947310,"worry","charliemorgan13","@The_Vegetable me 2"
1960947714,"neutral","ksxly","Gonna go and see my sister at Mount Saini ....  she's there for at least another 24 hours."
1960947935,"sadness","sakizzie_1102","So now, I have conjunctivitis in my left eye. Is this a sign of something? What did I do wrong to deserve this?LOL I'm dying people!"
1960948113,"neutral","emma_oneill","@bex_1210 I'm not going till Wednesday"
1960948458,"sadness","sammyjay86","is very disappointed that cadbury chocolate blocks got smaller"
1960948502,"worry","moonscreations","@hollsh I want to come over"
1960948752,"worry","MariaVonLiz","I'm nauseous  I need a yogurt or something.."
1960949042,"sadness","_taylorday","Hicks are mean!"
1960949098,"neutral","PaigeTJohnson","@saynerd01 omgg hhaha nooo! drag me to hell is EVVIIIL! and angels and demons supposedly sucked   ohh no haha"
1960949147,"sadness","shamsad","I miss my baby"
1960949174,"happiness","LetitiaIvy","@conorp YES!!! one final party  better make it a good one !! how much mpre stuff you got to go?"
1960949231,"sadness","MCRmuffin","@myhaloromance My camera is brokennn"
1960949720,"neutral","Jayme1988","Omg Cliff Richard songs in my mind? Just why  lol"
1960949980,"worry","nkidwell","I now know more than I ever wanted to know about the extinction of frogs"
1960949990,"neutral","mattbovell","@OwenGreaves I've given the $19.99 question more thought. U may be right. One host provides HD quality to all viewers? Maybe not."
1960950354,"sadness","scraparcs","@hippyofdoom I didn't even get a chance to shop @ Aldi!"
1960950408,"sadness","awflutterby","@bunburyette Come online! I need someone to talk to"
1960950654,"sadness","roaringrepub","@Jenfidel Thanks I decided to just give up on my old HQ and go with this account. Scoundrels won"
1960952273,"worry","graccee","I wanna leave after 2nd period *cryy*"
1960952405,"worry","Robbie_Letelier","Really nice outside...I'm stuck at work"
1960952709,"worry","lilytusk","Gardening stuff I ordered got returned to sender because it was damage  need to work out how to get to a garden centre."
1960952741,"neutral","gennabrooke","i have a fever"
1960953292,"worry","charlotte_cook","@chrisrcook Since the demise of Woolworths it isn't easy to find reasonably priced pick n mix anywhere"
1960953375,"hate","arinlove","in about half a hour i'm going to my english lesson...guess i'll have to wait...and wait for a couple hours so i'm over with it.(( :S   ))"
1960953382,"worry","LifeIsStressful","thinks lamb chops would be really nice right about now... or maybe some sushi  mmm.. maybe just an ice lolly cos its so damn hot!!!"
1960953552,"sadness","StinaWidman","My back is killing me. Stupid softball"
1960953582,"neutral","calz88","@JoSH_SHeP  nope   i really want to play it aswell"
1960953719,"worry","kristinnsmith","@DanKalbacher It won't EVER happen again...I feel like I let my team down"
1960953774,"happiness","Haniah94","tired and all i want to do is play random songs on my gitwar but i have to do my drama essay."
1960953815,"neutral","ikstonebridge","Still in same queue barely 1 metre from where i last twittered. This is insane. And i paid for this"
1960953837,"fun","Micrathene","@chickgonebad I have no text plan on my phone.    I'll send the #, though, you're more than welcome to call!"
1960953863,"worry","jaws_1","@KarenEJones -dont know if u herd but queensland is havin it bad they have floods and in this weather, i want to help but i cant"
1960953932,"sadness","mctl","Again, I'm stuck in traffic jams ... Somewhat starting to be the same situation every day. That's sad, really"
1960954086,"sadness","williamu","Irony: Inventor of Ford Mustang can't keep his car   http://tinyurl.com/lpmvtk via @JeffHolton:"
1960954150,"worry","CriticalTodd","@geskoi Sorry to hear."
1960954316,"surprise","emilyzele","Cant fall asleep."
1960954462,"love","samkingphoto","Fallen in love with enter shikari again. Might go for a walk with the lady later. @work now though"
1960955243,"hate","Pricelessmile","This class is really long and I'm really getting hungry"
1960956204,"empty","robiiinn","@annakayh your not in school"
1960956506,"worry","allaboutcricket","Was meant to go play cricket but can't get a lift so I'm now stuck at home watching the Apprentice on a lovely day  http://ff.im/-3niD8"
1960956592,"sadness","LissaTSM","@morethanfine I wish we could make a quick trip to LA in July  I miss LA"
1960956755,"sadness","DsHooahgirl","@THE_WOCKEEZ @DonnieWahlberg Don't wanna miss ANY of your shows...you guys kick it! Sad to say...my plane is in the shop..."
1960957039,"worry","lauradi308","My car died this morning.  On top of everything that happened yesterday.  Whoever put the hex on me please let me know what I did wrong?"
1960957412,"sadness","kiwigirlindc","Conference call arranged for 4.30pm today just blew my leaving early out the window"
1960957557,"worry","blue_rose","@freosan My dad had to bury ours six weeks ago. She became his after I left for college fourteen years ago. Long time to have a kitty."
1960957685,"worry","ksxly","Gonna go and see my sister at Mount Sinai ....  she's there for at least another 24 hours."
1960958148,"sadness","erinnebaldovino","@AyeshaM13 bored in class. I wanna go home."
1960958745,"surprise","leia12","@lipstickmasala What?! He chose one of them? Nooo... Betty was supposed to get him in the end."
1960958790,"neutral","AliJanet","@DunkDetox it must've been Miami cause I haven't been able to drive my car since we got back...it needed an oil pump"
1960991099,"empty","lost_dog","@finnmacool I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1960991329,"worry","MadBradMitchell","Well, my dog still isn't at the shelter. I hope someone good has him"
1960991350,"neutral","pan182","@trvsbrkr not working here"
1960991455,"worry","xxzxcuzxme","@felipemercado are you still angry with me?"
1960991910,"worry","lost_dog","@seth_cohen I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1960992287,"surprise","BritBrat20","just waking up...ahh i have a headache"
1960992526,"worry","MissRedGirl","the plan to not spend money is not going well"
1960992527,"surprise","kaitli","@AskAroundOttawa it's annoying bc my hair products don't have perfume, but smell like the ingredients in them"
1960992660,"sadness","dementiajones","@Subville ...snuggles you back......everyones telling me to get over it ...but ive had her 15 years  x"
1960992673,"worry","erkagarcia","@tommcfly We're running out of things to tweet to you.  Wish we could get your reply! Come to the Philippines?  TWEEET!"
1960993074,"sadness","shaneparris412","Why do you hurt me? Does it bring you joy to see me cry? You know I love you more then anything and yet u break my heart everyday!"
1960993116,"sadness","filiajones","My feet are killing, I've walked miles in search of an art shop...doesn't seem like Ealing has one"
1960993456,"sadness","DEBLACKWIDOW","RIP to officer Edwards. May GOD continue to bless his family. What's up wit cops killing cops. Seen the same thing happen on "The WIRE"."
1960993550,"surprise","TSFMarketingPR","BREAKING NEWS: GM shares are currently trading below $1.00 at only $.88 per share!!"
1960993632,"relief","stefsvoice","Had a blood test today.   Wasn't too bad really. Needed to dash 2 Starbucks after to revive my spirits with a nice Iced latte & a bun.Yum!"
1960994113,"neutral","kazzart","My bum hurts."
1960994290,"neutral","megrachel","my sensors don't seem to want to last for more than 3 1/2 days"
1960994630,"happiness","CassiCass","@darrynstorm hey hey..i'm only finishing on the 10th of june"
1960994974,"worry","blackbirdgold","@JackieTheGreat first of all i love your picture, PICTURE whore. & the boyfriend???  JACKIE. FML. WHY HAVEN'T YOU EMBRACED THE PHONE &"
1960995024,"fun","spidermonkeyloo","really wanted to go to that gig tonight"
1960995163,"sadness","islayzombies4u","I want to see Drag Me to Hell. But I get the feeling none of my friends will go w/ me"
1960995562,"neutral","kaydubb777","i hope my morning show doesn't get cancelled!"
1960996603,"worry","delfinamizerska","i feel like crap right now and i have one more month of school left  FML HARD"
1960996843,"hate","NikachuRawr","GIVE A HATER A Hug ? Why would you do that? I don't like mwean people"
1960996953,"surprise","iShatara","Doesn't think @polo65th will be following me...."
1960997014,"worry","Jazzy813","Dangling belly rings are a bad investment...the cutest ones ALWAYS pop"
1960997125,"worry","Lucypink","@143presents What time you close today? Is it the last day today or tmr? I may shed a tear"
1960997217,"worry","Geoaddict","@HeadHardHat  Sorry to read about your layoff.  I'll keep you in my thoughts."
1960997569,"sadness","Michelle_Moore","@agoodeye I am soooo disapoointed I couldn't make it  I will be there next time! Glad it was productive."
1960998303,"worry","penflare","@snipeyhead the there's confuse me"
1960998360,"worry","Tammiejx","@_supernatural_ http://twitpic.com/66l83 - I really miss her."
1960998525,"neutral","taunel","nvm, i'll stop. whatever. see you 5th i guess"
1960998616,"neutral","Lindsaym84","@cherishable73 i guess it's easier said than done for some people.....myself being one of them unfortunately"
1960998624,"worry","amyjoyweddings","would rather be with the bride doing last minute wedding stuff instead of being stuck behind a desk until 5.  Someday..."
1960998783,"worry","aartinevgi","Sometimes it hurts that pets cant talk back to us. What if they are in pain. How would they tell us."
1960999015,"worry","badingding","@ameeface  What's wrong with her?"
1960999059,"sadness","devonanne21","why does zero have to have thomas in it?"
1960999082,"sadness","foxycoxy","@frazzel It wouldn't let me download it cos it said I'm the UK. I had a little cry."
1960999108,"worry","SarahisanEskimo","i got hurt helping my grandad cut the hedge.  & i swear i have spiders all over me D: erugh xx"
1960999459,"sadness","Night_Nurse7","Ahhh I'm engulfed in shooooes. Who told me to buy so maany damn shoes"
1961000292,"fun","PANICitsLeslie","Fall out boy are in my year book. but only @petewentz"
1961000534,"surprise","peppypep1","I sunburnt through factor 30"
1961000574,"worry","christafloor","my apple-mouse doesn't work on my shiny red coffee table..."
1961000803,"hate","pan182","@trvsbrkr it's not working here"
1961000839,"worry","ArjanKranenburg","Learned a lesson the hard way. Lost my USB stick and backup was a month old"
1961001107,"neutral","shadowfish","@karmachord alas no, it's just a normal night  monday is quiz night"
1961001719,"sadness","chriswalts","@hummingbird604 yeah it can be tough some times.."
1961001951,"neutral","rawwksann","@AlexBurdz sorry bout your cat !"
1961002230,"worry","ash_michelle","it's almost june and i'm bundled up because of this nasty ass weather! i just want to lay in the sun on the patio near the roses"
1961002419,"worry","pixies_mum","@HubUK wow thats impressive! luckily im not in rush but i feel for friends who aren't getting any younger but cant move house  tricky"
1961002550,"happiness","Paracinema","I finished @Melzer 's Zombie Chronicles a few days ago. It was bittersweet. Now I need something new for the gym"
1961002608,"worry","erkagarcia","@tommcfly My eyes are starting to hurt. So late. But must reach 200 updates due to tweets sent to youuuu! Philippines tour, pleeease?"
1961002924,"sadness","amietron","Another day in jury duty."
1961002981,"worry","NRLdance","@JaredDouglas i'm still awake, coulnd't go back to sleep"
1961003619,"surprise","xxfishdrummerxx","@damgedpeople   XDXDXD you crazy little thing why didn�t you get off the train and hug me????"
1961004008,"worry","Devil121486","Sitting at work, waiting for this day to be over with. It is always Fridays that take forever. Wish the weekend would get here already."
1961004067,"neutral","bskipper27","@TheRotArm My first thought too, I've never even watched Dragonball"
1961004322,"worry","nirabycats","@natdcook hey you, honey bear! Don't goooooooo  puhleeezeee.."
1961004439,"neutral","CarolineAracely","@LBOOGSdotTV I do that all the time"
1961004534,"neutral","Odd1013","I am sooo tired"
1961004747,"happiness","stevegarufi","@joycecherrier Awww. Don't mean to sound like an overgrown age 37 baby, but I'm still stick. Not as bad as yesterday, but still bad."
1961004775,"enthusiasm","therenp","@orangelight because the one I was having at that moment woke me up."
1961004993,"worry","KaitlinTGEfan","@kevinwilliams yeah I guess so  it makes me very sad though becase the disc is scratched!"
1961005154,"worry","erica_flores","got woken up early AGAIN  I kinda wana just chill today but there's so much to do!"
1961005299,"hate","Know_it_all_guy","Stupid MSN It wont let me onnnn"
1961005304,"hate","TersiaRoach","so disappointed with human kind   "What's wrong with the world?"  I have five girls in the garden, innocently enjoying the good weather..."
1961005387,"worry","1982aaron","has toothache"
1961005515,"hate","emilyyprideaux","Working  god I hate it haha"
1961006011,"worry","superchud","Feeling sick at stomach today"
1961006236,"sadness","PhillippaBatt","is very upset to see carys and donna go today    miss you both hugely already!!! (Yes ok its only been like 3 hours) haaa..waaaah"
1961033533,"worry","microautoe","I woke up this morning thinking it is Saturday"
1961033894,"surprise","Pauly76","@simonwilder I want to play"
1961033974,"happiness","kaelahbee","in park slope brooklyn working the bust photoshoot. this is so exciting! &no more fever! but my tonsils are the size of golfballs"
1961033997,"worry","NORIEakaELLE","@KMON3Y LOL well these girls didnt!!! And my girl made me tip the lady and she put her boobies in my face"
1961034440,"worry","arinlove","i am Marina and i sware to God i'll never again end up studying French till 2 o'clock at night EVER AGAIN...too much drama...sooo sleepy"
1961034867,"surprise","FindingKristy","@zurplemoon  I'm sorry.....deep breaths, I started a program called panicaway...it has worked wonders."
1961034908,"worry","writingwildly","@JackieKessler  sad face."
1961035128,"worry","Davos_the_greek","5 hours to go and no football again for me"
1961035176,"worry","rebekahbrowner","i need some serious cheering up"
1961035277,"love","ImaPacifist","Not feeling it 2day, just left the glasses on  peace and unity."
1961035377,"hate","NickyLovesMcFly","@sarahchambers19 Ooo you is back!  Good time? and argh! It hurtssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!  Xx Hate headaches!"
1961035467,"sadness","elleninidaho","is sitting at home wishing that i didnt have to work today. ask for it off and still have to work"
1961035670,"happiness","minerChris","@jami_hirsch: Thanks for the follow! Wish I were out of my 9-5!   plan to open a shoppe in TC when the economy turns."
1961035706,"neutral","lizzledelacruz","My mind automatically wakes up at 7. Huge fail -- it's SUMMER!  Good morning nonetheless. Gonna get ready for work now."
1961035785,"sadness","gkmaestro","I was so close into entering Pogue 's book today " World according to twitter" , yet now I seem so far.!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1961036014,"neutral","stlblueschica","Venus is out at the French Open"
1961036047,"sadness","Javyd9","On the road again. I miss my traveling traveling partner"
1961036296,"worry","markbrown83","@KingsOfLeon_Grl very excited, although her train is going to be delayed"
1961036974,"worry","g0ldensunsett","sad day*Lakers please make me happy with a W"
1961037030,"worry","itsGAAABZ","No school, again. This time cuz im sick."
1961037074,"relief","hollowlegs","@handlewithcare  Nice start to the holiday!"
1961037088,"neutral","royalgeekg","@theblackqueen No sucky"
1961037196,"worry","spiderogumi_","I need a bigger mp3 player... even if it pains me to say it"
1961037729,"worry","Joysie2286","@humbug83 Aaaaw no!  Are the windows open and that?"
1961038032,"neutral","AnthaFlower","honestly i cannot figure this twitter thing out"
1961038440,"relief","BambiScott","No one talk to me anymore on here"
1961038485,"sadness","rebeccalovve","i wish i could go to meet in the middle tomorrow."
1961038591,"worry","jdsudds","@vegangirlzrock I finally figured it out! I felt bad canc. group but  just wanted to take meds and do nothing. Back still hurts  ."
1961038767,"neutral","myaudioqueen","I've been up late this week watching Jay Leno. Tonight is his last show  But now he'll move up to 10pm not sure if the material will bsame"
1961039184,"neutral","BTobess","Is getting ready for work... Working all weekend"
1961039196,"worry","CHELSEATYR","is super stressed!"
1961039347,"neutral","economysizegeek","Experimenting.  With puppet again. I think I just wiped my drive on my workstation"
1961039457,"worry","andaid","is sad to go to work cuz it's TermiNeda's last day...and little monkey's last day too"
1961039465,"neutral","stephanieclick","@pacomontoya Everything"
1961039630,"happiness","huongers","TGIF!! Its a GORGEOUS day in Reno today. And I'm stuck inside."
1961039804,"neutral","ladycharlie","@demetridadon well what about tomorrow? I miss you"
1961039828,"worry","timkarnold","Rickroll'd by iTunes on shuffle"
1961040864,"hate","creealice","fuck you ipod for freezing when i need you most"
1961042428,"happiness","robert_james_ta","@emILLyschwindt thanks lady.... bummer for sure."
1961042675,"surprise","Adman500","now there's a fly in my room"
1961042793,"worry","oishiieats","My student just walked in balling.  She just witnessed her dog getting hit on the street.  I don't know what to do to cheer her up."
1961043012,"sadness","GatorBait25","@GatorsNow my feelings are hurt"
1961043129,"neutral","Kanja","@LambdaCalculus: How was the HN meetup? I thought about going but decided to bail at the last second"
1961043136,"neutral","Diva_LadyAngel","@glamorousamanda awww how cuuute, mine follows me when i showers and pee�s and wherever i go but refuses to lay still in the bed"
1961043388,"worry","MissAllyBrown","missing him so much. why does he have to work  can't he just spend time with me and get paid for that lol"
1961043874,"sadness","disney_lilo","Oh man....my fiance just got off work and I start mine in 1 hour....so not fair....."
1961044058,"worry","askheyshiv","waiting for minami, then london and cobra. i'm going to miss her loads"
1961044166,"worry","watergirly","i just want my car back."
1961044326,"worry","derryo","@MelanieDawn Forgot about the traffic  Heading to Foxford in Mayo and the lovely Pontoon tomorrow"
1961044331,"worry","BeccaFaceLove","Woke up.. Walked out of my room, and a bug flew in my eye"
1961044357,"worry","lisalisax2","And I wanted us to leave at 12:45 to do a 1 p.m. showing (staff retreat mini)"
1961044850,"enthusiasm","laurenzwiernik","at work  then back to my baby's house"
1961044996,"neutral","notrox","@m0x yes 7.50 here thanks for the change obama. I have to start mail ordering again"
1961045023,"worry","crinkle_LC","Turned my alarm off this morning because I thought it was Saturday. Had to rush to get ready for work because its def not Saturday   #FAIL"
1961045240,"hate","Kaay94","@daisyamy me too i hate revision"
1961045980,"sadness","cookiejac","@Lizzidoll I wish I was in va too"
1961046076,"neutral","babyfacehc","@KimKardashian i was watchin tv yesterday and the media is on u. u were number five i think for worst beach bodies because of ur butt"
1961047014,"worry","a_bain","My puppys not feeling so good today"
1961047237,"worry","JennXxx","Has anyone else woken up one day and felt like they acquired near sightedness over night?  Everything is blurry all of a sudden."
1961047544,"neutral","audioboo","Geoff posted a boo: Coming Home From Tenerife Boo  http://boo.fm/b25651"
1961047581,"surprise","audioboo","Geoff posted a boo: Coming Home From Tenerife Boo  http://boo.fm/b25651"
1961047643,"sadness","xMiss_Ax","@MikeandBobShow   Awww, that wasn't very nice."
1961047713,"neutral","TalonInTx","@Kacey3 I didn't read the details so that may be it. Sara Jayne is a kid's show so it can't be that exciting."
1961047912,"neutral","BethhCunningham","I also want it to be the 6th, i miss my girlies so much  @georgielockwood WE GET TO BE ROOMIES AGAIN!"
1961048248,"neutral","stefmesguich","How can you guys lived in a city (paris)where u spend you entire life in the trafficjam...grrrr ...m' not used to it anymore"
1961048861,"neutral","rcsimm","Now to go home and cry"
1961048868,"sadness","DJAS1","Frank from UPS' last day today...  sad to see him go   best delivery guy EVER!  Hope the new guy is NOT a fucktard..."
1961049246,"relief","Sandgar","Dont worry babe"
1961049287,"sadness","Kthxbai33","@jacobmaestas I don't think I'll ever have one of those again"
1961049328,"surprise","RubyAliceX","im not going to my dads tonight !!!!! and hes got a 12 foot pool  he has to tell me that hes got things when im not going TWAT !!"
1961049367,"worry","AkikoOda","@MargaretEnright YES!! I made the sign when i noticed it missing on Sunday! So far, no luck... It's now Unlucky Japanese Cat..."
1961049714,"hate","fraggle1001","@Cheapflights_uk  o2 - train from Bristol to London. It's terrible - and no wifi"
1961049897,"worry","ArtyBloodyFarty","that just sucks!"
1961050336,"sadness","yeahdanniyeah","@wethehunter there is no sun here in florida..it's all rainy and cloudy."
1961050712,"sadness","paueeyore","its so sad when the dad dies  hakuna matana it means no worries for..."
1961054790,"worry","benmorse","is it normal for a masseusse to fully massage your buttocks? I swear she was a quarter inch from a medical exam.."
1961055909,"worry","samaralbader","@athoob the lens was 70mm  I couldn't"
1961055921,"worry","aburaglia","Got an appt. w/ the doctor at 4pm today to look at these "bites". Hoping it isn't an infection. I need more powerful anti-itch cream."
1961056742,"enthusiasm","Marialexandra","Visit 2  La Ventana de los Cielos foundation was pushed bck 2 weeks,  was so excited 2 go & meet the kids. I'll have 2 wait another 2 wks"
1961057044,"fun","monicaguerrero","Picking up a couple toys tonight! D300 and 50mm f/1.4! YAY!! :-D Just for the weekend though"
1961057667,"worry","riotonmygrave","Didn't sleep good last night. Woke up with another bellyache  what's wrong with meeeeeee."
1961057877,"fun","Adrigonzo","@HeshieSegal haha I was JUST talking about that to my colleague. I have 539 DMs, only 15 - 20 are actual messages and not spam"
1961057973,"love","vtraveller","@ArtOfCarbo Surely you knew this before hand? A good book or a hand held has to be essential. Just no PSPs unless you have a charger."
1961058120,"neutral","BeesLikeZeebras","More BBQs  Might buy some disposable ones some time."
1961058648,"empty","theaofa","@AyeEmTee Can't, sorry  And don't call me lame."
1961059010,"sadness","Tammiejx","@_supernatural_ http://twitpic.com/6695k - Awwww poor boys! *cries* So sad.."
1961059140,"sadness","DavidShaver","@andyjih Yep...sadly I only had 10 min before a meeting!"
1961059288,"relief","bumposaurus","@rachaely57 Yes! Haha and then when he impaled himself with the crossed keys!  Love Scottish-trying-to-be-Irish Ewan McGregor"
1961059405,"relief","garrettspears","Off to work"
1961060082,"surprise","theclarkster","Final thought for the day, does deodorant really make your lungs bleed when inhaled constantly? Certain females paranoid about BO"
1961060116,"relief","imissyoukidd","is thinking WOW I survived Freshman year...Mission Accomplished...Now Sophomore year"
1961060202,"worry","andythegirl","Ouch, my back. Man I'm sick"
1961060527,"worry","malloryhawk","No theatre next year  stupid schedules!"
1961060657,"worry","lost_dog","@MaXXXimumMyra I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1961060738,"hate","LorettaN","@Katt53 no news on the kid. They can't find the parent!"
1961062061,"happiness","Adenise7","is in class, trying to listen but I really like twitter, facebook, .& myspace  oh yeaaah .& I'm hungry!"
1961062063,"neutral","RainbowWarrior1","hmmmm�being home isn't *all* great  http://u.nu/8m68"
1961062143,"neutral","Rach325","So, I'm at the point now that it has become apparent that having a degree means jack shit."
1961062728,"empty","ToXicCupCakeCXC","@957TheBeat i want magic mountain tix but i dont get ur station out in paso  boo sux for me"
1961062763,"worry","am0s","My shirt is a fuzz magnet today and I feel totally uncomfortable"
1961062776,"neutral","tiffany_truitt","Trying my best not to share this lovely head cold"
1961062876,"worry","hunsbot88","Art History Quiz...  I didn't study"
1961062879,"neutral","leadensky","i've locked up a mac once or twice in my time. ok, literally once or twice."
1961063064,"worry","circa1908","@CharPower  I gave up cable in these tough economic times.  it was either cable or shoes, and you know what cable lost"
1961063160,"sadness","JZ2008","@ohitsbigron Dang... that IS disappointing"
1961063179,"happiness","scottisafool","Wicked, my DVB-S tuner card has arrived. Although not sure I'll be able to get it all set up ready for the FA Cup final tomorrow"
1961063322,"hate","AnjaliSareen","stupid HIP!! I hate you!! And I can't even break in my new kicks!!!  GRRRR!"
1961063765,"sadness","Natassia44","TGIF.,..i wish that saying applied to me, but i work Saturdays"
1961063918,"worry","reeeesa","@ameliapontes getting there sat afternoon I think. No costume yet  womp wompppppp"
1961064007,"neutral","TorrEve","sad assembly  next block"
1961064076,"neutral","TiffanyDoughty","10-Year-Old Girl Battles Rare Breast Cancer  http://bit.ly/JPe9c"
1961064362,"enthusiasm","WhoisKathyKane","@epiphanygirl Wish I was in Dallas.. Can I still say ow!? lol Hey... u spelled my name wrong  It's all good. Thanks for #FF love"
1961064369,"worry","Eddy555","@Petrolhead159 Unfortunately I didn't see any of that spreading of poo"
1961064504,"neutral","kimstable","off to work now"
1961064710,"worry","jhandfield","Woo, Hulu Desktop! My poor Mac is kinda struggling with it though, poor little Core Duo just can't keep up"
1961065210,"worry","Wynter87","why are matters of the heart so complicated?"
1961065494,"relief","Mahogany85","My son had surgery yesterday so mommy and son time won't be as long today"
1961065590,"worry","Steveteeps","Words can barely describe how shitty I feel this morning. Work, then driving to Madison to play Discotech. Driving alone"
1961065623,"neutral","shinyadornments","@artfirejohn Do you think the bead crumb navigation will return to the new Fusion studios? I really miss that at the top of each item."
1961065657,"sadness","DrivinMsDaisy","damn i miss my bf"
1961066466,"neutral","sri_kanth","I did many things but missed tweeting"
1961066579,"hate","Dirt_Diver","@RobbiedaKid no I was too slow  I hate getting the trailhead then not getting in."
1961066655,"worry","OneSmallFire","@elizabite  I'm so sorry.  I don't understand why some people expect everyone to react to these things with the same "poise" as themselves"
1961067231,"worry","sixthseal","@carolkoh Sorry to hear that Carol."
1961067685,"sadness","Chris_Tine17","@THE_WOCKEEZ I'm missin u guys by a day!! Ill b there tomorrow  butttt see u june 18th with the blockkkkk!!!!"
1961067694,"worry","goodboygonebad","@CheeHsien IT WAS JAM ALL OVER THE ISLAND! Till I'm havin migraine now!"
1961068393,"worry","mingshan","I've gotten a cold every time I've flown somewhere 6+ hrs away in the past year.  Hope to be back in the pool/on the bike next week."
1961068921,"neutral","guidosenff","@missonice join the club"
1961069198,"worry","dreamsequins","@craftyasparagus And.. it's raining here"
1961069529,"neutral","KaunisSuicide","forgot the montel quote  and it was a good one.."
1961070489,"worry","kcitydabasement","@EFCuttin so where r u spinning now that the Hookah is R.I.P.?"
1961070938,"worry","RayOnativia","@socilover awww...busy day for you then! I have to get my Big Mac ass outta here...Work beckons  I'll talk to you later."
1961071098,"neutral","msolf","@msolf ???? ????? ????? ?? .. ????? ?? ????? ??? ???????"
1961071248,"neutral","Quetzacoatle","@furrytigerkitty http://twitpic.com/66r0u - uh wait...i thought this was the 29th...tonight"
1961071638,"relief","Amyshaw","@VAustralia flew Brisbane - Lax today.  Great flight.  Love the lights.  Shame about one drink limit though!"
1961072029,"worry","mztania","@gonepie thats what doting husbands are for LOL!!  I hope that once my braces go on, I can eat normally again"
1961072701,"sadness","LMarle","@anomalei Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one! Mine's so bad I'm having to resort to pulling out the old hairband disguises..."
1961078703,"hate","tensix2","just thought about how unfair 3 ppl have been 2 me n got depressed again  HATERS!!!"
1961078747,"worry","YoYo_P","Have a slight headache"
1961079455,"neutral","mandana82","@Zanti1 Are you guys gonna get the metal detector from the Brickmans? I saw Chad ask Davey on FB. Sorry 'bout your ring"
1961079740,"worry","ME215","@zzwhitejd did you decide it is a sprain? mine has been bothering me again, but never had it checked out"
1961079833,"worry","GAMEZILLA_50000","stuck at home b/c my mom is sick and we haz not moniez"
1961080294,"worry","jazwheel","@crapsticks how do i make it better after being robbed of 1m."
1961080590,"worry","rxgrl629","@mikebugout Nooooo!  Working this weekend"
1961080701,"neutral","Tigger761","@CandaceRae The link didn't work."
1961080702,"happiness","DreamnetFaith69","Up and at em... got a big To Do List for today, and hubby has to work   But then weekend is going to be just us... I think!"
1961080721,"boredom","taylooor22","this weekends abouttttto SUCK"
1961080738,"neutral","NewMutant","@wood83   Does she like it, or does she roll her eyes?  Now I'm curious as hell!  Good singing is a real treat as far am I'm concerned!"
1961080988,"surprise","Pro_94JBIT","@Shikha_M didnt get it clear"
1961080989,"happiness","MyChemToilet","@katiesol It re-entered my brain orbit thanks to me watching Ryan Reynolds mugging away in "Just Friends" recently"
1961081158,"sadness","tottenbaum","I'm going to stop tweeting and do my LSAT studying now."
1961081207,"sadness","Diva_LadyAngel","@glamorousamanda I wish i could have a pole, we got no space for it  maybe i should throw out some furniture and get a pole"
1961081257,"sadness","Shamindo","what am I going to do without my @brandinmusic?!  SKYPE! haha"
1961081422,"surprise","YarielaNolasco","Oh MAN !! I was going to connect my old school Nintendo to play mario games. And is not in the bag I gotta search for it."
1961081604,"sadness","MistressLaLa","I miss my Jeep  Now I have to bum a ride to the dreaded, horrid Walmart. Boo."
1961081867,"sadness","illage2","Damn fallout 3 is a hard game"
1961082009,"worry","klafka","one of my cat's is sick"
1961082612,"hate","jesssicababesss","A thursday. Is that REALLY necessary @jonasbrothers ? Have u ever heard of school and horrible mums"
1961082738,"neutral","perfetic","Sachie: YNA DOESN'T KNOW OUR PASSWORD YET"
1961083074,"sadness","SamStreet69","@LiamJHayter  Chroma Key coolness ... When are the cumulus seminars going online couldn't see the live feed here"
1961083346,"sadness","surahnieves","@freecitysoul my film didn't come out  the camera was broken. lamesauce."
1961083396,"fun","jamando","I'm super hungry! Waiting for my biotch to feed me."
1961083677,"sadness","ladylonline","@lifeasiceyit Yessum.  We'll see how this year goes... maybe I can head back in Oct, when the rates go down. I wanted to go for my bday"
1961083785,"surprise","samosamancer","Argh, I can't avoid spelling bee spoilers anywhere! Now I know the winning speller and word before having actually watched the bee."
1961084039,"sadness","beingnobody","I think I'm about to break my own heart. (as emo as that sounds)... meh."
1961084772,"neutral","GotaBhappy","Is tired n wants to sleep in her own bed"
1961084925,"sadness","day26addict","dammit i cant watch stadium music"
1961085029,"happiness","wendyqualls","Just got in a nasty argument with someone I normally like very much.  She doesn't forgive well, either"
1961085313,"hate","therealMilie","We waste way too much paper @ the office... for nothing worthy, that almost disgust me"
1961085903,"neutral","Erfgjgwed","@karneee love it! Really its simple i think of a word and put twi on the front i should be more clever"
1961086177,"love","fourfs","@kweenie Are you in Galbladia Garden? That shit is hard."
1961086361,"relief","liefbeertje","Just chillin'.. I'm a bit bored boohoo  !"
1961086432,"sadness","M3hutch","Laying in bed sore and snuggeling domino... I don't wanna work out today"
1961086758,"empty","sleep23rd","@lovelene I aint blanco either..Yo 100% Puerto Rican mami....yo show muy amor yi tu...but yo no se..."
1961086765,"sadness","beckyhope","@Jo_Saunders09 haha lol where have you been going?...I haven't really been out lol..I've been a hobbit..n my mums like keep revisin beck"
1961087162,"love","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Would love it if you guys toured here, really! Philippines tour?"
1961087370,"sadness","princelmoro","It's raining  I can't go out to jogging... I have to do it in my house gym..."
1961087775,"empty","morganpaige14","ahh i hate when you bbrush your teeth so hard you make your gums bleed"
1961087899,"neutral","brycetheman","so...i really want to be home right now."
1961088409,"sadness","KristynLoving","thought I was going to have a fun day"
1961088700,"boredom","danieirish","at work getting a quick bite to eat before having to kill my wrist self addressing 500 envolopes"
1961088802,"neutral","algarcia3505","Is a hot hell of a mess. I wish i would have gone to arlington for zeta!"
1961088852,"happiness","lunajadeX","@dreamobscene I know how you feel  Have a lovely relaxing weekend!"
1961089041,"sadness","thehypemanofnyc","Felt one tooth without the braces bracket. I got soooo hype"
1961089132,"neutral","Claudiemonkey","@jamiehigh !!!!  glad you're alright!"
1961089735,"neutral","your_wonderwall","is moving out of Nesbitt."
1961090291,"worry","WindyCityPretty","I'm so disgusted that my assumptions regarding what happened in Harlem last night were 100% correct without reading the story first."
1961091131,"worry","DigitalMage","My poor wife.  I'm laid up for another 6 hours on doctors orders, then can't do much and she is dealing with screaming baby"
1961091640,"surprise","flossiebella","@captaincarrott  you're mean to me. You're gonna have to have pizza tonight or it will go off."
1961091768,"happiness","Daffydil","@LizzieCoulter oh dear. (I'm sorry, but i laughed  )"
1961091917,"surprise","chanmaster","http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/richardchan.htm OMFG this dude looks well 'ard! He puts me to shame..."
1961092018,"happiness","UrbanGlamxX","@aidadoll he thinks he's a gangsterrr  his ass don't even fit in G Unit. & I know :| )))))"
1961092031,"neutral","gabysslave","@siwhitehouse unusual for them"
1961092032,"relief","amyhillman","@dooce I don't. I hope it takes them a good long while to recover."
1961092033,"sadness","monalisa7872","this phyllis hyman unsung story is so SAD"
1961092179,"worry","zuppalizzle","dear @LincolnT a)stop snoring and b) move from the middle of the bed, please."
1961092306,"neutral","soumyadip","Sites that republish my blog's feed often end up higher than my blog on Google search results"
1961092410,"surprise","MochaSweet","@epiphanygirl  When are you coming to Indianapolis  !?!?"
1961092589,"neutral","claireyjonesy","my hairs straight  lmao"
1961092641,"fun","banvan","@MisterDiggler we told you guys!   we are just going for a while to get our passes then we are going to see UP downtown disney! Yay!"
1961092699,"worry","Momolio","Moving makes me sore.  Dunno if we are gonna make it!   Its getting close!"
1961092708,"worry","meme6","now i am doing the MicroEconomics project  ihate this subject & beside that i have the english ILETS exam tomorrow, waaa ,HELP !!"
1961093004,"worry","tinampf","my shoes hurt my feet"
1961093070,"worry","carriegillmn","Loving the warm weather... but can we get some rain please?! my water bill is going to be bad"
1961093718,"sadness","Norma76","at work with a HUGE headache"
1961093731,"happiness","ilrakmi","This is my anthem right now.... don't leave me high and dry.  ? http://blip.fm/~79fcr"
1961094015,"sadness","material_elle","i feel like shit"
1961094361,"sadness","jacksvalentine","@maximillian62 Oh dear... that's just... disturbing.   The coffee connoisseur in me just died a little."
1961096130,"happiness","MyInnerJules","@_Enigma__ OMG daon't tell me you have watched twilight enuff to know that !!"
1961096542,"worry","inet6","@linkdupont yeah  That was bad...."
1961096876,"boredom","MeganOgilvie","Youtube isn't working...and I wanted to watch Britains Got Talent.  I'm debating about having a pity party."
1961096925,"neutral","nataliexedge","Emoticons by Christian. "  " http://twitpic.com/66riq"
1961097027,"empty","FrazJ","@hellorachael yep"
1961097186,"neutral","shawnwrites","@MattTerry You can't make it down to NYC at all when I'm there huh?"
1961097495,"sadness","nurulatiracp","Got people don't let me skip sci pratical becos skola is impt and dont waste my parents money.  Nt fair."
1961098016,"happiness","Cariboo22","Woot. just had my interview! went awsome! I didn't get to talk with Mr. Johnny thought...  oh well I still did really good!"
1961098072,"surprise","lady__croft","Wow that was fast...next up Soderling or Ferrer. Gilles Simon lost"
1961098214,"sadness","vikkiblack","my knees are sore after physio"
1961098284,"worry","tzurriz","I hate having to put my toddler in a disposable, but her rash needs ointment. I hate her having a rash even worse."
1961098295,"surprise","RevSandi","Off to Dollarama -- I wish I had a new job"
1961099229,"hate","tinkerdinkers","im tweeting... this is so hard... i dont get it..."
1961099876,"neutral","IslaLuna","Looking for a show to turn my brain into mush so it doesn't hurt anymore  Any good FREE online ones you know of?"
1961100573,"sadness","wandaurias","My coffee got cold blah!"
1961100965,"hate","qazimod","@Cyhwuhx You look nothing like your Twitter avatar!"
1961100980,"sadness","carrrley","i lost my phone."
1961101131,"neutral","jfer76","I suddenly want Chinese food in the worst way.  Not really a great on-the-run food and I packed a sandwich for lunch anyway."
1961101312,"sadness","chelle138","Why Does She Keep Trying To Hurt Me? Aren't The Tears I've Cried In The Past Few Months Enough?"
1961101498,"sadness","micaelak","it is always sunny on days when i can't possible be outside.  life is out to get me"
1961101542,"worry","prettykillaCam","..Get Over On His Mom & Now I Feel Horrible, He Must Think I am.  That's Not What I Meant. Just Thought It'd Be Better Than The Brunt."
1961101555,"worry","ValerieLora","@AraTheCoach. Really I look like a boy!!! I need someone to do my hair!"
1961102273,"worry","Chibs24","14 more days with slow internet"
1961102284,"love","kellyfullagar","OMGoodness back to school soon FUN!"
1961102643,"neutral","risha_","@deusbrackers i'm in AD for another week- visa work"
1961102764,"worry","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Will we be seeing McFly in the Philippines soon?"
1961102802,"sadness","chloeprice","@_katieedwards I can't yet back, I've run out of texts!  I'll ring you laters xoxo"
1961102863,"worry","groble","Tired with a headache  me no like sunshine"
1961102942,"sadness","Xaan","@ingek73 I'm on blip but can't get it to work on me iPhone"
1961103202,"sadness","nurulatiracp","Got people don't let me skip sci pratical becos skola is impt and cannot waste my parents money.  Nt fair."
1961103207,"neutral","MsRudie","Its cold"
1961103545,"fun","jsmith189","Listening to Music Box.  When Mariah could still sing"
1961103935,"worry","nikadaimon","died again in KP  .. gonna upgrade some of my spells now first before heading back there... #eq2"
1961104398,"hate","ReinaDeFab","hate living down here in fl. missing GA like crazy...like they say you dont know what you got till its gone  GA on my mind"
1961104402,"relief","oldiesclub","Managed to finally get through to someone who had left a message earlier today. Old dog already put to sleep"
1961104796,"happiness","kaykandy","Finally on my way home"
1961104874,"happiness","leeprovoost","crap. have to break my "no work in weekend" rule  so much overloaded with work. aargh, hate it!"
1961105110,"boredom","joshtastic1","@h269 revising as uni exams are looming"
1961105300,"worry","carmelaramirez","YM, meebo & ebuddy really hate us  @kuhrabbyPATTY @whatsuppp @ashpolicarpio @cheyennelaxa @piaatrinidad"
1961105327,"worry","Michellevator","I'm going to miss the seniors so much!  Don't goo!"
1961105420,"worry","emilyrpowell","Poor Nicole just absolutely DESTROYED her cell phone"
1961105835,"worry","cy_reen","I was on time three shifts in a row.  but I woke up at 840 and work's at 9. five minutes late, ugh! -_-"
1961106094,"worry","alexjewels","@djknucklehead im listening to people saying eww at out current frog disection  poor froggy."
1961106141,"relief","cydneyw","Finished Breaking Dawn last night. I managed to finish those 800 pages in 3 days. It was so good! I'm sad that I'm done w/ Twilight Saga"
1961106227,"neutral","AmyTXu","kate is leaving me all by my lonesome"
1961106228,"neutral","dedlena","@Selfish_Hisashi M�y em m� torrent th� b� ch? tr�n nh� ?ang Thi�n Long l?i ch?y xu?ng ?i?u tra"
1961106261,"sadness","Candelarhia","Awww sunthings wrong w/ my ubertwitter last nite."
1961106527,"sadness","ShropshirePixie","am about to sell my Medieval trading pavillion... v sad"
1961107355,"worry","Jessaywhat","I REALLY  should have gone to the Chiropractor this week . . And today  my neck hurts so bad"
1961107438,"sadness","ficusrock","Ordered a new computer! Unfortunately it won't get here until the end of June."
1961107627,"sadness","junita","Two dozen roses sent  overnight and delivered this morning. Just found out the recipient is out of town!! Sad"
1961107660,"love","anetherealtwist","Don't you hate it when you're left with one slice of bread left in the bag? Half sandwich."
1961108083,"happiness","Slick2887","I get to drive my dad to the airport so he can fly to Vegas for the WSOP... I wanna go to Vegas..."
1961108117,"worry","Seliii",".. these holidays are soo boring.."
1961108255,"sadness","Prissi2","Ewww just printed my new I.d badge thingie 4 work n eww my picture. I took so many n they were all ugly"
1961108587,"happiness","andrinac","just about to say goodbye to @karenbrady and @agneslikaite two of the best interns that Elevate have ever had"
1961108829,"neutral","Berchettie","Bad migrane and need to go to dancing tonight.... Not a good combination"
1961109025,"hate","habsfan4ever","i have geographie next  and I HATE IT!!!!!!!"
1961109405,"worry","Sterlingqc1991","Is wondering if my ankle will ever stop hurting"
1961109695,"worry","trennyrenny","I guess this is soul searching time for me since I'm home alone & no one's talking to me"
1961110682,"sadness","t_isfortammy","@godiegogo12 well atm anyway i'm only managing cos i have no musical talent ps horrible thing to say bout rove"
1961111760,"fun","mschrager","has two tickets to Amadou and Miriam for Tue. June 2 that I can't use  $25 each to anyone who wants 'em. That's face value. Should be good"
1961112060,"neutral","sophiebaron","@Hatz94 i'm sorry  do you have a mac? you should get oneee"
1961112642,"relief","DisneyBrat","This week flew by.  Want to go see Up soooo badly this weekend!"
1961112732,"neutral","lilymalcolm","@CientifiQ stinks  what do you do anyway?"
1961112834,"surprise","geefunk","Took the cutest pics of Andy yesterday. But I don't have them.  Used my bro's fancy DSLR & didn't have time to upload them. I want my own!"
1961118935,"worry","RoxieDax","This really hurts. And this really sucks. I don't know what I can do to fix all this, seriously."
1961119105,"neutral","emohmeohmy","@snuffleupagous I really wish I could convince Brandon to move somewhere like that. All he wants to do is move to Lexington."
1961119393,"worry","irisheyes0427","I forgot to put on sunblock before getting in the car"
1961119517,"neutral","judez_xo","@chelsea_playboy R.I.P curls"
1961119643,"worry","kielstewart","@waynooooo I always hope they will die out but then i see the the old ones and it makes me sad"
1961120105,"worry","LolaAM","I didn't go to the gym today and I feel bad"
1961120517,"worry","drumstickboy","i guessed my leg havent healed from the old injuries  but i can still run though and kick ball! haha. but will sometimes fell a sharp pain"
1961121103,"neutral","MysticMartin","and so to London in a car that's about 500 degrees with no air con!"
1961121227,"neutral","liverlipz","http://twitpic.com/66roi - Man I miss this truck so much!  had to return it cause it was 687.00 a month and 236.00 ins a month on it : ..."
1961121339,"sadness","smileycherry","@mileycyrus yeah me too  but there isn�t any prom here in germany although school is almost everywhere the same! ?"
1961121342,"neutral","MaryKayHester","Going home to get clothes"
1961121784,"worry","lightmastertech","PayPal hates me.  It refuses to let me verify my account."
1961121802,"worry","ALLLLEX","has at least 30 bug bites on her legs"
1961122392,"worry","amylin822","the commies at their finest: youtube and blogger are blocked in china. no updates from us while we are in china.  but GREAT WALL CONQUERED"
1961122488,"neutral","MissKnowItAll82","@NerdAtCoolTable what's the name of the mixtape? My mixtape connect moved to texas so I gotta find a new guy"
1961123561,"neutral","jnield","It will if I do it in a round about way. I ahve to copy the public contacts into my personal contacts first.  no big deal"
1961123841,"sadness","DJClicheDarknes","@JinxCat I have been failing at cooking lately  makin me sad. Duno how to cook for less than an army. I need to practice flour tortillas."
1961124103,"worry","cstandridge21","@MGGubler Sounds painful   Sorry you got hurt.. And may I ask how this happen?"
1961124219,"surprise","RMcD94","Scott's leaving now"
1961124830,"sadness","markgskwebb","I need to get back into daily tweeting. This hiatus sucks  What also sucks is GSN interrupting shows while they're airing. >_<"
1961125160,"sadness","JoshRive","god opened the clouds and said i hate you josh"
1961125306,"neutral","markpawl","Cran-Grape for lunch"
1961125331,"worry","__giorgia","@frenchiep Hi frenchie *-* i'll do that...later  :p"
1961125428,"worry","SidCity","@kdc well there go my peace corps prospects."
1961125800,"surprise","SophieeAyy","@dwsomers samee well i aint a man i am a girl obv nd i am 14 lol   i aint no1 special or not famous or rich  wish to be tho xx"
1961125914,"neutral","AdistaKim","Gee I'm totally hatin' this , like for real ! I mean like, duh ! I've studied enough, and all that I need is refreshing tonite ! Hard ?"
1961126132,"neutral","Char_216","work all day"
1961126569,"empty","dinorahlh","Female and Male 3 year old Labs looking for new home  Family is loosing their home. Both must stay together. Contact me if interested."
1961126623,"worry","IetJee16","@Lipstick_kiss I can't find it on YouTube   only the concert versions....HELP!!!"
1961127130,"neutral","ysbreker","@bcyde I still haven't figured out what to do with them, sadly  So It'll take some more research before I know what's what."
1961127283,"love","Lesneedsvalium","@mommyto6kids oh great."
1961127330,"neutral","dixyisthewalrus","wishes he could be with that special someone...."
1961127452,"worry","seancoia","Forgot how much i hate pizza delivery and manalapan and marlboro scum"
1961127684,"sadness","kevleitch","@autismvox for me they're not"
1961128309,"sadness","Mofobian","omfg, my head"
1961128587,"sadness","cAndyygiRll","My job sucks!!!"
1961129154,"sadness","CarolElaine","@jodywhitesides So sorry I missed it!"
1961129232,"hate","mrshaggie810","I hate that I am so stinkin tired everyday!  It's so hard to get up...I thought I was supposed to start getting energy back now."
1961129234,"worry","Politicalrn","I think I might like Twiterfon better than Tweetie now. Recent upgrades from Twiterfon have been great! None from Tweetie"
1961129258,"happiness","jimmy_whispas","@tiyephoenix I have to DJ 2 gigs on 6/20. no bk hh fest for me  so please keep me posted on live dates"
1961129332,"sadness","phintch","Busy day! No time to tweet  Bmore what's happening this weekend?"
1961129912,"neutral","drummerking8","eating halls cuz i have a sour throte"
1961130007,"worry","famously_blonde","@brookstuh am I not good enough"
1961130016,"neutral","ejsgirl","well here i go off to work"
1961130541,"sadness","xlyss116","missss my friends and plav  time for a long day of work hahah"
1961131652,"sadness","hazelfaye30","so so tired.."
1961131655,"worry","mijigonzales","Michael Porter is haunting me again. Ugh. The five forces. But I don't remember the other 9 strategies for competitive advantage."
1961132008,"sadness","chelsea_playboy","@judez_xo they were so pretty and took like an hour to do  CAN I DO URSSSSS!"
1961132017,"hate","qtpinkbuble","fuck you tony"
1961132379,"neutral","Elricadon","all cash  and looking for trades...can't find any"
1961132614,"sadness","backwatersteve","@ghostexecutive Bummer   was going to try and make it/ other commitments I'm afraid got into the way.  Next time hopefully-"
1961132632,"fun","garryism","@iphonegirl totally! except we can't ride on the sidewalk like when we were kids.  a lot more safe than on the road with crazy drivers."
1961132963,"fun","lilee89","i hope i can find a store to take us"
1961133338,"sadness","Libolio","is tired and sad"
1961133834,"relief","agentla","@robgokeemusic shopping is therapuetic and i'm all about bettering myself... i need financing for my therapy however"
1961134160,"neutral","neptune06","@rachellee625 a wet and dirty one now"
1961134229,"happiness","anoopr87","looks like another sober weekend ahead..."
1961134327,"worry","KLBarber","@Jonin60seconds tried to edit the page but couldn't add my name  can you pop me on the list please!"
1961134360,"worry","Richdhong","@kathypak  that's not good"
1961134407,"sadness","oni_onka","@Yurges loadsa shizze has happend  IM SO UPSET.."
1961134415,"neutral","FabiolaParamita","I miss laughing till my stomache hurts"
1961134439,"sadness","jordynbabylove","why does my life suck?"
1961134870,"love","khcrybaby","@Leikela4 glad its nice there. Gray skies and rainy in wisconsin."
1961135354,"hate","eagerxeyes","Is waiting, yet again. please, just let this to be over"
1961135475,"sadness","NinaPierce","UGH! Poor Beautiful Girl. Went in for new tires and inspection sticker. Now there's a $590 repair and still no tires."
1961136154,"worry","jsmith189","@Jerome117 that and being so careless with her vocals."
1961136350,"sadness","koltregaskes","FreeSat's coverage (Sky dish) is really, really bad at the moment, blocks all over the place, really annoying!"
1961136418,"worry","jw37643","Irritated that I can send emails but not receive them!"
1961136541,"sadness","benhayman","My computer died"
1961136545,"sadness","dirkt","Conference call with HP.  They gave me an invalid pass code so I can't attend"
1961136714,"sadness","AmandaSena","@DaneFiori The thought of splitting the estate is depressing of course! (KIDDING!) I don't like the thought of my parents dying"
1961136959,"sadness","Moyf","@Flickie I'm dead bored. but also dead poor! Student life is a piss take!"
1961137047,"neutral","truk77","@churchpunkmom We've got a pool still boxed up because I need to level a suitable patch of ground before we can set it up."
1961138116,"relief","xXRhiannon","has been playing Guitar hero to let of some steam..  you see.. Mr Unreliable has striked again!  not funny"
1961138211,"sadness","jackie1211","Massive headache"
1961138624,"enthusiasm","linseylou","It's Friday!!!!....and the sun is out....but I'm working inside."
1961138650,"neutral","ikapai","Goodbye mountains.  #fb"
1961138810,"worry","NtYrAvrgDmbBlnd","My head's THUMPING."
1961138990,"worry","illage2","I hate Fallout 3 it keeps making me jump, I'm also low on health, money, ammo and food  don't worry I'll get through it."
1961139081,"sadness","squishy3000","So annoyed I missed Mitch Benn @ Lemon Tree. damn you What's On!"
1961140229,"sadness","MehlAmKnie","oh no! I just crashed my ball pump"
1961140237,"worry","SirPsycho84","@ll217 its true...i can never be like @CDO_Bambu never"
1961140626,"hate","epinardscaramel","Open office "writer" is weird. I need Word to open word documents correctly"
1961140852,"love","LittleWaltz","oh noes, my puma hoodie is coming apart  i love this thing!"
1961140938,"neutral","Katie_Welch","I need to go to sleep before 4am tonight...  ... So exhausted."
1961141324,"sadness","AdamRowley","Wish we had a garden so we could have a bbq tonight...  might set up a lounge bbq type thing, that'll work. #fridayfirehazzard"
1961141484,"surprise","ItsToni","@BetterisLittle when it rains it pours - how true is that? I'm so sorry  I hate those kinda times."
1961141509,"worry","timscythe","sad day... told my students this is my last year here... a lot of crying since.."
1961141962,"worry","aDevilInMe","Slovakian country side is a refreshing change compared to tarmac and cars, but I am a city boy and need the tarmac"
1961141985,"sadness","frickxx","@brittanytastic aww  that's horrible! xD"
1961142222,"worry","emmyinabox","@penbleth Don't leave forever! We'll miss you too much"
1961142780,"neutral","Bambi429","@Sobk13 Yes, it seems that way - page not found"
1961143014,"neutral","iyaitssuzanne","@rachmurrayX  were do you  work??"
1961143292,"sadness","JoshBerry26","OH. I am just so tired."
1961143641,"relief","beth_warren","@DAC1MM don't know yet.. no word...   hopeful though!! and some good stuff happening lately so I'm getting excited!"
1961144129,"neutral","charachoo","@dayawonton:  I've been!"
1961144402,"neutral","robertsonstu","Laptop's thrown a paddy.. So bouncing half of my 'live' set down as wav's  ..need a new laptop and a new copy of ableton.. hey ho MTFBWY.."
1961144522,"worry","annapaulina","I thought I was safe from the INJECTIONS today, only to find out my Mom will be the one who'll inject me with vaccine. HELP!"
1961144804,"neutral","GroleauNET","@azboricua No. Its a bug  in coding. Go into the forum then do reg. Let me know if that work!"
1961144936,"sadness","eleganttragedy","My poor phone is nekkid without its cover."
1961145133,"worry","MeghanJG","According to @momsrising, a quarter of families under six live in poverty."
1961145215,"neutral","illage2","Sorry I'm not using tweetdeck it's not letting me tweet today"
1961145561,"neutral","LeoWolfe","@TheHyra u beat urself up a lot.  stop, please? Just do it! Like Nike. LOL"
1961145713,"neutral","BbInDaLoop","@RolliePollie32 I ate some hot food"
1961145802,"worry","heywriterboy","@badlady Think of the prize at the end. So sorry to hear that though."
1961146111,"love","megg_xo","i realy wanted to go out cause its so nice but everybodys busy"
1961146319,"worry","VersieFullOfFun","Don't you just hate when you are craving something to eat and then you go get it and end up DISAPPOINTED? Ugh....."
1961146821,"neutral","DBordettArt","@45H13Y that's no fun  server change...?"
1961146869,"neutral","ireneivy","@Art_Advisor haha I'm just going to turn off these things...but then I can't Tweet from my phone  stupid spammers!"
1961146939,"worry","Krisi19","@lauralalahh I'm so sorry!! I hope she's ok  xxx"
1961147296,"worry","blumimsy","I'm always a little sad to see followers I really like, decide to unfollow me."
1961147686,"love","jennypoynter","@claireyjonesy mines curly atm  i want mine to be straight lmao"
1961147777,"enthusiasm","nodoubttheboss","Just got up. Need to leave for class in a hour."
1961147782,"sadness","araispoetry","Well thats that then. Exam failed and bsc gone"
1961148438,"sadness","m_cowan79","@ecorazzi Grrr, people suck. I cry when animals die on nature shows.  These people are sick. No hunting endangered species!"
1961148813,"worry","introspicere","ARCHIE ANDREWS WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! veronica?"
1961148964,"neutral","repiffer","@FrankieTheSats beat? don't understand"
1961149131,"worry","RecipeGirl","Have hardly worked out in the last two weeks but am losing weight.  Fear I'm losing muscle!!  Just made doc. appt. for injured foot"
1961149259,"empty","jenniferquinnc","is taking a deep deep breath"
1961149264,"neutral","RMata24","Disneyland was a blast yesterday now back to work"
1961149372,"worry","xxnamziieexx","I just saw a load of ambulances & police cars & a car smashed up with a roof lying in the road.  :"(  that's 1 man dead 4 sure.    ."
1961149761,"neutral","JamieSMcC","Brilliant day today, got the car washed and got a washing done! Just have to go to work in an hour"
1961149945,"neutral","kuiperactive","@JeffAbel Unfortunately, yes...not outside!"
1961150307,"worry","MeghanJG","According to @momsrising, a quarter of families with children under six live in poverty."
1961150946,"sadness","bumblebeenie","@AnnieAreYouOhK No, it's annoying and makes us girls that follow sports and are knowledgable look dumb"
1961150985,"worry","spontane","@jimmiefisher i'm having a hard time using hulu  have u heard of anyone having problems that uses windows vista?"
1961151022,"worry","lawsouza","@inoverflow I need to cancel my appt for 1 have to be home from1-5 for washing machine repair man can I do on the am? So sorry"
1961151360,"love","idoanknow","Awww the boys have no beards?    I LIKED THEIR MANLY MAN-NESS [via @zepinklady] #asylm"
1961151552,"worry","Strykarian","@JeanetteBern Sorry JJ i missed that post  I'll make sure do so next time."
1961151572,"worry","angelicanorris","half my class just called me retarded it hurt for real"
1961151587,"worry","AbbyLipstick","Yay playing a show tonight! Boo it's gonna soggy and I'm at work right before playing"
1961151596,"worry","AttainTraffic","RIP Omar Edwards - Killed by friendly fire in NYC   http://bit.ly/jrM6v"
1961151822,"happiness","JinxCat","@DJClicheDarknes I haven't had a good homemade flour tortilla in ages."
1961151838,"worry","esirryhat","i know im wrong .. just give me one more chance   sEnti .. :]"
1961151864,"neutral","ramsesja","@OXtravaganza it was only once for my big brother...and I'm done now"
1961152309,"fun","tennjen","@manderbeth aw, no! feel better Mandy! Hope you aren't getting sick  At least we know a nurse, hehe!"
1961152358,"worry","callmeKETA","@aidadoll LMAAAOOOOO that is horrible. Poor thing"
1961152655,"hate","jenniferleighhh","Shower. Then back to bed. So sick still."
1961152815,"sadness","KimberlyMorrow","Everything is annoying me today"
1961153481,"neutral","kirdyk","Anyone got any goss yet on the supernatural convention in birmingham, been waiting patiently!"
1961153858,"hate","alyssaxmae","Weather sucks. APUSH filming has become a maybe  At least banquet is tonight"
1961154424,"worry","justinmoorhouse","@DermotCarmody cheers mate, still getting over Wednesday  You ok? You should be, you are an incredibly wealthy man"
1961154539,"worry","BrittAK11","hateeee history of rock!"
1961154556,"worry","Badge24","hand hurts"
1961170661,"sadness","MIK0583","@Alice286 lucky girl!!! I work all day tomorrow! and maybe even Monday!!"
1961170718,"worry","RoyaltyGT","Kinda bummed that I'm gonna miss @mrosenbaum711's return to BG. Now I'll never know what it's like to make love to @james_gunn."
1961170758,"worry","hollowlegs","@handlewithcare Awww mate. that's such a shitter"
1961170786,"worry","GruberGirl","@JamAndHoney and it never arrived. have to wait until Monday now"
1961171018,"neutral","mandeemillion","Ow it hurts"
1961171097,"sadness","bmesz38","I need some cheering up"
1961171175,"neutral","miklos","Listening to the Legally Blonde musical soundtrack. Lamenting not going anymore. Perhaps I will buy a nosebleed seat and go alone."
1961171231,"neutral","ItSMeKeNyaDoLL","@CashCapone now cash u kno I'm not a hater.....jus upset I don't have my update yet"
1961171317,"worry","_SashaT","Ugh I'm so sleepy  I think I'm still kinda sick"
1961171334,"worry","jasonflute","Venus Williams is having a horrible day at the office"
1961171340,"empty","technicalfault","@runpaintrunrun @wordsnfixtures not Pimm's in a can?"
1961171659,"neutral","bonnster","I am dreading shopping for a swimsuit"
1961171858,"sadness","lizz_xx","soo tired.. still kinda angry that i missed the concert"
1961172068,"sadness","AnneDouglas","Stupid competition stuff keeps getting in the way  But I am going to get some words in today if it kills me   @heather_writes"
1961172504,"sadness","zombigirlfriend","leaving now  off to get my angry teethed pulled...."
1961172647,"worry","Dogbook","Wasabi is recovering from surgery  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6121231"
1961172825,"love","erkagarcia","@tommcfly It's 12AM! @buonotomato, @bluejeriberry and I are still up, sending you as much tweets as we can! Philippines tour please?"
1961172922,"neutral","brokencrystal","@allconsoffun anymore"
1961173273,"sadness","eriesistible","@Disney_Dreaming what?! miley's gonna quit hannah montana?...i don't wanna believe it!"
1961173423,"worry","rsb519","Waiting for the sun to come back! School called, Joey has a sore throat  I WANT SUMMER!! ..off to make some lunch. LOVE TO ALLLLLLLLLLLLL!"
1961173792,"hate","rose1396","im grounded tonight  i hate stupid silent mode"
1961173973,"neutral","patpreezy","@Willtothe no...i'm just tired.."
1961174215,"hate","IvanaE","Then back to fucking school"
1961174279,"sadness","kassles7","@Nisher Yeah yeah? How the heck are you anyway? Sastch it up again this year? I had to bail out for lack of expenses"
1961174373,"worry","maryjackson2004","Oh boy this is going to be a loooooong day"
1961174382,"worry","ariesta1988","1 more goal, Gila!! But his last game is against milan. Dillematic 4 me"
1961174394,"neutral","TheKidBizz","@deadlyx um Mr. Deadly Sir . Can You Please Follow Me On twitter ."
1961174460,"worry","kdauburnfan","Guess I'll be running in a little bit. Accidentally fell asleep"
1961174539,"fun","CuddlyAlex","I've got sunburnt knees... it's funny now, but I bet they'll sting later   Had a fab day though  x"
1961174815,"happiness","brian_jenkins","Ok, I'm going outside...wish i was playing basketball  oh well..."
1961174926,"hate","CarpeDemon","@ThePaul it's a modded 360, so you can't send it back?  That Red Ring of Death sucks!  It took weeks to get mine back from Microsoft."
1961174990,"worry","EricAshley","@IconsRobg My Denny's shut down in the winter.  I have to do 50 miles to get to one now."
1961175068,"sadness","BebeMoore","crying real tears"
1961175165,"sadness","graceengle","No launch today. Teacher changed plans and we watched a stupid move about tesla"
1961175640,"love","amywatters","Countdown to launch! June 2nd is oh so temptingly close ... If only my lovely puter weren't so faaaaar away"
1961175771,"sadness","boogie_shoes","my blow torch has broken  this is a REAL bummer"
1961176012,"neutral","jennidlug","@anthonyniblett will have to pare down his collection of portraits of @iwrm and bangbang"
1961176044,"sadness","BibiAzra","@Spiffums I wasn't near him."
1961176385,"worry","owensempai","So yeah, things aren't going so well for me. I'm getting to feel like I haven't felt in a long, long time."
1961176734,"neutral","clio_jlh","Admitting that I don't like action plots and I do like romance plots always makes me feel like I'm setting back the feminist cause."
1961176839,"neutral","HanaStephenson","@EllaPaigeBabe nothing really. sooo bored  xx"
1961176908,"worry","k02squared","getting ready, waiting for cor, picking up josh, movies & out to dinner - then trailer perhaps? baccck to work tomorrow"
1961176973,"hate","TheWife4life","My new car is already giving me problems  That cant be a good sign."
1961176992,"worry","kickuinthetight","forgot my lunch and no one else is ordering stuff  boooooo!"
1961177419,"neutral","xMissMelisax","hopefully im getting my new windows tomorrow. still using my mums lap... birthday tomorrow eve and facebook doesnt work somehow."
1961177715,"fun","jenclapp","@BADnurse09 that's great! i was never so good at the jump roping..."
1961177787,"neutral","x3shannon01","@hilarylanders I know  I think I'm like dieing!"
1961178027,"neutral","SusieQcumber","I want my real keys back"
1961178192,"worry","Tykerq","Hmm... the new sports catalog and card jitsu updates are not appearing for me"
1961178216,"worry","ExotikGoddess","Soo tired, couldn't get enough sleep"
1961178243,"worry","BenjyWoollas","On the monday, so i wont be able to be with you!  i love you"
1961178280,"worry","blistereduk","Going home... with sore #eyes"
1961178410,"worry","aquenazim","@SheGotItSheBadd i've been up most of what normal ppl consider the night.  no problem going to sleep but nightmares been waking me up."
1961178411,"worry","k_8_s","the day i was planing on doing my work, i havent ...... i leave everything to the last minuet ..."
1961178854,"sadness","Sky2042","My TI89 died. I don't know why."
1961178861,"sadness","misscoffeebean","So sad I'm going to miss seeing Pennywise again this year"
1961179157,"surprise","abbyavaryxo","@bonnieguthrie why?!!?"
1961179173,"worry","georginagem","one of the estate agents next door just caught me singing along to wham"
1961179186,"happiness","VIBEAUTY","@Sak_Pase I guess u ain like me den.. My hair cut short..  lol"
1961179513,"love","SquishMitten","@ChrisandCal Thats soooo pretty. Mine havnt flowered for years"
1961179707,"surprise","brokencrystal","@gipsy_dreamer Wow, you still haven't gotten them?"
1961180178,"surprise","tayalejandro","@stacyshow gangstarr exgirl to the next girl, nas one mic, hold on i still can't listen so i guess it dont matter"
1961180185,"relief","missmei","@VarrenAKABabyV oh no not difficult. It's just nuts that's how you have to market yourselves on home turf"
1961180535,"worry","beingnobody","@nickcres ive tried to, and nothing has worked. i dont think he's all that bothered *sigh*"
1961181244,"neutral","mikehole","wave would trend higher that bing"
1961181284,"worry","husizie","@THE_WOCKEEZ i wish i can go. But i'm not in US"
1961181483,"love","buonotomato","@tommcfly I need to watch Star Trek"
1961181828,"hate","Maan1981","@t0ns:  nou moe... stomme banken/crisis shit :S"
1961182531,"happiness","textualoffender","@Spitphyre well good luck with #twpp in an hours time i think i will be on my way home  have fun!"
1961182714,"relief","ahsouthwick","@Novaw0lf damnit i didn't  but neither did you so win!"
1961182875,"worry","ianlisk66","@chriss_yst so u are very burnt  sorry back or front burnt?"
1961183191,"empty","fitfulfever","@MegaByte6 me too"
1961183293,"sadness","Frankiedafish","@thejiggerjames  not the same.. Can we party tonight jig"
1961183530,"neutral","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Philippines tour, please? Please? Please?"
1961184197,"worry","tericee","@AFCEAHelen If I end up working in DC, GMU is on my "short list" for Masters No. 2. Started Sys Eng program in the 90's; never finished."
1961184231,"hate","dethnyte","@CapAtomyc That link isn't working for me for some reason"
1961184291,"worry","DonnaLloyd","Trying to get some work done not too happy about work situation"
1961184782,"sadness","slwilli","Hates moving"
1961185118,"neutral","krissymimi","@downtowndiane missed the cutoff for the free chocolate  eh well...bikini season is coming....."
1961185244,"surprise","shortymay","Officially out of my apt  Learned some stuff about the crazy neighbors that used to live across the hall....scary!"
1961185508,"sadness","BrianRamsey","sooooo, i just dropped my phone.  don't text or tweet me, i'm currently banging my face against a spike covered poison ivy infested wall."
1961186234,"surprise","lschuyler","Oh no! My kindergarten teacher died  Mrs. Collinson always remembered every student she ever had. Loved that lady."
1961186575,"fun","scottcaution","@HiHillaryyy have fun"
1961186643,"sadness","doot2818","Missin my boo"
1961186781,"neutral","Mr_McFox","So many wires to sort out"
1961186788,"hate","ShenaBena","Just dropped my sistah off @ lax.    #fb"
1961186826,"surprise","catieluna","The chicken noodle soup I made for lunch to feel better just burned my tongue . . .not a good day."
1961186910,"worry","listendontpanic","Sitting on the decking reading psychology notes with my ipod and my dog. It's far too warm"
1961187726,"sadness","Dave__Myers","Murray just got broken"
1961187746,"surprise","cruisesbytoni","gogowww how come we can't have deals like that from Houston?"
1961187863,"hate","madeinkowloon","@huma_rashid reeeaaaally... why though??  ew i hate stockings"
1961188006,"worry","soffkid","@northernpest DID YOU GO? was it good, i was in center parcs  who else went!? xxxxxxx"
1961188370,"worry","sesuncedu","UNC budget  cuts may rise to 18%   http://tinyurl.com/mdm5tp"
1961188382,"sadness","CountryKTKnits","is enjoying a yummy salad, but missing her avocado  that's what happens when your husband does the grocery shop."
1961188464,"love","bengreg","really want to go to the nets"
1961188627,"happiness","redswingline","[stapler haiku] Whar a Night! Woo Hoo! Yeah! / A beautiful night to party! / Oops, I'm a stapler..."
1961188926,"fun","JoshBerry26","missing @ikewii lol. plaid bud. haha. damn i can't do the BG right."
1961189005,"neutral","parttimenerd","RAM upgrade=done! FF still slow so disabling all add-ons  Not sure which ones will make the cut to be honest. It's like Sophie's Choice!"
1961189207,"hate","naytv","has not finished the bio mols mind map  stupid sheet hid sections from me on the back!"
1961189638,"worry","dailyuncooking","I killed my dill plant again. Why does this happen with dill? It is doing great then suddenly it's dead. http://tinyurl.com/mlh4f5"
1961189720,"anger","belasales","aaaaaaaaaaa McFly"
1961190120,"hate","Boilersfan1","So booooored  I learned this though! ????????"
1961190230,"relief","yoomyee","time for work!"
1961190580,"worry","poinktoinkdoink","Traded her iPod for my brother`s cellphone. My phone died, e"
1961190858,"worry","peacelovegators","It's 82 degrees and gorgeous out.. And I'm stuck in the library because I have a midterm in 2 hours.. so lame!!"
1961190913,"sadness","SelArom","@roxeecruz ur linky no worky"
1961191095,"worry","DeannaWoodward","Sad to be leaving so soon"
1961191716,"worry","BARACKOKITTY","I feel like shit cause I couldnt sleep last night and went to sleep at 320 n bk up at 6  soooo tired!!!"
1961191747,"neutral","N_adege","@tommcfly Please don't forget french fans ! We are HERE !"
1961192464,"worry","inflekt","@PochaccoYoly well, I took it in early '00, graduated in '01. we were the final stage guinea pigs  it seriously is a waste of time."
1961192614,"hate","SatanicPanic","Worst day ever. And its only noon."
1961192766,"neutral","miafresprit","I didn't get the job  but I will keep applying to other school.....I do want to teach!!!"
1961192897,"sadness","ElCobra","listening through the Mendeed discog once again. I still think their disbanding is a loss.  #metal"
1961193293,"neutral","iyaitssuzanne","i've not had a reply on my topic yet  lolz welll its not somethin you could reply too but yanno ;)"
1961194220,"sadness","DaniChristene","My friends are mocking my weekend!  @JamesPMacDonald have they been talking to you?"
1961194524,"hate","redrouged","i want a ghd straightener but the shipping costs 50 pounds? NO DEAL!"
1961194683,"worry","LukasVandenberg","fuck awake at 2 am !  i hate sickness"
1961195335,"neutral","msgack","i can't seem to access Restuarant City due to some internet / javascript problem..."
1961195969,"worry","sinergystarfall","Pulled in all directions and not knowing where to go"
1961196045,"worry","sumit84","Having real bad headache.."
1961196059,"worry","MajorStone","@KillzoneDotCom WHY?"
1961196206,"worry","djserts","Fuccin bacc hurts now. Just dragged the long blocc on a piece of wood. From the corner to in my garage."
1961196357,"worry","_beck_","@JaneHungOz hope the presentation went well today?! tweet me if yr on campus tomorrow - I'll be around from lunch time onwards"
1961212401,"sadness","shoKjam","you wanna know what's worse... my coworker just brewed a fresh cup of coffee and all I can think about is bacon"
1961212767,"hate","afkilla","@thenk83 I've been waiting about the same time to get in, its whenever they feel like it..."
1961212813,"hate","ladymix","Son of a bitch...my media thing that streams music from home isn't working again  Why can't itunes play music from my iphone"
1961212834,"worry","arosefull","@Running5k2day Oh no! Hope it's not as bad as it sounds!"
1961213348,"neutral","DanielleSinger","@SuperWiki i want to gooo"
1961213412,"sadness","briangoff","@TysonDueck Too bad."
1961213849,"worry","alex252","Just found out my Abuelo in Aguadilla is not doing well"
1961213958,"love","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Do a tour in the Philippines sometime.  A lot of fans here would really love that!"
1961214088,"love","RounNiez","@INTYCEYOU hey love whats up! my voice is shot  whats new with you"
1961214279,"worry","songbird727","Trying to get this swimmer's ear to go away!!"
1961214321,"happiness","tickedypoph","i'm under 100 followers again  gosh darn. good mood atm. might have a bbq later. heat waaaave <3"
1961214593,"sadness","Cyberela","@thodwris RIP Michael"
1961214653,"worry","hamaddar","Exams are kinda near. Just a week more. 2 Projects yet to be submitted  and almost failing in one of the subjects. May ALLAH save me"
1961215208,"hate","hellokatelyn","@AnnieOleary its not a starfleet one  its not even a romulin one  its like the random one i dont remember ha. and you cant wear it! lame"
1961215257,"worry","p_strange","OMG IM IN SUCH A BAD MOOD 2DAY   wats ppl doin2nite?"
1961215362,"happiness","Leannnee","Straighening my hair and its not going as straight as i want it to be what a  bummerrr for me"
1961215445,"happiness","LeviFig","@josemarques I don't feel like having to reboot  If only OSX supported Hibernate & Reboot in Bootcamp... -.-"
1961215555,"surprise","jamesy_duh","I dont think he's ganna text me."
1961216367,"worry","rintachos","last school day tomorrow! it was the funnest day ever. BUt also really sad  Righ ow I'm getting ready to go to Moab with Phil!!!"
1961216493,"sadness","deantrippe","Oww. Can't even describe how much my back hurts. Going to have to go to the stupid doctor."
1961216972,"sadness","BJKeys","@MynameisDon I ALWAYS miss out! I wont be able to commence in the foolishness til' the fall  But come fall I'll be visiting!! YAY!!"
1961217445,"neutral","ShannonCute","Dreaming of bacon waffles, with fresh butter and maple syrup and brewed coffee..."
1961217784,"neutral","CameronJNP",""Hi Im Jonathan from Spotify, 4 just 9.99 a month u cn have unlimited music w/ no interuptions" But I luv r little chats J, dont leave me"
1961217818,"surprise","axsawyer","My poor heather, she didnt make the cheerleading squad. Im sorry babygirl. Maybe next year"
1961217929,"sadness","veehot5","Aaaaahhhh.... Friday!!!! but.......     Funeral at 5"
1961218037,"hate","lauren_alayne","@WhitPR lol... i've been in Bk for over a year... going on 2 and u haven't come yet!!!"
1961218139,"hate","ktdill","I told andrew that JT is going to cameo @ MTV movie awards. He said, "he's pissing me off." guess they're in a fight"
1961218285,"love","andymerrill","@dever  Hope you have a better weekend then.."
1961218485,"worry","calvin_lau","@ryan_price Oi, I ran into the problem too  not a good fix, but there's an app in utilities called "Grab" that works good enough..."
1961218799,"sadness","grantmcf","Sun has been making me happy =] Shame about work tonight  x"
1961219061,"surprise","benfulghum","On the way back to dublin Omg didnt hit the bed until 530  so i am so sleepy   but once again on the road back to good ole  dublin :-p ..."
1961219726,"worry","Vlynndawifey","@lamborghinibow u were doing good with the replys now u fallin off sad face"
1961219828,"neutral","stevieg69","Going home but will be back! After I get groceries and stuff"
1961219854,"sadness","jramboz","@Nobilis I feel your pain. Mine is the same way"
1961219902,"enthusiasm","patrickjames66","@JanaiChristian While im stuck INSIDE in Elk Grove Village working all day   Someone should enjoy it!"
1961220173,"worry","LetitiaIvy","@conorp its so sad! i wish i could stay longer! It the last time ill see you tonight  better not wear my make up!"
1961220241,"sadness","redfive202","Sad day in the office. Glad it's Friday. Like to get away from this for a while. Poor co-worker just lost her son."
1961220489,"love","normaltusker","@mrinal and the other variable types that we have are not going to be any helpful here!  what is the margin of error here?"
1961220568,"hate","Rascalbear","Frustrating when u r in the mood, but your partner is at work. Ugh!"
1961220887,"worry","NKArmyTNgirl","UGH! I have GOT TO STOP biting my nails  grrrrr"
1961221079,"sadness","BrookieeeW","Wishes she had a pool"
1961221286,"worry","DatingGirl","at the redi med. getting checked for strep throat."
1961221791,"neutral","brufnascimento","@tommcfly @dougiemcfly broken little toe? vai the doctor! Hoje voc� vai na 89FM, quero v�-lo atrav�s da Internet. got to see it"
1961222366,"happiness","Christy5","found six great vegan places to eat and relax at; four of which I can't get to without a car"
1961222411,"sadness","lileagle14","Soooo not feeling well and I need to get out of bed"
1961222597,"sadness","rstystam","well it's not done yet ! 1 more thing left huaaahhhhh ! jupaa, resaaaa awas kaliaaannn !"
1961222929,"worry","xoxVinaxox","i'm soooo tired i have to study for all of my subjects ..... history is gonna be SO hard!!!! >.< help me!"
1961222939,"surprise","PixelDoggy","OK, my boo-boo: Daddy took his dental bridge-front tooth- out and forgot it on the table.  Uh-Oh, shiney plastic for me to chew! I sawwy"
1961223189,"happiness","MarceP","In the university with hungry!!"
1961224347,"boredom","Leah_Liddell","Its seriously quiet and lonely here without Bunny"
1961224416,"worry","Extra_Gorgeous","@IamABoogs oh plzzzzz u never had time for me!!!"
1961224695,"worry","yeahthanks","FML. I hate CSS SO BAD. I can't find an lj layout that has everything I want."
1961224811,"worry","thestef25","in class sick and hungry"
1961225081,"hate","violetinbloom","@EllipticEye  ....what did she EVER do to piss them off?    I thought you just meant casting-related wank, not more of that crap."
1961225169,"worry","LaRainbow","@RainbowAnne OMG what posts were deleted? So annoyed I can't go on forum at work!"
1961225337,"hate","Gerardo1990","Last Friday of Highschool...that's intense! One more test to go...economics. Ewww man!"
1961225397,"relief","CoreyTamas","@Pichu Crap. Now you have to cover the whole purse with those so it looks like a pattern."
1961225813,"worry","KatieVoid","i got a replacement phone and now all my text messages and call history are gone.  I am sad."
1961225991,"sadness","LouiseThornsby","@chrlttgrc nope im nott! i was planning on doing but my aunties come over from america and we're havin this big family meal so i cant  xx"
1961226042,"neutral","oktak","@StitchinSista It happened to me the other day (customer asked me to ship to her work address), I sent her another one"
1961226373,"surprise","ephaw","@channisaulfah Not even better than Kapsel cha  Dy nulis notes? Spertinya gw ga ditag cuz g ada notificationnya... Huhu."
1961226892,"worry","Iceflare","@wowinsider no    I kind of miss my first main.   Male Tauren Shaman named Icewater stuck at 61.  Maybe I'll fetch him one day."
1961226949,"sadness","BeckaMoor","@feltbeats That's right... kick me when I'm down."
1961227039,"neutral","jhummrich","@wendilynnmakeup Good Morning! It's been a while since I've "talked" to you   - Keep up the awesome tweets."
1961227194,"hate","DTFBertHAHA","Ugh i hate not having my car!! i miss you my little ford focus!!!"
1961227427,"worry","PeteBlanchard","@meinj Can't do tonight - could kill a pint though. Another day..."
1961227787,"worry","EvoTimi","Decaf isn't cutting it right now.  ? http://blip.fm/~79g85"
1961227894,"sadness","DivasMistress","@TearlessPoet hmmm really??? that's weird idk about that one  sowwy"
1961228020,"neutral","yo_sushigirl","@wendydoeswaco Beatrice?? I don't remember his guide"
1961234861,"worry","mikemiele","@PeterPolaco I'm guessing the belt thing is a no-go since I didn't hear back..Sorry  Stop by this weekend, we'll talk bout the ring, etc."
1961235234,"love","xX_Fer","aww twiter i miss you.. today i'll post a little more.. i mea, after the movie theater..ahah soo coold here"
1961235319,"sadness","jenifel","@Nic0pic0 Lots of things Nico. Gud news: I have a job Bad news: Its in the middle of nowhere. Got my phone 4 twitter but cnt play videos."
1961235482,"surprise","UbikYeah","@GrafittiMySoul Hell if I know. @callunax I'm suffering"
1961236014,"neutral","youaretoofunny","http://twitpic.com/66shw - Just took this for class just 5 minutes ago its awsome being here too bad i graduate next year"
1961236025,"neutral","hideyourfires","i went to go check my phone for messages. then i remembered i dont have a phone anymore"
1961236508,"worry","Kevrmc","weather is making me gloomy"
1961236510,"worry","elpacko","lamentablemente paso  #jrztwitterlunch"
1961237275,"worry","suzybaby","it's so slow, and I want to go home already"
1961237351,"sadness","fleur_de_tulipe","sourish limbs is preventing me from gg out on a friday. not happy. i haven't been on at 12am for a v long time...even more so on a fri"
1961237596,"neutral","TaraPants","Blah. Work at job one all day and job two all night."
1961237668,"happiness","scampbell734","@lauradawg LOL she is okay, its just he songs are so catchy they get stuck in my head"
1961237914,"worry","gennin27","i'm worried because something bad happened today and i don't know what's gonna happen next."
1961238151,"hate","saretta_lilla","i'm getting ready for tonight (teachers dinner on the beach!) but it's raining and i hate this!"
1961238484,"worry","dodadoof","45Th st pub anyone tonight? Dont want to be a lonely drunk tonight"
1961238560,"worry","marmalaina","is hurt and upset and trying to smile when i feel broken inside"
1961238727,"happiness","FabienneFormsma","Back in Manchester. Whats with the weather? Sweaty"
1961238776,"surprise","MsElvisFrshly","@Fazenastynas no  and i remember that one too! shit was so fun. i got aladdin! - TOO fun omg. now i wanna play"
1961238907,"neutral","LadyTartan","@halbpro what's wrong with dressing in fifties fashion?"
1961238994,"worry","Dlick","The time is not my friend today"
1961239049,"relief","gillianwalsh","@MareBear2534 I know dude, i'm doing re-runs, making Jenny watch them now too so we can have conversations LOL.  Haven't been online much"
1961239166,"neutral","bitchwhocodes","@leifwells what time is our conference call??"
1961239181,"worry","loldemz","@MustBeBenHughes hahah! sadly there is no current activity though in the room"
1961239273,"sadness","anthonysusanto","sick of math"
1961239404,"hate","caarooliineex3","French isn't meant to be taught to asians"
1961239892,"happiness","AmandaSena","@KimberlySMoore It's good they're realistic, but I still don't like thinking about it!!!"
1961240344,"happiness","TinaSalazar","Finally left the house! It's gloomy outside."
1961240537,"neutral","fatty_linda","wants chocolate milkkk"
1961240547,"neutral","jenncecelia","I wanna go see the cab really bad."
1961240741,"happiness","melons_2009","Loving the sun today, even thought I should be revising. Not a good day though, been at Kates all afty, shit day for her bless her  x"
1961241352,"worry","StephIsHere","Went to get dog from vets, theyve stitched her ear, charged us for it but she still bleeds like a waterfall everytime she moves. D: WHY!"
1961241522,"worry","HilaT","Just found out I have to leave my lovely flat!! And been waiting 2.5 hours for a plumber. Still no job news.  Not a good day"
1961241573,"neutral","rylanb","@elijahmanor targeted browser for what?! I just read that Windows Mobile uses the IE6 core as its default."
1961241583,"hate","floatingbit","Damn, need to replace MacBook display. CHF 670 for work and hardware - almost half of the MB price"
1961241758,"worry","starcastillo","@BillyBush um, I think what I will miss the most is.. JAY LENO!!!!!!!!"
1961241909,"surprise","shinsh0ku","holy crap. where did all my time go? =/ gta4 has sucked away my life.. and wasted a whole week! ...i wish i had more self control"
1961242128,"worry","amandacraig","Ive totally not got that job  i can just tell."
1961242468,"sadness","MIKIMIKO","@jferlee I didn't see it last night!  Oh well. But I HAVE to watch it in theaters. That's a MUST."
1961242985,"sadness","briguy987","@jephjacques my three most hated words are "see you monday""
1961243059,"enthusiasm","MartinGBEdwards","Just been out to try to catch a swarm, gone into a roof gable end   Set up a bait hive an hoping for the best at the moment"
1961243110,"neutral","GennaLyn","ughhh seriously hung over"
1961243505,"sadness","DonnaWilliams85","extremely bored."
1961243837,"worry","rubyvong","why is it so fucking cold ??!"
1961243868,"surprise","mrbradgoreski","@alenadoma apparently a looong time seeing as they seem to be everywhere except LA"
1961244203,"happiness","geocachingbot","via @cornellfinch: Found #geocache Head's Up! http://coord.info/gc1ret6. Probably my only find of the day.  http://bit.ly/JS3S4"
1961244229,"worry","chickletchika","@MishDance i miss your dance friends too."
1961244280,"worry","xoKARLA","@HelenGoytizolo kayla & I went to go visit you but they wouldn't let us in school!"
1961244409,"sadness","Xambot","The computer at work hates me.  have to call tech support. Again..."
1961244432,"neutral","liber8dsoul","eh...but I'll be picking cotton soon....need to suppliment my income"
1961244630,"worry","Aggie_Beth06","My hair dresser passed away yesterday from breast cancer  She was the greatest hair dresser I'd ever been to!"
1961244696,"worry","mimsigiggles","getting ready to go to IKEA. All alone cuz no one will go with me"
1961244742,"neutral","kpotter1027","@Bbolin1469 Why is it going to be anti-social?"
1961244960,"neutral","SexyBeach","@tyhra_renee @MzLadi_B Fa real Me n Shay been on the toilet all night Shlda knwn sumthin ws up whn they didn't crd us 4 our Scorpian bwl"
1961245370,"empty","BrandySanDiego","I've only been up for an hour and today already sucks"
1961246006,"hate","ChulaD06","So I got the day off cuz I had hundreds of things to do....then I woke up with a f*ckin migrane...there goes my day in bed"
1961246096,"empty","ladymedic","Is not looking forward to the LSAT"
1961246115,"enthusiasm","seekingwolf","@DisneyLuis Aww what happened?"
1961246776,"worry","erkagarcia","@tommcfly I don't know what to write anymore! My mind must be tired. It's past midnight here already. Do a tour in the Philippines?"
1961247714,"fun","Knittwit","WORS bike race at camp this weekend=a total of 1500 people. Going anywhere Sunday is not an option as they race right past the house  #fb"
1961247733,"worry","klovve","I do not feel good"
1961247981,"hate","WLxboxRox56","@Natalie_McLife yeah that is the one thing i hate about tweetdeck"
1961248015,"worry","Suzze545","Cat is anxiously watching wild turkeys in my back yard....I think they have their eyes on my bunny rabbit"
1961248216,"happiness","BethhCunningham","@patsytravers http://twitpic.com/66sbz - thats actually adorable! ooh how i miss dude"
1961248529,"neutral","kt_11","work til 9"
1961248597,"love","YunuenLG","changos el link no me sirve mta"
1961248792,"sadness","merediiith","I wanna be out in the sunshineeeeeee"
1961249166,"hate","JenWojcik","Just look @ this hellacious desk...good grief  http://short.to/cevd"
1961249405,"sadness","macajun","@mrs_mcsupergirl ok, finished set u free, and i am sooooo mad rite now...it cant end like that, i dont want him to be the bad guy"
1961249566,"worry","zzwhitejd","@ME215 I know it's just a sprain. It's a repetitive injury for me."
1961249586,"neutral","ryehens","*yawn* At a hotel. Moving tomorrow"
1961249922,"worry","KimPossible40","@geekgirl444 apparently so!  I'm falling apart in front of my eyes"
1961250032,"neutral","chelsol5","I wish I could get sushi delivered to work"
1961251578,"surprise","alexlacasse","http://twitpic.com/66sls - @megelin and I just saw this monster dog in the park"
1961251747,"sadness","cherrystphoto","workout stunk...no headphones."
1961252266,"hate","tmarnette","I hate hiccups"
1961252528,"fun","AkoSiAngie","says ...tomorrow is another day...  http://plurk.com/p/x1pxh"
1961252725,"worry","87pennylane","such beautiful weather.. .why are u sick, baby ?  @ tanapolis"
1961253361,"happiness","kahren1o","@ddlovato miss chatting with you"
1961253585,"neutral","pixietschick","@stepherann....if you see Christoph please tell his lunch was packed this morning and he left it in the fridge"
1961253667,"worry","revodavid","This Wired article should have mentioned R, but didn't  http://tr.im/mNON #rstats"
1961253775,"sadness","bitemeouch","headache, headache, go away. come again another day...."
1961253896,"neutral","ashhhftw","Time is going slow"
1961254659,"sadness","kathnardus","i wish my drems could come true"
1961255219,"worry","merb101","@majcher I have been run down all week, going to bed around 8:30 each night because of my allergies. It is miserable."
1961255248,"neutral","TammyKreiss","@stevenbward my interview if picked is NY too. But you probably forgot about me after blogtalk radio."
1961255343,"worry","a_lilley",".@petraeujane Too bad they never made it over here during the last ten years"
1961255470,"sadness","gracielou105","im at home....on a friday night.  but it's all good!"
1961255487,"worry","JeffTheMidget","@Oblivion I know! I miss her..."
1961255989,"sadness","jbooogz","tired and bored, watching movies while i'm home alone"
1961256420,"neutral","jook11","@gracetanglefoot what? You won't be two blocks away any more?"
1961256717,"sadness","worldonfire54","Screw it goin back to bed,,ill just go tomorrow ,,,,,kinda sad"
1961257112,"hate","irock20012001","hates putting in new contacts"
1961257170,"love","velasutra","@sarrasina OMG...thank you so much for sending that, I hadn't seen yet. So loving the new Phoenix, too bad they're not coming to Seattle"
1961257236,"worry","karisheadspace","asks: did anyone possibly get a photo of me receiving my diploma? Dad's camera died right at that moment."
1961257427,"sadness","ladyofbrileith","@tinylegacies *sighs* Ah well.  Maybe my second email will clear it up and get him approved."
1961257565,"happiness","yashved_2890","Nt able to follow anyone  friendorfollow.com here i come!!! #itsucks"
1961257619,"worry","Kellyistheprez","Huffy is not having a good day night or life. Poor baby"
1961258392,"worry","valesse","Drunkduck misspelled "Buinne" for the announcement of the twenty-fifth page. I'm very sad."
1961258509,"worry","karl_casson","@africanewtonxx oh my god. i can't do the end of the dance  *sob*"
1961259981,"worry","mellerdsmrs","Has been listening to 2 nine yr olds, murdering hannah montanna on disney sing it.. Bring on the headache tablets!!"
1961260346,"happiness","EternalAegis","Ohhhh man  My mom got a bag of these caramel candy things, they're soooo good. I'm going to get so fat off of them ;__;"
1961260725,"worry","sleep23rd","@aftashok    i dont forget yall...i dont think im lowkey..i think i spend a lot of time on here actually..sometimes too much"
1961261012,"surprise","IconShe","ok so my appointment WAS at 12pm why am I still waiting 2 get my hair done. Wish everyone know the meaning of on time. I was here early 2"
1961261342,"worry","air_nautique","I can't stop crying......I can't live like this."
1961261601,"sadness","heathfries","i hate interviews. im going to do horrible today"
1961261633,"sadness","kgwirthalot","@BrendonBudness unfortunatley it is the tooth kind of crown"
1961261937,"happiness","d0rsch","Hallooo bayern!hallooo stau!"
1961262423,"neutral","ubiquitousmixie","everything is spinning"
1961262579,"worry","hashitsucks","@yashved_2890 Nt able to follow anyone  friendorfollow.com here i come!!! #itsucks"
1961262584,"neutral","ComcastBonnie","@IncrediBILL actually, web works fine. tweetdeck keeps crashing  i'm in NJ today avoiding nascar"
1961262703,"sadness","amolamo1980","@lexie_98 Kevin can't leave work until 2"
1961263203,"sadness","izaartillero","Head ache  Tom's call time is really early because the shows will start at 2:30PM. Recovered like 150+ photos already... 700 more to go!"
1961263656,"happiness","MzLaffy","@ShannonGrissom @grannypig #followfriday thank you!  I'm still not even close to what I had as @GottaLaff"
1961263879,"worry","webmaster_paul","@laylakayleigh i miss music on mtv!"
1961263895,"worry","homebug","I'm sad to have lost another person close to me to cancer"
1961264051,"neutral","czarphanguye","Pissed that my bluetooth headset's battery out lasted my cell's battery... Gg moto q."
1961264123,"sadness","nathanrdotca","@RoxieDax Ten hours ago, I was was sleeping, sorry."
1961264292,"love","yana008","It's officially the start and the end of my summer. Oh summer school"
1961264801,"worry","DeliaLogan","@jane_l I blame you for 1/2 price Fridays replacing Free Book Fridays. They don't want you doing #rrtheatre anymore."
1961264949,"worry","AllCall747","Back is SORE... should not have done that jump last night"
1961265008,"worry","zerocattle","@johannabee I hope it's something relatively minor and easy to heal. I can't stand it when the furbabies get sick."
1961265994,"sadness","andelainbritain","is in route 2 da' beach! No sun yet"
1961266148,"sadness","lisachaves","Aww nobody likes the album I posted after a million attempts  Boohoo"
1961266371,"neutral","FionaFlame","@LucyFurLeaps It's still up the duff boo"
1961266457,"worry","curious_kitten","@MissMelody in my opinion one gray hair is one too many... I have way too many as well"
1961267581,"neutral","give_love_a_try","Please don't forget us"
1961268054,"sadness","yoelittabongso","I was supported to do things I didn't like,, n when I was about to do what I intrested in,, mom always refused it..."
1961268137,"sadness","HRx3","I really miss my phone  i cant wait till my new one comes"
1961268227,"sadness","guitargirl897","now the pic wont load up on twitter"
1961268384,"sadness","srose2go","@novemberlight I sometimes fail"
1961268446,"sadness","wanderblah","@fossiloflife was being sarcy as usual"
1961268658,"sadness","LILPARADIVA","@SpookyJenB @diver4skynsea Stop it, you are makin' me sad"
1961268941,"neutral","christianarobb","June gloom is upon us."
1961269073,"happiness","BrandySanDiego","@socallove yeah  it will get better though  i know it!"
1961269392,"hate","oh_btw_porscha","English exam! Bleh i hate vocab"
1961269403,"happiness","Sar205","I'm packed up & leaving my Canterbury office & my fab QA&V colleagues for the last time   A great bunch of people. I will miss you xx"
1961269607,"worry","Volatol","Just got laid off  stupid economy!"
1961269752,"neutral","LordSinuhe","Tomorrowland central hasn't gotten confirmation that I'm signed off on Star Tours, so just waiting to see if they can give me a shift."
1961269902,"sadness","gacktxrawr","bad hair day"
1961276271,"anger","steamonbeamon","Shout out to my moms for wakin me up so prematurely! Preciate it"
1961276457,"neutral","BeccaAnn1015","@StLCardsGuy me either"
1961276691,"hate","cjdkc","Holy crap...Sharapova is taking a beating from an unseeded qualifier...ok, o back to doubles!"
1961276730,"sadness","AndRememberThis","@ToyStory2wasOk The party has to be moved to next weekend  ..stupid weather."
1961277076,"sadness","MzBe","@sirhova I was supposed to go to philly as well....bailed out last minute"
1961277154,"love","cbmatthews","Just read McDonald's is actually running more ads than before the economic slowdown. Great. I'm lovin it."
1961277560,"neutral","melkins","@getgood I missed out on carrot cake last night.  Hope you had fun @wxwm."
1961278370,"neutral","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Oh no! A lot of people are starting to tweet again! Hope you could still read our multiple tweets  Philippines tour, please?"
1961278423,"sadness","Althe","@Cinderell4 bad luck  oh well next time you will be more lucky..."
1961278745,"worry","in_orbit","@Mister_SEX I do!  I'll probably get fired if I do though"
1961278872,"sadness","druellan","Really good concepts at #mozconcept. I *really* love to send something mine, but no time"
1961279333,"worry","ohsht","he killed everyone for nothing. :o  :-ss"
1961280361,"worry","queenmab100","@jenberesford So sorry to hear about your mom! that really sucks"
1961280467,"sadness","Jeraly","Ugh - car got stolen sometime between yesterday evening and this morning when husband was due to go to work  Like we can afford this???"
1961280610,"worry","Rowenaaaa","@SuperGinge Inorite, humid as well"
1961280999,"happiness","kellsmania","My Degree  [Tear] happy moment!  http://mypict.me/1ZpF"
1961281663,"happiness","anniedarlynx","Have a happy Friday and weekend everyone .. TGIF for me is nothing"
1961281760,"sadness","meredithjevans","im sad about missing out on the opportunity to be in valencia's new video."
1961281798,"worry","Deemao","@mileycyrus I think i have same disorder, stay up al night 4 no reason n sleep al day !!  SUUUKS"
1961281804,"happiness","missvmarie","@mariamariamaria i'm sorry you aren't feeling too good, mama  I'm heading up today @ 4, i'll be calling you .."
1961281805,"sadness","bonyay","Leaving NOLA today  Counting down the seconds 'til I start crying. Love this place so much."
1961282068,"happiness","georgiamae31","@AnnaSaccone Seeing my friends and doing coursework  I have the weekend off work so I am happy!"
1961282376,"anger","MRajotte","Stupid red hair is too difficult on the upkeep. Re-dyed it a more manageable brown-red. Boo"
1961282406,"happiness","xSwitchBoardx","@alliemunchkin :3, Youtube loves my HD videos  well maybe."
1961282497,"hate","sleepywhale","@tylerakira - ughhh!!! have to go back there tonight"
1961282930,"worry","simonquick","can't wait to get his hands on his new blackberry, this one is dying on me"
1961283058,"worry","vshchen","Searching apartments in Kaohsiung. Will go seeing the apartments on next Tuesday. Haven't found a good one with reasonable rent..."
1961283172,"sadness","svonnah","@AliceS1 hey, I can't make it to Makers tonight"
1961283943,"happiness","emohoho","Licking chocolate crumbs off a Twirl wrapper like Zammo on smack"
1961284163,"love","LaReinhard","@ispybeauty philly was soooo fun. im trying to come to sea isle asap. im working alot the next two weeks tho b/c alot of peole asked off"
1961284403,"neutral","monsieurlam","They had a site, then a blog, now they have the worst zoning/concept of the year - Heaven.fr, tell meh it's a fake"
1961284535,"neutral","Gabi_Jones","Lack of plans for tonight  Anyone going out?"
1961284607,"worry","jesssicababesss","@IvanaE grrrrrrrrrrrrrr ive barely read any of it"
1961284750,"sadness","jonshuler","@cbobcreson @silatjunkie  So, @kfrieze just pointed out to me that she has not been able to be involved in this convo for lack an iPhone"
1961284984,"hate","MarjamM","Today i Know, My Life Is Empty...  Thats sad but real!!"
1961285420,"hate","KatieVoid","@brooketastic my keys were cracking and crap. I kind of miss my old phone already."
1961285974,"surprise","lrv94","AHHHH! Cant find anything because I have way too much open"
1961286038,"worry","salster812","Gone up to 8mm on my plug. Help, this is where I said I'd go maximum and I still want to stretch it more..."
1961286197,"sadness","MD_2389","It has been 24 hours now, since I had my dog put to sleep.  RIP my old friend."
1961286235,"sadness","JamiexLynn","I wouldn't mind some sunshine and a walk. Where are you, summer??"
1961286373,"neutral","__xEW","i have such a sore head"
1961286550,"fun","emmyvictoria","@ashleytisdale have fun!!!!  i dont have school for a while, wish i could go to germany... its like 1 hour away  xoxo"
1961286703,"sadness","thatladyj","@windycitypretty that is sickening... Just shoot at will? Smh... Prayers for his family..."
1961287051,"worry","kay_001","gosh im bored. its early..n i wanna go..to sleeeepp why am i at work?  *kay<3*"
1961287132,"worry","thatwaseasy012","no more twitter in a while   .. tweet tweet"
1961287379,"sadness","aarondcoleman","@Annie713 It's ugly and gray outside even in San Diego. Not too cold, will get to 70, but May-gray June-gloom for us all"
1961287443,"enthusiasm","simonprobert","@jodiekearns I'm there all weekend, expecting it to be way too hot"
1961287800,"love","erkagarcia","@tommcfly My eyes are starting to hurt! It's getting super late. But I just gotta keep tweeting. Haha! Philippines tour, please, Tom?"
1961287802,"sadness","stefanij411","Finally got a call for marriage counseling 3 days late...."
1961287855,"empty","GemFelicity","I must have applied for about 20 jobs every day this week, why won't one of them contact me???"
1961288431,"worry","RonnyJohnson30","@mommymbd nope anthony wrecked his car i have to help him get it running"
1961288549,"worry","1heart1bullet","Can't believe this Shit! I've spend 30 minutes for for a snickers ice cream... Seems like no one does then anymore!"
1961288665,"fun","Zzerbe","Morning...I woke up to watch @taylorswift13 on the Today show. You rocked it girl. Wish I could have been there. So close but so far away"
1961289110,"happiness","MissisAt","finally got out of a 12 km traffic jam. we'll probably not be able to make it in time for a few laps tonight"
1961289509,"sadness","Explosivpotato","Smart cars are the most worthless cars ever made. & it makes me sad how many of them I see anymore."
1961290071,"worry","dannyswrld","@brewstermax true but if I don't put a case on it I'll break it in a week.  don't worry ill find a way to make it work."
1961290460,"worry","chriss_yst","Will you guy's keep voting for her and ask u'r followers to help to. Only 4days left before competitions close."
1961290637,"surprise","donnasfineart","Hi ya twitt's..so leaving sat morning here in TX..sad  I guess gotta really find a job now..if anyone in Atlanta needs a great designer.."
1961290660,"sadness","AinzForever","@mmitchelldaviss mitchell i tryed to add you on xbox live lastnight during when i was in your live show, but your friends list is full"
1961291085,"worry","wealldrown","My throat is killing me"
1961291344,"empty","agreenwizald","I'm struggling today...Nola woke up at 3:30, so I'm running on no sleep."
1961291543,"neutral","manduday","is still craving for a cheeseburger."
1961291682,"neutral","mrb10170","Back from Worcester.  My work week starts on Friday at 2:30."
1961291796,"relief","twitchy67","@unmarketing boo i'm a week late  how long u in town for?"
1961291826,"neutral","snipeyhead","@thefremen Even IE8 would be better"
1961292475,"worry","SannyBanny","@_YoureMyHeroine :'( i really know how you feelin. i wish i could hug you"
1961292495,"worry","abbiepegler","Roasting to most probably death"
1961293363,"empty","superpitching","let me out"
1961293583,"sadness","tanyatweet","Gus, formally known as world's ugliest dog has died  We'll miss you, Gus http://bit.ly/exjcn"
1961293657,"happiness","CatQ","@nicolahunt nice way 2 end the week..."
1961293731,"surprise","Figmom","Yesterday I heard a song about taking a base onto a plane. Can someone help me find it? I don't know anything else about it."
1961294009,"sadness","AriBarth","Finally sunny days and I'm too sick to go outside and play."
1961294273,"worry","Kylie_Grrwawr","ger my foot is killing me and i miss my matthew"
1961294291,"neutral","newvibes","@3stripe yeah, still waitin'"
1961294566,"love","alc18","is back home now      gonna miss every one"
1961294676,"worry","alexflowers","@violetph  Gods sake it isn't even your birthday yet  i need a cool job like that."
1961294813,"neutral","TheAnge","Last lunch with the interns"
1961294895,"sadness","secretlemonade","so freaking tired.  It's like my body refuses to move."
1961295206,"worry","Lyn_Marie","It's too hot.  I don't like it."
1961295249,"hate","EllisBlackman","Too hot. Station isn't packed but train packed. No windows open on train. Roasted sardines."
1961295702,"worry","j_ts","Ugh worried about my math test"
1961295710,"surprise","JoshSemans","@catashton I got my film developed at asda, half of them are just gray!! And some have a black box on the top half  why?"
1961295754,"worry","nikolila","I wish the weather would be slightly less rainy so I could use the hot tub."
1961295778,"sadness","TwittingNala","I fell! I think my knee is broken  but I look fabulous"
1961296034,"neutral","astallaselle","I hate today."
1961296117,"happiness","StephenRL","Thanks everyone. Unfortunately nothing can be done. The sales speak for themselves, and if that doesn't convince Diamond, nothing will."
1961296251,"sadness","shakirawr","now my ds just died  whatta letdown!"
1961296442,"hate","popthebob","@socialcalamity Haha k we should stop here. If not, it's going to turn into a bitching section. Ohwell, my parents just came home"
1961296484,"relief","ELCastro","My ipod has taken it's last breath... Im truly devastated. I have lost my public transportation companion"
1961296731,"worry","plumpqt","*meow* a week ago today @sevilla90 was here and we were road trippin"
1961296739,"neutral","Schroedinger99","@AlexanderLaw I singularly failed to provoke anyone when I posted on this blog last time round"
1961297439,"sadness","StormClaudi","@IzzyJ_Is_Here oh hun, i'm sorry... out of everything you've been through, the last thing you deserve is to be unhappy at home.."
1961297634,"neutral","misshelen20","just come in from the garden. It is very warm out there but beautiful. Didnt do much revision though"
1961297844,"neutral","rkapuaala","@tgtommy the link sent me to a tax relief web page"
1961298167,"happiness","skotakiscool","@lanceseabourn I know  but this sub is sooooo good"
1961298383,"relief","UncleTee","Praise the advantages of todays copy protection: can not run my fresh installed 3D app, since the licensing system don�t let me."
1961298594,"happiness","Writermind","Whistling while you work = LAME! lol"
1961298863,"surprise","twinkljiawenni","TGIF Resto here at home is dayuummm expensive!"
1961299367,"sadness","sprJR","WALC-ers are you ready to cry? its going to be a long day of reminiscing"
1961299868,"sadness","Dansharon","@banjoist123 may I ask what bluegrass means? Sorry in advance for looking a bit silly by asking"
1961362298,"worry","Althe","@Cinderell4 i don't like to see you like this...  there must be something to make you smile..."
1961362343,"worry","LianneFarbes","@dfarver76 Good BUT it's supposed to storm later"
1961362797,"enthusiasm","karmachord","@shadowfish But I'd have to drive  Or get a taxi. Do you have a pool table/jukebox?"
1961363056,"worry","BEKbeergirl","I want some sushi today"
1961363072,"sadness","mewissaxx","not long in from sunbathing and burnt"
1961363292,"sadness","stevegarufi","@ShellyKramer I've had a fever for the past 48 hours. You should see me. I'm unshaven, puffy face and look pathetic!"
1961363882,"sadness","GatorGames","@morgret Probably not, kinda expensive and we have to work. Most people have off weekends, we work."
1961364975,"worry","HypeDaGreat","@CarmelaMarie I'm okay. Ima go to the park and play some ball. Not in the best of moods. Got stress to relieve."
1961365086,"relief","what_sadie_sang","Going off BC is making me break out."
1961365182,"surprise","EzzieB","i cant believe this woman talked me into getting a different hairstyle...real talk though...i have no clue of what to do with my hair"
1961365526,"worry","FeLicia_Jole","Had to take my bad ass dog to the pet hotel....so sad"
1961365538,"worry","Rajal1066","chilling on the sofa, I hate vaccinations, I feel sooo ill"
1961365631,"worry","conker_m","lost my game  by 3 POINTS!!!!!"
1961365885,"worry","karenn_jonas","just got back from my exam... im surely gonna fail...now trying 2 get tickets 4 il divo! someone doesnt want us 2b there!!!"
1961365936,"happiness","JodiMullen","@KirstynSmith I spent 3 hours sitting out in the sun - picnic lunch + ice cream = win. We should have had a BBQ today"
1961366066,"worry","Jmanley209","I'm taking a twitter break. Cell is dying"
1961367066,"love","snapefantasy","Happy Friday. Just pulled some yummy radishes out of the garden. Hope the strawberries turn out. Still no blooms."
1961367642,"sadness","jackiiewaynee","@devontebrown its cuz you love me. dont make me sad"
1961367924,"worry","skyelux","my little booboo is sick"
1961368089,"surprise","baldwinm","Wishing I could be in NOLA this weekend  oh well, I'll be there Tuesday!"
1961368576,"surprise","tarynvonfabu","Im going to go to bed again, ear (both) infection, I am completely dizzy, yyyyuck! My stomach is hurting too  Peace-out loves"
1961368743,"neutral","emilieyeager","can't eat real food. It's pizza Friday.  Off to find some soup..."
1961369097,"happiness","AbiAjmehar","want food too"
1961369133,"neutral","MasterAwesome","@aostheller Oceans 12"
1961369134,"enthusiasm","kim_webchic","@HDEnvy Thanks!  Unfortunately the EU had probs with his satellite provider, so even though his TV LOOKS great, it's basically useless"
1961369135,"love","kailanichole","i love mandy moore so much  and also angela"
1961369306,"happiness","Paul_Gandersman","@indiepixie omg a roach was in my room for the first time ever in this apartment today. I hope I don't have Patricia luck next"
1961369507,"sadness","spinyminion","NOO!! XBOX got red rings of death"
1961369742,"sadness","Catiejo","favorite shirt ruined:death by bleach  #fb"
1961370161,"sadness","Canadian_Monkey","Missed getting my "Twilight" jacket @ modcloth! Man I wish I didn't have long monkey arms and could of gotten the L instead!!"
1961370189,"neutral","Kelleykirk","Hiiiiii! I texted u the other day and u didn't respond  what's up with that?!"
1961370766,"happiness","kateesther_2g","well im gonna go shower now. gotta get rdy 4 movies in a couple hours!   byeee   ~~  Esther <3    p.s.s i miss u katherine"
1961370844,"relief","pohelia","Has finally finished emulsioning the bathroom. Now for gloss work"
1961370877,"neutral","RevJArthurRank","@Rambleredhead I think I'd be like Phoebe's mom on friends - Stop the movie before the sad part."
1961371221,"worry","sarahbeery","@dulcedementia   poor Stuart...    I was wondering where he was!  Moving day today!I expect a welcome cake or case neighbor .... hehehe"
1961371560,"worry","reemabhullar","taking sad to a whole new level"
1961371704,"sadness","iamnotepad","@joaniemaloney yep  which sucks because i thought somewhere it said it was.."
1961372044,"sadness","jclynariandra","Suddenly I remember all the memories with him  ohhh please"
1961372139,"empty","aurpurple517","Google going down means DoubleClick goes down too, means I can't get any work done."
1961372360,"surprise","Pedroperrito","I made it six days in a row w/out an accident in the house and then pops took me to a strange place and didn't give me time after b-fast"
1961372664,"neutral","Uk_joedan_fan","@Donniesbabe I will post it later. Its not on my comp"
1961373002,"surprise","happyherbivore","If I "unfollowed" you - its NOT on purpose. Something fishy is going on with my Tweet Deck !! Let me know if I "unfollowed" you."
1961373240,"sadness","rbuike","Paid all my bills only to go out to the mailbox to find more of them"
1961373517,"worry","sarah_loo","i think my ipod is sick  it doesn't want to connect to any wi-fi . . ."
1961373526,"worry","maaangelaaa","I'm feeling nauseous."
1961374293,"worry","VioletsCRUK","#ivealwayswantedtosay Sorry to his wife also for moonying her...she was a lovely lady and it was a dare...she did not deserve that!"
1961374502,"fun","Melabooty","@2dimples2 I dunno man. How bout some wendy's?? mmmmmm we dont gots that in H-town"
1961374838,"worry","PrettiiRickii","not feelin 2 well  im not sick, jus feel like blah... (especially my stomach) anotha 7 hours 2 go, but workday is so far so good."
1961375203,"neutral","yraffah","My 70-200mm lens hood fell in the #red-sea"
1961375293,"empty","prowler_pilot","feels really weird today."
1961375321,"sadness","quine","No one wants to sit with me at lunch  I guess I'll just bury my head in my laptop and continue to be anti-social."
1961375377,"worry","tkapil","@vivek1209    Whn r u goin to Europe?"
1961375406,"sadness","lolamarya","I think my book is gone forever... we mourn forever  SHIT!"
1961375665,"neutral","apesxessence","@flyguyvan can u let her kno that lady's not spayed and potty trained :/  then see if she still wants her"
1961375715,"happiness","twid","Oh great, Radio Disney doesn't crash with the latest webkit, so my kid can run it again. HEY WAIT."
1961376024,"worry","gbsinkers","Oh snap!  Just broke my windshield while replacing my wiper blades."
1961376088,"neutral","MadCacher","You guys need to get on me. It's been 2 weeks since I've went on a cache hunt  #geocaching"
1961376644,"worry","lauralouwho2","Phooey!  They've planned CAMPING for my class reunion. I. Hate. Camping. ...and being the only single girl left from my graduating class."
1961376747,"neutral","danni82","@inflight1 that sucks mama"
1961377009,"sadness","blaktornado","is a failure"
1961377527,"sadness","rdk389","I misses my bed  so sleepy!"
1961377689,"love","diver4skynsea","@LILPARADIVA @spookyjenb and Em, my baby, starts kindergarten.  What a crazy summer it's going to be."
1961377769,"worry","Da7o0om","@AsMooNy ta3ally ma3ahaa w e83idy sa5neeha ly 6ool el 6ireee8  astaaahil wla :-p <<< kfff looool wallah thx bard w 7ar ahm shy 8ahwaaa =|"
1961378101,"hate","jerdana","grr!  i hate being damn near forced to go places.  especially to sit on a bus for an entire day just to sit in a house in podunktown, va"
1961378231,"worry","IrishMel21","@stacey79 that sucks - I'm still hungry and sucked down my food."
1961378507,"worry","dolts007","i thought follow friday was about gaining new friends, not losing them."
1961379174,"neutral","Garvaos","@MatthewFuller i did i only got 3 stars on the pre wash then failed the rince"
1961379196,"sadness","robertjm","Earthlink says our modem is dead.  They want me to buy a new one or sign up for a one year contract ARGH!!!"
1961379327,"worry","scripps89","sunniest week for ages....and exams"
1961379370,"sadness","The_Moses","Frustrated with copying 13Gigs across USB 1.1.Stupid old servers"
1961379459,"sadness","darkpazu","Drag me to hell soundtrack from Christopher Young is delayed from june 2nd to july 7. That's SUCKS pretty bad."
1961408948,"relief","x_kiraa_x","Actually I'm really missing Fabian  Which is pretty sad since i talked to him like... 2 hours ago! Gosh time flies when you miss someone."
1961409028,"love","JessicaNewberry","Already feel like such an idiot on the phone and it makes it worse when Brandon says I didn't say the right stuff"
1961409278,"worry","Pentagramdreams","I don't think the coffee at work agreed with my tummy"
1961409415,"sadness","mike_itchue","Ben & Jerry's fail. Got email for free ice cream. Says click here to redeem coupon. When I click, I get error message  @cherrygarcia"
1961409599,"sadness","Laura_Amaro","Listening to Opeth. Trying not to think about missing their show in San Antonio. Failing"
1961409619,"neutral","cbeckkk","Going to third"
1961409814,"boredom","chloethelwell","@KatherineLunt Really bored tonight though  Your book I think (Y) xxxxx"
1961409826,"sadness","OhMyDamnKelsey","Almost fell asleep under the hair dryer  so tired, feel like I'm going to puke"
1961410114,"sadness","orangefreak33","@eightwednesday @emilyhilleren I lost that membership when I got boosted to the 3 D club.  It's lonely."
1961410162,"worry","bandbabe09","if officially done with high school....  so sad... i miss them already! movie later???"
1961410317,"sadness","loew01","wow, I didn't realized that there is a limit to the "more" button. That sucks... I guess two days is the max to not sign in to twitter.  !"
1961410421,"sadness","beachbumCHIC","i need new running shoes!! my feet are completely torn up"
1961410498,"empty","mizzery85","@alisonhaislip I envy everyone on AOTS..."
1961410551,"sadness","jogbert","@jkblacker Unfortunately I'm not @jamesog - someone's squatting on that"
1961410704,"worry","BuyZombie","I know I'm already a week behind on FF. Will TRY to get one done today! Called into work 2hrs early due to problems so will be a busy day"
1961411182,"surprise","stidrill","Is there ever going to be another production of The Last 5 Years in NY????????? I still haven't seen it"
1961411786,"neutral","hongxinman","@dlanham hey is there a way u can make a somatic theme for leopard? some themes have installers already that are shapeshifter independent"
1961411848,"neutral","ofbondstreet","You said you effed up your nose!"
1961412098,"surprise","wilkinsonjk","What a dreary day in LA. Where did all our sunshine go?"
1961412216,"surprise","marlenacs","Take that back on the cast...one dropped last night!"
1961412381,"neutral","pacotacomike","Reading through today's paper along with some watered down coffee compliments of my 'rents..."
1961412397,"worry","erin_bury","@Renee3 Oh no!! I hope it's not bad"
1961412612,"sadness","ella_1417","Young love comes to an end"
1961412752,"sadness","elliieemaee","im well bored  had a great half term and i dont wanna go back to school on monday :'( enjoying the hot weatler lo0l ;)"
1961412836,"worry","jmoran319","@kedge0417 is work next door sucking again"
1961413380,"love","TuxInvader","Tweeting to tweeple about my tweens, for tomorrow I am 30"
1961413415,"worry","Summie56","waiting to go to 4th period to get the final over with. omgg im sooo gonna fail"
1961413599,"sadness","PrincessNene08","Dang my own LDBF didnt give me a Follow Friday shot out"
1961413646,"neutral","LaurenRivenbark","@mekya05 yes, i found you! come to greenville. perfect weekend for pictures and no sidekick to go shooting with"
1961414473,"fun","Umtalimary","@Tashster Have a cold one for me, I'm just off to work now"
1961414627,"empty","Fred1337","just get back home. the first exam was too long no time to finish it ..."
1961415101,"empty","JazzieeBee","it's beeen onee year"
1961415193,"worry","caatheedee","Anxious for my dance recital tonorrow at UP :/ Groove Central will be miiiiissed  Coach Mycs! Loveyouuuu!"
1961415222,"surprise","Kloecor","@AngelIbarra @ZombieNicholas DUBLIN TOMORROW!! Cant wait.. hope ye are excited  Been over a year since last time"
1961415242,"neutral","cjdkc","Sharapova loses 1st set 6-1"
1961415253,"worry","Kogenre","*sad face* project-m keeps crashing my itunes"
1961415370,"sadness","StossyStoss","This is what I am drinking instead of beer: Airport is out of beer.. At least it is carbonated...  http://mypict.me/1Zu9"
1961415441,"surprise","AlfieJG","@LenaAlli i dont even know now lenaaa  when you going clothes show?"
1961415771,"fun","unaffected","#FollowFriday In honor of my web buddies who moved.  @warpdesign @cianan @BigToach @mikedelgado"
1961415800,"neutral","jlovely","@Hi_Im_Chris in the other room on my work laptop  fb chat might work"
1961416052,"worry","wildJ09","i look like crap right now  im very fucking moody to  *Shooting Star*"
1961416273,"sadness","nicolah","@xxxmaggie oh that sucks  I'm sorry."
1961416554,"neutral","ritwik1st","From twitterberry moved to ubertwitter - suffered from BB cache errors"
1961416663,"neutral","Partyplanqueen","@LisaTalkingTots sorry to hear your news"
1961416739,"neutral","Ricadym3diva","@MrYungKL smH daTs whacK"
1961416770,"worry","youToldHarpo","I need to get it together before Ricky gets home. He is not going to be pleased about me breaking up this damn bathroom"
1961416950,"surprise","kreativlink","@lovessunflowers Oh no! Dead muffins ... how sad"
1961417007,"hate","Wolfgang_","My TweetDeck is languishing in API Hell. Again."
1961417191,"worry","LisaSullivan","@MyNC I was wondering....   Have a GREAT weekend!"
1961417329,"enthusiasm","skybluetom4","Back in lancaster bored already, can't wait to start work! Missing hel!"
1961417426,"sadness","lusciousfmh","i could tell its gonna be an angry day..."
1961417506,"sadness","AlexForce","NW Macedonia: Few rainy days in a row."
1961417762,"neutral","tiffanywallace","Eww town fair tire smells horrible. Its making me sick"
1961417787,"worry","mikeemouse10","@Marianna26 hey mar! i miss you also ( yeah  but i gotta find a stupidstupid school ("
1961418607,"worry","pslove","@ahaulil I have a bird living with me.  So I have to find other ways to kill these damn things beside the exterminator.   #vegas it sucks"
1961418669,"sadness","EyeHaate","I hate it when my sweetie has a bad day  http://tinyurl.com/lr22dj"
1961418694,"sadness","starkissed","@verbs_n_nouns ikr? my parents take the cake tho, they don't grocery shop and they go out to eat all the time just them 2..."
1961419132,"worry","ofbondstreet","@Stubinho you said you fucked up your nose!"
1961419627,"neutral","ChaosRu","Nobody likes to feel low priority."
1961420052,"fun","danimeex","@successorstate yeah it was face2face  nite we went to palisades to see star trek. i can't remember it. i said it while we were in the car"
1961420596,"worry","smashedthehomie","i'll do follow friday a little later on...i'm busy taking over this lady's job."
1961420631,"worry","erinNarry","So sorry if i've been typing wrongly. usually, after i've typed something, i wont read. i'll just press the 'enter' button"
1961420714,"sadness","shafah","@philispig  Is competition around the corner? if not take it slow for at least a week. Twisted my ankle back in jc, awfully painful."
1961420977,"sadness","taniacastillo79","@jmorgan0909 and I'm not getting another one ... There's only 1 alfie"
1961421307,"sadness","italktotrees","@AC_1 welcome to the twitter world Andrew! tell david to have a twitter too haha just kiddin' i know he doesn't want to have one.. booo.."
1961421359,"neutral","dreamer728","@tracybegins me too bb"
1961422033,"neutral","enjoi93","@artybloodyfarty ok then"
1961422091,"neutral","siwels196","@postsecret had a life changing redhead - she got away"
1961422291,"worry","Cholocadise","I'm really not feeling today...soooo much work to do and I have a soar throat  gosh"
1961422360,"worry","sweety10189110","My teeth and my eye hurt   someone make them feel better"
1961422514,"sadness","titch88","I think it's unfair I have to miss the sun  all places of work should be closed an writing essays should not be allowed when it's sunny!"
1961422703,"worry","lskhoward","Chauncey is giving his last sac speech..."
1961422722,"love","ShNurAthira","goodnight loveee, i have to attend extra classes at school tmrw. urgh"
1961422811,"sadness","Bower2002","Co-worker's last day  we are going to miss her"
1961423330,"hate","hautecouturedol","@lelebaby21 @JazzyFiierce u guys are soo unfair smh..."
1961423558,"love","LizisforLoversx","@amandagelso i know  mark is still one of my favorite boys ever. So nice and adorable."
1961423712,"neutral","Simplytracy63","I am using an on-screen keyboard"
1961423737,"surprise","colocelt","@JCinQC it is far from downtown, 30-40 minutes or so  and they do have veggie burgers"
1961423828,"worry","mavss","@Metal0520 I haven't talked to you since the last day of school!  that's no right."
1961423948,"neutral","kinkpink","@so_zwitschert There's supposed to be a <3 at the end of my last tweet but I guess twitter ate it"
1961424200,"sadness","thisiskrystals","Evermore & End of Fashion rocks! My poor foot though! oww! injured my foot. not good. will be sore tomorrow.  details to follow  later"
1961424843,"love","TiffanyStrobel","@adlounge  Hey! Wanted to confirm we're still meeting at Rivoli @ 6pm?  I can only stay for an hour and a bit  #adlounge"
1961425011,"worry","iamrichgirl","@jessnextdoor aww...  try to rest na lang muna... ^^"
1961425640,"surprise","dreambunny34d","hangover today"
1961425654,"fun","pokerman78","@sexxieluv I wanna go to a SexxieLuv party though"
1961425775,"sadness","kaseyuppling","ughhh studying for finals i wish i could go to prom"
1961426132,"worry","meroxs86","i am waaayyyy hungry!  oh fyi my work email is down again BLAH!"
1961426457,"worry","fanofbsb4ever","@backstreetboys  totally missed the chatroom. I'm so lame"
1961426774,"hate","mnordhoff","Oh god, a moth was living in a fucking power outlet!  (Actually, my PowerSquid.)"
1961427289,"sadness","BabyKitten98","Sometimes I forget that boys have feelings too"
1961427598,"neutral","KarennaColcroft","@moriagerard I haven't had one for a long time. Too expensive"
1961427701,"worry","thepurplediva","@GoodGreenTea Its been a fun afternoon for me trying though....BBQ's out now though...feeling a bit sick"
1961427916,"hate","adindawungo","@Hatz94 me too. I hate my computer so much.."
1961427930,"sadness","nicolemalfoy","I also think that I'm talking to myself now. Okay I need to get to bed. BTW, I miss my brothers."
1961427932,"worry","livefromthe225","sinus headaches suck big time!"
1961427963,"relief","TheMakeupSnob","@Ames1103 I think that boat sailed my friend... The few CCO's that had them, had them months ago....  I wish you luck though..."
1961428280,"fun","katyaxoxo","@Ana_Surprise its soooo funny! thanks or today. btw, lebron harassed me"
1961428487,"worry","ohsnapattack","(@gbsinkers) Oh snap!  Just broke my windshield while replacing my wiper blades."
1961429900,"love","SophieMarina","@KirstenAlexa I KNOW! I love Nicholas Braun & I think he'll make an okay Cameron but I don't wanna see it either"
1961430280,"worry","James_yeah","Damn being broke on the day Guitar Hero Metallica comes out!  Boooooooo"
1961430716,"worry","TrippyToria21","how come when i straighten my hair it has to sprinkle"
1961431194,"hate","Carideo","so much for an amazing day...some pervert just ruined it"
1961431402,"sadness","erkagarcia","@tommcfly It's 12:30AM, @buonotomato stopped tweeting, my brain's not functioning. I wanna cry. Haha. Philippines tour, please?  Love ya!"
1961431531,"neutral","fetisha","@Scrapbooks I have no idea"
1961431769,"neutral","_fiddlesticks_","I'm a giver, and life rewards the takers.  We givers make takers possible, but we get no appreciation for what we do--we just get taken."
1961431798,"neutral","mariawillbeokay","Seriously. I dont like girls."
1961431802,"sadness","radicalroad","ate all my chocolate"
1961431982,"sadness","littlered_h","moving back home today. pro: obnoxiously closer to @thom1937 con: no more mpls runs/excursions for at least a year."
1961432140,"worry","pamsprayng","Dang i didnt even remember it was my bday today"
1961432262,"worry","LenaAlli","@AlfieJG I don't think I am, my sisters refusn to get me a ticket now.  what you doing next week?"
1961432558,"worry","andrewburgess","I can't eat a hot pocket anymore without thinking about Jim Gaffigan"
1961433029,"empty","MishDance","Cleaning my room.."
1961433056,"surprise","Erika_is_crazy","sucks that i don't have a drawing tablet!"
1961433106,"sadness","Bgfilly","@saxa246  ive been trying to get over her for years, its so hard to move on, when youre so in love..it sucks"
1961433178,"love","agustinahs","want to see him so badly"
1961433327,"worry","jhavibha","How would we get thousand battlegrounds  #battleground, I mean we don't even know how could we reach which number to make it trending tpc"
1961433491,"love","eduardoruiz","NOOOO!!!  "thehannabeth: i have a crush... ;)""
1961433640,"surprise","poketh","@francecino its alright babes >< boo. im gonna leave agaiiiiin"
1961433852,"relief","Ames1103","@TheMakeupSnob I know   It was worth a shot, though!"
1961434329,"happiness","MsInyang","Heading to Beaumont"
1961434407,"worry","shane_rocket","Truly sad... My cheap little camcorder just shot craps....."
1961434882,"neutral","ModernMecca","....... and I never got to see it on print"
1961435029,"worry","lrv94","I hate only having 1gb ram to use as host and 1gb for Virtual Machine  Sucks so much"
1961435671,"empty","wtf_elye","Gonna nap n chill then probably go to the movie later. Ugh i have a headache this sux ass. Cloudy day too"
1961435689,"worry","PNUTBUTTERnMARY","Why are you hiding behind the clouds mr. Sun"
1961435872,"sadness","joe4ce","@pairadocsdesign and Radio X 96.1 is going all sports next month. Radio is dead.  #grandrapids"
1961436638,"surprise","saralee_twitt3r","slept for almost 11 hours straight and still tired ! better not be getting sick"
1961436694,"neutral","ohsnapitsalyssa","@MarcHaduch Your DM never sent"
1961436807,"sadness","WoodyBass","(sigh) guess we're not gonna meet up today."
1961436818,"worry","vincentlangsy","GOD SCHOOL IS GOING TO SUCK ASS NEXT YEAR!"
1961437632,"surprise","Tooun","a guy called me AD-HD kid earlier today, and that hurts"
1961438666,"worry","santoleto","6:29 pm - ok, let's go now through #bowman #strategicClock but first.. a break :-0 aargh.. tired"
1961438877,"sadness","celinashannon","i DID argue with byron because he said im fat"
1961438954,"worry","themaimedman","@RachellT342 ugh... I know the economy is depressing..."
1961439053,"relief","radha_","@brainstuck hey! chutti was very tiring.. and have to travel again tomo  how was your Friday?"
1961440170,"empty","THATSFLAWLESS","the downfall about relaxing later is mad manual labor now...just finish cleaning the fridge..and now to fold clothes..house work blues"
1961440287,"sadness","kourtnie","Wish I was in Chicago."
1961440600,"neutral","offwhitemke","@templon I personally know so many people/agencies which could have built these sites. It is like a Pres candidate buying a Honda."
1961440619,"worry","domilettera","@herecomesdomzi and what about me, huh? I'm crying. Did U forget me?"
1961441025,"sadness","blasha","So I slept 12 hrs! My body is aching"
1961441523,"sadness","DcalDcal","@erickadiaz I get to go to coffee now  It's no fun. I hate it too!"
1961449612,"fun","jasminepotts","@nattymsmith awww she's laavly ;) I had to come in  but I've got a stunning wee tan (l) ;) yourself?"
1961449908,"love","derekland","@fifthroom I tried TD, but it battled with CS3 over my processor. Nambu is really good, but unintuitive"
1961449910,"sadness","princesspooh90","@billbathgate im not a doofus  it could happen wahhh!!! :'(!!!!!!!!!! im on my break!!"
1961450066,"worry","LauraK1984","Thinks my "not girlfriend" needs to not be a douchebag right now...  i'm not in the mood to feel neglected"
1961450097,"sadness","mrs_mcsupergirl","@nikkibop and he's not even fat!!!! Huh, @freyalynn? He's just friggin huge!  I have a freak."
1961450535,"surprise","PrettyJnel","Anybody seen @MissPlush??? Where is my Twinster"
1961451430,"worry","dommeragun","has spent the last two weeks attempting to grow a beard (from scratch), but fears it may look a bit rubbish...  http://twitpic.com/66tyb"
1961451518,"sadness","HannahLeigh92","left the inn  now im at school. dang its straight up dead here!! [<3Hannah]"
1961452189,"worry","Azraelisa","@CursedChimera; Re: Home - that's exactly what I meant... home in D-town. ;) Also, re: computer... uh... I brokt it..."
1961452439,"sadness","Madidude04","Blah to car repairs... almost 600 dollars...   Shopping around for a better deal."
1961452464,"worry","MandaPratt","@TylerAlyse SAC won't offer fundamentals of math 2 for teachers in summer one  booo. I miss SAC!"
1961452740,"sadness","trueepicure","@hootsuite  Darnit.  See what happens when I avoid teh interwebs for work."
1961452997,"neutral","KnightRid","@steven89 I dont have one here - dunno if my mom ever had one or not -"
1961453017,"happiness","spedtacular","@kelseyrose56 I WISH YOU WERE GOING TOO!  are you still coming to nicoles preprom? @nicolesx319 Can't wait for preprom!!!!"
1961453148,"neutral","ktLovesSmiles","Work till five!"
1961453227,"neutral","CherBearLSU","hungry, but don't have an appetite"
1961453470,"sadness","laurnie36","my apartment is emptying out more & more each day.. so sad.. last week at 2000"
1961453735,"neutral","asllover92","is cleaning the house for her family who is comming later today.."
1961453796,"neutral","fkkhalid","I have to start eating healthy"
1961454986,"worry","sosolid2k","@JekNexus Oooommmmggg, you probs will, too busy to slay properly for a while  Hopefully I'll stay ahead doing 1 task a week!"
1961455628,"boredom","jarelloveless","Just got home from the bank, the teller was definitely hitting on me. Not interested."
1961455673,"neutral","fcknbarbee","@upscalekitten he's married"
1961455862,"hate","meganhaney07","my feet are cold.....i hate when my feet get cold"
1961455867,"happiness","KendellRenee","@KrystalNichole Pretty good!!! I think I overdid the gym yesterday... other than that just working"
1961456147,"surprise","jlakritz","What a day! #dayofservice completed, and now aching all over! Clearing trees around a beautiful lake. Splitting headache now tho"
1961456179,"surprise","barappa","Whoops - I got sunburnt"
1961456339,"sadness","leti_rod","@alyssa133 awww i'm sorry  what kind of fish did you have?"
1961456343,"worry","desiree_smith","@KevynPM Ian and I are going to a matinee tomorrow, or that's the plan at least...it's going to be too expensive for 3d at night"
1961457302,"love","inashlalaland","another song that  makes me cry and cry all day  and night long."
1961457398,"worry","cabeckham","My dog is suffering from abandonment issues. She thinks I'm moving without her."
1961457400,"worry","gaballison","Tum is very unhappy this morning (& it's definitely not a hangover, either). I'd call in sick to work except Heidi needs a ride home."
1961457475,"sadness","MzSimmy","Why are some guys so stupid? They have no idea what to do with a good girl who actually cares about them..so sad"
1961457597,"worry","citizensheep","Bus stuck in traffic; gonna be late"
1961457995,"fun","neeshaaaa","Its 4.30am, sleep timeee. I wanted to watch Gossip Girl but i'm way too tired  Goodnight!"
1961458586,"sadness","jodiekearns","@simonprobert yep, supposed to last all weekend. filthy weather"
1961458844,"neutral","CMiget","@asynja MMM - BTW I was just talking to you & you were gone.  2.95%"
1961459524,"hate","hatebutterflies","my zoids torrent crashed after 8 hours of downloading.  it was only 6% done at that time, because apparently i'm the only zoids fan ever."
1961459579,"worry","fizzwhizz1992","feeling better, still coughing. : / not moving on yet. its impossible."
1961459665,"worry","irishsamom","I swear, now my dog is having anxiety issues."
1961459823,"sadness","atlastjake","heading to the dmv to pay them my hard-earned money"
1961459940,"worry","jbubbles410","I burnt my finger on the toaster"
1961459948,"happiness","yatsuha","also, Lipton's Sparkling Green Tea is gross"
1961462700,"love","thebrenda","@claudiatan yes! fb, ah i miss you"
1961462777,"hate","kolfriendfeed","FreeSat's coverage (Sky dish) is really, really bad at the moment, blocks all over the place, really annoying!  http://bit.ly/191TpR"
1961462822,"happiness","k5at30","@MissShell20 eeeeep so jealous ;) I'm at work  um, how can u receive Viva? Do they broadcast it online? :plz:"
1961462869,"sadness","ruthifer","How do you forgive yourself for hurting the one you love the most?"
1961462879,"neutral","kate0404","@Dynonugget Well, I'll have lemon and ranch for you. Not for me, though."
1961463078,"worry","shardai08","http://twitpic.com/66u67 after the shot calmin down!"
1961463504,"neutral","leoncitobonito","Rumbo a bachilleres"
1961463912,"worry","laniema","I did.'t Get tht."
1961463950,"worry","ChantiParnell","@_Tanyya :O  awww leave off, shes ace! Shes one of my fav actresses!"
1961464300,"worry","Hend_xo","sickkk, it's been two days since summer started and it suck already!"
1961465084,"sadness","napalmkristi","@MattyP_654  it's this damp weather..."
1961465152,"worry","shawnaelacy","Ever been to a restaurant with over 200 items on the menu?  Lunch decision shouldn't be this hard"
1961465303,"sadness","HappyTwilighter","@scarletty24 i know.. i suck.. i'm a master procrastinator  ... you guys don't have too much fun without me"
1961465481,"sadness","bengalsgirl85","last day off... back to work tomorrow"
1961465500,"worry","micahspear","@jenmussari my internet in like 9th grade was so fast, its dieing out"
1961465794,"worry","shortglide","@diamondhead94 oh the noon? I don't know if I can make that one...I only get 30 min for lunch"
1961465985,"worry","lumpuckaroo","@denise_richards sorry to be the bearer of bad news."
1961466219,"neutral","rincon4rafa","My baby gets her shuts today"
1961472838,"sadness","abjo17","wishing i was on a beach right now!!"
1961472946,"worry","ciaobambini","Walking the puppies downtown. Also, mystery of missing cat solved: he  locked himself in basement for nearly two days."
1961473722,"happiness","melissakeyes","@OakMonster I hear ya."
1961473785,"empty","kellyfullagar","I am so bored, i really don't know what to do!"
1961473830,"neutral","TaylorFox","you@snapplynn Wish that would have been your tweet after you followed me."
1961474156,"neutral","peetahh","Ugggh school is so boring! I cant wait for this year to be over. So stressed -.= i shoulda stayed home today...."
1961474488,"sadness","GemmaHarvey","Is not a happy bunny"
1961474612,"sadness","ericpratum","@Lesley_M Melted maybe 2 square inches of skin. Ran it under cold water for a min or two and then iced until the ice melted. Now, hurts"
1961475142,"sadness","Agapw","Tbh having no credit in your phone sux. i cant even text people to see what's happening, like its totally grrrsville"
1961475223,"worry","erkagarcia","@tommcfly I'm starting to get really dizzy. Do a tour in the Philippines?  So we'd feel the bliss of knowing our efforts were worth it!"
1961475231,"worry","DelFliiShabazzi","im so stressed out.  will anything get any better *sigh*"
1961475682,"neutral","JenInFL","@PGATOUR Dang I should have stuck with him in my fantasty picks"
1961475719,"worry","jenzthename","#3wordsaftersex  Ow, rug burns"
1961475795,"worry","Mincess","Is getting upset at work cus bindz and j are being bullies  and they won't let me go duty free shopping!"
1961475840,"empty","much_fitta","i would like some macaroni and cheese please....no?"
1961476247,"hate","Alex1014","projects suck"
1961476298,"relief","ciaobambini","Walking the puppies downtown. Also, mystery of missing cat solved: he hid himself in the basement for nearly two days."
1961477134,"boredom","reetu_das","The gigantic initial inertial to get oneself to work after a deadline"
1961477216,"sadness","hash_iphone","@MrsWilliams @Timperator f�hlt sich ganz so an #montezuma #iphone"
1961477568,"worry","Ox_Smarlene_xO","omg. .please jonas brothers add an extra date in dublin in november! i tried 2 get tickets but dey were sold out."
1961477617,"worry","theanand","@rammohanr Yea...looks like it is...sorry abt nt gettin in touch..was hectic"
1961477649,"worry","judymunoz","I think at this rate.. Ill be in class until 4... Sigh."
1961477820,"worry","courtSchenkl","@THEBFOUNDATION NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! why in july? im gonna be back home  NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
1961477992,"neutral","aliciabandee","At a redneck hoe down apparently."
1961478310,"worry","bunny_p","@belfair_rocks I WISH he could fix this dang thing!!!"
1961478356,"sadness","Gend0","it will be my second year that i will not be there"
1961478547,"sadness","veritto","@FRANK_URQUIDEZ I MISS U"
1961478634,"neutral","lucieoliverx","Just about to eat, home made indian food is boak  x"
1961478769,"worry","InSweet","So cold in here!  getting the chill"
1961478807,"worry","megan_frazier_","it makes me sad when people phones are sick"
1961479003,"surprise","halbpro","@kadders Aw  it was actually what I read at first"
1961479029,"worry","devonanne21","@kayleeperry look at what i said to....someone. actually dont. no, do it. dont. yes. no.yes. no. UGH i dont know."
1961479263,"surprise","chrissyhammond","@lpostlethwaite no I wish. Just a van that comes round. We missed him"
1961480057,"hate","oneofthosefaces","And my basketball is flat and there was a massive spider in my pavement chalks  Now the sun has gone in. FML."
1961480343,"worry","tom1990","@fish134 miss you"
1961480373,"surprise","seanpeterjohn","@jamie_oliver damn i got it right! i suppose i took to long to reply  lol"
1961480375,"worry","NeciaLiz","why do I always wake up ONE minute before my alarm is scheduled to go off??"
1961480390,"sadness","secrettweet3","43416 I miss you so much my heart is aching without you bub  http://is.gd/Ja9I"
1961480516,"sadness","chantelmathias","being far too vigorous with pruning and regretting the removal of too many cucumber flowers off cucumber plant."
1961480778,"love","Jamesizzle","@Mo4Sho87 im following you! im following you! im sorry!  ahhahah i missed you!"
1961481177,"worry","e_xposed84","Okay so I'm dedicating my 300th tweet to the fact that I'm going to the Apple store because there is a HUGE crack on the glass screen!"
1961481315,"worry","emmaswann","@michaelmphysics YES. i am thinking of staying in the office until it's slightly less RIDICULOUSLY HOT"
1961481653,"sadness","nataliacheib","@tommcfly Tom , today my school played POV at the break , and I almost cryed !  your show in sao paulo is today ! I wish i could be there!"
1961481724,"neutral","Wajima","It's Friday... But its only Friday morning. Ugh."
1961482073,"anger","deonadee","has a VERY arduous task to accomplish at work...stuff that should have already been done & as usual it hasn't. Not because of me either."
1961482097,"neutral","d_efty","Just found out - http://tinyurl.com/qlrcec - the fucking frenchies have set a precedent"
1961482249,"surprise","BlueyedCass85","@RachelSexton FRUITY PEBBLES?! What? Over Lucky Charms"
1961482391,"neutral","robotictape","also. proof number #2923848932 that I have no life - I have an imaginary boyfriend named Vince. It's sad that my friends encourage me so."
1961482408,"sadness","iamake","oh i just check my stock port. My marketing was unable to buy me TICON at best price"
1961483427,"hate","Mr_McFox","@ZomberellaMcFox if I do that, I'll have no pc"
1961483428,"worry","alexoliver1393","ive burned like a ginger kid in the sun. now my arms are red"
1961483511,"worry","KDYNSMMY","Happy Birthday to meeeee!! Excited to go out tonight, but I'm gonna miss my girl"
1961483521,"sadness","krisengel622","@cameronmarion me too  no one even liked my answers to life last night, pshh"
1961483948,"surprise","melaniejoydv","@officialTila cant believe tila tequila was in ct and i didnt know... so upset"
1961484023,"fun","liljb","Getting one of our field vehicles cleaned. Looks like our action hero governor wants to give me another furlough day. How nice of him"
1961484110,"worry","jacqueparry","my twitter says it needs a break  i'll be back in a bit (capacity??)"
1961484517,"sadness","songbyrd07","@JHall510 I'm good just bored at work"
1961484906,"worry","AMassey87","back to work tomoo  day 1 of 5 it will bee."
1961484917,"hate","CLAiireex","having a reli gd holiday .. buh now have to revise  x"
1961485460,"sadness","overdolibrarian","Oh PW, you done me wrong. The signing time in ur children's article are all wrong...and no Neil Gaiman?! You tease me.  #bea"
1961485624,"worry","lukeanderson","Feeling so low and depressed that I'm not on holiday"
1961485745,"worry","StormClaudi","@IzzyJ_Is_Here haha yeah i hate seeing him in pain so i do what I can.. and I send hugs to you too, hun! I hate seeing that youre unhappy"
1961485797,"hate","karbassi","@Karmina13 what's up? what happened? DM me if you need to. TXT on my phone is defunk'd"
1961486575,"neutral","MattMyersJr","@TheFeed Your STFU E3 list link is broke"
1961487029,"sadness","parsprototo","Jeff can't get his visa in time to come visit me!    I'm so sad.  In other news, I'm going to Lapa tonight to samba the night away."
1961487135,"sadness","twoGforE","sooo tired of this cubicle"
1961487250,"worry","GPIA7R","@redhalo_pax Oh man... I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out"
1961487397,"sadness","andrewbro","laying in bed listening to opticon. i miss joe veneck"
1961487601,"worry","ronni_dee","going to check and make sure no more fishies are dead. poor fishies"
1961487855,"sadness","GlamGlitterati","when i cheered,i yelled SHAKE THESE at the end of a chant and did the suck it "X" and got suspended & had to give a public apology,lol"
1961487941,"neutral","gleegirloz","@DamienEstreich Brought back memories mentioning the mixer~of being pushed into Angels desk,with full glass of beer,not my fault,desk F'd"
1961489263,"fun","ilsegaboyil","Blah. So i registered to coach this summer and eh the tourney starts July 6th. My vacation 7/15-28th. Fk my life, haha"
1961489344,"relief","Ally_09","i am leaving soon for Kansas City to take some of my stuff. Only 8 days of living in Carthage left."
1961489372,"hate","HazelCathi","Hello!Im back andIm drunk,  and as much asI love my friends,I hate how they unintentionally make me feel inadequate.Ineedhelp"
1961489635,"surprise","danipoynterjudd","@Mcfreak_ oh i read that"
1961489642,"worry","Im_Nikki","@Jayde_Nicole I have to close my eyes when I watch it"
1961489793,"worry","Macspew","not eating lunch with my wife like I wanted to"
1961489912,"sadness","tehnakki","@redhalo_pax goddamn   that fucking sucks *hugs*"
1961490023,"sadness","bjbrenden","Will miss my baby for 2 days"
1961490124,"neutral","LeakySpoon","Geocaching.com seems to have a huge delay delivering Pocket Queries"
1961490229,"neutral","bimbler","@kreativemess ah yes, I know that feeling"
1961490310,"surprise","indycolecash","@RoxxiNikki It's a lie just like the restaraunt named "Garfields"... he is nowhere to be found"
1961490480,"happiness","Gator_5","@raczilla nice beta for easports still no news on the online for madden"
1961490616,"neutral","FieFieSoMajor","YAWN! Ow, caught a cramp  maybe I should take a nap"
1961490673,"worry","marco_cali","@marcdavies That sucks man  I hope you have a problem-free weekend."
1961490824,"worry","Parentella","I am doing the  FF wrong!"
1961491479,"worry","Celis2k9","I'm not ready for my baby to be 3 tomorrow  she is growing so fast...."
1961491664,"neutral","EveRebecca","Getting ready for the theatre but I don't seem to like any of my clothes at the moment  I Might just wear what I've been wearing all day.."
1961491821,"neutral","byronhoward","Anyone know what to do when your pc keeps restarting itself?"
1961491871,"hate","candacelili","Jealousy makes u into a different person ... I freakin hate being this way  gotta suck it up I guess"
1961491949,"neutral","Jjp137","I actually participated in lit today :p Also, it better not rain"
1961491975,"sadness","LadyScholar08","I'm so tired idk what 2 do...and I have 2 much 2 do ...church 2 nite, gotta write sermon, wash & flat iron hair, eat! so so much 2 do"
1961492130,"neutral","BrianGreene","the food in the oven is still frozen. seems I have to advance the clock from flashing 12:00 to make the oven work"
1961492297,"sadness","joey71980","at wk wishin I was at Annies grad ceremony but coodnt becuz of sumthin I dnt care to mention... sooo sad"
1961492979,"worry","missaarielle","Not looking forward to this long trip in the morning. I'm sick"
1961493464,"happiness","VanillaWafers","Just recollecting my jog this a.m. - almost perfect except unkown type hanging out by my vehicle.  Too much mental noise- only 6 mile jog"
1961493778,"worry","xXKatyXx","I just saw 22nd of June and it make me think of Jenny  I miss her so much  ..."
1961493805,"relief","bridgeykate","@kellychiello i know  but the weather's clearing and suppose to be nice sat and sun"
1961494053,"worry","vanessahen","@jamie_oliver ohhhhh i was busy and didn't see this again..."
1961494633,"neutral","tomeduarte","@nuno_salvaterra Argh. Totally right, escapou-me"
1961494756,"fun","MizTigga","Yesterday and today was my weekend....back to work 2moro!"
1961494863,"sadness","StevePaulo","It looks like the office TV DOES get MLB Network... and it looks like MLBN will NOT be televising the DET/BAL game today  #wieters"
1961495657,"neutral","pazzypunk","why am i so tired?"
1961495902,"surprise","CagedBirdSing","and because I wasn't having a bad enough time last night my body decided it wanted to be sick"
1961496614,"surprise","ClaireJeepChick","@BiGVixXen Like double posting on twitter?  ;)  lol.  Not me, I don't take anything."
1961497275,"worry","singda0park","@AmyMonzon LOL freakinggg I worse a lookse shirt and shorts and sandals and it looks like its gonna rain outside  boo yahoo wearther"
1961497435,"worry","geekandahalf","@michellej They don't let the queer boys donate blood."
1961497655,"neutral","brentholio","Safari 4 beta (OS X) is in a crash loop on startup. Back to non- cookie saving Firefox."
1961498197,"sadness","catfish1976","Had drums, but they where made up of other peoples sets, so, had to give them all back"
1961498975,"love","Addicted2DEW","@marebear521 its open now??? Its so good!!! But didn't agree w/me"
1961499106,"worry","maddox","@jeremy6d ditching out again?  you will be missed. I wish my ruby boys would represent."
1961499203,"neutral","emilette","5 and a half more hours of work  I wish I had something to do.."
1961499417,"happiness","littlemissmessy","@christa42 you mean the post concert blues ;) *lol*  Well, I soooo know what you mean ..."
1961500898,"sadness","dongkaaa","its freezing cold! i cant function right in this type of weather. starving to the max"
1961501072,"sadness","twistedthursday","Legs are hurting because I was standing up all day."
1961501082,"worry","Rooney100","wants to set up a coffee shop, but he has no money to do it"
1961501119,"neutral","BrunetteExotica","Ok I might be a lil slow what does "FF#" mean?!  http://myloc.me/1Zx6"
1961501155,"surprise","erkagarcia","@tommcfly I'm running out of things to say, and I'm starting to think you'll hate me for flooding your inbox with "Philippines tour?""
1961501586,"happiness","KRISISDnB","LIVE NOW  LIVE! )  DJ JAYEM B2B E.S.R  Click : http://www.krisisdnb.com/listen.asx"
1961501807,"anger","AlexRoebuck","@wmdev Every time I succeed with a code, I get "We're Sorry. Your Credit Card Has Been Declined at this time.""
1961501921,"neutral","sanaraset","@lettucegirl I love to! But I'm only available from 5pm.  and where dear? Would love to help @maecy convert her vids.�"
1961502000,"neutral","MissAnjyS","@jun6lee Ghunghte Mein Chanda Hai Phir Bhi Hai Phela Chaaron Aur Ujala i love that songggggg ps  i got lost in morrisons"
1961502146,"surprise","sleepjunky","@kingstonpaul Damn! I wish I were going! Found out too late to get wranglers for my kids and @bobalert.  I miss #mountainjam every year!"
1961502314,"surprise","clueless_bimbo","@30SECONDSTOMARS ohoh i missed all ur tweets  im gonna have to stay awake all night to see the announcement now, damn time difference"
1961502333,"happiness","Evil_wun","Just found out my baby cousin is gonna be a dad!!!! At least he's married already. Everybody is getting married and having kids before me"
1961502646,"hate","lrnn","Had the hottest and stressiest day at work  f the area manager. So happy to be going home!"
1961503128,"worry","katieg1990","tweeting from ally court for the last time.... its a sad sad moment"
1961503481,"hate","ticktockTANGELO","@Devotfeige man that sucks."
1961503862,"worry","JKremer_Oliva","@CcoK99 I cant take any chances on them being sold out, when they were in ATX  I waited to long."
1961504617,"love","tata_v","Sick  Right now very thankful for my chicken soup and my bed!"
1961504661,"happiness","HNH101394","had a great time at six flags yesterday.. its summer   my friend spent the night last night and just left so now i'm bored.."
1961504704,"worry","pdlloyd","@gjo26 why am I weird?"
1961505049,"surprise","nattymsmith","@jasminepotts hahahaa i was sitting outside from 2-4 and then came in for a bit haha was out a while ago but dads cutting the grass now"
1961505615,"neutral","perusio","The portuguese national library could use it also. Right now they seem to be stuck somewhere circa 1995. Example http://u.nu/7y68"
1961505874,"happiness","Mandagh","Nobody ever @mandagh' s   makes me sad"
1961506203,"worry","moi_luvutu","Just came back from watching Terminator Salvation @ Cathay. It's so-so only, not so much action  but I feel sorry for Marcus though."
1961506354,"neutral","RGreenberg","Dilemma, what to wear: Now: SanFran Foggy and 58 , then Sacramento in cple hrs sun and 86 degr ."
1961506495,"sadness","audreynelson","I gave my brother a hug good-bye.. as he took a load of furniture away from the house. He took the mattress I like"
1961515560,"worry","Soraal","scratchy scratchy throat. warm fluids needed"
1961516304,"worry","thesamone","fact is i am a bad cook, those ships weren't cooked, and neither is this chicken"
1961516879,"hate","McFreak_","@danipoynterjudd  its awful. Xxxx"
1961516889,"worry","palindsay","At work but punchy due to two early morning pager events."
1961516915,"worry","sammolsonkasey","I saw the sun..... but then I blink and it was gone"
1961517040,"worry","dawgs52","@laurenvdw ahh when i was there it was closed"
1961517108,"neutral","Metromanda","@Thecookieninja if mom gets paid..."
1961517164,"worry","amykvalerio","My cankle is sore."
1961517510,"worry","thesavvycouture","About to take meds I take that percentage back... feeling worse"
1961517732,"sadness","oOimpressionsOo","@Rumpelwald : ne, muss noch 2 Woche warten"
1961517826,"neutral","spproductions","@Jeanise  I was going to say let's go to lunch..."
1961518030,"neutral","zellyboo","@DeezDimplez LOL! That sucks"
1961519131,"sadness","PaigeTJohnson","@saynerd01 @ericajo42   GRR! my stupid meebo is disconnecting me every 5 seconds"
1961519382,"sadness","JessicaHackler","Super pumped to do the "Relay for Life" tonite. I am walking in honor of my sweet Grandpa '06 and my Uncle Howard who past just yesterday"
1961519659,"worry","SpiritedDreamer","'s throat is killing her... and she's whining, great."
1961519878,"worry","mydarlingzombie","editting crap on here in school is a drag. i give up lol ill do it at home. i wanna go home T-T my vida is so boring right now"
1961520146,"sadness","marviemorales","I miss the old... HA, HA. I can't tell that person's name."
1961520431,"worry","sonyagold","@theHUBnyc there is no sale in Botega..."
1961520633,"surprise","mateaar","thanks iPhone, you kept me up till 1 am. Asshole."
1961521379,"empty","aarseneau","Really wishes he had some spare cash to buy the new Punch Out for Wii"
1961521423,"surprise","michaelaXD","wow we r watching the outsiders  smelly english."
1961521707,"empty","JessLynnn","Can't even tell you how much this hair dresser is pissssssing me off she has no clue wtf I'm asking her to do..so I'm expecting the worst"
1961521978,"neutral","sroxy","@notoriousflirt Yeah."
1961522142,"neutral","sarahhhhhrose","ehhh.scratch laying out.no sun  going out to lunchhhhh."
1961522147,"worry","sgitts","the neighborhood gas station is gone, kaput, out of business. No more convenient trips for ice or whatevs. over 3 miles now to travel.."
1961522391,"worry","insurememegan","@purpleshoe Ahh! normally I would jump at that but i'm manning the office solo today"
1961522521,"sadness","hannahsuper","i'm freezing in math class!"
1961522537,"love","marganina","turns 26 on june 22. no more a youth   shelton for my bday is going to snag me a piece of mancandy. miss u everyday, my hot chocolate <3."
1961522579,"worry","lizk723","Last day I'm LA. I am so so sad"
1961522595,"happiness","cookiemonster17","i really wanna play...."
1961522735,"neutral","ourracingdream","@AmbroseChick yeah they got qualifyin in.  This whole race is tape delayed"
1961522940,"sadness","ChuckDuhDude","Gah! Buddy K is a must hang with person right now I miss him.  Along with Parker and McPhee."
1961523176,"neutral","dawgs52","yeah one burrito did not taste like the other, there was no avocado ranch sauce"
1961523185,"sadness","AlexYarber","I have a feeling today is going to be very boring ! Work @ 3  till 9:30"
1961524501,"worry","KasDebartolo","Going home  but when i get home , BLACK BERRY ! WOO HOO  . . . and get to see presten ! <3"
1961524549,"love","KasDebartolo","Going home  but when i get home , BLACK BERRY ! WOO HOO  . . . and get to see presten ! <3"
1961524878,"sadness","mana_junkie","Been working on my freakin' computer trying to save stuff on a harddrive and it seems I failed miserably."
1961524962,"hate","ToOoba117","oh i hate friday evening."
1961525054,"sadness","joanachristina","Kerry threw a ball at Anand; it bounced off his head, landed on my lunch and it exploded everywhere."
1961525180,"sadness","meltonclan","taking care of sick children"
1961525216,"worry","alyssatheresa","getting my hair cut todayyyy! i'm nerrrvous"
1961525469,"neutral","therealTiffany","@Stephaniemusic love u!! and love mr. player! come visit me  i miss u girls"
1961526416,"hate","albeitludicrous","@KatieJaneWatson Oh, I forget things you see. Ahah. I hated that! It creeped me out."
1961526696,"worry","jordanmcc18","@FunkeyGurlNo1 I'm going to work.... bummer"
1961526739,"relief","dwaynemichel","@kamarichelsea You gave me the inspiration for my last update."
1961527563,"sadness","missmaisie","I have tummy ache.  Probably not helped by eating /that/ many tic tacs."
1961528240,"worry","Cuteluc","http://twitpic.com/66uor - went on a really long cycle ride with my mum, brothers and my BFF Han today. My bum aches now!!"
1961528337,"sadness","Romeovoid21","@msignorile  Weather sucks up here"
1961528406,"neutral","Jazzy_Couture","@KayPriceless u wack put a swimsuit on and regular pants at least"
1961528533,"worry","riosv","Feels very ucky today... I need more DEFENSE Vitamin Water because I don't want to be sick no mores"
1961528553,"happiness","Ashes1nTheFall","Oh noesss seniors last day  However, tickling will till he was on the floor giggling made it totally worth it. Plus, a senior sandwhich!"
1961528716,"happiness","LenaAlli","@markfriend I asked mum bout going out tommorow, she laughed in my face lmao"
1961529048,"worry","sillykori","Ugh I can't breathe right today"
1961529085,"neutral","Jonhanner","thinking of you   why we can�t control our thoughts?"
1961529336,"sadness","MeredithRae","back to work"
1961529474,"worry","kristin41750","On my way to Ft. Knox   http://myloc.me/1Zyg"
1961529608,"surprise","for_no_one1014","@sparklej man i cant go on sunday cause im helping out all day at the piano recital. this sucks"
1961529793,"worry","MsJerzi","wow the last hour of twittering that I've been doing has yet to be sent over to twitter..  guys bare w me..."
1961530484,"sadness","SMiLEJewelle","Got my hair cut. Great.  stupid gum."
1961530579,"sadness","nicolelphillips","my computer at work is not working...booo... need a new one!  TGIF!"
1961530738,"worry","janelplaia","Is asking that everyone please join me in praying for my mom she just got home from the ER and has to go see a heart doctor"
1961531390,"surprise","acreativemuse","@Ceadda say it isn't so!"
1961531406,"surprise","leBeckster","@tinchystryder .. Eh .. have u never heard of Belfast..? Where like EVERYONE loves you!?!"
1961531430,"worry","angela_md","@MerewichDaBitch I've been unlocked for decades now...just not lucky, never have been.  Gottta make my own luck and that involves $$$$$"
1961531456,"neutral","Rachael102","@XChadballX mmm nandos is good (y) and topshop rules i am actually devastated that i cant come to to london show "m8" bailed out"
1961531475,"sadness","animeboytwizzy","Regrettin some of the decisions I made"
1961531629,"worry","Sethers","@courtney_mejer I couldn't remember what all the different cords meant. I lost half of them leaving the graduation anyway."
1961532216,"surprise","linzi83","thinks revising in the garden from 8 this morning without sunscreen isnt the best idea ive had  oucccccccch"
1961532649,"happiness","hannahhh_","I'm in a pub garden,  its boiling,  hannah no likey,"
1961532770,"neutral","perusio","@webchickbot The portuguese national library could use it also. Right now they seem to be in a ca. 1995 web. Example http://u.nu/7y68"
1961533003,"sadness","jennyj5","@jessner12 you suck majorly  i'm swamped...so why am I on twitter...I don't know...but still  a golf tournament?"
1961533004,"sadness","onpnt","@BrentO She! Maybe that was our first mistake.  Not everyone is as cool as @sqlfool  (brown nose moment)"
1961533228,"worry","Lesley_M","@jp1983 You burned yourself too??? So did @ericpratum! ohh no...  xoxo"
1961533541,"neutral","lilmouse97","I hate my arrival in the employee parking lot!"
1961533741,"neutral","beretandpancake","@TiffanyMMiller Yes i work 6 to 3..."
1961534083,"surprise","Dutchrudder","@marginatasnaily the wives aunts 40th"
1961534167,"neutral","LadyElena","wants to buy really red* lipstick. But I won't wear it that often"
1961534432,"surprise","CohoCat","No more Mtn. Dew in mini-fridge."
1961534668,"happiness","talii","http://twitpic.com/66uq4 - hotttt weather! getting blackk before it starts to rain again"
1961534679,"sadness","kimiko16","at work and it sucks big time"
1961534707,"sadness","colinrchorley","Saying goodbye to a good trusted friend today. Goodbye free Sky TV, you were the best friend anyone could have had."
1961535209,"neutral","d1am0ndd1va","@ work do not feel like bein in dis bitch today"
1961535211,"worry","xlilcutiepie","@kate38381849 ouuhh dont cry  i feel so sad right now"
1961535403,"happiness","weldos","New baby doing well.  I will be attempting to do some more "painting" this weekend."
1961535449,"sadness","Lisa1103x3","Crappy Day..."
1961536131,"hate","rbrouwer","@wilstobbart I'm still at work"
1961536179,"love","CHELSE4","At work again, when the weather is beautifullll"
1961536340,"worry","miscalculations","@WeTheTRAVIS  I was meant to be seeing you lot tonight but tix ran out!!"
1961536675,"sadness","aimanridz","has the urge to go shopping.hmmm but i've got no money,how?"
1961536902,"neutral","Selly06","Well on a normal day I'd already be done with work...Unfortunately this is not a normal day. Which means I'll be in the office till late."
1961537240,"sadness","Akakudos","Well poop, my guitar lesson was canceled today  I'm so sad. I hope his son feels better soon tho."
1961537559,"hate","jstatus","@NikkiStixx @valentinamia omg you guys will know when I'm getting nasty!!  My head hurts"
1961537815,"worry","rachelgab","Back at the vet and it isn't good"
1961537936,"worry","kirth","everyone's abandoning the office... I still have 5 hours to go"
1961538319,"hate","Crystal_Leigh11","Waiting in a long line at chick-fil-a"
1961538709,"worry","kat_n","@heltershelter we are in line now waiting..if only he knew!!"
1961539060,"hate","myw521","I need a blankie  this trains an icebox"
1961539670,"sadness","ntoyouricyblues","@pilarlovesyou  i love you. don't leave me!"
1961539677,"worry","PembaServes","So, ~200 people all on the same Wi-Fi and cell hubs here at @Hardwear means we're kinda off the grid. Each tweet takes like 5 minutes."
1961539858,"hate","ianvisits","Came home after getting ratty in a shop with the staff and a blister on the foot. Meh"
1961539894,"sadness","tophee","Shaw guys are over when I want to be sleeping"
1961540483,"worry","izulien","Well poop.  Looks like the office doesn't have the keys.  I don't have the keys.  Neighbors don't have the keys.   Bike rides from now on."
1961540559,"worry","weddingsites","@WedSpace now I know why it didn't work, just not too keen on paying though for a 2ndary social network"
1961541199,"relief","kimee","Went to get my car inspection sticker got gigantic red R one. Just keep piling it on. I can take it. Don't worry about me. I'll be ok."
1961541251,"sadness","ladygee22208","my tummy hurts"
1961541335,"worry","jjkane","just contributed to economic stimulus at Wal Mart - un expected tire replacements"
1961541371,"worry","beartwinsmom","@AutismInsights laundry instead of sitting here. that darn laundry keeps mocking me."
1961541448,"surprise","innabinna","@caitdog13 lucky! been beggin for jury duty for years...they dont ever send me notices! just notices for other people to my address!"
1961541468,"enthusiasm","uknowulovemeh","I have a headache..."
1961541824,"worry","mcauley26","I'm so lost without my laptop. And no break again for me today. Made even worse that the 2 big bosses of skipton showed up today"
1961542162,"sadness","jlovely","@Hi_Im_Chris and i cant get to mine  keep getting an error"
1961542254,"worry","KyleAdamson","Math is amazing and hell at the same time  socialily that is the naiv part is fine."
1961542340,"worry","vfclicious","@thomasfiss we miss you"
1961542599,"love","LittleRiotGrrl","wish i can be with her every day"
1961542751,"relief","kangel_05","ano pa bang aasahan ko sa iyo? you never fail to FAIL me."
1961543272,"surprise","audreythebaby","@lynstephaniewoo yes! sober HAHAHA tanghaling tapat dude! haha WILD. i don't knowwww  plan plan  before you go to US!"
1961543278,"neutral","livepath","@ gadgetopia need to DM you but you're not following me.   Will send email."
1961543667,"hate","vickyyy8","Flip flops are a menace! I've cut one of my feet  Ouchies."
1961543703,"love","flimby1108","weekend!! even though I have work"
1961543750,"fun","JayChasm","at the office, trying to solve the mystery of whose blood is that in the  bathroom toilet.... eewwwww"
1961544354,"happiness","singbirdsongs","@tenuousness: aoh is one of the best bands. they played my frosh, i was stoked. i have to work tonight, or else i'd totally be there!"
1961544410,"relief","e_xposed84","The best I could do for proof of the crack  LOL  http://twitpic.com/66ust"
1961544729,"sadness","wardenofscience","Was talking to Vincent  Miss him so baadly."
1961544816,"neutral","alonelikmacauly","@EricVespe i would but he's premiering avatar footage and can't do it then. also, we better hang out."
1961544968,"worry","melons_2009","I think a cat is trapped in my back garden but cant find it. Hopefully its in someone elses garden, dont fancy finding a poorly cat"
1961545117,"worry","UnderUmbrella","I don't have enough close contacts on twitter to do follow friday  #followfriday"
1961545163,"hate","mrsashlux","@redhalo_pax That sucks."
1961545399,"sadness","MidniteSnaXXX","Mourning Venus' Third Round Loss...."
1961545455,"worry","adrienne1022","@vanessathomas ugh some stupid teenagers just showed up. My peaceful time is over"
1961545768,"neutral","Kayluhh_Jae","grr...everytime he gets a new girlfriend..I'm at the bottom of the totem pole"
1961545984,"sadness","ChristinaLaino","@jonkragel I have been sick for like 5 days now..."
1961546085,"neutral","annamc28","@PartyGurle wow, atleast u only have three weeks...I have two months to go    Are u going away?"
1961546468,"worry","ComcastBonnie","@cfieds  i'm sorry to hear that"
1961546780,"happiness","purplepaper","to all members of CF! check your facebook in computer immediately. a sweet video from Gulardi is waiting for you all. made me teary"
1961546865,"worry","frandmb","Panera is not being nice to my iPhone"
1961546996,"hate","CarolynVela","Just here at work........just got out of a meeting with my staff.... I had to be the big bad boss today."
1961547541,"worry","ayesharazak","@bungandy easy for you to say. you walk away first.  I'm sorry but I'm not ready yet. I haven't finish caring for you."
1961547644,"happiness","n0tin","@isuhin O dear. so you're going to be fucking that kiddoe and I'm going to sit there doing..  nothing! awesome  WHERES THE SHOPPING?!<3"
1961547789,"worry","supernova_star","@blkademic what's the matter?"
1961548130,"sadness","Christy_Edmonds","@Cece602 no it's just going to be me we couldn't come up with enough money to get his ticket"
1961548488,"hate","lucky1990","why the hell is it raining!! i hate the rain."
1961548926,"worry","designmojo","I am craving Burrito Boys - Large halibut, with everything on it, no jalepenos, 1 line hot sauce. Can anybody hook me up?"
1961549088,"worry","glimmrmoon","OK guess I need to do actual work now.  How long until 5 pm? Oh no. I may have to ditch early."
1961549356,"sadness","drumstickboy","i failed at cutting and peeling the mangoes  hah. it was weird trying and my father did it like it was nothing."
1961549493,"neutral","Wingkit","mymaths time....if only i cud read the mind of a nerd durin the exam"
1961550645,"neutral","jprintup","Is almost pacing while waiting for UPS truck with my package from Ichiban Kan -- probably not until 18:00 EST"
1961550952,"worry","autolovebug","i miss her ..... i hope she comes back"
1961551290,"sadness","Sianypoos","isn't lookin 4ward 2 work 2mz.. n if its gna b like 2day-weatherwise- itl b even worse  xo"
1961551589,"worry","xmeganreneex","@cazzac i hope he is ok too. i miss him  and the doc better not be a douchenozzle, ill be one right back!"
1961551625,"sadness","melissastump","@joycewaddle like almost above my sholders"
1961551645,"fun","toraks","@Bronte9 Hugs to hubby! I'll probably be in the same place come the 1st of September."
1961551745,"sadness","MelissaJeanine","@melissajeanine ew.  sorry zach"
1961551795,"sadness","brian_shoemaker","@LindseyNHess I agree 100^%! It's a great day! If only I had a window to see it..."
1961552173,"neutral","antzpantz","@Noodlez Actually, by the time i get there, the train would have arrived..."
1961552804,"neutral","dazjones","Starting the accounts for this year."
1961552879,"worry","ChrisMORiley","Wow, mosquitoes in the backyard suck.  So does coughing myself half to death in the middle of the night and keeping Cassidy awake too."
1961552966,"worry","yamaLi","@l0RENElAiNE I'm not goin have a way out there til b.dix gets off  but we swimming tomorrow !"
1961553069,"worry","Susanstewart1","gonna have to eat something, I feel so horrid.  I need a hug!"
1961553149,"sadness","mackenab","Trip to DC next week canceled.  So, no Artomatic or beer with @genehack."
1961553250,"surprise","DissidentFury","Akh! I woke up and missed so much of Sayed Hassan's speech"
1961553307,"neutral","leeshatee","I just got a wiff of pazik fart!"
1961553315,"surprise","JakeJacobsVI","@turhangross Wow! Some person u are!"
1961553425,"neutral","BRITTinTUNE","weekend with my cuzzo Vivi, I can't stand to have her leave me in 3 weeks"
1961553499,"sadness","Hannah_Stefana","I'm going on an excursion this week, so I won't be twitting...."
1961553740,"neutral","Katie3294","I also have to make space on my computer for the game. I don't meet the minimum requirements for Sims 3 at the moment"
1961554177,"neutral","niklotus","needs some snuggle time....  but has to get through the work day first.  Boo."
1961554186,"worry","riklomas","My back hurts and I'm meant to be going out tonight, poor the Rik"
1961554216,"worry","mdannjuan","Waiting for nearly an hour at the bank"
1961554378,"fun","purpig","@foxforcefive Headaches suck, especially stress related ones. I used to get those a lot.  <3"
1961554500,"worry","SwannSoirees","@hjn119 you can crash, you will just have to drive alone  Besides... I can't crash, I gotta work! LOL ;)"
1961554790,"empty","WolfieFox","@radinov BAH, you'be made me all hungry now"
1961554794,"happiness","video_girlxx","@evanlyoko Yay! At least I'll get to see you next year! I'm sad, too."
1961554830,"happiness","TheWendilicious","Just got done working with Nate today...got another 100%! Yippee!! He's going on vacation next week, so I have to brave Calc on my own."
1961555085,"neutral","jaydriscoll88","Dinner & shower time...then back to revision  5 days left!!!!"
1961555224,"neutral","braves0517","Ok time to study for bus law and ethics, gotta test today"
1961555230,"sadness","my_streamer","@paulo_one yes it went down smooth! Too bad I have to get back to work though  how are you enjoying your Friday?"
1961555277,"surprise","vonilicious","Playing hooky from work again so we can go see UP. I hope we get along."
1961555728,"worry","michellej","@geekandahalf I'm not donating sweetie, I was at the doctor."
1961556157,"sadness","Blondbyhrt","@MouseGoesSqueak ahhhh.same here with Geometry, like i said b4, if i didn't have it, i would be graduated!! so i feel ur pain hun!"
1961556816,"worry","Anna_Pat","snotty nose  poorly chest! this is not good!"
1961556939,"love","starsapart","I wish I had a dog"
1961557167,"neutral","keren4562","@FrankieTheSats comon , answer me  what do you think about my friend drawning? x http://www.twitpic.com/5m7vd"
1961557344,"worry","emilee_xox","@AFtheAWESOMEone what's wrong?"
1961557787,"relief","spyjournal","home from taking Nick home - a little lighter in pocket after being flashed by a speed camera"
1961557844,"sadness","sheree0404","I can't comment directly to someone...... and I'm here all alone"
1961557954,"sadness","AMossa","i hate getting put on steroids. my face"
1961558172,"love","MzLaffy","@JohnAmussen @amadril @1txsage1957 @Vickie09 #followfriday thank you so much. I'm so behind. Still at about half of what I had."
1961558629,"sadness","MJFinkel","@scavengerlor LoL Clever I'm Extremely Jealous Of The Amount Of Followers You Have  I Only Have 24"
1961558960,"neutral","AliaJhane","@KuhliZzle i cant even call a nigga man  bitches on bogus shit. yah digg?"
1961559246,"worry","caroltweets","@LisaTalkingTots Oh my goodness!  How AWFUL"
1961559259,"sadness","emlynley","@SaschaIllyvich i guess that means you didn't beta-read either of my stories, huh?"
1961563919,"sadness","SolutionsBridal","We are so sad the beautiful Marisa dresses are leaving today (tear)"
1961563985,"worry","alohabing","@osbug I keep trying but no, I didn't win  Had the right answer though! Trick question!"
1961564364,"sadness","victoriajane","Refusing to accept that the US holiday is over. Heading to Woodies Longboard  Diner in um ... Hove..."
1961564388,"sadness","imranbaloch","just got back home, shit.. again meeting tmrw,staying at sea view, i even dont my fresh undergarments  tiring, 13 hrs working days"
1961564683,"sadness","stickypop","Manchester was wayyyyy to busy!  so warm today also! :'("
1961565375,"sadness","librado_","i lost friends, when i didnt do anything"
1961565397,"worry","cbbreezylover","@19christopher92 WHAT'S UP MY HOMIEEEEEEEEEEE ???? I MISS YOU LIVE LAST NIGHT  I HOPE YOUR ON TONIGHT . I WILL HIT YOU UP CUTIE"
1961565589,"sadness","Lrod23","Day off with nothing to do"
1961565724,"sadness","circadianwolf","bad day"
1961567207,"worry","BeadieJay","@fightingfatigue Got any tips for a mum of a 14 yr old with CFS who can't sleep at night. He falls asleep about 4a.m. till midday or so"
1961567327,"worry","Licokitty","waiting for @nickyjames to wake up...... hazin a sad"
1961567350,"sadness","meggiemargarita","Wish I was eating lunch w/ @laddiecatherine and @ophieracine"
1961567453,"worry","x_Kaseh","is gutted she isnt going out tonight"
1961567776,"fun","lkespiritu","boo! i can't sleep again  saying hi to random people"
1961567809,"neutral","cpearce1","Feeling madly sorry for myself... - �I�M SECK D= Make me feel better  I should be going to a fashion show... http://tumblr.com/xz31werch"
1961567959,"anger","892300","@jamie_oliver  I was off by one year. I really wanted some of Jamies cooking books in ENGLISH!!!! not German."
1961568056,"neutral","floraisadora","I kinda like not having a car but there have been situations lately where I have been prevented from participating due to my carlessness."
1961568092,"hate","lil_miss_sneha","@hyper_baffoon ooh if youre on the computer making your playlist come online pls, im bored now that ive blocked everyone again"
1961568160,"hate","meis122","Twenty minutes on a fucking call you would think that the person would mention there is already a trouble ticket investigating the issue"
1961568315,"love","samiya_barbie","Back with a great time spent with my cousins...technically uncles and aunts!also had an icecream...it dint taste that good"
1961568715,"worry","nissepooh","Momz rubz it in tht im NOT goin to the musiq soulchild contest. How RUDE!"
1961569268,"neutral","c0ldasfire","off to work for the day"
1961569771,"sadness","Cece602","@Christy_Edmonds Oh, I'm sorry   You'll have lots of fun though, should be a great time!"
1961569799,"anger","murphyTweet","@aranarose Murphy's Law?  Sorry that your computer is not cooperating when you have lots of work. My kids are .. http://tinyurl.com/km235x"
1961569804,"sadness","JNEM19","I kno I'm behind the times on this one, but I just learned that Troy "t-bag" Dixon died back on dec. 8th 2008. RIP Troy."
1961569910,"worry","supernovaagirl","so much to do by 1 pm. i don't think i'm going to get it all done"
1961570156,"worry","aliyaaliyaboo","So its my bday weekend and shit is already headed south...might have to drive to atl tonight"
1961570232,"worry","razzberry5594","With E3 coming up the worst possible thing happened. No not swine flu! not AIDS! RROD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1961570469,"fun","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Toooooom! Do a tour in the Philippines, pleeease?  I'm risking my health to get your reply. Haha!"
1961570593,"surprise","DezieLove","There is a sadness in the air at school  but I got two awards!!"
1961570881,"worry","GiselleMonique","God, I HATE scary movies. They are not at all. I'm such a wimpy."
1961570919,"surprise","christabellz","@twilightgossip sad about young love coming to an end  They were sooo cute together!"
1961571001,"neutral","Gymshoes_","Today isn't going the way I planned.  Early lunchbreak & I may not be back til Mon. Weekend gonna be fun with friends, tho."
1961571269,"worry","AllenKP","starting PN lean coaching next week. can't wait, I'm about 5% compliant right now   #PNLC"
1961571388,"neutral","SHOONEYDARAPPER","@LeXxLuV nothing bout 2 go 2 work"
1961571626,"empty","Marmotman","@usagijen I didn't like the new Terminator movie, man"
1961571732,"worry","tgregory78","Worried for my cousin and her son"
1961571872,"hate","applecrisp","@frostedbetty Oh, I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. I can't kill them either, and I'm always the one that finds them. Why is that?"
1961571960,"worry","davidlucio","I wish I could buy blink 182 presale tickets, but I totally don't have the money right now. Guess I have to wait for general admission..."
1961572038,"neutral","BeniceReguis","Im craving some cinnamon toast crunch. Why is it so cold today!!"
1961572254,"worry","fatz_galore","@TNAaddicted Damn"
1961572423,"happiness","xplisit","FRIDAY!! I gotta work tommorow tho"
1961572475,"worry","aurihunter","@bbraden08 aww me sry  that was me yesterday ...."
1961572680,"enthusiasm","ashleycurcio","I need to buy a cheap verizon phone"
1961572690,"hate","Efouhy","ahh I hate being sick  Watching atonement! and sleeping"
1961572924,"hate","caseysousa","@beachnerbum I hate June gloom. I was getting so excited for the beach."
1961572969,"neutral","MaariGrace","Excited for today! But still so much to do"
1961573267,"hate","tonyrad1","1 week before the palm pre comes out and my centro dies. I have a temp phone but my contacts aren't transfered yet. #sadpanda #fb"
1961573302,"sadness","ChazzyCat","@sarahbellafina sleep? I need to go to my mums but by the time I get there, Clara will be in bed"
1961573469,"worry","lulu1620","Omg my head still hurts, i need to get my comics today so i got to hurry  lol"
1961573504,"surprise","hspak","gah! didn't realize my meeting was from 9-12"
1961573536,"sadness","Emely23","Just burned my tongue!!"
1961573717,"sadness","lizzyh423","is sad cuz my mommy leaves to indy today"
1961573756,"sadness","necrogami","I'm off to a fun filled evening at a funeral home ...  Joy."
1961573802,"worry","Dezigner_Digz","Staging consult ltr 2day in beautiful town of Dundas. X Files filmed episode there once. Think I'll run in2 David Duchovny? Probably not"
1961573820,"sadness","AlexandriaDunn","Ugh the delivery was postponed, shes not having the baby til 5 and i'll be at work"
1961573888,"sadness","DanielleRaee","At work my head hurts a little due to my neck! I hate when I sleep wrong!"
1961573986,"worry","LauraJade19","@HLJx lol thanks!there scary to wear though"
1961574072,"neutral","Clair_C","Done With Exams...Now Focusing on Summer School...DAYUUMM Life's Hard"
1961574420,"sadness","HeartBreakV","@mscrismusic wish u was in the D!"
1961574471,"neutral","Amandiva","Missed the hello kitty  not enough time oh well"
1961574579,"neutral","sumisso","@spryken ah, I'm so sorry it  I played a game of PSP with my friend tonight, and returned a while ago."
1961575228,"happiness","RayyahSunshine","@luvinmycurves womp womp woooomp!"
1961575429,"worry","SwtnSxyTV","@inyourvan Well I guess the McCafe=tastes like shit cured ur craving? You get the McSkillet? Me Wants"
1961575545,"surprise","dylanxtra","@electra126 As long as you take me with you"
1961576060,"worry","bigrick1228","Haavent read the paper yet about the magic loss nor did i get to watch the game last night.... But i do know that we lost"
1961576248,"surprise","miawoods2005","Sitting next to a man with a Kindle II...I don't know if I've ever been this jealous"
1961576870,"worry","jayfan3lawrence","i feel sick after that oreo and cheesecake milkskake  lol"
1961577021,"worry","thamanagement","I haven't logged onto Minto.com in like 3 months and what I saw upset me  Gotta do better!"
1961577119,"hate","GiselleMonique","God I HATE scary movies. They are not fun at all. I'm such a wimpy."
1961577146,"worry","Ames1103","@clinton_kelly Bummed about the maxi dresses!  I think they're so cute for summer but I'm only 5'4"!"
1961577320,"worry","westlifepixie","@Selly06 that is never good especially on a friday night"
1961577366,"sadness","EditorJules","@chaletlaforet shit that is awful... could not believe it at first... so sad"
1961577470,"surprise","lynseygibson","@honytawk why do we need to wait another year for toy story 3?!"
1961577484,"worry","eldon","@sbenzur haha! sorry to hear that"
1961577596,"sadness","NatashA","@brett can you fedex me some pizza? I have to cancel my NYC trip until later this summer"
1961577683,"hate","kesor6","ebay should just die! after not using my account for 4 years, i cant unlock it. and their support is dead, aka: auto-hello-scripts"
1961578052,"relief","jtmccarthy","heading to Sam Adams Brewery... but can't sample it when I get there"
1961605689,"worry","ammre","ned to go to beathroom, don't know if i can reach/find clothes. need to walk outsie to get to bathroom. ok at night, not ok in daylight."
1961605993,"neutral","shandnash","http://twitpic.com/66vau - Help me find my mising pugsly"
1961606151,"neutral","ChRiSsyLeWinSKy","im soooo loney"
1961606265,"sadness","starzseeker","@elainanic Hope that migraine doesn't stick around for too long."
1961606633,"neutral","Natalie_1990","@Bebz_iddon blerrrrrrrrrrgh. im too hot and all sticky"
1961606638,"neutral","Brittx06","I want to go to VP, but no one is willing to come with me."
1961606703,"worry","rachybaby24","Sunburn ouch"
1961607107,"fun","PatrikBerggren","@ericworre say hello to Marina Green ... couldn't participate in Barcelona this weeken"
1961607313,"sadness","alenadoma","@calikiks  asap. But..... Kids are asleep. I have a car seat for arianna. We can take her with us? I need to pay vs bill!"
1961607424,"worry","miakka_natisse","@thepartyChase u just got me real excited cause i thought teniece was on twitter..."
1961607707,"sadness","alexandrastorey","@sweetpea2809 Nor here... Sad times"
1961607885,"sadness","AlyYvonneG","@emmielovegood ive tried and tried in the past to learn cockney but sadly its near impossible to find books and things on it over here."
1961607941,"hate","hiediearwood","@celticfish this is a travesty"
1961608352,"hate","mlives80","6 freakin days!!  Just a thought...what would I have to look forward to after this?"
1961608809,"empty","Nataliejones27","slammin headache from being out in the sun"
1961609116,"worry","iceshut","Hows that possible? No rain forecast for Pinkpop? And I have no ticket"
1961609340,"worry","austinburns","@tabfam Oh god, that's terrible."
1961609456,"sadness","emmalettuce","Hates leaving teddy ... Now I'm miss both my boys  damn"
1961609478,"worry","ashbymh","@WFUJerseyJon Curses. Bad timing.  We'll make it happen soon, though."
1961609602,"sadness","varelsee","@kujakupoet My computer got screwed to hell by viruses. I just finished wiping the drive and reinstalling Windows XP  I want a Mac..."
1961610355,"sadness","dugone","@noiseporn Would defo have done that but Im already booked over t'other side of the country"
1961610712,"worry","sin75","so not in the mood to go to work, but i guess it's gotta be done"
1961610754,"fun","BuellaMarie","I *really* want to go to the @coldplay concert tomorrow!!"
1961611230,"love","rtracht","Home until tomorrow. Did my running and spinning. Now time for chiropractor, laundry, shopping, and visiting family. Missing nathan"
1961611741,"surprise","baskew","@HerDesign no one I know likes boiled peanuts t."
1961611826,"neutral","LolliGal","@shae75 ooo Growl and Yummy time coming soon for you too huh oh yeah, I have been hunting for a combo tshirt, think I can find one?  NO"
1961612049,"happiness","pokeychatman","Played  Friendly Gm today(Bulgaria). Def. is on pt., offensively, still working on timing.  Israel on Sun. Gotta cut 2 more players."
1961612597,"love","Cobolisdead","@DerrickJWyatt Yeah, I'm not really feeling it either. Of course, I don't like the movie line, I wish that we were getting more Animated."
1961612662,"hate","desiraie","left school just now. my new dress broke, the strap ripped off"
1961612810,"neutral","PRDiva91","TPS reports."
1961612874,"worry","samuraikitten","@pcon34 I have a lot of Hell Yeah, and Rebel Meets Rebel (DAC + Pantera) and like 10 Pantera songs, I can't find my Cowboys From Hell cd"
1961612940,"worry","ElleMcFierceson","@jasonsechrest pups I would LOVE to..BUTT I will be saving lives Saturday night  although I know I am missing a BLAST"
1961613031,"neutral","lilfim","A short 5.25 hours left to go at work"
1961613056,"worry","dannybelize","@gpgirl Nah, could use a hug or three, but even that option is 2,000 miles away!"
1961613212,"neutral","StarrLatoya","@mykesinatra  NOooo FB has been good to me..especially for the love of conversation"
1961613248,"sadness","tn_femme","I guess it wasn't meant for me to change it"
1961613368,"happiness","openskymedia","@gdrage LOL that'll teach me to blindly trust amazon search results without reading!"
1961613677,"worry","angela_md","@MerewichDaBitch that's at least a band-aid, that PA follows me...makes me feel less left out of the loop"
1961613701,"worry","cassierenee33","Wishing the rain would stay away for a while so that I can go to the pool"
1961613743,"surprise","_BBreezy","@Beaker1982 Not yet.   Did you?"
1961613749,"hate","Wodjah","Got the keys to my new flat - gorgeous weather for weekend - and i'm spending it "PACKING""
1961613794,"worry","lpetch","is it too late to jump on a plane to Richmond, VA and go to the Conditions concert?! ...i think that's a yes  boo my life. and ohio."
1961614859,"worry","sallyfranceskey","It looks as though I am sick little friends"
1961614885,"surprise","LauRenxExCarter","@laurengotgiftz o_O thats cool. Dang, iHave to clean my room now  lol, but good luck w/those jobs gurl"
1961615004,"relief","ShahnazM","am planning on going to sleep early, too tired to do any work"
1961615122,"empty","BurnYourFriends","got my wisdom teeth removed it hurts."
1961615445,"fun","TeenDifference","wzzzzzzzzzup?! its derrek! we r just starting band practice. Jayk Skylar is leaving for california today. lucky."
1961615450,"sadness","pokerman78","@sexxieluv dang....just so far away aren't I?    Darn I'll just have to dream"
1961615909,"surprise","Nii_x_ckk","Making my boyfriend look different.  He's  cute no matter what. <3"
1961615984,"worry","taylorizzleee","http://twitpic.com/66vdn - I miss my babyyy"
1961616327,"worry","andyglanville","WORKK! yay"
1961616483,"sadness","Teleflora","@kylehamilton Wow, just saw your Tweet about the Proflowers fiasco. That's so not fun!"
1961616519,"sadness","kdellrn","@diesel_26 i wish you were here to take care of me"
1961616554,"boredom","OliviaKnowles","Spent too much today!!! Tube journeys always take soo long. Braces on thursdayyy"
1961616685,"neutral","PHrozenPHiasco","@FancyFran Yea its nice! But im only here for a weekend!"
1961616844,"neutral","sabriena","Woohoo! Procrastinating doing any work by going out to lunch! Have to wait for my sister now though  dang it"
1961617451,"sadness","scotsullivan","because I just lost my first Field Notes notebook 6 pages before filling it up!! RIP  #fieldnotes"
1961617520,"surprise","cardiacheart","Must. get. up."
1961617789,"worry","nick_johnston","hates not being able to see his monitor. I have about 25 minutes before the sun is not blinding me"
1961617806,"neutral","BethanLowri","doesn't kno wat to do now ER is over  saddo"
1961618101,"neutral","_nitz","@Krystalle So you're the reason I can't get a BoC"
1961618161,"worry","pkeslin","@larrygadea  but I'm sure you'll find a new set of challenges at twitter. Best of luck."
1961618176,"love","misslaydee86","Just looked at the date...today the one year anniversary of my Grandmother...miss her mane   um sad"
1961618615,"worry","NoHiddenPath79","@KarenAlloy I cried like a baby when we had to put our cat down 2 years ago...  For tears of happiness watch this http://bit.ly/qLwbe"
1961618622,"fun","pemctg","I would LOVE to ride the superman right now..."
1961619032,"worry","luciusmalfoy","@serena_eliza ohhhh that makes sense then. 8D and i need to reread the lotr trilogy, i lost the three books a long time ago and i'm sad."
1961619249,"worry","anne_lutania","@farafaizul cost of living also very cheap, but no social life, that's what i'm scared of. Being boring and having a dull life."
1961619276,"hate","SabrinaForeman","I am up, and having to deal with another rainy day  What the hell happened to summer, its so freakin cold!"
1961619695,"sadness","Natalie_1990","didnt enjoy having to say goodbye to alex, v emotional times  but the sun is making me happy !"
1961619840,"neutral","alextrafford","@charlottespeech Aww just read your tweet. I'm not sure about later either (work too)  feel it for us"
1961620013,"worry","vickivanv","Very bummed I can't go to the @shiftworkspace open house today.   DD and I woke up with a stomach bug.  Blech.  Y'all have fun!"
1961620023,"fun","_missJP","@mike03p IM SOWWIE I WAS A LIL LATE  LOL it looked good though ;)"
1961620107,"surprise","SydniMichael","why did I ever delete my twitter?"
1961620313,"neutral","Bebz_iddon","@Natalie_1990 i kno i came in coz the sun kept going behind the clouds but now it has come back  sat in my window now on the floor lol"
1961642611,"sadness","livnenna","Brother #3 is wandering around the house in his underwear. As charming for his 2 sisters as it is for the other female guests, I'm sure"
1961642994,"worry","86753O9","I don't want to lose my wisdom teeth, they make me wise. I will soon be without a trace of wisdom"
1961643024,"worry","laurab315","Is trying to buy a new bible...but they just aren't the same...why did my dogs have to chew it up?"
1961643116,"love","HenryAlexander","Photo: So I still havn�t hooked up my editing comp  I know you guys miss my artwork, so I�ve decided to... http://tumblr.com/xeh1wetiq"
1961643343,"worry","ashleybella","Victor drew Hannah Montanna in my yearbook.hahaha. I'm going to miss my 2nd per SO much"
1961643441,"sadness","PreshMak","Damn. Stephane doesn't even feel sorry for me. Off to work then"
1961643503,"fun","nethmii","@letsdrawmistle it was really good sally! you should have beeeeen there!  xxxx"
1961643688,"happiness","0mgitsmeg","Excited to see the girls today; @takinakab its boring at work without you"
1961644053,"neutral","kirROCKS","that little girl still holding her phone while tears are pouring out of her eyes"
1961644274,"worry","devDillinger","Suddenly sick with the flu and quite sad about it"
1961645342,"neutral","AndyAlvarez","got a case of the bubblies."
1961645412,"sadness","sally428","@NancyLeeGrahn IS she in grade 5?  I can't do my daughters grade 4 math...soo sad"
1961645575,"hate","NerkTheJerk","Just got to work  Today is going to be another long ass day!"
1961646153,"sadness","fashiondani","http://twitpic.com/66vld - i don't like this bangs! I want my hair back!"
1961646246,"sadness","oooh_LALA","dis damn usb charger is good for nothin. gotta find that verizon store. my fone been dead since last nite"
1961646377,"worry","ToxicShockTaco","I'm glad I don't have class on Fridays. I need the break! Algebra test on Wednesday"
1961646420,"worry","DivineUnbroken","spent the whole day editing in Pro Tools...i luvvv this thing and am becoming quite the pro, but it gives me insane headaches."
1961646529,"worry","DawnofOURnight","@itsgabbith oh no!  thats no good! I pierced  my bottom lip on the right side...myself in 12th grade, but we had a no piercings dress code"
1961646645,"sadness","vzbaby30","@mdfogarty Im so very sad that i am at work today and cant win tickets"
1961647197,"worry","mollypockett","@DrRonVonDoom @derrickjdavis it might be the swine flu! haha 'cause i've got the flu"
1961647541,"sadness","Bekzo","the sun burned me today....my arms look angry  Party tonight tho babes! woop!"
1961647853,"worry","darlingnikki08","So sad...  John Cryer's ex-wife Sarah Trigger  charged with abusing their son. He had rope marks around his neck   http://digg.com/u14MCf"
1961647925,"hate","plasmamonkey","Walking to class. I hate not having a bike....especially mine."
1961648166,"sadness","HautePersian","I need to get in a good, hard workout today after work, I feel like I've been slacking! No good"
1961648336,"worry","cjvash","This poor butterfly was dead  http://twitpic.com/66vlw"
1961648374,"sadness","La_la_lauraaa","Bloody exams next week"
1961648495,"neutral","cosRobPerkins","@abbybradz  Not sure, I think my #revision efforts need to be S2 until Monday."
1961648516,"relief","olliverYou","the start of my day was finding a lump on my body... went to the hospital... apparently its nothing! fewfffff! bloodtests suck...  haha"
1961648530,"worry","givemestrength","This is a joke surely? http://prune.it/WEAt"
1961648818,"hate","jrcook410","@keirkafka I love it. Tell me it didn't match my shirt perfectly. Can you just not move PLEASE? What am I supposed to do without you?"
1961648843,"worry","Whacky","Am i the only one experiencing problems logging into digital point forums ???"
1961650030,"neutral","synkaaos","I found out thro mama"
1961650044,"sadness","anandbatra","@thecomicproject It's sunny and hot in London today, while I sit in office cranking spreadsheets"
1961650363,"worry","NKB9260","@NeyomFriday I'm here!... Jdubb is @ his funky job...I guess.. We're neglected"
1961650923,"worry","coolkarthik88","#BSNL, Stupid net went down.. Been without email for a whole day"
1961651188,"worry","zephyrhills123","@murphyusa why aren't you following me you bastard?! you're my own brother..."
1961651729,"happiness","meggytron","@millionsbyname Jared's wearing a green shirt? *SPARKLY EYES* YEE!! I hear #asylm is highly disorganized  hang in there!"
1961652023,"sadness","joshuamilane","@indysawhney seems like u r just pushing your #wcm site. i really cant beleive you are an IT pro and havent heard of #joomla or #drupal."
1961652293,"surprise","vshankar90","@RodrigoVaca I agree. Everybody would've been excited and then it goes... ohhhh nooooo..... MS screws up again.."
1961652403,"sadness","antq_twit","Is working all weekend"
1961653423,"worry","Falahime","@Extrange I'm totally impressed!  I could only wish to be an otaku!  Instead...I just get horrible nosebleeds when I see bishonen"
1961653756,"worry","alcoholiccheese","@Kel_Kel_17 ehh carnt stand hot weather"
1961653870,"surprise","courtknee18u2","@twobdesired I did wake up but i appear to have missed you by not much!"
1961654073,"worry","Cjohnso6","Ugh feeling sick to my stomach and I have five more hours of work to go"
1961654318,"neutral","emesky","@MissLaSheenaJ yes I am....I have r more hours to go"
1961654478,"neutral","iThrowdown","I have nothing witty to say"
1961655331,"love","twinklepuff","? THANK YOU @WINKII sana matanggap ako  http://plurk.com/p/x1yts"
1961655423,"sadness","Sweeneykins","Beer, garden, IPOD, Friday night, shame I've got to work tomorrow"
1961655660,"empty","Mallmus","@LacesOutDan nah, he was acting like a dick - his show sucked last night"
1961656372,"neutral","PrincessRP","Is revisingg"
1961656398,"neutral","yashesh","@SujataChadha wish I could say the same about the weather in Mumbai. Its hot n horrible  but guess it friday so one reason to be"
1961656518,"worry","nicki_paints","@AugustGrrl oh no! Whats up chuck?"
1961656738,"relief","s0l_uk","@chenks seen that!  hopefully ebay replacement  will work for you!  but take it to bits anyway! lol"
1961656746,"relief","uptehpunx","working my way through this casualties discography.  have to pull weeds later  ..."
1961657142,"neutral","marviemorales","@theOlsens Aww, that's sad.  I miss seeing you guys on the big screen."
1961657380,"worry","finnapanties","Hour fifteen drive. Just left, bored and ate half my food already"
1961657613,"surprise","seanpadilla","@fattonyrap I'm just a couple bus stops away from an LC, but I didn't realize that until about a month or so ago"
1961657794,"neutral","rgioc","just finished an exam, every1 else has finished cos I chose i different course to my friends I have one more exam on Thurs next week"
1961657939,"worry","yarapearl","50 is sooo much better than 65  my biology score's so bad."
1961658016,"sadness","number1_CDS","is back from the park and is very sunburnt  cant wait 4 @totallywiredm 2night,and is gonna get smashed..bein sober jst wnt b as fun!"
1961658672,"sadness","tishda","@jhaywardbenzal ouch. I hate it when that happens."
1961658707,"neutral","BeOWT","@kennyblak I spoke but when niggas be looking at ya crazi all the time u just stop....  plus I always used to see yall when I just wanted"
1961658755,"sadness","BrandonGorman","@AdamBMusic ik, i feel sooo bad for them"
1961658831,"worry","_Kirsty","@JoJolike i tried phoning you"
1961659012,"neutral","ThemesbyDesign","I'm working on working, but it's not working"
1961659374,"sadness","Sock_Rocker","WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?! Last night and this morning SUCKED... More moving tonight."
1961659710,"neutral","tshields92","resorted to eating Mickey Ds ALONE."
1961685750,"sadness","KBuhl","i need a jb but i dread the fact that it will have to be retail this summer"
1961685762,"worry","Slick137","Up and moving... my dad home when he should be working.. im due to work at 12"
1961686001,"worry","stewling","My invisibleSHIELD has gone a yellow pissy colour! Don't look good!"
1961686814,"neutral","tannajoy","I'm exhausted  new song "one day" on myspace check out http://www.myspace.com/tannajoy"
1961687039,"hate","celine196","I'm drawning in emails"
1961687264,"worry","Drw_Images","No twang photopass for tonite"
1961687378,"love","MacSheikh","@DissidentFury Good morning, sis! Alas, it'll be time for me to say goodnight soon."
1961687610,"sadness","caffeinator","@geminianeyes it didnt  - from research the traffic in this beautiful system of twitter is approx 100msg/second.. mine only grabs 6msg/sec"
1961687799,"sadness","MPDIXON","Starting to get sad."
1961687853,"neutral","Madkoda","At ihop with the besties..minus one  where's the dr.???? At work of course"
1961688149,"sadness","purplegril","Feel like death  evil headache and need to pack and drive to parents. Bum."
1961688255,"worry","uknowulovemeh","Memorizing the first 18 lines of the General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales. Ughhh."
1961688292,"worry","simnor","Big Header Folio (http://bit.ly/MYmeA  has been up 2 hours, no sales yet  I'm really impatient lol"
1961688603,"sadness","kirROCKS","i reaaally need you"
1961688985,"sadness","thefremen","@lifesaver45 that sucks."
1961688999,"neutral","Silversea23","@moossacre lol - funny thing is - I don't even know what class or even race half of the people in our group are   yes - I am THAT clueless"
1961689036,"worry","rainydaygoods","@YarnThing oh Marly, I'm so sorry!!  I hope you find her soon!! <3 <3"
1961689330,"worry","allieshevs","someone broke into my car big time = having a really bad day"
1961689352,"sadness","ComcastBonnie","@cindyefolson the signal that makes your internet "go" is pretty bad  getting a tech out will get that fixed up, though!"
1961689749,"worry","erkagarcia","@tommcfly Have you guys heard about the flu that's been going around? Swine Flu? Hope you guys are safe  There've been deaths already. :-S"
1961689968,"neutral","msVeracity","Follow Friday @msveracity b/c she needs more followers"
1961690574,"sadness","xavierjernigan","R.I.P. Sammie the Cat"
1961690590,"happiness","MissJayne_Marie","@skybluetom4 Ha Ha thanks Tom! I'm such a loser! Hopefully going on the 22nd June till 3rd July...what date u goin? u missing helen?  x"
1961690710,"neutral","jesssicababesss","Why doesnt joe sing in anything  no affence nick but ur stealing the spotlight with guitar and singing !"
1961690766,"worry","Dogbook","Pressly Anne Hamm misses her mommy while she is in Texas  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6480360"
1961690901,"surprise","Kermit_105","OMG...the heater in my room has been on all day while i was at school & now it's boiling"
1961692145,"relief","thenbobbiesaid","@Deb124 yeah i got ur text! well ive only been on summer break for a week, and so far its been boring... all i do is watch tennis matches"
1961692400,"neutral","kayceeee","@joelyuk If you think Florida's heat will be too much, I will reluctantly take your place"
1961692427,"hate","likeomfgsera","I had to postpone the photoshoot. Stupid Wisconsin weather. Why can't it be sunny? Working out, tanning, preschool grad night, then out!"
1961692472,"worry","TreesMakeShade","I can't believe I thought I had a morning shift today and told Alex that I could take him to the airport.  His flight is during my shift!"
1961692571,"neutral","xxnicky","@MegMegMeg123 I ran out of space....hugging Jacob and Edward is just by himself"
1961692973,"worry","tan1337","Shit my neighbors dog just died.. it was hit by a damn car.. feeling really sad"
1961693049,"sadness","imnotabox","at home. have very sore feet. and am sad because the sale of my grandas house just went through. miss you"
1961693051,"worry","ginidietrich","@Vasilicious Did you get your free chocolate?!? I still haven't gotten my email."
1961693845,"surprise","jcaf40","@brandyinboise How did you swing those? We didn't get that close."
1961694319,"happiness","stelliss8","@ArnaudJacobs haha yeah this is improving my nite big time!!  i have to make a skype call soon tho, so will have to tear myself away.."
1961694336,"sadness","yellibrown","In the middle of breakfast the school called.Yep...back to get Shey...AGAIN.3rd migraine this week or maybe one that never went away"
1961694432,"enthusiasm","LMarle","@xac Reminders are good! Speaking of which, we haven't had a Posture Check in awhile....."
1961695183,"neutral","DAWNIEB","@djdnice I know!"
1961695631,"neutral","EricMosher","Just joined, no one is following me"
1961695877,"worry","AndrewNeo","How did I manage to schedule all my bills to eat my money all at the same time?  EVE, rent and phone are all within a couple days -.-"
1961697141,"love","Panthras","Maaaaaan what a lovely day, shame that the ice-cream man near our workplace decided there was business elsewhere before we got a 99"
1961697278,"neutral","animeangelblue","I wanna do something tonight after work.... But I dunno what..."
1961697328,"worry","zandraisabelle","Alcohol makes me tired. And I miss and want him so much. It hurts"
1961697774,"worry","NastyDre","ok...so i'm Twittin from my computer...its gonna be bad when i get on my phone.. cause ima be lost like shit"
1961697946,"worry","JaneKarrie","I REALLY wish I was spoiled!"
1961698021,"worry","Sifichick","Rest in peace Sheeba. You will be very missed. I'm off to go cry now."
1961698072,"surprise","junhao9951","I think I juz missed my last bus  .. Need to walk home sia - http://tweet.sg"
1961698086,"neutral","libster_t","It smells badly of garlic"
1961698322,"worry","sallymwilson","today is going to be a long day"
1961698670,"neutral","beba41","@MrsThang86 Me ttooo."
1961698847,"neutral","faceattack","@vegansteak yeah dude. Mike is out"
1961699242,"sadness","dBeatz","Damn...the right side of my earphones just stopped working all of a sudden. Now I need to buy new ones..."
1961700325,"sadness","jellybeanhorror","ooh my icecream's gone  oh no wait i got another 2 boxes on the freezor! yumm"
1961700450,"neutral","jcinsf23","brought the SF fog to LA"
1961700867,"hate","RowanHeaphy","last night in cork  and come tomorrow i wont even remember it... double sad face  haha... in the words on lily allen.. NOT FAIR!"
1961701056,"neutral","Turtle502","curses, firewall/proxy server restrictions! @trixie360 it will have to wait until I get home"
1961701176,"sadness","Sarcasmoo","I have never had a Starbucks coffee in my entire life, people keep making me jealous"
1961701421,"surprise","GlassCamel","Oh, ouch. That hurt.  Damn washing machine is out to get me!  <.<    >.>"
1961701454,"sadness","KatiesKreations","@ScrapShoppeEtsy rt i have had few hearts the past few days on etsy  boo hoo....totally the same for me too (((((("
1961701707,"fun","tknokitten","@Rae4OSU where ya at girlie...haven't heard from you in a while  missing your cheery disposition...LOL"
1961701783,"worry","Matthewmartini","Momma martini went food shopping without me!!!!"
1961701968,"neutral","natashaaaaaa","@captainkarenn I dont think so"
1961702116,"hate","karlaarandela","Grrr..stupid internet connection ruined a great scrabble game"
1961702304,"boredom","Marie_Torture","I want to go to my home!!! D: I don't like stay in the work all alone"
1961738516,"worry","emzanotti","My whole body back pain treatment and detox starts Monday. Not looking forward to a summer of hot yoga and healthy food."
1961738653,"worry","JRHIGHTOWER","I dont think my twitpic is working"
1961738726,"worry","samozzy","Just updated my To-Do List (notepad, need something else?) with Flickr and downloads. Internet being slow and sluggish"
1961738862,"relief","Hannah_gamblin","is sooo close to finishing her exams  role on monday and i will have my life back."
1961739406,"neutral","LadyErlynne","Father is staying home and conference calling. Sorry @Sparklegirl21"
1961739605,"worry","thecupcakekid","Gotta drop off some car parts for a buddy to press out, then to the dentist!    http://yfrog.com/0a7v3j"
1961739797,"worry","Rachel_Louise01","Hmmm I am very stuck, I have uploaded a picture but it doesn't show up :S I urgently need serious Twitter help  lol"
1961740395,"sadness","J4Yx2","I think Ive buggered up my mobile  ack. I am a stubborn arse and refuse to get a new one."
1961740911,"sadness","stofte","Weekend is getting close. Too bad I'll be stuck up north  Hopefully I'll be able to get out next weekend for some real life fun."
1961741465,"happiness","Pringle_","Outside for just about 1 hour, the sun was bloody hot - no tan  Wait for monday then will spend around 2 hours outside ;)"
1961741979,"worry","rosspj","@DarkAeon Alas, the best I can offer is a small pony and a rowing boat"
1961741993,"love","BeeJustice","@cwpicketandco It's pretty warm out now! I forgot K was sick though."
1961742133,"sadness","AdamBMusic","@Steffisticated If they recorded it and sent it to people, they obviously meant for it to get out there.  But if they didn't, I feel bad."
1961742294,"neutral","_magic8ball","@gohong Don't count on it"
1961742355,"sadness","AnnaVodka","have to put my dog down tomorrow."
1961742455,"neutral","pan89","shower before doctor's appointment"
1961742554,"sadness","waites","My sunglasses broke"
1961742564,"love","danisach","@pixiexlee Ahh but but  haha They're so cute together!! >_< cutest couple really! he's so sweet !"
1961742568,"worry","erincharlotte","i lost my nintendogs, it's very upsetting."
1961742569,"boredom","TypicalLeo","Can't believe how gorgeous the weather has been today & I've had to spend it at work!"
1961742642,"hate","king_aggy","Geez I'm hating bein at work till 10 on a day like this I feel like its a wasted lovley day"
1961743004,"surprise","blueyes8279","The pool doesnt open til tomorrow!"
1961743103,"worry","_Chelsea_Lynne_","Has a bad headache"
1961743479,"worry","arinlikeyeah","@Jeefthepirate @thedeadknight I know it's sad. But back in 05 the auto industry didn't understand that iPhones would change our lives"
1961743698,"worry","laurajackie","i have three hours to do my hair. and it STILL won't be straight"
1961743896,"relief","amberboehm","i told myself i wasn't gonna cry and then one kid that everyone made fun of all year said "it's been a good year""
1961744458,"worry","COSICols","@hepcatrayo  so sorry, I just found the members preview has been sold out for awhile. It opens at Noon to the general public"
1961744462,"worry","PeaceHugsLove","exhausted and sick... my face is greenish"
1961744502,"sadness","sazprominence","waiting for aaron to get into town, and then leave him for work. booo"
1961744515,"worry","miaagg","does not feel like babysitting. i want to go to the gym. weird, i know. i miss zack"
1961744637,"relief","katiescott9","Its Friday! Only 5 more hours until I'm free!.....until tomorrow.  oh well"
1961745077,"worry","djauslicht","I hope amy is okai"
1961745324,"worry","shandnash","i am so stressed and sad about pugsly missing. i hope hes okay. i am stuck at otrip and cant look for him  someone post his pic on FB 4 me"
1961745706,"neutral","Rachellx3","I'm sitting in altanta. It's raining in boston. Yay for flying in the rain, that should help with my fear."
1961746208,"worry","jenthegingerkid","@MBLeah Unfortunately, no."
1961746482,"neutral","t0astbandit","@projectcloud i'm trying  in lots of pain though."
1961746561,"worry","CourtSings","@Jojosvoice Bro. Martin!! I need you to repent!! Pam said we were going to get to meet you last wknd..."
1961746811,"worry","salawi","@AbeerAK woooooow I wanna join the maseera, but on bed rest can't drive  R thy going crazy or its the boring type?"
1961747041,"worry","itwashardlylove","Bleargh. I can never clean as much of my house as I want to before work, no matter how early I wake up. Today: sink, laundry."
1961747085,"surprise","jon_thompson_uk","The young lady in the local Chinese taking orders is, it has to be said, very cute indeed. Pity I'm probably twice her age"
1961747519,"hate","GatorUA","@bitterpurl I don't even look at their fabric unless I need polar fleece.   It's worth the extra $ to go to Needle and Thread."
1961747664,"neutral","noxhanti","@hambers It means "luv ya" in Zulu/Xhosa. Probably spelt it wrong lol. Can't b creative 2day ...tired  so translated"
1961747724,"empty","learnedhoof","@jen4buz How inconsiderate!"
1961747953,"neutral","elfennau","@Kreeoni I know that feeling."
1961748103,"hate","MESSI10","Today in the friendly game one asshole hit me in the knee. Now, I'm lying in bed with a heating cream (stinks) and ice. bore very much"
1961748312,"worry","amypennington88","well paisley has one of those cone things around her head...SO funny but I feel bad for her"
1961748517,"enthusiasm","alovething","Everyone is so sad about the no touching rule.  You still get to see them! More than most of us get!"
1961748846,"worry","moniquepowell","@top5jamaica yeah man, they brought it back on the market a couple years ago...it scarce through"
1961748925,"sadness","tkei","@dsml dont depress me  I have the mother-in-law staying the weekend. Someone else to wait on other than the kids!"
1961749265,"sadness","LadyDutchess","@BigzFlygerian sorry but I'm not impressed in the slightest b/c u don't eat pussy..more like saddened and confused"
1961749353,"hate","loisxmariex","OMG The LG KC910 touchscreen fone is such a pile of shite!! Roll on new contract in 18 months"
1961749720,"sadness","bubbly_sandra",": why is it so cold!?!?!"
1961749727,"enthusiasm","LeaLaLa","@ChantiParnell I wana be there num 1 fan  sharsies??!!!"
1961749964,"love","xJanyx","thinking of you - Katy Perry"
1961750093,"sadness","dougggie","@Starry1968 you're surrounded by them! I have no official nieces/nephews yet"
1961750310,"neutral","La_Steph","it'S freezing and raining here"
1961750452,"sadness","samanthaang","is becoming edgy bcause the lappy has not arrive yet"
1961750476,"sadness","bvigeant","Another favorite local place bites the dust: Con Sabor Cubano, the place I go to for the most amazing Cuban sammiches, is closed"
1961750934,"worry","writingaddict","@MissJo_Jo I took pics but I cant find my camera chord to upload them  my cell phone doesnt do justice. It feels like nothings on"
1961750978,"fun","stelliss8","@ArnaudJacobs haha well i was at my friend's party, but then i realized i forgot my stepmom's bday, so i had to come home to call her!"
1961750991,"neutral","jenny_L_s","i just saw a pony that used to live in front of my house again. he's developed cushing's disease tho"
1961751007,"worry","obliviator","@unaffected @warpdesign @cianan @mikedelgado Byebye web buddies  The cubes look so sad... SRoach I had no idea you are BigToach."
1961751039,"enthusiasm","NKArmyTNgirl","@loribartolozzi I just found out 5 minutes ago  mama said his speech is still slurred but he seems to be doing ok"
1961751069,"neutral","wimweb","Thinking of making a Google Wave wordpress plugin in the next months... Really want to test it"
1961751114,"sadness","tan1337","@meerasapra seriously.. it used to spend most of the time in my house.."
1961751260,"neutral","Laura_scarf","@gemmie_mit_glee It is confusing and flippin expensive"
1961751589,"worry","normc","@archetypo no kidding, the trends are pretty much useless now. Too bad"
1961751634,"worry","Mattisrad11","yeaaaahh lunch but no food/money"
1961751647,"worry","stacykinney","heading out to the park with the kids - hope it does not rain -looking cloudy?"
1961751982,"neutral","TaraLynnFoxx","fuck i hate when the strawberries run out in my special K"
1961752350,"empty","Shoegal17","is about to go for a run.. in this weather.."
1961752373,"worry","NarcissticBeaut","Getting a cleaning on tues then getting a tooth pulled on thurs. Then gotta schedule a bridge that might need a root canal--ugh."
1961753889,"worry","jamesmelore","@Draconator its brokey"
1961753984,"surprise","BeOWT","@kennyblak We wasnt invited to yall get togethers either! Then @tnlos and @josmoke was playin security and told us to be quiet!!"
1961754033,"sadness","laurenaked","Where is the boss... I'd like to have my check and leave please!"
1961754140,"sadness","tizynini","We're not gonna be able to talk again"
1961754345,"worry","sshewan","sad today...neighbour taking down beautiful willow tree"
1961755443,"neutral","toddamus","cart path only"
1961755611,"love","Chanpretty","damnnn this day came to fast, but i cherished all the moment i had"
1961756197,"worry","stldave2","@bmerten85 @anthonycolaneri Pool party? Why wasn't I informed????"
1961756472,"sadness","mathrisk","michael scholfield is no more. He is dead. I am sorry"
1961757490,"hate","evelinamonroe","@JuiceOwens WHATS THE VIDEO?? I CANT WATCH IT!"
1961758357,"sadness","lucy1993","had a good day but im now skint again"
1961758727,"worry","fknCLASSY","@fashionish OOuUch!...good luck"
1961758880,"worry","minherva","@mamapennington im the only one in the office! and I jammed the copier"
1961758922,"worry","tswizz","@lauryqui  we're gonna miss you. dont worry, there will be more for sure!"
1961758993,"empty","fashnablylate","Finals week dont bother me im studying"
1961760225,"empty","noelleee","Do fish feel pain? Yes, says a new study.  http://is.gd/Jbcg"
1961760301,"relief","VickyCheng","Finally got to wash my hair! I feel much better now, but I gotta dry it ... Effffffort."
1961760353,"neutral","audy86","Someone just fuck up birthday sex for me ...  he basically said the song is about a nigga being selfish ... Listen to the song carefully"
1961760410,"worry","Sabrinagoh","I though the clothes of AW0910 Collection from +9 designers will be there, together with the visual arts, but it is not"
1961760434,"love","Rainbowheart18","David Mitchell's presenting 'Have I Got News For You' tonight <3 I love him! I think he's ace <3 On another note, damn this headache"
1961760600,"surprise","angelique1936","@scythianmusic PLEASE come to Minneapolis/St. Paul area!!!! I looked on your schedule but I don't see anything close anytime soon."
1961761201,"love","amarie2209","i love him..i hate him..i loved him yesterday...ill hate him tomorrow....damn im confused"
1961761522,"neutral","missbebebitches","@OGBERRY cold and rainy"
1961761589,"worry","Si_za","@mustntgrumble ha!The potential is there but so is the loss of fingers, think you can get the PO to do it? At a charge and not full proof"
1961761596,"worry","mcowger","has now found a bug in the RHEL5 bnx2 driver   Cant handle high packets per second (> 50k)"
1961761847,"sadness","tabykatt","gross. it's hot, and there's cotton EVERYWHERE.. hello allergies."
1961761952,"enthusiasm","kirROCKS","baby i need you , right here , right now"
1961762166,"surprise","xshay","@peterloggins ... schedule says 10:30 class? I will be late for 10  #campjitterbug"
1961762432,"surprise","lyoko37","I work in one hour"
1961762972,"worry","napps126","#followfriday @RoRuby although she doesnt consider me a sweetheart to"
1961763085,"hate","Kaay94","is so gutted she can't get tickets for pink!"
1961763431,"sadness","Caro_jb_lover","Thought she wuz my best friend..."
1961763682,"worry","danhauk","@stuartnewman So sorry  Definitely getting it out this weekend."
1961763822,"sadness","RachaelVK","Is still tired  due to late nights out and work and has to b up early again 2moro 4 work bad times!"
1961764092,"surprise","JakeJacobsVI","@loldarian oh ok  I guess next time then!"
1961764105,"enthusiasm","cbojo","@tinabojo Wish I was there!"
1961764504,"worry","NellBellz","Again, No P.F. Changs for lunch    Booooo"
1961764762,"sadness","ostephens","Oh well, there go my hopes for seamless transfer of blog  however I am now on track and will have it up and running sometime this eve"
1961765253,"neutral","sceptre1067","Downside to being on client site... no donut today."
1961765317,"neutral","ATX58gurl","@chamillionaire Wish I could go. Gotta work."
1961765366,"worry","Esme_Marie","@evlover0327 ...I will take some...I am tiny"
1961765459,"relief","MissVu","moving 11 blocks up the street. goodbye hardwood floors"
1961765463,"worry","meganjay100","@Jadeyyg  haa I'm so exciteddd woooo"
1961765538,"worry","givemestrength","@ireallydohate I had to look at it 3 times before it sunk in, totally shocked by it  tbh."
1961766552,"worry","drummerinaband","sore from ultimate... trying to figure out how to pay for school next semester..."
1961766566,"worry","hanishalim","missing loverboy so much"
1961767321,"worry","YoungFlame","Quick answer, when do I put the bleach in the wash?? In the start or middle..  don't laugh @ me.."
1961767345,"sadness","JulianaBest","Im so tired and sick  i have to be better on Sunday so i can sing morning and night"
1961767400,"surprise","VickyCheng","@katyb_ haha tell me about. I've had this feeling everyday of this week"
1961767544,"happiness","pacoraptor","going camping in a coupla hours. gotta pack everything... by myself"
1961767865,"fun","erkagarcia","@tommcfly I really hope you see my tweets. Sent you so much, I swear. Do a tour in the Philippines, please?  *prays*"
1961767905,"worry","whitehawk","@JetGirlArt same as I... to bad I'm a programmer only in this company"
1961767976,"sadness","hidalgoal","@danecook Sooo SAD I will miss you here in San Diego!!!"
1961768063,"worry","writesfortea","@Peapods ooow those look painful, poor bb"
1961768327,"worry","dhanediesil","time to get to work. i'm already starting the day off bad. missed the UP screening  this morning at the el capitan"
1961768662,"sadness","angel_trujillo","@ work again"
1961768874,"happiness","IHateWhine","@finalscoreB3G2  How nice"
1961769046,"worry","DivasMistress","So i have done absolutely NOTHING all day today...how pitiful is that...smdh...guess I cant go out 2nite, I gotta work  booo @me"
1961769507,"neutral","CH4466","@benjamin_cook Guess I am very shallow then!"
1961769541,"worry","canadacbsupport","Nooo i wanna watch the comet  dont wanna go workk!!!"
1961769545,"worry","ananiah","Bar exam madness:  topic for today is torts"
1961769695,"sadness","brian_shoemaker","BREAKING NEWS: The broiler at Burger King is down. There will be no burgers at Burger King at lunch!  At least Chicken Fries were there!"
1961769827,"neutral","HeroLynk","@builttofail and the download failed  My phone does not like your phone."
1961770433,"worry","techempage","Around 3 hours left until a 3 day weekend and I have waaaay too much work to do."
1961770450,"worry","_sarah_b_","@randiohdesigns Didn't think of that.  Why can't people just be nice? Why would anyone think it's ok to say that, much less make a movie."
1961770771,"worry","Chevygovroom","I want to party down!"
1961771076,"neutral","darkkatpouncing","@hazelrage ewww is that who you're contracted through?"
1961771917,"worry","lexus_33","Awwww ur already gone"
1961771964,"sadness","dinchuu","Time flies...and i never got it all right. Why oh why?"
1961772389,"sadness","jaknjill","I am loving this sunshine and hating the thought of my office without windows"
1961772821,"worry","SophiiMcCarthy","@Lidybeth inooo arent they just  i wanna just go down there now an meet kyle again.. im too obsessed its not fair!"
1961814736,"neutral","mrs_mcsupergirl","@FreyaLynn @donniewahlberg yep! jimmy buffett FTW!!!... jimmy needs to tweet his words of wisdom every morning"
1961815174,"worry","leopardqueen","@enave22 Hey! You have a bunch of events on facebook that jenny and i aren't invited to...  we're sad"
1961815264,"enthusiasm","meganmegatron","I want it to rain today! Like full thunderstorm style! But it probably won't"
1961815446,"happiness","Grutas16","Trying to shop online wis I could find sevens for 40.  haha"
1961815831,"love","nikkimaltby","@anthonycashcash  you better come back soon! <3"
1961816067,"happiness","daniellegroom","i wish paramore would come to ireland"
1961816097,"happiness","Wolverin3","10 more days to go for Freedom!!!!!! Damn these xams!!"
1961816108,"worry","LauretteIAm","@HeadHardHat I'm so sorry to hear your bad news.  I will send happy thoughts your way that you find a new job very soon!"
1961816264,"fun","Hardtarget","@etdragon i'm playing good because i'm a big baby"
1961816294,"hate","mfrick100","is somewhat irritated by people coming up to me and asking if I'm so and so from TV, or that I look familiar. I thought I was original."
1961816374,"love","JaimeCrowe","I'm having a fantastically miserable time so far..."
1961816699,"worry","princessmasayo","am but mom...  because my princess got pneumonia...."
1961816833,"worry","ma_writer","@LegendaryWriter Good!! Busy as heck but good. Feeling yucky at the moment."
1961817193,"neutral","lrts","@TrudieDreyer I can't DM you because you aren't following me"
1961817194,"fun","sexidance","@moefugger drag me to hell looks so freakin scary  watch terminator! it was really good."
1961817846,"happiness","NillaLove","Listening 2 music @ home all alone lol  who wants 2 come over & hang with me LOL!!"
1961818067,"worry","xodollfacexo","i don't wanna work over the weekend"
1961818092,"neutral","NathnLock","no new tubas until  4th  of july weekend"
1961818155,"relief","OfficialCharice","@clothes_w thank you.."
1961818197,"empty","kaitlinjeter","just found out i have strep"
1961818780,"worry","mollydot","@tronella Cool! I have one (from a decluttering friend), but I don't know how to play"
1961819131,"sadness","sugarsnap","Selling my Bonnaroo ticket.  Can't get any time away from work. Anyone in the DC area interested? I can meet up!"
1961819371,"worry","MzKRayne88","everybody is sick"
1961819444,"sadness","carmelaramirez","@inlovewitharmy Southridge was moved a week later cause of Swine flu, i think"
1961820138,"neutral","neth","I've lost my pocket knife  Suggestions for replacing a Ken Onion Chive?"
1961820710,"worry","Andy5115","@ajlnike09 omg wtf why is there a porn site following me?!"
1961820749,"neutral","kelseymartinez1","here again in school bored wanting  2 go home"
1961821156,"empty","hadramie","Haih.. Cannot sleep lar.."
1961821536,"neutral","hot957","Kelly Kelly pays your bills @ 12:15, Kaden pays em @ 5:15 and @radiomobounce just wants you to follow him. lol He dosent get to pay bills"
1961822236,"sadness","beardsquared","@DanielFielding Yeah. It totally sucks.  I hate not being able to breathe! Thanks for the ff!"
1961822468,"neutral","devolved","Downloading TF2, a mere 6.3G ... 3% nearly instantly now down to about 500KB"
1961822535,"neutral","egSebastian","Hey #socialmediatv  - I'm new here  - is this a recorded show, viewable later too?  thanks  (Social Media TV live > http://ustre.am/2NjV)"
1961822696,"sadness","justinleon","@zarigee i got mcdonalds, surpisingly its not a popular drunk food option.  its sucks that all diners aren't 24hrs here anymore"
1961822707,"sadness","sherineazzouna","Oh My God ..  sad day .."
1961823108,"worry","sherl0k","@JAKAZiD I made the mistake of NOT avoiding the latest Bonkers. I think my image of the series is tainted upon repair. AATW ruined it"
1961823275,"neutral","lazoug","can't figure out at what time(french hour) the new moon trailer will be up since I can't watch the MTV movie Awards from Paris... ?"
1961823541,"worry","PhotosByDamien","At the dentist. I liked it better when the dentist is the client. Now I'm the patient.  http://www.DamienSmithPhotography.com"
1961823968,"worry","butterfly31972","I should've known something would go wrong. The van is having problems. Oh please tell me it will not cost us an arm and a leg"
1961824060,"hate","smileybhoy","The trains turned into a microwave"
1961824115,"neutral","KeishaNC","the weather is tooo hottt mayn i cnt take it, n i styl aint got ride of my flu  n i want ma baby bk"
1961824257,"happiness","Claybfx","@benandskin Ah GDit! Ranger game this afternoon"
1961824333,"sadness","maxinefrances","Working late with only The House of Love for company. Just what I want to be doing on a summer evening when I should be out with people"
1961824945,"sadness","lsschoen","any other Mac users completely given up on Google Chrome?"
1961825813,"sadness","MelOhSoRetro","@BiggaBX Yes, It's only fair  lol"
1961825851,"happiness","CT415","@DEWz_PingPong Awww I'm teaching my son (when I have one) those manners!  Too many boys are lacking those!"
1961826012,"worry","hannahpuddy","@BrinnaBarlow try being my height in small cars  not much fun specially on bumbpy country roads! haha"
1961826181,"happiness","ladypandorah","@BlacksilkBlog Hugs to you for not being able to shag Crush anymore  x"
1961826323,"sadness","CatBitches","so much for a day off- I've been on my feet, all over the place, all day!"
1961826485,"sadness","ayadhani","@TiwuRayie geez! one time in a row.. patience! good things comes to those who patience. lol. i wish i could sleepover.."
1961826834,"happiness","sexiestrush24","Out if class!! Yow party + four hour lecture don't mix attal!! I had to drink 3 red bulls & I'm still sleepy .,,,,smh! Alrite bedtime"
1961826886,"love","Alilly","cant decide on wht i wanna do with the rest of my day...i think i may go bk 2 sleep  woe is me! uugghh! lol"
1961826889,"surprise","Yellowfang","The comp deleted half my apps"
1961826897,"worry","bunnycartoon","@blumchen OH MAN I WOULD BUT I'M FRESH OUT"
1961827772,"sadness","dj_luthergates","@suzbooze I wanna go, but I so freaking broke   Have fun for me"
1961828052,"neutral","hypatiadotca","@james_herdman middle-click is addictive, what can i say"
1961828980,"sadness","Missi__","thirty minutes turned into three hours. oops"
1961830105,"sadness","BarbieD23","YawNnnnn _slight headache n hangover grrr"
1961830132,"sadness","s_waheed","i miss the one who would do anything to spend 5 min with me... the one who used to say just tell me when and where"
1961830321,"fun","sylver_","*pokes and runs away* ... I WANT SUGAR !"
1961830363,"love","SicknastyKaryn","@Sicknastyjessie  i know. it sucks"
1961830425,"fun","jamesterrr","@misskitty05 i wish i had a 12hr nap!!  lets talk rachel into getting one of these now.. lol"
1961831046,"neutral","ChazzleStar","@charlieskies your vid wont play  x"
1961831301,"sadness","hanaefaith","G'night world. Vacations have to end some day."
1961831369,"worry","davance36","is saddened by Husker Access...no internet!"
1961831584,"neutral","mmmmmburgerrrrr","@kimchiwithkraig buy me a taco! haha. i don't want to stand in line"
1961831620,"worry","Kimber_Ann","@feliciaodg argh, sorry, he's just been a thorn in my side since we got him. rude, mouthy, etc."
1961831628,"worry","twentyybel0w","i just saw a bird slowly die right next to me"
1961831674,"neutral","sarahthesmall","@Hazelandvine why didn't I know about the relient k show?"
1961831968,"worry","Ernieeee","i just fell going into my house.. not fun"
1961832029,"neutral","posttheist","She didn't make the challenge"
1961832611,"neutral","Dits","on no bsg might just have made me cry"
1961833498,"love","justharm","No more drinking for Harm   Doc is convinced that it's the cause of my PCVs (look it up).Told not to stop smoking just yet, that will come"
1961833803,"relief","SweetTweet78","Decided I should study  (finger down throat making gaging noises) Hate MFs!!"
1961834606,"worry","CrispyKristy","talking to dii and missing her terribly..."
1961834859,"sadness","6bdesign","Omg. I got no sleep again. Neighbors are building a deck & they've been starting @ 5:00am. I'm SO tired. Feel like I just took Benadryl"
1961835106,"neutral","vunvi","@markhoppus i'm upset because i couldnt get any tickets on the KROQ presale."
1961858751,"sadness","kellanza","has a gym day and is hoping to enjoy the last Friday of her twenties."
1961859273,"worry","LaurNroo","@Ms_Eclectic but then you leave"
1961859671,"worry","d_bhatt","Sad that everyone is leaving me."
1961859758,"neutral","mochabree","@OGBERRY rain"
1961860221,"neutral","sexidance","@andshehopes what bout david wallace???"
1961862686,"worry","PERONI_GRL_BETH","isnt very happy about the fact that her back is hurting today"
1961862964,"worry","zainy","@ayawan that's such a long time from now"
1961863014,"sadness","JusticeHearts","feels slightly better but damn i sure do miss him.....he's going to be so hard to get over......  i messed it up ...donuts=comfort"
1961863220,"worry","Mattsahib","@shizly does that mean your going to block me?"
1961863242,"sadness","AStephenson724","so bored at work, its ridiculous, and my Saturday is going to suck with class in the morning"
1961863429,"neutral","thingsjenlikes","@opaque19 I can't do that.  I take it at 11, or I work through it.  Those are my options here."
1961863503,"worry","niallvansanten","Gotta wait till wednesday for my new guitar to be delivered"
1961864046,"anger","sarahbeery","@BigCatJared   What did I do to you!  sheesh"
1961864049,"worry","foxcek","@alsotop /drool. I still need to 100% the first one"
1961864152,"worry","donnamua","Ichigo has been good at Ping&pooping outside but not used to the fact he doesn't have his sister  lonely puppy"
1961864167,"worry","StaceyMelissa","Im only failing 1 class.... Algebra 2 damn it that shit is hard!"
1961864250,"sadness","FallingDownFast","Hate being sick  especially when there's no one to pamper me"
1961864641,"sadness","KelseySchmelsey","Ugh. Going to skool"
1961865808,"surprise","christinaaaaa","@cassendraaa YES QUITE HOT WHAT. and ya la gays are the in thing."
1961865926,"happiness","lizziemolly","im so fed up!!!..."
1961865961,"sadness","mikecaz","mcfonalds roulette i i lose. they forgot mygrilled snack wrap"
1961865998,"worry","oliver","I'm very sorry for the little disturbance at #SAPInsidetrack in Palo Alto! Just went into a debugging session when lines unmuted"
1961866057,"neutral","sarakatharine","two o'clock please come faster"
1961866164,"hate","beachrunner09","I'm really getting sick ugh Fuckin nursing homes! Laying in bed, might go run later, watch some more movies with Austin. Sara & Sami left"
1961866516,"sadness","butterfly31972","Playdate cancelled"
1961867736,"empty","sarawrrr","@el_jeffe83 its all the rain"
1961867746,"happiness","nkruschewsky","@juliannerowat HAHAHHA lol true that! i always remember my BD but i can never remember what date or even day it is"
1961867902,"worry","Hammond87","y do i only have 2 people following me  people follow me please x"
1961868061,"neutral","songbyrd07","@OGBERRY IDK....I'm trapped at work all day"
1961868327,"worry","stelliss8","@ArnaudJacobs i'm still such a newbie, but i dont know what i would do without twitter!!"
1961868810,"worry","mecworks","@anntorrence @jeremyhall Does anyone update the photowalkingutah google calendar with photowalks?  Looks like I've missed a few"
1961868965,"worry","joeh1994","Ahhh My Satz blend didn't save"
1961869070,"sadness","BLBudding","PINKPOP weekend & I've got NO tickets, meaning no BRUCE Springsteen  Oh well, it's WWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKEEEENNNNDDDD!!!!!"
1961869175,"worry","DAYLEE","Loaded up box of recyle stuff for Salvation Army,but took  corner too fast..everything is all over the back.Might have to recycle to dump"
1961869401,"neutral","jackayysandoval","may gray, coldplay, and nice showers...work at 2"
1961869670,"boredom","dsampson12","BORED.  would love someone to talk to."
1961870609,"worry","csogilvie","Yay, my train is late... It starts here but it's 15 mins late arriving from London in the first place"
1961870799,"neutral","wowitsjenjen","@CBrown7785 I want some ice cream"
1961871129,"neutral","alliejvilla","i wanna good breakfast with @ronaldorivera  school is wiggity whack!"
1961871203,"worry","deekgeek","@jonhatesyou aw my dear i'm sorry"
1961871394,"happiness","rkalajian","@mizzyalana Very nice!  Bea and I are so bummed we can't make it   We should try and get together in the near future."
1961871839,"worry","col3man01","i feel like dyeing right now..."
1961872231,"worry","alexbee2","SYTYCD:  I wished they kept the 17 y.o. kid...  he would have been good eye candy on the show, and he was really good...  can't wait..."
1961872401,"relief","kylenewman_uk","has just woken up from a power nap. That feels better! Nothing planned for tonight though"
1961872494,"worry","montenegrom7","Sitting on the bed NOT wanting to go to work"
1961872590,"happiness","pixeltoys","@skinnymarie and guess what ! ive got 20 % ! wow its impossible"
1961872601,"sadness","lillygrace","never thought i'd say this, but i miss my 9-5 job, the commute, my cubicle, free food & coffee and being downtown. why did i quit?"
1961872623,"relief","PressWorthy","I really don't want a limo service to take me to the airport  I want him to. Ok soft moment... Don't get use to these!"
1961873527,"happiness","reynish","@DVNT Cheers. Wish I had more fonts to play with"
1961874105,"relief","kellbells_19","i ran out of facebook quizzes. lol grocery shopping then work. w00t?"
1961874243,"worry","sweetcarolinee","my twitter looks funny  someone help!"
1961874296,"worry","johnmitch","ugh. trying to respond to all of the emails/voicemails/facebook messages that I missed while out of town. this could be a while"
1961874393,"sadness","lolavonbomb","aaaah taking back sunday are playing in new york 3 days after we leave"
1961874721,"worry","DeannaKyre","Then I ruined a perfectly delicious green smoothie by throwing in the last of a bag of frozen strawberries.  Freezer burn.. yum..."
1961874823,"sadness","EmmaleighJayne","I dont feel well  i got a dentist appointment later."
1961875139,"hate","inklessvix","This is slowly going to drive me crazy i hate leaky faucets they're frustrating! I'm ready for a nap but there's no naptime at work"
1961875153,"sadness","Smile_Hannah","@PoynterJones can I join you in your jealousy?  :L"
1961875456,"worry","ohjesslyn","needs to wash her cats. Uncool."
1961875863,"neutral","Wyoming_Wonder","Dadgum, I think this nations shipping needs have shut down completely. still no freight for carriers out there."
1961876048,"worry","shirvumes","damn you rhinitis! boohooo my poor nose"
1961876240,"worry","TMariePR","@LifeCoach2Women  i wasn't able to go the conference.so I didn't get the outline.. however I have been doing my own & it's coming along."
1961876306,"enthusiasm","ge0rgei","What a meeting... YAY more work for me"
1961876403,"sadness","SugarPlumQueen","Back @ work, migraine lingering   Can't wait for the weekend!"
1961876436,"sadness","little_room","Ugh soooo much work to do today while trying to make the 6:10 train to the game... looking like a 4-5 hour Sunday at the office."
1961876735,"sadness","jenmelia","@holmescnn Oh, I didn't realize its on at 830 as well- already at work- or as today still in the car, don't ask"
1961876952,"love","BuellaMarie","@livefrombrazil -I don't have a ticket, my boyfriend isn't that into them, it might rain, and I'm on a budget...boo!  I <3 @coldplay tho"
1961877434,"love","angelaisawesome","@carinacani DAMN @-) That's a lot of messages from him @-) HOW SWEET. :"> And yeah, sayang"
1961877720,"sadness","Lars4unc","You know your neck is jacked up when you are forced to pay for parking bc you can't turn you head to parallel park in the free spaces..."
1961877782,"sadness","astormorray","forgot to wish sister happy birthday yesterday."
1961877784,"surprise","bethanysaurus88","Well done doing blood work..its hot out again"
1961877995,"sadness","carinny","my parents sold my car."
1961878189,"happiness","megook1019","Day is going well so far. Meeting until 4 though."
1961878200,"worry","mbg","@SteveAgl not for me"
1961878466,"sadness","KourtniGrace","I miss you guys"
1961885637,"sadness","ladylogan","Goodbyes ... Hurt"
1961886105,"neutral","_MsWhite","@CartoonBeardy ....welcome to public transport  X"
1961886498,"worry","chefmegcom","My computer is broken"
1961886503,"sadness","guppu","My parents withdrew permission at the last moment, I am not going along with tomorrow's SAC trip to IDP camps  #Pakistan #IDPRelief"
1961886638,"worry","_magic8ball","@jgreco4 Outlook not so good"
1961886882,"worry","RoseTown","Just discovered a painful sunburn on my right sholder  hopefully it just turns into a tan!"
1961886906,"neutral","emmaburtenshaw","I wish the weather would make its mind up! Also wish I could hurry up and get my new song up on myspace"
1961887160,"anger","stephaccad","studying for this bullshit econ test"
1961887250,"neutral","jacquerowland","last #ff  @Mel_Diesel @vja4041 @DemonFactory @shawnmcguirt @SEO_Web_Design @ChuckSwanson @agracing @confidentgolf @tluckow @legalblonde31"
1961887813,"boredom","placerculpable","is bored. my BFF doesn't want to hang out"
1961888031,"neutral","KingOfAnkh","@honeychild27 You're the only person to have joined in  #penilewords"
1961888540,"sadness","who_yo_dad_e","enjoying the great sunshine.. from indoors.. I don't feel good today"
1961888573,"worry","housedwelling","@kakoivisto checked with the hubster and I think we'll pass -- feeling too lazy to caravan after running around with our friends."
1961888619,"sadness","mwilliams1319","I'm over @ringorang today.  3 wrong answers in a row.  My brain's not working today."
1961888913,"neutral","maggieclare","there's a guy in my house so i can't go downstairs with no pants"
1961889260,"worry","k_lala","so instead of laying out in this 90 degrees i've gotta give 32 fourth graders miso/rice/sushi/mochi in an hour  fml"
1961889318,"neutral","krecks","Had a dream I brought @mandykmusic and @keat to kings island. It was pretty sweet. Bummed they're in poughkeepsie 24 hours before me"
1961889560,"neutral","wraith816","@Switch42 I think that's cutting off the URL so the pic doesn't turn up.   #mishaneedschapstick"
1961889759,"surprise","UncleJago","broke my gorilla pod  and I think one Lego Knight lost his helmet"
1961890205,"worry","JazDibben","doesnt want exams next week"
1961890605,"neutral","lipestick","@bec_oi twitter eh chato mas vicia"
1961890693,"worry","guy","Damn, looks like the USB card reader that I got from Dealextreme doesn't work. I can see the files on the card but they are read only"
1961890727,"sadness","KKCornelison","@lilivonshtupp I'd rather go to the matinee but I have to work  Still debating whether I should go cos going alone is no fun haha"
1961890740,"worry","iBradley","is there a program that tells you when someone stops following you or who started following you? Lost one last night and I've only got 85"
1961890909,"worry","NickSeguin","Really disappointed I can't make it to bloomington for @sproutbox launch party tonight  if you're around you should check it out"
1961891207,"sadness","MommyofTey","Still havent left the house yet. This is rediculous! REALLY!   S*D*P* & T*K*K*"
1961891845,"worry","2xtdg","@lauraEchilds u really dont right now! i am as sick as a newt in a freezer! its aweful  x"
1961891984,"surprise","RLKeane","wants this summer to actually have some sun in it"
1961892497,"neutral","noxhanti","@bkmacdaddy Not doing single ones 2day...beat  lol but would say ...ur as creative bright and fun as ur avatar with warmth+ depth #ff"
1961892602,"neutral","rebekaaa","why is it so windy?"
1961892785,"sadness","vanee","Boys are sitting down for photos, no touching and no handshakes allowed.  #asylm"
1961892829,"boredom","CodieLynn08","i'm so tired  of being sick ALL the time!!!!"
1961892862,"worry","robyn_jk","gotta shower then go apply for more jobs  hopefully no creepy old men will be working again today *shudder*"
1961893452,"boredom","pbarone","Have I mentioned this bus was sloooow? on it for about one hour now"
1961893993,"worry","qbofdamidwest","My dog Roscoe died yestarday and I'm so sad"
1961894088,"hate","hyde_end","Never before in the field of human conflict have so many hard drives died on me.   What a waste of a day."
1961894473,"worry","H3dicho","@vargas7 that sucks!!"
1961894538,"neutral","windovrthewater","I am so jealous that @collystringgs got to sleep until 1"
1961894616,"worry","_shannon1234","@JonathanRKnight Good morning! Aww, sorry that you were stuck in the airport for 12 hours!!"
1961895266,"relief","hugocf","Ok, shortened urls are fine and all but, please, give me more context other than just "cool". Not everyone has "url-auto-expand""
1961895288,"hate","AndreaStepter","Going to shawnee........I hate the long drive there...i just want to get all this paper work over with"
1961895318,"surprise","rebekah_nic","@Ferarro Is that why your blog is set to private?"
1961895436,"enthusiasm","Rosie_G_Yo","Found some great places but I might have to play it safer and wait 2 years till my car is paid off"
1961895785,"love","vfclicious","@thomasfiss we want you back !!!"
1961895928,"sadness","artofcletus","im still devastated about manchester united losing the UCL final"
1961896001,"happiness","cobrafan111","@marcftsk haha thanks for clarifying that.i thought u meant mr bello. I wish i could be there! That where my cousins live"
1961896085,"sadness","Ash_367","Oh darn. Lost another follower."
1961896436,"neutral","darran","I know it wasn't going to be there, but I check EZTV for The Office torrent..."
1961896940,"worry","TokyoTowerWAWL","Crazy debt issue. Maybe I had messed up when closing my old account? Not really sure but looks like I may have to cover it - aaargh..."
1961896970,"sadness","mmmpapa","i woke up just now missing alabama terribly  my dad says we will be moving there. soon. thank god"
1961897193,"love","jeanettecalilim","dang i miss you  goodnight"
1961897264,"worry","kristalyn512","Ugh, I'm definitely going to be sick. It's coming and it's going to suck."
1961897418,"worry","JAdamsRD","Bringing my kitty to the vet tomorrow, I think she's got a tapeworm."
1961897913,"surprise","leenrox","omg, my right hear us blocked and it's so annoying. what i i wake up deaf?"
1961897967,"worry","kivava9","is sitting in the marshall center w/Mina. Some1 must really not want me to go to the gym..this time i lost my wallet n w/no ID i cant go"
1961898039,"sadness","311Bunny","@itsfrankybitch  dont make me sad... i do agree tho it does need some more of SA's magical lyrics"
1961898052,"happiness","CassyAD","can't wait to november for Jobros concert ! In examination"
1961898078,"worry","cyface","@StoryShtick Ugh.  Now my ears are having phantom pains."
1961898089,"sadness","Merique","Why is it soooo cold & ugly out??"
1961898172,"sadness","kathleeenx3","No more Wiffleball..  Damn."
1961898338,"worry","punkpolkadots","@viveknshah kandivali  @100rabh my girls r gonna kill u for that answer! @shaaqt @limeice @unitechy @spitphyre"
1961898574,"sadness","Phahita","a female robin just flew into my window and I watched her die in my bushes...  i think i am going to cry now..."
1961898612,"worry","cassidycakeess","Doctors with mommy."
1961898945,"happiness","valeriepereira","@flattycharn i know the IMUx1000 is not referring to me... (WHO IS IT AH?) but... i miss you"
1961899509,"worry","ShalynE","Going to the courthouse to pay for tags & taxes on all our cars...this is gonna be expensive."
1961899521,"hate","Ms_Nicholson","@MoneyMakinMatt shut up fool ....where you been at??? i dontlike the fact that you keep abandoning me"
1961900236,"sadness","Melinda87","has bronchitis and is on 3 prescriptions. No fun at all. Had to miss two days in a row of work."
1961900603,"enthusiasm","sararita","wishes I could be the one going to our conference in the Bahamas next week"
1961900736,"hate","Bex_TOforWC","@StaceyVPofWC i was sent home yest from work, when in again today but feel like hell and burning up with a high temp, got it off hubby"
1961900792,"hate","natalieridout","Lost at bowling again  why do i suck"
1961908764,"worry","fabybsb","Now Im in the work  , I miss my home, any news?"
1961908806,"relief","tonyarkles","@ryansilk sounds like a great idea.  wish I could make it"
1961908815,"worry","TaliaRusso","@iamdiddy I do!!!!!.... I'm single and it sucks!!"
1961909603,"enthusiasm","lhottieeeee","Stood outsiden got the WORST butterflies everrrrr!"
1961909621,"neutral","Breathtakiiing","Cleaning the house"
1961909678,"relief","clara_mac","@JustTeaching haha nice to know I'm not alone! Working in the BBC and can't see it"
1961909966,"sadness","cjpritchard","@nellclothing I cancelled a run in favour of... staying in. Wish I monies for pubulation tho"
1961909997,"enthusiasm","mandaf","@bryanhowl  @kat10187  You guys can make it through!"
1961910148,"neutral","Miss_Tamara","I'm always hungry all the time but now I don't even feel like eating. This is not normal...and my throat's sore. I'm sick"
1961910246,"worry","SarahWhite810","http://twitpic.com/66xjl - An hour in the sun turned me into a blancmange. Sucks to be pale"
1961910390,"worry","ronanhigg","@sos100 internet billing with fee of 30% and only in 13 countries and a setup cost of 5000 for usa alone"
1961910594,"worry","Issi12","is going to shul"
1961910812,"neutral","lindaaaa","@chocoluvalm i'm trying to figure that out right now"
1961911011,"worry","cait8709","@chasejustin i can't go tonight   *Cait*"
1961911079,"neutral","lovetempess","on my way to work been off for four days and i really really dont wont to go!"
1961911374,"worry","billieisabeast","I've been reading up on Sims 3 genetics on the Sims 2 forums. Apparently hair dye is passed on to offspring. I'm very disappointed"
1961911721,"worry","SouthernBets","@lilyginny27 @tomfelton no freakin way!  Gah LG... I'm sad for you.  No love for the feltbeats admin..."
1961911736,"worry","leenrox","omg, my right hear is blocked and it's so annoying. what if i wake up deaf?   not gonna lie, i'm so scared"
1961911969,"worry","AlexaRPD","@swopusa  Damn, I was hoping that was somewhere in the U.S."
1961912048,"enthusiasm","cozmikstorm","I want it to be 5 already"
1961912050,"sadness","AquaFig","GrimeStopper loss  client lost their job so we did too. Hope the quote later today turns into more work. Drowned my sorrows w a huge h ..."
1961912083,"sadness","Candice125","@AnnaVodka I'm sorry to hear that! that makes me sad"
1961912277,"worry","Catherine_xD","Chemistry is not fun.."
1961912498,"fun","techstud","@PartyGurle That's great! I will have to do the same as I was forced to miss it. I had to leave for work."
1961912570,"worry","nicky_nightmare","Missing brandon. Wanting to talk to anthony. Sadshoes"
1961912625,"neutral","musician3133","@reba Wish I could listen but because I'm from Canada, the website won't let me!"
1961912738,"love","raquellxoxo","@iamdiddy i need a hug i dnt feel so good"
1961913137,"neutral","micamicamicaca","feels ..my cousin is a monkey  http://plurk.com/p/x23pa"
1961913161,"worry","KronistheiLL","@JillzWorth i rarely sleep.. cant help it   hehe"
1961913643,"fun","sarahlouisemcm","@arcadianlady eek can't wait to see it!! as well as everyone elses. gahh i don't know what i want  lol"
1961913772,"worry","tracy_detlor","@iamdiddy I need a hug... Gotta find another place to live and a new job"
1961913867,"worry","Junglemonkey","The poor Pirate had out his last wisdom tooth and is looking really peaky."
1961915001,"worry","AnthonyDGreene","@iamdiddy me because I might not have enough money for college!!!"
1961915076,"worry","sweetblyss","@iamdiddy yes I do! Because he is going to the marines to protect & serve and leaving me!"
1961915478,"hate","Amy_Reindeer","So hot today =_=  don't like it and i hate my new timetable, having such a bad week"
1961915587,"sadness","hardrockchick","@i_am_umlaut oh no!  i'm very sorry to hear"
1961916702,"neutral","Potato_Chip","@ismh i don't have anything being fwd through to mobileme and the last week i've gotten at least 4 -5 spam messages a day"
1961916904,"worry","elizgracie","Now I have a sunburn"
1961916976,"fun","terpsichore","We're dealing with Overactive Let-Down right now.   http://bit.ly/9ydHU"
1961917086,"worry","janellemariee","@the_breannarose fuuuuuuck  idk if andy can get youuuu"
1961917114,"worry","karma_musings","@adbert @DougOntrack @organicsue Is it me (my machine)? or... Vids freeze up, halt whole blip stream  ? http://blip.fm/~79l0q"
1961917408,"neutral","fawksy","Just wants to compute"
1961917425,"neutral","rmk508","watching my ard earn money dissapear."
1961917445,"hate","MrMikeyP","http://twitpic.com/66xlm -  hate when my PARKED car gets hit"
1961917683,"worry","lilyginny27","@shanajaca *huggles* I don't see all the replies right away, and my boss is hovering today. And I'm feeling pissy about life"
1961917817,"happiness","DarrenTaylor1","Enjoyed this week off work, back next week"
1961918077,"worry","ancastasiobhan","im @ the eye doctors & had to bring trinity with me cause my mom fell down the stairs today & broke her toe. ugh"
1961918200,"happiness","Shaebaby09","#FF @AriesChild she is my Vegas buddy & A Laker lover uuugh but I love her even though I'm all the way n Chicago"
1961918522,"love","forespice","Steve makes fruit smoothies for me each day & they are berry delicious, I made mine today & it was berry, berry bad"
1961919600,"sadness","TraceyHewins","@Jamie_127 poor baby  you need some aloe. Nope sorry no hints"
1961919744,"sadness","rickyworley","The Oddo's grandfather passed away in his sleep"
1961919848,"sadness","_rachelnguyen","doesn't get to see her fav5 today like planned"
1961919879,"sadness","hrtofthematter","I saw amazing heeels. But they were too big"
1961920068,"neutral","TMW2401","@Jobishia That was pretty awesome on both our parts, but a person on a bike behind you said hello and left before I recognized him"
1961920259,"neutral","grahampost","TGIF y'all! And it's really nice out... I work 12-5 though"
1961920539,"worry","Jamewers","@princessxansley oh and i dont know how to get twatter mobile to work."
1961920582,"hate","Dare2Diva","@teamincredible ALL white shoes make me cringe  . White shoes give me pause."
1961920905,"worry","gear02","@AboutK damn - doesn't show how people are more conservative in blackjack"
1961921024,"sadness","montez619","bout to go to work"
1961921106,"worry","tvnsrinu","My convo starts in 12 hours... and I am sitting 6500Km away writing GIS queries"
1961921387,"worry","Jess_Moody","i finished packing and sorting out old clothes XD i have stomache ache though"
1961921468,"sadness","coltschick1388","I watched wayyyy too much Beverly Hills 90210 today and I am not proud of that fact.  TV FAIL"
1961921555,"happiness","inashlalaland","@veeriwhoa OH SILENCE VERONA!  I AM WANTING TO GO   jaja, enjoyyitverymuch and bring me phothos of Danny and dougie ?"
1961921563,"love","lilmo4ever","@iamdiddy my lil sister Charese, her best friend passed today"
1961921579,"worry","msingridb","ITS RAINING ITS POURING.............where is my spooning  buddy"
1961921618,"enthusiasm","anetjay","@INKDMOM I know, right?!? I have such a lead foot"
1961921752,"hate","kmcqn","My mouth hurts from this stupid retainer!!"
1961921981,"fun","anotesten","10 out of 40 done... everyone is going to be home drinking beer starting next week"
1961922260,"sadness","i_Joyce","I am soooo hungry. But waiting for bf to get home, he has car trouble and is waiting for the mechanic to help him..."
1961922392,"sadness","girlingrey","skype call with billie but my webcam dont work"
1961922534,"relief","random_bloke","@MorningMajor yep,raced round it in cars and bikes,its only 40mins away,dont av much motorsport there now,its more planes n choppers now"
1961922540,"love","PrincessSakura","joe: 2.30pm Kevin pics up a new pair of pjs :') PMSL i could have died!!! lmfaoo :') I MISS MY BOYS"
1961922576,"worry","k_lala","@shardaeAngelica yeah and in the tatami room!  kids + tatami dont mix"
1961922700,"worry","Sulis54","@twaysive hm, this not a good medium for much more then yes/no  I am responding to previous posts,days ago, & other conversations we had"
1961923048,"sadness","MercedesMarie","@rafealAnthem yes i am and i was ready to go when i got here. ugh  and its sooo pretty outside.."
1961923067,"happiness","silowyi","Totally been too long since I updated.  Saw Star Trek, excellent!  Killed Yogg-Saron 10 man.  Memorial Day killed 25 man raids"
1961923167,"sadness","Shrockmw","@esull have a great camp!!!!! Wish I could be there."
1961923240,"worry","floatinglush","@insidebooks Ooh, jealous. I just have yoghurt and some carrots."
1961923608,"love","Sabistarmoon","Ahhh I am sooo happy Ashley Tisdale is in Germany but I am not in Oberhausen...  But i will show it in the TV at 8 o' clock yeah I love it"
1961923675,"relief","xxreedy","is wanting someone to spend her summer evening with whilst she's in such a nice relaxed mood !"
1961923697,"sadness","xOxStay_cxOx","@MissCaseyB I know what you mean  rain sucks..."
1961923851,"worry","alixt","Why can't I make a phone call! I hate this anxiety crap. Someone cure me"
1961923883,"worry","joeyGibson","@craigandera I got my copy yesterday, too, although right now I'm digging into Scala, so can't read it just yet..."
1961924032,"neutral","katylove19","@judilynnfudge can you send ringtones to iPhones?! Idk how to regular ringtones for it"
1961924045,"sadness","Frau_B","@MsHalfway I want to go back to school too *sigh* - but I am too poor"
1961924793,"sadness","NateRowley","Last day of high school  i'm gonna miss all my friends"
1961924864,"sadness","Jmichelle22","@hithit  missing jmichelle... told you treat me like a step child! smh"
1961925259,"hate","OrangeAndBlackk","Oh god, I want to blow up my tooth. It hurts."
1961925519,"worry","alla_timas","@lorenarojas But it is our reality  , we must survive. What doesn't kills, makes stronger. PA'LANTE LORE !"
1961925539,"neutral","Dreams_2Reality","@Jenshwa I expected it to be warm as usual and now I'm stuck wearing a sun dress on a cold day"
1961925614,"sadness","alli_dee","@neeshababyyy they won't  guys are retarded!"
1961925751,"neutral","wingmanpr","On Security Audit"
1961926127,"love","jordynbabylove","going to the library. I miss u already!"
1961926176,"relief","Sensai4U","@luv_liv_lyf good to hear! Just in time for the weekend. I'll be working though"
1961926760,"sadness","chelibasa","@inlovewitharmy What timeeee? My mom says I have to do something daw tomorrow, eh. But we're never compelte!"
1961927112,"neutral","superalyxo","is off to work"
1961927334,"worry","MzZippy","Oh... I miss the Piano."
1961927795,"neutral","agentK","@Blauerpunto britta says she wants to have lunch with you too"
1961928009,"worry","bebenodjomi","@N3H4 thats maddd ass bullshit dammit i feel baddd boooo powerpoint piece of shitttt"
1961928536,"sadness","Teri_Fied","Why didn't my favorite spotters last tweet go to my phone"
1961928833,"worry","tisdaleweb","@fansitesnetwork i love you <3  host me lmao"
1961929124,"worry","Thebombshell","@iamdiddy I need a hug cuz these garbage truck men keep driving next to me whistling and Im working too hard 2 graduate..."
1961929904,"worry","TylerMelashenko","got up at 8 today, and also misses his friend @danceashleylove"
1961930354,"hate","willow0226","Is UPS like the cable company and doesn't show up til the last possible moment? I'd like to take a nap before school gets out"
1961930505,"neutral","Jovi_Jonas","Don't know what the heck to do with the space of time between now and BGT    Bored."
1961930572,"neutral","jrmozart","Just had lunch w/ @JoshHolden at Jason's Deli... then stepped in dog poo"
1961930786,"sadness","gablovesarsenal","i'm still full from the buffet at palms.  my stomach actually hurts. ugh gluttony bites."
1961930949,"worry","Orangatrang","I hate going online and looking at the balance in the bank.  its always a lot lower than I need it to be."
1961961003,"fun","kelligirl","On the way to have Griffin's staples removed from his head!  Should be fun"
1961961127,"neutral","random_bloke","@howlertwit AAAAhhhh! you makin me feel all gilty now"
1961961644,"happiness","nekonron","Planning to install Windows 7 tomorrow, so probably no new posts for another few days at least"
1961961833,"worry","RedSoxBaby","@iamdiddy I need a hug because our pitching has been lackluster, our shortstops can't field & Big Papi can't get above the Mendoza line."
1961962578,"sadness","EricaMcGraw","Off to play Tennis at Bel Air, courts are wet  but, we will play anyway."
1961962885,"worry","Lfc_Lass","none of my friends is on this"
1961963142,"worry","liveinfinite","hurt my left knee somehow last night, hurts to walk"
1961963561,"neutral","wanderblah","wants cookie"
1961963567,"neutral","Garythetwit","@Nicsey 3000 then ya up with me my friend ... i type too much"
1961963579,"sadness","jkpelaez","charlies roastbeef: mostaza no manejamos. WTF?"
1961963611,"hate","kathystover","@CaronsBeachHs  Still dealing with quite a bit of pain, will jump off here soon to lay down,very frustrating  Thanks 4 asking"
1961963702,"fun","Frida1018","Such a busy day today!! Banbury Fair fashion show tonight and move into my apartment tomorrow! i have no started packing yet"
1961963955,"sadness","Jennifermorris1","@iamdiddy - Me. because my ex boyfriend of 2 years (we broke up 2 months ago) is engaged to his gf of 6 weeks.  sad, embarrassed. Hug?"
1961964001,"love","TheSniperMonkey","Had a fantastic day with an amazing girl! Just wish Sara didn't have to go home.  #fb"
1961964408,"worry","mileycentral","Why are money problems so bad these days"
1961964547,"worry","DonAtPoundCS","This wind is crampin' my style. I have a section of my yard that won't get any water. I'd move the sprinkler, but it's surrounded by mud."
1961964678,"sadness","Ro11erGirl","i was too slow to get $1 Up tix"
1961964729,"fun","hornbizzle","This morning I rode behind a guy with a bird cage containing a plastic Tyrannosaurus rex attached to his bicycle. I couldn't get a photo."
1961964851,"sadness","ishervo","shit's depressing"
1961964855,"worry","keveney","There  was just a horrific fight at my school  glad everyone is ok and that it's Friday."
1961964963,"worry","ClakyDruott","@southern_storm lucky! I'm still working for another 4 hours!"
1961965350,"neutral","mlexiehayden","@YoungLexHolla Ooohhh  well you could always borrow and burn buddy. Lol"
1961965562,"happiness","Sabistarmoon","@ashleytisdale Ahhh I am sooo happy Ashley Tisdale is in Germany but I am not in Oberhausen...  But i will show it in the TV at 8 o' clock"
1961965715,"neutral","agorist","Whew! Moving commercial-sized freezer and cooler a lot more work than I expected. Missing the HTC roundtable"
1961965719,"sadness","Sheena841","So...woke up in time just for work.....boo"
1961965730,"neutral","SweetTartSarah","forgot my phone at home"
1961965773,"neutral","gracenaces","wants to eat baked tahong. It's been a while. Really.  http://plurk.com/p/x24ke"
1961965897,"worry","youulovemee","@divarina21 hello beautiful. how's mariahs baby? jackie still isn't talkin to me. i called her n left her a message the other day."
1961966158,"boredom","SheaGodiva","Not really feeling like my man cherishes me  wtf ! http://myloc.me/1ZLt"
1961966311,"sadness","pinkmotown","@ 5 happiness (chinese) totally disappointed  the food is USUALLY good *FAIL*"
1961966569,"worry","dickiesaurussex","Sad that david is leaving tomoro. for a week."
1961966704,"worry","TifMcD","has heart burn"
1961967029,"happiness","aimeeroo","Dang it! It seems that every time I blip a song, it's unavailable."
1961967059,"surprise","Soph4Soph","@that_kat why not??  xxx"
1961967308,"love","stonewunder","@lewdogg I wish I could afford to attend those benefits."
1961968186,"worry","vivekv80","gprof problem on Mac  why ??"
1961968345,"hate","MasumaMerrygold","@RobynHumes Can't  Bro on laptop & Salm on comp! Me stuck with Wii :'( xx"
1961968654,"worry","Garythetwit","@Nicsey wassup m8 ... bad day not good"
1961968715,"sadness","Anyelday","@SweetHomeBirth  link isn't working"
1961968721,"worry","Jadey_Bee","The computer is being really slow, especially on typing!"
1961969115,"worry","smileee2","@jmliss Link didn't work"
1961969140,"anger","latecomer","Internet is painfully slow today"
1961969150,"fun","KKCornelison","@repressd Tell my work to give me two days off in a row! Stat! I'm full time I'm supposed to have priority"
1961969313,"worry","LCMTVclothing","it might be sunny today, but alas, new product must make it to Etsy!"
1961969433,"worry","moniquebaines","whooaaa. just got an overwheolming itus attack after eating"
1961969490,"worry","1JennaMarie","@RedPumpProj i would direct message you regarding blogging while brown, but a sista hasn't mastered that technique yet  ..lol"
1961970254,"sadness","cezaweza","@world_of_max Sadly, no. Now David Tennant has left I don't particularly want the job anyway"
1961970531,"worry","jstolle","@alwaysafton I had an interruption in service on my phone, so I missed everything on Tuesday morning."
1961970941,"sadness","swati_j","not at all happy...dont know what the reason is"
1961971095,"worry","Gabymezarobbins","Bit devastated that I lost my entire documents folder on my home computer."
1961971544,"enthusiasm","boehmean","The first time all week I can play WoW and I get stuck at "authenticating"."
1961971583,"sadness","NaughtyBNature","@DinerokidMayo Im upset cuz now everyone agrees"
1961972111,"sadness","pamplina","apparently you are not getting on anymore... sad"
1961972218,"worry","dlibbon","At the dr office for abbie's second round of shots..."
1961972525,"sadness","kim_mmay","I need to sit  my insides hurt ughhh"
1961972816,"neutral","princessryry77","To lose this gut lol no seriously i have gained a lil and im not liking how it looks."
1961972975,"happiness","rey_nics","@PhreshlyPhaded Oh wow  Thanks for the info."
1961973070,"worry","graccipelaez","@winkphotography great to finally meet you last night! Wish we had more time to talk. Can't go to the coffee GTGs, though... Day job."
1961973210,"worry","leenrox","omg, my right ear is blocked and it's so annoying. what if i wake up deaf?  not gonna lie, i'm so scared"
1961973222,"sadness","karleemay","@dorritos @repressd i get migranes.. so @repressd.. that leaves you to either arthritis and/or gout!"
1961973427,"worry","janedunn","webcam still wont work  evil stuffs."
1961973461,"sadness","inmemory24","argh! why why why"
1961973842,"love","blueolu","Lunching and bike riding around the village today with Lulu. Love my new bike, just wish I didn't have to lock it up all the time"
1961974183,"worry","mrs_mcsupergirl","@PandaMayhem my kid is sick too tho..i can't do it by myself.  i can't go there by myself like a crazy stalker"
1961974338,"sadness","chrissy11686","possibly going out tonight; is there ANYTHING to do in Lancaster? I miss Baltimore"
1961974347,"worry","Trayzz","@iamdiddy I need a hug  I'm doing my junior cert this week and I'm totally stressed out :'("
1961974489,"sadness","daniel_orton","@pilmorelee you beggar! Making me feel homesick"
1961974653,"sadness","MadnessX","@frgmnt I know, lame."
1961974830,"happiness","margariteelaine","Thinks its gonna rain"
1961991341,"worry","lnjen","@cheesygiraffe aww. I hope you feel better soon."
1961991447,"worry","alltimelexi","@mmitchelldaviss It saddens me, you're youtube has changed. It's just like every other youtube kid, you used to be different"
1961991533,"hate","shmuxel","is fed up of stupid bots adding me"
1961992143,"neutral","himank","Is waiting for sumone to come online"
1961992412,"worry","CarmenMonroe","Feels rather lonely on here! I have no followers"
1961992546,"neutral","FieFieSoMajor","@JraseanJ aww  I wish there was sun out here. Then I can get a tan!!!!  (walks it out) go meee go meeee"
1961992730,"worry","jdl0301","Twenty20 cricket, beer and sunshine very good. Well apart from the beer cause i'm on tablets!"
1961992800,"enthusiasm","wintertime88","Lazy day in is awesome but I really should go out"
1961993140,"sadness","wykd_dave","Rope witdrawal in full effect, no one to tie, no teaching, no demos, no one to play with. But worst of all - No one to play with!"
1961993261,"love","harrydebom","come and save me from my packing please?!"
1961993610,"worry","crystboston","@iamdiddy including myself... guess umma be partying alone yet again...lol.."
1961993638,"love","gwbowen2008","My break is over  back to the inferno  [ I Love Her ]"
1961993660,"love","EssieInSoCal","eating some breakfast at Panera Bread. boring cloudy weather, lil drizzle"
1961993687,"worry","SamanthaSRiches","honestly cant wait for wednesdays chemistry exam to be over - getting to me real bad"
1961993845,"neutral","styleit","@QdobaMexGrill how do we know if we won?"
1961993997,"love","MaskofSilence","I have a job at camp!!  Only downfall? No midnight showing of Harry Potter for me"
1961994455,"sadness","Reillywtfff","Rachael makes me want to cry"
1961995189,"neutral","PinkTribble","Fish fingers and potato croquettes it is then! Would love some baked beans, but they tend to hurt me."
1961995297,"worry","majotwitts","my internet service has been acting strange after the earthquake. Just found out that the submarine fiber optics cable got damaged"
1961995333,"surprise","willlewis","@natalietran hey Nat, just wondering, why are your videos never available on the iPhone?"
1961996330,"sadness","rbsavage3","@katebuckjr Sorry I can not reach either URL"
1961996462,"worry","parcelboy","I would do a #FollowFriday, but everyone on my list is already on everyone elses list so what's the point?  I'm just not popular enough."
1961996735,"sadness","Raquel_A","not feeling well at all today! ugh cant I just go home."
1961996838,"sadness","chesclay","My eyes hurt."
1961997106,"love","kaiennyu","pondering OC/LA day trip tmr. after yoga/work. hmm n then see school of 7bells in irvine tmr nite. ponder ponder... gota work on sun tho"
1961997205,"surprise","brownclemmer","@mawbooks I want a copy to read! I can't find it at my little library.  #bea09"
1961997552,"happiness","leamonet","Oh, I HELLA forgot to say my official good morning  Like to hear it? Here it go! Goooooooooooood Morrrrrrrrning Twitterville! Lol"
1961997867,"surprise","ljsgermanjj","@cocodkr the vid-link is not working  but snatched some people to follow off your list ;P"
1961998117,"sadness","mileycentral","@dutchraymond yeah I didn't realize how bad it all was till now"
1961998637,"sadness","assclownhater13","has today off! But has to work tomorrow"
1961998706,"sadness","mizzmonda","being lazy the rain does that to me  gym&&tanning is possibe, work && a small social gathering around tha corner"
1961998747,"sadness","twinkle656","Can't give blood within a year of getting a tattoo so I can't give...Im gutted"
1961998890,"worry","nocturnal1192","i really need a skateboard  ........"
1961999207,"worry","vanee","@charlimillions where r u i? Am wearing a black polkadot dress n green cardigan i cant find u"
1961999839,"worry","armysongbird","Are you going to hate being around my baby?"
1962000167,"sadness","mimibaaaby","my head huwwts"
1962000178,"neutral","jenclapp","@jonmerryman I remember the show... I don't remember the hiccups..."
1962000203,"anger","redrouged","@cindaxo the straightener's another 110 pounds though. Seems pricey"
1962000215,"surprise","omgsage","Ugh its really hot today already and its not even noon yet  i want ice water!"
1962000248,"sadness","SherBearRasmus","I have to go to work with out my @andrajoi and @treykinkade"
1962000264,"sadness","bvolution","@vosdjs LOL yea the fondue is on point... but that Chocolate Lava Cake is what you really want...but I wont be here   Im Mon-Fri babes!"
1962001529,"neutral","ToniC813","@HypeDaGreat Oh ok. I"m @ work so no playing for me til later  lol."
1962001582,"neutral","aaronfever","@thetastydactyls  did you try the coat-hanger trick?"
1962001606,"sadness","arniearns16","That's it? It's done already? This is one proof that there's nothing fair in this world.   http://bit.ly/10UEMq"
1962002050,"worry","Dreamm","@J1S2004 Ubertwitter is still giving me an error msg.. Smh... Sucks"
1962002237,"happiness","corina24","@nick_carter  awww poor you  - but you know ... you're doing it for US - bless you ;)))"
1962002314,"worry","TheGreenNag","@thegoodhuman Sorry to hear, wish there were words to make it better you"
1962002710,"neutral","JamieGarison","Will be back in Dallas tomorrow."
1962002922,"hate","gabwqt","Just finished reading Chuck Palahniuk's "Pygmy" and kind of hated it. I'm really disappointed; I had pretty high hopes for this one."
1962003105,"sadness","clipclopflop","I've been offered Fred on loan but I has no moniiieeeess..."
1962003282,"worry","jessisjuicy","@davegiumara yeah the weather ruined my plans too  i was gonna beach it up as well"
1962003704,"boredom","MARIA72","ok its been one hour im still waiting im losing my patience"
1962003761,"surprise","hamaddar","@awaisnaseer I had mailed @badar76 for something, you got the e-mail, I didn't which should probly mean I won't get it"
1962003859,"happiness","hendler","@erinhosborn Thanks Legolas.  @betterlesson Fellowship. re: Google wave: like. @bing demoed 2. http://tinyurl.com/ma6j6l means "Disease""
1962004389,"worry","Duffie26","Did you guys figure out Saturday? I really wanted to go but my mom is sick so I have to take her to the hospital in Tampa"
1962004607,"love","Bhooshan","Every time I hear someone from Vancouver, it makes me follow them. I'm hopelessly in love with #vancouver"
1962004617,"worry","JRock0607","@iamdiddy my hubby.  promised job promotion so we didn't move, signed a new lease n they withdrew the promotion..."
1962004767,"sadness","nancypub","@APStylebook I know, but I need some things in my life to be constant"
1962004783,"sadness","SonicKaos","Is youtube not working properly for anyone else? I can't watch videos because they keep failing to load"
1962005043,"happiness","iamalejandra","@starangel82 @darkheath @140lover Everyone's going to think I'm a gold digger  Hahahaha"
1962005325,"worry","Judi6o9","@iamdiddy  My dog Nemo cause he wimpers every morning when I leave"
1962005343,"worry","MyInnerDJ","@_Enigma__ did you even listen to the blip i sent you"
1962005866,"neutral","nonafairuz","I hate having headrush"
1962006463,"sadness","spowell890","no luck in goin to forum.. im about the only person on earth not goin out"
1962006691,"sadness","taylahhh","Starving. And Alyssa's mom would bring her subway."
1962007258,"enthusiasm","fuzzy76","I really wish someone would make a groupchat theme for Adium suited for IRC. yMous has way too low contrast."
1962007446,"happiness","sweetbaboo1979","At the doctors office woooo so much fun. Have to go back to wotk after this cant afford to be off."
1962007822,"worry","rjmolesa","Saw a black snake in the garden.  Went back for a picture and it was gone"
1962009071,"sadness","mydyingdreams","has new headphones but no mp3 player yet  http://plurk.com/p/x258n"
1962009256,"neutral","Fantastikov","@causticsoda it was fine. i was still up playing inFamous. sorry to hear how things ended up again"
1962009476,"worry","hanhug","Having trouble syncing my iphone to my work exchange email  help!!!!"
1962015371,"hate","Lain_Otaku","Hanging out at the San Fran airport. Got a few hour wait until I go anywhere...BTW SFO's $7 wifi is garbage."
1962015449,"sadness","DestiniM","@risquethaianna i cant go swimmin any more"
1962015801,"neutral","vanee","@anisalovesu it was apparently a request by the guests"
1962015812,"enthusiasm","dirrrtaayy","workin at la bootay... wheres the warm weather at???"
1962015929,"love","phil_wise","rip grandpa  graduation today..."
1962016023,"worry","Reevothmusefan","Sunburn on my knees"
1962016305,"worry","sonielle","@AFMikey413 that sigh doesn't sound happy."
1962016413,"worry","chelleheadworks","is sadly going to have to cancel my Chicago trip next week."
1962016501,"worry","MikeCooks","In the mood for shrimp scampi but I don't have vermouth."
1962016610,"worry","caseyechilders","Today is not going to be relaxing like I hoped."
1962016753,"neutral","_AislinnTighee","@JonasBrothersOx umm..nope not anymoree"
1962016973,"sadness","KellyLouiseee","@tommcfly sweet .. Englands becoming lamer and lamer since you guys left"
1962017003,"worry","catherineann785","in media still havnet found ipod"
1962017313,"worry","miki563","They just layed off 23 teachers in the city near me  I wonder if I should be thinking about not going into that jobfield..."
1962017680,"sadness","bigwillie5","i got a haircut, i felt like that guy on the "Last Samuri" who was forced to have his ponytail cut off."
1962017742,"hate","krzy415","On my way 2 work damn sinus headaches suck"
1962018147,"love","Doinitmyownway","I ate to much lunch...now I don't want to work"
1962018710,"neutral","LewyLouBear","@Jengo_ i wanna go to the pub"
1962018757,"sadness","Model_Ambriese","@GLAMvoy Yes I think so unless it changed.  I sent u a happy mothers day text but u never responded back"
1962018945,"hate","blackHeart21Red","Got tired of the kitchen being uninhabital so swept and mopped the floor when its dry I'll do the work tops"
1962019012,"sadness","MIZZ_DEJA","@emaxio still @ the courthouse!     Happy to have a job... sad its this one!"
1962019013,"sadness","ruiz78","@tearose21 Wish I could be there to enjoy a girls day!!!"
1962019084,"worry","piscesthruandth","http://twitpic.com/66ydb - @jenleighbarry I made sure you got credit at the end of the book...I'm sure I forgot people though."
1962019301,"neutral","trynarashun","where is @HoodieCouture ???"
1962019650,"worry","codeles","on the phone with Arvest, the girl on the phone is breathing into the mic on the phone... not sound as good as Darth Vader..."
1962019848,"sadness","moonscreations","And it's gone."
1962020555,"sadness","aritav10","Im here at work super bored"
1962020785,"neutral","cyoung904","JUST GOT BACK 4RM A LONG WORKOUT AT DA GYM  ...."
1962020987,"sadness","injybass","to cold for the beach  sucky."
1962021475,"empty","KingUncool","@deardrahpee don't know  and no not at all"
1962021758,"sadness","starlessdesigns","@Berumen4 No.  Just sitting around sculpting tiny koi."
1962022006,"worry","abellwillring","I never order chips any more due to how unhealthy they are, but getting a burrito from Chipotle or Qdoba doesn't feel right without em"
1962022144,"worry","SteppyD","i totally need to go to the doctor for my arm...this bitch is STILL hurtin like hell      i shall return"
1962022315,"neutral","ILYRachel","just slammed my finger in a car dor  FML ow"
1962022433,"neutral","writingaddict","Hmph I had to order some bootleg Pharos GPS phone they dont have the BB I wanted at Office Depot"
1962022528,"happiness","xxomandaoxx","out enjoying the weather before i have to go to work.. last shift with @jamieallover"
1962022966,"neutral","TlNAmarina","awesome i just ruined all my white clothes i never remember to separate"
1962023796,"sadness","OliviaNicole123","O.k i feel like i need to cry now  i can't believe that in less than 2 years ill be walking across the stage to get a High School diploma!"
1962024066,"empty","babylew","Piz's last lunch in b-dubb"
1962024211,"sadness","Rutto_chan","@Jonasbrothers Just saw the webc. awesome! i loved all the songs! im sad cuz i couldnt be there  had 2 wake up early and it started at 1am"
1962024308,"sadness","DoriaTV5","So now we'll pay more in sales tax...great.  Even worse Mom and Pop businesses have to double what they pay in business licenses."
1962024352,"happiness","MelissaButton","Had quite a cool day with Charlie and then Ben aswell (: got lost and stung by nettles"
1962024779,"sadness","breannedawn","is stressin h-core. and is supposed to be cleaning her room. and feels like crap."
1962025002,"happiness","charleyolmer","@HannahSukter anywayss to the point i am dying to spend my summer over there or somewhere hot with you guys"
1962025108,"worry","BBGUN88","feel like shit.....and will continue to for as long as it takes"
1962025175,"surprise","tylersorrells","Can't believe i'm spending my lunch break inside @ my desk"
1962025665,"neutral","Skaty_G","finishing one shift in 37 mins... drive half an hour and start all over again till 1am...and back in @ 11am tomorrow .. and its sunny"
1962025770,"worry","whalemonster","is suffering from hayfever, is drowsy from too much Piriton, and is heading to bed with the air purifier on"
1962026211,"sadness","DrummerFrek","back from lunch and it's pouring rain! ugh  ohh well at least it gets me into a Death Cab For Cutie mood!"
1962026362,"sadness","temptingcastiel","@Mad_Gab  We should bask in misery together"
1962026423,"worry","nEiLyville","@Sirvashawn let me know how it goes I'm praying. Ummmph. I still can't believe it."
1962026598,"fun","SugarTea_Nj","ok... finished all the Mikados  Should shut up now! lol"
1962027018,"worry","kimlandrum","@travisroberts What would you know about packing? You're making poor Lauren do it all."
1962027040,"enthusiasm","suehopwood","Sushi joint was closed  but still had a nice lunch w/ Angel!"
1962027423,"neutral","shellywallace","@kirbywhitehead haha! I remember that! That trip was fun. I Miss miss miss miss miss chu"
1962027566,"neutral","ssudaraka","@chathuraw ???? ???? ????.....  ???? ???? ??????? ?? ???..."
1962027598,"neutral","Jaffa16","wish i was 17 again"
1962027718,"neutral","raulcrimson","says from now it will be impossible to Plurk from work  system administrators closed the access in the firew... http://plurk.com/p/x25jw"
1962027875,"fun","katalee02","@blues_traveler I want the Tix!  Oh, right.  I'm know where near Vacaville Ca."
1962028666,"sadness","Rosedart","i feel super sick"
1962029123,"sadness","lewisreilly","http://wave.google.com/ <3 Google ... wish they'd spend a bit more time adding bits to Chrome though"
1962029586,"happiness","alyssacasa","@rayrayyyyy "now or never" makes me cry everytime  lol."
1962029637,"worry","awflutterby","going to a funeral"
1962030165,"worry","cpillsbury1","Worried sick now about my granddaughter. She's at Hasbro possibly needing to have her shunt revised which means another surgery."
1962030189,"worry","nickiegirl","@djjezzie  how very rude fof them, you poor girl i hope you recovered from that  awful site"
1962030628,"neutral","KISStheBOY","Twitter is slow!"
1962030813,"fun","fazerboy","@siamusic  as long as you have someone to make out with    lol"
1962030930,"sadness","DomeniqueSmile","my head is bruised really bad :|"
1962030936,"empty","LauraaKelly","finished the noodles. done the dishwasher. really really warm. i don't like it"
1962053905,"worry","Darenzia","Ruby Luster can't make it to NYC for our performance"
1962053928,"sadness","HeatherElectric","I hate it when I am in pain"
1962054018,"love","raindrops_hali","i have an ipod nano i never use.tut for the love of all things Apple"
1962054771,"worry","Alyssais_Murphy","My last day with my favorite teacher.....im quite sad"
1962054781,"neutral","alanstevens","Just updated #Tweetie and open in browser is still broken."
1962054842,"neutral","mymonster","@rawrrxsteffie yeah quite a few kids in my school got swine flu. they only close down the school if its 30 kids or more"
1962055828,"sadness","GlamFashionista","I'm trying to find a pic for twitter but all that  ihave are too big or can't upload. So I shall remain faceless  lol"
1962056047,"worry","OwnedByOzzy","http://twitpic.com/66yb9 Ozzy back from the vet. Not feeling well. He looks so sad.    Possible UTI. Results tomorrow."
1962056436,"sadness","LadyKay29","@crystaaale wtf kinda best friend am I? I *still* haven't met the hubby. That depresses me"
1962056440,"sadness","Karenrox13","Room is so empty"
1962056452,"hate","toothpick1995","Sitting in Mrs. Martins class, youtube is being stupid. and i REALLY want a popsicle!!! jealous of Sara"
1962056876,"worry","ghurm","zoita had a cardio apt. 2day. doc says her hole-in-the-heart hasn't closed. she'll need the surgery to close it http://ghurm.tumblr.com"
1962056915,"worry","Honey2800","@LucyMeez   I tried that pincode... and it says it is expired... you only just put it up."
1962056916,"neutral","carmelaramirez","@inlovewitharmy i knoooooooooooow"
1962057533,"worry","dayoldnews","Rough start to my day.  Taking this one off from DON so as not to spread my bad vibes. Hope you all have a great weekend! I'm outty."
1962057636,"sadness","JamesMurphy","@lilmo4ever I'm So Mad I Wont Be There!!!!!!!!! UGHHH!!!"
1962057805,"worry","crimmFTW","is hungry, but can't leave for lunch"
1962058027,"sadness","MsBonnieLett","Man, my sinuses r really buggin me this morning"
1962058081,"sadness","tobkatrina","Had an interesting evening amongst homeless people in Venice Beach last night, wishing I had my camera with me........ and model releases"
1962058263,"neutral","justkappa","kinda has a headache..."
1962058398,"neutral","nalael","pool is still closed  and it is cloudy. what should i cook tonight?"
1962058844,"neutral","chymera00","My trip to Igbaras will be postponed to next week"
1962058867,"neutral","Memset_Martyn","Is concerned about @pixiefish"
1962059026,"hate","AAmyHaanson","@Mezzie1221 you are a slow answerer!"
1962059774,"neutral","dontforgetthep","@nikkijean wish i coulda been there"
1962060308,"hate","Grafixgibbs","@cre8tn You and your Yuotube links.  DENIED at work."
1962060426,"worry","Bottom77","Have @ Irma Vep rehearsals. No...not really."
1962060629,"surprise","ApplePieFriday","Why doesn't McDonald's make PINEAPPLE pies?"
1962061220,"worry","JustMTB","Ouch!!... Stomachace.... I ate a lot..."
1962061347,"sadness","imjoie","This is California it has to be sunny... But its not ::::: makes me kinda sad"
1962061544,"worry","skerik","Gah. I think I like Wes Carr... Thats wrong. Nothing good has come out of Australian Idol, but his 'You' song is catchy as fuck"
1962061583,"worry","Jakamacs","@bruceswalker   Hi Bruce  I am trying to eat healthy!  It's kinda scary when I read "Eat this Not that"  maggots and rat hair in our food"
1962061812,"worry","tish_tish","@heffasaurus  anything I can do to help?"
1962061954,"worry","mhico18","i can't sleep.  amp."
1962061971,"empty","TonyHaul","I'm still waiting for the Oprah touch"
1962062319,"happiness","froovyjosie","http://twitpic.com/66ymw I'm gonna miss these guys so much  Thanks for making the 5 years at senior school amazing!"
1962062537,"happiness","JoseBoza","@Rush23 how about we start with a true Franchise online mode. Dynasty was huge, Madden online league not so much"
1962062553,"hate","toniWEDNESDAY","#itsucks when everyone but the one i want to text me is texting me!"
1962063100,"love","SophiiMcCarthy","@Lidybeth inoo thats why i sed ino how u feel coz im in love with kyle, i feel like such a saddo but its true ha i wanna see him tuesday"
1962063225,"surprise","elilicious","@MetromixOrlando ok cause the one  S orange is still open. Whew, you just scared me. Sorry the one by you closed"
1962063427,"hate","weallrollalong","Youtube is made of fail right now. Or maybe it's just me that it hates."
1962063472,"sadness","KirstieLoveland","oasis or ribena? toughest decision everrr"
1962063967,"worry","mr_ETC09","A year from now is graduation....i am pretty sure i'm not ready for it!?!?!?"
1962064168,"happiness","vladimir735","Just got back from the concert! Some mistakes... I kinda failed my Macedonian test  But my relatives from Serbia are here! WooHoo!!!"
1962064379,"enthusiasm","KittyKattMeow","at school again  its boring and these people are playing country and it sucks !!!!XD"
1962064627,"happiness","Monosus","Whew, the first night and day of summer were.....very sad  But, I have Jess's grad party to go to tonight!!!"
1962064791,"happiness","emufear","Just watched the "Final Break" final prison break episode. It was great. Farewell Prison Break. You will be dearly missed."
1962064912,"worry","squooshfiber","So, no yarn arriving until Monday and I don't even know what's in this shipment.  I have nothing to dye.    Now what?"
1962064915,"worry","LaurenB617","I'm gettin ready for my trip back to MA...  I don't wanna leave!"
1962064918,"empty","beazleyzthename","@Shooz1 ok ok mam ... i was jus angry"
1962065004,"neutral","AngelaLeaphart","@zHundred No. Not professional at all."
1962065447,"neutral","em_c","@emclev yeah I can imagine!  Not nice   How much longer is your shift?"
1962065722,"neutral","AmyStar92","So Bored. Firday Evening And Nothing To Do"
1962066281,"neutral","tonyvillegas","time to be nerd"
1962066381,"hate","nichis","@soniei argh. I don't like ebay. I got outbid at the last second"
1962066538,"love","ramsesja","@ginjagin I think you're pretty! I'm sorry they made you feel bad"
1962066869,"worry","dazb","@SiCoUK he won't reply"
1962067174,"surprise","gopjr007","just woke up to a flat tire"
1962067225,"worry","Pervpants","*YAAAWN* Stayed up too late last night, still gotta work & get up super early tomorrow"
1962067649,"neutral","jmichaelstanley","On the phone with the bank."
1962067688,"relief","caughill","@bethanyshondark Ouch. Better get used to it. I think 22 to 25 are prime marriage years."
1962067734,"neutral","mmmpork","last day at Adobe  buuuut I just registered for online tech writing course!"
1962067811,"hate","mattmbelair","Not a bad back 43. Piss poor front tho. 90 still unbroken"
1962068099,"enthusiasm","lilwldchld","@mikeneumann  You just want to go?? I know the feeling...  I'm ready to head back to the mountains, I won't go back till July"
1962068458,"sadness","onyxparadise","When i say "we close at 6", it does not mean "come in at 6". Ffs people. Also RIP Polly"
1962068975,"worry","johnrellis","@BarryAlistair I must of brought the bad weather with me to the states"
1962069015,"enthusiasm","jordanbrown","@sarahbellum Your not alone"
1962069313,"hate","TheMrMatt","Goddamnit! If we live in an age of constant communication why can't anyone return a text"
1962069480,"surprise","wiscorican","Awww NOOO, not my Venus        Will redemption come in doubles?"
1962069581,"enthusiasm","AMF7","my mouth is sore  I have to wear these stupid retainers so my teeth don't go crooked!...in other news, I got a new swimsuit for laps!"
1962069767,"happiness","ByrnesBabe_09","Burnt Agenn  Nice Day Tho  xxx"
1962069893,"fun","Dance4evuh","I just vacuumed my entire house three times. Screw all vacuums!!"
1962099910,"neutral","BoricuaJimmy","@heresMonique hey u, no not yet  soon maybe tomorrow!"
1962100118,"happiness","sandi1743","@caltort i have tried the Teriyaki - no cookie tho!  we got (non winning) Pop-tarts with it.  All was great!"
1962100136,"sadness","amberdino","@amychiu fuck was that the blink/weezer one? I totally forgot."
1962100167,"neutral","lost_dog","@nebgen I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1962100559,"worry","TheAgentMan","The ball on my BB is not working.  I can read any text messages....holla but don't text me"
1962100564,"sadness","sandouri","@sonicsalamander Sorry 'bout the migraine.  Did I mention I really liked your Cissbury (sp?) pic last week?"
1962100678,"hate","vanee","�anisalovesu me too. I am so so upset,especially because i fear i won't get a Jared hug tomorrow"
1962100731,"neutral","Patti_OShea","Of course, the Evil Day Job wants me to stay longer.  I need to win the lottery."
1962100932,"worry","BrunetteExotica","Ok why am I still in the airport and my flightwas @ 1:47pm I haven't even boarded  http://myloc.me/1ZPI"
1962100964,"hate","khertan","Uploading a 1Mo video with microb and on 3G Network in the train is really slow"
1962101339,"worry","brandeelamb","@Hellolizzay I work tomorrow"
1962101895,"sadness","mandalot","@msdivineknight wish i could  want to stay and play with u guys and enjoy a block party for once"
1962101922,"sadness","ashlynisIT","@yelyahwilliams alright. i REALLY wish you guys could've done a show in tennessee  because now, i can't go to one of your shows :'("
1962102026,"worry","c_gonzales05","I need food. It took an hour to get to work this morning. Leaving me no time to get my morning coffee and bagel"
1962102039,"sadness","simontay78","@jovenatheart you never follow me I sad  LOL"
1962102183,"relief","jenjen143","@thehoodnerd    Ive been dying for those!! They just so expensive in little sizes."
1962102335,"worry","hannah_jp","Jonas and Demi, I miss you  / NIIICK, in my soul, ASASGDYGYASDGY ?"
1962102973,"sadness","krzimmer","Shoot. Only 12 miles"
1962103485,"surprise","amourirlandais","@tealshocked thats because im getting a new phone since my other phone dont work at all"
1962103517,"relief","thelasttoknow1","work all day"
1962103967,"worry","dommafia","First time in my live that i got a little pop up on the taskbar saying that one of my files was corrupt and I needed to run chkdisk"
1962103977,"sadness","vanchew","@siiyu she could have been a lost dog  poor girl"
1962104204,"sadness","LiamTH1","@MrSucre lmao i sure did!!! no luck though"
1962104267,"worry","pachax","@sri_rng dont know IMEI number  is it tracked even in india?"
1962104403,"neutral","VxJasonxV","I'd respond, if I were going"
1962104716,"worry","goldeeeloxxx","@induce1 Panchito's burfday party tonight... wish you were here kiddo!"
1962104854,"worry","stephtaka","Its already been a crazy morning and its ONLY 1030"
1962106008,"worry","J830","Damn. I got a math test today."
1962106166,"worry","TREYMATE","y must i hve graduation practice...all im gonna is walk"
1962106409,"anger","dommafia","MOtherfuck QW"
1962106708,"neutral","VxJasonxV","@skie I'd have responded, if I were going"
1962106770,"sadness","whereamygoes","The girl across the hall says her cat got out when the landlord was showing her apt.  so heartbreaking"
1962106782,"worry","STLOVE","watching Gilmore Girls reruns!! Don't know what else to do for the day"
1962107068,"sadness","sally_ann","Feeling bad for my little sister. Put a lot of money into her Saab, took full coverage off it last week, and totalled it yesterday"
1962107151,"surprise","itsbadmojo","is at the beach watching Xmen Origins and drinking orange juice with no pulp"
1962107495,"worry","nefaria","@azroth Unfortunately, I didn't do it on purpose - itunes shuffle did it. It followed up with Dreadzone, so no life-ruin music-trauma."
1962107937,"sadness","ladyrain_bj","trying to spending time away from the reality....broke my heart again"
1962108019,"sadness","Xtina346","Oh no! Poor bears  i just had a nightmare i wrestled a huge snake and won"
1962108279,"worry","danosphere","@mnemosynekurai haha yea, i just feel like its being taken the wrong direction, used to be a cool place, now its a mess"
1962108416,"worry","catbook","Epsilon Greater than Zero misses her Mommy.  http://apps.facebook.com/catbook/profile/view/5626035"
1962108483,"worry","LexXxi","Feeling very sad again today"
1962108509,"happiness","tHabster","@Sopphue i foot think it will let you since it.s international  but we have twitter haha"
1962108885,"hate","bubbly_anj0319","sometimes i got tired dealing with my own dilemmas.."
1962108923,"worry","thehivemind","@wendyandlisa unfortunately, I will miss Girl Bros. Radio tonight. Will be in the midst of an all night writing session"
1962108996,"neutral","rxgrl629","At the DMV"
1962109294,"hate","sarking","@orbitaldiamonds That drives me nuts."
1962109758,"neutral","JRKichline","I hate it when I forget to actually turn on the dryer"
1962109892,"worry","Awrittenapology","Work is ded  out tonite tho eeeeeee"
1962109952,"hate","_Just_Jen_","Shit. My friend's in such a state and I don't know how to help him. Nothing I say seems to be helping and I wish I knew what to say"
1962110041,"sadness","NatashaTurnbull","i want my ben and jerrys now lol, TWEET PEOPLE im bored"
1962110280,"hate","dmbdork","@sierraphares oh! Yeah,your mom told be about that.  I thought you meant his twitter ID & I was very confused. That sucks. Sick."
1962110365,"surprise","vibanez","@jury323 ommg gurll why aren't u going how sad"
1962110452,"worry","elisalazar2001","@lram2 What!?!?! I can't believe I had to find out this way...don't you ppl contact family first??!!? I'm so sad!  Who was it?!?1"
1962111837,"sadness","MsKrisMa","not feelin 2day"
1962111962,"worry","Jeraly","@thewhitemage It does it sometimes - it should come back ;) And the car thing sucks - I feel all anxious and yucky now"
1962112003,"love","SecretAsian29","@jroberson4 Good luck at the services tomorrow!! I wish I could see you guys on your vacation!"
1962112043,"worry","deangratton","Is anyone there?  Please say hello - I'm feeling lonely"
1962112295,"sadness","Jen_Rissmiller","Going to an engagement party tommorrow night - it should be mine, but its NOT!  Stepping off the soapbox."
1962112836,"sadness","bitofwhimsy","@SeviDesigns It'll be delivered next Friday.  That is a looonnnng way away with 5 people! Guess I'll do laundry next week at mil's."
1962112860,"worry","MissyBabyy","Is sitting in science freezing  four days (:"
1962112954,"worry","lauradownie","Watching hollyoaks - hoping Justin isn't the one to die."
1962113529,"sadness","Vanache","@audreyallure - I'm really thinking about staying till tomorrow .. I have to be back in Philly 2nite, but I wanna stay so bad."
1962113726,"worry","Beccazaini","maths seriously hate me."
1962113747,"neutral","gvee","@statisticsio No! Why?"
1962113764,"neutral","mattmoment","@katiejonesy it does but that game doesn't."
1962113773,"neutral","transhumant","Aw. Toy Story 3 is coming out NEXT year."
1962113782,"sadness","kirstyrebecca","feeling rather peckish...no dinner for at least 2 hours  wah"
1962113881,"worry","taylorann2012","i cut my hand open!!!"
1962113989,"happiness","debbieshing","@shelleymcarthur I was only @ Cambie just slightly before the event then had to leave  Waiting for feedback though; I'll keep u posted!"
1962114172,"worry","hoshin","@b33f4l0 @KevinDoyle Ha!  I dunno about standing anything up.  Very very rough today.  It hurts to talk."
1962114452,"neutral","jlevinrector","South of the Border! And officially out of South Carolina until January"
1962114480,"worry","ROSIEandCARLEI","I'm just to far from where you are, I wanna go home..."
1962114754,"neutral","deephouseatl","If I were an heiress, I would be shopping all day  Kinda bad, I know"
1962114976,"fun","lizziebellman","Molly keeps punching me cuz she sees yellow cars. I'm gonna be covered in bruises. I don't like this game"
1962115132,"worry","izzyness_4ever","has a headache from the the heat."
1962115532,"sadness","AdrianaAddict","On my way to lake geneva and I miss my laura"
1962115725,"happiness","veriette","going out tonight, FINALLY. i wanty lie in the park but... cinema bound it looks"
1962116738,"neutral","jedidiah08","time for work"
1962116785,"happiness","jcmoreno14","@MorganMartinez My dream was about hanging out with all my friends. It was good until I woke up and they weren't there."
1962117090,"worry","itekla","Is going to have one upset daughter  in a bit..mr. Rat took a sudden turn for the worse and didn't make it"
1962117283,"worry","BenWaldron","Does not feel good at all today"
1962117413,"surprise","LadyKay29","@crystaaale dude, that's eff'ed up. LOL @ chris browning you. We live so far apart and Im afraid to fly"
1962117763,"sadness","erikarose21","@CCNKAddict I know... it just falls right at 1pm my time, like right in the middle of the day"
1962134732,"neutral","JaredRR","I need more twitter friends. I'm checking this far too often and find nothing new"
1962135014,"sadness","WaffleyBetz","@wimnms well i miss her i think she would really like it  re:trina"
1962135204,"sadness","sorcha69","@ChrisEfs i tryed that the other day but they werent giving up what they were using!"
1962135505,"surprise","hamaddar","@awaisnaseer I mailed @badar76 for some help, you got reply right now from him, I didn't get, which should probly mean I won't get it"
1962135586,"worry","YarnThing","Off to the shelters around me to look for her.  I hope she is okay, so afraid that she is going to get hit by a car. Can't stop crying"
1962135691,"sadness","NicksWeird","Nothing like waking up slow in the morning. Docs appt today."
1962136242,"worry","llef","Where can I get nice food for Mam down the Bay that a) is likely to have room for 3 tonight and b) isn't the mingin' burger kitchen"
1962136380,"neutral","Gweggles","my teeshirt is faaar too small for me but i like it too much to stop wearing it"
1962136739,"love","jamerie","@Irish_Jean awessomee! cut my hurrr i give massage? orr alkie? or foodtour? yeaaah! &i'll pray for ur cousin"
1962136782,"happiness","spreaddalove","went and got a pedicure and a manicure 2daii!!!! and den sunbathed all daii!!!! BEST DAY EVA!!!!! oh yeh,....did a teeny bit of study"
1962136836,"sadness","dancerforlife","It went really well! But the vid didnt work.  im sad"
1962136850,"surprise","arniearns16","@jerwjr Yes.  Me too. I can't understand why they have to do that. I mean, I know it's all about Hollywood, but this thing is called love."
1962136906,"sadness","catheyheavens","missed my friggin hair appt!!!"
1962136994,"sadness","Mr_Soft","@Quinztar Oh no, but that means that you won't be able to get pwned by my shottie this weekend"
1962137190,"love","Emmurr","Goood Dayy  Beeen shopping, didn't get what I wanted though  But my best friend has comeeee homeeee!! XD Ily Shannii x"
1962137407,"worry","AMF7","@orbitaldiamonds I want all the soldiers to come home so we don't have to hear about anymore being killed."
1962137981,"boredom","weaksauce12","@shaveblog Problem is, Flash isnt GPU accelerated.  The Atom 330 can't play Youtube HD or Hulu HD fullscreen   Big deal with Plex..."
1962138498,"sadness","jessiesingswhoa","hillsong tom. night, and dad's birthday! i wish i could see him on his bday though."
1962138663,"surprise","SuFiGirl35","@LadyLogan awwwwww i wish her to be safe while shes gone n hugs to u must of been hard to say goodbye"
1962138839,"worry","sreejit_a","31 degree centigrade is much hotter than 30 degree centigrade"
1962138909,"neutral","cia_baby","@atlanta_arcelay http://twitpic.com/4xvw2 - I got chased by a male chihuahua that looked like he was pregnant today  He was black and  ..."
1962139631,"enthusiasm","Tash0718","Cant wait to leave work"
1962139983,"happiness","ShaylenD","Just got back from the doctor... I don't need surgery yayyy!!!!!! But my knees are still fucked  not gonna get better"
1962140277,"sadness","devahaz","@meiko911   didn't have time this morning to go all the way across town to take a pic (SO SAD)"
1962140902,"worry","jenvargas","@OSCalendar @MetromixOrlando Either way, that's unfortunate to hear  Thanks you both for the head's up."
1962141083,"worry","Sledge_Girl","I don't do very good at funerals. Crying is way 2 contagious for me"
1962141171,"neutral","barbie31088","@nick_carter The video is set to private"
1962141737,"worry","AMF7",".@orbitaldiamonds I want all the soldiers to come home so we don't have to hear about anymore being killed."
1962142194,"worry","FanOfMCTSDL","am little bit upset   ppl is jerk-"
1962142469,"worry","sonicisblue","Pretty sure I'm sat on the wrong train going the wrong way... Bah!"
1962142867,"sadness","laurabehlow","@marisatangorra it because your handwriting isnt on any of them. and everyone is making fun of me because im sitting by myseld in the lrc"
1962143084,"sadness","JustTen",". @wickedblueglow he's in bed sick. Heavy fever. Went to dr's. Part of the reason i'm watching Aladdin 2 now and still haven't been fed"
1962143257,"neutral","Saaheart","I don't get it, I was feeling fine yesterday. and now im a ball of sickness ! i hate the flu,"
1962143344,"worry","Mkenn076","@edwardsheroin *taps shoulder* forgotten"
1962143980,"worry","scottdkauppinen","is stuck inside when its so nice outside"
1962144199,"sadness","SR2xPLAYA","@tojoha1 sucks that i had to delete it"
1962144262,"empty","Anita_Joint","FML i just spilled my entire can of diet coke IN MY LAP. yay"
1962144297,"worry","mandymag","honestly, why did the folks at Microsoft do MS Word 2007 to me?  I can't believe I just spent 10 minutes finding auto correct options"
1962144302,"happiness","kira_talk","just done planting the garden...hope sun will shine soon!"
1962144352,"worry","simongiesen","Is feeling sick, probably a summer flu"
1962144367,"worry","moonbeamstrlite","@pursebuzz http://twitpic.com/66z7a - I don't know why I always click on your doughnut pictures... lol I always end up wanting one"
1962144504,"hate","BeckieJH","Ughh. That Miley creature song has infested itself in my brain!"
1962144559,"surprise","weezicar","where did the rain go??"
1962144612,"empty","linercare","Wanting to leave work early today but stuff keeps accumulating.  this Friday is so a Monday in disguise. lol"
1962145072,"neutral","KatyushaD","@justinderekrich Good morning nyc! If I weren't broke, I would have landed there yesterday afternoon."
1962145185,"neutral","mightbparanoiid","@heartintherain yeah but they had to come barcelona, because not all the fans can be in that concert  COME BARCELONA! JESSI TE QUIERO"
1962145354,"sadness","luvsuzi","I hate taking lily to the doc to get shots. It makes me super sad"
1962145600,"worry","shoes_in_herts","Oh dear. Sunburned back"
1962145999,"worry","jackief801","@iamdiddy yeah I need a hug...cuz I am sick.."
1962146313,"worry","KaylaGetsCrunk","So apparently my dad thinks its ok to stalk my twitter. this has been the worst week ever. i hate my life."
1962146374,"surprise","mlo4a","Dance Flick actually NOT that good!"
1962146660,"worry","ROSYKA21","Still in meeting... I want some coffee right now cuz I didn't sleep well"
1962146933,"worry","MarkLaseter","is frustrated by twitter...my picture will not load."
1962147085,"worry","planetsongbirds","@Mike_WSt the wheater here in Austria should be bad for the whole weekend. Sorry!"
1962147183,"worry","Juliax0","I miss my cousin so much"
1962147394,"worry","VSalha","@lomeli09 i couldnt respond cuz i maxed out"
1962147403,"sadness","carterjl","@gealbhan_beag     I hate cat pee."
1962147412,"worry","katetamse77","@nick_carter Your video is set to private.."
1962147428,"neutral","KayKay18","@MarleeMatlin How did your book signing go?  If I lived there I would've came!"
1962147441,"sadness","DebWorldOfBooks","@reverieBR That sucks. I hope you find a new job soon"
1962147490,"empty","Sandrafanclub","@nick_carter The video is private."
1962147827,"worry","hyperkidd08","I'm so confused about the weather, is it really gonna be sunny? or is it really gonna rain?"
1962147914,"surprise","shawtyslim","Chinese Lunch Buffet: $4.50 - Add a soda $1.25 - Noticing the Health Inspection score of 81 as I walk out with my bag, Priceless ....."
1962148313,"sadness","jevison","WOW, got killed on first wave of Horde on Gears. FAIL"
1962148490,"worry","chachachica99","Creased my nikes!!  ohh well... http://twitpic.com/66zfd"
1962148948,"worry","Ms2good4ya","I am working like allways. i hope i have a good day havent talked to my Mr.Goofy in over 24hours so that cant possiabally be good"
1962148974,"sadness","1azylizzie","just got back from NOM NOM's at our favourite restaurant here in Haarlem. I'm sad, I will miss eating there, the food is INCREDIBLE"
1962149069,"happiness","ninabeitz","almost done with my first day at the spa...I missed this place! Then headed to Fort Collins to close down casa de kent"
1962149190,"surprise","funkybrownchick","BTW, for the record, can I just say I have waaay too many clothes.  While packing, found a green boa & a 22" velvet and black corset."
1962149930,"worry","CharlotteMcFLY","arrghh stupid eczema      i have to go soon. sort it OUT! :/"
1962163633,"worry","pieterlars","@azina too late...now it just hurts."
1962163673,"sadness","cutemama007","I worked at a car plant once..nobody believes me though. I repect all the hard workin folks in the world."
1962163841,"hate","minng","I hate my life"
1962163950,"hate","yo_anna","hates these khaki pants! project to do todayy"
1962164410,"fun","girlwithapuck","@emcerlain I know it's against the law... I am a rebel in small things."
1962164508,"hate","kris10belanger","Dear Allergies.. i hate you.. please go away...love always... your victim.."
1962164760,"relief","TheTPSreport","@Flamenkers I send messages to greg all the time, no answer  its ok I still love o & a, goog luck with your move to Erie."
1962165355,"sadness","Patrysiaaaaaaa","i have runny nose... i can't breathe.. terrible feeling..."
1962165449,"fun","bjanay82","4 more days until my birthday!!! I don't want to get older"
1962165568,"neutral","chloooebartz","Is working allll weeekend"
1962166133,"worry","nathenmcvittie","iPhone today! I want to see The Morning Of in Virginia Beach, but I don't think I can get there"
1962166176,"worry","cdtpiper","In A and E arts Stephani's horse fell on wet ground and she landed on her head"
1962166327,"sadness","vaguelyartistic","@rakka oh no, you're gonna have to break up w/your ups guy when you move"
1962166517,"worry","Niterocker","@technclrninjoe i think thats what he is going for but he didnt have time to scan, do photo shop and stuff before work"
1962166790,"neutral","crashcrash","@payforglory i am sorry i don't like girls ~that way"
1962167001,"happiness","BabeNatasha","@AmongstStars awee!"
1962167067,"sadness","archiwiz","Its sooooooooo not funny when I have to move from computer to computer to render and draw. Come on, Revit! AutoCAD was never this bad."
1962167899,"hate","maffster","i JUST fucking cleaned the whole kitchen....and the asshole comes home & is going to make a mess of it...my mom didn't even get to see it"
1962167935,"worry","topwebcomics","tired but have a lot to do.  Looking forward to tabletop gaming tomorrow as a break from my constant programming"
1962168057,"happiness","morenatsk","currently playing... part of the list"
1962168164,"love","OcracokeIsland","Beautiful day on Ocracoke just hope the thunderstorms stay away this afternoon...it's not looking good"
1962168915,"sadness","djmoonbaby","My peeps is coming from chi*twn today for the weekend to hang w me and i dont have any time  always workin!"
1962169005,"worry","KidFury","Follow Friday is such a burden for me, because I want to add everyone, and I always forget people."
1962169404,"hate","KN9NE","John making me wear a mask and gloves at work cause I'm sick. Says he doesn't want to catch swine flu.  http://yfrog.com/02mxjj"
1962169447,"love","NinaCruz927","@Auggie5000 lmao boss ross don't come on out here  I love that man he was the truth"
1962169841,"surprise","pauldateh","Wired mag needs to seriously chill out. I just renewed barely 3 months ago, yet they've already sent me 5 renewal letters for next year!"
1962169942,"worry","emmilyon","Cruising "Serious Eats NY" does not bode well for a future in GA. Missing NYC gastronomical tour..  http://newyork.seriouseats.com/"
1962170180,"love","typicaal","Went to the hairdresser today, she cutted my hair off  I loved my long hair! Dad said he couldn't even see I got a haircut! LAAAME"
1962170334,"neutral","haemoglobin_","@kt__d  make it go awayyyyy"
1962170375,"neutral","_MisterG","I waited, listening to wind blowing through the tumbleweed? Are none of you old enough to know what to do when someone says "Crackerack"?"
1962170599,"hate","veriette","hut myself in the face with a hammer earlier by accident  obviously it hurts."
1962170645,"sadness","rafe212","Bored and lonely at work"
1962170690,"sadness","iellie","The stratus is going bye bye today  i loved that car in high school #fb"
1962171008,"empty","Beler","Erm ovaj "video twitter" iz Tweetia ne radi. Ni�ta od microcastinga"
1962171066,"worry","LAUGHmaniac123","ran over a worm skating...  poor wormie. but glad to be back."
1962171118,"anger","crlos77","No gas PLUS no money = Desperation!!!   and that's the word of the day!  http://twitpic.com/66zls"
1962171497,"empty","kthrns","@dannyid the balance is ~$8,000. unfortunately i havent been able to find a card that has a limit high enough to transfer the whole thing"
1962171612,"neutral","MommaDenise","He's getting ear tubes in about an hour so no food"
1962171623,"relief","Er_Garcia","finally some effing internet! i effin need to update the wifi in SG malls. Idk how  i miss dada and craigie......"
1962171780,"surprise","Kate1308","@nick_carter ah nick you�ve set the vid to private  do you not want everyone 2 see it or has it been a mistake?"
1962172250,"happiness","heymckate","@eep2001 Might have to cancel our Disney trip this year.  Not too thrilled about it."
1962172252,"worry","rudedoodle","@barbsrad sorry to hear that"
1962174044,"relief","GDLfangirl","Thanking god for after elton for allowing me to see the new TW trailer since work blocked youtube and lj"
1962174184,"worry","auburnfan99","@pallet2005 apologies don't fix hurt feelings kev.  anyway i'll get it from u next time I c u."
1962174539,"worry","Nectaronice","was mostly sick when she went to bed, but woke up feeling mostly dead"
1962174894,"sadness","madumpling","LA unified summer schools drastically cut due to CA budget  cuts. Very sad"
1962174895,"worry","snowboardqueen","@LauraKatzenberg Yo, what happened to my invite?"
1962175052,"sadness","annasaccone","@eoghancasey oh no!!    i wish i could lay out in the sun!!  i have no garden...LOL"
1962175195,"empty","dskouture","I'm bored at work"
1962175728,"worry","vanitylenTM","i really want some starbucks right now  needing to find something to do tonight.."
1962176377,"sadness","_HarryKim","@Orion_Girl OOC sorry we keep missing each other..."
1962176400,"worry","sobeautymag","@SPACASSO Hey, Maria! I'm so sorry!  I think I accidentally disconnected you.     Thank you SO much for trying. Headed to your site soon."
1962177936,"love","QueenM81","@bondsbustyblond We've just 16�C today&cold wind..  Want it 2b like 25� to 30�! I love hot weather! But I reaped the 1st strawberry yday!"
1962178056,"enthusiasm","BibiAzra","I don't want Warren to die. He's an awesome character!  I hate Clare she should fucking die once and for all."
1962178326,"neutral","3x5love","Now i cant find him  Gonna be a sleepless night tonight"
1962178497,"love","howboutno","@SU2C What about having one in TAMPA? I've been all excited to do the hunt, but I'm too far from any of those cities"
1962179065,"neutral","jnthnlckwd","@ItsMeGregory you're so far"
1962179375,"happiness","cportillo99","Good am all..: hanging out with ma dad 2day, looking for a job still.."
1962179814,"neutral","taylorlahela","I wanna roc wit'chu . Imy buu"
1962180186,"happiness","hirand4","@xxdePinkLadyxx I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOIN THE FREEKIN CLUB!!!!"
1962181092,"sadness","RenaissGourmet","@GabrieleDurning  sadly we were too late for TraceyCakes, but we got them elsewhere- not the same but still yummy. Tea w wee on wknd!"
1962181217,"sadness","WHiTB23","So from this moment foward, imma have to spend my money wisely. No dress and shoe shopping every week. No more pigging out @ my fav rest."
1962181356,"happiness","Kitt69","@darklord1  Ohh what fun! A night at Slimes, I miss that place!"
1962181450,"hate","justkappa","hates the everything about  seafood.. just so happened to serve lobster in the chow hall... noooowww, I gotta headache.. ugh! smh..."
1962187061,"worry","TNTsinger","gosh it's anoher cloudy day  wish they would go away.. or rain.."
1962187986,"neutral","CaliChick09","@nick_carter Vid is marked private.."
1962188151,"worry","donelle8","Dangit...cuz of this weather the house painting is going to be dragged out till next week."
1962188314,"sadness","UniqueScorpio85","@KING617 I REEEALLY wish I could be there  haven't been n a while.what's goin on down there lately?"
1962188578,"sadness","justkappa","hates everything about seafood..esp smell! just so happened to serve lobster in the chow hall... noooowww, I gotta headache.. ugh! smh..."
1962188721,"anger","Suzl4","Very bad things.......I need to stop thinking!"
1962188741,"neutral","katrina_v","@dj_crisis deathmatch? I don't have that game. Plus.... I'm not really good at any games  lol"
1962188987,"neutral","freeaman","Stressed out fro work and having a drink"
1962189037,"neutral","theronnieharris","@deejaychips i havent laid my verse yet..."
1962189406,"worry","theemptynest","@paintgranny my little felted thing looks like an incestuous by- product of two of your lovelies"
1962189646,"neutral","nfredericks","the live version is so much better  ? http://blip.fm/~79my3"
1962190247,"surprise","mrossana","@duncangela I tried sooooo hard to work from home today, but failed  Not my fault though."
1962190322,"neutral","MahouKame","@Madrox My condolences."
1962190406,"worry","codytobin","@corcorjdore I hope you meant ten hour shiFt ya nasty. Poor guy either way   http://myloc.me/1ZSJ"
1962190482,"neutral","Keggerz","@stacywillert yeah that was me yesterday after i found out the house i want is sold, my bank effed me over and then the car accident"
1962190542,"surprise","theNetImp","@yoha_ahoy yeah I really want one too!  Probably in the winter I may be able to get one, but until then."
1962190763,"worry","JackKempers","Probably because it wasnt a command...bet you dont understand pay out on fantasy football either  ..droids   Look out for @eCouchCoach"
1962190830,"neutral","tazigo","@Galia ouch!! Applied Ec over the summer? And no graduation, then?  *hug*"
1962190871,"love","LupitaMarquez","@marianalizbeth yayy!!! Im gonna see you today! I miss you!"
1962190929,"neutral","angel200688","@ClipperPrincess No I haven't made my page yet.  Had to work"
1962191785,"happiness","ilfiore","Have ordered the cuuutest invitations for my new niece�s Christening, and they just arrived back in SA.  Sorry that I wont make it myself"
1962191946,"sadness","TinaMcCarty","@tanyaahedo - I know! It was drizzling all the way to work!  Hope it warms up this weekend...."
1962192122,"worry","Beautylicious82","Tryin to get motivated to go downtown to meet with my girl friends... Kinda dont want to but I always cancel"
1962192317,"happiness","AllEyesOnB","@danni_30439 I really wish I could go!"
1962192529,"sadness","bexiclepop","@danger_skies miss you too :'( it is!i never want to come home.....seriously"
1962192576,"worry","vanchew","exams are in 2 days, and i'm not prepared  so dead"
1962192878,"worry","CelticBoi87","Just got to the hospital. Jimmys really bad....please please send your good thoughts. I'm really worried."
1962193244,"worry","Bwadoo","@serda23 Depends on what they want for it....I've become poor again"
1962193628,"worry","TwilightilDawn","@misamille Where are u  miss you I hope you are doing well *sending big hugs*"
1962193771,"sadness","mcmcslp","OK, home made pizza tonight, but horrors, I've run out of anchovies"
1962193859,"neutral","kimmie_78","night nurse!! :S"
1962194780,"worry","puente6969","@alltimebritt lol dammit  well then next time then"
1962195160,"love","Soundtechdez","Yeah it's Friday but I have to work at 5am tomorrow  oh well going shopping afterwork"
1962195209,"happiness","InkedFrackGrl","@nick_carter Gotta make the video public, dear. LOL ...can't see it."
1962195304,"hate","maddieee__","ScREW MY PHONE. ITS BROKEN. DONT BOTHER TEXTING."
1962195549,"worry","KarlaVasqez","@nick_carter THE LINK DOESNT WOR"
1962195602,"relief","Orion_Girl","@_HarryKim OOC:  It's okay.  Maybe our schedules will work out soon."
1962196027,"worry","LaReinaYadira","Gotta go to the doctor this morning  i feel so sick right now. i can barely talk but i'm still yelling across the house lol"
1962196747,"worry","sammyjoestrella","No kickboxing classes today  pretty bummed. Still going to work out hard. http://myloc.me/1ZT0"
1962196815,"hate","MiseryXchord","I want to shoot Viva Hate... this is only the second time since I got my new camera I've had a chance, and the other was pitch black"
1962197390,"sadness","cakedream","@Pretty23rd I wasn't feeling it"
1962197430,"worry","jaydefoster","@gfalcone601 giii help me  i really wana find a gorgeous dress for prom, not long, mid length or short, anywhere in the uk. please help"
1962197648,"anger","faulko1","@anz_rocks19  i have to break the twitterparty... im off home soon"
1962197808,"worry","tamisawyer","UGH I missed the POTUS @ MY Five Guys!!!! 2 blocks from my house and 3 blocks from my job.  http://www.politico.com/politico44/"
1962197848,"worry","annamara","Got Firefox working again. Now I just have to get back all of my bookmarks..."
1962197947,"happiness","cgooley","Wearing exactly the same clothes as I used to wear in Canada, beanie (or touque) and all.  Ahh brings back memories... I miss the snow"
1962197959,"worry","tracyhdez","I'm gonna miss them so much  I'm crying right now... :/"
1962198019,"love","jamiedelaine","fourteen hours later, i'm still having the worst allergy flare-up in my life from shooting an engagement session in a field last night..."
1962198266,"happiness","SamiDullard10","@oliviamunn SAN DIEGO! MOVE DOWN HERE! although whether right now is pretty cold. im waiting for the suck so i can go surf  I LOVE YOU"
1962198322,"surprise","BlueEyedGirl18","just got back from the BBQ, i got sunburn on my legs, well sore"
1962198472,"worry","SarahAnswer","WAH. i'm gonna miss bowie people  ESP YOU ALYANNA BONDOC <3 and Cesar. D:< I dunno if I can survive without my SOSA!"
1962199059,"happiness","calamur","@nethra - one more funny msg on fb. this time with an actual link  today i have received 5 such messages"
1962199347,"worry","twinkles48","@nick_carter it says the video is private... and won't let me watch"
1962199371,"worry","Djalfy","@P33ZY  My Power was cut off  thats where i went"
1962199455,"fun","amtrekker","I can't wait to see UP! How dare @katymoe have a "real" job. Probably going to have to wait until tomorrow."
1962200179,"neutral","ccrover","I'm back!! Sudden wave of melancholy takes over. I miss the Shining Emblem"
1962200351,"worry","OsbertSitwell","What I would have done with legless stillborn spaniels, no idea. BUT I WAS SAD, so now, 20yrs later, strawberries = dead puppies."
1962200376,"worry","gigitastic","Those houses were a bust. House 1 smelled like a bowling alley and was maaad gross and house 2 needed a new roof and basement"
1962200572,"neutral","JeniJennJennn","@petewentz hey are you guys planning any So Cal headlining shows around the time of the Blink tour? We dont get you in Irvine"
1962200603,"sadness","Cortniexoxo","@kheiny so the beneath show got cancelled BUMMER! i guess i wont see you til cornerstone  who are you goign with?"
1962200703,"worry","SusanKlein","@JayLenoTonight  Jay I'm so sad its your last night on the show Its my last night watching it too I can't watch Conan  see you at 10 pm"
1962200718,"sadness","msbellee","is off to get the boy and then to his doc. Persistent coughs are not good.  http://plurk.com/p/x285t"
1962200824,"empty","KarlaVasqez","@nick_carter THE LINK DOESNT WORK"
1962201066,"neutral","SofaKing381222","is awake and does not want to go to work..."
1962201239,"relief","WDWStevenB","FINALLY-- Now I am me again.  I had to use internet explorer.  Firefox issues   Back to normal Tweeting."
1962201280,"worry","saucey7","Lunch isn't until 1:00 but I'm already so hungry."
1962201438,"sadness","pinkysoda","this evening,picking up n'pop and go for dinner at Ta Lum Tum Tum (som-tum),Major Avenue..decided to go home(not clubing tonite).."
1962201539,"neutral","jx2h","revising for exams"
1962201693,"neutral","poochie311","@iNetters thank you"
1962202132,"worry","moomama","I need some free #fieldnotes because I can't travel to North 3rd Street in Philly to buy my own."
1962202327,"empty","lkzjudd","Eu to com fome"
1962202403,"enthusiasm","HollieElder","is trying to find something to do tonight"
1962202497,"worry","msstroud","@IanMcNaughton you need to share the h/w love! Some of us are still rocking 2008's gear."
1962202780,"worry","anaclara77","doing the awful online portuguese test!"
1962203247,"neutral","satosoft","I must be the only fool in twitterland that doesn't get retweet!!  #sadsville"
1962203470,"fun","LusaSousa","@candypants2 http://twitpic.com/66wxk - SO jealous right now!!!hate new england weather"
1962203585,"relief","ghostlibrarian","Fighting a migraine   Medication is almost working."
1962203765,"love","KarenEcton","Man, the French Open has been on for a week and I haven't had the opportunity to catch a single match"
1962208182,"sadness","cosmicconscious","@spencerkeasey yeah doesn't that suck!  I am working with a Nano here so i had to take 75% of my music off!  so sad"
1962208321,"worry","sheridesfixed","@chcuk WTF why can't you come race with us?? ughh  where's your road race at on sunday?"
1962208725,"sadness","rachelbees","My first car is offically gone.  good bye my turquoise topaz. You will be missed greatly."
1962209044,"empty","MissJessiRae","i dreamt about monsters last night.  like a little girl."
1962209329,"worry","iJordache","...just not that into me"
1962209368,"love","allaboutjenn","Wishing I could have seen my nephew graduate from kindergarten!"
1962209891,"sadness","SLotH13","@LimeIce On the way home dood.. Dont think the crappy vodafone gprs can handle yaymen.com"
1962210053,"worry","FanOfMCTSDL","@TeamTSwift  that's bad luck!"
1962210271,"hate","Homsta","at f***** work  .... want somebody to come ???"
1962210503,"neutral","emily_yo","i love Fly With Me, live chats and don't like being sick."
1962210607,"happiness","darkmerrick","@susannaheanes bwaha! It's so far away, though.  But it looks fluffy! And Jared's hair's SHINNNY."
1962210609,"neutral","Kellzrn","meditating on my plans for the weekend...gotta work saturday..."
1962211225,"happiness","Fordsterrr","@LeeHongRui hahaha.. it's ok, how can I hire your mom??! So paiseh.. haha, I shall do all the washing then"
1962211306,"hate","hakim247","I don't like the heat, as global warming will eventually destroy the Earth, and the sun will inevitably eat up our planet,  grim"
1962211615,"sadness","Adrigonzo","@redsoxgirl28 been there, sadly.  this isn't your first rodeo, my dear, I suspect you've learned your lesson?"
1962211811,"sadness","dvrdown24","Bushidokan class got canceled.   I'll just have to sign up for karate someplace else!!"
1962211890,"relief","laurendanyelle","Note to self: Omelets are better when made with butter, not olive oil.  Also, @laurendanyelle doesn't like my cooking *spits in a napkin*"
1962212092,"worry","softqual","@michaelbolton Yes...met Jon last yr at an interesting "Questionning Agile" Agile 2008 session.  Don't see him on this yr's schedule."
1962212266,"sadness","SamStersAPixxie","@KoFiBaBy wats gooood !! miss yall already"
1962212356,"worry","Domoconnor","@HayesN  How come everyone seems to make so much more money than me."
1962212853,"neutral","NicoleVBorek","@RNconsult alarm watch + pill name display for functioning Alzheimer patients w/b key; hear alarm & ask, "What is that noise about?""
1962213196,"worry","ffcukenkim","i dont feel good! sick to my stomach"
1962213285,"anger","whitterness","@msaysrawr *points at the gear question I just posted* I cant get the rest of my Dreadweave set"
1962213497,"neutral","Sheardesigns","My moms calling hospice 4 great gpa  its only a matter of time only God knows."
1962213992,"sadness","Pflace1206","this day cant go by any slower"
1962214393,"worry","el_frawg","Redskins release Jon Jansen.  That guy put in a ton of sweat and bruises for the team.  He will be missed.    http://tinyurl.com/mdewfk"
1962214770,"worry","J1000000","@breedimetria I'm talking bout everyone in general, no one wants to play with me"
1962215085,"worry","jerridkruse","Education doesn't move forward because we keep repeating our past (sigh)"
1962215445,"worry","tiptoetulips","Got back from Arizona yesterday.  Moved the furniture and stuff out of the Arizona house and shipped it to Redwood City.    How sad."
1962215471,"sadness","luv4randb1231","about to head to Starbucks. was gonna take the bus to Paradise and Starbucks, but missed it by 2 minutes."
1962215569,"neutral","howtosavealiz","@technicoloring 1720 HA. except omg amy bb I have to give my loaner laptop back today so I may be without one for up to a month"
1962215942,"sadness","Hipchick999","@smartie999 That's me on a good day"
1962216032,"enthusiasm","bawitdaba_","@fstrevisan voc� que sumiu forever do msn."
1962216625,"neutral","MosesJohn","On the way to Wildomar, CA towing the Lexus"
1962216687,"empty","DianeMGallagher","Off to meeting in Lincoln Square, bummer, no more free parking"
1962216862,"relief","ChylaAlyssa","I'm a lil sad looks like nomore brooklyn 4 a while WTF @lailashah"
1962217992,"worry","Skooj","Can not get pictures to print without brown splotches. Must not have gotten tanks clean enough... Will have to do again prob"
1962218050,"worry","A_RAVEN","i feel extra-nauseous all of a sudden, like my stomach wasn't ready to resume peristalsis after the events of two nights prior"
1962218197,"worry","puddintane30","sure wish the cat would stop hiding"
1962218336,"relief","ahmier","@thedrumlife Oh we're friends now? You know you're so up & down with me.  I retract my last statement thennnnnnnn."
1962218402,"sadness","JennW","@xombie yeah, NO. I already called to ask."
1962218483,"neutral","RialtoCafe","@artbynemo My name is Chad, but I won't be here tomorrow"
1962219516,"neutral","hedgepwe","Maybe I won't be getting a call."
1962219911,"relief","martiniluv","this chipotle line is out the door! but I really want it!!"
1962220084,"empty","aophillips","new neighbors are moving in.... off to give my brazil presentation that i shouldve given on wed!!! but some people went overtime"
1962220233,"worry","pegejmk","@BROADWAYBOE I work till 6:30 daily at the bank~how do I get free ribfest passes???"
1962220378,"anger","kristenbyers","The "Catch Me If You Can" DVD that I rented from Blockbuster.com yesterday was cracked. Figured it out about 35 minutes into the movie."
1962220525,"worry","AnnetteStatus","oh no  according to laineygossip, taylena is OVER!  bc of his fame?! gosh poor @selenagomez two heartbreaks in a row :-/"
1962220579,"sadness","jawooten3","@myersandchang it's not."
1962220603,"sadness","amordejesus","Hi ho its off to work i go again"
1962220717,"sadness","Yak0ut","@DavidArchie I listening Your album on youtube. So awesome. But i can't buy it"
1962220867,"sadness","Ashcott","My poor poor mouth"
1962221088,"worry","nessie_111","some1 said if your not online your a no1...if you are online your a no1.. can't bloody win  lol"
1962221157,"happiness","sarahsss","@marisette Weird! Maybe all the updates just aren't being sent to my phone  Haha"
1962221710,"sadness","CourtneyTerror","going to work at one sucks, I miss happy hour at sonic"
1962221769,"neutral","Gemmaxoxo","Wanted to buy Amber Bensons death's daughter today and no where had it"
1962222102,"worry","Princess_Holly","@alissas I can't believe that he almost got put down, before the rescue group went and got him."
1962222148,"worry","superch","Snap. Breaking out again"
1962222395,"neutral","fkkhalid","@elishakhalid I called but you didnt answer"
1962222507,"neutral","t0astbandit","@projectcloud pinched nerve"
1962222681,"worry","candydogs","is very worried about sam  and wants to know he okay!"
1962222699,"worry","Vixxenkiss","@snow_whitex gratz on your tix. sux u will be poor tho  I am trying to get pj harvey tix too but debating my $$s too"
1962222720,"boredom","cherryblossom15","I totally want some white chocolate macadamia cookies from Mrs. Fields but the mall is soooo far away. Bleh  i think I'll make my own"
1962222789,"sadness","ThrillaEnt","@JazzyLadee1908  I try pretty hard to engage everyone I follow! Some of them lack interesting shit to say so they end up unfollowed"
1962222904,"sadness","keniji","@jewelinthesky was able to create an iTunes acct but can no longer redeem the Kris Allen album. note said it got canceled"
1962222954,"neutral","sexyReDD","@Im_Queen sorry if I got u sick."
1962223605,"worry","Ayla_F","chris came over for exactly one hour  i moped around after he left and ended up falling asleep."
1962223763,"worry","SylvieSOfasho","Yeah I think I touched something that had mikes germs on it because I have a sore throat now  dammit I knew I should have not gone there!"
1962224027,"hate","ballerinaboo","Busy busy bee.....  I wish I didn't have 2 do laundry! Worst"
1962224754,"sadness","lauralabs","Really mad at myself for forgetting about the May 24 deadline for the 40,000 mile award trips to South America on @UnitedAirlines"
1962224764,"sadness","bRiinA_duhH","wat a stressful week i jus hope everything falls into place 4me"
1962224876,"worry","LabiosSupreme","@ThePrinceBeMe Awww why you giving me sad faces? That's how you feel?"
1962227786,"worry","rubyli312","wonders why am I so clumsy lately?  http://plurk.com/p/x28ka"
1962227882,"worry","Echo_Park","I miss my site!!"
1962227996,"neutral","spacegrace","@Dangrmous where my terri go?"
1962228001,"love","mirandaemalee","@kaylee2o3 HA! finally found someone I know! happy summer Kaylee, too bad I dont get to kick next to you anymore"
1962228202,"worry","KitaCupcake","Wish i was famous like some of d people im following"
1962229040,"neutral","aiimzlovezndubz","@babyblueonline Awww Thatss Well Sad  x"
1962229317,"fun","weecoco","@coollike are you daft  your now going to recieve a million friend invites on xbox now and one of them shall be me"
1962229629,"neutral","ssizer","...just waiting to get picked up at the train station by my bro and then off to the gym. Can't believe I bumped someone last night"
1962229678,"worry","matthickey","@bustermcleod Oh shit, happy late birthday! (my txt didn't send  )"
1962229884,"worry","ohmeeeee","Lover's bus is late. that means i won't see him until three hours later than planned."
1962230635,"neutral","McFLYFan_Katie","@hezmcfly eww  What r u doing atm?"
1962230931,"sadness","eringulyas","@sallyorourke What do you mean by your portfolio is sad?  No luck here.  I've applied about 30 places so far."
1962231513,"sadness","quiltswithlove","piecing a photo quilt for Boeing employees to be hung in Huntington Beach. Sadly, many people in the quilt pics are now laid off."
1962231573,"worry","neilhughes1","Yorks V Lancs on the telly. Not going too well for Yorkshire."
1962231606,"sadness","catherinegordon","@flashlight Hah! Just wait till you turn 40"
1962231640,"worry","GlamourFrog","Pissing annoying date stamp on all my pictures. Wish I'd remembered to turn it off."
1962231700,"neutral","Maggiedoodle90","damn... people contain gluten so now i cant be a cannibal"
1962231862,"worry","jm_ch","Thinking about opening MacMaze sources as I don't have time to work on it anymore"
1962232248,"worry","mz123","@fmpug doh! I'm out of town so I can't get my results from the mail"
1962232308,"worry","joninahernandez","I ruined my lunch by eating half a bag of cheddar popcorn....now I feel sick."
1962232368,"hate","NADMEVENTS","I hate: midgets! Smfh! Had a dream I was fightin 1 LN in Boston Market, turbull! He kept head bunting me"
1962232487,"neutral","hazardous_zone","@SEGA why not united kingdom"
1962232865,"worry","mrmekon","I wish pitchfork would shutup about #primavera.  Makes me miss spain"
1962232925,"worry","aliciasedlock","office hours/trying to make my computer feel better."
1962232934,"neutral","takebackthelove","@gabyrizzo i want pho... i've never had it before."
1962233269,"empty","x_ninjaturtle_x","is watching Mock the Week and is slowing cooking"
1962233315,"worry","Laylannise","At work sick  but I'm ok to the mall!"
1962233332,"hate","wall8","@nick_carter  Ey boy!! I can�t see the video because youtube says me :The vid is private. Why?  I want to see it. Besos grandes guapo!!"
1962233523,"worry","brevemike","Thinking about Con Law, fighting a headache, & Paying bills..."
1962234127,"sadness","edlee","saying goodbye to @jesshowe for a year  she's been awesome in helping me fit into the team at Veritas!"
1962234248,"worry","ozpancakes","Yeah. It's sad."
1962234255,"neutral","deyseyshesdope","rainy day = Home do what I love to do =WRiTTING MUSiC, a dream dat I gave up on a long time ago"
1962234267,"relief","nika7k","Today's ABA has been full of emotional tears  #ASD #autism some days are harder than others.  Its hard to not intervene  poor baby"
1962234541,"neutral","clomo93","@mattydavidson noo  i only started 4th season on wednesday but im on ep11 (Y)"
1962234982,"sadness","jaydeefied","@cheesetal i miss coffee"
1962235322,"neutral","ToniMorrison","@craigmcgill Actually maybe not - it's sold out for Sat lunch"
1962235394,"empty","missthaing13","@_Glitter_  kk but 4 sum reason its not lettin me vote 4 them"
1962235452,"neutral","lozzie20","makin tea an its stressin me out"
1962235481,"happiness","Greeneyes0526","@yikes77 It would be great if those VIPS were for some acts I'd enjoy seeing, but noooo."
1962235672,"fun","Charliered23","Jus got back from a run up sunset blvd! My cuzin tried to kill me my legs are still movin and I'm sittin down!!"
1962235900,"worry","misssamandajean","going to the doctors"
1962236661,"sadness","katiegou","@bowwow614 Hey! Is it going to be viewable in the UK this time?  It broke my heart when I couldn't play the last one  haha."
1962236749,"sadness","BreonaSmith","@ESPNCommunityEd Don't forget Nash, how disappointing as a Suns fan"
1962237614,"surprise","rahimrahman","Ugh. Another "what day is it today?" (5 most uttered words last 2 weeks for me) - Missed a 10 yr old birthday & it was even on my iCal."
1962237814,"worry","tejones","Truck has bit the dust, don't know if I'll make the Mustangs game tomorrow"
1962237935,"sadness","ButtercuppO9","i feel some type of way cause im not talkin to anyone..."
1962237963,"worry","reservoirdogs","my whole back is burnt from tanning. ouch"
1962237966,"empty","andrezzapersou","Cold day :/ Studing all day long to the tests tomorrow"
1962238302,"worry","VagabondJuggle","needs a job"
1962238508,"neutral","aidankenny","Great weekend ahead at #catlaughs comedy festival in Kilkenny, weather is fantastic. Unfortunately I have to go to Israel on Sunday"
1962238521,"worry","jiffypophead","im hungry.due to last night's dinner..or lack there of.. someone take care of me"
1962239836,"happiness","DaRealHoney","@netmogul that sounds soooo good right now mmmm malasadas. i have to have more before i leave today"
1962239908,"neutral","asecretikeep","@StaceyVPofWC  I wish I knew someone down there who could hook us up.   a friend told me once that they got crappy seats for a show in CHI"
1962239983,"surprise","anstuart","Yea, someone is getting the best of me."
1962240446,"sadness","yoitslion","I think I'm gonna try to go vegetarian again....and no soda and majorly cutback on beer...too many carbs....but its so yummyyy"
1962240584,"happiness","ChylaAlyssa","Goodbye sex in the city  let me hurry and give mi cuz that paper work @lailashah !!! Have 2 have summer in BK !!!"
1962240741,"worry","rakie","my trousers are damp."
1962241339,"surprise","Da187SUSPECT","Cops tell #Tori's Dad they may never find her remains  http://lfpress.ca/newsstand"
1962241408,"happiness","JplusAequalsP","@NormaBecerra the washer se chingo  ha  ha!! I'm busting my grandma lucia waaaaay back in the early 90's lol"
1962241537,"neutral","AceLovesU","I haven't been replying to people because seriously, I haven't refreshed twitter for a while. @ZindelaYentl Sorry.  @erinmcfly Thanks."
1962241551,"neutral","Greystocks","Bird poo update... Managed to clean it all off but some slight stainage remains  any tips?"
1962242272,"neutral","stevehall","@KristaNeher I wish I was going to Internet Week"
1962242326,"fun","renees","@brookefraser @loswhit said that @whittakerwoman mentioned bears!  have fun!! P.S bears like Peanut Butter"
1962242836,"happiness","GirlMeetsBeau","@My3Daughters well it sounds delicious! i'll be laying out on my patio tom, sans pool!  Enjoy your burgers!!"
1962243528,"sadness","WillimusMaximus","@Champion1510 yeah... and neither of them are in huntsville   i would so quit both of my jobs here for one job there."
1962243642,"sadness","PBarBJones","@YSLaurenT me too"
1962243743,"neutral","Snusnu_1","Lately i've been waking up with the sun in my face but not today.."
1962243975,"worry","jdawg028","also just hanging right now?? just bored hahaha didn't have to work again today this is different....  no hours no money lol whatev"
1962244218,"surprise","nandinih","Found out that a schoolmate died of an heart attack this morning. He was barely 35  will miss u bally!"
1962244266,"sadness","paintgranny","@theemptynest  I've had that before...sometimes, they turn into other things; felt is very forgiving. Remould? Cut up and re-form?"
1962244514,"sadness","ayekaygee","@eeks_ I wish you were here NOWWW!!! grrrrrrr"
1962244829,"sadness","isseymaggie","hi guys just doing da usael notmuch really! <3 sad me"
1962245057,"love","jyotigill","@jazzjeet haha you would do that =P that's cute. nobody ever comes to visit me  god damn lake geneva and how far it is from civilizati ..."
1962245059,"worry","hunnybunnyco","Trying to figure out how to use Twitter.......I'm old"
1962251869,"worry","KEFIOX","Next weeks dlc is fail  Can't wait for Maiden in two weeks though ;)"
1962251977,"sadness","bardicus","@julnas But then you might end up like that poor bus driver...  And, this is kinda weird, but I wish I was there today! :o"
1962252474,"sadness","sarawrrr","@xbooernsx I am so jealous. I want a free hamburger"
1962252530,"neutral","jadegutis","@blueyes121 I would but you're too far away"
1962253242,"surprise","3xoTara","im still melting and im in the house in the shade  its not fair."
1962253617,"surprise","izulien","Okay.. so someone has my keys or they are -really- good at this "hide from James" game."
1962253624,"worry","DKV08","Ok... No one was interested in my special.   Now the popcorn is stale! What a waste. I'm going to find a homeless person to give it to ..."
1962253845,"boredom","BBCasper","@BlueEyedGirl18 One hour and fifteen minutes.  A dreadful wait."
1962254002,"neutral","Haarlz","@xvikki Yes it does"
1962254082,"sadness","Mello_Love","@sunflower_seeds dude don't say that"
1962254305,"surprise","1LiteralLady","Woke up early!! Dang man I know i'm not going back to sleep"
1962254759,"sadness","S2lissy","needs more followers"
1962255874,"sadness","janeway529","Grr...Fatboy Slim is out of the EDC Lineup."
1962256629,"neutral","kimberina","haven't tweeted in like a day.  so here goes..."
1962256777,"sadness","calz88","i have a empty house and no ine to share it with"
1962256864,"sadness","purity_xo","@reactiveretro yeah i agree, he was the best! aww why did he leeaave??"
1962256969,"sadness","estherrozella","@Ohmahlanta Esther does not want to deal!"
1962256970,"relief","tobin00","Just watched the trailer for the new Sam Raimi movie, Drag me to Hell.  Looks interesting, but there was no humor in it."
1962257708,"worry","pinkkstarzzz","I'm siiiiiickkk  I dun feel good!!"
1962257726,"neutral","ivywrong","Lunch is boringgg  driving after school today, ugh hope i do better with mr. Dodd"
1962257822,"anger","CaptainClairesy","It's so annoying when I want to go see The Sats, @OfficialJoBros and @ddlovato in concert..but I know I'LL Have to pay"
1962257982,"worry","dennis93q","@AngelaRyan jet blue is okay I guess. They cancel flights and don't have a lot of backup planes. And no first class"
1962258156,"love","tishac","Field day over. Lots of great action fotos. Ate lunch, need 2 showr, tidy hse, get ready 4 stamp club. Btw Mexican skin got 2 tan 2day"
1962258733,"hate","netpro2k","Ugh.. Fricken Internet is down. Can do like 0 work without it. I want back in college just for the connection"
1962258883,"sadness","lalayu","In checkout line...kate & jon splashed all over us weekly. sad"
1962259191,"sadness","LBlayzePro","@lilvanillafrop that's not funny"
1962259325,"worry","projectcloud","@t0astbandit eesh, sorry to hear that. That isn't going to make travel to Michigan very fun."
1962259690,"neutral","sassyradish","@robbin_g that is so odd. i wanted to see it this weekend"
1962259766,"sadness","Alvinium","I need some motivation in my life, oh and some love would be nice too"
1962259941,"worry","popsyche","Meeting my best friend first thing in the morning to the gym! Omg I am still so shocked. I hope you will get better soon"
1962260244,"worry","gpvr","@SquireX6 harrump gagging for beer, noone wants to play"
1962260367,"neutral","desertdebbe","@HandiQuilterBG I have an even dozen.  thanks for reminding me. I quilt 2 and make 3. LOL"
1962260631,"neutral","britt0724","just got back from Danas. watching Roseanne before I start to get ready for work"
1962261435,"worry","hollyknowsbest","soooo sunburnt  my mum was out earlier so i had to wait for her to get in and fell asleep on the trampoline for 2 hours in the sun (U)"
1962261505,"surprise","BlueEyedGirl18","just watching hollyoaks omg"
1962261539,"worry","RezVamp","Getting ready for work... think I'm catching a cold  yay!! Now I gotta pull a 9 hour shift... holla at ya sometime tomorrow.. peace"
1962261567,"worry","ChylaAlyssa","@thisislivestyle man yes BrOoKlYn goes hard but longstory short have 2 get comfy in windy !!!"
1962261651,"worry","prbebe125","UGH BUT I N33D T0G0 BAD.."
1962262015,"sadness","chanely714","bye bye South Beach....u never let me down"
1962262290,"hate","jeffsnotfaking","I really ain't woth a f*ck. I can't do anythin right.   What's wrong with me?"
1962262566,"worry","phoenixlam","#Vancouver gets tough with slum landlords..ew backed up sewage   http://bit.ly/16UrvV http://bit.ly/16UrvV"
1962262932,"sadness","qbert2","r @njsharkman  that squeeze bacon looks like poop"
1962263163,"happiness","wearetheoceans","http://twitpic.com/670ar - this is post guitar hero ass kicking"
1962263308,"worry","smilehari","becoz of leg sprain nta ble to do proper wrkouts. Worried shud dis hapen wen i satrted dieting..."
1962263488,"sadness","taralou88","Well that's the last of the Fabs gone"
1962263779,"neutral","chrisnyoder","Has got to look for a job this weekend"
1962263826,"worry","Sereske","Hi everybody! Sorry for the long listening. Iwas too busy."
1962263932,"happiness","samstokes","@NeilDavidson happened about three weeks ago. Why, is there a serial card fraudster on the loose?"
1962264095,"sadness","Mags786","*eekkk* back to work"
1962264334,"neutral","ashgo08","my phone is broken    & im too lazy to go to the verizon store to get a new one.. oh well i guess no phone for awhile.. aha"
1962264343,"surprise","Ofi_Junior","@channilein It didn't start as a long message ... It just got longer when I wrote it"
1962264404,"worry","anitapgreen","Sitting at valley ....my hummer has a boo boo"
1962264478,"sadness","7thWoman","I want to hang out and play!  But I can't.  Fiddle Faddle on my workload!"
1962264652,"worry","JohnMetBetty","@Beadz2Pleaz I think that's what's wrong with me.  Stuffed up and when I breathe in it feels like a sore throat"
1962264862,"sadness","surrahgee","Gosh I miss singer's theater.  I miss learning music, doing acting exercises, n I ESPECIALLY miss being onstage."
1962265051,"neutral","TerrellSDesigns","Gotta go my phone is on it's last leg so can't promise any update.  3 years I have had it so not bad though  Dumb Blackberry"
1962265422,"worry","ribzlike","Oh noes! The TV is broken  No red standby light or anything... checked the plug fuse... now to the inside"
1962265740,"neutral","igorlet","@a_nobel ? ? ?????????????  = ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????"
1962266040,"sadness","fullasoul","@SoulAfrodisiac I feel you on that one....I moved recently and now the nearest @wholefoods is an hour away"
1962266091,"love","DottyG1","@babyblueonline omg I'm so sorry to hear that!  If you really need to talk to someone I'm always on here. I'm a shoulder you lean on"
1962266547,"surprise","melodyg","@calamitylill Can you send out letters/emails to clients to remind them you're there?"
1962266705,"fun","ZombiesNTea","Pooping in a Pennsylvania rest stop!  I hate using public toilets"
1962266855,"love","HLT4BAMA","I miss having nothing to do except lay out beside the pool every day of the summer.  That was much better than spending all day in class."
1962266890,"love","stevieg69","@Kenzielee_ Oh god, yeah! I forgot about that"
1962267095,"neutral","thecupcakekid","@gotcoff33 haha I wish! I have 1 filling that broke and 1 cavitie that needs to get fixed!!!"
1962267254,"sadness","backseatsurfer9","It's gonna suck being the only sober one tonight"
1962267281,"neutral","Shakezilla","@robinjection well maybe someone will care"
1962267346,"neutral","meghanduke","@bcabeza I'm going to jordan & jeffs wedding next weekend in atl."
1962267784,"sadness","yoha_ahoy","@theNetImp yeah... it's gonna be a long while for me."
1962267791,"hate","fantasticpru","Sad making! Bought Guitar Hero Metallica for my hard working soldier and it is not reading disc!"
1962268018,"sadness","kilometers","HR says ca is taking more tax out of my checks."
1962268352,"neutral","GirlieGirl168","I have a headache, and it's not going away."
1962268529,"surprise","joybethlyons","I spent an hour this morning going through yearbooks to see when each senior started to Harleton. My speech will be so boring."
1962294771,"hate","surban","@thebookpolice actually, in Sweden the IKEA's do have rooms to stay the night. Not here though, I'll have to stay across the street."
1962294857,"worry","sandyrevs","got FOXY_ a new brew buddy now my kitchen is gonna smell"
1962295051,"neutral","jaredlunde","http://survivingtheworld.net/Lesson5.html << I chose the wrong career"
1962295396,"relief","ssanchez","It's official, I'm finally getting grey hairs at 36  #fb"
1962295511,"worry","azbycxdwevfugt","@AmyDeWitt I'm sorry you're not having the best day - neither am I though  Are you working tonight??"
1962296067,"neutral","kittykatgoddess","Going there...."
1962296307,"neutral","ozkelly23","@_Marguerite Yup, that's Dianne and Claudia.  Dianne is new to Tweetville, Claudia has been on a while but not active here"
1962296328,"sadness","lindseypontuso","Feeling bad for @taylorshockley profile pic"
1962297039,"neutral","Spotter5","@leecattley No idea"
1962297052,"neutral","Nicole_Bruno","Doctors appt"
1962297084,"worry","risscazem","I'm half awake in my comm theory section... Wahhhh! I want my bed..."
1962297122,"sadness","ComcastBonnie","@itstrizunigs actually, the web works fine. tweetdeck seems to be the culprit  sadness! it's done this at two diff. locations"
1962297640,"happiness","xscl","is enjoying the nice weather but has been stuck indoors writing an essay for most of it"
1962297668,"relief","ayy_meier","last day of Bedford County History with @corriemichael  gossiping and twittering away as usual..."
1962297786,"happiness","jamiesugah","@matty500 Congratulations! I wish I could be there to see it happen."
1962297790,"sadness","ruthieor","hate working when its sunny,boohoo"
1962297794,"worry","akutenshi745","Dilated pupils suck. The computer screen hurts my eyes so I won't be on the comp for a while."
1962299128,"hate","antal","Almost all are here now! Tomorrow at 8 we start! 291km's of mud  - http://mobypicture.com/?zx33t1"
1962299409,"neutral","ukwildcatsfan","@nick_carter It says the video is private"
1962299565,"worry","estar78","@reggaeluv2000 haha it's great. but i slept horribly last night."
1962299613,"relief","censuredbeauty","@nick_carter the video is private"
1962299620,"neutral","R0mantik","swine flu outbreak in cayuga county we have our first case"
1962299631,"fun","vaibhavShintre","was laughed at today for being too hopeful with the things..."
1962299797,"worry","JenniferAbe","I saw a squirrel get hit by a car while walking to bart this morning...wondering if there was anything I could have done."
1962299876,"worry","fionahall09","been shoppin all day and got a headache (which i still have) i got 1 boyfriend style shirt and didnt find a new bracelet 2 wear"
1962299946,"worry","cocoacast","@tacoman667 Not available in my area  I would too"
1962300111,"worry","ANerdAnarch","Dads should ask their 22 year old sons before drinking."
1962300338,"neutral","Sereske","I get another pack of geography test, so I have to correct it on the weekend."
1962300641,"relief","alphajammer","@WreckTheLaw Great write up.  Player won't start though"
1962300882,"worry","ATsLady","@MDHOLLA Sharing #ff with my twitter fam. I won't be on too much longer got a real busy day. I can't twitter from my phone"
1962301305,"sadness","AndyPliskin","@shakes1327 Sadly no robot songs in my library."
1962301388,"neutral","CajunFerreira","Ok..ok...my house needs cleaning...clothes need washing...time to put twitter away for awhile...wahhhh"
1962301462,"neutral","alexandra_jonas","@mileycyrus MILEEY HOW CAN I VOE IN THE MV MOVIE AWARDS ?"
1962301603,"worry","doublejpiper","I've been really tough, but it still sucks to live 5000 miles away from your family when you crave for Korean homemade meal."
1962301674,"surprise","linzyw","I want to go outside and play in the sunshine, but I have to sit in front of a computer all day   At least I can have lunch on the patio!"
1962302050,"enthusiasm","sheilsy","Evenin' tweeties. Phew it's been hot! Not that I'm complaining. Walked 4 miles into town today and felt all hot 'n sweaty   Was nice tho."
1962302148,"worry","BryScottY100","I just got busted by the owner of our company playing with a squishy ball at my desk...he asked if I needed more work to keep busy"
1962302295,"neutral","sydiot","I don't like when my g1 changes.    I feel like google should send me an email and tell me all the things they're gunna do to my phone."
1962302348,"neutral","BeeGray17","is in history"
1962302433,"sadness","SCL411","No running for the past couple of days due to bad knee   Still, Guitar Hero Metallica arrived and has kept me amused...Time to ROCK!!!"
1962302487,"sadness","fluffygodzilla","@charlieskies  that is actually a better name than fluffballthegodzilla (my youtube username).  ive been beaten"
1962302611,"surprise","momoferrari88","http://tinyurl.com/ry9wap Hi!!! You are pretty man... I cant upload more pics here for some reason  You wrote you wish to find a women ..."
1962302825,"sadness","jsikota","i want so bad to go to the mcfly's concert"
1962302993,"worry","sonataozona","Cleaning + finding stuff to sell. I'm so poor."
1962303360,"surprise","janejax","sleeping in was interupted by JACK-HAMMERS at 9am Damn! Universe says GET UP! But I was up intil 3am 'cause I thougth I'd be sleeping in"
1962303481,"fun","vfclicious","tonight in party w/ my girls (minus vita)"
1962304281,"worry","isabologna","My heart has been beating irregularly ever since last night. I don't want to explode or implode"
1962304455,"worry","joshboulton","Just hit the 3000 word mark for his Geography Notes, and I'm not even doing it for GCSE? Mean while I've done a page of history"
1962305996,"sadness","NurErdem","why nobody write with me ? !"
1962305999,"sadness","willswanson1980","#hollyoaks .... The curse of justin strikes again.... Date the burton and end up screwed  poor sod"
1962306047,"hate","heatherdedona","Hate I am going to miss the tweet up this weekend"
1962306355,"worry","BethanyEynon","family are home doesnt seem like they missed me at all tbh"
1962306392,"sadness","mtiishaw","@joshuardean you are on mii shit list...Permanent mii dude"
1962306413,"worry","stephanieyee","I forgot to charge my cell last night and now it's dead"
1962306908,"worry","becka_boodle","has dislocated her knee  *bad/painful times* gas + air and morphine are fun though"
1962306965,"worry","ChristySeason","I'm still waiting to find out what #caca stands for - hoping it's not what I think it is since you #follow me for #caca."
1962307122,"empty","jasminekaiulani","Writing an essay in college writing  so boring"
1962307142,"worry","Iskate2222","I wanna longboard but it's raining ughhhhhh"
1962307567,"love","fckingboyfriend","shopping! Migawd. i don't want to surf the net anymore."
1962308105,"love","ChristinaMCFLYx","@LolliroyAngel yep im very jelous too  id love to be in miley position haha x"
1962308123,"worry","lecitykitty","@MiiZxP ohhh wowwww no good"
1962308147,"neutral","chris_numb","@Captain_Yavanna me too. she's everywhere..."
1962308316,"sadness","MichaelPoliquin","Oh no! I used my internal sig for an external e-mail  damn. #fb"
1962308613,"worry","hilaryjp","@Col_RFTL Think @PembsDave must have blocked me as not heard a Tweet from him for a while"
1962309083,"empty","RaasDesign","at work doing website stuff with a slight fever and tiny headache"
1962309152,"sadness","vp2008","@Mig177 its what i say why!!!! k4ge last day at the job today  we wont be saying him around anymore"
1962309262,"neutral","amykehoe","@danishaw No. I won't be back until the 7th"
1962309564,"neutral","kat11088","my family went to the beach while i was at the pool with a friend and now i am stuck in the house till they get back."
1962309719,"neutral","lizzydear","@Thequeenoffree i actually need to be cleaning my house"
1962309951,"neutral","nicko_too","tiss sad when people leave"
1962309978,"sadness","simplyJenGrier","I need to stop being sick."
1962310128,"hate","Courtneyx23","Ready to kill myself  i hate history"
1962310211,"hate","edziardo","YESSS, FLASH IS BEING SHITTY TONIGHT!  It.........takes.................time...........to.........open...........a..........webpage......"
1962310359,"surprise","GoldenFish00","@Carmnx Aawh, that; s too bad"
1962310858,"worry","sarebeargrr","I do NOT feel good today"
1962311579,"neutral","MalcolmMHarper","at work till 7."
1962311637,"neutral","Simplegreenvr6","D�j� vu!!! Changing out of my GQ outfit"
1962311738,"worry","ViePurple","translating my topic "quadratic congruences" for my tutorial in elementary number theory  I have to do this tutorial OMG"
1962312319,"worry","rebelforever","@thesehazeleyz  if you need to talk or vent let me know"
1962312338,"surprise","Ajchick25","@nick_carter  we can't see the video it's private"
1962317864,"sadness","karak214","http://twitpic.com/670rw - i miss my puppy"
1962318209,"love","hkim1130","@2TuffDC i dunno what i'm gonna do. i love my skinny jeans!"
1962318319,"love","alyssavn","I wanna go, I wanna go!!!! but I can't"
1962318850,"worry","Emilysue89","YES I AM GOING TO BE A SOPHMORE IN COLLEGE. Geez. Cant get a job cause everyone thinks im fifteen."
1962318909,"hate","smurfie250","and this terrible cartoon that's supposed to be mexican."
1962319180,"worry","Super_fresh","@AnditisLiz Hey Hey!! I got this custom designed, one of a kind Superfresh T over here with somebodies name on it collecting dust"
1962319224,"neutral","jsikota","i want so bad to go to the mcfly's concert  anybody up to go with me?"
1962319426,"surprise","TheStarr","got caught in the rain outside. now im cold bbbbrrrrrrrrr"
1962319730,"worry","barrie","@pitbull_fan76 ROFL!  THAT'S my problem, only two hands"
1962319886,"sadness","laname","@SuprnaturlShana but he looks so much better with short hair"
1962319938,"boredom","t_cube","Just woke up and feels so damn lazy  time to work out damnit!"
1962320016,"surprise","randiohdesigns","wow! Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson Killoran are the producers  of the movie: ORPHAN  !! i have direct contact info for them too!"
1962320333,"sadness","PeterWasilewski","ah remember the days when you'd sleep in until noon? well guess who did that today? god i feel like a loser"
1962320469,"worry","megs1313","sore throat and a headache starting on a friday is not a good sign"
1962320944,"worry","SatansPuppet","Summer makes me feel ugly  all the pretty people are out showin off their good genes  damn them to hell!!!"
1962321112,"worry","Meredith_Renn","feeling the need for more advil."
1962321145,"sadness","Jamjar84","@WeeWifie1981 lol, we are staying in, Craig got footy, so Molly and me missing all the good weather, we have no buggy either."
1962321229,"neutral","oliviastener","Exactly 2 weeks left in Sigma"
1962321590,"worry","MeganStevenson","Watchin Hollyoaks...poor Justin!"
1962321718,"hate","DirtyRose17","@TinaBinaTooReal not funny he profiled my ass. Like wtf? I'm still kinda heated. Ugh"
1962322105,"neutral","cagmanthing","@lordwow I'm still waiting for Separate Ways..."
1962323020,"worry","johnny_trouble","@Ariel_Meir ohhhh ouch dude, I got it now I was drunk last night and didn't get the context. Sorry dude."
1962323061,"sadness","TheStarr","got caught in the rain outside. now im cold bbbrrr"
1962323212,"love","JazzyFiierce","@StylistaMunchee I lluuvv u too..  ahhh im gonna miss u evenn moreee! lol"
1962323458,"sadness","Patticanflyy","goodbye picnic for a classmate today  but the weather was fucking beautifuul!!!"
1962323629,"relief","davidrules04","Proof of heat  good day wish I hadn't spent most of it in bed  http://twitpic.com/670tp"
1962323750,"sadness","juliamusic101","School Over!!! I'm gonna miss a bunch of people"
1962323787,"worry","pagemasterjim","Dana just found out she doesn't get to take lunch now, but rather in an hour. Hello delivery.  http://plurk.com/p/x29ss"
1962324289,"love","Angelia74","can't wait to watch the Tonight Show, this evening last one with Jay"
1962324689,"worry","DivaLRevolution","@DavidSadof I'm not sure about this tweet business  Why are the simple things so difficult?"
1962325042,"happiness","oddbunny","My car is home. Yay! $613.22 Boo!  I'm paying my mom in installments. I gave her $200 today. I so need to win the lottery. :\"
1962325121,"empty","Garythetwit","When God created man i also believed he created a million people to get on ya tits for a laff"
1962325293,"happiness","citygirl912","@gnimsh forgot to answer your kindle question yesterday. honestly, haven't used it much. have two paperback books i want 2 read first."
1962325307,"hate","mohitthatte","both electronic keys stopped working. there is no keyhole! cant get in my car. so much for technology"
1962325714,"worry","kirstenmcgee8","nataliaflewell  hey all so bored and in pain .. anyway god is my love life ever screwd"
1962325736,"worry","RachelMoseley","1st day of work today was a bit tiring but ok lol now onto college work"
1962325926,"worry","voyage2k","@jesshartley Oh, don't hurt yourself!!"
1962325991,"surprise","Prettykeli","Did yall know a kid drowned after trying to swim to the bottom of the ocean in order to find sponge bobs pineapple house? rofl sowy"
1962326380,"sadness","FireladySnail","I've got sunburn on my arm  In better news, my new Guitar Hero: Metallica game came and I beyond happy about that."
1962326416,"anger","thomastorres","i hella wanted a sausage mcmuffin but when i gt there breakfast was over"
1962326547,"neutral","Murrechat","found out that no one he knows is using Twitter."
1962327047,"worry","smellmycheese","@dekhmcclelland One's gone to my husband who's going alone  Other I might just leave at box office under a random name for anyone..."
1962327183,"sadness","Mariposa72179","I'm missing everything at work  I want pix of @ipinklemonade !!"
1962327466,"neutral","ShellyFagin","@marcusbetts lol, I know how you feel, but with 4 kids and my current work load, I am maxed out with no time to grow things."
1962327757,"relief","LittleMissKJ","I am also wasting time til my cab gets here. spamspamspam. Also Keiths motorbike was nicked. WELL shit."
1962327806,"hate","daulex","I hate crowds   http://tr.im/mONi"
1962327934,"sadness","hyper_baffoon","OMG i just realised while listening to "perfect story" penny liked dr horrible!!! damn you captain hammer!  omg im so sad now!"
1962327953,"hate","bigboab5","It's the weekend, its sunny..... and I got another puncture!!!"
1962328019,"neutral","ahitsCHRIS","@DKHOTOPIC aw"
1962328523,"hate","LetoyaTG","@followfrankie u feeling urself so much u cant say hi???  me no likey u"
1962328539,"worry","jramboz","@MistressJett Ouch, I'm sorry then"
1962328675,"worry","helbro","@MissCalderon that was horrible. I didnt ask u to. But u didn't have to laugh about it.  it hurt a little inside here *pints toward heart*"
1962328982,"worry","JakeFloch","is on the road now! with 7 hours ahead and a beautiful girl behind"
1962328991,"neutral","CougarLover89","I just slept that entire flight, and woke up to the fact that the girl beside me had been watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!"
1962329124,"sadness","justamber09","Schools out, but works in"
1962329574,"worry","Turbo_power","@thehottestboys  i think its like 1million degrees here <3"
1962330224,"worry","aimeeroo","Sad that our neighbors just cut down ALL the trees around their house! It looked so pretty before, and they seemed healthy.  Tragic."
1962330528,"worry","zenjar","I don't think my friends like me anymore  (via #zenjar )"
1962331370,"neutral","andtheniwaslike","@soniaohmae .. and you're on twitter! Did the tavern bore you that much?"
1962331462,"surprise","Visadharah","@tursiops718 Ohnoes!   That's icky!"
1962332251,"worry","letsdomusiccc","My throat hurts"
1962332503,"love","crystalisgnar","@paulineee: I know!! Im so excited. We cant go earlierrr than the afternoon?  I love you tooz <3"
1962332601,"sadness","jasonhail","Last business day of the month is the wrong time to get new tags. About 45 people"
1962333102,"worry","_ALEEMORALESS","class is almostt over"
1962333538,"worry","tiny_dancer88","wishing technology wasn't so complicated"
1962333678,"surprise","jazzj22","Running around doing errands on my last day in Charlotte  I would much rather be shopping!!"
1962333883,"worry","RealMegFranklin","@ferretprincess are you having any problems sending images from Twitterberry  mine just doesn't want to work ! Xxx"
1962363497,"neutral","VioletJohe","@S_Mak request me on bbm & send all ur contact info. Everything didn't sync up from old phn  I have ur tmail info haha - DATED!"
1962363550,"relief","rayann0611","Got my new phone - now to program everything since my old one had no memory card like this one"
1962363729,"surprise","Miley_Star","Warren and Hannah are dead ... oh my godd!! Seriousslyyy this is a tragidy !"
1962364000,"love","ldometriax","Anyone have a Super Nintendo Controller they want to sell me? Mine broke."
1962364197,"worry","goodfella66","Looking for a new laptop battery. Why are they so expensive??"
1962364584,"neutral","Takitron","@DevonStebnicki sux, I'm thinking of being an accountant. Mad monies! I'm a middleschool cafeteria manager  (25k/yr)"
1962364594,"neutral","clashley21","*old me's dead and gone*"
1962364957,"worry","lapniappe","@cdlstatus are you guys dead again?  I can't load it up"
1962365019,"hate","arianneista","someone WOULD give a speech about loved ones in the hospital. Stupid COMM class"
1962365187,"neutral","ncdoog","Glued to the copier machine today."
1962365221,"hate","juliananmelo","i don't know !!"
1962365321,"neutral","jessebebenek4","@alexcox13 shut up  you know what! oll just like zack again then."
1962365336,"sadness","crahnbistro","@hypernyck if i can get a ticket, but the pickings are lookin slim soo prob not"
1962365356,"sadness","dlthibo","Heading to work - on my Friday off."
1962365474,"happiness","SisterSinister","@me_chiel Well...I would love to have a Zoo! ;P Dont think I can be there sunday.  But sometime I will !I want to!"
1962366030,"worry","Nymeth","@renay How come?"
1962366136,"sadness","kaseylrose","Is on the couch hungover--don't expect much out of me today"
1962366238,"worry","KimStar12","@Jtabzz Sorrry  I'm ready to leave."
1962366350,"sadness","sanyukumiko","@ederyn Just bad day. T_____T Gyah. No car, baby-client is teething and miserable, I forgot to pack a lunch, and I has to get a new car."
1962366608,"sadness","nivelouk","Flash lost my frisby on a roof. Sad days LOL"
1962366639,"surprise","negativeman","Thought I'd check out home, that was 10 minutes ago, downloading update, now home square....that's why I can't be bothered with it Sony"
1962367004,"empty","thamodeldiva21","Having Problems With My BlackBerry UGH I need another charged Battery! (@ least 4 now)  @sexyhunnybunny"
1962367088,"hate","allybo104","I hate the dentist"
1962367395,"hate","xxkllygrlxx","@vamp411316 haha that sucks! actually mine is worse. mines ft math  eww"
1962367709,"worry","djgobas","My aim is not working due to network problems"
1962368203,"sadness","jamesgarner","i'm still here in the office...and the sun is shining"
1962368577,"worry","OsobJire","Being tall has its ups and downs , my legs are in pain"
1962368650,"worry","ConsoleCharlie","@stephaniejack Geez sorry to hear Steph, I hope things improve soon. I know that ain't much sorry"
1962368682,"worry","michalhay","Such a beautiful day...wish my bike hadn't been run over by a car - hit and run.   #bikeTO"
1962368785,"sadness","rockchickmandy","oh my gosh!!! hollyoaks was so sad tonite"
1962368886,"surprise","hannahsewell92",":O Can't believe Hannahs dead in Hollyoaks!!"
1962369225,"sadness","dux4reel","Way to many people were crying at the school picnic and now I have to decide if I want to go back or go to public. I'm confused and sad"
1962369507,"worry","trustmyface","poor baby girl chloe is freaking out because of all of the noise!  She so cute and pitiful hiding under the middle of the table!"
1962369755,"fun","shaksiyya","Carol Vorderman cancelled her interivew with me... so now I have no proof against all you non-believers!"
1962369897,"sadness","lina_luka","i bit my tongue sooo bad...it's swollen."
1962370224,"sadness","dannigyrl","@AlexisTai please don't roll your eyes. I can't handle that.  *cries*"
1962370320,"worry","srslyjustsayin","@pattyxxcore I don't know, ask Carolyn. Also, we won't have the boxes empty by the time you get off."
1962370853,"sadness","mcflyellie","mcfly anit been on here in ages  z"
1962370876,"worry","fatimacarrillo","ugh back in reno"
1962371435,"neutral","_____gizzz","'s hair was on fire right now! Ewww it smells"
1962371468,"worry","lauzc87","I'm slightly disturbed by Hollyoaks tonight.  I really don't think it's something that should have been shown at 6.30pm..."
1962371541,"worry","mlane","@JeffSays yeah, precisely what I was thinking"
1962371882,"neutral","rondavis007","Just got notified my podcast was accepted into iTunes. http://budurl.com/SBit Of course I then realized it was miss formated  Fixed now."
1962371928,"sadness","hypergal027","Working during graduation. What a shame."
1962372493,"worry","rcwaller","i waited too long to buy pink tickets!  now we're going to be in nose bleed!!  how sad  we're taking binoculars..."
1962372494,"worry","myrna_89","just spent an hour trying to get the newborn bird in my front garden to fly. poor baby  no success!"
1962372540,"surprise","Bambinaaa","@ruby_may http://tinyurl.com/n23akq < that! its so cute and currently has ymas pumping full blast ! i dont know what to revise for comms"
1962372642,"surprise","bazzmatti","Omg. That's all I can say"
1962372821,"worry","angelashushan","argh, i don't feel too good"
1962372836,"hate","Jiglie","lif's unfair....luk wat it did to ma frend...i m so hating it"
1962372937,"sadness","OrganizeFISH","SPGridView is looking prettier, but I'm pretty sure my code is very ugly."
1962373117,"sadness","ChezDarrenA","is feeling the effects of spring. My sinuses are killing me"
1962373122,"worry","fearlesslove","My tomato soup tastes like red peppers"
1962373197,"sadness","meshee722","Soo sad my McMcBuddy thinks I look like I could have a little rainbow  ... I like burritos ok! BURRITOS!!!"
1962373270,"worry","tangelobaby","@lisajcopen Sorry you are having a bad week. I feel like if I could get good sleep, I would be so much better too. Fog"
1962373397,"worry","SummrPhotograph","LONELY, I AM SO LONELYYYY ... @fempi plz come back"
1962373485,"surprise","swayshay","@88brit06 def see ya tonight, we must get some RN photo's, I didn't get any yesterday  lol! And thanks for doing so, please don't forget!"
1962373785,"worry","SwimGoldberg","@knightedbishop endodontist should be able to do it without removing it. Just hope my ceramic crown doesn't shatter some time later"
1962374295,"surprise","LiljerriDoodoo","why is it still raining?!  at least i have cute rainboots"
1962374307,"worry","penguwin101","The sun just came out!!! Pray for me guys!!!  Writing skills test   No pass, no class, no graduate -.-"
1962375114,"neutral","merrypranxter","@justlikeanovel aw you could have played the penis game with me this morning! Nobody else wanted to play"
1962375329,"neutral","B_Style_P","@TIM_berland LMAO I know I know"
1962375464,"relief","Snowshadow","Today has been a nice positive  fun day , after several weeks of bum days"
1962376012,"sadness","CortneyBotto","No one loves me  Brittany forgot my flowers..."
1962376018,"boredom","Samantha_Mariee","@BOPandTigerBeat i love those boys. i missed the chat yesterday  it was the firts & only one i'll miss though! <333 Nick Jonas <3333"
1962376567,"sadness","chastinevegas","@austincarlile I'm sad.  I want to go to the sd zoo. say hi to the giraffes and elephants and polar bears for me!"
1962376862,"worry","joeh1994","@icklemonkey My Photoshop won't let me save anything  Due to a disk error. The blend took me 1.5 hours!"
1962376947,"neutral","JamesEllum","is actual gonna need a new job and not just want"
1962376985,"hate","clauds","@debbieseraphina not very effective for me  i am stuck! i either sit up, let it cramp or lie down and pay the consequence later. EEPS!"
1962379568,"neutral","_bkt","Schwarzenegger proposes closing 220 state parks   http://bit.ly/MhKz0"
1962379705,"neutral","datinjehan","I look like schuhz and arabyrd now..."
1962379859,"sadness","justkappa","really not feelin well..."
1962380550,"sadness","talulala","@McDayDreamer some..and some not  only my 2 best friends go to the same school..the others change schools."
1962380803,"worry","visigoth","out with dad to see up.  sad that mom cannot come"
1962380892,"love","writesfortea","@orbitaldiamonds awww bb, you sound lonely  I want to drive up there/fly and snuggle you too"
1962381004,"sadness","jipsee","i think june gloom has arrived"
1962381380,"surprise","RPattzWho","@katarinasmama it was WAY too fast"
1962381771,"neutral","sarahPUFFY","@shadowsforsale  !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1962381982,"worry","KaysleeCollins","Wheres my phone ?!"
1962382017,"worry","TMScorpio","Homey missed da bus."
1962382291,"worry","MyNameIsJohnson","@letsocietydream I think i would die if they played Pushit. I missed them when they came last time. When Isis toured with them"
1962382355,"worry","geminica","@heathervescent sorry didn't get to see you"
1962382738,"happiness","zellyboo","@sheszladii  LOL! Girl that video disturbed me  and I love the hk theme too cute!"
1962382934,"worry","skttrbrain","woke up to boxes to the ceiling and now he can't find his yerba mate or coffee beans."
1962382938,"hate","Sabrinagoh","wow. i just install twitter fox. I am tired to keep refresh my browser"
1962383482,"sadness","cowpokette85","some advice for all of you: dont pressure wash your foot. it hurts and is not worth it. you really do want the skin on your foot. FYI. ow"
1962383724,"worry","m00nzy","feel like a junkie  i live in chronic pain disorder with fentanyl an morphin, that is not nice... it really sucks"
1962384767,"surprise","shalinique","@ClaytonCalhoon I know, huh?"
1962385190,"worry","jinnyjinn","@angelabc hi angela, can you check your email? I need one thing from you (sorry if it's your day off  )"
1962385637,"neutral","beezan","@PastimeDaily   Oh dear - Boyle is staying ..."
1962385859,"sadness","Dominic_Lopez","Can today go any slower? Time is just dragging by."
1962385947,"worry","AMandyL","@itsaimee sorry, that's probably my fault."
1962386539,"sadness","IvanaE","Urghh, I'm gonna do my project now  don't wanna waste valuable weekend time"
1962387059,"sadness","CuteRain","@CuteRain following 865 and followers 539...not nice"
1962387121,"sadness","freehighfives","@LCPromotions  I doubt it! Boo! You always leave me behind on your awesome roadtrips!"
1962387165,"worry","Moon_strucker","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/5ut6j - Poor Thing"
1962387240,"love","HahliHusky","@SilveryBeing  *hug*"
1962387559,"sadness","angel200688","So has anyone had that yucky new throwback pepsi and mountain dew yet? If they plan on keeping it around, I will not be drinking it!"
1962387596,"neutral","lareyna916","o ok..im jealous..i wish I was in bed"
1962388047,"boredom","Blogography","@Julius_Beez - I'm 20% hetero-challenged, but still didn't care for "Milk"... I thought it was boring."
1962388216,"worry","kiannabanks","shoutout to @denzelburks we're both starvin like homeless cambodian kids  lmao"
1962388341,"sadness","kallmewifeyy","@Maestro so I wanted to DM you back but I couldn't cuz your not following me  but thankss anyways, maybe ill see ya around in ELLE-AY  ..."
1962388357,"neutral","SJBoy74","@batbuick .. .great.. you can buy me lunch when i get my 10-15% pay cut next month.."
1962388377,"worry","JSavXO","@imreallydope your phone isn't working!"
1962388400,"neutral","jbrinkman","Almost ready for new Beta.... until we found a showstopping bug   Please standby."
1962388401,"worry","Dathorc","just ran some ACCELA unit tests for the first time in about 2 years... and they failed"
1962388641,"neutral","ktdoglover7","@Hetty4Christ  its my fav since i was little its gonna storm"
1962388933,"worry","Schreeck","@torreyryan Yeah, I thought that was very little warning for you guys.   I don't miss 12-9 shifts 6 days/wk with no break, that's for sure"
1962388943,"surprise","severanc3","@CraigN No surprise there. They probably don't know themselves where it is"
1962389034,"surprise","hyper_kitty","@nick_carter It says "This video is private.", WTF????"
1962389317,"neutral","_vaness20","wants to meet Bill"
1962390039,"sadness","Boomquiesha_J","is sad because his tea and oatmeal are cold"
1962390130,"empty","rooner","@fareforward   do you need to go on a bike ride?"
1962390297,"surprise","avalonabsinthe","@abhorrentbm lame. you should have said hello!"
1962390479,"worry","Jotacon","@vronmcintyre I want an espresso machine"
1962390792,"worry","imhappy1966","@HighRawFoods I am sorry."
1962391061,"hate","Aloft_Incumbent","DIDO "US 2 Little Gods" http://ow.ly/9UIn "Just this moment/ Let it all stop here/ I've had my fill"...words that make you panic..."
1962391127,"neutral","JoshSemans","@catashton ermm, more like a full black upper half.  and some a completley grey"
1962391823,"neutral","SylvieSOfasho","@Nigganelle yeah do you feel anything at all? I remembered I was looking at loopt on his phone and that nigga was coughin all over that"
1962391924,"worry","leehong2511","@bernadinee thank for ur gnite and... *thank* for ur photo of sims 3... heart broken here"
1962392072,"happiness","sarisam","@detrick Hey! So glad it's Friday but not happy that I just ate a bad apple"
1962392145,"happiness","KeelHaulKate","Finished new moon! Woo! Now i want the next one..."
1962392290,"happiness","Jovi_Jonas","Been sitting in garden with my mummy and also got a text from the boy who i thought had GOT THE HINT    obviously not."
1962392455,"worry","makkmommy","@bcran we'll see Craig might just hog u guys! haha I work till 10 tonight anyways"
1962392850,"neutral","cbldivas","Danny cut his beautiful curls"
1962393224,"worry","linnix","Just saw half the RRO staff walk by...sadly I didn't see @legmar or @mtacheme"
1962393556,"neutral","bonfire1980","its almost lunch time for you"
1962393606,"sadness","SE_nicorob","Im sad right now becuz of my lady"
1962393907,"happiness","revqueer","http://bit.ly/NYhMZ  Dionusia made me do it"
1962394372,"sadness","thoughtspeaks","wants to goto lonovala for frenz wedding....bt....no transport arrngmnts wrkg out"
1962394759,"worry","kizat","@niftybitch time to leave a passive agressive note to the owners.  It's not the dog's fault... it's their shitty owners"
1962395916,"sadness","zialozadalim","will be lonely for 4 days because @trizia will be in baguio.   http://plurk.com/p/x2apl"
1962396056,"surprise","aprilhrrn","Yolonda, I went swimming with my phone at the beach lol and so I lost all my contacts"
1962396469,"worry","musicaddikt787","@chantelmybell  that's no bueno...hope u feel better!"
1962396607,"surprise","Rockaholica","so....i'm guessing no BGN?"
1962397028,"worry","HoodTREdemark","Feeling like the bum of this recession.  Don't try to call or text me."
1962397048,"relief","MCRmuffin","@Boy_Kill_Boy I know the feeling"
1962397347,"worry","kriisco","@XxMolliexX I mean someone hit a dog with a car. It was just laying there"
1962397631,"worry","encaf1","Nice to come out of a business meeting feeling desired & valuable. Now, to come out of a date like that..! (Or, to go on a date at all..)"
1962397669,"relief","enaaarz","@te0h hahah no not that valley. that's cool valley. texas valley. like...rio grande valley. ahhaha i wish i lived in california valley"
1962397979,"happiness","candz","So much for buying that awesome new phone from sony ericsson  - I am now Berry'd like everyone else..."
1962398157,"enthusiasm","MaternalSpark","just got the dreaded call from babysitter - little H has bumped her head  Sitter says she's fine and goose egg is going down fast"
1962402603,"neutral","rainbowirisfarm","boo (but will I listen?)"
1962402690,"worry","joshigginbotham","@jaymckenney gosh, I'm sorry man.  I'll hope for good news."
1962402965,"worry","blueyedgrl44","Trying to stay upbeat while I wait to get my keys out of my locked car"
1962403118,"neutral","WildestDream","I want the rain to go away! There has been too much of it lately"
1962403289,"sadness","Miss_Foxay","@CaroTheNyx aww im sorry im home now hope your ok  i love ya wifey <3 xx"
1962403627,"hate","WhitneyShi","This is getting on my nerves. I cant change my pic"
1962403675,"sadness","mgstrawn","Running around town with Kathleen....she's leaving me for a month.."
1962403695,"worry","ramdomthoughts","Got insurance forms for Polo. Feel a bit  Has to be done though."
1962403796,"worry","Toni_GPB","@mommypages I wish our @COSICols didn't close"
1962404255,"boredom","oldparty","Wow, kinda bothered that Jon is doing deposits now.  Apparently he keeps getting fucked out of times, but deposits are SO hard for me"
1962404379,"worry","kelanjo19","just got home from doing the big shop totally munched out because i was so starving and im at weigh in in the morning oops"
1962404738,"sadness","savvasmalamas","its impossible to watch in full ANY flash video with my mac after 5.7"
1962404869,"worry","Betheglintine","really ill again not been well for 2 weeks, i've got a bad viral infection."
1962405180,"neutral","PrincessSakura","i want a dog or a cat or something  i want something to unconditonally love, thats not materialistic or a family memeber"
1962405797,"happiness","HollieTennan","Dollhouse was saved!!! Its coming back for another season!!! Too bad scrubs isn't"
1962406657,"love","DaniFaubert","Loves using remote access to use my desktop from my laptop.  -- Back from Emerge once again."
1962406888,"worry","RoxieDaRockstar","Going to tmobile  i need a new phone this G1 is so not working for me anymore"
1962407012,"neutral","Nymeth","@renay Poor kitties  If there's nothing that can be done, hopefully you'll at least be able to find her a good home"
1962407149,"love","tarek_","@ChristinaHz no wayyy, that's too funny.  well he sure is missing out, but ever since you left, i feel i am too  when is your next visit?"
1962407156,"neutral","draykonis","@dysonrules don't make me smite you! and yeah @micolerose yeah it really does. No cuties for me"
1962407600,"sadness","jamiefishback","@TeelaJBrown i know, i was on the list, but had to miss out b/c of conflicting plans  how did it go?"
1962408126,"boredom","brendablue43","grumble..weather man.. don't know wtf they are talkin about."
1962408417,"worry","FatsoTheWombat","is incredibly worried about Stanley..."
1962408442,"relief","bleedthemelody","An hour of walking in hot weather = a satisfied but hurting Nellie.  Ow, blisters."
1962408505,"neutral","charl598","@Emz2009 gutted your out off hollyoaks  xx"
1962408575,"surprise","lepouse","ha ha...just found a new cocktail: Dances with Wenches (Cranberry Juice, Spiced Rum), sounds nice but I don't have any cranberry juice"
1962408705,"worry","lilmizzketa","i thnk ima cry i feel rlly bad"
1962408814,"neutral","FlyGirlMeMe","ok its FF soooo why isn't anyone following MEEEE??? LOL ughhhh I have some lazy a%# followers they wont even help me out"
1962409059,"sadness","inditapasti","watching the final episode of boys before flowers"
1962409435,"surprise","brizziebaby","@ashmohazel @immackmaine @its_erincharde @brando2711 hey you guys should invite me out...moody is my only friend these days"
1962409646,"love","RanaJ","I'm being held captive on my day of freedom."
1962410227,"sadness","AbesWreck","Hey #socialmediatv ugh no way to do video>blah {pouts}   (Social Media TV live > http://ustre.am/2NjV)"
1962410294,"sadness","InternDerek","is pumped and bummed all at the same time......."
1962410357,"neutral","WhatsTheT","at 1st they said yes but it looks like they scratched that plan b/c of the supply demand  @travoloso"
1962410358,"sadness","AmeenaS","Tonight the last night of Jay Leno!!!  am gonna cry like a baby!!"
1962410509,"enthusiasm","LittleMissDx","Shouldn't sit weirdly at the pc, I know Im going to hit the deck once I get up"
1962410689,"worry","projectdennio","is missing someone.. haayy..  http://plurk.com/p/x2avn"
1962410731,"neutral","savedforlater","@MischievousMel Please send me those youtube links, Erin watched most of them but I was cooking and didn't get to see the cowboys"
1962410871,"happiness","jeremylim","@fishieee Haha, it'll be gross by the time it comes back.    Tell you what .. we'll Yum! Vancouver some malay spot soon, or just go indian"
1962410962,"neutral","SamJones7","@HottSnowflake never.  smh, I don't own flats  lol"
1962411200,"neutral","shellykramer","@grentone Content content content .... gah! Story of my life right now - thx for reminding me. That's what I should be doing v. Tweeting"
1962411327,"surprise","clashley21","I dnt get to go play lasertag w/ my besties!     *old me's dead and gone*"
1962411496,"happiness","goolia024","@lancearmstrong I want a massage!!!"
1962411704,"worry","Samb555970","Bloody sunburned"
1962411952,"sadness","gregghart","@jclayville // i feel your pain. i once lived in an apt for 6 mos where the previous tenant had 4 cats. burning eyes/tight lungs =  gregg"
1962412243,"neutral","ucannotreach","#twpp ..still nw in trending topics.."
1962412506,"surprise","Alex_Segal","@fletchernet i help represent high profile actors for their tv/film/theatre careers so get free tix.. but not for Jersey Boys.."
1962412787,"sadness","SunkenTreasure6","@dan87 where have you been, child? i miss you, we haven't msned in days!"
1962412858,"neutral","jessid33","@adellecharles Sorry.  You're in upstate NY. Does chilly weather really surprise you? FL is much better & the panhandle doesn't get as hot"
1962413003,"worry","clarencekoh","oh no. opera 10 is not google friendly  *weeps*"
1962413048,"worry","goodman136","Starting to spoil my pug since her brother Max passed away on Tuesday. We miss him."
1962413094,"love","Soph4Soph","@Caroljs Warren has just died.. hannah has been killed.. and I'm gutted!!! I love warren (even if he is nasty!!)"
1962413434,"hate","ofbondstreet","Tummy hurts  oh noes"
1962413568,"worry","Tinker_Ramone","@jennytornado DAMN IT! I want to see that movie sooo bad.  Don't tell me anything. hehe."
1962413697,"sadness","Squwii","Sad! Casue everyone is going their seperate ways! Never going to see my friends again!"
1962413861,"worry","B_Style_P","@keylahtia yes I'm starting to feel the effects of humidity"
1962414186,"worry","larissavoigt","annoyed and overwhelmed"
1962414217,"sadness","amber_benson","I wish it would rain...but it won't"
1962414241,"sadness","McRiddlahpants","@RetroRewind dave why why why can't this happen when I'm not working and can listen?! :::whining big time:::"
1962414293,"sadness","HollywoodMom","@unmarketing Fun idea. But, if we saw how clothing would really look on the slouchy, would we buy? Think not.   People R buying the dream."
1962414496,"sadness","ladybuggbee","Really sick"
1962414584,"worry","crownroyalgal49","never answer me back"
1962414723,"worry","corij","@Alligood So sorry to hear about the kiddo!  Hope she feels lots better now that the cast is on"
1962414842,"neutral","chantellmarie","@ALauderdale smh @ playing dress up! lol. I can't see the vid though... Its not working"
1962415075,"worry","Curlsgalore86","Potluck for danielle taking veggie tray. I will miss her"
1962415296,"neutral","sloantx","@CowgirlNChaps it would be so fun.  too much to do.  not enough time or money."
1962415555,"surprise","Emmy_S","wow i just slept till 2pm..again... good job me"
1962416038,"sadness","chellseauh","Hes just not that into you"
1962416051,"worry","johnjaworski","@CoachDeb I'm game, too bad your leaving HI!"
1962416164,"hate","superbeccax","specially when you're already burneded. wore mums shoes as well, and now im all blistered. it sucks balls.."
1962416385,"worry","mslape","@katie84 You don't get them anymore?"
1962417041,"enthusiasm","Aragorn3001","off to go buy more deck sleeves and 3X3 card pages.  Man, those pages are expensive!   Stupid organizing collection."
1962417164,"worry","NEEDS82","California's budget deficit (now at $24.3 billion) means big problems and lots of cuts, including 220 of our state parks"
1962417316,"sadness","victoria_csws","i burned my tongue!  @ workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,"
1962417419,"surprise","throwingpunches","@batxcore did you google it too? or maybe you actually knew the answer lol ps put uo the pics already from last night  im getting anxious"
1962417698,"worry","ofallpieces","@KissofJudas  Lupo's is a bit far for you methinks, luv. They're an hour out of my way in Providence. I love Providence."
1962423539,"neutral","ginn5j","Site of our first date - Macri's Deli - closed.  Lunching at favorite local Greek spot - The Trojan Horse - instead."
1962423727,"sadness","arlenevictoria","is soooo hungry right now! Why is it not lunch time!"
1962423947,"sadness","kuzama","At pool in Orlando got new kicks  going to seaworld tommrow miss my best friend"
1962423951,"happiness","alexhsimpson","@btocher  http://bit.ly/TVERS - ever been here? the night we didnt meet  we ended up here - possibly the best pizza this side of Chicago!"
1962424085,"sadness","orlandojuice","Being bored is always so much more fun with a companion. Missing my bff alreadyyyy!!!!"
1962424584,"worry","MaryanneAllan","Yay, it's friday and boo i'm so broke i have no dosh"
1962424799,"relief","DeeWis","@DerrenLitten  ITV plugging the Special a lot. Have a great night all of you, will miss your tweets when you come back home"
1962424959,"sadness","kidfromlis","i made an okay rap mix   i couldnt have the stuff i wanted  im getting ready to leave"
1962425168,"sadness","Rosey22","jus skinned my knee. Wat am i 6!?!?! Hurts lyke hell tho. Its always tha little ones that hurt tha most."
1962425346,"sadness","shajakkyr1","I am so sad... How come Pooch Hall from The Game has not accepted my friend request on Facebook Yet"
1962425497,"love","Sim_34","I just need to go to the bank"
1962425547,"happiness","andyflisher","3 live p2v migrates, 5 vmware vsp exams, and a magento config, a quiet weekend at party central"
1962425691,"happiness","amy__xx","@isacullen i want more"
1962426428,"neutral","LadyKira","@caseywright ~acai emails~yes tons of them.."
1962426554,"worry","troynathan","@onchmovement oh no your sick! I'm feeling kinda sick too  and I'm hating this overcast weather!"
1962426943,"worry","C_Alley","@evylove why no FF for me?"
1962427201,"worry","Chopstyx","@MamaGaea Sorry to hear about your dude probs, what is it that's too much?"
1962427965,"worry","Jersey_Boy","Gonna have to have arthroscopy to repair my knee"
1962428334,"worry","Nicole2112","@melissa0616 yeah - stomach bug or something. Fever, etc. Not fun."
1962428661,"sadness","NikRou","I woke up an came to the realization that I can put it off as much as I want, but I need 2 drop some friends. Dammit!"
1962428802,"worry","TheEngTeacher","@PinkBerryGirl Aniya666 yours wasn't there"
1962429047,"worry","oaingram","Another interview... Please somebody hire me?! But I'm late"
1962431110,"worry","lomara","Sigh. My metal friends keep planning stuff on Sunday afternoons, when I'm at work. Feeling like I'm losing touch with them"
1962431979,"neutral","kenziekhaotic","@imalexevans He he i wish i could go to the gym"
1962432013,"surprise","cagmanthing","@xchikax I wish."
1962432062,"sadness","Garythetwit","my life is sad..just had reminder go off on my phone to recharge toothbrush!"
1962432165,"sadness","JBnVFCLover786","Now I'm depressed again..ugh!!! HELP!!!"
1962432267,"hate","Elizabeth_Wade","Well its a good thing ''march'' wasnt very long and i didnt like it...cuz its deleted. Ugh"
1962432422,"surprise","KnightGrl","@DEWz_PingPong Oh, so no male strippers then?  LMAO"
1962432734,"worry","melissabaloney","the low point: a poor pigeon outside my building isn't capable of flying. It's just wandering up and down the sidewalk. so sad"
1962432861,"neutral","SarahHoughtron","@jackieamodeo weird trigger. You should definitely ask him about them on monday, dude...  shitty."
1962433488,"worry","CreativityDen","@NETTUTS I can't wait that long"
1962433581,"sadness","jija21","@jpaola no money no honey! hehe too soon  sorry"
1962433672,"fun","richardwnewton","@jpl1953 - Sorry only just seen this - how strange it seems only to happen from my iPhone - perhaps it is a problem with Twitterific"
1962434103,"neutral","LightConceptsPR","one last stop in Chicago before going back to Miami"
1962434172,"sadness","lady_monet","@ShaniquaDenise You are sooo lucky. My fiance is away w/the Marine Corps...haven't even seen him yet!"
1962434379,"sadness","xmeganreneex","not looking forward to driving in this storm."
1962434455,"surprise","sally_ann","@JermSorensen yeah. She's screwed. $3000 in new tires, new turbo, and maint, paid it off, and now she'll get almost nothing."
1962434705,"sadness","xkatess","i don't like being sick when the guidance counsellor is supposed to take me + 35 other kids out of school for bowling & pizza"
1962434989,"worry","xjettdisregardX","why did Reel big fish cover Edna's goldfish"
1962435498,"worry","mamm1","is putting on her "suit" (&dont mean jeans&T)&Heading over 2 T-town 2 deal w/ family emergency PLEZ PRAY 4Us  BE back by 630P God willing!"
1962435751,"surprise","puffyman","wow their is no pancake mix"
1962435801,"sadness","KatieKkkk","@xnicoleex_ yeah sorry i was busy last night  ill try and go next week!"
1962436364,"surprise","sarahsosincere","@hank1914 Hey, that link didn't work for me"
1962436691,"love","davekellygalaxy","Am in the mix on the Galaxy weekend! Love(d) my Friday show! Sweet! Make the most of this one if your listening"
1962436716,"hate","danielknibbs","I so hate riding the bus. 1) It's a damn sauna in the summer! 2) Like could it kill the guy a few seats up to shower once a month??"
1962436830,"sadness","emoducks","shit back home in tallcree (rez)  now i cant see my boyfriend"
1962437101,"sadness","ashaazaaa","I just cried whilst watching hollyoaks  .. i need a life! lol"
1962437180,"worry","Pace_Collett","Somebody accidentely sleep for 3 hours instead of 2 and now I can't hang out  WORK BLOWS! sorry @andrew_jones20 and @schmidtfaced"
1962437552,"neutral","Elfir","Transition time is over; tonight I work night shift. I woke up at 1330."
1962438708,"worry","meg_la_mania","@Twisted_Jo my mask is non-existent at the mo  Charis didn't send me one & I haven't been bothered to make one! I'm wearing boy clothes!"
1962438716,"love","mlo4a","http://bit.ly/6Jo0v  HOW GENIUS!! He looks  good in bret, LOV HIM WHY cancelled concert in france i was ready men"
1962439030,"sadness","philcanty","@itsonlytuesday I would if I wasn't working today."
1962439074,"worry","tonyfan14","That poor goose."
1962439166,"happiness","alltimeemma","@tashababyyy i'm getting them this weekend. aw, i really want you to!"
1962441227,"love","tacoman667","@cocoacast I need to move to NY, SanFran, or Seattle to get worth-a-crap internet speeds"
1962441337,"worry","cckarl","Head is throbbing from lack of sleep and still have mucho work. Doesn't feel like a Friday"
1962441410,"happiness","pogsperalta","1 week and 1 one day to go."
1962442616,"relief","favorwarehouse","Just got back from lunch and feeling more like a nap is in order than work  But I will press on!"
1962442929,"sadness","ecbrooks","@Skewp420 We can miss our babies together, haha. I'm dreading taking him to the kennel."
1962443093,"neutral","kksoutherland93","at work booo...."
1962449458,"sadness","RealPoshMom","@melissaha What?! You have to be kidding me - it's an AZ landmark! This kinda news makes me sad"
1962449786,"worry","lisa_otto","@geektoad   Woot! lol  It's gonna be hard to send this one back"
1962449865,"sadness","kh_14","@amber_benson It's raining where I am. I wish it wasn't."
1962450158,"neutral","acogswell","I ate too many kisses."
1962450346,"relief","x_raven_o","i'm soooooo sleeeeepy!!! the last day o' school was today....sniffle...."
1962450440,"worry","kels450","@c0v89 i dunno..tipsy gave EVERYTHING in the 1st set and still lost..not sure what mental state he was in - but the injury was bad timing"
1962450660,"hate","CMac715","have to return my sideways. fuck meds and bills."
1962451136,"empty","imafanatic","@FairyChica78 Aw, that stinks, I'm sorry."
1962451312,"worry","GiuliaDaSilva","less than 1 month and im done with high school... ohh my!  my friends"
1962452001,"neutral","spacelamb","@amber_benson It's been raining here for 3 days"
1962452095,"neutral","marleneluuser","im in stats and I'm bored and tireed"
1962452217,"sadness","AlyYvonneG","whew how did i end up going from mugglespace apps to youtube??? haha its just one of those days i guess. i really hate being ill"
1962452818,"sadness","elCAPTAIN2010","Ready for this saddenning depressing dullful upsetting dreadful weekend."
1962452866,"worry","arthabaska","@xolotl ohhh ok. so like, it's more frustrating? I had my hands on a 3g iphone last week but it was upgraded so i couldn't unlock it"
1962453670,"surprise","cirian75","@xiannic, awe, me in work, no BBQ for moi this weekend"
1962453784,"sadness","White_WillSmith","Doing dishes...i miss my kitchen team"
1962454206,"sadness","krzimmer","@Victoryhawk Darn. No bacon"
1962454264,"worry","happyparrot","8 month old African grey parrot  sad sale - Reptile Forums UK http://bit.ly/grrdA"
1962454365,"worry","addamh","@russfischer man i wish i still lived near a drive in  perfect movie experience"
1962454449,"worry","vinniexoxo","Sitting in boring ass litterature listening to jack Johnson  missing the gf soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much."
1962454644,"worry","HelloKitty831","has a terrible headache.  I need relief!"
1962454702,"sadness","itzT","waaa the octo drive and i can't go for it"
1962454727,"worry","AshMcKitt","sooo tired, I wish I had time for a nap before work"
1962454924,"worry","thepiratecook","Day 7 without shower. No end in sight. There is stuff between my toes."
1962455054,"worry","AvolynFisher","@JordanOhlin what happened to winston?"
1962455477,"neutral","sassenach","@MissCritta I know, but considering I've bought a lot of new yarn recently, I think it's necessary this time."
1962455747,"worry","DominiqueWT","Missed my massage appointment..... Now Its 2maro   I needed it"
1962456006,"worry","Haydeenn","@Peeperrzz URGHHHHHHHHHH your makeing me cry"
1962456132,"neutral","SeviDesigns","@AboveAllFabric I so agree with you we have been married for 7 yrs, and this is our 6th move  BLAH!!!"
1962456173,"worry","tuwabvb","@AnonymousNY My closet situation is close to the same.  Except it's not closet located near NYC."
1962456390,"sadness","Eladar","ah shit ... my chest hurts now"
1962457063,"fun","ElliotTucker","@filos I'm thinking of a dawn shot of Carlingford Lough, the sun will be in the right place this time of year. involves an early rise tho"
1962457423,"worry","DaniellePete","Schoool needs to end, Work tonight 4 to 8  hittt me up after <3"
1962457806,"worry","pianofortay","Fuck traffic. Going to be late!"
1962457967,"worry","luvnbeauty","@ work....boyz make me sick.."
1962457996,"hate","maximumflame12","Hates having broken wrist and has PE next ugh"
1962458004,"surprise","jesus03","I was gonna get off at 230 2day. Just found out I'm stayin til 630"
1962458252,"neutral","brijesh","Got a deadline to meet!!! No TGIF for me"
1962458265,"sadness","SimplyModernWed","RAIN why must you come "after" I flat iron my hair? I have been rockin my curls for 3 weeks and today you decide to come out. not nice!"
1962458576,"empty","LibbyLongneck","@emuhleepee Why?"
1962458792,"sadness","simplyKii","ii wanna go home for thee weekend  but ii have no gas. sukks (_!_)!!"
1962458835,"neutral","erica_gen1","Great lunch at baby bulls.  Now time for work til 930."
1962458873,"fun","SmilinNursAnnie","HELP!!! I think @benmarvin is crazy funny and can't give him favrd stars  Please help me get him UNBLOCKED from favrd so I can star him"
1962458885,"surprise","mandydoucet","Not enough pizza ordered, so I didn't get any. And it was Pizza Delight too!"
1962459604,"worry","joyfulhannah","still hoping for a job... but now i have strep so looks like i wont be looking around places for the next couple of days"
1962459808,"love","chennysherm13","@raZeiger i think @taylorswift13 missed me tooo"
1962460120,"surprise","butterfly31972","Yay! The playdate is back on but my van's transmission is  dead"
1962460286,"hate","bri_judith202","So bored in chem n im super hungry! Ugh"
1962460386,"worry","imapuffin","My GCSE and A Level work is at least 50x better than my degree work. Oh Uni, what did you do to me?"
1962460522,"sadness","JavaUp","Cancelling my JavaOne  http://ff.im/3nzTH"
1962461042,"relief","xXKatieRawrXx","@srslyjustsayin I saw you stalkerishly from the elevator, but Brookie was eating her moracca (?) So we had to go."
1962461192,"boredom","sophiaamundayyx","bored. tired got headache"
1962462133,"love","ChristiKidd","@CRISCOKIDD this picture made me cry  lol http://www.twitpic.com/671w1"
1962462559,"sadness","nandana","Spring cleaning for http://milliontreesnyc.org tomorrow. But the park I want to go clean is not accessible by public transportation."
1962462586,"sadness","TashaWong","says misses my cousins so badly!!!  http://plurk.com/p/x2bha"
1962462975,"neutral","ShelbertSarg","Going to clean my room but thats not hard. i keep my room pretty clean really....anyway, i could still be doing better things!!!!"
1962463307,"sadness","SunnyGrims","@RobertsEmma You don't reply to none of your fans ... I don't know what trust"
1962463416,"empty","BonesFan021","@Bookwormlady2  are you not well?"
1962463620,"relief","maydaycaptain","@tsa4string Have fun at the show tonight... wish I could be there"
1962463651,"neutral","shawnee_dj","lol, you can see the sunburnnn    its not achurley that bad =| least i dont think it is xD http://tinyurl.com/njubcl"
1962463660,"relief","mizz_dhania","Finally home! Tp tetep, kurang 3BT buat shooting kamis nih! Huaaaa, stress gila! Syapa lg ya?"
1962464639,"worry","stellery","@omgitsafox I could but won't get here in time before my Vegas trip  So I'll still look like a noob there~"
1962472064,"love","johnnydonovan","@arian_marie:my heart goes out to you"
1962472133,"enthusiasm","badritty","Appreciation lunch at work. Good food! But sucks being here on my day off lol"
1962472269,"worry","Zosie","To make it worse, its my friends party tonight, and I'm stuck here. I haven't seen her for months"
1962472420,"surprise","petermcgilldj","burning cd's,,,,,,,,, fucking outa blank disc's"
1962472497,"hate","J0rdster","GAWD, I'm so tired still! I have to move out of here into my new place by 5:30 PM, cause I work.  So stressed! #FB"
1962472617,"neutral","itsANNsucka","@nellcon I cannot  I have a full day of activities lol"
1962472799,"love","JonesBeach_1988","@cupcake_nyc hey sweetie. Cnt go fri  but thnks so much"
1962472894,"love","Kacymru","Loving the sunshine! Wish poor Richie would feel better"
1962472934,"sadness","littlemayra","@sandyvanessa89 awwh im sorry  it won't be much longer"
1962473022,"neutral","cruzceleste","@nick_carter The video is `private I cant see it"
1962473176,"worry","HanaStephenson","i didnt post my new song today  i will try and post tomorrow!"
1962473264,"neutral","brizziebaby","@its_erincharde yea as an afterthought"
1962473719,"worry","Phatemma","just got back from the pool, need to ice the knee"
1962473910,"worry","Kati0105","@KellyFahl Psych has to be better than neuro!  Or at least in a better part of town?  I miss you"
1962474029,"sadness","ohhdamnamanda","so fuckin tired. didn't get home till 5:30. work at bjs at 12:15"
1962474115,"enthusiasm","Calvvs","says Goodmorning.  http://plurk.com/p/x2bm1"
1962474193,"worry","jadeybaby109","heyy  watching the simpson  with shezza and paula"
1962474795,"worry","PattyHankins","Tasha's really bad haircut. She's being treated for skin cancer and is shaved from neck to tail.  http://twitpic.com/671zy"
1962475415,"worry","ribzlike","It's not the internal fuse either  Poop. Might have to get the spare out of the loft, although that might be a job for 2 people..."
1962475772,"neutral","PearlBrownie","@mellabella6 and if i lived in usa i would gotto 2 go to  106 park ma aunty lives in NYC the bronx GRRR"
1962476147,"relief","trojandrew","Aaggh!! My blackberry curve took a gash in the screen the day AFTER we get invisible shields in stock. Well it'll be a good advertisement"
1962476491,"neutral","CrazyCarly13","yay for nice weather, boo for cici not being here this weekend"
1962476498,"worry","laurenRIOT_x","was spose to be going to a party tonight but gues what im sick  grrrrr."
1962476801,"worry","Jade0417x","feeling sorry for Ian. He broke up with his gf, i feel reali sad cos he feels down!  wish i can give him a huge hug right now"
1962476859,"sadness","laurenwcallon","@memphianmallory Too traumatic to even discuss and none of yall are here!!! Everyone has left for the weekend."
1962476883,"neutral","likepanda","@hindupez Maybe JD can help you out there I don't know though  But I will ask!"
1962477035,"love","Junbee","@hotnizz WAH! Sayang..."
1962477211,"surprise","Yakovenko","????, ?? #sctest ????? ?? ?????, ?????? ??? ??? ????????, ?? ?? ????? ????  ."
1962477277,"surprise","annagoss","@jamespenycate massive beer guardian. Huuuge. Told you already, don't you trust me?"
1962477674,"worry","nickysavage","@yukihoang i had a dream that u didn't like me"
1962477778,"worry","hello_jodie","@SteveSerrano I adoreeeee Matt Nathanson!! I am so jealous of you right now."
1962477969,"worry","akaJavier","@JamesMurphy anything to sell an album. poor thing."
1962478014,"neutral","Calvvs","thinks something and okay, goodluck ako.  http://plurk.com/p/x2bnl"
1962478119,"worry","electricnightx","@Livvixo god I need to revise today! I'm so lazy"
1962478823,"surprise","quidnose","@Vancesa oh no your poor car's testicles"
1962479343,"sadness","Pv15jesus","im sooo sore... my back hurts, my legs are weak, and im dehydrated. i have to go set up my moms furniture... gay!!!!"
1962479534,"happiness","Minster68","Got to go shopping with wife down to Tesco's. I knew my day was going to well."
1962479564,"worry","no_wei","@randazzled my phne blocks text"
1962479704,"hate","McEntire1255","Stupid idiot who ran a stop sing and almost killed me and my car!"
1962479987,"neutral","Steveshd","@ropiko I am also very tired"
1962480341,"neutral","runawaysmilexx","Sleeping over my cousin's house for the weekend. Bugzy"
1962480495,"worry","amsaph","laptop pooped. new harddrive needed? using DH's old pc now. maybe offline a while  damn BSOD!! happened too many times, Safe Mode only now"
1962481125,"worry","modgirlred","$4 lonestar pitchers at @mugshotsaustin ?  If only I wasn't still recovering from last weekend's bout of irresponsible gluten consumption"
1962481248,"relief","johnnywang","The $500 I saved on not buying a couch is going towards paying my visit to ER for UTI"
1962481365,"neutral","m4s","I realised that many people are not interested in doing business on Twitter - they just want to be heard online  Nothing more"
1962481463,"sadness","itafia","Rose City Sirens were uber cool last night!  Wish I could have stayed longer"
1962481653,"neutral","Calvvs","is is listening to Heart Ain't Brain by Chris Brown.  http://plurk.com/p/x2bp2"
1962482790,"sadness","SpreadGaGaLove","stood on my curlers and burnt myself  then burnt my hand when i picked them up.."
1962483112,"worry","sanyukumiko","@motley_sis He got those cars before he lost his job.  He used to make good money. Now he works at McDonalds because nobody will hire him."
1962483404,"sadness","chris_sdca","Is wondering what happened to the sun? Damn May grey!"
1962483516,"sadness","NickArnheim","Im feeling so nostalgic. Im sad. But happy. I don't now how to feel. It's over, but not at the same time. It just feels over.  i love you."
1962483641,"worry","sovereignbri","its sprinkling outside  i hope it doesn't rain during our game .."
1962483781,"sadness","shacol","fuming over ebay purchase gone bad. outta $45 and have nothing to show for it  %$&!"
1962483794,"sadness","RobertGreer","@eddievedder no such luck and u aren't coming to Detroit  Luckily, I'll be seeing u and the crew in Chicago"
1962484183,"sadness","katriana555","is doing nothing  lol"
1962484334,"neutral","HollandKitty","@Cathiria I'm on it, probably not until next week though"
1962484540,"worry","tabi7","@brooke_nichole i miss my earrings  lol you should let me know when your close by"
1962484814,"sadness","sarahsosincere","@jovialhoney Can you guys adopt me? Yall are always doing fun stuff. Y'all take trips to Miami... we go to Arkansas"
1962484883,"sadness","savagedaniel","I wish the sun would shine. but it won't"
1962485083,"sadness","Beccabeebee","@chrishornby Very. I'm ill and attempting to remember lots, and nothing is going in."
1962485545,"sadness","kaliboooo","Cried my eyes out watching My Girl last period   hahah"
1962485770,"love","KittyTheKitty","I just signed up for Japanese 123 at Clark College... it will be a night class with Kamei-sensei... only two days a week  KUSO!"
1962485933,"sadness","crystalthediva","@KINGDINGALING_1  @wendi916 is leavin bc of racists *starts cryin*"
1962486187,"hate","bruceleckenby","why bother @ing at celebs? eh? cause it's almost like talking to them"
1962513262,"neutral","vanillacokehead","wishes he had realized his wife hadn't held onto the debit card before he took a long walk to get lunch and not after.  GRRR!"
1962513555,"surprise","laraloola","@maxinefrances Ah  Not doing cbeebies epg by any chance are you hehe. need pinkyponk crash warnings ;-) Is your journey home long?"
1962513787,"worry","ChicoGirl85","how do I gain weight?! I lost 20 pounds and I want it back..  I'm only 108 and I'm 23 yrs old at 5'7. Not healthy."
1962513788,"sadness","lina_luka","i'm hungry but can't eat anything right now because my tongue hurts so bad."
1962514403,"worry","itsastitch","@jerseymaids oh man  hope you guys weren't shaken up too bad!"
1962514719,"worry","fastest963","@abraham not funny"
1962514976,"neutral","chrissieg16","Eurgh.. Revision.. Who invented History?"
1962515004,"neutral","sophelan","I'm not putting anything"
1962515157,"worry","rachelgab","@lowenstein @jerm_bob7 I'll update you. I had to leave him at the vet for tests and xrays."
1962515248,"surprise","Angus_A","@Nica it was only announced in the last few days. Due to cancer I think"
1962515361,"worry","DONTCALLMEDICK","They've changed the soap in the men's loo and it doesn't smell of marzipan anymore. I miss the marzipan soap"
1962515397,"sadness","xfftl8myheartx","Hey guys I'm back from work.. It was kinda horrible"
1962515580,"worry","oliverpapaniko","You know i NEVER wanna hurt you"
1962515787,"neutral","TeamCyrus","Everyone we have another hater  @WeHateMileyC"
1962515789,"surprise","megan_mcfly","oh my. i have to play cluedo."
1962516360,"worry","filmfaker09","@eogasawa psh... I'm not cool enough to go to their open-houses."
1962516379,"hate","Hollyandemzz","I really hate revision"
1962517006,"sadness","oohhjamila","aww my friend just called and said that she got a better job so she won't be working with me anymore"
1962517074,"neutral","acvinegar","doesnt know how to pimp out here Twitter page."
1962517134,"worry","retroplustees","@saucewear btw, your shirts are shipping out!  I ran out of stock on the one size you ordered for the "I AM FAMOUS" sorry"
1962517887,"surprise","ThalesDotCom","I smell cake but I don't see any cake on the oven!"
1962518739,"sadness","Bobbistarr","Leaving SF soon. I just might cry."
1962518882,"happiness","JonathanTech","@grantimahara man, 4 months until we get to see what those drunk tweets were all about"
1962518955,"worry","VickieintheOC","Daisy just got attacked by another doggie in the park"
1962519638,"neutral","tencate","Webcams Hoepfner Burgfest in #Karlsruhe: Automatic reload #fail http://bit.ly/Vdtvf"
1962520026,"neutral","McFlyingGirl","Better do some physics revision  x"
1962520062,"hate","frog11486","Okay, so now I want to scream....Idk why this one doc has done this to me 3 days this week!!!!RRRRR."
1962520225,"sadness","Lylli_1","I need a restful weekend, but I will have to work instead"
1962520313,"neutral","_____gizzz","Hairspray in hair + lighter&bong = new haircut"
1962520786,"sadness","Iliana_jacquez","@mraeannon thank u!! I know I'll miss u too  Ill take pics as soon as I get there I need your email txt it to me or something"
1962520993,"enthusiasm","AYCHMAN","Working on this DAMN Financial project, Definitely not having any fun this weekend  , I want to spend it wit my BAAABY waaaah"
1962521106,"relief","fredthegirl","im well exited for this weekend, partaaaay! although i dont want to go back to school on Tuesday"
1962521560,"surprise","luciusmalfoy","@hearted that happened to me so often, i hated it. every time i moved to a username that i thought i'd love, i moved soon after."
1962521620,"hate","Niki_Ox","Hey ugh im sick and its summar !"
1962521904,"neutral","ashleyrayann","@cassiekitsch Okay. So Rose told me your phone was shut off and you might be moving back to Spokane? What is going on?"
1962522731,"boredom","xkodakx","On a 10min brake. At wrrkk ... its 11:06 and its over at. 11:16"
1962523011,"neutral","caidalica","@avweije76 yep  but I'm going better now"
1962523337,"neutral","Ookamison","tour got canceled"
1962524076,"sadness","jayamelwani","@petewentz im so jealous. i want an octo drive"
1962524361,"fun","What_Sarah_Says","Yaaaaay Friday.... Oh wait....  I'm working TOMORROW"
1962524521,"neutral","lauraboffin","Is at work  ohwell need money so : D"
1962524781,"worry","kidOhri","@SamBennington although you wear sunglasses i can see how uncomfortable you felt. poor sam."
1962525411,"surprise","uknowhowibe","@SheBangz damn  lol....where u headed to?"
1962525428,"neutral","brigittedale","Leo Carillo Beach and WIll Rogers State Park are on the list of State Parks that might close      http://tinyurl.com/lhq8gs"
1962525793,"worry","Caz963","@rantingteacher No, rather we're OMG it's nearly Monday"
1962526115,"fun","yay_men","@unitechy @Shadez is all mine  #twpp #shadez"
1962526381,"worry","melissakania","Just spent more than 45 minutes looking at the Aud"
1962526627,"sadness","pianoplayin_gal","@rizzzky he's retiring from the tonight show  im so bummed. he was awesome ha. AND CONGRATS MY DEAR"
1962526893,"sadness","yjennings43","@hereprettykitty You mustv'e read my mind. I WAS going, but now it's thunderstorming AND I have to pick up the boys from the bus stop"
1962527405,"neutral","Jezzy14","@sophielovemcfly i see 5 faces in that thing. but no more  xx"
1962527514,"surprise","hiSheryl","Anddd justin. Eff"
1962527631,"neutral","t_iii","must... stop... using... LOL, so much... crap I did it again"
1962527743,"worry","ILoveBOOBSsc","ough out of the shower and my toes feel horrible in my socks i think they are still a bit wet"
1962527979,"surprise","Addicted2DEW","@marebear521 did u try taco n mac n cheese pizza???? I'm so cravin it right now BUT all the good food makes me sick"
1962528105,"sadness","dutch726","@ptwaugh xbox broke  hope you enjoy playing 1 vs. 100. I was...looking forward to that."
1962528503,"sadness","alexislovesyouu","@stargirlreads i cantttt.  my grandparents are here."
1962528593,"sadness","Njonesey","ok so everyone is out an im stuck in bored and ill"
1962528978,"sadness","ajafair","the downside of getting TDL 3 days early is that i won't have time to read it til next week anyway!  but still, hurrah *clutches it close*"
1962529167,"neutral","bsmitten","@blackheartbunny - nope"
1962529565,"worry","originalbryan","Over-thought tying my shoe, couldn't figure it out for a while"
1962529654,"hate","beingnobody","Oh, fuck me. I've just returned from the Supermarket Of Doom to find that I have nothing to drink here."
1962529777,"worry","Emilyyyyyyyy","How come it's so cold now?! A few days ago it was wicked nice out, now I feel like I need my winter coat back."
1962529966,"worry","momfluential","Never made it to the gym so will be doing my blowout sans thong wearing company. Phew! But bummer on missing workout"
1962530086,"happiness","750x500","What a glorious week. My best holiday ever I think. I so don't want to go home in the morning"
1962530115,"worry","colorthatdanii","my tummy hurts"
1962530757,"worry","shawg96","Hangin with the fam! My head is hurtin"
1962530796,"sadness","DanteSparda504","@HMXCasey I sorry"
1962531376,"happiness","TNAaddicted","@fatz_galore aaaw too bad .. i'm in a good mood to phone with someone  lol"
1962559189,"worry","ReinaDeFab","@SirGarde Hott as Africa lol yeah its hot here too and its a big storm here"
1962559623,"surprise","Alyssa_Nik","1st presentation for senior boards? FML"
1962559708,"worry","eviltabbi","@meinj Wish i was out an about, stuck in with a pile of boxes, a sore back and a load of tesco blue shopper bags to fill from the kitchen"
1962559728,"sadness","sonnyjohl","@katschio  I was completely enraptured by your fascinating updates on your testing! What will I do now?! Oh, wait--Yeah. Work. Of course."
1962559909,"worry","RebeccLovesJB","@tinchystryder why is it your last EVER uk tour  ?? x"
1962560369,"sadness","TiwuRayie","I miss @BillieSyadrie I'm sorry for being able to call you when u already sleep  I love you,Have a great trip tomorrow! Send my ? to them!"
1962560503,"relief","CannonGod","Crap, nearly forgot my PIN  I shouldn't try to learn anything new in the future lest it push out more vital information."
1962560599,"sadness","_SweetCheekszx3","In school ; With Victoria & Bryan (: _ no more school soon, sadd i am"
1962560726,"happiness","peacechicken","@eastcoaster1237 @funkydung  Doh! I'm an inside job LOLzor."
1962560766,"sadness","lisatufton","Got a right bad headache"
1962560776,"love","Mistymoodle","@Welshracer I loved him and he was in a mini"
1962561061,"sadness","beforeyoufall","@lizridley no, i do better with people i don't know  @autumnrose8683 you're going to chiodos tonight, right? just kill something for me."
1962561080,"worry","SaraSAFC","@PaulMcGwinn i could really fancy a nap right now but i am at work at 7am and i feel that if i nap now i am wasting my evening"
1962561639,"happiness","spiderogumi_","@laurenglennon I's sorry  listen to some Bats or GD as you do it! [dude, I never got to tell you, but, BATS WERE AMAZING <33]"
1962561867,"sadness","gloriahansen","Oh why does one of my monitors have to act up when I have a deadline?  Oh I'm an unhappy camper."
1962562033,"surprise","FireAtWillxx","Why doesn't Twitter extend the number limit a littttttle bit? Until 160 atleast?"
1962562265,"surprise","noevalleybuzz","where are britney g. and allan allan?  they are my favs and i think they are out of town?"
1962562738,"worry","felk21","contemplating getting my hair cut and having severe anxiety about it...."
1962562765,"worry","2tonetom","@brieasaurus i guess your cooler than me, tony hawk never replied to me"
1962562838,"neutral","jennypoynter","@PoynterPerve i know, and we gotta wait until earl 2010, i think or very late 2009! its just wrong"
1962562847,"worry","Ran_Flip","I have a stupid Recall on my car"
1962562958,"neutral","jatori","Finally at home. Who decides it's time for more work at 17:10 on the Friday of a long weekend... apparently my client."
1962563090,"sadness","o0Simone0o","Just got home from work.. My feet are killing me"
1962563119,"sadness","TashaLxo","in less then a min i lost 2 followers"
1962563127,"sadness","chloethelwell","@reemerband Hiyaa! How was Tour? Really disappointed that I couldn't make it   Hope your all Dandy ;) xxxxxxxx"
1962563135,"worry","laurenRIOT_x","addin to that last comment, was spose to be going to see the jonas brothers 3D movie, but guess what i couldnt go aswell cos im sick"
1962563565,"neutral","Kaydeescrafts","right anyone know what episode of Bones is showing on sky2 tonight at 9pm - programme synopsis is not available on my box"
1962563886,"relief","HayloT81","At work and really slow for a beautiful day and a Friday."
1962563901,"happiness","joanigga","@LOVEHATE_ENVY how come you dont think you did good?!"
1962564314,"neutral","BerinaSss","@aminakader my thoughts exactly"
1962564497,"worry","gozzipgangster","@apt10C I was walking home when he fell to the ground"
1962564936,"worry","ceggs","Bugger. forgot I still have washing in my machine"
1962564981,"neutral","KayleenDuhh","Last time in the drama room"
1962565085,"relief","PuppyCage","@AndySquirrel now if I still lived that way you could pop in and see me  but I don't so you can't"
1962565148,"sadness","indefinite","@KatieKilljoy I wanna play with you tonight  *pout, pout side face*"
1962565263,"worry","Harvenstein","It's gonna be a super long day"
1962565407,"boredom","jodielee1988","jus sittin in da libray and this stupid computer wont let me order any mac foundation"
1962565564,"happiness","Ruthlovesmovies","@SpinachPuffs yeeeeah . . . and it was in into too  seen Empire top 100 computer games? http://www.empireonline.com/100greatestgames/"
1962565750,"hate","Annairving","Swolen as shitt  boo hoo"
1962566483,"happiness","MSN_Entertain","Jon & Kate + 8 kids have attracted a huge TV audience, tabloid headlines and, now, a state labor investigation   http://tinyurl.com/l7zt72"
1962566717,"empty","knq89","@sheenstar dont get too excited bby i hear thunder rolling in"
1962566808,"worry","muzikgeniuz","@petshoptype yes and no. there's some strange infection in my body that's causing me to be sicker than I need and to have a fever."
1962566820,"worry","16StarGirl16","@Timkealey  was wong?"
1962566854,"sadness","echo_dawn","Nothing like getting to work and finding out you have to cover extra shifts this week... looks like another 40 hr work week."
1962567005,"sadness","jackmc9984","doesn't wanna get dressed up and be an adult today."
1962567220,"neutral","fixxatedstar","half of me wants to go to sleep, half of me dosen't. shoot. my other half is  dying of sleepiness"
1962567238,"happiness","archiefan96","@DavidArchie Haha same!!! But its gonna be awhile til it comes to sweden i think..."
1962567491,"happiness","pinkielarue","@TheAllianceGuy thankies! btw, what part of scotland do you live in? I never got to visit the UK at all when I lived in Europe"
1962567808,"neutral","Liss3tt3","@Reavel i would be doing the same thing pero la lavadora se da�o"
1962567924,"worry","YourTruthWithin","@teamqivana We're no longer in biz together. The one thing that survived was our marriage. Not so good with the in-laws, though."
1962567954,"worry","JonnyDurish","trying to find some friends and not having any luck"
1962568411,"love","rezarizki","Feelin a little blue tonight.. Love might be good"
1962568429,"sadness","fmpulse","@giordanobc I know how you feel.  Takes far too much time out of my life!"
1962568968,"neutral","mohit","@davidlem Re: meetings, you were right.  My afternoon has started to fill up"
1962568984,"worry","queenofwhoosh","i want some followers"
1962569029,"surprise","Loois9","Ah! Haha Omg  we have no more fudge grahmcracker cookies! Boo"
1962569033,"happiness","Ruthlovesmovies","@SpinachPuffs yeeeeah . . . and it was in intro too  seen Empire top 100 computer games? http://www.empireonline.com..."
1962569426,"sadness","dariustrucker","Not to thrilled about the marathon this sunday, they assigned me on the street. Less $$$"
1962569942,"sadness","princesstenelka","want my new lappytop now, but the site says it won't be here till 6/9"
1962570170,"happiness","kylieee_b","@margjoc haha i am aware of how one contracts a UTI.  and i have training for work at 8:45 tomorrow morning so i have to go to bed early"
1962570303,"hate","bellametaphor","@DeJonGrant I accidentaly slammed my finger in the trunk"
1962570336,"surprise","TheMightyFoz","http://twitpic.com/672s3 - What I woke up to this morning...I didn't want to leave bed."
1962570505,"sadness","June4th","@BusyElleBee That ur anti is what I understood from the message. Sorry left off ur don't vote BNP msg at end due 2 space"
1962570539,"sadness","firsttimemom09","getting ready to drop off something to my man so he can hang out with a friend instead of me"
1962570574,"neutral","Sangeeta_S","My dad's telling me to travel alone from now on. Not that I have a problem with that. I've done it before and it's boring!"
1962570622,"surprise","jedstur","@marketeson damn you and your hot weather - it's freezing in Oz at the moment  I miss summer.."
1962571201,"worry","SelectedTweets","Dislocating your thumb= more painful than dislocating your toe. I was reminded of this today (thankfully, by my toe). Still feels weird"
1962571821,"worry","Jerzygrllys","Damn it, the guys aren't at #comet09  I hope they win though"
1962572113,"sadness","Tallis33","so glad it is friday  two classes, then lazy afternoon. too bad it isnt nice and warm out today"
1962572172,"hate","tpolk02","@devon_leigh u know wut devy dev it sure does suck havin no ID!! My weekends r gone miserable for 3 weeks so drink 4 me plz!!"
1962572554,"sadness","KristenP123","I should be in NYC right now with some of my favorite people but instead I am stuck in RI."
1962572743,"love","Mr_Jiggs","@Genevieve Hey, I didn't get any !!!"
1962572930,"worry","alexdrovna","@KimmelCenter if I could make it to Philadelphia this year I would be there!! but sadly, i cannot"
1962573102,"sadness","lilmissaw3s0m3","@Klzm31sT me too."
1962573245,"worry","EmilyDickey","Wow it's definitely Friday- the gym is completely empty! What to do? I'd like to play the wii but I guess I'll vacuum"
1962574751,"sadness","JonnyDurish","trying to find some friends and not having any luck"
1962574991,"worry","jimheem","Heading to yale.. Grandmother in car accident"
1962575396,"relief","Welsy","Two more loads and the moving crew's done! Started at 7am and i'm done for the day! Too bad the ac doesn't work in my new place  oh life!"
1962575436,"neutral","Smirl","comes home in two days"
1962575463,"worry","mcflyellie","broken my leg  comment me please"
1962575483,"love","eringobragh91","@anberlin Welcome to Seattle! I really wish I could see you guys tonight."
1962576550,"love","justemmature","Enjoying sunshine in the park with friends, pale shirtless footballers are not attractive I'm afraid"
1962576589,"neutral","uwlaxecho","@alyseegs nope. Gone."
1962576968,"worry","eilh","oops i did it again...really shouldnt have."
1962577669,"worry","kurioskurion","@RyanSchartz gah! no money..... at least not for bakugan"
1962577925,"worry","FayZ","macbook dying. switching to iphone."
1962578119,"sadness","tivogirl","@hatcherdogg Would love it but have plans"
1962580479,"worry","kaleenb","I want noms"
1962580530,"sadness","ladyvee","Hmmm, I just realized....I didn't have any bday cake for my birthday...boo hoo!"
1962580836,"sadness","DR3W_B","@grossnoises i miss yoooouuuu!!!!"
1962581294,"empty","VerdyBaby","Watchin tyra bored like always  my stomach hurts"
1962581332,"love","ahhZima","working again today  but off tomorrow for dan's party! yay!"
1962581365,"sadness","Apegrrl","an ultimatum is an ultimatum no matter how you dress it up.  and that sucks."
1962581791,"neutral","Tuckay","No... have to go on cruches next 2 weeks"
1962582502,"hate","SoupyC","Just noticed @ubertwiter didn't get the location right again!  Maybe a way to preview it before sending would be handy??"
1962582521,"empty","DaCupcakeBomb","Allergies suck... My eyes r even mor red than they were b4.  I think I'll stay inside 2day"
1962582632,"worry","Dianaculver","@shecango9984 I knnnowwww I'm so upset!!! I was going to twitter u but my sis's apt is like a led box nosignal! Where was the cookout??!!"
1962582804,"happiness","scamby1","Car shopping with kacy yay"
1962583315,"sadness","JennatFFP","Got 2 get ready 4 work  would rather be fishing!"
1962584495,"empty","Lilyhooshiar1","In human anatomy bored out of my mindddd!  someone save me."
1962584905,"worry","jessie001","i'm pretty bored/tried. my mom is going to be home in an hour. @kassi911 is fixing to leave. aww...  she's going to texas for a month.."
1962585293,"worry","sillveeahh","So many tests todayyy  I don't feel confident about anyy."
1962585336,"sadness","limeice","No No No @ankita_gaba will take @Shadez away  Not my day! #shadez #twpp"
1962585398,"worry","pinkglow","wants to eat an entire chocolate cheesecake"
1962585457,"empty","MSN_Entertain","Jon & Kate + 8 kids attracted a huge TV audience, tabloid headlines, and now a state labor investigation   http://tinyurl.com/l7zt72"
1962585733,"worry","Nick_Nihiser","on break with @kellyaelliot . It's raining"
1962585988,"sadness","Bayachaya","Work is MAD blocking sites! No fun  but they aren't blocking facebook, twitter & youtube"
1962586007,"neutral","MaxxieJax","I just realized that im going home 2 weeks from today"
1962586757,"sadness","geekouple","@RobPattzNews DIE!  gosh.... i will die 'til movie awards"
1962586798,"neutral","_magic8ball","@matthewjsmall My sources say no"
1962586857,"neutral","pjslim","@jjskidmore i was in front of u the other day i waved and u didnt  off to eddie izzard now!"
1962587128,"neutral","LMarle","@boulderdiaries I was afraid you were going to say that."
1962588080,"hate","rebaenrose","@lindentreephoto yeah, its super crap today   Stupid writing!  ugh"
1962588082,"sadness","thetinyfig","wants to go out and enjoy the weather but is tired and stuck in bed"
1962588389,"neutral","Brenda_Bullet","Haha yea  if i knew yew wanted 2 go i would have told yew"
1962588960,"happiness","kakaps","@jy6 looking forward to your mandarin album.  Hope that you will come Singapore again"
1962589330,"sadness","miissmellyss","i want to see the next gossip girl episode!"
1962589434,"worry","LydiaJorge","transferring 368558682 photos is annoying.. I want to watch Up"
1962589473,"surprise","paperandtwine","omg seated for seth lakeman but way too far back for my liking  x"
1962589523,"neutral","Brandystrippers","@charchaos how come  its for us now to win ms twitter world.is it not working for you ?"
1962590154,"sadness","mkouye","The Killers are coming to TD Banknorth in Boston on 9/4 at 7:30pm. And, I can't go.   Everyone else should go though! Tickets on sale Sat."
1962591306,"neutral","NirTober","had to give my 5 year old golden retriever away to another family today  #sad http://bit.ly/s48D0"
1962591334,"happiness","jessicawofford","@BrandiHoov we are coming...won't be there til around 9....can't stay though"
1962591484,"fun","nell_xo","@TomGriffola Not a fan of the Bulmers, but the Magners pear is AWESOME, I want slush puppy though!  #Hurryup #classy #omgimpatient!"
1962591662,"fun","JamesMurphy","@MAKEUPMANMAE LMAO...Ha! No I just simply wanted to go to NY!"
1962592144,"worry","courtneyjane729","@iwan2ctheworld she passed away in April.  she was really sick with a genetic disease."
1962592252,"relief","xEmmalinax","I'm such a saddo, haha. But that actually makes me really happy. Warrens dead though"
1962592290,"neutral","BrandySanDiego","@tattoos1985 is it seven yet?"
1962592382,"worry","rustincolor","@EdwinIsRaDd why did you never buy bagels when i was tehre? i feel so unloved  haha"
1962592511,"fun","cmsimike","@derekspringer  i for one welcome our new cyber-criminal-overlords."
1962592907,"sadness","generalsmuts","@anachronous I miss you"
1962592978,"worry","zoepapilia","Ok. So I'm not moving, someone else took the apt I wanted  at least now I can work on organizing my stuff"
1962593163,"sadness","locaenlacabeza","Boring day today. Broke so I can't go and see my friend's band tonight  Maybe The Q tomorrow though."
1962593309,"neutral","spicyspice","@jacobjunior7 it's still being retarded for me"
1962593483,"sadness","chiikita","he switches off his cellphone!! huaaaaa, i cant sleep  buzz me bebe.."
1962594155,"sadness","LeaL714","wow i just woke up and read drews blog .. oh man im seriously crying right now"
1962594410,"love","exotickandikane","@the5thletter i love dixie kitchen's peach wings and fried green tomatoes  i hope the one by river oaks stay open."
1962594677,"neutral","kotby","really need to study, many books many updates  :~"
1962594716,"worry","GEEKVGIRL","I FEEL LIKE CRAP......"
1962598914,"neutral","SteffanyV","looking for my littlest tsutsu..."
1962599057,"sadness","Miss_Severance","disappointed! I forgot to tweet something really inappropriate @graphicphantom yelled in whole foods yesterday & now I can't remember it."
1962599722,"enthusiasm","michaeljritchie","@Littleradge I have a friend who loves that spot. I want to go"
1962599855,"surprise","ElendaK","is wondering what I did to get on the "do not respond" list"
1962599867,"worry","amieecollier","is traumatized and saddened by the 2 baby squirells she just found on abandoned on the sidewalk."
1962599982,"surprise","serious_skeptic","@cloudforest OMG that is AWFUL! $12k??? Wow     Our pyr figured out how to open a doorknobs one day by crushing them in her jaws and"
1962600005,"neutral","walmer","Bummer. MacBook is bugging out  Any Mac heads want to lend a helping hand."
1962600088,"hate","bookgrl","Still hating the whole Twitter replies thing. I feel like I'm missing bits.  #fixreplies"
1962600327,"worry","vieirasboots","I quite like baseball and bball oh and the odd gridiron match that a tiny tiny part of the worlds population calls football"
1962600629,"happiness","delacool","@karriedaway you look sooooo pretty love. dang I wish I was in NY so I could c u do ur thang"
1962600659,"enthusiasm","DankayyB","@TarQuianHesa Yeah they are! So stop making fun of me! I gotta get new ones"
1962600901,"sadness","DawnYang1","All my loved ones are leaving on Sunday..... sad"
1962601225,"worry","sundayrain","@Tech_N9ne I'm not having a good day"
1962601314,"worry","joonieb","@euripidean oh dear Whoops indeed"
1962601589,"worry","luvgirl_4u","@SEXYJENN_18 i emailed you the link, pretty sad uh?  RIP Jessie Kitty"
1962602542,"love","Demonol","Very happy that @pricy landed safely, I miss her already  http://myloc.me/205R"
1962602666,"neutral","Coyotegravy","Filling out paperwork."
1962602712,"sadness","JennLeeLo","@Agent_M that just gave me that sick-to-my-stomach feeling  ppl like that don't belong in regular society, ever!"
1962602966,"worry","xTHEOx","I need to get away. I wish I had money to go travel for a bit. I miss my east coast friends."
1962603066,"fun","sarrifairy","The first officially beautiful day of the year and I'm stuck inside the office    A Magners and BBQ will make up for it!"
1962603086,"sadness","Lanakins09","uploading PCD onto my iTunes xD i used to have it but certian events caused me to lt sadly"
1962603165,"surprise","McDayDreamer","@talulala really? and yeah it's too soon"
1962603189,"worry","jess_zook","@GenuineAmy Dude, I miss the 90's.   btw, the name of my mix is "Damn the man! Save the 90's!" hahaha"
1962603196,"sadness","xmarydunnx","the dog dug a hole in the backyard well iwas sleeping, now im grounded"
1962603481,"empty","upsidedowndog","Urgh.... feeling like crap today. Bad headache, tired, blood sugars too high."
1962603724,"enthusiasm","loreli","wishing i was there, so you should go in my place. #brandwkshop http://tr.im/mOXL i see they've got scott bedbury and more.. poor me"
1962604352,"sadness","kymbecash","my followers went from 22 to 20  i'd follow you back but i cant do anything till i get interwebnet! I want more followers. Im interesting!"
1962604509,"hate","MediaCircus09","I work for a man that is so bad at his job that the whole team want to leave, and all believe we would make more money if he wasn't here"
1962604539,"worry","stevedemmitt","just got rear ended"
1962604793,"worry","SBettyy","@ArcticMonkeysUK  i thought it was earlier"
1962604819,"neutral","melissasmission","@danielfelice look like i can only quick post from the dashboard that is all"
1962605079,"neutral","lateXblunts","@AshDaPrincess chill its da rihanna bob. If it was 16 in I'd have no problem!!! Lol. R u at school all summer"
1962605094,"worry","MissyT4RP","Why doesn't Rob tweet anymore?"
1962605802,"relief","GBeitler","Glad it's Friday... but bummed that I am officially working Saturdays."
1962605844,"sadness","jpgdesign","Another Qi about to start....I'll be missing the next 4"
1962606804,"sadness","dimplezcdj","Bout to get ready for work ugh i hate workin on fridays"
1962607552,"sadness","rockstdy82","Jenn jenn jenn oh why oh why won't u pass on ur iTunes knowledge onto me?"
1962607691,"neutral","rachellynn","@karliehustle i can almost imagine what the call taker must've felt like taking that call...especially if they have young ones at home."
1962607890,"enthusiasm","LGDComm","@maryegilmore Ready! Its raining in Miami though  Go Cavs right?"
1962607997,"neutral","Just_aGirl","@nick_carter can't see it it says "This video is private.""
1962608344,"sadness","ladeyjadey","At Spring Awakening...cannot wait for it to start. Last time I'm here ever! Boo, sad times"
1962608690,"worry","chf1","So bored  waiting for class to start. Sigh midterms next week >_<"
1962608975,"worry","DaniRacanelli","jen! we havent talked in like 3 days!"
1962609100,"neutral","Axika","@SHARKSHOCKY Hi, California is cool! Here in Budapest/Hungary it's too cold and cloudy today  but usually it's hot in the summer)"
1962609194,"worry","Marz305","Has that feeling like when you want to cry but you dont so you get that empty feeling in your stomach and your throat starts to hurt."
1962609197,"hate","rosaalind","Geometry is so Damn boring.  waste of time.. 20 more minutes left"
1962609829,"sadness","RelentlessBride","@citygirllife I'm so ready for the weekend. Did you see all the flash flood warnings for around here?"
1962610030,"sadness","SophiaOHC","Friday is not treating me well so far."
1962610369,"sadness","JennieSem","in accounting class ; then detention after"
1962610422,"worry","JessicaRosales","daddy is in the hospital  i dont like it!"
1962610746,"relief","karlaaaM","@gabbychiquito aww  ok well just let me know what she says hah <3"
1962610795,"neutral","dadadilts","this thing was more fun with my itouch"
1962610943,"sadness","BluewaterYoga","Sorting out Twitter issues....very frustrated that you can't talk to someone and they respond slowly to issues - capacity the challenges"
1962611212,"worry","hotmilkgt","@tylercrex my power went out as well.. Except I'm in nor cal"
1962611598,"neutral","BaleBabe66","@Huneychild ....back to a frizz head again"
1962611690,"worry","BJMuntain","@sfwa The article on language groups in spaceports looks really cool, but i can't open the site from that link."
1962611953,"sadness","kristanewman","Oh my god...my favorite havaianas just broke after three years or service  they will be missed. and they were molded perfectly to my feet"
1962612033,"neutral","GiannaLovesBill","gaahhhh! i want my #comet09 stream back..."
1962612045,"sadness","kristaphoto","fell on the sidewalk in harvard square.  stupid cobblestones!  now my hand hurts"
1962612553,"worry","Dogbook","Lucy has an upset tummy and sore leg  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/182397"
1962612617,"sadness","marquee_man","As Simon/Idol might say, 21life sentences not good enough for Chester Stiles. How can one rape a 2 year old child?!  How the F?  Why?"
1962612947,"neutral","sasaen","Internet stopped working right in the middle me quantum leap.  grr"
1962613201,"worry","chelsiebabez","Mummy and Nathan not in today! On My Todd!"
1962613532,"neutral","JoannaSimkin","@rinaswag I think she'll probably have the baby before I get there unfortunately"
1962613703,"worry","SunnySap","i miss "mr.""
1962613975,"worry","mdanbom","@chirocindy Don't tease me! I'm in desperate need of an adjustment."
1962614115,"neutral","2tonetom","@brieasaurus haha yeah, oh well im just going to go and be emo now"
1962614186,"happiness","Aselb","It's too perfect outside to be at work"
1962614322,"love","starwildbuzz","@HeatXCL I wanna get an FF tweet too"
1962614895,"sadness","tcherryx","@dawl83 how you get a day off and you still aint hit me.. Where is the lOVE?"
1962614975,"worry","Turbocrazyj","Misses the good old days!"
1962614981,"sadness","julieroberts1","Just dusted & vacuumed apartment.  I think I need another new vacuum...my entire apartment is smoky.  I just bought this one from Kmart"
1962615369,"boredom","iyiu","bored out of my mind"
1962615602,"sadness","J4Yx2","Man work is so busy today  2people called in sick and the old perverts keep rolling in  sadness abounds..."
1962615624,"neutral","SoulAfrodisiac","@ladyvee SO DO I!!   My jet is in the repair shop...lol"
1962616114,"sadness","heathenx","@kattekrab No tango icons in this revision."
1962616444,"worry","Budgie337","Fell off the wagon and had a Maccy's!!"
1962616532,"relief","swasher","@chaosofthemind aww  get it when your mom comes back 8D"
1962616669,"sadness","Thedream13","last day at the Ko Olina.  off to north shoreee(:"
1962616715,"neutral","jbjonez","@westerfield I picked up a taco over lunch... you got a guitar."
1962616809,"sadness","dadadilts","@lauriedriscoll did you finish twilight? i did! and i wish it wasnt over"
1962616852,"relief","Jaclyn319","@KazooCarrieFan I know! I can't go either...it's sad  She needs to come back to MI asap, haha"
1962617024,"sadness","chrisVEGGIE16","follow friday: following more people then followers  follow me? woot #followfriday"
1962617370,"relief","jackspencer","@vexdigital  I still love the fact that you can't scratch them!!! That is a winner for me!!!"
1962617412,"neutral","michelle_0687","Oooh the hangover"
1962617792,"neutral","gabapple","Buried under more web changes. Going to make lunch now... I won't have a chance later. Too much to do."
1962617950,"worry","Elabeth","Dang  I left my Rolando's dinner leftovers at home! I knew I should have put them in the shop fridge last night before we left downtown!"
1962617995,"worry","starwildbuzz","@promotingyou  no FF tweet for me?"
1962618222,"worry","BizzMan0n","is alone  ! watch a lot of DVD on my laptop !!!"
1962618239,"sadness","mehulved","Long day at office again. Tiring week"
1962618376,"worry","zcrab","@Lbaje i got talent too  u nvr hear me sing or dance them does call me Mini Breezy"
1962649118,"fun","JennaDaley","@megpriley I am sorry I never got back to you about going to Vegas this weekend, when you asked me forever ago.  Have fun and good luck!!!"
1962649400,"worry","ithacajake","@bhufford: I've got a fairly flat route available... the problem is I no longer have a fully functional bike to ride"
1962649513,"sadness","RachelSexton","damn, I paid like $16 my first Slightly Stoopid show and now they charge $47 a pop   makes me sad..."
1962650529,"sadness","epicfotoguy","@mrkris really?  dang.. I missed it   *sigh*"
1962650581,"neutral","abholc","At work as always"
1962651005,"relief","hay_baybe","jus gt bak nw on msn stil not got a tan  o wel x"
1962651071,"surprise","LaBellaBeauty","@Fluffy617 a steak burrito bowl right! I wish I wasn't too lazy to go downtown"
1962651267,"worry","ChickenStudios","Still no reply from @lorenb about my SimFinger problem  So no iRape parody video until I get a response, sorry guys"
1962651625,"neutral","helbro","got three grades so far: Math11 -> B , Acct1B -> A, Bio19 -> A. Good times to be had. Sad about the math grade though."
1962651842,"sadness","welsh_chick_emz","needs somewhere to go...its still lush out + i want to be back out in it"
1962651982,"worry","Lewisham","Thus far, Metaverse U has used the Second Life = Virtual Worlds, rather than the gamier Terra Nova usage. I'm in the TN camp  #metaverseu"
1962652280,"boredom","hideout","@vmlemon i dont like #kde since ver. 4.0 its like vista  #fail"
1962652413,"worry","ecbrooks","@lost_in_a_story Glad I'm not the only one. He's our baby, and I'm terrified he'll think we're never coming back."
1962652527,"empty","evan_b","@qcmartinez That sucks  nobody wants to stay in and lounge? Or do something for free-99?"
1962652584,"happiness","CLAiireex","OMG !! hollyoaks well dramatic  !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1962652599,"sadness","Angelfish42","going to miss springwatch tonight  going to have to make do with my own garden!"
1962652616,"neutral","nathantwright","@dmann11 All those links on AICN are broken. Did they get slapped?"
1962652712,"hate","gigi4538","1 of my most hated jobs. Clipping coupons & going thru house, top 2 bottom & making grocery list. Took forever & now major shopping trip"
1962652763,"neutral","prtilliery","Mayne, its getting hot out here in georgia.."
1962652832,"sadness","dianaface","@eraticschematic I'm pretty bored with it too"
1962653254,"worry","wonder_out_loud","My tummy hurts"
1962653346,"sadness","Millicent9365","has just received a phone call for new patients...i guess that means work for tomorrow!"
1962653490,"enthusiasm","LexxStarbreaker","Trying to win a @neverwear contest for a a print of The Day the Saucers Came signed by @neilhimself... My brain is tapped out of ideas"
1962653607,"sadness","Trupedo_Glastic","Tried to do an Audioboo recording but it' distorted due to the high volume  #OBS"
1962653785,"empty","barbaraaragao","@tommcfly  and you only respond to ddlovato that is not your fan"
1962653878,"worry","schlaurerz","thinking 53 more days is the only thing that gets me through work. ahhh i dont want to go"
1962654218,"neutral","krys104","would really like to not be at work and instead taking a nap."
1962654276,"neutral","janavalerie","@misschellebeans i work til 10:15..."
1962654379,"neutral","fuzzydragons","@AnnRan5 thats too bad"
1962654726,"worry","alissaferrino","@davechinnici still not 100%    im sick of being sick!"
1962654987,"relief","anthunguyen09","@MrQuocHung Chang thay anh online gi ca"
1962655008,"worry","Sunshine1213","Already know I'm gonna miss josh next week.. My mom needs more surgery.. Work sucks.. Not a good day. Oh and my tum tum hurts"
1962655118,"relief","eelliott","@chicodebarge I guess you're responding to me about DC. If that's the case..."
1962655170,"sadness","WrockDinahSaur","@wyatthaplo I can haz beer too? Oh wait... I'm a work..."
1962655179,"neutral","gabrielayou","Miss Cauzinhoooo already"
1962655427,"hate","BrandySanDiego","I hate this weather  i wanna bake"
1962655681,"worry","ubiquitousmixie","i seriously need to live somewhere fabulously queer. i miss being around gay people"
1962655970,"sadness","KirtiB","@shaaqT @primaveron to mast ladki patata hai chal jiske sath bhi jaye khush rehna...will miss u my love...  #twpp"
1962656347,"neutral","loveclrss","tummy hurts"
1962658654,"sadness","loverstr","is updating an old ipod...sad...i miss my orange nano"
1962658661,"worry","_SkaterGirl_","i went to the doctor. i hav a virus."
1962659263,"worry","kiwifoto","Just got off phone with Black Swamp Bird Observatory - No reports of Connecticut Warbler from Metzger or Magee today..."
1962659376,"sadness","l_berman","@lululemon thanks.  Sadly the streamline top II is sold out. Streamline trunk II is available in my size but that only gets me halfway."
1962659597,"neutral","peteypatter","@dleroux I still have my lights still up   you think he can do mine too?"
1962660094,"neutral","DaRealTK","@freckleface3 I am trying but I can't place it....sorry!!!"
1962660135,"happiness","divarina21","@youulovemee she is good! so gor-juz yea i kno i asked her yesterday when we were at tha hospital if she talked to u and she said no"
1962660224,"sadness","jamalclarke","lost my DC hat .."
1962660661,"worry","ajmsnr","Just got an IM from another co-worker who just got laid off. Lots of people becoming unemployed"
1962660848,"neutral","amandakula","lazy day, staying off the foot as much as possible."
1962660903,"worry","sheonpoint","@TrueVisionDubbz OMG! that wasn't funny.. LOOK at his face in the pic.. OMG! that made me sad! BAD JOB MIKE!! wtf?? .. poor K O B E"
1962660969,"neutral","_Tanyya","has been told shes not allowed in the sun tomorow!  either that or wear sun cream!"
1962660987,"worry","kupo707","My dad is trying to force me to learn to drive. I don't like doing things I'm not good at in public"
1962661107,"sadness","Manwithastick","Have I ever told you I absolutly hate writing emails, status pdates are fine but emails have so much...finality...to them"
1962661182,"worry","MalloryBrasher","I'm way to hungry to even think. I can't go to work on an empty stomach like this"
1962661491,"worry","xamountoftruth","@beforeyoufall i wish i could offer a hug right now, so bad"
1962661667,"worry","heavensent2619","@DJMagic aww i'm sorry!! I was rushing around on my lunch break so I didn't even think of it!!"
1962661836,"relief","_kwaz","@BDEugenio yeah, when you start reaching your early-mid-20s"
1962662162,"neutral","kakewhore","I'm sitting around wanting to do something  any ideas?"
1962662275,"worry","meshee722","I lost count   sorry I let u down..."
1962662497,"surprise","jennyzzz","@EverRaven Wow, really? I didn't know it was that serious.  Well that sucks. Texas must have been chock full of asbestos."
1962662531,"neutral","Susan_Bigler","Work around the house  boo"
1962662555,"neutral","jejejejen","says SPACE AND TIME IS ALL WE NEED  http://plurk.com/p/x2dvj"
1962662735,"worry","Don_Cerati","...what ever happened w/ creating music in collaboration just for fun without the "what am i getting out of it" question in mind? PLEASE!"
1962662780,"happiness","victoria_mag","dad's posting got postponed ONE HOUR before he was meant to leave. either going to afganistan or NOWHERE. i'm sorta happy  but he's gutted"
1962663708,"surprise","kaybre008","@brycecurtis  really?! Ur getting rid of it! That's sad"
1962663715,"fun","kiannabanks","@Jaicenia lmao i get that alot  haha"
1962664064,"sadness","taneak","@Saniyyah "My House"...I like that club! I wnt there whn I was in LA!! U know I'm not going! That's on Tuesday..I can't"
1962664264,"worry","lillibet56","@NPollard unless absolutely gorgeous I'd rather men stayed covered up! Have seen sights today to put you off your food.......  #ukpubs"
1962664467,"sadness","Aleksandra__G","I'm pissed, someone took my wallet"
1962664742,"worry","diannasolano","@cruirco i still dont know what we would do though"
1962665114,"neutral","silkexsp","@elisaxx http://twitpic.com/66y00 - Niceee  Hey i never get stickersss"
1962665546,"sadness","firebuilt","@melii That's true.  It still sucks though 'cause I was all "LOLOL I AM SO ORIGINAL--ohshit" so. But yeah. Thanks!"
1962665728,"surprise","ItsCariSnickas","Hey Dont Feel So Good,cuz i got in a car accedent yesterday."
1962665803,"empty","Mig177","I wish I could go to E3.  Oh well...."
1962683562,"sadness","emilybetty","I really miss Sebastian"
1962683669,"worry","felloff","Fell off the wagon and had a Maccy's!! : Fell off the wagon and had a Maccy's!!"
1962683934,"hate","LaRainbow","@_ophelia Oh, Hamletgasm! I hate having to work 12 hours today!How utterly crap, I miss everything! [managed forum for 5 min on break  ]"
1962684003,"worry","etherealemk","Another Lake Park kid is going to Tulane. I'm not unique anymore"
1962684134,"worry","hsutterby","throat infection coming on strong I think  I can taste blood :S"
1962684149,"worry","MandaSous","working allllllllll weekend..how thrilling..and i have to say bye to goshy on sunday cause she is leaving for poland for 3 months"
1962684291,"neutral","LouisTwitton","@redassyellabone It's time to be all u can be like the reserves....I lost one."
1962684328,"hate","donmelton","Left "Up" due to out-of-focus projection.   Hopefully my complaints to theater management will get it fixed for everyone else still there."
1962684485,"relief","hawkins_boi","There my laptop is dead  lucky I got my fone lol"
1962685057,"neutral","Sashaaa14","@mileycyrus i dont think you can vote anymore! i tried"
1962685298,"worry","stephiebug","Why oh why do I always forget to take the medication I'm *supposed* to take 30 minutes before breakfast? Just taking it now at 1:30"
1962685527,"neutral","goaliegirl","@AaronWarner I know, but I'm on Rogers and I'm pretty sure they don't have the same agreement with Twitter."
1962685707,"worry","christineelgar","why the hell is youtube not working???  NO NO  NO NO   NO  NO NO NNO NO"
1962685710,"surprise","alice_wynn","@jenna218 I'm there! So, no New York for me!"
1962685720,"sadness","Roxie009","@sianhughes_ oh god i just watched it to!! did claire escape? AGAIN!!! it was really quite sad"
1962685744,"neutral","suzin003","I'm going through withdrawls,  missing someone!!!!"
1962685920,"relief","andrewloveslisa","Andrew's flight back to CO should be landing soon"
1962686130,"worry","NotaCougar","just found out I won't be tweeting from ,my phone in Scotland, different networks    I was going to upload photos to twitpic, sorry"
1962686271,"sadness","cortniegarrett","@xomorganjane aw, sad  I was looking forward to seeing you!"
1962686537,"worry","jikes","*uh* totally forgot the gentoo reinstallation  don't know what i should backup. the make.conf, my home and /boot. nothing else..?"
1962686542,"enthusiasm","dodieputhoff","back from taking jarid to the airport  but looking forward to meeting my new nephew in 5 days."
1962686713,"worry","Jlogios","Eh they shut the freeway down! omw to a job interview so i guess i'm gonna be late"
1962686760,"relief","_Anix_","@axm9237 I'll have to wait for the YouTube links"
1962686947,"worry","lisalee","@ajcoo82 oh no.  hope you feel better soon. Hugs. I had flu earlier this month."
1962687228,"worry","spicytofu","Why are all the cool classes being offered this summer?  Boo."
1962687510,"neutral","Its_roXXX","@SocialVibe I have a FACEBOOK but I use MYSPACE and TWITTER the most. I hardly check my Facebook.."
1962687906,"love","lauash","totally forgot she had soccer today. ugh  today was actually good too..."
1962688420,"worry","Batman__","gah! i just can't get the hang of twitter   i must be more stupid than i thought! :/"
1962689196,"hate","megan_marieee","i dont wanna do this anymore! but the couch is jus sittin in the middle of the floor. do i really HAVE to finish?"
1962689261,"sadness","devindennis","10 more minutes and i never have this class again. Its kinda sad cause this class is so fun"
1962689365,"worry","CelticsFan27","@1045CHUMFM I give up Fav!  I try and try every time...and nothing ever happens...I'm not usually  a quitter...in this case I might be!"
1962689484,"neutral","xMissMelisax","twitter wont work on my mob...."
1962689963,"surprise","pjdavs","I want to see Terminator, but everyone's already seen it"
1962690291,"sadness","newkidfan78","listening to @joeymcintyrye's Without Your Love...hes so tortured in that song...makes me sad"
1962690458,"worry","Inkedprincess21","Ashley= getting sick... Ugh I'm losing my voice! Nooo"
1962690558,"worry","eternallyfree07","Cell is dying.hafta plug it up every night now."
1962690826,"sadness","brutallysassy","@tahitianmom that truely is sad news to hear  we are all created equal, so sad to know our neighbors are such prejudice people"
1962691274,"worry","dirtyhousewife","after 4 tries and 2 arms it was successful BUT now I look like a junkie"
1962691297,"sadness","zeefeet","@CrypticIrnAngel thats a bummer i haven't got one yet :/ been waiting over a year  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
1962691379,"worry","jn1g06","Decided not to go...I want to see my sweetie  But I can't."
1962692115,"hate","seraphine","almost died. Laptop screen was set to 100% brightness after I reinstalled Windows Vista. Got a headache now  #insanedefaults"
1962692356,"happiness","BritnyBitch","Im so full. Subway was bomb! Waiting for my 2nd shift to start"
1962692523,"relief","MontyRules","#quitsmokingdiary  5 Weeks tomorrow since giving up YAAAAAAYY!!!!               - I dont want to talk about it"
1962692543,"sadness","MissMileysFan1","@MandyyJirouxx but Today mtv does not allow us to vote"
1962693096,"sadness","Mommy2jesse","Wish I didn't have to work today."
1962693175,"surprise","BonesCrazy24","Well dinner was disastrous my uncle lashed out at me for no reason he just told me to shut up ! ?? Confused since i wasn't even talking"
1962693540,"neutral","2LiveCrew","is looking for a job"
1962693688,"sadness","Cristalq","Its rained ever day in Miami since I've been here....."
1962693758,"neutral","mmzgully","@marisianempire:   whatcha reading?"
1962693803,"hate","mike03p","@_missJP LMAO! ugh i know, i need to sleep the Qdoba off before i do all that workin out. and no, ur pic doesnt show"
1962693920,"worry","Melissaismyname","@lorib709 sorry you aren't feeling well!"
1962693955,"happiness","missrattymad","just got home from a long day at asda. joy"
1962694349,"worry","mommyandme09","Its raining on Staunton again, We need the rain, but that just means Ive got nothing sitting outside for people to see,"
1962694386,"neutral","iJerkdummynigh","bout tuh head out an find sum wher tuh go an chill"
1962694418,"sadness","KB42PAH","i wish i were hanging out with kobe right now"
1962695000,"relief","Sambo101","Math was not fun at all. Oh well, i get to cook as soon as i get home."
1962695175,"sadness","pinkfroggg","Guess I'm gonna try the nap thing again 2day, but since my kids haven't cooperated with it yet this week I'm sure 2day won't be different"
1962695636,"happiness","CiciBee","Poor baby's got his first booboo  that he caused himself LOL  http://twitpic.com/673vt"
1962695967,"surprise","tjbladez","pulled from interesting meeting to an urgent support request"
1962696632,"sadness","mecharaider","i neeeeeeeed music suggestions but no one will give them"
1962696685,"fun","NeFReTBoYSs","Knight Online Come Back"
1962697086,"happiness","stu_boy","@SallyTraffic ermm, me me me!!"
1962697179,"sadness","Beejing","Just lost respect to someone."
1962697308,"worry","Silkytooth","@autonomy14 Ah, sorry to hear your trip was canceled"
1962697318,"sadness","_blackmamba_","Sims 3 wouldn't work on my old macbook  hope to get Sims 2 by tomorrow."
1962697780,"sadness","gabboucla","@nikkilynnsd aw i wish i could.  i have to get ready for atlanta and i have to come into work since I am behind on work"
1962697969,"sadness","whowantssoup","MIT bookstore has best book selection, but it's the one bookstore I have no coupons or discounts for"
1962698312,"neutral","AmberTen","I cant follow any1  on FollowFriday LOL u guys follow @SteveRaze @djpooh @losdigital @djsmartiez @djeightmile @maestro @rollingout @djlgee"
1962698425,"sadness","RachaelSun","about to start getting ready for work.  took lexi out to the park earlier! wish i could lay around ALL day."
1962698738,"worry","savvasmalamas","Im downloading manually the oooiifull.mp4 movie by @leebrimelow as it seems the only way to see it fully"
1962699796,"happiness","weiseldog","@WerewolfSeth YES!!"
1962699865,"neutral","mellanella","Prayers for my family and my dog - Mozart is being put down this afternoon.   Pics of him at http://tinyurl.com/mozartdog"
1962700122,"neutral","cliff10001","@EuanGriffin Why?"
1962700257,"sadness","kooltycoon","@lyricals don't care about my struggles.."
1962700469,"worry","ranisherly","Still can't sleep..missin' my dobby..."
1962700720,"surprise","articlescholar","HD full again...  http://plurk.com/p/x2eb3"
1962701076,"hate","lightmanx5","For some dumb reason my dresser is sticky on top. And for another reason, a family history book got attached to it  Now the back is jacked"
1962701270,"neutral","krystynchong","I'm still thinking ... Idk"
1962702233,"neutral","evegboop","@michy_mar_mey I want cake  is it chocolate!??"
1962702673,"neutral","MsMarcella","@proactiff WHO IS SAYING ALL THIS...are you ignoring me *frowns*"
1962702878,"neutral","suifeat","@cailingg me too  what are you doing?"
1962703028,"sadness","HIJayRenee","i miss my boo  on another note im soready for this game to come on tonight...fox grill anyone???!!"
1962703323,"worry","vBSetup","iLook struggles to make Outlook more social http://bit.ly/JjUdF looks interesting, no Twitter support?"
1962703698,"sadness","moonslark","@sunilsebastian I still have a lot of time on my stupid contract...  18 months before I can change providers"
1962703850,"neutral","BryanKAdams","@kassielovee belly ache...lulz....I'm sorry though  ....ginger ale!"
1962703920,"empty","underwater_love","@gcrecords yes"
1962703924,"worry","mujeragualuna","would like to go back to bed. horrible headache pounding behind my eyes and all over my skull"
1962704109,"happiness","loopylou15","@heloloser thanks clair, I haven't watched it yet."
1962704142,"worry","Lopsi","Should have left car and walked home! I might need someone to rescue me with petrol! Light flashing"
1962704156,"worry","rodentvs","@3CB goodnight hun. Yaani nakam wakati unaenda  @soleaddict1 hai"
1962704366,"neutral","Jokerscuckoo","@carbyville - Ya but they have to speak to you first to reply to them.."
1962705248,"worry","heroofthehour","but mum just burned some bacon... smoke alarm's a bitch"
1962705332,"happiness","MsMusiclover","I know I shouldn't be saying this but fuck it..I'm horny as hell"
1962705336,"happiness","danni82","@GirlUSoCrazy lol girl I cannot stop!!! I am a student, I can't afford $14 a pop eyeshadows. But I am so hooked"
1962705507,"sadness","Brittany_M","at least 3 more days"
1962705611,"neutral","izin","I just filled out the forms to stop contributing to the retirement account i had set up with my employer  I have to pay off my credit card"
1962706275,"worry","1azylizzie","@SavageMike :: I know the feeling  Its a little depressing :S"
1962707895,"worry","happywhenwetalk","@berrylies I am so sorry."
1962708129,"fun","ReinaDeFab","@zinzR0ux whatz that supposed to mean  i have a dog now  waaaaaaaaaah lol jk"
1962708205,"worry","PrettyLittlePet","I feel like crying! One of my diamond earrings fell out my ear bc it was loose and I can't find it. I've had them forever"
1962708234,"sadness","richardjluna","TGIF!!! But also sad that this is last day I get to work with my favorite TV reporter"
1962708320,"neutral","MyMandyy","@sgBEAT:kwanghock @Valkyrieslife @kahhongtay @jeremy89632 it is the Hao Da Za Ji Pa?? I miss the food there so much??"
1962708361,"sadness","MDobson84","@YasmineGalenorn depressed that both of those are already out but yours isnt. I want your book!!"
1962708562,"worry","easywayout","feel. sick. too. much. cheese. on. toast."
1962708802,"happiness","som1kewl","No 10th  2 months=]"
1962709848,"sadness","jerseymoongirl","@simplysinister that sucks  I seriously hope you feel better soon, you need to come over next week!!!"
1962709944,"happiness","angelawrites","it's been so nice all day, and now it looks like it's going to rain...just when i was getting excited about taking photos when i get home"
1962710048,"love","MelissaPR","@AYoungOne Yep that one works. I LOVE Potbelly but I can't get it in AZ  Have to wait for my Chi-town trips @PotbellySdchWks"
1962710492,"worry","madtap22","@iamdiddy me.  confused about a guy...he's great but why am I pushing him away?"
1962711269,"worry","sln25373","@fountain1987 Ooh!Wish i was there.Just watched Hollyoaks on E4.So sad,please dont leave chris!"
1962711455,"fun","princesspooh90","@billbathgate hotttie poooh!!!! ooo i bet it sounda magical (HH) im coming home in 1 hour"
1962711781,"worry","ezza122","OH NO! MY FAN BROKE  NOOOOOOOOOOOO! great now i have to swelter in the heat. i like heat-ish but it hot! my laptop warm as well."
1962711785,"love","mslindaday","@DopeAlicious I'm sorry"
1962712054,"sadness","hellohouston","@kyle_newman i just called and it's sold out.  bummer. next time!"
1962712087,"worry","KayleenDuhh","This is sad"
1962712476,"worry","TheAndrewKane","Just got done discing, found two discs in the last two days. Solid.  Wish @pacheros would treat my koozie better and not throw it around"
1962712694,"neutral","Dahltin","eating my roommate's cereal. sorry bro"
1962712923,"sadness","Melkayway","Im wishing that i had the weekend off so i can go to SOL."
1962712948,"worry","DietSarah","Just tried an energy drink to report back for you guys, and im sweating and have the worst cramps. I want to lie down"
1962713609,"happiness","mnemosynekurai","@danosphere It's a beautiful MN day, but I'm stuck inside playing Zelda.  I've gotta play at least 10 hrs. today."
1962714039,"love","dannigyrl","@michemo Bristol's is the ish! I LOVE their brunch on Sundays. Ruth Chris is good too but I got sick there once."
1962714118,"love","NinaRampz","@oneofthosefaces i know im inlove with  @katyperry actually.."
1962714319,"sadness","SavingEveryday","@thriftymommy well my daughter is 20 now...thats why I said 'I miss those days'...they go by sooo fast"
1962714445,"sadness","tracy3577","spending most of the weekend working.. that doesn't even sound fun"
1962714587,"worry","bruce","Testing out Hulu desktop. Reminds me of a shittier version of boxy. Feels clunky, search is too hidden, the menu system is questionable."
1962715029,"sadness","PARISnHOLLYWOOD","@BiffBarker Ohhhhh how I miss the Brunch"
1962715577,"worry","HeyAshleyHey","Oh my god. I literally drove in rain that was so hard that i couldn't see in front of me. I'm shaking"
1962715957,"sadness","drewbenn","Oops, forgot we are having a barbecue at work today! I didn't need to pack a lunch after all"
1962716384,"love","alishaa312","at the house home alone   , playing guitar some guitar hero loud."
1962716696,"relief","Mrsjnr","@stevico1 Its so nice i ahd to work today"
1962716867,"neutral","D_Educator94","@solangeknowles girl you know beauty has a price"
1962717057,"hate","alexd_xo","@CourtJsallis  lolll, i cba to get the sun stuff and i forgot that the back of my leg wouldnt gwt tanned lol. it hurts sooo bad right now"
1962717066,"neutral","uglyplaidshorts","@ginamc she's been watching the cartoon clone wars, and she's totally into the force.  Shannon won't let her see the live ones yet tho"
1962717674,"worry","djvillin","@yayamartinez dude i am so sorry!!!!! I never got that number for you my fail  i just remembered"
1962717675,"happiness","ellamaehere","@agcruc Girl, if you were part of the tour, I would seriously be the first in line for tickets.  Just sayin'."
1962717716,"sadness","schmoopsiepoo","I am so jelz. I want a house. >"
1962717744,"neutral","SadieRaeMartin","@Em_Fizz he's really not into new people  I dunno em but he said he'd try"
1962717868,"worry","samantha_ehm","watching The Uninvited in my room. Can't wait to go home. But I have to go to the Deid first."
1962718052,"enthusiasm","Layua","Off to NC tonight until June 7th! I'm going to miss NYC   Getting ready for my 21st birthday Luau BBQ on JULY 11TH!!!!!!!!"
1962718160,"surprise","halliekins101","@totalblonde70 ohh i would def give it 2 u but tht was kenyatta's cam not mine  sry but i want tht pic 2"
1962718170,"sadness","jasbonilla","and wtf at little 9 year old wanna be thugs? ugh why can't everyone just be friends and not in cliques like back in the old days"
1962718303,"relief","DsBabyGirl","@nkotblorib Thanks girl!!!!! Like I said, I'm willing to take a loss on them...just don't want to see them wasted"
1962718949,"sadness","technicoloring","this is a horrible day."
1962719031,"worry","Dogbook","Tiggerk is still having upset tummy issues  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6823131"
1962719518,"sadness","mcmcslp","@BeateVeronica I'm jealous - I would love deer steak. One of the downsides of having an almost vegetarian and a carnivore living together"
1962719614,"neutral","zifty","@janelleyo Wish we could deliver alcohol, but state law prohibits us."
1962719626,"worry","bmsterling","@spaley sadly that is so true"
1962719705,"sadness","mugpet","Checking out zensify on my iphone. works fine but no landscape typing"
1962719777,"surprise","WeSaySummer","@bryceavary So no video blogs anymore?"
1962720275,"love","TEAMofDebbyRyan","http://twitpic.com/670pn - she is so cute really i really want to meet her  wish one day"
1962720667,"worry","BonesNeko_UK","@BonesCrazy24 I'm tired, hungry and bored of revision! Sorry to hear about dinner"
1962720812,"neutral","nathanmanuel","AK, flop comes 2K6 I bet 15 get raised to 25 I call, turn is A, we check, river rag, then I check and he bets 15, I raise 15 he calls, 22"
1962720906,"hate","KarlaMunoz","okay... I can't twitter anymore.. I have to study..  ugh I HATE SCHOOL.. jk. but I thoroughly dislike it..."
1962721086,"sadness","danger_skies","Stupid net  we think mum broke it. Again."
1962721788,"relief","Aucado","time to mow the lawn."
1962722078,"neutral","megzatron","Rainy day is rainy."
1962722424,"surprise","RamyDX","@exoticaleila lmao yea, I saw him on atlpics, yea I try to act like I'm still in atl  lol"
1962722569,"sadness","BlackKitty_","No shoes for me."
1962722695,"sadness","kimmmd","is up at the hub for day parade again (of course) and they just cancelled the castle show mid-show"
1962722732,"sadness","justalie","installed the new modem which is meant to run 5 times faster than the old one and its slower  what the hell? gah slow internet kills me"
1962722737,"worry","sunshinekae","I will never eat broadway pizza again.. feelin ill."
1962722819,"worry","MarijuanaTunes","@420thoughts I can understand, pains been part of my life for a long time now  I hope you feel a bit better soon."
1962723081,"sadness","jejily","No pool today.   Stupid weather."
1962723200,"sadness","flufftronix","Roscoe - Smooth Sailin' WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS SONG?????? RAP FRIENDS U HAVE FAILED ME"
1962723206,"fun","Kansasjhawk13","I just love when all my little brothers friends come over"
1962723484,"surprise","babymakes7","@justababy I make that same face when I get home and your mom is watching soaps."
1962724272,"worry","skid_tourst","Where's my bus? I want to go home!"
1962724274,"worry","ourru","I don't think the neti pot is working for me  maybe I'm doing it wrong?"
1962724360,"surprise","crazygirlstacey","Cant believe there had been nice weather all day and I was stuck in doors all day"
1962724437,"empty","suzysak","@johndpoole Not here in Stamford."
1962724712,"happiness","inhaleanxiety","my special edition JFPL came today! all i have time to do is rip the demo cd to itunes and upload to my ipod before i go to work"
1962724835,"sadness","cirialyn","@MAMAHINAi was on the list, i paid 5 to get in, but if your under 21,you cant go in and out, but it was gettin so hot, so we went outside"
1962725030,"worry","DresdenDiaz","My new landlord just called.. I cant move in until tomorrow morning  Way to rain on my parade.."
1962725062,"worry","jamieradcliff","is really stressing out"
1962725080,"love","osulax19","i love my new phone but hate that i didnt get my netbook today..."
1962725604,"sadness","tabby_cat45","Wow, my bed is SO comfy & my nap has been much too short. Getting up for work = do not want."
1962725788,"happiness","brentitude","@joelogic Wish I could be there too!  Enjoy your weekend! xxx"
1962726002,"hate","ZuriNayeem","@BretWolfe its a travesty, no? and, the people who are doing this said they'd THINK about involving joss whedon!!!!"
1962726140,"relief","jrkgirlnla","@HarleyRodrigue hey Harley, I hope you stay around and not let the haters get the best of you!  people suck!"
1962726229,"worry","matywan","Packing is no fun at all  good thing I have the new united on to keep me going... But still no fun"
1962726563,"happiness","eatsweettreats","Playing with the munchkin today, talking cakes and getting ready for a yard sale tomorrow. Not looking forward to that"
1962726761,"sadness","volcsurf21","I have not recieved any mail in over a month  life is boring"
1962726906,"neutral","cowboytaker","@deathwishinc of course its not coming to boise"
1962726989,"hate","LindyyR","ughh on the phone with HP!"
1962727399,"sadness","Ariyage","Where's my Happiness?"
1962727462,"sadness","kitkieser","Was a little slow to try this one, but Ben & Jerry's Mission to Marzipan is a bit of a letdown."
1962727727,"worry","doctorb","Just got my rejection email from Jeffco schools.  fingers crossed for Boulder Valley..."
1962728172,"fun","TehStalker","@combustiblesong lol i don't get enough cause my dad won't let me, he keeps waking me up"
1962728378,"neutral","youulovemee","@divarina21 did she tell you why she hasnt? i miss my boge."
1962728806,"neutral","Takitron","@DevonStebnicki wow, that sounds way more stressful than my job  thought about continuing edu and making a move?"
1962729019,"love","atomicherrybomb","@pixy88 Thank you! And I don't care for the look on his face."
1962729168,"worry","Lizzledpink","Ow... My shoulder muscle (I can't remember the name :p) hurts... What did I do?  I don't even know"
1962729546,"neutral","hopeful420","@DoTPeRioD that sucks"
1962729615,"worry","SydneyAngel","Why am I so tired?????? Whyyyyy make it stop. Merm is not going to be fun tonight."
1962729653,"worry","dirtybreakbeats","@jen_juneau I did, until my parents got all f'd up and I started comfort-eating"
1962729919,"worry","kukigrewal","@stevehills dad's been having fever since last nite and needs 2 bottles of blood trasfusion..loaded 1 today..1 to go tomorrow."
1962730138,"worry","willisface","doesn't know what to do this evening & is D R E A D I N G work tomorrow  it sucks."
1962730313,"sadness","sivasubramaniam","Not feeling well. Food poisoning......."
1962730414,"worry","JessicaLG717","@justinchon great. so you're saying *I'm* old, being 28 and all??"
1962731242,"worry","ContrabandKing","@livefashion lol... not gross at all  they're gross?"
1962731260,"neutral","sharonista","little miss ugly"
1962731273,"surprise","Unklgravy","Heading south on I-95.  Jacked mess around SR 234"
1962731366,"worry","stardahc","My work buddy left early today so now im all lonely.  keep lookin at the time and its barely only a min later than last time"
1962731506,"relief","SarahGomes_x","Allies not coming over"
1962731558,"neutral","DFM3850","@jzwack took my forum access away   fail."
1962731638,"worry","tweatmarcus","this laptop is going to die, its not working!"
1962731985,"fun","bintibangoura","@BSBTwitt U SO funny but u right! I like BSB but Im not as fan than U I love much better Tupac & TLC..2 bad they're not singing anymore"
1962732181,"sadness","Fainiel","Powerdvd doesn't want to play my Pushing Daisies dvd. I only want screenies to make icons with! Copy protection gone bonkers?"
1962732237,"surprise","mommyandme09","Its raining on Staunton again, We need the rain, but that just means Ive got nothing sitting outside for people to see,"
1962732367,"neutral","LoriB709","@JoeysMissMac Blah! Got a shot at the hospital   Taking gravol and moving very slow."
1962733435,"surprise","BadPC","My guitar ain't herew yet?, feel like i lost a limb!."
1962733467,"sadness","missysue_32","at home sick"
1962734793,"worry","BadPC","My guitar ain't here yet?, feel like i lost a limb!."
1962734804,"worry","paul_steele","@Cracklin_Rosie  it was my name until yesterday"
1962734889,"hate","luannem","Friday night and still working...oh wait..it's Saturday morning already"
1962735844,"neutral","pandaLum","@stefathena maybe i'll go one day and thanks i'm all swined out"
1962735970,"neutral","bond55","planning how to move back home...the regression process is in motion"
1962736139,"love","MWeirdo","@IJsthee Or your mobile doesn't like me"
1962736284,"worry","itsCHICOman","Omg i'm so sad. I jus took in that gossip girl is done"
1962736380,"worry","iwillctheworld","Man waking up sucks when u have to go to work like 30 min later"
1962736662,"worry","Dcedes","My hair looks sooo short"
1962737571,"worry","stylemefamous95","Oh, today my friend goes to USA! , I�m going to miss her so much!  , have a great time darling"
1962737639,"neutral","Gigixita","@so_precious06 sooo mad"
1962737952,"sadness","ipunchedabee","I miss you"
1962738022,"empty","MandyBu","Anyone having twitter issues? It's eating my tweets."
1962738252,"enthusiasm","harrywilly","I can't wait to start my weekend. I'm so sick of working, I have to self-medicate, and I'm fresh out of herb"
1962738446,"sadness","eliza_effect","Now @mumbly_joe is trying to guilt me into coming to Alumni Weekend. I don't think I can make that either this year. I suck a lot."
1962738659,"neutral","jessicafarinaro","So full from a great lunch and now stuck in traffic"
1962739504,"sadness","LMK9","SICK again"
1962739629,"sadness","AnaAmBrea","I'm so sleep deprived but it's to hot to sleep."
1962739992,"enthusiasm","MzAshaZ","@MrExclusive1 I'm jealous...i need 2 escape 2, lol."
1962740076,"sadness","Two_Ring","http://bit.ly/253ce  :: I got bit in the face by a doberman when I was four years old, I just wanted a kiss   My neighbor had about 13 ..."
1962740221,"worry","eriksr","@amybarton Hope your son is okay!"
1962740328,"worry","lost_dog","@wenatcheewash I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1962740330,"worry","meganrenee323","@myuze_me Why so blah?"
1962741757,"empty","KaynKiyo","Waitin for the man to get home so he can take me out !!!! been waitin 4 hours"
1962742007,"neutral","batatonic","@apollo18 Dang! Dogs are only for central and northern CA"
1962742216,"sadness","sammie_snyder","on my way to my dad's with my sistas..  r.i.p. Deb.."
1962742618,"worry","x_Superstar_x","I hate taking antibiotics, but i think i need to get me some. boooooo."
1962742914,"neutral","PamiMiami","@OMS_AOP It has moved away from my house and must have found its way to yours"
1962742981,"happiness","AbrenALIFE","@raenewman you called me? didn't get that.  nest time for sure. maybe i'll come to LA soon. i hella wana go to Disneyland."
1962743164,"worry","Lezpeace","my laptop broke, who wants to help a girl out and take me to best buy this weekend. please ill feed u."
1962743261,"worry","kidari4chaos","@NathanFillion hey, what about us followers in ATL!!!!"
1962743297,"worry","TerrenceCheek","@crystal_haze aww I^m sorry that Ray Wise has appeared on the show yet   , I watch @AOTS everyday except for Friday its a best of AOTS."
1962743393,"sadness","carrie37601","@Exprincess http://twitpic.com/67318 - *sniff* i feel so left out!   *grin*"
1962743483,"sadness","natty0059","At home sick.. On a friday...studying is all im doing at this point.. My weekend is so ruined"
1962743510,"worry","RandHobart","Whatever happened to those chocolate cigarettes replete with rice paper, 'filter' and fag packet... I miss 'em."
1962743677,"worry","fashiontrain","the suns gone  hopefully nice weather tommorrow. ALL THE WORK IS SO DEPRESSING! :'("
1962743869,"neutral","andreadiaz","@mileycyrus voting is over. since like four days ago i think  i told all my friends 2 vote for you a million times. you will win! love you"
1962743903,"boredom","510boss","@starstruckfeie  i have no one to watch it with! ma peeps  are actually focused on their finals already!"
1962743960,"worry","dutchdinero","@cathrynmarie i miss jack n box  and whataburger  and oooo taco cabanaaaaaa  lmao"
1962743994,"fun","kkrailler","Only things left to do are to sweep and mop, load up the van, and go out and have fun tonight."
1962744153,"happiness","Billysid","@jules23 I know...I would too. Yes i cant wait for BB, i love it! I heard theyre not showing the 24 hr live streaming this year though"
1962744457,"sadness","mamarcus17","Had to eat my sandwhich since guys were in a meeting. No sushi to brag about."
1962744620,"neutral","JillAPower","@SKYISLANDS that's just it... I don't have anything other than work"
1962744943,"worry","HermosaRokera","A Banana and 2 cups of Coffee...Not a so Healthy Breakfast!"
1962744991,"relief","littlelylygirl","@mileycyrus aww if I could, I would...  GBY ;)"
1962745105,"happiness","minikimmi","@hobgoods- yeah i went to satellite beach today and it was flattt  it was good for skimming though."
1962745145,"sadness","Sabrinagoh","Facebook Farm town become slower and slower"
1962745255,"worry","lovielove12","Life Just Isn't Fair > And I Feel"
1962745371,"worry","JEF93","This will be the worst day ever....graduation"
1962745426,"neutral","karenclaunch","@bhamboxset I saw them at a show a few weeks ago.  Hate to say I was not all that impressed    fun. and AS were good, though."
1962745925,"neutral","PrincessMandyA","My new camera... http://tinyurl.com/l8pde3 ... RIP my hot pink Polaroid i733"
1962746144,"empty","notdiyheather","@notdiyheather although I know he would never be okay with a homebirth. Moot point since we're done w/ babies"
1962746210,"relief","JasminePruitt","@vessel2219 of course"
1962746609,"sadness","GodsideKurt","Not good news  Time for an incredibly hard decision."
1962747053,"neutral","Katy_shambles","@meg_la_mania i have no mask to  whoooops"
1962747221,"happiness","LChows","The last day of the last time I visit my parents as an unmarried woman  (85/21589) ( http://bit.ly/Mo0QN  )"
1962747363,"neutral","tonybgoode","Started the week with a wedding, now ending the week with a funeral"
1962747511,"neutral","mike_rawlins","@Bizfizz Does it start tomorrow?  I was going to book Sam on that and forgot"
1962747822,"worry","SulpHate","I want him to call"
1962748530,"sadness","tnmack","Today more sore than surgery day. Glad I took extra sick day.  Full recovery expected after 6 weeks.  Calling lawn service firms today"
1962748618,"worry","HiDefiniti0n","Math class ugh.  Rather be a class act.  Damn quiz   gotta act fast"
1962749029,"surprise","wwefreak45","@mytvnetwork pansy  wtf codeh?!"
1962749272,"sadness","colbyrne","I did the dishes and I'm now on a train to Newcastle. Have to leave #nontweetinggirlfriend behind for 2 weeks, which is always a bit sad"
1962749327,"neutral","Roxie009","@sianhughes_ i kinda hope she died in the fire cause i didnt like her but there was no sign of a body"
1962749679,"worry","kscaldef","getting impatient with the turnaround time on repairs to my (broken on arrival) new espresso machine  #fb"
1962749754,"neutral","dianydai","sneezing frequently"
1962749947,"worry","vincentchavez","I might get kicked out of school. Thing is they don't know that most of us need a job to live in this city."
1962767534,"worry","TeamOsment","WHAT ABOUT ME ??  I VOTE EVERY DAY FOR YOU !!!!!"
1962767776,"surprise","ruthmini","@rosiemini you got sonic without me?"
1962767971,"worry","MattSuess","@PattyHankins Awe - didn't know cats got skin cancer"
1962768249,"worry","mony06","Wow we're going to war with Korea? There goes my chances of ever being a grandma"
1962768278,"surprise","theluma","Wish my U2 beta key worked now. Don't want to wait 'till Wednesday to play"
1962768280,"worry","sdk3s","still aint get my vanilla frosty yet."
1962768349,"neutral","olivejews","ninja sushi for lunch but dominicks was out of sour gummy worms"
1962768367,"neutral","frigsandina","bored  and sleepy and listening to music :p doing project :S"
1962768436,"worry","Steeeephen","I'm finished 3rd year. Moving onto 4th year on Monday. It's soooo scary. This time next year I will be finished my standard grade exams"
1962769017,"enthusiasm","TeamOsment","@MILEYCYRUS  WHAT ABOUT ME ??  I VOTE EVERY DAY FOR YOU !!!!!"
1962769592,"worry","ihavesuperpower","I wonder if she knows how shallow, airy & dumb her tweets make her sound. I guess not b/c if she did...she'd probably stop"
1962770075,"neutral","m_martins","@arsc mega burguer was my lunch yesterday"
1962770082,"sadness","st3ff1","ohhhh, how sad...I didn�t get it!"
1962770173,"worry","jennwest630","@joeymcintyre  My sister and I are suppose to be meeting you today in Birmingham.    Please reschedule!!!"
1962770507,"hate","Huerto","Borrowing my Mom's Lenovo laptop The trackpad and the battery life suck balls for quarters. Seriously missing my MacBook Pro"
1962770603,"love","tracyewilli","@cultofdusty thats what i love about you, you are as SHAMELESS as i am lol and no  not yet..but it aint over yet either lol #frehleyfriday"
1962770785,"neutral","wizdomlakers","Dj Hero coming soon who's getting it? Seems like ima have to retire my Guitar Hero"
1962770945,"empty","FEASTSOFWAR","@XJakeXChaosX bored"
1962771346,"worry","salmonpuff","i want to go to bocum tottal to see lostalone, but have no passport  dam you poorness"
1962771651,"worry","jescheco","I really want a milkshake. I have no money."
1962771927,"worry","Kawaiipansy","ate like tons of chocolate today...  3 weeks of eating healthy, all gone with one day of unlimited eating! LOL"
1962772191,"sadness","garywhitworth","wants to go out tonight but cant get home"
1962772259,"worry","JackMobb","Wonders if I'm d only 1 dat n church sumtime nt knowng certain sungs. Seems like erbdy knows it but u? Quickly feel bad cnt sing along ."
1962772421,"sadness","Ayla_F","@Dayna_aka_Rowan he could be talking to me  (he's probably not though ;) )"
1962772480,"worry","jhodsdon","@karlismiles indeed, much fail"
1962772501,"neutral","richardarussell","At minibar... listening to politics  maybe some tech starups soon?"
1962773927,"enthusiasm","HardyBaby_OX","Wants to meet Jeff Hardy and Beth Britt So bad its Soo Annoying  x x"
1962773974,"worry","MoPeacock","So there aren't anymore exams, but there is only 3 days left. I've just now relized this is a bad thing.  And a good thing. I dont know."
1962774460,"worry","danielgrosvenor","#Java is not working - hmph!  Can't upload photos to #Facebook."
1962774893,"neutral","MSOffice_ITPro","URL in previous post (to timer job) should be http://bit.ly/a4Fdb. I'd removed space which messed up URL.  ^ES"
1962775578,"fun","katelinzentz","Visiting the grandparents in Manhattan, and dropping off my sister for the week! I wish I had an excuse to be so tired today.."
1962775756,"sadness","jennabeans24","@grahamcoltonfan hahah me too!! Except for when Haley gets hit by a car  but yay Leyton!"
1962776090,"worry","elwraypr","yeah, I was wasting my time  fail"
1962776204,"neutral","ryanmckernan","@3Alexx It is AMAZING!!!  Its gonna get scratched sooo much though  Lol. I have 4 movies and 30 TV Shows on it already!!"
1962776332,"neutral","Nicolaarthur","So tired & ready for bed!! Really in the mood for salt & pepper chicken wings & noodles but have no money on me for a Chinese!"
1962777124,"happiness","taklandrock","@adonkim Sounds like a nice relaxing afternoon. I have to mow the lawn and walk the dog"
1962777512,"neutral","wildabeast16","working on homework!!!"
1962777863,"neutral","avliyaASYA","Going back to my house to pick up some dvds for bapang and pick dito's up but forgot to pick up other dvds for dito, so I have to go back"
1962777924,"sadness","YourFutureBF","It's Going To Be A Busy Day  And That Sucks Cause I Wanted To Spend Time With Someone Earlier Today"
1962778333,"neutral","Raul_Ribeiro","@shakamaiden DAMN dude... dia 06, 20 e 27 eu tenho curso na DRC  flash expert..."
1962778491,"hate","ACLAZ92","The only thing I hate about Playoff Pens hockey is how much the tickets are! I wanted to go to a game but there 300$ a ticket"
1962778963,"surprise","johnhummel","Oh great Tampa people - anybody in the area know someone who works for the Jain Society of Tampa Bay? None of their phone #'s work."
1962779181,"worry","laughlivelove93","@mileycyrus I VOTED!!! do u have a personal myspace? i keep talking to fakes   i <3 you. u helped me thru the hrdest time of my life! (: x"
1962779561,"worry","JasonKAM","proper cba with out!"
1962779580,"neutral","vindiekins","@cowmage  read something happy?"
1962779618,"neutral","AyFleisch","alicias tonight? idkkkk. ughhh"
1962779908,"sadness","Vanderpool","http://twitpic.com/674p1 - @JTHawthorne this is my Ohio is for lovers tattoo got the design off the shirt.. haha but I lost the shirt"
1962780120,"neutral","mariesayslove","In Drivers Ed  then dance."
1962780293,"sadness","MhairiFergusson","is sadly sitting at home when she could be going to a partyyyyy"
1962780455,"worry","junkinthetrunkk","@ArlenesUniverse I have tried. He doesn't want to listen. I don't know what to do anymore. I just feel like HE doesn't care anymore"
1962781061,"neutral","ash_dasilva","@KourtneyKardash lucky bitch! haha we have COLDDD rain up here in MA  i would give anything for hot rain right now!"
1962781067,"anger","MarijuanaTunes","#twitterfails fucking hard right now...this is annoying"
1962781088,"hate","katiemw","Wishing I could kidnap @candrews from work"
1962781538,"love","LettyM","@Crazy_Cindy  BIG HUGGS"
1962781825,"worry","Lulacumplido","ahhhh, very sad"
1962781862,"worry","Minkpuppy","Migraining today--the naproxen sodium tablets I took are helping a little but my neck is now killing me.  Need my muscle relaxants"
1962781914,"sadness","michellephant","@grrachel  that made me sad.."
1962782193,"empty","dontforgetchaos","Yep, one of those nights again."
1962782278,"worry","zoebatsparkes","i looking at failure"
1962782594,"surprise","mholger","@irishgirl Right; however, you neglect to mention that younger women are "gold diggers" or "trophies." Isn't patriarchy grand?"
1962782838,"worry","facebook_rt","@danielgrosvenor #Java is not working - hmph!  Can't upload photos to #Facebook."
1962782952,"neutral","katerspie","Waaah, asshat at CVS yesterday shortchanged me  I paid 10$ for chips."
1962782965,"worry","CheskaB","my finger hurts cause its infected!"
1962783043,"neutral","alandickson","last time washing my hair"
1962783513,"sadness","lucianamiho","I need hugs from Joe Jonas"
1962783589,"worry","eelliott","@CenturyMontes why you stop following me? Was I not cool enough for you?"
1962783674,"neutral","AppleJuice1234","@FTSKirstin its taking forever to upload"
1962783927,"worry","iyaitssuzanne","@cazob  okay i need to find another way then lolz"
1962784120,"sadness","brigidigit","@Elleipein aww honey I'm sorry"
1962803229,"sadness","msveronica","@ClintonSparks I told u I tried but 88 said it was 2 late  cause the girl I was with took 4ever 2 get ready. they wanted to meet up by 11."
1962803421,"hate","andyfm","damn fight night 4 demo won't load, keeps crashing at the first screen. time to delete and re download i think"
1962803632,"worry","jillaz44","Wishing I made enough money to do whatever I want! Sux... No money in education"
1962803663,"hate","RosyCabrera0705","@KourtneyKardash i hate this weather! When u have lived here ure whole life u get used to it...may is always rainy  @RobKardashian"
1962803693,"worry","Bryan175","@babblingbrookie Try being in AZ again brooke, Omg you cant even be outside for less than a minute before getting your neck burned."
1962803822,"fun","billbathgate","@princesspooh90 Yeah but it doesn't sound indie enough  i need2learn some other tunes and then pick up mo style =] 1hour! I'll c u then ;)"
1962804115,"relief","atl_felicia","I'm no longer a sophomore.  Junior year is bringing new things. I'll be on 24/7 now. Hit me up and check out  http://bit.ly/esGIQ"
1962804315,"worry","bleachbuddy","@Broccolope sorry about calling you in really late"
1962804771,"worry","tinaxoxo","@KourtneyKardash noo  I'm in miami and I just wanna lay out in the sun..but the rain has stopped me"
1962805060,"sadness","DanceDanielle","hates the sound of silence..doesnt like being shut out.."
1962805296,"sadness","shelbawesome","Got up early did a shit ton now im headed to cherokee park to run  and walk !"
1962805590,"sadness","ashleyeatstacos","My arms are making me want to cry... and also because those shots made me sick"
1962805591,"neutral","chels_thomp","I have MAJOR CRAMPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1962805700,"sadness","bwaygirl","@ jimithy1: can't come  msbj<3"
1962805978,"worry","prettyprettynat","@LLCee I had to find out via twitter"
1962806227,"sadness","andrewbloom","@thatchmaster i miss that place, but miss wegmans even more. whole foods != wegmans"
1962806305,"worry","Right_Sed_Becky","how do I vote for Mr twitter universe??? I'm a bit stuck"
1962806756,"hate","edsaint","@lozzy hahah I wish that was true. This is really really bad  just gonna stay home and chill tonight. And as usual I REALLY wanted to go."
1962806804,"worry","ambyyfbabyyy","is mad that its raining"
1962807255,"neutral","WeeWifie1981","@Jamjar84 i got 2 much 2 do 2nite 2b bored. In bath still hav wash, dry, straight hair, get clothes ready etc"
1962807288,"neutral","steffo___O","boo gf can't go now  I passed my guard training lol"
1962807637,"love","svenja_s","@mileycyrus tell me where to vote and I will do so!!!! cause I'm from Germany I don't now where to do it..  btw: I love you and your music"
1962807649,"neutral","octoberheart","Had lunch at a Japanese sushi restaurant & I ordered in Japanese as I usually do in sushi places. Cambodian waitress didn't have a clue"
1962807659,"neutral","dannyswrld","@tapulous You always catch me away from my computer.  ?"
1962808058,"neutral","katiebarrowman","Ug. Full of cold and in a dark pub. Want to go outside"
1962808293,"neutral","MiSzJAcXzBaYBeE","@BossTutie I said hi to u"
1962809237,"worry","salmaguer","@Drob114 thanks for rubbing it in, jerk  where are you guys going this weekend?"
1962809349,"sadness","AmoLaMusica","not really in the twitter mood today... i don't know what to do"
1962809372,"sadness","froggie775","@Knownhuman damn - that's sad, then... I haven't heard the new one yet. Sounds like I've been spared a tragedy."
1962809561,"surprise","deeroxmasox","i had a dream that i was going to my graduation & i started crying...then i went home to take a nap & missed it...then a bee stung me..."
1962809674,"neutral","arieliondotcom","@bobbyshirley Anything is accepted except Christianity. Google the discussion thread "sexuality and religion" and SLED for Second Life."
1962809743,"worry","CrazyA64","@ColinBach Sorry dude couldn't make BBQ only just back from hospital"
1962809967,"love","WrockDinahSaur","My stomach is trying to eat itself. Is it time for lunch yet? *looks at clock* Damn... another hour 20 'til lunch."
1962810142,"sadness","sleepingglesson","i wanna see 'up' tonight, but no one will go with me. whhhyyy"
1962810366,"happiness","50000steps","Just received my Leeds 10K bib and timing chip - but my hip injury means I won't be breaking any 10K PB this time around"
1962811184,"surprise","kcrulesblog","Went to the vending maching to get Bugles. No Bugles  Perhaps it is a sign that I don't need the snack anyway."
1962811252,"sadness","vivimendez","Evaluating my people...Dont like this part of the job"
1962811287,"sadness","Lottylou","does anyone know where I can watch the prison break tv movie? It's not on itunes"
1962811336,"worry","UncleJago","@mrs_aaberg it certainly was their fault that I had to crawl all over the woods today but I'm afraid it would have broken at home too"
1962811644,"neutral","dsheaphoto","@arischenck Headed back to Baltimore tonight"
1962811660,"worry","roguely","@Intelligentle This was at Pitman's down South. It just looks like business is bad all over"
1962811686,"sadness","BonesNeko_UK","@BonesCrazy24 I've had the week off too...but I have Biology  exams to revise for so my Bones time is limited"
1962811838,"worry","simplysinister","@jerseymoongirl - I'm hoping these pills will do something, cuz I'm gonna go nuts"
1962812065,"hate","Dits","@Xantiriad the music in the trailer was terrible imo, cheesy handbag house. I was expecting some dnb or hard house"
1962812148,"empty","bourgie07","IN $RF @3.94 - target $5.30.  OUT $DNDN @$21.85 near days low"
1962812342,"sadness","autoparkin","Edge left me off the contributors list in this month's issue.  x FFS. <- Werd"
1962812366,"worry","ether_radio","no phone call yet.. 20 minutes until I pluck up the courage. I WISH MY PHONE WOULD RING"
1962812559,"sadness","wren","In denial about the moving van parked a few blocks away."
1962812722,"sadness","ccarpou","Last day in maui"
1962812935,"worry","elbylvsdrp","So much work, so little time"
1962812965,"neutral","Mattass88","I need to burp ....  Im so nauseas...."
1962813043,"enthusiasm","_shannon1234","@THE_WOCKEEZ I wanna go! But I won't be there  I'm sure that the show will be great!!"
1962813060,"neutral","chogokin","@tandmark well at least they have good taste in art,cabinet appts.not so much"
1962813775,"worry","KrissKirk","@countrygirls86 dude i tried!! it wouldn't load!"
1962813992,"neutral","xxreedy","@willisface you know you want to come keep me company whilst mum's at her friends for the night  it's such a nice evening!"
1962814012,"sadness","Benjo321","@tapulous where's the UK love?!"
1962814180,"worry","BillyVolpone","I feel really bad for female racoons with abusive racoon husbands... when you always have black eyes- no one can help"
1962814534,"love","DDurgaa","A laodicean life for Kavya & family probably got Kavya her spelling bee crown! Congrats! Note, spell check doesnt recognize laodicean"
1962814724,"sadness","chiaraplamenco","@1jaredPADALECKI 5 seasons that's it? Sorry just noticed in ur previous update. My sis isn't gonna be happy"
1962814932,"neutral","Kannartist","@vcha you should say mlia instead of fml  i hope you find it soon"
1962814970,"sadness","ashley_bell","oh how I miss my truck... I could have my whole place moved by now..."
1962815319,"sadness","marktrout","is in mourning that he is having to miss the homesssssskooooler fair today!!!"
1962815836,"worry","ShellyManwaring","@mechellelewis Are you shattered after that long week?  Thats a pity about tomorrow night"
1962815892,"neutral","danthonywhite","@EmmDeeCee no he wasn't there today"
1962816502,"sadness","trustmyface","Laundry time and LOTS of it!"
1962817142,"worry","calinative","@KimmyGotSoul aw damn. ok i got you for tuesday on that. i gotta write a short post for today tho"
1962817146,"surprise","jstueve","Got word from USAA that the minivan is totalled.  Now we need a high valuation for something to buy a new car with."
1962817343,"happiness","Wild_Woman","having a great time on vacation, sure as heck don't want to go to work on tues."
1962817345,"sadness","danielrh","@princeofcode Sorry we couldn't get the project working with the windoze laptop  but a ton of folks came up afterwards and saw it running"
1962817371,"sadness","peeriecat","Still white despite being out for ages in the sun"
1962817508,"neutral","markhatter","@lilyroseallen no one ever wear a tshirt with me on it  you're very lucky"
1962817725,"sadness","Miss_Nishie","I feel like I'm going to toss my cookies"
1962817952,"fun","Jax_Jax","@poppy_dog Lucky you! it's drizzling again. Mommy says the puddles are big enough 4 me to swim in, so no dog park today.."
1962818920,"fun","A_RAVEN","@mr_uppercut that was such an 'old man' thing to say"
1962819066,"sadness","BarbiMunster","Off to Nanaimo 2day... missing my son already and i havent even left yet"
1962819144,"worry","keeeee_sha","is taking mommy to the airport."
1962819480,"worry","di4bolik4l","@alivelshi what a society we live in"
1962819506,"neutral","ajv","Ha, @joestump i'm giving spymaster a chance - just curious! will miss u"
1962820172,"worry","VivaLali","ah seriously i dont even work with children some how i am still sick!  groundhog friday just got worse."
1962820637,"sadness","catesaunders","Bad day at the office. In a horrendous mood  Was it national 'Act like an idiotic buffoon' day today and no-one bothered to tell me?!!"
1962820988,"love","thesoftskeleton","@SometimesITweet, totally worth it!! great movie cool 3D glasses! i miss ya! and i miss @jesicawesley  and i miss new york too"
1962821557,"worry","youngkris","@Mauityler87 u don't love me  no follow..how was your night? ;-)"
1962821923,"hate","christiancuervo","Funerals are no bueno"
1962822149,"sadness","tgjerusalem","SHIT I lost my Star Trek ring!    Starfleet Academy class ring w/ Golden Gate Bridge on it.  Got it as high school graduation present."
1962822536,"sadness","TwatRock","@tessonfire I feel almost empty inside today.  Not a good feeling."
1962822637,"worry","Carylsixx","@TheMrsNikkiSixx  We'll miss you  #Sixx?"
1962822825,"neutral","sanjive01","Hmmm...strained my back  Hope it's better tomorrow morning.."
1962822960,"surprise","betsymartian","@squaccs I may be telling myself that cos he never replies to me"
1962823003,"neutral","tlocke1","work 4 - close"
1962823425,"sadness","savvygrl","@Valholla that's sad  what kind of mess are you getting into this weekend?"
1962823573,"happiness","JorgeJuarez","Hanging with my BFF @JasmineWHO today! Ya Ya! @amandababby Our old friend is in my prayers, I hope this experience helps her"
1962823903,"love","CaiaBrown","Can anyone eat a Hot Pocket and be completely satisfied?? Not me."
1962824425,"sadness","Sageogfruit","@GeneralTekno I won't be getting any ROTF toys 'till MUCH later.  Tell me if anybody isn't/is worth getting."
1962824428,"sadness","vikkilyons","Friday night is never as fun as it should be when you have work on Saturday morning"
1962824909,"worry","Kshattap","@Jonasbrothers come on guys.. you shouldn't promote here :| it's kinda disappointing. Twitter's for UPDATES"
1962824914,"sadness","hiyacharrlotte","@dfizzy you're so lucky. we have 6 weeks until summer"
1962824968,"relief","danielrh","@princeofcode Sorry we couldn't get the projector working with the windoze laptop  but a ton of people came up afterwards and saw it live"
1962825363,"neutral","sarahbeth09","Busy friday. I got lots to do and a game tonight. 8:15 at McNair! Last AP Lit and Gym today"
1962825647,"neutral","YonkersReporter","No Yonkers news posts until June 2 because the newspaper furloughed me"
1962825816,"neutral","paulhanna","@dietsch Union Square? Somerville? You're better off with the 87. That probably helps you zero at this point, though."
1962825929,"neutral","amundwiler","My teratoma has a cavity and is experiencing male-pattern baldness"
1962826522,"surprise","Llen","@ShadoWingh I'm only allergic to some bunnies. Are you allergic to all fur? That sucks! Isn't that cosmic irony, a furry allergic to fur!"
1962826803,"sadness","laurarenee411","Im sad...there's a for sale sign in front of my house!!"
1962827535,"empty","Woaahhh","gor i am soo bored, man i don't think i could get any more bored"
1962827911,"worry","luoxiongtian","Just got back in, and I'm absolutely exhausted, have to be up in 5 hours for work"
1962828041,"surprise","markevans","Much to my surprise, I was using my credit card before the crack dawn to do some serious online gambling. One problem: it wasn't me."
1962828267,"worry","MatheusMac","I am sick, very sick, sore throat and flu"
1962829190,"sadness","1GoodDiver","A little 3 mile run done!  22.5 minutes...  I'm exhausted!  Not impressed with the HRM..."
1962829198,"worry","janie2305","New picture isn't working"
1962829240,"worry","ProTravelGear","@CourtneyREADs lost luggage? Sorry to hear.  you should check out our selection of travel luggage here: http://budurl.com/9mua"
1962829311,"boredom","bertopro","I feel like I have to throw up."
1962829370,"love","_Jazzi3_","@omar10points haha calm down. Youll get ur shades. I'm still sick tho. So I'll prolly knockout after"
1962829829,"neutral","kingofny23","Spilled chocolate milk in my car"
1962830382,"neutral","ItsjustKay","@PBsAlienGirl  Happy Belated birthday hun!! My net broke  This is the first chance i've had to get online! Luff Yooooooo xxxxxxxx"
1962830428,"happiness","Meagan_Ox","@chrisbrownweb Hope Ye Got Dem; Ur Site Is Amazing, I Got On Everyday; I Tryed My Own, & It Failed  Lol,"
1962830520,"sadness","MarnieSpiegel","i feel so bad when the kid is sick"
1962830908,"sadness","cartrouble","melissa_leah: my car wont start......."
1962831240,"sadness","PENLDN","@cacaubrazil that's not great  guy related??"
1962831639,"neutral","FoXcHiK09","I dont know what to have for lunch today and its so darn cold today"
1962831878,"sadness","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy Hello - i�m back  Hope that happens not occasionally as on wednesday"
1962832057,"neutral","toastguy","@brianjking If the drive is automatically ejecting supported discs (ie CD-R), and you can't boot from a disc, it's time for AppleCare"
1962832146,"sadness","Dan_Rosenberg","@danisometimes  sadness. you could hang out with me and feel less apathetic."
1962832185,"worry","Jademadeeasy","still trying to get better  had to get mommaz lovin..headed to her house.. ahhhhhh i so hate this feelin!"
1962832259,"happiness","Romance4Evr","I'm at the cubs game and it is so cold. I think its going to rain."
1962832491,"hate","homebrewer","Getting AxKit running on Ubuntu 8.04 is making my head explode."
1962832756,"neutral","BoltClock","I assume nobody uses PortableApps anymore except for myself. In that case, forget what I said earlier"
1962832847,"neutral","codiller","Red Rock for lunch with Colin. @JKearl and @euphor couldn't come.  IPA Junior freshly made! Yum yum yum."
1962833230,"sadness","badelves","Mean people suck."
1962833274,"happiness","vivianavitetta","@ebassman I just got two tickets one for speeding and one for tinted windows"
1962833464,"sadness","iamdetroit","we need to have a haters ball today like on dave chappelle,,,,, man I miss those days on comedy central the new episodes"
1962833540,"neutral","BonesCrazy24","@BonesNeko_UK That sucks! I had my exams be4 half term so It's all good. Although they were major subjects now I have languages and stuff"
1962833545,"worry","Sherylhays","This is beyond terrible...my friends 18 yr old daughter jumped off the skyway bridge this morning. She was a beautiful girl...such a loss"
1962833782,"relief","lamb21","almost got in a giant car accident on the 101"
1962833807,"neutral","asianjane","two rooms packed and cleaned, three to go"
1962834038,"hate","sugarsasparella","i hateeeeeeeeee telemarketers!!!!! gotten about 10 phone calls today from them and its only 3 in the afternoon!!"
1962835758,"sadness","TheRell","@japanimated I miss you too"
1962835812,"worry","jessiewhittle","Just finished weeding the flower bed. Why is it the weeds grow so well but legitimate plants hate me?"
1962836290,"worry","YasminHughes","I'll guess I will see everyone after the weekend  Gunna be having major Tweet cravings the entire time!!..."
1962836388,"worry","robertsm85","I have so much stuff in my car that I can just feel my MPG going in the toilet."
1962836415,"sadness","JamieLynnWright","@Spacerbunny oh that sucks!!!  Thank God for your laptop!!"
1962837327,"happiness","Sandgar","You better come here by the time I count to 10 or else. 1, 2, 3,  BAM!!!!!"
1962837456,"sadness","julesyog","@MikeyUnderwood so no rice or crusty bread with the chili .... aawww"
1962837697,"surprise","assilemx3","@TiffanyCastillo muhaha martha <33 have fun see uu next mnth"
1962837773,"happiness","CarolynSueno","@euginis did you have fun last night? we didn't see you."
1962837796,"sadness","TheBudgeBunch","@Totally_Toni   i'm having one of those days today also"
1962837804,"worry","bekah921","@Kngston someone i work with today told me that if i took a "real age" test, it would tell me i'm 45"
1962838079,"relief","andrew_89","sitting at home doing nothing. gonna be like this all weekend"
1962838082,"hate","georgewezsley","...  Headed to Hospitol : Had to pull out of the Golf Tourny in 3rd place!!!!!!!!!!! I Think I Re-Ripped something !!! Yeah THAT !!"
1962838392,"surprise","gramochroi","Sometimes games are cruel because they're not real... like last night when I won $128,600 on Wheel of Fortune"
1962838425,"sadness","PottyMouthMommy","slept with my eye open again- hurts like hell... wish I could find the eye lube stuff to make it feel better...."
1962838491,"surprise","andrew_selvia","Sad because A Skylit Drive's new songs don't sound as good as I had hoped."
1962839377,"hate","MadonnaDP","@chezpim they are terrible little beast but if the garden is small you can simply collect them, or you can buy poisonous food pellets"
1962839402,"sadness","Misss_T","I'm suppose to get up to go find sumthin to wear tomorrow but I can't get up"
1962839676,"relief","xyfactory","Getting my butt kicked by this project  I have the idea, but can't get it perfect."
1962840026,"neutral","quincycarolan","my tree tipped over in the lawn"
1962840471,"sadness","nic_mclean","u ever have a friend that u just wonder why are we friends? i know what you get from me but i'm questioning what i'm getting from u."
1962840766,"worry","phailure","Lost my keys  now i'm waiting for my dad in d'iberville. Phail. Also fml"
1962841163,"neutral","agilespots","@AbelPetSupply LOL! No trialing...for the most part Florida trials come to a screeching halt over the summer.  Have fun this weekend!"
1962841213,"sadness","Lyricist_Juice","@qdakid Q, i dont get love anymore  ?"
1962841232,"hate","Turbo_power","Hairdye patch test has just smeared all over my WHITE duvet cover  fucking cunts. <3"
1962841279,"worry","KeytaJ","@SportsDivaTiffy Hey, did his wife die? I am really confused. I hadn't been on his MySpace in a little while, but I just read his Twit."
1962841330,"worry","jesusrobotlove","Its so sunny outside, and I have no one to go out and play with"
1962841570,"neutral","LillyVixen","@nikkie20six well I learnt to use a machine yesterday! not too confident yet though so... hand sewin for me!!  xxx"
1962841580,"neutral","joelfrancis25","still waiting"
1962841827,"enthusiasm","Kyra_In_TX","@deeliciouz Even without the dressing they're still over 500 calories. I love that flatbread."
1962842897,"sadness","dazjlord","@Cherryadestains It was blatently your fault for just shoving it in the bag when I said no  I felt that you had very much tricked me. xx"
1962842910,"surprise","psychobunny","@Yasmine32068 LOL I do too.... I can't take him back, I lost my receipt!"
1962842926,"neutral","be_my_addiction","in computer class, photo booth doesn't  work"
1962842936,"boredom","xericaax","fml. forgot alli's dance recital is tonight. now i'm stuck talking to munchkins all night instead of being at devon's bonfire. :/"
1962843150,"enthusiasm","johng_2182","going to work once again. what a great few days off i had. now it's over  but atleast i get 2 more commin up wahooooooo"
1962843205,"sadness","maimunaibrahim","@MelissaPan awe yeah, it's more fun revising with others but you get distracted easier >.< yeah I'm tired, revising history"
1962843338,"worry","ZeliaW","I didn't find my dress"
1962843557,"sadness","Meehan82","Ugh, I don't know if U even care about Nicole Richie, but I do and C that I missed her on TV last nite despite the twitter  @JennOrtigoza"
1962843598,"sadness","Dogbook","George is sad because he can't go for a car ride with his dad  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6877274"
1962843641,"sadness","KevinJonasLuv","sick  and HAPPY 13th Amanda"
1962844003,"fun","maimunaibrahim","@MelissaPan aww yeah, it's more fun revising with others but you get distracted easier >.< yeah I'm tired, revising history"
1962844030,"neutral","foobjay","When am i getting a yearbook?  today was strange"
1962844591,"surprise","heidithepandaa","Why is it so dark outside?"
1962844702,"neutral","buffywoo","@SuprnaturlShana he not getting off early?"
1962845532,"love","shannonconlon","mmm, pizza for dinner. yum. but i burnt my mouth though .."
1962845728,"enthusiasm","EmmaVictim","My Respect For Travis Clark Has Gone Down 7.5 Notches"
1962845800,"hate","starwood24","anyone have tickets to the mtv movie awards? some guy scammed me"
1962845814,"worry","iphoscar","despertando megadespistado, me ire a la u y luego full fin de semana on the beach, saldr� en wild on!"
1962846023,"sadness","beware","@tatrtalk I wanted to, but I sadly work today.  Normally, I don't work Fridays, either."
1962846154,"sadness","Dogbook","Willie is pouting because Grandma didn't put any treats on my food  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6877293"
1962846243,"neutral","divarina21","@twinnadryl   .��?????��.  i bet. man i wish i coulda went some whr. i didn't even go out here. i was home all weekend.  nyt life sux here"
1962846283,"neutral","patrickswanson","Just sneezed three times in quick succession. But three is not four, so no record."
1962846364,"worry","yadikeith","@Xaan I'm having trouble viewing it as well on you tube for some reason"
1962846451,"neutral","mauromorais","continuo tentando trocar o background do twitter...over capacity!"
1962846533,"neutral","breathejess","I want some cheese fries from fontanas."
1962846557,"neutral","KristenYanda","Done at the spa   now meeting vic for some late lunch!"
1962846744,"worry","crazyduckme","Bought it.  Now I have to wait 2-3 weeks.   Boo."
1962847278,"sadness","StephGP","So tired n sick-what the fuck is wrong w me"
1962847865,"relief","kandykoated","This weekend. I will be in dallas so no kandy koated around the H"
1962847891,"surprise","plutoniumpage","@NoraReed I forgot about it and I already ate lunch  so I guess I'm not going."
1962848016,"sadness","NappyGarden","is really sad about her nephew  but keeping busy sorting out items for BWM! http://bit.ly/N9tsM"
1962848340,"empty","julnas","@bardicus i gotta say, i'm a little jealous"
1962848828,"sadness","SebboSmith","@MajorSpoilers majorspoilers.com has problems - cannot get the site working"
1962849248,"worry","keramurphy","oh god they're breaking down so much plaster what are they doing in there  i like walls, thanks!"
1962850040,"enthusiasm","amybites","@haikubirdie If only  I may make one out of dental floss later."
1962850361,"sadness","SpitfireJon","@pollybowles don't say that - I really miss my red Porsche (sold it 2 yrs ago)"
1962850560,"sadness","iraisavampire","just played like, 5 games of dota hahaha. I wanna go home"
1962850752,"sadness","mandasaurusRAWR","On my way to get the crate and Bella Dolce!!!! Sad cuz @livingdeaderin is going tto Richmond"
1962851232,"sadness","marshaaaa","@PrinceTerrence TERRY TERRY TERRY!! i miss you"
1962851465,"worry","danMwilliams","Allianz interview went well, got a rejection from MOD though  .... going to be a long weekend as I hear from Allianz on Monday"
1962851524,"sadness","mrsarlt","@lancearmstrong any chance of seeing you at a race in germany? unfortunately hardly any tv & news coverage of cycling here anymore!"
1962851737,"worry","ZuriNayeem","@jasonridge1 you're in harlem? where? im so jealous right now! i miss living in nyc!"
1962851746,"happiness","Wiebster","Just had some babi pangang. Now off to friends. Tomorrow it's working time again"
1962851992,"worry","begobalbontin","@mileycyrus i voted and i couldnt"
1962852164,"neutral","sharonginelle","@brendaelizabeth yeah... I suppose"
1962852479,"relief","SkarreBomb","The morning forcast on the radio was partly to mostly cloudy -yay vog-  stay inside and have a HAPPY FRIDAY"
1962852664,"neutral","hoedown83","is all alone for the evening!"
1962853106,"sadness","PhoenixAshies","@mtupyro - don't feel bad. I got a foad for a promotion here too."
1962853276,"worry","bluelyric","Sheesh my meds make me feel like I'm at the bottom of the ocean...and I have to go back to work today  Be sad with me..."
1962853304,"worry","adamjohnster","It's a sad day, found the first scratch on my car."
1962853345,"worry","ChampagneRDub","@cameo1172 i have 2 friends going  so jealous"
1962854017,"neutral","MorganDupree","How does this Follow Friday thing work?  I don't have any real followers"
1962854361,"worry","Free_spirit55","@elmofromok Oh it's been so long I can't remember"
1962854365,"hate","skcrosby","this week has been awful."
1962854458,"worry","KendallBull","Aw man, Half Term isn't long enough    lol!"
1962856324,"neutral","lasiren","@Ellebella618 OMG.  I'm so sorry! Anything I can do to help?"
1962856368,"sadness","stephydarling","Is at the botanical gardens and its beautiful but she forgot an extra memory card so no pictures today"
1962856689,"hate","SBeeCreations","Have to keep bumping the mouse so my computer doesn't go to sleep. No Internet access  No files to work on. Slowest Friday eeeeevvveeerrrr"
1962856745,"happiness","bryanarmada","@marykayte lucky! I still want those blue ones"
1962856877,"worry","jennaajonas","@laurenRIOT_x it's only on in glasgow"
1962857009,"worry","mukeshmukhi","wats up with the racism in australia? Its not nice"
1962857903,"worry","tole_cover","change of plans. won't be seeing Up today."
1962857992,"empty","jeess_","@AshleyGofficial it's because finished the recordings?"
1962858549,"neutral","OneJuan","has no people skills."
1962858616,"sadness","kdphi63","moving offices  I'm going to miss you Hollywood."
1962858667,"worry","purplotus13","Off to guitar now! I almost said swim. Phew!!"
1962858704,"neutral","ChristinaSees","@michaelwryan Can't, did I forget to say that?  hahaha   I wouldn't be able to get home."
1962858723,"neutral","madw","@HereLiesVanessa understandable. yah i leave on monday! I'll be gone when you're in chi"
1962859057,"neutral","MiZzCHaOtic","@MSTALENT I know right..."
1962859835,"surprise","jessicarogers8","@xxojackie oh my god! you're kidding! wow !! you must of moved out RIGHT after calleen got his 4 month shots."
1962860086,"worry","high_tower","@caitran i do! Id love to go, but i have a bunch of stuff to do that day, dont think i actually could go."
1962860294,"sadness","Tideliar","2 days without sleep and now a migraine. I thought life postR01 was meant to be relaxing"
1962860873,"sadness","jyce","Please help me get this song out of my head"
1962861083,"sadness","CuPcAkE_2120","Im in science!! very boring"
1962861114,"worry","Rblvd","its overcast today again  it looks like it wants to clear up but i doubt it :/"
1962861170,"empty","molkana","Party, aber Subway alle   http://yfrog.com/0ayzyj"
1962861197,"worry","LaurieInQueens","Dear Mr. President: Please TALK TO US abt what you plan to do re: DADT. Because right now, you just look like a liar."
1962861261,"neutral","eneumann33","What up ab circle! Anddd It's still in the box  f work"
1962861360,"enthusiasm","CharlotteMcFLY","leaving now  dont miss me too much tweetbeaks <3"
1962861414,"worry","callmeflame","Hm. Have you ever realized how incredibly over-rated Tokio Hotel is becoming? It makes me sad."
1962861907,"worry","dziner","@bluepoof They have a list of 50 state parks here in PA that are under consideration for closing. Nice ones too."
1962862114,"empty","Ashleymc6","If something doesnt happen around here im gonna fall asleep"
1962862124,"worry","AnnA_LySe","hurt my arm  can't write, hope it will be over for june the 5th"
1962862770,"worry","simprograms","Arrggghhh...dang post office.  Did not get the package in yet, may have to wait until tomorrow"
1962862848,"worry","Emiliadoll","@Gleegirloz Life is too short. I know its slefish but i wish everybody would outlive ME"
1962862909,"worry","MsLadyRose76","And I just saw something real sad on my lunch... A dog with two broken back legs."
1962863203,"worry","thisisnotyou","okay, got the card, but my phone is fucked up at the moment.  please use email to reach me, sorry"
1962863489,"sadness","LarryMusic","Back at home. At the moment I�m speaking to my aunt on the telephone and Darius is neighting in the backround... Miss my little horse"
1962863590,"worry","umarsheikh","I think my wireless router is dieing"
1962864150,"love","georgie_phx","Immediately regretting my decision to come into the office today, miss my bed"
1962864508,"worry","ProTravelGear","@kgs  lost luggage? Sorry to hear.  you should check out our selection of travel luggage here: http://budurl.com/9mua"
1962864572,"worry","AoifeJM","Bad Day. History Test Tommorrow. And I want to go out in the sun and play.."
1962865023,"worry","TheBeerWench","@jonmyers The problem is that I'm not finished with it  But I have logged in mass hours this week on it. And i'm not being paid! POP!"
1962865240,"worry","Pacubas","Down again   seems like it never gonna stop and I'll never get what i want"
1962865253,"sadness","_Loso","@deevazquez Lol. She's offering me a case of guiness!  can you one up her? If you buy me two I'll stay. Let's start the bidding wars"
1962865511,"worry","hezness","@MelissaHourigan i wish. i'm on lock down  we need to catch up, though. seriously."
1962865581,"worry","xmisashleex","Sgt. Hughes has bacteria meningitis  so i disinfected our female latrine and im writing an essay on meningitis for Sgt. Ski...."
1962865618,"sadness","ASinisterDuck","watched prison break special, such a sad ending"
1962866132,"neutral","ShiningMyLight","@Mileycyrus I tried 2 vote 4 u the other day but I couldn't figure out how 2 do it  help? Lol"
1962866221,"worry","TeenieWahine","@MrsNewlywed  Sorry to hear that."
1962866298,"sadness","dixiekong","Aww @danbharris is getting married, congrats to him and his new wife! Now I miss the WN Weekend people"
1962866426,"hate","kbpicklestein","The new tecas driver license design is ugly"
1962866789,"worry","xBAMitsBeccax","is getting her hair did shortly! and hoping everything is going well for her friend currently getting surgery!"
1962866942,"sadness","Loisunpublished","Spent the last hour signing yearbooks. I'll miss you guys!"
1962867516,"neutral","funtime7777","I put a real pic of myself up. I'm going to miss the avatar."
1962867598,"happiness","KareBear93","Goin to the mall and gonna see the movie ghost of gfs past i hope its good and top it all im goin alone  but ilook cute and feel good ^^"
1962867632,"neutral","gridskipper007","@cfuess is making me hungry.  i had a bowl of cereal"
1962867725,"sadness","postphotos","@danielbachhuber if so, the TMobile G1 is the Hummer H1. I wish I had the battery life of an iPhone!"
1962867805,"neutral","pparalitici","Ready to go home  2 more hrs of wrk"
1962870184,"sadness","klbex","Oh no... The sun's gone!"
1962870375,"hate","MissDavidHenrie","I cant get all my rwitters on my phone this phone sucks"
1962870441,"worry","TaylaOleve","All I want is to see him tonight.  and I know it's not gonna happen."
1962870455,"sadness","trixstaaa","@NateBodnar are you going with jordan? he told me to come but im stuck at work"
1962870762,"sadness","grapes_of_sloth","@nippysweety Thanks very much for the #ff @nippysweety ! My only one today"
1962870971,"neutral","mike360","@markhoppus Think about adding Apple Shampoo.  100% My fav blink tune, and in the 3 times I've seen you guys, never heard it live."
1962871472,"worry","BlackWannabe","@tinchystryder   woooooo im seeing you in glasgow when you come, september is agessss away but"
1962871752,"sadness","SweetTL","@revfry his fam would disown us if we weren't there!   Both of us really wanted to come to the bbq  but got our weekends mixed up -"
1962872002,"worry","leila143","BTW, hey ppl. lol TGIF. Hopefully ur day is gr8. Mine is aight. Feeling like it kinda sux I got no plans 4 the wknd...."
1962872216,"enthusiasm","missmosher","I'm sick of being sick. The weekend is here and I'm ready to party"
1962872310,"relief","brookiebee37","I love when i have to burp but everytime i try i almost throw up"
1962872617,"neutral","jess_zook","@GenuineAmy I wanna watch that movie again. Maybe that dvd will work in my laptop since Dawson's Creek doesn't"
1962872787,"neutral","overflowinbrain","@wren  I know.  Sorry."
1962872883,"worry","Turbo_power","@simon__diamond brown but it looks black  at least its not red cos it would have looked like a period stain :/ <3"
1962873284,"sadness","TheNewJack","@Pristina I hide my berry like a slave REGULARLY only today I was caught by massa   & im def not light enough to be a juice pouring slave"
1962873477,"surprise","amyluvsjb","OMGZZZ i just realised homer simspon aint real :O  haha !"
1962873793,"surprise","izzyaay","@Undented do you have a password for the San Diego show? Mine is not working"
1962873999,"neutral","reinzy","Patay na pala si Pat Morita, the sensei on Karate Kid. "Wax on, wax off."  http://plurk.com/p/x2gey"
1962874165,"neutral","witenike","@klee123 It wasn't loading."
1962874201,"worry","ProTravelGear","@suziewi  lost luggage? Sorry to hear.  you should check out our selection of travel luggage here: http://budurl.com/9mua"
1962874202,"neutral","trifluorides","@cloudconnected  won't be out until august, but MAYBE someone really fast will xlate it <3"
1962874481,"love","SweetieTina","I have the biggest crush on Pink but she doesn't know I'm alive"
1962874493,"sadness","lintaab","i'm out of books to read, movies to watch n stuff to buy...i'm bored!"
1962874778,"sadness","hcolephotos","Sad to say bye bye to these beautiful mountains.  http://twitpic.com/675ks"
1962874892,"sadness","iSpaghettiCat","I missed @tapulous giving away a TTC code"
1962875097,"sadness","AaruC","#twpp and no one told me?"
1962875799,"love","rehes","@nzinghashakur for...the...loss. dumbface  ...him, not u. what u up to on the wknd? i wanna seeeeeee ya!"
1962876045,"worry","nysce","@MsVanityQT Flirting! Ima good man with bad habits."
1962876394,"surprise","vanzii","@Jonasbrothers It Was The Best Evar & My First,, You Didnt Awnser Any Of My Questions  xoxo"
1962876492,"sadness","julianclairey","Why don't you make me feel like you used to"
1962876646,"sadness","QTQuin83","@AttyBowen me and Arlando are totally done. I havn'e talked to him in a LONG time!Now I just have to find a 'worth while' man..."
1962876861,"neutral","CourtneyWebb","@mileycyrus Miley, I tried voting for you, and it wont let me vote for some reason  Ill try back a little later! <3"
1962877074,"sadness","JemimahPuddle1","I Wish i was still in Cornwall - i miss my auntie's dogs"
1962877226,"sadness","musicjones","@hitekfame my bad... I am always running..."
1962877451,"fun","ubringmejoi","@cwjacobs lol, what's wrong? workin right now sowwwy"
1962877633,"surprise","kaylakayys","always excited for a new chapter in my life. just didnt expect it to be so emotional."
1962877693,"worry","MissESPN19","I'm missing one of my diamond earrings. This makes me sad."
1962877843,"love","viewfrommylife","@loribot my music collection will be coming up to 250gb soon.  haha"
1962878175,"surprise","AndiezSockz","and my other peep got onto a game site who i will never see again"
1962878249,"neutral","JoshuaDG","@laccboner man I can cut my hair now. I mean not with cory.  procuts here I come."
1962878292,"sadness","saxbabe","Ok, WTF?! Why do you have something on your menu *in the window* if you don't sell it?! I wanted my bubble tea"
1962878877,"sadness","acrowe22","@majayy what about me  I miss you too!"
1962879005,"enthusiasm","jamescastleton","wanna go on the new manta ride  wish i was in the states"
1962879728,"neutral","mpolanco3","eating lunch cant wait till 6 off work but gotta work tomorrow"
1962879817,"empty","AlisaBee","@LBigs sooo, i saw RObs car drive by. but that was about it"
1962880052,"neutral","tlestarjette","@cascandar We are working"
1962880081,"happiness","BendyyStrawz","@laydmaxix aww  i will keep sending it ;)"
1962880128,"happiness","at0mn3y","I read some pretty awesome web comics today. And there's nothing really good on woot today  http://myloc.me/20gf"
1962880350,"sadness","carolrainbow","@lisibo ooohhhhh - sorry  So sad - never noticed the dollar signs! #oxteach"
1962880638,"worry","mike_rawlins","@Bizfizz Damn damn and blast!  I'm at LMHR tomorrow and Sam out   Who is running it?  I could see if she could join next week?"
1962880733,"relief","haayleey","i am boooooooored, theres nowhere to go"
1962880889,"sadness","wangsanata","Ugly betty was sooooooo sad!!!"
1962880890,"neutral","catbook","Boognish wishes Clemmie would be nice to me  http://apps.facebook.com/catbook/profile/view/6831309"
1962881011,"worry","SaraPRobinson","Has research guilt as I spent the day feeling sorry for myself with a cold.... will need to spend significant time coding this weekend"
1962881046,"neutral","keidson","oooh gosh Google Wave is looking pretty sexy. Lunch time's over though  Back to Powerpoint (significantly less sexy)"
1962881206,"hate","kristinmoran","completely bummed.  I'm stuck in a ford focus for the weekend.  My car's in the shop."
1962881732,"surprise","igorlet","@a_nobel ???, ???, ???, ????? ???? -- ??????"
1962882261,"worry","drewbenn","I got the dispatch e-mail about my books an hour ago, and UPS' status is already 'Exception'."
1962882746,"hate","shanamae","@22jenny I hate snood. lol. sorrry  i dont know how people play it!"
1962882904,"happiness","mycandidheart","just got a subponea"
1962882921,"neutral","candireign","showed my fluids decreasing slightly. So doesn't look like she's letting me out of this bed anytime soon  I have a follow up U/S next week"
1962883058,"sadness","pammesberger","Only have 80  followers... So sad."
1962883438,"love","unitechy","i haven't have had an weird kiss yet  ..all were damn romanticaly hot.. #twpp"
1962883577,"sadness","AubweeMawee","Senior video in mustang update. I'm gonna cry"
1962883749,"sadness","fragilehuman","I have to wait until I get home to watch the New Moon trailer clip. Stupid work Internet access restrictions"
1962883759,"relief","tgregory78","never mind it's closed  sorry Miley"
1962883892,"sadness","BrandySanDiego","Its so cold! I wish @shelby_says or @tattoos1985 were here to cuddle with me"
1962884303,"neutral","shawin","hmm, anyone else have their iPhone's earphones' grey rubber disintegrating?"
1962884705,"sadness","LarryMusic","Back at home and phone my grandma... I love her and miss her"
1962884839,"neutral","Republican_Girl","@sugarsharrk Hey I was scared last night at 3:17 because of you... and I had several bad nightmares"
1962889999,"enthusiasm","andyo22","@neudesigns MCM is still my next main event.  I'll be happy to get back running soon.  Still run-less for 10 days."
1962890132,"sadness","EricaMelody","@Ilovefal b/c "we" ONLY have Baby Phat, Phat Farm, Applebottoms & FUBU!! And they come up pretty WEAK!! Double"
1962890182,"worry","ericbutcher","I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that this copy of Sims 2 works...last copy totally bit it hard."
1962890234,"worry","sleepypika","Plasma fail this afternoon--40 minutes of repeated needle stickage, adjustment, and pain.    At least I still got paid!"
1962890246,"worry","StinkyTPinky","@tonyhawk I missed them at Red Rocks.  Sad couple of days."
1962890466,"happiness","bassfacejess","FANTASTIC week in London but ATROCIOUS 8 hour journey home"
1962890493,"worry","WrockDinahSaur","@142Staircases I seriously miss you and you're right! I already asked Justin to teach me, but he hasn't told me how to yet."
1962890693,"happiness","billamj","@smfibus I have a feeling that we'll be able to get anything we want as long as it's "green.""
1962890799,"worry","Tashster","@GeekySteph - I'm alright thanks pal, just bored witless, bored to hell, really wanna' go out somewhere!"
1962890898,"worry","FredColantonio","@zeldman For me everything ok except install crashed at the end and now Safari crashes at every cmd+Q"
1962891215,"neutral","Choqlate","@Puddynface2 I just heard from Brendan (DJ) that there isn't a party on the boat this weekend"
1962891409,"sadness","rosalicious","There is no good place to grab a quick healthy lunch in downtown Golden. Looks like it may be Safeway"
1962891547,"neutral","Rimidi","@TuesdayKnight oh no....u don't have to hit him up. He had a family emergency so there was a lil delay. Just can't wait to see them"
1962891586,"worry","Niclache","Nic has no idea what he's going to do!  money is all gone!"
1962892013,"worry","elhubcapo","@ASinisterDuck such a shit show"
1962892059,"happiness","delanotho","@gowalla Added 3 more spots in Memphis today and visited 2.  Needed a Hot Dog icon for a new restaurant so had to settle for a Hamburger"
1962892305,"worry","kaydeebird","i think i need a drink"
1962892361,"sadness","GabbyGaxiola","Wow. Way to be discouraged  idk anymore... fml."
1962892613,"love","brookehavenxxx","@alrapke the only thing is I'm not a chocolate fan  but the thought was yhere"
1962892808,"neutral","Groovy_Eeb","He's off!"
1962892834,"neutral","LuzGiussani","@Jonasbrothers  Hi jonas brothers  you came to argentina la otra vez"
1962893056,"worry","Blue_Bunny","@YvonneBeasley sadly, i don't think we'll have a bunch of free ice cream this year"
1962893109,"fun","AlexKallai","@JessicaMaley Hmm announcing your summer shifts on facebook...you're cool! hahaha. Mate I think I've got sunstroke  xxx"
1962893281,"surprise","WukkiUkki","@Medros Just try to do your best. I hope you don't get laid off."
1962893382,"sadness","ADrunkReaper","@PvtMarcus I always choose to be a good guy, even if I know its only a game, i feel a bit bad doing evil things"
1962893866,"sadness","burrows95","dam i missed hollyoaks 2nite!"
1962893946,"sadness","JullisaLopez","Bitter sweet moment... Want to leave but have nothing to go home to..."
1962893978,"worry","yuiyoung","Thinks twitter doesn't like me"
1962894053,"neutral","QSoraya","p.s. @AinsleyKerr thought you were gonna follow me back on twit-har ?"
1962894061,"love","BethhCunningham","@MandyyJiroux ah it doesnt work for me  but i just want to say i love the beach girl, you guys are acee! england loves you (: xx"
1962894236,"surprise","Mr_PaulEvans","@heykim WOOW that's harsh!  I'm so sorry to hear that"
1962894311,"hate","Andrea_Jo","Dont you hate when u take a bite of an apple and its nasty?im a very sad panda now"
1962894323,"worry","zoebatsparkes","going out  I can't do this crap anymore :'("
1962894365,"enthusiasm","MeccaStarr","Ok so 4 needs to hurry up and come wtf I wanna go hooooommmeeee!"
1962894404,"sadness","PFFTitsKaty","I definitely missed listening to The Spill Canvas, I miss seeing them live as well  "Now I'm in stitches ooooover you and oooover you, oh""
1962894413,"worry","PamiVargas","dissapointed in every way....confused... and damaged by the ugly love bug"
1962894881,"sadness","Ubergeek15","feel crappy today"
1962895018,"neutral","ChuckBone","@NewJourney09 Hey! How u feeling? I know Charla hit me to see there were any places she can go..too young  Did she have fun?"
1962895030,"worry","purechinoy","dang it...looks like I have to work this weekend  they always do that at the last minute! n I really wanted some time to practice my talk"
1962895183,"fun","madelyntrouble","Man i wish i could just bathe in my ice-cold sunkist right now.... But then i'd be sticky"
1962895372,"worry","DJStreamline","Ppl who smoke pot, are so f . . .n stupid. An instant turn off. drugs in general. why? seriously! ! ! why?"
1962895482,"sadness","Sauc3boss","sad day, redskins release Jansen   Best wishes to him. http://twurl.nl/ueivwi"
1962895679,"worry","sportschiq","@BabyStowz yo wats up? how u doin 2day? u havnt answerd any of my replys"
1962895847,"worry","childhood","@My_Sweethearts Im following you but you aren't on my DM list  Can you try to DM me?"
1962896279,"worry","kepps","Pwnd from all sides"
1962896283,"sadness","kristenXD","prom tonight.. too bad im not going to be there"
1962896342,"neutral","FightstarAngel","Is on her way to nottingham! ICOF tonight, then no more gigs umtil download. Fail"
1962896524,"worry","zachscityofowls","fighting again"
1962896656,"sadness","Goldilinchen","Bad day!  Work's TOO stressful...been involved in a minor accident, but everything's ok so far. Have to cut down immediately!"
1962896803,"sadness","surfindolphin7","Ok grey/cold day in LA, listening to PJ Harvey, Jenny Lewis, Cat Power..I see a pattern here."
1962896921,"fun","brianstoys","@geektrooper I know.  I am definitely going to try and see Up this weekend."
1962897006,"worry","George19","I had a dream there was some kind of bug on my eye"
1962897758,"sadness","thakuramit","not sure where the real state market is moving  confused either hold or go ahead with the plans?"
1962898043,"hate","veronicag123","I don't want to quit my job."
1962898298,"sadness","SturmDM","http://twitpic.com/675tw - Square B - she is sad because she wasn't there and now she's, well, square  (crocheted bee with poly fibe ..."
1962898374,"neutral","SturmDM","http://twitpic.com/675t7 - Square B - she is sad because she wasn't there and now she's, well, square  (crocheted bee with poly fibe ..."
1962898451,"neutral","Cherrim","@cloudconnected Actually I think the NA release date was confirmed for September so it's a bit more of a wait."
1962898497,"neutral","SturmDM","http://twitpic.com/675u6 - Square B - she is sad because she wasn't there and now she's, well, square  (crocheted bee with poly fibe ..."
1962898675,"worry","candireign","@Jazziy showed my fluid decreasing slightly so doesnt look like Im getting out of this bed anytime soon  Ive got a follow up U/S next week"
1962899302,"sadness","MOBEANZ","ps it's rainging"
1962899393,"neutral","marie126","Sitting at the doctor's office."
1962899642,"neutral","FakerGigi","Have to run! I'll be on later and hopefully can catch everyone I missed today. Working on web is a bear and so I miss a lot."
1962899866,"sadness","reenastarr","@innonate @juliaxgulia Can't figure out how to reply on Tumblr sorry! I don't get into NYC until 6/4 so I can't go to any events b4 then"
1962899872,"neutral","ME215","@Duncks   so not close enough that I could run out and get one"
1962900071,"neutral","mozzzzy","Listening to Busted - 3AM. I miss them"
1962900166,"neutral","baltschul","19 years for Phil Spector  http://bit.ly/199ZWD"
1962900387,"neutral","Fizzerella","I'm saying my goodbye to my car for the next 2 weeks  I'm gonna miss it!!  Its going to come back beautiful though!!"
1962900521,"love","ZapThunder","@HH4764 ...and there I miss you."
1962900798,"sadness","RealWorldCara","Not a happy camper  not having a good day at all..."
1962901259,"worry","xnarx","@MsUndrstood My sister is graduating too & I can't afford to buy here anything"
1962904511,"neutral","mattycus","Can I bring yself to go for the 1000 Heroism badges achievement?"
1962904868,"neutral","emilymacagy","Just passed the exit to Baltimore."
1962904962,"neutral","ROD_ONE","@shinobistalin lord tariq hasnt been relevent since 98"
1962905193,"happiness","iamxande","Going to @LittleSkillet for lunch today with @earth2andy. Who's in? I still need to hit the ATM."
1962905897,"worry","emclev","A delay until midnight  bloody thomson!!!!"
1962906234,"neutral","artoni","@msfeistus I AM A CHILD OF THE DIGITAL AGE I USE TWITTER TO ASK SUCH QUESTIONS do not bring logic into this"
1962907212,"worry","bedandbark","@PuptownProducts Worried about our Arabelle. Tweet please. Or text."
1962907467,"worry","M641","@juliedarling supposed to be visiting Austin Sun-Thurs..but not feeling well since vaca.  Would've said hello for sure!"
1962907469,"sadness","LuckyStarX","@Fearnecotton I'm gonna miss the show  at whitby for the weekend! btw i love your show! Radio 1 is always on! ly x"
1962907625,"relief","h2obutterfly","bored out of my mind. I guess im paying the price for having so much fun yesterday."
1962907755,"worry","ehammond84","@masterluke103 oh how the ladies will suffer now  LOL"
1962908347,"sadness","kitcathy","running errands with geeta... feeling like i have the plague"
1962908455,"worry","mommyofamonster","I miss matt today"
1962908767,"relief","dipali17","@BrooklynDDecker twice? lucky you. i havent even watched it once. just released here today."
1962908786,"surprise","LaTani","@Arian_A i have but you know it's not that easy.."
1962908815,"sadness","christyrae7","Want to hang out with beth and tenaya and their hubbys tonight....but jon wants to hang out with some other people"
1962908862,"relief","amymarie1001","@JosephHabedank was gonna DM you but it says you're not following me!    lol  after all I've done!  hahaha"
1962908994,"surprise","RegalDiegel","@amdiegelman OH NO....do you think he's lived out his lifespan?"
1962909004,"worry","ladydia","ahh my poor feeeeeet"
1962909080,"sadness","monoclelad","Ha I got another #followfriday. take that @mage! oh... your listed too... thanks a lot @Lowjacker ya jerk."
1962909377,"sadness","juliakontos","i didnt get a hug today"
1962909575,"worry","plutopian","What a bad day"
1962909597,"worry","GatorGrl","@JonKress perhaps she will start including #magic in all of her tweets now too. BTW... you didn't write #magic in ur tweet to me."
1962909777,"neutral","Jonnodesu","Wanna go out"
1962910049,"sadness","wearingmascara","Tonight is my last night in my apartment..."
1962910181,"hate","cesmusik","@grizzmusic wheres the music mannnn!!?? my inbox is still empty"
1962910197,"worry","danniezeitgeist","@sarahsss i wish i had friends i could spend the night with"
1962910340,"worry","Eddie_Entropy","The pentagram has rejected the offering"
1962910580,"sadness","VanilleFille","My cat died of kidney failure during my math test  This day needs to get better."
1962910674,"sadness","thethingiskat","@TheHebrican can we trade weather? it's all gloomy today in la."
1962910835,"sadness","LauraBlood","I feel actual heartbreak.. @Levanah_Gates last night  x"
1962910906,"worry","crystalmaneval","everybody is leaving work early except me"
1962910986,"worry","kellyraeroberts","which was so UNLIKE the POs in oakland. they hated me"
1962911272,"neutral","arcprincess","just broke a vase that i didn't even get a chance to use"
1962911316,"worry","reflective","@jennhoots Well let's be blessed together then too! Yes, I feel better, but I would be sick again though if my little was spared."
1962911708,"worry","AdamDev13","@Pink Oh I beg of you to add just a 3rd nite in Dublin in October... PLEEEEEEEASSSEEEEEEE"
1962912232,"worry","emergencybreaks","So tired   Last group of the day is performing now.. It's been an interesting one."
1962912339,"surprise","FizzleW","@bellarina1983 i haven't got a text back!  sod her i looks fabulous!"
1962912501,"sadness","seanpadilla","@amandadiva I've had to do laundry for the last two days"
1962912560,"relief","sorcha_d","@mileycyrus I would vote for you Miley but I live in Ireland  You'll be fine  Good luck! Sl�n!(bye in irish ) Sorcha xxxx"
1962912603,"sadness","JohnSeaborn","*sigh* Last day at work. I has an sadifying in my heartparts."
1962913067,"worry","Fuxhuxtable","Its two o clock in the morning!"
1962913068,"relief","GemKelly","@T_Rex_513 I'm working all weekend"
1962913176,"sadness","RockChoy","I missed the math trade"
1962913514,"neutral","sfabsx","@JammyRabbins i wish you were playing at MY prom"
1962913751,"neutral","deanndunn","@brandystrippers Oh No! Oprah jumped in front again"
1962913962,"neutral","sweetsweetmagic","@Mollotova i was going to cal you  i'm not going to be able to cuz i close tonight and open tomorrow i'm real sorry But i'll have present"
1962914195,"worry","SaraMG","Boingo connected without fuss this time, but it's slower'n snail piss...    (MDW, Food Count between Concourses A and B)"
1962914409,"surprise","TessMorris","@pilgrimfamilyuk OOO YUK !! thats not good Im retching as we tweet"
1962914481,"empty","davygreenberg","@PenDaRella just that you're not here..."
1962916231,"hate","christinasacco","@DR I'm SO jealous- it's pouring right now"
1962916417,"sadness","vcharris09","wishing i could go out of town this weekend"
1962916832,"sadness","melex","@NG01 you got it. poor thing not gonna have a choice for much longer though"
1962917007,"neutral","imaniluvsyou","@OGBERRY cold & raining in inglewood"
1962917162,"fun","SunshineBoat","@blaqberry I know, me too.  I'm hoping since I got him sesame oil, which he loves, that he'll let it slide. *fingers crossed*"
1962917220,"sadness","saujia49","@Zaidah1 i can't listen to music at work  I probably could try, but then i'll have to start hunting for a new job on monday"
1962917442,"worry","azstar165","@Bri51NY Awww  that's no fun, did you take something?"
1962917454,"neutral","shot_of_flair","on my way to work! I am gonna miss general hospital"
1962917573,"love","fartingpen","ok @shaaqt @spitphyre @limeice @unitechy @punkpolkadots Love you girls. but work beckons.  Will come back later for #twpp"
1962917667,"sadness","momof3inva","@ChrisSligh I am saddened to see you felt the need to comment about Clay. I know you don't care, but you lost one follower today."
1962917919,"neutral","abbieeeee","I'm so hunrgy right now and these heels kill me I can hardly walk in them"
1962918026,"love","BrittanyEdana","Just sitting waiting for my husband to get home"
1962918168,"neutral","ztay","just paid $221/mo for a dedicated server @GoDaddy. Would rather get a slice @slicehost, but I using MS SQL"
1962918857,"worry","VanessaCorsetti","My twitter is on c r a c k"
1962918914,"worry","peaceloveshann","storming outside"
1962919092,"hate","Chantaleewaid","I really don't like this weather"
1962919197,"love","amyrod84","@Shan_Shan_West Im so excited to see u!! Its been forever  My lil Shan Shan gettin married!!  PS Did u really get a tattoo?? Lol"
1962919848,"neutral","bleything","@ahockley: get into terminal and kill -9 it.  which is really what force quit should do"
1962919947,"sadness","whereisheather","i have the adam lambert version of FEELIN GOOD in my head... i miss idol already."
1962919980,"hate","hockeyisgood","@ep31 well twitter doesn't even work from my phone anymore"
1962920567,"neutral","ASHtonCUTEsher","@Danyelle_Elaine lol y i see ya twitts all tha time n i didnt get this one till right now lol and u never get mines  damn twitta"
1962925422,"worry","musicsistah","thank god for some overcast and ivory. Trying to get my mom to take me out to lunch egh doesnt look like its gonna work."
1962925670,"boredom","thehelpmovement","@spidermonkeyloo Were you going to come? The venue said that they couldn't afford to open so cancelled it. I wish we were there now!"
1962925849,"worry","maplesyrup86","I don't wanna do this presentation"
1962926101,"worry","aleee_jb","i NEED MY fRYEND!"
1962926464,"worry","xsonyax","Ohai wilkes barre--scranton exit!  estimated arrival time: 7:22. TOO FAR AWAY."
1962926738,"love","DIALYNREY","Had wonderful company and a not so bad salad today at McDonalds for lunch. Now headed to my doctor's appt. booh hiss!"
1962926784,"neutral","justineeg","Shower head broke while i was in the shower and shot straight @ my head.may get a welt later on from it"
1962926808,"enthusiasm","Cherrim","@cloudconnected KH is the only thing I'll be a weeaboo about.  I still prefer it in English but I'm impatient, haha"
1962927275,"neutral","NeonBlueTornado","@ambbboo Playing with lighters fire matches and grass"
1962927451,"worry","happybushra","@andrewho why would u get in trouble with me, i did not follow the logic sorry"
1962928258,"sadness","burgerrfacee","promised myself not to eat crisps but im starving and theres nothing else quick to eat"
1962928259,"fun","Marcweezy","Speedbumps suck when u gotta piss!!"
1962928350,"neutral","Dits","@temple3000 starbuck"
1962928418,"empty","rhemingway","feel so out of the loop. no twitter on my desktop and haven't listened to @gdgt weekly or read engadget in ages"
1962928898,"worry","dannylonestar","Dude my butt itches  but i cant scratch it cause ppl r here"
1962929190,"worry","Allieh212","About to get shot! Ow!"
1962929449,"hate","solipsiae","@ctrleverything We're off.  I'm sorry. Parents coming in around 10-11, gonna eat with them, then house-hunt in Richardson. RAAAAIN CHEEECK"
1962930069,"worry","artsyness","Worried about Bry, he has bronchitis and a sinus infection   Poor baby."
1962930200,"worry","thepodgineer","TweetDeck is acting really strange! Hum........ reinstall maybe. Update on the horizon? Or is it just another Adobe memory leak"
1962930707,"empty","tkes","Breaking the daily build broke my daily plan as well"
1962930991,"neutral","whatisreal","is working 4 to close"
1962931368,"surprise","kyelani","@DARRENJ0NES ooh ouch!   lovely weather but damn! cover up sugar! x"
1962931433,"worry","TigerAngel68","@websiteowner Thanks though - am trying to be positive!!  Wine may not be helping lol!!  Wish I could make the gigs....."
1962931492,"surprise","DannyTRS","@Massawyrm we watched that one day in the middle of playing-- it REALLY doesn't hold up"
1962931889,"sadness","mario_garza","ok, I want to quit my job....."
1962931909,"worry","ROtotheD","@fanifang i did and i feel great....   but i still miss it..."
1962931946,"worry","yesitsmeabby","@Xx_Elmo_xX awhh you alright ?"
1962932343,"neutral","JoshuaDG","@laccboner mom said no."
1962932469,"worry","TheHarvardian","*sighs* My head hurts.  Does anyone know if you can mix Benadryl with Claritin if you're already taking it with Sudafed?"
1962933053,"surprise","nannerland","Hi .. I have the net YAYY.. Im here for a short time though"
1962933448,"relief","WobblerSam","Ahhh i'm sqeaky clean and fresh. Even though i'm wearing dirty clothes  I love Two and a Half Men - it's amazing!"
1962933455,"worry","hoody8","life should be exciting today but someone very close to me has mardy bum and its starting to rub off on me!!"
1962933618,"neutral","christinababy","Trying to find someone to go to the mall with."
1962933774,"neutral","snfields042009","Running in the rain"
1962934046,"sadness","HeartBreakV","@Suai awww me sorry.. its been so long.. u left me"
1962934212,"worry","AlanReidHall","@krystynchong Your still thinking?  Cheer up Buddy )"
1962934276,"neutral","brightisbest","@Tamsin1234 and I didn't get your myspak comment  big sad"
1962934389,"neutral","libbymiller","charbotgreen has been suspended  "unusual activity??""
1962934564,"sadness","shortsweetaznqt","My paycheck was nothing but a piece of paper."
1962934659,"sadness","mikelancaster","@tahninial nothing, they make it up, last time i checked a jar of curry sauce there was no pepper inside, i was disappointed"
1962934850,"sadness","theflavorcory","Not eating funnel cake at Mag Fest is what I am doing"
1962935019,"love","Loliii","@backstreetboys I'd love for Nicky Poo and Bri & Howie & Aj, to wish me a happy birthday  please please please please pleaseee guys.."
1962935176,"hate","amysav83","@Don_J think so.. although think i am being ignored! not a good day"
1962935398,"happiness","kestrel_chan","@Aeire ahahaha, that happens to me all the time.  poor Angela!"
1962935508,"sadness","Jerbones","Wish I was going back to the lake for the weekend...had a blast...miss my lil bro"
1962935928,"worry","AceMas21","@Emma300 Oh I'm sorry hun  (((XXX)))) I'm fine thanks.....kids are driving me nuts, but hey ho, they're back to school on Monday!!"
1962936068,"happiness","Sweet1030","Wants to go catch happy hour @sonic to get me a strawberry lemonade slush (@ameshaye put me on them)...but i dont have my car...super"
1962936350,"neutral","zara_p","Sneezing hurts my back."
1962936473,"sadness","tonysnotplayin","@laydieluck777 damn  real sorry to hear that ma"
1962936678,"fun","stinkylink","@pimpstyleo Yeah prbly pickin up songs for SingStar. Haven't checked the last few store updates. And dunno that Cranberries song."
1962937143,"surprise","Boddingtons","@OfficialSTaylo no it doesn't...sheesh"
1962937444,"worry","kagomegan","@egsa I knooooow.  I'm just down on myself today I guess. I'll work on catching up instead. It would take too long to get there now."
1962937463,"sadness","Cyndie09","@meganduffy aww I miss u too! Haven't ate"
1962937480,"sadness","KatGirl44","@aliasgirl18 Exactly!  He wouldn't say it if they'd hinted it to him. I will seriously die with him if it's true."
1962937758,"neutral","imapuffin","@lisafocat I know, they're shit. I am trying to sort out my portfolio and I don't know what to put in it!"
1962937767,"worry","aubrieislame","@dkrleo1: aww im sorry honey.  that stinks"
1962938326,"worry","ladron02","About to go pick up my roomate from the airport....no more house to myself."
1962938539,"worry","bernsteinr","the people are coming to kill my mouse on monday    i have mixed emotions.  i mean, he lives in my desk drawer!!"
1962938661,"worry","cynders67","@geeketteFi and I SIT HERE all on my own doing nowt  hmmpfff lol..have a good night"
1962938736,"neutral","misslittlemiss","Flat tire city"
1962938750,"happiness","likeyellowlemon","@Minicooperr yeahh! Ryland was amazing xD BUT I DIDN'T GET A HUG OFF HIM booo  Suarez seemed a bit off tbh..but I think he'd just woken up"
1962938792,"neutral","LizzMartin","@RespectMileyC can you follow me please?"
1962938815,"worry","unsaidthingsx","i ate waaaay to much candy today, i feel sick"
1962939473,"worry","BrittBombShell","@blairangela I don't want to  !!!! I am going to cry all the way home!!!"
1962939585,"neutral","rovingwave","work work work!"
1962939900,"happiness","GrrrlsOnMDMA","Just eaten, and feel extremely bloated...  now for the not so fun part."
1962940214,"worry","bijouxazurine","I have to say, I find it very hard selling on etsy.... sometimes discouraging"
1962940399,"relief","momgm","Last days of maternity leave"
1962940419,"surprise","DianasaurDishes","Was going to Grandpa's place for lunch to celebrate his 88th.  Just found out it's changed to a Chinese buffet  Bringing Gas-x!"
1962940453,"worry","SophieXOXOX","Darn it my DS died    x"
1962940726,"worry","Pirata","fever's down. headache far worse, bad enough that light or sound make me want 2 cry.  new: wretched neck pain. im calling out to job#2"
1962941194,"hate","vladmech","@LadyLucius Oh eww that is suck!"
1962941323,"worry","_magic8ball","@JosephChapman Outlook not so good"
1962941564,"surprise","wildbluebug","Was about to head downtown...now there's a flash flood!  - Photo: http://bkite.com/07XFs"
1962948419,"neutral","Kimli","Itchy boobs!"
1962948714,"neutral","emilyinchile","fingers crossed that my neighbor can sign for my UPS package today, otherwise it may be bye-bye pretty skirts"
1962948750,"sadness","becklyn13","@Katrinasummer Dude, I hear ya. I'll be 26 two weeks from tomorrow. I feel old."
1962948860,"worry","Dogbook","Fiona is sad because there wasn't enought room in Megan's suitcase for her  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/5163602"
1962948919,"happiness","SamLikesHam123","About to present my project."
1962949206,"worry","alifromdablock","Am i really hyperventilating over my hair???  yes, i most certainly am."
1962949331,"worry","Stargate_Addict","@Shansgrl have a good nap. Sorry bout the dumby at work."
1962949429,"hate","powderkeg","my brother is irritating. and not just bc he takes & wears my clothes without asking. i want to punch him violently for shit he does."
1962949453,"neutral","BEGUNZAKARY","- doesn`t have a phone."
1962949484,"worry","bridgetbean79","Its pouring and i have holes in my shoes"
1962949696,"worry","mrl14","@shoemoney I'm more upset about the fact that 2010 is the last year"
1962949808,"worry","leeuhhpluradon","I need a new phone already  or i needa go to the store and see if they'll fix mine o.O"
1962950111,"neutral","sean8412","can sum1 tells me how 2 vote 4 miley? it seems sum peeple r still voting i went 2 mtv.com nd it seems i cant vote"
1962951120,"sadness","ashleyrwatts","R is going to be mad :/ Science of Sleep is missing and it's due back! I didn't even get to watch it!"
1962951394,"sadness","GeoOlaru","Mexico City traffic  Beating the rush hour to make it to the Aeropuerto"
1962951792,"love","thisisnotphebe","aw man. just watched hollyoaks again and it was very sad"
1962951804,"surprise","mcleah_xx","i wish that mcfly dream was real aha, i want tom to write in my action plannner  haaa, it would be awesome though ;D"
1962951815,"sadness","peeja","@binary42 I'm sorry you won't make it."
1962951843,"worry","DeadSpider","@Pappy60 Looks nice.... never knew VHS had such a short life span... hope my fav VHS is not dead"
1962951954,"neutral","brigwyn","@Mandaril blocked on this end  I'll have to try and remember it for later"
1962951959,"worry","Moitchell","Installing a new hard drive! Gotta redo everything though"
1962952272,"neutral","ShelliMayfield","PArts of me are starting to feel the effects of over tanning"
1962952584,"worry","4040-10-01","Twitter won't let me update online. My update box won't work."
1962952689,"neutral","theluma","@properhardcore Sorry, not getting the reference/meme"
1962952790,"neutral","RockedByPickler","@marci723 OHH  yeah i sometimes forget  your in the other but cheek ok america"
1962953012,"enthusiasm","cgravish","Waiting for 5:00 & having cramps"
1962953075,"hate","jessieC","Friday has a whole different meaning when you have to work Saturday and Sunday"
1962953305,"sadness","oliviamcc1","has has an ok day with jo. She bit me and now its bruised."
1962953674,"sadness","francesspoon","@birdsandbones meeee too. i am listening to sad music and missing you.  ps - http://www.daytrotter.com/"
1962954002,"worry","michaeljung","@tim_weber I wrote a leadership essay abt its founder. The expansion didn't went well, tried to break in America. Lots of money burned."
1962954005,"sadness","crazyjulieta","@jennjolie yep... or it should b automatic that if u fall 4 someone that person does 2!or smthng like that... but the way it is SUCKS!"
1962954195,"sadness","summer_g","@sirhova its been clownin since it got flooded in htown in april. Got it repaired or so I thought."
1962954453,"worry","shewar","i have dried up superglue on my thunb"
1962954589,"neutral","marktrolley","So much for Skype for BlackBerry in May"
1962954956,"surprise","AllieB29","The bunuelos were a huge hit but i had to skip shopping afterwards.  let's see what kind of trouble i can get into here..."
1962955219,"worry","beccasweetness","Great. I let my friend use my ipod this morning and he uses it all day and kills the battery. So now i cant listen to demi."
1962955382,"worry","Bectron","@kellichase  I'm sorry."
1962955753,"worry","LanaLectroshock","meep. i cant text patrick back. babyyyyyy!"
1962955758,"love","drewcantu","@jasonwitmer you haven't drawn me yet"
1962955943,"neutral","eileenrosado","@iamdiddy Well....not the Spurs!!!"
1962956090,"neutral","msillinitweet","Off to work"
1962956153,"worry","Nikkers","@GaltsGhost LMAO shush. with my illness comes the joys of multiple mouth ulcers, and i think they are coming back  they JUST healed"
1962956295,"worry","mattymax","Sad. I don't know what to do with my life. Everything I have done since the age of 16 has been towards healthcare and nursing"
1962956352,"sadness","tashanzac","I feel sorry for male singers.  they are never gonna be as great Zac Hanson! Pooorr fellas"
1962956453,"neutral","HeriCabral","@aldenpolicar good day sir. I'm hungry!"
1962956640,"worry","Dreness023","having a bad day"
1962956705,"sadness","Nerdcoresteve","@sarahfenn I prefer overcast days too. Sorry it's hot where you are."
1962956765,"worry","SertiFYde","My girl needs a hug! She lost here cell phone"
1962956937,"hate","insearchofnkotb","Ughhhh...mad as ppl make me some times...I don't like 2 have 2 do yucky thngs  I am NOT cut out 2 deal w HR stuf...ppl's tears kill me!"
1962957022,"sadness","twi_vivs","ayy fml. nothing is perfect"
1962957051,"sadness","sportschiq","@BabyStowz yea, feel like im bein ignored"
1962957721,"worry","tomwiilloughby","had a great session canvassing in the sun... but now is miserable cus i have no1 to go to the pub with"
1962957867,"sadness","leasym","about to start work and missing him like crazy.I wont be seeing him till Tuesday"
1962958667,"worry","ehkinsey","@MrsNewlywed I am so sorry!!  That really sucks"
1962959092,"worry","Yarkii","ONLY 1 thing sucks about holidays: worrying about pets. Cats will be tgthr @ "cat resort" but Jonesy won't have much company @ dad-in-law"
1962959104,"worry","shannoncarll","misses @laurencarll so much"
1962959302,"surprise","terlieslie","and why is everyone having a nice weather but prague"
1962959434,"surprise","judyz","Apple is expected to launch a new iPhone this summer.  Hi my name is Judy and I am addicted to Apple products."
1962959446,"worry","Sunshine_wine","twit twit twitter! trying to "legally" watch a movie online, its not happening"
1962959497,"happiness","sky14kemea","@jenrolton  awwwww  would a virtual high five make it any better?"
1962959571,"fun","GamingOnly","On the airport in Philadelphia at the moment, waiting for the plane to leave in about an hour. Just six more hours on a plane"
1962959665,"anger","kirstydutoit","im writing an exam on a SATURDAY  that should be illegal  where's my weekend?"
1962959695,"fun","bellalucia","@Octo77 staying in, hve June exams 4 docent training class ,need to study  , we hvng zombie movie sunday aftrn, u both shld come over!"
1962959799,"empty","irene_velasquez","I dont wanna im to spanish today"
1962959903,"love","thegreatrescue","really wants a puppy..."
1962960950,"sadness","sarahjoaustin","@kurttheobald No problem. Unfortunately, I think it was just something I had to sort out on my own."
1962961308,"sadness","needsex","I know I shouldn't be saying this but fuck it..I'm horny as hell  http://twurl.nl/8q6cjc"
1962961381,"neutral","brittanycormier","Home from school. Out tonight? Probably not"
1962961597,"sadness","TriciaVoulgaris","home, don't feel like going to work tomorrow"
1962961660,"neutral","akwhaaat","wtf?! my tweets aren't posting   super excited about the weekend! <3jfg."
1962962311,"worry","KMont","@alchemuse Oh noes.  Hope you feel better soon. My head sympathizes with yours."
1962962394,"sadness","H2oShy","@mileycyrus AHHHH!!!! Voting is closed for your categories!!!  I would have voted for you in them though!  I tried."
1962962547,"sadness","SavingAmyy","Had some fun in the sun,, Im not seeing my tan yet though      I want chocolate!"
1962967636,"neutral","LindseyA_","@War_Man im fully obsessed with their burritos enchilado style. My mom doesnt wanna go with me tho"
1962967916,"neutral","scubapps","@Bunny90san ooo... No I believe they've all closed down, even the ones at the airport"
1962968330,"neutral","MeganClaire","@jessicaringle i have to work tonight.  *M*"
1962969112,"worry","SoccerGirl28","Thinking about all of the cleaning and organizing that needs to be done over the weekend!"
1962969384,"worry","Delirious_sb","@backseatsurfer9 Oy.  Get checked for ulcers please please please."
1962969582,"sadness","CR8D2XL","@Rckstar53 Why I gotta be all that?... I sad now"
1962969989,"worry","sivonclaire","I don't wanna go to work tonight."
1962970052,"sadness","cristallrose","wish i didnt have to go to work tonight"
1962970496,"sadness","LlamaKid","Still not feeling well"
1962970623,"enthusiasm","emmaoconnell","Ready for Eastenders - going to be a good one!! .. Then the last BGT Semi Final  .. FINAL tomorrow night though  Exciting stuff..."
1962970665,"worry","SandyBarraza","Yes!! Finally Friday...which tech means nothing to me since Im currently unemployed"
1962970792,"sadness","brynndolyn","Biggest food fight/mosh pit ever and i miss it from across the school"
1962971355,"worry","rah_rah","@irgxana next time? I might not get there this time if the bus has anything to do with it"
1962971587,"sadness","Bolivarfiremen","Fire call today missed it"
1962971915,"love","macycotlman","@murdeek  i met him! hes from where i live !!! he goes clubbing the same places lol! i dont get twittter"
1962972332,"sadness","REALbran0bran0","was gonna go to my brothers show but still feeling like poo :**("
1962973466,"sadness","BunniesNBuggies","Is anyone else having a bad Friday? Is not a fun day today."
1962973670,"hate","BishopZero","@heartystew Trickery?  No, just exasperation at seeing gay Pride hijacked by a politics bigger and uglier then anything it's meant for"
1962973782,"happiness","antiqueweek","Best purchases at today at the yard sales: 2 large dog crates ($30) and a refrigerator for the office ($35) didn't buy anything old"
1962974076,"empty","thatssowilma","CAKE is sold out at terminal 5"
1962974707,"neutral","suPEARLative5","Trying to open a .docx file on my virtual system while I'm under the dryer. But it only has Office 2007,"
1962975469,"sadness","GraceRonnie","Is on 'msn', but nones on! :@  :'("
1962976119,"worry","kyelani","@DARRENJ0NES you poor thing   *hug*  plenty of aloe gel in summer eh?"
1962976161,"sadness","poofydew","Best day at work, best weekend ahead. Hopefully I will have someone to go to USC with..."
1962976641,"neutral","bellav","@chacesmithphoto will do! I may just have to keep it on my shelf with the rest of my old cameras"
1962976784,"worry","electroginge","@nevermore222 poor tony  come play scrabble on facebook!"
1962977216,"surprise","bsandeep","@shaaqT You forgot moi  #twpp"
1962977277,"worry","vixen_nova","http://twitpic.com/676hv - R.I.P Fristy just thinking abt her"
1962977303,"worry","pdxphotog","On the plane to yosemite. Forgot my laptop at home"
1962977525,"worry","Waqqar","@rubberduckygirl Hey, sorry I didn't get in touch sooner! We didn't go by Bologna. It was out of our way"
1962977632,"worry","marissamadcute","http://twitpic.com/676hz - It's raining  so chocolate world it is !"
1962978628,"sadness","hannahmalcrckrs","at the risk of sounding like a whiny child, I gotta say...I WANNA GO HOOOOOOOOOOOOMEEEEE!!! Ugh."
1962978736,"worry","drofder","@btpl iTunes won't let you move songs from the touch onto the computer."
1962978758,"surprise","Doodlebug18","@danger_skies I want to dance with you too  I haven't really listened to that song since you left. It makes me miss you more"
1962978835,"worry","Kat_KittyKat","@DazzlesPR oh phew you scared me. I wont have ANY access when im in mexico"
1962979329,"relief","TanaisG","@Yermilla @NafRas 250E!!! CRAZZYYYY ! But just this summer !!!  cuz Ci are very close to RD! :s"
1962979361,"worry","amygailey","Today I'm sad, my cat of 10 years has just stopped eating, and is very sick."
1962979927,"worry","nhansta","Hey where my left nipple? She never respond bacc.."
1962979937,"worry","Dorinee","My parents wachting tv but it is terrible and there is nothing else  me so sad"
1962980089,"worry","suki","@doverbey why aren't you showing up as a #spymaster in my screen?"
1962980201,"worry","Jenn_Burch","Very sad that my camera is in the hands of the Geek Squad. 2-3 weeks!"
1962980348,"sadness","JacquelynRN","Prodigiy and The Crystal Method tomorrow for USC Birthday party and I have to work  first time I miss the Crystal Method. SAD!"
1962980887,"worry","libbymiller","hm seems to have been because my blog was marked as a phishing site"
1962980900,"neutral","dwilson7","Anybody want to bring me lunch?"
1962981309,"happiness","firebirdhouse","@tagscats thanks! You know that happens once in awhile"
1962981317,"sadness","carollineo","@backstreetboys http://twitpic.com/3x3wq - impossible to know them closely"
1962981456,"worry","dmoldenk","So.... the first day back to work = 300+ emails still to get through"
1962981646,"sadness","thetricktolife","@jordanhowell nah just iplayer listening back to it, its not working"
1962981706,"worry","katrina_v","it's summer time.... these gas prices are going up again"
1962981911,"neutral","limeice","@ankita_gaba Our bids gone to waste? @Shadez won't even give us a look  #twpp"
1962982169,"neutral","jd129","@aeversman  CALL ME"
1962982261,"worry","loveleeh","can't find any good version of 100 Monkeys song    ++ still doesn't get how to send message things on twitter."
1962982388,"sadness","krmsn","I just lost my favorite pen  good thing I have a back up =D"
1962982779,"worry","matt_sawer","internet on trains is 100% awful!!!"
1962983353,"worry","JTSpurs","I just got back to London to discover.....still no tickets"
1962983420,"worry","veence","@momebie omginorite! I'd be all fancy and tophatted all the time, it's really too bad I can't grow a handlebar moustache.."
1962983441,"worry","spikyhairfool10","Thinking bout maddies comments"
1962983841,"happiness","shellybananas","leaving work, going to crystal to search for her license, picking her and bia up, then heading to vegas. ugh i'm tired already"
1962984221,"worry","ChampagneRDub","@cameo1172 i feel u  but its sooo close to me hard not to  but i cant so no point ugh"
1962984667,"neutral","SummerLovesVFC","DAMN IT!! _____________"
1962990842,"sadness","plumpqt","@AbbyRo good good same sched for me too sadly"
1962991011,"neutral","caitlinduhhh","Im so tired. And its so gloomy  what happeened ro summer?"
1962991255,"worry","GerzeLee","Washing The Dishes :S iTs So hard 2 be Me"
1962991788,"sadness","geezitsvivian","@stephenjerzak awww i didnt pass my speech"
1962992517,"neutral","velocejoe","Tired beyond reason. I would rather be just about anything else other then tired"
1962992556,"worry","YaGirlTia","Cried Like A Fukn Baby Today Durin Da Senior Show...Ima Miss All My Senior Friends"
1962992620,"neutral","wmhsrebelmom","Note to self: don't wear steel toes to the court house, I'm just sayin"
1962992952,"worry","AdmiralGaal","I hurt my foot in gym class."
1962993010,"happiness","kaelahbee","Fever of 103. Awesome. My tonsils are so swollen I can't even eat solid food. Still on location  the pictures rule though"
1962993062,"empty","thegreatrescue","was on the verge of buying a Black AKC British Lab for $599 today... then the apartment complex overruled it....  dumb."
1962993589,"empty","WorldsOfAlisha","@djknucklehead http://twitpic.com/665n7 - I dont like it"
1962993771,"sadness","emmaXIII","Bye bye edinburgh  i don't want to leave"
1962994117,"sadness","JasonReneau","Kinda pissed really wanted to go see Drag me to Hell with Christina and Garrit, but I have to work till 2am  I'm go... http://znl.me/OSWGH"
1962994658,"sadness","sophielovemcfly","@tommcfly helllllloooooooooooo tom, gig tonight? sorry im not sure when your shows are over there! miss you in the UK  HI HI HI HI HI xx"
1962994684,"love","TheLando618","O'Charleys? Pretty good. Especially when its free. Hot waitress? I think so. Back to work? Unfortunately."
1962994871,"anger","cheesivore","@egheitasean Which denomination? I'm at the library and everything's blocked."
1962995299,"worry","jvesolitario","@jaclynracpan ouch acid reflux hurt too..."
1962995494,"neutral","thefrankensteph","Justin's blanket shed black lint all over my white skirt."
1962995628,"sadness","mblandiniii","what the fuck...ahaha i hate my life sometimes. why reply on only bad things  ..even if it wasn't bad and i was kidding but whatever! fml"
1962995678,"neutral","chyeahitsalicia","@featherblossoms I can't stream videos on my phone"
1962995826,"sadness","CommnSenseMoney","@Freebies4Mom will they have your video available online?  I have been gone all morning and missed it   after waiting so long 4 it"
1962996607,"worry","dewie","ROTC brought a climbing wall to work for coworkers to try and climb if they wanted.  I forgot my climbing shoes at home today."
1962996830,"anger","niassac","bout to go to work with a wicked sunburn on the chest."
1962997602,"neutral","ohErica","Heading home"
1962997624,"sadness","bookemdeno","is not running in the Annapolis half marathon this weekend because i failed to meet the registeration deadline & its completely filled"
1962997985,"neutral","tragedy_xo","is in Milton Keynes , leaving tomorrow"
1962998161,"neutral","Toni_GPB","@dealseekingmom No problems here"
1962998487,"worry","Dravie","I had a nightmare last night *cry* I think I am scarred for life!"
1962998883,"sadness","erinvy","@loryanyumul i miss you  when are you gonna be down in irvine again?? liz and i were just reminiscing about all our adventures."
1962999092,"sadness","adibc","The most painful sound in the world to me is the crying of someone I love. What's worse is I can't even hold them and say I'm sorry"
1962999358,"worry","Pawns43","@PushPlayDEREK not all of them  You'll be missing mine and everybody else's on the east coast!!!!!"
1962999415,"worry","alexisnoel","Maybe if I pay somebody they'll take care of me. I need a personal nurse."
1962999757,"worry","leptailurus","In other news: I want to register for this Artslam thing but I'm too afraid.  I'll just do it independently I suppose."
1963000451,"sadness","MizzMarchese","gonna do laundry....never did laundry @ a hotel before.....I miss you R.....even though you ignore me and don even check on me...."
1963000578,"sadness","NamuraiSinja","@Kathleen_Bee same here : /   Coincidently, my friend just cancelled our movie date"
1963000680,"hate","CJBeasley","Walmart bails on sponsorship!"
1963001219,"worry","fsutoby","@modulista You're in Miami right? I don't see a hand delivery in your near future unfortunately"
1963001231,"sadness","matthat08","just woke up...dont want to go into work at 4"
1963001495,"sadness","bwilsxo","Done with geology!! But I'm really missing my favorite sisters! Especially because they can't go to banquet tonight"
1963001496,"worry","kyoisorange","@spencerkat a twitter app for the iphone/iPod touch. It's being slow though"
1963001561,"worry","Debalina","Everyone stop what you're doing & help me find my favorite pen. Its a black clicky Papermate. I heart this pen.     #fb"
1963001634,"sadness","EgoGuy","I'm so depressed right now. IDK..."
1963001727,"neutral","anthraxmoh","@saromadian srry can't go paintballing tonight  and there are no good movies out"
1963001957,"neutral","Mariuch37","This is what I have to give a 7 day old baby  poor thing  http://yfrog.com/6pwwlj"
1963002211,"hate","oh_live","Just realised i am a very angry person in georgia. Too groggy and uncomfortable and i still haven't driven!"
1963002597,"hate","sah_andriotte","@dougiemcfly me too. shit."
1963002633,"sadness","NoTORIousTori","holy wow, I think I could've slept all day! Soooo tired."
1963002813,"worry","ali_gator13","@arian_marie i'm so sorry to hear about your loss  my thoughts and prayers are with your family in your time of grief."
1963002927,"worry","SacTomatoCarri","@AnarchyGarden I was going to go on Sunday, but now I've got too much going on that weekend"
1963003060,"worry","Tartarus","If recent experience is anything to go by, I fear I might be going off Indian food. This is not good, people. Not good"
1963003211,"worry","nuno_cruz","Without wings again"
1963003544,"empty","sauy7","Reinstalling apps on my company MacBook Pro after being assimilated into the Active Directory collective"
1963003730,"worry","yrusohappy","@buky thanks, still waiting... i don't know what's taking him so long - is it a bad sign or good sign?"
1963003799,"sadness","smarshmellow","@MovieTFan: Well that is just completely lame. I'm sorry dude."
1963004170,"worry","violinweirdo","@DanSer4Gsus i know. But."
1963004275,"sadness","jelloonsprings","@ohcherub  Yeah I know what you mwan."
1963004477,"hate","WarofArt","My ear are popping."
1963004559,"neutral","williuscaesar","@MichaelTao  i got one too, but it was on a usb key without the fancy packaging"
1963005026,"worry","krees91","YAYAYYAYAYAY Toy Story 3 is coming out. June 18, 2010 though"
1963005169,"neutral","KillaEddie","@arisinterlude damn how you not gonna follow me son?"
1963005262,"sadness","alessiurr","Senior's last day."
1963005295,"worry","karlibby","@stephxrawr ehhh no. just a check up. I have a dentist app next week though. getting my molar pulled/root canal."
1963005572,"sadness","saffronstar","pics arent working for me here on twitter"
1963005606,"empty","janedunn","loads of insects are attacking me.. time to go inside"
1963005651,"sadness","kumarprasun","is sad coz hyd theka's dont have beer"
1963005869,"sadness","Innocent_Kitty","I'm so down again.  I wish I could share my problems with someone..."
1963005993,"worry","jefflowrey","that's a whole lot of rainstorm goin' on.  Maybe I won't go out tonight..."
1963005996,"worry","karleemay","@repressd yeah freakin sucks!!"
1963013279,"love","lykaorhel","@IzaArtillero oh, coo; i was suppose to be an intern too!  but dangit, SAT. :| so how's the intern life? haha"
1963014008,"fun","mstwincities","@Jaggerwerks nooooooooo....u never call me anymore  lol...but, i've been good too...rick ross is in town, might go 2 his show 2nite ;-)"
1963014403,"happiness","kegan5","http://twitpic.com/676tn - Home Sweet Home... I didn't have a picnic blanket though"
1963014411,"relief","lovely_sarah","@dangzombies Yeah I kept rethinking it because noone that I knew would want to go with me lol. So I ended up just didn't buy them."
1963014451,"sadness","ankita_gaba","What do u see in her that i dont have  @Shadez"
1963014464,"neutral","MichaelJW","@MindTweets I agree. Waiting for a video to buffer then finding it's just someone reading out loud (which I could do faster in my head) ="
1963014576,"neutral","RyanHiller","@andyman264 not me."
1963014830,"neutral","admut239","I REALLY think there is play-doh in my tastykake brownie"
1963014978,"worry","Jiresell","Wife & I split duties tonight.Wife headed to OSU for daughter's ath trng rcption. I'm at son #1's school paper banquet.Can't make both."
1963015311,"surprise","sabraswell","So glad its friday! Only 1 week of schol left.  im glad its almost summer though."
1963015421,"worry","BrianUnplugged","Somebody buy me a plane ticket home!! I miss my girl..."
1963015916,"sadness","MissCLynn","Where is the sun!!"
1963017067,"worry","Natarix","@greggrunberg I fee your pain its lady Ga Ga and It will drive you insane oh dear God her songs are in my head"
1963017730,"worry","carrie1385","elliott claims steak and shake has been doing this for months...not exciting anymore..."
1963017746,"sadness","brattynat","Arghh, just found out @ianknaan is going to be here at Rock the Bells and I can't go"
1963017987,"sadness","rebelchicnyc","Fb I hate when I try & support my local bookstore & they never have what I need"
1963018479,"neutral","justinbrucks","God will 4pm please some sooner."
1963018680,"neutral","marleneluuser","I need to memorize julius caesar lines"
1963019282,"worry","Smargypants","@trueblooddallas Dallas, I have a few Questions for you but, can't direct to you cause your not following me"
1963019411,"sadness","kateekell","have yet to start this paper due tonight. i have no motivation"
1963019591,"sadness","PurloinedKitten","It figures. It starts raining as I am freed from work"
1963019626,"neutral","andystung","Grilled again for dinner last night for the senior's final kairos dinner  Had steak, spicy mango sausages, hot wings, grilled vegi, corn!"
1963019705,"worry","Elaine_W_84","@AQuietMadness You don't think they will catch them? God yeah can you imagine how they're feeling"
1963019708,"worry","lilrach95","wish i could go rink sorry kayleigh  xx"
1963019913,"sadness","gofoboRSVPCodes","@supergirlnancy sorry  All the codes I have are posted on our site"
1963020049,"neutral","texasaggie1","@shanenassiri I just wish they would come down on their prices. I got a great deal on my mac but it took about 3 weeks of research"
1963020625,"sadness","jackelz","@ekardmatt well you MY man, you and your truck are 900 too many miles away!!"
1963020663,"hate","Vampander","Ugh i have boom boom pow stuck in my head and i hate that song"
1963020677,"sadness","elizbethlane","Just found out that Mad Men season 3 is delayed until August."
1963020724,"sadness","ammamarfo","@jonjordan w00t! Glad to hear it! Though I am missing watching it outside the Igloo by a day"
1963020978,"worry","michiFM","my pooooor baby (my dog chachi)  she had surgery todayyyyy"
1963021089,"sadness","pauug","why i still lose followers?  the people hates me, THE WORLD hates me or maybe ... Read More: http://is.gd/Jg3I"
1963021192,"worry","IvanClow","- im hungry...but there's no food at mah house."
1963021218,"neutral","Staci_with_an_i","Pizza parties went well, but still invisible  I might as well be out with a bag over my head. Whatever!"
1963021958,"neutral","99naynay99","going to work"
1963022176,"happiness","DisneyFan10101","@mileycyrus"i wanna go to prom one day   "i wish U can go with me 2 my prom even though im not a guy.but thatwouldmake1of myFRIENDS happy"
1963022216,"worry","mindyswetz","one hour till I go home and commence pouting because no Bahama trip for me"
1963022567,"neutral","GGGKeri","@lizard_lipz I don't know  I haven't heard from Lorraine recently."
1963022638,"sadness","divya7x","I hate not bringing my ipod to school"
1963023485,"empty","rehtse534","I forgot to complain about Southwest not doing preboard for families any more.  Was the worst part of travelling"
1963024167,"happiness","Jennathemuse","My Pom pup is favoring her front paw."
1963024310,"worry","MeganMarieXP","My best friend is in vegas without me"
1963024684,"worry","JJaneBB","@SassyLassie3 My #followillfriday sucks because while I was teaching people how to be nice, you fuckers were drooling over Notion"
1963025206,"worry","Sarax_x","@Saz_xox  Oh god, everyone's dying.  But it's mainly justin depressing me"
1963025389,"neutral","samshatarah","@djknucklehead I want one  wanna give me one? ;)"
1963025396,"love","CRABBYTREE","is excited about tomorrow!!! but i gotta clean the house  CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN AHHHHHHH"
1963025547,"worry","ItsCariSnickas","Heyy, Im Not feeling so good cuz of wat happened yesterday in the car accdentt."
1963025938,"neutral","rooozy","@trpilot my baby shut me down"
1963026542,"worry","QuirkyChic","@tlockemy I do too, but not heavy rain, which we've had 4 more than a wk."
1963027078,"sadness","Kaaayleigh","@jaycool2k I do want to go for Peaches... but also Miss Kittin, pendulum, chase&status and the bloody beetroots! its not fair"
1963027493,"worry","youtellmeplz","Almost to grandmas now. No internet there. I will never catch up on twitter."
1963027823,"love","asweascend","Just got my heart ripped out  i love you guys"
1963028094,"worry","ClarissaG","@EeepersChoice I'd rather she not, if she's going to destroy them."
1963028176,"worry","samgillespie","quick catch up on missed Neighbours ... poor Libby"
1963028659,"worry","Jnessa","is sad that she is not seeing Basshunter at Metroplex this weekend"
1963028750,"sadness","primopromo2","Far too sick to sing.  I've got a post nasal drip and a sore throat, just sent my sorry I won't be there email"
1963036580,"love","cheeks901","Ok so my sister is going camping I'm so mad because i have to work tomorrow      have fun"
1963036756,"love","Sweet_As_AJ","@JYmuzik Wish I was in ATL!!"
1963037099,"worry","OwnedByOzzy","Aw crap! My iPod has a thin, gray line across the screen! Didn't drop it - I take good care of it. How long before it dies?"
1963037242,"sadness","AlexAdventure","Just helped save a runaway dog. he didn't want to be my friend, though."
1963037573,"love","AyoMillions","@getemgirlfriday aw, I hope you feel better!"
1963037878,"worry","WitchyErotica","last night sucked... too many bad dreams about spiders and rogue octupi"
1963037973,"happiness","Hamesy","aahhhh the new pics from new moon are brill. I don't think I can wait 5 months"
1963038130,"hate","BrandySanDiego","FML not having a car is prohibiting finding a job"
1963038271,"worry","stfucaitlyn","I am so bored"
1963038579,"neutral","irisheyes","Oops - correction, it's @nowheremonastry.  Can't seem to spell worth a darn today..."
1963038587,"sadness","Martina007","bad mood now"
1963038600,"worry","missuh","still shoesless  que ardillaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
1963038644,"worry","prisonrike","Welcome @MarcCall !!! Let me suggest to you @fakejohnpiper and @fakepastormark. You'll love 'em! In other news, my algae fish died today"
1963038810,"sadness","aaaamygirl","headache headache go away"
1963039300,"worry","IvanaE","Sucky Sucky homework"
1963039599,"hate","MsMPirate","was so excited to eat the wartermelon i bought the other day and it was terrible and not sweet"
1963039697,"worry","cherryMia","having bad day"
1963039778,"sadness","jmischo","@oleg_s Can't test it...my demo license expired yesterday"
1963039964,"sadness","LockonRyan9","Ugh, still sick. This Calgary cold has lasted forever."
1963040550,"worry","laurentess","Why do I always have a headache?"
1963040772,"worry","georgiasdfgh","insomniaa.  been trying to sleep for 2 hours . :|"
1963041063,"hate","Cunderwood2002","Booo totally bored!"
1963041098,"sadness","SarRumm","Still stupidly sick...cancelled our Philly trip. Sad day"
1963041448,"hate","xoCAZZA","@ZRHERO wont work!  and it keeps disconecting my pod.. :@ I officially hate it now."
1963041468,"hate","NANCY___","@ColetteThomsonx pure twittering my friends  he's a pure nymph or summmit. I'm FANTABULOUS. miss yeees guys."
1963041632,"worry","Sydne_Deshawn","@DawnRichard at least your luggage came. I came back from Paris and the airlines lost all my luggage..."
1963041849,"sadness","maried2music","Sorry. Just think - 2.5 hrs till 2 days off!"
1963042033,"sadness","PrettiiRickii","... Still feelin like blah... 3 more hours"
1963042210,"worry","slimcode","Trying Resco MobileForms Toolkit and sample. Trial messages ruin everything, the sample has bugs, it's running slow. Poor 1st impression."
1963042327,"surprise","nicolecwomack","Just figured out why only strong guys are supposed to put heavy things on top shelves, ouch!"
1963042824,"sadness","misskat802","@velmadaria i'm still thinking about that *FKC* meal I missed yesterday"
1963043380,"relief","velmadaria","@weatherthastorm hey Jess where is Josh??"
1963043429,"worry","MiSzJAcXzBaYBeE","@lkingratedr oo wow f u lionel ull d.a. do tha"
1963043496,"worry","Elkiepops","@dougiemcfly join the club dougie i have a cold too  x"
1963043557,"sadness","lordsbread","Pouring outside.. Cleaning out my locker.. My bookbag is heavy and my back and arms are killing me"
1963043958,"hate","oohitsmoi","@trentvanegas Oh damn. That really sucks"
1963044027,"sadness","HarryGoesGnar","bored, everyone has a social life except me, and i'm babysitting my brothers tonight til 10 and i dunno if ill be allowed out after that"
1963044656,"sadness","caliaudra","she's gone   I miss my kay way already"
1963044742,"worry","CustAuthority","Twitter is slowing me down today."
1963045239,"sadness","xKLx","feelin lonely now after spendin the last 50 hours with my friends"
1963045241,"worry","InflewenceofINF","@Gr8ttoess I'm sad you got one hiding it  LMAO"
1963045284,"neutral","BrittanyBayBeh","But I do tweet about you"
1963045597,"neutral","EeepersChoice","@ClarissaG Yeah, but you've got admire someone who takes job satisfaction to the Nth degree"
1963045784,"neutral","lollipopandgum","its raining hard :|"
1963046013,"neutral","lauranwaslike","Does anyone know how to call an international cell phone in france? Because i sure dont"
1963046080,"neutral","Miss_Sarah","I wanna Karaoke!  Instead...I get to go to work  Lameness"
1963046542,"neutral","mammax42","at work"
1963046845,"neutral","Dom1niqu3","cleaning time"
1963046979,"love","kcovert","One week until Race for the Cure! Please donate if you're able http://bit.ly/UFR1U and wish me luck on my 5 mile training run tomorrow"
1963047424,"sadness","Mikieee182","i think i'm gay"
1963047425,"happiness","cheery_sunshine","@sunshineangel89 Yeah..  Of course next time. ;) ICQ?"
1963047771,"worry","wissybabyy","@trashlee i can't today   after my little tanning sesh i got so much shit to do. next week for sure if your down"
1963047894,"surprise","Spitphyre","@aayushsoni oh mann... Me likey that!! But sadly I'm not bein auctioned on #twpp tonight"
1963048077,"sadness","AlicaKate","I came home thinking that maybe there was something good to eat. Apparently not."
1963048357,"sadness","toby247","Looking for a special girl  im fed up of bein hurt"
1963048376,"neutral","gabifigs","I wanna go to the extra show really bad"
1963048891,"empty","remainregal","soo tired  don't wanna go out in this Houston heat!"
1963049093,"neutral","Jessomething","@tommcfly tom do u have plans to germany?  answer this for ur germany fas"
1963049342,"hate","LyndsSmith","I hate going to work on nights that I'm in micro.   At least I get to work with @samaasla!"
1963049631,"worry","poco153","I realized last night that I have no idea where my PnS went to during the move... I hope it's not lost and gone forever"
1963049677,"hate","emonicoleee","I need to lay down. Cramps suck asshole."
1963050036,"love","digitalmacgyver","Nice, Portland city commissioners vote a raise for city admin employees, while city police and sheriffs offices are having to cut staff."
1963050200,"worry","LostDroplets","@icebergmeadow No but this is our poor week"
1963050534,"love","lateenagirl","It's a nice day and I stuck inside!!"
1963050602,"neutral","BugJemm","is still working  #fb"
1963050930,"neutral","mikekiel","schade  #tv_addict"
1963051039,"enthusiasm","ButMadNNW","@NathanFillion You're going to the UK?! Take me with!"
1963051163,"worry","lackinginsanity","gah. how am i supposed to study when all i do is sneeze and get even more tired."
1963051222,"neutral","gabymortem","#3wordsaftersex goodbye innocence!!!"
1963051246,"sadness","HeriCabral","@aldenpolicar how sad! are you saying that I'm fat?  *tears*"
1963056110,"worry","FakerParis","@letter2twilight LMAO! I don't fake being Paris anymore. Look at my bio ;) and by the way I can't log onto your forum..."
1963056237,"sadness","RealAudreyKitch","@ the drs. in beverly hills...doctor's scare crap out of me"
1963056337,"neutral","Jerzygrllys","@tokiohotelusa did they have a video acceptance speech or anything? I can't watch the stream"
1963056497,"worry","KatieHays09","Britains got talent only two episodes left  Will miss them buzzers lol."
1963056520,"neutral","thisisJoss","fine, ill get myself some miso soup down the street"
1963056713,"worry","janellecaminker","@stashdrawer Sims 2 owns my life lately! LOL I want to get Sims 3, but my computer can't support it."
1963056734,"neutral","unworn","@shradhac uh oh"
1963056805,"surprise","LindseyBrooke_","what a total bummer, i lost followers"
1963057225,"worry","jsizzl","to start shit or leave shit alone...tough decision"
1963057269,"worry","b_howell","Last free Friday."
1963057508,"worry","CoopInSoCal","@ericbolling Where's Dani Babb?"
1963057544,"worry","CoopInSoCal","@ericbolling Where's Dani Babb?"
1963057566,"neutral","StrafeGottes","@GlamourFrog I so need a tweet editor. Yes, I meant it"
1963057964,"happiness","TiaFynnie","woo exams nxt wk"
1963058029,"worry","xtinasf","I'm SO out of it this morning, that don't know if coffee or energy drink will help me get going this morning"
1963058196,"neutral","gaztag","Heather Anne Parry is only upto florence nightingale in history  this could take a while. http://tinyurl.com/kwgrh4"
1963058478,"sadness","allieloves","@stephmccall ugh I'm more worried about history on wednesday  I'm freaking out about it so much!"
1963058766,"worry","AppleJuice1234","so im drawing pictures to show how much i miss him. can anyone blame me, hes 4 hours away frm me"
1963059126,"worry","chicarmoire","Its official, I am working Sunday in DC."
1963059298,"fun","TheBigOh","@LMWoodhead you have a viable excuse, helping @ravenouspanda move and all. Sorry I couldn't help! I wanted to wear my sexy moving outfit"
1963059649,"empty","mcfly_mardel","@dougiemcfly me too"
1963060262,"love","stevecrowther","I have just looked the time and it is #BGT in 20mins. I may hibernate for an hour or so."
1963060930,"sadness","livlovsingg94","Haha i bet a man did make heels! Im sorry you hurt though.  I hope you feel better!  ~Livelovesing~"
1963060963,"worry","GreggWithTwoGs","You spelled my name wrong, but message received   http://tinyurl.com/krw9p3"
1963061144,"worry","caarols2","@jonasbrothers brazil LOOOOOOOOVES you, i miss you  24th may, the perfect day off"
1963061643,"worry","edwardarch","Dreading the weekly grocery shopping."
1963063132,"worry","run2finish","no run today...     tomorrow, I'll take Lilly (the lab) and shoot for 7."
1963063403,"love","Samm_xo","@spencerpratt hey u havent spoken to ur london bff for a while Whats up! wish i can vote  brody's here soon ill tell him 2 vote 4u from me"
1963063904,"neutral","ADigitalNomad","@dai_bach I'd suggest #pta for such alerts, but PTA generally stands for Parent Teacher Association in the US & might confuse tweeps"
1963064007,"worry","gearred","Just got in a bit of a car accident, poor Patrick"
1963064089,"neutral","Isalina2415","Home, getting ready to back to work on Monday.  Maternity leaves is up"
1963064319,"happiness","KneeshaGold","grrrr, cant even enjoy this b-e-a-utiful day! have to finish that -damned essay for philosophy"
1963064764,"worry","ladyjordank","@kaecie76 mines ben slow since last night, think i might need to reset it"
1963064849,"worry","alyssalv","@bethanyNYC SO jealous...see if you can get some Dallas concert tix out of her...it's all sold out!!"
1963065069,"neutral","mzleenabishes","@die_lavish i told diamond to follow you. and why u aitn share the starburst"
1963065130,"love","vanivasconcelos","@tommcfly i miss so much the old animations... i really loved Hercules, from Disney. haha by the way, awesome show yesterday, guys.  Xx"
1963065157,"empty","lateenagirl","It's a beautiful nice day and I'm stuck inside!"
1963065595,"empty","PRiNCESSNAiSA","gotta do my ewrt outline then tennis then work.. i need more time"
1963065652,"happiness","AnoukvdM","@OohLaLisa oh yes some are quite nice! and my 'photoshop' liep zojuist vast. so now I have to start over painting R�is�ngs glove"
1963065679,"worry","TinaTangDesigns","Grizzly Bear Concert tonight!!!!! Can't wait. Will my cold be over by then though?"
1963065727,"neutral","katiecamie","@EmmieLemmy no.  and she was suggesting it for loan deferment"
1963066056,"worry","DanielleNButler","I didn't make madrigals  I don't think i made womens chamber. i don't even think i remembered to mark it on my audition form. im depressed"
1963066457,"fun","Tartarus","Anybody out there having a beer right now? I hate drinking alone. Mrs T is oot  On the other hand, Mrs T is oot"
1963066509,"sadness","kellycaruso","@jflutie u never sent me carrie. ur an asshole. but an asshole that i miss"
1963066815,"neutral","doll_revolution","after 4 years of trying, my cat today figured out how to open the under-the-sink cupboard.  time for a target run to buy safety locks"
1963067090,"happiness","GeenStarWay","tomorrow He'll gone to new home...I was Born single(our little puppy of basset hound)"
1963067142,"worry","chazzyonce","@RikaReek my vehicle is STILL being worked on which means I won't get it bak until tuesday! I miss my baby"
1963067392,"worry","pazkallah","yay! got to order more diapers from @clothcouturellc i'm confused though. what's the point of cute prints if they have to be covered up?"
1963067743,"hate","Timo_808","Damn internet jus cut me off!  was bout 2 shoot sum guys eye out  ~*~KANDI~*~"
1963067797,"surprise","jojobatgirl","@TheMandyMoore boston needs one too"
1963068301,"sadness","JamieLeeCarter","I can safely say I won't be a euro winner this week!!"
1963068457,"sadness","pianoduet","@erickaditioner noooooooo  i miss you sooooooo much, gaah"
1963068802,"relief","kmac5","My replacement iron ring arrived.  It's shiny.  And a bit more jagged than the original"
1963068976,"neutral","halbpro","Hm... TweetDeck has lost all old replies."
1963069225,"worry","elizabethtinnon","@carostilwell I'm praying for you and your family beav! I'm so sorry for your loss"
1963070419,"sadness","LaurenGrogan","I have no friends"
1963070464,"worry","padfootcullen","urgh, over slept for work, still done no revision and im SO snappy today. having a total fat day too"
1963070579,"sadness","WerewolfSeth","@RebeccaBlack_ I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahah you and rachel look so much a like."
1963070603,"neutral","scifisamurai","Hulu Desktop: http://www.hulu.com/labs/hulu-desktop  No Linux version  but atleast they have a Mac version"
1963071449,"sadness","MissGatty","has a headaaaaaaaaaaaache"
1963071485,"empty","ddlollie","tonights a great night for sports. the yanks and lakers are both playing. i want to watch the games but im still scared to drink."
1963072162,"hate","cpayan","@happyseaurchin It tells me I'm not a member of the private beta  and I'm not going to just start pretending to assassinate people"
1963072215,"love","NirinaXX","http://twitpic.com/677bi - IVA!!!! i already miss yoo my sweet  xx"
1963072410,"neutral","clubflys","I just realized that I can't forward text msgs with my iPhone."
1963072933,"sadness","K__Town","@karenemcg yeah, that doesn't sound very good"
1963072982,"worry","KrissyNoyes","Can not afford the DR this year. I just can't pull it off this time."
1963073210,"sadness","LifeGoesOff","crappy music on the radio"
1963073212,"hate","mjpterodactyls","So freaking tired. I want my sleep pattern to be normal"
1963080120,"fun","mareepossa","@MysticRose01 awww...on ur way out  Have fun for me toooo!"
1963080235,"worry","Emperorbilius","It's about time I let people know whats happenning, although I often wonder why I bother   but hey it'll soon be Christmas........"
1963080273,"neutral","ChelcieParry","Whoishonorsociety <never wear your pajama pants to school  >"
1963080559,"relief","nsterk08","@teejay41...  that was meeeaaannn. people make mistakes ok?! lol"
1963080659,"love","blkspice","The arrival of cargo Red G5 to Toronto has been postponed til tomorrow afternoon.  gonna miss my lil bro's bday...he's been waiting 4 me!"
1963080822,"worry","iitsgabby","Organic chemistry  ah so confusing!"
1963080843,"worry","sebs180","I am not feeling well"
1963080946,"love","staciexoxo","getting my new cellphone on wednesday! the LG Voyager! its soo sweet! i can't wait that long though"
1963081103,"neutral","lleroj","@MiizLushious cop me some"
1963081293,"worry","imrananwar","@DavidGibbons Thanks for the link. I've been out of NY, missed many non-online bills so know how badly my score's been hit"
1963081315,"sadness","FEASTSOFWAR","@XJakeXChaosX no  their playing in st.pete but its been sold out for months. im trying to go to the orlando one , i live in st.pete lol"
1963081425,"fun","Sophhs","@riannesketch well, someone told me it's only there for two weeks  i'm going again next week with a friend IN SCHOOL TIME :p ..."
1963081546,"sadness","mmWine","@musecrossing it's not the 10.5% so much as the A)Sugar and B)Taste ... lord that'll put ya down, and not in the fun way"
1963082476,"happiness","cszjd","Cubs: Wow! Big out to close the top of the 3rd. Bang-bang play to 1st. & it's starting to rain."
1963083266,"worry","myaora","@RedFaction The stream is amazing so far. Will it be up for download later, sadly enough, I missed the first hour of it."
1963083363,"worry","Stephanie18424","Thunder & lightning scarededededed me!"
1963083664,"sadness","RobCometX","@MsTeagan Sadly cannot listen...  *sob*"
1963083742,"worry","weiseldog","@goddessgreeneye i know but it will make us all watch the awards on sunday! lol..i want to shower and there is no water!"
1963083775,"worry","kandykorn25","@sarah6800 why r y depressed?  i mite b moving earlyer than i thot"
1963084133,"worry","goddesssabre","@LIL_MISS_CBW Sorry!  It's been one hell of a day.  I has flooding"
1963084328,"sadness","johnabot","Im so bored well this is a crappy first day out of school"
1963084850,"love","hollyjo28","@wishinghearts oh wow! I have to work on Sunday  but I'm off on Monday if you're still in town!"
1963085178,"surprise","Stefyyy","for the whole time @haydendavey?"
1963085315,"worry","fazzly101","Waiting for friends to call or email me bleh i feel unloved"
1963085974,"neutral","debbier93","@joeymcintyre Just wondering if you are going to put "One Too Many" on itunes.  I hope you do, it is the only cd of yours I don't have."
1963086009,"worry","Lanners23","is wondering y Mother Nature is making my life miserable"
1963086250,"neutral","DebiDalio","@LunaandLarrys - Love your desserts. Used to live in OR but now live in TX, so can't visit you."
1963086304,"neutral","PurpleeKat","is  a very tired tweeter"
1963086369,"hate","rikkijoee","Screw you guys and your prom pictures"
1963086600,"love","AnoukvdM","@OohLaLisa oh yes some are quite nice! and my 'photoshop' liep zojuist vast. so now I have to start over painting R�is�ns glove"
1963086947,"worry","aniuncensored","They raised the prices at work which means people are tipping less. Yay"
1963087560,"sadness","luuloo","i want to cry"
1963087827,"sadness","MollyMundo","@Ashleypeaces left.  so sad. waiting for mom to come home. want to have papa johns for dinner."
1963088013,"happiness","Arwen800","hanging out at school... last day for seniors"
1963088018,"worry","cuteguardgrl06","@InEveryWordISay no cuz i feel the same way...."
1963088070,"love","CatheSaxon","LOVE getting gifts in the mail from my very wonderful friends back home!! How I miss Myrtle Beach so much... A little homesick today"
1963088205,"surprise","hazzelnut","Nana got moved. No more funny old woman stories"
1963088449,"worry","Ifightboys","@Secretfriend3 I sure hope so but I might spend all my shopping money today."
1963088515,"worry","Jovi_Jonas","gosh, watchin cosmetic surgery nightmares on ITV , it is AWFUL"
1963088531,"neutral","yesitsmeabby","@RealAudreyKitch   awh why you there?"
1963088580,"neutral","Gnauty","Just saw a dark burgundy Scion xB. That dark shade makes it look like a minivan because the shawdows of the lines and curves are lost."
1963088607,"empty","dublinsfinest","Well. The jag just took a shit on my way home from training  I hope it's just the alternator."
1963089009,"worry","lost_dog","@TheTarquin I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1963089043,"worry","omerasad","PRD take a long time to review!"
1963089308,"worry","abitheamazing","@MItchBenn ooo and good luck for dundee tonight i can't be there cos i have a ton of uni work"
1963089620,"worry","TouchedArtist","Playing some games before I leave for work   Work til at least 11PM tonight."
1963090120,"sadness","asher01","im soo bored...im deffo missing my music channels"
1963090579,"enthusiasm","midgeeee","Apparently TV could not be fixed  On the plus side, we are being refunded the cost of it and can buy a new one."
1963090637,"sadness","kjhinshaw","@velcr0shoes Great... I'll check it when I get off work...  They block Sims at work..."
1963090682,"empty","LuciaMagdalenaR","@cassieventura I know how you feel cassie my cat went missing 3 weeks ago still have him on my display pic miss him so much"
1963091044,"sadness","renu19","@Ziggy420 my friday feels boring too. no time for fun today and not so much in the mood for it either"
1963091362,"sadness","coloma21","@wynstonfernando i have to take 1 class in fall  , its cool though.. im okay with that"
1963091365,"sadness","seattlegeekly","@EMPSFM I had to work and missed it    Shannon could barely contain herself.  She had an amazingly good time"
1963091425,"sadness","mariedeezy","Sometimes I wish I had my hair back"
1963092235,"hate","hushhushdarling","Stupid jobs, idk what to do."
1963092483,"happiness","mrstracymartin","So nice how Natalie taught Jameson "why"!!!"
1963092854,"worry","GreekGRITS","@jeffieruth OMG, POOR Jack.  That happened to @jisbellemtp 's dog one time. Hope he gets better soon."
1963093115,"worry","_DESiMO_","This is too much lmbo (litterally) I have to stop b4 I lose my twitter buddies"
1963093141,"worry","solance","researching ecologically friendly carrier bags... its not cheap to be eco friendly"
1963093175,"sadness","CartiTarti","@mtmodular Pixies - Number 13 gives me such an energy rush. They are playing a festival close to me in June, but work won't me me go"
1963093214,"worry","Chiere","@snakechaarmer yea, it's looking like we may be a no-show  I havnt been able to get out of my art/sci obligations."
1963093592,"neutral","sd_guy123","There is one million people @ the DMV today....."
1963093839,"worry","adriannemertise","Cucumbers. Mmm not so much ugh"
1963094014,"neutral","corruptmemory","warmed up nicely outside.  sucks being stuck inside coding"
1963094074,"worry","retta719","@BenSpark heck, who am I kidding, he's better with a camera than I am, that's for sure! LOL He likes video too but he dropped his vid cam"
1963094826,"love","marci723","Noooo my favorite coworker just got a new job, he's doing marc jacobs shows now, not fair! I don't want him 2 go!"
1963095233,"neutral","danAcosta16","way to not wait for me at my locker nd then just pass me in the hall nd not say anything"
1963095345,"worry","Miss_CJ_Marie","Don't really feel like I got a tan  I gave up and am working out instead. Skin cancer is overrated. <3 CJ"
1963101194,"sadness","anguaa","@birthdaytwin that's depressing"
1963101565,"sadness","Jessicagain","I just want this whole day to hurry up,"
1963101671,"surprise","Cherrim","@cloudconnected --of them kinda turns me off of it all.  And then I buy more of them and dig a deeper hole, etc. ;;"
1963101679,"hate","jusjuhi","my new dress looks sort of...horrible   http://twitpic.com/64mdc"
1963101958,"sadness","Mattass88","@AppleCharlotte unfair  I wanna go too."
1963102052,"relief","wizdomlakers","@OGVENOE yeah @Erocc and @x_LilJess_x did only ones that care for me"
1963102212,"neutral","Groovy_Eeb","He's off...again  i wish he would make up his frickin mind..."
1963102275,"worry","RoeBloodBathx","Whew. Finally done editing my Friendster account. Haha! Oh, geez. I'm hungry."
1963102339,"enthusiasm","CommunispaceCEO","if you have 75 cents, U can buy a share of GM stock.  Probably 50 cents tomorrow."
1963102508,"worry","sarahw0604","walking past the school i went to junior high in as it's being torn down"
1963102529,"worry","corieography","No 1 evr brngs me a starbux!   *~CoRiEoGrApHy~*"
1963102729,"neutral","Badger237","Hum -1 for Bill Bailey"
1963103174,"relief","amberaracena10","Off to pick up tj from his last full day of school! Only 3 more half days left"
1963103284,"neutral","SierraOwens","Is it really almost time to go back to Chico? Im excited but at the same time going to miss home"
1963103334,"boredom","ianbicking","@lmacken I'm stuck in a try-to-merge-two-tools CSS hell, so no help from frameworks  Unless both tools had already used the same framework"
1963103695,"boredom","eventide89","@lilaznangel16 im looking forward to just getting past this chapter!so annoyin when i have so much that i wanna do and i cant get to it"
1963104866,"sadness","thedessie","@shi819 my gaming thingy. Mine finally died after 5 years. RIP."
1963104923,"love","lilymalcolm","@DarkGX pffffffffff... it's not a 100% triumph cuz u gone napping  LMAO!!"
1963104940,"relief","GillyWillyWo0","@Don_J i soo dont wanna work tmrw!  ...only on a half day tho so hopefully the sun will stay out for me! Gonna go get showered, tweet l8rs"
1963105121,"worry","ChristopherLynn","Gettin some fuel, too bad no one is reading this!"
1963105122,"worry","gemmastirling","Think I have sunstroke."
1963105212,"worry","scrapstudio","my baby's off on his adventure. 14.5 hours in the car up to Lake Ann Mi. I admit it. I cried a little when the truck pulled out..."
1963105475,"hate","laura_89","is all alone  sick of doing this assignment! someone do it for me!!!"
1963105511,"love","watsonkyle","at work, with a swollen face  thank god it's kohls though. I'm feelin fat. flip flops are about to break annnnd I get my hair done tonight"
1963105619,"sadness","six_two","@SlamboOutchea This is not my day"
1963105670,"worry","SavingAmalthea","@xkathyxrocksx  SAimee 26 july, Underage festival 2 August, i found some others but they were too far away"
1963105681,"worry","FancyARave_x","Damn, I Burned My legs  !x"
1963106014,"sadness","kvwhitten6","Yea baby!! Im gonna miss you so much"
1963106091,"sadness","tarabyte","crashing from my WI high...missing mayfield"
1963106429,"neutral","AndrewStricher","long day and i still have to mow the lawn"
1963106549,"sadness","MandaLoguzzo","I hate being sick.  Make me soup?"
1963106589,"worry","penut","wishing I had brought my USB fan to work   air_circulation++"
1963106621,"neutral","yogashannon","@art_n_booklife I heard about that too... that seems an overreaction..."
1963107151,"worry","MissRiss11","@TiaMowry I think you and Tamera should have your own show anyway...the CW or ABC fam is not appreciating you like they should."
1963107385,"neutral","TheCopyCat","@brutalhoney I think #FF should be Feline Friday anyways, I want cat pictures. Maybe those are only for Caturday though"
1963107389,"worry","jennifer4u2day","I'm at home recovering from major liver surgery.  In alot of pain."
1963107440,"worry","hanjab","@iamdiddy I NEED A HUG! IM MOVING HOUSE ALL BY MYSELF AND IM MAJORLY STRESSED"
1963107653,"sadness","xlavagirl","So screwed for sat 2 us"
1963107671,"surprise","kreatedbykelly","OMG - the M&Ms in my pantry are calling my name. I've been ignoring them all day. It is driving me completely insane. Too many calories"
1963108032,"worry","NB82","@edsaint  take some tablets- could be migraine"
1963108201,"worry","tonyisyourpal","now feels like a dork for using the wrong Ping group"
1963108761,"worry","_DESiMO_","@KMC1121 lolz dude I have to stop it got too personal my homegirl my be on twitter  lol"
1963108941,"worry","wicked12","@Kasey79 I didnt get his  tweet"
1963108986,"worry","uc1digger","Sometimes knowledge is not a good thing.    http://digg.com/d1sPp7"
1963109023,"sadness","MusicELINE","The sun is not cool"
1963109516,"worry","mjh81","@iamthenoface I'm having no luck either  Doing my nut in! Who are you hoping to see?"
1963109541,"sadness","sagittarius88","is not feelin well... i feel sooooo weak....i hate bein sick in the summer"
1963109894,"worry","Superrdouche","@ecnmst I'm doing all of Russia today! Because I'm cracking on with Economics tommorow  I'm retaking aswell :/"
1963110280,"sadness","Deckhead","17 hours left of being a teenager.. and ill be sleepin for 8-10 of those hours.. how depressing"
1963110345,"neutral","Katleavixen","thinks she needs more followers. its still so warm  going cinema later t c night at the museum2"
1963110353,"happiness","kobe_or_lebron","@jurisdiva its looking like the magic"
1963110503,"surprise","wendystarr","@Macnatty OMG  Poor Eppy! I hope she is ok. That is so scary and wow I can't believe no one noticed."
1963110716,"hate","mikeziemer","I HATE when my alarm doesn't go off"
1963110874,"happiness","SasaLoves","@WerewolfSeth i think my niece got me sickee  lame."
1963110902,"worry","OlieRuiz","@titotheceo hahaha omg i only got 3 hrs of sleep"
1963111788,"neutral","aokgirl","Been i while since i've been on.... bogged under with exams!  Eugh. At least theres only 2 left!! Britains Got Talent!!"
1963111967,"worry","wrightfood","@Anticiplate man, I am really sorry"
1963112024,"worry","gcole12","(2/2) everything but finacially we just dont have it"
1963112495,"neutral","Hajnika","going to work nightshift...."
1963112536,"neutral","laurenrobertss","has just brought john tucker must die again, because her first copy is too recked to watch"
1963112566,"hate","chrissyimmie","just finished playing mahjong. I lost $38 to Mag and Weisheng!"
1963113263,"sadness","irodeo77","so wanted to go to the Basshunter concert tonight.  so so so wanted to."
1963113282,"fun","captainkarenn","@natashaaaaaa awlll mann  we should meet up this summa or something!"
1963113507,"boredom","minxieme","Eastenders is always so grim"
1963113599,"worry","bonnielady","has burnt my hand on the cooker, it hurts"
1963113835,"neutral","missbeccax3","@mileycyrus voting has closed"
1963114028,"worry","McScouser","Every part of my body aches   I'm tryin' so hard not to throw up"
1963114170,"neutral","bareeder","I dont know how in the world this thing works"
1963114675,"neutral","tiika3","tiika3 PHONE iiS FUCKiiNG UP AND THE SHiiT AiiNT COOL!!"
1963114800,"worry","inmanyways","@SophieeeeLouise How do you vote? I'm on the website but can't find how to vote."
1963114861,"worry","MsCarlaPauline","@Ross_C I can't find the original on blip.fm and the Ex Models version, not so much..."
1963115191,"happiness","SaraKay_95","Is happy...Skool just let out..! Today was my last day..! Yippee! R.I.P Jackson Tyler Morris..! Always Loved And Never Forgotten..!"
1963115667,"worry","NikoleCamarae","@samluminate oh how i wish there were chick a filas by me  i'm definently jealous."
1963116080,"neutral","kerryetches","@FrugalGaming I cant get the chat thing to work"
1963116489,"worry","SasaLoves","@Twisuz  i think my niece got me sickee  lame."
1963124747,"worry","Glitter_TooL","-was just told by Dan to NOT say anything anymore...  -now im super sad =("
1963124804,"worry","andy_nolan","Cloudy today"
1963125076,"neutral","photokitty","It's freakin' hot and humid today."
1963125140,"sadness","anna_banana_15","i miss my boo"
1963125259,"sadness","spainal","after bragging about kitten cuteness, my cat never came home  i wanna throw up"
1963125468,"neutral","katrinavic","Ugh just got out of work i think i'm a dang taxi for ppl but i just can't say no!!!!  o well its my fault"
1963125621,"neutral","psstHOY","Lunch, club meeting, effin bored"
1963125836,"sadness","Ciara101","I really wanted that job"
1963125856,"worry","johnniebananas","@NickyDiamonds  haha I do, lake show will prob win. But I learned my lesson from my 18-1 pats"
1963126145,"happiness","smhanse8","Eating Which Wich, yumm! Dont think I've had it since the season ended"
1963126149,"hate","blunaaa","The weather is gross outside. It puts me in a bad mood."
1963126151,"worry","hravan","Cannot tweet. Eyes still dilated from morning eye exam. Am on verge of bifocals, and so is @adravan"
1963126316,"worry","redbummblebee","i need to get my computer fixed"
1963126346,"worry","FEASTSOFWAR","@XJakeXChaosX they prob are sold out.    all i wanted was to see them for my bday lol"
1963126448,"sadness","Jaimie074","@One_Call awww i wish i could but i have no talking minutes"
1963126554,"sadness","serpentvenom","It's a sad day for beer drinking movie goers. The Speakeasy theaters are no more"
1963126649,"anger","iaro","Wow, I'm really bored... and pissed I left my library card when I had to take the Booky Wook back..."
1963126773,"sadness","Han_T","Not in a good mood.  My mama's away with my sis so can't talk to either of them and my boy can't see me this weekend as planned."
1963127220,"worry","Johnny_Christ","really really really hopes jordyn will be okay"
1963127261,"sadness","cmanholla","man i fucked up that test  playing cod now . 31 days till the summer !"
1963127269,"relief","_AislinnTighee","@honorsociety you guys actually rock  why aren't you going to europe with jb?"
1963127286,"worry","briancbray","@cathrynbray sorry"
1963127454,"sadness","MissAlisha_D","Is stuck in some long ass traffic on the motorway...I'm not gonna get home until after 10pm  I'm so tired..."
1963127479,"worry","ktl360","toooo much outside killen my eyes"
1963127512,"neutral","mony06","Its that time again"
1963127832,"neutral","SoozSummers","had to turn down the near perfect mini break"
1963127950,"worry","RichelleWard","My poor laptop got a "rogue malware" visitor on it & isn't working properly    BIG Bummer!"
1963128023,"relief","dinopants","@dougiemcfly me too. We're cold pals"
1963128168,"sadness","LozTheFruitLoop","its a beautiful night, im stuck inside feelin ill instead of being a crazzzzzzzy ass party!"
1963128536,"worry","itssoophie","I think I've never been so tired in my entire life. Gotta go now, I've got some homework to do"
1963128630,"worry","courtneyreece","I have SUCH a headache right now. I really need to get better!"
1963128652,"neutral","beingnobody","@eightyfivemusic me too! i wish it would just say who has unfollowed"
1963128792,"enthusiasm","AmberVirginia","Have book in head will write this weekend. (maybe). Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work I go."
1963128883,"sadness","igotnothin","@staceyi awww i missed it  twitpic?"
1963128905,"neutral","kennywyland","My gut says to replace $$$ appliances instead of repair, but I want to be smart with $. When I try repair, replace was the right choice."
1963129102,"sadness","SillyStokey92","I am watching "28 Weeks Later." Not as good at Days."
1963129149,"love","Spite1977","@crystalmarieluv Your Highness...........................crystalmarieDONTluvSpiteAnymore"
1963129325,"hate","LADollz","@AmberClare I want too soo bad, I hate missing GUMBO, but I have a shoot tommorrow that I have to be at for 8:30.  So No GUMBO for me...."
1963129718,"neutral","jennysunphoto","@CandiCunningham oh dear.. u serious? so how does one prevent bites??  I'm so itchy its distracting while editing.. *sigh*"
1963129919,"happiness","IsobelDawn","The trip to Stockholm got cancelled  To make it up I'm planning to do some shopping tomorrow, nothing makes a girl as happy like shopping"
1963130495,"worry","lkmeister","All done. No more internship."
1963130832,"sadness","wizdomlakers","@OGVENOE I can't die  I have a lunch date with rocio coming up plus some new shoes UGH!"
1963130958,"sadness","IsabellaMedici","NOT a good day. Sigh"
1963131303,"neutral","gabiigarcia","my hair won't turn whiiite"
1963131386,"relief","xz","Digging in to my soul jazz collection in an attempt to cheer myself up. I think it's working a little."
1963131435,"worry","urbanbunda","yea i'm gonna need to put the blunt down"
1963131643,"surprise","eslibonita","@DebiLayne i know!! No money for pedicures!!"
1963131945,"worry","Jameage","@SPAMponesALL I have to work  but I'll just watch it later.. even though it's not the same."
1963131946,"sadness","BennyDunk","My tummy hurts..."
1963132456,"neutral","BrandyWandLover","@marginatasnaily @Brandystrippers New Look were sold out and thres a nice one in george and in topshop-also sold out!!  xx"
1963132479,"worry","danielladarylnn","Babysitting the little kids! I cant believe the year is over!"
1963132524,"hate","__laurenS","work is depressing the hell out of me  i want someone to fukin come on holiday with me in august"
1963133317,"relief","rhyscampbell","@SQLChicken Yep! Tail between legs!"
1963133609,"happiness","najah85","@goldi_m except im on site near the airport on Dixon!  i have a lil #starbucks gps in my head hehe"
1963133694,"fun","pattimontemayor","@la_maestrada: i agree about tw, me and my cat have been watching full housse, sabrina the teenage witch and sister sister re-runs"
1963133710,"sadness","aDeSe","missin the #ia2009 guys really"
1963133822,"worry","Cepiapon","Bah, tea and toast for me because my stomach is not happy   The tea is yummy though..."
1963134264,"sadness","dariusjamar","@chezery and Im just going into work... if we were married, we wud never see each other"
1963134629,"worry","HorseyJesse","Well, my aunts dog died. I understand how devastated she is. I'll probably head over there soon for support"
1963134899,"worry","Jamie_Cheroske","On the way to the dentist."
1963134925,"sadness","vkrol","Gah, I'm jittery and upset for absolutely NO reason..."
1963135019,"worry","mariomasitti","@heatherlilly what's follow Friday?? Lol."
1963135116,"worry","bangtrim","@katdrabeck that song is soooooo hot! i want to go but might have to wrk - i think my mgr is pissed - should have worked last night"
1963135154,"sadness","ItalianBella406","Rest in peace marshall"
1963135231,"worry","theramon","@roxannakate I need to buy it for the iPhone. It's such a good app. Only works on WI-FI though"
1963135610,"sadness","missmandibaby","@iaretanja I forgot to put something  on that is very essential to my day."
1963135667,"love","samsull10","@Katwood30: you get to go home and i have to go to work"
1963135938,"neutral","hyperkiddiestar","Track & Fiel was proably canceled."
1963136218,"sadness","hi_im_steph","Writing in yearbooks make me wanna cry"
1963136237,"sadness","HLHymes","Heeder's again and on Monday as well... absolutely no plans for the weekend"
1963136453,"happiness","mmaruchis","wanna see JB 3D Movie Experience again   ... I wanna "touch" Joe again hehehe"
1963136740,"worry","andrewstechshow","@TCSLive That storm seems to be coming my way"
1963137010,"love","chrisntr","@voidspace Thanks man.  That sorted it. I only ever remember 222.222"
1963137092,"fun","leeanne81","M.I.A?PJ?Beasties?Thievery?Volta?Bat4Lashes?BandOfHorses? I enjoy this line-up: http://bit.ly/16lUgX Too bad it's in San Fran"
1963137520,"worry","cecinievas","It's so cold out there! I've just lost my wallet"
1963137579,"sadness","annarking","@sweet_pea00 darn  i will think of you on our journey so it's like you are really there"
1963142945,"worry","TkOeUeCpH","he keeps makingfun of my typos!"
1963143378,"sadness","shanfu","@spyou Oh no!  I'm so sorry!    I hope you're back on the bike soon."
1963143902,"sadness","JudeBrian","is locked out for the house! shit, thank god there's internet..."
1963144260,"love","KATIE_MBT","@Alexa997 Isnt it only like 3 episodes though? Sad"
1963144370,"sadness","kjbug40","@angelofmusic11 and why can't toy story come out this june"
1963144428,"empty","prmack","typical Google Docs is down  oh well open Pages"
1963144573,"neutral","lucyhilson","@thescript oiiiiiii when are you back in london? what happened to our reunion?"
1963144768,"hate","Clawdee","So, again, who wants to loan me some money? Anyone? No  Damn Economy   -kicks it-"
1963145241,"happiness","vortexofpaingrl","just realized tonight's Drake"
1963145630,"love","RoyalBoi","@JuicyFruits88 yeah it is I feel sad tho."
1963145708,"sadness","Toiy","@tina_beanz damn sorry to hear that tina..."
1963145860,"worry","ellixian","@theroomstops Urm, ouch, that sucks. You need crutches?  What happened? I hope you get/feel better soonest!"
1963145873,"worry","deepakpanigrahy","@gulpanag thats pretty bad quality and probably the worst pic u posted till date"
1963146222,"worry","kinkouin","@Agent_M aww why psn?"
1963146887,"sadness","le_geli","Assfuck, "I'm sorry" roll. Okay I gave in.  I'm such a sucker.  http://twitpic.com/677xt"
1963146987,"sadness","JonLovett","#thingsmummysaid  You are the result of a broken condom."
1963147217,"happiness","aleeesadarling","amazing, my brand new PARI neb broke. go figure. and it's the weekend. looks like i won't be getting another one until next week.  *sigh*"
1963147420,"worry","mark_k","unhappy about the news that the planned (experimental) ITER fusion reactor will become much delayed... 2025"
1963147541,"worry","ocsjones","That didn't take long.. A fragment of bone did not heal to the major bone, it is now being reabsorbed by my body, may need fix in future"
1963147640,"sadness","leighannirvine","@pinksealight oh lucky u!! i need to send mines away to get fixed"
1963148016,"worry","PennyLanee","I am like 20 feet from @aplusk (ashton kutcher)'s movie set & trailers... but he is nowhere in sight!"
1963148051,"sadness","heartsigh","My phone is so stubborn!! You'd think it had my genes or something!!"
1963148506,"neutral","hester1992","I feel lazy watching other people work on my roof!  Kat Woman OUT"
1963148937,"relief","Aslicherish","wow my trip to tampa has come to an end..."
1963149512,"neutral","MarTiff","I will move anywhere as long as it has a freaking dishwasher! I despise doing dishes"
1963150188,"worry","KaydeeisMeeko","Good morning world! I feel really sick."
1963150276,"neutral","celticblde","Big booming thunder storm almost here.  Maybe we can all go home early???  Ah... probably not."
1963150985,"worry","dEEmoniiquee","Umm after schooL , at subway w. My mom ; nothing to do planss are ruined"
1963151176,"relief","GerzeLee","@KnightOnline i think Today its not possible 2 play KOL"
1963151363,"worry","emileefuss","@courtneyreece I know how you feel. My head is getting stuffier and stuffier, and it is not fun."
1963151646,"worry","suzanella","@misulqa i didnt but was close to it. i'm pretty sure i'll be crying when this school year is over though  we all weill be crying."
1963151769,"sadness","guy_routte","@thebeckyanne I'm giving my sis a show at my crib Sunday, she's an incredible jewelry designer, but you'll be gone"
1963152056,"sadness","meesters","just watched UP in 3d - that movie is so beautiful but so sad at the same time"
1963152382,"hate","TheLastSheikah","Phone disconnects my internet. Right in the middle of an uber.  Also, first Tweet from inside of Steam."
1963152487,"sadness","UPSLynx","Also, WHERE IS MY TOY STORY 3 TEASER CARMIKE 14? YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE TOY STORY 3!  Movie theater fail"
1963152521,"empty","businessplayce","@yagelski Thanks for the tip on otherinbox...  It won't work with outlook for me..."
1963152597,"sadness","kwistafur","Porter is making be a sad panda"
1963153005,"neutral","hamjam01","Grass mowed. I can haz playtime now? No? @Nutzy2468 says we have errands to run"
1963153462,"sadness","feetonfire","whopee TGIF   that was more fun when i had a job"
1963153505,"happiness","MsJerzi","Get a new one nxt wk!!!"
1963153542,"worry","sdwilsh","@cbarrett just something different than all the text around it.  There's no difference whatsoever"
1963153806,"surprise","geremiCAMPESINO","@mileycyrus they all stopped doing drugs!"
1963153836,"sadness","tramainesimone","i'm at work starving"
1963153910,"sadness","wolever","@singpolyma aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I hate the Internet  When will people learn "native widgets are always best""
1963154076,"worry","nackman42","I totally forgot my phone at home this morning"
1963154315,"sadness","Mystikk","Man it's two o clock 2 more hrs till I have to be at work"
1963154423,"sadness","BigCatJared","@ericcanaday is a no show for lunch. Eating solo at noodles"
1963154750,"empty","lookitslizzle","is fairly upset at the fact the twitter/bgt session will have to commence without Sam.."
1963155007,"sadness","jasminebrone","@ddlovato DEMI YOU WERE SO PRETTY WITH YOU'RE BANGS AND EVERYTHING .YOU LOOK TOO GROWN UP IN THIS PICTURE  i liked your bangs."
1963155252,"neutral","desusie","trying to work..."
1963155314,"surprise","rachellll08","@kaliboooo in bucher's class?! i cried too!"
1963155331,"hate","Destiny116","Happy 2 b out of school!!!!!!! People just piss me off sometimes"
1963155342,"sadness","LuisMartinez78","Hi, is anybody else having problems with the Karma site? It's not working."
1963155739,"sadness","JosLuvzKevinJay","I wish I was out of school...But sadly, I still have like another month left."
1963155900,"sadness","Tanya_xO","@sophhs cool. I'm tempted too see it again  I feel sorry for JB though because there were hardly any people"
1963156361,"worry","KeliciaS","i have such a hard time talking to new people -  I am pretty sure I didn't make a good impression....."
1963156635,"boredom","QuellThisNeed","At every gas station, I look for postcards for @Zomuu22  No luck."
1963156971,"worry","MikuChan","is hungry, twitter.  i want food. </3"
1963157158,"neutral","AvonteNikole","im backkkk!!!!!!!! hungry as hell, havent ate today"
1963157199,"sadness","indiecupcake","@arizonaobvious  that sucks"
1963157363,"hate","YIRLARUBI","ugh! nothing to do in the valley  Seriously gotta move out of here!!!"
1963157381,"neutral","sampan22","@RetroRewind ive totally 4got the donation link  gonna double my donation this week ;) x"
1963157764,"worry","lwcavallucci","@g33kguy @alisonwaring Looks like the nap will have to wait. I'm still waiting on the poor guy"
1963157926,"sadness","dymondbaby101","happy and sad  may her soul rest in peace"
1963158062,"neutral","BibiAzra","Oh yeah, MY LAPTOP IS FIXED. Shame my internet is still shit and slow."
1963158199,"sadness","EliveabitKaye","I think that mowing the lawn should not be allowed to be done by teenagers. It sucks! Well off to mow."
1963158341,"happiness","Robin_McGraw","@EricaMcGraw hi!! im glad you had fun at tennis! im about to go see dr dorfman   last visit though!!"
1963158441,"worry","TwilightMom127","@hwilliams3782 thanks, it's a job that pays the bills and nothing new except for the 15 sec trailer...I keep looking but nothing else"
1963158666,"sadness","JohnnyToffee","@Xulap Consider yourself lucky.  It hasn't rained here in ages.   It's depressing."
1963158702,"sadness","kristenletsin","I think shopping solves the world's problems. If only I didn't have to leave Atlanta tomorrow"
1963158815,"worry","moddyboy80","Help. My computer has a virus. I had to place my Etsy shop into vacation mode until I can sort this out. I don't know WHAT to do!"
1963159021,"sadness","DoctorSanchez","Had to spend lunch murderin hits"
1963159436,"neutral","sc4twit","@K8lyn333 twitter tends to do that to us"
1963159500,"sadness","DiavolinaDoll","@kerlikoiv very familiar.....sorry you're feeling that way"
1963159611,"worry","StiltzGynormous","3 shots of espresso aaaaand....nothin'."
1963159735,"sadness","sierraohh","@bigcitysomeone  I wish I could go. See ya at Warped for sure tho!"
1963160439,"sadness","CloeCupcake","feeling really dizzy  not soo good"
1963165023,"worry","hiiamtamara","@tommcfly (2) in commentary @flahmanow , I was with her, was sad, very sad"
1963166187,"empty","tracysuzanne","work work work"
1963166195,"sadness","psfnick","From Portugal to Derbyshire. At least sun is shining but lawn looks like Percy Thrower is Gardner-in-Residence! Weekend jobs ="
1963166251,"worry","sjdvda","@shawin I've been using the Sennheiser CX 300 earbuds for 8 months and I love them.  Don't know if they're available in MU though."
1963167091,"hate","Aimee_Face","Hating GCSE geography"
1963167141,"neutral","KristyT1978","@donnanorgren: and my kid is only 3 and is stronger then me"
1963167891,"worry","azbycxdwevfugt","@AmyDeWitt You have arthritis in them?  Really??  Poor you  That would be painful - but you can't be that old.  How many squats did u do"
1963168148,"worry","BaltoMoto","@TDRFarmer Are you going to the game tonight? There is so much excitement today that I'm feeling left out. Have other plans"
1963168411,"hate","cmfmusic","ooo my goddddd; vodafone trouble. no network"
1963168592,"hate","letchman","I started X-Slimmer at eight this morning, it's still going  I hate that it always want's my friggin password."
1963169126,"sadness","carrie1337","the japanese exchange student is the cutest thing i've ever seen. seriously HAHA i want to put her in my pocket&keep her D:"
1963169724,"worry","brennanspillman","At hospital.. Uncle is in surgury after heart attack"
1963169728,"relief","jordanmc09","last real seventh hour"
1963169994,"worry","lindsayology","What was I going to do? i've forgotten."
1963170340,"neutral","Zarinah","@rosaliiinda practicing piano..ima wash my whip later..its all muggt out"
1963170392,"neutral","laurenxmarie91","On my deck... Perfect weather today! Not feeling good tho..."
1963170535,"neutral","JackieDanger","@AMcCallon  stop itt!"
1963170891,"neutral","HARRII3T","Sugar Free Should Have Gone Through In stead On 2 Grand  They Were So Good and 2 Grand Is A Bit Too Cheesy"
1963171080,"worry","MegFullenkamp","i am having serious problems concentrating on this press release this afternoon...i have sleepy eyes right now"
1963171083,"sadness","pulpologist","Rain finally arriving, drat. Guess this means we'll have to picnic in the living room instead of at WolfTrap tonite."
1963171139,"sadness","BARBiE_BABiE","@AgesTheGreat ii DON'T HAVE ANY EiTHER"
1963171333,"worry","katieabramis","The parking meter computed 25 plus 25 is 40. I got jipped! And the 10 free minute button didn't work."
1963172473,"happiness","hiiamtamara","@flahmanow  n�o te vi onteeeeeeem"
1963172532,"worry","Mr_Marmalade","Dreaming about cuddling your lady and waking up alone isn't fun"
1963172929,"worry","yellowflowers87","@ditzynicky my knee is hurting so bad im limping...so we get to suffer through work together"
1963173099,"worry","ayelenbj","i still DON'T have the internet @ home  FUCK"
1963173221,"surprise","Lindsss3","@APWright well kris is making me a sick panda"
1963173602,"happiness","zoomswhizzkid","@ellyaway I know june 2010...  but its gonna be so good. Im going to se it even if im 20 when it comes out."
1963173652,"worry","johnhayato","Anybody have advice on who to use for printing biz cards besides Overnight (bad experience) & PsPrint, each biz card = sep. project ="
1963173722,"neutral","Katzendawg","Cats: unimpressed by thunderstorm. Dog: wishes @dataangel would come home"
1963173934,"boredom","nytonkla","sitting next to bed. cannot lay down because iPhone charging cable is too short."
1963174232,"sadness","MadisonMitchell","@contentwhore  lure her in with a foot massage!"
1963174602,"sadness","puente6969","@alltimebritt  why not now you made me sad I thought you'd be jumping for joy"
1963174920,"hate","nkotbkickinass","Wow seems like a lifetime since I been in here........never change to talktalk! Home phone n broadband not been workin 4 ova a week now"
1963175187,"fun","theclarkster","So tonights TV viewing, BGT or HIGNFY and Reggie Perrin? Wont be tweeting however as  MiniC has hidden iPod"
1963175434,"neutral","MarcyPolanco","I wish I could twitter from the BOOK EXPO but the reception at the Javitz is horrible...."
1963175762,"boredom","GOGADASHTI","it's realy boo0o0o0o00oring ..my book is on the side & i'm not studyin for sure..."
1963175813,"fun","KristineRusch","Everyone's talking about the goodies at #BEA09.  I wanna be there."
1963176139,"worry","HelenaYoshima","Need to take my laptop to see a specialist... It keeps going off every now and then... thisk it's getting too hot... don't know"
1963176186,"empty","NikoleCamarae","@samluminate the closest is a good two hours"
1963176548,"enthusiasm","PippaxXx","Im in pain been stood on my feet for 15hrs  nursing is very hard but I love it and how gorgeous is this evening xXx"
1963176613,"hate","kendrapearce","does not like ups much today..."
1963176779,"worry","marci723","@kchasesimmons unfortunetly no  I wish, I mean sometimes like twice a yr they'll have a party, but not always"
1963177066,"sadness","gatorgurl86","Getting my hair done...missing him"
1963177080,"boredom","Bhooshan","@knayam need some more enthu movie guys for that. Right now it's just you, @karmkhanna and @_Anshul"
1963177533,"surprise","Lyricist_Juice","@mann95 nooooo  who is it? I'm gonna beat them up! Unless it's someone important.. *thinks of new name*"
1963177811,"sadness","indiegnado","O dios acaban de tocar The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart en el primavera sound  life is not fair"
1963177923,"worry","MANNYV_29","How I wish I wish I did not eat that....burger."
1963178055,"worry","Tony111686","I'm at work it's super slow and my baby is far away from me. All around crappy day."
1963178626,"surprise","SPAMponesALL","@Jameage awww  omg garbo fake playing during one of the songs!!! haha"
1963178828,"neutral","species5618","has broken his wordpress MU powered blog, site OK, admin screwed"
1963179332,"sadness","babsO7","someone doesn't feel good..."
1963179363,"love","kathylittrell","@nick_carter Hey Brian Littrell is there!! He doesnt really like this kinda pages rigth?  kisses! I loev you guys!"
1963179685,"worry","jyri","Tried Nokia's Ovi music store: "Nokia Music does not currently support the Mozilla Firefox (Mac OS X) browser on your operating system""
1963179761,"neutral","faithycent","@lorenatierra I'll be back home on Monday."
1963180116,"worry","colormesillyy","I may have come down with something; we're almost out of tissues!    this is not a good season  http://tinyurl.com/nccqya"
1963180218,"sadness","giftculture","@wholee Aaron and I are playing a gig at the Life Aquatic party outside of Austin, so I think we'll have to mis the TT Bday party, sadly"
1963180377,"sadness","Sophie_Howard","Aaahhhh poor Chops the pig !!!"
1963181006,"neutral","lrv94","@TehCheapOne Ok, im not really that far yet  On the 2nd part of 4. Wish she did them earlier though, like mid day so I could be involved"
1963181103,"neutral","MadisonMitchell","@rj hahha I don't do drugs though"
1963181218,"surprise","SportsDivaTiffy","@KeytaJ yeah...she passed last week.  so sad!"
1963187463,"neutral","kinkouin","@Agent_M ah. knowing microsoft, they could probby do it, but would want to charge way too much extra for it"
1963187685,"worry","zoe__","absolutley gutted i am this ill when a) it's this sunny outside and b) i have shit loads of revision to do for my c) exam on tuesday"
1963187695,"worry","g0nz","@JNez I hear that, we've missed so many films due to insufficient fundage: Watchmen, Dark Knight, Star Trek."
1963187776,"worry","skooo","I hate exam time. I want my life back  Also I want the ability to revise back - if I ever had that ability, that is."
1963187865,"neutral","djjeddyb","#thingsmummysaid...rollercoasters are only multi-storey car parks without walls."
1963188363,"worry","PAJoseph","@FlowerDust I'm bummed...you're gonna be only 30 minutes from me on Sunday & I can't come hear ya."
1963189021,"boredom","sammc44","i don't know what to do... time is going by so fast."
1963189633,"worry","EmilieThomas","Is in serious pain."
1963189816,"worry","MeNiLLeiGh","Doesn't want to go to work"
1963189857,"sadness","Annizh","@Saaaandra I want to go with you !  But I'm tierd...."
1963190126,"sadness","kirdyk","@debby41 Your not alone im gutted i missed the convention too!"
1963190470,"worry","Ms_Aye","Laying ALONE!! Since Mook's soo comfy in his f'n play pen. I thought it was ill at first now I don't have no one to cuddle with..."
1963190504,"worry","NROTB","@shaydakiss doesnt look good  we have to go burn some lampions"
1963190684,"sadness","yoyomo","Stupid freshmen ruined theatre class.. Now we don't get to play warm-up games for the rest of the school year"
1963190849,"neutral","ebeck123","@andibeth82 ok sweet! and whenever u want, I am stuck in bed all weekend"
1963191016,"sadness","BriBri2007","@LLDA  lo siento but I dint have enough room =/"
1963192276,"worry","theNimby","man, its weird, Mom's cooking is giving me so much nutrition but also so much unladylike gas"
1963192411,"neutral","EMFK","@Moderorated: Where are you?"
1963192412,"sadness","shiroamada","Work, work. Me not that kind o' orc."
1963192459,"neutral","kurt_ctdk","@STHLMBEAT yeah, I just realise the organiser dun let performing artist/djs drink on stage  tight malaysian laws n rules here"
1963193309,"neutral","ether_radio","@galaxydazzle OHHHH THAT REMINDS ME. I know it's not one of yours.... can you send me some of my toothpaste?"
1963193678,"neutral","Lauren_Hannah","My roommate has officially started packing"
1963193889,"fun","Cherrim","@cloudconnected I know! D: I finally got my component cables for the PS2 in the other day and instead of playing P3:FES I played OoT."
1963194001,"love","alexdao","@miqotu Oh no, that doesn't sound good! better get it checked out."
1963194151,"neutral","KayKay18","@sizzlemaker Happy Friday! Do u know how I can get a copy of the BT art u did on Mel's fake Twitter? I'm n it, but can't find it now.  THX"
1963194328,"sadness","natbaby02","@AdotEVANS im having a bad day"
1963194409,"hate","actndance","im trying to put up a pic but it wont work!!!!"
1963194548,"surprise","PricelessToni","@iamdiddy @iambodie ....I hugged my hater 2day. Then told her its #nobitchassnessfriday!!! I'm now in trouble for cursing my mgr."
1963194568,"sadness","LexieLovesgreys","@MandyyJirouxx  damn was about to call"
1963194770,"surprise","edlago","meeting just in time that i�m trying to win something @SEGA prize's friday!"
1963194793,"neutral","topfife","@dansumption totally forgot about the dgree show et al. Now ensconced in home, wine and ready for bed"
1963195424,"neutral","cutecake0","i am talkin on da phone and typin at da same time"
1963195429,"worry","matt44kattie","noooooooo...another headache...hopefully not a migraine"
1963195651,"worry","susiebooty","In French trois, nobody is sitting next to me. I feel a little lonely..."
1963195774,"relief","kyleskywalker","more packing, cleaning, and getting shit done. last day in this apartment. this time tomorrow my shit will be in storage"
1963196390,"neutral","xxlinzivxx","@rolyseal oh  il probs do wt i do every yaer watch the first one then watch the last couple of weeks lol"
1963197030,"worry","mrjonhson","Feeling the pain from the accidente.   not feeling too good"
1963197290,"sadness","daniXcore","I got a text from this guy who I don't like, and who has the same name as the guy I do! How disapointing!"
1963197519,"worry","NRichienews","@shopronson I have placed an order with the HOH people, but they are taking forever to process it!  Cant wait to start selling it. xo"
1963197586,"worry","GH_Unleashed","@GH_Confidential I tried to use Spinelli to turn him on to GH, but it didn't really work"
1963197827,"neutral","BarbieD23","@angie_z i cant even think about anything that smells like alochol  lol"
1963197842,"sadness","KBSothman","As of tomorrow, both roomies will be gone"
1963197844,"worry","choon01","Omg after all this searching, still can't find what I am looking for."
1963198399,"surprise","Janell10","@Jonasbear2 crap, i dont have 2 work saturday, & i was suppose 2 hang out with my friend & watch it. we can still hang out but no JONAS ="
1963198495,"sadness","pardeepkang","Just changed my car tires, cost me a bomb."
1963199049,"neutral","LiamColeTIM","@paulmorrisTIM Cheapest copy of Purusha's Divine Androgyne on Amazon, $140."
1963199119,"worry","katiiiie","i wish i was going to be with my ST girls tomorrow"
1963199443,"surprise","prettykatie","@danudey hot weather for the lose. And I have to clean too!  Cleaning in the heat sucks balls."
1963199618,"love","KatyDidsCards","@ebay_andy Got it, thanks! I mean really, how rude."
1963199699,"neutral","walporr","@mileycyrus I can't vote for you    they have stopped the voting"
1963199906,"neutral","LeManiak","Off to get Bailey's tongue clipped"
1963200007,"surprise","ambergrace1612","Just ran hair first into spiderweb full of baby spiders...i almost set my own hair on fire to get rid of them! Almost."
1963200151,"worry","lovespell83","I believe a man died in a car wreck today just right down the road.  It happened at 12 and at 2 he was still in the car."
1963200194,"happiness","clicktokill","@jerricklim LOL YES! took me awhile to get accustomed to it. now back apple v, a, x, c! btw, apple up & down still is home and end."
1963200309,"sadness","ngodsfavor87","I wanna see my mama but she hasn't called me back yet  MAMA...MAMA!!!"
1963200388,"worry","Jeff_Hardyfan",""@tracecyrus"have you the e-mail from Miley ???? I want to write with her but I cant"
1963200540,"neutral","chopsuey2e","@yukihoang  it is. its probly 16 a head, GAY HUH? reg tix @ the block was 11.50, bella terra 10.75... i encourage bootlegs"
1963200788,"sadness","iDream1","All done cleaning! Taking a break...OMG my back hurts"
1963200944,"sadness","RobinBurgoon","Wanted to take a photo of the storm, but misplaced my camera!"
1963201018,"worry","charkeefe","just tried a billion times to get through to @MandyyJirouxx on say now"
1963201413,"happiness","EMbracex3","just hanging around the house. Thank god its friday. With nina & @missmarissxox later and working on a global project"
1963201421,"worry","nmarvel","Migranes suck....Especially when the kids are suddenly hyper."
1963201459,"enthusiasm","britthernandez","@criscilla at work!! Agh I really need to go with you  what days do you go so that I can add it to my schedule!"
1963201567,"worry","BuckSexington","@cupcake_rachel Home alone and my cat isn't even in."
1963201904,"worry","pumpkinbanana","@melzygirl you have no interview today?"
1963202301,"happiness","TheUncleLouie","Rain Rain Rain go away come back next week when I'm gone (via @GigglingMarlin) raining lie crazy in the Keys"
1963202849,"worry","SheBangz","@Juggernautt I broke my ipod"
1963202918,"sadness","LedZepeatles","Saying good bye to ronald today was difficult and sad well miss yuu!"
1963202995,"neutral","Raysa","walking in 3 inch heels that ended up being a half size to big on a leg that's still has pulled muscles.not a good look.my ass hurts 2day"
1963209527,"worry","hbeaudin09","bored, no one is on \line to talk to"
1963209654,"fun","64Colors","@drilone no email?   just kidding, it can wait filling out form now... seriously."
1963210084,"worry","SamanthaGxo","i want to go to music tonight but i lost my voice."
1963210177,"hate","shadez","@LimeIce you didnt even send me a nice bid  #twpp"
1963211219,"sadness","Crichton_Kicks","I've just realised. I won't be able to talk to any of you crazy cats on Sunday. Is sad now."
1963211278,"sadness","SarahSurrender","Sitting, wondering, & wishing for a bunch of stuff that will never be"
1963211575,"neutral","Sabrina1989","@tommcfly Tom are the MITO tour dvd's still being made cos no where seem to be stealing them and i really want a copy"
1963211668,"sadness","Scyranth","@HalestormRocks I wish y'all...unfortunately I won't be able to make it...gotta work my 2nd gig today"
1963211690,"happiness","Hyper8","@rbmartin yeh, i knew wot i meant...kinda!! lol seems to be alot of radio bods on here....i've lost count"
1963211705,"neutral","mpoudyal","working weekend it looks like"
1963212213,"worry","SirJenkins","Sicky sicky  sucks on such a lovely day"
1963212449,"worry","SusieQZ","@PokerAuthority I broke up with Christian Bale when he played Batman"
1963212529,"neutral","DolceDelicious","Salad from krogers...  I was hungry."
1963213044,"sadness","sharpener","http://twitpic.com/678hs - 300 yd drive within feet of the green. 2nd time playing the hole so doesn't count though  #bcit #golf"
1963213138,"sadness","wench_alchemist","@Alyssa_Milano We had a local pet store get shut down last for something like that....it's horrible, what some animals go through."
1963213173,"neutral","smithywill","the heat makes it hard to revise"
1963213499,"worry","MelisHothi","CREDIT CARDS ARE NO FUN WHEN THEY ARE MAXED OUT!!!!"
1963213660,"fun","drogjo","sunniest day in ages and im in bed"
1963213913,"worry","angelator147","STUPID!!!! my ipod is taking forever to load."
1963214275,"hate","sannova","I hate tomtom. City traffic sucks"
1963214347,"happiness","IndigoAmaya","@ikklePickle haha I fail  just remember sohcahtoa xD"
1963214512,"happiness","reaganwescott","i wanna see UPPPPPP"
1963215010,"relief","beccabritingham","Finally out of school for today! HAD TO SIT IN LIBRARY FOR A LONG TIME"
1963215074,"sadness","trpilot","@luuloo  im really sorry i know wallah how u feel this life is shittttttttt"
1963215140,"sadness","fpudude10","lunch in the forrest ... its so baron.  fpu is so dead"
1963215509,"worry","ron2","I bought a Leica M8, charger arrived DOA. Called Leica,  got transferred around and left a VM.  atleast the RF isn't misaligned..."
1963215736,"neutral","Sageogfruit","@GeneralTekno Just read it too.  I meant the toys though."
1963216187,"happiness","BrandyWandLover","@pinkbunny69 aww hope uve hada good day  xxxxx"
1963216294,"neutral","cbbreezylover","@graffitibreezyy you did not write back to me"
1963216506,"neutral","rioosodesigns","@notdiyheather I LOVE fresh garden veggies...especially tomatoes!  We are in a tiny apartment, with a non-sunny patio!"
1963216523,"worry","eilidhbaileyg","Brad Paisley+Alison Krauss- Whiskey Lullaby...so sad  but its awesome!"
1963216629,"sadness","Lis311","Yeah, that didn't last long.."
1963216854,"sadness","sam_acw","#fieldnotes I ordered some on the 8th and they still haven't arrived. 3 weeks and still no books"
1963216981,"surprise","jessisabellB","@LISAAASTHOUGHTS I have to pre-order it"
1963217063,"worry","lovejonas_x","grrrr youtube wont let me watch the @Jonasbrothers chat again"
1963217366,"neutral","Nightowl71","She had a boyfriend"
1963217678,"worry","CassieMusicBlog","Just went a bought the bigest redbull i could find. its going to be a long day at the office"
1963217693,"hate","BrandiNicolexo","egh blah and boooooooooooo i dunno wanna go to work  HANGOVERS SUCKKKKKK Im a drunk mess!"
1963217828,"neutral","claudieko","@neilhimself you didn't give out #followfriday advice like i told you?"
1963217907,"happiness","Erykah_","@TheExplodingBoi White wine reminds me of vinegar"
1963218081,"sadness","lovachic14","@dougiemcfly ME TOO! hehe i hate colds. totaly annoying..."
1963218200,"relief","jenny414","Getting oil change. Apparently the mice that have been eating my birdseed in my garage have also been eating my air filter."
1963218268,"sadness","iheartnynuk","Work has really sucked the past 2 days & now my 11:00 meeting on Mon got rescheduled to 9 am! That's just plain evil...i need a new job!!"
1963218298,"hate","tiffanyiballah","The case for my iPod Touch is literally falling apart.  So junk"
1963218479,"sadness","carlysha","Sad face moment of the day"
1963218696,"empty","LovHER","@TheOriginalTeam Ooh can I have some? I'm hungry but I don't wanna get outta bed"
1963219248,"worry","wainwright","@goodbyeblueskyy everything okay?"
1963219839,"sadness","OwMyUmbrella","Sitting in an almost empty dorm, waiting for jordan to come to take some last things and say good bye. He graduates tomorrow."
1963219948,"worry","Mom2Ryleigh","I got a headache"
1963220140,"worry","thewanderingmen","Lookin' at spreadsheets so long my eyes are crossing..."
1963220792,"neutral","damooseisloose","By newark"
1963220900,"hate","shellygrrl","is a bit tired. I blame the rain.  http://plurk.com/p/x2jc9"
1963221266,"sadness","iwannascrap","@SosiP oooh...I wish I could've gone there today, too!   I know Zach was looking forward to it."
1963221407,"neutral","sharding","@justinmcintosh Ugh"
1963221843,"neutral","Cel_M","@iamdiddy yeah except the spurs aren't in the champs like they usually are."
1963221970,"relief","chittypulga","is feeling her eyes burned-fried after 10 hours attached to the screen uploading new summer clothing for my store www.Chittypulga.com"
1963223028,"worry","xoSelGomezXo","Only one more day left of Ramona  I will miss the cast soo much!"
1963223317,"worry","JayneHilditch","@Philip5150 at the #manics gig.  Toasting your speedy recovery - sorry you can't be here"
1963223882,"sadness","FrasSmith","@Zee I can't, #gravity won't let me."
1963224445,"worry","younodakine","Havin a bad weed first wisdom teeth then ran out of weed now I might be getting sick . . . if only i had more weed"
1963224603,"worry","christinielsen","@platea sorry @platea friends - I'm swamped with deadlines right now and we have family visiting to boot! No charades for me."
1963224895,"sadness","jurassicReptar","@suzanella I missed mine, too. Not fun..."
1963224900,"sadness","marsdewd","@rebeccao372 not too bad,but I did get some bad news this afternoon, I got stopped by the police   brake lights out but it's �30 fine"
1963224903,"relief","xamountoftruth","@midtown i'll teleport it straight to you"
1963225083,"sadness","ScottGreaves","Had a relaxing day at the park in the sun. Back to work tomorrow"
1963225790,"sadness","deealmanza","@MichyVasquez oh  just be careful on the road."
1963226494,"worry","LaughingSun","frustrated. I just found out our sitter isn't avail. tonight. now what? no TKD test 4 me I guess  good thing I'm married to the instructor"
1963226515,"happiness","kylemayne","I've knack my iphone, I got melted chocolate into the speaker, I now can't hear it when it rings"
1963226964,"sadness","anyidiot","My friend's son just got to visit Daddy after 3 yrs. Denied cuz Daddy lost job & could not pay a ton of support. Kids want parents not $!"
1963227108,"worry","ToYFuL","I'm not looking forward to the crazy commute come with everything that's going on down here"
1963227233,"worry","JamesWyl","Just got Dailybooth and not sure what to do. It's confusing!"
1963228221,"neutral","roleychiu","went up to the 9th floor of our building for BC Hydro's 2010 open house thingamabobber. I love their office  its cozier than our 2nd floor"
1963228334,"worry","gatlindrake","I want to be in love......."
1963228342,"sadness","Milatasitagirl","@2Mbs: to triste"
1963228384,"neutral","sarebearxx8","@Emmaroo youre not going, are you   ?"
1963228497,"worry","rscottcarter","@RyanSmithLLC you didn't say you were leaving yesterday! You won't see me at the house anymore once you get back... tear tear"
1963228517,"neutral","brigwyn","@Bre_0 so all done with wow blogging eh?  *huggles*"
1963228567,"happiness","burrrbank","@drew8890. Haha I want another bagel. I have all this blueberry cream cheese left and no more bagel"
1963228651,"worry","PH9846","it's friday but i have to work the weekend"
1963228987,"love","hellsiing","@yelyahwilliams Haaaayley, i saw some pictures from the tour, you're so pretty *-* i wanted to see u guys again"
1963229027,"worry","terraforming","I'm going to have Zydrate Anatomy stuck in my head for the rest of my life. It makes me miss Chelsea. She always liked Graverobber."
1963229336,"enthusiasm","bunnybabee","My Birthday weekend! cant find where my ex hid our DANE COOK TICKETS for tomorrow!!! WTF that's all i wanted for my birthday"
1963229372,"worry","Stepfers_DUH","Graduating from high school tonight  im kind of sad.."
1963229402,"sadness","nursecassie","there's only one more cherry dr. pepper left in the fridge...thank God. im addicted to that stuff but it does sad things to my skin."
1963229935,"sadness","Blackbarbie1988","so im super sick w/ a fever"
1963230221,"relief","Megabeth321","Kinda may have chickened out..."
1963230376,"worry","americangal5","Another friend knocked up.   Pretty soon everyone will have kids. Goodbye carefree youth!"
1963230542,"neutral","christina123455","i got yelled at 4 helping the cats by my neighbor"
1963230761,"relief","Schattenwolf","@LmdLaura im fine. but a bit tired  im glad that its weekend now."
1963231084,"sadness","sketchbug","@chrisettefan HEY! aww man, no, i didnt IGNORE YOU i just dont have mobile web. so i can only txt.  i can see you unless i'm here >"
1963231447,"surprise","Vanessa_bby","once i hit christian in the head with a metal bat! haha he then socked me in the eye! haha i miss being a reckless little kid"
1963231462,"sadness","natatybuhban","I am so hungry! And there is no food for me to steal"
1963231487,"worry","rwnin","@reverz - nice how the lifelock suit was brought by experian basically to reduce processing costs caused by ppl who don't want id theft"
1963232158,"empty","kat3260","@Certain_Songs I know  Especially since the summer is such a boring TV time to begin with."
1963232215,"neutral","ChaMberSWasHerE","Leaving Cali!  I wanna stay longer! T.T"
1963232555,"worry","endofdylan","sick on wifes bday= double"
1963232683,"neutral","LilTyraBanks","@AJDADDY ima cry tht was mean"
1963232952,"love","javajoel","@stormey09 You meanie! The one time you go to Lux and I wont be there!"
1963233323,"happiness","mentalartist","Aarg, looks like I have to go home to Vegas this weekend. So much for Maker Faire"
1963233394,"surprise","seagab","noooo! @shutuppat  all summer?! I won't see your charming little face ALL summer?!"
1963233637,"sadness","KMD523","ughhhhhhhh i don't feel good"
1963233648,"surprise","supersnob","I'm home, Yay! Unpacked everything, now just got to wash it all"
1963233938,"neutral","180bysummer","@LiverpoolMich funny you should mention that. I have a full unopened jar of nesscaf� on my cupboard. But no milk"
1963235226,"neutral","dferrari","Packing up my desk"
1963235253,"worry","shawnee_dj","the suns starting to go in  im getting coldddd!"
1963235438,"sadness","ninjaavie89","@emzo2k9 miss u m8   we NEED tae have a catch up n that"
1963235455,"happiness","PatrickJRead","happy that Google Wave is trending.  Can't watch the video for it... certain flash videos are blocked by my company's network."
1963235457,"empty","enfant_terrible","no bbq today  i guess a mini calippo will have to suffice"
1963235866,"worry","skobalczyk","@kkozmic Sorry but there is no parking space. And I just realized I didn't delete one sentence doing copy&paste in that email"
1963236303,"worry","kkelss","Ugh! I wanna play dnd but i know i'm going to fail this final. I NEED to study"
1963237257,"worry","burlesquelady","Oh good. I get to be the gooseberry all night now that katy isn't coming"
1963266640,"surprise","nieek","Omg I just woke up after only sleeping for 3hrs, and my arm is just aching... It hurts so bad"
1963266779,"worry","cupcakelovely","Practically my whole body burns... I can't bend over or make any sudden movements with my arms"
1963267060,"sadness","lynndidwhat","@MegFitzgerald my heart hurts too."
1963267415,"neutral","AdamBMusic","@piratesswoop I don't have the link anymore."
1963267632,"neutral","performmagic","@Lionel_richie I also saw u on American Idol great performance, I see u will be at Windsor in June 20 Commodores won't be there"
1963267678,"neutral","annamarie1984","Sat alone whilst jay plays on his phone"
1963268180,"happiness","RockChoy","@scitadel oh well   Its great to see the canadian math trades getting bigger though."
1963268183,"worry","ebzworldwide","@LisetteRosalie the worst kind of news"
1963268784,"fun","hersheybear","STOOOOPIT! STOOOPIT GIRL!  That used to be my bro's rendition of "Stop It girl".    @retrorewind"
1963269131,"worry","kerryetches","@FrugalGaming i can see the box but when i type and submit nothing happens. ive turned off pop up thingy too"
1963269724,"worry","kamal27","around...takin it easy tonight b/c i'm still sick"
1963270286,"sadness","pure_ice","it makes me want to cry when 2 grown men discuss characters on All My Children."
1963270384,"surprise","lcabada","I wonder why thumbnail pictures aren't showing up on my TweetDeck?"
1963271350,"neutral","alistaird221b","@celestialteapot oh dear."
1963271404,"happiness","KathyNatalie","@KristenSavage  I knew it! I use to love that show too  Happy weekend to you too!"
1963271422,"sadness","HoldReview","looks like we're rained out for weekend climbing"
1963271626,"surprise","brie2024","I can't breathe well but turns out I'm not crazy.  Just inflammed lungs"
1963271657,"worry","remaxatlanta","just found out that my husband's grandma fell down the stairs & is at the hospital with several broken bones...praying hard!"
1963271780,"happiness","cherriv","my laptop my laptop!!!! taking sooooooooooo long to load fdms myspace page"
1963272155,"worry","TheMuz","New chic just texted me saying "Thanks for the e-mail" but didn't answer to my question, might need to look for newer chic now"
1963272180,"neutral","mossyrants","Ach I'm back on t'internet, and @lucypaw has to go drive her mate somewhere so is w'out internet"
1963272437,"worry","bizlo","Is wondering why my messages aren't going anywhere ;( I am trying to learn how to tweet & it isn't turning out so hot"
1963272572,"neutral","flye4tlessly","Stuck in traffic on the 91 on the way to costa mesa"
1963273129,"worry","SaritaAinsworth","is missing training tonight, the lurgy is on my chest"
1963273525,"sadness","candacesmylie","excited to see "UP" for Logan's Birthday in 2 weeks. Sad he wont have a party bc he doesn't know any kids, tho."
1963273604,"worry","daniharding","@davilivingston I don't know, I noticed that happens to me sometimes too."
1963273840,"empty","Tom_TheBomb","Wanna see Up in 2D but everyone wants to see it in 3D"
1963274001,"empty","heyycassy","@Sampalm  i can't vote for  her i'm #frustraded  :@"
1963274171,"enthusiasm","mvmassage","@KerryQP Interesting... I never get to Etown, however."
1963274528,"worry","jillianlou","@SU2C unfortunately I am stuck at work so I can't get said prize"
1963274871,"fun","CaityXtine","Watching Ellen Love her!! then doing the dishes  and tanning ...it's gorgeous out!"
1963274957,"happiness","AlyseMooney","Polaroid film today?! I hope so. Green tea = Yum. I got a 8/9 on my appearance for my "job" interview. Too much cleavage?"
1963275395,"sadness","UlyssesAR","Looking for food at home!.... nothing"
1963275568,"sadness","ltempest","I don't wanna go to work"
1963276221,"sadness","singingcourtney",".... So I always get left out"
1963276292,"sadness","iyalauren","back garden times. my feet hurt"
1963276349,"worry","trslove","@vlynn8 It's been raining the past few days but it was actually sunny today! Well, for a little while. Now it's super cloudy!"
1963276628,"sadness","jackswilgafee","i used to have an ozzy osbourne pillow. my mom threw it out. i miss that thing."
1963277008,"hate","miguelsolorio","I just ate some burgers from Jack In The Box and im not sure if I want to continue eating burgers"
1963277074,"sadness","sjdvda","@shawin That's the problem. The earphones I get here don't last more than 2 months, no matter what brand or price."
1963277410,"worry","anziebar","My pen just blew up in my hand. There's ink everywhere. I am now a walking Rorschach test."
1963277597,"surprise","ksmfan","just got back from the ER... i cut myself while trying to cook a nice lunch  3 stiches on my right index finger, talk about ouchie"
1963277683,"worry","RicciSue","@rachelyn082909 i think i ordered a few days after you. Maybe you got something that was on backorder?"
1963277890,"neutral","bandxgeek13","misses the seniors"
1963278132,"sadness","asholigee","my phone is dead and my charger is miles away.. @T_S_R  i'll talk to you in august"
1963278556,"worry","Sushiboofay","Well, of course the envelope I have for the book I need to mail is too small...if it had fit....what fun would that be."
1963278755,"surprise","MissBadLuck","@dougiemcfly Oh no!!  Hope you get better for your show in Argentina! Good luck!"
1963278778,"worry","_MisterG","@burdr "Restoration of the site would also take place as part of the Banks proposals" - after the birds have gone? Avocets there this yr"
1963278912,"worry","hartlepool15","@zoe__  that's not good! hope you get better soon and good luck with the exams!"
1963279286,"sadness","JohnnyAbsinthe","@Eujean2 yeah"
1963279643,"neutral","Tanya_Arellano","will be MIA until june 13.. finals"
1963279677,"worry","Lynseymansfield","@xtfrtalr what's that supposed to mean?! Thats not good"
1963279707,"love","AimeeRosie","@laurenhobeast As much as I loved Texas, my dislike for needles could interfere."
1963280003,"worry","Kosmatos","@pete_brown Damnit, I accidentally put @scottgu instead of @realscottgu in my #FollowFriday"
1963280082,"neutral","Caitlynnnnnnn","Mary, Are you not receiving my texts????"
1963280124,"surprise","heyykayy","working till 5....why are they playing miley cyrus on the company radio and not adele?"
1963280217,"worry","jackswilgafee","i used to have an ozzy osbourne pillow with his face on it. my mom threw it out. i miss that thing."
1963280290,"worry","luuloo","@trpilot im feel verey tired  madry chasawy 9j !!!!!!!!!"
1963280466,"empty","Allantheking","Someone just bought the domain i planned on buying yesterday damn"
1963280484,"happiness","AmyT96","omg a rat... ewwwww. omg i cant wait for tha marra.. so ecxcited. annabel cant go tho"
1963280486,"surprise","captainsharmie","@nickjfrost that's what i tell everyone! their food is the WORST! no one understands my horror."
1963280530,"love","rebeccanocheck","eating ice cream and then getting ready for graduation."
1963280865,"sadness","hamaddar","@sidrajalil1132 why were you even asking others then  you should have been enjoying the sadness of missing it like me."
1963281677,"love","Depitydog","FUCK! summer school in 3 days... some break"
1963281802,"worry","AndruEdwards","@ROHonHDNet Why do you guys use camera angles that make it look like there are only 200 people in the building?"
1963281839,"worry","Suzika","At the doctor's office, waiting for Dr. Sufka to see me. Tired of being sick  hope everyone else is having better Friday than me."
1963281922,"surprise","Alexnesia","wow what a lovely day! Shame i have to clean my room"
1963282166,"happiness","RandyAmberTK","@mileycyrus  they closed the voting...all u can vote for now is best movie  Hope you win it! My 4 y/o Daughter lovesss 2 sing "The Climb""
1963282736,"love","so_zwitschert","@madlymint And, yes. I <3 mac, if only it weren't so expensive"
1963282792,"surprise","soco210","why won't the kids sleep"
1963283709,"neutral","JB59_725","@spencerpratt How can i vote, it wont let me, says they closed the votes in her category  i wanna vote"
1963283923,"sadness","KaroleGubs","@MicahJosiahD i really am going to miss you"
1963283971,"neutral","PKSS7","@djkaton I feel your pain man, people say it's really good but I don't have the money to waste on a PS3"
1963283974,"neutral","greyeyesgabriel","@tweetvisor what happened to my real-time feed? Now friend feed is just like the Twitter website"
1963293604,"fun","sleepytimeninja","Getting ready for a going-away dessert reception for a colleague who's off to grad school."
1963293686,"neutral","themaguire","@myfabolouslife y u gotta say all that"
1963293697,"sadness","kevskrilla","Follow @Mz5thAve cause she really shop there!!! Even though she don't be showin love no more"
1963294139,"hate","evilmelonlord","I want to get my braces removed sooo bad!!!!"
1963294233,"neutral","walporr","@mileycyrus I can't vote for you  they have stopped the voting"
1963295507,"worry","NikeBask23","My comp is being slo w"
1963295557,"worry","arinlove","@dougiemcfly  stuck from tom i guess...  hope you get well soon.... wishess...."
1963295615,"hate","electricmarge","I don't want to apply for jobs!!!"
1963295998,"hate","lexy876","**i hate my hair hiss tee, I feel like I shuld hang out in the ghetto wid dis style"
1963296113,"sadness","Doodlebug18","I don't seem to have any photos of me and my Grandma together for tomorrow. It is heart breaking"
1963296125,"worry","dianenotdiana","Ahh its so gloomy out  I'm pretty sure I just heard thunder eeeeeeek."
1963296289,"sadness","skyste","28deg C in here, all this tech in my room does have the major downside of a lot of heat, doesn't help its hot outside 2"
1963296388,"neutral","kool_gurl101","@therealsavannah  why?"
1963296423,"worry","MusicLoveSports","@Squirrel84 dude there is no sun here."
1963296997,"worry","sketchbug","GASP] pulleaase dont hate me if u ask me a question and i dont answer you ... at any given time. i just cant see you! sorry"
1963297235,"sadness","emylwaukee","@stereophonics http://twitpic.com/6714p - well done guys! I am gonna miss the tweets!"
1963297613,"surprise","dawl83","@Polymath7 hey I didn't get the email yet"
1963297721,"sadness","ScottStevens","failed inspection. Did you know you can pass wo/oven, but not wo/anti-tip bracket, which is only sold w/oven? This is worse than taxes."
1963297764,"neutral","DarrenGriffin","Entering twitter 'lurk' mode, time to lock the keyboard, just poured me a whiskey"
1963298370,"neutral","Jharule182",""I never thought I'd die alone. Another six months I'll be unknown""
1963298393,"neutral","djjack12","@InsideGaming No flame wars on this weeks episode?"
1963298464,"worry","janesvillite","@fpudude10 its so sad how dead it is."
1963298669,"love","thischickNaE","@descendtorise i cant go on fb. i found out im an alien one morning, and aliens aren't allowed on fb  but YAYY CONGRATSES!! i miss yew tew"
1963298944,"sadness","mikeyavila","Battery is going to die!"
1963299354,"worry","ninaada","@VRGURUS What you said is as good as day dreaming!  sorry to say that our country is in such a state...."
1963299539,"fun","HappilyBarefoot","Draven's elbow met cement this afternoon  Looks nasty."
1963299853,"fun","jordansing","I just had to look up endometriosis. Oy!"
1963300335,"happiness","MrSoL0DoL0","I just wanna be better already"
1963300489,"surprise","JacquiD","@julia72 weird, 'cause i synced mine this morning and got the new episode..."
1963300826,"sadness","Deedubau","@daynah it doesn't work with the iPhone yet   I love it for the simplicity but I need to be able to sort tasks on my iPhone to be useful"
1963300979,"happiness","Model_Ambriese","@meeshthebeast me and dee mack talking about your baby!  She's almost all grown up!"
1963301324,"worry","lauralawrence77","Whoo, BGT!! I really must multi-task and do my Art work at the same time though, back at College on Monday!!"
1963301381,"sadness","MackNCheezey","disappointed the didnt win teh glasses."
1963301735,"sadness","carnivalesq","Off to the porn store. I forgot to put Dave in my iPod.  Fail."
1963301756,"sadness","kjnoaman","Well rite i gt a headache"
1963302156,"happiness","myw521","This is scary  they hooked me up to 9 wires n it printed sum graph ohhhhhh"
1963302866,"surprise","wchrisburcham","Looks like the #GM Bankruptcy is going to happen. This loss will help offset the gains that I had earlier in the year tax wise. Oh well"
1963302968,"happiness","lamb4lyfe","Just one of those days.... I pray it will get better.."
1963303137,"worry","ranger_ruffles","@fishhhface CASEY'S GONE?!?! BUT WHY?! So, she piddled a little on the carpet. She's prolly freaked cause it's new. Can we get her back?"
1963303390,"neutral","MissMahoganyT","@SuzzyqOtstyle me too chick"
1963303548,"neutral","hikeyourskirt","@Lampplease ew agreed"
1963304158,"neutral","Smokieofbmore","Re-pinging @NUNU_B: Is it pathetic that my mom is my best friend  hell know I talk to my mom bout everything everythinggg"
1963304396,"neutral","Cherrim","@cloudconnected I talk to Ty all the time on XBL. I'm sure I could manage."
1963304563,"neutral","MackNCheezey","disappointed she didn't win teh glassez."
1963304624,"surprise","kasrael","Holy moley! It's raining cats and dogs here! And I just got snazzified by Min at Salon Mint!"
1963304669,"surprise","abbybradz","@cosRobPerkins You're the third person to ask me out on Mon afternoon ;) I'm so sorry, but I'm helping tutor my friend for C1/C2  xx"
1963304732,"neutral","gajka","@GDGOfficial  what about England??"
1963305056,"love","alfred_chen","Dropped off Baby A for her 1st day in the Toddler Room this AM.  She's officially a toddler.  Growing up way too fast"
1963305108,"worry","IWannaBe_Kate","Babysitting in the sun and heat. I'm getting lots of freckles"
1963305268,"worry","drew8890","@burrrbank ah wait! we can only go if you can get us to and from cos my mom's tires are nonlong distance till she can buy some new ones."
1963305582,"neutral","ashleyluvsjbvfc","@drewryanscott and i want to let you know im here for vfc no matter what happens and yes i need a hug to bad i live in delaware"
1963305650,"neutral","Cryode","Just found out my contact form was being dubbed Spam and wasn't forwarding properly. When checked, I had no legit contacts anyway. Double"
1963305806,"worry","melancholymolly","@Steve_Sanderson What's with Twatter lately?  Either I can't get on or the replies don't turn up!"
1963305956,"sadness","wickedbruinsfan","@srubin sorry to disappoint."
1963306025,"worry","teejayhanton","@ChrisLAS never tried to FTP to S3, but I use FireFTP (Firefox browser addin) ... no mention of S3 support on their site though."
1963306850,"surprise","SMINGLEmeBABY","@LadyLove88 seems to have disappeared out of my life"
1963306960,"sadness","4995songs","This sars has really got me down."
1963307029,"happiness","Jessica_Young","all alone for the weekend!"
1963307279,"love","Jess1210","@yargman i havent seen you all week"
1963307426,"neutral","Margotdarling","@jcbenge Should have caught you   Damn"
1963307503,"neutral","jannette2","about to go to work at 3"
1963308203,"sadness","BARBiE_BABiE","@AgesTheGreat UGH! & DiDNT HiT ME UP? OK  LOL JK. WHAT WERE U DOiN HERE?"
1963308594,"neutral","HaHaItsLivvy","I really need to update this more."
1963308678,"sadness","hongxinman","i want my face to be a somatic drawing of david lanham  or i want a leopard theme his somatic theme..  im so sad..im such a big fan.."
1963308712,"neutral","laurenblazeck","moving away"
1963308922,"happiness","emily9980","time to get ready for work"
1963309177,"sadness","QueenBattlezone","I am tired."
1963309523,"worry","flc","@sthig, you make baby jeebus cry"
1963309648,"worry","FamousNtoB","ughhhh.... sad day."
1963310289,"neutral","charleshb","@thepinkc Yeah, tried it. No go."
1963310497,"worry","katecallaghan","@MIssKatherine Omg granddads bday was epic lol. & no i havent heard anything yet so i dont think"
1963315429,"happiness","jackbarakat","@therage comes to you. when is your atl show jljf i swear you will have fun they're so much fun"
1963315566,"worry","megapanda","lacey is alright though. quite a few gashes, and she keeps her tail between her legs"
1963315897,"worry","simalves","videos will be frozen until actual views catch up to the published,  artificial, view count - OOFM was already frozen when we got to it"
1963316168,"neutral","njgetsketchy","Hello dark hair! Well, my plans for today just got cancelled  make some better ones?!"
1963316372,"sadness","oceantriana","I'm wishing I was outside instead of trapped in my office."
1963316374,"relief","goyya","@amy_p hahaha I wanted to eat that Chicken"
1963317439,"sadness","Avas_Writer","I shrunk my favourite cardigan.  Hubby said he'd buy me a new one. I practically lived in it and it's gone. I shall say a few words ;)"
1963317454,"sadness","helsinkiwinner","@BonDean Sad thing is that I wanted to work there for years, it was my dream job. Was crushed when I saw how crappy it was. Still bitter"
1963317469,"surprise","kevbow7","It was sunny when I entered the sub-basement.  Now it's raining."
1963317616,"neutral","Christa_B","has a sore throat"
1963317624,"sadness","besbev","Yep, @CAndymanTK9772. Sleep-fail. In another 7-8 hours, it'll be D&D-fail."
1963318094,"neutral","qtreese","pulling articles"
1963318283,"worry","HaHaItsLivvy","Aaahhh I'm just so busy. Sorry everyone."
1963318323,"worry","BrandyWandLover","@marginatasnaily i missed the sun as was too busy gettin hot and bothered in the shops  will have to make up for it at the weekend! x"
1963318973,"fun","mzbossy1021","Watching the Krystle vs. Alexis catfights on Youtube.. I miss Dynasty"
1963319014,"worry","ThomasPaine1970","having a good day at work lots of sales but boss is under foot.   she's a nice person but i dont like the boss bugging me"
1963319054,"enthusiasm","hamaddar","@awaisnaseer Cover the tomm. event baby! Id like a live blogging on it"
1963319587,"happiness","joshsandoval","Workout done for today. Now time to get ready for work"
1963319738,"neutral","Ccp2n","Headed back to Pulaski"
1963320527,"worry","CindyCabala","@LeighanneReena Nice...I'd like to be there...but it's too far...  I'm from Brazil... kisses and have a nice day!!!"
1963320700,"neutral","blakenetizen","@FaeriedTreasure  i used to live by the ocean, i shoulda gone to the beach more often"
1963320872,"happiness","screenrant","@filmnerdjamie I've only seen Star Trek twice. Seeing "Up" today but not in 3D since I was outvoted."
1963320899,"sadness","katejcrowley","@angiemartinez me too.  I was in Florida last weekend for the rain.  Came back home to RI, rain.  Terrible"
1963320900,"worry","TanujDua","Darn all of you! I wish i could watch bgt now, but if i did i wouldn't be able to fast forward through the ads  + dinners very soon.."
1963321022,"love","GlenMcConnell","looking forward to seeing the relatives... maybe home from Toronto soon"
1963321119,"neutral","Umi_and_Alter","@Marieblue17 Yep."
1963321218,"surprise","AmberClare","@LADollz  buy yay for your shoot...hope it goes well!  What is it for?"
1963321320,"neutral","kristofvc","@Lieneve ain't got any at the moment, sorry"
1963321469,"anger","bridgetbean79","@kristanmarie at least you dont have quad parking haha two cars drove by real fast and spashed mud all over me"
1963321779,"sadness","Warm_December","...return my joy cos I'm so  Tired, tired of me Inspire the weary eyed to see the Ire and Irony..."
1963321786,"love","cara14","@crystalchappell Have a wonderful weekend at home! Good day today (it's Friday!), but no Otalia today (*tear*)  Lots of love to you!"
1963322236,"worry","blingchik","need a break...my head hurts"
1963322791,"worry","nealjennings","@maryvictoria did you get fired?  *hugs*"
1963322814,"worry","jeniuz","Having serious technical issues in the studio  oh well thank god for the technician"
1963322920,"neutral","JCookOnline","@iamfrances nope  i wasn't home went it was on but i will soon,"
1963323031,"happiness","likecitylight","TGIF but its so rainy and blah outside!  I need sun   Trying to figure out what to do tonight, I want to go to Prov to the Hookah bar."
1963323519,"worry","jennalouise","@johnhayato I love Overnight. And they've worked with me on printing/shipping issues.  sorry it didn't work out for you."
1963323669,"worry","300dys2getrich","My phone does not work in the DONS"
1963323688,"worry","CheShA","@0oze you always appear on the, like, 10 minutes a week I'm not here"
1963323725,"sadness","michdulce","officially misses Quark.  huhuhu! i had no heart hand partner and no one to dance with tonight! come home so... http://plurk.com/p/x2k1z"
1963324397,"neutral","kak848","Doctor then work. Hope you bitches have fun at the conditions show without me"
1963325012,"sadness","gardnerscot","@zwriter Your missing qualifying  I think David Reutimann is leading with a 22.96 ...."
1963325067,"worry","oniwolf","This day will pass slowly.  All of these days will.  RAWR!!!!  ..."
1963325135,"neutral","samkrishna","@ELEWW Dood - they've locked down your Vimeo WH video."
1963325146,"worry","Robyneee","there's no point in bein on here if no one else in on"
1963325441,"worry","mihaitodor","@bobbyvoicu Now that sucks...  P?i ?i s? �n?eleg c? Jay Leno nu va mai avea o alt? emisiune sau ceva?"
1963325663,"sadness","TraceyHewins","@OliverPhelps have a good time!! Sadly that means I'm probably gonna have rain"
1963325670,"surprise","thischickNaE","@PKChin morning dad!! i had the weirdest dream some marines shot terrorists in the throat... no i didnt find the key yet"
1963325888,"worry","PortiaFendeman","@pauljchambers Spending a weekend doing nothing but being domestic ? You said it!"
1963326035,"sadness","EmaJM","<i>Waiting For Natie to come online I miss him"
1963327262,"sadness","ICYUNVAngela","UGH... I am soooo drag assing today  but on a brighter note I got my G1 update & it is the biznesssss!"
1963327708,"neutral","Stephie319","perky purple nail polish isn't as perky when its chipped"
1963328422,"worry","Nerual26","Its hott out. I think i shall go swimming. Eh i feel empty had my dermals removed and took out some other piercings."
1963328531,"neutral","MairHeard","@partyends talks about @Zlam_Dunk http://partyends.com/blog/?p=1654 , their CD release is tonight at Stubb's! Wish I could go support!!"
1963328580,"worry","nianella","I just finished my 2nd to last box of nerds!!!"
1963328771,"worry","Loliii","@nick_carter Wish me happy birthday? my eyes are tearing"
1963329098,"neutral","marsh323","@AppleInvestor I know! I need a new iPhone stat-- I dropped mine on the cement 2 weeks ago and a couple rows of pixels went out"
1963329297,"worry","knithippy","feels better now that she ate. Doesnt want to be here until 9:30."
1963329748,"love","ETown_Lesley","@RetroRewind Ahh Dave Canada isn't included  That's okay, we still love ya!  Let's get this!"
1963330222,"sadness","melbelina","havent been on here in ages  sorry twitter.. tweetdeck is broken"
1963330278,"happiness","JKforever","@retrorewind Dave thanks for playing Happy Birthday from NKOTB. Today is my bday! It is a lonely bday today."
1963330337,"love","CandyKizzeS24","@LauraManiscalco  I'll send you the youtube link <3"
1963330577,"sadness","heyitschrisbeck","(cont.) Small children are not puppies. And cleche sarcasm is so annoying. Bcreative, but then again, that's too harrd"
1963330860,"worry","EmaJM","Waiting for Natie to come online I miss him."
1963330902,"worry","JanaiChristian","@prsvr Ok then  ...I was doing fine..now not so much lol"
1963330944,"worry","xOxEmily453xOx","@ddlovato hey how is everything going? please reply back. sometimes i think you hate me because you never reply back to me"
1963331362,"worry","diminished7th","made an appointment for the cat to see the vet in the morning. He seems kind of thin and needs a checkup anyway."
1963331407,"hate","DJEROCKSF1","Delayed flight  San Diego to Las Vegas. Why do delayed flights feel sooooo damn depressing!"
1963331641,"enthusiasm","CohWhitefox","@jamiexvx join the club."
1963332054,"worry","LuciaGirardi","wearing a pair of trousers that were loose last year, tight this year"
1963332309,"worry","JUICYMOana","made my dad kool aid and it taste like shit"
1963332629,"enthusiasm","wendydarling","Yay!! My computer came today. Too bad it's being held hostage at my parents' house until I can pick it up"
1963340196,"worry","mwren204","Haven't eaten all day  I need food..."
1963340474,"love","A_Bix","@Alexandria_Lee I loveee and missss my annie!!"
1963340637,"neutral","shortypoke","Up a little.. Good luck to tam and robert who each have 25% of me. Cant text at the table"
1963341009,"worry","LaLaLaLisaW","@aeayling my poor baby I think it's allergies! Can I do amything about it bc he's been that way sence monday"
1963341173,"worry","AlyssaNoelleD","@cam_reed i feel so bad that happened to you  did the police find the guy that did it? are u gonna get your stuff back?"
1963341196,"worry","neur0mancer42","@LostMyHeart Gourmet pizza = BLEH. Pizza is SUPPOSED to be greasy and filthy. You can't eat pizza that's been prepared by a chef."
1963341215,"hate","rsharath","The new resigned cricinfo : http://tinyurl.com/mxlcuvI hate change"
1963341856,"sadness","dittiman","no one to go see Tiesto with"
1963342257,"neutral","hoedurwhorses","@goliix story of my life"
1963342432,"love","TheFFs","@acrossthemoat are you kidding me?! that looks incredible!!! Lay out and swim a lot for me, stuck in the cold NYC"
1963342455,"worry","bandmonkey08","had plans with people but they cancelled...now what to do?"
1963342510,"worry","KristianaEvans","My throat hurts bad.  tonight is going to be fun."
1963342674,"sadness","KC3785UK","Watching Dr. Phil's special on same-sex marriage. It's sad how ignorant some people are"
1963342706,"surprise","princesssince82","Trying to stay awake  Anyone have any tips how to keep yourself awake @work?"
1963342943,"worry","JasonArmes","been busy at work, now must run before traffic is too bad."
1963342994,"love","casanova09122","if i had one wish it would be for my friend J to not have to work"
1963343021,"sadness","Spano_5","this sucks schools over and there is nothing to do"
1963343500,"worry","StaciaSeaman","is supposed to go to an Aztex game tonight but is not sure she'll be able to make it"
1963343503,"worry","joyofzen","@dmbdork had to give him an ultimatum... don't think it's gonna go the way I want, but I had to do it"
1963343605,"worry","parmyparmparm","today sucks so far  god please make it bettterrrrr"
1963343627,"fun","jujubee818","@liz_pimpmcgee sorry about ur hair salon  *hug* me and haydee can do ur hair again haha JK"
1963344272,"empty","xo_renduh","this is absurd ! I feel like a dipping in the pool real quick . its too bad i dont have a poool"
1963344507,"fun","1_50_1","@BeautifulMarcy lol nttn much juss mad that its been raining all day, and to add to that i dnt think u following me.."
1963344519,"sadness","Lulu_Lime","i feel like a fish. im in a big glass car dealership looking out to a world of people walking by having fun in the sun  and im stuck here."
1963344703,"neutral","Jdrummond11","I lied have yet to see good looking men"
1963345401,"neutral","Vitki","Bah, here I was out in the sun in my new hammock, drinking beer, playing the guitar and singing, and the mosquito chased me inside"
1963345407,"worry","kane8771","My knee is killing me"
1963345750,"worry","rorolo","i have nothing to do except right a eassy due on monday D: :[ :{  ]: }:"
1963346064,"hate","Gansiito","This chair is not comfortable at all"
1963346262,"neutral","CarrieUFan09","TGIF!! But I have so much work to do this weekend"
1963346333,"relief","heyaeslehc","today was busy.. geez. getting ready then graduation"
1963346526,"hate","lyndann","i have become my mothers slave."
1963346761,"neutral","Sharon1888","@ronskea Gleneagles then champagne receptions....can't beat it! I'm in alone, my tea was rubbish and Ive been doing housework"
1963346800,"worry","LaPrincesa86","...yup..still havent packed"
1963347180,"worry","ormosa","ugh, i dont feel like going to work today"
1963347404,"worry","CindyCabala","@LeighanneReena Gosh...who's doing this??? So bad...  Baylee is a blessed child...these people don't know what to do... Kisses"
1963347468,"empty","flashinlights14","WHY DO I EVEN TRY... WHEN DEEP DOWN INSIDE I KNO THERE PAIN ON THE OTHER SIDE"
1963347629,"sadness","Leisel7","I'm at work....bored out of my mind."
1963347743,"worry","Lavender_Ocean","got an ear infection...man that sh*t hurts!"
1963348311,"surprise","TayLanzet","with red who is blue"
1963348647,"worry","JackieB1965","@tommcfly apparently were not as good as the Brazillians tho'"
1963349366,"neutral","fremlindigital","Now I have no SKy until Monday"
1963349531,"neutral","hollulaballula","Time ticking by sooo sloooooooooowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
1963349568,"worry","manders92","homeee! my feet are sore"
1963349847,"worry","DarleneVictoria","My dog is officially depressed that my brother's dogs are gone. He doesn't want to go outside and when we did, he play half-heartedly."
1963350220,"empty","MissBenilda","@INVAZN me too  Thats why im driving down to Cali in July for HIN Pleasanton."
1963350222,"sadness","kimbarweee","why did i sunbathe today  i look like a lobster, i feel like someones burning me alive!"
1963350455,"neutral","picalili","@sampan22 Haha...ooh it was gorgeous wasn't it!! And a whole weekend more to follow!! Ouch...i had blisters from my shoes yesterday"
1963350486,"hate","PrincessSakura","sooooooo NOT happy, wattching disney channel....rubbish rubbish rubbishhhhhh, didnt get my jonas 3d poster  the dude wasnt there but im.."
1963350545,"sadness","Hyper8","@eddieishere can only walk on streets as am in london town....no fields"
1963350554,"sadness","squil","no #thedailyshow this week"
1963350616,"hate","leo712","Wating to get my hair cut before prom. It sucks people screaming instead of talking.     Probably going to be wating for another hour  ..."
1963351066,"worry","sarabridgette","ugh. i just want things to go back to normal. i miss my best friend"
1963351312,"love","savasp","saying goodbye to my parents at the airport.  it was great having them around."
1963351522,"neutral","tgolembiewski","over LT training today, ehhh hard to tall how hard it was. But now I feels good. Sunday race day again... Its raining now so lost of mud"
1963351671,"worry","fleurdelisee","It rains and it sucks so much because it's the second day in a row"
1963351744,"love","_r0se_","Can't sleep rite now because of havin' so much tea!!! 2nite I've just failed the test of my Lpi course   Next week i'll make it better!"
1963351765,"neutral","eedennn","Going to get my blood taken"
1963352680,"sadness","miasmom1","Why does flickr no longer recognize my e-mail addresses.  I can't log in."
1963353114,"sadness","markmuststop","Last day of work. Taking myself off of all these shared googledocs... actually kinda getting to me"
1963353128,"boredom","armadataylor","sitting at the chevy dealership in utah waiting for the van to be fixed"
1963353195,"neutral","fremlindigital","Now I have no Sky until Monday"
1963353778,"hate","vanhalyn","My day on the computer is about to end. Dang. I hate not being allowed on the computer."
1963354384,"worry","cosmobaker","Stupid fucking car service never came - now I only have 30 minutes to make it to the airport. Wish me luck yall..."
1963354497,"worry","WhitleyL","Everytime i have a bruise, @marcuselzey can't stop hitting it on accident."
1963354512,"neutral","quietpopcorn","@darrkwillow sayid could be dead."
1963355026,"neutral","Kathlenesmith","@dhsmith I'm not comfortable with this announcement."
1963362983,"relief","MzMonaLisa","Listening to 'Fountain of youth' by Supastition @imeem http://x.imeem.com/KPEQpG7vUY how ive been feeling about music these days"
1963363246,"sadness","JaclynnAshley","@LiveFreeT  awww that's sad..."
1963363339,"surprise","ehuff09","Omg i got a black eye from a deck of cards i choked on laffy taffy and i am officaly done with school.. Sad now"
1963363374,"worry","myduyen","not having a good day..one bad thing after another"
1963363523,"sadness","Jpbartz1","@CrypticIrnAngel Sad  nothing."
1963363911,"happiness","StephieeRosee","i love the dreambears!.. i want a gay best friend!"
1963364396,"sadness","letsgotilsim","im very tired,bored and sad.what a great evening!"
1963364416,"sadness","WALDO07","would love to say TGIF but working at 6am tomorrow"
1963364664,"love","_milquetoast","the scrubs finale was beautiful, just so so perfect. can't believe they're gonna do another season"
1963364867,"sadness","assilemx3","mad traffic"
1963366437,"surprise","MacaJonas","Everyone's allergic to Poison Ivy; i know it guys, me too. L, you can't change, and me neither, so...i guess it's enough"
1963366925,"worry","ncofield","okay someplease save me!!! now I am watching ninja warrier and eating an egg roll from last night"
1963367009,"sadness","SeanStahursky","is working until 11 tonight  http://plurk.com/p/x2kbv"
1963367302,"worry","Sabrina7408","Im a bad blogger!! I have not blogged in weeks~ oops!"
1963367526,"worry","chastinevegas","not going out with them. there is another fatty i like and hopefully ill see him in when i'm in cali in 8 days. if hes not upset with me."
1963367575,"love","lttlmisscupcake","turning in.  it's been a loooong day.  just got my new US edition Esquire so going to fantasize that I could one day look like Megan Fox."
1963367984,"worry","astralmonkey","I wanna crawl under my desk and take a nap  nvrmind its dirty =/"
1963368091,"neutral","sheiknizamuddin","Went to sleep and there is a power cut in Noida  Power back up not working too"
1963368138,"relief","intrntmn","@XavierMathews not sexy with 2 tubes sticking out of my stomach  but thanks !"
1963368299,"boredom","musiiicbox","Im bored   -musiic[BOX]"
1963368961,"happiness","dazedp3nguin","wants to go to walmart. but won't go alone"
1963368976,"worry","Kalan_blends","@aneffie53  thx, I was aware,  2 day festival -multi bands - but GA I can't do any more.  Must wait for a sit down concert"
1963369168,"worry","peazyshop","@Laura_lou27 i have moved through to edinburgh from glasgow - new flat, no phone line or broadband"
1963369509,"hate","rsharath","The new resigned cricinfo : http://tinyurl.com/mxlcuv I hate change"
1963369680,"neutral","srqmike","@RhChestnut .. Guess ol' Tom has another mission impossible ... some of this is like trying to prove innocence .. I didn't get hugged"
1963369833,"neutral","jesslina","@lisamh77 Concord & Irvine, CA only. That's it for '09."
1963369998,"fun","jenn_02","pop, idk how to reply to ur tweet from my phone  lol but yeah my bday is in a few days. soooo excited!"
1963370009,"sadness","rachaelleex3","But i dont mind the long line when theres a super cutie in front of me. Too bad he's wearing a gay bracelet with a girls name on it"
1963370015,"worry","Matthom","@cwardzala Ironically, that thought goes through my head (no pun intended) for *every* headache I have...  Hope it goes away soon."
1963370129,"relief","TankaBar_Linda","@MarkHeartofBiz Yeah, if I lived on the rez, I'd already be dead."
1963370225,"love","MeganRenee210","@arian_marie hey girl i'm sorry about your loss. best wishes"
1963370346,"love","kaceyofblkalley","I'm loving the humidity right now...great for the skin....another love that won't last"
1963370560,"worry","makenzicabrera","@corylamb i was going tonight, but you never wrote me back with the info  im sososo sad..."
1963370608,"worry","mckenzie09","Tryin to upload a new pic but this shit says its too big"
1963370689,"worry","VedikaBerry","@mileycyrus I'd love to, but i'm all the way in India."
1963370937,"love","crissy305","@lilmickee what dey do homie? I wish it would stop raining already!! Plus my vacay is almost over"
1963371009,"worry","Salernogamer","Freaking #2 horse crushed my dreams!  Tear....."
1963371028,"surprise","Happy_Skittles","No betta nest  I think despite the heater it gets too chilly at night"
1963371041,"sadness","vickieh","Loved the sun today. Did not love a black suit and black top plus 6 trains/tubes to get to my meeting and back  Need to shop for summer"
1963371072,"empty","Primetime85","@Shaunielove awww sowy shortie"
1963371191,"sadness","Mishy_B","Dane Cook is at the sports arena tonight. Wish I had tickets"
1963371198,"worry","kimkoster","my entire body hurts.  shower, hot tea and tv please.."
1963371374,"sadness","BendyWalker","What the fuck!? It's only 20:35!!? Oh my GOD! My internal clock really IS fucked up. Nooooo."
1963371516,"hate","leighalexander","@theECA i think that violates my noncompete"
1963371547,"worry","Miss_Lizbeth","@jesslo24 oh no Jess I hope the person is ok"
1963371557,"worry","zubinsaxena","Sometimes, twitter makes me feel like an outsider.."
1963371778,"neutral","chelseaharrison","I'm at work and I'm still sick and I'm really pissed off about Sunday!!!"
1963372017,"worry","crickey23","Sparty's just shut down the McDonel site. Looks like I lose some hours"
1963372264,"neutral","caylorb","Waiting for Raimi's new horror flick Drag Me To Hell. I'm really excited for this! Too bad it's not in #amcmain in KC"
1963372420,"sadness","LeLessi","I'm gonna cry    I went bad at my History test ! I really hate History  !"
1963372712,"happiness","leeyesa","@davidjosman, a 74 is not "quite alright"!  on the plus side, I ate cinnamin toast crunch for breakfast, and am now eating strawberries."
1963373155,"hate","lil_Anthony","Not smoking sucks sucks FUCKING SUCKS, I want a cig"
1963373195,"neutral","sanchezja","Daughter has a 45 min orthodontist appt and I forgot my ebook reader"
1963373265,"empty","Yadielys","I love my daddy, but I don't want to go to his house today."
1963373302,"sadness","iPodBetaTester","Beta 5 of 3.0 expired today, back on 2.2.1 until the public release. I miss it already"
1963373312,"happiness","XkyRauh","Only two weeks left at my middle school gig.   Full-time work over the summer, but Teaching Credential begins at the end of August!"
1963373392,"love","LeeGilroy","britains got talent lets gooooooooo...and paige sorry k  haa xxxxx"
1963373647,"sadness","thfanvee","So Chicago is pretty much sold out of tshirts now"
1963373748,"sadness","shouldaj","WOW, i AM REALLY MiSSiN THE FAM(iLY) TODAY. BADDD."
1963374129,"love","kit_kat1990","@hollie__ Thanks. It's SO annoying!"
1963374180,"worry","pslove","@TearBear7   Bummer.  I hope it doesn't continue too long."
1963374233,"sadness","ErinnAnnah","really am sorry becauseI was looking forward to it.. thought itd be fun  and u wanted to hear it.Iowe u a beer."
1963374351,"neutral","chrisdelta","@dash_cunning I gotta go to my cousin's grad party"
1963374353,"sadness","Wemblore","I miss my Nipissing pitas  Good thing we've got a Euphoria in Barrie, 'cause I would never survive summer without my pitas AND smoothies!!"
1963374478,"neutral","DocLMichelle","Why do so many ppl on 12 mile have ashy elbows???"
1963374591,"worry","smashley_ashley","@donthateitskate  please don't"
1963374830,"worry","PrincessSakura","i need sweets, drank my cyderrrrrrrrr"
1963374922,"neutral","kirsteezzy","@jsaladino why you come down in sept? that's when i start school"
1963375138,"hate","rsharath","The new redesigned cricinfo : http://tinyurl.com/mxlcuv I hate change"
1963375194,"boredom","nazak94","@SapphireElia If its sunny go to the beach! Im stuck at home doing essays when its 20 degrees"
1963376545,"worry","tracyr_9","so sleepy! boyfriend's leaving for the weekend"
1963376645,"worry","MissMaris15","Looks like no diamond ball for me"
1963376719,"worry","lost_dog","@chilkotardis I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1963383772,"neutral","eledhwenlin","Oh why do I keep stumbling about deathfic WITHOUT WARNINGS. do not want"
1963383781,"worry","deweyshideout","Picked up Luna from the vet. She looks like she's been crying  I'm not kidding. Her lashes are wet and she has tear trails. My poor bebe!"
1963384039,"surprise","SLotH13","The beer buzz is almost gone.. The world has become complicated again"
1963384069,"love","ampmsunshine","I Wanna be @ JET in the Mirage...     Couldn't get to Hawaii either   *****Someday***** Much Love To THE_WOCKEEZ and SuperCr3w"
1963385024,"surprise","TayCase","where is everyoneeeeeeeeee ?"
1963385226,"neutral","cpi013","dude I have 2 more hours  and I'm all done with my work"
1963385478,"fun","empressjazzy1","@jUjUbEAN0273 lol yea im thinkin bday bash ! but everybodys lame wants to sit in the house instead of qo wit me  lol"
1963385525,"sadness","elmoszxworld","omg! taylor and selena broke up  sooo sad, aw i think i actually like selena now. poor gal."
1963385538,"hate","hello_charlotte","being surrounded by student houses having barbecues and playing shit music is hardly conducive to a good job-applying frame of mind"
1963385543,"neutral","ninjza","@drsketchyphilly alas, I am moving   (like where i'm moving too, but the actual moving, ugh) wish I could go too!"
1963385683,"worry","AmberGlattSmith","Took me 2 times to get over the wall. What killed me was the 150 lb dummy that you can't drag. 12  seconds over."
1963385889,"sadness","RichterFit","friend got mugged this morning"
1963385940,"worry","ogreggory","@SherriEShepherd Wish you were doing one in San Francisco!"
1963385979,"worry","spaulds1","@mattiej Sorry ur so swamped w/ work!!  TGIF!!! Glad #Pens play Sat & Sunday!!"
1963386097,"hate","bartonbishop","Headed to Parking Facilities to turn in permit renewal. Not being across from the breakroom means I check snailmail once a month."
1963386412,"hate","bella_cullen_4","@Esme_Cullen8 i hate the rain *laughs*. thanks *smiles* i miss her loads i couldnt stop crying before"
1963386797,"sadness","IsaacBahney","family comes. probably won't be on this weekend"
1963386907,"boredom","PMGNicole","I have to give up my beloved Red Sox tickets!! Argh! Meeting was just scheduled in CA..."
1963387530,"sadness","mcflyellie","@billiemcfly she said no not to nite  x"
1963387764,"neutral","katiekeefe","been driving for 3 hours...very carsick"
1963387908,"happiness","foLEE","And it stopped raining.  Fuckingtastic! )"
1963387976,"relief","pan89","yay doctors  now interview then back 2 the doctor's for blood work"
1963388114,"surprise","quantumspirits","I learned that people are very greedy when it comes to freebies.I left toys out for freecyclers and one person tried to take it all."
1963388496,"worry","corakins","Can feel a headache growing."
1963388530,"empty","misshillacious","@tremblah i wishhh!"
1963389043,"neutral","eureeka","@Bob121378 everything okay?"
1963389397,"worry","a_silent_song","@Handroll That didn't work, unfortunately."
1963390450,"neutral","Th3PinkRabbit","@AnAmusedFrog you know the .nds torrent file for it? and i am guessing u have gh:mettallica? christine brought it today for the ps3"
1963390951,"worry","Joe_Sims","@PhillyD http://twitpic.com/679tn ...Dude.....how could you?"
1963391215,"neutral","evalast","Just finished lunch...Subway Eat Fresh.......now gotta go back to work"
1963391879,"neutral","DJSamIAM","@MissLordy If u don't win u can always roll on my pass lol, I don't have anyone to take"
1963392301,"relief","KateJMcGee","last weekday of doing nothing, school starts next week!!!"
1963392581,"hate","wandaurias","@juicy2009 & I got too much work to do"
1963392901,"neutral","timsomers7","4 days of a whole lot of nothing..."
1963393063,"boredom","fairyrings","at home and sick    http://yfrog.com/17zw1j"
1963393116,"sadness","akshayas","House Hunting was a PAIN! House Shifting is a SUPER PAIN!! Packing never seems to end  I can't even Imagine Unpacking :-P"
1963393135,"worry","Qstarrr","Back at homes hmm.. i rly am going to miss my boo for 2 days like wtf"
1963393605,"sadness","DaleyAFC","Another Friday night in. Man being skint is rubbish."
1963393635,"worry","robinjsam","Hmm, $25 to see the Decemberists, but I have to go to Raleigh on a work night... or $95 for cheap seats to the Bolshoi? Probably neither"
1963393747,"neutral","lyracole","i have perused the #fieldnotes website and it is good.  too bad i must return to work"
1963393799,"sadness","mishka6","@realdawnsummers haha, because I'm at "work" and can't read anything"
1963393882,"love","chastinevegas","not going out with them! there is another guy i like and hopefully ill see fatty when i'm in cali in 8 days. if hes not upset with me."
1963393937,"happiness","whitehp1","@stereophonics http://twitpic.com/6714p - I feel really emotional  Its been great seeing your pics and keeping up with you.  Gonna m ..."
1963394179,"worry","shudson24","Yes we had four gas leaks in our house in the 3 yrs we lived here- that's what u get for buyin an old house"
1963394330,"worry","bevingaines","@savvybride  That's no good. I'm sorry"
1963394644,"worry","viveroos","not certain if it's good to be back home or not.  dropping of car rental now though"
1963394646,"worry","taylorbabeyyyy","yes! its finally friday, and im stuck doing projects"
1963394955,"sadness","tocotronica","God, I'll miss my bf so fuckin' much!  It's only 2 months now *sn�ff*"
1963395027,"empty","nyethewizkid",""AAARRRGGGGHHH" is the only thing that can decribe how I feel rite now!"
1963395071,"fun","Pawns43","@Dez705 awww Mary I wish I could come but I'm going away 2morrow"
1963395142,"sadness","Bekahpie","I knew Listening to Miley cyrus In The morning was a bad idea!"
1963395345,"sadness","sparklingly","omg maddie in holby is dead. Gutted. loved Nadine lewington and really wanted Maddie and Clifford to get together"
1963396447,"sadness","gabrielavalente","@zacofficial  i don't have twitter on my phone, it's sad"
1963397116,"neutral","LawlietJourney","I want someone to come over so i can take pictures but no one can"
1963397404,"neutral","ian2bambi","@itssmarieeee haha i see im so bored rite now.. it seems like everyone is headin to vegas this weekend"
1963397473,"hate","JiMMiELOVEE","ummm. no it didnt work so i guess im stuck with this uglyonee"
1963397621,"sadness","CheetahNoir","Awww my daddy! Got in a car accident! Pray for him! He's shook'n up a lil!"
1963397765,"neutral","davekeys","I gave up on tumblr because the API isn't pointing to the private account"
1963397839,"sadness","pandamans","Just found out one of my coworkers that I actually like is leaving."
1963397841,"love","d11rook","@crystalchappell Jealous.. stuck here with Ohio sun  Safe travels..."
1963398487,"worry","lkewoahjojo","i REALLY hope my parents don't make me stay home for being sick"
1963398634,"love","Smokieofbmore","Re-pinging @NUNU_B: Is it pathetic that I .... Or am I just pathetic ?   naw you a cutie"
1963398679,"worry","xxlinzivxx","@xShefSx omg my ID aint come back yet  im sooo worried it best be bk by next week or il screamm!!! lmao and yeah u choose! its ur bday x"
1963406801,"neutral","rileys17","I got to feel the belly, but not the baby."
1963406969,"fun","SxyKiki215","Have to leave twitter alone for the night..last night in Barcelona   back to Philly tomorrow. Hope u all have a great Friday! Muahh!!"
1963406978,"worry","TessMorris","@CocaBeenSlinky sorry  LOL"
1963407162,"sadness","missbeccax3","i wish i was outside  thats the only thing thats gonna kill me about work all day, everyday during the summer."
1963407563,"sadness","emahollie","it was actually so hot today ..the sun has got his hat on . every one has got a tan except me"
1963407809,"worry","Miyabina","Ugh.. apparantly doc authorized my refills on tuesday (and ready to be picked up), but the order status online still says waiting review."
1963407883,"neutral","Latinac77","Hey u forgot me!"
1963407908,"sadness","angelzeus","@Avas_Writer aww no which one?"
1963407992,"neutral","TheJackal101","@SQLSarg sorry about that"
1963408013,"sadness","heyycassy","@mileycyrus sorryyy milerz that i can't vote i would love to vote but it doesn't works i'm sad  and very frustraded  :@ :@ --__--"
1963408759,"surprise","tabyyy","@__SANDY i dont know! they sent out emails using my account about random stuff i didnt even understand i changed all my passwords"
1963408939,"hate","Koding","@lizacosta Agreed...this time of the year we should change the motto to "The Soggy State"...my backyard looks like a swimming pool"
1963409556,"worry","SuperVixen99","Is sad when people's phones are dead"
1963409649,"neutral","hvt","Have to leave to meet @boriori now. I'm looking forward to seeing him, but I'm so not done what I wanted to. Boo-urns. Wish I was @ work."
1963409963,"empty","Spiffyliciousx3","Just came back from school.... Packing for my dad's house"
1963409989,"worry","JareWolf","On my way to LA. Running a little bit late"
1963410210,"worry","thedancemom","@RetroRewind That is the 3rd NKOTB contest that Canadians can't enter   The overseas fans have theirs now!  It's bound to be our turn!"
1963410413,"sadness","PrincessNene08","I wont be taking my test until 06/27/09"
1963410418,"love","LadyLiv","got an email from my auntie bout fathers day... mothers day w/seven moms but fathers day will consist of 2 dads    #realitycheck"
1963410427,"surprise","Stylerep","I've been to Best Buy & Target and still no Electrik Red album! I'm loosing hope..they've never even heard of the girls"
1963410429,"neutral","Gibyxoxo","@TRcatanese tx me i have a new fone and i dont have anyones numbers"
1963410674,"worry","Chelserinibeani","i keep reading contracts as cataracts... Someone should bring me panera"
1963411064,"sadness","rbjclothdiapers","@glennbeck My husband is loosing his GOVERMENT job due to downsizing-he is looking for a new job but can't find one in our small town"
1963411135,"worry","JessCav","@JinBeautiful so i'm screwed"
1963411237,"worry","BitterSweetzz","@iamdiddy  I love you and Day 26 but that video was questionable... can't say that I liked it"
1963411599,"worry","austin123321","SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER NO MORE TEST OR WORK YES!!!!!!! But im gunna miss alot of ppl"
1963411639,"neutral","vesky813","i wish i was at the beach already"
1963411670,"love","amy2608","NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Amanda's cut her hair!  I LOVED her hair !"
1963411840,"worry","Alexyish","@ORANGESTOAPPLES Well, don't point and laugh if I mess up or die of nervousness."
1963411987,"worry","Hevbops","after a great day at work with the kids, disappointment with my roof decal"
1963412576,"neutral","Choqlate","@Puddynface2 Don't know yet  Lemme know if you come up with something though."
1963412604,"worry","PcShakur","@anotorias lol what bothers me is that i'm messing with my metabolism   drinking lots of water pretending its different food, Mmmm grapes!"
1963412784,"neutral","Airlaser","@Frankmans: and this year I have summer school."
1963412868,"sadness","Cpt_Oblivious","@sky14kemea Yea, us 3 and Max @jenrolton Poor Trivun"
1963412967,"sadness","Natassia44","Gonna miss my gurl while shes on her honeymoon"
1963413513,"fun","riahx","it's friday! trying to find something to do"
1963413939,"sadness","virtualizemos","Have somebody installed vCenter Server 4 on Windows 2008 x64 w SP2?  SP2 is not in the compability matrix"
1963414052,"worry","Fitat31","I don't feel so good after eating all that food  ugh."
1963414080,"neutral","spenceman91","looking for my dog, she escaped"
1963414319,"sadness","david7890","So hyped about E3. I wish I could go..."
1963414804,"worry","Tech_N9ne","@Jen_Walker21 sadly no, I'll be going to the killumbus show. I really want to but no one wants to drive me there"
1963415145,"neutral","Hujib","@roboreese Hulu no work in Canada"
1963415285,"worry","XgailyX","@Thorney88 i have tried Bulmers Pear Cider - Yuk and it made me bad for a few days!!"
1963415413,"fun","Mcbumrash","@Dougiemcfly  ive got a cold too... It sucks  and u were awesome in ipswitch xD"
1963415439,"worry","thfanvee","@rawritsria just got a text by now the one on michigan is empty, dont know about state street yet"
1963415485,"sadness","manutd4evr","ouuuuuuuuuchhhhhhhh, still hurting from the Barca spanking"
1963415532,"neutral","pgxperetz","Is Google Maps not working for anyone else?"
1963415544,"surprise","weecoco","Warning tweeting while ridding a Bike is dangero, waaaaaaa!!! *crash*"
1963415915,"sadness","daftapeth","@latinamarie She's the ruddy manageress - 2nd bad job from her. I can never find a good place beyond 1 or 2 cuts"
1963416224,"surprise","maribelm","@laurarenee411 I'm so sorry!  I saw it too and it shocked me to the core."
1963416468,"worry","okejp","http://bit.ly/UnRyF  I want this, but..."
1963416496,"neutral","saydiemason","God i'm so sleepy today I can barely focus"
1963416833,"sadness","AngryChad","@BoHeMyth: Very interested. However, low carbs for the next month means no beer for me"
1963417618,"happiness","stoverhilary","Just got my paycheck... April bonus can b deposited 2day the rest, gotta wait til Mon."
1963417808,"worry","HannahLouise02","hasn't had time to go on twitter since working full time!"
1963418007,"sadness","mrlondoner","fun times. just broke my usb stick.. like literally broke it.."
1963418397,"love","mishabelle","Had a nice visit last night from a boy with voracious stubble, does anyone know what to do about a raw chin? haha"
1963418419,"fun","michaelcalle","Waiting for my momma so i can go to Chase and see what the hell they doin with my money. i miss WAMU"
1963418557,"fun","supernova_star","@BookLoveHer I was really disappointed with the whole "promiscuous girl" thing. congrats on her success but i think wasted talent"
1963419480,"worry","cbbreezylover","@ilyChrisBreezy lol awww lol i will i can't do it now lol cauz i have to work  but i will make one and tell you love you 2 oxoxoteambreezy"
1963419502,"sadness","arianamarieee","i neeeeed plans. no one can hang out tomorrow. booo."
1963419566,"enthusiasm","MrsTDickson","@MrsKerryKatona glad 2hear it kerry!!! didnt know u were on gmtv this morning & i missed it!"
1963419699,"neutral","kinkouin","@SteamPowered damn, so many good deals...you guys have a conspiracy to steal all my money"
1963419701,"worry","Leahstaplehurst","oh no noisy family who live next door are back from holiday  there goes my peace and quiet"
1963419704,"worry","Djalfy","OMG  I BROKE DOWN AND HAD PIZZA BECAUSE I WAS STRESSED OUT  @Thefatboys @theunclelouie @princemarkiedee you mad at me?"
1963419851,"worry","CashMoney503","@dabusStop thats terrible  I enjoy being with you every minute!"
1963420529,"sadness","karl_goddard","god... im suffering greatly... having no hair + sitting in blazing sunshine = v v bad sunburn"
1963420721,"sadness","hyper_baffoon","haha aww ok now back to bionomial expansion  ugh! joy"
1963420917,"worry","dempeofan","@MandyyJirouxx: I live in germany, it costs a lot too!  I wish you could follow me anyway.."
1963421335,"sadness","thepurplediva","@Jennifalconer would like to swap...i'm sitting with 3 grumpies"
1963421477,"worry","jackbarakat","@amandalaur i know right, that's so weak  but the g1 seems most like the sk i think. latonya is lamesauce, just call her that from now on"
1963421525,"worry","Wiitte","@iViva I have trouble updating!!!"
1963421835,"sadness","Ally12bd","@Kellz95 is making cupcakes and says i can't have any  kelli, you're a bad sister."
1963421903,"surprise","Mintmark","wow! ever notice that some twitters have thousands of followers, yet they only follow a handful (actually, less than two hands) of peeps."
1963422446,"worry","oliviagotjokes","@crystalchappell "we'll do lunch"  uhh...indoors though we are having a thunderstorm rolling in"
1963422488,"worry","Jaimiewint","I wish I could get my nails done  stupid job"
1963422497,"neutral","derekgallo","@scifisamurai selfupdate and clean ruby fixed that part but now its failing on rb-rubygems"
1963422656,"neutral","omglikelauren57","i hate parents"
1963423362,"sadness","NiniLouise","Nice days like this make me miss Alki"
1963423737,"sadness","christinewhuang","@Kenzonian Yes I do! And I'm still almost at my Gmail storage ceiling! ARGH! I am being FORCED to delete stuff.... or buy more space."
1963423825,"worry","alanslopez","just threw up"
1963424174,"worry","rehabc","Twitter has spoiled all the fun. Frustratingly slow!!  couldnt even bid properly!"
1963424570,"sadness","moneygirlz","mom just woke me u[p and i am so mad i was dreaming about  shoes  she whants me to go to the river it is so stupid"
1963424592,"sadness","candireign","@brran1 Hey you! Did you ever pre-order your Sims 3? I'm so sad Im too poor to get it right now"
1963424826,"worry","TRob55","Working.  I can't wait till 4:30. Funeral on monday."
1963424977,"neutral","helloglo","didn't know the statue in the Venetian was a real man and screamed so loud everyone laughed"
1963425102,"hate","Xyense","I just told the people that matters the most to me to just leave me alone... I fucked up again."
1963425413,"sadness","JarrethHunt","I hate car places  <Jx>"
1963425471,"worry","tkcrain","needed my semi-gay best friend to go shoe shopping with me tonight. Alas he is nowhere to be found."
1963425781,"neutral","mscommuncations","@LizzieGrubman have a great time in the Hamptons. Hope it's for some relaxation, not for work"
1963425836,"fun","dshep04","@Harley_Dude @helloo_kitty @morninglory well aren't you just absolutely special. Haha special ed. I think I've received no new followers"
1963426110,"worry","AngelicaV1","Had a little fight with My Best Friend   What should I Do?!?"
1963426310,"worry","jeteroftheseas","I have softball"
1963426545,"neutral","marianbusoi","@Imagelimited temporary address not working either, m8. They must have done something to the domain"
1963426560,"sadness","ShadiFareed","@Just_Cal Work or...(hehe mind in the gutter)! I'm sittin here doin this student loan thing."
1963426674,"worry","psylum","ugh, not sure i have the patience or remaining intelligence at this point in the day (week?) to refactor and rewrite this package of code"
1963426800,"worry","WWEChickJes54","@officialjman thanks for wishing me luck a couple of weeks ago on getting into a higher choir, but i didn't make it"
1963426965,"boredom","csn_al","Ditto that, my friend...BORED! Oops, now I have an exciting problem"
1963427051,"worry","TheKomodoDragon","I seriously need to find out why my laptop sometimes gets so hot. BBL after errands & pricing "comp fixes". Not many places left 4 that."
1963427523,"worry","fadeintolex","When someone edit your designs is called plagiarism right??, but what can you do??, I'm tired, exhausted and dissapointed"
1963427570,"surprise","McHottieGirl9","Blinded again"
1963427623,"fun","jennuth","now it's weekend! It's so great!  I saw the rest of Twilight tonight, and i also have read fininsh  Break for know.. Could I do that?"
1963427633,"hate","buche06","i got locked out my carrrr  had to call a lock smith. - $35.00"
1963427710,"worry","blindingvoip","@roflcopterfail except the fact that it's been raining since Wednesday, and not supposed to stop till Monday. ew."
1963427726,"neutral","Maureen973","@famouslyalone Me too!    need some tour dates stat!"
1963427988,"neutral","XgailyX","@Thorney88 oh and i feel for you getting up at such an unearthly hour"
1963428009,"love","argonman","@KTVL I gave up following @KimSherrell - She seems really nice but clutters the hell out of my feed.  It got annoying."
1963451727,"hate","mrs_mcsupergirl","@FreyaLynn damn, for reals? wtf"
1963451795,"neutral","kamiNcali","@allahpundit never a relaxing weekend for the allahpundit"
1963452062,"surprise","Miekxx","oh no! my fun weekend with friends is gone! my mother has made a family weekend of it!  Damn"
1963452372,"sadness","pinkgoddess","So disapointed,good Evans,  they sound really bad, so out of tune  #britainsgottalent"
1963452766,"sadness","Schlotto","@tmg25 i tried to help"
1963452930,"neutral","Neicy926","still on the train goin 2 the southside!"
1963453032,"surprise","alexissantos","Good thing is: They have a computer. Bad thing is: It blocks ALL VIDJAGAME SITES! Yes, even VGTribune.com is blocked!"
1963453092,"empty","danimal1985","These kids are terrible! If I was in Good Evans, I'd call Childline"
1963453137,"hate","alisonmrose","Bubbletweet hates me"
1963454052,"sadness","emkizzle","soo sick. i hate my life"
1963454514,"worry","SandraMartini","@TerriZSoloCEO and here I didn't think you had a cruel bone in your body ... torturing me with sunshine...hmph"
1963454728,"sadness","SheriffKevin","@omgamandanicole i dedicated that song to my VW when i sold it"
1963454786,"love","clairewhill","@richardepryor You missed me!  lol"
1963455027,"sadness","cpi013","Well - looks like Hurdle is out."
1963455046,"worry","januarycrimson","@MissLaura317 Aww internet  But yeah .. he did say he wanted applause after every take he did. Careful what you ask for lol. AHH *twitch*"
1963455101,"sadness","traydadiva","unopened pack of goat cheese starin me in the face. starving, din not til 6"
1963455198,"neutral","p3anut3","trying to plan a huge birthday party by myself"
1963455206,"love","joyful727","@rockinbobyn That movie looks VERY cute, and funny. I never get to go to the movies."
1963455363,"surprise","Michelle_Moore","@execbp mmmm now you're speaking my language! (Unfortunately, in militant diet mode-am seriously thinking of  competiton-so no TB I guess"
1963457192,"worry","JuliaaaGaaab","Hate fighting"
1963457379,"sadness","charliebrand","Editing video in the van. I'm a little hungry and depressed that I didn't see Up yet."
1963458338,"surprise","REWARD82","@tinkypen are you all going without me"
1963458810,"love","stephanieH25","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/5ut6j - aww  he must be an amazing brother!"
1963458850,"worry","fakebestfriend","@DutchRaymond gay marriage isn't legal everywhere here."
1963459251,"worry","agingdragqueen","@pokeyp I saw that you were calling but cannot answer as I'm in the second hour of a phone convo with my mom and she won't stop talking"
1963459302,"happiness","KellyShibari","@soapylove Congrats on the Invisalign! I need to get refitted for mine - I got lazy and stopped wearing them."
1963459320,"neutral","alixrose","Shoe shopping but out of luck. They don't have a size 5 in anything I want!"
1963459465,"enthusiasm","Tuckaa","About to go on 6 hour journey home"
1963459762,"sadness","_Abhishek","Friday Night and working"
1963459813,"worry","Katrinonus","@darkmindedsith Damn it. I can't film it. Nevermind"
1963459933,"sadness","MBL","@nkeathley tried to join the chat but the site would not let me sign in"
1963460555,"relief","yadseuT","@hihihammy yeah. because i'll have to go tomorrow morning and get picked up early sunday, so i see no reason to go the whole weekend"
1963461097,"worry","StefanienicoleW","getting sick  cough. cough."
1963461143,"hate","thepurplediva","#BGT  Piers shouldn't have buzzed when the little girls were singing"
1963461201,"sadness","DeadGuyWalking","Just lost Internet.  And I was in a raid for 25 OS."
1963461425,"worry","ggs_closet","Whew! I literally shopped till I dropped....and sprained my ankle.  Ugh...do you see the sacrifices I make for you??"
1963461660,"worry","squiggles8","Im @ the dentist  ....scary people here..."
1963461931,"neutral","yarashaban","@Nichola_Abdo it was"
1963462012,"empty","kristiivey","where did @poonstabby go???"
1963462388,"worry","saydiemason","@Ms_AliceV No  None in the house and I'm not sure i should drive to the coffee stand. It's worse than I thought it would be."
1963462525,"worry","violetposy","@LisaTalkingTots So sorry to hear your terrible news   Thinking of you all x"
1963462566,"neutral","JDBushart","May have to work Saturday   I want to just rewrite it properly over the weekend, but bosses may say just get it working now."
1963462651,"sadness","seacow","Comp. Mental Health wouldn't take me. Samuel Rogers center in the city gave me appt. On June 8th. I have 2 days worth of pills left  < ..."
1963462721,"hate","JoAnneRowney","in a bad mood now  annoying when its sunny"
1963463621,"worry","samanthamodell","NO MORE MSHS!!!!!!!! Gotta go to work...too tired"
1963463639,"neutral","stevenmilstein","@mj12982  "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" on your website"
1963463640,"sadness","anika_2305","@KiwiiKink was it for the vma's? i guess so.. also wanna go to london in june for demi lovato concert, but no one's going with me"
1963463783,"worry","silvi_feuer","@saydiemason Well i don't what we should do"
1963463909,"worry","Raphaella_96","Ok. Over exagerrated. Twitter is not to bad.... I guess."
1963464350,"sadness","stacinskeep","is having a profitable day!  Looking forward to Sunday...gonna be a great day -- sad, too, because it's the 5th graders last day!"
1963464620,"sadness","devlzadvoct","@Kelly_StrayCat I sorry!!  Me no like when people I like don't feel well. Your tummy?"
1963464749,"neutral","WilsonHines","@rdmagnum guess Ill drive it back nine hours"
1963464861,"worry","xGeorgiaEloisex","Is Watching Britains Got Talent, & Is biting her nails. Please don't come off black nail varnish"
1963465273,"neutral","KatyHumphrey","Taking care of yucky stuff."
1963465314,"sadness","izzlesweet11","still freakin out about missing the game!!!  #jonasnewsongs"
1963465378,"sadness","nhhorton","Mower shopping"
1963465519,"happiness","Dawniefc","@jennifalconer thought it was rubbish  twins are cute tho!"
1963465607,"worry","sabrinasg","@jerricklim Well, perhaps that's because I don't find my life fabulous"
1963465726,"sadness","princessjupiter","I sometimes feel like the only person in the world without an iphone"
1963465869,"hate","Kirstyy09xX","@carolinejjordan are you on about BGT im not watching it tonight i cba  my mates where on it on tuesday  xx"
1963465928,"sadness","LukeAlbert","I burnt my arm.  (just thought you should know)"
1963466004,"empty","nikkipinder","The little wormy from labyrinth sadly passed away today but its ok as hes still around in a happy ghost form aww  http://twitpic.com/67aim"
1963473694,"sadness","krystalnichole","twitter is trippin right now with my pic"
1963473796,"empty","HollyBlackman","@seschloss No mine looks the same."
1963473872,"hate","xkathyxrocksx","@SavingAmalthea that sucks"
1963474606,"relief","HeriCabral","as of this point I am done. I am not going to waste my time re downloading all my music. I lost 5k songs"
1963474741,"enthusiasm","christank","@rachelgirl5 I can't go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. That's trouble! I wanna see ur show but not sure ill get to  let u kno"
1963474910,"worry","jennypoynter","i can't find my woody and buzz toys  but i've got my bullseye teddy! @tommcfly do you have toy story toys? 8-)"
1963475138,"love","ozzyle","@OfficialMelB Happy Birthday Mel. We miss you in the UK"
1963475180,"worry","bazzmatti","I'm stuffed n can't move"
1963475317,"neutral","Alexnesia","something outside has a bell  and i wont stop ringing, i think its children with bikes  the asbos"
1963475475,"neutral","QueenMadness","no internet for a week or longer"
1963475698,"surprise","robpark",""Updating Maven Dependencies" I know this is a good thing, but would be better if it happened when I was asleep"
1963476395,"neutral","rachel_hills","Dreambears were crap compared to their wicked audition"
1963476452,"neutral","Castritis","back from lunch and I just remembered I have to join the daily recap with JB"
1963476507,"neutral","tommcfly","Ok, i've eaten some food and now bored to death in my room. Seriously, there is nothing to do. Guitar been taken to the venue!"
1963476563,"worry","khrystar","hates broken promises.  http://plurk.com/p/x2l3e"
1963476994,"worry","jlynn4","@smdarie Ahhh I miss you!! I had DQ the other night without you...it broke my heart a bit"
1963477609,"neutral","caseycaouette","is coming back to Ruston tomorrow"
1963478031,"worry","JohnRife","Kam just called.  She, Emmy & Laloo went to the Barn.  On their way back now and Keltin is in atomic meltdown mode.  That's a LONG drive"
1963478054,"enthusiasm","Masspearl","wishes she was in Boston for DMB"
1963478147,"fun","Lizmond","is reminiscing about this time last yr when she was @ the BH2 listening to some awesome music! Shame it can't be repeated"
1963478433,"worry","katiemd1","I feel bad for John and Kate. And the 8."
1963478525,"sadness","BrooklynHolb","@JeremyBeguhn have fun without meee.  i'm going to missss youu"
1963478732,"hate","xstephngx","@mmsanwar I hate how I won't see you ever again and especially next week because I won't have anyone to go yum cha with"
1963479357,"boredom","tocotronica","@random_nexus he has to have a new suitcase, but he is just so bloody indecicive, everytime he wants to buy something it takes HOURS"
1963479541,"worry","blankparsnip","@BingTheCherry he's on zul'jin (i think that's how you spell it) so i doubt they'll ever meet"
1963479659,"fun","Laura_Crane","everyone vote for @mileycyrus for the mtv movie awards coz my comp is mashed up and wont let me vote!  i will somehow!!!!!!"
1963479877,"sadness","thatdudeyousaw","My Blackberry's got a fatty (battery)  guess we're kinda in the same boat huh @laurensanchez ?"
1963479970,"sadness","LindseyHearn","Gotta work.  Lonely weekend ahead."
1963479978,"neutral","simplejennbug","in santa clara a long way from hoe, well not that far. it sure seems like it."
1963480491,"surprise","JediDJ","Loll whats boyfriend #2 supposed to mean then? @cathyweeeen its to cold"
1963480643,"happiness","dphillipds","@kinahboo imma miss dem KObe nd Bron commrcials wen cleveland get knocked out doe  they wer funny"
1963480715,"worry","dancingbeans","I don't want to go to the 3-hour lecture"
1963480827,"neutral","taylormcfly","@allymcfly :O she shouldnt judge the song on who wrote it  tell her shes mean haha"
1963481173,"sadness","dulcecheeks","@LiveFreeT because your mean to me and it makes me sad!"
1963481328,"worry","Karendejager","Auto uit de running... One down, one yet to build"
1963481349,"happiness","peoplefight","@stephanie_hall no  i was gutted when he wasn't. lmao. i think i'm obsessed with him, bahaha."
1963481568,"neutral","chi2chi","I plead temporary insanity for agreeing to a metric century cycling event tomorrow."
1963481763,"happiness","imjoie","@iFelixGonzalez really?!?! It looks like its going to rain here but its all just gray.... La is a bummer sumtimes"
1963482219,"sadness","siofraxxx","i didnt get paid this week  roll on tuesday"
1963482300,"worry","RobMoss","Hours of refusal upon realisation that tomorrow's #Morrissey gig at Brixton is postponed.   Only been looking fwd to that for 6 monthsish"
1963482523,"sadness","afanasov","@eprussakov oh� unfortunately not"
1963482799,"surprise","AllFlippedOut","Cut my thumb with the saw in small metals   again..."
1963483095,"neutral","zombiemonic","Going to the airport"
1963483174,"empty","MochaTGZ","There is nothing for me to do here @ wk i should just go home... Or i can go look at bathing suits  bah humbug lol"
1963483278,"neutral","meganfaye","Migraine is fighting its way back from last night."
1963484157,"fun","VBabinDesign","@markhoppus Is there going to be a New-Brunswick, Canada Drive? lol I live far far away"
1963484240,"worry","borntrendy86","after mad calls..txt..fb msgs my homie finally calls me back I was so worried..I think I care far 2 much..but if anything happened 2 them"
1963484339,"worry","trialia","Frak. I like sunshine, but I do NOT like heat headaches  shame, because today was lovely otherwise."
1963484466,"boredom","sampan22","@gillianre i can barely walk- they're twice the usual size  @ least its now& not in NY ;) ive requested my song;) u retquestin owt 2nite?X"
1963484854,"neutral","PriscillaCruz","@Franknitt  don't remind me.. Was supposed 2 meet up with the Homie @DAEONE 2 4 that show..  Ack! So kill it please..do the damn thang!"
1963485017,"worry","foundandmade","When it rains it pours. Life sucks"
1963485572,"sadness","crystal_dunn","@iheartreading hey sorry i just got the tweet about the puppy... and someone already got it"
1963485761,"happiness","ivahlicious","is dreaming of the weekend... awake!"
1963485810,"love","ShelbyShanan","Graduation tonight  I'm gonna miss my boys...Mikey, Dustin, Miles, Charlie, Travy, Nicky, John, Jake, all my boys...I love you guys"
1963485959,"neutral","kalsoom82","@7mad He's my boxing trainer. Although I think the bruise came from me hitting myself on something. Ow"
1963486037,"love","P0rC3lainTrAmP","Ahh... I love Chinese music. Haha.  Not gonna see my luff til Thursday..."
1963486057,"worry","Caelsa2009","I don't know what im doing :S"
1963486227,"relief","MellyZea","About to clean my room"
1963486684,"worry","Taypas","is wondering what happened to all those froggies at the potato farm!"
1963486836,"hate","AtypicalPsyche","@ coming to work w/ a rag on your head."
1963487767,"relief","mychellavelli","Slowly getting ready for work"
1963495155,"worry","Loteez","man iCant send love on Bebo. Cuz im on Skoo Comps. UGH! thiss sucks."
1963495598,"worry","giloi2009","@DionneSouth but they weren't that good  I see the cuteness factor getting them through though. #bgt"
1963495610,"boredom","b3ni","Steve Aoki  sorry. May b nxt time."
1963495788,"worry","Jovi_Jonas","@danger_skies  cus it all got too much attention in the end, shes embarrased and i think it just got outta hand a bit poor girl  xX"
1963496176,"sadness","smurfpop","I'm dreading hearing even worse news tonight"
1963496439,"sadness","Ricadym3diva","SEe waT I Mean bOuT FoLL0w fRiiDaYs... It'S cALLed LoSe f0LloWeRs FridAy... smH"
1963496679,"empty","Britlyn2390","Took a short nap now Im ready for work. My sun burn hurts"
1963497011,"surprise","dyellagurl","@MishGoddess not but I went to his page and it made me hungry"
1963497020,"neutral","summerskiiin","Just heard good vibrations and i thought of Charlie dying on Lost"
1963497138,"worry","goddamnitjustin","Hey, @jonaknt I'll be in sa then  maybe if we cross highways we can grab lunch?"
1963497154,"worry","DiscoVietnam","But ... but ... who will produce the next Starsailor record?"
1963497493,"love","imagiag","grrh  wii remote dead.. no multiplayer here tonight"
1963497537,"worry","dan_low","@tdwnds1 No problem. At least look on the floor. We won't see the banana skin in our brains ... I step on it once, almost got killed"
1963497808,"worry","javicakes","I have when my plans are messed up. Now i'm stuck at home"
1963497860,"happiness","PuRpLeTiNkA","@Alitaluna Hey workaholic! =P lol...jus wanted to say hiiii....i always tell ash to invite u over but she says ur always working lol"
1963497979,"sadness","mskeribaby","In Seattle Washington....im SOOOOO hungry&i miss alaska"
1963498214,"sadness","bigbluebarry","@ottosdaughter sorry to hear that"
1963498244,"worry","taylormcfly","@tommcfly tweet me, have a convo i will tell you whats happening in BGT!did you watch the final of lost? i was like noo dont end it there"
1963498385,"surprise","peejles","omg...did I just see a tweet from Miss Bonnie??? amazing...my phone died yesterday...and oster has alltel  I miss you"
1963498463,"worry","Neisha1978","My baby is no longer a Kindergartener...   Today was her last day."
1963498476,"sadness","jockienshemz","FJGKFLD;'Sdh WHY AM I NOT AT HOMETOWN DAYS WITH MY FRIENDS."
1963498716,"hate","kirstyrawr","@Fletcherrrr awk thats shit  why isn't she coming?"
1963498848,"sadness","TaraHussey","@ZeenaBoBeena im sorry. I fail."
1963498911,"worry","lukevenediger","Doh! I was hoping to get a book for the missus but exclusive books are closed"
1963498926,"empty","meghan8866","sooo bored now dat candace had 2 go get ready ugh but i got ma snowball but im still sadface  p.s.luvs pete wentz hez so fukin hott!!"
1963499080,"worry","EternalAegis","-- I won't feel guilty and like I should be revising stuff after today, haha"
1963499168,"worry","16_MileyCyrus","@mandyyjirouxx don't forget to follow emma from london = @teamcyrus like you said you would! I wish you aswered my calls  it cost me �14"
1963499556,"surprise","MJFinkel","Jamies Free Views Dead"
1963499784,"love","bodomknight","gosh today sucks! i didnt get my tax returns! im so upset cuz now i have to miss my best friends wedding in washington...lame"
1963499799,"worry","trjohn06","car broken probably for good"
1963500985,"worry","TerinAleah","Doctor's appointment at 4:30 because my blood pressure is high. Really?! Already?!"
1963501164,"enthusiasm","melissadiesel","Nice seeing my partner in crime/gossip drama queen partner again. I missed my Manda!"
1963501166,"fun","LilTyraBanks","Boooo my 2nd wkend bein 21 n ima b in tha house alone"
1963501362,"worry","laicha1978","@miabatsoy awww...i hope you'd be well na sis....it's so disgusting to be sick  better take the rest that you need...charge up...mwah!"
1963501395,"worry","hlbar28","Oh..Summer begins..yay..  The fighting, Crying and stress has started with the kids..It's only been 3 hrs since they got out."
1963502110,"worry","gabiib","@tommcfly maybe you could go outside to meet some fans?  im not even from sao paulo, im from rio, but.. idk, just saying :/"
1963502681,"worry","mayerman","fire and rain by james taylor fits the style i need for my SA audition perfectly, but i can't find a karaoke track in a high enough key"
1963502727,"relief","xenon21","@Rachael_Hodges Yup. Their loss."
1963502838,"hate","LaurenERL","@marcosrivera08 I am very angry at this information Marcos!!!!!!"
1963503083,"worry","jkusunoki","@bridgers i have one too"
1963503284,"sadness","thunni","@CASHRIC I MISS U CEDDY"
1963503449,"happiness","EnriqueEscbr","Yay almost home i had to go walking today ....."
1963503554,"neutral","Lesley_M","@NiaBassett I�m good. Wanna get out of the office...."
1963503646,"worry","zionsouljer","I need to get my act together. At the mall again instead of studying"
1963503735,"worry","dragontamer1544","I want some cookies."
1963503829,"sadness","pne002","So bored..need friends"
1963504052,"neutral","xsuusje","Peeps! Me blackberry messenger is kwijt..  no pinging :p"
1963504211,"neutral","sku_","@dylankenney ended up force rebooting."
1963504361,"neutral","RockDoggy","@evernote @eyeficard I need one of these! Was just thinking about it earlier today as I downloaded pictures via USB.  #evernote_eyefi"
1963504389,"worry","quanvu","@penflare  tell me about it"
1963504603,"boredom","dherren","Sitting in the tax collectors office.    Getting ready to write a check."
1963504622,"relief","lianeviolet","One is not supposed to have a headache on a Friday. That's just not right."
1963504711,"neutral","stephdavis1013","@TeamDeLo that one has been done already"
1963505226,"worry","getatkat","my girlies @VeeVeeBOMBSHELL & @ReeseCromwell r leavin me today  Vanessa, I'll c u when u'r black *I mean back and Reese, I'll c u Sunday"
1963505519,"worry","Jerzygrllys","@MommaSalty Aw, sorry about your cat   No worries about the blankets, I was just wondering, I'm in no rush, take your time!"
1963505620,"sadness","thedonkeyspot","Its raning!!! -_- really bad"
1963506104,"sadness","ROBlN","Of course it rains five minutes after i finish watering the flowers. It took me half an hour to water all of them too."
1963506160,"sadness","casbith","Hummmmm..... ohh  i miss you so much!!! realy, but i hope you have a nice friends, like us :]"
1963506634,"worry","unsanctified","Yum chocolate sorbet! She barely even shared  http://twitpic.com/67azl"
1963506791,"fun","ristone64","Trying to sell my GM stock"
1963507592,"sadness","oneangrytoast","ugh, i was so hungry i scarfed my lunch before i even thought to take a pic.   #feastfriday"
1963507999,"surprise","lkmeister","They gave me a regular coke instead of diet. Really??"
1963508110,"enthusiasm","BellaWatts","i so wish i could get pregnant!!"
1963508602,"neutral","getyournikon","Just ate way to many chocolate animal crackers"
1963508853,"empty","HelsinkiValo","@VANS_66 I haven't had slip-ons in years, since my checkered days. Matter of fact I only have my torn up all black classics."
1963509357,"hate","Doulamama","@doudoubebe There are 3 other Drs. in the office and only mine does this  It drives me nuts, especially when it is an appt. for my kids."
1963509686,"worry","PalmTree88","@stephenfry Tinkered with open-source Virtualbox &Win7 yet? Would've loved to have seen you @ Hay. Always unfortunate timing for students"
1963509762,"neutral","Burtneyx3","I don't believe there's anything worse than losing a best friend"
1963509898,"worry","CoreyFoister","Last Tonight Show with Jay Leno Tonight!"
1963514879,"sadness","hey_molly","No show tonight  No plans. Ughhhh."
1963515186,"sadness","xMissNatashax","Off to take a math quiz...on a friday....booo"
1963515373,"sadness","Dreamyeyes","@Noufah aaaah I swear I took it by mistake  it was somehow attached with the charger -_- apparently it needed break from U huh!"
1963515896,"neutral","udabombronnie","wanna do some sessions with ronnie he da bomb u know?"
1963516294,"neutral","carolmichael","watching a boring police prog after making a fab pasta dinner, trying to cut down on alcohol so only had water"
1963516439,"worry","Samm_xx","ahhh i think my legs are burnt  they hurt"
1963516547,"hate","JustSayErin","Ugh, i hate waiting in airports. I couldn't find a seat near an outlet either."
1963516634,"happiness","forestrules","nice hair and nowhere to go"
1963516680,"worry","JGiallombardo","I think I messed up my back, its been like this all day"
1963516937,"worry","daracorrato","I missed the @retrorewind announcement   Something about being flow out for a concert? Can anyone fill me in?"
1963517221,"sadness","bbSTEPHANIE","@ThatKadyGirl every day of my life lately.    i feel ya girl <3"
1963517361,"neutral","summerx","Didn't get to hang out with kaitlyn."
1963517380,"happiness","Twenty4thEleven","Feel so depressed that I couldn't save it... Thanks for nothing!"
1963518442,"worry","erikmanning","Phew long day and i havent gotten to work yet"
1963518767,"sadness","Caelsa2009","i want to see my bud mel  miss hur loads"
1963518966,"neutral","ViennaBanana","@BeachBabe4Ever genevaaa! my picture isnt showing up  i dont think im doing it right"
1963518981,"worry","rosanakarla","@tommcfly say hi to me, i'm depressed cause i cant see you"
1963519083,"empty","danscottbrown","Anyone want a cooked Dan? I'm heating up in my bedroom."
1963519108,"fun","brittcoop7","napppinggg, then work 7 - 11"
1963519317,"fun","AwesomeKelcie","I wish I could play guitar..... my guitar I got a few christmas`s ago is collecting dust! I need to learn! haha"
1963519351,"worry","amyestrada","traveling to L.a today to see grandpa in hospital..Yet another road block to cross fro my family"
1963519378,"worry","dirklancer","@jeremyfritsche your understanding would require taking paragraph 3 out of context. But para5 COULD lead to opting out of EVERY class."
1963519712,"empty","Adele_G","my sunburn is starting to peel"
1963519732,"worry","IncendiaryMuse","A sweltering afternoon no wonder the creepy, slithering snakes are heading to the creek. The nasty things can swim! Frightening detail!"
1963520298,"neutral","AngelicaV1","@PeterPanik hm... Both of us I guess..."
1963521132,"boredom","LDinSTL_Chimera","Bad week for connectivity...Arlington Panera wifi sucks. Maybe head to Legal Seafoods at airport. Dang...missing Metaverse U stream."
1963521553,"worry","jerrybruno","Just found about ten typos in one story in the Plain Dealer, including one run on sentence. It happens more and more these days"
1963522060,"neutral","J23Johnson","job searching some more"
1963522261,"hate","chelseaftw","hates not having money  roll on payday!"
1963522578,"relief","kaptinkirk","I like to explain something complicated to someone and get back a response of "Sounds good!".  Except when it sounds like "I don't care""
1963522948,"neutral","Jennifer_10_25","I have now realized I am not cool enough to ever get a shout out from @trellthms  (this player will not be playing on! hahahah)"
1963522971,"neutral","UzimaCollective","@vyzion360 your not following me  it won't let me dm"
1963523594,"hate","ChainsawRaven","@snowgirlsungirl I am sure every office has them. Men and women with no capacity to realize they should SHUT THE UNHOLY FUCK UP, Christ"
1963523786,"love","BreezyB35","90 degrees, gross skies, and thunderstorms...perfect match for my mood  lol"
1963524016,"worry","karenpatel","@Levanah_Gates am also gutted...the end is nigh  x"
1963524251,"sadness","LittleMissRuby","@mattdavey2 not happy"
1963524259,"love","flkimmygirl","Can't wait for this weekend...I need a break"
1963524528,"neutral","DEcal","@K1_Logos nope my computer right now is in need of a power supply so im useing an old office machine"
1963524612,"worry","theladyspeaketh","Oh dear god, going to have to buy a Mac and Pro-Tools, I think my darling edit suite is soon to be filled with Prince Of Persia Movie"
1963524741,"happiness","kenlad","nice night, should be golfing"
1963524788,"worry","Makinsey","i feel really sick, and my teeth still hurt.  fml."
1963524886,"sadness","joemsak","@leslie_pearlman  mow love mow"
1963525231,"hate","estep946","Ummm I'm really f*cking annoyed that my computer won't let me get on facebook. every other site known to man--yes-- facebook-- no"
1963525601,"love","lovejonas_x","@emzyjonas im probs gonna have to wait until it comes out on dvd  x"
1963525808,"sadness","penzo","@veronica78 Oh noooo that sucks  Did you reschedule for another show?"
1963526370,"sadness","sig_rach","just spent the day with Bridget and a small thing that got wind and farted a lot - oh yeah, her baby! Now slightly broody!"
1963527292,"empty","kellsiewtf","@pokeymcslow if he did, he would say hi."
1963527692,"worry","5_squared","Getting ready for a long weekend of work..friday Saturday and Sunday"
1963527707,"happiness","texan81","leaving florida want to live there forever! Texan*Girl"
1963527825,"hate","CaribbeanSun","I've come to the conclusion that lemongrass chicken tastes like lysol -  so much for lunch!"
1963527997,"sadness","Anglishia_11","I wish I was going to see @patmaine @johnmaine @garrettmaine @jaredmaine @kennedymaine today!! I'm sad I dont"
1963528002,"hate","wwanderson","dammit - I slept in; now I have even less weekend to enjoy  - off to Azeroth bbl!"
1963528313,"neutral","luv4randb1231","@rnbguru bummer, that means unless I do a youtube rip, which I don't know how, I can't have it."
1963529093,"enthusiasm","Lamb_Leanne","BGT!!!!!!! - Will be gutted when it finishes tomorrow  - Stavros Flatley all the way!"
1963529146,"hate","star13lp","id be happy thats its friday if i didnt have to work tomorrow  blah"
1963529425,"sadness","amyestrada","traveling to L.a to see my grandpa in the hospital...another road block for my family to cross...."
1963529607,"fun","linarijkhoff","Photo: novusnovendo: EYECANDY + LIVE = like a STRIPCLUB! only he keeps his clothes on  BUT he can take them... http://tumblr.com/x2k1wga72"
1963529635,"empty","pseudoBecky","Going to REtake my Softball photo because Patrick's Studio is a piece of shit. Back here for chores. Some Friday, huh?"
1963529876,"sadness","Redsavanred","@Dtballa2322 I want to Forgive and Forget this! Please and I dont like him I promise I am going to live without drama for now!So Please"
1963530135,"hate","Collette87","@katecameron2002 Oh same here, can't believe they killed him off!  Hate Stringer now!"
1963530176,"worry","Lilytyger","HOMELESS afterJune 1st......."
1963530331,"sadness","whatswhat_sian","@Anjeebaby Snap. I'm the same with any reality show. Watch the first and I'm hooked   Very sad"
1963530704,"worry","loves2dance4evr","sad that school is over gonna miss all my friends and teachers"
1963531079,"worry","DOGUA","We will be changing our name again  Please stay tuned and follow our new page once Ophelia barks up a new name for http://dog-wuh.com thx!"
1963531201,"worry","carolmichael","@Martysixnine  How vile are people, they have to remove things that have a value"
1963531580,"fun","richardbiscuit","@Vivienne89 i noo  i went to the zoo instead lol!! ru goin out 2night??? xx"
1963531905,"sadness","alaskamiller","No one is at the tesla dealership"
1963542019,"neutral","TenPastThree","it always rains right after i get my car washed"
1963542347,"worry","joshftv","Me and my sister is listening to goodbye my almost lover by a fine frenzy. That was me and scarletts song. Makes me sad."
1963542393,"worry","kaelahbee","@CaitiCaitlin I know but unfortunately I'm one of the fifteen bazillions of Americans without health insurance.  awesome"
1963542484,"worry","kaitlin12345","Good! luck you! I want new shoes  Ly x"
1963542564,"neutral","Sarah_Tate","@SheilaRod but but it was funny when I wrote it"
1963542589,"worry","rantan","I buy the team Zotz and they decide to roast me."
1963543050,"worry","Booshette","@BeansOnToasted NOOOOO I hate traffic"
1963543216,"sadness","BlueRaja237","Stuck at work! Stuck at work! I'm hungry."
1963543287,"worry","MichaelTroost","Damn... Why does it take so long to install SBS2008?!"
1963543397,"neutral","joker_princess","Its so dead"
1963543430,"sadness","Crensci","Watching Thomas The Train Engine makes me miss George Carlin"
1963543790,"worry","c_gyeah","@bjcash AHhh FCUKKK...i missed out AGAIN  You must fill me in with the deetZ...see you tonight?!?!!"
1963543909,"worry","repressd","@monkeymoosh Happened to me the other day.  Was wearing a necklace that made a white spot on my chest."
1963543951,"worry","babyjasi","Very annoyed by my braces. Cheek is all cut up and can't eat"
1963543973,"hate","LoveAndHearts22","I think I did okay on my Math Test today. I really really really hope I did. If I didn't I swear I will get SO mad at myslef."
1963544700,"neutral","sku_","Post-crash Spotlight is now spinning its wheels indexing my Time Machine backup drive. Naturally the drive is in the "do not index" list"
1963544828,"sadness","cerichards21","Why is it that "shipping & handleing" are soooo expensive??? It is more than 50% of my entire order! Not ordering yet."
1963544918,"worry","Bairdie11","Just fell asleep for 2 & 1/2 hours so missed both chances for first-look Hollyoaks, ugh"
1963544992,"happiness","dontforgetchaos","@Orchidflower Yes,all on my own  OH gone to bed after a minor soap marathon. Photo editing night 4 me. Ohhh Inn on the lake, nice food."
1963545009,"worry","MellowDownEasyx","@jennifalconer I haven't heard Greg before I'm scared , I've heard he's rather freaky  x"
1963545053,"worry","amuirin","@cln0103    hope all is ok."
1963545105,"worry","sahilk","@punkpolkadots ya i suppose so...wish i cud hv thm bk"
1963545290,"neutral","gmak101","I'm not a fan of all day trainings I Novi. I'm one sleepy girl."
1963545365,"worry","LolaFoxyBrown","healthy food is NOT helping my hangover"
1963545380,"worry","cayayofm","Aww man. @Wired arrived. How-To Guide-less"
1963545452,"relief","AU_Girl","Ooooh Kay! Its time for me to stop twitterin and get going..."
1963545614,"love","claireredfield","@charmmydoll I will take pics soon :] Also, I would hang out with you everyday if we lived near each other"
1963545638,"neutral","_conviction_","when do the stars come out??"
1963545818,"worry","Emuburger","@KaarinE Me too I need the sudden urge to do it. Missing the Diplomat title"
1963545872,"sadness","XposeIt","Wishing I could go with @boulderdiaries to SoCo to go climb, instead I'm stuck at work all weekend"
1963545918,"worry","_DESiMO_","@KMC1121 lol... im going to log off for about an hr lolz b4 I lose more followers  keep the #NOFAKERY movement going!"
1963547047,"neutral","hnprashanth","Well, #Evernote is giving away Wireless SD cards 4 fllwng thm on twitter & tweeting abt #evernote_eyefi But US/CAN only  http://tr.im/mPxn"
1963547396,"love","thelifeofkilroy","Mmm someone come havelunch with me"
1963547671,"neutral","rorambenjimouse","@Lynsay mine wont turn on"
1963547757,"worry","Laechis","@minneappler I'm all out of life preservers, sorry   But if it's any consolation, you're in for something really special tomorrow."
1963548301,"neutral","stu_art_ist","On way home tonight I saw a newspaper headline 'Susan Boyle quits....' surely not true"
1963548540,"empty","cmkraut","@shelbyelizabeth hasn't shipped yet  I won't get over there until at least 7. I'll call you."
1963548570,"sadness","Polyrok","lunch break's over, going back to work...."
1963548851,"enthusiasm","BrandnewJAW","@ZuriEventsLLC aww I wish the same thing..."
1963548864,"worry","WestonsuperMum","@rachaelblogs Good for you Rachel.  I have nowt"
1963548888,"sadness","minboost","MediaTemple (mt) has awful FTP service"
1963548913,"fun","KyCola","@xraquelx No sleepover tonight"
1963549058,"worry","dyellagurl","@keylahtia yeah its goin to vmail now.. I CALLED it while i was in the store.. no luck"
1963549094,"worry","KasieLovesMusic","@bradleemeredith Awwwww, i'm sorry"
1963550021,"happiness","shorty1987","massive headache  going to see terminator tonight!"
1963550432,"worry","lews001","@lell I live here and I don't see all these great things"
1963550578,"worry","dodsdmr","a bit worried..."
1963550966,"worry","MimisNews","I have one less follower  That makes me sad and I feel like my life is dull and uninteresting."
1963551015,"boredom","ace_princess","Very bored. All day, no one 2 talk 2. Missing my BF (and his kisses). Hols almost over,  don't wanna go back 2 skool."
1963551275,"worry","whatswhat_sian","@Anjeebaby @aileenwilliams Please don't get me watching BB too"
1963551909,"worry","abcicantcount","My 89 year old grandma in Chicago is having emergency surgery today...."
1963552267,"sadness","Pflace1206","wtf come i need this day to go by"
1963552290,"sadness","htl2009","Ooh hayfever has struck..thought I was going to avoid it this year but nooo!  Remedies anyone...?"
1963552306,"sadness","amiecn",": What a let down! No MRI today, neurosurgeon didn't order it--which means we have to come back to OkC soon & we no nothing new"
1963552339,"happiness","Cashinprops23","Watch Jay Leno tonite!!!  It's his last day as the Tonight Show Host"
1963552377,"worry","maeFIASCO","is still pretty depressed about losing her hello kitty necklace"
1963552412,"sadness","Quimo","Okay gots to go and now for the first time since it started will miss the Block Party on @retrorewind"
1963552971,"surprise","lightbeam32","My son's first tooth came out but he left it at school"
1963553113,"sadness","mrsclaura","watching Army Wives and it always makes me cry"
1963553451,"happiness","abaran","Symantec Ghost image corruption is making me cry"
1963553724,"worry","ldickerson24","I'm getting me & my family ready for Kaylee's graduation! It's gonna make me so sad."
1963553760,"worry","Clarkee21","@capcomms It was BuckFast. Brain just went blank"
1963561468,"surprise","nianella","@Mellecita oh nice! i'm jealous!! i don't know what i am going to do when they are all gone!"
1963562069,"fun","jennabeans24","Cleaning out my room and found this... http://yfrog.com/0t2b6j   she took me to 2w2v and insisted on paying for my ticket."
1963562358,"worry","hildub","@thankthatstar i have to tell you that i accidentally screwed up the layout of the lautner_daily community"
1963562459,"boredom","danidooyo","is stuck in traffic"
1963562590,"neutral","DesiraeElectra","@marieeeeah yeeaaahh! even though i suck at twittering"
1963562862,"anger","leashal","Grabbing a snack and a drink at chili's, but the power just went out. Before I got my food!"
1963563241,"neutral","michelle_0687","Its cloudy outside"
1963563694,"neutral","worldofhiglet","@wilw  I remember those days. I wasn't a big fan of Wesley but I really felt for you as a youngster dealing with all that. But you WON!"
1963563699,"fun","dudeitshimel","getting ready to babysit"
1963563723,"worry","gleegirloz","@AskCarrieLee CVS is that like a genetic brand?Poor you,my hubby gets bad allergies..no fun!"
1963563889,"relief","kenan917","finally home and enjoying the rest of my day. Azongo and I are having a smoke-fest! woot! #mmot miss my @MorganLeigh321"
1963563921,"worry","shahrzadmo","@barmak9 Shiraz event was in an 'anti-bahai' center.not in a mosque or in election campaign.Sadly children wr involved in zahedan"
1963563964,"hate","ariadyne","cold,so cold fuck!"
1963564091,"love","VickyTyler","@love_Jamie How are ya, honey? What happend to @LarissaBootz account  ?"
1963564125,"sadness","sophiegrus","I'm german i think i should be able to go to germany for free whenever i want...plz"
1963564126,"happiness","jennypoynter","@Kat_04071991 haaa awesome! i remember my brother got given woody, and i got upset cause i got buzz  but then i got both of them lmfao"
1963564442,"hate","mvidaure","@RawrEli Aww that sucks"
1963564610,"empty","pepperbyrnes","have no line bi-focals for over 3 yrs now. End up taking glasses off to read close up."
1963564673,"worry","beespinoza","Still can't find my id and is going to be very VERY upset if I can't go out with my deltas tonight"
1963564770,"surprise","sam_westover6","Tom is back in town"
1963565183,"worry","deiapoynter","@tommcfly you and the guys should come down here, we are fucking freezing out here!"
1963565198,"hate","spunkysteph","Fkkk at the nurses coughing up my lungs"
1963565598,"sadness","breakoutgirl14","It`s such a romantic novel!! I cried in the end  Now I`m going to bed. I`m so tired."
1963565610,"happiness","helloitskate","ughhh. i think my plans are ruined. i was excited too."
1963565636,"worry","EMerhart","omfg. one of the worst days ever!"
1963565798,"worry","Megannnnn","no viewers  and and @steff_blehh, did you block me on skype?"
1963566018,"worry","VanessaSzygel","What happened to the weather??"
1963566188,"sadness","mitchlarocque","Not happy"
1963566723,"neutral","flavianalin","acho que vou ver roupinhas goticas  -qqq"
1963567246,"neutral","NurseAngie","I was going to visit my sister today, but she's grumpy.  I'll just chill at home with the family and visit her tomorrow."
1963567548,"happiness","BritneySource","this week of mine was not easy!  but finally it's over! (:"
1963568098,"neutral","Blackittyblack","@Flesheater what happened to @sodarnhappy? where did she go?"
1963568410,"neutral","carolinejjordan","@Kirstyy09xX I didn't see Tuesdays, I was at work"
1963568947,"worry","seannch","@tobiefysh I really haven't got the hang of these hash tags have I?"
1963569083,"love","darioMCH","i'm listening butterfly fly away  daddy i lov u mamma i lov ya"
1963569109,"hate","allyd0124","ok so this eye doctor guy is taking forever and i'm sitting in a cold room by myself...what? A jerk!"
1963569137,"sadness","PixelScum","@JhonenV I need horror to be lovecraftian actually, not enough weird horror movies."
1963569138,"empty","CaveBabe69","@TreeinCally  He's got adjusting his mate's online shop... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Boring..."
1963569465,"fun","taliits","@tommcfly why you will so little time in rio de janeiro? forgive babelfish!"
1963569628,"happiness","MMaritza","FRIDAY so freakin happy today was an annoying day  buuut WEEKEND! TGIF<3"
1963569748,"neutral","demonkid666","@Clubpenguinfan3 I guess that boner story isn't so funny I've had TONS of boner moments like that unfourtantly"
1963569786,"worry","nikkinicole221","Looks like it's going to be a upset for Venus"
1963569886,"neutral","JoeKevinNickJ","Need something to do... AH! I'm gonna go have ice cream... then water the plants  then get ready for softball!!! I HAVE A PLAN!!!!!"
1963569951,"love","Aerten","@crpitt    I am sending healthy, healing thoughts in the mumborg's direction."
1963569983,"hate","fraserspeirs","@methodphoto I think you need to define what you mean by 'clue'. Won't be at WWDC this year"
1963570094,"happiness","Andrewmciver","New York from 1500ft looks rather good. Last night in the Big Apple."
1963570143,"sadness","unexplainable__","the BEST day ever. I met the greatest 10 year olds. but i will never see them again.. AHH. i'll miss them (i saw them 1 hour xD) SAD"
1963570147,"surprise","mandacrow","@QuiMo No happy hour in CCP eithah that's 2 bad"
1963570164,"hate","bottledxsun","@gillian9 Aww, I had one yesterday, they suck"
1963570489,"happiness","2kute2bbig","@BellaBKNY Thanks for your support as I kept updating, it helps"
1963570692,"neutral","chasenlehara","I just got back from lunch at Rick & Brian�s Cafe with my father; I had the French Dip and it was good, but his omelette was burnt."
1963570842,"neutral","MadBleuz","@iconermaddyct I wish I could get twitter to upload my background of M"
1963571371,"worry","ananyah","@FionaKyle didn't have my camera with me  totally regretting it now!"
1963571576,"love","Lyricist_Juice","@anrserge addict? Me? Okay I admit I need help  BUT... I have been writing hits big bro. I really really have *smile*"
1963571717,"worry","MarIaSinger","Ummm. My kid just said "fucker" .. Like minutes before his gparents are due to show. Everyone knows it's his mom with the potty mouth"
1963572363,"sadness","VikiJade","finally friday , but still grounded till next thursday    -- stereos = life <333"
1963572463,"worry","janeway216","Internet, you were so fast! And now you are so slow! Where did the fast connection go?"
1963572496,"worry","queen_jas","needs to get over this fever grrrrr...."
1963572721,"neutral","skyrocks","@Dingo which case? I got a new one last week and I'm not thrilled at all with mine."
1963572788,"sadness","sjburgerface","@jennafletch at freddies having a cotch and LADYHAWKE is here, just missing you my bajan beauty"
1963572895,"sadness","stormewg","still no eat. still in office. and now i get sick throat 3 days before i leave for an air condition throat killing tour bus"
1963573292,"relief","Vanache","Time to head back home. My business here is done."
1963573583,"sadness","caz_smash","@Leod_UK Argh Twitter didnt post my replies and tweets for ages  Aint up to much just enjoying the sun!"
1963573706,"fun","Cashinprops23","Watch Jay Leno tonite!!!  It's his last day as the Tonite Show Host and  Late Nite Leader"
1963573741,"sadness","sexymonster626","@KristinDaMama I work for Disney...not all it's cracked up ta be."
1963573762,"worry","kaemdros","Every pair of jeans I own nowadays is very tight.  I think mah butt gettin big (oh!)"
1963574025,"surprise","Shazzib","@nessalh boo... i was hoping for a fake alien story with a tinfoil covered beachball photo"
1963574098,"sadness","BookFaace","@roseCHARLOTTE oh my gosh!!! Tomorrow AS WELL!!!????!!!?!?!? God you're lucky, I might have to put it off for yet ANOTHER week"
1963574189,"surprise","CozmoKWM","Burnt from the lake"
1963574358,"worry","craiginscotland","Radio Royals AM Transmitter has packed up today... not good   Anyone got a spare in your shed... lol"
1963574394,"hate","jpo612","This weather sucksss"
1963574474,"neutral","srebekah","@cristnabls I totally agree! And there's no way to avoid it"
1963578729,"sadness","Jzakoni","Off to the bank"
1963578804,"worry","FlyGirlMeMe","@TeeRibbzz ok Mr. Man help me out with some followers.....  PLEASEEEEEEEE"
1963579046,"worry","tiffanypierce","1 week post my"horrible, traumatic jumping cholla accident."-cholla's next dirty trick:pieces are starting to emerge from my hand! Ouch!"
1963579448,"sadness","EmmaLozLoz","im not happy   my ipod or laptop dont know whih but one has decided to refuse to let me sync my songs :'( how can i live without it :/"
1963579631,"sadness","dUheff","fell down while holdin kales hand today...I hurt my foot & he bruised his forehead  im such a klutz!"
1963579684,"sadness","Diana512","@rpulse I clicked on the Check out pictures of Angelina and it went to a spam site about ordering checks .. go figure"
1963579719,"love","Brainburp928","@electra Wow Christa, that's incredibly sweeeet! Me want one 2  !!!  If you get a sec, check out my app for merch asst ... I RULE!  LOL!!!"
1963579863,"worry","lauren_7777","35 hours in the sun=rash"
1963579918,"neutral","Cangela25","@mutualexcrement And I fell asleep 10 minutes into the Saget roast."
1963580020,"worry","beingnobody","@Mr_Kimbalicious Lol! I was just walking  I think its all the polish I used while cleaning earlier, its made the floor slippery!"
1963580660,"hate","Dyrnwyn","@kmrasmussen nah. How it sucks to wear a suit and how the temp goes up 10 degrees when someone sits next to you"
1963581088,"worry","jojo74tx","home from work today.....son is sick"
1963581258,"sadness","HL_governance","Lobster dinner with MBA folks tonight, but no terasse, pouring rain in Mtl..."
1963581314,"surprise","meganstk","Home from Jack's now, can't say I'm too happy about that either"
1963581344,"sadness","ducky15","@gailmoscoso oo noo thats not good"
1963581715,"worry","mozetti","the weekend is about to begin! Got an idea for a project that I think would be cool -- just not sure I've got the time for it right now."
1963581977,"sadness","yatatatata","feeling bad for Daisy, she cries in every episode       i watch waaaaay too much tv"
1963581999,"sadness","J1000000","I lost a follower  oh well probably one of those mute ones anyway."
1963582277,"enthusiasm","JHollywood64","last day of work  ...but everyone is making it so great!"
1963582460,"neutral","rhyno1975","@microautoe  One more day baby."
1963582725,"sadness","LeslieYoung777","I've been dead the past 2 days...the flu sucks"
1963582751,"worry","yukoncorne1ius","urban think fail. chai latte is not good there"
1963583023,"happiness","WierdCrazyMofo","Aww what a sunny day! Tasty barbeque with the family (: Got bad sunburn though"
1963583321,"sadness","deejay_sleepy","@skinnermike I told that joke onstage at Butlins in 1991. One person laughed. Scarred for life at 8"
1963583515,"neutral","PenniRocks","@remiransom i wanted to see that.  enjoy it!"
1963583565,"neutral","limeice","@leztah The dayem computer  #twpp"
1963583612,"empty","sierraquinn14","63 days of summer holiday left, and they are going way too slow! When will school get here???"
1963583975,"happiness","SandraD01","Back from lunch  READY TO GO HOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
1963584101,"surprise","miriam_la","lost my tooth 2day whilst i was eating gum...oww"
1963584992,"neutral","jessicadawn510","i just found a crack in my baking bowl...milk spilled everywhere"
1963585709,"neutral","addictedtotext","@jess_lokelani  i have no idea!"
1963585734,"worry","mariospeedwagon","@melissa_beery Yeah little rough this morning but more tonight, and tomorrow night if all goes as planned. Caloric intake off the charts"
1963585864,"worry","colmgmg","back from dinner w. my family. i'm not meeting christine anymore  sunny weather tomorrow and a day out & about. i want red bull!"
1963586510,"empty","DWsLala","@YoungQ  ahhhh it won't let me watch the video on my phone"
1963586602,"fun","lucyHULLENxo","someones dead on army wives. Dad just laughed and Mum got annoyed with him. I wanna watch Britains Got Talent"
1963586744,"worry","serda23","@Bwadoo that doesnt look good at all."
1963587139,"worry","a_rabbit","is gaining weight.  rather"
1963587393,"worry","vanzile_504","I lost my artistic abilities"
1963587400,"neutral","Cherrim","love how dad said he'd be ready to go at like 3:15 and it's now 4pm and I'm still working."
1963587469,"worry","LollyxThexPop","My jeans that were once two inches too long are now about five inches too long. Holy cow, am I getting shorter?!?"
1963587536,"worry","Bralex29","I miss my 8703"
1963587689,"surprise","paulaflag","wondering if my local Borders is going to make it. Lots of bare shelves... It makes me sad"
1963588199,"neutral","coloredeyes_xDC","i miss our walks home together"
1963588212,"surprise","Blork","Waaah! Masseuse is fully booked. No shoulder rub today."
1963588265,"neutral","linarijkhoff","Photovia novusnovendo) �o_0�*giggles*�who am i kidding? he�s probably gay  but def my type, hey now! http://tumblr.com/x2k1wgbpm"
1963588292,"love","Chriztophe","met a cute girl at mighty taco.I'm ordering(no cheese, no sour cream, etc)& she's like"it's ok, I'm Vegan too!"(insert hot wink)too young"
1963588441,"worry","sezykins","@Emma300 Guess I'd better look out for a new best friend once those VIP tickets have been used! You won't want me anymore!"
1963588805,"worry","JUICYJAZ","shout out to all the people goin to prom & iish "damn i kinda miss high school""
1963588935,"worry","cthomas18","Back from a very boring 20-20 cricket match in Canterbury. It's supposed to be big hitting, but there was only one 6. Shame"
1963588952,"worry","OhheyitsKristen","I'm so sad that Cage on Daisy of Love went home this week  him crying made me tear up a bit.."
1963589187,"surprise","shanhansen","Whenever, whever, sarah's in dc all summer  and sure!"
1963589215,"neutral","ComcastBonnie","@DarkDevilM  what's wrong"
1963589370,"neutral","dancomono","No tourney 'til next weekend =   http://bit.ly/2xDPf"
1963590005,"sadness","DayNtheLyfe","@AsaCavalli wish I was there wit you. Some other friend of mine r down there as well.  This weekend I'll be working"
1963590233,"neutral","ddeeaannnnaa89","@DuchessAmy don't cut yourself!!"
1963590825,"worry","Rancidbaby13","puppy I wanted was adopted yesterday  I guess my dogs don't get a little brother anytime soon. but at least he isn't in a shelter now"
1963590827,"neutral","19kenzie95","Just got stung by nettles lol in about 3 fingers  and I mean come on that dude with the apples needed to step it up a notch!"
1963592079,"fun","Bazzaa","@Big_Jim I so much want to see the screen adaptation of Kick Ass, but once i found out Nick cage was in it, my heart sank"
1963592192,"worry","OpenLabs","If you followed us recently, PLEASE dont be offended that we haven't followed back. We hit our limit.   Hopefully we will be free soon."
1963592585,"fun","imliamwalsh","@MichelleVo omgggg!! Hawaii!! That's amazing!! I wanna live there"
1963592742,"enthusiasm","JournalSean","http://twitpic.com/67bpd - This store at the airport is as close as we'll get to WDW during this trip."
1963593339,"surprise","LexiStarGirl","@michvs i wanna go home  x"
1963593403,"happiness","CrazyK1tten","Having dinner at the crown at south moreton with David and a stroppy teenager"
1963593617,"worry","ktinaJB22","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/5kahh - omg i read Night in english class! so sad"
1963593925,"neutral","NicoleBiziarek","Hoping the day gets better now"
1963593953,"neutral","MissTonix","Doctor Who has finished"
1963594295,"worry","socostudio","never trust someone else's battery operated power tools when you're in a hurry"
1963594527,"sadness","jaimilicious","Oh I'm really tired of these migraines! #Endometriosis & #Fibromyalgia & #Migraines & sleep probs just compoundin ea other since surgery"
1963594646,"neutral","ADiehl122","babysitting kids who won't let me play wii with them"
1963594795,"sadness","geekgrrl","@BIOSShadow I'm not going, sadly.  Maybe next year, eh?"
1963595381,"neutral","CyberManin","@CinderellaCaro j'ai pas vu passer ton ReBlip annonc� de *Pump Up The Jam*....    pb d'adresse URL ?"
1963595937,"worry","LewyLouBear","my sunburn hurts"
1963596370,"worry","ladansefinie","@tommcfly say a hi to me tom  please please"
1963596883,"worry","ashwini","Nobody's home tonight. Except me. Alone. Sigh. Oh how I wish @MysteriousLover was here"
1963596992,"neutral","arleifs","Boa tarde, chegay"
1963597199,"neutral","Dashwitmeeh","@H60DSTABOY yeeeeemp  same time like yesterday"
1963597290,"neutral","DivaDonVon","Work time...."
1963597348,"neutral","julesyog","@DawnChamberlin no, def rubbish tonight"
1963597385,"sadness","laurenc3191","not feeling too great today"
1963597465,"happiness","robin0607","looking at this website!! should be working!!"
1963597514,"sadness","xipeNL","@dutchcowboys Huh... PR from 5 to 2..?"
1963597582,"worry","Caelsa2009","where is my melly belly when i need her ?"
1963598246,"worry","Heros_Wife","@ my sisters crying my eyes out, hubby called from Iraq, spoke for n2 minutes heard popping sounds in the background and call dropped."
1963598578,"love","javawaitress","@scotlanded It is! Wish there was one in our area."
1963598800,"empty","wide_receiver","@PinkTribble I do not consider myself to be an estate agent"
1963599163,"happiness","orplasmic","@lvlyfairygrl i would say no bc its so overcast  but if it gets sunny again then yes!"
1963599538,"sadness","Mariiniinhaa","@tommcfly hey tom, i'm happy that you're enjoying brazil, but i'm sad cuz i'm not goin to see you in your show"
1963599556,"worry","_kwaz","@brookeburke i found out that there's sushi with fake crab meat and it's not good for you"
1963599658,"worry","ConnieC27","Just home from work!!!!! Need to continue packing. Raerae is gone for the weekend.   Mya and I are hanging out"
1963600077,"worry","boygenius8","My graduation day... And i feel like a failure..."
1963600171,"neutral","StaceyECFU","I only have 2 more seasons of X-Files to watch"
1963600261,"worry","weecoco","@Littleradge shit your in trouble now  why don't you try with one of those companys that buys your house for you"
1963600587,"surprise","sampan22","@_chellebelle_ hey! aww i cnt view it in the UK they're blocked  what it it??x"
1963600874,"hate","mizzdeejaydanja","Musem equaled FAIL!!!!! hall of fucking life was closed cause of construction"
1963601180,"neutral","KimberleyBuijs","Is up way to early for a saturday  though its nearly my weekend!"
1963601381,"neutral","opaline1","Yah me too"
1963601475,"boredom","queenbkelly","Man i am being boring today not tweeting  How are you guys?"
1963601955,"sadness","danniezeitgeist","i wish mum hadn't spent forever talking to me so i could call my kiera later >.<. i don't have much time left now though"
1963601957,"worry","DuchessAmy","@ddeeaannnnaa89 already did... index finger, left hand... still bleeding, hurts pretty bad. I hate being clumsy"
1963602412,"sadness","FourYearSinjin","Has work very, very soon. Way too soon!"
1963602530,"neutral","sonyababii","My belly is speaking to me! I need food!"
1963602883,"neutral","Ricadym3diva","@FamousRejects OmG U NasTY"
1963603159,"neutral","tmobilekeo","OH NOES! My XBox 360 badge holder BROKE  in Bellevue, WA http://loopt.us/CjN5vA.t"
1963603233,"happiness","heatherdoucette","@gabilicious111 hahaha probably not  sorry. We've got some things to do around the house...and then we have to go to Jared's parents house"
1963603381,"worry","jamespyles","@shadowcall I'm sorry to hear that."
1963603407,"sadness","LadyMinista","@jgooden When you put it that way... it doesn't make much sense, does it?    ROTFL!!"
1963603475,"sadness","Jaggad99","Listening to Hey Zulu - Red n' Meth. Sux to be at work right now"
1963603623,"hate","super__mario","Why are CDs in HMV so overpriced? �12.99 for @billyraycyrus? I hate having no money"
1963603862,"empty","inb4rage","A singing girl. Talented, yeah. Good to complain about? No"
1963604236,"neutral","drumdog00","I have clocked out for possibly my last time at Northview Middle School."
1963604429,"love","SharonBaker75","@BugJemm  not for too long I hope x"
1963604460,"sadness","AshasMom","I've experienced apathy over empathy in customer service situations too many times recently."
1963605132,"sadness","shambledrambler","@RaptorsForum Sigh... you know I am..."
1963605655,"worry","mgm11937","@LindseyJaffe Loved the shoutout on TweetHampton, congrats!! Hope you're feeling better, i missed you last weekend"
1963605675,"sadness","melmer","Missed the UPS guy again! Ugh so sad  But i got some cool stuff today that i'm super excited about! And looking forward to tonight too"
1963605929,"worry","carineybean","ugh i need a job but no one is hiring"
1963605975,"worry","asmith14","oh my gosh  this is the hardest decision of my life! who do i chose? Jonas or Green Day,ugh"
1963606061,"hate","letgotoosoon","@tommcfly you didn't come to see the hosts at hilton mr. thomas. we spent lots of money for nothing. that's boring"
1963606548,"neutral","ferny_werny","I want to go shopping tomorrow, but I have to work  Buy me things, you know you want to!"
1963606664,"worry","janettegomez","I ran out of white and yellow oil paint   I may have to add "Utrecht run" to my list."
1963606870,"neutral","jmabell","Must head back to the office"
1963606976,"neutral","veronica78","im away from the comp....  ill be back later"
1963607255,"worry","DanyelleTauryce","Its not looking too good outside  if this continues, i feel a movie night coming on..."
1963607497,"happiness","SkylerEvers","I don't know what my Mom gave me to clean my Macbook with but it is SO white now. It was tinted grayish blue from my black desk."
1963607663,"neutral","MzStamers","@pd1ddee i havent got a call"
1963607862,"sadness","londicreations","@CreationsWHeart Ive been wanting 2 but will be gone 4 2 mo. & have to close my shops!"
1963608177,"anger","andykant","@playspymaster I want an invite - sick of seeing all these links for people playing and being left out"
1963608199,"sadness","debsaenz","Finally feels like a nice summer day, and I'm feeling sick"
1963608419,"surprise","haydeecm","I got so much gray hair all of a sudden.  I just ordered me some Garnier Roasted Coffee from drugstore.com, well see how that goes."
1963608451,"neutral","morganstreet","Getting ready to ship a care package to the daughter. She's not coming home this summer from college"
1963608548,"worry","travisandsalyna","walking back 2 wk. Its a beautiful day. had 2 njoy it b4 it rains"
1963608695,"hate","mavinme","oh no, gotta fillout more paperwork for my new job, daayum, this is going to take a while!"
1963608766,"relief","Beautiful_Marie","With bff @love_chrissy22 glad she got that dog out of here lol my stomatch hurts"
1963608827,"surprise","KatieeEmma","arghh ! i feel like a lobster ! sunburn hurts"
1963608834,"sadness","purlingsprite","found a swing set for sale 2 blocks from home, super cheap. I want it 4 my kids but no one is answering the phone # listed"
1963609008,"worry","JohnMetBetty","@Beadz2Pleaz I think I might get some of that today.  My throat is killing me! It feels like it's in my lungs"
1963609230,"sadness","JenBrownAuthor","I miss Heroes already  Come one fall!"
1963609364,"anger","CrazyMegzie","#thingsmummysaid my mummy told me she never wnted to be my mummy ever again  so i live wid my dad i think ?? it all confusing"
1963609374,"neutral","yamaroooo","aha exams starts tomorrow i know i've been a tweet freak but won't be able to do anything till the end of it  see u all by then"
1963609625,"worry","Jillzey","@itsjustgoldie Why are you insulting me? What did I do to you?"
1963609762,"neutral","hollytarrant","back from exmouth"
1963609905,"hate","xoxomimi95","depressed; my best friends pissed @ me"
1963610228,"worry","Wooooooood","Can't believe those idiots buzzed out the juggler."
1963610511,"surprise","Tiffany_619","@Nunzio_Bruno what question? oh I'm not around tonight..."
1963610626,"sadness","aholston","All my spare time seems 'twill be spent doing homework this weekend."
1963610782,"worry","IamBereccaT","3 tweeets {:    FGS tweekdeckkk hates me  -cryyyy"
1963610822,"neutral","richieh","#bgt not the best song for her"
1963640875,"worry","ldrichel","Poor Lil J-Man has a fever. I can't wait to go home and hold the little man!"
1963640956,"relief","sierrasaurr","I had my hair in a messy ponytail all day & I took it out just now and it looks really nice (: but still messy"
1963641229,"love","casablancadonna","Wow one of the nicest patients I've ever had! He's being deplyod to falouga-Iraq n-week"
1963641275,"neutral","jennita","@SEOGoddess thanks I'll check it out! i'll be staying a Thursday night though"
1963641360,"neutral","ceabs","Same old customer service team member"
1963641405,"fun","joelleowusu","OMG that little girl on BGT!!!!!!!!"
1963641445,"love","cloudlover","@petsaretalking this kitteh likes going in front... or behind... or to the side...of the box."
1963641558,"sadness","ladybugg699","I'm feeling so frustrated...I just can't get things to work!!"
1963641711,"worry","LaptopHeaven","I fat-fingered the Coke machine, so I am drinking a Diet Pepsi instead of a Diet Dr. Pepper.   I wish the machine used error correction!"
1963641758,"worry","abbyrogers","Done with the Missourian for the day. No call back from Sturtz..."
1963642332,"surprise","rocksnstilettos","ofcourse they wait until the last minute to run an experiment at work...that I have to supervise. aka i dont get to leave work on time."
1963642518,"sadness","elizapimp","Ewwwy. Just did campus cleanup for community service."
1963642601,"relief","noiroze","Oh gosh how I want the party to be over and done with already."
1963642746,"sadness","Justine_xxx","@gfalcone601 that little girl on BGT! how sad! i cried  lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
1963642961,"sadness","InEveryWordISay","@NathalieCaron I ended up not going because my left knee is killing me.  I think I pushed myself too much yesterday"
1963643352,"worry","MrDCash","SMH!!!! Im sick with this bug that's going around..Almost everyone I know is sick, including me..."
1963643610,"worry","Irv25","@H0TCOMMODITY thanks, u 2!!! Idk if Im going or not... I don't feel like getting all dress up and doing my hair!!!  LOL"
1963643799,"enthusiasm","SarahPsyDeal","@eedawson It's not gonna storm!  because I said so!"
1963644061,"relief","EliseSchmnise","not doing relay  oh well."
1963644152,"sadness","NGowers","Please don't vote for her out of sympathy!  #BGT"
1963644271,"worry","katiepopsx","awwww bless her  she needs another chance."
1963644401,"sadness","Ashleighh12","aw that wee lassie made me cry  tears streamin doon ma face lol thats a wee shame x"
1963644458,"hate","DebbieJay","On the subject of frosty beer - My bloody fridge has conked and my beer is warm"
1963644710,"relief","dESiL0ub00","Officially drugged up and taking a nap. Allergies ain't no joke. Never had them this bad since two days ago."
1963645602,"worry","KNichole25","My beautiful lil cousin @SjFindlator is going to prom today...SAD  I can't be there..but I know shes gonna look BEAUTIFUL as always..."
1963645619,"worry","kat_n","@ArsenalSarah she lookd soo freaked out!!poor wee thing"
1963645665,"sadness","martinjbennett","Sitting watching britain's got f all talent, but have watched a small girl cry and it's sad"
1963645711,"fun","_Melissa_4","I want it to be summer. NOW. why is it sprinkling STILL!?!?"
1963645791,"worry","KlynnKempt","Stupid sun i  actually have to work now"
1963645883,"hate","Sparklyeyes","argggggg car crash tv its just sooooooooo horrible to see her like that  #bgt"
1963646055,"happiness","jenniferricci","Being followed by compliance.  Great.   Have to watch what I say now."
1963646284,"worry","Beatlemania1","Now Im crying....  Poor thing.."
1963646354,"worry","turducken6","Ouch just burned myself making soup for nico..."
1963646676,"happiness","fleshcanoo","@beeank haha its awesome i always have to use it when i eat"
1963647537,"love","Johelle_xo","awww holly  shes so cute! i hope they let her sing again!"
1963647690,"empty","Clarissa5692","Woke up... cleaned... Aunt Emmas... Walmart.. Commissary... Now its time for a nap!!!.. then off to work"
1963647877,"happiness","bazzyy","she made my sister cry too hahah. bless her.  i hope she can do it again."
1963648054,"worry","nicoley_poo","@brenna_boo jealous  can you add 'and I really wish nicole was here..but we all know what she's really doing' to that tweet?"
1963648071,"neutral","Chris10ne","@Lint1 No  Have you? And what's your favorite RHCP song?"
1963648079,"neutral","briancavalier","@unscriptable yes, at an upgraded consumption rate, too"
1963648090,"worry","nadianoor","@zanzoon omg!! I saw something about a flood in your area on the news... be careful zaina"
1963648265,"love","rorambenjimouse","dad wants the computer, so I'd best be off  taking my lapity-topity to a mac specialist tomorrow, hopefully they make teh owwie go awayz"
1963648293,"worry","aassshhhh","aww i can't believe that wee girl on bgt was crying, it was so sad"
1963648317,"worry","eventide89","@dylanxtra my fly? but but but he was driving me insane  aw you made me feel bad now"
1963648349,"sadness","aarongfoster","Bless the little girl on BGT!"
1963648518,"neutral","nicolydossantos","@tommcfly do you remember my spok-5?"
1963648792,"happiness","CoreyPrescott","@blooddrunk SICK! I'm totally getting GH5!! Too bad you guys didn't get to play in Boston"
1963648878,"worry","Lucie2k9","Aww Holly Steel ... Dont cry"
1963648963,"worry","VictoriaKlein","@sheagunther Damn, I'd be interested in working with Care2, but I don't live in SF anymore"
1963649102,"neutral","nyriane","No Westin discounts?  @AnimeExpo Anime Expo� 2009 Provides Additional Discounts for Hotels: http://anime-expo.org/?p=2396"
1963649184,"hate","eymediaprodz","enjoying a fresh mango bubble-tea slush   but still at work"
1963649306,"neutral","gemalouise_","awww bless her. she made me cry"
1963649366,"neutral","thersa","@skagod69 one of the usual 2."
1963649375,"worry","Imtia","@shoesandbooks Lucky you I have to wear a name tag  I feel like x-mass tree when I work Tag, Keys cliped on belt and ad's aroud my neck"
1963649741,"love","kimbarweee","awwww!  i love simon being bossy "we'll find the time somewhere""
1963649855,"surprise","Tiffa123","just got news that one of our good friends grams passed away.She was strong as a horse. You never know what tomorrow may hold."
1963649949,"neutral","mrs_mkp","@MyInnerBitch I can't @FakerParis has blocked me.  I can't even request"
1963649972,"happiness","InTheLittleWood","#bgt Aw bless her, my stomach sank when she first whimpered but good on her for trying to carry on. That's nice of Simon to take charge."
1963650021,"sadness","TracyVirtOffice","@jennwadsworth So sad that schools have to close."
1963650172,"hate","kklinker","I hate that place!"
1963650430,"worry","MUFT","@rocked nope i have a fifth generation ipod classic  it likes to be dumb"
1963650461,"worry","chrisloftus","@djgraham I think @darkmonkey has found it (http://bit.ly/3pj876 , but I can't play it"
1963650591,"sadness","ianwg65","@Jennifalconer how tough was that, just wanted to hug her like my own"
1963650712,"worry","emmacandlish","Ahhh feel sorry for that little girl  can't watch her crying xx"
1963651281,"sadness","chloe_hew","phone is still blocked only my fav 5 can cll me"
1963651426,"relief","jordan_davis","Omg at Hollie! That was well sad to watch!  See, Simon can be well nice when he wants to be! lol"
1963651746,"worry","ImaTiaPro","is sick, a congested forehead (its possible) and chest. Achy eyes and back, all I wanna do is sleep the weekend away!"
1963651755,"neutral","KimilovesJB","@emmy_563 'caus eit was school today!!!! I had a big exam..."
1963651772,"empty","Megan_Hall","At the pub with the dog but seems to have misplaced friend with drinks"
1963651790,"worry","adamfrazier","@MorningToast Once James Cameron touches something and revolutionizes it... someone else comes along and fucks it up"
1963651806,"sadness","redvers","@tyefighter I had to sell guitar hero with ps3 to fund splitting with ex"
1963651814,"worry","RawrEli","anyone have a verizon fone i can borrow for the mean time while i get my replacement?"
1963651834,"neutral","datMonalein","good night..have to get up so early tomorrow"
1963651886,"love","wethekingsown","@mitchelmusso not good you're not comin close to where i love on tour"
1963652095,"fun","b0redmel","@kayekayekaye Have you met me? (lol) MY MIDDLE NAME IS CREEPY FGS"
1963652352,"worry","KristenIsKadu","Trying to figure out how to personalize my downloaded Wordpress blog!  Not as easy as I was hoping   Any suggestions?"
1963652737,"worry","iknowkevin","i got in a fight with ryan. now hes like crying and im just dead inside. sigggh"
1963700294,"worry","Jorriss","@datachick That version is not compatible with Vista."
1963700552,"neutral","Impala_Guy","@19fischi75 ok - thats enough!"
1963700587,"sadness","sarah1leonard","@gfalcone601 ino :O i was near crying for her  sometimes i forget that its actually live tv =/ .....am i talkin about the sme thing?:Sxxxx"
1963700746,"sadness","__Kizzle","@Abbyluvsaj nice! I wish twitter would tile mine"
1963700804,"worry","Els_Bels","Yikes. That poor girl on BGT. That was quite hard to watch"
1963700837,"worry","mizzdeejaydanja","Cramps . . ."
1963701027,"sadness","enbaldarlingg","ughhh! this is the third bottle of foundation I've broken"
1963701075,"worry","djlioness","First Natalie and now little Holly. This is mean"
1963701092,"worry","ItsGemmaG","aww i feel so bad for Holly"
1963701191,"happiness","_jessperry","omds! holly steel, bless her!  x"
1963701269,"worry","fluffygodzilla","why is everyones tweets about britains got talent?! i feel left out"
1963701368,"worry","PaolaaVintagee","@mitchelmusso  i can't call you im from Mexico and i don't know the code"
1963701380,"love","LozzieArmstrong","@gfalcone601 bless her lil socks... think they need to rethink the age thing me"
1963701489,"sadness","ninjaavie89","@kezzawezz i want 2 but i dinna hink it'll get shown in elgin n got nae1 2 go with(n)"
1963701529,"relief","xxadelxx","i wanna vote for Miley Cyrus for the mtv movie awards..but i don't know where i could  somebody could send me a link? thaank you <3"
1963701531,"hate","bigajm","I hate that you can't edit loose-in-the-tweetisphere tweets, as you always notice spelling mistakes a millisecond after clicking 'update'"
1963701726,"surprise","_Jodii","@mitchelmusso dont you have a uk say now?"
1963702521,"worry","steviliar","Somehow I have yet to accomplish a fucking thing."
1963702563,"worry","DruSoBK","Wait... @DamonAndrew and @Uchenna3... Electrik Red or Richgirl?  I'm a sucker for the later"
1963702744,"worry","HardyBaby_OX","@JEFFHARDYBRAND  Aww bless hope the phones okayy  x x"
1963702883,"empty","RosieS89","Playing games don't help me out of being bored!"
1963702899,"sadness","sheila__Mcn","@Dorkus_ Well their not gonna fit her in with this big long advertisement"
1963703192,"neutral","writeinink","@Scath that's a defeatist attitude"
1963703521,"worry","MyNameIsLaurrra","@Soph_Ichigo She tried to carry on aswell, bless, I suppose maybe that's why kids shouldn't be in it?"
1963703940,"worry","Laurabr15","just because you're a superstar it doesn't mean you have to do that !"
1963703991,"hate","msexclusice09","Mad because quiz 5 answer on the BET Ford Fusion sweepstakes are all wrong"
1963704010,"worry","eb0204","@Trickiliz13 ohhh baby!!! PDGG! ahh! im missing it! ahhh  hehaheahaaaa"
1963704101,"happiness","lucybirchall","That little girl holly!  find some time! Aw, she'll get loads of votes now I bet!"
1963704294,"sadness","SweetizChula","@decaydance --Nothing"
1963704376,"neutral","MelissaBernath","We are checking out and on our way home  I am rwady to be home!"
1963704457,"surprise","anaaliiice","@tommcfly talk to me isn't a good idea?  i'm going to buy a gift to my friend, so you have 20 mins..."
1963704566,"neutral","JenJenXD","@gfalcone601 Is It The Bit Where Hollie Started Crying?"
1963704716,"sadness","AppleJuice1234","@FTSKirstin im depressed like so baddddd."
1963704776,"sadness","IndiaReville","@gfalcone601 Britain's Got Talent? Such a cute little girl. Feel so sorry for her!   Hope Simon finds the time! xx"
1963705243,"neutral","FayeM_88","@mitchelmusso dam living in england  x"
1963705316,"sadness","thehazmon","@coollike  the cokies arnt real imaginary will hav to do mmmmmmmmmmmm cookie..."
1963705435,"surprise","stemannion","Unfortunatley, AerLingus no longer fly to Copenhagen so we're have to fly Ryanair to Billund and drive up to Copenhagen one of the days!"
1963705439,"worry","ArielRebel","shit got to go do the grocery.. I almost got no more food  snif snif..."
1963705721,"happiness","jbmcdlts","@sarahblevins3 i know!!"
1963705771,"neutral","traicetrak","All the cool people I want to find for following today are #English, and I guess the English don't tweet."
1963705894,"fun","Tracey_Mac","@StephWBates  if i was closer i would deliver grub to you!"
1963706059,"worry","lindsayc89","Awww that poor little girl on BGT"
1963706094,"worry","NickyLovesMcFly","@gfalcone601 I know right  Poorpoor girl! It shows why they shouldn't put young people in competitions like this though (.....) -"
1963706188,"worry","eilidhlive","@icklewabbit OMG you aren't online. Shock horror."
1963706210,"neutral","theelfyone","@vlastikb logically, yes. i just have to find one though. always seem to see them beside motorways when you cant stop"
1963706432,"neutral","LizeeH","@simplecake Bye."
1963706468,"worry","Ashleym2988","@shtoofi  i know the feeling, working so much sucks hardcore. we need to hang out soon"
1963706605,"relief","kellyballs","At the vet with a sick dog  http://twitpic.com/67clz"
1963706683,"worry","andyknash","Can't paint anymore because of the light"
1963706751,"empty","beingnobody","@Bvictor Nerves I think, Im not sure"
1963706815,"worry","CocaBeenSlinky","@MandyPandy32  awww for me I just think she's tooo young or just not ready for it - tis painful to watch her so upset"
1963706837,"sadness","iaincollins","No one is bringing snacks"
1963707162,"sadness","Zombrebear","ugh... dunno why im just not in the best of moods... how do i know if i have allergies? meh..."
1963707296,"sadness","grizelreyes","I want to join but i live in michigan"
1963707329,"neutral","twankz","Why is looking for girls names easier than looking for boys"
1963707664,"hate","STeFF722","Fuck the day flies when u got 3647 things to do and only 8 hours to do it in!!"
1963707902,"empty","GiovannaFidelis","@TatianeMarks quem � Katy??"
1963707951,"neutral","TheStirgeBoy","ok bye alex have fun today"
1963708480,"neutral","missisousa","Zac Brown is in Virginia Beach and I'll be in NoVA"
1963708497,"worry","Skylten","wtf happened? i have no feed"
1963708649,"neutral","ronreddog","@MashUpNicole I still have an hour."
1963708698,"love","josydaisyJKgirl","@clairemcs i dunno if he saw it  happy birthday girl!"
1963709126,"worry","AmyPrior","Omg ! BGT making me cry  . That wee girl  it's soo sad."
1963709572,"worry","Bvictor","@beingnobody aww that is sad"
1963709892,"happiness","easywayout","@gfalcone601  haha, i was crying  xx"
1963709922,"happiness","A_R_Photography","@RobbyWat For a minute I thought that said "Maggie has an extra eye growing."  Yep, I'm a space cadet.  Sorry for the sweet girl"
1963710078,"neutral","devilsplay","Traffic jam outside of chicago. I feel very "office space" right now."
1963710159,"worry","JoshuaTindall","#BGT Quite an awkward moment, poor girl  I hope she doesn't loose it again."
1963710302,"worry","lovelyaiko","My last full day of even day classes. I'm a little sad"
1963710530,"sadness","jennybunnybunns","The bunny is longing for the hoodie she left in the car   brrr...."
1963710608,"neutral","MadisonJean","@MikeyWags srry im not so interesting right now... stayed up til 6am cause my tummy hurt and now im pooped and have to work"
1963710901,"neutral","DrAsscrackNinja","doesn't want to go to work...."
1963711097,"love","Guilli_M","http://bit.ly/dIQF3 I hope some day my mom will get this message!"
1963711249,"sadness","IMustBeMad","It was going to happen one day but I so feel for the girl AND her mum"
1963712003,"sadness","LittleKatha","@0oMiriamo0 but i like the idea going to cinema, but monday...."
1963712123,"neutral","J1000000","@breedimetria I feel you I have a third eye right now and right before I go see foreign boys"
1963712186,"worry","AliciaMarieLivs","@Littleradge  I'm not even in your situation and now I'm sad. I'm sorry, that's really sucky."
1963712268,"worry","GatorDeb","@casgetta what's wrong?"
1963720884,"fun","ramrox95","@PlayForKeeps oh my gosh! i know! happend yesterday"
1963720997,"worry","Traceysays","Brian (cat) still hasn't shown up...I feel sad and sick, I'm afraid he's been eaten by something.    It doesn't look  good"
1963721299,"sadness","PrinceOfTheOC","@IMjustDaNNi Awww thats not fair to me. Now im a lil sad"
1963721400,"worry","lindseystout","getting ready for work. boohoohoo i dont wanna go to work!"
1963721549,"worry","mmWine","@kaydub I am using iMovie 08 and it's still not bad. I am afraid to hear what is wrong with 09"
1963721786,"sadness","MR2AUCE","@SOREALCRU its Gloomy in LA no sun  but its nice"
1963722189,"surprise","pinkcutie91","@JennLovesM5 DUDE WHAT? I WANNNNAAAA GOOOOOO"
1963722413,"sadness","Esotericstyle","Excitement: 8 new followers overnight. Sadness: 6 of them are ad bots."
1963722504,"sadness","LafeJordan","@Mulla8285 Oh noooooo!!!      I'm so sorry!!  That sucks hard!"
1963723124,"worry","Elaine_11","@Slayer_89 I feel so sorry for her  hope she dnt cry 2nd time"
1963723323,"neutral","305Amanda","NCAA Baseball Road 2 Omaha: South Carolina just hit a 3-run homerun. Dagger 2 my heart.    Mason 1 - South Carolina 3.."
1963723433,"neutral","willowsmummy","@Mollieandme When oh when are you coming back for a gig in Scotland? I had tickets to see u last year but was in hosp wit gallstones!"
1963723488,"neutral","ejf11","HollowbabesHere comes the utter shite #bgt <I completely agree"
1963723772,"worry","Army_of_Id","@redbloc whats twhirl? I've some work to be doing over the weekend thank god so I'm probably going to miss it red, sorry"
1963723889,"sadness","euskir","@siggidori sorry, I'm creating a new comedy style "bad joking""
1963723962,"sadness","MissLexiKlaire","Omg i'm going to robinson with tyler wfm. And i freakin miss anthony  ugh today kinda sucks. Lex<3"
1963724025,"worry","SpicySammi","@YAphilJ phil! I miss you gracin ya with your presence I haven't been on much  what's new?"
1963724179,"worry","glasgirl","@nikkeekristen Yeah, it says that at the bottom  21+, and must be available to live there from Aug 19th to nov 2nd, roughly."
1963724300,"worry","MandyPandy32","@eBlondie I know...heartless souls"
1963724449,"worry","bazanna","@westlifebunny my days been aight! been cleaning mostly! went to mcds to check for hader toy..no luck  so i ate chickfila"
1963724510,"worry","xsarah6192","Work in that heat is horrible !"
1963724576,"worry","Space_Jockey","@genejm29 I spoke too soon  Still a nice evening, but lots of broken cloud coming in from the south."
1963724755,"hate","revmink33","The only thing about preparing 5 sermons in one week is just when you think you are done...you have to prepare the powerpoint slides"
1963724962,"happiness","bondless","@thatdamnninja Oh, okay. Every so often I get this random taste of blood in my mouth that makes me go "eww, blood".  Haha."
1963725324,"happiness","laurenvharrison","hollie steel  bless her. but go dreambears <33333 hahahahaha"
1963725411,"neutral","stargirlxo","Awwwwwww holly"
1963725511,"worry","AllAboutTravel","Waiting for my cell phone to dry out.... it went swimming in bowl of water earlier"
1963725618,"sadness","nathidg","@lobsterandswan It�s a beautiful blog, but I�m not able to acess it anymore!!"
1963725748,"neutral","DebbieJay","@ruthnin An expense I could do without at the moment"
1963725869,"worry","joetheblow","Being unable to have booze on a Friday, indeed the entire weekend, actually hurts"
1963725877,"worry","ShayAmour","stressed beyond BELIEF. need a nap"
1963726274,"worry","michalhay","@davidcrow @cspin and I suppose, until we have more bike lanes, the roads aren't safe enough to pull your kids in bike buggies/trailers"
1963726342,"worry","Mim_blablabla","awww poor little girl on britains got talent"
1963726432,"surprise","Courts_Westlife","Aww the little girl on Britain's Got Talent!  I actually love Ant n Dec!  Oh an' Simon Cowell. ;)"
1963726956,"worry","HeheBlink","Left poor fred!(boyfriend) in the alice in wonderland ride !  oops sorry fred! Argh!"
1963727501,"worry","kit_kat1990","@hollie__ Aww bless her. She's one of my faves"
1963727607,"fun","Brandystrippers","@ShesElectric_ more than youl ever no ! !! ! !!   xxx"
1963727965,"worry","ReScUeMeGoD","@Nahtuhlee Why no sn... o. yeah... Sad day....."
1963727972,"worry","atomickaro","too many meds. sleeepy sleeepy. I hate being sick"
1963728060,"worry","KauryP","sees the finish line disappearing in a plethora of emails!!!    WAH!"
1963728281,"worry","MusicIsHealthy","@xxAnnaSxx oh I'm sorry for that. how old was your grandpa?"
1963728622,"sadness","tombrazelton","Plan for this evening: dinner, shopping for dress shirts, watching Up, going to bed. Plan for Saturday: Funeral for a friend..."
1963728657,"fun","FruitFlyy18","Man tha mojitos from earlier got me feelin type funny. Hope I don't get sick  http://myloc.me/20DD"
1963728808,"surprise","eventide89","@dylanxtra awwwwwwwwww  thats jus...awwwww.did she get to start again like?"
1963728948,"happiness","drealuvsyou","@kiieeeee yaaay for u cleaning ur room. I said hi to u the other day & u didnt write me back"
1963728956,"happiness","GreenFreakii","in Mallorca. Want to play guitar   When i come home I'm going to buy the mcfly dvd first :]]"
1963729025,"enthusiasm","JustYassy","@mitchelmusso I want to call you but it would cost to much  But Maybe my parents will say okay =D"
1963729133,"worry","lovejonas_x","@gfalcone that made me cry  poor hollie xx"
1963729300,"neutral","lipodoc","@jcubed1 totally agree, but she always seems to be henpecking John, even before the cheating thing"
1963729331,"worry","chaletfan","#BGT That poor kid"
1963729397,"worry","loveyourfat","@KittyBuffieKat I know Buffie. I am sitting in my office instead of going to see Ms. Kane. Major bummer"
1963729792,"worry","tangledupinme",""I think you should know this. He's going to break up with you. And I just had to tell you. I'm sorry. I know you love him.""
1963729843,"surprise","DonatiFamily","@stoc just found out they are closed on mondays!  working on a backup plan"
1963729905,"worry","brandon_powell","I need a new iPhone case but I am broke."
1963730478,"neutral","davebrook","I sure do hope it becomes 4:20 this afternoon ..."
1963730719,"surprise","jordan_davis","@Sam4God How is she spoilt? She's like 10? 11? That was hard for her to be put up in front of 14m people.  She's really young."
1963730791,"worry","Justin_Guest","is sad his wife is in Florida while he's sick in Lexington..."
1963731036,"worry","sheakespeare","@laurenosaur I would love to but sadly I have to work"
1963731537,"love","hedejeh","I really like Lady GaGa's "Paparazzi"...  #whatshappening"
1963731845,"worry","mrscchowds","@starfish1211 - what! That's so horrible! I'll be praying. Poor thing."
1963731931,"love","Akrobatik","sizzling outside. Work inside = double"
1963732040,"relief","CleanerLife","@genglo ouch! I can't even look at that one, just knowing it exists it enough for me"
1963732173,"relief","btrflymom","Finished up cleaning my desk at least. . . office is looking empty. . .almost time to be in the car for 1 1/2!  #fb"
1963732221,"neutral","chloemcfly","@jessiiemcfly oh but that girl  but AIDAN!"
1963732226,"sadness","VoniaPerna","@Jason_Inc Sounds good. I still like Fridays although it means for me that I have to go to work tomarrow"
1963732285,"worry","j3lli","no phone  i knew i should've charged it last night. SIGH"
1963732474,"sadness","cycoivan","Not making good time, fucking Chicago traffic  - Photo: http://bkite.com/07XOh"
1963732854,"worry","hettiefur","@mitchelmusso  imnot aloud to call you!but i think your awesomeily!xx"
1963732959,"worry","JordanLeigh121","stuck in anniston, mississippi. because we got in a car accident :\ now im scared to drive  boy drivers ed should be fun this summer D:"
1963733027,"surprise","zubinsaxena","I have an IQ of 136 only.. :O"
1963733051,"hate","cycoivan","Not making good time, fucking Chicago traffic  - Photo: http://bkite.com/07XOi"
1963733061,"worry","lyssa_fee_crump","@robertpwilkins i should have left them alone. now they hurt  so no run and adter i fianly had a shower and washed the paint off ..."
1963733110,"hate","coolkid212","why does twitter hate me i cant put no photos on my page"
1963733158,"surprise","VickyTyler","@love_Jamie I guess  ! I was really suprised.."
1963733437,"sadness","TabyCat74","@robineccles Indeed I did get your song however am unable to listen."
1963733695,"neutral","tara_jackson","In an office on a Friday evening"
1963734020,"neutral","RevShaneWarren","Enjoying a beautiful day off by hanging around the house. Pam is making a cake, but she won't give me any"
1963734043,"neutral","TheRealJerri","@erockett89 i wish i was home in bed naked"
1963734385,"love","jessikawesson","aww bless her  give her a chance .."
1963742029,"worry","hmichelle05","So off work about to do what I don't know I'm exhausted"
1963742665,"happiness","_Klaudia_","yay im out but i have 2 ride home  have 2 take tha yellow limo..super gay"
1963742668,"sadness","jaimedurante","@aaronhoskins I fucking miss that band so so much"
1963742691,"worry","lil_Ccamp","wish i was going to prom!!!!  oh well..going to go wish my girls good luck!! then going to good oll APPLEBEES!!! yumm"
1963743145,"worry","steflack","@mattchung I GOT IT! i hope i get off of work in time for UP   want my job?"
1963743325,"sadness","srfnkttnLA","miss my hubby already!"
1963743406,"worry","enricopulatzo","@wonky73 I'm just too busy these days to twitter or blog"
1963743820,"neutral","ETown_Lesley","4am Hubby's alarm-song playing was "Blame it on the Alcohol" Of course I couldn't get back to sleep after cause thinking of Joe on cruise"
1963744022,"sadness","illustar","@randiellen03 Nofair! My BK only had Uhura and Nero left."
1963744042,"worry","laffytaffyroxx","Bad day  The day you realize what mess you've put me through will be one of the happiest days of my life..."
1963744098,"hate","hannidbA","Well off the clock twitter friends. Sidenote: I hate commuting in heavy rain"
1963744190,"worry","ersabi93","Checking out Twitter Trying to find people I know....Unfortunately no one I know uses this website"
1963744251,"fun","brentforrest","@martiningram that's a brilliant idea! only one buzz though"
1963744566,"happiness","courteneybone1","need to cheer up!"
1963744705,"empty","KaKuBby","at panera for lunch  byyy myself  aww"
1963744960,"hate","SQLChicken","@SQLDBA Sorry  I'll make sure to bomb in talk at SSUG next month as penance ;-)"
1963745250,"worry","lacanvasser","i can't find my tennis racket!!"
1963745268,"sadness","Sindurella","needs water, paper towels and coke from the store but feels too sick to go get it"
1963745410,"worry","sparkboy59","so, why the hell are we going to school for 2 hours next monday and tuesday...dumb snow days and thier lame rules...my mom making me go"
1963745838,"worry","rain_holly","I will be missing all of the 1st game tonight. Maybe i will get lucky and be home in time to watch part of the second."
1963745924,"love","franticplanet","@IainLiddle When balancing a chair on my chin in the sixth form common room got nothing but sneers, I hung those balls up for good"
1963745957,"worry","Jenniewrenbird","@suzziequeue  Yes thanks, its been great. Soooooo not looking forward to Monday"
1963746000,"neutral","itf","@yankeeragu I think they're really good, so that probably damns them to obscurity."
1963746130,"neutral","pschiendelman","@biphenyl I hope you have someone to spell you so you can wander a bit! Man, I feel like signing off Twitter for a couple of days."
1963746242,"worry","bpagano12","four shots of novacaine in my mouth  my right cheek is totally numb, booo."
1963746728,"love","Laurabeth6","Awwww holly!  x"
1963746776,"love","rozoonthego","@djirie  that would mean me babe! but Fcuk it my name @rozoonthego is SUPER FREAKIN COOL! I give myself a pass! HA!"
1963746818,"worry","mandaford","Helping my cousin get ready for her 8th grade dance...she is growing up"
1963746995,"worry","UzimaCollective","@justkappa hey there hunny! I have missed you. No calls..or emails..."
1963747145,"sadness","TheArtMan","@CagneyArtist ~ Sorry the response to my assistant job has already been filled. Please check back soon.  I'm sure she will not last long."
1963747229,"neutral","oliviajuliana","@TiffConnFTW cause theres no party"
1963747517,"neutral","iheartrice","@2flutterby  Hang in there! Drink some hot coco"
1963747842,"neutral","JJSchuster","Tonight is the last Jay Leno late nigt show"
1963747892,"love","phreshtadeff","@MadisonApril lol haha fresh to death lol ha ha I love and miss u 2 id almost given � on u cuz u nvr respond 2me  but u did today! Luv u2"
1963748015,"sadness","kane8771","at home and sore knee"
1963748040,"worry","sketchbug","- thats my hair guys. oh dip i gotta go!  on-ee two minits leff . . ."
1963748582,"neutral","Dreamyeyes","Gotta sleeep am so tired  good night tweeps!"
1963748798,"worry","circusrunaway","@justinobey I forgot that was tonight! Was planning on heading down to the Cask, that might not be such a good idea"
1963748845,"fun","GillyWillyWo0","@GavinHolt awwwh no way, i was well bubblin!"
1963748856,"worry","mguic","@AngySTHB  Its not funny. The bump's not going away."
1963749299,"sadness","HiHillaryyy","@TheRedHood its my going away partyyy @mandydiblasi 's.  you should come!"
1963749812,"neutral","helladrea","Yrbook signing w/ evryone was fun, I'm gna miss evrything"
1963749910,"love","MileyRocksMySox","@TJSilver Yeah it sucks i tried to ask a Q 2. But they never answered.  But i loved it when joe hugged nick."
1963750114,"worry","stephysparrow","@jmelencholy I'm having lunch already  ur a lil late buddy!"
1963750203,"surprise","NillaLove","listening to music!! my phone just died on me  !! Can't find my charger... my brother needs 2 stop taking mine without asking!!"
1963750425,"surprise","xxnicky","that little girl on BGT  omggg, how can people not feel sorry for her?"
1963750533,"worry","hangontomato","grrr hate when i make careless mistakes on docs i give to my partner"
1963750563,"worry","Arrilou","Omg, watching Hollie Steel's crying is so so painful  #bgt"
1963750702,"sadness","kinkouin","@stoya limited web access? i thought europe was a lot more "connected" than we were. regardless, have fun, i've never been to europe"
1963750715,"empty","simplyl","I want a fake BLT...."
1963750793,"worry","LostDeeJay","Arghhhhhhhhh... i can't keep up with these TwitterBones peeps"
1963750817,"worry","PaolaaVintagee","hey @mitchelmusso please reply me, i can't call you im from Mexico and i don't know the code  love you"
1963750900,"love","PaolaaVintagee","hey @mitchelmusso please reply me, i can't call you im from Mexico and i don't know the code  love you"
1963751133,"neutral","McGladreyPRNews","Leno's last show tonight."
1963751326,"happiness","katereilly82","@greatkingrat hey i forgot about that, ask steve to take mine down mate. I do look like Liam from shameless!"
1963752431,"neutral","sydneyyves","on my way to driver's training"
1963752474,"love","twinkles86","Aww I got to see my 1st grade teacher's last day before she retired"
1963752625,"sadness","JMonse","@theroser i miss you SO much-o"
1963752984,"empty","melissasmission","@dapass  http://twurl.nl/goljwp is what i get when i try to add a new post"
1963753435,"neutral","hxchk","@blackittyblack haha... sorry  she should be in the whole like two people @bohemianchurch follows"
1963753680,"neutral","andr8a","@bobbie_k_2k - Y!360 closing? get out!"
1963754484,"neutral","MandyPandy32","@stevico1 Exactly!"
1963754967,"neutral","celestems60","is never around for the sl100 quiz   I want water park tickets waaaa"
1963755038,"worry","lizponce","@whatabout_ken that sucks  If only I was there to hang out."
1963755263,"enthusiasm","maryani","@brunamedeiros heeeeey baby ? where are you?"
1963755435,"neutral","sergeantsex","Chaz's Daily Happenings: 22:31 Watching E.R instead of a DVD. End of an era  # 11:09 The sun is out. Wooo  #.. http://tinyurl.com/lgwrum"
1963755464,"surprise","mrs_mcsupergirl","@FreyaLynn they can't be in their carriers anymore?"
1963781481,"worry","sarahsea","@Kate_Butler I think/hope they might put an age limit on next year on the back of that  #bgt"
1963781502,"worry","Bulletplug","@noisemaker_ aww thats too bad you lost it though"
1963781766,"worry","melaniesais","This is how much hair falls off everytime I shower. It's more sad than disgusting  http://yfrog.com/6p190aj"
1963781783,"sadness","syminn","That poor girl on britains got talent, god love her  forgot the words and cried  but gets a second chance to perform again : ]"
1963782501,"sadness","candireign","@brran1 that really sucks - I think I might cry if I skipped over anything important I don't have. Comps are getting to be disposable"
1963783587,"fun","FutureMott","Hav fun at heav y Metal happy hour you guys! In the future @staygangsta accadentally sets it on fire while smoking with @grayblue"
1963784087,"happiness","K2Kyle","@idmoore Enjoy your day too! Prob see u up top of Glyders. No pint for me, gotta drive straight back as we've got Dog stuff to do Sunday"
1963784717,"happiness","amandejonas","@gfalcone601 tom is not with u!  hahahahahahhah he's with my bff"
1963784768,"neutral","jennielees","@mrseb  Mimiron hardmode!"
1963784825,"sadness","evansk","aWWW Poor Holly"
1963785107,"neutral","itsgnatyo","Iis working until 4 now and really wants geordanos thin crust cheese, black olives, peperoni and mushroom pizza"
1963785715,"worry","NatashalynnER","@sherryaperez  aww mamas... I hope all is well. Get some rest beautiful! Muah! Holla."
1963785733,"hate","tenshirei","only gets spam in her college email account now. What a way to rub in graduation."
1963785744,"neutral","Darrell69","@JRobertsTWC: Help Jen I had a Monster Energy Drink and now I'm crashing."
1963785766,"sadness","BoMbsheLLB","@zhighlife people r weird"
1963785799,"worry","sexymonster626","sure miss Chick, tho...may he RIP!"
1963785823,"worry","Winchesterlover","@mishacollins Yes it does. Please dont' go. If you die I will cry.. which normally leads to small animals getting harmed"
1963785901,"love","JaxLvzWestlife","@ByrnesBabe_09  ii No!  GRR   oooh Aiden Lol   x"
1963785996,"neutral","TwilightilDawn","@Twilightish I really hope so"
1963786019,"worry","skyn3t","i am not feeling well so i am going to sleep now"
1963786034,"worry","AshAttack","Just broke her dresser shes had since she was three"
1963786833,"hate","tobesbelike","@djbelle LMAO!I was JUST thinking how I fucking hate @ least 3 people that I'm following...but I haven't unfollowed em' yet. I'm a loon."
1963786938,"sadness","alana_vmsl","#justcause Summer Hours say our day ends at 1pm...doesn't mean I really get to leave at 1."
1963787290,"worry","crzprncess","Josette....where are you??   I looked across the pond, but you are nowhere to be found."
1963787424,"worry","thejuliethour","Feeling tempted by high volume of jeeps to start an "acura wave". Me too!"
1963787600,"worry","PTFranklin","Brought cat to specilist. May be ectopic uritors. Doing ultrasound. Surgury would be >$2000. may need to take him back to humane society"
1963787789,"worry","CocaBeenSlinky","@MandyPandy32 I hope for her sake she does could it could get worse"
1963788331,"worry","shesbatty","once again i've spend the day studying. SO BORED of studying but i still have 3 chapters to go"
1963788667,"sadness","carosizzlez","Time to take a astronomy test!"
1963788929,"hate","MaguiB","Im so angry right now .. today im not doind nothing and all my classmates yes  ,i think i will stay with my friend Mr.Computer .. hope not"
1963788977,"sadness","mickimadness","Getting used to getting up in the cold, but my asthma is paying for it."
1963788990,"neutral","Hockeyvampiress","@ann_aguirre  not going anywhere & when my book finally gets hre It will be cool 2 know wht Butch looks lk..LOL It was going in mail tdy"
1963789665,"worry","MissAshleyWhite","I hate sitting at the doctors office! They told me she is running an hour behind! AWESOME"
1963790143,"sadness","sarahjo1976","Is actually workin the weekend...Not for it"
1963790335,"sadness","SunshineKidd","Back from LAAANDAN.  Miss it already   check out my new giant purple bow and gold wing necklace. I <3 TD http://tinyurl.com/m5y2mw"
1963790489,"sadness","xmadluvxquinnx","I miss my dog  r.i.p.Batman... Yeah, Batman (I really hope 'all dogs go to heaven' is true)"
1963790767,"sadness","Bezzmer","Wal-Mart orientation...it's work, but seriously...this sucks"
1963790822,"happiness","the_rockshow","@under_control aw babyy i'm sorry  i gots too excited, haha. <333"
1963791086,"worry","WierdCrazyMofo","Ow. Sunburn hurts!"
1963791270,"surprise","typicaltanya","there is absolutely nothing to eat in my house... epic fail"
1963791417,"neutral","Thaliel","why does everyone sing playback at the Comet"
1963791441,"worry","QueenBananaBean","Had a great day...but slightly depressed.  I don't know what I am going to do."
1963791460,"sadness","Rocmoney","@joemuggs urgh...Grime, me no likey"
1963791472,"sadness","wonder_nat","Don't know if I can watch Holly again, breaks your heart"
1963791915,"surprise","Stan_is_Nats","Just woke up and saw that the sun isn't out  I need to start waking up early"
1963792047,"sadness","ClaireGerdau","my favorite curling iron broke"
1963792091,"worry","txcranberry","@XO_SUFI_XO yeah and when you are not working at paying jobs(volunteer/intern) the $ tends to disappear rather quickly...gotta slow down"
1963792125,"hate","weredragon","had a great time last night, but my eye is burning !!! it hurts bad"
1963792349,"worry","jeremya","I have a stupid headache on my day off."
1963792355,"hate","bizziefan","damn it...Margie said she couldn't share the info on who killed Evil Eddy with me   She wanted my info again, gave it to her"
1963792513,"fun","NicoleVSanchez","just back from my youngest's Kindergarten graduation. Grateful my mom saved me, she had a gift for my son, I didn't think of it"
1963792534,"sadness","VegasKate","@VegasRex I wish I had time!! But its back to the airport already!"
1963792750,"sadness","JustinTreml","I've been nudged!!! not much going on lately umped games over the wknd and i took one to the pills"
1963792784,"worry","ComcastBonnie","@Aerinea ugh. it sounds like a busted cable box then  what time zone are you in?"
1963793206,"worry","kaityb","sorry @tayfo, i chili cheese dogged without you"
1963793230,"worry","SquirrelMaster","I think i pinched something in my neck."
1963793394,"worry","chelliepellie","i wanna do something tonight, but that doesnt look very promising"
1963793579,"empty","girlingrey","@lucyliz dont worry im not!!! i dont get it on my tv"
1963793906,"worry","_ayoobeez","only an hour left with my iPod touch"
1963794655,"sadness","Chassidy7","Ya'll I turned off my device updates and I can't turn em back on! I feel so...so...out of touch"
1963795182,"worry","sthomas785","My tattoo is ticklish"
1963807808,"worry","KristyDziukala","@jessmitch fml...i have a good idea. we steal phil back and give my dumbass cousin those cats. jk. i'd feel bad"
1963807863,"worry","Anneterd","being bored at home! Tomorrow i've got to work all day!"
1963807927,"neutral","jordanshootsppl","my car is possessed and won't stop honking at me"
1963808743,"neutral","eeeepchristinaa","i ate too much ice cream and curly fries"
1963808992,"sadness","shelo9","didnt cry at the end but was very sad to see the last episode of ER. man that was a good series."
1963809001,"neutral","McalpineBud","back home"
1963809301,"sadness","lainiemac","@_Toki_ the wee girl started crying and her mum came on, was such a shame"
1963809410,"fun","hayitsmonica","@acupofjo 1. i dont  2. LMFAO I WONDER."
1963809419,"neutral","danwood","@boredzo I assume you mean 2nd item with 3 nested lines, but no invert call tree button to be found   �  �   �"
1963809550,"worry","desmonami","@TheEllenShow but i went out and bought some nail polish ellen"
1963809634,"hate","Hellokylies","im really bored, anthony is doing senior board shit. and im hungry and cold."
1963809672,"love","MellowDownEasyx","@jennifalconer WOW never seen him before , he's bloody awesome , I think bcoz George won last year however could be bad for him  x"
1963809959,"sadness","Thibow","It's so sad  http://bit.ly/b8jTH  I love Kelly! <3"
1963810183,"surprise","jerkb0t",""The things, you say, your purple prose just gives you away" what the hell is that even supposed to mean? Casino: where music goes to die"
1963811145,"happiness","lauraocl","@ragazza_matta take my "how well do you know me" quiz!! i made one the other day... no one took it yet  i put pics from yday on fb xx"
1963811579,"worry","juleswhetstone","sitting in the car with my cat. he keeps meowing and i feel so bad"
1963812041,"worry","AVALUV24","Watching maxium 100. Why can't I look beautiful like those girls."
1963812270,"relief","Pr3pE","omg im finally back!!!! my comp as broken guys  i missed yall!!!!"
1963812422,"worry","hoopdiva","so many things to think about when preparing for a marathon.  aye dios."
1963812423,"worry","Cantmuteme","Watching WALL-E.....it's so cute but sad"
1963812485,"worry","JustinSxE","I scratched my iPod"
1963812493,"worry","migahealing","@angisori It's not a reg gig yet, but hopefully it will be! Haven't done massage in a while actually"
1963812566,"worry","xsaydax","AND I didn't get the job"
1963812762,"fun","iloovegreen","@Craiiiiiig21 @Paola625 sounds like Sonics...which I never had  ...and for the record, I say spicy bred buffalo wings w/ blu cheese & beer"
1963812797,"sadness","NikaB84","@3RDegree09 man i still haven't seen that movie...too bad i'm at work"
1963812932,"worry","countrygirl2636","hypervenilating cuz i just watched keith urban's new video!!!   trying to calm down and im realizing how far away august 13 is!!!!"
1963813077,"sadness","ScottStern","@chevelleluv p.s. sorry about ur uncle"
1963813235,"worry","evan_b","@qcmartinez it's cloudy and damp over here too. i hope it doesnt rain for tonite's track meet  i'd hate to do interviews in the rain"
1963813616,"worry","beckiejonas","watching britains got talent, poor holly"
1963814241,"worry","LegendaryWriter","@michellecpa  ugh headache   i just wanna go home"
1963814289,"worry","fjkeogh","@Silkglove thats bad your been forced to watch that  there must be a helpline you can call ?  we are both good thanx he's asleep"
1963814400,"sadness","kp_1123","I hate watchn things that make me sad n wana cry"
1963814510,"worry","HailtoTheKing","@RealJessicaAlba Aw what about me"
1963814520,"anger","jubs4","@tommcfly Why do you not respond me?"
1963814996,"worry","aLittleOff","Sitting at the computer... I should study...  But I'm not right now, because I'm procrastinating again! XD"
1963815046,"neutral","Prettyfuls85","Ohhh mannnn they just laid off 3 girls!!!    This economy has to improve soon!!!"
1963815445,"neutral","Si0pao","HEY! I didn't get my comlementary cherry flavored lip gloss this time, not cool"
1963815473,"worry","skibabe12","I don't feel good.  .My throat hurts!!!!"
1963815692,"neutral","Mhilton215","symphonic I"
1963815994,"neutral","NickyLovesMcFly","@McFreak_ Truetrue  But he's not! xD"
1963816365,"worry","Kerstin_Sichel","@CroSimpleMinds Only Tao in the summer?? That is not many"
1963816744,"worry","_jadal","http://twitpic.com/67di2 - This is what I meant when I said my skin is terrible. Plus sunburnt chest."
1963817041,"happiness","Buddha28","working!   I am so ready to go."
1963817097,"surprise","jrstanley","I got excited when I saw a bag in the place cookies usually live (when I get them). Unfortunately it was just my new prescription"
1963817284,"worry","RayBland","So tired and I have work at 5pm  #fb"
1963817445,"sadness","Ciosty","found none"
1963817928,"worry","jacquerowland","@kennethlim working on a logo & I keep getting click happy  Its me, not photoshop I dont they have a "stupid stop clickin" in ps do they?"
1963817939,"sadness","santanderm","@nesitajai ur leaving me for a week  i know i dont see u everyday but i like the fact that ur in the same city as me"
1963817972,"sadness","Emerald01","Why did sound input for my computer stop working?  It's not the mic or jack (USB webcam mic doesn't work either) Checked input controls."
1963818842,"sadness","BKZeta","@Hardcore4 Damn Frat - that's too bad...  Should be a good show (at least I'm hoping so) esp. since it's in BK..."
1963818958,"empty","jennypoynter","@rosieeejones sorry  i dont think her crying was fake, i just dont see why she was...and i dont think its fair she gets another chance..."
1963818968,"surprise","Chassidy7","I'm supposed to be Ms. Twitterology"
1963819206,"sadness","roci126","too tired, i can�t stay awake..but i must finish work for sunday"
1963819352,"neutral","bonoskg","sitting at home watching tv.  soo bored..."
1963819975,"worry","lizrecoulley","false alarm on the house"
1963820021,"fun","KidNovice","@TheRealKream yup"
1963820208,"sadness","huntleymt","dangit. LSU w/ a 7-spot in B7 now leads Southern 8-2.  Was intentionally not mentioning anything and it got jinxed anyhow."
1963820254,"relief","Ericamora2","I'm at mcdonalds eating chicken nuggets with my kid so embarrased I droped my soda  haha it fell out of my tray lol"
1963820676,"surprise","nessalrobertson","Just found out I want be able to go see my daddy tomorrow before he leaves because Ty has an activity tomorrow morning, that sucks"
1963820969,"fun","_sophiiie","Rice is ready to eat.Off now to watch Comet 2009!The most important music price in germany.Wow n Lisa arrives around 12p.m.  Still 2 hours"
1963821041,"happiness","KJ7409","Dentist   but the chicks hot so thats a plus"
1963821104,"hate","theLEEZ","i hate the tremors!!!!!! stupid meds."
1963821105,"neutral","zaielle","ugh... only 1 3/4th hour and i will be 19..."
1963821149,"fun","vinylqueen","How is it that my preschoolers can bowl over a hundred when they weigh only 35-40 lbs? Today was there last day for the year."
1963821256,"love","iheartpreston","@annavzang but if you got hit by a car, who would make such lovely music?"
1963821291,"worry","Lizetisawesome","i feel very ill. i think im dehydrated"
1963821445,"sadness","damog","@ChelseaPiersNYC tiny.cc doesn't seem to load for me  I was thinking on going to the batting cages but apparently you gotta book in adv"
1963821744,"sadness","BeLiBelz","@Myke329 yooo myyyyye bust how I'm sick tooo... Just shoot me.  Long night tonight."
1963821958,"worry","BonesCrazy24","Gutted. The kitchen is empty literally EMPTY. No even kidding. I'm so hungry"
1963822146,"sadness","mrs_mcsupergirl","@FreyaLynn dude fail.  i know exactly where this place is too"
1963822494,"fun","NateB2","@hannahbananalee talk about drool - the Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 is *amazing*.  Too bad it costs $2k...  http://tinyurl.com/63qoz4"
1963822556,"worry","DanielleKayser","I took my antibiotics and I still feel like crap"
1963822610,"sadness","dramaqueen53","home with chocolate and peanut butter. stupid kids on my bus ruined my yearbook"
1963857563,"empty","littlemissgigi","Fidel has no balls"
1963858035,"neutral","manpreetpangli","Exams are so stressful"
1963858038,"worry","prenvo",""Stop your twittering" - Maryland cookies #bgt"
1963858377,"worry","Kat_04071991","@rosieeejones i agree with the whole Hollie thing"
1963859297,"surprise","Teressa_C","@DEAP215 were you roaming?? Same thing happen to me  so I switched to AT&T."
1963859530,"anger","hooogan","Big Laptop is too big, so it's time to switch to the Eee.  Bye big guy"
1963859574,"empty","ylimex4","I want it BACK NOW!: http://bit.ly/PP1WZ"
1963859696,"sadness","ddeeaannnnaa89","@ringqvist seriously...it only gets sadder"
1963859732,"worry","daracorrato","Ugh! I just realized that I have to completely redo my tweetdeck groups! Pains of computer being wiped clean!"
1963859786,"fun","mrs_mcsupergirl","i'm going to pig out on ice cream and potato chips"
1963860345,"neutral","CharlotteCFC","2 more days till half term is over"
1963860346,"hate","Shopaholic410","@mileycyrus my computer is being stupid and wont let me vote  . if i could i would vote for u."
1963860551,"neutral","NLi10","Britain's got Torture - Edelcries..."
1963860610,"sadness","theFreshManX","likewise @Buttahbrown you better ask about me ;)  I don't appreciate you neglecting the sir fresh."
1963860620,"worry","AdrianRodriguez","would like to have a gaming system"
1963860741,"happiness","mrs_mcsupergirl","i looked all cute too!"
1963860825,"surprise","GillyWillyWo0","@CainAndrews awwwh u stuck in traffic  booo!"
1963860855,"empty","MissTiffany2U","@rosieperez yes! I can't find one 4 my Curve 8900"
1963861042,"empty","MeBrEEzy","@kandeebx i HaVe 2 Get OuT This HoUse"
1963861291,"worry","erincaldwell","ree-heally hoping the rain stops by the time i get off the metro at courthouse. i didn't bring an umbrella today."
1963861452,"sadness","daulex","I might be a snob, because my friend-follower ratio is 6"
1963861579,"boredom","zanessafreak365","bored , cleanin the house"
1963861739,"sadness","kritop_cookie","damm i feel like the song of dead and gone by Travis Garland"
1963861778,"sadness","paxnation_217","@taurenlegend it's kind of hard to see a pic of a doggie if the pic doesn't exist"
1963862567,"worry","belunyc","But I have cause I missed a lot of classes"
1963862923,"worry","amamai","still having a hangover"
1963863054,"worry","earthtomanda","shack idol today(: can't wait. it's gonna be funnn poor cameron. he fell ON A BAR in speech today. i felt so bad for him"
1963863218,"worry","j0nna1321","going to work soon and so excited!  ugh id rather pluck my fingernails off"
1963863502,"worry","AlishaLovesU","What happened with her??? Why is she being so wierd all of a sudden???"
1963864451,"neutral","tyroga","Awake again at 6am on a Saturday, isn't this sleep in day. Oh well have some work to keep busy. If only it was work keeping me awake."
1963864516,"neutral","AwesomeBlackGuy","@GENeralization Damn I come from Las Vegas suburbia. Its hard for me to connect with ppls"
1963864530,"surprise","JoeyTripiness","headache  wanna see my Julie"
1963866129,"empty","CALi_Cutie","Dang I just dropped some of my subway on da floor... Ahh the 5sec rule passed already"
1963866780,"sadness","riseandshine23","saying goodbye to Papa...."
1963866828,"sadness","belunyc","But I have to cause I missed a lot of classes"
1963867563,"surprise","bottledxsun","Aww, no one's on MSN"
1963867748,"worry","helloyensil","i would slip and fall... on the dirty school bathroom floor. fml."
1963867815,"worry","EternalAegis","Oh... according to mom dad is going to try and take 2-3 weeks off in Sep. to go to Austira, and just wrap a vacation into it as well lmao"
1963868209,"worry","sora2522","@Chris_Gorham aww, what a shame  ........you can still #followfriday them though, no? >.>"
1963868487,"worry","MsKoko09","Day 26 is in town. Wish I could catch the show, but I already have plans. Go figure!"
1963869004,"worry","ilove2blogg","I couldn't find P4 so I couldn't show Brantley my feet  and now its raining"
1963869161,"surprise","dalami","@Airrun Oh yea! I didn't think it was open yet! They took over Ben & Jerry's.  I loved that place."
1963869193,"worry","memilymanderson","enjoying my couch for the last time"
1963869515,"worry","lmerrill","The city officially smells like dead fish"
1963869593,"worry","I_AM_BANDIT","@candicotton not so good"
1963869612,"worry","pikachubreeeh","http://bit.ly/61Aam   these dogs are going to die if somebody doesn't save them!"
1963869941,"hate","Impala_Guy","@19fischi75 dont think me ugly - but tha dumb ass is lookin a lill betta - an he know it!"
1963870075,"sadness","JessiO","I keep receiving beautiful pics of the beach from @Charleymagne while I'm in my office working...getting bitter"
1963870196,"worry","rkuang","@Maliceve yeah mine is stubborn too.  you just gotta keep trying until it does, no way around it"
1963870457,"worry","Hey_Bradshaw","@smaknews sorry about that anna wintour repeated tweets!! sooo sorry  somethings up... | was wondering abt the quad tweet ;)"
1963870673,"love","ChristyWalters","@TheEllenShow  I did that to my favorite nail polish"
1963871511,"love","rushme2112","Moment over.... fly now in car"
1963871531,"worry","Danny_Who","The Rain Makes Me Sad. Its Like I Want To Kill myself,<-"
1963871980,"worry","_ell","I think I killed my 6-mo old bromeliad. need a new pet plant.. or not."
1963872293,"worry","davidbramblett","So my alarm got changed somehow and I ended up waking up at 1:00  I feel like half my day is gone"
1963873320,"sadness","NikkiOttoway","Is Home Alone Yet Again; Mam And Dad Rather Go To The Club Than Stay In With Me Or Take Me Out; Yes I Think That Proves How Loved I Am  !"
1963873462,"love","xxlindsay","John at a college thing   staying home all weekend and hanging out with my momma. Sushi tonight <3"
1963873810,"worry","xXHAZELXx","Hmmmm where is everyone my house is empty.  am all alone."
1963874089,"love","saaam_prt","@selenagomez Hey selena, i'm your brazilian fan, and i love you so much. you're my inspiration, please, reply me"
1963875034,"relief","MandyT1981","is bak in mcr....glad i can sleep in ma own bed 2nite yeyah...but i fink i,m missin popeye  hopin 2 c him 2moz  xxx"
1963875070,"sadness","TNAaddicted","aaaaaw i want to live in the USA"
1963875087,"sadness","_kitsy","or even NOOOOO NOT THE SECRET NAMEREBECCA PLEASE"
1963875923,"neutral","dreamkeeper","@pro01, @if__fi: ??????? ?? ?? ?? ??????. ? ?? ???, ???? ?? ??? 100 ????, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?????"
1963897108,"sadness","Cjohnso6","Another two hours of work. Ugh. It goes by so slow. And im sore"
1963897559,"worry","marcelaprimo","@fresnorock where's the love?"
1963897714,"worry","JohnMcD22","Want to get a Blackberry but can't afford it  . Just watching the telly and relaxing. Hard sesion tomorrow."
1963898027,"surprise","dccoulombe","@masqueradetitan omg! is it mine? omg that's so gross, I'm so sorry! I TOTALLY forgot about it until JUST now!"
1963898596,"worry","Run4Fun80","@BrennaRE Oh yes..i think almost every Tuesday in June. Which dresss, I just bought one, then felt guilty and took it back"
1963898812,"happiness","luchoster","Having lunch with: Me, Myself and I  I haven't eat alone in soo long, but oh well"
1963899163,"sadness","andytlc","Today is 777 days until LeakyCon 2011. Awesome number but I wish it wasn't so far away"
1963899215,"hate","hummingbird604","@WordSpring @TimAyres EEW  Cheese. I hate cheese."
1963899363,"sadness","Jul1ee","21 days away from being evicted"
1963899442,"neutral","judeblackcat","@graceamy I was being childish lol cos one of them said that pic of Jake in Down to earth made them vomit"
1963899583,"sadness","MadiBourne","Got really sick today  text me later. Nap time"
1963899810,"neutral","brunoerre","Well it's not far back to sanity. At least it's not for me."
1963900108,"surprise","willpolley","@pocketnowTweets no labels?  Sorry I know I'm really needy."
1963900178,"love","Sweeples","Silly boyfriend forgets his phone charger on his 4 day long trip to Kilkenny and now I can't talk to him and see how his gig went! Poo!"
1963900224,"boredom","simplybriannax3","ya know why today sucks? its been raining, we have no $, & no possibility of a magic friday.  so whats goin down tonight?"
1963900399,"worry","Dr3aBab3s","I dont like the dentist...they make my gums hurt"
1963900563,"worry","thatlass","@damohopo no not proper, my dog barks too much & jumps up & its all my fault for not being strict enough"
1963900845,"worry","happyherbivore","all these follow fridays make me feel really unpopular"
1963900866,"sadness","BisFitty","Cant find my red lighter that reminds me of Amy"
1963901150,"worry","Stephyg07","camping this weekend. boo   i dont get any signal out there...its torture"
1963901543,"happiness","mascell","@welsh_lottie Not one of my favourite pastimes  This weekend is a long weekend here so Monday I'm off to an Ice Show w/ the G/daughter ;)"
1963901752,"neutral","LettyBear","off to work.."
1963902060,"worry","maxwasserman","Last official WVBR DJ shift EVER! Sad Day   Listen online at wvbr.com."
1963902800,"worry","leggybowtwanger","What to do this weekend, what to do. Don't think I'll be making it to Michigan for The Wonder Years."
1963902810,"love","randomharmony","Rele doesnt want to leave lfpa."
1963902889,"neutral","lildrumm3rgirl","I havent ben on here n a while...  sorry but im bac now so hit me hup"
1963902935,"worry","BobbyEdwards90","@Bensue aww at when she was cryin tho...i want her to get thru...i feel sorry for her  shes so good tho."
1963903233,"neutral","j3cubed","@Critic6881 lady thinks shes watching scrubs... delusional.  shes bailing on our plans"
1963903402,"happiness","sassmarie","Bye twitter & FB world! I'm at the San Francisco airport ready to board Air China. Not sure if I'll have Internet access"
1963903496,"neutral","HockeyIdealist","@Akoha i promised myself i would spread the cards around India...and I only gave someone a deck & then never gave them out"
1963903868,"happiness","quangxv","Damn just spent a week whole of pay on shopping  oh well i'm happy!!!"
1963903967,"worry","Tanya_xO","STOMACH ACHE!!! Ahhhhhh"
1963904029,"neutral","redheadorange","@thek3sha ???    ?????? - http://bit.ly/nAcK2"
1963904131,"worry","heyadele","I'm in dire need of a second job, if you hear of anything in nightlife or food service please please please think of me"
1963904527,"surprise","carino1986","@abcdude  Darn, I thought you meant White Sox."
1963904550,"love","AppleJuice1234","@FTSKirstin shoooot me. my aunt will be home soon and im crying my eyes out"
1963904774,"happiness","djcopycat","@wrldfms i would, but i don't know how to do it from the phone..."
1963905408,"worry","chelsimari","@ajandtjsmommy im sorry"
1963905967,"neutral","Willow414","doing chemo"
1963906235,"worry","blondelovebunny","Im trying to move and get up but it just hurts to much..."
1963906670,"worry","ZazuTa","@Beadinpath Hi Heather. I dont know why... but I just saw your messages from April!! Have not been very twitter friendly..."
1963906803,"empty","Ericto144","@xoxoJL whatever!! Stupid Aussies!"
1963906866,"hate","kencamp","@SherylBreuker I hate that Costco always costs us so much money"
1963907402,"neutral","z_ind84","weblogamo up kardam ama moteasefane baz postesh kootah shod  albate khob chizi nadashtam ke begam"
1963907471,"sadness","iyalauren","reyt fancies a valentinos. Worst of times considering i can't have any"
1963907751,"worry","hellorachael","I want Dec to be my dad"
1963907912,"neutral","kelly960","Well, she's getting through."
1963907952,"worry","agusbiren","@cecinievas omgggggggggg, cant belive it! what had happened to it friend? do you know where did you missed it? thats not nice!!"
1963908195,"neutral","JennyMarie30808","@adamswifey61208 yes(: but now"
1963908376,"neutral","Shoebytes","@Shoebuy_News I should have gone"
1963908885,"worry","CaraFrank","I also concede to my first Twitter grammar fail."
1963909495,"worry","NGowers","I feel slightly sick now  #BGT"
1963909625,"worry","TorontoTrini","has applied for OSAP yet again- God, I'm gonna owe major $$$ by the end of my academic career, this just ain't right!!"
1963909765,"worry","metoyou18","euhm i'm french and i don't really understand English . poo.."
1963909861,"relief","Dreamyeyes","I nvr wanted May to come to an end"
1963909931,"neutral","GrandTheftBike","writing the first "ShowStoppers" entry Just lost an hours work due to server issues"
1963910138,"sadness","musicbabiiA","he wasn't there today   my free day from when the bell rang and wen it rang at the end was okayy..but after"
1963910164,"enthusiasm","problemchylde","@cripchick that sounds foreboding..."
1963910235,"happiness","pcortesjr","Reception food at Long Beach graduation = no Champagne  http://twitpic.com/67eba"
1963910321,"worry","andr0092","@adam_griffiths Oh, maybe she will cope then! Now people are definitely going to vote for her"
1963935825,"neutral","trillian1117","@krithin btw, short notice I know, but we're RSVPing no for your party- thanks so much for the invitation, though!  I'm out for 2nite too"
1963936031,"sadness","ACDalgaard","my head is hurting"
1963936340,"worry","allichocofudge","odd i tried to call mitchel musso but it dosent work...."
1963936451,"neutral","marksgober","@wilw It is a sad commentary is it not?"
1963936500,"sadness","paoladarelli","I have the weirdest hives all over my legs and arms. What the heck am I allergic to? It itches SO bad! Dang it!"
1963936928,"neutral","Corey_Kelly03","People who would rather watch a movie then go outside fail at life"
1963937023,"neutral","iamtim","@tchetelat Not as much as I did with Tweetie. It didn't jive with me, which is why I looked at Tweetie. Can't use either now, no iPhone."
1963937170,"worry","Luucekay","New crisis, my bag is too eavy for my DoE"
1963937222,"neutral","Eva_Sanchez419","Back in ATL! ( but I miss ny  ) what's up with tonight tho?!?let meeeee know!"
1963937614,"love","savorsoap","@tgrburningbrite SO addicted to colourlovers  Such a time sink!"
1963937714,"neutral","shortMonica","@ohmyseven @valerie2776 I don't have a subject line on my phone...  just normal texts."
1963937867,"sadness","_AislinnTighee","why does @mitchelmusso never reply to mee  he must really hate me :l"
1963937958,"neutral","Mia008","I wish I could be AT work as opposed to being wit the kids cuz it's the hardest job eva"
1963938588,"neutral","mdotperiod","@IamNewYork nuthin much just gettin ready 2 head bk 2 wrk  n u???"
1963938668,"worry","PapaYobo","my deep fry drumsticks were not as good as i thought they would be"
1963938988,"worry","Kidvicious182","But now talking about today, Oh my GODNESS! Problems, problems, problems. about love, money, math, parents........tha't enough, isn't it?"
1963939720,"sadness","whypsl","Just getting back into the swing...Still sore from my surgery  and tired...Coffee time!"
1963940563,"worry","storysparrow","@spizer that's what it is in mathematica. I just meant that I automatically hit the button twice now."
1963940741,"sadness","marakbai","Lula is not feeling well.  http://tinyurl.com/m8kcsq"
1963941413,"worry","Tres_Jolie","My twitter isn't updating.  How am I to know what everyone famous is doing!?!?!?"
1963941461,"surprise","jezzfoodieme","@anitawebster the pho broth is a concentrated mix of pork and beef bones...so I think you've missed the point."
1963941591,"sadness","StumpyLove728","@lil_kimmeh Me too, I miss it.  I, however, will #humpthestump for the rest of my life."
1963941681,"worry","natahbee","What's with the gloomy weather? The sun must be too tired to come out and play  heading to victoria gardens for some impulse buys haha"
1963941857,"neutral","Chlooee_","a headache once again ugh"
1963942389,"empty","TheRaizinShow","Even ARNOLD couldn't save the parks  http://bit.ly/WSM5J  - How is this providing jobs?"
1963942836,"hate","amyelainex3","@jessicagirrl i know fuck my dick  i really wanted to go, but i have to go to some fucking puertorican wedding, damn spanish :/"
1963943453,"sadness","mollydotcom","@iGoByDoc Noes! No kills spiders. They are mostly good. They eat bad bugs. They make WEBS like we do. So you are smushing one of your own"
1963943555,"worry","burhop","At work... supposed to be a day off but too much work to get done for PLM World... sigh"
1963943841,"worry","nasheeta","Taking 40 underpriveledged kids to the circus 2moro. BIG day planned & I still aint feeling 100%  so nervous right now.."
1963943866,"worry","williamtm","@jeayese Plus you guys have IceTV, which I REALLY miss from living there."
1963943933,"worry","IluvaVanquish","@Itsjustme_Nicki Sorry....I have to go."
1963944599,"surprise","Kidvicious182","But now talking about today, Oh my GODNESS! Problems, problems, problems. about love, money, math, parents.....that's enough, isn't it?"
1963945383,"sadness","KyleLucas","Neil just picked me up for the show. My tailights out  cause of heartless hit and run."
1963945425,"fun","Music_love","I have just been to see the Jonas Brothers 3D movie with @maze  was funny NO ONE else was there  hahah can't... http://tinyurl.com/magcwo"
1963946006,"happiness","AlwaysAttractx","Don't really wanna go school on Monday to be honest"
1963946166,"relief","trky1","Off work in half an hour. Getting an MRI after that. Yay me"
1963946477,"worry","Bastante_P","Does anyone know how to scale a pic down I'm trying to change my pic but all my pics r 2 big n I keep cropping them...HELP"
1963946848,"neutral","minni_e","@withloverianeee i hav a bet to get a 6 pack in 35 days...im on day 3..it sux"
1963947107,"boredom","hal9209","oh no, i need new work shoes...i broke this one!"
1963947342,"worry","sinizuh","road test booked. i r scared"
1963947711,"worry","scissorhandvamp","@cashstwit Maybe something's just wrong with my phone...it's still not working"
1963947973,"worry","evendia","@isacullen Oh, that one. That explains so much now. Poor girl."
1963948451,"fun","Billie_Anne","@pfchangs I can't direct message you for my free lunch"
1963949242,"worry","shanajtill","unlucky pants    today: lemonade, earlier: white russian in the middle of the dance floor"
1963949279,"sadness","DMitch82","This is a big weekend... final project is due Sunday Night... I will be at this computer all day and night...."
1963949446,"surprise","tarngerine","Up was sooo gooooood. Wood ranch bbq time! Dian deng pao."
1963949689,"sadness","midnightaction","My tooth is bloody killing, not sure I can wait until next week to get it fixed"
1963949702,"neutral","GinaParnell","@wizzlewolf said:  Patchouli incense burning now...-I love patchouli, DH can't stand it, so none for me"
1963950527,"sadness","njvanwingerden","lots of Reqs today.... no fun"
1963951329,"happiness","BrandySanDiego","I want to get super pretty  and i want a cig"
1963951434,"relief","vicomtesse","@wolulcmit @dubow just finished mine, some parts were remarkably difficult  cramming kanji now!"
1963951452,"worry","wuschelcore","ashley tisdale , i mean . cuz shes in berlin on 6th june and i'm not gonna be there . i wanna start cryin right now :/ ashley pick me up"
1963951724,"empty","AdryanRoane","I raced her once. I totally lost  RIP  http://tinyurl.com/lhgca8"
1963952008,"worry","ModifiedVision","I need to go to ATL, mainly just to go to Ikea.  The stuff I want isn't available online."
1963952625,"worry","beckylyn_x","@andybarr I was going to but I'm stuck with it as I seem to have misplaced my remote  It's extra bad tonight as well :|"
1963952649,"sadness","Lee_Prement","@_iDANCE19 well yes lol ..  i had a chat with them earlier , there just not willing to learn anything else"
1963952844,"worry","RVnGrammy","@KJB6609 Momentum works!  But Jeff will have a hard time from 42nd."
1963961555,"surprise","_NickT","@citizenDave You're not going? Awww"
1963961817,"sadness","Allypirelli","wanted to go to the club...dancing;)..but now i�m tired anyways i have to go to work tomorrow!"
1963961867,"neutral","PinkTribble","@PaganVixen I was a kid during Tom Baker/Peter Davison. So I'm very much torn between the two. Tennant has been amazing, I'll miss him."
1963962201,"sadness","33Cait88","Madly in love with The Row..wishing i had money"
1963962233,"enthusiasm","RelevantMom","Trying to get the motivation to make a shopping list and make a phone call I don't want to make...ahhh procrastination rears its head"
1963962309,"hate","KwlAznKid","@l2ichal2d that's a given bitch cuz ill be there  me > vegas... actually not"
1963962931,"sadness","McGonagleLauren","i feel like crap"
1963963224,"worry","BigCat2K","Spent the entire morning in a meeting w/ a vendor, and my boss was not happy w/ them. Lots of fun.  I had other plans for my morning"
1963963696,"happiness","kaylapotter89","This Water Horse movie is totally making me want to go to Scotland. I want a water horse  lol"
1963963734,"worry","alysssaaisgreat","@chelseasms it's not sooo noticable it depends on how you look at it...but I know it's there and now my iPod isn't perfect"
1963963921,"surprise","mattmikalatos","@casmonaco you can still stay if you want to!"
1963964048,"surprise","jilla52","I never win raffles. But I won the raffle @ Dulce for the Culture Crawl! What did I win? A tie and a pocketsquare! No $700 handbag for me"
1963964127,"neutral","wallieee","@heartnsolex3 if its too hard go to ur guy peicing person and he shoud change it cause mine be hard to change to"
1963964419,"worry","Luphinus","Anyone want to stop by Carl's Jr and bring me a chicken club?  Can barely walk..."
1963964975,"hate","so_cal_barbie15","texting my friends and being bored...   gosh i hate rain!!"
1963965487,"worry","lindseymf","I think i may have found my next apartment. Just one downfall."
1963965717,"neutral","katydesigns","Going to the Plum for the Final Happy Hour of JA&G...they are finally closing their doors."
1963965739,"neutral","ShAnKeLLYash","DAM i wish cElEbs cOuld frikken fOLLow baaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkk"
1963966521,"worry","tish0204","@Jayo240 I don't know how to use this"
1963966572,"neutral","sketchbug","@chrisettefan nm. dang, you on NOW but i gotta bounce in like 4 minutes  i'm just chilling. the usual."
1963967128,"hate","__DalekCaan__","@anniething1 *reads phone book* Hugh Clancy, Hugh Claments...Nope, no Hugh Clap.  Poor Holly, though she'll grab pity votes like a shark."
1963967607,"sadness","JulieRae","The pool is just not fun without Tim in it..."
1963967857,"surprise","skyn3t","OMG somethings spooky on twitter"
1963968076,"neutral","jenvan","thanks timmy.  turns out he has strep and a high fever."
1963968339,"hate","bethanynicole","Ugh..  this sucks."
1963968538,"worry","tombo23","Bored now  - Must improve my Friday nyts lol"
1963968611,"neutral","semipenguin","#3wordsaftersex I haven't started"
1963969175,"worry","invitationonly","where's my new @NylonMag"
1963969187,"worry","Milfton","@ItsBacker I refuse to get excited as I don't want to be let down  if it happens, as long as it's not between June 11 - 28 or I'd die"
1963969267,"sadness","daaakotaaa","@cassiefasho i wish you still loved me"
1963969363,"surprise","cakewardrobe",""Up" is all sold out!!"
1963969390,"sadness","liinah_x3","I am very sad because I have gone on the show McFly fan I am of them!"
1963969551,"enthusiasm","KYChipMonck","is hitting the streets. 40 hours living with Lexington's homeless. No food...no bed...no problem. No Facebook or Twitter...  Pray for us."
1963969605,"neutral","mcsantia","Change of plans... I have nothing to do tonight  What are you doing?!"
1963969674,"sadness","McFLYgiRL1","ohh my tooth is hurts ohh  im sad it very hurts"
1963969751,"worry","brittanylane","@stackmack I wish I couldn't wrap my head around it  Hopefully it'll wake up some people that say/think "racism doesn't exist anymore""
1963970115,"neutral","liliomkard","the classes with my students are over  gonna miss them..."
1963970284,"neutral","november_juliet","@Corey_Cochran Hi Corey.. just saw your reply now.. here it is 5:30PM .. an I have a long night coming..."
1963970513,"love","aly_jo3","@miligosa how fun!! I like the beach, but I tend to get really dark fast."
1963970560,"worry","bronought","@Annnnnaaaaa lol, I've just realised that i've been sending messages that were meant to be to you, to a page that doesn't exist"
1963970700,"sadness","mellow_girl_pr","Alexxx Im gona miss you today. Im so sad, noooooooo"
1963970779,"worry","leahfitzz","OMG..5 days till 1st state exam!"
1963971007,"sadness","TheEmmaHamilton","@shanedawson Sadly I live in Scotland though Shane  </3"
1963971101,"surprise","floraisadora","Dlukasrossi Lukas- your amazing wife, her updates are locked! Hard to convince people to follow protected profiles,"
1963971315,"sadness","larule82","I wish I was laying in the sand listening to the waves crash against the shore!!!"
1963971424,"love","Beanzidavinzi","is chilled out tonite, so cannot spew venom or write funny. Seems like these are the only 2 styles she has"
1963971697,"worry","McLaurax","@gfalcone601 i felt so sorry for her. some people are being really harsh about her cos she was given a 2nd chance"
1963972149,"relief","mariavillamizar","Today, i did't have lunch, cuz wel i embarrass my self with all "school"  ok, FINAL TESTS and FINAL YEAR aaaaa! thanx God 4 That friends!"
1963972239,"neutral","lnjen","@DebsBookNook no.  not this year."
1963972488,"hate","MattsLegacy","@marvelvscapcom oops too late"
1963972494,"sadness","SDOT_SongStress","@DimepieceMag Ahhh. U know ur sh*t...Love it!!! lol How's the next issue coming along? Been out the loop  sowwy"
1963973047,"sadness","TheLatexStore","@ego_assassin  We are soooo sorry   We love kitties and know how much they become a part of you."
1963973544,"love","nessie_111","yay that was good umm reggie perrin next.. oh who cares no1's watching bbc1  lol"
1963973725,"sadness","giuliagoolia","trying to straighten my hair, but it's too effing hot in here. also, i need food"
1963973746,"worry","Ms_Gallo","@steve_merchant I agree, but teenage daughter will be spending my money on the movie of their concert this week."
1963973805,"worry","Julieeklein","Shelf from Ikea fell off the wall. damage done...about $78.95 worth. Or at least thats my estimate."
1963974271,"worry","MissMON_ika","@evienyc: Aww, that sux!  @Sitatara_x3: Eeek for Airline charges!!! (X_X)"
1963974342,"neutral","ihavesuperpower","@FoxxFiles don't 4get Gina Thomas! (@iamdiddy the things u do, keep artist running from U) she's a corrections officer in Jersey now"
1963974368,"neutral","brittanyhilton","Ugggh. Its so nice out! I don't want to be working with back-up dancers."
1963974442,"sadness","analuizax3","you know what it is to see people you love most in his country and could not get closer?"
1963974601,"worry","hannahlouu","Need to dye my hair, can see a slight hint of ginger"
1963974712,"worry","KyleHD","my stomach is bleh!"
1963974751,"worry","drable","@AnKuAlGa  get well soon!"
1963974763,"worry","Salad278","Is going to miss seeing everyone all the time"
1963985671,"sadness","twdunkel","dont wanna work tonight"
1963985846,"sadness","BDLTwow","Barg - We posted the GMOD to you for your birthday!!! But you didn't see it."
1963986139,"worry","amethystlexi","That's exactly why I prefer to give money and play outside the house. Stupid Internet connection always ruining my instances!!!!  #wow"
1963986232,"fun","kbyounger","Maaaaaaaaajor headache. It's so gloomy outside!  Just gonna lounge today. Whoopiiiiii."
1963986326,"sadness","_imageworks","We're all a little upset cause Stephanie didn't bring brownies today."
1963986575,"worry","Kl0w","@xLaau Laura elle s'en fou elle don't like the french fans"
1963986591,"worry","Azn_Barbie","Every time it rains, I see at least 1 ambulance"
1963986800,"sadness","meghanelaine","Having asthma issues today.   BAH!"
1963986884,"worry","KayyylaBabyyy","Headache, . . . sad cupcake"
1963986936,"surprise","iameyebee","Screen On The Green started yesterday!!!ahhh! i missed it!"
1963987175,"sadness","Skidaleedoo","its friday & every1 has plans but me..my mom is laser tagging w/ friends(haha)My brother is out..my sister and dad r working me-bf=alone"
1963987240,"sadness","jfer32075","@JJaneBB I didn't include that in my getaway music.  I fail."
1963987297,"neutral","_AislinnTighee","@shaunarawrr_x butbutbuttt he replied to you loads"
1963987498,"worry","kylaosterkamp","Its so hard letting her go and seeing her cry."
1963987576,"worry","xLelo44x","This is not a happy tweet"
1963987663,"hate","monica_says","lunch was depressing! All the seinors were balling! Really sad."
1963987765,"worry","CBXweb","@itsthegrape ROFL  Even if I kept insurance and payments under $300, Im still like.. meh. Good thing I applied for a day job pasy $2888mo"
1963987898,"happiness","lucianatavares","@tommcfly wishing i could be in s�o paulo for the show  but fortunately i went to the brasilia one! haha"
1963988027,"love","GekGurly","@ToplessRobot those aren't even the old dolls...they are the new ones that look like sailor moon!"
1963988420,"neutral","thestaciesutra","@brigwyn work mostly"
1963988449,"worry","callielockett","@ddlovato where are ya headin to for your family vaca? i hope the paparazzi leave you alone"
1963988531,"worry","Mando041608","Man i cant belive that you did what you did? Everything does not look as good as it is.."
1963988624,"sadness","yossiyitzak","@heidepaneer   We could probably get some $$ for it on craig's list.  List it, I'll cry later."
1963989393,"worry","audreycanady","watching Jon & Kate plus 8..can't believe they're divorcing"
1963989563,"fun","brennanrusnell","Last session of the day  http://twitpic.com/67ezh"
1963990056,"sadness","TheRealJerri","@wojo4hitz @marchingstars @winkiedinkie @erockett89 Now I feel left out...  All alone in AZ...lol"
1963990283,"worry","xWilliamPatrick","someone take care of me, im so sick"
1963990285,"sadness","AirPhforce","@victoriax64 im sorry"
1963991526,"neutral","TroyBarrett","@DarrenRuane Hey! It's so funny - I stopped to get a coffee on the way in and spilt half of it in the car!"
1963991825,"sadness","nikkiburdine","producing the 6 with @PieterBickford then anchoring... and a sad goodbye to Miss Lynne Ashminov  we will miss you!"
1963991826,"worry","vic2slic","Santana - Maria Maria (The Wraith)  ? http://blip.fm/~7a10a"
1963992468,"sadness","aceraceae","Sulking at home while it rained was poor strategy.  Now i'm watching the sun shine from a desk in the Robarts reference room."
1963992814,"happiness","mister_duck","Back from the gym, just checkin' email. Gonna go watch an old movie or something. It's a little cool out to sit outside and read!"
1963993397,"relief","theloremaster","@lasherdemon As much as we would love that, it is hard to make ends meet up here ... with the job situations and all..."
1963993528,"neutral","kzredhead","@jtypeplus Addictive isn't it. Biz could definately be better! Folks have just slowed down on getting their done."
1963993811,"surprise","manumag8","can u believe the architect who planned a tar-black promenade in this small town won an international prize?and everyone who walks & jogs"
1963993826,"worry","casslee","Sick daddy  send prayer his way"
1963993944,"love","xAccordianGuyx","Laura's gone for the weekend, I miss her already!"
1963993958,"sadness","victoriaelder","Is leaving Utah today  Super Sad Face"
1963994127,"surprise","Kimli","@KulpreetSingh Good god, no. You can fit very few swear words into 140 characters"
1963994502,"worry","burhop","@mleshock Noooo! Poor SE"
1963994580,"empty","inrebasworld","I wish GM stock would turn around at 80 cents a share I would be willing to buy some...if I knew it would do something"
1963994655,"sadness","Supastardamo","R.i.p. to my lil sis's cousins babyfather Jimmy aka GemStar"
1963994659,"sadness","MissFlaxwood","@shabooty are being douchie? lol...thats hilarious man. i have a headache from the meeting."
1963994680,"worry","j0shsanch3z","@pinkalici0us argh! color me jealous! That rain I asked for the other day still hasn't gone away"
1963994874,"neutral","Daegon","@noobde , Just read an article that buying IP's doesn't necessary mean to get developement teams . Does that mean   ?"
1963994981,"worry","LilyLoch","Jay Leno's LAST NIGHT..Jay, you will be missed"
1963994985,"anger","MaximusZTS","People at work are stressing me out."
1963995305,"love","joraye","2.5 years here & left Dell OKC for the last time. And being the geeky girl I am, I waited to cry until I got in my car.  Love you all!"
1963995581,"neutral","CarissaGrace","Goin to work...."
1963995822,"love","babilorentz","@tommcfly can't you write a song without your guitar? i thought you could  look for something to do!"
1963995951,"hate","Damandajoy","Sittin through this boring ass conference call... Then i get to go home n nap *{missin @AndyR3w alot  }*"
1963996234,"happiness","blayor","Omg i just seen the sun and the moon in the same place  this disproves my theory that they are the same person"
1963996702,"neutral","Fusspot","@xsaydax Boo, on both counts."
1963997248,"surprise","Musicxfreakxx","TODAy SUCKs - kisskass19: �you and katey broke up?! Yah Kate Broke up with me  It�s been awful nd Vodkas... http://tumblr.com/xkx1wgl8r"
1963997588,"worry","PaulHeylin","@Wheeeeeeeeler  lol awhhk wats da chances holly gets through den?"
1963997676,"sadness","nikkieo","This week has been so lonely without gossip girl xoxo"
1963997756,"hate","FrAnCeSsE","waiting -> gg is loading ...  annoying!"
1963997926,"worry","harmonybreviews","@Senfaye Me too. I found out about it a little late and couldn't afford it"
1963998088,"neutral","JoJoL81","sleepy and tired..i don't want to go to practice"
1963998124,"happiness","grissay","A sweater, a sandwich and a hug sound so fantastic right about now"
1963998301,"worry","AppleJuice1234","@FTSKirstin i know he cant be, but idk how long he will be gone. what if he forgets me?  idk im stupid for worring."
1963998429,"sadness","druzilla47","@bloodyironist that sucks.  But woot for Misha."
1963998514,"worry","katesquared","It's hot.  I could turn on the A/C, but I'm trying to be green for as long as I can stand it   Right now I'm just a little red and shiny."
1963998616,"worry","lovestars96xx","@simplyvannesa heyy i have a sis of 1 year with 5 months and still she don t want to walk.."
1964004861,"hate","erikaANGEL","@mitchelmusso so cool! if only i could call! my phone won't let me calll the number!"
1964004907,"worry","mpinney","@isaacnow didn't know you were on twitter! Coming to the show tomorrow?? Lorraine can't make it"
1964005124,"worry","TessaJONAS","So sad you didn't day Hello to me  @Jonasbrothers"
1964005157,"sadness","jvfriedman","@lizzerdrix I hate cottage cheese.  I even got some fancy stuff last weekend with lemon and berries...I could only eat half of it."
1964005178,"love","jess_rawrr93","@alejandro_jg hahaha i don't owe you anything; now you owe me a red LOL te amo idiot hahaha te veo ahasta el lunes"
1964005629,"neutral","alliesuckss","I'm in class right now  1 more week of school."
1964005884,"sadness","faithie16","I have to work tonight  But I get my paycheck!"
1964005988,"neutral","danceswdanger","I tired today I think I am gonna take a nap before our friends come over tonight....I miss him and wish he was off restriction already..."
1964006228,"worry","missheidi","@tutugirl1345 you could say that. I left it in VT and have been Blackberryless since Tuesday Night. I'm lost"
1964006353,"worry","stephieGRRL","@bmoney389 Lmao, when I was camping, the water in the shower was well water and just smelt nasty"
1964006803,"neutral","mlane","My apologies for the very impersonal #FF. Swamped today  All great people and great follows though. You can't go wrong with those folks!"
1964006912,"sadness","matteamer","@UncleRUSH so unfair i wanted to watch it but up came a message saying "this video is not currently available in your country""
1964007301,"worry","tregster","awww i've lost a follower i fail"
1964008769,"sadness","Rachy29","in science class right now... urgh... stupid project.. don't wanna go to track after school! too tired!  lol"
1964008953,"surprise","p_juliana","@tommcfly i can't believe that you guys are gonna stay just one day here in Rio de Janeiro again"
1964009118,"neutral","kwades","Maybe I should go see the other 4 movies as matinee's this week. I don't go in until 4pm as it's my night shift week coming up."
1964009223,"sadness","leeeeh_","@tommcfly i hate feeling like this"
1964009371,"neutral","xceili","@James_Young Iv Only Got Two Twitters On Here !!"
1964009495,"sadness","janeylicious","@Aonir awww don't be sad  we'll download a copy for you!"
1964009656,"hate","WeatherWatch09","good 1km visible shot of TD one shows total decoupling of the low and mid level centers....this system is DEAD!! Waiting for the next one"
1964009987,"neutral","SethBuzzard","@GogDog I had sent you an e-mail"
1964010601,"sadness","SethSchmidt","@photogjack Yeah, the prices on the used market for Hasselblad are not even close to the way they used to hold their value. It's a shame"
1964010805,"worry","lizzieIsCool","@JessikaSay awwwh - i'm sorry  i hope you fell better - watch a film ?"
1964010844,"sadness","lauradman","@megs775 I'm sorry Megan!!!    I'm sure he will find something quick."
1964011169,"worry","beingnobody","Ohhhhh Barcalona. Please dont ruin this  #bgt"
1964011246,"worry","meldeschene","@improperhostess what!!!????  where are u guys going!?"
1964011999,"sadness","Maria_L_Diaz","My daddy left to go back home to Texas  i will c him hopefully n the next two months"
1964012208,"worry","LPThePharaoh","@EmeraldAshlee yea he said brooke's gonna come over to record today!  @CHANiCEDEVONNE!"
1964012456,"love","katili","@wamarineangel awwwwww  *hugs*"
1964012596,"sadness","rrispoli","Gained 3lbs wish I could afford something other than top ramen... If only I had a job..."
1964013461,"worry","jardinteylor","my monitor won't turn on. This can only be the work of my mother."
1964013476,"worry","MollieWestie","@gingeebee  sounds horrid, sending you one of @buddythepug's special #pughugs, look after yourself, lots of cuddles and treats!"
1964013625,"neutral","sharoneden","@Prophet1958 Hey it's that old writing avoidance  Write 1 continuous flow non stop 4 10 mins=trick I use 2 loosen up gremlins!"
1964013802,"worry","shadez","@LimeIce  I dint dump anyone. It's always me who gets dumped and blamed. That's why I don't believe in relationships. #twpp"
1964013888,"relief","MileyLoverx3","@ashleytisdale you were great. just awesome. i was crying cuz i wanted to be there so bad"
1964013892,"worry","marginatasnaily","@BrandyWandLover won't be able to manage 3 nights babe, have lil ones depending on me here!!  xxx"
1964014191,"neutral","Chrystynelynn","Hoping everyone is safe frm the purge that is supposedly happening at work right now."
1964014432,"sadness","mandystevens","gotta buy the second season of  ghost whisperer now, but noo moneyy"
1964014691,"worry","thepurplediva","#BGT  ooooh tooo weird for me"
1964015006,"surprise","That_Tiffany","just got my first lesson in when rain meets my white  shirt   if one more man tells me they like my bra on more time! smh"
1964015233,"love","taylormcfly","@tommcfly aww bless  haha your cute Tom"
1964015646,"happiness","bunbunchan","Last Late Late with Pat Kenny! Bless"
1964015671,"worry","morlothien","Why are tea pitcher things so hard to find?  I haven't seen any here, and I've only found this http://tiny.cc/vynk5 online.  Ugly."
1964015849,"sadness","saborKT","@TehBlue I don;t know how they interact. I'm getting better with the pain, though. I want to give my poor liver a break."
1964015962,"worry","DaPatrickman","Burned my pinky.  great way to start my weekend thats gonna suck anyway."
1964016481,"surprise","MissKitty1923","@RedCrossPDX No blood drives in my area.  I'll keep looking."
1964017388,"worry","jessilynnbbyx","I try soo hard toget what I want.. & I always end up having a goose egg.."
1964017530,"sadness","DyminNtheRough","Getting one of the lil GEM's ears REpierced after work today- definitely dreading it"
1964017635,"love","Donnamarie21","@TwitMUGSHOT I'm like so upset with you.. haha.. you never told me the 411.."
1964018085,"enthusiasm","Heylove218","ItS fRiDaY... I cAn'T wAiT tO bE dOnE wItH wOrK!!! Stuck here till 11"
1964018130,"hate","CarlSixsmith","It's car crash tv at it's worst."
1964018142,"sadness","lauren_402","Maybe I was wrong, this week could have stayed good, but it didn't"
1964018345,"worry","Sadache","@morlhon  that's bad as it affects all the languages that run on the JVM. Too bad!"
1964018612,"worry","savasavasava","At tweetup loc, but don't recognize anyone  am outside in turquoise shirt. Please see me! #g4c09"
1964018775,"worry","ViePurple","just got home...I was @ work to get the key 4 tomorrows douple shift"
1964019133,"love","Spitphyre","@ArchisM @kaushal I'm here I'm here!!! But #twpp is oficially over guys"
1964019218,"worry","jonassink","@gronumbulator yeah, just realized what the whole notification thing was. Thought it was them notifying me, not me spamming my followers."
1964019466,"neutral","skipmeriwether","http://twitpic.com/67f8o - Making the treck from lafayette to batonrouge solo."
1964019641,"sadness","sarahgirll","http://twitpic.com/67f8q - This is making me sad"
1964020008,"worry","BabyRu","Ohhh me, i am rather bored. How can a friday night be soo boring!"
1964020164,"neutral","Alpha_bet_Pony","Oh dear  #bgt"
1964028754,"sadness","mrs_pacman","I'm bummed that the @retrorewind contest is only for the 48 states   What about Hawaii??"
1964028920,"happiness","iwalkonwater","@joshuawoodard happy birthday man! my ride to the wedding  i'll see you guys soon though. you play here JULY 27th!"
1964029247,"neutral","fletchernet","#bgt Can't watch anymore"
1964029284,"worry","rainspells","cramps r eew  shall hug a soft toy to my tummy n zzz the pain away"
1964029343,"sadness","mrs_mcsupergirl","@FreyaLynn lol seriously.  fail. ::sigh::"
1964029414,"sadness","alishakaneza","@TraceeEllisRoss no not at all. I MISS GIRLFRIENDS!!!!  i have all the seasons."
1964029461,"love","BrandyWandLover","@BrandFancier bitter?  why? *hug* xx"
1964029848,"happiness","MupNorth","@leighannirvine Thanks hun! I'm wearing my new goldmine e/s and big false lashes, but it doesn't show!"
1964029960,"love","JasonMonday","is having the last supper with his little angel."
1964030034,"happiness","santoshp","@purelynarcotic Ohh.. #twpp is falling silent..  I was waiting to track ur US version.. Next time maybe.. Btw sunny california sounds good"
1964030109,"sadness","emokermit7","Sucky day so far hope it gets better"
1964030135,"neutral","meghanelaine","Gonna go round up some DVDs to sell...  I will miss them, but I need money!"
1964030288,"surprise","thagolden1","everyone has left me"
1964030405,"neutral","eheiney","Traffic is down to a crawl on I-94 right now."
1964030635,"love","DawnofOURnight","@kirash4 Family...friend... It's good for the industry i plan on going into...Far FAR away from Ohio  I hate it here."
1964031081,"sadness","aceattorney","@tromboneforhire No Zune HD at E3???  This means no games on the Zune HD like I dreamed."
1964031441,"enthusiasm","BaileyBrooks44","ERRG I cant believe that i am not working at all next week i think its time to move on from Chick fil A"
1964031464,"worry","radlilim","Too much food at today's company gill out, want to go home and lay in the sun. Instead here until dark, probably"
1964031603,"sadness","laurengen","Home from marble falls, back to reality"
1964032078,"worry","helloalee","http://twitpic.com/67fcj - what i have to resort to wearing today cause i haven't finished my laundry. lol."
1964032208,"neutral","JessikaSays","@lizzieIsCool meh, i feel fine now, it was crazy 10 minute sickness session, but now i'm hungry again"
1964032435,"love","elliecopter","Omg Hollie Steel in BGT. I felt for her so much  It's not easy singing in front of so many people!"
1964032486,"neutral","hannahrae33","Not to mention hw fat ima get frm wrk n here."
1964032589,"neutral","maggiemaex3","@mckenzie15 yeah, we get out june 4th...  blahhh (yet another reason the south is better!)"
1964032863,"worry","michellexhannah","@ohayemily you okay bby?"
1964032987,"worry","justdonna7","@DaveDinsmore miss u guys,terribly!! no Todd yet    he is a busy boy  maybe tomorrow night!"
1964033149,"worry","EternalAegis","@ausaudriel Well I asked you a few days ago and you said money was the only thing holding you back Saturday or something"
1964033217,"worry","tarynvonfabu","@Puertorok57 n'dito  I messed up your name, sorry hon ;)"
1964033409,"neutral","sketchbug","@chrisettefan yep. gotta go  man! i'll ttyl . . . eventually . . . sometime . . . in the future . . . hopefully . . . soon. ~ ~ ~"
1964033698,"love","sophielovemcfly","@unahealy i want to see you on tour!"
1964034180,"worry","itzjj","Ugh..just starting another 2 hours of behind the wheel for drivers ed"
1964034555,"happiness","missmusze","Meeting went well last night.They shot promo to air this weekend on MTV. i tried to hide but I was too close, I think they caught me."
1964034674,"anger","GingerMandy","@FafsaHelp i don't know what lender it was? yea these people definitely sucked butt toes. NOT friendly or helpful."
1964035833,"neutral","zoebatsparkes","@fishcraik Yes, its a common thing. Don't you remember? I promised you and Nic i wouldn't stress online  Clearly not kept"
1964036024,"worry","Umatter2Chtr","@DeliverImHungry You are right.  If you ordered a static IP it should have been set up.  I apologize if it was not"
1964036159,"worry","GreeneydDebster","Having a boo-hoo day. Things just suck today"
1964036615,"worry","ohmijonas","He's shy...............but it's cute ily. but you don't see it or know it <3"
1964036648,"worry","MariaKiwixD","@ashleytisdale: cool that you liked germany and the awards! i saw you on TV cause i couldn't come to the comet and see you live  xoxo"
1964036660,"hate","Frachel","gawww, why is facebook being so slow?"
1964036682,"sadness","yulianadiaz","im watching tv at home wishing i could get a chicken shish delivered but not go enough pennies"
1964036819,"neutral","heather_francis","@comedy_dave meany"
1964036871,"fun","Cwluc","@NTKilpatrick nope  but the T1i looks super sweet!"
1964036978,"worry","EPot1124","I'm terrified about the surgery next week"
1964037322,"happiness","MizG","curled up on the couch like a question mark, mind like jell-o. ah, tis such a joy to be a woman"
1964037410,"sadness","Jessicaintune","@Crizzoid I cant stand summer fever (for me) and when the weather gets really humid  lol"
1964037480,"worry","micropreemies","@GettingFreedom @AmysFinerThings We don't feel too comfortable using it. It's not awful, but pretty icky.  Scurrying to find a deal..."
1964037721,"worry","DizzyGirlBrat","I don't think that im feeling too well. all the sudden, im tired but scared to fall asleep cuz I know I will wake up sick."
1964038829,"love","MaeDayMaeDay","@VFavors awww mannnn  shoot I wish I could make it to your flight! I'll take vegas..trust!"
1964038941,"love","askygoneonfire","oh greg  i want to hug you."
1964038956,"sadness","andy_lamb","And why do they think "how much they want it" is a factor? I really want to be 19 and fit again, but that's just not going to happen"
1964039006,"enthusiasm","tsunimee","@Katie_0407 all over the place it was  boo, dual voice challenge was too challenging"
1964039049,"fun","lmpDJs","@chloestraw  I want to go to the pub. Boooo."
1964039052,"worry","ewa_marine","Answering detailed questions via Twitter can be very difficult. It's a challange to get everything in to less than 140 charactres"
1964039315,"sadness","vBSetup","@millionfagmarch ah, I misunderstood your message. but really dislike the F word in the url   good luck with the march"
1964039370,"neutral","improperburial","@scooterwastaken i think i have mine in hangers in the closet"
1964039430,"sadness","Sweeples","Apparently it's 21 degrees in Kilkenny now! And some comedy would be a great remedy to my boredom! Why the hell did I leave Kilkenny!?"
1964039653,"worry","coreynakonagos","@MATTHARDYBRAND What is everyone saying about the supposed nude pics of Matt Striker? Hope he doesn''t get in trouble"
1964040117,"sadness","DanielleCalkins","So much for having a fun day off at the Brewer game... at home, sick"
1964040203,"worry","penguin_attack","@Skedaddles that is very true.."
1964040512,"worry","ShannaPace","Watching Jeremy assemble jr's new radio flyer bike!!!  Jr is sick with 100 degree fever  taking a nap.  This will cheer him up though!"
1964041510,"hate","mojomoonjo","I made this huge revelation as I was doing the dishes( that everyone left for me) and now I totally forgot it. I hate when that happens."
1964041683,"worry","ekenney","graduation next sunday.. im going to miss my class"
1964041707,"love","josiahplatt","@JessicaHarker !! I miss you too."
1964041880,"fun","JessicaHHY","on youtube watching taylor on the today show wish i was there !"
1964042399,"neutral","LisaBrandos","@TwentyFour  what I said!    I'll have to think about it and try again!"
1964042635,"worry","adriennemcc","@tinyraisins Im in so deep its disgusting. I would even take a LITTLE help. BUt alas i sense it will never happen . . ."
1964042664,"fun","iAmZoraida","@ShawnDotB me to mi sausage"
1964042926,"relief","JackieRoe","@shelleyellie Aw, thanks. Slowly getting over it.  Yep, he tweaked his knee late in the third. Basically stood still for the last 2 games."
1964047663,"worry","iankent","had to pause tv, now i'm 10 minutes behind on BGT"
1964048313,"neutral","Just_Jodi_x","ROFL.. okay I dont know. but Kristin still isnt here"
1964048495,"neutral","hummingbirdC","@tayezzy public bathrooms"
1964048543,"worry","Karasu_Haruki","I miss @digital_dragon and @motoash  I wish they'd talk to me more often"
1964048928,"surprise","SamLuck19","Killed a pigeon today  Thought it was going to move out the way of the car.. next thing I know, BANG feathers in the rear view mirror RIP"
1964049019,"fun","mikeradcliffe7","Out with the guys playing 10 pin & doing Mexican! Great combo! My bowling was not so good though  I blame it on my previous broken arm!!"
1964049083,"worry","AndyKWHau","@jeremycowart I love #polaroid - such a shame they don't make the film for it anymore"
1964049361,"sadness","Hogeypie","being LAME and not in deland with his favorite people"
1964049658,"fun","twinkiechan","off to Sacto to take babies to kennel"
1964049995,"neutral","evolvingblue","@cameronmoll none of the above? there is no none of the above option."
1964050065,"worry","Kay_Bee_","I quite fancy Gregg on #bgt. Singing wasn't as good as his audition though, sadly"
1964050222,"surprise","BDaEminent1","@KattPackAllDay i did dat 1 time & my boss text me saying, "tweet me n my office after dis tweeting is ova!" i havent dun it since."
1964050410,"love","VanLovin","@johnpapa 4:30 on a Friday and you've already got out the fine china? I want I want I want in on it - still at work."
1964051176,"worry","Freshaay","@Willie_Day26 awww man, its nott"
1964051673,"sadness","Ben_Hall","Poor little MBA is on fire again"
1964051694,"sadness","LJRoon","@mrskutcher sorry Demi, just read post that you can attend BGT. Im sure your support for SB has helped tho  a world without paps PLZZ"
1964051745,"neutral","gwynsmom","@ThadMcCotter U were great, as always. But, can't we do an east Germany on noko? Or at least provoke them & then go in 4 the kill."
1964051921,"empty","irishscenegirl","Another lonely night?"
1964052092,"neutral","jsmi4s","@equaliser You can create GPX files from gmaps-pedometer,its a 3rd party link.I had errors with #chrome & #ie7 so far"
1964052366,"sadness","teamDdemiLovato","@ddlovato or with other food like i can't put penutt butter in my bread it always broke my bread  y need to tosted TOO MUCH NOW"
1964052725,"sadness","Kl0w","Demi is a super girl but she don't like the french fans"
1964052951,"sadness","EdieRender","Staying after school today"
1964053218,"worry","meldiane","@chelseytx I don't have the app that does it"
1964053324,"worry","Lena81","Oh no!!!!! It's raining on our Sea World parade  http://yfrog.com/0wvnpj"
1964053352,"neutral","kikihalbert","oooh, sunshine! A patch of sunshine! And it will be gone by the time I leave work and replaced with rain.  /vent"
1964053424,"worry","Treeflower86","@shanedawson YOU SHOULD TOUR!! *lol* I live all the way out in Tennessee! :-P jk. How would you do that?"
1964053771,"worry","Cherye101","is very angrrry! my FB account just got deleted- WTF??? all my poems I have ever written are on there"
1964053774,"sadness","kimberleygrant","wish i was camping at loch lomond right now  stupid work. what film should i watch?"
1964053983,"surprise","babyhick5","dammit.  I need new cupcake tins"
1964054165,"sadness","JodieMiley","lol exams i didn't go to mcast or other school i finished form 5 and that's it soo disappointed in myself"
1964054491,"neutral","kylew01","@MikeGrace Yeah we actually went in the room they were at. I just didn't look under the counter where they were"
1964054541,"sadness","Mina_love","... lunch is no fun when you have nothing to eat."
1964055022,"sadness","erbear2200","@dorkybarb There are currently 0 penguins at the MN zoo...  but we can go sometime soon."
1964055373,"surprise","alangraham","Oh noes .... macbook hard disk has just died"
1964055476,"worry","lisa_x","my cat just fell off my bed lmfao, bless her. she got a fright  xx"
1964055537,"love","ashlita7","wow i love how we have no headache medicine in this house."
1964055879,"neutral","keatonic","the kids are going to see up without me."
1964056058,"neutral","LIEvans","thinks someone may have keyed her car.  Big scratches on the hood."
1964056169,"worry","URBaCS","One of our favorite homebuilders declared bankruptcy. McStain homes out of Louisville is closing down. http://bit.ly/c9iJr"
1964056371,"worry","jvfriedman","@lizzerdrix The stuff I got was precariously close to ricotta cheese. It didn't help."
1964056544,"worry","dyzmik","i feel like i'm quarantined everywhere i go... pinkeye, go away already!"
1964056835,"neutral","heymaritza","It does! Lol but i have none"
1964056928,"enthusiasm","blushink","@TheNest I wish the photos on your site were bigger"
1964057521,"surprise","leaemily","Boooo Animal collective is already sold out.  Guess I'll be missing that show"
1964057585,"neutral","jennyrevelle","@compassandcoin you are not alone"
1964057687,"sadness","JodieMiley","@saytri lol exams i didn't go to mcast or other school i finished form 5 and that's it soo disappointed in myself"
1964058292,"sadness","maxlagos","@gi_ri_ja  it sucks, doesn't it?"
1964058343,"worry","melmel24","@MissBernardo i'll do whatev but i dont have anything to wear"
1964058644,"worry","londonstuff","Have slept all afternoon and evening after getting back from NYC. Now feel bright as a button. Probably a bad move"
1964058772,"worry","protonfactories","@jingruz you can have the sun too. It all sucks, especially for my pale whiteman skin.  @mfnbpwnz I can't stop sneezing, and I blame you."
1964058850,"neutral","lindsayguard","Finishing up my last Friday at Olive Crest"
1964058870,"happiness","faith283","Just got done working out....relaxing than off to work"
1964059387,"neutral","kaystanding","@paulmjohnston Oh I know. For a while they cancelled the 5pm Oxford to Paddington every Friday evening because of staff shortages"
1964059413,"worry","xXxCastielxXx","Extremely busy weekend. So much work to do.  Can't wait for Summer!!"
1964059650,"neutral","610tiger","@kimmyownsyou @bkmaarten They don't do car audio"
1964059840,"neutral","Sandraahhh","I want an iPhone <33333"
1964059968,"enthusiasm","kelllo","maybe going to the movies later? ik gay"
1964060629,"sadness","Nii_x_ckk","Baby just left  gonna get ready (again) and I'm leavin'  Chilis = Full -_-"
1964060711,"sadness","stevendthornton","Sadly, the time has come to put my mom in a home"
1964061104,"enthusiasm","oilman","@lfatzinger the following week would be better - I'll be gone next week"
1964061648,"neutral","miss_sixx","arrg - i've been trying to upload my picture...darn thing won't let me"
1964061656,"worry","pmccrum","Oh.... great.  I think I'm getting sick."
1964062022,"worry","BeachHut81","No @clairabellejp tonight @skc0602"
1964062579,"sadness","dawnr1101","@KellyOlexa my monday starts on friday  but @ least I only work 4 days a week (long days)"
1964063119,"neutral","hummingbird604","@sanazj I dunno, I have tried it in various forms and nothing, can't really like it  my dislike of cheese is an enigma to me"
1964063152,"sadness","Poshy","@NightRPStar I don't think so. We just hired someone for that."
1964063480,"sadness","amandaestes","@MelanieRicheson - I used to have NKOTB sleeping bag too!!  I don't know where it is now"
1964082484,"worry","jester28","Poor balcony sealer guy. Stuck in the rain.   http://mypict.me/20Oh"
1964082521,"worry","gemmmmy_x","@PoyntlasLove it was  i dont think i can look at her now without feeling heartbroken lmao x."
1964082672,"happiness","tannwick","@HoptonHouseBnB Sorry, not meaning to complain, feeling rough and heat getting to me again tonight  Would love to be visiting India though"
1964082674,"sadness","checkumout27","no class the next two days...but work  everyday from today til next wednesday  so sad"
1964082852,"neutral","chrysalisceo","Look at how far away I've gone... locked away in a room trying to work in silence and yet... constant "urgent" emails and IM's persist"
1964083264,"neutral","alexgarcia","@eincline that's me right now, all I can do is stare at everyone else working on thier laptops"
1964083433,"worry","doodlewhale","@Mangowe You're welcome, I am off for some merry noddingtons myself soon. It's not even dark!"
1964083718,"worry","thenameisneish","we dropped the baton in the 4x1.  so now i'm getting ready for the open 400. wish me luck!"
1964083751,"worry","ericasmileygurl","no boby will not talk 2 me"
1964083873,"surprise","paigedelperdang","@xoxobb11 you got it all done?? even the labs? thats all i have left to do. and i cant figure it out. FML"
1964084200,"sadness","kendramcd13","@lovekelsey she's not coming to detroit  only grand rapids in october..."
1964084466,"sadness","elliecopter","@socha4e Me too! I know  I miss all the excitement lol"
1964084678,"worry","OrlandoBuzz","@WESH  That is really sad"
1964085151,"neutral","kisshippie13","just when i get the music to start playing..i clicked "home""
1964085189,"neutral","tommygalicia","Raining again"
1964085279,"sadness","xoMajdaxo","http://bit.ly/GQdbD  one of the saddest songs I've ever heard"
1964085313,"worry","jafferhaider","Or maybe its just us ...."
1964085324,"happiness","sapna__x","@mileycyrus it wouldnt let me vote yesterday  but i made up for it today. i really hope u win cause everyone knows u deserve it =D"
1964085747,"anger","picklelizer","Wish my headache/almost migraine would go away!"
1964085860,"sadness","MichaelaMarina","wish it wasn't raining"
1964086083,"neutral","jmccrae","Going to settle down and watch Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 2. Just had a two Mars Bars  but YUM!"
1964087242,"worry","mrjspencer","@ChewwyUwe http://twitpic.com/66st1 - please let me freee... I can't watch you masturbate for much loongerrr!"
1964087386,"relief","BigSxyChic","Hey my twitter friends, tho very few!!!!"
1964087751,"sadness","ghalidrim","http://twitpic.com/67fue - My formerly pretty car"
1964087790,"sadness","secretasian1963","@ it hurts me that my sister has so much potential and she isnt using any of it  what a waste of God-given talent."
1964088240,"surprise","darlingnisey","o wow tia! the clip was only 14 seconds"
1964088430,"happiness","Marie_Torture","hahahahaha let's tweet! I have two hours  and I need a...."
1964088605,"fun","etdibenedetto","Leaving L.A.  but had so much fun!"
1964088902,"sadness","denisearaoz","back to Salvador. Wish I was in Sao Paulo to see the second concert"
1964089007,"empty","Nickiiixo","Ugh. Waiting for a visitors pass to get on post.  taking FOREVER!"
1964089255,"neutral","HomeWhisperer","@mikeconaty i know the feeling."
1964089603,"worry","Netra","@mayankdhingra yeah... i guess my password was also changed... i was not able to login my FB  cahnge my pw again ...ufff"
1964089635,"sadness","puckman","Draining my iPhone battery in half a day without making a single call sucks!!! It's only 9 months old! Huge FAIL on Apple's part"
1964089981,"worry","lahman","Too busy at work today to trash the cubes of vacationing team members"
1964090490,"worry","dfearnley","I'm hungry  wife is at a Bodyshop Party and is bringing a takeaway home with her - how much longer will the party go on?"
1964091210,"empty","darcyyoung","reaaaallly bored"
1964091369,"relief","SuFiGirl35","Finally get to lay down for a bit i have a major headache"
1964091642,"sadness","thilanwij","@Lakers Stu Lantz is awesome! I miss Chick Hearn tho"
1964091750,"neutral","luciusmalfoy","@epicturtle i hope they can figure it out."
1964091921,"worry","rubydemure","I hate Windows.  I miss my lovely Ubuntu   I'm such a nerd haha"
1964092130,"relief","mellisalamay","@Molltini ok. lol. i miss you too. i hope your cramps get better. i know how painful they can be."
1964092147,"relief","Miel8ve","Awwwwwwww man my baby dried up."
1964092450,"worry","MeghanMacabre","; Another friday night cancel.  probably movies with just Ashley."
1964092466,"worry","ptotheants","This heartburn may be the death of me."
1964092532,"sadness","sammc44","@Samm_xx awww, that sucks"
1964092643,"sadness","megan122305","@mitchelmusso Im sad i cant go. it makes me sad"
1964092839,"sadness","Whitala","So sad they discontinued my sesame tofu salad at trader joes"
1964092952,"worry","sebastianc82","@ego_assassin @slinka sucks about your cat... hope you guys feel better"
1964093465,"love","BattleBabeeyx","@buckhollywood aw it was so sad  shes too cute!"
1964093699,"happiness","christyrae7","Eww its gross here & a lady keeps looking at me weird  ha ha but another smiled & asked me if i was in their company..me in the army? LOL"
1964094725,"sadness","Stephobe","Gonna miss you Nanna & Bampa, She going to the lake disdrict ):  Omg !! got disney channel. Miss you baby matt  Love you x Will do mitchel"
1964094786,"worry","I_Am_Rubi","Sick......and no it's not the swine flu atleast I hope not"
1964095399,"sadness","danyay","too cold to take the boat out tonight   might go out anyway, but danvan isn't in operation either. BUMMER"
1964095779,"happiness","SteffiNicole","@itsjakey I love it when you call me chica"
1964096165,"worry","thesickchick","@neoknits -- That's got to be hard. My parents have been apart most of their marriage  For 6 months this year t &I will be 10K mi apart"
1964096447,"worry","allievictoria","Ugh. I have a migrane"
1964096668,"surprise","tsunimee","oh dear, they selected the worst bit for highlight for soprano guy"
1964096936,"neutral","TDP4","I get the feeling @kris0614 is going to make me wait until I get home to tell me I'm denied vittles from BWW."
1964096957,"neutral","stoverhilary","@moonfrye My plans for the weekend include working on a paper and driving my guy 2 the airport. Won't see him for 3 wks."
1964097047,"worry","dramirezcr","Whaaaat a strong rain just came over us here in Santa Clara. I wish I could sleep but I got to attend to an important meeting"
1964097295,"empty","MelissaP4484","Sooo the Children's Museum was closed for a fund raiser when we got there.  annoying"
1964097735,"sadness","zadr","@Aonir I'm trying to convince @janeylicious to wait a bit to see Up! as well. She doesn't want to see it with me"
1964097753,"sadness","writingwildly","@TheRankinFiles to be fair, she was asking about mktg cd's, etc, but I suggested more and she never even emailed back."
1964097863,"neutral","givemestrength","@foilplay un cross them please..I was planning on buying a lambo this summer, next stop,, pitsvillle baby...=people carrier"
1964116271,"worry","KamilotQueen","My Head Feels Like It's Going To Explode"
1964116413,"happiness","dapoopta","@sneadles What a great picture!  We won tons of money that day.  (       )"
1964116702,"love","sparkli","am bored out of my skull.  i have got to get a job.  this SUCKS.  i need entertainment. /grumbles"
1964116961,"worry","TinkerGem","Sunburnt  Gutted! Hope it's faded by tmw!"
1964116964,"sadness","archangelmaggie","@davidismyangel is enough time!! (if i get into VIP!) but i know that doesn't make up for it  at least they'll have each other!"
1964117049,"sadness","EthicalAtheist","You can't even gift money away these days.  re: http://ff.im/3lqUx"
1964117153,"sadness","QueenM81","@AnhHoang ?? Sorry you posted the vid again, but it won't load for me..."
1964117374,"worry","yayathebeauty","I can't go out when my heart is home sick  even if it is my bday, family health comes 1st"
1964118131,"happiness","JamieSaunders","Ready to celebrate the weekend! oh wait, I have 15 more minutes"
1964118290,"worry","farriss","@agentrickard Oh no!"
1964118350,"worry","dmitry","Need to get an adjustment, neck is all out of whack"
1964118411,"sadness","boylover98","@Agarcia1097 y r u so defensive on the bus??!!!?? Being mean to me, you make me sad!!!"
1964118635,"worry","ContentCreator","@Kyle_B_Judah i am too old for Vegas"
1964118823,"relief","jdooty","poor me, JUST going to nap"
1964118843,"fun","medra36","@shipperz Im alive..lol ooooo  youre not here"
1964118951,"neutral","paigedelperdang","@Ashleys4 me too"
1964119303,"worry","siphathisiwe","am sitting in the library with eyes half closed cause havent slept in a while coz of exams"
1964119722,"worry","TarenJ","can't find her favorite Nike shorts"
1964119839,"worry","Shoebytes","Why is it hot in herrrre all of a sudden?"
1964120000,"love","improperhostess","@meldeschene arnold, california.  aka the best place ever...wish you could come with!!!"
1964120055,"sadness","evejoe","I want to go swimming"
1964120141,"worry","xrudyx","@ursusfidelis sry about tweeting so much"
1964120303,"hate","jufrijumsi","My niece had e-learning yesterday. She used my computer. I had like 2-3 hours of sleep only. I was cranky and I behaved like an ass!"
1964120445,"surprise","nNoela","@TwiSuperfan what?!?! OMG!!! I can't view this on my iPhone!!"
1964120552,"sadness","jaseOFF","@the_law_rence & @SimplySarah19 WHY?! my head feels like the surface of the sun  underneath a beaver pelt."
1964121039,"sadness","ENYLYNMAY","Mi corazonsito tiene frio... this weather sucks!"
1964122015,"worry","BC4815","But anywho, I just got in and out of the pool within like 30 minutes because it's about to start storming"
1964122267,"worry","nkaddict","@PinkyNKOTB Oh I've got that one & the stp x step one on VHS. Tried connecting our video to harddrive to copy to DVD but didnt work"
1964122395,"neutral","CharlotteCFC","Guus's last game 2moz"
1964122474,"worry","DanyelleTauryce","put a pot of eggs on the stove to boil..and forgot about them..then remembered them 45 min later! wonder if they'll still b good"
1964122852,"sadness","sparah07","bad mood and i dont feel good. too bad no one cares"
1964122879,"sadness","rachealhekking","@jeremydurden I really miss you right now"
1964123511,"worry","LaChicaPreciosa","Ouuchh! I hurt my index finger!! ahhhh"
1964123567,"neutral","PeterChamps","Another day @ Casino de Montreal"
1964123854,"neutral","stopdreaming","ftsk (L) haven't listened to them in a while. so fucking pissed off my with so called 'friends', can't wait to leave this shitty school"
1964123915,"love","missthang11408","Stressed  I want prom to be perfect for me & my babe and shit aint looking to good right now!"
1964124108,"sadness","heatherRSP","@brianna_love aw i'm not goanna get to see you tonight   cos i have to leave tot's early to go to missy's bday party. pullin a double haha"
1964124413,"sadness","imogenfarr","@tinytim2701 Can't go out this weekend, 12 hours of exams next week prevent it  Got my uni summerball next Sat though, should be good!"
1964124821,"neutral","cardiacheart","@kafryn i cant"
1964125213,"surprise","sexidance","@oyfreakinvey u can eat sashimi!!! just not rice"
1964125324,"relief","myra_ganggirl","TODAY IS A GOOD DAY BUT ITS COLD"
1964125452,"neutral","all3n_y","I want to watch the movie "Up" but no one wants to watch it with me"
1964125826,"worry","PrettyPistachio","Really struggling with my packaging design"
1964126172,"sadness","markallenhays","Sticks and stones may break my bones...but words will hurt forever."
1964126202,"worry","HousecatHST","I'm really full and I feel sick"
1964126308,"worry","MadEmpress","I keep pulling out my knitting at my desk and then putting it back.  Not good!  Not good!    T-minus 15 minutes till release........"
1964126317,"worry","MrsBlue23","@BrittanyASnow LOL YOU ALWAYS FORGET ME"
1964126648,"worry","klammers08","@JustPlainMeg im sorry  i wish that i was there instead (it would give you a good excuse to get away from him) hehe...i love you <3"
1964126787,"sadness","gigglesalot","@chickwoman97  im riding the highs and lows of moods now.... chores blow"
1964127110,"worry","wyerwnxz","this is sooo crazy i have fever.."
1964127351,"surprise","noralsex","@iamyoushouldtoo Oh, I'm jealous (how surprising)"
1964127406,"sadness","luna621","AC in our building died.  Been like that for the past 3 days"
1964127614,"sadness","alythe","@leathermartini Awwwh.    Sorry!  We'll be glad when you're closer to us, though!"
1964128369,"worry","mamiesgoo","Its going to be a very long weekend. Very long."
1964128465,"surprise","MadisonMitchell","@contentwhore Okay. I'm all out of ideas"
1964129114,"worry","BluffDiverDove","@rvca i had a blast at the sale today! had one pair of cords mis sized tho  but still worth it! might come back tomorrow! thankssss"
1964129416,"neutral","MER11","@DChi606 Sadly, all I have is the Stanley Steemer 800 number."
1964129529,"worry","TGrantPhoto","...getting our site transferred over to a new server ... this is going to be quite a job"
1964129876,"sadness","JessieeeeeH","Awww that lil girl on bgt :'( when they said she didnt have time :'( that was soo sad  and them huggin her"
1964130006,"sadness","McEntire1255","Trying to decide on a movie with the friends.. not going to well! lol :p  No bible study 2nite, which means no b-day cake  buy my own??"
1964130215,"sadness","AlynWeisman","saddest celeb story of the week  http://bit.ly/h09Ph"
1964131442,"worry","JMaeTurley","Just finished curling her hair!!!! And now has to finish getting ready but doesn't have a ribbon to put in her hair"
1964139665,"sadness","carolyninaus","Holidays are now over - not fair!!"
1964139733,"worry","foto208com","Guess I should have called  See ya."
1964139894,"love","kcavaliere","i'm gonna miss eddy if we're half the country apart"
1964139984,"neutral","luvthebird2330","Not going to the dance recital and now i feel like a piece of shit cuz it cost so much money"
1964140220,"worry","pentacular","@kwwheeler  What's all your fault?"
1964140687,"surprise","MeeDolinsky","Fuck, I cut my finger!"
1964140771,"worry","sampan22","@gillianre no they didn't!"
1964140996,"love","Stephobe","@mitchelmusso Think you should do a tour in England, we dont got to see any aweomse people !!"
1964141424,"neutral","wiltedstripes","woken up by mum. work"
1964141466,"sadness","metro52c","Stupid Twitter - now I'm faceless ..."
1964141570,"sadness","disney_lilo","@johnhensel hate u....  I have 2 wait one week to see it cuz here (Puerto Rico) is still coming soon...."
1964141694,"worry","HotMess4CCNK","@ebassman Right here! Army Wife in Germany! I can't STAND that I cannot be there this summer!"
1964141789,"surprise","missesoxclusive","@TaLisaDuhhh you stopped followin me?"
1964142238,"sadness","iyaitssuzanne","@mitchelmusso i wish i could but it would cost too much to call you all the way from the UK"
1964142308,"fun","dawnya73","have an extra Justin Rutledge ticket for the Mod Club tonight"
1964142380,"worry","funkybrownchick","@beley It's so not like me  I'm in the middle of coordinating a 3-point move: stuff from IL --> old NYC apt + all stuff --> new apt."
1964143015,"hate","Spook26","Needs to 'unfollow' some tweeps, its not that I dislike you but I can't keep up with you tweeting literally every 2 minutes! Sorry"
1964143122,"worry","crystalDB20","I'm being a lazy bum..boo for jack he always works on fridays"
1964143410,"sadness","vickyjones91","@mitchelmusso is the album getting a uk release? if not ill have to order it and pay a huge amount to get it shipped to the uk"
1964143621,"worry","jaffejuice","@gregverdino I can't believe you tweeted that. It was our special moment"
1964143774,"happiness","stevegarufi","@AboutLittleRock Wow. @mhenslee is constantly ranting about his love for Genghis Grill too. Never been there; not here in Colorado."
1964143856,"happiness","Rianca","Tomorrow it will be a warm day..  For some reason I don't like the sun that much. xD But I'll go swim! ;D So that's better. xD"
1964144540,"hate","Bisma_B","My car might have to be totaled"
1964144561,"worry","yisca","rushing to sitter to pick up my 103F-fevered preschooler"
1964144733,"sadness","diiilxia","@mitchelmusso i can't i can't i can't  i'm sad.... i'm from venezuela!"
1964144755,"worry","GoogleMeBabe","I swear its so hot I dont want to leave my house  Is it hot where your at?"
1964144936,"neutral","DiDi_Pop","@Rysherd yes! My co-workers don't go to bars with me"
1964144959,"worry","jcordelia","@SidanArchion It's all over now...now I have to go talk to people in Melrose...cashier, registrar, etc. All those unfun places"
1964145093,"surprise","ammyjade","3OH!3 - Rich man is amazing, really can't be bothered for school on Monday"
1964145604,"anger","SaintSimmy","Gah, I sprained my LEFT ankle... Just after I got over the torn ligament for my right foot. Looks like it's back to walking with a cane"
1964145679,"empty","teegirly","went to the dmv today.....some things never change"
1964145835,"worry","cameronolivier","@TimothyTheron hmm sorry, I went mia there"
1964146328,"neutral","hellokatykaty","In Yucaipa. Gonna watch the game alone or what"
1964146337,"worry","ficwriterpaul","@3spur I work at Schneider Electric, but not much longer. They are sending our jobs to Mexico"
1964146548,"neutral","dknutson","Sad news - Young Quinland Building's white-gloved elevator operator has retired   http://tinyurl.com/ne6mlu"
1964146927,"worry","Jshopsthemall","@ChuckGysi  oh sorry - I misunderstood. I'm not 100% sure but I'm thinking there isn't"
1964146958,"neutral","Hannah517","Just got back from school! Ugh I don't want to go to the dance tonight"
1964147373,"hate","jeaninecordera","@FollowActive Oh so nooooowwww youre too busy for me...dam I see how it is! How long we known each other?!?!?"
1964147429,"surprise","amyfarrant","@unahealy wish i could go, but I have an exam the day after the only one i could to go to, so im not allowed  are you touring next year?"
1964147676,"worry","LewyLouBear","ouch, my back. I'm sick of having a pamela anderson esque chest"
1964147725,"sadness","ConnorGreen","everyones just set to "Away" on msn.. nobody to talk to :\"
1964147727,"sadness","TheCre8ive","@HeroBeth That was my entire week!! I didn't get to design once while at my GRAPHIC DESIGN job, only at home doing freelance. Sad."
1964147784,"neutral","bia_182","@Geeblink A eu fiz de chocolate"
1964147919,"neutral","TCOKChris","i tried calling work 5 times and they wont answer"
1964148103,"hate","lovestars96xx","@simplyvanessa why you never answer me..  wath i say to you"
1964148143,"neutral","dragontart","@dollyblowflake Hi there.  I agree!  Small children should be running about happy, not breaking down in tears"
1964148162,"enthusiasm","ImaMonsta","@cerealck1 i want one so bad  get one for me ?? (:"
1964148476,"hate","marissa_couch","my dads being an ass....."
1964149450,"relief","SamanthaEnnis11","wow, i broke my toe today on a stupid piece of concrete!  LAME! job searching then sight seeing with Brittany."
1964149732,"love","MoragIrving","@MissKibbles Thanks, thought that may have been the case  chap here doing awful job of Addicted on BGTalent....."
1964150267,"fun","12gaBrowningGal","@rickblanton Not married any more! Silly man! That was done long ago, you do read my tweets! Barely escaped w/out paying him alimony!"
1964150348,"love","ciara73","@lizzie123x aww sweetie  you could always take a break and read or write something happier that'll make you feel better"
1964150744,"worry","sweetdee30","Now standing because my tailbone is killing me"
1964150826,"sadness","l17_glg","@Clumsyflic the kid that got a second chance shudnt have. mowgli didnt. gutted"
1964151538,"worry","ailuj1997","So freaking close to getting my car back. Told me I could pick it up then call back to tell me there is a crack in the mfing windshied."
1964151691,"sadness","ronarama","really really misses her"
1964151823,"worry","yummkathycakes","does not want to go to sixth period."
1964151900,"sadness","rawsul","oh yes, the Cavs win game5, now onto game6. it's still danger, they HAVE to win this one either, it's no shot for the championship"
1964152153,"hate","xlil_emmax","ughh feel rubbish"
1964152160,"neutral","WandaDiaz","@ the office craving ice cream"
1964152263,"worry","Love_TreySongz","deff workin this weekened"
1964152714,"hate","claireyfairy1","#bgt What happened Greg.  That was a rubbish follow up."
1964153032,"sadness","HautTotes","Damn, I never knew I could miss my phone so much for 4 hours till they told me I won't have it back till then"
1964153184,"sadness","savannaislame","playing with Zeke, he's leaving today"
1964153291,"worry","TinaKirkines","@ChantelleDaily sold out in 6 stores, i don't think so"
1964153322,"worry","Iluvthelord01","Just finished taking world geograhy final!!! I think I did bad!!!!"
1964153435,"sadness","LauraLeeShaw","@KellyCombs  I'm bummed to miss you.   Hope you enjoy your writing conf. tho!"
1964153650,"worry","laubow_","@MegsEggs i know its such a shame  i think they've got a good chance & i hope they do coz they are different aren't they & great :]!"
1964153689,"neutral","x_Jasmin","There's Only One Thing I Hate About Friends And Dats When They Move Skl They Forget About Yuu"
1964155604,"worry","kryshakaye","I'm all scared and bruised."
1964155762,"anger","KellieBean7","My throat is on fire"
1964156054,"sadness","VoniaPerna","I am sucking with the abbreviation today. Sorry  My sentences look like my eight year old is typing them. lol"
1964156212,"worry","JulzOnTheGO","Medicine Man Oh Medicine Man where for Art thou? FEELiN.... FAiNt... can't....go .....On (lyin on floor)  `````````"
1964156621,"enthusiasm","britttnicole","yeahh, uhhh, not so sure if i'm feeling the new jonas songs just yet"
1964156699,"sadness","HeriCabral","@aaronob I had it! On my itunes, but then I lost all my songs."
1964156889,"sadness","EmilyDeLapp","Its official, I'm having the worst day. I called it a mile away"
1964157059,"neutral","thethammavongsa","Last scheduled corn dog oc shift"
1964157200,"worry","ErikVoIP","Weekend looks sloppy  Looking forward to a great week with great customers!"
1964157249,"sadness","kt_scarlett","i'm sickk  ... tomorrow will be a disaster if i don't get better."
1964157263,"empty","gillianre","@sampan22 they did,"
1964157570,"neutral","Jovi_Jonas","Its so obvious Holly will go thru on the public vote straight away.. SOOO obvious.  Then Aidan and Greg for judges but neither should go"
1964157696,"sadness","MeBeLindsay","im depressed on this pretty day  Everyone either is doing something or CAN'T...bleh -.-"
1964157716,"worry","sleepygorilla","@misspache  Ya, it was pretty bad. Not sure when I will get to go visit. We have been super busy lately."
1964158014,"worry","gracefh","head hurts and I feel sick  and I have to go to work tomorrow"
1964158028,"worry","SuperGinge","@OhBlee awww, that sucks  But they're so awesome when you get one, all squeeky and happy. I only have one left now though"
1964158911,"worry","Beccalou37","@nicola_prigg pah - she isn't ready for it poor little mite"
1964159582,"neutral","jrsteveosu2012","@Timothy_Carroll i want a marty mcflyy t-shirt."
1964159645,"neutral","josefamanriquez","@nicole531 http://twitpic.com/5s5f9 - Joe had the same shirt in the concer here, in Chilee! hahaha Big rob wasn't here"
1964159753,"worry","whythulc","@HaleyFaye  Why?"
1964159872,"sadness","bellwerkz","@pawstoupdate that breaks my heart"
1964159995,"neutral","LegendaryWriter","@WeAreBrave  not"
1964160363,"worry","triplenickel","#bgt Will Holly take being paraded on stage again for potential rejection?"
1964160893,"neutral","kbourke","Fractured growth plate doesn't mix well with the upcoming dance recital for 12yr old.    Does anybody want to buy a costume...or six? GAH!"
1964161180,"worry","swallow_elxsol","@travisjestes  never have good dreams like that."
1964161284,"worry","sherina","WFD: Lasagna. Still 45 minutes to go, so hungry now."
1964161561,"worry","arcticfox1996","ummmm i have no idea what im doing but my friend is pissed off at me now and i dont know why she hates me so much I NEED HELP BRITNEY plz"
1964161809,"neutral","Teddyron","Would like some Nutella. None to be had"
1964161820,"surprise","sinecoff76","@sydneetaylor ur welcome sweetie . Anytime . I need to find a way to get more followers , I don't have many"
1964162257,"love","sarahxmcfly","in edinburgh. just had a chinese yum! better take wee haggis out hes cryin at me   dunno y tho xox"
1964162301,"sadness","danipoynterjudd","@mitchelmusso it's so sad, i'd love to talk to you but i live in the uk  can't wait for the new album, please say hi to me xxx"
1964162846,"sadness","ellenfitz","@DirtLawyer Re: SWA & Pets - Good news for owners, bad news for people w/ allergies who needed to fly for less $$. Sad for many I know."
1964163179,"surprise","sallyslytherin","@glasgirl GAAAAAAASP I didn't know it will be the final one!!  Sad, I've been reading those books for years"
1964163268,"hate","Lisaduhh","Work till 6..then dreadful tv shopping cause mine broke"
1964163832,"hate","CocoaGeek","@MostTornBrain Agreed, the review process is unfortunately not a very fair one ...   #iphonedev"
1964163871,"neutral","___Sunny___","@radioclash Ich will auch zu Pinkpop"
1964164180,"sadness","securityintern","@ultramegaman I've never done a Friday digest... today is an anomaly, usually my schedule on Fridays doesn't leave time for it."
1964164410,"sadness","XJonathanB","I already miss my Mohawk."
1964164426,"empty","CTerry1985","@tom_pollard I have no denial for this because it is the fucking truth"
1964164781,"sadness","PuddleMonkey","Arrived safely in San Fran. Disgraced to report that I tossed my cookies. Seems I no longer have the constitution for flying."
1964204576,"worry","jamesarthurreed","has a good heart... or so says the doctor. Except that the doctor won't be in until Tuesday afternoon to put that in writing...."
1964204601,"worry","rasmoses","@MightyJunebugg nooo... as a font connoisseur i can totally relate dude, my heart goes out to you"
1964204673,"surprise","officialpeta","@StefiBeautifulO I know.  There's no reason for any of that."
1964204712,"sadness","sampan22","@gillianre  im not happy im emailin a complaint! haha il hav 2listen again on sunday"
1964204730,"sadness","BryanBej","@LexieLovesgreys well sadly I live in the most boring city in the USA, so there is nothing to do here."
1964204774,"empty","MaraBG","@TomVMorris Tom, your FB link isn't working."
1964205666,"sadness","ZuZuBrandy","Cant believe Venus lost. A real shame. Smh. I think im getting sick  Had such a crap week, doesnt look like the wknd is gona be better!"
1964205698,"neutral","sexidance","@oyfreakinvey ME TOO UGH"
1964205890,"neutral","EarthAngel05","@Antonisha man those people are hard to reach, I've been stalking H.R."
1964206152,"love","Andrealang132","@LittleMissLea HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love it!!! No, actually, I have been having mad cravings lately though"
1964206653,"neutral","Thatd00d85","It's raining at seaworld"
1964206804,"worry","tannwick","@HoptonHouseBnB I know - no probs. The driving bit always gets to me this time of the ac. year  Which bit of sea are you going to? Aber?"
1964206974,"worry","mrs_mcsupergirl","@FreyaLynn it's too friggin late now."
1964207004,"surprise","KRob5858","Just got home, no rosie surprise of smiles hugs & kisses waiting for me."
1964207138,"worry","manda_rama","Almost 2 more hours then i'm out of work. Time couldn't go by any slower."
1964207345,"sadness","ederner","my baby man is 4 years old a week today  he's growing up too fast....."
1964208340,"empty","ActiveForever","@thirstyfishinfo Speaking of fish, our company fish just died  RIP Julio"
1964208986,"neutral","d437","People eight years my junior can't understand most of my references"
1964209347,"worry","njtam","at the direct selection tool who is being stubborn and not working for me today."
1964209419,"surprise","Kiwikewlio","@nunie I have to go to Spanish mass on Sunday  And then write a couple of papers. Boo."
1964209476,"worry","kristinluccoxxx","R.I.P little bird that flew into my window snapping his neck"
1964209801,"boredom","teribabyy","@ericmaglio1 i have no phone  whatchu doing tonight sucka. no dane cook she sold the tickets. lamee."
1964209913,"neutral","TheKatieCherry","@steff_blehh where i do not see you steff  what time are you on it ?."
1964209934,"sadness","justplaindave1","@Suziebee123 yes dear....  ... I'm opff bbl8r"
1964210119,"love","maddbass","@melodykid  i wlda seen it wit you! dummyhead."
1964210995,"sadness","suppie","came online for a big cause. ruined"
1964211150,"worry","shaketramp","i got stung. by a bee."
1964211217,"fun","xdanix1992","@djknucklehead  no water park today? made me jealous looking at that pic"
1964211269,"worry","rahuldewan","A long and stressful day coming up tomorrow. Have to write responses to EOI; doing a colleagues job"
1964211722,"worry","bonniengo","i have so much homework  i think i am going to hide in a corner and cry."
1964211999,"fun","lisa_wilkins","I've already been cleaning for over an hour!!! So much more http://twitpic.com/67gzx"
1964212232,"surprise","ttbubba101","@tinabby Got that right! And i know when I found out she wasn't coming i cried!  It really sucks but Im still happy she headlining  now!"
1964212278,"worry","tweetmarcus","AAAAARRRRGGGHHH! there is a huge spider in the towel pile, *cries* glad Kerbear isn't here  sorry mum cant bring the rest in"
1964213920,"worry","NastySteve","@adrenalynntoao I've been readin your last few twitts. I hope your ok"
1964214022,"worry","kkirkman","@rolandsmartin Awe Man, I hope someone turns it in"
1964214177,"surprise","Vikkipedia","@leahchu  that's the worst dream ever. weird to think all of those thoughts are in your subconscious."
1964214202,"sadness","mlane","@arnteriksen I'm having exactly the same day you are, man. Just buried over here  #FollowFriday"
1964214216,"hate","irishsamom","I have had to yield my computer to the Webkinz Fan Club..."
1964214391,"sadness","MariamElisa","@kaelahbee Aw, Kaelah I feel so bad for you. This sounds serious? Please get better soon. I admire you for still working hard and stuff."
1964214443,"sadness","kierram","is feeling Fab today and missing my boo"
1964214720,"worry","anticipating","@ausaudriel no money atm, plus I did that trial so I don't know if it would let me play without buying that new exp"
1964215211,"neutral","conniecrosby","@egsa no plan currently"
1964215219,"hate","niannian","@msmiya127 did your car get towed? Thats what happened to redgie's car last time he went there  another reason why i don't like splashtown"
1964215443,"neutral","VampireAdam","@EllabellCullen3 I can't. I'm on my iPod and it doesn't have IM"
1964215610,"sadness","EmmettMcCardy","@RosalieJHale I'm fine, I've just been trying to figure out the meaning behind this song, and I cant think of anything.  urlm.in/cnmt"
1964216248,"relief","Dialemic","@drewave At least you made it"
1964216402,"worry","diamondbuyer","On runway 2 hours"
1964216484,"hate","josiek4","@Emilee_Marie Wish I could make it too!!! I hate my commute sometimes"
1964217192,"worry","jamesecook","#bgt It's a shame that the Dreambears won't get through"
1964217532,"fun","enliytenme","@LadyStar88 Lol...I am greedy. I'm craving Coldstone again."
1964217768,"neutral","malloryhawk","@Blo0dsta1ned i know my mom is going up there monday with me to get it changed. i'm so upset"
1964217954,"worry","mel0690","just took my best friend of 13 years, How well you know Katie Outzen quiz and failed, how does that happen? its just so sad!"
1964218496,"hate","love_is_a_lie_","I always want to be perfect. That�s so hard cause I even know that it�s impossible. ..."
1964218720,"neutral","Remy_Foster","@ChickenStudios i dont know"
1964219137,"neutral","xRetroxMetrox","nothin to do"
1964219427,"neutral","LindsWhitehead","@TheRealKristi Many miles of driving today. No time to twitter"
1964219963,"relief","AnotherGoodDay","Happy Friday Dance, no rain and I'm about outta here..till 2morrow  I sat the saturday morning shift, but its still all good"
1964220266,"worry","T2amaziin619","Noooooo worst news ever today my tattoo artist is moving omg what am I going to do!?!?!?!?"
1964220376,"sadness","pinkgnomie","fed up of pain now"
1964220405,"worry","TheEmmaHamilton","@thisisryanross I won't leave you alone until you accept my appology"
1964220909,"hate","pixonu","Damn it. Totally gutted I decided not to go out tonight. Roni Size is DJing"
1964221408,"worry","mohalen","@natalidelconte I bet you received lots of hit from that tweet; at work i cannot, wish i could"
1964221859,"hate","chrisnemetz","At the art all state. I feel very sick."
1964222085,"worry","VajayjayRojas","@Smokeroomsocial I'ma say you should smudge yourself before I start calling people given the malicious action we pulled the other night"
1964222097,"worry","ITG2009","How to get a $40 trumpet book - get caught in the rain with an $80 trumpet book ... oh dear  NY"
1964222165,"neutral","absoluteremix","@noland_fam lol it's coming up too  probably mid june early julyish???"
1964222226,"sadness","skads","Broke the laptop again..."
1964222253,"happiness","jenniesloan1","@nizhonipetphoto i wannna go   i wanna go anywhere but jersey"
1964223019,"worry","JackFenner","@kiteman1 yeah unfortuantley  Sam hanks crap bowl that he like rolled along the floor got me out  grr"
1964223108,"sadness","Mellogirl123","just wants to hear his voice"
1964223157,"worry","JeffreyNYC","@xXHAZELXx Don't think you would be happy if you were..."
1964223464,"worry","msmeg7594","wants to go back to charleston"
1964223657,"neutral","melissamychel","@opium_war  <3?"
1964224271,"worry","danger_skies","@Doodlebug18 I'm sorry darling  anything I can do?"
1964224366,"neutral","AeriformOne","Thats it, its the end. Tears for Fears vs Eric Prydz, DJ Hero   http://bit.ly/2Hpbg4"
1964224492,"neutral","KyleBrees","Im on my way to brookings"
1964224586,"worry","patchworkboy","My grandpa just told me he feels useless. I said, "Papa you're in your 80's, you just do what makes you happy", somehow I doubt it helped"
1964224876,"neutral","rosesandthorns2","Changing to work,."
1964225286,"neutral","brenz88","Just finished her tennis match... Lost tho  6-3, 1-6, 4-6"
1964225332,"sadness","lauraisyourhost","my dog poppy is poorly  i hate seeing my pets ill, so sad!"
1964225710,"hate","21seant","I went over the limit for actions per hour for twitter clients.  i hate that limit."
1964225858,"neutral","jessiiemcfly","aidan, please"
1964226282,"happiness","cruz610","@jtsui i wish i could sat but thats a super busy day  sunday perhaps? playing football in dolores park too, youre welcome to come hang!"
1964226818,"neutral","21Kathy","Back at home,11 hours till work"
1964226896,"worry","LewyLouBear","@MrJRGregory Im 20 - believe me, I've tried! I'm just too ginger! Freckles join up on my face - that's it!  get it out a bottle cancer ..."
1964227095,"worry","LewyLouBear","@MrJRGregory Im 20 - believe me, I've tried! I'm just too ginger! Freckles join up on my face - that's it!  get it out a bottle cancerfree"
1964227348,"hate","BIGGC_","@LittleMissDx it sux ur so it a diff country"
1964227836,"fun","alexandradunn7","Took a long nap...I feel like I should still be asleep"
1964228010,"sadness","GordonVanDyke","Hernia is hurting way more than usual tonight, no way I'm able to go out!"
1964228323,"surprise","lifeonvinyl","@harrisonjsmith i need to get tickets though  idk how that is gonna happen"
1964228324,"hate","sarahbeery","swoobs and swass.... why the hell is air not on TODAY when I am packing  blech"
1964228600,"sadness","teufl0302","@eabearce oh @ work? poor boy"
1964228733,"worry","luv4randb1231","@canadian_diva yeah I know! other than youtube rip I don't know how to keep it."
1964229170,"love","handfulskittles","is so glad the weekend is here. Only one more week left of school with my kids."
1964229481,"happiness","ChakatSilver","@Rikmach Yeah, I remember.  *hugs*"
1964229849,"sadness","Xx_JessicaB_xX","Got a bad headache"
1964230521,"worry","christie430","i had navy blue under my black nailpolish for a while and i think it stained my nails a little.."
1964230581,"worry","maddbass","@melodykid ahhh i cant go then! i could've gone at like 1"
1964230702,"neutral","edgarparada","@Rougite nop  uso grooveshark pero muy informal ni user tengo"
1964230751,"worry","united_by_fate","just doesn't understand why this thing wont save my photos  Defo uggo! lol"
1964230886,"worry","AdamRou","@vicenzo2009 No star replies to me"
1964230894,"worry","missymidge","Someone just sent me a random phone pic of Asian cats (with the paws in the air like in sushi/Chinese restaurants), and I don't know who"
1964231114,"neutral","KristyT1978","@donnanorgren: Oh its begun long before this!"
1964231358,"fun","asgard","Late night fun with friend, and early morning wake ups make Zeb a very grumpy girl"
1964231440,"surprise","LarryMusic","Listen to Back Around by @ddlovato ...love this song. Meet @TiniOlsen tomorrow ^.^ But we can�t go swimming  Sorry"
1964231776,"sadness","PrettyItaly","Why do my friends feel as though they don't need to bring gifts to my house warming...A mess"
1964231836,"sadness","screwthislevel","@nova_caine I saw it, it made me sad"
1964232290,"sadness","cwilly","Dammit, forgot to go canvas shopping today"
1964232370,"sadness","sokalchica","another long day..glad its the weekend..but still on call"
1964232373,"neutral","gailbarton","#BGT DCD Seniors were good, but not good enough."
1964232548,"love","xCarlyy","@Jonasbrothers my favorite song is 'Im standing here but you dont see me, i'd give it all for that to change' i dont know what its called"
1964237335,"enthusiasm","earobinson","@_dritan Dam you, I want an #android, stupid only rogers"
1964237467,"worry","TheRealJennZ","@thepresidentJx3 should I still come? Its gonna be a while"
1964238473,"sadness","mrs_mcsupergirl","i don't even want to go to the store to get ice cream.  i wasted a cute outfit on... sitting on my ass on twitter!!"
1964239048,"worry","karenbrand","Never got round to buying the ice creams in work- took a call from my lawyer which knocked me off kilter"
1964239236,"worry","KittyPoops","Guess this is a 24-48 hour maintenance.. I'm so sad I miss my friends"
1964239275,"worry","lwcavallucci","@mleis hence Jew on Jew. Not pretty. I'm sorry"
1964239329,"worry","Ksaladbits","Dead gerbil"
1964239432,"happiness","NattieDMcG","Smith/Amherst mini-reunion last night was fun- how i miss the old days"
1964239535,"sadness","Fletcherrrr","stomach cramps; sat in bed with a hot water bottle having some hot milk & toast, i feel like a wi girl again :') minus the stomach cramps"
1964240048,"hate","DbbyInDaLoop","@MissNikkiC I kno I kknow ... sigh... been on. but it sux"
1964241078,"worry","Smrbre25","I am so tired!"
1964241827,"worry","CeratosaurusRex",""And now my mom and her friend are drinking.. Greatt..""
1964241900,"love","AsheTalketh","Awwwww  HE JUST WANTS A HUG!!!"
1964242436,"happiness","hollieh8988","@_Stephhh_ Awww  I heard he is the sweetest guy with fans."
1964242539,"neutral","wharrod","The Vogue model Miss Rachel is out  Merh ..."
1964242863,"happiness","emmaXIII","Me and mum are lost in grangemouth. Utter hilarity! Totally lost"
1964242943,"neutral","MRMIMe","@hauntyou Umm..ok..just don't start cats on fire..  ...promise"
1964243276,"hate","CaitlinGwynne","WORSE FUCKING DAY EVERRRR.   Tonight better make up for today"
1964243861,"neutral","notashamed","Ugh 3 more hours"
1964244100,"sadness","Loois9","Omg what is up with parents today !  I've been fighting with mine"
1964244636,"neutral","sexidance","@oyfreakinvey rofl"
1964244885,"empty","TheDarkestDay","More sunburn"
1964244936,"surprise","voltaires_vice","@Paperclippe My iPod headphones have gone kaput.  Wanted to buy new ones. Should I buy some Bose instead then? Do they work with Apple?"
1964245332,"hate","Its_Heather","types too fast for her own good. and has been craving pizza for 2+ wks. GAH i hate not having a job i want pizza!  lmaoz why me?!"
1964245422,"worry","archpopoy","@Need4Sheed_com Ohhh got it. It's the 8830 I think  I miss the Pistons  I really hope Joe D cooks up something big!"
1964246345,"worry","daigoba66","frame damage... car could be totalled"
1964246404,"happiness","baconfish","@ProfessorSpork I actually envy you even though I've already seen it.  It was that good!"
1964246425,"worry","KellyyyMarieee","My logic to getting a short prom dress? Last year it was so freaking hot I was dying... Look at the weather...  hahah just my luck"
1964246804,"neutral","three11phil","You know for a short week, it certainly dragged"
1964246823,"fun","marauder_bex","So aparently my Out of Sight album sampler cd only has the video on it"
1964247108,"worry","LouClaire","Had a totally chilled out day relaxing in the garden in the lovely weather. Shame I have to go to work tomorrow"
1964247206,"hate","luckygnahhh","Ugh, okay I'm going to go shower now  and then shopping with mommy, let's hope I don't pass the fuck out."
1964247362,"worry","Lawpunk","@Mwissa Really? Can you send it to me too? I don't get the internal emails."
1964247440,"neutral","megan_os","@smashingpumpkin http://twitpic.com/67h72 -"
1964247469,"worry","couturefit","Traffic is horrific on 695..I jus wanna gt my dog"
1964247632,"sadness","merlinw","@sheila_libere ...Moving all done, no internet until Monday   at an cafe, like the new place, and work is fine. everything else, so so."
1964247634,"worry","DannyMcEvoy","@pixonu its ok mate I stayed in as well  losers aren't we"
1964247674,"neutral","MileyCyrus","http://twitpic.com/67hac - My besties. If only @ddlovato was there."
1964247733,"worry","Xx_beth","@mfhorne why go winchester when my sister doesnt go there any more!   bad times.. x"
1964248129,"worry","grjtsingh","Club day at school & I can't go b/c I hurt myself during school by trippin over some1's backpack."
1964248359,"sadness","JaySkillz","@MISSCOKASPLASH yay but you missed naptime"
1964248588,"love","BrandyWandLover","@BrandFancier oh ok  well im sendin lots of love xxx"
1964248656,"happiness","TwatRock","@stonezoneshow http://twitpic.com/67gwh - bwahahahahahahaha nice!  I want a doggy"
1964248773,"neutral","KatieCeciil","I am so full.. And I haven't even eaten my meal yet"
1964248924,"worry","JordansUKgirl","@PinkyNKOTB  lol - thats 51p less ive got towards the cruise!!"
1964249058,"hate","anthoNYC","@thecultureofme don't feel too bad i just had a burrito from there and it kinda sucked."
1964249111,"neutral","sprint880324","@tameshad I'll be sure to call you soon! btw Masita leaves tomorrow"
1964249201,"worry","NotFitEnough","@sarahstanley I shudder at the thought of what she was thinking she'd do with it if she'd managed to reclaim it..."
1964249303,"empty","fleurdupommier","@smashingpumpkin http://twitpic.com/67h72 -"
1964250109,"worry","jamiefishback","@cartermason bummer, bro, sorry to hear that"
1964250118,"empty","nataliewill","'Whats your stand on gay marriage?' - me. 'what the fuck natalie, stop asking me these gay ass questions! Go get a job!' - dad."
1964250173,"sadness","sexidance","@oyfreakinvey u witch! im upstate in a fucking hick dry county. so no alcohol or ethnic food.  im crying."
1964250259,"neutral","thatlass","@damohopo but thats 7 weeks away  Im sure we got by only tweeting at night before?"
1964250656,"fun","slf617","PKU meeting in London, ON all day today.  One of my favorite PKUers Jessie not there.   He has PKU and Leukemia and was in the hospital."
1964251015,"neutral","give_me_a_latte","@monsterchew thanks! Will check next time I'm in Target. It's over an hour away"
1964251100,"neutral","swamp84","in San Jose.   having good time w/ bros.  Also helped dad edit next  Holy Land brochure. wish I could go!"
1964251497,"worry","PRNicoleV","Just tried to sign up for @Foursquare but apparently Knoxville is not a big enough city  Will Knox ever be on the list?"
1964251818,"love","cheller_beams","cant wait to get home. i hate my job"
1964251850,"neutral","kiwidork","@Kevinchinart But I really want a Sporebat pet."
1964251928,"worry","mooreal5","@LaurenConrad when I tried to go to her's I got this message "That page doesn't exist! ""
1964252031,"surprise","FlyrTini","Almost time to say Good Bye to my twimulations. I'll miss my tweeps"
1964252246,"worry","mellisalamay","@love_primaDONNA lucky.. where do you live? im in vegas and it never rains here..."
1964252379,"neutral","ClaireSparks","The @Jonasbrothers 3d movie was amazing but a little to short  i wanted more!!"
1964252403,"sadness","josefamanriquez","@nicole531 http://twitpic.com/5rylt - ur so lucky! there, the stage its so close of theem! here not  i think we're dangerous (?"
1964252452,"worry","belladivediva","i hate going to work."
1964252524,"worry","PhoenixtheII","Being attacked with cola..... all sticky"
1964252588,"hate","danielparo","I was waitin' so many new and good songs about the end but I didnt like it so much"
1964286875,"worry","TransFan1990","Sorry everybody! Apparently Twitter isn't sending me my updates."
1964287070,"surprise","TheraExplorer","First fail, cant tweet from phone. Oh how I love my work phone"
1964287396,"sadness","BrenGeiger","I am sitting at work watching the clock.  It isn't moving fast enough."
1964287442,"hate","ginny9577","@TheSims2 aww BBQ? that's not fair  all i had was chocolate"
1964287684,"worry","ericvictorino","@PerezHilton  that's sad. Trauma... Future serial killer..."
1964288322,"neutral","sirwiggum","@Nettofabulous red top tabloids, build em up, knock em down"
1964288383,"neutral","KelsMaine","thanks do the invite though"
1964288508,"sadness","toxilox","sorry to tweet about BGT but poor wonderful crazy weird Greg  so not fair. the silly little girl is never going to cope. urgh. NOT FAIR."
1964288692,"neutral","Bearbutt","Poor @extralife.  The flowers are fornicating with HIS nose now.    @missiondeep"
1964288710,"worry","eternalstar123","Ugh I have a hedache; I may be cheap, but fucking shit I still have class with how I roll"
1964288779,"enthusiasm","Despoina_","I wanna talk to Mitchel Mussoooooo"
1964288879,"neutral","CC2cute","@roxxy89 nah is next week honey ma fault for confusin u"
1964288918,"worry","maria160992","my eyes hurts.."
1964289254,"relief","mattaiken","@MrsSeear me too! Yay he got in. And the other kid who cries a lot"
1964289336,"worry","alanarivera","@soapylove I saw that - unfortunately it happens to be on the same day as my high school reunion   I will have to catch you next time."
1964289885,"worry","jasonhurwitz","@Shar_Music I was not hugged"
1964289931,"worry","christoc","two hours till our offer on the house expires  no word yet! Come on people, sell us your house!!!!!!!!!!! #Parker #Colorado"
1964289934,"worry","ddlovato","@mileycyrus I miss you...  come over and say bye before I leave!!"
1964290218,"relief","wthtony","Bouta donate blood! Ahhhhh!"
1964290378,"worry","peediepanda","My wedding next Thursday and I'm ill"
1964290614,"fun","KimOfTheLab","Awww I wanted to see some more of Greg"
1964290975,"sadness","bhchristensen","this day has beasted me."
1964291086,"happiness","EllaJayeBee","@aaronstewart try 5 5-drawer horizontal cabinets full of non-digital fun. The SEC & FINRA make my job so joyful. Can't hire temps either"
1964291141,"worry","msmeg7594","does want a lot of things right now  and i cant have them-yet."
1964291769,"sadness","NoNamesJustLo","<-----bored to death"
1964291928,"sadness","JenDearness","Oh no! I just read they are going to do a remake of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Stop it hollywood-just stop!"
1964291961,"neutral","amandalaur","@KevFP yeah i think it just depends on what you're doing with it, but at least im getting it for free  ill miss my sk though"
1964292186,"fun","Factory_Boi","wants a new phone. ugh my b-day in 3 weeks ya'll"
1964292509,"neutral","nottyJ","@BpTheProducer without me"
1964292678,"neutral","miss_hudgens","@Jonasbrothers you guys didn't say hi or answer my questions yesterday  but nice songs."
1964292937,"sadness","amandamachado","@laurenbernal MAKE ME ONE! I'm still craving shrimp"
1964293053,"worry","quornyum","@Jennifalconer I don't know if I can bear to watch Hollie tommorrow night,it's a bit hard to take seeing the state she gets herself into"
1964293213,"happiness","leighannirvine","@dressjunkie oh no!! don't be horrible  lol no but she was a better singer even if she didn't cry... don't u think? she made me cry haha!"
1964293584,"happiness","lizlove_","@kadi707 RUDE! going cabin drinking without lizlove!  but im am proud momma that you finally learned how to properly TWIT"
1964293828,"worry","bradgallen","being re-admitted, at this stage for a three-night minimum with a hopeful tuesday discharge"
1964293880,"neutral","Cake4Jake","Ummmmm now im all alone at mcalisters"
1964294302,"sadness","uraveragegirl67","Craving munchkins so bad."
1964294379,"relief","LuvToSparkLe","@shesbatty what is I/O psy? I'm taking psy101 starting this Monday, not looking forward to going back to school but"
1964294880,"neutral","Buffy_Summers","@nayia37 Everything is lousy"
1964295579,"worry","Eri8321317","Nvm, not working period"
1964295890,"surprise","rawrstarrr","just got home from the last day of school.  graduation tomorrow."
1964296304,"neutral","Mightyxtra","@QuindaS  your right.... How was your trip"
1964296842,"surprise","mysquarepants","@isthemasterplan He is a singer of the Oasis, right?? I mean.. never think he hates me"
1964296880,"happiness","Boosh_Beast","@WeTheTRAVIS i hope that happens tomorrow, then ill be there ;) (Providing my dad gets better to take me  )"
1964296900,"sadness","audreyisanidiot","@briarlaboheme oh dear.  that is terrible. however, moleskine notebooks rule. a lot."
1964296912,"relief","hoodcharlotte","@hippiekat I AM WONDERFULLLL. i went to the ppooool. i forgot my floatiez though"
1964298352,"worry","xcarliex","@laurawrholmez  I know! they were running out though, Soph had to get a massive one..."
1964298986,"sadness","tlady1","Time i get into The Game they cancel it there will not be a 4th season  i like that show!"
1964299061,"worry","addie5355","wondering if anyone has seen my cell phone i cant find it anywhere"
1964299113,"worry","rockinfree","Stubbed my little toe this morning on my file cabinet ... and it's turning black"
1964299328,"neutral","Nikki_Milazz","Laina has her recital tonight. Not going but going to the second one tomorrow. Home all alone"
1964299372,"fun","alexnicoleperry","i am SOOO mad...yesterday and today...SUCKED!!!so much!"
1964299408,"sadness","NLasala12345","my girl friend also dropped me"
1964299444,"neutral","tomrk1089","Arg Exile still has that problem with Alt-Tabbing"
1964299616,"worry","MayaREGuru","@DanfromAston I have heard that about a lot of programs like that, we go to a large chain of learning centers, sorry for you!"
1964299854,"neutral","Glossophobia","@soozafritz I'm bored too  I have got NOTHING to do."
1964299998,"worry","deac0n","@theloudninja Not by choice.  I have to use it for that one project that never ends!"
1964300137,"sadness","iMattR","Watching QI on Dave - still quite bored! Not even Adam Davis can cheer me up.  And he's quite funny."
1964300332,"relief","nobody554","@mfharrison I still have another hour."
1964300584,"happiness","_xotashhh","@yelyahwilliams  but i love your haaaaair!"
1964302112,"worry","EmmyinVegas","I am trying to upload my background from twitbacks. its not working"
1964302609,"worry","WHUTUPDOE","@KelleyLCarter: Yeah, I fell asleep  I'm sorry. No way in the world I was waking up @ 7am lol. I had to work @ 9am."
1964302698,"worry","HamptonsHowie","@msfeather24 You're the one getting married on me"
1964303061,"relief","holliebh","is cold and wished to go back to bed"
1964303317,"worry","Exitx","Why does my boss have to come in today....."
1964303418,"surprise","loserluigi","LOL Was it nice today? because I totally just woke up and wasted my day  Working on a few things for this youtube project I'm in! w00t!"
1964318505,"neutral","logo2gogo","@JayLenoTonight Good luck tonight on the big finale show!"
1964318652,"worry","damohopo","@thatlass as much as i love to be hopeful, i reckon the chances are minimal =P i'm never gonna get my cake and stuff"
1964318790,"worry","VovoThomas","my pic didn't work"
1964318867,"neutral","DearPanda","My brother is planning on moving to vietnam and staying there forever.."
1964318965,"hate","alexnicoleperry","school and the guy i like was talking to the girl i cant stand at all!!  ppl are just sooo...ughhhh!!"
1964319278,"neutral","enslaved2564","is missing Tampa"
1964319303,"sadness","menorahmajora","My hips are too wide to rock those mario Kart shorts  why couldn i have the bone structure of a 12 year old boy?"
1964319347,"neutral","voltaires_vice","@Crossbow1 YOU'RE TELLING ME."
1964319554,"neutral","peeriecat","On my way to work, cant be bothered"
1964319745,"worry","ACDalgaard","@BitchNotAPerson I can understand the fear. I feel that way about many things. You really need motivation to overcome it. Mine was guilt"
1964319992,"neutral","cellojoe1","Left windows down a bit. Seats got pretty yet"
1964320423,"empty","classielassie","Got let go today"
1964320501,"neutral","mbabygirlsworld","@Tiffers62 thanks... 6 lbs in 3 weeks"
1964320538,"sadness","pricelessrock","@blkademic I'm sorry to hear that! sometimes family sucks"
1964320552,"sadness","janellemarie5","Sick at home and so bored  I want to get better already so I can enjoy being a college grad!"
1964320941,"worry","SpankyboyRiich","Hey every1! Do yesterday was my prom and it was the best. I wanna go back in time :] Ima miss every  new picks up soon myspace.com/risound"
1964321395,"neutral","imboots","@jgullam  awesome! All deserved I'm sure. Miss the Crabs games"
1964321739,"sadness","martin447","weekend, bought Lost Odyssey, YAY  ------- however, my 360 RROD'ed on me  it's the second time"
1964322038,"worry","MBFNFLhope","GREG NOOOOO DON@T LEAVE ME  U SHUD HAVE GONE THROOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! im gonna find u restaurant don't worry lol  cry cry cry"
1964322125,"worry","alecialudwick","@beherenw lol must contribute to the destruction of language...awww"
1964322313,"love","FiercexChelsea","@JonasBrothers MY FAV. SONG IS UH...honestly, its rude for u to make us choose.  lol I love 'em all!"
1964322689,"worry","babyblues7985","@RyanSeacrest that was such a tease!  I cant wait til Sunday!!  but then after that, nothing until November   oh well, i can wait!"
1964322980,"sadness","christinalilly","no southland this wk"
1964323985,"neutral","secondglantz","@Scrapbooks We don't have either of those here."
1964324590,"happiness","lizzischerf","gotta go twitterers (?) my stupid sister wants to go on facebook  oging to montreal 2morrow so i wont be on for a while! bye!! XoXox <33"
1964324596,"worry","nbamikey23","@jr_smith1 wats i got luck for u guys to beat la!! lol i would like to see this best wishes to the denver nuggets but my cavs are done"
1964324599,"sadness","Sheyler","http://twitpic.com/67hvr - This picture is from last year freshman year how I miss thos days"
1964324849,"worry","nothingbtstring","Just had a horrible experience with a dentist.  Had a crown made that doesn't fit right and they won't fix it or give back the money."
1964325215,"sadness","Miss_Quan","is not having a good day... I havent had a good week forreal!!"
1964325219,"hate","Shirllll","damn, my photo is gone!"
1964325262,"happiness","KittyKat_1988","@RainbowEagle Yeah I replied!! I meant to take a photo of my drink but I was laaazy and didnt'  x"
1964325317,"enthusiasm","pamboogie","is off 2 bed. gon force the sandman 2 com do wot he do since it dont look like there's gon be any partyin 2nyt"
1964325373,"sadness","ChaseTheChad","I had 2 hoes .. now I have none"
1964325574,"surprise","travelin_gypsy","@daisydelfina my location thing? Through ubertwitter...it has an option to include locations! Jon uses uber, but he has it off  lol"
1964326038,"relief","richardjluna","http://twitpic.com/67hw5 - Session almost over"
1964326060,"worry","Fudgey84","Ok the thunder is scaring me"
1964326074,"sadness","Halichic","@Fall_in_love aww me too!!!  we miss you."
1964326224,"surprise","cheninboutwell","@JSNorwood oh, are we not doing that anymore?"
1964326367,"worry","the_wright_1","Was late today, due to construction!!!      tGif..."
1964326438,"worry","cathyanddavid","Placed a $2 bet on a sure thing and lost.  no more betting for me!"
1964326612,"neutral","TheRandomSpazz",""Your gonna miss this, Your gonna want this back, Your gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast"  So true I already miss this year"
1964326790,"surprise","Cyanidelollipop","we're getting another puppy  ... not cool... really"
1964326807,"sadness","Cyanidelollipop","we're getting another puppy  ... not cool... really"
1964326973,"neutral","Sarawkweird","@glasgirl @sallyslytherin amason seems to think hamburger a-go-gos don't get it till october! well now...."
1964327024,"sadness","rose_sama","woo hoo its friday!! ....wait.... i have to work at the cleaners tomorrow."
1964327210,"neutral","Luvlynikki","Jus got done swimming! Soon ima need to stay outta the sun"
1964327211,"worry","zeshaun","@fishkutta omg kool. I'm not on the road"
1964327356,"worry","nukirk","@KaseyTheGreat I submitted my resume the same day and saw no answer back. Oh well..."
1964327430,"neutral","bburbank","Thanks for your definition of throwbie!  Editors reviewed your entry and have decided to not publish it."
1964327644,"empty","meljq21","I soooo need to catch up on all this NEW @anoopdoggdesai stuff!! Going to the airport to fly home from VEGAS"
1964327646,"worry","jaisa21","@SEXONWHEELS  thats it, rub it in that ur seeing morrissey! il just go and cry in the corner  x"
1964327698,"neutral","Vampite","@mercadoasaria I don't know you, but you made me lose"
1964327892,"love","dangr74","I spent my whole dream cooking a delicious meal, but I woke up before I got to try it"
1964328021,"sadness","dani_beckett","@gergtreble I trailed the streets of Sheffield and couldn't find the pub!  And all the numbers I had were landlines. How goes it?"
1964328066,"sadness","GinaV622","I need to relocate to the west coast.. This weather here is killin me!!!"
1964328633,"enthusiasm","nateelston","Heading to a wedding"
1964329118,"anger","zanedefazio","sam and sean are teasing me saying they are gonna get wings without me"
1964329436,"neutral","lududette","its all over! no more high school"
1964329569,"neutral","aaronhughling","@avinashkaushik how about a new article on finding your YouTube channel stats in your Google Analytics account? Can't find it"
1964329877,"worry","LMarle","Nnnnoooooo!!!! Just learned we've got a frost warning for tonight!"
1964330414,"sadness","lovestars96xx","@mileycyrus why you never answer me..."
1964330549,"happiness","MieLHS","What a day, 12 hours work  But I'd really like my job, it's fabulous :b"
1964330713,"neutral","firefaunx","@allysonrobinson I am working my way through a bottle of Excedrin. Maybe we are twins."
1964331523,"worry","SoFlyLBC","Under sooooo much stress lately"
1964331624,"worry","pb_bunni","Gees can this week get anymore horrible....now i cant go to spain"
1964332243,"surprise","sweetchelle43","@JasonJMikeMgmt ur taking tease lessons from the guys! No fair   LOL, oh well, we'll wait as patiently as we can!"
1964332450,"worry","jennb624","@sand67 so sad...sorry to hear that.  She was a sweet dog."
1964332538,"neutral","erin8427","Fucking neighbors are slamming the door as a hobby. Good thing the middle class is dying and Ill rent forever!"
1964332567,"sadness","trelllla","me and chloe are drinking away our sorrows, Dreambears SO should've got through"
1964332859,"neutral","BSU_Withers","I'm always the last one in the office....especially on Friday"
1964332898,"sadness","lablackachica","@epiphanygirl man i missed it!! Ive been waitn all day 4 u 2 giv the tix away & then whn im rappn up @ wrk u gav my tix away! Im sad!"
1964332940,"neutral","dodadew","@enslaved2564 me too"
1964333082,"sadness","ElleActressxx","is loving the half day! If only it wasn't raining.  Soccer Practice tonightt."
1964333091,"hate","AwsomeSoda","ugh trek of hollie steel  she annoys me >"
1964333704,"love","melodie09","im pretty sure i miss watching "Yo Gabba Gabba" with my niece"
1964364330,"neutral","GinaZuno","the dates of the hockey games were confused they're next week"
1964364461,"worry","tszanne","My Sharpie is running DANGERously low on ink"
1964364729,"hate","elitehobo","Facebook decided I'm annoying or abusive because I add lots of friends. At least I have no distractions from coursework now..."
1964364811,"worry","cravenjade","@problogger I know, the suns not even up and ive been up for an hr. Tossa decided to sleep ON my side and cold nose me."
1964365005,"sadness","kajbonfils","Having a light depression. Just payed an extra bill from last years taxes... Must find a country with a tax that is lower than 56%"
1964365251,"neutral","Sophie__White","@mitchelmusso i guess you get loads of emails & people asking you stuff al the time but i seriously wonder if you ever read my comments  x"
1964365366,"empty","astrochelz96","at homee. bored plzz! someone txt me about doing something this weekend."
1964365527,"neutral","NikkiNik36","I hve a fat kink in my neck  maybe someone handsome will massage it out later?  we'll see!"
1964365551,"fun","HeIsWE","were playing at 7 @ club impact tomorrow! finally got shirts! woopity doo! i want a slurpeeee sooo bad right now"
1964365572,"happiness","Joe_Spilsbury91","Doesn't have to go to work tomorrow! Good times! Revision though"
1964365667,"anger","ambrosediva","never does  anything good school and rabbit it my life cycle dunno how to tune a giutar so i am stuffed"
1964365814,"neutral","tineperrey","@Momofnation is it bad that I sort of want her to miss me?  I know I will be missing her."
1964365817,"worry","JulesIsland","@JDuckworth I'm so jealous! Wish I could join u. It's so cold in LA right now."
1964366064,"worry","nigs","Poor little Holly will be up all night preparing her act for tomorrow"
1964366087,"sadness","13angela","My fingers hurt"
1964366568,"sadness","Its_Charlotte","I miss my daddy so much."
1964366949,"happiness","Angie_Go84","Excited bout going out 2nite but bummed cuz im da designated driver. So no drinking for Angie!"
1964367126,"love","MerrickBenjamin","@dollymix184 Wow, I've officially lost all faith in Britain, looks like our wishes weren't met, sadly"
1964367335,"sadness","nikkijaneuk","just cried all the way through the final episode of ER... and the 'previously on ER' documentary about it!"
1964368248,"worry","drerae","@NikkiCrivello i've got really bad arthritus in my left hand. I cant use my thumb at all"
1964368363,"fun","naomikeziah","@SHELLiZAY hmmm Essense awards would be fun... but also pricy"
1964368543,"worry","bossjones","@ricanitaliana89 u really don't think so?  maybe ur right....lol. btw what phone u using? think u told me b4...i might have an app for u"
1964368765,"boredom","IanRobinson","is tired. 04:30 alarm setting will do that  Off to bed as soon as my bloody iPhone Backup and Sync finishes."
1964368780,"worry","alunvaughan","Hmm, had first pizza in ages and feel a bit sick now  That'll teach me!"
1964368843,"worry","AmandaMarie1987","is sick and it doesn't seem like i'm getting better"
1964369247,"sadness","lovejonas_x","Im going bed i dnt feel well as always"
1964369337,"worry","InNoSenseLost","@misst7 yes, actually, I am. When I'm home, moms does the laundry & I do the babysitting. She broke something that didn't need 2 b fixed"
1964369361,"worry","Summerluvsblock","@DonnieWahlberg Mr. Ddub how bout' announcing a new date for the NC shows? please don't leave us out. i got my refund 2day for 5*"
1964369741,"worry","texanoutofwater","@ProudKiwi missed you by 10 min, haha. went to sleep at 15 past, but had a major anxiety attack around 630 again. ugh.  boo"
1964369771,"sadness","RedStarFuture","@julezykins must be kidding. No boys (definately)(I hope anyway o_O) and no girls (probably) honest I must be proper ugly no-one likes me"
1964370122,"neutral","DennisChamplain","I am finally on a roll... now time to stop.   Is it weird when you love what you do?"
1964370183,"worry","faceforaradio","OMG I'VE JUST SEEN WHAT HAPPENED TO HOLLIE! POOR ICKLE ONE"
1964370205,"sadness","FindingTreasure","really is missing her daughters in Haiti!  Wishing i could go back."
1964370273,"worry","bonironi79","man, i ain't been without V's presence in a minute...i feel like a lil kid with no momma"
1964370438,"sadness","KeelHaulKate","@batman_sounds bicycle? Sucks i cant ride with you"
1964370447,"neutral","clickwir","whew. did some more vacuuming. what a good time! You should vacuum."
1964371071,"happiness","britx3sugarlik","@jonasbrothers please nick, say happy birthday to me. my birthday was yesterday!"
1964371482,"surprise","ohsnapitsalyssa","WOW. My teacher just called me a skunk cuz of my hair"
1964371640,"worry","XPortugueseOreo","wishes zak wuld trust me enough to give me bac my necklace  i want it back, but he thinks i'll cut with it..... http://plurk.com/p/x2qkb"
1964371804,"worry","Aaron_Aaron","http://twitpic.com/67i90 - My plans have been ruined"
1964371975,"neutral","soycamo","@robotadam I was hoping I could just drop them into ~/.vim so both Vim and MacVim could share them"
1964371985,"love","rawrmonstrr","@tassilovivaslap ich will auch zur Aftershowparty"
1964372090,"sadness","nicoledejesus","Just got to work. Only today and three days left.  my heart is breaking."
1964372342,"sadness","Bettsan","Fuck, we have some kind of bugs in our house. And we dont know why or what it is"
1964372398,"enthusiasm","michaelasjolund","@Mileycyrus I can't Vote 4 u a the MTV movie awards. There is no vote button. Is it cause i live in sweden? I wanna vote 4 u 2  u rock xo"
1964372429,"sadness","Jenniewrenbird","@CaptainFlashman  Oh no - Poor you!!"
1964372560,"worry","0CandacENicolE0","great cant eve locate my phone! there goes 200 down the drain"
1964372585,"neutral","msnye","Gettin my cardio on right now. Walkin to the train station awww I so miss the gym"
1964372703,"worry","stephi269","I hate life at the mo, it sucks"
1964372737,"sadness","trisha71478","@active_girl - Bummer...mail came but package didn't"
1964373475,"neutral","joAnn_7","just got home and  i got to freakkin clen"
1964373635,"sadness","voiceinmyhead13","@lilyroseallen yes........there are many cool things americans cannot watch"
1964373711,"happiness","XxSuperDuperxX","Choir assembly was bad  it's fucking hot, yay!"
1964373749,"neutral","NickGalanis","So into sweating degens at the WSOP I'm using twitter"
1964373897,"sadness","JinxWolf","I is so lonely"
1964374033,"worry","McFlyingGirl","@chante4dannyxxx Nope probably revision  Hbu? x"
1964374187,"neutral","Chellebab","#BGT should little Holly perform in tomorrow night's final? Poor little mite looked terrified. So brave and fantastic voice but scared"
1964374228,"worry","bmahn1987","Husband Went off to bed, now off to missing him again until he is off again Tuesday"
1964374843,"neutral","candyojeda","@ladyinurdreamz dude!!! wtf!! I text you this morning so that you can take care of me! so uncool..... it's confirmed... you hate me"
1964374933,"surprise","mony06","@clubflys no decleration yet but crazy ass Koreans aren't playing nice anymore  what do u thinks next? I'm thinking war"
1964375218,"sadness","JNPhoto","http://twitpic.com/67iab - Rounding bases - she was fast during relays. Not so fast during the game"
1964375276,"sadness","jfount","Guess I have to go back and scrape out the oven now. Blerg"
1964375297,"relief","Lizzzieeee","Dad asked my why I was sticking my tongue out while I was ironing, and I told him it was so I didn't burn my finger, as I burnt my finger"
1964375439,"worry","chloebrown11","@simonruggles I would much rather you didn't punch yourself in the face...it might hurt"
1964375883,"happiness","BakeMeUpLA","@peacefullvegan I LOVE PD! So fucking good! I wanted to try something new...I give it 2.5/5 stars. It's meh."
1964376018,"neutral","smileylaurenn","Gotta get up early tomorrow...gotta be at work for 9"
1964376406,"neutral","sallyslytherin","oh godddd I coughed up a little bit of taco"
1964376606,"fun","aassshhhh","BGT was just amazing tonight, and threee amazing acts got sent home"
1964376656,"worry","JaxCC","@prd3000 Also, I am technologically challenged and have a cell phone that only makes phone calls.  Can't #tweetb4Ueat"
1964376810,"fun","chelsareno","got my car back and excited/sad for the going away party I'm attending tonight. Dani is going back to Brazil..."
1964376925,"sadness","gorgus13","why on twitter does no one talk 2 me i know your all celebs and i'm nt but it's nice to be spoken to once in a while"
1964377244,"sadness","sera_liz","What happened to the warm?  I will commence pouting until it returns READYSETGO"
1964377335,"sadness","Annita85","fridayyyyy!!.... but i'm working"
1964377782,"fun","Fraggle312","@skaterdays LOL, such a dork. Hmm, is that book pretty good? Maybe I should check it out. That's why 4gb sucks  8 isn't much better."
1964378068,"love","gobecca","@Rhea_C hahaha i agree. im s glad Aiden won tonights show and greg should have got the other place"
1964378107,"neutral","jadewight","wishes it was this time last week"
1964378170,"sadness","deannamonique85","@whitney_g my day just hasnt been the same without ur running conversation all day"
1964378271,"sadness","vespamike","@LeesaB nooooooooooooooo! well the 4G will prob be out in June but that doesn't help u now"
1964378506,"worry","iammattstarkey","Computer is packed away. There goes my life. Right into a cardboard box."
1964378602,"love","ditzynicky","@yellowflowers87 aww I don't want u to suffer  it's just Midol isn't working for me. Grrrrr I hate that stuff. But I love you tho."
1964378652,"neutral","xLiLShanx","gots a headache now"
1964378785,"sadness","amandafrench","I am very bummed that there are no babydoll or spaghetti-strap tank Three Wolf Moon t-shirts. Love the meme; hate wearing a fabric box."
1964378829,"worry","angeltrevino","@itstayloryall you didnt include Taylor in the "Follow Friday""
1964379205,"worry","dinymite","Phoneless for the next couple of hours. No one to blame but myself."
1964379415,"hate","BananaAnna2008","At home now. Feeling very tired. I want to take a nap but I can't."
1964379559,"neutral","brianaIScool","@britttnicole you don't like them?"
1964379662,"worry","josi101","@AndreaaaB ooops! the last link is the same as the first! sry my mistake"
1964379708,"worry","hoponahorse","I need a job to keep me above waters...thought I had one but apparently its "Casual" so now on the search again"
1964379910,"neutral","imjustnettie","@PerezHilton perez....... The YouTube video isn't working"
1964380152,"love","JKsGirlx2","@RetroRewind Something 2 get your attention 2 get Sexify My Love played http://twitpic.com/67i82 What? It worked last time! No $ 2 bribe"
1964380163,"worry","ChelsieDianna","My flip flop just broke...walking in downtown seattle"
1964380264,"neutral","Summerluvsblock","@Jordanknight Hi Jordan i'm gonna all of u...I know ur busy and i know ur probably tired. but please reschedule NC. don't leave us out."
1964380469,"neutral","HarmonicLunacy","@RussellMoyer ahaha i know. but now i can't do anything over the weekend"
1964380731,"worry","cbmlove16","is a lil sad bc I wont be able toeat a hot dog and Big Kahuna cookie sandwich at the Ranger game tonight!"
1964380732,"love","RAWRitsBryony","GREG D: You should have cried too :L You could have got through!!   I still love you Greg. #BGT"
1964380968,"neutral","_magic8ball","@djmo27 Don't count on it"
1964381030,"sadness","_Misunderstood_","@itslisali Too bad I can't come!  Enjoy urself tho."
1964381230,"neutral","daniellemhicks","I'm trying to tag myself on @Jonasbrothers picture on facebook but it already has 50 tags.  lol"
1964381613,"relief","teacherbrian","Finally, I got my teaching load confusion cleared. I will teach 3 third year sections but with a catch."
1964382013,"worry","britx3sugarlik","@jonasbrothers pleaseeeee .. it was the only thing I wanted for my birthdayyyy!  please say happy birthday to me!"
1964382579,"neutral","lauranreid","@RyaNakaTheR i havent been out west since 07...i think i picked a bad wknd b/c its overcast out here tho"
1964382604,"sadness","alisonvroney","I'm boredddd. The day has gone quick  I don't like it!"
1964382829,"boredom","elizamanson","even though it's only 7am on Saturday morning, it feels like the weekend is already over. btw I'm awake because I had a bad dream.."
1964383841,"sadness","wigglejewellery","Darn, I had one and it slipped right through my fingers"
1964383852,"love","JessMcFlyxxx","@looloojoju aww  im ok been stuck on a coach coming back from nans today and its been lovely sunshine too  xx"
1964383995,"sadness","BboyWicked","Finally the school day ended, Friday Friday Friday w00t! But it's raining outside."
1964384101,"worry","Mizz_Lia","i have a headache"
1964384403,"empty","grekwood","nothing much on tv, seen most of the good stuff...think i'll go to bed soon, but it's too hot to sleep"
1964384539,"empty","Swoda11201","ya could hit me up on aim or here cause i am mad bored nuttin 2 do"
1964384586,"worry","franklincdi","Heyya guys! does anyone know how to give formulas to create a sudoku? Please help"
1964384992,"sadness","Darnell0216","I need to play inFamous... Where's a free Blockbuster rental coupon when you need one? I miss that Coke Reward"
1964385036,"sadness","ChezKeeley","justwatched the most depressing episode of Jon  Kate EVER!!!i actually almost cried."
1964385644,"worry","alyseegs","soreeeee throattttttt"
1964385754,"sadness","citizenfinch","Wish I had a laptop charger so I could tweet faster"
1964385799,"love","pauug","@Jonasbrothers i can�t choose one  i love all the songs on LV&TT;bt if u like... Read More: http://is.gd/JkVF"
1964386010,"sadness","kortneyy_renee","is veryyy upset she cant go to hacienda tonight because the stupid nuggets game"
1964386292,"worry","ebvillanueva","im feeling like ish!  i just wanna go home and go mimis"
1964386796,"hate","mazzlestar","ohhhh my feet ache"
1964386880,"worry","Lizzzieeee","Dad asked me why I was sticking my tongue out while I was ironing, and I told him it was so I didn't burn my finger, as I burnt my finger"
1964387125,"sadness","goodiegumdrops","When you FEEL you can not LIVE without something is when IT is taken away.   Oh, to do it all over again with what I know now.    Movin ON"
1964387487,"neutral","Krishii","got a super cold!"
1964387954,"sadness","joshyrocks","Comin back from the mall didnt get anything cause i have no money and stuff  but tuesday is pay day ilu ~Joshy~"
1964388210,"worry","junkinthetrunkk","@ceramicheart gonna go home and TRY to take a nap. I am emotionally exhausted   ... I will be in after.. <3"
1964388508,"empty","bLoOMeRrOoNeY","@hannybfirst wEe ArR SoWbUr i PrOmIsS. tHe StYoOpId FlYiNg ThInG hAzZuNt KuM OwT aGaNe. iTt Iz hYdInG sUmWaRe aNd LaRfFiNg aTt Us."
1964388803,"fun","CallMeFlint","Don't have the Will power to finish hour two of my work out"
1964389072,"neutral","davidmonaghan","@man_wi_no_name nope!  the printer in the library didn't work, ill have to pass it in monday"
1964389076,"worry","neimao","I have a stomach ache... Totally sucks"
1964389154,"hate","barbbs","at economics i wanna go homeeeeeee  im tired and i hate the teacher.  and i�m sick of half of my classmates and i wanna go home and sleep"
1964389267,"sadness","livekuwaitiah","i am the only arabic girl who's online  every one is  a sleep .."
1964389406,"worry","sambhav6","@donotrefreeze THAT'S A SHAME REALLY"
1964389516,"neutral","Vicovich","3 margs. Driving home in the rain now"
1964389561,"hate","chante4dannyxxx","@McFlyingGirl  i got too do course work   i hate it it is hard this one"
1964390077,"worry","productgirl","@Fortyisthenew20 i was stupid and didnt get it, now i cant find it.  i think i have to do ebay but that scares me"
1964390358,"neutral","23graeme23","@abacab1975 I'm not sure which part you're replying to, lol - but BB starts soon"
1964390434,"love","Ree","Not babysitting tonight. I miss that kid."
1964391002,"hate","Lauraful","LUCY IS HATING ON MY GWEG!"
1964391017,"neutral","angeltrevino","@yelyahwilliams you didn't include @itstayloryall in the "Follow Friday""
1964391021,"sadness","peaceluvrockout","my new picture won't upload!!!"
1964391059,"worry","Buggin80s","@donnyosmond Were getting old Donny. I got one starting high school next yr and one going into the 7th. Where have the years gone?!"
1964391087,"hate","MsJerzi","@3minds nope- dnt have wireless ne more  HATERS!!!! Ugh... Save me a copy so I can watch it..."
1964391111,"worry","mami247","Here at work still feeling the pain for my friend wish I had a magic wand to erase all the madness"
1964391168,"worry","mskendbanks","Omg, my mom just called... Im too late... Hes gone"
1964391323,"sadness","Marymmmkay","photography class over summer cancelled. going somewhere i dont want to and missing the spring game  and no email from eric swist"
1964391478,"worry","moranga18","@g4tv Batman: Arkham Asylum, but I don't own a system that will play it, sadness"
1964391553,"sadness","tedzokas","Off home ill from work. This man flu is hell"
1964391848,"worry","_harley","@avstansfield omg i had a meltdown when he died/actually died in real life  av got the box sets!"
1964392453,"neutral","violetbakes","@thedinnerlady  I could never do that to one of my children, look what happened to Nina Zavaroni (sp) Brooke Shields and Drew Barrymore"
1964392536,"neutral","TeamCyrus","@emzyjonas i know they r lol i hope she does she said she will"
1964392772,"sadness","squelsh","wanted greg pritchard to go through     what a silly, sobby and hopelessly dull little girl hollie steel is?"
1964393535,"sadness","KidNovice","@EshSoMajor how dare u? after all the love making we've made over email, im a stranger? u never replied"
1964393767,"worry","fordofocala","@callmaggie After I water the plants I am headed to the farm. Don't have any popcorn for the goats   Katnip is looking good under saddle"
1964393798,"happiness","_DESiMO_","@MrAhrenSean lol! ok ok it is a little absurd... lol but my mini and open toe heels won't make it in this weather"
1964394593,"fun","Joshsgurl27","@NewMoon_addict yeah like super short  I guess I'll just have to hold my breath till Sunday."
1964394823,"neutral","igwarrender","@dopey1972 I agree  pre decided I think..."
1964395168,"worry","toastychew","slightly burnt challah  The proof is in the eatin', though..."
1964395405,"sadness","brooke022","lost my keys at the mall... took me 45 mins to find them"
1964395447,"neutral","zoeperrett","@MidtownLunch Loads of Beard papas have disappeared in the UK too"
1964395818,"neutral","Bytorsnowdog","@brigwyn someone came in when I was sleeping off my national passtime and turned me human"
1964395960,"sadness","sausagenmash","@yelyahwilliams Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! You can't do that"
1964396410,"worry","MyNameIsChrista","Why would someone even do something like that, you gotta be pretty damn desperate for attention!!! lol poor keanu"
1964396447,"sadness","NikkiApp","Whuuurrrrr - glands really swollen now. Guess the weekend's a blow out."
1964396564,"sadness","PvtMarcus","nothing good on TV"
1964396628,"worry","petranoid","My dog is sick. I love that little doggie. He's usually so keen and happy, but he doesn't even want to go for a run in the forest today."
1964396820,"hate","sugabee","@raerica what?really? That sucks  http://myloc.me/20Yy"
1964397242,"sadness","julezykins","@RedStarFuture awww NO. you're not ugly."
1964397874,"sadness","firefaunx","@allysonrobinson ...as well as bell hooks Teaching to Transgress.  Sometimes I miss teaching & messing with bad system."
1964398045,"worry","dearfashionista","@karate_Kid congrats; im still jobless"
1964398363,"sadness","hanscarter","@moonfrye Working extra hours..."
1964399033,"neutral","ChrissyP510","@FakerParis boo. i got rained out at the beach."
1964399036,"surprise","andrewfazio","Enjoying my pathetic tiny music collection, while rearranging my room. Still a little tired from shortening the grass, and that one frog"
1964399113,"neutral","laurenchong","@jen_dang my phone is still broken.  just come over whenever."
1964399376,"worry","reyn84","@loveeamber @item84jeremy it sucks no matter where you are! I'm gonna freakin be late for work!"
1964399429,"worry","brianbreslin","@dimensionmedia @refreshboca? what is this? is everyone abandoning me?        ;-)"
1964399463,"neutral","brokenangel615","twitter,facebook,myspace...no phone still"
1964400615,"worry","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy Yeah unfortunately  The flight is most expensive.....the rest is not so bad - the flight is ca. USD 800 - 900,--"
1964401029,"worry","Mzfuller8","@MamaKimi  hope he is ok!"
1964448724,"worry","hiracdelest","LOVED "Drag Me To Hell" and "Up"...yeah my Spend the Day Studying plan didn't happen"
1964448761,"neutral","jdnorton","not sure if I can use my Neko tix for Sunday night.  may be offering them to someone else, you'll all be the first to know if interested"
1964449142,"relief","pigletsmommy","Jsut F*@#$%& got off work at Carowinds and am DEAD ASS TIRED!!!"
1964449335,"relief","cwarden","Grrr! My internet will be up and running next Wed  at least now I have a def. Answer!"
1964449470,"worry","brooksja123","Moses and his girlfriend broke up!"
1964449495,"worry","FoXiiRoXii","@MissTinaYao yea. I was off today luv. I shudve told u.   anything exciting happen yet. And I saw u last night"
1964449991,"worry","gayguy","Feeling awful, new medication is making me nauseous"
1964450207,"sadness","itvchad","Great first impressions about the little netbook- they only downside is there is no access hatch to upgrade the RAM"
1964450410,"worry","ResaMichelle","@BBBaumgartner  sad day. I was lucky enough to realize it before I got out of the parking lot."
1964450425,"neutral","DaRave","@atkailash I know"
1964450707,"surprise","mathildesf","my tummy hurts"
1964450798,"neutral","GucciLipgloss","@lipzs0juicy I was in the shower  sorrrrrryyy"
1964451034,"surprise","shiningcher","@cherroke5780 UMMMNNN ummmnnn good thanks for letting me know earlier... I ate already"
1964451119,"neutral","itsnatashawtf","I wanna be wif my boyfrannnnn"
1964451215,"surprise","sidepodcastchat","395 votes for Hungary?What? But....but...the Nurburgring...  http://tinyurl.com/mtfye3"
1964451335,"neutral","AlchemistPingu","Britain's got (good) Weather. I wish I had some of that over here."
1964451486,"surprise","sidepodcastchat","What? But....but...the Nurburgring...  why is it so good? http://tinyurl.com/krcamp"
1964451655,"surprise","leeaannee","@niccccolle what is it? i cant get onto bebo on this one!"
1964452095,"sadness","mishl20901","Just saw up with my favorites and surprisingly it was way too sad"
1964452191,"sadness","Kenny73","@don_iain well my team couldn't"
1964452436,"sadness","clamb1969","i have no followers"
1964452461,"worry","ajlanghorn","Sad that Gmail chat has died, so I can't help @natalidelconte"
1964453533,"neutral","LadiiSassii","Aww man I left all my laffy taffy's at work"
1964453816,"sadness","Ronnie_ASA","Its an undeniable truth.  I suck at talking to people.  No good at making a connection.  i come off as either strange or distant"
1964454192,"fun","TheABCsMom","Hmm...what to make for dinner tonight???  No clue.  Don't feel like cooking anything    Hubby wants to go away tonight."
1964454611,"sadness","quornyum","It's Hollie spelt with an 'ie' not a y!! She made me cry on BGT tonight  Gxx"
1964454625,"fun","CarlC","@staceyviera I know. I was hoping to meet you tonite  & I just found out a few min ago that we have a mutual friend Cuong H."
1964454785,"sadness","jennniferrrrrrr","iigghhtt, just fur geet it. idc. idk. eh blah ugh. blah idk... hah..=] um yah.. immboredddd, ugh  ill just fuckitt"
1964455050,"neutral","Stuie","Thundershowers plus baseball equals awwww"
1964455096,"sadness","chrystalmae","How did I give birth to a SCREAMER?? I hate screaming children!! I guess I hate screaming children besides my own, now."
1964455218,"worry","giftedsoulent","@BrandonJhon something we all need sometime"
1964455435,"hate","mjelaine","Sunburn hurts!"
1964456197,"worry","shatteredxo","i don't feeeel good. :/ my head hurts. and i have too much homework to do.  schools no fun. :p hehe"
1964456323,"worry","TeamTwilight15","Anyone have some advice??? I need it!!"
1964456431,"sadness","natalie0331","Yea!  Headed home to change and head over to Pelham.  Sad thought... suposed to be heading over there for the NKOTB concert..."
1964456643,"worry","claudinekay","@Japes_76 haha.  weird?!?  no sunshine for us"
1964456860,"sadness","coldmelody","I love summer, but I oddly don't want this school year to end."
1964457086,"hate","Soulxtract","I think the UPS web site hates me now. Still no Brewing supply package.  Held hostage at work by slow UPS delivery"
1964457675,"worry","LanieFlyers21","@flyersonthefly http://twitpic.com/45r61 -  saddest thing i've seen a while"
1964457753,"worry","SilverSurfing","@x_crazyangel oh noooo, did he not get through?"
1964457758,"worry","colleen_stg","Sorry if I'm confusing anyone. I keep forgetting to @reply. The desktop Twitterific  is not so terrific  Very different from iPhone app."
1964457814,"worry","Littlebit323","@maraslj I miss you already   come visit me pleeeeease"
1964457831,"sadness","superbeccax","@yourboogiegirl DUDE. same.  it hurts"
1964458053,"sadness","allshookup","@falselove OH THAT'S GOOD! My top 4 are: The Haunted House/Sound one; Bakery; Inside Ralphie's body; & ..... I FORGET!!"
1964458147,"sadness","TwatRock","@Gracious_Greta That is so not good.  Your box is worth way more than that!"
1964458214,"hate","Fuego7123","@ShannonDae really? I hate the mobile twitter..its hard to tweet with a sidekick"
1964458254,"sadness","skimshady","Doh. In a rush to get to the Puma Open and I just got pulled over. So sad."
1964458450,"surprise","sharsmoneyteam","OooooOOOOO @golougo  but you just said you were dancin at home.  so doesn't that count?"
1964458623,"sadness","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy In the past it was ok but since i�ve got my own appartment, my own car........it�s very difficult to save the money"
1964458799,"sadness","VonnieBooBG","@yagulmez yea i just got outta one too....i want him back tho  but i feel the same way...i'm cool on dudes for a lil while"
1964458839,"worry","monpio","I just stuck my finger down my throat and there are a bunch of bumps on my tongue & throat."
1964459080,"sadness","SonoranCellist","Today is a sad day for Tucson: http://tr.im/mQ39 I shall miss the sour cream apple pie, fondue, and separate seating for groups with dogs"
1964459096,"love","curlsdiva","dared to go back and look at that vid I made - I may take it down"
1964459293,"worry","Del129","mail came, still no inFAMOUS"
1964459501,"neutral","0BS0L33T","@PDX_Grenade The link 404'd."
1964459690,"hate","Shekara","frustrated by my stupid iPhone I need a blackberry!!!!"
1964459877,"worry","itspubnight","Darts and lunch at Horse Brass... but no beer for me  http://bmap.us/2134"
1964460699,"love","Meghan_H","@Lilayy YES.I loved Disney...and I still do haha.How karazzzy is that?But I've never been to Disney....blah!!"
1964460782,"worry","proteusduxbury","@jonsedar I'm jealous. I have so let it slip what with the baby and all. Not sure I could even do a half right now"
1964460972,"happiness","hellopaulina","at home. didn't see the Bloody movie, full booked  but Night at the museum was fun though."
1964461847,"sadness","jasonsalas","@JoeyArceo yeah, but no new material."
1964461887,"neutral","farhanahmad","Firefox again taking upwards of 600k of memory, time to restart ff"
1964462027,"worry","Ilovemymusic","i cant sleep, i dont deserve this .... N you know it"
1964462346,"worry","Kayyy011","OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........that really hurt!!!"
1964462402,"love","tressalynne","@arikhanson I think YOUR blog should've been on the list"
1964490688,"sadness","heytearcatcher","@ACMcWhale really good, but it's definitely not a 12's. So many people getting burned alive"
1964490689,"worry","CalebCreel","@sunleo727 I'll stop by for a bit when I'm off.  But have to rush to rehearsal - no quiet for me tonight."
1964491132,"neutral","Victoriiaa_","@JonasBrother_NJ Oh! I'm only in my 7   I just joined Twitter a few days ago...."
1964491150,"sadness","SLCoolJames","@AnimalBehavior_ sorry  i dead ass was gonna do that"
1964491261,"neutral","kwmeyer","Another long day at Hallmark."
1964491468,"sadness","gillybean1984","Been a beautiful day today i love the sunshine, missing my man though he is away all weekend  xxxx"
1964491796,"worry","kaiser_wilhelm","@EidolonNight That's kinda sad. And they're poking me while they're at it. Huh."
1964491948,"sadness","alyssa5OH8","plans got ruined no blackstone  going to carnival tomorrow if the weather is good"
1964492070,"hate","JaydyGaGa","I hate watching the News. Why do such awful things happen?"
1964492075,"neutral","TheEmmaHamilton","@thisisryanross I'm not giving up http://bit.ly/SnjEn"
1964492142,"neutral","AngieMac78","@anabear so do I!  But nothing near me right now"
1964492325,"happiness","thenightwriter","@opalbonfante Wonderful! Let me know what you think. Not light reading"
1964492385,"worry","ChristinaTwit","@Amanda_Holden I must admit though, part of me didn't want her to get through so she wouldn't have to put herself through all that again."
1964492770,"neutral","victoriavox","Traffic backed up inbound Lincoln tunnel"
1964492988,"surprise","joonieb","@xxmarypoppinsxx OMG!!! That's a nightmare"
1964493026,"worry","ctokar","@exorre Our raid leader made us run drills to practice switching"
1964493215,"enthusiasm","JoshuaVilla","Back to Work"
1964493473,"neutral","danbautista","Getting ready for work."
1964493516,"sadness","zackoid","@xoxoJennxoxox I feel lost...  I keep running (in my head) from staring faces.. haha. basically:Headache & eyes hurt"
1964493662,"worry","NeleKay","Wondering if i cld make things any worse than they already are... answer.. JUST DID!!!"
1964493987,"fun","KayTyler","@rosskie good luck!!  OH and I are playing inthe mixed knockout this week. Playing the pros 14yr old son playing off 5 & top woman off 6"
1964494320,"worry","pinkelleyphant","after 5pm and no email. looks like i'll be waiting at least until monday. boo."
1964494593,"sadness","scarlettchanel","facebook is being a bitch"
1964494993,"sadness","Animalcontests","Sad because i cant go over my friends house"
1964495072,"surprise","BonesCrazy24","@tvfanactic Jealous I wanted see that film"
1964495131,"sadness","Aanga","Yep, lost my bet to chris"
1964495455,"sadness","angelfly72","Messed on these   But I'm makin' it right! @taraellis19, @dontennant, @elikamahony Best Holy Day wishes to you all!"
1964495506,"worry","limecello","just found out my friend's dad passed away yesterday"
1964496089,"sadness","JamieLeighxo","why do i even bother anymore? Everyone is makin me feel like im a waste of space"
1964496275,"neutral","sallyslytherin","@Sarawkweird Hm, maybe Louise Rennison will break tradition and it will be out in October instead  I always order the UK versions anyway"
1964496288,"empty","Sof24","is cursing AB's wardrobe handles. One drew blood"
1964496439,"neutral","RoBorg","@dkmissie Without anyone"
1964496740,"worry","lesleyo","Been job hunting for days. Media and non-media jobs. No lucky  Anyone know of anything???"
1964496753,"sadness","Obama1227","I feel like last night was a dream... Well I guess I should say nightmare."
1964497015,"sadness","AndrewGsays","It's not gonna happen again"
1964497168,"empty","Ms_Howard","@kathyclugston Just investigated whether I could change my username to Ermintrude - someone's already nabbed it"
1964497638,"sadness","Brig89","attempting to count the days till i return to canada...theres alot of them"
1964497684,"worry","georgewezsley","@LezmirandaPOW *humming* hmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmmmmm Touched for the verry first time..... Hmmmm hmmmm hmmm hmm hmm mmm mmmmm ......"
1964497690,"neutral","mttmxwll","@willem138 What happened to Dave?"
1964497836,"worry","ParwinderMattu","I really should be doing something more productive, why am I not there yet?"
1964497869,"neutral","BCStacey","@HilaryJ Not sure, but I CAN tell you what happens to a pre-chilled watermelon that you leave in your car  *in TX* for a week!   NOT GOOD"
1964497983,"enthusiasm","Mugello","Just got a call from my Realtor saying I have another showing on Sunday. No offers yet  but at least there is a lot of interest."
1964498112,"worry","samanthakyle","@beccaschlagen Oh no!  I hope you find your kitten"
1964498296,"fun","sylviango","@skotcarruth i like it"
1964498484,"worry","mendozasantos","@McFrezco - whoa. "sack chasing whores" ? that is soo out of character for you to say that...  bring back my sweet Superman"
1964498493,"neutral","bennage","@bellware not an easy place for me to access   Task-based ux is something I've been thinking about. I'd like to hear the criticisms."
1964499184,"sadness","Queen_Penelope","i am braid free  i miss thee ... BLOND HERE I COME!!"
1964499528,"neutral","snipercatcher","@charlyblue I could barely choke it down"
1964499559,"sadness","Kiinszy","I'm so sad, really really sad"
1964500616,"worry","oxEmalieexo","@xScarlett_x How did your Geo ISU go? I swear I just had the worse day ever.."
1964501088,"sadness","Jonathannnnn","i really cant take this."
1964501363,"worry","lgladdy","@chasingsunshine I'm sorry, but you wrote that on a blackberry which means you loose any respect i had for you"
1964501721,"worry","smfly","Waking up way to late = bad.  Getting yelled at for it later = worse."
1964502108,"happiness","gscottoliver","@snowed_in I loved that movie! And I miss Raul Julia."
1964502175,"worry","EightyThreeKid","Damnit Day 26 is at Northpark mall..I use to live near there  someone steal Mike for meeee!"
1964502411,"empty","babygirlc8lin","&not gonna lie. it's 60 degrees in here. thanks for leavin me your sweater molly. brrrrr"
1964502573,"worry","tatty73","I hate how MS makes me feel. I can't control my legs 2nite & am in too much pain - it's driving me crazy  Anyone else get those moments?!!"
1964503145,"enthusiasm","TRIPL3KOMO","I need some DRANK & "GRAPE KONTAKT" from my girlies  lol SOOOO SERIOUS!"
1964503268,"fun","hendrixgirl","@TheNewMachine Haha. Yep. Ya got me"
1964503340,"worry","heartofzaphod","no one wants a #VirtualKiss"
1964503382,"happiness","ShesElectric_","I had my galaxy..and god it was good!!  Where has everyone gone..twitters gone a bit quiet  xxxxx"
1964503648,"enthusiasm","MedicBarbie","@DFS_Ellen and she's 9.5 and a rescue.. bad hips.    She deserves pampering!  She's full of life though!!"
1964503780,"worry","GingerNinja_UK","Didn't get chance to pick up my copy of Guitar Hero: Metallic yet"
1964503936,"neutral","AwsomeSoda","scary cape guy"
1964503968,"worry","unsecretcrush","Yesterday I didn't do much because I was just lazy, but today I don't feel so good."
1964504001,"sadness","PeroniGrlBrandi","@jonathanrknight  still no direct message for me. what the hell am I complaining about? i'll c ya in 27. if u don't answer i'll ask in 5*."
1964504025,"worry","dhtothe3","Why do i never get to see my paychecks? It's not fair, the second i get them they're gone!"
1964504465,"neutral","jane__","@Nessie__Cullen_ lol  emmett wont do a dance off again"
1964504848,"worry","MaverickNY","@asco will the presentations be available online during the meeting?  The poster discussants are going so fast I can't write fast enough"
1964504945,"sadness","IdaEmilia","EMO moment!!  Just said good bye to my best friends EVER! But we'll meet again for sure!"
1964505253,"sadness","SalinaBoo","OMggg. i just heard someone is gonna die on the new season of the secret life of the american teenager  noooo."
1964505469,"hate","catesaunders","As if the day couldn't get any worse! Am once again an involuntary audio audience to the (not so) domestic bliss emanating from next door"
1964505809,"sadness","seansofresh","@theycallmeTAP http://bit.ly/3oRh6 << i miss music like this"
1964506233,"surprise","Domashwin","thinks his haircut isnt as bad as it looked yesterday.....  - still bad tho!"
1964506235,"hate","jamiefishback","@TalentAgentLA unfort, i can't DM you b/c ur not following me"
1964506244,"happiness","thecelebhost","@ThelovelyJ lmao back in queens now"
1964531789,"sadness","jreddaway","my little sister told me i have a double chin  aww"
1964532001,"sadness","eileenlou","surgery effin hurts"
1964532182,"neutral","BenSouthward","Damn Rain!!!!! Oh well, looks like the only football I'll experience today is the FA cup final!"
1964532616,"love","KirstyAnnx3","@ScotDale i dont, i'm not allowed to vote  perants complain about the cost so dont let me vote. but i love his act its just so different"
1964532806,"relief","Caper_Chick","At least it's Friday...working 'til 1:30AM"
1964532820,"worry","cmtwist","I was expecting the sun to come out today. I guess that's not happening."
1964533051,"hate","prairiebird","@walksthesehills i will push it into the sea for you"
1964533155,"neutral","SxyBrownSkinned","@YoUnGMaiine never stop in T1"
1964533526,"neutral","milo1047","wants TFA back.  http://plurk.com/p/x2rgl"
1964533819,"worry","lalalauraxo","@konst4nt1ne im sick  if i wasnt, id be at the show with ya!"
1964533889,"worry","Nayla18","My boyfriend just broke his wrist, now he might need surgery  im so nervous"
1964534282,"surprise","nkotbluvr4life","@jordanknight all is quiet in twitterland 2day."
1964534423,"happiness","likemyusername","just saw UP  it was a cute movie (:passed by a place called a peasants kitchen. wtf? that names kinda sad"
1964534599,"sadness","drake_p","@Jesusfreak1900 probably.  sucks for you."
1964534888,"neutral","Sobk13","@chaoszac *fretful look* Okay. But I think it's mumbling something. It's a bit muffled under the hat but it sounds like "I need Lactose"."
1964535265,"worry","NorrathReaver","@scottisafool  I had a analog tuner the MC team gave me few years ago. No inbox drivers, but WU handled it. WU drivers were pulled in Jan"
1964535346,"worry","luckygnahhh","I need help Twitter world! Orange theraflu pills...are those going to be the drowsy or non drowsy?"
1964535441,"surprise","ericakrysl","@danieldececco Out of your car?! Oh no!"
1964535661,"neutral","RicciSue","Im so done with this cold. I really wanna go out tonight, but i really dont feel like it."
1964535709,"surprise","greenertrends","@ecopolitologist  Wow that is a scary statistic"
1964535802,"sadness","marklewis1963","I hate when a program freezes during installation."
1964536778,"neutral","amalia_qk","@antoniia07 sheep!!!!wassup???i miss you    see you on monday!"
1964536867,"neutral","miss_r","@xheiligsein We decided I'd probably forget I had it in my pocket and sit on it by accident"
1964537235,"worry","belovedidea23","Omg, little kids with cancer is the saddest thing ever"
1964537647,"surprise","nicolle_wwjd","loves surprises, but is never surprised"
1964537999,"empty","mmkem","@GramaLindax4  Linda ~ What do you mean by your last post??  It doesn't sound good"
1964538187,"worry","Steneskog","@mileycyrus i thought i was your best friend"
1964538625,"empty","thehoodnerd","Lost a battle with the couch....phone has been blowing up"
1964538815,"surprise","dammet","http://twitpic.com/67jq9 - i'm really missing this place  my grandparents are living there, on the calm country! but im coming to them ..."
1964539560,"neutral","techiebabe","@sjzara The little weeping nervous girl was put through... along with a 12 yr old quite good dancing boy. Greg the lovely singer came 3rd"
1964539715,"neutral","mariaeduardab","@ddlovato today "sonny with a chance" came to brazil, i loved it!! you're amazing <33 please reply"
1964540559,"neutral","Ebleudo","@PerezHilton oh that was said perez"
1964540895,"worry","kaee_","FATTY! omg i just found the worst shit out and idk what to do i need to talk to you!! hopefully i see you when you get off work.  its badd"
1964541198,"worry","bimbler","@ChrisGBaillie aaaawwww wont yr brother blip things for you  LOL"
1964541479,"neutral","peterkirst","new project @ work"
1964541637,"sadness","RawrBunny9","miss him way to much... just cnt stop thinking of him   nite nite folkkz..."
1964541693,"hate","aianna21","Oh insomnia, I hate you. I'm bored of staring at my ceiling, cano go sleepnow please?"
1964542137,"worry","Beckaaa_x","OCHH ive got blister on my foot over the sun today its soo sore  i supose yas dnt care hah just thaught i tweet it anyways"
1964542474,"neutral","Xemion","@savagemic @MailChimp hired all the smart monkeys for e-mail marketing..."
1964542561,"happiness","angeloult","cookies and milk to make me feel better. thanks babe. still recuperating from last night.   http://yfrog.com/13izrj"
1964542594,"sadness","msgirl24","i'm a little sad that school ended today i'm moving so i'm going to miss all my new friends from this year.    just got a hair cut"
1964542610,"worry","impapibitch","� miss my future, � wanna see her  � for damn sure don't wanna wait til monday"
1964542849,"worry","colbertobsessed","@jamieaiken919 *JEALOUS* I desperately wanna go shopping, but alas, I have no cash."
1964542940,"hate","JamiexLynn","There are bugs attacking my laptop"
1964543310,"sadness","cynthiakokos","At drs again"
1964543435,"neutral","PocketRobert","Soaked in the rain in 30 seconds and I wasn't even hiking 8.4 miles with 2.5 miles in the rain like last weekend."
1964543521,"surprise","Stilthinking","Holy cow! Archie Andrews finally marries Veronica Lodge.This is not what I thought will eventually happen in my 6th grade  Awww...bad, bad"
1964543548,"sadness","emilyndkenny","rec game....trying not to cry...the pain is to much..i need him...can't lose him </3...my heart is breakingg"
1964543748,"neutral","linimt","Didn't get a band leadership position"
1964543817,"worry","Megryansmom","@juliestrialtrib so sorry to hear that"
1964544037,"neutral","JmeTheBabyMaker","@butterfly562 Not sure yet... they said we'll see"
1964544338,"fun","Buffalo_Souljaa","@Hooded how come? i want pizza"
1964544834,"neutral","msjbowie","ugly girls always insist on making ugly faces!  ugh!"
1964544908,"sadness","eunice_ses","@Amanduuhhh Omg same here! They hurt so much"
1964545139,"neutral","mr_raccoon","The new Lego Rock Band trailer looks pretty weird. They coulda done a better job making it  http://bit.ly/jCfk7"
1964545143,"sadness","vwesson","@hardrockchick super but I caught a cold on the plane.  not as far forward in line as I'd like, but the extra sleep was dearly needed."
1964545388,"sadness","IndiaLovesYou","i'm so hungry"
1964545406,"surprise","rockchickpeg","why wont the wii get Paperboy on virtual console"
1964545790,"worry","anthonylucio","I don't remember the last movie I saw in the theatre, and that makes me really sad"
1964546186,"worry","AnnieLovesDT","@Carolz_S I know McFly gonna be in Brazil  Say them hello!!!...I wanna be there"
1964546291,"worry","kat_n","@xXSam_01Xx   dont leave us !!! whats up ? xxx"
1964546370,"relief","FloJoEllaMo","Home from China & back to work"
1964546694,"worry","omglawdork","@garycford I gotta say, I feel bad for everyone in NKorea.  They're starving, and they have a crazy in charge who endangers them daily."
1964554427,"worry","anticipating","I want to change my twitter name but I can't think of anything"
1964554625,"neutral","heidy_c","my school is like the only one thats NOT on vacation."
1964554982,"worry","stillframehero","Feel hurt. in car. gonna watch a funny movie. someone talk"
1964555038,"worry","kjofficial","I hear it's a scorcher back home - all we've got here are clouds  Back in the studio, maybe if we're lucky we might get 2 songs done 2day!"
1964555330,"neutral","SinKittyVixen","I wish I could just go for a drive..or a movie or the store..I just wanna be alone"
1964555383,"sadness","tressalynne","@arikhanson Shoot! I voted and somehow looked over yours ... boo hiss. Forgive me   Have a great weekend Arik."
1964555470,"sadness","AnthonyFloyd","@hummingbird604 @brendonjwilson @gregeh But @LeftCoastMama is right: This is like the Cape Breton coal mines but ++. No lessons learned."
1964555736,"worry","mcraddictal","@PotFace sorry i didnt reply earlier  i feel better now."
1964555899,"neutral","bryanarmada","@LaurenHaleStorm yeah, we're on our way home"
1964556097,"worry","aprizzle","sighs. where's my candy"
1964556138,"neutral","Maluna31","cof Cof Cof!"
1964556199,"sadness","c_a_r_r_i_e","Back to the freaking homework."
1964556304,"sadness","HeroesJonas7495","@mikki_kayla02 MEEEEEE TOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be SO disappointed if it's just season 7."
1964556746,"neutral","evalyy","Almost lost my phone."
1964556818,"sadness","SlaveringFanboy","My brain hurts"
1964557020,"sadness","ladyvee","@joenkobema73 what's wrong? How come u in pain?"
1964557224,"neutral","AnhHoang","@QueenM81 Nope"
1964557278,"sadness","FuzzaB","missed Britains got talent    gutted."
1964557362,"worry","david_rocks","i dont know what gonna do on my lame fridaay  maybe see me with my besties!!"
1964557648,"happiness","koldobarroso","@travelingcircus Oooh you just spoiled my teenage fantasy"
1964557826,"surprise","ms_richardson","This thunder is scaring the hell out of me...geez...I HATE THUNDER  we better not loose electricity... #fb http://myloc.me/2144"
1964557890,"worry","ivileeispissed","Awe i feel so left out"
1964557910,"sadness","leahprobey","maaaaan last night was a funny night! sad aswell tho"
1964557931,"worry","tarbot3000","I am sad today"
1964558195,"neutral","dit53","Awake again , I give up , I'm going to ready for today"
1964558291,"worry","sallyinnorfolk","@annief1 had a panic with the car ....."
1964558435,"neutral","savagemic","@FreelanceSw Why so expensive"
1964558501,"hate","menetgod","@Mahalat Sorry. Not unemployed."
1964558896,"neutral","JB_Writter","Just ate at chipolte... Ate more than i usually do... Now i'm ew full... Not content full but ew full..."
1964558982,"sadness","xxmomoko","it's sunny but i'm bored  sad call or text me"
1964559566,"hate","WTFhollywood","Just saw my boo he went back to work now time to do my hair but it's going to rain WTF"
1964559937,"sadness","banaboogie","I could live off of mediterranean food for the rest of my life. I miss home"
1964559988,"sadness","anilam18","@lilxcutiesworld He played the song but didn't send it out as a request"
1964559999,"neutral","Hooded","@Buffalo_Souljaa I couldn't eat 2"
1964560250,"worry","AllyC31","history project"
1964560359,"sadness","paulicv20","i'm kinda sad of being alone all the time i miss my brother  and my friends suck i mean no one has even called me in 2 weeks"
1964560446,"sadness","SongoftheOss","@_CorruptedAngel my god, really! Really? 50? Christ"
1964560823,"enthusiasm","rockinaround","Ok, so I know it's nearly 10:30pm here but @martylyn made me want some ice cream... I can't get the Italian stuff though"
1964560834,"anger","MINGOENT","@janae24 lol! y does ur tweet sound like ur voice yelling at me  lol!"
1964560990,"surprise","HeartOFHatred","Twitter has been foking up for me today arg!  1 and 1/2 hours of work till the weekend! Woooooo"
1964561439,"surprise","fullsailor","@olivierlacan That's awesome man. Damn, I should of sent you an affiliate link.  lol. oh well."
1964561559,"worry","ghoulsniteout","@markhoppus aww mark  that makes me sad I got mine on presale."
1964561709,"surprise","littlecassalina","@animalria what?? why?"
1964561850,"relief","marcusnelson","Have to wait till Friday to pick up my Visa for China- not as expedited as I would have hoped, but at it's done   #geeksonaplane"
1964561924,"surprise","kaaathyy","At shakas againn. No 2 dollar salads here"
1964561962,"sadness","Hybrid911","@emo_zaboo its ok, it just hurts abit i thought i was doing a good job... if i was rude to people i could understand...  x"
1964562426,"hate","sidneyetienne","@PreciousLittle so jealous"
1964562544,"neutral","hellorachael","@FrazJ i wish we had sun lollies for me to get addicted  what flavour?"
1964562744,"worry","blackhillbillie","Happy its the weekend...LOVE has knocked me down ya'll!!!"
1964562824,"love","kit_kat1990","@changedforgood Aww that sucks   It wasn't that long though but Dianne was SO cute as usual <3 Hopeflly some1 mite put it on youtube :S"
1964562996,"neutral","kaee_","@xkodakx FATTY! omg i just found the worst shit out and idk what to do i need to talk to you!! hopefully i see you when you get off work."
1964563069,"sadness","jazzt","@crust123 there's just no air"
1964563292,"love","leannenufc","@Sparkly_Devil1 Big Brother quiz?  What?!  I'm too busy rocking out on Guitar Hero, I didn't notice any such thing"
1964563545,"worry","CourtneyElyse11","ug i think i blew my phone interview  i like them!"
1964563631,"worry","richardbiscuit","what a day!!! motorways and trains noooootttttttt fun"
1964563650,"sadness","whitelilysoap","@eddyizm Do you not like turtles?"
1964563898,"worry","KenyaMack","has finally got some Zyrtec for this terrible allergy attack.    I hope it doesn't put me to sleep before the game comes on tonight."
1964564004,"empty","BNJMNXCLSV","http://twitpic.com/67jxs - Such crappy weather"
1964564300,"neutral","Overcast","No fair tonight. Rain."
1964564385,"neutral","bennsu","@mosaicbooks and now they are one. To become a bigger pain."
1964564471,"worry","DemtriaLovato","@cyrusbaby I miss you...  come over and say bye before I leave!!"
1964564700,"relief","unequivocal208","@Gernika Had lunch at Bittercreek, they were out of Hopnoxious  Had Sweetgrass IPA tho, so all is still right in the world."
1964564883,"happiness","MISSKRIS1214","@TMills130 aaawww  no worries fresh start to work on growing it out again"
1964565401,"worry","Annihilatian","Not looking forward to the upcoming week...My better half will be gone all that time! It's TRULY GONNA SUCK BIG TIME!"
1964565609,"empty","whereislizzy","christian lacroix, and one of our on-off clients, gone bust.  http://tinyurl.com/kv653j"
1964565742,"worry","micsaund","Didn't realize Animal Kingdom closes so early at 5:00 today. Now I'm stick in the exit traffic"
1964565864,"relief","KatM3q","I'm a senior. I should of been already."
1964566147,"worry","oh_the_irony","srsly, BGT, joke maaan. how lame. ughhhh work tomorah have to get up early"
1964566165,"surprise","MsJerzi","@3minds babe u aint been reading my tweets- my phone has fallen apart. My new on comes nxt wk. The track ball keeps fallin out my phone"
1964566168,"neutral","__dMan","@potdeyahourt putain"
1964566244,"worry","faithkelley","My foot still hurts from stepping on a spider...owwwwww"
1964566880,"worry","kinkouin","@SEGA small? we cant choose?"
1964566887,"neutral","virtualizemos","@CXI Thanks, I found the link http://bit.ly/uxOFO  , however I think you need to be a customer to download it"
1964567173,"boredom","bklem","Ugh... Waiting.... Interminable..."
1964567301,"happiness","yvonneboulter","Oh god! The cheesy disco music has started and everyone is getting up on the tables  i need more wine..."
1964567530,"worry","padacklesjjam","So jealous im not at asylum right now"
1964572872,"worry","BritnyBitch","Starting my 2nd shift! Im going to miss like an hour of the lakers game!"
1964573016,"fun","wcvm","Welcome to Minnesoooooooota.  Free up some time this trip to catch up! Won't be at Cliquot Club though; they closed"
1964573479,"hate","dispy","@toriigwyn i want chinese food really baaad."
1964573550,"neutral","jackiea","@mattjay Hey! That's about what ours was... for round 1. :/ Round 2 next week..."
1964573975,"enthusiasm","pandafandanga","Today is lame because I am not in Orlando  I am soooo looking forward to NEXT friday"
1964574277,"fun","Racheezy","@ravefamous who will we make fun  of?!?!"
1964574714,"happiness","Rachy46","Was supposeddd to hang out with al but her mommy wont let her  now what to dooo? Blah. Hahaha"
1964574940,"love","shaebay","@hp5freak Awww, it does remind me of getting ready for the ball."
1964575165,"neutral","jameane","annoyed the #ppt didn't save my changes.  When I explicitly saved."
1964575179,"worry","paramoreroxx","@Ponyless soz i neva saw this message till now...if u add then delete me i cant see any messages uve left on my page"
1964575196,"hate","ninjaavie89","@erickajonasbby aw poor u   DON'T let her get 2 u just ignore her n keep ur head held high she iz just immature lil girl lol"
1964575387,"sadness","BigDaws","@PembsDave lmao im gutted cos it didnt come out right"
1964575808,"surprise","Dj_SportsChick","@gracieh89 can you get catacombs ffrom the cinemas? i tried to get it from my local one a little while ago and theyh didn't have it."
1964575850,"neutral","Mr_AskBoutMe","@_JAYYTEE yea i knw"
1964576546,"sadness","LedZepeatles","Last 3 days of school....I'm sad but happy but anxious....."
1964576559,"happiness","jamieaiken919","@colbertobsessed  I was lucky, my mom paid for everything for me. I'll take you shopping!"
1964576627,"sadness","phoenixcrusher","stupid Folkestone cinema is only showing Star Trek 3 times, damn them"
1964576639,"sadness","woodlandalyssa","@mrinklin i have started saving my Tumblr drafts because that happened to me this week and i was so sad"
1964577017,"sadness","sofi_m","@marijo008 no he sabido nada de ti, this is making me a bit sad I must say!"
1964577180,"neutral","ALJ2880","yeah me too."
1964577213,"hate","Real_Js","In a period of exams days are for study and nights for study and sleep... no funny time..."
1964577425,"hate","emmielovegood","@hptwilighter I'm dying to read it!  I hate England."
1964577912,"sadness","laurenayala","im sick,youre sick. imy"
1964578043,"sadness","susanreynolds","She is beautiful @webduck. But don't feel badly. Some neaby grans see grandkids about the same amt.   Can't go to them = out of luck"
1964578095,"sadness","marleyuk","@TheeRealFDHC Welcome to Glasgow Felix, sorry I cant be there tonight"
1964578180,"enthusiasm","CcCatastrophe","Looking to sketch final catwalk outfit, i really REALLY want my long pink hair back. i also want to dye my models hair pink not allowed"
1964578242,"sadness","hayley8705","@lilyroseallen britains got talent is rather disappointing this year"
1964578349,"love","cmothershead","missing bham"
1964578489,"neutral","grcanning","Terminator Salvation... by myself."
1964578660,"neutral","TheEmmaHamilton","@thisisryanross Ryaaaaaaaaaaaaan  http://bit.ly/SnjEn"
1964578789,"worry","Cynder","No more spending the day chatting with Steve on the computer   Now what I am I going to do at work?"
1964579209,"worry","queenmom2009","OPS sorry  Queen Mom"
1964579359,"worry","Michaelaax","http://twitpic.com/67jzp McFly concerts through the years [H]... Don't have my '06 one though  :/"
1964579994,"hate","DareYouToMove","I'm really mad at the world today. Today is just a sucky day."
1964580154,"sadness","laurenburkhart","My sister is having a stupid party && I wanna hang out with my friends, but hilly won't txt me back..."
1964580222,"sadness","ShyezaAngelique","I want some pineapple! I miss my baby"
1964580272,"worry","ChristalWasHere","@AmBamThankYaMam so i spoke too soon.... & my weekend may be delayed for like 20 more min  aaaah i gottaaa get outttt of here b4 i lose it"
1964580312,"neutral","glossyveneer","Colleague that "helped" by creating his unit's site in iWeb was NOT helpful. Trash code, 24 CSS files for a 4 page site, no optimizing."
1964580326,"neutral","mandygirl87","that 'preview' of a trailer for new moon was a joke...14 seconds. still watched it tho. twice. lol figured i missed something! still sick"
1964580669,"neutral","softer_softest","I'm completely exhausted thanks to yesterday.  Can I go home yet?"
1964581887,"hate","jacquetran","ah my tummy hurts  damn starbucks sugar/chocolate/caffeine"
1964581888,"sadness","MusicJules","My sunburn itches  ouch"
1964581898,"happiness","wcvm","@Drlebron - Welcome to Minnesoooooooota. Free up some time this trip to catch up! Won't be at Cliquot Club though; they closed"
1964582037,"sadness","BrewsterInn","@karamat If only we could ever actually be allowed to stay here and do that"
1964582102,"sadness","hptwilighter","Oh no it's storming... gotta get off the computer."
1964582249,"neutral","Ck2205","i`m so tired"
1964582411,"relief","giloi2009","@Applecored its like a little adventure, only Im kinda worried about her, and I cant take the bus to where she is cos my oyster is broken"
1964582577,"neutral","LilRaya","@RaemonVip  I will. tell him I said happy birthday tomorrow too. is you talking about raymond?"
1964582733,"worry","TheMaryDream","gear troubles all day long!"
1964583491,"boredom","Soph4Soph","@thefunkyfairy hiya, hows your week been?? just tried to DM you but your not following!  x"
1964584298,"neutral","coreana","Some d-bag stole @Catfairbanks bike"
1964584930,"worry","Samm_J","@Shamoneyy I wish my mouth wud lemme chew all tht.. Pause...I def wud love some of that.."
1964585276,"love","rmmaxwell04","Im really in the mood to go on a date"
1964586023,"worry","keliskontagious","the tummy monster hates me"
1964586065,"neutral","Sportsmind8586","Game 6...who wants it...u already know who the league wants"
1964586100,"sadness","MBunk_007","@nickwall0 Im not bannished... but I am at work till 6"
1964586223,"worry","Dianaaaaa","wow my grandma passed away....I'm too sick to even think, I know she's in a better place now"
1964586370,"neutral","its_sb","@Mali_Marls Nah I got bare work to do, 3 weeks left and I'm bare behind"
1964586767,"neutral","anabear","@AngieMac78  i know i'm changin it again"
1964586884,"hate","njbartlett","@caniszczyk Agreed! Though Eclipse apps hinder collecting the heap dump by catching OOME. Had to muck about in JConsole"
1964586978,"hate","gbrockway","Mobile phone check-in? Another fail! American's service came close, but crashed at the gate. I'm now 0 for 3."
1964588415,"neutral","radiochica","@GrangerSmith Glad to know you guys got there safe. Have a great show tonight! Wish I could be there."
1964588571,"sadness","dtopping27","@annejsimmons Just the mother of all bad days"
1964591277,"neutral","berrycute1010","misses lance already..."
1964591336,"sadness","ElenaBrowne","i think they are working why eyes are drooping  its so weird being under drugs i dont like it ... cant wait for tomorrow though"
1964591356,"surprise","KittysKitchen","Went to get driver license and car licnse plates renewed.  My mechanic that does inspections out of town today."
1964591435,"love","bjaurigue","Cupcakes, creme brulee, tiramisu~ I want some sugar"
1964591678,"sadness","6377_x","Seriously Bored Now!!!"
1964591884,"surprise","iheartfinn","I wish my sister lived near me"
1964592011,"neutral","MechaZain","Toy Story 3 trailer premiered with Up. I need my computer back."
1964592031,"worry","awcarville","needs a new job either closer to home or worth the drive"
1964592475,"sadness","jona_thin","@AKDB Tell me about it"
1964592988,"worry","bobundercover","i wonder if there is a life after Alzheimer's caring. beyond despair. poverty sux but commerce is futile. there is no description. mommy"
1964593091,"sadness","Piewacket1","@Sandy_B_ Shes bad they won't sort her out and is in a lot of pain"
1964593349,"boredom","RoBine904","@themabster not if you have to be to work at six..."
1964593481,"sadness","sjor","Oh yeah, this is why I don't like waking up early.  Around mid-day I get all tired."
1964593995,"love","malia111","@showingmyassets no happy hour for me today"
1964594066,"hate","kellychoez","Hates that my a.c doesn't work! Its so hot"
1964594349,"happiness","CKunk","@TheoLykos OMG I WANT TO GO TO THE BEACH!!!"
1964594405,"sadness","ChiBlackhawks","@julierubes I won't be at the game.  Found out too late."
1964594416,"love","Lianetics","Zach G. gets an extensive profile in this weekend's NY Times Magazine. The chances of us falling in love are getting fewer and fewer."
1964594506,"hate","lilroxybabe8188","Assembling/ figuring out this new alarm daddy gave me - SOOO loud  I think I blew out my ear drum"
1964594775,"neutral","emreoktem","Still working"
1964595078,"worry","chrisguitar89","Work is an evil whore. That doesn't let me check my text messages"
1964595215,"sadness","ahohey","@SUPERRZAAAP i forgot the yardsale event! ooh how pity i am"
1964595219,"sadness","thesickchick","@themakelounge -- No fair, I want a sticker but I just moved away from London"
1964595255,"happiness","cmpriest","@formicadinette - Yipe! I'm sorry to hear that"
1964595270,"fun","babyblues7985","Im so excited about the MTV movie awards!!!  even though I won't be there   I can't wait to watch them on tv and I hope..."
1964595309,"relief","davidthegreater","@AustinWise Part of an AR-15. Actually the only part of one that qualifies as a gun. You have to be 21 to buy them without parts on them."
1964595436,"neutral","helenmarie7k","Wish I could go hear Mint Condition tommorow night"
1964595534,"neutral","fentonfilms","I wanna make a new vlog update tomorrow. But I have homework to do as well."
1964595919,"neutral","frenxchie","Watching Ripley's Believe it or Not while eating=bad choice"
1964596143,"sadness","shord143","i've got nothing witty to tweet"
1964596146,"sadness","dkmeek","Have to work today.  http://plurk.com/p/x2rt8"
1964596180,"worry","witchy108","@JodiOKeefee what on earth happened to wentworth's page?!? i'm devastated, as i'm sure ALL of his fans are!"
1964596230,"sadness","daiq","Greg Pritchard was ROBBED of a place in the final of BGT... Cry baby bitch-face got through instead"
1964596346,"sadness","leamartin","oh my god!!! i cried so much!!! watch this guys from BGT  http://bit.ly/5t5Xz"
1964596368,"neutral","Victoriiaa_","@DangerAdamJonas  I saw you in the facebook live chat... but you will have to answer my question the next time  !"
1964596400,"neutral","maximillian62","@BerlyAnne lol, don't rub it in"
1964596687,"sadness","Kgiirl","got to clean the bathroom today."
1964596897,"neutral","Karivett77","Humidity is NOT my friend! Just ask my hair"
1964596988,"sadness","karenmc13","@BTV_SUPRNATURAL  ok thanx very much u can send me the answer by private mail if u like but would be sooo cool wish i was in birmingham"
1964597197,"hate","kristalyn512","I feel like poop. I hate being sick"
1964597612,"love","GuttaButta","@Coffee_Brown theres a holy version of hell? lol...i cant stop. i need for it to be a trending topic!  be nice (*whispering #redmango)lol"
1964597953,"sadness","joerbailey","@wendica I checked.  We didn't win"
1964597967,"hate","darrell","@richcav Yes, they can, but the selection is arbitrarily and severely limited because of nonstandardized copyright laws."
1964598032,"worry","codytupper","@mareyachristina haha i shaved all my facial hair off except for my moustache cause i thought it would be cool! But it made me look gross"
1964598229,"hate","itsmichababy","im so not feelinq this huqe ass pimple smack in the middle of my doom. it aint riqht man"
1964598252,"worry","sabbath78","Just lost my internet signal  how will life go on"
1964598277,"sadness","Arhum","@honorsociety luvvv it- but one aquestion-why isn't there any full moon crazy tour date for toronto!?!?!?!!??!"
1964598425,"surprise","DrewDrew2009","wondering why my boyfriend hasnt called me for a week.. . i think the end is coming for is..."
1964598726,"neutral","muzcats","#iusedtobescaredof the girls in the year above me at school"
1964598753,"sadness","jemistry","i just watched Marley & Me...i cried so hard!"
1964599581,"sadness","jazifyfie","just missed to answer his IM AGAIN! For the nth time! This is making me sad.  Whenever he IM (which is all the time), I am always out."
1964599609,"sadness","MKCOL","@RobbieBarnes No Sky. Terrestrial analogue only"
1964599791,"hate","mattielong","@lexiloohoo ugh! Fuck it. Today doesn't look like it's going to work  i'm sorry"
1964600386,"sadness","angelinlb","I'm craving something salty in my mouth!  Tired of pretzels tho."
1964600550,"sadness","macdonaldx","aww, anyone see hollie steel on BGT tonight? wharra shame"
1964600605,"sadness","tweetilicious","http://twitpic.com/67k9w - - My besties. If only @DemtriaLovato was there."
1964600695,"sadness","Annihilatian","Is there a way I can sleep for the next 8 or 9 days? That way when I wake up, she'll have returned & I wouldn't have missed her SO MUCH!"
1964600938,"worry","jordanislol","@willnoon I believe the address is 300 Ottawa Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI (Calder Plaza), wish I could've seen you guys last night or today"
1964601549,"neutral","lnjen","gymnastics time.  My last night for teaching Friday evening classes.   New summer schedule starts next week."
1964601577,"sadness","SonnyDani","@MalcolmMillion nah i understand you cant cancel i just wanted you to come"
1964602268,"anger","gennyLinn","Gah! I left my glasses at work and reading is giving me a headache.  I can't believe how much I need them these days.  Old age."
1964602289,"worry","mlmanley","AP: North Korea could opt for devastating land assault... http://tinyurl.com/nmg9ht (via @Drudge_Report) Scary talk to say the least.  mm"
1964602791,"worry","BellaKavner98","@therealpickler hey kellie,how are u?I FEEL HORRIBLE!"
1964602839,"love","kirstiie223","Annoyed  greg diddnt go through  i guess well done holly"
1964603387,"surprise","Jesehn","I burnt myself"
1964603662,"sadness","erickajonasbby","@honorsociety i like it and all butttt your not going to have it at the august 7th concert which hurts my feelers"
1964603818,"sadness","carrotlove","I am so sick and tired of this on and off rain"
1964604013,"neutral","GiniLovesJonas","Was eating a manderin. But it's all gone now!"
1964604048,"relief","Zebulun284","@aduquette I know. It's not hard to NOT click reply.  Sorry to hear about the possible stomach condition  Sucks to deal with."
1964616374,"sadness","ali_konu","@nataliejanette Im so jealous that Im not going to blogher"
1964616595,"worry","mileymandyrox","AHHHHHHHH!I can't get miley to notice me......"
1964616944,"sadness","cleders","@LisaTayl My stay was great! BUT my mother gave me the cold/flu before I left and I still have a cough..."
1964617034,"neutral","robersonj","@redefinition if only the weather would cooperate for us to get in the pool right now. It's been too cold all spring"
1964617139,"neutral","tarelique","wishing i was karen from will&grace"
1964617244,"love","Victoria_B33","im cleaning listening to fiona apple then off to a birthday party!!!!!! i cant believe that im 25 already"
1964617394,"neutral","whitmo","@ledoug actually was planning on working @ w12th but alas meetings kaiboshed that plan"
1964617507,"worry","david_rocks","i dont know what to do on my lame fridaay  maybe go out with my besties!!"
1964617509,"sadness","juliebee","It's 10.30pm on a Friday night and I'm going to bed. How pathetic."
1964617546,"sadness","StarryDreamer03","@leirastorm  That's sucky. We'll miss you being on."
1964617589,"neutral","Missmc805","@lilxcutiesworld I guess @anilam18 cant request  the same song though"
1964617614,"enthusiasm","ElleActressxx","@ItsIan ohhh your soo lucky it is nice out. Here it is rainy and humid."
1964617964,"sadness","Koleya_","jazzy we should be in vegas w A team"
1964618007,"neutral","dustinmerrill","I had fries and an ariZona at 1130 and that's the only thing I ate today.  feeeeeed meeeeee"
1964618126,"worry","Memset_Martyn","To cap things off, the lower part of my back really hurts."
1964618407,"worry","thehoodnerd","@arsenal_fann coming up! Sowwy!"
1964618850,"worry","marina_xx","what an awkward day. it sucked"
1964618907,"neutral","pinkemmz1995","ONE OF THE WORST DAYS OF MY LIFE."
1964619142,"neutral","ohmigosh_dusti","you know ur dog is getting old when she sits down to eat...poor hilly please don't grow up"
1964620588,"love","LoVeMeForHeRlOl","Heyy.thnxx.or.inviting.me.to.ur.party.rob.ill.be.down.there.on.june.24th.ill.miss.u.when.u.go.to.italy....   <333333333 txt.me.hon!!!"
1964620757,"sadness","destinyjoyful","@jerrib247 sorry mom! I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have tweeted that, you are already having a hard day  Love you!"
1964621242,"fun","RebeccaBrunner","@jonasbrothers http://twitpic.com/624qo - but a brown snake bit my duck named Elvis  anyway ahaha Elvis is soo cutee!! And so is Nicho ..."
1964621263,"neutral","DVSBOI","Going to work"
1964621747,"empty","BreeLovey","Nooooothing to do tonight"
1964621749,"sadness","DJCYS","Ohh boy my babys tooth came out !"
1964622656,"hate","PrincessSakura","Princess Sakura is MINE  therefor i want to use it on TJ! grr"
1964623664,"worry","charlievdw","I am in so much pain I really don't feel too good. Couldn't eat my dinner"
1964623677,"worry","Raingin","@astropix Yeah I just accepted UBC's offer last night, but I dunno if I'll still make it in because I've been slacking off a lot lately."
1964623691,"sadness","davigirl1","@ludwikc broken  I can't c it"
1964623805,"love","brookeinfinity","@NicoleApparatus no you can't. no you can't.   i'm just kidding. that was mean. i love you."
1964624073,"hate","AMKinney","@FlittyGadabout I'm not a hobo."
1964624437,"sadness","Johkool","Loving the new skype! Especially for someone like me who lives half a world away from home!"
1964624633,"worry","HeroesJonas7495","@mikki_kayla02 Sorry! I didn't mean to ruin the rest of your day"
1964624732,"empty","archiefan96","crying to A Walk To Remember as usual"
1964624766,"sadness","tombstoned","on my way to work. I'M SO HUNGRY!"
1964624894,"worry","vanes","My big mistake for today is falling asleep while i got lots of things to do"
1964624951,"neutral","dancinglola","It's been 2 days without gas...the gas company turned it off to do maintenance. I can't cook."
1964624994,"sadness","shereemcfly09","@DubarryMcfly really has anyone got through to the finals yet? yeah was it i was stuck in class for most of it  loveyoufletch xxxx"
1964625066,"neutral","mhictire","@a_simple_girl @BuzzEdition I have to miss the festivities this evening.  Heading up the hill and won't have internet and no BB service."
1964625613,"sadness","ChanduThota","now its raining in PHL and more delays in the flight schedule - bummed that I will be missing Jay Leno's last tonight's show today..."
1964625643,"worry","kmaco214","@ShabbyGomer wish we could have surprised them and gone to H, but just couldn't work it out."
1964625858,"worry","MeriEsteban","@Jonasbrothers @ddlovato you are disappointing me......"
1964626765,"worry","CullenPixie","@HerMonkeyMan I don't think @JazzyHale22 will want to come back  (guys read your dms)"
1964626862,"surprise","michaelgikis","At the DMV uhhhg!"
1964627232,"neutral","magzalez","@TheCre8ive  Glad you're ok!"
1964627334,"neutral","judyb","@chrisstjohn http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/iphone but it no longer seems to be in the app store."
1964627501,"empty","jayroh","@cgervcracker that wasn't nice"
1964627519,"sadness","saxychicka","Working 930a-730p today. 1.5 hour lunch..8.5 hours work. Overtime = good. The fact that I'm already dead tired = very bad."
1964627665,"happiness","wifeof1momof4","Back @ home AGAIN .. bathing kids, ironing clothes for hubby .. nephew's graduation tonight! I remember when he was 2!"
1964627736,"sadness","imnotsupermodel","mummy i need you"
1964627987,"worry","MissNuclear","@JonnyRadtke i'll miss you when i go to future kill hannah shows"
1964628212,"empty","breeze80","@CarrieStephens mine do it no matter WHO i'm on the phone with!"
1964628566,"sadness","BellaKavner98","went to see the dentist. can't eat and im starving. really sucks.  and ist's painful."
1964628596,"sadness","synchroanna","have to change practice pools, someone threw up in our normal pool"
1964628882,"worry","MikeDrawback","ha im so glad it stopped raining.  my umbrella broke today"
1964628901,"worry","HaylesF20","Is trying to recover from a broken heart....yet again for the 2nd or 3rd time"
1964629068,"sadness","navyk11","did crossfit running today...agitated my right leg"
1964629167,"worry","Marii_annaax","have a biiig headache."
1964629275,"hate","eilibix","@heatherofficial you make people drink petrol and set them on fire? Your not the person i thought you were"
1964629512,"love","Dashwitmeeh","Bout 2 Miss Mah Lakers Play 2day...  This Orange Box Is Fuckin Up The Rotation!.. Mah Real LA Fam.. Keep Me Posted!.. I LOVE HATERS 2!!"
1964629520,"sadness","ludovicah","@MFarrugia I never was good at platform games..."
1964629575,"worry","jayaramk","I have started to fear weekends since joining German classes"
1964629665,"sadness","Karen_mst","@ninjabetic Oh no!!    Hope they get you in soon and can make you feel all better.  Hugs from the other coast!!"
1964629860,"sadness","JOSIElistic","just went to the dentist my mouth hurts and I can't eat until 8"
1964630040,"neutral","AudreyWu","Been working so hard - its a drag not having time to tweet.!"
1964630283,"happiness","lfinkelstein","Two week extension on contract ... I'm ready for it to be done"
1964630306,"neutral","iliekpanduz","My eyes hurt"
1964630557,"sadness","IfUSeekSerena","ahh sore throat and tired. want to go back to bed. but have work"
1964630590,"worry","jantzaalexandra","I am pretty confused.. leaving is the best option and I know it will benefit me.. but I don't want to leave behind what I truely love"
1964630756,"neutral","Sakura2miaka","I wanna be at BEA as well!!!!   #BEA09"
1964640209,"hate","TORIgolds","Birthday tomorrow. Doing jack shit all weekend"
1964640319,"neutral","savemusic05","i miss the jokes and making fun of ppl and throwing ideas for songs, movies, and shows at eachother the most.  that'll never go away..."
1964640359,"sadness","mattielong","@lexiloohoo i'm sorry  today's been nothing but a fucking heartbreak"
1964640377,"empty","jjgrl","sooo reluctant to study for finals right now.... but i have to"
1964640647,"hate","K_marie10","woke up way later than I intended to today  Need to start getting to bed before 5 a.m. b/c this will be a bad habit to break later"
1964640662,"neutral","karen_1992","@R_casagrande haha thanks. but if it keeps raining i might not go"
1964640771,"worry","hybridrainbow","I wish my cats were indoor cats."
1964641078,"worry","dannysmart","this darn cold just keeps getting worse  i bought some hayfever pills just to try out maybe i've had that all along"
1964641088,"sadness","alexisnoel","Well it's official I have strep"
1964641130,"fun","dreamhampton","@CoffeebreakDMV so afraid my daughter's gonna write a memoir where i'm some ungodly mix of Miles & Betty Davis in All About Eve"
1964641172,"sadness","Meeshle","no one calls me anymore"
1964641229,"sadness","Sharissaann","is on her way to Seattle! Yay for Seattle, boo for Matt leaving."
1964641669,"sadness","doodlewhale","@Itxi_Itx no credits for me unfortunately!"
1964641821,"enthusiasm","MileyLoverx3","@mileycyrus i wish i could meet you once  do u think this will happen someday? :'("
1964641985,"surprise","Wheale","@Cara_Jen LOL - I know... seems that the whole fabric of our earth will now unravel - lol - I guess people have never seen bambi"
1964642084,"sadness","meredithfranks","Best friend is leaving to go back to school today..I am so sad"
1964642113,"worry","widgetpress","late for @mobicamp  sick kid at home, hope she feels better later tonite"
1964642146,"hate","loserluigi","@thatdude356 someone hates me"
1964642509,"neutral","alikat89","@TomFelton Have you seen this girl!? http://bit.ly/14LVI    I feel so bad for her"
1964642937,"sadness","xxclobellexx","Sunburn hurts..."
1964642996,"relief","JanaiChristian","Cough drops taste gross...blaaaqhhh"
1964643316,"sadness","Itsme99","I dont like this random gloomy weather"
1964643364,"worry","rehes","@MeccaDonna  well hit me and we can see...it depends then"
1964643514,"worry","_sauce","The random article generator on Wikipedia led me to: http://bit.ly/EMtcw which I remember playing before. I never got past the 1st level"
1964643694,"worry","Cupcake_Smile","@riskybizness23 You never write back babe.... my feelings are hurt"
1964643787,"surprise","P_e_a_c_e_","@MissLaura317 oh man! They better do something to fix that!! ugh stupid Verizon"
1964644234,"surprise","JasonDeehr","My boss called me anerexic"
1964644294,"hate","sennydreadful","I have to go clothes shopping tomorrow  I hate it, but I have a serious "clothes falling apart" situation here."
1964644332,"worry","jakeeeashto","plus it hurts seeing sum1 you love falling for someone else!  not even kidding im wellllllllllllll gutted. xx xx"
1964644585,"sadness","sockgoddess","wishes people wouldn't be so stubborn sometimes."
1964644717,"happiness","grubby03","The heat is here!!!"
1964644785,"sadness","_STFUalex","Whoa, I didn't mean to sleep for more than an hour"
1964644927,"sadness","superfiona","@misscherrypie  I wish you could get back in yours!! I'm thinking only 16 hours a week out of the bubble would be okay?!"
1964645031,"sadness","kimmy_gurl_33","is feeling rather lonely and broke...oh wait...I am lonely and broke."
1964645073,"hate","SadiquaP","Q: what happens when you don't marry your ex? A: you dont get a ring, therefore ending up with NOTHING to pawn when u need $$"
1964645224,"neutral","SarahMorrison","@Bronques Oh THOSE messages. Probably not"
1964645391,"love","carolinehustles","I wanna see that movie "Keith" with JMcCartney in it! It looks sooo good. But none of the video stores here carry it"
1964645534,"enthusiasm","RedBerryCrochet","Looks like rain again  Oh well, it will give me a chance to work on a new crochet pattern I have in the works."
1964645568,"enthusiasm","XxEMxX","Getting all annoyed cos this weekend's going to be hot. I'm bloody working"
1964645620,"love","LiseAnnCaldara","@scaldara HAHAHA i only have the groundhog to play with"
1964645719,"sadness","huseyinthebrain","@Flossalini no panasonic charger.sorry"
1964645778,"sadness","abbkins","He didnt leave a voicemail..  -121908inlove(:"
1964646069,"sadness","TA_aimee","@DenyButterflies Omg. I am so sorry. Sorry, I never know what to say"
1964646661,"worry","mechista","Back from the gym! I'm no expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure I am not going to be able to move tomorrow, maybe even in a few hours!!"
1964647174,"worry","kristinekay","Last day at DMA over!     a million sad faces."
1964647302,"sadness","MeganNBaker","Just drove by fisher and I feel so sad"
1964647372,"empty","bretthartwell","@tinacarlino no go on the bro down tonight for brett"
1964647413,"love","sexieblacc","@princess4lyfe I hear you. I can't think of a layout either.  lol I've been trying for i dont know how long."
1964647733,"worry","BobbyJamesX","Going to buffalo wild wings to meet up with my best friends I haven't seen in forever! Too bad I can't eat the food"
1964647945,"sadness","JustAnt1","@siirensiiren meagan rochelle "the one u need" i would say "cater 2 u" by he didnt produce that."
1964648313,"worry","Bianca_Bonnett","i am on BLAZE and my head hurts."
1964648593,"neutral","twiter_twotter","Guys... a serious question. Which song do you like most of all your CDs? Be honest! I know you won't reply me  <333 Maria"
1964648594,"neutral","RoxieDax","@ReikoEoh I bet this would've been fixed if I could've called up @Twitter on the phone and explain this whole situation. Jeez."
1964648851,"hate","hopeful420","@notbeaverhausen I want to hit that"
1964648866,"worry","jazifyfie","oh, not just his IMs, but also from all my friends who IM me! This really sucks, I am always not around!"
1964648911,"neutral","J4Yx2","@andy2dx Awww boo. Maybe i wont be sober during 3s team at evo. I need to snag someone to be my partner"
1964648990,"worry","jasmink9","@mileycyrus i thght i voted bt i dnt think it workd!  Whats the link 2 vote for u! Nobody deserves it more than u do. Ur so talented. I<3U"
1964649183,"neutral","meljq21","@kaydence02 we r the lost troopers. But I want to know"
1964649345,"worry","j1jacob","don't feel good"
1964649968,"worry","BillyScallywag","@BananasMel Tried and no good but thanks anyway.   Off to youtube world."
1964650211,"neutral","geisharocks","@balmainbazaar agree with you about facehunter  embarrassing representation. compare to swedes who all look like they were born stylish."
1964650287,"neutral","lucascarpenter","@oncherrystreet I thought all the Apple Store and/or Best Buy guys wanted on?!"
1964650444,"neutral","funkybrownchick","Man, looking through and packing up my books is looking at my past lives. Feeling kind of sentimental"
1964650535,"worry","nutburgers","I wanna feel my chin"
1964650536,"worry","06Di06","had best get revising over da weekend got an exam on Monday for 2 hours!!!!!!!"
1964650684,"sadness","hillaryhohn","It is so miserably hot, the a/c in my house is broken"
1964650999,"sadness","niallvansanten","got beat by super LARRYonation"
1964651294,"love","GiniLovesJonas","@InLoveWithJonas Hey, I made us a house on the Sims! Oh and you have like a perfect balance and i'm always lacking stuff like fun etc!"
1964651327,"relief","druzilla47","@nilsipilsifan Hehe. Yeah, me too.  or I would totally write it. XD"
1964651636,"relief","igwarrender","@frankietee 4th... Please not! Maybe she'll get 3 attempts and win tomorrow!!"
1964651648,"sadness","saaam_","@irishjonasfan lol now your making me feel bad for not coming on  lol"
1964651663,"worry","jasminekimberly","is allergic to you...Oh NO!"
1964651835,"worry","LovelyLight6","My breath is weezy.  No more going to knotts when you've been sick all week."
1964652118,"worry","vmrichmond","I'm feelin sad, depressed, lonely, unhappy all at once. Rwhats wrong with me"
1964659094,"neutral","Lyricist_Juice","@QRock2005 I was in there earlier I'm not at home  I'm ok my iPod!"
1964659888,"sadness","bia_182","@sheistheemily pq vc n�o pediu amor"
1964660330,"hate","Qiaoyi86","Feel like crap today   Got a speeding ticket 1st since 5 years...blows!!!!!!!"
1964660672,"anger","ChasityBelt","And you could have it all, my empire of dirt! I'm in a&e with dad I'm freezing fully shivering Every1 else is warm  no fones allowed ffs!"
1964660719,"worry","SunnieDee","My back hurts...really bad"
1964660892,"worry","shes2pretty","@MizSocialite it's 2 big I can't Use it 4 everday use"
1964661270,"sadness","trevypoos","Hello and thank you for all of the #followfridays people. I always forget, sorry"
1964661276,"relief","paulahibner","to be really really... not bored but bad, i won't now the news  but thats ok. BRB x"
1964662011,"neutral","vacant_heart","Oh please! I wanted to complete an unfinished tweet, and 5 tweets cropped up in between!  and now my tweet looks dorky."
1964662437,"worry","caiteebug","I have a headache. Also we are dealing with a lice outbreak. My lovely hair has been affected."
1964662583,"hate","TheEmmaHamilton","I'm not sleeping at all until @thisisryanross accepts my appology"
1964663285,"worry","louisebriedis","@receptiongal  hope your day gets better soon!!"
1964663419,"worry","ladycameo","Wtf i just found out that the 20th annual NJ state chili cookoff is tomorrow and im gonna miss it"
1964663663,"neutral","mblaa","@grouptweet Great service, but I find the time lag from time of posting to appearance on Twitter to be a small downer"
1964663965,"hate","dfgunning","its raining! boo"
1964664124,"happiness","RyanLeeEdwards","cba with exams! 17 left!"
1964664329,"neutral","nicholasstudt","@jspatton: sorry forgot that"
1964664497,"surprise","QuelaRenee","@DAEONE  you don't love me anymore!"
1964664596,"worry","moominboy","@secretidcrisis Sorry to hear that, dude"
1964664901,"neutral","Princess_Elisha","@Pisces_1988 cool i wish i could av gone 2 da 1 he did where i live but i couldnt"
1964664932,"surprise","PrincessMandyA","I think I may have just lost my job... FML"
1964665143,"worry","louhaffner","@SnowVsAsphalt Not at the moment, well i cant find it yet!  LOL"
1964665193,"worry","TellurideLisa","It's not monsoon season in Telluride yet, so why does it keep raining everyday?!"
1964665447,"sadness","katiecamie","I just spent 45 minutes at the book store. I only bought one book."
1964665649,"sadness","e_mk","missing @justbrad on his birthday"
1964665685,"worry","tractor_girl99","@Bells83 Never been to the USA before  It would be great to the cruise/tour next year. Whatever it is its gonna be a blast"
1964665687,"surprise","deeliciouz","@Kyra_In_TX I know what you mean."
1964666031,"sadness","PrincessSakura","@beckyhope ahh yeah i get what you mean i have an Alevel retake exam the day after the gig  so yah im pretty stressed!!!"
1964666054,"neutral","DavidNoorigian","@caligirl00 ur Mom just called. Guess NOT. C U @ 5"
1964666116,"neutral","iamsarahlou","@Faerie27 did you put a spoon in it?"
1964666307,"surprise","Ayizzle","@YoungPharoh and added it to his collection. i was too much of a punk bitch to ask for it back."
1964666991,"neutral","ShannonMcFadden","never part of these follow fridays"
1964667316,"sadness","paulahibner","to be really really... not bored but bad, i won't know the news  but thats ok. BRB x"
1964667705,"love","MHonc","Cause these stupid people dont have my phone and my tummy herts"
1964668307,"neutral","BIDAloca","@DearFloyd  u don't know harajuku lovers?"
1964668558,"sadness","diddyrundacity","@SimplyKia o iight we gonna miss you tonight"
1964669323,"sadness","rkalsu2","Need to sleep but can't"
1964669465,"neutral","nicolebernadett","its raining"
1964669733,"sadness","Amy_Reindeer","@kimitwi btw i have your report too >:] omg at lunch today we had to move from the HC to the trees cause of the heat "/ all my days suck"
1964669734,"neutral","hayleelittle","work  I don't wanna go  excited fir Sunday though!"
1964669881,"love","HolliePhillipsx","http://twitpic.com/67kvt - my bestie leah  havent seen her in so long"
1964670062,"sadness","mohalen","i have officially hit the wall, totally nonfunctionalproductive at work"
1964670341,"worry","smartinez182","feeling like I'm gonna fall asleep any time now but I can't."
1964670365,"worry","bridewithbroom","Problem with my must do list is: once I write it I usually forget where I've placed it...1st thing on my to do list--find my to do list"
1964670870,"sadness","OberonUK","@mumalot I corrected myself"
1964670966,"surprise","QuickJiggs","....yup stil at work"
1964670989,"worry","PutNeYoOnVibe","@WeWantNEYOnVibe Knock You Down is playing now...again!!! Cna my day get any better?? I love it!! How r u? Missed u"
1964671146,"sadness","sriggles","@JasonCalacanis damn I missed the live show, guess I will have to wait till it is available through iTunes"
1964671218,"hate","tennjen","crap! tying run is on 2nd!  let's hold em' Raiders!"
1964671250,"neutral","loveandbooze","@faffypants maybe.  his real name wasnt tommy?"
1964671465,"neutral","makeupbynumbers","Ugh cramps  and it's hot"
1964671671,"worry","sunsetsyouknow","@dcorsetto Ugh my trousers do that too and I've never found a way to combat it! It's so weird"
1964671810,"sadness","bev1203","that little boy that drowned yesterday lived in our subdivision and went to nicoles school. so so sad."
1964672175,"worry","tmorton91877","@iamhuntersmith yep, probably will be... wish you had let me know you were interested... had extra corporate chalet tix and let them go"
1964672335,"happiness","ohayemily","@megan_ftw awh i'm sorry  i'm probably going to do the same thing haha."
1964672428,"surprise","whatswhat_sian","@aileenwilliams Yes but was the nice one. He couldn't believe the other guy kicked Max. He's off for a week soon"
1964672508,"hate","fjkeogh","@katecameron2002 o can't work that one out  pain in the ass them spammers"
1964672516,"surprise","andrewwhite92","good day in the sun... little bit burnt tho... well actualy quite alot  very sore  heh"
1964672632,"worry","jrow310","from seeing all my koreans buisnesses failing."
1964672757,"worry","CROOKLYNMAYO","Hey @itsmskay sorry about your headahce"
1964676611,"worry","ShannonLeary","Class until 9:30  yes on a Friday night..."
1964676705,"sadness","sky14kemea","@Goatzilla  im not that good yet, my parents still buy me clothes and stuff when i need them >_> but i dont get pocket money anymore"
1964676916,"worry","joshuaarnao","@tshirtterrorist no sign yet"
1964677064,"worry","SharonSmiles","Where did everyone go?? boo got no-one to twitter on to now  Wonder if I can con some innocent un-suspecting people into talking to me??"
1964677691,"worry","sweetchobee","Trying to calm down kitten.  She is so rowdy."
1964677751,"sadness","LaReinaYadira","Just heard a single i had been waiting MONTHS to hear....and...im disappointed."
1964677795,"neutral","DarrenRuane","@cocotteloup Awww... It works ok for me.. but I have an apple laptop so it might be a little difference!!"
1964678084,"sadness","Wafflesides","@lightsresolve I'm so mad I cant go to that...you're like an hour away from me."
1964679163,"sadness","sachoben","probably going to miss Silverstone's race again this season in iRacing , so sad   this track is pure laser scanned awesomeness"
1964679188,"worry","michelleraelynn","needs to find SOMETHING to wear to graduation. lol can't find anything!"
1964679276,"worry","xkara92x","...And omg whats this dirty letter from Danny everyones been on about? Its absolutely none of my business but I still feel left out lol"
1964679771,"neutral","atuarre","@AngelaKeen It felt nice, but staying outside for too long and your definitely getting burned! Hurricane season is here though"
1964680138,"fun","dIAM0NDsHELLs","@COVERGIRL6 man i need 2 find a siitter Val still aint fuckin wit me  LOL"
1964680220,"neutral","grim_n_blue","iPod touch = brick."
1964680237,"worry","cmeow","lighters get lost in remastering the same way socks are lost in the dryer  ? http://blip.fm/~7a6ea"
1964680299,"sadness","lbonser","@flashyfem Sorry to hear that.  If I didn't already so much planned this weekend, I'd have considered going too."
1964680551,"worry","Lawrapop","Nooooo! Its going to rain on my birthday"
1964681130,"neutral","Shizzaam","I was so hype about it being Friday & it raining outside..No rain all day... But its rainin when its time to kick-it..Mr Sun is trippin."
1964681741,"happiness","sintaks","Maaaan... it is way too nice outside to be in here working."
1964682161,"worry","shesbatty","@LuvToSparkLe oh i hate it when that happens. i when i transfered universities i had a hell of a time transferring my credits! lost a few"
1964682290,"worry","ashchristine06","is sad she is going to miss the Dream Team party... but i didnt RSVP in time."
1964682319,"neutral","TwitMarii4Peace","paris 2moro!! i have to pack...ill wake up at 8  yes: dance lesson at 9 !!"
1964682565,"worry","xrenee","@AYEJILLA & @andrewEMT suck at trying to scare people but are good at killing naps.   http://myloc.me/218m"
1964682587,"worry","cassiebabycakes","@HalfDeadPrince i always wants those.. but i would look really dumb!"
1964683187,"hate","mIss__bOmBastIQ","is tired if ppl shit talking"
1964683692,"neutral","alena813","Turn over report...done"
1964684906,"surprise","meganhaney07","gets to get up at 8am tommorow to collect money for Relay for Life! Yay Me! I do not want to get up"
1964685230,"neutral","ardowdle","@dennispillion @WaffleSauce Ugh, you people and your fancy trips to Italy while I'm slaving away at this computer."
1964685287,"sadness","Natiestarr","@melroze90210 I KNO!!! im so sad! evry1 is leavin its horrible! im supposed to b happy for summer but i cant ima miss evry1!"
1964685315,"sadness","ddjango","@drmenlo sorry about Mr Grey, Menlo"
1964685410,"neutral","nedia","@mell_e im going to my dance class now"
1964685496,"worry","BrentWolgamott","SB 239K.  Flop A Q 9.  4 players check. Turn 9. I check call 200 bet. River brick. I check call with trip 9's with K kick. He shows A9."
1964685527,"hate","Nievesteve","@xxJordanx just stop talking if ur gonna be that mean"
1964685578,"sadness","georgia_xoxo","@SophieChadwick no i didnt! i couldnt get to liverpool today, of all days!  did you?"
1964685671,"sadness","awaisnaseer","wanted to sleep but a friend from Denmark just poked me on IM"
1964685790,"worry","NKANGEL74","@cutebug yeah same here... I have a bit of headache too... ick"
1964686205,"hate","ShadowVoice","Ugh. I hate bad grades. 1st time I've ever failed a class and no As- B, B, D, W, I, I! Not like me at all"
1964686300,"love","AprilShotYou","really wants to go see AI tonight."
1964686308,"worry","Dill74","@captainflashman wish i could eat pizza, unfortunately it is forbidden here, only low GI, high iron stuff and lots of insulin injections!"
1964686393,"worry","ChickenStudios","@Remy_Foster Still not working"
1964686548,"surprise","lgladdy","@chasingsunshine I am reassassing this boundry right now..  I really didn't mean to upset you. You know i adore you really."
1964686623,"sadness","ToriChampagne","@atraiocatharsis dont ignore me"
1964687379,"surprise","NuNu_213","@hithere90 What the heck? Why?? What's going on?"
1964687776,"worry","MKCOL","@RobbieBarnes weaned myself off it"
1964687988,"neutral","robynnxrevolver","@dummerboyk: psh...didn't even pay for me though"
1964688211,"neutral","codytupper","@mareyachristina haha i wish i could! I look like a little boy now"
1964688761,"worry","Dee_vah27","So broken now"
1964688793,"empty","Rocy94","Why it gets so difficult when I try to change finally ?"
1964688837,"worry","vlvalle","Hmmm.... My whole body feels sore!"
1964689065,"sadness","bencolar","Rainy day in Philly  looks like it's gonna be a movie night."
1964689342,"worry","redLIGHTjoli","...wait, I lied."
1964689396,"worry","RobertRowlands","Im worried, not in a happy place right now   Deadline for important discussion 1st June :/"
1964689460,"worry","Estherooo","sometimes the fact that my health for the lack of a better word SUCKS really scares me"
1964689689,"worry","lisaeaster","my day is starting at 2:38pm. woops  work in less than 3 hours..."
1964690311,"happiness","ViolaMaths","Hey, @elliotcole Thank you SO much for the #followfriday. I failed miserably to get a list together this week"
1964690371,"worry","hoopla123","IN PAIN. my big toe got stomped on during the hokey cokeu. it's throbbing. anyone have any suggestions to heal it?"
1964690551,"worry","Xolio101","man im so sad school is ending  but then again high school might be better :O"
1964690748,"worry","kellywanlass","just picked her kids up from Challenger for the last time."
1964690990,"neutral","JBnVFCLover786","@thomasfiss I love you Thomas.I will always respect and support your decision.and I'll miss you  but you're gonna do amazing things <3 you"
1964691104,"surprise","LucyMcFly","for about 3-4 weeks now i got 3 different pairs of strighters thinking they wasn't working, just realised it was on the lowest setting"
1964691187,"worry","Elizaaatje","I wanna go home, but I can't cause the customers won't leave... And my boss won't let me leave either"
1964691326,"neutral","bkkay","@theBrandiCyrus I don't think u look horrible and de my mmommy pits up embarrisong facebook picturesnof me"
1964691554,"happiness","emilyyprideaux","Gotta love nasty weatherrrrr. @kileyymariee so jealous ur at knotts"
1964691674,"worry","LunaTriste","I need a haircut. I should not be able to pull my hair into a ponytail."
1964691866,"worry","nwlynch","I worked more today than I did yesterday, but my time card says that I worked the same....  oh well... Hello weekend!"
1964692203,"neutral","sallyinnorfolk","@geoffjones just looked at your hotel web site..what a place   but they do massage  and thats my job..  lol  lol"
1964692432,"empty","mistermeester","@dushbag And I totally wish I was going to Orlando.  How long until you're there? I forget how long the drive is."
1964692899,"sadness","karin_h","@MaxLucado WGN in Chicago used to be the calm airing of ideas, but in the last 30 days they changed the programing to sound-bite shouting"
1964693082,"worry","tachophile","Currently drinking effervescent Vitamin C. This sore throat is getting worse..."
1964693584,"sadness","squishable","@mspixieriot that sucks...wish we could get it there cheaper...   if you're in montreal, there's a cool shop that carries them up there!"
1964697332,"sadness","RavenLaR","@SelectedTweets Sorry Ali"
1964697636,"worry","vicki1213","@TomFelton it wasn't that good tonight  I know DCD though .... I won't say what happened!"
1964697706,"fun","jenstrong77","is getting ready for another makeup baseball game.  Played the same team last night & got run ruled."
1964698461,"worry","VikngEyez182","It appears I'm going home tomorrow...and it's not a good thing..."
1964698659,"worry","Robertskoog","Preston stayed home and I don't know why"
1964698722,"sadness","ijcopon925","Has so much to blog, but has no time to"
1964698819,"neutral","omgitsafox","@regent_lord But that means you'll leave me alone."
1964699067,"sadness","milestogogreg","Shipwrecked all weekend  license wasn't suspended, it got cancelled. Can't take the risk driving and no one lives near me"
1964699102,"sadness","wesaysummerrr","this is gonna sound really sad & depressing but I really really miss my uncle Sam"
1964699151,"sadness","indecisions","Not going to graduation, hubby-to-be not feeling well  so instead, doing more job hunting online!"
1964699304,"sadness","Gansdarn","sad   Miss my friends !"
1964700490,"love","chinaberrylady","Farewell dinner with my kimmy. Last time i'll see her in a while"
1964700748,"sadness","tbruno1","@_madison that's what you get for abandoning us! I'll miss you."
1964700908,"worry","LadyDenDen","@JennaVonTweet Ohhh french tip! My fave, my nails aren't long enough yet tho  Ill ask the manicurist"
1964700948,"sadness","micaelap","keep @lulion07 and his family in your prayers. his lil bro jus passed away"
1964701375,"worry","Hinesmdc","Why can't my HP use Dell Dock?"
1964701737,"sadness","alanwardle","@jonashelford Kewl, I only got my iPhone and gotta hope it lasts all weekend  Only got a shuffle, might bring that anyways... See ya 8am!"
1964701905,"hate","madnessism","@karyaazure WHAT'S WRONG WITH ECHO? NOOOO!    I'll kill that lady!"
1964701993,"neutral","alejandroduran","Awaiting reply from two projects. One cancelled."
1964702156,"neutral","Laineymc","@whatswhat_sian lol. I don't have the benefit of Sky+ and hubbie was watching them so had to sit thru it."
1964702208,"worry","LittleMissEmma","@SteveHealy Oh no! you poor thing  you must have booked the tickets before you realised it was Pat Kenny's last night, gutted for you...."
1964702436,"sadness","purlingsprite","Feeling deflated. Hubby saw swing set & thinks is a piece of junk. I thought I had found something good 4 the kids"
1964703006,"neutral","amomca","OMGosh! it's 79 degrees and I'm sweating and miserable!  what am i gonna do when i visit the ATX? need..AC! need...AC!"
1964703792,"neutral","Sims_Galore","awww  Lukes been evicted from the Quiz"
1964703870,"sadness","Bantu37","@amandapoop no  I didn't yet he never texted backk."
1964703995,"happiness","andrewjhawkins","@jessbooka i just drove past your hotel  wish u was ere. I'm thinking a december trip for a real white xmas!!"
1964704121,"worry","bboysolo","has some bad newss"
1964704164,"empty","goldengypsy","on my way out the door to finish putting veggie plants in my garden,after it was demolished by birds/rabbits last wk"
1964704360,"worry","Taylor_Hinson","srsly, nobody evr reply's 2 me."
1964705080,"worry","darcylynn","is sad that Piggy died"
1964705161,"neutral","beermann","@foursquare any chance you'll have  a Madison, WI location soon?  maybe too small..."
1964705227,"neutral","electricnightx","@Livvixo go for the 1 that you want to go to most? my bro had to switch when he did his 1st time  it's www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance :]"
1964705707,"worry","deeray82","@Bill_Nye why so quiet lately?"
1964705712,"surprise","ninnoart","@RealJessicaAlba Is it true there won't be any Fantastic 4 sequels?  I wished they introduced a Franklin Richards character... will they?"
1964705883,"sadness","Gillian_CC","Okay, whats up with twitter,, :/ my laptop is completely broke, and now my computer is acting up   so I dont reckon I will be on for t ..."
1964706362,"sadness","AmyJL429","Feels all kinds of not so well right now"
1964706519,"happiness","inkfreeak","Going on 1,116 days still no new tattoo."
1964706702,"surprise","lilianisabel","is confused"
1964706720,"hate","lizamtl","God damn you Twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop eating my undeleted DMs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1964706838,"hate","jennac0re","@leprakhauns when you haven't had one in over a week! that was a really mean joke he just played on me!"
1964707016,"relief","Sweetphotos","Is getting excited for the weekend.......Or, hang on, i am going to be all alone   never mind, excitement lost"
1964707367,"worry","susanpatricia1","@greasemusical Hi, I hope Ray is o.k. Please give him our love and hope he returns soon. Hope its not too bad"
1964707482,"neutral","deniseagloro","Damn everyones nappin on the beach. I wake up and half the crew is ko'd lol aww i wish i had a cuddy buddy tho"
1964708004,"hate","sexidance","@BitterTea ugh but they are so unattractive! u might as well drink from a regular glass. i really dont like them"
1964708377,"happiness","kristinamama","@Nairtseuqe so my son is not the only one!  that's really nice to know.  he really is good at being three. and dh will be late today"
1964708580,"sadness","demi_lavato","thank/ u guys so so much for helping me out on the followers thing! but im probably not gonna win cause i dont have 100 followers yet!"
1964708969,"worry","esmeeworld","@NLtommy nope  don't think I will. Thnx for asking lol I will be fine"
1964709099,"sadness","GinZone","@jenhp But that is such a bummer you couldn't get your book signed. Sigh ..."
1964709182,"worry","AlexWT","Here's almost 1 AM and I'm staying with my open window...otherwise I'd suffocate myself.  It's way too warm! Ah ~ I so much miss rains !"
1964709381,"worry","hiaudreygrace","@travisricejr Because the ferry that was supposed to take us out changed their schedule. So now I have to fly out on June 30 on a red eye"
1964709450,"empty","missanthropy15","@One_Bloody_Poet What's the matter?"
1964710138,"worry","xxItsDaniellexx","Work soon. Lame going to miss the @Lakers  Go Lakers! Hope you win!!!!"
1964710421,"worry","sunny7422","I need a Xanax and have none"
1964710454,"relief","QuelaRenee","@DAEONE haha wtf is that! You don't want me to leave"
1964710819,"hate","james998964","Computer pissing me off. 4 gig ram 2.5ghz Dual core and vista freezes...fuck you microsoft...i want win 7"
1964710833,"worry","hoopla123","IN PAIN. my big toe got stamped on during the hokey cokey. it hurts so much! anyone have any suggestions to help with it?"
1964711228,"happiness","ChowsheeSmelsea","Latest: Saw Animal Collective in Oakland and they were AMAZING! Now, I am trying to clean my room"
1964711444,"hate","NillaLove","I h8 this weather!! It's the be gloomy & rainy all weekend"
1964711804,"neutral","Heffa89","@like_an_emo es tut mir leid?"
1964711820,"worry","jasmink9","http://twitpic.com/67l90 - @lunawoodcock girrrrrrrrlll i'm going to miss you so bad!!!!"
1964711922,"neutral","mara_nerd","Was eating a tomato and it squirted all over me."
1964712318,"sadness","yelenalynnexo","@theAV8TR dont quit."
1964712550,"sadness","jaimeleigh77","bout to take a shower.... a cold shower"
1964712906,"fun","lindabot","...celebrated by spilling half my soup. Hello, 40 calorie lunch.    Can it be the weekend now, please?"
1964713044,"worry","restartt","I don't wanna be a fatass when I go to Europe. Need to eat right but it's so difficult"
1964713319,"sadness","SelectedTweets","@RavenLaR S'ok, trying to plot alternatives as we speak *sigh*"
1964713679,"surprise","anthunguyen09","so tired!"
1964713761,"worry","Sweet_Shonie","@Terrellbrw No money... and No Car..."
1964713965,"worry","tonyanator","I think my modem failed-having pc withdrawals.."
1964714091,"worry","Little_Japany","I can't sleep... And now????"
1964714263,"neutral","FirstPersonArts","@sarahphymn Or FTRH -- For The Ride Home"
1964722624,"neutral","Donnette","@crusaderz4life not here for long hun, head hurts"
1964722705,"empty","sarahroseee","nothing much, just chattin, and textn. you noe me; gosh i wanted to go see UP and Drag me to hell, but no one will go with me."
1964722784,"neutral","CKrittenbrink","sitting at home...need to be pricing the garage sale items...but i have no help so its boring by myself"
1964722980,"neutral","fsiler","@natebunnyfield no! Work came up"
1964723757,"neutral","LucyMarti","Who builds a hotel without air-con? Bloody boiling in here..."
1964723783,"relief","avluvs16","great. more rain"
1964723834,"neutral","crysticouture","@misskristelle Love to but can't swing the 11 am  I would more than likely do an evening tweetup in the future!"
1964724291,"worry","EmmaHerdman","pmg im very upset no just relasie hugh laurie isnt on  xxx ohh"
1964724478,"sadness","rygledhill","Somebody get me out of work tomorrow."
1964724932,"worry","RadChadBadMad","I'm going to be without a computer for a few days"
1964725194,"sadness","pink_riot","i just realized today was my last day to see my best friend tanner im goin to miss him so much"
1964725291,"neutral","RellRellBEP","@RedxRojo naw idk what ur talkin about"
1964725460,"worry","Haciditykie","Hoping I at least have fun 2nite.  Today was 1 horrible way 2 start off a birthday"
1964725993,"worry","SoloKari","Lunch sucked ran out of time  didn't get anything done"
1964725999,"sadness","kye1205","I'm on relapse  mom and dad i need you. jesus fucking christ you stay away."
1964726094,"worry","rarararach","@maureenjohnson i looked for you but couldn't find you amongst the crowd"
1964726208,"sadness","evymartinez","I wanna go shopping!! I don't get paid till next week!!"
1964726236,"sadness","xarcex","following @twittbitch 'cause @gerhemi ordered it"
1964726285,"hate","iamjessicaale","I hate traffic. Dallas is nothing, but traffic!"
1964726410,"surprise","little_kay","@natalienanci and i are desperately seeking @anberlin tickets for tonight, & don't understand why cruel people are selling them for $200+"
1964726753,"worry","Nell620","@karamcdowell I'm sorry, that stinks."
1964726998,"sadness","xxviccytoriaxx","Har vondt i ryggen My back hurts"
1964727031,"neutral","thaiscb","I'm needing a girls night, wearing sweats, watching movies, eating chocolate and talking about boys"
1964727406,"love","brunadomingues","@NiickJonas you are too, must be very nice city, you should have more girls to their feet!"
1964727421,"sadness","gisellegx","prom's today... i bought a ticket but im not going  cause i dont have a dress, my hairs not done, ect. sucks cause its gonna be awesome.."
1964727769,"worry","mynameeisurl","My voice hurts. No We We Rock You the musical singing tonight.."
1964727982,"sadness","CreativeSoul","@Santiaggo that New Yorker cover was done on a iPhone & I'm jealous that I do not have one!  http://myloc.me/21a4"
1964728314,"sadness","jgreever","Charter is pissing me off, the rest of the internet can access my blog except me   should have it fixed soon they say, we will see..."
1964728829,"sadness","kyoisorange","@naataalieee yeah, that was my point >.< please dont make me feel worse than i do"
1964728859,"surprise","Beccy91","awww the wee gril in britains got talent"
1964728881,"worry","paigeywagey","Oh what a day it has been! Stress and thinking about the future is making me sad!"
1964729249,"hate","blackfaerie27","I think I've got invisible glass shards in my hands cause my fingers keep having painful pokey feelings"
1964729293,"fun","Hudson23","@MuchMusic i saw the new cities last tuesday, amazing show! and won tickets for tomorrow's show, but might not be able to make it"
1964729485,"worry","britta_bby","im so sad that im missing the @chiodos show in ohio. it's the first show ive missed in 3 years that's been close enough to drive to."
1964729712,"happiness","ThereforeISam","work  @britad Yay!"
1964729789,"neutral","_JoAniMaL","I miss the Air Canada Centre and Andy Frost..."
1964729973,"worry","NKAirplay","@jayc1980 @bopsicle called the venue and someone else called - said no tailgating  but we're gonna picnic anyway LOL"
1964730166,"sadness","Lady_La_La","Lovin  the clean shaven Mr Flowers!  He looks so young!!!  Reminds me that I'm getting old"
1964730285,"worry","AimeeeNicole","@AmyXDD we better be i was jus readin the magazine nd it sounded like London were better than us !!!!!"
1964730365,"neutral","dannyswrld","@zyber17  does he have a twitter?"
1964730391,"love","Shottadru","@msapples1985 yummmm make sure u leave some 4 me im home cleaning up working mad hard"
1964730582,"empty","yamsta","Too warm!!!"
1964730622,"worry","JotaEseTheGeek","Our Quinn puppy got a sick."
1964730831,"worry","mon1kah","Fml just ran a mile.. And I just got scraped by my yearbook and I got 1/10 on my math test. Eff today"
1964730836,"worry","Riojan","I was kinda looking forward to seeing Seann William Scott in the office today"
1964731203,"worry","bikersgotboobs","He still doesn't love me... I won't ask again"
1964731289,"neutral","mystikx","Leaving for work."
1964731393,"neutral","JoeyMCD","Just saw a land rover pull into the school parking lot and thought it was spencer"
1964731867,"neutral","zocore","Why aren't we Facebook buds @MISSCOKASPLASH?"
1964731886,"worry","Joe_McHugh","having to use IE =/ firefox is playing up and i don't know why  will try and fix it tomorrow."
1964732120,"happiness","enileuqcaj","@Allierosen YAY!!! but im very sad, because i just got a flight in next weekend for my friends benefit  Have a wonderful time!!!"
1964732164,"neutral","sharneebabes","is so bored"
1964732426,"worry","joejonasfan_xo","Gone to the shiggity shwa. back Sunday."
1964732560,"worry","lovexoL","My Twitteeeerrr babiieshow Ive missed you  I hate this whole not having a phone thng"
1964732784,"sadness","mig90","i cant find my keys"
1964732955,"happiness","aravain","You can't spell #melo without e m and o...  <3 to my favorite blogging site."
1964733169,"worry","wesaysummerrr","hugh isn't on it @wossy lied last week"
1964733171,"neutral","ATX58gurl","@DianeNeal Livin' large, huh? I've got the same hammock...no tree to hang it from"
1964733184,"hate","Beetledriver","i donbt like to peel prawns, i also dont like going shopping, running out of money and crawling round the car looking for more"
1964733219,"sadness","breaththelife","It wasn't a good day .."
1964733332,"neutral","Senorceja","I didn't bring my pokemon with me I forgot them at home"
1964733411,"sadness","DougieRAWR","with harry.. baked. love you cassie.. BUT YOU'RE NOT ONLINE!?"
1964733440,"hate","mhillmann","cleaning and packing. Moving house is shit. It's going to be a long weekend...."
1964733612,"sadness","kuraihime","So my lucky jade nacklace/matching earrings ain't so lucky. Lost an earring. Now the chain broke on pendant"
1964733749,"worry","MerryChrisSmith","Guess not today"
1964733786,"neutral","chewysun","@angelinexo this hiatus of yours is like... really long. Boo"
1964734052,"worry","_STORM_","Okay so I'm trying to be happy and deal with my problems and my friends' also. Its hard"
1964734229,"happiness","NIKERACLOTHING","ok guys, have to turn this Laptop off to pack.   tweet u guys on the road! bbl......"
1964737549,"neutral","HollyAllene","I wish my roommates were coming home soon  maybe i should take a nap to waste time"
1964737681,"sadness","RoxieDax","@SookieBonTemps ooc: thanks! Ugh...what a bad, bad day I've had. Damn @Twitter."
1964737708,"fun","_yellowstopsign","giesal all dayyyyyy. come join meee!"
1964737764,"relief","msawful","i say business ive only sold 2....and its not RL money  ...but its got me back into photoshop again"
1964737960,"surprise","sprintsprite","is on crutches!"
1964738234,"worry","sbarksdale2","@kabobbins nevermind....I kept reading and see ya'll r gonna be in Williamsburg   I'll mind my business now, lol"
1964738305,"hate","missarieldianna","i have had the worst headache ever in the history of worst headaches today!  man i hate those!"
1964738672,"worry","dnajd","@kristenmchugh22 Oh, I'm so sorry!...my kitty is there right now being checked...losing lots of weight over last 3 wks. Not good"
1964738680,"neutral","sofia_xoxo","@camila_bmac I knooow, I want to sail"
1964739132,"neutral","paulabdulfan","@PaulaAbdul ahh naa i dont like rain  nm really friend is comin over then goin 2 my grans"
1964739225,"worry","ChristinRouse","Heading home in the rain  no pool today...guess I will hit the treadmill instead."
1964739704,"happiness","Logic187","@MC_Craig_G Hope your enjoying the money..it's looking real good to me right now"
1964739719,"worry","jennjenn","@EyeFiCard boo...I thought being on the list meant it would be good to go  looks like i'll have to get a CF adapter for my dslr!"
1964739732,"worry","annemul","Dropped my lei off at the cemetary."
1964739773,"worry","anniemare","@drsteggy The evidently didn't have any of the smaller ones   I will keep looking.  I got a keen thing though for $7 that should do..."
1964739830,"worry","PrivateAle","So bummed that I can't see LTJ in June  hoping for a UK yoke soon"
1964740416,"sadness","emmabee11","Just banged my bloody foot! ow"
1964740557,"worry","cre8tivkj","@purlingsprite that is a bummer"
1964740870,"sadness","dopeyqueen","omg i tink he is not cuming bckkk"
1964741198,"neutral","xbeautifulmessx","@AnnaInTheHouse I don't know how to send it to you Anna.  Let me think for a bit and I will find some way to do it"
1964741202,"worry","vivtran","@kdritchie77 I just tried to go back and the police blocked off the whole neighborhood.  they're evacuating the building now"
1964741460,"neutral","Adzmodeus","@lockylisa Wow, your spam really has everything covered! Mine's almost all penis enlargement stuff."
1964741518,"fun","jumpinglegacy","http://twitpic.com/67ljj - As if teenagers need any more encouragement"
1964741993,"sadness","inlovewithKU","@heritagesoftail Hahaha I miss Bradddd and all of the guys and KEITH."
1964742318,"happiness","ChcolatAquarius","@KashiMae Thanks Kashi! I was thinking the other day about how mad I am for doing myself a disservice by not taking 1 of ur classes."
1964742746,"neutral","KosMoney","@gillismail @d4nz  ya'll are the only ones that cant see it   Maybe its just the twitter link or something??"
1964742836,"neutral","KComer","@SooSpecial i did that but my INS wouldn't pay for the therapy  so now i dk what to do!!"
1964742976,"sadness","codytupper","@mareyachristina nope  i'm bored and hungry."
1964743022,"neutral","AdamAtTheRoyals","Coco still out"
1964743182,"worry","Maries009","YAY! My cousin is coming over. I am so stressed my big recital is tomorrow. I tried to practice it and cant remember it."
1964743490,"worry","NeaColada","fuck my life."
1964743937,"surprise","Protegez_Moi","@Wossy What the hell Ross?! Where is Hugh Laurie! He was supposed to be on tonights show"
1964744079,"worry","cara1215","@eallen444 oh em i'm sorry  i wuv you to pieces"
1964744181,"worry","suzytee","google wave next, can't keep up with the 186 ways i can communicate with people now  what happened to good old fashioned letter writing?"
1964744194,"neutral","steveellwood","4 fillings to the good(?); two more appointments to go"
1964744624,"fun","heybrewster","@KlutzyAnisha  How about we play tomorrow?"
1964745131,"neutral","didthedew","@Patrick_Schulz lucky u;-) no park for me  maybe for a short period ... i really have some stuff to be done untill Wed ..."
1964745264,"neutral","marcegaral","OHHH darn, forgot about a phonecall I had to make since Monday.. GREAT!!! now they're closed"
1964745658,"worry","twitty_ricky","@MrPerfect919 i did have 1 n i still do...this job is so dead 2 me right now..."
1964746051,"relief","caitlinison","made it into leadership, buttt i'm still not happy! how can i enjoy it without my best friend?"
1964746152,"hate","PostLarval","@ChuckQuartz Oui mademoiselle. You can barely turn around these days without bumping into one."
1964746234,"worry","mrsdam","CRYING CUZ PEOPLE WONT FOLLOW ME!!!!!!!"
1964747072,"sadness","BritBritL","@smiley_steph boo  I miss you! It's been ages. Once I get Internet back I'll try to fix ALO haha it likes to act up from time to time..."
1964747460,"sadness","iamthatgirl4193","had a really weird night last night and misses her friends"
1964747480,"worry","bifflawson","@DaSqUeAkYOne those were the good days the jetsons comes on right after finltstones ! i missed it today tho"
1964747692,"worry","Caelsa2009","Mel? Where Are You You Shud Be Here At My House"
1964748317,"happiness","mokras","@m_delamerced what did judge answer to fid. duty 2 tort lawyer? u r so good at this.it will be like the oj trial over once this is done"
1964748598,"neutral","Jenniewrenbird","@coffeeplus Last two and know they are going to be weepies"
1964748624,"sadness","Plepor","Has a headache"
1964748661,"worry","huskyboy132","is going to sleep. Tomorrow Exam Review"
1964749667,"happiness","blackHeart21Red","Excellent the Suzaku 7 are back together  woop last episode  hope its a happy one i'm a sucker for these really lol shh"
1964749755,"hate","Jmess82","About to be stick at work till freakin 2 am.  Madd suck and I worked most the day!"
1964749961,"worry","jacksterrr","is hating the weather. UGH."
1964750023,"sadness","jonezy","OMFG my favourite jerk chicken place closed"
1964750187,"worry","angeltalks","live now! but nobodys there!"
1964750329,"surprise","breonna","@tidesandclouds   eff you. jk, i'll probably make it to philly."
1964750400,"hate","TKJones","My radiator boiled out"
1964750451,"relief","rannyify","Been so busy for the entire week. Be able to take a breath next Tuesday"
1964750546,"worry","OHtoya","wants to scream, because the damn phot won't load...I guess this default will do for now"
1964750640,"worry","Ernestinetham","drinking lemsip cause apaently i need ittt! IM NOT SICK"
1964750790,"worry","miichaelle","gots my beathing suit that i ordered from victoia's secret. but i have to exchange the bottoms, so i have to wait another 2 weeks"
1964750830,"sadness","ElviraDeCuir","I wish the sun would come out...I guess it doesn't matter since I'm at work and can't enjoy it anyways"
1964750858,"worry","Laurzie91","Well that just sucks. Good way to make me feel bad"
1964751286,"fun","ryanamstad","@mileycyrus Miley!!! I Heard You Have Never Been To A Prom  I Would Have Invited You To Mine If I Knew, We Could Arrange Another One? x"
1964751800,"worry","telebabe03","@gettemkbr yo u can't love 1 twin and not the other lol"
1964752434,"worry","WordTamer","I've recently gained this highly sad feeling when I say goodbye to someone who I won't see ever again. Even if I barely know them!"
1964752646,"hate","Gemmaboyle","@Ainz90 anyday! I hate living here!"
1964752888,"neutral","XxDarkLightxX","I Want To Go See Up. But I Don't Want To Go With My Mom And Brother."
1964752948,"sadness","x0hanallison","@SoccerGameBall i use to breathe soccer, live soccer.until i hurt my knee badly  sad day that was.pass my link around?"
1964753095,"sadness","kye1205","i'm on relapse  mom and dad i need you. jesus fucking christ you stay away."
1964753108,"worry","benskalski","@antennaswrvu i can't figure out how to listen to it from the internet"
1964753632,"worry","keaFbaby","Watching GH. I feel so bad for Carly.  OMG, so fucked up."
1964753662,"sadness","mistah_jones","can't believe I'm leaving this place tomorrow."
1964761505,"love","e_rupt","@ShaunCallahan wowzers! thanks! bang bang misses you on the dance floor"
1964761701,"worry","ohmygrace","mattress armada needs to play a show soon or i'm going to be seriously sad"
1964762129,"hate","sandycakkes","People are just pisssing me offf. Ugh"
1964762364,"sadness","nateparkin","@Bill_Pritchard how come i dont see more of u? how come i dont see u at all is a better question lol. that needs to change mister! im sad"
1964762758,"worry","nanettegomez","Rats the Creative VADO's are out of stock at walmart.com I'm too late."
1964763479,"neutral","pegkling","@campingal if our office bldg. sells we will move to another smaller one that we own, but will lose the gym"
1964763826,"sadness","gtich","I am so sad..."
1964763838,"anger","Christomopher","@porcelain_baby @Christomopher your not talking about your obsession with me right???"
1964764733,"fun","Moonsinger","@lilithsativa POOOOOOOOR SHEEEEP!!!"
1964765555,"relief","Nicole531","@josefamanriquez and yet i couldnt get a pic it wasnt allowed, then i won passes to their carpet of the 3d premiere no pic still wit them"
1964765612,"empty","idreamofjeanny","@saryros haha.. yes, i'm jealous! i don't have money to do all that!"
1964765654,"worry","stefii_wefii","@lovexoL what happened to your phone"
1964765802,"worry","Drohan90","@shivface oh my god im sooooooooo sick  help me"
1964765850,"sadness","ramsin_taffles","Don't think I'm gonna be able to go to see the JB 3D Concert...wrong time, no where very close by"
1964765983,"neutral","lovesgreyboy","@dressjunkie I no  he's the same friend that went with my bf to something at t... Read More: http://is.gd/JmjB"
1964766078,"worry","rahnocerous","@MrBenzedrine you got your lion hoodie!! mines still a week or so away  what number is yours?"
1964766139,"sadness","Tim_Meakins","@Petronella I really want a Shish kebab... Going to have to settle for toast"
1964766140,"worry","ginnamarie","@albanydia Not that funny! I wont jump"
1964766277,"relief","tilduhh","My uncle isn't coming after all"
1964766283,"relief","Macey3","Just got done with my first day of work and is exsausted, sweaty, and chalky."
1964766379,"neutral","Moni_Austria","@nzbeks word......funeral....just had one 2day"
1964767048,"empty","_CamLovesYou_","@_MeesLovesYou_ Grounded from the computer... sucks for you."
1964767095,"hate","Waterman981","This herniated disc sucks.  I'm stuck mostly on my back when I could be out riding."
1964767242,"worry","KelsieAyeeepppx","Greg Pritchard was robbed  ii am too gutted for words"
1964767248,"boredom","geen82","@edie22 What's wrong with Dr.Phil? I shamefully loved his show when I was able to watch it."
1964767263,"worry","Anfetas","@misspostit Na, ya ando pelon"
1964767357,"sadness","yoappleyard","@ChrisBrownWeb According to Bow Wow (his best-friend) Chris is not on Twitter, and doesn't want to be : / Because of haters probably"
1964767444,"empty","pealuh","Mitchells pants fell down while he was getting gas. I missed it"
1964767735,"worry","alexsheppard","@Scaraboo Ouchies. Sorry to hear it  Are you going to get it checked out?"
1964768010,"worry","urkonstantine","@konstantinshero now my heart isnt cold  but im still missing you."
1964768109,"worry","harem143","@jennyboomboom83 I know how you feel Darian is in LA with Bam and I am missing him terribly. And I won't see him until Sunday."
1964768128,"neutral","jessmarrieee","@angeltalks I would watch if I was at home"
1964768420,"worry","NikkiCrivello","@drerae awww. that sux! my mom has a totally numb finger as well ever since she had her surgery for her hip replacement..sucky."
1964768439,"worry","swellshell","listening to ryan adams and being sick"
1964768556,"neutral","tropicaldreamz","Waiting in line to get gas..94 degrees today"
1964768777,"worry","ComcastBonnie","@racer108 you shouldnt have to reset more than once  if it doesn't work right the first time, something is up"
1964768787,"surprise","KirstieaSmith","im quite upset do I really look under 15 :| they must have thought i was 14 or something ! Whatt ! thats unfair"
1964768818,"sadness","SongoftheOss","Sadly I know a lot of women who like this song  ? http://blip.fm/~7a73f"
1964768918,"sadness","shoegirl2128","Duncan finally got his orders... leaves for Iraq in September. Open invite to stay with me anytime during the year he'll be gone"
1964769064,"sadness","itznesha","@gabbyflyyy im so jealous! I want to go to ny"
1964769476,"happiness","MyNameIsLaurrra","@midsomerlover :O How comes you've seen it before we have  I'm so excited, I hope he gets a love interest soon, don't tell me if he does!"
1964769936,"love","lonelycoo","I really fancy a frappuccino from Starbucks right now"
1964770016,"neutral","ayeshaali","SO MUCH WORK !"
1964770321,"sadness","annanoid","feeling lonely"
1964770673,"neutral","MyrandaLeung","Exam is commmmmiinnnnnggggggg !"
1964770679,"love","Ccaarla_arg","@Jonasbrothers love much better, i want you call me"
1964771287,"worry","StuYoung123","Stu is actually SEVERLY sunburnt....it hurts!!!"
1964771330,"sadness","davedowning","@laurenyant which means i spend more time alone than with friends and family. how sad"
1964771331,"neutral","MsMusiclover","@chezery awww!  We can do that and then go to Chick Fila"
1964771457,"sadness","themadfiles","The Matrix Online shuts down next month...wow...I feel kinda sad about it"
1964771640,"sadness","Glotastick","Already misses the Dunhams."
1964771787,"sadness","Gemmaboyle","@ladyloki idiot family and how I have been feeling just don't mix amongst other stuff"
1964772125,"surprise","jayaramk","@harora wtf wtf wtf dont share such videos at this time man"
1964772224,"sadness","travisking","@One_Bloody_Poet  Bad friends! Sorry to hear that."
1964772406,"enthusiasm","Chaz1308","- Gig was awesome! Am exahausted and so dont want to revise  Boo Hoo!"
1964772498,"neutral","speedyb","@RoisinMcK Miss you"
1964772785,"worry","jennac0re","@leprakhauns trying to have a baby, don't want my soda addiction to be a problem, so i quit  still sad and craving it though"
1964773014,"worry","FUseeekAmy","i wanna leave work already! Not feelin it 2day"
1964773448,"worry","graciekate","@ashleygaskins  sowwy. Lover you"
1964773708,"neutral","kennieotits","its raining in MD"
1964774396,"sadness","whitttnay","is missing her best friend  commme back kayla, going out in a little while"
1964774911,"neutral","RickKlaw","ipod died today"
1964779350,"love","Reschzoo","@MissBethAnn   I'm a Metsies fan also! Boo Hoo"
1964779397,"surprise","skweeds","Just woke up. I dreamed I had 9 new emails! Sadly, it was just a dream"
1964779519,"sadness","DanTheManAUS","Praying for pressure on brain 2 subside, for brain seizures 2 stop & for tumors 2 go - Dan is comfortable but still has niggling cough"
1964779535,"neutral","spyclub","On duty in the students union with only 3 punters. There are more of us here than members of the public"
1964779611,"worry","StacyV84","I really really really dont want to go to work! 4th shift of the week just to start over on sunday"
1964779709,"love","abcddesigns","@beautifulpaper Thanks for the warm welcome! We didn't make plans   because our arrival time was so up in the air."
1964780222,"love","StephCyrus09","sorry @RockinChick09 I Havent Ate Breakfast Yet So Ima Go Eat Over There lololol and my pc is dying  bbl love ya"
1964781441,"sadness","ChellBelle814","i feel like watching a disney movie...too bad we dont have a vcr anymore"
1964781813,"neutral","bajarat","@LucasCruikshank that doesn't sound like fun"
1964782707,"sadness","speekingtree","Ps BGT was both fab and sad, I thought Greg was awesome, sad he's gone but a child will always win in that situation sadly"
1964783152,"love","StornowayKeith","A lovely couple of days with friends from Wolverhampton. At least the weather improved for their last day today. On call tomorrow"
1964783252,"worry","daviejr","My back is soooooo hurting."
1964783318,"fun","Scott_M_","football in the sun has owned me"
1964783538,"worry","Sea52Jay","Recovering from a bad fall at lunch. Great start to the weekend."
1964783625,"surprise","Jsizzla","one of my customers just told me his GF ran over her own dog today   how sad?"
1964784153,"surprise","leamonet","@Tivon LMAO... just saw this. That sounds HELLA good. I have a hair appt at 7"
1964784524,"worry","ihitthebar",":'( big brother in 4 days! This means constant live tripe on e4 and no scrubs to fall asleep to! Not happy"
1964784881,"sadness","lovingyouiseasy","@llcooljew Poor dear. Your fellow busty mavens have been there.  What gym do you belong to? PEAC?"
1964786356,"worry","kittenspawn","@TickingTimeBomb LMOA! i just quit one of mine, too much stress"
1964786472,"worry","AHisme","@Gemmaboyle I hope it'll go by as quickly as possible."
1964786512,"sadness","AfterMySong","@BuddyTV I just found out about the giveaway.. I wish I would have known sooner  What happens with the unclaimed cities?"
1964786597,"sadness","NKArmyTNgirl","@LoriBartolozzi Oh  I'm sorry  I can't even imagine...although I know it will be reality for me soon"
1964786864,"sadness","DJAashaAdore","@LadyDutchess awww  i mish u too ladie whats been good?"
1964787174,"neutral","jeremullen","put ad on craigslist/Quebec 4 tan salad plates with bird drawings  can only do 1 area @ time. I still need 3 more. Got 2 at my Tuesday AM"
1964787290,"sadness","sixthofdecember","all alone.  still watching TWW, eating Italian chocolate and solving logic puzzles."
1964787441,"worry","iesb","Still @ hospital, unexpected complications"
1964787713,"worry","YoungQ","Btw, I think I may miss my flight.  Sasha's gonna be upset. But traffic was horriffic. Pull for me, guys!!!"
1964787811,"empty","charlyrae","Maybe i won't go for a run .. i have no running shoes"
1964787885,"neutral","JosephQ86","Where are my peeps? And my boyfriend? In Miami"
1964787917,"worry","RoovenP","@stephenfry I'm afraid your comments on MP's expenses were hopelessly out of touch with the average person average salary. V.insensitive"
1964787951,"worry","perriehobbs","but now my feet really hurt..."
1964788140,"neutral","IsabelChina","early phonograph industry? done.. just the rest of APM to revise  and only berry the green rabbit and ribena man for company"
1964788377,"love","naataalieee","@kyoisorange oh right aww yeh well 5 is loads  love youuu  x"
1964788389,"worry","ZOMGitscraig","i cba with it now   ohwell might play another innabit"
1964788728,"worry","meganlo","@flyzik awe! i miss him so much. they're on "vacation". which has lasted for like, six months. and i miss you!"
1964788908,"surprise","DickensWrites","Doggone it! I only got an hour nap in  I really want some Ponderosa chicken wings!"
1964789322,"worry","Chelltune","Just dropped my new mobile down the loo.  Fingers crossed it works as I still have 17.5mths left on the contract"
1964789327,"worry","hmdavid","@kterwin I keep trying to talk myself out of Australia by thinking of the jet lag  So far it isn't working... I still want to go!"
1964789672,"worry","BonesCrazy24","Just as quickly people arrived people have gone  Still hungry must find food!"
1964789775,"fun","HeavenEnt","Im stuffed, Ive been eating junk all day!"
1964790388,"worry","ryanandlynsee","Poor winston!  Going on a run!"
1964791909,"hate","savannahjfoley","Car-warmed Sprite tastes like sore throat"
1964791964,"worry","farfithriyaani","Home Sweet Home by Carrie Underwood makes me sadd"
1964792600,"fun","invincibleDET","@jackEO313 at first i thought bar life meant you were partying nonstop to catch up for the last 2 years...lol shoulda known better"
1964792945,"worry","TraceyEntwistle","nervous about going out tomorrow, cos its the first time since my daughter was born, she's 2!!! HELP"
1964792998,"enthusiasm","tammiebilley","@heroesforsale That would have been fun BUT we were soooo TIRED yesterday.  Long day at the office. Just did dinner and crashed."
1964793267,"worry","ctZAstar","@Pworldwide no I didn't"
1964793311,"worry","LoserLisa","Why does Urban Outfitters taunt me with amazing clothing that's way too expensive."
1964794235,"worry","Meckybay","my son got stung by a bug for the first time  his little finger is slightly swollen."
1964794489,"sadness","TFXRaven","Mid shifts are so awful. Im just counting down time"
1964794512,"sadness","alissacobain","@amillerwvu- you're going to be mad. i got sent to the office by your sub. and our class was really bad after that, i hear. i'm sorry."
1964794751,"worry","Jacquesy","Really tired JAKe always gives me more work"
1964794790,"worry","BenjaminNeville","Head hurts bad"
1964794951,"sadness","Roadking69178","paper work on a friday afternoo"
1964795406,"neutral","miakka_natisse","@djhazzard whoa... if the alcohol won't get you buzzed... the price will"
1964795595,"worry","ColbyBearMD","Headed home ... Charlie's at the vet"
1964795612,"enthusiasm","MHernandez13","So my first aid shift started out with some excitement but now it's kinda died down...  I wish I could do this more often!"
1964801117,"love","hoots51","I wish I had someone to enjoy a drink with outside on this beautiful evening. @lilracedevil we need to live closer to each other!"
1964801154,"happiness","Mkenn076","@WerewolfSeth did you really just call me Ma'am...wow that was the reality check of the day  lol"
1964801266,"neutral","BrunetteExotica","@kristianinicole I left it @ home  http://myloc.me/21cN"
1964801720,"neutral","edgorman","@luckystarlaura was there yet another semi final tonight?"
1964801732,"empty","TwinnyLeisa","@marychapman awwww  bew! you wont be here at all this summer?"
1964801849,"hate","fugrus","wants to go to falkland but cant cause of stupid exams and mtbcut are going to be there"
1964801948,"love","sineadward","i want my daddy"
1964801970,"neutral","JonaOfTheDead","Saw the blink show from the tmobile party. I'm speachless"
1964801999,"neutral","mossyrants","@helen_bop and that marisa mauro can go use a banana as a dildo. srsly, some people are such arseholes"
1964802131,"neutral","INKDMOM","@miniatus  I wish I could !!!!!"
1964802153,"neutral","nettybootay","wished I watched jon & kate plus 8 on monday"
1964802314,"worry","graciekate","@ellenmoore08 I would if I was home"
1964802693,"worry","Kestrel1313","I think I may have frozen my butter by accident."
1964803292,"worry","pigeonbeatbox","had a great time out in the beer garden wit the boyos !! I think the sun got to me a bit though, feel a bit ill !!"
1964803459,"hate","jamiemcflyx","@DanielFielding Same! And big moths and wasps and just insects in general HAHA I hate them"
1964803621,"neutral","kerryisonfire","@jennypoynter i want frosties now"
1964804277,"empty","mariawareenrigh","it's friday night. i'm home. no party this weekend"
1964804322,"neutral","mlexiehayden","@MsJuicy313 Lol...  Its NOT the same!!!"
1964804793,"worry","abbiesanderson","Sad that the Statue of Liberty will completely reopen 2 weeks after our NYC trip."
1964804994,"neutral","amyrumbarger","Or this, for that matter: http://bit.ly/SS6Yp  So jealous."
1964805004,"neutral","_thefabulousone","I have turned into a fast food whore"
1964805390,"neutral","TheJerv","Leaving Wildwood tomorrow  but Luke says we will be back soon!"
1964805455,"worry","KiwiCharms","Can't stop coughing"
1964805893,"worry","_AmberF_","Stupid HomeWork Is A Waste Of My Time !"
1964806143,"neutral","naataalieee","@kyoisorange lol were always friends  i havent got hers yet .. and im busy next weekend  dunno when im getting yours and hers"
1964806483,"relief","KathiSP","is sooo tired and too busy to tweet  im glad the weekend is here... yay 4 day-weekend"
1964806813,"happiness","TammLynn__","Oh joy its gong to be a long weekebd... Yipee :*¡"
1964807121,"worry","prettykatie","@jpadamson I certainly know the feeling. Wesley is sleeping and I want to go get something to eat but I only have $4.38 in my account"
1964807151,"worry","actressL2","@MrsNewlywed what happened? I missed 4 hours of updates"
1964807325,"worry","JulieRIP_Byce","At Marlees doc appointment poor babygirl has to get shots"
1964807404,"worry","dannydymo","sore head..hope my girls ok"
1964807425,"relief","saragarth","@James_Waters WAS until I had to go home 'cause the presentation ended  x"
1964807613,"neutral","XxBabisaza25xX","shud realy go 2 bed  proper tired bt cnt b boverd...x"
1964807825,"surprise","megguspee","@belindashort yeah wtf with that? my noggin doesn't take to either"
1964808062,"enthusiasm","SignWerks","@kristenyt  that's why I need to be there...To represent the Blackberries"
1964808124,"neutral","OSUBrit","@theAmberyOne I would like to be able to go just to ONE of those"
1964808305,"hate","pdaonline","Ugh!! Why isn't inFamous on xbox360!!!?? Fucking lame.. Its only on PS3.."
1964808879,"sadness","giselle6","can't go to the movies today"
1964809096,"sadness","CuddlyAlex","@Maxicatimus Miles from you   I'm in Essex so give me plenty of warning so I can arrive in time to get at least one of those free beers."
1964809343,"sadness","Sammie_D","Bit down in the dumps today    Such an awful day !  Maybe good time to write a song   (Y)"
1964809418,"surprise","Hauzmuzik","@portugepunk fun who did you go with??? Another park no invite!  LOL"
1964809476,"neutral","LoriShanklin","@miacarruthers follow me??"
1964809486,"love","KaylaJeanine","Awh i was having a great time outdoors today then i got rained out  what i shut down. Oh well tomorrow is another day.... hopefully!"
1964809836,"neutral","aam_109","aww man it's thundering, lightning & pouring raining out"
1964810115,"fun","bartisnew","I'm not sure why walking around in barnes and noble comforts me so much. O well now I'm off to work"
1964810248,"neutral","Searching4Obama","@wriggy yeah although probably not on BGT  bugger"
1964810331,"sadness","Fuckyouernest","No 'rosie day' today  goal is to leav my house b4 my mom gets here hmmm maybe 'rosie day' rescheduled for....wed......"
1964810378,"neutral","rondavies","@PositiveCities Hi Erin I had a dm to send you but u r not following me so Twitted prevents me from doing so"
1964811159,"sadness","Chadterry","I just got smashed in the face by a 5th grader thowing a football... Twice. Now I bleed"
1964811234,"worry","Ailsa_Pailsa","Nearly ran over a pheasant on the driving lesson  Baws."
1964811289,"neutral","Cpt_Oblivious","My spellingis awful on twiiter"
1964811753,"sadness","KayleighHouston","Lulu's put on scottish accent on britains got more talent makes me sad to be scottish  just coz falconers there dont play up your accent!"
1964812079,"sadness","Nieves_Herrero","@sara_luna everything , I don�t know how explain  simply it�s patetic"
1964812320,"love","BluEyedBlondy87","@ChuysGirl708 good, I'm glad you got there!! I had no 1 to come talk a walk with  LOL. Me, Becky & Holcomb are the only 1s here again LOL"
1964812478,"neutral","Emkingham","Hmmm go to sleep because i have to be up at 6 on a saturday  for work, or watch 2 more episodes of one tree hill? one tree hill i think!"
1964812796,"worry","samantharae1123","oww...just bit my tongue"
1964813960,"neutral","PapiPaz","@princ3ssdim3 I dont have no plans Just to go home and watch the Game. Plus I still have to work early so cant be out partying too late"
1964814109,"worry","smjacob","anyone else having a problem accessing their account info on the istore?  i cant buy music and cant look at my account"
1964814269,"worry","carcrasheart","I have uncontrolable hic-ups right now that hurt"
1964814500,"boredom","Gemmaboyle","@hughsbeautiful beast I have had enough"
1964820920,"worry","SongoftheOss","@ThisStarChild *uhum* try that again - unlike the pretty women on here I just don't look 21 any more"
1964820987,"worry","PrizzyG","14 hours later, I am still too drunk to drive... For shame on me for letting myself drink that much. I am not in peak spirits right now."
1964821050,"worry","ShaliniN","Okay, the man with the hook for a hand is kinda freaking me out right now."
1964821322,"worry","simplyl","@SweetChhavvi sick girl!  trying to shake this thing off but no luck .. How are you miss long time.."
1964821865,"boredom","pne002","Mikey I'm bored"
1964822059,"hate","Maryjane19","I was hoping to sleep in tomorrow ..I guess it's not happening  Stupid blood tests grrr.."
1964822635,"sadness","Alex_Cameron","Is bummed out...i don't have even one testimonial on Flickr."
1964823003,"worry","Kevin_Tsang","My lower-left molar stings whenever it comes into contact with sugar of any sort"
1964823217,"sadness","jessamyacket","Oh god, I feel like shit."
1964824152,"surprise","Queen_Penelope","im blonding ... slowly but surely im blonding ... i wana scratch my hair but im not allowed"
1964824302,"sadness","saucyshanice","Everythings Sooo Messed Up!!!!!!! Life Sucks!!!!!!!!!!"
1964824564,"love","rockrollfantasy","@davewarwak I`d love to have a copty of "Peep Show..." I have Eilleen`s but I do have to give it back  Please help me out I miss you on FB"
1964826778,"worry","HilaryKennedy","@JamieBolerjack still here unfortunately!!!!"
1964826780,"worry","RaquelRod","I feel sick. And I have a solo tonight at my vocal jazz concert.  great"
1964826873,"worry","madridlad","I've got a headache  !!!"
1964826940,"anger","fawcett94","@JennyTaylor94  yer it is...poor little cock  but she well doesnt deserve the stick off everyone! cowell once again going against producer"
1964827018,"sadness","imde","can't chat with @mitchelmusso since i have to go to school now  http://tinyurl.com/mf88dz"
1964827042,"happiness","AwsumChick15","i feel like a bright, new t-shirt.. wish i had one."
1964827076,"empty","carinayeyy","aah, i'm tired. haven't chilled a minute today!"
1964827175,"sadness","wychlea","@EnvyAmor I'm sad that I missed you guys last night!"
1964827288,"worry","ABlondAndATorch","Uh oh, I am sunburned"
1964827674,"fun","lowennn","i don't know what i'm doing  i feel so empty LOLLL cheesy but true :/"
1964828316,"hate","kimfacekilla","When youre kawawa, you make me kawawa cuz i hate seeing you so kawawa's  ohhhhh <3"
1964828458,"worry","Xibalba_Bear","I didn't get the job at Berry Line after all."
1964828914,"sadness","kreshjun","just drove by NBC's Burbank lot and the line for Leno is wrapped around the building.  Longest I've ever seen. Leno's last show"
1964829007,"surprise","kirstysmile","i think iv hurt my tooth  and eilish and cassie are having a drawing competiton to draw cookies and pineapples haha :L ."
1964829139,"sadness","fridzl","8 of my 11 followers are random spammers"
1964829394,"sadness","brandondurkee","Theyre sappin mah sentry! errr yea... i'm without power at home right now"
1964829412,"worry","GT94","Working 12 hours saturday and sunday  atleast i'll have my phone to keep me company.."
1964829432,"empty","kasdc","@lemonstarbursts  And it's only downhill from now until Labor Day!"
1964829699,"love","nanettegomez","@chicksnchickens and @momtv the Creative VADO's are out of stock at walmart.com (missed it)  but thanks for tweeting about it"
1964829786,"sadness","hoopla123","hollie steel on bgt was absolutely excruciating to watch...poor girl."
1964829985,"neutral","NinaRampz","@oneofthosefaces all tubes closed on 9th and 10th of june  any idea of how to get to the venue?"
1964830038,"happiness","shamsy33","I actually got a bit of a tan today haha sadly will be working all weekend won't get a chance to enjoy the glorious sunrays boo"
1964830593,"relief","CommonPlatypus","@mops_beyond I told you people in indiana were batshit. I lived there, after all. I feel like I escaped from that Orwell book everyday..."
1964830667,"sadness","jaksdeflatdego","Sad that I won't see Deb for two days."
1964830901,"worry","94laurah","@CameronMonroe_x Hey "Cameron", I know it was amazing and I have sunburn too  So my mum isn't happy,, . & my throat kills . . Still <3 it"
1964830945,"worry","janellebelle","I hope I make it to the bank before it closes. Ahhh traffic! And then I have to go back to work."
1964831127,"sadness","kennieotits","@scomizzle ur moving to leeds?? wut are u doing up there? work? ur just a jetsetter..i wanna move to England too"
1964831346,"neutral","timsbirdy","Im just thinking bout life. I need my bed. My fiance is in bed first"
1964831580,"neutral","AshLuvsOhSnap","@GracieAlbernaz I know told you, and it tells you last tweets and all.  Just can't get it to play music.  Have it set, but it won't play"
1964831657,"hate","almostfreelove","@dougiemcfly me too, it sucks"
1964832172,"love","leatherzebra","@ann_aguirre Now I wish I was going"
1964832211,"worry","toxictokyo","my feet hurt"
1964832218,"happiness","CuddlyAlex","Horrible thought... I have to go back to work on Monday   Good thought... I only work for 90 minutes   Life is good."
1964832544,"sadness","baleighlynn","I want to go home!!"
1964832629,"surprise","NKArmyTNgirl","@LoriBartolozzi Wow  That had to be difficult"
1964832864,"worry","ocicat_bengals","@SamDescartes  Laws change in the 70s or 80s.   I could really push it bcause gran from Bathgate, but she was US citizen b4 dad born."
1964833045,"happiness","ravenatic","Good stuff, Smiles back? Why won't you go to his concert too? :o. Wish I could instead of working on my music which is failing  lol x"
1964833078,"happiness","falloutamie","@gossipboy630 hahah really? some guy said i looked 14. i dont look young"
1964833168,"sadness","CallMe_Goddess","@Zo_E Aw. well im sorry you don't like July for those reasons"
1964833505,"sadness","Arousak","is sad that greg pritchard didnt make it through to the final of britains got talent coz he soooo deserved it"
1964833594,"love","joeyanne","@karenneves few hotels in UK have free wifi, they are mega expensive here and usually only hard wired.  Loved using hotel wifi in States!"
1964833783,"empty","mistakepro","OMGod I'm soooo tired    I don't think I have the energy to film today lol"
1964834372,"surprise","desanders","Sob! I can't believe I'm ending my work week at the chapter about what Augusten Burrough's father did to Ernie the guinea pig!"
1964834535,"sadness","MonsterMayhem","So I thought the Cavs would crush the Magic and I come home from up north to realize how wrong I was."
1964834601,"worry","jbkaruna","Doesn't feel like working out.  @ 12th Street Gym http://loopt.us/OGqB5w.t"
1964834848,"sadness","AstraeaMyk","Lost his favorite thing he loves to always have on him, his story of the year Key Chain.."
1964835117,"worry","lucyannefox","@Mattwerkmeister heyy have you deleted your myspace account  cause the link in the side bar wont work it says its been deleted wb ily xxx"
1964835386,"love","Eganaholic","@mandi_louise  bless ya... I know that feeling all too well!"
1964835397,"sadness","TattedHairGuy","Sad news, after a week in the hospital, My uncle past away today. R.I.P. Uncle Tony"
1964835623,"neutral","feepup","is not getting her posts posted to the topics"
1964835677,"neutral","kitfletcher","nto looking forward to visiting my unc in hospital tomorrow..."
1964835745,"worry","saudiwannabe","Subhana Allah... I got scare told you i started having anxiety"
1964838007,"fun","MsBlewBoogie","@PopularRepublic lol 'if u knew better, u'd do better, wouldnt wear Uggs in shoe weather...' awww RIP Stack B"
1964838767,"sadness","steroig","@daltnnn woof, I wish I was allowed to go"
1964838863,"happiness","darinbradley","Whatever. Workweek's over. Time to go play with new phone. Sim card didn't transfer contacts list"
1964838903,"sadness","JazzySpazzy123","Well school's finally over and idk but I'm sad  I'll miss my teachers. Goodbye Mrs R. and Mr. Collister"
1964838943,"worry","JillianKeener","feels really sick after eating some form of chicken. Why do restaurants make their grilled chicken sooo greasy"
1964839150,"neutral","xBrunettexBabex","Feeling very tierd! too much college work!!!!!!"
1964839237,"neutral","MissLeRoux","Back to work I go...."
1964839327,"surprise","GEOpdx","Strange there is a 99 char limit to tweets on ustream   (GeoGeekTV live > http://ustre.am/2TOa)"
1964839687,"worry","RachelBryden","has to be in cockermouth for 8:45 tomorrow morning, jesus christ i want sleep"
1964839709,"worry","DanCoughlan","the sing store won't work."
1964839877,"sadness","LibertineChick","I wish I could go to the Love Music Hate Racism gig this weekend   I'm not in the right part of the world even"
1964840067,"sadness","Shortyystufff","ready for the weekend and sad that I have to be at the office again tomorrow morning"
1964840317,"sadness","joonieb","@PeachyPictures oh dear, I take back my request.... I get so drunk on fizz!! And I def do regret it the next day, sure fired hangover"
1964840566,"fun","iliveemylifee","going to my bff's. haha. but thats in like 2 hourssss sooooo...calllll me. actually darn, i have hw"
1964840646,"sadness","ashleyzdunek","so now i dont get my car back til monday. boooo"
1964841255,"worry","willminey","My dad and Joe Nugent drank nearly all the Ice Tea  i only have a bit left. quite miffed tbh"
1964841266,"neutral","ianmcshane","Got an email from @Unitedairlines telling me I could have got my monday flight to SFO cheaper & Biz class if I had booked it tomorrow"
1964841658,"sadness","NJHands","has hurt feet"
1964841805,"surprise","Luna_Porcelina","@Spraypainthero wh-wha? hacky sack plans sans Jackie???"
1964842064,"hate","mzsuszie","@xxxqueenteexxx sigh..... exams aint no wer neaaarr finished!! i have 3 next week...  bin stressd... and i aint guna b bak till end june!"
1964842304,"worry","HOLY_MAKHLOUF","Seeing people today made me realize I really miss someone. But I also miss my grandpa he's been gone 17 years  oh! but my moms mamagra ..."
1964842480,"happiness","mikemichelle","@designbreaker Nothing, stayed home"
1964842545,"worry","alisuds","feeling hot hot hot! honestly us scots are so not used to sun the minute we get some, we fry!!  x"
1964842591,"sadness","babycrazy2319","has cramps"
1964842702,"relief","meg_la_mania","@georgiaface Let the Right One In? Aparently Drag Me to Hell also has some horrible cat nastiness"
1964842721,"surprise","ms_bbwliz","Getting closer to logging in. My left hand is so swollen, I can't wear my wedding ring. I keep forgetting and worrying that I lost it."
1964843204,"love","Kara_Sulin","watching the rain and reminiscing about the time when everytime it rained I was with the love of my life."
1964843242,"sadness","eleganttragedy","@CarsXCollide: no, I fell and effed my arm up today and now I have to do back drive."
1964843305,"fun","Monikar10","tried to do something funny on twitter but failed."
1964843414,"sadness","sabrinacakesx3","Fml! Ughhhhhhhhh, im not going anwhere today just sit in the bedroom I share with my mother and cry!"
1964843494,"worry","xoxoJL","@gregkang ah allergies  you must be sleeping walking at work!"
1964843513,"hate","sammymofo","i may cry damn this weather got my ass burnt (nt literally jus my shins arms n chest) legs hurt lyk a biatch  slightly enjoy it tho ha"
1964844256,"neutral","Miss_Wen","Ok- I guess it's time to throw in the towel and head to work"
1964844536,"worry","MiDesfileNegro","@ox_grace I can't do anything"
1964844626,"hate","openskymedia","Just got a follow from @lindsey5054. Yep, it's spam. Damn twitter traffic machine."
1964845191,"sadness","Antigone","REALLY want to go to Maker Faire tomorrow but I am SO SICK.  #makerfaire"
1964845984,"hate","Gemmaboyle","@AHisme  it sucks big time. I am in Sheffield till Sunday. I don't think I can pretend to be happy and smiley anymore."
1964846140,"worry","Steaders","@DC_Zol I would like to make a comment about the password but I can't on this medium"
1964846218,"worry","joepro6","@samigrady traumatizing moment of my childhood. my dogs massacred baby bunnies and my brother and i got out the bb gun..."
1964846406,"empty","lauraeatworld","@gabigail87 aww :/ kk I need to do a huge shopping trip at joshstore to get you also a joshmobile.. pft."
1964846665,"worry","hoodcharlotte","@Sam_Fenton i didnt even finish cleaning my room cuz i went to a party ahhhh  ITS STILL MESSY"
1964847049,"neutral","StarbucksMelody","For FF plz follow @sbx_IronChef -I am following the Starbucks tag on http://wefollow.com & my friend IronChef has dropped from #2 to #3!"
1964847148,"sadness","JoeTheTrainer","Wish you were here, babe"
1964847356,"worry","djxiii","gives you a Haiku status (inspired by Michelle Yuen)  the sun is shining a perfect day glorious day outside my office"
1964847931,"surprise","blakecrist","such a nice day and i'm gonna be stuck inside all night"
1964847969,"worry","KayshaElle","Where's my baby?!"
1964848524,"worry","KirstieC89","Alcohol  toncilitus  but alcohol cancels it out"
1964848828,"sadness","jacs38","BGT made me cry tonight"
1964849500,"sadness","illvin","Failed that shit LOL"
1964849591,"empty","MandrewB","So, #primavera is in Barcelona. In Spain. Surely Ruth Lorenzo must be here, right? BTW Jarvis has a walking stick"
1964849890,"hate","Tsela","Using a temporary mouse since my trackball is breaking down. I can feel the RSI crawling up my wrist already  ."
1964850232,"sadness","maryallynxx","He can't fix it.   I guess I'll write until I get too bored then watch tv. Man, this is lame."
1964850241,"neutral","nikhilsoneja","@AJAG Lol, well have to make sure website works on IE!  And for this region, even on IE6!  Adsense preview tool only on IE for some reason"
1964850292,"hate","moefugger","@sexidance I saw slater on some MTV show, So you think you wanna dance with slater or some crap like that. Where's Kelly Kapowski"
1964850639,"happiness","emilyewallace","@Tech_Animated thanks so much for everything you do!  i'm so sorry you're hurting"
1964850664,"sadness","Dominic_Lopez","@nkirchmar I have 30 minutes to go! Then a 3 day weekend leading up to my birthday on Tuesday. I have to work on my birthday."
1964850830,"enthusiasm","twilightjumper","I wish I was at Disneyland or watching Star Trek like other people are doing. I swear, I must be the only sap who works on Fridays."
1964851036,"worry","cherry_Ade","stoped broadcasting on blogtv coz they all left  and was on my own and one one came any way xD"
1964851226,"surprise","JWNY","On the way to Malaysia...no internet access to Twit"
1964852218,"sadness","KKCornelison","@karleemay @Kelly208 I am horror movie obsessed. Esp campy 80s films and Troma. Wish I didn't work tomorrow"
1964852669,"happiness","DrSleazy","@mishxmonster  haha, as if I'm only 19 girl  They don't give me beer lol xD"
1964853136,"neutral","bdubdu","@bayareabites My best Vanilla in memory was from the Sharffenberger factory gift shop... Not sure where to get it now!"
1964853481,"happiness","teisluud","I wonder who that thomasvanvliet is. Maybe you can help me, because I've just inherited $20000000! Can't withdraw it"
1964853775,"worry","gazmercer","Today was not an inspirational photography day  #photography -  http://twurl.nl/jnizbw"
1964854224,"love","witchyg","@goodwin0904  hey, but you have gal pals here in Phoenix!!!"
1964854544,"boredom","EMFinley","Dead stopped in the express lane. This would happen when I choose to take it. No way out now. Ugh. Hopefully this gets moving"
1964854671,"neutral","brittty","Right now I have a use for the snuggie, but no snuggie to stay work with"
1964854910,"sadness","IBEChillin","@cassieebee Why I aint on ur #FF list? im hurt"
1964854969,"sadness","jamielynnbeals","@kmaco214 He's probably in bed...depends on what aide he has today."
1964855400,"surprise","isilwath","getting rained out @ the devon horse show.  *head desk*"
1964862850,"worry","SharonSmiles","Would appear not  note to self...change perfume!  What to do now..Hmm do I get the tarot cards out or not??"
1964863174,"fun","flipperville","@DesmoidSurvivor @fryphile he should be an honourary fluffette, such lovely hair (what's left  )"
1964863434,"sadness","sicknafford","i miss everyone... i need faces  , not witty situational updates, but these will do..."
1964863544,"neutral","kiks956","@MirSa89 I just about clear my whole office and no sign of it  next place is truck, I have yet to fully clean under back seat lol!"
1964863653,"neutral","GMayeshiro","No more chairs   http://twitpic.com/67mnz"
1964863699,"worry","Katy_SNS","You people haVe no idea how depressing it is being at a steakhouse and not being able to eat"
1964863722,"sadness","AlwaysAnna_C","Left Cali this morning...in Dallas now..missing my car SO MUCH!!!"
1964864064,"neutral","bakingblog","The scream of sirens, and three fire trucks going south bound on the highway = I will not get home before 7."
1964864221,"worry","JoyceSummers163","The graduation ceremony should be starting about now. I really wish I could be there."
1964864288,"hate","DaPrincesa24","SON OF A BITCH!!!! ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHH SO OVER IT."
1964864746,"anger","Tessypie","Had a shower. it's 5:55 PM. Triple 5's! Crap, it just turned 5:56"
1964864755,"worry","GeeKayCee","Someone keyed my car."
1964865015,"love","akavail","I Need a freaking adventure."
1964865114,"neutral","timlopez","Sacramento does not have nice weather. Sacramento has dry and hot weather. I hear it's raining in LA."
1964865128,"neutral","NoteRobot","(@SharonSmiles) Would appear not  note to self...change perfume!  What to do now..Hmm do I get the tarot cards out or not??"
1964865618,"hate","QueenFknBri","This day is fkn UGLY & it matches my mood  unfortunatly. Time 2 blast off 2 the moon"
1964865671,"neutral","Hules","@bingofuel My lil' old Mac did the same thing...and it was never to charge again."
1964865903,"worry","spafficakes","I am sad because I broke my super-awesome giant paper clip I was using for my Italy notes"
1964865940,"worry","ciara73","i need to read @lizzie123x fic again, but i lost it"
1964866217,"empty","SongoftheOss","I am out of credits - must work on my playlist  ? http://blip.fm/~7a7tv"
1964866400,"love","ForrestTheCat","@MidgetheMutt voting for you Hope you are voting for me I am now a white blank with my name  mr Twitter and Funniset"
1964866552,"empty","mayluv1983","@trinibwoy718 awww my trini no esata bien bendito  too bad i cant fly in and make u feel better"
1964866849,"love","NKArmyTNgirl","@LoriBartolozzi Thanks...I really do appreciate that. I know it will be the hardest thing I have ever done"
1964867345,"worry","OneCoolFish","@kiyoshimartinez - 05/31 marks the end of our roommate era. And you never made me empanadas again."
1964867828,"worry","Chippewa29","@binhog737 Sorry about the weather, hopefully you're not in the 2-3 hour wx delays here in BWI"
1964867856,"happiness","VForIvan","Just got back from working out. I'm feeling pretty good. work at 4:30"
1964868310,"sadness","amandak06","i'm sad...i'll miss you grandma angie.. you were always like a 3rd grandma to me.."
1964868446,"neutral","d4nz","@KosMoney it's the non-www fail  http://www.mymunchies.net/ that works"
1964869192,"worry","amandaalinton","@simoncowelI got really sad wen holly started crying   awwww bless"
1964869394,"happiness","AlexOrts","Last day of holydays, gotta get back to work    Anyway, 2 great weeks"
1964870192,"neutral","DearMiami","Of the back of their heads  http://yfrog.com/0zywwj"
1964870404,"surprise","ravenatic","@xLilahhx Good stuff, Smiles back? Why won't you go to his concert too? :o. Wish I could instead of doing my music which is failing  lol x"
1964870824,"neutral","RoYGibV","is goin out  to  dinner!"
1964870958,"sadness","eternaljanuary","@KOifusionpdx Another day and I couldn't find you.    I ended up trying another cart, can't remember their name.  'sigh'"
1964871027,"worry","funmacksta","no longer works at swiss chalet"
1964871053,"worry","avcrewecu","This weekend is going to be packed full of work for school  No life this summer I'm afraid."
1964871088,"surprise","msmeg7594","@kaseyhayes a bee stung your eye? im sorry"
1964871448,"worry","alovething","@_finn_ Except I dropped him on my break and now he's got a ding in his side.  At least it wasn't the screen."
1964871773,"neutral","Im_Mannyb","Just finished cleaning the bathroom.  Now I smell like clorox"
1964872015,"happiness","jennyfertran","wishing warped tour came to london canada....."
1964872070,"hate","RaggieDollie","Damn it's warm. Want to stay out the back garden to protect the doggie from the bastards next door."
1964872212,"fun","oaksfanJan","@oakridgeboys Think these little youtube's are cool!! Prayers, my dad admitted to hosp. this am, n/sure what problem is yet, maybe heart"
1964872486,"sadness","gotenkslovesme","@gotenkslovesme haha yeh lol maybe.  i missed the last roadshow cause of rain"
1964872630,"worry","junko67","i cant believe that its already friday! omg, what had i done?!"
1964872714,"sadness","msjaiinc","hello..aint been tweetin all day cuz i had 2 switch things over 2 da new place. (exhausted and sick)"
1964872750,"surprise","valeriegeekass","I dont understand why he's doing this"
1964872816,"worry","H4ZEL","@FilmsRUs oh 2mrw? Yea I won't b there  but maybe next time"
1964872891,"worry","murdkipz","If you're going to actually read them you have to at least sign up  no fair!"
1964872976,"worry","thinkledge","@pen15lvr they frown on us googling alcohol at work"
1964873051,"hate","soulboykirk","@DanielJUK awwww  nsty when ppl make fun of someone &  laugh their asses off; when the see ur not laughing that shoud be a HINT! Wrong"
1964873120,"empty","jpardue93","I got some games for the PS3, now I just have to wait...as usual...I still have some stuff that hasn't come in yet"
1964873466,"sadness","crystalthediva","ahhhh now i have no pic"
1964873653,"neutral","dcmetrogirl","@Streyeder You rock my socks off! Sorry you have to go to BFE Maryland."
1964873790,"worry","hollsh","I have the biggest headache ever. My photosensitivity is getting OUT OF CONTROL!! Help."
1964873827,"surprise","louise_hendy","@Jason_Manford oh, i'm so sorry, i didn't know  hope you're well x"
1964873841,"worry","teainwonderland","misses Nanny."
1964873974,"worry","Moleymoleymole","I miss my doggy,my hammy,my turtle && my fishes"
1964874044,"hate","Mixaelala","@bobbythomas1 Oh no, garlic juice nooooooo  thats disgusting...grrrr"
1964874184,"sadness","shimmerchick","ouch... head hurts"
1964874292,"worry","adrianrosebrock","still have a high fever"
1964874317,"neutral","hlong8401","@phxnerd sorry you didn't make it  Good luck next time though!"
1964874511,"neutral","Spook26","@Clwydian nah ;) when a single person posts about 200 tweets a day is hard to cope with on my android phone when I'm unable to filter"
1964875021,"neutral","australasia","@jenxstudios it's like 20 bucks for 10 shots  what kind of camera do you have?"
1964875146,"sadness","MadGerald","God! They look stumpy... I'm not sharing my toes tonight"
1964875279,"neutral","jrider110","Tryin to figure out how to direct message and is gettin frustrated"
1964875378,"worry","Sarahalona","I kind of miss a certain someone already.  and, i never get to see him again."
1964875551,"neutral","kevskrilla","@Mz5thAve  no room for me smh"
1964875610,"worry","claudialicona","Dropping my mum at the station   I'll miss u mum"
1964876171,"neutral","kristenskydiver","I do the same thing to my parents and my best friend too"
1964876175,"worry","sing2me","@mona_tweets I wish I could be there to give you the biggest hug right now. I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how painful it must be"
1964876193,"worry","DJJammie","Do I really look like the gay guy with the dark hair and sleeve from #BGT dreambears?"
1964882599,"sadness","JKMason","@AZamann hah eeee, although understandable.. i need a new picture for this thing.. but i'm all sweaty"
1964882642,"surprise","volleyballbitch","@iamchinky13 are u ignoring me  gah!"
1964882887,"neutral","MaryKayHester","At work...Thinking about things when I should be working"
1964883102,"love","jordanwv","Greenville for the weekend for my best friends birthday and leaving way later than i wanted..."
1964883820,"neutral","OneCoolFish","@kiyoshimartinez -- 5/31 marks the end of our roommate era. And you never made wontons for me again."
1964883841,"hate","sexyredd90","The only way I'll feel safe is when he's finally in jail where his stalker ass belongs!"
1964883932,"neutral","pibby","@Labrys67 Nope  Neither of our ladies are on today."
1964884508,"worry","collystringgs","@rainofashes I would never do that to an innocent individual, plus it's really unsanitary"
1964885130,"sadness","Carolina2676","Aaarrrgh! I sooo want to see @johnlegend at MSG in August but dammit the decent seats are expensive. Booooooo recession!"
1964885193,"sadness","mikelucas1","@diana_music im always blunt with my feelings, never seems to do any good"
1964885209,"worry","arminejasmine","@annaavila oh noooo.. dont cry  we'll see.. ill talk to krys... text her and see what she says.. we're both pooped.. so idk."
1964885224,"worry","screwthislevel","wtf at facebook spam saying that my DAD is my secret admirer"
1964885329,"relief","vandymcnew","on my way to get some Maggie Moos Peanut Butter Galaxy, then home! thank god this week is done. 4 meetings in 1 day!!!!"
1964885337,"worry","junko67","whats wrong with you, my sweet laptop!!!!!!"
1964885375,"sadness","DP_Turtle","Strained a muscle in my lower back today. &*#& it hurts! What hurts most is .. no running this weekend."
1964885450,"neutral","Seargee","@Goostavo that sucks!  put some britney on!"
1964885453,"sadness","FragMaster6pack","Sad duck day."
1964885956,"neutral","RubyAliceX","My lucky lucky friend is at a nickleback concert atm  i wish i was there"
1964886544,"sadness","prettykatie","@jpadamson don't wait on Red, could be ages. I know what you mean, though. Really looking for a new job"
1964886592,"hate","bimbler","@AmberRainDesign many tribes r becoming extinct  I blame Mc Donalds!!!"
1964886615,"neutral","veganluke","@bethontop Didn't even reply to me about how old you are tomorrow?"
1964886919,"boredom","gemmmmy_x","@savingtime buuuut its so annoying!!  okay *breathes* x."
1964887105,"love","rc0415","@aly_jo3 I want a hug"
1964887227,"worry","jennytsang","im getting really spotty and my spots ALWAYS scar... and NO its not because i pick them, even if i dont,they scar- FACT  my skin sucks"
1964887360,"sadness","asgard","@Japumpy I need botox work on the lips if I'm going to change my name to Angelina Jolie, but it's a thought! Sad though about the racism"
1964887416,"neutral","GoinOnTilt","I just walked into work, all the while thinking that I was sitting in Bellagio this time Wednesday."
1964887701,"worry","Tom_Rose","always makes bad decisions"
1964888103,"worry","ThruTheMonsun","gettin ready to put on a show  ugh i really hope ppl dont comee"
1964888271,"sadness","junya911","nooooo its raining......had 2 leave the beach"
1964888771,"relief","missnita2005","Finally got my lil monster off my hands so I could run errands and now I gotta do them in the rain!!!"
1964889008,"worry","idoanknow","@EvilKimIsEvil I was sad to hear they shaved too  I really liked the beards. I feel like I'm in the minority."
1964889040,"love","FaithfulChosen","Gf will be home in a couple of minutes (yay!)  so I'm off  See you tomorrow morning tweeple! After that it's gonna be monday"
1964889354,"worry","gizmoalex","Tweet riot. I can't download Tweet Genius on my other device"
1964889698,"happiness","MR_P1NK","played a bit pool with my buddies....going to bed now, have to work tomorrow"
1964889805,"worry","Normy_Lohan","@ amhzz... did u get an invite? I miss u"
1964889898,"relief","JessicaNewberry","Always get my hopes up too soon...we were soooo close"
1964890234,"surprise","LadyTartan","@halbpro it's called retro my dear and I wear fifties fashion sometimes....did you not see my birthday pictures?"
1964890458,"neutral","heylarissak","nothing to do"
1964890465,"worry","KimyKreations","Not feeling all that well today"
1964890527,"neutral","Kressss","@KiiDCaM89 I can't make it. My manager switched my schedule so I'm closing"
1964890597,"neutral","BSBroxtheworld","@nickshotchick Hey! whats up? Im just at the library right now and the comp is about to sign me out"
1964891078,"neutral","machinemaria","@stellarciarra wasnt it sad?  was the 3d good?"
1964891086,"surprise","Brandonnnnnnnn","Omg I can't believe jay leno is going off the air"
1964891375,"worry","Daone2nv619","Oh man now it's raining...seatbelt now buckled...thanks bates for wishing I have a blow out and flip and burn up"
1964891381,"enthusiasm","lindseyschiavi","@hiaudreygrace NOOOOO!!!!!!! We have to do something immediately. I'm leaving in 2 weeks!!!"
1964891531,"worry","stop4chocolate",". @LauraLeeShaw Will have to try.  Our Pei Wei closed so I can't try there."
1964891581,"neutral","rickwindham","@nambucom I'm waiting for it so I can get back to Nambu which stopped working on 10.5.7  (for me)"
1964891929,"relief","Secondshow","@xplode hahaha wow thanks bud :p but my plan is to pretend its a costume... I wish it were cold so i could wear a sweatshirt over this"
1964892101,"neutral","SavingAmalthea","@xkathyxrocksx dunno if i'll see you"
1964892212,"worry","SpOiLd_LA_giRL","OMG i havent been on twitter all day  going thru withdraws"
1964892604,"neutral","jenthegingerkid","@emlynley I couldn't find any extendable ones."
1964893081,"neutral","firstlady324","but this little boy still makin me  work during the storm!!!"
1964893269,"worry","bunnyhero","hardware store guy told me the screw would be impossible to remove since the head is completely gone. will get a 2nd opinion"
1964893295,"neutral","love_fool","@livingoflove i wish i was still in my jams"
1964893324,"neutral","davidlh","@robcv chale... a ver define "out""
1964893391,"neutral","Normy_Lohan","@amhzz... did u get an invite? I miss u"
1964893461,"surprise","melanie_susan","Boy is going to a movie. I wish I didn't feel like shit."
1964893530,"sadness","isilwath","my day has been so crappy that i just want to cry."
1964893996,"neutral","rivers55","brad we should be at Olympic village watching this. Season 1 with a 30 rack adult hood"
1964894033,"worry","HenryHendrix1","Ahhhhhhhhh man blew up my amp!!!!! no more shredding"
1964894485,"sadness","adrijuicy","wish I can go to the Roots pinic"
1964894489,"sadness","mafeliz","@dorkita buu i didn't get it right  plop! i was so close... "URBAN""
1964894600,"sadness","SongoftheOss","@ABOResearch Pleased to hear it, but still I am shamed sometimes to hear what some men do"
1964894602,"fun","SSPSoundz","@themaguire maybe one day I can be on your favorite producers list  lol"
1964894687,"worry","aassshhhh","my skin is burning up so much"
1964895075,"worry","Laura1902","got through two thirds of new moon in three days, now on to eclipse..........then more work  assignments sadly dnt write them selves."
1964895104,"sadness","quell86","@vagabonddandy very bad."
1964895211,"worry","ACDalgaard","@BitchNotAPerson Actually, I'm supposed to do that w/ my dad + cousin, My cousin is in trouble though, so we never get together"
1964895240,"sadness","Labrys67","@pibby  darn! now we have to go through the WHOLE weekend without em'"
1964895440,"surprise","may_star","Jumped on a train to visit or rescue my mom. Totally forgot my sweatshirt  And forgot to bring my make up! First time ever forgetting :/"
1964895507,"worry","bmblack34","@StephanieBamBam @tjtrapp I can't join your game... it's a private beta"
1964895731,"neutral","jaccc","I want my Katie."
1964895807,"surprise","Brandonnnnnnnn","-- Omg I can't believe jay leno is going off the air  I HATE CONAN O'BRIAN"
1964895811,"sadness","JenniferxVIP","OMG. Today felt like the last day of school! it's horrible!"
1964944678,"neutral","brandi_south","would like a hug and a kiss from Eric. Long distances really really stink"
1964944755,"sadness","mjnewham","@RyanDownie no problem dude - get better soon, I have a cold as well  bleh!"
1964945107,"neutral","Sims_Galore","and its over now  watch on now? hmmm"
1964945207,"sadness","Dillontate","I want a hair cut but my mom wont cut it"
1964945525,"hate","dwade1204","Damn I hate this weather this shit sucks! I wanted to go out tonight but not n no mess like this"
1964945538,"hate","BrittanyFlores","i was kinda hoping this time it was going to be differnt... its not it just sucks !!!!!!!!!"
1964945649,"worry","TjTomorrowX3","I'm not ditchin i'm barfin so sorry guys  ESOTSM;"
1964946060,"worry","grassking913","its too hot in my room. i wanna go swimming."
1964946076,"empty","billyINT","Ugh. Kinda bored."
1964946438,"neutral","jessmariee8","Going to work soon"
1964946719,"sadness","flurrsprite","@thecraftykitten like cheesecake brownies!!! i miss my cheesecake brownies... and the walmart closest to l.a. (to me) doesn't have em"
1964946798,"neutral","bsigrist","In Greenville for one of the last times. @ct06873 will be moving to MD soon. We'll be back Eastern Carolina."
1964946925,"relief","KARMACreatives","Is heading home from foot surgery and wishing she had a boyfriend to come over and cuddle with"
1964947094,"hate","ProachcaitlinR","btw ian watkins has stopped following me  so i am a wee bit pissed off!"
1964947445,"worry","hitesh84","#Ajax #php! Just thinking about a concept of autorefresh! @varun_chander made a mistake here"
1964947635,"enthusiasm","Amyyy_D","Greg Pritchard should have got threw to the final of britains got talent"
1964947996,"empty","drewborg","At the park!  Its raining!"
1964948167,"worry","louise_hendy","YAY jack won. but downer i've just remembered its friday meaning i have work tomorrow"
1964948269,"sadness","trillhiphop","what the hell is follow friday?? don't get it"
1964948305,"worry","xantus","@Direct2Dell  my mini 10 order is delayed again.  Can I call to add the TV tuner for $20 more??"
1964948597,"sadness","AllisonJSmith","Ugh. My feet feel like they're going to fall off."
1964948601,"worry","HassanSouto","@PaulaAbdul I was supposed to go boating/songwriting in Cape Cod.. but its cold and rainy"
1964949389,"worry","BreeMercedes","Omg! Why cant i eat. Everything i eat hurts my stomach and it comes right out of me."
1964949423,"worry","AJSleight","@gail_collins I'm not sure I understand how this twitter thing works..."
1964949438,"neutral","BethhCunningham","@Georgielockwood IM SORRRYY  i went to the cinema with my broth.. cause im cool.. and yeah im sorrrry  TOMORROW THO, ILL MAKE SURE OF IT"
1964949749,"sadness","stephh","@kelleyviolet That sucks!    It's thundering here.  I'm getting ready to shut down."
1964949926,"worry","Leeoni","@thomasfiss i flew from washington to calfornia , are you still gonna be at the meet&  greet tomorrow ?"
1964950178,"sadness","kevinmar06","im so tired of my responsabilities i wish i was a kid it seems that everyone around me is all about money and not me anymore"
1964950585,"empty","BABIxGIRL","tired as heck, i wanna go home and sleep but i cant cause im have to be at the wash till my daddy gets off work."
1964950800,"neutral","CARE18","New tattoo design = check.  Placement = no idea."
1964951040,"surprise","Tacoma253","@abramsandbettes i sent one abrams  and it was all surrounded with weather"
1964951081,"worry","Femsie","Anyway. Can't take this shit no longer. Or my mind will blow off."
1964951155,"hate","falltimejonas","@tommcfly How dare you apologize to the UK for being gone for a while but don't apologize to america for never touring here at all!!!"
1964951339,"worry","beartwinsmom","I'm soooooooo hungry right now. DH is still not home."
1964951623,"neutral","yourspecialday","got a sniffle, got the kids and hubby just left to work in Sydney for the weekend, boo hoo"
1964952064,"relief","TheImitableMrJ","@_micster  How the hell does your hair not fall out constantly?"
1964952080,"worry","auribear","Soo tired! Feel worn out. Want to go to sleep but gotta go back out"
1964952123,"sadness","HOUSEOFBIAS","@AncillaTilia Me tooo!! Wish I could get you here"
1964952516,"sadness","inashlalaland","I need a friend right now  , I feel like mmmm ... sosad"
1964952736,"sadness","pilotdrift","On the set of Chuck Bass' New York Palace Hotel. Too bad they weren't filming today.   http://twitpic.com/67nht"
1964952810,"love","_Francisco","@cdevroe lucky! I can't see it tonight...."
1964952829,"enthusiasm","misst80","@AS2257 heyyyyyyyyyyyyy divshite, phone is playing soft arses again  xx"
1964952941,"sadness","ginaflemmen","@Marianuum Ntah, I really wanna be there"
1964952979,"neutral","empiregirl","Heading home after a long week. Wish someone onther than marketers would follow me"
1964953297,"worry","Nicholas698","@LadyHaych Totally agree, she wasn't even as good as the judges said wither! Just said it to make her feel better"
1964954210,"neutral","mitsubishievo6","At an art party. No crazy artists as such. Bit padestrian. No skanking"
1964954254,"surprise","teh_asian_one","dinner smells good...man i'm hungry. so sunny outside, wish i was at wonderland"
1964955679,"neutral","sydnierob","I just wanted dippin dots"
1964956139,"fun","ChickadeZzz","@AvonteNikole  Meee tooooooo..... And its bad.. when I'm bored... I eat.. lol"
1964956257,"sadness","xbeautifulmessx","@AnnaInTheHouse Dude I feel really bad but it doesn't work. I don't have a serial for it so it can't be used"
1964956296,"neutral","ebzinthenude","@YungNik lmfaaoooo i just watched the Pink video....you know me to well i love it...soooo me lol"
1964956360,"sadness","lgoddard","@elephantparty Ha! Thanks Bryan! And don't remind me about the state budget issues.  Actually, Steve only has 6 staffers in 3 offices."
1964956384,"happiness","oohmyG","@RemiRockit sounds like my town"
1964956540,"worry","joypcohen","Headache.  Very. Large. Headache.  A little dizzy and feel ill too.    Yucky."
1964956543,"enthusiasm","otherniceman","Watching 1971 edition if Old Grey Whistle Test. Fanny, Mamas and the Papas & Isaac Hayes. Don't make shows like this anymore"
1964956603,"happiness","xoshayzers","@Jenniferlai7 aww, me too. today has been good for me up until like 4?"
1964956712,"sadness","AmiiMetalFace","Awww kanye west, its such a shame he doesnt get the joke"
1964956818,"neutral","AmyStar92","I cant change my profile picture on Facebook"
1964956897,"worry","MirSa89","@kiks956 aww  i hope u find it soon i miss it. i cnt even use my cam w/o it, memory's full. plus i wanna take it 2 SA this commin weekend."
1964957174,"enthusiasm","VikkSyn","I want another shake from Ritas.Badly."
1964957270,"worry","AnthonyGomez28","@NauticaThorn I love you, but I don't love twitter   Hey, are you going to Xbiz?  It's in VEGAS!"
1964957341,"neutral","Iluvthelord01","Is about to start stupid chores!!!! Ewww.... stupid chores!!!!"
1964957394,"sadness","2cute_2001","@RareCandy I wanna go but my car not here..."
1964957415,"boredom","rissadarlingxx","have to go meet tims entiiiiire family in an hour, this should be different.. finishing getting ready then wake ; feel like shit still"
1964957430,"worry","faulko1","right im out of here peeps.. i hope @twitter fixes twitter mobile so i can tweet from the race.. m.twitter has been down for 4 days  #fail"
1964958530,"hate","Justasimplegirl","I totally forgot thats its friday till I read @AlyssaNoelleD's tweet. Ha. I feel dumb  *Take A Breath*"
1964959194,"fun","ashleyspassion","@mrstephens85 hahahaha awww uduhn lun me no mor???"
1964965805,"worry","iluvedward111","omg!! i have so many finals to study for !!! i so freaked out that im gona fail"
1964965917,"sadness","PheeFace","i'm sunburnt on my arms, and i have burnt my mouth, and some skin is coming off"
1964966006,"neutral","MissyK3","@fresa80 I'd so be in Vegas but it's on our anniversary....  Cant get enough JK!!!"
1964966301,"worry","tfproductions","Done! Goin home to eat dindin and contemplate what the night holds for me"
1964966316,"sadness","ox_grace","@ROAR_Fear_Me samee.. it sucks.."
1964966355,"neutral","superwoman411","@O_Privillege yea next week not this week I have no sitter"
1964966599,"sadness","aprescottgirl","Not feeling very good at all, why does this have to happen today of all days? Not going to friends tonight"
1964966737,"worry","lui355","Metro from trader joe to 71st closed so many firemen and cops wth happened?! Walking home bus can't go further  ohh"
1964967042,"worry","stratosphear","@EileenLeft I am disappointed in the lad. I think he unfollowed me. @ryking is not showing me the love."
1964967763,"hate","emboosh","@_AislinnTighee bhaha, its a teenage nightclub and i am at home when im supposed to be there. they had no fucking license. no more touch"
1964967835,"worry","normc","@pillowfarmer So sorry about all that  praying for you"
1964967900,"neutral","delucalauren","but i thought 'summer hours' meant i was supposed to get to go home at 4....."
1964967952,"sadness","SamG2020","@thewbdotcom Sadly, I can't view that site due to region restrictions"
1964968298,"worry","Love2LoveMusic","@coollike Sounds awesome, wish I could go but no way I could afford it   Have fun!"
1964968470,"neutral","LMEM28","@rhettneckga Me and Wendy are going after all.  Wish you were!!!"
1964968527,"hate","minibluedragon","@alexholroyd I'm just bustin' ya chops; it's not bad. Never seen any real appeal to last.fm is all. Bad quality audio from crap artists"
1964968560,"neutral","Seliii","@mitchelmusso i talk to you"
1964969093,"sadness","MiDesfileNegro","@WOAHAmber But I hate being me"
1964969489,"neutral","charlyrae","and now its raining"
1964969733,"sadness","Nickiitah","I miss you"
1964969822,"happiness","artist_love","just kidding. its standing room only."
1964969902,"worry","rayfaye08","i never though i'd be in this situation. i don't like it. at all."
1964969994,"neutral","love_fool","@h011yw00d no  are you for sure going?"
1964970085,"boredom","ChristianLondon","Ahhhhh processing shipment  sooooooo much!!!!!"
1964970112,"surprise","MsJerzi","Its coming out the socket  I feel like my phones hole is not a virgin. That's how loose it is... :'("
1964970280,"sadness","chrisandharvey","@susiegroove yes i did - as a thank you. have contacted them 2ce but no response"
1964970354,"neutral","luvnmuzik215","@JaySkillz aww poor precious"
1964970666,"worry","Junkculture","@dvautier Burst my bubble!"
1964970795,"worry","CherylH77","@TraceyMmm awww  what did you eat sweety?"
1964971252,"sadness","Andrew_Travis","so sad that no friends everyday for a long ass time"
1964971330,"sadness","ToxicDots","I miss my friends so much"
1964971370,"happiness","Olyamariee","alright, so day was going well, but got home, and all my potato salad was gone"
1964971470,"happiness","callyyyy","i want some grape soda, jack fowers' fault. also, @TraceCyrus i wish i could see you play  are your uk gigs sold out? please reply!!!!!!!!"
1964971762,"neutral","david_ogg","sat in the pub. Pretty quiet so far. Prob leave in a bit. Work at 6.30"
1964972062,"worry","olsonl66","Is sad that her brother is having a bad day"
1964972284,"worry","bongeek","oops just unfollowed everyone!  anywayz, will build my Twitter Empire.... again...."
1964972442,"love","MichelleTiffany","thinks that Pipers molars are cutting thru  we had a nice lil nap me and the girl...now just another friday night at home w/ the lil ones"
1964972845,"hate","Ray_Marie","@gorgeousapg hahahaha. Nahh sowwieee.  I had to git a shirt to match dez sneakerz nd idk if they da same color. Aghhh =O lol"
1964972995,"sadness","mstiffanyu","Pleeaaasee come out sun"
1964973868,"empty","nathantamayo","Is it the weekend yet...?"
1964974000,"happiness","HotnCold_X23","Wow I really need to have fun tonight now"
1964974515,"happiness","Saintscrab","time for bed.....got some learning to do tomorrow with an early start  night night good people xxx"
1964974793,"boredom","MamaAsh","Going crazy  super head ach from hell and my the in laws have ben here since 9 this morning. ahhhh"
1964975319,"happiness","Flo_05","today i was so happy got i got off school early, but now i'm bored!!"
1964975605,"sadness","charlie628","@mathewhulbert There's very few film/TV jobs, especially in WMids. And I can't afford to move away yet!  Sorry, I missed you on 107.3!"
1964975641,"sadness","velma_l","damn sunburn hurting  jack whitehall mmmmm"
1964975761,"neutral","sandy2709","I am sitting here taking a little break and trying to recharge so I can continue housework"
1964976431,"neutral","JaceFuse","Seems I brought a little Sikaflex caulk home with me... in my hair."
1964976665,"fun","ang_miller","@megbc OMG!!!!! 17???? wow. I'm the old one..."
1964976722,"relief","voyage2k","The VP is gone...so why am I getting a headache?    Time to have some coffee and fight it off. #migraine #ohnoyoudidnt"
1964976820,"fun","HollieSSargeant","Wants To Dress Up"
1964977066,"worry","djSandgirl","has to go to sleep but is not sleepy at all!!"
1964977119,"sadness","xoxocassie","My car is broken."
1964977669,"enthusiasm","REOWsarah","i really wanted to go to surfers today"
1964977716,"relief","faulko1","@rbmartin oh it just takes me after i sign in to an error page"
1964977726,"sadness","yvettekelley","@H2_TheMovie That's what I get for writing up my Halloween interview w/ Danielle Harris. Darn, I was too late for the contest!"
1964977750,"hate","ChuiSquared","Having really bad sorehead"
1964977815,"empty","joshuajcohen","cheeks bakery just closed  crazy how williamsburg can support an infinite # of boutiques w/bad clothes and not one decent place 4 a scone"
1964978414,"surprise","BigJacks","@Janelliebeans I don't even remember what's on there!!!"
1964978418,"sadness","LarysaW","Crisis: forgot my fringe comb  I'm with men....no one will help me"
1964978991,"worry","Nabaishko","@ThisStarChild Night you. Damn did I give you #ff? If not, sorry, I will do a late one tomorrow. I always forget someone  night xxx"
1964979006,"worry","Kelliwnts2write","OK, when will this post RNY girl learn; rich sugary food is a BAD idea! No more golden graham bars out of the vending machine. Bleck!"
1964979121,"worry","kittnpurrsona","@Chriscornell why isnt everyone with you?"
1964979374,"worry","vicentejr28","At the dentist for Hopes first check up. Lets she how she handles a dentist."
1964979403,"worry","briankellyphoto","Super bummed the Whitecaps game plans with friends fell through...I now need to be home by 7 to let the sitter go"
1964979900,"neutral","NOTW88","EOM......still at work"
1964980713,"happiness","xbeautifulmessx","@marcihearts I will be sending it to you when I get my first check if I make enough lol I have only worked like 8 hours so far"
1964980908,"worry","dskjfhklgvirley","dedicating the next 2 hours to cleaning the house"
1964980998,"worry","Jessica_Rios","went to the doctors for a physical (including blood work -_-) and the eye doctors for new glasses."
1964981106,"sadness","albeitludicrous","@danger_skies You got me singing Falling in Love now. Only, I'm changing the week day to Saturday. Doesn't quite fit."
1964981280,"love","nat1489","@bust_magazine thats no dream for me, thats reality  CS4 is on my wishlist"
1964981297,"love","jojoUK55","@toddmeg14 one day my hugs will come    *fingers still crossed*"
1964981383,"love","merlsmom","Just potted some geraniums then talked to the grandkids, well Maddie - Jack was outside playing.  I sure miss 'em!!!"
1964981827,"worry","Allegra3130","Frustrated with life on a whole new level  Trying to trust God in all of this."
1964982051,"empty","supajulz","because it is too hot i am sleeping with the window open. just means all the noise will make me up early"
1964982438,"worry","mrmgrady","@jwphillips I have no IPhone (poor credit!).    But I cannot live without my cell phone! I am on mass transit every day!"
1964982800,"sadness","ericastwilight","I can't fucking concentrate with this damn heat!  Cooler is so not doing it's job."
1964983071,"sadness","Lil_MsSunshine","@aquafreak123   me too.  it depresses me thinking about it."
1964983211,"empty","christineemarie","gotta get used to pocketwit now, damn you twikini"
1964983369,"sadness","danger534","@smiley92 u have a lot  but the bad thing is we r gonna have finals all next week"
1964983400,"neutral","sergio_mg03","@awesomeann7 well u weren't around 2 twit"
1964983495,"worry","twilightlover75","super bored on a friday night"
1964983741,"sadness","andyhendrickson","Almost made it to reading comedy outlet. Headlining all weekend. Only took me 2 extra hours with traffic. Basically doubled my time."
1964983797,"sadness","rustylvnv","@TonyaRae @RachieRach3 Getting dizzy. Going to have to lower my original raise. Please don't think any less of me."
1964983868,"sadness","1eeC","@valerierenee  are you having a bad day?"
1964983966,"neutral","jennypoynter","@kerryisonfire ive finished them now"
1964984639,"love","ckieff","@BillFanning Bill, likewise it was a pleasure- next time we should spend more time talking  #ims09"
1964984855,"worry","steph_rose","@xirclebox Problem is I have to get it done this weekend one way or another."
1964985269,"fun","joshtastic1","@Dojie is that u trying to say i have a cold steal heart  lol"
1964985289,"worry","chicachika","is sooo stressed about everything I have to do"
1964985575,"worry","msawful","@john_370 i thought he was off until next week...i think we have another week to do his ohmygod please tell me with have another week"
1964986063,"worry","rachaelleex3","Trying to find a foreign place in a foreign town  i have being lost"
1964986132,"relief","kyoisorange","http://twitpic.com/67mj4 - Yes, it is nice. Oh and Kevin's shirtless too but you don't see it as well"
1964986392,"hate","t3llie","Its Gloomy as Fuck outside Ewwwww"
1964986443,"love","beautyblackdiva","@liber8dsoul i knoww  she is da best!"
1964986547,"neutral","Hybrid911","@MarkBilly it is very unlucky  the day wasn't the same without you! i hope to see you on wednesday though, right? x"
1964986815,"worry","JenniferLai7","@xoshayzers I'm sorry."
1964986938,"worry","lostinwonderlnd","is sad that today is her last day in san diego"
1964987056,"neutral","DonnieAddict","@knightgirllinz baaad Linz, too... Rather... Sheesh... Text fingers are broked"
1964987812,"love","whatswhat_sian","@Laineymc The Priests were really good. Guess they wouldn't be welcome on Late Late at the moment"
1964987885,"sadness","littlemissLMFAO","my head is hurting.."
1964988114,"sadness","yaninabelen21","yesterday i missed the live chat  internet was the problem ��"
1964988223,"worry","norayan","waiting around for boyfriend. then off to queens. ... looks like it's going to pour here in dt bklyn. umbrellaless"
1964988585,"neutral","andrea__gibson","Still working on music grades...outside on the deck...sun is behind a big gray cloud"
1964989363,"worry","abikinss","@Rooks_ nooo  no roo crying. but omg i wanted to slap her. she was singing fine then from out of nowhere- BOOHOOOOOOOOOOO"
1964989414,"sadness","steveplatz","Wishing I was going to UP tonight, but it will have to wait until tomorrow."
1964989654,"love","Adidaswsm","got some new ducati puma high tops yea they are sweet. and yes i dont have a ducati"
1964989660,"worry","Kalan_blends","@CHRIS_Daughtry  FYI Canada cannot see the VH1 preview of the video"
1964990283,"sadness","ehstefany","I always feel sickly when I wake up.  Well got a busy day ahead of me! Yippeee"
1964990679,"sadness","DavidThorpe","Not looking forward to next week: Maths, Geography, English and French exams, totalling 7 hours"
1964991201,"fun","notintofashion","@_constantstatic i like babies better  (although i like shows/books about crime)"
1964991272,"hate","_AislinnTighee","@emboosh aw that sucks"
1964991326,"empty","rosiesiman","@simonFerrari @meblair I thought @starbucks was against licensing stores bc it takes away from the experience they want to provide"
1964991423,"neutral","RickyAwesome","R.I.P. 60GB Playstation 3  YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!   November 2006 - May 29 2009"
1964991529,"neutral","amreeeeet","iPhone just fell"
1964991646,"neutral","ebabyt1000","@spacehotel that's so weird seeing your MySpace page without me there! Had to delete my page though."
1964991805,"hate","Angie80","Apple is also rotten in the center, just my luck"
1964991827,"neutral","Frank_Whyte","@OFFICIALDJAOK @NatBoogi @tinocochino @JTONAIR  Soooooooo What Happened To Power ForReal?"
1964992152,"worry","minauderie","owww, back pain  hm, walmart or no? i could get cupcakes~"
1964992295,"worry","bebemOsHo","i hope it doesnt rain tonight tomorrow my fam. comes to visit swimming pool and carne asada  if it rains the pool is going to be dirty"
1964992311,"neutral","AreonLee","Watching southpark for another 20 minutes"
1964992348,"worry","MoCityPrincess","The balmain knockoffs in bebe make me sad.....I want the real deal...these shoes look cheapy cheapy."
1964992479,"worry","_SarahF_","i think my cold is getting worse, not better!!  i cant stop coughing - it really sucks!!"
1964992820,"neutral","bolsters","does anybody want to throw a baseball around with me?"
1964992834,"sadness","Neil_Skinner","Damn. It's raining again"
1964993119,"sadness","oyfreakinvey","i hate when i paint my nails because then i cant suck my thumb because it tastes bad"
1965007907,"neutral","PaRaJiTo","Twitter is sooo quiet today"
1965008031,"love","Mr_PaulEvans","@BossTycoonLZ yea but that's an old pic,  she looks a lot different now...she turned into such a beautiful women   I miss her A LOT!"
1965008134,"neutral","OneRiot","@chrisreinhard screenshots? can't give you any other kind of preview - you'd need VPN access  ...ya wanna?"
1965009135,"enthusiasm","docthompson","#NHL Not a fan of either team, my head says Detroit, my feet say the Pens my heart doesn't care   GO KINGS in 2009/2010"
1965009141,"sadness","BobBishop","@anothrstupidkid your lucky, you have a bed and ice cream, all i have is a very sore couch and some cardboard"
1965009270,"fun","zully_529","@kingivn Have fun amorsote even tho u forgot my bday"
1965009423,"hate","kalaboisvert","They wouldn't reverse any of my overdraft fees."
1965009579,"sadness","therealzyannah","karma is a bitch ! i just got hung up on  lol i'm still a big dawg though"
1965009613,"love","Peachyc76","My Boy is leaving for the Summer, Going to stay with the Grandparents.. I'm gonna miss him!!"
1965009657,"worry","Charlestus","I don't know how to use twitter!!"
1965009667,"hate","robynwaltz","So much for running outside like I thought I was going to  looks like the treadmill will have to do for today....thanks a lot rain"
1965009688,"neutral","starangel82","@iamalejandra I own maybe 15 pairs of shoes. If that many. I have super huge feet."
1965009734,"hate","martylyn","@rockinaround nope  don't you think it's a crime? :/"
1965010030,"hate","rikkirachel","At the bus stop there's always a big pile of loogies. So. Gross."
1965010124,"neutral","Clarissa5692","off to work... off at 10:30....lammmeeee"
1965010172,"worry","CrystalMonaye","more work to do"
1965010303,"worry","rpolzin","Sittin at the hospital with isaac cause he hit his head"
1965010373,"worry","IvanaRuegg","Feeling lonely and in need a a good friend"
1965010535,"neutral","jmierau","@MattHalveland no"
1965010546,"sadness","NoNamesJustLo","10) I'm allergic to hot wax"
1965010557,"sadness","adevenish","Awake and wishing I wasn't. Feel like my head may explode. Going to try to go back to sleep."
1965010743,"worry","mopx","I need my car back"
1965011301,"sadness","zoeistightfosho","Awe. were going to meijer. not walmart. walmarts better."
1965011832,"neutral","BrokenSword","@JudyObscure  Oh what's up?"
1965011929,"neutral","backformore","OMG... I just learned that the little girl who played Ducky in the very first Land Before Time movie was murdered at the age of 10. WTF?"
1965012000,"sadness","awesomemoments","I'm too tired"
1965012051,"worry","xxmisshape","My legs are killing me now.  but i know it's a good pain all in all."
1965012164,"love","LuvMyGurlz","Sitting here with my baby .. Libby has a fever 101.0  shes fussy"
1965012242,"worry","virustricks","Back from town and my Mac crashed on me  but it's better now"
1965012284,"worry","Miguel_A_Perez","I can't figure out the empire puzzle.  Stuck at 36"
1965012349,"sadness","xheiligsein","@miss_r I can't get one either because of the dog. I'm pretty sure the bunny wouldn't survive a struggle with Tom"
1965012357,"worry","npealer","Dear co-worker, its great you don't want to smell, that's what deordant is for, not a bath in cologne"
1965012492,"sadness","babyrolo","I wanna watch "UP" so badly!"
1965012573,"neutral","lecari","Hates being sat around alone on a Friday night. big sad old loser"
1965012646,"sadness","LBoogie5","Finally got my money. Too bad it goes to bills"
1965012828,"neutral","RossMistry","Heading home from Sacramento.  Will continue writing the WIndows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed book over the weekend.  Sigh  #windows"
1965012988,"sadness","GrecianGoddess","@empirebetty Well I can tell you I didn't marry my like. Maybe that's why I'm stuck in situations like I am now"
1965013080,"sadness","sam_woods","@tom_pollard Never. I'm banned by Court Order"
1965013131,"happiness","beautyfulgenyus","@VernaeWilliams @LanceDrummonds you two are hilaaaaarious, I love it. Vernae where have you been  ?"
1965013199,"worry","sekarnakula","@VestaEresta: Geez, a cool man like him be the villains. Too bad"
1965013334,"worry","LetterM","Took a kind-of nap, too. My tummy hurts."
1965013612,"worry","Jennaybooiee","@charrrbabyy I know!!  effing embarrassing! Eff our lives"
1965014373,"sadness","casslass","@cosmicgirlie Car not happy, big big dent in boot! Hoping theyre not going to write it off, crossing fingers and waiting"
1965014377,"neutral","SarahMorrison","Looking for a vibrating phone is like trying to find "a feeling.""
1965014525,"neutral","voidstuff","Aww When Love Is Gone is playing on shuffle"
1965015284,"worry","sunshinelafoy","Ugh,what a boring day"
1965015338,"worry","mars0905","wanna b marie antoinette, cos she had perfect hairdo, fab clothes, n tons of macarons.  Crappy day"
1965015790,"worry","theamazingjoey","So... Inconclusive. There's still a chance i'll need surgery. I see the doctor again in 3 weeks for more x-rays."
1965015813,"empty","andreayoas","@marykeegin I've been here since 3 and i'm here for 8 more hours tomorrow"
1965015959,"sadness","aidsburger","Jus chillin and doin my hrs. Friday afternoons tend to end up "busy""
1965015993,"worry","IvanaE","WHY CANT I FIND IT!!!"
1965016078,"neutral","ZuZuBrandy","@ShaiAlston Aw take care babe. Dont have AIM.  When i get it i'll DM u by addy."
1965016582,"surprise","TwiStedCoVerGrl","@retrorewind OMG at that Almost in our 40's comment!!  Same Bday as Joe here...But I turn 40...OMG....lol"
1965016830,"happiness","sampan22","@Pettles i know!! i can't believe it  it says on their bleedin song- donnie raps it!! tut"
1965016870,"love","NPBN","@Kstricklen If I could, I'd send California sunshine your way."
1965016924,"worry","Beccabird09","Just found a tink cover for a wii remote but the people i know dont have a wii  fail"
1965017398,"sadness","zully_529","@kingivn Have fun amorsote even tho u forgot my bday which is today"
1965017544,"worry","georgiaface","@meg_la_mania  it worries me: we read nasty stories about murder, paedophilia and disfigurement and only get upset about animal cruelty."
1965017611,"surprise","Jordan_doll","Back in a mo. Cover Girls hubby on fb chat. She not seen him for 5 months"
1965017645,"boredom","MzTifferz","my brother left me for the day now I am here by myself"
1965017661,"surprise","bougiebitch","@shenangagain nooo way dude did I? I'm at my ma's 4 the w/e this means no net we in the country"
1965017838,"sadness","Esme_Marie","@SeattleWillow Well I am at work.   But Leah might be doing something with Embry."
1965017850,"empty","ireland1","@understandblue DANG...when did they plant those thorny bushes there? OUCH...no kitty hugs today"
1965017995,"worry","erin524","@hamoke: these lecturing, book-worm beasts, out for a noble cause. . .why can't they just be normal"
1965018312,"worry","skylarjordan","@OfficialBB  Will we be able to see clips/episodes on the C4 website from America?  Or will I languish reading the news stories again?"
1965018494,"empty","nataliaJB","http://twitpic.com/67nxe - Yeah..I'm bored XD I pic up this photo when I still have my guitar..today my mum steam me it  I miss Nameless.."
1965019119,"worry","omgitsafox","@CThun @regent_lord Can't we just all get along?"
1965019222,"relief","padfootly","@enthropologie It didn't rain.  Lightly misted though."
1965068758,"neutral","WFeatherston","Working at hop city. Gotta miss baseball"
1965068782,"sadness","KMuncie","All the food in my house has sugar ants in it"
1965068867,"relief","phunybuny","@tinydeww I found out this morning too."
1965068953,"worry","joshuaseo","@AngelIVXXX I tried to DM you but your not following me"
1965068977,"neutral","traceydukes","@TinaReece Planet Fitness on Van Wyck, keep hearing all the homies tell me bout it, plus its close to the hood, u know my lazzzy ass!"
1965069095,"worry","Swimmyone","@myrewyn oh no! Poor thing keep us posted."
1965069216,"enthusiasm","deirdreryan","@ArtFireJohn yeah i'm not shy doing everything that i can and still nothing  http://blackird72.etsy.com check out my sale, no bites yet"
1965069250,"worry","Soph4Soph","@Juicytots yay!! we'll all move!! sorry dh is being Grr...  xx"
1965069297,"love","danger534","@smiley92 thanks  we did reviews today and i feel like idk anything. anyways. how r u?"
1965069488,"happiness","andressalais","PERFECT SHOW TO YOU! enjoy for me"
1965069553,"enthusiasm","oliviarw","@millyreyes follow her shes lonelyyyy"
1965069622,"relief","TheDirtyMerlin","@DirtyCucumber Me too"
1965069721,"sadness","emilysmiles15","so bored without a camera"
1965069737,"happiness","raquellestevens","seniors done  5 more days!! woohoo!! going out for the night."
1965069826,"worry","MaureenSchenck","Just got back from the grocery store. Now I'm starving and can't find anything to eat!"
1965070014,"empty","samnewmo","Sitting in on a Friday Night Bored"
1965070096,"fun","rehes","@osandisays dude...come to amel larrieux with me tonight...errybody fakin!"
1965070263,"happiness","tashamclellan","show was amazing. so cold out now  hope I can give victoria my card and get my dvds back ;) ha"
1965070955,"neutral","shakalohana","shakalohana week two of flat wavez no surfin"
1965071269,"sadness","LittleRegan","http://twitpic.com/67ofz - ugh grosss"
1965071275,"worry","jvjordiev","@hoperana nigel really enjoyed it, but he's got a big scratch on his side that inexplicably appeared afterwards..."
1965071295,"neutral","mahrobi","@daverexwood congrats to the A's!! ugh, we still have til the end of june"
1965071502,"relief","siimpLybeautii","off work yesss ! super hungry"
1965072086,"worry","RikuDrinkhenn","Computer remains dead"
1965072251,"sadness","irishpocahontas","@AngieBeyince damn no dublin"
1965072357,"worry","DalekGirl93","This world makes me sad"
1965072591,"worry","kittyyyy","on lookbook craving everyones clothes  i want a pencil skirt so baddd, someone send me one"
1965072620,"sadness","agentd42","Now every Saturday till 8/4 for work.  sucks. And no Friday or Monday off for July 4th either."
1965073393,"surprise","MegaMetaTurtle","I still smell of smoke  #kitchenfire"
1965073780,"neutral","don8000","@Bobatnhtpc yo there ,if you guys want to make a road trip look me up in waraw or u wait  too long  Taipei"
1965073888,"sadness","NorthernLightss","In 14 hours im taking 2 aerobics classes with only about 30 min break in between"
1965073932,"neutral","VonsterInTX","@tanya_Jolene Try 90 4 next 3 days!  :O  Yuk!    lol  n e thing poppin' @ SN?"
1965074522,"surprise","trwhite88","Sunburn is not as fun as I remember"
1965074539,"sadness","MisfitGemma","thinks its the perfect weather to go camping and cuddle up with dave under the stars and sleep"
1965075553,"surprise","kbeh","watching missy elliot video collection so sad I was told that I looked like her all through high school"
1965075622,"neutral","nessie_111","300 updates  actually 13,527  lol"
1965075962,"sadness","donaldpiret","No clubbing for me this weekend due to a busted knee  <emo>Life's unfair</emo>"
1965076439,"love","sxyhrlygrl","aahhg....i only have 1 orange slice left ! do i eat it now ? or later ? this is quite a pickle im in  *sxyhrlygrl*"
1965076526,"surprise","mary0rtega","unemployment line here i come."
1965076644,"hate","girljungle","@ImWendy that sucks!"
1965076682,"hate","Shooksrunllc","But he has an out of date script. That's really bad. So midway thru his pitch we catch it. He gets all butthurt and storms out. His loss."
1965077042,"fun","ebalala","Harley Quinn cstm  hehehehe  not going to the prom buaa"
1965077212,"worry","k_8_s","i really want to ring @mitchelmusso but it costs 2 much  dam you credit crunch"
1965077231,"worry","xXLupaXx","@Argyle_SocksO_o: I'm sorry, Shannon."
1965077764,"worry","GryffindorGal87","@Sarawkweird I think that's pretty awesome. I could quote LOTR:ROTK for one summer, but now I can't anymore."
1965078045,"sadness","awesomebrandi","@andyschwartz nah, i didn't actually sleep  the data recovery place called and woke me up"
1965078205,"worry","lovesgreyboy","I'm so getting the cold"
1965078559,"sadness","lessthan3u","my arms hurt!"
1965078716,"worry","AmyTheFailWhale","Feel quite down, not quite sure why though :s so going to bed  night everyone x"
1965078812,"relief","stormlaughter","@danabaker Thanks hon. #Migraine went away then came back."
1965079135,"sadness","ChristopherR","@Vukizzle sadly my corporate giant employer won't let me get to that site..."
1965079471,"neutral","WrecklessLove","aight im out. off to see Spring Awakening. home we make it home in time to see Jay's last show"
1965079495,"neutral","Philip_from_Au","@TeeMonster And you see none of the extra money, do you?"
1965079552,"sadness","SavannahMaeCox","is about to go to gymnastics! my last day with this class!"
1965079626,"fun","britneebabe","I need to sleep for a whole day to recover from this birthday!! I'm getting so old!!"
1965079708,"relief","almostsk8","home after a while out! i feel like a long skate seshion but got arrands to do"
1965079749,"sadness","PollyLockett","<--has no internet for the weekend"
1965079934,"sadness","solen86","saw a dead bird on my way to work!what a kind of day to start?! Poor little bird!"
1965080019,"worry","veryKenny","@Jesse236  I don't have any from you"
1965080073,"love","LaurenAshliegh","Just had a lovely walk with my dog ( all on my own! )...In the dark  But it was a nice walk though HEHE x."
1965080431,"sadness","wakeupanddance","Not so good at remembering to do this twitter thing, sorry everybody! I leave for Tibet today...with a head cold"
1965080452,"hate","crazygirlamber","Ugh, I hate 90 degree weather"
1965080553,"worry","tjinkerson","@joyzaphine Ouch! Sunburn's bad! Hope it's not to sore on your bedding, that's always the problem."
1965080825,"happiness","KikiVsEveryone","@saraxmazing ah! NFG were super amazing! Jordan is 'pretty legit'!! Can't stay longer 2 meet everyone cuz we hv 3 hour drive home!"
1965080900,"worry","tinydeww","@phunybuny @iamtheplague Wow.  I hope he gets better... cancer can GTFO."
1965081053,"worry","Winstonthecat","sorry dunners just saw your tweet! totally let you down im so sorry babe  was at work till 8.30 very boooooo"
1965081394,"sadness","twd3lr","@melissaar I know you didn't agree with. It just angered me. Sorry for going postal."
1965081590,"neutral","chachizel","@djjamminjoe that's cold"
1965084995,"worry","Jenyoseph","Ever since Orchid quit drinking from a bottle, she's been eating us out of house and home! Holy crap girl! Still not drinking milk though"
1965085118,"neutral","J1000000","@JessDubb u would put it up once I am off work"
1965085489,"love","remedyeli","@NBkorey Spoofcards cost money  I need to make my 5 free minutes last! Thanks buddy"
1965085505,"worry","dusk_bloomer","@DoMeZydrate I agree. I missed a LOT while I was away and busy and now it's like a whole new place"
1965085894,"sadness","LeaseTYM","@BoomKatt  i want more but its just so bittersweet lol"
1965086090,"neutral","cza_322","hoping it will rain again because it's sooo warm"
1965086422,"relief","Andreafancinell","Ratings Army Wives  teary; Criminal Minds Yikes! Criminal Intent takes all sorts. real life news  horrifying ok me for bed nite all"
1965086477,"sadness","stratosphear","@lrntoswim Thx for #followfriday ... I'm afraid I've been remiss with my blips lately."
1965086642,"neutral","beachbumbritt","Thank goodness for starbucks iced coffee...I was feeling so sluggish today, I think its this awful LA weather"
1965086707,"sadness","AnduTros","Just an observation: Aside from the riverwalk, there are pretty much no cute girls in downtown sa"
1965086972,"sadness","JanaLouren","i lost one of my best friends i�m sooo sad"
1965087137,"sadness","MonstersInSF","Sorry, It's hard finding Imeem free stuff  rb@Deesound: like that David Starfire but will like it more with a... ? http://blip.fm/~7a9fu"
1965087224,"love","TM_Image","My besties. If only @ddlovato was there.  on Twitpic http://bit.ly/bRg6W (via @MileyCyrus)"
1965087231,"neutral","eunheehan","is anyone out there??  so bored at work..."
1965087416,"neutral","BETTERIDGE6","going to work"
1965087463,"relief","bzing","@natalidelconte i didn't get to chat!   .  oh well.  time to eat a praline."
1965087479,"hate","xobarbaraannxo","Just when I thought albany couldn't any worse my ao's leave me"
1965087944,"sadness","amyxo","Poor Greg  stupid UK, always doing the sympathy vote. xo"
1965088235,"neutral","jskstar","me caga el spam en twitter.."
1965088328,"worry","Carrie4eva","Needs to learn lines for show, else director is going to kick my butt"
1965088819,"enthusiasm","amberpamber","Ears nose throat doc wants to do surgery inside my face  diviated septum does not sound like a sexy thing."
1965088976,"worry","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy Me neither  But it�s getting better"
1965089212,"worry","perelandraa","My husband just went fishing   How come knitting keeps you at home?  I need a lady hobby that lets me get out of cooking."
1965089423,"surprise","legalgeekery","Oh noes, Not Your Average Joes in Lexington is closing!  Sad"
1965089587,"neutral","kathy522","Friday and it's raining"
1965090397,"enthusiasm","ZombieForRent","@KrissWouldhowse I WANNA GO."
1965090524,"hate","chanceler34","I hate waiting in lines"
1965090901,"surprise","bkkay","@selenagomez I hope you had fun in Canada  don't worry you'll see then again this summer,"
1965090918,"worry","susansamson","My baby has his first busted lip."
1965091020,"worry","abcddesigns","@ritzybee yes - it has put a damper on us "getting to know" Georgetown! Instead he is watching tv and I am catching up on invoices."
1965091025,"neutral","Erisi","Dear MacPro what is this? I'm just trying to awake you.  http://twitpic.com/67orb"
1965091965,"worry","MonicaDarling","I smashed my pinky in julia's car door... Fuck my life..."
1965092328,"neutral","SongoftheOss","@Applecored what I do now  anyhoo thanks for the *spank* :-O x"
1965092371,"empty","benhiscox","I want to be like Horatio Caine"
1965092479,"neutral","amyDx","ewww exams next week . i dont think i can do it  ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
1965092485,"sadness","b33f4l0","@justkaty guess I missed out on more than beer and a good time"
1965092563,"worry","WooopJess","Not  looking forward to next   wednesday at all"
1965092651,"worry","Pattycam","@TferThomas so did you watch?  I'd forgottenmost of it, enjoyed re-seeing it, but paying for it today, my face doesnt bounce back anymore"
1965092775,"sadness","cinderella143","Tired. Going to take a nap. My finger hurts.  143"
1965092788,"fun","xkiraababes","okie gonna tweet more because i am loosing you guys or girls"
1965093024,"hate","Cephikun","I hate being reminded how weak my eyes are  I overdid reading today, they're sore as fuck. Going to rest. -sigh-"
1965093375,"neutral","Ladyt93","still at home goodness"
1965093493,"worry","AlfieBooNubbins","Daddy just left.................without me  http://yfrog.com/13pdrmj"
1965094393,"sadness","tephyy","My grandparents cat may die... I love that cat. I swear if he goes... / / /"
1965094516,"sadness","lilacpixie","My ex makes me cry. I wish I was stronger"
1965094536,"happiness","EllaPaigeBabe","@Katie_Noonan I think ill do that! I well wanna go out, go no one to go out with  Loveyou xx"
1965095036,"love","petite_jacqui","@zanelowe I love wearing my hood too, even though in Portsmouth I usually get terrified looks from pensioners when i do"
1965095222,"love","clau_19","http://twitpic.com/67ot5 - the most amazing decoration of a store i've ever seen... & it's almost been 2 years"
1965095737,"worry","tarehna1","actually, i like almost everything about my job right now. except the part where it's not permanent"
1965095959,"sadness","LegendaryWriter","@feliciaodg  it does but the screen is dark - so when i click it, i hang up on whoever im talking to"
1965096508,"surprise","RockinChick09","http://twitpic.com/67otn - Awwwww i want them"
1965096827,"sadness","meggs11","@thebigmac cool. my boobs itch. got sunburned at the volcano"
1965096947,"sadness","pseudoprime","@Rubios_BeachMex Can't DM you since you don't follow me."
1965097291,"relief","JustJackie313","@vestybaby I went to Chicago for a few days and was twitterless while I was there"
1965097548,"neutral","eilidhphanttt","#millsthemusical  @lauzzaa i hope you've listened to some of these songs, they are so funny :L. i still haven't heard about ticks  x"
1965097763,"worry","KirstyAnnx3","bored bored bored! wish i had something to do tomorrow, especially with the weather we're to have!  not fair"
1965097888,"sadness","tindle","@TheMikeKelly Sorry Mike, was assuming it was music that was missing..I don't know then.. a mystery.."
1965097923,"neutral","horror87","its too early to be up! wishes i could sleep in today"
1965097985,"sadness","joannechung","I miss talkin turkey.  I REALLY MISS TALKIN TURKEY."
1965098047,"worry","Zorlone","Traffic along McArthur!  okay, keeping my eyes on the road and my hands on the phone, err, steering wheel."
1965098072,"anger","heytearcatcher","@ACMcWhale I always feel guilty about it"
1965098144,"fun","Dee333","Tonight was just a warm up for major night out in West end 2moro, gorgeous dress, killer heels, fraught with problems as big crowd going"
1965098344,"neutral","BADDESTNLA","@exotic I have to use the bathroom"
1965098722,"happiness","tee_gee","@quirke I wish he was still around.   there was a litter under our azalea. I caught DD in the back yard @ 6 am with bunnies in her lap."
1965098818,"enthusiasm","Miss_Maura_Anne","Aww chamber callbacks... Soo emotional"
1965209708,"boredom","bluebutterfly_","Facebook won't load for me.  Damn it, I'm bored."
1965209769,"relief","PMSLindy","Browsing through the web. And expecting to see the PMS forum back up, but no luck"
1965210022,"worry","amyyyql","I feel bad over everything..  How can I be so stupid? Why was I so harsh? Its my fault, I know it. I'm sorry SaVvy, love you guys<3"
1965210448,"worry","LianeWeston","so upset"
1965210575,"sadness","Emma72","Seems really quiet tonight...am jealous of those who are clearly having a more exciting life than me   Off to bed I think..."
1965210802,"worry","salmonthat","has a tummy ache"
1965210807,"worry","L_or_i","yeah its Friday! I thought my sis was coming into town turns out she is not!!  so sad! i miss my babies!!!"
1965210994,"surprise","Jodasaur","@corruptjelly "ICANT LIVE, i cant live!!!" lmao. Oh and btw - oooowwwch my foot  hurry with that plaster, im going to bleed to death"
1965211334,"sadness","ChristopherCrow","@joshjnap I'm honestly incredibly upset we couldn't make it. Devestated even. We would have lost a whole travel day and it just sucks"
1965211595,"worry","Ashuhlash","That sucks that u have 2 go through that  id b pissed 2"
1965212122,"relief","lynzers84","@Katiff are you feeling better? sorry you're feeling under!"
1965212473,"sadness","drewcashmore","OFF TOPIC: missed both motorcades. The secret service tricked us all.  #bush #clinton"
1965212590,"enthusiasm","loristoryy","i'm oh so very bored!  buut.. almost 2 days til i leave for france!"
1965212610,"worry","leipensa","Stuck in awful traffic in the way to the wedding. Ceremony is supposed to start now. Ughhh."
1965213112,"worry","spunkysparky101","Got my report card back- I was at 88 for my average and i went down to 82  now I have to kick it up a notch!!!"
1965213316,"worry","nicoleyazzetti","@jaykpurdy awww poor jayk. :[ try to make the drive fun.and eat something soon!have a great show tonight i wish i could go,i live too far"
1965213431,"worry","rtsears","I think Max (my cat) may really be gone"
1965213579,"sadness","flossybunny","Is going to sleep now"
1965214022,"worry","MzTifferz","@KidCalloway SOWWY  I had 2 get up at 6:30 this morning"
1965214089,"empty","gooeychicken","Grounds himself from getting more toys...only cause I have officially ran out of room to place them"
1965214241,"sadness","Lucky_you33","@the_sandman_ @grave_wounds @hursty02 @samvoaden I miss you guys SO much  xx"
1965214363,"worry","Leannnee","Ahhhhhh i feel ill , i dont think i should drink :L lmaoo"
1965214407,"enthusiasm","laurenj94","im a pro at bbqing like. everyone loved my food, apart from the tesco man who said he was in a rush  mabye he didnt wanna be poisoned? idk"
1965214424,"worry","w2sg","learning all about non-payment from a client.  For a new business this is a headache I was hoping to avoid"
1965214428,"sadness","AdamBMusic","@rawr_333 Yeah.    I couldn't call my Dad, Mom, or brother either.  Mom = On the phone.  Dad = Phone card expired.  Brother = At work."
1965214846,"worry","karenthecrasian","my phone died  and i really need to go home to do my recap for @capstreetteam from last night! aiyaiyah! hate running errands"
1965215143,"worry","ShesElectric_","@Brandystrippers OI, are you mocking the fact I dont cry at tv things?!  *Feels bad*xxx"
1965215697,"relief","pickypenelope","Mom just "he'd" me. *sigh* She's wonderful, and it was just a slip, but you'd think after coming with for my surgery it might go away..."
1965216154,"worry","ohhhkatelyn","soo fucking stressed out...I think I could possibly lose it"
1965216405,"happiness","hermorrine","@clio_jlh LOL That's a special kind of magic, though! ;)  And did you see the special on Discovery?  They think Nessie died."
1965216804,"worry","MrsChrisBrown_1","av ad a realy gd day wiv Ciara Connolly at  park gate west kirby and new brighton.. fukin funny bt sunburnt.. luks like drivers arm"
1965216827,"worry","RobbyToxic","j. alexanders... i'm sorry nintendo, but if i'm in a collared shirt then chances are you're staying home tonight"
1965217034,"neutral","melisaxoarchie","dang need to go to cousins and i didnt upload all the videos  now i need to do it later!"
1965217165,"neutral","xianvox","@daynanotdana   They closed all three locations."
1965217737,"hate","AlexWtheGreat","@thirdgradehater this traffic is ridiculous im may not make it"
1965217805,"neutral","jordanjustify","Yeah  :p"
1965218007,"sadness","janeybelle15","@bogwhoppit Aw  yes we had it out for weeks got asked to return it in end! I wish they had just bought it for me! never mind ??"
1965218071,"worry","DonniesGirl69","@JonathanRKnight Oh, you poor thing!!    So sorry, babe...."
1965218390,"love","akaDip","@keithahundred yeah I kno...I'm tryna change it bac but its not lettin meeee"
1965218729,"love","_kimmm","@DavidArchie hey when are you next in the UK?"
1965219081,"happiness","rock_n_roll_","going to watch some tv now - crazy night out - up at 7am for work tomorrow  I'll live somehow! At least it means I finish early!"
1965219113,"worry","rena19toe","@alex_lpz yeah text me!!! i wnat to go!!!!! but my car is broken!!"
1965219169,"sadness","cameliaa","What I'm gonna do  life is not good:'( no more Exit in this hallway I'm stuck in my world..."
1965219267,"worry","periwinkleme","@Jennvy Hey sorry this is late, I leave in 30 min  raincheck...tomorrow?"
1965219493,"worry","2cute_2001","Damn if there is anytime I need my car... its now! Dammit"
1965219511,"sadness","XimyoursX","One of the most random phone calls ever. My god kill me now."
1965219519,"worry","turvys","@siansburys I've lost count of the number I've rung today already    Were going to Wales, but I'm due in court on monday!"
1965219526,"surprise","AM_Glory","@AngelaIsshay oh that's what's up! I tried parmesean primavera last night and made a culinary abomination! It was pretty sad..."
1965220285,"worry","autumnisftw","I don't like thunder. And neither does the doggy."
1965220377,"surprise","woahhleslie","bummer, my phone gets disconnected. on the weekend of my birthday. darn </3"
1965220469,"surprise","TheSpencer","@lilyroseallen is it true you have a part in Neighbours?? I have been brought up watching that show..I wanna be on it"
1965220536,"worry","efgraham0921","ugh!!! i hate my life! no one is hiring! *sigh* stupid economy.... stupid bush"
1965220939,"worry","moscowandberlin","My cat is anorexic"
1965221098,"worry","DaveBenjamin","@VintnersCellar If only they weren't in Shelby Twp"
1965221190,"neutral","linnzo","listening to revenge by kiss to get inspiration... i don't think kristie is really digging it though"
1965221261,"worry","miiscolores","@Jamiebower  you should come to Chile and your band too;) why everything  happens far away from here?? lol we're losing good live music!"
1965221381,"neutral","form2","no new episodes for hitman reborn yet"
1965221422,"worry","BethylEthyl","@BPVorsight thx for the suggestion - I don't think it'll be easy to convince her cold calling isn't aweful tho"
1965222021,"worry","whoaitspino","Trips are soooo not fun when you're sick"
1965222479,"worry","sbyeeeee","Holy cheese sending things to the motherland is muy caro"
1965247915,"sadness","OhShizzle","@lulion07 i'm praying for you. Sorry to hear about your bro, man"
1965248183,"worry","ItsChiara","why I love so much, why your make me smile all the time? why your so special but i cant have u  ? I got scared to try."
1965248385,"happiness","oCyndio","@Danny30011980 @Gavinmusic great pic,have to upload my pix tomo,I've no laptop tonight."
1965248504,"love","SamAyyad","@ddlovato http://twitpic.com/5h3ad - And Brazil??? WE LOVE YOU TOO!!"
1965248659,"happiness","oneewayx","Sunburned on my face & legs. Fixing to be my arms tooo."
1965249108,"neutral","Rachhhhx","@mitchelmusso my friend sent u call bck messages. i dunno if you could reply but she has no credit thts all."
1965249232,"sadness","amandasexxxy","I just banged my elbow and its bleeding  owwiee"
1965249326,"neutral","LukeStratford","@AKARA it was hours ago i came in.... and it's only now i realised when i went to buy something online"
1965249384,"sadness","TashaMichelle14","@mitchelmusso Not allowed to call as I live in the UK, my parents say it will cost to much  Sucks !!"
1965249573,"hate","sstaver","@toin9898 Wow.. that really sucks!"
1965249828,"sadness","missmagiclion","i wish i was in Jonathon Ross' audience right now"
1965249853,"hate","DangerPants","@MsStella damn. You could have just called or told me in person. You didn't have to humiliate me in front of the whole twitterverse."
1965250115,"surprise","mbloem83","Why does it matter who marries who as long as youre happy....i find it so wrong to say ok u two can marry but you cant"
1965250192,"sadness","emilybub","just watched BGT on catch up, aw i felt so sorry for holly"
1965250400,"neutral","Hipchick999","@CocaBeenSlinky Exactly"
1965250714,"worry","natashax29xx","@martinhavlat aww that sounds sad"
1965250820,"sadness","rkshipper","@niqa86 I miss you too, Mojokins! I go there, but not long enough to comment  Will do more this weekend!"
1965250830,"worry","ameliasedawie","Doing my fieldwork databook. Slept awkwardly. Bones all sore."
1965251257,"worry","ohsokayaa","throat is reallyyyyy sore , i can barely talk"
1965251270,"worry","MPisthename","@Clareies I'm 25 in december that's not good at all next big birthday is 30  after 21 it flys by for sure"
1965251625,"fun","Tiff_Tiff_Marie","I'm SO thinking about skippin out to NY in the morning. . . but all of my plans were for tonight  well . . . most of them anyway."
1965251786,"worry","Skatergurl1O8","MY BEST FRIEND IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS MOVING AHHHHHHHHHHH wat am i 2 do im not a happy camper"
1965251953,"neutral","hollyhood","@JayHostDC went last year. I gotta go to my friend's party tonight though.  I can never win"
1965252015,"fun","ItsChiara","why I love so much, why your make me smile all the time? why your so special but i cant have u  ? I get scared to try."
1965252033,"love","physigory","@jennyowenyoungs i can't believe you're coming near me! but to a place that i can't get into.  i love you, Jenny!"
1965252176,"worry","Albabybabybaby","please do not let me get obsessed, whatever or whoever is in charge of my actions  you've been doing such a bad job lately"
1965252896,"hate","alexissrose","I am native, not french ! I hate this ! !  ! Trying to find animals in french, I SUCK, SOMEONE HELP PLEEEEEASE  ? Alone- Allison Iraheta ?"
1965252906,"surprise","clairabellejp","a HUGE SPIDER just crawled past me.  HUGE."
1965253152,"sadness","Caroline_NPG","Shit night. want john  where is he?"
1965253196,"neutral","Spaguyswife","@CrysOHara I think it's going to be a LONNNGG Weekend, but not the 3 day kind."
1965253335,"sadness","CindyorShy","And Jenny is so gorgeous --' PFFFF i love her style, i want her outfits"
1965253499,"empty","paperdummy","@Rozrad: That was a parking meter, not a streetlight, wasn't it?"
1965253558,"worry","brentitude","@PatBrough I've been there.  The only place I have flown out of since moving up north. Really pretty area for flying, but very expensive"
1965253606,"neutral","I_Support_DemiL","Im calling into Radio Disney now.i made it through but me being the idiot i am cut it off by accident...now its just ringing and ringing"
1965253625,"neutral","heyy_kendall","I don't have MTV,@mtschopp. What am I going to DO?!! fmlllll"
1965253769,"fun","xylona","it's ridiculously warm in bed"
1965253912,"worry","Luvsmilez","Just got caught in the down pour"
1965254004,"neutral","in0centvtgrl","heading to work"
1965254358,"worry","jasxelectric","so we got our cap&gowns today! senior year is coming to an end soo fayst!"
1965254689,"worry","Skettalee","@AdidasGoddess19 HAHA Amen! Im sooo damn hungry... And I hate knowing my weekends gonna be shit, when its supposed to be great"
1965254817,"worry","Nyiana","@DreamingMyth why not?"
1965254930,"sadness","tehnakki","so tired.   only need to be here another 30 minutes."
1965255224,"relief","radiusgetsitin","@yesitsfiasco cool! ok yeah see i dont have the old files with separate vocals so im trying to punch em all up as one track(all i can do)"
1965255480,"neutral","Jotabeunico","infelizzzzmente, no alcool nesse fds"
1965255528,"sadness","jamesh_1993","@jdrydenUK Yeah, It's not available on Public market yet. but will be soon. looking forward. I'm sunburnt  arms are itching. boo hoo!!!!!!"
1965256048,"sadness","JazzSinginBaker","hanging out with Rex, missing Alabama and my Nanna already..."
1965256166,"neutral","mlourdesr5","Waiting at the car wash to see what they say about Amara."
1965256329,"hate","krycha","f*** that weather"
1965256339,"hate","karen0z","Nothing good at the five dollar sale."
1965256356,"enthusiasm","havokisthecure","@snuffdigital awww  well I am here...just in case...I am not like THE PERFECT FUNNY FRIEND but I`m here hehe"
1965256467,"surprise","pawcake2","Were at citibank I thought we were gonna go to grannys house but were no"
1965256472,"sadness","Jadex_shakeit","@Mitchelmusso: Am sad i got no money on my phone. Ahh well  lly Mitchel xx"
1965256514,"surprise","Dharmalovesyou","Today officialy fucking sucks. My mom is the biggest bitch ever. Text me"
1965256522,"worry","MdaMAGNIFICENT","Checkin out oramarecords.com. Got a fever and cnt sleep"
1965257065,"sadness","kritop_cookie","watching "la rosa de guadalupe" damm this episode is so true they are people that make fun of the people that are virgins"
1965257158,"empty","tuckisuha","Oh..I'm so borin'.. why not play the computer?? My mom's say: because your makin' task..!!"
1965257303,"relief","slash10520","also finally home with no friends or anyone.. kinda nice to sit in a quiet room.. do wish the gf was here tho..."
1965257464,"surprise","cursive","fuck everything"
1965257546,"love","jacquelinalexis","@ZachyHxC54 haha it scared the shit out of me."
1965257868,"happiness","x3Lovebug","@jonasobsessedx ._.; Thanxxx ! Now with that message I just wanna leave !! )= ! BYE !"
1965258357,"worry","kittensklaws","@ragavin  is there anything Brian or I can do?"
1965258463,"worry","socalgirl90","@TattedHairGuy I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope you're okay!"
1965258900,"worry","DorahOneal","Freakin' frustrated why can't my coach realize that times are hard ain't nobody got the money to buy cookie dough for no new uniforms"
1965258993,"hate","Sinccolor","In children's hospital ER hoping Meredith does NOT have a broken elbow/arm"
1965259284,"neutral","luly09","is wishing that i could be famous for acting and dancing"
1965259450,"neutral","HannahsSoFlyyyy","@NikkiCSWS awwh. I was kinda hoping Jack would get the banana highlights back"
1965259467,"sadness","SuburbianMike","Everyone is working tonight! I'm bored"
1965259684,"neutral","Aimeeva","Is fighting a horrid headache with a large Vanilla Iced Coffee."
1965259968,"happiness","unknown8bit","may have unintentionally snubbed someone due to my ineptness/shyness. feel badly"
1965260010,"neutral","MilkNSilver","I slept entirely too long on my nap, but not long enough at the same time."
1965260168,"worry","staciehibino","@vanriper so how's the new gphone?! I guess I should have signed up to go to google io after all"
1965260196,"neutral","busygirl","@KRushtC that's because you've been avoiding me."
1965260251,"fun","BaybeeJ13","@kvagur  haha soooo party tonight???"
1965260768,"worry","rhaen","I am sad... Tanner wasn't invited to the Panthers development camp this year  Poor (other) Glassers. But Calla was, so good on him."
1965260775,"hate","courtneypscott","Dear On the Boards Theater: You are so loud above my head  stomp stomp ugh"
1965264962,"neutral","MissElleCee","Last weekend in Dallas for awhile"
1965265108,"worry","Candice_Jo","@marshallsheldon Probably not a good idea, its hard to tweet on the web, I miss Tweetdeck!  *cry*"
1965265266,"sadness","eb0204","@RetroRewind awwww i cried...makes me cry  i love joey!"
1965265452,"surprise","_trishobrien_","awwww it ovber!!!"
1965265491,"neutral","Triptophobia","I miss Bri. COME BACK FROM QUEENSLAND, BITCH! I have no one to sit next to in class.  and drama is no fun without you. COME BACK, BOOB!"
1965265589,"surprise","sickophantikmnd","@TheMrsH I saw an all red Audi on the highway. I sped uo to it hoping it was you. My loss"
1965265905,"worry","tswiftlove93","@ddlovato it's quite hard cause when you attempt to spread it, the cornbread falls apart..."
1965266371,"sadness","Hannah__James","@mitchelmusso it wont work in the uk"
1965266387,"hate","mc__ramos","@tezi_soch hah nooo she is the obly one that can AUMFFF i hate nick because he is datin miley"
1965266576,"sadness","J0rdanhunt","just watched terminator 2 and i cried, Its the one movie that makes me cry for some reason when arnie dies!  im lame!"
1965266715,"neutral","HanaStephenson","@mitchelmusso do you have an england saynow number? Because i cant call the us one"
1965266770,"hate","ConnyWylie","The Bucket List was a very bad film choice this evening.  I may need therapy now"
1965266990,"worry","Doulamama","@Christe1 So sad. Your mom must be very shaken up. Peace and strength to her and the dear family that lost their little girl"
1965267059,"hate","Trapes","Bit disappointed with The Killers On Jonathan Ross  He's sexy as hell though"
1965267352,"fun","GillyCoop","@LMontt I went on a Disney Cruise when I was a kid, but the characters were on strike so there weren't any"
1965267641,"happiness","kojecat","@donnyosmond Very excited as we have just booked tickets to Vegas (we live in the UK) can't believe the  price of the show tickets"
1965267724,"love","elwoodofficial","@ghxststories boys r nothing but trouble...i love trouble"
1965267809,"sadness","P_e_a_c_e_","HA! I'd give Kristen plenty of free hugs! *sigh* if only I could"
1965268102,"happiness","paulazinha","@KarolinePaixao EPIC moment! hahahha i swear.. i really wanna see it"
1965268188,"fun","velmadaria","@bobbiepen yeah, I was always changing my hair color in High School.  I've pretty much worn everything LOL. Some good, some baaaaaaaad"
1965268275,"sadness","Adair82","@deanm1987 Hey twit! Just watched poor Holly on Britains Got Talent  poor thing!! People are so mean - she only a 10 year old little girl!"
1965268649,"sadness","xxmegan","listening to music...feeling kind of down"
1965269149,"surprise","robdiwa","@SarahKMetz wish you were sluttin it up w me  waaaaaaaaahhhh!!!"
1965269173,"neutral","pharmacyfun","@tinkfan that sounds interesting. wish my phone did java.."
1965269218,"worry","davefleet","@AdamSchwabe http://twitpic.com/67owu - Nice - I had tickets for tonight's game, but I'm staying home sick"
1965269520,"hate","xsarah6192","boredddddddd, work tomorrow..  and sunday. i hate clarks"
1965269693,"sadness","AndreaAF","i really really hate biology , u______________________u"
1965270029,"neutral","sixthessence","@micheleamadesi *hug*"
1965270190,"sadness","chingy1337","@lonejohnny awwww  I'll be waiting then, hope it doesn't rain"
1965270526,"sadness","Courtneyw968","Damm it! I didn't get a pic of niamh with her 3D glasses on"
1965270555,"sadness","juleskaos","@Wossy @juleskaos good show ... And the killers rock ... But they cut em short"
1965271196,"surprise","gel_tweets","got a surprising and sad news on a Friday  (clue:effect of global financial crisis) http://plurk.com/p/x2vyi"
1965271482,"sadness","Megan_Parrell","Missing how it used to be"
1965272122,"neutral","PixelExecution","@Kikirowr Hope you feel better soon."
1965272306,"surprise","absbia777","@BefiBeez i just posted it like 5 mintues after you got off"
1965272703,"worry","AlmaBeatriz","I didn't get my q'doba today! sad"
1965272922,"sadness","andyloudon","Watching the Killers on JR. They are awesome. Too late though. They just cut the programme mid song. Twas my favourite too."
1965273151,"neutral","RicardoZamora","@maggit  i'll visit ny 'til september, no diggnation for me"
1965273154,"surprise","paranoid_","@LaurenConrad I can't belive you only have one episode to go  xx"
1965273712,"sadness","Belle128","So lathargic... Definitely need today to rest. Sad bout havin to call out but mentally i needed to"
1965273720,"fun","Supremacii","@yahyan  yahyan: @supremacii iaaaaaaaaaaaaan, i was just joking"
1965273751,"hate","mymemoirs","Oh man, I feel sick. As in I might have contracted a cold... maybe from the kids' slobber on Thursday"
1965273804,"worry","pato_30stm","@Katizzle hehe yeah! but too late hun"
1965274275,"sadness","kirstalicious","is so tired ive walked 6.05 kilometres today"
1965274611,"sadness","beckybena","@deviantlysweet so neat hearing U on kiddshow today wish I was there"
1965275069,"sadness","HeatherAllan19","@mitchelmusso i wish i could call but i live in the uk and i don't have the cash to call"
1965275194,"love","Kingmoog","Have a fantastic opening flower drummers!! From the ALL Asian cast and crew"
1965275333,"neutral","Jumper90t90","s, and be honet! only you and other 2 people follow me"
1965275359,"neutral","HollieSSargeant","Still Wants To Dress Up"
1965275469,"hate","Foxzi","@LaKia unfortunately noy   my life suck this year."
1965275969,"worry","nthmost","@tropigalia I know, I stink at birthdays  sorry bra, hope you're having fun anyhow, in spite of me!"
1965276832,"worry","mawbooks","The book bloggers panel is not listed anywhere in the program!   Be there tomorrow at 2pm in room 1E15.  #BEA09"
1965277125,"happiness","CdnImportGirl","is rockin' a minivan til the STi is ready. I miss it already"
1965277293,"love","TaqiyyaLuvLa","@QuEeN_AnGeL84 Awww i hope you feel better love...this weather is crazy..."
1965277637,"sadness","mattbeetar","Omg guys my internet has been down the whole day  It's still not working  I'll try fix 2m"
1965277848,"worry","Kbury","I have ants in my apartment"
1965277903,"love","KirksTweeting","@LilMissOpinion I just noticed that  They are so ridiculous"
1965278020,"sadness","CWaterhouse","@PHXPhoto No kidding there! Ugh ... One thing I know for sure - it won't be me showing the property this weekend"
1965278280,"worry","savvybride","@thesmartplanner I so wish I could go to your blogging bootcamp in Knoxville this coming week! I'm so close but yet so far."
1965278400,"worry","iluvmusic89","Phone power is dying!"
1965278580,"fun","gorgophone","@clouddancefest It was truly awful"
1965278605,"enthusiasm","meeey","Come on, man, give me some slack!"
1965279532,"surprise","BeeJayEmCee","@spicesierra sorry to hear that"
1965284998,"sadness","Kikirowr","Sadness  The top horde guild that I liked disbanded."
1965285154,"hate","jomama","I really hate it when someone calls themself your friend BUT you only hear from them when they want something from you  #friendfail"
1965285228,"neutral","singingislife18","lovely, my plans have been canceled for the night. another night home alone for me. un-yay"
1965285349,"neutral","xxJordanx","@Nievesteve i know"
1965285368,"sadness","Sheyler","Man my daddy left to work again  I never see him a lot I miss my daddy :' ("
1965285648,"sadness","barnichole","@hey_thomas if only the drinking game was tonight...I don't have to work till 5 tomorrow"
1965285869,"worry","llamamoney","@heyagainlando Their inability to manage money, tough job market, and they're getting behind on bills. This is why no savings is bad"
1965286042,"worry","socciopath","I'm still recouperating from the holiday weekend, wow, I've never been sunburnt before, this really hurts"
1965286457,"worry","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy Sorry about you�re mom  But it�s great to hear your dad is the best - then you forgive him the SPARKLE ?"
1965286924,"neutral","icestar13","@mitchelmusso how do you call that number from the UK ??  I really want to call u but I don't know how to  xxxxxx"
1965287303,"surprise","NuNu_213","@natetron Yo nate, what's going on with Morgie? Is she ok??"
1965287586,"empty","_jadal","Now I want ice cream but it's so expensive."
1965287638,"neutral","ciaobella50","@LiquidToffee No plans tonight? ............."
1965287796,"neutral","Rick_Smith","I wonder how effective these street preachers are....   http://twitpic.com/67qhz"
1965287990,"neutral","Bazzaa","@wylthenemesis nope not going be able to finish it tonight, got a few other things to do before bed"
1965288006,"worry","stacyhatespants","Brianne. Can you call me when convenient? I don't have you # and am not near comp"
1965288060,"neutral","senorkaos","Trying to got through my 3,000 + unread e-mail messages. Looks like this what I'll be doing for the rest of the evening."
1965288649,"relief","BostonPRchic","@JonathanRKnight I feel for you  I hope it's a smooth flight. Be safe! Mucho amor from Boston!"
1965288948,"neutral","Crich2606","#followfriday @nickw84 @kevkevv @vjartist @liverpool10 follow these ppl ... they are interesting .. @vjartist doesnt tweet much though"
1965289041,"worry","ME143","So not looking forward to hurricane season. 3 days until..."
1965289060,"empty","eratyptin","@cla_alfradique No fun   Well hopefully you don't have much more to go..."
1965289478,"sadness","dueter09","is watching "Sicko" and is utterly digusted with this country..."
1965289553,"sadness","filmester","@Lisa_Nova we had it but we lost it  very sad 4 us cause we loved it"
1965289800,"fun","GarveyBen","@Ashcoates its been fun so far, but its nothing like a festival altho we did have a cider this afternoon, but only the one"
1965290084,"sadness","LilTyraBanks","@Jayisfly Jess is invited just not me  I feel really unloved by u AND Aj right now hahaha!"
1965290304,"neutral","andreadmiranda","@sjeske at the shop getting the hail damage fixed. It was there for a week."
1965290365,"neutral","1337wine","I'll also have to fix that in iTunes when blip.tv changes the URL since that's part of the RSS feed"
1965290971,"worry","Lhriangel","@faffyfoo Yeah ...  I don't know why that happened on this video..."
1965291283,"hate","Beerbel","I hate my vserver. Java says: Could not reserve enough space for object heap"
1965291399,"sadness","Kristin_stahlke","waubonsie lost  they're out. i'm soo pissed"
1965291661,"sadness","BeDatGirl","i think i just good stood up..."
1965291727,"hate","bearylove","@MirandaBuzz ahhhhh....... i hate math!!!!!!! right now we r doing something so hard that we just learned today......  lol"
1965291728,"sadness","athytia","Shopping at sam's club in baton rouge. Mom brought step-dad to charity hospital so i cant go home yet  i had plans...."
1965291745,"worry","ammirola","my sleeping child does not want to wake up.....she will be up all night now"
1965291751,"love","TeamOsment","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/67hac - I dont like justin  but he means somthing to miley,so i respect that !!! Love you miley!!"
1965291864,"surprise","bobsyauncle","3 day weekend and all I can think of is work waiting to ambush me on Tuesday!   Damn you work!!!"
1965291984,"love","LeaThePrincess","my poor baby girl is poorly  x"
1965291986,"worry","mwilliams1319","@educatedlady lame"
1965292233,"sadness","rs_rockstar","hey guys! nm just here half bored"
1965292361,"sadness","velmadaria","@bobbiepen LMAO!!! Man I was so bummed when she stopped braiding"
1965292783,"worry","BroadwayBound1","@morgannJayy  lol...maybe for you...I still have to go in monday."
1965292830,"neutral","awesomeann7","@sergio_mg03 idkkkk I haven't planned anything.. Work LOL"
1965293679,"hate","RobRich16","@Skittles3640 No prob, skittles we always gonna have yall's backs. The true sweeties dont play.. LOL But yea we just got heated. We sry"
1965293952,"sadness","hollylollylol","angry, sad, happy, excited, i hate how my moods change  right now i am immensely sad =\"
1965293996,"relief","madlymint","@flossa  have a glass of cold water and meditate a bit. <3"
1965294115,"enthusiasm","iyaitssuzanne","@Jamieed i hope its earlier. september is along time offf"
1965294225,"sadness","starbucksapron","@DWsRoseC i didn't have many in there, just 8, and the 1 that got deleted was just sent 2 days ago  and  i cried is on the rr... and i am"
1965294393,"neutral","_Racheese_","@mitchelmusso is it a worldwide number? caause for some reason my phone wont dial the number"
1965294973,"enthusiasm","whatsvickydoing","When are @alyandaj gonna release another album already?!? I miss them"
1965294984,"hate","kimissosupaflyy","so very irratated"
1965295133,"neutral","millarca","@knitch Don't have any.  Just raspberry & balsamic."
1965295175,"worry","MrszCarter","@bowwow614 hey Bow when yu comin baxx 2 thaa 614 we miss yu hun  ...614 all day!!"
1965295324,"love","s1mplyxamaz1ng","After hearing susan boyle sing she came off as the most beautiful person i'd ever seen. i feel bad for my first impression though"
1965295438,"boredom","KimberlyRDavis","TGIF... Hubby dragged me out to buy car parts. I am tired n cranky"
1965295530,"worry","BroMoshaholic","when is it gonna be nice out"
1965295536,"happiness","cararenee","Had Sbarro for dinner and Krispy Kreme for dessert. Mmmmm! But so not very healthy."
1965295645,"empty","mikemueller","@tvanderwell I have 3 computers all going now.  IE 7 on XP and IE 8 on Vista  all are still NO Shows!"
1965295658,"sadness","mmaruchis","I�m JBobsessed  xD I miss them soooooo much!  They should have a live web cast on bookface ?  EVERY thursday xD"
1965295758,"sadness","ohnewein","Trying to install a vodafone internet key an an eeepc. I remember once it worked out of the box. But today it doesn't want to work"
1965295852,"empty","btb103","I just put my computer up on craigslist. I've had the same case, monitor, and speakers for over 5 years."
1965295896,"sadness","ClocksInMyPlace","It's so hard to keep up with everything! There's the whole coldplaying, twitter, facebook and not to talk about real life... Impossible."
1965296030,"worry","sariesar88","Feeling like crap sucks."
1965296181,"empty","mswliu81","@freckles08x   plus, it is going to clash with ugly betty when channel 4 shows season 3 next month as well. grrr  !"
1965296295,"love","Emmavieceli","@johnreppion awww  I'll let you off - but you'd better be there for my next 30th! XD"
1965296354,"sadness","apunbindaas","@SodaKan sorry to hear about the wait list"
1965296599,"worry","makenzicabrera","im sosososo sad, i should be seeing cory lamb in a few hours  i love that kid."
1965296636,"relief","ErinTDunst","@KirkDunst not cool.   Hope you feel better. I went up there for breakfast buy you were gone."
1965296729,"love","CandiceMegan","@DaniDROPDEAD13 oi  i love you"
1965296901,"neutral","xteri","@caitmccoy no im not going this wknd  sorry it took me forever to respond i just realized twitter isnt txting me ur updates!"
1965296984,"neutral","lfcstripper","Back from the pub, want more peroni"
1965297118,"worry","Breii1","isnt going to the movies!! i got grounded"
1965297144,"worry","AshleyMixson","@ashleymshep yeah girl you betta be on twitter! i miss you. jealous of jen's limo ride"
1965304212,"neutral","stellery","@Sweetepi /agrees"
1965304350,"hate","kolsch","@MVPublicLibrary don't tape hold slips to items !! just ripped a digipack cd case"
1965304616,"worry","MezzyPie","@Kaylalallama:  She's going to beamer for the rest of high school. i'm so sad. there will be no more prn journal."
1965304618,"worry","Susanyau","@TessMorris I considered being a nurse when I was younger but I really don't think I could cope if a baby died"
1965304627,"neutral","micabedoya","HOMEWORK  BORRIING"
1965304733,"happiness","baulich33","Feels like throwing up!"
1965304784,"surprise","cece_newnew","@GoldenSquad  LOL yeah he unfollowed me bkuz  I was just jokein with him bwt somethn n I quess he took it serious"
1965304933,"hate","kearbear44","@nelsoncrew  Don't hate me  I seek approval from anyone and everyone.."
1965305222,"worry","natalieloeber","my msn crashes way too much  hmph"
1965305719,"neutral","MartinG05","@summersunrays Bryan hasn't replied about wingnuts"
1965305778,"worry","Jadex_shakeit","@Mitchelmusso: I sent you an other call me back message  x"
1965305798,"hate","moonshinejm","@boriqua206 Cause I'm not hearing from you guys!!!"
1965306088,"worry","Samosaur","My back is all kinds of messed up, and Strudel is going to live in another town until we move, I'm going to miss the little runt"
1965306168,"worry","randyjwade","New phone isn't syncing with my computer...I need numbers"
1965306344,"sadness","stefmancia","Back from Miami. I miss South Beach"
1965306413,"happiness","MOgulnick","@martinhavlat Dang! Wish I could go  I have tickets for Sundays game!!"
1965306659,"sadness","KirstieC89","@mitchelmusso would love to talk to you but i live in England so unfair"
1965306720,"neutral","restlessdreams","Friday night has gone too quickly   My bottle's gone for tomorrow.. come on Everton"
1965306781,"worry","kylielovespaul","Freakin' HAWT guys at this restaurant...where I'm eating dinner with my father"
1965306886,"worry","AgooAustralia","@LMStellaPR Must have been the night for it. We had a nightmare evening too. You still sick too? Never gonna get well w/out sleep!"
1965307173,"neutral","kigirl777","Uh-Oooh my throat is scratchy"
1965307368,"sadness","Evil1der","battery is low boooooooo in Palm Springs, CA http://loopt.us/2SljBw.t"
1965307644,"sadness","DoubleL043","It is hot here in Texas and our ac upstairs is broken so its really hot at my house."
1965308341,"worry","Ashley_Dough","Missed the WBC counterprotests.  But probably going to WaterFire with Ben, yay!"
1965308342,"hate","naremanrules","ahhh!!!! u know what really sucks??? i sprained my toe!! OUCH!!"
1965308971,"worry","CoryOBrien","@adamjackson Better than what I did to my MacBook keyboard yesterday! (Spilled a whole cup of hot chocolate on it.)"
1965309723,"neutral","lavasusan","To @NEENZ I was going to reply to your "what do ppl in HI do on the weekend" post...and then I realized my top choice was work."
1965309771,"sadness","deadly_cyn","@thursdayband  We can't even call you from belgium  sucks"
1965310017,"sadness","colodne808","i miss my husband"
1965310097,"neutral","latinsmiley","Born and raised in NYC and living in Texas for the past 10 years!  I still miss NY"
1965310104,"empty","karmachord","@stevyncolgan What are you confused about?"
1965310287,"hate","roxiexena","It should be illegal for me to date"
1965310405,"neutral","Arlene_McFly","@lilyroseallen Got tickets for your gig in Glasgow, gutted we have to wait til November though"
1965311007,"worry","kileyfreitas","graduation is done  im a little sad.. anyone want to hang out???"
1965311020,"hate","lalalaLOURDES","I hate thunder and lightning!"
1965311373,"sadness","stinebeann","life is so boring without you"
1965311776,"surprise","GuitarLove08","@MusicLover_15 No, I haven't seen it yet!  But once it comes out on DVD.. ;) hehe. Haha"
1965312247,"worry","iFroggy","Realized that ManagingOnlineForums hasn't been reviewed on AMZN in May! I'd love if someone would share their thoughts! http://is.gd/JolG"
1965312469,"surprise","Flash_Forward","Poor dead Josh.  http://bit.ly/JKpHn  Please leave your messages of condolences there.  #boy #rip"
1965312719,"hate","MiDesfileNegro","Musically, these headphones are awesome. For staying in my ear... not so good."
1965312730,"neutral","_Slamma_","@mitchelmusso i cant call  im at work"
1965312750,"worry","alex1xo","Is have a bad night at work."
1965312806,"worry","SassyCaliChic84","@ItsOneTen now you're scaring me.... can't you just be mad? Don't jip the world of your presence"
1965312835,"hate","jennnx0","i hate rain and people."
1965313049,"sadness","SilverSurfing","@x_crazyangel Gah   But Gregg should have got the hot and talented vote, dammit!"
1965313632,"boredom","bigyin3d","J Ross you can't leave the killers still singing and run the titles - you should have been edited out for more music - happy - not"
1965313858,"fun","StephanieNovak","Going out to eat with my entourage, probably to Fat E's since they're closing tomorrow!   watching a movie with Jimmy tonight, text me...."
1965314214,"sadness","Illy02","@bowwow614 I would but I'm afraid I got two left feet"
1965314331,"boredom","Nataliee2","@grooveybianca12 nah jkin he's hot! so... bored now"
1965314453,"sadness","Soph4Soph","@honeyfaery @that_kat I've begged my mum to lt me get them out the attic.. but she wont let me  Waaa... and yes, was spoilt! hehe!"
1965314691,"happiness","tiffenyparker","@montiAsutton I wish I could really do that  I love having u around! Ill see what I can do.. ;) try to use that national champ pull lol"
1965314898,"hate","Hevbops","exhausted, but forced into attending a lock-in"
1965314918,"worry","tangjo","can't sleep without my routine "before-bed snack", but  to find that it comes along with a fatfat tummy."
1965314925,"surprise","raymondh","Test discovery just missed being in Py3.1"
1965314972,"worry","khali_blache","Aw. Torn ace of hearts  #Hunchback"
1965315067,"love","HollandMarielle","LOVE @myfabolouslife LOVE him.  http://bit.ly/chLaV   @ that tease of Your Baby @ the end... boooooo. still luv tho."
1965315271,"fun","bff_jill","Im a loner  haha suckss"
1965315319,"worry","stellery","@Kikirowr Aw not again!  Feel better soon bb!"
1965315531,"fun","benfm","i wish i could teach my dog how to play xbox!  alas...no thumbs"
1965315615,"neutral","snobb","@heatwave06 cool, never heard of that in ny   http://myloc.me/21uF"
1965315724,"fun","chandlervdw","Great, just great. #Cookoutofthecentury and my wife's tummy hurts. Just. Great."
1965315791,"hate","DaPrincesa24","My bike was put on hold...should have known that.... argh total bummer"
1965323822,"worry","missnicolemarie","Omg i here thunderrrr i wish i was home  i love cuddling with a blanky during a storm"
1965324222,"sadness","rachelashley09","Ughh from the filling in my tooth my ear is starting to ache ! What a life"
1965324441,"sadness","Gabilica92","@nicholasxjonas  you disappointed me"
1965324480,"sadness","lockylisa","Ahhhhhh - software downloaded but can't get install file to work"
1965324622,"sadness","AmberCharlotte","@james__buckley Good for you mate, sadly I couldnt get pissed tonight fucking driving bad times"
1965325132,"neutral","helen456","@oohpinklipstick yep i am.got back this morning. NFg were fab last night, but i cant go tomorrow   you getting MS ticket soon? 4weeks away"
1965325229,"worry","missymeade","http://twitpic.com/67qv3 - Me at Forever 21  Ethan couldn't be there"
1965325243,"fun","SincereDreamsz","I am so full. No more food tonight... I don't want no cake and ice cream at this party."
1965325271,"sadness","LilyMunster08","Having one of my bad days....Migraine today. My 1st since my neck surgery about 2 1/2 months"
1965325761,"happiness","lourollx","i need to write really bad. can someone go get my diary from my flat for me"
1965325781,"fun","andrew12115","Watchin 'how to lose a man in 10 days' wiv mum  lol"
1965325785,"neutral","KristinPowell","@tbortnyk i know the feeling"
1965325819,"worry","shawnmichael","Poor Kella is on meds now for an ear infection; she lost her food all over @deannamichelle twice at the doc's"
1965325939,"worry","Darknezzz","Back is killing me, wish the pain would go away"
1965326084,"neutral","tigraine","I hate different referenced assemblies. My FNH goes against castle 1.1, Caliburn against 1.03 .. not to mention dynamicproxy in NH"
1965326380,"relief","gigiscrazyday","YES!  I have my e-mail down to one window (most of which are marked for follow-up on Monday).  all the dang paper still here tho"
1965326394,"neutral","lucamacis","my right arm is burnt from the sun"
1965326459,"worry","justywusty","I think I have H1N1...     Or maybe just a cold."
1965326488,"sadness","lexxoutlive","Is really sad that shes missing critical mass"
1965326601,"surprise","melerycelery","when i told my mom "can we watch up?" she said "OK". little did i know she thought i asked "what's up?" looks like i have a free friday."
1965326794,"surprise","skhensley","@PassionMD I could see your quote but not vote for it??"
1965326932,"worry","kristalyn512","@JYBeliever sore throat (like hurts to swallow) runny nose and constant sneezing"
1965327129,"sadness","laughingg86","@sky14kemea There gone.  Now I'm going home.  Make me sad to leave the mall."
1965327571,"neutral","HipHopPopAndRnB","@AndrewDearling :o And I missed it? And I'll miss the rpt 2mrw  Oh well there's youtube sunday I guess. Thanks Andrew"
1965327823,"neutral","thequeenbee18","Making an iMovie of college"
1965328081,"surprise","fayelouise1984","watching a film, recovering from my operation"
1965328181,"neutral","Swag101","@TaraCherish i guess it wasnt meant to be.."
1965328537,"sadness","Vonnieee","Smackdown is a lot more boring without Maria."
1965329239,"enthusiasm","lacey658","@darkkiller101 I miss you too!!   And don't say "damn"!!!  lol"
1965329381,"sadness","Ghina18","@DJGigiDred not fare lady, no body naps while I am at work"
1965329545,"neutral","krystapholyz","Change of plans. I am staying in Brandon.  No Papaya Salad for me."
1965329639,"worry","mellaniasog","im so tired  &i miss dionee already."
1965329992,"happiness","cammyjo","Headed to see friends new baby. Gave up trip to the lake cause of dance class. Such a good mama."
1965330141,"hate","JonathanAlfaro","i don't wanna go back to school on monday"
1965330295,"neutral","iverson954360","its really hot out today  being hairy is gay"
1965330675,"surprise","_Ness","chillen at gmas! Soooo humid outside!"
1965330794,"worry","BlueDayDreamer","@jeweljk I can't get it to load for me."
1965331169,"hate","jennagaling","it just thundered reallyreally loud at work and this little boy started crying  I wanted to cry too...I hate storms! wah"
1965331222,"worry","EdStripe","back to work tomorrow  whose idea was it to go back on a saturday?!? Oh wait... that would be mine. FAIL."
1965331688,"worry","gooeychicken","@mollyissogyo I made room...I don't have a bed from how much room I made and now I'm outta space for sure lol, and I know I'm pathetic"
1965331787,"neutral","TheSinginGrace","Is anyone else having problems following and unfollowing peeps? For me this has gone on for over a week!"
1965332022,"worry","nhiaa","Im so depressed! I got an 80 on my global test"
1965332031,"sadness","PaperWorxNY","I sooooo miss Chinese takeout!"
1965332044,"fun","HollieSSargeant","@catrionat7 Lol I Sed Want to Not Ach Dress Up For No Reason. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee Im Bored.  Lol"
1965332222,"neutral","jessicamloring","@GentleSinner But I don't wanna ruin it  Can't I do it 'spontaneously' first on paper, then copy that spontaneity onto the book? Please?!"
1965332312,"happiness","ANDi2EW","hahahahah i woke up at 9 today.. totally missed lecture and the quiz  open lab was useless. chipotle w/ silvera and jenny was greeat 8D"
1965332461,"neutral","AaronChiles","U-Verse is up and blazing at 25Mbps.  I don't have anything to download though"
1965332516,"relief","Heartnet13","Finally got a date for the bonfire tonight. Kinda last option but whatever. None of the chicks I wanted to go with never texted me back"
1965332660,"boredom","VanessaCorsetti","@dmafiax thanks ALOT, stuck at work with it too"
1965333095,"hate","PricelessToni","@DreamsAnais_MJA ..I don't know who gon do the yelling & cussing for upgrades when u go."
1965333129,"sadness","fashinator1985","@kanoaofgomega our love goes out to you Kanoa  sorry for your loss dear"
1965333507,"sadness","Sabina4ka","I hear tonight is the last jleno show"
1965333556,"sadness","Elaine_W_84","@hanaabanana i know!!!!!!!!! yopu only just got round to watching it?  i cried!!!!!"
1965333715,"surprise","lilbohemian","@shutterbutter @daveydollar ... Way to rub it in guys! Send everyone my love  wish I could be there"
1965334008,"sadness","glitch83","@darkmornan that was so disappointing"
1965334317,"worry","BrioniM09","hey @mitchelmusso i tried callin u but it wont let me"
1965334345,"neutral","cassiemonrad","Make plans, i have none!!"
1965334463,"sadness","laq997","recovering from a hard day of homeschooling my dd, chemistry did NOT go well..."
1965334705,"enthusiasm","leapnlizzie","So much to tell-Only blip is her immune system hasn't recovered-not yet a newborns. Give it 6 more months.  But that's nothing."
1965334749,"sadness","JBnVFCLover786","wow, there's still the void of whre thomas left  The heartache is never going to go away"
1965334856,"worry","iitsJessbabyy","Wow, NOT free WiFi && you have to pay for parking!? Reduculous!!!"
1965335072,"sadness","ecaswell","Darn i dont have guitar tomorrow"
1965335103,"sadness","juliaamariee","ticked off cause i can't go see "drag me to hell" with melissa and amber. staying home on a friday night is NOT my thing."
1965335190,"love","melaniejustine","I love my puppy"
1965335254,"worry","mickers","@ingridmusic whaaaaaat? oh no! why didn't I know you were here?"
1965335437,"worry","KingsOfLeon_Grl","@aAaAle  haha ...i'll let you know how the show was ... hope here in romania they will show it on Mtv.Sunday morning I have an exam"
1965335509,"happiness","appleblossm","Six feet under theme is on jjj"
1965335552,"neutral","PnayluvsNKOTB","@nkotb how come u all don't seem to excited to play in DC????"
1965335930,"hate","maya_davis","can't upload a picture. I already hate twitter"
1965336204,"sadness","sneak_peek","@PrettyGrl_Annie I can't  I'm goin outta twn 2night. Sorrrryyy"
1965336483,"neutral","itsnisrine","You haven't @replied back"
1965336492,"relief","Andrea_Michelle","bbq was great... just relaxing around the house!  dont wanna leave my city but have to tomorrow... got to clean the house when i get back"
1965336828,"worry","Crimson_Sol","My baby isnt online yet  booooo"
1965336958,"worry","Azlen","@willameda I really really hope that doesn't happen."
1965337023,"worry","lithiumjordo","@ebrettrubin i dont get one? fine! i say texting is way more meaningful than twittering"
1965337024,"hate","djgobas","i feeeel like shiit  blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
1965361319,"worry","tole_cover","Now, I regret not going to see Up today. Damn you, messy room."
1965361389,"worry","KaylaBertolami","is at cindy babys house......taking in these last fridays we have together  DR!!! i hope"
1965361712,"worry","ReddBarbiee","T.G.I.F to bad i have to spend it in the E.R"
1965362084,"relief","JodieMiley","no so sad about that  i'm from MALTA have you heard about it ?"
1965362087,"surprise","shawnyblueeyes","wishes he can just call her.  blah. it used to be so easy to move on. wtf happened?"
1965362290,"worry","fransi4real","really don't mind (too much)) sittin @ standstill, listenin 2 music, twttrg. But the gas gauge isn't lookin healthy"
1965362424,"worry","smilelaughitsme","@nessa665 this creepy guy when I was walking the dog  I've had my fill of creepers for the day"
1965362743,"worry","LaMac_","@LaurenConrad it says Lo's page doesnt exist"
1965362744,"surprise","ozonemama","i'm thinking that tonight's plans are not gonna happen. sigh...sadface. i shouldn't be surprised, but i am."
1965363114,"empty","rainboskydancer","Ugh... I definitely speak too soon..."
1965363257,"hate","csupertramp","How the fuck do 2833 songs fill an iPod that is supposed to hold 4000?"
1965363621,"worry","northernNether","Sick. Feel like jello, can't talk, and delirious."
1965363684,"sadness","sandycritchley","@wossy what a smashing show tonight! Love the Killers! Wish I had been there, gutted... Such a shame they got cut off mid-song at the end"
1965363868,"neutral","youngxr6","Is heading to work n its freezing!"
1965364276,"boredom","euanaaa","my neighbours are far too loud in thier back garden, all I can hear is this loud woman that won't stop laughing"
1965364595,"sadness","Illy02","I miss him  ARGH"
1965364682,"worry","megann75","wishing I was anywhere but here..."
1965364971,"neutral","ClaystationX","ACK! Fast forward right through that Coldplay song."
1965365135,"worry","alikat89","@BBC_Fangirl Won't let me watch since i'm in the states.  Boo."
1965365189,"sadness","chriscummings01","@jpsherman That's true. Unfortunately, the leads in the movies don't die on such a high note. It's more the Friday The 13th model"
1965365236,"sadness","JoshuaaaM","I  do not want to work tomorrow!"
1965365596,"worry","allieloves","the next 2 weeks, exam wise, are AWFUL. there are 8 exams and I don't see how I can adequately revise all of them  I care least about..."
1965366307,"hate","evolsoulx","@karriereKay being sunburnt is horrible"
1965366352,"sadness","TheFauxGourmet","Moving: nothing accessible. Camera broken, kitchen stuff in boxes, no internet.  Makes it hard to cook or blog.  get me to brooklyn!"
1965366397,"love","norwasian","I have two hours to wait for my tire to get repaired."
1965366629,"worry","alpy","@jwalsh well, the requirements are quite high as well"
1965366717,"worry","pato_30stm","@Erock2106 yeah! but too late  lol"
1965366866,"worry","NorrinElizabeth","Getting ready for my graduation party ........(id much rather be at Hello Marquee or Dane Cook)"
1965366962,"sadness","oddlyfamiliar","Early(ish) night tonight - I'm doing overtime at work tomorrow again  boo for working on a Saturday!"
1965366981,"neutral","rhys_isterix","@urbanfly I am well and truly at home. But still working!"
1965367097,"sadness","JustyGTI","Work is a no go"
1965367280,"worry","aaronriveroll","@LaraLea awww, we JUST missed you then!!  But I'll see you tonight!!"
1965367429,"sadness","hawkslover10","Really missing hockey already.  Off for a night in Dtn Naperville.  Can't wait for the day off tomorrow,  I have to work Sunday."
1965367460,"worry","OohWeeMayne","@apunbindaas ......when I find chays keys  im gonna clean my room up tomorrow. They'll pop up"
1965367476,"sadness","lilwldchld","@aholston Homework bound for the whole weekend, not so fun"
1965367528,"sadness","Dogbook","Roxie is not feeling very well  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6878284"
1965367544,"happiness","LibbyLongneck","I woke up and my hiccups came back!"
1965367716,"sadness","Joyyyyy","@Wossy The Killers where the best. A bit disappointed that the last song was cut short  Can you watch it in full on Iplayer ?"
1965367778,"worry","kayjaybaybay","Just woke up from a five hour nap. I still have a headache.  Medication time!"
1965367805,"worry","imseth","@patzilla83 I can't have any."
1965368166,"neutral","rapsli","trying to fix some weird query"
1965368335,"worry","Darlene_Mae","@tine143 I was going to but I'm siiiick  I'm so mad!!!! Jason said I have to recover fully before I go paintballin again! Are u playing?"
1965368474,"love","novelwhore","Last night in Chicago!  Making it one for the record books. Wrigley most likely? See you there?!"
1965368852,"surprise","brook14","i am soo fucking sick of wades mood swings... uhh i hate him.. he's an asshole!! ahhhh"
1965368942,"worry","jeh972","@marshallochs i don't have texting....."
1965369695,"neutral","Sims_Galore","@Umi_and_Alter oh, really i must of missed that post"
1965369734,"neutral","NatiDambros","@tommcfly >>i don�t live in UK, so I can�t say what i think..."
1965370260,"worry","DeiaLovato","Because you're everything to me DEMI LOVATO"
1965370419,"sadness","rockstdy82","Stuck on the 710 ... Going to my 2nd job ...  ... Why can't I find a good office job???"
1965370959,"sadness","I3orje","@mitchelmusso I can't call Mitch!  Im from sweden!"
1965371415,"sadness","alywhoalyhughes","@vautlapeine ... you mean the fam , minus ahugs"
1965371746,"worry","lyricsoul","Have a HUGE headache... don't have asprin here at work."
1965372325,"sadness","davidahughes","@mpvt another david hughes on your list? I'm hurt  @davidahughes ftw!"
1965372502,"neutral","KimTeaches","Back to marking"
1965372531,"worry","Whiittneyy","playing singstar without my fave duetter"
1965372657,"worry","aLeX_28","i cant spell"
1965372970,"sadness","wrongtothetom","asda ready meal - i don't think i'll ever be the same again"
1965373368,"neutral","Quimo","I'm Back and I see I missed Truck and Fish on @RetroRewind"
1965373415,"worry","CarolLaPeruana","@casablancadonna Glad TS brought it! Sorry about ur foot shorty...ur gonna have to relax wit the heels"
1965373466,"neutral","littlehellcat","@mandzz ohwwww  whatever I'm excited anyway."
1965373529,"worry","RobertAlmaguer","I really want to go to milwaukee but my sis doesn't want to  well she won't tell me"
1965373635,"surprise","samantitaa","@ClaudeKelly What day is it? What's #FF? I'm worst than you"
1965373684,"happiness","Platti","BBQ's gone well ! Weather stayed good which is a right bonus. Just off to bed, training in the morning at 06:30 then work"
1965373718,"worry","EricaClements","This economy thing is getting us down. I stay positive mostly but sometimes it really gets to me. Hoping Todd gets work soon."
1965373839,"worry","jessicamloring","@GentleSinner Very afriad  I might copy the picture that I just put up... and change it a little, should I?"
1965374359,"worry","leonkylantaylor","it is red hot bin tryin 2 get 2 sleep 4 ages but i cant"
1965374422,"neutral","alexperigo","@chelseychapman that's a long time ! Well then txt me !  xx"
1965374484,"worry","PasiLovesFob","i want  to go to a  concert  from fob now!!! i miss  it   can't wait  any longer ..."
1965374626,"surprise","coffeeatteatime","I got overexcited about pizza and burned my mouth."
1965374663,"sadness","mentalvertigo","@littleisis What time are you coming up here? I don't want to spend the day with mom"
1965374724,"worry","xloveisonitsway","Sleep time for me now, lots of last minute revision tomoro; exam on Monday  night tweet-ers <3"
1965377929,"worry","Arantxa304","http://twitpic.com/67rcp - Another one...those were taken at 3 am MET! U see I have a real sleeping disorder"
1965377963,"happiness","desssays","i miss k_ris punking me everytime we hung out and effnng me up"
1965378068,"surprise","torisgreat","Dammit i just locked the keys in the car! had to call mama whos in laughlin to call AAA for me"
1965378850,"sadness","Dogbook","Harley passed away in December 2008  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/616974"
1965379191,"neutral","jwalsh","@alpy apparently!  Haven't tried the site tho. Maybe will get better results."
1965379382,"empty","sophielatulippe","My besties. If only @ddlovato was there.  on Twitpic http://ff.im/-3o32G"
1965379563,"neutral","adsfinancial","My besties. If only @ddlovato was there.  on Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/67hac - My besties. If only @ddlovato .. http://twitpic.com/67hac"
1965379735,"sadness","ricaird","What did I learn today? Never post anything you've sold on ebay using royal mail. They lose it, I refund: compo's nowhere near - my bad"
1965379882,"worry","NiteStar","@jillvee If it keeps up like this I'm soon not going to have anything to blow the liquids OUT of!"
1965381331,"worry","indreamsforever","@SelfEdge what causes the frustration buddy?"
1965381395,"hate","hollychrome","@mtmont gah!!! twitpic is uploading sideways today"
1965381583,"sadness","Caraa_x","@RubyRedsocks yup then we are a day older"
1965381934,"hate","meg_la_mania","@Anna_Fur_Laxis It makes me feel physically sick. I read Let The Right One In and was only horrified by the cat violence.  Just horrible"
1965382236,"worry","Semi_Sweet","ugh! my teeth hurt! its taking the enjoyment out of jack-in-the-box."
1965382249,"sadness","keithyboy","@Gailporter p.s am gutted- went to order dead famous on dvd today from amazon, couldnt find my wallet, went back and last one sold out"
1965382264,"worry","tossayo","It's raining and I'm outside without an umbrella."
1965383145,"worry","kimberlyvieyra","Why are young people attracted to trouble? this makes me sad!  ,<3 kMv"
1965383477,"relief","vondutch4","is  wishing work was done soon  <3"
1965383821,"sadness","Kat_xox","My cable signal is all messed up!!! I'm missing Ghostwhisperer  In other news I have hurt my toe and have a cold, in like hot weather!!!!"
1965383886,"sadness","alz2426","is bored at work"
1965384004,"sadness","NoKarma4U","Soooooooooo glad to learn that Farrells ice cream parlor is staging a comeback in So. Cal -- too bad it's in the Mission Viejo mall"
1965384186,"neutral","jenihajas","On my way to the viewing!"
1965384337,"hate","melissadjahida","@Yermilla really? bcoz i'm not good in math & we r learning sumthing that we won't need  so thats why i don't like math & my teacher is uh"
1965384786,"worry","cynicismRAWKS","@MysteryArtist I never knew"
1965384976,"worry","DaniiDiaz","@mitchelmusso i love you but i can't call you cause i live in argentina  really really love you mitchel!"
1965385112,"sadness","JBandMiley123","@mitchelmusso i cant get through"
1965385619,"sadness","joeldavies","new guitar hero metallica guitar is already broken  #fail"
1965385791,"worry","luckygnahhh","@alittletrendy but he was only 39  sorry, I tend to ramble about him,"
1965386405,"happiness","nina_serafina85","@kimble09 yeah   but I'm jus glad the thunder stopped ."
1965386487,"worry","whisperinwater","Every time I pay off my library fine, I get a new one.  I'm a bad patron"
1965386923,"sadness","zaftigvegan","still no pool key. wth. it's even hot out today."
1965387005,"worry","LAURENASHLEY110","Laying in bed til workkk... Oh the life. Definitely pinched a nerve."
1965387026,"worry","merrijane","@MissKittySF umm well i only go to house clubs and i never go to north beach so.no idea, sorry  been out 1x there 2 a now defunctlesi club"
1965387062,"worry","Chanayaa","Then it just HAD to start raining here. ughh... (via @dusktallon) haha you died   what did you do at muskoka"
1965387343,"happiness","sarahfleck","Definitely need to work out after this business trip- too much free food and alcohol. I'm sure I've gained a few pounds."
1965387513,"sadness","wowsarah","At the library  being friggin bored."
1965387815,"hate","DanielleFalk","whats the point of wisdom teeth? NOTHING! grr in so much pain and i look like a chipmunk FML"
1965387991,"worry","SummerSunRays","@marting05  I know... he's mad at us... :'("
1965388031,"neutral","mercyfieldhock1","six more finals to go"
1965388073,"worry","PinkyD245","@hatz94 Nooooo get on now! Haha i'll be gone later"
1965388271,"sadness","melanie_susan","Everything is cool now. I wish the boy was able to talk."
1965388287,"sadness","rayvenlove","So I really need to put the laptop down & start getting ready for @melancholyjeans shindig...But I've missed my TwitterLoves all day"
1965388566,"happiness","adeytengs","Thanks to my assignment im off to work today!"
1965388596,"neutral","Amiix33","omg, did anyone see the wee girl on bgt..!xx sucha shame"
1965388611,"happiness","salima2188","another great workout! but I'm feelin kind of funny"
1965388653,"worry","DangerousBoots","owe i just burnt my hand on the toaster oven"
1965388688,"neutral","Jessilovesmetal","I wanna see Drag Me To Hell  Someone take meee!  Oh and Follow me.  And Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/JessiNoel29"
1965389132,"hate","Jasperblu","Living down @ Alki without off-street parking BLOWS. 3:30p & there is no parking. Wkds are the worst, feel like a hostage."
1965389260,"neutral","Abbie_xD","@PatsyTravers i think twitter hates every1 when it comes 2 photos! took me ages the other day 2 change my pic!! especially at this time!"
1965389607,"hate","cjtwildcat","And the city I love, Tucson, is the 18th most miserable  http://bit.ly/k3Gmw"
1965389750,"hate","skankincelt","Lol..2 people in falcon..and boo one of them being becca"
1965389849,"empty","lastkaled","Not found: the thing I was looking for"
1965389952,"love","shafikbasir","is up early to send someone off at the airport!  http://plurk.com/p/x2wsw"
1965390017,"worry","EwMedia","Had a great day, apart from the fact that I bought a USB HUB and as soon as I plugged it in, it broke!!!!    Damn you Tesco!!!!!!"
1965390078,"sadness","pf_c","I feel like drinking wine, but I don't have any."
1965390125,"surprise","emilymayy","just drove with my mom and brynn. my mom said im the worst driver EVER...really??"
1965390139,"neutral","cwind","Why the eff did @blairblends get suspended?!"
1965390251,"fun","therealzyannah","word is marlon brando gave him 25 cent . . . yeah , tha GODFATHER"
1965390275,"anger","cherry_Ade","seriously why did mum make me eat yeah i have a weird eating habit of not eating all day but really"
1965390403,"worry","xHaleyNicolex","so  im really borde and i dont know what i should do."
1965390454,"surprise","hibo928","Its humid today. Last night there was lightning. And now its humid"
1965390647,"relief","bobbie_bush","Is helping out at church pianos +stairs+gravity= heavy"
1965390905,"worry","MayraAlejandra","Okay, this weather isn't "cute sundress" friendly. I dont get how it could be so warm one minute and cold the next. I was freezing"
1965390931,"worry","Haarlz","@its_sb I killed my furby tooo"
1965391145,"worry","chareh","@lucashardy how are you gonna get them? I got bitten"
1965391424,"neutral","calygal","getting ready to start my work week, it's so not TGIF for me!! It's monday"
1965391696,"happiness","alenabarros","I just want to watch my Naruto Shippuuden missed episodes."
1965392155,"sadness","s_j1961","@phillyreds sad, but true"
1965392276,"surprise","margabee","Never commute in the rain. The people get so much meaner to you."
1965392652,"love","andreapichling","@mitchelmusso I want to talk with but the calls are so expensive  I LOVE YOU"
1965392926,"neutral","williamtm","@mattmecham Possibly, yes."
1965393584,"worry","blakeygirl80","4 shifts down, 2 to go... then its my birthday!! but, should i be getting excited??? im turning 29 which means im almost 30"
1965395886,"worry","jennypoynter","@kerryisonfire i just went to find that unity girl on bebo, i cant find her! i fail at bebo stalking"
1965396184,"worry","valeriegraham","Its finally nice out... An hour before we leave"
1965396355,"worry","Kimble09","@nina_serafina85 Its headed this way"
1965396466,"neutral","Jordansgotgame","@mistersweaters one of them is"
1965396854,"worry","TheRealJennZ","@thepresidentJx3 no one ever gave me the info I'm sad"
1965397638,"sadness","SkylerEvers","@PatriciaErin *hugs* Oh gosh, I'm sorry"
1965397867,"worry","notblue","Just found out that one of my coworkers in St. Paul (who I actually know and talk to) got laid off. This blows."
1965398032,"worry","wetarted_chica","Gonna miss the girlys soo super loads! Wish I wasn't going for 3 weeks! It's wayy to long"
1965398605,"surprise","AnnieMaul","@MartiniMisty Oh god, what was that thing! It scared me."
1965398724,"sadness","daniellelani","Has a head cold"
1965398942,"hate","Soninananah","@velvetella Hey! Polka dots or black dress. Both very glam. Mobile twitter's a bit crap at the mo."
1965399026,"worry","loyaleagle","went to bestbuy today and found that they had pretty much ever HP except the one i wanted to look at"
1965399033,"love","skyrien","@JosieChang I don't get it..."
1965399214,"worry","tweetieelovee","@AndreaKoeln awww, im so sorry hun  im sure she didn't do it on purpose though, she seems so sweet! Maybe it was a 24 hour thing? :s"
1965399611,"neutral","shadowcat","No TV and no internet make Catherine something something?"
1965400016,"worry","androidtomato","@SuprnaturlShana I'm sorry you're having a bad day   I was just looking back through. Do I need to give someone a knuckle sandwich?"
1965400178,"worry","theabeast","@AlpineKyle I am in the 'real world' which apparently involves a lot less twitter....  sorry!"
1965400979,"love","Cassii1112","@JessieeeS I agree! mmm so good, i miss eating it with you tho"
1965400981,"sadness","silvia4","oh also... here's a clip of the new moon trailer, that i can't watch cuz i'm at work.   http://bit.ly/wXa9l"
1965400983,"neutral","lennytoups",".@throwedmind210 No sun  but I can see the ocean now..I almost ran over a squirrel driving home from the store, was so foggy! Where r you?"
1965401110,"anger","sophmoreira","@natss91 kill me as soon as you get here ,ok? my sister is having a sleepover tonight  and her obnoxious friends are driving me insane"
1965401261,"sadness","Blairxx","@juicystar007  man i wont be home to co host with you!  xo*blair"
1965401274,"happiness","Giane127","@selenagomez bananabrain2 got hit by a car and got screwed! : O, 32 oepn wounds, a broken finger, broken toe (both toe and nail) f**ed up"
1965401596,"anger","iyaitssuzanne","rught brb on me ipod. if i randomly go off its cos me internet breaks"
1965402328,"worry","manniq416","I think the rain killed my phone"
1965402758,"sadness","iheartsbux","@Rachelamac aww you poor thing  hope all goes well!"
1965403225,"surprise","RockLobster09","had to throw out lotion at the air port terminal"
1965403281,"neutral","kittenclawss","About to hop in the shower. I miss my little soap sud Ashley."
1965403410,"worry","MKephart","Seth Green tells WalletPop his secrets of financial success as 'Unbroke' premieres. link was too long"
1965403946,"neutral","elynette","I need a blackberry"
1965404183,"neutral","NiteStar","@jillvee Sounds great ... wish i had the $ do buy some!"
1965404327,"worry","ashleychelle316","Missing Nate more than usual tonight"
1965404811,"surprise","cpos","Parking garage concrete pole 1 -- the new Odessey 0."
1965404870,"worry","Haverholme","@Glinner I'm sorry. It sucks I can't get spotify free. I would never stop you but I just got 5 links from 3 different people. It's crud."
1965405430,"sadness","Applecored","A message from @Songoftheoss Could you let people know I have been booted off"
1965405570,"sadness","horse8978","You such a good friend <3 I miss you so much"
1965405686,"neutral","SnyJan","would some one plese suggest me a great thriller movie"
1965406510,"surprise","traceydukes","@HelloMissJean hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Yo u hve me in tears!...its all @CthaGod fault he said u cancelled so I thought...."
1965406740,"happiness","ImDennisTheSex","i have problems wih pizza..ii love it too much..i'm so addicted to pizza  and Dot Dot Curve. >"
1965406793,"worry","WavyGyrl","@souljaboytellem Lucky u Im stuck in the rain..."
1965406920,"sadness","Joyce8826","@JBOO46 when he's there. he wasn't there today. sadness!"
1965407605,"neutral","cynicalpet","@knobzie their loss"
1965407807,"sadness","reycz","@misssammibaby why are you sad?"
1965407980,"worry","erictimmer","Also just realized that my digital voice recorder doesn't have a USB port!?!?! I think I picked the wrong model"
1965408198,"hate","fresherika","@SeanyeWest the mind plugs work, but the patent got turned down b/c someone already thought of earplugs and benedryl"
1965408275,"sadness","julierocks78","FML.. today sucks.. i just hope the dance will bring my soul up.. i pray, but im still sad..i hateee todayyyyyy!!! >;("
1965408533,"worry","midniteonabeach","@markhoppus Are we going to be able to buy more than 1 ticket online through livenation tomorrow? cant make it to LA"
1965408828,"neutral","_Einfallslos","Postponed is not abandoned. //"
1965409161,"happiness","charly_murg","@rachyzilla still haven't been to the infamous liverpool store  my manager helped set it up said it's awesome (y)"
1965409232,"happiness","reynnadelacruz","@becckysmith aw no!  yeah I must say, it was very good haha"
1965409300,"hate","ChristineLanois","Boring starting work weekend soon................ 1st need to get a Tim Coffee so I can make it through this damn night shift........"
1965409595,"surprise","mtiller","Upcoming trip...Italy, France and Belgium...yeah.  Sadly, no Germany.  Surprisingly bummed about that.  Almost a tradition."
1965409662,"hate","domesticgeek","Windows updates suck. There are so freaking many of them."
1965409809,"worry","maikister","@Linebeck Wrong  Besides, you wouldn't even draw for yourself now so giving yourself the "responsibility" to post there wud be better"
1965409971,"worry","Alska","@elainanic  hope u feel better sweetie"
1965410036,"neutral","jerseymoongirl","nothing sobers you up faster than getting sprayed with a wet hose"
1965410351,"worry","TheDEXpress","Uh-oh...it's becoming grey again out here. I hope it's not one of those "pop-up showers" on the way."
1965410525,"sadness","GayeAlana","I want korean bbq so baddd but no one can come with me"
1965410639,"empty","theabeast","@Evulh I do text to twitter sometimes, but I don't receive any on my phone so...."
1965410687,"neutral","receptiongal","17 things to do, the last thing on my mind is cleaning up everyone's cake mess"
1965411013,"sadness","POMuddRockOn","@leischen1shows always come up when we have the money least, it's the rotten law of averages"
1965411099,"happiness","TashFairweather","639 baby! GOD ITS SAD REALLY  oh well lifes a partaaay! xxxxxxxxxx"
1965411573,"worry","cannemu","@kirstiealley After many attempts, I can't figure out how put a pic in the avatar. Tells me pic is too big. Frustrated trying.......sorry"
1965411999,"sadness","DaniiDiaz","@mitchelmusso i want to but i can't call you cause i live in argentina  I really really love you mitchel! You're AWESOME, you Rock!?"
1965412275,"hate","emokid5885","y do i even bother getting a new fone..i just fucking break them anyway,,,fones dont float,,especially when thrown in the pool"
1965417719,"neutral","emunderpants","Feels really bad for @crimescenevegas with his epic toothache. Wish there was more I could do than putting a pig in the microwave"
1965417724,"sadness","RayRay515","@MinaScope there is always traffic heading back here to long island on fridays."
1965417904,"neutral","St3phLuva","I hate funerals."
1965418622,"sadness","stacksx","Love the movie Grease! Can't believe that Jeff Conaway is the same guy who played Kenickie...so sad to see him on Celebrity Rehab"
1965418795,"worry","pjmudd","is not looking forward to returning to reality tomorrow."
1965418822,"sadness","nikhilbhaskaran","Drove a #Mazda #RX8 today and boy, that car is fun! Sadly though, I don't find my car that much fun any more"
1965418874,"worry","Haarlz","@its_sb I swear mine was evil  it was green and everything LOL"
1965419077,"neutral","hkallday","@BOYWALT409 actually tear induced"
1965419079,"sadness","shona_elizabeth","Waiting for Danny to text me back,,,  xoxo"
1965419171,"relief","NykoleMazzola","so ready to go home"
1965419713,"fun","Car_leigh","Im had to leave early to go to piccolo practice."
1965419762,"neutral","ewhite079","Longest trackk meet everrr"
1965419876,"worry","brigwyn","@Kreeoni I can't follow that one"
1965420021,"sadness","jonathonmc","@Nkcaump Excellent pic! Wish I were there, but it's a long drive from TN."
1965420518,"neutral","danielleannrose","@jordan0rly ahaha yay! im staying there until 2 only  going with anyone?"
1965420683,"worry","JohannaJam","oh no! :| no more celebrity ding dong for ages"
1965420772,"happiness","Mr_GaGa","@JayDoub Hello, im good thank you - tottaly tired, been working lots today...tottaly shattered!  what about u"
1965421050,"worry","bboysolo","@sanchaaaa im sadd sancha  june 18 for me is a fail  its gonna be you and chini (((((("
1965421116,"worry","lozakasuperman","@NB82 aww sorry ot hear that  least its work though!"
1965421132,"sadness","teachrtec","Mowing #6. I hate my lawn"
1965421391,"neutral","teenage_winter","@Dogfaeries yes please"
1965421417,"worry","veebelladonna","@DatBoyXO oh wow...hope he's ok  u take him 2 the vet?"
1965421543,"surprise","AlyssaaLouise","Rain  oh well it's still Friday!!"
1965421614,"sadness","joe_g1986","Just saw a trailer for Batman Arkham Asylum and you can play as the Joker. But that's only PS3 exclusive. Damn  That hurt."
1965421780,"worry","stuartkp","last thoughts, again: is sorry, laura. and doesn't want her last tweet of the day to stuart to be nasty   *hugs* ?"
1965421840,"neutral","whit3gur7","Painting my room ="
1965421968,"happiness","BillReichart","Getting a little mowing the grass in this evening!  fun"
1965422048,"sadness","pandjcrafts","@liddesigns oh no, sorry to hear abt Firefox crashing on you."
1965422151,"neutral","cmda","Getting a little mowing the grass in this evening!  fun"
1965422230,"love","zany_zigzag","really hopes her car's illness is not terminal..."
1965422470,"surprise","MoreInteresting","@KristenSimoni Every time I have Friday off. Sadly, that's not too often"
1965423336,"love","LoiseMathenge","i wish it was summer"
1965423360,"sadness","sierrapug","booo that meanie @victoria is teasing me with a piece of cheese!   http://twitpic.com/67rt8"
1965423744,"empty","narmical","Im not happy"
1965423806,"fun","Ste1987","@samchannah @juliedeborah Beer is an excellent excuse. Earlier i was sweating god knows how much! Not looking forward to working tomorrow"
1965423880,"worry","ligiagalvao","I have class tomorrow and tomorrow is Saturday, I hate having class Saturday"
1965424083,"sadness","nataliaJB","@Its_Aitana K ??? What??? No way!!!! No"
1965424355,"neutral","steviesaurus","whaaay, first day on my own tomorrow. this should go well"
1965424465,"worry","jess_schneider","one of my besties is moving away"
1965424523,"surprise","K_Rob8","@DanaBrunetti What up? Why no tweets. Are you also filming in a place w/ no signal?  .Hmmm."
1965424562,"empty","wesaysummerrr","@fionaaa_ YEEEAH :'D lmao, dentists aren't nice  espesh after they decide your too old for goodie bags with stickers & awesome toothpaste"
1965424971,"neutral","yikesitslinda","i feel sick  thanks band kids."
1965424981,"hate","dep","@harperkzm that sucks  booo."
1965425153,"sadness","skrobertson","@melly16 hmm a certain one who ive gave up on liking as he mucks my head about :^) i give up with them sometimes tbh"
1965425370,"surprise","MarkieKula","Why am i even trying to go to sleep. Its 28c in here. I miss the cold winter nights"
1965425688,"hate","Moeneeke","There is ALWAYS one JOYKILL in the crowd!    haters!"
1965425725,"sadness","ashley42592","im just dreamin out loud, i cant have you for mine and i know it"
1965426178,"neutral","denisepraill","We'll miss you @dougvs...   Those lucky Edmontonians!"
1965426363,"worry","jamegumb_bb","At Home Depot and no one will help me load my plywood into my van for some reason."
1965426526,"surprise","ashlee154","Went to see "UP". It was a really good movie that pulls at the heart strings  i highly recommend it"
1965427203,"worry","N0R3","ugh! looks like it can rain any min now"
1965427241,"worry","fp030394","do not go to moes mexican grill, it is TOO spicy!"
1965427260,"empty","madampenna","I'm trying to find the driver for my Microsoft Lifecam VX-3000 Webcam and can't find it anywhere! anyone have any links?"
1965427903,"relief","rauper","my 43 quid lastminute.com Secret hotel at heathrow is surprisingly nice. No soap tho"
1965427962,"worry","platattack","@RachelDouglas I am totally trying to get back my PCW too"
1965428205,"worry","NCPcollege","NCP no longer has job placement"
1965428439,"fun","haleyharlequin","playing at my old school playground still the same except them lame ass got rid of the tire swing"
1965428631,"worry","BriBri2007","I'm at church now..bout to od on my smoothie bc it might be melted when I come back"
1965428854,"sadness","maziiinha_","I'm very sad  Show do McFly nesse exato momento, e eu aqui..."
1965428912,"neutral","LucySiebens","@lwmedium when i go to the ticketmaster site it says "no lisa williams events to be found""
1965429063,"worry","OMEGA_WEAPON","A 35 minutos... Split-up."
1965429221,"sadness","Shoniepops","@monkeymad2 nooooooo!! not the receipt!!  don't break my heart"
1965429375,"worry","Iya26","@AnnieSenior what are u talking about??? since when dnt u trust me? this hurts... Im a good secret keeper"
1965429707,"neutral","Fastcars800","Thing always end up going bad"
1965430121,"worry","MuddyTheFox","@DNK_Anais I feel reeeally bad now.... sorry"
1965430276,"worry","FantasticFish","@loveyoumoreMJ unfortunately I'm not drunk enough lol and have no money to get drunk  I have had alot though as u can imagine haha"
1965430291,"worry","Aponi_Kiana","am so bord and wishes she had an ipod touch"
1965430386,"worry","CheriDionne","@TrillMill I need to go shopping with you...but I need to save my money"
1965430429,"sadness","spookychan","@MrGranger trouble is i don't think any of this is helping my wrists."
1965430649,"worry","DsBabyGirl","@nkangel74 Yeah I hate that too!!!! Sorry ur goin thru that"
1965430726,"worry","ZooCrashed","im scared of thunder"
1965430822,"sadness","AlyssaTacopino","@daniellefecci "You guys could have fun in a cardboard box".. I miss you already, bro."
1965430992,"worry","Jemarried","Well just left six flags. Didn't get to ride what i wanted to. Bummer.   maybe next time."
1965431050,"neutral","juliuscaro","Back in Spain"
1965435381,"worry","MelSchroeder","@afwife08  sorry to hear that. Is is a 365?"
1965435415,"hate","Pq8720","@erickimberlin ew man, i hate you  TBS <3"
1965435422,"fun","Sinareo","OK, time to head into Urban Outfitters to see what catches my eye, then head home, since this rain is hindering any more pics for the day"
1965435710,"sadness","FamousEEEEEEEE","Two months ago, I became irrelevant."
1965435734,"fun","finesse360","@devidev im stuck 2  this when my la love turns in2 road rage lol"
1965435823,"sadness","AnnieAdkins","Feeling better today, but still sick."
1965436014,"sadness","emma_elizabeth","aw & I really miss Alice & Charlotte tonight  Dunno why though, hey are both spoons ;)"
1965436179,"surprise","JadeLittish","@jacvanek omggg, how were the "crazy cobras" i wantewd to see them when they were in London"
1965436478,"enthusiasm","spcurtis81","Is cold  Mind you I have been sat outside for 30 mins waiting for a lift. I don't care how much of a balearic evening it might be!!!"
1965436528,"worry","ivejustbegun","so sad i wont b able to go to the eugenia kim sample sale in ny. womp womp."
1965436740,"empty","VaN_EvItA","@tatiiiiv me too Tatiiiii!!!"
1965437025,"sadness","katieseymour","nooooooo  sue is retiring  no no no no!"
1965437692,"sadness","indefinite","Low profile tires suck! They won't have my size in until monday"
1965438042,"surprise","kabukitty","Sometimes I could swear I really am insane."
1965438769,"love","talibrownlie","The Killers on Jonathan Ross completely epitomised why I love them with all my fangirl heart.  Seriously wow.  I miss Reading, & Dublin"
1965439356,"worry","onni225","@Only_Leah   i cant help it all this talk about losing our fathers makes me sad"
1965439807,"worry","Demexie182","Fuck.. my legs are sun burned..."
1965439876,"hate","mrs_dusty","@HallamBritten I talked to Kat, that is crappy"
1965440126,"worry","Stev02008","@MarieC09 My right ear's been blocked up today  bit like when you've got water in it. Any idea's 2 clear it? don't like putting liquid in"
1965440195,"happiness","tom_bleaker","@TheShoctor @pezhore @O3Visuals @N9VLS Victory! Now I just need to reinstall all my damn apps."
1965440322,"sadness","Eboyd33","I had a hard time loving people as Christ did, today people picking stuff up at my work were just dumb, and annoying"
1965440570,"sadness","jedifreeman","@jaidenkhat sadface"
1965440662,"worry","mashtrend","twitter is acting weird"
1965440862,"neutral","DrRenee","@ColtraneCurtis no way"
1965440879,"worry","_Chelsea_Marie","@SoleneD i need a job that can pay off all my hospital bills. i have been very sick lately."
1965440946,"worry","FruitMuffin","Bah DHCP server, why must you keep falling on your face"
1965441047,"worry","erikamatruglio","It's cold and cloudy and I have a million loads of washing to do"
1965441061,"worry","VenomandSerum","@ninjang facepalm  hope the interview is a choice and not a forced thing..."
1965441068,"sadness","Lanice88","TwitterBerry hates me"
1965441073,"sadness","pinkcigarettes","@RealAudreyKitch i'd seriously kill for a bath the now.  but we only have a shower cubicle. I miss bubble baths!"
1965441211,"love","OchanTeabrand","Watching the Fashion Show (BravoTV). I didn't know this show existed! Ha-ha. Craving steak, pancakes and mashed potatoes. Ugghh."
1965441266,"hate","candyappleretto","Did NOT get paid today."
1965441410,"worry","jimnyc62","@filmscoregeek Thanks for the R, but, sorry, the LOTR was spam."
1965441830,"worry","yoliemichelle","ughhh rejected from the 09 mediation program. SUCKSSSS."
1965442023,"sadness","JoseGuzman78","Having some Coronas, and have a bad craving for Mexican pastries, but i'd have to go to Uptown to get some"
1965442120,"happiness","Savannahmarieee","Watering the plants at home. Drinking a delicious smoothie from morgans because my jamba exploded."
1965442412,"neutral","INKDMOM","@jmrooke  WHY AREN'T WE IN CHICAGO???????"
1965442567,"worry","VixenTaboo","nooo i cant be sick...not now! im about to go see my new nephew"
1965442660,"neutral","TNcntrygirl","About to have dinner and then an evening of playing cards. Already packed and ready to head home tomorrow   Do we have to go home?"
1965442711,"fun","kelsmith","is going to forgo Pub Night with the wife tonight. Tough week for both of us and neither is really up for it. Plus our neighbor died"
1965442886,"neutral","selina_falcon","@karleigh and @katiesantry there is no top 40 radio station in fresno!"
1965443020,"surprise","DrNautilus","I was just asked by a suit where i was heading to. I didn't think i looked that much like a whore"
1965443313,"sadness","rebeccamscott","Aw .. the grillz in my background look like plaque .."
1965443907,"surprise","vanmeerbeek","@XtineSamonte  what's going on ?"
1965444971,"sadness","MiDesfileNegro","@Rorzshach I wish  I'm not very good at it tbh :/"
1965445041,"surprise","britx3sugarlik","watching the jobros live chat .. not live though  haha."
1965445639,"love","tarcib","im nervous :/ i want @mmilanezi to gimme a bear hug"
1965445717,"sadness","MartinG05","@summersunrays that's sad"
1965446240,"sadness","clusterfuckedny","Hey dude who turned down a flyer, you're a poser and not nice"
1965446511,"worry","Dragonfly117","So much for just an oil change... Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, lose $160"
1965447340,"sadness","LadyScholar08","@kirkfranklin @therealmarymary yall my auntie jus got n a bad car accident...pls pray with me 4 God's will 2 b done..."
1965447573,"worry","AmbersTWISTED","@JonathanRKnight wish you were on your way to Tampa! FL girls are missing ya!"
1965447613,"sadness","raavenpando","I'm so hungry"
1965447614,"sadness","Youngpromise","5 Mins, till the end of follow me Friday"
1965447641,"sadness","jeff_scvtalk","http://twitpic.com/67s14 - Saw a family of five get out of this motor home and into laundromat to clean clothes and bedding"
1965447819,"empty","BBC_Fangirl","@alikat89 Awww, that sucks. Maybe it's on Youtube somewhere?"
1965448054,"sadness","jaleesie","so i got to my exam centre n they said we can't let u becuz of your sleeveless top! U cud BELIEVE that!? i had to go home"
1965448093,"surprise","kristaforby17","nothing.. just looking for me a car. im haven no luck at all!"
1965448097,"sadness","coureycat","@LostMyHeart  hoping it'll go away... I mean I get all teary at the drop of a hat anyway, but it's been truly awful lately - full out sad"
1965448152,"worry","RedFieldWines","@CHRISDJMOYLES Sorry to spoil it but he didn't this time"
1965448284,"relief","robob801","Just realized it is friday and b/c of a party I don't get to go racing."
1965448353,"sadness","GViolet","and now i smell pancakes...or maybe toast... or something delicious. but no one is at my place cooking"
1965448631,"worry","birrrd","Santa monica bound"
1965448718,"neutral","Turner_x","craving coffee"
1965448813,"worry","Jessica1567","@mitchelmusso i wish i could call you but it will cost a lot  my parents wont let me"
1965448856,"love","aaronstewart","Headed home, dad duty tonight. Might take the kids to the course again. Although my boys took me for $11 last night in a chipping contest"
1965448898,"sadness","Je_suis_peur","Aw, not going to Toronto anymore."
1965449080,"fun","lalalove42","wants to go swimming"
1965449323,"sadness","CharlieHandleyx","@CHRISDJMOYLES the justice left when DJ Talent was voted off (N)"
1965449450,"worry","shellybananas","Brand new is playing at the epicenter in July when I'm in NY. Jesse lacey why do you hate me?"
1965449463,"neutral","ROMIElicious","18 hours to work....*cry* i can't survive!  // Weeelcome to my wonderland *sing along*"
1965449696,"worry","thegiftparrot","@heatherjoy76 I have to figure out how this works!! I don't get it  Hope you're doing well!!!"
1965450102,"worry","dianewallace","@mercutiom i know! i just got off the phone with them. it will leave a Giant hole on Mill. + Regions also closed."
1965455268,"worry","MegaMetaTurtle","I know  I have no clean clothes either. And the washer's in the kitchen  Damn you #kitchenfire"
1965455335,"sadness","silversteinftww","sweaty and tired from the 6 lap run.  gonna do sun run next year no matter what."
1965455469,"worry","iamScooby_","twit, my way out of grad traffic."
1965455680,"happiness","stellicidio23","@fly_meaway I'm sorry hon  I know how it feels though...I'm usually crazy but at a family gathering I'd probably hold back like that also"
1965455765,"enthusiasm","amberripley","@TweetTwang gotta check with the bro on that...and mine is a girl"
1965456223,"neutral","AndrewBarber","@ShesElectric_ was yeah... work in 7 hrs  how you"
1965456247,"worry","chuckbly","can't sleep... havent finish my homework  DAMN IT !"
1965456250,"hate","LiviAtherton","People are people...nooooo? Id never have guessed tht...idiot..im grouchy now"
1965456452,"sadness","disawold","Up was pretty good. It was kind of depressing though"
1965456746,"enthusiasm","Kevin_Estok","wants to cool down"
1965457190,"worry","shellyXxxx","already crying and the movie only started like 15mins ago"
1965457202,"surprise","Chrissy_L","wtf my pic isn't showing"
1965457263,"happiness","melichaschmalz","toy story 3! june 2010. i can't wait that long."
1965457527,"surprise","blogjunkie","ugh... hangover. sign that i'm getting old"
1965458041,"sadness","Archielover14","@gengenw who knows  It makes me sad  lol"
1965458042,"neutral","jade_1234","is watching big brothes big quiz    ,       rather tiredd    , but downloading a dvd so have to wait till finished till i can go to bed"
1965458079,"neutral","spinningrobo","I can't keep it"
1965458098,"worry","beckrod","Just passed a wrecked car  hoping everyone got out OK. Finally picking up speed. Should have been in B'mpre by now."
1965458174,"sadness","SunshineBoat","@asdquefty Yes they are, and now they're all gone.  Did you enjoy yours?"
1965458194,"worry","edwardbeIIa","@BonusJonas Lucky. Winter is coming for us"
1965458363,"sadness","jgoode","Thankful for last minute doc appointments... Baby girl has a temp of 105.+  sitting at the doc's waitin'"
1965458536,"worry","lvnjonas","It's STILL not working!! Why not!! This is FRUSTRATING!!!"
1965458648,"neutral","donchawanna","I just want  to Sleep."
1965458747,"neutral","augustjoki","I seem to have run into a bit of a keychain issue.  User differs on /Library/Keychains/System.keychain, should be 501, owner is 0"
1965459482,"sadness","Leahhh_x","usually when im gone celebs come on its so unfair"
1965459782,"sadness","Tatobites","Well, I effed the iphone.  It was nice knowing you"
1965460576,"sadness","GangstaBabydoll","I can't I'm on my iPhone"
1965461021,"worry","ashybearrr","wow, almost got involved in this big fight at school!  ah, but anyways text me? going to causin's house, plus game crazy."
1965461076,"neutral","darcylynn","wishes the rain would stop so my stupid headache would go away!"
1965461093,"surprise","DebiShirlene","Justwatched the premier of Jon  Kate plus 8 andI just cant pull myself together.I cant imagine being alone with my 2 let alone 8."
1965461255,"worry","Kirstoney","I am tired tired tired, I think Im getting sick."
1965461453,"surprise","lost_dog","@shaylaa I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1965461532,"sadness","ShelbMac","The weather is so ugly n L.A... It's really cold"
1965461551,"surprise","BhindMyHzlEyez","pulled up @ walmart aunt got out went in I fell asleep 2 hours later.... were r you?!  lol"
1965461818,"sadness","matthewbudd","catching the last bit of Later with jools .. last in series .. sob, cry"
1965462137,"happiness","PuppetBuilder","@dotboom  i am defiantly watching it. I was at work  when you were streaming and had to leave."
1965462423,"sadness","xianvox","Just FYI, RUIN HOLLYWOOD IS CLOSED.  Last Friday was our Closing Night."
1965462586,"hate","girvo","So my parents are too busy making me feel like crap to realise that I've got worse and need to see a doctor again. No sleep sucks"
1965462616,"neutral","Michaela1990","@mitchelmusso Wish I could speak to you but Im from the UK and Im working"
1965462733,"worry","JBhasmyheart","Been sick all week and still not feeling so well, can't go to Lena's cook-out  Gunna spend some time with the fam!"
1965462998,"worry","diva_2012","sorry I've been away for so long exams comin up  plz pray for me ya'll"
1965463081,"sadness","zaq_in_chill","just sad that i wont be able to post my new fic this morning..."
1965463130,"worry","jasonrockz352","@riskybizness23 sooo, u just gon cheat on me and tell everybody on twitter? I don't know if I can trust you anymore.     j/k"
1965463188,"hate","amomca","I'm being so whiny right now I'm annoying myself  i need to get some rest tonight after Movie Night kid-sitting"
1965463456,"neutral","Tonitweets","anyone want to buy a place on the Oregon Coast?  It is one gorgeous area and unfortunately for me it must be sold."
1965463530,"worry","16_MileyCyrus","@mitchelmusso Mitchel you have no idea how much I want to call you!! but it costs loads to call from england!!!"
1965463562,"worry","amandallynn","Please read my blog http://amandallynn.blogspot.com/ I'm not having the best day"
1965463576,"worry","nelliewu","My poor lil piggy  Chuck saws it looks like a cartoon character's toe."
1965463698,"surprise","nursecassie","@kyliexmonster WHAT?! i was wanting to see that show!!"
1965463983,"worry","MiDesfileNegro","@Saraa_xD Si  pero parece que las personas de facebook no estan de acuerdo  (that was probably all wrong, but I tried...)"
1965464123,"worry","shatterrrrr","eating chicken noodle soup...... its one of those days"
1965464202,"empty","STEPH818","@ARMS1869 im a lady and ladies don't move couches. they direct where the couches go"
1965464421,"worry","Jmanley209","@KComer yeah & when it goes wrong it's the worst feeling ever"
1965464516,"neutral","sarlizwx","@OMSVU ... Thanks Okiebud!  I get the message..Sorry, the content you selected is not currently available.."
1965464570,"sadness","lbner","headache boo"
1965464622,"worry","christie2137","Is sad clint hurdle got released. I liked him"
1965464736,"sadness","kim_elizabethh","wishing, i was at the michou show right now.. god. life isnt fair"
1965464799,"love","jasminepotts","@nattymsmith they have nice cakes  why can't I like them? Haha and you should! That's sooo gayy though"
1965464990,"happiness","lizwoolly","@naomijlea good job I have the track in my head, cos sadly can't access it, boo"
1965465512,"worry","Chocolatedonout","My head hurts beyond much."
1965465903,"worry","JaneBurgess","@ kbal24 I am sorry that you are feeling that way."
1965466027,"hate","mmbopidy","i'm going to sleepies, feel poorlies and pissed off  night night tweeples xxx"
1965466933,"neutral","LaPistola138","@oheryn drugs are bad"
1965467007,"sadness","_Chelsea_Marie","@onlyJesus777 i was in a hospital for a week and a half pretty much on the virge of dying."
1965467078,"worry","50cl","@ThisStarChild Did I miss the fun?"
1965467575,"worry","beksters","Why do I look so awesome in heels yet am so afraid of them?"
1965467748,"empty","Ryan_Cramer","Change of plans, working inside bar tonight"
1965467800,"love","je11laxxx","@mitchelmusso  i would so call you if i knew what to say & if it wasn't long distance    but i do love you!"
1965467936,"worry","tee_baby","@batendersblog she had another song out recently but it didn't get that much play"
1965468138,"neutral","DsBabyGirl","@nkangel74 Just ignore it.....and get sum rest...get rid of that headache"
1965468185,"sadness","JaneBurgess","@kbal24 I am sorry that you are feeling that way."
1965468351,"surprise","SARAHxKAYT","omg i am in so much pain  ouchies"
1965468568,"worry","jrstanley","My debit card is going the same way as my credit card, it's snapping"
1965468735,"sadness","slim102","I just broke a bottle, I should probably focus on work instead of thinking of more songgoeswrongs"
1965471699,"neutral","TheJackel92","@sir_ryan Just...it's quiet a bit of it tbh xD"
1965471932,"neutral","sallyrally","fully understands why these cats have cabin fever! Holy crap.. I really wanna be outside!!"
1965472491,"neutral","bigramo","chili cheese fries a bad idea for lunch.."
1965472544,"relief","LightFoundDark","@Jasiurl YAEH! THANK GOD IM HOME!...it suekd and we were kicked out of a church."
1965472696,"worry","xjayzx","@XxHollyJoannexX im home alone in the house and imma scared  x"
1965472974,"worry","thrivis","@jgoode impressive fever!  best wishes to her, hope it's nothing serious"
1965473076,"worry","kaeili","okay, need to hit the sack.  i gotta wake up in like 5 hours   goodnight everyone!"
1965473463,"neutral","Lesley_M","@and1001 I�m good! You coming on just as I�m off to drive home..."
1965473507,"worry","flymeplaces","Just broke my favorite necklace  superglue?"
1965473564,"worry","jessicaleap","I'm quite afraid to string now since I don't have any .024 wire use"
1965473929,"neutral","moggers87","@QueenPenguin i'm not being mean"
1965473996,"neutral","Deeuu93","has a mallory-weiss tear in her stomach and gastritis...  needless to say my stomach is killing me from my scope today"
1965474037,"relief","janorange352","K, just finished my last 2 clients for the night. Going home alone  Thats ok I need to be alone, must find inner peace."
1965474095,"neutral","griffybabyyyy","Malibu make me sleepy  and he doesn't want to text me when i'm drinking, silly him. Maybe i'll ring you later ;-)"
1965474131,"worry","TeamMileycyrusx","@mitchelmusso I aint got no money to buy any cred to call u  and am in lONDON"
1965474467,"worry","onethirtybpm","@thethermals sorry guys, the WAVVES show was canceled, they missed their flight"
1965474473,"worry","NPBN","@iesb I'm so sorry to hear that you're in the hospital.  Hope you'll be better soon."
1965474562,"neutral","Kressss","@caitymarie I'm not off till 930"
1965474637,"sadness","ummgeri","@morrgaan oh no  this week is just a bad one for everyone. i love you & your pretty face & youre going to do fantastic in concert tonight"
1965474788,"worry","ashh_face","@neon_lights aw what's wrong?"
1965474938,"neutral","lubeenz","I wanna go to the Borgata tonight if Rich is playing."
1965475001,"worry","SarahhKinss","now i dont feel so good"
1965475031,"neutral","XxSceneOXx","@MiizLushious yepp"
1965475106,"worry","trumpets","/me really sad that /me can't go to Java One"
1965475181,"worry","tweetieelovee","@AndreaKoeln hmm, okayy, im really sorry to hear about it  why do you thikn she would have done that? :S"
1965475214,"hate","JaZZiii","#whyareyoustillhere One Tree Hill!!! [[ They cancelled my shows The Game & Everybody Hates Chris n dont NOBODY WATCH U N-E-MORE!!!  ]]"
1965475236,"worry","currykidd","@Audioprincess  Nice. I just have water haha. Lucky you! I still have most of my exams to go  Yeah I'm okay just worried about exams :/"
1965475606,"neutral","jinnyjuice","I am the queen of losing things. Important things like keycards and bus passes."
1965475655,"sadness","ChilitoTwitts","Waaaaaaaa they kicked us out of the bank. Getting it until monday  OMG Chilito"
1965475863,"neutral","manthigh81","@mhawthorne19 Oh no! I totally forgot he played today."
1965475893,"worry","Spider_girl","@turnitgrey I left mine in music...i think i don't have a camera anymore"
1965475898,"empty","TMattox9","Wtf was that crap 5 mins before the marked closed...FAZ you cost me 4 grand"
1965476450,"sadness","emjakahana","@narrated it's kool...it's his job i blame"
1965476607,"fun","mavinme","RIP Attack Attack!  MTV headbangersball? really? and now you are inside the "goth" genre, wow, I'll still be seein you at @warped09 :/"
1965476659,"neutral","JareWolf","@werewolfembry heyy"
1965476769,"empty","ritaolds","I can't upload a picture. Everything's too big"
1965477004,"sadness","MeganSusan","Uh. Finally home, but completely wiped."
1965477077,"neutral","Heavyeyeliner","Can't I mix and match  Dumb drive in!"
1965477238,"worry","luduhkris","too bad i'm @ work  ..."
1965477262,"fun","Ell_Bel","@LeeGazeprophets white pointy shoes haha, and ah you got me excited about the enw drummer  youre mean!"
1965477584,"worry","BeantownCutie","@MrsDDoubleU no I want too, but a couple of people said it wasnt good"
1965477705,"sadness","hmarie12","I want to cry at the thought of the NBA season being almost over  NEXT YEAR MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1965477924,"empty","writeinink","@Chells oh, i have books on that but no practical experience"
1965477957,"neutral","thepete","12seconds - Friday Night Update: @siskita has left the city.  http://tiny12.tv/I3KS8"
1965478036,"neutral","bevurlee","I want tuna & salmon sashimi, B.C. rolls and dragon eye."
1965478048,"neutral","DruidSmith","@sinspired Yea, it's my road-warrior / workaholic lifestyle..."
1965478288,"sadness","Megs890","@mitchelmusso you didnt answer"
1965478394,"happiness","SkylineVA","@mysolis Aw, sorry ur day sucked!  Did u see my post abt car issues? LOL I think it's safe to say it can only get better tho. Beer-thirty?"
1965478416,"love","benjamingell","I seriously want a pug  Buy me one?"
1965478565,"neutral","tatu262","@tarneisha boo  you can come over and we'll watch telenovelas and braid each others hair."
1965478901,"neutral","kevinityfair","17 Again was actually quite good considering...off to bed now. Long day tomorrow. June 12th...please come soon (but not too soon)"
1965479294,"worry","LadyScholar08","hey Tweeties, my auntie jus got n a bad car accident...pls keep her yall prayers  ...thanx"
1965479394,"happiness","Malteasers_rock","@vicki_xx :O really  well if u want, we can go 2gether next yr?"
1965479751,"neutral","MiSSDENiS","I think I just found my purse soulmate. But its not in my budget"
1965479901,"worry","naomianne2","poor bella is in the ER with her first and second ear infection since both ears are infected. Her screams were blood curdling!"
1965479969,"worry","LyssIzzi","Not ready for this year to end"
1965480756,"empty","bill_oh_bill","It is possible to frown while eating a Frosty"
1965480767,"worry","Ross_Malloy","Oh no she stopped!"
1965481019,"relief","Ell_Bel","white pointy shoes haha, and ah you got me excited about the new drummer  youre mean"
1965481171,"sadness","SparrowApril","Hubby went to pick up  my Fringe comics today @ store by his work. THAT store was out of business too. No comix in Houston. Have 2 Web."
1965481334,"empty","DeevasInc","@brian_jenkins nothing yet"
1965481413,"worry","maria1109","Headache is coming on"
1965481829,"love","raachfaacee","@thechrisjulian awww"
1965481943,"fun","Kamthenikhil","DotA is an addiction...i waste 6-7 hours playing dota"
1965482094,"sadness","shallimary","aaawww im soooOOooo tired today.. i dont feel good.. i dont wanna go to work wah..  but yeah im goin to work in a few mins. til closing.."
1965482557,"sadness","seanfdevlin","I miss her alot and its only been one day"
1965482972,"surprise","Neeko247","Thought i saw the a-trak van, turns out its the Alcohol- TEAM van."
1965483232,"worry","bbkitchin","@mrsmicah I'm glad your inside too. Take good care of yourself. An event in Rising Sun?  Too bad you're filling ill or we might see you"
1965483553,"love","ferparadise","@KhloeKardashian too bad we can catch it here in brazil  but good luck with your show! you're amazing!"
1965483628,"happiness","ashleytrue","Meeting up with Karen and the boys for some drinks at The Dock!!!  All I wanna do is drink though..    fuck it like Andrea said! Haha"
1965483802,"worry","COUTUREHAIR","flipping out on my hairloss....gotta go to the doc."
1965483946,"neutral","cassie2good","@kathryntft Ahh dang of course it had to do that  She better e-mail you back fast!"
1965484076,"hate","EmA7X","OMG, Tony Hawk's motion on the nintendo DS sucks ass!"
1965484324,"worry","AmaraArielle","These messages are teasing me! It isnt fair."
1965484387,"worry","kmbyoung17","Scared  waiting for the call"
1965484485,"sadness","Kdubbb","so I'm kinda pissed that Boys Like Girls is gonna be at Kentucky Kingdom on a date i already have a show"
1965484948,"hate","theta1138","@zanylikethat Awwwww."
1965485164,"hate","travelrants","My new site is stuck in the Google sandpit now  Test of my skills until it comes back out!"
1965486039,"happiness","sssuuu","liz just left  aww it was so good to see her."
1965491778,"empty","ashleypaterno","looks like it got cloudy again outside! and i have nothing to do tonight! boo friday"
1965491817,"hate","thatdudemarcus","ahhhhh fuck it..... none of my friends want to see it... and they don't wanna chill tonight... so its just me myself and i"
1965491848,"worry","shelma32","It's starting to look like the @ScifiLeague website may not happen in any form"
1965491980,"love","clblake","@janetfraser so true   sad to say.  I'm glad you'll be with me to be my support group ;)"
1965492081,"sadness","MissLatriece","workin.. still lol i wanted to go to the spring game"
1965492184,"neutral","tiffytaffy154","So physical therapy"
1965492434,"worry","carlystienstra","@Victoriouz tres rude VICTOR!  :\"
1965492698,"worry","charleebrixton","@arronthomas whats wrong babe?  x"
1965492808,"love","writetoremember","@sonyasunshine  i love you!"
1965492864,"worry","whatEVzz","i think the food i ate made me sick.. i no feel so good"
1965493133,"worry","Laylaa13","Ahhhhhh I got stitches  I seriously cant wait to go to the beach! SUMMER HURRY UP!!!!!!"
1965493417,"worry","MrTopherface","I dont like seeing my best friend cry, it breaks my heart and I dont know what to do or say"
1965493934,"worry","StephyyyO","Hadnt cried in such a long time"
1965493942,"sadness","clairebearcares","im really sleepy and i want to go to bed...but its upstairs and its a mess and i know im gonna have to clean it  nooooo"
1965494421,"worry","HelloLivvy","there are some really scary noises coming from outside"
1965494675,"worry","evreyes","I can't take it anymore"
1965495069,"worry","GolfJotcom","ok, i am finally starting to hit a draw, but now my short game has gone to crap!"
1965495209,"worry","wakingbadger","wish I was feeling better...I've been holding a potential cold at bay for a few days now & I think it is winning...aches, cough"
1965495299,"surprise","CosmosGirl","@jkocurek @mikeflynn - really? What a waste of money then"
1965495333,"boredom","JonathanRobb","We are on the slowest train ever, it stops everywhere. Missed a quick train by a few minutes"
1965495746,"sadness","love4yah","@Galaraza stop being mean to me!! ur hurting my feelings"
1965495934,"sadness","rlhood","Rain delay"
1965496028,"fun","JonD7","@joe_g1986 a price drop would be nice  I want another one for a backup/blu-ray player."
1965496030,"sadness","devlyn_angel","@flutters_bye no you didn't send pics. I was supposed to go with but shit got all fucked up."
1965496050,"neutral","donomo","@rosaacosta why don't u use twitpic? none of ur pics show up on my phone"
1965496863,"neutral","itsbr00ke","I can't find my camera"
1965496999,"sadness","MiDesfileNegro","My Spanish = crap"
1965497203,"hate","HannahsSoFlyyyy","@NikkiCSWS OWW! that girl needs her meds. I feel her, though. Adam got cheated"
1965497289,"worry","Yaniix","totally having austin powers withdrawl symptons and Darrius withdrawl symptoms and mommy and minne withdrawl syamptoms."
1965497371,"sadness","big_bad_toxman","@buzzup why would you want a clone? Unboxed a new 24" iMac last night and it's beautiful! Too bad it's not mine"
1965497409,"sadness","SpicyBubbles","Im heading home. gotta work sunday."
1965497426,"relief","RealJessicaAlba","@tatianafrosario omg wow  I hope everything is ok now"
1965497599,"worry","Khristinne","Anyone want to buy me this anthropomorphic planter? http://tinyurl.com/m6sru3 Only available till the 31st"
1965499230,"fun","ceceliafindorff","@xoxo_emily  i wish i was there to hear that!"
1965499805,"surprise","mneavegt","is being a horrible twitter-er. Moved in to my Houston apartment and awaiting work starting on Monday. Real world=now"
1965499908,"worry","MellieMel7","So exhausted"
1965500020,"worry","AAAAIRY","@eeeethannnn I do NOT. I RARELY dye it at all.  the red was the first in aaaagggessss. My hair just hates me."
1965500068,"fun","alissamaemusic","Rehearsal is done  we had SO MUCH FUUN. hide&seek tag and we learned BOMB DANCES , going home and doing hw maybe!"
1965500202,"worry","deirdreryan","@jenscloset WOOHOO!!!!! nothing says a hot date night than a squeegee! LOL i'm watching Dora on noggin with my 2yr girl, hubs is at work"
1965500516,"worry","Lucy_nessa","Has a bad feeling that this time next yr, her fav musical may no longer be on the West End"
1965500601,"worry","esgee","@dunnybrasco Im home, phone died thou"
1965500717,"worry","babboo771231","it's the weekend but 9 year old is grounded which makes me grounded too"
1965500883,"worry","_AislinnTighee","@JustYassy it wont work for me"
1965501426,"hate","CASE231","I got dropped froma coupla ppl that were following me  Damn Detroit Fans!!!"
1965501509,"worry","MissAnna89","@mitchelmusso I cant call you from Europe"
1965502014,"worry","ahitsCHRIS","@LLCOOLDAVE Trying to fix my background"
1965502017,"worry","vene2ia","@pbreaze I heard from @ricklondon & @thehilliers you're away. I miss you too  Look forward to tweeting with you when you return."
1965502022,"empty","fafsruiz","@MrsMcFlyGrimmy how was your day ? boredom stuck my head"
1965502041,"sadness","wowshaggy","had 2 leave the mrs @sweetbullshit cuz i have to go 2 work  really didn't want to."
1965502098,"neutral","Cara62442","@ceidiog I'm not in America! I'm not going anymore  You phoned earlier?"
1965502172,"worry","PantsPartay","aw man! have to go, only got to listen to the block party for like 10 mins"
1965502316,"worry","joshtastic1","@sam_h786 as ur coming on to here im just off to bed  hows ur day been? x"
1965502426,"empty","xOtakuDanx","Midnight ice-cream weather! So damn bored"
1965502447,"hate","whatvinyldummy","I'm so sick, it's ridiculous."
1965502596,"sadness","isilwath","@billohbill SS & i r @ the devon horse show. gettin' mostly rained out. lots of events have ben cancelled incl the coaches"
1965502734,"hate","Loisunpublished","Listening to shit music."
1965502876,"love","Erbear9101","just spent way too much money. . . On organic shampoo"
1965503045,"empty","fruitie4","Friday evening......what to do, what to do.  I have to idea."
1965503083,"sadness","megspptc","@RetroRewind a buff guy.....unfortunatly alot of people dont know Danny's name either which is sad   Sophie is so sweet"
1965503196,"sadness","ryyye","Im mad cuz i cant get any picture to work."
1965503761,"sadness","Jessieeeexox","@iHolleeee i miss you too; i need to talk to you, i keep screwing up ..  lovee u !"
1965503934,"worry","cutie213","@souljaboytellem hell yea its hot here  i miss cali"
1965504514,"anger","messofadreamer","at famous dave's with my mom. so hungry."
1965504677,"worry","reyeskristen","I miss the seniors already"
1965504751,"surprise","ranajune","I want a new lappy"
1965504828,"worry","pato_30stm","@fallenfrommars yeah! but too late hun  lol"
1965504849,"sadness","MCipp26","in desperate need of some tweets to cheer me up"
1965505457,"worry","xScarlett_x","@oxEmalieexo: Lol it went okay! As far as I can tell . But then I had to do a test today for geo and I was all zoned out and got like 65%"
1965505585,"fun","dolcelaalaa","@DomCorleone  oh hell yeah lol. im a vegetarian tho but i still cooks the mean =X im a traitor"
1965505844,"sadness","LisaGemini","@kvbuckley I don't know enough about #Sotomayor, but she made a big boo-boo talking about making law.  Doesn't know what 3 branches do?"
1965505886,"sadness","EquineRescuer","We lost a peacock chick this morning"
1965505943,"sadness","godawgs428","No free ice cream though"
1965506144,"love","Ahaley","Watching NHL playoff Game1 tomorrow night if anyone is interested, and I know that none of you are."
1965511256,"worry","adam_payne","@fiddlecub Guessing that's a question to everyone. I'm struggling to finish my last university assignment before I can start my summer"
1965511527,"worry","atgmonline","NEED A JOB ASAP...JUST GOT LAID OFF AND IT SUCKS"
1965511805,"worry","katiexffghjk","TWITTER WILL NOT UPLOAD MY ICON PICTURE  it hates me. Eff this, i'll upload it later"
1965511971,"neutral","tehmagictoast","@enterbelladonna hah i knew i didnt have a chance"
1965512057,"happiness","skyeeeee","people with mustaches get super powers and mustaches. no fair."
1965512162,"worry","WierdCrazyMofo","Sunburn is really bad now. Regretting sitting in the sun without suncream now"
1965512172,"worry","fatsam33","Need some coffee... Getting serious withdrawal symptoms"
1965512448,"neutral","Khristinne","Anyone want to buy me this anthropomorphic planter called Domsai by Matteo Cibic? http://tinyurl.com/m6sru3 Only available till the 31st"
1965512621,"worry","RickJessup","At The Only with @camfinlayson and @momotoronto, but not with @MoxieGarrett."
1965513058,"sadness","zoetunstall","aw how to lose a guy in ten days  <3"
1965513498,"sadness","Wonder_Wheel","@Flash_Forward Poor dead Josh.  http://bit.ly/JKpHn Please leave your messages of condolences there. #boy #rip ||| That's sad."
1965513527,"worry","iamplatopus","i like how, no matter how much fun i'm having, i need a hug, a bowl of ramen, and a comfy blanket as soon as i get home."
1965513635,"neutral","EliseOlavsen","@imseth no, not yet  i have 3 weeks left!! :O do you have summer holidays now?"
1965514120,"neutral","RosaAcosta","@donomo  is easier this way in my phone... I will twittpic from my pc later on I did it this morning with p. Diddy pic"
1965514281,"worry","sascha_search","By @nikhilbhaskaran Drove a #-mazda #RX8 today and boy, that car is fun! Sadly though, I don't find my car that much fun any more"
1965514382,"worry","SirDrCarter","@LaurenConrad mmmm lauren conrad eeeeep im going to miss the hills"
1965514680,"neutral","lena316","Anton!Chekov has his own youtube?! Where have you been all my life?! Well, at least til I 1st saw ST XI a few wks ago, no recent updates"
1965515154,"neutral","kgasso","@argonman ouch."
1965515178,"worry","moopanda","@jesamine Here's a more appropriate @ tweet... is everything ok  Your last 3 days of tweets don't paint a good picture :-C"
1965515694,"sadness","SicknastyLaura","Today is just not my day. I can't seem to feel any better. If i dont eat, im hungry. If i do eat, i feel like im gonna be sick. Blah"
1965515750,"neutral","mellllllymelmel","@AsheyPooh aaahh i know!! i was spose to but i had to take my dad to the airport.  next weeek fasho!"
1965515763,"empty","Charisjordan","i think i have a fever"
1965516640,"boredom","craiggordon1","@jambomb oh that looks boring  and even more boring you have an exam on a saturday"
1965517029,"worry","raymundopelayo","Whoa. UP is sad."
1965517167,"love","MissMGM","Sick. With a flu like thing."
1965517684,"neutral","sunshinelover14","@mitchelmusso PLEASE LET ME TALK TO YOU!"
1965517951,"neutral","saragarth","@NiaBassett she's just finished!  The Pretenders now. x"
1965518278,"sadness","hmhalti","Sad that when fitness center reopens will not have our Zumba class anymore.  Just found out today on our last class before closure."
1965518352,"neutral","MarianMoon","I'm new at this and I don't have any friends now!  please comment !"
1965518371,"sadness","dj_circle_k","Truck full of silver bars imploded on itself.  Delayed us an hour and we didn't  even get a bar for our troubles.  No photo"
1965518381,"worry","sentral","@b0nk T ere is a visio document but it�s continuously changing until now."
1965518393,"neutral","_AislinnTighee","@JustYassy i did  i dont no"
1965518627,"neutral","lilMISSchatterb","Oh and i almost forgot i have to take my lip ring out for water polo season"
1965518871,"love","dizzy_vicky","such a good day!! even though my so called friends did try to row away from me  but god i love em :p"
1965519150,"sadness","lyssaa","dont get to see my boys tomorroww.im sad"
1965519805,"neutral","MiDesfileNegro","@Saraa_xD What I TRIED to say was 'it seems like the people of Facebook don't agree'... I guess I fail  -cries-"
1965519933,"empty","JaydyGaGa","@Elixabef I hear you   Any time earlier than 11am is just mean!"
1965520237,"worry","likeyellowlemon","ughhh my leg is still cramping from my panic attack outside ULU this morning   bloody hurts!!"
1965520382,"sadness","TimCAD","Had some pliers blow up in my face today. My mistake, killed the wrong breaker. Wires connected on the pliers, boom. Big chunk gone."
1965520399,"worry","jamiemoon","In cafe management, the end of the month is nothing but numbers. My arty little head hurts from finding discrepencies"
1965520444,"fun","Lovingshirls","Ohhhhh what a line"
1965520509,"happiness","MissEspn","@jenniferdodd I'm out of town next week   We'll have to party when I get back. Happy early Birthday!"
1965520697,"neutral","ILuVMiLeYCyRuS7","@MileyIsAmazing1  take tylenol or advil? whatever one i never get headaches so i dont know which is better"
1965520825,"hate","psculthorpe","Dammit, more money to spend on iPhone apps... haven't finished Wolfenstein yet  http://bit.ly/Othhv"
1965521081,"neutral","Marriiiiia","my camera's being a doucheeee, it stopped working"
1965521663,"boredom","JOSIElistic","tired as fuck. it's pissing down with rain. i miss summer"
1965521796,"neutral","FlorAraoz","@itschristablack aaaa i cant go to his pagee  It really exist?"
1965522285,"worry","jennasn95","they aren't selling jamba juice at my school today  they're going to sell it next week. on monday."
1965522422,"sadness","beingnobody","Everytime still holds horrible, horrible memories for me though."
1965522664,"neutral","tisaXO","@melodyxxx boooo!!! I bet it was a nice wallet too"
1965522878,"sadness","Eggface","@SCHATJE TY. Just a long tiring day filled with expensive plumbers and work  needed CALGON. Hope you & @madberry have an AWESOME weekend!"
1965522993,"surprise","cia_baby","@KidFury I dont see it? where do u see it listed at cause I dont"
1965523109,"worry","jeniferrliu","getting ready... omgosh, so nervous"
1965523120,"happiness","Ms_Chin","@Tatylicious Hey chick!  When are we going to JA to pick up some hot guys and eat Jerk pork and festival? Well you already have a hot guy"
1965523667,"sadness","ArielRebel","@Bellabellini - Yeah I know they are fuck annoying with that... But it,s such good promo... I lost some contacts for business in there"
1965524073,"neutral","RhodesAnnals","actually I could do with going to weight watchers"
1965524592,"worry","kristen319","Wishing Adam wasn't at work"
1965524757,"worry","SueMartha","Still at work whaaaaaaaahhhh"
1965524815,"neutral","Nicole1990","@AlanCarr i was ment 2 c u tonyt but my frend was l8 n wen we got ther they wernt letin priority tickets in!  i'll def be aplyin agen tho!"
1965524946,"worry","Jadex_shakeit","@Mitchelmusso: Am getting upset listening to the say now  I want to speak to you Mitchel but my darn phone got no money on x"
1965525087,"sadness","JadenMarieJ","@KeLauLi I'm so sad right now."
1965525688,"empty","jessica1901","my bf had to go to her dads for the week end. i will have 2 full days of bordom."
1965525848,"sadness","LadyDutchess","Looking at my daughters baby pictures makes my heart hurt"
1965526177,"love","Lydiaatthedisco","@chully LOL too bad he's taken!!!!!!!"
1965526188,"worry","Ducky999","It is 00:03 I'm Wrecked  I'M Hungry & I have to get up early. Not the perfect Fri night LOL night"
1965526435,"sadness","marleedean","The icecream truck never comes to my house"
1965527014,"neutral","FakeBryan","@omgcorrine I'm having the same problem"
1965527053,"worry","JDOG123456","I miss my closest freind,Shirley, She went to France for the summer  I miss you Shirley!!!!"
1965527118,"sadness","JmacFan4","@Jtay1995 It's finally summer! Unforunately I can't come see you...it'll be a while before I see all of y'all again.  Tell emm I said hi!"
1965527205,"worry","lny22","It's so hot tonight  ugh gross."
1965527505,"hate","IvoryCries","errr....I don't want to go sit in the heat and watch a high school graduation."
1965530221,"neutral","Daadogg","Avoided cinder blocks! Safe in NY area.. But Dantas and porky upset beavs gone"
1965530460,"worry","yihwan","I wish I could spend my last weekend as a high school student in burbank with everyone and not fly off to dc"
1965530584,"sadness","mizz_dgaf","Just got home from the hospital.... i have another clot in my leg"
1965531130,"worry","x0EMMAbella","@hogaan can you stop working so i can have someone to play with !"
1965531224,"neutral","kaffffy","@GreenJeanine FAILlllllllll  whenever ur freee then?"
1965531377,"empty","MarshaTomlin","I'm leaving work now. Trying to decide if I return on Sunday afternoon or Monday 4 am to meet a noon (UK time) deadline."
1965531745,"happiness","zaqim","I am so glad it's Friday. I just got off work and I'm so tired."
1965531807,"worry","charlotterose","the fact my room is so hot is making me feel sick"
1965532102,"sadness","bubblegumneko","@megaman51 Yeah, it's work. It's been busy all day and I'm tired and hungry."
1965532175,"worry","Karuma","Wish I brought some warmer clothes. It's chilly here.  only negative thing about the trip (& the no sun which is connected to chilliness)"
1965532456,"neutral","julilouro","@lulembo me neither"
1965533372,"sadness","adam_dominguez","@nathanblevins  Maybe next time. Can't be away this weekend as much as I'd like to jump in the car and go. ::pout::"
1965533544,"sadness","MariaMauger","@dougiemcfly Have a great show Doug, have fun. Im sorry that I wont be there to watch you"
1965533870,"worry","linnetwoods","@azandiaMJBB Oh no! Dreadful thought! Won't you get to spend any time blipping at all next week then?"
1965533965,"neutral","BerkanasGarden","@Fresh_and_Easy when will these stores in Sacramento open? Been waiting and nothing"
1965534061,"hate","Danny4tomorrow","@johnmaine ahh i wish you guys would come to a hot topic near me."
1965534120,"hate","bstaffen","Pissed at you @KatieHanrahan  http://myloc.me/21CU"
1965534470,"sadness","DomMalice","Listening to: Sweet Talk 101 - Cute Is What We Aim For /// Considering taking up the GameBoy Color again. I miss chiptune."
1965534696,"worry","ms_evangelista","What happened to my early night? Am about to turn into a pumpkin"
1965534896,"anger","Monica2112","@maddsie Thanks, none close to me."
1965535000,"surprise","Catrina1978","Im home where i am about 2 drink alone."
1965535842,"sadness","LordJobo","JoBo's tired of getting off work at 7"
1965536029,"neutral","robsc","Dang, I need a bed in the bay area Monday / Tuesday night  Anyone able to help out?"
1965536039,"boredom","Mukie","is not liking the online livebox right now. Internet is dead."
1965536596,"sadness","lAURISxO","bed rest for all weekend and next week  neomonia suck"
1965536794,"neutral","Guajataka","@YakfisherNet no way to comment on site unless you are a member"
1965536854,"sadness","KeyonaVSKeyonce","I'm sad Twits!  I'm going to miss @epiphanygirl musiq soulchild and anthony hamilton! Ugggghhhh I LOVE them!"
1965537132,"sadness","SharlzG","sigh.. stayed up late cause was on a role w/ assessment, now I'm so tired my eyes r stinging & my head hurts.. & I still need 500 words"
1965537500,"relief","Heavyeyeliner","@DizzyMalfoy ouchie  Did u take some Excedrine? Thats the ONLY thing that kills my headaches FAST!"
1965537801,"sadness","deannefl","Soooo bummed I'm missing the blockparty again! Haven't been able to get the app to listen on my iPhone!!"
1965537873,"neutral","kamml","Coming to the end of my vacation."
1965538635,"sadness","Lucy_nessa","@SpringWestEnd i cant believe you are closing 2moro and ive never had a chance to see the show  Good luck to everyone - you are all stars!"
1965538857,"sadness","Love_Angie","First sports banquet without katie"
1965539027,"neutral","xxroshaleexx","@ashleepham: just the dinner"
1965539102,"surprise","MileyCyrus","@tracecyrus plz dont fall in love with tokyo and never come home"
1965539202,"sadness","christrejo","Well I guess I'm not heading out to LA this weekend, Doubt I'll get to go to the PS Blog Meet and Greet"
1965539349,"neutral","Melissa808","@NctrnlBst @dkmashino I could go for some Lulu's or Slanted Door right about now.  Tomorrow is the Farmer's Market, right?"
1965539437,"relief","inashlalaland","@sheelovewood aaaau thanks gi  , I really really love u.Thanks for being a really great friend.And forgiveme if i leave you sometime, ?"
1965539668,"sadness","Mirandaann00814","sitting at home being bored......."
1965540030,"neutral","SarahGuadalupe","Kimberlee Hatch!!!!!!! I miss you"
1965540068,"worry","MamaCubed","Now have an unpleasant talk w/n-laws 2 look 4ward 2...."
1965540369,"neutral","VanessaCorsetti","@dmafiax i know..."
1965540504,"worry","Mixaelala","@Mcpattz ouch, thats your achy back...so sorry ... i didnt mean to cause you pain"
1965540525,"sadness","sambarama","Apparently I'm not meant to take dance lessons here"
1965541217,"sadness","stephmtz13","I'm headed home.. Sea world closed early"
1965541385,"hate","fozbstudios","Note 2 all twoloers: neva stay @ a candlelight suites shower is slow and the toilet sux and the bed is tiny!"
1965541537,"sadness","lipodoc","@jcubed1 Dang! Of course, I'm just jealous 'cuz I didn't think of it first"
1965541573,"boredom","Money_all_day","Just got home from the BEA & it was kinda boring (2 me) this year  but hung out with some GREAT authors & co-workers!"
1965541670,"fun","hakunnamatuna","@ greengoo: Haha, I don't have any  I have decided to see if making a grilled cheese on a George Foreman would work well..."
1965541837,"worry","EricaGlass99","Just saw "Drag me to Hell". Sam Ramei is excellant as usual but the kitty scene was kinda hard for me"
1965542167,"sadness","LiLMagzy","@dannygokey im so upset u were at US weekly my uncle works there but he apparently didnt know how big of a fan i am!"
1965542230,"sadness","veepveep","@peapodann the second i hit reply to that tweet i was asked to stop playing music.  i am now sad. someone sing to me. on or off key works!"
1965542357,"hate","CntryMusicLuver","Struggling...selfishness and jealousy doesn't get you any further in life... ohh myyy"
1965542523,"neutral","HaTheQueen1","grandma mode I dnt anything I just wanna lay here and watch tv"
1965542801,"sadness","abyschan","My net died so yeah....  I'm sad now"
1965542810,"relief","MotherofSEM","Hubby needs a vacation  Thank God we're leaving for Myrtle Beach in a week!"
1965542885,"empty","synergyrecovery","Tropical Depression 1 heading east. MrSal65 scared this one off   Welcome to start of Hurricane Season '09.  Still looking 4 more FL subs."
1965542929,"sadness","bonniespurple","@Axelsrose  im trying to fix myself really but i need to stop cutting myself"
1965543016,"neutral","XcourtneylisaX","@conorravo ye it is not fare on me  x"
1965543083,"hate","gary_kirk","@thatgirlonline Dude you're always going to midnight screenings! xD. I wish I lived in a city. Well, I do (until tmrw!) but it's rubbish"
1965543260,"worry","vickyclarck","@tommcfly Tom, get ready, here in Porto Alegre is really cold"
1965543371,"neutral","Lloyd","Everything I usually watch is pending!  http://eztv.it/index.php?main=showlist"
1965544576,"worry","sommerbabyfoo","this cheese is fuckin up my stomach"
1965546055,"worry","sofiaramirezU","En el salon.. Que caliente el blower ouch"
1965546075,"worry","AlexBooth91","@RealJudgeJules Gutted your not playing Kos in July Jules"
1965546454,"enthusiasm","Jean_o","@GravyFloid Amadeus is the best Mozart movie. I got kicked out of high school chorus, missed a trip to Hawaii."
1965552133,"hate","AlyxxDione","@MsPrincessLala @AshleyNicole305  someone is ignoring me  & being mean.."
1965552725,"neutral","zoepapilia","I would get a lot more done if I could list items on etsy on my phone. Can do everything but upload pics"
1965553514,"happiness","jackbarakat","@amandalaur that would be awesome i think, i hate how expensive phones are"
1965553613,"sadness","TheMsLivia","@ebonyeeee - No I didnt get your text....."
1965553838,"neutral","MarkByrd","@sexybrandy well... I don't drink!"
1965553876,"neutral","squint777","Finished Death Du Jour. School's out.  Nerd."
1965553903,"worry","lilfishie226","I need someone to watch my yorkie."
1965553974,"neutral","shntenchi","@dingyu @ngoskillz I have no idea whether or not to drink anymore..."
1965554037,"worry","siobhanrox","@mileycyrus i bet you miss trace loads"
1965554173,"love","KatieBear2300","@allenrob23 ..people you love.... wait i am not there"
1965554455,"love","kmtato","@RaeBoz I do! But I have to go to a dang wedding in madison"
1965554661,"hate","yeahitsjames","@kimi_joyner And he can't even tell me.  Me and him are fucking done, professionally. Fuckin' ass."
1965554735,"neutral","Smiller93","@Mishhh oops I meant 19th  snowdaysss.."
1965555016,"worry","juanlovesfuzzy","@ProfLovee why you not go on the twitters no more?   oh bais!"
1965555022,"surprise","rickdog","tMeme> My besties. If only @ddlovato was there.  on Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/67hac - My besties. If.. http://twitpic.com/67hac"
1965555190,"fun","topwebcomics","@fifleaona I work in a room in the middle of the office, thus no windows. We call it the programmer cave, I  can only imagine the sky."
1965555727,"sadness","beckyhope","@Rosellyanna she forgot her words and then started crying  and she stopped singing but then carried on and then cried again so she stopped"
1965555803,"worry","Jessieface823","my tummy hurts!"
1965555870,"hate","plaunteetaytuh","went to galveston, want to go back"
1965556033,"worry","mrtnwong","@mkuioka808 You still have class? Ouch"
1965556456,"neutral","MCRmuffin","@mcraddictal ohh, ouch"
1965556665,"neutral","Angry_Bryan","@EricaGlass99 Flo is one of my Backup wives in case Renae gets abducted by Aliens or Russians. But if Flo's pregnant it changes things"
1965556827,"worry","DizzyMalfoy","@candyisrad  what's wrong with debbie?"
1965556833,"neutral","IllyP","@DjJonBlak Where were you on Wed night?"
1965556916,"sadness","CacheAdvance","@coupleocachers Trying to watch your vids, but the audio has been disabled"
1965557152,"sadness","Jessi4given","is disappointed to learn Newark, OH cancelled their july 4 fireworks due to the economy"
1965557233,"sadness","musiclovah","hey guys y did the sun make my day gloomy?"
1965557508,"sadness","cuzzapax","@jaidenkhat Damnit. Sorry to hear dude"
1965557917,"sadness","silran666","Is definitely working sunday afternoon to late evening"
1965558425,"worry","SoleneD","@_Chelsea_Marie wow u might have bad days lately ...  Sorry... Where are you workin ?"
1965558673,"hate","prinzessbtrfly","It's called communifuckingcation.....learn it, know it, do it. These stupid ass people!"
1965558783,"neutral","16_MileyCyrus","@mitchelmusso  omg, I can't call you from england, this sucks!! Please say hi to me on here!! it will mean soo much!! =D"
1965558795,"sadness","elpatro","really want to see UP, but no one wants to go with me"
1965558834,"sadness","LunasLion","We're going to panahra for dinner.  miss you guys."
1965559028,"empty","karolijn","@billdeys it's raining  I'm hiding."
1965559305,"sadness","_AislinnTighee","@mitchelmusso http://twitpic.com/67swx - i tried but i didnt get through"
1965559389,"neutral","vulturgryphus","@CaLoFs meag�ev�s.com"
1965559595,"sadness","gahrealmonsters","I realllly miss my parents backyard and hammock. reallly bad."
1965559701,"neutral","323socal","94 more days till BH comes back to LA"
1965559804,"worry","jbkaruna","I think I tricked out my ankle during cardio yesterday.  I'm getting old."
1965560139,"worry","jennyjoygasm","I don't know what to do about tomorrow"
1965560394,"neutral","twiggys_woman","doesnt understand twitter"
1965560415,"neutral","LemonFairyCake","Missed Britain's Got Talent tonight, but I heard who got through & what happend. Gutted that Greg Pritchard didn't make it"
1965560426,"neutral","shavonjovi","Omg! My dad called me a johny come lately haha because I'm slow  haha"
1965560449,"neutral","TimCAD","Yeah, it was a silly mistake. At the end of a long day, etc etc. They were brand new pliers too"
1965561268,"sadness","untamed__soul","@SASSS09 hahaha.. sadly this one's supposed to be done individually.. so no chance of social loafing lol"
1965561319,"worry","MiDesfileNegro","@Rorzshach Are you okay?"
1965561520,"worry","mjay1978","driving home,I�m so tired,had a bad day"
1965562029,"sadness","debarouchi","I do feel bad for the nice people there though, just not whover it was that said we were out of line"
1965562651,"hate","WHOStoastisthis","Hmm maybe I this time I really did over react and do the worst"
1965562848,"worry","chungchow","i was an extra. got ready for work for nothing. studying all night"
1965563258,"empty","justamadrabbit","@WhoaOhNo  ?"
1965563410,"neutral","MrsBlue23","@mitchelmusso http://twitpic.com/67swx - im waiting but its been 40min"
1965563730,"sadness","anitaa111","@drewryanscott LIKE U SAID "GIVE TC A CHANCE!" WE WILL MISS THOMAS  BUT HAVE TO MOVE ON. SO WATCH THIS! http://bit.ly/r6RfC"
1965563900,"worry","LeoNogueira","I'am back to Tweetie 1.1.1."
1965564299,"sadness","KiwiWonder","@CurvaceousDee aw, gutted"
1965564351,"sadness","Melina__Sosa","Take me away"
1965564373,"worry","angelsita","It hurts to breathe again.. Why?"
1965564453,"worry","NathanVogel","26 pin multi core cable goes bad just B4 service"
1965564586,"sadness","dalajajian","i love me some americana- but no movies to see"
1965564616,"worry","thatgeegirl","I have a belly ache..."
1965565109,"neutral","TianaTopNotch","@JBARSODMG email those pics on ur labtop to me...  I wana put one of them as my background!  http://myloc.me/21DS"
1965569182,"worry","BrittanyGiron","I miss ya, Boyfriend!  When am I gonna see ya again? Br!Tt@Ny!!!"
1965569212,"worry","saint0z","@Jovani_Celeste  how long is the delay?"
1965569360,"neutral","stormbunny","@mitchelmusso http://twitpic.com/67swx - haha wish i could call but i cant talk cause im sick and i lost my voice"
1965569400,"love","anitaa111","@jaykpurdy LIKE DREW SAID "GIVE TC A CHANCE" WE WILL MISS THOMAS  BUT HAVE TO MOVE ON. SO WATCH THIS! http://bit.ly/r6RfC"
1965569412,"worry","ksekher","i soooo want to get a Nikon D 90  damn y do they cost soooo much!"
1965569476,"neutral","Laura_Loves_It","thinking lots of revision tomorrow  woo, hope it a sunny one."
1965569517,"sadness","kyra_all_over","@Dap23 ohh, i'm watching my best friend's wedding. it's so sad.."
1965569663,"enthusiasm","thaislibrarian","trying to upload one thousand photos!!"
1965570047,"sadness","joeq1159","@jennabeaniscool won't need my hugs anymore"
1965570198,"worry","Binnnnnnaaaa","imm tired of callin @mitchelmusso && hearin other convos  i wanaa call himm!!"
1965570483,"sadness","BecomingBella","@mitchelmusso I REALLY WANT TO TALK WITH YOU MITCH! but I live in Indonesia, I cant call you  at least, give me a shoutout please??"
1965570494,"anger","tisha_f","I am beginning to think sun blcok is a haox."
1965570758,"sadness","slugyO","i miss my baby  hateeeeee it"
1965570856,"neutral","lastkaled","am now wearing the other half of the glass of sparking wine"
1965571113,"neutral","jdrydenUK","@jamesh_1993 Nope not yet  Within 10 working days from Thursday. It should be in before 2 weeks Wednesday. It'll be in before that! I hope"
1965571738,"sadness","BadLadyinCharge","Why did everyone seem to leave me this weekend  ....sigh. In bed"
1965571909,"sadness","GinAndZeus","@DaysofBigWheels I wish I could see that first hand"
1965572265,"sadness","Running2Fly","I am SO MAD that Glee won't premiere till Fall"
1965572546,"happiness","nadz1215","Missing my morning work out cause my bench press is back in Jakarta  goodluck diga! Test will be easy peasy! Hehehe"
1965572565,"worry","ArcieriKeness","Everyone on the eastcoast... the rain hates us  let's just all fly to Cali. LOL"
1965572855,"empty","littelmissfish","@reveng101 yeah I know it's so stupid !!!!!!! There no jobs I mean come on"
1965572932,"worry","JareWolf","@WerewolfEmbry No, trying to reason with it. It didn't listen"
1965573024,"sadness","Andreaheartscgh","@charlieks @tonita_face @emmaleeks and nana.wish i was there last night"
1965573082,"sadness","Inyeni","@jeannethinks I would love to see the sun again.  It has been raining here for 3 days now."
1965573321,"sadness","Lilayy","@paaaulaaac me too  even my life is pretty good but i always say its shitty"
1965573456,"worry","HannahWxo","Squashed Foot  xx"
1965573637,"worry","Cooley_Cakes","@WonderlandDream I can't, I have an exam on wednesday"
1965573739,"neutral","RicardoZamora","@maggit talk to their creators yesterday no date for public release, just developers"
1965573921,"fun","mfonseca77","Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh friday..and I work tomorrow"
1965574010,"hate","Ryan_Fielder","@Miss_Molotov Go much bamboo? Would you like to attempt to structure a sentence that makes sense? Why did i fail english and others pass?"
1965574155,"empty","Dogbook","Chino - Gentleman Jack is pouting because Mommy is gone to dinner.  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6891977"
1965574160,"worry","JTrueblood1","@BigEish How?? and who is Mommy??? I want to call but the phone is still broke"
1965574205,"worry","JackieDawn","@erin_elaine Our chandelier is here! I seriously don't know how 2 get it through our door without sending it crashing down our steps"
1965574535,"sadness","NickyLovesMcFly","@xzenax Bad times for everyone  Whywhywhy do we have to write essays  No fair!"
1965575110,"worry","diodesign","Back from comedy night. Great fun. It's only midnight. I'm knackered. I'm getting old"
1965575182,"worry","briannajonasx16","why does it randomly hangup on me?"
1965575237,"neutral","JohnBfromTN","gotta restart my computer .. I thought Win7 was supposed to put an end to the constant rebootiness"
1965575629,"neutral","NattNat","@PJ1221 me too"
1965575656,"worry","lemonchild45","I am unhappy"
1965575905,"empty","TanMatt","Ugh sittin at work waiting for the carpets to be cleaned.  I was suppose to be out by 7"
1965575986,"worry","maxgeiger","@GentlemanRiot yeah, I thought they weren't food grade, but apparently they were. Kind of a big waste."
1965576092,"enthusiasm","wendynoble","@cnolovechild YAY!!! I think I found it and a few more"
1965576121,"worry","mellywho","Also, why are paracetamol so hard to swallow? Even when the long ones are snapped in half. Ow."
1965576457,"surprise","r0z1k","??????? #bash ?? ??????? ????????? ????"
1965576776,"sadness","moltenarts","my attempt to sync facebook and twitter seems to have failed"
1965576906,"worry","16_MileyCyrus","@TeamCyrus AHHH! still not following!! Do you think she forgot??"
1965576972,"neutral","sirkatiep","wants to go the the vintage paper show but no one will accompany her"
1965577156,"sadness","MikeMunro","It's patio weather in Kirkland!  It's also launch-yer-boat weather, except I'm missing the boat part"
1965577184,"relief","kmegzz1","@mitchelmusso WISH YOU COULD CALLL ME  DO U HAVE A UK MY SAY NOW NUMBER? UR ACCCE! X"
1965577805,"worry","rcassford","I want a lie in tomorrow! Won't be getting one though"
1965577904,"sadness","aimecharmante","Dann and I are in Vegas. We misconnected and our next flight is at 4:45 to Midway. Tonight I will be in a hotel w/o undies"
1965578217,"sadness","sunnysidexo","today was the last day of high school for me and i ended up going home sick! ... stupid dead rats"
1965578316,"hate","vaguelyobscene","@bongy_k Your teacher sounds uber disrespectful."
1965578558,"worry","snowbunny22","@tinylegacies D: But it is making people unhappy and I dun like unhappiness"
1965579014,"surprise","JadyenGrey","@AustinWilde  well i see ur moving onto the next cute guy"
1965579490,"love","michaelbeck","@tpyle I know.     #hhrs"
1965579701,"neutral","is_selene","@Twilight_sm Do you know why we have two Categories on our website? I'm trying to remove one but i can't."
1965580181,"worry","anitaa111","@tccrt3r !! WE WILL MISS THOMAS  BUT HAVE TO MOVE ON. SO WATCH THIS! http://bit.ly/r6RfC"
1965580509,"sadness","uni0000","going to the memorial for the guy in my grade that died."
1965580603,"fun","biznic","I need to look at apartments tomorrow"
1965580754,"neutral","yogeorge","@morganeleanor ew I know EXACTLY what you're talking about"
1965580836,"sadness","JodieMiley","@mitchelmusso http://twitpic.com/67swx - i wish i was calling you but i can't from Malta"
1965580958,"worry","DanAmrich","@darvin111 you don't even care about there, their, and they're."
1965581467,"worry","shshshshorty12","Doesnt feel good!  but I cant miss work tomorrow!"
1965581468,"neutral","mnrmg","@Jayme1988 not really sure. need to deposit and save some money"
1965582002,"worry","karrenwhitney","dang that burrito and toaster strudle(sp?) was just a tease im still hungry"
1965582249,"love","Cinderella1979","@JRKNaughtyAngel You lucky girl! I also wanna see them (again LOL) I wish they'd come to europe again, but I doubt that"
1965582609,"hate","ShrinkingSusy","i bit my lip...hate it when i do that."
1965588582,"neutral","bttrflyjss","@pkeith If only you'd come the sick one...with inflamed vocal cords"
1965588779,"sadness","CaraFrank","@KeeganFrank: I just don't want to be here."
1965589165,"enthusiasm","davidahughes","I have an awesome picture of happy pint, but it's not sending"
1965589294,"worry","abbyavaryxo","@HolidayParade so close to tennessee"
1965589536,"neutral","robertmay1","I need new socks"
1965589660,"worry","FullTimeMom","http://twitpic.com/67tcr - Ouch!! Burnt my arm on the grill"
1965590064,"worry","monicananz","@buddahwong i wish you were in my class last year"
1965590160,"neutral","carolduff","i want come back to U.S.A."
1965590205,"sadness","ilykh","on my way to shreveport to forget all the bad things he's brought into my life"
1965590430,"love","bradenwalker","feeling better. drugs are awesome! sad waste of a 3 day weekend!"
1965590578,"neutral","ikg_agent","Time for a clean up."
1965591208,"neutral","CorinneRoberts","debating whether to go to bed and start reading the last harry potter book, even though as soon as i start reading it, i won't wanna stop"
1965591368,"hate","DataVonTeese","I have had the William Shatner version of Rocket Man in my head for 3 days now. It's fucking distracting"
1965592023,"hate","mizz_dunn","I hate being yelled and sworn at"
1965592211,"surprise","itchyblood","Why is no one online?"
1965592231,"sadness","jpf566","Crossing the bridge....leaving ocean city  I'm sad."
1965592506,"worry","dritchie917","is poolside. Bowling toniht maybe?? Back to work tomorrow"
1965592564,"enthusiasm","Jayme1988","@mnrmg I am doing the same  I want to travel a little!"
1965592721,"worry","redskins27","Ouch...waited to long to get eyebrows waxed"
1965593080,"sadness","CarolAvila","@annamessias i miss yoooooooooooooooooooou my poia"
1965593110,"surprise","Dancin2the80s","Wowzer! It's very windy. Not good for my allergies!!"
1965593178,"neutral","gingblu","says it's raining again  http://plurk.com/p/x2ydn"
1965593274,"sadness","carlquested","very much disappointed with the angels and demons movie  shame, it was a great book"
1965593585,"love","LaBellaBeauty","I wish Saturday Night Fever was on again! I couldn't stay up lastnite for the whole thing"
1965593800,"love","giuliagoolia","95 degrees and a crappy a/c"
1965593900,"worry","PricelessToni","I drive >90mph on a daily basis. u cld film Fast & Furious off of me. But anything  <1 mph is not my forte'. I bump Anything!."
1965594304,"worry","rachiru","going 2 bed.  its gonna be a looong day tomorrow with the sun shining and i'll be inside working like a (hot)dog! (who makes sandwiches)"
1965594543,"happiness","ChelcieParry","Well good job to my two cousins that are graduates! Good luck in life!!!  <never wear your pajama pants to school  >"
1965594598,"enthusiasm","vangief","@starrjonze that's the prob, i work from home, and the bed's calling, no, screaming out my name! had really strong coffee instead"
1965594815,"worry","powergurl","@greenphoenix09 thanks!!! But ummmm can't find that option  http://myloc.me/21F2"
1965595014,"sadness","MiDesfileNegro","@Rorzshach Oh no  -hugs-"
1965595277,"sadness","ComcastBonnie","@JennaSnacks it's best if i check it while it IS up. when it's down, i can't really see anything"
1965595330,"boredom","realreviewing","bored fixed the internet for my dad but now im bored to death"
1965595527,"surprise","slightlydrunk","Finally watched the last couple episodes of The Office on NBC ( #theofficenbc ) - I now understand why Gervais stopped after 2 seasons"
1965595666,"sadness","sophieforchuck","RIP Big cup... I will miss you"
1965595890,"worry","AngieMac84","Eugh, just seen a huge spider running about & had to kill it with my shoe... I HATE spiders... & crawlies that come out in humid weather"
1965595928,"neutral","hellosarahh","@toee speaking of meeting people, do you have them photos of us and oli? i lost them"
1965596589,"sadness","85stacy","can't set p my phone to twitter"
1965596732,"hate","kirstyrawrr","@Spidersamm ohh yeahh (: i'm probs gonna be a loner to start with, thanks to the person i was gonna go with be a bitch"
1965597309,"sadness","RainbowSoulPoet","he's outta the ofc til Monday ::GRAND:: kinda bummed me out but b/c I was genuinely sick there's nuthin I can do about it  -->"
1965597341,"worry","faithalicous","Uhh badddd day. Tired and ready for it to be over"
1965597517,"sadness","Rachael102","thinking about life and my dreams. why does it seem so appealing to give up?  im so jealous of every band/artist who is living theirs out"
1965597918,"worry","Roxie22","If my phone dies I will die too!"
1965598057,"sadness","loscissorhands","Spendin time with ant before he's gone for the night"
1965598083,"neutral","michaelhannah","@KimSherrell not me  sigh"
1965599330,"empty","ayende","@shanselman still no class loaders, or even custom assembly loaders"
1965599410,"worry","Accapella","... looks like it's gonna rain"
1965599481,"neutral","RetroCherry","Once again I am looking for a new beard - it just fell out the window  Any bright green ones this time?"
1965599722,"love","CarolAvila","@annamessias i miss yoooooooou my poia"
1965599924,"sadness","LiL_Weezy09","@keithjoforever why are you so angry keith...  whats up..."
1965599967,"love","abs1399","@jordanknight PS- Missed your tweets today!!!  Guess I'm addicted too."
1965600001,"neutral","16_MileyCyrus","@TeamTSwift I no  i wanna move to america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1965600372,"worry","lina_luka","@JayFmOnline i hope so. i really need one! we'll see. unfortunately drama always finds me."
1965600508,"happiness","bunnykiller","@RamEsRock  rompes mis ilusiones con lo de thrasher haha"
1965600566,"sadness","gkvolley88","Sickkkk  ....and I need 11/20--NOW."
1965601102,"love","Gemmab45","@momof3crazykids that's awesome. Can't believe they have the poster up Already! I haven't seen one over here yet"
1965601204,"worry","85stacy","can't set up my phone on twitter"
1965601498,"worry","endlessblush","@KallieT this is sounding like the worst lurgy ever - the one that just won't go away ..  ...are you ready for end-of-rope action yet??"
1965601515,"love","Aprilmclean","@Karetron I KNOW!!!! Its all stormy outside.. and my hair looks cute today..  hahah"
1965601729,"worry","PrettySnazzyxx","Wat a nice day it was 2day!me and rachel decided to walk to work and walk back lol..was so warm inside tho"
1965601765,"worry","Fire_at_will_xo","@hopeless_hearts hey,got your text. cannae hen, family are comin over  i've got nae money to come to livi anyway  xxxx"
1965601918,"worry","amiawake","@miss_cass my throat hurts today.  blahhh."
1965601925,"worry","lordeagle","How to ruin Friday? Your dad tells you there's something wrong but you should be at home so he can call you. He usually *never* calls"
1965602251,"worry","loladee77","@mateomac l'm on 3 days too matt. No fun this weekend."
1965602257,"happiness","wowitsjenjen","Glad to be home I wish I could make @CBrown7785 feel better"
1965602293,"love","MCRmuffin","@Rorzshach  *hugs*"
1965646746,"happiness","pagespicer","Crisis averted!  Phew! On a different note, @AmeeC3 and @Zelenski....you guys are making me so proud! tear!  wish i could have joined"
1965647009,"surprise","lamere","@fedexwifey oh no! thanks for that blog entry but I ordered mine a  few days ago! I feel so dumb"
1965647051,"sadness","gay_emo_zac","@LilEmoBoi warm and wet  spent the day carpet cleaning the yacht"
1965647071,"worry","bonniem1983","Trying to figure out how this works  ... BOO"
1965647264,"sadness","anthonybruno","They are out of ice cream at the Crazy Mocha in SS. This means no Espresso Milkshake.."
1965647556,"worry","xspazfacex","@scavengerlor hey thought ud be on here most likely, im stressed out  i really dont know why  x"
1965647884,"fun","KenDahl4U","@Dannigyrl Fabulous. And I didn't get that pic  Gmail be acting the fool sometimes. Can u DM me it?"
1965647929,"sadness","RayOdelay","@dezurita nooo it was a real mushroom! but our neighbor uprooted it"
1965648181,"empty","JustYassy","I should stop trying to reach @mitchelmusso"
1965648303,"neutral","jennesaisquois","? ? ? You can't be 29...on Sugar Mountain...(or so people tell me...)  ? ? ?"
1965648320,"fun","LadyHawk954","@glennbeck we can't wait to see you too! pls come back to iowa it isn't the same at the theatre"
1965648395,"sadness","Talib_TIRM","Tired.....but can't go to bed yet....."
1965648400,"neutral","kimberleymd","made a little cover for my iphone.  the birds aren't upside down on the back  http://twitpic.com/67tp9 & http://twitpic.com/67to5"
1965648638,"sadness","KamariahTereza","notthebest weekend....but oh well....I have a right to be sad"
1965648652,"love","xxXmanuXxx","maybe someday. i lova ya, friends!! my computer sucks  listening to coldplay<3 tomorrow meet my bbff"
1965648920,"sadness","Drakaina","Puzzled by people's mood swings... it makes me somewhat sad that I can't pinpoint  how  they feel"
1965649088,"worry","bxhonda","@CrossedOutName pandora is blocked at my work  bummed"
1965649104,"empty","sleptwithgiants","just had a falling out with nick"
1965649254,"sadness","iphonetalktoday","made a little cover for my iphone.  the birds aren't upside down on the back  http://twitpic.com/67tp9 & http... http://bit.ly/FjeAm"
1965649463,"worry","jemjem1983","I'm so bunged up!! I Hate colds!!"
1965649526,"fun","Lauraxoxoxox","Romeo and Juliet were very much in love when they were wed. They honored their vows, and where are they now? they're dead."
1965649922,"sadness","KalynaPetra","Watched Ten Pounds last night, brilliant movie,I couldnt stop weeping!!!"
1965650058,"sadness","cameroonmaniac","@cecamy it's nto as good"
1965650099,"empty","bujio","I had to unhook twitter from Facebook because all my Facebook cronies were complaining."
1965650474,"worry","franciscat","back from dr. appt. no real diagnosis (hmph), just prescribed antibiotics, and an inhaler to help w/ the extreme coughing."
1965650484,"worry","jordandroid","Oh hey, look, North Korea are going to kill us all; or at least some of us."
1965650573,"happiness","bethylynn18","either my inerne is fucked or my mind is but i'm pretty sure that it's the internet"
1965650925,"worry","rachyrocks","WIDE awake, scoffed 3/4's of a pizza and feel like a sumo  such a weak day! Run tomorrow"
1965650962,"worry","pearlbones","http://twitpic.com/67twh - This has never happened before =/ orange blinky lights. I think I've broke my battery again"
1965651336,"neutral","nickyy123","Nobody is up this early"
1965651419,"sadness","itzT","everything is going wrong in my " happy day""
1965651601,"neutral","Adrienne255","cleaning my room"
1965651908,"hate","AlienCollective","Okay, so the only reason I'm not buying this app is because I hate EA and all that it stands for. SimCity rocks though.  http://is.gd/JpMM"
1965652222,"sadness","JodieWanKenobie","going to bed  cant take thiss any longeerr maan. [U]"
1965652526,"happiness","Natty_Hall","@sugafactory omg me 2 !! Haha i was half an hour late 4 work whoops !! Hahaha i h8 workin sat mornins"
1965652759,"neutral","OneBigMistake","@JohnHLynn Now it let me upload a pic, but I don't have one of myself in the PC"
1965653120,"neutral","sweetkisses277","@opieswifey Unfortunately, no."
1965653261,"sadness","inkhaven","@rmetalbroad belay the swimsuit, hot tub won't be ready this weekend.  sadness"
1965653560,"love","WonderMike","@depravedDyer @YarnHarlot Sending you both TONS of thankful love for Sock Summit. I can't believe the utter crap that some people spew."
1965653664,"empty","capnmidnight","@haemoglobin_ Why?"
1965653898,"sadness","sarcastica88","Bah! Still at work. Lol my feet hurt and my nose won't stop running!"
1965653899,"sadness","youulovemee","@divarina21 i dont evn talk 2 him no more. it was a huge mistake. i shoulda listened 2 her. i kno she's disappointed in me."
1965654099,"neutral","baseball_mommy","@allcash4homes me too"
1965654109,"worry","ktjune","I feel useless I don't know what to do right now. I'm so bored"
1965654161,"neutral","TheJackel92","@Squallee Yeah same"
1965654289,"neutral","alfmcm","Angus down 3-1 in first set     http://yfrog.com/10jsepj"
1965654315,"empty","polover","@cheerleaderlexy she interviewed us on books. I was gonna say something, but she was all "Wait, I have something to say!""
1965654337,"sadness","mthakker","has finished exams.... has (almost) moved out of halls and is leaving london tomorrow"
1965654608,"sadness","celiakthib","That's okay... I didn't want to watch shelby anyway!"
1965654728,"neutral","JiggaJenna","@damond_vip bye bye beard"
1965654733,"worry","ChrisCT117","@bigkelleh i am sorry  that sucks. i got my overtime in my check already today....now i am really tempted to blow off tomorrow"
1965654766,"neutral","LukeStratford","@ohcea nope"
1965655087,"neutral","Zoesometimes","Ha! I think I really have lost it. Time to get ready for work."
1965655421,"neutral","leaky_tiki","@Littlebitofmoni I couldn't get used to the columns in tweetdeck.  There was only room for 4 or 5 columns on my macbook."
1965655628,"worry","kat_n","@marginatasnaily haha..i wont  well il try not..lol... night chick..xxxxx"
1965655829,"surprise","Pammyla","@LightAesthetic  what about sauce? Huh? I'm going to california tomorrow morning"
1965656067,"sadness","lolakissesxo","Twitter's being lame and won't post my twitpic of Gucci and I"
1965656081,"surprise","Tuckkkk","sickkkkk.  GET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE! need to get active. whats going down? Celina havin a party? hit me uhpp!"
1965656104,"surprise","dannyatticus","@joeag ahh. That sucks."
1965656114,"happiness","nzben","@rgoodchild yeah it made a great noise, and tripped the house circuit breaker. Good Times. $200 worth of parts too"
1965656253,"neutral","robertedwards","@agent242 Nothing yet"
1965656320,"worry","Gemba_x","Hate being skint  Anybody want to give me another job? haha!"
1965656416,"sadness","ChrisCT117","@bigkelleh but i know i can't"
1965656508,"worry","steph2853","Poor Flores! Not happy about the latest news  #Nats"
1965656577,"relief","Kudoskookies","@JPuno Good to see you back. Sorry that happened to you"
1965656788,"neutral","RachelCraves","Golden Girls marathon about to end  #lofnotc"
1965657212,"worry","Oath101","I just burnt my ear"
1965657501,"sadness","mzzblondy","@BIGBOYRAMSACK kenny u alive!!!...I'm here getting da hair done..to bad I'm not chillin w/ u todat  kinda sad"
1965657704,"happiness","BLeyeND","getting ready to see my cousins graduate.  gonna miss em."
1965657716,"enthusiasm","LuckyM08","@RoboRoxy @lulzlix I'm SO jealous! I don't know when I'll be able to see Conan."
1965658823,"sadness","paaaulaaac","@Lilayy same here. like i know there's people who have worse lives than me but i wish i could go back and change some aspects of my life"
1965659131,"worry","ckcyn","@m_longman yes i am.  but she didn't follow me"
1965659164,"neutral","knitfortattoos","@lemonchild45 what's the matter chickadee?"
1965659517,"love","starshine1981","Getting a pedicure. I love these. My massage did not include a leg/arm/foot massage today."
1965659668,"happiness","aeembrey","Jon made one of the greatest dinners ever: roast pork tenderloin on a bed of wild rice on a bed of mixed greens & yummy sauce. No wine"
1965664684,"sadness","iheartmc","Trully a awful day! Shitty!"
1965664754,"empty","HeyBrittanyFTSK","i am so bored."
1965664977,"surprise","Jason_DC","Awe...man...i missed registration 4 #flashcamp"
1965665033,"love","LaBellaBeauty","Is it wrong that I love John Travolta"
1965665366,"relief","HanaStephenson","Im glad that wasnt my real diver theory test! I failed  i got 70% 35/50 questions right but i did have 35mins left lol x"
1965665387,"sadness","wendyv_35","Getting ready 2 leave 2 a girl scout metting..Don't feel like it but I have 2....."
1965665419,"empty","beatrizluzia","I don't saw the movie"
1965665509,"sadness","mej913","I am so hungry...if my arm were on the core diet I would eat it!  Guess I have to wait until dinner is ready"
1965665847,"worry","Elizabeth_Rai","@drunkenlovee it'd take jamy 6 months to figure out how it works. I wanted to go see a movie tonight! then i remembered the game was on"
1965665883,"worry","gab_iii","i need monies.  school is expensive."
1965666218,"hate","jchaburquez","fuuuuu, helllla sleepy, had no lunch, now I'm working 4 to 10... gota wait till 6 to eat."
1965666902,"sadness","dramagirl12","i miss @baltigirl97!! she's gone for the WHOOLLLLEEEE weekend!!! boo hoo"
1965667019,"sadness","NikitaBonita","Sick of fighting so it looks like no more burlesque for me"
1965667640,"worry","alwaysbwithu","@jonheadley @jsanfridsson gutted i miss that! the one night i try 2 leave early  lol! friends visitin were tired haha!"
1965667672,"neutral","Jazze820","cleaning my room"
1965667859,"worry","JohnDalziel","Major iPhone problems  Wont let me send texts BUT I can do everything else! Can anyone help"
1965667911,"sadness","resa979","@greenlabel aww that's awful. Makes me so sad"
1965667923,"happiness","mrszjbarbar","@talk2donboy LOL well i'm qlad u enjoyed yur ramen noodles.. i had fried chicken  ..im tired now"
1965668355,"neutral","cubinator","#followfriday @T_1001 cuz ive never been added to anyone's followfriday either  & cuz he's got a cool picture"
1965668385,"worry","TFA2431","@MyInnerTricia it is gay...u have dissappointed me that past few days"
1965669393,"worry","africanshell","@heyheykarla I'm sorry about your car. I feel for you..."
1965669791,"neutral","KnightRid","This GAR keeps going out - 3rd relight"
1965669794,"worry","sowrongitsemmaa","@nicksantino NICK WTF I WAS GONNA GO BUT I HAVE NO RIDE. Boo"
1965670034,"neutral","missyleyva","left the bases loaded..."
1965670049,"neutral","AlyceMadden","im slightly over it dont feel like today much at all"
1965670356,"worry","KathyGarin","Sugarland. So hot outside.  why so much hotter than the northwest?"
1965671214,"hate","BrentWolgamott","Stupid hand. Have A2 and flop nut low and top pair. But guy had also out low and out flush. Quartered.  at 5900."
1965671261,"sadness","MrCoolDude","Is feeling a bit lonely"
1965671333,"worry","itsstephaniee","sad ending to the softball season."
1965671451,"worry","justtamar","@lizwebpage Hmmm...chinese delivery it is. Altho, how will I order? I CAN'T TALK!"
1965671670,"hate","Bamoi","I am slowly getting angry at this Jon and Kate Plus 8 thing"
1965671824,"love","ohaijustin2","I love to jazzercise with Mrs. Underwood. I wish she was my chaperone."
1965672004,"sadness","johnhalton","@infobunny Ouch. Realising how sheltered my upbringing was."
1965672143,"surprise","floydmay","Believe it or not I'm a super geek"
1965672452,"happiness","JoBrosfan29","hey im back on.. but msn won't work  darn msn haha. can't stop thinking about 3d movie haha!"
1965672455,"relief","Mileyfansaywhat","Oh.  The voting is over!   But don't worry, I already voted for you about 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times earlier!!!!!!  <3"
1965673512,"worry","MyInnerTricia","@TFA2431 aweee im sorry  but deep down u know i love ya!"
1965673873,"anger","AdamSchwabe","Just found out my parents are putting down my dog tomorrow morning. Upset"
1965673996,"sadness","jstolle","@Eric_John Sounds like a terrific service. I'm sorry to hear about her mom."
1965674792,"worry","oyveymarcia","Some guy just said he wanted to spank me"
1965674847,"neutral","MICSICC","The Palm pre doesn't record video"
1965674922,"sadness","heyyitsclaire","Honestly at home alone"
1965675041,"hate","pufflepie","@Daft_Punk_Robot  wtf.....winter isn't due til monday, am freezing"
1965675277,"neutral","HokeyPokeySonia","Watching ET today!  <3 Supposed to have a clip from New Moon  Hating Drag Me To Hell"
1965675384,"sadness","xbillyjean42x","@TheEllenShow Ellen..why you got to lie?   I'm so sad rite now."
1965675491,"sadness","ChrisS","Stars and Sons was hard to review. Didn't grab me instantly this morning so will have to delay the review to a 2nd listening tomorrow"
1965675495,"sadness","missesoxclusive","@TaLisaDuhhh i miss bein 18"
1965675658,"surprise","mrhankmanthe3rd","Got fully denied tonight  sleep time now, lnd in morn!"
1965675769,"sadness","titi_215","@MrMarcusX was jst out there wednesday"
1965675791,"empty","sapnabunny","i am going to be staring at hello kitty's face at 3-9"
1965676012,"worry","lost_dog","@LysdelTellez I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1965676201,"sadness","Daylin86","Off to the gym by myself!  no fun!"
1965676351,"worry","Doctorwhom79","how bad has life gotten where u  werecounting on the church50\50 raffle? the answer is real bad"
1965676468,"worry","mactavish","@meekorouse Very cute - I don't think I can make it to MakerFaire, sadly"
1965676556,"worry","lost_dog","@hopei91 I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1965677070,"happiness","jeess_","@TheKellanLutz OMG i want to go too!  hahaha"
1965677111,"surprise","Justasimplegirl","@meryreino Really? Awesome..Im mad cuz my followers r goin down  *Take A Breath*"
1965677148,"relief","AshC412","sitting at home cuz my plans for tonight cancled  but they are on for tomo so that makes me happy  ctc or txt me!"
1965677343,"happiness","alyssagovas","@AnnaDiFilippo have fun without me pasty  <33"
1965677689,"fun","Jonotorious","@ReminisceSmith im only on 1800  lol"
1965677919,"worry","the1air","Wishing it was naptime"
1965678180,"empty","trevorosterholm","@robert_avalos lucky ass bitch I am stuck at work"
1965678222,"neutral","pink_scarly","@EmmaAutumn ah same  how was oliver?? so anooyed i couldnt come. we are the only ones with twiiter  its great! x"
1965678364,"hate","anidoll","@Vahevalarain awe.. that sucks and I can't... we're trying raffis' birthday 2.0  <3"
1965678440,"worry","dee825","mad the rain got me...now i cant go see jaiden   *|)|/-\|\|/-\*"
1965678469,"worry","florijan","Miss the newest version on Glade on Debian.."
1965678717,"worry","jacqulineann","Boredom isnt any fun..Wish I had somebody to hang out with tonite.."
1965678965,"neutral","simonsflower","@madamminnie if I skipped, that could get messy   ROFL"
1965684631,"sadness","highonlife24","seagull hates me and im utterly depressed about it. i miss him."
1965684919,"worry","jiriteach","@cageyjames Nope, won't be  .. Although I am not sure I want to go!"
1965685004,"worry","KitCameo","It's gloomy as hell outside today."
1965685020,"sadness","Nuke1389","Idk i cant do shit"
1965685086,"neutral","AKail","@NerdAtCoolTable I can't find any"
1965685440,"neutral","pato_30stm","@sachis30stm yeah! but too late  lol"
1965685537,"sadness","MrsKellybelly","@LadyLogan I wish I could...but I'm @ work when she's on..."
1965685625,"worry","Maddyxchaos","@trent_reznor...are you really not touring anymore????  my brother told me. I'll miss ur concerts!!"
1965685735,"sadness","RealtorSandyN","Got the CofO to late didn't close today   Will close Monday....back out to meet a buyer tonight to show a few homes to"
1965685765,"neutral","ObsessionJBxMC","Craziier are off of msn!"
1965686021,"anger","charmincarmin","Apperently ea knows my copy of the sims 3 is not legit and is upset"
1965686023,"sadness","Froman08","So bored.... couldn't go to a-kon..."
1965686692,"sadness","aaalexa","chris sab and i = COMME ESTAS BITCHES"
1965686728,"worry","polarna10","@tbirdj Oh man, that sucks  I'm sorry, doll."
1965686734,"sadness","casbith","Hummmmm..... ohh  i miss you so much!!! really, but i hope you have a nice friends, like us :]"
1965686969,"worry","robteix","@shanselman: first impression is that it's considerably  slower to boot than 2008  #beta1"
1965687051,"worry","oscarjr","how sad. last entrance 2cal academy of science was at 4pm. and it was zipcode free day too."
1965687108,"worry","Kayleighx09","this hole twitter thing is new too me, its not letting me change my picture so your stuvk with the wee stpid thing for now"
1965687284,"worry","alexiantx","So much to do this summer, hopefully all comes in favor and nothing has to be cancelled  worked hard for it..."
1965687304,"surprise","RicardoZamora","@maggit we tried yesterday and they said no"
1965687376,"worry","Glittergirl18","sorry my bad."
1965687402,"worry","AkiIskandar","@markharr You'll be waiting a loooong time"
1965687620,"happiness","jesseyjuice","@Colie5cent $300 later... I feel so good! But guilty"
1965687736,"sadness","philgroshens","rode the moped to the mall. fun stuff, its flippin gorgeous out. I'm sad that @maeannette is sick"
1965687739,"sadness","karlieisdead","no Santa cruz for me  but I do have an interview at jamba tomorrow morning (:"
1965688043,"happiness","juzzash","@mellalicious I have to call stevie to reschedule!!  I won a competition yesterday to the launch of sims 3 at Luna park, same day at 6pm"
1965688053,"love","MegaMetaTurtle","@newbouldm I love sausage too  #kitchenfire"
1965688067,"neutral","justamadrabbit","@WhoaOhNo I know, i know...  -hugs-"
1965688466,"love","rogergabriela","Look what I got for lunch today!! A cheese empanada and teque�os Venezuelan style!!!! I miss this soooo much!  http://yfrog.com/14lyij"
1965689125,"neutral","Roxie22","@fmulder21 why not?"
1965689251,"neutral","SngForgiven","@missy721 That is EXACTLY how I feel right now."
1965689642,"worry","pearlbones","turning laptop of. i'm scared  poor baby."
1965689647,"sadness","dontbagatorh8r","Summer/ Yet I have to read 6 books.... 6 LONG books"
1965689651,"worry","ecco1983","wonders if anyone would care if she died tomorrow"
1965689703,"neutral","AmyMov","Night twitterland x I have to be up in five hours  sigh"
1965689820,"sadness","randomblonde","Argh noo! Missed The Killers on Wossy!  That sucks! Missed out on Brandon. Total failure! Anyone know if it's repeated? Must investigate!"
1965690131,"relief","SuperSonicSami","My best mate found out that I am moving. She doesn't understand I wanna do something with my life; Leaving to go to Uni.."
1965690227,"worry","hiddennearyou","@Tayluvsbroadway yeah  fail times. she was in an accident like a month ago, too, almost same thing. was on the bus on her motorscooter"
1965690421,"neutral","beforeyoufall","@lizridley did you get my text?"
1965690612,"happiness","brojoghost","@Cadwaladr omg yes!!!!!!! but I have to get ready for work early tonight  I have payroll distribution duty"
1965690703,"neutral","stormi_weather","I have to work tomorrow too sheli"
1965690968,"worry","__arual","still sick  thinking about naming the puppy june"
1965691239,"hate","_problematique","Which would be a lot easier to get if plane tickets to AZ didnt raise $80 in price"
1965691356,"neutral","dhgomes","I was talking with my best friend �ureo about i-phones, Rio de Janeiro, and valentines day in Brazil. He has a girlfriend and I�m not"
1965691617,"worry","currykidd","@Audioprincess  Ah bad times   I hate exams. I feel so unprepared this time as well. Sucks haha."
1965691986,"worry","MarianaSantos15","My blackberry is soon approaching her death"
1965692200,"worry","chanellelucas","Such a headache  It's killen me!"
1965692322,"enthusiasm","FearlessSwift","so bored  Gonna go to the Carnival and get an all day pass tomorrow. Excited for that, but very bored today."
1965693420,"neutral","jaimekelley","i miss you bby      wish you were going tomorrow to make me do good."
1965693715,"worry","Mixaelala","@Mcpattz I hope u enjoyed it and your back is now feeling much more better  God,its 1:20am...heading to bed  God..too late..good night"
1965694268,"sadness","florianseroussi","@LucySiebens I think they are disgusting"
1965694409,"worry","NicAntoniette","trying to upload a custom background on here, but it's not working"
1965694599,"worry","kadusouza","acho q to"
1965695115,"happiness","dinosuit","@cassetetapes  shareeee."
1965695151,"neutral","Bellacarlie","@NeSsIe_Cullen10 I wish you were here with me right now"
1965695211,"hate","becircle","@thehypercube - touched a real live Cube in Hamilton. Dealership closed - couldn't sit in it though"
1965695241,"sadness","zero_one","all dressed up and no where to go..."
1965695245,"sadness","slvrleo21","homework on a friday night...lame"
1965695268,"neutral","wazzupwitchu","@FoxyOxymoron I would have, but SuperTarget didn't have any."
1965695708,"worry","Anime81","@WerewolfEmbry I'm sorry."
1965695709,"sadness","jENNIFER_bOCTI","found out my "friend" isnt actually. but hey shit happens."
1965695753,"sadness","wowshaggy","@AyeBloodyRight no i mean 2moz. I'm workin' 7-1 in a bakers then 6-4 later in a pub"
1965695936,"love","Rienchen","seeing the gf 5 days in a row for a few hours each day is amazing-just wish the location wasn't a hospital"
1965696223,"worry","ShyShy43","Gettin ready to head back to Chi...don't wanna leave Indy  #fb"
1965696326,"worry","lost_dog","@lauradanner I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1965696346,"empty","Mr_McFox","missing mrs mcfox"
1965696462,"sadness","clintcoates","Was just in a wreck. Getting real sore now. It was their fault and they didn't have insurance. Was planning to go to the wedding tonight"
1965696475,"sadness","sweetali20","@Kat_785 yeah now I'm done BUT I have to work all weekend  I'm sooooo bummed about it"
1965696645,"worry","Blazecc","@saraht578 What software do you use to design sites? I'm a CS student and currently I hard code everything. It's not the fastest way..."
1965696685,"neutral","GriffinClubMerv","@karamat There is good cholesterol. There are no good tumors."
1965696811,"worry","aprilahh","has broken off the fb wedding so sadly no longer has an excuse to get @ hauntingxealot to Goulburn"
1965697137,"worry","slinkyhead","off work early"
1965697388,"enthusiasm","xodaniiiiyoo","@zachsang  do it at like like 9 causeee im babysitting haha or you should call me causeee im kinda bored right now"
1965697525,"neutral","silverscenegirl","so bored. nothing to do"
1965697653,"hate","Amiloo","Yay for St Louis traffic"
1965697717,"worry","chelseasheree2","Thinks she's getting sick....."
1965697721,"sadness","ChrisMezentsoff","The sun is breaking through the clouds!...and now it's covered up again."
1965698138,"worry","xxforeverluvxx","At the orthodontisssttt"
1965719154,"worry","McShoeGal","trying to fix my internet connection...guess my 'prayers' have been answered and i wont have any study distractions  ugh"
1965719354,"surprise","Jay031","@ItsPrecious that's meAn"
1965719436,"neutral","Amiloo","@gawow: probably not  I want to go home"
1965719581,"worry","valorandvellum","@jarnmang  Hope everything ok! Can burr fix this?"
1965719756,"worry","TSDivaDani","@abbefied Bummer- that is a bad experience."
1965719904,"worry","caitlinkeely","Waiting to put my story about Stereo Skyline up. Don't know where to put it. BOOOO"
1965719918,"worry","danieller00lz","@thatkidkevin my phone died"
1965719950,"surprise","AyeBloodyRight","@wowshaggy ooft what pub? I'm off 2moro, but I have a backlog of what people call work to finish. Doubt I'll do it"
1965720001,"sadness","AshleighINSANE","I dont want to be ugly anymore"
1965720457,"empty","gbabyfay","is home alone.. Doing hw"
1965720514,"worry","peglegparadiddl","@mamamikey paramore makes me want to punch babies  lol"
1965720618,"sadness","KFSMKate","@jaredque gets to go home. I'm here until 10:30"
1965720941,"worry","horseriehl","r u still there? ? I guess not    i want to talk to you"
1965721003,"neutral","lamb21","Is my picture showing?"
1965721435,"sadness","kxrinx_fb","last day of school and last concert of my life.. wow.. can you say emotional? im really gonna miss mhs..  had graduation practice today.."
1965721843,"sadness","michellexhannah","@say_stephanie im so pissed i couldnt make an instore at hot topic in the rockaway mall to see @nicksantino.  haha no he wont."
1965721856,"worry","annalimaa","im in pain, shit"
1965722431,"happiness","ne1else","@spookygirl what a great project!!! Wish I could have done that with DD1. She's too old now."
1965723287,"happiness","katomagical","@dougiemcfly http://twitpic.com/67uc7 - awww it's a shame that your all flued up  but apparently it's realllly good stuff. good luck f ..."
1965723308,"neutral","quiltingsisters","June gloom seems to have arrived early"
1965723464,"hate","NykoleMazzola","my phone is dead  this sucks"
1965723520,"worry","ZoeSasha","@AdamSchwabe Oh no....Sorry to hear that ...."
1965723598,"neutral","sarasmile13","@davejmatthews @slessard just wanna be there tonight"
1965723623,"neutral","billwhitt","Marley won't watch the French Open unless it's in HD, which it's not...   But my latest political ad is: http://tinyurl.com/lvsn76"
1965723709,"worry","vbody","Prayin for dad  in Wellington, FL http://loopt.us/F8_Jqg.t (via @furman27).       I too live in welly.  May i pray for you?"
1965723834,"empty","BADDESTNLA","look how @exotic @BADDESTnLA choke on this dick talks to me"
1965723846,"worry","bblugirl5","kind of.i'm trying to make sure i have everything yet still look after the boy.hubby isn't home yet"
1965724057,"sadness","jaispot","I will miss my City when we leave...priciness, pollution, panhandlers and all"
1965724235,"neutral","Libbytha","Really really cant sleep  x"
1965724261,"sadness","nounandthenouns","So I love my mac but msn doesn't work on it still"
1965724413,"worry","Mixaelala","@KSdaisy Oh, that sounds bed..poor girl"
1965724569,"hate","ChefAsata","@foodphilosophy seriously, technology isn't always my friend. Nothing like doing double research."
1965724622,"surprise","danscottbrown","@currykidd rofl. room is too small to dance"
1965724779,"sadness","lalataylala0","I hve a blister on my pinky nd it hurts soooo much!"
1965725270,"sadness","analopezx3","I lost 15 dollars. I always lose my money"
1965725548,"empty","ghett0blaster","Twitter stop being a dick and let me change my background image!  (imagine a shiny NHL ring in the background)"
1965725562,"love","justjuh","@Jonasbrothers I like all the songs  I can't say just one guys! love ya"
1965725815,"worry","chinatheblack","@Twinnikkib too late  I'm already on the bus goin home  what the he'll u talkin about drinkin tea????"
1965726066,"neutral","Gemmaboyle","@hughsbeautiful Yes yes she is indeed nuts! ... Like me... though i am not rich  Tut x"
1965726219,"happiness","deathofutopia","at least two to three times a week i turn on the tv, find comedy central already on and have to endure a brief moment of scrubs"
1965726238,"hate","Seanymph_AVH","Stupid storm. No river for us tonight"
1965726480,"happiness","Kat5754","@ce_ci ewww poor you  wish you all the best! thank God there is Rolland Garros this month isn't?! ;P"
1965726496,"love","MichaelWaring","@EmilyKSalcedo Flew home from London to NI to catch up with the family and caption a show ... Everyone went to bed early and left me!!"
1965726797,"worry","AnalystAlterEgo","@ryansporn Don't be mad at me.  Please? ::puppy dog eyes::"
1965727124,"worry","Michael_Kerr","I took her cracker now she doesn't love me"
1965727287,"neutral","SophietheFrog","Wants to go home"
1965728025,"neutral","baiboo","@allisonfelmet What's wrong?"
1965728076,"fun","_meagan_nicole_","I think I already regret telling rick I have an xbox... I'm losing him to that and twitter..  you still want it jimbo haha"
1965728282,"surprise","MyFearOfFalling","@xFrankieMonster haha. lucky, I havent seen it yet  It fucking sucks ."
1965728525,"neutral","whyhelloheart","@PassionMD i keep thinking about FOOD! i made myself some tea"
1965729686,"hate","lalalauraxo","@littlelindseyyy i hate it"
1965729944,"worry","katizzle","@nerak35 hello 30stm-fan  another one that's cool. i don't know one fan of them in person only via the net  so how are you?"
1965730089,"love","bsdunlap","Just loaned out a set of aerobars to team mate for tomorrow's Texas Cup race at Alkek. Bummed I won't be there."
1965730187,"neutral","Makeup_Crazy","I'm not feeling this weather today where is the  Sun @"
1965730305,"neutral","Neethood","I hate the dryer."
1965730453,"sadness","shandi_archie","@allysonbrianna Well, yeah. But my mom doesn't wanna drive all the way to Sac if we were that far away."
1965730547,"sadness","saragarth","@HimOverThere awww, poor leg!  *sends virtual hug* x"
1965730931,"sadness","caityisawinner","too many good shows coming up and no money to buy tickets. fmfl. brand new at the troub?"
1965731171,"hate","KaTe8425","Headed to Chicago for my cousin's wedding. Leaving at 5pm on a Friday was a horrible idea. Sitting stopped in traffic"
1965731185,"worry","rjurney","Working on something exciting... and I cannot tweet about it for several months"
1965731785,"neutral","robertmain","@chelseachase if i had a car"
1965731958,"surprise","PaigeTJohnson","@ericajo42 @saynerd01 oh look! it's our new house in santa barbara! http://i41.tinypic.com/2hi2t4y.jpg  hahha i wish"
1965732280,"neutral","unaffected","@LDYoung I like them.  Is that weird?"
1965732756,"worry","BecaBear","@architeuth1s oh no fair.... thats in 9 hours"
1965733041,"surprise","YaYaLuvCupcakes","after I said hi how are you she did at double take & left. Damn it I should have let her look around first"
1965733451,"neutral","SongoftheOss","night to @applecored - the light dims as you leave the chat room"
1965733621,"enthusiasm","Sunshine_Dani","This day jus keeps getting better and better  FML"
1965733632,"sadness","bjornthomassen","fucking hates goodbyes"
1965733846,"happiness","Prayter","Prayin for dad  in Wellington, FL http://loopt.us/F8_Jqg.t (via @furman27).  I too live in welly. May i pray f.. http://bit.ly/lB9SN"
1965733866,"neutral","KJM2013","working until10"
1965733992,"neutral","sporkhead","Bloody intrusive thoughts. I'm really going to bed now"
1965734208,"neutral","lizkerr4sure","phones about to die  ttfn!"
1965734829,"love","Ms_Heatherette","@jeskamitch Hahah! That was the best! Thank god for Terry he was laughing so hard. I miss him   I remember racing trucks with him that ..."
1965734837,"fun","spygirl","Ate huge set of Appetizers. full now"
1965734898,"neutral","marissamullen","@ceciliabedelia i know so lame"
1965735639,"worry","socalscout","Unanticipated thunderstorm quashed camping trip"
1965735846,"surprise","sexidance","There's a huge bulldyke eyein me"
1965736126,"sadness","DaiDream","Missed the play"
1965736181,"worry","ElisaLeung","Just got my marks...  BCIT is the death of me I swear!"
1965736799,"worry","jaimebc","I hate to say this, but CLA really should have had a press conference or something today."
1965736936,"happiness","freshyk","@loonyboi You rule for doing this! I bought the second game at full price and lost it in a move."
1965736985,"neutral","jamesaitken","@britneyxsucks I hope they come"
1965737327,"empty","StephieDawn","burning all my imovies over to dvds because im computers getting replaced.."
1965737496,"sadness","jessica_jw","My head hurts"
1965737961,"neutral","DeliciousLunch","@ShropshirePixie opps try that again the keyboard is all back to front  Mac to PC and back madness really Chef"
1965737976,"sadness","kissthepastxo","whatever. i give up, my phones about to die anyway.  next time"
1965737999,"worry","xShel","Families  I really feel for some people and wish I could help but I can't"
1965738226,"love","Shanster8","@punslingerr  i love jeopardy ...take that!"
1965738630,"sadness","philhart","@suewaters Sorry - I have failed to grasp your meaning"
1965738959,"worry","messingalicia","Just got home from a work.. and not looking forward to it tomorrow morning! Oh and tomorrow night! Great"
1965739793,"sadness","sweetdream4","oy, im such a nerd..im writin 2 no1 cuz no1 is followin me  i mean lik sum1 was but their account was deleted due to "strange activities""
1965739864,"hate","johndrewyap","general cleaning! i hate cleaning"
1965739865,"worry","leishylou2","feels very very sick  hmph."
1965740073,"surprise","BlancheBabcock","Oh, I forgot. They weighed me at the Dr. I am at my highest weight ever."
1965740284,"love","huggyb","It baffles me how much Radio Shack isn't the same Radio Shack I grew up with"
1965741023,"worry","badingding","@StaceMichelle I doubt I'll get one to be honest"
1965741241,"neutral","ILuVMiLeYCyRuS7","@Emmaloveshearts Gross! haha it was like the tiniest piece ever but i can taste it like i ate the whole onion eww"
1965741554,"neutral","deadwinglullaby","@dr00ness I wasn't  I was with the bf at the time, and am now omw to class. What is this new Kaggra,?"
1965741911,"worry","anetjay","I'm really nervous about giving a speech at a wedding tomorrow"
1965742220,"sadness","roguesmystique","@xchristineannx Aww I'm sorry your boys are sick.   I'll keep my fingers crossed for no tails. lol Stay well youself and get better boys!"
1965742273,"love","GreenEyes270","@PanicCrew still no michigan shows    where's the love??"
1965742662,"neutral","starleigh2000","Have to go to my old house and finish moving."
1965742731,"fun","pamvhv","@spjwebster wish @njwebster was coming too  I guess we can make time for you though if we have to ;)"
1965742875,"hate","TrixieTruelove","I miss my saraH. baby come back!  (fuck bbvag smell.)"
1965742902,"worry","Jolomoco","Today was horrible. My sillyness caused me a whole lot of stress and head ache and it ended up ruining a beautiful sunny day."
1965743442,"sadness","tfproductions","Looks like its another night at the office lol"
1965757459,"worry","Davoiceisbam","its about to storm..soo much 4 goin out  ..ill just play on the net for awhile"
1965757488,"boredom","mkcho73","longest flight EVER. not particularly unpleasant or uncomfortable, just really really long"
1965757595,"empty","CorporalKitty","has a saw thumb from playing Virtua Tennis..."
1965757790,"worry","piccolokid","AHHHHHHHH omg Pridelines got talent is giving me a headache!! wtf omg osn !!! Make it stop mommy make it stop"
1965758082,"worry","BobbieOldfield","peeling so much!!   ..I feel so bad"
1965758120,"worry","craftylilmomma","@NKOTB So when are you guys coming to Alabama...you were supposed to be there tonight but cancelled...I had great seats"
1965758268,"worry","PeaceGrl101","@livlovsmileGRN what happened? I thought you were coming back today...."
1965758611,"worry","gempol","just wake up.and i got flu  http://plurk.com/p/x2zp6"
1965758659,"love","swedeepea","Ok, back to packing. Have been sitting in car charging phone as charger was left @ home as well"
1965758674,"worry","HimOverThere","@saragarth Thank yooou! I might have to get it seen to... hm...  xx"
1965758785,"enthusiasm","aphonia","@grypes noooo! Little piggies.  i'll vote anyway, hmpf. We need to hang out soon pls. :hugs!:"
1965759106,"worry","Sure_What_Ever","@cherylsayshi i thought it was just me that was like really hot. My room is too hot to sleep in"
1965759204,"worry","JessaBoBessa","@markymark7 Omg really??  I sowwy! I'll do it again! :-p I was tired when I did that this morning. :-p lol!"
1965759423,"worry","thepinkc","@gosner living in harlem, i can say for sure that there is far more pollution here than in other parts of nyc where i've lived."
1965759564,"worry","saharlestrange","I want to panic"
1965759595,"neutral","vacant_heart","@CarlaHanton yea it is.  thanks for the link."
1965759789,"sadness","angeliquevegas","When you see me, point and laugh. I'm ugly."
1965759818,"sadness","drgh7","home alone on a friday night  doesnt get sadder than that folks"
1965760198,"worry","widnod","3 days left of school!  For Bryce and Tyler, that's 3 more days of elementary"
1965761086,"hate","lindsey1129","Ew traffic"
1965761095,"hate","rainaaa","hates getting wasted"
1965762036,"neutral","my8kidsmom","Grrrr....I got the wrong size coat for the sheep"
1965762070,"sadness","EleTheElephant","needs to see a band live.. damn Blink for not coming to the UK this year!  ..anyone wanna go see Billy Bragg or Colin Blunstone with me?"
1965762128,"enthusiasm","LenyRodriguez","I really want to go see UP!  haha. Tooo cute! (:"
1965762157,"neutral","Smudged1979","Beers & whiskey = awesomness, work in 8 hours = sourness"
1965762158,"sadness","carlospdiaz","@Jaz_paige aww hey! I didn't know this was you! LOL. I'm sick. No outtie for me."
1965762296,"sadness","D_Child","@teemwilliams MICHELLEEEEEEEEEEEEMYBELLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *snif snif*"
1965762313,"worry","UrFlyGuy","@FAITHL0VEH0PE I guess if you can't accept me....i'll have to keep it movin"
1965762473,"worry","ntinaz","@LesbianDad i really wish i could make it! a 12 hr. drive just isn't going to happen this weekend."
1965762657,"neutral","sweetbaker2010","missing Tim!"
1965762762,"sadness","m2j3","Not in front of the tv  wats the score an inning??"
1965763522,"worry","CanesSSQ","@umassdilo PE and AA? That's a toss up. Did your mother have a "fun" time dealing with American Airlines (I assume)??"
1965763824,"sadness","txponygirl","ok, son in bath, so gonna see if I can find some quick quotes.  Gonna miss ya'll this weekend. I'm already gettin sad"
1965764076,"sadness","BobTheZombie","Oh dang! 'Drag Me To Hell' came out today, didn't it? Man, I wish I remembered; I would have gone and seen it."
1965764448,"love","n0tin","@iimJacko O dear! HE'S HERE! OMGOGMGO.. U didn't see that I was going to fuck u..?"
1965764625,"worry","xxLynzxx","I left my ipod in the car so now its all warm."
1965764685,"worry","starstruck1227","@juicystar007 ahhh im on your blogtv waiting room"
1965764910,"sadness","Gromrigan","@Trillian711 I had an account at a local comic store that I ran to 4k  at one time"
1965765082,"sadness","loveispain_","How amazing is hollyoaks! But my poor warren lmao!"
1965765194,"neutral","hello_pretty","@francaiskitty I miss rollerblading down Shoreline."
1965765296,"surprise","KarinasKitchen","@szsz Wow- you are sharing some of my long list."
1965765404,"love","laurenjessicaH","I love my brothers  I miss them, I see them tomorrow! They  are my rock."
1965765504,"worry","olivialemke","I want to go see Drag Me To Hell tonight. But no one to go with"
1965765936,"sadness","cMann11","@backseatgoodbye aww...thats a bummer"
1965766319,"worry","AmehWilkins","Doesn't feel well and Derek won't get me any medicine"
1965766427,"empty","kirsty_wilson","@Chris_pinkapple Not much on for the weekend here. Off to Knox shortly & definitely must get into the garden. It's a wee bit neglected."
1965767063,"sadness","Mzpurrfection","@Nextman305 I wish, but nah babe back I home in the ATL"
1965767349,"worry","mynightmind","I think I may have ruined a friendship this week by getting carried away"
1965768335,"sadness","moniko21","Missing the shotgun match because I was guilted into going to the store with the wife."
1965768422,"worry","tigraine","Giving up. Everyone and their cat is using Castle.DynamicProxy2. 3 out of 4 of my dependencies need each a different version of DynProxy2"
1965768468,"happiness","Lisa_OMS","@LadyRedCrest @miss_hazy  Have safe trips! And Indy is my home"
1965768525,"sadness","dellvink","@snoozen i think i'll be home more than i want to be next week - no work booked in for the forseeable."
1965768764,"worry","NillaLove","@marialuvsu i guess ill never have it  but the sad thing is that u didn't put an Alternate e-mail!! cause if u dont remember ur secret"
1965769120,"worry","xemilynotox","@omoly girl i am buying & posting your pressie tomorrow but i have no fucking clue what to get you so i'm sorry if you hate it"
1965769470,"sadness","Slimshaddy12","I'm soooo bored. just fuckin got a new phone and called my man but hes busy and one else bored???"
1965770075,"neutral","rawrrxsteffie","At my cousins wake"
1965770478,"worry","sister_mc","@paulatoole Sorry  I wasn't doing the inviting...all single women I think."
1965770978,"sadness","jacksonfox","Just to drive @tweetie crazy, I miss the big blue selected tweet highlight. I can't tell which tweet is selected anymore"
1965771019,"surprise","conorravo","@XcourtneylisaX well i really cant belive that  xxx"
1965771049,"love","hsahsa","@dougiemcfly you're ALWAYS awesome, Dougie. have a great gig tonight, wish I were there again  Love you, thanks for yesterday!"
1965771109,"worry","karacell","Brittany moved"
1965771136,"hate","sontortillas","@hollay I hate you"
1965771606,"worry","jourki","I don't wanna be single the rest of my life"
1965771645,"worry","duckylick","mom is on her way home  but yay for mother son days! she even bought some new shoes. haha."
1965793736,"neutral","kgb9","@enithhernandez I apologize for the trollcat crap. I misunderstood the concept"
1965793856,"love","StephanieMcFly","@lucylumcfly thhaanks!  , i wish too"
1965793933,"sadness","iamericaleigh","@PaperCakes  i hate when that happens. i hope you figure it out soon!"
1965794380,"worry","jakeishottie","is bored, cant go on habbo stupid ban"
1965794423,"love","allison6071","@swtcupcake Not sure it didn't say it was 2 big. I jst saw the pics of u on ur last bday. You looked so pretty!! I miss you!!"
1965794496,"happiness","stugoellis","@Gemma_Rigby Well my neck hurts from moving out  you massage me, i massage u?! lol!"
1965794607,"neutral","angelobell","All dressed, showered and clean-shaven and I have nowhere to go on a Friday night"
1965794839,"neutral","trixstaaa","@Shangstavic ill come to the shop in like an hour. i need to get a pedicure but i dont have time today  probably next week tho!"
1965795049,"sadness","carleesanders","I fought Jered to the death to avoid a wet willy.. but he got me anyway.  Q is coming over.. bike ride?"
1965795413,"fun","RosieGaga","@JadeSkylar - oh, COOL!! D. I'm going to like a bunchh of JB shows this summer... I am so broke now though  haha"
1965795934,"sadness","tiffanytrent","@katrchrdsn Without whipped topping, there is no shortcake.   #shortcakefail"
1965796099,"anger","yumjessiekaye","FUCK. slept in"
1965796692,"surprise","guitarplaya519","@ineska awwww this made me realize I have to take down my bulletin board too!  There's so many memories up there."
1965796825,"worry","gurnles","feels a sinus headache brewing, but can't take drugs."
1965796883,"happiness","laismizuta","@dougiemcfly good show for you guys .. i wish i could be there to see you"
1965796997,"worry","teepage","Goodnight all! No iPod still but found my old MP3 player...we'll see how long it holds out for.  xxx"
1965797042,"worry","mzKali84","I'm at work!!!! Ugghhhhh someone save me now"
1965797149,"sadness","DragonClan","i dont wanna miss the laker game tonight! i'm so sad"
1965797155,"relief","2jules7","@eric_extacy lol i know eric, i wont delete you! just people i dont really know and never talk. and bands"
1965797225,"worry","Rendon004","What a gloomy day in the OC,Cali"
1965797266,"worry","Yoshimikiosha","@ubringmejoi in spoke to you yesterday and u didnt respond girl  wassup though!"
1965797383,"worry","KriziaPie","I wish I lived closer to the girls.  I'm tryna chill on a Friday night!    (@winonapatron next weekeeend! Drink all day AND night?!)"
1965798122,"worry","MRetana","@mia423 Sleeping in for me is sleeping until 8am  But you know I have 3 kids ...."
1965798628,"relief","barrylyga","@MitaliandMe thanks for trying"
1965798852,"worry","lovely_lass","Now I feel sick."
1965798875,"hate","omfgxitsjess","stupid playstation! stupid controllers don't work so I can't play kingdom hearts."
1965799010,"sadness","Candelarhia","@krooyakkers what I thought ur going somewhere that's why I didn't invitw u"
1965799386,"worry","xScarlett_x","@oxEmalieexo: Awwwwwwwwwwe  That okay. I missed bullet's concert in toronto last summer 'cause i had just gotten into them D:"
1965800619,"neutral","solitarybelle","@akte does this mean you're leaving me?"
1965800852,"neutral","Lizzybonizzy","sold out"
1965801034,"sadness","ShelbyShanan","heading to graduation  I do NOT like this....oh and Nick....I'll be looking for you...."
1965801630,"worry","ohbrilliant","I should go shower but FFAF is fucking distraaaaacting"
1965801756,"neutral","richardarnatt","Who'd have thought Wallace & Gromit and the team behind Monkey Island could have combined so disastrously?"
1965801971,"love","MABcrew","Haven't used twitter in awhile. BGT!! DRAWING!! SUMMER!! FINALS"
1965802044,"hate","VenomousVillain","ugh blisters on both my big toes and on both my legs and my shoulders are raw as shit. my life sucks right now"
1965802162,"empty","juliaparris","Trader Joe's "sushi" is a fail."
1965802193,"happiness","Chantelle_leigh","@KelseyJ_xo  hey chick u alryt u at dads tmoro we sud do sumin aen like last week we neva dun oot this week lol  missed you ha bye hun xxx"
1965802250,"surprise","martarhatican","my house is so sad looking without all of the furniture, air mattressing it for 2 nights and then I'm officially moved from Knoxville."
1965802301,"neutral","makeupwhore817","guess i wasnt on next. now im in 2 songs. 3 guys at stage....one looks like my dad. ones mexican  and then some chubby bald guy hahahaha"
1965802407,"worry","littleatomies","not ready to say goodbye to spring awakening tomorrow. ugh  anyone else going to be there???"
1965802757,"worry","andyroo901","people are not twitting very much today"
1965803123,"empty","_tortor","Bored out of my mind!  LOL"
1965804100,"sadness","legaufre","i called kris he didn't pick up i feel really bad ha ha"
1965804359,"worry","StephanieLynne7","@mrsBAUERxo why has it been so long since i have talked to you let alone seen you?? it makes me sad"
1965804451,"neutral","elisaziegler","me salvem"
1965804488,"worry","elaineewing","I am having serious cig craving... head for kitchen, let the non smoker weight gain begin"
1965804792,"worry","NxOhMissFriedxD","missing his voice"
1965805100,"worry","Polkadotrobots","Omg! Really? I just ran into a wall"
1965805629,"worry","femaleinokla","enchiladas weren't as good as I thought they would be     now I know why I don't eat mexican"
1965805978,"worry","kare_bear79","Is it sad that I'm a little sad it was the last day of school?  I am so ready to be done with it...but saying goodbye is hard."
1965806027,"sadness","mrsjhcrabtree","I guess the relaxing dinner and a movie is out for tonight...I was looking forward to that after my day at work"
1965806945,"neutral","_annella","@supjoya they really do. it is a crying shame."
1965807237,"fun","bluestar1988","The Hangover: That movie is gonna be hilarious. wish i could see it with the crew"
1965807338,"enthusiasm","Kat5754","@ce_ci Im not reasonable... It's 1:35am now and gotta wake up early tomorrow on my first day of holidays!  have a great evening!"
1965807738,"surprise","tsarnick","@Izzy_Cullen oh really!!! i've already put all the pics up!! sorry!!   http://twitpic.com/61oj0"
1965807891,"worry","SandyMayo","Wish I had time to make it to the CFI lecture tonight after basketball"
1965807977,"surprise","Melissa808","@dkmashino couple days?! Sheeeeit. Wish I were there. Have something at Cafe Claude for me."
1965808109,"worry","Eshka","well.. all my slacking off earned me a D and a C   but at least everything else are A's and B's ^^  next school year all B's and A's Esh!"
1965808218,"boredom","MollyxMoshpit","waiting to go to the movies later for my 6th month. booored."
1965808252,"worry","LoveODT","@Natasja_Cupcake I think only 23.  I get confused easy tho. LOL I hope so if so two stopped following me 2. I know one did already."
1965808585,"worry","cathylando","sore throat again. gaaah. it hurts."
1965808656,"worry","sarahdeann","going through security already miss my baby."
1965808715,"sadness","daxholt","Ugh have to report again monday"
1965808795,"worry","tobeon","Thought I was seeing top shelf jizz. Very dissapointed!"
1965808805,"hate","hannah_hope","Ok so I'm fuckin hungry....!  I'm fat I know..I know..! Aha"
1965813450,"worry","bearsbullssox","Im not doing the hunt, i was in the middle of making it but all my work got erased  sry guys, now i look like a idiot for replying 2 all u"
1965813607,"neutral","jackspencer","@DonMcAllister very long by the sounds of things... But deadlines are Deadlines..."
1965813761,"neutral","markmidwinter","Ok so I've now got a bit of a bad back after lifting all drum hardware into my car   downer."
1965814211,"neutral","SorenLorensen","@mr_craig Tried to follow one of your #FF recommendations but "have been blocked from following by request of the user""
1965814223,"anger","thezattack","my sisters fucking pc, just blued screened me"
1965814259,"worry","MandyPandy32","@staceyclarkin More than welcome...would love to do more physically, but family life doesn't allow"
1965814419,"worry","itsMELbitches","@BriaNicoleSison Why aren't you at blue martini with me??"
1965814935,"happiness","bkbkbk","@DelbertShoopman Good luck with the footage - none of the stations are breaking in live with it"
1965815375,"neutral","alli_jonas","@mitchelmusso i keep trying to get through but i cant"
1965815448,"empty","trimka","Legend of Inotia ??????? ??????. ?????? ???????. ???? ??????? 31? ?????, ????? ?????? ???. ????????? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????????"
1965815511,"love","febbyfebby","@trishaanyndhita but i love adriana"
1965815563,"worry","lucyyvan","Just wrote another song, but i ran out of ideas so this one is a bit crap"
1965815792,"neutral","Delriach","@Media_Molecule where is Sackiroth"
1965816021,"worry","jamaicaj","Karine Ruby, "former Olympic snowboarding champion dies at 31." http://bit.ly/uKRBg"
1965816138,"sadness","cassettetapes","@dinosuit  Idk. I'm only a stupid 7th Grader"
1965816400,"worry","_BANGBANG","@Deztini tolddd you there was thunder! ew now it's all rainy D: i'm scared!"
1965816492,"sadness","angjonesy","Bah a coworker ran into work late and her bag smacked into my knee  it really hurts now"
1965816525,"sadness","kellacollins","@GrowWear Unfortunately for us it looks like there are NO funny people on twitter  Should we move to FB or start our own...flitter"
1965816675,"worry","Gemmaboyle","@hughsbeautiful Is beastypops tired? I wish i was. My tablets are just making me want to throw up!"
1965816749,"sadness","thegerf02","Upset  bout to talk to someone but idk who though"
1965816953,"sadness","FullyFrontal","@tbake CRAP. I always forget you are on here"
1965817086,"worry","LeeComeau","I cant afford life right now. Everything i want to do is too expensive"
1965817336,"sadness","Stilettos69","@psylentmike haha! you're so funny, Mikee .. you're probably the only Mike I'll ever like  *sad thoughts*"
1965817977,"sadness","CaminitiStyle","Damn I wish I was at Botcon with everyone."
1965818060,"neutral","VajayjayRojas","Okay one of my ears popped so now I know what everything sounds like and everything is reall loud"
1965818291,"worry","thomasdisint","has made a decision and will stick to it although I'm really not sure it's the right one"
1965818342,"neutral","ponyhorrorshow","Nothing to do tonight."
1965818870,"worry","brooke4013","@casper1201     my bracelet broke today too."
1965818951,"worry","jullal91","@mitchelmusso i would love to call you but i live in Norway so its a little hard"
1965819208,"worry","Jennvid","can I just go to sleep and wake up in December when my house is all organized and the baby is here?.. feeling like poo today"
1965819425,"worry","AMF7","@lid86 he already got a shot at having his own show and didn't prove himself"
1965819659,"neutral","Debdidoo","thers not many peole tweeting tonight... well suppose it is friday...evry normal person is out partyin, but im skint"
1965819981,"worry","_AlexaJordan","I couldn't do anythin cuz he jacked it when I stepped out for like 30 seconds & was already outside up the mtn when I came back.."
1965820156,"sadness","EricMueller","The internet is just being a big fail for me today-- not only is Twitter its usual semi-flaky self, but Facebook and VRBO.com, too  Boo!"
1965820309,"happiness","Leighdav","Mom says I have to get a new phone IMMEDIATELY....off to T-Mobile.  she paying...."
1965820414,"worry","nneale","Looking for the @japadog in Coal Harbour. Can't find it!"
1965820510,"worry","JulzM","@TheMonkeyBoy I never get them and the hubby is due in next week.. <cries> hope its gone by then"
1965820806,"love","sky14kemea","@Goatzilla nooo, poor cat  he just wants a cuddle... or food, its hard to tell"
1965820852,"happiness","pamgreenonline","@KennyJ88 that was good . but mean  haha"
1965821103,"empty","fitfulfever","2 days & 5 text messages this month"
1965821114,"worry","Jolomoco","My car has an alarm & immobiliser so it makes it incredibly complicated AND costly! I have no key code neither for the immobiliser."
1965821180,"worry","arwhite5","@PhillyD i wish i could be there!! too much going on.  sad day"
1965821248,"worry","breezytiffany","@mitchelmusso Are you still taking calls? We were next to talk to you and we got disconnected before you got now."
1965821308,"neutral","Rachelx_","@mitchelmusso I want a call from you.  GO MICHIGAN! hahha"
1965821351,"surprise","chyeahitsalicia","@nicca_ no idea what that means bb"
1965821542,"sadness","bookwormdanni","ugh... my back is killing me."
1965821820,"worry","twit_terwoo",""your true theatre calling? - musical theatre actor"  i wish :'( xxx"
1965821910,"worry","davey20","off for the weekend! yay. i gots work from 8pm-12am though  it sucks cause this is like the last weekend for partying and im gonna be at"
1965821973,"worry","TheDEXpress","Great. Now there's a cloud that's really, really dark grey right outside my office window. This sure has a lotta precip with it."
1965821976,"neutral","lisamartin","Rain is moving in from the west. Thwarted plans for a wee nap outside"
1965822371,"worry","lorenlovespeace","@tommymercedes wish i was but im in chicago"
1965822547,"sadness","thejokergrin","@MaidMirawyn I was supposed to go tomorrow tooooo, but have to use gas and ticket money to pay for car inspection fee."
1965822845,"worry","xxx_Cherie_xxx","just left & already misses Nashville  be back sunday"
1965822893,"hate","bmichelle","@shemeika of course you'd be going there when I'm not there!"
1965823175,"worry","WiseHermit","Doesnt't want to get up"
1965823383,"worry","KaleighGrace","@Kristen_Oyler Poor little woman with her smushed in head"
1965823468,"love","jay_lake","I am increasingly convinced that I am moderately lactose-intolerant - given my deep and abiding love of cheese, this totally sucks"
1965823477,"worry","slimkidchris","I think I lost all of my blog posts"
1965823905,"hate","AlessandraReis","I�m really desappointed..."
1965823983,"sadness","Tayl0rMichael","Is at work"
1965824234,"sadness","tanyafaye76","Bored to tears without my boys! They are at their dad's for a week"
1965824267,"hate","Abby_ox","I am going to be sooooo busy today it's not funny. i hate busy day's"
1965824327,"worry","AEMLOVER","off to bed with my sore nipples"
1965824564,"surprise","Maiseyjon","@igotyourcrazy waaaaayyyyy too hot for that"
1965824830,"worry","zamzarvideo","@chillingo  I wanted to beta test but saw the thread after the results were announced"
1965825110,"enthusiasm","plsoccer17","@vickytcobra ohhh wonder what happened?"
1965825371,"neutral","tiredinlove","anybody wanna comment me?  http://fotolog.com/sokristen"
1965825556,"sadness","PinkTribble","@totalgunner Nurofen and marijuana, usually. But I'm lacking the latter currently."
1965825715,"neutral","dstarpro","@hkygrl12 So I'm not seeing you this Saturday?"
1965826251,"neutral","jacobwakeup","Ahh! Members of the toasters and @dubisaweapon playing with void union! Sick! I missed @royalcityriot and we are the union"
1965826254,"surprise","ScoutieOs","At this point, I'm gonna be left here with only Tommy. He is no prize."
1965826840,"worry","BasilHoneyDew","@djeebus i cant drink cause i dont have a dd to take of home"
1965826977,"sadness","goseabrook","I'm sick and sad .... missing out on Martini Lounge tonight"
1965828626,"sadness","alexa_chung","Going to have yum dinner then watch 'bad girlfriend' play. I have a 6am call time tomorrow"
1965828636,"sadness","MissGerri","@RobertPound not my groom!  think i'll die an old maid! lol"
1965828958,"worry","deannaaa","@mitchelmusso i called you too, just YOU don't pick up! i think i deserve a shoutout..."
1965829137,"worry","NaviLeRoi","aww i feel bad cause i dunno if nicole is in the city looking for me. she's probably worried  srry hun"
1965829153,"empty","C_Sandiego","Dear rain, you suck. Now I gotta change my plans for tonight"
1965829289,"worry","jenny_ford","So confused about what to do?"
1965829316,"empty","Undeadlaz","@jollyassjerk it's month end  I'm here till 11"
1965829473,"worry","MW91","sunburnt again"
1965829682,"happiness","BethHenry557","Here's a big moan for Dave Leyrock... IM UP IN 8HRS!  pity me! Coloursfest ahoy xo"
1965829848,"neutral","bronought","I is goin to bed now"
1965829884,"hate","lisakimfleming","I'm gonna cryyy!!! My car looked so good clean and its fuckin raining!?! I always do this...wash it right before it rains"
1965830097,"sadness","askegg","@naontiotami No, but I missed you"
1965830197,"neutral","silkyninja","@LylaMeganMarsh what happened to all your sexy quotes?"
1965830280,"worry","HUB","@SaadZaeem nothing much man, waiting for my Insurance card to come through... Cant get any workdone here w/o it... Redtape"
1965830814,"surprise","leif_n","@MarieTuckerVA busy wit work  how is your business going on?"
1965831092,"love","PBandJs","@missryss HAHA I took the quiz on fb and missed the mcfly one"
1965831301,"worry","laborracha","@gregorybayne I'm so sad I wish I was going to"
1965831470,"hate","HamishGraham","24 hours and $400 later and I hav a new telecom phone that dosent work.  Stupid telecom"
1965831481,"worry","maryamalsabah","its getting really windy out there"
1965831787,"worry","SCSA1998","@funtimeshelly sorry to hear about your dog"
1965831812,"sadness","answers_2_Emily","Can't beat all time low.. (: I soooooo want to go to Metro Station..  Your cheap shots wont be able to break bones"
1965832255,"surprise","eloisajb","@mitchelmusso its it done?"
1965833499,"neutral","randolphdi","@telltammy I tried both. @twittascope is unstoppable."
1965833783,"surprise","jgg0610","@itsbecca not playing here either"
1965834123,"worry","Neethood","@SexyShaq it starts @ 6. But we will be there until they throw us out. Traffic will be crazy!"
1965834189,"fun","AbdullahB","@ghaliia Mabrook @iamMishal inta wain wil diet wain! @p0ach ma 3indi funoon"
1965834376,"sadness","lizkearsey","this is the worst day ever, i've been told im a chav"
1965834646,"enthusiasm","akrobatikmc","been in bed for two days with migraines"
1965834784,"neutral","eloisajb","@mitchelmusso is it done?"
1965834815,"neutral","TheKimmer1","Well it sounds like sum kids with matches lit sum grass on fire"
1965834891,"worry","Dani___","@Jessimikuh go and see my puppy! I don't want to be there alone"
1965835248,"sadness","blackenedsky","theres too much light pollution to see the stars"
1965835341,"worry","ducksfromheaven","I recommend returning your broken duck toy with the batteis it came with or the person who your giving it to may get mad!!  trust me!"
1965835451,"neutral","steffuhkneee","i really miss my satan kitty"
1965835635,"neutral","csellmybelle","My mom said I eat a lot"
1965835792,"surprise","LilyCovington","@juicystar007 Pleaseeee im really tired and stuck in waiting room for 2 hours  midnight in england. hw much money do u get a mnth?"
1965836043,"worry","RecipeGirl","@nofearentertain Just read up on your Mom   Hope she's okay!!"
1965836396,"worry","therealcoldguy","@PBCProductions  Why couldn't you let me know sooner...I can't call out of work on this short notice, oh well here is for next time."
1965836440,"hate","ArmyStrykersMom","Cleaned out me Followers List and blocked the porn girls & Crap Now I look like a spammer"
1965836542,"sadness","kwistafur","Im not friends with anyone anymore"
1965836580,"neutral","MrsE1117","Bears, beets, and... shit, never mind   How about SG1, take-out, and wasabi vodka with ginger ale and lime..."
1965836656,"neutral","georgewezsley","@__Jazz__  nope. Back to 8weeks .... *sigh*"
1965837993,"neutral","amandakihara","i hate stupid boys! arrgh"
1965838657,"fun","Blackoutsoilder","OMG Great Day Today Went To A Art Thingy  And Noe I Really Want A Zune HD  And The Bed Part Its Raining  Come Out Mister Sun"
1965839225,"worry","AceMas21","@samanthai Ahh well he can only spend short amounts of time on because of his mum  You should scroll back at our msgs!!! ;-)"
1965839418,"hate","vi2section","@IsoBan ... i hate it so much."
1965839500,"sadness","c0vergirl","my friends are in San Pablo right now... they'll be drinking, laughing and swimming... and iim here....  huhuhu"
1965839656,"worry","Christen_D","Well, it's very hot out. And i want to listen to lines,vines,and trying times!!"
1965839680,"worry","Mileyfansaywhat","@MileyCyrus: Oh. The voting is over!  But don't worry, I already voted for you about 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times earlier!!!"
1965840085,"neutral","mcdrewbie","i should have run today  but i let my slight aches be a bad excuse    i'll make it up tomorrow go 5.5"
1965840167,"happiness","PrincessBelle08","My whole life has come to this......incredibly amazing"
1965840244,"worry","Dannnnee","Ive got mad cramps in my legs"
1965840326,"sadness","frederickc1027","Aw one of our fishies died"
1965840380,"relief","ArmyStrykersMom","Cleaned out my Followers List and blocked the porn girls & Crap Now I look like a spammer"
1965840613,"worry","sarryy","@allisonlodato YES PLEASEEEEE. i miss you  ps i'm bouts to text you"
1965840877,"sadness","Binnnnnnaaaa","i give uppp a hour of tryin to tlk to @mitchelmusso  i love him but my minutesss lol"
1965841493,"hate","LaBellaBeauty","@JusLisaE what a damn shame all that body to waste"
1965841889,"hate","batchout","@inkswamp No FTP/Browser on the Mac  I may visit an old Mac Lab or Sneakernet with ZIP100s to Kinkos. Anyone with Fetch on a Floppy? DM me"
1965842070,"neutral","fixedd","@joyquality Yeah, but not always."
1965842296,"sadness","Karaporter","my puppy is sick"
1965842677,"neutral","TechnoMouse87","@RyanKil did you not think of texting me that!? I've just read it now lol! Figured out the html on my own."
1965842760,"love","KiraJDA","@Omarion5sho i like OGBERRY"
1965843170,"worry","DawnofOURnight","@itsgabbith hMm well at least you got them out! Sorry about it though  wish you could keep them in!!!"
1965843345,"sadness","AngieOzuna","@mitchelmusso Hey Mitchel when will you be live again? I didn't get a chance to call you"
1965843502,"empty","JdR04","milkshake + hot day = unsettled stomach"
1965843565,"neutral","kelcostudios","I forgot I moved 100 east...make that 8 hours home."
1965844618,"sadness","erinjeany","@misterperturbed I ordered a replacement palm centro cuz my phone got kill't! I wanted a palm pre but cant afford a data plan"
1965848782,"worry","abhidevaraj","I just realized the reason why I am so sad today is because it's reeeeally gloomy outside"
1965849456,"sadness","nicolekennedy","@selenagomez we'll miss you! I'm sad I didn't get to meet you"
1965849841,"love","rostreko","hoping that one day i will be able to go on dates with my 26 year old boyfriend without his parents..."
1965850031,"sadness","uglygods","my dark knight dvd is missing   i'm pissed"
1965850100,"worry","AshleyBubz","Got a Real Bad  headache"
1965850181,"sadness","sconline","Sorry for the delay in publishing this weeks show  Some technical difficulties during encoding. Will be out asap but may be Saturday."
1965850182,"neutral","Rachelx_","@mitchelmusso!  i called and called. I think you should answer more. haha"
1965850226,"sadness","berthalicia","i wish i was in cali wit mari nd lupita seeing vfc  not fair"
1965850285,"worry","misscheka","June is going to be a long, lonely month."
1965850430,"worry","popcorn44","@selenagomez aww  but we miss you here in the USA."
1965850432,"sadness","RealWorldCara","I feel like my dream just got crushed"
1965850666,"neutral","MsAlyssa2u","@dmFinley Hey you!! I have been trying to reach you for a couple months now but umm certain ppl will not tell you im looking for you"
1965851060,"worry","christamafurr","And now im all hungry and thirsty. and too afraid to go downstairs..."
1965851069,"worry","pagieebaaby","@mitchelmusso I kept calling and calling, but never got through"
1965851070,"worry","highhiddenplace","@Vasilly I think I have some tea somewhere. It's probably old though."
1965851200,"worry","iamdelle","@JYoungS2TS Yaay! I was supposed to go, but I missed it"
1965851309,"worry","mjelaine","I have a farmers sunburn! Ahhhh!"
1965851634,"relief","Kat_xox","I hate not getting e-mail's  going to do other stuff now...ice my toe (long story) and have some calpol (cold :S) soooo night xxxx"
1965851747,"neutral","MissSolis","@Raadius cuz ima always late haha dammit she got me good"
1965852105,"neutral","amy__xx","been awake 19 hours"
1965852527,"sadness","doolamcfly","Home w/bae & Myka.. He's so meann"
1965852603,"worry","thekiddnapping","I dont know where to get my hair cut!"
1965852788,"surprise","Meg3r","oh dear! gareths b-day 2moro all my girlfriends are abroad  lucky niamh is coming home 2moro poor gareth has 2 listen 2 me talk all day"
1965852800,"love","CHANLOO","@Keiyaunna grrrrri want you to come  kiss justice for me !!!"
1965853398,"sadness","Namhaid","had my last class with Scott and Julie today  going to miss them... they bought me a bottle of champagne as a congratulatory gift."
1965853412,"sadness","SiobhanACTIVE","Hmmm... he's so lovely. I wish he was here now. I'm tired but can't sleep"
1965853567,"sadness","ashleycolucci","@finellskii have fun!  i am sad to not be with you guys"
1965853667,"empty","_Hazbo","Trying to get to sleep but mum is blaring Les Mis really loudly in the sitting room"
1965853805,"sadness","baldeggie","@JayresC: n u can't change your profile backgroud neither"
1965853957,"worry","photo","@Jennicricket not sure i can make it"
1965854347,"neutral","autismininches","@MissSnoozer it will show up after awhile.  Mine took an hour"
1965854423,"sadness","halloannie","absolutely gutted that i'm not going to badu tonight.  you guys have fun...! just got home and need to head downtown now. gd this heat!"
1965854742,"sadness","bonniespurple","@Boy_Kill_Boy That would be really great....except im not allowed to talk to boys on the phone  long story...my fault"
1965854878,"relief","k_gustafson","Back home after a funeral for my wife's grandfather today.  Now its time for homework"
1965855422,"surprise","beautifulmistak","wow 2 months since i've been on twitter... supposed to go see Maat in PA but the James is sleepin"
1965855495,"worry","SuperSteezy","is gonna be mad hungry when I get home. Forgot my money..."
1965855727,"surprise","LeonardG","Just realized I hold a membership in the gym - saw my bank statement"
1965856015,"sadness","painhatelove","AT&T cheated the system and now I have no Green Day tickets  Damn you AT&T!"
1965856088,"sadness","lizziebellman","It is Gloomy outside. It is making me sad  I miss the sun and its happiness!!"
1965856306,"worry","shaynaries","@mitchelmusso I wish I was able to talk to you."
1965856454,"worry","xOxLivyBabyxOx","@Russzart Ohh noo. Joshua im sooo sorry i was out ,im really sorry i didnt get to see you :''( please forgive me  I'm sorry <3"
1965856748,"worry","zebralady120","@o_0robertpatt Why do they do that?!"
1965856804,"happiness","trojanshawn","@StoneBrewingCo um... thats my favorite beer!! why must you torture me so when I can't make it down there!!"
1965856967,"worry","moodyje2","@vickytcobra i'm sorry your day wasn't so good  does it make you feel better to know you're beating oprah on ms twitterworld?"
1965857135,"worry","jenbarnette","i hate storms."
1965857312,"sadness","yoss82","@djCrMix it's been raining every single afternoon in S.Florida  not fair! hehe"
1965857486,"sadness","ScoutieOs","@TheStevieOs Yes it's herrrrr.  Dude, I'm gonna fucking cry."
1965857555,"worry","qtpooh83","@xsparkage LOL that is so Charlie......I miss Charlie"
1965857815,"worry","D12_Bernie","Why can't I sleep ????? Is it too much to ask for :-P"
1965857838,"empty","sebadugalski","Excuse me ms.gomez who said you could leave"
1965858398,"worry","serena_grace","@JennycLiu Oh yah! My dad does that. But I don't have a landline."
1965858458,"love","Madisoon","My best friend is away at special olympics . She said she was gonna bring me ."
1965859476,"worry","AtlantisJackson","@dhewlett I'm still trying to see Star Trek! I'll just have to Woman up and go alone. BF is pretty much worthless anyway  lol"
1965859618,"happiness","HaleyBays","to the doctor  anyone wanna do somethin after for a bit?"
1965859652,"worry","cinnamon_716","*moment of silence* for the Budget i'm bout to b on  I spend wayyy to much $$$.... OMG! I'm on a Budget?!?!"
1965859826,"worry","jessisrad","i look like a freaking tomato  goin to graduation.."
1965859955,"sadness","NurseAngie","@2Serenity No FAIR!"
1965860038,"sadness","walkthistown","@mitchelmusso I'm so sad I missed your calling time, I got home from practice too late"
1965860050,"worry","fa_jen2004","@iheartmc I'm sorry sister!!  just think you get to see your man in a bit! That should make you happy. You guys should call me tonigh"
1965860289,"worry","katiebean","Hmm, no holga for me probably"
1965861014,"happiness","stipton","Going home to enjoy what is left of the day - I can't believe how quickly this week flew by, no time for tweets"
1965861255,"neutral","NoMeDigas","I can't believe Clinton and Bush were both here, doing a seminar together and I did not go"
1965861480,"worry","srk_SaY13","I'll have to take a picture of the moon tomorrow night  not gonna happen today :/"
1965861657,"empty","starkissed","@JerryShaw i tried changing my pic but twitter is a hater  im a doctor of awesome !! other than that, im just a medical assistant :]"
1965862534,"neutral","josiedorgu","@kofoswagnificnt no b only u! Slept off missed my ride and so chillin in d telly on a friday night."
1965862694,"worry","V3events","Darn it, I'm craving wedding cake... a craving that's very hard to satisfy with anything else!"
1965868522,"worry","Wzzy","Explains why the Woodman offramp was closed  @abc7 Breaking: 2 suspects robbed Union Bank at Riverside & Woodman in Sherman Oaks."
1965868601,"neutral","moodyje2","@killerannax now vickyt is losing to demi AND miley"
1965868640,"worry","unahealyfan","@Lynne90 wasnt it supposed to have been in for yesterday?"
1965868857,"empty","hannahkin","heyheyheyheyehyeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy noo tokio hotel tshirts im friad omg shame"
1965868899,"neutral","MattiePepino","@gerardoudi hey Gerardo! (late response) that day i was talking bout forgiving my brother 4 givin me wrong directions! i got way to upset"
1965869136,"love","olivercomstock","Sweet booth at Newport... But all the people are outside  http://post.ly/hEb"
1965869195,"sadness","dalong00","OH NO TODAYS JAY LENOS LAST SHOW!!! WE'LL MISS U MR. LENO"
1965869243,"hate","diannyZomby","My head hurts because that air freshner is the most horriblel scent ever.. Im super grossed out!!!!"
1965869419,"worry","GoldyMom","@derwendtde so sorry about that  I have the same issues...LOL. My weekend started about an hour ago!!!"
1965870022,"sadness","SimpleMia","@jjooss I think he is :[ wish we could give him a tear or some blood to make him feel better"
1965870145,"neutral","necrolyte2","@cyan1234 I gotta leave early again, like 7:20"
1965870315,"surprise","13trini13","@mitchelmusso i waited for like an hour and i never got to talk to you"
1965870536,"love","joibeuti","all alone on a friday night"
1965870720,"neutral","marleneluuser","I don't think so  what time are we leacing"
1965870887,"neutral","Megz_chicky","Mr amp over heated"
1965871303,"sadness","IanPaulKid","Gonna miss Thick As Blood next Friday"
1965871638,"neutral","theoriginalstew","going thru bills"
1965872214,"worry","michaeljgilmore","@dreamergirl822 it's really gutwrenching.  So sad"
1965872221,"sadness","DJGigiDred","@ivansharris Hey, where do you go last night?  Was expecting to see you @ On Broadway."
1965872760,"worry","AngNewell77","@jordanknight off to bed with fingers and toes and everything crossed u pick me-lol! Hope ur well and got back safe,poor Jon  xx"
1965872791,"worry","KaraFazio","Visiting family in hospital = not fun"
1965872822,"sadness","INKDMOM","It SUCKS when my playmate is MIA all weekend.  Sad"
1965873018,"love","lovestryker","@brittaniethekid   But he's so adorable."
1965873102,"surprise","LaChicaPreciosa","Did it just start to thunder out of nowhere??"
1965873117,"love","sdennehey","@extensis the app said i need 12.1.5 or later"
1965873120,"hate","Ryanb58","Danget  having problems with WLW and Blog engine  uggh... not again  !!"
1965873272,"worry","name_brand","I burneded my tummy"
1965873329,"hate","rrrraisa","God is a huge teaser"
1965874017,"worry","Tsela","@jimyvr Yeah, and that's where everything becomes difficult and generalisations break down. Not an easy problem  ."
1965874121,"neutral","duckie_kate","@brittaniethekid I GET IT.  YOU ESPLAINED IT TO ME AWHILE AGO."
1965874393,"neutral","MsJuicy313","Guess I'll take a nap"
1965874419,"surprise","ktoint83","is missing her best friend..... and i only saw them this afternoon  How sad am I!!!!"
1965874598,"sadness","theaardvark","@siwhitehouse Didn't work for me  Except when I used the word autofollow and got followed by an bot selling an autofollow program."
1965875074,"worry","big_red724","is having trouble breathing through the pain..and now i have a damn fever...   (^~^)<^>"
1965875252,"hate","JovialJay","Power Outage, door to freezer propped open, 3G ice cream make for slippy floor  M-er F-er!!"
1965875843,"hate","MisterSwisher","RP @Bryan000: RP @MrSwishaTwista: RP @Bryan000: My crack...--Here's mine. ?----  I just threw up in my mouth lil bit--It's my legs, LOL."
1965875938,"empty","JesseMea","My nose is chapped, yuck"
1965876104,"worry","Dreamm","@WardrobeGuy Sorry... What does that mean? I currently have a world phone & I use apps. I'm confused..."
1965876397,"worry","beingnobody","@reddevilleanne aww  i guess not that many people are online though..."
1965876597,"neutral","bluesupernova","@ElZorro: ""UB40-"Bring Me Your Cup"""  ? http://blip.fm/~7af72"
1965876629,"worry","scream2me18","well no phone today, we are waiting till June 9th to get a better deal sooooo  but its all good"
1965876658,"worry","NykoleMazzola","i dont want to be home all by myself all weekend!!!!!!!!!       what should i do?"
1965876812,"happiness","DatChickLoso","@MsHollywoodDiva hahahaha your watching 106 too... i miss Oceans 10..."
1965877094,"love","kaybee6824","@Owl311 thanks"
1965877151,"worry","SamiCappola","i havent gotten any prank calls making me laugh in so long."
1965877381,"hate","dottydee123","@MirandaBuzzfans dont worry, i will. i HATE it when nobody comments on my pics"
1965877530,"sadness","Joyyu27","Kill me now I'm so sick    n it's Friday night!!"
1965877954,"worry","Brittanya69","My Tummy Hurt"
1965878024,"hate","lilgreenhouse","you not going nowhere bitch!"
1965878086,"worry","pijaminha","and i wish i gave you one last kiss"
1965878527,"love","jessicaconnell","I love @mitchelmusso very much  I called him, but he was talking to other fans  I love you a lot Mitchel! I'll see u in El Cajon. June 7"
1965879441,"sadness","_ashesandwine","@brighternoise really??"
1965880256,"worry","XPIZZAX","My vibe is currently downed.  The only thing amusing me is my Joker shirt. *Looks down and pokes shirt* I want a peanut butter sandwich..."
1965880406,"enthusiasm","dohtay","Off to ambers...a weekend of labour and hard work ahead!"
1965880412,"sadness","Divagrl","Nothing 2 do 2nte  Boooooooo! I'm totally bored!"
1965880534,"sadness","joenass","I'm bored. I have a headache."
1965880541,"sadness","Muirnait","@amalah I am very jealous.  I was supposed to go see it in Seattle with a friend this summer but she had to bail out because of work"
1965880651,"empty","theredcliche","i just read online that a symptom of sleeping too much is headaches throughout the day. i have had a headache all day."
1965880895,"neutral","writeinink","okay, i'm out for a while  back later!"
1965886513,"enthusiasm","californiaxxx","@NikkiBenz cool !! actually i believe T.I. has just begun his jail sentence in arkansas"
1965886627,"neutral","tobiasbuckell","@FernShadow I'd just plain go crazy"
1965886628,"neutral","SkySfalliNdowN9","@ punkrockchick25 Haha no i just saw a commercial for it. . You wouldnt kill me"
1965887145,"worry","jessimikuh","@Dani___ okay, i'll finally get to meet Dia! that's her name, right? oh geez i'll feel so stupid if it's not."
1965887225,"worry","faithx5","@ahr19 Yeah, I'm behind on my classic cinema calendar-making. I haven't had time to go see any anyway."
1965887540,"neutral","alora9851","still cant figure this twitter thing out on my phone.  i dont have the iphone."
1965887598,"neutral","saammm","@Pointman24 I always yell TRADE ME when I see old people with super nice cars. I have an old people car"
1965887775,"neutral","jdugan83","@LorrisB As appealing as that is and the fact I would hop on it pretty quick, I dont wanna impose on your sacred bday hun with ur friends"
1965888019,"love","stefanization","where are the good music and lyrics?! it seems like humans have lost their ability to understand whats good and whats bad."
1965888230,"hate","Ashleymc6","stupid wireless!!"
1965888329,"empty","Roscopcoletrain","Starting to get annoyed with socialscope. Need an update"
1965888417,"hate","CCHHRRISTIINNAA","Ahhhh!!!!!! Almost off!!! Can't wait!! But..I got work again rite after this!   HAT CLUB Come && gimme some Company! Oh && a Cookie! ;-)"
1965888640,"sadness","YIKESitsRACHEL","the tip of my finger hurts  lmao"
1965888791,"sadness","andrearie","my tummy kinda hurts!"
1965889033,"sadness","ElizabethATTACK","i feel extremely depressed right now."
1965889329,"sadness","Rhoda_TD","My head hurts....  Can wait to see the new photoshoot!!!!!!!"
1965889398,"worry","TerribleToaster","This really sucks, I'm supposed to be home in a couple of days and I'm not  I hate borders and visa's."
1965889413,"neutral","porschaangle","i wanna go home"
1965889470,"sadness","tashamclellan","sux gabe just told me to go to the afterparty and I have ID that works but I can't go"
1965889704,"neutral","lacyscott","The Life Of A College Stay At Home Mom: Delay in the Bash  http://bit.ly/CnyhP"
1965889776,"neutral","vvvracer","@mjvarela black is good... tight, or should I say too tight, not so good."
1965889854,"neutral","georgiakav","one year since I met matt corby"
1965890637,"worry","deeroxmasox","@yes_i_am_jes YAY! congrats! i'm afraid to check my grades!"
1965890679,"worry","naontiotami","@askegg Argh, I'm so sorry you couldn't come... It was great to get to know everyone..."
1965890781,"sadness","bserlori","Ugh I'm tired"
1965891287,"neutral","ohgielliane","@selenagomez aww  cant wait to have you back in LA! <333"
1965891379,"fun","LauraA22","LauraA22is missing the fun she had with @Sylars_Army at Eclipse 3  #SArmy #SArmy #SArmy"
1965891463,"love","KieranXVI",":o Wow only just found out new xbox is called xbox720 , how did i not no im a geek ..."
1965891466,"surprise","xLiLShanx","@KDVCashville omg that was my twin sister's fav song"
1965891491,"worry","sw00p","Gary Just tried the Ommegang Chocolate Indulgence: no chocolate, no indulgence, just ... metallic.  Best I can... http://ff.im/-3o7RV"
1965891590,"neutral","stanFUCK","its too early to be up"
1965891708,"worry","karen_mann","@symphnysldr what's goin on hun?  I'm worried about you"
1965891720,"neutral","sw00p","@whore_hay The Twitter Happiness score for sw00p is: 418. http://happytweets.com I think I dropped by 1 point since yesterday."
1965892149,"worry","nationalnylon","Poor Johnny is sick   Looks like he'll be going to the vet tomorrow"
1965892574,"sadness","chrislair","A simple nice dinner doesn't exist in my world."
1965892648,"sadness","marleyross","last day of school  so sad"
1965892888,"sadness","nbdysperfect","Johnny actually invited me to the movies but i have too many things to do before the concert"
1965892983,"sadness","moozhe","@kraeth She really loves that ride, doesn't she?  Too bad I wasn't there recording it"
1965893082,"love","MissingLizzie","For some reason, Corona Light tastes so much better when I am with you than it does when I am alone.   http://twitpic.com/67wa0"
1965893112,"worry","EmperorCommodus","i have a headache"
1965893906,"neutral","stacyreeves","Client consult in Valley Ranch, then home to work some more"
1965893956,"fun","BrightlyFalse","Nursing my sick guniea pig back to health  and my cat is being jealous"
1965894090,"sadness","Hurkierock","My dreams have been crushed...Spock does not like the ladies."
1965894358,"worry","slinkawoogie","@heyrai wow how ominious was that   im stayin in the house. n nobodys comin over either!!! LoL"
1965894486,"worry","Cowboysalsa","Really big spider on the floor two metres away from me  am actually a little scared."
1965894968,"sadness","LauraA22","is missing the fun she had with @Sylars_Army at Eclipse 3  #SArmy #SArmy #SArmy"
1965895020,"worry","helloaberdeen","I hate dreaming that your at some awesome party and you wake up at home, there was jager at the party too"
1965895135,"worry","MrKanan","Anybody else experiencing painful slowdowns with facebook?"
1965895160,"worry","nyankokimi","Wow, I didn't realize my seats were so far back.  I hope I can enjoy the show enough for what I paid for the tickets."
1965895605,"worry","DJKREEPA1","Oh No!!!! I must be gettin old!!!! My mom use to watch this show....I miss her"
1965895680,"worry","fancynance1","Moving is hard work! This is my last night in the house I grew up in."
1965895701,"sadness","LauraSerafine","http://twitpic.com/67wb4 - Gotta a show on Monday at 9.... hopefully my head will be better by then...."
1965895739,"worry","efgraham0921","@mitchelmusso i'm about to have to hang up   my fone is getting to hot"
1965895851,"sadness","chainestafree","Okay i feel really sick now"
1965896099,"worry","Marieaharris","Just finished bowling with my family.  It's definately not the same as with my friends"
1965896198,"sadness","LilBitSassy","@glennbeck Missed your show tonight   Just HAD to go up to Lake Erie and enjoy the quiet!"
1965896620,"sadness","eguanlao","I've been to Rome, Italy. I love it there. Elegance, style. Very difficult to live in Chicago. No elegance here. Sad."
1965896660,"neutral","alexrest","i just learned the hard way that FireWire 800 isn't backwards compatible with FireWire 400"
1965896725,"sadness","wendyck","ended up face to face with a bear on 181 driving home this evening.  Sadly he took off into the woods before i hauled out my cameraphone"
1965896772,"surprise","ktheace","MegaMan 2.5D... wow! Capcom please don't chuck a 'Square-Enix' and put a Cease and Desist order on this project"
1965897539,"neutral","CClaudiaS","lady is clean now, im going to calexico in a moment, i have so much things to do today, and i wanna go and watch the hanna montana movie"
1965897751,"sadness","HeyLexSaid","i need to speak with @sofiedeville! but i left my phone at home"
1965898005,"happiness","ibanomaly","new favorite group has to be J*Davey Hi&Low is my shit. why don't the really flygroups come to Miami hell Florida? And no Rock The Bells"
1965898144,"happiness","joefoodie","@Candypants2 we did! They came out cold  The cheese sauce was good, though."
1965898562,"love","Samichhh","i miss dooooooodddddiiiieeee"
1965898712,"worry","nokiaexperts","In the dentist chair with a very numb left side for crown prep. Not fun to keep mouth open this long"
1965900583,"neutral","stephgavilanez","@samsmith2709 aww"
1965900904,"happiness","MitaliandMe","@coebooth Just got it a few hours ago! So not yet!"
1965900998,"sadness","iamsuebee","I regret not going to the Movie audition today  Seems like my neighbors are gonna get a call back .  http://myloc.me/21RK"
1965901916,"worry","amfjb","My tweetdeck won't pull up."
1965902305,"happiness","BootyParlorDiva","@jeanettesanchez lucky you, all we've had is rain in the city today  enjoy! ;)"
1965902317,"neutral","everclear51","@american_eagle Why don't you ship it to Japan?"
1965902407,"surprise","wonger29","For those of you heading out of vancity I've heard the hwy is closed east bound at cwack"
1965902443,"worry","jaceyel","missing cat makes me sad"
1965902531,"worry","PORCELAINISLOVE","@loldarian OMG SO srry to hear that"
1965902635,"neutral","pleshiduck","everytime i go on threadless, it makes me sad because i probably wont buy any awesome shirts i see."
1965902692,"worry","honk4peace","@Jayme1988 Hi SweetiePie!! It's Friday night and I'm .... missing my sidekick & his slippers.  It's just not Friday night w/o him."
1965903100,"neutral","ivansharris","@DJGigiDred I already seen am and jazzy I know they blew the roof off! Was supposed 2 go to pony party, I couldn't make it out last night"
1965903605,"sadness","Gansiito","Fuuuuuuuudgeee I burned my finger with oil! It hurts"
1965903653,"worry","riotxjess","I want a new UI  But I don't want to actually set it up myself."
1965903730,"worry","beckyhope","@Rosellyanna lol i know  and haha..did you fall asleep?? or just get bored of shaun :p joke"
1965903891,"sadness","branden3112","This is dumb. I keep losing followers!"
1965903920,"empty","daangell321","I am so bored.  My homework is done for my master's program and It's Friday nite wit nutin to do."
1965904240,"sadness","xxxRachHxxx","big sis moved out 2day  its gna b weird without her! X"
1965904284,"hate","vampirecari","@hellokatzchen  Anyone who can wear Victoria's Secret must submit pictures for the rest of us who cannot. My secrets must stay secret."
1965904347,"fun","sebby_peek","acsvxdcbgfn soccer now. shall see young phoebe after D: I don't want her dressed up though"
1965904499,"worry","Chela87","Friday night... And I'm not doing anything!!  But I might go have some tacos at the lunch truck in Pasadena .... Just maybe."
1965905006,"sadness","NWGaEagle","@TheSvilleNews http://twitpic.com/67kb6 - Sad day!  What a great guy and enthusiastic teacher."
1965905167,"surprise","espi12","@kraez2001 http://twitpic.com/67w20 - Jordan baby was talking to me!!!! I wish I coulda met you!! ugh"
1965905205,"sadness","AnarchyAnnie","another friday night with nothing to do ...boyfriend works until 1am"
1965905227,"neutral","JayresC","@baldeggie I just changed the backgroung but now I have no profile ppicture"
1965905523,"relief","Fluffy_Cupycake","of course im almost there and theres traffic"
1965905603,"sadness","BusyBrie","Can't believe preseason doesn't start until August  football with drawls.."
1965905714,"love","gossy16","Oh, are we pushing the #GQMF trend tonight? Awesome. (I am woefully behind on my ontd_startrek reading  )"
1965906005,"happiness","summerkristine","@bjolly086 Now, I can't call your kitten by its new name, because Ryan makes fun of the way I say kitten."
1965906016,"happiness","DivineGraffiti","@iliveinbetween i graduate at 9am on Sunday June 14th..."
1965906899,"empty","halliekins101","@otterbecca tht sucks!!! i know the feeling! sorry  let me know if the movie is good!"
1965907125,"hate","jrstanley","@aimzy24 I'm sorry, but x-men sucks... in a bad way!  ;p"
1965907542,"sadness","radrc","@rosegraymusic Tuned to listen, but had a 1:30 meeting. Now know that my high school/college French doesn't cut it anymore."
1965907546,"worry","greytzenterrier","The engine on my car blew"
1965907579,"neutral","paloozais","@madpierrot im sure  s'okay, ill save my $$ and before u know it weiss will be mine."
1965908077,"love","darknight247","@ Up in 3D with the boys. Grandpa had to go.  - http://bkite.com/07YeZ"
1965908782,"neutral","AndressaLP","@hothusband_01 here is winter, but not snow"
1965909051,"happiness","Wengles","... I want to die. I want to TAKE my own life, forever. She's trying to get me to do a duet."
1965909359,"neutral","Anitaestya","Missing everybody  http://myloc.me/21S1"
1965910063,"sadness","rodneymalone","Home. Got some nice plugs but no chipotle"
1965910142,"relief","XoXmeggzieXoX","I'm all stuffted up but I gotta gets up & go netball"
1965910428,"relief","VegasKate","Ugh.  Las #vegas airport is at a "ground stop" which means I'm stuck in the plane on the tarmac (again) at LAX."
1965910739,"happiness","JonBradshaw","Having internet access on board means I can see what bad weather we are flying into   http://bit.ly/h14Tw"
1965910871,"surprise","youulovemee","my sister just ripped my heart outta myy fukkn chest.  im super hurt right now. she's all i ever needed in this life."
1965910900,"neutral","iLoveDemiSelena","@selenagomez do u ever answer ur fans on here?? i wish u would. i have a question i've been wanting to ask u for months"
1965911207,"neutral","rivensky","It would be that Dover race that they played on Classic."
1965911264,"love","hotelqueen","good news: finally finished my #EASactive workout that has been paused for 6 hours. bad news: my resistance band is torn"
1965911304,"sadness","nofxjunkie","aleesha's piggy died  she can't catch a fucking break man"
1965911496,"worry","msw1066","Well, Sacramento, I hope you appreciate Rivkah Sass & treat her well. I'll be sitting here in Omaha, pouting"
1965912789,"enthusiasm","amgstyleboi","@kemiFRESH i mean we mite do sumthn.... what u doin hope i get 2 c u b4 u head bak"
1965913049,"surprise","mcentellas","stopped for coffee at Maryland rest area; so did at least five entire middle schools; just my luck"
1965913317,"surprise","Cayla_89","cannot believe someone smashed my car window and stole my laptop  they obviously dont have a mum!!!"
1965913691,"hate","luckygnahhh","@requin they really do need to mind their own business, eating disorders are NOT the only reason people have to vomit, assholes"
1965913885,"relief","jrmyslv","@alexxxpatterson we won't be in town  email me if there is another one though."
1965914096,"worry","erinisahhmazin","Caught in a herd of somalions"
1965914279,"worry","tashamclellan","WHY DOES MY COUSIN PICK TODAY TO NOT TURN UP EARLY"
1965914331,"worry","cruzceleste","@JuliaWo I feel your pain... dont you hate those days"
1965914375,"neutral","__Anya__","left my phone at home and wont get it back till 4am. dont call me!!"
1965914590,"sadness","djmacz0rz","I had a realization today, and it made me sad  But at least the healing can begin."
1965914745,"fun","lonelilly","Um. Why can't I write smut tonight? I like smut. I want to write smut. Yet, nothing. No smut."
1965914946,"surprise","lesiqueira","@dougiemcfly get better omg i still dont believe that i didn'tgot a picture with you  it's soo sad, i don't now when i'm gonna see u again"
1965914974,"sadness","OliviaImogen","@cohenster i know its awful  but never fear i've got loads of funds so we can have a drunken catch up post-exams ja?"
1965915051,"empty","Pixie_Anna","Goddamn bloody stress and shit sending my body haywire"
1965915265,"enthusiasm","tilduhh","Ok so any ideas of what to do tomorrow to make it fun? Cause i dont know what to do"
1965915618,"neutral","FamousEEEEEEEE","Two months ago, I became worthless."
1965915677,"worry","Spidersamm","@saamanthajaane :o exams. YUCK    that will be hectic!"
1965915748,"happiness","HollieSSargeant","@catrionat7 Yes yes Is. Ima Guna Be On For a While Lol."
1965916005,"sadness","dravenreborn","@marsacademy *HUGS you*  awwww......i'm sorry you are feeling sad E!"
1965916067,"worry","GabeHumble","@tashamclellan Oh nooo  I'm sorry you can't go!"
1965916206,"sadness","sarebearxx8","@emmaroo INNERCHILD!SARAH LIKES COOKIES AND IS SAD THAT YOU FEEL SAD AND GUILTY"
1965916547,"sadness","Pixie_Anna","@no_surprises unfortunately yes"
1965916721,"worry","MsJuicy313","@mlexiehayden How would I know if u didn't tell me??? Too busy cakin to pay me any attention"
1965916984,"sadness","pallavi101","Sum1 plz cheer me up"
1965917000,"hate","_MissSmiles_","@LSOLO ..ok brother...did you change your num and not give it to me, AGAIN??? smh..you no good dude"
1965917170,"sadness","jpri44","@selenagomez come back to canada soon  we'll miss you!!"
1965917211,"sadness","Belchin_Bitch","@writeinink sure i can talk....the fabulous sex part though is out  sorry dear"
1965917333,"worry","shoehefner","Im soooooooo damn hungry!! wat 2 eat??"
1965919886,"neutral","torturedmommy","@babyjidesign: what a cute pic of the girls, and so vibrant.  I didn't get anything cpeven close."
1965920475,"sadness","jennybaby07","@natsolovelyx3: I knowww yur mother is being a bitch and she doesn't want to take me to the movies  bitch"
1965920699,"neutral","matthilde","@thelongmile I was about the followfriday you back and it turned to saturday  Theres always next week! Any movements on the photo site?"
1965921144,"worry","rossautomatica","@HimOverThere aww noooo that doesn't sound too great"
1965921391,"sadness","leeleslie","@drbri I'm not sure as I've never used it. Sorry"
1965921633,"neutral","natzg","@Jenty late reply again! I have Tweetdeck.  Just always have to logged onto my work account   and forget to check my personal account."
1965922178,"worry","twwilson1","shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit advanced databases in 8 hours and 13 minutes  fail"
1965922231,"happiness","jbunchii","7pm and I'm just now leaving my desk.  And just last week I was on a safari. My how time flies.  What's good for the weekend? JBII"
1965922274,"hate","JanellChantal","@DirtyDizco Maaan if I was in pain I'd come. I wanna come  eat some 4 me lol *rolls eyes*"
1965922477,"sadness","amilya","@Kdpartak the ordered me a new blackberry to arrive TUES! I may die between now and them without phone  I have withdraws already"
1965922811,"neutral","missezaronson","Confused about Twitter  everyone on Twitter follow me!"
1965922894,"worry","mattpicasso","iPhone is doing that "not opening downloaded apps" thing and I forgot my cord at home"
1965923026,"worry","krystlewallis","@_juliamarie people just don't appreciate nature. it's sad. did the lil dude survive?"
1965923222,"happiness","spenceRAWRR","@ToxicSociopath awww. well before we know it youll be back visiting XD we will hang out constantly and have another heartbreaking goodbye"
1965923227,"enthusiasm","allysajoyce","I REALLY WANT TO GO TO artesia , cerritos on sunday for QUEST! LOL. imma die if i dont"
1965923339,"worry","spacebetween41","@TwoSteppinAnt Damn"
1965924157,"sadness","EmilyNatanya","@tellie_jean Now that I think about it, when I get to the States, they'll probably still be touring, so they won't be there  Dammit!"
1965924239,"sadness","hash_iphone","@mattpicasso iPhone is doing that "not opening downloaded apps" thing and I forgot my cord at home"
1965924995,"worry","_PLAYDOUGH","I will miss the soccer moms"
1965925003,"neutral","sthweetie","i have poop on my shirt and a insanely cracked screen on my iphone. daaaang."
1965925278,"sadness","nessie_111","oh and #antiboyle didn't work out either  never too much of a bad thing eh uk eh"
1965925569,"worry","coolkidftw","iamkiara__  im so sick  I fell over last night outside coz I was putting something in the bin"
1965925799,"sadness","j9gem","@angel0712 Oh, I totally want to see Star Trek!  But Kristine had already seen it with her hubby."
1965926082,"worry","ubiquitousdark","A little irked at the moment"
1965926401,"surprise","Puddington","Just realized all his fantastic nerdfriends no longer live in Rochester"
1965926769,"sadness","devin1689","@CaitEggers I need one too."
1965926934,"worry","ivvonne","Dentist  my tooth really hurts! &0hhh yeahh I'm with this girl @ashliebrillault maybe you know her? She was Kate on lizzie mcguireee!<3"
1965927181,"neutral","tcollins","@hollingsworth yum. Do you do home delivery"
1965927768,"worry","peggyrossmanith","I'm fighting off feeling sick. Hoping it's just tired. I'm really not feeling too well, though"
1965928263,"worry","lesiqueira","@Dannymcfly i wanna a picture with u, in the hotel the security didn't allow me  it's so sad, i don't even know when i'm gonna see u again"
1965928351,"sadness","Sarah_Adkins","Mrs.Bates left"
1965928491,"worry","Galley99","Greenville Drive games just aren't the same without the "Baseball Guy" clown."
1965928962,"surprise","TomCayman","Ecaytrade people who said you'd come by stuff at 6:30..where are you ? Bugs me when people no-show"
1965929390,"worry","kentz","fighting a cold."
1965929749,"sadness","chasethenights","@robo__rob IKR. but i hate the lack of troyella  ggmow always makes me so sad"
1965930331,"worry","Christina21","Aww I have a tummy ache"
1965930393,"sadness","clairemurray91","how sad was Hollyoaks"
1965930508,"worry","jennar","driving past Tattered Cover w/o stopping  promising myself to make time next week."
1965930557,"surprise","coolkidftw","@iamkiara__  im so sick  I fell over last night outside coz I was putting something in the bin"
1965930776,"fun","dialsoap","@caramp lol you saw where I was going with that...both of my last names are to common nothing special on me"
1965930791,"worry","liddesigns","@pandjcrafts yeah I'd just uploaded 20 pics & positioned them just right, then 'poof' gone, before I could save"
1965931057,"empty","stevenpitts","@TFEB nope  we only have one really good cuban place... i'll have to ask them..."
1965931436,"hate","Sabrinaa_","11 Days left until freedom. I really just want to get through this weekend. I hate essays."
1965931507,"sadness","davidsjosephine","Exhausted after a 58 hour work week"
1965931652,"worry","TimmyBurns","I need people to shoot so I can work on my new post processing technique.. but I need to show off the PP before people will want to!"
1965931923,"worry","MrzEndy","@HughHefnerJr uh oh u gonna fire somebody??"
1965931951,"worry","snowbrdstoner","Driving home to trade cars  hopefully it makes it! http://myloc.me/21SL"
1965931989,"happiness","JanellChantal","@DirtyDizco Maaan if I wasnt in pain I'd come. I wanna come  eat some 4 me lol *rolls eyes*"
1965932139,"sadness","beauche","@AnalystAlterEgo i have bad news... i have to go take the dog for a walk--they're upset w/me!"
1965932148,"sadness","greenmodernkits","Drat. All my land boots died at once. I think of boots like parsley- one going to seed, the other first season. What to do now?"
1965932484,"sadness","DustinJuggles","Got out of work late. Lame! Busy day."
1965932544,"sadness","cusulli","@pcdnicole so sad u cancelled silverstone show  better see u in sandown park!"
1965932598,"worry","bal71loon","Thinking about Debra leaving in July."
1965932624,"sadness","iweesh","@iamsuperbianca Oh, and I went with my friend to MYOH last night but they ran out of tarsier pins. So sad. He was really cute."
1965932750,"neutral","dawnallama","I want to go see Up"
1965932780,"worry","InLoveWithAStar","oh!, I wanna buy Just That Girl - Drew Seeley, but I'm not allowed  I'm talking itunes store)"
1965933009,"boredom","Xx_JessicaB_xX","@xx_Megan_xx Same! Like the kisses on nights when she wasnt up for eviction! They were very badly edited"
1965933051,"worry","MsDelaney","@ChellyBelle I'm chopped liver."
1965933183,"worry","thebezar1","Misses her work peeps"
1965933233,"worry","Jamoo1987","has just finished reading Twilight and thought it was crap...okay, it was alright...okay, i love it and really wanna read the next one"
1965933258,"neutral","EmilyNatanya","Now that I think about it, when I get to the States they'll probably still be touring so they won't be at home  Dammit!"
1965933552,"worry","BriannaMisfit","I don't feel well at all"
1965933623,"worry","kelseysutherlin","there is poor lost duck outside of Olive Garden. that makes me sad"
1965933627,"hate","Lynsey_xo","what am i gonna watch after BGT  bad times"
1965933631,"neutral","FrankC29","back to basics"
1965933726,"sadness","welshandy","It's too hot!! Thermometer showing 25c at the moment"
1965933904,"sadness","nknific","@scopezum I feel the same way! 9 hours of sleep and still exhausted! ahh!"
1965934202,"neutral","naquada","@AndrewMayne does it work on the iPhone as my MacBook is flat"
1965934294,"relief","Alp_B","Just got out of work"
1965934466,"worry","saragarth","@HimOverThere gosh, poor thing! Get well soon, leg.  xx"
1965934622,"neutral","Beaucifer","Month end... still stuck in my office waiting for the stragglers to get there s#!t together."
1965934834,"love","italiababe1","Ugh work sucks. I could be with sher right now"
1965936106,"hate","dago_ESQ","@Lady_Lynn @deanna_raquel ahh man  ok if y'all end up doin sumthin else let me kno so I can meet y'all 2 see wht yal gone do.."
1965936226,"sadness","ivanaivkovic","Last day of the TV up-fronts w/ our colleagues from Sydney, Paris, London..."
1965936234,"worry","nherrera07","Sitting and waiting and hoping this lady would hurry the hell up... I hate moving... It super sucks..."
1965936247,"neutral","NicoleMia","@jimmylala i'd rather find out from experience :-/ ...but where are the stories?"
1965936517,"sadness","atrinak","Feeling pretty tired and lonely"
1965936519,"sadness","mnrmg","@Susan_Ferman that's so weak!!  facebook fail"
1965936554,"sadness","sikofreality","Panda express, it's been so long. I've missed you"
1965936730,"neutral","rosie_990","Has got the slow cooker going, now just to get ready for work"
1965936913,"neutral","a_ruiz","Listening to Broken by Lifehouse (on repeat)"
1965936936,"sadness","AdamTheStudent","Just took $10 off a guy who thinks he can bluff three times in a row and get away with it. Now back to showing how shit my work is"
1965937831,"empty","CeeCeeJayez","leather jackets=uncomfortable....not my thing"
1965937898,"worry","wesfif","@WordofSouth Damn brah, u not happy?"
1965937911,"love","mstultz","@UKTeresa You've made me look at old pictures of my cats.  I want them to be kitties again"
1965937987,"neutral","krystinekua","@hellocuppycake no omelette today  dim sum tomorrow! FEAST!"
1965938167,"worry","Remember1","went on a long 10 mile bike ride today, then it started raining"
1965938626,"happiness","jghgjb","im full. i had a tripple thick chocolate milkshake from mcdonalds now i feel sick"
1965939130,"neutral","AnnaandTatty","@richardescobar  Ok, just noticed it is in theatres now - don't know when it's showing in Vancouver though"
1965939439,"worry","callingdrj","@Cre8tiveSin sarcasm?  i need a PJ to fly to the hotspots and party and fly home for work the next day"
1965939482,"sadness","merechristina",": doc said my bones look "fine enough." also should see a rhumatologist. I'm such am old lady now"
1965939521,"worry","dannybrown","@BuzzEdition You're welcome. Hey, have you sent love @CTK1 's way? In hospital today for surgery to sort old motorbike accident"
1965939847,"relief","m3030078","@SuperNinjaMax noooooooooo my parrents found my stash"
1965939888,"worry","truebird","Ugh, migraine."
1965940049,"love","Twiinklesz","sittin on d bed about 2 fall asleep"
1965940226,"love","pinkvenus25","Didn't get to go wakeboarding  but i'll be good cause i'm having a lush night!"
1965940539,"worry","honestfaker","cowering from pain"
1965941615,"worry","santz85","Can't stop coughing, feel like I might have bronchitis again, no fun"
1965941717,"sadness","Thayer","... And, I was the only person who stood up for them. The world is full if spineless cunts. This makes me sad"
1965942037,"happiness","Miss_Beeyutee","@celebritystatus wifeyyyyyy  me no likey u siky"
1965942238,"worry","lindsanity","my phone is going to die too prematurely"
1965942344,"sadness","julietsroom","tried to swat a fly with my Buddhist magazine... bad karma"
1965942375,"happiness","txponygirl","@doodleworld  Thx had a great day & gonna have a long weekend.  Excited yet I'll be missin my tweeple badly."
1965942552,"neutral","shereemcfly09","@danipoynterjudd yeah but i missed it 2nite"
1965943120,"love","Neethood","@ESQUIRE8 OMG I am @ the hair salon. *tears*  I hope I get out of here soon. We watching the Real House wives of NYC in here."
1965943831,"sadness","taashaax","I'm in tantra, anyone from kirki will know how sad this is, I'm drowning my sorrows ;)"
1965943993,"happiness","rissastory","hm i'm happy but i want to join drama practice today !"
1965944182,"sadness","360cookie","@JVB Thanks, I just found a article that say i cannot join you because i am in the UK though"
1965944462,"hate","ShesElectric_","I hate horrible atmospheres, I pick them up so quick!  kisskiss xxxxxxxxxx"
1965944652,"neutral","melckor","exam on active directory tomorrow."
1965945250,"worry","kato23","@ArtOfDying any chance you might come back to moncton? i had to miss the show tonight"
1965945884,"neutral","kikimarie593","@itsSamaraMorgan Gosh, no need to be so rude."
1965945997,"neutral","BlondeByDesign","@HealthBeautyDr  btw ... my sister's all ready know this little fact.  My 2nd oldest sisters husband is a keeper, tho'.  Her, not so much"
1965946073,"worry","tashawarren","My birthday is on Wednesday. I'm too young to feel this old."
1965946422,"surprise","DawnCharlton","Just chillin' in pjs after a short, but long week - why is someone continually knocking at my door?"
1965946994,"worry","AbbyHulk","I don't feel good"
1965947021,"surprise","stewiee133xx","gooooooood night, cant believe tomoroo is cancelled!  but still gonna be a giid night, GNI cant beat them!"
1965947035,"empty","jjbabyMEOWZER","I jus dropped my dog  and im tall."
1965947234,"worry","endlessblush","@greentm what happened yesterday? but phone calls with unwell parents - yeah .. know how that goes ...  .. i have two of them now ... meh"
1965947714,"sadness","stelllarshannon","he was the reason i lived and now hes the reason im begging to die"
1965948023,"sadness","sharli58","youtube not working"
1965948138,"neutral","babinaba","@StephenMulhern I'm absolutely jealous as hell of Brenda"
1965949112,"worry","Fiona102fm","@rickoshea whats up rick??"
1965949122,"surprise","danipoynterjudd","@shereemcfly09 arrr bummer  who do you want to win?"
1965949231,"worry","catooey43","Man! I need to make-up that $35 loss.. this is why I'm going to hustle this weekend AKA not going to have a nice, relaxing weekend."
1965949409,"worry","iamterri","@ladyjori whaaaat what about your house? You've been working so hard on it!"
1965949573,"happiness","silverhanddrow","Still working in the database and trying to decide what I want to eat."
1965949944,"neutral","itsjoyaknow","@annie_escape awh, nooooo  i want a long update tooooo!"
1965950185,"sadness","i_is_ellie","i feel sad for you elizabeth."
1965950270,"worry","TomboyTigress","@SinsualDzires phone updated and she's got a camcorder on her phone now--mine hasn't updated chit  that ain't fair ."
1965950426,"neutral","sithtoast","@alex_navarro I wish this area offered chinese food delivery"
1965950517,"worry","cdschaff","It's a sad day when Christian Lacroix has to file for bankruptcy"
1965950861,"sadness","RaeMae17","to the people i was txting... sorry phone is dead and i can't resurrect it.  hopefully verizon will replace it and i'll it back by tonight"
1965951169,"empty","Love3mily","feels f*cked! and feet are aching  need my beeeeeddddddd!!!"
1965951190,"sadness","moodygoddess","Dosen't Want To Go To Work Tomorrow"
1965951283,"worry","ZAmmi","@crescentdreams everything.  *weeps*"
1965951434,"worry","zomgitsbrittany","feeling even worse today"
1965951449,"love","Jamie_127","@NanaSuzee i'm on my mobile so it won't let me  but i can't stop thinking about you ;)x"
1965951894,"worry","lauraa_11","tomorrow should be good. but apparently no movies"
1965951962,"happiness","JustBreathe17","@wildcurl7888  Well, I still can't wait for the one shot."
1965952008,"empty","aliisanoun","...Nomore adventure time"
1965952356,"love","Adoreana","Damn. I had 11 goldfish.  Oh well, that's my dinner. Anyways! Check out my blog yoooo http://weaselbee.blogspot.com/"
1965952473,"worry","unckeekee","AHHHHH I needa hurry up and shower before this "HUGE" storm hits"
1965952576,"enthusiasm","rissp","I want Crimson Gem Saga.  I will just go play RF Guerilla demo repeatedly. I (Mission Failed - YOU DIED) so many times from dicking around"
1965952588,"sadness","Kaoryn","Wish I could be heading to LA for E3.  *le sigh* Maybe someday."
1965954000,"neutral","AlexisChavez","@mitchelmusso i couldnt call you because the time on my phone would run out  so if you can give me a shoutout on here i will be happy"
1965954109,"worry","nnevitt617","didn't get to see his movie!"
1965954257,"worry","BreezyBri99","@mitchelmusso I'm never calling you again. Your phone is a scammer. It said I'm next and it hung up on me.  Now I can't get you."
1965954306,"worry","BillieTheWriter","Am listening to Darren Hayes's Spin. Am talkin to my wacky friend who's going insane. I ain't at all tired and I'm messed up bout things."
1965954314,"worry","ddlollie","fml. i stepped on a needle.. ouch.. waaaaa  damn drycleaners"
1965955634,"worry","Samantha_Lynch","wishes her love was coming home"
1965956559,"worry","PrincessSuge","@ Barbs trying to figure out y the dsl aint connecting. I need my google. Going home to my computer if it don't start working soon. SMH"
1965956703,"surprise","JHall510","@missuzliipzlive ilooked in my phone book and ur name was the first to show and i was like i got ti-ti number but it was just ur email"
1965956871,"worry","lsdstamps","the muscle in my back is cramping up, hurts so bad! owww"
1965956960,"worry","cosmosanyone","@lyndygirl any suggestions on how to get rid of that lovely gasoline smell? As it is still in my car"
1965957124,"enthusiasm","RaymondChampion","is sore from weight lifting  However, it's the good kind of sore that gives you man-boobs you can move with the power of your mind alone!"
1965957431,"surprise","rahimrahman","It was my fault for leaving my flip-flops outside my locker while swimming at USF Koret but why oh why would you want to take 'em? #R2IMT"
1965957463,"worry","lozjg","Wonders why its so hard for me to concentrate..."
1965957572,"sadness","aliisanoun","...No more adventure time"
1965957843,"sadness","IttyBittyMars","i miss you"
1965958098,"sadness","AaronShelby","Uggh everything, I'm sending you!!! I keep sending it to my Twitter. So I have to forward it to you!!! I suck at life"
1965958170,"relief","AWDawno","@LisaSpangenberg sadly @Dawno isn't me. It's some1 w/ 1 follower 1 update & hasn't used Twitter since May 1, '07  I wanted that name, too"
1965958242,"worry","vickiiii","riding daddy's bike (yes a man's bike, very convenient! NOT) in the dark without glasses on. i was scared  but i survived HAHA"
1965958282,"worry","iamaplatypus","@yelyahwilliams it could be a bad idea, Hayley"
1965958332,"worry","nicole744","@ladymaryann No news yet"
1965959493,"worry","LegendaryGaz","good night fellow Twitterati. back to work tomorrow"
1965959710,"fun","DigitalSophia","Writing this paper is a lot harder then i thought . LOL"
1965960373,"worry","smoresinbed","I got battery acid in an open wound on my index finger  Fuck, it burned so much."
1965960998,"surprise","WizardRockDA","@Bensabeast Whaaaat?!?!?  When did that happen?"
1965961386,"worry","vivi_bouvier","@officialSPChuck did not understand anything you said"
1965961611,"worry","nperpetuo","still no date for bon iver next week"
1965962069,"hate","iSibisy","@robluketic damn i always miss it"
1965962202,"worry","amyxmowbray","still babysitting, i want another boost"
1965962237,"sadness","10minutesAgo","I got into a fight with the pavement. I think it won  poor little knee"
1965962366,"sadness","gfxman","Had to stay home while my wife takes my daughter and a few friends out to Tokyo Steak House - sadly my body is not cooperating today"
1965962720,"surprise","ir0nisland","*sniff sniff* I want thie App for my iPhone but it's only in America. Free Anime, Games shows and more for you iPhone = Win. But no UK ="
1965962796,"love","KayEveMom","excited for Jackie's baby shower tomorrow, going to relax and enjoy the weekend! Monday better not come fast"
1965962805,"worry","muccimooch","My twitterberry doesn't work!"
1965963225,"sadness","zMessenjah","This "Monarchy" is gonna bleed ALL of us dry! We are nothing more than slaves to the pigs in D.C. I don't reconize my country anymore!"
1965963330,"neutral","Selestial","@jimsissy end count  *hangs head lower*"
1965963366,"fun","Cimmer","Saw the UCLA bookstore...now convinced that every single major university has a better bookstore than @ASU   Having fun so far!"
1965963976,"worry","scrappyfrog","crazy kids won't nap!  I think it's the heat... and I still have to tell them that they can't go to Grandma's cuz she's sick"
1965964238,"worry","twitci","@Gaylib1986 it was just areply on you facebook status that you were a little upset"
1965964531,"worry","daniel_cooper","blip.fm is on it's last legs"
1965964574,"neutral","Naome","Right folks, really must go now; have to babysit my nephew in the morning. Another early start. No Twilight time  Nare mind. Nightall. X"
1965964599,"sadness","Glitzy_Rebel","staying at home. unpacking!!!! crap!"
1965965112,"neutral","stevobandito","was late"
1965965190,"neutral","makeupgrl","Hi, my name is Kate and I'm addicted to mm's!"
1965965380,"neutral","jokyjenni","getting dinner ready not much going on in my life it seems"
1965965640,"neutral","misstalise","Need dayquil"
1965966084,"sadness","steffuhkneee","@summerkristine i want you to go walking with me!! but i still miss my satan"
1965966737,"worry","jenniferwylie","ahh im getting really tired and ej isnt up yet! im might have to go to sleep without talking to her again"
1965966808,"worry","notarockstar79","Still feeling weird about my ex and her engagement.  My mom made things worse.  I don't even want her, but it's still odd"
1965966891,"neutral","AllyMcBizzle","@lorrieb5 did you see the 15 sec clip of the New Moon trailer?? its up on ETonline.com ...check it out. its a big tease, though"
1965966950,"fun","willflowers","I'm at the anime store iat rivercenter going crazy at all the Pokemon stuff. I wish I had money"
1965967093,"happiness","Viegolock","Jeff was right! Call of Duty pwns. Now i just gotta figure out what to do with this xtra copy of Wolvarine I bought earlier this week."
1965967177,"sadness","alaina_love","I'm either always on the train or at work"
1965967236,"surprise","deejaynam","I also found out that it's also my last youth group meeting"
1965967245,"neutral","susanne_x","counting down the hours until I can finally drink this blossom hill  stupid work"
1965967366,"sadness","missarrie","I have to go to work."
1965967555,"enthusiasm","AnyaClark","Is too hot and tummy ache so can't sleep  lots of chem to do tomorro but at least bgt final to look forward to!"
1965967633,"worry","Ric_x10","being at work while sick blows! kill me. i feel like crap"
1965967688,"neutral","Dashwitmeeh","@Mrgetmoneyent ahhhhh from work"
1965967874,"fun","CTZinck","Was outside playing ball with dogs, now all hot and sweaty"
1965968110,"neutral","mysweethome","I have assignment due by midnight in professional writing class & I really wish I was already done with it Luv writing thought Id like it"
1965968219,"neutral","APMotorsports","@southbel took my computer in for a new dvd drive & screen wouldn't come back on  Had to order new computer & wait..."
1965968335,"surprise","LuliBelen","It's 20:50 hs and i'm still at the office...really tired,wanna go home!"
1965969040,"neutral","joseenk","@Bnever oh darn i'm not in london"
1965969124,"worry","mychemfemme","i'm sorry i'm neglecting you, twitter."
1965969356,"love","Jayme1988","@honk4peace Yes, we do love and miss you @ChubbyGayMan Others have told me privately too"
1965969489,"sadness","pooh2hawt","head hurt"
1965969522,"worry","TalinaN","Wishing laying on my side wasn't the only comfortable position, I am tired of laying"
1965970003,"worry","Jolomoco","I've got to meet him tomorrow, midday and hopefully, fingers crossed, it'll all be sorted. My head is still hurting though."
1965970519,"neutral","Timmie56","My preorder of the Razer Sphex shipped today. I'll be paying to review it because Razer is ignoring my emails"
1965974531,"worry","humanzz","@Lujee #3aaah mosh 3aref a facebook any more"
1965974555,"sadness","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy Would luv to hear music too but i�m out of batteries - the tv plays besides but i think this is some kind of vampire movie"
1965975857,"worry","facebookonadiet","im hangin out with my cousin holly and tlkin 2 my grandparents.......  my phone went dead"
1965976032,"worry","jennac0re","@xsparkage imagine if you really were lost and lost all contact with DT!  that'd be the saddest day of my life haha"
1965976171,"sadness","kleyva","1) Traffic is lame 2) No matter how hard I try I can't get anywhere on time   3) UP Movie!!!!! Yay!"
1965976292,"neutral","eurobrew","See that traffic northbound? That's my commute   http://twitpic.com/67x74"
1965976338,"sadness","nikkiewentz","Its summer and no one has texted/called me. Im a loner"
1965976707,"neutral","LilEmoBoi","@gay_emo_zac haha... I wouldn't be surprised... The few cute ones here are either taken or straight..."
1965976821,"surprise","mrs_mcsupergirl","@no_surprises no it's not ready"
1965977134,"surprise","Gennystar","THIS twitter is driving me nuts...WONT LET ME DOWNLOAD A PROFILE PIC!! ...guess i'll keep trying!!"
1965977279,"enthusiasm","SBShell","Apparently Paige is partying with Rose Jenn and Adam again, without me   My child has such a wild imagination.  ;)"
1965977302,"sadness","melissxo","Killer headache  I want my food to be here!"
1965977404,"neutral","ichbinkatie","@rmwiley i feel you girl"
1965977499,"worry","cotoncandy1234","I am not doing much  all well!"
1965977607,"neutral","jedidja","@angelealain  Hope you get to spend the weekend at home."
1965977856,"worry","tystewart24","@selenagomez don't leave us"
1965977924,"sadness","melissabob","http://twitpic.com/67x7n - MISS THEM ALREADY"
1965978131,"neutral","afadedlily","@POPPORNBLOG ouch  does picking your nose count?"
1965978366,"neutral","TraceyIsTra","@Amalari  I do not mean to laugh but a little giggle did come out - sorry"
1965978469,"sadness","kaileebrown","Sad I missed @tylerhwilliams going away party due to too much work, but I really am gonna miss that kid"
1965978693,"sadness","shadylane_xx","slept in, missed bus, train delayed, doesn't stop at my stop, late for work. fucking heelllll"
1965978707,"hate","misskryscoco","Hates bleech!! Messed up my black outfit"
1965978796,"worry","Sw3eTiE","My back hurts"
1965978835,"worry","highhiddenplace","Well, I made the list look better, but I can't do anything about the number pictures, since I already closed that tab."
1965978860,"sadness","emilynch1995","why must the weather b so nice and then so bad all in 1 minute"
1965979384,"hate","benclark32","i have to poop...  @sleezye89 is hogging the shitter"
1965979712,"neutral","missshaunmusic","about to rehearse...starving!!!"
1965979857,"love","julesh","I bought two tops and a scarf yesterday...sister has successfully hijacked them this morning to wear to breakfast (after removing tags)"
1965979906,"worry","zomgsophia","7.53.  7 minutes till 8. This is not my best day.  I`m late for class again."
1965980003,"sadness","foxymardy","can't find my trusty hair tie  My hair will spill all over the place when I run!Mom's bands doesn't work for me,normal ones hurt.((("
1965980007,"fun","NickyLovesMcFly","@laurabolger Lol what do you mean? I thought you were going to London for it? xD and it is yea  Xx"
1965980186,"neutral","ale_grillita","Juast got home... and I have to leave again!!!  BRB!!!"
1965980226,"surprise","_MASTERMIND_","It's a really warm day in Seattle! My reeses chocolate is melting!!!"
1965980437,"fun","DramatiChick","wishing Ro was feeling better"
1965980697,"sadness","joshg85","ugh gone through 2 new phones and now my screen is black, which means no texting"
1965980911,"worry","RedMonetMizrahi","@OfficialRyChris *waving* you wanna come get Diablo, he barked so much til he made himself sick"
1965980958,"worry","acefarrell","Ok.....Twitter is not near as exciting as I thought it would be!"
1965981018,"worry","kaelahbee","i do indeed have tonsillitis. the only good thing: ive been advised to eat lots of ice cream. [but no solid foods  & im bed ridden.]"
1965981045,"neutral","Ezzaluvzthelion","ARGH!! watching batman"
1965981189,"fun","BSBYEN","http://twitpic.com/67x8k - WITH MY FRIENDS WERE IN OUR WORK"
1965981430,"sadness","carlmarceaux","My mouth hurts. Wish I could cut my head off"
1965981731,"love","Shade360","it's sooo warm"
1965982042,"sadness","Fufiy07","selling my drumset  sad day"
1965982690,"happiness","swwwx","today was GOOD  , that little girl hollie in bgt , just me or complete sympahty vote  ! how cute is aidan davis :L? tweet me  x"
1965982750,"neutral","loveisadrug","@chaselongbeach at least she doesnt try to violently hump you like my (female) dog does"
1965983389,"happiness","may1045","@bztak1020 actually, my friend gave me the files today! lol but those are all CDA files... do u know how to convert them to MP3?"
1965983756,"sadness","sarahlefebvre","omg, NO ICECREAM"
1965983762,"sadness","Marcelz","@SimpleMia Yes. Need to listen to sad SP-Songs"
1965983948,"enthusiasm","kerrzy","Hey #YEG !!!!! Anyone goin to the Edmonton Energy game and wanna do some live updates? PLEASE!!!! They dont post live scores"
1965984083,"sadness","dollzilla","I got up early to pay bills. I figured its like a bandaid if I get it over quickly it won't be so bad... I was wrong"
1965984369,"neutral","FlexibleMedia","@calvinharris i wannabe in dubai"
1965984671,"neutral","katschultzyy","going to jack's tribute match today"
1965985009,"worry","jakemoney","@LULuwanderlust whatever don't make me feel bad!  ill bring you a surprise"
1965985104,"neutral","Julianna237","@robluketic Shoot, Rob I missed it. Just got home."
1965985144,"neutral","Alejandra22492","i just got my nails done n i already messed them up  Alejandra <3"
1965985203,"neutral","BrandySanDiego","@socallove well grand has been cancelled due to the weather"
1965985261,"worry","KillRockandRoll","@kericontrary not  you, me, just drank too much."
1965985456,"worry","sendai","@iCharlotte My original non-Yahoo acc. was deleted when they got bought-out  But it's not too bad, I don't receive any Yahoo-spam from it."
1965985704,"worry","jacquelynrose","http://twitpic.com/54khn - I am very sad. They cut down my Pink Tree. I noticed it when I left today to get Betos"
1965985723,"boredom","nessie_111","ugh lost the remote  gotta actually move to change channel wtf #twat"
1965985841,"worry","madisonv94","dont wanna go to mississppi!!!!!!!! UGH!! texas is my home..... UPSET!!!"
1965985866,"worry","keeksandbrie","bummed about the softball loss 0-1   These girls are so good at only 12!"
1965986117,"neutral","em_tallica","@johnnybeane What happened?!"
1965986238,"relief","uptheapples","@_everblue She actually posted again to say that it was the 2nd and not the 4th, so nevermind."
1965986606,"sadness","Tracybelle","7pm on a Fri night & I'm sitting at home alone..."
1965986936,"surprise","LainyFulton","@mileycyrus hehe his name was Jack Dawson & he died on the Titanic  u c that movie Miley?im watching it rite now. amazing.tell Leo I<3Him!"
1965987026,"sadness","MissCocoBelle","OOUCHHHH I just pinched my own nipple by accident trying to fix my top"
1965987495,"worry","Djalfy","@verwon nice .. I can't ever get that from my ex!"
1965987607,"sadness","c0ldasfire","lost some $ at work....nt happy right now    --SLOANSTER--"
1965987725,"worry","MaraBG","@jimwtodd I don't know! She never answered me"
1965988026,"sadness","deadlast007","Not feelin right. Hope the feeling passes. Stupid stomach."
1965988062,"neutral","Kerstyn","@DJLTHEMASTERKEY i guesss"
1965988154,"anger","KittyBoo81","@PENLDN just got in, gonna go upto bed in a sec, not drunk! I'm disgusted with myself  haha"
1965988306,"worry","franziska_h","i wanna go home"
1965993765,"boredom","waleedkhogali","Is still stuck in the office working!"
1965993780,"sadness","vicariouslyme","Xfiles disc doesn't work.. Rippin"
1965994033,"empty","babyperraton","Glenna is bored but glad that it is a beautiful day. Macy went swimming and Kris played golf while I sat at home waiting for them"
1965994219,"sadness","blisterish","really sick and tired but my body's resisting rest!"
1965994596,"sadness","AnthonyHansen","@BuddyTV Excited about the new Pushing Daisies episodes but it makes it that much worse.  I had finally gotten over the cancellation."
1965994605,"neutral","xTatSplatx","No B2G1 for me.  Trying to save cash for next month's vacation."
1965994770,"neutral","baby__jane","Work in a hour"
1965994775,"worry","yiuy","@inkyoctopus I always forget SOMETHING when I travel. I am at Newark airport."
1965995077,"worry","NOTW88","Marley crying for more ball throwing....keeps eying me through the door"
1965995286,"sadness","kelseyyyp","UP is the saddest movie i've ever seen"
1965995700,"happiness","InstructorJosh","Not going to Suffolk tomorrow.   However, now MB & I are planning a picnic on the Mall with friends Neil & Jodi."
1965995761,"worry","jamesmachan","Life is over! Just went to get tickets for all time low, sold out  anyone got spares or wanna sell me theirs?"
1965995913,"worry","KrunkJFunk","I'm miserable with my boredom."
1965996191,"worry","0liviaa","blehhh i feel poopie. i have a fever and my whole body hurtssss   FML"
1965996220,"sadness","colettebett","@1045CHUMFM Oh ok,Thanks.Dont know where the courthouse id either,I'll learn though.Any nkotb? Twitter stole my pic again  it hates me"
1965996361,"worry","fitprosarah","@ddrdiva @laurapasik @that70sgrl I've always been a ppl person just hid behind bad self confidence for 2 long  u can do anything!"
1965996603,"sadness","leneisefjaer","My computer dies soon  - its so much virus on it but my virus scanner  cant find it :S"
1965996604,"sadness","Jen_Noir","I think i am getting a cold"
1965996982,"worry","EsJayLove","@Stace3811 I'm sorry you aren't having a good day.  cheer up though, your day doesn't define you..."
1965997032,"worry","mfletch13","Missing my baby ducks"
1965997101,"worry","karikopac","lied last weekend when she said she wouldn't get upset, just an FYI."
1965997271,"worry","parksidorov","in a very stress mood"
1965997440,"worry","gostlund","Any Windows 7 users out there have any tips on how to make the default install NOT take up 15GB??  I knew it would be big, but srsly..."
1965997501,"worry","sumannamsaur","@selenagomez  noo Selena i really wanted to see you soo badly im your biggest fan dont make me cry"
1965997569,"worry","LeahRuth","@starletta8 Oh that's too bad.  Do you just get sick when there's too much heat? I do"
1965997768,"sadness","elizamanson","@angelicaaa workies with dad?  aw that sucks working on saturday morning. I'm about to study, when are your exams?"
1965997813,"surprise","LittleMissDx","Ok so Jeff looks like he has a black eye!!"
1965998035,"sadness","ChelleBundles","@RealLifeKaz we cant come toniiiite !! arggh i want to tho  have fun for uss. well def see u 2morrow nite tho!"
1965998126,"worry","manders91","Okay haileys really gone now.  everyone keep her in your prayers."
1965998142,"worry","xMoonlightGirlx","can't school just be done already? it hurts too much... seeing him every day"
1965998145,"surprise","JujuSherry","@momlogic OMG....that is soooo sad."
1965998335,"worry","gloomcookie0898","WTF? Twitter doesnt support messages from my phone -I wanted to be able to Twit while on vacay.   Poo on you Twitter"
1965998373,"neutral","eemorningwood","Liked "I quit smoking in September of last year after 40 years - I hope one day I won't miss it  snivel whine" http://ff.im/-3nVYG"
1965998513,"sadness","hotchocolate05","I'm very upset right now, like I can't even formulate a complete thought...."
1965998660,"worry","mdcurry","@charmand3r oh no!  I hope you get on soon! <3 I miss you and I can't wait to see you again."
1965998793,"sadness","khorre","@Tracybelle I'd hang with you, but... Tennessee."
1965999020,"worry","kaylab1","im wearing a certain tye dye tshirt at the moment. and it misses its 8 counterparts..."
1965999043,"sadness","ellaaelectricc","really ill atm"
1965999384,"neutral","flyguy222","Finally lost FM97"
1965999575,"worry","marcelobernard","* My besties. If only @ddlovato was there.  on Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/67hac - My besties. If only @ddlova.. http://twitpic.com/67hac"
1965999884,"sadness","Hipfi","131 miles away"
1966000359,"relief","DK745","Standing ovation for Wieters. Nobody was sitting down. Insane. Hit into double play though"
1966000466,"worry","BecReedman","@BrittneyCash Shame about your job  have you thought about working for yourself?  there's big money to be paid http://bit.ly/1864ml"
1966000654,"surprise","jimmydanda","Phone went in the toilet   The truth is I'm surprised is hasn't happen sooner!"
1966000736,"neutral","drumhead89","Matt Weiters' first at bat: fly out to RF"
1966000878,"worry","rhiianbow","@charlieskies am i too late for a cuppa?"
1966001383,"sadness","olivecreeker","going to a work people party then going home to visit Grandma. Sadness"
1966001475,"neutral","xsw1ngxd0llx","on my way to orlando and its raining"
1966001568,"fun","Ana_26","@susansediqe soooo over ppl telling me they went to the tonite show!!!  Ive had dreams of meeting him  I'm embarrassd of that a lil LOL"
1966001700,"neutral","DCbartender","It's Friday and I don't have a job for the weekend"
1966001970,"neutral","Smartidiotx","drunk messi scares me, to be honest."
1966002018,"hate","Kamran9","first day of summer sucks!!!! its overcast and cold...  this isn't summer!?!?!?!?"
1966002197,"neutral","giloi2009","@Applecored same"
1966002211,"relief","Robynnn_b","At natalies just finished work. Had the most AMAZING peanut butter sandwhich EVER. <3333 I miss your faceeee"
1966002648,"hate","JeffSpezioJr","tell chris to stop making fun of lizzie"
1966002753,"worry","peachthief","Well this is just lovely.  I am completely flattened by a back injury.  There goes the weekend."
1966002846,"sadness","Krys33","Poor @IMissBradAndJen 's mom just told her she looked like a hooker.  The skirt wasn't THAT short, and it's 87 degrees out!"
1966003153,"happiness","benwillis88","@chris_shields06 good job!  I wish i worked in a zoo"
1966003600,"worry","vansmakeupride","Woa NOBODY is inside the movie theater... Its termenator ppl shud be in here... Scary"
1966004083,"happiness","lauren_lovesyou","Doing homework and then going to bed, have to leave at 6:50 tomorrow morning for work  and then i wont be off till 6"
1966004364,"worry","HayleyOBrien27","grrh my phone (brand new might i add) keep just switching itself off and others are saying theirs does the same"
1966005176,"sadness","Raygirl1334","Boyfriend is out with friends tonight. Don't know what to do with my evening"
1966005556,"neutral","dmessent","@fetjuel Musashi's? Has a great rep. Or did you go to Kitaro"
1966005806,"sadness","mathewsanders","about to start my least favourite chore.... mopping the floor"
1966005921,"surprise","whulett","Went to see UP today - very disappointed - it was sad   Almost made me cry!  I thought it was supposed to be funny."
1966006155,"worry","Karoli","@vmarinelliRVA Parvo sucks. So sorry pup has it.  I lost a puppy to parvo many moons back. Still sad over it. Hope he's better soon"
1966028939,"neutral","mrdeadlier","One of these times I'm going to have the self-awareness NOT to ask one of the principle mourners at a wake how they're doing."
1966029180,"sadness","utley","poor bretty.  but yay phils"
1966029244,"worry","Ragnar0","going to look at a bunch of open homes today. just to get a feel for the market. i think i've got a lot of saving to do..."
1966029295,"enthusiasm","DatingGirl","Watching "P.S. I love you". Eating chinese food. What else is there to do when you're home alone on a Friday night!"
1966029477,"worry","WaDuRosario","Today was good but some people have friday attitudes...not good"
1966029483,"sadness","gq637","my back hurts  have a heating pad on it... stupid ladder y did you have to collapse and make me fall on my back/bum???"
1966029596,"neutral","sloped","@graciep I have to agree, why didn't I get that when I was out."
1966029739,"hate","NotFitEnough","@DJLisaFoxx Ouch. I used to hate it when I did that  (And then there are the irate callers who were trying to record, getting p***ed, etc)"
1966029802,"worry","lilaussieprem","My poor little 7mth old was taken to hospital yesterday. We are syringe feeding him at home because he doesn't want to drink."
1966030860,"worry","grahamhancock","Gah... why is my Macbook Pro getting so frickin' hot just sitting on the table doing nothing?"
1966031051,"hate","chewbecca","Ugh! Plane delayed due to weather!  Stuck with another hour to kill.  http://twitpic.com/67xs0"
1966031084,"worry","Amandurrp","oh no.... please... dont do that to yourself again"
1966031338,"sadness","Leopard_Print_F","damn...plans were canceled.....another friday night at home"
1966031530,"worry","confusedkate","wow, 5 pm rolled around really fast. I accomplished only one thing on my to do list today..."
1966032357,"sadness","DevinDick","just goy back from a day of tests at the hospital. going to start chemo on monday"
1966032444,"sadness","rachael912","cant believe ER is all over"
1966032450,"sadness","kgraceeex11","wants to go see street dreams but it's not playing anywhere near here"
1966032597,"worry","ClassicSydney","@DSTheStar1121	REALLY?? oh.. sorry yall  lol"
1966033295,"neutral","5iveFootFlyy","Off to my lil sisters  graduation...they grow up so quick"
1966033673,"worry","ps_beautiful","My saying now  http://bctiny.com/po4me"
1966034114,"sadness","Mac4tw","There is a MacBook Pro sitting close by and my poor MacBook is ashamed with it's plastic face and sides..."
1966034222,"worry","Xx_JessicaB_xX","@xx_Megan_xx Thats all i've seen too   5 till 7 is the 2 hours I normally sleep so I missed it :mad: haha"
1966034443,"worry","pinkissdesigns","Working on a Friday night"
1966034626,"sadness","Julie0909","@JonathanRKnight understands you it's long the 6 hour"
1966034791,"sadness","HamiMiami","Big Sad Face   Bing doesn't work on iPhone.  It just takes you to the regular mobile Live search."
1966035218,"sadness","kyoisorange","@natbubba yeah, totally unfair.  we should just. FLAME THEM EVERYWHERE"
1966035380,"neutral","khali_blache","I can't find Tom Price on the tweeterwall"
1966035724,"worry","BloodSlave","I'm so freaking afraid that once again I've managed to stick my foot in my mouth and scare yet another person off . . ."
1966035797,"surprise","mznubianlove","its after 12 an man is texting me telling me that he wants to come over.i say i'm tired..lol..da punk says he'll bring me redbull and KFC"
1966035844,"empty","stressfreecandy","He put a fuckin mohawk in my son head.....he just killed my vibe as always"
1966035918,"neutral","Jamie1Elise","@DJFREEZY ummm not with me?"
1966036128,"worry","jenicoe2001","going 2 watch Dogtown, hope it's not too sad!"
1966036445,"hate","thisgirlrachael","In pain,, poor me, I HATE THE SUN"
1966036461,"empty","staciebee","@ianiv No, it's not"
1966036762,"worry","holioli","Just found out that Anne's brother died unexpectedly - he was only 44.  Warm thoughts going out to her family..."
1966036805,"love","Shiit_its_L3XII","i wanna move back to Pennsylvania"
1966037035,"relief","brianjarvis","moved the first load of stuff into @cjloe's garage for storage.. now for round two..   me and guys move into our new place on Monday!"
1966037177,"sadness","hirostroud","well movie night spoilt by fracked up disk-happiness gone, so time for sleep"
1966037292,"sadness","AerithG7","@TheStoryStarts nothing aimed at you, just joining in...sorry"
1966037446,"sadness","xLiLShanx","@theREALGiftedNJ yeah it is"
1966037654,"neutral","Melamachinko","@jeangrae whyd u feel awful after last night?"
1966037770,"happiness","_Jellybox","night night twits! im so glad I will be waking up to a saturday off work!! printer has broke though"
1966038016,"worry","pinkcandy88","Is in bed not able to sleep  bloody bipolar!"
1966038227,"worry","savvasmalamas","I dont believe in my eyes or should I say on my browser? OMG OMG OMG"
1966038325,"empty","DevKam","sitting down doing nothing after being stuck in the house for 4days i had all intentions of doing something but it never works out"
1966038510,"worry","nicolejarrous","i miss my old phone it worked so good until i dropped it  i want a new one for my birthday..."
1966038530,"neutral","meganrenee323","@myuze_me Thanks! Kinda bittersweet though"
1966038607,"fun","soulhuntre","Launching fitness video blog with @kimidreams next week, featuring Polar watches, can't afford @bodybugg 's 6 weeks, video every day!"
1966038650,"worry","zeitgeist1975","@Haunt1013 Sorry RB is on PS3 for me"
1966038790,"sadness","paulwoods","Thank you Google for your Adsense Payment.  If only the Aussie dollar wasn't as strong"
1966039263,"neutral","alannah_f","just had dinner with scoop and said goodbye before our senior trips"
1966039265,"neutral","RochelleNoel","@Tabiamusic i skyped u  las nite"
1966039401,"worry","ShinePetPhotos","@Cowbelly I really want to!! But it's one of my few free weekends that month and am booking clients  Mama needs to make money."
1966039476,"sadness","Mactryx","@mpellegrini hurts to be you! Sunshine all weekend and you don't get to play. That's sad."
1966039497,"sadness","rhysjenn","Has been a long day - Matinee and evening show. Will be sad tomorrow: last ever Welsh College show"
1966040333,"sadness","Strabismus","@TroublePandaPR Ok that's not true! Plus, you're insulting me saying that I'm insulting you! I've been trying to cheer you up. But�nada�"
1966040388,"neutral","omarsolis","http://twitpic.com/67xv3 - Former Pawnshop were Jimi Hendrix got his 1st guitar, Seattle. Now a check cashing joint"
1966040479,"sadness","thechaserblog","Hitting up a bar or two most people being lame tonight"
1966040645,"relief","EvonneSell","super frustrated, and taking it out on the one's I love!   I love you, Paul!"
1966040935,"worry","garciasn","Grass fed beef burgers with sauteed mushrooms and cheddar on wheat buns along with a salad. Yum. Poor Kim still isn't feeling well"
1966040982,"worry","brandonbMK09","Still sick  bout to play some ps3 till the laker game starts"
1966041061,"worry","Jahkeim","i will be without an assistant for the next week"
1966041160,"worry","Beachbum1294","Startin to get a head ache!!!! Uuuggghh!!!"
1966041282,"worry","dwcole7","busy working on a new kit... and a couple interviews done...Yea! The weekend! Pray for my Uncle, still young and had a massive stroke!!"
1966041400,"worry","katielev","I don't want to sit at home on prom night. Someone hang out with me"
1966041432,"worry","prule","Printing from Opera gives me a much better result (but printing to PDF it names it _stdin_.pdf) - always gotta compromise"
1966041466,"sadness","LaurenVamp","@ohhhbeka PS: Wish I were coming tonight."
1966041608,"worry","olson3d","i get a message that my account is suspended as far as i know i haven't violated any terms contacting twitter now.."
1966041834,"worry","yoav85","@dorr did some research, but couldn't find the specific thing which i wanna do with this drive's autorun"
1966043049,"neutral","waitforthemusic","@katekisss  meebo.com is a free thing & it doesn't effect the comp that's what i use ."
1966043091,"empty","jezzeria","Sad babies make for angsty writing"
1966043275,"sadness","morganmovement","my ipod died  not running until it is charged."
1966043310,"neutral","MeMePro","@lostalone So wish we could all be there"
1966043399,"neutral","t_petrillo","Homework & Study Guides"
1966044329,"neutral","lilellis92","time for bed up in 6 hours"
1966044678,"empty","bellalucia","@Octo77  aaaawww  would u like an alcoholic beverage of your choice?"
1966044758,"love","myownwoman407","I need a nap, but I won't be getting one"
1966045060,"worry","BroomBox","@hookedonheat what was it? I missed it."
1966046091,"hate","roxiijonas","@Zaraa_x ah that's annoying"
1966047016,"surprise","cloe16","@ClareHeartsMAC can u add ur link. I can't find u on YouTube."
1966047023,"happiness","arosenberger271","going away party at ambers  road trip tomorrow!"
1966047176,"worry","cabri","@lomara It was a lot of stress, though, so with that and supporting two big families he never quit smoking and died of lung cancer at 51."
1966047185,"hate","CajjmereWray","I spoke too soon, a nasty thunderstorm just came out of nowhere..I got soaked making a quick run to the store!!"
1966047384,"surprise","Patriots13","Eatin dinna, herd tom brady not movin 2 fast"
1966047387,"surprise","mcamry","Just found out that they are running a lil behind."
1966047842,"worry","itsjustreallyme","zzzzz.. best friend going to europe in a few hours  .. i'm gonna miss her! hope she has fun though"
1966048219,"neutral","kevinhiggins","@rikeezy or with any at all  boo. suits and grey hair."
1966048271,"neutral","amyk4108","@donnaml40160 I haven't started packing"
1966048425,"sadness","Osiris63","@superstarnikki its just one of those days...."
1966048532,"worry","jbo2231","@Lindsay_007 so I tried to send you a direct message and I can't because you aren't following me"
1966049074,"worry","Ellectrocutie","@ermadea sorry about your sadness   nitenite love"
1966049635,"worry","JessILeeIsMe","back home from shopping. putting stuff away and waiting for nets friend to come over. I guess I'll have to put my pants back on"
1966050032,"worry","pokemona","damn im so bummed out right now....nobody loves me"
1966050359,"sadness","Metallic_Damacy","As it turns out I do NOT get to go see The Decemberists..."
1966050479,"neutral","LittleMissDx","@MelanieNugent Oh damn Im sorry!!  I have been so good not adding spoilers cause @blayze316 will be watching it later!"
1966050612,"empty","iStuhler","someone save me from boredom."
1966051151,"fun","XavionMGaBBana","City Dippin iz u fun, so much eye candy out here...I remember y I miss  LOL"
1966051163,"happiness","TheFirstChibi","@Sabrina1989 I thought it was a simple one  I found it hilarious."
1966051514,"neutral","chknlomein","@xxigetwet Sher is good. There were quite a few people that we didn't even get to see, due to me having court and rushing to see fam."
1966052256,"happiness","klsherwood69","Weekends are Great....if you don't have to work them."
1966052536,"relief","nurdayana","i was so bored i decided to iron all my baju sklh. thn i realized i hate doing tht. so all i did was iron a sleeve HAHAHA. im off to schl"
1966052793,"sadness","dear_gravity","@EP31 I have that problem with adult shirts too. It's so annoying since a lot of adult player shirts don't come in kid sizes"
1966053409,"hate","SawyerRe","@FallenStar1 Get out."
1966053688,"worry","ashleybird21","Wake Up..... Please."
1966053689,"worry","LINOOO","@gawhatafeeling Ooooh, I'm jealous  I might try and get some for the saturday but I have an exam on the monday that Im gonna fail"
1966054235,"empty","kleypasd","@wwsiv  I got it in math and ss only"
1966054430,"hate","jasoncmiller","Hey @jerrymontano!  @secrettweet is mainly depressing!  It's all these people who are cheating or don't love each other anymore"
1966054529,"sadness","Mellogirl123","wants to hear his voice"
1966054766,"sadness","genericpeople","Looks like my Twitter is down"
1966054943,"sadness","Despoina_","@mitchelmusso i can't call you cause my portable sais that this number not excist  i want so much to talk to you"
1966055254,"worry","MarjorieSimpson","@moozmum aw i'm sorry  i was rooting for you just to let you know!"
1966055438,"love","aliasnews","@mralphafreak seems like working.. rofl - sadly money is not growing on a tree"
1966055446,"worry","brawls","Fender is hiding under the couch ... he knows I'm getting ready to leave and he isn't happy about it"
1966055563,"sadness","the_mad_1","only 1 person online on MSN. I feel lonely"
1966055979,"sadness","gracebartlettx","i going to go to bed & i failed miserably at booking a holiday  although i do seem to have a new follower. HIGH FIVE. X"
1966056158,"neutral","o_susannah","@Snoop71 Not so much a substitute as a variation. Ate too much, too. Oof"
1966056376,"sadness","michagar","@mannyishere awww hes too cute!!wish i could've gone"
1966056478,"worry","TehToby","Trying to go to sleep but no luck  I think i'm sick... =S"
1966056891,"love","cherbie","last few hours in singapore!!  i don't want to leave!!!!!"
1966056948,"worry","twistingaether","@mathewsanders Floor mopping sounds unappealing"
1966057720,"neutral","SU2C","@MilaXX don't go to logan square we're pretty sure the shirt isn't there  1 more philly local tmrw"
1966057889,"worry","SatsugaiCat","This is not fair... bath again...."
1966057930,"worry","gwenalvarez","today was such a horrible dayy"
1966058020,"sadness","galleysmith","@fizzythoughts  Boo for being at work during #beatwittyparty but at least you're still here!"
1966058292,"sadness","tvuongg","it's gloomy outside"
1966058461,"hate","brandnew33","Sometimes black girls just piss me off like a mother fucker!"
1966058553,"worry","moodyje2","@killerannax oh no!  i'm sorry. at least you'll still be able to buy regular tickets and not worry about limits?"
1966060078,"worry","TuesdayRains","is nervous about getting a house out in town"
1966060224,"worry","catcat2012","@sullivancc14 haha I really don't but I'm going to this workshop at school next week. Are you going? Plus my car is broken right now"
1966060300,"love","amysav83","@lindyhot lol.. usually i always do.. not bn too well tho  how old r ur kids?"
1966060567,"worry","kmbaldau","Things that happened today:  My younger brother ran over one of our dogs. Yeah. I know.  She's going to have surgery this weekend."
1966060860,"sadness","amazingphoebe","(that was a  btw -_-)"
1966060868,"worry","foldinglaundry","@LisaMongold I know.  I have such guilt associated with picking winners."
1966061039,"sadness","BrianEnigma","@stacyday Yeah, Trimet says it's a 1hr trip, I get home at 6:30/6:45-ish, so we'd arrive just as everyone was leaving."
1966061405,"love","Jorea76","@penny2dear right my fellow fluffy flasher! I must go to bed, sorry  I hope everything is working properly 2moro and we can chat! love u x"
1966061628,"enthusiasm","StephenNM","@dnbchik ohhh that cant be very fun    but hell you manned it up!!   looks like you got some shit done today!!"
1966061663,"love","praisy620","i want Anoop to wish me Happy Birthday"
1966064792,"worry","SpatialHeather","my head hurts...."
1966064910,"love","LizarrdLove","@isabelauribeee that's not good to hear!  i hope everything is fine..i will keep you & your family in prayer! I LOVE YOU ISABELA URIBE"
1966065003,"hate","Ingenious_mind","@c0oki3 u think u have bills Ha!Ii just finished paying mine that's y I'm broke"
1966065108,"neutral","KingGlizzack","Just saw the Toy Story 3 trailer! It's about to get EPIC! Woody taking L's once again"
1966065168,"happiness","WeShareOneSky","Writers:"They just make me wonder,why are you foisting all the little pipe dreams stories in your head onto other people?" I like writing"
1966065301,"love","Beyondlite","@fattireale75 cup cakes are sooo yummy - but would have 2 have coffee chaser- u know where that can lead"
1966065451,"worry","lorikitty","is on allegra, flonase and a steroid inhaler for the rest of the allergy season. throat still hurts from the asthma"
1966065755,"worry","Isabella_c","I wish I had more followers on twitter"
1966065758,"love","tpaschen","I suck dick"
1966065926,"hate","666forever","o damn i just accidentally listened to rick ross"
1966066145,"hate","Alkar","We bought a pool instead of going to California. Now the pool is broken and we have wasted our vacation money for the next 2-3 years."
1966066223,"sadness","90notes","@retrodiva I WISH I could be in bed by nine once in a while. I never make it in before 3-4 a.m.  #sleepdeprived. Doing too much."
1966067037,"neutral","DivasMistress","Idk yet!!! @Jersey_Gyrl I wanna go soon tho...but I want more tweeps to be there"
1966067339,"worry","HeartGrenade","is spending her Saturday morning taking notes for a research essay because some stupid whore recalled the book I'm using. Not fair"
1966067890,"hate","zoeydecay","And I want you to shut the fuck up.... I really hate living with my step dad. =-\ I can't wait to move out..."
1966067897,"neutral","mhawthorne19","@manthigh81 I didn't watch it"
1966068091,"love","Kammini","oh i hate the rain... and septa... and leaving my dog"
1966068364,"sadness","tweetokole","@gasfreecommute -i'd love to be able to bike/bus/walk to work, but it isn't safe in my area"
1966068468,"worry","LittleMissAngie","STILL NOT DONE WITH PAYROLL. was supposed to be off at 4:30. i have a headache"
1966068781,"fun","Chris_Kwan","I'll probably have better photos up later today. Took some picks with my big camera too. Camera phone = blury camera"
1966068842,"sadness","_nasRAD","@selenagomez AWWWW  we're gonna miss you!"
1966069017,"sadness","xoxmillyxox","I feel sorry for my bestie  good luck ali!"
1966069141,"fun","VonsterInTX","Dayum, tweets r coming fast, so likely missing a lot.    Plz DM, k?  Oh, is @rod_stewart 4 real?"
1966069253,"neutral","stratosphear","@MathieuTO My neighbour is fond of loud Nickelback."
1966069448,"worry","laurrennn","zoombezi bay was soooo fun!! buuuut my legs are soooooo sunburnt"
1966069772,"neutral","gethoneycutt","@PaulaFarris Ya gotta forgive them, dogs are just little people in fur coats, but I know the cleanup isn't fun"
1966069805,"neutral","megancressy","@caitlinjoneill that's why you are visiting alllllll the time next year.. It will never be the same though"
1966069900,"neutral","emilytulett","Waiting for pizza after work. Damn, there goes my tips."
1966070381,"sadness","llewz0r","jungle book 2 is sooooo cute.. i have nothing to eat or drink"
1966070680,"sadness","tikac","Got rocks. And found my car got birdied this evening."
1966071238,"sadness","ablissinproof","@Crimsondreamer no bueno.  hollykins needs to feel better asap.  p.s. i miss you.  you done with uni soon aren't you?  SOPROUDOFYOU."
1966071358,"happiness","AndreaDeneen","the plan was to take a nap (yea I'm still feeling last night) then go watch lakers game smwhere fun. looking like no nap"
1966071403,"sadness","aircrash","I heard an icecream truck and took of like a shot but I couldn't catch it."
1966071457,"relief","richbos","@strawbleu Sounds like a useful tip, I most certainly need some stability after this week"
1966071509,"neutral","socilover","@DougBenson  NO YOU ARE EVIL I WANT ONE!!   #flaxandfiberfriday"
1966072241,"neutral","neessssssa","HEY GUYS IT'S WORKING NO NEED TO WORRY. i have tooo many followers tho ..."
1966072683,"worry","BRiTNEysauce","at my lil sis 8th grade graduation....i already kno dis is gonna last all my life"
1966072723,"worry","bbell5","@ehuffty i can't believe i missed the brewcast."
1966072868,"worry","DrKjar","Oh my Lord, I have no idea if any of this crap I spout is getting to anyone"
1966072961,"sadness","haylcron","@FLucio I'm a jerk...  now I can't go out    Dammit Frank, why do I suck so bad?"
1966073082,"worry","KyleAppel","Looks like I got a defective MacBook"
1966073230,"worry","makkmommy","@PeterPolaco signin autographs would be boring I think! Get wasted 2nite! Have fun! I'm stuck at work"
1966073253,"worry","foilly","@hardertospell why don't you have that song you gave me that song"
1966074557,"worry","JLap911","my car is broke"
1966074612,"sadness","melissxo","Aw, Zach wasn't feeling well  Hope he gets better. So babysitting was canceled."
1966074863,"love","SoloFriendly","@CirqueLasVegas 2nd ticket has to be for the same show, though, right?  No good for a solo traveler to Vegas."
1966074924,"worry","anneliese123","arrgghhhggguuuiiissshhhh no idea what to do for this modern assignement....  Burma or Cuba???? eeeep help!"
1966075116,"love","patriciakar","@selenagomez aww, we will miss you.  At least you get to go home right?"
1966075398,"neutral","sargethepup","@AvaAmnesia  but then you won't see Her hotness much either"
1966075631,"sadness","Amberskates","Had a pretty good day. Let's see how the night goes. ;-) oh I have to work all day tomorrow no picnic for me"
1966075782,"hate","mkcarter78","hopes whoever stole my purse and money gets what is coming to them"
1966075805,"hate","tashi316","@TJmodeling That sucks majorly...hhhmmmnnn...I'm thinking...I would've said the self tanner or a really good concealer...I'm stuck"
1966075880,"sadness","tempore","@AwkwardTown fuck! I'm already thinking about all the shows I'm going to have to miss because I'm broke."
1966076017,"worry","yummiebear","sooo im 20 n im just now findin out i have asthma"
1966076425,"surprise","Pameluv","back to Roseburg...and an empty apartment"
1966076447,"worry","Paramoreluvr2","last day of volleyball miss everyone already. Oh well, banquet on 10th hopefully everyones gonna be there"
1966076452,"neutral","allisonmurtha","really wants to go see the script in NY in august... but no one will go with me"
1966076594,"empty","Monikanin","you can't please everybody.  http://plurk.com/p/x32rz"
1966076616,"worry","vincent_ryan","@knw3 I watched it all online. http://www.musicistheheartofoursoul.com/search/label/Niptuck has the last 8 episodes of S5"
1966077124,"worry","BRITTANYN112","@Mszjai nvm i just got ur message that ur sick"
1966077290,"worry","crazysauce","Last Heroes ep until Sept  Sick & drugged for past 3 days. Dr says lacking in everything, esp -get this- SUNSHINE."
1966077596,"neutral","BingALing4503","ToonTown is down"
1966077609,"sadness","xxiolla1","@dougreport how can I read the Floyd article says it's private"
1966077763,"worry","baovo","Love how my printer decided to print all my blacks all marbled - 1hr before an interview for new work this morning."
1966078088,"neutral","mistah_jones","wants to sign up for the Germany field trip pero no tengo dinero."
1966078143,"sadness","louisematias","is confused & sad. oh no here comes the "sweets", to cheer me up"
1966078256,"worry","bou_fly","@mitchelmusso I wish I would have called you. but unfortunatly, call the US from Scotland is a bit expensive  Gutted! <3"
1966078521,"sadness","lucieoliverx","tonights been boring!"
1966078765,"sadness","Chucksville","Am I old? Pub kickin out time is whey too late, I'm stinkered:-/. Got the cubs tomorrow too  I'm gonna suffer !"
1966078794,"worry","MissyDonnieLuvr","noone wants to talk to me  lol"
1966078895,"surprise","_dang3r","@jackbox noooooo! I just spent two days getting that damn song OUT of my head"
1966079182,"sadness","sophiecallander","i so can't be bothered working tomorrow!"
1966082308,"worry","reverbstudios","@mneylon I don't know what that means, sorry"
1966082316,"happiness","omgjams","I need a bear hug  and Im going to camp today!!"
1966082400,"worry","TahliaJohnson","awake sadly        seeing Leon today !"
1966083365,"empty","miszfabulousbby","dont wanna cry  but the seniors are out there graduating&its breakin my heart;but im home"
1966083627,"sadness","JollyJollyJon","Im Slowing on My Tweets..Cuase I Lost My Phone"
1966083729,"neutral","MadisonMichele","I think I might throw up... I only could eat half of my ice cream cone  http://twitpic.com/67ybk"
1966083856,"neutral","ryandoom","@maniactive I'm thinking the "Chevrolet Doom" would be fitting for GM"
1966084392,"love","petersd770","Rachel Alexandra not in Belmont   but appearing in Vogue.  Best looking model they've had in years."
1966084441,"neutral","aaamanda","this has been a pretty shitty week. minus seeing @marktheescape. where is that muscle relaxer i need?"
1966084672,"surprise","AshleyNicole305","@shepromoceo got damn stranger  lol"
1966084879,"worry","Yesthatgirl","I wish I didn't have to work two jobs"
1966085033,"empty","Patchworkwords","had to rumage around topless in the freezer to find something to eat, all I found was a suspect pizza"
1966085174,"hate","Winchester_X","College work sucks so much!"
1966085192,"worry","xjennyyy","Too tired"
1966085239,"sadness","cgordon1026","It's friday and I'd love to party, but don't have a sitter."
1966085421,"sadness","GirlFromVA","Waiting for the Denver game to come on.. but i dont think their gonna win it  Lakers suck lol :p"
1966085785,"worry","MzVannaBlack","#myweawkness chocolate...i can't say no"
1966086127,"neutral","ilmv","Wow, the new Google icons suck   http://bit.ly/z7JIE"
1966086141,"worry","caiitwe","just woke up still fukin sick"
1966086691,"surprise","yoko71","@RaleighWood Raj wasn't on the list.  So Scoop or Bandit."
1966086988,"happiness","hiphopmandie","@bkkrakora ew, i used to get "suicides" in high school and mix like 5 sodas together. then drink it. i think i remember enjoying it, too."
1966086989,"neutral","jwalsh","@Peter5tewart yeah.. I left cause my pc can't run the client anymore. I had thought I would have a new one by now.."
1966087006,"worry","justdanyul","sigh, my sisters bein strange.. she came all the way from copenhagen to london, and now her phones turned off.. i wanna see her dammit"
1966087050,"worry","Caiteee","@laurenbreslin aww i know its my addiction!   awww i know sameee  !  its just more more more !"
1966087099,"neutral","rachealhekking","@tristanhilliard oh nos, what happened"
1966087130,"worry","HotWomenLover","@SaraJayXXX OMG .. my memory must have failed me! Very weird since I do not normally forget because of my profession!"
1966087948,"sadness","doreenleigh","Cleaned four bathrooms this afternoon....(yes, go ahead and feel sorry for me...lol)....mine are still waiting for my attention"
1966088050,"worry","MistaMonsta","@SweetThang15 Aww  Yeah I feel you. I know its hard."
1966088075,"sadness","Slsgds","@ev I'm trying really hard not to hate you."
1966088803,"worry","anaperiodista","@torie007 yeah, and now you live in the 'hood! I never would have thunk it  What's up with these shootings in Belmont Shore?? Sheesh."
1966089045,"sadness","dianenotdiana","Booo my best friend is leavin for the weekend. What ever will I do without her??"
1966089332,"empty","vocaltest","@dressjunkie don't i know it! i live in the middle of nowhere, my house is spider central"
1966089390,"neutral","laadebest","i cannot sleep due to watching UKTV food. its keeps my cravings at bay. i think my bodies guna ache tomro"
1966089690,"sadness","caamitorres","@triniaguirre i miss you  !!!! ??"
1966089917,"worry","TigMH","stopped at the store to pick up some items and debit card is missing"
1966089921,"sadness","vaguedoc","confused, angry, anxious and on top of everything LONELY"
1966090665,"surprise","mikeolbinski","@nickyvender Nicky, I LAND at 10pm, it will be like 10:40 before I get home! UGH! Wont be any fish fry left for me anyways"
1966090955,"worry","taylr","help! anyone know if there are stores that carry blackberry trackballs? just went to verizon retailer; no luck. do not want to order one"
1966091300,"neutral","lgubitosi","@zzerbe i'm on twitter! go me. i have no idea how to work it."
1966091481,"worry","jacthebrat","taking Willy to the specialist...poor dog! He has to get a CT scan cos he can't walk properly atm"
1966091796,"worry","ImCharmed","@tmjassociation y does it hurt so much? i can't even chew gum.  i've lost so much weight because i can't even eat"
1966091934,"neutral","thecitydivided","nothing to do this evening.. MISSING LIFESTORY"
1966091942,"sadness","misskittymarie","@ss1271 yes, that's what I meant... I don't have anything to turn it into Hirigana, though."
1966092163,"neutral","speadskater","my finger is now pregnant"
1966092362,"worry","TaliaEsq","@RealGrace my @Bonnaroo tix are in limbo....as usual  #UPSsucks"
1966092716,"neutral","hiphopmandie","@bkkrakora ew, i used to get "suicides" in mid. school and mix like 5 sodas together. then drink it. i think i remember enjoying it, too."
1966092725,"hate","rkshipper","@niqa86 Yes bb  There are actually 2 of them, but the other one I don't really give a shit about."
1966093048,"worry","scodal","At subway. Not feeling good"
1966093504,"hate","Connie_Lingus","@DrPostALot  sucks"
1966093934,"anger","brianbain","too sick for rigging tomorrow."
1966094089,"sadness","ana16castillo","i miss him  ALOT but im not gonna talk to him, i HOPE"
1966094106,"love","kristennnnnnn","@kayteemick  Joe and I loveee you."
1966094177,"sadness","kdigilio","Why are embossers so expensive? Can I do get one on the cheap? Trying to save 75%. Papersource order goes in TONIGHT. Sry bank account"
1966094311,"worry","steph_rose","@nathanblevins Ouch. I won't be down in Miami tomorrow morning. That sucks  It's a cruise? Are you driving back the next Saturday?"
1966094491,"sadness","janellecaminker","Grandma Caminker passed away today.  She will be missed, but may she rest in peace."
1966094810,"neutral","piccadillytown","@love_ly We need to hang out!"
1966095339,"neutral","quiltingdiva76","taking a break from sewing to do some dishes"
1966095498,"worry","Tassiemap","Too many cocktails last night, my head hurts"
1966095555,"sadness","brennaelizasunX","UGH. why is it so hard to upload a picture on twitter?"
1966095613,"fun","Sky_Nix","@MariaV_ST vaca!! buuu sigo en el work"
1966095757,"fun","SassyDiva74","@JammieAdams No you are not having my favorite drink without me  lol"
1966095860,"sadness","EricaDHayes","Just saw a dooope bmw 6 series parked with the top back....to bad it was raining"
1966095998,"surprise","FenterZ","@heartsnsparkles she is that's why she never speaks to me in college i think  .....i might just stick to unzela...if hashim dosnt shoot me"
1966096024,"worry","courtneysmiller","Is losing money in Vegas..."
1966096234,"sadness","williamO_O","Sh t, I'm getting even more sad. I'm currently at the library and j think it'll be the last one tooooo"
1966096658,"worry","johnsonglass","Its been a slow day at home, one of my kids is sick  .  This little picture cheered me up http://is.gd/JrLa"
1966096671,"worry","ahahnphoto","here comes the storm.....ackkkk"
1966096762,"worry","tokiosoul483","Why isnt my internet working"
1966096850,"enthusiasm","iSysCorp","@giselle2323 - Hopefully he won't discover all of my soap opera tweets."
1966096966,"neutral","PrincessLeisa","Should not drink cheap wine"
1966097087,"worry","DubarryMcfly","@shereemcfly09 ooh thats an early start  ive got bed planned for that time..ha..LoveYouJonesy XxX"
1966097144,"worry","southernmojo","So sad that Aki is out for the rest of the season!"
1966097148,"sadness","MariaDCVL","upset.. friday night crying!"
1966100178,"neutral","TwilightThorn","@JennyLouis_420 why baby?"
1966100325,"worry","softjunebreeze","Wishing I could see N*E*R*D headline @ Fest at DePaul tonight"
1966100409,"relief","Mimii1212","I need words of inspiration  where's @iamdiddy and @RevRunWisdom when you need them??"
1966100516,"worry","rudenate3","wants to go home and see Erin"
1966101095,"worry","sarahwade7","I have no one to go to the spring show with"
1966101116,"worry","crescentdreams","@ZAmmi *hugs*  I'm so sorry.. anything I can do?"
1966101498,"neutral","MsLika","@kearycolbert june 15, 1995, chino hills, CA. The 1 day it rained n june in SoCal...we had an outside grad; had 2 move it 2 the gym"
1966102305,"neutral","MikeWBz","I'm grounded til tomorrow. Sorry to anyone I made plans with.  It'll have to be tomorrow. (annoyed) http://plurk.com/p/x332r"
1966102733,"hate","GarfieldNZ","@ForrestTheCat awww, I hates it wen families are brokun up by humuns. Maybee you see him agin wun day."
1966102739,"worry","magzzxo","@BonjourHoney Guilt trips, feeling sick, pressure. stress and too much drama"
1966102915,"sadness","peacerallie","trying to fix my sister's ipod  then phoenix tomorrow morning at 445am! hopefully i'll actually get to play this tournament. stupid fence."
1966103064,"neutral","brittaniebaby","Someone fly me to Reno"
1966103295,"neutral","midtownsaves","lumiere is not impressed with my cuddling. but then again, who is  http://sml.vg/jL0kI1"
1966103972,"worry","squint777","Not legally old enough  to get a summer job outside of babysitting."
1966104178,"neutral","blackc2004","@thehar just got Zion tweet"
1966104179,"worry","rlm1951","Working too hard.    At least graduations are over."
1966104203,"worry","iamchanelle","just said goodbye to the younger bro.  #misshimalready"
1966104430,"sadness","GeneDeel","@Mattshiloh Unfortunately your fix didn't work..   Oh well, I'm lovin' me some PeopleBrowsr anyways!"
1966104535,"hate","yadikeith","@BraveMaiden I don't get as much time here either. It's going to get worse now that the girls r home for summer.  It stinks."
1966104640,"worry","katrinacrossley","@nicolacrossley. Tickets, i need my tickets, where are my tickets. i want my ticketttttss"
1966104815,"worry","poweroutage","The underwire in my bra is sticking out and poking me in the armpit"
1966104946,"surprise","gretchin",".@aragornrain: no health insurance is not an option."
1966105035,"hate","TREVisWAYhappy","when i fell on my ass today i ripped my blue volcom boxers"
1966105354,"happiness","gawhatafeeling","@Linooo Ahhh!  I knowww! I saw it May 5th and 6th in Newcastle and it was so good!!! I'm soo excited for 6th June, as its my bday aswell!"
1966105490,"worry","robotabot","i fear the spaceship is not long for this earth. it just stranded me and edwin on the highway. there was smoke"
1966105876,"surprise","vichica","http://twitpic.com/67ykl - The stolen purse -- when it was new from the store...see tags still on it"
1966105988,"sadness","malloryketchup","Some things are better left unsaid . Its better if only i know"
1966106109,"worry","Cyncity1347","http://twitpic.com/67ykt - We are losing so far....."
1966106185,"surprise","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy Just like me )))) No i must confess one dark side of me is that i can be sometimes stubborn + i�m a little morning grouch"
1966106197,"sadness","strwbrryshrtck","says our power went out...which RARELY ever happens...and i hadn't saved my sims game in a while.  http://plurk.com/p/x334f"
1966106217,"neutral","MzMandy13","my tv is so boring"
1966106279,"boredom","lizdanzer","Just started feeling bad again  ugh. I hate it when I don't feel good!!"
1966106360,"sadness","MellaAnn","@BunnyBridget I would LOVE to learn trapeze! I've wanted to do that since I was a kid. Sadly, there's no place where I live that teaches"
1966106454,"worry","pantherpaws02","its weird how thinking about may 2nd totally changed my crappy mood to happiness...i miss @honorsociety so much"
1966106843,"sadness","ladydizzla","Livin on ur own iznt nice at all. I miss my mum"
1966106897,"sadness","my4eyes","Oh my ex / room mate is moving out today"
1966107113,"worry","bria1229","own 2nit but i cant go."
1966107136,"neutral","jveleg","Writing reports...."
1966107186,"hate","Valeriuh","aww dude.. no fair. i thought that was the point of this thing"
1966107720,"neutral","brentfall","Sports car + curb = flat tire."
1966107794,"neutral","SheaWiseman","sitting in bed where I will be for the weekend."
1966108222,"neutral","MsKrish","Crazy Legs is peepin @nina_parks at the pool hahaha She likes graf writers, not b-boys, sorry"
1966108843,"worry","redbeauty87","to save my heart I think Imma let go! I can see myself getting hurt with you!"
1966109179,"sadness","kirstylaura","@TomCopestake  I'm sorry. You'll get there don't worry, one day at a time.  We should 'hang' when you're done."
1966109218,"worry","GirlFromVA","Waiting for the Denver game to come on.. but i dont think their gonna win it  Lakers suck lol :p.... Come on Denver!!"
1966109271,"worry","highhiddenplace","@imlostinbooks It's up now, @Vasilly and @Devourerofbooks won.  Sorry"
1966109555,"love","TIARAHH","Wow, its hot and miserable. People are probably killing themselves right about now..."
1966109731,"neutral","DianeMGallagher","Headed to waterfront for a quick drink with the office peeps...Corsen Building of course was booked  Any suggestions?"
1966109943,"fun","Spidersamm","@staaceeyy weeooow, i feel fat.... i remember when i used to weigh that much  pfffffffffffffffffffffftttttttt long time ago, hahaha"
1966110073,"worry","tooie","@JuliaBronwyn I accidently dropped it & now the screen is all messed"
1966110120,"neutral","breeski","Wow it's like a VPL fest in front of my office right now."
1966110261,"sadness","whisperinwater","I get an instant sad face when I see a little kid lose their balloon"
1966110303,"neutral","kingnever","Almost made it out of the Apple Store with my MBP, but they didn't have the replacement fan in-stock."
1966110607,"worry","ILoveCOCB","i dont noe what to eat for breakfast hmmmmmmm im so hungry"
1966110668,"love","ArkansasRoyalty","Kristen i miss you"
1966111688,"sadness","ahmedfarooq","@davidmihm Please no more tweet-memes"
1966111699,"empty","KristalAshely","@DeckEnt  there wasn't enough room for me..."
1966112047,"sadness","gunnai","So tired and I have 17 hours to work tomorrow"
1966112092,"surprise","AmberLovesNKOTB","I'm so glad my concert is still a week away...I'm getting so sick and I need the time to recover!! My lungs hurt so bad right now"
1966112253,"sadness","littleleslie","chick fil a for dinner. Hopefully I feel better. My head and eyes are killing me"
1966112406,"neutral","lizziekeiper","Yep. That good feeling didn't last.  back to sleeping for me."
1966113312,"worry","Dobarthegreat","Restoring my iPod touch seemed like euthanasia to me. I was willingly killing it."
1966113349,"love","ItsNanz","How did Day 26 go from a good budget video (imma put it on her) to such a low budget video (Stadium Music) The end may be near for them"
1966113748,"worry","AmberForSleep","My mom has annoyed the living crap outta me, so now we're on AOL Radio, looking for Brooks & Dunn."
1966114272,"fun","yavizzle","Feeeel like ima die! Now on my way to rainforest.  !! I need a girls spa day ASAP!"
1966114535,"sadness","Ambar_G","More depressed ty very much!!!"
1966114930,"sadness","QueenT","headaches are dumb."
1966114948,"worry","woben1","Golfing ended early"
1966115022,"worry","othblogchat","Hate to break every1's heart but confirmation jus came in that Austin & Sophia do NOT & never had a twitter  another sad day!!"
1966119390,"worry","Patrickhd3","St joe is dirty."
1966119471,"relief","RoccoBlais","Setting up bookmarks on my new Blackberry Curve. Now anyone from work can get ahold of me at anytime!"
1966119689,"worry","kindasleepy","@vmarinelliRVA I am so so sorry to hear that he has parvo. Good vibes comming your way."
1966119969,"relief","Tiff888","Sushi w/ @ryan888 well cooked veggie for preggo me  now onto Trolley Car birthday party on McKinney Ave. I actially feel awake for once!"
1966120040,"sadness","tabby_cat45","@donttreeriddle Oh noes!! Melted ice cream = do not want."
1966120455,"neutral","zobertyahh","@g1mm34d my bad. I thought you were talking about today"
1966120483,"worry","Bonitanicky","layenn down,uughh dunt feel well"
1966120564,"worry","Sakutonosai","It just occured to me..... tonight is Cheri's Prom Night......I was suppose to go with her...... 970 miles makes that kind of difficult."
1966120619,"neutral","HannahIsJesus","dreading this weekend, every minute of it is me doing coursework i should of done during the week AND learning 2 pages of french speaking"
1966120711,"hate","somerlou","soooo fed up with this"
1966120825,"sadness","alyssamoser","missing someonee..."
1966120896,"neutral","emilywrogers","There are ants on my lollipop"
1966120930,"sadness","Priz_luna","My arms hurt"
1966120964,"sadness","riotgirl88","OMG how sad is The Royle Family where Nana dies  I am sobbing!!!! :*( it's the saddest thing I've ever watched"
1966120973,"empty","bheeshman","i got peanut butter in my beard  it felt weird after... and axe body wash burnt my eyes... but now they're okay."
1966121024,"sadness","The_Teach","@MyInnerCougar Sorry your day was so bad   Gettin the drink on, good plan!"
1966121456,"happiness","jawbreakerchyck","@Wonder33Woman Yes I did see Mitch Hedberg and the whole floss thing.  He's hilarious.  I <3 him.  Poor guy"
1966121485,"sadness","CassG08","Omnomnom    JUST came online to 69 unread emails, as well as my backlog from yesterday  http://tinyurl.com/lxjdjc"
1966121839,"sadness","Susanstewart1","[H]ouse starts on Sunday and I'm sad as I can't afford Sky,"
1966121947,"sadness","AdamRPhoto","@RVDS dammit i wanted to ask you about someone who i might be shooting but cant remember her name now"
1966122021,"surprise","jamiedbaby","@FattKiddBep i made a vid for you proving my skiLLs that you denied but my step dad said he'd disown me if i posted it ~   sowey"
1966122261,"worry","clemsonk10","is watching "Wall Street", and realizing that since it is on a movie channel she won't get a potty break"
1966122282,"neutral","jadethomason","UP isnt im 3-D.."
1966122607,"happiness","titaniumfish","@ktml nice work buying coda dude! It's a great app! Unfortunately, I bought it when it was the full $99USD  #jealous"
1966122663,"worry","SallykinzzSugar","GRRRR!!! It's BACK!!!!! And what I mean is my headache  But on the *       *        bright side....it's only on one side!!!! /\/\/\/\/\"
1966122683,"sadness","Alkar","@norasake Sadly no. It didn't come with one..."
1966123119,"empty","blairwarren","@WaylandSmalley Me neither. But it's no longer about what we want. It's about fairness. And fairness is whatever government says it is."
1966123336,"boredom","oceansizelove","Cleaning the House! Im so boring.."
1966123484,"worry","scotsmanstuart","@framolamdu omg what a shame about Hollie,just watched that clip u posted"
1966123518,"worry","Babsnbilly","Suffering from  Hemorrhoids."
1966123573,"sadness","adil320","@KSegIII  my cousins moved there like 2 years ago and I miss them so much. I was just looking at their facebook and now im sad"
1966123649,"happiness","LisaKCarter","@tarraxo I'm not sure.  Btw, YAY FOR WICKED TICKETS! That's awesome! When are you going?"
1966124248,"neutral","kittieskrafts","@irgxana  I know... kittie should be a professional...."
1966124291,"empty","MikeLaRoche","@dahlhalla I'm only 6' 0""
1966124678,"hate","nell_xo","Just rang the irish one. Drunk. Must confiscate phone.  hate him lots."
1966124710,"worry","valium_","also I managed to ink half more page. unfortunately page 006 will totally suck, but at least I tried hard before I decided to move on"
1966124712,"neutral","theebayk1d","@RelientTU That would be SOOOOOO much and Geeky to the ultimate LEVEL! But I work 9 to 530am"
1966124715,"happiness","gfletcher_","best show of my life. mcfly rocks my world  i wanna meet you guys ;;"
1966125609,"hate","carveyourname_","@iamcheerbear I know  It fucking sucks. anyway you can get a fake id or something?"
1966125621,"worry","Antonisha","@VWayne noo sorry my love...after that i'm going to pop about 7 zyrtec and go to sleep"
1966125705,"worry","E_Walks","No waterfront anymore   faccia luna and clarendon will have to do"
1966125707,"sadness","kez","Going to bed watching a bit of qi. Wake up tomorrow to face the start of my last summer in bath. Bit gutted atm to be home"
1966125860,"sadness","jennyboyle","study study study.  What fun on a Saturday."
1966126708,"sadness","thisisKristine","Stupid shopping bags left a red mark on my arm"
1966126769,"neutral","KathieLB","@angellr Busy but fantastic. Tried to unplug for a few days.   Thank you for the FF!!"
1966126836,"worry","woodycakes","@dictums honey perhaps some medicine? i feel bad for you? do you have fever?"
1966126840,"neutral","eemccal","Nursing sore back today"
1966127034,"neutral","JRLogic","Wife and kids have made it to San Antonio...almost to Corpus!  Praying for safety the rest of the way.  Guess I'll watch the game alone"
1966127857,"neutral","alwayswritegerl","@medic60 all work, no play."
1966127869,"hate","TheCraftPantry","I'm Twitter dumb. Just saw my "@thecraftpantry.com" & all the kind folks who've tweeted me. AH!So sorry, I'm not ignoring you, just SLOW."
1966127995,"worry","danlev","@sxtxixtxcxh @b0r3d13 but they're hungryyyyyy"
1966128728,"fun","MommytoBlase","did not get to go see UP!! Oh well ended up going to dinner with Blase and Bridget!"
1966128862,"love","adainG","home=san diego, why did the san jose weather fallow me"
1966128922,"hate","VikkiVicVicc","just camee back from bowling, which i offiacial suck at"
1966129248,"worry","ZandraMartin","I ran over a turtle."
1966129375,"sadness","ryanjang","not a very good day at the house"
1966129404,"sadness","DivineUnbroken","really tired. and have to work the whole day tomorrow, the thought of it depresses me.  uncoooool...."
1966129469,"worry","macewank","@deegirl825 you're just unhappy to return to occupying the same city as me  I am cry now too."
1966129930,"sadness","tempore","@AwkwardTown I know. I think I'm going to have to miss it, though.  This is when sacrificing money for job happiness sucks ass."
1966130309,"worry","kalzonex3","@mitchelmusso, i called your say naw and got a voicemail for a guy named shannon..."
1966130537,"worry","The808girl","@BullyOSullivan sorry to hear that."
1966130824,"sadness","KKCurse","Played a show tonight @ Chinnerys, southend. Snapped my guitar strap, ripped off the strings then threw my guitar across the stage..."
1966130917,"empty","Coonagirl101","i think that i'm the only 1 on!!!"
1966131229,"neutral","penguinsfan","@plbrickner no I don't mind Kent it's just my best friend is going there and Im going to miss her"
1966131547,"surprise","naomistarr","can't make it to graduation..."
1966131832,"enthusiasm","teklein","@dino2gnt Yeah, I'm getting ready to go get pizza. Then nothing to do  Maybe @hazard_2gnt will want to play Xbox."
1966131839,"love","nrotschafer","@firebird06 ya I just NEVER play it...I'm basically only using my PS3 these days"
1966132160,"sadness","heathermeeker","@StanGill Uh.... what does that mean?"
1966132945,"neutral","chrissykittysue","got stood up, again"
1966133173,"worry","nicoleraneri","@anthonyamor hey member when we were better friends then you and anthony. That was pretty sweet ha. Way to be a trader for the weiner."
1966133295,"neutral","iGoldeneye","@BADDESTnLA I'm in traffic on the 405 and I still don't see the sun"
1966133787,"neutral","xdaphney","tierd.i just want to talk"
1966152865,"hate","MARKSPICOLUK","@KrissyJill fuck.  It's only in Canada right now."
1966153163,"worry","juanmart","I'm nervous... I hope I get in... this could be a costly mistake... more like procrastination and assumption..."
1966153293,"neutral","fabybsb","@backstreetboys   why!!!! u have to bring it to you 24/7 like the @backstreet_team"
1966153456,"neutral","eatssparkles","I can't help it if I'm a GRAMMAR NAZI!"
1966154081,"surprise","dougreport","@xxiolla1@dougreport how can I read the Floyd article says it's private   - odd -it works for me..."
1966154768,"sadness","Amandalyn1990","sitting around doing fuck all....tired"
1966154937,"sadness","BCLand","so bored...miss everybody already"
1966155283,"surprise","_writersblock_","Eli in the ER  they pricked his finger for blood sugar and he was trying not to cry http://twitpic.com/67z2q"
1966155823,"worry","rokchukr","I miss Vermont"
1966155977,"sadness","wrestlingaddict","@rodmcnasty000  I miss you"
1966156266,"neutral","JessicaWylde","@RobPattzNews  Youtube? outside the US can't see it"
1966156693,"sadness","emsdemello","@MyroneTadrid  aw her latest " selenagomezLast day of shooting... Goodbye Canada. ""
1966156858,"neutral","steffiedoodle","@hollymarie79 I have the twitter but I can't follow you"
1966157035,"neutral","jemjem1983","@knitkat it stings"
1966157312,"sadness","Mz_CrazyTee","It just had to rain on me almost a perfect day now my clothes are wet"
1966157377,"enthusiasm","princessteacup","@soxdeepinstatic  i know, i would've liked to have been able to play with you all spring semester  meeting was good, just an introduction"
1966157658,"neutral","InLoveWithAStar","I wanna listen to the full Send It On"
1966157719,"worry","LaChivata37","i dont feel very good"
1966157757,"worry","seanhanity","@alilje why do you say that i'm a dick? i find that hurtful!"
1966157815,"sadness","laracardoso","@bellagm yes that sucks. i miss you"
1966158783,"love","reaperstinky","@karyva  i want alexis bledel back on screen every thursday night"
1966158954,"neutral","melissamoyna","@calvinharris You should get tickets Scotland told! They aren't selling tickets for ANY of your scottish dates yet!"
1966159052,"worry","mactouchntocco","@dance2jeffreee lOL 518 that was not the year i was born  lol"
1966159127,"relief","tessa_f","Drew's new songs make me cry.  I miss Thomas already!"
1966159333,"worry","manda2001","@juicystar007 I can't get in, I'm in a waiting room"
1966159402,"neutral","catrinacarlos","goodbyeeee Arizona. See you in 3 weeks."
1966160193,"neutral","T0xIc_CaNdY101","nothing to do on a friday night"
1966160229,"empty","xcrazytomx","Trying to sleep but it's too hot!"
1966160314,"worry","WnchstrsGirl","@MissJizzle Yeah, the economy sucks SO BAD.  Yeah, I know what a cafeteria is. I'm unemployed at the moment and I hate it!"
1966160431,"sadness","arb124","Big Sam Houston is not big enough to overcome the challanges of moving-car-iphone photography  http://yfrog.com/0xhu5j"
1966160451,"empty","Emily1488","Boo Im lonely and bored"
1966160641,"neutral","19fischi75","@Impala_Guy I�m afraid yes - both are true  I hope u r not disappointed yet"
1966160728,"neutral","starkissed","tried to whore out my twitter @ FFAF but LJ dies everytime i try"
1966160821,"worry","beejaybhatt","My friend has sent me such a sweet sms. I can't wait to see you, I'm actually missing you"
1966161110,"happiness","e1underground","i have to be at work at 5 am  ... thanks to me ppl will be getting their freakin starbucks. peace out ppls!"
1966161518,"sadness","flavianalin","PLEASE PLEASE, ANYONE?"
1966161543,"sadness","shayshay1787","missing my bffls! missing my friday night dates!  hot dogs for dinner then who knows what the evening holds!"
1966162025,"surprise","Winchester_X","I want to become vegetarian, It's going to be so hard!"
1966162037,"surprise","gcstanley","Wow what a storm we just had!!! Now no power"
1966162343,"worry","Thylascene","UP is out today!!! Why why why why does my head hurt so badly??!?!??!!?   I want to see it!!!"
1966162362,"sadness","crystalmelody85","@adamtheeditor I heard it was disappointing, which I am disappointed by before I've even seen it.  What a waste of C. Bale."
1966162428,"sadness","Ben_Jarelbo","@TraceyHewins Tired! I may have to go to bed. Trouble is I miss all my American evening friends.     X"
1966162534,"relief","nikki721","@showtime757 I wanna go"
1966162648,"fun","beautifulc52","wishing i could go to CaBo tonight"
1966162799,"sadness","Love_Me_Hershey","@CSURyan I am surprised you haven't fired @StuckeyCSU for announcing the whole world of they body they'd found "Selfish""
1966162981,"sadness","macklesD","I don't like my dress"
1966163691,"worry","sophiebenjamin","@nomadiquemc I want to be at @urbangrind"
1966163711,"love","malloryketchup","I wish i had my iPod , i need some jonas . I miss their sexy voices  JB forever !"
1966163850,"fun","punkingirl138","Oh, but Grease is on VH1! It's almost over, though  http://myloc.me/2215"
1966163997,"neutral","sexidance","Ugh that walmart was so hot and white  is it wrong that I can see how people become agoraphobics?"
1966164135,"sadness","arianna1234","Just got home from school LOL 2 1/2 weeks left yay!!! Then off 2 summer school"
1966164778,"worry","raafa182","@dougiemcfly http://twitpic.com/67uc7 - can you lend me one? I have a cold too"
1966165089,"neutral","TwilightEyes_x","Im moving to canada"
1966165200,"worry","lina003","officially has pink eye."
1966165817,"worry","ACAIpiggy18","the trip was really great. but i cant belive summers here"
1966165995,"happiness","stepht0","it's too beautiful to stay inside"
1966166272,"surprise","stargrl221","Trying to figure out this thing...it's not going well"
1966166958,"love","LilLizzie7","i miss my puppies..."
1966167057,"neutral","marlacarissa","Anyone want my chocolate nutella mochi? Its just gonna go to waste"
1966167063,"sadness","realjenine","@RIngram08 glad u feel like cooking I'm so tired"
1966167233,"empty","NOTW88","@juandeleon1021 don't be mean....I'm having to give him to my brother this weekend"
1966167253,"surprise","TheCraftPantry","Soo embarassed I didn't see the tweets I've been getting from kind followers.    I'll do better, I promise!!!"
1966167747,"neutral","viancajunise","Ouchhhhhh I burnt my frkn tongue"
1966168179,"happiness","iuris","Finally eating unagi I've been saving up for a while! +udon :] AGH I just realized the band playing at Bear Garden today is one I like!"
1966168783,"worry","Extremo","Want: To play Sacred 2... Reality: Spend all day at the hosp..."
1966169053,"sadness","SaunyaShelise","At my rehearsal...gonna miss the game  please keep me updated! Go Nuggets!"
1966169072,"worry","jabbertown","@HeWhoWrites Aww I feel bad for the lil nigga. He look like he know what's coming"
1966169818,"neutral","Arti_Sodmg","@Jalisa_ i know !  my BG looks emo now .! lol"
1966170499,"sadness","heathermarie79","@jessicaca yeah i know  been dealin with it for over 2 yrs now"
1966170531,"sadness","iLovergirl","@cthundr How could you go to Cali without me??? I'm sad."
1966170604,"worry","megspeaks","@BullyOSullivan Oh no! So sorry about your pets.."
1966170728,"sadness","cheftette","is feeling sad  I so dont do goodbye'z!!!!"
1966171157,"sadness","xx_Megan_xx","@Xx_JessicaB_xX yip.....aw gonna miss them on bb"
1966171211,"love","fatsam33","@maryviolet I miss standing next to you..."
1966171271,"neutral","Rivaz41","laying across my bed... hurt my back a few days ago"
1966171682,"worry","etherealtype","This has been a dismal week."
1966171955,"worry","cnl4","the $60,000 i spent going to college was well spent.  I'm going to meet a man tomorrow in the Toys'R'Us parking lot for a cleaning job."
1966172038,"worry","Verocruz","The day started so wonderful, but now our kids our crying because our kitty is missing  We just got back from posting signs around."
1966172188,"sadness","fstop23","@BigHeadAsian Ahhh...can't do this one....will be in las Vegas that weekend  #noctweetup"
1966172671,"enthusiasm","nettisue","@AuthorSaoirse_R Drive-in!? srsly!? *jealous*  I have never ever been to one.  there is one down the rd, but it's no longer operational :|"
1966172883,"worry","Janina_Michaela","Feeling kinda nervous when there was a virus found on the computer"
1966173915,"hate","carolinehammond","Hail/Thunder storm here. The Power keeps on going on then off. It sucks."
1966174005,"neutral","MsAnnie26","it's Friday here in Chicago...and I'm stuck @ home AGH I'M BORED!!! grr!"
1966174817,"relief","heisthelamb","hooome from work. why am i awake still? up in 5 hours"
1966174865,"hate","RubyRedsocks","i was invited to one on the beach but it was too short notice i mean why the hell tell you 2hrs before?? really?"
1966175032,"worry","SmileeForMee","cant go to work tomorow. still sick  grrr its anoying me now!x"
1966175199,"neutral","Damandajoy","@AndyR3w wish i was rollin with ya"
1966175506,"neutral","puckita","missing my granpa, goingo to church, its been two hard months without him!!"
1966175812,"worry","ClumpsOfMascara","@yummy411 @Cocoabebe I know, right? I guess the oldest doesn't hold rank on field trips anymore."
1966175847,"worry","sammyayers","@colinmoge  the one day I need to work"
1966176695,"sadness","Yargh82","@wersching and I have to wait till January. Life is not fair!"
1966176745,"worry","NMessina","@edincoat Oh no  I hope you reach him!"
1966177678,"neutral","constabs","My dad just told me that he wants to put me up for sale on craigslist"
1966177697,"sadness","stackielynn","already missing my biddy bops  home at mom's for the night watching my little bro and getting some rest for my birthday party tomorrow :-D"
1966178129,"neutral","organicBublegum","Im lonely werkin"
1966178146,"worry","uhmerah","This weekend is completely different from last weekend."
1966178241,"sadness","xtiiina","@materialistic i know i suck.  my data plan is weak sauce."
1966178480,"worry","f33dyourlungs_","@Savfortomorrow Si, no bueno  I guess I just don't entertain him :/"
1966178772,"worry","xOxEmily453xOx","@mileycyrus my cousin is in jail for shoplifting and drugs she is 16! im upset please help me feel better"
1966179371,"fun","followDARYLO","On way to grab @DeejaySpider @ airport. Listenin to #thebeat. There's noooooo way @djflipout would play these mashups.... AVH would be"
1966179531,"neutral","FindingDani","@backstreetboys Hey boys, do you wanna see my teeth? (damn it, twitter don�t wanna change my picture)"
1966179712,"neutral","rumblepurr","@PrincessPDexter Ohhh, he is very regal man-cat! But he is blocked"
1966179879,"hate","mugenboycarlos","still can't figure this twitter thing out, i can't my background pic to stick and i can't seem to change my profile pic"
1966180022,"neutral","kimber_leigh","@cakewrecks that same smell is wafting thru my grandparents house, papaw has the smoker going out back..we've got a long wait tho."
1966180111,"worry","latikak","Sending angry vibes to the individual in a blue vehicle who hit my car in the QFC parking lot on Broad and failed to leave a note"
1966180304,"happiness","put_it_in_dry","so I just had a violent fightclub like sex dream involving heavily tattooed ladies. I didn't wanna wake up.  lol."
1966180448,"neutral","adamskg","Stepped on Coco's foot earlier while feeding the cats; no harm done AFAIK, but now she runs away from me"
1966180560,"worry","miss_yeung","@justeezy  woh won at least you aren't in the NYC situation"
1966180582,"worry","MzGlossy","@StaceBDU but my bday is JUNE 19.. this is wack... and ihavent seen any promotions for my bday party  someone better finagle this asap!"
1966181146,"neutral","tiarrasw","@RezaEvol awe  wit the snap of my fingers n a nod of my head ur rain is gone  lol...thxs hit up afterwards"
1966181827,"sadness","Zarinah","@irize yea yea  im about to torture myself by doing a stanky leg marathon..ima do the dance for hrs til I can't no mo"
1966181941,"worry","robots_","oh man, just seen the BGT news.. not cool. i loved greg.  that dancing weepy kid was just fucking obnoxious imo."
1966182443,"worry","CBinkz","mommy coming home from vegas tonight! going to pick her up later in islip her plane doesnt get in until 10:40. KILLME. i want my mommy"
1966182971,"worry","adamkrischel","@kakrisch im jealous.  im slaving away at the store and youre chilling on the boat."
1966182992,"sadness","Peter5tewart","@jwalsh Damnit all. That sucks.  You were one of the ones I thought I'd drag back lol"
1966183016,"worry","xOxEmily453xOx","@ddlovato  my cousin is in jail for shoplifting and drugs she is 16! im upset please help me feel better"
1966183294,"surprise","howeveralthough","@jinime Your schmoo is moving? Are you sad?"
1966183373,"hate","hshawjr","I had a new work picture taken today, hated it, it looks too much like me http://bit.ly/PHjUR"
1966183661,"love","Mattlike","@NikkiBenz I want to chat with you in Im some day."
1966183940,"sadness","AdamBMusic","@aaronob My music teacher either expired or forgot about my lesson, leaving me outside waiting for my ride to pick me up for 1 hour."
1966184184,"sadness","dywags","Well it's after 6 and i didn't get a call back  oh well"
1966184829,"neutral","stinayuuu","@urbanfrolicker I'm going to Cali in like two weeks! But it's nor cal"
1966184981,"hate","CabanaRama15","Home finally. Hungry. needs food. mad cause I might not get pizza today  Hanging out with brandon. its raining.. ugh!!"
1966185500,"hate","angel9293","lalalalaaaa i have a virus  tear tearrr well my COMPUTER has a virus! running scan grrr : \"
1966185749,"worry","fatjellypenguin","@mikeziemer you traitor  whiskey and coke is my aphrodisiac"
1966189594,"sadness","matthewharris","@renegadepr cool. looking forward. san francisco was really nice. didn't make it out to napa though  maybe next time."
1966189700,"worry","marina_ihi","wish I could feel no pain (8)  but it's ok, at least they like Brazil!"
1966190103,"happiness","tearingluvnotes","@kidcatastrophe so cool to hear you guys on 104.5! and i can't believe you in were cherry hill a few weeks ago and i missed it  come back"
1966190137,"neutral","MissSididdy","@tamtamdoll no, New orleans.. been here since katrina .."
1966190485,"worry","paigerobers","@glennbeck wish we could come see u on Denver  husband lost his job and can't afford it"
1966190508,"worry","michelleGTI","I do nothing on friday nights"
1966190950,"worry","simplehearted","Jane is really sad because she probably won't get perfect on tonight's quiz without the missing article. Should've asked someone for it."
1966190984,"fun","RoniChristie","@Beauabroughton shud up! lol my device thing doesn't work"
1966191037,"sadness","VCxoxo","omg trying to fix pic but its not working!!!! ugh also mom wont let me sleep over sanzz!!!!!  bad day!!!!"
1966191170,"worry","spunkykolor28","has a tummy ache."
1966191260,"sadness","edsaint","@rdougan I wish I was! well, for the past hour I have been. But before that I was in bed. Proper migraine!"
1966191298,"hate","jandrick","@joshhebert yeah bit it is overheating a bit and the AC died."
1966191300,"happiness","holladayze","Friday!!!!!!!!!! Wooo and nothing to do.  Nuggets better pull it off tonight."
1966191340,"sadness","SairaSyedMseis","@michaelpietsch He's totally ignoring me!! How sad!  I am heartbroken"
1966191351,"worry","xOxEmily453xOx","@Jonasbrothers  my cousin is in jail for shoplifting and drugs she is 16! im upset please help me feel better"
1966191399,"sadness","Mandybabes360","Got stuck in a traffic jam today, i now have one sunburned arm"
1966191788,"sadness","meganrogers","@coliwilso *hugs*  still feeling poorly are you"
1966191822,"neutral","Meli182","I was the blue  lol http://twitpic.com/67zgz"
1966192362,"worry","PatBrough","reason #123,243,342 I don't like weathermen, school program canceled due 2 rain.Show 6p-7p now 8:15p still no rain  #weathermenRneverright"
1966192416,"worry","pandamachinne","I have nacho chips...but no cheese."
1966192431,"sadness","msboombox","On my way to work, I'm kinda sad"
1966192686,"happiness","eperryman","I love it when it rains on me when im golfing"
1966192769,"sadness","spellmaster07","chillin on break eatin some grub. pretty burnt out had an eventful day. wanting to go to the movies with Ian, not happening though."
1966192881,"sadness","olce","I missed your calls"
1966193047,"relief","galleysmith","@vasilly thanks.  I'm self so I don't see the "my Account" area.  I'll have to dig deeper it seems"
1966193658,"worry","kerricue8","@RealKeanuReeves   People are cruel sometimes.  I can't imagine being a Star."
1966193693,"worry","rahulkpr","Went for run, my sinuses are pissing me off"
1966193774,"worry","datamaverick","@sandysurap Thanks. They're both so cute. Havent been home for many years so havent seen them in person"
1966193805,"hate","rachelnessxo","misses her phone... having no service sucks"
1966194076,"neutral","hannahxmakeup","No one's coming in"
1966194110,"neutral","ryangoldvine","D'oh...forgot the ferry turns around before going. So much for sitting in the sun. And the other side deck is closed."
1966194122,"worry","MaddyJonasx3","@jbdance7  ya i can never watch any of them :l"
1966194190,"sadness","vocaltest","waiting for sleeping pills to kick in... gonna be so tired at work tomorrow"
1966194922,"worry","Bubba_1992","I sadly have no voice after the Food Faire and The Academic Pep Rally!! I need my voice."
1966195083,"surprise","marcolaureano","Select Yums tees on sale! Bird Walk and SODMG are sold out though"
1966195154,"sadness","Ukno94","Why the fuck can't I be over this ??? I feel like crying bit I realy don't want to  why is this bothering me sooooooo much !?"
1966195155,"sadness","JurrBurr","@survivorqueen I can't shes taken my keys to muh car."
1966195423,"neutral","nomadiqueMC","@sophiebenjamin  it's very pleasant. i sooo rarely just have time to kill..."
1966195892,"sadness","stackkk0717","No Rockin on the River for me, tonight..."
1966195949,"worry","JoanneKateX","Isss boredddd, gotta be up in the morningg"
1966195975,"neutral","sherlzzzz","@PrincessSuperC i misss youhhhhhhh ci! Tell dem japenese ppl to give yu a computer or sumthinnn. Ya twit fam misssesss supa c!"
1966196285,"love","almafonth","@LuluLuz  i love you,i love you,i love you -you're the most beautiful and sweet girl ever."
1966196590,"surprise","nationmckinley","@hellparade what? whyyyy?"
1966196660,"worry","wrestlingaddict","@JeremyBorash wow, honestly not surprising, every time they try to push that guy he gets injured"
1966196689,"neutral","samlvsmarvin","Nite nite my fellow tweeters goin to put ma ipod in n listen to some westlife missin those guys  then headin to sleep early start  7am x"
1966196694,"sadness","RendaDMRegister","@BodyWisdomInc sorry I missed you @pcharityclassic. Saw you across the way, I was busy taking pix-abt 4:15 came to meet U-but U were gone"
1966196733,"boredom","xoTaylor","Not gonna lie, i'm going to miss high school lunches. A lot. Damn."
1966196916,"fun","AngharadPene","There was no traffic at all on my way home and all traffic lights were green.Im afraidIowe karma a big check"
1966197101,"hate","rachaelk__x","why is this english homework so hard  i seem to be getting nowhere"
1966197213,"hate","vanilla_gitta","Dang! My voice wont came out! And my snots is covering all my tissues... DANGIT! I hate FLU!"
1966197544,"worry","ambelies","@emerilizzie poor kid.  That sucks. Hopefully things look up for her soon. *hugs*"
1966198009,"sadness","xxiolla1","@dougreport just checked again and it worked!! Sorry"
1966198099,"worry","ByteMaster","@schambers bud light?!?!?!  up in Massachusetts and no Boston Lager?  Guess I won't catch the next flight   njoy!"
1966198353,"neutral","smashleyyy","@pandamachinne and i have cheese and no chips."
1966198575,"happiness","Number1jbfan","@emilygrace_BHB I went to that concert and I remember Derek and Mark were hosting! I miss seeing BHB  at the grove."
1966198646,"neutral","ella0319","@Bea0414 eh..not sure daw guesting ni cha on monday"
1966198700,"worry","allison6071","Im giving up on twitter. My pic is gone my background is gone..I'm hopeless when it comes to technology!!"
1966198911,"happiness","GeordieEK","@hannahgramm Haha damn you not inviting me"
1966198926,"surprise","Liana_B_Nana","ACK! Ghost Whisperer isn't on!   Damn network's lucky they gave me Walk The Line in place of it...f*ckas. JP is hawt.  :0)"
1966198993,"sadness","DivasMistress","@Kalediscope Girl *cries* I'm allergic to seafood"
1966199450,"worry","xMalaikax","aghh mann i missed like half wowp, nd i dont like to start watching things in the middle of the show, i forgot to record it, im maddd!"
1966199586,"worry","vickybonnett","@veddersgirl Will start tonight. Bored. Tired of waiting on Darkward. I am breaking up with him"
1966199787,"worry","hanbirk","@kscarter I feel like I haven't talked to you in a really really long time."
1966199893,"worry","tahxx","@mileycyrus  it wont let me vote even tho im signed in"
1966199997,"sadness","princessaline","Just got to the gym but w/no energy"
1966200442,"surprise","charod","..dat dude look crazy w/ dat hair on his face lmao ..stop it!! ..the old wrestlers went to TNA  thanks Vince ..these dudes are clowns lol"
1966200468,"empty","bere972","Ugh boring friday"
1966201003,"worry","vanessaroussert","oh and i forgot my cell at home  thankgod for this crackberry"
1966201368,"surprise","mytvnetwork","@jojo_jtv WHAT! I was only gone for 30 minutes and you're already showing boobage without me?"
1966201373,"neutral","missdiva27","Is on break...I'm so tired"
1966201685,"worry","suttygal","@MaryleeFOD I am so sorry I missed your tweet  I was on a nice long chat across the border with pastel. Did you want the recipe? email?"
1966201806,"neutral","suzylily","Tempted to buy MAC at ACW....even though I don't need anything....but I want to try dazzleglasses"
1966201891,"worry","trishababycakes","waaah.. I can't open my eyes wider! i wanna go back to sleep but i can't sleep properly.."
1966201971,"sadness","gee_mon","God, why can't I be at #asylum? Really. I never get to do anything cool!"
1966202158,"worry","VolunteerGlobal","FCKeditor is giving me problems! Posts just fine, but only edits in plain text! Help!"
1966202490,"hate","hiiikelly","I hate it when Trevor drives"
1966204773,"sadness","Krys2005","@ the San Antonio Missions game waitressing. Not a huge crowd.  Meaning a slow game."
1966204883,"sadness","zenguin","I'd rather be at #BEATweetup.  Instead, I'm taking my cue from @vromans and shutting down. @wirechairs @annacarollo reprezent-zent!"
1966205070,"sadness","CharleyHarley","my fab broke"
1966205074,"worry","naiara_","@ceciliaa_ What did he say about it?? Gosh! I missed the yesterday live chat.. I was at bed.. sick"
1966205113,"neutral","Niikkk","@katevoegele WIsh they were in Toronto  Will you be coming back here soon?"
1966205351,"worry","Gigiborja","I'm in a traffic jam"
1966205498,"worry","richardm82","has a broken iphone"
1966206749,"happiness","pinkmuslimah","I am finally plugged in to listen to Flashpoints on http//:www.kpfa.org shoutout @norabf and have missed the segment about Chevron"
1966206979,"happiness","miserablefreak","says Morning.  http://plurk.com/p/x34ap"
1966207016,"hate","elwoodofficial","@AdamRPhoto ow shitttt i cant come get drunk ihave to go to a photo shoot in portsmouth or sumfink  owwwwwwwwwwwww"
1966207387,"neutral","hollyalyxfinch","@RedFieldWines @shakeNbake Bit of New Scientist, this weeks an last weeks, and Watership Down"
1966207508,"hate","saritairene","Shots suuuuck!  im done  no more vacines!"
1966207613,"sadness","Demomanca","Omg, someone just left me a voicemail at work    ffs let me have a day off"
1966208480,"surprise","bigbluebronco","Boo....Up DLP is sold out for 8:30"
1966208572,"worry","kayyteeebeee","i'm a bum today"
1966208666,"neutral","LotiBradley","might go to bed? No nightmares about bad grades tonight please!  Hmm!"
1966208691,"neutral","whoaariel","Environmental project"
1966209046,"sadness","ChesterPDexter","@ArtyTheCat oh noes I missed you again."
1966209102,"surprise","maryviolet","@fatsam33 yeahh  those two times we've stood next to each other were special times..."
1966209187,"worry","lspringr13","Just got my dress for my friends wedding. Its a little tight in places. Gotta work out more"
1966209349,"neutral","megveg","@NDM_1 yeah we only went for 5 days  im trying to get back in november with my mom for super soak stars weekend"
1966209786,"relief","kariiimanrock","i hate my presentation  hahah whatever im glad its over"
1966209836,"fun","LeoraNovick","just got sold out from UP"
1966210418,"sadness","JaymEsch","@wita  Still think it's unfair that Infamous isn't on PC. =/"
1966210626,"worry","metatxt","still feeling crangsty  but sushi for Marianne's bday (tmr) tonight! then pedicures (finally!) even so, I hate feeling like this *pouts*"
1966211009,"worry","MaryGoswell","@selenagomez AWWWE! I live in Van, would've been so great to see you  but have a great flight!"
1966211024,"worry","baloteesha","chris cornell is going pop?!  i prefer the old chris cornell."
1966211117,"neutral","iheartpunnk","@kaiminoeau why have i not heard of said show?"
1966211483,"worry","jasminenicole26","so i have like no more friends it's kinda sad"
1966211864,"hate","socilover","well its hot as heck right now"
1966212221,"sadness","Lexi_sd6","ok, twitter doesnt like me   i must be really dumb...how do i send a msg?"
1966212365,"worry","NuJurzyBoricua","offically in DC .....  missing my numero uno"
1966212725,"fun","DraJackie","joooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! studying!!!  to be readdy to go to the party!!!   If they let me go!!  jajaja I think yeaahh!!! \m/!!"
1966213599,"neutral","OzzyOzzyBoy","@avalm  i can never tells mommy!  or they will be means to me..."
1966213715,"hate","jakatack","@annettestarbuck heck yea that beats traffic!  Im on the stinkin toll road (paying to sit in traffic, nice) no milkshakes out here"
1966213761,"worry","popandshorty","@emett55 TGIF is right...I think I broke my toe last night - on my bad foot."
1966214085,"neutral","QueenJ09","doin homework ugh"
1966214279,"neutral","ChristinaRibena","in my room its too damn warm! windows open but im still cooking !"
1966214572,"sadness","Nicholezion","Wanting to go out... apparently no ones available!"
1966214728,"love","daniel_tang","@shawncorson i know  i'm tweeting more now though don't you worry!! haha i wish i could fly to ohio! i saw beyonce on monday uhmygawddd!"
1966214729,"hate","HollywoodNoir","I have to reupload the damn thing again"
1966215107,"neutral","charophoto","@frphoto pictures of your bliss?  In JPEG format?  Sorry, it's message board terminology and u don't play w/us on the boards"
1966215220,"worry","levisgirl23","Lack of sleep leads to major head ach"
1966215243,"sadness","omgitsnickfrost","They burnt my zuccini"
1966215861,"fun","SdotVA","@DD714 Ahh man, and im off NEXT weekend"
1966215991,"sadness","Blacklightnin86","has such a freakin migraine"
1966216487,"neutral","francesward","@paulie just saw some of the photos... he had his shirt off again didn't he.."
1966216544,"neutral","blackdominoes","@gregmike saw that across the street for manuels. fur coats must be in short supply somewhere"
1966216638,"worry","rossbergen","feeling sick. headache. bored. tireddd"
1966216811,"worry","amysav83","@lindyhot oh noo.. i cant see it"
1966216818,"worry","jimjeffers","Our currency is dropping like nobodies business; not a good time to be going overseas  http://is.gd/JsgL"
1966217065,"sadness","SophieMarina","I miss vlogcandy"
1966217559,"sadness","Batmanhan","Why can't i find any jewellry for my dressssss?"
1966217975,"worry","MariahHoneyLee","@JamaicaPanama im missin out on all the fun aww  *cryin* lol"
1966218209,"sadness","lisaaaarp","epic fail with the chocolate fountain that got CLOGGED"
1966218389,"worry","faerynatasha","argh! why is the bathroom always closed when I'm late from my break and gotta pee?!!!!"
1966218586,"worry","I_Need_To_Vent","Vent:  No one cares"
1966218964,"boredom","JessicklesFTW","I'm so tired. I don't get how I am. I sat on the lawn mower and didn't push the whole damn thing."
1966219266,"neutral","RanaeShrider","@BuScooby yes its the twins  so i wontt be watching"
1966219744,"sadness","NahJoyce","Aw i couldn't see robert before practice. That makes me sad"
1966219792,"sadness","nat_ong","I MISS TUGGER AND MISTO  last night was amazing<3 i was so close to them :')"
1966219921,"fun","DymeDiva23","@BBKwieen all of em! Hahahahaha sry"
1966219971,"worry","simarquette","@efefe http://twitpic.com/64g3b - i think so ! well,u're lucky"
1966220053,"sadness","mgmyself","@KSdaisy Aw...poor thing."
1966220125,"worry","crazysalright","@thecapillary i noticed that you were on the same hallway....shitty   No worries about the BBQ....I'm hoping there will be more to come!!!"
1966221061,"sadness","TurtleGirlBrett","I ripped my favorite pair of jeans."
1966221168,"sadness","hrhnikkiawesome","i just bit my tongue.  blood everywhere!!!"
1966221430,"relief","FlyEffortlssly","Made it to Wisconsin... Now off to Golden Corral again! dang! lol we missed the graduation! tho  Dang!"
1966221557,"neutral","Sara_JM","@malikafaye Cool Sound!! Luv "Drama", "Love Game" doesn't work on ur myspace...    Wish Good Luck!! XoXo from Spain"
1966222539,"happiness","never","@lolbethie that sounds great right about now. It's ridiculously hot in my house"
1966222810,"neutral","lisanne77","Cleaning time soon"
1966222821,"worry","SerenityWalk","Time for my ritualistic Friday night depression"
1966223647,"neutral","joncenfreshh","http://yfrog.com/0xoxij Fry bread is good but they only gave me a little pinch of lettuce  ha ha"
1966224140,"worry","stayxgold","@caraann aww I miss driving down elmwood"
1966224172,"sadness","isleschick","Burning my tongue on Won Ton soup"
1966224323,"worry","BonesRecordz","wow its follow friday and i havent tweeted... Fail. And nobody has followed me today  dble fail. *suicide*"
1966224624,"neutral","deecater","i can't see results for whyareyoustillhere"
1966224834,"happiness","gill_86","@Aphrosie It would still involve me standing up. lol. Windows are too high up. Guess im just gonna have to go out"
1966225093,"sadness","pantsfreesia","@momneedstherapy - So sorry Ambien got sick.  Perhaps work her ashes into the garden with a catnip plant?"
1966225227,"fun","Anthony_y_Tony","@WayneDaStar that's a mess  I'll look for it next week"
1966225272,"sadness","Bellalove127","Why hasn't he called. I'm being blown off yet again."
1966225282,"sadness","v1nn1e","sometimes i forget my favorite porn stars are real people too. @bobbyclarkxxx made orange chicken last night and cut his finger off! sad!"
1966225608,"hate","bunnieLUV","@jessicagee7 i have restricted driving priviledges...  and i didn't even do anything. stupid double standards"
1966225721,"sadness","Anya__","cars,,,,cars....cars.....I need one. ha ha. The one I found last night, that I wanted so bad! is now sold. And not to me"
1966226036,"worry","drivemysoulxx","eye still hurts  I Think I'll go sleep now..."
1966226334,"worry","RantzHoseley","GAH! I have the headache from hell. Reminds me what my lovely wife goes through all too often"
1966226388,"surprise","icysun23","@SilentEcho omg i know i'm so sorry  my screen is just small :S"
1966226548,"happiness","tintinxtorres","Just enjoyed 2 steak quesadillas! Kinda mad cause I'm gonna miss the laker game!"
1966226672,"neutral","Eli_Mauser","its stormy"
1966226846,"sadness","jazalove","rain rain go away.  had to cancel my pool plans! tragic."
1966226900,"sadness","OtaliaLover","Is sad there was no Otalia today"
1966227150,"worry","CarelessNeb","my day is going way too fast"
1966227483,"sadness","solider","doesn't sound so great at all  http://is.gd/JslB #palmpre"
1966227719,"sadness","sarzahhh","so busy already"
1966227936,"worry","Jake_Zeran","@swiftkaratechop "Jake Cologne" from hollister makes every girl I hug go fucking nuts. Too bad I'm gay."
1966227979,"sadness","sydneyyBROWN","put my dog to sleep  I love you abby RIP<3"
1966228071,"sadness","natures1stgreen","@KimmyCakezZ yes ma'am u do have a pretty smile. but you also won't eat chipotle with me."
1966228731,"neutral","onlyrob1402","Y!oi thay doi khi chung ta... thoi day!"
1966229109,"worry","PaTrOnZoNeGrL","So glad the days almost over... Another nite of me nd my pain pills alone at the crib lol. Ughh I wish this weekend was over alreadi!"
1966229136,"worry","vriezzy","is in skwl now, and i dont really wanna study.. i saw him --> J***I and makes me feel down.."
1966229286,"neutral","scm019","Practice was a beast today. Not going to see Julian tonight"
1966229306,"love","xoxoadrianne","@rouxified help!!"
1966229590,"worry","deelind","@cleverindie This spine thing sounds no good  back exercises are no fun, best of luck hon."
1966229609,"surprise","yodaspimpcane","@natalyathree damn! natalya! you gotta tell me whats going on!!! i'd call you but i lost all my phone numbers when i broke my blackberry"
1966229671,"happiness","vixgirl","So much happier, despite my looming departure"
1966230072,"worry","circuslightss","@SourTwittles Hahahaha! I didn't know it said that, sheeeeittt! I don't get why I can't have a picture... bwaaaahhh"
1966230114,"sadness","cbond007","Somehow I have managed to sober up and now I remember how crap I felt pre drink"
1966230281,"love","sayahpiper","@cheekyxoxo  I love you, though!"
1966230558,"fun","shelanskey","Fun Friday night planned...... Spent at work"
1966230651,"sadness","myworldCK","at work.. missing my miami fam @anywayz, @abigaildsouza, @mrohboy32, carolina, jonathan, @Prtyprincess, @JessDosil &&& more"
1966230782,"worry","tofu916","@TreoBenny ha! I know..I'm very ashamed."
1966231102,"neutral","girltravissays","I don't wanna work tonight"
1966231682,"worry","edhelwen1","@Gilove2dance Awww, *hugs* I wish I could help."
1966231709,"relief","DavidArtis","@JanuaryParker hey they do have that  but these never bothered me before."
1966232111,"sadness","malloryking86","I had some work to do, but my wrist hurts too much to do any of it."
1966232476,"sadness","iBarbiee","@HollyTheBoss lol. sorry bout today  ..did u get them?? & what else R U guyz doinq cuz i have to C if im eligable [howeva itz spelled lol]"
1966232622,"neutral","joshgard","@kailaengland Im salaried so I don't make any more or less no matter how many hrs I work.  Comes with the territory I suppose."
1966232830,"happiness","brittenywood","i'm probably the only person in the world that uses tweetie from my ipod touch & not an iphone  ghetto? haha"
1966233087,"worry","Alexfort14","Dudes nothing to doon a friday"
1966233124,"happiness","carlycat","Listening to nin and working on my break. ALMOST as good as being at the show.....  rock out extra hard @SarfaBarfa"
1966233876,"hate","IrmaInez","Knew she was an idiot.."
1966234762,"neutral","Roisin_Scott","really not lookin forward to monday  bak to college"
1966234774,"empty","delbius","@USelaine No!  I in fact made sure that cookie was never delivered."
1966235006,"sadness","xxrawkstarx","feelin depressed ,, i miss you soo damn fcking much besties  ..i wish i wouldnt have left yt"
1966235023,"worry","hazatude","Rain on my parade of beer and fire"
1966235041,"surprise","SelNicole","goodness gracious my chair broke"
1966235539,"enthusiasm","junklekennedy","wishing I was attending #beatweetup I even bought a badge"
1966235549,"worry","SamieRobinson","@jmariu i couldn't eat all my nuggets  finish them for me."
1966235640,"worry","MCRmuffin","@Boy_Kill_Boy I is angry"
1966235948,"neutral","ACatholicView","@rufmac I had a priest that said "unnecessary anxiety""
1966236023,"neutral","BrokenSword","Lots of noisy peeps outside"
1966236242,"worry","james_hall_brid","Is upset that he didn't get his 24 fix tonight"
1966236997,"sadness","beingnobody","@Mr_Kimbalicious you can have the milk i have, i only have that here to drink  i think thats whats making me feel sick"
1966237158,"hate","Reuenthal","god, brera, why is your plot twist going to fucking everything up i can feel it"
1966237417,"neutral","TiffMcCartney","@backstreetboys I wish you guys had gotten it on video"
1966237909,"fun","pinkymomo17","hi from chile!!! It's 9 deg C  winter's coming....cant wait for cali sun."
1966238684,"worry","katymoe","Oh how today sucks...."
1966238881,"relief","MarnieBelle","@Hockeyvampiress glad you have a squeee moment good for you-- I just got bills in the mail"
1966239158,"sadness","air_b","@NaomiER Having a bad day actually  but your cd keeps my spirits lifted"
1966239946,"sadness","buckeyeaimee","At an 80''S retro prom wishing HE was here to dance with!  I'm gonna miss his great dancing 2nite  but still having a blast & a few drinks"
1966240793,"worry","lost_dog","@danachs I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1966240917,"hate","kidkierain","@brentonscowie  dude i will check again but i couldnt find anything  haha i am capital F-U-C-K-E-D"
1966240947,"enthusiasm","DannyWoodfill","Rushed to get to ups and they close at 7... I got here at 705 after making a wrong turn"
1966241061,"worry","Bu2ful_Asstnt","@djcommish @JuneBug143 Awww hey boo..  i know i miss all of them"
1966241480,"surprise","Addicted2Fame","i lost a follower"
1966241776,"neutral","zestylime","Bouncing Rush makes me feel nauseous"
1966241834,"worry","Spazzie_Jazzie","@ddlovato How hard is it 2 be running back an forth constantly? Ya kno workin all the time, havin crazy sleepin schedules? Must be hard"
1966242117,"fun","heartsnsparkles","@FenterZ hahaha your gonna beat me again  LOL at james sahal and his "stunnerbum""
1966242880,"happiness","wangsanata","Oops forgot to shave my legs!  Byebye to my favorite cousin   Bklyn two nights in a row... We go hardd!!!!!!!"
1966242915,"sadness","jamisloan","@prettyrach I am 100% jealous.  wish I had some"
1966243236,"worry","Carmsy24","is crying..because the school years over  i wont get to see my teachers!  i wont get to see johnathan......."
1966243329,"worry","dovely","Wow. So I hate Staples right now. Majorly. Thanks for being complete fucktards and killing our productivity"
1966243594,"neutral","theeval","finishing washing dishes"
1966243993,"worry","Gallistero","Sigh only 1 problem though i need to call Stooopid LIME aka Cable and Wireless and have them reconnect my interent 2 day without net  sads"
1966244013,"sadness","modernartrocks","@brighit @lilypenelope @Guy_Vincent @torbengee @@Winsorandnewt i missed the party!!!!  i bought wine and everything!!!"
1966244251,"neutral","Shakeibra","@estMay89 been there!  need somewhere NEW"
1966244260,"worry","AnastasiaNas","I think my phone has officially bit the dust."
1966244397,"worry","nikki0919","Sitting in the car. My ipod is about to die so Im not gonna have anything to do."
1966244564,"worry","katybatista","@nezua i want to comment but don't understand what you're saying"
1966245027,"neutral","DanniBaker","just dropped my biscuit in my tea"
1966245772,"neutral","crazyhorse05","was hoping to go to Red Lobster this weekend"
1966245922,"sadness","NicaNoelle","There go my big plans... thanks, tonsils."
1966246124,"love","taybaugh","@courtbolin i miss youuu and i wish i was dodging semis with you"
1966246334,"fun","lojalita","Bought some little plastic personal wine bottles at Jewel, perfect for rooftop boozin'! Wish I didn't have to wait so long!"
1966246467,"hate","onlytosee",": I saw US Postal was hiring, but once I was done filling out the pre-application thingy it didn't show me jobs open in the area."
1966246529,"sadness","MsVitch","@owl311 that makes me sad..."
1966247227,"love","Ixast","I just wanna be happy"
1966247900,"worry","serendipitousy","I wish I could see dramafest SO BAD."
1966248322,"love","OutOfLuck182","@lacietee i wish i was going, cuz i miss you."
1966248355,"worry","cathxerine","@el_juansimon God I'm bored. Wish we could've done something 2night!"
1966248784,"neutral","haleympotter","I got paint in my hair"
1966249529,"worry","FawazSaad","Making a list of SiC 2009 attendances"
1966249554,"sadness","katieclues","@samsamsammm i miss you!!  stupid work!"
1966249696,"worry","myworldCK","at work.. missing my miami fam @anywayz, @abigaildsouza, @mrohboy32, carolina, @jonathan305, @Prtyprincess, @JessDosil &&& more"
1966249848,"neutral","kridrules","@AwesomeKenn lame right?  do u know what dates you'll be in Cali?"
1966250104,"worry","whittneyhyslip","thinking i cant handle my life like this anymore... almost seems as if suicides the answer... unfortunately."
1966250384,"love","AriannaErin","Trying to reorganize plans for tonight uggg  Hopefully it will still be lots 'o fun!"
1966250559,"sadness","Marmaduke33","friday.....i have nothing to do so sad"
1966250700,"worry","brentonscowie","@kidkierain yeah, that does sound a bit bad man... i got fucking exam week this week"
1966251102,"worry","melissamurphy17","is terrible at saving money.."
1966251133,"sadness","chylalyla","working on diffusing that irritation but this traffic sure isn't helping  mother F! it's always real bad the days th@ i help plan stuff"
1966251620,"sadness","MyNameIsJohnson","@yomama8929 I go into the room for the first time in weeks and you're off cleaning"
1966251622,"neutral","gothjezebel","@marue720 nope  i'm sooo curious...."
1966251970,"neutral","hello_jodie","@WerewolfSeth I wanted to see it until I saw that it was PG 13. That totally bummed me out."
1966252179,"sadness","Allips","brother's back!! && i found this really small dead bird on my deck  so sad, i basically cried."
1966252257,"love","hannaahayek","wish i could be in via funchal  yesterday, @tommcfly, @Dannymcfly, @dougiemcfly, @mcflyharry were PERFECT, the best day in my life XX"
1966252262,"happiness","JohnnyInfamous","28� in VanCity? Holy shizz. I will be home soon kids!"
1966252667,"fun","Heather_Capuano","@davidaldrich_wx Did you see the color of the sky and how it looks in Philly??  It is yellowish/orangeish/brownish looks scary!!  lol"
1966252695,"sadness","gemyd","Misses JP  I do not know what to do and iv given myself a headache thinking about it, just makes me want to cry"
1966253012,"worry","rachellmiller","Didn't expect to have a car accident, then the pain kick in 4 days later"
1966253593,"worry","EmilyParker","I feel like a lost puppy without my phone."
1966253854,"empty","megapanda","if i make some madeleines, i need to have a bake sale or something. god. boredom needs to = something other than baking"
1966258651,"fun","raija13","@Atashas your sister would ! hahah thats so funny !! i thought you liked them"
1966258701,"worry","lost_dog","@bktassava I am lost. Please help me find a good home."
1966258782,"sadness","EmilyMarieox","off to bed was gonna read some new moon but its a little late now  night night all xxx"
1966258811,"hate","aronyt","just got back home... bored now"
1966258993,"hate","jevelines","hates scaleeeee"
1966259098,"worry","alanstevens","She tells me that she feels miserable, so at least it's mutual."
1966259141,"worry","hollyalyxfinch","Ugh I don't feel well again all of a sudden"
1966259174,"sadness","aarondenney","@alinachka is there anyway you could forgive me?"
1966259744,"relief","TheSamDawg19","been working all day, finally relaxing!! i miss you"
1966259875,"hate","KPChicken","So... Things didn't work out as expected, well damm"
1966259881,"neutral","Shadowplay_x","tripping through tiredness is nottt nice"
1966260673,"sadness","bigpieps","@uwbadgerkelly because you had chips and sale w/o me"
1966260738,"worry","paul_quileute23","Bella doesn't love me no more"
1966260860,"worry","Lydisquidie","I have a sore tummy"
1966261150,"sadness","nikki0919","@sarah6800 I miss you already. All the sad faces you texted me were seriously gonna make me cry."
1966261449,"surprise","romanstwelveone","@path189 why weren't we invited?"
1966261776,"sadness","baz2450","@RealRobBrydon Hi Rob, will you be coming back and doing any more shows in Wales again soon? Missed you the first time."
1966262048,"sadness","amoniquek","@mssbxny artery tomorrow. No more Hagen Daz for me"
1966262139,"hate","riyanasumbrella","@CiiTYLiiGHTSx3 what happened? who's the jerk!?"
1966262338,"sadness","hairymaclary","@RainbowAnne  Well, it was a nice thought while it lasted. Maybe he'll leave properly next time *crosses fingers*"
1966262349,"surprise","iwalkonwater","@xhotandfatx you gotta follow "BOOBFEED" its incredible. They tweet 4-10 a day. With links to free breasts. Its my favorite tweeter"
1966262600,"sadness","Heather_Capuano","@davidaldrich_wx it looks like it did in Ohio after a tornado hit."
1966263058,"worry","cdeison","My picture won't update."
1966263555,"worry","driveafastercar","Graveyard charged my card twice (one correct total, one random amt) from last night's #atltweet tweetup. Check your accounts!"
1966263770,"sadness","jessicfor","@Heylushh haha me tooooo! I miss you I havnt seen you in ages"
1966263865,"worry","kristinlittle","forgot to renew my drivers license"
1966263995,"sadness","Jaseaka","was just about to try and  dl the sims 3 but realize my pc don't meet the standard requirements  i need new pc lol!!!"
1966264284,"hate","bgoldy","The jetway feels like the seventh layer of hell. Oh and there are way too many babies on this flight. And I forgot my Bose."
1966264373,"worry","RedLuigi","My cats sick."
1966264750,"worry","ericjstar","I really need to invest in an elliptical machine... Running with shin splints sucks!!"
1966264837,"worry","monkeyjunkie","Alex slammed her head into the edge of the table about 30 min ago.  She's going to have a nice, blue bruise."
1966265000,"neutral","KaylaSiemon","Is watching acoustic performances! & In the mood for a good "FRIENDS" episode! I miss that show"
1966265183,"worry","adjovie","@ Kosme -> careful or you're going to be like me; updating websites and such on a Friday night"
1966265378,"sadness","Leahhh_x","everyone has left me and gone to bed"
1966266177,"sadness","enhaynes","@kickzfadayz Our boy better get it in tonight!!!! Or it's all over"
1966266213,"fun","imanwilliams","@Anthony_y_Tony I had Pad Thai 3 times last night  ragoons LOL yumb"
1966266263,"sadness","rissastory","i want to join drama practice today but i can't"
1966266721,"worry","MattyD1990","is very hungover"
1966267210,"worry","sheenaj0202","@ltyson yay asap lol awwh I miss our friday night happy hours even luna del sea and the "boy" hahahaha"
1966267233,"worry","Beaker","Jesus...I'm being SLAMMED via DM's from the Papaya lobbyists.  OK. Holy crap: Mangosteen, Durian or Papaya...or cybersecurity on a stick."
1966267286,"sadness","caroldn","@ClaireSale Poor Beta, I took him to Seattle, riding on my lap on the plane. He was happy here until our week long outage-cold did him in"
1966267369,"boredom","personar","aw now where's that little asian girl who runs round pooping her pants in public? i miss laughing at her."
1966267431,"surprise","twikletwikle","love to but  already got plan  going to queen mary !"
1966267601,"worry","stephaniedemar","@bwexxx  i hope you hoes are having so much fun...not TOO much without me though lol"
1966267607,"sadness","f33dyourlungs_","@Savfortomorrow I thought I was doing pretty good; I guess not. Bummer."
1966267690,"worry","nwoidaho","@Nevidge20 Kennedy was re-injured at RAW on Monday. He's got s serious muscle issue in his back and a broken wrist."
1966267844,"neutral","I_Support_DemiL","@16_MileyCyrus it wont let me do it twitter keeps saying over twitter capacity or something that bird keeps coming up."
1966268064,"worry","adammiya","Took calculus exam today, I think that I did well. I messed up one derivative identity though  Well, I never miss that one again."
1966268113,"sadness","Taelahf","I miss him soooo much  not gonna see him for 2-3 months"
1966268117,"worry","solitarybelle","@akte a couple of YEARS? I may die without my Kateage.  *keeps fingers crossed for you tho*"
1966268198,"surprise","angelobell","Someone out there will soon  be the lucky recipient of my 5000th Tweet. Oh wait. Shit. THIS was it!"
1966268324,"worry","breaththelife","I lost my voice"
1966268372,"neutral","WendyM","@HeatherShorter wish I had something to toast with .... but all i have is a glass of water"
1966268541,"worry","gorguz_georgie","woke up early this morning  not happy bout that, headache, dizzy can't breathe, yeh im still sick"
1966268588,"love","NeilPlakcy","Didn't win a Lammy last night  but happy for Scott Sherman, who did. Walked my feet off at BEA today."
1966268651,"happiness","spacecowgirl12","@jeseekuhluv Yea I think I waited to long. oh well. thats cool. I should have signed up for more but I'm already done with core classes"
1966269124,"worry","pastoryusuk","*cough cough hack hack"
1966269363,"worry","Disco_Jesus","reaons not worth it; drunk for no reason, depressed about revision, nothing happened. Reason's worth it:Matt, ...after that? i dunno"
1966269734,"fun","Nikunj_Jha","The nocturnal serendipity... Kashmir is an important means to that end..."
1966269812,"hate","amnaturelle","said final farewells to roommate.  almost finished packing then it's dc or bust on the 3rd. california: i divorce you x 3!"
1966269898,"enthusiasm","TheKokoKure","@LovelyAaris That's not fair! I'm hungry as hell"
1966269991,"surprise","meoof","@MuddyTheFox aww  but typing from beyond the grave...impressive"
1966270601,"sadness","SongoftheOss","@ThisStarChild aww please explain "botts" I am all 'fused...."
1966270775,"neutral","RochelleAdamson","Can't change my profile or settings"
1966270804,"boredom","PrettywPink08","got new sneaks today..can't wait to break them in..stupid rain"
1966270818,"sadness","tkbopp","@hannahxmakeup my stupid putet won't let me go to your chat"
1966271256,"love","Aartist1","@slonecker ...thanks for the shout out...you might be right about the starving thing....     little lol"
1966272672,"worry","Kutski","@philwade unfortunatly, just about to start making my way home  but via Singapore for a gig too, so fun ain't over  just yet ;)"
1966272724,"empty","MeganToscano","lotsa water. it's already dark out"
1966273796,"anger","onthedecline","Sitting in traffic while my car gets rained on. Just washed it on Sunday. Doesn't the weather know this is California?"
1966273801,"sadness","imanika","@wesleyadamquinn i missed the chicago show  boo me."
1966273937,"neutral","lalayu","@LOPchelle @marchie1 in chicago until 8:20  ...just landed xoxo"
1966274031,"worry","ellaireyantis","@JoeRuiz Ahhh, I slept through the game.  I'm gonna try my best to watch tomorrow though. I hope we play Army."
1966274755,"sadness","ericford","@TinPanAlley Sorry bro  That's rough."
1966275398,"sadness","CormacOfFleetSt","I'm sad to take off the suit b/c I know I'm not going to get to wear one again for a long time"
1966275459,"sadness","Chrissyisms","@chopperdave12 i think im just going to wind up going Home and go to bed"
1966275544,"neutral","dababya89","Bout to hit pmark then make one of my final meals wit the housemates.."
1966276308,"sadness","lala_Leesa","@MmMmMshell I miss having u as a roommate"
1966276369,"worry","slvjoe","I'm really enjoying pins and needles in my legs at 01:28 in the morning... Not"
1966276372,"sadness","haleymc","Bored and kinda lonely, my parents went up to the lake. I didn't have a friend to bring up so i knew i was bored and didn't go."
1966276443,"neutral","rockyrobins","@CaliLewis Welcome back to the Bay Area. Does In and Out call to you?  Wish I could meet ya at the meetup, but I'll be working a gig."
1966276528,"neutral","aprilmackley","@abby_in_love scanton?! that's farrr  elaine got her cartilage pierced! it's so cute!"
1966276795,"worry","MrzEndy","@BSBVBK im trying to fix it.. it doesnt do it  and its "ahi dios mio" but u did good lol"
1966276851,"neutral","crystalthediva","Def isn't. I don't even feel like me without a pic next to my tweet."
1966277050,"worry","ColinMcLellan","Plans were taking flight to go out tonight but they're now sinking in the Hudson since I have to work in he morning. Stupid bird strike."
1966277105,"worry","rachelkarhnak","Coming to the end of a looooong day. Good new is, I got everything done! Bad news- I gotta wake up @ 4:45am tomorrow for work!"
1966277344,"empty","Stacey_D","oh God! Bicycle accident just across the street from our house. I think fatal. Cyclist died near same place 2 yrs ago. We need bike lanes"
1966277482,"neutral","just_jadiie","im hungry, & i dunno what to make..i want popcorn chicken w. mac & cheese"
1966277887,"empty","SaraFaraClisbee","is SOOOOO hungry right now! Should've eaten before this wedding."
1966278016,"worry","williamfirth","I'm bored. No internet. I haven't made it downtown or to the beach yet."
1966278111,"worry","__Jesssicaa","Im hungry and its cold"
1966278882,"fun","ashleighncox","poker night instead of kate voegele.... i guess it'll do...."
1966279015,"neutral","Mz_CrazyTee","Ok im good again . Headed home i look like a wet dog"
1966279114,"fun","mrszjbarbar","@LizMyxx okay...just eat cookies && not share with me lol"
1966279165,"sadness","kristikubota","@djflykid Ooooh, boo!  We only see each other at the bar (at @titusofalltime's well) or miss each other! I'll make a pt of stopping by! ;)"
1966279195,"happiness","Yoccu","@spootychild omfg I have been DOWNING them they are so tasty. I ate almost all of them with Lo"
1966279217,"neutral","iSysCorp","@giselle2323 - ummmm. no comment. LOL. I actually have not watched GH in about a week."
1966279219,"happiness","MAMinton","passed my drivers test! i can drive!...oh wait, i don't turn 16 till october"
1966279229,"love","sistawendy","Scramming a little early. Nibs sounds pathetic."
1966279637,"worry","LadyBlaze420","is working tomorrow all day so can't do anything tonight  Whats the plan for Saturday?"
1966279842,"neutral","spcboyniksyn","Home now. Some invaders have taken over my base"
1966280273,"worry","JenniferRuiz","@keeleykerrins Dear god i hope they save it.  http://www.the-impossible-project.com/"
1966280446,"neutral","colbertobsessed","The ballerina family is super nice, albeit a little too controlling of their son's life, but the bayou family is so judgemental."
1966280562,"worry","stormsage","hey there @larkn0298 how are you going? looking forward to weekend, sadly im workin both sat sun"
1966280573,"worry","SadiePetunia","@ZackRabbit i chewed up a Starbucks and a Subway gift card at Christmas time, I got in big trouble. I not allowed near purse."
1966280593,"worry","Lauren_lolly_","@ahewitt Me too"
1966280621,"sadness","TheKingslayer","@ladebelle yeah it's a double edged sword. So I guess we dead on new stories?"
1966280964,"neutral","mayonaise94","sometimes i wish i were a man, i could pee were i stand, and scratch my chest, but instead? here lies a breast  hah"
1966281141,"neutral","nmckinney28","@PheenX crud is all I can say"
1966281290,"worry","MarioPadilla","Feels really sick. Just puked my guts out.    help, please."
1966281309,"worry","harryokart64","@Cara62442 Just read those tweets and it sounded like i was getting on at you . I swear not what I meant to do"
1966281538,"neutral","Justacogitating","@absolutsilver I hear you sister!!    Same here."
1966281790,"sadness","crunchystars","Trying to watch Boys Before Flowers online. Streaming sucks and my wireless is crappy too"
1966282001,"happiness","prophetfxb","@mfrancella I have yet to even get out to play this year  soon I hope!"
1966282914,"happiness","MissyK3","@aub311 Dang me too! It's only a 4 hour drive! Too bad it's my daughters 1st bday party  it's hosted by Donnie"
1966283346,"worry","ComedyInitials","@KimSherrell maybe its because my computer committed suicide this week, but your "faves" link wont load"
1966283596,"neutral","Brinal1","Slipped up and caught the flu  feeling like poop!"
1966284027,"hate","pugofwar","@anwith1n Missed you at LoDo's"
1966284042,"worry","msmcporkchop","@refuse2bdefined nooo!! not too busy for you! EVER! SRSLY!  you are my pal! I'm not yet familiar with iphone twitter"
1966284405,"sadness","baxiabhishek","I so want to be a part of Windows Clubhouse, but my WL Spaces blog is random, and not the place where I share Windows stuff"
1966284504,"worry","paigemonroe","@RealSmoothieLuv nope no love"
1966284695,"happiness","orgconnect","@HelenCrozier Yes- It was fun to connect with her! Pls tell her hello- can't find her on Twitter."
1966284805,"worry","BrandonDull","@KRITM awe I am sorry, probably true."
1966285010,"love","NicoleMarieLer","Headache  hanging out with my puffy. I love him <3"
1966285478,"sadness","kiwiblockhead","Why does twitter eat my DM's?  Not happy"
1966285480,"worry","_miss_hayley_","Swollen face.....again"
1966285858,"hate","ChristinePeters","Cleaning my house on a Friday night"
1966285917,"neutral","OneLovelyLibra","@jennahmonet jennah can u just tell jay i said good night plz? im asking nicely!"
1966286174,"neutral","Covergirl08","@LaSandraC ya'll going out without me"
1966286340,"worry","Addicted2DEW","@DonnieWahlberg baby I'm in maryland I'm NOT gonna make it  BUT I will see ur sexy ass next sat in camden VIP....come early n hang!!!!!"
1966286456,"worry","beciwanuscha","has on music at work today its so painful"
1966286540,"worry","RayOnativia","@socilover I wish I can see that. They have CNN here again, with no volume."
1966287130,"neutral","cashew_nutt","has a really really itchy eye"
1966287377,"worry","LifeIsStressful","feeling sick and wondering if I should get out of bed to go throw up or just go to sleep..."
1966287552,"sadness","smashley_ashley","@BuffaloLass87 I'm so sorry  do you want me to call? If not I will be on aim in a couple of hours if you need to vent"
1966287740,"worry","kreativekt","@elmoberry @ejc7 - MISS YOU TWO!!! Find it random how all form of communication slows when I'm at home   -  I MISS LE2!! xxxx"
1966288117,"fun","fatkat309","a reply from @zackalltimelow would  make my life, he replies usually to the people who call him gay, then he tells them he willblok them"
1966288439,"worry","whycantidream","chillin, wish i was with my pals in il"
1966288477,"worry","sofia22","@Ur_Obsession lol but its only gonna be 80  the water will prob be cold as heck..."
1966288898,"happiness","tsjohns","1.2 mile run and 450 meter swim, things are looking better and better... Laying off the bike today"
1966289200,"worry","marthamae1981","@DonnieWahlberg The Disney Store is not treating me to well with hours  I realy want to go on 6/13. I willdo anythig to go to the show ;-)"
1966289440,"worry","Ekponies","@mommy41402 yeah i need his fricken cell number ive tried his home for months and hes too busy. i miss braddddddddd"
1966289527,"worry","therealTdot","@ChasityNichole No dice...I searched it in the "Help" area...just a problem some people have.  It would have been hot...oh well"
1966289760,"worry","solitarybelle","so far I've tried to kill myself TWICE in the 15 mins I've been outside by tripping on stupid things.  I knew I should've stayed in bed."
1966289826,"worry","brandonscott","@BMatt95 ohhh. hm. I don't want to screw mine up"
1966290243,"neutral","neoknits","@gleek he'll be out of school in 18mos! He just started again"
1966290287,"neutral","suizo","Spoke about culture to some of our Rackers over at the Castle. Now time for some awesome Mexican food. No drinking--antibiotics."
1966290770,"worry","kskoss","twitter has spam!!?? oh no"
1966290774,"worry","SharmaineK","@katevoegele I wish you weren't going to a 19+ venue in Vancouver"
1966290791,"neutral","MadreJoy","Off to rehearsal for the Rob DeLucca thingy next month. Nothing like learning new songs last minute"
1966290920,"worry","3LittleMonsters","@funkylovin  on your ani?  sorry"
1966291013,"neutral","CallieLives","@philthemayor1 dagnabbitt... u kno I wanna go... gotta do a couple laps in the pool though...."
1966291109,"worry","PinkTribble","I have trouble with Starship troopers. They're mean to the great big pink bug."
1966292195,"relief","cha_rade","@Charified sadly, I don't   hehe"
1966292206,"sadness","Tigerlily_Manj","@DonnieWahlberg - l'd come if u could, but Australia is just too far away"
1966292499,"worry","abblove","there's nothing worse than getting a text about a dog that was abandoned in your town"
1966292599,"neutral","angelickasai","@jordanlyn  Can we turn back time, make it so you didn't hurt your knee so bad.. :'( and then you can come to mine and never be ignored??"
1966292602,"neutral","sarking","@roomerholmes I know it's in HD, but Comcast doesn't have it."
1966292857,"worry","24lbsofBoost","@TheAliMonster  FTR I <3 U and miss U on the team already"
1966293017,"sadness","singda0park","@AmyMonzon booooo  my senior yearbook sucks thanks for the memories bhs -___-"
1966293249,"worry","unit212","@ravels http://twitpic.com/67fs9 - I miss hearing you guys.  You will all be missed out here."
1966293504,"sadness","Covergirl08","@trellthms what r u doing tonight bro?I wanna go out"
1966294327,"sadness","SwanLover","@gimboland sorry change of plans for me   :'( revision for monday exam in a park with one of my friends"
1966294763,"empty","xkelzx","@DonnieWahlberg what if we are in England?  x"
1966294951,"worry","gizzy_gems","Dear god I'm so sleepy, and it's only 6:30. Must be sleep deprived. I even fell asleep sitting up. *groans* I'm I really that old?"
1966295008,"sadness","Mabelle_Lorenzo","is trying to deny that she's beginning to miss him -- more and more, each and every single day that their apart  ... i need Sprite! HAHA!"
1966295263,"worry","AartiLovesDance","Little kids annoy the hell outa me by being all active and shouting and attacking me Etc."
1966295767,"worry","caitieparker","There are no appointments left for the day so they're trying to work me in. almost an hour for a stuck freaking power button FML"
1966295810,"worry","sthomas785","Lol I mean hey! That's mean"
1966296595,"hate","kassie612","i already hate my tan lines  oh well better get used to them"
1966296798,"happiness","eatthedocument","@BuggysRose  Haha,I just may do that,yo!"
1966297149,"neutral","zemote","@Scandalous an iphone app came out a few months back called zemote, bumped my domain zemote.com out of the #1 spot"
1966297268,"worry","dear_gravity","*sigh* another two out fly out for Papi"
1966297634,"sadness","Spazzie_Jazzie","@mileycyrus Workin ur crazy sched. has to be tiring..its gotta  be hard being famous  but jus kno u have Bazillionz of fans supprtin u"
1966297713,"fun","heathermeeker","@momfluential That turtle on the side of the road just passed you, too."
1966297768,"worry","Thistel","Oh god! I had to look at "How to use Twitter".. how hopeless is that?!"
1966298237,"sadness","barrie","@lbutterworth I know, twitter is depressing me tonight"
1966298464,"worry","dianacita","seriously my parents are non stop  minniapolis, newport for a week, and now this weekend in San Diego  i miss them @home"
1966298942,"sadness","Disneygirl09","@MissKellyO  wish I could eat with you all !!!"
1966299377,"worry","claudio578","They just admitted my grandma to the hospital... Shes my only last one  please pray for her"
1966300214,"worry","annbeauford","Ok, my job at walmart is a cart pusher  i hope i dont get sunburned"
1966300836,"sadness","calender_girl","I dont get how to use twitterr!"
1966300926,"happiness","vhalla","Feeling like Romeo and Juliet with Bryant and Wallinwood as the Montagues and Capulets...   #fb"
1966300952,"neutral","Lexi_sd6","yeah but i was trying to send a msg to you  :S also trying to put a pic on but it aint happening   do they have to approve it or summit?"
1966301299,"boredom","xoxosky","I need to go ouuut. I'm so bored."
1966301431,"neutral","cashew_nutt","washed eye out but got water up my sleeve"
1966302496,"neutral","imanwilliams","@Anthony_y_Tony and didn't bring me any????  You suck"
1966302674,"neutral","Stezylee","@JWReynolds My mum and Brett went to see it today... I thought I was invited, but they left without me"
1966303193,"worry","Kstoneage","So lost  on my owm tryinh to find matter in the o2"
1966303776,"sadness","Splitterlicious","@selenagomez bye selena!!! too bad i didnt get to talk to u while u were here"
1966303868,"sadness","MariLawrence","Just thought about my hubby being deployed n now I got the blues  I need a stiff drink but I'm breastfeeding so no booze for me :/ Ugh!!"
1966304307,"worry","Allybop","junk food and movies in a tshirt and sweats.... the only way tonight would be better is if I had someone to hang with"
1966304354,"sadness","mommy_holly","@gialovescece NO GHOST WHISPERER?!!  What am I going to do without J. Love?!"
1966304410,"sadness","iloveyoumost","i hate songs and surveys  they always seem to make me cry."
1966304514,"worry","JessicaTatar","Wondering if twitter will be fixed for my phone any time soon..."
1966304727,"neutral","brittnix09","just got outta work.  ....... Frankie's house."
1966304778,"hate","dropdeadsuzie","@acepilot P.S. I hate your work schedule! I wish you could come play tonight"
1966304844,"sadness","egp10990","Last full day of high school was today. I'm sad that I may never see a lot of my friends ever again!!"
1966304859,"worry","zoejrobinson","I'm getting more and more reactions when stroking the cat.  Now I have welts on my hands from where she caught me with her claws."
1966305086,"worry","Yo_lin","follow friday.. follow me coz i only have 26 followers...  (it's not 2am)"
1966305127,"surprise","nobodylkl","@lusid2029 I will let you know as soon as I figure it out... sorry about the mix up; i was supposed to get off work an hour ago"
1966305304,"sadness","amybailey","I want a burrito but I still have 30 more minutes of work"
1966305921,"sadness","DeathByHistory","My tummy hurts..."
1966306358,"sadness","pintorage","@Teseract86 If I got paid by the hour I could retire by now  do you have xBox live? I am thinking Rock Band"
1966306821,"hate","itsChellyyy","Time to get ready for wrk! Ahhhh, I dnt wanna goooo!"
1966306931,"sadness","lianna_cohen","i hate it when my bff is groundedd  boooooooooo"
1966307267,"neutral","NathalieCaron","@Patti0713 It's not on my cable carrier. Only Space channel"
1966307295,"hate","TehStalker","@jordaaaannnn Damn i wanna see the rest!! i only saw like 30 minutes"
1966307338,"neutral","catchinglights","@kupcakes welcome to my life"
1966308041,"happiness","leahjohn","@PerezHilton well even with her breakdown she was better than the other acts unfortunately! Britain's got very little talent"
1966308119,"worry","shaggieshapiro","@3xasif lol. just don't ever forget me"
1966308337,"happiness","Keri_Mellott","1st- TY to those who follow back.  2nd - grrr to those who don't, cuz it messes up being able to follow others u want to when ur at 2000+"
1966308503,"neutral","rebeccaclark","cant get onto twitter on the Internet"
1966308875,"neutral","bartsbooks","Just a very quick 'hello' , 'goodbye' & 'enjoy the party' from this very tired UK blogger who unfortunately needs sleep  #BEAtwittyparty"
1966309002,"worry","JaydDragyn","shit....game starts in 30 min!!"
1966309323,"love","_ayoobeez","the beginning of Cater 2 U always gets to me"
1966309407,"neutral","charphar","Man! I can't stop being freakin' hungry!"
1966309510,"worry","megalu","poor wavves. had a meltdown in barcelona. drummer walked out. shoes were thrown. hands in face."
1966309675,"happiness","derekmortimer","inFamous on the PS3 = AWESOME. My eyes are so sore now though"
1966309847,"worry","TomboyTigress","@LesbianCafe Sorry to hear that sweetness  have you taken anything for pain?"
1966309871,"worry","ddtails","Nooo...i forgot my calculator for physics   oh well class is allmost over :3"
1966309873,"worry","rachyrach","@DonnaFirsty she fell into deep crack in the glacier  so terrible"
1966310674,"neutral","sheryonstone","dang last url went down  ? http://blip.fm/~7aigm"
1966310756,"worry","hollyalyxfinch","@totalgunner Ive twitpic-we him before so you might be able to find him LOL. Aw thats so sad!  ooh piranhas? Scary lol"
1966311359,"sadness","CLAiireex","mannnn...  why aint my music working"
1966311574,"sadness","carlykennon","My dog died today. We had her for 11 years. I miss her so much."
1966311998,"neutral","loveya9000","Im bumbed though cuz ima miss da laker game        |double sad face|"
1966312002,"hate","morningstar1111","@dnbchik ahhh...Lily's new kitten just took a giant wet stinky shit on me"
1966312559,"sadness","EQ2Ammber","Sometimes I wish I was a warden"
1966312575,"empty","pinkelephantpun","A bunny was eating my moms plants. Naturally, she started shooting. No more bunny."
1966312755,"sadness","1nOnlyRose","I'm bored... Don't want to stay home tonight, but don't want to spend money  blah"
1966312990,"worry","mmnuse","I WILL CRY!!!!!!!!    I can't believe that I lost the chat!!!"
1966313398,"worry","GCJoni","I should be paying my bills and not playing on here."
1966313501,"worry","arizonaa","my hair hurts"
1966314085,"worry","MackAttack1993","Poor Little Hollie Steel...I really did feel for her!!  #bgt"
1966314381,"neutral","jencreason","Food @ Cheesecake Factory w/ Travis. He lost his passport btwn SD and LV."
1966314497,"empty","TechieTiffy","Oh and thank alllll of you who put me in ur Follow Friday!!  to all of my new followers I usually do it, but today...I'm just too tired!"
1966314721,"neutral","MichaelFerrera","So tired of driving, I really could use a chauffeur"
1966314860,"worry","paranormichelle","@RQKidd Hey I texted you but you never responded. We stopped at a friend's & ended up staying."
1966315081,"happiness","fleecc","@owenong looks good ... making me hungry but boy stll asleep"
1966315085,"sadness","DJ24","i just saw a baby dove fall from a tree, break its neck and die  i tried to save it and couldnt. what a cruel world"
1966315206,"sadness","charleegerrior","wants to go home!"
1966315425,"sadness","vonihoward","@tymrichardson the movie Tym... So sad, I was crying non-stop."
1966315840,"sadness","jyjimmieg","@ the Eldorado house, goodbye Aliante house. *Memories made, memories fade!"
1966316132,"surprise","rxe","Waiting for my turn on wii fit gym closed"
1966316221,"worry","Melamachinko","@eddyhendergrass that sounds like the scariest zombie dream ever."
1966316285,"worry","_RACHA3L_","I dont like things getting confused. Seems to be happening alot lately"
1966316853,"happiness","gymchick98","Hey had some fun with friends !!!!!Now cleaning"
1966317062,"worry","anwith1n","Guys (@cotravelgirl @elaineellis @debindenver @joshclauss @pugofwar) I know! My ability to read time telling devices failed!"
1966317633,"surprise","strangeland924","so yeah...i guess i dont get company this weekend  so who wants to come hang out?"
1966317710,"hate","carlaloo","Forced to eat red hotdogs coz I'm starving and there's nothing else for breakfast. Ick."
1966317757,"worry","walkerman18","Sorry that your tummy hurts deathbyhistory  i got a tattoo like half an hour ago!"
1966318052,"worry","prdude","@karenhanson that plain sux. kinda like cheers goin off the air."
1966318175,"sadness","TFA2431","@Kat_KittyKat  so now im bored..untill i go out"
1966318191,"worry","annechantal","@AmberHope ME"
1966318943,"worry","stevegarufi","@caroldn I feel like a piece of garbage!  See: http://bbltwt.com/nqgp3"
1966319699,"happiness","jorymcdonald","@saramcdonald23 soooo jelous of you right now"
1966319779,"worry","xRaquelitax","soooo bored it aint funny."
1966319913,"sadness","KaileyCupcake","Is dying my hair back to pink. I missed being a cupcake. And I miss my Sherry and Melanie"
1966319941,"worry","Abby_ox","i have a headache"
1966320017,"enthusiasm","kiarag","@iAlejandro: unfortunately not.  I have to take it to a repair shop or replace it."
1966320277,"sadness","fizixwhizard","today has me feelin' like crap"
1966320405,"worry","siobhanf314","thanks to the forever 21 curse that makes you spend 3 hours there everytime you go in, i couldnt go tanning today"
1966320513,"worry","ditzynicky","You know when your FAT when someone points it out.  ugh...what an aweful day... I feel like breaking down."
1966320708,"worry","beingnobody","ugh im crying again  writing a rant about it on tumblr."
1966322475,"neutral","nwoolhouseuk","@h2osarah I really wish I could"
1966322698,"worry","VegasDiamond","@AnastasiaEsper Aren't we though? lol He's at work now and I miss him  blah Wut cha up to?"
1966322765,"surprise","frankkvitta","@mofranco sorry mo. we thought that u have to work tomorrow  we go to the casino together too :?)"
1966322783,"worry","ShesElectric_","My friend ..has cancelled on me for tomorrow, Now i have nothing to do...this makes me sad...  xxxxxx"
1966324209,"worry","synergii1","sad.. Daniel is leaving Florida now.. just gave him a big hug"
1966324278,"worry","jackiedebellis","@KyleWade05 so glad i did not say hi to last night... i dont want the flu... but sry if you really do have it"
1966324813,"sadness","lina_luka","@sunmess she was performing at the lifeball in vienna this year but unfortunately i didn't get the chance to see her."
1966325116,"worry","xocrayon","@goopmop i dont want you to go to india"
1966325336,"worry","benirawan","Going out to Miranda shopping centre to spend time with the family, before going away for 2 weeks to Malaysia. Gonna miss them!"
1966325761,"neutral","Dcriptide","@SamsaTSP  Nintendo is the cause, but no news when it's coming out"
1966326212,"relief","acquiredapathy","@dopequrlbree Awww  You'll Be Fine..."
1966326298,"sadness","mamabritt09","at home sick"
1966326447,"neutral","bjheg","I left a chocolate egg sitting in my office, and now it's calling my name......................"
1966326818,"worry","dleonseng","finds the hardest thing about being a Christian is to put God as first in his life.  I need help.."
1966326924,"neutral","kateropars","is sad yo hear about Ashleycat"
1966327202,"hate","romiicf","ok... twitter I almost pass out because of you!! bastard    :'("
1966327241,"love","GloriaBell","@srcasm  I need to come spend some time on your roof - I miss you & @beyondreality    double date in a couple of weeks?"
1966327243,"worry","vickijonasx","i'm going to kill myself T_T . i wasted hundreds of download and realised i got the wrong one"
1966327411,"fun","3LittleMonsters","@funkylovin ah mine is never home before 8   I handed off the kids and grabbed the bottle of malibu and a coke..momma getting drinky :para"
1966327656,"worry","pinkheadriot","I am sad that my kids were ungrateful today"
1966327709,"neutral","katrinavilleno","SATS  what the its just around the corner."
1966327986,"sadness","jnine","@bgoldy and sitting in traffic trying to escape campus is feeling just as hellish"
1966328217,"sadness","anelisa_m","my guinea pig died today"
1966328331,"sadness","xocrayon","i got over the crush issue but now tomorrow my friend is going to india for the whole summer  im back to being sad."
1966328702,"sadness","missjmnz","I cried..."
1966328829,"worry","NDUBZFAN4EVA","feel dpressed"
1966328860,"surprise","_anea","@Cadistra   when do you find out?"
1966329515,"hate","FzDmn","Also I popped the phone open and got all that goddamn dust out, but I wore out a clip on the camera panel so I had to glue it shut"
1966329527,"happiness","SamiCappola","@katabolickatie not on my tv !    im watching a that 70's show marathon !"
1966329754,"sadness","Taynted_lyfe","@babymakes7 no.  I lost the link you sent when I had to pull my battery."
1966330096,"fun","mstwincities","@shawnsafaridon lol, i've done that one b4  i'm a victim 2 that! lol"
1966330244,"worry","kelvintt","@Hameed_Hemmat she's mad coz she purposely let you step on her foot, n thought you would give her a kiss to compensate, but you didn't"
1966330791,"sadness","MorganGlamGirl","my stomach hurts"
1966331914,"sadness","jmiller24","is Jay Leno's last show tonight"
1966332287,"relief","zadeh28","Mosque and mini-golf! haha I tied for 1st. It looks like the Yankees aren't playing tonight   but I'll just play Fifa! ~Zade~"
1966332783,"surprise","Alex_FAITH","@toywatch I didnt win  but I will continue to try keep giving away those fabulous watches cant wait to win1"
1966332924,"empty","JessyMc","@rowlikewow i think i hate you.  i didnt really want to but you make it hard for me to like you what with the cake and concert on the  ..."
1966333018,"sadness","sarahtothemaxx","i've become one of those pathetic girls that feel lonely without their boyfriends hahaha i miss josey already!!"
1966333492,"love","monoclelad","Just put all the original art for my comics into an album.  Its really nice, except it shows how much I liked to cut corners to finish."
1966334037,"worry","yuanjilong","@yoyonb87 yep, so I damn it."
1966334069,"fun","shellybelles29","i want to go out tonight, but i ain't go no money and no one to go with   any takers???"
1966334473,"neutral","katferriols","rainy season-- here it comes!"
1966334525,"worry","ilpinkberry22","i miss my brother.  12 more days till he gets bac to tennessee. he said he was singing "find my way bac to tennessee" today. haha."
1966335016,"worry","Overcast","@Laurie_J We're in the same boat."
1966335168,"empty","KyanaRodil","@thatitaliangirl oh yeah"
1966335288,"sadness","CforrClemmensen","@TheNewBradie my tvs not working  i wanna watch vhits :'("
1966335532,"neutral","LeanneDude","@erinmusicluver  i thought you liked the name"
1966335615,"worry","javatyger","@cityofedmonton - the service on the west end of #yeg is a joke after 6pm. And the 2 and 150 been late doesn't help.  #yegtransit #fail"
1966335777,"sadness","LakynnMc","sadd..  last night in fl.. going back to AR tomorrow"
1966335964,"worry","CoastalMail","@coachreggie  She doesn't need a darn (watching my language) thing but that never stops her  &   I mapped u. U live in the boonies :-o"
1966336040,"worry","EmilieClarke","Awwww poor biggie...he puked on me in the car. Even though I had the air conditioning on FULL blast...I think it was the heat  He' ok now"
1966336204,"fun","suebrody1","@pleazurs Woot freaking hoo, tho Mad World isn't doing well on the iTunes top #100 chart."
1966336233,"neutral","lisa_csun","i totally do not know how ticketless travel works"
1966336432,"sadness","thecraftykitten","I'm a sad panda, hulu doesn't have the elephant show   no Skinnamarinkydinkydink sing alongs for me."
1966336606,"sadness","chrisdior06","Unfortunately these heffas decided to take an impromptu mall trip without telling me"
1966336694,"neutral","makeup_chica","@Rosie_G_Yo oh I wuld go w/ you..... im takn off to class right now. boo"
1966337193,"sadness","booklover4ever","@MomofCandE Miss you"
1966337350,"neutral","Eminemdrdre00","@Vonnieee I found a link on WWE.com  http://www.wwe.com/inside/industrynews/kennedyreleased stinks!"
1966337491,"sadness","HarleyMama41","@suncito hi there! got off comp. early last nite.  saw u weren't feeling well..   hope u r better!!"
1966337575,"neutral","osbornation","lost at home depot  http://yfrog.com/13ti6j"
1966337833,"neutral","sahans","@bhans  Bring me food before you go please."
1966338008,"surprise","haleyyrae","I cant believe i blew off that cute guy and his friend who were selling us concert tickets  FML"
1966338047,"boredom","sallismoney","@Candyland3 thats terrible."
1966338223,"neutral","TMetzger25","@UndressJess Wish could, but riding a tour from Chicago back to Iowa."
1966338269,"worry","IshSoWavy87","Jus sittn here thinkin....wow yo my boy is really gone! Smh yo! Its bout to be 3 weeks on Sunday!  R.I.P VON"
1966338502,"worry","Megs0330","Having a bad day/week"
1966338943,"worry","ebnikki87","@justdaydreams Lol rite! I'm scared now  lol"
1966338978,"surprise","brettmorrison","@RWPhoto Sadly I think I know exactly were you put it--in the expired drawer   Those things have a life span of less than two years"
1966339498,"relief","elitefencer","Am now a member of International Thespian Society Troupe #6492!! Now if I can only make my family stop fighting....sigh"
1966339727,"sadness","tylerbronzell","Literally laid in bed all day. Major headache"
1966340242,"happiness","potatofarmgirl","@Lea_Ada_Franco I am working again!  Woo hoo!  Alas, I was unable to obtain an Elita-1 for your daughter.  It's $80!"
1966340324,"worry","ebuford","Circus was fun - I don't have any hope of getting out of the parking lot - haven't moved in 10 min"
1966340384,"neutral","Flipflop1","Going to bed in a bit. Need to revise 2moro."
1966340390,"surprise","HannahRose13","@morganedgar1307 Ugh, not yeeet!  It's like, in a week, too... =/ I'll keep trying!!"
1966340576,"worry","sheslacy","why did I get airbrushed nude, if soon as i put my dress on it messed it up a little...eerrrr"
1966344867,"neutral","MrzSp0ng3b0b","@imreallywildin u callin me grimmy"
1966345253,"fun","inouf","the good thing of having a fever is feeling cold, especially in such hot weather. I think I'm hallucinating lol  ."
1966345290,"sadness","rtracht","Missing nathan and the bccg already. And my best friends that tried to visit me   Heading back tomorrow afternoon."
1966345332,"surprise","CforrClemmensen","@TheNewBradie is that teh part where hes liek feeling the girl. i feel sooo soooory for her"
1966345333,"neutral","ihaveastalker34","juicystar007 kicked me out of blogtv cuz i really wanted her to call me."
1966345512,"sadness","koffeegurl321","I miss nicc today."
1966345537,"worry","armorfordreams","re-dyed the hair, early start tomorrow heading down to londons clothes show, great place to be when i feel fat.   bright side = motivation"
1966345566,"neutral","asgiunta","no more brother for 2 weeks....."
1966345659,"sadness","Valeriuh","plus.. janessa hurt my feelings"
1966346217,"worry","ashjordan","@melissa_hope why?"
1966346870,"sadness","sheridanmarfil","@sfitzpatrick924 bahah sadly I am not"
1966346984,"worry","JenFD714","Why must Jay Leno leave his own show"
1966347320,"happiness","CrucialTK","@cassapel Damn, I got all excited for nothing  hahaha"
1966347649,"happiness","nicolevg1","tomorrow valeria's lunch!!! going to get my hair done but im arraving late   got my cousins babtizm or whatever you spell it"
1966347760,"happiness","xylofreak","You know funny thing about everyone packing for E3 is that I am packing to go to mexico... not E3"
1966347961,"worry","ldrichel","Justin is SO warm! It makes me worry when they have a high fever and I go to sleep."
1966347996,"surprise","melijealous","Always I listen that song I start crying, It makes me remember moments with my friends at primary school"
1966348033,"empty","trotaper","@atomix I just see the video: "All your base are belong to us.."  What�s going on??!"
1966348172,"sadness","loveoflife21","@mlpband my heart just broke a little ... and by a little i mean a lot"
1966348314,"hate","JaceyIsClassy","My moms Season 3 of Weeds got burnt up in a family friends mobile home."
1966348703,"worry","edmcbride","@Marcina @bifnaked bif doesn't come down far enough south for me"
1966348730,"neutral","xxxbrokenstar","If we don't pack, she can't leave, right?"
1966349093,"worry","justincavazos","@dustbunniesss i dont have a bank. i cash my shit at tom thumb. i've had four bank accounts--and they've all gone negative"
1966349413,"empty","shaunpaterson","Chilling with some tv quite bored at the moment"
1966349893,"surprise","KeisheraOnline","Wow Derek Rose got a next student to do his SATs.  so what now? He can't play no more?"
1966349904,"love","t0zi3","http://twitpic.com/6814w - So glad Sam is in a good mood"
1966350234,"happiness","coleenjanesays","enjoy the laker game for me guys! since i'll be at work"
1966350244,"neutral","justdari633","@ChristinaFaith this is the worst"
1966350333,"worry","Durgama","yay! boxing!! although after the boxing, sparring & eating, have to spend the rest of the evening troubleshooting java code for hw."
1966350363,"neutral","cabri","@crazygolfa I think that plus everyone wants to see if the D-train could keep it going - obviously not.  Hopefully he'll bounce back."
1966350468,"worry","jordanriane","Actually, I think I'll be more upset if I lost my data for Cake Mania 3. I was pretty far into the game"
1966350577,"worry","slace","wow i'm soo hungover"
1966350864,"sadness","Sceleratus","@karshka Hey.  I won't be coming to town this weekend, because I don't have a day off until next friday."
1966351638,"sadness","em_miml","misses home on the farm"
1966351679,"neutral","ill5Years","I gots the sniffles"
1966351752,"surprise","Stacy19999","didn't make it out to shop.......      there is always tomorrow."
1966351937,"worry","hiddensunday","@zarlana I took my ring out..."
1966351987,"worry","queenbkelly","@rWilliamr I'm tryin not the be boring today . . . I just can't seem to come up with thing to say"
1966352121,"love","sadie37","@mygoodcents It isn't easy!  Be there for support, it is the best thing you can do is offer your love & support! Lost both of mine early"
1966352275,"empty","DaniDollas","@shababi88 i love the game! that's my show... suuuppper pissed it got cancelled!"
1966352297,"sadness","armorfordreams","down side = i have a seat by myself  loner. please be a starbucks there."
1966352326,"happiness","Haneefbhatti","@ a_mccallie WOW... I am replaced already??? I thought I am coming back with my steaks"
1966352890,"worry","MissMillions","@iDJExplicit What's wrong?"
1966353043,"sadness","Cassiejb00","Going to the dirt track races w Aaron. Having a really good hair day! wish I could wear makeup though"
1966353049,"empty","ZT_","San Francisco traffic lights hate me."
1966353075,"sadness","_writersblock_","@LeslieIN  so what was said??  I'm so bummed I missed it!.  *sigh* I want to go to california"
1966353267,"worry","outtakontrole","Stupid bipolar weather ruined my day off"
1966353422,"worry","AnnaMariaPdT","Just got a shot on my arm. Eww."
1966353580,"neutral","isabolZ","mann i had no idea hp a/c adapters were worth like eighty bucks  wine* it's gonna be a while till i can use my lap top"
1966353835,"worry","PphoeniXx","I'm so sorry Drace  this sucks so bad"
1966354650,"neutral","SunBandit","Wants to game tonight with her friends"
1966354679,"worry","oumiec","@tobefreeisme I would be scratching ma head toooo"
1966354731,"worry","jennyltd","Did some REAL window shopping and i found so many things i want that just happen to be over a hundred dollars."
1966354771,"worry","tossayo","It's raining and I'm outside without an umbrella."
1966355094,"sadness","jacobburke","Trying out a new Twitter client, can't seem to get a new theme applied to DestroyTwitter"
1966355702,"neutral","charmed5003","needs to write term paper by monday  busy tonight, busy tomorrow, busy sunday  shit. i need to fix my priorities."
1966355893,"sadness","Crackberryfreak","Its so windy and raining harder then the day before today   bye bye if the power gos out"
1966356056,"worry","little_joana","I still sound like a man!"
1966356142,"empty","Boddingtons","@lownleeeynjul oh that stinks.."
1966356666,"sadness","injenious","@iAquarian I heart Mela so so much cept last time I went they booked us in on the Saturday instead of the Friday and wouldn't feed us"
1966356804,"neutral","RidzCracker","@Bffleck My Friday made me miss high school"
1966357111,"surprise","JanobiaG","@malbaker86 at the store! Lol I don't have any liquour here"
1966357472,"worry","jennybeanses","@writingforlife You know I am so ashamed. I did not watch a single episode of the new GH season.  I kept falling asleep, so I gave up."
1966357572,"worry","open_tab","So I just failed my second year of med school. I don't know what to do or say."
1966358104,"surprise","PaperMacheBeads","Hi All!!  I have 2 daughters.. and my youngest turns 2 on Monday.. Where did the time go??  sniffle sniffle sob. sob."
1966358324,"worry","jacob_hilton","@richardAmills ugh im not a vip  im always vippppppp"
1966358366,"worry","Damenchia","CHILLAXIN AT WORK...MAN I SCREWED UP"
1966358387,"fun","Corij09","@Jonasbrothers friends of mine just meet you today..... I can't wait until it is my turn"
1966358466,"empty","emmysays","I can't believe how tired I am right now... I don't know if I can go out tonight...   Exhaaaausted!!"
1966358541,"hate","tina432","Not talking to anais anymore."
1966359015,"hate","sirwiggum","@ThisStarChild It's just a shame what wisdom comes with age, but age destroys youth"
1966397586,"neutral","sarah_717","@ColdHearted19 woop right am off to "try" to get 2 sleep haha its 2 hot  have a good nightt x"
1966397682,"love","laffytaffyroxx","@bxa2 dnt smile...im mad at u"
1966397829,"worry","Roxie22","Guys my phone is dying!!!"
1966398825,"worry","DSkeeter","But then again I think I'm the only who pays attention to this type of thing, bout to hit this bush and pretend its purple....."
1966399228,"neutral","bonesinoz","@1critic and Boat is dining Bones in Peru - double"
1966399405,"love","joshyhenderson","I love being ignored except to be yelled at. I love my life."
1966399701,"sadness","TispyOwl","Leaving for Atlanta in the morning to catch JoCo and Pa & St!!! I'm excited! Missed P&S at D*Con last year.  That made me a sad owl."
1966399716,"worry","SummerSlacking","@DentonPolice http://twitpic.com/5wb0k - what a mess. we're missing the bra strap."
1966399775,"hate","chewbecca","Our plane had landed!! FINALLY gonna get to board...an hour late.  stupid rain!!!"
1966400192,"worry","dstarpro","@BrineandBastard What??  Nooooooooo      There goes my weekend!"
1966400323,"sadness","imsoapee","@travistubbs I'm already a fan of hulu. Too bad there's not a bigger Internet selection on netflix.  I thought that would be easier"
1966400575,"neutral","stevegarufi","@caroldn Okay, no more driving.  I know... I know... you are correct to say that."
1966400624,"worry","angelinemarie_","@MelissaPan ah the Computer's not in my room  on BBerry right now, and Youtube charges D: !! Heyy, how about you, aren't you tired XD?"
1966400712,"happiness","cherryblossom15","@Edit4321 cont...and then it goes to waste  no one likes stale sweets. That reminds me of this cute song called Stale Cupcakes lol"
1966400747,"love","Fraggle312","Damn M-Audio IE-30s! I just remembered how much I <3 u & now the right earbud has ceased functioning  My Shure's r 2 bright w/ lame bass."
1966400948,"fun","ashface","they were actually there omg apparently a relative of marc went to my school lol"
1966401538,"love","ccfreak11","Finally a chance to show genuine love, not dependent selfish love, I hope I can do it. My heart goes out to you and I'm sorry 4 ur pain."
1966401857,"neutral","nickgravelyn","The bus is rolling along faster than expected. I might make it home by 6:15. Maybe."
1966401889,"neutral","denyseee","work soonnnnnn  it's looking rly dead today..."
1966401983,"worry","YarnThing","Well, looks like it is going to be another night without my snuggle bug  Missing my Big Girl."
1966402162,"worry","tsuggs721","Wow no one loves me  @stuntmann88"
1966402220,"worry","billiejolucille","Whats is up with me! I am spilling everything"
1966402751,"worry","purplepenguinz","ughh...i dont feel good"
1966403002,"happiness","OMAROSA","@shortcakemlt the movie on the plane is Mall Cop- (but i saw it with the nephews already"
1966403415,"sadness","tina5b5","@CChiron - Well (as you can see) I've been blah blah blahing so much...yep. I forgot. I'm sorry   But...I'm here!"
1966404249,"relief","whyhelloheart","@PassionMD hahahaha! i haven't been out with my friends since sunday! i'm so lame"
1966404364,"sadness","MileyCyrus","at hannah montana set.... im missing tennessee ALOT today"
1966404532,"boredom","Leprakans","Waiting for the dang pizza to cook. It's almost 9 and we still have not eaten wifey fail. Did I mention I feel like crap"
1966404571,"hate","BBDGripton","Taking the caltrain to go see the giants. It's Cold and someone smells like pee"
1966404794,"neutral","Leahhh_x","my picture wont come up  it keeps saying thats a nice picture! but where is it??"
1966405300,"sadness","MaanElizabeth","@ChariceManiacs  me too! i don't know why every time i listen to it i start to cry!"
1966405320,"fun","Aella_234","I haven't gone sheesha smoking in a loooong time  Maybe tomorrow? > *starts planning*"
1966405785,"worry","tiffanyxoxo5","mmm mmm mmm! tss tsss tss. LOL, having way too much fun being bored.  i miss him"
1966405815,"enthusiasm","NBryant","@Jon_Aston Still looking  I filled out quite a few applications last week and once I get home I'll continue."
1966406223,"worry","k_i_m_m_i_e","@nodirectionhome biglots by my house has jesus & virgin mary rings in one of those machines i rocked one for a while til that shit broke"
1966406654,"worry","strangelynormal","argh! my embouchure= FAIL! makes me sad"
1966406820,"hate","talverion","@Mtn_Dew tokens haven't been working for me all day...."
1966406992,"worry","ZackForsberg","@itsjenwilliams Im at work!"
1966407770,"neutral","Gromrigan","@EssinEm ohh no the poor cupcake  #wave @TLGame"
1966408080,"worry","Jer2911to13","Bible study cancelled   Study partner started new job with horrible hrs - Pls pray for her that hrs improve and she knows God's  provision"
1966408272,"boredom","ohmyjade","1-Pendulum = awesome! 2-Goodbyes suck  3-Shut up plz. 4-Toy Story 3!!  5-JB 3D MOVIE 2MORO! 6-I'm tired. 7-Aaaand I'm out."
1966408376,"sadness","msmcporkchop","whats wrong with my flickr  http://www.flickr.com/photos/frenchtoastcake/ my quilt top photo only shows when you click on it! SAD STORY!!!"
1966408593,"neutral","OnefromNV","@SoozInSports ouch"
1966408694,"fun","krystalnichole","@JESS_TRUESDALE lmao! you a mess.  Im gonna be in ATL in a few weeks"
1966409000,"worry","bac4","House hunting for next year= No FUN!"
1966409108,"neutral","gabriellenadine","@crucifixxus dude what is your sn nowadays because i think i lost yours"
1966409260,"worry","curlycarlya","@mileycyrus aww homesick  i feel you! im homesick for my 2nd home, campp"
1966409291,"worry","conniecw","hmm, do not feel like writing monthly reports tonight!  probably should get started though..."
1966409513,"happiness","sarahdisaster","@xoshattered_  i missed you. today was the greatest day ever. im burnt and shit lmfao. but it will be a nice tan. 11 rides in 6 hrs!  <3"
1966409627,"worry","Applecored","@ThisStarChild  hope yer ok hunny"
1966410246,"worry","tristansmom103","Still no pic, very sad"
1966410272,"relief","almostinfamous","@skoduri I SLEPT THROUGH MY ALARMS  woke up at 6 instead of 4  i feel like a complete tool"
1966410461,"worry","JavaFrog3","i want to see ephraim zenh tomorrow! a lot. but can i find a sitter? wtf? why does everyone have plans? it's only saturday night...sigh."
1966410624,"surprise","discohospital","@bewarethegeek i just found out one of my fav high school professors died this week. he wasn't even supposed to retire yet"
1966410846,"empty","RickBaker24","rickbaker24 follow me please. i only have 6"
1966411404,"neutral","SoulAfrodisiac","@bennsu @dj_diva I know, I know...lol   That is the ONE song that stops me in my tracks on a dancefloor.  I just can't...lol"
1966411652,"sadness","CosmicPhoenix","Friday Night Magic last night, I lost so bad  I suck at draft"
1966411896,"hate","RhiaMay","@meecheeko Is a WHORE but she'll never know I said it cuz she doesn't love her twitter"
1966411947,"love","nysaa","I am so sorry i fell asleep first"
1966411976,"boredom","ladyfifee","@DanielFielding i tried listenin to music 4 half an hour! Tried readin a really boring book-still wide awake!"
1966412179,"worry","lilbeechgirl","just took my shirt off and my back is COVERED in blisters  http://bit.ly/vUiXG"
1966412203,"happiness","emjonas_lover","@mileycyrus cool and aww"
1966412243,"neutral","WhoahItsTanisha","hanging out wit the family kinda boredd reading eclipse  MISSING MY GODFATHER"
1966412260,"worry","Jaaniinaa","going to bed its late and I have headache"
1966413178,"worry","ChazzyCat","@sarahbellafina I'll try but silly silly tweetdeck being mean to me again"
1966413423,"hate","Dumpling_16","stuck here  ~*Lady*~"
1966415235,"sadness","jenmarchand7","is feeling very sick"
1966416057,"happiness","xHeathLxChrisBx","OMG! I'm Back. I Know I Was Out For A Week. Because My Brother Took His Laptop With Him To Mexico. So I Couldn't Be Online."
1966416336,"sadness","celestiita","@PaulaAbdul  why canceled your performance on Letterman? i'm So sad because it is less an option for you."
1966416386,"sadness","ItsMeKristi","Out for an evening on the town with jeremy. Sad Carrie can't come"
1966416538,"worry","Jubilance1922","@bignupehen i would but i have nowhere to go and no one to go with"
1966416718,"worry","SmileCharlene","Rachel and chelsey left me and jenny stole my bike.  that makes me muy triste!"
1966416868,"love","haileywalker","@imthinking i loveeee john ritter"
1966417439,"sadness","StepsCloser","Listing to a sad song  so i am sad too"
1966417504,"worry","AlishaCourtney","Still raining here in The Bay...I forget what sunshine looks like !"
1966417523,"sadness","oohitsmoi","@mommy41402. I was like "whyyyyy?!""
1966417551,"worry","Aprilraquel","Watchin Grease 2 and waiting for 9 to hurry up and come so I can talk to my girl. Ugh..... it seems so far away..."
1966417595,"neutral","coretechs","@kathuerun Hehe. I have the ZSG. Should probably go over it again. Also, Mike has moved up to Orillia, so his arsenal isn't so available."
1966417628,"hate","ArieleMoonfire","@juniper73 oh that sucks  Tell your DH to act like a grown up maybe? I'd be stressed too"
1966417703,"sadness","mrlove27","@OnyXx_B all the shows are sold out  so I have to wait til tomorrow or sunday..."
1966417908,"neutral","danalarock","@JelaniFr3sh  boo. I used to live in upland... Have funnnn"
1966418028,"worry","dreadw","@alow8111 went to wingstop without me"
1966418178,"neutral","adamrocks","@Kes1807 Dunno if I like longer hair on Jensen."
1966418203,"hate","BananasMel","@BillyScallywag There's loads of highly qualified stuff  and loads STILL using snail mail."
1966418313,"worry","StyleFreeing","@InNoSenseLost I know. But it won't be the same"
1966418327,"sadness","guyyy","theres nothing worse than working on a friday night and having to wake up at 6 am on a saturday. I want my babe"
1966418364,"surprise","aprilknob","10 yrs ago, on a night like this..id have been drinking with co workers, then went home got cleaned up and went clubbing.."
1966418469,"worry","SeanOfDuty","could be getting sacked soon not good"
1966418605,"sadness","mc__ramos","this is what i think about the world @mileycyrus at hannah montana set.... im missing tennessee ALOT today"
1966418966,"worry","ReScUeMeGoD","Just remembered I still have a summer project to do.  IT NEVER ENDS!!!!!"
1966419273,"worry","LauraHoneyx","i know i have lots of comments to return but i have been really busy  i'll get round to it guys, sorry"
1966419401,"worry","justrhi","Nuggets game with everyoneeeee except @almedina4."
1966419547,"hate","duece_toofly","U know I didn't care for that wolverine movie and I'm a xmen fanatic. That joint sucked to me."
1966420136,"sadness","breemarie19","Josie's out of surgery. She's now officially unable to procreate. And She's way out of it... Poor medicated baby"
1966420375,"neutral","shutupmeg","(@ohmyjade) 1-Pendulum = awesome! 2-Goodbyes suck  3-Shut up plz. 4-Toy Story 3!!  5-JB 3D MOVIE 2MORO! 6-I'm tired. 7-Aaaand I'm out."
1966420576,"sadness","serenamartin","i know i told him i didnt want him to stay home with me but i lied, i really did want him to stay home with me"
1966420880,"worry","TrustLove92","I really wish i would hear from josh"
1966421336,"neutral","ThibautNinove","Why is #Apple so expensive..."
1966421405,"sadness","michael13hanlon","@shanisfearless gaah rain for tomorrow"
1966421514,"neutral","RickBaker24","Follow Friday rickbaker24 i only have 6 friends"
1966421644,"sadness","Aldrumeme","All alone at home....."
1966421691,"worry","deniseaberdour","Saturday will be the worst Saturday I've had in ages"
1966422023,"sadness","starwithnolight","Riley had an alphabet fashion show today and I forgot my camera.  It was so cute!"
1966422321,"worry","CmraLvr2","@beadqueen That doesn't sound fun"
1966422422,"hate","globtrav","twice in a week Qantas club lounge computers broken  #flyertalk"
1966422459,"empty","ThomasPhotos","@brinathemodel  sa'weee"
1966422534,"worry","stephentshepard","Is about to see Adriana off for a month"
1966422656,"hate","toin9898","@mayabbz oh damn that sucks"
1966422955,"worry","jebus26","Bummer... Might not make it to the sunday show, hopefully some sun will shine on this cloudy day"
1966423022,"worry","ChrisW357","@teleject Grrrrrrrr................"
1966423223,"worry","devoburrito","Is not going to service tonight due to the fact that i've yet to find a dress for prom tomorrow. Ugh"
1966423279,"neutral","brwnidgrl","@enoelle1177 she is all grown up"
1966423325,"worry","PersonalMrc","at hannah montana set.... im missing tennessee ALOT today"
1966423884,"worry","TheFifthSister","@alydenisof Maybe someone is trying to hack you"
1966424166,"worry","GlennW","@Media_Molecule play my shitty levels :-D I got a bit too ambitious on one and broke the thermometer  so it only got half done!"
1966425319,"happiness","fabdrol","just got home from a nice party, just not tired yet"
1966425504,"worry","BigZaphod","Just found out a friend and his son fell down a 25ft shaft onto concrete today. They are alive at least. Don't know much else."
1966425689,"sadness","KComer","#myweakness too loving ...i always let negative people into my life"
1966425902,"worry","P_effect","@baba_booey it doesn't make up for the pitch"
1966426023,"worry","WaffleMuffins","wants New Moon.  AHH Im going crazy."
1966426256,"worry","ImJustMylan","@FlyGyrl1 I been following.... LOL.. just dont be paying attention to little ol Mylan"
1966426350,"sadness","BreatheMaddie","@LaurenLovesJB You can't.  My Grandma will probably be on the phone. So get on AIM!"
1966427271,"neutral","thisisanastasia","Daaaaang. Up: in 3D.. Sold out"
1966427400,"worry","caw4god","@TheComputerNerd so haven't seen any videos the last few days  hope everything is ok..."
1966427442,"neutral","Theilade","I don't wanna work!"
1966428096,"neutral","crucifixxus","@gabriellenadine carnivalsofparis i think i still have yours on my bl but i'm not sure... i hardly talk to anyone anymore"
1966428211,"neutral","kaylabear12","@algarcia3505 I want to get all dressed up and go out to, but I to have no one to go with, I'm with you mentor"
1966428499,"empty","alieblahblah","twitter wont change anything  TWITTER, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!"
1966428567,"sadness","ashleybobbi","I'm starving!! This diet is killing me but I can't eat after 8pm"
1966428579,"relief","kaiennyu","screw it lemme click on a ticket. preetttty sure i can make it. might not make it for vermillion lies opening tho"
1966428600,"hate","NKOTBLVR","Being in Vegas with @donniewahlberg would be so much better then home!! This has been the day from hell!!"
1966429159,"love","Sexi_Lexi524","Omg they know so many words now where did the time go  here's some of there words money ball keys."
1966429457,"worry","javierapazgc","@tomasgomez i miss you too"
1966429879,"sadness","asl9999","@mikekang That is super sad   How is Bart etc holding up?"
1966431016,"sadness","angiescrafts","Home lost the baseball game by 1 friggin' point!  Now I'm gonna scrap."
1966431438,"neutral","FrancesAnnMance","@Eumiko uhhhh..... yeah.... I don't tweet a lot nowadays quite lazy to do so.  this month has always been about college."
1966431637,"worry","PaulinaLa","i dont want the seniors to leave"
1966431846,"neutral","ReneeCarriere","@dfizzy ya I would so loose my appetite"
1966433803,"surprise","darthbutternutz","Playin City of Villains, wishin my buddies were playin with me....."
1966434088,"neutral","cpikas","@justgrimes - yep saw that paper immediately after completing the test essay saying i didn't know of research on it"
1966434216,"sadness","siobhan_h","such a terrible day  only six now..."
1966434269,"worry","amanduh_g","@SarahBawcum my mom wants to lay. We'll be there later. Probably a little after 10. And @AyyMedlin I'm sorry you're sick"
1966434436,"worry","fozbstudios","Theres a fricken prisnor trans outside r hotel!  3/10 so far"
1966434518,"sadness","manoli","@ProctorsArm at least posada had a good ab"
1966434705,"hate","JohnGalt88","@branewurms that took me 3 rereads to see you didnt say eat "girls" instead of actually grits. I'm disappointed."
1966434976,"worry","eilidhbaileyg","@xoxoJennxoxox i did a couple hours ago...ive got sun burn and its really uncomfortable"
1966435122,"love","lthrmouthlvs","@mattfazzi  I hope you get well soon! <3"
1966435636,"worry","MsParamour","can i have some followers :' ( ... i'm so sad...    NOW THAT I'M LOSING HOPE -pressure"
1966435901,"worry","cathxerine","@katevoegele Why aren't you coming to Montreal?"
1966436040,"worry","raa_almeiida","I have test tomorrow but i dont study, then i go very bad"
1966436150,"neutral","FakerParis","@Gen22 I can't blip right now!"
1966436174,"enthusiasm","klaudinenicole","@albertposis congratulations ! you guys finish a month early than we do. booo"
1966436350,"neutral","Kenichan","@cadistra Think wearing bermudas at the cinema wasn't a good idea after all, but outside was humid like cwazy!"
1966436438,"relief","mlthompson4457","@jmallen1012 aww i'm sorry   glad mommy took care of you. erin is in for some fun if there's a bug on you in colorado"
1966436471,"enthusiasm","kristyk","Double rainbow above the Organs. Pretty, but doesn't take the edge off my $460 grocery tab."
1966436519,"sadness","biancaaaaxo","They took my property"
1966436620,"worry","billiejolucille","Im so down! The AC in my house just broke"
1966436640,"neutral","NewroticGirl","pavement is boiling hot out there, dogs were limping.    guess summer's officially here."
1966436855,"sadness","jasmineaguilar","Life sucks if ur not having fun."
1966436977,"worry","stersauce","@emperorliu my dick feels smaller when i look at you"
1966437497,"worry","AndreanneMB","Can't find any pictures  !!!"
1966437692,"sadness","MelanieFrenette","@SashaBoucher omg! i know, and it ruins my weekend!  suree, if you want too."
1966437779,"neutral","JCMIV","Well, another family was chosen for the child we interviewed for  back to looking for another kid"
1966437857,"surprise","Watts_Bunker","Went out to get groceries...prices are inflating  Gas went up another 10 cents to hit $2.49... #TCOT"
1966438620,"neutral","natneagle","@1995shand not quite as much...hmmm products in US that are not in Canada?? Idk  Do you have covergirl?"
1966438885,"worry","LiLMiSPRiNC3SS","not in the mood crazii crazii highly upset now with everything & everybody"
1966439404,"relief","klaudinenicole","@albertposis congratulations ! you guys finish a month earlier than we do. booo"
1966439525,"sadness","fluffodile","Gossip Fluffodile here. The latest? Mad night with Teg, Jack, Lou, Tess and Frey. Had a gender war. But I was v. sad for a friend also"
1966439965,"worry","thatswhack74","@Holls77 haha I tried covering it with make up.. It doesn't work  lol so wearing a scarf is the way to go."
1966440062,"worry","eee","my PC just died... again. now i have to find a firewire to save all those photos i havent backed up to the mac yet"
1966440078,"sadness","bookwormjules","@Bookfoolery they used to have a Book Expo in Canada (Toronto) but the cancelled it this year  #BEAtwittyparty #BEAtwittyparty"
1966440112,"hate","naazac","my nail broke  I haaaaaaaaate"
1966440188,"relief","mattnlanie09","No more high school..."
1966440461,"surprise","northirid","Well. That first tweet for today failed.  lol. Back to sleep or bacon and eggs? So hard to choose!!"
1966440558,"neutral","chelikay","watching the notebook"
1966441150,"surprise","Megan_Parrell","And other girls come over... And my boyfriend forgets that I'm here"
1966441171,"worry","Boddingtons","@Greek4Honeybee oh no...where did your sunshine go?    *hands you a few rays of light...will this help a bit?*   ******hugs******"
1693956175,"empty","imba","Thanks for pointing out the crucial problems @thakkar. Both of them have been taken care of  (cc: @Netra)"
1693956189,"surprise","pinkpebs","please ignore cheesey music"
1693956239,"neutral","KikiFitzgerald","just got home from a meeting with the girls... Maaaaaan I'm exhausted!! Goodnight world"
1693956292,"neutral","ShareaMonyc","@db0y8199 lol thats the kind im eating!!"
1693956462,"happiness","bellasaurus","victory for the bulldogs was celebrated by 3 white chocolate cheesecakes  nom nom nom WHATTA FATTYYY"
1693956520,"worry","cali_mara285","http://tinyurl.com/ateltl <-- Rocksteady pt II"
1693956545,"love","kiannabanks","ok outta all 981 of my followers, only about 10 of u ive talked to lol dont be shy i dont biteeee"
1693956612,"enthusiasm","i_can_deal","@souljaboytellem holllaaa.. i dont know what ur up doing but im trying to finish up some work for school... bout to go to bed though"
1693956638,"love","chlosexx3","And I just love every little thing about you..."
1693956680,"enthusiasm","devilx","@_everaldo on my MacBook I run Linux with Parallels and on my iMac I use VMware Fusion and both are great, especially in "Unity"-mode."
1693956708,"love","C_Weilert","I have the Job  this is a nice day it can not be better"
1693956727,"fun","ohmymae","I'll go now.I'll watch teen nick!"
1693956828,"neutral","Broooooke_","needs a break from the computer... adios  <3"
1693956829,"surprise","deadstockric","Tweet whore ? I am up to 10,000 tweets"
1693956875,"neutral","Meg92","Time for me to sleep........"
1693956889,"neutral","crustyadventure","@paulcarr I just laughed out loud on the bus reading your statement of ethics. People moved away. He he he."
1693957015,"happiness","Fio09","@saraLDS Thanks for that, Sara"
1693957082,"neutral","cbmu","character designs complete! .... in about a week we'll give another sneak peak... stay posted!"
1693957194,"neutral","australiandaisy","@lmchugh fingers crossed for you."
1693957214,"happiness","HarryHarley","@Tony_Mandarich well welcome back from the dark side!"
1693957230,"happiness","ohdichi","@sai_shediddy lol , you gotta share too"
1693957263,"happiness","yyinc","first up, make up for lost time with jelly. Jalan jalan just the 2 of us  and the rollerblading with my pumpkin. Happeh"
1693957307,"happiness","understandniche","@redrobinrockn next one for you!"
1693957315,"love","mtidwell","@CPaladino My cats enjoy the sunbeams from the open windows.  I think that counts."
1693957402,"fun","stackface","I cannot wait to go to FLORIDA!!"
1693957410,"worry","LINNDOR","not goin tto tafe"
1693957440,"love","ChristinaStokes","@urbanpinkpixie Susan Egan, I love her! And yeah, it said I would have a pleasant trip."
1693957485,"hate","Leah_Lewinsky","@MrWize sike sike call it truce???????????????? u still a bitch and my ppl still gonna air u out tho"
1693957495,"worry","lazarrow","Waiting for an email that will probably never arrive. ED later, Consti study after then hopeless bumming."
1693957516,"surprise","yurcom","Just getting an additional free day"
1693957562,"happiness","AngeZanetti","Welcome @doeko ! Really glad to know you here. Your products rox man"
1693957612,"neutral","MarreNoel","Monday is here, One more day"
1693957628,"fun","ShortiezRevenge","All zombie songs are now dedicated to @HAMMER32  ? http://blip.fm/~5jbib"
1693957642,"happiness","sassleberry","is happy  and clean, squeaky clean"
1693957765,"happiness","iamneetles","@Tottie Thank you, thank you!! Thought this is where all the cool kids hang out now, hehe  xoxo!"
1693957847,"worry","RadPirate","@chaoscartel That is annoying. What gear is it? I'll take it off your hands"
1693957892,"neutral","Diamondgiirl","I need to get some shut eye... But I just can't let's try 1 more time. Ta Ta Twitterworld"
1693957937,"neutral","mrsjanderson","@RealBillBailey morning Bill"
1693957972,"worry","AP2005","I just want this semester to be over! Only a week and a half then it's moving time!"
1693958107,"love","rissastory","listening to i can't wait - akon feat t pain . i love this song"
1693958143,"neutral","kridrules","Cleaning my room and listening to britney."
1693958182,"happiness","isabuu","@aruky Yes, this NBA song is great!!!  Got an old funny NBA cheerleader remix song. Ohrwurm of the day "colorblind"."
1693958195,"happiness","gAllethOo","NEW LOGO! for all the Web, Cheak it!...gAllethOo"
1693958243,"relief","berylkruger","@deuhlig thanks for sharing"
1693958257,"love","Paula_Grey","Having a great chat with a friend. He's totally putting my mind at ease"
1693958278,"neutral","jamisonbanham","@lexiphanic  cheap and good system  http://bit.ly/Fgl2Y"
1693958295,"love","MyDailyMadness","goodnight twitterville! really enjoyed pearl harbor. now off to sleep and cuddle with my hot man!  i will have good dreams tonight! XOXO"
1693958349,"fun","MikeyAllStars","@khodgkin1 Oh! Good idea about putting them on ice cream"
1693958360,"love","Raindropz429","@yourshyness21 lol I hear you, I think I watched about 2 - 3 different movies, when I should have been getting work done.  I'll ttyl girl"
1693958432,"neutral","IanBarroga","@DavidArchie so what cereal do you usually like?"
1693958433,"happiness","wantstofly1","@girlfromthemoon ...i had a yay moment today  YAY hope you did too!"
1693958455,"neutral","whoisdjspecialk","Mmmm Chilli Crab & Deal Or No Deal.....And thats life !"
1693958558,"neutral","CarlosYoder","wish I was at #eurodjangocon"
1693974670,"surprise","lesservoice","endless streams of tea~~~~... it's a holiday day here... how do I know? it's raining"
1693974700,"happiness","ginny9577","@DonnieWahlberg sounds like you all had a great night . i'm glad it was successful"
1693974719,"neutral","laurenparadiso","goin to bed"
1693974796,"relief","riksorun","Thank god camera fixed itself. I want a new ipod"
1693974800,"happiness","LinnetBirdie","Woop, have just bought the Elliot Minor album on itunes. Its finally working for me!!"
1693974908,"surprise","geoffsays","@FoluB pebbles thrown at windows should get *someones* attention"
1693974979,"fun","HHG","@mikebreed There's a reason why they're so cute at times - to prevent you from throwing them overboard when they scream every 2 hrs..."
1693975029,"happiness","rebeccaclark","@nicolesssss  no, dayuuum 5o'clock was better"
1693975038,"worry","DamonD_VIP","@JRHIGHTOWER  you told me u would be there...lol! Hmmmm where were u....."
1693975041,"neutral","hairycornflakes","watching the office......... also comedy gold"
1693975056,"sadness","MAGGIECHICKEN","@shaundiviney u no there was no point pointing it out yesterday and ppl had 2 wait til midnight .... they were kinda pissed"
1693975266,"neutral","chebons","Grand Indonesia with mom n sisters..."
1693975310,"love","nicsknots","@alibalijeweller I'm come and try to find you and be your fan too"
1693975360,"happiness","franzne","@DavidArchie I'm watching some of your videos in YouTube. You're funny David.  Oh and TALENTED of course!"
1693975368,"love","Deva09IAME","@LeilaniLi thks 4 the follow, and @newest tweets, i returned the love"
1693975383,"worry","timothychung","http://twitpic.com/4j8us - It is interesting that VS2003 generates a setup script for uninstall."
1693975415,"worry","ACESTAR76","@RealBillBailey Morning! Are u back in blighty Bill? Hope u had a lovely time away"
1693975539,"sadness","archtattoogirl","@DavidArchie want to hear something funny? I'm yours is on the radio right now!"
1693975573,"neutral","ilanbr","@MrPhotographic Happy b-day! Just woke up on this side of Earth, so wishes are bit late"
1693975586,"neutral","understandniche","Hank Thompson � The Big One Got Away -- hmm... how old do you have to be to remember THIS?  ? http://blip.fm/~5jboh"
1693975600,"happiness","Junie0218","@VIbeauty we will work on that mama  sweetdreams!"
1693975803,"love","Misslorelie","@eishbo0 you can do it"
1693975852,"happiness","marinajelly","nothings better then going out for chinese at the supperinn with ma fave cousins at 1am"
1693975866,"worry","aimee_raymondo","I am up and feeling pretty damn gud! I dont even have a hangover what a nice feeling"
1693975909,"neutral","TaylaGane","I just dyededed my hair"
1693975956,"worry","KayaSweetKaya","Drinkin' Chai tea and not sleeping.. and checkin' out some cool peeps"
1693975958,"surprise","juliadrab","@TimothyH2O Haha! If I were him, I'd totally go check out a small little breakfast nook  They probably have the cutest ones there."
1693975974,"happiness","cos1042","New @shackletonmusic single bought! It is awesome!! Well done boys!"
1693975992,"happiness","thatshot6","@amyyyxoxo ahh I gtg but pls help me with number 3 I'll come back later to see what u said  haha plz and thank u"
1693976005,"happiness","MelisaMCRmy","@zhayrar lol well thank you"
1693976025,"neutral","ndhie","cieee @Cronatic potong rambuuuut!"
1693976069,"fun","Beyy","Can't wait for SYTYCD tour with Ashleighhh & Izzayyy"
1693976075,"surprise","VinceCheong","C-News wasn't as bad as I expected... could have done better... but today we did a great show..."
1693976113,"worry","kiahxkitty","@KatiexCobraYo awww boo! I fucking lovee doing all the girly thingss"
1693976171,"love","ILUVBRADIEWEBB","thankyou short stack for bringing out a second sydney show,, now im going to both  im so thankful for you guys being so good 2 ur fans"
1693976179,"relief","myahaynes23","finally gone!!!"
1693976205,"fun","ericamo909","@CeesDope_  ahhhhaaa bangbros.com! psshh nigga its all about onionbooty.com"
1693976225,"worry","evadne","@ifixitlive Hey never realized that you also get a Twitter account.  Your guides are truly many times a lifesaver to me."
1693976238,"happiness","PalabricaC","good job!"
1693976267,"neutral","thakkar","@iMBA Ur welcome"
1693976293,"love","jkstern","@cathyah I love it...that's going to be one of my new fave quotes."
1693976321,"happiness","magnetsmile","I love the sunshine and the happiness it brings"
1693976393,"worry","lisisilveira","@bebeisis  thanks bebeisis that is right is your name by any chanve elisabeth???"
1693976403,"happiness","natsuperfly","@heyrbk ohh shardup! hehe. hes hot lah, gotta admeeet! bleh."
1693976427,"hate","ashleycrowther","cleaning cleaning cleaning today then working out!  i love not working!"
1693976573,"hate","ayacsr","Chem wasn't better than physics. And now I'm so tired. @natasya_astri HAHAHA NTN BBF JUGA YA? Hihi gue sukanya Jun Pyo?"
1693976576,"happiness","Sazchik","@living_autism BUT on the bright side you're on twitter! Morning!"
1693976578,"happiness","harilaos84","@Petty01 Happy Birthday and cheers to PAO!!"
1693976721,"hate","AYLAtheDREAMER","is home  excited that gemma is getting her breaking dawn MWAHAHAH (evil laugh)...is angry with hopeless assholes ..."
1693976752,"worry","ManMadeMoon","@justinchuan Awww!  I was thinking about you lot up there!  Glad you enjoyed it."
1693976828,"love","MiszNYC","@730Fam yeah you are right! but my mom can cook like she is straight from the island! make sure you invite me to your fam restaurant"
1693976937,"neutral","divxdownloads","Download movie  "81st Annual Academy Awards Pre-Show" http://tinyurl.com/cdue53 cool #movie"
1693976941,"love","MAGGIECHICKEN","@cel_xox ur really smart"
1693976959,"relief","RussSargeant","@geoffsays Thanks for the link Geoff"
1693976979,"fun","ayemee_em","aaahhh, showers are great"
1693977132,"happiness","mak3up101","i won because im awesome"
1693977139,"sadness","setpihi","I was crying all of Tuesday cos I find out! ;( .... Economics is offically my crying subject lol"
1693977200,"relief","RallfGG","@gerdiend Woman!!  hope you have a relaxing monday as I have, cu later on this sunny monday @westerkerk"
1693977272,"worry","mirage","@YaaaaZ so don't bother urself"
1693977288,"happiness","eychie","finally having my cup of coffee!!!"
1693977298,"happiness","ILuvTwilightxO","Just hangin out at home, watchin twiligghhttt ( and readin it (AGAIN!!) lol School sukked today Bahaha"
1693977324,"neutral","cityy","Paving your own road is intelligent only if nobody has gone exactly where you are going, come follow me"
1693977333,"relief","Felitherandom","@brittannyy14 yea i know right! i love that song!"
1693977353,"happiness","tyefighter","@antsrants it's driving me insane!  all i want is a lie in!!!"
1693977357,"neutral","iantalbot","@Tittch Just file me under *seduced* sweetie..."
1693977418,"worry","Rheeannon","@BroncMurphy  I agree people should be able to cohabitate with whomever they choose"
1693977436,"neutral","shortnsweet89","is twittering"
1693977535,"happiness","ctham","For @mizhalle  ? http://blip.fm/~5jbp3"
1693977559,"worry","casndra","@Jocey17 ITS A BANK HOLIDAY STUPID!! wait, they don't have bank holidays in America... Okay keep on celebreting"
1693977656,"enthusiasm","australiandaisy","@carmenforward no way - those are great words.  Boys don't get to own them.    Oh and was it your bday?"
1693977783,"happiness","Kirkdam","Hi all, just recovering from a party, looking forward to an exciting bank holiday around the diy shops...life cant get much better.surely"
1693977796,"surprise","Bromoryn","@AngelicaV1 Your birthday? WELL Happy birthday"
1693977819,"relief","iMacstu","You won't believe how long this took to achieve... Still all done and my car is happy again  - Photo: http://bkite.com/0783l"
1693977921,"love","weedyc","says i got 2 cards today, from eva n clara. thanks, guys.  http://plurk.com/p/roo6c"
1693977922,"neutral","musicmuch","@DavidArchie Have a great day today David!  May you write some wonderful masterpieces!"
1693977933,"love","abbyani","im back. wooooo!!!  i want to have my own press release :|"
1693977942,"love","txjrich","@savagemike  Yep, I like animals better than some humans too!"
1693977966,"worry","DavidDThornton","@michael611 would you settle for a 76 Mustang II Ghia? ...nope... probably would not be the same"
1693977967,"surprise","Inayah","@IMBASE k its 3 slices left"
1693978045,"fun","wirbelwind1111","omg, I never knew that Wikipedia also lists the shades of colours, it's cool"
1693978093,"neutral","Nick_Juhasz","we just drove all the way to Hollywood just to get a Miley Cyrus milkshake... at least it was like an orgasm in my mouth"
1693978195,"neutral","praksh","@akarshsimha: Started using the branch"
1693978294,"neutral","JonasLover_01","anyone got an FFE account? if so.. add me"
1693978343,"neutral","zapamna","@lilmarshmellow 1 pm..."
1693978375,"neutral","K_Z_R","@theblackbug I realized that I think 4 weeks into college, welcome to the otherside"
1693978397,"love","cyan_blue","Revelation: Strawberries and Nutella taste reeaaalllly good together..."
1693978463,"love","Bahijah","Another one popped up a human being. Congrats Nana and Wan.  Baby Iris is a cutie."
1693978519,"worry","Hannabellz","@thatglamchick ok.... tx  it's so worth the wait! lol...***"
1693978578,"surprise","wefindwildness","today is maintenance day for me, my flat and my blog...yeahhhh a lot of little works"
1693978774,"happiness","SinnamonLove","@mskiannathediva  He's awesome... Have you worked with him before? He's a good friend."
1693978789,"neutral","prplpen","Time to watch OP, then some Dead Like Me, then sleep."
1693978840,"surprise","aggieastronaut","stopped working on the @MarsPhoenix image database awhile ago to help Greg with his term paper. Now chit chatting with Greg."
1693978860,"happiness","jimbomorley","Well Done , Visteon Belfast, 2 years salary paid. Just shows what happens when you stand up for yourself"
1693978969,"neutral","spinesurgeon","@mohandoss ?????? ???????? ????? ????????. ????? ?????????   @anbudan_bala thanx for the sixer comment"
1693978976,"relief","heathamarie4444","its my bday!!! I'm gettin older!"
1693979003,"neutral","michaelni","@Melissa808 yup...they've stopped in hawaii for a few seasons already. are you talking about this season? hope they come back again"
1693979009,"happiness","franzne","@DavidArchie I tweet sooo much about you. Gahd.  Hahaha!"
1693994724,"neutral","jalaine","@Lodewijkvdb Don't worry, you'll get your stamina back soon  What kind of distances do you run usually?"
1693994772,"happiness","darkcode","@williamduncan the archetype thing was for a comm. class that studied archetypes in popular media. reading your links now, thanks"
1693994840,"neutral","Aprilciervo","@amytcathy at least you get to watch Lost on the way"
1693994848,"happiness","mazza53","@algibbs thanks for that, now i learned something new today  enjoy."
1693994899,"worry","rwbeagle","@urbansmiler Is it possible to a have phobia of phobias? Afraid to look at list."
1693994946,"love","dalerankine","heading out to (a long)band practice. last one before our first show on Saturday night. Hope it's a good one  http://digg.com/u12MIW"
1693994952,"worry","ohmisskatie","@xxm0rgann aww morgan, i wish i could have realized that a while ago instead of putting myself through it.. your strong and i love you<3"
1693994991,"neutral","nieksombekke","@leeprovoost Is it that quiet at the office?"
1693994998,"neutral","fernandasymonds","http://twitpic.com/4j8yk - Thelma, Rebeca, Fernanda Symonds, Fernanda Cordova"
1693995013,"neutral","1LockNess","@misspretty1981 thank u!!! u kno ppl already look @ my chest ne ways might as well give them somethng to throw them off! LOL!"
1693995073,"relief","liberacejr","Hey Dubbo RSL turkey roast circa 1995. Know it's been a while, just wanted to let you know I still think about you from time to time"
1693995083,"fun","cheapcheapcheap","@SashaKane I am absolutely craving a brownie with ice cream right now. FedEx some over!"
1693995090,"happiness","munchymustard","@iloveicetea haha when is it? good luck babe  & UPLOAD A PHOTO, WILL YA ?"
1693995093,"fun","Anime81","and these awesome tweeples too!  @xoNessCullenxo @xoJasperHalexo @xoEmmettC35xo @oxTanyaDenaliox @xoEsmeCullenxo"
1693995098,"surprise","Rassilon8374","I got whooped by Jason Bradbury. Ace :0"
1693995108,"sadness","DjMissWendy","The dj's and partypeople were great again at CC. Kicking  Next one June 7"
1693995118,"sadness","shroomling","@allankent @andywalton oo, oo, I must compete... let me login to my work email to see if I can top that"
1693995176,"neutral","Skibble","@TessMorris fine! Going to do my big walk today 20 or so miles"
1693995223,"surprise","taltalk","@SIFashions Wow, that's really sweet! I'm assuming this is blog-related.  Thanks so much."
1693995249,"happiness","canadianarch","@DavidArchie OK David, talk later  Have a great dayyyy ay ay ay ay"
1693995322,"neutral","garymeyerza","@amystow I know, but work is so boring. I prefer the @2oceansvibe take on life"
1693995333,"worry","ShebaBaby","@MsSdot23 and thats why your azz lost hater lol  love you"
1693995346,"sadness","Trina_Lawrence","@RaspberryHatter  aw. that sounds amazing  But I think I have work. Thank you for inviting me though"
1693995368,"surprise","d00m3d","@jezkemp yay!  excited?"
1693995415,"sadness","KingNick1100","Sigh. I'm getting off the computer now to do even MORE homework... Bye"
1693995442,"sadness","HimeHelene","in school, wants to read Eclipse, 200-and-some-60 pages read"
1693995457,"neutral","lizziehalfpenny","@DavidArchie if there is a tesco nearby, then go there"
1693995464,"love","walseram","I just finished first season six feet under"
1693995537,"relief","wallerz","Enjoyed the Waller reunion very much! The Wallers are back in town"
1693995626,"happiness","jennalee","@hrcolors Maybe it had a hot date with a nice little Cesna."
1693995655,"neutral","AgaSalim","http://tr.im/kp06 Surrealism in a cute way - Louis Votton "Superflat Monogram" - Takashi Murakami, Music by Fantastic Plastic Machine"
1693995743,"neutral","xcool","@joycescapade COOOOOOOOOL... DOOOOOOOOOWN... Patience... Is... Virtue..."
1693995762,"happiness","ShaolinTiger","@kyspeaks  Yah, they have footlong sausage too mah. But Halal place..piggy sausages are bigger"
1693995816,"neutral","Mrdeed","Stoppped following ama, i really need a clean break... on another note, kate is being super nice right now  Off to work"
1693995832,"worry","JS040206","Waiting on laundry to finish so I can go HOME. Think I'll do my nails while I wait"
1693995838,"surprise","SublimeFire","@RaeRae440 It's surprising how much Billy Idol turns up in tweets. I monitor constantly - not that I'm obsessed or anything!  #BillyIdol"
1693995855,"sadness","mustntgrumble","Morning all - woken by neighbour's kids screaming in the garden before 8am so not in a very benevolent mood...  you have been warned!"
1693995916,"happiness","closedlavenders","@galacticfaerie Sounds great. I'm looking forward to it then"
1693995975,"fun","LovinBenjamin","@moonfrye LOL and that's why I use my iPod touch"
1693995992,"fun","PalabricaC","hehe tweet time... bastos talaga chux"
1693996020,"happiness","cityy","...love and wanted to share with my followers. feeling inspirational. ive had a long day."
1693996029,"sadness","MichaelDWalker","@LarryBenet Per Taylor Dayne conversation.  It's official I am now jealous of you."
1693996048,"neutral","strawberrynose","I've worked my finger tips bare today coding. But we got there."
1693996152,"neutral","cheetahdriver","wake up...and go make breakfast.."
1693996153,"neutral","barbfh","@LadyRubaiyat It will warm up once you start digging"
1693996217,"happiness","billingtonart","@velvetella Bye ! Have a great time being whisked away"
1693996268,"happiness","deadstockric","@BoomKatt yes yes I AM, networking whore to the fullest.......and this girl is rih next to me"
1693996271,"neutral","KelseyTap","can't sleep so i'm watching some more Gilmore Girls"
1693996317,"neutral","ghankit","feels like spammers season .....is called summer season"
1693996338,"relief","lynne08","ohh. i didnt double tweet a while ago, did i? now i did."
1693996358,"worry","MizSadittyFancy","Fancy is a 187 hun got u doin things u aint never done"
1693996375,"surprise","catbook","'SMUDGER' is cleaning herself  http://apps.facebook.com/catbook/profile/view/5726504"
1693996722,"love","boywonder101","Good morning world"
1693996776,"happiness","roseohh","@alicedric can't wait for it. i love your scripts. honestly, you should have a future career as a script writer  - Stock Twits"
1693996800,"fun","samanthapangkey","@DavidArchie if you don't mind, change your profile pic with a picture of you in UK. It'll be fun"
1693996812,"happiness","trishjones","@MrMaxROI Hey, it's good to see you here! Will now follow you. Would be nice to have a photo!"
1693996885,"relief","jecaaa","just woke up, no school today, we are free"
1693996936,"enthusiasm","Bigga_L","im still waitin for my girl to come home...i wanna go shopping"
1693997007,"happiness","ChitraChaudhuri","Tweet you later, have a wonderful day."
1693997014,"love","Floris","Last song .. then I really have to go  ? http://blip.fm/~5jbvo"
1693997037,"hate","ArchieFan18","@DavidArchie Good luck! If I remember right, everything in England is a rip off, anyway! And next time, write me back! Haha"
1693997042,"happiness","sabrinajonas","Got my braces tightened today. Then I got McDonalds! HAHA  Sport tomorrow yay yay yay! Netball tryouts.. wish me luck to make the team! :l"
1693997109,"worry","Aquilaquail","Have lots 2do as usual! laundry, thanking God, cleaning house, praising God, cutting the hedge and thanking and praising God some more!"
1693997133,"happiness","WollemiPine","@Rosiecosy Thanks for sympathy. It wasn't too bad until about an hour ago when I started thinking of the appointment tomorrow."
1693997187,"happiness","noangelvfc","tafe was actually quite good. for once"
1693997206,"neutral","AlexaGallardo","@SaraHDanger Haha I think we're all in the same situation! lol"
1693997207,"sadness","Niraja","@neo_kryptik the usual... applications, checking statuses, reading stuff that's ... wel... not arbit  etc"
1693997236,"relief","philmabs","True to form, Bank Holiday Monday looks like it might be rainy. Hope it holds off til later, family&friends plan walk and picnic today"
1693997278,"love","ilanbr","@tracymacy Thanks for follow. Was just adding you from your twitter page, after commenting your blog"
1693997318,"sadness","Kristy92K","@Kayleigh_Stack i wish i could go to both but i don't think i'll be allowed :p either way with two shows going your bound to get a ticket"
1693997384,"hate","bsandeep","@chicalit finding a place to crap on the move eh? Whoever said technology is crap?"
1693997413,"neutral","taltalk","@gawd0r Yeah, my dad calls me Taltal, but it was taken on AOL back in 96, so I added a K for my last name, coincidence is Tal Talk."
1693997424,"relief","netteface","@MODELCHiCK2 thank u soooooo much lil mama xoxo"
1693997507,"neutral","smartestgames","Someone in UNITED STATES liked Jelly Blocks http://tinyurl.com/dgpr7q"
1693997524,"neutral","iloveFeme","@Nadiney I went for the sweetheart.. Well see how things turn out.."
1693997542,"love","jwalsh","@MFlanders no I like be able to say it and it be the truth. Instead of some magical mystery tour I get led on."
1693997567,"neutral","twin_arrow","@sterestherster Adem in, adem uit"
1693997645,"neutral","Culwg","@ODWGOOG Absolutely ..."
1693997723,"fun","TimothyH2O","@DavidArchie Yeahhh you do that lol"
1693997778,"love","happy_cupcake8","<3 KoRn... You guys are champions of the world"
1693997840,"neutral","mmgant","@oliviamunn How long before the Frisbee Golfer "accidentally" catches one in the back of the head from his friend"
1693997893,"love","avitulips","@Lilctownroaster I just added a butt to your name in my phone after I made you go home in the cold. Because I love you!"
1693997942,"neutral","sidish6","@ravenousraven check out her new song "sentimental, wat-a-joke-ental" she's a fren  www.last.fm/music/marple+meg"
1693997992,"neutral","ppinheiro76","@carlosefonseca I can give you the contact of the person who makes those cheesecakes!"
1693998023,"relief","joker_princess","Not really  but its work so yea kinda"
1693998094,"enthusiasm","Mattro","@oliyoung it's stable, faster than 2.x and working."
1693998110,"happiness","EmbryC","@wickedgirl24 glad you like it"
1693998122,"fun","gingerpickles08","@RealBillBailey haven't read that book, but heard of it. Feed, spay, love is a great motto for pet owners  although there is more involved"
1693998198,"happiness","hugopolanco","Photo: Great night.  http://tumblr.com/xmo1pgymj"
1693998372,"surprise","mitathehermette","@petrilude WHY can't we have both!? HUH, it'll make up for the raping of our twitter you just did"
1693998406,"enthusiasm","laurajayne_","would like june the nineteenth to hurry it self up, as she is waiting very impatiently to see wes carr"
1693998536,"worry","csenglim","the era of the word - 'UN' (not united nations lar) is coming on fast - Unconference, Unreason, ... better get those domains !"
1693998542,"neutral","PeppermintKiwi","Listening to the commentary track on Holiday Inn. Never thought I'd see Bing Crosby in black face, but the rest of the movie was cute"
1693998575,"love","London_Law_Firm","@clarinette02 I am most honoured to receive a Twit tout en francais. But my French not good enough to pick up les nuances en 140...   LOL"
1693998597,"fun","muhanado","@robinmeure > "live Q&A 24/7"... definitely the best part of twitter for me"
1694013018,"neutral","ItsDawns","@TerriCook  oh hi terri good now what about you? any good gossip"
1694013084,"neutral","ChrisWelburn","is debating giving twitter a proper go. now to try and understand it"
1694013106,"happiness","jenn2marie","@amber_benson  Woohoo! Well Done! I started Macarena-ing too"
1694013114,"neutral","preciousthings","@littlemissjoey You didn't get a public holiday today? bwahah"
1694013136,"relief","kensodev","@jkreeftmeijer Yup theory is GREAT but the reality is beyond imagination...  I also made the same planning not knowing VS will FAIL on me"
1694013141,"neutral","austerity101","Once again another late night.  But I scored a mojito, so ..."
1694013153,"happiness","OhNo_ItsAlice","Bank holiday mondaaaaaay   Exams tomorrow  D:"
1694013199,"worry","Fleech","@mybellavita just clicked on your bio. You're in Cantazaro!? Have been to Italy several times. But never Calabria!"
1694013263,"love","MaryandBessie","Lots of other people are very polite tho and ask if they can approach"
1694013284,"love","Hikoto","is damn happy. One for the end of exams and another...hehehe.  CROSSES FINGERS."
1694013301,"relief","camella_secrets","@vene2ia Thanks!  I am doing good... Did you read any of my blog posts?"
1694013304,"neutral","4TMSocialMedia","@AndyP007 Any tips for someone who has only made it 52 on Flight Control?"
1694013371,"neutral","ZantetsukenZ","@lilazngurl1234 hi there, nice to meet you.  I am new to twitter and I guess you are too?"
1694013504,"neutral","elmooo_","alrightttt twitter. i have netball nowww  this is my 600th twitter haha  byeeeee"
1694013519,"surprise","Aimee326","@Ryface Famous on Myspace?? You're a dillhole."
1694013577,"worry","afparungao","@creampuffs_star v. good. i thought you were registered na?"
1694013584,"neutral","bernietb","@druey Merlin wasn't too bad. Already watched it on BT of course"
1694013591,"happiness","RosieG_D","@Gennargh I also have a brain tumor called Jeffery."
1694013630,"neutral","anilmujagic","Writing my first tweet"
1694013641,"happiness","mrsgooding","is excited. Lots of good things happening work-wise here in Melbourne"
1694013668,"happiness","mifter2000","recovering from mexican fiesta. Had a bit too much of a good time!"
1694013685,"love","CrazyGia","@violetasvk cool"
1694013745,"worry","_skelabunnyrx","I should sleep. I've got like 5-6 hours to sleep before work. Then I've got Tuesday- Thursday off... sweet"
1694013773,"sadness","abaggy","@geewhy  You're just jealous!  Guess you'll be walking around the office tomorrow in your Malo!"
1694013866,"happiness","a2zfire","New baby arrived yesterday. A fab baby boy at 2.8 kilo  Very proud and happy"
1694014043,"love","LittlestarRed","@joeymcintyre You bet!...I'll be there in spirit (I'm in the UK really LOL) Like the pic BTW xx  x"
1694014056,"neutral","SandraTaosaka","@Victoria808 Wanted to get that piercing too but thought it would be distracting to others when I was giving presentations. U think?"
1694014092,"neutral","oliyoung","@Mattro heh, i meant differences between b3 and b4"
1694014105,"happiness","ryanmwilson","which is why i can't wait till i move out of home and life by myself next year  WACKY ADVENTURES EVERY DAY!!!!!"
1694014146,"neutral","rgoodchild","@rosiecd is it for dinner? the amount for dinner ones is greater than say an afternoon snack. a pack for the day is prob ok."
1694014165,"surprise","CourtneySit","I'm off! Well, home... I will see you soon!"
1694014188,"neutral","tns_fan","@Elmo824 tegan and sara fan? follow them @theteganandsara"
1694014215,"love","ivylovemusic","I'm glad that I called him cause our relationship is clear now. Just happy to hear his voices eventhough he's absent from school"
1694014254,"love","TimothyH2O","@miasmom1 Awhhh age doesn't matter, you awesome lady you!"
1694014270,"worry","youngfreshnew","@ainzneal LOL  I'm the night owl queen - why you up?"
1694014318,"neutral","karl_goddard","todays line up: more work on OS bluetooth app, a brief stint with Uniservity and if I get time some CS4 tutorials... busy bank holiday"
1694014328,"neutral","heyisabelle_","i really needa find more stastics"
1694014476,"sadness","_sandro","Waking up with Star Wars End Title Song in my had is sorta awesome .. and also kinda creepy"
1694014566,"love","nadiadd","@GlitzyGloss Hello!! sounds very good, you can count on me, I follow you!!!"
1694014610,"neutral","_uro_","waiting for my friend to come over, so we can hang out!"
1694014630,"worry","JessVanDen","@daisytalk yeah, I had a suspicion about that!! I think I'm going to come home and want to spend a ton of money on tools!"
1694014690,"neutral","YOBROMOFOcom","British Expat Tweet Tommy and the Giant Sprout: Especially for Fly  as part of sprout seaso.. http://tinyurl.com/c7kvb6"
1694014698,"sadness","nikki264","i get so sucked in to true life, and that steve-o documentary was intense, i love that shit, it's nice to see people get their lives back"
1694014711,"surprise","swells14","@Dean_John what makes u think of south africa? why not italy or hawaii or something?"
1694014727,"happiness","CarlyShultz","is choosing to do britney for the dance showcase! yesss  cant wait. 58 days...."
1694014782,"neutral","Cataklyzm","time to relieve stress at the gym!! Someone should write speeches, take exams and do research for me"
1694014784,"neutral","GemmaMayRoberts","Im doing a cause in retail"
1694014806,"neutral","BreDaQueen","@Moni7 Moni Love...u get all da credit I wouldn't be shit on twitter w/o u...cus I wouldn't kno how 2 do shit on here ! Thanks Boo"
1694014873,"relief","tinyju","#musicmonday Nicest Thing from Kate Nash"
1694014894,"happiness","blessie","still awake..doing my assignments and playing virtual farming"
1694014950,"empty","enked","@awaisnaseer always write holy words in capital dude, ALLAH HAFIZ !"
1694015081,"neutral","haeima","the rain bring back some memories"
1694015088,"neutral","Call123","@jordinsilver So long as they hold your wine without tipping."
1694015145,"happiness","londicreations","@vene2ia Great!"
1694015148,"happiness","Meisem","I think more people would buy the Slap chop, if the commercial was like this: http://bit.ly/vQIUf"
1694015234,"enthusiasm","turbinedivinity","@BearNoiz Played An.World, played Flashback, played Starcon 2, played Fallout, played every Psygnosis game out for the Amiga and the ST"
1694015244,"empty","iamkarla","@paul_augustine Yes, it is. Though not in coffee   So what's your favorite brand?"
1694015281,"neutral","archujonas","@DavidArchie Good luck with your breakfast search. But here in the US, I have to go to bed. lol. Goodnight David."
1694015435,"worry","xxxeviiexxx","i'm still in bed and on the laptop ...yep borin !!!"
1694015514,"neutral","profitseller","Looking forward to the new week with the presentation of my book in a store in Dillingen today and some interesting sales seminars"
1694015536,"fun","natsuperfly","just watched JONAS. It was funny."
1694015539,"neutral","rarous","@hassmanm Nem�m zdroj�ky Mozilly ani Perl, tak�e z?stanu u sv� v�ry ve schopnosti Ohlohu"
1694015577,"fun","sinkingducks","@damohopo Come to Rochester with me and Nikki. Beer and a Hog Roast always helps."
1694015657,"worry","lesley007","@snedwan Mooooooooornin'  How are you? Are your legs ok?"
1694015680,"fun","Timonearth","@mariekehardy this will make you feel better. Will down a cocktail or 2 in your honour. Now get retorting  http://twitpic.com/4j91r"
1694015703,"fun","ash677","badminton marathon tonight!  please cooperate feet!"
1694015743,"happiness","pumpkinspicy","watching a movie and rocking my baby kitty who is asleep in my sling hanging from my neck. So cute"
1694015762,"happiness","0m4r","@PeopleBrowsr nice new profile picture! Glad to see some friends in there"
1694015774,"happiness","boxOFjuice","@DavidArchie  AWOOOOGAHHHHHH!!!! heheee hope you get some decently priced breakfast real quick, David"
1694015795,"enthusiasm","Abbyxoxox","morning everyone! another dat of school"
1694015800,"relief","xxJadeyyxx","@shaundiviney THATS BETTER! lol"
1694015825,"neutral","erikarhanetan","@erickaxx it would hurt only when you touch it or when it gets hit. But when you don't, it won't  but after a month it wouldn't hurt na!"
1694015832,"sadness","pdaonline","Hangin out and drinkin beers with @muffclassic ..dude brought me a new pair of purple kicks.. I'm gonna wear them on the Act III cover.."
1694015896,"empty","jk0","Just ordered an ASUS Eee PC."
1694015900,"love","Honey3223","@smeykunz  *shrugs* So do I but it was too funny plus you know you enjoyed it Tweet Whore ..   Love you.."
1694016004,"neutral","insic","@farrahdy take a medicine"
1694016007,"neutral","teganemily","@Rove1974 heyy"
1694016064,"worry","calamur","@Meghaaa lol. sounds like don't call me babe  have done that too !! have you thought that over ?"
1694016121,"enthusiasm","ArunBasilLal","@JuwalBose oops, eldhose bhai uploaded the same too, Did you read the hindu's article on BarCamp? Binny rocks man"
1694016173,"enthusiasm","OUBad","@ginny9577 I'm researching NYC stuff."
1694016205,"happiness","millihasawilli","supernatural is back on tonight !!"
1694016373,"neutral","emprezofrevenge","goin' to casa milan's club house..."
1694016396,"hate","heyjenk","@AndriaAndCo  Don't forget Twitter, the bastard step-child of enablers"
1694016526,"love","jaecka","Morning.. Coffee and fresh air"
1694016874,"love","Petalice","@MaheshKukreja Welcome!"
1694016929,"happiness","brittneymm","but omg mummy bought me ice-cream!"
1694017029,"neutral","enked","@awaisnaseer followed your bro @Junni_Vet"
1694017043,"neutral","eieip","chatting with the bestest..."
1694017070,"neutral","davidrules04","if you cant hide the tweetie icon why not change it   http://twitpic.com/4j92o"
1694017104,"neutral","alyssabernal","@andrewagarcia That's what's up hah. I'm great, thanks  Just waiting for all the craziness to take off."
1694017165,"happiness","tantamani","@deversum good morning Hazel  caffeine-shot?"
1694017252,"worry","MisterPine","Realizing that I don't have school today... or tomorrow... or for the next few months.  I really need to get on those job applications!"
1694017293,"happiness","kagomee","@niuts14 Our weekend was also great... two friends of Julia were here for four days..."
1694017418,"relief","miztkn","I'm excited for the things for Jay's room to arrive"
1694017437,"happiness","Allyface","Ah. Bank holiday morning...reading Elle in bed and getting excited for a roast dinner in Sheering later"
1694017444,"happiness","sunili","@abstractg @grendel @tigertigercb woohoo! I got the Sunbeam Caf� Series grinder at Eu Foods for only $198! Epic win"
1694017552,"neutral","Pjans","@MrRvM ruilen?"
1694017579,"enthusiasm","xxvikixx","really really wants to go and see Coraline."
1694017621,"happiness","yojibee","@pixelbase @steverumsby I care about Eurovision! And yes, they have a 50% jury-based vote this year  #eurovision2009"
1694032346,"love","PagakaTysal","12:46AM. HAppy birthday little sister of mine. Also, good night Priscilla"
1694032353,"worry","sepiaverse","@ShalG  aaah k..am like a fan incarnated,so kinda like a mutant. till date, Ghalib has never *yet* left my questions unanswered"
1694032392,"happiness","hyag","because he @the_real_nash wants to be an honorary Filipino  i'll follow him now ;)) thanks @daxvelando!"
1694032499,"fun","sarawang","looking forward to coffee and driving tomorrow. really"
1694032515,"neutral","eschaton","@mgorbach They actually use standard speaker wire between them too, with standard terminals, so no soldering involved or anything."
1694032527,"neutral","loveisthecure5","www.loveisthecure.net is up! Check it out"
1694032536,"worry","ezlyamuzd","YES! Im down to 50% full on my dvr  i was at 98% like 3 days ago... lol I swear if I didnt have a dvr I would never watch tv"
1694032658,"neutral","roxybisquaint","@stealthgear indeed"
1694032738,"neutral","Mel71","and we're back in buisiness"
1694032772,"happiness","Broooooke_","@Emmmaa___ haha was it good? i bet it was"
1694032779,"neutral","sharonmcl","Heading out to do a relay in the Belfast marathon"
1694032845,"neutral","jennalee","@marlooz Clever girl"
1694032876,"happiness","licascream","mmm  eating tostitos && piknik with spinach dip from S&R. <3"
1694032949,"relief","IsabelMosk","Cuba trip booked"
1694032954,"neutral","OrbitalPete","@psymon_spark heheh.  Odd though, I thought a couple of the others I'd done were better"
1694032968,"love","ChineseLearn","@puerhan Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694032991,"worry","JessicaBooth","making mashed potatoes, and vegies to go with @JoelyRighteous's t-bone steak for when he gets home"
1694032997,"empty","ErikS1967","just signed up..so, hello twitter world, here I am"
1694033006,"surprise","jobeaz","Oops that would be #edaust09"
1694033103,"happiness","riccirladder","@chainsawchelsea If it's any consolation, you're definitely one of the hottest GG's, IMHO"
1694033106,"neutral","naor","@elibrody why.. just continue.. i'll keep sitting with crossed legs"
1694033113,"neutral","erikarhanetan","@issaleuterio did you watch it?"
1694033292,"worry","Sir_Almo","right guys i have to go"
1694033379,"happiness","nocturnalie","@khali_blache Night! Doze well."
1694033409,"neutral","kairoer","@unclelarko not sure I like this way to learn a new language  I prefer to be "on location", so I can practice, ask Qs and get answers"
1694033567,"neutral","lesley007","@jp1983 Ahhh Lincoln...i'll run..see you in 2 hours"
1694033570,"neutral","Jeffwilson1974","forgot about my old twitter account please follow itsjeff i will stop this account soon...i prefer the address that doesnt have my age"
1694033593,"surprise","Sandman010","@ work.. This week some new instrumentals.. stay updated"
1694033618,"love","tolks","Today celebrating two new people becoming australian citizens. I am hoping for a good dinner."
1694033625,"neutral","Tombell12","is back from TAFE and has bowling in about an hour"
1694033628,"happiness","almaybrr","@DonnieWahlberg  "donnie rocks" if u could only here it my 2year old runs around every where sayin "donnie rocks""
1694033631,"fun","cartoonmoney","http://twitpic.com/4j95z - I don't know why, but I LOLd."
1694033660,"neutral","mathieule","@srhmae i think 30 bucks and i dunno"
1694033663,"fun","EvilChick","@merdujapon Really all that? I'll look for it and will report back"
1694033692,"surprise","Dutchrudder","@shaskins too early ,,, I'll spill my corn flakes"
1694033724,"enthusiasm","TAVOBLACKWALLIN","@Somaya_Reece naw missed it and the video cool looking sexy"
1694033769,"happiness","jennalee","@maydbs Its looking like June - nice right?"
1694033777,"worry","mokargas","@monnie Not really, injured so can't do much exercise. The KG's are coming on already. Also still looking to rent some place!!  Fun times!"
1694033805,"boredom","Floris","#todo Cleaning the Apartment - again - who keeps making this mess? oh yeah .. me. $10 + hug for the person to help come clean"
1694033843,"happiness","Kzigge","Prom was awesome."
1694033862,"love","bleuemoon","good to have a (boy)friend like you"
1694033898,"fun","SuperrSophiiex","Joey's getting a new lizard... This should be fun  x"
1694033932,"neutral","LilPanther07","working the graveyard shift!"
1694033942,"neutral","deathnotebook","@Maxwell5587 wow. hehehe. mushy-mushy mode."
1694034056,"happiness","deucehartley","9100 tweets....just living the rockstar life one tweet at a time."
1694034070,"neutral","tns_fan","@dayBdayPolaroid @theteganandsara follow?"
1694034093,"worry","barbfh","@maxiec Hope the train remembers the way - they can go a bit loopy on bank holidays"
1694034106,"happiness","nonamiranti","possessed beyond certainty that she has made the rite decision"
1694034112,"surprise","misterjt","@DJMel oh I don't love it. Just noting that remix kids seem to"
1694034142,"worry","fadedcitylights","@taaaschi It's driving you insane? Really? It's Sterling Knight playing Chad Dylan Cooper on Sonny With A Chance"
1694034148,"enthusiasm","ItsDawns","@TerriCook  Well I hope you have had a good weekend and even more so have a good day at work 2moro its already monday here,so far so good"
1694034198,"happiness","flupmakintosh","@RealBillBailey good moring mr bailey, it is my birthday today"
1694034217,"love","joseacostha","i likee you  a lott lott .  think you really hot hot (8) good night"
1694034283,"worry","hong_young","Seen the doctor today. Everything was fine! Might go for ultrasound scan just as a precaution"
1694034316,"neutral","eridhan","@RobKardashian Hi Rob!"
1694034366,"neutral","pwinsezz","just got back from rachael's house"
1694034444,"love","mertyTwit","likes the reports from testers of his new package for Synology diskstations  http://plurk.com/p/ror5d"
1694034451,"worry","aimee415","Bruno arghhhh i cant wait"
1694034455,"happiness","victoriabigail","spending a 'girly' day wif my four big sisters! shopping. pedicures and dyeing eachother's hair. ohh yeah"
1694034463,"happiness","ChineseLearn","@johna404 Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694034482,"sadness","Provencesun","@katrin_l unfortunately not.my work ties me down 4 the whole summer.but if there's a eu-tour this fall,I'll be there!  I want a rebound"
1694034512,"worry","sofiane_","based on the similarity between "May the 4th be with you" and "May the force be with you" today it's the "Star Wars Day""
1694034531,"happiness","Amiology","Would really like to buy death note 1 & 2 later this week  I loved those movies!"
1694034633,"happiness","kaylanicream","@ELLISNYC we should all be down to earth. don't none of us walk on water  I'm just some horny nerd trying to find my way thru life lol"
1694034653,"neutral","pogmohoin","@BethTana Sci-fi junkie, gamer, pianist, gin and tonic drinker, and news addict"
1694034727,"neutral","TheUrbanChiQ","Sweet dreams everyone! I am utterly exhausted!!! Nite nite!"
1694034782,"relief","rcdiugun","@Abbie12 Thanks! Welcome back!"
1694034885,"happiness","rubenerd","@roel247 Thank you good sir, it has been a surprisingly good afternoon, very productive"
1694034932,"relief","jem6782","@Ryanimay Welcome home!  Glad you made it home safe!"
1694034997,"relief","hayleybabeyo","i finished new moon  in 1 day all up. maybe less, im quite proud, now who wants to lend me eclipse haha"
1694035106,"happiness","cesface","Ay dios mio! 2 weeks left of college!!! AH CAN'T WAIT!!"
1694035117,"love","jeffbasilio","yeye! let's tweet again tomorrow, honey"
1694035119,"enthusiasm","Samm_xo","@mileycyrus i dnt think i can ever get tired of"The Climb"its just 1 of those sngs u'll always remember  ..."
1694035144,"neutral","archujonas","@Felitherandom haha. I hope so. I need sleep! lol. But my phone will get his message if he updates us."
1694035158,"neutral","discourbanchic","the best things in life are free  x"
1694035250,"happiness","BassJunkie","@eltonmcmanus  & to you matey"
1694035256,"neutral","JeeseLouise","off shopping in southhampton with my mummers"
1694035333,"enthusiasm","one2go","I go to "User Experience Roundtable Hamburg - Detlev Fischer on Accessibility, BITV Test" https://www.xing.com/events/333622 Don't miss!"
1694035361,"neutral","suffianr","@rezadubsteppa Yeah man, been a while since I heard you spittin'."
1694035407,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@lightgood Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694035419,"fun","Tabz","@mnoxon The fans have found you!!"
1694035434,"neutral","kungfookid","I have been called by my friend the bed. It is time to acknowledge the inevitable.  Goodnight All, Hello Sleep"
1694035524,"neutral","cragbaby","@ben_grubb Sweet... my friend Kevin is joining us (but I have his #). Look 4 the girl carrying a backpack & boulder pad."
1694035538,"love","glamourzombie","now we are cuddling.  girl cuddles are so fun and soft"
1694035541,"love","DigitalDuckling","@RaptheRenegade all good! Take a rest"
1694035667,"neutral","rachellms","@machfairy dont be gloomy...go out and get urself ice-cream.or gin,whichever"
1694035759,"neutral","Kurwaface","@chkndoodie no need to thank  we all just have to keep the good thought!"
1694035805,"relief","kanmac","just got back from the long weekend"
1694035886,"empty","Aimee326","@woopow8 Hi, what are you a consultant for?"
1694035916,"fun","PEdmund","Watching Dr. Horrible with @Bobwieck. @jenhansen don't be mad!"
1694035923,"love","zrah","@WOMADABUDHABI  glad you liked it-  he's done loads of arrangements but that was the only one i could find on blip"
1694035946,"neutral","hollymorris_x","going to Glasgow..."
1694035994,"neutral","rmam68","@mcosare FIL 461 with cool people like me"
1694035998,"fun","Ms_Kanoe","Weekend is over :\ Hope you all had a great weekend"
1694036007,"neutral","PorsheCaina","@DavidArchie alright!  you should go to the market and haggle them! )"
1694036036,"surprise","J0ANNER","@JRulz Hello James, who are you"
1694036060,"neutral","StampfliTurci","@clocsen I accept the blame . But I said "in English" (the language), couldn't say "in British", could I ?"
1694051002,"love","batackett","@18_2 Hey, Thanks 4 The Advice & Support"
1694051006,"neutral","jason_2008","@Gailporter morning to u"
1694051027,"fun","Tabz","Sleepy Tabz is heading to bed.  Fun night! Listened through the next episode of Joss'd!"
1694051030,"neutral","lisisilveira","@Imageglow you will have to unfollow some people that are not following you so you can follow new people"
1694051062,"neutral","amazingphoebe","got hometh  armed with hair dye, a cherry ripe and cosmo"
1694051127,"worry","Nightsearch","@ryanodonnell Can't you guys do something on CO-OP about Grim Fandango? Don't you wanna see it on XBLA/PSN? Call Tony Plana!  Call Tim!!"
1694051260,"love","CR_Interiors","http://twitpic.com/4j99z - a gift from my boyfriend... this little guy keeps me company at night"
1694051346,"surprise","thepurplehawk","@BlakeLewis Oh, I see!  So it's like, morning there, right? Happy breakfast! *thumbs up*"
1694051416,"relief","igeeo","Hello  Back to work today after a week of vacation !"
1694051419,"worry","cece_newnew","@AgesTheGreat tell him ill beat him up if he doesnt share"
1694051509,"love","SqueekyPenguin","@marygrrl aww  loves you! way too cute ;)"
1694051512,"surprise","walkingfungus","Got back from helping my sis with stuff for my niece's 1st birthday. I saw a PSP/DS lite car charger in Toy Kingdom SM for only P250!!"
1694051519,"worry","Joelsk_","@coliwilso  not much blipping lately, but i'll get onto that for you."
1694051551,"love","jordiebabordie","is gonna have an irish wedding"
1694051573,"relief","eistav","@roynuj thank you  Feel much more relaxed now that everything isn't as scary as in the beginning"
1694051650,"love","TerriCook","@mistressmia And U are doing Brilliantly sweetie!!!   Blessings and Joy to you!!!"
1694051665,"neutral","MsValerie","STEP 1: be a photoshop expert  http://plurk.com/p/ros47"
1694051708,"worry","jennhelvering","What a great day! Time with some family, an amazing voice studio party at my prof's home, and a finance study date with @allyson_marie!"
1694051730,"happiness","adriansinger","wlcome @johiw44 - i'm proud of my girlfriend"
1694051754,"sadness","sophiemarie13","@beltranm hello  I'm up late playing on the internet. I love you!"
1694051775,"relief","jayaresays","Just finished studying for Abnormal Psychology. Eek. I still have two more days. I'll do more than fine"
1694051832,"enthusiasm","jaybranch","@JennaMadison Ooh, coffee!  Great idea...  want one??"
1694051864,"fun","my_Fanbase","@amber_benson Looks like fun doing the Macarena with a live band!"
1694051924,"worry","stevencohmer","Hey dudes, 4AM. Please check out my blog at http://stevencohmer.blogspot.com and my youtube channel http://youtube.com/stevencohmer"
1694051976,"neutral","jordiebabordie","lol thats the highlight"
1694052048,"love","franzne","@DavidArchie Touch My Hand video = simply amazing.  Love it."
1694052138,"worry","DarrenS28","@atlteabagged ur not blind  i was just browsing & saw ur tweet & figured i could answer ur query plus i wanted to know too"
1694052142,"neutral","WhitneyPJ","@ehasselbeck braving the standby line @ TheView bright & early today!! hope to hear about your book & hope I get in! 3rd time's the charm"
1694052149,"fun","breatheitin","I know what would make me really tired, put me to sleep and I would sleep good!  ...RICE!!! Lmao!"
1694052168,"neutral","othertimes","@ZopflieseJule F...you very very much  willkommen im Twitterland"
1694052217,"happiness","amarjain","@jnacool I dont understand sensex..but wow!"
1694052230,"happiness","WillardAlbert","Good day today tomorrow will be even better"
1694052231,"worry","Emmmaa___","@Broooooke_ omg and you never would believe what we did. ahaha, i loved it. but it felt like a movie, but REAL!!"
1694052233,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@dominicalevina Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694052339,"happiness","jamesjrn","@djinfrared Sounds pretty cool. Great job man!"
1694052377,"surprise","xoxoxoe","took mr timothy for a run, he's quite fast if i hold up his bottom"
1694052530,"love","BlokesLib","Have a huge block of snack chocolate here. Tis calling my name already"
1694052541,"surprise","Iamlegend01","@xxJessica94xx Hey what's up? My name is Caleb and I'm your newest follower!!!"
1694052542,"happiness","isabologna","@jasonhoun Haha of course! That's my favorite album of all time"
1694052566,"worry","XxLadyxPoisonxX","LOL! Made a huge mess of my school shirt, was using charcoal sticks in 2D art"
1694052582,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@Strabismus Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694052586,"love","ChelsiaNg","@Editorables Haha.. Hey you should check out @NatHistoryWhale  Love her/his tweets"
1694052619,"neutral","freocookster","@NickHodge Bought the Repo Man soundtrack in the 80s - Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole"
1694052628,"neutral","ShaneLovesSteph","Eighty nine min. And fifty eight sec. New record"
1694052715,"relief","blossommorphine","@LadyAnne525 It will give me lulz from time to time."
1694052743,"worry","BrookeElyse","@shadiya I hope you were feeling better today!"
1694052759,"neutral","ginotorres","@nagatep grabe, norms. i researched; dami pala flamenco forms and sub-forms. kaloka!  i attempted a Solea. kaloka ang 12-beat!"
1694052824,"happiness","ChineseLearn","@EMarketingGuru Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694052905,"neutral","vasnum1bad","Hey @deangeloredman Mia!! Go to bed!!    (deangeloredman live > http://ustre.am/2NlC)"
1694052927,"surprise","elove77","Had a gr8 Sunday relaxing enjoying the beautiful weather. Good nite"
1694052951,"neutral","NaniWaialeale","Late news then it's off for some much needed zzzzzzz.......Goodnight Tweets."
1694052956,"happiness","biankis","dinner was awesome. Im so happy my mom enjoyed her bday  I was able to spoil her yay lol"
1694053046,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@sdweathers Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694053098,"love","PamsLove","@deepbluesealove Yeah it was great to be outside without rain/snow & cold air! Love the sunny days"
1694053123,"neutral","sharonhayes","If any one is looking for @pembrokedave he is now at @PembsDave  (And if you don't know him yet, follow him anyways, good guy)"
1694053154,"fun","Harishk","@thakkar I knw maan! i was gonna say the same thing. We both would become omelettes and others would become chapathis"
1694053159,"love","hollysuel","@TheEngTeacher I did for years and then moved over to an IBM compatible.  Would love to have both on my desk!   Can you call me a techie?"
1694053220,"love","archujonas","@Felitherandom Ohmygosh. I KNOW. That would make my night for SURE. lol.  Goodnight!"
1694053238,"relief","joecommisso","@pokr thanks for the retweet  poker is the best card game on earth"
1694053250,"neutral","perpetualspiral","Do you have a chronic illness blog? Let me know, I'll post your link on my own  www.ptsici.blogspot.com"
1694053266,"surprise","rubenerd","@Kat77 Don't ever turn off the part of your brain that talks crap! That's where fun comes from"
1694053293,"happiness","unorder","@QuestCon That gave me a great smile. Nice way to end the day. You are so right"
1694053329,"happiness","Bsamyedig","lovely night of steve-o and family guy. off to bed."
1694053346,"love","ChineseLearn","@longnu Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694053366,"neutral","AAKB220","1 AM & time for bed, nite all"
1694053377,"fun","Aimee326","@feedmecupcakes I just wanted to say, that you have the best screen name ever. That is all."
1694053401,"neutral","kellycdb","I still want a Smartcar!!! Don't they have the most wonderful designs ever?"
1694053427,"love","sarahlochelt","loves her some worship papers. and had a fantastic day. the Lord is good. and constantly surprises me."
1694053450,"relief","lordmuttley","Ah, the bank holiday shift at work. What fun"
1694053520,"worry","kingfamily","@Aquilaquail Lol - I could have written that - would be good to have 2 Mondays this week, then I might catch up x"
1694053555,"worry","jed142","@clarissa61190 and if you want to leaveeeee I can guranteee, you won't find nobody, else like meeee"
1694053604,"neutral","mickali","@madisonSAYWHAT yeah I imagine you did"
1694053617,"neutral","swickdan","@_cassian is there a game   !"
1694053690,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@blogviet Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694053758,"happiness","kasey79","@HOTTVampChick Excellent, he will never know, lmao."
1694053763,"relief","tibrent","Wrapped up some html/java work now spending the night dabbling in some flash intros"
1694053825,"worry","jordiebabordie","night night dollies  you are al so amazing"
1694053854,"neutral","Lia_arch_angel","i'm gonna eat some chips??!! anybody, want some??? hahaha!"
1694053930,"worry","KirstenPwns","@mmitchelldaviss THAT WAS SICK! i was like 'oh no, she's gonna hit the kid.' which is probably the usual response. i am oh so original"
1694054012,"neutral","ashbb","Finished watching Episode 4&5 of Ruby Metaprogramming Screencasts. Lots of cool tips, great! But need to more coding practices to master."
1694054226,"love","Tillow","@adambusch So the man behind the awesome Macarena vid. Great work. Love it."
1694054286,"love","MrTomHill","Good mornin twitterers, watching my first naruto of the day and it happens to be the 100th episode  lovely juvely"
1694054312,"worry","vanwau","@DonnieWahlberg so wish I was there with ya, but at 6:48am Belgian time I was sleeping...time diff sucks. Take me there!"
1694054316,"happiness","marjonellesm","1 more day!"
1694054324,"happiness","ChineseLearn","@rajrikhy Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694054375,"anger","RBizzzle","finally home for once after a dope ass week"
1694054399,"relief","laliria","I've been slacking on the blips... but a nice mellow one before I go to sleep.  ? http://blip.fm/~5jcfo"
1694054415,"relief","johanmeiring","@prieurdp awesome... let us know how the cloud setup goes, I'm very keen on trying it myself as well"
1694054428,"fun","KaitlinNPDD10","yeah so Prom Night is now the Craft (good movie)"
1694054480,"love","billingtonart","@davidalexanderm fantastic, love all things Krautrock"
1694054506,"worry","treehugger25","@beccaRAR I like to support my friends  It's sad that I'm your only friend though"
1694054527,"empty","nataile44","goin to bed w/smokey!!!!!"
1694054582,"fun","PHOTOluluTV","@hokulii Thanks. End up going to Makino Chaya"
1694054592,"happiness","whyinthehell","okay, really going now...STOP MAKING ME LAUGH LIKE THAT!!"
1694054593,"fun","jedstur","@Airbase woOt!"
1694054595,"surprise","merraberrabird","professional development is my favorite way to spend a beautiful monday afternoon....NOT!"
1694068728,"neutral","h3ctic","joining twitter"
1694068742,"surprise","barklund","@aral 105% of people between 18-24 yrs in DK is on facebook, more profiles than citizens in that range  Where are you in DK? And Why?"
1694068849,"fun","lovelycamille","Kicking like crazy."
1694068957,"worry","J_Moneyy","@Free2b_you Ah! Haha that's exciting. If I ever come to Australia we are definitely gonna have a movie night, FYI"
1694069083,"happiness","Natly","morning! just got my coffee"
1694069100,"surprise","Lenyoloi_line","@trinemt I'm excited! Hust let me know when you want to go over to Lucky7 Tattoos"
1694069117,"love","appleaddicto","@sublime98 Milk, Gran Torino, Bolt, Bride Wars, New In Town (yeah I got through a few...) Damn I love longhaul"
1694069131,"love","NinjaMatt0","To make a long day short--I did nothing. =D well, I had some friends over they just left (3:55am) We have been drinking since 9.  Smashed"
1694069146,"love","Karlcandido","watching "Knowing" and lovin it"
1694069194,"love","livvy22","had a funny time at neball against PLC  score: 48-3. what a game."
1694069222,"worry","studio85","@langleyjoel @jenn_langley Hi guys! Guess who has Twitter on her phone now? Me!"
1694069273,"surprise","teenius","@3rdbrain - Wow, I didn't realise you were Hami. lol. Thanks for all the comments on my blog, dude"
1694069372,"neutral","Chili_ili","Is sooo waking both of them up on my way back to SB  good night america"
1694069389,"worry","xXmIxEdMoDeLXx","i am! lol its just i got used 2 talkin 2 ya..!"
1694069445,"neutral","mariusdima","@tytel neatza. pe plantatie as usual"
1694069497,"neutral","darrenyates","Morning all, typical grey & wet bank holiday Mon so far today. :/ Off to photo gallery and paint gallery later, may treat myself."
1694069540,"neutral","amathist","@nomek is new van a nice one"
1694069688,"love","ameym21","@chrisanag lol i know but it was just so funny, ahaha"
1694069783,"relief","worksanddays","@zombiegrrl99 thanks, i feel a lot better now.. but it hurt like hell!!!  good luck with the lousy student writing."
1694069805,"neutral","jamanji","@ciaaren  u think i could call u tnite?"
1694069813,"neutral","nanyate","@victortan LOL! It's on the right? I gotta try when I get home. I'm using it at work. So the X is where it should be."
1694069827,"happiness","scfox","Headed up to WMC for the day. Hopefully I'll have enough time to swing by Chinatown on the way home. I'm in the mood for duck!"
1694070005,"happiness","rie_ota","Watched Yes Man, it was good  http://tinyurl.com/dbrc88"
1694070107,"worry","mystique1970","trying to figure it out"
1694070109,"neutral","mizhalle","@missbossy Yeah that's me  I used my initials for my Flickr account!"
1694070111,"happiness","adamantine_lady","it's a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all good bye - love it, so cheerful!!  ? http://blip.fm/~5jckp"
1694070138,"love","JansportJ","@Veggie_ thatd be likely, bein that i lived on campus ha...i just moved back to the cov"
1694070324,"love","Splend","The top 5 words I've tweeted: hug, good, people, fun, twitter. http://tinyurl.com/dcxoty ... that's really quite nice"
1694070372,"worry","dleth","@ work. Reachable on my mobile..."
1694070381,"surprise","ChineseLearn","@pammiebegood Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694070445,"happiness","ezxjdh","may the fourth be with you! happy star wars day"
1694070524,"love","Aligonzalez43","loves finding new followers"
1694070566,"neutral","CelesteClara","@iankintzle Come visit Iowa. k?"
1694070573,"worry","Paul_werewolf","http://twitpic.com/4j9eo this is  how it looks at nights"
1694070608,"neutral","tinnion","@warzabidul good morning fella   i have the joy of work to do today.  what are your plans?"
1694070710,"worry","PaulHarriott","@jaybranch  Hey thats good, my Daughter's still asleep and Son is drawing, better feed him v soon"
1694070797,"worry","Liturgy","@WollemiPine probably because it's getting chilly here"
1694070822,"love","K17GRAFX","@joecommisso oh ok kool  keep me informed bout that checked ur paged its nice"
1694070823,"love","jayjay8809","Engaged May 1st to the best guy  I could not be happier! I love you Jay!"
1694070871,"love","Natenjo","@djruss99 love session 2 of king of queens"
1694070931,"happiness","DustinUrbanski","@Mandarific well on a day off you owe it to yourself to sleep in late"
1694070950,"neutral","rgoodchild","@HlywdScrnwriter I've thought about it several times . got a few good friends there!"
1694070981,"neutral","dragonflysakura","@silverbenz Have you heard the song "Purpose" from Avenue Q?  Your post reminds me of that."
1694070986,"love","Rillalola","@Gaethe Lol, yes  Hence my wanting to watch more!"
1694071032,"surprise","isabellabyrne","OMGSH IM BEING FOLLOWED BY >>PARAMORE<< :O"
1694071045,"sadness","TerriCook","@AKAVirtualPA Everything and Nothing Hmmmmmmm"
1694071053,"love","bethgg","@princessmargo We saw that in none 3D - the baddie's the best"
1694071075,"love","ComedyQueen","@nuttychris Aww thank you for asking people to follow me"
1694071079,"fun","OUBad","@miss_tattoo Hey girl. I'm a new follower - I think it's awesome you've gotten the chance to get so close to Donnie. Very cool!!"
1694071120,"neutral","joe_uberkawaii","watching JONAS"
1694071149,"worry","plasmaegg","must be time to go home - yes indeedy"
1694071236,"neutral","yezbok","If you keep up with the 140 character limitation, you will soon be writing more like Shakespeare, than a garrulous fourth-grade scribe."
1694071287,"neutral","alibeiglou","ajab chizi shode in blog-am :x che axayi ke migiram man"
1694071301,"neutral","paulie00","@rachikus thankyou"
1694071364,"sadness","BadgerWXman","Storm system that looked to bring us rain today is going to miss us"
1694071375,"happiness","sgcherryz","Just got back from the karaoke bar in the metreon!!! Watching millionaire matchmaker"
1694071476,"neutral","raftormans","@Liesbetje with your bicycle?"
1694071525,"happiness","alyas94","@dannnnnniiiie lol brandy and mr whiskers is on"
1694071527,"sadness","JenniferGrace7","@kirbis007 i trusted matt with my life in that picture. funnnn night though"
1694071545,"love","iPhoneFuzzball","My 2 favorite things. Fuzzball and Swine Flu  http://tinyurl.com/dhpol7"
1694071559,"worry","vanwau","@b_club wished I could have been there last night. Sounds like it was rocking! Can't wait to see pix or vids"
1694071596,"enthusiasm","ChineseLearn","@onein36million Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694071616,"neutral","jesikahcarter","i just need to sleep"
1694071628,"happiness","amysav83","@Karen230683 morning  hope u r well.. i'm off to bed soon!"
1694071705,"happiness","daliuhh","@pauliniunia its the best show EVER!"
1694071710,"neutral","joycescapade","My Twitter was born on 12 Feb 09. Today, at this point of time, 4 May 09, 3:56pm (GMT+8), I have 805 tweets (including this one)."
1694071782,"neutral","PrincessSnow","Listening to Yultron!!"
1694071819,"love","HookJawNetRadio","Looking at our photo shoot pics...check out our myspace pics to see them...i love them all..."
1694071861,"enthusiasm","ChineseLearn","@AlviHalderman Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694071887,"happiness","Misssarahnoir","Monday morning bathing - soooo relaxing! If I was a lady of luxury I would start every day like this"
1694071904,"happiness","mscofino","@barbsaka I love finding regional groups of Twitterers! Glad I could connect you with a few new people"
1694071936,"fun","eliiiiza","@alivicwil She's so funny!!! I wish she were my grandma"
1694071948,"worry","ivona_ak","http://twitpic.com/4j9fb - I really love this picture!"
1694071977,"happiness","Scraplein","The sun is shining"
1694071982,"neutral","4_idiots","@Its_Claire its sunny here  I will send some over to you"
1694072031,"happiness","crystalsinger","@amber_benson Loved it! You continue to delight us Amber.    Great job on the backing and the video by @adambusch. Kudos."
1694072035,"love","leonward","@spookerlabs it's called a telephone. I know it's new technology, but it's the way forward!"
1694072083,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@benald Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694072125,"love","geoffsays","@ihatemornings great show on Friday champ. Enjoyed it"
1694072179,"surprise","cece_newnew","@DjZeeti haha i just nto 2 lonq aqo qot out dh ashower"
1694072261,"neutral","yogini4","@ByronKatie In our vedanta class we have a saying "Chit Happens" (chit being mind vibrations or thoughts)"
1694072273,"happiness","lizzledelacruz","ehh i need a break. gonna do 3pg essay 2m before work at 5. going to bed now. gym in the morning! nightttt"
1694072287,"surprise","Austin_Irl","@lisam75 thanks  great day for it."
1694072292,"neutral","RAJO_WebUnicorn","@andysowards quite"
1694072300,"happiness","jazi3_rawr","@jaackyx ha you'll do fine! just be positive!  &aha i know huh. wht a long conversation. i remeber you and allyson did even lnger ones! x]"
1694072328,"enthusiasm","billingtonart","@mafraederscheid did the house sale go OK? Hope so, really like your daily painting today, have a creative day"
1694072339,"happiness","ChineseLearn","@Amaury_Polanco Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy"
1694072349,"fun","shubhamsingal","@alsprincess I break some rules and don't take tension for them  ....."
1694072399,"neutral","xiape","@Dutchrudder I told 'em that the English have a special quality when it comes to cussing! Welcome to the fun, Dutch!"
1694072414,"neutral","kellycdb","@WOMENONTOP nope, there's me too."
1694072456,"worry","xXmIxEdMoDeLXx","@LILELLAY i am! lol its just i got used 2 talkin 2 ya..!"
1694072471,"enthusiasm","KirstenPwns","MY GOSHHH :3 A NEW FOLLOWER  hi there! i won't rape you! i lie. >:]"
1694072590,"happiness","Intruth","@girlwhoshould but it's fun when they blatantly ignore the advice"
1694072602,"sadness","destinyhope92","@NileyLover09 well i`m a little bit sick but i`m fine"
1694072616,"enthusiasm","queenvee","Editors read this and nod, writers read this and take notes.  http://tinyurl.com/crm4c2"
1694072783,"neutral","xevanesco","@fadeout all you have to do is have your boyfriend say something for me so i can hear his accent."
1694072875,"fun","bradhawkins87","@xMyLifesAStoryx well uhm i guess u pretty do now dont u? lol but it still sounded good"
1694088931,"worry","MichaelMidnight","@Samproof Black Russians makes me think of a "white russian" and this movie quotation: "that rug really tied the room together.""
1694088953,"neutral","sharmaine123","is playing around && having fun with little kids right now  hahahahaha"
1694088968,"happiness","NiaNia","@DebPenner Deb,, I am looking forward to exploring simple=ology/Mark Joyner.  I'll be back in about 10 hours."
1694088973,"surprise","dave_gregson","@honey_buns awesome! thank you"
1694088996,"love","whyamievenhere","@zoeatthedisco lol hell yes i'm keen. WE'RE GOING SKIING AT TREBLE CONE SOMETIME THIS WINTER"
1694089023,"neutral","WollemiPine","@davewat1 Stop what?"
1694089030,"neutral","Isil_Loves_Mcr","My Chemical Romance Official Sodahead Profile  http://www.sodahead.com/mychemicalromance/"
1694089040,"happiness","SashaKane","@DarryleP Am busy yes...But then always am. Hope you had a great time traveling.  Where did you go?  Welcome back!"
1694089049,"neutral","grotesqa","Anyone to recommend me JP artists with music similar to Soichi Negishi's Amai Koibito?"
1694089080,"worry","DiyanaRazinah","They don't know that I like him cause I've never ask them bout him.oh well I guess your right. I feel abit better now"
1694089161,"fun","erikaatje","Getting my self a nice cup of tea and turn on some music"
1694089168,"love","afef","YAY mom bought me the Sakura bodyshop lotion!  <3"
1694089223,"love","jessward123","@lukeylukess u were awesome at the bull and bush the other day   cant wait to see u at the loft x"
1694089331,"sadness","jmleonoras","says everyone was busy  http://plurk.com/p/rou4v"
1694089356,"empty","mireny","@amiong factory ng Elmer's? hihihi. sorry, corny! baka si ate ruby, alam!"
1694089379,"worry","SoulIsTheGoal","@xthemusic did you drink too much? the best cure is a fry up"
1694089392,"happiness","xoMusicLoverxo","@StDAY Dude, that is eerie. Good song though, and a good movie."
1694089399,"worry","michxxblc","@hellivina you work really hard so, sometimes you need a break, haha.  so, yeah...just let me know if you need help in anythin'."
1694089402,"neutral","SORRYUARE","@souljaboytellem we are"
1694089573,"fun","NintendoWiiAlot","Zelda Fans!!! pand_i - Zelda: The minnish cap, and a want for more music taste: Zelda = epic  I&#.. http://tinyurl.com/d7jvop"
1694089638,"neutral","tantamani","@deversum lolz  I'm the other way 'round. My English is better than my Dutch (which is considered weird here :p)"
1694089648,"neutral","itaggs","@TweetNewz Good prices for bulk SMS and Premium SMS too  http://promotion.itagg.com"
1694089657,"neutral","torijadee","30 days till p!nk   babysitting in 15 minutes."
1694089664,"sadness","LukeFTF","Eminem 3AM ... Freaking Awsome!!! ... Im Going Back Too... Seams Like Something big is inside me... and no...is not a Alien"
1694089666,"worry","talentpatrol","@daxxbondoc thanks Daxx you too!  God Bless you brother!"
1694089674,"happiness","sara_morgan","@jason_2008 Well, having to revise them!  Was to do some more gardening, now, I guess hoovering and some warcraft  Not played in a week !"
1694089765,"worry","shortyyyy","@MissxMarisa Borat is just so damn quotable.   ++ do you want the link to it?"
1694089784,"sadness","Golfkat","@emmyrossum ah  Hate it when that happens! The Race to Erase MS is this week. Are you going?"
1694089797,"happiness","iheartskulls23","@SteffaniYu haha! i see...  go, wear BLUE! ) heey, ur watching JONAS! hahaha ) haven't watched any ep yet.. hope it shows here soon!:p"
1694089816,"happiness","topsurf","@gi_ri_ja good morning, It's nice to see you!"
1694089862,"fun","xsteadfastx","@magullo thank you alot"
1694089863,"love","prettybelles","I just got twitter for my palm  <3"
1694089867,"neutral","MelisaMCRmy","@zhayrar Aw you are and you're welcome"
1694089903,"neutral","richardBarley","@darrenporter Hehe you're right, I'm not daft  May is a good month to be on a French contract!"
1694089923,"sadness","255rachel","@hot30 can you please have a short stakc competition"
1694089960,"empty","itaggs","@prwebmobilenews Looking for a new SMS sending solution? http://promotion.itagg.com Get �6 FREE SMS with every iTAGG!"
1694089962,"neutral","oohlookacat","Happy Meal - B.O.B. toy  http://tinyurl.com/cjtqaf"
1694090014,"neutral","Austin_Irl","@underhill70 oh that totally works too"
1694090035,"relief","santiandre","chillin with the neighbor"
1694090040,"happiness","samnjoe","So happy that it's FINALLY May!    The Indy 500.  Was there for the horrors of 1973, yet I still remain held captive by Indy's spirit..."
1694090110,"empty","ani4kaa_hm","@tashkaa  hey are you there?Oyy i geas you sleep..."
1694090117,"surprise","getsharp","@gneitzer I thought every weekend was a long weekend in California"
1694090141,"fun","Idolfanaddict","Really this time. G'night. I have my new song of the week in the morning!"
1694090148,"fun","swewing","Built a mini CDN over the past few days.. only has 3 locations (AU, EU, US) but it has GeoIP - quite fun to meddle with"
1694090158,"neutral","sushants","is at home"
1694090164,"relief","PunkFreak29","But on the bright side...no school"
1694090166,"happiness","emilyquinton","@cosmicgirlie good luck!! How exciting"
1694090206,"neutral","dijahp","@Anthaman can u follow me please"
1694090320,"love","baconbabe","@aplusk and Amanda Peet in A lot Like Love. Loves it.. Classic, really"
1694090332,"happiness","Katie982235","lol haha very funnyyy lol im talking to my bestfriend ashleyyyy!!!"
1694090333,"sadness","Xo_TiKa","THiNKiNG 0f HiM  <3"
1694090360,"relief","himynameisjawsh","@bbrooke yeah surrrrrously. we win"
1694090522,"worry","RyanLollis","@rhettroberts sexxxxxxxy  I had a silly weekend with my bff =P Fun times! Haha"
1694090630,"worry","HannahBaird","is sitting in her nan's bathroom dying her hair for the x factor auditions tomorrow"
1694090633,"happiness","theconman21","Waking up early to go to the gym"
1694090650,"neutral","velasq","talking to nat"
1694090661,"happiness","erikaatje","@codingvictim nice to have you back"
1694090670,"fun","Lynn__C","at school... can't wait to get  out of here today...get my tattoo at 3"
1694090723,"worry","jodeeee_dancer","@kyleandjackieo or, Green Day: boulevard of broken dream, Hinder: lips of an angel, Howie Day: collide - that was such a nice song"
1694090727,"neutral","omfgtamaralyn","@nicurrr over herrreeeee"
1694090761,"worry","Kratz01","ITO EN Tea Apple IS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! (looks like I need to go to Don Quihote to buy more!!) goodnight"
1694090773,"happiness","d3signar","Having rice crispies this morning  Brings back some good memories!"
1694090792,"neutral","Jamzi","New job today, wish me luck peeps"
1694090851,"neutral","fiercemichi","@charelblessed haha, it's okay to be different!"
1694090884,"love","netzkobold","@kelliekado Happy Birthday! I hope you are doing well and had a great Birthday day"
1694090888,"relief","jesssicababesss","woo well done nadine"
1694090918,"worry","kgrey38","Been invited to join a group in Second Life called "Ballistic Autistics".  Cute name."
1694090919,"neutral","theAsianparent","@wahliaodotcom Thanks for that!"
1694090958,"fun","cavorting","That's the Birthday Boy's iPod Touch and DSi set-up and sorted. Just to think I would have been happy with a ball + boots at that age!"
1694090984,"neutral","meeshell78","@bjamesmusic have a safe ride up the coast. Don't be going 90 even though you can.  when its windy just smile cuz u know u have it better."
1694091007,"happiness","idolart","@AmineB perfect!"
1694091055,"worry","kasey79","@CarlosPoulet Are you a night owl or what? Always on here as the same time as myself  Enjoy your scifi show."
1694091056,"love","RICKYMATHENIA","Enjoying time with the g/f"
1694091113,"hate","resmo79","@chregu block this IE6 shit"
1694091125,"happiness","Stu_D0gg","@CHIOMA_ yeeeee  Haha. The funniest thing is when dudes that cant ball bring their hot gfs along so they can watch them get murked!"
1694091129,"neutral","lvdeijk","@GJvManen Nope, kicked that habit more then a year ago"
1694091171,"surprise","Otterface","At work surprisingly happy all things considered, ahhhh loveliness"
1694091218,"relief","zambicandy","@interpunkt wow that was easy! Thank you"
1694091249,"neutral","lou_mi","back home. man im hungry. getting ready..shopping"
1694091307,"neutral","succubusdark","9. shopping 10. Latte with my sis 11. Friday- Meets at the FAU 12. Fire- Steet- Party  13. slowmotion in the park 13. partying my bday"
1694091353,"worry","carm3lbutt3rfly","@SchoolBoyQ L0l uhm; you need to just wife up mary jane cuz that's all you talk about!"
1694091510,"love","TheWritingKat","working on short story...totally loving one of my secondary characters"
1694091564,"enthusiasm","BassJunkie","@Trekkygeek Aye, May the 4th be with you"
1694091610,"neutral","Trentarena","@ameliafell we realise this"
1694091675,"happiness","weipah","@mzjennx uhh, congrats for your two years anniversary"
1694091820,"neutral","lucytaylor123","at dads, watching some mtv and am going on sims2 in a minutee"
1694091831,"worry","jamanji","think he caught swine flu, cant do test tmorow. sorry school"
1694091852,"neutral","hothayley2000","Morning and hope everyone has a great bank holiday"
1694091879,"neutral","SDoT84","I am following Mya"
1694091952,"happiness","cyclebritain","Off for a bit of a motorcycle trip today!"
1694091954,"love","elleLOVESgreys","@kyleandjackieo Fighter - Christina Aguilera. LOVE that song"
1694092000,"happiness","ianlatham","@janevans35 LOL I love my MacBook too. Oh and my iMac. Can't decide which I love more. OK 24" iMac trumps 13" MacBook"
1694092070,"neutral","ChoongKai","Just took my IC photo!looks good  - http://tweet.sg"
1694092092,"love","TheTAZZone","Love is an air-conditioner on a hot day...a heater on a cold day...and a warm body in bed any day  -  yep, me again"
1694092204,"anger","WoW_Modo","@eminem http://twitpic.com/4j585 - Guess I need to get me an iPhone now for sure!!!  It looks bad ass!!"
1694092207,"surprise","luuis10","I can't believe it's Monday already! A week in Vancouver already gone.. what a good weekend"
1694092485,"neutral","davecazz","trent reznor - liddle beotch doesnt get his way. this could be the title"
1694107135,"sadness","26Neil",": I love camp fires  I just wish the kids would try a bit harder to sing along"
1694107141,"neutral","zoenash","short stack need to add some more short stack tv"
1694107150,"happiness","LouiLee","Laying on my bed. ONE spot smells like vanilla.  awesome"
1694107215,"happiness","assets114","@ohmoss curing le hangover from an epic night, bruised 'n battered from a hectic go-karting session. pretty satisfied thank you very much"
1694107225,"happiness","saltyshutter","Getting the FAB portraits ready to upload today"
1694107488,"surprise","thegadgetgirl","Feeling good about our win! Its nice being softball champs  bring on the season!"
1694107541,"relief","garretjiroux","bed time! night yall!"
1694107557,"love","kalyndavidson","@ryanwashurrr don't worry be happy Ryan"
1694107561,"worry","VitalikD","nothing right now to do"
1694107569,"neutral","MsArtOfSoul","I see I see"
1694107575,"love","jenniegee","Thanks to all the new followers  Well, I went to a strip club tonight and its 4am so I'll follow you tomorrow. Much love."
1694107579,"worry","onkelarie","Wow... I was tricked into the #hoppusday hype today...."
1694107586,"happiness","khodgkin1","@MikeyAllStars  We are of like minds this evening , my dear!"
1694107622,"love","MarissaElissa","Off to bed. Yay going to chick fil a tomorrow"
1694107624,"surprise","fate_22","@_mmmichelle you're in france?!?! cheri!"
1694107628,"happiness","kimtagg","@myucan91 wahahahaha!! i wanna naaaaa!!! well...hapit na i guess. hahahaha ) yes, now we all know!!! hahahaha lol ) NARN! haha joke"
1694107752,"surprise","kaseeey","got 1 after school detention. 2 lunch times and if i dont go to them. i will get 2 more after schools"
1694107768,"worry","ayoitsmiuhhx3","gonna get a tan. i am so white"
1694107780,"enthusiasm","storlie","I like airports.  I can't fucking wait until friday! I want it to be friday right freakin now!"
1694107818,"worry","Juussttiinn","@kkkrista  anytime..  Why ya gonna be up so late?"
1694107847,"neutral","kkozmic","@jonorossi in between"
1694107913,"fun","dlanijer","Awake still O_o, breeding for perfect or close to perfect IVs on a pikachu  don't know what that means? Google it or wait for my articles"
1694107923,"fun","Iamlegend01","@akmourad Hey what's up? My name is Caleb and I'm your newest follower!!!"
1694107985,"surprise","Baydar1","@LoveLock12 while you awake ?"
1694108115,"fun","avantianggia","do some research for my article"
1694108124,"sadness","eBlondie","it's raining here  i'm stuck inside working today so i'd probably be peed off if it was sunny outside, i'm now ok with the rain"
1694108142,"neutral","dani1166","is wishing she would get more followers"
1694108289,"neutral","ishbel","ah, also figuring out when we're going to Rome next. & Venice. @vagrant_saint start thinkin when you wanna go, love!"
1694108293,"surprise","wahliaodotcom","@inrsoul ah! well, I'll see if I can find u later in the week.  I am tempted to look at Leica's this week. LOL. We could go check it out."
1694108318,"worry","JustAJustin","heading out to dinner in a minute - cant wait to have food."
1694108322,"worry","tori456","@lyssiecc prettty goooooooood   going to daaaaaancing in a mo and havnt studied much for maths :|"
1694108409,"relief","munteng","@cherylberyls okaaayyyyy... that was very informative.  proves that digestion doesn't take place in the throat i guess."
1694108411,"sadness","Molecover","@miguellf we want ot protect Moleskine� notebooks worldwide. That is all."
1694108414,"neutral","hudgens","@markwreeve We need to get you a image icon other then the default one"
1694108429,"sadness","hobartdaily","@ChageAUS fiscally responsible is fiscally over rated"
1694108452,"neutral","bubbameadows","Video: Today�s video blog/vlog�thing.  http://tumblr.com/xye1ph36b"
1694108563,"worry","Doodlebug18","In 24hrs time I will be at uni waiting to start my 1st exam, scary. I am working hard this morning though, and feeling ok about it atm"
1694108716,"hate","Yennu","Bored... Some vector shit... Off to work after this class.."
1694108750,"happiness","HelloAlyssaaaa","Yay! Good way to end the night."
1694108785,"love","Sw33tStacious","@bubblegums I got a dove bird & names of my cats for example "small hearts- <3 fefe <3 lulu  <3 paw <3 " - i will update pics later"
1694108796,"worry","michrod","@Robviktum Warm and muggy after Tuesday possible t-storms, but not as widespread, possibly severe too"
1694108797,"empty","elfinamsterdam","@ClaireBoyles good tip..... but then my boss would read .... exactly what im supposed to do and would know where I was with the project"
1694108820,"relief","daphne_uijen","I proudly declare that i no longer haf 'live fish' phobia. Lol. I love em fishies.."
1694108847,"hate","Karen_The_Great","@bridgetmcmanus go into an anti-gravity chamber then you can tell gravity to suck it."
1694108849,"love","bliink12","taylor swift's "you belong with me" is so amazing. love the mv!"
1694108872,"love","AnnaliseMcfly","@tommcfly hope you have a nice relaxing day!!! hope your well  wishing you all the best"
1694108923,"neutral","LadyW_101","Has just finished uploading my latest chap  Finally! Now, off to watch the new HappySlip vid :3"
1694108931,"surprise","clairemcgowan","@Biosciencewino thanks for the message - just worked out how to see them and reply!"
1694108935,"happiness","XtremeElemental","chillin with christina and diana"
1694109026,"love","kalyndavidson","@trishajmg Congrats"
1694109066,"worry","myperfectgirl","She doesn't believe spending many (many) thousands on a perfect wedding makes a happy couple.....A happy couple makes a perfect wedding"
1694109077,"neutral","HeadUp","Startup? looking for an opportunity? check out - http://launchsiliconvalley.org"
1694109080,"happiness","mikesawriter","@joek949 I'm okay thanks. No job yet but I'll keep going until I get one! Are you actually following me yet BTW?"
1694109146,"neutral","janatabuzo","hey Twitters"
1694109166,"hate","radha_","@prateekgupta I am just 'okay-okay' .. like the rest of the sane population in the world, I hate mondays"
1694109367,"fun","kimb0lene","Happy Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you!  Nice that we get a holiday to celebrate  #fb"
1694109369,"relief","cerealjoe","@prayagn I think we have it pretty much figured out. @adawada added a box in the Helsinki group where you can see the tweets"
1694109382,"fun","xiape","@Cody_K Why thank you ver much!  I appreci-fuckin-ate the compliment. I do my level best, you know. Can't let mother down."
1694109431,"happiness","butterflychic29","@heyshanny I can't wait either!!!!! your so welcome  YAY!!!!!!!!!"
1694109436,"love","amyriot","http://twitpic.com/4j9om - Non-civilisation was pretty though"
1694109546,"worry","TroyMcDonald","@LisaHartwell What up Lisa, sorta quiet... I'm USA, so gonna crash soon."
1694109554,"happiness","Bayleesmum","@larainefan She does especially Pink ones LOL  What beautiful creatures they are!"
1694109724,"neutral","ialejandro","my newsreader is filling up with blogs  yay! keep pm'ing me your blog sites. I love reading them!"
1694109928,"relief","imjoie","Ill have a photo up tomorrow! Kay"
1694110063,"happiness","radha_","@crazytwism haha.. good for you"
1694110088,"neutral","missgiggly","@LukeDennehy Good to hear  I have a feeling though the 'behind the scenes' and/or being there is better than what is shown on TV!"
1694110100,"happiness","MrsMW","Bit of soul time 4 this mama  will visialize next living environent. Speak soon."
1694110120,"happiness","clairemcgowan","@ProudKiwi thanks for the message - just worked out how to see them and reply!"
1694110171,"love","lindsayrawr","i love this girl @esmeeworld ,she rocks!"
1694110203,"love","LylahJ","long weekend is over... looking forward to end of May then"
1694110242,"neutral","Muffi_Jo","Home, good night world"
1694110268,"neutral","myshadow88","sO late n' th night i've nearly forgotten my name and backspaced a trillion times... apparently sleep is inevitable, nite*"
1694110344,"neutral","jesssicababesss","@mariedancerr that songs on tays vid  katy perry."
1694110347,"neutral","camanomade","Thinking of ways to promote Indie Designers. Benefiting them and moi  Any thoughts? Indies, what you do have to say?"
1694110372,"neutral","PorsheCaina","@DavidArchie you finished eating?"
1694110383,"happiness","iatwitts","@DavidArchie See you on may 16!!"
1694110417,"neutral","AndrewHansen1","@MichaelHyatt wow, goin to Ethiopia? Biz? Holiday? Some other mission? Very keen to go there"
1694110425,"love","elfinamsterdam","@brenflakes sounds like you've had a nice weekend lady!"
1694110472,"neutral","wiebee","@lein_  Leiiin I can play the introoo"
1694110480,"fun","Jukes","Cape Town is beautiful! Sun is shining, amazing landscape and everything is "easy going"!"
1694110484,"neutral","pocketmouse","@shihadchick take it. mmm, definitely."
1694110551,"happiness","tina_lech","in the airport!!!  only 8 hours til hoommee!"
1694110572,"happiness","gretush","Goodmorning tweedles  very happy mood, i think i will always be after this past weekend. lol vids of the 'BEYONCE WEEKND' coming soon."
1694110579,"relief","nathaliie","no school today, teacher cancelled the lesson  chillin'"
1694110597,"happiness","amandadragos","went to eastgardens and saw a lot of hillsong pastors there Now im going to Nicks for dinner. Cant wait to talk to you soon @sherrymacs"
1694110605,"surprise","JennJine","@CourtneyKitty  awwwwwww, our kitties are the BEST!"
1694110612,"love","mr_apollo","@msishi imma talk to ya later ishi goodnight kid"
1694110764,"happiness","midoo0","nice weather today in Alex"
1694110776,"love","napstheproducer","@cece_newnew yea I saw the oil show u put on gotta I likes"
1694110868,"neutral","stephcoleiro","@JustinMGaston Haha! Sometimes mobiles makes us slaves ... but it has its own advantages too!"
1694110878,"surprise","xXxSharnixXx","coming back drom camp!!! there was no cell fone reception =0 so im so happy were back in QLD and a little bit tired"
1694110925,"love","Isil_Loves_Mcr","@iheartmissy http://twitpic.com/4i8kk - How pretty !"
1694110953,"neutral","mikesawriter","@Welshgirl35 Hey  Why thankyou. How's u? x"
1694110962,"empty","alzeee","@harisn Damn! Lights off, its presentation time."
1694110980,"neutral","Conceptis","Added Twitter updates to @Conceptis Facebook page at http://tinyurl.com/d4cxze wondering if this one will show up..."
1694111008,"fun","JoshBannister","Dhellohannah5 can you please follow me  i need more followers haha"
1694111097,"surprise","__artgeek__","@hitrecorders! please follow @FollowHitRECord so that we can keep our updates and stuff there  use it to spread word"
1694124524,"surprise","connyb","@mtrier You're not the only one surprised that FreeTDS and UTF-8 don't "just work". But you'll get it right, eventually."
1694124586,"neutral","Dizzydalek","Good morning universe, how are you today"
1694124637,"worry","officialnathan","@stephaniehealy Past experiences of being a redhead (eg. discrimination) or even just general info bout gingers in society! It all helps"
1694124676,"worry","cece_newnew","@Icethevillain DAMMIT! lets have a private session"
1694124755,"worry","o8livi0n","omg i just slept like 18hrs in the last 22hrs...  i think i'm dying or something   reminds me of catcher"
1694124784,"neutral","twiliteminotaur","@GreatDismal Wolfram's got a Chinese Room problem: If Chinese (or Bangalorean) hackers can run it without knowing English, why should it?"
1694124820,"neutral","radha_","@crazytwism http://twitpic.com/416b7 - hey! nice pic"
1694124847,"neutral","love_elizabeth","Don't Chase Me - Shea Fisher download it"
1694124903,"sadness","EJDyer","Oh what a beautiful morning and brekky in bed"
1694124934,"worry","_Chelsea_Marie","@Brandonhobelman i hope everything works out for you at school  keep me updated and have a good day!"
1694125145,"neutral","KOismuyBueno","@kbaxter Bummer yo.  I'm starting up finals too soon...so I guess I'll see you around the second week of June then."
1694125146,"happiness","jonathanpoole","Now I have to think of things to say    And before that I have to make super chunk chocolate muffins with my kids"
1694125160,"love","forbairt","Morning all .. just into the office now"
1694125433,"love","mayhemstudios","@Sappersmum I think I like them all.  http://bit.ly/lzRPC"
1694125625,"fun","Squarlotte","@Jonasbrothers Cant wait && Cant wait to see the 3d concert experience (i live in the uk) the was the trailer at the cinema yesterday."
1694125751,"empty","ChineseLearn","@joseevans Hi, I teach some Chinese lessons on youtube... Feel free to have a look  www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn"
1694125842,"happiness","Porcupine16","@shakedxit23 I'll save you"
1694125872,"sadness","LaPrincipessa","i'm bored @freakinspecial: hope your wlan will go today!"
1694125900,"neutral","henaxxru","@MrsSprousex Yars"
1694125954,"surprise","coondini","@JenCarfagno Wow, you were here? Why didn't you tell me? J/k  That's cool though; I have yet to see one..."
1694125983,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@bhackett Hi, I teach some Chinese lessons on youtube... Feel free to have a look  www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn"
1694126033,"neutral","iPOPadmarket","@SheBeeGee jersey weather - and good on you for the charity drive!"
1694126061,"relief","TracysEyes","Eh, I've gotta go to bed anyways. Goodnight."
1694126085,"neutral","byhuy","@ducban "nhi?p ?nh gia" ? ?�y l� ch? c�c b?n t? x?ng l� "?am m� nhi?p ?nh". C�n ng??i th�ch ch?p ?nh th� 99% d�n s? r?i"
1694126098,"happiness","tyclark15","Is ending the day with another walk nice walk and then some gelato"
1694126213,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@dwood7396 Hi, I teach some Chinese lessons on youtube... Feel free to have a look  www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn"
1694126217,"neutral","theoriginalcake","going to the movies with clancy"
1694126265,"relief","doubler2k7","Monday morning lying in bed instead of working is great, more bank holidays required"
1694126275,"neutral","damienmulley","@PaulSweeney  Cloud Croatian Apartments"
1694126320,"happiness","Mitch201","just woke up with a cat in my face  haha"
1694126457,"love","bzymomof8","I love that Joan Rivers says it's Family First."
1694126491,"happiness","elitepm","Got the BrainBone daily question right!  - http://tinyurl.com/c9ryqc"
1694126496,"neutral","DonoLooLoo","@annyo84 we will!  we shall meet somewhere between utah and indiana."
1694126515,"neutral","BonitaBonnie","Going to bed now...good night tweeters"
1694126566,"happiness","JaneDolezalova","Heeey, we won ice hockey....we are winners!!"
1694126626,"worry","nickmackechnie","- arrggh kids that won't settle....need some Kava for Liam, that'll sort 'em..."
1694126641,"happiness","twindexx","@marismith - just took over the #1 Most Endorsed spot on twindexx.com - thanks to the endorsement by @danholmesiMIND"
1694126672,"worry","kaushal","@Asfaq dude, saw your Twitter profile after a long time - love the background. way way cool!"
1694126686,"happiness","werebear","finally leaving this place! woohoo! school time!"
1694126697,"neutral","himynameisjawsh","i am seriously........ addicted to talking to people haha. but i love it so i don't care. and you can't tell me otherwise, jerk."
1694126718,"neutral","SinnamonLove","@kellylabanco He's been doing my makeup for YEARS... long before Tyra stole him away from us."
1694126785,"neutral","garethslee","@willcarling So who's going to win the Heineken Cup?  Just need to know who *not* to bet on"
1694126832,"worry","Heaatherrr","3 hours @FrazzleYeah oh my. Is it shorts weather do you know. I'd do my usual hanging out my window but the neighbours are out."
1694126844,"surprise","PrincessJacie","@LILthomasWAYNE You realllllllllly just said that didn't you?"
1694126861,"neutral","maybeitwasutah","@sarahjpin Ha, if i was @juliansimpson, I would be pointing out the irony of that last spelling mistake. With swearing."
1694126902,"neutral","natashax3","is watching one tree hill"
1694126957,"neutral","MartynLawrence","Going to get me a new roomie today"
1694127019,"empty","nashalbacea","Searching for a place where I can migrate."
1694127054,"love","DBSLKitties","Blue Oyster Cult - I Love The Night *that's when all my friends are around*  ? http://blip.fm/~5jd4b"
1694127055,"happiness","vcr1919","@Lauratheexpat isn't a bit of little britain in all of us?"
1694127165,"worry","theblahman","converting the Armin Only - Imagine concert for my iPhone... fun fun"
1694127241,"neutral","vishnupsp","@ArunBasilLal Tat PsP! Its ma fathers name. Hw did it end up in ma userid? Long story..  'vishnupsp' is ma user id for almost all sites."
1694127258,"boredom","MustBeBenHughes","@TrafficMike irregularly. And Im (half-assedly) working on an essay. by saying half-assedly I really mean not at all. Words not even open"
1694127260,"happiness","pushbiker","@pandalion WOW! Totally awesome! Action Guinea Pigs! Want to go and see it now, NOW! Do you think we'd be allowed to take Lance?"
1694127315,"fun","ChineseLearn","@techvideo Hi, I teach some Chinese lessons on youtube... Feel free to have a look  www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn"
1694127321,"worry","Dutchrudder","@janeyha I'm stuck with BOO!!!! Jeeeez shoot me now"
1694127379,"neutral","DustinUrbanski","@emmmaj good song"
1694127453,"worry","keokilee","@sonwright I'm an iPhone owner, so I don't really have a choice on which media player I use. FYI Apple makes terrible Windows software"
1694127478,"happiness","nekromistress","@threatbot It's going to be a fun night and I'm helping host it!!!"
1694127494,"neutral","henaxxru","DUSTBIN BABY ON AT 11.30 Cannot wait  x"
1694127521,"neutral","Berryadict","@angusups Just seeing if anyone was still awake"
1694127595,"neutral","fashionising","@jesse_w T'was not an interview in so much as it was a private chat"
1694127625,"neutral","jaybranch","@JennaMadison lol   What are your plans for today (or should I say tomorrow) then ?"
1694127637,"worry","nicky_deutzy","@nicobyrne we miss you in SE Asia. Come visit us when you have time."
1694127681,"empty","shtefie","@cdtpiper laptop has been handed over to the master. I will be getting it back next weekend - fingers crossed! Will let you know"
1694127704,"love","maryann88","@jtimberlake Love Sex Magix it's cool!!... great rhythm!!!"
1694127716,"fun","mnvang","@Enchanted_Doll Yes! I live in Milwaukee and would love to attend a closing talk"
1694127721,"surprise","aprilodessa","I'm writing from my BlackBerry now."
1694127758,"neutral","Ice_Ziggee","@arhh_ Goodnight"
1694127820,"worry","MaeStrawberry","X-Men:Wolverine was hot! I say go watch it"
1694127829,"surprise","wwjcpd","wow heather"
1694127837,"neutral","TinaGrandberry","@Ranronjon why did u copy wot i wrote //hmm"
1694127913,"surprise","Kat77","@pokeyoats is it a test to gauge audience reaction? who ARE you?!"
1694127915,"relief","kchii","Finally sleep time"
1694127934,"surprise","VinceCheong","@imraphael @hsubidooby Scrub and moisturize... doesnt even sounds like 'showering'... maybe u should be inclined to follow me en. rephael"
1694127994,"fun","subs08","lol  Check this video out -- New Minute Maid Commercial http://tinyurl.com/cplt7p"
1694128068,"relief","nicolamarini","ok that is a simple smoke generator ... but works and mae a spot relly more interesting ."
1694128141,"surprise","Emmmaa___","writing my AWESOME, but raunchy(; dream to brooke  ahaha"
1694128167,"sadness","DeSeRt_RoSe598","Aw I wish I was in Ireland  @neilhimself"
1694128211,"surprise","odd_one_in","@crustydolphin Journey!? Wow... u just became cooler.  hehe... (is that possible!?)"
1694128246,"happiness","BJ111","@xMyrthe you writing fanfic? me read!"
1694128279,"happiness","chriscast","Happy Star Wars Day, may the 4th be with you  my lil' 12yr old bro is at home playing with a lego AT-AT and dozens of stormtroopers."
1694128285,"neutral","jdsabado","@ivyandres its a nice pair of shoes. i checked other nike shoes if its worth buying... it is"
1694128397,"fun","LadyKawaii","@johnreppion also thanks for coming and playing the party games! The pics are good"
1694128496,"happiness","CrushStevens","@LoveLoyaltyLife Very impressive  I'm the same way. 100%"
1694128549,"surprise","kai_2412","chaof anh. chaof cacs chij cacs mowj cacs thims.di`.hoj hangf thaan thik gaanf xa thoong gia cuoois phoosm,hic! gio moi nhan ra ko co VK"
1694128615,"neutral","neenz","@Adrianna perhaps because it's 3 am Minday morning"
1694128625,"neutral","Floris","Vote for Board of the Month May 2009 (licensed members only) http://tinyurl.com/c8uj28 Good luck everybody"
1694128711,"neutral","FlatPlanet","Make your own Google search page with your name   http://tinyurl.com/c4237j"
1694128740,"surprise","baizura","@sheilaon7 i didnt know u guys have acc in fb hee"
1694128784,"worry","KleineMue","@papelpicado And a good morning to you!  Up early with a bad conscience, trying to make up for taking a day off yesterday, are we? :p"
1694128909,"happiness","Yukiime","1 lovely one before waking up"
1694128972,"empty","lizawenur","@valerievirginia ohh tell me bout it, couldnt stop munching! my stock is running low, buying more today"
1694143659,"empty","himynameisjude","@tommcfly Have a nice daaaay !"
1694143672,"happiness","bubbly84","FINALLY have a working (subbed!) copy of Pika?Nichi.   Heeeee."
1694143759,"neutral","Felitherandom","@DavidArchie  the website is http://tinyurl.com/c7yojg  idk if the place is around ur area.."
1694143818,"worry","Babywedge","@mommymuse Thanks for the hint.  http://tinyurl.com/chtx7e."
1694143933,"fun","davidjdalton","@robbcox that made me laugh.  Sorry Grets, but you are not going to the Pool Room."
1694144228,"neutral","KillerKassy","Super duper tired. Going to sleep.  listening to the iPod."
1694144275,"fun","katiebisson","@3mr_amr i'm here  haha"
1694144284,"sadness","sassytwinkle","@JonathanRKnight without ur tweets i feel lost hit me with something"
1694144370,"love","MylissaDD","@Retrorewind I loved the song when I first heard it..but THAT video just gave me goosebumps. Thanks for sharing"
1694144374,"worry","jitterbug65","@1mgoldstars morning  about to tackle armhole prob - may have a solution not involving tape, will update you!"
1694144408,"happiness","amg5","mondays agenda: last class/final of the semester, work, sorority meeting, happy hour."
1694144431,"sadness","FadingSpark","The tree-lined avenue,begins to fade from view,drowning past regrets, in tea and cigarettes,but I cant seem to forget,when you came along"
1694144460,"fun","milanq","@epicsoul believe it or not, SPOTTED DICK is an english dish   http://tinyurl.com/aq8zg"
1694144520,"worry","Heaatherrr","I know @Sadie_marie. It text me."
1694144539,"love","sunflowerlily","Back in Athens! Had great time in Budapest"
1694144671,"neutral","richardlai","@8a22a ???!  #MandarinMonday"
1694144685,"fun","phiali","@NimbleRareFox wow that's quite a long time for studying  Good luck with the job hunting though.Yes also a Mac user (iMac) this side hehe"
1694144717,"happiness","bubblegumpixie","yaayy, cannot wait for today girls!  gotta get dressed this early, because were going early!"
1694144724,"sadness","queen_yinci","@orangeflowers  I've run out of earl grey, so having lemon tea instead, then whb for me too"
1694144802,"happiness","Yorksville","Good morning"
1694144824,"worry","electric_erica","blame it on the goose gotcha feelin loose, blame it on the tron gotcha in the zone;; michelle...this is your fault. lol."
1694144859,"neutral","katelynfung","when can i ever do a barre chord???"
1694144905,"happiness","NaylahAlzayani","All moved in to our new apartment. So exciting"
1694145012,"neutral","gchaves","This week meet me at OFFF, next Thu, Fri and Sat. And try there MIC and Surface."
1694145054,"happiness","khodgkin1","I  have always been a sucker for the sound of an acoustic guitar!"
1694145081,"worry","aish2430",",,,checked del's new blogsite!!! YAHOO!!! im just excited to what it will bring  go del!"
1694145113,"neutral","beanie","@sketch678 happy star wars day to you"
1694145120,"neutral","vas_popovski","Well. . . the beginning of a new week and guess where I am. . . at the office  4more days till Friday. . ."
1694145125,"happiness","JonasLovato24","I AM OFFICIALLY CELEBRATING MY 400TH TWEET. Wow! I am so proud  Its great."
1694145136,"love","brittneymm","yaay din dins ready"
1694145190,"happiness","Lavanyaj","Watched Kunguma poovum konjuma puravum... Liked it very much!  excellent cinematography!!!"
1694145244,"worry","yesssPecan","@mintea Good idea! I'll have to remove all the old receipts, tissue paper and other nonsense before I can take a pic"
1694145252,"happiness","beckybfc","good morning world"
1694145286,"love","PaulHarriott","@Wandahope  Hey Wanda great to tweet with u and many thx for the info re dobro and what a fantastic sound. Son House is a fav of mine"
1694145333,"happiness","dindahh","@ohmonika babe text me your email address so i can send it over"
1694145484,"neutral","pdubtimm","If I loved this any more I'd streak thru the hood damnit ! I'm pumped"
1694145506,"happiness","statsninja","loves it that the first Monday of May is a Bank Holiday!  http://plurk.com/p/roxar"
1694145540,"neutral","KwlAznKid","@jennyltd of course i would"
1694145559,"worry","McFanpire","At the uni just learned I only had one class today. About to go home"
1694145601,"neutral","CrushStevens","Listening to Awake by Godsmack"
1694145604,"worry","roryuphold","I alreay feel the hang over. Soooo worth it"
1694145632,"happiness","syzygy","@emalyse David Aaronovitch is always worth making an exception for  (Good morning, by the way)"
1694145634,"neutral","lexia","@salspizza I'll oscillate from one to the other."
1694145666,"happiness","ibnezra","If anyone know anyone that made aliyah with the help of Nefesh BNefesh please contact me. I would love to talk with them."
1694145686,"fun","laijinfong","Design galore! Yayyyyyyy  progress beyond my imagination. Now...to get my flattie to sort out the Internet to send orders out!"
1694145721,"relief","dbing3","it's nice to leave the office when the sun is still up"
1694145769,"fun","Little_Pippy","Brian is teaching me soccer!! Lots of fun"
1694145831,"neutral","projiuk","@PodRED road trip ftw  am playing with trains today so it's all good here"
1694145838,"love","DDrazic","Following @perth_aisa These guys could be shifty but worth following regardless."
1694145945,"fun","jkreeftmeijer","@TheAppleInsider I will later today since I have a planning for today"
1694145956,"happiness","fallenrosemedia","@girlsmadethis i want all kinds of designer suggestions darl  any and all. mens, womens, anything! formal/street/alternate. whatever!"
1694146018,"happiness","Dutchrudder","It's raining that fine rain!!! U know the fine rain that wets you the most"
1694146040,"happiness","hdav","Morning Ali a big thank you for yesterday love you always xxxx. You out on the bike today? Don't forget to get a helmet ok"
1694146045,"neutral","amourchaleur","@loveivy Oh, I see. Daily life shots? It'll be interesting as well."
1694146062,"love","samuelpiper","@simplykaylaaa oh gaha no of course i wasn't offended why would i be?  i'd love to play for you some day"
1694146108,"love","TheCats_Pyjamas","@amber_benson You are an absolute legend! Love love love it"
1694146200,"happiness","illegalblues","@mjasenn i totally owe you a week of on-call duties.  i appreciate not having those while jill is in town"
1694146279,"neutral","cece_newnew","@Icethevillain hmmm; somewhat.. i would say more spontaneouz"
1694146312,"neutral","Ammouni","@therami well, so are you  but i managed to go to sleep for another couple of hours and wake up again while you're still snoozing"
1694146358,"love","xKimbuh","http://twitpic.com/4j9x4 - lmao, it's true"
1694146383,"happiness","c4talyst","May the 4th be with you! Happy Star Wars Day twirps!  ROFL"
1694146493,"worry","haruki_zaemon","Spent the last 2 years largely ambivalent about s/w dev practices. Can feel care factor returning. Look out!"
1694146588,"happiness","JohnathonWaples","Going to shopping place thingie! BRB LATERZ!"
1694146610,"worry","katyaa_","@kekeinaction LOVE your show  !"
1694146692,"neutral","baditz17","@cherrythegreat no problem  i'll  definitely bring some for Gelli"
1694146756,"neutral","bexish","I'm doing an advert 4 the Make-A-Wish foundation & I can't find photos of kids looking close to death... that's a good thing for the kids"
1694146834,"happiness","manda_rin","@taufiqz I watched that too! I liked it"
1694146884,"happiness","shan_adhicary","@kadambariyer thanks.. that was quick.."
1694146917,"worry","lushypink","i really need to earn money... so that i can watch the PCD concert"
1694146952,"love","snogsie","@tommcfly and may the 4th be with you, too.  *amused* loved it."
1694146968,"worry","benjamine007","@BoltClock Hmm, I will hear more."
1694146976,"neutral","readingthisbook","@KatieAlender ooh which two books did you buy?"
1694146999,"happiness","noangelvfc","@flickstack hehe i will never thorw out these shoes  i'm listening to varsity fanclub surprise surprise  sway sway baby is awesome"
1694147072,"happiness","dougsky","@rosieroserosie can't believe i wasn't following you! am now  have an anatomy prac tmw so tonight i'm all about structr of the lwr limb"
1694147079,"enthusiasm","oliviakeller__","@chaddlesm Good Luck"
1694147082,"love","SmartMiley","@DarleneZschech can I come!?   I'm Merci btw., I have always been so inspired by you since I was a teenager."
1694147147,"neutral","sonirajesh","@rohitchauhan This is what pundits are paid for...how will TV channels and websites run otherwise"
1694147169,"neutral","maddyclark","watching short stack tv"
1694147198,"love","ILUVBRADIEWEBB","thankyou short stack for bringing out a second sydney show,, now im going to both  im so thankful for you guys being so good 2 ur fans ."
1694147225,"neutral","oysteinwika","@billyboss Couldn't see one, but I'm probably blind  Do you have a link to it?"
1694147258,"happiness","kneeleesa","thanks for the raspberry-Laced Vanilla Cake"
1694147290,"neutral","angeleggsays","eating hawain pizza for breakfast  its a bit cold"
1694147323,"neutral","vipvirtualsols","Control which tweets u post on Facebook by using a hashtag, check out this awesome easy app!  http://apps.facebook.com/selectivetwitter/"
1694147334,"neutral","nuiko","@dbldbl no not yet..."
1694147382,"love","Uranian","@noravrenezi, Heeeey dear! Finally found!"
1694147388,"relief","AndreJoseph","Also with the not driving part i could afford a laptop. Also living with a roommate i would save even more"
1694147394,"relief","ScuzzMonkey","just saw an advert for ATTICS TO EDEN on tv  out today and only �9.99 from HMV...so I'm not sure why I had to pay �13 at HMV...never mind"
1694147429,"love","theperfectonion","@Nyle_ I put an interview with you on Reddit; nothing too fancy, but I hope it gets you some extra attention.  http://awe.sm/8MZ"
1694147450,"happiness","JonasLovato24","@ddlovato Your second episode of Sonny WAC was on in New Zealand tonight. You were (and still are) AMAZING! ily  xx"
1694147568,"love","KaterinaVourgos","free hugs with my super fluffy robe"
1694147594,"worry","dalelane","my birthday chicken  http://bit.ly/whbuv"
1694147633,"empty","HarishJH","Having a hectic day travelling from PJ to UNITEN, back to PJ. Working now at CC office."
1694147639,"love","Emmmma_Bemmaaa","@ddlovato...... is an awesome band"
1694147681,"love","camanomade","@BecThomasPhoto It's your inherent humility"
1694162235,"happiness","beckycgillam","morning prayer meeting  how AMAZING is the gift of prayer!!!  i'm completely buzzing this morning! In christ alone my hope is found!"
1694162320,"fun","Erock808","@surfnmusicexpo Yup, but what they going do??? He's the Mother Effin Champion!!!! LOL"
1694162333,"happiness","_Chelsea_Marie","@sabrinabryan hi my name is Chelsea and i respect your opinion when it comes to dwts. you were great on there too!"
1694162339,"neutral","gavinmoffat","@charlesjwebster  pleasure  anytime"
1694162358,"fun","pernilleklock","me and my friends are just sitting here and searching for pictures on google   haha, my friend found pictures of her father! haha"
1694162390,"love","vickytnz","OK, a few days old, but I love @armarno's diagram of the mainstream adoption curve http://is.gd/ufIg . "Everyone is doing it"   ...  !"
1694162399,"happiness","AreonLee","Up and washed  I'm clothing myself as I type xD WOOOO"
1694162424,"happiness","torilovesbradie","@XoGraceoX hahaha im listening to SHES A LADY! haha ily FTSK    xx"
1694162473,"happiness","hairy","Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you  (via Nige the Goth)"
1694162490,"neutral","TradingGoddess","@shetouchthesky You should direct your "wanting to invest in @Twitter" questions to @ev or @biz.  They are the big cheeses."
1694162581,"neutral","FabMissK","@alternatefinch No, it's people you are recommending that others follow, like followfriday, only with pics!"
1694162593,"happiness","Paganmusic","Morning all. First tea of the day, and just about to record the voiceover for a documentary about modern Druidry. Good times"
1694162654,"neutral","jkemp2","@hellokittylei on a day like this..."
1694162725,"neutral","elzbelzz","Use this link to start earning free cash http://tinyurl.com/coboyf  Just sign up and get paypal cashouts of minimum $1  !!!"
1694162783,"surprise","melissamaples","@xmellyssax Hey, thank you very much, that's very kind of you to say"
1694162795,"love","AskNaughtyNikki","@tedmurphy Thanks for the follow. I'm loving the energy on your site. The spaz in me can't help but be drawn to you  http://www.ted.me/"
1694162842,"relief","_emmajane_","just made it home, time for a shower and some breakie, off out to Blackpool later for some lunch"
1694162901,"sadness","karooze","@natalietran I don't like the term "partner" when it comes to relationships. It's too business like so that's my ugly word of the day"
1694162958,"happiness","ashleeberlyn","who has a day long text conversation? me."
1694163064,"worry","obruchez","@ebruchez Feels good?  Now the hardest part will be to keep it empty every day. Or at least several times a week."
1694163100,"neutral","cherrybomb54","Rocking out to a Shania Twain marathon"
1694163200,"sadness","n4cer","@heatxsink SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM - never freu you zu fr�h"
1694163209,"neutral","bnlytle","@jlsears poker face"
1694163210,"happiness","atomicgirl","And the sun is back up again.  Could we have more of the kind of weather we had last January and February? I like jackets."
1694163260,"surprise","atvelu","Expected a Silverlight content on M$ Vine site http://www.vine.net/default.aspx ... they realized the reach of Flash LOL"
1694163287,"happiness","pinkpebs","hahaha @IkeBot is SUCH nonsense"
1694163343,"neutral","welshboy2008","is heading in to London to meet with @holytshirt and @annwitbrock let us know if you're about  still not sure what time we're meeting....."
1694163432,"surprise","AndrewHansen1","@markjoyner totally! I've been waitin for somethin new and thought provoking at mj.name"
1694163485,"sadness","bubbhasdance","@nitadarling I see..."
1694163559,"fun","greenslipparty","@foxmarta Look forward to seeing the resume!"
1694163576,"relief","LeahJKelly","@InLuvwithJON Have you managed to breathe since getting the news?"
1694163630,"happiness","cookiemonster82","@khanserai I know how you feel!On the bright side, you're moving to a place where it would be appreciated!  Onwards and upwads!"
1694163705,"love","hopeful420","@mrskutcher you're so classy, demi. Love it, don't stop doing your thing."
1694163742,"happiness","raebo","@KevinRButters i was in chiangmai for a month last year during loy krathong. best festival ever."
1694163750,"relief","AndyCorney","@amysav83 yeah dropped the bike yesterday.Leg got caught below the engine.bikes not got a mark on it mind   I'm trying to avoid stairs lol"
1694163834,"neutral","paigetheshiz","I'm holding Audrey (mine and Erica's bean bag thing)"
1694163937,"love","caityyyyyy","ish okay my loveee"
1694163949,"worry","canadianchick74","@mooddisorders what are you? flavor of the day?"
1694164008,"happiness","BC_Media","http://tinyurl.com/d7tb38 Nice Photoshop Effects"
1694164143,"worry","sofe_","http://twitpic.com/4ja12 - we were bored"
1694164192,"love","EmbryC","@StaceyFarina Hah! Thanks."
1694164230,"surprise","Bandido_B","Good morning. haha I just read that the swine flu probably not come`s from pigs at all, but from people! Poor pigs who got all the blame!"
1694164233,"neutral","Airey09","I joined twitter to stalk my fav celebs... is that weird?"
1694164254,"happiness","marco_cali","@rhettroberts haha best thing about office birthdays hey"
1694164358,"love","sofiefia","Just had some strawberries for afternoon snack, I love strawberries!! Gonna make a strawberry smoothie tonight after the gym"
1694164379,"relief","kerenani","@irisush im glad  i dont have to go out..."
1694164401,"neutral","stephydarling","@john_ray Bright Eyes=Contentment"
1694164418,"love","IaiaLovesParis","@babygirlparis So romantic!!!!I hope you both have an amazing time...and paparazzi don't follow you!!You need more privacy with Doug  xoxo"
1694164428,"happiness","arepty","@zykloid Thanks!"
1694164515,"happiness","Hannes82","Haha! just overheard on the us. 3 yrold to mom "mom, I think I should learn to read today""
1694164534,"happiness","traceyknz","@cheadlek Another one will be coming later in the week, i won a Westlife DVD on trademe, one that i have been after!"
1694164556,"fun","flickstack","@noangelvfc lol  well im gonna totter off. my sister trashed my room coz i wouldn' tlet her on.. i need to go cut her guitar strings"
1694164630,"neutral","alexandraperry","@nicoleburgers i'm getting this assignment done"
1694164655,"worry","Southparkfl","Of back off other peoples he can only have one stalker"
1694164781,"happiness","empuk","Awaiting to watch lfctv @ 10am  liverpool vs newcastle game from yesterday!"
1694164901,"neutral","DannyGirlAlways","@kasey79 yeah that too"
1694164921,"love","GeorgeGuerra","@cmagnuson cool thanks for the response.  I'll check out that Firefox!"
1694164926,"happiness","Joelsk_","@aimzsta hehehehe oh i love the Purate ENglish sooo much"
1694165012,"neutral","koenpunt","Going to twitter in english, for my foreign followers"
1694165068,"love","torilovesbradie","@Broooooke_ listen to FTSK  they stop my bordum  haha how was your day? finished crying about Harold? ha xx"
1694165104,"sadness","Caldeia","Coffee didn't turn out good tiday but excellent!"
1694165119,"surprise","ficklampa","@juhasaarinen what? I do not speak Finnish or what that was, hehe"
1694165123,"neutral","Ljayye","playing 'who am i?' with my sister!"
1694165154,"relief","nanabum","likes cheerios and scones in the morning"
1694165167,"relief","Wolfie_Rankin","@allensjk Katie is my Malamute dog, as for my weight, well I'm about 6ft tall and 73kg, which is quite good"
1694165200,"sadness","Juussttiinn","@kkkrista only if we can cuddle afterwards. I like to cuddle after turning tricks on van buren"
1694165251,"neutral","IreneChoe","13 days until graduation"
1694165265,"enthusiasm","makiwi","@dduane have you read Angels & Demons? What do you think of it if you have? oh and beautiful sunny weather here in Provence."
1694165268,"happiness","FQD1911","man.....i'm at a loss for words.....looks like i'ma get an unexpected graduation gift.....in a good way"
1694165308,"neutral","andrewclacy","any aussies online? Check out today tonight on Channel 7 .. Very handsome man on tonight ..."
1694165316,"happiness","janineshepherd","@souravghosh Dreams give rise to reality. When they said I wouldn't   walk, my dream was to fly! Dream, Believe, Achieve!"
1694165441,"love","loveWendy","@sun_ho Yay you can eat proper food now!"
1694165526,"worry","loeffe","I'm getting 'A Nervous Tic Motion of The Head (To The Left)'  when thinking about tonight"
1694165596,"neutral","cookiemonster82","@LiliCosic Morning!How are you feeling?I thought you were taking a laptop hiatus?!"
1694165651,"happiness","iB3nji","@QUEENKAK oh thank you thank you! Was hoping the video will be online"
1694165692,"neutral","thatcats","Morning all - happy Star Wars day - May the 4th be with you!"
1694165762,"happiness","jesssicababesss","my sister said yayyy its hannah HOEdown today  haaaa hannah is a hoe apparently hoe."
1694165845,"worry","ellenpope","@danhitmusic whats the next movie review going to be? You're like wossy of brum. Just more controversial"
1694165895,"boredom","BlokesLib","@aussiecynic Watching you work is exhausing. Just thinking about it is making  me sleepy"
1694165913,"neutral","holdfire","Just a reminder to Hydra clients to check your email for important account updates!"
1694165965,"happiness","buffyc","Star wars day! May the 4th be with you."
1694166025,"neutral","thewildjoker","Im off for a bit...tweeet yall later"
1694166117,"neutral","stephydarling","transcribing my tenth (and last) report for the night"
1694166140,"worry","jacquelinalexis","studying for my exam tomorrow @ 2 & packin up!"
1694166171,"relief","ArwenLune","@thepioneerwoman - Bingley, just for that practise-the-proposal scene toward the end. So endearing"
1694166177,"surprise","yaili","I'm still here! I just changed my avatar"
1694166178,"surprise","UniqueGuitarist","@beckamcfly nice have fun....Although you cant not have fun lol"
1694166330,"love","210501","your smile"
1694166341,"happiness","brassmonkeys22","uploading a lot of photos... priceless memories"
1694166391,"relief","mrsjasperhale93","Chilling at home"
1694166473,"neutral","antzpantz","@bronte_saurus So did I... and now you can hear it again and again, if you wish."
1694166475,"relief","bzdesigns","@honeytweets I also believe in some things are meant to happen."
1694166509,"happiness","Paris_PaPa","Chilling out listning to Seal!!"
1694166531,"happiness","Croc_Hunteress","@emjaystar haha thanks  yep definately a dream come true!  So excited the camera was shaking when i was taking a photo!"
1694166667,"happiness","fALk_g","after 9 weeks it has finally rained - not quite enough yet but more seems to be coming  the garden is very happy about it."
1694166698,"neutral","Eye4Art","COME ON GIVE HER NICE HOME  http://tinyurl.com/dhgkc9"
1694181329,"worry","Jiehsikahhh","@DavidArchie the script are amaaazing! Rusty halo and i'm yours are my favourites"
1694181339,"worry","tweeddelights","better finish off an order for this little guy first tho   http://tinyurl.com/cltln9 Time to go   Cheerio an Drasda!"
1694181372,"love","sam_BAMM","@annerondeau i love you"
1694181418,"empty","cece_newnew","http://twitpic.com/4ja4b - me & raj SQUAD UP! @targetsquad"
1694181452,"empty","missbrodieee","got the twilight board game today  good old ebay.."
1694181566,"surprise","pim666","is playing restaurant city."
1694181581,"enthusiasm","thorstenster","@wolf_gregor Great avatar"
1694181614,"sadness","elizamcnab","just watched slumdog millionaire  its soo goood i love it :] but its sad!"
1694181622,"relief","missamanda","@lrkane LOL! No worries  You wanna take care of tickets? I can do a $$ EFT or whatever..."
1694181676,"neutral","arepty","@cypher Thanks!"
1694181694,"neutral","sriconstable","just got back from donating blood"
1694181720,"surprise","Cani_Ha","are you talking to meeeeeeeeeeee???!!!!!!!!!"
1694181773,"neutral","desdebb","good luck nandito. first day of IB exam. you can do it! a road to berkeley."
1694181786,"surprise","PeterSene","woken up by a bacon and egg sandwich in bed - man I have good housemates"
1694181834,"love","PurgatoryPosts","has found that old familiar feeling again."
1694181866,"happiness","kikabkika","ready to go to sleep... its too hot in my room, yey first time sleeping in that huge bed  excited!"
1694181892,"surprise","MarinaMartin","@AmyatQ13 You're a night owl, too, huh?"
1694181935,"relief","_AdriaNno_","This may sound stupid... but i just bought a mask"
1694181941,"neutral","1Blessed4life","East Coast almost wakeup time... for military"
1694181949,"neutral","ilanbr","@tracymacy My pleasure"
1694182075,"happiness","Ninannah","@ralfrottmann thank`s ... See? now I`m back on smiling"
1694182106,"hate","Dutchrudder","@xiape copy & paste fuck cunt tosser piss flap a 10000000000 times !!!!"
1694182110,"happiness","harun_n","@tfollowers thanks 4 the folow"
1694182146,"neutral","thenameisjessie","I meant looking like a tiger - stupid predictive text"
1694182149,"happiness","toriconte","@jadeeisabel nah they were mine  @brydielonie had ones without fingers"
1694182177,"neutral","martinwolfenden","@EmmaK67 Or a Mexican wrestler. They year capes too. You probably haven't the build for it though."
1694182199,"worry","debnet01","LOL!!  I'm glad I've seen the original trailer or that wouldn't have made sense     Someone certainly went to a lot... http://bit.ly/A0pyr"
1694182289,"happiness","ghoonk","@Pon_and_Zi Thanks! I'm on my way now"
1694182314,"worry","rynoceris84","@lhanni Welcome to Twitter... It's about time!"
1694182320,"happiness","ratty657","i woke him up in the end. Got bored."
1694182328,"neutral","KulitniDadje","@monicafrancesca  you have my vote  want to see gino in drag. please post pictures."
1694182376,"love","BeccBabee_xo","@RobPattinson_ arhhhhhh robert pattinson iloveyou"
1694182414,"love","xxlaurenbeexx","@tommcfly aww we love you too"
1694182474,"happiness","lesley007","@petespencer Yeah,we say shite alot here. you say it as shiiite,rhyming with light"
1694182490,"happiness","rudeskinnybish","chill`N witH tHE BABEz"
1694182534,"worry","TheLinn","@sevitzdotcom 'auto-resolve' is that a Geek/tech answer to most questions??"
1694182593,"love","Isil_Loves_Mcr","@bigwormy http://twitpic.com/2zemt - aww *-* she has very cute smile"
1694182630,"love","KirstMiddlemist","Recovering from a lovely but slightly stressful weekend in France"
1694182668,"worry","LadyParadis","@jdpeterson I say the same about poems. When you are ready to write, "nothing else matters" as a well known song tells us"
1694182695,"surprise","Tracey_Mac","@joeymcintyre  Missed all your tweets again Joe, damn that time difference!!! (UK) Dont 4get about your fave supporters in the UK!!!  xx"
1694182717,"worry","KimmiMcfly","@tommcfly what did the times say? and thank you"
1694182743,"neutral","wieadaratata","says just passed by to say hi  busy with movie task from school =. = http://plurk.com/p/rozcz"
1694182823,"happiness","crunchiie","@CrystalJanee greaaat, do minee now pleaseeeeee"
1694182827,"neutral","jenny050085","@JennifeAniston I think is The parent trap & High school musical!!"
1694182860,"neutral","prayagn","@adawada A towel, a "Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic" and the Guide ??"
1694182910,"fun","NotProfane","@tynishakeli I like Light out, Walls up & shatter'd the most! Great work, Germany must get to know you asap.."
1694182937,"sadness","princesssharpay","@jenkellytisdale  good luck  haha i loved your character in the bring it on: in it to win it  movie"
1694182972,"neutral","whytestar","@zem42 I cannot tell a lie. I did."
1694183010,"sadness","audiotool","It's @andremichelle s (mr. tonematrix) birthday today. Poor guy is ill at home. Perhaps a 'hi' from the twittersphere would do some good"
1694183076,"fun","Lord_Kartz","@thunderror U can play as ur avatar (1st person) *or* as his team member (3rd person). Battles implement real-time strategy. AoE style."
1694183100,"worry","StampfliTurci","@iantalbot Writing or making sense ?"
1694183257,"fun","farzanarasool","@qudsiya was jus so excited t c ur name"
1694183283,"neutral","douny","@tommcfly saw a Costa in St Pancras, but didnt have much time to have a drink over there. next time, i'll try"
1694183366,"worry","SuzyDaFloozy","@jordanknight TINK! (whatever the f**k it means!!) from your JKUK girls! Show us some love! ;)  xx"
1694183417,"love","aDeSe","@poojarazdan woah.. awesomely romantic..  write a blog post on this.. I wanna knw the entire story.. like how he proposed etc.."
1694183569,"worry","xo_sarav","@charmainehan SEND ME THAT PHOTO MAN  ily favourite"
1694183657,"neutral","putterill","@mohdrafie Theres no such thing"
1694183677,"neutral","janixamoroso","@DavidArchie follow Jason Castro, he's following you..I mean, if you want to..just letting you know."
1694183692,"sadness","jenniab91","@JonathanRKnight G'night Jonathan! I tried to stay up, I really did. I can't wait till ur in my timezone! Will be so much easier then!"
1694183709,"love","retrevogaurav","@divyeshvyas beating heat with tea?  Try some masala chaas"
1694183724,"happiness","alycejo","@jakeashley cheer up"
1694183750,"love","MizSadittyFancy","In my nice big bed....ipod on play....soft music flowin....sooooon will be in Fancys dream land"
1694183794,"neutral","SWIFTas","@daysparkle just like you  jonas"
1694183836,"sadness","SarahSaner","Plans for today, cleaning, washing clothes & cooking a Pork Dinner! Weather here is bit dull.  Hoorah for Bank Hols though"
1694183849,"neutral","kitschycoo","@nicsknots It's lying"
1694183880,"happiness","JakeyBaby1","Watching Bleach"
1694183902,"relief","karikaz","@sickophantikmnd now i'm done! good nite"
1694183972,"neutral","JuanluR","morning (gmt+1) all! the cult is touring europe this summer! yay! will kick of the day listening to any of their records"
1694183973,"neutral","emmapattinson","@bamaloo http://tinyurl.com/c33ffv thats what im making for dinner very yummy"
1694184051,"neutral","Leelian972","@ElsieTay not sure... there are fanciful expensive ones - but some basic ones are not expensive... Try the 24hr 'M' shopping place"
1694184058,"love","TiteMaud","@TheJourneyAgent Hey, nice seeing you on Saturday. Glad things are going well for you."
1694184129,"happiness","nickyloulou1","is having a cuppa and chilling... i lovebank holiday mondays"
1694184132,"love","hypertweety","@GirlfriendMAG thank you sooooo much for my snoopy T-shirt! I love it to bits! It's a perfect fit, just got it this morning!  Peace"
1694184202,"worry","sizemore","@lu_lu Just one part of a very odd trip. You travel for 3 months you see some weirdness. Loved Perth though"
1694184207,"happiness","melhea24","@kyleandjackieo what about Your Body by Tom Novy or Voodoo Child by Rogue Traders. They are from 04/05. Good memories from these songs"
1694184220,"neutral","sito_","@Mahnx Yeah for sure"
1694184370,"happiness","JTheMachine","@misskittymarie Same here - events + writing songs. But I just finished my TMNT vs MMPR song, so I'm excited to record that on Wednesday"
1694184414,"fun","anoopan","@challiyan wait till england WC t20"
1694184431,"worry","radha_","@prateekgupta yeah.. gives me something useless to crib abt"
1694184443,"enthusiasm","yamines","needs to stop taking photos with other people's cameras!  luckily, photos have been delivered"
1694184473,"neutral","hafizismail","is off to JB."
1694184510,"neutral","ellilovesmcfly","i have an urge to play wow but i have to wait 2 weeks til im at my dads! 5+47DAYS TIL MCFLY, im so excited  (L)"
1694184582,"happiness","lrkane","@missamanda yeah, i'll take care of it tonight/tomorrow  just pay me on the night, easy"
1694184624,"happiness","mariezeligman","Happy Birthday tooo meeee... Happy Birthday tooo meeee..."
1694184657,"neutral","irinaslutsky","@sizemore well, its more the word bat (as in baseball) and cock and then viggo  not bat as in tiny little thing"
1694184665,"worry","ArmandAguillon","Thank you for the follow @christinelu!  Looking forward to your tweets..."
1694184826,"happiness","miss_lakwatsera","im really really excited  try this out guys!"
1694184896,"happiness","littlefoxy","Hope I'm not coming down with piggy flu, eyes red. Neck no longer holds up heavy head. Time for sleep.  Sogni D'oro all!"
1694184901,"neutral","APBsayin","@djksly Lol Only if you make me that cookie.  I'll hit you up."
1694184912,"worry","ozjess","Quiet day at work 2day.Just had dinner. Whats doin out there?"
1694184928,"love","Karoli","@moanasaves glad u liked post  looking at the back end now...the sub 2 your blog is automatic. send url and i'll verify."
1694184973,"hate","BBRRIITTTTYY","@tommcfly dw you never will  xx"
1694184976,"relief","GeorgeGuerra","@TangeloFlavored and no I didn't burn the eggs.  We had a blast and the food was great all weekend. We had an awesome carne asada too."
1694185006,"neutral","martinpolley","@idangazit I don't find this stuff amusing any more"
1694185038,"happiness","grranneimal","At walmart playing hide and seek."
1694185054,"neutral","radiomann1","@chirstey Gratiss"
1694200123,"surprise","tiasg","@gustomize Oh, and a very good review"
1694200133,"happiness","minniekaileigh","just left work. inventory was way easy  and I got to put in my highschool musical 3 cd! it was amazing. goodnight goodnight everyone :]"
1694200137,"neutral","kaushal","@poojarazdan woohoo! congrats to your friend and the boyfriend."
1694200265,"surprise","jason_2008","@scotdoc tut tut. Isn't charging just fun. Thr new palm pre charging platform looks nifty tho."
1694200295,"sadness","igatweets","is up and ready"
1694200302,"neutral","pom_in_perth","@paddydonnelly you obviously havent seen my mrs first thing in a morning"
1694200368,"happiness","Heaatherrr","Oh yeaah.  we'll still be bffs  aha @Sadie_marie."
1694200425,"neutral","vonton","fully inspired to write a song."
1694200442,"fun","LadyParadis","@jdpeterson Absolutely"
1694200452,"neutral","marlpua","out to play"
1694200460,"surprise","ComedyQueen","@keza34 lol The sun is hiding hes having a lie in  hows you?"
1694200476,"love","Lord_Kartz","@thunderror SC2 will be released before D3  Hopefully!"
1694200489,"neutral","zerochance1992","@Esme_Cullen26 yes, yes it is."
1694200590,"worry","MrsSprousex","Cool. Cant wait for dustbin baby"
1694200633,"enthusiasm","nexuseyes","@Renee0579 Hope you did great - you certainly spent enough time studying."
1694200634,"happiness","cyfermaster","is super happy at the new interest rate.  whoop whoop."
1694200732,"relief","kristaroman","Working on my resume while listening to the rain and enjoying a Circus Boy"
1694200759,"fun","Scyranth","@Coybh yep! for a rock station in OKC  check my profile real quick"
1694200760,"happiness","JavierChua","@lopezwilfred Yeah. Me too. Will lookout on your tweets too. Happy Tweeting"
1694200774,"neutral","BlalocksIRP","@joe_donut ah good deal, hope you find some new music"
1694200809,"neutral","JennaMadison","@CHARLIEFOGG lol ok then"
1694200876,"happiness","miss_mallinson","me 10 - 630, andrew 8 - 4. No idea about the rest, I think it was Ben and Princeton which could be fun  lol I'm going to be late"
1694200957,"worry","MariaEbbesen","Wee are going to the movies tonight to see Wolverine"
1694200970,"relief","Lilith_92","is soooo over school...maybe sick..all week *evil laugh*"
1694200984,"worry","dalekwidow","@jenniclarephoto Sometimes (although I usually go willingly  ) Don't know about the Churnet Valley event though."
1694200988,"neutral","calamanda88","ready for a new week"
1694201029,"sadness","iconoguy","@DesignerDepot thanks for adding, no befriending, no, uh oh never mind, Thanks!"
1694201060,"sadness","HannahWeeks","@puppaz that really sucks I feel bad for you at least I woke up at eight."
1694201104,"happiness","evonness","pool party at sherraton n brodi had  a blast! the friends made the evening bbqd at home with great conversation  funky n lifted day!!"
1694201236,"happiness","sarahespiritu","@itshazel wow five years? Congrats"
1694201268,"enthusiasm","Trevieno","@sheiel I really like pink after I saw her live while in the new T-MOBILE Advert"
1694201304,"neutral","detii","holiday again"
1694201326,"worry","allenckchen","@mitchschroeder Omedetou!! That's truly exciting, but expected, news! Decisions decisions  Please let me know as soon as you 'know'?"
1694201332,"neutral","uxebu","Signup for Dojo workshop in Munich (http://tinyurl.com/ct83ub ) ends today. Hurry up"
1694201335,"surprise","andreirosca","@buguletzu thanks"
1694201362,"worry","nadiaparry","@SimonFilmer Alough I will hold you to your word now for when I need rain"
1694201443,"relief","30dp","@squeakmouse73 praying to be humble is always dangerous, He will answer you  (God gives grace ...)"
1694201445,"love","steveyIX","may the fourth be with you  happy star wars day."
1694201479,"fun","britterina","gahhhh homework. masterchef in half an hour! hahah and the recruits"
1694201504,"fun","mikeziemer","@AJinYourMouth taking out all my trash   http://twitpic.com/4ja8m"
1694201518,"surprise","kixxa","@Artemis_Neith James just doesn't take a bad pic! Colossal loveliness! (wondering if I spelt colossal right...)"
1694201606,"fun","RopeMarks","@RopeMarksMuse _what_ did you do?  Let me guess... you skipped sports and bought a new pinkish outfit?"
1694201680,"enthusiasm","divxdownloads","Download movie  Dollhouse http://tinyurl.com/crbe6n cool #movie"
1694201732,"neutral","gracec02","http://twitpic.com/4ja8r - Tell me, how can you not love someone like this?"
1694201795,"fun","joshnorgren","For all you Lord of the Rings fans. You MUST see this 40min fan film that just released. It's awesome!  http://is.gd/wvrx Watch in HD"
1694201803,"worry","tanitaa","@endsiny No worries doll, its what Im here for! I luvs you! Tomorrow is a brand new day!  *Hugs*"
1694201819,"happiness","nevillez","I'm going home now. Have you seen my new twitter design? Quite....heavenly isn't it?"
1694201820,"neutral","bellastar9","I'm a little hungry, a nice bowl of spicy lentil soup should fill the gap"
1694201880,"surprise","marthaFRESH","@JansportJ crazy, we live in a small world, and now u live in covina huh? Thas where im @ but back to chino i goooo"
1694201921,"neutral","ohsteeeeph","yay, joss is coming over on saturday"
1694201930,"fun","hannah_nasol","Updating my iPod and downloading new songs."
1694202109,"love","MissxMarisa","@shortyyyy Thank you  I liked Joe's clothes' being ripped off and then Kevin screaming, "Who are you!?!" XD"
1694202306,"hate","brittany_shaw","@joecommisso i'm going to smack you"
1694202312,"surprise","khushi4all","@ocean29 lolzz @ public script, wait  - n- watch"
1694202383,"love","nzbeks","@siouxsinner hope you had a FAB time!!! Just saw your twitpics ... Love that you wore THE dress. Great pic of D too"
1694202470,"relief","DestriDoll","@staceeeeee goodnight Cuppycake  hope you have a good day and don't feel so blah!  XxOo"
1694202487,"relief","edwil","@AmyatQ13 Amy did u already check out the antics of Parella and Marcia? @ParellaLewis @madnewschick news... and entertainment on Twitter"
1694202497,"happiness","vmbui","@Ciaee Yessir, yessir, three cheeks full."
1694202519,"neutral","blackberryman","@samanthad Nothing wrong with that samantha"
1694202618,"happiness","chescalu","@samanthuh MISS YOU TOO! Yes, I will  I'm usually free pag after dinner. Rarely during the day. Basta text text"
1694202689,"relief","natecv8","thank god i havent quit my day job  ps. turning 27 tomorrow. i just round up to 30 now."
1694202715,"surprise","XoGraceoX","@torilovesbradie haha, nice pic  looks abit like my school"
1694202742,"worry","apraalii","@tommcfly could you post a link to the internet version of the times so that I can read it pllleeeaaassseeeeee!!!!"
1694202860,"neutral","sowrongitslucy","going to london"
1694203014,"surprise","dervisi","@devilworks wow.???? ??????"
1694203134,"worry","Cadistra","@Medros I'll try my best to be there!"
1694203232,"surprise","pimpyouriphone","@Acekillerpc Oh right,sorry,now i get ya,But still 3000 email's,wow,cool"
1694203289,"worry","izadd77","why i chose iphone   http://tr.im/kpaE"
1694203309,"worry","ScuzzMonkey","HMV opens in half an our...better go get ready"
1694203446,"surprise","Dutchrudder","@brookehaskins 07 !!! It's bloody quick,, even my gran could drift it   http://twitpic.com/4ja93"
1694203447,"neutral","kiannabanks","@Kingtardy yessir that is 100% right"
1694203458,"love","grottfather","@cbenton  i would love to come visit you in Korea.. next flight that is under 100 i am there!"
1694203483,"neutral","jade_hearts","watching neighbourss."
1694203498,"hate","cillian23","Redford - Sufjan Stevens ][ for @yoochun ill make you cry again <3  @mimacruz sure no prob slugger ;;) add th... ? http://blip.fm/~5jdtm"
1694203559,"happiness","kshitijb","Nothing like home-made paranthas for breakfast"
1694203564,"relief","Lady_Nadine","back from the city... breakfast time"
1694203565,"love","JnRny","had so much fun at the Killers concert last night! I love being back in Lawrence!"
1694203619,"happiness","JavierChua","@vewe haha. Hope U have a Great Laugh as Laughter is the Best Medicine"
1694203681,"happiness","MandyPandy32","@HellenBach Sounds like the very best sort of work then! Jenni seems lovely,so nice to hear that she is when meeting 'in the flesh' too!"
1694203697,"surprise","fleaday","getting ready to shop  birmingham here i come"
1694203765,"sadness","staceeeeee","@DestriDoll sorry I didn't message you yet... I couldn't get my thoughts straight. But tomorrow I'll try  goodnight"
1694203788,"relief","kq_mm","should be coming out of hospital today"
1694203877,"hate","antz007x","i hate bureaucracy. ahwell... aussies still going good"
1694203902,"neutral","andiesammut","come on, leave Gretel alone now  I liked her doing the #Logies"
1694203916,"love","RubyAliceX","Ohh i forgot to tell you last night that when i was a alton towers i touched a shark  it was amazing !!!! it was nt a massive one tho"
1694203930,"sadness","shaaazzi","drinking cordial  yes im bored"
1694203946,"happiness","nic0lepaula","I forgot I have lumpia and pancit in my fridge from last night! Yay"
1694204019,"happiness","Z33LnR44L","Hah! I saw the Wolverine last night!!! Now I can die happy, well not yet though, got a few things to get done first, but was my MoY"
1694204155,"fun","Lrodriquez","Just got home from my date omg so much fun im excited"
1694204167,"fun","lynxneplusultra","finished my capital transactions exam . . . as another monkey climbs down my back. looking forward to being in a glorious mood tomorrow."
1694204180,"relief","Azizah_Crane","is having a well-deserved break today..NO PHONE CALLS, NO EMAILS..only plenty of catch up movies to doooooo"
1694204195,"sadness","BBRRIITTTTYY","@sharlynnx aww thank you  so is yours xx"
1694204371,"enthusiasm","kikofbaby","@Hayday12 keith... im better now"
1694204454,"happiness","NKOTBFanForLife","@DonniesCupcake i bet they will be great bags! Can't wait!"
1694204570,"worry","AxSylum","@UncleCreepy You can get into Canada, but I can't?  WTF!!!   (Seriously, I'm not allowed to cross the border!)"
1694218742,"love","Englishcoach","Excited that I get to add a new listening Exercise to the site.  Stay tuned!"
1694218859,"happiness","Shudh","@zef  the car illusin is Kool"
1694218913,"love","trademark_d","I am thoroughly enjoying my new ringtone"
1694218991,"neutral","Abel2photo","Instant Internet Marketing EMPIRE! + *BONUS* recoup your investment in 24 hours or less  http://megaredpacket.com/?aff_id=7891"
1694219081,"neutral","PaulChristian","Enough studying,whew... Time for sleep"
1694219104,"happiness","michaeldunlop","Monday morning  Lots to go out.. just waiting for a mate to add a style to my table and im set"
1694219130,"neutral","hiphoplistings","Watch Lowkey freestyling (and selling his mixtape  on http://tinyurl.com/dev4xh and performing in Norwich tonight"
1694219184,"hate","ahjj","Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them"
1694219207,"love","d33jtv","well - that blows.  Sorry to cut it short. It wont work for me. I didnt get to say bye..so goodnight guys - thx for watching!  Love u guys"
1694219218,"worry","ShelbyLarson","Ustream replay for Control Your Rankings.  http://www.controlyourrankings.com/launch1/ustream.html"
1694219287,"enthusiasm","Pookalubbu","Getting my hair cut tomorrow or later today I should say...   excited. My swag is already on, jus turning it up!!"
1694219314,"surprise","SandyMusicFreak","you know what's today? no? it's the Star Wars day you ass!"
1694219317,"fun","Krystina712","is starting to get this whole Twitter thing!"
1694219342,"worry","enioaguirre","@cocont123 I don't know how you do it"
1694219499,"love","KayMekri","listening to Lily Allen's last album - it's quite good"
1694219502,"worry","mariaggonzalez","@beauknows good luck going to sleep. i'm up working on a stupid paper. no worries. ur not alone.  so u ready to record that album or what?"
1694219613,"happiness","clockspot","@giogadi Hey Luis, thanks!  I have Flash and my prof's code to thank for that.  *cough*"
1694219630,"sadness","iAshim","@JavierChua Well I am on the RIGHT side of thirty"
1694219737,"happiness","Belldelaide_H","@joyee0720 Thanks PP!"
1694219809,"worry","brettonvine","@pauljacobson if you want conversation, use email/mailing lists. I'm not convinced '140 chars and less' replies are conversation"
1694219824,"happiness","alangurbutt","@danijelabaron good morning from Lincolnshire. I could use some exercise also"
1694219842,"love","yumi123","@LittleFletcher loved your new picture, and definetly loved you background  Ha. xx"
1694219898,"happiness","stellarxflip","Sometimes after a long weekend, you just need good conversation. thanks bro"
1694219962,"sadness","elmiro4ka","Ginger biscuits rule !!! (by the way, I urgently need weight scales  )"
1694219987,"neutral","heath7s","i wear a lot of white  http://tinyurl.com/dlbltg"
1694220014,"sadness","Stefachino","@danielleg1709 hahaha this is super late, but thank you!!"
1694220018,"worry","_amberlovely","@tommcfly good thing really, 'cause you're never getting rid of us.  please don't leave us."
1694220111,"neutral","Lord_Kartz","@thunderror Heh heh heh, come on! It is a THQ release! Ah well, I can try almost anything that is billed as RPG!"
1694220138,"relief","MzMink","Heading to bed. I think I'll read for a bit, propped up on fluffy pillows."
1694220148,"love","loveonherwrist","@kyleandjackieo i have a song suggestion. anything from the veronicas first album - the secret life of...  that would be a good choice"
1694220157,"surprise","BevClement","@sidthelab so what are your plans seeing it's a bank holiday there and raining, well it should be raining it's a bank holiday"
1694220293,"enthusiasm","MiszNYC","Hey @deangeloredman yes! Praise Him! lol   (deangeloredman live > http://ustre.am/2NlC)"
1694220296,"neutral","eeyore_mana","looking at the moon and thinking about _____..."
1694220300,"neutral","NelsonFlores","Band work. I need my own laptop! @Solomonjoy buy me one Ill drive your shifts forever!"
1694220375,"love","cece_newnew","http://twitpic.com/4jacy - the lovelies ms @angieange rane & i"
1694220381,"neutral","nadiaparry","@kerryetches Yep they are open, it's Sunday hours tho"
1694220449,"neutral","rabinshres","@bina_sth am just relaying news thts reaching me ...but i said confirmation remains"
1694220551,"love","ChristinaStokes","@clarexsaula I love all of their music."
1694220618,"happiness","jigalin","anyone drive a newish diesel car? any advice on pros cons? not interested in old diesel cars, need recent model experience, eg SUV"
1694220650,"neutral","RegicidalDwarf","@karanguni NICE I must see this"
1694220686,"empty","DominaCaffeine","@AliBee16 *waves* not quite some of us are still lounging around   How are you this morning?"
1694220719,"love","SilverSurfing","@NateALO Hope you had a great weekend, congratulations!"
1694220747,"worry","jehllai","is a movie afficionado. I might just as well write about the films i watch."
1694220791,"neutral","laura754","I mean, I'm just figuring out how to work it all"
1694220947,"happiness","wips","lees net op Twitter dat het #Happy Star Wars day is... "May the 4th be with you"... Sjeez wat slecht"
1694220979,"neutral","UniqueGuitarist","@McFlyXXDannyXX i am lol  ly"
1694221032,"neutral","skyhawkmatthew","@rebecca_iscool I have a 320GB drive in my MB, with 6GB free... and 1.5TB external storage permanently connected when at home"
1694221060,"happiness","Claudia_inD","Back in the office for a hectic week - but the weekend was awesome"
1694221076,"surprise","dvroegop","@RopeMarks You're gonna wear pink outfits??? I assume she bought it for you"
1694221099,"neutral","SocialSammy","Gud nite all...will catch you all again tomorrow"
1694221146,"relief","annawaits","@angryfeet Ooh that is good... will wait a little bit to see how the money/job situation goes but thanks for that"
1694221200,"sadness","kathrynne_klimo","Fast & Furious = EXCELLENT movie.  And Andy is a great guy   Most of the time....  lol"
1694221214,"relief","jencorbett","grubs up  so nice being cooked for, I feel like a princess every time"
1694221221,"relief","firecracker_sj","@CheeseIsYellow That's alright, I forgive you. As long as you don't ship harry/ron or harry/snape then we're cool. Mu otp is Sirius/remus"
1694221255,"love","carrieheffernan","i love the feeling of a finishing a 10 page paper"
1694221331,"enthusiasm","lexipanda","@myepeenisbigger hey jesse, here's your background  let me know what you think! http://tinyurl.com/cf2yuj"
1694221360,"happiness","mrjawright","@ralphp eagerly anticipating twitpics"
1694221363,"neutral","katepssh","i can't wait till tomorrow. just because its a new day"
1694221426,"neutral","petemc","@xxnapoleonsolo may the 4th be with you"
1694221462,"worry","dizzycoolbabe","@Lizzi_85 Aaaargh help -it's a conspiracy LOL! How are you today Lizzi?"
1694221517,"neutral","maddybt","has made herself officially unavailable to her best friend"
1694221553,"neutral","headoverjon","im sitting here super nervous about the chiodos contest, i hope i win!!!!"
1694221558,"love","dolidh","Listening to comedians like Felicia Michaels, Margaret Cho and Jeff Dunham today"
1694221609,"happiness","ashleycarey","@donatoclassic me too"
1694221644,"neutral","Official_M","@KristinStewart SherriEShepherd gave the link for @Brento http://www.brentozar.com/twitter. He gives Twitter tips. Hope this helps"
1694221697,"love","yumi123","@LittleFletcher Oh, and Happy Judd Day haha  #juddday"
1694221727,"neutral","ayanami136","@garretjiroux tnx for the repLy on myspace..."
1694221788,"neutral","Lord_Kartz","@thunderror ... and that includes the chota-chota stuff released by Reflexie Arcade too!"
1694221895,"worry","zsomborg","Zs.Nagy presents  http://www.nordugrid.org/manuals.html"
1694221976,"neutral","hoado","@baomoi Thanks b?n Tu?n . Vi?t ban ?�m, kh�ng ch?ng v� con kh�ng qu?y"
1694222044,"love","Sampad","Seeing lots of my FB friends are friending or becoming fans of Zoozoo (Voda's new face after the pug). Even iLike"
1694222105,"neutral","carambs","@bratinella @madsdeguzman I think that's the Muji stabilo.  Because she was eyeing mine last week."
1694222169,"empty","cece_newnew","@Savoy41 oh naw; ill always be dha same cece, but when chanqes are needed ill make them"
1694222218,"happiness","BonnieDarling","Ok so this shower has been calling my name for about an hour I think I'll indulge & respond now while I allow Robin Thicke to serenade me"
1694222234,"neutral","jdeplater","@hectorbrossi I'll be doing one of those too actually. It's for a composite film but want it real with rain also. Let me know how you go."
1694222261,"worry","Sh4dy","@eminem http://twitpic.com/4j585 - HAHA nice, now I need an iPhone"
1694222277,"neutral","lopezwilfred","@besz No, nothing so important. I just like it to look like that. It's an old hairstype actually"
1694222285,"surprise","nickmackechnie","@venzann  I saw you started following me -  Welcome - what do you do in AKL and for whom?"
1694222350,"neutral","SarahSaner","@rahulgoyal1986 Well I will be making beds, creating noise & cleaning cleaning all day long.  With music & a smile  x"
1694222390,"worry","Street3","@MisssV33 it's 3:37 am, i am going to sleep now. but i be back up in 4 hours...lol. good night"
1694222396,"neutral","michellemadow","DONE--IT'S SUMMER!!!"
1694222424,"love","AJuOnLiNE","@luckigrrl ha ha  thank you!"
1694222435,"worry","Jinxie_G","Back home from the Wookie household. Now to dive into edits on Nemesis.  Or maybe I should work on Dusk of Death. Hmm..."
1694222496,"love","dammit_rab","@gootecks you played some really tight matches man, good shit. constantly evolvin, never boring. fuck east coast"
1694222499,"worry","x33ieroNINJA","@URIENATOR go on msn. i need to talk to you about something that happened today"
1694222598,"happiness","marcvanderchijs","@timen Great idea"
1694222635,"love","caityyyyyy","@nattskies heyy nat! twitter twitter twitter. you'll get used to it hahaha  love youuuuuuuuuuu"
1694222692,"worry","graciebabee","@steviekaye thats what andy said a few hours ago....I HOPE THEY ACTUALLY ARE"
1694222699,"happiness","katjrobertson","- It's time for Kathleen to go to bed... waaaaay past time. Don't expect to hear from me before noon. lol  Have a BLESSED morning."
1694222729,"neutral","justinforrest","@sloppyness only you babe. <3"
1694222737,"fun","ITsGEOBetCH","@thatboyBryant dont cry for me! i will see u tomorrow.  muah."
1694222755,"neutral","Dae_Marie","Driving home listening to Prince"
1694222776,"happiness","xxSam","new supernatural tonight!"
1694222779,"fun","britishgirlsoph","downloading songs while trying to sneak a lil homework in too, which should be my main priority not songs lol"
1694222802,"neutral","eBeth","@ShoeGal007 I always love help propping up the bar..."
1694236830,"relief","Dichenlachman","It's fun"
1694236858,"happiness","Sunshineliron","@FaithfulChosen So-so, thanks  I've uploaded a new campaign vid, will post the link in a few mins. how are you doing, babe??"
1694236893,"neutral","OspreyFlyer","Sorry for the triple twitter post, was having trouble w/Stocktwits account.  I try not to clutter up the Twittersphere!"
1694236912,"neutral","loekessers","hee hallo @questredactie"
1694236926,"neutral","mrszjbarbar","@TheRealLilZa zaaaa !"
1694237076,"worry","lopezwilfred","@falkingo Thanks. Have a blessed day too"
1694237085,"empty","eliiiiza","@sickophantikmnd Exactly! Silent treatment is a great torture method"
1694237127,"relief","Tasha_jordan","@jimmymarsh617 I was there in spirit Jimmy. Glad it went well"
1694237146,"happiness","amelialarosa","about to go to acting school  yayay"
1694237218,"neutral","ophiesay","my 3yo just woke and groggily walked over to my office.  Is now sleeping in my lap"
1694237384,"happiness","JavierChua","@peterjrday Thanks. Feel so happy 2 Make Ur Day a Great one. Enjoy it 2 the fullest N Have Fun Always"
1694237428,"happiness","hjmart","If anyone needs help with images, let me know and i will convo you the forum's link"
1694237491,"fun","gchelp","SBS 2003 or SBS 2008! Damned if you do and damned if you don't!  Fun times at GCH!"
1694237516,"love","Chook8590","Is off to get some dinner"
1694237549,"empty","Brinkytinky","Not paying attention at school, more distracted on browsing on Pokernews"
1694237551,"happiness","samstephens","@kevinriley Heh, thanks for that adorable plug  *cough* more info at: www.samstephens.com *cough* *cough*"
1694237578,"neutral","olitee","@pmcclory hmm. Tough choice. You got some matches?"
1694237622,"neutral","ronaldtrijber","http://www.efteling.nl/ Today: Nothing but Efteling-fun !! Not too sure about that Python-rollercoaster-ride though"
1694237681,"worry","Mrs_Smiler","Arrrr better half made me brekkie in bed. Weather not 2 gud in Black Country 2day but we won't let it put the dampers on our planned bbq"
1694237789,"happiness","DukeSkywalker","@MarieLuv ahh that would rock"
1694237803,"fun","HatschePetsu","today Jon Doe plays at the Moho. ia m excited  it�s gonna be funny.. but before i have to carry all the equipment and do the backline"
1694237863,"sadness","AxSylum","@UncleCreepy (cont) a bastardized version of French? It's fun, believe me!"
1694237975,"neutral","joeag","tired tired tired ! Freefest today"
1694237976,"love","myfolklover","@FelineBred glad you like them"
1694238022,"happiness","orpheus42","Rachmaninoff makes me a happy panda."
1694238052,"neutral","nzmovieguy","Second wind over - home time!"
1694238090,"love","annielsie","Sorta like my new sleep schedule. The nights off are quiet and I get creative or even me time.  ahhh. My anti drug."
1694238100,"neutral","Lastoadri","@amreldib lets hope retirment is not cancelled for any reason"
1694238108,"relief","Valerae","Its relaxing time..a movie and some treats"
1694238126,"happiness","phusionade","@Mintyboi i can smack your head for you"
1694238127,"love","K_Mui182","still in love with marky mark"
1694238137,"worry","avablava","is having this massive headache! and all i want to do is eat some nachos.."
1694238168,"neutral","richbrown","going to the beach today"
1694238206,"neutral","brandomonk","@kindlebookclub pea plants!"
1694238226,"worry","yesssPecan","@clicktokill scared what I may think of myself 2 yrs later, looking at the pix"
1694238263,"empty","AlexTrup","@ElvisHsiao Twitter doesn't have photo support built in, but I welcome you to try my website http://woo.sh to share the photos"
1694238269,"sadness","jordanrimell","had my first day at work and im not excited about the lay out of the place and where everything is.. o well its a job"
1694238331,"relief","ac07","watching Please Twins.  gonna make some Iced Tea :-bd"
1694238334,"enthusiasm","_dznr","@Moanikeala you outta follow zipz for discounts and updates"
1694238344,"fun","Stu_D0gg","@mswilliamsmusic awww shooks  now im gon be all overprotective just incase you start cybercheatin on me lol"
1694238384,"neutral","sirdoc","@Jas_Mean WHERE?"
1694238412,"neutral","jerricklim","@dudboi Well there's nothing to do but to keep swimming. You'll get there eventually"
1694238413,"neutral","scottearle","@chinkeykeekai Ummm ... have you looked on your head?"
1694238710,"neutral","faconti","Bom dia  Rembrandt Impact Basin on Mercury - http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap090504.html"
1694238715,"surprise","d0nrumata","Finally welcoming new #followers: @syedbalkhi, @knowem, @avilan, @jkneen, @webfusion5 & @jonathanengalla. Tweet on!"
1694238716,"love","Cranialstrain","@breadesign Congratulations chap! Pass on our love to Claude"
1694238722,"neutral","Liberal72","@unreal_g: I`ve been sneezing and felt like a train-wreck for the last two weeks myself. But it`s not piggystuff.  So we`re good then."
1694238739,"neutral","spodzone","@ShutterBetty Could get @JamesBeston to do the honours?"
1694238836,"relief","cavorting","@LucyKD DSi is the latest Nintendo DS with 2 cameras + stuff built in. We are a Gadget house. Luckily I get my blackberrys free from work"
1694238912,"fun","bmxfan","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/4fzo7 - When you'll come in Bulgaria??? You have a great fans here!"
1694238955,"neutral","lopezwilfred","@rosehwang Thanks"
1694238984,"happiness","paval","http://tinyurl.com/c4z6gn Wow.. Wow.. hope, i too get that sort of Guts in near future"
1694239012,"happiness","lauch10","@AnGee10 @malennaa yess... it's awesomee.. and u can follow ur love molly hahah....  now u can chat with us here!"
1694239107,"neutral","__jazzmin","Adobe After Effects and MS SQL Server...nice. would it be nicer if I just sleep?"
1694239118,"neutral","venite","@spontaneo is there ANYTHING good about our country?"
1694239131,"happiness","vitsky","@wortje The bag looks stylish. Congrats!"
1694239218,"surprise","mymemoirs","@lolmonsters lol that's great  For you."
1694239351,"worry","LincolnRolls","@mashable Thanks to TweetStats, I confirmed what I long suspected: Twitter is keeping me up way too late!  http://tr.im/kpc1 @tweetstats"
1694239387,"neutral","Emmmaa___","cant send the dream story on twitter. sending on bebo mail  x"
1694239412,"worry","apraalii","@KankzXD ohh I know her from church .. she got me into mcfly"
1694239452,"neutral","aussie_ali","@JohannaBD so I've organised a day of indulgence & luxury for her. A pamper day  fingers crossed she likes the surprise.."
1694239462,"worry","minitrucker","Lookin for work via online, watchin ShayCarl's latest vlog entry on youtube and textin a lady friend.  My beds calling my name though.."
1694239506,"worry","haileyfrances","@News3David    can I get in on this?! @Cherynstone  3 way call !!"
1694239626,"neutral","Brayds","@mattsmithson no wonder your running son...."
1694239683,"neutral","PhotoExhibition","Answering email questions for Art of Photography Show. Yes-I actually reply.  http://www.artofphotographyshow.com Entry deadline May 22nd"
1694239689,"neutral","yuriyvolkov","????? http://is.gd/wxMt . ??????? ???  and may the source be with you"
1694239693,"sadness","TheTAZZone","well...gotta grab at least an hour and a half sleep before the girl's get up for school...gawd the life of multi-taskin'  night/mornin'"
1694239803,"love","JagesAnnan","@lilmomz Just been in that kind of mood, not reason at all. Lol, but I'll try not to be too mushy around you!  I can behave!"
1694239833,"neutral","kierondonoghue","Godawful hangover today. Worth it tho"
1694239929,"happiness","yandelle","@ksidney wolverine was GREAT!!!  a must see"
1694239965,"neutral","DTChick","@Gailporter congrats! You're the first person i've heard/read say that today"
1694239985,"enthusiasm","NicolaWwilts","@billingtonart Gone have my ears on it when I am at home ..plenty of painting for you as well"
1694240040,"fun","ddoodm","@tove_liden Thanks for the follow Tove!"
1694240041,"happiness","90rachal","@kiki_miacherry morning kik enjoy your breakfast"
1694240046,"surprise","andrewdisley","@tdobson: Didn't need the shipping forecast we're inland"
1694240050,"love","samstephens","@AndrewHansen1 Thanks Andrew! It hasn't yet been published, but looking forward to it"
1694240105,"neutral","benzoenator","any legal studies/law students out there twitter? would love a couple of references to cases inolving bias juries, jury nullification etc"
1694240176,"sadness","nicodemuss","no school today gd  but dont get to see mates n millsy x"
1694240237,"worry","orensol","@grooveshark I'm having elevated error rates... StreamKeys not found, and then connection problems. Server migration isn't easy, huh  ?"
1694240281,"happiness","myfolklover","@Steph_Atticus Thank you"
1694240308,"worry","Hargarmoopy","Remind me to get out & take a pic of my blooming clematis before the wind storm tomorrow."
1694240395,"neutral","TMagic83","Vote Goal 10, help me win goal of the month  http://tinyurl.com/dlrcqk"
1694240409,"sadness","LiesX","@BJ111 by the way, it's INconvenient..."
1694240439,"happiness","ange9520","on my way home from school  lol in my car and so tired!"
1694240467,"enthusiasm","sophiehandley","@lewisking awww well iff uu are il see uu in townn  xx"
1694240468,"love","Brooklyn_H","gonna knit a felted heart toy for mum for Mothers Day. she's so great (not really) she loves anything i give her  luv ya mummy"
1694240469,"relief","skoolprincipal","done with the exams. oh my. such a nerve-wracking experience! passed it, though."
1694240470,"relief","dogsounds","@petabridges I do my humble best  Going on a works paintball day soon so that should fuel a few strips, no doubt"
1694240540,"sadness","lpcustom31","@NCLUSA Sorry to disappoint. Not a big Nascar fan but I'm still an all-around decent redneck other than that."
1694240546,"worry","edwardli","Back to work today but I don't even mind."
1694240608,"love","sarahlee74","Yah! Feeling better and had a beaut day - Sophie razzing it at the skateboard park (at all of 3 yrs) and Charli happy at school"
1694240643,"neutral","Smophs","@maaaarit I'm on msn now"
1694240665,"relief","rowenarazak","@fairuzrani hehehe hello!!! how are you? good to see you on twitter!!"
1694240679,"sadness","_Anj08_","is tired on her friendster account."
1694240784,"happiness","Banubee","*yaaaawwwwnnnn* thx to bank holiday... let's see what today has prepared for us..."
1694240800,"neutral","fireartist","@dpbrown the old blue G4 is too slow to code on nowadays, I have a laptop I've borrowed from work ++ lets me lounge while I browse"
1694240825,"happiness","MariahHoneyLee","THE best job in the world & yes its in Australia  http://tinyurl.com/clxl4l"
1694240891,"happiness","NicolaEJohnson","Shopping, grandparents, dinner with the bf  woop"
1694240895,"happiness","RainyCityLove","New Project is going incredibly well! and I'm not tired today  I think we should get all Monday's off. Permanently."
1694240900,"neutral","ThatsTwit","@mashable Thanks to TweetStats, I confirmed what I long suspected: Twitter is keeping me up way too late!  ht.. http://twurl.nl/oaerf4"
1694254759,"happiness","SimonGlinski","big shout out to all my home girls you know who you are"
1694254872,"love","arhi","@da_bear i like you"
1694254888,"fun","guittaraxx","@lexikitty hahaha yes yes, of course  i look after them when you and jack need alone time ;D"
1694254895,"empty","Laveeza","@TAG69 who wouldnt?"
1694255041,"relief","_ksj_","@markyboosh had to many weirdos on the other one"
1694255081,"happiness","sarahmartin1995","11 days till county raly  i had 2 tak 3 from 14 it took me a while"
1694255268,"worry","waywardtapper","Feeling considerably better after 13 hours sleep  still not right though..."
1694255291,"worry","swiffmusic","@Moni7D well then take your sexy ass to sleep then foo.  how as your weekend mami?"
1694255346,"surprise","JagesAnnan","@japmap2009 Oh, I is dubbed Breesaholic Insomniac #2  *feels special* oh! must add third Angel drink to post"
1694255347,"neutral","ayeshun_baby","@Lilith_92 yeah im okayy lots been happening while you not been here !! anyone special at the moment ? xx"
1694255378,"neutral","jordanhowell","@stonesimon Oki doki  You too, laterrrs"
1694255417,"love","Brandfanatic","Hello my lovely followers  love and peace from my house lolz We just need the weather!"
1694255431,"fun","xxbubbles336xx","@tommcfly haha that was good, slightly geeky but funny  x"
1694255489,"neutral","agdymahoozle","If all goes according to plan, you CSE RFID guinea pigs should have a bitchin FF extension to play with by the end of this week"
1694255571,"worry","syamira723","english p1 done.  i refuse to countdown, it makes me sad. off to shower and take a nap..."
1694255582,"empty","electroshit","@Jessthemediocre...living in my studio, sounds very important ;) oh Mildura is totally boring!! Mhhh...whatever!  byeeee"
1694255591,"neutral","StephanieMxx","@BastetAsshur i agree."
1694255606,"neutral","Vickiedoherty","lying on the sofa chilling...don't intend on moving from it any time soon"
1694255721,"neutral","wendyg","@nm tweets are postcards, butless easily retrievable than archived email saved on my machine."
1694255751,"neutral","martinlittle","@thorney1 I forget, are you in Edinburgh? Check out EdinburghAC.org.uk"
1694255760,"worry","katiesgreat","@ayeashleigh good. yeah i am fine thanks. just dreading history tomorrow, not in the mood for hyperactive 20 year olds lmao"
1694255765,"neutral","superficialgirl","@SwissTwist jip i have a good one"
1694255797,"fun","marielness","Yogurting. Home from lady Mona's, on the fone w no song from Yoplait. Lookin forward to hrs w @QisWalker tmorrow & rehearsals  Gnight all!"
1694255800,"happiness","cinnamonlips","is so excited for this summer... Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton, Eagles of Death Metal, and ahhh the Dead Weather"
1694255873,"love","Stu_D0gg","@MissJia *kiss kiss* stu deezy off to bed to have sweet dreams of you ma'am  hehe xxoxo"
1694255921,"neutral","stevie_nicole","apple fritters are like the perfect after food...don't you think?"
1694255941,"sadness","mellowmasher","no eggs today ... shame was looking forward to a egg and bacon sandwich"
1694255958,"happiness","innerteapot","has just finished recording the improvisation for the second instrument in the latest podcast and is happy. nearly mixing time."
1694255974,"neutral","dn2k","bank holiday today"
1694255988,"surprise","0xRaex0","Trying to save money for an iPod touch!"
1694256031,"happiness","porkoangel","@_josh_thomas are you coming to sydney?! cool, where can i meet you? id love to meet you, you're my favourite comedian"
1694256032,"neutral","andrew_kemp","another bank holiday out of the office"
1694256157,"love","NadiaFN","@bill_archie Haha it's ok. Glad everything's good. Happy always! Woohoo!"
1694256188,"enthusiasm","MetalVirgin","@marcoflores You're welcome!  How much longer until it's colored in?"
1694256221,"neutral","Adam__Carter","does anyone know how to move google chrome passwords to firefox?"
1694256275,"relief","Seiryu6","is back at working auditing away, time to make the hard decisions and be happy"
1694256294,"neutral","allysont","@elizabethlai This is my mini collection of Star Wars figurines in the office.  @allysont http://twitpic.com/4j29b - what's this?"
1694256340,"neutral","mrBlotto","Next song to be axed by me Ombra mai f� -� Largo � H�ndel"
1694256388,"neutral","gregorzalaznik","Back to office. A bit strange after a short hollidays. But my MBP is without dead px and re-vamped with 4gb of ram. Monday is a bit nicer"
1694256464,"happiness","tiffanieee","houstatlantavegas, sooner than later, nov. 18th, a night off, successful . over and over for the last 2837 hours - heavennn"
1694256527,"love","kubbur","Right now on my Justin.tv channel: 10 weeks until my gf has a newborn  www.justin.tv/kubbur?20"
1694256532,"sadness","iwebkit","@andypiper I have not been aquired... It's just a new oppertunity. Sorry if they don't support mac. I won't tell more"
1694256595,"happiness","juliannebritton","Watched Coraline last night. It was really good. The animation was excellent and the creativity was inspirational."
1694256632,"happiness","xXKatyXx","Didn't get bitten by a rabies infested person last night  yay for me! Gonna scare Rachel with Quarantine tonight, this shall be fun"
1694256691,"neutral","NKOTBFanForLife","@DonniesCupcake I will tweet you sometime tomorrow, anothe busy day! Goodnight Hooker Chickie! LOL!"
1694256694,"neutral","quelynnkoh","twitters from her seat in the exam hall! it starts in 15mins. pray for seat 299 in MPSH1-A to be blessed, oh and for wisdom to flow.  whee"
1694256711,"fun","SeaSunSky","@jackoolz anywhere!!! i don't mind...as long as i'm superman and there's good music...all is sweet"
1694256723,"happiness","daphne_uijen","Now i've got 3 new frens-frm Germany,Mexico n France  havin dinner 2gather 2nite."
1694256749,"neutral","IanRobinson","http://twitpic.com/4jalj - Morning world. #healthyliving update. Weight this morning 82.1kg (12st 12lbs) Going in right direction"
1694256796,"happiness","Yanuhh","will deplurk too. buhbyeee  http://plurk.com/p/rp3ir"
1694256800,"surprise","SmilinNursAnnie","@whodeani Some place where you have to be all boring? UGGGGGG"
1694256825,"love","woahitsrie","@ladyzae WOW.How sweet!"
1694256861,"happiness","LizzBiff86","Home from Disney...best time in a long time...howl at the moon tonight for GBA and then BHB Tuesday  oh drummer boy  niiight"
1694256890,"worry","CameronSmith93","Have been practicing for the last 40 minutes. I don't think 40 minutes will suffice for 7-days worth... More later"
1694256899,"surprise","MissxMarisa","@Zanna85 Bill can take me to Fangtasia and hit this shot anytime! "Roads, where we're going we don't need roads." LOVE that part!"
1694256944,"happiness","marladotdotstar","// happy Star Wars Day everyone, May the 4th be with you"
1694256950,"neutral","m_ls","@andavane http://bit.ly/13f5m0  You are not alone in your disbelief but I am quite happy with evolution. It beats the alternatives posited"
1694256974,"empty","nathanryder","@CyranDorman OK  Just a thought that occured to me..."
1694257072,"neutral","cherylberyls","@darrensoh yup, studying. At least I'm trying to. Trying to let the stuff I read enter my brain permanently."
1694257079,"neutral","traceysok","its Monday and all is good"
1694257220,"neutral","dylanholliday","Well if you actually went and got your drivers license you wouldn't have to worry about the bus being shit, haha."
1694257239,"love","kcessna","oh it's #musicmonday  How about a love story/viva la vida mix: http://tinyurl.com/dyvzsa"
1694257256,"neutral","minteva","there it is. postieeee  http://andshehopes.blogspot.com/2009/05/kewpie.html"
1694257259,"enthusiasm","anneripcurl","is trying to help save the earth. Let's plant more trees."
1694257395,"neutral","amourchaleur","If anyone has a dreamwidth spare invite code lying around, could you please spare me one? Pretty please?"
1694257410,"neutral","aswinkumar","@mac40007001 you're welcome"
1694257510,"neutral","brettpringle","@zekemurphy Webmail is your friend..."
1694257514,"neutral","Yanuhh","will be back later.  http://plurk.com/p/rp3k7"
1694257625,"love","MelAPerry","@SarahAMurdoch loved you in head over heels! One of my fave movies! you looked stunning last night"
1694257683,"neutral","cvega88","Gnight shar   <(' '<)Vega(>' ')>"
1694257706,"neutral","orgutcayli","MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU. Happy Star Wars Day"
1694257724,"neutral","reema226","@KunalSheth it will get over on 8th. subjects remaining are power generation operation and control & distribution system automation"
1694257739,"happiness","Falney","http://slingalink.com/eVicE1 my daughters kindergarden  !"
1694257764,"relief","Fashioncut","@floyduk just relax like it is or translated to swedish too? Just got to take a look at my next comment"
1694257905,"happiness","BBRRIITTTTYY","@aussiemcflyfan i hope so  I KNOW WOO! haha 2 times  it was exciting lol"
1694257944,"happiness","Hargarmoopy","@AmyatQ13 @borborigma I agree about the redesigned Q13 site! Looks great on computer & phone."
1694257956,"enthusiasm","menikw","@Ah_Lex_Ah hey alexa, you heard right  looking forward to causing some mischief on friday!!"
1694257979,"neutral","allantaylor4","In bed with 2 girls"
1694258078,"neutral","Sillypea","@Harvstrofsorrow i still like coldplay i just said that was one of my fav cds. and they r one of my fav bands too!!!"
1694258095,"enthusiasm","Aligonzalez43","@LeesaLily oh ok thanks"
1694258207,"neutral","Tracey_Mac","@picalili  HERE HERE!!!   xxx"
1694258286,"neutral","dan_ashcroft","IDIOTat)tove_liden Th*nks for the follow Tove!  (ddoodm) #IDIOT"
1694258339,"happiness","hiway","@DeepaPrabhu Thanks and thanks"
1694258386,"neutral","smartestgames","Someone in UNITED STATES liked Eleminis http://tinyurl.com/dhlq5t"
1694258451,"neutral","taylorsword","wants everyone to know he's off to watch Cypher... again"
1694258471,"neutral","subwolf","Shower day."
1694258503,"love","Flennifer","going to sleep with my baby"
1694258553,"love","Mahmoud_","Don't Think Twice creative blog. Cool stuff. http://www.dontthinktwicecollective.blogspot.com/ @karensaba thanks"
1694258562,"fun","gepflores","my brain is gonna explode, a minute from now ) it is full of numbers @-) this should be the cliiimb. :-j i'm climbing the: mt. numbers."
1694258575,"surprise","m4sure","Having to write a real looking paper letter. Not done one of those for a very long time. Sad really."
1694258583,"happiness","bigbluetaurus","new golf VI TSi 160HP is fast!"
1694258588,"neutral","Digiqom","Digiqom welcomed new team members in the company today"
1694258604,"fun","zoziekins","@tommcfly You're getting new fans all the time. I wasn't one until November"
1694258671,"worry","thefore","@McflyMadEmma Little Louisa is number 3 trying to get number one!  XX"
1694258745,"neutral","idangazit","@rachky @taltalush Yes. I am secure in my masculinity."
1694258746,"neutral","Krissette","Going to have one last cig, then head to bed. Night Tweeters."
1694258788,"neutral","emmaketurah","May the 4th be with you all"
1694258794,"relief","CayCap","@savii313 I am twittering, LIKE A BOSS. Thanks Savvv"
1694272591,"happiness","TeganRutherford",""leave the pieces" - the wreckers... hmm"
1694272608,"neutral","lavenderk5","Actually I've been in here, holed up quite nicely, for hours. This is one of those times I regret never having married or gotten a cat"
1694272626,"hate","cookiemonster82","@LiliCosic i'm good-making a list of things to do today.I have a week off in a few days,I dont want to be doing these chores things then!"
1694272641,"neutral","jmcollis","@inkophile I have weekends like that too - almost always at the end of "one of those weeks"!"
1694272797,"neutral","LadyParadis","@rmolden Yes, maybe, but for today, I write"
1694272803,"worry","cece_newnew","@SupaStarCity hahah i sowwie hun  whats up thoe ?"
1694272813,"neutral","snarkyboojum","@Shez wishing you were here too babe.. we'd have a ball"
1694272881,"neutral","akane_takamura","?and make your own pledge while you're at it!"
1694272890,"fun","alyne_","@littletiara aha i bet they are cute,should we wear our nu **at  the same time so  i cn show you mine,u cn show me yours"
1694272983,"worry","jcdavies04","@TomFelton hope you have a good flight"
1694273078,"fun","wlwarriorsuzie","@BenFordham Thats Not a Golf Buggy LOL it's a Australia Zoo Buggy The staff use it to get around and give certain patrons a life"
1694273079,"worry","aidapk","@TiaSparkles  Yeah, I should at least try myself.  Have a good night & visit with the Chiro tmrw!"
1694273094,"happiness","leerraumimg","oh, it's @andremichelle 's birthday! happy birthday andre michelle"
1694273111,"neutral","Biljanaj","I'm new to Twitter & I'm trying to work out how to use this program.."
1694273222,"happiness","knitster","@sunrisesister yeah, so quick! And I'm using the 5mm addi's I bought on Sat and it makes it even smoother"
1694273257,"relief","yehenara_xin","@cherrylipstain hello nikki! i just ended my exams 2 hours ago!  how abt u?"
1694273302,"neutral","h_ayleyy","is watching neighbours!"
1694273318,"neutral","mhisham","@devinjay oh just referring to our lil exchange on LJ with regards to twitter archive postings."
1694273355,"neutral","heidiheartshugs","I am having a pretty good time at work talking shit with one on  the gymnastics gils"
1694273415,"neutral","Karoli","@moanasaves right."
1694273424,"sadness","BTToronto","@krisreyes here btw, this is not a bot"
1694273442,"neutral","sakbaboy","@DiiLee break a leg  but don't do it for real it just a saying :p " good luck""
1694273491,"worry","ClareJohnson21","hope's she see her bestie today"
1694273523,"neutral","AlexTrup","@ElvisHsiao You can go to www.TwitPic.com and log in with your Twitter details to add pics"
1694273542,"happiness","manbeardpig","Happy Star Wars Day  May the fourth be with you!"
1694273615,"love","MichelleMunger","Going to bed after beating the snot out of hubby w/ Texas hold em"
1694273646,"fun","jbfeldis","@dangriffey In France it was last Friday and also the coming one, we are working"
1694273723,"love","vomitandcheese","MY AUNTIE FROM QUEENSLAND IS DOWN TO STAY THE NIGHT! YAYA."
1694273788,"happiness","trip_","Hehe, @stereogum in @brooklynvegan sta se malce preve? v�ivela v v?eraj�nji Dark was the night koncert  No, ob takem lineupu..."
1694273821,"relief","detoxcute","Bank Holiday Bliss - Jeremy Kyle, without even bothering the Sky+"
1694273825,"neutral","missdutchie","@Taryll sweet dreams"
1694273900,"neutral","twista202","i actually really liked Merlin last night. some parts were a bit eh, but the part where that chick was singing was like whoa."
1694273903,"neutral","shanajaca","@TomFelton Safe flight home to you and Jade   XX"
1694273940,"happiness","karooze","@imeldalaura it's a woodchipper & it's gonna top off the weekend just nicely"
1694273981,"happiness","LunarLife","@bellothika  The flowers grow!!"
1694273994,"neutral","nzstars","@Atomik re: the job ... still waiting my friend. Thanks for asking  * I just need a little ... ;) * ? http://blip.fm/~5jehr"
1694274021,"happiness","cabbie","Actually a great start to the day, hope it continues  getting my new american oversized bed in the evening!"
1694274236,"worry","JagesAnnan","Well... I hate to leave.... but I must sleep! G'night y'all and hope to chat later!  Enjoy my li'l night owls!"
1694274257,"surprise","musicchild0","Making a birthday song to a special person!!"
1694274355,"surprise","moaninjoan","@officialTila wow... that was very sexy"
1694274471,"hate","gabvirtualworld","They are unloading a Leopard Tank just next to my office window. Hope I didn't piss off anyone"
1694274526,"worry","laura_valerie","@bellelumiere So I could just do my own thing without having to live up to any expectations"
1694274537,"neutral","dorkussMALORKUS","@NolaxE I follow u lol"
1694274680,"love","BellaBeautii","Ohh grandpas.. Stable.. Won't kno all details til tomorrow when I visit... Keep him me and my fam in ur prayers..thank you  ... Goodnite"
1694274752,"happiness","willisgirl","Happy Star Wars Day! .... May the 4th Be with You!"
1694274785,"neutral","egstrup","@AndyBradbury - mostley yellow and green"
1694274879,"relief","johanlasses","@nnaa the rain was pretty nice. I only have 150 meters of cobbles on my way here"
1694274886,"happiness","FoTizzle","Going to have dinner. bbs"
1694274953,"neutral","DJSaya","@DJCRS will do hun. Yes yes."
1694274957,"worry","LanceRomel","where is the rain please come out"
1694275056,"worry","paigeebaby","My dad is taking me to school & picking me up tomoz. Plus I have drama almost all day. Score bludge day"
1694275070,"happiness","SJB1990","@tommcfly i am glad cos u wouldnt lose me as a fan anyway  i get to see you guys on saturday evening at leicester  it better be good!"
1694275102,"worry","jaz_dino","is planning for surviving financial status after quitting my job, gotta find a new job within 4 months"
1694275145,"neutral","Eye4Art","http://tinyurl.com/d6smh5 my painthing"
1694275155,"happiness","naiara2128","@Wildchickendew muhahaha you've joined the tweet cult... lol heya  btw twitterific is a good iphone app i use"
1694275205,"worry","Rohwedder","@angela_lyle Okay, und was ist mit Deinem Auto?"
1694275243,"happiness","Liamlockett","is eating chocolate ready break"
1694275311,"love","dksays","@tothetech  welcome"
1694275314,"happiness","SoulieBaby","@mkasper22 Thank you"
1694275380,"happiness","Coffee86","@PhilLHerold Thank you"
1694275382,"surprise","jzagami","@wonko42 and staff rooms, It will be intersting to see how K12 faces this when every kid has a laptop"
1694275406,"happiness","courtneydyoll","YAHOO! volleyball, hiking, eating a fish eye, witnessing, sleeping on the beach, jumping rocks, & hanging where Jurassic Park was filmed!"
1694275439,"surprise","Javlin_Narez","@CarterRonson It's going at 11 am here.. I'm overseas  y u up so early tho"
1694275467,"fun","Cichutko","@neilhimself Look at all this feedback!  You should do it more often, seriously  The crazier the topic, the better."
1694275496,"worry","sorcha69","@comedyqueen dont make plans mite go out tho if i can b bothered 2 get out ma pjs!"
1694275507,"relief","Billy3G","Going to sleep with Horton.  Goodnight, Twitterverse <3"
1694275599,"happiness","AlexTrup","@ElvisHsiao  The website I'm developing - http://woo.sh lets you also share Videos, documents, maps and events - Later music too"
1694275612,"love","jordanmaria","has the greatest friends in the entire world"
1694275615,"worry","rociocartes","I feel like an M&M McFlurry  mmm... But I won't get one coz I need to look good for when I go to the States!!! 7 weeks 2 go aaaaahhhh!!!"
1694275631,"happiness","ChanelRoxTheMic","@RobKardashian Hey fellow Trojan..congrats on graduation."
1694275651,"happiness","boozylil","@simonrim off to the cheese counter I go! Thanks"
1694275735,"happiness","miagoodall","@coconutfriend i should have shouldnt i, im happy you enjoyed it cos im thoughtful like that you see, and YAYA i hav 20 followers  woop"
1694275771,"happiness","redpiano1","wheelchair fitting today for mall buzzing & Home Depot. "Homebound" just got REAL old  Goal: taxi yellow or electric RED!"
1694275789,"surprise","ShoeGal007","@sarahjpin ha! you're right...I know you're right."
1694275816,"neutral","TicTacToe_Rec","Back from hospital, now at work... later studio time"
1694275870,"neutral","destinyhope92","editing something in photoshoot  NILEY"
1694275892,"love","benwong","@calilewis Just saw you on TV for the Best Job in the World. Good luck."
1694275953,"happiness","chicagokarl","Java Concurrency in Practice is probably the best Java book I've ever bought. There's a recipe in there for interrupting blocking IO ops"
1694275987,"love","msuursaar","The Skimchamp Taxi Service!  best in the land!"
1694276003,"love","kylahortaleza","http://tinyurl.com/d3ul3u - Watch it!  And yes, @MargauxAlcid, it's lovely."
1694276060,"neutral","Chihiro_chan","Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it's all right"
1694276061,"happiness","sugarpupz","@uyaerdna thanks"
1694276063,"love","cythereajoy","@NLTonline please dont change anything in your site. I love it.. will always love it even if.. so, please? pretty please?"
1694276070,"happiness","nurseaubreezy","study all day.  just finished my care plan.  hungry as hell!  ima go treat myself with a burrito, for a good days work"
1694276120,"happiness","EmilieSamuelsen","@LineHara Youuuu're an aaass  my aaass loooool"
1694276174,"love","Skarlettt","@hollabec Your hair is MY matt ball  <3"
1694276189,"neutral","nathanryder","http://xkcd.com/577/ - today's xkcd  Looking forward to daily updates this week!"
1694276328,"love","georgie_carroll","writing an email to my new host sister"
1694276390,"neutral","kdelusignanx","gonna have a lazy day today"
1694276467,"sadness","brettjacobson","Can't sleep but is happy that the Fugees are keeping him company"
1694276600,"surprise","Rayban_Rockss","having my brecky. Good Morning  x"
1694276620,"worry","sitaowei","In regard to knowledge, I am like the little robot in the movie "Short Circuit." I am always crying out: "Imput! Imput!""
1694276679,"neutral","erawat","@poorprogrammer office ???????????"
1694276775,"happiness","citrusandcandy","@chocolatesuze yes yes you should! Especially with wine and mushrooms!! Ummm I love mushies"
1694291087,"love","FashionGuru","Special mention for the new Mean Girl @LemonsAreSour... welcome her! & if you're not already, FOLLOW HER!! Night"
1694291206,"neutral","DamienCripps","its a perfect op for everyone to advertise their blogs"
1694291243,"happiness","lisa_almeida","@mariaandros guns and roses baby! yay!  was hopin you would blip.fm it"
1694291286,"empty","lesley007","@guybatty Hehe! It is nice down there"
1694291332,"neutral","stupler","is over it.  http://plurk.com/p/rp5np"
1694291339,"surprise","Awadox","Cinema tonight  it is half the price on Monday ;)"
1694291356,"neutral","awaisnaseer","@jadoon88 @imhassan ROFLMAO for the funny web portal  =D"
1694291374,"happiness","alyne_","bali!! can wait for it"
1694291375,"happiness","SheenaNastaja","eating my tito's home made ice cream  yum!"
1694291427,"neutral","DannyGirlAlways","@kasey79 I got it"
1694291488,"surprise","JillAlexandra","@Brittanya69 you are so sexy mama!"
1694291523,"neutral","Morrigoon","Hunger settled, now, tis sleepytime"
1694291530,"happiness","JordenDeBouve","@RobTSmith Good morning to you as well Rob, have a great day"
1694291598,"happiness","Andiie_Lee","humm.... I adore Mark #hoppusday ,so I'm just going to throw it out there #hoppusday....... have a nice #hoppusday people!!"
1694291611,"neutral","jameswaters","2pm today is Quiz Time at the Goat! Game shows to play and prizes to be won! Plus 'Toss Off Tommy' for free drinks! Today from 2! x"
1694291660,"happiness","peterfletcher","@MXYZ_ I don't see how there could possibly be another choice."
1694291679,"worry","tsukpo","@ljs777 for the most part, not enough space on one drive to properly defrag, nowhere else to put stuff, but yeah, reassembled"
1694291729,"neutral","Benoit_Dupont","@EmmanuelGadenne  then maybe you should think of spending christmass there too"
1694291740,"happiness","skribe","@BreakfastNews ETS (Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy) is an invaluable surgical procedure"
1694291749,"empty","gutzanu","hmmm new search bar on #twitter"
1694291818,"sadness","CourtneySit","my mummy is cooking dinner just for me because I missed out when everybody else ate. I feel <3'd"
1694291819,"relief","truetechservice","@HandymanTrainer Actually because of the several updates you have daily, I find them all interesting and informative. Keep posting."
1694291827,"love","musicishotsex","@EmilyAllTimeLow: yes!"
1694291851,"neutral","Austin_Irl","@sarahtonner are you tweeting while running?"
1694291971,"love","rogue","@scruffybee welcome to twitter world my friend!"
1694292025,"worry","PaulDuxbury","@BevClement I don't think we talk much about Banks these days - not quite as respected as they once were"
1694292073,"neutral","elorahh","@dragonflly93 I'm writing more fanfic."
1694292075,"worry","vanessakesby","making Shell join twitter so I have a follower"
1694292126,"neutral","tey_diorhomme","@Michael_Phelps hello michael  have a nice day"
1694292199,"worry","Avas_Writer","I hope I'm doing something right. Had an influx of reviews on a 1 year old fan fic telling me they love my style of writing for HP."
1694292207,"enthusiasm","MauiPixie","@runsenorun that frenchfry-corndog looks so delish! I WANT!!  Welcome back to Seattle!"
1694292255,"happiness","micasantiago","wants to welcome @melizadeleon: back to Plurk again!  http://plurk.com/p/rp5po"
1694292258,"neutral","VintageVerve","@moniqueconheady say hi to Kimba for me"
1694292381,"neutral","CyranDorman","@nathanryder I asked them"
1694292433,"surprise","SOML","@Melorailiana Welcome, you were our 10,000th follower! it's very late CA time but we stayed up to meet you"
1694292458,"love","Mashnessyfan","@hypahdorkx3 yeah. xD were so close already! xD i can talk to u about anything!  i love u gurrl. x3"
1694292480,"enthusiasm","DarrellRhoades","Great weekend, even though my site is not moved. Plenty other things to do and learn. Keeping the faith and looking to the future"
1694292492,"neutral","GinoandFran","Jumpstart! WOTD: Jape QQ: Are you comppetitive, overcompetitive or not competitive at all? Write your responses here!"
1694292505,"neutral","solitarydancer","@ctreit Hmmm, maybe that's what they meant. They eluded to something brand new but you know how the media is"
1694292597,"hate","tttayylor","i just had the weirdest dream ever and can't see because owi credo is too brighi. But i hate guys"
1694292658,"neutral","bobbyrozzell","I would appreciate it if you would. I am a big Tim Kaul fan ya know"
1694292740,"surprise","snoweider","rock pooling.  Can't believe I get paid for this!"
1694292825,"happiness","psychedelicgail","Packing gym bag. Off to the gym in a bit. Squee! I'm my happiest whem I'm on the go."
1694292858,"neutral","rumoko","@windminstrel Work."
1694292868,"neutral","Melissaraad","@Melancthe that depends on how many itty-bitty-kitties want to sit on my lap"
1694292886,"worry","tonirox101","is obviously getting bored celebrating summer! ) And now listening to music and eating some pizza."
1694292932,"fun","nanalipzz89","@JONGIRL79 that would be awesome  lol"
1694292955,"relief","EllenDownunder","@Rove1974 If you mention this twitter group to your followers I would be very grateful"
1694293070,"happiness","xbron","@charley_bum lol *30 minutes slow* in a sec  i was just having fun tearing down old posters and putting up new ones"
1694293076,"neutral","Sarasewda","i got my period, and i'm not pregnant"
1694293088,"happiness","grannypamnz","@rowsell will be following you tomorrow!!  sleep well"
1694293161,"happiness","zk","awesome lucky you"
1694293167,"happiness","playerstation","Welcome to everyone  Playerstation.it is now live on Twitter. www.playerstation.it"
1694293237,"worry","marivico","Scrubs tonight (8.00pm). woo!"
1694293241,"happiness","jordanhowell","@pureelite Thankss  Someone sent me another text this morning saying happy birthday, was from that number I told you about last night LOL"
1694293280,"neutral","TeesBox","@bungeespin  caww that sounds good, I hope you're right"
1694293293,"worry","gretush","@bettytes hey bettiye,  i did see her. stay tuned for videos and blog  hows was obsessed?? i need to get thru exams then imma watch it"
1694293336,"surprise","mbogle","@geemaree Yeah it's a really fascinating paper isn't it? Credit goes to @metaweb20 for the discovery"
1694293402,"happiness","kellydmahaffey","@cheergod2002 yeah I can tell ha ha."
1694293443,"happiness","MarenMileyFan","Home Sweet home <3  Going to see Hannah Montana The Movie AGAIN today <3 DDD"
1694293492,"relief","dda","Nope, thank God, not on Air...  It's a REAL application, compiled code..."
1694293593,"surprise","kenarmstrong1","@eBeth I can hear it now..."
1694293633,"neutral","HSN1032","@JennyMalaiAli ... go to that person and click the green arrow *following*, then you'll see *remove*"
1694293657,"surprise","Pooja4logs","@vjkarthik  they r the most random things that my mind can churn..as the Chennai heat gets to me I can assure u these will b more often."
1694293768,"happiness","karathiger","@Appledoe Mmmm, I had honey mustard chicken w/ rice & veges"
1694293816,"fun","violetbakes","Rachel Allens date bars, so easy to make   http://twitpic.com/4jas7"
1694293824,"hate","BookAlertNL","via @uhmmm: Christopher Moore "You Suck" - hmm tja.. sucks"
1694293831,"surprise","mchawk","@FanboyGeekStu That's one of the reasons we thought "Should we have a kid?"  "Nah - let's get a piano instead."    You poor buggers"
1694293888,"happiness","commonsense4","@Jasonalbi Oh yea, my pain went down a little bit from laughing so hard which was good and nice for once."
1694293906,"worry","CharlieTrinder","I hadn't realised how Long it had been since I was last 'tweeting'... Now I'm on here I don't know what to say  x"
1694293912,"worry","zarazombie","@zhayrar whoa rad ! coffee makes me stay up all night"
1694293987,"neutral","rockish_pop","im at school right now"
1694293998,"relief","Nicolargh","Do me a favour, tell me what you think about me"
1694293999,"neutral","theblackpaws","@Jacs_Will_Rule don't tweet, just eat!"
1694294011,"worry","destinyhope92","@TeamCyrus  you`re welcome  how are you?"
1694294026,"neutral","harshaddesai","Happy Star Wars Day ...  "May the 4th be with you".... read http://tinyurl.com/axsujx for more ;)"
1694294069,"neutral","koipage","says somebody n e body please!"
1694294073,"happiness","dan_ajcfreak","Monday blues? Not today, not for me."
1694294078,"love","71cookiemonster","@SarahAMurdoch YOU LOOKED ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT."
1694294096,"neutral","lopezwilfred","@WKJThD  Thanks for Following"
1694294100,"happiness","denisewarfe","@texasjackflash thnx 4 the follow"
1694294140,"happiness","leafiness","@4_idiots hahaha! I don't work in a strip club you know  alrighty mister, have YOU done any public may dancing today?"
1694294189,"sadness","silvertje","@paulusveltman Ja  Deze is interessanter - Why text messages are limited to 160 characters - http://tr.im/kpgg"
1694294199,"happiness","JODPOD","Great long-weekend so far   Going for a run now - no Judo tonight  Then off to Blue Water for some "Retail Therapy""
1694294202,"happiness","KimberlyDyer","@RealLadyGaga hey.just putting it out there.. you should come to townsville next year..elton john came in '06 n loved it. it was great!!!"
1694294215,"neutral","Liyonah","@Tottie Yeah he's also partial to JT and TI Dead and Gone and Pink's Sobre"
1694294234,"surprise","aparakirti","@Lord_Kartz I've been studying for a year now  And 5 years in school..."
1694294243,"happiness","brrowniiee","learning to play sweet child of mine on guitar.  yays."
1694294280,"neutral","mshairi","Quickest way to get a seat to yourself on a London bus currently: pretend to sneeze VERY loudly about 3/4 times"
1694294293,"neutral","merejames","@asphotos cool  I didn't realise that you were until now"
1694309605,"love","theaidenash","@fiercescouting oh really  hopefully it was a good one. I just was trying to get your attention thats all"
1694309666,"worry","Jazzable","@Zingtoh Who knows, maybe someday you'll come home and find... *gasp* DINNER in your FRIDGE!"
1694309672,"neutral","SteveKubrick","@NikkiPilkington Mr Tweet I think"
1694309720,"love","pikminlover","@dr_aureole Oh my gosh, so cute!!!"
1694309729,"worry","BastetAsshur","@StephanieMxx Yeah, I try 2 chat wif all too. It can b hard to find tweeps online @ the same time sometimes"
1694309749,"happiness","lopezwilfred","@WKJThD You are very much welcome"
1694309780,"happiness","SarahSaner","@tracey1972 Morning babe!  I plan on overdoing it today! lol Hope you do rest & put your feet up! xxxx"
1694309845,"fun","maxnmebeads","I've listed lots of new beads on eBay!"
1694309871,"happiness","swoop_hcm","lol simpsons S20E19: "first day at your new school, so lisa: have fun!   and bart:  DON'T!""
1694309873,"fun","AnaShibaeva","going to look in the refrigerator for a taste snack to eat"
1694309983,"neutral","dangerpowers","studying out of spite. whatever.. Wonderful unforgettable weekend with DC"
1694310010,"surprise","__danielle_x","@marlycat woman, follow me"
1694310186,"love","sorryokyes","love for vintage books...old books shopping this morning"
1694310189,"worry","AlexTrup","@ElvisHsiao Haha great, ok don't eat too many or you'll feel sick"
1694310211,"worry","dafaure","Another water leak in my appartement. The good side is that I get to meet the girls previous & next floors"
1694310261,"relief","monica_g","bought beer today"
1694310277,"sadness","itaggs","@mobileech Looking for a new SMS sending solution? http://promotion.itagg.com Get �6 FREE SMS with every iTAGG!"
1694310372,"happiness","sharonw82","http://twitpic.com/4jaw9 it's the frog who's been attacking Chelsey..LOL! Funny"
1694310400,"sadness","eisen","@denvy Oh whoops, my bad"
1694310414,"relief","divxdownloads","Streamyx is pretty fine here, downloading Heroes and Smallville and also a movie. I'll still call it screwmyx though   // cool http:/ ..."
1694310453,"worry","Crackerjack7","@AnitaBreakSoon Oh I'm on a roll now with these oldies!  ? http://blip.fm/~5jeu7"
1694310465,"neutral","uhandbag","@TreeFalldesign Yep I know; you can't help but get close to things that you make yourself; it's both a occupational hazard and a benefit"
1694310525,"happiness","cece_newnew","@khriskhaos aww preciate the loves hunnie"
1694310533,"love","syafiqaheddie","@meganandliz Hey guys! can i ask; what item did u guys put up for ur talent show? i am such a BIG fans of both of you! whoo!"
1694310562,"worry","BlueEyedBecks","LaLaLaLand... why am i liking that song so much?! Anyhoo.... grr I have a cold, but thank goodness though the sore throat has gone!!"
1694310809,"happiness","etutoria","Bom dia! Good Morning! Guten Morgen! I am returning to Twitter!"
1694310857,"neutral","Grooveboxita","@plisdehjkt any ideas, tempat apa yang paling cocok? jupiter seru juga"
1694310898,"neutral","staceyrebecca","@giddygirlie well that does make me feel better about staying up even later to watch the daily show.  @raisinlike lay on the guilt again."
1694310920,"neutral","StatKAllDay","@laylaymusic you know you love it   Stat-K"
1694310943,"fun","kaala","Back from x-men origins . Was surprisingly good"
1694310950,"surprise","asheraw","@producersinc Yep, I actually do! =D hehe so.. hi Kathy~"
1694310967,"worry","capooti","just arrived at @eurodjangocon, on about 150 fellows i can't see a girl!"
1694311030,"fun","TaneshaD","In a Drill Sergeant's voice: everybody wake the fuck UP!!! *flicks on everyone's lights* it's 500 est rise and shine beetches!! Lol JK"
1694311090,"neutral","KFC182","OO YAY 39 FOLLOWERS I WANT 100  HELP ME"
1694311125,"happiness","jesusyouthdelhi","now we are also on twitter  follow us to know the latest!"
1694311181,"love","marienborg","@yojibee haha  I need to get in better shape first.. I have cageball on thursdays == me dead on sofa the whole evening"
1694311271,"neutral","neonsplat","morning, how is everone? sing to me  You tuck me in, Turn out the light, kept me safe and sound at night. (8)"
1694311277,"happiness","gabvirtualworld","@tom_howarth hehehehe I will keep silent now"
1694311357,"neutral","TalhaIzhar","@munirusman Yes. when I was talking to you..."
1694311367,"love","karotaro","Only 5mins till my baby's back from work"
1694311371,"sadness","synesthesie","When life, as you know it, doesn't exist anymore."
1694311409,"neutral","sabihkhan","@muscati nope difference of 5 OMR for C class, anyone notice the flight number for WY's flight for LHR? WY-911"
1694311458,"neutral","Sahoonie","sarah_marie_711 two weeks will fly by"
1694311534,"neutral","MattJarryAstley","Its a real shame that its not nice and sunny outside, it would of been nice to have another BBQ  NVM...."
1694311568,"neutral","AGirlinJapan","@pjaficionado I almost said, "and grammer no exist either" grunt.  But I stopped myself"
1694311584,"neutral","caldjr","@jaderoberts91 morning. hope its a good day despite the revising"
1694311604,"neutral","brenda1974","@DJ71 they are all over one is a fan with a vip and the other one is the winner of the twisted vid  het si weer eens raar gelopen, chaos"
1694311633,"happiness","nicolaquinn","Dump your worries in the Stress Fire. Fun and profoundly freeing  http://budurl.com/c765"
1694311715,"neutral","henrik_loevborg","@drnic and welcome to dk  #jaoo"
1694311740,"love","kirstystill","has her laptop, her spasy phone, her cat, her music on and her mother making her breakfast! Lovage for you is that!"
1694311753,"relief","flybabycassie","re-reading 6th Harry Potter, did dishes, mended a cushion on the patio sofa, & fixed one of the outdoor barstools. An accomplished Sunday"
1694311781,"love","Emyjay","@jambonboy good stuff, thanks"
1694311930,"neutral","xAlice_CullenX","@moppet10 Hi Kate  How are you?"
1694311993,"neutral","Uvermusic","http://twitpic.com/4jax3 - Update Ableton Live"
1694312072,"neutral","AshleighKatee","is off to watch master chef"
1694312130,"relief","yellowdocuments","Morning world! back to the office after longgggggggg weekend"
1694312135,"neutral","nicolashervy","Surf's up this week - starting this afternoon"
1694312206,"happiness","rapeispolite","@onlyhis2109 i can't wait to see!"
1694312237,"love","juliephilpott","loves listening to people practising on the piano downstairs"
1694312243,"neutral","LoveLoyaltyLife","@CrushStevens music is always there when noone else understands  i agree it's very important, a single song can change your whole day"
1694312248,"fun","sabilrd","@kameliamohamad LoL. I don't even know what intezone-football-competition means... Good luck"
1694312268,"neutral","AlexTrup","@dda Wow, that is good  I'm on Mac too with XP via Parallels if you ever need a tester ;)"
1694312273,"fun","Kelly__Turner","@FiiFiiii ahahahaha you love Twilight don't liee!!!  and we all know I love Robert Pattinson!!"
1694312284,"neutral","wahliaodotcom","@eugenechua aah. well, have a few friends over there. Just wondering if all's great and weather's been good..."
1694312293,"happiness","IzzyWizzyx","Talking to my best mate and my boyfriend on msn"
1694312298,"neutral","SarahSaner","@kusasi Lol I can Tweet & Eat! Multi Tasking Woman see!  ha ha Enjoy your moment."
1694312363,"worry","cyndiesoto","Where art thou @niokiaquino? I miss you!"
1694312405,"worry","cthiel1","Cloudy day in Berlin. Just about right to sit in front of a computer all day"
1694312434,"neutral","weshotthemoon","@indiekuri you tell us"
1694312508,"love","Evaladiva","Going to body pump then yoga, then going to enjoy a lovely bbq with the family, loving the may day holiday"
1694312532,"fun","HibaNick","just cos i dont have an ipod touch yet - doesn't mean i can't look at some apps! they're sooo cool.  twittering in school? awesome!"
1694312535,"neutral","intsik","@ojtibi Hey OJ, I just want to ask, you hooked up with somebody ayt now?"
1694312555,"neutral","ryan_face","Hello Bank Holiday Monday  hello revision ��"
1694312631,"happiness","kezzibugx3","@xranarawr haha i told you, it's not important"
1694312704,"neutral","jaderoberts91","@John1954Moi Ha good morning! May the fourth be with you too"
1694312734,"love","pauldouble","Celebrating the fact that Norwich City got relegated yesterday.  Seems like myself and the awfully nice Mr Fry are football rivals!"
1694312814,"fun","TroyG80","@BrisvegasLukass yes I do! I'll try posting some pics when I can"
1694312868,"love","moonthroughfog","@Lauratheexpat very very cute  and fun to watch."
1694312905,"neutral","unabanana","@nicolerichie have you watched Persepolis? Broken English is also nice for sundays"
1694312960,"happiness","keija","@dduane *waves back* Have a good day"
1694313027,"happiness","pigarotti","i finally found the perfect matte lcd cleaner!! i-nix screen cleaner ftw!"
1694313075,"empty","ModernMike","Tired, But glad its a bank holiday"
1694313094,"neutral","Kate_Kirby","@krs10_s make me tea pleaseeeeeeeeeee"
1694313151,"relief","HideyoKusano","Yay! I finally made sales at the gallery; Really helps when the artists are there"
1694313180,"happiness","uhandbag","@cottonandcloud Moooorning! Fancy a coffee?"
1694313343,"worry","BlueEyedBecks","LaLaLand... why am i liking that song so much?! Anyhoo.... grr I have a cold, but thank goodness though the sore throat has gone!!"
1694313436,"enthusiasm","yearofTOB","I beat 3 bosses in Castelvania"
1694313525,"love","malfoymanor","@tomfelton http://twitpic.com/4jam0 - Ohhh, how lovely! I'm glad that you had a great time there."
1694313527,"fun","imnogeek","i guess i'll do both since i cant really decide which one to choose"
1694313535,"fun","c1air3","@jamiewhincup Awesome effort this w/e,even if u didnt win.Good luck at Tassie"
1694313558,"love","FabMissK","@martincarstens I think your just trying to make me feel better!"
1694313569,"neutral","jenny050085","@isla_fisher Hey!! How are u??did u got my reply??"
1694313585,"happiness","bodywisdominc","@rosehwang Good Evening Rose ...."
1694313635,"neutral","remzology","@Reema226 http://twitpic.com/4grnh - The joy of discovering Linux."
1694327058,"neutral","AlisiStyles","http://twitpic.com/4jb0q - And a few more"
1694327107,"happiness","paulcoutu","it's @andreamichellef's birthday today, wish her a good one assholes! Sleepytime"
1694327121,"neutral","hc78","Sneaking out. Going to work for a friend"
1694327169,"neutral","slace","Just went through my piggy bank, man there was a hell of a lot of money in there! I can easily live out of just it for the next 2 weeks"
1694327197,"neutral","Sadie_Marie","Aww @holloh  i used to do that when i was little, not so much now ;) haa. Lazy shiit."
1694327268,"neutral","tor_selden","loggade visst min 400e cache i l�rdags!"
1694327281,"happiness","Lunabee_art","@MrFloydNL  thankyou very much, you rock!"
1694327429,"empty","captainslog","@rickiep00h  no, you didn't fail.  thanks"
1694327525,"enthusiasm","OkieAnnie","@DustBuny: being today and all, WE'RE GONNA USE THE FORCE to make it happen!"
1694327590,"neutral","AvrilPH","i've just open this thing"
1694327631,"love","BBRRIITTTTYY","6789998212 haha love soulja boys new song"
1694327735,"fun","sparkedd","@threalmiarose hey mia!  totally adore your music.  when will your cd be out?"
1694327790,"fun","madsdeguzman","@bratinella, @carambs - muji  yipee. is anybody coming here? i can send them over hahaha. but can somebody bring JT's BSG disks? haha"
1694327803,"happiness","KeishyaMarie","Down in Wellington for the Monet Exhibition. Casually just bumped into Wayne Brady in our hotel lobby!!  Mega exciting!!!"
1694327901,"fun","psychodwarf","@NikkiPilkington You seem nice, you're generous and you know your stuff"
1694327906,"worry","chilp","@IDrive_Online When will the maintanance end? I would like to backup some stuff."
1694327988,"neutral","ahmednaguib","Good morning ladies and Gents.  it's going to be an awesome day "even though the weather is terrible""
1694328023,"relief","LayLayMuSic","@statkallday yessssssir!!"
1694328025,"surprise","ktixx","Love johnny deep looks in public enemies (L) I'll catch this film when show in HK"
1694328031,"worry","_lips_xD","Listening to music, Texting . umm Msn lol.  bit bored . lol. Garth Brooks wooo i love him hehe . <3"
1694328035,"happiness","lopezwilfred","@besz Well, good luck then."
1694328044,"neutral","tarek","Off to see the Doc in a bit to get the knee checked out"
1694328094,"love","Hussam7","Thanks to all who follow me  ... wish ya'll the best ;)"
1694328099,"love","ideasmaverick","@nirajgoa Oh! Don't you just love these Vodafone series of Ads ... The best picturisation ever"
1694328147,"love","janmary3","Happy Birthday husband"
1694328202,"surprise","sakura_sakuharu","@thebleachworks http://twitpic.com/4f0l0 - So beautiful!! This lake is like a mirror!"
1694328212,"enthusiasm","Pattideann","@shawnieora I googled him & looked @ a lot of sites... I should have checked here first.  How Exciting, for you both"
1694328359,"happiness","apdunne","@fanboy_uk Yeah, but it's Myst!"
1694328367,"happiness","moominboy","@Cadistra Ah brilliant! Thanks a bunch"
1694328444,"neutral","Networking_Lady","finally not talking about teachers but facilitators  #edumedia09"
1694328628,"sadness","iGustavo","@lynnftw I know exactly what you are saying.. its so not cool... that is why tapes were better  :p"
1694328666,"happiness","Lazarus22nd","@MicaR yup it gets better again after S4"
1694328673,"happiness","sarah1025","to @WebAnime and @tbaggins1, thanks for following me."
1694328772,"surprise","fajarjasmin","@rifie Oh, wow, you're fast   How's life going ? It's been 6 months ya ? XD"
1694328806,"neutral","DannyGirlAlways","@kasey79 good night"
1694328928,"neutral","sophiemostly","@themakelounge I might have guessed a crafty lady like you would have a laminator  Mine is a very cheap one but it worked brilliantly"
1694328993,"neutral","nevyn","@siovene And Clang rocks, so you're using it, right?  Anyways, according to the comments it's in apple's gcc too, dunno how public tho"
1694329014,"love","ImFringe","@chang_ROR Hey dude welcome to twitter  its seexyyyyy"
1694329049,"happiness","jorgenecraft","@peternomad Thanks! I know."
1694329069,"love","fatacusoarele","@pyuric Enjoy the coffee. We miss you, petite puce (adica Puricel in franceza)"
1694329082,"happiness","jojozep73","@LEGmin http://twitpic.com/4jaz5 - Cool... luv it"
1694329099,"enthusiasm","kokoki","@shintabubu hey shinta!  i'm headed to bed now, but perhaps tomorrow night - when our hours overlap..."
1694329169,"love","euphorialuv","@AndyeAndinha I gave him your kiss. Being a flirt of course he liked them"
1694329253,"worry","kurokikaze","Kaze the Knight. Third level, a lamp, a wish. Got fixed SDSM (first thought was about rubber chicken but hey)  #nethack"
1694329396,"relief","sixsevenone","cooked chicken soup for the rainy weather"
1694329445,"love","yvonnejonas","nick is so cute in the tiger costume  ahaha it made my day"
1694329474,"happiness","YayoLynn","@audreythebaby gandang mac un ah! for sure, if its out in the market mas mahal pa sya sa macbook pro. ang cool ng concept!"
1694329486,"relief","ArtnMeditation","@rosehwang U R "happiness pollinator" 4 shizzle.   Good friend you are.. I am smiling!"
1694329574,"happiness","xShwetax","I am now eating one of those big subway cookies with a glass of warm milk. YUM"
1694329638,"worry","InkHaus","just had steamed fish w/ oyster sauce"
1694329797,"surprise","ashleyhealy","@torresk hahaha I didn't even notice the name - LICE"
1694329815,"neutral","kikomonsterx","@GinoandFran you should see the Morning Rush Forum's shoutbox. Overheat bcoz of campaign! Flying skirts!!!"
1694329820,"fun","yasminfarah","has a face mask on. hehe"
1694329826,"neutral","Nadineee","@Petaah hahaha we just won't tell him will we?"
1694329831,"worry","mskadu","@KrisColvin I would advise watching it in the cinema. I am sure the effects are worth it. Unless you have a monster TV at home"
1694329845,"neutral","pbarone","@gianandrea all bank holidays are on Mondays in the UK... better than Italy where 1st of May could be on a Saturday or Sunday"
1694329924,"love","sharoneden","@MurrayMelb A pleasure Murray"
1694329930,"surprise","AngelSandre","@JoanLunden  Greetings Joan:  Just wanted to say I STILL MISS waking up to your pleasant personality & face in the a.m.    Hugs, Angel"
1694330012,"happiness","JessTemby","Has had a really good bank hoilday"
1694330058,"enthusiasm","nikkimiruiz","@TaraAlberto i'll be there tom promise! After our volley  when did they start? Wholeday? Or half?"
1694330082,"neutral","liamdilley","@jeffgerstmann You should spray yourself with the non smelling repellant that stinks to high heaven"
1694330115,"worry","shortyyyy","@MissxMarisa Hell unlucky! :O and and it comes out next week here."
1694330130,"happiness","Emmmaa___","@Broooooke_ kk's  have fun eating lol, remember shaun loves you haha"
1694330142,"neutral","japanupdate","New Forum Thread - First Typhoon of the Season: Is *NOT* headed to Okinawa.  Made you look. .. http://tinyurl.com/dm4b3q"
1694330208,"happiness","docDUHreen","watching JONAS for nick's beautiful voice to put me to sleep"
1694330275,"worry","mij_jorrison","is amazed as to how artificial one can be  its just soo itchyyy"
1694330281,"happiness","Peulo","@Brokenromantic haha malamang as one of my chef."
1694330327,"neutral","semiscenic","@carolinekan HAHA all because of chocolate? Always knew your heart was in your stomach. Wait till you try the truffles"
1694330333,"relief","skardhamar","I'm entering a two month study/exam period.  Which is awesome. - See you on the flip side"
1694330370,"love","Aligonzalez43","@amtrak747 haha hell ya id love to find some boys to toke with, and thats a very sexy bike"
1694330518,"neutral","whitsundays","@MissShonah  Will certainly do that."
1694330666,"enthusiasm","nicpink1","yep... i think i might have just made the decision to go head first...  we may be witnessing a historical moment... real talk"
1694330696,"worry","mogmcc","@katcal always wanted to see that film never got round to it must get it on DVD tell me if its any good"
1694330738,"happiness","_DINA","@TferThomas Thank you!"
1694330779,"sadness","giishu","@Gjerninger Are you sure you want to know?  It's http://bit.ly/AUuAC - it makes me want to run. In other news: Happy Star Wars Day!"
1694330984,"neutral","StineAdelPetrea","Yooooooo!? What up mates?!"
1694331056,"love","conanhughes","@Tigressreow Wow thanks a lot!  I can't believe I didn't think of that. XD"
1694331068,"worry","Schattenwolf","@Faz4980 thanks  and ill cross my fingers for you, that the rain will stop"
1694331181,"worry","borriesaur","@MrMiistro that's good. Im ok aye!!! a little stressed but fine"
1694331193,"neutral","Azhure","Went to see Wolverine with the husband (who is off work today) - was pretty good"
1694331202,"surprise","nesslovesbee","@JP5486 heyy its ur bday?!!happy birthday!"
1694331249,"happiness","cotton_candy16","@clumsy_steph yeah school sucks totally. yea you can be so grateful that you got a better place  man i cant tell you how excited i am hul"
1694331254,"neutral","cindeelean","@SarahWV  worse case scenario i'll take tomorrow am off. are you still up or you just woke up?"
1694331283,"neutral","UntoldAffection","interesting day. good overall"
1694331335,"happiness","therealjonas","just got Home from school!  it was fun ) oh btw its a music school."
1694331372,"neutral","wendywings","@LewisBostock very much so  You know I am coming now on Thursday too right, are there door sales ??"
1694331457,"worry","jhc_","@rvailleux : woot please post a pic, I won't recognize you without it"
1694331458,"fun","swayswaybaby","@heykt haha who thought that?"
1694331484,"happiness","katdogs","@kayles yessss it does! YAY! told you it was awesome"
1694331500,"enthusiasm","Peta_N","@margotrobbie oh that makes sense! Well you are officially my first @reply from a celebrity!!"
1694331520,"hate","missphiaelle","Jason Mraz is still serenading me, while I read "Judicial Supervision of Executive Action in the Commonwealth Caribbean".  BBL!"
1694331744,"love","rholland34","@Debbas My Mom is a nurse practitioner&spent entire life devoted to the field.  The good ones deserve to be recognized! I'll follow her"
1694331786,"fun","Surferdreams","@OfficalJonasBro just watched it on youtube and its hilarious. i laughed trough it.. seriously guys so funny.. greetings from Germany..."
1694331866,"happiness","BJ111","@LiesX xD send it!"
1694345057,"happiness","CathysSecret","@juicebox07 i know how annoying that can be!  but theres a german saying'pleasant anticipation is the greatest pleasure'(own translation)"
1694345090,"relief","melmalivoire","1/2 day tomorrow  carla coming over after school."
1694345120,"neutral","Lunabee_art","@MrFloydNL  tis very useful indeed esp. for newbies like me!"
1694345178,"enthusiasm","wiseleo","@nichelady I am with you. -#FollowFriday is easy enough for those who are annoyed by it.  I recommend relatively few people anyway."
1694345183,"happiness","cxii","@ChrisKalydo Happy STAR WARS Day"
1694345190,"neutral","idanceforyou23","is downloading songs  http://plurk.com/p/rp8wx"
1694345277,"happiness","selenagarcia","relaxing fragrances are SOO IN! my latest loves are still lavender & chamomile--the basic ones  trying to find more flower scents.."
1694345361,"neutral","WillieCrawford","@simongrabowski Hi Simon, let me know when it's done"
1694345365,"empty","tannwick","@violetbakes Woo hoo - we have that recipe"
1694345416,"neutral","JonasLovato24","Happy Star Wars Day. May the fourth be with you. Ahh, that ones an oldy but a goody"
1694345464,"neutral","paynetsystems","Twitter connected with FAcebook   http://twitter.com/paynetsystems & http://tinyurl.com/dagmoq"
1694345472,"happiness","x33ieroNINJA","all time low mean so fucking much to me. i hope i get to see them in june. it would be so awesome. gaskarth is amazing"
1694345539,"hate","munkyboy1975","@joolzP1 i was studying computing this year...bring as feck!! changing to plant science  next year"
1694345848,"enthusiasm","DawnDrury","April showers bring May flowers, yea"
1694345940,"neutral","epxx","@brandiheyy hey !!!  whoa its really you.. anyways how does it feel living with Miley? it must be strange ... Twitter back ox"
1694346009,"love","ellierebecca","@OfficialAshleyG you are amazing as alice, as if she was made for you. Thank you for everything! I now have a face for the character"
1694346017,"neutral","bryancheung","Happy birthday."
1694346077,"love","Snowshadow","@Curious_Jo same with me...I like the freedom being an Enigma gives you"
1694346086,"neutral","coenzyme69","G'day @JohnathonBusack Thanx for following."
1694346172,"happiness","madradish","Weather is lovely, I'm headed home via supermarket. Planning to spend some quality time knitting tonight."
1694346252,"relief","amberwhiting","@Edna92 you did just add me haha  xo"
1694346303,"happiness","cidermaker","Good morning friends. Happy May Bank Holiday."
1694346321,"enthusiasm","FotoWala","I should have posted this for the world Pinhole day   I Love this picture. http://twitpic.com/4jb4d"
1694346357,"neutral","stevewollaston","@Gamesbasement dear oh dear....."
1694346358,"empty","sweynh","@greyeyesgabriel You are clearly very busy  Take care of yourself, and I am sure you will be fine; takes one to know one ;)"
1694346371,"neutral","baaaabes","learning how to use twitter"
1694346385,"sadness","Kauweloa","@emulley I missed you today...I know you must feel very tired. I will give you a massage tonight"
1694346402,"surprise","RondasX","@lillytown the happiest place on earth  j'adore"
1694346632,"sadness","kirrathomas","@frogworth hey, have a great gig! We'll have to do exchange of tracks via ze emayal  I'm all lost in loops right now and still writing xx"
1694346654,"happiness","MissNannie","Happy #juddday everyone!"
1694346687,"neutral","loris_sl","@EmperorNorton I'm going to watch it now"
1694346726,"happiness","llovmaartje","I've got great expectations of tomorrow  It's gonna be awesome!! ? http://blip.fm/~5jf53"
1694346816,"worry","putrimaria","@rizkyinayati heeeey good luck for unair sweet!"
1694346874,"love","Babsssss","@grcrssl Helloooo (: Star Wars day is cool  LOOL. Wen do you go to Cnaterbury then ? x"
1694346926,"hate","HayleyBee1","@neillavin300 Ok well from the pic i take it you do. Thats unlucky . Lmao"
1694346980,"worry","cianodriscoll","Good morning twitter world.raining in dingle- hopefully means a busy day for me"
1694347053,"happiness","findub","playing with @elgg on a cool new website... hopefully ready very soon"
1694347152,"fun","PaulHarriott","@piginthepoke  Lol  grey skies as far as the eye can see, which is about 20 yards"
1694347268,"worry","lolipop_kandy","just got home had a major daily tset today. its math and i wish i got 6 or more"
1694347277,"neutral","davidjdalton","@salisburydowns I've always said to PD that I wanted a kitchen like yours...I just wouldn't know what to do with it"
1694347280,"worry","hannahfacee","wellity! i think ima gonna clean my room :| Gay. i need to read a good book. sense and sensibility here we come! BEAT THE LILY"
1694347396,"love","faithsonshyne","@SeanTheROBOT  Awesome pics  Love them. btw Still Loving the Amajanese Takeover too!~"
1694347543,"happiness","boomerjack","@susieblackmon I know what appeals to you with knitting! Believe me I KNOW!"
1694347553,"love","Eltonater","is loving life in sydney"
1694347719,"happiness","SarahWV","@cindeelean I wake up at 4:30 during the week - and funny, Deathcab makes me think of you!  (& I use your calendar to track work hours)"
1694347754,"happiness","jennynny","@kenlee86 nice recolouring of your page  nobody is buying your anti-twittering words!! YOU LOVE IT!!!!"
1694347805,"neutral","KronistheiLL","@SinnamonS gotta play 'Off the Wall' first tho"
1694347866,"worry","InFaMoUsHeRo","Dear God please let me wake up before 11:45 AM tomorrow lol Got plans  Tonight was lets pick on Hero night. grow up, get a job, etc. lolz"
1694347869,"happiness","lyciabycia","@nienerenee hahaha niene ur soo smart.! lmao i think that is who its by..  good lookin.. whts up gurlie?? i come home this weekend.!"
1694347895,"love","cardlovers","@PokerNostra Indeed. Have a nice week!"
1694347956,"enthusiasm","enked","@textualoffender Good Luck.. mine 3rd day today !"
1694347981,"happiness","missgreens","@joolzgirl oh no! u must get 1!!!lol mum still isnt convinced, and we have 3"
1694348035,"neutral","tactiktraining","Good Morning  please check out our new site, tactik is a new training company based in Warsaw Poland ! www.tactik.eu all the best from us!"
1694348133,"neutral","zoyaz","editing pictures"
1694348167,"neutral","adlandnz","@arpitnext Welcome"
1694348181,"love","apraalii","Am soo happy about today .. the going home bit sucks ,, but meeting everyone will be aceness to the extreme  lol,, am so cheesy :p"
1694348182,"love","LaurineG","@lynajonas http://twitpic.com/4fnaa - haha love you two girl"
1694348212,"love","RAZZDOG2","Few Bevvies 2day in twn..great on a day off!!"
1694348300,"happiness","arjankramer","@leeprovoost Thanks for the tip! It's our Company laptops so was aiming for another solution actually...."
1694348353,"relief","TLJohns","is feeling waaay too cruisey and relaxed for a Monday evening...  oh wait..  that's just wine before dinner..."
1694348417,"happiness","iNashUK","Ha ha 1 point for the men"
1694348427,"neutral","thenewpsies","@jazzt byeeeeeeeee watching new DH  X"
1694348447,"relief","loves2rockout","i just woke up and remembered theres no school!!! life is good  xxxxxx"
1694348463,"happiness","ComedyQueen","@keza34 sounds like my kinda day"
1694348464,"sadness","criistina26","graandma's houseee  i havee too leave now! <3"
1694348466,"happiness","WinaWinch","@rafikakikukeko of couuuurse fika  i'll pray thes best for you then."
1694348542,"happiness","nichelady","@wiseleo  i got named - and since you recco so few peeps I felt pretty honored... I gotta talk to you about blowin' up my ego like that"
1694348545,"neutral","lars","So.. finally finished setting up my @lars account. Will switch from @larsettrup during this week"
1694348603,"neutral","burjwazi","going to fill my tummy with something yummy  ~ brb (via @angelistic)"
1694348652,"relief","nibby01","@Mennard Its because I put radio 4 on by mistake..I'll have a cup of tea and a shower, then I'm sure all will fine and dandy, thanks"
1694348660,"neutral","hannahfacee","wellity! i think ima gonna clean my room :| Gay. i need to read a good book. sense and sensibility here we come! BEAT THAT LILY  **"
1694348890,"happiness","midnite08","updating my resume"
1694348926,"neutral","Tsela","@BILLinBCN So I guess if the couple sees its ceremony as valid, it is valid, the community be damned  ."
1694348940,"happiness","Hotspur_1882","@journo_at_work agree totally, think though if we can take a point off Everton and Liverpool beat Man City we are happy days"
1694348961,"neutral","Gia_Pet","This one brings back so many memories  Michael Penn "This and that" ? http://twt.fm/91035 #musicmonday"
1694348980,"happiness","ortegaalfredo","@hannibals Great news! we got it by the balls"
1694348992,"neutral","Tittch","@StampfliTurci Ah that would explain the italian colouring"
1694348993,"happiness","mfernanda05","everybody is awake (well not everybody, u know what i mean. ma friends) haha, and I'm having fun AIMing them"
1694349006,"enthusiasm","Katie488","Half Marathon Training Day # 1 ........."
1694349019,"happiness","charlotteorba","I've just about made it all the way round the park jogging. Quite pleased for my 6th outing"
1694349081,"neutral","joecommisso","@brittany_shaw night babe"
1694349124,"fun","Emmmaa___","@torilovesbradie no probs(: and yeah im still sick. no school today  lol. feel really crap but thats because im dancing lol . thanks"
1694349192,"empty","mbleeker","cower failure: when you mean to comply, but stand up for yourself instead"
1694349250,"fun","missBrieee","Insomnia at its finest. Go to bed at 11:30, fully awake at 2. Grrr. Anyone want to call mee?"
1694349301,"enthusiasm","bodywisdominc","@rosehwang Very early and I am actually just going back for a little more rest ..... talk  with you a little later ...."
1694349381,"sadness","quimica_visual","discovering kindred spirits on and off line, here and there."
1694349443,"happiness","raspberry","@uhandbag I will  I enjoyed doing the peg bags, I've adapted the design for a tote bag  Bit cuter than I normally do"
1694349456,"neutral","laco_stepar","Hello everybody!  I'm back on the job, back from the children camp (someone had to look after my sis' pupils)... and totally exhausted"
1694349549,"love","whodeani","@SmilinNursAnnie Far from it. Bali, a wonderful place but wouldn't have such music. Not that I have asked. Should I?"
1694349576,"love","kaoriy","My best friend is coming!excited"
1694349705,"fun","RClapham","Omg! Star Wars Day!  May the fourth be with you everyone  This calls for me to watch at least 1 film tonight."
1694349712,"neutral","Vivbb","@ruoivietnam Thank a Chu?t �  Ch?c v?y qu�, hik, ch?c em ph?i ?i h?c 1 kh�a ph? c?p ki?n th?c c? kh� g?p =.="
1694349743,"love","XitsbeccaX","lol i <3 spongebob"
1694349759,"love","Jayhirst","@burntoutcar Just for reference, I don't own that dress either. Sounds like LH was a good Fopp buy then"
1694349826,"hate","timrodie","Ended up riding down brick lane  The A12 was dead (apart from scameras every 5 minutes)� took an hour to get in."
1694349877,"happiness","BlalocksIRP","@introversimonDu sounds good.  and yeah, I turn 21 tomorrow so I'll definitely be partying."
1694363788,"happiness","spidersav","@annalisaceccato hey thanks mate your cool coz you watched it..."
1694363831,"neutral","smartin58","@Snowgirl1972  think 2 to start off with but a house that can fit 4 - or we may go the whole hog and get 4.... not sure yet"
1694363878,"surprise","Sjoeba11","@MLimburg it's the small things in life that count, like being on a blur photograph of google streetview..  keep following !!!"
1694363905,"neutral","PaterzAttack","@Techn1x fair enough. actually, you dont have to give me x-men.  mad max will do me fine"
1694363958,"neutral","johnhood","@fcharlton And you!"
1694363999,"happiness","GabiEstefam","woke up, now having breakfast and online, as every morning (except holidays and weekends), haha. then bath and school!"
1694364028,"fun","ayanami136","@taylorswift13 heLLo tayLor.. just wanna say i've aLready voted 4 u i think 5 times..haha"
1694364054,"sadness","ChontelleBourke","@sophieveronica Ha-ha abbreviate it , so it's not so bulky"
1694364098,"relief","Moonflowerchild","@pjaficionado Ahhh!  OK, remember the film now.  Never saw it though, will have to check it out. Thanks"
1694364149,"neutral","dickie_doodle","@HellenBach indeed i have hellen, thought i better get a TOG name rather than use my company name"
1694364172,"fun","Apziie_xo","@Punisher5463 You Got Twitter! Yayy  xxx"
1694364199,"neutral","epxx","@7mesh thanks for following me  but who are you? hmmmm... twitter back !! ox"
1694364234,"happiness","PureMuslima","@Samiyusuf : Sir ! Everything Will Be Great InShaa'Allah"
1694364337,"neutral","nysh","Grey's 'Sweet Surrender'  http://tinyurl.com/d5mjyj"
1694364338,"surprise","bennyboywonder","@windswept_trees  True. That's kind of your style isn't it  and less of the "old chap" ;-)"
1694364339,"happiness","MasaArko","@davorkapozgan CongratulationS. Great funky site! U did it waaw"
1694364372,"neutral","mellaa__","Watching h&a! Got new photos for myy room  Waiting for Ulise to get home."
1694364407,"neutral","alicecsws","is walking to tesco with rhiannon and hannah to hide all evidence of lastnight"
1694364439,"fun","DrJenna","I'm eating egg-whites right out of the pan"
1694364459,"happiness","softthistle","@HulantheHoly morning"
1694364531,"enthusiasm","ComedyQueen","@keza34 yummy curry  save me some please lol"
1694364578,"neutral","janeyha","possibly a carpenters number,topical."
1694364584,"neutral","aisha_althani","@lilmarshmellow  thanx"
1694364764,"neutral","kendragossett","eating organic jelly beans"
1694364822,"worry","bendihossan","@mike_taff_jones  Oh and...NEVAR USE KDE IT IS MADE OF FAIL!"
1694364823,"neutral","momoneymixtapes","@RythmIQ AZ's Finest Vol. 3...intro, how it lookn?????"
1694364924,"happiness","tyefighter","@b_luca LOL!  I'm glad to see I'm not the only one out there!!!"
1694365064,"happiness","Haidace","new phones just arrived in the office. not much else is gona get done today"
1694365070,"surprise","aarthycrazy","@richa_august84 - requoting the gyaan - the more you live life, the more you fail to notice how you live it - quote By muthu..."
1694365119,"neutral","HayleyBee1","Going to learn the hoedown throwdown today."
1694365220,"love","jessica_meow","@REOWsarah lol awesome i have randoms following me"
1694365315,"worry","rifie","@fajarjasmin i'm a huge fan of Take That since i was a baby.. Yeah, 6 months really feels like 5 months."
1694365323,"neutral","dragdoll","@FaithfulChosen I'm fine thx. Had 3 days off and took advantage of them -> tired.  Waiting too see pics and read your blog."
1694365354,"neutral","FastMacsTweet","Is about to go in the garden, weeding, mulching, cutting down and anything else that I find to do"
1694365369,"hate","leafiness","@vrikis Better than work, work, 10 minutes for lunch, work, work, work? Actually it might be. I don't work very hard"
1694365429,"love","the_cia","my it teacher made the lamest joke today about darth vaders birthday cuz it was may 4th. lol i love it. Happy STAR WARS Day everyone!  !!!"
1694365498,"neutral","Babsssss","@grcrssl 2ND BREAKFAST !? I want more food =/ LOL. Tweet me what breakfast you're having  LOOOOOOLDING'"
1694365606,"love","amyevans05","climbed snowdon"
1694365634,"happiness","Necromantis","had a great shot yesterday, editing pics now"
1694365651,"happiness","Scyranth","@JennaMadison hehehehehe.....it play time now cutie!  lol lol"
1694365697,"neutral","cdhinton","@John1954Moi Brilliant  Thanks! Not sure what brownie points will get you though!"
1694365828,"happiness","jaie","@Crimsonmuse i just saw this! im freakin' starving right now! i'm thinking peanut butter fudge ice cream...& now steak, of course!"
1694365842,"worry","laurenjayne6","Reading Breaking Dawn"
1694365879,"neutral","wiseleo","@grentone Likewise. However, what was the comment about originally?"
1694365887,"neutral","micsabesamis","rock week @IdolNews i don't think danny's gonna go home this week  he's never been in the bottom three.. and he's a really good singer"
1694365905,"neutral","thibet","@e_diva as always  coffee? cookies?"
1694365970,"neutral","Chyyyx","just got up, couldn't sleep anymore i guess and im not really gonna go back to bed, im not really sleepy"
1694366003,"happiness","Leamay77","well that rowing machine has paid off this week as i've lost 3lbs this week"
1694366004,"fun","chaserandkevin","@RubixSquare Think of getting a job this way - only another 50 years now until you can retire  or the otherway (my way) 50 years of fun!!!"
1694366044,"happiness","gracesegundo","@betscrr finally a pic! cya in like 16 hrs haha"
1694366049,"neutral","cavorting","@LucyKD hey Momma Cherri's site is still active: http://www.mommacherri.co.uk/ I'd love to go too one day"
1694366098,"worry","clarissa61190","@ohmanitsjessa I KNOW! I KNOW!...stop clapping"
1694366131,"neutral","DocRobArn","LOL watching Big Bang Theory latest episode"
1694366135,"relief","SedzOz","@butterflykate Oh ok..we're supposed to be going to see Star Trek on Sun for Daves b/day...at least it's not Shatner"
1694366178,"worry","itamarw","@BlondMobile not sure if i need to hear what VC's think.  There's been problems in their business models..  Will the momo thing be good?"
1694366203,"sadness","HishSingalaxana","its the little things that I'll always cherish about you...."
1694366301,"love","spidersav","@maddiMADCORE lololol i love kenan and kel its rocks soo hard and im watching it now..right now."
1694366323,"relief","mandsywoo","@nannynick Ok then have a good day"
1694366445,"love","HUIYUNN","@JackieRunAway Hahahahahahahaha hope so.. I hope you'll like it"
1694366455,"happiness","onlydanno","@TessMorris i'm not worried -it's a great job!! Quite a nice way to spend the day"
1694366481,"neutral","huddlesuz","@JofArnold  Going to try it now and report on the results"
1694366494,"happiness","Lieneuh","@rainstopper have a lok at EF too! they are jummy"
1694366518,"enthusiasm","inkaholic","hold on to what you've got"
1694366527,"surprise","EUHunter","Apparently its Star Wars Day today - so May the 4th be with you  http://tinyurl.com/axsujx"
1694366570,"love","sandana09","@just_kap But I think it's cute.  Do this every night okay?"
1694366589,"fun","stephenhaunts","I think today I shall listen to some Gary Numan before starting some remixes"
1694366592,"surprise","EmilyNatanya","Boss just texted me, I HAVE THE DAY OFF! YES< YES AND YES AGAIN!"
1694366599,"surprise","NatsuMeiyo","@Velf79 I hope so ^^ Eclipse is up and running again btw!  http://tinyurl.com/d792yd"
1694366728,"happiness","TarnishedEmblem","We just hit 10000 views on myspace! Thanks everyone!"
1694366735,"happiness","adaimi","@khanserai Thank you  and hope you are having a great day"
1694366745,"neutral","ianbird","@siphotwit don't get impatient! for what? you have already sinned: strawberries with milk and sugar"
1694366825,"worry","JoSwide","Listening to Distorting a Code by Spinnerette and just cant wait to get my hands on their full length"
1694366833,"neutral","KoreanFashion","Getting more information on New Korean Fashion Wear"
1694366865,"neutral","Bubzles","@kyleandjackieo i just downloaded Bonnie and Clyde by Beyonce and Jay-Z...an old fav"
1694366897,"hate","dan_ashcroft","IDIOTat)MilanQ Heyy. Th*nks For The Follow.  Have A Good Night. (Frank_Whyte) #IDIOT"
1694366938,"worry","whiteywitters","@taylorgodwin it is, and its shiny and if i could marry it i would.   ps. im good, you?"
1694367011,"neutral","kenishia_uniQ","back from the trip"
1694367046,"worry","KrinaR","@JLSOfficial ... but i could barely speak! He was probably thinking 'who is the weirdo?' LOOOOL. Say sorry to him for me please?  x <3"
1694367053,"relief","huijuntan","thanks to @ranukka and i'm now on twitter!"
1694367075,"neutral","visual_evasion","@thecatat7 hello there  ?"
1694367116,"fun","rgesthuizen","@helenotway yes, it will finish at 7:30 tonight. Still the food has been great as has been the discussion"
1694367135,"worry","vene2ia","@grentone No trips planned yet but I'll let you know if there is"
1694367164,"happiness","Apziie_xo","@Punisher5643 You Got Twitter Yayy  xxx"
1694367237,"worry","8101harris","@SmilinNursAnnie now that's an imtetsting visual."
1694367261,"happiness","martincarstens","@FabMissK we need to be quicker if we're to keep our nerd streetcred! haha"
1694367297,"happiness","kadambariyer","@sammythewizzy Oki! Great. All the best!"
1694367316,"happiness","kesoo","is happy that tiff can't drop BIO so she can suffer with me  nyayhahahah!"
1694367368,"neutral","richardBarley","@darrenporter hehe...nice try"
1694367436,"love","amypalko","@BenPlouviez Lol - we're like polar opposites, Ben! Maybe that's why we get on so well"
1694367494,"neutral","sekharsaha","Finished my Lunch"
1694367582,"love","ypetya","LOOPJAZZ  yess!!! ez most bej�n"
1694367594,"love","chang_ROR","@chiron_uts bass love"
1694367599,"neutral","akr93","Haha Ashley tisdale is on again"
1694367612,"neutral","leeborn","Got back from a week of jamming in the French city of Meyrueis. Feel hella replenished"
1694367644,"happiness","johnr0924","@taylorswift13 oh great!  hope you'll have a blast there! ;)"
1694367670,"happiness","VampAly","@amandapalmer He loved it, so Happy Birthday!!!   He said you sounded like a mixture of John Lennon, Chrissie Hynde, and Janis Joplin."
1694367747,"relief","jaysan81286","end of work... Thank God! I accomplished a number of things...  http://plurk.com/p/rpaag"
1694381571,"neutral","not_mikecoleman","@ohthecake say hi to dan and katherine and zachy"
1694381574,"love","LisaNBC","@tonystark206 I created a monster! bwahaha! oh, and I got your baby home safe and sound."
1694381644,"surprise","jazzsimon","whatever will be, will be"
1694381668,"worry","theospencer","doesnt have a hangover  and is getting ready for a good ol' english fry up"
1694381742,"sadness","sekharsaha","@saikatblogger Its WoW! effect  Thanks for the update."
1694381799,"anger","nibby01","@paulmoxham everything is your fault moxy...everything.   x"
1694381889,"worry","BoltClock","@Nikkiko Congrats on your new phone!"
1694381990,"happiness","elinsinders","@taylorswift13 Hey Tay!! Plz can u write hey elin to me? Im sick and if u do it I feel better!"
1694382000,"enthusiasm","angsuman","@sajal I meant you are not lazy, your work proves it"
1694382011,"worry","KingNick1100","@luluberry_0981 LOL I was going to do some homework, but kind of got distracted... Again...  Goodnight!"
1694382017,"happiness","johnhood","@Sazchik I'm in Devon this weekend! Cloudy, but dry."
1694382080,"worry","melmalivoire","Haha. It's pretty good  they're making something with chicken  yum!"
1694382105,"love","nichelady","@OysteinLund either way, you always tend to make my #followfriday list, sweetie - you do rock that much"
1694382128,"worry","kimmy_who","@ Nickchien @chaubella_ i am happy to break my twitter virginity with you two."
1694382186,"neutral","bongvideos","waiting for the last video to be rendered. while watching episode 11"
1694382215,"worry","Gloson","Yay! I just fixed my blog's CSS problem that messed up the design"
1694382221,"surprise","Yindaa","@taylorswift13 :] Today is a bank holiday so not many places will be open until tomorrow.         Welcome back!"
1694382242,"neutral","FOREVER_PEP","'s current goal is to lose 10 pounds by next tuesday! 120 here i come   soooo ready for Gatlinburg!"
1694382285,"happiness","JohnnyFiction","@septemberblues Thanks hun, it was great"
1694382308,"sadness","whoa_liiva","@tomatosponge hey, no we were second, kind sad, but it's ok   guitar, guitar, guitar  BBQ and good time  what about you>?"
1694382330,"fun","snecko","@sparklingshoes yeah it's my friends 18th today as well ^^ it's always like a running joke we have"
1694382368,"happiness","Heaatherrr","@Sadie_marie better than Hudgens.  OMG our song came on on shuffle. What Would You Do - City High."
1694382411,"love","NathanMillson","@Leesa_W wow-thanks soo much. Hope your well"
1694382444,"surprise","MrsMW","@ArieleMoonfire  does it mean you will b going 2 bed earlier on Mondays?"
1694382449,"neutral","iniebong","is anxiously awaiting Rockets-Lakers game ... Yes, I finally got Tix for Games 3 & 4 .... Yeahhhhh"
1694382457,"anger","greenappleseeds","finally getting sleepy right when the sky brightens ... figures! G'nimorning"
1694382515,"worry","davenyss","never thought my daughter would want to borrow my clothes... even less that she would suggest that i borrow hers... luckily it didnt fit"
1694382538,"fun","kenny277","Official whine-tweet for today. Nothing specified"
1694382589,"worry","lexikitty","i'm actually starting to quite like lily allen and her music, to be honest."
1694382598,"neutral","Tag7Fotografie","Found out that one great thing about living in Switzerland is the delicious bread - sometimes little things can make a difference"
1694382624,"happiness","Shay_Songwriter","Hey, Good Morning guys!!"
1694382655,"neutral","fallenrosemedia","looking for models for beauty shoot THIS THURSDAY in the Valley studio  contact me if interested!"
1694382669,"neutral","katiemiddleton","a trending topic: HAPPY STAR WARS DAY"
1694382676,"surprise","tdes","@chishiki Welcome back to Japan"
1694382682,"neutral","runwithvampires","@taylorswift13 Yay! What are your plans for today? I'm seeing you Wednesday and Thursday"
1694382711,"relief","Broooooke_","@Emmmaa___ haha im gonna follow my dreams now  well...ur dream haha im still reading over it for the 90th time  :p"
1694382774,"love","TaraBabcock","@uc_achillies  Thanks! And yay for being in my guild!"
1694382784,"worry","iantey","loves the way the sky looks now i.e. no cloud at all.  but that would only mean that it's ultra hot outside.... http://plurk.com/p/rpb7t"
1694382872,"neutral","kopfkaefer","Har Har, #swineflu is everywhere: http://twitpic.com/4jb4o  (via @kaihellyeah)"
1694382904,"neutral","JofArnold","Hmph. This is nowhere near as effective as it was a few mins ago. I wonder if it was a coincidence. FOLLOWERS: please report ur findings"
1694382910,"sadness","hrnykatie","borred what everyone doingn check out links on my profile"
1694382998,"love","jaybranch","@JennaMadison That's ok then....  I accept the slave role...  Your wish is my command...  hahaha"
1694383010,"happiness","axident","enjoying my new car"
1694383092,"neutral","Ingo","the weather in Prague is like the weather in Belgium -> rainy"
1694383147,"neutral","phuturatica","@13twelve Hai there, who are you?"
1694383158,"worry","AlexNFFC","Great day yesterday. Good win for Forest, some celebratory 'staying up' drinks, a trip to an unsuccesful bbq and �1.50 Stellas in Scream"
1694383266,"sadness","chazharris","it's Blockbuster week in New Zealand - "Wolverine" tomorrow followed by "Star Trek" on Thursday!"
1694383272,"relief","tasshh","@Galiiit lol thanx, me too!"
1694383297,"neutral","aniseedandbella","just bought 6 new movies"
1694383341,"neutral","torriRAWR","Back from umpireing trainging, making dinner"
1694383430,"happiness","fiercemichi","@lopezwilfred Yeah, of course!"
1694383453,"relief","gvarelaknight","On way back home after a crazy night on the coast"
1694383456,"love","trigger_101","@yaseminx3 hahahahaha, I have a day off"
1694383464,"happiness","TheSUPERGIRL","@stayingyoung I usually do if there is choice, but I am lucky in that most foods I love are generally very healthy (except ice cream!!)."
1694383615,"neutral","HJolliffe","im going to cardiff today. shopping"
1694383676,"love","FarhanKhalaf","Done with HW...gonna read a bit then pass out. Got a cool week to look forward too in between all the mayhem"
1694383719,"enthusiasm","jessward123","@jakeashley cant wait till ur may 22 show!!  u better stop by and hang out in newcastle  xx"
1694383745,"happiness","martoba","can't wait to be at home again.. let the sun shine and warm my frozen bones, please!"
1694383860,"neutral","Brenna_Bee","on my tea break  cant wait to drive home tonite!!"
1694383913,"neutral","paperpariah","wolverine was a bit short. waiting for cat to get dressed then off to York for the day"
1694383997,"love","BuzzEdition","@utterhip Good morning to you, however it's night time for me, so I am off to bed *hugs* Have a great day"
1694384098,"happiness","Rkeps","@work again thanks to my dear neighboor who also gave me coffee when I needed it. She is the best"
1694384179,"neutral","aniszlee","i'm out..."
1694384198,"worry","april_q8","@AnsamsKitchen  walah me 2 still i am not getting the full idea"
1694384209,"happiness","cazbar82","@henrys_creek No worries - thank google! There's nothing you can't find on there!"
1694384237,"neutral","ipsy","@Captainwalker I've never seen any of the X Men films but they are supposed to be good so I thought, why not?"
1694384272,"neutral","dadutchess1","@richardbishop http://twitpic.com/4jbba - ohhh someone likes to play with their food.... heehee"
1694384400,"happiness","kimmy_who","@nickchien @chaubella_ i am glad to break my twitter virginity with you two."
1694384511,"love","NikkiSeiler","Totally enjoying my day off  woohoo for Mondays."
1694384545,"surprise","EmilyWalker","@taylorswift13    eeek!! Your coming!!!! Im soo excited to see you on Thursday!!"
1694384687,"worry","jaybranch","@EricaNurney Nah... to be honest, I'm not a 'drinker' as such....  would rather have a protein shake and go for a run LOL"
1694384688,"fun","timisiytangco","@beijingboyce  I am seriously contemplating timing my next trip home to catch his next fight. They show it in cinemas. Live! With beer!"
1694384691,"sadness","smartin58","@Snowgirl1972 have to avoid the burning desire to say I already have one  no, no room for piglets, just enough room for chucks"
1694384720,"neutral","M0rethanAmazing","Bring it on till I fall asleep"
1694384753,"happiness","AdamSatayer","i reckon i could live of yogurt for a week if i had a good selection of flavors"
1694384757,"fun","cjxtin","im home!  videoke at Funtime.. yey! got loads of tickets! nyahahaha!"
1694384770,"neutral","prateekgupta","@radha_ Oh please mark all toe tweets with #toe. @fossiloflife is trying to make trening topic out of #toe"
1694384826,"neutral","lucymuff","leaving work in 25 minutes to go to Broompark then to see the new flats then for lunch with Mandy and my dad."
1694384861,"neutral","jrgalang","says alright, alright... I'm going already. Sheesh, well better be off early than late.  http://plurk.com/p/rpbd5"
1694384908,"surprise","sarah170394","is very excited! jonas tickets are on sale 2morrow"
1694384909,"neutral","hortovanyi","@ASIO looks like @renailemay is hiding money in an offshore bank account on behalf of last.fm   http://bit.ly/CeT0s"
1694384934,"fun","BlondMobile","@itamarw #momoTLV is always good  IVA will have a special price for  #momoTLV guests.."
1694384979,"love","ElloMoqui","Gdnight Tweeters (: Night @athenakg sleep tight and don't steal my blankets  Otay! I love YOUS"
1694385081,"neutral","Fannyfanackapan","@MitchBenn OR... Something to do with all the Red Bull?  Hmmm. You think maybe?"
1694385086,"neutral","mikaganany","@ronchick always"
1694385101,"surprise","stevenschlom","Goodmorning World"
1694385149,"neutral","pauld_o","is chilling at home"
1694385165,"love","DinkyBooper","A lovely weekend away at Kits Coty, now relaxed and well rested and ready for the week ahead.  Back on NNC in two weeks"
1694385220,"happiness","shangs112","@ItsKanye tnx following, looking forward to tweet with you.."
1694385227,"surprise","rolfwamfjell","@Tim_Whincop too complex and too much to consider on a day like today. Monday off. My brain is back tomorrow"
1694385463,"happiness","tishatweet","@CardineB teehee. it was a good show anyway"
1694385471,"neutral","scailay","Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB SATA 300 NCQ 32MB on the way..."
1694385479,"happiness","ifuseekamyjason","I'm still up! Thank you all for praying (: AHAHAHA! I'm watching Britney: For the Record until school. Today should be a good day"
1694385550,"worry","lizzy1e","@imogenheap AM's good for us GMT-ish people, I think.  Looking forward to it and hope you're batteries & laptop will be recharged soon."
1694385670,"happiness","stephbeath","@danslevin You're welcome and thanks for inviting us to talk. #48hoursnz is like becoming a parent. No one can really prepare you for it"
1694399445,"worry","PrincesseClo","I'm a new french girl in Twitter! And I speak English very bad"
1694399507,"neutral","manic_nimrod","@Remy_Foster Just so i can see how they look with the other icons. Both themes btw."
1694399660,"happiness","GirlyBoy","@tomfelton http://twitpic.com/4jam0 - Oh it's so beautiful! I'm happy you had a great time! Heartz"
1694399701,"neutral","nibby01","@alicam congratulations"
1694399712,"love","AliciaRubyDavis","@taylorswift13 heyahh i thought u wern't cumin to london till the 5th ? i love you taylorr ..xx"
1694399733,"neutral","pansapiens","@neilfws maybe you need to start a "wholey created by evolution" or "wholely composed of matter" flickr group"
1694399755,"surprise","WkdSelina","@Oreosandcheese yvw hun  ... I agree boy touts!! Freakin hate them with a vengeance! Good luck in sellin,sure someone will def snap up!!"
1694399761,"surprise","KathrynAnderson","@taylorswift13 you're in London?! Wow! I'm near there"
1694399792,"enthusiasm","livbambola","listening to faith spirituality and the internet"
1694399802,"neutral","whitelight007","@freakgoddess hypnotyst .... hmmmm... i should beware.."
1694399873,"surprise","tay22lor","@andrew_2229 both, at the same time"
1694399902,"fun","lankysanchez","Ha! Just noticed it's Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you, always"
1694399915,"love","happymalesingle","Welcome @pbcat #Follow #Freude"
1694399934,"relief","xoCAZZA","@ChloeCazRhi  glad your feeling abit better!  I think mine might be nearly gone now xD"
1694399939,"neutral","Leezamaria","trying to learn for my oral exam, but I'm too distracted"
1694400022,"worry","_xbianca","my myspace profile is OLLLD NEWSZ i need to editeditedittt"
1694400081,"surprise","jollyjinx","Just listened to condre scr and got an invitation to watch their live concert on June 20th in Munich http://bit.ly/DAXA0  #postrock"
1694400083,"worry","derek_bell","@tyhowells Not swine flu I hope! Take care of your health mate  Tell me about your business derek_bell@mac.com"
1694400094,"neutral","kdelarue","(We got *both* kinds of music here...)"
1694400179,"happiness","murphygoodetv","Doing some test shooting later this afternoon.  Did I mention being in Holland for an indie wine festival this week? My tongue is red."
1694400213,"neutral","karlaarandela","im with andrew  it was a long, but fun day"
1694400222,"love","mabster","@dfg77 Welcome to two months ago! Banjo Tooie is about to be released!"
1694400230,"happiness","unwritten_99","@RubyRose1 you must love sydney more  dont leave us sydney kids  xx"
1694400276,"neutral","rachelchiamaka","@xabierr im sure jont wont mind sharing"
1694400313,"sadness","lmacca7","is sick!!!! and just chilling tonight watching Desperate Housewives"
1694400338,"fun","adsxoxo","@Midad This weekend? Haha yeah I'm free  Oh is Satish sharing with us too? Oh and which day? Friday or sat?"
1694400371,"neutral","privatestudmuff","@goddessprogress thanks for the follow"
1694400414,"fun","KezzyLogic","Hope you all have a great Bank Holiday Monday!"
1694400466,"love","Katusic","Is everyone for coffie?"
1694400541,"happiness","amourchaleur","http://dayna.dreamwidth.org for the daily random-ness"
1694400563,"worry","laurawrsaurus","@player112345 Good Morrow! How are you this fair morn?"
1694400592,"happiness","mosaik","@lifeincyan Aren't randoms what it's about?!!!  I LOVE that it's Star Wars day - I didn't realise and I can't believe it's almost over!"
1694400606,"neutral","No1PanicFan","@lalaland_city Hey, u like FOB 2! Follow me, luv 2 talk more, looking 4 frineds + followers!  ~Ellen~"
1694400672,"happiness","xxrockongirlxx","Sitting outside with my laptop  Its kinda nice"
1694400683,"empty","dadutchess1","@claudiatan http://twitpic.com/4jber - aww .... then we wonder why they hate us later..... lol!!"
1694400733,"love","niclaruesmith","@Fran_v  haha i was in your boat yesterday.. you'll pick it up in no time"
1694400802,"love","honeyj143","my love makes me sooo happy"
1694400822,"happiness","shihadchick","@framianne and aww and HEEE. nicely done, your weekend guest! *approves a lot*"
1694400835,"neutral","codygman","@harrisfellman Well what im working on isn't QUITE ready to post about publicly (still beta testing) but its a cool new script I coded"
1694400885,"sadness","SiBonita","@SoMuchMo aww, i miss u already! and this DEF sums up the wknd lol"
1694400899,"neutral","Surryboi71","is snuggled in bed reading"
1694401066,"worry","daustralala","@nanashambles I don't have any"
1694401111,"neutral","carinacani","@miarav Wanna come with?  Before we go to Myka's party."
1694401138,"happiness","addictedtonkotb","@Irish1974 Its Bank Holiday here so day off"
1694401149,"love","Edyliew","Arrr. Exam is on next week.. Im dead.. bwahahaha..  I love you btw!!"
1694401257,"happiness","riaquempuder","Ouvindo "The Wonders - All my only dreams", a melhor banda do mundo que nunca existiu. Pra come�ar bem o dia."
1694401275,"neutral","preppydude","@twinklette Hope you  feel better soon little Magic Girl"
1694401329,"relief","dspruyt","I'm back online!"
1694401430,"neutral","iheartskulls23","@iancantdecide hey ian.. May 7 din ako..  maybe we'll see each other.. or not.. cuz diff. schools tayo.. hahaha la lang.. :p"
1694401491,"empty","danielvoicu","@threebears That's why i'll be sticking to twitter clients."
1694401492,"surprise","trampled","@_elj Appreciated,uni email is helpful.."
1694401527,"relief","lila_hi","@pinkmango77 vll iwas mit k�se"
1694401634,"worry","jonmaverick","is watching wolverine at last."
1694401655,"neutral","icanhasmotivate","is still trying to udnerstand twitter"
1694401661,"happiness","leechbabe","@MistressB Am happy to provide backup support for all murderous rampages"
1694401730,"neutral","pattidigh","I'm medal drivin'  home in 3 hours!"
1694401750,"worry","wahliaodotcom","@inrsoul yup. That's the thing. I think 3 is kinda acceptable and reasonable for proper lighting and fill in.  U can run away with 2 tho"
1694401756,"worry","mnstrsnmnchkns","@UKLisaW btw, i am actually just trying to get my own lazy bottom in gear.  Me lots to do to and still not dressed !"
1694401853,"happiness","cesya","Aww. I'm glad that I'm up at this obscenely late/early hour. Because I just found out that Forest Kline is engaged."
1694402001,"surprise","danielhj88","is now following Chester Bennington, awesome!"
1694402008,"relief","omgcolleen","done with facebook. off to jamlegend"
1694402029,"happiness","welshmermaid","@jords_ good morning - you're up early! Feeling enthused to design your life?  thanks to manics for that phrase"
1694402032,"happiness","lildorkette","@taylorswift13 OMG! Taylors in London! Your near Scotland, please come visit Glasgow"
1694402092,"neutral","matthadden","At work full of weekend vengaboys zane lowe wolf from gladiators porn memories"
1694402122,"happiness","meme6","@vickytcobra wooo what a fight !!! goooo Vicky , i am with you"
1694402139,"surprise","eliescha","@SarahAMurdoch everyone loves u sarah not just the tweeters! the today show couldnt stop raving about your beautifulness..."
1694402181,"happiness","nessa_dynamite","attics to eden out today !"
1694402191,"worry","TruckerDesiree","I must have just missed @Slackadjusterr @Markinark & I guess I scared @ARealRedneck & @SilverSurfer_TX off...  Sorry"
1694402194,"neutral","GELKA","Negghead mix on the air!   http://tinyurl.com/ckdwao"
1694402218,"happiness","airjump","good day"
1694402247,"hate","DreadedKillaa","hate public Internet... sometimes they don't even reach farther than the transmitter itself... and I'm sitting right next to it  #WIN"
1694402256,"worry","radha_","@fossiloflife Leave multitasking to us women  @prateekgupta"
1694402381,"love","ndorphn","mmm... hot chocolate, ugboots and topgear... life is good."
1694402638,"neutral","wstcstsmkr","city in a bittt."
1694402653,"happiness","MOVINOVA","i'm awake while others sleep"
1694402666,"neutral","mam1cutie","Good morning everyone! It's back to work for me - so won't be able to chat until tonight - I hope everyone has a great day!"
1694402702,"worry","LittleSteph_","shut up."
1694402723,"happiness","plasmaegg","@purrsikat yeah thought it was awesome - glad to see some characters like Gambit brought back into the fold"
1694402729,"love","kerri_louise","@tommcfly Aww tom, that made me smile  We love you very much too xD"
1694402752,"fun","whitelight007","hey thanks for the follow @freakgoddess .."
1694402903,"fun","missBrieee","@ghostallday lol I like raawrrrr. Cuz I'm a vicious tiger. Rawwwwrrrr, grrrrr.  lol"
1694402904,"worry","NicolaWray","@Parascience house probably resembling your kind of heaven no?  maybe Ciaran's angels have moved in with you, hence inability to locate!"
1694403024,"relief","tonitones","should have started working on this lecture MUCH earlier  using tag clouds from google news to explain basics of content analysis..."
1694403068,"worry","RGE09","@Sixxjohn well then close your pretty eyes and count boring sheep  you'll be sleeping in no time"
1694403094,"neutral","andreigusan","Microsoft Announced Windows 7 Release Candidate. Download available tomorrow"
1694403147,"sadness","tpr2","@BigHugClub that gets around the problem I had of doing it all myself  good idea."
1694403229,"fun","blackbirdcorner","@LeelooDogBlog it means that you are now FAMOUS. Congrats!"
1694403252,"relief","ilanbr","@louis_educator Thanks. Photos look great - I'll comment them asap"
1694403395,"love","andyclemmensen","@andyclemmensen aww thanx andy"
1694403410,"happiness","yavie","Waking Up In Vegas is goooooooooooooooooooooooood"
1694403476,"love","jennimarkham","Thanks to all my new followers!"
1694403479,"surprise","_Jodii","@taylorswift13 your in london?   are you doing any shows here?"
1694403531,"love","hmage","@ShinigamiGirl I love colorful horsies!"
1694403541,"neutral","augusteo","@zeeble u dont even need to go to the options, the button is right there (on top right corner)"
1694403593,"worry","PaulHarriott","Ok back later, have a great time regardless of the weather  PS I'm only a BB away!"
1694403646,"empty","hopeinhell","@middleclassgirl excellent, that's always a win..  i'm just dealing with a small clique of passive-aggressive, resistant managers.."
1694418661,"worry","n0tin","Getting back my English minor exam soon. dum dum dum duuuum. Me and Margrete had a burping comp. haha. I WON"
1694418707,"relief","msnarain","Thank God @aravindkumar is a sport and doesnt take offence in my jokes  Unlike the three good friends who have stopped talking to me!"
1694418730,"happiness","lopezwilfred","@zsafwan You are very much welcome"
1694418756,"relief","maryeltakchi","I'm going to open up PROVERBS and get as much wisdom as possible-I'm hungry!"
1694418836,"relief","dominiktrax","checking iDestroy sales.... sales are good"
1694418938,"fun","NinoMartin","cooking with my dad  having lots of fun in the kitchen together"
1694418939,"worry","allybis","@sawwaa I wish I could work like you, dude..."
1694419055,"fun","divxdownloads","Download movie  "Jackass 3" http://tinyurl.com/caotku cool #movie"
1694419178,"relief","realisticbliss","just finished the exam. I did ok, I guess."
1694419197,"happiness","besz","@Buchautor Hi Michael!  Wow, thanks for the kind words! Now I must find love connections for you just for your bg alone!"
1694419239,"happiness","xdaanielle","haha wow there's a song called 'hit me on twitter' lmao. okay g'night"
1694419314,"love","emilyrose0xx","loves twitter (Y) 38th post. mwaha  x"
1694419324,"neutral","logansmum08","thinks malibu is the drink for me lets all hit the bottle  woop woop xx"
1694419412,"worry","Twingeling","@karinber Yes babe, you're so welcome!"
1694419609,"sadness","jacajotwits","@vian1309 yeah real hard, but I know you'll get by with it... smile"
1694419700,"fun","skyebokany","When will you be saying " hello there NEW ZEALAND "  haha @taylorswift13"
1694419708,"happiness","carmenego","@drchino Yay! I too had some joy in that department"
1694419763,"neutral","seosarao","@nicchick I have seen that you are following SEO & Marbella We are making a SEO Event here in Marbella  Do you speak spanish?"
1694419788,"love","darenBBC","Good Morning BTW - A public holiday in UK, love it  and dinner tonoght with 2 special people."
1694419814,"neutral","youaremymiracle","Talking to Sarah and Lisa!"
1694419835,"love","StonyTunes","RB @Nymph vi@asterion...t.y both  ? http://blip.fm/~5jfu9"
1694419899,"love","mitchcooper","@kristarella If you're flying to NZ www.hot.co.nz is a great way to get results in aggregate."
1694419908,"happiness","TigerKat86","I be having a drink with Marc while Izzy is sleepin  woot woot!"
1694419924,"love","hueandcry","Greg:Showing my friends AudioBoo http://audioboo.fm/ Everyone seems 2 love it. Ta for the headzup bro. So need 2 get iPhone. Roll on June"
1694419932,"happiness","KellyShibari","Rockstar photographer shoot went great tonight. A little different than the usual stuff - very nice."
1694419992,"happiness","Hannaahhx3","@kusuma06 aaa new follower! hiii"
1694420027,"neutral","mendozacarl","@bayanijovan everything is near here in SG! but you have a point--sana hindi sa Jurong East ang office ni @madsdeguzman"
1694420037,"worry","ModelMandyLynn","@JeffShemano of course LOL about to eat more"
1694420097,"fun","stephanietokona","@ejoleski but i do emily ahahha you scare me, so it would work"
1694420112,"neutral","kalinga","@chathuraw get that fixed, after few years it can worth some thing"
1694420158,"neutral","OnlyPhalange","finally a free monday"
1694420171,"surprise","cintabunga","wondering what on earth is this new tools for"
1694420231,"love","mikethebee","@Hedgewytch We're English (well in parts), it's Weather, it IS an obsession"
1694420247,"worry","Thea_Smith","@krissysalisbury Oh, don't spoil my fun, lol"
1694420281,"happiness","nathannxD","@jaezors my b day is on may 13 but my party is on this sat  come you gays"
1694420393,"love","Tittch","@iantalbot  ah you say the nicest things"
1694420418,"worry","annemarike","@willadam Granted, it won't do that, either"
1694420461,"neutral","fetchmp3","Get: "Fightstar - Mercury Summer" here: http://tinyurl.com/dbm4n6 from: http://tinyurl.com/cnkhev  #musicmonday #freemusic"
1694420531,"happiness","Jes_Clearwater","ready to go to Milan  see ya'll this evening.."
1694420534,"relief","indie_eire","Slept like a log last night, now I'm full of energy"
1694420567,"empty","StevenMcD","@cathjenkin when I see all the moms' on twitter and their tweets, I know its gonna be worth ir"
1694420633,"happiness","raniidawnn","done watching Slumdog Millionaire.  Great Movie!"
1694420643,"fun","ComedyQueen","@keza34 lol fine by me  long as its not the scary dude its all good"
1694420653,"empty","keza34","@spook68 morning.any plans for today?"
1694420684,"happiness","AreonLee","Oooh! Apple are in the trending topics again! xD Yay apple!"
1694420689,"neutral","uvbkishore","First time to Twitter.."
1694420724,"worry","kerenani","looking for my self... be right back."
1694420768,"worry","siobhanmcmullan","@Jen_christie keep the faith it'll be over soon"
1694420809,"happiness","drsalka","@datadirt hahah  okay then thanks for this short explanation ;)"
1694420877,"neutral","afiaa_afaya","On the way to home"
1694420919,"neutral","alyne_","@littletiara haha dont we ever do that before  many times"
1694421024,"empty","RobertGreer","@godskiwi lol  I'm sure it would be the most kick azz version we've ever heard!"
1694421033,"fun","selenailic","@DavidGuetta_EN  we're waiting you here in Belgrade!! Can't wait!!"
1694421048,"neutral","Glebe2037","@justads Aren't you suppossed to support the local economy ... LOL ... good for you and congrats"
1694421056,"neutral","dtega07","@jojoUK55 Have a good day"
1694421061,"happiness","andremartin","A very exciting week"
1694421066,"happiness","TamyT_xx","@LittleFletcher happy #juddday, carrie"
1694421199,"empty","JamieRHill","@DR_ILL I <3 my blackberry"
1694421254,"happiness","sammyrichards","@Karen230683 good good!!"
1694421302,"neutral","em2508","@PrincessSammeh very talented Sam"
1694421328,"happiness","StevenMcD","@baldy_za thanks man. I can't wait"
1694421363,"happiness","dickie_doodle","@HellenBach good stuff, cant wait for the results"
1694421398,"neutral","KellyShibari","Tomorrow afternoon (well, later today actually) is a shoot with Seattle Sinner Newspaper and Femme Fatale Seattle photographers"
1694421426,"sadness","emzyjonas","@QueenieCyrus morning miss sarah cyrus ;) WHAT'S UP?  x"
1694421435,"worry","Ry34","Going to see star trek"
1694421477,"empty","alisonhickey","1:30am goin to sleeeeep"
1694421505,"happiness","shuuro","@jocalling hope our wishes come true someday."
1694421717,"love","CristyBurne","@lindaloola Wahey! Fancy meeting you here  Thanks for the tweet and great to be twittered together"
1694421784,"love","RoseStack","@andyclemmensen heyyy you ALWAYS look nice  wanna come to my friend's party? its june 8th long weekend in sydney"
1694421800,"worry","pippinator","@A_warwounds_C I feel ya pain, I've got myself a nasty cold too. Get better soon"
1694421826,"relief","underdog1979","@woodsciman ahh but sometimes that's the best kind of day, lazing around doing very little with a cuppa"
1694421850,"neutral","igberry","@jaybranch i follow him now"
1694421993,"happiness","Groumphy","regarde les tant attendues photographies"
1694421999,"neutral","_Abbi","I'm not impressed that it almost always rains on Bank Holidays !! Stil... It's a free day - no college"
1694422043,"neutral","SarahBumble","@tiaratara123 yeah, not meant to be"
1694422045,"worry","ChrisandCal","More big hair rock for bank holiday Monday always seems fitting IMO  ? http://blip.fm/~5jfuu"
1694422053,"worry","withinwithout","@robertrich the no tweeting guilt trip didn't stop you huh?  I felt so bad!"
1694422080,"empty","aarthycrazy","@dexterouslady the next best thing other than being bored is being bored and being able to share it with people on twitter...."
1694422081,"neutral","MadMeggie","Man with a kickin' top hat just left. Invited me to blues jams session put on by street musicians. HarpmanHatter."
1694422086,"worry","hollyalyxfinch","Lots of money  some DVDs and this cute thing!!! http://twitpic.com/4jble"
1694422150,"worry","conroyp","@lexia first ripping off the bbc design, now bebo? For shame.."
1694422212,"neutral","BastetAsshur","@StephanieMxx Just got back & saw yr tweet. It's 7.30pm  monday here - mayday public holiday"
1694422247,"neutral","Cletae","@PC_Tech I just woke up a little while ago i did sleep a couple of hours lol i'm wide awake now"
1694422273,"worry","joannefisher","I'm hurtling headlong into a day of spanish and art. but my view is: after tomorrow it's just REVISION and extra frees"
1694422277,"happiness","melabarrie","@sexy_pickle lol, thank you very much Hope you're having a great day!"
1694422308,"happiness","Bellocdk","yay, just got my stuff from rygegrej.dk  Perfect tastes like banana and apple"
1694422312,"worry","radha_","@hnprashanth I can understand!"
1694422315,"happiness","stringy","@Princess_DJ Xmas a week early? Hehe, at least you didn't have to do any last min shopping"
1694422337,"worry","rholland34","@ankeshk @ankeshk I don't think I like this Roy Williams who dissects frogs while still alive >  You look like Chachi from Happy Days"
1694422374,"relief","winniedepoohi","Afternoon from office  My cubicle has been moved but not the system yippie! Mine is one of te few surviving "good" system.."
1694422401,"worry","Avanillasky","Is off to London"
1694422465,"happiness","TamyT_xx","@tommcfly happy #juddday, tom"
1694422535,"happiness","alie_alien","@andyclemmensen Heyy my teddy bear says i look very pretty and that Blake is to"
1694422567,"worry","hanaames","@joeconway ahhh.. what about the others? like #hoppusday and etc? I'm such a spazz"
1694422656,"sadness","raspberrydolly","@Naiadrisa Heh, that's happened to me before too. Hope the rest of your week goes better!"
1694422678,"enthusiasm","Miamiaa","@LeaLunacy Make a videoblog!"
1694422719,"neutral","CarlyGenic","There's like no one I ACTUALLY know on this shizz! Am dum diggin' it"
1694422786,"happiness","EmApocalyptic","@TheCharmQuark Hello! Happy bank holiday"
1694436798,"happiness","JuliaRosien","@utterhip Well, just catching my little piece of it - but I'm all for sharing"
1694436811,"neutral","booblets","@laurawalkerxo eh, june 15th  are you going to the signing on the 18th, i think it is? x"
1694436823,"surprise","andreeatanasesc","back in bucharest"
1694436842,"sadness","urthboy","@bennglazier nup no cd either.. just a whole bunch of zeros and ones you can have for free"
1694436945,"worry","miss_sunshine","have been to portugal. and spain. and has a sore throat. scary?"
1694436949,"neutral","robgt2","@videogareth yet..."
1694437035,"happiness","geekachu","Happy National Star Wars day everyone!!"
1694437051,"love","jazzsimon","@msluce oh! i love that as well!! all of MCR songs are great!  and happy star wars day to yaa xD"
1694437100,"worry","loveyola","@Littlepiddle1 hey chicLit whats happening? Just trying to promote my business, it's really hard!"
1694437125,"enthusiasm","caseycarter","shout outs to @SPAC3MAN!!!! good seein you tnite. WE takin over like DJ Khaled!"
1694437290,"worry","Tittch","@Moonshayde I hope you aren't allergic to dust  Choc or syrup?"
1694437324,"happiness","mikeySTRENGTH","seriously. increasingly good nights. stoked on life! couldn't be happier  #goodnight"
1694437412,"happiness","dybb","Oh before I forgot, Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you!"
1694437508,"worry","MatchesMalone","@LeahJKelly Well, all I can do, is pray for you....."
1694437517,"love","rockmutti","@tommcfly it's the best day ever. it's my birthday"
1694437556,"fun","razsolo","Is looking forward to a yummy dinner with mizz Kate jones this evening!"
1694437570,"happiness","RMariaR","140 pages and i'm done with eclipse!"
1694437619,"fun","ffifah","Is at coffee bean, met Dean"
1694437640,"empty","bikyclist","Hehe, wondered wtf star wars day was and why it was the top trending topic. Now I get it.  May the Fourth be with you, also."
1694437673,"love","DoctorWhofansk","The apple keyboard is really cool. i want one. they used it in doctor who"
1694437697,"worry","KobieThatcher","@jeffreecuntstar decent Australian guys are hard to find...trust me, you're better off with an American one"
1694437769,"neutral","alphaxion","@byronicman my GF has an interview with them this week"
1694437784,"happiness","LosHavros","Going into town later to get myself a birthday present.  An iPod Touch will do nicely I think"
1694437786,"fun","Chaos33176","@djcamilo classics are timeless...dont believe me, check youtube, google, etc. Numbers dont lie & i actually performed it last night,"
1694437811,"happiness","alenabarros","@sarahconquilla Many many thanks!!!  (it's about school!) Weeeee!!!"
1694437832,"neutral","kg86","@dhempe @roadrippersid http://twitter.com/friends?page=20 press previous on that page."
1694437865,"relief","JustJenise","Still wide awake... fortunately I don't have to be up early."
1694437897,"surprise","RhianAllan","@noreenjuliano Glad you like it  took around 2 and a half hours, would have been less but i kept stopping for food breaks haha  i was"
1694437952,"neutral","linnetwoods","@RedAntiques Let me guess.... Antiques & Collectibles?  Anywhere else you'd like to be?"
1694437966,"neutral","elfinamsterdam","@Flatmatescomic not good enough!"
1694438002,"neutral","ewanish","Off to work again. Yo ho, Yo ho, another day at the hell hole"
1694438057,"fun","thebeanboy23","Morning y'all. Looking forward to a nice BBQ today. Can everyone follow @RebeccaMasters please?"
1694438144,"relief","NatPivac77","Chilling out....now the boys have gone  Time To Relax"
1694438163,"sadness","PRMurphy147","@dutchreaganite ROFLMAO! I feel inspired to go start a huge bonfire now"
1694438270,"love","ChelseaBabyxx","Had some lovely sugar puffs and just been playing with my amazing dog jack"
1694438295,"worry","Shanniee","@DannyjClayton star wars ............ is gay BOO??? i wanna do your jobe HAND IT OVER  u can act as me at my high school   LOL"
1694438314,"neutral","fiercemichi","@shangs112 Byebye"
1694438342,"worry","JonWitham","@jetskiworld  Haha ! Go Martin ! His fixed our Ski like a million times ..."
1694438408,"love","hollyalyxfinch","Thank you all once more for all your lovely birthday messages"
1694438417,"happiness","d1sc1ple","It's teddy chucking time"
1694438427,"neutral","gazmonster","I'm tired from walking my dog hmm maybe a quick snooze"
1694438433,"worry","cathzz","@Aligonzalez43 its ok. im juz curious"
1694438438,"neutral","itsjasminebabey","@taylorswift13 hello you!  you should totally go to the biggest shopping center in Europe and we can go shopping together   xx"
1694438474,"fun","charmbreezy","@wulffboy I'll give u an icecream ?"
1694438664,"neutral","kakau","@The_Tempter Blog de uns colegas meus de BH"
1694438743,"happiness","VioletsCRUK","MORNING!!! Hope you all have a lovely holiday Monday whatever you are goin to be up to!"
1694438754,"happiness","rawrgoesaimee","Guys, follow @ginoboi for the RX Twitterwar!!!! DD GO GINOOOO!!!"
1694438773,"neutral","michux","Less or more iTunes tuned up"
1694438832,"worry","kittycerosio","@Echarlotte hi on twitter!!!LOL..i don't use it very much. its confusing sometimes. but yay!!!7 more days bubble!!!eeek  xx"
1694438899,"neutral","LilLizzie7","endless set list... very long... grueling almost... also, sent to gordo's cell cuz he's no longer communicating with the internet in 140."
1694438930,"hate","QueenieCyrus","@emzyjonas Yea once - me and my friends flew out to amercia to see her w/ the Jonas brothers  . have u? haha i hate bebo :p . aw cant wait"
1694439026,"worry","innpowerer","@locuta did I miss something??"
1694439080,"love","Rosieomalley","@taylorswift13 that video was funny  i'm just signing up now and i'll vote for you!!  x"
1694439179,"neutral","halbpro","Woo! Two days till awesome gig, one day till Uni is finished for 12 days  #gigs #3yp"
1694439212,"love","joolzp1","I don't dig emo shit or that, but I like this song sorry emo's  ? http://blip.fm/~5jg0u"
1694439222,"love","bloodsurfer","@kaOz I love the smell of procrastination in the morning... oder so."
1694439227,"surprise","ryanmwilson","@shaddybabybitch hey! im rly sick atm, so i cant stay and chat, but hope ur well"
1694439265,"relief","SneakyRaccoon","Having a cup of tea"
1694439274,"surprise","Eridanie","@capn_mactastic I dunno ;p How'd I end up waking up at 2 am? It's a mysterious world"
1694439378,"happiness","Mark_Sheldon","~ Happy Star Wars Day.every one ~  ...may the fourth be with you!"
1694439400,"fun","Shanniee","@DannyjClayton star wars ............ is gay BOO??? i wanna do your job HAND IT OVER  u can act as me at my high school   LOL"
1694439494,"sadness","penncake","the dutchess - such a sad film but still a fave..."
1694439504,"happiness","icanhasmotivate","@TrudyMagnifique haha check out our site its got some good ones too"
1694439643,"sadness","NesquickFake","Boring. Sunny Monday. No school. Tired. Lazy. Hungry. Yeah, in a great mood!"
1694439755,"neutral","ange321","@mileycyrus have you check oceanup?"miley cyrus justin gaston fight after lunch" you ok with justin?hmmm.im with you whatever happen"
1694439847,"neutral","MarySayWhat","eating cheeto puffs"
1694439856,"neutral","skribe","@AngstyRossini lol.  You must be new here"
1694439858,"love","d1sc1ple","It's teddy-chucking time"
1694439890,"neutral","saintwui","Millenia mom.... I think I am in that category"
1694439902,"worry","emzyjonas","@mcevoy1rachael yupp t's better than people being rude to her  x"
1694439954,"surprise","zeddish","@bubbles3563 Hey, nothing wrong with that!"
1694439980,"love","hannahbabyxo","@taylorswift13 ; i think you should come back to brisbane, australia. we loved you here"
1694440059,"neutral","M_M0152","l�m ti?c m?ng MM gia nh?p h?i ?i ah"
1694440067,"sadness","reneemeredith","day started off bad but got better"
1694440079,"sadness","aarthycrazy","am hungry.. going to eat... catch up with you guys later & 4 people who are hurt by my sardonic quotes - why are you waiting, hit me back"
1694440193,"fun","mversion","@JonoH Geez... it's like I bribed you for a follow back"
1694440273,"happiness","tari_ancalime","Britt - had to do it she came all the way down to say 'May the fourth be with you' - our work is done"
1694440302,"neutral","chrisridd","@philwalters fickleness seems appropriate for a Twitter user"
1694440309,"happiness","tasshh","giving myself a manicure + pedicure  ahhh how i've missed you nice pretty nails..."
1694440435,"neutral","kimberley_","@hiddenstar13 it is! ive done somethign like 200 updates today :S"
1694440484,"neutral","maebernadette","@tomfelton http://twitpic.com/4jam0 - better lighting would have enhanced the photo... nice angle though..."
1694440572,"boredom","ButterflyEmii","doing my folio work but keep on getting distracted by deb pics"
1694440596,"surprise","Amillion2one","@robygirl53 Not a prob hun"
1694440614,"love","lil_sarahxx","@chelsii56 hey Chelsea!  Is Your Arm hurtig from the vaccines we had todayyy?  loveeya"
1694440618,"relief","onjm","national starwars day today- may the fourth be with you"
1694440640,"happiness","thamer1","@hayfa You are welcome"
1694440652,"worry","borntofly87","@dpressman well well...so sorry! let's dance  it's fabulous hobby"
1694440653,"neutral","ChrisandCal","Bank holiday rock seems so fitting  ? http://blip.fm/~5jg16"
1694440711,"sadness","keza34","@fudgecrumpet ok i believe you.but i have a belly button.lol"
1694440768,"happiness","susiev","back at Wingman after a great weekend"
1694440808,"love","daniiidarko","@weshotthemoon most definitely will!  also, i wanted to say "perfect time" was my favorite track! it seriously made me tear up!"
1694440876,"relief","divxdownloads","finished watching the movie 'mirrors'. I liked it but it really didnt do anything for me  5 out of ten i give it   // cool http://g ..."
1694440911,"love","pilapil30","@sunshinebliss it was ok. Cute @ times."
1694440928,"worry","xandraaaa","My mom and my little sister're gonna be back home soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon"
1694440947,"sadness","sarahcxo","night out had 2 b put on hold 4 2 weeks coz i was so ill last nite, gutted! still had a nice nite tho  but whers the sun gone!"
1694455040,"empty","Dschule","in IT-lesson at school and eating salad"
1694455079,"love","xsiobhaaan","@AmazingPhil yeah haha, may the 4th be with you"
1694455148,"surprise","parhamdoustdar","@ARustedSmile Oh, I thought it's only a man-ly problem to not be able to figure out your mom. So now it's official! Mom's are weird!"
1694455192,"happiness","henaxxru","@MrsSprousex mee too it's looks amazeeeeeee"
1694455195,"love","TheWatchOutGirl","Watching an episode of Friends during the lunch break"
1694455207,"fun","mightymooo","listening to those litle hyperbirdies terrorizing the world since 4.30! lets cook em"
1694455301,"neutral","junelau","Can't wait to go home to eat. Hope it's something good!"
1694455342,"love","tom_ra","@Malena_Ernman Hej Malena, lycka till Eurovision! The United Kingdom will be voting for you!"
1694455367,"worry","daniparis519","I feel so stupid for saying this, but.... I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TWITTER SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME. Ppl please do not laugh, ok laugh but..."
1694455378,"love","matthewmoloney","@TessMorris oh such faith.......YOU"LL SEE........i tell you........YOOOOUUUUU"LLLL SSSSSSEEEEEEEE!"
1694455386,"hate","torilovesbradie","@Miki_is_Rad yeah it was shit D: im so tired, i have a headache and now i have to play a game of rygby D: but ill be right  xxx <33"
1694455429,"fun","Natalia_Bella","@igzzie Easy, I'm trying to learn   Serious and normal....two new words for me ;)"
1694455435,"neutral","MrDuong","@busara7 Im Duong in VietNam. Where r u from? I'm 19. I dont understand what you wrote down in twitter, please tell me! Thanks!"
1694455444,"relief","Sims3Nieuws","@snw well then you can do what you want and not what visitors want you to find out : can be a +"
1694455481,"neutral","indigo777","@dmeeker @alanstevens  @scrum_coach @sethrowe @scottreynolds IMHO this soft is the best to keep the chaos straight   http://bit.ly/yuFil"
1694455510,"neutral","SinhalenFOSS","You are the First to know that SinhalenFOSS ep22 is out with the big news. http://tr.im/kpoR"
1694455525,"neutral","TWONES","@edial @theineke"
1694455542,"love","naomilouisee","@tommcfly awh Tom, thats really cute. i love you guys for that really, 'cause you care about fans  x"
1694455670,"happiness","tsarnick","@MissxMarisa we had scones this afternoon!! they were great  we're gonna make cupcakes this week, on Wednesday!"
1694455714,"neutral","cathydooley","Good rainy morning all"
1694455783,"neutral","elmooo_","@rnfjonasstack damnnn. training starts  at 11. but that would have been cool. next timeee"
1694455792,"happiness","MissxMarisa","@Zobi09 The cast of True Blood was there"
1694455805,"happiness","devvvblaaad","@missjerilee welcome to twitter my friend"
1694455821,"neutral","eyeofthecyclone","@podipada Munch away, my dear Watson, Munch away"
1694455892,"happiness","tamzinaki","@botse that's a very cute picture ... but you don't get fat from licking BBQs ... he must have found some chops on someone else's ..."
1694455925,"sadness","Kloee101","Hate this song  ? http://blip.fm/~5jg6f"
1694455956,"relief","pattiegee","@DHughesy Congrats Hughesy to you and Holly on the safe arrival of Rafferty David Hughes! Hope all is well  xoxo"
1694455962,"surprise","jdrydenUK","@theiBlog Haha I like that. You're actually saying thanks to the bots! Never looked at it like that."
1694456014,"sadness","markAchambers","Well after a glorious weekend, it's only bloody raining... Nice BH in order then!"
1694456061,"neutral","jaybranch","@HayleyNewland He's a good lad is wore Phil...  known each other for 22 years now... seems like 5 minutes!!  haha   You ok Hayley?"
1694456261,"neutral","gspearing","is in PHP website upgrade hell on a Bank Holiday. How's that for planning!"
1694456329,"neutral","yellowsmoke","@thinker80 yes please  and if you're gone i might actually get some work done lol"
1694456331,"love","lishdollbaby","s/s aus fshionwk- zimmermann,illionare,dhini + gail sorronda,ROMANCE WAS BORN,lisa ho,CASSETTE SOCIETY-loved the tutu, balmain ispired?"
1694456366,"worry","VioletsCRUK","@Karen230683 lol good..glad to hear it! I was totally paranoid when i bit of hair touched my ear or cheek, was mad! Ha! How's you?"
1694456371,"worry","deasaurr","@hobbit_gd whoaa kinda hard :O that one that you think will be interesting enough to tell"
1694456372,"fun","pinkedgloss","@hailoluna well, SNL is an acquired taste/ you're not listening properly. HAHA munching on walkers- cheese&onions nw"
1694456456,"love","gil_garcia","is chatting with Willy Valdez about comics"
1694456476,"enthusiasm","mversion","@JonoH Did find it weird as I think u gave me a ff recommendation too. All sorted then. I can vote for legalisation of pot too if u want"
1694456513,"happiness","worldofherown","The wedding couldn't have been more perfect"
1694456516,"worry","michalmie","my n95 hacked  no signing needed.. thx OPDA"
1694456538,"fun","i_john","@larasati Uh?Your US iTMS credit is loaded by your friend?That's really nice  I wonder when any of my friends do the same for me.Hahaha."
1694456542,"love","TJHASLEY2009","Going to bed. Talk to ya later!  goodnight birdies LOL"
1694456599,"surprise","nellyaw","@stevencohmer -thanks i hope i do 2  iv been playing dmc4 like 5 times kinda sick of it hehe"
1694456783,"neutral","lil_sarahxx","Can't Play Solitaire For Crap lol  More Updates Soon (Y)"
1694456807,"love","ColinP2009","@fcharlton Seesmic Desktop seems pretty good. Nice find"
1694456822,"worry","uricgarcia","but im not complaining."
1694456884,"neutral","akiraLOVE","@_shutupandsmile ow  .. we go back to your last avatar, Is that your boyfriend who lying on bed?  i see it!"
1694457007,"love","TotallyM","@lollipop26 Love it! You look fabulous and it was so nice to learn something new about you"
1694457077,"happiness","skweeds","@an_other Excellent analogy"
1694457078,"happiness","mikebladen","@MDurbin not long till we go shopping dude, its gunna be rather fun"
1694457089,"love","pameyla","mmm, just had the best delicious chocolate pancakes for tea break. oh thank God for HERHSEY'S Chocolate Syrup!"
1694457112,"neutral","RealEstateXpert","ATL to NJ....almost home"
1694457160,"neutral","jadeelizabethhh","@angelofmel we should definately be in Paris that week. if I get a job we most certainly will be"
1694457176,"happiness","grjsmith","@ukdavew bank holiday Mondays rock, particularly when they follow the kind of Sunday I just had"
1694457188,"neutral","swansonjamie","I am saving for a Ipod Touch, a 1TB external and a RAM upgrade. No more morning coffees"
1694457193,"fun","Jessg85","oh that was good cake"
1694457308,"love","plutine","Happy STAR WARS Day - May the fourth be with you!"
1694457362,"neutral","plasmaegg","Watching some vintage topgear"
1694457385,"happiness","animoenzo","@carlocruuuz good! you joined the dark side hahahaha we have cookies!"
1694457398,"happiness","beiruta","@omarabid Hehehe  I didn't really know that! Well, use your blog or Twitter to suggest interesting topics for ppl to engage in"
1694457405,"relief","Krftd","@smashingmag No worries"
1694457473,"enthusiasm","jenbarrow",":: holy kraut. I canNOT stay up this late. But the book is done and in the author's in box.  Tucking in with kitty-boys now. Nighty-night."
1694457489,"worry","team_illucid","@horstp funny that. We had outgoing email issues most of the day too. Thank the gods for seperate adsl2 connections"
1694457524,"neutral","kmi1992","Bank holiday  Off to the station now. Catch you all later."
1694457584,"happiness","mUsIc2JuNkiE","heading to Xtra-vision to get part 2 of Season 3 - CSI Miami baby!!!"
1694457626,"worry","simbarawwr","i've just woken up"
1694457647,"worry","princess_louise","happy bank holiday Monday, Tweeteramas! I'll be spending the day doing yoga and having OCD attacks. You?"
1694457742,"surprise","sherryjonas","@taylorswift13 Hello there, Taylor  I MISS YOU. Its been 2 months </3"
1694457751,"happiness","Jeepsterette","@MikeEscamilla @tonyhawk  that was flippin' sweet, dudes. thanks for sharing"
1694457763,"neutral","stephaniechia","I am going to see how long I can do this for."
1694457804,"sadness","nicole_franklin","@Tizzik Yeah ill make sure i keep you updated.. i get it all delivered"
1694457839,"neutral","Bulldog36","@VixenJodi Oh you are way up there! >LOL No wonder it feels like snow."
1694457847,"neutral","paulissima","@tonnet next time you are around please let me and @sylwiapresley know and we will take you for lunch too"
1694457869,"surprise","shegwaskai","@vhcoffee And the first thing you did was get your twit on...."
1694457894,"empty","feblub","@SplinteredMind then am anticipating the next ten days!"
1694457920,"relief","pitstopmark","morning all, im off to sell 1.3 million quids worth of pproperty, well, i hope to, if i do i owe you all a drink on my commission"
1694457945,"worry","xxprettyhoneyxx","@allthatglitrs21 - 21 days to go  Happy birthday for then"
1694457946,"happiness","itbemecece","So proud of cg, took 5 yrs in the making to get that number 1 spot  gnight twitter bugs...time to read myself to sleep."
1694457951,"enthusiasm","tanayaclare","@racquel_xx i'm just about to start the second one  theres only two up yeah?"
1694457959,"neutral","marcofratelli","@fruityalexia what did you decide on for din-dins?"
1694457972,"surprise","lindabutterfly","http://tinyurl.com/67sk5r Follow my blog and I'll follow yours"
1694458001,"surprise","windkoh","@limyh I'm not sure... But, 4719 fans in just a week is a wow to me! I guess they will soon overtake other Malaysian Page to be No.1."
1694458031,"love","doubler2k7","@bobbyllew your lisa rogers carpool is now my alltime fave!! Good work!!"
1694458040,"sadness","keza34","@fudgecrumpet saw the deforestation.so not surprised of bad back but @mrsfudgecrumpet moan back at you.lol"
1694458065,"enthusiasm","lucasmutzelburg","@kfb1991 I can't really say much because none of it is set in stone.. but I'm planning a charity concert for Cystic Fibrosis"
1694458126,"happiness","hannahscottband","@Tizzik Thank you! I hope the same for you!"
1694458127,"happiness","SteffiLewis","Good Morning! "RETURN TO WILLEN ISLAND - Spring has most definitely sprung" ... http://bit.ly/EyRtT ... enjoy"
1694458307,"neutral","CaterinaAlisa","@kyleandjakieo play vanessa hudgens new songs plz or vfactory"
1694458341,"love","maaaaisie","haappy bank holiday  2 weeeeks. aah!"
1694458351,"enthusiasm","m4s","Don't let the sun catch you crying - Oh my.. so cool  http://tinyurl.com/cugy8c"
1694458361,"love","chie2287","time to go home! take care guys! catch ya'll later when i get home."
1694458410,"happiness","Ishies","She got it , ohh baby she got it.SINGAPORE I'm going to rock your city"
1694458443,"neutral","hamst3r","New music!  Electro-Classical dedicated to Nikmis: http://is.gd/wys4"
1694458482,"happiness","__Nina__","Photo: Got my prints a few days ago, ready for the NorskArt exhibition  http://tumblr.com/xht1phgl3"
1694458519,"happiness","msdita","oh happy day!!! nice weather, smiling, happy baby and icecream later"
1694458687,"neutral","LaciesMom","Hannah slept here last night  just gave her her 5:00 AM bottle and she went right back to sleep but I'm up! lol"
1694458724,"surprise","jakieee08","lol how I met your mother"
1694473396,"relief","kellycdb","@hanaames Ah good. Glad to be useful."
1694473432,"worry","Jen_Rama","@Emmieman and what a scary reflection it was! thought you were going to wizz your pants"
1694473448,"neutral","SarahSaner","@Dutchrudder Hee Hee! I only holiday in the gutter, try to get there once a week at least! Welcome! lol  xx"
1694473491,"fun","emilylouisemei","uft im tutoring the lil sis  shes so cute, even though shes an eighth grader :p"
1694473495,"fun","chernwei","@unpolishedgem I love avocado shakes!  Especially so when blended with gula melaka and a touch of santan... noice"
1694473527,"love","26hours","@AngelicaV1 wow, that's awesome! i'm so happy for you. btw, happy birthday"
1694473561,"happiness","KLMcPherson","@michaelmknight Good morning! Nothing in particular, meeting people and having drinks this evening  what are you doing with your Monday?"
1694473633,"happiness","ithappenedin91","@david_henrie http://twitpic.com/4jbsq - looks so good!!  i want one!!"
1694473648,"neutral","LucyMegPrice","http://twitpic.com/4jbwh - we were at a sleepover, and nobody stops me when there's a camera in my hand"
1694473671,"surprise","binibiningPAT","Photo: That�s what you call HOPE.  http://tumblr.com/xww1phh33"
1694473679,"neutral","MileyMandy4ever","@David_Henrie how are you?what are you doing?answer me plz"
1694473881,"happiness","AliceeXD","@Alleexx1995 umm get ready, help my mum, give GJ his presents when he gets up (could be a while), wait for people to arrive, then party"
1694473882,"fun","amykfizzle","Haha Happy Star Wars Day!  "May the 4th be with you" - clever"
1694473960,"neutral","Championcj","@SpikeTheLobster How do you spell ppphhhhhttttt?"
1694473982,"fun","AnnGentile","Yaaawwwnnn.....Heading out to the gym, then off to work. Happy Monday."
1694473985,"relief","PinkCandyCross","@theroughguide at least I have an ironed shirt and i'm not really shockable.  hope you have a good day. Xxxx"
1694474077,"neutral","3djay","@nomand Use Wordpress instead!"
1694474186,"fun","Ganimede","Morning world. Hello Bank Holiday! Cold and grey and rainy here. Feel like colouring thanks to @slammerkinbabe so might do that this am"
1694474297,"happiness","ros1e","Happy Star Wars Day  May the fourth be with you ;)"
1694474304,"happiness","__mavErick__","1 day to my Birthday !"
1694474332,"happiness","Malloryxx","Got my tattoo fixed today, and it didn't hurt to much, thank god  Can't wait to get the next one. $$$."
1694474340,"neutral","meldc92","@adelinaxx YAY to som1 i no on twitter...slowly slowly rest of the grade will come around...hah  i hope ur ready for my constant tweets!!"
1694474357,"neutral","CASizemore","@HeatherWelliver Attach him to @Grailwolf after all mammals mammary glands will produce milk.  Or may be formula?"
1694474375,"neutral","isaygorawr","@smoshian the pink straw also makes you manly"
1694474394,"love","rickooo","@annabelliefman helooo, how wos work pretty, hope it was alright and a certain individual didnt ruin it."
1694474509,"happiness","marisahn","@SheridanPaige loool sheridan ive got swine flu but im still coming into skl tomorrow same way  hehe"
1694474528,"happiness","meteodub","Days with cellstorms, I like it!"
1694474689,"happiness","katreniah","YAY! GO TAYLOR SWIFT!! come to australia again!!!"
1694474808,"worry","zerok","curious if they fixed the window handle in our room in the meantime  #edc"
1694474816,"neutral","obsessedwithyou","http://twitpic.com/4jbws - Hyeri, Ayshea, Isabelle, Me  At ROXY!"
1694474879,"happiness","ellen_cresswell","@GinJam it was an adventure to say the least. I've been to nicer parts of Norf London but will stick with the south for today"
1694474894,"worry","bhuto","@roshnimo ask @RajaSen to create a fake competetion and declare you the winner and then gift you a return ticket courtesy the producers."
1694474922,"fun","bec_roberts","@doast fantastic.... pick up a hooker for me"
1694474939,"fun","aneesaaziz","sky diving was aaaaaawwwesome!!!! kinda bored now though"
1694474977,"neutral","AngelSandre","@ChrisCuomo   Oh Chris, so sorry about Mr. Raccoon. Obviously NOT a FEMALE, cuz any female of ANY SPECIES would adore you.   Hugs, Angel"
1694474991,"neutral","XhanbanX","@DavidArchie @DavidArchie @DavidArchie u should go 2 a small cafe were u could get a english breakfast for about 4 pounds, im from the uk"
1694475030,"happiness","Jason25329","@saraesse right on!  i'm 29 myself... i turn 30 in october. i think that pretty much makes us awesome"
1694475044,"surprise","RD1024","Down the beach again, sea is really flat"
1694475143,"surprise","oceb","@mayoberry mmm, athletic!!"
1694475153,"sadness","jaybranch","@underdog1979 Was gonna say, probably kill ya, serve the sentence and be living on the insurance cash by now.  You are insured right LOL"
1694475163,"neutral","bigenya","@adelgabot @maximph Let me check, Sirs"
1694475208,"happiness","sydsal","Just touched down in Changi. +1/2 hrs to kill before heading to Penang.  Must fly singapore air more often!"
1694475238,"neutral","KimmiMcfly","@kerri_louise yeah. like that"
1694475247,"love","brektzar","#musicmonday Happy STAR WARS Day, celebrate by joining!  http://axe-tech.net/forums/..."
1694475265,"neutral","dizzyupthegirl","@SwimInGelatin congrats, dreps! and good luck sa interview!"
1694475272,"neutral","spitorswallow","@tyronevh Hope you've reviewed them on my site  http://snipr.com/hble5"
1694475303,"neutral","lilyofoz","@ceeemmess hi cs, welcome to the twitterverse, if i can help with anything, just ask"
1694475324,"surprise","WinObs","@mauvedeity Umm don't ya mean ship"
1694475358,"neutral","MyEmptyCanvas","@sxcgill Yay! You finally get to have a trip away from home again! How exciting! You 2 going to shop a bit ?"
1694475372,"love","JennaMadison","@JohnhampsonUK Oh very nice! I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing day!"
1694475373,"worry","MontriaAnderson","At LA Fitness, at work right now.....pretty busy morning"
1694475417,"hate","scottiejen","Morning! Bank Holiday Monday and the sun has gone - typical! Hospital for knee at 2:30 and then training at 6. Another  bust day"
1694475498,"sadness","ALEXISKILEY","So, what are you all doing? I'm eating crackers! Yummy. The unsalted ones of course. I only do salt in my caviar."
1694475500,"happiness","likeskittles","out for supper tonight with kurumi in 10 minutes"
1694475534,"neutral","KellyShibari","BTW, Happy Star Wars Day... May the Fourth be with you! ROFLMAO...yes, I know I'm a total dork."
1694475560,"neutral","sinpeow","? today  and tomorrow at  taipei, anyone  free for drink?  http://plurk.com/p/rpgyy"
1694475579,"relief","NGowers","Son's gluten free birthday cake done.  http://twitpic.com/4jbwy"
1694475613,"worry","nadinemullin","ok my friend is about to dye my hair black scary i know, ill try to post some pics tonight if not tomorrow for ur verdict"
1694475686,"fun","riversideboy","@lauramorris1983 good luck with it..Do well!! My best wishes are with you!"
1694475694,"worry","keza34","@fudgecrumpet hope it isnt too hot a summer then.hows little one today,being good i hope.lol"
1694475729,"happiness","stevebomford","@ComedyQueen Well.... you're not called comedyqueen for nowt - are you lol"
1694475757,"happiness","Networking_Lady","@jpallis001 John - more present than ever- even online  #edumedia09"
1694475783,"happiness","OlorinLorien","Tweetie v helpfully shrinks longer tweet. Brilliant."
1694475799,"relief","skippyXG","@tdes Thanks for asking, Sarah  I am glad tomorrow (5th) is a holiday here in Korea. I will have some rest and I will be right as rain."
1694476042,"surprise","guy_david","Mount dishes have been conquered. Dish land is ours"
1694476048,"worry","anneliese123","@lyssiecc haha good phone conversation cat lady! You're gonna be homeless too  you didn't tell me u were having coffee!! coming tomorrow?"
1694476053,"happiness","TelleTWA","Sittin at home, hellllllllsssssss yeah   Got the girrrrrl, the boysssss & 2 mangy cats, this is a good time in my life.  Goodnight twitter"
1694476066,"happiness","looli_lo","The new view out of my window  http://twitpic.com/4jbx2"
1694476071,"neutral","harisn","@janole Oh cool! When is Alpha 1.18 coming out? Auto-connect was the feature I wanted to request"
1694476081,"neutral","K4sH","tino hat ne wii"
1694476172,"love","iam_joseph","@WilliamSledd Kudos! love some homemade french toast!"
1694476191,"happiness","fraska","morning twit-friends! welcome to my new followers"
1694476198,"relief","laubow_","@bexiclepop cambs will be better im sure! eeeeeeeeee under a week now  we meeting on the Sunday?"
1694476220,"sadness","xoCAZZA","@ChloeCazRhi why thankyouu!"
1694476226,"love","ashantiomkar","@damaliayo Thanks so much my dear Damali - prayers worked, as I am much better, God willing!  Rested! Lots!  xoxo"
1694476230,"happiness","dtassinari","Back in the saddle after four awesome days with @leeprovoost and the old gang  Will try and avoid a tweet flood after a long radio silence"
1694476295,"happiness","Izuana","BARA, BOOBS, CLOSETS, ADVENTURE. AGGGHHHH ENOUGH! Muak mcm baby Gary ku sudah"
1694476318,"neutral","DDrDark","@charavel @Zyote morning guys!"
1694476320,"happiness","nleslie","@andrewbravener Happy Birthday!  What's better than getting birthday greetings from strangers? Very little, that's what! (I kid!) <3"
1694476452,"hate","doylemb","Why don't adobe realise no one WANTS to pay for Photoshop et al so they should just give it to us for free"
1694476502,"love","6_string_wonder","this is for @calebh  http://tinyurl.com/d8fgxr"
1694476620,"happiness","CLWY","thanks steph...must keep me updated when it's ur turn"
1694476628,"neutral","MasterZap","@bobbyllew If you had owned an *actual* cellphone, that would have been video, and called a "QiK""
1694476651,"fun","beccadaisical","Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you."
1694476667,"neutral","robertnyman","@dzschille You're welcome."
1694476762,"worry","carenayres","@AnnieBGoode Yes, that would be pretty creepy. I think its all a bit more innocent than that, I think he just wants to sell some icecream"
1694476807,"love","celinemarie88","Finally managed to catch her boyfriend on skype... sooo happy now"
1694476875,"happiness","mumswhobake","@blondiepops oooh sounds yummy.  If you get a chance to take some pics  please add them to the website as we don't have many pies on there"
1694476888,"surprise","keshie","had an answered prayer which caught me by surprise. LORD, you are amazing!"
1694476895,"surprise","mizzlizwhizz","@penelopeoverton George B Shaw apparently wrote 2000 words a day. Sure practice works- the more you do the more it comes as 2nd nature"
1694476924,"love","MariahHoneyLee","@Sixxjohn i think i been followin u 4 bout a week so yea kinda"
1694476947,"relief","twitrus","Dow futures up 60 points in over night trading. Looks like May is off to a good start so far  /f"
1694477002,"happiness","LittlestVampire","@LovestruckxO It's simple for those who know how to use it hahaa, i'm glad you're okay  x x x"
1694477069,"happiness","peterjongsma","@IlseDeLange An elephant? LOL Try painting it from the back"
1694477337,"love","davtoole","@john_hunter Ah now Comedy Central have Frasier all morning till twelve. So I guess there goes my morning"
1694477339,"love","sara_huggins","@Miranda_life  Hey i like love iCarly it rocks.   my youtube account--> http://tinyurl.com/cf63ud"
1694477350,"relief","kanyaranindita","Enjoying afternoon tea with my friends.. Cake delicacies equal sweet time"
1694492234,"neutral","Muhahahahaz","@meanlion Night!"
1694492241,"love","AliesBr","Listening to The Man Who Cant Be Moved <3 I just love the connection with GW  Doing Dutch and might do some art later."
1694492281,"worry","sugarboxgirl","Wishing it was a sunny day, then I might just be bothered to get outta bed! ..up the blues"
1694492283,"surprise","tigerangel71","Ohhh Ladyhawke is on channel 4  I sort of have a thing for Rutger Hauer http://twitpic.com/4jbzv"
1694492293,"happiness","Glebe2037","@dhughesy safer to say that your cube is now a sphere ... but roll with it buddy ... it is an awesome time ... esp the 1st one"
1694492299,"enthusiasm","bushbrother","Yay for bank holidays"
1694492330,"love","sg1padawan","@jsie Hee. I love them all."
1694492378,"sadness","chlosaurus","Wtf why am i JUST getting up now? HM:TM today  but before that... revision revision revision :/"
1694492477,"neutral","derbiogarten","dreaming & thinking about my garden"
1694492560,"neutral","babypoef","@david_henrie  Can you do a shoutout to holland please ? You got a lot of fans here!"
1694492617,"love","SarahSaner","@rahulgoyal1986 Thank you.  I love my tattoos they are all very special to me xx My feet ones are beautiful  xx"
1694492660,"neutral","James_Waters","@NiaBassett oh that's Star Trek  going on the 7th already. Woo!"
1694492688,"happiness","KimmiMcfly","TAKE THAT, TAKE THAT!!!! IN YOUR FACES!!!!!!!!!!!!  Robbie won!"
1694492699,"happiness","xxprettyhoneyxx","Lil cuz coming round today she 5  aww  haha"
1694492733,"sadness","filthymisfit","can't sleep throat dry as hell.. ugh ! still gon' wake up fabulous !"
1694492830,"sadness","Katiex_x","@Beverleyknight Hiyaaaaaa  just got back from the scan! wow, was amazing, i cried haha, xx"
1694492859,"surprise","LucieMinor","no food in the cupboards... sent mum to Tesco"
1694492898,"happiness","MsVitch","@LLCOOLDAVE yeah they r. im going to their concert at the end of the month"
1694493023,"happiness","cookiemonster82","I am now following @TherealWill - One of my favourite actors!"
1694493025,"love","Emiloo","Been with Sam one year todayyyy."
1694493035,"happiness","Marge_Inovera","@spreadingjoy Hello there! Thankyou. I always seem to make a difference in  someone's life everyday."
1694493039,"worry","DragonflyeDream","Not only has it broken but it's Monday!!Does this mean Monday can be fix'd?  ? http://blip.fm/~5jgio"
1694493124,"neutral","nikipaniki","@fromtheold I use NewsFire. Works like a charm"
1694493135,"happiness","HEskandari","Wow...VirtualPC screen does not go black anymore in Win7 RC! Also, there's no NVidia driver crashing...I'm happy I did the upgrade"
1694493162,"love","happytobealone","@LittleFletcher sounds great!!!! I hope you look so beautiful  xxxX"
1694493269,"sadness","MissxMarisa","@Zobi09 Haha yes I do  it's hard work, too! I didn't get home until 3:00 AM, not like I sleep haha."
1694493322,"neutral","RasaJustBeingMe","so bored!!"
1694493355,"fun","CallumMcK","eating Nesquick cereal - 1st time since i was like 10 - good times"
1694493382,"fun","Dutchrudder","@fudgecrumpet mines early nov,,,, will go through it 2 gether buddy!!! Man power"
1694493422,"relief","katyb_","Only 8 oral left!  then I have to learn them all but oh welllll, at least I don't have to write them"
1694493457,"happiness","Tibul","Done some positive affirmation now back to the Japanese yay for bank holiday Monday"
1694493509,"relief","mrsdannyjones_","@Dannymcfly i'm the one that kept touching your willy last night  oh you were amazing, thank you so much! x"
1694493540,"fun","feriel_irwin","@DHughesy good job at the logies this year. Hell funny, and you're right about the baggin the logies tradition... so very Aussie!"
1694493595,"surprise","francesespiritu","@jdennes thank you, you are my first follower"
1694493599,"love","Mizzyolly","@supersense ooooo,  an explanation?, Thank god for that or u would forever be wondering!..I love a good night mare tho!!"
1694493602,"worry","theimp67","@the_anke What's wrong with the ski slopes of MK? They've got coffee shops as well y'know!"
1694493621,"relief","objects","@DHughesy so make the most of it  enjoy"
1694493691,"neutral","imjustcreative","@quanvu im good thanks, may need you're advice soon as im playing with a new font of my own"
1694493740,"surprise","nathanryder","I'm so stupid! It's Star Wars Day!!! May the 4th be with you!!!"
1694493767,"neutral","kerri_louise","@deeyraa Nope  day off;"
1694493799,"happiness","nichelady","off to the land of pillows and blankets... mm, and the fan up on high... and did I mention the blankets? my favorite time ever."
1694493808,"enthusiasm","HillaO","@ahoppi I hope you're tired for a good reason then"
1694493824,"neutral","DannyMcW","http://www.dothebouncy.com/smf - some shameless plugging for the best Rangers forum on earth"
1694493826,"surprise","Lizzi_85","@dizzycoolbabe  Im good ta. bit tired cos i've been wking all wkend but other than that, all good  How's you?"
1694493894,"love","gabbyindie","@OatsAreRealFine I just thought I would tell you that you have..really REALLY pretty eyes."
1694493898,"surprise","NettasNursery","We have a tour of students this morning: huge pick-up for Mothers day:speaking for a luncheon:100 planters to do: nothing boring here"
1694493922,"love","clarissa61190","@DHughesy awww cuuuute  Newborns are so fun!"
1694493946,"neutral","JasmineAtAnimax","@ladylaine18 i quite like God Save Our King too"
1694494021,"worry","officialnathan","@Dichenlachman Yea, D means direct, so only u and whoever u send it to can see it  But u can only direct msg someone who's following u.."
1694494032,"surprise","cel_xox","@DHughesy no your not  they are very cute, how you going being a daddy?"
1694494038,"neutral","aaronnw","Just woke up. Making breakfast"
1694494088,"sadness","Louiseeep","shower time!!!!!"
1694494125,"happiness","Amano_Jyaku","@OliviaPinupArt A big welcome to Twitterlandz grrl! Really wish I could have made it to the Bettie show,  glad to hear it was a success"
1694494136,"happiness","LucieBoo","Jammin To Capital In My Garde  xx"
1694494159,"neutral","stevehanlon","@laurenredhead No problem! These boxes are _made_ for undernourished IT professionals"
1694494180,"happiness","nzstars","A salute to Chapel Hill North Carolina. From SY  * ? http://blip.fm/~5jgj3"
1694494190,"neutral","KylieOwen","@masterballerina yeah, I have revision to do, but gonna go starbucks instead"
1694494207,"relief","zk","@mkarim thanks for the #followfriday as you can see us South Africans were on holiday on fri"
1694494408,"neutral","Lyden_Leaf","Just got home from school. Doing assignments."
1694494426,"happiness","AustinPrime","@lccsweetme haha that's way cool! Good morning"
1694494534,"love","Nik_263_x","Finally i have finished my tec recipe card and i feel somewhat accomplished"
1694494536,"neutral","bartgrefte","@inyiyruma You're welcome"
1694494552,"happiness","Rideswithastorm","I'm finally going to bed, everybody.. whatever you're doing, BE BLESSED!"
1694494628,"relief","Rawrrgasmic","I'm a good girl...ALL work is done"
1694494633,"hate","anneliese123","While driving u come across aggressive driving behaviour by another driver. U should... Chase the car 2 tell the driver how to drive"
1694494661,"neutral","jbmcdlts","@RachaelBlevins3 heyyyyyyyyyyyyyya"
1694494675,"worry","bellward101",""No more sorrow"! by: Linkin Park...."
1694494699,"love","NeenDhie","@tommcfly Tom, I saw again a guy who looks like you in my campus today. He's SOOO adorable... :") But you're still cuter than him. Haha.."
1694494781,"neutral","shamini","it doesnt matter anymore..U got to learn how to be nice"
1694494785,"happiness","_sammyrockett","Is in starbucks"
1694494799,"fun","wolfcat","@awrd but it is a good one"
1694494803,"worry","jillbarkhouse","Getting ready for school, good mood already"
1694494879,"surprise","brittanimorgan","My palms are itchy. Doesn't that mean something about coming into a great deal of money?"
1694494880,"surprise","Zutopian","Extremely happy to see my new track "The Awakening" featured on Indivibe   http://www.indivibe.com/vibe.php?city=1"
1694494887,"surprise","LucieBoo","Jammin To Capital In My Garden  xx"
1694494928,"happiness","An_g_e_la","Just planted flovers in the school garden with my 3 yr old...VERY MUCKY but GREAT FUN"
1694494965,"love","1sweetwhirl","@rosehwang Always welcome sweetie! *HUGS*"
1694494966,"neutral","nrknthuk","Played with FontStruct http://is.gd/ejE uploaded to dafont, 16k downloads & top of its category http://is.gd/wyyp Very wtf moment for me"
1694495041,"love","LolliGothGrrl","@amber_benson loved the #MacarAMBER!!!"
1694495060,"neutral","savagestar","@katharotes We'll get hitched when you get here."
1694495135,"neutral","RaulWelter","good morning"
1694495139,"happiness","Liana111","@Hannah_21Thanks, I'll keep working on her   @RoshiKK lol good idea!"
1694495143,"happiness","Heaatherrr","aha @Sadie_marie my brother's wallpaper on his phone is Dolly The Sheep  aha i'm loling."
1694495147,"happiness","evolintent","kinda done trying. ugh. oh well it was worth the effort.   long day tomorrow. night tweeters!"
1694495227,"neutral","kim_halliday","@Matthewmartini  mmmm yes please"
1694495254,"neutral","schweets","Jensara Swann is an Act-Model ~ enjoyed shoot with jensara and friends yesterday   http://myspace.com/theveilonline"
1694495285,"relief","LindaStanford","@johnmcginn Hi John! Thanks for sharing that quote! It's soo true"
1694495342,"love","dmje","@PinkPixie bugger, that would have been nice but typically, we're heading to Bristol"
1694495356,"empty","Trobo1","Money Laundering tip 5 - Sell the business or constructed hotel etc and take possession of your now clean money"
1694495365,"relief","natalietran","@babydestiny24 thanks  I'll check those out."
1694495398,"neutral","stephanieomj","JONAS BROTHERS - Live to party.                It's rocking so hard     I love the song,"
1694495427,"love","midnitelily","@DHughesy congrats on Rafferty's arrival!  he is so cutteee!!"
1694495431,"relief","xVivaLaJuicyx","Finally in my bed, & I must say, I had quite an evening. I'm ready to tackle this work week & see what next weekend has in store for me"
1694495462,"worry","captaindasya","@echsizzles I am in Kuala Lumpur. And I know I vanished, haha! I broke up with my last boyfriend, that's why I'm back!"
1694510188,"relief","justbecos","@xanderprod glad you liked the gmail add-on too. We visual people like the asthetics to be right don't we."
1694510192,"neutral","WhiteAngelLT","@TalindaB Hey Talinda  How Tyler slept this night? My nephew is now 4 yrs old and he stopped naps from age 3"
1694510221,"happiness","jelle_n","enjoying my Bank Holiday  Just had a meeting with the real estate agent who will offer our Amsterdam apartment for rent"
1694510222,"sadness","skarthikm","another week starts"
1694510231,"fun","harisn","@AdeelAhmad Rofl u did?  Hahaha! Lemme tell Salman Munir =P =P"
1694510243,"happiness","Amy_E_W","just watched that  new T-mobile advert on Youtube.. i love it  "hey jude!!!!!!""
1694510338,"worry","ebbybrett","I totally needed that sleep.  need to stretch and wash though now."
1694510451,"happiness","KateHoeft","@Jason25329 yeah well a deadline is in T-9 hours, that's architecture for you, oh well... mmm that coffee sounds like a good idea"
1694510508,"fun","lessthan140","@abledragon The geek in me won.  I am building my own photoblog theme..."
1694510608,"fun","osnujo","Good morning!!!! Yes is 5:57am"
1694510616,"surprise","nikkyl17","I've been losing myself into too many Taiwanese dramas.... ????, ??????, ????... this is not good. XD But Wu Chun! Eeeeeee."
1694510655,"neutral","blueberrymei","Got a lot of things to do hehe daya sa mga walang ginagawa"
1694510663,"worry","SwaggaBo0","Morning  don't ask me why I'm up so early"
1694510694,"love","Amesox","chillaxing really  Yeah man hehe"
1694510767,"worry","Goszta","OMG. Missed bus, walking miles, for a coffee  Went to see my ex-classmates"
1694510846,"happiness","Robi27","@Dannyvan I googled "engagement rings" & this is the EXACT ring i want.it was the 1st result too  *sigh* love it.http://twurl.nl/jaq5j4"
1694510865,"love","ZefanyaDeby","my monday running so fast!"
1694510983,"happiness","kylecleary","exams. thennn some sexy time."
1694511018,"neutral","caldjr","@judysteapot yup - working away hard! Busy busy busy"
1694511051,"worry","safendoulis","@willembuchner I'm putting in Societe Generale in China. Very interesting stuff but has me away too much ... gotta fix that!"
1694511078,"neutral","shelleelee","@MiDesfileNegro Perth Australia"
1694511097,"happiness","brokenthemes","@paceyy Yeah I know  Things would be so much easier that way. I'm bored the boys are playing tekenen (I can't spell it)"
1694511098,"relief","ashmaan96","my body isnt itching anymore"
1694511147,"happiness","Darlok","Happy Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you!"
1694511164,"love","lou_coates","I love the fact that it's a bank holiday monday and i can stay in bed"
1694511199,"happiness","lesley007","@deanomarr Italy or greece for me  Love Italian men hehe ;)"
1694511381,"relief","crucifire","@twilightfairy ah well diff in opinion, no problemo"
1694511448,"fun","sylvied","@lezzles : hehe�I bet you have never looked back!  3 weeks is a long school trip!"
1694511450,"neutral","BlackNight","@julesfm I know - but there are loads of others left"
1694511465,"worry","yonderboy","@DeveshM just had a look - missed out by a couple of hours, i'm sorry. i'll let you know next time.."
1694511484,"sadness","CindaSupertramp","This weekend went by way too fast!  On my way to work with David Archuleta in tow."
1694511518,"surprise","Warin","IE8 nearing 6% according to my stats. FF 3.0.10 adoption rate amazes me"
1694511564,"love","DeeVAS","Thank you to all who recommended me for #followfriday & #SundayShoutout."
1694511604,"hate","DragonI","Buffett Lambastes Bankers, Insurers for �Greed,� �Stupidity� http://is.gd/wyAB"
1694511632,"happiness","raihanamcfly","I just got home.  i bought twiggies and a toothbrush that promises to make my teeth 60% cleaner. - http://tweet.sg"
1694511646,"neutral","anttikorhonen","Now I remembered the password"
1694511678,"worry","hot_music_news","@TheRealNobody thanks  i'm up every night all night. bad sleeping schedule lol why are you still up?"
1694511688,"neutral","maima88","doing more uni assignments"
1694511711,"neutral","nekretnineomega","@egstrup nice"
1694511713,"worry","midnightsangel","@KiransMommy I know all about the awful shifts! And he should feel better after he gets tubes in his ears on May 12th but thank you"
1694511811,"happiness","shaktijs","@gozinepetter love the song and liked the movie"
1694511837,"surprise","FranBabes","@michelleer well to me it's summer when the cricket season starts actually  and yeah, so do i. but only when they have sparkly wings"
1694511838,"love","pinkedgloss","@kalowee will do  hee after exams, i'll give u plenty of shows. HAHA hopeless me"
1694511934,"worry","kirstgsm","Just leaving rainy forks, starting the long journey home! Rachel, if ur reading this, dont worry il send the stuff as soon as i get back"
1694511956,"neutral","vkgoeswild","After France I was gonna spend more time in the sun, to overcome my negative reaction to it. Yep, in Netherlands. Good luck to me"
1694511967,"worry","GuySie","@IYL86 Well yeah, the hormone things basically a given  thought he had misbehaved specifically to upset your mom and you."
1694512010,"happiness","tweryll","@TReiz I do. But still... twitter.com/monicafrancesca to see Gino in drag!!! @monicafrancesca and @ginoboi. this IS fun!"
1694512030,"neutral","redeye","@JofArnold aha, so that's you.  I've been meaning to take a look. Looks cool. If you could just get a pool in there"
1694512036,"love","HeatherWelliver","@mainpa LOL! Thanks  glad I have the time off to spend with him! Can't imagine trying to go into work right now."
1694512060,"neutral","makilingmiracle","now twittering"
1694512063,"empty","angeraaoo","doing nothing. wanna go out"
1694512074,"happiness","loveorsympathy","@megfrancesca really was the best night ever"
1694512097,"neutral","2muchcoffeekid","@triplejsr A little 'Chair Lift' tonight would be muchly appreciated"
1694512206,"neutral","STARj0NES314","@souljaboytellem gooood night sweeeety"
1694512219,"neutral","Lord_Kartz","@PJPRI Just go near a hive, they'll tame you!"
1694512287,"surprise","mintUt17","net .. net .. net ..  hmm. bad weather .. weird summer!"
1694512289,"happiness","Fan4Ever","@dannywood Good Morning! Hope that you enjoy your run & gym workout this morning. Can't wait to hear some of your new songs.   <3Pennie"
1694512300,"neutral","AcidDust","hey  backz here. school again. its rly boring but yeah"
1694512309,"happiness","ITbarbie","@bobbiehouston haha that photo is too funny! I hope he wasn't disturbed by passengers too much during the flight"
1694512380,"happiness","SteffanRayne","Joining twitter! Just added a random person"
1694512492,"happiness","grumpiegrandpa","Happy Star Wars day"
1694512546,"neutral","AHTrader","Morning. I closed out EUR/JPY 132.25  @ 132.00 and place a stop @ 130.55 @ 131.55. That 132.25 was executed while i was asleep"
1694512560,"worry","No1PanicFan","@LovefromNaja Fresh change from hearing i write sins hey!!?? Not that theres anything wrong with that!"
1694512610,"neutral","fatinathira","hah.. finally got home..."
1694512710,"worry","skidz","Been working on a framework for web based #SL application. Have product registration, server, login, site, security, & comms all done"
1694512796,"happiness","swicky","Hurray! "Summer-time" starts today, meaning I only have to work until 4 pm, instead of 4.30. Until August! Yay!"
1694512845,"love","manuel_victor","@Bexy91 congratulation  about the icehockey victory against switzerland.."
1694512858,"worry","BertMcDowell","Is going to be off line for the rest of the day. Made some progress on a game over the weekend. @lvturner you may not like me again."
1694512866,"happiness","squink","@aquapunk @_Mintyfresh Thanks very much!!"
1694512881,"neutral","torbengee",""The Complete Black Books" just arrived ... looking forward to some entertaining #tv nights!  #dvd"
1694512923,"happiness","sandeeee","watched 17 again. sooo good!"
1694512992,"happiness","danielagraca","a sunny day brights up the day!"
1694513163,"love","cathrynmarshall","loving Mondays for so many reasons!"
1694513182,"worry","mcflyapril","Star Wars day? I didn't know there was a such thing  May the force, be with you <3"
1694513186,"neutral","katttiieexo","just finished eating"
1694513223,"worry","peignoir","Creating your business in The US from France looks quiet easy"
1694513255,"neutral","AbiBeer87","is trying to find a profile picture that isn't too big!!! and loving the Hills marathon on MTV"
1694513279,"neutral","bencc","@dfflanders Looking forward to android 1.5 being pushed to the G1 then?"
1694513321,"worry","Leeloo59","sooo 5 days till I take off  sun and sea u're waiting for meeee can't say if i can get all my stuff packed up in time.. <3 Guadeloupe <3"
1694513354,"worry","TheColonial","@snagy no other reason? I wonder if she loves you"
1694513374,"neutral","SarahSaner","@rahulgoyal1986 I do have one coloured one on my leg.  Its a butterfly filled with colour!  x"
1694513397,"enthusiasm","FreeeSpirit","Ken Wilber - Realistic Expectation of Integral Wisdom: http://tinyurl.com/clfzdx ...very interesting.  I don't mind the video quality."
1694513441,"happiness","chrisfromtas","ive spent a lazy day today finding some interesting people to follow  its reinforced the saying... it takes all sorts of people ..."
1694513443,"love","elmooo_","@vi_dam haha, that would be cool. brianna and i should fly over there  haha"
1694513452,"neutral","nsteinmetz","Yeah, I made the python conversion script for the Provider's extranet in 1 day (3 expected). A way to promote #python at #jcdecaux"
1694513475,"fun","chicchetta","@taylorswift13 the video on myspace is so funny...u run a lot hahaha i voted"
1694513533,"happiness","monispice","In London! Off to do the tourist thing!"
1694513674,"worry","MAGGIECHICKEN","@SmellTheRainbow really .. least u wont hav 2 put up wiv him"
1694513676,"worry","mikefoong","@rohant yeah that will keep my mid section down"
1694513681,"love","DeeVAS","@emilyrobe Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour.  Get well soon"
1694513686,"happiness","lorentzons","I just eat a reallyyy good ice cream!"
1694529577,"relief","divxdownloads","On the way to sthlm - it will maybe be a movie   // cool http://gykd.net"
1694529634,"neutral","alicealicexo","new to this shiznaay"
1694529720,"love","rachelsuzannee","Going to see my grandad today  <3"
1694529745,"worry","xMissx","is so hungover. what a crazy night. i'm also in the bad books with mother!!"
1694529806,"sadness","AdelineOon","Mentally exhausted.  A cuppa right now with almond biscotti would be really nice."
1694529849,"happiness","KimmiMcfly","@phoebealice_x when my brother is 18, i will have moved!"
1694529882,"hate","petraaafied","; why is the font so huge?! small fonts rock socks"
1694529891,"sadness","Avantolii","Going to group therapy session, can't wait to spill my guts... Ha ha ha"
1694529971,"neutral","bottegaGattoM","welcome @MaxShrem ! since it seems you're interested in cheese I hardly suggest you to follow @surbir too"
1694529988,"hate","perki","I knew there was a reason I hated cars! 1. Too slow! 2. Too big! 3. I get car sick! 4. Motorbikes are much much much more fun!!"
1694530043,"neutral","No1PanicFan","@alittlelesskaty Hey, u like FOB 2! Follow me, luv 2 talk more, looking 4 frineds + followers!  ~Ellen~"
1694530235,"relief","roobarb","@scaree  I hope today just flows through and lots of nice things happen at work so you come home happy"
1694530311,"surprise","Cyntaxerror","@oriSTUDFARM very impressed"
1694530352,"fun","fadedcitylights","@weareinvincible THIS CALLS FOR A HIGH FIVE!  (Don't miss, hotshot xD)"
1694530362,"worry","marylazarini","good morning guys!  experimental chemistry test this morning :s wish me luck!"
1694530415,"enthusiasm","miss1liss","Im still in my my pjs  but I haveto get dressed cuz Im going to see Dancing on Ice live"
1694530430,"sadness","tajim","@abeen good question. Nepal PM declaring to resign and actually resigning is two very different things ."
1694530452,"love","AdamTyson","@RHYSAHUGHES http://tinyurl.com/6n4w5o to prove I still have good taste..now dance , dance, dance, dance to the radio!!"
1694530525,"enthusiasm","Collette_D","@stephenfry gotta catch 'em all"
1694530526,"sadness","mikelberger","@bwhips Good to know I'm not alone in my confusion"
1694530598,"fun","svengroenberg","is eating a delicious cheese-bread  (much batter than ANY  Bagle)"
1694530666,"neutral","millerian","Listening to the simply awesome Ratatat on a bank holiday monday before a BBQ later  http://bit.ly/gJqSh"
1694530714,"surprise","babysitterdirec","Great new directory on Babysitterdirectory coming soon!  And its a directory with a twist.  All will be revealed next week!"
1694530730,"love","ElaineAllkids","@fraseredwards seems like a win win situation"
1694530779,"happiness","tiarafranks","Okayyy  you can read it to me cause then I'll feel special haha."
1694530848,"neutral","candygallagher","On my way to the airport! Headed to NYC"
1694531058,"love","smallbecca","ah just saw my little nephews  all is well with the world again. I love those boys so much. have to say my sis in law does a great job."
1694531076,"hate","claudiaclemmy","cry baby. janes joplin what is this? munsay music. but i dont know wich shit day i  am today"
1694531088,"neutral","brmbds","@jaybranch You too, remember the kids' grenades will go off again as soon as you've tidied the house"
1694531132,"love","imjustcreative","@mistygirlph thanks misty, really appreciate your support, thanks for the comment  off to spend day out with dylan down beach"
1694531143,"sadness","Quanghaipk","@se7en.up c�m on anh  ko the chiu no~i noi nh� Tifa roi :-D, thang Cloud danh dam gi mac ke no :">"
1694531200,"love","bel_pearson","it is so cute watching Matt play with the Wii as I do some work"
1694531269,"relief","phono_CLP","@chris_CLP i heard 88db is better for mixing down...especially  if you use 808 sounds"
1694531326,"love","churlsy","@Dr_Peabody I'm pretty sure we got sent home a couple of times too. 'tis the week to remember Mary, Anto's granny"the love is all around""
1694531409,"relief","kisschristy","didn't twitter much yesterday.apologizes for not responding,goodnight"
1694531439,"love","kelz017","@eddieifft You don't want to leave because secretly you know Australia is twenty times better than America!"
1694531457,"happiness","Euphonic","@miafreedman you looked gorgeous last night! hope you had a HEAP of fun."
1694531467,"neutral","ultimatepetshow","And in the Animal Action Area... Ferret Racing"
1694531486,"neutral","kerri_louise","@phoebealice_x Haha, You sound like lizzie :L she's got a sister who is older than her, and she's like argh :@ all the time"
1694531535,"surprise","varunshridhar","@kadambariyer wow, I see a Mr.B obsession in you!!"
1694531537,"happiness","amandaesthetic","wow my weekend was pretty fucking epic  grr school tmrw ;'("
1694531583,"enthusiasm","mizz_purplezz","@erry_reeves Thx Ri.. That's all because of His grace  Kalo ngga, aku uda nyerah dr awal, hehe.. His grace is enough.."
1694531591,"worry","fashioncanvas","@knighttcat Oh man 3 in a day?? Torture much?! Well good luck there too!! I have exams for 19 days.How stupid? Soon we will party right?"
1694531619,"love","Christie201","@LittleFletcher Awww you'll have to post a pic  I bet it'll look dead nice (y)"
1694531638,"worry","nschmier","ok, 1st ginormous cup of coffee down, monday looking much better to me."
1694531648,"happiness","No1PanicFan","@Doc_the_BigMan hey! Ive never caught enyone on live before!"
1694531681,"surprise","SamuelHorler","One year with Emily. WOW!  (L)"
1694531686,"neutral","anamariadiaz","Recording new songs"
1694531725,"neutral","bmariea","voted for @taylorswift13 on CMT.com"
1694531748,"empty","m1ketayl0r","@SaileshR How's the head this morning?"
1694531749,"neutral","yorkshirelass31","having a lazy day after a very alcoholic wk end!!"
1694531844,"happiness","ilovetwilightxo","From ME and no one else! Muhahahaaaa! Well maybe Jesse"
1694531985,"happiness","astrotao","@cetras lol, anyway ni shi wai guo ren"
1694531986,"neutral","cherielovee","@iHolleeee well now i do"
1694531995,"happiness","CumpsD","@bertgoethals Cool, I used to live 5 houses to the left of that place  Always something going on :p"
1694532158,"worry","thepi0usatheist","Dump my boyfriend, find a much much better man and the girl can get a nice knuckle sandwich from moi"
1694532161,"love","CarissaGold","Good Morning! Happy Monday, Everyone"
1694532193,"neutral","jansn","Done e-mailing. Loads of e-mail came in in the past days. Now need to do some follow ups, this afternoon working on two client projects"
1694532238,"neutral","rebecca878","shop then work time  see yas laterz x"
1694532291,"fun","Tigerlily_Manj","lm @ TGI Fridays on a Monday.. Hee hee!"
1694532292,"neutral","Jaxxee","Burning time at wacha"
1694532332,"sadness","CatalinaLoves","@nptnmkiii so many rules - you expect people to be human and have a pic.  pfft.    good morning.  welcome to another Monday."
1694532336,"neutral","doktorb","@mathewhulbert  Now there's a question for 140 characters   One of history's great unanswered what if's, I would say"
1694532379,"love","JemimahB","@Jonasbrothers Nice skillz Nick  x love always, Marjorie & Jemimah. Sydney, Australia."
1694532401,"neutral","BeckieeBoop","http://tinyurl.com/d53dmn     mcfly parody by chris moyles xx"
1694532435,"neutral","beiruta","@omarabid I was born there"
1694532447,"relief","portiaLmac","is back in fine old melbourne town...."
1694532546,"surprise","emilylouisemei","omg himym! one of the best shows on earth"
1694532674,"neutral","davejazz","@DesignerDepot this is a nice collection"
1694532679,"worry","skidz","@Coughran Soon I hope... Really need to finish the cloning project so I can get more done"
1694532728,"happiness","Dei_T","is sipping OJ in the sun in San Pedro at La Soberana again, with sunny smiley Nita...  The garlic tomato paste is delicious! Yummy!!!"
1694532755,"sadness","MaryBethune","@Sweet_Charlotte We should! There will be another thrown I'm sure but this one will be with my American family"
1694532851,"happiness","trampled","@_elj OK nice one, cheers boss.  Am liking the lack of FCS today."
1694532890,"happiness","pressrecordmag","@missdaisymusic is ben! got yourself a twitter, good work"
1694532959,"happiness","PCgeek2K8","Up, I slept in till 11.02 !!! Shooting a new vid today"
1694532983,"worry","xbloodyerinx","just a week left till radio:active dvd come out! i really can't wait"
1694533021,"neutral","koryou","@sapphiresmoke Welcome, found her yesterday by accident."
1694533027,"love","LoveLoyaltyLife","@aaraddict #MusicMonday I agree it's just an excuse for me to tweet music for hours on end"
1694533043,"happiness","llovmaartje","i'm in the garden. Making pictures, weed an sweep. The weather is nice!! See you l8ter people!"
1694533071,"love","yiannopoulos","@Dollburrell Ooh, cutting. I like you"
1694533103,"surprise","raynorgan","When you think about it, the way God works in tremendously, amazing -- He made it possible for me to get my card holder that I lost back."
1694533106,"neutral","annaaa19","going to shower because i don't want to smell at school tomorrow"
1694533108,"enthusiasm","iAmControversy","I designed a new shirttttt."
1694533165,"happiness","swizzem","cant wait for thursday!"
1694533191,"happiness","DDrDark","@charavel nice! now gimmeh some nice stuff"
1694533244,"neutral","TahliaJohnson","watching a gossip girl"
1694533249,"neutral","gaz4695","@algo81 Yes I think it's safe to say she is at the same popularity level today as always."
1694533257,"neutral","primatage","@vic2slic doing pretty well, up and wide awake"
1694533278,"relief","vipvirtualsols",""It's Like That (and that's the way it is)" - Run DMC  ? http://blip.fm/~5jgvk"
1694533330,"worry","Chikatze","@marinesetwas dann mach mal!  #12seconds"
1694533347,"happiness","lesseremperor","@Cocodemerusa Joined you on facebook!"
1694533350,"fun","NewRN99","is getting ready to start the work week...work 2 off 3 then work 3 more. It's not bad  Have a great one everybody!!"
1694533364,"happiness","1sweetwhirl","@Mizz_Trouble my pleasure sweetie! Lookin forward 2 gettin 2 know u"
1694533465,"neutral","marvivian","@pandemicz yes"
1694533660,"happiness","Clarissa3782","I am back from my weekend getaway! Energized for another week, bring it on! lol"
1694533666,"love","latansky","@AntonKiselev Congrat on 4AM. I do it every day since one month."
1694533702,"happiness","xsuzanne","@DavidArchie Hey David, I'm wondering if you received a letter that has a song in it? From Malaysia? please reply  and have a nice day!"
1694533703,"love","melabarrie","@WWisewolf Hey. Oh my. Remember to take some time to actually enjoy the day!  I've loads to do too. Better crack on! Have fun today."
1694533777,"happiness","veggiedelightxo","happy bank holiday monday twitter! bath time, spring clean, movie marathon , lazy day"
1694549154,"neutral","MissNanaBaby","@OmariOfficial qood morninq"
1694549170,"worry","JLaw222","@caluvminwoo  Way too many people indeed... I only recognize the Chinese guy... LOL"
1694549197,"relief","dizimatt74","installing dvt card for loonix, fingers crossed, I hope it turns out as well as my android upgrade"
1694549205,"love","SarahSaner","@tracey1972  @pamjob See you later lovely ladies.  Be Good & I love you millions  xxx"
1694549285,"love","vagueismyname","It's those little things you do, that make me love you."
1694549343,"happiness","ChantelleFiddy","@themanwhofell compliment taken. Thanks. Key is to be yourself"
1694549344,"worry","mvaradhan","Market whn goes lower also problem and when it goes like a wild bull also problem"
1694549397,"love","ReinH","@playfulpixel That sounds good"
1694549441,"happiness","Lena_Fiefhaus","yay back at home"
1694549448,"worry","natashasaurus","@Amileegrant its hilarious"
1694549451,"happiness","andination","Hi Charlie, thank you for following me! Nice to know there's another Ollmann in the new world..."
1694549471,"boredom","3allaya","#com125: we have a quiz! again .. Feliza is bugging us again  its getting very annoying!"
1694549479,"anger","mitchyy","is downloading new fonts . again  http://plurk.com/p/rplkr"
1694549521,"neutral","thiekitty","i just reading a magazine"
1694549553,"relief","kursteey","Just up  the longest lie in a while thank goodness, neck still painful but today i am going to head out (y)!"
1694549624,"happiness","psycicflower","Apparently it's #starwarsday"
1694549737,"happiness","jkworld","100 Followers  Bom Dia!!"
1694549763,"worry","seancallanan","@AKAVirtualPA Kat Stewart did a great job with a great character not that I watched #underbelly in Victoria"
1694549792,"happiness","MissProdger","Is getting more and more excited about thorpe park tomorrow"
1694549798,"enthusiasm","coriluvnthedon","@veronica11258 ok i got you! Knight!"
1694549825,"neutral","misterel","@andykemp one of our governors is one of the directors of the company"
1694549873,"relief","asfaq","@kaushal Thanks man  glad u liked it"
1694549947,"happiness","stephaniiex","Happy Bank Holiday"
1694550060,"neutral","gozzyboy777","Use this link to start earning free cash http://tinyurl.com/coboyf  Just sign up and get paypal cashouts of minimum $1  !!"
1694550086,"fun","nathanryder","@CyranDorman Woot! I have created something inspirational! ;) Look forward to seeing more of your writings"
1694550095,"neutral","crazyhearts","http://twitter.com/djc_yana ~ yeah. haha! why?"
1694550102,"neutral","jessicamloring","@RainyCityLove Oui, I figured that since its a day off, I'd better start brushing up on my french; so far I have learnt Bonjour and Oui"
1694550195,"neutral","TigerMystic","The path to Liberation is clear when you Realize--when you truly comprehend--that YOU are the architect of your Life."
1694550206,"neutral","momentbymoment1","@lilymcnee  Your welcome"
1694550220,"empty","willhowells","@sam_burnett Firmly embedded in her Hampstead constituency then"
1694550289,"neutral","damienlrstevens","enjoyed Country Style Mince with Mash for dinner & is now drowning it in 2006 Nussdorfer Herrenberg (Produced & Bottled in Germany)"
1694550299,"empty","Quanghaipk","@se7en.up c�m on anh  ko the chiu noi no~i nh� Tifa roi :-D, thang Cloud danh dam gi mac ke no :">"
1694550306,"love","mike__miller","Gonna run to the gym to get my workout in before my really f'kin big pile of mulch arrives at around 8 or 9am! I'm excited about my mulch"
1694550354,"love","littlejtw","? I had great time in Boston. Thanks to my baby girl.   http://plurk.com/p/rplmy"
1694550365,"happiness","SIGMA_Cathi","@pattidigh we are all so proud of you! I am seriously thinking of joining you next year. Got to get training"
1694550421,"neutral","jesikahcarter","@DHughesy no your just experiencing the joys of parenthood"
1694550454,"happiness","saifuddin_s","Finally was blessed to see the MOON"
1694550497,"neutral","needlefood","@DHughesy nah, you're just altered forever   Enjoy."
1694550547,"surprise","JemimahB","@jonasbrothers http://twitpic.com/3bnas - Can't wait to actually hear what he's playing  love you Nick x"
1694550555,"sadness","littleoddforest","@sparklethots love that birdy nest! though i already got us another kind"
1694550588,"love","Drikster","@levitte: yay! it will be good to have you back"
1694550726,"happiness","maheshk","OK. Happy Star Wars Day, everyone. As they say, May the 4th be with you"
1694550733,"empty","1morpheus","@lizzie4berries also bored at school, its my third freelesson( freistunde )"
1694550794,"neutral","tdstarr","morning world, is raining 2day so revision don't seem so tough,"
1694550795,"neutral","naayribeiro","uup  morning, off to school. see ya xxx"
1694550796,"worry","Ms_Andriello","Shower/traffic/factory yaaaay"
1694550806,"neutral","Oh_Steven","FINALLY FINISHED MY FUCKING FILM FINAL!!!  (Well, all except 1 part, but idk how to do it....) :/"
1694550823,"neutral","Daisylittlestar","@BraeScotland May be back later...hope you have a good day  Byeeee xxx"
1694550861,"happiness","brmbds","@PembsDave Hope you're having a relaxing day. I feel so laid back I can't stand up"
1694550920,"neutral","Mysticccc","@Andrew_Johnson: have a good night"
1694550925,"fun","jamese","@NZNewsboy damn straight you know what the game is, and if you've heard the tracks you'll know why I've been rocking out"
1694550965,"neutral","kayleedotcom","everybody look at my new profile picture, just click it on my profile"
1694551123,"neutral","mruku","There are some great honey based recipes for you & the kids to download  at -  http://twurl.nl/ltlny8 - Join in the fun for honey week"
1694551159,"worry","easyhealthuk","@stephenfry  I've been single so long all I have is a Hans Solo"
1694551190,"enthusiasm","MartinM","@timscott2 Cool. Whenever I see someone is making so much. I tell them I WILLING to help them spend  So what's your deal?"
1694551225,"fun","Rexanne","Had to play one more and share the vibe of this song. Something about it jus' brings out the feel good.   Ta... ? http://blip.fm/~5jh0u"
1694551233,"worry","cmcrjr","It's 6 am, I haven't been to bed yet, and I just got my second wind.  Guess I should edit or read or something until I feel tired huh?"
1694551368,"fun","iCarluccio","@hypnoticzexy Ooooh, so you're the dream husband. lol =D I saw Stranthorpe on a map today and thought thought of dear Shea! lol"
1694551371,"happiness","velofille","Time to snuggle up in bed with the electric blankie on"
1694551388,"happiness","kleeinlondon","Nothing like 10P to kick-off the Bank Holiday, dig the haircut Luke! Next stop...Selfridges"
1694551397,"relief","kyelani","@chuckdarw1n whew! thassa relief"
1694551401,"happiness","kelanjo19","@lollipop26 that was a really good interview to read, really enjoyed it  x"
1694551432,"love","jochenjasch","just set up a new computer again. 15min. I love Norton Ghost."
1694551471,"happiness","motionmigs","is listening to Sunlounger's music, waiting for the sun to set."
1694551508,"happiness","boogie_shoes","@christhesoul well doesn't that look fab, even if I do say so myself!"
1694551517,"neutral","michdulce","is starting her pre europe diet today  goodbye midnight snacks, goodbye iced tea, hello momol. HAHAHAHAHA! http://plurk.com/p/rplpr"
1694551568,"happiness","StephieeRosee","is such a good big cousin as shes taking her little cousin to see hannah montana the movie next weekend"
1694551579,"relief","roger91367","@KADENMCNEIL - try thinking of something calm and peaceful, such as relaxing on the beach."
1694551635,"happiness","JuliaBall","Happy Star Wars Day  - May the Fourth be with you"
1694551671,"neutral","oztrace","@sera_bishop  sez need to get u to look at my flights again  will email ur work tonite"
1694551684,"surprise","pianoboex","@brettdennen 'discovered' you at the fray last night, nice music. then saw your vlogs. really, so whack."
1694551713,"happiness","pikaland","@fromlucy thank you dearie -- I just followed dome of them on there too!"
1694551823,"surprise","Nathaliejamois","@laurenceobrien Thank you  xo"
1694551858,"happiness","joshtastic1","@keza34 @ComedyQueen morning"
1694551929,"relief","SuppaKid","@thorsonb well.. i dont have to do any resits... lol... so its MY last exam"
1694551982,"relief","abuzaind","new Delerium's music video (http://tr.im/kpu3). mixed by Tiesto. i guess Bill Leeb finally forgot his music's roots"
1694551987,"fun","nofont","@vectorfunk Presentation went well  Yes, I also met a buch of cool people. Checked your portfolio, nice work/details in the projects."
1694552074,"relief","VerityCapratsis","http://twitpic.com/4jccd - and also these hi top Reeboks.  cause i can"
1694552097,"relief","fazerboy","yaaayyy !  no work today"
1694552102,"happiness","chriswatterston","Don't we all love bank holidays"
1694552196,"relief","smakodak","done with the dentist until November"
1694552219,"happiness","cristy626","Needs a yummy breakfast after her shift"
1694552252,"love","purplepleather","@mayalabeeDC3 I know!! our cats could be family  mikesh is so cute!!"
1694552261,"relief","soragon","May the 4th be with you  (via @matthew858) Thanks. I get it now. And it's awesome."
1694552279,"worry","linnetwoods","@paminnewzealand Hiya! You might want to delete and retweet - the link to your blog doesn't work"
1694552345,"worry","exmamaku","3 days of frisbee, three nights of partying and sprained ligaments. Can't imagine a better long weekend"
1694552369,"neutral","divxdownloads","Download movie  Notorious http://tinyurl.com/d2u4gs cool #movie"
1694552419,"neutral","girlj67","@KNUSEE *hugs* listening to EBTG "Each & Every One" perfect for public hol Monday morn with cuppa T"
1694552445,"love","Synthetikdezign","@kcghosthunters can't wait to hear the evp! And cuuuute picture."
1694552463,"happiness","Jadeee25","Having a pj dayy.....Doesnt happen veryy often"
1694552475,"neutral","Roxanne1977","@alandavies1 Raining in Belfast too - and I promised myself I would clean my windows today.  Back to bed, then!"
1694552506,"love","PodRED","@projiuk cool  that's good. You back on trains for a while?"
1694552507,"love","8DeMMaX","@theclassiccrime i love your music  especially the fight, thats a awsome song by far !"
1694552520,"happiness","alicee_","@taylorswift13 WOOOOOOOOOO   are you coming to Nottingham at any point?  lovelovelove<3"
1694552544,"love","ErikaMaB","GOODNIGHT MAGIC AND PRETTY WORLD"
1694552576,"hate","rafacst","I hate mondays, but I love @revision3's schedule. HELLO, DIGG REEL!"
1694552613,"neutral","mon006","Morning Beverley! youre like a breath of fresh air on twitterland, have a good day"
1694567234,"happiness","falCie","Came back from Bishopstorford! Went to my Aunt's wedding party by the way. It was fun! I got to see my cousins again after about 3 years"
1694567283,"neutral","LBOI","@logoholik a pleasure Bojan"
1694567293,"neutral","jennyGOLD","@iamjonathancook must go to strawberry fields!!"
1694567311,"worry","ellilovesmcfly","i want to see go:audio, someone take me please?  5DAYS(L)"
1694567335,"love","westlondonchick","@chaz81 Do U have a Morrisons near u?? Their chemist should be open!"
1694567383,"enthusiasm","GemmaCocker","@colbyrne totally agree"
1694567410,"neutral","BlokesLib","@JennaMadison Dinner done, shower done, now time to chill with block of chocolate"
1694567497,"happiness","TheLostSwede","@Cyberwest thanks for that twitpic, sure made me laugh"
1694567551,"neutral","Wolfie_Rankin","@Katisha_Honi Might be cute to do a little picture book called "The little book of boring""
1694567558,"love","lawrencelry","@dajuin Appending the #verticalchinese hash tag is a nice touch."
1694567570,"anger","farhanaJ","So, what's so great bout your so called 'wonderful love life'?  For god sake, W-A-T-E-V-A!"
1694567582,"worry","peaceNlove102","Going to bed  how's ever reading this"
1694567599,"neutral","webbanshee","The work got me back.100 percent monday feeling"
1694567609,"relief","pmcclory","http://twitpic.com/4jcfg - About to cycle within this quarry on Shipley glen near Baildon moor before heading back through the woods"
1694567619,"happiness","harveyavatar","@BeMeaningful thanks for FF wink"
1694567648,"fun","Bae808","Mahalo  great show! @CollieBuddz  aloha, thx for makin it out to Kauai, we enjoyed it!  Safe trip"
1694567756,"neutral","jpencilina","@memesijaitort thanks, I will send you a photo of my first."
1694567761,"neutral","dnthere4u","Y am i still awoke @ 5:12 a.m"
1694567797,"boredom","DanielaLopez99","HEY YOU' ALL SUCK;its anybody on there :s im so bored common answear me"
1694567827,"neutral","bengrubb","@benzoenator I'm sure @PeterBlackQUT would know of more"
1694567862,"fun","bakeddd","@areyoumee yeaaaah lol, i'm just insane"
1694567910,"love","MollyKelly_","@kayla314 ahhh ikr! he's the cuteset thing ever  Plus it reminds me of twilight which is good cause I looooooove it so much!!"
1694567965,"happiness","Drisalvia","@tomfelton http://twitpic.com/2dmtn - I saw this pic and it reminded me of you in Anna and the King.. so cuuuute little fella"
1694568025,"neutral","MercedesCacho","Im cleaning out my closet!  ahhh..."
1694568031,"neutral","MissxMarisa","@TheLonely California"
1694568034,"love","Emmakate8","@XxkelliemariexX Ohh thankss bubble  We have some of your things you left here, We are going to send them before we go  Missing youuu!"
1694568114,"empty","GemmaCocker","@dawizonline got ya - that wouldn't be so bad tho right?"
1694568123,"happiness","_Marcella_","i am kind of excited to go to school today. i dont know why. hopefully it will be a good day"
1694568161,"happiness","ifoughtthelaw_","Pretty happy with how things have changed over the past 2 months...definitely for the best"
1694568170,"love","xxbarbiexx","is loving life"
1694568173,"neutral","KARALFONSO","productive day 1"
1694568208,"neutral","fsyncd","@pjaficionado  what can i say, i am a creatur of night, hmm, should be dne soon"
1694568283,"empty","Laurawhittz09","having another only fools and horses marathon day"
1694568300,"neutral","judyking","@Wolfie_Rankin  I know! a whole different meat pie back then"
1694568306,"neutral","nellyaw","@stevencohmer -iv just added u as friend on youtube"
1694568421,"fun","hokeypokeyindia","@ankitbathija Did we hear our name ? Thanks Ankit, get them on to our parlour   #HokeyPokeyBandra"
1694568425,"love","bulletsxx","@rrolyat THANKYOU!  <3 iloveyoutwoooo"
1694568504,"happiness","CountCoat","Ideas gallore!!  Rock Opera FTW!!!! Yes tweets Kayleigh and I are writing a rock opera.  For more info email us: CoatAndKay@hotmail.com"
1694568537,"neutral","reinala","is saving up 'till HK."
1694568576,"love","VintagePastiche","Loving my new HR monitor"
1694568579,"worry","lapix","@VideoHive Here's getting cold.. And I got my coffee break 2 minutes ago. Enjoy your drink"
1694568581,"happiness","BONNIECHAU","FINALLY DONE WITH MY PROJECT !  now its 3:12 am  haha goodnights ! <3"
1694568652,"happiness","inkgypsy","@Wookiesgirl I was thinking, "I never see her tweet." Well, duh - if I don't follow you, I can't! Now I can."
1694568773,"neutral","Jayme1988","@midgetmeg HI MEG! @mileycyrus Life's a climb but the view is great."
1694568776,"worry","Ptrsha","Hope it becomes okay soon @samaliksi"
1694568846,"neutral","KellyTheCoolKid","Tweet Later! Byee"
1694568896,"worry","ellewagner","@forrrrrrrrrrest http://twitpic.com/4jazs - Congratulations! You two are adorable. Beautiful ring too!"
1694568930,"worry","Dexbeoriginal","@Shauntrice my bad homie"
1694568959,"enthusiasm","Kezzy256","Ok Twitter - show me what your all about"
1694569010,"neutral","matildarosem","@StephReayy we are going all out!"
1694569077,"fun","Sylly90","I uploaded my  random fandom trailer to youtube, check it out in here. It's also in HD  http://tinyurl.com/d5oyfl"
1694569139,"fun","MelissaJohnsen","What do you think I'm doing at the moment? Yeah you guessed it  http://www.phoenixfm.com/listen-now.php"
1694569144,"neutral","bharathganesh","iPhone Nano and iPhone Shuffle http://tinyurl.com/dc4jbk. No surprises if this really happens"
1694569181,"empty","P0150N0U5F15H","@Remy_Foster I did about 6 once"
1694569384,"neutral","alannahjc","Off school today, Happy May Day."
1694569409,"neutral","anneliese123","@lyssiecc hahah im way too lazy to check my phone  ooo michells! are you wtaching the recruits?"
1694569498,"love","alessandrafusi","@unknownnunes Goodmorning to you!Thank you so much for being so kind? The sun is out and I'm going to paint outside"
1694569619,"surprise","PremaLucas","@alandavies1 diggin' your moustachio! Looking good daddio!"
1694569620,"worry","mad_trubee","Unlike cierra, i look like poop today. Whatevahh, lol."
1694569631,"happiness","maryrz","CAPONES island in 2 days!!! my summer is just starting..."
1694569653,"happiness","GabbyRose",""We did it we did it oh yea yea yea no eating here tonite woo eating here tonight no no no eating here tonite you on a diet" finding nemo"
1694569724,"sadness","chloe_wallace","thats my moan for the day"
1694569832,"hate","GemmaCocker","@beachNZ yep nothing better"
1694569838,"neutral","karennz","@fudgecrumpet Prefer 80's singstar. I know all the words!"
1694569842,"neutral","VictoriaaBS","is helping @karenegge making a twitter account"
1694569863,"happiness","fi69","Already back from shopping and about to do a nice monday roast"
1694569921,"happiness","seenidaddy","@vileness now that is hilarious. I can imagine their reactions."
1694569930,"fun","kenistyles","@sofiavalentine cool baby, when are you going to go? I'll be there in July!"
1694570005,"happiness","Anime81","@R1CC1 that's funny...well, i'll say bye again b/c i'm really THAT delirious...lol... i worked 13 hrs i think...crazy...anyhoo bye lady!"
1694570072,"relief","Signen","Done! Finally.. Yay.. Now I can relax for.. Well one day ;D haha.."
1694570100,"relief","douginhonolulu","@WatariGoro Yep. I hope my lame attempt with the spaces helped me to hinder them, lol. I know tomorrow I guess."
1694570116,"worry","alicephilippa","*flop* back after going out to bag #geocache GC1QR2R nice hide."
1694570133,"love","sakbaboy","@blasha do it and I'll give you the first hug"
1694570137,"love","JH224","I LOVE TWILIGHT !!!"
1694570146,"neutral","JessiePants","is chatting to one of her besties."
1694570157,"neutral","LinziCasonPhoto","third driving lesson then back to the office"
1694570160,"fun","nuttychris","@Megzx lol, get watching it again  hehe"
1694570228,"happiness","paulawhite","@lisibo "grace and skills of a newborn giraffe " is a great visual aid!    Fabulous language to use as an example for kids.  Thx!"
1694570242,"love","i3am3angel","says i always love fifth!   and tomorrow is 5th!  (dance) http://plurk.com/p/rpmyd"
1694570258,"worry","gabsxx","writing my english original writing storyyyyy. and listening to 'a little respect' by erasure  aaaaaah."
1694570289,"neutral","Aakriti","@danishctc checked and commented"
1694570326,"happiness","sullen_penguin","May the 4th be with me today as I round off the weekend with one more session - happy 4th y'all from the Fintster"
1694570327,"neutral","DanieVerdugo","Save The Readheads!"
1694570337,"fun","tookiebunten","In honour of #starwarsday, I have fired up a New Hope in the DVD player in full THX glory"
1694570345,"fun","BendyGirl","@louisebolotin Funny how much difference simple changes make! Bed looks ace"
1694570468,"happiness","musicaljo","Welcome new followers also"
1694570612,"happiness","susanahG","@MiaMiaDC Good morning MiaMiaDC  My weekend was great and I just had my Monday, which was also great  I hope you have a wonderful day!"
1694570613,"neutral","SimonSaysMUSE","Colleen really sincerely hopes that @KalebNation gets better soon."
1694570770,"neutral","xcrazytomx","Well, up and into the third day of Virgin 1's Captain's Log Star Trek weekend"
1694570779,"love","Daniellejx","Watching the hills  arghh i lovee itt ) makin r liam watch it with me haha... girls aloud in 15 Dayss cannot waitt too see cheryl x"
1694570788,"neutral","Nathaliejamois","@MaverickNY Thank you!!"
1694570849,"love","Sally_E","@ExocetAU Hey lovely.. hope you had a good day  Thanks for an awsome night and teaching me how to put together a tie...hahaha"
1694570945,"worry","jmans","@yumecouk haha, nice wheels. Victoria will be doing her own peddling thankfully, the boys will get the free ride"
1694570969,"relief","Tina_Thud_Bump","@suziperry Yay good for both of you. Enjoy the break - you probably need it after such hectic weekend  Take care hun xxxx"
1694570985,"love","TwitMeALeica","@Gertrudesteinjr That's kinda cute, to be honest"
1694571031,"neutral","WronneteBasabe","Just got back."
1694571035,"enthusiasm","karenegge","I just got a twitter account"
1694571081,"sadness","tobycross","@Yassak you hate her, I love her.  presentation got cancelled. I got up at 0600 and went in to work today for this pitch !"
1694571153,"relief","OSteEL","@tankianann it actually is ;) According to all the retweets, at least!"
1694585898,"relief","Fitzchev","@lharp @franto it's an app to finally face the truth: you lack time, and never be able to achieve all your goals in life?"
1694585974,"surprise","emmaketurah","JD and Turk make me laugh  #scrubs"
1694585993,"worry","Deano2009","Happy star wars day! May the fourth be with you"
1694585995,"love","Miss_Bellatrix","@perpetualspiral I LOVE pb & banana sandwiches!! Still a fav of mine"
1694586012,"love","Aimeelee19","is going to have a relaxing, hot bath  goodnight for now then twits, & dont worry andy i love you more than twitter hehe"
1694586066,"worry","Houstondon","@Epiphora  I'd have read it but I'm not sure you would have wanted my opinion"
1694586073,"happiness","robinshipley","looking forward to Ben's baseball game tonight"
1694586195,"surprise","martinbonnin","will play quake3 in 3min"
1694586215,"neutral","JulzM","@rockeye You are always amusing."
1694586249,"neutral","jochaguevara","@DD_Lovato oh I see. Thanks for replying. anyway, how are you?"
1694586312,"sadness","devikamathur","@FotoWala Nice - your book will be a ready reckoner for new stuff next time I'm there!"
1694586326,"worry","juicypeachbabyy","i  miss my boyfriend so much like you don't even know ;/ but in 2 hours i'll see his oval face"
1694586339,"fun","missgiggly","@MelanieFresh27 Yep, tomorrow night, 10:30! Just saw the ad *squeals* LOVED this season"
1694586364,"sadness","CathErinE_ZoE","well i'm gonna go now.  goodbye all."
1694586495,"neutral","patchyemoly","Searching for wavy hairstyle"
1694586497,"happiness","pradeepto","@piyush_ranjan Did I ever mention what a nice and awesome dude you are?"
1694586499,"neutral","rossome","Woke up and it's bank holiday monday, so no college. got a text from tom via jason's mobile earlier today, so i'm hoping they turned up."
1694586550,"worry","kayttajaNimeni","It's going to be a good week"
1694586593,"love","joannapau","listening to some music. kate voegele is really great!"
1694586595,"neutral","decryption","@garthk cheers for the aptism link"
1694586700,"love","mybitofsky","'before you wake' - we sink ships photography exhibition is ONLINE http://tinyurl.com/dfs7fy please have a look"
1694586728,"happiness","rhabe1","mint choc ice cream whilst studying.....now thats good"
1694586729,"worry","brionymorgan","now going to watch the brand new episode of 'The Hills'  cant wait!!"
1694586746,"fun","paul_steele","@emnorm ha ha, no, will be thankful i am not dragging them up a mountain today"
1694586852,"surprise","witsandnuts","@macaronigirl Im soooo intrigued! I want to try this weekend. Kaya lang baka maaddict ako."
1694586856,"happiness","chieftech","Good episode of Top Gear tonight."
1694586973,"surprise","jordySAUROUS","@torriRAWR OMG apparantley green day are touring here in december..we are so going"
1694586978,"happiness","DonMamas","With that said, I'm out til later. Enjoy your day everyone!"
1694587005,"love","VioletsCRUK","Hiya!!! I am good thanks..how's yourself..doin anything nice today?"
1694587026,"happiness","videohive","@lapix Thanks Ennio"
1694587053,"hate","kleins315","@coollike "And I'm packing your ANGRY eyes, just incase""
1694587055,"relief","emmaleeks","@Andreaheartscgh ooo thanks for the danger radio link  loves it...how did the test go?"
1694587079,"love","youlovesylvie","bout to go to bed... pretty good day for a Monday."
1694587080,"happiness","gigajosh","Caught on Google Street View http://twitzap.com/u/aw4 - A couple of good ones"
1694587201,"love","kieranbuzz","@jennettemccurdy I LLLOOOVVVEEE ICARLY"
1694587254,"neutral","courtNAZt","@becca_roo you're welcome."
1694587278,"relief","steveapple","@boffy my sympathies - been here 20 minutes and had enough - will escape soon"
1694587301,"neutral","runfromzelda","I'm in French and we don't have a teacher.  One hour left til school ends."
1694587337,"worry","webbanshee","In a rush....   Lunchtime anyway"
1694587379,"neutral","ashtreetree","@julierockaholic STEPHEN KING FO SHO"
1694587446,"fun","FeeMcGee","@harlequinne haha neither am I. It doesn't matter though you guys do what you want"
1694587457,"worry","naomijlea","morning.. just,  going to destroy a few more  trees in aid of research"
1694587470,"worry","farhadd","@learymay Oooh... that's right by the zoo... think... in 2 months' time that could be our regular other meeting place"
1694587472,"relief","Brighteyes08","@heyuguysblog No I haven't had chance to watch that yet...going to have to get hold of it.   Thanks for the tip."
1694587502,"happiness","ronhoutman","I'm wondering how big the rumored new 'large screen' Kindle will be - http://is.gd/wyFI -and when we can start seeing K12 textbooks on it"
1694587567,"neutral","agentwhiskers","@khanserai why that's a halo"
1694587575,"relief","RohanThompson","@LifesavvyChic I appreciate your kind words. I am glad that the words resonate with you"
1694587589,"neutral","Mark_Dy","is about to go duster shoppping in greenhills with my Mom for Balikbayans"
1694587635,"happiness","Abi_Beswick","is feeling very happy despite the amount of work that i need to do today!!! Happy times"
1694587642,"worry","Kelly_00","@EmmaJaney ohh, yeah well. im sick today so i win"
1694587646,"fun","putrisianipar","@FollowSavvy @FollowMandy heyyhoo!heyhey"
1694587677,"neutral","Jinxie_G","@darklord1 Even more so bc I drove their asses to Chandler, which is why I am just now getting home, an hour and a half later. LOL"
1694587720,"sadness","duhnelalewis","Waaaa. I ran my machine problem! Yeah!"
1694587753,"sadness","dorkyxcyrus","eating breakfast  getting ready to go to school ;("
1694587827,"surprise","Ascotiel","Have just bought a TV tuner for my laptop.  He he.  I deserve a present"
1694587947,"neutral","PeteMoring","R-T @michaeldunlop 30 Cool Things For Successful Entrepreneurs To Do - http://bit.ly/8w7iQ - Please Share"
1694587970,"hate","alicemcivor_x","gooooodnight  i fully gave up on my english. pride and prejudice. love the movie HATE the book ;)"
1694587993,"worry","dilafauza","@silmy Bandung, my hehe but I'm home now"
1694587994,"love","Katie800","And happy star wars day"
1694588003,"happiness","bifnaked","Namaste! Hooray for Monday! Undaunted by a 3am wakeup, I consider it is 9am in London and feel justified. Bright side to everything!"
1694588028,"love","issaleuterio","@erikarhanetan yeah i did  i remember it na....... i did watch it before )"
1694588075,"worry","WollemiPine","@craigend I only do computers. Am hopeless at everything else"
1694588100,"neutral","dan_ashcroft","IDIOTat)gameszombie you're welcome  Th*nks for the follow back. (stonedbuzz) #IDIOT"
1694588157,"love","dan_ashcroft","IDIOTat)tux11 That's cool.  Th*nks for the follow.   (techyuppie) #IDIOT"
1694588227,"neutral","llillian","@Jeejee99 dat klinkt erg enthousiast"
1694588246,"neutral","FxCKING_Elise","@joshroyse Josh  Excuse me, but, at what time is it going to begin?"
1694588318,"enthusiasm","MRJAYV","@SonjaNorwood ,,, hey mom,,"
1694588387,"surprise","TheRealJames","Still in the News Room..however; with audio to turn around!  Just grabbed a tea. Looking forward to after 1 when I get out in this rain"
1694588432,"relief","Mr_Creosote","It worked. Cool AND the gang!"
1694588558,"sadness","Cazzberry","@iamdiddy If I knew it was gonna be this kind of party, I would've stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes!"
1694588734,"worry","dyehlah","collage. what is feminism?"
1694588791,"happiness","NallehxxD","On my way home. I think i am over him"
1694588816,"neutral","JavierSamaniego","Me hice una maruchan"
1694588829,"neutral","SilkCharm","@robfindlay http://tinyurl.com/d4l3oe Desktop wallpaper like the inside of a monitor"
1694588945,"neutral","ananyah","@sylvied school trip to Phuket Thailand, I was 12 while living in Singapore"
1694588952,"worry","digitalbase","@dipfico: hmmm, wrong link, ignore my tweet"
1694588962,"neutral","CoachDom","Hello twitter"
1694589001,"happiness","lesley007","@guybatty Yes,it's beautiful and i'm fortunate to live in the thick of it..Very relaxing"
1694589111,"neutral","dollforlife","grinning like a Cheshire cat.... ....happy as hell. they made my day  ??"
1694589113,"love","princessj_rae","morning all!!! have a blessed day!!!"
1694589121,"fun","arabflak","@ireal Well alright. But #dollhouse is still fricking awesome. Elisha's performance in last weeks episode sold me there too, finally"
1694589129,"neutral","EdieLou","@ashleno NO GO ROVE GO THE MCMANUS'  adam is cool tho"
1694589155,"love","RQOCJD","@Fuzzy2230 anyways have a severe headache ryt now! i jst love dis cup of tea i made me self!! its makin the headache go away"
1694589169,"happiness","inkandneedle","@inkcircles Thank you!"
1694589177,"surprise","jezhiggins","@phil_nash Ba-dum-tish!  You win"
1694589306,"neutral","horse8978","@jrmxsoccerx2x ahh retweet everything i say!"
1694589378,"neutral","musicaljo","@shaddybabybitch Hello there"
1694589540,"neutral","JOSEPHINEox","@ROBBIEEEEE Aha, Ok  I might see you there yano."
1694589545,"neutral","lizzabethhh","Can't wait till Friday. Leave school at 10:15 and party at Manor Heath for the rest of the day"
1694589546,"happiness","ChelseaHatherly","@quinland    Lmao Yes its on the 27th  I get so excited lol"
1694589617,"happiness","the_sandman_","@katoi awww, a very happy birthday to him"
1694589643,"happiness","cherlyn0217","@nikkiwoods no problem! i think it's a great thing to reflect on."
1694604935,"neutral","WarrenWhitlock","@prgirl I still think everyone using twitter now is an early adopter, but yes, the underscore doesn't look so cool"
1694604940,"worry","jisjah","@lauVanExel @Ramoso, just dont understand what's it got to do with me. I'm just a nice girl"
1694604977,"love","mizzlizwhizz","@Darcevarchy Re novel - will keep you posted"
1694605028,"worry","christiantjr","@superrichguy werd. that's very true"
1694605074,"neutral","Dirk_Gently","I am going to start using @1Password for fast access to m.twitter.com at school"
1694605136,"happiness","serenaslevin","gooodmorning people of earth!"
1694605164,"neutral","momentbymoment1","@Woywegian  Hello there hope your over your flu now"
1694605188,"love","teiganashleigh","you belong with me may be my favourite music video ever, and lucas till makes it just that little bit better"
1694605215,"happiness","damonvaudrey","@ckanal funny you should say...am filling it out as we speak ;) cheers!"
1694605282,"love","hollaaayy","going on a picnic with my dad - atleast i persauded him out of the idea of walking & cycling. yum, special k."
1694605286,"fun","points2shophelp","Can you dig it, sucka?  Booker T.  Former WWE Wrestler"
1694605358,"fun","aprilyim","looking at tabs for all of the "Boys Like Girls" songs"
1694605379,"neutral","Marlenebnj","looking for people"
1694605407,"relief","brethred","@tialebott haha you are just as bad as I am.... Well perhaps a little less retarded . I am attempting to knit myself gloves this winter"
1694605412,"love","missread","@lostgirl66 yeah, it's a bit 80s silly at points but i love it"
1694605421,"worry","RQOCJD","@lameBIRDIE aw its okay tht happened wid me too..am so glad thts OVER now!am not helpin here am i?!?lol thnx for postin WMIAD  loved it"
1694605475,"fun","Muzzzza","@Sally_E u work hard Sally  Not sure i can muscle up the courage to go on my own, it will be hard without you laughing at my unco-ness"
1694605531,"fun","krystal_xo15","playing sudoku while mommy makes me breakfast & lunch"
1694605624,"happiness","ilanbr","@chromasia I saw your tweet minutes before going to lunch.  Decided to skip that today. Thanks for saving me the money  Speedy recovery!"
1694605648,"surprise","aaronnw","About to take a shower. Then see how annas doing"
1694605739,"neutral","citizensheep","@understood Well best of luck"
1694605883,"happiness","BW101","@fallenstar_ I got 71! That's more than I'm following... I feel special now"
1694605931,"neutral","ganeshjaju","Hey guys, this is group for people who belong to "Pune Institute of Compute Technology" college, Pune   via http://twibes.com/group/PICT"
1694605971,"neutral","vinmehta","alphonso milkshake in the morning, lassi in the afternoon and fresh nimbupaani in the evening....summers can be fun"
1694605985,"empty","Scyranth","@afwife08 nope! not comin up 2nite gurl!"
1694605987,"love","Kelztar","I need a break... PFFF... Work Sucksss Will be in Myrtle Beach SC in 45 days...  things like that make me soooo happy woeiwoeiwoei"
1694606072,"enthusiasm","mezzalaneous","@jeanettewang Nice! That would be a feat for me...The husband's out clocking some miles for Sundown too!"
1694606112,"happiness","vhoogsteder","@jjkraal Thanks! Fotoreportage coming soon"
1694606118,"neutral","intheglow","Good morning!"
1694606150,"neutral","NickTrashbags","@bethharperwalsh Yes for sure ! its all that i would eat !!"
1694606203,"sadness","tarek","The Aspitar Hospital in Doha is amazing. Great service, nice building and free WiFi. Win"
1694606218,"neutral","aaaaayushi","@coollike toy story pwns"
1694606280,"happiness","midget_sk8","@Blondie_HK very funny"
1694606337,"neutral","rinic13","Sitting here twittering~~up at 3 am yuk! I want some messages!  Blue Monday!!"
1694606340,"happiness","ronni_xo","@fallenstar_ Oh ok then, I've been there before for a wedding. It was heaps nice there. I'm a big fan of Qld"
1694606406,"worry","maliajonas","@hot30 how do you win the trip to america? please reply xo"
1694606473,"happiness","sandymwoelden","Thanks everyone for twittering with me. Still a newbie.. so if you have friends who you would like to invite here, please help a girl out"
1694606518,"love","taiforever","i dont think i have ever laughed so hard"
1694606564,"fun","julierockaholic","Threee WORDS . . . YOUTUBE BAMBOOZLE SHOW"
1694606568,"fun","ZUCREUNIVERSAL","@mariamabdillahi welcome back chica! hope you had a nice break"
1694606576,"worry","Rojanlovesyou","Woke up at 10am, my alarm didnt wake me up so @samm_xo did by sending me the best text!"
1694606595,"worry","DesTami","wonders what some dancers have against glitter? Just don't wear it. Don't create a whiny group about it. Ok, I'm done."
1694606605,"neutral","cribbshitter88","says I'm tutoring my cousin!  http://plurk.com/p/rpp57"
1694606636,"happiness","Jinxie_G","@DrRus @BruceBrownNC Good morning, gents!  How are ya today?"
1694606684,"happiness","dubfairy","hope this day will be nice as the sun that are upon us"
1694606711,"neutral","keilowhaler","@Beverleyknight  really? ur a brave lady walkin around those lions then.  any other book suggestions?"
1694606773,"surprise","hokeypokeyindia","@ankitbathija Thanks mate, just came on board here at Twitter ...  .. tweet up sounds great.."
1694606863,"happiness","kellythomas1","Good Morning everyone!  Have a great Monday!  Thanks for following!"
1694606902,"empty","emilytheunicorn","cant chu hear the echooooo-oooo??"
1694607017,"worry","nessie111","@sucka99 yep 14 days whoop"
1694607031,"neutral","ahmednaguib","Off to study!  later guys"
1694607070,"worry","TrishaMelissa","@dannykurily awww hope you get better"
1694607102,"surprise","djsolidbase","@kontorrecords yes i do, how can I not?"
1694607107,"worry","hrocky101","And gadget show today  Can today be any better?"
1694607238,"neutral","NYBabe","They grovelled   On tomorrow morning, will post a link to the show, should be on just after 9am if anyone is about"
1694607243,"happiness","vintageaffair","Just booked my tickets for London on thursday, i'm so exicted"
1694607245,"worry","whitsundays","@1sweetwhirl  It's a pleasure , Will be wary of girlie marshmallows from now on lol  You might have saved my life .lol ;-)"
1694607248,"neutral","eliciachin","found any decently priced breakfast yet? i hope you do  @DavidArchie"
1694607259,"happiness","tweetieelovee","@Zokathepuppy heyyy! how are you todayy?!"
1694607265,"surprise","AnonymousFondle","@blue_north27 http://twitpic.com/4jcjr - Mmm yummy... looks like an invitation to me"
1694607385,"happiness","miamoran","@Rupert_Grint About the dog thingy, an adorable golden retriever would be awesome !  Or a husky, too. x"
1694607404,"surprise","tschisirocks","I'm on Twitter now... how cool am I? and now let's go to McDo"
1694607423,"neutral","yes2thedress","@nomysteryleft well, the customer is always right (at least that's what they tell me)"
1694607515,"worry","measured","@patently and yes, I have seen your comment and yes, I did have the right answer.  I'll get over it."
1694607532,"sadness","VioletsCRUK","@pd1001 Aw poor you..ironing! Eek! lol It's raining here too.....prob try and get out with the kids later..nt too exciting im afraid!"
1694607534,"fun","londonmonroe","just helping myself to some caramel digestives"
1694607554,"neutral","martinbonnin","has britney spears  songs all over his Desktop now"
1694607751,"fun","amicamia","@Japan_Blogs Congratulations lovely Japanese Children Happy Kodomo no hi"
1694607777,"neutral","FrankDeJonge","Just got booked my ticket to athens"
1694607784,"worry","CAPT_UNDAPANTS","@JamieLynnMB i had my son when i was 16.he's now 10..and twins at 19,age doesnt matter! there are worse parents out there that are older!"
1694607880,"enthusiasm","rubygracecooper","you'll be good eloise"
1694608072,"neutral","DKM_Cleaners","still page one on Google   still cant quite believe it   not spent a cent to get to page One..... Wow what next...Mmmmmm"
1694608121,"fun","franalations","I'm so drunk haha. Cant wait for round 2 tomorrow night  Gnight ppl"
1694608156,"worry","thisismaxi","No more tickets for today.  Having dinner with Mimcy after work, then we head home. Then again, she might get a call"
1694608194,"fun","themessengerguy","anybody have any new song ideas?"
1694608202,"surprise","schaeferj89","@DJ_Joelted i will definately be there tomorrow"
1694608229,"fun","Ketchup_stains","pacquiao fight was fun at home wif fam and melissa sat.    today was a mission to ikea. srsly 4 different freeways to ge to burbank."
1694608245,"neutral","ickleveronie","Kind of tired of poopy puppy patrol....who knew two lil doggies could make so much um...waste. They are super cute though"
1694608254,"neutral","nzstars","Although it is becoming Tuesday (soon) in New Zealand  * @bigbdisco @by_starla @tubilino @LittleC @asterion H... ? http://blip.fm/~5jhim"
1694608325,"surprise","felicityfuller","@ladybug8320 that is definitely a blast from the past"
1694608386,"empty","Dutch_Bitch","http://twitpic.com/4jco5 - The Result of working the Green/Black fingers..."
1694608392,"neutral","vixey","ok thats it.... sleep time"
1694608401,"love","scrappyfairy","has sent Ben off to do the weekly shop  woo! xxxxx"
1694608408,"love","arlyanagi","@jeffsonstein Me too, because Monday is end of weekend. But, we cannot escape it, so I wish you have a good week"
1694608428,"enthusiasm","ChristinaStokes","@clarexsaula I am excited. Ashley and Matt should be here within the next half hour and that's when it all really starts for me."
1694608429,"fun","piyush_ranjan","@pradeepto he he! I will send it thru anurag"
1694608468,"sadness","NickTrashbags","@suzi_meow YEAH U Better BE !!"
1694608514,"happiness","elinedg","Having fun  With my friend !"
1694608521,"happiness","dzovan","@kevmarmol Agree!"
1694608621,"enthusiasm","lovetaylorw","@ddlovato how was bamboozle? i wish i could've gone. && have you worked with laurie ann gibson? she told me you guys worked together"
1694608625,"happiness","brmbds","Right I now need breakfast. Let's see if I can make it while Tweeting ;-) What am I thinking, I'm a bloke, multitasking is out lol"
1694608642,"neutral","TGCKorrigan","It's almost past 3. Time to go to bed"
1694608685,"fun","jc_shipper","@scullyrific Hell Yeah!"
1694608752,"sadness","LudditeWebDev","@threefromleith Poor you. I'm off on Bank Holiday Monday today too"
1694624948,"neutral","rom","@sabbypar when next week are you leaving? Am off somewhere next week as well."
1694624962,"neutral","alextorres","Probando TweetDeck"
1694624995,"fun","meglizmiller","@que_day26 YES YES YES! http://snurl.com/hbn90 i used YOUR song in mine"
1694625015,"happiness","Marissa_24","@WhitneyEVE i love the new hairdo! haha, and i live in NY too, so yeah it was REALLY hott!"
1694625119,"surprise","kezzibugx3","@kate38381849 haha, yeah i meant mall! -winks back-"
1694625141,"surprise","jowadsworth","@paulcockerton that is truly impressive. Can't come close to that. Takes the argument over whether web needs subs to a new level though"
1694625184,"happiness","missmalony","@marcooth GREAT!! i obviously should check twitter more often to know all the important stuff thats going on"
1694625212,"relief","BeanMcN","Handed in. Can relax a bit now."
1694625292,"worry","alllyy_","@SWIFTas omg evie. we have to do our plan for hot 30 tomorrow night"
1694625329,"neutral","dongtwittee","@mileycyrus : Come to VietNam to make a live Show Miley. there are so much fans love you at Viet Nam"
1694625355,"worry","PrisonerOfPain","@ElonNarai Ugh, looks like you'll have some work to do . Good luck"
1694625437,"happiness","JMBuckett","Oh snap... kinda nuts right now... @basedmagazine:  I've told at least 27  Thanks babes."
1694625528,"neutral","emilylouisemei",""family bird is the word" I <3 FAMILY GUY"
1694625649,"happiness","ladybirdgirl","made my pin hole camera todaaaaay. need to get some film now!  http://tinyurl.com/cw8wp2"
1694625654,"relief","holly_doll_xoxo","is finally starting her assignments"
1694625671,"love","b0kiez","i really wanna be miley cyrus's friendie  hahaha"
1694625771,"neutral","djsolidbase","@TiffLacey of course, always here for you"
1694625779,"happiness","christiemaine","@krissy_tina @_adriii guys  i am literally going to sydney in the june/july hols. can we meet? i wanna try one of those lindt cafes!"
1694625792,"happiness","NatRipepi","spending some quality time with my fender tele deluxe...true love"
1694625859,"enthusiasm","susanahG","@StaciJShelton Well tell me what fashion tips you need and I'm your woman  hehehe"
1694625864,"neutral","mybitofsky","@dougiedaydream thank you"
1694625929,"neutral","docbaty","@jeffparks Good morning, sir"
1694625952,"love","fizzylogic","I love the video for Da Funk by Daft Punk"
1694625954,"worry","booo_","hopefully today will work in our favor"
1694626030,"happiness","Randumzlover","@igortizz hahahahaha u look really good in ur picture"
1694626038,"love","xamylouise","#musicmonday Epic song. (Y)  ? "Lights and Sounds" by Yellowcard ~ http://tinyurl.com/db7ppm"
1694626079,"sadness","AnnaHellawell","Boo to the rain. Just got all pruney in the bath  oo its may day..the crazy morris dancers will be having it large in ampthill lol."
1694626108,"neutral","gilmore_junkie","watchin Gilmore Girlz"
1694626145,"love","schmoopsiepoo",""Can't a Stevie wonder?" gabe just called me sleepypants gaby."
1694626149,"neutral","emalea","@JaimeMcKnight too late!  already finished the chapter and posted it!"
1694626155,"neutral","Kenny_nz","@nerissa02 Yeah, a few peeps. It should be a good day to catchup with everyone"
1694626163,"fun","hanna_C","Jimmy Eat World's initials are JEW....new favorite band"
1694626171,"fun","Rominha28","@Milomilkshake you can put a saucepan full of water on the cooker to heat up the water...indian style  scrabbled are the best!!!!"
1694626235,"worry","_ali_mac_","hmm... now what to do today... i suppose i could revise for my science test :/ or i could just eat cookies and watch films"
1694626243,"love","runfromzelda","My Monday has been going extremely well. Not what I expected at all!"
1694626260,"happiness","parthawasthi","????? ?? ??? ????????, ????? ?? ??? ???????, ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??, ???? ??? ?? ???????... The magic of Rafi singing for Shammi Kapoor"
1694626275,"neutral","akiraLOVE","@Kait_O haha .. i'm from philippines!  i just want to follow you!"
1694626346,"neutral","whiskymac1746","morning to all"
1694626358,"empty","SerenityLove","@BenKasica Iowa is like that sometimes, it gets frustrating."
1694626371,"relief","jochaguevara","@DD_Lovato Never been better thanks  what are you up to?"
1694626374,"fun","celestialpoet","@emmao414 Thanks Emma! Plus: Squeeee! You're my first comment!!!"
1694626403,"love","pelleaardema","@vuzzello Yeah, they're great. I think we'll hear more of them in the years to come"
1694626464,"neutral","sweetsurprises","It are mimi time"
1694626479,"happiness","KyriiK","what a beautiful morning ; it's time to get up and enjoy the sun"
1694626504,"relief","hilaryjp","@ShropshirePixie I've got some of those I used to use on my OES.  Good for the wrist muscles though"
1694626510,"happiness","kirstysmac","Wearing my new Victoria's Secret slippers"
1694626640,"happiness","letteapplejuice","@alancostello well...as long as you have trees  yeh definately need to go find one, maybe after the crutches tho! :p"
1694626662,"relief","Xo_TiKa","chillin an havin a drink"
1694626678,"worry","ItsBrookeRyan","Tanya is jealous because I'm Mike's new favorite  It's because he tried to kiss me over the weekend....pictures to follow at 95sx.com"
1694626774,"happiness","thenickclarke","May the 4th be with you"
1694626792,"worry","harrietelefther","so the Today show still hasn't gotten in touch with me, i wish they would so i can take my friends and myself to the NKOTB show"
1694626828,"happiness","ohsnapattack","(@JMBuckett) Oh snap... kinda nuts right now... @basedmagazine:  I've told at least 27  Thanks babes."
1694626861,"relief","kodys_angel","@redvers I've been quite lucky this weekend... Slight headache here n there, but nothing incapacitating  yay me! Poor Carol tho..."
1694626890,"neutral","tinacochina","@xkilljoyx dude. letters are the new currency. i think we're rich!"
1694626968,"happiness","McFLY_4_EVER","might start Spanish...any min now....nope just can't do it! xx"
1694626995,"love","pandalion","Swanage tomorrow and going to stay in Bourton on the Water Thurs/Fri!  Hoping for sun  Arcades and tea and pretty things, here we come"
1694627008,"neutral","hellohayley_","The music video I made for my  project for 'This City is Contagious' by @thecab is uploading to YouTube now."
1694627133,"surprise","remmulpaidualc","@LauriM OH WAIT, I read that wrong. OK hellboy"
1694627220,"neutral","alexleonard","@lisardggY Thanks for the info"
1694627226,"worry","blackfonzie","@buglegirl Thanks! I'm not quite ready for a marathon yet -- if at all, not this year anyway."
1694627275,"relief","HellMani","@shadowdealer I did  For Thursday"
1694627293,"love","LammyxCakes","@Jay_RachineA oh so you said you good-byes and hugs  my dad left around 4 in the morning so I woke up to an empty house i'm pretty scared."
1694627369,"relief","Sue_fun","Watching Ladyhawke on channel 4 & most likely to stay in bed all day"
1694627372,"neutral","jecaaa","just made som situpps"
1694627379,"hate","clairesibbick","@LushLtd Well aren't you just the kindest people in the world  Unfortunately, I have no such enquiries!"
1694627397,"neutral","LydiaStack","@andyclemmensen @shaundiviney i agree with @ilovegoobeck come to canberra! we are the raddest!"
1694627419,"love","fletch_vaughan","@smokeyroxsox Thanks heaps for the lovely compliment  hopefully uou're not doing anything too important during laughing, like surgery..."
1694627470,"happiness","eelam_garek","I'm currently enjoying NOT being at work this bank holiday  Frasier and Jeremy Kyle so far. Enjoy the extra day off Tweeters!"
1694627613,"neutral","paavani","@anitabora yeah, right. What if our politicians start using uploading their pics, lots of inside stories will be out"
1694627617,"love","KayCeeslife","who watched X-men origins: wolverine? i totally loved it! haha"
1694627623,"worry","Marissa_24","@David_Henrie oh my god, yeah! that cake looks delish! i hope you shared it! haha."
1694627626,"neutral","kerri_louise","On the way to my aunty's"
1694627680,"love","MVamp_319","Just got the may issue of Total Girl!!! Love it  especially with all the things and info about different countries. And EMMA WATSON!!!"
1694627686,"love","yulea","@_xotashhh lmao I KNEW that answer would come from you ^^ oh and that's update numero 200. thanks for that"
1694627764,"neutral","MrFloydNL","@James_yeah - I know the feeling... Good morning mate!"
1694627769,"happiness","aprilyim","@avrilchan that is of course, u don't mind some old ppl as well"
1694627818,"neutral","protoiyer","@netvibes Thanks. I am greedy, looking for a full fledged widget (a la twitter) so I can like and share from within NV. 2 much to expect?"
1694627830,"relief","paul8368","Typical overcast bank holiday Monday, glad we went to the beach on Saturday"
1694627858,"neutral","benbarden","@jlandells you should add your blog to CMF Ads"
1694627882,"neutral","rahulgoyal1986","@ShivaniRamaiah depends if u're applyn for credit cards or debit cards ..  in delhi, I got a new credit card delivrd in 14 hours"
1694627885,"fun","mhisham","@stripedshirt errr ok, most people have their espressos in the morning, ice latte at noon and warm latte in the evening!"
1694627928,"relief","GreenyMAIL","@cbedon thanks alot. Hope you can help spread the word and get people involved. We are already making a real difference"
1694627955,"neutral","Ascotiel","@mysgreen  You cna get em for about �17 but I've got one for �27 which is Asus same as lappie"
1694627957,"neutral","alicephilippa","@ethyl_deadgirl :hard stare:"
1694628019,"worry","Piewacket1","@Vixster25 Internet 1 drawing 0 ....damn I'm backing up blackberry files which could take hours  then to the drawing preps done"
1694628161,"surprise","Jersey3000","@AandDfilms OMG rated 10 stars"
1694628206,"happiness","kahood","It's Happy Star Wars Day, LOL.  May the force be strong with you all."
1694628255,"surprise","anneliese123","OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! New SUPERNATURAL starts tonight!  New Sam and Dean! Oh My god! can't breathe!  <3 <3"
1694628304,"neutral","barnstormed","@gemma_bessant  Yeah, thats mostly how I feel about make-up   The sleep part, not the vrooom vrooom part..."
1694628326,"love","isobel_laughed","@iamkryssa twitter does not suck missy love you"
1694628342,"relief","ashtreetree","@julierockaholic well she likes it so i call it a SUCCESS"
1694628414,"neutral","lisakatherineb","Sky man is quite friendlyand likes joey  still annoyed that I got woke up about half eight though"
1694628462,"hate","matt49er","@MissJoJoSmith I was thinking there should be a thumbs down button for Cry me a river."
1694628490,"surprise","irenebarts","@avataraang awww ) where'd you get that? hugh is so thin. no traces of being wolverine yet. btw, who's that other guy besides RDJ?"
1694628496,"surprise","2mins13s","has just finished watching masterchef. Surprisingly (perhaps), it's good"
1694628499,"happiness","MrLanga","Just been playing some pacman on the box......a few achvs,taking my GS to exactly 47000........nice"
1694644164,"happiness","marramgrass","@col4man Thanks"
1694644199,"neutral","MissxMarisa","@TheLonely Oh you do? I have the ability to teleport"
1694644266,"love","DaLibbles","I gots a Pandora bracelet for my birthdaaaay"
1694644272,"neutral","Amity_Cafe","@StephenRLee Is that Jack Daniels your sipping?"
1694644335,"happiness","xants2355","Fight Club 10th anniversary re-enacting. Nice tattoos  http://img.suicidegirls.com/media/albums/6/57/13576/658166.jpg"
1694644337,"neutral","cladalu","Hugh Masekela pix online + Contern - T71 pix + review @ http://clada.lu -> coming up next Naturally7 Concert this evening"
1694644344,"happiness","seindal","@ciaoamalfi Its great when locals stop you to ask for directions, and even better when you know the answer"
1694644347,"love","paulissima","@toddlucier Thanks! I love it they have a video, so you don't need to download if they don't offer everything you want  Will try!"
1694644400,"love","VioletsCRUK","@pd1001 Oh lovely - that is one thing Mum's are great at!! Sounds yummy!  You are makin me hungry here! lol :-p"
1694644439,"neutral","coolphotoideas","@kbphotos You are an early bird too I see?!?!"
1694644451,"worry","LAWALLER","@shakeyz09 so I take it, it wasn't the best weekend?"
1694644524,"worry","sleeper1972","@bsweens haha they might! good luck if you're taking it as well  i'm hoping I get a 1 for putting my name down"
1694644529,"love","krystaldbryand","is going to be in Texas in 15 days!!! eeekkkk!!!"
1694644535,"worry","Jhennel","@wajeeha i hope you knew its due tuesday"
1694644559,"happiness","PinkFairyWings","DH is just about finished making his giant Trio candy bar. Thank the heavens. His work mates are in for a treat tomorrow!"
1694644626,"relief","egonwillighagen","ha, the first request for sending a paper copy of my thesis"
1694644702,"neutral","demonick","@aprilyim thats real geek talk! haha...I feel you!"
1694644750,"happiness","llaeak","@emma_BMTH i also want to attend the tafe gig  I asked mum about soundwave and she was like, hmmm possibly. which probably means yes."
1694644766,"neutral","bobbinrob","@briethehippo gmail"
1694644769,"sadness","MissMileysFan1",""My problem isn't that I miss you... 'cause I don't""
1694644789,"fun","mohanbn","@jemshad cool.. look forward for frequent tweets"
1694644836,"worry","weecoco","@coollike FAIL"
1694644887,"relief","Kerry350","@themaineman ooo enjoy  and thanks for looking out for ours"
1694644900,"happiness","ruILLTZ","will be heading to baguio in a few hours."
1694644964,"happiness","linnetwoods","@Loebette Hooray! Your avatar is back! Wil go and put it in the Gardeners zone now"
1694645032,"relief","vivbryers","Think Big! "The size of your thinking determines the size of your results" Bob Proctor's great advice      http://www.wealthwithsoul.com"
1694645053,"neutral","summer320","can't wait for the 8th and the 13th.... its gonna be a loooong night!!"
1694645055,"happiness","kirkichi","Rose Romance is released here on Thursday, gonna get me some BPs"
1694645096,"neutral","keza34","@joshtastic1 yea gonna make it for tea later.just need to get some naan bread  to go with it.lol"
1694645103,"love","heathermoire","@Pebbles945 http://twitpic.com/4jcf1 - Looks great!  Love the way they did the bottom."
1694645144,"worry","yunuz","@inks Does it hurt? How much you lost?"
1694645244,"worry","15mbtd","Oh, had like the most amazing weekend, sunshine & part��, white wine!! Now its back to the rehearsals regime!! NICE !!!"
1694645299,"relief","freeek0804","midday and a half, time for lunch"
1694645300,"relief","andrewroche","Awake and almost recovered from my Brother's Wedding at the Weekend"
1694645306,"love","thaipung","wondering why random people are following me! ive only been to houston  im in Sydney now babes..."
1694645328,"neutral","matt_ely","@BeckyPidz You charmer   Do you like football too?"
1694645384,"happiness","chynesechopstyk","Does anyone out there want to be REALLY awesome and buy me one of these for my birthday? http://poprl.com/1vN0"
1694645414,"fun","Webkramfutten","pretty fun way to write a resignation  http://www.farbs.org/Message.html"
1694645458,"worry","Piewacket1","@Vixster25 I cant it... gets pissy if I unplug it when its not finished hahaha"
1694645486,"happiness","rissalynn84","and so another week begins. this one has got to be better than the last"
1694645515,"surprise","Peulo","@magh aw. you level up. haha but just try to manage your money."
1694645561,"happiness","djsolidbase","@atbandre nice wedding ring, shiny!"
1694645566,"neutral","aweekes","Ok just woke up and need to get ready before a day of getting twitterena 2.1 submitted!"
1694645635,"worry","__LucifersAngel","I Miss Daddy and Mommy"
1694645783,"neutral","Extremo","I would soooooo be a cop... If it weren't for two things... 1. I could drive.... 2. I wasn't so unfit..."
1694645943,"neutral","manaalyou","going offline. buhbye twit"
1694645950,"love","Steffie_84","hi everybody! i'm having my lunch break at work and enjoying a nice cup of coffee!"
1694646002,"love","MVamp_319","@ohmyjooo miss ko na nga kayo  hope we can have the shoot soon. Joover!"
1694646043,"worry","fSTACK_","@Dee_Staack Pfft ... i dont have the guts .. YOU TELL HIM  and say its a fundraiser like .. PFFT"
1694646076,"neutral","dadutchess1","@lasuerte ohh right; but it turned her curve into a right angle.... I just like her better curvey   thanks for letting me know though!"
1694646200,"neutral","ozdj","@limburger2001 Yes, sir!   See here http://is.gd/wz2K"
1694646231,"love","chantelleaustin","@BlokesLib sweet dreams to you too babe  MWAH"
1694646233,"happiness","tsarnick","@MissxMarisa haha, yeah I think it's a bit of both"
1694646352,"sadness","garykoe","It's 6.30pm - sun is setting soon, and i should be setting off soon too! Grab some dinner and catch sitcoms!"
1694646358,"neutral","jfb74","@Jon_Read perhaps it is all those background apps!"
1694646463,"happiness","adityab","@yohanik Hehe. Just found the Wikipedia page for the movie. And Last.fm confirms it. Thank you.  http://is.gd/iPrR"
1694646538,"love","KT_KIT_KAT","@KristinaHorner Wow, you're car's awesome! Have fun with Alex."
1694646591,"neutral","DJ_Speedy","drove to work with my Vespa through the pouring rain. The rain overall was keeping me dry"
1694646689,"surprise","Aleeexis","morrrning. time for school. (: time to learn!"
1694646734,"neutral","Antlady69","@tourbytaxi Just visited your site. Hope that helped!"
1694646758,"sadness","mlc_09","listening to AM- teddy picker  She saw it and she grabbed it and it wasn't what it seemed"
1694646808,"worry","Mysticccc","but I am one in a million"
1694646830,"fun","waynegeber","Great day training and having fun"
1694646885,"happiness","Buttonmashers","Finally X-Men Origins: Wolverine arrived, Time to play the game like a mad man, And then it's time for the review  /Patrick"
1694646920,"happiness","imrananwar","@johnkeithhart Thanks, glad you agree wth my follow or not policy"
1694647043,"neutral","bianckikay","is playing Uno  http://plurk.com/p/rprl0"
1694647099,"happiness","Katpoynter","Happy Star Wars Day  Im going to make some pasta get showered and dressed and then watch some films. I like days off. I have 3 days off"
1694647149,"happiness","angelawr77","@TerrenceTaps Yeeeeah...I am so much better off, I think!"
1694647201,"fun","lunarnart","@PrimeMinister3 Thanks! Am trying.. (keeping my chin up, ouch!)"
1694647220,"neutral","DragonflyeDream","Another great song to sing along with....    ? http://blip.fm/~5jhtq"
1694647251,"happiness","dwhirsch","@wolfie_Rankin yep to you buddy  long time no talk, hows things and i see your cat still like sinking fangs into your ankle lol"
1694647334,"worry","mettebolding","@tommcfly Hey Tom. Have your plans to make an concert in Denmark this year?  please reply xxx"
1694647343,"neutral","macipv6","wikileaks geht wieder  super #wikileaks #online"
1694647350,"neutral","imakeart","@AlloverArt  Good Morning!"
1694647375,"neutral","dominiquerose09","my wack friends are all raiding my kitchen. RENE, my love bound for badluck and DEBBIE, my psycho korean friend.  <3"
1694647382,"surprise","Angelicapod","Excited! Double Bio today.   I don't have a straightener and my hair looks horrendous at the moment. Wtf am I supposed to do?"
1694647405,"neutral","Arielx3","my birthday is in 2 days"
1694647416,"happiness","Peepee66","Great album..lucky to have this on vinyl.  ? http://blip.fm/~5jhtv"
1694647420,"surprise","ReesieY","@ChrisCuomo oh my! Nothing like a rabid racoon to get the adrenaline going in the morning. Better than a cup of coffee."
1694647446,"worry","aniqaROARxo","msn-ing. no school  shouldn't there be more bank holidays? x"
1694647618,"worry","scarlett_v","@fylaviedanat flo can spell antidisestablishmentarianism off the top of her head. wait i just did"
1694647632,"neutral","namanh2x","nghe LBQ va tap the duc  #fb"
1694647663,"happiness","Signen","Oh oh! Going shopping with my best friend today! Yaay! Going to be so much fun  Need to get alot of new clothes.."
1694647729,"worry","jomak1","@NickieNix why are you eating at 4 am, after party munchies??? guess that means no more denny's"
1694647734,"fun","KatieeLomax","@fearnecotton http://twitpic.com/4jbn6 - yummm.....Very Nicee"
1694647763,"fun","josiewalker","@stillsafe Lol read me like a book"
1694647779,"worry","tyrstag","@GeekWearsPrada Wasn't all bad #celtics won! But yeah, hope the #redsox do better. Good morning BTW."
1694647824,"love","brydiekennedy","@henny_  it's on again right now!! aah I love demi lovato"
1694647845,"happiness","random_musings","http://twitpic.com/4jcwm - YES, my #ubook Lenovo T400 finally arrived!"
1694647945,"surprise","chrismade","just 3 days left for the offf 2009 http://www.offf.ws/ in oeiras portugal... see you there"
1694647997,"neutral","audreygabriella","@Scriabelle yah, lo cuma gini gini aja mad. heheheh, update aja terus statusmuuu.."
1694648064,"neutral","whatdayisit","says new layout! Back to default Plurk themes, yay. Pero dumugo ilong ko kaka-tweak sa font ha.  http://plurk.com/p/rprmr"
1694648091,"neutral","intheglow","I have tea! & have just found a picture of the big snail from the walk yesterday."
1694648099,"empty","darcydotcom","Just came 11th in cross country and beat dumbo"
1694648107,"neutral","schehera","@stephenfry She must be a were-Wookiee then"
1694648140,"worry","Nicola_Love","@DejaMeade For the record, Madina Lake played your song third.  At least your enjoyed The Audition though?"
1694663598,"fun","jesssicababesss","http://twitpic.com/4jcxr - @georgiababesss i meann look at what i just found lol"
1694663639,"worry","jay_haque","#MQM has opted to strike, May 12th - Altaf bhai to unveil what really happened in #Karachi  http://tinyurl.com/c73ehq"
1694663704,"sadness","adam_be_here","apparently it's starwars day today  I like this . Shame I have revision though."
1694663757,"surprise","skouhus","@rscheuer OK looking forward to that"
1694663764,"neutral","aidan_walsh","@letteapplejuice How in heckitty did I forget that one?"
1694663781,"love","EdWords","@andyramdin Good to see you hear as well, Andy!"
1694663786,"love","markce","Bank Holiday Brunch.  With all the fixin's.  Absolutely fantastic"
1694663787,"neutral","LydiaStack","@hhilaryy ....what? i just copyed some other chicks reply and wrote it as my own"
1694663815,"neutral","gilgoroth","@savagestar Aye. Now I want cheesecake"
1694663842,"enthusiasm","jennoah","@vjestep I'm mo nudge you again, better watch out!"
1694663891,"worry","Hollzz","Nugget bit Jack. I told him not to poke the poor hamster!"
1694663955,"relief","magh","@Peulo I already did.."
1694663973,"happiness","va_resource","@AceConcierge Glad you got there safe & saw your daughter.  Enjoy your time there!"
1694664079,"love","Andy_MPHC","Our jazz band freakin' KICKED ARSE!! Good job, team!"
1694664104,"love","3nang","I think Tania is too cute, too nice  I love her! <3"
1694664114,"neutral","caliguy","@timewalk morning to you too joe"
1694664325,"happiness","Hend__X","Exploring Twitter's world! me 2"
1694664329,"empty","mini_mike69","@chloesmith22 haha. Your a loser.  ily"
1694664398,"neutral","helen_bop","Rain. One more reason to stay snuggled beneath the duvet"
1694664419,"worry","milan_pandya","rcb trashes mumbai indians....  i feel bad for mumbai indians, they just didn't know what hit him..."
1694664449,"fun","XGraceStAcKX","@shaundiviney green day are the bomb  xx"
1694664467,"love","eugnachs","I fell for Austin Taura Hanafiah even morreee! Shoott!!!  A guy shouldn't look that yumm! Hahaha..."
1694664543,"happiness","mrspennyapple","May the 4th be with you! Hahahaha that'll neverrr get old"
1694664568,"neutral","mrjie","@profkhai Here are some that other tweeple recommend to me: www.audiomicro.com , http://tr.im/gWOy , http://tr.im/gWPx"
1694664597,"worry","barkerbell","Back from a wonderful vacation. Had perfect weather and now back to the rainy 'burgh and reality."
1694664602,"love","understood","@shootthestars merci, mon ami"
1694664833,"neutral","jeffpulver","@TeeMonster I'm back on Long Island today after spending the weekend in Manchester, VT. Hope you have a great week ahead."
1694664836,"worry","theapple","@karuski try again, minna  i edited quickly, sorry!"
1694664932,"happiness","JamiMiami","@lizscherer cheer up buttercup! Rain will go away and hearts always mend. I can actually bet $ on that!"
1694664959,"relief","MissNeedles","@gothtart congratulations, you two are so well suited   have a lovely day x"
1694664966,"happiness","seekingGod14","carolina won, yeah"
1694665010,"happiness","_Dee_Marie_","Happy star wars day everyone"
1694665065,"enthusiasm","saltymomma","@kkmommy9802  I'm trying to get myself moving this morning!"
1694665067,"worry","StephieeRosee","another lazy day i supposee"
1694665070,"sadness","stevegodley","Bank holiday in the UK, it's raining! Typical UK Bank Holiday weather! If it dries later I'll get the chainsaw out for the trees!"
1694665121,"happiness","Kelliekk","@jaisey ALOHA Jaisey! Im so excited. Supernatural is back on our TV  TONIGHT!!! its a Jensen FEST tonite!"
1694665210,"neutral","icecreamcoke","@ashhh_x Yepp.  Do you Like Dylan or Cole Better?"
1694665221,"neutral","jan_krisha","just got home and counting the days till friday"
1694665325,"worry","daffis05","@johnnyrcooper go to bed mister! u need your beauty sleep"
1694665466,"happiness","Ayvii","Im really excited! cant wait"
1694665518,"happiness","StupotCrowMan","is going to relax and chill out tonight ... back to work tomorrow after a week off ... least I had a fun time with the girlfriend ..."
1694665553,"relief","hadramie","@Daniella001 thanks for agreeing with me"
1694665564,"surprise","DarthKeyhole","@grekwood laze about ! It's. The bank holiday law"
1694665584,"neutral","CLRSECRETARIAL","@neridagill Thank you, I will have a look"
1694665676,"surprise","yojibee","@ewanspence Yay! I am not the only Eurovision fan on twitter  #eurovision2009"
1694665698,"happiness","lpage126","ooo how i love a bank holiday  x"
1694665707,"happiness","leatherrose","Happy Star Wars Day!"
1694665727,"love","Mariakri","@melissahelene I'M A CELEBRITY TOOOOO!"
1694665742,"neutral","betinaamcfly","woow, i think david henrie is weeeeeell hot!"
1694665748,"happiness","BostjanCizelj","@tamejhna I managed to find few places where you can combine fun, pleasure and savings but it took some planning though"
1694665755,"surprise","trishaelyca","@eyyJD Heard that your dad would be going here in September. Would you also come with him?"
1694665792,"happiness","Reintjecat","@williambeekhuis hahahaha where is that train? I want on! That should be a wild ride"
1694665853,"relief","Pale_Jewel","@kiwikatnz Yay to being smokefree! Well done."
1694665904,"happiness","zampeachie","i finished all my work!"
1694665914,"worry","OliviaOblivia","@crazyspeak so give me a quick update grace, you've quit the foodland job and you start at JB's tomorrow full time? heaps exciting"
1694665966,"fun","Ellyn_Carnall","@iiacovou  hiya!  did you get a picture of your converse?? GET YOUR CONVERSE OUT!"
1694665976,"happiness","jrharv","short work week for me"
1694666004,"neutral","capohanka","@weezyg As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know.  I know it is possible, just an rss feed, but haven't done it yet."
1694666081,"love","tzlillovemcfly","@tommcfly thanx Tom  love u too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a great day"
1694666101,"happiness","MissBabyC","Order Pizza from the Pizza Girl!  We have to sing about it!  I love that new song. so excited for the new song from JB PARANOID 4 days"
1694666104,"worry","Leetsweden","Fixing openbox theme a little"
1694666178,"love","_danni","bought my pink ipod nano 2 days ago  will be delivered this week. YAY!  & hopefully getting ears pierced again in a few weeks XD"
1694666183,"worry","andrefornia","@Lindseyyx3 I think the x3 is confusing ;-) can't believe that many peeps will know that it should be a heart"
1694666369,"happiness","AssyifaMaryam","OMG i meant @RealHughJackman <3 you're the perfect Wolverine,sir  hehe"
1694666371,"fun","CharlieCake","@mitchelmusso hey... Your on MY mind."
1694666375,"worry","lewisking","I really need a job."
1694666408,"love","eileen5540","@AimeeNewell Oh God bless you"
1694666425,"happiness","MissxMarisa","@TheLonely Aww how sweet"
1694666577,"fun","drea151","waitin 4 the skool bus soo tired nd still soo much 2 do...want 2 b lazy nd sleep but since I cnt ill sing all my fav songs"
1694666612,"relief","ely94","home from school today"
1694666634,"happiness","raspberry","thanks for the feedback everyone"
1694666740,"worry","anthonyg79","thinking my fridge may be dieing...please not this week...pleeeeeassseee!!!"
1694666803,"fun","jessisbetter","@caitlingray  lol hopefully it'll happen like next timee near the new album"
1694666925,"surprise","Heartnet13","@heyitskesa: Omg! I never got your message so I didn't notice until I was looking back a ways! Sorry, that was a good idea though...lol"
1694666962,"sadness","kazzxo","@Amesox heyy dude, yuup thats it really hows your monday?  x"
1694666968,"fun","gabmadrid","Rode a jeep home with my mentor. Heard his story being in UP FineArts. Pretty cool."
1694666989,"worry","bettykitten","Am heading into lovely Suffolk to a nice pub.  May tweet later, but hopefully I'll be too distrcated"
1694667020,"happiness","maryelizabethx","I skip school way too often  I'm rather proud actually."
1694667143,"relief","AlanLB","Back from the Gym, and sorting through my Inboxes"
1694667174,"worry","pinkpebs","@ronskie66 not got virgin yet... not sure I can, tbh ... thanks anyway!"
1694667220,"neutral","Randumzlover","@souljaboytellem Good night"
1694667223,"happiness","catesaunders","He he ...Happy #star wars day! May the 4th be with you  Brilliant!!"
1694667319,"neutral","JemimahB","@nikz93 you're such a teeth freak now Nikz"
1694667458,"worry","WANAZLE","@cottonpanty Miss you my dear"
1694667501,"sadness","twiga6","I'm dragging myself out of the low point. Slowly. And with wine to assist. Prob not v sensible but these lows don't hit very often."
1694667510,"happiness","Luna_Five","Having a wonderful piece of cake for lunch - what else could I want???"
1694667542,"sadness","divxdownloads","is excited to be visited by her twin and best friend! dinner, star gazing, and a movie!   // cool http://gykd.net"
1694667665,"happiness","Gudgirlgonebad","Well I am up and have been productive since 5:30am!!! Woohoo busy day with lots to do!"
1694667698,"fun","MiSzSaRaH_SoDMg","@Souljaboytellem Goodnight lolsz"
1694667723,"hate","lesley007","@Chappers67 TV is shite,thank god for youtube"
1694667826,"neutral","johnhboyer","@Kohmahts be clear, I am Catholic, but wholeheartedly agree with you.  ("Same here" was ambiguous) #tcot #hhrs"
1694667832,"hate","chocklatedyme","i hate the bus...any donations toward my car fund?"
1694667864,"happiness","sugabeet04","@LCLaurenConrad Can't wait to see it tonite!! should be hilarious"
1694667923,"neutral","hiway","@FotoWala wow! I've joined the photography scene pretty recently so this (large format) makes it even more interesting"
1694667930,"surprise","k_griffiths","@jakeperks - Woo! Great subject for this month. Now I can use my sparklers"
1694667960,"hate","tyrstag","@GeekWearsPrada Have you been going to the Trop for the last 5 years?  No more games for you!"
1694668042,"love","WParenthetical","@challyzatb I like it too  I hadn't seen the clip before, though; pretty cool!"
1694684515,"love","Elliejay16","@OHMYDAYSitsHayz lol! I thought it was pretty funny too!"
1694684526,"happiness","ashl3y_","@shadowowns aww, <3 why thank youu."
1694684585,"happiness","Peanut009","what's good about working a double?...Jasmin"
1694684589,"neutral","YatPundit","@chuckwelch that's half the solution, it doesn't address the intrusion into the link-sharing process, but thanks"
1694684638,"fun","kabezz","@TheRealGinuwine ... thx for ur msg, so awesome!  luv the new single! xoxo"
1694684656,"fun","dannisaywhat","think I'm gonna start writing a proper blog, can anyone recommend any good blog host thingys?"
1694684762,"neutral","ChineseLearn","@bagwaa  Hi, Thx for following  I teach some Chinese lessons on youtube, pls feel free to have a look www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn"
1694684770,"enthusiasm","coakay123","@matildaxo ooohhh. I understand. I never get sick of her so im on your moms side  I guess your dad just likes what he likes....lol"
1694684775,"hate","hellosio","@MissMary i am so jealous!!"
1694684826,"happiness","WhoisJohnLai","@ElePhatt  LOL thanks you,  nice meeting you aswell, looking forward to our tweetversation"
1694684829,"neutral","MissXu","@dda I'm thinking that you, me, @jlojlo, + @lovince should have it out over some vin in HK"
1694684837,"surprise","freshfluke","@dj_sko next time just go online and show the club owner an ean golden video, hahaha...  (i am fan, did i mention that?! @djtechtools)"
1694684846,"neutral","luikalok","@VeeeLEE  SUMMER farn lai ba ahhhh"
1694684850,"happiness","Raenbows","Good morning world!  haha had fun at the movies last night ;D and school now... Hmm new shoes make it better  http://tinyurl.com/dfggwj"
1694684964,"sadness","RohanM","In a philosophical mood tonight, wandering round after dark does that for me"
1694684996,"happiness","red_fairy","@DReinhardt1 ooooh it's you lol I didn't know!! Have fun with your princess"
1694685143,"happiness","docnextdoor","@rosewindale Itsurely will dear . in posted a presentation on Swine flu yest and it got 500 downloads in just a day!!i feels great"
1694685171,"worry","nihaoheatherXX","@boburnham I'm sorry you're feeling bad, hope you get better soon... you know, if the plague doesn't getcha."
1694685175,"neutral","sagebrennan","Zeb has napped for 6 hours already today, and is asleep again... he must be growing fast"
1694685212,"love","xoCAZZA","LMAO! listening to the great Bob Marley!  Wow hes so awesome"
1694685214,"happiness","TriniGirlBlue","@traceyctt I live for pain, bring it on"
1694685220,"neutral","huddlesuz","@yiannopoulos  But I like it"
1694685314,"worry","clrzqstn","@Xenooo ohhh. i didn't log on there, pity me. was it great?"
1694685390,"relief","veaa","My mom likes Milow's version of Ayo Technology... It's a good thing she doesn't have a clue what it's about."
1694685434,"enthusiasm","angiasaa","@red_hawt Hmm..  Interesting choice."
1694685455,"sadness","k_20","@fiendfyre Never ever smoking around you again."
1694685488,"relief","MelanieFresh27","@missgiggly Go the bubble bath!!!  Always relaxing......."
1694685575,"enthusiasm","leonmols","@DanaBingham I know exactly what you mean. My treats are more 'awhile' than 'once in'"
1694685581,"neutral","WhoisJohnLai","@Unremovable hahahah Thank you  Feel the Love"
1694685682,"happiness","ChineseLearn","@osocash  Hi, Thx for following  I teach some Chinese lessons on youtube, pls feel free to have a look www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn"
1694685701,"happiness","_gem_gem_","@rodney91 http://twitpic.com/4i3g6 - i love that game  xxxx"
1694685708,"neutral","Tany","@burninghat Clair"
1694685916,"happiness","EvalenaStyf","Thanks @Mosskat you little star! Have been offered to come to JA for a weekender but dunno if I can afford to go. Looking into it now..."
1694685950,"happiness","saghul","@irontec Thanks for the support"
1694685959,"surprise","chaosbot","Not to worry, noone got that one. Next question starts in 1 minute, get your thinking caps on"
1694685992,"happiness","gsik","@ShashiTharoor i hope such moments inspire you on your political journey back home. all the best"
1694686023,"love","sweethome","@judoracio Bom dia! FRIOOOO... que del�cia!!!! Good luck in your first day, Ju!"
1694686028,"neutral","agawardak","oooh babies, i wanna hug you all"
1694686037,"sadness","mutantst","@rossmcw Happy birthday. Let us know what you get up to old boy"
1694686132,"worry","Gemma_Ronan","Is feeling surprisingly fresh after a 12hr bender"
1694686151,"fun","ChineseLearn","@TipsByNate  Hi, Thx for following  I teach some Chinese lessons on youtube, pls feel free to have a look www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn"
1694686210,"happiness","ameliafell","Wow, it's so early. Just had the best conversation."
1694686242,"neutral","Adrian_Lauerer","on wednesday green day will perform their new single "Know Your Enemy" at TvTotal"
1694686259,"love","ItsMe_Dee","Lipsynching to David C's Heroes and really feelin it. It's my fave track off DCTR. After all, D is my hero.."
1694686275,"happiness","manshy","@supprintdesign oh i like that let me c"
1694686304,"love","badeedadee","@melfay86 thanks sooo much lil sis! you should have gone with us to the bird park."
1694686353,"happiness","agileguy","Lovely walk this morning with the missus; drizzle didn't matter"
1694686452,"surprise","JordanZac","@kainaussie aww way to make me feel special"
1694686468,"neutral","erickaxx","Is at a photoshoot."
1694686470,"worry","tomau","Head in the clouds"
1694686506,"neutral","wildasaur","? <---- I'm going to post this EVERYWHERE now."
1694686563,"surprise","Tammy24_7","Finally changed my pic after wanting to do it for so long. I was getting rather sick of that black and white pic."
1694686583,"happiness","TeeMonster","@jeffpulver Done some book signings in Manchester. Nice people up there. Enjoy the week."
1694686584,"neutral","Tittch","@iantalbot it wasn't me honest. You do REAL art"
1694686626,"happiness","Fujiko2708","@Clarrisani Thank you for approving my application at the TWA Forum, honey. Keep up the good work"
1694686706,"relief","LmaonadeStand","No school today - Not because of "H1N1", but because a natural gas line broke on the interstate. RIDICULOUSNESS."
1694686735,"surprise","xnicola","auntie diane wins quote of the day "and hes the incredible hulk""
1694686736,"love","lisabug84","@Mommyof2girls02 I miss you too.  We'll have to get together once everything settles down in a few weeks.  Congrats on the house!"
1694686756,"fun","Dragnim","@euripidean bank holiday is going well, had a great band practice so still on a buzz"
1694686763,"worry","nineight","thinking of getting new dvds, csi.  can't wait to get my laptop."
1694686765,"love","ajabs7","Bamboozle was amazing. I met TAKING BACK SUNDAY"
1694686787,"empty","xvampyre","nov 5th"
1694686830,"neutral","GeorgiaSTACK","@andyclemmensen http://twitpic.com/4hbs5 - ahahahahahahahaha can i please eat that off your head  xx"
1694686873,"love","pecial","unhooking my pt's, then home to SLEEP! SLEEP IS GOOD"
1694686922,"fun","savior1980","like spirits in the night ooooh night, qu� grande ere mr. springsteen"
1694686924,"love","Robi27","@leeshay Just this random quote! I love stuff like that..."
1694686930,"worry","xDevikax","Gonna go to my aunts party. It's gonna be a late night thing so hopfully I can get up for school tomorrow!"
1694686948,"happiness","lesley007","@PaulHarriott Hahaha!! Tv isn't really my thing anyway..I more of a music girl"
1694686949,"worry","Commsguy","@nottheword yum, yum.  I love quesadillas....and wallpaper for that matter tooo"
1694687002,"neutral","carissaaanicole","goodmorning everyone"
1694687021,"surprise","nokconv","@BRIAN_____ re:firmware. Heh, just a coincidence. I didn't do anything. Maybe the SW guys heard you?"
1694687033,"surprise","stingerx","shall bring his own glass to work from tonight, no more 'half half' hor!!"
1694687082,"relief","aaminahh","@nezua that blip is NOT to be misconstrued as qs on last night's convo... it's just a song i really love & that rocks my morning"
1694687088,"empty","jords_","@welshmermaid i might have been a child but i was NEVER one of THOSE .....and i've already apologised to you for it"
1694687118,"fun","gedhead","@stephenfry I've made a game for you, Stephen- http://tinyurl.com/ctw4ld - well, actually it's for us, not you"
1694687129,"happiness","katie_cakes101","got an awesome hair cut todayyyy  it looks so hottt haha doing homework"
1694687134,"happiness","NCARCER8EM","@poeticblasphemy I see you finally got to set up your Avatar. Too Cool"
1694687177,"happiness","ReneeBarber","@TheMakeupMuse I'm definitely make-up challenged. So, curling lashes and 'tined' moisturiser? Does this tip come with a glossary?"
1694687191,"surprise","alex_bettylou","Waiting for the last movie to finish then am test screening Ghost of Girlfriends Past, glass of wine and lolly bag in hand, yay!"
1694687308,"surprise","Juemcmusic","@laubow_ I did ! That was amaziiiing    I was able to see the whole stage and to dance and sing etc ! That was really great"
1694687337,"happiness","Farscale","@zampeachie PANGE???!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA. You two could meet up for drinks."
1694687401,"neutral","Sizzllllee","about to go to leeds shopping"
1694687405,"empty","wolfcat","@BreakfastNews why thankyou  @chris_garner suggested Fannie Bay (but it is in Darwin)"
1694687585,"neutral","megbar","@rumoko Tracky Daks are one of the only good things about the weather getting colder. That and porridge. I just did both"
1694687668,"neutral","coldfusion1970","@simonsydney Still will buy the DVD. Should be seeing Star Trek with Paul next weekend"
1694687677,"love","MissXu","@dda oh look! traditional Chinese, it's so charming   I love the ? miss those shutters on the doors..."
1694687751,"sadness","alejandradd","@alyankovic Oh! I ate pizza last night too!  I stupidly feel closer to you somehow!"
1694687773,"happiness","tmohede","@donnyeffrien good to know PLN's Earthday doesn't only happen in my neck of the woods"
1694687789,"surprise","Banana_Split","@mmmj You're watching Firepro0f?"
1694687883,"love","noangelvfc","@jessizakool lol our whole convo just consists of i miss you and i love you. gotta love us"
1694687887,"empty","vikaskumar","@palinn So Palin got the new haircut"
1694687945,"neutral","jonseymour","@jamesshore @KentBeck sounds like a challenge then  I can see it would be useful to be able explicitly  schedule threads..."
1694687948,"neutral","janmeiyi","@faithjuliana where?  U magazine?"
1694687950,"neutral","inhim","@1Cor16_13 Awe, THX so much! Neither of need 2b sick on Friday!!  Do u have any prayer requests?"
1694687961,"neutral","krmcguire","@doubleuefwhy Welcome back!"
1694688001,"love","bswain","@Rawrrgasmic I must agree I do like blackberries!"
1694688006,"surprise","aussiecynic","@Sir_Almo shocking isnt it.. hmm... we will stop it.."
1694704763,"neutral","cremeschnittli","@dcmjlive none at the moment. i used to root for adam, but there are some issues with his "Feeling Good" version with Muse fans like moi"
1694704855,"happiness","twilightnewborn","@thebraysmommy thx! Hoping it's a good week."
1694704919,"happiness","lelro","@crazy_people sure is"
1694704925,"neutral","cbfire","Sunshine is back....... having a hair day  new due"
1694704936,"surprise","designia","My new design portfolio is finally on the web: http://www.designia.nl - Still needs some tweaking on the details but it's ok for now,"
1694704945,"happiness","screaminfamy","excited to jam + and auditions"
1694704962,"fun","Ardyparty","Just sat down to play a quick hand of poker and won $5k on my first hand with a flush. I'm done for today"
1694704997,"sadness","lianalovesdelta","i'm watching missing pieces, just coz the theme song is lost without you"
1694705003,"empty","clownatwork","@Kaelex you're back?"
1694705024,"happiness","SomeKuwaitiya","@YousifMind good morning  3asa mo bs important classes ? :p"
1694705036,"happiness","jaideeh","get my wii fit in couple of hours!"
1694705060,"happiness","demiiitaya","woo just made this, follow me"
1694705085,"worry","VisionCF","@RiceRabbit Baking WIN! Thanks for that!"
1694705095,"love","CharlieLJames","talking to jessica about her one true love. she thinks this could be the real deal.  lol also i am thinking what i should do about my prob"
1694705176,"happiness","pcornqueen","@CyberSleeper Awww man that does suck big time  But look at it this way, it gives you something to look forward too, a nice long ride"
1694705185,"empty","xiape","@theodorag Yep! It's just quarter til 4 now.  I'm going to try to sleep now that my headache is subsiding. Take it easy Teddy!"
1694705252,"neutral","EDouglasWW","@RyanRotten This early in the morning, they probably won't even need much make-up"
1694705306,"fun","realestatechick","@JohnLauber @RealtyMan no one told me the mutual admiration society was meeting this morning! LOL  Hi boys!"
1694705347,"happiness","danwtmoon","Flickr pics Chester Zoo: danwtmoon posted a photo:   "WELCOME" to Chester Zoo by Jockey  http://tinyurl.com/cq7qw8"
1694705383,"fun","Beccixboo","@cheryl_ann_cole @beccixboo i thinks thats right lol... please follow me... much appreciated"
1694705459,"love","MissxMarisa","@TheLonely How lovely"
1694705521,"worry","chikalunatik","just finished Wander Girl for the nth time-- Hilda Gallares is truly a kindred soul."
1694705565,"neutral","paullmf","@arviena hahaha...come, be a judge, need your brutal honesty"
1694705576,"happiness","sallyinnorfolk","In the arts having coffee and cake"
1694705595,"neutral","mayschool","@loisheilig I always told my kids that I see and hear everything so mind your manors, so I guess that proved it to him."
1694705639,"worry","LexiStarGirl","@mccy you do realize tom fletcher from mcfly JUST posted basically the same thing!! TWINS!"
1694705691,"happiness","Sutto","Digging the ideas behind railsbridge (http://railsbridge.org/)"
1694705705,"happiness","SarahTasker","WOOOOO!! Twitterberry is working again!! Good morning everyone"
1694705758,"anger","mikiszikszai","@stevebiddle I used to be - but that was a while ago now - your argument is pretty sound for a trolley pusher"
1694705768,"happiness","terrifictaylorx","off to get ready for school. have an absolute wonderful day!"
1694705808,"neutral","JuiceMy","@joonian Press 'Ctrl' on bottom right. It's there.  KY"
1694705813,"neutral","mrjie","Updating to the latest version of Adium now. What a great app!"
1694705912,"relief","misspaigeanne","Birthday Girl ?  blessed to live another year & celebrate with loved ones"
1694705917,"happiness","DadoLove","Happy Star Wars Day"
1694705933,"neutral","AliPickup","Just back from dancing. Ahh ballet was SO hard, my legs ache. And we were so high in jazz and contemporary, 3 hours of hilariousness."
1694705955,"neutral","blcchirp","A bit early to confirm a trend, but daily site signups are still on the rise"
1694705999,"fun","emmabrownx3","Kicking Back In The Holidays  No More School for a whiles"
1694706025,"relief","designia","My new design portfolio is finally online: http://www.designia.nl - Still needs some tweaking on the details but it's ok for now,"
1694706026,"love","clara018","heyya people!"
1694706100,"neutral","icecreamcoke","@ashhh_x Who Else do you Loveee?"
1694706124,"happiness","sharebear212","Happy Star Wars Day!!! May The 4th Be With You!"
1694706166,"surprise","itsmesammond","@rayvenn_nicolee haha..not quite as good a Super Ted!..but good none the less!  haha xx"
1694706170,"neutral","liarOMGgrace","i just dyed my hair"
1694706199,"love","haileymarree","@jesseroni thanx"
1694706248,"neutral","soveren","@munkeypunx hav a pork scratching"
1694706369,"neutral","CyrusBlake","Good Morning"
1694706381,"neutral","jamesdeer","@mcaulay See you in 10"
1694706399,"hate","Stickyplasters","@iaingilmour I queue for cake standing up and with a slight look of deranged anticipation on my face."
1694706594,"worry","ROBsessedBlog","Thank you all so much! Hopefully everything will be okay  Tons of kisses to all of you ) http://tinyurl.com/dxa8xg"
1694706607,"happiness","PaulHarriott","@Darke_Ascension Hope it's a great one for ya  http://myloc.me/tvD"
1694706660,"enthusiasm","CrzyBeautiful","#Trackflashback: "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness - check it out..."
1694706662,"happiness","amirahrah","@happy_pills we have a punching bag here! but ive never touched it, covered with my brother's sweat.. but u can use it if u want! hehe"
1694706666,"sadness","roms_way","@bhuto given the way kunal khemu etc. starrers turn out..there is a high probability of it being 'shit' rather than 'niche'!"
1694706699,"neutral","MrsMcFlyGrimmy","it was t4 i think hannah  xx"
1694706703,"neutral","red_fairy","@wyclef that's a good sentence"
1694706720,"worry","KnightOfSwords","@FRUITofDOOM Not sure if this is good or bad news for you, but you are listed as staff: http://www.thesixthaxis.com/staff/"
1694706751,"happiness","jessicaejackson","Good morning!  Just took the longest shower ive ever taken in my life. Like 45 to 50 min shower!! Woah. lol"
1694706760,"neutral","Kimtheman","guess I'll start getting some of my camping and fishing stuff together for Wed & Thurs trip to Braunig Lake......"
1694706777,"neutral","Terrileee","@JackJohnstone tomorrow night would definitely work"
1694706907,"neutral","lilrocstar","@FOOLYWANG I hope so too.  How are you?"
1694706998,"worry","linnetwoods","@MacQuid You're a fine looking set of neighbours, I must say! Lots of compliments have been showered upon your header graphic too"
1694707058,"happiness","MICHAELKTHNXBAI","your saaaaafe with mee(8) fucking epic times again last night  old friends and new friendships, good way to kick off this month!"
1694707163,"surprise","toriajane","Wolverine Was BOSS! Seriously, And Will.I.Am Was In It, What The Fuck ??"
1694707175,"happiness","animemonzta","yeaaaah tangerang in vacation"
1694707191,"love","shortandsweetcc","@RosieCooper We said anyone could "write one"...those special 10 selected are - of course - chosen because they are OUTSTANDING!"
1694707265,"love","michelebevents1","Love the idea of giving each year a theme. This is the year of new beginnings!"
1694707307,"relief","Jodstar91","Is on her way home bk to civilisation. Got my ipod bak  carnt wait for home x"
1694707317,"neutral","urbanfly","@PhotosbyLee How was your chicken and chips?"
1694707320,"love","justinerolet","I lOve this day  No school --> studyin' quietly"
1694707325,"neutral","kerrissaseelan","must start twitting"
1694707355,"empty","Seiryu6","@ibanezShezz i like the optimism"
1694707447,"neutral","wahliaodotcom","@eugenechua oh, that's good. I might wanna fly there and shoot some photos."
1694707448,"love","Django1974","@babygirlparis I hope you have fun together and the press don't spoil things.  Take care"
1694707589,"neutral","DivasMistress","Had interesting WKND. Sleeping Saturday & Productive Sunday!!"
1694707668,"neutral","detoxcute","The Disco at the End of the Universe launch date is sorted - 28th May, London  http://www.myspace.com/thedjtheendoftheuniverse"
1694707813,"sadness","Galiiit","@XKirstyxo Basket Case is mine  I miss it.. Going to have to listen a shit load now"
1694707815,"fun","GarethPrice","@Jayce_Kay planted in the garden last week, ive got to check on it"
1694707826,"worry","cidermaker","One of my kits has just brought in a mouse & is eating it in the lobby. I'm sure I feed them enough!"
1694707832,"happiness","room2breathe","@Ddubs_Ky_Monkey Hope u have an amazing day today Monkey! U deserve it!  No cheating on DEW & looking at THE PICTURE! lol Happy Bday! <3"
1694707849,"worry","DemiCyrus","hey twitter! i'm back online!"
1694707859,"surprise","tiffanyq","@cheryltiu yup slowly recovering. it sucks that i can't eat the stuff i'm craving right now. my gums can't take it. how was your trip?"
1694707866,"neutral","HometownHeroes","got live last night at our  vid comin soonnn"
1694707916,"fun","kellz326","@RichieSosa I want some....LOL  I got the coffee ha ha"
1694707929,"enthusiasm","UniqueGuitarist","Away to the cinema tweet later may the 4th be with you all  x"
1694707985,"fun","McKroskey","This song is a slap on you face!!  ? http://blip.fm/~5jib6"
1694708007,"enthusiasm","JuiceMy","@joonian Press 'Ctrl' on bottom right. The underscore for E71 is there.  KY"
1694708048,"relief","Mistress1043","is working.   I am so happy my job is a radio and not anything physically exhausting...."
1694708070,"fun","GwafaHazid","finally Mike0hh's birthday <3 can't wait to fucking ruin it"
1694708074,"fun","helichopper","@calbo i incredily love reading your tweets! they're so entertaining, keep it up."
1694708079,"happiness","underdog001","coach says have come along way, faster that alot of people  oh yeah whos the man. ohh very sore"
1694708174,"neutral","jjedwards8","exam at 8."
1694708185,"love","opruimen","@Gulmohar Welcome!"
1694708245,"neutral","RoisinMcK","off out in a min to buy my new bed"
1694708291,"surprise","zeljkofilipin","Watir in ???????  http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/WATIR"
1694708360,"love","JuliaRosien","@IndigoGardens Lol! Joyologist? Love it - much better than the happy freak who can't stop smiling  Enjoy Monday!"
1694708403,"worry","anna8687","*shriek* Bee almost flew here from window. I'm not afraid of spiders or zombies in my dreams..But I run when bee is in same room with me."
1694724940,"worry","OfficialMissKT","F.Y.I. a lot of you people that are following me i have unfollowed a lot of you  yer kinda boring me or not really helpful to my e-growth!"
1694724949,"happiness","xoLizLeigh","starting off my day with a little Northern Light"
1694725031,"neutral","minikin","@Brainberry nice one !"
1694725055,"love","TheGirlSings","I have not tweeted for SIXTEEN DAYS! I miss it =( I've been having fun though! =D Ingrid on mon was frakking awesome  BBQ today!"
1694725184,"enthusiasm","Jeezar","Off to bed I go to dream of a world where Wal-Mart and Liquor stores all get blown up"
1694725218,"worry","misslazarou","@michaelmknight oh i wish my dear Michael, i wish"
1694725228,"neutral","rwo","@keino sao b?o l?c th? em ;;) m?i xem xong Hostel h?"
1694725280,"happiness","electroshit","How I met your mother and Scrubs in role! YEAH! "Cause I'm FLY!"
1694725295,"worry","kohseesu","has one more paper left"
1694725310,"neutral","XxYWIxX","@XLesseyX hey cup cake"
1694725350,"happiness","MichaelSeger","@urbalcloud hahaha! i have a secret door to the real batcave"
1694725401,"happiness","xEvilCherryPiex","@Mollieandme Hello, you are sooo awesome!! Dont ever stop what your doing haha, You make me fall off my chair laughing  x"
1694725439,"worry","humanstarr","@aplusk oh good luck on the movie"
1694725541,"relief","awormus","@mmWine Lucky you  I face south so I can hear them, and see them reflected off Phillips Point"
1694725617,"neutral","KathyReid","Dear Mikey Robins: nah, you've heard it all before"
1694725721,"love","gabysummers","Today is a tuff day...g'morning"
1694725779,"happiness","GOttaviani","unpacking my new toy arrived in the studio right now  it's called TC Finalizer. can't wait to check how it sounds !!!"
1694725850,"love","BlazingLily","Good night all  Even though it's morning for most of you lol"
1694725919,"neutral","morgestad","I am at school ^^ Nothing to do"
1694725924,"worry","emzyjonas","@GintareAuglyte hey  how are you?  x"
1694725958,"worry","issie07","@iHolleeee Okaii Cool!  I Can't Wait For The Series To Begin It's Guna Be Awesome  x"
1694725966,"happiness","TferThomas","@carmenparnos thanks so much for the belated #followfriday shout out #payingitforward"
1694726025,"worry","pacificbro","@x3f  dude they renamed it to something no one will remember & find even harder 2 joke about. Its a myth  to keep u scared"
1694726026,"worry","anneliese123","@lyssiecc i like the positivity  And no. you may NOT change your carrer. crazyb dog lady just isn't the same.... when's your maths test? x"
1694726028,"neutral","Beccahglind","��h. i�m gonna go in the "big" house now, borrow my sis guitar and play and maybe write"
1694726055,"neutral","chrisruizit","I'm new on Twitter.....Hi everybody!!! Suggestions for me???"
1694726141,"sadness","GreenFalcon805","lol if i only can sTay up a few more hours.. i keep missing Tila's lasT posTs .."
1694726203,"surprise","YatPundit","@nsingman i got followed by one that says she doesn't talk to "god people"-i wonder if she talks to "goddess people?""
1694726256,"neutral","songwritersmile","good morning tweetie world.  have a great day, everyone."
1694726286,"neutral","barrylandy","Cleaning out my desk, I've found a betting slip from three months ago, I stuck a tenner on #newcastle getting relegated. In the money"
1694726292,"neutral","tarant","No more pizza for Jamie? wtg  http://bit.ly/DVSCA (Britains got talent, sure has.)"
1694726341,"surprise","wahliaodotcom","@eugenechua Tasmania devils and the mad cold... Not a bad start."
1694726343,"happiness","Hotspur_1882","@RachaelPhillips wow!! you really are a pretty talented lady, most impressed"
1694726396,"happiness","seralay","@joannaboothby freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezING nigga im so excited to see you soooooooon!!!  lets go see 17 again AGAIN yehhaaaaaaa!"
1694726401,"worry","davidvisser","@tubbyloo same with drunk guests.. Our jobs are pretty similar sometimes"
1694726444,"worry","leolobato","@jonconnelly will add that. It should be hard really to keep track of 500 avatars."
1694726487,"love","Hayleypoo","i love his nose kisses"
1694726513,"neutral","byronedwards","@chopstock check out the Conchords 'Business Time'"
1694726528,"love","Astrofiammante","Man on Wire every bit as amazing as the publicity and reviews suggest. Very, very strongly recommended (even for vertigo sufferers  )"
1694726547,"love","music_flurry","? @TheRealGinuwine ... thx for ur msg, so awesome!  luv the new single! xoxo http://tr.im/kpDW"
1694726566,"neutral","5erg","@hoganfe i agree"
1694726646,"neutral","music_flurry","? on wednesday green day will perform their new single "Know Your Enemy" at TvTotal  http://tr.im/kpDX"
1694726677,"fun","okgosu","Going home, see you at night in local time"
1694726725,"happiness","Jayx","lol @ kalahari.net marketing - "may the 4th be with you""
1694726738,"neutral","stevebomford","@lizajbeck You did know, you just couldn't remember!!"
1694726768,"happiness","original_cutie","@ borgellaj  you know what? They're YOUR CATS"
1694726800,"neutral","TapeLaLaLa","Oky So the grandperents just went out cause my Granda is going to drive , he missed it when he was in hostipal"
1694726834,"neutral","Dogsbay1","Eating Toast  ~Peanut Butter,,Yum"
1694726837,"neutral","cidermaker","@_Flik_ Good one.   Might think about it for this year's NaNoWriMo competition."
1694726848,"surprise","russiananhero","Star Warz day? Really..that is a hot topic? Man..oh man.. I'm just waiting for Star Trek!"
1694726977,"happiness","haileyelizabeth","i have a feeling today is going to be amazing"
1694726980,"worry","mhisham","@andycroll can you repeat what was bad about singapore pools website please?"
1694727013,"worry","brothercaa","@cnn Any others jobs like this available? Sounds like a great experience. Direct message if you know of any others."
1694727095,"relief","thomasfiss","@MandyyJirouxx red eye huh?   yikes....get back safe   missin ya punk"
1694727107,"empty","fadilnet","@Twinklybird Ace @ the exams!"
1694727148,"relief","sudhamshu","@varunshridhar Lets leave the nervousness until tomorrow!"
1694727169,"neutral","demiswissfan","@EllaPaigeBabe It would be amazing if we could meet us in Germany! I have been to Germany twice."
1694727180,"neutral","Kobster86","just watching ncis complete first season"
1694727209,"love","jaydems","@Peircy oh you are too kind"
1694727245,"neutral","MiaLotta","@JamesMackney awww. rusks are good for tummy aches though :p try fennel or camomile tea  works. or obviously try ..."
1694727262,"happiness","xoAlexHeartsxo","Gonna head into the shower now...  Going to a friend's birthday party =]"
1694727267,"neutral","graffen","@publicvoid_dk No problem"
1694727381,"neutral","AmyLovesMcfly","@scottcmusic I was in row P, but i tried to run down to the front in Corrupted and  i could see you singing away"
1694727434,"neutral","nealcasement","gettin ready for school my new converse come in today!"
1694727447,"relief","Gunnterbfhroyal","@GregorBenjamin yeah, nothing like the heat of home."
1694727449,"love","LDtheMC","@JamaicaPanama I'm here if ur here for me!"
1694727471,"neutral","Jordang09","@Rcss Me too"
1694727520,"worry","nathanclark_","$900 cheque to cash tomorrow, why I didn't get it in the bank I have no idea. Feel safe to get the 500D now though  woooo"
1694727593,"neutral","SophieVeronica","@ChontelleBourke I will try. But I don't care what my mum says"
1694727616,"happiness","richardlai","@Joerup I think it'll be more like a casual attendance instead of a review, as there might not be another issue of felix by then.  Thanks."
1694727655,"happiness","Hanners1979","@Rliversidge Great stuff, can't wait to hear it!"
1694727657,"happiness","melsmart","@Andph112 hope you enjoyed your holiday"
1694727732,"fun","Karen230683","@graemeskelly LOL biking is manly"
1694727799,"relief","vickyscuteyo","yay my research paper is finally 4 and a half pages<3 not going on bus was not bad after all"
1694727803,"hate","thecomicproject","@kg86 Thanks  The elephants look magnificent This is what we miss due to stupid restrictions - 3G pleease and cheap!!"
1694727826,"neutral","mediasnackers","@jackiemarsh @hugobrown many thanx guys"
1694727877,"fun","missgreens","http://twitpic.com/4jcjj - Boagsie actually is still this small lol - him at 4 years old"
1694727907,"happiness","rayvinhsu","@m3nny5 iye neh...kurang tidur kayaknya. pulang pagian deh hari ini tidur langsung...haha. Thanks!"
1694727920,"love","aramc","@Rapetzel Haha! Thanks! It's the inane grin from grading. Some students have been really fascinating this semester"
1694727961,"neutral","mr_billiam","@AKAVirtualPA http://twitpic.com/4bckp - that should answer part of your question"
1694727965,"sadness","Steffie_84","@Howby26 hm, sorry to hear that! well, keep holding on! my break is over, i'll go take a nap now!"
1694727979,"neutral","DeSchlang","Thx, Robban  http://www.sk-gaming.com/match/17905"
1694728009,"love","nagylover","Because I love my job"
1694728035,"relief","MarcusElzey","@youcanknowgod thanks man. I really appreciate the kind words"
1694728044,"relief","__artgeek__","@imagined learn learn!... we can learn together!"
1694728127,"love","jaynesjanine","Happy Star Wars Day everyone!  Whats everyone up to this rainy bank holiday?  I am heading out soon for coffee with my mum then shopping"
1694728149,"neutral","franciscabrel","This Twittername is hosted by TwitterFridge. Email us if you want us to open the Fridge  Check: www.twitterfridge.com"
1694728155,"enthusiasm","Matalatine","Good Morning, Twitter community! I just got finished eating a delicious stack of pancakes courtesy of my Mom and Bisquick."
1694728242,"neutral","mireillie","ya i walked into the wall thats why i have a plaster on my neck"
1694728248,"neutral","anika","@thewrongirl y @sololoy son amor"
1694728250,"neutral","chorale","@_Cantus_  all i hear is coffee brewing at my end"
1694728256,"sadness","pedromendes","Hard to start the week after a long fun sunny weekend of tennis, free food and drink, and very nice people. 5 days to go until next round"
1694728297,"worry","la_lOvee","kicking back at home"
1694728346,"happiness","Brighteyes08","@jocelynseip Thank you - If you like please leave a comment and Subscribe!   Chicago another great musical.  Thanks for your support."
1694728365,"neutral","stephjacko","im seeing the hannah montana movie again today"
1694728393,"happiness","kersti","Looking forward to Cambridge on the weekend and shopping with Ilze"
1694744797,"love","Kimberlou89","Is Going To Buy A Wacom Today ... Goood Times"
1694744808,"surprise","tsarnick","@MissxMarisa haha!! someone with an axe just popped up at you Scenie!! what did you do???"
1694744845,"sadness","intheglow","Right, I must be off to do some sewing. Bye x"
1694744848,"happiness","Djalfy","Score two days I get more food stamps good cause i want a safeway pizza"
1694745022,"love","jasonsalas","@MicheleCatahay i'd prefer "observationally insightful", but call it as you see it.  my ice cream's just too fancy tonight."
1694745081,"worry","Hive_Queen","Watched Australia last night and got to say bloody fantastic film with the added bonus of Hugh Jackman  definitely a got to see movie."
1694745378,"hate","brittanytastic","@girltrumpet yeahh  idk if i like owen anymore though... i kinda lost respect for him in an episode i recorded..."
1694745535,"surprise","RosalieWilliams","@bencollieruk No because why would it say "New gift services" on the page.. HA!"
1694745544,"love","symbolya","@ovidiunegrean thanks, nice app  i will take a closer look."
1694745588,"love","jp1983","@cosmicmother some great stuff on website today"
1694745616,"worry","getyourlouout","is going for morrisons breakfast with my boy today  wooooooooooo."
1694745619,"neutral","Tiny_Winchester","#Supernatural at 9:30pm on #Ten.. Counting down.."
1694745640,"happiness","GloriaVelez","Good morning!!! Who wants breakfast??"
1694745655,"sadness","meerkatlovr","up late last night  .... Oracle from 8 to 4:30"
1694745696,"worry","willfrancis","@theblowups just be careful you don't dunk too long"
1694745711,"neutral","lokte","@sorchasilver Yum. Thanks.  Just getting dressed and waiting for my washing to finish so I can hang it up.  I'll text you when I set off"
1694745775,"neutral","NilVeres","@Zaida Masson I'll give you the link, it's quite handy"
1694745795,"love","kwells2416","@Mennard You are very sweet, my everyday hero friend"
1694745797,"neutral","emzyjonas","@therealchloe np  so how are you?  x"
1694745844,"sadness","SostyPasha","@mshady courgette"
1694745922,"love","AnthonyFilice","@cali3d congratulations, I hope you have an amazing day"
1694746036,"neutral","alechosterman","@KimEl Not enough time for Disney World.... might just have to watch the Disney channel instead."
1694746077,"neutral","annNow","@Feego16 Until @twitter brings back our EVERYONE button, you can access the public timeline at http://twitter.com/public_timeline"
1694746088,"love","ozdj","@retrogrrl Well thank you."
1694746161,"fun","juliaa_x","ahah oh yes, i forgot, they need to earn money.. maybe we could get them jobs as checkout chicks if twitter takes over"
1694746174,"worry","alexleonard","@minnaryyni Heh, aye. I should have investigated properly first before asking  Does seem like it's not the most obvious thing though."
1694746188,"neutral","jencallahan","@AmyFroebel Nope. Just come back to CT"
1694746225,"fun","starvingsoprano","Morning everyone! Going to a gig now, then a run. Update you all later"
1694746308,"relief","BelleyTown","@AlanCarr hmm Have to admit was a good episode and his man bag was rather fetching"
1694746474,"neutral","talktomikesmith","@laflour good suggestions, thanks"
1694746534,"worry","shihadchick","@aworldinside ngl, my favourite thing about wikipedia sometimes is that it makes wookiepedia such an easy pisstake."
1694746566,"worry","HanaStephenson","@EllaPaigeBabe hey im back  i replyed xxx"
1694746590,"neutral","goldfries","@WayneLiew just need to know what to be cautious about.  being cautious is good."
1694746701,"neutral","Jadzy","may the 4th be with you"
1694746702,"surprise","ambabb","Just opened a facebook account, I'm a little confused I don't really get it. Twitter seems much better"
1694746717,"surprise","hopeinhell","@aussie_ali  really?  i'm in greensborough, but prev bundoora.."
1694746739,"neutral","annesarmi","just finished designing her multiply site"
1694746750,"neutral","GELKA","@morningsteppa  yeah, big chill here too good foods, good music, great weather!  have a cool day Bro!"
1694746772,"sadness","deL0SHous","hey everyone, guess what? ROONEY ISN'T COMING TODAY!"
1694746784,"happiness","Candyfizz","Going shopping  Then Sunday dinner, round two :p"
1694746803,"neutral","minteva","she distracteded me in fb chat  yays"
1694746809,"surprise","cawwie","happy star wars day"
1694746810,"fun","Technotarian","@dan_pentagram trip with school! get to go see a west end show and loads more stuff, its gonna be great"
1694746830,"enthusiasm","timMEH_toxic","add me on myspace?? www.myspace.com/pwnage_org  -> pcFOpc"
1694746835,"love","Shelly1912","@switchfoot loving your music , had a good recommendation from someone who knows his stuff"
1694746891,"worry","Jeff_VbBaker","If I could only update my status in just one place...."
1694746922,"neutral","Beyy","I think both Josiphina and Jacqui have killed there tweetdecks or overspammed like SOMEONE"
1694746926,"fun","ceitidhmilne","Happy Birthday to my Whore"
1694746931,"sadness","BaltarStar","@kixxa I'm somehow totally distracted by that shirt!  I don't even know why.Suddenly he's like the guy next door!"
1694747003,"love","ravenbarks","first trip home since diwali. But before that a couple of days in saddi dilli"
1694747015,"surprise","johnwyattedgar","finally shifted from Twhirl to TweetDeck so I can filter through my close friends' updates  happy monday peeps"
1694747055,"enthusiasm","delaneyx0","schoool time. not doing much this week.  about 20 more days of school and it's time for NYC!  can't wait for the last day of school."
1694747116,"worry","craignicol","@ColinMackay I think I left my conference feedback sheet in my bag. Oops. Just say Excellent for everything  Found out about it from you"
1694747148,"sadness","Flatan","Is babysitting 3 dogs...they are all over the place..."
1694747227,"fun","QDjacky","just got up  Wheres the sun? =O"
1694747309,"happiness","suplexii","yay sing it loud wed, fall out boy, all time low and cobra starship on friday  WIN"
1694747321,"surprise","raymundopelayo","@xojennielynn or @lauren_ohh i think one of you should give a ride! please?"
1694747351,"fun","erikstohle","@sillyyak11 haha well have fun at school! I'm gonna be sittin' at home with my italian restaurant by my side"
1694747425,"happiness","clag_on_toast","http://twitpic.com/4jdkq - Got a new belt  it's a sheriff star"
1694747448,"neutral","alexabiro","@hubermanuela  hey girl, what's up? what r u gonna do today?"
1694747469,"neutral","YatPundit","@nsingman haha!  yes, there's a lot to be said for nekkid religion"
1694747602,"sadness","roel247","@DaveWares working, my 4-day weekend is over, aah well another one coming in 2 weeks"
1694747661,"worry","susiecameron","@aussie_ali  that wretched Blue nun has you in her clutches Miss Ali!!!!!  S L O    W  down"
1694747746,"relief","LauraJDaley","@jeffmello I did sales training for a couple of the papers. They paid my bills for a bit."
1694747789,"neutral","madeleinemcfly","@tommcfly i'm so glad"
1694747814,"empty","PaoCad","@trishaelyca  not really, all in all, if im not mistaken, mga less than 1k each lng ang gastos namen..."
1694747822,"neutral","Packard_Sonic","@daryllorette Your welcome."
1694747890,"relief","lyndalpn","@DinaRoberts thanks"
1694747907,"neutral","Breality92","off to school, the home for some AP studying!"
1694748088,"love","Kiz2694","Cooking microwave pizzas, yummy"
1694748099,"worry","natasha_nichole","School can blow me. He looks nice today thoughh."
1694748146,"surprise","Denzillaa","@Booooooom I love how Alex Pardee colours his picturs, so differnt"
1694748151,"neutral","christelbrust","by Ginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa with Ilonaaaa"
1694748186,"relief","hasanah272","Alhamdulillah PFP exam was alright~ It's Strategic Management time!"
1694748187,"neutral","meijirawr","@ninjastalk HEY, BABEE. ) LOVE YOOOOUUU. >< RP time."
1694748347,"neutral","problemchylde","Early morning R&B.  ? http://blip.fm/~5jimj"
1694748364,"enthusiasm","docbaty","@jeffparks That would be most welcome"
1694748436,"love","lina_luka","@OxygenOverdose awesome! have to take a look at them when i'm home."
1694748535,"happiness","mmbopidy","@FONEJACKER12009 haha I do not know how to work blip apart from the obvious! thanks for reblipping my song  have a nice day xxx"
1694748606,"love","laraaranjuez","@sweet19 awesome. lemme see when you're done."
1694748611,"neutral","zapamna","i am leaving now  to go to lilmarshmellows house :p"
1694748633,"worry","zimkarim","Goodmorning world"
1694748654,"relief","lauraeveex","gunna spend today with my sexy best friend"
1694748684,"love","HeartGrenade","is wishing, after watching those videos, that it will be FREEZING next weekend so she can bring Edea out again without dying"
1694748692,"sadness","tailzpintoys","sorry mum, will treat you well from now on"
1694748699,"neutral","eqhelwig","@jelnora Nothing like alone time with your handheld device"
1694748700,"neutral","Shawberry19","Heading into Glasgow for a rehearsal for my upcoming show"
1694748716,"fun","bodysnatcher908","@rylie023 i think you'd look cute in the beanie hat"
1694748725,"relief","wendychou","@gingerying if you decide to take a break on your paper..the link is a perf-choreo, cute&cheesey but enjoyable   http://tinyurl.com/ddnqv5"
1694748751,"happiness","Liiv7","@cassiewho haha no problem, it's fun isn't it"
1694748771,"fun","jessicakbrown","Mmmm holiday commercials really ARE nice"
1694748849,"love","Lastoadri","I'm dying to see the reaction on their faces  .. its going to be FUN gedan begad"
1694767490,"worry","JMBuckett","Neglecting the boy, apparently... I'm outro, for real life"
1694767557,"happiness","saragarth","I've just realised - 400 FOLLOWERS! YAY!  xx"
1694767572,"sadness","jessicajonassss","My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson"
1694767573,"fun","babyxcrissy","@Prodigy702 haha FINALLY !!  hiii friend ."
1694767576,"neutral","Weemario","Taking the day off and doing absolutely nothing    Studying begins on the morrow"
1694767615,"relief","rhettroberts","@tintinex Morning  Glad to hear about your happy news!"
1694767618,"happiness","johnwaire","@OceanCity thank you.  we had a blast"
1694767627,"love","Inspirationals","Also love and Light to everyone else who I have not been able to fit into my last tweet  Thank YOU All"
1694767628,"empty","mneylon","@vavroom I'm the heir to the over draft"
1694767665,"empty","JillQuarles","Up way way way to early this am....thanks @shane_benson"
1694767689,"enthusiasm","JMIKELS","Goodmorning world!"
1694767783,"worry","twyst976","@girlgamy you can also watch Family Guy online. www.fancast.com  And yes I am a total shill."
1694767794,"happiness","dresdendolly","@xoxokimmie good morning"
1694767797,"love","YatPundit","I like Rio Ferdinand - when he's wearing an England jersey."
1694767818,"surprise","LebanezeQueen","@Devinwade heyyyyyyyyyyy! Look who it is"
1694767865,"neutral","kayemanalo","@bryanboy Congratuations, Sweetie."
1694768020,"worry","Tittch","@iantalbot You're still welcome - the door's wide enough for your zimmer frame"
1694768052,"neutral","Cre8BeautyDaily","@AllEarsDeb Ditto that for me!  Staying inside warm and dry today!"
1694768054,"fun","wholeexpanse","@cmykara Something like that!"
1694768280,"surprise","omegatron","@johnlacey had someone tell me tonight "there are only 2 states to be in, QLD and Pissed""
1694768294,"happiness","muchlovee","supernatural tonight  yay"
1694768446,"surprise","Malach","@typicalhigh Yay me!  But, what in particular?"
1694768460,"neutral","theatre_nerd22","@Jeewilikers...you should call school and tell them you have swine flu so we can have the day off"
1694768494,"love","melyssawithay","aww, jon ryan bob and greta in one picture? how adorable  and it brightens my morning, ty jon walker"
1694768516,"neutral","ClillaryHinton","@robluketic You're not kidding when you say you have to be fast, are you?  I was there like 5 seconds after your tweet: nothing."
1694768529,"happiness","joeljansson","Soon my new job starts  I'm so happy!"
1694768589,"surprise","violetbakes","@Sazchik  I read somewhere they were restoring the name, hope it happens soon"
1694768604,"relief","youroryoure","[Wrong!] @anambanana thanx  your THE awesome! http://tinyurl.com/ddqpoa"
1694768606,"love","detlef_c","Thanks for the follow, Doug. I like that hat"
1694768649,"love","susiecameron","@LJCharleston  Thanks darling girl   xx"
1694768796,"happiness","anemathilde","School -.- I'm arrange for the design of the blog to a friend! I think it's looks good  http://xoxoeternity.blogg.no/"
1694768843,"empty","abymdivinefemme","is making breakfast ."
1694768846,"love","piependeelsje","@realoomph leuke droom. Dat werd dus stand-up comedy?"
1694768854,"neutral","xolauren185ox","school then the used concert tonight!!"
1694768896,"love","roycerosenblatt","I feel funny. Hmmp, better be an amazing fucking day. why not?  I LOVE HOW I KNOW SAMMY ROVIN GOT A TEXT ABOUT THIS TWEET <3333"
1694769065,"love","TerrenceCheek","@JennaFBN Yay I love it when you host Money For Breakfast Jenna Lee  4hrs of you the amazing and so pretty and sexy Jenna Lee yay."
1694769072,"happiness","thaberkern","@tobinharris brilliant! Best tool of the year"
1694769218,"love","lestrangie","my mum thought that my brother laughing was the cat about the throw up... smooth"
1694769233,"sadness","Cory_Froomkin","Just a couple thoughts....was bored this morning"
1694769245,"happiness","dudeyoungy","HAPPY STAR WARS DAY EVERYONE  any excuse for a few drinkies eh?"
1694769249,"happiness","keremsedef","waitin for dr dee.... had lunch with my beautiful lady  before that i was on the gym ... ( yeah need to loose 10 more  )"
1694769388,"worry","clarissemussi","Good morning twitterland. Happy Monday"
1694769426,"happiness","Chloe_Gendron","GoodMorning. My Father's going balistic, and I'd say more but I'd rather not get beat, so Have a Good Day, and please text me"
1694769485,"happiness","yasin_valli","Off to a wedding!"
1694769498,"neutral","carolina90","My hair actually looks kinda fierce today. wth? Listening to U2 makes me happy"
1694769517,"happiness","tresfon","Finally started Twittering.... got to keep up... So downgrade from full colour, pictures etc. to simple small sized text messages...."
1694769580,"love","jellybeansoup","@greggrunberg Just discovered your 'Band from TV'... you guys are really good! Love the music"
1694769612,"neutral","sammolsonkasey","@BrianNeudorff Good morning   Been here since 4am, just quiet.  How are you?"
1694769634,"neutral","hibri","gotta share this   http://bit.ly/19OL1b"
1694769688,"enthusiasm","gracebortnik","@j3nn1e ooh good!  im starting with the hardest one, gonna be at it all day. ive locked my door and im only leaving for food and toilet! x"
1694769712,"love","SoerenLandmann","had a great weekend in Stuttgart at the befah-conference. Wonderful people, nice discussions and lots of fun. Together we're strong!"
1694769757,"happiness","tweryll","@monicafrancesca congratulations! woootwoooo!  @ginoboi great game!  nakaka-hyper kayo!"
1694769792,"happiness","WillFisher","Oh also today we must remember that it is Hoppusday. So happy Hoppusday  Yes I said it yesterday but it changed okay?"
1694769828,"neutral","davidbelfast","Dear intertweet, plz 2 hack up a spotify plugin for Songbird. The SDK exists already. Just needs code"
1694769853,"worry","JamesBD","Still Doing Grench paper and still getting distracted"
1694769905,"happiness","_tan_","Another HD - my lecturer was gob smacked by how good our presentation was"
1694769913,"happiness","nuttychris","@sweetemmaxxx i love the cheesey ones, and the cool orignal ones  , , , skips i have when my brother has them got to try them u c haha"
1694769957,"neutral","windkoh","@limyh No problem. I'm just sharing the whole list to you."
1694769970,"empty","beastyivan","me knows what to be tested on all the exam subjects except for english. damn davis."
1694769987,"worry","larissa_jane","@cbear80 indeedy! weather crappy then, god now. pity its dark! :O hopefully it stays dry!"
1694770117,"happiness","kittimoro","weather starting to be better  So just SHINE **"
1694770148,"surprise","oskarhulphers","@m_mazur Hahaha...and I who actually thought you just were popular!"
1694770227,"love","jloislinton","I love being able to run my tongue along my teeth"
1694770268,"neutral","rachelfarrall","i got baby g wach its zi same as the 1 lady gaga wears in eh eh film clip but in pink!! I LOVE YOU KAY thanks a heap  i win olivia"
1694770303,"neutral","toney_j","eating kfc fries!"
1694770368,"surprise","verbicidal","@jeffinator today was my first day"
1694770427,"love","laurenmcartney","@TrIsHa87 dan humphires is the most adorable human being ever   i <3 <3 <3 him"
1694770479,"happiness","veraa_","sitting on chloes little trike thingo its a girraffe  ill most probobly get yelled at with in the next minute or so! ohhh well"
1694770538,"happiness","SumeetChawla","is busy creating a new logo for my  site"
1694770664,"happiness","lemongeneration","@AmyyVee aww that was a really great blog :] thanks for the mention  hi form the philippines :-h :]"
1694770748,"relief","Miss_Bellatrix","Another nice day again! Working in Goderich today so I can walk & enjoy the weather"
1694770752,"happiness","PrettiBoi305","got alot of runnin around to do today to get this job app completed so they can have it on file... so glad i got this job!!"
1694770753,"fun","Tinoni","@misslazarou Bom apetite"
1694770834,"neutral","shaunadennett09","@rustyrockets et's genitals are in his magic glowing finger"
1694770883,"neutral","bdrewskies","rearry rip. Youd never guess what i ate.."
1694770884,"happiness","mweb1","@tranced1 yes mate, on Friday"
1694770912,"surprise","ellywatson","@stephjacko hey, you know the trailers before hannah montana? is there a jonas brothers 3D concert experience trailer?  x"
1694770916,"relief","Lyn_O","ah! A clean house...finally, so nice"
1694770943,"neutral","Chelsers_","Early Monday,great  Rainy Monday,not so great :|"
1694770956,"relief","cburke","Up and around a little earlier than I wanted to be (phone rang 5:30 AM).  Exercise is a good way to start the day, right?"
1694770960,"neutral","Super_Carp","@Falcon1991 Link !"
1694770999,"worry","natbubba","Goood Afternooon"
1694771088,"surprise","melaniestfu","nvm, lexi's playlist is working its magic"
1694771113,"neutral","kellyhalluch","At the airport waiting"
1694771142,"relief","nugget37","@MattCohenIII it could be worse  so u usually a nite owl?"
1694771152,"neutral","rennylui","new super power camping place -> 24 hr MAC @ Springleaf Tower  ...still eating my fries."
1694771198,"neutral","drjasonfox","@IdeasCulture w00t, have a red wine now"
1694771200,"enthusiasm","GA_Peach_Girl","Good morning in Twitterville. Off to work I go...Chat @ all of u later"
1694771250,"enthusiasm","jonsinger","@MicaR think so but my boss is in Switzerland all week. going when she returns  ira gonna be awesome"
1694771255,"worry","knatten","Being involved in requirements and architecture is nice and all, but now I'm looking forward to writing some code!"
1694771395,"happiness","XxYWIxX","@XLesseyX good and you cup cake"
1694771417,"love","its_erinnn","Brad Fastings is my favorite person to hang out with from 12 AM to 5 AM"
1694771422,"surprise","jestar","@yadatree I used to row in high school and just found out there is a rowing club ten minutes away from me so I thought I should sign up"
1694771437,"happiness","MizFitOnline","@YatPundit oooh OK. thought I was losing my MizMind"
1694771518,"worry","aucarol","@GeeEmm There will be NO vidoe evidence!  I can't wait, though. Now I just need 2 find a regular partner if I end up loving it!"
1694789401,"surprise","Zephious","@lemziipie Wow, congrats Rosemary"
1694789408,"relief","smee61","@Pearl57 welcome back. my monday turned out ok. hope yours does too  xox"
1694789457,"neutral","naattx","communitychannel on youtube"
1694789573,"neutral","nickmaher","@xanderprod Was actually done by my cousin"
1694789604,"neutral","JakeBonifield","AP gov exam. Haven't looked at this stuff in months. What's that? I'm a total legal nerd and know these cases like none other? Oh, yeah."
1694789608,"neutral","sarahbarry","@penelope_mills  better than a spider or some type if Australian wildlife one would imagine"
1694789658,"happiness","artzybrothers","yeah! I'm going to Makati Cinema Square with my dad later. haha!"
1694789755,"love","michaelmknight","@insic Anytime"
1694789761,"worry","song_of_sitra","I'm going into a spiritual stagnentation, its exploding my ego!. I now realise, i'm not all that great. and I'm ok with that."
1694789807,"happiness","Carleijn","My wish came true!  see u"
1694789897,"neutral","luiz_com_z","@buchmamsell ist im der Haus... or something like that.  Guten morgen, Fr�ulein!"
1694789906,"neutral","HayleyBee1","@neillavin300 Soz no ideas. That is a reason i didnt take geography cz i would fall asleep as well. Lmao"
1694789974,"love","melabarrie","@utterhip That is the sweetest loveliest thing for you to say. You made me smile. Thank you for that."
1694790023,"love","tsuggs721","I absolutely love mike watts from sexy heroes"
1694790152,"relief","swimmerjm","FLOODED OUT OF MY HOUSE  !!! Staying with someone in town unless the water stops rising  i may use it as a homework excuse"
1694790154,"happiness","pcornqueen","@paulina1 Good Morning and Have a Great Day at work"
1694790163,"love","saragarth","@xoCAZZA good stuff!  I'm great thanks! x"
1694790193,"worry","z33m","OMG!! im sooo lazyy... i can't believe im googling for a command/app to close the CD tray.. i tried telekinesis, didn't quite work though"
1694790239,"empty","nicolemissnikki","So why did my internal alarm clock wake me @ 630am?? I have another hour before my external alarm goes off! I'm wide awake tho??"
1694790249,"happiness","raekristine10",":visiting my friendster and facebook"
1694790378,"sadness","cookiemonster82","@pickleshy it's tongue in cheek of some mentalities.There is another one which takes the piss of arabs, but its too long"
1694790439,"enthusiasm","Mo3010","CC�s video for Long Gone premiers today on yahoo, dont miss it: http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/premieres/ AWESOME video and version"
1694790463,"surprise","Yema","@toastehmonstah Ohh! I got the fourth thing just not the may, ahh thanks."
1694790496,"neutral","MVamp_319","2 coins people"
1694790504,"happiness","dogthesteve","Brilliant weekend.  BRILLIANT I SAY!    In work now and actually working ."
1694790593,"happiness","yaquaholic","Ahh saved from mowing the lawn by the rain  Now I have plenty of time to go kayaking. Blessed are the rain gods!!"
1694790597,"happiness","epietru02","home from the beach and only my feet are burned. i am proud of myself and the sunscreen."
1694790633,"love","PRMurphy147","Time for the hittin' the hay  Later tweeps. Ala Billy Cunningham, You are all Great Americans!"
1694790690,"neutral","runbaby_run","@marieeeeee I so know what you mean"
1694790870,"neutral","Rachel4fun","Rachel is going to have lunch at baixa. And has a lot of stuffs to do.... Wanna come ?"
1694790923,"happiness","choco12lab","Congratulations to Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao! You've made every Filipino proud of being a Filipino!"
1694790956,"happiness","chiniehdiaz","@Marge_Inovera Hi Jakki! Thanks for the hug - right back at ya"
1694790995,"neutral","FantasticFish","About to have lunch with @Mark_Deakin meeting with the Prof didnt go too badly"
1694791013,"fun","TraceyMorroll","@nurseju I treat my hair so badly. It's revenge for it turning grey prematurely"
1694791034,"neutral","XKirstyxo","@Galiiit haha, def. That song is EPIC, have fun  i'm listening to new FNB"
1694791126,"empty","PontaNeko","Studio Ghibli for this year; Ponyo! http://bit.ly/whar8 as always it seems to be perfect  we'll be waiting till august for it"
1694791277,"neutral","chinoeatsworld","shares http://tinyurl.com/czhzb3 another id draft  http://plurk.com/p/rpzmx"
1694791299,"love","psychodwarf","@MicheleKnight Thats beautiful"
1694791351,"worry","docbaty","@mcarvin I don't feel too bad, but not sure to what I should attribute that. Could be cold & flu meds; nap; alcohol; or getting better..."
1694791379,"happiness","xxsabina","Soon we are going to look at a cabaret, it's going to be fun!"
1694791458,"neutral","Yossarian66","The muse has me gripped firmly by the throat. Really enjoying my writing"
1694791478,"happiness","nadiamo","photo session + mother-daughters bonding session = happy me"
1694791581,"surprise","tsarnick","@MissxMarisa haha what can i say, you're a great teacher!! you learned from the best... Hannah Montana"
1694791593,"surprise","JMensing","Looking forward to a session at the gym"
1694791628,"surprise","MikeNolan","@andrewdisley @patrick_h_lauke Sefton Park in Liverpool would be good... and 200m down the road from me"
1694791660,"worry","anneliese123","@bmthofficial i am seeing you in sydney in 12 days for the third time"
1694791682,"fun","crazyethan7","@sophie_lee lol a bugg to school thats awsome"
1694791715,"happiness","hanaames","Mexican! That's what I'm craving"
1694791723,"neutral","xxLi","http://www.youtube.com/Lillysan I found out this morning I got 800+ subscribers! Thx!  Check on Lillysan Awards! xx Li"
1694791751,"happiness","Iren19","May the 4th be with you    Happy Star Wars Day !!!"
1694791769,"neutral","chanelephant","is drawing a picture for her bubba"
1694791808,"worry","MiDesfileNegro","@_xotashhh I love having days off school, I had one on friday too"
1694791809,"neutral","SteveHyden","Glad to see it's a typical Bank Holiday weather wise - I was going to do so much today - yeah right!"
1694791813,"happiness","swirlyarts","Some goodies bagged at the car boot including some very cute cross stitch birds for my craft room! The man selling was a sweetie"
1694791830,"relief","joshie1226","@kate38381849 haha it's ok. i really don't like getting to other businesses so its Ok,"
1694791882,"neutral","JMFailla","White House joins social networking sites > http://bit.ly/15Fo4X - better late than never"
1694791886,"enthusiasm","Yellowsharpie","good morning!"
1694791888,"happiness","OhhStephaniee","heading off to schoool. going to have a good day. i just knoww..."
1694791925,"empty","amandaclaires","Screw the reviews, I thought Wolverine was awesome. But not enough Dominic Monaghan for my liking."
1694791963,"neutral","NergizK","#vwll2009 Would one of the VWLLers want to add this event to our Ning?   http://bit.ly/BF5sh  Would much appreciate that"
1694791964,"happiness","sumosam","http://twitpic.com/4jdtx - Springtime is nice"
1694791973,"worry","divxdownloads","Download movie  "Still Waiting..." http://tinyurl.com/d9g8sj cool #movie"
1694792076,"worry","whippetout","@Catwoman123 Have a good one"
1694792115,"relief","rygh","@marika75 music-habits - I'll join your study"
1694792122,"love","AliTechno","Claude Debussy is my homeboy"
1694792128,"sadness","barkerbell","@MerCuriosJewels Wonderful trip!  Read all 4 Twilight novels.  Completely all consuming and engrossing.  Kinda sad to be done."
1694792129,"neutral","Mike_Mehrle","Thanks @8101harris I will have the editing done soon for @hoteleden I see I do a better job behind the camera instead of in front of it"
1694792140,"happiness","Vickyvsky","@AndyTaylorSonic Yey! holiday Monday in Uk today ... have a chilled day"
1694792147,"empty","hotrodsoftware","We expect One Man Band to be released sometime next week"
1694792187,"hate","NixieKitty","@dannyvan i could have got you some from work and not paid more than R20 per 2l"
1694792197,"worry","lady_frostbite","@qatesiuradewyo I would cry a little. Wait...no I mean, the mechanical army would be -so- pleased to have proper representation. X-me!"
1694792198,"happiness","xNicaaBabyy","@emzyjonas My favourite TV show when i was a kid was.. Bananas In Pyjamas and Teletubbies.  lol Luckyy youuuu going to a JB concert! haha."
1694792239,"happiness","RockShowGirl","@cresh182 have fun ! bbq is good ! no matter where it is"
1694792261,"worry","danielracovitan","implementing will_paginate  on my website; i love rails"
1694792346,"worry","noangelvfc","listening to varsity fanclub"
1694792363,"neutral","catarino","1 more to 800... which one of your friends deserve a free hug?"
1694792397,"love","MW91","going for lunch soon  with my fave cuzs"
1694792401,"worry","blueturtle77","@Wil_Anderson your tweets were awesome  fuck the heat. That's what dencorub is for"
1694792415,"love","pandaonramen","may the forth be with you"
1694792418,"happiness","antidote","@chelsea_anstee i hope! its in expo! that would be amazing. im trying so hard to make perfection so it is."
1694792427,"happiness","Kpucine","@vampirefreak101 Haha ^^ Thanks"
1694792434,"neutral","Levisen","Is now back at the school working on the bach.project"
1694792526,"love","viv_pinkaholic","good morning twitter-ers  rise and shine,, just on my way to school"
1694792615,"neutral","JackyRobus","@GottfriedJS Gosh but you travel quick....beam me up Gottfried..."
1694792616,"worry","remmulpaidualc","@LauriM could do, will the fact that its bank holiday make any difference? lemme check my money situation also"
1694792627,"love","fogellee","i'm off to see a movie ("17 again")"
1694792741,"happiness","SimplePlan2k8","Oh, and now Mondays also mean new American Dad!  So glad I watched that show, so funny, and it makes Mondays even better"
1694792746,"relief","halina1979","@AndyACB yes not for putting inside anything else"
1694792769,"surprise","Tittch","@phomor someone's horsing about. Btw Hubb feels the same about twitter. He's naming @towerofbabble as the other party"
1694792786,"anger","pinkcitygirl","Monday...Funday!  Wake up people...and keep me awake please   Today is going to be a long one..I can already feel it. Eww"
1694792835,"surprise","Shaz4him","Alexia has clogged up twitter...... again.... so I thought I'd post a tweet. Um... Just had a shower!!  Now I will have a drink! Teehee..."
1694792956,"happiness","roxtinina","whoa. that was some showering session"
1694793006,"neutral","Denissahady","@babygirlparis where are you going paris?"
1694793013,"sadness","Tetris_Jeff","Especially hard to get out of bed with myself this morn Cuz I'm hot  , Now running late stuck in front of the mirror checking Myself Out"
1694793028,"love","hannahbabyxo","@Sophhs & i are lucas till & david henrie lovers. both boys are very cute  but @Sophhs you can have lucas & ill have henrie  DEAL"
1694793057,"happiness","oliviabattyos","@ninaaacooperrr don't not come in  i love you... and it's your last week and you need to see me..... you're hot"
1694793058,"enthusiasm","BuzzyBas","ready to go home"
1694811321,"neutral","albaim","* News Flash * MegaRedPacket, Your Instant Internet Empire (Early Bird Launch) check this DEAL out   http://mega-redpacket.com"
1694811386,"worry","greenwoodma","@morganmg starbucks? I thought u were trying to b good?!"
1694811432,"neutral","blossommorphine","<---My expression watching this again: http://tinyurl.com/eqbwe"
1694811455,"happiness","SuzeMuse","@jeffparks naw...I'll keep you in. Turns out you have the odd nugget of wisdom."
1694811459,"worry","laflour","@talktomikesmith yep. but  what does it mean?!  Would you think outside the box to make name very clear what exactly is wrapped and why"
1694811488,"worry","woranuch","@fawn_s  Accept it, you can't do anything, can you?"
1694811541,"happiness","stephibobz","Aparantly it's #starwarsday so enjoy  don't quite know what your Kent to do but be happy anywho!"
1694811590,"empty","thewaiting","Just made the perfect fried egg"
1694811642,"relief","PHAYANAGA","is going to finish his last assignment. THEN GO TO BED."
1694811651,"happiness","xlxblondiexlx","Went to see Priscilla Ahn last night, was amazin! so were the bands before her actually"
1694811767,"neutral","kim_lovely16","thanks for following, @deee_earl"
1694811784,"hate","chelsea_anstee","i am going to be disgraced with myself for life if i don't make it in next year. being a perfectionist sucks. good luckkkk"
1694811852,"neutral","NatSaysRAWWWRR","uploading pictures on myspace"
1694811856,"relief","Pobbles","@AirheadUK washing off, comp was great..more people and FAB atmosphere. 1st in dist. and 2nd in exp. sess."
1694811858,"worry","draconiams","4th may officially announced as 'bad luck day' .."
1694811868,"neutral","debbie00486","@cassusriff Yes! I feel the same.  I've still got lots in boxes.  It's so fun though.  Got to my new place yesterday."
1694811886,"happiness","joshuak92","@ingegoesbroadwa sounds like you're having a great time"
1694811931,"worry","drjohndc_blog","@DhruvChadha welcome back to school, don't study too hard, take time off and smell roses too"
1694811943,"surprise","MissxMarisa","@tsarnick Yeah, you better be sorry! I can't believe you, kiss my sass!!!"
1694811954,"happiness","Sue112","@jimmymarsh617 awesome job last night!"
1694812102,"neutral","stsally","@mikeyway http://twitpic.com/449yj - If I say "Mystery Science Theatre 3000", does that mean anything to you?"
1694812346,"worry","TizBanana","@BecaBear 1000 = make sure it has the word poo or balls in it  Underbelly DOES suck balls... I gave up on it in wk 3."
1694812404,"neutral","finalmarch","@error505 Yeah, and apparently so were you. But then you removed it..."
1694812445,"neutral","juliaa_x","yes, i am quite unsure aswell  haha"
1694812451,"neutral","Fitzchev","@Lagaffe it's just one day... do a week of 60hrs to compensate"
1694812470,"empty","sonicelement","Currently working on a collab with Alynn Carter called Lost Inside which I'm very excited about"
1694812514,"worry","MikeyPalmer","Working on Canada Shoots information.  Coming your way soon if you have expressed interest and I have your email address . Eh!!!"
1694812603,"neutral","thibet","back to my interesting emails..."
1694812608,"neutral","mecakes","@turkeyburkey whatever do you mean?"
1694812613,"neutral","shellrawlins","I am freezing"
1694812668,"sadness","Estrella_Felina","i�m boring - bad weather today, watchingn alias and having fun  with my boyfriend"
1694812715,"sadness","devonanne21","its funny you said we'd never make it and look how far we've come....  IM BACK ON HEAHHH!  um. yeah. school :/"
1694812799,"neutral","katreeennn","fun on facebook."
1694812870,"relief","c_a_t","Cool music collection, can be used for non-intrusive background music - music from keygens!   http://www.keygenmusic.net"
1694812881,"happiness","nicoley_poo","3oh!3 on the radio  they were amazing yesterday."
1694812905,"happiness","armoredsaint","@jrathburn Good mornin' Jason! Ready for a fresh new week as well!"
1694812911,"happiness","dylanholliday","@Brrridgett I already know what happens on Supernatural."
1694812962,"fun","vivpeyrat","finishing up at the studio  NEW SONGS UP ON MYSPACE tomorrow MAY 5th"
1694812972,"neutral","RosalieWilliams","@iMcFly I didnt save those links! I dont need distractions.. I just need motivation"
1694812981,"happiness","chelseaftw","the maccabees new album is a winner ,everybody should take a listen fact"
1694812984,"relief","vulgrin","Going to be buckling down this week. So, relief for my twitter followers from my inanity. Enjoy my silence."
1694813016,"fun","ElectroEmma","We'll write a song that turns out the lights <3"
1694813034,"neutral","danielstoker","May the 4th be with you  #starwarsday (via @dordali)"
1694813071,"anger","novemberlight","@taylorswift13 Hello, yourself. Enjoy London. Watch out for the Hackneys. They're mental."
1694813090,"neutral","veruh","Going with Chantal to her aunt."
1694813132,"happiness","JustAJustin","Very tired! Dinner good, then churro's were good!"
1694813187,"love","beezan","@sswayze  thanks 4 the follow, Sean."
1694813268,"love","pedro_rosas","So happy, my VStudio shortcuts are backkk"
1694813543,"relief","michaelmcilwee","Off to class .... Longggg day"
1694813596,"neutral","al_cr","New article about band called MGMT @ ATBFM.SOLIDSYN.NET"
1694813625,"neutral","Xhumonne","incredibly cliched at this point, but May the Fourth be with me today!"
1694813635,"enthusiasm","scorpion_sting","feel like going home and sleep till the next day!"
1694813641,"happiness","ryan_face","Oh yeah, Radio1 is SO playing Earth, Wind and Fire"
1694813647,"happiness","locomotivity","@Stephkerchner heard through the grapevine that we might see you around today. Looking forward to meeting you."
1694813666,"happiness","Xx_Janine_xX","is online shopping...fantastic"
1694813669,"happiness","kheyanne","looking for new ideas for my blog"
1694813723,"neutral","Olilawford","@lydia_teamgreen Marriage course is not running on either of the bank holidays in May. Back and running next week"
1694813735,"neutral","billibelle","this is vicky spamming belle's twitter! anyway, she's rainbows on dreamwidth!  i got her an invite code wahahaha"
1694813761,"happiness","henaxxru","@WestEndActress It's well good!!"
1694813798,"neutral","tomfaulkenberry","I think my bicycle and I just freaked out a custodian, who wouldn't have let me in the building if I didn't let myself in with a key"
1694813799,"happiness","Sweena","@antony Hahahahahahahahahah! That tickled me so much!"
1694813800,"happiness","pj_endrinal","@miraaaaa hahaha. you should eat then!"
1694813807,"surprise","rvivek","installed ubuntu 9.04 on my office lap! yaaaaaaaaaaaay!   "install under windows" feature rocks!! #awesome #ubuntu #excited"
1694813817,"sadness","Shadiii","in the mood to listen to some Reg stuff  (Sir told me: U used to be a huge fan of mine but now it seems you've forgotten my songs!!!) )"
1694813936,"hate","willlArd","fucken tired as fuck  it's sunny.. good day? deffff"
1694813967,"neutral","blue_cupcakes","@chrismic That's the song I mean"
1694813977,"relief","ashley_elayne","@Danielle_Jane14 okay well then now i don't feel so bad lmao"
1694813989,"neutral","Shadiii","in the mood to listen to some Reg stuff  (Sir told me: U used to be a huge fan of mine but now it seems you've... http://ff.im/2zaF4"
1694814119,"worry","JWard86","hopes tonight is an okay night"
1694814140,"neutral","m0ntassar","@MMM even if I was drunk, I'd think about using a fake/temporary mail address"
1694814189,"sadness","Elle_Sterling","weathers let me down this morning...ugh!...hada gd nite tho!"
1694814218,"happiness","therealsecret","@utterhip U r welcome pal  u truly deserve 2 be followed"
1694814219,"relief","ilicco","@iaindodsworth Ha, yea you are so not allowed days of rest, way too many interesting ideas to incorporate into tweetdeck"
1694814233,"surprise","mcofficial","@Kaat11 yes I am"
1694814288,"love","safia_","@DNEZTHATSME aw, virtual hug! lol i was just about to come to your page and say aah no congratulations? but you did"
1694814334,"love","MostHatedJu","Baq to sleep i go  no the headach starts , if its not 1 its da other"
1694814507,"worry","creamstatic","trying to record my audio source, maybe I need a specific program @vhadZe I'm good thank you  hehe"
1694814535,"worry","ReesForCongress","@davidspruell Just ripping here.  That ad buy I was going to speak w/you about looks to be on hold for a bit. Company changed hands. :-/"
1694814549,"surprise","kellz326","@RobHolladay I added it, are you still awake?"
1694814595,"surprise","thatissodope","@meriel I know it's not meeeee. Im surprised either  At least I get to laugh at myself UNLIKE SOME OTHER PEOPLE )"
1694814609,"neutral","Fuzzy2230","@RQOCJD if they try ill hack into the mainframe of the internet database and unban them!!!it may take a while but I WILL!...im high"
1694814640,"worry","stephaniemcg","Awsome workout! Shower n then work, nice"
1694814719,"surprise","kshaidle","@fightking Yeah, 'Age of Aquarius' IS a pretty scary song"
1694814722,"neutral","jaimecml","@kimberleymcleod I'm in Brighton and I work in the city - you?"
1694814728,"relief","iRosaria","@Sunshineliron that was awesome!!"
1694814756,"fun","flatleaf","@duskyazure yeah that sounds more sensible. thought you had a heston bleumenthal moment of genius somehow!"
1694814834,"happiness","wiseleo","@grentone If you have specific questions, let me know. Always good to have them when writing stuff. Well, I am off  Have fun!"
1694814852,"happiness","stargirlgeorgia","may the 4th be with you! HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!"
1694814869,"worry","rod_k2","Trued a rim!  I'm getting good at this! o_O"
1694814871,"neutral","kishorcariappa","@thomasapdewi he always brightens up "the week" ?"
1694814890,"fun","kimtagg","i'm yours.  hahahaha jason mraz <3 lol"
1694814919,"love","docbaty","@mcarvin That's tonight?! Cool"
1694814951,"fun","heidiheartshugs","@lorenanne I look forward to having one very soon"
1694814971,"surprise","kimdill","@babygirlparis Have a fantastic time in paradise and drink a few Margeritas for me"
1694833134,"fun","LaurasJewellery","@PaperCakes lol, I haven't made anything yet, I've just spread all my supplies out over the dining room table"
1694833198,"happiness","holidaycarclub","Sydney - Toyota - Landcruiser - 1996 - $10,000  - new ad received and will be posted on the HCC site soon"
1694833319,"happiness","Amolskyhigh","Yes we Can  make it ......Obama"
1694833354,"happiness","Sparquel","Good morning Tweepsland! Makin' it a great Monday! Huge shout out to all my followers .. muah, muah! I appreciate you all"
1694833406,"worry","fabsh","@dholbach Sounds good. "This patch was brought to you by ...""
1694833427,"neutral","moanyboot","@colinkelly all the more reason to do ur highers later in life,vodka is a great study aid.45xy + 54pq=a 70 ml measure.I got an A in Maths"
1694833521,"neutral","gmxcrew","@Macintoshtipz I'm entering your contest"
1694833559,"neutral","SumitPandey","and were going to pune tomorrow"
1694833700,"happiness","MrsLovettesPies","@santoscarmen that's a lot of mangoes.. haha  baka naglilihi ka ahh?? haha  joke lang carmen"
1694833739,"sadness","peteste","http://snipurl.com/hbp3g  Canalway Cavalcade over in 'little venice' near Warwick Avenue - on today too"
1694833859,"empty","patty_torres","has got my xbox back  , i have a really sore knee cant walk"
1694833862,"sadness","ManonHope","Go to school :/ Reviens � 15h30"
1694833976,"neutral","recklesslife85","Roll on Thursday"
1694834057,"worry","x_kim","claires party was amazing!    headache."
1694834096,"happiness","wirbelwind1111","is almost done with the third/chapter cover page, yay"
1694834102,"neutral","ticktick_BOOM","now i'm in hmv"
1694834111,"happiness","_millie_h","had the best weekend"
1694834152,"happiness","markbrown83","WANTED: New liver and kidney, glass of wine would be good toooo"
1694834169,"happiness","leonward","@ccr_harris  There were way more than two! Ten hours of real-ale takes it out of you"
1694834294,"happiness","Emma_Collins","seen loads of new photos and stuff of new moon and cant wait  lol (L) Taylor lautner lol   takes his shirt off 3 times yum =]... lol"
1694834298,"sadness","mjepson","Respect to @fresh01 for the Heineken man bag  http://twitpic.com/4jdrg"
1694834316,"love","tsarnick","@MissxMarisa you the the Queen of Sass oh Scenie!!!"
1694834366,"worry","KlownDogg","@nanere awwww... I'm sorry! I changed the picture... just for you! Because you rock like that!"
1694834389,"neutral","Fatrachel","ah good idea. library seems to work  thats why i'm not there obviously."
1694834391,"worry","K4Ge","@Apachekiller Should I worry?"
1694834414,"worry","JennyMagda","When you see someone without a smile pass them yours"
1694834428,"sadness","JaLyTi","STILL TRYING TO GET THIS ALL FIGURED OUT?!!!!"
1694834453,"enthusiasm","LeviLetocest","i really should be in a bad mood. but."
1694834486,"enthusiasm","lisalisax2","GOOD LUCK ON FINALS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1694834615,"happiness","fajarjasmin","@aulia "alternate means of acquisition" sounds sorta noble"
1694834627,"happiness","bloodypaws","@pourpresheep lol. thanks babe!"
1694834638,"neutral","talk2myShirt","@lbruning it's called: dedicated"
1694834639,"neutral","beccaxshmecca","Playing see you again-miley cyrus in the shop"
1694834678,"neutral","bmthofficial","@brittanybannana is not too hot and not to cold"
1694834717,"worry","glambertshan","@Oprah an oprah guest if ever i saw one  http://tinyurl.com/d39x4n"
1694834742,"love","Jlwycoff","@peacecharade you will be great! Have a wonderful first day"
1694834767,"worry","amazingphoebe","@sebby_peek mkay :/ did you tell him on msn? bfgurelgbsr yeah, i guess so, i don't know if i like it, i'll wait till i get your opinion"
1694834781,"love","amyxox","@mynkeymonkey CONGRATULATIONS! How lovely"
1694834800,"happiness","sammcote","gooooood morning"
1694834806,"worry","martynik","feelin' somewhat down; ugh, i don't want to have an exam! oh well... 5 days baby!"
1694834822,"happiness","likezerogravity","Hey David! Gone on the Eye yet? It's my birthday, and you singing @ Ipswitch-best present ever! Have fun breakfast hunting!"
1694834933,"neutral","hiofatoni","MY first pos"
1694834973,"worry","paulderb","@jimrhiz last reply  a scholar in US Homeland Security said an ontology was created for it "and everybody hated it[s prescription].""
1694834991,"neutral","alyne_","@greekdude be patient  you'll get it soon"
1694835005,"happiness","super_carolin","@taylorswift13 We welcome you, Taylor ) Although it's raining :// Can't wait for your concert  x"
1694835011,"relief","thejoanator","I'm a bit happier now. Found a bit of motivation in Physics. I know I won't do well for the paper but at least I've started revising"
1694835025,"neutral","hugoduraes","The 10 Coolest Foreign Words The English Language Needs. Check the number one. Amazing!  http://is.gd/s9B1"
1694835084,"happiness","el_perverso","finish some sketches und then go out an skate! Yeeeehaaa! got a new deck"
1694835092,"neutral","sanna_o75","@JawshE It starts again June 14"
1694835127,"love","joshcoop","@EnchantedStar it can only get better."
1694835175,"sadness","gemmaburton","I was right, street market + rain = not a good idea! Am at home now with the fire on and a bacon sandwich yummmmm"
1694835214,"happiness","amythemermaid","this goes out to the one n only smirker   cheers dave!  aka jak  aka the best chest ever! ? http://blip.fm/~5jjcc"
1694835313,"relief","_mella_","I don't believe it, my puppy likes brussels sprouts!"
1694835388,"happiness","minnieburley","@trekkerguy Have already had a great day!  Enjoy your Weeties!"
1694835471,"neutral","_Zuzu","Hello Twitter"
1694835507,"worry","elmoashley","school then game oh joy  totally not lookin forward to this day"
1694835508,"fun","cloverdash","@leannenufc Go for it! Chinese sounds yum!"
1694835528,"love","Davinabee","up at 4:30am west coast time..gettin ready to catch my flight back home..soooo excited to go back to my two fav boyzzzz  puppy n BF"
1694835535,"love","R0undB0y","Happy six months for me and her"
1694835633,"enthusiasm","eeyaah","im so new!! and i need ur help"
1694835645,"love","theospencer","hopes everyone is having an amazing bank holiday monday. NO WORK"
1694835761,"surprise","juliaa_x","talking to sam on msn, twitter is so 5 minutes ago"
1694835769,"love","cassiewills","listening to David Archuleta album it's amazing"
1694835789,"happiness","therealsecret","@HemalRadia Hello pal..nice 2 c u today...have a gr8 week"
1694835857,"worry","martinely","Ride bmx on the beach in Burgas, after careoke night"
1694835867,"neutral","Miss_Janey","my music http://www.myspace.com/janedurkin"
1694836010,"surprise","yeyeismynicki","listening to her stolen music. just loved it cause its free!"
1694836060,"happiness","bmx_ballar","skipping school w/ carleigh today, both of us barley got an hr of sleep last nite. i got a new bby kitten! shes all black"
1694836084,"neutral","missphiaelle","Calling it a "night" abt an hour early.  All brain activity will be prorogued until further notice.  Happy journeying, everyone!  x"
1694836110,"neutral","linnjeanette","@Mariakri are you and melissa celebrities now?"
1694836115,"enthusiasm","Thyrist","Polly Scattergood's new single out today! Download the Please Don't Touch EP on iTunes, it's ace!"
1694836122,"neutral","scraliontis","@popey you are right, enjoy the lasagne,"
1694836167,"surprise","jonbergan","@NHBS We don't really offer that service as we're web/graphic designers and not desktop publishers. So, I thought maybe you could help?"
1694836168,"worry","sweetlyaroundme","@Shazmir b/c you catnapped...cats always have weird dreams"
1694836169,"love","taasshhh","Dancing was alright todayy still doing Jai Ho!!"
1694836193,"love","iKasperr","@jenniferjayy so long, farewell! <333 Have a super amazing day! I'm going to sleep."
1694836238,"love","alleeschlitz","Panera Bread potato chips are the best at 715 in the morning."
1694836256,"happiness","Mannydas","been playing UFC Unleashed 2009 demo, its a impressive game, got the Apprentice on now, Lazy Monday"
1694836282,"happiness","peace_","@ckjchambers I agree the G B Reef got my vote  #queensland"
1694836319,"neutral","JulzM","@Maab You weren't feeling well today? Meh blue tongue I did warn you."
1694836338,"neutral","mstashwick","NIN App Gets Rejected by Apple, Reznor Threatens to go Jailbreak - always entertaining  http://viigo.im/sXB"
1694836342,"surprise","georgiec94","@niveauxbandit heyy are you ok...? i know it sucks having her in you dorm... but i assure you it will be ok"
1694836374,"love","jentyers","@ddlovato  i just saw your performance on the ellen show. we're so behind in australia  you were AMAZING and have such a wonderful voice!"
1694836379,"relief","rebekahnew","ah just finished making tea for tomorrow night"
1694836431,"worry","UzEE","@HamzaZafar That's the problem. DNS isn't working  uTorrent and DestroyTwitter are working while everything else is down."
1694836450,"surprise","Valeriejayne","@marieosmond See you October! Love the new book, when's the next one out?"
1694836453,"worry","kbodnar32","@hueypriest guess that depends on if you want to be on the jury"
1694836454,"love","rocketjsquirrel","@susanasantos CONGRATULATIONS on the test!"
1694836461,"relief","erikarhanetan","@rhyanoutrageous thank you"
1694836483,"happiness","pcornqueen","@TracyeDukes Good Morning and thanks for the Retweet"
1694836509,"worry","Yeeekirstielee","@natalietran not to seem like some crazy paedofile typing with one hand and fiddling with my willy in the other but you the coolest ever"
1694836547,"enthusiasm","treewatcher21","@AlexTrup Thx"
1694836570,"fun","Sparkie89","@DickieA YAY!!! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is about to sign away their soul to Twitter and Facebook!  welcome! xxx"
1694836590,"love","aussiemcflyfan","@xo_mcflyandjb hey! i loved your chapter!! more soon okay?  xx"
1694836642,"neutral","dcno1","is now on twitter....."
1694856199,"fun","KamekaD","Morning Twitterland! Countdown to TCI begins again... Will get through Monday to Wed. knowing that I'm outta here on Thursday! Woo hoo!"
1694856201,"happiness","LauraPls","I'm still pumped from the concert saturday. 17/7/09 here i come"
1694856223,"neutral","ankurb","@ashumittal @twilightfairy #wci hashtag simply isn't dying out anytime soon, is it."
1694856238,"hate","stePRINCE","his footy, and getting krisnan inu back on the team  / also, twitter, get rid of the ridiculous character limit."
1694856251,"sadness","Tas_E","@shotdown Haha, she's up here to stay, it's nearly 2 hours on the coach for her to get here, may not be convenient for an hour of TV!"
1694856296,"happiness","rossautomatica","@Emily_Morden ..be at richard's. if not then i'll see you when you/we get back  good luck!"
1694856302,"happiness","AndyWright77","@dayv79 haha I just playing"
1694856391,"worry","BiancaCullen","@katie_andhearts Fingers crossed"
1694856438,"enthusiasm","DawnCompton","@twochix1 I want to see David cook!!"
1694856445,"happiness","aweekes","@NakedSoap @dandineen lol yep sure do... although I must get out the house today !!!"
1694856514,"neutral","monchito","@matthew_nl they're bees that will be trapped into my honeypot"
1694856538,"worry","NGowers","@Taddy69 Not good, I know that feeling. Hope you get well soon."
1694856541,"fun","LauraKHesketh","@AmandaHol Britains got Talent just gets better every week"
1694856542,"surprise","Gurumi","@filogrrl yeaaa i just got the link off his lj"
1694856544,"neutral","boydchan","@mobilebomb Hope he'll get well as soon as possible & back to be a hyper dog."
1694856603,"happiness","JohnLauber","@rewebcoach So far (with the exception of the rain), my morning is Great.  But I won't let it dampen my day"
1694856614,"relief","rygledhill","@hasinamin I'm the same, don't panic. Big topman"
1694856682,"neutral","suupermario","May the 4th be with you -> heute ist Star Wars Day"
1694856748,"hate","liljenn618","@curtistrichel thank you for being cabbie this AM-wasn't pissed and slamming doors this AM BTW, just hauling ass to get bathed before 6!"
1694856808,"neutral","jeppa","@Deathwishedx3 If you haven't changed your mind by mid-June then you can have one  x"
1694856963,"neutral","whogetsgladys","@x_dec0de I finally just have 1 hour of history... at 3.00 pm! but I went to my highschool at 8.00 am to make some homework with a friend"
1694856965,"neutral","sambinha","@ruis3rra ehhehehe thanks"
1694856980,"relief","_Rayna","May the Forth be with you... ha yes... Today is my birthday  Star Wars day... Aren't i lucky you star wars Fans?"
1694857083,"surprise","iceman3210","@jordanmccoy awwww how cute its a pUG"
1694857087,"enthusiasm","EnchantedStar","@joshcoop Absolutely!  When we hit bottom there is only one way to go."
1694857118,"neutral","Lizthebiz","@LichfieldBlog @nickbrickett #lichfield #tweetup sounds like fun  Hope to see you and everyone else there!"
1694857148,"happiness","x_raman_x","congratulations penjiiii !!! Are we calling him soulja boy or mcbaby lol"
1694857182,"love","infamuzgracie","8am math final wish me luck"
1694857307,"fun","danhugga","@backsue rofl rofl. Have fun"
1694857326,"happiness","georgyy","happy star wars day everyone  off to celebrate with the family... ok we're not celebrating it but i am going round to the famo's..."
1694857352,"neutral","Carol_Clements","Everyone is here. We're off to party now"
1694857358,"happiness","drjohndc_blog","@annahasphyxiate re sore back and legs: well at least you had a good time. epson salt works good usually.  DM me if need more help"
1694857363,"fun","brittanybannana","@bmthofficial  good as, cya in melbourne"
1694857508,"fun","shancmf","@fayarina shweeeeet!"
1694857555,"love","fire_baby","Oh Top Gear (UK), how I love thee"
1694857590,"neutral","keza34","@Jamie_127 not nice.rather be one or the other.lol"
1694857662,"neutral","Angelique110","New top!  http://tinyurl.com/cyd3pp"
1694857709,"relief","40Ringz","Wow, I just realized that this is the last month of my school year!"
1694857754,"love","bepositivebud","good morning!  i hope you all have a good day today!! although its a monday... be positive! ;)"
1694857767,"neutral","lakeeffectskid","I'm the bird with broken wings, she's the song i love to sing  you know who you are xx"
1694857795,"happiness","bilblogz","@GreeGreece Thanks for the Gifford Lectures page"
1694857814,"happiness","thankyougravity","I had fun this summer"
1694857831,"fun","markpeters77","@JacobLovie Haha it's not awful at all, but I think everyone hates the sound of their voice when they hear it played back, I know I do!!"
1694858011,"neutral","isacullen","@danger_skies  but gi is team edward, so i'd watch your back :p"
1694858067,"neutral","jamesravenell","@drhett Not yet. I hope to check it out this week."
1694858208,"happiness","missmarvinhumes","@frixionofficial its a hott tuuneee,"
1694858226,"neutral","bibbleco","The fine old British tradition of chilly grey drizzle on a Bank Holiday is still observed"
1694858263,"happiness","aprilyim","@mikefoong lol i like challenges  the more impossible the more i want to try!"
1694858289,"love","Jenniferleslie","Waiting for the El & listening to a little MJB "Just Fine". Perfect song to start my week."
1694858295,"happiness","music_flurry","? Polly Scattergood's new single out today! Download the Please Don't Touch EP on iTunes, it's ace!  http://tr.im/kpK8"
1694858308,"neutral","VMaligkos","Planning the things to do in May"
1694858309,"worry","tarunchandel","@leeprovoost the movie takes a lot of digs at the Indian Movie Industry so may not much sense, unless you have followed it long enough"
1694858375,"happiness","Nurul54","@1sweetwhirl remember the guy who 1st #tweetbud you! ~> @yashved_2890  help him get 900 flwrs & make him smile!"
1694858545,"fun","annelidworm","@Wossy You know, you can read almost all your Tweets as some sort of disgusting euphamism.  It's quite fun"
1694858556,"love","IamFourgvn","working @ the preschool....waiting on the kiddies to get here.....making dunkin donuts coffee"
1694858588,"neutral","modernemotive","@ThreeBySea Hey there, I just crop them in Photoshop and play around with the composition. What looks better large etc."
1694858617,"neutral","SuzySpaatz","@atchoum1979 Where you at?   No tweeting today? No gardening either, I bet?"
1694858619,"happiness","Silvialynch","Good morning  ready to start this week."
1694858635,"happiness","Tibul","reviews done, 30 new sentences, 100+ iknow done wow on a role"
1694858693,"neutral","twilightnewborn","@aussiecynic mostly just going to work and then update my twilight blog  basically, that's my life. Is it sleeptime for you?"
1694858699,"happiness","minako_ririinu","i've heard Basment Jaxx's new song "Raindrops"...that's fantastic!!! and makes me dancing  i can't wait Fuji Rock Festival..."
1694858711,"worry","dougggie","@faceofboe you need to play something from Mary Poppins at them, everyone knows that's how rooms get tidy"
1694858714,"sadness","Jorgegon","Working working and working at www.redirlanda.es. Many hours spent but it worth!! Let�s make Red Irlanda big"
1694858718,"happiness","Janitachauhan","Chillin with the rents, and looking at hilarious old photos. Well funny!"
1694858839,"neutral","dadmeetup","Picture Day for 3 YO preschooler. Light blue striped utton down and kahkis.  Wonder what color they will be when I pick him up in 3 hours"
1694858848,"happiness","Jentifa","@mombloggersclub Good morning"
1694858858,"fun","bren1993","I'm going to school...JOY! :/ 7:20 am! I've got to go!  BYE!"
1694858873,"neutral","Lindseyx45","Young money"
1694858893,"empty","SoxandPatches","@LMcreation yes, Mondays are hard!  Hope you have a great day too & have the opportunity to get out at some point into the sun"
1694858906,"neutral","sea101","wide awake ready for the big shopping trip! hope I get tones of sweet dealz and lots of fancy clothes"
1694858919,"worry","LaunchFile","Download speeds are now unlimited until further notice"
1694858952,"neutral","alexbulsara","Well, I just need to get some motivation, and also, to do my homework, and essay... And.... it's such a lovely day! How?"
1694859002,"love","lisa_02","This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it"
1694859062,"neutral","AussieGal999","@justsal Lol re your Gillian Anderson comment"
1694859077,"worry","darrinreeves","off to pick up my daughters who appear to be picking up an unhealthy liking for primark...feel like a bad parent"
1694859153,"happiness","MaryWassonABC36","Come join the fun as I through out the first pitch at the Legends game... May 16th @ 7 pm!   http://tinyurl.com/6nkpuz"
1694859172,"worry","troika90","@lise90 I've had that "problem" too, being charmed fast, I mean. I'll cross my fingers for you"
1694859211,"happiness","Sparkie89","@DickieA @chrisjlovell it's true!  @chrisjlovell have u downloaded the tweetdeck yet? it is literally amazing  xxx"
1694859259,"neutral","nmerrigan","@mbrislane officially MOSS doesnt work on Vista  but unofficially its fine"
1694859302,"sadness","Willemijn15","@marnixtfn Ahahahah, hello to you and welcome on twitter ^^ Got the hang of it already?  xx"
1694859322,"love","angesbiz","@MaheshKukreja You too sweetie"
1694859374,"happiness","lovecookies","@HaoranC Go for it!!"
1694859452,"love","htizzle","@bombchelle512 happy birthday  and @joemwestbrook congrats  wish you were here for your lady..ill take care of her;)"
1694859457,"relief","claire3233","trying to watch lost online very annoying and slow...the internet not lost"
1694859474,"neutral","tuftedpuffin","@sammoran Sam, may I ask an odd question?  What might your fave animal be?"
1694859484,"neutral","lollipopNsukers","Morning. Off to school... Ickkk!"
1694859539,"neutral","BBRRIITTTTYY","GOING TO WATCH SUPERNATURAL shall return afterwards  xx"
1694859560,"fun","LaurenCranston","gonna be a longg day but fun - senior walk finally"
1694859611,"neutral","RoleyKrazy13","Its prob cuz I don't really like sleeping in late, even if I tried."
1694859613,"relief","carocat","@hopefulauthor Thank you!"
1694859644,"happiness","imdinnar","@amazondotjon http://twitpic.com/4j9cd - whoaaaaaaaaaaa RYAN!!!! i can see his smile from here"
1694859674,"happiness","dontknowaskjoe","@Ashika_Sunshine  I figured that... But I ended up taking my cousin to work in the Rain anyway...    But hit me up"
1694859681,"love","b_b_b_a_r_t","my guys call me ``Bart of the critical questions''. I'm guessing that's a good thing.  #zeropoint.IT"
1694859682,"love","KitschenSink","@Tittch that's crazy why would anyone not follow you? Your tweets are so much fun"
1694859690,"happiness","doug_holmes","Happy Star Wars Day"
1694859696,"happiness","DaveBrendon","@Nextread I agree, keep it in Star Trek but make it commercially viable! C'mon!"
1694878516,"sadness","rebubba12","@PeteTaylor I miss you too!!"
1694878562,"neutral","ChrisPartin","@greencapt Ah!  Gotcha.  Well, I'm curious to hear what you thought of Wolverine then. (if you actually went and saw it)."
1694878576,"relief","Brokenromantic","whew finally got in to RC.."
1694878581,"happiness","KirstyHort","Is listening to P!nk tunage and trying to teach my cat to dance to it... I think she's getting it we can be backing dancers by next tour"
1694878648,"neutral","flamingokitty","@lonemat  i'm having tuna & noodles thing, smashed potato cakes &......?   Winksy says hi."
1694878670,"happiness","melissagraf","@yuniphan Yay! Congratulations, oh newly minted graduate. You'll have to let me buy you lunch and iced chocolates (PLURAL) to celebrate!"
1694878734,"love","lianalovesdelta","we can sail around the world, you and me baby..."
1694878797,"love","tuileries","@arepeejee love Dawn of the Replicants! love music monday!"
1694878847,"hate","nuttychris","7846 - almost catching @comedyqueen up, so gonna kick her ass, and woop i will b joing the 10k mile high club soon"
1694878871,"neutral","MACstud_tracluv","going to take my last final @8am... wish me luck .."
1694878873,"love","portiaelizabeth","@lauurajm i do i do, i feel absoulutley fine"
1694878906,"happiness","kimberly625","@Monica2112 this is 5 hours late, but i never managaed to sleep properly. i think david tweeting me back earlier is the reason. ahaha"
1694879041,"love","contesthunter","@JennNinja Thanks too"
1694879052,"neutral","rashmi_patel","@kiyomisu ya and i would have gained a few kgs by then.  what are you working on today?"
1694879064,"happiness","oslolso","@DaveDuarte I can remember those Evidence Based Management lectures...definitely the best of EBM"
1694879082,"happiness","JoyfullyHis","Going to the gym early trying to get back in shape again. My husb got me a gift cert to swim w/ Dolphins for my BD.  Need muscles!"
1694879095,"happiness","Jane_Paris","@clumsyFA yeah! Love my Hawaiian outfit. We reused that for rugby 7 this year with @doublechin"
1694879270,"happiness","aebennett","Guinness got 2 'new' toys from mom and dads house.  Hooray for free stuff"
1694879284,"happiness","spanglegluppet","@macmuso thank you very much, I'm glad you like them!"
1694879312,"fun","mmg1195","@Jonasbrothers That sounds like lots of fun, Nick! lol"
1694879324,"neutral","x_tara","@gfalcone601 i knew a horse called dollar too"
1694879423,"love","paulina1","@pcornqueen Good morning and thank you for the re-tweet. Have a great day yourself."
1694879525,"neutral","BeckyOsullivan","Laura When Ur up Call Me"
1694879561,"neutral","LucyDAdams","@markmacleo just checking"
1694879649,"worry","tarlie_","@jordandroid It's Star Wars day?! Urgh I'm gonna have to get the videos out"
1694879714,"worry","carlingruse","I love when ryans a housewife. Makes me smile."
1694879793,"fun","AndyCorney","Woo - got a fast mobile broadband connection now"
1694879835,"happiness","aweekes","@dandineen I am UCE, I did my PGCE there   went to Leicester for my main degree though ..."
1694879883,"neutral","samruddhi_dadhe","@tanmaygolhar thanks.."
1694879931,"neutral","Yermilla","Room is clean, now it's time for breakfast"
1694880042,"neutral","sandtats","Smiling!  These guys are!    Turn up your speakers and SMILE~life is good! http://www.imtiredonline.com/smile/"
1694880056,"worry","jayebuddy","School then football then with alecceeee"
1694880172,"worry","JackRyanBauer","@IRON100 personally, I could not decide which election sign to place on North40 last fall : Reagan 08, TJefferson 08 or TRoosevelt 08"
1694880191,"neutral","AchimMuellers","http://goingtorain.com/ - about as precise as any other weather report"
1694880209,"neutral","tsarnick","@jeffsgrippen it gets down to like 10C at night  and about 25C in the day"
1694880213,"love","Lola_Pops","ha ha ha I slept in again, three days in a row! must be a new personal best  today I'm going to attempt to finish my regluing my fans."
1694880246,"happiness","msmack9871","@DjChino102Jamz  I just got through doing my work now I can take the whole day off, its great being your own boss"
1694880252,"neutral","Missdanielle143","Waking up at ungodly hours to go to work is starting to get old but at least the coffee is good"
1694880305,"neutral","Cazedmunds","Woke up dreaming I met my Hero; Author Anne Rice & her son, author Christopher Rice. I was in such euphoria. Perhaps I would someday."
1694880315,"happiness","BaileyManx","I have been awarded my first ever credit card"
1694880419,"neutral","mneylon","@bohoe no idea offhand, but if you keep tweeting about crowdsourcing graphics I'm sure someone will tell you"
1694880437,"happiness","Dogbook","Clive it's my birthday pat me  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/6386106"
1694880449,"neutral","patmaddox","@coreyhaines well if you're ever headed back to the west coast, hit me up. I have a tiny place, but we can hack and hang out at the beach"
1694880520,"relief","joyfulbathco","@kailinnicole you're right about the duckies  thanks for being such a big help with wrapping & writing up!"
1694880522,"fun","ChrisLovesMusic","back from my nice hot shower      i am wishing that brent was my older brother"
1694880554,"happiness","caffscho","happy star wars day"
1694880557,"sadness","desireecoralyn","I am going to work than, ill be home, and im going to look for my camera since it must be lost in my house. everyone have a wonderful day"
1694880579,"happiness","emilylouisemei","omg supernatural is on after good news week"
1694880589,"relief","DestinPrincess","Happy Monday morning!"
1694880615,"worry","panah","@createtomorrow good morning! Got to be afternoon in Germany"
1694880866,"love","danielleelyce","@danielle_eleni I love you too!"
1694880875,"neutral","BJ111","@LiesX I see"
1694880947,"enthusiasm","aimeechocoholic","@gregjames will you be posting a pic of you H suit?? Pretty please?"
1694880955,"worry","alvinpaul","@RonRuys Oh i see. My grandparents were from Ilocos as well, but they moved to Nueva Ecija"
1694880992,"fun","aanlouise","@jason_mraz http://twitpic.com/4iq19 - popcorn crazy dude and still adorable"
1694880994,"fun","DigitalFur","@Lurkine Would you travel to the UK for one?  The big US meets sound great, I'd love to go to one of those, so many furs & so much art"
1694881045,"enthusiasm","liesl78","@sammoran BTW, 'nathanfillion' is trying to beat his Flight Control score as well, maybe you should follow each other?"
1694881078,"relief","stephiewephy","finally over my sickness."
1694881099,"happiness","ade_brown","Out for a walk in the cornish countryside, on the great British bank hol   http://bit.ly/AILUn  http://yfrog.com/6rwwtj"
1694881104,"relief","camanomade","@Hooked4Life Sheesh. No crochet? BAH and humbug. And sleep? Um, I suppose I will someday"
1694881147,"neutral","CLRSECRETARIAL","@AKAVirtualPA Thanks Anita, I am looking for hosting, I will look at them too"
1694881181,"neutral","feiah","@DavidArchie Maybe you can take a recorder with you around, so when you can record those new melodies that you've came up with in yr head"
1694881196,"happiness","aditisharma12","nice weather..looks like its going to rain here in # Delhi."
1694881263,"neutral","missbeckala","Good morning tweeps! I have a feeling I won't be oversleeping now that Gracie is around.  She pounced on my head and woke me up at 7am."
1694881267,"hate","last0pendoor","awake.  school. ew. but i put on some nice lotion."
1694881334,"fun","xashfontttx06","Last day of high school!"
1694881337,"happiness","steph1985","@treewatcher21 Ah veronica! its a pleasure to meet you  I'm stephen"
1694881376,"happiness","ASHAWEE15","@Pink congradts on ur show  Even tho i wasnt there lol"
1694881396,"love","parisastonexx","@homeandhosed :O goodness, i havn't heard it. i lovelovelove her old stuff though, the overture the underscore is the best album i think"
1694881479,"neutral","MsGlamourista","@20somethingnl:20somethin' single"
1694881579,"neutral","happytwitt","@sharonhayes  My goal is to live this month 1minute, 1 hour, 1 day at a time & to do NOW what I may have otherwise put off.   So true!"
1694881616,"relief","LoTay111","Heading to the U of Utah hospital. Have a great day everyone"
1694881618,"love","bittysizeterror","is about to go into her last final.  happiness!"
1694881728,"love","thomasreilly","its nice to have no assignments for the night"
1694881731,"happiness","alcoholicartist","it was a hard weekend. too much alcohol on these fuckin "weinfest""
1694881844,"surprise","lala_fierce","@BKMS4life thx for following"
1694881920,"love","ManuelaW","@DesktopGoldfish Yay, three followers! Good to know more than one person in this big wide world likes fishies."
1694881956,"worry","helenr28","@leeboardman oh dear, hope you are feeling better soon, get some nice hot chicken soup down you."
1694881962,"neutral","MissJoejonas1","@alexcashcash you guys need to come to somewhere in like philly or somewhere in north jersey"
1694881980,"neutral","uexpectme2talk","One interlock down one to go"
1694882049,"neutral","krabbypattyy","is on the phone"
1694882122,"neutral","SLUZZA","maaate,grooovin was off the chain. uploading videos to youtube  www.youtube.com/sluzzaa  go watch!"
1694882128,"neutral","junkie4yourlove","Created a new album on my Facebook for my Phantom cross stitch  I want to track my own progress so I feel like I am getting something done"
1694882165,"surprise","obsessedwithyou","just found out that selena gomez's birthday is 6 days after mine"
1694882189,"sadness","randirooks","I sure do wish my mind could enter that box called "nothing" that men have.  My brain just won't go there... and it's exhausting."
1694882256,"love","carlingruse","@ryan_lopez I love you  kiss me!"
1694882264,"neutral","Barnam","wow- back to business as usual after 3 days  of excess  #weekend"
1694882370,"worry","Ash0426","back home early for once  - wow this thing is getting addictive..................damn u phil XD"
1694882389,"neutral","SteveHyden","@mathewhulbert The Air that I Breathe, Just Like a Pill - you know the kind of thing - makes a change to Daniel O'Donnell and Jim Reeves"
1694882504,"happiness","cassiewills","@clara018 heyy lol we are talking on david archuleta site as well lol  your funy lol"
1694882518,"surprise","TheBibik","@ismnora strangely enough, yes.  but then it works for me, may not for everyone."
1694882523,"relief","ThePhene","well, having looked at my bruv's exam timetable and french oral exam I feel very fortunate  now to, erm, digest my morning revision..."
1694882533,"neutral","KTHNXGTFFUBI","Morning twitter"
1694882551,"worry","piercedbrat","@lovemedown yay! your face is back"
1694882566,"relief","aditisharma12","nice weather..looks like its going to rain here in #Delhi."
1694882578,"neutral","KimmiMcfly","@phoebealice_x i was listening to that earlier  and the other day, i was planning something with my friends and i said that. they were ..."
1694882584,"neutral","Naomipliener","At nosely safari park with Leah"
1694903121,"hate","soundandfury","how to get rid of your followers step 1: announce that you're unfollowing people who give you the shits... everyone assumes you mean THEM"
1694903230,"love","pjakobs","@herchu cool, sounds like you're progressing nicely  I've had a nice flight in the Duo and a landing just before the downpour very cool"
1694903260,"relief","pumaa","@itschristablack I am so stoked on seeing you with the Jonas Brothers"
1694903294,"fun","rhettroberts","@HollaAtK Hey  Did you have a good weekend buddy?"
1694903296,"worry","kjcosper","still feeling BLAH. gave a biiiiig dose of insulin that i needed about 24 hours ago. Now I'm off to take my last exam of my junior year."
1694903423,"happiness","cindyyycck","i can be a good girl at school.. today i was!! i did it!! yayy"
1694903483,"love","missbeckala","@rdelizo35 nothing just trying to keep up with a 9 week old kitten LOL.  She's full of piss and vinegar this morning."
1694903530,"worry","frenchcake_12","jst came back from tel aviv"
1694903563,"worry","Lorelei_","@nixgeek I could, but that would require today not to be a duvet day. I imagine that my outfit for the Wendyhouse will be photo worthy"
1694903653,"neutral","dpeagreendesign","New Article: http://tinyurl.com/c6mek5. Let me know what you think..."
1694903683,"sadness","core75","@Pink wow 41,000 now....your really kickin' Carey's butt with this competition! See you both very soon!"
1694903763,"relief","FlorenceBollen","Going to bed  Goodnight  xox"
1694903796,"love","CaraaLeah","@emilyosment http://twitpic.com/48gy0 -  He's Well Cooool ;) Lovve The Ro&Co Shoooow"
1694903815,"worry","liviutudor","http://twitpic.com/4jeij - New forest hoping the walk would lose me some pounds"
1694903824,"love","Hollud","Time for a mane trimming, some yoghurt and maybe some sushi. A nice way to wrap up a fairly good day."
1694903861,"happiness","bellaisdomino","we finally got our graduation gear today, i'm so excited. can you believe it? just 41 days left! aaah  and the sweater is so cozy"
1694903882,"happiness","aanlouise","snowbear has finally come out...congrats che and warren"
1694903932,"fun","Sai_SHEDIDDY","@Robert_day26 ~ Awwwww have fun with the fam boo boo"
1694903972,"neutral","MaximumTheSibbz","@aknotofemma See we shall"
1694903982,"neutral","StefaanLesage","@jameswilliams90 If you ever need some help with the Podcasters Emporium, let me know"
1694904010,"anger","PeterHC","@iaindodsworth Told you that when you got rid of the last one. Did you listen"
1694904061,"happiness","OHMYDAYSitsHayz","Happy Star Wars day!"
1694904095,"happiness","hmmkatiesays","I love when i have time for starbucks"
1694904132,"neutral","sectorprivate","Cougar Privacy Threatened as Surveillance Increases  http://bit.ly/ayViO - sorry, couldn't help myself with this one"
1694904138,"love","irenecarag","@danielagamboaa  i love them too! they look so cute together"
1694904164,"enthusiasm","teammartin","@nelpix ... Turned out nice I think   http://twitpic.com/4jeil"
1694904207,"worry","halotwo","@mariqueen Thanks for the warning. Good thing my heart is unbreakable."
1694904216,"happiness","rosschild","@hadoukenuk http://twitpic.com/4hsd2 - Weheyyyy   We give thanks for MIDI keyboards"
1694904273,"empty","RHCP_Universe","@EmmaGriffiths86 It's under Community.. I can't see it myself, but one of the moderators (Niandra) told me it was there"
1694904340,"surprise","obsessedwithyou","@nataliet95 bahaha, BOF? you've gotta get a life... although i can't say much with my obsession with miley cyrus.. I'VE gotta get a life"
1694904382,"happiness","bethasaurr","Yum! Whole box of cookies for me"
1694904411,"worry","technicolor","planning! and trying to call the doctor, though that isn't going so well. So mostly, planning"
1694904423,"enthusiasm","millieThomas","shopping tomorrow? I think yes"
1694904446,"happiness","oliviabaker","Today is going to be a good day!! On my way to work spending time with Jesus"
1694904456,"happiness","sai93","Reading a book instead of revising. Thinking about lunch. Heart rate is 56 bpm... just in case you wanted to know"
1694904572,"fun","KarinBj","@augusten Ha ha, that's really funny!"
1694904605,"neutral","spinesurgeon","@mohandoss ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????? - ????????????? ??????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ????"
1694904686,"happiness","lameymacdonald","@TerriCook Good Evening Terri! Have missed you lately, hope life is being good to you. Have a wonderful evening !"
1694904697,"fun","mcraddictal","@MCRIsAPleasure really?  wooooo! I wish i could go to indonesia! Lol. Hopefully next summer."
1694904731,"sadness","vinitneo","@dotcompals yes... nice. I missed a lot of fun. Damn exams. you are looking good...hair"
1694904755,"fun","ttkj","@mumof_3girls LOUISE !! You r not adopted - ballet it is. You'll love it and then the cocktails after even more!"
1694904809,"neutral","cdharrison","@Viper007Bond Speaking of which, we need to talk soon."
1694904877,"happiness","pinkbikegirl","30 year old Barbie dolls still can rock it...that girl was H-O-T!  and Ken ain't so bad either!  now those are memories!"
1694904916,"worry","Sion71","@janeslee oh dear, thats not good - I hope you get through it all with a smile"
1694904975,"neutral","kimalojado","@kate38381849 aww. can you tell her to follow me?"
1694904985,"neutral","Pringle_","Almost finished enlgish (: - not an essay Power point..."
1694905087,"neutral","KahlaTheSailor","@Geelong_FC sounds good  maybe some player quotes, photos etc I'm living in WA atm so would love bits and pieces from the Ady and Sun"
1694905139,"sadness","lilshap84","@chah101 haha Hey, Well if you were in the elevator you should have said more!"
1694905143,"neutral","ArtSpiritNature","and young ones...."look what I found"...."breakfast"...."
1694905156,"happiness","JLAlbanese","Last week of class... Well technically classes are over just have two exams  and summmmmerrrrr begins...yeahhhhhyaaaaaa"
1694905202,"enthusiasm","claud_ineee","i think i like the workshop"
1694905214,"worry","caitseptember","In hysterics at Yaas' email <3 Am writing a speech for Speakers' and doing Food Technology...damn it's good to be off school on a Monday"
1694905219,"fun","G_mon","@shoptilldrop yeah I know what you mean, but the 1st season got me hooked and I HAVE to watch it now in case something BIG happens."
1694905241,"neutral","DkdKINGs","surfing twitter!"
1694905268,"worry","starnut","@badabam no, sry, didn't feel well at all. but there'll be another change I believe  hope FFK09 was fun with lots of inspiring input."
1694905310,"neutral","clarahallifax","@amylovesjb  mayyyybe"
1694905368,"relief","tigrous4ever","Very excited about camp, loads of people aren't but I am thrilled about that fact we get to sleep in tents and roll around in mud"
1694905569,"neutral","TheNewFreedom","New pollster data on party identification in the United States : Democratic (36.7%), Independent (33.5%), Republican (26.4%). OUCH."
1694905587,"neutral","mmmbisto","Flat is sparkling clean, now that's team work  on way to pick up food for 6!"
1694905627,"enthusiasm","MelyssaTweeting","@01theone Looking forward to following your journey on this endeavor - just subscribed to your blog"
1694905699,"enthusiasm","adamjustice56","@taylorswift13 Have a great time in London"
1694905707,"love","Kileyshill","@CTVCanadaAM ... sounds like Jeff has the best job in the world!"
1694905740,"love","bexdicko","just got back from Mcfly concert ahh it was so amazing! and I am now in love with David Archuleta"
1694905755,"happiness","sheryonstone","sorry @sanderschenk I misspelled twice already. Im notgiving you up, just have to run  ? http://blip.fm/~5jjxr"
1694905795,"happiness","SarahMBlackwell","On the bus to NYC   http://yfrog.com/08kaifj"
1694905814,"neutral","freakinspecial","@lisa_sue_li nat�rlich"
1694905880,"neutral","meriel","@thatissodope Errr, yes? ) Sa enrollment sasabihin naman siguro sayo.  Pero kasi andun exact price. ) 64,371 for me. shet"
1694905898,"relief","crossfitchat","Good Morning! - Court - Crossfit - Bible Study - Someone very special's house  http://tinyurl.com/cjs668"
1694905925,"neutral","miizronnie","@mini_ritz alrighty, thnx  good night."
1694905992,"neutral","laurabatten","Shopping. Cleaning. BMFing. Webcam chatting with nephews. Nothing spesh, but a good bank holiday Monday nonetheless"
1694906004,"sadness","IWillHeartU4eva","Ugh. I'm so tired. Waitin for the bus. @jpbabii202 good morning!"
1694906014,"neutral","JTaby","Changing my online nickname to mtaby (which will hopefully be my uniqname as well)...hope the change goes by well (domain is available  )"
1694906059,"love","treewatcher21","@steph1985 Bye  Btw, you like Simple Plan, Hoobastank, Bon Jovi, Linkin Park TOO? I love them !!!"
1694906085,"neutral","chibivy","is back here in plurk.  http://plurk.com/p/rq5ru"
1694906103,"neutral","tsarnick","@jeffsgrippen i work in youth justice"
1694906113,"worry","robinreekers","@topsurf no worries"
1694906133,"sadness","irishsamom","off to teach a bunch of fifth graders for the morning.  Oh joy ..."
1694906175,"surprise","david_starkey","Made my first Skype to landline call.  Good call quality, quite impressed"
1694906190,"love","LamarThePrince","This is why I got best dressed"
1694906286,"neutral","NoahVolturi","Gotta get ready to leave....Alec and I are going hunting outside of Volterra. This should be fun.  Talk to everyone later."
1694906289,"happiness","urbanvox","@Danacea Happy Star Wars Day!!!"
1694906321,"neutral","charlottealana","@nikki75 - redbull has the same amount of caffine in it as a cup of coffee. You're theory is quashed Nicola"
1694906336,"neutral","marloboux","meeting @dalydegagne and friend tonight - going to discuss human trafficking issues. Daly is chaplain/therapist and an interesting guy"
1694906349,"relief","staceycmparker","@martha_s Hope you're getting all your reading done."
1694906386,"worry","technicolor","@evatweets feel better soon! Your immune system must be away on holiday somewhere... probably with mine"
1694906478,"neutral","micheltel","new book in the pocket http://bit.ly/1bI7aD"
1694906489,"worry","__RICK__","Get yer freak on-it's Monday! Have a Great one, if it's possible to have a great Monday!"
1694906502,"worry","RebelRod2010","could barely sleep last night, ugh...ANYWAYS good luck with finals everybody!!! don't rush through your tests!!! lol"
1694906625,"sadness","Missdanielle143","Waking up at unGodly hours to go to work is starting to get old. At least the coffee is good"
1694906630,"love","gautam002","Luking for new background pic......"
1694906723,"love","MissSpatz","@tommcfly "We never want to lose the fans that got us here!" Thank you for saying that  Wish you and the others a nice day, greets"
1694906839,"happiness","dawnaurora","@DrMommy I have got my smile"
1694906858,"worry","kexiibabii","wish he could that would b better"
1694906890,"fun","TheCelebStalker","Doing make up for the school musical this week aaah"
1694906892,"neutral","karichiqi","Europe bound"
1694906924,"enthusiasm","eviljeanius","@CustomCreation - We drank ours away, May Day Bank Holiday today"
1694928100,"neutral","Ronan","@bonbonita Thanks!"
1694928130,"worry","CWininsky","is taking the dog to the vet then a play date with Annabelle"
1694928166,"worry","ukkoite","Listening my own playing on a friends album and being disgusted by every second of it... Damn I suck.  Normal reaction. Every album."
1694928197,"relief","Vanessa_Vee","In pillow heaven"
1694928224,"surprise","PhotoAlert","@iLoveWtcc0228 Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1694928278,"enthusiasm","Huyvtq","[Somewhere - Within Temptation] returned to mysefl. Keep working hard till June"
1694928287,"relief","LadyJane65583","back from the yoga retreat. I recommend this to everyone"
1694928294,"neutral","MissJoejonas1","@Jonasbrothers awwwwweeee nick"
1694928319,"happiness","Ghostology","Good Morning Campers! I got LOTS of sleep last night! Thank you! Thank you Ash! Thank You!"
1694928374,"neutral","purplefangs","@Sethhs23 - I will help  not sure how when i'm alllll the way over here haha but i can try  have alot of free time right now haha"
1694928448,"happiness","jonathanw","@tessneale i suppose this will be in the blog post, but could u email me who was there too"
1694928492,"happiness","lorienwilliams","@gracepoltrack Why yes I DO!!  ...Or rather, did. Just finished it! Starting Dead Like Me, lollll~"
1694928558,"sadness","anjanax","@poojashetye until I break up with you via a 27 second phone call"
1694928598,"worry","drjohndc_blog","@corinnedekker hi again, sorry was going to pass on your email to my assistant (Rel and Soc) and lost it. dm it to me, pls?"
1694928613,"happiness","Magdalena90210","@turtleclansago thanx for the msg! glad u liked my singing!"
1694928657,"neutral","SamanthaErdal","Lucky Charms, FTW"
1694928700,"sadness","coffeegeek","Illy's note in the book: "From one 'geek' to another - keep up the good work!" sigh.  He is missed - and he was great for espresso."
1694928708,"relief","rouseymousey","@BeckySmithster  let's hope so"
1694928804,"surprise","Crichton_Kicks","@FizzyDuck Would you believe I have put that in my bookmarks ?"
1694928850,"happiness","NatalieeVee","Eating rice for breakfast. Yes."
1694928870,"relief","StephBabyy13","Having a good...no great day already & Dr.Miracles feel-it formula really does work!! LOL Hope everyone has a good day as well"
1694928880,"neutral","Jennyblond46","57 days till my 18th B-day"
1694928936,"relief","LeNuage","@SmittySmiff dude i read that wrong! Haha well good good. Thanks.  but now I agree."
1694928944,"happiness","Shandoe","@Mossyy Not a problem,  Glad to!"
1694928945,"happiness","AnnaNeko","ah what a lovely day for a bike ride and cake making  *is rooting 4 those who are revising!* do your best! X"
1694928961,"worry","Silvermoon28","Baby baby, it's gonna be all right when I'm by your side and the whole world turns against you... I ? it when my Ipod randoms BSB songs"
1694928964,"fun","jessicajonassss",""I don't like Monday, i wish it were sunday, cause that's my fun day."  that was my freaking jam when i was little.   i miss it."
1694929010,"neutral","Fenra","@giventofly_0 have you considered cordoning off a corner of the park with beware "Swine flu" signs might clear it out for you"
1694929090,"neutral","amyshoe","@ash_phillips She says yes  shall we say 6:30?"
1694929190,"happiness","ChristieWillow","@Pink ur shows r amazin  keep it up ! x"
1694929224,"fun","SukiScience","Come on all you lovely fans Number 14 in the Local pop Charts  Let launch an assault on the number 1 slot!!! www,reverbnation.com/suki ..."
1694929230,"relief","Spirit_of_Mars","@ShannonLeto The best bike for the best guy! I love the Ducati sound. I think it�s unnecessary to ask for a ride, isn�t it? Nice vid ..."
1694929245,"happiness","tsarnick","@jeffsgrippen yeah it's great!! always something interesting going on"
1694929354,"neutral","kngrg","going back home tonight"
1694929383,"neutral","clementyeung","@spreaditfast thanks for the reply my friend"
1694929419,"empty","PhotoAlert","@LenaSvenson Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1694929423,"worry","JuliaBall","@newslite so our bums really do look big it this"
1694929441,"neutral","kalyt","Shared Kim H�ltermand - Portfolio: Shared by Kaare Finally a dane  I´ve got the honor to do the amazing.. http://tinyurl.com/coypsl"
1694929443,"neutral","magnusholmgren","@Liesl_M Make one with something about the Charger?"
1694929444,"worry","alojane","@thomasfiss hmm so late. Well its early for me.. HA"
1694929455,"worry","GirlLizzie17","back from sql. finals tomorrow...new video today"
1694929484,"neutral","bethasaurr","@subzero77 haha okay. I'm getting the box sets for my birthday anyway"
1694929503,"neutral","GeeNa_sCoCcO","@gregmottola I believe that is true, FML is quite the phenomenon...all thx to Superbad"
1694929535,"worry","brugudug","So many freebies for all my JBnoy friends  SPAM THREAD SOON."
1694929539,"fun","PanosM","tiny PhD's will do, because those bigger than me keep taunting me"
1694929596,"worry","trelly","@biggboymgmt alright alright! I will be tuning in and taking notes - remember what I said before (got a spot? raising my handz - both"
1694929606,"empty","epidaetia","@memunish looks same in Noida too"
1694929615,"neutral","kimalojado","thanks @josephadamx3"
1694929621,"love","divxdownloads","i just looove my bf  u are awesoome!!!! [hannah montana the movie was amazing  best movie ever!!]  // cool http://gykd.net"
1694929651,"neutral","PhotoAlert","@nmyster Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1694929675,"happiness","helouchr","life is so good. and it will much greater on Thursday at 5pm!"
1694929681,"neutral","rvr","Ooh, exciting! It's new mac day"
1694929700,"happiness","NatachaE","@Pink Can't wait to see you on December in Switzerland for a third rendez-vous  Great show ! You are just amazing  ... Enjoy in OZ"
1694929766,"love","lizhindley","@Antonio_Perth Awesome...love top gear..whos your favourite?Got to admit i have a soft spot for captain slow"
1694929827,"love","watchingspectre","Repeatedly rubs thumbs softly and lovingly upon new Sarah Rayne novel. Sigh, and it's not a paperback.I'm the potrait of profound bliss"
1694929865,"fun","Samm_W","Yea running on 3 hours. Lets do this test"
1694929878,"neutral","PhotoAlert","@foilly Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1694929888,"neutral","sheismel","posting this from blogspot"
1694929898,"neutral","alanastewart","@Gregor123456789 sure, i will"
1694929968,"worry","rainstormiee","@MonstarPink Yeah, I wanted to say this, that there's a @ yourname section.  A bit tricky way to find your replies, tho."
1694930006,"worry","glovestudio","@GBglass LOL, my wife was teaching me how to eat them without sending the little soybeans flying. It was unsuccessful."
1694930012,"love","elysion32","@labella27 That is so sweet!! Have a good day"
1694930037,"surprise","DieKleene","Offline.... Have to give private lesson now and eran some money"
1694930069,"love","babilorentz","no school today! that's greeeeeat!"
1694930080,"happiness","Muse4u2","@breporter Thanks so much for following! The Muse has much gratitude and wishes you a magnificent & productive start to your day!"
1694930094,"neutral","ikugan26","Going home.. no meeting today"
1694930099,"worry","DaneEnerio","And this is what happens when Swine Flu gets to all of us.  http://tinyurl.com/55hq2o"
1694930122,"worry","HaleyCo","@selenagomez Hi S, plz follow me"
1694930170,"neutral","VolkerGoebbels","@5t3rnCH3n Yup, indeed, like train announcements: Shortly we will arrive in K�lle"
1694930175,"happiness","PegasusAngel","http://twitpic.com/4jerc view of Atlas Mountains, Morocco across the Straits of Gibraltar, I took the other day from Europa Point, Gib"
1694930197,"love","jonlim","@stephiekwan And ooh, you changed your Twitter name! I approve whole heartedly."
1694930233,"happiness","Holtsman","@paulawhite yep,  looking forward to it!"
1694930300,"worry","PhotoAlert","@mattstout Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1694930309,"happiness","Joyfullyblessed","Woohoo..this is the day/week the Lord has made! Just remembered we get to wear jeans & chanclas all week!"
1694930319,"neutral","Starcryer","@ayou055 nope... it is telling you that you want cameo creams"
1694930394,"neutral","mistyavalon042","no new books. *sigh* will probably reread Gaiman's "American Gods" or Murakami's "Wind-up bird chronicles""
1694930490,"happiness","attiqa88","@FutureClassics Ben and Jerry...yummmmy!!!"
1694930520,"neutral","Jayme1988","@bhanks morning"
1694930548,"neutral","HarryR","@lisadamast and he REALLY doesn't like Shiny Happy People. I'm a local REM expert btw. Saw them for the first time in 1986."
1694930657,"happiness","Zi_K","@nicolemauricio Aw how come ur up so early? love ur youtube vids btw"
1694930756,"happiness","K30_","@camillecakes I was nice!! I called you  lmao"
1694930821,"fun","Suruh5","haha May the 4th be with you! Happy Star Wars Day!"
1694930854,"happiness","sourpuffgrl3","i <3 my new picture! its so pretty with the reflecting sunlight on the leaves!"
1694930858,"fun","wennekendonk","@fatbellybella morning erikah, how are u? Here start working about a song on my town, always a challenge"
1694930859,"love","kimalojado","thanks kate too.  *kisses* Xoxo."
1694930947,"neutral","VioletsCRUK","@dbdc Meant to ask how did the other night go? Did you enjoy the fight...did yas have an all-nighter?"
1694930955,"love","CHELSEAxxoo","coffee and gym... starting the day off right!!"
1694930981,"happiness","varunwell10","Its awsome... when you know, that you know, that you know!"
1694931032,"neutral","ORIGINALBIGPAWS","just going to cook some lamb chops for lunch - I always end up coking just before pay day and amaze myself at how much I can cook"
1694931042,"happiness","gui_restani","Hey there! It's a glorious morning! Monday's animation mode: ON!"
1694931198,"neutral","musicismydrug","Loves her david soooooo much <3"
1694931215,"neutral","flossyoriginal","Morning everyone!"
1694931216,"sadness","myaabaoag12","dinner was yummy and all... but i'm still super tired after all the things we went through to enroll for college."
1694931253,"relief","maemae8_13","STRESSED AS HELL (, but still surviving"
1694931265,"worry","PhotoAlert","@queensnyprinces Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1694931358,"happiness","maddiiee1","I'm eating a flake storm from hungry jacks. or as americans call it, burger king"
1694931399,"empty","kursteey","@xHayleeey no.1 dont really mean anything to me anymore :L it did when good old top of the pops was on every sat or friday or something"
1694951749,"happiness","xloveablefreak","@yaseminx3 haha xD LMFAOO ;p yasemin ist sehr s��  we rawk or what? xD"
1694951818,"neutral","Miss_Mia87","Studying for my exams....boring"
1694951823,"happiness","whitebutterfly0","@superficialgirl yeah the tomato paste and oil is traditional on a sandwich.. eat it with some olives and maltese cheese  yum!"
1694951901,"worry","sianfoynes","@youmeatsix haha i love the auditions new album"
1694951953,"happiness","HannsKK","@paulbaan Hello Paul, nice to hear someone is listening  Some interesting thoughts from #Kaashoek #Unisys. Patel from Doculabs next !"
1694951965,"worry","kzu","@james_a_hart ah.. Birmingham! I remember being there in the Wrox days"
1694952005,"love","shellzbellz88","is loving Mortal Combat right now!"
1694952111,"happiness","lukethewaiting","home from work  good night with epic dudes and dudettes"
1694952129,"surprise","HUIYUNN","The "shhh.." stuff is finally all done!"
1694952180,"happiness","killelbunnio","@AdamCrooklyn good morning broham"
1694952231,"neutral","klinnert","@sarahkover that's black market material right there, my friend!"
1694952232,"relief","ITSALIVE95","wellllll, I did most of my homework. and i kind of finished with editing. And I'm not as tired this morning as I thought I'd be"
1694952262,"happiness","mattei","@Sierrasnowboard under a week delivery to OZ, awesome product, awesome prices. The parcel today made my day"
1694952305,"neutral","babybucket","@Runningfrommich, <3 x9999999."
1694952328,"happiness","Restlessole","@walkaboutgroup Have fun guys! We're about 55 days behind you"
1694952340,"worry","carloscamargo","4 novos followers http://migre.me/SfN Sorry, the account you were headed to has been suspended due to strange activity. strange � �timo"
1694952368,"happiness","ModelMandyLynn","@joaocalistro mine was good, wet but good"
1694952389,"love","jupsss","@markhoppus so cute you twitting in potuguese!"
1694952448,"fun","Beaniebella","@SteveHealy - I shall post a notice in town so us Cork ladies know to watch out!! lol  You had fun then?? Sevens were the business !! ;)"
1694952451,"fun","emmaluxton","bahaha loving @rachmurrayX  twitter to me last night. DRUNK.  lol"
1694952469,"neutral","TheTechGurus","Again.. check out http://www.myspace.com/therealfunkymonkey  ....these guys rock this one too  ? http://blip.fm/~5jkbc"
1694952476,"sadness","breemeetsworld","Woke up this morning to the line "I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you But I get the feeling that you don't like it ""
1694952486,"fun","leannek82","had an eventful weekend and nice week off, looking forward to a final chill out day"
1694952547,"love","Kayleighxo_","@lisa_graham yerrrr sameee haha its the way he plays edward i thinkk mmmm"
1694952567,"worry","Jakeho","@kiranchetrycnn Kiran, Sorry about ur bad land'g: Hope ur neck feels better. At least, u didn't break it like JD. Btw, ur in fine shape."
1694952632,"love","ccooga1","loves the nice weather and 7:30 exams"
1694952651,"anger","CaLiFoRNiAxbABy","wakey wakey lemon shakeyyyy!  haha, goin' 2 schooliooo!  it's raining!! (ugh!) guess where I WISH I CAN BE RIGHT NOW....CaLiFoRNiA! ???"
1694952682,"neutral","Carolinehobday","Going into liverpool soon"
1694952684,"happiness","_GossipGirls_","HAPPY B-DAY SHARON"
1694952694,"enthusiasm","creightonc","@jgm22 Hoping you have some pics to share?- & hoping your Monday am isn't too rough today"
1694952756,"neutral","yellowsmoke","@geirfreysson my dad just bought me both of these  they're tricky language tho"
1694952834,"surprise","tsarnick","@jeffsgrippen i used to be!! i've done a few different jobs in yj. currently i'm a court officer"
1694952847,"relief","Woodz_HN","Woken up finally after a long night out, tea, toast and TV coming up..."
1694952878,"fun","Melly_MooMoo","Richelle Mead - Succubus Blues-fabulous read! very entertaining, lots of fun and interesting too!! next please.."
1694952879,"relief","rachelbeer","@NatFace Ah - yes - that track is also on the compilation, with Kenny Rogers"
1694952933,"neutral","StackedGroup","@Newy_ShortStack Yeah if i do go i will be going to the second one aswell"
1694953012,"neutral","barakais","i am back"
1694953048,"happiness","lopezwilfred","@hot_music_news Thanks"
1694953049,"fun","JulzM","@decryption That is awesome.."
1694953100,"worry","xojordieox23","gooooooodmorning world(: god bless, and have a great day!"
1694953112,"worry","Attack_Kita","@Mateocamargo way i bought it today aswell now i have it twice cos i pre ordered it aswell  cya later x!"
1694953121,"surprise","michaelonabike","woohoo 69th (oh er) place  1/3 of my category behind me... not bad for 1 gear, big wheels, no suspension and no training!!"
1694953190,"fun","kimberly625","@DonoLooLoo i feel like tweeting you for no reason. so um hiiiiii."
1694953212,"love","WWF_Climate","More to thank for #ff shouts @applemacbookpro @aefpix @BrienPeters @DianaRusso and heaps more. Sry will be here all night i now realise"
1694953220,"enthusiasm","XKirstyxo","@Andrewgoldstein just pre-ordered your new album 'Off The Deep End'. Been listening to 'Permanent Heart' on repeat since."
1694953266,"fun","JSandLaDiiva","@ the station morning show...then gym.... But this damn paper has me crazy any takers?!? Anna  lmfao"
1694953330,"happiness","terimoore","Getting ready for my first "real" day of work in five months...words of encouragement are welcome"
1694953357,"worry","revjesse","@ImajicArt same thing happens to me all the time"
1694953605,"neutral","totallybiannca","@alllyy_ yes i know, gross, haha im better then them all"
1694953617,"happiness","SimplyMe142","@Adam__Carter Good film"
1694953655,"neutral","sergeantsex","Jamie @ Sean Cody, up for some angry sex?: Jamie @ Sean Cody, I wouldn't piss this one off  Hey there Guys, Do.. http://tinyurl.com/ddyyd6"
1694953681,"happiness","lannydoodle","@Fluffdoodle Lol, triplet.  Haha I'm so glad that morgan got the bag even if she didn't ride the ride"
1694953687,"love","fcandle","; i'm in love with twitter more &more lol back off gaulers, i got this more"
1694953694,"relief","brooksay","ha english portfolio!!! i finally finshed you  annnd you! comm final. youre half done! whoa 6:44am time for sleeps. night"
1694953754,"love","chorale","bye bye for now you lovely tweeters and especially my followers"
1694953818,"happiness","londoneater","@youngandfoodish thank you  saw your comment on the chew aerobics, really tickled me"
1694953850,"happiness","Jenn1903","@Alyssa_Milano Good Morning Alyssa!! Hope u have a great wonderful day today   im happy cuz today is my last day of classes!! Yay!!"
1694953895,"relief","nicolecornie","@parisandparadox don't worry  just sleep."
1694953926,"happiness","mitsypunk","rather excited about my hospital placement starting on monday. I get to give needles and take blood"
1694953928,"happiness","Joyfullyblessed","@LiannaKnight: We can't wait to see you!   This week can not go fast enough!"
1694953979,"neutral","filmeschneider","@mikeseymour Keep it that long, people can ffwd if they like (now, if you did AAC w/ chapter markers..."
1694953999,"happiness","PreshMak","Sitting at the Audi Joburg fashion week casting. So many lanky people in one place! Almost 100. Lol. Good luck to everyone  xx"
1694954015,"sadness","FutureModel","in 1st period. i hate this class. can't wait until i'm home!!!!!!!!!  i'll b the happiest person in the world wen i'm home!!!"
1694954025,"happiness","LoraliLove","yoga for school, what could be better?"
1694954027,"happiness","Geektastik_girl","its my birthday.....happy birthday to me!!!!"
1694954034,"love","LoveEmms","@NathanDevonte looooooooooooool thanks"
1694954040,"happiness","flun1tr4z3p4m","Followed by the great Super Mazembe. One of the favorites around here  ? http://blip.fm/~5jkbp"
1694954094,"neutral","PrettyRaveGirlX","@Aggieduchess10 Goooood Luck!"
1694954158,"fun","xxxxRODIxxxx","Is getting her new double yellow volkswagen beetle.  happy star wars day."
1694954230,"love","Sarahashleee","my momma is comin 2night !  2morrow tennis day with p?nar yuppie !"
1694954256,"enthusiasm","CharlCoulson","Just woke up :o mums singing to her new gn'r cd replacement i bought because im a good daughter"
1694954299,"neutral","nevilleb","@suddentwilight Yep, that's me all right - I don't mean the monk is Me - that's my (as in a photo taken by me) in Better Photography"
1694954348,"neutral","tam319","@mrsblankenship  can you follow me so I can DM you?"
1694954359,"love","MAGGIECHICKEN","i feel in love with pizza girl... now i eat pizza everyday"
1694954365,"fun","santibanez","working from home office today and catching up on everything except twitter"
1694954451,"fun","stephanie_hall","One new follower"
1694954454,"love","JaneDoe120","who is that girl i see, staring straight back at me, when will my reflection show who i am inside..."
1694954487,"neutral","purplefangs","@Sethhs23 - haha you do that mate  btw have you seen a film called american history x starring edward norton"
1694954494,"worry","clareisrad","Hahah. Love them!"
1694954546,"worry","blacktar","Hanging out with @tomlazar and the Berlin Jarn guys.  http://yfrog.com/8c36ej"
1694954625,"neutral","darenBBC","@artinvest i hope to, no promises  they all my kids and the dog at the moment, a couple of flowers too"
1694954680,"neutral","Lisagassmann","@lewischris  May we be humble but Bold for Christ!  lisa.."
1694954708,"neutral","VivianJolene","@KyriiK i love you , too"
1694954759,"fun","MissxMarisa","@shortyyyy Aww how cute! You'd love my bathroom  http://twitpic.com/4jez4"
1694954766,"neutral","ctbabyx","im just up :-| and its 12:43 :O  im so lazy thank god its a bank holiday"
1694954856,"neutral","voguechic","@saachiex3 Really?  Sup, Boom?"
1694954945,"fun","brittanytastic","@girltrumpet because its like ten times better than this place xD and its so beautiful and fun  and they have gold coast hot dogs!! xD"
1694954959,"hate","ilovemusik","@David_Henrie No you silly goose!"
1694954988,"neutral","shanajaca","@Lilyginny27 Please let me know if it is allright DE i need to know but first just wake up a little and enjoy the cofee  XX"
1694955091,"sadness","SHNYNP","@Seoulbeats romance zero is funny"
1694955134,"sadness","fuzzyfarrah","Finished with MTML assignment  But didn't like it at all. Feels like I missed lotsa points but the word limit is 2500. Hmmpph!"
1694955144,"sadness","heatheraubrey","I wasn't sore yesterday. But i'm definitely feeling those hills now! My legs hurt all the way up to my booty. Its a good hurt"
1694955202,"enthusiasm","SatansPuppet","@EvilGayTwin I hope you like your new sat nav"
1694955204,"neutral","igeldard","Facebook Group: World Leaders  http://www.theatlantic.com/a/facebookhumor.mhtml"
1694955211,"neutral","KarenLynn45","is still amazed at the awesomness of last night. The discussion was great! Looking forward to a great week! Only 10days until I go home"
1694955226,"neutral","rachelllouise","@CarlyyOliver goood"
1694955286,"relief","jadzor","@bjds Yeah it did, it explained everything"
1694955354,"enthusiasm","jar_jar_jar","Gonna get my ticket to Las Vegas today. Gotta check my milage. Can't wait till August"
1694975745,"happiness","SandralovesDW","Good morning everyone i hope you all have a great day  even though  it is Monday keep on smiling"
1694975761,"worry","Sznq","@zoopedup Have you noticed that we're at the beginning of what may be the worst recession since the 1930's ?"
1694975858,"neutral","Gerckpickle","He will be here in less than hour"
1694975897,"happiness","MissxMarisa","@tsarnick I'm very passionate about my interests and go above and beyond  I mean, you've followed The Wiggles, right?"
1694975919,"happiness","djlilpete","New word of the day: "Whoore lure" yes... A new word for cologne. Thanks Mike Harding"
1694975976,"happiness","DaniMehtax","So I got up, went outside planted a few flowers and watched a lee evans DVD. Who knew bank holidays were so fun"
1694976031,"neutral","HotMess4CCNK","@mandacrow good morning!"
1694976098,"love","matthew858","@mattbeesley why thank you. I might just take you up on your offer"
1694976126,"happiness","Sammmmeh","At school. with everyone before the first classs of the day  18 days."
1694976150,"worry","ktml","@hintswen oh.. Hope they will throw something useful at you next time.. actually no, hope you won't bump into them again heh"
1694976167,"happiness","OliviaWho","I'm off to Costco in a bit to print off more photos for my photobook"
1694976174,"happiness","Arkive","@mbburns That's great news"
1694976235,"neutral","duyendao","@hi_sweetye I hope so"
1694976241,"empty","Tittch","@iantalbot  Who was it that said Vive le difference to me only the other day? ;-)"
1694976266,"love","Vermineater","@azreid You're not here. I hope you're still resting.  I don't want you to be stressed."
1694976311,"worry","htxt","http://www.facebook.com/pages/HelloTxt/73275306275 this message is posted on HelloTxt Facebook Fan page through HelloTxt, check it out"
1694976313,"happiness","Sofie_JO","Happy Star Wars Day!!!"
1694976374,"neutral","fadfdsj","http://www.facebook.com/pages/HelloTxt/73275306275 this message is posted on HelloTxt Facebook Fan page through HelloTxt, check it out"
1694976487,"worry","dmeineck","@Bournemouthecho 'answers on a postcard'?! What century are you in?"
1694976498,"surprise","evacevedo","@kevin_puentez sikkkeee!!! I getting bose headphones for $1 today"
1694976577,"relief","jeplonge","getting ready for my first day at my new job"
1694976606,"neutral","MaryKay26","@J_Stathamfans1  You sure are dedicated...Gotta love that!!!  Have a great & productive day"
1694976692,"enthusiasm","scottfmurphy","@NEENZ Bye!! Great meeting you!"
1694976729,"neutral","phillipbaker","@fredwilson I'm currently using MicroPlaza which I found via a link in the comments on your blog  http://bit.ly/ABRJp"
1694976733,"love","twiter_twotter","@eawalker00 No! I would like this! Yesterday, I talked with Alyso Stoner xD And Benton sent me a private messae and coment me here!"
1694976779,"relief","bethan_x_o","@katherinewhitby gooooooooood im not a complete nut case then"
1694976797,"hate","andydigitale","@hesa it's definitely worth it; art not withstanding  I hate moving; and hate packing even more.."
1694976834,"sadness","peterpositive","@sensualbodyrubs Hope you get your car today   Hate anything that stops me from my work ;)"
1694976875,"neutral","jealousfitsss","@agary2 it's trashy and sensationalist...so yes"
1694976932,"neutral","chieftech","@AnneBB well, you can print CY_K not CYMK"
1694976969,"neutral","dancinllama","@siftedbit I'm saving up for a three burner weber for next year"
1694976995,"sadness","ryesaidso","(bye) plurk out muna. will be back when im done reading the book  http://plurk.com/p/rq9c7"
1694977021,"worry","rosweed","Rosie to the vet. Routine shots and bordatella."
1694977047,"empty","robinsons","Walking from Teignmouth to Dawlish   http://twitpic.com/4jf4k"
1694977068,"happiness","KimmiMcfly","Radio:ACTIVE never gets old and never will  this is the 4th time i have listened to the cd (its on repeat) today, and still love it! =D"
1694977205,"happiness","frreshly","@TheOlifants  de wereld need more ppl like you! ;)"
1694977248,"love","YavannaGr","@Twilightrockz1 Thanks! (followed me back)"
1694977299,"relief","alokm","@evan Doh, from the 1st response I'm guessing you've seen it already"
1694977396,"surprise","AssyifaMaryam","@Sarah_x_ATL u mean jack barakat's?! wow so have u ever gone to his house? Hehe i mean ur ssoo lucky to have the address!"
1694977528,"neutral","jacoblovie","@Amy_E_W Thank you, Ill try not to!"
1694977596,"neutral","the59thStBridge","@AllisonNazarian oof. perhaps it's time to start a #moronmonday shout-out meme"
1694977628,"love","jmewithachance","Yay, watching Supernatural   .. Great way to end a hard day. I miss you Jesse."
1694977662,"worry","lovejonas_x","Tried on all the shoes in new look"
1694977678,"neutral","agiddything","@DylzWexford Perhaps they see it as the twitter version of pulling someone's pigtails? Let me know if that works out for you."
1694977686,"love","TwinHappyJen","My sister just called... she's officially in labor! Looks like Anna and Josie are getting a new cousin today!!  (And this one is a girl!)"
1694977690,"empty","daisygurl33","@toddcnichols ~Congratulations Daddy"
1694977715,"hate","paul_steele","@SamStreet69 back to the lovely land of the north"
1694977748,"fun","beeeetty","Back to work!  How you doin?"
1694977750,"fun","ade_brown","'Look at the tadpole'... 'No! ... Look at me!!!' ... Foolish dog  http://yfrog.com/05ixbj"
1694977861,"happiness","FandabiJOJO","Its a Bank Holiday!..... If you're happy and you know it CLAP YOUR HANDS!"
1694977878,"neutral","brunsvold","@brendandawes yeah, it works better as a command"
1694977884,"happiness","Jon_Aston","@JimHunt That smile - the one in your avatar - is that a permanent condition?"
1694977952,"neutral","crizard99","i am bored. :| any idea's of a nice site?"
1694978039,"neutral","EileenJay","@msmoss i can still read 'em..."
1694978049,"neutral","ChelseaHatherly","People I Have It Arnt I Brainy. Well No Not Really Teacher Put The Powerpoint In My Book  Helps Alot!"
1694978057,"hate","annasaccone","morning twitterbugs...nothing like a loooooooooong lie-in!!"
1694978116,"fun","galvintan","is going out for dinner... just the two of us... niceeeee"
1694978158,"happiness","Spirit_of_Mars","@30SECONDSTOMARS It�s NO voting vs anything - simple but true: yr *Stronger* cover is the BEST - w/o me *looking through pink glasses*!"
1694978190,"neutral","aweekes","@andychapman09 sounds nice   have you downloaded twitterena 2.0 lol ?"
1694978220,"relief","nellyaw","@stevencohmer - and yes i like the vids"
1694978314,"neutral","tannapooh","Presenting today...hope it leads to the ability to move up one day"
1694978458,"happiness","TownHallSteps1","@Sarahhlouisee thankyou  how is ur night?"
1694978553,"sadness","HeatherCosta","will be practicing my smile today-it's gunna be BIG!"
1694978582,"surprise","saruhsapien","@lyssaloveless I wish they replied to us. July will be utterly amazing!"
1694978583,"neutral","Jules372","@DarrynLyonsMrP It's a tough life you lead!"
1694978595,"sadness","ddoodm","Downloading Chex-Quest!  Been about 12 years sins it's final release you say? Your Right!"
1694978622,"worry","heysteffi","@fobchick08 You lucky girl. Tell me all about it, 'kay?"
1694978647,"neutral","howdydaniel","Is going to school.  leave me stuff."
1694978699,"happiness","euphorialuv","@NewYorkChica I understood you pre-coffee tweet  I'm good"
1694978736,"enthusiasm","AshTheBeautii","Good morning Sunshine   Tiime for $chooooL ! lol . BBL`"
1694978797,"relief","mattijsdelange","Recovering from an Italian cruise in the Mediterenean"
1694978857,"love","tehdingo","Off.  Have a good star wars day, fonz day, dancing taco day, whatever you celebrate, it's all good!"
1694978937,"happiness","jacoblovie","@filce Haha I know, I cant handle the fame!  and thank you!"
1694978970,"love","kmullinsk","@dederobb wow!  Nice roar, I see good things in your future"
1694979178,"love","FakerParis","@Kat_KittyKat That's very nice of him."
1694979222,"empty","crystaldefina","on my way too school. be back later..."
1694979240,"worry","incaseyoucare","@SasaLoves bahaha.. Weekends are just too short.. Esp when it's nice out! I wanna stop time like evie on outta this world! Morning!"
1694979343,"worry","billgoodall","@RiceRabbit Looks like you've had another culinary success, Sarah."
1694979409,"happiness","truongyyy","Happy monday  up and about going to tavares today. Hope everyone has a blessed day!"
1694979437,"worry","jenciTN","@ChrisCuomo DO NOT DO IT  I've seen enough  movies to "know" that something terrible will happen... LOL"
1694979453,"neutral","JNoelle","1st day of master cleanse...wish me luck"
1694979465,"love","ChelseaBabyyyx","honestly last night was amazing, everything was perfect"
1694979500,"worry","makeupnewbie78","@PinkLeopardPrnt WORD!!!!!"
1694979520,"worry","meghoulihan","Coffee brewing, on this #musicmonday morning i'm #listening to the fray... Here's to a good week"
1694979529,"worry","robynolivia","went 2 see the hannah montana movie wiv jodie on friday and it was WELL GOOD but i feel nasty for laughing at the lil girl that cryed LOL"
1694979559,"happiness","abbeman93","@hannbob http://twitpic.com/4jf46 - hehe cute pose there"
1694979570,"love","writerhicky","Waking up after talking on the phone to my amazing friend all night long. My eyes and stomach are the only ones complaining. I love boy."
1694979594,"surprise","BlueInkStains","@tara_louise Lucky me. There are mystery ingredients as well"
1694979600,"fun","Tarale","@ambermatson MUAHAHAHHAHAHA...   well, maybe they think I'm crazy or something. I haven't scared @williambloody yet though"
1694979619,"empty","rochelledancel","Ok, sending me messages asking to set my blog live won't work (linked to my developing website)! Take a tip from @natazzz and be patient!"
1694979701,"happiness","Neon_Wasabi","@MODOFLY  omg lol!  this is fun, tnx 4 posting this"
1694979717,"neutral","Ramkarthik","@venkateshkumar Very true. I'll write them seeing IPL"
1694979730,"neutral","HouseofNoirLace","@willyemai Indeed!"
1694979731,"neutral","crizard99","@OhMyALY did u find any?"
1694979786,"relief","PaulaLovesMcfly","@tommcfly But it was worth it  xxx."
1694979875,"neutral","rana_vr1","AC getting installed today"
1695001108,"neutral","jasonaltenburg","I'm going to be doing the FAFSA form today.  I hope to help out in the Ann Arbor / Detroit Metro Area with computers, art, and design."
1695001135,"neutral","Hooded","#Volvicchallenge Tesco dropped off my 14 bottles today  Props for doing so on a Bank Holiday"
1695001250,"neutral","jessie0x","17 again tonight"
1695001260,"happiness","kelseyquinn","http://twitpic.com/4jfa8 - my new baby cousin, Olivia. 8 pounds, 19 inches. perfectly adorable."
1695001282,"sadness","GFICT","What can twitter do for me"
1695001303,"neutral","brianmccoll","@lizajbeck No argument there"
1695001346,"anger","GeekySteph","@olafsearson Lol - I could try!  Seriously tho, dont do all of it! That sucks! xx"
1695001348,"relief","yonaelig","@chiacy thats much better than the flu syndrome!"
1695001372,"empty","tayy_xx","waiting for my mom to get home"
1695001402,"surprise","JadeNewton","@foxykaty haha, its cos one of your 'tweets' was smile smile smile, so i quoted the boys in reply"
1695001478,"worry","shirahava","@sharagrif what a riot..now you can tell you're friends you've got chlamydia..but you're hoping to get pox-syphilis soon"
1695001485,"happiness","Sion71","I just had a lovely lunch of curried rice and mussels with baby octopus - yum"
1695001498,"surprise","thatcoldmelody","@A12291994 you are lame  go make me breakfast!!"
1695001556,"neutral","TaiSaintBoogie","@shawtyslim lol, I'm sorry!"
1695001647,"neutral","neo_indian","@ajaymohanreddy It's time to face the truth - expat Indians are practically Americans."
1695001649,"enthusiasm","juliancarter","@josh909 thanks...do you guys have a showroom as well? Wanted to chk them out in the flesh. Quite cool lamps and the wife is impressed"
1695001684,"neutral","amy_wright","@michaelmagical I will definitely pray, and bath  thanks"
1695001712,"empty","pelchiiie","Today was sooo boring in school. I was sleeping all the time"
1695001740,"love","katepssh","i don't know the guys on radio disney have so much energy. i wouldn't be able to do it  <3"
1695001753,"fun","ministerfab","making some beats"
1695001776,"worry","AuthorSaoirse_R","Blogging-- http://13tolife.us/ Mentioning links to contests where you might just win a free book or two!"
1695001831,"surprise","eburcat","Forgot an EC2 machine running for 15 days, and got a $35 bill. Amazon teaches you to get organized for a fair price"
1695001893,"surprise","WandaSHorton","@creative_home Yes - that would be perfect.  That was supposed to happen, last night, still dry.  Usually happens as I a heading to appt."
1695001901,"sadness","Meliciousx3","got an A in english again  yay..  but a D- in maths"
1695001906,"empty","ashleno","Who wants me to spoil the ending for them?"
1695001960,"neutral","whil","@dfapam /you do..../ And this is in response which of the 20,000 tweets from over the weekend?"
1695001989,"worry","HUSSYxo","26 days till 18  cant wait."
1695002020,"fun","scribblegurl","@protoslag - well, look who's tweeting."
1695002087,"neutral","kimalojado","@josephadamx3 Have You Watched You Belong With Me?   By My Lovely Sister ) Kiddin."
1695002088,"neutral","linrose","@bigeyedfishie Good news about the tooth!"
1695002167,"surprise","AdamCrooklyn","@killelbunnio  what's the deal."
1695002189,"neutral","Mar_sha","@backyardpoultry  Good morning to you too! Hope you have better weather today."
1695002255,"enthusiasm","upidisiini","is upload video geje di youtube  http://plurk.com/p/rqaoe"
1695002271,"relief","SarahIzHere","Nvd i was sitting on it"
1695002373,"worry","Toriterrorr","@britneyspears I hope that if I were to run up on stage with you one day,u wouldnt kick me off.& U would booty pop with me."
1695002425,"empty","charlottesnel","@lisa_d Zwarte maillot"
1695002428,"hate","BrittniRiane","If this rain doesnt go away, I'm staying in bed all week til Mommy gets here"
1695002469,"neutral","anoushkaa","anywho im having an early night good night twitter world."
1695002580,"empty","keira88","@LP_laura_LP ok thanks for the help! I hope they respond to me sooner or later, then! thanks!"
1695002621,"fun","fairybabyb","@MattLewisMusic lol we are going to place called frosties its a soft play centre it knackers them lol, then i get peace for the gym  lol"
1695002640,"happiness","belladonna786","@skinnylaminx saw a whole lot of your stuff at Africa Joy Casterbridge Farm, White River in Mpumalanga.was quite thrilled to see ur stuff"
1695002641,"worry","eXcelon71","Im am going to send some twits to some folk..............."
1695002772,"neutral","zues101","Do you ever catch yourself doing something really really nasty in public and have to play it off? I do"
1695002776,"fun","andyfisk","A Don't Stop Believing remix? Sure, why not?  Sacrilege   ? http://blip.fm/~5jkpz"
1695002816,"worry","xShozi","@therecordlife wow. have a safe trip back home  and we're all begging you, please come back to bloomington as soon as you can!"
1695002865,"love","charnellesblog","Here why I like jeans  http://tinyurl.com/csbo8s"
1695002904,"relief","berryblossom","I hereby announce that I am... employed! Couldn't be happier, Alhamdulillah!"
1695002933,"happiness","sascha_r","@phil1612 download iEmoticons from the AppStore. 0,79�. But cool"
1695002954,"happiness","breenapeszko","Oh my Gosh,so close to finishing my song! I can't wait!"
1695002960,"sadness","BiancaMurtic","Is Bored. Waiting Till 7:06 To Go Out To Tha Bus"
1695002974,"hate","pedrocs","@ruimoura dude, come on... at least rotate that motherfucker!"
1695002979,"love","danielpmatthews","I love the start to a fresh new week, 'tis when I am motivated most"
1695002990,"love","panacea81","Good morning my little twitternut squashes   How are you all today? whats the weather like where you are?"
1695003015,"love","sarahndipitous","@wendytgibson  happy Monday!"
1695003076,"sadness","hyperjetrod","back,had a great MAD monday meeting tomorrow"
1695003114,"relief","CourtneySit","Sleeeeeeeepy.... I'm off... Goodnight twitterverse!"
1695003129,"empty","DanBrusca","@richardpbacon Good choice"
1695003228,"happiness","LouLaBellexx","@SirLP  It's just because it's May the 4th.   May The Force be with you  etc.  You've got to know your Star Wars to really appreciate"
1695003273,"happiness","galvao","Can't help to look at my Twitter page and drool all over my custom bg: http://twitter.com/galvao"
1695003276,"happiness","BBURN75","Nothing like Charley Biggs Chicken @ 7:53AM"
1695003298,"neutral","jegoy","just got home.  errrr... V.Luna hospital is so far. :|"
1695003368,"fun","LindsaySyl","Monday mornings couldn't exist if it weren't for some hot tea."
1695003394,"fun","loris_sl","@BMartha hello there!"
1695003421,"happiness","Tiaantjee","Happy #juddday everybody!"
1695003474,"happiness","vane1982","Good morning world."
1695003493,"neutral","yssems","@moonsgirl Be my guest !"
1695003512,"love","JoniHannigan","@erguncaner Thanks for the morning laugh. You are just too funny"
1695003571,"happiness","insteadofdeath","@apattys ... Yes.  That's what I said."
1695003590,"love","Geelong_FC","@WendyandJay Here we are!  Unofficially, of course, but we are providing all the info you could want for the Geelong Football Club!"
1695003689,"happiness","ishangoyal","first compree over .. completed the exam in 2 hrs instead of the alloted 3"
1695003769,"neutral","Miiaax3","@Anaalove yayy  you'll can help me im doing my english homeworks which i had to do during the holidays >.<"
1695003864,"relief","amitkgupta28","So finally.. It's raining in Delhi"
1695003897,"happiness","CRZ4DMB","@bigeyedfishie it was AMAZING!!! Had the best time  hope you had a good weekend too."
1695003912,"love","gabhii","Hello TwitterFon. I'm so glad you're back"
1695003920,"happiness","MissxMarisa","@shortyyyy It was only $8.00 for the curtain and the two rugs  it makes bathing exciting hahaha!"
1695003926,"neutral","sakbaboy","@Danderma always be your self and thing will go on without no problem and do you even try hard to be your self ... Just be ...and smile"
1695003990,"surprise","BennyCraib","@lauraaaaah A group of people naked  woooh"
1695004095,"love","sarahroters","@taylorswift13 I wish I was in London to see you. It's like my biggest dream to meet you  iloveyouuu <3"
1695004131,"happiness","amosignatius","excited about CWPM tomorrow.. only one member is going but still , its a good start"
1695004136,"sadness","NiallHarbison","The old internet is fairly boring today, nothing new on it"
1695004163,"love","JessikaSays","@lizzieiscool thank you"
1695004168,"worry","Bia_Brazil","I just arrived in the office.. I am preparing myself for a very busy day, listening Debussy.... those songs always makes me feel better"
1695004172,"relief","ashleymiranda1","sooo glad im home  floridia was fun!! back in ATL. time to sleep....then back up to work!!! constant grind."
1695004210,"love","s_v_e_t_a","@getkaizer thanks!!! it was a ballroom dancing competition"
1695004268,"relief","Chrissy200","@RobPattinson_ I hope filming is going well  I'm new to the whole "Twilight phenomenon", they couldn't have picked a better "vampire"!"
1695004323,"happiness","keeeeels","hello thereeeeeee"
1695004388,"sadness","VioletsCRUK","@dbdc LOL! I hate when that happens!! All hyped up and its over before you know it! Lunch sounds nice..hope you have a nice time."
1695004527,"love","loveZAHEER","@KimKardashian i love you kim kardashian i watch your tv show keeping up with the kardashians ur blessed with good looks"
1695004532,"relief","DillyAlemseged","Off to bed. Only one more day left at school before i get to go on holidays. Yay!! Finally. I am getting sick of school... LOL!"
1695004536,"happiness","dancingelephant","@thriftymommy - I enjoyed seeing EVERYONE that presented on Saturday at the Clark Howard event - Especially the 3 pre-clark speakers"
1695004562,"happiness","zstalk","Just got to school. Goin to Cinncinatti Wednesday!"
1695004594,"happiness","HappyDrew","I'm so pumped for the day!"
1695004607,"fun","monkeyknopfler","@Dojie wouldn't that cost quite a bit, I mean flying pizza from China? Nice fusion idea I may have to experiment"
1695004609,"happiness","MyAppleStuff","@ChristineRabel ha ha surprisingly well considering!! Having a good time in the sun up in the mountains"
1695004623,"happiness","RiiKanRay","Good Morning Everyone. !.!. Time for work"
1695004727,"worry","tobystevens","@nm you're fine - trying to kill off the bots and retweets in a bid to be the least popular person on Twitter. Btw, who are you ??"
1695026566,"neutral","KevisaurusRex","19 days and counting"
1695026686,"worry","HikaruAmerez","Killing people  no not realy O.o just bored although it does sound like fun"
1695026689,"sadness","lil_MissKaulitz","is @ school, we're gonna learn how to use skype"
1695026744,"relief","ajgx","The pushing has started, not long before a new #starwarsday baby is born"
1695026767,"love","Lijaaa","excited how the jon does will do today  Good luck guys ;)"
1695026786,"worry","fumpT","@gjr02 I can't work out if you're into diesel or rice burners."
1695026789,"love","olafsearson","@GeekySteph Exactly! Well, I'm off to pick my sister up. Speak laters! Enjoy your afternoon of pub and shelving!! lol xx"
1695026850,"love","soffanbarca","when living in Spain..you can NEVER take a hot shower for granted..luckily I have nice friends across the street"
1695026898,"happiness","lukehmuse","@F1_lou hahah hopefully!  enjoy your day"
1695026928,"surprise","JoshAuerbach","@fredwilson I've heard of disgruntled investors, but calling you a "hoe"? That seems totally out of line"
1695026952,"neutral","123wwe456","check out this funny movie  http://tinyurl.com/d3qwar"
1695026956,"worry","A5J4DX","@greggrunberg http://twitpic.com/4jdtj - have a safe journey back home hope you come back soon"
1695026975,"worry","UntilxoTheEnd","Sinus infection ): Damn brother. Anyways, Night"
1695027018,"neutral","LexxiScrank","watching intense amounts of gossip girl"
1695027023,"happiness","hollaglam","@babygirlparis hope you have a great weekend,Paris"
1695027049,"worry","cuncee","The geographY was an exam today!But turned out well  OMG on Wednesday will a English exam xD   I woul'd be very nervous..."
1695027050,"neutral","Junocomm","@ChrisCuomo http://twitpic.com/4jf4m - Very interesting head gear. lol."
1695027147,"neutral","firedancer67","@kennethruelan well, maybe you can always head for CNT. be sure to save some for me!"
1695027154,"fun","g_stevie","@rowansingh Depends where your drinking, what your drinking, and how many mates you have. Joke fails"
1695027156,"love","CapergirlHolly","Think I'll go enjoy the sun's rays again...I LOVE being off work"
1695027190,"happiness","deangroom","Been helping ex-student with Uni assignment via Skype .... gotta love a connected world. Now sudying 'game design'. Even better."
1695027206,"neutral","caityyyyyy","easties you can go there anytime"
1695027220,"neutral","CatLatham","Has an hour left of revision"
1695027301,"neutral","siouxcool","Good afternoon all. Sorted technical glitch. A rainy BH monday so a lazy day, then daughters and their menfolk round for a roast dinner"
1695027391,"surprise","clueless_bimbo","@death_by_spork haha I like it anyway, although i miss the spork in the pic... where did it go?"
1695027424,"empty","geardiary","Retweeting @GearDiarySite: Win an AT&T Pantech Matrix Pro http://tinyurl.com/d56mqf - it's easy to enter! so go do it!"
1695027477,"happiness","AProudArmyMom","Good Morning...hoping to throw back some coffee like right now!"
1695027572,"love","TropicsZ4","@afwife08 Good Morning, good wakeup music"
1695027597,"happiness","shaunewe","Hoisin duck pizza, salt and pepper pizza and gelato for dinner with Edmund and Jade. Good times!"
1695027666,"neutral","Tittch","@phomor You cant put off age but you can put off grumpiness"
1695027701,"relief","SandraWP","@mylestones At least it's big enough my 20 month old won't find it and swallow it before the 3 yo and I track it down!"
1695027704,"neutral","alicam","My 11y/o daughter and I have just had the kind of argument I don't mind having - over who loves the other more"
1695027769,"neutral","harotomi","safari 4 beta OFF / firefox 3 ON ="
1695027832,"worry","adrenalineee","@rossyflossy haha i get my senior license next friday!!!!"
1695027865,"relief","kursed","Reinstalled Ubuntu on my laptop, this time using ext4; the new filesystem. System boot time, from GRUB to full operability: 30 seconds"
1695027872,"happiness","lilyofoz","@williamfdevault i've sent a twitter invite to poet friends, i'm hoping they will come poetize, would love 2 see more poets here  #poets"
1695027907,"happiness","BrightEyesTampa","@JustinBazan Maybe because you got in 4 hours ago from an awesome night? Nah, that can't be it."
1695027939,"happiness","ArteDeb","@whatswithinu I'm very much in tune with your words today. Thanks."
1695027961,"neutral","sangfroid","Strong winds. More than than the rains, I'm ready to embrace darkness that accompanies even a drizzle. Such a pessimist"
1695028013,"happiness","josegato","@pleasebemine australia gets may 4th off! enjoy it"
1695028147,"worry","PaterzAttack","@sir_benzo the first step to recory is admitting it."
1695028180,"sadness","FallonThompson","is going to her last full day of school. life is good."
1695028268,"worry","lollipoppops","i hope unni will make the audition . fighting dahye unni !"
1695028278,"worry","mohawkkid09","Hey, im chillin right now, gettin ready for school   Mohawk Kidd"
1695028287,"neutral","asiakasprzyk","http://twitpic.com/4jffz - Haha.. This is me! In my bedroom."
1695028306,"surprise","echodio","@plc sorry  you wouldn't believe how much feedback we got on that menu bar icon.  the next version will be a lot more subtle"
1695028505,"surprise","elanlohmann","@thurstyturtle HA ha - how much?  Thanks for starting to follow me."
1695028509,"surprise","iheartuga119","@nkangel74 wow, Germany, that would be fun! If I could just meet them, just once, I would be good."
1695028536,"love","pelchiiie","@nhoustonreed Hi!! How are you? You're an amazning actress  Greets from Slovenia"
1695028557,"empty","sam_ward_is","@mizzannabel im not a supermodel, i still eat mcdonalds baby thats just me!  xxx"
1695028571,"happiness","attilafarkas1","Hey everybody!  hah this day is cool! just got back from walk with the dog... @klaudialorincz OMGosh! Send me the link again please!"
1695028592,"worry","ladyvamp3","I'm bored of being lazy.  Away to shower and go out!"
1695028594,"neutral","Maxsy","my portfolio v2 uploaded! any comments and feedback are warmly welcomed!  http://www.maxiin.net/"
1695028606,"neutral","TatCat82","Today starts grooming academy, wish me luck."
1695028850,"enthusiasm","Ben_and_Louise","@JanSimpson good afternoon, hope you have a great week"
1695028868,"neutral","opsio","Mattcutts.com: Domain Umzug und neues Design http://redir.ec/iF2b ..."
1695028899,"empty","TizBanana","@BecaBear P.S. Culled a handful, esp followers (spam ones with NSFW links that I did NOT click on). You made the cut though"
1695028902,"worry","ericaatl","i deffinately need to clean my bookbag. but no time! i need to leave in the next 5 seconds to not be late to school. ...oh well"
1695028962,"love","Hendricksx","@taylorswift13 http://twitpic.com/4gnlp - THAT IS FANTASTICAL"
1695028985,"happiness","peekapoochecker","@goldenboyluke  be sure to go by my blog today    -  and check out your friends - I bet you have some new ones today!"
1695029080,"happiness","LaBarceloneta","@msstacy13 Well, thanks for thinking of me! And if you ever do get the scratch for one, well, I'm right here!"
1695029092,"happiness","Javamomma","@MrMarketingMan Thanks for the movie review!"
1695029179,"neutral","ArsenalSarah","@patgarrat657961 Thanks for that"
1695029229,"neutral","Mia_Desire","Just left Brooklyn going uptown for some latin coffee with a dollar sandwich, can't find that in downtown Brooklyn, where Brooklyn @"
1695029231,"happiness","iAshim","@AprilAMiller Its 5:30 in the evening, sunset time"
1695029298,"love","NoelleBobo","What a nice young guy at dunkin donuts let me go first"
1695029331,"happiness","MonkeywithaPC","Just checked email and got a follower withb same name as me living in Oz. Welcome on board my alrer ego @changa13"
1695029353,"happiness","caribchristians","Our Christian mobile directory is running! Just a month old  Visit http://tiny.cc/caribdir"
1695029359,"neutral","ajaymohanreddy","@neo_indian hehe very true  but you've got the color advantage, which the complete americans haven't"
1695029374,"happiness","Elisabethsmile","Me and the calculator made lots of little algebra babies today"
1695029404,"neutral","pedrocs","@ruimoura it took me months to understand your avatar"
1695029416,"neutral","mikeboyd","@rebecca_leigh Thank you,!  Just trying to stay in a positive head space to keep pushing through it all. How's things at your end?"
1695029452,"happiness","dreambabiieh","back from school  daily show was amazing  gonna watch it again later i think xD"
1695029474,"happiness","Veinte_y_Uno","@AlyceMadden why arent u famous already? lol you have a very adoring fan, that fan would do anything for you hehehe, im you no.1 fan"
1695029495,"love","anaalessandra1","@LittleFletcher Can you come with the guys to Brazil? We'll love if this happened!"
1695029526,"love","ange321","whats on my head now?@mileycyrus whats on my head next?@mileycyrus whats on my head later?@mileycyrus so yeah,thats pretty much it"
1695029539,"happiness","MisfitGeek","@joycsc - THANKS ! My motivation is returning at about the rate I'm inputting coffee  !"
1695029575,"neutral","Osfer","@zaroi Dammit, you beat me to it"
1695029631,"happiness","marylinefrance1","@gay_emo_zac and a good morning from france to my zaccie"
1695029695,"neutral","lelandgirl","i have never seen Wall-E. i am confused because i had no idea what you guys were talking about... hehe!  now i do though!"
1695029700,"enthusiasm","annadoesitright","EVERYBODY WELCOME @purpletonic!!!  Hello Nicole ;)"
1695029702,"neutral","kgayes","it's still the 4 am hour at home and my day has begun... gonna drink a lot of coffee today."
1695029774,"neutral","SaMMiESaNtos","Through the Fire and Flames - Dragonforce"
1695029804,"happiness","syzygy","@petecooper Happy anniversary to you and @fluffymuppet! Hoping for many, many more. All the best from all of us"
1695029829,"happiness","JessSteinman","is off to work ... still "recovering" from an amazing and beautiful weekend. Have I mentioned how incredible my friends are??"
1695029834,"worry","keza34","@joshtastic1 so you are like the rest of us on this miserable bank holiday.then LOL"
1695029898,"happiness","tanmays","installed the iNav iBlue v2 Theme...gives a fresh feel    http://twitpic.com/4jfg4"
1695029951,"surprise","nadzmc","I know people say that power naps are good for you all the time, but I kinda always miss the alarm"
1695030019,"fun","3djay","Funniest desktop ever: http://mobypicture.com/?ee2ij3 this way I can see my collegue."
1695030069,"neutral","charlotteord","@SarahJAnderson Skinny dipping with work colleagues?!  Maybe not.  I'd never live it down with this lot!"
1695030182,"love","clara018","@HayleyTxxx hey!  YAY! thanks!  wow ur page is awesome!!!!!"
1695030210,"neutral","sanjmatharu","@PhilKSpencer Thanks 'Mckenzie'"
1695030311,"happiness","graceee_x","@mikedignammusic coool thanks a lot  xxx"
1695052704,"fun","keza34","@nessie111 playing man utd.kick off 19:45.champions league 2nd leg.lol"
1695052732,"happiness","Blondess","@Lathams they do indeed  glad to hear everything is good with you. I'm great  life is good"
1695052771,"neutral","cyberiagirl","@kbeilz Already got my ticket; thanks for making sure though!"
1695052788,"enthusiasm","lopezwilfred","@lauraduhaime Hello How are you"
1695052845,"happiness","therealTKNOCK","Morning all! Have a GREAT DAY! Off to school I go"
1695052933,"love","ldsanchez","Buying my first mac"
1695052956,"love","editored","@JessClarke as a proper journo I would have to agree with you 100%!"
1695052977,"worry","ryadicaledward","@iamSteveZapp I've noticed!  enjoy another rainy day!"
1695053105,"worry","PhotoAlert","@AngryYoungMan2 Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1695053131,"fun","benjisummerlin","Recording an acoustic track! For you sexy kids!"
1695053137,"worry","techyuppie","@alxconn Sorry to hear that.  Keep the faith though.  I might not be as bad as you think."
1695053165,"neutral","MrFloydNL","@squink - It is supposed to be an unrelated (story-wise) new part of the Fallout series they're working on... Only the name is out"
1695053337,"empty","shaunarawrr_x","@_AislinnTighee yeah. you're really annoying"
1695053441,"love","mymanjoe","@melmcmahon I have a great house to sell you!   Comes complete with a riding mower!!"
1695053503,"neutral","danmikhael","One liner movie reviews  http://bit.ly/18zd0k - can you add more?"
1695053569,"relief","ilovefalloutboy","Sitting in a shadow of the tree in the heart of the city listening to Panic!..waiting for the bus  thanks,wind,for being so pleasant a ..."
1695053614,"love","Lilichka01","@filmfinancier Cowboy westerns...haven't seen those in a while. good luck"
1695053707,"neutral","MissyReighn","Good morning my fellow tweeters"
1695053708,"happiness","FawnNeun","@torenheksje Thanks for the Retweet!"
1695053714,"happiness","julyc101","i'm done.haha. HOUSE MD marathon ulet"
1695053747,"happiness","isa_photopop98","@leifreak8 Hi Miss.  Isabelle here. :]"
1695053772,"worry","NightmareChild","@Holger_bbA Ooh, nice  Well I guess not nice at the moment, being windy and rainy. But I like rain"
1695053779,"fun","outrageousJavi","@dizzybunny. Haha. Rite. Im freeeeeeee. Britneys spears listenin time."
1695053825,"surprise","danii_phantom","god assignments are stressful ! but its finished now lol and im off to bedd"
1695053852,"worry","Merrydeth","@baknitter haha IE...it's expensive!!!! Hm...let me message you later"
1695053946,"love","jennyjar","putting up a half naked dougie poster  i love sugar's ladmag"
1695053952,"neutral","kaytin12","@brb022 i would prefer 1 more monday"
1695053958,"fun","dhempe","@kg86 aww.. thanks bro!  glad I got u active on twitter!"
1695054038,"worry","KraziKaz","Is watching the final Underbelly"
1695054056,"neutral","brentblack","@EvLynn Keep trying...taking texts all week long..."
1695054066,"happiness","thejetset","Off to England during the summer holidays this year.... yay!"
1695054115,"love","madbrad","Peace! Good morning"
1695054156,"happiness","destiniashlynn","It's Raining!"
1695054186,"worry","Amyoleary1","@Rhonddalad yeah hun it was a good night  my ankile is even more fucked now tho"
1695054187,"happiness","hodgepodgemom","thankful for the rain for our garden! The kids and I are starting on our gardening lapbook (thanks Heidi  http://www.lapbooklessons.com/"
1695054217,"neutral","DaneCross","Do you guys like fish sticks?"
1695054220,"enthusiasm","Blue_RK","i bought a Italian horseshoe charm. Dragon! it seems to be very strong"
1695054254,"worry","CallumHumphreys","getting my phone back this week  yeeeewww"
1695054264,"love","aimee_2203","Lying with my new lab pup on my lap"
1695054274,"happiness","indiebeats","@katherine_kelly PJ days are the best days"
1695054296,"happiness","bgurley1987","@BrunnaXO don't be worried! I'm safe and sound!  <3 you!"
1695054337,"love","georgiasdfgh","HAD SO MUCH FUN TODAY !  i love alyssa arellano and mika reyes ! :*"
1695054352,"neutral","luke321blue","Tea at lee rosy's"
1695054370,"happiness","harliee57","Good morning! It's going to be a kick-butt day!"
1695054374,"worry","krapposelli","@agriggs8 is what it takes, I am soooo dragging his ass up there!"
1695054444,"happiness","ashleeisamazing","morning sunshiines"
1695054455,"neutral","tsuei","@shebunny yes I am, do you want to meet?"
1695054602,"enthusiasm","Heyjude1970","Off today! No wonder I love Mondays!  Movie theatre....here I come."
1695054664,"neutral","pob34","@keza34 hi babe how you doing"
1695054674,"love","DeliciaAmmons","Very good morning! Coffee and a taylor swift cd starts it off"
1695054909,"relief","rena_higgins","Gonna try to get a couple hours of sleep. Love going to bed at 9 am. Later Twitter"
1695054988,"enthusiasm","JordanFo","About 60 again todayy yayy!!!"
1695054998,"love","Court_Aless","staying afterschool today  not that i have any "friends" on here - but if i did , i'd tell 'em to text me ! lol [ likin' us <3 ]"
1695055036,"happiness","bakytn","@Dayteed cool! Linux?"
1695055080,"happiness","peter_dawes","Happy Star Wars Day everyone! May the 4th be with you all  xxx"
1695055088,"relief","leabella","@MasterSavage everythings fine now"
1695055144,"worry","elizabethlmccoy","@inkspotworkshop he'll be 3 in july! I'm just soo stoked!!!!  Especially since he sleeps with us LOL  He refuses to wear diapers anymore"
1695055157,"fun","DarinHeitzer","Good morning, everyone!  Just finished breakfast, and getting ready to see what this wonderful day has in store for me!"
1695055175,"happiness","mommyesquire","@thereisaseason It's fun to see that glimpse of your life"
1695055187,"neutral","biztravelguy","@jazzwerewolf lol. i get about the same reaction when i mention my new goal - kona triathlon now that boston marathon is done."
1695055242,"neutral","itaggs","@Love_Idol Looking for a new SMS sending solution? http://promotion.itagg.com Get �6 FREE SMS with every iTAGG!"
1695055295,"sadness","ashumittal","@ankurb Just kidding! Don't go around quoting me"
1695055304,"empty","teddypork","@bnycastro til the next asaran"
1695055333,"sadness","Stony419","@MisfitDior good morning misfit *passes you Tylenol*"
1695055422,"happiness","BarbadosTravel","@CBmagazine thanks for the reminder. Hope all have a great time"
1695055433,"neutral","yoitsandrea","http://twitpic.com/4jfkw - AFC! Oh yess"
1695055452,"love","Oweeen","I am watchinggg the new video of @VVBrown Its sooo good  Addicted!"
1695055499,"worry","LennyHHR","Done with FNR on Fox Charlotte. About to record online commentary. Find it at www.myfoxcharlotte.com under Rising tab. Great team @ FNR"
1695055565,"happiness","juliaburton","coffee. gym. studio.  story. of. my. life. these. days.     so grateful."
1695055628,"love","mtranc3","@KimberlyCouzens I love these clutches! I'm lusting after one in bright yellow"
1695055697,"neutral","addyteo","off for a run. moon-day is not that bad after all...  #fb"
1695055714,"neutral","ByLaurenLuke","Check this video out -- Bylaurenluke ~ Make up Launch~ They are here available now   http://tinyurl.com/cudamo"
1695055774,"happiness","anonymousx3","@taylorswift13 I created my account just to get a chance to chat with you (: I ADMIRE YOU! you're amazing! you inspire me to write  <3"
1695055809,"worry","goffik","@anthonyqkiernan Ha! PC and router have been off and on again many times, I assure you.  Funny thing is the laptop and phone connect fine!"
1695055910,"relief","Tobyfar30","It was worth it"
1695055915,"surprise","TheniaLaary","thinks that the limit of 140 letters is really not fair. 300 + would be better"
1695055933,"relief","crazynathi","finally off  now the day starts 2 be nice...maybe with a nice ending ;)"
1695056005,"surprise","jessa642","i hope that everyone has been having a great week.  let me know if you think im crazy for hating coffee XD."
1695056081,"neutral","dees_world","is currently watching supernatural whilst waiting for skins to come on"
1695056092,"love","SupremeDejhan","@Dez4jc @goldengoodas thanks hun!! I'm working hard over here...  thanks mama!! I yuhh you!!!"
1695056126,"neutral","CaleConner","whoa, I've got to go to bed, night!"
1695056241,"enthusiasm","fadegreen","@DavidArchie Hope you find a nice and healthy, also cheap, breakfast!"
1695056362,"love","yiiee","@jurgen If you see it at Nova on a Monday, tickets are only $8"
1695056388,"relief","zingaro25","Reporting form IIT Delhi : Rains just started here..Picking up speed...Providing welcome relief to all hostels!!"
1695056423,"fun","teabass","@llauren_ having a very lazy day, playing xbox and drinking tea"
1695056426,"worry","markkrupinski","@swbuehler don't let him hear you"
1695056459,"love","aprilynn0504","Feeling loved!  My Mom got me a Nikon Cool Pix for my birthday!!!!"
1695056516,"happiness","danielmulec","Dear Daniel, good news from Nintendo! They want you as a potential Lotchecktester! Hoffentlich wirds was mit der Stelle"
1695056534,"love","mcraddictal","I'm feelin aiden today!  on the bus now  Die romatic!!!"
1695056583,"love","endless_forms","Happy Star Wars Day everyone! May the 4th be with you"
1695056626,"neutral","HandC_Fans","@danalar  Yeah, I posted it in the news blog yesterday."
1695056664,"neutral","koenpunt","Just noticed the new sidebar on twitter.com, looks nice"
1695056689,"happiness","Jordynb21","First Day at the new job! Yeah!"
1695056699,"neutral","flapjacks9702","@MocityTwit g'mornin"
1695056712,"sadness","emdietrich","i wish i could take my pillow to school. dead serious."
1695056917,"happiness","nabejonas","@ddlovato i wish i was there! but i live in holland ): but i'm going to see you in paris"
1695056953,"surprise","PhotoAlert","@Nicurnmama Thought you might be interested in @TweetPhoto http://tweetphoto.com. See who's viewing your photos!"
1695080376,"enthusiasm","Nicole_1992","lookin forward to liverpool 2mz"
1695080386,"neutral","junkmonster","@cUtEgUrLie Boring? What?! Ugh!!!  come back to of then!"
1695080554,"love","JLOYO","@taylorswift13 guess what i listened to love story 425 times on my ipod. You evil woman youve taken over my life ! Lol"
1695080588,"sadness","hugoahlberg","@iveland don't know it really hurt my arm. guess you have to booze me.. or just ask @hpeikemo or @erlandwienke if you don't believe me!"
1695080636,"worry","JohnWeston","Located & ordered a new cooker today. Feel I've got a real bargain from http://www.laskys.com  �80 cheaper than the place I almost used."
1695080679,"neutral","divxdownloads","Download movie  "A Good Day to Be Black &#38 Sexy" http://tinyurl.com/ckmkul cool #movie"
1695080688,"neutral","shrek422","Morning back to all"
1695080723,"love","Deejaywilliams","@ThriftyGambler there are three broody ones atm, I have a china eggs under them to keep them happy ish"
1695080750,"love","kateblogs","@Alrady40 Thank you  That's really of sweet of you!"
1695080768,"neutral","MissxMarisa","@tsarnick OH! Jonas Brother's 3D movie comes out next week in Kangaroo Land  I missed it when it was here."
1695080776,"love","SophieMarina","@ddlovato I'm sure it was amazing  Wish I could have been there :] You're an incredible, phenomenal, amazingly talented singer"
1695080851,"happiness","debralynntaylor","Happy Monday!  Lots of little things to do today!  Tried to water plants out front very early in jammies! Got caught by two neighbors!!"
1695080875,"worry","itsmekelliii","last class at 10:30. One final tomorrow and 2 finals on friday!"
1695080935,"neutral","mrseb","@ChownTown  I think the pool bit has the possibility to become an Internet SENSATION!"
1695080953,"worry","kpacek330","@skrobertson thanks  i have to finish schoolwork today, no rehearsal tonight though. what ru doing?"
1695080983,"sadness","laurenpryz","i am sleeepyyy. today = busy. work 10-4, library, class 6-7:20, tanning, packing, bit of sleep, atlantic city airport, myrtle beach"
1695080987,"happiness","ExxRANDOMxxP","Well not JUST making dinner making dinner with WET HAIR!"
1695081005,"fun","Human_person","@tweeterdiva It's easy.....just turn your keyboard upside down"
1695081038,"sadness","gubbs","is pretty dang tired. but chambers class is for napping."
1695081041,"happiness","Vanni14","Saturday is Partytiiime"
1695081047,"neutral","sunshinealmario","having my dinner. eating bangus.  it's a fish."
1695081068,"neutral","HolyCowFC","Morning!! how is everyone"
1695081146,"happiness","wonderfulchaos","Dinner with Ali tonight celebrating her first day at the new job, will be near Trader Joe's, might just have to stop in"
1695081286,"happiness","Dits","oh yes! Level 40"
1695081324,"love","aicribbs","on a better note.. smile if u have something to be thankful for.."
1695081375,"empty","MileyJBFan565","Btw that song is you'll always find ur way back home by hannah montana"
1695081383,"neutral","laura_Xx0","@hot30 see u bye see u!  i love the hot30"
1695081442,"neutral","MireilleM","Good morning tweeps ... wishing you all a great day"
1695081496,"neutral","spinesurgeon","@mohandoss based on future AND FORGETTING / IGNORING  present, who is the best keeper according to you dhoni or parthiv"
1695081609,"sadness","ZolaMO","@podagraph Wait a min, u pretty much home til u jump the pond? I have 1 wk 2 go. If I could find a cheap flt  It's a thought, haha."
1695081624,"happiness","LauraaGee","@tommcfly I just read online the article you mentioned..meh.  I am very happy to be stuck on you and the guys--just try and get rid of me"
1695081649,"surprise","wiganwardy","finished work @ midday, had kiddie dinner ... now have no get-up & go ... ah well it's bank holiday!   #fb"
1695081663,"happiness","CaptiveCulture","starting the video editing of the first spanking movie we did with Mina ... it will be added to the next update"
1695081746,"love","DymondDoll","@Chaos33176 What Makes Me Happy? My Daughter, My Family & Their Support, Money, Shopping, & Restaurants"
1695081776,"surprise","AnyColorBlack","@Hyperopia afternoon! u've got a new pic, nice specs"
1695081828,"relief","HobbitJourney","@catdog03 Do I seem brighter & more colorful?"
1695081838,"neutral","einsx","Do you know what's my best tactic? My best tactic is to just go with the flow. And you don't care."
1695081883,"neutral","linrose","@MadHat76 Or maybe I joined you in denial. Either way, it's the best way to deal with Monday."
1695081888,"empty","sheetal_shristi","@pratikjain4 welcome"
1695081908,"surprise","whatsvickydoing","Eating an apple... for once in my life!!! Thought you would like to know"
1695081927,"happiness","RealWorldCara","Good morning  hope u all have a great day"
1695081939,"worry","keza34","@pob34 done pots,had lunch now eatin chocolate.LOL"
1695081967,"neutral","WillCHarris","@KablesO I try my best"
1695082034,"relief","dannybanany","@marteyo ahahaha okay deal  now i only have to snuff hermione out"
1695082054,"worry","thankingdc34eva","Shoutout to Reyah my fellow Philly homegirl we're both making the best of hard situations  (PUSH) pray until something happens.. much love"
1695082055,"fun","Skaylaa","mufasa!!!! warriors or the OCEAN!  hahahahahaha"
1695082161,"surprise","georgeartz","@RickGriffin oh! so this could well be your last post!"
1695082179,"happiness","cherrellexXx","Can't wait 2 hand in work tomorrow then im practically finished for the year  yay!!!!!!!"
1695082234,"enthusiasm","SarahKangaroooo","@KalvinClein hey! thanks for following  how is it going?"
1695082260,"enthusiasm","fetishistnyc","@Lena_DISTRACTIA Good morning."
1695082310,"happiness","dan11ela","@gorgeousgg yup!! even though its a lil rainy out lol hope ya have a good day"
1695082344,"neutral","Kauai730","@babygirlparis Ten bucks says I know where your going and if it's where I think it is....let me know if my boulder is still on the beach."
1695082386,"happiness","nadiaputr","@rissiapriyahita @zanidia @clarixxxa thanks udah di follow"
1695082482,"happiness","danbriffa","@powerseller thanks"
1695082500,"sadness","Zakiharu","so tired after work...but i have King's Bounty Add-on and A Vampyre Story for a evening  and X-men comixes is completely donloaded"
1695082514,"love","MissyReighn","@GothicVampireQ yessssss wore myself out this weekend planting my garden and working"
1695082532,"happiness","msabuwala","@sengming whoa steady there mate don't fall down"
1695082587,"worry","kmroumen","I just used UnTweeps to unfollow 5 Tweeps who haven't tweeted recently. http://untweeps.com. Goed idee @Loesje"
1695082588,"worry","r4dio","Doing homework , and then , BBALL!"
1695082609,"happiness","ByLaurenLuke","Thanks so much for following me here too  I will keep you all up to date as much as possible on my makeup line plus all new collections"
1695082637,"surprise","dreamswept","Feeling much better  Doing History Research."
1695082669,"love","emdalgleish","i loooooove bank holidays"
1695082700,"neutral","BritGalUSA","and it's off to work I go, only 9.5 days until the kiddo's finish"
1695082734,"happiness","BigCruise","good morning twiggas and twitches  http://bbltwt.com/sciif getcha motivation on"
1695082787,"worry","mizzterious1","not ideal bank holiday conditions.. a little over cast and rainy but perfect for a lazy day with a dvd"
1695082802,"love","Georgia_Ellis_x","@ddlovato Pleaseee Give Me A Shoutout  Love Georgia (UK)"
1695082810,"worry","koswolf","I wish i had a smartphone with an irc app. That'd be pretty cool."
1695082853,"happiness","jbairy","@shanellelee OOooOO -- no, I have not! Glad to hear it was incredible, though! I still have it bookmarked to try sometime"
1695082863,"happiness","Just_Allie","@FakerParis A little tired but gland its bank holiday here so i can have a lie in"
1695082897,"happiness","firebirdhouse","@FatDaddySweets YAY! Busy is good"
1695082902,"surprise","nakitaB","@LCLaurenConrad the new series of the hills was on yesterday in uk , it was amazing! you looked really pretty on your birthday too."
1695082913,"happiness","speed_ofsound","@Dreaming_awake GOOD MIDDAY."
1695082940,"love","cathydietz",""Brides a la mode" pow wow first thing this morning   This past weekend's lovely wedding fresh in my mind... pics soon!"
1695082980,"worry","Ms_SA","@Stephanie0285 So...I was half asleep when I wrote the previous message. Greatest friends !!haha  You are!!"
1695083008,"empty","CreepyMcWeirdo","Making a twitter account"
1695083018,"happiness","kawilliamss","picture to burn - taylor swift!    great song!"
1695083029,"happiness","wow2000","@kariannanas hahaha, I was busy, now I see what I replied to you! Yes that is true"
1695083053,"love","stevefleischer","@Tuna one day I hope to retire to one of his floating islands"
1695083082,"neutral","_thefabulousone","Watching good morning america"
1695083127,"neutral","e30ernest","Long night ahead."
1695083176,"neutral","yin9shi","wee. done with advance audit paper"
1695083200,"neutral","nettisue","@chrisredding Mornin'"
1695083214,"worry","teewaksfoo",""Friends are the same soul different bodies." Plato"
1695083249,"worry","Brittanym_x","Just got home, doing art all day.. i want to be in a film"
1695083279,"happiness","colakeks","14:14 .. someone is thinking of me  good luck to lynny and her tattoo ;)"
1695083312,"fun","kristynhuckeba","waiting for hubby...wake up!!  had entirely too much fun wit tha seester last night"
1695083350,"happiness","akhilak","Bank holiday in London! woohoo"
1695083416,"worry","remybergsma","@elsekramer  Yeah the spammers are discriminating: none of the females  are part of the target group apparently"
1695083451,"sadness","rkjltipton","Trying to figure out this whole "Twitter" thing! Thanks Scott & Allison...now I can't concentrate on work"
1695083478,"happiness","project31studio","Yes... today is Star Wars Day!    May the 4th be with you!"
1695083493,"neutral","Rlittleprincess","waching gray's antomy"
1695083495,"neutral","hazehung","@docdolly you have a plurk account too?"
1695083498,"neutral","Mark_Coughlan","Anyone of you Indie heads know what Donie from The Hassle Merchants' surname is? @unarocks @nialler9 @karlusss Help. Need for copy."
1695083503,"happiness","sotodance","@Frozen2theSword YAY! Hope your day at work is wonderful, Sis! We have a Bank Holiday in England today so everyone is off work"
1695083518,"worry","ninachristian","getting ready to preach at church this sunday...first time back in over 6 months....especially for mother's day"
1695106205,"worry","emilylouisemei","10.11PM~ todays a drag for me. so bored. im about to get into the romance book so i prob wont be on til the morn  night twitter babes ;)"
1695106265,"happiness","PriscaLiliane",",.. oh the Mint Lounge ...AWESOME night"
1695106279,"neutral","tententacles","@obsidiantalon Well, at least you wont be late!"
1695106288,"worry","chiniehdiaz","@LaBarceloneta Haha!  I'm convinced you'd be great at it."
1695106326,"neutral","SARAHMORRMORR","just thought of a spanish name that she will pretend to be one night out: Ariella Gonzalez. like It? don't care because i do"
1695106347,"worry","arschlochkind","@JArmintrout love your books"
1695106383,"love","biyachessa","@ddlovato You're one very talented singer, dancer and actress. Love your songs. I look forward to your next album. Cheers from the East!"
1695106396,"surprise","hallahmarie","@GatorBat44 What you said about aj made no sense,hahaha. What were you talking about? And I loved that picture of you and colin!"
1695106398,"enthusiasm","zobey","Early monday cramming... yay. Only a few weeks left"
1695106443,"neutral","lopezwilfred","@goebicyu Thank you very much for the Follow. I have re-followed you also"
1695106544,"relief","licklelivy","haha moms back today from a weekend away , her first words, ' whys the house so dirty?' i love life .."
1695106570,"worry","rachelg46","Working on a bank holiday, but I don't mind - it's all good fun"
1695106575,"fun","justinxduh","Sitting with sabbeth in first period.  buhahaha we are so cool -sabbeth lmao"
1695106633,"relief","hotproducts14","A sweat sweat deal? I thought he was sweet... It starts with pronouns, and then moves onto spelling Trentles.."
1695106719,"neutral","LenschP","learning french @AnneSchroeder19 funy school-day today  don't be mad about english :*:*"
1695106767,"neutral","windysardjan","@I_Wanna_Be Well who can argue with Gibbs and win? :p Finally.. Someone who knows Gibbs n Tony!"
1695106770,"sadness","MsNeenaMusic","On my way to school not feeln this rainy day at all.... But I had lots of FUN this weekend  ...."
1695106775,"fun","MagicManula","@LchangetheworLd No, i dont think its bad. And its very well edited, too."
1695106803,"worry","mellieebee","watching old skool fall out boy vids"
1695106846,"worry","adamhowse","@Wossy Get a dachshund they are awesome at getting stuck in silly places I should know I breed them!"
1695106851,"happiness","Steedy01","afternoon. have the first rehearsal with this (extremely talented) singer-songwriter today. wish me luck"
1695106870,"surprise","naussuna","I've just bought 2 tickets to see the latest show of Gad Elmaleh. I'm so so happyyyy  http://bit.ly/YGPDd"
1695106959,"neutral","katemthompson","@iamlauren its never-ending"
1695106981,"neutral","Famous_Hayward","http://twitpic.com/4iw0x @JerryKontur @rvitek @carolwingert @Weidling @joereist Thx all - it's a 3k capacity, bought second hand"
1695106986,"neutral","mikekus","T-bone's gone to sleep... Think we're gonna join him"
1695106995,"worry","wemeanclean","@Joestains That's great to hear!"
1695107035,"happiness","kathelizmac","Day 8 of the 30 Day Shred and Day 5 of Special K Challenge... I feel fantastic."
1695107162,"neutral","sparkica","Zen-related stuff: "Go with the flow." Very easy to accomplish - it started to rain, so the rain will flush me away"
1695107179,"happiness","carrharr","@catephoenix I'm thinking you deserve an award. A big shiny one."
1695107201,"neutral","OhMissMurder","@DanaBrunetti I'll give you directions from HJAIA to Covington"
1695107397,"worry","ChaosKittyPie","Watching 5 children and it.  i really should be studying. I'll start soon :["
1695107402,"neutral","pkBLGdonahue","@nakedxa ok.. take care"
1695107414,"neutral","Lottiie_","just completed button hunt 3"
1695107530,"relief","edwardjapor","good evening. enjoying vacation eventhough it is boring.  pray for david cook's brother. rip."
1695107540,"worry","Debbylicious90","learning for school now ..."
1695107612,"worry","capricorn_one","@kittyfisher Are they both still talking to you then?"
1695107794,"happiness","likealice","@wanderinghope hehe, thanks! that had everyone in my class laughing too."
1695107814,"hate","kyleplacy","@stanleyyork in that case.. that's a stupid move  I thought they were being B-A"
1695107831,"enthusiasm","hweelamb","@c1ndyy Yeah, it's good! If you're not going to use it, give it to me! I want to watch Star Trek"
1695107835,"love","Roseshouse","@Nalora Good morning  It's raining here."
1695107871,"happiness","kjurney","Missing my husband, but it was nice to wake up in my parents' house. The dogs are ecstatic"
1695107915,"neutral","valleygirlinpa","@MarkIsMusing  - I always appreciate your "musings.""
1695107992,"hate","halliekay48","About to go to school to help my mother set up for Teacher Appreciation Week. How ironic is that, Natalee?!"
1695108013,"neutral","fallenrosemedia","@miss_anekie ok darl, i will suggest you to the MUA (Tracie Weaver), as she'll be making the decision"
1695108050,"love","DestinyFreak","@ThiagoAcquaviva You're such a sappy little fellow!  Thanks for all the well wishes. I'll need them. After today I have one more exam."
1695108064,"neutral","VirtualLee","Good morning."
1695108107,"fun","LauraDunne","@Grace_Coppinger nope  day off sleep time ha"
1695108112,"hate","Arbonator","first year in ages where i'm not going to the crafty raft :O i don't mind though, i don't even like the crafty raft"
1695108166,"worry","nystacey","@leannarenee hope sequel edits go well   me and my notebook will be looking for a place to sit after pt ;)"
1695108224,"neutral","FrankBauer","@AshOz Will try to make it there at 6:30pm"
1695108280,"love","jennifert39","Loves the Mr. oh so much these days!!"
1695108325,"worry","patriciajy","me, here again!"
1695108333,"love","MissyM76","damn... long shift tonight... I really should sleep but I'm not tired. Had a nice talk with Jon after work  Gotta love that boy!"
1695108349,"happiness","blackmediascoop","@mumphlett  a good girl nevah tells hahahahaha! hope you had a good weekend"
1695108479,"worry","twitchyxxx93","Yeah yesterday I turned 16. My parents rented me out a hummer limo. It was pretty cool"
1695108481,"worry","RachelMestre","Happy Monday tweeples... hope it wasn't to hard to get out of bed and back in gear!"
1695108579,"fun","TeamSmileandNod","@coleb2 yeah, getting shows can be an interesting process.  the key is following up... at least that's what i've learned so far"
1695108665,"neutral","dlaufenberg","@smartinez I'll be at the new movie showing at the franklin on Thursday night.  several of the SLA faculty will be in attendance."
1695108675,"neutral","nwdavies","Back to (house) work now"
1695108702,"happiness","JeriJoBarker","bought my dress yesterday!!  Only 12 more days til Chris is home. So excited! Gavin has his first tooth"
1695108795,"neutral","SilkCharm","is tired. And turning off the Internet. You can play on it in the morning."
1695108918,"love","HighlandWizard","@misskittymarie yeah Tila is a little cutie and a little nutty but then so am i and my sweetheart she thinks she cute too"
1695108985,"neutral","Best_Wishes","Its a damn shame they wont let the little one play slots, she is LUCKY"
1695109018,"worry","Lesliebr25","if i buy the petit financiers under the guise of a gift for someone else, maybe then i won't feel guilty about eating them."
1695109036,"hate","ashhmarieee","Sometimes people never learn to shut up and stop talking shit"
1695109086,"neutral","reemyluvJONAS","I am gonna hanging out with my friends  luvin jonas episode 1 .."
1695109103,"neutral","kcarnduff","May the forth be with you ....."
1695109129,"happiness","ScottMonty","@CharlieCurve Wait - cool AND a sliding door? That's an oxymoron."
1695109191,"love","marnierockstarr","@jehllai hahaha my boyfriend! yeah he looked so different there... but he's so cute... i so want to watch the movie..."
1695109221,"happiness","AndreaBurkhart","Employee orientation for serco  yayy.. I'm excited/nervous!!!! Wish me luck!"
1695109334,"happiness","krapposelli","@Irish1974 Yeah, it's good.  Just startled me."
1695109338,"relief","LauraSDavis","@DanielBedingfld is this a new album?? about bloody time too!!"
1695109399,"neutral","osimod","@lovisatalk thanks anyway"
1695109532,"neutral","CoachingMachine","@Coach_Colette By saying a big HELLO to you!"
1695109555,"sadness","tinydaisy","besides feeling sick...some things have made me feel particularly happy"
1695109608,"fun","Reming","@Heidihabibi wooooo, interesting! Thanks for the info"
1695109611,"neutral","DirtyBird4life","@katiel777 it does."
1695109687,"relief","ashtea","Finally got all 7 overdue books out of the little room and into my now overstuffed back pack!"
1695109716,"worry","simplyshannon","@YESandME Mornin' birdie!  Have a fun-filled day sweets."
1695109730,"happiness","jennijoe3000","@buckhollywood HEY BUCK!!!!  love u loads!! LOVE "WHAT THE BUCK?!""
1695109797,"love","alissha","have i ever mentioned i love ellen? a lot"
1695109828,"worry","claueekenobi","@mayleeen He won't. I know he won't."
1695110025,"neutral","ganeshjaju","My name is toggling in and out of Google Suggestions Help me by searching more for "Ganesh Jaju" and clicking on some link"
1695110106,"love","magik_cypress","Awesome and exciting  http://www.sundancechannel.com/greenporno/"
1695110108,"love","kelseymcm","hey life, i love you!   (translation: i love life!)"
1695110167,"worry","ionlyownmymind","60 days today  i can't believe it's been 2 months. i'm nervous about what i'm gonna say later. but i'm gonna keep comin back."
1695110229,"neutral","lopezwilfred","@adamsconsulting Hello May you have a great day"
1695110244,"surprise","felixaguilar","Off to school. Who knows what to expect? Bring on life and all of it's suprises!"
1695110260,"love","nicole85","One good deed deserves another. I hope to help someone else some day"
1695110302,"relief","GoingCrazy4JB92","times for lame school, UGH!!! XP Thank God mondays r quick for me"
1695110313,"happiness","JimPap","@Holly2305 LOL Me too. Going out at 12am isn't as easy as it used to be"
1695110396,"happiness","iranorris","alhamdulilah. i got accepted into nafa"
1695110418,"neutral","kalgrl","@Sputty11 "there are people and then there are pencils" some are sharp, some are not and some can be sharpened  my pencil philosophy....."
1695110431,"relief","wahliaodotcom","@nsmithmorgan thanks for viewing my portfolio www.wahliao.com  I'll be updating it sometimes, will keep u updated."
1695134872,"fun","natiakel","@marcuspowl Hi! Waking up, and not lazy at all. You would be proud of me, 8 am here!!! Btw, nice colour, not burnt."
1695134891,"empty","Natss09","is making a cuppa coffeee"
1695134925,"happiness","LovemesomeDDub","@ncteacher77  I appreciate you"
1695134964,"neutral","KGBunny","@knorth23 Hey!  It's easy...Just type what you're doing!  Just like facebook, but much simpler.  Have a good day!"
1695135047,"neutral","mcraddictal","@XThe_Happy_EmoX lmao. Lucky! It's 10 minutes on foot for me  ewww..... School.lol. On the bus now."
1695135100,"happiness","BWAC2","girl talk is awesome"
1695135101,"worry","missmei","Planning to run riot in Luton today! BA HAA!  Not reeeally  where's the library in this (skank) town though?"
1695135106,"neutral","FireLioness","Getting ready for school. Class starts at 10. Critique at noon. I'll be painting my Vermeer most of the day though"
1695135113,"neutral","D_Rox","@RobertHoliday @mmichelle35 @missjo_ladie - G'morning...  Headed into the classroom now. Have a good one."
1695135128,"fun","gyorgyimihalyi","2 more days before the big conference: Central-Eastern Europe & Caspian Scout Group Meeting... it is almost too long for twitter"
1695135147,"happiness","jasdeeplehri","@gulpanag congratulations i am heart hacker not a computer hacker@"
1695135159,"neutral","aweekes","@jkreeftmeijer you can turn the bird sounds off if you like in twitterena - check out settings from your home page"
1695135166,"happiness","robertholiday","@IngridHolliday good morning"
1695135214,"love","ascully","Happy May Bank Holiday British Peeps"
1695135265,"neutral","ryesaidso","is done reading the book. magnonotes na ako sa mga kailangang imemorize.  http://plurk.com/p/rqh5n"
1695135268,"love","NA617_NKOTB","@nolaelliffe ahh i love u! u got a twitterrr"
1695135314,"neutral","x3oohitslauren","getttin ready."
1695135330,"sadness","ezsuccess","@sethsimonds I am grateful for a great marriage, awesome kids, and a business that rocks! I guess the rest of my family is ok too."
1695135397,"worry","sakurafossil","This is for nicole � Its raining, make sure you bring an umbrella� See its not about the pack train I'm on today"
1695135496,"happiness","kalynnallman","It's time for school, y'all !1!! HAPPY STARWARS DAY"
1695135504,"worry","DougsButtercup","@leamcfly17 can I help in any way?"
1695135522,"love","blueeyedbetty","@TheDanishGirl Awwwww!!!! And the gorgeous photo from California!!! You two make me melt!!!"
1695135561,"neutral","pastorchrisbell","@MarcMillan just bad good leader and delegate it"
1695135583,"sadness","ckfio","Good morning! Kid going back to school after 10 sick days. Looking forward to a productive week.  happy monday!"
1695135617,"neutral","Dreaming_awake","@speed_ofsound oooooooooook xD que aproveche (: la cancion esta genial"
1695135654,"neutral","tantamani","@invalid_reality morning trish, have fun today"
1695135667,"neutral","mikeyplantz","Watching Matilda"
1695135753,"happiness","Trish1981","@DougPreston Well now I'm gonna be on a mission to find their music"
1695135874,"love","Kingmo2","I wov you"
1695135957,"happiness","missxpistol","@skingirl69 yeah, i'm so excited."
1695135969,"neutral","ShepherdJim","Just joined a twibe. Visit http://twibes.com/spinning to join -- not a spinner myself but do KNOW and RESPECT spinners   ...need coffee"
1695135972,"sadness","isilwath","@SheiroQ fuckyoumonday?  I like it. It's a totally crap-tastic rainy day here. :/ I'm off to work. *hugs*"
1695136001,"neutral","dudeitsmanda","Came from Greenbelt & Power"
1695136018,"worry","emj307","@scottiejen Good luck Jen, all the best  Am sure it will be fine"
1695136063,"sadness","ungana","@MagmaFlow Not yet.... too early in the AM"
1695136114,"relief","sophieguy_ox","bye for now people ."
1695136143,"relief","realtweet","Anyone plan on revolutionizing real estate this week?"
1695136157,"worry","shiv379","@shiv379 Try have a read of the Paul Mckenna book I Can Make You Thin, it has some good advice on how bad traditional "diets" are"
1695136194,"neutral","GermanAnvil","@chiefie you will hav to ask him"
1695136271,"neutral","alvinooi","Instant Internet Marketing EMPIRE! + *BONUS* recoup your investment in 24 hours or less  http://vur.me/megainternetwealth/megaredpacket"
1695136288,"fun","matthewof1985","hanging out in myrtle beach as a married man"
1695136334,"surprise","rahul3ds","Gotta TeraByte  of space to store movies"
1695136478,"love","DataJacq","ur wlcm & the pleasure is all mine.   {Jackie}"
1695136495,"happiness","muoi","brought some new glass for my camera"
1695136503,"love","theboomtube","To all my beautiful followers  check me out on YouTube maybe? Www.YouTube.com/user/theboomtube thnx loads"
1695136554,"neutral","MattJarryAstley","Starting some work on final year project. Just making some test pieces in flash to see how things could work. Listning to iPod too"
1695136615,"neutral","captainboo","@samueltwitt1 You don't get that from Marcus, I must say  #sambradley"
1695136758,"neutral","irishwetter","@khad strange, that is exactly the chapter god laid on my heart to read in The Message yeaterday morning...He works in mysterious ways"
1695136776,"fun","MiDesfileNegro","@mcrfash1 cool  what did you get?"
1695136784,"happiness","LindsaiiRose","goooooood morning!"
1695136843,"fun","Kynth","@erlang Pigs catching Swine Flu and Avian Flu, risking the development of Flying Pig Flu? Awesomely funny"
1695136877,"sadness","wowitsjenjen","@shanelapoint hey hunnie  how are u?? I miss talkin to u! Ty for the follow"
1695136884,"happiness","imbesideyou","says good evening  http://plurk.com/p/rqh8l"
1695136980,"neutral","jehrhart","posting my first tweet!!"
1695137064,"neutral","pob34","@keza34 ta babe, you know me i do love your curried"
1695137089,"worry","healyourself","UGGG my computer is running SOOO SLOW today, it's driving me batty! Guess its time to remove files and defrag AGAIN UGG want a MAC"
1695137094,"worry","Tittch","@iantalbot Gosh I've a stinky old headache. Maybe I should have lunchfast"
1695137185,"relief","LeahFace4","It's my birthday today  Running the mile tomorrow ughh. But then choir concert"
1695137207,"surprise","wx1901","That mango shake made ALL the difference.  - http://tweet.sg"
1695137250,"sadness","Chelsea_Bevans","Does not want to go to school. Oh well. I get out early anyways."
1695137257,"neutral","katalee02","@sethsimonds Get my ass out the door and go to work   I'm goin, I'm goin!!!!"
1695137296,"worry","jordanrachael","@ddlovato I wish I could've been there. Demi, you need to throw in a Toronto, Canada show this summer! Please"
1695137329,"love","katiekaleido","@littlebirdyband new album is truly genius, so happy with it"
1695137334,"surprise","angesbiz","Spiderwoman! She's an amazing mum, gr8 blogger, gr8 mentor & on top of that climbs walls!  http://digg.com/d1qEua -via @kelvinlls"
1695137392,"neutral","m_hardwick","Well that is nice.  Loving the new Friends organiser too."
1695137446,"sadness","LOCALDUDER","@Rawrrgasmic it's a dreary monday morning and I slept like crap...give me a break..."
1695137601,"sadness","SteffC","@PaulaMacKay I think he thought about it, but then I sneezed on him"
1695137650,"neutral","5h3ila","Browsing  find everything about university & interior design."
1695137674,"hate","randomwhit","@MichelleWegner You are very lucky!!! My legs did not like how long it takes to dry my hair this morning."
1695137680,"happiness","inlovewitharmy","@luigiiiiii whatever i know you like it.  HAHAHHAH!"
1695137775,"neutral","mareenshere","watching spongebob"
1695137803,"happiness","WhitterA","Birthday girl in the house!! Tweet tweet suckas"
1695137852,"happiness","Hauschkachick","Twittering while my hair dries - just washed it in Macadamia and Orange Shampoo - smells gorgeous"
1695137873,"relief","JJSteiner","@wilw "phlegmily green house..." That was clever, but ever sooooooo ...... eeeeewwwwww. [more slow clapping] Get well soon."
1695137926,"happiness","VBabinDesign","Yay, I won at the @Jumeau Bags #Giveaway from @InstantShift. And those bags are so pretty!! Or maybe I'll have a belt? We'll see!"
1695137949,"happiness","camsiwamsi","Hi CelebXXXVidsYH and AyBygW! Thanks for following"
1695138016,"relief","gobullet","Artwork for the single is now up  woooot woooot!!!"
1695138047,"happiness","NurseStacy","@wroe16 ohhhh excellent song..hello my friend!"
1695138059,"neutral","schmanderzz","im almost to 300 updates. 200 more to goo"
1695138078,"happiness","AnyColorBlack","@Hyperopia feeling better now that it' breakfast time"
1695138102,"relief","mike_wesely","@LorenaHeletea Thanks for the well wishes and hope ur day is also quite successful"
1695138118,"empty","CUTEVIRAJ","@MTVwebmaster  Cant Thank YOu Enough, WHo is NITIN BETWEEN?"
1695138121,"neutral","killmacbeth","tom delonge?"
1695138164,"neutral","ChristieCapote","@BastetAsshur  trying tweetdeck, have seen, you are twittering with that programme, so I thought, I should give it a try"
1695138167,"neutral","whoozedat","-g'mornin' Twitterville  took the day off from Tweet'n yesterday & I'm "jonesing" to get back into it today"
1695138169,"happiness","mmartensson","@Zindaret http://www.thinkgeek.com/books/nonfiction/b322/ <-- Get me one of those and maybe next time"
1695138174,"love","theavybaby","@juneAmbrose Keeping Doing Your thing. Your inspiration for all black women!! Sending positive energy your way!"
1695138177,"happiness","eBeth","@ShoeGal007 oh okay, cool."
1695138179,"empty","DemiLSupporter","@OhSweetNibblets ok thanks  do you like my new pic? http://twitpic.com/4jewc"
1695138185,"worry","mushaboom","@gtfo dreamwidth, a new journaling site that just went into open beta."
1695138232,"happiness","catdonmit","Off to the banks to get this thing rolling! Hooray for days off!"
1695138313,"fun","xxJadeyyxx","omg J.O.N.A.S. is my new fave show <3 one guess as to why hahahha"
1695138336,"love","leepeesa","I kinda forgot how much I love the darkness"
1695162642,"happiness","springtree","@kandeezie would love to see that!"
1695162669,"neutral","fhm1991","6 weeks today untill my 18th birthday yahoo"
1695162845,"love","feedmecheesy","@perfectgrrl85 lol! I don't know! but you dont need the plant! I'll give you a hug instead! Hugs!"
1695162859,"neutral","TraceyHewins","@mrtrev that'll do it too"
1695162911,"neutral","Caassis","@Jakkkkk hey you!"
1695162929,"worry","MoSH_","@maximCH  there's finally time, it's raining  and the hockey doesn't start until 4   Good idea for a myepisodes.com script, but it's me."
1695162933,"neutral","rob_caporetto","@coliwilso hmm.. should be okay with any of 'em - DM me your e-mail and I'll send the install notes over"
1695162943,"neutral","SwimInGelatin","@dizzyupthegirl thankyooooou"
1695163016,"neutral","BRIGGSFITNESS","is getting the kids ready for school before deciding the workout du jour"
1695163037,"neutral","yoyulia","ey twitters! home again from school, and i'm still cold. and i haven't planned nothing today.. just take it easy"
1695163097,"love","italo_amorim","Happy "Star Wars" Day, Twitters.  http://migre.me/SiE :*"
1695163138,"worry","Raven12","@Blue_MandM Helaas.. En thanks!"
1695163224,"surprise","LaineyHannah","@BELLION1988 thought u said twitter was crap bellion?"
1695163296,"neutral","joonbird","Don't worry, I won't  I'll send it to you as soon as I land in Delhi. I'll let you know about the price in a little while."
1695163335,"love","jana_muller","@tomfelton http://twitpic.com/4jam0 - Beautiful landscape! It seems very quiet"
1695163369,"relief","becsregencia","will just take a bath"
1695163463,"fun","rebexsti","@thehoosiersuk woop rehearsing songs  Yep, sounds even enough to me"
1695163497,"worry","HachKayX","off to friendss for theree birthdayy.  X"
1695163521,"hate","mattcasto","@nickindarsingh you suck"
1695163528,"happiness","theute","@julienviet Propellerheads has been on my harddrive for a long while. Just got my music repo back in shape this WE and felt nostalgic"
1695163563,"empty","o2zone","following @lalights keep me updated for the latest dance scene event"
1695163581,"empty","joanslade","2nd period studyhall + remembered my ipod = music time!"
1695163699,"worry","tarahope","its really incredibly gross outside, so im hoping to get alot done int he house today!  including pics on the blog! morning friends!"
1695163738,"neutral","001BabyGirl","@ianvisagie Why???"
1695163747,"fun","ChelseaHatherly","@quinland  Yeah It Good But dont Click The Red X Because It Shuts It Down But Other Then That Its Good  And When U minimize It , It Goes.."
1695163774,"neutral","craig88","@craigralph If you've jailbroken or went to 3.0 early, prepare to be bricked"
1695163779,"happiness","pob34","@keza34 cool, your too good to me you know"
1695163780,"love","amybaby0204","Had an awesome weekend and an awesome turn out to my rummage sales on friday and saturday!!"
1695163858,"happiness","whovian99","Saw Fiddler with Topol! The girls LOOOOVED it!  Next month... Annie! 7th row! *can't wait* Trip 2 the music store for Fiddler sheet music."
1695163864,"worry","VioletAngel1","is cheering on the Arsenal Ladies!!    and missing my M...x"
1695163872,"enthusiasm","pickleberries","@avalanchelynn When you're driven to be in the theatre you develop a thick skin.  12 yo's been auditioning since she was 8, gotten 1 part."
1695163873,"worry","mikegross","Possible case of H1N1 at Ft. Knox (KY) http://tiny.cc/gNYq7. Note: this is for info purposes only, so there's still no need to panic"
1695163882,"neutral","MatthewBryan","@poisonedapples Hey, not anymore. I'm back now."
1695164026,"love","hazeleyes15","Had the best wknd with her man and levi and sara love u guys"
1695164104,"worry","adlyman","@LaurenDayMakeup good morning hun! i loved the movie what happens in vegas~ it is such a good movie"
1695164122,"relief","zingaro25","@preetishenoy good weather reminds me..I read your post on Sugar cane juice n other things..This weather calls for some of those things!"
1695164153,"neutral","serennu","@byronlk yes"
1695164158,"neutral","MissKatieJonas","@Jonasbrothers Good afternoon Jonas Brothers  x"
1695164182,"happiness","DXS_Paintball","Happy #StarWarsDay. May the 4th be with you!  From everyone @dxs_paintball"
1695164233,"neutral","zombisaru","Glad I trudged through the first 60 pages of Anathem.  Now on pg340...it's been a long time since I wanted to call in sick just to read"
1695164316,"neutral","JLHS11","Morning.  Tweet Tweet."
1695164370,"neutral","Boko22","@photogoat cool photo  is that outside your place?"
1695164383,"happiness","NellBellz","Buenos Dias mundo de Twitter  eating b-fast and watching "sex on fire" video b4 I go to work !"
1695164406,"love","hayezyboyy","@gerardway well... how ya gettin on lol love frm ireland"
1695164546,"worry","EllenMarie15","computers are a great distraction-but sometimes you should be exercising to getting your chores done instead."
1695164567,"neutral","charlotterose","Jacqueline Wilson day on CBBC"
1695164588,"hate","davoaust","@nikster07. i dont know whats worse, g's twittering or your muriel! (@jms_ is the worst anyway  )"
1695164607,"love","Mrmenis","On route home! Parents 35th wedding anniversary 2day.. Gona take em 4 dinner  let's c if I find a woman I can be 2getha with 4 that long"
1695164632,"surprise","Mompatricia","trying to work out how to use Twitter!"
1695164637,"happiness","Tom_K_Morley","@ferretprincess Hey Miss Jane! How are you? How goes the film? Hope all is good with you and your family"
1695164666,"neutral","beccadeacon","drying my hair"
1695164683,"surprise","ttaaaaaylorrr","@meganyeo Rocket surgery hey? HAHA I thought it was rocket SCIENCE? Oh.. is that all.. I knew that I swear. Thank you"
1695164705,"surprise","djdeliver","@AngieGriffin Yes..Come through... Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend"
1695164710,"neutral","nathanclark_","@jpiasentin bawkmarked"
1695164802,"love","vivalakaylee","i hate school but i love chiodos"
1695164911,"happiness","stacey_baby","@MR_Bill2030 And good morning to you too."
1695164917,"sadness","ladybug27","@Squiretwizz You're right- you don't do sympathy very well"
1695164978,"relief","lady_bo","By the way one of my goals this year was to forgive people. you have no idea how much has been lifted off my shoulders. i feel better."
1695164995,"happiness","allysonalfonso","gonna go 2 bed now, night tweeters  , dont think about me when you sleep ;) hahah nite all"
1695164996,"neutral","3Kuuuursty","better go and put my clothes on guys.. even if P.J's are warm and moveable"
1695164997,"happiness","Jainamel","Glad to be home.  Punched out late today.  I am very tired.  Thank goodness I am off tonight.  Will make sure I do something fun today."
1695165028,"neutral","deirdreFTW","@ilikepeanuts supp?"
1695165047,"happiness","VaaaLeee","@theonlysv haha nuu .. soLo qoincideencia .. en seriooO"
1695165059,"neutral","harryengland","is going to Rye House Speedway"
1695165076,"relief","lloydbelleza","not a lonely day after all."
1695165094,"relief","calezg91","@Iamlegend01 u don't have school today????"
1695165143,"neutral","BBeller123","In math class now, about to shoot myself because its so boring."
1695165192,"worry","repcor","@justinlevy I know! I'm so slow its horrible. DON'T TELL ON ME!"
1695165200,"happiness","wuschelcore","@kathibelle im sure he will  and if its not today, maybe it will be tomorrow.."
1695165208,"neutral","xVivaLaJuicyx","@T_DAHSAR Thanxs hun, you too!"
1695165215,"relief","Satu41","@boldnbright1 Call me when you have time and a good phone  I wanna catch up with you! I love you and miss you."
1695165265,"love","bellepirate","@dzs_Gamefan Thanks  I love "Misery Business"; Paramore is such a great band!"
1695165268,"relief","feedmecheesy","@jeanniere everythin's great and dandy! Thanks for asking! How're you?"
1695165298,"happiness","maarriisssa","at school. Rusty just put Oh It Is Love on my ipod. awh"
1695165300,"fun","ethankillett","@spudcomics wow thanks for saying that man! I'd love to illustrate children's books!"
1695165318,"neutral","torontoLori","dont look at my toes... put shoes on, then painted big toe!"
1695165329,"happiness","CarrieEason","Good morning Monday...  I feel as though you came to visit too early... But I am happy to see you none the less."
1695165332,"love","briannaG","happy birthday to @cgoldenstein"
1695165427,"relief","klrogers","@bradleyspitzer that's called dedication!"
1695165434,"worry","clueless_bimbo","@death_by_spork we shall see"
1695165457,"love","krclaypool","@AlainaFrederick LOL! Thanks for showing me @Naiyanan's site. I won't tell hubby if you won't."
1695165485,"happiness","Jellyfer","In bed eating chocolates after 2 super parties, yay  playing with the new camera - could I be an amazing photographer?"
1695165498,"neutral","lornaredburn","hahah ive got ginger hair nao"
1695165563,"happiness","theospencer","is also very excited for the BLAZIN SQUAD revival!  im rooting for 'em-- their new song http://tinyurl.com/dz7tms"
1695165595,"fun","th0r","hm, what to do... a bit of work, a bit of fun ..."
1695165631,"worry","gheamoeis","@Shahrukh_Khan oh please, you don't have to do that to me. Don't bother"
1695165669,"happiness","SarahDanielle10","@MandyyJirouxx  HELLOOOO !!!"
1695165679,"neutral","crazypianolady","Wallace and Gromit is on bbc1"
1695165693,"sadness","shabbahlove2009","Off to school so tired didnt hear the 10 texts i had last night lol !! Still tired but i love Jesus Christ"
1695165745,"happiness","silverbacksex","@Pink I`m looking forward too see and hear you in Norway!! Live fast!"
1695165809,"neutral","TraceyHewins","@chriscuzzy I'm on my way--it may take me a while to get there since I'm coming from the US  Did you have fun last night?"
1695165880,"worry","Heinz_57","@jerzicua fuck it. You don't look well. You have to go home."
1695165989,"love","sammy1118","Monday and I am at work and the legs are a still hurting a little! Smile"
1695166029,"love","GG_FrEaK","@Sharonyy HaPPy B-DAY Ma Freaaaaaaak  <3"
1695166045,"happiness","ChristiDuncan","After work....Hillcats game!   .25 cent hot dogs haha"
1695166051,"surprise","cmwooll","@bph Yep still a few seats left for PRACC workshop w/ @skydiver & @alexdc http://bit.ly/txpA6  see you there"
1695166064,"happiness","lbgmonchichi","its gonna be a beautiful day!"
1695190265,"neutral","Jody_Osteen","@KristinNorena are you playing with Rico and growling at him"
1695190283,"relief","dyehlah","@sookyeong i agree with you!"
1695190336,"neutral","rosecg","In worst case cenario, I'll show up on OFFF with a white mask, and scare everyone. Even better: everyone should wear a mask besides me."
1695190343,"neutral","joh18","http://twitpic.com/4jgfw - I love this one ! Me , Victor , Ate Guillian and Dexter ."
1695190357,"empty","ChristinaToh","????? ,my latest obession."
1695190387,"worry","BradyMucG","...is worried / hopeful that I cought giardia from the foam tonight"
1695190389,"sadness","petecooper","@syzygy thank you"
1695190397,"love","Bankerrosy","Reminising on such a wonderful day yesterday with my family and my love.  Nothing like shooting some basketball with the men in my life"
1695190436,"worry","amariev09","yup, def swine flu. I think it was the sausage."
1695190465,"surprise","soniamaria84","my pic is back..  out of the blue.."
1695190487,"happiness","williammnl","I love those creditcard-sized memory sticks. And Microsoft keeps sending them to me"
1695190503,"love","Lauren_Mee","might be seeing my god mothers little boy in a bit  . Leon, so cute <3333"
1695190524,"happiness","pjfoti","@NadavS Cant wait to do some of those things"
1695190557,"happiness","girl_onthego","NEW STRIPEY TOP DAY!"
1695190571,"happiness","DutchReaganite","I'm a 100% Reagan con according to this quiz http://quizfarm.com/run.php/QuizRunner"
1695190573,"enthusiasm","redfoxferret","I'm getting back into @taylorswift13 again"
1695190582,"worry","WWF_Climate","time for me to go to bed. Am very tired. catch up with you all in a couple of days when I land & recover from flying to Denmark"
1695190657,"happiness","joshjones_75","One final down, two to go!"
1695190767,"neutral","EMMA_MCOADFM_D","@cosmicxpress cheers we will defo give you a call"
1695190838,"neutral","CaeVye","Back from brunch. Hopefully I lured two more friends here."
1695190908,"relief","Dreamer0114","@bigbooty85 I agree! && I like the new pic!"
1695190929,"love","SheridanAnnx","@Jacksmum_shantz heyy shantell!  twitter is cool, thats why! and guess what!! i followed britney spears, and she followed me back!"
1695190946,"happiness","ncteacher77","@BamaBlockhead No.. $16 is a good price considering WHO you are going to see!    Right?"
1695190981,"happiness","tsteinberger","Happy Star Wars day everyone! and Enjoy the holiday (UK)"
1695191133,"neutral","missgiggly","@whatsonthetube total tv quote, not sure if u would know it"
1695191477,"happiness","Bambii_x3","Today in a Week, I am 18.. yiha"
1695191531,"neutral","Danielllllllle","Just booked some tickets for Jessicaaaa."
1695191555,"surprise","greatcorbinski","@robertfreedland it IS a universal treat!!"
1695191576,"neutral","actingchick0903","@mileycyrus Hey! r u back in La right now?What was ur favorite part bout Europe? I've never been out of the country xcept Canada  XO Jenna"
1695191580,"love","AlliC5","@MckMama That is INCREDIBLY sweet!!!! What a good Hubby..."
1695191679,"neutral","redbrickroad","SO BORED."
1695191710,"sadness","OfficeBitch1","In pain from earlier gym session - a necessary evil after too much beer this past year"
1695191740,"fun","cate3221","@SarahAMurdoch unless you're gretel killeen apparently. you did look pretty damn good"
1695191806,"surprise","thatjamesboy","There is a faux gothy chick looking at me, sorry I am not going to camden and I like pop-punk and jimmy eat world"
1695191814,"happiness","MegsieMary","Had such a great weekend! Glad it's sunny out today"
1695191815,"neutral","MariePowell","@ritzybee Good luck this week! I know you'll handle it with grace"
1695191830,"worry","MizFitOnline","@JessicaKnows @bethenny I have one fastsmallballbuster'y question. & I promise not to weirdherout w/the fact it MAY be on my visionboard"
1695191856,"love","__lozzy","Chilling with my baybee sarah!  i love this girl"
1695191876,"neutral","rialistic","hmmmm.... i wonder how she my number @-)"
1695191885,"enthusiasm","phoebealice_x","@dougiemcfly Rest then. It's your day off!"
1695191931,"love","pattyransom","@ROBsessedBlog Welcome back, and thanks for the pictures. You made my morning 100% better"
1695192088,"happiness","CHRISTOPHERITO","In Paris till friday!!"
1695192096,"neutral","nadiaputr","happy belated birthday francesc fabregas! wish you all the best fabre"
1695192139,"neutral","Meyeah","watching ALIAS from the beginning... approximately for the 117th time"
1695192187,"neutral","tatsukilove","indian or the cowboy? actually considering going to the carnival"
1695192229,"neutral","pob34","@keza34 ok babe gotta go back to work, tweet you later"
1695192284,"surprise","josephrueter","@immuneprotect I was thinking the swine markets are in decline. But since we can't say that anymore..."
1695192301,"happiness","Hakicoma","Good morning everyone!  Nice to see you today!  Hope you a wonderful and funny day!"
1695192342,"empty","Melanie22282","Off to work I go!"
1695192343,"worry","WWF_Climate","@DianaRusso night Diana and if you travel soon take care"
1695192357,"relief","lcarter09","Only a month left of high school! Thank God. I am ready for summer"
1695192391,"love","adamsconsulting","@Nurul54 Yes, dahling... you are definitely one awesome tweep.   I'm sending love and kindness across the ocean to you!"
1695192454,"neutral","mruku","Invisible car helps to boost recycling. Honest   http://twurl.nl/fdgmyo"
1695192507,"neutral","petecooper","@regularjen thanks!"
1695192633,"fun","atouchofwhimsy","Morning & welcome new followers! I tweet business & pleasure so just fair warning"
1695192693,"neutral","MeanMissC","Day 2 of back to work , Day 1 went allllllllright I was only exposed to the swine flu for 8 hours so thats ok I think? Just wash my hands"
1695192705,"love","katiereus","@MareeAnderson love it!"
1695192782,"enthusiasm","Jennnnnny","About to dye my hair and do my nails"
1695192826,"fun","xxJadeyyxx","@dougiemcfly hahahha but days off are cool when nothings open  its like isolated and haha cool"
1695192880,"love","sheilarae71","Good Morning Twitter Peeps    What is on your agenda today??"
1695192911,"happiness","c0de","@borgintraining I saw it and I liked it  Not bad :]"
1695192946,"love","heeyvir","@thesearemydays i (L u so much  See u at school todaay!"
1695192957,"happiness","karinhoegh","@mortensax Will do - promise - thanks"
1695192982,"happiness","CherieAmour24","Back in from LI 2hours ago n still made it to work  yay me"
1695192987,"neutral","neverdainty","@dNeero LOL minimize the use of computers?  or... discover ecofriendly devices"
1695193057,"worry","tiarasamosir","i want you to text me first everyday, not me"
1695193069,"relief","blookins","@dboyd1 Yep. Nothing to worry about."
1695193152,"love","stusi","@michalabanas someone's a sweet tooth  i was dying for somethin sweet so i've attacked the chock coated tiny teddies all i could find lol"
1695193162,"enthusiasm","SomersetBob","@nadiabeckett Ha ha, might be - I've doubled my morning intake already in the last couple of days - now have a HUGE bowlful!"
1695193171,"love","mazmark","@jessie_ho i like the sound of that"
1695193233,"happiness","superaffiliate","@charliestyr Hella worth it, even if you don't need the full 32 now."
1695193292,"love","davidgs","@AntoniaZ I feel so inadequate with my 250 followers now ... Send Enzyte!"
1695193309,"happiness","lopezwilfred","@lauraduhaime Im doing great thank you"
1695193351,"enthusiasm","krccd1234","waiting on the cue for kenny"
1695193433,"relief","katieparsons","On way to Birmingham.. Sewing in the van. Punk."
1695193435,"relief","mattkavanagh","the end is not as far as the start"
1695193480,"happiness","alanahhh","listening to some bands recommended to me by Sarrah  i really like the friday night boys <3"
1695193572,"happiness","tom_roff","@grahamguy more coffee"
1695193601,"happiness","Alexis0629","spring pictures today  going to schoooool"
1695193626,"worry","cindycast","@SandyU I know! I'm totally excited"
1695193743,"love","koniaczek","@robluketic how fun to see what people on the other side of the pond are getting up to right now... thanks so much for sharing!"
1695193832,"fun","eliselovestai","@suareasy http://twitpic.com/4bbcy - aww, sweet !!"
1695193923,"enthusiasm","themallrat1","Wow, can't believe Monday is here again already. I hope everyone is well today"
1695193995,"worry","pdurham","@icyjoey don't frown my lil aussie, I still love you! *muah*"
1695193996,"worry","JonJustice","@ShelleyStudioS Major Fail. Since you asked"
1695194013,"worry","Pnitaya","@Farung now Eating and meeting at the same time sigh well well I want to start work out too but will have to wait move to my new house"
1695194016,"enthusiasm","HeroCity","Oficially Back to work, all systems up and running smoothly"
1695194032,"happiness","LiviAtherton","i'm yours - jason mraz....looking for an electric guitar  yay!!!1"
1695194035,"neutral","Nomiiiii","i just joined"
1695194103,"happiness","stimpled0rf","Finish line for Team Alpha 'Allstars'.. Was a great day and good to in the winning company team  http://twitpic.com/4jggm"
1695194182,"surprise","kevandunkelberg","Thanks for the follow my new Twitpeeps!"
1695194220,"sadness","stupidgirl85","@pauldoussay Yes, I'm the only stupid girl of my kind!!"
1695194247,"neutral","seoulcitykitty","haha! and i just got an email that truth is now following me on Twitter  A sign that I need to do away with the obscure mind games?"
1695194250,"neutral","jamixxii","says karma strikes more than twice!  http://plurk.com/p/rqk2z"
1695194253,"happiness","spendnmore","@madonnacalling my fav CD"
1695194264,"relief","dreamswept","Drinking tea and eating choc chip cookies. Going to head to sleep soon! Night all"
1695219092,"worry","orank","working late.. but yet so fun hearing my colleagues funny song lists"
1695219214,"happiness","jenn8fer","looking forward to the finale of the RACE next week! Missing my castle girls though... Any and all Race fans welcome to watch chez moi..."
1695219242,"neutral","ncteacher77","@BamaBlockhead You will know me and Kristi in Raleigh... right??"
1695219308,"worry","XxXMiZWriGhTXxX","Good Morning!"
1695219356,"sadness","ianbetteridge","@Janegoth It has, however, got me out of doing the gardening - something for which I am eternally pleased"
1695219406,"enthusiasm","samuel_16","likes patricia's dress"
1695219455,"surprise","missmichiganusa","Do you click on the link after the post "I can't believe how much sex I'm getting?"....I mean, come on!"
1695219482,"happiness","spacejunkee","YEHEY SUMMER!!  so exciteeeddd.. balme it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol."
1695219488,"sadness","aparnaandhare","@shonali hello- i'd like a little chat- but can't DM you- is there a mail id?"
1695219505,"neutral","melovemakeup","@JerrysWifey23 Thanks"
1695219530,"neutral","dgnorton","@WriterCharly 100,000 / 60 = 1667 words/day.  1667 / 10 = 167 words/hour.  167 / 60 = 2.8 words/minute.  No pressure."
1695219544,"happiness","thewildjoker","@LovelyLu very nice...i cleared my head"
1695219701,"enthusiasm","fredricbarnes","@EZ_DESIGN allright! Looking forward to it.."
1695219780,"happiness","insightmark","Building the radio studio from which we're going to podcast from. It's for our foundation called the Insight Foundation"
1695219804,"neutral","druey","@limburger2001 yeah. No vomiting tonight, bit sniffly but ok.  bens trying to get him to sleep right now."
1695219862,"neutral","vboykis","@shefaly Hard-knock life."
1695219899,"neutral","julio0057","i'm going at espacesoleil"
1695219900,"neutral","LegendLush","I meant to say that I have created my profile on twitter lol, I will begin twittering today  Thanx 4 all who showed up to Jay Bday Bash !"
1695219903,"worry","Kudoskookies","@HerbsandTea Our garden has never looked so good thanks to all the Spring rain. Of course it helped that I spent 4 days weeding it"
1695219958,"relief","GoldenSyrupAli","@crafty Hope it went well! Was rooting for you both from the (not so) comfort(able world) of PhD application form-filling-in  xxx"
1695219973,"neutral","remzology","Raining in Calicut."
1695219980,"love","jjujuu","@Jonasbrothers wow, that's cool  bytheway, i love your new TV show"
1695220024,"surprise","adlyman","@Bptbtrfly surprisingly i am actually not super tired... would like to just lay in bed for a while though"
1695220087,"fun","eMac83","its gonna be a great week! dallas next weekend!!!"
1695220121,"happiness","Miyabiko","@twlux_e thanks for following me. Nice to meet you"
1695220131,"happiness","CosmicWriter","My near daily exercise is starting to show results."
1695220191,"hate","SecondPennyInn","Just saw a male Baltimore oriole at our suet feeder and something enjoyed a lot of thistle from our new thistle feeder early this a.m."
1695220241,"neutral","StuartDMcPhee","@davidgillespie The Beatles? Those scousers with funny haircuts? More talent in The Banana Splits!"
1695220253,"love","trishleighb","@decadentluxe That's love."
1695220276,"love","OUBad","@mandacrow That pic of Donnie is the one SiouxSinner took last night at the Launch. Word has it, he's got a solo album comin' out too."
1695220322,"happiness","nadiaishere","Finally, im back online! I miss my lappy. So many things to follow up. Starting with Ning... Haha."
1695220385,"relief","destructar","@Gustavar Having an awesome day? You should... I expect as much out of you  #awesomeupdater"
1695220547,"happiness","geishachick","@Wossy - Jonathan can  you get Priscilla Ahn or Raphael Saadiq on your show - they were fab on the Jools Holland show"
1695220575,"sadness","mskzalameda","3 to go, and uploading photos to email would be ten tenenen tenen.. DONE"
1695220583,"relief","_dg","see I told you  I'm updating my personal site with lots of goodies check them out as they come http://www.dennisgomez.com"
1695220609,"surprise","avon_lavon","Goingto the airport soon and then going to meet my wedding photographer!! Can't wait"
1695220613,"surprise","jesssicababesss","@iyaitssuzanne ohh yeh , but he was on sexy men so its okay"
1695220645,"empty","girlwithfringe","Making Banana Bread"
1695220671,"worry","Depitbull","@ben_mayer I'd like to see a picture of you, Carl and John where everyone can read from your faces you're proud of and you love eachother"
1695220674,"relief","grayishwing","It's only 10:30 and I am going to BED! Brain can't focus at all.. Need a fresh new start. I pray that God grants me a fresh tomorrow."
1695220685,"neutral","katyb_","Screw it I'm going shopping. I'll be back by like 3 anyway and then I'll do hard core revision"
1695220687,"relief","citrusandcandy","@LemonpiY lol you mite be able to see them on facebook if you have it (and if you add me). Obviously I can't post them on my blog"
1695220714,"fun","ReneeSmyckova","Presentation - done! And btw: my teacher is cute as hell"
1695220772,"worry","Amooniii","LAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY MONDAY !! Bank Holiday  Nicole why haven't u direct msged me yet ?!!!"
1695220793,"happiness","iiacovou","@kitankhamun Pitty he wasnt arnd 2 huh! I wld have rlly wet myself! Otherwise the wedding was gr8!! Had a gd time & lots of smiley faces!"
1695220803,"sadness","DianasGarden","is planning her week, its going to good, going to get a lot of stuff done"
1695220806,"neutral","13treehugger","@djcool_m  yeeee  so wassup?"
1695220814,"empty","ernibob","@REGYATES yes  lol"
1695220851,"fun","Miamoodles","@AddictedToJones lol, of course i'm right, i'm ALWAYS right, didn't @ElieBel tell you???"
1695220882,"relief","MarIaSinger","@LOCALDUDER I appreciate the effort. My skin is much softer than your screen"
1695220893,"love","cnngfrd","just woke up and feeling real good cause of krispy kreme. I WANT ME SOME DOUGHNUTS"
1695220909,"fun","Bekkaa","@pooopy oooh really haha have they said anything about it yet!? i'll suggest the idea on twitter if you want/havent already"
1695220939,"neutral","JulzM","@mspecht well bugger can send my to do list right on over if your board.."
1695221120,"love","steffzz","@chantalicious THANKS"
1695221157,"neutral","CeliaDyer","@shbbll Video a challenge when shot in not-so-scenic conference room with no mic, but thank you  Loved your Grant Park house & DOGS!!!"
1695221167,"worry","powerpoole","@nicolagreco K - I can hack if I have directions   have multiple social net sites & I think this is a cool add but we chose not 2 go MU"
1695221212,"hate","nickmonte","will be very hard to go back to work this morning- 4 straight days at disneyland tends to do that"
1695221225,"happiness","HeidiKruger","@MasterSavage  cool, i saw it now in the link thanks"
1695221259,"love","mymindlesst","almost time to take the kids to school"
1695221270,"fun","sand_dac","@sotwitterpated Hi! Yeah I'm fine  Just being a girl Haha! But yeah, I'll be seeing u Thursday! Hehe, I'll tempt @janellebelle with a chai"
1695221289,"happiness","jodielynne","Good Morning everyone! Enjoy your day! Thinking of all my tweet friends"
1695221432,"happiness","KishyBee","@taylorswift13 woah that's cool  just landed in London about 2 and1/2 hours ago.I LOVE the scenery, beautiful ,"
1695221512,"fun","ahaag22","Getting a lot done in the office already. It's good to be here early!"
1695221559,"worry","jlm1779","Need to fold laundry and finish dishes... clean out the rabbit's cage too. That's about it that really needs to be done... doable"
1695221680,"worry","badgerdadger","@theloz from your fevered imagination, my son"
1695221724,"neutral","suz1127","I'm out looking for warblers! Seen a yellow so far!  And a blue grey gnatcatcher"
1695221728,"neutral","mirantigarini","@ary_ary aaaww fall for you of courseeee"
1695221761,"happiness","adorante","back to work on a beautiful sunny day"
1695221871,"love","mrniceguy28431","Me and my son just got up.  He sure does love the morning time.  I KNOW he did not get that from me."
1695221875,"enthusiasm","randylw67","Good morning tweeps! Monday got here way too soon! Hope you are having a good one, at least as good as it can get for a Monday"
1695221895,"empty","nearcticfauna","listening to a new Stolen Sheep record"
1695221902,"fun","john1954moi","No profile pic or bio, few or no updates, lots of following and no followers! Zap! Pow! Block! Annoying but strangely satisfying!"
1695221981,"neutral","cubanas","@pincheguera I got you today"
1695222076,"relief","racerx544","@dfelteau then how come I'm not uber successful?  I'm not making the same mistakes, I'm making entirely new ones!"
1695222079,"neutral","Danni41","@spawn33  hahaha awww just wait until mid-August"
1695222126,"neutral","StateOfError","and now! ITS #starwarsday!!!! To celebrate i should watch some star wars  - Richard"
1695222146,"relief","privatestudmuff","@jrsmith thanks for the follow"
1695222325,"neutral","LegendLush","going to have bfast now"
1695222334,"love","KevinsGrimm","I'd love too see you were it @Ximovana"
1695222337,"neutral","HeatherNorlock","went twitter crazy! last nigh :p well thats what happens when u got nothin ta do at 2 o'clock in da mornin"
1695222340,"worry","danievengeance","so tired from school and work. shower than neighboures."
1695222409,"worry","Cis826","@Sweet_Cake just  little stomach bug, nothing serious"
1695222411,"neutral","cherihegi","I've come close to astroturf myself, @mgrocki. Save yr $$ - it doesn't drain. Just spray paint yr yard green instead"
1695222466,"love","suddentwilight","@twilightfairy Thanks twilight... i know we love canon"
1695222553,"neutral","coderforchrist","Okay, now I'm listening to Jonathan Coulton and working. Woo."
1695222561,"neutral","liaquintans","I'm gonna stop hogging the laptop for tonight. Tomorrow again, twitterers!"
1695222562,"neutral","sheelar","@lizbastian awesome! I am at 1505 west lake street: right across from the dunn brothers on lake"
1695222598,"empty","Film_snow","@dougiemcfly Hi Dougie I'm your fan from Thailand. I'm Film 'Luv ur song so much"
1695222630,"neutral","ScottAtMirus","The Paper Route album is "Absence," not "Absence While Working on Cabinets.""
1695222701,"relief","Dramaticflutist","is now at school! About to take the ECAs, "LAME!" (Steal from Brennan) Good Job LC and you too Brennan!"
1695222803,"surprise","theavonrep","Did you know you can shop for AVON online... Its true.. Check out my site: http://www.youravon.com/krystalmoore   Thanks"
1695222849,"love","GiftBasketGuru","Mother's Day is THIS Sunday.... don't forget to send her something special  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExpmTEVSFQg"
1695222918,"empty","kerinaclark","@louisecherrie fab!!! although don't think anyone could measure up to the standard set by jason donovan  !!"
1695222924,"neutral","ohhaiicoist","In the park with seb and ruth"
1695248587,"worry","russmarshalek","@LisaPietsch thanks for reading my blog. and for laughing at MY PERILS AND TRAGEDIES! ****Cries****"
1695248620,"hate","hollysh8","I woke up at 5:45. Didn't have a full bladder, wasn't sick... And to top it off, I went for a run. Now I wanna go back to bed"
1695248697,"neutral","Coastinganon","On train with at least two gaggles of teenagers sitting & the commuters squished standing in the back...at least the teenagers let me sit"
1695248826,"happiness","amypalko","Yay! Made my first sale on RedBubble - that makes me so happy   http://bit.ly/1gURq"
1695248849,"happiness","chamara","@jomanlk I am trying my best to make my own luck"
1695249000,"worry","Tarale","@Rubenerd Pulp Fiction in King William Street."
1695249016,"relief","hlvanrip","finally feel back into swing of things here at work after getting married last week! sigh of relief for no more wedding planning!"
1695249017,"love","TM777","Today is a blessed day"
1695249050,"worry","twitch9025","So I'm waiting in front of the DPS so Julian can take his driving test."
1695249058,"neutral","callmebelle","@wishwishwish Search for "Asos coupons" in Google  Plenty to choose from"
1695249061,"love","ZellyS","@sicop ah helping my friend move and will defo be having a well deserved pint after it that's for sure"
1695249070,"worry","idsphotography","@purplelace424 ya mine too but for very different reason"
1695249144,"neutral","AMPED75","My copy shipped Friday, if it shows up today, I'll tune in."
1695249225,"surprise","vanwau","@dannywood let me guess ... ran a few miles?  Respect dude, I can't do it.  Maybe you should train me"
1695249303,"happiness","theotherap","I just went to Metro Diner for the first time. It was awesome."
1695249322,"love","paigeebaby","@twebbstack I know  haha night"
1695249372,"worry","kayveepee","@suzemart lol it was kinda funny."
1695249387,"happiness","Brodinski","@IamFakeBlood see u Next Saturday With Mr @atrak"
1695249410,"neutral","biXendaSpeedA","@Timprescott wasn't the "layers" just absolute positioned divs? Web compability killer"
1695249426,"fun","G2OSpaSalon","what a great day for a massage! book your appointment today  617-262-2220"
1695249498,"relief","GoAskKatie","@david_bdml big storm here yesterday and last night. But a bright new day this morning here"
1695249501,"neutral","CaeVye","Just learned aobut #starwarsday. Thus: "There are only 3 movies and Han Solo shot first". Deal with it"
1695249583,"happiness","lestatr13","oh yes, happy star wars day.   May the fourth be with you..."
1695249606,"happiness","MsKnitSox","@dannywood lol good morning!  Ran 4 milles & hit the gym?  Have a great day!!!"
1695249675,"hate","panicgirl","http://twitpic.com/4jgro - me again"
1695249681,"happiness","3Kuuuursty","@xHayleeey they are finally getting ready i see on msn  ahaha  have fun fun fun"
1695249688,"worry","chrispetescia","@TechSmith whatever u want us to wear / stick / show off around DUMBO Brooklyn & Manhattan"
1695249697,"happiness","vanieq","@tiffanyq swimming and tanning was heaven! i blasted music while tanning and was in my own world."
1695249721,"sadness","LisaSawyer317","@sargedunn1 oh, I am sorry my friend. Katie & I will do our best to keep you cheery"
1695249764,"surprise","kiba001","@frumioj  Cheeeessseee! We were in Ireland when the latest W&G aired. In-laws had to put up with my blocking the telly on Christmas Day."
1695249765,"neutral","starbilly","hasa Lemon Cake in the oven and is going on to make Pork Casserole  Domestic or what!"
1695249769,"happiness","luigiiiiii","@inlovewitharmy Hehehe. ) I`m nice"
1695249774,"neutral","megisthemaddest","totally forgot about pink radio being launched today; gonna listen to it when i finish my assignment"
1695249803,"love","destinyhope92","@OhSweetNibblets  16 too   crazy about miley and JB and in love with Nick Jonas haha"
1695249847,"fun","allaboutcricket","@robertgould Fun to read, thanks! You Brits make things interesting  Funny they whittled 33 saints days to four,... http://ff.im/-2zgfk"
1695249858,"love","Laurenelaine81","@matthew_west one day the hubs and I WILL take one of those. There's actually a missions cruise that we want to go on. It has music too."
1695249907,"enthusiasm","jks4usc","@tamij Have a good day.  I'm checking out Hugh today. Also, be on lookout for best "cassoulet" recipe you will have ever tasted!"
1695249955,"sadness","gothic_angel64","is feeling sick .... oh well, i reckon those people on the bus cursed me.... Anyways, nighty night all!!"
1695250039,"relief","TheiC0NRobieJ","Headed to drop my lil cuz off at the bus stop! Then its back to the bed to read my book!  relaXin on my day off."
1695250056,"happiness","rachelfinder","Sayin' good morning to everybody in the Office . . . Must say "Good Morning to you" too!    Greets from Charlotte, NC, USA."
1695250062,"love","kalanik","Thinks FML should changed to LML (love my life)"
1695250071,"love","aarondotjpeg","Already up and in the clouds, cod4 and French toast, best day of my life"
1695250089,"neutral","Theheartsong","@hollyre they are, aren't they."
1695250091,"happiness","thepetnet","Just a reminder to anyone @ultimatepetshow, thepet.net awards for the most pet friendly businesses in the UK are being awarded at 3.15pm"
1695250164,"happiness","Aliboopee","@UncleRUSH Good morning to you. Hope you have a nice productive day"
1695250364,"happiness","killerbass","Looks like I got a new job"
1695250372,"worry","azola","@chriscuzzy you seem desperate,that says probly enough"
1695250407,"relief","lobster33","kid's class is going on field trip today ~ and for once, I was smart enough to not volunteer to help!"
1695250537,"love","RoisinMcK","Undervote is just going on  I'm all overalled up"
1695250559,"neutral","pixeltoys","@sanmiglight whatever pung ! haha.. i dont care. JK"
1695250606,"love","Timsie","http://www.mmemarko.schilderweb.nl/ for my homepage"
1695250646,"neutral","Dutchrudder","@Its_Claire now I wanna get me some warp pants,,,,"
1695250664,"happiness","Natasha89","@DH_Photography Good Morning! Hope you have a great day!!"
1695250677,"happiness","solianarose","is enjoying a cup of chicken soup!"
1695250680,"neutral","crumpet","@colinn And on Wednesday I'll get my government paycheck.  It's like we just swap money..."
1695250749,"happiness","twitbri","FRIENDS COMING TONIGHT! Hopefully the weather will stay nice"
1695250796,"happiness","GabbiHall","@lovelybookie_ yaaaay mish is following gab!"
1695250815,"worry","Bptbtrfly","you can see the coffee table again!! @dagnyreardon...so when r u cominging  over 2 insult me into cleaning the rest of the house?"
1695250865,"worry","gogochele","has two finals left today, then starts her big girl job tomorrow"
1695250867,"surprise","hugoahlberg","@piraja dohh! is it old? I had never heard it.. I'm so last year.."
1695250888,"worry","goatkeeper7","@SaraDfromCali So far everybody look good !  1 more momma goat to kid this month!  Hope she has them this week!!"
1695250997,"relief","Monigge","I have to stop writing in Swedish or I'll lose my nice followers. Back on the international track"
1695251005,"sadness","Rusty_Nelson","Getting to play golf with our kickin' Leadership Team...I have a feeling they r gonna kick me on the golf course"
1695251041,"love","nancyhan77","Good Morning Tweeties"
1695251049,"worry","genxyz","Monday mornin', back to work today. Good thing I live my job."
1695251081,"empty","2FST4U2","@ESPN_FirstTake  Superman of course"
1695251147,"fun","KeithMoulder","@razorbackrandy If I am... so are U, my friend.  HA!  But the thing is... WE make old look GOOD!"
1695251166,"neutral","chloemcfly","DOUGIE POYNTER REPLYED TO ME"
1695251176,"neutral","Chambers_","@Lowri_Bones Four capital letters. Aye boy, same as that. I heart Justice."
1695251187,"happiness","DymondDoll","We*d Man On His Way     Yess!!    Time 2 Wake Up 4 Real  lol"
1695251237,"worry","TaylorGoodman","Tweetioi in class is a real problem  =Taylor="
1695251336,"neutral","SmashGreen","@GlovesElectric well then you should come, nigguh. Only thing is i may be going to like Phuket or Bali afterwards"
1695251369,"worry","crazybeauty86","Starting a new diet today. I don't want to get fat. Besides, its almost bathing suit season! *lol*"
1695251379,"surprise","SocialiteEst783","@MsNikkiPorcher i DO THAT ALL THE TIME.. NO BIGGIE"
1695251495,"sadness","JenJenx33","@Matt_Vega @Matt_Vega sikeeee.I'm sick *cough*"
1695251675,"relief","david_n_wilson","@Maggiedeephoto Thankfully that face only shows up for photoshoots"
1695251708,"neutral","natashasaurus","off to bed for the night. goods night everyone"
1695251722,"happiness","missbrandii","Good mornin twiggas."
1695251806,"fun","nosz","@aplusk  Please play in my movie"
1695251841,"happiness","fiabombia","Spanish... The suckiest class ever. But I'm learning atleast. Te quiero Tiasha!"
1695251878,"neutral","pharmachameleon","Who starts a briefing at 7:30 a.m.? People on the East Coast, that's who."
1695251893,"happiness","FLASHBACKhoney","@MOOVMNT Hey"
1695251897,"worry","jennieelizabeth","Final final of the semester"
1695251985,"worry","SolCanFly","Twitter you suck"
1695252016,"happiness","ShyShannon","@DonnieWahlberg In Toronto  waiting for YOU!!! 48 days to go!"
1695252024,"worry","jowildman","@MichaelHewitt I'm not posh enough to read Tatler"
1695252034,"worry","keeeeels","helllooooo boston legal"
1695252077,"love","PowderRooms","@AlicePalice thanks lovely, will let you know when its up and ready! The baby havs are gorgeous, I want something to put in them  x"
1695252140,"worry","nathanblevins","@steph_rose Mornin' !  Missed dance time, so I guess I will have to dance extra hard tomorrow..."
1695252151,"surprise","deemeter","@azkikah the idiom?? doesn't ring a bell eh? hahaha. y'are really thinking of food?! nope. actually in the bathroom. teehee"
1695252152,"happiness","cathydavidphoto","@genehiga Congrats on the knottie man!"
1695252154,"happiness","dubgal24","gonna get out in the sunshine"
1695252230,"relief","Laurenelaine81","@matthew_west and by music I meant awesome Christian artists."
1695252246,"neutral","spotlightsound","I am tracking with Heather Hayes today (that's right, the daughter of Isaac Hayes aka SHAFT aka Chef on southpark)    - JJ KILLA"
1695252313,"worry","blamepaul","why yes jeeves. bring me that noose there  TOO MANY ASSIGNMENTS!"
1695252340,"happiness","Atmos_Sphere","@dannywood Good morning Dan! It's my Bday and I plan on getting some exercise too today!!  Love ya!! See you in NYC!!!"
1695252380,"fun","suzukigsxr29","@LusaSousa  i"m awake whats for breakfast lulu shit on a shingle ha ha ha"
1695278354,"happiness","megspptc","@dannywood ran 5 miles, went to the gym & woke up Ur great kids....dependable Danny  hope it has been great already"
1695278384,"neutral","Gemmaboyle","@hughsbeautiful It is very cool isn't it  You still haven't bought it... tut tut!!"
1695278407,"happiness","WildAlchemist","is stoked for spring! Amazing wild foods! Nature is abundant~bless up!!!"
1695278434,"neutral","MrsMicah","@justjoe pretty much, thanks.  seeing if a little Gilbert & Sullivan will cheer me up more."
1695278448,"relief","allmyownteeth","@roryok I suppose it has a certain 80's charm. I'd personally hold out for the motorola 8 track phone. I like my phones chunky"
1695278451,"worry","darlingnikki08","@tommytrc The race was Saturday night. Jimmie didn't do so great. He's still in 3rd place"
1695278492,"worry","Jellotime91","I wish I could sleep forever"
1695278530,"sadness","hokeypokeyindia","@Sampad Till then ..Ice Cream!"
1695278536,"neutral","ashleno","That just made my night"
1695278580,"empty","Ocnarf10","@BeebeONE no you dont"
1695278592,"love","Kelliew5","@KimKardashian you're the absoute best"
1695278603,"worry","krapposelli","@Irish1974 Tell me about it. I spend 20 of the 45 min in the morning on computer. Doesn't leave a lot of time 4 showering & hair-do'ing."
1695278666,"love","PaulDuxbury","This is a much better tool than some I have come across http://www.tweepular.com - Twitter Karma on Steroids"
1695278672,"love","ashleywoodhead","is going to see wolverine and is a lil bit excited"
1695278676,"hate","Medini","@Mfjmaf Namaskar & Namaste r both the same. Marathi people say Namaskar! its a marathi word.... should i ? ...naaaah !"
1695278702,"neutral","twiter_twotter","I'm going to do my homework... bye!"
1695278768,"neutral","sunshinelover14","Ed is awake! But Andy doesn't feel so hot so she's still sleeping."
1695278884,"happiness","s0nerdy","Drink #2: And at 12:45pm when leaving the shops I had a Medium Light Coffee Frappuccino. Nom nom nom"
1695278949,"neutral","ziliz","the last time pankraz. why do they have to got the same name ?!?!"
1695278972,"happiness","Anne124","Starting my morning, with coffee and the Early Show with Harry.  Home improvement...my fav. subject..."dezign"."
1695279076,"happiness","TwiterClown","If I smile at you will you follow me please lol"
1695279143,"neutral","smacnair","Sweet USB at Charles and Marie site, just bought it  http://tinyurl.com/csdhw9"
1695279190,"happiness","realtyman","@elle6503 Woo Hoo.!  I made it to one of your Favorites!  See.... Monday's Rock!!"
1695279433,"surprise","mundiee","its castiel!!!!  [ the angle ]"
1695279452,"surprise","libbyjuju","@jamesonhall happy to help"
1695279489,"happiness","hexayurt","@ikostar well, if Twitter was $1 a year, I think it'd be a lot easier to monetize than at $30  Less need for differentiated pay/nopay."
1695279550,"sadness","Josh_Eaves","when i decide to be on time for something, that devil is always there to counteract! Frustrating but not discouraging..."
1695279557,"worry","EatBoi","Am I the next Blumenthal?!"
1695279576,"happiness","krizelannmarie","asks thnx for gritiNg    take caRE Too  God BleSS http://plurk.com/p/rqo76"
1695279585,"relief","MarisaErlbacher","Loves the fact that there's only 5 days of school left"
1695279672,"worry","HtownsSupaSexxi","Going lay down, I'll get up officially @ 1! Yes 1! lol Good(night) again!"
1695279724,"neutral","ClothCoutureLLC","@pazkallah Wahoo! Thanks for the mention to others!"
1695279744,"love","WollemiPine","@Renato71 Nice one! Hope others appreciate it"
1695279789,"happiness","xShwetax","got a rad new t-shirt from my aunt. Made from some cool shiny shiny pink material."
1695279795,"enthusiasm","Hmmckenna","ok I promise to become interesting if you follow me"
1695279843,"neutral","NotAPretender","@urbanfly well you are a tricky one so I would say 6.5"
1695279853,"neutral","nsharp506","@schwammy LOL! based on my last post then, I'll plan on using you as a reference"
1695279930,"fun","waltsee22","Thinking I'm super excited about this week!"
1695279967,"neutral","PoppyJH","is at her nan's house eating fish and chips and watching Top Gear. Good times."
1695280020,"happiness","drivewaybluess","ordered my new shirt"
1695280105,"happiness","PetDocsOnCall09","@terimoore  Congratulations...keep us posted on how things go!"
1695280136,"happiness","Sheamus","@FionaKyle I thought it was pretty funny."
1695280154,"surprise","andreacook","@taracasper what are you doing here? I thought you were back at work today!"
1695280176,"happiness","rasberrysmile","yay .. sherbert and chocolate ... very nutritious"
1695280186,"relief","michnz","just downloaded the tweet deck....look at my and my saviness"
1695280230,"fun","iggiesgirl91","I'm report is coming along really good, and i haven't even been tweeting that much. I'm so proud of myself"
1695280237,"neutral","markfrost","@AreonLee Then you should check out http://twittersucks.com and connect with other tweeple who hate twitter"
1695280239,"neutral","candiesandmusic","the whole day."
1695280245,"sadness","Hapson","@Stormb441 not in this part of Surrey either, feeling quite a bit nippy I must say. Afternoon to you"
1695280278,"love","tzlillovemcfly","@LittleFletcher i LOVE lion knig ....it was my fav movie when i was a kid...i love it till now"
1695280279,"love","thisisjohnny","@annagabbert not to sound preachery or anything, but my iphone is amazing.  haven't had an issue since the 2.0 firmware   {wink wink}"
1695280343,"happiness","Miserem","@madinalake Can't wait to listen to Attics"
1695280380,"neutral","sarahgb","@adrianspencer we have mice in our attic who clog dance"
1695280401,"happiness","zymethval","Yes!! i has 100 minutes of Sims 2 plus Seasons  ) fun fun expansions"
1695280478,"surprise","jrgalang","says numbers are all good - all that's left is the white blood cell count.  http://plurk.com/p/rqo8q"
1695280489,"relief","barefootamy","My younger sister flies in next week for a two week visit. So blessed to look forward to seeing family members visit."
1695280500,"surprise","Mohith","@nb42 how poetic.. great going.. keep them coming"
1695280505,"relief","bluesdiver","it appears we found the dog.....as we were posting signs with his picture, someone else was posting "found" signs with his picture...."
1695280538,"love","halsDM","Joan is such a legend! I can't wait for apprentice finale!!! im so addicted i think i need a rehab!! LOL tweet later..  xoxo"
1695280598,"neutral","Nickkkjaojoco","Gmorning   ooh giirll, Mondays"
1695280609,"surprise","irenerencsi","@SheonaHG  lol, sunny and 18 yesterday, Igloo melted, attacked by bushes, recovering today.  How's things in Chocolateland?"
1695280869,"neutral","melissafe","Goodmorning twitter bugs.. happy monday to you all! Today marks my first official day at my first fulltime job.. time to get ready!"
1695280936,"happiness","itsRayabitch","Morning twitts heading home  had a great sleep over w. my bf Tennille!"
1695280966,"surprise","presentjoyoga","@peaceandcarrots wow, so glad you liked the concert. but i mean, how could you not like the concert."
1695280986,"happiness","ObjColumnist","@pythonism c is nice, but I wouldn't call it fun"
1695280992,"neutral","mimonami404","bath time"
1695281004,"worry","promedia","@louhhh Thanks"
1695281008,"happiness","sherriel1110","@joepolitics Last night was awesome! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it! Off to get some coffee now..."
1695281033,"happiness","ah125i","Working on your birthday isn't so bad when you get to work with Ruby on Rails"
1695281037,"surprise","francesguevara7","@offbeat87 oh okay. Thank you"
1695281164,"love","epiclastsongx","@dougiemcfly hey dougie, just thought i would tell you that your gig in edinburgh got a brilliant review in the scottish sunday mail  xx"
1695281236,"worry","bethtemple4u","@martinschecter your knowledge of X-men is starting to scare me"
1695281281,"happiness","KuangEleven","Watching loudQUIETloud documentary about the ever awesome Pixies. Realised Joey Santiago and David Lovering are Twitterers. Fantastic"
1695281294,"neutral","WisdomDiva","Hey @joyfulbiz, I bet you and your tweeps have lots of mother wisdom to share."
1695281323,"love","icklebutt","Little brothers being funny  Congrats on the engagement http://tinyurl.com/cv5nw8"
1695281357,"surprise","Monicarrrr","@rochellewiseman http://twitpic.com/4jguu - wow that is pretty  x"
1695281370,"love","hollybroomfield","Loves Miley's song The Climb and loves the video  xxx"
1695281444,"happiness","joey_is_joann","@Paula_Deen   looks like a delicious recipe, will try that tonite"
1695281457,"love","ashleno","Castiel is loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
1695281479,"fun","ShannanSCENE","@nuttychris Greatings from planet shannan, we have laded once again on your lanet & hopefull we come in peace =/ Hmm...Haiaa"
1695281498,"neutral","xceptn","@AffirmationSpot Around better..  How are you ?"
1695281534,"happiness","mruku","@balmeras Weekend was quiet, just planning new websites. Today, research and choosing hats. Coffee hat sounds good though. Kettle on"
1695281546,"love","earthworkers","@JuliaRosien Gmorning Hermana! Thank you for your testimonial it is wonderful. Posted already."
1695281555,"worry","HOATSY","@lisalisad1 I only came across viva la juicy on fri, no testers only body lotion in the store.... but i defo need to get it asap"
1695281557,"worry","Arowin","@wdthem But can you breathe OK?"
1695281636,"happiness","ahudz","watching supernatural!  how exciting."
1695281649,"love","scottspitzer","@apgwoz great pics! You should try to start selling your race photos to runners"
1695281683,"love","theavonrep","At least they ( kids) havnt gotten to big to still say mommy ILOVE YOU. AWWW they are so sweet. I am so lucky to have my kids."
1695281684,"neutral","VA_TomBoy","I actually drove in today - no incidents to report  to quote Ice Cube - Today was a good day"
1695281703,"happiness","hobbit_gd","@sugarreddrive thx 4 following  r y a band? What kind of genre that y play? Nice to meet all of y"
1695281743,"neutral","Jae878","@twistednurse76 I am behind the times, I hadnt loaded any songs from THE BLOCK til now.. What do u hav to offer?!?!"
1695281779,"love","eAxis_Emir","@OfficialBF1943 http://twitpic.com/4jb66 - lol pretty long"
1695281799,"happiness","SedonaClarke","Shopping with  beckyyy . Going to starbucks in a minute."
1695281819,"worry","RockThisLook","Is Charleston bound for the day"
1695281961,"happiness","xfredoune","will maybe have my cell phone soon ! Yeah !"
1695282010,"happiness","ShayyyG","The sun is shining  Have a great day"
1695282040,"love","silvietta_italy","@ilaxX nuuuuu, i totally love may, it's the best for me cos i was born in may"
1695309536,"neutral","TwilightilDawn","@Nfnitedawn Cheers *lifts coffee cup* here here for Mondays"
1695309538,"fun","jt1stcav","I don't wanna work a 10-hour shift today! I'd rather whisper sweet-nothings into the earpiece of a lady friend's cellphone."
1695309569,"neutral","samwood09","@pete_witty  yes france/belgium was good  carnt belive how much traffic we hit on the way back"
1695309591,"happiness","naruxhina","@cindypon ComicCon? That's cool!"
1695309703,"happiness","JavierChua","@featureBlend Thanks for the intro. Great to meet u on twitter"
1695309730,"neutral","kiahxkitty","@Silent_Brad oh, cuz id like to use it on a whole heap on bitchy girls I knoww"
1695309779,"empty","deenahagen","@dannywood HMM Gonna go with ran 4 miles and hit the gym... now time to wake the kids up"
1695309947,"happiness","KimOnEarth","The mission to Wales to find the worlds greatest welsh cake with @kendalloneill was a success - as none are better than my nan's"
1695310006,"hate","stanysek","** gifts & honesty box messages has been discontinued due to abuse ** - hehe, dal�� facebookov� aplikace na hovno"
1695310045,"love","SoTwisted2","@DonnieWahlberg Cant wait for DTE in Michigan this summer you guys are great look for me in the customized NKOTB Track Jacket"
1695310048,"happiness","xissteve","@MichaelSmith22 lol, wen my mum used to take me as a kid, i wud always eat the bread instead! haha."
1695310131,"love","alishaisabel","listening to Demi Lovato  FINISHED MY NEW SONG!"
1695310191,"love","arathos","@Carlkr all the best for your IB exams Carl. I hope you don't find them too difficult and that they go well for you."
1695310233,"love","lulu_bella","@chris511, I'd love it if you haven't had any takers yet"
1695310246,"fun","KaityDid33087","aww, You Are The Sunshine Of My Life from Bob and Larry Sing the 70s.  makes me think of @gaballison <3"
1695310252,"surprise","peaceloveree","Just got back from Carlton in Greenville.  Benz is getting serviced.  Time to make some money.    I think I'll make some sales calls..."
1695310273,"sadness","bethpeacockx","ill and bored on bank holiday.. Nothings open.. Bad times.. Film it is"
1695310313,"neutral","xanee","Got home from audition awhile ago. I think it went pretty well  Now my math homework is calling my name -.-'"
1695310341,"love","amandamcmahon","@MelWatson we have annual passes to Universal and LOOOVE it!  I love disney, but I dont know that I would do it in the summer!!!"
1695310368,"neutral","AntiSteph","SOMEBODY CHECK THE WEATHER FOR ME  kthxbai."
1695310391,"neutral","thebarbiedoll","pink bubble baths and champs"
1695310399,"happiness","markhawker","Yay! Just bought American Dad Volume 4  also seen Australia is out on DVD. Could be a lot cheaper than going..."
1695310430,"neutral","siddharthroy","@GauravSaha Two more tweets to go for 2345 tweets"
1695310483,"surprise","NatalieTreharne","hungover.........still in bed!!!! duvet day 2day me thinks  ooh may start desperate housewives or watch new dvds off richard xx"
1695310527,"neutral","miraclelolly","sAyS: wAtChInG mAtIlDa"
1695310577,"neutral","BiancaLilly","Haven't worn this hoodie since SXSW. Forgot how amazingly comfy it is."
1695310643,"neutral","aufaittrader","$RZ Hope so.  Time will tell.  Good luck   $$"
1695310728,"neutral","Biyankee","is at Klaudine's. Again..."
1695310782,"neutral","Somxlov3","graphic design..should be making a business card..but im on TWITTER!"
1695310792,"love","se99jmk","House season 5 - good stuff  time with GF, priceless."
1695310807,"love","deemeter","bought three books!! yipee!!  now who's with me on that read-ten-books-during-the-summer thing?"
1695310826,"fun","Matzeschatz","Played D&D on the bank holiday - was nice, got many XP  And killed a blob. Actually, two, though the 2nd had tentacles."
1695310876,"happiness","carla_92","http://twitpic.com/4jh4l - I picked out a watch !! Yey"
1695310889,"sadness","craig88","@djsteeley I think it's less of a tribute and more of a parody."
1695310892,"fun","Priscillaxx","@NeverTooSure i know  its nice haha"
1695310916,"empty","jaimehorwitz","Lots of tasks to complete today. First, wecloming new members to Canadamigos Social Networking site, www.canadamigos.com, and coffee"
1695310930,"happiness","mymii","@johnlegend  Thats charmingly funny"
1695310978,"neutral","hypnoticyogi","@RSR108 trying to do the same thing, running an online business as well as running a regular business in the "real" world"
1695310980,"worry","MissxMarisa","@tsarnick Ohhhh I don't know ;) an older mature lady?"
1695311214,"worry","hrhrr","Hi ho  hi ho it's off to work we go"
1695311348,"happiness","bobsutton","I like taking my dogs with me in the car when I run errands. They are always excited to go anywhere. like this morning to Krogers."
1695311411,"happiness","Jimmy_Jojo","@soundeffect haha that's awesome!!! Would be cool in a horror movie death scene  Maybe not cool....but amusingly ironic"
1695311440,"neutral","amykayODT","@dannywood made me smile...that's what you did already this morning!    Have a great day!!"
1695311549,"worry","TheTAZZone","@animalhouse4384 All is well..That ends well! < unless of course well times the power of three = the sum of ends if X being All"
1695311563,"neutral","Firecrackergaly","Is at work....  boo!  The Pin-Ups will be playing at Uncommon Ground Wednesday night at 9 p.m.! (1401 W. Devon Ave., Chicago 60660"
1695311644,"relief","Whagi_The_Gamer","@JC_Live That's what I want. More the better. Bound to be a few bad eggs though, but they will soon learn."
1695311653,"neutral","AprilAMiller","@msegers Thanks! Good morning"
1695311662,"love","lindseygbaker","@black_thought even more exciting because I'll see you at CAN tonight!"
1695311705,"neutral","Sepulchura","@sunnysidesup @TJP5082 Is George still mending the car ?"
1695311739,"surprise","TwiCharlottexo","who wants to transfer some maths knowledge into my head via USB cable?"
1695311784,"worry","JTSpurs","@alphamoongirl I'd love to but I think the trek from London would be a bit too much"
1695311807,"neutral","3CB","Interesting. I type 'bike' i get 10 bike company followers. 'Download' gets me 5 IT companies. Amused.  Can you say 'keyword'?!"
1695311888,"happiness","leabella","@ShutterBugGeek Thank you"
1695311922,"surprise","LemonpiY","@sevenspoons I had mint ice-cream for dessert tonight. Love the stuff!"
1695311933,"neutral","Ruth_Z","@esoterismo  cool its my P"
1695311974,"fun","DjARKa","follow me aswel !!!!!!!! if u have twitter, follow me lool !! www.twitter.com/djarka  koool"
1695311987,"neutral","P_Finley","@SpyCamsSpyEquip Thanks for the follow"
1695312033,"surprise","dragonlee206","@MMAGear510 thanks.... just awesome"
1695312059,"love","samanthasua","@dannywood  LOVE  YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU! okay can you read what I am saying... LOVE U."
1695312094,"neutral","KevinRemde","@ntpro Hmm.  My VPN works fine.    (Oh.. wait.. I don't need VPN anymore.) http://tinyurl.com/cao6tu"
1695312108,"enthusiasm","MrsAckermann","just another monday...but there are less then 2 hours to work for today..."
1695312114,"happiness","MJMcAuliffe","Humous and Dorito's.... Oh yes"
1695312127,"fun","austindan","Busy week this week; quick trip to chase some oil and gas in htown and then back to office for fun week with the devel team"
1695312131,"neutral","smiles1_9","after my previous twitter...this is funny! And also always gets me motivated for a brand new day!  ? http://blip.fm/~5jnbz"
1695312148,"sadness","raquelramosx","On the computer alllllllllllllllll day"
1695312159,"sadness","agoodwitchtoo","has a lot to catch up on from the weekend! The BHR hosts have been busy, busy, busy  http://plurk.com/p/rqpl7"
1695312199,"neutral","mehdiayache","fall down"
1695312206,"happiness","tjenkins777","Todays the day Twitterland...house closing begin at 11 and we should get to start moving in @ 3 into the new place."
1695312209,"neutral","patrickallmond","@flyingnutcase That just means you were not trying hard enought"
1695312223,"worry","michaeldunlop","I think its time for a snack  Then to get day 7 sent out... oh the procrastination"
1695312296,"love","shandiggies","Happy Birthday Snickers!!!! ? I hope you have the best day ever! Let's go shopping!!!"
1695312333,"surprise","pinkishdolphin","doneeee wheeee hahaaaaaaaa so tired and sleepy  peter u suck not coming to my bday!"
1695312372,"happiness","technogenii","Mondays aren't so bad when they are this sunny  #fb"
1695312382,"neutral","mattpfister","@deberito Beto's Pizzeria is on Banksville Rd in I believe the Beachview area... Sorry to answer like 100 years later"
1695312540,"neutral","linnetwoods","@MayLouis Hiya! How are you doing today?"
1695312556,"fun","DeliveryDemon","@Robert_Sprigge  Keen skydivers take off thousands of times in planes but rarely land in them"
1695312613,"worry","michaelfieldcom","@WorkInColour It was a pain worse then death!  The Dell is just a boat anchor with a power cord or a very ugly paperweight!"
1695312640,"hate","JazmineBrantley","is on cloud 20 minus 11, razzle dazzle in amazement cuz he showed her heaven!"
1695312655,"fun","whoisdjspecialk","Hahaha @Jordan23Capp yes dey dooo, BOSTON Legal  tha fat old man is funny, tha one that was naked ina pink gown Lol"
1695312667,"worry","VincentWright","@catcloud Yes, Cathy.  (Ordinarily, I don't have much of a problem with naked girls chasing me, however!  )"
1695312681,"happiness","JazDaModel88","Good Morning Twitter Bugsssss 8:48am and my day starts nowwwww"
1695312721,"neutral","irishspy","@DutchReaganite So am I."
1695312777,"love","erinpcoleman","good morning - thank you for my hot cup of tea @ryancoleman"
1695312785,"relief","estep946","@bev_estep I am glad you are getting into your twittering"
1695312800,"neutral","jessica3121","Ive been up since 530,i hate wen i cant sleep. Garys takn a nap and i mite do the same"
1695312811,"neutral","lmc3362","About to go eat breakfast at jay jays cafe with my one and only"
1695312918,"relief","cjdkc","@TraciKnoppe So far, so good. It's still early, though!"
1695312925,"surprise","EarthToEmilee","damn. me and sophie tweeted a lot yesterday. well, it seems like a lot to me anyway."
1695312980,"love","astrovulture","@amber_benson the Macarena never looked so good. Loved the "Aaaaiieee" squeak / exclamation"
1695312981,"relief","christinekaydee","going to take my sociology exam   and back to bed"
1695313013,"neutral","Smile_Hunt","@radha_ They were some nice Pics you have kept  there.. you seem to carry your Cam around along with you.."
1695313026,"love","my_black_heart","ATTICS TO EDEN!!!!   <3 <3 In my possession x] Playing on my DVD player  Woop!!!"
1695313041,"worry","Markus_","Back in the office after a great "Student Round-Up Event" last Thu and Fri. Thank you very much for coming. I was great to meet y'all."
1695313045,"worry","brmbds","@Cranialstrain It often pays to wait"
1695313047,"neutral","ohmeaghan","WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!  I'm awake."
1695313088,"love","NinaMcFLY","@dougiemcfly : http://tinyurl.com/c6tvz5 Germany loves you, haha."
1695313180,"happiness","GabiGarbe","May the 4th be with you  #starwarsday"
1695313231,"enthusiasm","GetOnU2project","@AMG22 You can find more info on getonu2.com We hope to launch the project this week. Then we'll really need some help to release it!"
1695313403,"happiness","trinlayk","@NattyKnits I just KNEW you'd get that!"
1695340973,"happiness","anja_heymoon","wow. someone's proud of me."
1695341023,"hate","FFSMartinez","@MelBrooke happy birthday month!! I only get a day but you deserve the whole month"
1695341103,"fun","BostonPRchic","@dannywood guessing... Ran 4 miles & gym? Superman you  oxox"
1695341127,"surprise","Webmaster_J","Wow the  vicodin must have worked I over slept... Better get updating BJADAY.com or I will not have a job"
1695341168,"neutral","youvalv","@kevingraham oh, and thanks for the help"
1695341233,"happiness","donncha","@C64Takeaway that is a great remix of it. Double Wow!"
1695341272,"neutral","thewildjoker","@bosskhouston im bloggin right now...will do later"
1695341289,"happiness","Lowri_Bones","@Chambers_ Hahaaaha"
1695341325,"happiness","TreeHugger","if you want info on #ecomonday check out http://tinyurl.com/cpv32e & follow @ecomonday . It's like #followfriday but green! (& monday)"
1695341359,"worry","TraceyHewins","@Jamie_127 LOL Just remember how it was after my car accident"
1695341452,"neutral","Lil_Miss_Clumsy","@corkyloowho haha  @Jonasbrothers y'all should REALLY hurry up and announce AUSTRALIAN tour dates. it's been 3 freaking MONTHS! @thePISTOL"
1695341461,"neutral","gigi_1","on my way to work, late as usual"
1695341501,"fun","pjfoti","@IncomeDiary Sure, its easier to login every day and make posts as an admin or mod, but ill try"
1695341514,"love","schweigerei","@cutmasta_ ...would like to order "ElDonS@very_cool_domain", "TheStrat@very_cool_domain" and "schweigi@very_cool_domain""
1695341515,"neutral","FoxWhisperer","Made a seamless connection to Toro Toro Quebec Two."
1695341518,"happiness","thebeadgirl","@3squares i will!!! thanks"
1695341579,"worry","newz_junkie","@tomsorrells I know we need it but I'm not a fan of daily rain/humidity & I'm a native. I'll enjoy dry while it lasts."
1695341596,"worry","Chi_twnzfinest","@dannywood Oh It was marathon sex? mahasha"
1695341609,"worry","sabrakadabra","@machinemaria ...oh. hahahahahaha but no, seriously, i tell the wait staff they look great all the time, its the easiest nice thing to do"
1695341627,"love","pyroboy1080","Pepsi throwback, you taste so good in my belly."
1695341822,"neutral","mc_v","the day is almost over... atlast i was able to through  with all the comments  Now waiting for the new blog from TED!"
1695341864,"worry","simonech","@jeremydmiller ok... maybe not angry... just with very little sense"
1695341878,"relief","FashionPalette","@LeelooDogBlog Thanks for all of the awesome tweets LeeLoo, glad you enjoyed the weekend."
1695341890,"worry","maxpower086","@sarieanne Eat it, it's good for you"
1695341928,"sadness","suzanne_j","@MattthewHoare please don't tell me they've cut the price of macbooks.. although if photoshop has been reduced, that'd be great"
1695342016,"love","ThePL","Handed out evaluation forms to my marketing 1 tutees today, one filled out that I was 'aloof & condescending'! The rest love me though"
1695342039,"neutral","wafreaney","graduates college on saturday"
1695342074,"relief","ImagesAndWords","@Bofu2U Good mornin' to ya!"
1695342085,"worry","nattiiizz","calling mum too ask if she can by ice-cream"
1695342108,"happiness","chlojo","@elliottja ha! Apparently I talk with a posh accent according to the ppl I saw in the Shire last+dressed very feminely! Makes you chuckle"
1695342158,"love","vsPiotr","@damoxy Cheers!  I'd like to thank zBrush for making it all possible"
1695342179,"worry","jon_atkinson","@zedshaw I didn't mean you were incompetent! But I totally am"
1695342205,"happiness","LuvJeweLz","@SongzYuuup http://twitpic.com/4gemf - I can definitely appreciate this. The simple things that make my day..."
1695342219,"happiness","clsed","@RyanSeacrest Same here - coffee is the lifeline to all things good"
1695342261,"worry","DaveChalmers1","@WirelessWoman yes but 75% are on the wrong wireless plan"
1695342296,"happiness","p_y_t","Going to the Star Trek premier tomorrow night, uber stoked. I don't care if I'm a nerd, Star Trek is amazecore!!"
1695342355,"fun","tiffakneehigh","Bon Voyage birthday Brother @ Mccarran! cyah again vegas in july. havent slept yet & class @ 1  .. such a fun weekend"
1695342370,"happiness","kkimmydaviss","@margaretcho learn tw-headed boy by nutreal milk hotel"
1695342430,"relief","LenoOsh","@Dreamyeyes Yes,i was red like a lobster for days-cuz im too pale- but today finally got a nice color ~~"
1695342439,"love","QueenSapphyre","@robluketic when you see Jackson later today, give him hugs n' kisses from me"
1695342457,"enthusiasm","waysideviolet","@danceashleylove i hope you feel better way soon!"
1695342465,"neutral","Tomdelfratte","the bone along the outside of ur feet ~ do a caterpillar crawl of the sides 4 spine relief  reflexology works."
1695342477,"fun","TheTAZZone","@ibeatcancrtwice thanks...I even washed behind my furry ears  you look marvelous too"
1695342505,"neutral","heathersel","Staff meeting today with JoeMo...it just won't be the same! Travel safely @joemoore10...we'll see you tomorrow!"
1695342531,"neutral","AZestfulQuest","Please read my friend's post and leave a comment  http://tinyurl.com/czb2sg"
1695342618,"fun","DomesticSluts","@emmao414 did you find them? Tell us how they turn out won't you! We're making blueberry pancakes this morning"
1695342675,"neutral","Felitherandom","@Shontelle_Layne  hmm.. what's ur fav movie?? tv shows??"
1695342698,"neutral","itsabenzbaby","Which do you prefer? Hamdemic, Aporkalypse or Parmageddon?"
1695342790,"neutral","damagedscene","that's two and a half hours completed now. chillaxing until half 2"
1695342791,"sadness","dmitryp80","@asexynyfemale just make sure you have it well done"
1695342983,"sadness","sharous","Good Morning!  ? http://blip.fm/~5jnl7"
1695343054,"worry","Stutting","Haven't a clue about this twitter!"
1695343066,"neutral","americandream09","@MelKirk lol, Thanks for the morning Chuckle   Not sure if you follow me? Please check.."
1695343168,"neutral","deafproof","@ItalyJames wutz good, i sent u that emai again, get at me girl  614 638 0255"
1695343353,"empty","Rimpelskintslut","@endlessblush I was ready half an hour ago, but you didn't notice. I'm over it now."
1695343388,"neutral","LadyMelancon","@TraceyHewins Good Morning"
1695343413,"love","louis6321","Happy Star Wars Day"
1695343419,"happiness","Amanda_say_what","philosophy final today! thank you @sportygirlie08 it's 3 days now!!!!"
1695343456,"fun","Klisfire","Hope my roommates having a good morning without TP and soap!"
1695343505,"fun","robinwhitelaw","school. 39 days @nicoleheartsjb!!! so exited. Amazing premier @Jonasbrothers"
1695343542,"happiness","killedbyghosts","call me einstein. got math test results: A-  hell yesss"
1695343548,"neutral","technosailor","@seanpercival I'll keep that in mind if I decide to add an LA leg  to my westt coast stint in June"
1695343586,"relief","atebits_support","@LeviFig Already fixed that actually"
1695343592,"love","serennu","@pathea Good morning  Duh. Must get my brain in gear before tweeting"
1695343621,"happiness","paykan","going  back to bed  for a  nap, Im starving !!! tty l"
1695343659,"neutral","ashwan","@twistedscience It rained here too"
1695343661,"neutral","3CB","@feelme i saw this 6 week diet that was no sugar, no rice, no wheat, no potatoes, as much protein as you want. So i just did no sugar."
1695343709,"sadness","Natalieexox","sitting in katies house with jo, the other two are away doing stuff, and i have swine flu  and bronchitis but thats a diff story."
1695343740,"neutral","kellymhall","Wild Oats Pinot Grigio = v easy to drink"
1695343812,"neutral","artsimp","Playing at THE HAVEN tonight with Cassandra Wilcox, Patrick Bell, Ben Bloss, & Bucket of Nails! Doors are at 8pm. 21+: $6, Under 21: $8!"
1695343867,"sadness","jeffparks","@AntiDepressiva I get motivated by the fact that I know I'll wake up and be more productive if I go, then if I sleep in, just me though"
1695343884,"neutral","ATammie","@dannywood My mind is going to the gutter"
1695343905,"happiness","LemonpiY","@sevenspoons I like mine green  Just somehow doesn't taste minty otherwise .. heh heh."
1695343906,"neutral","littlesweething","I need a coffee"
1695343977,"happiness","celobas","@spinallhead Bom dia, U�tisson!"
1695343996,"happiness","Scath","@David_N_Wilson C'mon, I like the superpower explanation better! LOL"
1695343997,"neutral","kkimmydaviss","@margaretcho learn two-headed boy by nutreal milk hotel"
1695344024,"worry","mrshadeed","@brotherjesse The ball is in motion. I have to type up concepts in outline format we could develop those to ensure we deliver greatness"
1695344074,"worry","tdinella","5-4-09 what do you think ill be doing tonight"
1695344135,"worry","druey","@rockeye I might give it another go."
1695344169,"happiness","jennyvier","@ToffeeTFB It *was* a great day."
1695344220,"surprise","caroleann0215","I couldn't have planned a better surprise party for my hubby"
1695344229,"neutral","tiffanyleigh","@LaBarceloneta I think I'll target it's original release date, which is July 29th.  Enough time to raise faux or ironic interest."
1695344249,"happiness","krzimmer","@ginidietrich Weather reports of a week of upper 60s make me happy  Perfect running weather!"
1695344331,"neutral","AlexJReid","@ajkavanagh - Just seen the kiosk at Central Station. Nice job."
1695344340,"surprise","TeeMonster","@Bronzethumb Thank you."
1695344406,"worry","randylw67","@TSapi1 I saw your tweet a couple of weeks ago that had that hashtag, so wanted to contribute since I am a huge Mitch fan"
1695344476,"worry","iheartbowheads","@catholicgirlyz ohhhhh with ya"
1695344527,"worry","highonhealth","Passed 700,000 views of my YouTube videos"
1695344583,"fun","TizBanana","@missgiggly Good night"
1695344639,"love","averagegoddess","@ChipEFT Morning Chip - loved the new html format on your ezine."
1695344687,"love","LovinJK4ever","@dannywood I thimk you were working on those muscles we love so much."
1695344836,"hate","LukasBarrera","@agent_22 ok so I'm having a complete insomniac moment. It's 6am(almost) and I'm STILL awake. I hate when I can't stop thinking!  mornin!"
1695344846,"surprise","lanibelle19","@cameronfrye Awww, that's amazing though! I've never been to a SoCo or JM concert...but once Zac hanson gave me his drumstick!"
1695373768,"neutral","Leah_Rah","@mrxtothaz you should not be wasting the may bank holiday in the crappy north- you should be down south in brighton where the party's at"
1695373801,"happiness","jjjennifer","@sln25373 hahaha i was like :O DOUGIE THATS HARSH!!! are you happy he replied?"
1695373940,"happiness","ahqball","@iseric ill buy you one"
1695373963,"neutral","KyleB91","@ramin987 Aha both same length, touche"
1695373967,"neutral","brooklynjohnson","@missfree hey free"
1695373973,"happiness","jillcohn","Last day of college today!"
1695374092,"neutral","DavidWaldock","@jocope well, I was under the impression most people have the urge to buy new sofas  To be fair, we're not tiling, we have a man for that"
1695374155,"neutral","Exquisitedee","Good morning"
1695374250,"neutral","MartinaViegas","@brunolorenz e ah! Ghost in the Shell � meu anime favorito. assistiu?"
1695374270,"love","jemetrieph","trainwreck. nicee"
1695374320,"enthusiasm","cupcakebella","on the way to nanny  school starts tomorrow! one step closer to being a teacher!"
1695374337,"neutral","MadeInBrazil84","getting nails done!!! how relaxing! benji is only 24 hours away!!!!"
1695374364,"happiness","SuzyDaFloozy","@kristyknox Sounds like fun... I think?! LOL! I naughty, should be ironing and watching NK porn on youtube instead! LMAO!"
1695374379,"neutral","musicp306","is getting ready to go over to the apartment"
1695374424,"surprise","joasakura","Mashup Monday! In honour of the swine flu hysteria  ? http://blip.fm/~5jnv2"
1695374487,"sadness","CharissaArtiaga","@Izzndsophtv i want to experience snow  we don't have snow here and it sucks"
1695374566,"neutral","lorybeat","In bed. A cuppa. Tv on... All this while husband is cooking... Life is sweet..."
1695374594,"happiness","KeriKittens","just woke up..busy busy busy 2day...bake bbyshower cupcakes and jays bday cake, bleach hair again & see my boo"
1695374599,"relief","Bruno108","@Nickems that would be great!!!  thanks!!"
1695374624,"happiness","marco_cali","@what_tha lol  congrats!"
1695374669,"relief","christyanncantu",".. Starting a new week ;) Going to the GYM today ;) Hi to everyone"
1695374726,"sadness","Elise_Smith","Eating a bagel  yummy"
1695374755,"neutral","KMorland","@iloven3wyork Thanks"
1695374810,"happiness","jerrenn","i'm glad we did a good job"
1695374821,"worry","spahkleprincess","@garlicdog  I think your friend is thinking of Jonathan, not Danny"
1695374865,"relief","Morganiley","Came home early from school to catch up on my lack of sleep. Thanks @thebamboozle"
1695374891,"love","ChaChaLove","So I'm REALLY considering it at the moment  Same days but even more money. Harder work though but can't imagine harder than I do now."
1695374960,"fun","nickopotamus","Clambering about in crashed cars. Hilarious fun"
1695374988,"happiness","MarkDalton","@DonMcAllister  Now I need to find the Keynote one! At least I know where to go! #ScreenCastsOnline"
1695375011,"happiness","robertholiday","@SoulSistaNindy what did someone do? and good morning"
1695375029,"neutral","prismkitty","& more #<3criminy cuteness! http://tinyurl.com/cd8yab #sinfest"
1695375082,"neutral","Stagehouse","@Decordiva Yep, getting some material together for my 1st USA pitch to realtors. Haven't quite worked out the angle yet, but it'll come"
1695375102,"neutral","thegolddisc","n case you missed the show yesterday - here's a chance to listen again on the BBC iPlayer  enjoy  http://tiny.cc/oIkbK"
1695375122,"worry","crystalpedro","@ambernclark babe i'm just fuckin around!  just bored!  no need to worry"
1695375124,"happiness","RedChile","27 Followers  23 More....for Twitter Party!!!!!"
1695375151,"neutral","earljon","@bernadeth oic, where in Cavite? no sorry im not from America ... if you can see my profile, there's no word like America there"
1695375231,"fun","callumtabada","radianborge is learning the ways of being the padre de pamilya   go go go borgie!"
1695375247,"neutral","sapphirelazuli","@tyranasaurusbex Sexy  What time you coming up town? Meeting me at 5ish?"
1695375293,"worry","ReesForCongress","@talkmaster You realize you just did @inkspotworkshop a solid. Better than a full-page in the AJC."
1695375304,"neutral","JessicaLaRae","I'm at work, hoping to enjoy the day!!  Fingers are crossed!!"
1695375329,"worry","Amit_Sheth","Listening to my favourite song... ALLAH KE BANDE HASDE"
1695375369,"neutral","artbylaurajean","@jpoglesby Hope you feel better soon and check out my cool backround on my profile"
1695375447,"love","KevyKevv","Went to see hannah montana movie on saturday  loved it .... still cant work twitter out though"
1695375507,"sadness","starpit","@juenese i totally felt bad for the guy. haha im good  i miss you guys!"
1695375550,"happiness","herevilroyalty","@butterflydi i'll be back on it later today, got plenty of gold, but willing to help you out, if you need anything at all"
1695375554,"love","DaveLair","@followmethisfar thanks for the follow! The love of your life is adorable"
1695375573,"happiness","tobytrp","Getting ready to to to school"
1695375604,"sadness","Rawkgrrl","Wish I was in London to personally witness the Nun Run! What a great idea for the opening of Sister Act's new broadway show"
1695375636,"neutral","ursocrazy","true lol no problem about the unfollowing..not mad"
1695375667,"neutral","SouthendGem","@dougiemcfly so which one are you The Good, The Bad or The Ugly"
1695375688,"enthusiasm","KristinNorena","coffee time"
1695375695,"love","Ioan_Said","@amorphia delegate  I am now eating pate on toast a my wife is editing yesterday's engagement shoot ;)"
1695375699,"happiness","JacobGoesGreen","School... haha well I hope Today is fun. I will post my regular updates during the day. Follow Me and Stay Updated!"
1695375750,"sadness","JennieBinSC","Checked the bank acct this mornin..got a lil sad..then decided I would imagine a 0 on the end just to make me smile.  #whateverworks"
1695375769,"happiness","crazybb666","Hey @robluketic "keep clear"   (robluketic live > http://ustre.am/2w5v)"
1695375793,"sadness","linnetwoods","@jerzegurl Hiya! Missed you too! What have you been up to?"
1695375818,"love","jaegard","sunny day, sunny outlook"
1695375836,"happiness","Cristina_RN","Looks like the sun is making a comeback in the midwest!!!! Happy Monday to me"
1695375981,"neutral","imsoolynn","Biology final today. Then home to prepare for psychology."
1695375991,"surprise","thxlt","yeah fffff.at lab coming up with super duper iphone real scratching app  http://fffff.at/spinning-vinyl-ipod-app"
1695376050,"relief","sammythewizzy","@medscholar08 try #fireflight first... female fronted metal is awesome..  ..  Unbreakable album would be a good start!"
1695376109,"worry","pianolight","@WorkingDaze_Roy i tell them it's facebook minus everything but the status updates."
1695376124,"happiness","catsparks","@RX2904 Nice! You should submit that to failblog.org"
1695376163,"enthusiasm","hiabowman","@SarahWV hehe indeed it is, I actually nearly changed my bio to just 'Don't Panic' but I wanted to keep in the #freehugs"
1695376165,"happiness","MiDesfileNegro","@Vacant_Stained http://twitpic.com/4jhe5 - I LOVE it!  that is just so awesome"
1695376175,"neutral","chathuraw","Woke up after about 6 hours of sleep. Feeling better now"
1695376216,"boredom","Tatianausa","counting the minutes until I can go home"
1695376225,"empty","MelissAcevedo","up.....i nEEd coFFee. b0ut2get ready2start this new day in my lie"
1695376275,"hate","jessicah445","up and listening to The Monsters."
1695376339,"happiness","victoriadespo","@dougiemcfly   god peppermint mochas frappachinos are amazing...  and addicting"
1695376360,"neutral","bodywisdominc","@dlayphoto Yes, Koi for a few years now and they have had babies as well.  Biggest ones almost 2 ft long now and they all have names .."
1695376363,"sadness","shelby_collins",".. i am going to fail my art final. FML. this was by far the worst semester of my life school wise- otherwise it was the best"
1695376371,"surprise","mrseb","@jabula Thanks  Give it 5 stars!!11"
1695376396,"happiness","horscraze7x3","this is my second to last biology and the first time that i have ever been on time. Haha."
1695376423,"worry","weecoco","Oh joy I've to open the changing rooms tomorow  well maybe it will let me catch up on my Reading at least"
1695376440,"love","Petalice","@JoLoPe I liked it.  Did you record it yourself?  If so you have a very soothing voice."
1695376461,"happiness","HailDestroyer_","@Madinafire Buying my copy today, so excited! Need to learn it for friday  Good luck in sheffield"
1695376526,"neutral","emskiy4","@taylorswift13 hi I'm goin to see you on wednesay at shepards bush"
1695376541,"love","ThaiSpi","Hell yeah Kellynn got a Twitter. Finally."
1695376610,"love","emilylorna","@dougiemcfly have fun walking home on your own  xo"
1695376646,"worry","NicolePRexec","Working on a PR plan. Then it is on to awards."
1695376673,"neutral","Clarkey4boro","Currently uploading wordpress, this'll give the new site a bit more fluidity than blogger does"
1695376708,"neutral","luus","My goodbey pressents  http://mobypicture.com/?uqi0h2"
1695376717,"neutral","happyseaurchin","@thinksmith we need to talk  you are one step ahead... i know another two people who are also one step ahead"
1695376742,"relief","allozon","I am so excited Rob Thomas is back!"
1695376811,"empty","AnyKeyGraphics","Law of Attraction - Some assembly (action) required  If u have asked 2 enter medical school, u still need 2 fill out the application"
1695376835,"neutral","geminimag","TalkingWithTami morning Ms. Tammie!  Your fam looked adorable in Family Circle   I bought it & was like "see honey?  I talked to her"  LOL"
1695376838,"surprise","RealWorldCara","@J_Schools haha funny cause i blame @shiatheninja and @cocotheninja for me not going to bed  its a vicious circle"
1695376870,"worry","darlingnikki08","@terrymyers My son would freak for the Falcon"
1695376948,"happiness","TriniGirlBlue","@catatonickid @YogaChicky  @shiv379 Shiv, his place, slowly I hope"
1695377082,"neutral","PriyaQ","@crazytwism  hubz company was organising ...i had to be there!"
1695377088,"fun","zoneviii","@jetpacks YAY! I can't wait to read it."
1695377303,"neutral","geekymunkee","@coollike http://twitpic.com/4jg09 - looks exactly like I do when I get that GH guitar in my hand"
1695377329,"love","XxJess24xX","@xx_Megan_xx oh dear lmao that a key ingredient :p cakes in the oven and now I'm cooking my lunch paprika and chilli chicken YUM haha"
1695377369,"relief","SedzOz","@cakelulu He doesn't need the shirt for that Jane...we just had to suffer another two old eps tonight"
1695377370,"happiness","e_whitten","@rozarin whaa?  you really should.  2 and 3 are definitely optional, though.  I liked them, but I'm also crazy."
1695377383,"fun","ciarajdelehanty","is exhausted, Bamboozle was amazing"
1695377507,"happiness","James_Hatheway","Liking the Windows 7 Release Candidate so far... (also liking my new video card and terabyte harddisk  )"
1695407648,"love","whconn","@cuddle_bug68 Bill is super!! Thanks you!!"
1695407682,"happiness","Allypattern","@goofygeorge You are totally welcome to come hang out on my wiki  Do it, do it!"
1695407684,"sadness","mickejansson","Hell of a lot to do. But they say you shouldn't complain theese days. Who are "they" and can "they" help me in that case"
1695407730,"love","snowleopardess","@Sheamus Many thanks!"
1695407739,"neutral","Fallen_Angel69","Got up late,yet still managed to do housework in same time. Not bad going. Better go and finish off"
1695407857,"worry","aa_eve_aa","@red_sunflower yeah, somehow it was one  i'm hoping for someone to have taped it *iz coward herself*"
1695407944,"neutral","IE18","@Krownz We keep very different hours."
1695407998,"relief","RODSMACK_10k","@worshiper_7 Wow that's a big list...lol. I would be happy if I got half of that done. Now I feel lazy...thanks. Just kidding"
1695408004,"happiness","Heamamabama","@peacePEACEout I totally did go! and he was AMAZING. He's is the reason I bought the tix. He only did 3 songs. But Blood Bank was 1."
1695408032,"boredom","StevePamon","Stuck on NJ Transit for the past twenty minutes. Great way to start the week"
1695408081,"neutral","hersheykiss01","Good Morning"
1695408084,"sadness","hyperjetrod","@LesNoyse when will she b finished"
1695408107,"happiness","lulu808","Beautiful monday morning  so happy  http://myloc.me/tCt"
1695408121,"happiness","TJxxx","Happy Star Wars day everyone"
1695408144,"love","sathishprabu","@poomalairaj - for all dad is doing like this to his son/daughter love"
1695408228,"worry","bswain","@IanJenkin don't worry they are use to it, we always give them grief, they usually take it well!!!  nearly always!"
1695408243,"sadness","xeydna","@yaseminx3  know. hahah xD what cha doin?"
1695408265,"empty","LittleLiverbird","@Metal_Rocks Just spurted Fanta out of my mouth laughing at that!"
1695408290,"happiness","karendegs","@abbyhangsi thanks gail  imma try this one day! looks yummy! geezzz. after my siargao trip nlng pla. heheh."
1695408326,"fun","RealWorldCara","@michaelmagical haha i think thats a great idea"
1695408426,"worry","etherjammer","@Arcania, in about two hours I'm setting out on a 600-mile drive home. Mostly I'm hoping it goes quickly."
1695408445,"relief","Angelface1212","Is actually feeling awake today"
1695408455,"love","joewheeler","@Jayne4JBD haha we just say two weeks, but please do continue with the BrE it's great"
1695408519,"worry","shannonrightnow","I got the ticket dismissed"
1695408535,"neutral","conjunkie","@stolendreams Thats not helpful. At least know you've got a place secured already if things don't pan out, but my fingers are crossed you"
1695408552,"sadness","Luiz2288","Pizza for breakfast....  shower... classes"
1695408616,"happiness","Sam_10","@Elise_Smith they are very yummy, i'm eating one too!  BAGELS!"
1695408739,"happiness","nurjb","JONAS is awesome! I just watched Groovy Movies  Frankie,, was weird lol"
1695408757,"love","nkotb_Lwood","@dannywood ...hey danny .. did u run already ???    hope you have a good day ;)   i love you !!!!"
1695408863,"worry","Johnzi","Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!  http://tr.im/kq95"
1695408879,"hate","Blutsschwester","My Boss is in Las Vegas on the 14th A.P.P. Conference.......pfff"
1695408949,"happiness","wadddupsoph",""I love knowledge. I love thinkin. Fressshman. Fressshman." pellericious math song"
1695408961,"neutral","saltymomma","@gretchenemily I'm in an 8 now too, but b4 I had kids I was a 6.5! Darn babies making my feet grow"
1695408999,"neutral","gadgetgolfer","@kokogirl He needs to go back to his Scotty. That is what he was using when he won last year"
1695409078,"worry","NanjoDogz","@SplitRockRanch Hey Split Rock -- I'd know that llama anywhere"
1695409101,"surprise","failingwords","@dougiemcfly want me to walk with you?  x"
1695409119,"happiness","YellowRoseofTX","@dannywood glad u could check in with us today. keep in touch."
1695409181,"neutral","MissDadeCounty","http://twitpic.com/4jhp8 - Waitin on them 2 tell me what's the plan"
1695409282,"neutral","Ammidon","@robluketic You almost have as many viewers as the Live Eagle Cam on Ustream  http://tinyurl.com/d4hgoj"
1695409337,"happiness","DaveLair","@PHILIPGRANGER Thanks for the follow! (raises hand) I am"
1695409379,"love","djsatori","Feeling some butterflies today   Study study study contracts; gonna ace this, then on to the write-on competition for the journals."
1695409382,"neutral","nsane8","@scottrmcgrew do you have another account here??"
1695409383,"neutral","MiCHSTERR","i aint lyk any othaa gurrrrrl i dont lyk the jonas brothers-kristi."
1695409429,"happiness","kelsey_sterrett","is going to work an amazing charity event for big brothers big sisters. i don't mind working if its for a good cause"
1695409668,"neutral","sherwinraavi","China's copycars: familiar-looking vehicles at Shanghai Auto 2009 http://tinyurl.com/ccvo3h that was funny"
1695409687,"love","saraaaah","did you kno that @itsmesammond is amazing  and i've known him since he got twitter and his most tweeted words are 'know' 'haha' 'xx'.."
1695409753,"happiness","carolmwagner","@macpowell I'M AWAKE, AND HAPPY!"
1695409814,"neutral","OHMYDAYSitsHayz","@ddlovato check out my twitpic telling people to buy your album!  http://www.twitpic.com/4jhn7"
1695409866,"love","miguelcristovao","From My Heart To Yours   ? http://blip.fm/~5jo4w"
1695409878,"worry","sweet_yoshi","I saw nomes on twitter  but I'm still not waking up"
1695409916,"fun","mikygrl","my sugar-free redbull is on sale at Winn Dixie woo hoo!  I am going to need them this week"
1695409944,"neutral","Sazchik","@piginthepoke sounds like a plan"
1695409952,"neutral","PACEadmissions","thanks to @RITadmissions for becoming a follower"
1695410021,"happiness","AmyJade","Such a beautiful morning"
1695410026,"happiness","ShilohFernandez","Good morning"
1695410039,"love","BJSwinford","Today Tina and I have officially been together for 5 years.  Longest consecutive time I've ever spent with one woman.   I love you babe!"
1695410166,"neutral","southernmojo","@BedandBreakfsts Thanks, Kelly! You are too sweet!"
1695410274,"surprise","cakelulu","@janine_j9  look at you!!! Chatting with the stars!!! WTG"
1695410302,"worry","TheyCallMeMissy","@dannywood I guessed right, like 25 minutes ago...do you even see your replies....lol"
1695410435,"happiness","joolie74","Saw Xmen Origins on Sat! By far the BEST Xmen movie! AMAZING!!!"
1695410488,"happiness","bye1962zeeb","good morning. have to get ready to go to the hospital and get a cat scan. best wishes to you."
1695410492,"relief","peaceloveree","@djEDGE34 WOw, that's a lot of work.  I hope today is a day off for you.    I'm working as usual.  But, getting some playtime in too."
1695410619,"relief","TraceyHewins","@jacqueline47 as long as you're not going to melt LOL. Hubby has an umbrella set up to keep him dry when he grills"
1695410624,"happiness","sexytita","cALL mE wiErD, bUt I jUs LuV rAiNy DaYs! MaKeS mE feeL sO waRm & cOzY iNsIdE  LoL"
1695410627,"neutral","Mihaxy","@smosh  does the Creepy Lolipop guy play head esploder 5  ??"
1695410678,"worry","_elz_","@tommcfly since '05"
1695410735,"empty","JoannasFoto","morning... on Monday. Is it really?"
1695410738,"worry","honeymatthews","@MtBonez OR, just make someone walk on ur back?? I'm a professional back walker-on'er  I could use that too, on the lower regions!"
1695410743,"neutral","REALCOVERGIRL","Mondays best excited about the week!!"
1695410813,"neutral","_Azzah","@zaccolley of course it is   http://is.gd/kqSK"
1695410880,"happiness","dopeydoo","@mwahihi Yes. Nag twitter. HAHA  Thanks. LM."
1695410887,"worry","BBRRIITTTTYY","@dougiemcfly If i say PLEASE REPLY TO ME DOUGIE, will you do it? I double dare you"
1695410947,"neutral","sandrasampayo","@jboriginal yip, that would be a sign that you've been on the dodgy sites Jo... eish boet, it ain't cool"
1695410953,"surprise","Livvyisme","@portman65 did you have an amazing time?"
1695411055,"happiness","MIMI_loves_YOU","Got 5 new followers yesterday! Yay  Just need 11 more til 50"
1695411080,"happiness","azurebreeze","Today is check in day for week 12 of the Artist's Way! Hurray time to celebrate another good completed journey."
1695411090,"relief","mystatus_update","This completes today the 4th of May�s entry. For the new day, invite a friend to come along to reflectively in-joy the read �  �"
1695411126,"neutral","kristianramirez","@unfolder There's no pause button in the game of life."
1695411166,"love","China_Erotic","#Beijing Good massage for you & Sexy girl & 100% real photo  13341015518 - w4 (Beijing): Hi, .. http://tinyurl.com/c48m6r"
1695411208,"love","texeyes","@mamalou52 I love Puerto Rico also,been all over island, working Austin - Pr weekly. Love it!"
1695411285,"happiness","shutterbug1975","Today is Will's first baseball game!  GO BATS!"
1695411317,"neutral","violetbakes","@BroadwayManor  they are a long way from the sea  unless they came from Gloucester docks."
1695411321,"happiness","sharonsnest","@DanielleBean peace & quiet.  Enjoy it while it lasts!"
1695411416,"neutral","ivictorhugo","at Office ready to work and waiting for Windows 7 Candidate Release - 5 May, 2009"
1695411437,"hate","ReesForCongress","@626aicitroM Yeah, yeah. Less #degenerate than current occupants of U.S. House of Reprehensibles. You can bet on that. Like MineThatBird."
1695411449,"love","reversingtiger","@supermouse104 hey arthur! i forgot to say thanks for the flag... it is proudly displayed on my bedroom door! you are a witty one"
1695411474,"worry","MattAlmodiel","isnt going to school because theres no point."
1695411556,"neutral","bobocoyle","@demr_awd I'm gonna have to disagree my friend.  The coolest one on the planet is sitting right next to me."
1695411559,"surprise","caelumrecords","Revamping my recording studio today and adding some nice high end outboard gear...very exited!"
1695411607,"love","ElsieMayHawkins","hurray twin girls born on this beautiful May day"
1695411617,"neutral","anadelfilpo","@Kaylaphlegar people dont get into fender benders on the way to school that just doesnt happen hahahahah"
1695411631,"neutral","daniellecotton","@sueyoungmedia Thanks so much!"
1695411690,"happiness","Trilix","Good day all. Let's see what we can get accomplished today together."
1695411702,"fun","Miss_MariaS","@xeydna sounds good, the one I was too was also fun"
1695411751,"enthusiasm","carriemrobison","@battle4acure Hey!    Good AM to you too!"
1695411783,"love","melovemakeup","@babycakesjk I know, It's so crazy! I love using it too  Have you seen my YT recently? I am a partner now  xx"
1695440591,"surprise","xSquishyMacx","Kyle is Cody's wee bro!"
1695440646,"neutral","Bofu2U","@ImagesAndWords or so a month. I put my 2 week's notice in a little over a week ago, my last day is this friday!"
1695440679,"love","ashyadav","@shahpriya nice luke quote  goodluck on the test u have been dreading."
1695440736,"love","laurakoumides","i love you twitskies"
1695440968,"happiness","_rahim","Finally upgraded to Spotify premium - exceeded my threshold of awesomeness some time ago. Now where's the iPhone app & remote @spotify?"
1695440981,"love","kennimura","quitting my beloved job... having a long luvly  vacation at Koh Tao (turtle island), south of Thailand... SEA, SAND, SUN...WANNA JOIN ME?"
1695441005,"worry","SandraShowtime","@maxime68 i know! that's why i recommend it"
1695441046,"happiness","AugustJewel","Good Monday to all. It's still wet outside but inside I'm sunny  I'm feeling a surge of warmth and energy. This will be a good day!"
1695441058,"enthusiasm","Gustamize","@oninobaka you know it's a place with "Action""
1695441099,"sadness","its_me_betty","I'm feeling pretty energized & ready to face the day w/only about 3 hours of sleep. Hope it lasts all day."
1695441104,"neutral","jdub2131","@amyzsenai Thank you!"
1695441124,"worry","stinginthetail","@JoelyRighteous no, silly, to shoot other shoppers with  though a taser is probably the more humane penalty for 12 items in 5 item line"
1695441130,"love","woodywomble","@iamlittleboots happy birthday"
1695441161,"neutral","allysont","@elizabethlai Just study according to the notes that you had to copy and you'll be fine."
1695441163,"surprise","RaquelRodriguez","Morning Tweethearts! Now home after traveling 302 mi.thru 2 states & 2 faires in 3 days. So inspired! Ready to write as I enjoy coffee."
1695441260,"neutral","crazymalaysian","@laurenlim er yea am i doubly awesome now?"
1695441266,"happiness","Valerina12","@vbnavarro Love that song! Happy Monday"
1695441277,"enthusiasm","NadMircella","@sabbymcguire aiyo! so poor thing eh you! nevrmine la, the night is still young"
1695441348,"neutral","minispalla","@emocontrol so how have you been doing ?"
1695441411,"happiness","DaveLair","@thomassmith Yo Thomas! thanks for the follow  Social Media Director at Disney? That's awesome! I'd like to learn more! Lets do lunch"
1695441507,"relief","karabartle","school for a bit. glad jake got the day off"
1695441626,"neutral","smashingdarling","@thesomeex  how great is that!  Nice to meet you!"
1695441663,"neutral","TaiSaintBoogie","@theKINGm1 Cuz you play a grown up on Twitter?"
1695441711,"neutral","tayweeyun","is full from a nice dinner"
1695441778,"neutral","TheChrisD","@AllanCavanagh I'd move into a mudhut if I could. But none of the other crap. I just like the mudhut"
1695441781,"neutral","amymundt","Drinking coffee....MMMMM.....coffee"
1695441816,"worry","MSGAnki","@dannywood i was sweating 2 but i didnt see u there"
1695441836,"neutral","musicprincesa","@saygoodbye2luv Thanks for the concern. And checking up on me! Much appreciated"
1695441898,"hate","sunniesosweet","@JuliusLionheart y r we giving up on people?  I actually thought that way for a while too before I found someone who is very intriguing"
1695441969,"happiness","lisahendershot","YAY!  A bright and shiny new week to play with"
1695442000,"love","HDCinema","@terras3 I def will. If anyone leaves the room for a second he has to follow. He's a really great dog otherwise so far."
1695442013,"happiness","Rachael90210","@TheFifthSister So happy you came and said hi! Twas very nice to meet you indeed  Thanks so much for coming over and talking to me"
1695442066,"relief","SamusAranX","Finally Ubuntu 9.04 arrived as a disc"
1695442169,"happiness","oohnoo","@elderwand oh i see   so what are you having today?? hehe"
1695442184,"surprise","ldlovejb","OMJ! J.O.N.A.S. is the best tv show EVER!  ?"
1695442208,"love","lucasmutzelburg","@kaay_ nothing new at all. lol. oh, i bitched alot today about one person in particular with rachel. Oh and I planned the ultimate event"
1695442261,"neutral","CHGIFlorida","@karasw I concur with @annielogue! It's priority on today's to do list  http://twitter.com/karasw/status/1695368792"
1695442359,"relief","ocean_waves301","what a beautiful day not to got to my first class"
1695442365,"happiness","8RKS8","@sweetemmaxxx yeeh. i also have a thing for drummers  basically, all guys have 2 do is play an instrument or sing and im all theirs :p"
1695442416,"happiness","CherylMcMinorrr","were you born in a barn? would you like some hay? 8-)(8) youtube the mother song"
1695442429,"empty","LVega3","@octoberalex Hmm. Did you mean to start "following" me? Oh and g'morning by the way!"
1695442443,"love","ThiagoAcquaviva","@Jerome117 yeah! i love this one and doesn't really matter"
1695442457,"neutral","WhitleyBayFC","Full Time in tonight's game, Ashington 0 - 5 Whitley Bay"
1695442472,"love","akinzel","@1600milesaway but you look soooo cute sunburned baby!!!"
1695442486,"happiness","bradconner","@MikeyConner Hey I bought that Porter Cable 4-piece set.  My new drill has an LED light near the trigger.  Oh I'm so happy."
1695442495,"neutral","kettlebellkittn","later I went up to monroe and worked out with friends - TRX, ropes and KBs!!   30sec on/30 off..rope swings & c&ps, windmills, wve aquats"
1695442531,"worry","trevornewell","Off the road this week"
1695442667,"worry","FoTizzle","Goodnight all"
1695442744,"relief","CameronSmith93","Was watching @timminchin downstairs  Now getting ready for bed. Piano in the morning."
1695442749,"love","Shauna_Graham","cant wait for prom and after prom party on friday"
1695442773,"neutral","minispalla","@bigbrovar what have you been up to ?"
1695442779,"happiness","Chelsea_Bevans","Listening to olivia play!!  lol!"
1695442857,"neutral","sharylsy18","roll me in your arms cuz i cant remember ever falling this hard.. -avalanche by DC"
1695442874,"happiness","cmjohns","Starting my internship today, pretty excited!"
1695442915,"worry","ReesesSweetie","@jersey39 Thank you   I've had anxiety issues for years so I think if I can make it through the first couple of days then I will be fine."
1695443001,"happiness","ZeigHeilTwitler","Brooklyn!!! We went hard!!! Now back up top!! But 1st Hajji's...yea again  http://tinyurl.com/codla7 http://ti.. http://tinyurl.com/cr8hjs"
1695443050,"neutral","punslingerr","@maroonedmarla Try this link.  You'll have to watch an ad first though. http://tinyurl.com/4ttngg"
1695443081,"relief","nturnage","@alitherunner good. that was the intent.  hopefully others get the same vibe"
1695443132,"neutral","NAE_DC","525,600 recycled tiles...but will they be able to pay this year's rent?   Broadway gets a "green" theater.   http://bitly.com/3LoHVl"
1695443139,"neutral","dfizzy","@utterlyterrific hey  what's up?"
1695443140,"happiness","david_tabary","May the 4th be with you"
1695443180,"happiness","nikkijonas","jb are so cute!  lmfao -giggles-"
1695443220,"happiness","hiemma","Happy #starwarsday"
1695443225,"sadness","RickGriffin","@petercoffin Maybe if we pass a lay making the #swineflu illegal, law abiding citizens won't get it"
1695443233,"worry","unsettled_mind","While I remember, Nerd Hurdles rocks  Especially the tale of the currency of ironpoodonia"
1695443414,"happiness","ILoveSinging28","cooked my own Lunch todayy  Givin' my mum a relaxin' dayy."
1695443457,"fun","Matt_larson","When I check google analytics I can always get to google.com/anal before Safari's auto-fill kicks in. Makes me laugh"
1695443473,"empty","noexageres","listening to music  was kostet der fisch ?! xD my mathsteacher has choose the wrong job... that's wrong grammar but a real fact !!"
1695443481,"neutral","SanjanaSharma","Off to class. Be back in about 2 hours!"
1695443532,"happiness","SONI4","@DHughesy you should so host the next logies, i only laughed at your bit really"
1695443539,"happiness","jamiesjewels","getting ready for summy yummy cocoa crispies"
1695443600,"love","SomersetBob","Before I get too distracted, I'd like to thank my new followers for taking the trouble to follow me! And to my others: feelin the love"
1695443608,"love","Pixie_Lips","@LittleMary01 I miss you too! Not sure when I'll next be on msn - mum's computer is tempermental...there's always fb email?"
1695443705,"neutral","pbjcreations","@jenndillingham  still need to see that movie ! I am all about vampires"
1695443815,"happiness","bodymindcoach","@DianneMR I like that!"
1695443831,"neutral","massoudk","@hachuree ?????"
1695443837,"worry","banolka","@pimpyouriphone  Me to, oh well maybe one day"
1695443839,"enthusiasm","tn_femme","@Bball4life Florida should be nice."
1695443956,"neutral","PatiLucy","is going to a wedding in the afternoon"
1695443960,"happiness","roxolanus","@ukrainiac yea, I was just about to say something  It's great to hear! Ukrainian!"
1695443974,"happiness","PageElizabeth","1st place at competition, and superior."
1695444037,"fun","natneagle","so most kids love my dark hair some say that I dye it too much and they never know what color its going to be  yea me hahahahaha"
1695444148,"neutral","glooie73","I'm at work trying hard not to succumb to the "Poor me" mentality due to severe allergies.  Boo."
1695444172,"neutral","mikezielinski","@ohheyness happy birthday ness!!"
1695444218,"worry","Dos_Rios","@reddhed The pics should be up later today at www.dosriosrestaurant.com!"
1695444259,"happiness","TurboKip","@Snuffel16 gl and say hi for me!"
1695444264,"surprise","achrome","@MikeThomson71 meetings are overrated."
1695444338,"neutral","paavani","@gulpanag Tataindicom is not as good as Tatasky  Airtel broadband is better."
1695444454,"happiness","Dutchrudder","@Its_Claire LOL  I will buy u some big star wars pants 4 Xmas !!!"
1695444489,"love","zacwoodward","@laurendaymakeup haha have good dreams  haha best friends forever! haha. be sweet to presh bailey   zd?b;P"
1695444503,"neutral","toriax3","okay really really bored. i watched a michael jackson concert from 1992. he's awesome  and his short films r coolio too (:"
1695474823,"neutral","katkimjac","@XarkGirl pooof .nirvana. Did that work?  http://myloc.me/tDl"
1695474860,"fun","MiSS_J3SSiCA","At work making more $$.. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing I can SHOP some more once I get paid  I'm becomin a SHOPAHOLIC hehe"
1695474923,"neutral","jjujuu","http://twitpic.com/4ji3n - Muah  Yeah, that is my brother. No, he's not weird.."
1695474958,"worry","jewlicious","@amitcb Chabibi. It's a long running joke. I don't give a flying fuck if anyone follows me at all!"
1695474963,"happiness","crazytwism","Its raining cats and dogs here, in Mysore! Thankfully, no pigs/swines!"
1695474984,"happiness","maatu89","I'm going to estonia!  woohoo!!"
1695475018,"love","xChristeena","@Deathwishedx3 and you. okaaaay"
1695475025,"fun","gymshorthero","@dages58 lol after this weekend yea ur right  text me cause im goin to 3rd and they dont have computers there  bye bye"
1695475109,"worry","sammythewizzy","@medscholar08 thanks.. but im not sure im comfortable with such a sudden surge.. will be difficult to keep in touch with every1.."
1695475122,"neutral","sandy_pants","@aly_o uh, could you come visit austin before you make your gigantic moving decision? it's closer to st louis than portland."
1695475181,"enthusiasm","Beth_Temple","tea numver 7  (i may start on the coffee in a minute but that has way too much caffene in :S)"
1695475210,"surprise","lifeadventurer8","My last blog http://blog.spiritualsmarts.com/2009/1560/ is being published on Web Digest Weekly next issue!!"
1695475211,"happiness","Debalina","@azmomofmanyhats @rocknrod @gailelaine @sarahstanley  Good morning to you !  Its so pretty outside today"
1695475219,"happiness","ahuvasegal","@HilzFuld haha this tripped me up once when I was talking to Harvard - I read it as an aussie automatically - came off as an idiot"
1695475324,"surprise","SabrinaLuna","@pegkd Good plan, Peg --plus I like the sound of "Money Monday""
1695475386,"happiness","WerewolfWhite","#Happy Stars Wars day....Me's a JA-JA BINKS ha  A crappy day outside though ah well makes me have a bit more motivation to revise"
1695475403,"happiness","jennygirl7","@mynameismo Good Morning - here's hoping it's a good one for ya!"
1695475445,"surprise","1samadams","@dirkstanley also: is there a strategic IT plan that maps to the bus strategic needs, that deliver value over time? No more waterfall"
1695475446,"happiness","wickedlibrarian","@TiernanDouieb Oh gosh I hope so. How fun!"
1695475523,"love","inikco","@bevjones1983 I'd Love to work with you! http://myspace.com/inikco  Tell ur friends to follow me!"
1695475528,"surprise","CaroleCross","@scottfaithfull You're not singing in the rain?"
1695475562,"neutral","nirty","@sli hope u did alright on the final"
1695475595,"happiness","DoMicAngPes","Hey @robluketic wow cheers for the insight ppl  looks FUN oh im just stunned..it's AWEOMSE!!!   (robluketic live > http://ustre.am/2w5v)"
1695475611,"worry","saltymomma","@Maritzasylvia Hmm.. didn't get the DM, are you sure it didn't go to someone else?"
1695475637,"sadness","FPGaming","Going to bed, in pain fell on my shoulder today. Good night"
1695475657,"empty","furiosity","@vickitequila oh I meant how to put stuff into formatting and in what order. It was early in the morning, okay!"
1695475667,"fun","wjdennen","@tonyalangford It was pretty cool. The kids *and* the adults had fun."
1695475688,"neutral","mimbles","@WParenthetical   G'night!"
1695475727,"neutral","minispalla","@intelamber so how are you doing this morning ?"
1695475731,"surprise","toon","@BeSharp wow, great to know a piece of software ensures our timely project delivery  #ProductNamingRulez"
1695475749,"neutral","kombo_th","@animuxia ????  ? ??????, ?????? ????????,Basquash,K-ON,07-Ghost,Sengoku Basara,Valkyria Chronicles,RequiemForThePhantom,EdenOfTheEast."
1695475775,"love","TropicsZ4","@CobrokeNation Good Morning"
1695475793,"sadness","realkateperry","My computer is SO slooowww this morning.  I think it's a sign that I should go home and play in my yard."
1695475840,"fun","BenchmarkIT","@BrentO what about aPORKalype Now for the made for TV movie?"
1695475920,"fun","nwmtngal","@clemchaz Thank you so much!  Have a fantastic day!"
1695475941,"fun","sarinha4","wats up in your world x) i just won a basketball game  best shooter on the team  idk if shooter existes lol but you understand haha"
1695475959,"worry","keish_lareign","So im playing hooky from work and it feels good  Gonna go get ma hair did! .......i wonder how fitzsimmons is doing?"
1695476010,"worry","prayagn","@helianniina Listened to it again coz you reminded me. This is so depressing.  ? http://blip.fm/~5joo9"
1695476024,"love","hackynj","@faceofboe Loved your running Trek film posts over the weekend. Will probably wait a few days to see new one, so no spoiler tweets!"
1695476042,"neutral","fxrobot","OMG. I got a explosion of new followers, hello new followers"
1695476065,"neutral","cindysjourney","Morning twitterverse ! Just woke up.. Felt a little lethargic.. But up n wide awake now. Gettin ready for 5 hour drive home !"
1695476093,"hate","sweetbrunette69","Just five more days. Five more long days. Ahh!"
1695476109,"happiness","dirgni19","@archiedineros Yup I stayed until the very very end  Exciting!"
1695476110,"love","Joy_B","@KarenSindayen hey we were doing the same thing this weekend! but it was for the kiddos...gotta love ikea"
1695476172,"worry","Hez2408","Bank holiday = rain. Superb. But a great excuse not to start gardening in the jungle at the back of our house. Eating it is then..."
1695476183,"neutral","heatherahh","@lsbautista Thank you. I needed that"
1695476229,"happiness","AGirlinJapan","@batman1952 You know what?  That cowboy hat in your pic made me smile today (you don't see many of those in Japan)"
1695476241,"worry","lesley007","I've done nothing today apart from moan,whinge,moan"
1695476268,"neutral","ladyevelyn","@AliNichole0619 I am thinking about reading that too! She is talking about it on the View too! Not that you miss it often"
1695476330,"happiness","markbrown83","@OlorinLorien I know, snooker on though. @nicolaherbert and I ate huge fans"
1695476361,"happiness","iamcherrypie","@RizzoTees LOL, point at yourself and laugh!"
1695476482,"enthusiasm","Naimii","@Nawarii22 ur welcome  u finished ur speech (typed it and written notes)"
1695476530,"neutral","felicityfuller","@GlastoWatch @TheHwicceMan @cakey  i have been getting porn ones as i mentioned - all these girls seem to be at a loss what to do!"
1695476564,"sadness","sadiestar","Got my attics w sadie art work included  good times just broke my head phones bad times still happy buy attics!"
1695476693,"relief","kayleymoore","am chillaxin after a busy BankHoliday, Hope everbody had a gd wkend! Holiday in 12 days!!!  xx"
1695476714,"love","mrjawright","@bpmore  that last one was just for you"
1695476762,"happiness","langille","@frostedfroslass bahaha.... tax folder and phone books, they have such double meanings"
1695476771,"relief","cchambless","@unodeellos where have you been? LOL"
1695476797,"surprise","Ellie_mcgrath91","@Poynter_sex it was indeed  made my life!"
1695476823,"surprise","bilish","@ammaryasir awesome RONIN121"
1695476846,"love","RocioLaRosa","@JohnRobberson I am definitely ready... actually ahead of you... I already have a sun tan and I was out at the beach yesterday."
1695476894,"hate","ChelseaHatherly","@quinland  I Hate It There Should Be A Endless Supply Of Hot Water!  I Put the Water Heater On 20mins Ago So Ill Be Gone In 10mins  Xx"
1695476908,"relief","sofialion","I want it NOW..  finally found what I wanted .."
1695476934,"worry","anakin1814","@andymooseman Yeah. About damn time. My film SLR just sits there quietly being ignored. It's time to step up!"
1695477071,"worry","Floris","@chi_gurl woot"
1695477111,"neutral","ReginaMedina","@RealMikeKnight @TeresaKopec - Guess POTUS will be able to do more digging & folo up on the SS nomination. He's in a good pos 2 do that,"
1695477124,"love","VICKYreemer","@reemerband wooooo the tour has started yay, 13 days  have an awesome time! loved the video xD"
1695477132,"happiness","RenBlink182","whos going to see reemer on wednesdayy  me and kirsty are going (A) im well exited !!!"
1695477146,"worry","MzJay08","@RonnyakaTrauma morning you"
1695477180,"neutral","BabyALovesU","studying the american revolution...george washington"
1695477188,"neutral","celinealyssa","sabi ko nga lighting up is hazardous to your health, but got shoes for it  thanks love"
1695477189,"happiness","Am4ndaxxx","@dannisaywhat LOL kk i've sent u a friend request"
1695477293,"neutral","TXBrad","@AndySmurf I guess you will find out shortly."
1695477329,"happiness","Annikadahl","On our way to St. Martin!!! Vacation for a week"
1695477330,"happiness","Bongchi","@shanedawson haha yay We love you too Mr. Shane Dawson"
1695477528,"neutral","MadeleineGr","Must be time of month: Watering eyes AGAIN!: http://tinyurl.com/cuwj2b (speciaal voor @marianneh: zo vind ik ze w�l leuk!  )"
1695477533,"boredom","beck_ohh","reeeejuvinated  and bored as hell."
1695477586,"neutral","artdebogallery","morning all  eating my morningstar farms veggie bacon and a strawberry streudal. will be on later. work today.get dog tick juice. ugh"
1695477601,"fun","cnpsupport","well being a retired drummer I can do my own drum roll so all you need to do is read my posts since they take a ton of time  lol"
1695477627,"fun","allymcfly","@dougiemcfly : dougie, it's coffee. There's no "I" on coffee. Hahaha and your name comes up as predicted text. Pretty awesome"
1695477640,"fun","happygirl_01","aaahhh...just woke up! feels good to sleep in on a monday!!!"
1695477692,"love","angelicaa17","You never really stop loving someone. You just learn to try to live without them."
1695477762,"neutral","nursedoublek","@corie_michele but sometimes not having to say nice things all the time is kinda fun  *teehee*and now I'll put this back on as well *halo*"
1695477766,"happiness","felise","@eric_andersen thank you Eric!  glad u appreciate that!"
1695477961,"worry","inkypots","@nottypooch yeahh! i am very happy with my pendant, and hope to see you in future fairs. ps. good mini muffin"
1695477971,"neutral","Kattasstic","watching live feed of Killer 5 set. Pretty neat"
1695478035,"enthusiasm","VickiElam","@JGDemas Hey Muffin, good morning to you! Grt textin wif ya last night"
1695478091,"relief","_michellerenee_","Make sure u pick up Chrisette Michele's new album EPIPHANY in stores tomorrow May 5th! You will love it! Promise!  Congrats @epiphanygirl"
1695478123,"happiness","catrinejensen","YAAAAY! I think I might have Aced my history test today!"
1695478185,"relief","delaneyroach","eating maccies"
1695478271,"happiness","sensalsa","@afiaa_afaya who??  the_handsome_blue_beast?? hhihihuahauu"
1695478276,"hate","FamousBlinker","@sway_sway_baby mighty boosh kicks arse"
1695478351,"happiness","SkiFly01","The voice of Nemo turns 15 today. Thanks #NPR"
1695478373,"fun","maddieann1","@PushPlayCJ hey  yall were amazing at bamboozle! thanks for stopping to take apicture on saturday.. seemed like you were in a rush though!"
1695478404,"neutral","staceyrosenbaum","Starting class. Today we start MediSoft."
1695478411,"happiness","adamandeve","@jerzicua I didn't say I met *all* the awesomest people, just a bunch of them."
1695478478,"worry","JapanMike","Going to jog down to uni. Quite a way from my family home but exercise and all that"
1695508747,"happiness","AlySunShine","@ inthebattle its really cute. One of my favorites."
1695509005,"worry","jmwhittaker","@destroytoday thanks! I'm totally bushed today though time for some coding"
1695509014,"fun","DTong","Starting my work week with a little AC Newman"
1695509022,"neutral","EFnChris","Just work up"
1695509024,"love","nsane8","@davidspruell i always have a good day! i make it good all the time but you make it better w/ ur morning greetings!! thank you!!"
1695509076,"happiness","amytrahan","@mrsgizara  we are at FOrt Belvoir, on base.  Hubs is stationed at the pentagon.  I cant wait for pug pups!!  I just looooove mine!"
1695509078,"neutral","dajbelshaw","@didactylos Aha! Well I'm from Ashington and going back to my old school in Sept. which will become Northumberland C of E Academy."
1695509183,"neutral","judyr123","@ThisIsRobThomas good morning rob!"
1695509245,"love","saraeden","unplugging for the rest of the day.  Have a good one everybody!!"
1695509262,"empty","ro0tbeerfloat","says aw byebye  will pspPlurk later  http://plurk.com/p/rqy0y"
1695509398,"neutral","Ecocandle","@DillonHall How do you spell the sound of a wookie?"
1695509429,"love","TraceyHewins","@annwhit hiya! been looking for you1"
1695509464,"happiness","Racegirl44","@MissEileen hahaha  Really, I'm just trying to figure out the last time he was on FB by looking at all of his friends pages"
1695509548,"love","SasaLoves","busy at work. will be back loves!"
1695509590,"fun","benpeers","What a grey bank holiday. Watching Wallace and Gromit cheered me up"
1695509667,"neutral","inikco","@THAREALYUKMOUTH I'd Love to work with you! http://myspace.com/inikco  Tell ur friends to follow me!"
1695509737,"sadness","ceeswifee","just another manic monday.. wish it were sunday.. that's my fun day  happy monday twitterland"
1695509760,"neutral","simplybinary","@i0n, OR write a CMS that uses git for versioning  check out rails-git.  I'd be interested in working on something like that."
1695509776,"neutral","EstyleZ","@Poshpinkla goodmorning"
1695509778,"happiness","OreoWolf","I hope everyone had a great weekend! I will be here on and off today as I have 2 important meetings today"
1695509780,"neutral","jloislinton","@paulcargill thanks  xxx"
1695509863,"neutral","daffyddturner","@sorcha69 Thank you. Very kind of you to say that!"
1695509916,"relief","alexwardle92","finally seventeen"
1695509926,"neutral","Croxus","will be working at 7/11 this summer"
1695509957,"neutral","rjowen","@schwendigity You should see our floors before you make that offer.  Let me know if you don't receive a call soon."
1695509971,"happiness","Angelbysea","good morning  tis a rainy Monday morning...blahhh!"
1695510026,"relief","loldebi","I can has warm chocolate, I is happy now."
1695510097,"neutral","jasonpaul","@fourstringfuror yea - it's mostly b/c I couldn't sleep, but oh well, lunch time will come soon"
1695510166,"sadness","chibimoon","@CelestialBeard http://ten.com.au/good-news-week.htm <--- this is it. definitely nothing christian about it"
1695510198,"happiness","SooSpecial","@shayMonkey I'm comin wit u!!"
1695510274,"fun","LadyMelancon","@GotSoul GREAT song"
1695510368,"happiness","crazychic92","is at school. its her last day. of high school. ever. ever. ever."
1695510415,"love","inikco","@mswilliamsmusic I'd Love to work with you! http://myspace.com/inikco  Tell ur friends to follow me!"
1695510586,"worry","Nic0pic0","@monica058 Happy Anoop Day to you Monica"
1695510673,"neutral","jgaylord","@nberardi @SaraJChipps My guess is that its because Sara makes a mention of mariage proposals on her site."
1695510699,"relief","ghostyouknow","@b32 WHEW!  I'm just going to focus on family time and more swim suit shopping for the rest of my vacay! Thanks for the kind words"
1695510744,"enthusiasm","tdm911","Ok, seems I need to remember what account I'm posting as..... That last tweet was a @Geelong_FC tweet!"
1695510812,"worry","JoeEnad","Omfg this test is a joke."
1695510921,"surprise","gamerbabe360","@mystic23 Congrats on the tax refund.  Those are always nice."
1695510926,"enthusiasm","vasbestkept","@FoolProofDiva  have a good day!"
1695510936,"relief","OhlalaParis","I just got my leavers do dress!!!!"
1695510937,"worry","samithemonster","Fuck im suppose to leave in 10 minutes, im naked, hair wet and no make up. Im going to look interesting today"
1695510948,"neutral","screamingeagle1","@solutioncoach  Great! I'm glad you enjoy them  I hope you have a GREAT day"
1695511015,"neutral","christinajade","@benny_bennett gotta go drive my Dad around today, but i'll be back this afternoon."
1695511139,"fun","keza34","@gerdaduring i know they are delicious.miss germany but like holland as well as we used to shoppin there at weekends.lol"
1695511170,"worry","kazarine","@raynja yup, our coke blades :B annnd now i only need the blades to make them X). but soon enough, soon enough..."
1695511180,"sadness","nadiahrifdah","miss your smile"
1695511181,"enthusiasm","vanderkj","Last day to sign up for GoCincinnati! www.crossroads.net/gocincinnati you can sign up with my group.. its going to be AWESOME"
1695511210,"worry","Snowbaby67","@dermaesthetix I empathise luvvie, I dont personally understand a grown mans need to dress in tartan in search for a little white ball"
1695511232,"enthusiasm","kissthebassist","@ifyoucdenise kk, awesome."
1695511241,"neutral","nahhchillkiddd","Just woke up and washed up, I have class @ 10 till 11 then chillin in G Building with my nigguhs. Then my bby is coming over @ 3:30!  ilh?"
1695511468,"love","CalamityJen","@montelongo Hahaha! Is he snoring, too?"
1695511555,"sadness","corycollier","AC is broke at the house. waiting to get an estimate on timeframe to repair. on the bright side, gonna join CoLab this week."
1695511568,"relief","belladonna786","@kayenchante thanks   got a hold of someone there who knew their stuff..at last!"
1695511600,"relief","JasonDet","Office til around 6 today. Good day yesterday...I have a BSc now"
1695511612,"worry","rachelchiamaka","terence cao over-dose  im fainting."
1695511625,"neutral","falconfurball7","Beach with ashley"
1695511659,"happiness","dcccd","thanks for the props"
1695511713,"worry","brickworkscomm","Coffee in hand and sun shining in my window.  Hope everyone's having a great Monday morning so far! #monday - MR"
1695511754,"neutral","uhmbrittanyy","its 35 now.   ilycecily <3"
1695511781,"surprise","nomadcraftsetc","@abigvictory OMG that is toooo funny!"
1695511809,"neutral","Peterb37","But what about faith?   Peter  :^)"
1695511813,"worry","michaelsandoval","Dragging myself to work, missed my fitness class this morn. Need one more weekend day"
1695511913,"fun","Frassington","@deversum I've gotta watch out for those stealth skillz! I always forget."
1695511947,"relief","acadnurul","is rotting away at her desk. Would've been really down and out but thanks to YL, you made my day. You're the best support system - EVER!"
1695511979,"worry","ningmumbing","I'm feeling so weak and tired from seating down in front of the pc. I really need to study for my HA long quiz."
1695512051,"worry","Nic0pic0","@monica058 Happy Anoop Day to you too Monica"
1695512064,"worry","JesusNeedsNewPR","@erinmmoore if we actually watch it, yes we can admit it... our popular culture doesn't define our Christianity!"
1695512085,"neutral","chriss_21","@TennealMaree haha ofcoooursee you do, its pretty much a must, and pluss its dress up night, jst added incentive"
1695512095,"happiness","chrishumphries","@geerlingguy http://tinyurl.com/dlqo2p is a good one, nice"
1695512134,"fun","xmellyssax","@savepolaroid happy polaroid week back at ya! #roidweek yeah"
1695512143,"surprise","mandyhale23","Everyone MUST watch this...it's Snowball the dancing bird & he will make your day...I promise!  http://tinyurl.com/37wt5f"
1695512152,"worry","sampo_uk","@purely_distel Maybe u have natural ability for languages  I envy u on that !!"
1695512228,"neutral","DaveLair","alright, back from my twitter decompression  Happy monday folks, what's the good word?"
1695512283,"relief","realrussia","Version 2 of our live, interactive Trans-Siberian ticket planner is launched: http://tinyurl.com/c5ljwm - its very cool"
1695512302,"love","saskiawalker","@donna_grant  Hey Donna, lovely to see you on Twitter."
1695512393,"fun","beckiejean","shouldn't have stayed up til almost 2 reading "rules" but i did. such a good book. totally worth the sleep deprivation."
1695512403,"relief","krishaa","My phone works! Its whack. Well good morning. Gonna go eat breakfast with neil before school starts"
1695512467,"relief","mandiem","m still watchin Boston Legal tho it cracks me up 2, scrubs earlier was good  i guess i just like a laugh!!!"
1695512534,"relief","lukk09","It's weird waking up in my own bed. Slightly comforting, but i miss the group. But i'm loving using my own pillow again!"
1695512544,"neutral","ACLAZ92","@BleedBlacknGold meee.. I have a Penguin wallpaper on the backround on my phone, computer, ps3, ipod touch and on my twitter"
1695512590,"happiness","officialpeta","@gabyrosario Thanks for the shoutout"
1695512669,"fun","trakin","now that was my first try at any other language on Twitter other than english"
1695512693,"sadness","shassi88","has a new nick name - arosh ..i like i like"
1695512695,"happiness","PoOhBaBii08","yEssss!!! goT ma TwiN oN LoCK!!!  weLcomE tWiiN"
1695512698,"relief","purkage","@gabbyfek yaaaaaay i get to see you too   looking forward to cupcakes and fun."
1695512705,"fun","uniquelysteph","@FunderCats Munderday. I like that."
1695512782,"happiness","brookeycakes","@impaulgriffiths pauly wallly ! you made my life fucking happy as hell and i love you x3 you should reply back to me"
1695512796,"worry","Kelly_Bryant","@SteveS86 Not true, you can get worse burns today... don't forget sunscreen"
1695512800,"neutral","jainankit","http://pic.gd/63ef My college, My friends"
1695512827,"neutral","ChromaWoods","Wohoo! Going to see Eddie Izzard in December!"
1695512847,"fun","MissJo_Ladie","@jlovely crossing my fingers for ya! & hey you'll be on my side of town!  Welcome! LOL"
1695512936,"neutral","saltymomma","@Maritzasylvia Uhhh.. not yet, maybe my DM inbox is just slow. I'll let you know when it shows"
1695512952,"sadness","hilzfuld","@ronenk @jewlicious Guys, nothing is free in life. Where is my shidduch money?"
1695513015,"love","fedeaikawa","@juliefernn jajaja es genial el tweetdeck"
1695513076,"love","hankmoody_","Supernatural was good as  Loved it."
1695544682,"worry","Alexf_2001","on the london eye. Awesome but feel a bit sick. Madame Tussaud's next"
1695544771,"empty","tiffianyrose","@colbycolberson then stop staying out all night"
1695544778,"relief","taraw07","Just wants the morning to be over already! In another 5 or 6 hrs. My summer will officially begin  THANK THE JORD!!"
1695544779,"happiness","dreey92","I really want to be a star...Hope Flawless will work"
1695544784,"neutral","nbcreative","setting business hours! 8am - 6pm, rush jobs will still be considered, but not the norm"
1695544823,"hate","cpazzo","@Nnascenzi but cover your sneezes with a tissue for love of God! My germaphobe-ness has significantly increased since joining healthcare"
1695544925,"neutral","tsarnick","@TheLastDoctor this time there is a theme and it is "purple""
1695544934,"neutral","tvsmike","@bailann "May the 4th be with you." That's why."
1695544962,"neutral","bbori","Listening music with my friend"
1695545009,"hate","bianca_maria","i have to study :O talk to you later  xxx"
1695545029,"fun","SexyKellyC","@THEREALNOM hehe  now im smiling... but u still gotta make it up to me"
1695545082,"neutral","HolyCowFC","Try Holy Cow! Serious Sauces! Use Himalayan Hot Garlic in pasta...yummy!! Introductory offer 99p in ASDA! www.holycowfc.com"
1695545119,"sadness","jeannelbh","Happiness comes from within...so the fact that it is a gray, rainy, Monday doesn't bother me. Well, not too much."
1695545159,"happiness","Djalfy","@Kelly_StrayCat   haha ty"
1695545345,"neutral","valronica2","wake~n~bake monday"
1695545348,"happiness","ErisDS","Heading off to Hollywood Studios today  Manta and Kraken were both awesome yesterday, feeling like doing a few more rides!!"
1695545354,"happiness","taylorgroneck","getting ready to lay out by the pool...."
1695545390,"happiness","Madonnamit","is gonna go yoga-ing with a jumbo cup of coffee!!!!! Thinking about it is making her very happy!!"
1695545475,"neutral","abigailmichelle","@MichelleZen That sounds good, too!"
1695545546,"neutral","sdweathers","@basantam In other words, a perfect run, right?"
1695545553,"relief","currystrumpet","@zzybug thankfully it's just a really bad sinus infection. they're just watching out for me since i've traveled recently. thanks though"
1695545563,"worry","marisapell","What am I doing? I'm sitting here wondering why I am twittering  Is anyone really listening??"
1695545565,"happiness","scottsteff","@robinmeyers Looks like you did the full Lincoln Marathon yesterday? That is awesome, the HM was tough for me"
1695545617,"happiness","jayehaynes","yay for my very last class of the semester!"
1695545630,"happiness","Greicy2210","Morning everyone!!!"
1695545634,"happiness","tino806","Good Morning Sunshines!"
1695545647,"worry","KittKlaiss","@kidbraindoc just hope the tunnel is wide enough that you can get out of the way!"
1695545670,"worry","charris0213","one final down, two more to go!! wish me luck!! no a great effort!!"
1695545673,"love","WeddingFavorBar","hope your weekend was fabulous  do anything interesting?"
1695545722,"neutral","ElizabethEagle","Going to get a pedicure and the to CPK for lunch"
1695545771,"relief","stace8383","@MsPonita 9 more week! July 8th. Flolloping just perfectly describes the way she moves my belly  hehe"
1695545782,"neutral","pwilson","@amyjbennett  The "holy cow" is what did this to me."
1695545833,"empty","nomadglass","Talk at you all lates!"
1695545845,"happiness","Kimmerz719","Good morming my sunshines! Have a beautiful day! Last day of classes for me!"
1695545871,"relief","purplefoodie","@kapilb oh optician! how did i not think of that. thanks"
1695545895,"happiness","AL_21","Chick fil a on the morning of my final...that is a must!!  *amj*"
1695545924,"love","sonia23","@Poptastic omg! I saw ur update nd it said "David Archuleta"!!!! lol. They shoulda had more David on it! <33 David's awsome!!  t4p!"
1695545968,"worry","karipearcy","Leaving for work.. 5:30 can't get here soon enough!  hope everyone has a great day!"
1695545985,"love","aulia","@absolutraia that's precious"
1695546105,"worry","emilyiswestwood","@Michael_Cera That is so awesome  awwww."
1695546117,"happiness","beansbaker","Had a great weekend with John-back to work for 3 days then going to Illinois on Thurs & Fri for more Gigs with John"
1695546124,"enthusiasm","kristikubota","@DaLionofjudah Hey, you!! ;) Call me this week!! Gotta go hang out ... could use the de-stress!!"
1695546144,"neutral","PoppyAmber","been To beach+ nanny's Just got back- roast Iater and then Pudding"
1695546177,"happiness","viware","@easytouch lets go home"
1695546218,"happiness","derivativeofu","Staying home to work on a linoleum block carving for a project (due tomorrow). There will probably be pictures."
1695546243,"neutral","KBWills","The WHITE DICE are coming into the studio this eve 6-7pm, on 1386AM Radio City"
1695546305,"happiness","smilinggal","its raining!! gng for rain dance"
1695546329,"surprise","acake2","Excited about having an empty apartment to ourselves for a little while"
1695546390,"happiness","lmo0214","@lollipop26 great interview, your videos are my favorite on youtube"
1695546466,"neutral","TheHussman","@LuciasM What's the focus of your Sunday 4e game?"
1695546467,"love","LIGHTSrogers","happy Star Wars day"
1695546523,"love","linnetwoods","@smartie999 (((HUGS))) back to you - you also have that look!"
1695546573,"worry","Oasischick","@pativalen im going to have to  i hardly ever travel!"
1695546704,"sadness","NurseStacy","@amandawilk106 yes unfuzzy, i prefer the fuzzy me and clear caleb..  wanna turn back the clock!"
1695546782,"sadness","sydonius","Rainy Mondays... Is there a better day to work at home?? I am thankful!!"
1695546823,"empty","ancong17909","20 John: @johnhaydon: @TheDailyBlonde  http://tinyurl.com/cq5nkp"
1695546851,"love","vr_quarksoup","@sp_ According to Mick Jagger, Hindu Ragas are more sfs sort of music"
1695546858,"worry","emmakerf","@tristyB thanks, I couldn't find a way around it on iTunes though, found a little app called Switch that did the job nicely"
1695546904,"love","Katpoynter","looooove the mcfly video on my myspace  ? www.myspace.com/kat_04071991 - go watch it  its my favourite"
1695546921,"neutral","RossElk","is in the middle of the Irish sea... with absent elk brothers.  Newcastle here we come.  we love Newcastle"
1695546957,"neutral","gayshortcuts","just in case you wonder, we are really busy today and this coming with with adding tons of new blogs and updates stay tuned"
1695547024,"neutral","jennroo","@quesmoney @BoneHI night boyssss"
1695547029,"neutral","DonnieAddict","@jkandbvgirl drive safe Linz... Give us some pit stop updates on where you are"
1695547054,"happiness","saintsnsailors","@Raehole @melissahope did you ladies see ghost of girlfriends past? i really liked it! & would totally see it again if  u haven't"
1695547055,"worry","poeticviolence","@RaDollasHpc what you laughing at over there  got strawberries?"
1695547056,"relief","nappypoet","@pricelessrock i'm doing good. i enjoy the rain  i hope you are well too."
1695547153,"neutral","simplyalyshia","@njgetsketchy *is bad ass...He still is"
1695547190,"worry","FlamefinalX","On my way to a final...the roads are really wet... :-/ hmmm.. Slipandslide!!!!!!!!"
1695547208,"worry","OrenTodoros","@HilzFuld Were have you been?"
1695547263,"worry","lizziegibson__x","@GemmaCampbell you coming on myspaceee? if yr doing work though dnt bother"
1695547272,"surprise","kennanderson55","Rise and shine  Time to get prettifide."
1695547366,"neutral","adelemcalear","@MichelleBlanc I've been busy and chained to my laptop  I'll be at Webcom Wed afternoon, then likely Yul Blog. See you there?"
1695547374,"happiness","Angie6998","Good Morning people!!! Have a great day"
1695547385,"neutral","kennethlang","@foxandfriends Hope you feel better soon"
1695547484,"happiness","johnheu","@jessejane looks to be a great morning already!"
1695547511,"surprise","guffawf","@OnThePontyEnd heh coincidence im a barnsley fan too  how'd you track me down :o"
1695547522,"happiness","Brook_lynnn","Got told I got a good chance at gettin the job  I am so so excited .omgggg. When I come back I want too..."
1695547541,"neutral","pricelessrock","@Foxy_HotSawce owwwwww! gooood morning"
1695547643,"happiness","dekal13","Nope didn't get up at 730 930 is nice also"
1695547715,"worry","dmkroner","The Wedding is over everyone has gone home, newlyweds are off to Canada and finally, there is quiet! And I'm late for work"
1695547761,"neutral","AmericanYard","@erinbarna its definitely coming, hope ur ready!"
1695547809,"relief","Terrance_Blount","The rain outside motivates me to sleep."
1695547812,"happiness","Steampunker","May the 4th be with you. Happy Star Wars Day!  http://ow.ly/52Aw"
1695547844,"worry","TabsSwitz","@ThisIsRobThomas Did you know its Star Wars Day today... May the 4th be with you!"
1695547856,"fun","stevemiami","@YatPundit would be funny to see folks leaving jazzfest nola with something like your FollowStats, but "FoodStats": Gained 17lb, Lost 0"
1695547877,"happiness","sh880c","Hey @robluketic its back!!    (robluketic live > http://ustre.am/2w5v)"
1695547932,"neutral","FizzyDuck","@hootsboots Don't worry, the bizarre will find you"
1695547939,"happiness","Veka2","@Teifion Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. It's a flower made of diamonds"
1695548113,"surprise","robbjbrowning","Nice and clean now"
1695548136,"surprise","BubbleBeeJenny","wowww!! havent twitter in like FOREVER!! all done with SAT! Finally! soo happy!  i think i did terribly but who cares! ITS DONE! lol"
1695548228,"neutral","angusbooker","@parkpr 36 years young...."
1695548327,"surprise","dianabui","@3milk ahhaha. oh, what an embarassment! stop reading them"
1695548352,"worry","jobsworth","@loic I need to check your TOS, Loic. Are you allowed to sleep? I don't remember any mention of sleep there..."
1695548422,"surprise","veryyfresh","@feedmekicks heyyy you  LOL wassup mamas?"
1695579977,"neutral","Xxdrowningfish","I'm going to; eat-homework-tv-I don't know yet..."
1695580000,"neutral","JusLiveMyLyfe","@LaBellaBYTCH wassup with u this morning."
1695580059,"love","belladonna786","@kayenchante http://twitpic.com/4j6kc - man i love your shelves! way to go diy diva!"
1695580132,"neutral","localshops1com","@profchandler time to start unfollowing some people, i think"
1695580160,"happiness","HelenGormley","going to the cinema to see ghost of girlfriends past!"
1695580173,"happiness","MarthaRodriguez",""I will stumble.. I will fall down... But I will not be moved  ""
1695580186,"fun","adamantgirl","@ben_stiller They sure DO. More than 40,000 to boot!"
1695580210,"happiness","whatswhat_sian","@darrendoyle Oh I had lots put on my desk during those years  I guess if they've done it to you then it would be ok to do it back lol"
1695580254,"relief","mayapeep","@petethevet Thanks!"
1695580261,"neutral","Hoosian","Done Jack in the Green today, it was good, a killer walking up the West Hill though! Listening to Will and the People"
1695580282,"neutral","iAmMouse","Just got out the shower, Sitting on my towel  I Hate TwitterBerry I Can't Reply To Tweets"
1695580310,"happiness","SveinHimself","Back from Sweden! It was great, hot and sunshine. Now i am walking around looking red  Back to the writing again!"
1695580320,"happiness","stephaniereimer","@echoinghim it was my pleasure playing guitar for you!  So fun"
1695580322,"worry","dizzybunny","@outrageousJavi oh I see"
1695580405,"neutral","polarash7","@Tatuaje1 i've been using polarash7 for quite some time.  Love of polar bears + my nickname + my favorite number.   What about you?"
1695580414,"empty","TaccaMusique","@jacynthe c'est demain le lancement de Chinatown!  pas mercredi!!!!"
1695580442,"fun","DazzlinDonna","@YuraF Nope wasn't kidding at all.  Sometimes I think of you as Forest Gump (during his running years)."
1695580463,"sadness","JTSpurs","@vivyouell You got me. That's where I'm obviously going wrong!"
1695580468,"hate","CecilieSkov","I hate the exams . first time and last time in this school  then i'm out ! after 10 years! yaaaay !"
1695580469,"enthusiasm","brandiwebster23","Why kiss the feet of the people who kick you when you can be anything that you want to?  morning everyone! Hope you have the best day ever"
1695580473,"sadness","TightFreebies","@thriftymom TEAR*"
1695580495,"sadness","shelleyjavier","@mongab I WANT YOU ALL HERE WITH ME TOO! Ya'l shoulve gone with RM!"
1695580504,"neutral","SaucyChp","@sweetp0tatos  thanks chuck"
1695580620,"happiness","shellykramer","@froggie775 I'll be one of your "groovy guys" any time, shortie short  #photofollows"
1695580708,"worry","ardenkhan","Working technology! I love you WAZ!"
1695580761,"happiness","richardepryor","@treasaint salad stuff, some chillis, whatever my horti mate gives me really, think it will be fun to do"
1695580765,"happiness","the_beconator","is 500 words into a 10 minute speech on 80s teen movies. due wednesday. blah blah. can't wait for the glenn ball!"
1695580870,"neutral","chilled35","@Sianz lemons? I'd favour hand grenades, with the pins removed for the cockney shite she produces!"
1695580917,"happiness","JustJewelz","@Kitty4Peace how fun!  where is the twitpic! I had purple hair once..."
1695580966,"love","uneekdolls","@SurrendrDorothy Yahoo ! Great! Always nice to hear successful stories!"
1695580971,"happiness","Palacinkabeauty","@shefinds Great job!"
1695580996,"neutral","Ezzii","@jjujuu yeah i did"
1695580999,"love","juulins","@gfalcone601 Hey gio, you are beautiful! I am Brazilian and I love you hahahaha! Please answer me  Xx"
1695581062,"relief","lazydhei","says Finally, Im home.  http://plurk.com/p/rr121"
1695581099,"love","andysowards","@EmmaRileySutton Sounds like fun  LoL. At least you still have some hair right?  how was the weekend?"
1695581113,"surprise","Bandrew","2nd result of the day: found my timeout book of bars whiiich means i've now recovered everything I thought i'd lost. Small victories ="
1695581148,"happiness","Runefox","@sortingtrolley sorry missed your post earlier about Edinburgh.  I am biased towards its awesomeness!  Glad you enjoyed your visit"
1695581192,"worry","JulzM","@rockeye AHHH you follow the dark side too..  night"
1695581197,"worry","GreenWolfPro","What to do what to do!!!! need to do my show reel nxt week...then start applying for editing jobs  Rock climbing tomos I hope"
1695581300,"surprise","neptune06","Wow. Shabu.  And now HIMYM! Really feels comforting"
1695581386,"fun","greedygrechen","@amytropolis wow. sounds heavenly.  we're just doing a quick drive to north carolina. i can't wait"
1695581396,"love","TeresaJimenez","Looking at my quince pics, ahh good memories.... To be young again....  Lol #fb"
1695581487,"neutral","javiermoral","vuelven sunny day real estate? http://tinyurl.com/cqtynq"
1695581502,"worry","kiljadn","@MissCindyBaby  I wasn't tryin to call you out, I just remember my dad ALWAYS had my ass late. He never got in trouble, I did."
1695581636,"sadness","livinghandy","LivingHandy.de 2.0 - stay tuned  - http://www.LivingHandy.de/"
1695581709,"surprise","twin322","Happy Star Wars Day? OHHHH...now I get it. May the 4th be with you.  love it. (and mondays). (sorry again) #starwarsday"
1695581715,"sadness","rhinonine","Is at Panera eating a bacon, egg and cheese with a coffee!  http://twitpic.com/4jip9"
1695581741,"enthusiasm","jadebest","@jspruett have a safe trip joshy poo.......you'll knock them dead at your speech"
1695581799,"happiness","adininny","@parjoy sounds like the muffler bearings are going bad"
1695581990,"neutral","cakeace87","is working"
1695582051,"happiness","Andymy","this weekend was a very relaxing one.. i was at my cousin's place and watch a tv series "Tru Calling" really cool"
1695582177,"worry","em_kwak","@ToriForNow haha.. you were actually in violations of someone's trademark?! okay..  Yeah, I went to bed at 4 and I had to be up at 6. :["
1695582187,"neutral","TimBettes","I should be DJing my prom! I'd do it for free...there prob gonna have a dj who's stuck in the 80's  boooooo"
1695582192,"neutral","shanecorning","@pfoty I forget you're from Venezuela! Talking with you is like with my classmates."
1695582375,"love","Tish_B","@Antwoinne Hey babe, nothing much tryin to see what imma do at work today lol, look like the load isnt so bad."
1695582426,"fun","swayts01","@ajaimk Also, HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!!!"
1695582445,"surprise","RoxyONeill","@dravenxiv Oh no! Hope you find your voice soon"
1695582492,"neutral","RESTLESSKIDS","LAST CALL!!"
1695582575,"surprise","brigi_boo","http://www.myspace.com/dica_grl Just got a crush on this song! Disco's Out! Murder's In! ruleaz?, zic!  www.myspace.com/discosoutmurdersin"
1695582593,"love","BethanyAlyn","In Study Hall with Brittneyy!!"
1695582604,"neutral","TidyCat","@MsCatou someone really needs to make a kit like that avaialble for home use"
1695582656,"happiness","PixlSequence","@andysowards andy!! It's great this am. About to wall over to the first day of An Event Apart! So exciiiiiiiting.  How r u mate?"
1695582726,"happiness","clozaaa","All dressed now everything"
1695582727,"neutral","brookeimages","todays to do list...edit, edit, edit, edit and some more editing"
1695582796,"neutral","siaz","Watching TV Patrol for more Manny news"
1695582808,"neutral","Joelsk_","@Hellblazer They are great friends of mine. I'll let you know when they are playing next and you can come along and do whatever you like"
1695582825,"happiness","Flamov","@Sam_Ho Naw; it was before the 15 mins bug (where tanks would stop spawning after 15 mins)  I'm glad I get to keep it"
1695582959,"happiness","MandaLu","@TackStoreLady I'm coming in today to get my other hat and my $5 credit!"
1695582976,"neutral","StampfliTurci","@danbimrose That's more than ok. Personally I'm very good in doing nothing"
1695582993,"relief","pmatty","@ash2good99 yay were all saved! Weve overcome god again!"
1695582997,"neutral","amandawilliams","@ArmyGal1 have a good day girl, ill call you later"
1695583037,"neutral","JaneHungOz","@1critic Yep, ah, damn, I don't wanna leave my warm doona to get a hot beverage...I guess I'll just have to make do w/o it"
1695583079,"fun","Love_Puppy","Watched 'The boy in the striped pj's' the other day too..one of the best films I've ever seen."
1695583097,"worry","jikes","made a mysql table with 150 entries  wrote a shellscript for this... while-do-done, a lot of echo and a list generated by ls Videos/ >list"
1695583118,"happiness","reema226","had delicious pav + bhaaji + finely chopped onion + little dash of lemon  Yummy!"
1695583195,"happiness","obadiahradiou","I'm pondering lunch at Shane's. I think. I can already hear people whining about it..."
1695583229,"enthusiasm","SpoiL3d_DiVa","On my flight headed 2 denver...see yall in a min"
1695583255,"neutral","meredithlooms","Apples to apples with the girls back in long island, then ihop  I wish this sunburn would peace out"
1695583297,"worry","Gemmaboyle","watching matilda with a bowl of noodles"
1695583311,"neutral","shemightbedead","Damn I'm pass 400 updates! Haha! Tweet tweet tweet!!!!!!"
1695583375,"happiness","IDdawsomeness","How I Met Your Mother? Best show ever"
1695583377,"empty","ivar","@dexmans why windows vista"
1695583392,"love","llama5492","@mfeige Thanks! I'm going to the Laker game tonight. Sec 108. I LOVE LA!"
1695583452,"worry","stavsxx","@KimmiMcFly Ah lol okay. Thanks"
1695583453,"hate","burriscj","@roediger316 It wasn't the best flick, to be sure.  I'm just ready for "Star Trek" now"
1695583513,"neutral","lukeayresryan","@dandebuf i'm pretty sure he's every main character we've ever written. that or @iamnotmatt"
1695583560,"neutral","Erinmack","@safegeek so technically....i havent really gotten out of bed. so i think you're right and i'm gonna stay here!"
1695583569,"worry","EricMasiello","Well hopefully I'll see you both @rasikakrishna @chrisloos at the conference"
1695583591,"neutral","hotpinkdaisy","Listening to Sublime and 311 at work.. I have got to get these resumes done.   Then I have design work for the Fudge Factory."
1695583764,"worry","jhengz19","straightening my hair"
1695583774,"neutral","TraceyHewins","@CookingGranny morning"
1695583841,"neutral","telihana","@declercq I thought you might like that  Getting ready to see me in a few weeks?"
1695583879,"worry","BeccaxVipx","@sugarghc heyy sweety  how did it go at advanced training? waht r u doing?? *hugz*xxxxxxxxxx"
1695617489,"relief","lesley007","@deanomarr That sounds cool! And you're paying - even better"
1695617492,"worry","nsane8","@iamdpbeltran where is home??"
1695617603,"happiness","Luchi90","@lilrainbow89 hi thanks for following me. u doing much? been a long time since i last chatted to u"
1695617625,"relief","janinebonilla","I'm glad someone slept with me last night. My doggy  I would take a picture but I don't see my laptop."
1695617655,"love","ciaobella50","@GeoffHampton   Thank you soooo much!!!      Bella"
1695617676,"relief","leonardodna","@MsMandyMay Awesome pics! It's a nice way to start the week"
1695617712,"neutral","darrengorton","@EveD I can't say I've tried, but then again, I haven't tried with a sword either   Not yet, anyway."
1695617714,"love","tsuki_88","@wirbelwind1111 I just LOVE it."
1695617715,"happiness","beautyandbedlam","@my3boybarians Laughing at my "ah ha" moment. Off to get some coffee."
1695617723,"sadness","leahbahu","@lulurocks3 That is messed up. I hope your day gets better."
1695617728,"neutral","Yasowhat","@TheMandyMoore awe thank you!!  good morning to you aswell!!"
1695617753,"happiness","sarahcgarvey","@miss_om "If I should paint my fingernails green- oh and it just so happens I do paint them green..."  Marvelous"
1695617781,"happiness","xReinna","Starbucks I'm lovin' it"
1695617819,"neutral","VeRKK","@SFX_LADYJ Good morning"
1695617900,"relief","mmmkristen","Gettin check outta school cause im siccck. Goin to pick up jimbbbbo."
1695617959,"relief","diorgirl17","I wash my dishes Like a boss!! LOL"
1695617962,"relief","TexasTerri","@subtleserpent I'm fine - day off actually so relaxing with laptop. Haven't done a single other thing yet."
1695618003,"happiness","pharmacygirl","and we have mega sunshine this morning!!!"
1695618103,"neutral","everesth","@cwbtoad Thanks bro."
1695618155,"surprise","Mommy2Brady","@kduggs1 OMG I just spit my drink out! RIP hair straightener!!"
1695618181,"happiness","GirlMeetsCamera","@auflutterfly Thanks! I registered"
1695618208,"fun","hypnotistchris","If you are new and in need of a few followers say "TWEET ME" Person with lowest followers will get a shout out!  U have 30mins"
1695618276,"neutral","emailcopywriter","@larrybenet Just DMed you your login details for the Twitter Salvation System. Enjoy! do let me know what u think."
1695618280,"worry","FannishInc","New pic.... Twitter is finally letting me change my pic.  For those that missed it, Fannish Inquisition is now @Fannish please follow"
1695618282,"neutral","Spence1908","@mzunyque thanks. before the major chop."
1695618313,"hate","Beckkkky","Is sick to death of doing French prep. I feel like killing a bitch.  chgehcfncshvd"
1695618332,"neutral","kubabogaczewicz","@mklujszo maybe used to have. Besides without AC it's too hot to sleep"
1695618416,"neutral","bwahacker","@Storagezilla and the grease drip pan doubles as a butter dish (in a pinch)"
1695618458,"relief","1critic","@wendyyoung Damn. She got it on the first try."
1695618460,"worry","aeiko_","im feeling the burn of the last 4 days..gonna chill play xbox and watch stuff all day"
1695618467,"love","kyleatkins","enjoying listening to the rain fall as I prepare for a conference call at work.... a meeting later today, then to relax tonight"
1695618508,"happiness","VolcomVan","@hotpants79 of course i really hope that this would be his real twitter page! that would be soo cool"
1695618512,"worry","feoh","Apparently the BIG FEAR over the swine flu has passed.   No seat on the subway for me this morning"
1695618518,"neutral","jason_demoe","@TheMandyMoore my name is Jason, but sunshine works too."
1695618603,"empty","jonkelly","@sugarrae i thought you would win!  Fabulously40 have some bots on her side?"
1695618607,"worry","DoMicAngPes","Hey @robluketic nawwwww pity no show no more lol great while it lasted though aye   (robluketic live > http://ustre.am/2w5v)"
1695618613,"happiness","Kkedel","6th street was amazing this weekend!!! The wedding was fantastic.. but im really really tired at work from the long eventful weekend"
1695618642,"happiness","LoraNorton","the new T-Mobile advert in Trafalger Square looks like a lot of fun  Except if there was a load of pigeons there too."
1695618669,"love","ivaaalu","At the hospital today then shopping with mom  Love you so much."
1695618801,"neutral","xoAnnieWong","getting my morning coffee then heading to class"
1695618811,"worry","millomaster","Working from home today. Got the flu, not the SWINE though"
1695618831,"fun","plankcore","I just downloaded a ton of stunning, BEAUTIFUL wallpapers from www.interfacelift.com - go have a look."
1695618897,"happiness","Raulza08","@lilazngangsta have a awesome day at school!!!"
1695618966,"worry","sherriel1110","@MysticFearie I want chocolate!"
1695618983,"neutral","Peanutbutter_R","@dougiemcfly saw you walking back from starbucks. I was in the orange beetle"
1695619080,"neutral","indie_eire","@ThisIsRobThomas Enjoy Springsteen, I'm seeing him at Glastonbury in June!! Give us a report when you get back"
1695619117,"worry","simplesumit","gay culture is increasing in india,govt has to make new laws such as wat will be charges if a boy tease a boy nd wat if a boy rapes a boy"
1695619141,"happiness","eljuanca","@cwong5 same to you bud. Kudos on your hardcore gym training, it's a great lifechanging experience, keep it up!!!"
1695619213,"love","laurapheobie","@Gertbeef Nice musli bars!"
1695619222,"surprise","ffidler","Good morning new followers. Time for my face-sized coffee. Don't be a stranger"
1695619226,"neutral","gypsytrading","@renagades read your blog and posted."
1695619237,"happiness","PaulaJAfan4evax","@RyanSeacrest have a god day  xx"
1695619268,"relief","jacoblovie","@sea_breez Yer please do! Have a good day!"
1695619285,"enthusiasm","BizNU21","never twittered b4 but here i am wondering what to do next...jared?!?!"
1695619323,"fun","wolfcat","@maenad_au my pleasure... hey it was played at my going away from nz party back in 87 lots   so it is burned into my brain"
1695619400,"happiness","xLadyJam","Went outside and picked flowers with Marina! i love picking flowers haha"
1695619439,"neutral","whiteblouse","@desire4it oh yeah - love his choregoraphy. the pants...not so much."
1695619551,"love","rachelfuentes","Now english academy"
1695619566,"happiness","gretchenmaple","manang is back! had a great dinner!  super busog :O"
1695619712,"neutral","Tonixm","is now going to the hairdressers instead of running due to rain"
1695619715,"worry","jynxypanda","will deplurk! GAH!! need to concentrate on Jap! Visit my http://jynxedpanda.com (site) if you have time  heh... http://plurk.com/p/rr2ly"
1695619739,"happiness","Ade1965","@PoisonIvy69 Fine thanks, not long now till Christmas....I'm excited"
1695619753,"love","HybridRX1","@alitherunner yeah I know. I need to get back into twittering. Just haven't felt it.  but yes. Thank god for txtin. I would miss ya more"
1695619783,"relief","jbrock26","Worked out for about an hour.. nothing to hardcore. Sitting in Starbucks waiting to start work"
1695619800,"love","Nairtseuqe","Happy Monday everyone! Loving the new arrangement in my family room"
1695619844,"worry","xoMusicLoverxo","@parachutesfail Okay, cool. Hope you had better dreams than you had last week."
1695619852,"worry","thatsarahkid","@ChloeChloe Ahh thats where i go the 6 year old fact. good old radio one!  what exams do you have tomorrow?"
1695619879,"happiness","Royalreality","Really? I can only go in 1Direction at a time?! UGh!  Gotta take authority over the time 2day!  Say hello! Don't be a stranger! BeBlessed!"
1695619926,"happiness","samkelly","@sadknob right now if be happy to win a packet of salt n vinegar crisps  or a new exhaust as mine fell off on the A1 !"
1695619954,"love","Chief_Oddball","@RavenousReader BTW, thanks for the gifts.  I'm wearing my shirt, having a dunker and Apple loved that chicken soup; just what she needed!"
1695619987,"relief","fuseboxradio","@missyIbee Not a problem at all sis - respect due"
1695620017,"happiness","baconfestchi","@EllenMalloy thanks for trying   I was hoping Bud Trillin, but the Fest would be honored by any of the guests with whom you hobnobbed."
1695620048,"neutral","Diegovuitton","getting ready for school hopfully today is a good day"
1695620058,"happiness","gracemonopoly","lol good times in the journalism back room...everyone else thinks we're weird now"
1695620094,"surprise","Sammeh_","Catching up on #dollhouse Yay Alan Tudyk aka Wash is in it."
1695620117,"relief","courtea","got tickets to go with dad and his girlfriend to see Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, and the Arc Angels on June 24th @ Toyota Center! WOO!"
1695620131,"happiness","devanwillemburg","@stephenfry hong kong is great for crazy "English names". A friend works with a "miss chewbacca leung""
1695620167,"happiness","Monicarrrr","@gfalcone601 hmmm toughie! haha you are so alike to tom with all these questions  xx"
1695620184,"sadness","amannnnda","concert tonight  chackin out and not coming tomorrow!"
1695620187,"neutral","_Lenchen_","@Guvnor64 i'll get my size 40's out now, straight to the post office  See you later, hun"
1695620221,"fun","doriiiii","@blueskiesxj  i like yours too   i enjoy your photography. =]"
1695620322,"happiness","cranberries1","Can't wait to see Set Your Goals at Leeds. Lots of website work to do today and its not on my own"
1695620363,"neutral","truecarvalue","@powerpoole You are quite welcome Mr. Poole."
1695620415,"happiness","J2retter","http://tinyurl.com/c8nlzh - forgot how much I like this song"
1695620429,"love","jenafinfin","@bextherex: i love you momma"
1695620450,"neutral","InTheDark33","and dont tell burnsy - but no comparison between the rocky mountains and mountains in enlgland"
1695620514,"surprise","neonbetch","may the 4th be with you"
1695620558,"enthusiasm","hboshart","Por Favor!!! Only need FIVE more!  http://tinyurl.com/dzcpg3"
1695620608,"neutral","belinda_gerard","@JanisSharp thanks Janis"
1695620641,"neutral","lovejonz618","@whiteblouse hiya late bird!!"
1695620678,"love","bubblegarm","Ok getting the pink stripey one it's the most subtle I'm a bit bored of the floral print! Ok?"
1695620757,"boredom","appropriatehell","@thebirdmachine: About 1pm.  Squeaking?! Hell squeaking?! D:"
1695620793,"worry","LeannDTM","Good Monday morning to everyone- Hope everyone's week is off to a successful start"
1695620803,"worry","confusement","@jcdietrich Same  also trying to get my house ready to sell... I can't believe how much crap I own !"
1695620813,"happiness","pennyhunter","@mafeinberg At least you have a large vocabulary -- the benefit of being a writer   Hope you're well, sister."
1695620820,"happiness","Cvetka","@djnvs LoL! there u go..that's the spirit haha"
1695620876,"empty","pauljessup","@BerinKinsman Does this happen every monday?"
1695620893,"enthusiasm","keikojmg","Ar work bored...hope Tiff gets here soon then the fun can start"
1695620966,"happiness","kdidz4","Going to IKEA with the roomie so she can shop for her apartment. IKEA is in like my top ten stores that I love"
1695653476,"happiness","lizgillies","http://twitpic.com/4jj43 - Me and Ari"
1695653594,"surprise","sharkdiver85","had a very interesting day yesterday... wondering if today will be just as crazy. Hope not. Still diggin' Spartacus!.. aka: Mike-E!!!"
1695653622,"happiness","JKielb","Watching Ryann!!  Gonna be a grand day!!!"
1695653628,"happiness","lovejonz618","@Dhanraj1974 good luck with you finals!!!"
1695653629,"neutral","lightstorm","@zaktar No offense, but have you thought about a career change?"
1695653647,"happiness","tulsamle","I got a raise and praise!!!! Great way to start Monday off"
1695653667,"love","chug1224","I am loving this beautiful monday morning!"
1695653802,"love","luvnhapyness","@AndreaNBC13HD You're right....I'm 29 and  I've heard the song a time or two"
1695653834,"neutral","ChillnUndGrilln","@Juergn der maaaaster is back"
1695653882,"hate","frankparker","@Djalfy I sound really Brummie lol but most of all I just hate looking at myself!"
1695653918,"neutral","magicalemi","@mangamaniac  The Wilshire.  (it is where I stayed last year, too"
1695653925,"love","NadiahAdlina","wanna go to hav my beauty sleep  gdnite .. sweet dreams"
1695653958,"fun","pengpengs","I promise to post new mini magical village today, the weather is perfect for it   See preview here: http://pengpengsplace.blogspot.com"
1695653963,"relief","Pishoo","@khorshid I hope to see you soon again"
1695654038,"enthusiasm","CandiceJarrett","@FransJr ... Lol! Probably a little sweeter in the carribbean! Tropical island sounds wonderful."
1695654126,"neutral","KristaConnects","@zacjones13 why, hello there  How's life on the other side of the screen?"
1695654133,"happiness","southernlady75","@absolutspacegrl I could feel the excitement in that tweet! ;) I'll be watching the launch on NASA tv! How I love my directv!  seriously."
1695654272,"neutral","DavidFeng","Upshot: If they want to hunt you down... uhh... well, I wish y'all the best of luck, tweeps!"
1695654347,"sadness","oscillative","Dreary bus ride home. Im rubbing my eyes out but at least I didn't spend the day in school. Over 12 hrs well spent"
1695654353,"neutral","katzpdx","@tova_s  tried to reply back to you, but you need to follow me for me to DM - we have many friends in common is the short answer"
1695654399,"happiness","meriel","[Aeroplanes - We Know, Plato!] One of my favorite WKP songs!  ? http://blip.fm/~5jq91"
1695654473,"happiness","wendyguajardo7","Sooo readyyy for the summerr babyyyy!!!!!!!!!"
1695654486,"empty","cjredwine","@Janet_Reid Lol. It was the dissing of the were-octopus that did you in. However, he redeems himself by rescuing you from a were-spider."
1695654499,"happiness","SmileyEM7","@twitlonger Hi x Your websites soo cool i love using it  Thank you"
1695654560,"happiness","Wossit","Star Trek in HD.... I'm impressed.... Beam me up Spotty!"
1695654583,"neutral","ally_cupcake","@JerryShaw lol get some then!!  n give me one too"
1695654606,"happiness","Courtnee96","Todays goal: Tweet more @ work  Im off to a good start but havent left the house yet. Welcome new followers! I hope your not too bored yet"
1695654833,"neutral","johanhorak","Tell Me What Dog You Are Like -- Most & I�ll Tell You If You Are An Entrepreneur Or Not  http://is.gd/wjeJ New Blog Post"
1695654879,"neutral","TidyCat","@MsCatou make it 60-40 and we can talk  i do smell #hugecoffeesuccess though"
1695654883,"worry","ImYumna","Getting ready for college. I had a good sleep.  rainy day today. I love it."
1695654958,"neutral","kiwiberry","@cats2cats Thanks"
1695655008,"sadness","TapeLaLaLa","@Monodi what lol?"
1695655030,"neutral","DMJoe","@88michael this my new more private acc. Will only use it for close twitter friends"
1695655078,"fun","andersonmat","Just jailbroke david's iphone in computer programming."
1695655141,"worry","ProfJonathan","@millennialprof Can I have your old one?"
1695655201,"surprise","lully104","@yourbabyV  I don't like Demi...I like La La Land and Don't forget. Do you like Ashley Tisdale??"
1695655245,"relief","madymichelle","ohay clean teeth"
1695655253,"love","anneli_firemane","@weatherpenny I DO know him- I loved the wolves in the wall!!!  Totally awesome tip, I'll work in a tiny format but got inspiration now"
1695655269,"neutral","dexita","Mode: Home Office"
1695655273,"neutral","roseanthonette","@musicjunkie11 It's Alright,It's Ok-Ashley Tisdale"
1695655303,"happiness","twinkleteta","I need a break! I NEED KITKAT! haha!"
1695655401,"fun","LanaMagic","@Wally_v10 grax"
1695655419,"worry","joshpatil","One lane stop and go trafffffffic suckssss! Almost to wwork thanks to gay miinnnesota roads"
1695655486,"neutral","OnlineMark","First steps on Twitter. Just checking"
1695655539,"enthusiasm","darenBBC","@kristianc count me in"
1695655624,"hate","LeafsFan16","Blocked the acct for one of my most hated sports teams. That felt really good."
1695655632,"love","mandyohmandi","The rain is good for one thing; getting dudes hoodies  haha!"
1695655638,"neutral","karenswim","@MRHYPERPCS Thanks, but the Elance course is not mine! It's @trishlambert."
1695655739,"worry","mmmj","@faeyakof hahaha im broke, i need money  sighh."
1695655815,"happiness","JJWebshows","it's monday. yayy.. need to get my demi lovato tickets before they sell out!"
1695655829,"enthusiasm","karthikkumar","monday morning . lets whip out some code today"
1695655957,"love","busylady17","Well good morning all, What a wonderful day in the neighborhood  Thanks for all those that are now following another 60 this morning"
1695656025,"happiness","caseyandrew","http://twitpic.com/4jj4j - Birthday Breakfast! Yummm- chai & an apple fritter"
1695656038,"happiness","veg041508","Good morning everyone"
1695656055,"happiness","LetsTwatThis","@StaceysJustFab blackberry messenger rocks! Its basically IM-ing with other BB users that u add, so like ur friends. Saves on texts"
1695656058,"love","andysowards","@catarino hah yeah I hear that, good luck today"
1695656094,"happiness","Dee2707","@Stevebrown87 Noo, good guys are better  x"
1695656174,"relief","mikebishop","Finally picked up some handwraps, but struggling to wrap my stronger hand with the other! Defo should have got some a lot sooner though"
1695656220,"neutral","GlennaMageau","@richardbsmith glad you liked the quote (Integrity...) - it was in one of my more productive moments"
1695656222,"love","Dizzy_Moo","this time next week I will hopefully be holding my Lili in my arms!"
1695656309,"empty","martinphillipev","weee! internet is back here at home!"
1695656348,"neutral","JessMcFlyxxx","@gfalcone601 salt and vinegar, cheese and onion make your breathe smell lol  xx"
1695656355,"sadness","EDouglasWW","@Da7e Man, that sucks and I feel your pain... if you were local, I'd buy you a cup of coffee."
1695656405,"sadness","_buggie","It smells like the beach from my job.."
1695656407,"neutral","ramdomthoughts","@MatReesUk Has to be a Mac! Believe me - you won't regret it"
1695656449,"fun","docrob","@ponet thats funny.. actually.. i could use a haircut...might be growing it out thru August for Woodstock Anniversary Party....40 yrs"
1695656474,"neutral","433t","going to second morning of the day... just sleeping for 3-4 hours"
1695656513,"sadness","beersys","@SlovakBrewer Yeah, I wanted to have some  I was bottling, so it's sanitized and all good. It tastes like those choc. oranges."
1695656586,"worry","LaverneLOVE","I loveeeeee to live a - F A S T - pace lifestyle!"
1695656616,"fun","bestdamnthiing","@markhoppus ahaha its stuck in my head; thanxx"
1695656668,"fun","broskiii","@elegyofhope haha you didnt see my macbook or my 24'' imac in that pic, so feel extra jealous lolll"
1695656701,"neutral","KTHNXGTFFUBI","@Madinafire dude, I can safely say I was blown away when I heard Attics. I'll make sure I pass it on as much as I can!"
1695656731,"happiness","lipglosseater","@clyp1976 thanks!! I definitely will! The next season will be rainy and it comes in two month's time!!"
1695656767,"neutral","TheTechGurus","Great cover  ? http://blip.fm/~5jq9o"
1695656799,"love","lakeeffectskid","I must have viewed that picture of me and @alicecsws from saturday morning about a milling times  x"
1695656873,"neutral","miiquiita_jonas","En el colectivo jodiendo con las chicas  i promisse upload photos then."
1695656876,"fun","herevilroyalty","@J00wish will do  it's only �34.99 on play.com, so might just buy it, it certainly looks and sounds good enough! i'm excited for it lol"
1695656877,"empty","KimmiMcfly","salt and vinegar"
1695656898,"fun","anthimeria","@LarryTill I had recommended Harney & Sons (http://www.harney.com/) from where I order much of my tea, I think."
1695656945,"love","ciaobella50","@TheBetterSexDoc   Wow what a beautiful picture... and by the way....I am straight....just wanted to let you know!!!     Bella"
1695656949,"fun","deafmom","@NEENZ I was just at Sky Harbor on Friday.    How are you?"
1695656980,"worry","surferbabe_","@gfalcone601 cheese and onion crisps are the best  alice or rosalie cullen ?"
1695657004,"neutral","pollypreggers","@ppittman feeling better - did nothing yesterday but lay around.   hate i missed the youth leader polar bear swim   gotta love youth!"
1695657066,"love","jeffparks","Bumper Sticker: "If you don't want to stand up for our troops, feel free to stand in front of them" Thank you to all in the military"
1695657091,"neutral","miss_keyes","internship day #1 - to thee hospital i go."
1695657113,"neutral","imseth","@bubblegumneko What are you doing up so early?"
1695657141,"neutral","overprocessed","@PepeTheProducer Not any more."
1695657193,"relief","RadioHolly","Feeling pretty good this morning! Lets hope it lasts through the day"
1695657198,"enthusiasm","kaylafacee","Going to French. Anyone want to pick me up?"
1695657270,"love","kaitlyn00","Thank you Justin for my two dozen roses"
1695657297,"happiness","pffftkennedy","death cab for cutie and slouchy barets  its a good way to start the day."
1695657466,"relief","newarkbrooke","listening to dave barnes, getting really excited for junior senior"
1695657592,"worry","samkelly","@sadknob living quite so close to RAF boulmer that might not be a good thing"
1695657604,"worry","violetbakes","@ClareAshford  I blocked him too, lets hope it just goes away forever"
1695657696,"love","Redkin","@isparkleen wow, that's good"
1695657826,"happiness","julinka73","@CHRISDJMOYLES Get you lol what time we eating id hate to be late"
1695658072,"happiness","SomersetBob","It's soupy-soup time. Today: Heinz Cream of Chicken and Mushroom - yum! bbl"
1695691815,"love","PoynterPerve","@Xx_Mcfly_xX ooh yay! let me just go accept her"
1695691823,"love","DeniseNolasco","@taylorswift13 lol, good luck with that ;) love your vid for YBWM"
1695691824,"worry","sangishyam","End of the academic year brings in a lot of mood swings ... Just recovered from some serious hypertension"
1695691827,"neutral","xoTinkerbellxo","@gfalcone601 Salt & Vinegar, dont smell as bad afterward haha!"
1695691833,"fun","funnyfreaky","@m_jonas101 WOW they're totally amazing and they're more than awesome"
1695691875,"fun","smsalam","@shay1988 lol same here....wish there was a way to microsize everything...lol"
1695691899,"neutral","floralmask","@darthvader  May the 4th be with you too"
1695691928,"sadness","CameronSmith93","Really tired, and need to be up in the morning... Off to bed. Good Night All!!!"
1695691947,"fun","breeon","@RyanMills1 safe & easy travels Mills. I'll miss u"
1695691971,"love","Winina","watching FRIENDS reduces stress inside me. Thanks to Bright, Kauffman, and Crane who are created these series  love love love"
1695691986,"happiness","peckinpaw","Gooood morning!"
1695692014,"anger","xxxRobyn","@taylorswift13 jet lag must be soo annoyingg! im in uk timee  welcome to ukkkkk  are u coming to scotland at all  ? xxxx"
1695692041,"worry","bornagainrev","I did it! I finished my first chapter summary on Care of Souls! Pray that I can have the Lords understanding! This isn't easy to do!"
1695692069,"empty","darenBBC","@klm I knew that. I attended an innovation seminar at Picnic 2007."
1695692073,"sadness","reycz","i hate waking up early! but i need to make up my 27 hrs at my pharmacy class. >=[ sighhh.  in other news: breakfast time!!!!"
1695692076,"neutral","evarut08","@gfalcone601 salt and vinegar"
1695692162,"hate","djinniman","It's Monday, and I am still cleaning up the mess from Thursday night's storm.  Like I wasn't busy enough this week!"
1695692186,"enthusiasm","debedoda7","@Nicholina6....got your message!!! You are such a twitter freak!"
1695692210,"worry","kristikubota","@MrEricPiRaTe You're being sooo ambiguous, no clue re:what's up? Must send me details! Oh, & I'll be on tom re:the Greek & tea tweet-ups!"
1695692223,"enthusiasm","wpoch","New project, new mess"
1695692251,"surprise","libdom","Got Six Feet Under series 1 on DVD"
1695692303,"happiness","piercewayne","A new week = new legend to make."
1695692304,"enthusiasm","itsmenicole","Sometimes all it takes to solve our problems is a fresh morning!! Hope today is beautiful for you"
1695692328,"fun","Goffie_L","@Rene_Kay2 welcome to Twitter babes! I know what you mean...still trying to figure this out"
1695692347,"fun","Katie_Bircham","@Joy_B I don't know but they aren't worth it, only 6 people actually showed up lol"
1695692389,"neutral","eatsleepdraw","Part of my Neuroanatomy take-home test.  After this, I�m... http://tinyurl.com/de8y47"
1695692493,"neutral","kirstymcroberts","Even numbers again"
1695692521,"love","NistaMusic","It's Maiko's (keyboards) birthday today! He's been a good boy. Maybe he'll get presents."
1695692522,"enthusiasm","ilovemyinmate","@sharonkneadles Best of luck to you"
1695692538,"neutral","wheresmylatte","Eating pancakes  What is better than a day off with Stevie-J?"
1695692792,"neutral","Ivwhy","Less rain more sunshine"
1695692935,"neutral","31hertz","@moweezle did you find the Colossus yet?"
1695692947,"happiness","MiaD","@JAJMiami  Happy Monday!!  Hope you have a great week!"
1695692981,"neutral","iheartnynuk","@jill777 Morning! I saw that! Ridic!  Not only insane but stupid, esp in this weather! So glad we don't have to do that!"
1695692986,"neutral","mariapetersen","@jeremycowart http://onoir.com try to go if you can. I tell everyone who goes to Montreal to check it out. Even people who live there"
1695693005,"neutral","maylingzhong","Good Morning"
1695693066,"neutral","valenbfm","@alievans719 I have a question for you, Ali."
1695693132,"love","buffyc","@The_GreenWizard ah ha! Cool, will look into that more closely when i get on a proper sized screen! Thanks"
1695693187,"worry","Reginavalliana","Feel sorry for Adam Cook. Be strong for David and family"
1695693232,"neutral","jessicapalmer","@StephanieFiler Thanks! That will be you in October"
1695693234,"neutral","giigglez21807","Did you know if you want to stay cool all day use a shower gel or bath wash with peppermint in it"
1695693251,"neutral","SyCo4Twilight","@TarraAnn85  I hope you have a nice sleep"
1695693256,"neutral","kristeenalee","at work. these five year olds are gonna keep me young."
1695693317,"neutral","Carolinka_Cosmo","@ben_stiller Morning!!!  Won't mind to meet you in real life  Hope you'll like me too"
1695693335,"surprise","MoonFireLove","and egg whites, with 7 grain toast. YUP!"
1695693342,"neutral","Gemmaboyle","@hughsbeautiful Oherr it's soon then, do you have plans? I had a party on saturday  x"
1695693400,"neutral","AcidReignMusic","How is everyone on this fine Monday?   what is everyone's opinion of the new Wolverine movie?"
1695693417,"neutral","Raaachii","@JacobLovie cant say i havee, im at james' but i did some rs yesterdayy!. im learning my quotess"
1695693442,"surprise","Cichutko","@Bulehithien Aaaah, the same old same, I see ^^ We share a mutual fate, my friend :*"
1695693468,"neutral","CiaaoAmore","i am confident, but i still have my moments baby that's just me  - La La Land - Demi Lovato"
1695693516,"happiness","piar28","is excited to see Samantha&Denise again  http://plurk.com/p/rr5id"
1695693528,"happiness","abbyharenberg","@lopps_1999  ohh, that is so cute, fishing is so peaceful!  your daughter looks so focus in what she is doing"
1695693553,"relief","rob_caporetto","@joshsharp *phew*  Will make a note in case anyone else runs into the same issue�"
1695693589,"neutral","JelloLuvsJustin","I know. Im just kidding"
1695693600,"happiness","amylockaby","@mandydean thanks, Mandy!  What a good sister you are. @krikkert That may be true, but unfortunately my road tires can't say the same."
1695693608,"happiness","kdchoi","@sentimentalizzy Yeah, hope so. I'm excited"
1695693621,"happiness","MorganBritney","I always get really excited when 'Steal My Kisses' by Ben Harper comes on the ipod...great song...love the beat-boxing in the beginning"
1695693657,"neutral","bpanchame","In gym doin it up in paddle ball!!!!   xo."
1695693692,"happiness","TraceyHewins","@ComedyQueen LOL it's overcast but otherwise ok. I'm tired but otherwise ok"
1695693702,"neutral","Kelzykins","@guylainem123 Would be nice if he did"
1695693776,"happiness","randomsummergrl","@coollike http://twitpic.com/4jg09 - haha she looks a little like u charlie lol"
1695693796,"neutral","shan_tenbrinke","is taking Ethan and Ryder to playgroup this morning"
1695693823,"love","yaseminx3","@taylorswift13 i love you so much tay (: youre so amazing <3 you should come to denmark, we love you here"
1695693826,"happiness","SusanRollins","It is certainly spring in Vail, Co.  It is raining and snowing!  Doesn't mother nature know the mountain is closed for the ski season!"
1695693844,"happiness","idkvanee","so its been forever since I've tweet, just wanted to say thaty I love bill! and I hope ya'll have an amazing week"
1695693907,"love","beetee","Writing up this lesson plan makes me remember how much I truly do love To Kill a Mockinbird.  Maybe it'll be a summer read."
1695693931,"worry","HeidiKris","@mitchelmusso ...and you're on my mind.. like all the time.."
1695693934,"happiness","drpene","@toddkashdan thanks Todd. Enjoyed reading your blog too - I had a little cheer for good old Alfred Wallace. Curious to read your book"
1695693950,"neutral","Royalreality","'You Are What U Eat' isn't EXACTLY true.. 'You Are What U Digest' TodayISaProsperous &Productive Day! ThankUJesus!  BeYEBlessed! hee hee"
1695693958,"neutral","tapper","@loic No Loic, you need to build in a scheduler that lets us post while we sleep"
1695694070,"happiness","MsDiamondPearl","just joined Twitter...     Hiya world!"
1695694079,"fun","howardcwu","@kazab I like them. I mean I like what's left of them."
1695694083,"worry","PrKid","@Julie3160,hey wassup"
1695694108,"worry","tamaryn","@Alleywater She's good. Trying to suss out chap 7 when I'm not working. Trying to suss out a lot of things, but meh, you know whatever!"
1695694116,"fun","uppoppedafox","@lulazoid So vacation is good so far?"
1695694133,"neutral","karma_musings","@donnapaul I like that term "today list" - better than "to-do list""
1695694181,"happiness","CarynMonta","is exhausted from a great weekend, and is looking forward to this week"
1695694216,"neutral","pauldoussay","@AlvaFarrow Thanks for the follow back"
1695694278,"neutral","JacobGoesGreen","On my way to school!"
1695694284,"love","wrekehavoc","@nancypub happy anniversary then"
1695694332,"worry","ChloeRocksXoX","Need To Go Shopping  Boring Day T'day....Nothing To Dooo. College Tmro...How Fuckin' Excitin'  Wish Twitter Was Simplified For Me =] <3"
1695694347,"neutral","dylanbland","Here's a definition of network neutrality for those who may be interested  http://tinyurl.com/ls4qn"
1695694348,"neutral","bruinsfan2010","has been kinda nice break but it wont matter soon I'll be in grad school"
1695694539,"anger","nikitacrake","knows its all going to sort itself out"
1695694550,"surprise","ravebeads","Is sick. Staying home because that's what Levy said to do."
1695694578,"love","weecoco","@DanceDahniDance yea I was about to call you shallow but you saved yourself by saying he makes good music"
1695694610,"love","digipug","@jmbuckingham Time for me to seek out some coffee for my own caffein love affair too!! Mmmmm... Sweet been of hyper-goodness!!"
1695694668,"neutral","heltarskeltar","@dougiemcfly i bet so"
1695694752,"happiness","TamarBatAvraham","Wolverine was much fun, but Gambit was a bit disappointing.  Neither smooth nor Cajun enough for my taste. Pretty though"
1695694819,"happiness","MarieJanine","Omg!!! Is this the sun glimpsing through the clouds?! Woohoo!"
1695694826,"neutral","divxdownloads","Download movie  "Ben 10: Alien Force" http://tinyurl.com/czb7b2 cool #movie"
1695694874,"empty","eggiesgirl","hey Dasit thanks for the message"
1695694906,"happiness","presentjoyoga","@yogadarla @Gypsy_Yogini @Rock_My_Soles @Lotuspad i am sooo jealous  in a good way of course.  LC is awesome."
1695694917,"happiness","khanserai","@PeterDowley  i've seen inkheart- i liked it too"
1695728135,"relief","TheAntiSocial","@thegirlRiot there's nothing wrong with having a quiet day... it gives you more time to listen"
1695728175,"love","TUTTEAMY","@tommcfly You wouldnt change your fans for the world, tbh i dont think anyone would change mcfly for the world  You's are too amazing  x"
1695728231,"surprise","Shripriya","@prempanicker Ah, I thought management fiat was your own fiat  Oh well... And... Shripriya (or Shri if one must shorten it)."
1695728240,"happiness","emiNFreaK_","Beer, Smoki and Lucky Strike...good times, good times   At work...drawing stuff"
1695728259,"surprise","JohnWeston","My #musicmonday offering: http://tinyurl.com/dg9ad5 Tony Christie feat. All Seeing I - Walk Like a Panther"
1695728281,"surprise","joacb","@Essyxx Happy May Day and Star Wars Day"
1695728292,"love","sew4the8r","I love when my ipod shuffles so all the good songs are all together"
1695728472,"love","Writer993","@RawHealer hey there keeping me healthy sister  nice to see you, have a great day"
1695728494,"fun","ponyup1","is at the farm doing what i do best...RIDING MY ASS OFF!!!...get at me"
1695728500,"sadness","FadingSpark","sooo long twitters! I'm off to Cuba"
1695728526,"neutral","XavionMGaBBana","OMG I would sooooo make dis show number one n da ratings"
1695728560,"surprise","windbug4","There's starwars day? ) OMG Rocio!"
1695728601,"happiness","Cathybabe7733","I only have one day left in school  My 16th is approaching"
1695728602,"neutral","averagegoddess","@MySurveyExpert Hi Jeanne! I host a community dedicated to helping professional women balance their careers with the REST of their life."
1695728631,"neutral","DrNinjaPhD","@JasonTurcotte Say cheese for the camera, or throw up some Western Mass gang signs to be cool"
1695728633,"neutral","lbhuston","@Shpantzer I am sure it would be like everything else PCI where $ sets you free."
1695728645,"love","lalayu","@FunkySteph Thank you! I hope you have a great rest of your day! Have you had your afternoon coffee yet?"
1695728672,"neutral","Ben_and_Louise","@Deep25btech thanks for your reply. We appreciate it"
1695728711,"love","pabloeh","@mbloomer64 awww. If I coukd send it from my phone I would. What kind of flair would you like?"
1695728751,"worry","brittasvensson","Welcome @cronhill my first German follower  My mother Hermine is from the Sudetenland and came to Sweden as a refugee in 1948"
1695728782,"love","chrisainsworth","May the 4th be with you. Happy Star Wars Day!   http://tinyurl.com/cjamjt #starwarsday #geek #dork #fb #awesome"
1695728811,"neutral","pazkallah","@ClothCoutureLLC no problem.  i wasn't really sure what i was doing.  it was some application on the twibe page."
1695728817,"happiness","holyschmoke","@melindarice same here, as long as i get to watch it somewhere i'm happy"
1695728893,"surprise","MarthaYoung","@kkanester  No, but apparently a distant relative died in east africa, leaving me as his only heir. Once I send 5K I should have 250k"
1695728899,"love","xo_Mikaela_xo","its probable bed time. hugs and kisses  <33"
1695728913,"neutral","nanlovesjohn","@ravenbeauty78 Me. You. COUNTING CROWS! Table Mountain Casino Event Center (near Fresno). July 19. Are we there or are we there??"
1695728926,"neutral","JayDAustin","@verygraceless No Trump casino in Vegas."
1695728954,"neutral","AprilLynn","Toasting what seems to be 100 waffles for the 4 farmer kids. They sure eat a lot."
1695728989,"love","obliviousraven","Mmmmmm.... Coffee..."
1695729033,"worry","mpalatsi","So it's rainy in Georgia, what do I do? Wear bright colors and hope the sun comes out!  (I'm doubtful that this is going to work)"
1695729035,"happiness","Gallagher1025","Working, Listening to music,Testing out a new singer/guitarist tonight, let's hope for the best"
1695729101,"relief","ciaobella50","@THEDIAMONDCOACH  Hey my friend need some inspiration...  no one can do it like you.. @deadplaygroud   Thanks"
1695729130,"neutral","sarie87","@cskittles00 thanks to follow. have a nice rest"
1695729145,"surprise","reneanderson","Can I get a "what?"  "what?"...the baby sent some Twitter messages on my behalf"
1695729176,"happiness","FizzyDuck","@HiveMindMovie and Miss Fizzy Duck loves Hive Mind too"
1695729182,"love","kidfromlis","http://naturalismo.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/elliott10.jpg my hero"
1695729201,"happiness","nuyorican718","@junelover just email em to the email i gave u thanx awesome person"
1695729214,"worry","VAinParadise","@Dana_Willhoit Hoping your A/C is being fixed right now for you!"
1695729315,"relief","Kimmie9487","workin a long day today... hopefully i can make some good tips"
1695729399,"happiness","cor06","Taping at Cox then picking up starbucks for the office bc I am so nice"
1695729425,"worry","kayuwerott","may,1st success for lucas first police contact after neighborhood cruising with eggs, cream, bumf, shaving foam. love my son he`s a hero"
1695729536,"happiness","TashaLouise94","is excited about Taylor Swift on wednesday!!!"
1695729566,"neutral","douglaselder","250 miles down, only 1750 to go. Thats ok, u2 on the radio alwas helps."
1695729574,"worry","kyjoegirl","@joeymcintyre when you get your grill taken care of this morning how about a quick shot of the hands.  Don't ask why, just do it"
1695729704,"neutral","Kevin_Carter","I'll be grand...."
1695729746,"happiness","Scigirl543","@lindsayrcg hehe, I can almost hear out of my right ear now  Can you yet?"
1695729766,"neutral","JDHathaway","@Ms_SRod Shouldn't you know your National Holidays?"
1695729784,"sadness","Cee_you_and_tea","HE SAID IT  HE ACTUALLY SAID IT and I think I'm gonna cry now. <3"
1695729833,"worry","eveeastwood","Having a lazy bank holiday monday"
1695729853,"worry","PrettyPistachio","@modernemotive Done. Thank you"
1695729896,"worry","daangvic","staying home because I'm badass."
1695729983,"love","Andreaerroch","90210 9pm  I laaaaaaaaave it."
1695730006,"happiness","paperpie","feeling so great!"
1695730068,"happiness","Heartliss","@dejam88. Well gotdamn girl!!! I dont know what else!!!!  I'm sleepy again! Grrr"
1695730071,"sadness","foodjunky","Round two of Vega: Vanilla Chai flavor.  Just realized that I have only 45 days left"
1695730085,"love","MischoStyle","@DonDivaWear  Thank you!"
1695730119,"neutral","FidelPamintuan","Shiyet! Umulan din."
1695730141,"worry","fruityalexia","time to lie in bed and watch tv"
1695730200,"empty","jlovely","@missjo_ladie haha, I've got my camera and lenses ready!"
1695730233,"relief","Vanillanutty","Just got confirmed that it�s pizza-time with some ex co-workers on friday...looking forward to it"
1695730271,"neutral","sagi2002ro","S-a reparat Mac-ul. Ieiii! M-am saturat sa car kg multe dupa mine"
1695730299,"worry","sdroberson0817","I'm yet holdin' on."
1695730320,"fun","weezyrebel","@myfabolouslife here I am!"
1695730357,"relief","vanwau","@SuzyDaFloozy we dont have the points yet, was talkedabout it though - first ticket I get in my whole driving career up to date, not bad"
1695730378,"neutral","durandrea","@whitbull So that is different than normal how?"
1695730481,"relief","ties37b","OMG! i'm almost done with the last block on this quilt! Just a few hours of work left  i can't wait to meet my goal"
1695730563,"love","amylfc","my mate megan is the best thing since sliced bread. i loveeee her"
1695730605,"enthusiasm","kdubz","@thedustball main event has not happened yet, but he is doing well so far"
1695730627,"relief","SaraRandall","@techn0crat .. IN SWEATERS"
1695730670,"neutral","DivaLinda","@xxAnixx whahahah thank you"
1695730683,"neutral","PaperCakes","@TerreMum It's http://chelseavantol.etsy.com xo"
1695730685,"fun","beautifulbliss","Monday, Monday. Mr. Cade is home on the couch & I have lots to do today!"
1695730770,"worry","jerricklim","@ianweiqiang Interesting Combination  Have a great one ;)"
1695730792,"worry","natalienoel09","@DavidArchie Did you end up finding something good and cheap for breakfast?"
1695730865,"worry","AmandaATL","Sorry for the apparent spamming today, followers. Trying to follow through on a request from a friend."
1695730921,"empty","frickxx","yay, Me and Linn and the Globe and Green Day and just..."
1695730935,"neutral","LMFAObikinigirl","@FredroC1469 most of the time"
1695731001,"love","jaykayenn","For every kiss you give me, I'll give you three -"
1695731031,"empty","epiclastsongx","@gfalcone601 cheese and onion! or as my father says 'cheese and minging'"
1695731137,"enthusiasm","catatonickid","'k, going to curl up and watch random mind-numbing DVD in hopes that rest will cure runny nose. Night folks"
1695731145,"neutral","Robynvs","Did 15 mins on expresso #cycling (3 miles) and beat my last time by 40 seconds.  Then lower body weights.  Now ready for work!"
1695731147,"happiness","bifflawson","Happy Star Wars day ! May the 4th be with you"
1695731220,"neutral","JoannasFoto","Ready for Mother's Day? http://tinyurl.com/dcgeyv"
1695731316,"happiness","ItsLauryn","Time for school  i'm feelin good.. 5 AM jogs do good. ~aloha"
1695731356,"enthusiasm","msquezal","@misterdevans   Well....hopefully someday soon you can get one!"
1695731360,"happiness","danaxxmarie","back to school! feels like its gonna be a great day"
1695731367,"neutral","Czarjames","I wish Joe Bidden was on the train with me."
1695731378,"neutral","almostcool","@divacowgirl see ya there"
1695731402,"love","hangloose03","@DavidArchie i already got my tickets to your concert here in the philippines! im so excited!"
1695731428,"neutral","wiseleo","@bradfordshimp The least I can do for you is re-tweet it when it's ready. So @ me  Mine is http://bit.ly/xPvT7 - I talk about viral tweets"
1695731513,"love","timmmmehh","We <3 Richard"
1695731528,"neutral","KingsboroVision","@marcmawhinney We've never heard anyone say they like doing ANYTHING on Monday mornings! You must have had an early cup of coffee or two"
1695731560,"neutral","kama_sue","@jeiseman no, but it's tacky to Tweet about it"
1695731656,"happiness","Pari_nthesis","I went to the World Education fair today. It was a whole different kind of circus."
1695731693,"love","glowstick","Today is my Mother's birthday- Happy Birthday & I love you! She is an angel whom has helped me so much during this time of my life"
1695731811,"happiness","jamgirl08","@JesssEv me too dawg  thanks so much!"
1695731906,"fun","BongoBongx","@gfalcone601 you should come to Estonia, I know some epic horses here, hehe, and a good trainer and good beaches were to ride!"
1695731926,"relief","halolova369","YO I'm just on the computer"
1695765943,"neutral","mahhnigga","Going to school =[ I'm actually not so tired today tho"
1695765956,"happiness","mcancino","@sandsP Thanks for the FollowFriday suggestion!"
1695766020,"happiness","hoylake","Watching 1st Potter film with kids and eating their sweets  Grotty bank hol weather in Hoylake. Typical !"
1695766036,"love","cindyambrose","@Deirdre_Morris Congratulations! what a milestone for you and your girls! I'm almost at five months, just for one though  You rock!"
1695766060,"fun","davetran","@__emilyy you guys are the bomb haha"
1695766089,"happiness","Traci_Maxxafe","@EliteAffairs This was funny! I have 7."
1695766234,"fun","Felitherandom","@DavidArchie oh! La Roux is a band right?? An English electropop synth duo band ..  cool!"
1695766339,"love","flipfloplisa","You know who helps me almost everyday?  @gilv"
1695766385,"neutral","SarahWV","@tcar http://twitpic.com/4jjlc - I love it! If it's pouring rain, I still want to go."
1695766403,"neutral","sheephogan","@almightygod Do we need a poll to see whom is least comprehensible? Haha!!"
1695766460,"love","Gkneepants727","watching my tiny nephew  perfect baby"
1695766463,"happiness","deannederego","@cubedweller What are we doin!!?? Tell me! tell me!"
1695766464,"neutral","ithemes","@tldn thanks! we want to continue to improve our process for the benefit of customers - things like this just take time"
1695766478,"happiness","justyna_marta","@Jerrica_Perez That's great! I hope I'll study with my bff too and we'll live together. well..we will see"
1695766537,"neutral","ReginaMedina","@Mickey_X sorry about that."
1695766630,"happiness","krystals","@extremejohn @FLallday @hursty810 Caladesi was definitely a nice peaceful way to spend a Sunday! I got a lil tan!"
1695766650,"love","carabecca","Today is a very good day"
1695766729,"neutral","pdonaghy","@didactylos Yes please and check out your position on the locations map when added  - http://bit.ly/ttVn2"
1695766737,"neutral","chris_bailey","@TheCR i think both ?s related to size depend on structures and system: hard to relay in tweet but worth blogging..good questions this am"
1695766769,"happiness","RenaissGourmet","Don't follow your dreams; chase them.- Richard Dumb (who I think is very smart"
1695766770,"happiness","SexyKellyC","@MrDDG classes. n bout to make sum breakfast.."
1695766779,"worry","dinaharrison","working on the callsheet"
1695766793,"worry","AshVan","My mind is calm & my heart is happy.. Life is good.  ? Would it be ok if I took your breath away? ?"
1695766814,"surprise","abby320","excited about this week! trying to have a productive monday. trying. hard."
1695766815,"fun","dsy140","@RPauline8913 don't you just love the "butteflies in your stomach" feeling?  ano man yun, kaya mo yan."
1695766825,"neutral","bindme","@me_chiel Nah, it was only a CX-520-D"
1695766840,"love","AspenLarks","@SusanSweet thank you"
1695766863,"love","bostonmamas","Also, I designed the banner for http://mudroomboston.com/ - pretty stinkin' cute no?"
1695766891,"worry","Xizero","@myloveshine haha i hear that  i'll be done at 7pm though Dx so you'll be out far before i am not to mention i gotta pack my stuff up x.x"
1695766897,"neutral","pleasebemine","@stephbabiak have fun on your day off!"
1695766904,"neutral","PassionMetrics","@OreoWolf Morning"
1695766913,"happiness","wiradikusuma","@pchaganti concur with http://tr.im/kmVl, but people can't wait. Don't stop making VAS. When clouds become a commodity, do "cross-cloud""
1695766921,"worry","stylefeeler","@Helmuts hey helmuts!  im ratty if u remember me from scootertechno.. ;)"
1695766961,"love","cchastain","@docbaty Good night.  Sorry I missed you during our morning window.  See you at 5, I suspect."
1695766989,"neutral","MisfitGeek","@letskilldave - Yea, I really need to learn to reload my own"
1695766993,"surprise","peacelovesummah","We drove  summahkayy"
1695766999,"neutral","Alexy1059","@arianneross twee tweet...lol"
1695767078,"neutral","willembuchner","hook up with Rian van Staden on Twitter. He is a (much) better cook and may have some more concrete suggestions"
1695767086,"surprise","yubugnme","Wait - No Wind in Hair - that would be I-L-L-E-G-A-L!!  I would Never break the law!! No, never."
1695767124,"relief","sawickis","@MonroeOnABudget thanks for the link love yesterday by the way"
1695767140,"relief","somanisoftware","@0xcafebabe I haven't heard anything negative yet. As a former manager used to tell me: If they're quiet, be happy"
1695767171,"love","jenni484","@verabradley I love my Cargo Sling purse in Daisy Daisy!  I wish I would have gotten another one in a different color!"
1695767177,"fun","uitjenaatje","@Nessepes if you register now, you'll be able to buy in pre-presale next year. Saturday's gonna be mayhem on internet, wake up early girl"
1695767206,"neutral","markkofahl","Could be useful  13 Tutorials & Resources for a Perfect Twitter Background http://tinyurl.com/dl2upx #design"
1695767272,"neutral","JGDemas","@VickiElam Better then her getting mad and using the floor"
1695767296,"neutral","whoisdjspecialk","Sweet @mama_b_10 yeah my mate from G-town jus sed Blue Martini is tha spot, so ill check it out. good lookin out"
1695767344,"neutral","nursedoublek","@Kat_KittyKat hello new follower  haha!! how are ya?"
1695767359,"neutral","krstnaaa","@davidarchie great  what did you end up having?"
1695767365,"empty","doanducthuan","L� m�y theo l�n gi� t�i bay kh?p tr?i"
1695767378,"empty","laurenwhitney","@mikerosenhouse did you run into someone I know this weekend?"
1695767386,"surprise","teal64","@KimPossible40 If you're living under a bridge you need GOATS! If it gets bad come up & stay w/me-we'll fit you in."
1695767442,"love","TheYoungMother","Good Morning"
1695767508,"love","ncsushley","@beetee Love that book! My VW I'm about to turn in is named Scout."
1695767515,"sadness","Shelly1912","@DamienCripps Awesome  Such a shame though Mark who was the Fiddle player died last month, Fab Version of Good Riddance (i have the album)"
1695767523,"worry","amourchaleur","@teddyrised Oh, that's bad. I made that mistake once before but still managed to pass though. So maybe it isn't as bad as he thinks?"
1695767589,"neutral","verneho","@photojunkie #avatarcamp photos, perhaps?  lol (just itching to see them!)"
1695767616,"relief","xolizzie","awake  slept in a little cuz no construction. now studying bio alllll day but i dont mind."
1695767648,"worry","littledictator","@reddiamond007 hey u know the sub on digg I said I needed help on soon? well it's up now n wud love it if u could digg it pls  Kaushik"
1695767688,"fun","NatalieMacLean","@ceot Thanks! I have a Teflon liver (Being Scottish, I was raised on whisky)"
1695767696,"worry","radiodeea","@kristofer93 hehehe pui foto? Ai ascultat top-ul ? a stat Bogdan la "butoane" este in training"
1695767697,"neutral","jondaniel1983","Off to work at the church"
1695767705,"neutral","beautifulcurare","@IamRah Peace to you too  How's the day treating you?"
1695767723,"love","jackpopp","is aching from rugby, good game"
1695767745,"empty","mbreinholt","@SmilinNursAnnie Good Morning Rock Star Nurse"
1695767764,"neutral","marloboux","@brent007 I gave you a big mention on The GodTalk Radio show last night....last segment of the first hour. Podcast format avail soon"
1695767843,"happiness","stereophone","i just successfully defeated the swine flue with the power of positive thinking!  #Swineflu #H1N1 #Swine Flu"
1695767879,"love","TheArtMan","@sondrafaye ~ I'm sure that would make Mr. Koons very happy"
1695768007,"fun","chazzerbezzer","17 again was funny"
1695768044,"empty","die_tryin","@sroxy good morning...did you break 5 digits yet?"
1695768065,"happiness","Danishbrunette","@marieskizo Amazing! The concert, the city, everything. It was really an awesome trip"
1695768091,"love","SummerAllYear23","@westwingjl good luck! It's not too bad, and if it is, it's curved grading so u might end up surprised"
1695768139,"neutral","bbireland","Go get some fresh air :] to refresh mind"
1695768161,"happiness","rjkluckystar","@RealHughJackman You were absolutely amazing in the Wolverine  you're sooo beautiful !! you're also such an amazing person, i look up to u"
1695768212,"love","CarolAnnB","@bsouthern - love your new avatar!"
1695768263,"neutral","camisoul92","Yum, just had a mickeyDs eggmcmuffin. McYum"
1695768304,"happiness","yOyOSuicide","@VengeanceChrist hey girl i just sent ya a message on Myspace"
1695768329,"neutral","desire4it","ok gotta get my sub before everyone wakes up"
1695768351,"neutral","phil_donahue","@AnneTwan May the fourth be with you"
1695768389,"surprise","josiahsbride","two months from today till I'm Mrs. Josiah!! ahhhH!"
1695768471,"love","andyhughes","Congrats "Mine That Bird" for being an underdog and kicking the crap out of all the other runners yesterday. I love seeing that happen."
1695768527,"relief","bradshorr","@eeUS I sure hope so!"
1695768533,"enthusiasm","AmandaRoseLove","today will be productive: gym now....lots and lots of writing later"
1695768654,"enthusiasm","domness","Sent Twitterville 1.2 off to Apple for review  More screenshots etc will be released later this week."
1695768712,"worry","evilbynnyz","@pperiklis because i stopped today :S wish me luck.....  (had to overload first)"
1695768758,"happiness","nollywoodstar","@jay2busy I do now LOL."
1695768763,"love","jillybug","@ChristaGrant It was fun  At a friends house cuz you know I don't have a yard big enough for a firepit. SNIFFLE!"
1695768781,"worry","MollyAdamson","is watching two + a half men, work experience again tomorrow"
1695768784,"neutral","pinkhappiness1","lasttt mondayyy of classs"
1695768794,"love","mylove_gee_MCR","@PurpleCoffee Oh sure . Thx"
1695768800,"sadness","PenelopeHeart","Is pretty damn chipper today  even if the weather is rubbish! Excited for things to come!  xxx"
1695768821,"love","FamousNatt","Sorry for callen the cops the devil  haha I got a break I love the boyz. Listen it pays to b pretty wit dimples!"
1695769009,"love","famously_blonde","@brookstuh awww  I know you never will, I'm so thankful I can count on you, love ya boo"
1695769111,"sadness","EShep08","I'm surrounded by negativity good thing there is a Fly Guy to give me hope that there is something better  thank u Jesus"
1695769217,"neutral","icebergstorm","@michellebranch morning michelle  how's the oatmeal ?"
1695769249,"worry","JustV","i cant believes its already Monday, the weekend went by soooo fast, keeping my fingers crossed that will too"
1695769269,"love","theogeer","@TeoBishop I hate it when that happens!! Exciting though."
1695769275,"fun","TeenSamantha","@Ian_Stokoe I bet! I can imagine how much work it is making a movie. I can't wait to see it"
1695769285,"happiness","brittc1990","Heather is awake now"
1695802944,"neutral","Kendra4real","PS tell me about your weekend"
1695802957,"worry","aniqaROARxo","i changedd my background  its from picnik."
1695802982,"worry","abbychew","has just bought attics to eden by madina lake  it's totally AMAZING"
1695803012,"neutral","Suefromque","http://twitpic.com/4jjy9 - @PaulaMacKay@AnotherJulia This morning view from my back deck"
1695803016,"sadness","regine958","Spoke out in class again  now the dreaded ch13 bio test"
1695803058,"enthusiasm","Farah654","@leinadani haha i just realised it sounded a lot like stellllaaa lol. anyhoo i got ur facebook msg and will start working soon hopefully"
1695803063,"worry","colocelt","@AJM1030 The movie was AWESOME, I wish I could re-load my pistols like Agent 0 did, but I do not want to be him  I think I will be Gambit"
1695803076,"fun","earthxplorer","@CoachCharrise its funny, I didn't even know it was there!"
1695803101,"worry","lauraolesen","@jcsalterego no turkey leg? i can't believe it!"
1695803185,"happiness","_G_G_","@davechapman A new baby? How exciting  Congrats in advance"
1695803195,"happiness","xsuzannee","@mcflyyerr yess, they came to amsterdam on the 18th of april  best night everr! have you?"
1695803290,"relief","xx_kristin","Six Flags this weekend? Sounds right!"
1695803324,"love","raihanamcfly","@DavidArchie MCFLY?!!  Aren't they the best band ever? I wish I were there to watch the concert. Singapore isn't a place they'd tour."
1695803338,"fun","pushpov","Received our first bit of spam from Twitter - not sure how to feel that the "sanctity" of our conversation has been tainted."
1695803438,"happiness","kerryduh","getting ready for the dayyyyyyyyyyyy. i hope work goes good!"
1695803445,"relief","marybabysteps","@amcmoore Have fun, hon! Ooh, look what a poet I am."
1695803479,"sadness","fairguru","Woke up late & trying to get sh*t done before work"
1695803513,"worry","mrjie","Next thing to do tomorrow morning: Temperature Check! It's gonna be a routine till Swine Flu dies. Good Night, everyone!"
1695803521,"neutral","whiteblouse","@Imkeepingup have your own style. it just might work."
1695803552,"neutral","NadineMarxmeier","@FloFischer check this out: http://tinyurl.com/d44lra"
1695803571,"neutral","Wossit","Firefly...That's Nathan Fillion as in @NathanFillion"
1695803586,"worry","jasonfoley","@Jenderose as nerdy as I am, I just found out it was Star Wars day today!  I love you D"
1695803610,"neutral","sarahlindsay","@jimawerner South Philly - Passyunk Square Area! Closer to two street."
1695803616,"relief","dancinandi","so I slept in a little...well a lot. whooops"
1695803646,"empty","reema226","@carocat i just do it rarely..usually i post it in two tweets with contd written. mostly people dont go to the linked site"
1695803720,"enthusiasm","babakahn","Morning...tired should i excercise or jus relax need to catch up on sleep..Ladies would you like to see Shemar Moore @ Embassy? Hit me up"
1695803751,"relief","leahPanilan","Is off today and gonna go shopping!! T-minus 22 days til CUUUBA!!"
1695803770,"neutral","Rozes9495","i was helping my dad re decorate my bedroom. time 4 a shower!"
1695803794,"worry","donturner182","Being slammed with spam followers today. Is it just me? Or is that all I can attract.  Get a life people."
1695803797,"relief","Baggavond","This is going to be a great and productive week - I can just feel it!!!  POSITIVE THINKING is the key"
1695803813,"happiness","sandybku","Happy Star Wars day!!  unbelievable"
1695803899,"happiness","mariaclarapetry","HAPPY JUDDDAY"
1695803986,"hate","shine7","playing pet society"
1695804122,"love","jmcphoto","Good morning to all- and welcome new followers!"
1695804144,"neutral","nightdragon70","been playing with the new phone.. think I got it all figured out"
1695804187,"happiness","flipfloplisa","Ten min. on what I'm doing to stimulate biz.  18% off sale, good customer service, awards, Breast cancer camp., koozies, product variety"
1695804215,"worry","joshlim","@annna86 glad to know that the ad display problem was due to a firewall config at yr office. phew!"
1695804255,"love","AyeJboo","@bestdaeever ooohhh imma need you to get on that asap love you"
1695804329,"empty","DJSatanUK","@sarahjlwest I ake it you're at work then and not lazing at home on a sunny bank holiday."
1695804434,"neutral","carlymmills","Exam 1 today. Going to get my license renewed  The birthday is getting closer!"
1695804447,"neutral","minispalla","@mlindvall hey no problem  how are you doing today ?"
1695804462,"worry","Mcmea","my body is aching. I can barely move...but its worth it to be champs"
1695804467,"love","TiaChoudhury","i love monday night lineup  just wish it was over the span of the week. gossip girl - big bang theory - how i met your mother - the hills"
1695804567,"enthusiasm","voxpelli","@adland thanks for a nice blog post! @peterrosdahl should however be given some creds since he has done at least half of the work on it"
1695804736,"love","palm1891","@vanillacrumpet You're following Ellen, Oprah, and... me! I'm honored!"
1695804761,"neutral","yungrese_bdf_09","no skool for me idk tha weather stinks  that my excuse ;)"
1695804788,"sadness","jessica_mcnally","apparently im not getting drives to school in the morning anymore? well my dad left so no school for me this morning.. watching twilight"
1695804818,"neutral","xirclebox","@sistagp ... no worries. wont spoil it for you and may the forth be with you"
1695804894,"neutral","essencerenata","Morning tweeple"
1695805148,"empty","jordan_davis","@davidarchie I couldnt come to see you in Southend on the 2nd as I couldnt get the tickets :[ Ill have to come see you when you solo tour"
1695805213,"worry","angelayee","Just talked to donald faison about next day air. He doesn't understand twitter. And he loves cacee cobb"
1695805232,"worry","mlexiehayden","Good Morning Twits!  Let's makes today x100 better than the one before! Start runnin"
1695805242,"happiness","xalaskero","@barroca serio barroca?? parabens!!!!!!! May the 4th be with you!"
1695805248,"worry","mamamammy","@AlexWilliamson yeah i know hun, spammers seem to move fast though, already had two in first few minutes of posting.  Block 'em"
1695805287,"surprise","kmullinsk","@cameronstrang that's because of all the stuff that was stolen while you were gone..."
1695805331,"happiness","tiarafranks","Ive chosen Grease"
1695805347,"worry","baah182","@markhoppus not cool, Mark, this song is going to be stuck in my head all day. but I love you, anyway... is it Star Wars Day today? cool"
1695805506,"relief","yasir_ibrahim","@chiacy  Thanks"
1695805569,"empty","Banubee","@Clare_Josa how exciting!!! looking forward to pics on facebook  xxx"
1695805587,"worry","CliveStilts","@lauratoogood i did, thanks laura"
1695805713,"neutral","MelBoBellanie","Good morning baby. Wake up"
1695805751,"happiness","TNMOMMYOF2BOYS","Gettin ready to hit up the mall w/my mom & Jayden!  DO ALL THINGS W/FAITH!!!!"
1695805755,"neutral","marcusbrasizza","@miss_lawrence  Oi fe  aprendi a usar o twitter... eu acho   BJUS"
1695805759,"neutral","shannymarie","is filling out FMLA forms, soccer & t-ball forms and working, of course."
1695805814,"sadness","happyguy101","I got a full day of work today.  Can't wait in tell i get home for some beer and tv time  but i got to make the money to get the beers"
1695805895,"worry","amalinaaa","@dannymcfly i lurveeeeee you"
1695805900,"neutral","kennykim","@joerumore that is true. It's up to their discretion. Being nice to them also helps.  So far I have not been turned down ;-)"
1695805912,"worry","BiggbyBob","Does 'Real Detroit Weekly' not have a website.....Oh the horror, the horror"
1695805917,"empty","marycarolyne7","@Lopimpson14 HELLOO"
1695805937,"happiness","sacredlyzii","@DavidArchie Shoping till you drop david..haha..enjoy your day"
1695805989,"happiness","bdicroce","@svickn G'morning! Good to know you're alive and well today!"
1695806045,"enthusiasm","sumants","@udupendra I'll keep that in mind when he gets tonked for 40 off his 4 overs."
1695806098,"sadness","ayesidoo","@jaymiealyson i mean give. lol with a finger! then crash her car! lol jk. thats bad. just ignore her"
1695806110,"fun","TrudyFOD","@peacesignpamFOD that David -- nice to know he feels so comfortable "twitting" or "tweeting" us.   I have a feeling he misses home."
1695806119,"neutral","nunoprospero","Let me google that for you http://lmgtfy.com/"
1695806123,"relief","artemisrex","@RyMartinez Good morning, baby  Yes, i slept like a rock. Refreshed & ready for anything. How are you? *hugs you & doesn't let go* Miss u"
1695806169,"happiness","ashhhftw","Thank you all for proving my point"
1695806187,"fun","j3im3","3 years in 2 months!! hooorah! can't wait!"
1695806317,"worry","edwardjapor","is problem free for now.  atleast i already said to that person the truth."
1695806322,"enthusiasm","chitowngal82","looking forward to body works today"
1695806376,"neutral","david_toesrus","@MouthyGirl Then what about Domina Sun Girl? I think that fits better."
1695806445,"worry","ThatOhtGirl","@gfalcone601 Cheese and Onion! Vinegar taste weird on crisps! England's got loads of weird crisps flavorus  lol.. What do you like ? x"
1695806457,"worry","monikapolitan","@Usticks555 ... lol that was a great hug. @BCishere they should be back sometime in may"
1695806519,"worry","leighhouse","@erinjshea You have the best hair ever. Totally jealous. Mine's unfixable if I forget and leave sunglasses stuck in it too long"
1695806521,"fun","annabelmeade","May the 4th be with you  I couldn't resist!!"
1695806535,"worry","DIVAlicious28","@Gabrielle_Union don't let anyone run you away from anything"
1695806563,"fun","kaitlynfischer","uploading all my bamboozle pictures of facebook"
1695806602,"neutral","skimberlyann","is enjoying her day off.."
1695806605,"sadness","TwentyFour","@ScaryMommy   Sure!  My entire blogroll is terribly updated, but this could motivate me to update and redo it!"
1695806692,"worry","LIVVYbabex","has onl? just got it and has not got a clue how to use the things"
1695806699,"surprise","12kla21","hi  godd day eweryone im in a reel good mood to day"
1695806726,"fun","nuttychris","omg 44 tweets till 8k  and only about 90 tweets difference btween b and comedyqueen"
1695806731,"neutral","sexycaz69","Never got 2 beach bloody weather cloudy n cold i so need 2 move somewhere hot"
1695806773,"neutral","r1k0","from here to cyborgs there's but a small leap  - http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20227065.900"
1695806778,"love","Sara7x","@madamecomedy IKR?! My mom got it for me a birthday a few years ago. Tis the best"
1695806815,"fun","Aniutachka","morning all   will be at Warner soon! lots to do, then go to school for some work... hope everyone has a great day!!!"
1695843582,"neutral","yapin_pinya","@mrsjoke No I'm asking if you're working on a movie? But, sure. I also want to watch that."
1695843591,"neutral","The_OneArmedMan","Barack Obama: 3 from 3 from the line! http://tinyurl.com/dgtcj2 Of course, the video was not edited"
1695843646,"relief","victoriazee","Getting ready for school...hope today is a happy and awesome day"
1695843664,"enthusiasm","mstrachan","Going to Houston and Nola this weekend with @jill5455. Who wants to join us?"
1695843669,"neutral","Foxxy77","@Isapersefone I'm not really sure bout that. Maybe  You could.. Idk, I've never bought anything from it"
1695843733,"neutral","WhitneyLately","Most experts recommend that you exercise up to 90 minutes most days of the week. (two Jillian videos)"
1695843770,"neutral","blogdiva","aaaaaah. that's better. a proper cup of cafe con leche with fat milk ... and a little bit of cinnamon sugar"
1695843780,"love","EviLovesMcFly","have to go now by'all <3 see ya later guys  xx"
1695843799,"happiness","KevinMajeski","@evanmcbroom I'm sure Mayor Brainard will be thrilled to hear that you're a fan."
1695843808,"relief","MandyPandy32","@boydhilton Thank you so much for the Retweet  x"
1695843920,"neutral","colocelt","@teejay0109 Good morning buddy"
1695843934,"neutral","lourdesmadera","Let's continue being productive today"
1695843968,"happiness","hollsh","Liam peed in the potty!!"
1695844031,"worry","randymatheson","@bbunderground it's a good mix of developers, content developers, providers and venture folks"
1695844046,"worry","clairebrosman","@LisaBeesa Because pop culture is beautiful. Also, you can't pull weeds wrong. I promise. You can practice on my yard if you are nervous"
1695844070,"happiness","Anthony_1990","rosales is cool"
1695844135,"empty","DymondDoll","@VWRmurder Thanks"
1695844145,"happiness","AnzieLou","He is so silly.  http://twitpic.com/4jk6b"
1695844161,"happiness","jessaisabamf","Little girls and their shallowness annoy me. On the good side i didnt straighten my hair at all today and it looks some what decent"
1695844215,"happiness","xIngrid","@solangeknowles I'm going to the show in Amsterdam!  Can't wait!"
1695844235,"happiness","carriegorn","Little one's cast is taking a beating. It is starting to show some wear and tear and it has been on less than a week. She is too active!"
1695844293,"happiness","dudexchrissy","Skipping school like all the cool kids do"
1695844303,"sadness","jjjennifer","@sln25373 it was Lies. and my fav song is not alone from room on the 3rd floor"
1695844382,"neutral","wuvamber","Off to class"
1695844441,"hate","PrincessNene08","@IrvdaRealdeal: I will press that ignore button"
1695844468,"neutral","sageeb","@ronenk I'm not in it for the money. I'm in it for the good times."
1695844526,"neutral","Nessy_13","Am going to get some tattos when i get paid  Jack"
1695844528,"happiness","afilk","Having so much fun! Haley is super-cute on the beach, she LOVES it! Millions of pics to come, of course."
1695844547,"relief","myjenbear","home.Going to be a warm day on top of it. Is it Friday yet?"
1695844589,"happiness","KaryD","@JBCP Separate desks, computers, and sides of the room with short dividers...but, we're thinking we need them to extend to the ceiling"
1695844613,"happiness","leannajune","dance gavin dance/attack attack/a skylit drive tonight!  i'm so exciteddddd"
1695844762,"neutral","JewelR","@LToya818 yeah i was shocked he probably just pitied you..... thats y i talk to you from time to time"
1695844787,"fun","jlee268","@jermtech @bradconner I do the same thing to anybody covering dave... haha... we don't like people messing with perfect music."
1695844875,"love","ThePamojas","@ReneeJRoss Sure is rainy! the storm has left everything, everywhere... @litefm would love 4 u 2 follow us"
1695845005,"love","happylaura","Aaaah did you see Prez Obama holding hands with his wifey? Soooo romantic even in White House....."
1695845013,"neutral","SaraPickell","@CarlosV cool np. It's got me working on a series of designs."
1695845015,"happiness","semipenguin","@Arizona_Abby Thank you. I will check that out"
1695845043,"enthusiasm","honeyMOmoney","@Cpopulus happy birthday corey!!"
1695845047,"worry","gracebortnik","@j3nn1e time-warner? talk about AOL. we did our presentation on warner bros."
1695845110,"fun","thomasmccauley","@lucascruikshank http://twitpic.com/4i2zu - wow, thats so cool!"
1695845119,"empty","matthewpateman","Time to add some more RFID-ed object to send messages to Twitter everytime I use them - 2 more coffee cups, Armani Code, Pantone 109 mug"
1695845137,"happiness","MurphyGrady","lmao...ummmm nothing..."
1695845144,"fun","nathanryder","@psuedonym Alternatively you could spend the afternoon reading "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies""
1695845145,"neutral","jess1o9","wants new hair now! Just so frank won't talk to me"
1695845180,"neutral","ilan","@jberrebi Use mozy.com"
1695845219,"happiness","LittleLiverbird","@Xlex Glad you are happy!"
1695845237,"neutral","chevalnoir","@ginggo i'll dress up for the event."
1695845292,"fun","shuntlai","@peckhar shld says.. great phone"
1695845312,"neutral","AGirlNamedLacey","@andyroddick but it was kinda funny, sorry. ur still my favorite tho"
1695845322,"surprise","pampritchard","Ok, I'm awake. I'm awake. I think."
1695845330,"neutral","RallfGG","off to the gym, my PT is waiting to drill me again this week  Tjoe Tjoe"
1695845453,"sadness","chiniehdiaz","@iunfold That's true  I never believe my staff when they call in sick on Mondays or Fridays - LOL!"
1695845460,"relief","chuckie7413","Through to quaterfinals of charity football tournament. My penalty save sent us through"
1695845535,"worry","SarahLovesMcTom","@gfalcone601 http://twitpic.com/4jk42 hey Gi! look at this pic of you and frankie that i took at the southend gig!"
1695845575,"happiness","mateo22","allo! twitterville! how is everyone doing this morning...hope everyone had a great weekend mine was pretty good! its monday (blah) !!!!"
1695845578,"worry","jesslovesjonas3","please please please please let my match be cancelled today. PLEASE"
1695845668,"sadness","wpstudios","@imjustcreative com'on dude always think that things can get worst"
1695845776,"neutral","thejendra","Writing some mild and wild articles"
1695845846,"neutral","tona_pou","@lamacq Si seguisses als stormtroopers, a Jabba The Hut i a Death Star te n'hauries enterat abans que jo!"
1695845897,"happiness","MandyRoss","Had lunch. Watching holes on bbc1."
1695845913,"worry","cthiel1","@codemonkeyism How about SUSE?"
1695846094,"neutral","alexmasonlive","held a sea urchin b starfish n screamed"
1695846131,"neutral","Digidreams","good mornin  ? http://blip.fm/~5jryt"
1695846172,"love","monmariej","LOVING the hot weather forecast for the rest of the week!!!!  Summer is almost heeeeere"
1695846181,"neutral","J318","Old enough to know better, young enough to not CARE!"
1695846205,"love","Jayisgames","Good morning World! Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!"
1695846239,"neutral","aweekes","@Wossit look at your followers... your tweeps list will then be fully populated"
1695846288,"happiness","jorang","@storrao Thank you  respects to our designer @luismvaz"
1695846320,"worry","Flakaaa","@mela0521 dont think too hard, its bad for your health  lol love u girl"
1695846325,"love","chrisbywoodium","@ Little_Ren is lovely lovely, and so niceee"
1695846359,"happiness","lolobarrientos","at workyy, trying to get on point with all that I have to do  smile!! <3Lin-Man tonight!!"
1695846375,"neutral","Quimo","@Twiter_ME_This Morning @DonniezDetDiva new profile pic"
1695846428,"worry","OhMAriana","@mmWine Oh, I would NEVER want that to happen.  But you know if you got lost, I'd find you!"
1695846464,"neutral","trevorbernard","@Kunky work outside"
1695846516,"neutral","SweetStevieLee","Bollywood fims & egyptian tea"
1695846521,"happiness","sexyasstaji","Hey Tweeps...good morning. Wussup America...Talk to me tell wut's on ur mind.."
1695846529,"happiness","Gerridd","bored. cold. tired. lethargic feeling. Man! great holiday monday!"
1695846555,"worry","singedhalo","So apparently I need to mummify myself to keep my amazing good looks for a few thousand years?  Why hadn't I though of that sooner"
1695846556,"neutral","mamaphan","@SLHamilton Thanks."
1695846574,"worry","BethWilliams05","In class till 12  wishing the rain would go away!!"
1695846632,"neutral","jacalynrose","@iammandurr your'e a freak"
1695846642,"neutral","SweetStevieLee","Bollywood films & egyptian tea"
1695846700,"neutral","zoso375","Back to work"
1695846713,"surprise","estherhkwak","Somehow my alarm became an hour fast and I came to realize it as I was leaving the house.. It feels good having an early start"
1695846725,"neutral","reese","@sunnyjamiel sunny, I'm a workin' on it. It's very much in progress! Will let you know when it's up"
1695846755,"neutral","culotte","@besufern @sillywhitney @lautore someone tell @jasonekim if he wants help with the bus to just lemme know.   he no follow me."
1695846789,"neutral","WestKeighley","@ElectroAnna Filipino Prof...is her name GORAYEB? by any chance?"
1695846804,"neutral","lynahafiz","is listening & watching both my boys on Guitar Heroes"
1695846807,"love","Rc0n","@Reseal i like"
1695846895,"worry","TraceyHewins","@nuttychris I need to separate you and your sister @ComedyQueen  Today the role of evil aunt is being played by me!"
1695846912,"happiness","sherleylueis","done with the photo album  as im a good person so i make it quite private for now. pity you ben haha"
1695846933,"happiness","nicegrl99","@shawn3k Whoo hoo Chuck! Although it is gloomy out, today is a much better day!"
1695847026,"love","maoweee","watching shows I missed on the ellipital--- love my on-demand!"
1695882431,"fun","leabella","Hey @robluketic Bye Bye  was fun too   (robluketic live > http://ustre.am/2w5v)"
1695882461,"happiness","chadvice","http://twitpic.com/4jkea - @edstetzer now has 10,000 followers! Congrats!"
1695882468,"happiness","McKt","@annabranch You just let me know how that goes."
1695882515,"love","MSamateurradio","@ChuckJr thanks"
1695882532,"neutral","xaaashleyyy","@riandawson will do"
1695882541,"worry","cerichards21","Morning all. It's Monday. Sigh. Trying to have a positive outlook on the day, but it's being difficult already."
1695882644,"happiness","VolcomVan","@hotpants79 In two months i will have something of the kinf of prom  and i'm really excited! and you haven't any contact to her?"
1695882748,"neutral","valeriesuet","still a newbie in twitter!"
1695882754,"happiness","KellyGingery","@Sweetnote Smooches to you as well, have a great day!"
1695882779,"neutral","sharon_aldeguer","neighborhood research today, Day 1 of 5....and a little bit of shopping"
1695882869,"empty","mrsoshimbo","@DeezyG But Chevy & Chrysler may soon be owned by the Italians, and they're not Communist"
1695882898,"sadness","GHmltn","@dumbblondy too bad - u can always change ur profile pic again"
1695882904,"worry","rinaloveslife","time to hit the study notes! prep for friday's exam!"
1695882955,"happiness","Av1vM","@DarenYeow Oh wow they are really good  I think Im going to use one of them lol."
1695882966,"relief","snoopy218","@lilers at least after this you'll be done!!"
1695882980,"neutral","arthur01022","@Glowster Hey Dave, whasup?"
1695883016,"neutral","getefusjed","Building Websites"
1695883021,"enthusiasm","PangTama","@Danielindra actually,we r going there in june with my office colleagues,paid by company"
1695883027,"happiness","JennVerme","It's the start of a new week with tons of new photos to take and edit  Yay!!"
1695883067,"love","kathleenRAWR","I'm gonna wear my new purple converse today"
1695883088,"neutral","charleypearson","going to hannah movie @ 6.30"
1695883117,"happiness","matthewebel","@mmurray Hearing that my songs brighten someone's day always makes ME grin."
1695883134,"fun","PilCurls","@tommcfly yeahhh! u've got plenty of great fans!! And in Spain too! u should come and play a gig here!!"
1695883136,"neutral","ComedyQueen","@nuttychris well if i use all my tweets will be the push to make me go to the shop. and by the time im back it will be over hopefully"
1695883208,"worry","teemwilliams","@theskorpion I saw that!!!!"
1695883238,"relief","Kelsey_Gray","@CrystalRain Glad to hear you're okay. Could have really hurt, by the sounds of it. Is the couch okay? lol"
1695883253,"neutral","__dashboard","@skysignal as long as it can select what to post and what not to post, Im in! we should tell the others!"
1695883277,"love","CatherineYetive","@AndreaNBC13HD Proud 17-year-old here that loves The Carpenters!!!"
1695883380,"happiness","MaggieShaw1","despite rain, having a fantastic day"
1695883386,"hate","AdeleComputer","@lee634 Damn it! Must be Morrisons then"
1695883402,"love","LadyMarea","@rainstormiee Thank you."
1695883413,"neutral","amirachaos","I'm twitterring and facebook-ing and blogging and myspac-ing and bullshitting"
1695883537,"fun","_HONEYMONSTER","@petewentz wow, i can sleep with my eyes open, tis amaze *i lie*"
1695883580,"sadness","david_n_wilson","@kurtismarsh Too far to go unless the prize is in the millions.  We know who wins"
1695883886,"neutral","jrtswish25","Conserve water. Take showers together"
1695883955,"enthusiasm","basvandenbeld","@daveredfly great thanks  looking for a client, maybe I can use this myself, gonna try it"
1695884011,"happiness","Foxxy77","@Isapersefone D Well, if you got that DVD then you should get those books too!"
1695884052,"neutral","Lsaid_what","@Pink Hey lady, will you be coming to Canada in the fall? I'd love to see you in concert some time! It'll be my 1st time!"
1695884066,"neutral","iXiGOIndia","@vitalstatistiks Since you travel quite often and use online travel sites we would love some feedback on iXiGO.com from you"
1695884074,"worry","AzaraNenna","@MelShay - u aint lost me, i'm right here"
1695884138,"love","kateblogs","Very proud of my son - he's just found out he's been offered an unconditional place at music college"
1695884164,"fun","NiaNaia","@Marvel - Does the 1st show count? That would be the midnight show Thurs night/Fri morning"
1695884219,"love","screamin_deal","@MetroplexBaby: thx for the follow!"
1695884222,"neutral","lockevn","@rwo Y360 r�t b?t c? ??ng user ch?y ??n r?i th� l?i nhanh th�i"
1695884363,"enthusiasm","thierryb","@MichelleBlanc F�licitations!"
1695884370,"neutral","3Kuuuursty","http://twitpic.com/4jken - fire and urban at rock challenge"
1695884381,"relief","jimmlotto","I don't have the fake fascination like i once did before. Cause i no longer have to pretend i like you"
1695884387,"enthusiasm","rubenerd","@jerrynovak Thanks, hope you have a good one"
1695884434,"happiness","RissWilson","@gfalcone601 def cheese and onion  however after being back in the states for 4 months, finding a bag of salt&vinegar...they tasted GREAT!"
1695884438,"neutral","SueKeegan","@chriscornell any chance at getting to see this?  I can be there within an hour"
1695884450,"neutral","Jogadora","@RobertPattz Bonjour.. Did you sleep well?"
1695884464,"worry","Scarbir","@robwaumans Foto!"
1695884504,"fun","xxxMWxxx","Going to workout + swin... fun"
1695884516,"neutral","nakedbearmedia","@bill_starr Yep, the Hawkesbury Classic starts at Windsor, home of said DJ"
1695884545,"relief","sarahhh3","im going to bed  nighttt nighttt xxo ily's"
1695884575,"empty","GTAPhotography","@LadyonAcres when i have to make a decision like that i always choose Black....."
1695884585,"worry","PaulHarriott","@mcherrywv Yes I know  as my school reports would say 'must do much better' Ah well, just in time huh  http://myloc.me/tHq"
1695884607,"love","gbrink","@foxandfriends I am glad to hear that you are ok. Without you they would have to rename the show to  "Just Friends""
1695884618,"neutral","SimplySamanthaC","math is all that is left for the day, then the DMV"
1695884626,"happiness","Laylalee101","Had a Great weekend!! and is in such a good mood, she doesn't even mind being at work this morning!"
1695884627,"neutral","GeminiAce","@makirules I sent you a FR yesterday."
1695884643,"happiness","chriskjennings","@chrisfullman I would never do such a thing!  The only thing more awesomerer is the 15 minute walk to work"
1695884739,"neutral","frankjaquez","Just invited YOU to twitter!"
1695884798,"happiness","Cartoonslife","@ScaperSuse  hey!, which song was that? I would like to listen to it"
1695884799,"neutral","davidetter","http://twitpic.com/4jkes - @edstetzer  Here's your follower count."
1695884807,"neutral","MarkOOakes","OK, It's my 1000th Tweet  I'll use it to simply say "Thank You!!". I've met some of the most giving/caring people on Twitter!"
1695884832,"worry","bobbigmac","@themightyshrub AP is Associated Press: http://www.ap.org/ There are many other global news agencies like it"
1695884918,"sadness","peterontheradio","wishes it wasn't a bank holiday so he could be on the radio this afternoon... but at least he has another week to come up with some ideas"
1695884941,"fun","CandiceKei","@DavidArchie haha that's because you also look amazing in it! have fun!"
1695884955,"love","funnywebsites","Eat Sleep Draw!: Part of my Neuroanatomy take-home test.  After this, I�m...: Part of my Neuro.. http://bit.ly/fXs3L"
1695884965,"happiness","kellykay30","@daniamiwa Were you at the parade yesterday at Powderhorn? Guessing Ava and Bella were similarly mesmerized by the whimsical fairyness"
1695885004,"love","yashka","@lauralassiter Welcome  They are beautiful snow leopards."
1695885005,"enthusiasm","babilorentz","c'mon people, today is #juddday"
1695885020,"happiness","irenezhang","Rest earlier is good for your health. So, I say good nite to you all!"
1695885061,"neutral","JasmineTwits","Spending way too long looking for a new desktop background"
1695885096,"fun","kirs10chan","@dannywood lemme guess - you ran 5 miles at the gym, and are waking your kids up, and then going to the beach and / or recording studio?"
1695885098,"happiness","SammLongo","@himynameisryan let me know how it goes babe  good luck!"
1695885099,"neutral","MairHeard","@ad1318 Yes, you can change your name under settings"
1695885162,"neutral","dethangel","@WongKinLeong you can dude.. look at the amount of worshippers you have"
1695885195,"fun","rehabc","@spitphyre arre seriously! They shud take his sperm nd clone him into 23 yr old single guys"
1695885261,"neutral","lollerskating","@poptimism meeting the boy?"
1695885298,"neutral","xorina71","milan is retardeddddddd, anyone wanna see my paint pic of him ???"
1695885369,"love","michilalala","@Dementress BIG HUG FOR YOU"
1695885411,"happiness","WhatShelleyDid","Just had the best shower ever  Still completely deaf in one ear but kinda getting used to it now!! Gonna watch 'the women' now!"
1695885512,"fun","amalinaaa","@serinurshira lol ! You take David lah ! I want Danny  not tom !"
1695885529,"happiness","KenKopin","@boardopboy Picture or it never happened."
1695885538,"happiness","theREALbbdish","Happy Monday, Twishers!!  Passing the coffee..."
1695885565,"neutral","catfsh34","@MrsMoNJ ha i dunno! i usually check it during the day and i've only been caught bcz i replied to your tweet"
1695885673,"love","joeyirsik","@drumcounselor it's my evening."
1695885688,"relief","tiddlytwinks","Discovered @AlliWorthington and @whoisTodd are sharing on G reader with me and didn't even know it. Sigh.... I'm such a G reader newb."
1695885786,"surprise","RicaB","oh yea mspacers my boy just hooked up my page  it looks kewl at least i think so and it only took him 5 minutes www.myspace.com/missmickey"
1695885828,"worry","dontforget_","studying with @rachborntorun and colette!"
1695885838,"love","lau_velazquez","Trance or Drum'n'Bass are awesome for working!!  *dances it out*"
1695885857,"happiness","irishspy","@DutchReaganite Then I'll need plenty of quizzes to get through the work day."
1695885881,"love","dezoriskany","In Arch. Drawing. Checking out MVCC's CAD degree. Looks good to me"
1695921265,"happiness","Cdates","putting 3 new consultants to work this week. it's a good feeling!  congrats on your offers"
1695921288,"neutral","dequese","@Meaty216 They are people too"
1695921326,"worry","WesleyElfring",""Puke In My Mouth" the brilliant response to Jizz In My Pants  http://tinyurl.com/cy8z7y  Over the top wrong"
1695921330,"neutral","monica058","@ladymaryann There!"
1695921459,"happiness","itsraelouise","waiting for amy so me, her and @reecerentboy can go see the hannah montanna movie!!!"
1695921553,"fun","sarahroters","@zoelovesarchie @zoelovesarchie it was just true  and you do cause me to having dirty thoughts lol well also some other dude, huh? ;) xoxo"
1695921556,"neutral","behoff","@justmebo fortunately they have a #baller waiting area"
1695921558,"love","djdrew","wow...you leave facebook alone for the weekend and get 60 new notifications. WHEW!"
1695921664,"neutral","5sr","@undeniablyfaith Your post reminded me to sit something out. Looks like steak for dinner"
1695921690,"happiness","rasyraminey","happy! did crepe, again!"
1695921726,"worry","mekprut","@gamboasan hmmm it's middle of a zombie-making day @ work here, dunno if jazz would help"
1695921827,"neutral","divxdownloads","Har varit p� Hannah Montana the movie   // cool http://gykd.net"
1695921837,"love","steveweber","@CoachKaterina  Just amazes the heck out of me still....this "internet thing""
1695921857,"worry","ksayers","@r_petty I'm leaving community college with a bang!"
1695921907,"relief","McZiggz","Getting some DMs asking where I fell off to the past few days  I was sick, but am all better now. I appreciate the concern! Game On!"
1695921923,"neutral","dyannnne","playing machines in actinggg"
1695922009,"neutral","alexis2302","is new to twitter and has no friends here... or should i say followers?"
1695922049,"worry","melissaonline","@BeShirtHappy I know what you mean. My little dog is sinking into depression... he wants to move someplace tropical"
1695922066,"love","lameymacdonald","@MelodyLeaLamb Big Thanks Melody!  Gotta love that sunshine-lots of vit D"
1695922116,"neutral","faizoro","@TRPaul Get thee yon to the nearest Walgreens upon arrival."
1695922204,"surprise","sucsexec","@milkhub Thats smack in the middle of exams, I'll mention it to some of the guys though"
1695922297,"fun","abstractg","@MissDeeeee Then you might enjoy this one too  http://tinyurl.com/ygcp3f"
1695922312,"happiness","trinamlee","@CursedJezzy Thanks for the mascara input. It's appreciated."
1695922325,"happiness","Catmoo","Oh yeah the camera clipping problems with Void are now completely fixed  yay me for fiddling about"
1695922355,"love","Jonas_Dreamgirl","@DazzleMeThis ok sounds goood to me  hehe"
1695922507,"surprise","sprinkles_","@lejjewellery oh nice going!"
1695922527,"surprise","gabthomas","updating my twittermoms page; it's quite different from regular twitter"
1695922561,"neutral","winkmit","@michaelbarthel Welcome"
1695922578,"neutral","nan_fischer","More #ecomonday @ManageMyHomecom @GreenCommission and me @nan_fischer  Now I'll go check out all the recommendations I've seen!"
1695922582,"happiness","xtine123","hmm i dont know what to do today....cause im done with school...and it feel great"
1695922591,"love","gamerbabe360","@garymurning I can only imagine, but I know I love hearing about your novel!    I'm kinda awake, lol.  Will continue to do so, hopefully."
1695922624,"worry","LindseyJacobs","@Cheaty For sure you should continue to Tweet WHILE on conf call, WHILE worrying about cat and bee."
1695922671,"fun","mertb33","Lets get rich and give everyone nice sweaters and teach them how to dance..."
1695922696,"happiness","BrittneyCarbone","Morning workout sesh.  Love Life."
1695922773,"surprise","jason_judge","had a heart to heart with his boy (ALL good stuff, promise!) and is now a bit more smitten than before.  fucking loves!! (Avi=hawt!)"
1695922779,"sadness","QuestOnSecurity","The Gray Hat Python book reminded me how many security tools are python version specific, which is a pain if you need to use all of them"
1695922799,"neutral","miajustesen","This is my 201th update"
1695922836,"neutral","hoppimike","I think I wanna grab a lil wind turbine too! Hehe   ill have a mini power plant by the end rofl"
1695922856,"fun","purple_lover_96","@Raderr but yeah i like purple maybe thats why!! ;)  :p :d"
1695922907,"happiness","Mermaid_Kirsten","Happy morning Sunshine  It's May 4! I'm driving with the windows down and singing and smiling and not wearing shoes because i'm Kirsten!"
1695922947,"happiness","Sondra27","@lilmoxey Yay for full-term!!"
1695922956,"neutral","VanessaMaria","@Laurendorcus...I need a huge favor of love. Anticipate texts from me"
1695922967,"worry","little_miss_mad","@Wossy those splinters look very painful...but you were being very heroic saving mr. Pickle"
1695922988,"neutral","russians_in_uk","If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee."
1695923006,"relief","BeckyLiz__","Has finally mastered the art to uploading a photo on said Twitter. You can no longer assume I'm a heffer"
1695923021,"worry","BlitzkriegBambi","Finished my Marilyn Manson book  wow. He has had a colourful (or not so colourful, more black) life"
1695923071,"love","Num1MissPYT","Gonna go to work with my honey today!!!! So exciting!!!"
1695923102,"worry","BPsS","thinking about new.. oh yes .. btw bankroll stays at $14.88.. so down a bit from yesterday.. and I won't whine about bad beats  .."
1695923103,"neutral","BrittanyLeigh09","training again today."
1695923170,"neutral","Armano","@tangibleww I like the last part in your methodology."
1695923176,"neutral","llunalila","@taral don't you need a server and someone who knows how to program to use Wordpress? Love to but my knowledge is limited right now"
1695923182,"worry","freddykinlv","The cats are gone. All 3 of them."
1695923199,"enthusiasm","ColorsOfMel","@ThrivingIvory the next single is "Hey Lady".ok, where is my million dollars??"
1695923278,"fun","twitfit","@davidgs Rest is important, but like everything else don't over do it."
1695923354,"love","RachelImogenGW","@fredheader  ha ha, and what game is that? i like games"
1695923392,"happiness","andienbelle","@ArielSatriani what did you do?haha. just wash your feet and go to bed,mommas boy"
1695923418,"worry","coenzyme69","I do hope many of my new followers are from around Sydney Australia  Welcome to my tweets anyway."
1695923489,"sadness","mackenzie_ann","@marissa110 heyy i finally got one too  oh and good luck on your finals today"
1695923583,"neutral","CupKaty","@HeyItsRiley I'm going to Vegas this summer"
1695923626,"love","Kc_tRAYlor","Morning tweets <3 Sky and I are going to start this day off right with some shopping  Then off to the park."
1695923630,"sadness","Mostar","@PRChels_BE I heard the Yellow Light Maybes put on a great show Saturday! Sorry I missed it, Chelk."
1695923674,"fun","mrgraemefreeman","back from driving and now back to bed"
1695923721,"neutral","PRolivia","@AndreasHale lol nah no swine flu for me bro. lmao what's ur schedule like this week, I need to catch up!"
1695923746,"surprise","RawrItsLaur513","@twistedthursday She does!"
1695923791,"happiness","Narciso17","@laermer yep - three things: a good haircut, the ability to listen and the value of not taking yourself too seriously"
1695923794,"worry","Eight_Bit","@RC73 I hear U. I can barley keep up with the followers I currently have. Its tuff on a mobile device."
1695923874,"worry","acepar134","Applying for part time jobs.  LMAO Hopefully someone needs some help. ~AP~"
1695923889,"worry","KellySpell","Looking forward to a short work week followed by a mini-vacation in Clemson"
1695923936,"relief","tegangazzard","Sleeping sounds too good, goodnight my babies, cuddlez for everyone"
1695924014,"neutral","hannah106","@Vampiricbunny thanks"
1695924039,"sadness","suka_hiroaki","Intel gfx driver situation much better with recent upgrades. kernel 2.6.30rc4 and driver from git: Suspend working again, fewer mem leaks"
1695924054,"neutral","KimbaASPTL","@beautyandbedlam Make sure you come back and comment again!"
1695924132,"love","AlvaFarrow","@CraigVenables thankyou"
1695924245,"sadness","Brydie_Thompson","@Alyssa_Milano Hey there  Thought i'd tweet you to say Hi..I have so much to write but theres no space in this little box hehe Damn"
1695924319,"worry","jelyon","@TysonColinJoe I use an external track ball with my laptop. Again, seems excessive, but is totally more efficient."
1695924362,"love","tonjeaaroe","@SuzeBoozey LOL good to know the time in LA, it's a 9h time difference ... @gorjess1 good morning to ya"
1695924435,"love","eimz123","O.M.G  im so sorry to hear about davids cooks brother! if u actually c this david Ireland Loves You!"
1695924665,"fun","MissJVA","Back at it, but had a GREAT weekend as a buffer"
1695924678,"love","blisstris","@lollipop26 love watching your yt videos and am really looking forward to seeing the collection vid"
1695924700,"fun","Tuskawilla56","@maroon5princess I used to love you lol...so awesome...I knew you'd have an "experience" last night"
1695924708,"worry","iamninoy","thanks everyone for praying for President Aquino.  http://plurk.com/p/rreml"
1695924753,"empty","jenscloset","@RockabillyTees are you are a RIOT!!"
1695924879,"surprise","nisaho","@raihanamcfly LOL! salivary gland?? frm those little flies?? no way!  alison=drama queen  oh no, ur brain hurts? a new brain is growing!"
1695924928,"neutral","sebastianrocks","@IBGPN noboby's behind. I think I lead with $14,8 so far"
1695924936,"love","Jen_oakley","and Mike for bring it to me even tho it was really late and he has to get up at 5am in the morning..."
1695924944,"relief","pecanpies","@LukePersonified Yay.  I knew you'd like them if I shut up about them"
1695924962,"love","JoAnneBarton","Good Morning All!   Hope everyone is doing well on this Monday!   Thanks for all the #followfriday recos!   I am blessed!"
1695924979,"neutral","xtine123","hmm i dont know what to do today....cause im done with school...and it feels great"
1695924994,"worry","danyellap","@jesterjay SWINE FLU. Some family just came back from Mexico, i'm staying FAR away! Im feelin much better now thanks Jay"
1695925043,"love","Maekii","The World is just amazing!"
1695925093,"happiness","cangahuala","@sassyotaku enjoy NOLA definitely one of my favorite cities in the world. Please have a beignet with chocolate for me"
1695925115,"neutral","CourtneySusanne","Crawling back into bed...because I can"
1695925185,"love","cbcustomercare","@blueeyedmuse Thanks for the followfriday recommendation! We're actually at @_careerbuilder_ though!"
1695925232,"love","missninja_","Man... I'm really hoping I finish this Good Vs. Evil contest entry in time. Looking pretty good so far."
1695925269,"love","shaunarawrr_x","@taylorswift13 you really have to come to ireland some time! we love you over here <3"
1695925301,"happiness","kslow22","@lilxklein i see you hannah klein!. lookin good today"
1695925322,"love","BusyBeeJewelry","Good morning everyone"
1695961180,"worry","mikeJfreedman","Done with classes and packing for the atlanits!! I hope miley's there"
1695961274,"neutral","steveofmaine","@ppatel So Windows LiveWriter's accessible? Guess that answers that."
1695961317,"worry","pauliniunia","voyed on MTV Movie Awards  Mostly on TWILIGHT and SLUMDOG   http://is.gd/wBt6"
1695961335,"love","Ezzii","http://twitpic.com/4jkvh - I wasn't bored really..  my redd converse. I love converse."
1695961350,"relief","Naiya_Shinoda","@RWAneesa have a safe flight..."
1695961352,"love","NiiSSii","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/3goxn - yes , everybody love you. i'm a german Fan. Follow me !"
1695961420,"love","mazza53","after pub lunch am now going to daughters for tea life is good"
1695961509,"neutral","gds","Decided to boot Vista after a few months of hiatus... spent two hours updating, forgot the original reason for booting Vista... gave up"
1695961519,"happiness","elderwand","@CourvidLove4Eva  FC is back dear."
1695961525,"worry","BrookeReviews","@jsmithready It'd be really hard to give up my chocolate while reading.  Does chocolate count as a food?"
1695961550,"love","Louie_E","@nic0lepaula http://twitpic.com/4jbhp - jeez! I think you look alot prettier without make up."
1695961582,"empty","JenBarbie","Maybe going apartment shopping with Ashley?"
1695961617,"fun","lizgerard","@Mofette briliant! May the fourth be with you  #starwarsday #starwars"
1695961639,"love","meldiplacido","@alroaker Loved the comment on flashcads! I'm old school too!"
1695961641,"boredom","AndyNOTLP","@LostinSweden too bad I don't drink  But Kentucky is cool tho.All my friends lived in Cincy and I was driving across existance every wknd."
1695961652,"happiness","christenbain","added 30 minutes to morning sleep by cutting out useless Today Show. Feels nice"
1695961757,"happiness","ashley_haru","Yayz! Today's is the day I call and see if I got that job! x3 I ish so happy... even though I slept horribly... So I'm kinda drained..."
1695961765,"love","BillieCraftRoom","@MyHandboundBook Love your latest journals. I finally joined Twitter so came to say Hi"
1695961782,"neutral","MissTGIF","is going to run a circle...also...ab zum Spooohort."
1695961823,"surprise","oysteinth","Off from work now!"
1695961913,"happiness","hollywood5280","Good morning ! Wishing everyone a great week"
1695961931,"hate","Scalper68","long $nem (page from @maoxian intraday trading for dummies book)"
1695962080,"happiness","NikkiCK","@PatriciaP1977 thanks for the follow"
1695962114,"happiness","MauricioAlberto","@IntriguingDs ... same to you!"
1695962160,"neutral","TDBeadles","@Morrica Good Morning my Swedish Friend. I love the Meat Balls.  haha"
1695962186,"happiness","tamipants","@dg4G ha! nice.    that's about all the german you're gonna get from me.  after that, it's just counting and jibberish."
1695962196,"happiness","sarahmusgrove","Happy Star Wars Day to you all"
1695962259,"happiness","izza11","had a thrilling time with DAS joyride roadtrip! nice driving Pai and Paulo.  http://plurk.com/p/rrg18"
1695962278,"empty","calentita","@Dameunited thanks well impressed it's much better than my last one ! must b the clean living + Gluten free lactose free food"
1695962292,"love","scodal","@SwitchingGranny it is my honor"
1695962355,"happiness","PRolivia","@AndreasHale yeah !!"
1695962364,"surprise","MamatoRylie","@jesaryan I'm right there with you girl"
1695962384,"neutral","Tuliip","Inspired to blog about something inspirational. Haha."
1695962417,"happiness","janamurray","Beautiful morning here in the mountains"
1695962441,"neutral","mimi_style","sign up for tarte news http://tinyurl.com/dde2v6 my intro in the newsletter AND 20% off first purchase 2for1"
1695962452,"enthusiasm","Dionashi","Cute dress!  Hyped  http://lookbook.nu/look/134071"
1695962480,"relief","SugarTitsss","I am parked in FS yet no ticket."
1695962496,"neutral","lej327","psyching myself up for the next few days...oh my."
1695962637,"love","x_Fantus_x","@brockhurst  Chocolate-flavoured nipple spread (with applicator) eh?  Perfect just what I'd been looking for, thanks"
1695962716,"surprise","NeOBlog","Goooooooood Mornin Tweeps! It's going to be an Awesome Monday - I can already tell... not even 8am and my inbox is clean"
1695962816,"love","me1an1e","@jackgraycnn catching up on my tweets, I saw AC's promo of your new blog before yours, I knew immediately it would be yours by the title"
1695962858,"worry","weatherangel","@readerwave if I know what you want it is easier to please you ;). I am glad you mentioned it"
1695962874,"surprise","firsttiger","@tristanx We want pictures as proof though"
1695962920,"love","CarlT","@TerrieSoberg hey that is pretty good sucking up - my daughter is exactly the same - glad to see I am not alone   Good luck mom"
1695962944,"hate","RinoaTakako","@Fnoo John and I just bought four boxes of them"
1695963009,"worry","danikaze","@alansmitheejp yeah i want to know what that is too!"
1695963058,"happiness","SnowgooseSA","@snappingturtle @Jonin60seconds requested the date - and he is the guest of honour after all..."
1695963107,"neutral","clearskysnet","@andrea_r One of mine is a potential winner I think, could be quite easy to code, but I might sit on it for now"
1695963199,"neutral","amgypsytown","yess  are you going today?"
1695963268,"happiness","McFLY_4_EVER","@LittleFletcher oh yeah...haven't seem that in ages!! got to watch that soon!! thanks for reminding me!!"
1695963321,"happiness","melle","@atomicfern just made my day: http://tinyurl.com/cumqmv"
1695963377,"neutral","wilnichols","I'll try to put together a list for a portfolio to put together along with a little bio on myself in my free time (school is stating)"
1695963429,"happiness","kirstydutoit","subway  im going to get subway....  love it! ate it often when i was in new zealand...."
1695963615,"love","whitneyhill","@heymamakat happiest of birthdays to you Kat"
1695963782,"sadness","jeffcthomefan","@DoctahAna Can't really do anything about that, now can I?"
1695963922,"neutral","jesterbone","rmbr the time when we torned for the night in sentosa? I was the only one who didnt have to spit out the " 3 unknown facts" abt myself"
1695964011,"happiness","iVenus","from last Montday's award ceremony  http://twitpic.com/4jkvl"
1695964017,"empty","dianauy","@penitch come home, then. Not so boring here."
1695964036,"worry","Eliizaabeeth","@Tamarzipan My windows open and its not that cold ahahah"
1695964094,"relief","heathenmom","@Principled I'm grateful that my kids also don't like them, lol.  Textbooks are a tool, not the sole means of education"
1695964120,"fun","chelseacochrane","@stellarbeam Dunno yet, would LOVE to though! I keep missing them any other time for some reason :S & have fun!"
1695964127,"love","Deenanemily","@WSPNews  Happy Monday to you as well! After a great festival this weekend, I have lots of soap to make..and a order to put in with you!"
1695964144,"neutral","Jayne4JBD","Eating Cadbury's Dairy Milk giant chocolate buttons. Those who say that one square of dark chocolate is more satisfying... are lying"
1695964201,"empty","seanmalarkey","Going to get some coffee"
1695964262,"surprise","boybarbie","$67 for my books, no complaints. 67 more than i had plus i'm on book voucher!"
1695964266,"neutral","janeto","may the 4th be with you"
1695964314,"love","svanakei","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/4fzo7 - you both have so beatiful eyes  i wanna have them"
1695964377,"neutral","MsJBell","@phyllig MTV Movie Awards. Go vote! STAT"
1695964379,"worry","bipolarcycle","Hell, my iTunes music library is even bipolar!"
1695964433,"neutral","Bluemelody84","Just uploading photos from the cell...nothin like true candid-ness!"
1695964436,"neutral","itsryan","@jonathanbriggs glad to hear it's good bank holiday weather down there to"
1695964618,"fun","foldedmemos","pilot to co-pilot baby we burnin' up   /i cannot stress how much this line works."
1695964632,"empty","lpiment","Esse � o Wolverine que eu conhe�o http://tinyurl.com/c577ny , by noiva @tharcy!"
1695964636,"worry","cutefede","@runawayblue don't worry though,he will be fine"
1695964670,"happiness","queenbee180","@latinavanessa I'm sooo ready for a beautifyl day"
1695964746,"happiness","garymurning","@gamerbabe360 I'm feeling a little sleepy now. Been reading Gunter Grass... wonderful but tiny print. Eyes done in"
1695964772,"neutral","abiola13","at school right now"
1695964847,"neutral","QueenieCyrus","@emzyjonas hey hey"
1695964985,"happiness","Pantohorse","@Agent_M Thanks for remembering"
1695964991,"neutral","JoshGines","waking up again, this time with a hot cup of coffee"
1695965030,"surprise","Lightningz","And now for some CoD4."
1695965149,"neutral","Meeks619","@_Ra_Ra_ your not alone...i need coffee too."
1695965182,"love","tweetles","@frankparker Good! I hope that it was a wonderful experience!"
1695965306,"relief","MrrBrr","I'm Kinda sleepy.. I Was up too late texting a nice boy making date plans for next weekend.."
1695965310,"sadness","nicefaceMITCHIE","@smileitsbubbles that is yo name girllll!"
1695965339,"neutral","StaciNichole18","remember, dont let your small list cover your big list...its too little to even worry about it."
1695965406,"fun","GinaLaGuardia","@MizFitOnline I agree. I danced with my dad to "Kind & Generous" at my wedding. HUGE fan."
1695965422,"worry","ohhushmusic","@earth2mars definitely dont be offended. im messing around with various twitter apps and strange things keep happening."
1695965474,"fun","kellyablackford","@alissawoolery you go girl!!!"
1695965482,"fun","imelda83","Back from AOT last lec.. Alot of question marks on my head.. But thank God for all the tips.. Should be able to pull tru"
1695965485,"neutral","aniszlee","hi all! i'm in again!"
1695965488,"relief","ALioness99","@amandamiller Thanks! We're almost there"
1695965492,"worry","bryanbarry","got all A's"
1695965537,"relief","lewisdenby","@ChaosSmurf Yes! You do!"
1695965591,"neutral","tom_beynon","Recovered now  Back to work!"
1696001995,"happiness","PastyD","@llittizzio I'm in a good mood... See?  I'm smiling!!!!!"
1696001999,"relief","MsJBell","@ROBsessedBlog At least he's in breakthrough performance tho. I just wanted him nominated in his own category"
1696002034,"happiness","PumaSwede","Time to get educated  Hope you all are off for a great start on this Monday morning"
1696002056,"neutral","c1015","Working and watching Milk"
1696002095,"relief","Tom_K_Morley","@MrPointyHead Lol at the VATS on The Insiders"
1696002102,"love","TinaBit","@FOX19Sara Go girl!! Start your day out right...gotta love that!"
1696002109,"sadness","kristengreen","@scottharrison Thanks for the DM! I am on the ATL Twestival committee & really hope you have a public speaking event soon!! Enjoy ATL"
1696002121,"happiness","xcavate","@FragDolls ok I just love it when big buff tattoed (preferably Christian)  men strut...fluffy dogs are optional"
1696002198,"neutral","kdoes","Google ... show me apples ... I only want to see images with green in them: http://tinyurl.com/clrbau COOL"
1696002224,"neutral","alissabby","stayed home from school today   doctors sooooon."
1696002254,"love","luckydesigns","@weddingsites Not a problem. I loved that idea, and of course the photos were just perfect!"
1696002358,"neutral","milchazena","I'm getting sick of this exam kinda thing. Well, that's life"
1696002364,"worry","Lord_Kartz","Man with a great sense of humour... Venky Pachad?"
1696002430,"worry","fabrice_allard","@kouzrah etherreal WAS my main preoccupation. Now it's EtherREAL's preoccupation... humm... me ? schizophrenic ?"
1696002620,"neutral","TwiztidKris","@PowBam_ If I called your cell phone would you let me talk to your teacher?"
1696002743,"happiness","nsane8","@erwin57 Peek-a-boo!! i can see you!!"
1696002769,"love","daltfresh","@LewisForbes that sounds pretty sweet, you too must be loving it! yeah man that sounds cool, keen for that"
1696002774,"love","soveren","ok i just spent like �50 on soundtracks, a galaxy class starship and EVE online. sigh"
1696002783,"neutral","mbertulli","Am I the only one who likes Mondays?"
1696002818,"neutral","iXiGOIndia","@jamesramya Yes because those taxes disguise the booking fees and commissions that online travel portals charge. Try iXiGO.com next time"
1696002827,"neutral","ttnurmi","Anybody to have good tips for budget lodging in Tokyo?"
1696002890,"neutral","Caitt_Stargirl","Got some new clothes  and series one of supernatural on dvd"
1696002967,"happiness","colinatraceyxo","@ileanedover HEYHEYHEYY happy star wars day   watcha doin this friday? up for a movie?"
1696003022,"love","tiiffy2k9","<3 ryan baby iloveyopu xxx <3 10 days kayleigh baby lymz cntt waiit"
1696003124,"sadness","livio162","@denise183rd yo wake your ass up  and go to work  go get that paper  u aint sick dont lie"
1696003260,"happiness","Saz_xox","@EmilyYoung09 havin fun? x btw isnt it bowling? x  xx"
1696003267,"happiness","peechhh","happy star wars dayyyy =D and hbd to uncle LEE"
1696003446,"sadness","southernsocial","@sbcvandy OMG! I KNOW!  I give myself a stroke everytime I go getting mad at them. (Quietly with the windows rolled up.    )"
1696003476,"sadness","Crazy_teen","At school. Blagh. Yay I'm getting the IPhone in August!!"
1696003521,"relief","WalkingHorse","@horsekisser He's an amazing jockey! Saw that Clydesdale commercial too..loved it!"
1696003544,"neutral","yankeenation","Oops! Meant to say Boston Red Sox (instead of Red Sux) and Tampa Bay Rays (instead of Devil Rays) in previous post.. Old habits"
1696003612,"love","agibsmith","This is great!  I just found out that it's Star Wars Day.       "May the 4th" be with you!  Have you hugged your Ewok today?"
1696003623,"happiness","wendypetty","good morning tweeties! what to do today? I am all rested up from Richmond and ready to hit the beach!"
1696003629,"neutral","mrtk421","@pmed Awesome.  good luck with the kegging.  I need to get into that instead of bottling"
1696003641,"neutral","fromageestbon","@caitlingrant Thanks!!!!  Like I said on facebook, you just made me awesomely happy.  Thanks."
1696003643,"worry","ciaobella50","@chuckiem  Yes,  and I hope the show I promoted was clean.....   lol      Bella"
1696003662,"happiness","lilydaawesome","@merlehenge the lost cost is a total plus.  Nutella is like peanut butter mixed with chocolatey goodness. yumm. ^^"
1696003663,"love","LightlySalted","@MotherBlanker I love brewing ideas! Great things always come from them.  keeping my fingers crossed for you!"
1696003744,"relief","voidspace","All new implementation of test discovery for unittest. This time in a loader. Good start I think.   http://twurl.nl/nz8f4y"
1696003854,"neutral","danielleporvida","i also realized this weekend how many people are only internet hot...ok catty comment out of the way for the week"
1696003941,"neutral","ShallyTran",") no more Chemistry!!! I'm gonna choose English. I find it (Chem.) kinda boring in the end! gonna help people < who choose Chem>"
1696004040,"worry","johnjeebjhu","Shower. Class. More class. Taking care of my lady-friend. Writing like there's no tomorrow."
1696004073,"worry","kivanmaharaj","Well hopefully the rest of the day gets better."
1696004160,"fun","srjohannes","ooooo I am playing around with my book'smovie trailer (whn I'm not writing of course) & it looks GOOOOOOOOOOD!  I need a release date"
1696004171,"neutral","amandamaryyy","I love cute texy messages. Especially when he calls me mandy"
1696004197,"happiness","chefjeff","@jtchan83 Woo Hoo! It's time to play "Name That Twune""
1696004236,"neutral","RichieRampage","'If I don't believe in Him, why would He believe in me?' -Bring Me The Horizon  A chill goes down my spine whenever I hear that line."
1696004270,"sadness","Gothic_Tampons","Watching "All the Kings Men", It be pretty good so far!"
1696004287,"happiness","tidbitr","@susiecheng We all need that simple reminder-thx!"
1696004348,"happiness","babilorentz","@marimcfly morning!!!! happy #juddday"
1696004376,"fun","MindieC","i'm excited about cake class 3 tonight   i'm a nerd"
1696004476,"neutral","myfasturl","First post on Twitter!  please visit us @ http://www.myfasturl.com"
1696004538,"happiness","sammyboy405","Back to reality tomorrow. But I think I will dig me out a cigar and smoke me a good one. Yes i bought 3 boxes of the "GOOD" Ones"
1696004542,"worry","gormypuppy","is sitting thru the boring bits in Titanic waiting for the good bit to start in couple of hours"
1696004599,"neutral","twitfit","@ditucci What kind of coach would I be if I didn't read all your tweets?    Still waiting on an non-dried afro picture."
1696004610,"neutral","tayysmiff","Goingg to school today"
1696004632,"worry","kellyoneill","@neonbutterfly1 Thank you! I hope you saw the 2nd one I posted - the 1st won had some wonky color thing happening."
1696004644,"neutral","meganwannemache","Almost in New York City"
1696004660,"happiness","velvetescape","@spumante hahaha! Yes, I do"
1696004661,"happiness","nell_xo","@k_griffiths There was a good atmos. I decided to stay til closing, very funny!"
1696004693,"happiness","paulosoxo","@Doctor_Death Well I'm impressed with your technical skillz"
1696004741,"fun","elderwand","@Jaceyjaden whoa!! hahaha! wee going there in a bit! just watching Hugh Jackman's interview at Oprah."
1696004757,"happiness","goalgirl12","16 days until I start moving!"
1696004790,"happiness","skhan92","@taylorswift13 i wish you could come to Swindon...2 hours away...its my dream to meet you  xoxo"
1696004849,"love","amazingboy","Coffee time  be back later kisses*"
1696004900,"love","camille_08","I love you - Martina Mcbride. Love this song!"
1696004910,"worry","SeekerOf","@AnnebrittB slaying dragons & rescue innocents, this could be a good life movie   Make sure to take a camara and film!!!!"
1696005032,"fun","historystudent1","@reaching4amomnt it'll be close, but hopefully they can figure it out  they'll be eating nothing but those cookies for the week tho."
1696005039,"neutral","Shoosha","It's teacher appreciation week - been out making deliveries to instructors this morning"
1696005052,"worry","thebigcliche","@criminalminds  out of commish for a few days in ATL with fam.  Just saw the updates to the .net website... Looks AWESOME!"
1696005125,"sadness","HudgensPersonal","@PerezHilton hey perez! good luck! well, i'm still planning for a big present to be given for my mom! i love you mom!"
1696005126,"sadness","Racheld11","@thisisbenwood -  I wanna go see them in Edinburgh  won't happen though haha , yir lucky! And have funnnn  xxx"
1696005128,"happiness","colleennyman","@CaroleCross Thank you for that!  I know it."
1696005159,"neutral","xsuzannee","@sharlynnx hahahah of course  they have such a nasty display picture :')"
1696005184,"empty","ahmier","Gooooood morning loves."
1696005222,"neutral","stevegarufi","@faithbookjesus And what's your blog entry about?"
1696005237,"happiness","gayadesign","@DesiznTech thanks  glad you like it"
1696005258,"enthusiasm","ajrowley","@KatieKrafka oh you crazy kids and your stress. try effed / not effed; followed by acceptance. works wonders for the rest of the world"
1696005282,"neutral","MiSSyLiCi0USs","goooooddd morning tweets!!  week three OF my workout. did i mention i got my new glasses yesterday?!?"
1696005325,"sadness","BaileyBoo93","idk why im so hyper im jumping everyhere. ugh lets let it be friday sweeney todd then cinco de mayo il those parties"
1696005392,"worry","JeremyCShipp","@littlefluffycat hehe--sorry.  I've never been very good at blending in..."
1696005524,"neutral","KNICK187","A friend is someone who will help you move. A real friend is someone who will help you move a body"
1696005590,"sadness","abstractg","@MissDeeeee don't encourage me... I've got years of this stuff. you will regret it !"
1696005593,"happiness","missrissie","@dolliesierra Awwh....well at least you are up top, where the magic happens!  Today will be a good day, no worries."
1696005602,"enthusiasm","nikkikikicoco","@rOcketsBABY great thanks hun, i did thr family thing this wknd too! 5 weeks today we hit the USA, cant wait!!"
1696005707,"sadness","andychapman09","@aweekes haha nope she won't  altho my train back from Leeds I booked an hour too early and they won't let me change it :/"
1696005735,"neutral","NannaRaven","I love Stereosound HQ headphones"
1696005764,"worry","qweendassah","@teemwilliams i feel that!! esp when you know u aint done the wrong  <3 U!"
1696005775,"love","KimberlyATL","today is a good day to take lots of naps"
1696005777,"neutral","drekahn","@smaals Is it culture day? Love it. I'm telling you graf culture in the study"
1696006029,"worry","Iglara","is thinking about "magnetism and spiritual equilibrium." My do you alcoholics have a way with words!"
1696006038,"sadness","spryfaery","@Heart_song Glad you had a wondrous Beltaine! Mine was quiet, yet in sync with the season.  Miss you all..."
1696006077,"neutral","AlexisBolton","I want some grape juice."
1696006164,"fun","Eyezaddiction","@cutegingerbread i do but is just a haul vid/photo slideshow only. I only do it for fun  http://www.youtube.com/eyezaddiction"
1696006259,"fun","hepcat666","I lke wearing kiddies clothes. Makes me breasticles look all big n stuff"
1696042465,"happiness","sadiestardust","In Whin Park on the swings, victory is all mine right now"
1696042471,"happiness","aida_jeanne","School. School. School.  today seems like it's going to be a great day!"
1696042517,"worry","yajtyler","I think it's time to take a shower & get ready for the dayy.  I hope we go shopping while we're in Mason today. I want new clothes!!"
1696042535,"surprise","staceydouglas","Last day for MACYS friends & family sale! Going shopping after we meet w/our mortgage broker."
1696042570,"sadness","ModelJennyJones","@nickiminaj Nicklaus!!!!!  I�m MAD I missed you out in VA last night, I was gonna snatch you up and make you wifey!!! 2009 is MINEE"
1696042597,"relief","hellovany","ready with learnin today!!! .. and now its twilight time"
1696042631,"worry","callmaggie","@WalkingHorse glad to hear that    Do you have a busy day today?"
1696042652,"neutral","nadszy","back to bed"
1696042661,"neutral","kham_say","hey, i've just updated my twitter"
1696042785,"relief","elizabethlai","@allysont haha. the pic wrong. haha. now the one is then correct."
1696042827,"neutral","bethlovesbolly","@RaviKapoor Thanks! It was really fun to do. I do love those 60s romances/comedies (though that one could have used more comedy IMO)."
1696042844,"surprise","didangalvarez","@hyperren Good Luck with your interview!"
1696042954,"relief","PumaSwede","@dmhome Well, in LA is decent weather. Tell me what's happening in the future"
1696042984,"happiness","nsane8","@PITCHERPARK i want her more on Survivor!!"
1696043028,"love","SandiNJ","@kruss73 Hi Katie! Just signed in! How are you, sweetie?"
1696043135,"neutral","maiycade","Morning...is anyone out there???"
1696043152,"surprise","bekytt","@espowari really? awesome! we love it...and I work at buckhead church too. I love it all around."
1696043244,"relief","Sams_Antics","Man, Monday sucks. What I wouldn't give to be a rich beach bum, diving in a tropical lagoon every day, eating fresh fruit and fish...ahhh"
1696043349,"happiness","BubblyBride","Good Morning Tweeters... Happy Monday!  Grab a big cup of coffee it's a new week"
1696043380,"boredom","Irv25","Good Morning twitters!!! I am soooo tired...I really need 2 stay off of twitter...LOL this shit is taking over my life...LOL"
1696043424,"neutral","ianalis","@juliemae Pano yan? Di na ako UP student, technically."
1696043438,"love","chellesia","Great, social network sites are still growing"
1696043441,"worry","J0SMILES","@lola0507 hi my love! Im ok, just trying to get thru these finals, they're going to be the DEATH of me. how are you"
1696043483,"relief","ohsoretro","@electricbluebrd Aw thank you. I suppose it's a good thing since it means more tweeting."
1696043512,"hate","mohawkkid09","Watching my girlfriend get out the showe  with her lime green towel .. IM BAD!!!!   Mohawk Kidd"
1696043520,"worry","samkillip","about to book train tickets for friday!"
1696043585,"fun","BeckyPool","@Perpetual_Kid May the 4th be with you"
1696043631,"happiness","thetarotlady","@jkarney  #amtarot Thank you so much!"
1696043669,"happiness","substudio","@MrsVaught happy birthday, amber! hope it's a great one...and - you're far away from thirty...shhh...you're making us 29'ers feel sad!"
1696043684,"sadness","Luvstoned","I'm up. I have a plan to transform my bedroom today. Random."
1696043736,"happiness","xsuzannee","@mcflyyerr yeah that's trueee  i can't wait till the tour dvd comes out, that tour was so epic (: and the backstage material is hilarious"
1696043746,"happiness","ru5tyloxx","@RainbowSuicide SHOW ME SHOW ME!!!"
1696043781,"neutral","pageoneresults","5 things this Twitterer could do without  http://MikeFrizzi.com/blog/?p=192 SRC @MikeFrizzi / I like this guy."
1696043805,"love","colleennyman","@TruthsCompany Man, Joel!  You're amazing at uncovering that little truth hiding under my surface.  Thanks."
1696043806,"sadness","thePinkbrain","Good morning scary world!"
1696043831,"worry","chrystalmurphy","J, sorry about the bad night, hopefully my workout updates gave you a little humor in your night.."
1696043865,"worry","Trish5511","I wish I had a friend that was a chiropractor"
1696043909,"fun","an0key","@prisca_eyedea I love last.fm but find it a lot easier (and more content) on spotify  add me on http://last.fm/user/an0key if you like"
1696043911,"surprise","monica058","@nic0pic0 You're welcome. There!  I added you already!"
1696043926,"love","webchetan","@TweetPhoto Kewl Sounds good. Will wait for it. Thanks"
1696043941,"neutral","strawberry_kiwi","@paultelner lol I really wanna go there!! Imma check the vid out rite now"
1696043955,"worry","CollectorManiac","May the fourth be with you.  Oh come on, no one had actually spelled it out yet"
1696043975,"love","tariraridum","<3 alayellow"
1696044006,"hate","nick_burd","@snookca I find mondays are the busiest days. I come into work, and there are 100 things to do cause the boss works weekends."
1696044041,"worry","number__6","@bonobo_fr Yes I saw the Village but the restaurant in the Village Square has a sign above it that reads "Digestif.""
1696044046,"happiness","danoltersdorf","On an operations conference call with the great peeps @campusadvantage team. Y'all make Mondays a bit easier to handle."
1696044107,"relief","ohtobeMel","@Utopia_of_Chas good mornin sunshine...at least the work puter will go faster"
1696044159,"happiness","roomforthought","one of my favorite, most relaxing songs to wake up to: http://tinyurl.com/c8fr3e Good morning."
1696044198,"love","Yanuhh","lapit na ko magout. lapit na fated to love you.hehe  http://plurk.com/p/rrj4e"
1696044222,"neutral","anneliohlsson","home from school now. watching that '70 show"
1696044255,"fun","IonaMakiola","@Brawny2004 true true, I'm writing atm, trying 2 b coherent about the last 4 yrs&string narratives through it but my meats rotting nicely"
1696044314,"happiness","AshMileyFan","Listening to Miley Cyrus Breakout CD ! love it!"
1696044338,"neutral","hubbit","Oops. I overlooked this LOLdog, also germane to #starwarsday :  http://tinyurl.com/cmal68 This is one of my earlier and better efforts"
1696044347,"neutral","erwin57","Lebron maybe the MVP this year ... but I like the Lakers to win the NBA Title"
1696044479,"happiness","fergiemcgee24","@SedzOz no actually it gets rid of the bacteria and they thaw out nicely"
1696044519,"love","mmburnside","Loves Agustin and his happy morning moods"
1696044520,"fun","msalien","Morning peeps... If you need to get at me you know where I am... I'll be around  ? http://blip.fm/~5jtyh"
1696044521,"worry","benpatrick90069","@matalatine I scare you? No!"
1696044534,"worry","sethu470","@sankar_datti Thanks sankar for ur wishes"
1696044589,"love","Kaalie","@brinahaha i'm just starting it brinn, guess what?? i get my laptop back  but i can't use the messenger, hate it."
1696044631,"happiness","gratitudecircle","Just checking in to say Good Monday Morning to all my #mamo friends...."
1696044663,"fun","locklund","@emmaemelie haha thanx.. now, twitter is a lot more public at YBC than i presumed"
1696044681,"fun","Enzow","just got home from the gym..tennis first then badminton.ehehe!"
1696044706,"happiness","WittyKim","working my ass off and I am completely happy"
1696044896,"happiness","hiwendee","@LarryWalksFast Cool. That'd be fantastic!"
1696044947,"happiness","mkdragoness","@artistico The John Lennon poster. My inner fan girl is dancing with joy."
1696045002,"happiness","KiaSerrano","@ BeardBurk: Their being optimistic"
1696045098,"fun","tessamy","YES!! REPRIEVE!! One paper pushed back until Friday! That leaves just three more pages due by 4:00pm... not even a problem."
1696045110,"worry","michielg","Nailing some webconcepting *in the zone*. I should be awarded.."
1696045146,"neutral","Laineymc","@MabelandViolet I was going to send you the photo by DM but can't as you not following me..."
1696045156,"neutral","gavinbowman","@SnappyTouch Someone hardcoded 650mb into my brain back in the 90s"
1696045290,"enthusiasm","Ghmod99","booziest weekend in a long time, good fun though!"
1696045331,"happiness","JennaRaeLove","Photo: jdperry: Seriously, these�pictures make my day.  Hahaha. I�always just go around�saying �OMG did you... http://tumblr.com/xzn1pir8s"
1696045335,"surprise","alanashea1","being new to Twitter?!?!?"
1696045349,"fun","artemisrex","@apmckeown it sure is  Hope you're having a great morning"
1696045388,"fun","scottyang","167 SQL queries to display one single deal page on OzBargain. Looks like I'll have fun optimising it!  Bad bad Drupal..."
1696045408,"neutral","wewhit","@calebhawk i cannot deal w/ this tweet. lol."
1696045411,"neutral","ma1c","@CaptainCeej Jungle Book, Mary Poppins, or Bugs Life - depending on if you want cartoon, live action or cgi"
1696045448,"happiness","razvanphoto","@mirnygirly If it doesn't work out drop me a line. I would love to talk with you more about this"
1696045452,"happiness","pmartin46_USANA","Hey, thanks for the follow, wow this is exciting a new tweet."
1696045471,"happiness","sewhappyJen","MORNING EVERY1! Giveaway at http://tinyurl.com/dhc4hg  Mod Kid Emma pattern &$25 GiftCert to HipFabric!! GO check it out"
1696045550,"fun","JGobert","@nickdaigle too short as usual...  but was awesome"
1696045563,"surprise","babydestiny24","just realized i have 30 followers HEY GUYS"
1696045649,"neutral","paulpall","I got 5 in English lesson  now drinking sprite"
1696045652,"neutral","ijoslyn","lowkey tired yet still energetic !"
1696045680,"relief","3vilMTV","has almost completed the groundwork for Paper Pile."
1696045692,"worry","nathantwright","Back at it after a weekend of working in the yard. Didn't open the laptop once, and I'm thankful."
1696045695,"relief","DjWhiteMike","@LilzCREATiONS thanx for showin luv"
1696045742,"love","Beckkkky","May the 4th Be with you all!"
1696045747,"love","it_self","@keithbrooks Glad to see you're still around"
1696045839,"enthusiasm","IACEZ","@gloria_hayden Welcome to Twitter!!"
1696045842,"relief","Haru2subS","cute girl is finished with timing That Fool 1~ editing stage and waiting for spot translation."
1696045952,"surprise","FallonMichelle","I right here...don't worry"
1696045992,"neutral","spankminister","@tailsy Absolutely, I was just thinking that"
1696046017,"love","LMarle","@wude72 @boulderdiaries Thank you!"
1696085443,"worry","ruprictjr","Whole body is sore from moving hundreds of pieces of luggage last weekend.   Guess I should visit the gym more often"
1696085483,"surprise","oxBabycake","today got her POP! t-shirt & lovess ittt  haha x"
1696085512,"worry","kunzangj","found rollo! and got happy  hmmm.. guess i really do need to be inserted back into the matrix 0_o\"
1696085525,"neutral","SazaClaire","Day of writing"
1696085579,"love","SkylineVA","@EverywhereTrip Lovely profile + website! Very neat... love the "where is gary" ticker!"
1696085611,"worry","Foxyuk","@midnatsol hello hun, how's things going? Tell me all"
1696085669,"neutral","newkicks","@TechBabe I'll put your name on the list"
1696085701,"surprise","shelleykuipers","Ahhh, 7 am meetings  thanks Reimer!"
1696085703,"happiness","yosoyian","@clockworkmelt LOL I feel like drunk right now..."
1696085764,"happiness","kunzangj","found rollo! and got happy  hmmm.. guess i really do need to be inserted back into the matrix 0_o"
1696085837,"neutral","ShawnaVictoria","@RobertPattz hey dude im finishing my lullaby  dude i saw a pic of you w/ long hair umm lets just say keep it short ha"
1696085853,"neutral","ravegabe","@ravegabe If you do, I'm sure you'll enjoy"
1696085906,"happiness","worldofhiglet","Getting ready to launch the podcast of chapter 1 of "Turning Left at Albuquerque" this morning. I know you're excited - so am I!"
1696086031,"relief","sanityscrafts","@fotogypc What kind of help do you need with Machine embroidery?  I may bea able to help"
1696086032,"sadness","pvermaer","@orbicule wow great promo for orbicule. is there an english translation somewhere? my Norwegian isn't that good"
1696086056,"worry","etod","@Jazzled4life Doubtful! It's going to be on 24/2!"
1696086164,"happiness","Rakhan","Hitting the (fairly empty) shops in Orlando! Off to downtown Disney later  http://tinyurl.com/cdsuws"
1696086188,"fun","lcaller","Right all strapped in and ready to go   http://twitpic.com/4jloj"
1696086199,"happiness","KailoCS","Even though it is already Monday. Thanks for the #followfriday complements - you know who you are!"
1696086227,"happiness","primarijus","Back from mountains"
1696086366,"neutral","nitinchan","@sween Whom do yu wanna kill ??"
1696086391,"relief","lostinbubbles","Paid bills. We get water and electricity for another month  Woot."
1696086443,"happiness","Davina87","@jensen_ackles New to Twitter. New to Supernatural - im only 1 day old :0) Jst ordered 1st season, after seein 1 gud random ep lastnte"
1696086452,"neutral","kaleydelonge","@JanitorusRex would be more fun to date then Steve-O."
1696086480,"neutral","songster69","@lynn_hong  Oh yeah, just came back from a weekend of cosplay photo marathons"
1696086496,"sadness","Easternbowman","I  didnt know there was a starwars day"
1696086576,"hate","wolfcat","@maenad_au see i never got kyile.. not then not now ... see I must have some taste"
1696086661,"worry","retorta","@photojack i am tempted to say that twitter is the best thing since sliced bread  #togs"
1696086840,"happiness","ChellaD11","there.  She says it gives her an excuse to sleep in the other bed! LOL  They're different sizes or I would have switched them for her."
1696086886,"hate","Elliinaa","I��m home  I hate school! Now im going to do do something fun because I have very boring. I want to have something to eat  Soon back!"
1696086887,"relief","JAM1955","Just had some 100 calorie Shortbread cookies and a handful of popcorn for breakfast. Think that that will give me some energy"
1696086936,"sadness","missemilyjane42","Big Sugar = yet another '90's bandwagon I was too late to get on. Next S&D BNL should reunite them (kind of like they did for the Odds)."
1696086983,"fun","laura_elizabeth","@north385com Well I'm obsessed w/all of them - but I watched the first one again last night  glorious! where can i get a wand?"
1696087009,"neutral","SoldierBeetle","@FeliciaSlattery Kids attacking your keyboard?"
1696087024,"neutral","Hierosonic","Figuring out how this Twitter thing works"
1696087034,"love","ashleybella","@bealove thank you my love"
1696087123,"happiness","frickxx","what a great day"
1696087161,"relief","Krys_Ali","out of office on business....needed the get away"
1696087176,"neutral","david_cecil","@JasonSobel Since part of your job is predicting what will happen on the golf course, what are you going to shoot?"
1696087202,"happiness","missginadesigns","@LoveLauriexox - my son plays pitcher and catcher.  Beautiful weather this past weekend for baseball, but I am exhausted!"
1696087210,"worry","FourTen","@GaryED46 I'm supposed to be bug fixing, and I'm Twittering, too. It's not good enough. It's Twitter or work. Bug fixing will have to go."
1696087271,"happiness","mandiebear","@scottrmcgrew *dancing pirouette ballerina HUGS*  Morning my Awesome brudder!"
1696087295,"neutral","paulrandal","@SQLChicken I should post some photos of my robots  ok - offline for 4 hours now. ttfn (oh, so IM...)"
1696087306,"relief","ChloeeDottKidd","FGinished Doinn Fake Tann Sitting Drinknig Coke And Watching Ink Heart"
1696087315,"relief","davemark","@mikebrinkman Actually, the post shows they know what happens when you overflow..."
1696087364,"happiness","screamin_deal","@apizzle86: thanks!  and you being #80 just made my morning!"
1696087394,"surprise","FuckBetty","@killakim NEW FRIEND?? hmmm... tell me more"
1696087460,"worry","kwilke74","I'm now totally addicted to Farm Town. Frankly, it's more fun that fixing laptops or studying the diseases that will kill us all."
1696087521,"happiness","VisitPeoria","@VisitGalena - we wouldn't miss it for the world!  ICCVB meetings @VisitPeoria Mon-Wed....  the fun is just beginning"
1696087567,"happiness","shanonlee","@ZaraGreen no problem, keep it comin"
1696087569,"love","darrynstorm","@NatashaWhiteley congrats!"
1696087600,"happiness","labelladiva","hey @star45 sending some Florida sunshine your way  Supertramp � It's Raining Again � @DJDolceVita you m... ? http://blip.fm/~5jucn"
1696087663,"boredom","ohmystars14","I'm SUPER tired and probably could sleep ALL day BUT I work 12:30 to 9:30 today in Tool Rental... Oh the Joy!!"
1696087665,"love","AUSome_network","@WFBL Thanks, the more, the merrier"
1696087707,"neutral","hummingbird604","@harrietglynn thanks"
1696087743,"worry","KaseyElisabeth","Back from NYC... convinced on moving to the LES by Fall"
1696087749,"neutral","sanyukumiko","Work, work, work. Finally not sick, though."
1696087872,"surprise","jmbuckingham","@DarkPiano I have my iTunes playing and one of ur songs just came on"
1696087889,"neutral","haleyhipple","is looking forward to spending time with Mom today"
1696087912,"fun","718drtv","About to Lock In on getting better  staying +"
1696087942,"happiness","uberbabyboomer","@missrogue wow! that is an *awesome* review; carry it with you everywhere; laminate it; read it when down;just plain cool"
1696087973,"neutral","Zephious","We should so go for the Cobra-Cam idea"
1696088052,"neutral","summerfly1","@boomerous Discrimination is not a bad thing. I've learned to say no. My children would say I mastered that years ago"
1696088123,"love","tlb1383","@kristenkey  so true...and so poetic! beautiful"
1696088134,"love","peltypoo","Mommas day is may 10th! Don't forget to do something nice for your mommyyy"
1696088157,"fun","catcatherino","why me? i am about to read another ecology book for two hours. its all good fun today"
1696088225,"relief","miss_emmajane","Awh, thank you for your nice replies! Its so different, its scary so you've made me feel better!!"
1696088265,"neutral","livio162","@denise183rd lol u better hurry up cause your ass is running late and whats for breakfast"
1696088365,"happiness","chorale","@halfwelshdragon those cakes sure look good ,,took one if it's ok with you  ummm good tks"
1696088425,"worry","Dameli","@WaleDC Philly hasn't played it yet!!!  You have to do something about that!! Please"
1696088468,"enthusiasm","smallbecca","@pinkladyjen that's a shame, next time hon  yeah tea on thursday would be delightful thanks bestest sis in law x"
1696088579,"worry","C_Vanderlinden","@OurLittleAcre I guess, technically, I was still pregnant just a few months ago. Just with Alex instead of Elizabeth"
1696088633,"worry","shelbykatu","@kristalswan You're welcome! Cutie-pie kiddo.. in your picture btw  Love those shades!"
1696088688,"neutral","caitlinrosee","Leaving minneapolis, doing some homework and going to watch my brothers tennis match later"
1696088693,"happiness","WhitneyLoveee","Happy Birthday Mommy"
1696088765,"relief","MeadowC","@ssherrill115 Thanks! We're still all passing around germs here but we're surviving.  Have I missed anything?"
1696088794,"love","GregHendrickson","@gpsrunner awesome run report!   Did you see the bald eagle on the lighthouse?  That was their hangout when I last ran Discovery Park."
1696088809,"love","misinformationn","Good Morning"
1696088835,"love","Lifes_A_Zoo","We looked at apartments this weekend.  Found one we like.  Hubby going today to try to rent one of the apartments.  Crossing Fingers"
1696088846,"fun","veryyfresh","@dayzie63 LM��o�o! my job is funn"
1696088850,"hate","EmilyWren1993","has just joined twitter. reeeally dont understand how to use this lol"
1696088865,"neutral","Cavatica","@cosita Morning! If I get to see it, I'll let you know. Right now, I'm going to go see Wolverine."
1696088937,"happiness","manicmai","@crazyfirebolt HAHA I LOVE THE WAY U PUT IT "He lifts our feet off the ground spins us around and makes us crazier""
1696089008,"happiness","addictedtonkotb","@tractorqueen Will do"
1696089024,"neutral","twig1gy","@vivid13 Thanks about the ponytail. I dreamt last night that I shaved my head...??? I guess it's a bigger deal than I thought."
1696089064,"worry","ShawnakaMrCute","Check out my song "time to lose it" on www.myspace.com/flownyce you'll enjoy it I promise"
1696089080,"love","rachelho","@dominicalevina oh! that's my baby picture. i try to convince myself i'm still that cute. heheh."
1696089109,"enthusiasm","benjaminmwebb","....dont act like your not impressed"
1696089169,"love","ravegabe","@fmlim If you do, I'm sure you'll enjoy"
1696089262,"happiness","robynharton","Happy Star Wars Day - May the 4th be with you"
1696089284,"fun","alipiva","Bed def beat out gym this morning  .....still snuggling w Spike."
1696089343,"relief","youngnatho","@MsCityCouture chillin wassup ma?? ayo in cali my day just started idk where u r but u have a gud day YA diggg"
1696089351,"happiness","leabella","@robluketic  Thank you so much. That was so nice of you and I was happy to hear you voice  You've really started something Good!! xo"
1696089360,"love","doggiezen","@RachelleKOMO Very cute!  Don't miss out on puppy school.  Now's the time."
1696089389,"happiness","BlenderNation","Ah, that was easy  I just received the new link for the Reegie rig"
1696089536,"fun","ElrikMerlin","Just wrote up tomorrow's #DWorlds show. @DesigningWorlds followers get a feed soon: mine see it first  http://bit.ly/6jLaL"
1696133121,"fun","LorelaiIsabella","hey peoples, dont you just hate being grounded haha, im just sat eating an apple and watching death note (some anime)"
1696133157,"neutral","booksliesalibis","@JennWebb Yeah, I kinda got over the whole Barry Manilow phase."
1696133172,"sadness","fritzonion","desktop quad-core Win7 boot time = 2'25", laptop dual-core w/ SSD Win7 boot time = 0' 13" => SSD for desktop arrives in 2 days"
1696133272,"worry","chiniehdiaz","@Pixeljunkie202 Kind of glad I never started Kings now - one less thing to be upset about"
1696133339,"worry","amberisgreat","wishing I were somewhere else besides here!!  Don't worry this won't dampen my day and neither will the rain"
1696133453,"fun","bobbiandmike","@hcolephotos YOU'RE A BIG DAMN DEAL!!!!!!!  Have fun"
1696133510,"worry","mikeyhall","another week, another org change discussion...."
1696133547,"happiness","springtree","@spazzyyarn he totally got you! ;) i think it's awesome."
1696133620,"happiness","SGajewski","@infovestment LOL, very true. I've been keeping an eye out for that - they arent very tech savvy so I've been alright thus far"
1696133692,"neutral","JayeMarie","@sheila_H ok so who do you know on Daisy of Love? And have you seen it yet. oh lord"
1696133746,"happiness","melodyvocals","@acousticalt I'll be listening!"
1696133776,"neutral","catinamarieh","Running errands with my little man. Maybe he won't act like a 3 year old today."
1696133793,"relief","tracytrace429","At school 8am to 7pm, then keone chonie's class  have a good day!"
1696133800,"fun","Aceswolf","@TheRealKeeks Not Pretty But one hell of a show  non the less"
1696133809,"happiness","wurpol","Happy nurses week! It's our first one as rn's"
1696133820,"happiness","sakurasaiko","Moving today!!  I'm so excited!"
1696133860,"surprise","papa_face","@Sarahbelle1414 yeah those are better ads  It makes them look part of your content rather than blatant adverts ;)"
1696133938,"happiness","comzeradd","back to athens. ????? ? ??????"
1696133982,"neutral","breeleigh","@j0shu4 idk... maybe..."
1696134061,"fun","ivona_ak","@AlGov lmao I'm glad I'm not the only one"
1696134095,"happiness","rdjohnson","proud of the ceviche and bellinis turning out so well and LOVING the smell of fresh flowers in the house"
1696134156,"happiness","TIBlockhead","@sabrina215 YES!! cant wait. hope these vip passes help since people already campin out hahah"
1696134180,"sadness","abs1399","@jordanknight I'm not having a good day... can u cheer me up with a tweet?  Even Tink will do. LOL."
1696134225,"love","EsaH","@solangeknowles cn i gt a twit frm u pls?  Hva gr8 shw 2nyt !"
1696134311,"neutral","MegTweetTweet","Couldn't let you twitter alone"
1696134383,"neutral","fashion_girl89","going to work till 3...then maybe ride the horses and take my sister to softball pratice"
1696134386,"sadness","CavataClothing","@jimmyheartcore awwwww snaaaap Jimmaaayy.  You are the man with hookups.  Too bad I'm so far away!!"
1696134397,"neutral","kayasmith","@meldrum83 kids will not eat salad so they getting crisps only salad for me and mr can make his bloody own"
1696134398,"happiness","sarahbandy","@zipvojames Well......minus being related to Greg...lol.....just kidding"
1696134446,"love","nevaeharianna","is soo in love with beyonce's song "smash into you""
1696134518,"happiness","smilestheace","@chetbuchanan SANJAYA FOREVER! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
1696134544,"neutral","dyeleepong","@silverpearl17 Hey there! What's up?!"
1696134616,"surprise","gia0519","@eddwriter call me when your done with your finals and tell me how you did  YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!"
1696134631,"neutral","tumblemoose","@MaternalSpark (Raises hand) Oh! Oh! Me too! #caffeine"
1696134650,"fun","shakinmybadass","@joyousnfree lol. No new diet plan...ran late for wrk so didn't hav a chance to make lunch. I ate a lot when I got hm!"
1696134660,"neutral","jessjohnson17","has bought more holiday clothes"
1696134697,"enthusiasm","fringeoriginals","@thedrawingroom hilarious. so if she acts up, all you have to do is say 1 little word..."gummed up" grosses me out; hub says it 2 torment"
1696134733,"love","MRCSurprise","@QueenieCyrus Heyyy  wats up?"
1696134814,"worry","MizzChievouz","Mmm wasabi coated peanuts! Burns so good"
1696134815,"surprise","DarkPiano","@jmbuckingham Really?? I feel special"
1696134843,"happiness","epward","Um... happy star wars day btw. Cheers to all you scruffy looking nerfherders and hot ami's out there."
1696134887,"love","WanttobeHappy","... thanks everybody for your wonderful feedback re my Happiletter"
1696134896,"worry","Deep_Honey_7","::Ugh:: Euro Civ exam... Studio Later though"
1696134918,"happiness","coffee12345","I've brush my teeth but im eating Chocolates right now ha-ha just sharing"
1696134932,"worry","PizzaRash","Happy Star Wars Day, everyone! May the force be with you all, be you Padawan or Jedi."
1696134998,"worry","himank","@mythalez Scii-fi effects definitely look silly no doubt but its worth a watch inspite of that!!"
1696135064,"happiness","drmerj16","my last full week of school!"
1696135084,"happiness","ebemma","out shopping...."
1696135090,"happiness","balemar","@SoldierBeetle Your welcome hun!    They are all amazing people - make sure to say hello to them!"
1696135102,"happiness","LEXJUSTIS","No Evidence, No Conviction ! Absolutely hilarious.. Makes my day every time  http://bit.ly/lrolJ"
1696135115,"neutral","mikesawriter","@MmmBaileys @carli_chick Hello"
1696135117,"happiness","ReallyShecky","@cocosbutter its already good...I got to meet you!"
1696135149,"love","Fraize","@jenfraiz I loves me some Jeff Lynne, and I do enjoy sitar work, but that was kinda weird. To each his own, I s'pose!"
1696135176,"happiness","SuheanAlliePark","yeah  just made twitter"
1696135181,"fun","educ8rshan","@peebles95 call me later so i can tell you all about the weekend. Easier over phone."
1696135219,"neutral","AndyFongsta","Ugh Final Exam today....Ready for my Summer to start."
1696135230,"neutral","MarkOOakes","@kevsbrtny It depends on your goals & how much you want to spend  Cannondale, Specialized and Cervelo are all good brands."
1696135265,"neutral","soaktree","@aquarices2 just driving...err speeding."
1696135285,"relief","PussyPrevails","@HeavyBank That's the good part about it. YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW ANYONE!"
1696135306,"happiness","248dp","Good Afternoon"
1696135315,"happiness","wpstudios","@imjustcreative having a F**Kin' great day over there Graham isn't it"
1696135333,"fun","cheshiirecat","shake shake shake shake shake it"
1696135368,"worry","manicsue","ahhh bank holiday slept late now going to dinner in my sisters whos a real "monica"  hahah and im late il get cold dinner now"
1696135462,"worry","noannina","got a translation offer today. couldn't say no, even though it's german  simple computer stuff mostly. and only a couple hundred words."
1696135491,"love","danielkirkley","@modmark hope y'all enjoy the MusicBoat Cruise.  What a tough job - haha!!!"
1696135608,"empty","truk77","@strawfoot @markn @johnhalton No, seriously you guys, I /wanted/ to kick Monday off with #starwarswithaddedpants spam.  Really"
1696135640,"happiness","RainbowSuicide","@ru5tyloxx  You're silly."
1696135705,"happiness","Greegturnbull","The seat was a nice place to go"
1696135707,"happiness","ria_ballesteros","haiszt.. im here in the office doing nothing but tweet haha! fun!"
1696135814,"happiness","geenalove","@allicandy95 testing.... Hey! I gotta add you as someone to follow"
1696135859,"happiness","hubbit","@czarinas78 Ah  So you've seen both. (Either way, you get to experience the fantasy of sound and shock waves in the vacuum of space. Heh.)"
1696135900,"fun","NicoleHage","I cant WAIT to be home and snuggle with my puppies! and my Fiance"
1696135992,"worry","rebeccaphua1996","hahas . dam tried . just nw got exam . don know how much i will get . . but i having fun today . with my pri sch friends  until 5plus . =D"
1696136022,"happiness","deberito","I am so happy. Keve is here for early Mother's day. Let's be quiet. He drove all night and is sleeping."
1696136086,"neutral","paulinamarie","Volunteering at Down Syndrome Indiana on Wednesday"
1696136131,"worry","Leksilijum","Goooosh! Someone payed my LastFM subscription  ^^"
1696136151,"neutral","kx3u","Will be your DJ for a little while! Tune in if you want  www.soompiradio.com @soompi"
1696136173,"love","jamie_ox","is listening to "La La Land" i love it"
1696136212,"neutral","yongfook","@pingpingss "just" - http://tinyurl.com/cuy43t"
1696136281,"happiness","EbonysWorld","@shrinkingjes WHOO HOO. Congrats on getting under 200lbs"
1696136375,"love","Armonizar","Getting ready to meet Laura!  Than training, even if I'm sick."
1696136477,"happiness","JennyYayo","Okay so yesterday was good went food shopping, cooked some chicken tacos and bakes some cookies!!!  Now I am back at work."
1696136567,"surprise","thewildjoker","wow...i have to many bookmarks...i just spent a good hour organizing"
1696136591,"happiness","Gen22","@meghanian I think I got it fixed! Woo hoo!"
1696136625,"love","Juniesgurl","Just wanted to give a quick welcome and thanks to all of you whom I now follow or have following me, looking frward to tweeting w/ you"
1696136662,"happiness","aunksunamun13","@VIVIatTheDisco Good luck on your first day !!!!"
1696136711,"neutral","UlaaPatagonia","Also... @earthXplorer @DanTraveling @lonelyplanet @brianepeters #travel #backpacking hope you enjoy our pics & videos"
1696136761,"relief","robnchaus","Just finished first workout on Jillian Michaels 30day making the cut program!  Feeling great  Hopefully the eating will be just as good"
1696136823,"neutral","kabeaudoin61488","last day of classes!!"
1696136901,"happiness","sorenjuul","@dopenhagen are you in KL? I am  up for a drink?"
1696136920,"worry","ashleylynn","@edwelker make sure you practice your hooping today!"
1696137023,"happiness","kluper","@AsunUnique  Apple has done some impressive things for my almost 2 year old macbook. Except when I poured coffee into the keyboard."
1696137120,"happiness","deirdreFTW","my c key is stating to work.  yayness."
1696137205,"love","impe83","Having indian food in the middle of Wales, very very typical, huh?"
1696137209,"enthusiasm","smartie_party","@MorrisonCorner i don't have any excuse other than night shifts! we got our orphan lambs from a local farmer so we cheated"
1696137253,"surprise","jackenhack","@hesselbom Ok, which album to start with? After listening to Frank Black for years I found out he used to play in #Pixies."
1696137264,"love","ashuyeah","@deeeniseee eh, you're a really nice girl   How are you? miss youuuuuuu"
1696137267,"neutral","TatieKatie","@sez101 thank you Sezi"
1696175596,"surprise","barklund","@egeriis it is the lightest, cleanest, most precise and as far as i know fastest engine around"
1696175677,"surprise","ManuelViloria","@mistygirlph Thanks!  Yes, this sudden downpour does seem rather freakish. Is it really the end of summer here in the Philippines?"
1696175749,"neutral","infovestment","$ES_F interestign setup,the FED is forced to buy bonds,whic pressures stocks,while the gvnmt spins news to raise stocks,left&right hand"
1696175784,"neutral","MelindabcRocks","Step-by-step I'm leaving it all behind"
1696175786,"worry","sharonhayes","@arodomus aww sorry to hear you are having a bad time. Remember: this too shall pass"
1696175809,"happiness","bethknowles","Just picked up my copies of the printed brochures I did for the BWRC. So excited"
1696175856,"happiness","krystinascott","all pugged in and ready to go. device updates on, so feel free to bombard me at any time.  Time to actually get something done."
1696175895,"worry","nkotbdiva","@jordanknight are you TINK'N the people on the street in NY waiting 4 friday are crazy? Brooke"
1696175899,"neutral","Treagus","@xktstarx oh actually, the one on there is my old number, i'll change it now, it ends with 023"
1696175909,"happiness","CocoCandii","Im fine also..up way to early..lol...soo those r all ur dogs? to kut3 ..i def want a pit! lol"
1696176059,"surprise","JaytheBigLug","@geekjames It's amazing the DVDs I'll put on my Netflix list just based on the trash potential inherent in their titles"
1696176064,"sadness","emaatwell","@xxPat..not that school wouldnt suck all the time"
1696176102,"sadness","demimyke","blerg, damn you Monday, why must you always come.  Decent weekend, new glasses, hair color and got carded at Gamestop = awesome ego boost"
1696176156,"neutral","Fairoza","has made up her mind....."
1696176189,"love","photogoat","@aea1023 thanks thought you might want a flower today."
1696176216,"neutral","camella_secrets","@JJaneBB follow me if you like to hear interesting stories"
1696176218,"love","9MM_NINA_ROSS","@MarieLuv  YOU MAKIN' ME HORNY"
1696176248,"neutral","markdiaz","First Day for research at Edmonton General"
1696176277,"worry","JPhelan","The phones are lit up like christmas trees. Go to work people. You don't have to get everything done on monday."
1696176282,"worry","EarthToEmilee","Happy Star Wars Day // Will Week"
1696176294,"love","stephooba","@jordanknight  yes really if it is that time of day again.   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
1696176315,"happiness","charuncc","Waking up .....working....Happy as can be!  Its gonna be a great day today... I can see it..and im not sore from Running yesterday!!!"
1696176420,"neutral","XtinaJohnson","Mmmmmmmm... ? it in the morning"
1696176460,"neutral","jenmelia","@BackStory Maybe u should get a coffee machine at your new desk, seems appropriate"
1696176467,"fun","talentedaxis","listening to the online radio; oldies"
1696176527,"neutral","Completionist","Off to band practice"
1696176628,"neutral","Sion71","Afternoon all - how is everybody?"
1696176632,"relief","mickster","@RitasItalianIce Cherry Italian Ice is my fave. I want to get the local Ritas on Twitter so they'll send out the daily flavors."
1696176696,"fun","RoisinMcK","Wool, time for the top cote"
1696176708,"fun","wonderjing","says livejournal is being a bee-eye-tee-see-hedge. Dum dee dum, ok back to work!"
1696176787,"surprise","SasaLoves","@goatfox yes i have read them many times."
1696176811,"happiness","thecartoonguy","Apparently today is Happy Star Wars day.  I'm suppose to say may the 4th be with you."
1696176868,"neutral","iDiLLFTW","And i ain't happy go lucky, its just today... The world don't feel ugly"
1696176875,"happiness","aarthycrazy","@richa_august84 haha...  may be.. hehe.. I might have been imported.  but i love the heat... love playing football on a hot day...."
1696176895,"neutral","SherylIbbotson","Guys Richard fleeshman got twitter, FOLLOW HIM  @RFleeshman"
1696176922,"relief","hayesdev","TextMate crashed for the first time in 3 months. Not too bad actually  #textmate"
1696176930,"love","Lauriix3","Can someone chemics ?"
1696176944,"neutral","mayrawryay","going to bed. night"
1696176955,"love","jennipuh","the big boss is out all week.. small yay. free lunch for the office today, big yay!"
1696176975,"fun","tadbarker","@wossy http://twitpic.com/4jjdx - Soak your had in hot water (but not boiling) for about 30mins - it'll pull them right out"
1696176998,"fun","jbandmeintern","@stylenoirgossip such a great idea!"
1696177079,"love","traveljunkyhols","Nobody does it better than www.traveljunky.com Not even half as good   ? http://blip.fm/~5jv7j"
1696177137,"neutral","sirfmayur","And here goes my first Twitter from #TwitterBerry Application from my #BlackBerry Bold 9000..  Cheers, long live.. #SMR"
1696177162,"surprise","DonyaMaries","@ejhildreth  I like it!"
1696177164,"worry","Linspot","@kirstiealley that is soooo scary! Be careful! We only have one Kirstie!"
1696177202,"neutral","avengersnews","@LilBrownGirlie see most people didn't like deadpool cause it wasn't true to the comics, I'm guessing you like Ryan Reynolds"
1696177212,"worry","latexloverm","@darlsXzpott3r I'm doing good thanks   And yourself? and sorry, lil busy at the moment."
1696177395,"worry","misinformationn","@ddlovato who said demi can't wear her Converse with her dress oh baby, that's just demi."
1696177464,"neutral","ThatCrazyKevin","Watchin Scooby Doo 2"
1696177526,"love","wx1901","@pseudosophical YAY YOU! So proud of you!  and I'm not even being sarcastic. Even though you told me to shut the fuck up."
1696177558,"neutral","lesley_w28","checkin twitter out!"
1696177564,"surprise","Leslie_Teanne","feels the same way about cherry-flavored items as Shannt does about grapes. Strange, but true."
1696177658,"fun","pamdemonium","@ngeow Yeah, planning to do that actually. Got a Kinokuniya discount card, so I'm going to splurge.  Just worried about being overwhelmed."
1696177672,"worry","Jo4nz","Definition of senioritis: Me. About to go to chem II and calculus. Not good classes to feel like slackin"
1696177723,"happiness","katieekayy","@jackalltimelow I just got my JAGK shirt in the mail! Omg I love it!!!  see you saturday!!"
1696177810,"neutral","Jenga81","@rose_ville  yay green!  It certainly makes all the rain worth it.  And it's nice and cozy being indoors, knitting"
1696177823,"worry","Jeffdc5","@BadAsh77 got it i'll send you an email in a lil bit i have a lot to say"
1696177885,"worry","Kpengell","@gthogan I think you forgot a couple exclamation points."
1696177933,"sadness","kittymeadow","@t_rothlisberger That's fucking awesome!  *bookmark*"
1696177992,"neutral","miaww28","is enjoying the night with her folks."
1696178064,"neutral","LukeStratford","Im trying to make my MySpace look good. Check it in about 30 mins and leave me a comment"
1696178078,"happiness","meganob","It is going to be a beautiful day!"
1696178081,"neutral","banoura","at work......thinking about the rest of my finals...summer almost here"
1696178110,"neutral","xiaoxirocks","Going to hibernate"
1696178112,"relief","ShannonNuckols","@islandprincess2 LMAO!! That is so funny!  Thanks for sharing...I needed that laugh"
1696178123,"worry","Aceswolf","@TheRealKeeks Thats ok Keeks I'll Pass the 151 to you that will chill you out"
1696178138,"worry","busymom4kc","Have 3 of the 5 grandbabies again today. 19 month old twins and a 3 1/2 month infant. I love every minute of it too."
1696178184,"neutral","Tammy2luvs","Going to search out areas we would like for our dream home to also home my home based business one day soon."
1696178217,"neutral","vasbestkept","@heartbomb I'll try..blah! Thanks  what are u up to today?"
1696178244,"neutral","avko","@ConnieGreen  #powerblog What is this powerblog challenge you keep talking about?  I'm a newbie follower"
1696178305,"happiness","JoElizabeth","@TSchryver ahh! Yay!  so you're gonna get it?"
1696178324,"surprise","Saz_xox","@EmilyYoung09 kwl... nm this msn nd homework... but i went 2 c hanna montana hte movie yesterday xx happy mayday btw xx"
1696178335,"enthusiasm","angelalgibson","Early start today! More rain and more miles!"
1696178347,"neutral","calebsimpson","@truk77 Dude, you could totally get that then sell it to some Denton musician and profit"
1696178361,"relief","IndieJane","Guess who has internet at her house? *raises hand* And it's not dial up."
1696178381,"neutral","heartstation","@madnilk thank you  btw, if u're wondering, you can check out the "Fuel" brand here ( @fuelbrandgroup )"
1696178481,"neutral","czheng","@nickdunn Thanks, Nick. Means a lot coming from a designer of your caliber  #symphonycms"
1696178505,"neutral","lebigot","Discovered that Numpy arrays can hold values of any type.  Useful for manipulating arrays of numbers with uncertainties."
1696178523,"neutral","hettywood","@danvesma Haha, go crazy with it! ;)"
1696178538,"happiness","Parellifanatic","I have a 4-H lamb meeting. It should be fun. And it is sunny! Yay! I can play with my horses this afternoon. Clap, clap, clap!!!"
1696178662,"hate","Lindukka","oh, it's raining... i haaaate it!  It was a great violin lesson<3"
1696178686,"neutral","marcuswilliam","Just started on here and i already see @smalleyez and @infinityh are by far the biggest talkers, er, i mean tweeters!"
1696178698,"neutral","TaRAWRRR","Has Ruth today"
1696178713,"neutral","carly_hall","@RFleeshman  lol since I got twitter a little while ago, it seems like loads of people setting up an account"
1696178721,"happiness","bluehaus","@isaacn86 Thanks! Funny cause it's true!"
1696178742,"worry","sachin_damle","Trying to figure out the perfect way of leading a principled life"
1696178748,"happiness","princelmoro","lay by the pool and take a nap. my agenda for the day"
1696178782,"neutral","Audreyyyyy","great mood todayyyyyyyyy. Super excited for the game tonight, not so excited to be one year older (tomorrow)."
1696178797,"sadness","isseykun","@Afey umm how abt a comment like that :p "i dont like this""
1696178807,"enthusiasm","SokeeDiaz","Just got back from work, OT na naman. What's new?"
1696178859,"worry","MrsSchuler","@OfficialBabyV I wish you where going to be in the Saga"
1696178878,"worry","sayhellorachel","check out the flyer i designed for the notary and retrograde: http://rachellovespeace.blogspot.com let me know what you think"
1696178883,"happiness","abhishek78","shout out to Sanjeev! thank you for being my first follower  on twitter."
1696178898,"sadness","katvanorden","@jordanknight I have now officially resigned myself to never knowing what Tink! means...."
1696178900,"fun","FlipFlopFLO","high & dry goin to have an ice cream now with my best friend."
1696178907,"happiness","texeyes","@atxtraveler thanks! I will try #boarding out"
1696179016,"enthusiasm","princessmisa","@phillybookco Nice yo!!! Live it for me buddy!"
1696179036,"happiness","prophetsex","Yes, he's really back!: I couldn't wait for this day to arrive and finally it's here! Gale is back!!!  I'm pos.. http://tinyurl.com/dzzaf5"
1696179070,"empty","amywithredhair","Apparently Ashland is never going to tell me if I got the scholarship.  Still my day off  2nd cup of tea, still on the couch!"
1696215700,"fun","KevinJacobsen","Tonight @ 10 on The Northland's NewsCenter we kick off a week long look at Great Summer Getaways in the Northland! Don't miss it!"
1696215707,"worry","jmulvena","Now I'm following you Ah Ha! Love your laff"
1696215727,"neutral","Moychy","http://tinyurl.com/cyonct vote for Rob"
1696215760,"sadness","setxtweetup","@mickster09 You don't have to rub it in."
1696215792,"neutral","nilez01","@aimecain whuahahhaha you need to cut down on them Bram Ladages/Applejacks/pancakes"
1696215828,"relief","EveD","@naeem_coza @strandloper Yep. Live and learn"
1696215851,"happiness","kazzie_","Good mornin. Today will end early, woo. Gonna work on rick's surprise PROJECT DUE ON TUESDAY"
1696215859,"love","Emilemily","Loves the 2nd half of even days, orch and jazz band with daddy"
1696215875,"happiness","evakallai","wishing you all a happy monday and a wonderful start to this week ! Make it a good one"
1696215884,"love","OMGAPANDA","@MusicIsLife377 that's a good attitude"
1696215889,"happiness","SickzEight","It's a good day! The lake is a mirror, the kids are happy, and I get to clean the cabin today... Err two outta three ain't bad!"
1696215891,"neutral","AngelikSweet","Morning!! ... ^-^ escuchando el  Soundtrack de Twilight que Gaby me trajoooooo! la adoro  ...(muse, paramore, perry farrell...)"
1696215897,"relief","TraceyHewins","@Jamie_127 glad you got a laugh out of it"
1696215938,"love","japadog","Thank you all new, first time Japa Dog customers! Twitter spreads the word! We like new customers"
1696216001,"worry","rocsidiaz","@JustZIPP hey rocstar"
1696216005,"worry","ashley_aa","monday morning. what to do. ...puzzles!"
1696216053,"neutral","rachelandersonx","ahahah with sandy, bekz, erin and derrian"
1696216079,"happiness","sensico","Well, I'm here, good morning/brunch-ish I took my exam, think I did good"
1696216093,"surprise","calabash11","@mckra1g  So jealous - I'd LOVE to see the Ella show...in fact I think I'll stream some right now!"
1696216127,"happiness","Natalie_O","@juliannebritton Ohhh, i really want to see Coraline, it seems really good"
1696216134,"fun","helloveggie","@CraftedClay  most name brands have dairy even if it's called 'semi-sweet' or 'dark'.  I'll try to get some in the HelloVeggies Store!"
1696216151,"sadness","naeem_coza","@stii no, it makes you realise how doomed humanity in USA is"
1696216159,"relief","DonnaSpeaks","@jessicacolon My son is back at school today - feeling much better. He wasn't too sick...he didn't stop eating!"
1696216189,"love","silfosgnm","hi everyone, hoping all of you have a good week"
1696216204,"fun","SaucyChp","bye y'all wolverine soon  ooaf hugh jackman, tell ya what he can sctrahc me anytime ;)"
1696216343,"surprise","Daveyasprey","Played the Eclectricity Festival @ The Custard Factory last night was an UNREAL atmos right till the end! Glad i played last set"
1696216362,"worry","HeatherShea","@The_Gov hi gov!! How are you?"
1696216429,"neutral","thamel85","Signing off folk, might be back on later!"
1696216458,"happiness","KYTgirl","i am listening this song "shattered" by Tynisha keli   www.myspace.com/tynishakeli"
1696216463,"worry","LittleLiverbird","@scooby867 Cheers for that! Will have a look at that later and hopefully get sorted!"
1696216552,"love","mcflyapril","Supernatural was mega good  Now I'm off to bed, urgh long day of school tomorrow x"
1696216555,"fun","chrissc85","Today I plan on taking my music history final, then catching up on some movies at my movie theatre."
1696216646,"worry","AlandrusLesene","@mrjoecool well praise the lord 4 gud moods i kno i need 2 b 1, im workn out ma thighs & these dark clouds is scaring me"
1696216679,"neutral","icegonzales","@mariajessica Yup, sometimes kc it's raining here in Pque but in Las Pinas it's not. So just wondering."
1696216707,"love","AndSEOrew","Love thy self. Keep it simple. Learn Tai Chi. Those are my aims today. Beat up ankle is less swollen  I am on a no negotiation vacation!"
1696216716,"relief","paCao","each day is a new beginning"
1696216735,"happiness","garethjsmith","@mercedez000 Ta very much!  Happy B-Day to G-son"
1696216824,"sadness","Rinari","@dragonblogger My pleasure  I really enjoy your random word poetry, and am disappointed when I miss out on participating!"
1696216843,"happiness","ShaktiShiloh","Shakti's celebrating her 4th Birthday today!"
1696216879,"neutral","kyntha","Working up to my vacation to Thailand. Getting more excited every day"
1696216965,"happiness","eline90","@esmeeworld Good luck tonight! have fun"
1696216980,"happiness","michjonas35","@Jonasbrothers i can't wait! its most definately going to be amazing.  <3 michelle"
1696217034,"fun","JoeCascio","@janeporricelli She lives!  You were so Twitter quiet after the race. Recovering or celebrating?  ps. #20 Fem. in your 1st marathon Wow!"
1696217113,"worry","REMann","A little bit of good news."
1696217218,"surprise","marcapitman","@unmarketing Certainly not Cheers than, huh?"
1696217267,"fun","Natalichka","@bellaphonic yay! #iPhone goodness is so fun!"
1696217274,"happiness","mogieg","@SWrightBoucher Hi Susan, read your blog.  It's really good.  I look forward for the tweet updates"
1696217294,"neutral","Morrica","@branchuchan Obviously not too bad"
1696217365,"worry","TheRealKristi","Jaydiohead "No Karma" ? http://twt.fm/91610 #musicmonday This is not the android I was looking for. But it'll do."
1696217367,"sadness","plamoni","@tuaw In case no one gave you a heads up, AT&T just put out an iPhone app for account management (MyWireless) I'd love to see a review"
1696217512,"neutral","veryyfresh","@dayzie63 I work at the group home"
1696217515,"worry","jayce2242","virus hunting on computer - always wondering what it will destroy"
1696217536,"neutral","Nicolerowthorne","Trying to figure out how to use this twitter thing  Hahhh"
1696217579,"relief","Greenoctopus21","Rain makes for a good study day  almost done!!"
1696217703,"neutral","sisijo","I day til NYC!!!! and the journey soon begins!!! Music baby"
1696217745,"fun","KimG84","has just come back from horse riding, what a brilliant day"
1696217775,"happiness","Jemstaa","@sozah Morning Sunshine"
1696217783,"love","marniepehrson","@luannarodham nothing sweeter than YOUR 4-year-old!"
1696217784,"relief","LilPecan","@crumcake That's a relief! I feel better knowing it's hereditary.  Have fun!"
1696217789,"empty","beckiejean","@librariansti it's like the library equivalent of "it's 5 o'clock somewhere." someone else in on the ref desk somewhere"
1696217808,"worry","Speaker99","If you carry your childhood with you,  you never become old..A. Sutzkever"
1696217833,"surprise","sage_in_spain","@Sobk13 I love to eat chicken, would I be a cannibal chicken?"
1696217846,"happiness","katbockli","@DuongSheahan so nice to meet you too! @NancyLoo is the best for bringing me along"
1696217897,"happiness","vhgs","@TheMandyMoore so looking forward to your new album"
1696217961,"happiness","trickassshane","Feeling really good about my performance on the AP Government & Politics exam this morning.  Going to lunch with Krista."
1696217999,"fun","Alicia_K_N","This weekend I started a "Healthy Lifeestyle" - not Diet!     Let's see how it goes - will keep ya posted on my progress."
1696218018,"neutral","TBBTFans","@TheRaj Happy Star Wars 2u2, from all at @tbbtfans"
1696218048,"relief","sydneyasitjade","i've been eating cheetos all morning.."
1696218148,"love","SuzanneBuyink","@solangeknowles Nice!!!!!!!! I WILL be there"
1696218175,"happiness","mopars0","@Blanquis26  Morning, hope you have a super day...enjoy !"
1696218186,"neutral","OHMYDAYSitsHayz","need more songs to download. suggestions? ill take anything"
1696218307,"happiness","thomasharbin","@wendaybird silly wendy. You know I don't speak French  just a few more hours to study before this ride begins!"
1696218432,"worry","chodiebear","@DaisyCurlyCat oh wow, daisy, that is TOO cute for words!!"
1696218459,"sadness","thespottedduck","@Etsy never noticed that before but you're right! guess that's because my heart is always dreaming of travel..."
1696218489,"worry","adrinux","@martinb9999 need to get an intel based mac 1st   but this impacts on dual core vs quad choice, latter probably better for virtualization"
1696218589,"happiness","maehng","@MaddieWan Maddie starts working? WATCH OUT WORLD!"
1696218596,"fun","mar_sambe","someone said after wolverine they feel like watching x-men all over again. They're right! Now back to business, proposal, yippie!"
1696218599,"relief","sheflourishes","is done with classes for her freshman year."
1696218612,"fun","Aly3s0n5","@MichalkaAlyson I spell my name alyson too! Aly for short! We spell it the best"
1696218621,"relief","DavidFeng","@jeanettejoy Shanghai is also really exciting (precisely -- skyscrapers galore). Good tweeps in China: @sdweathers (SH) @winserzhao (BJ)."
1696218816,"worry","Saralino","@gfalcone601 I think sandwiches or something like this with ham and cheese"
1696218837,"sadness","Rydith","What am I doing atm? http://twitpic.com/4jmeh Oh yeah. Apple Juice  I'm such a rebel!"
1696218952,"surprise","SomersetBob","@Llawen Don't know - pretty, though"
1696219103,"worry","laurclark","listening to my future roomie speak in chapel"
1696219132,"neutral","taylormcfly","@Eliizaabeeth  haha i like modern studies..... its my favourite subject  haha i guessing you dont feel the same? xx"
1696219136,"neutral","loobs0","@ABeautifulMind1 Whats with you though, you sound a bit down yourself.. not your boiler again is it"
1696219153,"happiness","anniemare","@timhahnproject Heh.  When I moved into my house Pius was having a pep rally, so there was cheering and a band."
1696219218,"love","anavil","in ten minutes shopping   demi lovato-back around demi lovato-behind enemy lines have you all seen the titanic 2 trailer? its really good!"
1696219257,"happiness","safrani","Happy Star Wars Day. MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU"
1696219262,"neutral","shannennicole","@hellojao hi Add me.  it's shannen"
1696219330,"neutral","Silentsoy_xo","About to clock into work"
1696219365,"love","Kirstyy09xX","@gfalcone601 you happy that Frankies back from France  xx"
1696219508,"worry","meijirawr","@rocketheartx YES SHE WANTS A COOKIE. SO DO I. ESPECIALLY THAT ONE THAT ARCHIE GOT FROM COOKIE ) ... RP?  mark the date"
1696219564,"surprise","jcast","@KG4RDF Good luck on final!"
1696219758,"enthusiasm","Gemmaboyle","@mariannemarlow It is a drink but they have a trainer brand too.. http://www.office.co.uk/brand/babycham/8 <<have a look"
1750893478,"love","dyeleepong","says HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MOMS OUT THERE!  http://plurk.com/p/stezd"
1750893502,"happiness","JREvans91","I love how two of my favorite shows have the same acronym  lol."
1750893512,"neutral","tequilakitty","@angeleyes81075 oh..keep working on it..you can always make it a little smaller"
1750893536,"worry","brodystalker","@MattyOsborn YIKEYSSS!!  I'M HARMLESS REALLY!! JUST WANT SOME ATTENTION FROM BRODY!!!"
1750893693,"worry","4ut","@wendywings Just hoping you're ok, sincerely concerned"
1750893717,"happiness","Jhanner","@howie_d awww glad to know Little Sweet D and Leigh are doing good...thanks for the updates Howie"
1750893779,"happiness","GE0RGIE","@jeg007jeg yay  coutch:couch"
1750893807,"sadness","mrradman","going to the lumberjack party"
1750893913,"happiness","coquette78","currently munching on baby carrots! nom nom nom nom..."
1750893914,"happiness","jazzieleigh","Haha how exciting  wat does it look like?!"
1750893942,"worry","tamspstyle21","I honestly hate what I have said to some ppl sometimes. sorry for makin an ass of myself to anyone."
1750894073,"love","cindyoconnor","@danameller Aww, thanks!"
1750894121,"happiness","HeidiNoelle","thinks SG is wonderful"
1750894179,"love","caityyyyyy","watching this african music show on the tele  me loves ittttt"
1750894185,"neutral","SamanthaDeir","Off work"
1750894214,"happiness","writeinink","@IvoryValentine have you seen "The Fifth Element"? makes "super green" a lot funnier"
1750894236,"neutral","iCarluccio","Twitter question: should I go to my brothers 1st soccer game of the season? OR, Should I stay warmed up in bed? 2 minutes to reply!!"
1750894240,"happiness","SofiaMiller","@KevinRButters Excellent then Chiang Mai is definitely a possible next vacation stop! thanks for the info."
1750894289,"relief","TheShadowEl","And now the crazy is all gone."
1750894293,"happiness","veeanca","about to take my mum out for jewellery shopping and a coffee for mothers day"
1750894395,"worry","dferrari","Packing for Florida  What's the liquids in a carry-on rule - 3 or 4 oz? Haven't flown in over a year"
1750894405,"happiness","DUHLISH","show time baby! bye bye for now Tweeters"
1750894407,"happiness","tomeglenn","Well it would seem that you can enter nine 0s if you are an Individual without a SSN/ITIN or EIN according to Apple.  Hurray!"
1750894437,"neutral","HenriqueJEC","@twittess j� passo o link"
1750894447,"neutral","albiea","believes that creativity  in cooking is only limited to your imagination... guess that applies for most things too... like photography"
1750894489,"surprise","imogenyouloveme","@luckis I watched that too!!! I didnt want her to win, but she put up a good fight..lol"
1750894676,"surprise","mommysnacks","@OAMCortney you're alive!!!!!!  Go w/ The Notebook...it'll make you cry and stuff"
1750894688,"neutral","TheSinginGrace","haha I'm bored! I think I'll go watch a movie  BBL"
1750894701,"surprise","vielleicht","@disavian: saw it yesterday. Pretty good."
1750894726,"happiness","Mirella_Mirii","it's after 3 AM.!!  I think it's time to bed.!!  have a good night twitts.! ;))"
1750894776,"love","dsbrennan","@cityslipper wellll...... only 2 that will feed me   the others were mainly shade loving native wildflowers."
1750894891,"worry","S_Villeneuve","@jadeofjades  I Hope You're Okay.Do What Beyonce Do..."
1750894893,"hate","dopeguhxfresh","they tryna get me 2 sing on mic n i said NO NO NOOOOOOOO"
1750894964,"worry","daviejr","Waiting in line for the Beast with Matthew.    I won't be riding."
1750895024,"neutral","dacifromjerz","@AmberNia noooo, she was wavin at me"
1750895057,"love","nickslilmami","@howie_d thats good to know, and I bet he looks just like you."
1750895064,"worry","scottsteff","That kids is what you get when you leave your computer unattended, when you have non-trustworthy company..."
1750895097,"worry","MeiLinMiranda","@victoriastrauss you know, i would love to see 5 lies editors believe about writers. #justsayin"
1750895106,"happiness","ginny9577","http://twitpic.com/33hus that's my baby"
1750895133,"worry","StasiaFrazier","i miss you tooooo  you arent too far! *A*"
1750895141,"surprise","11Locs","@shesasanga um don't u already have like NINE of my paintings?!?! jk, lemme come finish that 4 u"
1750895201,"love","EuroDragon","Sooooo glad Stone Creek Coffee is following me!  I *love* their atmosphere!"
1750895207,"love","Aaron2813","Watching HG-TV....and a cute carpenter guy  woo hoo!"
1750895238,"neutral","shakeitdangit","@heystephy write write write!!!"
1750895344,"happiness","tarynAnn","Zapatos for trashcan nachos and then an epic night"
1750895383,"hate","bazmeister","@_handz_ well you know those "kind of guys" are just idiots"
1750895387,"fun","kamelperez","After seeing Star Trek again, I noticed they went a little crazy with the lens flare."
1750895424,"neutral","ChristieMelezah","awake from the nap"
1750895431,"neutral","jeffisageek","@kveton you have to follow me before i can dm ya"
1750895475,"love","sommerhennessee","@misssprintcup http://twitpic.com/4w06l - LOVE IT! U have a great job!!"
1750895494,"neutral","RissaAnnaly","Sitting at home watching ATL for the 2 time todayy  Waiting for Jess to come at like 630 then go get Marg and head out later to Second Sat"
1750895499,"sadness","Si0pao","Awww I wonder when ima get married. Shawna and Damon are so cute"
1750895585,"empty","kzwicker","@peburns that's exactly what this mama is doing"
1750895697,"love","Kristina_001","home; just had yogurt factory, i love yogurt  also hung with my uncle and lucy"
1750895713,"fun","darkxanthos","There we go... apparently I wasn't properly setting the DateTime from a Twitter response before.  Need a test for that!"
1750895745,"fun","jerryfetus","The mothers day classic went really well, despite the cold 5.30am start"
1750895775,"love","fixedbydrift","Holy Crap EMS stasher rain jacket you are my new best friend!"
1750895790,"surprise","JuIcYbArBieJaZz","Is at the movies with the boyfriend!!"
1750895910,"neutral","zotamias","just got a wii"
1750895915,"neutral","mbgqueen","im on twitter mobile... confusin!!!! lol im knda slow"
1750895984,"love","Custardcuppcake","@iggypintado Thanks  Will Do"
1750896035,"neutral","_confetti","@DAChesterFrench DAMMIT. I guess my baby daddy is some impostor then...i kid, i kid"
1750896036,"worry","HiddenEloise","i'm about to munch on some more high calorie things!  they keep my brain working"
1750896057,"worry","Tsuimonster","@weirdFishes you're very welcome! I love reviewing free apps as much as downloading/using them!"
1750896085,"happiness","carrotcakez","just got home from dinner and am really really full. my mom said my dad bought me a sony a200k? holyyyyyyy"
1750896098,"neutral","rachharper","hello new maccy, welcome to your new home"
1750896104,"love","glitt","great song  http://bit.ly/evluw"
1750896130,"neutral","JaceFuse","@rdkpickle For the movie, but maybe I am just a little awesome."
1750896153,"love","spacecatz","@MissLDN What was the compiment? I'm glad you're having a good time."
1750896160,"happiness","SassyLadYy","@DiscoStarChild hahaha n I'm a do the same for u"
1750896229,"neutral","tequilakitty","@Mollyschambrs woot!! you go girl"
1750896334,"happiness","SophieeeeLouise","@jtimberlake Went to your resteraunt in NYC, it was aaaaaaaaaamazing"
1750896474,"love","dianaoftheriver","@guitarcat213 Yes we both do win!"
1750896573,"love","lola_bean_19","I miss @CharlieOver9000 I love that boy."
1750896590,"neutral","uhJenny","@kayatee Haha no. I just connected my phone to my wifi."
1750896645,"surprise","saraneville","is highly amused I wasn't treated nicely like any other patient..not my fault my life is better than yours."
1750896666,"fun","MoreThanMuscles","@__Jasper_Hale__ *Laughs* that's because I like winning"
1750896698,"happiness","nedlud","@CloneCommander *Everything* is better with lightsabers"
1750896724,"neutral","mellybeee","at Shriya's"
1750896732,"love","Stef_Sweet","@howie_d you're gonna take good care of that little baby and he's gonna be a strong boy, that's for sure"
1750896756,"happiness","alexandra_xo","My birthday is a week from today!"
1750896761,"happiness","DavidMcDaid","@NeilMcDaid looks class the water splash looks so real  looking forward to my review copy ;)"
1750896782,"happiness","Lisa_96_YNWA","@PerezRevenge Aww ya not showing off all us mums should be proud of ours kids and let everyone know it"
1750896788,"happiness","priprincess","@LGDADON it makes perfect sense. I guess i am very down to earth. Thanks for your reply"
1750896820,"happiness","Djalfy","OMG brings me back to my High School Days!  ? http://blip.fm/~5ygpg"
1750896822,"neutral","JudeSkylar","Listening to Black Eyed Peas."
1750896888,"neutral","deee_bee","Dyed my hair. ."back to black""
1750896910,"love","imeecariaga","@SaraBareilles just the mere fact that you twittered and someone read it, then it matters p.s. love your song Gravity"
1750896967,"neutral","WandaSHorton","@Norbridge Also, using vintage or antique pieces offers a green solution.  No higher form of recycling, in my opinion!"
1750897011,"happiness","GoldenDiva07","Nina's High: Hanging out with Ninah and Taylor all day! theyre AWESOME  and getting to go home tomorrow to see my MOM  Nina's Low: NADA"
1750897015,"neutral","sarahgriswold","still shopping and looking for shoes now"
1750897025,"enthusiasm","nickolaswriter","@blueobsidian Always a good idea."
1750897123,"love","zenobiia","@heidimontag It was wonderful, just home from a wedding. I love it   How was youre's?"
1750897126,"happiness","PriscaLiliane","....ok, sOooooooooo I DID that!! i've got u in the palm of my hand"
1750897163,"fun","kelakagandy","@DanWarp: Loved it!  Would never have thought he was into the iCarly version of Beanie Babies. xD"
1750897226,"sadness","MakeupRX","@KausarAzam  Hew how u been????Srry I haven't posted a vid in forever,I feel guilty lol,so in the next few days hopefully"
1750928042,"enthusiasm","melbell101","haaah, making the card for mothers day,  and listening to musicc"
1750928050,"worry","kateluvs23","@DRESINATRA that's dope!  stay out of trouble"
1750928071,"relief","Liferuiner","@adamdon lol, get to your bed"
1750928145,"worry","Heftyy","Kinda doing nothing. Life is boring. I feel like changing my look. Let's go shopping tomorrow"
1750928208,"fun","ert47","get it right! I think I am obsessed with Hydes' voice @_@  I've chosen a guitar song to learn for the summer! Time to perfect picking!"
1750928249,"fun","12baroriginal","can't wait for Daughtry's new album! Ack. Two more months!!!"
1750928259,"neutral","twi_obsessed_xo","@Twilightluver17 If you mean backround then.. Settings>design.. scroll to the bottem and click change backround image  & there ya go."
1750928268,"relief","MalloryMurray","@vogonpoetry42 At least there's no denying nerd is part of it!"
1750928270,"hate","ilostthegame","Another loser: @meekakitty I hate you...LOST THE GAME #lostthegame  http://tinyurl.com/r8erc8"
1750928291,"happiness","leahestella","Thanks so much to everyone who came out to Speakeasy last night! What a hit. Wonderful to see you all having fun! June will be awesome."
1750928301,"sadness","tjsthings","I meant mamas"
1750928352,"love","lauuur3n","I'm making my mommy her Mother's day present, I love her"
1750928353,"worry","chantelleFEDORO","Watching my bro play footyball"
1750928367,"neutral","KarenRussell","@crobcary No, I'm working on it all day Monday. Will try to remember to email but if you're smart you'll remind me."
1750928424,"worry","ToiWeezy","Time to get purrtty. *wink*"
1750928472,"fun","itsrissabxtch","waiting for JONAS to come on"
1750928485,"love","Yulianny","@howie_d Aaaww!! That's so good to know, I'm glad James is doing great  We LOVE you guys! KIsses from Venezuela!"
1750928489,"fun","jenamille","Well that sucked except for the company I had. Go Kelly."
1750928533,"worry","nukirk","@peechXXXX  http://bit.ly/SjNAx If he is saying something I don't fully understand, please let me know."
1750928543,"love","laura_heffner","success! another paper demolished! the rock god lives on! 2 more...well, 1.5 to go. Yes!!! out to celebrate awesomeness ..."
1750928576,"love","ZoeHelena","Psyched for Mother's day at the GKR party--and teaching mom and dad about baseball"
1750928665,"relief","TessaTweets","Next to my birthday- Mother's Day is my favorite day of the year.  The one day I don't feel guilty for slacking just a little.   Aaaahh..."
1750928675,"neutral","rodneychapman","Tip for today - The eagles are specials against the broncos, put your house on them"
1750928706,"fun","jen4web","Perfect day: flute quartets in the morning, web marketing in the afternoon with Barrie, and Star Trek in the evening"
1750928728,"happiness","angielaaa","Watching next day air"
1750928862,"happiness","naser_ona","Belting Next to Normal is a fabulous evening choice"
1750928877,"happiness","Russ_Graves","@allearsdeb http://twitpic.com/4w0yj - wow, fancy!"
1750928910,"neutral","inkyspyglass","in 8th grade yearbook: for narnia movie release blurb, pic of aslan and my skandar!"
1750929007,"neutral","skribe","@grasuth is that it's welsh name?"
1750929064,"neutral","Jenarra","@idocpro @sorchamorrigan Dany, meet Sorcha, Sorcha, Dany.   Now you know each other. :-p"
1750929108,"enthusiasm","AmyBarbarella","Spending the first night in my new place!"
1750929126,"enthusiasm","ivanaruggiero","i decided that myspacee is wayy better"
1750929261,"love","thoughtcoach","@HuniB Neep a nap-take a nap - respect ur body love"
1750929314,"fun","iysis78","@BADSenoritaa when u do get at me i will show u all the hotspots there is no where i dont kno when it comes to shoppin here lol"
1750929333,"happiness","rockabillyscene","baked a cake & watching a movie."
1750929386,"neutral","SubliminalSuzi","@jstewart131  its suzi"
1750929394,"worry","brampitoyo","@datalore_tv I hope Shatner didn�t address that message to philosophers. We�re doomed if they stopped thinking"
1750929464,"neutral","_veritas","@qtjene Thanks"
1750929482,"love","meerhank","watching Cavs game. LeBron James, my newest love!  36 pts for Cavs, 17 by LeBron!"
1750929494,"love","BoBarnum1","@max2sky I  have a visual.  I'm smiling.    see"
1750929501,"fun","demi_lovato_rox","@ddlovato http://twitpic.com/4vuuy - thats the most colorful thing ive seen all day,wow."
1750929566,"love","Binkys711","Photo: I like da cooolooorss and the composition is great  scribkin: http://tumblr.com/xyb1qw8cb"
1750929637,"worry","MabelChristina","Tooth ache...but still sipping lol at the fam. Partyyyy"
1750929647,"enthusiasm","s0l_uk","@CinnamonCloud well you'll ether have to buy the DVD or wailt till july to see the Secret Episode!!   Episode 13!"
1750929657,"worry","luckis","just getting off of work for the day! Hope everyone has a wonderful mother's day tomorrow! Hope you enjoy ur cheesecakes too!"
1750929670,"happiness","spazztasticamy","@_chloe yes! it's on youtube  its from may 7th, and it made me feel 100x better. it's halarious."
1750929714,"neutral","jessicacurry","The Goonies. Projected. On a garage door. Amazing."
1750929842,"neutral","erwachowski","charlie and the chocolate factory, in the mood for some johnny depp, then bed. Preparing for a 14 1/2 hour wok day tomorrow"
1750929942,"relief","Woolard08","Just got up from a nap.. Relaxing for the night"
1750929953,"love","Nololos","@miniatus Well thank you darling...it was a pleasure shopping with you...you will see the first pics!"
1750929993,"neutral","itsgambitbitch","WELL i do not think i am getting a call anytime soon. PAINTING MY NAILS!"
1750930056,"neutral","kbdman","just bought a good chocolate and a magazine... Later I'll play comanche 4... My good saturday"
1750930057,"happiness","mishababy","oh man had great nap (still alittle tired) having pizza for dinner."
1750930100,"neutral","kmamdouhi","@MeredithKlein oh that's discreet"
1750930121,"love","ginny9577","@specialk0478 yeah she's part lab, part spaniel.. all energy hehe but i love her to death"
1750930124,"neutral","12Vspotlight","@Nabaishko @BADDASSTWIN @DJPLAYBOY @GREENARROW09 @Kellynico  get lit  I am  http://bit.ly/OASQR"
1750930154,"neutral","kiki_huggles","Watching the film Real Women Have Curves  Why are good films on in the middle of the night?"
1750930314,"surprise","kdbaumann","@rayatkinson last I looked.  Hi back..."
1750930371,"happiness","LdyDisney","@elengrey Yay!  Lucky!  What'd you do?"
1750930421,"happiness","missesoxclusive","twitter fam, i`m about to hop back on AIM i went ghost on y`all lolz sowwy"
1750930428,"love","Elyteacher","Boy is all graduated!  So proud of him!"
1750930551,"neutral","blusonya","going 4 a swim"
1750930557,"enthusiasm","silver_tulip27","@JRKNaughtyNurse Yep, @thespunkyone that B-Day kiss is gonna happen, right @JonathanRKnight"
1750930618,"happiness","Ps8612","@lancegross http://twitpic.com/4vd89 - such a good looking cpl!! can't wait to see what kind of kids y'all will have!"
1750930666,"hate","ResourcefulMom","@jareason There's nothing good on tonight anyway!!   #Sigjeans"
1750930689,"happiness","mikaila","just finished watching "Role Models" (hilarious), and debating whether to go to 251. Hmmm..."
1750930704,"love","DrHeatherr","@johncmayer heylo johnn (: im a huge fan. hope ur day is awesomee. cuzz im home sick and its kinda less than awesome.. anyways.. PEACE"
1750930722,"happiness","jenkinsj0320","Went shopping a lil... I deserve it... And now a night on the town in the big city of Norfolk"
1750930734,"neutral","frankparker","@Djalfy Thats on Fox isnt it? Never watched it"
1750930737,"hate","darkxanthos","Wow... my god the whole UI is sooo much snappier. It's more responsive than TweetDeck now!  Tweets feel like IMs lol"
1750930758,"enthusiasm","Thatcher","@kamiNcali Oh, no need to stop. I could use the ego boost."
1750930769,"hate","JeremyCShipp","@rorschachsgirl Yeah--those pants are horrible!  Yeah--my wife loves the job.  She loves performing and kids, so it's a good environment."
1750930770,"happiness","chrisastoyan","I wish I can see clips of your show that you hosted. Hottie Shawn in the 80's! and yes your still a Hottie!"
1750930773,"love","jamesgabriel","Spending quality time with my family! God knows I need this right now..."
1750930778,"sadness","NKANGEL74","If you save these pix from the Today show please credit www.wireimage.com Thanks"
1750930827,"love","__serenity","@SarahRoseteER happy early mothers day!!!!"
1750930867,"sadness","watercolorgirl","@kurliedoc poor grace!!! You need to date a cute male nurse."
1750930968,"happiness","Djalfy","@elysion32  I am here to make friends.. real life, internet.. what ever level people are comfortable with.."
1750930969,"relief","jlee333","walked over 140 blocks today. then ate a delicious black & white cookie."
1750931054,"love","AlexisMarie23","Ha ha ha @yoko71 I know! Love it! Love him!"
1750931079,"relief","ruuthporter","Sometimes i feel pathetic going to bed so early. Oh well.  i TOTALLY get clam chowder tomorrow! =D"
1750931144,"neutral","LucasF86","@asinkujobear lol what..i was thirsty!"
1750931210,"happiness","xojessieeftw","Haven't been on in foreverr!  Almost happy mother's dayy. Yay. :]"
1750931245,"happiness","nyeenong","Enjoying d view @ sg flyer"
1750931264,"sadness","notcot","ok shopping was far too fun ~ unpacking the bags now"
1750931288,"sadness","SoCalVA","@RedHotCopy I fell asleep on a plane watching Frost/Nixon - hope it works out better for you than it did for me"
1750931334,"neutral","punkylady","@JoeSDMF I know, but I wanna finish bsg first"
1750931338,"enthusiasm","jencallahan","@jimmymcdonald Let me know how that turns out!!"
1750931467,"fun","Rex_Racer","This feeling inside me, Oh it sends me sky high..."
1750931478,"love","jessicacurry","The Goonies. Projected. On a garage door. With my friends. Amazing."
1750931483,"surprise","lisisilveira","World's Happiest Places ...   Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands"
1750931535,"worry","Aboundlessworld","@jeffpower What are you reading?"
1750931579,"empty","AnntasticLV","@Krucial nothing just joined up"
1750931624,"worry","risasayzRAWR","ops   that lol wasnt supposed to got to twitter"
1750931662,"happiness","MikeStalnaker","@EverRaven I figured you'd be bouncing about it"
1750931664,"surprise","ThePOND","@lomascar yo i got my blur tickets yesterday  i'm going on the 1st day whatbouts u?"
1750931792,"neutral","LPmotocross","@dirtbikegirl18 I don't think he's confirmed but I have a feeling he'll be at Glen Helen. Just my opinion"
1750931806,"love","_lesleyann","@howie_d ...I'm so happy for you guys! COngratulations!"
1750931827,"love","jesscarreiro","good luck tonight boy"
1750962887,"surprise","emmywinchester","we went, we bought, we conquered! and we came back with the most delicious custard croissant"
1750962900,"surprise","MatchDotCom","@NewShoreline Ouch, give me a heads up so I'll know when to duck"
1750963069,"happiness","Kensofia14","saw Hannah Montana Movie today!! was the best!!!!!! was AWESOMEEEEEE!!!!!!  Hannah  and Miley RockS! lol"
1750963128,"happiness","ashmichelleley","At the @drakkardnoir concert! I hope @SongzYuuup makes a guest appearance"
1750963138,"worry","Kevly","resting had a whole day of walking"
1750963294,"neutral","Poohnine","@nhuhieuma ava n�y c?ng ch? c� 3 m�u nh?? :-/ @gk2007 thui, hem sao em ?, c? h?i c�n nh�u m?,"
1750963317,"neutral","jack_love","Is watching Bruce almighty"
1750963404,"neutral","pagankinktress","@CrazyOnYou Very true.  And well behaved women rarely make history."
1750963438,"worry","bazmeister","@_handz_ it was quiet.... unfortunatly but what the hell it's good the chill out too right?"
1750963447,"happiness","justinrussell","New Twitter coolness: conversations with neighbors (http://is.gd/ybd0) during a thunderstorm."
1750963457,"neutral","FueledByAsh","gtg now, listen to cobra's new song @ their myspace, ttyl  santi <3"
1750963538,"neutral","heykendall","@coruscating It's a date!"
1750963564,"happiness","MixedInKey","@tenotch awesome, I'm glad you like it.  FYI - Platinum Notes 3.0 should be out as a free upgrade this summer"
1750963580,"neutral","kidyungn","@ishakey yea so wassup"
1750963583,"surprise","wendywings","@4ut I am ok, I think I will just take the attitude that Mothers Day is an invented Hallmark holiday from now on"
1750963606,"neutral","Nukary","@EricMillegan 0k...enjoy Dora the Explorer..  greetings to your niece!!"
1750963705,"love","XjenniferlynnX","just had a bbq... YUM im full now"
1750963733,"love","dirtydann101","@ryan_leslie I love the video!! You are inspiration Mr. Leslie, can't wait for the new album still rocking the debut."
1750963741,"worry","gamerbabe360","@coolzebras They open at 9 a.m.   And I hope to be there shortly after that.   No guarantees for me though!"
1750963766,"neutral","juliamusic101","@tccrt3r heyy! @RayleneOrnelas told me to follow u, whatsup?"
1750963783,"boredom","HannahHannah92","@GregInsco thats another sponsor"
1750963845,"neutral","twistingaether","@ozdj Can I also have a swirly flat white?"
1750963939,"worry","shannatrenholm","@mamapigeon I be ok, you?"
1750963971,"worry","dagenais","@The_Tech_Update Do you know your Nutty Newsire twitterfeed ones are coming through w/o links? I can't be lazy without the links...LOL"
1750964076,"love","MScampi","@EugeniaChavez http://twitpic.com/4w1gg - love it"
1750964123,"love","iCarluccio","I completely forgot it was mothersday today.. Lol  Happy mothersday to all of you beautiful mums out there!"
1750964129,"love","admc","@mde Glad to hear you made it out, I hear that place used to be it's own country  Looking forward to your arrival!"
1750964133,"love","SiriusMz_Stylez","@sexinstilettos NICE TO TWEET U"
1750964239,"sadness","luna_x","Slept in, woke up with an iced coffee, lazed about & went out for a late lunch with the BF. It's been a sweet little laid-back Saturday."
1750964241,"neutral","Lisaloftino","@savagestar Sounds like you won backstage passes"
1750964318,"surprise","sugarbaking","@MissVerna http://twitpic.com/4visl - WOW this looks incredible! wicked job on the butterflies! they're fantastic!"
1750964379,"fun","geminidreamz","Pool, alcohol, & a cute band, couldn't ask for more on a Saturday night  #fb http://twitpic.com/4w1rr"
1750964400,"worry","jazzieleigh","Pretty  is it long or short? Sparkly or shiny? Lol"
1750964413,"happiness","ohlovelyinga","@SweetWifey Her new cd is lovely."
1750964442,"worry","fallynbutterfly","@robdyrdek You know, there are just some things that shouldn't be seen. That's sure as hell, one of 'em. lol"
1750964507,"happiness","DiN0Z0RKRiSTY","1 surprise party today, 2 parties tomorrow.  FunFunFun! But, need to finish bug project. O_O"
1750964545,"love","JohnnHickss","I <3 Owl City."
1750964560,"neutral","pickmeupshanan","@djlezlee that's the only way to get things done. no distractions"
1750964626,"happiness","danabrim","@iamkeshia happy birthday keshia, keshia, bo beshia"
1750964630,"love","juliaverne","wow, nothing like a sale to perk up a girl's evening, huh!"
1750964683,"sadness","leadsgenerator","Just finished mowing the lawn."
1750964688,"happiness","padawan_aneiki","@Turch Aww, congrats to the family. ;) Send me piccies in the email!"
1750964743,"neutral","Melissaismyname","@retrorewind thanks"
1750964785,"fun","jlynn_navarro","05/30 - first session  yay me!"
1750964829,"neutral","lindsay_self",": Chillin' at home-watching a movie on tv & making some "healthified" streusel coffee cake."
1750964856,"happiness","ClarissaC108","@Prince_Aries Me and that person have something in common then! LOL jk...."
1750964955,"happiness","cwuwu","@lilcdawg its because we run on CPT!!!"
1750964992,"worry","jessdl23","Ok peeps...I'm not crazy...I was twittering 2 someone but had no idea how 2 direct msg from my cell! Blonde moment!"
1750965004,"enthusiasm","Poleycat","big ups sister #1 for calling in too"
1750965087,"love","MrChaoS420","@NJE112 hey mate fancy finden you on hea"
1750965106,"neutral","Mike0616","After a week staying with my Grandmother, I'm home in Lopatcong. . Can start my new book tonight.   http://twitpic.com/4w1s0"
1750965135,"happiness","michaelbwallace","Just sang "Shine" by Newsboys in the car with @hollyewallace Holla!"
1750965177,"neutral","JoButta","Out with Bre, Jimmy, and Jon P?"
1750965202,"worry","Trinity_B","@ATL_Da_Realest hehe hell. I'm finna qet to drankin DAMNIT."
1750965205,"fun","Stone007","@OfficialBgizzle  Whaaaaaaaaaat?!  Thas HOT B!    Super nice!"
1750965231,"happiness","beverlyknight","Less than 24 hrs until GRADUATION!!! Going out tonight to celebrate"
1750965239,"surprise","CamLaChixe","@PrinceSammie OMG its working"
1750965299,"worry","PetyRM","@michaelsheen OMG that's really good i want to see the photos! have a nice day"
1750965321,"neutral","DylanFan","http://twitpic.com/4w1s4 - Found at a garage sale for $1.50"
1750965364,"love","SohanaB","@huma_rashid aww how cute  I like that song a lot"
1750965401,"surprise","Delnegro18","Dan and alli are here. They suprised me"
1750965403,"worry","Deadlyrobotlove","@wearpalettes I really don't want to send it over this site....it's kinds private..."
1750965433,"fun","Jen_whittsend","Star Trek rocked!  It was WAY better than I expected"
1750965456,"neutral","heeatherr_","@ddlovato WELCOMEEE BACKKKKK"
1750965535,"neutral","Yoohyuk","I'm in the Starbucks with a cup of coffee   http://yfrog.com/ehhmyj"
1750965542,"happiness","fashionista5452","going to another birthday party tonite"
1750965551,"neutral","aligainor","Just got back from baby sitting. It went well."
1750965577,"worry","BlaqueSatinDoll","Recovering from my crazy family. I love them, but they ain't got it all   I only see em a couple of times a year, so I guess I can deal."
1750965599,"sadness","ch3x","good morning. today is my last day of "freedom". back to work tomorrow. i'm sorta stoked-not stoked. but well."
1750965622,"happiness","karlamaej","i cooked breakfast for my mom  HAPPY"
1750965705,"neutral","crissybaybii","@coreymekell not a lot!! im bored! My names Crissy BTW lol How u doinnnn???"
1750965754,"neutral","PSMOOV","@buildstrong we found a ride"
1750965764,"worry","AndyReifman","i gots a summer job"
1750965781,"neutral","Censored_Pixel","@JustJayde  Make sure ur plantin next to the water in the soil"
1750965790,"worry","ahhliii","hanging out with my babyy"
1750965874,"surprise","adamriggins","@addieking it was amazing"
1750965918,"surprise","cosmicblaze","@EhMahLee Were you able to watch it online?!  I hope you were!  And yeah, Belinda Jensen was really good"
1750965945,"love","lamarhudson","@FirstDigg Congrats on your bike ride today.. Very impressive indeed.. Ya might be doing' the "Tour De France" some day"
1750965946,"love","color_my_closet","@kkaleal my hubby's a vet, so we 'get' that animals are like children!! all the best! hope ur biz is going well"
1750965980,"relief","emugly","Only six hours left of being 15"
1750966033,"happiness","elysion32","@Iamme828 No becuz we're being honest! Lets look at the big picture..my happy ending with the smile on my face"
1750966053,"neutral","dahfuhlily","Yay my ears match"
1750966058,"relief","ShayMoney21","Eatin nachos watchin the game.!  all i gOtta say is LebrOn is a Beast. ! dO anybOdy feel me.?"
1750966153,"worry","StDAY","@eeshkapeesh Aw, sorry E. :/ I hope it looks up for you (lame ear) And there's always next year! Crap. Lamer ear :/ Fail. Uhh..Love ya E!"
1750966231,"love","teacherbrian","I love you MOM!"
1750966258,"happiness","yayjen","LOL. My moms present cost 69 dollars."
1750966262,"love","silver_tulip27","@thespunkyone So then Fuckin Awesome Super Sexy Stud Muffin Beast, How's that sound to you @JonathanRKnight"
1750966313,"happiness","JillBarbour","@fotojen @halgriffin hope you guys are having fun!  Can't wait for ya'll to be back, Wilmy isn't the same without you"
1750966371,"surprise","WestCoastGal88","@smokinace88 - Last night was the best one so far I think. Except we didn't see him throw his equipment at the car"
1750966377,"sadness","cyclaw","@Sobbee Naw.. it was pretty tame. Only 1 guy in costume.. a Voyager-style "medical" uni. Disappointed there weren't any more in costume."
1750966465,"neutral","OCLobster","@Lil_Heidi_V  Thank you pretty lady."
1750966493,"happiness","BjandMonkey","@artcon http://twitpic.com/4vfcx - awesomeeeeee"
1750966503,"surprise","dancinandi","trying to decide what to do tonight. Study Chem or write the night away. The night's still young, perhaps I'll do both"
1750966593,"love","rannyboomboom","is STILL sick. But still loves revenge and the possibility of more revenge to come"
1750997609,"empty","Mileyandrr","calling debby ryan!"
1750997719,"neutral","la28uren","playing Wii!"
1750997738,"sadness","mmt81","I'm in VA for the weekend, my youngest son turns 2 tomorrow......it makes me kinda sad, he is getting so big, check out my twipics"
1750997747,"neutral","arielleatgrace","@enjoymore Your cave? Does it have an espresso machine?"
1750997749,"love","ShaneathaDashai","wishes @ashleytisdale would admit she has a new lovah"
1750997810,"neutral","Thatcher","@jordangerous Oh, I don't really have much of an opinion on her either way. It's just a night to rip everything."
1750997812,"neutral","carolinee82","TV time  see yall later! xoxo"
1750997821,"happiness","tysphone","I'm feeling better now that I have something in my tummy"
1750997850,"happiness","emilylouisemei","CSI NY comes back to aus with 'sex, lies and silicone' (s05e04) EVRYONE ON EAST COAST TUNE IN TONIGHT  pleaseee"
1750997853,"worry","Kaneelya","@CHAUNDON SON! WTF?? She just bit holes in the damn bread!!! Who does that?? Why has God forsaken me?? why?"
1750997860,"neutral","the_sikness","@nodgesoft pfft, cydia apps ftw, code on the phone, make, reload springboard"
1750997889,"neutral","joeynigro","@tararizing it makes me happy to hear a girl talk, or tweet, about the nba. but... could you give my nuggets some love?!"
1750997916,"worry","lonemat","@flamingokitty *hugs* me not sad really, me just messing"
1750997955,"happiness","mywordsflyup","Just came back from hanging out with some friends + cocktails. <3 I'm not drunk, but feeling good.  Hope everyone's well?"
1750998012,"love","kerrielisabeth","Loving the cairns clan"
1750998015,"neutral","harrrykins","@Beangirl Pad Thai is my favourite"
1750998095,"sadness","styleweekly","@yourfaveblonde I could have! I had extra tickets. Plus we had two Twitter Giveaways  We'll get you next time."
1750998113,"relief","jojotoups","Relaxing after a busy week and a tedious Saturday . . ."
1750998125,"empty","2deep4yall","Laying in the bed boreddddd looking through old cookbooks for new recipes"
1750998137,"worry","TeeMoneyy","Lil Kim ;  Download omq ; i think i like that sonqq noww lol ."
1750998138,"empty","beachbum77","@Courtney_ @beachbum77"
1750998148,"neutral","jfkjohan","@OppositeLock THE TERMINAL was my kind of movie  well, anything with airplanes & hot chicks in it, is my kinda movie"
1750998156,"worry","CarebearJK","@retrorewind can you play I Wish by Jordan Knight"
1750998251,"neutral","LawlietJourney","http://twitpic.com/4w269 - My 789 pacman pic"
1750998385,"neutral","blossom28","is maxin and relaxin... ahhh"
1750998526,"surprise","MajorStone","@Jeremy_LaMont yr very young looking dude"
1750998570,"love","christinaerp","@gvesenka I hope for a speedy recovery for you!"
1750998582,"relief","pinkiecharm","@hellocupcake84 Well I'm trying to get rid of a lot of my stuff.  You could come over and pillage."
1750998584,"fun","madmaddie007","is learning how to play Waiting for Love by P!nk on acustic guitar!  epic"
1750998588,"happiness","kattllynnn","@theDebbyRyan Just left you a message! Hope you get it"
1750998599,"fun","dolcesogni","finished eating sushi with ladiez  getting shwasteddddddddd**"
1750998745,"happiness","rickooo","definitely ready for a plate of pancakes."
1750998766,"happiness","ashleyxo1991","me & kelly share the same last name, wouldnt that be sweet if we were related  @TheEllenShow"
1750998798,"happiness","Shammy102","Family is here,hanging with them"
1750998864,"relief","baby_lemonade","phew!  made it thru the return of babysitting!"
1750998921,"enthusiasm","captainsmash",""you can ride one, you can catch one, but its not summer til you pop open one"  ?"
1750999024,"neutral","auroracs","back in wayland  its good to be home"
1750999031,"sadness","computerwolf","At the apartment, nothin to do, a little hungry  http://myloc.me/Fim"
1750999045,"neutral","killerbear92","hanging with Bri"
1750999091,"love","halder","Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums"
1750999137,"love","mandajmason","In a really Good mood for absolutely no reason  tee her"
1750999152,"worry","MyBoracayGuide","Happy mothers day to all the mothers out there!"
1750999212,"surprise","diordrenched","gasp-- 10 followers! i feel almost famous. i used to think i would be famous when i grew up one day LOL. oh well, cheers to norm peeps!"
1750999246,"neutral","jobroluvrrr","- stillll listening to 'paranoid'  now starting civics homework+ new JONAS episode !"
1750999300,"happiness","MikeHuntington","@WayneDaStar oh wow THANKS Wayne"
1750999327,"worry","susied23","I wonder if I should put a bet on Cubs winning world series in 2015 due to BTTF II. I'd love it if it actually happens.  Me = geek"
1750999335,"love","MadiEllise","Geesh 5 days straight (he's not the boy-nside joint) LOL .....headed with @missdanibaby and then go c BF"
1750999454,"happiness","mytymom6459","Had a nice pre mother's day dinner out. Now a cocktail before retiring for the evening"
1750999505,"love","Gotjuicygirl","@mallz Thanx love"
1750999598,"worry","HauntedPixel","@gregfairbanks They better not be out when I get there.  I NEED MY FIX!"
1750999610,"worry","amandaip","Rewarding myself with dinner at American Dream pizza on the rooftop terrace. Perfection  got 7 pages done on the prospectus!!"
1750999620,"happiness","alysoncostner","Scratch that. Now we're watching 'marley and me'. Thinking I could stay awake better for this one."
1750999650,"love","ginny9577","@K_night4me *HUGS*  i'm sure they will"
1750999653,"worry","makellbird","@animesnob yeah i checked it, pretty nice site"
1750999670,"surprise","sarahsss","@sarahdope http://twitpic.com/4w22u - Its so pretty! The girls must love you a whole lot  Happy bday again!"
1750999744,"love","marybanzon","Happy Mother's day to MOMMY"
1750999802,"happiness","DannieLovesYou","@jojowright http://twitpic.com/4w24f - ooh, nice score, jojo!"
1750999830,"neutral","valeriasd","looking at all my old myspace status' oh mann. Skyrockets in flight! afternoon delight! AAAAAAAAfternoon delight!"
1750999839,"neutral","JeffSpezioJr","and to james's we go!"
1750999891,"neutral","kimbannerman","Needless to say, I didn't stay to find cache#90."
1750999894,"surprise","MADDFORLIFExx10","@Jennettemccurdy http://twitpic.com/4uy8l - LOL  why are they drumming there?"
1750999901,"love","ItsMashaBitch","@kyladreams aw you're the shit  thanks so much for the twitter loveeee. i appreciate every last drop"
1750999928,"love","maWraELLE","Love story on loop for the past 30 minutes. I love this song.. It makes me happy, like this!"
1750999930,"relief","Geminieve","Glad to see @Nigellamb and more Red Bull Air Racers here keeping us in the loop"
1750999943,"happiness","myrnaslist","@ForetDeMichelle you don't need my physical presence, you have my energy already!!!"
1750999955,"enthusiasm","juuuge","Adventures with jamie and bethhh"
1751000053,"relief","morningchai","My three-day weekend starts now.  Was gonna watch Star Trek, but opted to go another night instead."
1751000063,"neutral","DaPrbmChild","@Rhispect LOL thx"
1751000078,"neutral","tequilakitty","@corie_michele thanks for that...am now following them...love good causes"
1751000080,"neutral","mattcusson","@babycakes1966 i agree"
1751000089,"neutral","breakawayjay","good morning!"
1751000134,"neutral","MariAdkins","@_owl_ ah but you're already on my list"
1751000160,"relief","Leanne_King","@lyndons think yourself lucky!  I also broke  all my fingers at school when a window sash broke with my fingers like pancakes on the sill"
1751000223,"empty","KatSanchez","@Shareka Happy birthday!"
1751000317,"surprise","shortkitty","@XDmexicanXD no, sir, they did not! i was amazed when i woke up this morning."
1751000426,"neutral","nik0las","@josephgelb thanks for the answer  I had been wondering the whole week"
1751000450,"worry","caiitwe","i am promsing miiself im not goin to hurt miiself for the rest of the day...wow that will be a miricle if it happens  lol"
1751000537,"neutral","juz1093","Thanks to all the people who added me on Skype  If you want to add me, my name is same as my twitter name, and my YT name, and Blogtv, etc"
1751000556,"happiness","meemles","Ok we found our way now... I think  tonight let's just let go its dance time!"
1751000793,"love","DocLG","@Franca Honored to tweet ya..."
1751000855,"love","frankliew","Uh, happy mother's day mum."
1751000875,"neutral","christinaerp","Getting ready for an early night tweeps!   Have a great one every 1"
1751000893,"fun","omgitsxliss","everyone follow @FollowMandy and @FollowSavvy ! they are amazing"
1751000951,"worry","muffinheadd","Tomorrow's mother's day. I need to get all my crap together soon.. Noor left, It was fun  it's been NINE months!"
1751000983,"empty","rockstarima","@doctorsound I am 28 and I still haven't been to a club. Lots of bars, though. I don't think I'm missing much"
1751001098,"sadness","prinsesarah","Nanay cried after reading the card I gave her. Hugged her and next thing I knew, I was crying, too! Haha We're such cry babies. Love her."
1751001119,"happiness","famousHOLLYWOOD","@paulwingz nothinbg home about to jump in the shower the streets is calling meeeeeeee  @STEFFSOFLII what is it 4 tonight @COKEbabyy tell m"
1751001129,"neutral","leticia65","waiting on food."
1751001174,"worry","djsanyi","@psuperstar the problem is, superstars always deliver huge files! too much energy pixels"
1751001305,"neutral","Teresa80","@Adrienne_Bailon talk with your HIPS"
1751001306,"neutral","CandiceCordeiro","@NarotBahar are u planning on doing cardio for 1.5 hrs? If so that's very reasonable  whatcha do last night?"
1751001325,"surprise","thudbard","@plynke plus, look at all the orbs! you either have ghosts or you need to clean the mirror"
1751001341,"fun","DCHollobaugh","going to see star trak expecting noting but amazing"
1751001380,"neutral","poetick31","@NatalieGelman keep telling yourself you'll feel better by doing it and tomorrow can be a lazy day... it is Sunfay afterall  (Excuses.)"
1751001384,"fun","msobiewan","Night of the cookers with my dad"
1751001425,"relief","owlbot","@Ja101 Makes me wish I had dogs instead of cats!"
1751033219,"love","tarcie","Alexander Ovechkin is definitely my new favorite NHL player"
1751033318,"surprise","mozy19","@erinlouise @Miss604 being a fan is certainly not about being attractive. But, if you like the pink, to each their own  #canucks"
1751033388,"worry","BrandySanDiego","@shelby_says ha ha funny"
1751033542,"relief","saekuto","and we're off  to OT !! exciting game like always"
1751033572,"fun","ContrabandKing","@InnyVinny why thank you!  u out tonight?"
1751033610,"happiness","snoopymagine","chillin with my bros and a couple of yeunglings   doesn't get much better than this"
1751033633,"hate","sephArz","@Jorge924 you might also want to include "never wear a moonwolf" to that"
1751033710,"neutral","kateeneuhaus","It feels good to be good at something"
1751033752,"love","ohdamitzrany","KMF going smoothly so far. Free stuff is always a plus."
1751033803,"happiness","LisalovexD","Playing pacman on itouch!  lol"
1751033853,"happiness","child0fthecity","pythonkings.nl    equals ---->       almost better than the sims...."
1751033887,"neutral","0summerbreeze0","@melmyfinger ill check that out"
1751033991,"happiness","gia4334","At the reception eating some nasty ass pasta Woot! But other than that its beautiful!"
1751034016,"love","Michelle6473","@Mariah1221 oh n shouldn't you be shopping for a lovely gift for your delightful mother."
1751034050,"love","TanyaSara","Happy mother's day nfty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1751034102,"love","abra_apricot","@jcpwee JACKSON RATHBONE!"
1751034201,"worry","jonathangunson","@esoterismo My Dad told me music that has the power to heal the soul. Sure is true of yours"
1751034214,"neutral","lovelylefty308","Chatting w/ Calyx."
1751034236,"hate","niikamonroee","cant wait to eat"
1751034261,"neutral","monkeys4life509","about to head to the Strand, goodnight"
1751034267,"happiness","nomardll769","@hnnhmllr lmao! You baked non-stop? Sounds like yummy fun!"
1751034271,"fun","Fonzeey","Feeling smooth like chrome"
1751034313,"neutral","xhislastwalk","Watching The Seeker"
1751034320,"neutral","Mamacrumps","Holy crap I am exhausted! Resting up so I can go see Wolverine later"
1751034328,"happiness","lady_like","Fun at the water park then dinner at the rainforest cafe (all free!) then party tonight  pretty good Saturday I think."
1751034357,"neutral","bytera","@LilliJ ..i'm a buffalo worshipper  ... maybe it is time to pay a visit to my preferred buff-schack in town. http://twitpic.com/4w2ls"
1751034369,"love","jdavidson","Really enjoyed Star Trek - great movie, amazing special effects. Definately recommend even if your not a Trekky"
1751034379,"neutral","PrissyPercy","taking in the local art"
1751034402,"happiness","Agnes_JoeJonas","@Jonasbrothers OMJ I loved it....it was a good laugh and Frankie did a great job, and you guys did too ~Agnes"
1751034436,"sadness","soniajoy","@miss_k_renee On a Saturday? Not so cool friend. Same job  Different position! Let me know when your in town again!!! Miss U"
1751034463,"happiness","brianrubin","@crzyqbn That's awesome dude, yay for surprise celebrities!  I got to meet him a few years ago, he was soooo friendly."
1751034489,"worry","AdrianaAnarchy","A painter paints pictures on canvas.  But musicians paint their pictures on silence  ~Leopold Stokowski"
1751034538,"neutral","hadasity","@classicbecca bamboo/jade green !"
1751034555,"fun","LaurenCarll","home for the night to hang out with my mom and study"
1751034563,"relief","maphilbert","Nothing beats spending an evening with my mom"
1751034593,"empty","Kaneelya","@TEAMLUDAJUICE you are just wrong!!! Now you've come to brag with a full belly??? Smh ..."
1751034611,"love","Greeneyezz","@lexuslady http://twitpic.com/4vdc3 - Lexus has the Twitpic! Happy mother's day to you Lexus.  I hopw it's a nice one for you."
1751034655,"enthusiasm","maddieeeeee","Healthy Wishes. I may just start saying that."
1751034676,"neutral","sthrnfairytale","@rockdrool second wife, what?"
1751034693,"neutral","MOHFANZ","@MOHFANZ Fun times ~ that's my friends beer!  here's the pic'  http://yfrog.com/053agj"
1751034722,"sadness","SiriusMz_Stylez","IM FEELIN RITE.. THE MOOD FLOR TWITTER AFTER DARK..."
1751034745,"neutral","lumasantos","Sountrack de Juno me deixa feliz"
1751034770,"worry","CoachCharrise","@TheTinyJEWELBox No, that's not right - I remember now.  You were in a fearless tweet - we were both seen as fearless."
1751034771,"neutral","LauraSem","@michaelsheen Do you have any idea when the (not so) patient fans will see some teaser pics of you all in costume?"
1751034814,"happiness","skeeeta","i just made the best turtle ice cream pie everrrrr  btw, happy (soon to be) mothers day!"
1751034869,"happiness","AlexisMarie23","@IamTam not having your lights on concerns me! Lol! Stay safe!"
1751034945,"neutral","cameronolivier","@vardenrhode thanks.  thing is so much of it is more design-art, which I hardly ever get a go at, therefore never get much better.."
1751035033,"relief","MeliiP","@TheRealKitCat Haha...YAY!!! I'M CURED!!!!"
1751035052,"happiness","Sick_On_Sin","@scottlava was fun meeting u today! thanks for all the doodles on the goodies i got! hope u have a super time in TO & visit again soon!"
1751035130,"relief","Wo0t","@SunnyBuns Haha, you didn't do anything wrong."
1751035132,"surprise","mfpmegs","Headin 2 chilis Mr. Presidente's callin my name! Then 2 the ice house"
1751035179,"empty","Martinigirl66","@Sunflowerygirl especially if you're with a vampire"
1751035260,"neutral","nataliavalerie","What are some good places to eat in Los Angeles, want to try something different today"
1751035387,"love","myfiasco","finished proofing the wedding from March .. now just waiting for export and upload before I can share  Still have 2 more sessions to do!"
1751035443,"love","DarkPiano","All you moms, get ready to enjoy your much-deserved special day!"
1751035483,"surprise","erica__michele","downloading the right/real speedracher now."
1751035518,"happiness","pocahontas_12","@CelestialQ good!  now let's go get this done..... www.HennesseyBlack.com"
1751035541,"worry","wiseleo","@jasontryfon Are they abusing your service? Manual follower management is a pain. I love the style."
1751035686,"worry","DeathByWaffle","@ploogle Whaat? That would seem to be a very powerful spell. Kind of tips the scale in their favor."
1751035712,"love","sankeith","@manu_preet haha one of the many reasons I love you"
1751035736,"happiness","nkotbblockhead","@AnnCurry The photos are AMAZING! What a GREAT subject & way to get people educated about Darfur! HUGS! U are an inspiring woman!"
1751035778,"love","amystorms","Do you know what? I have a good little life, and I love it."
1751035798,"relief","anadearbanana","Heading back home with a win!"
1751035800,"happiness","SophieAndrea","@RealBillBailey it really made my night. infact, it made my weekend! well done."
1751035827,"neutral","Arumi_kai","@mediocrefilms Yes, that does sound like a distinct advantage. Fortunately, I enjoy being female."
1751035853,"love","LauKea","Naps are so lovely"
1751035857,"neutral","kattllynnn","Cleaning up the kitchen &watching the Royals play"
1751035901,"empty","Dewia","At tempe marketplace waiting to see Star Trek."
1751036025,"relief","brjxox","such a long day, heading to bed  . iloveyou <3"
1751036038,"sadness","imasockrocker1","im joining twitter  lol"
1751036093,"happiness","tiarapurnomo","@Pranajama I've never been to Prague, but if i had the money, it'll be in the 10 first cities I visit"
1751036129,"happiness","mattpaul","@c4ss4ndr4 do I discern a request for Hulu support? excellent idea!"
1751036162,"happiness","brookeKalagayan","watching shark boy and lava girl! on disney channel. hanging out with sarah jane, micah, & rachel"
1751036164,"fun","princesspaypay","whats going on tonight?!?!?! lets partyyyyy!"
1751036185,"happiness","sarahmaeblogs","@FollowMyJourney Oh girl, get that baby going to bed at 7pm!"
1751036186,"worry","MacedelicStudio","@debadowling...OOOPS AGAIN, the reply button is the RIGHT of the msg...now I'll stop spamming"
1751036231,"worry","apafan","@ParkerAngel this is very true about @patofnavar! but you do have to admit it was pret-ty funny! im bout to go you tube it!  lol"
1751036256,"enthusiasm","NZNeep","@Spacegirlnz DON'T PANIC! Hehe, it will be fine. Email it to me"
1751036284,"happiness","KelseaBabyxox3","Welll my folkiesss(; im offf to dream land;work in the mornin;ugh;ewwy. Talkkk to me;but tomorrow  <3 lurvee ya'll[;>"
1751036327,"surprise","legobuff","@geofferyjohnson looking forward to it. we're sitting at the bar."
1751036340,"relief","C_Carolyn","Whew.... finally home after putting in some hours in the lab. Watching Catch Me if You Can and eating cheese and grapes. Good night"
1751036379,"surprise","carolinaaaxD","@theellenshow get @kalebnation the twilightguy on your show"
1751036459,"happiness","karenzwriter","@mrstreme Thanks so much! I will be back on tour soon. Two new books in the pipeline!"
1751036462,"fun","jeffisageek","i would like to see bacn.me added to tweetdeck as an option for a url shortener   tweetdeck would be even better with #bacon"
1751036463,"neutral","ItsLivBitchx","@KalebNation - Have you dissapeared to go on the Ellen Show?"
1751036522,"sadness","yummydumplinggs","we did what we had to do"
1751036552,"happiness","tomas","I should have know that "extra hand" comment would cause trouble...  About to upload House Music and Beyond Vol. 3"
1751036557,"neutral","Robby820","chillin tonight (at least for now)"
1751036562,"neutral","saragarbo","Got into the show early. Jackson's chillen. Lil shorty"
1751036577,"fun","SirPsycho84","@she_writes i've been wanting it for 2 years LOL...that and a HD camcorder"
1751036606,"happiness","lembrob","@cschug We do! Its been to long! I think i have next weekend open. When are you going to have the house warming party"
1751036644,"happiness","AshleyTaylor_x3","You can't take this feeling away from me<3. going to lay down & watch a movie."
1751036714,"relief","alexandralopez","@Annaeeee yeah I m so happy for them that they should moved on and out there partying I m so happy"
1751036814,"love","crazierdreams","@Vittyliu a lovely weekend thank you  Whats it like where you live? Exciting im sure  night night xx"
1751036825,"worry","ggw_bach","@13rianDavis sometimes ... you just have to write it off ... and start from the top of your tweet stream.  The past has happened"
1751036864,"love","laraaranjuez","Good morning, everyone!"
1751036928,"love","AndreaDeneen","@wale I'm gonna havta temp stop fllwing u while ur talkin abt kobe bc I loveeeeeeee him & I'm taking it personal and I like lebron 2."
1751068708,"love","nickash20","i absolutly love kill bill vol. 1!!! I think lucy liu is sooo gorgeous!!!!"
1751068719,"neutral","scottalanmiller","Just back from graduation.  Two more doctors in the family now"
1751068742,"neutral","wrestlingaddict","@jareason left a comment on your blog post"
1751068773,"worry","kayli10bear","havent been on in awhile.  no point anyways"
1751068807,"happiness","audreymmarks","at least I get to watch over time  Let's go Pens!!"
1751068825,"neutral","dolari","Takes the 554 to Willoughby, St. Nelle, Glie, Old Oak Center, The Big Mall.  So many places to choose from...."
1751068860,"relief","Totally_Toni","@KatjaPresnal Thanks  #sigjeans"
1751068872,"neutral","GreyEyedWolfie","@sophie2dopex a great song by East Clubbers"
1751068880,"love","terrishrmn","Sidebar: the moon is SO beautiful"
1751068942,"worry","jtothenel","And I just left ana's. Graduation and u saw laura carlos's ex and she's still whack"
1751069034,"worry","thoughtcoach","@LovelyLu I don't watch - just wish - TV's been off for months- I love it  Guess I won't win though LOL"
1751069047,"love","Nikki_Pridham","happpy mothers day"
1751069099,"happiness","darkiieboi626","@MikeHuntington oops, me and my drunken stupor lol. Ima check it out"
1751069124,"fun","rach210","@Keels_90 haha agreed  LOL"
1751069131,"neutral","leahmea555","cotton candy milkshake"
1751069204,"enthusiasm","tricycles","Making pork stir-fry and brown rice for dinner."
1751069227,"surprise","moldol14","home in carlsbad with the whole family for mother's day!"
1751069262,"happiness","angesbiz","@LexyMez Thanks so much Alex! Best wishes for the day to you and yours"
1751069267,"fun","AddanacCity","@slicefate I love the humor, I just reworded it. Like saying "group therapy" instead'a "gang banging". Keeps my moms off my back.   Hahaha"
1751069309,"neutral","Totally_Toni","@chaotic_barb Thanks  #sigjeans"
1751069413,"love","KristenCampisi","@Pamela010474 that is a good pic  All the guys looked good yesterday tho..don't ya think?"
1751069414,"love","packagethiefnj","i have a crush on someone!"
1751069422,"neutral","Theallmightybob","Hey the letter I sent finally came back today, ill stuff its contents in with the other letter and send it off to you tomorrow"
1751069433,"worry","CChiron","@Adamfyre absolutely!"
1751069453,"neutral","kward3","@iheartrendering awww. its cool. i ate too much ice cream"
1751069465,"happiness","PaulyGonzalez","Playing d.j in Ray's ride! On our way to have some delish sushi"
1751069466,"neutral","xCoreBorex","@ftskim i'm both. But more girl than guy."
1751069543,"happiness","nfuginski","@justlikethem I would lime them. Or lemon?  And deal, sounds fabulous to me!  Text me up when you're back"
1751069576,"happiness","Crtclev","Just shot my new .22 rifle!  The auto-reset plinker target I built in shop class works great!"
1751069674,"fun","jamiewatson","@Bout14  Yeah, I only drank a little bit anyways. It definitely was the show and not the drink!!"
1751069696,"love","AnnieKaos","��We are ready for the new generation!!...Oh yeah...We are a Backstreet fans and we are proud about it!!"
1751069862,"neutral","cristinapast","here it's 3:34  a.m. and i'm at home, after a night in a pub"
1751069963,"surprise","realrenaissance","@xCUNHAx o yea? awwww, how sweet!! U r good kids!"
1751069976,"love","jessicatngo","I lafff the rain"
1751069990,"neutral","nappy_steph","@twistedraisin and movies too!!!"
1751070081,"happiness","ditzbee","@bandit_zero its cool, and thats good"
1751070187,"happiness","Sam_Symons","@penpen72 Haha, true  thankfully the regular keyboard does the job... most of the time."
1751070201,"happiness","Shibz2311","@GetSmart86 haha...Live long & prosper. The movie was better than I thought, they did an awesome job, I'm pleased"
1751070207,"love","DannynhaMansani","@MayMclean BabyLove em homenagem ao Baby D"
1751070223,"empty","PinkBerryGirl","@Mrjaydeeone yes I've been told that I have a problem with stuff like that"
1751070293,"happiness","special___k","my dad and i totally just rocked out to the offspring-pretty fly for a white guy. haha."
1751070308,"surprise","SinkOrSwim76","@dorkchops WOOHOOO very cool see I knew u would get to see her"
1751070340,"fun","AshleeRicci","@joenoia lol to see my king"
1751070354,"relief","foshizzy","Had to change "within 50 miles", because within 25 miles were effin' BORING."
1751070359,"relief","DeeLynn","@Medi_Ready What's you're new cite/business about?? I'd love to hear about it  Doing the same myself actually"
1751070362,"love","alpha1736","@MissMdMorgan thank you! Marc Jacobs thou ....love limited too"
1751070468,"happiness","bitihal","@JonathanRKnight BTW I STILL can't believe how Awesome the NEWJABBAKIDZ performance was...U in the masks..I screamed at my pc"
1751070591,"love","djchela","whats this? a night out with @abby1ill? sounds like trouble... the good kind"
1751070603,"surprise","eowyn324","at the theatre.... seeing star trek for a second time becuase i am that cool"
1751070618,"relief","Republican_Girl","@Victoryhawk It depends if you are having fun or not..."
1751070633,"relief","vavroom","@HeatherHAL Thanks Heather, glad you like the dish"
1751070654,"neutral","beckiah","Sum1 said this would be huge one day...smart guy"
1751070701,"boredom","BeeNick","i have been in the lounge for HOURS...and i have not been productive at all. upps time to go out"
1751070733,"love","Jfresh2death","@missrara  congratulations on your shirt btw!"
1751070767,"worry","melbell978","@OMGitsBrianna I love koda!!! He is sooo cute!!!!! You guys have that in common!!!"
1751070800,"neutral","larrywarren","@FeliciaSlattery ease of use, better camera, syncs w/iTunes, smaller (I looked at Storm), more eye-appealing & not clunky. -just a few!"
1751070801,"worry","kaelalovesyou","fuck you is all i have to say"
1751070825,"happiness","TiffanyCastillo","Happy imma get to see some lovely ladies"
1751070879,"neutral","SimonImrei","To Mums in OZ -, Happy Mothers Day 2day, to Mums in US - Happy M-Day 2morro, & to Mums w/ Altzheimers, guess what!? TODAY'S MOTHERS DAY!"
1751070901,"sadness","pleasurepalate","@aliceqfoodie Wow, you mom has a lot of energy. I'm getting tired just reading your tweet and ur living it."
1751070904,"happiness","Dennys94","i forgot how much i really needed music until i barely had any for about a week. but i have music now. yay!"
1751070940,"worry","tomvrab","needs shows before wednesay!!! oh well... come one come all... Irvine Improv live @ Gotham Showcase 8pm  lots of good comics...then me."
1751071159,"neutral","Hollywood_Trey","Okay...So I have an AIM account now...Send me ur S/N's on there so I can add u...Thx!"
1751071169,"worry","Chasty_1982","@Taryll um...how long has it been since you slept?? startin to worry over here.. well i hope you are having fun... lots of love to you"
1751071233,"love","Miriam1216","@itschelseastaub http://twitpic.com/4vp3x - *swoon* Nick looks so cute when he is serious  *faints*"
1751071304,"happiness","Patrick7C","Congrats to Dave & Anna! Surprise proposal at the Enzian Theater in Orlando  http://qik.com/video/1638824"
1751071330,"happiness","aimeehadley","@michaelsheen Well I guess they think of everything   Thanks so much for keeping the fans in the loop"
1751071348,"neutral","thehellmouth","Wathing Dollhouse on Hulu, eating the special from El Taquito and a beer. B-day week is going well"
1751071386,"fun","Gen22","@MoRethANHuMAn hey you! Did you get my present this morning? Hope u liked it?"
1751071397,"surprise","kms007","New comic posted. Introducing  "Joe! - The Mini Strip"  http://tinyurl.com/oasxx2 (via @mbillingsley80) cute Mother's day strip!"
1751071437,"love","BLACKAdidanca","dont worry baby i'll eat sum cake for the both of us , i'll hit u up wen i get back. bye, dont eat too much at home"
1751071454,"relief","profblmkelley","@harrislacewell You are a dope mom too! Love you too!!! Now stop drinking the mom juice, stop twittering and get some rest!"
1751071456,"neutral","turtlescanrun","@runanskyrun I'd rather do the early run..but I am a morning runner"
1751071458,"worry","Carmen_Believer","@_Esme_Cullen_  I'm taking a million songs from your blip.fm station thing. Sorry"
1751071460,"relief","justinmunger","@E315 -. ---    .--. -... .-. --- .-.. . --   It would be better to hear that then read it, but it's a start"
1751071505,"love","MarkSheppard","@shaznyc I drink my Corona's sans the fruit.  Perhaps I'm just lazy."
1751071593,"empty","darrenthetiger","Trying to figure out what to do tonight. See the game? Social events w. friends? Or stay home and play the s**t out of my drums"
1751071680,"love","jenaux","@HappySlip Happy Mother's Day!"
1751071687,"love","miamii","In bed now  tonight has been really really funny, best family ever !"
1751071738,"happiness","LParkit","live long and prosper"
1751071823,"neutral","Scath","@justjen97 BTW, do not plan anything for next Sunday. But do find out times they're showing Wolverine. I will take us to the movies!"
1751071906,"happiness","Irish_Faerie2","Karaoke at a small town bar. Having a wonderful time!"
1751071910,"happiness","jafrancoricardo","Oh it is so sunny."
1751071916,"happiness","tksb15","@DirtyRose17  told you, you would sweep haha :-p"
1751071921,"neutral","erichatheway",""Patchouli oil & incense had a surge in popularity in the 1960s & 1970s, mostly among devotees of the free love & hippie lifestyles.""
1751071932,"happiness","ashleykrug","@Rachel_Pengov: Extremely so! I'm in an incredible mood"
1751071952,"love","Gotjuicygirl","@caligone01 Thanks mama ! I absolutely adore her"
1751071978,"happiness","happycamperferl","on the way to kuya jordan's house for an O's sleepover  !"
1751072033,"love","doc1online","Had a brill night out with the girls - met terry christian at tv21! He was really lovely. Home to berocca and toast"
1751072095,"worry","timdnew","@dontspell_esl  If in doubt, wash separately   Normal concern is something fading onto the white."
1751072115,"happiness","koontzybear","happiest girl in the world.  best weekend ever and I can't wait for next weekend either!!!  so grateful for all my blessings!"
1751072134,"sadness","bitihal","@dannywood BTW I STILL can't believe how Awesome the NEWJABBAKIDZ performance was...U in the masks..I screamed at my pc"
1751072192,"happiness","lexims","@maryrivss hahaha that was funnyy!"
1751072206,"relief","RClapham","@gashead Prowse? I got a Christmas card of him last year.  & I wish I had the money right now. Saving for an apartment"
1751072235,"fun","cyndell25","getted crunk of budweiser with the fam bam"
1751072291,"enthusiasm","TylerCyrus","live on stickam.com/itstyleryo COME CHAT!"
1751104121,"happiness","jrkgirlnla","@ClayWalker so glad, I hope yall make it back down near New Orleans"
1751104228,"surprise","fiz11","is off to somewhere."
1751104299,"boredom","crystallee86","I'm my mom's company picnic at a Lake Elsinore Storm game. Oh the things we do to please moms"
1751104307,"happiness","mechristopher","@jennyinmaui I just read your twitter bio. Love it. Very clever and cute. I'm all about smiles."
1751104351,"sadness","RunningRealtor","@COecobroker And I still recall how helpful you were way back when as I struggled on an AR contest question..."
1751104354,"happiness","bitswitch","Yay! Bannerbomb for the Wii is finally out. I can run homebrew on my 4.0 Wii."
1751104391,"happiness","jayharrisespn","@Lizzs_Lockeroom Maybe   But you start to really like a team after living 12 years in the city.  Was there for 2 Cups.  Awesome!"
1751104417,"worry","laurenmcartney","@allthatglitrs21 you mum sounds so humble ! what a sweet thing to ask for"
1751104495,"happiness","JARHOyalty","@deauxboi LOL...he was cool! shoooooot..."
1751104555,"happiness","juicycoco189","grecia! its between mood & party! i wanna see him lol but we are going out fershure."
1751104605,"happiness","angel9293","everyone get #buckonellen one of the topic things!"
1751104641,"happiness","dr_worm","@caffeinefueled Welcome back"
1751104663,"worry","HKprettyinpink","Having a long island ice tea"
1751104677,"relief","KrazyKakashi234","feels great after solving a minor but long term problem with 3ds max just now!  Maybe I should try animating the avatar after all? xD"
1751104688,"happiness","PinkBerryGirl","@xodedexo18 OMG, I get the $50 coupon from them all the time, do you?? I'm obsessed with their catalog when it comes in the mail"
1751104699,"happiness","DJJhunboy","Enjoyed see'n everyone last night! even tho it was a really bad night financially... Cant wait to kick it again @ the drive -ins!"
1751104702,"worry","noisemaker_","@slushy_gutter Trent wore that shirt at my show"
1751104722,"happiness","ashanne4","having a great time in kc  http://twitpic.com/4w3fi"
1751104796,"worry","emilyymaree","@kellie_apple miss you too kid i sent msg to you on yt"
1751104805,"happiness","shanegenschaw","@a_double as if there are any other kind  http://myloc.me/Fkl"
1751104823,"worry","Imophobea","causee not everyone can pass the challenge test duh"
1751104980,"love","ImaPacifist","@esmeg Had one of the female servers tell her ass looks big in those pants. She will worry all night long Lol"
1751104991,"love","idacronjer","i just got my neighbour to sign up, follow her on @hannabornehag  xoxo"
1751105007,"neutral","g_rob","@katintherat Send that along, lady."
1751105096,"love","Juli_Lou","I ? JONAS' second episode! Aww! Nick is so handsome"
1751105153,"fun","alyb_","@Miss_Kookie girl,rain is my song forrealll!!!"
1751105191,"neutral","Arch_Rival","@PackFM not if i'm not on the list"
1751105196,"sadness","lejunkdrawer","@gheekchik hmmm...the one restaurant/one grocery is sad. not the dukbolgi."
1751105198,"enthusiasm","emilythecool","@bendvrx no swearing ben, say 'fudge'"
1751105251,"empty","marezipenn","#pens...steigy...no politics hun...the obamas are not watching hockey"
1751105353,"love","MMM","@MacSheikh @GhadaLancer Thanks for the FF  I think I should start doing these too"
1751105356,"enthusiasm","fluxystar","@missoliviaa i decided it was best for me to stay in tonight lady. i shall be in pittsburgh soon!!  (FAREWELL!!!)"
1751105512,"worry","jamesholley","Just snuck out my window.. Now im laying on my roof looking at the stars. Its a nice night out tonight."
1751105553,"worry","contactabe","@Migg But I can still putt 30 yards longer than you can hit your driver"
1751105620,"neutral","joeynova","@Boogs26 just watch evan longoria"
1751105721,"love","clumsyinlove16","@IamSoMe  aw. how nice  haha"
1751105790,"worry","xtine68","@UncleRUSH get well soon! God is watching over you"
1751105813,"relief","leewaters","@princeryan No, I'm waiting for it to come to DVD. (I'm frugal.)  You saw it?"
1751105893,"love","MorganBristow","@daniiidarko i need lele to answer meeee! Haha."
1751105940,"neutral","RoflWaffles","@tarajean09 What's for dinner?"
1751105994,"sadness","sangerette","@guilty_ Awww. So that's him. Nice attempt at hiding from the camera"
1751106009,"happiness","lisisilveira","@LifeByChocolate alredy had my chocolate  it is impossible to resist ;)"
1751106071,"neutral","tandcmitchell","@EricaLeigh777 $10 for evening, $5 for matinee(sp?"
1751106160,"empty","Aldraku","off to sleep  on 2 katy perry songs as soundtrack  x"
1751106184,"surprise","Sofia6","@Bx3800 ohh yes. I've rented one and thought the same; very roomy. But hubby wont go for it.  welp, congrats on the new baby"
1751106219,"fun","DCPhotog","just rearranged the living room- it looks HUGE.  This is what Joe and I do on a Saturday night"
1751106248,"love","divided_honesty",""...you'll never have to be alone; i love you, and that's all i really know...""
1751106286,"surprise","Knot2serious","@TRIPLEBEAMDREAM Having a Leatherman, is a MUST, really for anybody! You never know, when you might need one & it gets the job done."
1751106315,"boredom","brittanyface","@onamatepiya piyaaa! hi. :] im hyper & im bored & im online & im going to find pictures for the noteboook.  still cant send messages. grr."
1751106354,"neutral","wendyswing13","gonna eat pizza. what are you doing??"
1751106427,"surprise","margasaur","Off to prom. Say hi to me"
1751106563,"neutral","thisgurlluvzmcr","Watching Die Hard 2. I <333 Jeremy Irons"
1751106625,"surprise","aboxedparadox","For the record, john mayer is freaking cool."
1751106627,"love","KazzeeH","Happy Mothers day to all you Mums out there"
1751106661,"hate","CassidyErinn","@mitch4103 And with it, I can be online even after I have to log off habbo"
1751106699,"worry","Britopian","@GabrielCarrejo sorry my friend ... but @intel is paying the mortgage!"
1751106743,"worry","_chikkinana","Nyappy mother's day to your mom's."
1751106848,"neutral","KrissyHefford","@yoyonb87 tehe. It was on the 9th"
1751106868,"hate","shiprachauhan","@LouisPagan @Raul_Ramos Txs so much for #followfriday...i have been so MIA recently...work is killing me! Hope you r doing funtastic"
1751106932,"love","interpolred","Working security for the club tonight. First time working it in about a month. Should be interesting. Oh, and hi Kelsenator!"
1751106956,"worry","iHomeTech","@Sophie_Lhoste Thanks you so much for following me on Twitter; I hope you find it as exciting as I do! Looking forward to your tweets!"
1751106959,"neutral","KanyeEast","Mothers Day"
1751106979,"neutral","chefjeff","@barihouse what's up stranger? Mercy Me is rocking out to so long self and i'm tweetin'"
1751107018,"worry","BebeZed","@chupacharged you drank it on the sly, didn't you and that's why you're asking. I know how you are"
1751107021,"neutral","writeinink","@Scath drop me an e-mail or something and i'll totally do it"
1751107314,"love","libertygirl3","@AndyBradbury thanks so much....I'm so glad I have a productive, loving, happy, law abiding, assisting others.....son!"
1751107337,"surprise","jodabone","@MrEricPiRaTe ah, I see now. Cool dude"
1751107391,"fun","lexilexlex","knocked up is sooo godamn funny. never gets old  "you're tupac. you're biggie." lol"
1751107396,"fun","ChelsyArchuleta","@archuletachick lol i know! I was like oh ya tough guy!"
1751107439,"happiness","whenwecollide","heading to Kitsilano for a BBQ  this weather is b.e.a... UTIFUL!! x"
1751107456,"neutral","amyers","@destroytoday - Tweetie is using Yfrog now, I think, so any chance of adding it to the in-client image viewing?"
1751107561,"happiness","vivalajaye","had such a fun time with allegra tonite!!! we saw 17again!! good movie"
1751107573,"neutral","janielalonde","@carlyrighteous I'm in belleville at my parents and someone offered me a bus ride to orillia for 10$ at the mall. Thought of you"
1751107595,"happiness","KD_Churchill","headed to the beach with puppy maverick hugs and much aloha"
1751107635,"neutral","Lipeteen","Twitter criado."
1751107638,"worry","kjlintner","@imjstsayin Im doing ok.  I have a 15 year old going on 35 that is driving me crazy, but that comes with the territory, I guess."
1751107639,"worry","LanaWright","http://twitpic.com/4w3he The pretty flowers john mains brought the ladies 2nite!"
1751107642,"neutral","christian1021","@Marney1911 flipping between the race and the nba playoffs.  Pulling for dale jr and 'bron 'bron...."
1751107662,"love","alisonbertolina","going to see star trek with my babe  im actually excited about this hah"
1751107688,"happiness","dasRupa","@digital_geisha @savasavasava  For reals. It's lovely being around someone so refreshingly analog in his interests"
1751107873,"worry","DesigningMommy","@eamobile I apparently have crappy typing skills...lol sorry"
1751107906,"fun","vinnipukh","@RClapham Well we'll have to organize one for when you can get down, can't guarantee no oldies though"
1751107928,"surprise","perkmax","@booandginger Thats good!  Keep it up guys! Would love to come down and visit sonetime"
1751108145,"sadness","joycetotheworld","a successful shopping day"
1751108146,"surprise","PhilipL","@zacgandara .. did you have to bust a cap? tell me you had to bust a cap for Jesus!"
1751108200,"worry","nadiahsabry","my mum would be happy to receive 2 handbags and a card from us today. heheee."
1751108214,"happiness","geramie","Viviann's all minee. Yummm"
1751108226,"fun","2good2eat","@sweeti20 thanks  i make ur job a little less crappier every day!"
1751108228,"love","FlaviaSaliola","the mum's cake is done.. now i need make a good luch and tomorrow will be an amazing Mum' day"
1751108295,"fun","Diamondspin","Right now at my second gig !!! Sippinn on guess whut ? Water  we sta focused we are on the job"
1751108310,"neutral","halfbrown","Sweet! When are they going to be publicly available?"
1751108353,"sadness","toshi1020","Back then I didn't know why you were misunderstood. So now I see thru ur eyes, all that u did was love. Mama, I love you"
1751139620,"neutral","aboeving","@tnewberry I was talking about the margarita machine."
1751139656,"fun","tunafish67","On my way to see star trek"
1751139659,"surprise","Custardcuppcake","@aussiecynic Blow me away it IS raining harder here. Yay you, well done"
1751139696,"relief","sn00zle","Off to see my lovely mum  Then maybe star trek!"
1751139723,"worry","Amigone9012","Off To The Movies With Abby (Who I Have Not Seen In FOREVER) To See Star Trek. L8er Twitter Folk"
1751139784,"happiness","s_retsambew","Sulumits Retsambew is thinking: A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it adds up to real money."
1751139811,"worry","xo_bubblewrap","sorry for taking over twitter with my i-can't-sleepness"
1751139893,"sadness","psycatron","@vonstroke Heidi just finished her set at Stiff Kitten with Aundy"
1751139894,"love","jacqueinserra","@FSBigBob He's gonna do it for mothers day  Ever notice Papa looks like Squiggy from Laverne snd Shirley. I love him."
1751140104,"neutral","gabrielaelena","@daysdifference jeremy... You made me want sushi."
1751140123,"surprise","brendanb","@AdamSatayer lol, so your mum likes a bit of the ol' clergy ordained ultra violence?"
1751140190,"fun","canadiangirl224","Has no idea wtf Twitter is about but willing to give it a go!  Going out for a bit!"
1751140198,"love","sambabi","Aw! Tear! I feel special to da family.  Haha thanks girls i love yal"
1751140241,"worry","teph19","is ONLiNE  http://plurk.com/p/stjdg"
1751140275,"happiness","anaz","Awesome night ahead: BAD v Rat City! Most of my favorite skaters on one track  #fb"
1751140306,"love","aravindbk","@vachan Just checked out SPB.This mobile application rocks!! has a gr8 potential going forward be a "must have"  4 Windows Mobile users"
1751140314,"enthusiasm","hanniedo","just made DIY acid wash shorts! can't wait to see what they look like"
1751140318,"neutral","HelenDavis13","just got back from tori's. watching shark boy and lava girl"
1751140373,"neutral","kellyratliff","after a little bit the drink isn't actually so strong anymore"
1751140408,"relief","lmata","yey finally home"
1751140465,"worry","inti_minty","@JoyofZen mmmm it all sounds tasty. i had some spiced rum earlier, yummmmmyyyy also herbs are always good although better when shared"
1751140518,"happiness","hope4cure","@ceemce Home Friday makes me  too!!!"
1751140559,"worry","ozdj","@Wolfie_Rankin And until soy beans have TEETS, soy "milk" *is not milk*."
1751140562,"happiness","JamieLynn2K8","is closing at 10 instead of 12 yay!!  just 15 min till i can go home and talk to my lovebug!!"
1751140619,"neutral","deeziner","@Vinken thanks for the #followfriday"
1751140661,"love","OhSusieQ","@beaky22 I know! I can barely believe it's almost over! Thanks for the review, lovely!"
1751140685,"neutral","BlizzardSkies","@JoyofZen Doing okay. How are you doing?"
1751140891,"happiness","kristinkrispy","@deiu you guys are moving to LA?! Why so far? But we shall make a castle before you leave!"
1751140902,"relief","Acekillerpc","@itouchiphone thanks got it will contact you if i am having troubles!Thanks"
1751140919,"enthusiasm","MigWickert","responding to more questions at Thou Shall Blog! I appreciate this community."
1751140920,"love","gregglatz",": experiencing the unique #Winnipeg tradition known as "the social". Trying to pace myself."
1751140948,"happiness","rosewood67","not letting anyone get me down  tired of taking on other people's pain all the time! I am a happy person with or without drama... om.....!"
1751141040,"neutral","OhMyDamnKelsey","at the R&R fashion show with kacie"
1751141127,"neutral","iamsostupid","i bought the mach 6  http://tinyurl.com/q9fyuf"
1751141133,"relief","shellyavenue","eating nothing, drinking water, about to watch a movie, join me?"
1751141227,"happiness","Chadhole","Home from work"
1751141235,"love","kpacek330","the play's over, it was really good"
1751141286,"relief","joeynigro","@tararizing so i'll excuse your love for the Cavs and the west, even though I don't share it!"
1751141454,"neutral","JulieWalraven","@JoeJacobi Following them all... You're creating a little flock of paddling Twitterers..."
1751141538,"surprise","chandloVEr","Not at prom. Ha! Chinese, iced chai, and some old school pokemon. Good night"
1751141549,"love","peggyxo","@juicystar007 together"
1751141571,"worry","rachelmarieg","Exhausted after coming home from a swim this morning! It's more tiring than I remember! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY"
1751141593,"sadness","iamjason","@santojay They assume you won't be able to afford traveling anymore now that you've got a contract with them"
1751141607,"surprise","ledjesselin","Oh, yes... Happy NINE year annivarsary to Hanson's second studio album, "This Time Around.""
1751141659,"happiness","Sasukegang","thx for the tip.  how did you figure that one out?"
1751141755,"love","wmiar","@Kohmahts ReTweeting's my favorite.    #palin"
1751141840,"empty","andrisberd","@thumbprints The winds nearly blew you out of the outfield."
1751141922,"neutral","alyssag59","Out with Audrey"
1751142024,"neutral","d_spinach","@amirahM i'll wear mine too!"
1751142181,"happiness","tinyunicorn","I am officially a kindergarten cop"
1751142305,"love","toodrunktofunk","This is the last time to get it right...  hello loves...."
1751142331,"relief","Art_Chick","@MichaelHotaling Thanks for the thoughts... Unfortunatly it didn't work out like we hoped... ah well. The paintings were beautiful."
1751142358,"neutral","SistaRayRay","@NJDemocrat I knew something was wrong with this guy.  Now it's been confirmed!  Thanks for the pic!"
1751142363,"love","DanaGoetz","@tonyrobbins Thanks for the reminder Tony"
1751142389,"enthusiasm","Themancipation","@MCFAN247 Glitter, she sings on it!"
1751142433,"enthusiasm","Justasimplegirl","Boredddddd Follower @meryreino Shes AMAZING!!  *Broken*"
1751142446,"love","_LisaBell","Relaxing at home, loving my mom"
1751142508,"worry","tweeter_dumb","That's how you go from series to season. The days of being an elite team are over in Dallas. EPL Derby Day tomorrow. Tell me what I miss."
1751142560,"worry","spncrcvngh","now watching kill bill vol. 1  i love movies so much."
1751142645,"love","nailmusic","Home from gallery opening in Woodstock, NY. Frined had work on display.  Much great, cool and interesting art to be seen."
1751142697,"fun","fin_again","@emilmor it was fun  Ate at mas.Thanks!!  Good luck w/ ur showing tomorrow."
1751142700,"happiness","Jolene24","Chillen with Csla.. Waiting to start.. Watchin pacquiao rerun.."
1751142743,"love","chrisxbarreto","@jonasbrothers http://twitpic.com/4qpzx - i love you guys  you're the best"
1751142788,"surprise","LovableKeKe","@DawnRichard  Thanks Sissy!!!!!!! Be sure to check ur Myspace tonight, It's gonna be Something! Luv Ya!!!!"
1751142841,"surprise","urbabygirl04","@KarlosFarrar check out review for the movie Fighting - http://bit.ly/Fle9j  Hilarious!! leave this guy a comment!"
1751142853,"sadness","katsmiles","I have the best Brother-in-law in the World. He just sent me Twilight Blue ray gift set. Now if I only had a blue ray player"
1751142859,"relief","katykewl","woke up from napping  finally got the sleep i needed"
1751142868,"happiness","officialTila","@LILJIZZEL hahaha! YES I AM!  Lil Jon is the freakin jizzle! U know I named my 1st puppy after u? Lil Jizzle...remember? LOL...xoxox"
1751142945,"enthusiasm","ArianaDebreuil","making more muffinsss, wheat jerm AANNNDD psyillium husk"
1751142947,"enthusiasm","sdreinhart1975","@mistressmia Their is no such thing as TRANSPARENCY only selective OPACITY..."
1751142972,"neutral","Alevesque","Ahhhh the calm after the storm.  All is quiet. Night everyone and Happy Mothers Day to those it applies to"
1751143007,"love","earslikeasam","In the car on the way home from the mall. I got four new adorable items of clothing that I am really excited about!"
1751143068,"hate","PamsLove","@johncmayer You know we dont believe half of what they say"
1751143086,"happiness","o0INDU0o","Almost dun choreographing the dance"
1751143124,"neutral","ozigal72","@BrianMcnugget nothing beats nurofen plus!"
1751143208,"happiness","bethanyrayle","Very very interesting night in Defiance to say the least... but hey, I got 'Guys and Dolls' for free!"
1751143235,"worry","Cara_Jo","@Paul_Coleman Looks a little too "fried" for me, but you have fun with that, Paul!"
1751143272,"happiness","atwoodard","@jennywoo42 we had bbq chicken pizza last night! (although it wasn't deep dish   glad to hear you had fun in p.r.!!"
1751143276,"neutral","lashah28","@KimKardashian You remind me so much of a Omaha Girl, that I use to date.  I guess it all in the Jeans, (Calvin Kleins is what she wore)."
1751143296,"happiness","SUMAKOKO","@SafiG Lol..Wat was Vibes doin on Atlantic? & where's ur shirt in your twitter pic? lol"
1751143369,"love","GlitzyGloss","@LILJIZZEL I GOT UR BACK @ BABY!! much love to ya!"
1751143391,"worry","linatic","Thank you, Gerbino, for forcing us starting junior year to make survey mockups. Let me tell you how super helpful this skill has been."
1751143424,"worry","LuvMyGurlz","Leaving the beach .. Having a great day with vicente .. We needed this time together"
1751143441,"happiness","rlovies","went swimming with the fam for over 2 hours! we're a little toasty"
1751143445,"happiness","France23","@teacherPaddy hey Padster...it's a dirt track.  thx for the info! I got 3 miles in"
1751143510,"happiness","jesskuiper","is having a jam session in her room and then seeing star trek...again"
1751143511,"happiness","Pxeuian","@konghee Have a good time with Sun & Dayan there at NY!"
1751143526,"happiness","FashionGuru","@TheMadModel Soooo happy your back!"
1751143542,"love","admon09","woot, just won http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40328 for my tanking set, when the offspecs were allowed to roll, i got a 100"
1751143602,"neutral","chaser_12","@KaydeeisMeeko HAHA my rooommate are watching that! i have a huge crush on landon."
1751143605,"neutral","Lory_McLean","@howie_d he's a lucky baby. He has a wonderful family  do u know when u could take him at home?"
1751143667,"happiness","BeenieandCecil","Guess what? mom adopted a kitty today (11 months) His name is Corky"
1751143763,"worry","kanderson317","Hmmm.. If I skip the grocery store and head to Walmart, I could potentially leave with so much more."
1751143814,"neutral","peyton_scott","Gonna go watch Jackson's band play and then going to the band after party"
1751175492,"love","blurrystar1","Happy Mother's Day! She liked the poem."
1751175528,"empty","gen26","tomorrow it's the final competition"
1751175533,"fun","wengguiling","is excited!  http://plurk.com/p/stk04"
1751175555,"happiness","AmbersTWISTED","@NKANGEL74 Sweet! Thanks!"
1751175572,"worry","jenniferaeb","just got home from a partyyyy. had a good time. can't wait for my birthday in 7 days!"
1751175595,"love","jennygirl7","@mynameismo You too - hope your day was good!"
1751175604,"fun","tinazerbe","check it out check it out check it out."
1751175609,"neutral","mattfugitive","Changed my username"
1751175616,"neutral","derekanolt","is playing with Windows 7 RC"
1751175633,"neutral","iamsostupid","and I bought FOUR ties  http://tinyurl.com/pvajlm"
1751175675,"enthusiasm","mcraddictal","@mcr_chick haha. I completely agree"
1751175834,"neutral","JohnPaulAllen","Going to my brother's wedding in Princeton, NJ next Sat. Had to buy a navy blue sports coat and gray pants - $13 total at Goodwill"
1751175931,"love","AndyM94","Ben I Love yahh babe <333! i miss you hope to see u tomorrow  Mommy i love  you tomorrow happy mothers day! happy mother day to all moms!"
1751175948,"neutral","CeFuego","Here are the cupcakes I made.  http://twitpic.com/4w425"
1751176011,"neutral","iCatharine","I told Taylor I wanted to punch a baby, because I'm in so much pain and her response was "what baby?". I love my family."
1751176109,"happiness","CassidyWalker91","On my shoot with Ron and Torey! Have lots of fun"
1751176178,"happiness","kait_24","listening to some music!"
1751176217,"happiness","mackeywho","@theellenshow @KalebNation twilightguy.com kalebnation.com youtube.com/kalebnation PUT HIM ON THE SHOW! Sry for spamming but we love him"
1751176300,"surprise","firetown","@ElyssaD this is twistory... in the making. Yeah, I stole that one from you"
1751176307,"worry","stkulp","just found two very moldy and squishy reasons why non cracker based foods aren't allowed in the play room. When mom's away..."
1751176371,"neutral","Tomas57","@AlanaJoy - No hard feelings, I hope  Like I say, I think we agree with each other."
1751176377,"neutral","leewaters","@DuckyDoesTV They lost me at US ending. ;) I, mean, I don't eat #GreyPoupon or anything, but I prefer the bleaker original."
1751176391,"love","alexrongstad","Had a little romantic date with suzy in uptown"
1751176418,"empty","SilverStampeder","maxin' and relaxin', almost bed time"
1751176427,"sadness","lgoddard","@lanceschmidt Yeah I was kinda bummed, but tell them I'm gonna miss them too! I loved your class! You guys made student teaching fun."
1751176454,"worry","dultz","@iPhoneAppAttack I thought it was pretty good! I'm not a die hard Trekkie either."
1751176497,"love","AskAShopaholic","Ooooo! I'm lovin the First Lady's fuschia sheath dress! Tres chic! I want her arms!"
1751176554,"surprise","tamaryn","@AmyriadfthINGs Yeah, I've never seen that! But, I guess I've never really needed it."
1751176585,"happiness","JAANEEE","The usual. Two family parties today. Happy Birthday Lily!  http://twitpic.com/4w472"
1751176642,"love","Nadiateo","Thx everyone for all the mothers day tweets and sms'"
1751176647,"fun","itsnikki","@mbm88 ahhh I'm drinking some too!! And bride wars is really good"
1751176663,"neutral","linajohh","Have to eat my veggies today.Mashed corn and string beans.But have steak along on the side"
1751176678,"happiness","Theserashow","@scodal  yeah I saw, looks like hard work, But I would know  whats upp handsome"
1751176719,"enthusiasm","MerceBear","Chocolate milk and subway. MMM"
1751176772,"neutral","Leena651","@_IANNE I'm at the terrance middle by the left side center. I see u"
1751176787,"worry","1PrincessSharon","Wait...I thought it was 9:50? Don't we have till 10?   #sigjeans"
1751176795,"neutral","krystal_xo15","on my brothers phone, using the internet"
1751176829,"relief","TheGoddessHath","@Joviswillow Loved those books   Did you read The Host?  Amazing storyteller."
1751176904,"neutral","KooKooL","am fost la Obosession....a fost cam trist, ca am fost singurul treaz..."
1751177013,"hate","lysmertz","My goodness! Another hit, another run!!!"
1751177050,"love","BreeOlson9","@Hogman49 thank you! I really appreciate that babe"
1751177070,"neutral","greenleafstudio","update!  island flowers - large pouch http://tinyurl.com/qnh5oy"
1751177101,"happiness","jewelfyre","Woo hoo! My happiness score is 612. Apparently I am over-the-top happy. Considering the week I've had...."
1751177103,"happiness","cprsumalinog","Watching Miley Cyrus on youtube!"
1751177139,"neutral","TrevorGoff","This cigarette is so relaxing"
1751177154,"love","babychuck","@nancyisgold hahahaha! i laughed my ass off just now. thanks"
1751177158,"neutral","stephencf","I've never been that close to falling asleep while standing.  looking forward to pushing faders tomorrow AM"
1751177218,"fun","dravenreborn","@michaelsheen can't wait to see.  i hear you are a pretty HOT Aro."
1751177274,"love","Uh_Club","as landice said; "uhmazing." you are all uhtterly uhmazing.   - helenuh."
1751177329,"neutral","Joshyboyy","@gabbylucio now that you say that you do look like demi  hahaha!! Yessss august 2nd will be a blast"
1751177331,"neutral","freakgirldotcom","@dyedinthewool Scooby is yours. Because he's different than the rest"
1751177356,"relief","missdestructo","@bobbyrettew  That makes my day so much better, it's been a rough one. Did I mention I love the new photo!"
1751177369,"neutral","TiffanyR24","@Neicy55: just got home from drews bday."
1751177406,"fun","ashweexfressh","looong day! 8 houuurs of work, then a 5 minute shower, then back out with shane, and now here  man, i can hear my bed calllling a bunch!"
1751177431,"neutral","jedijojo","@wildbluebug Yep! Here's a pic of the kid standing on the Puffy Taco.  - Photo: http://bkite.com/07jZs"
1751177442,"neutral","Katiebabybearx","Home from the mall  & got mommy's gift for tomrrow"
1751177473,"love","DJHeatDC","@spiritequality lol well, RBI IS the one that schooled me on the art of djing when I was a teen. I call him my Jedi Master."
1751177487,"worry","stephkelly","@mattmoreno I really like miller park too  too bad the cubs aren't leading, hopefully they can get it together soon"
1751177564,"neutral","KristenCampisi","@Pamela010474 nope..not drunk..sometimes I think maybe I should..then maybe Twitter would make sense, ya know!"
1751177631,"love","Little_Kaylee","Itt's the BIG TIME Saturday night  Playing Canasta then a movie then...Psych homework?  Stay shiny and love everybody!!"
1751177637,"love","ChandraRuby","At the fashion show supporting my allison"
1751177645,"relief","BreakAnotha","@NLiukin hey i know ya dont know me but i wanted to say yopu have helped me a lot i was over in iraq and i wanted to thank you"
1751177656,"happiness","maureenj58","The sun is out here in Melbourne! Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there"
1751177669,"neutral","emmalouge123","@jtimberlake Good luck tonight! Canadas east coast is watching"
1751177740,"surprise","lindsay_power","At TGC concert  good to see old friends and remember the old times!"
1751177773,"hate","EricaLeigh777","Come on guys tell me how much your theater charges!!! I want to know if mine is fair and/or average!  Me and hubby are having a discussion"
1751177832,"love","jadeeisabel","happy mothers day"
1751177842,"relief","JaimeMcKnight","@GeorgiaPrincez No but I just checked and got it LOL. You are ok! I went live for a few minutes and everything is fine."
1751177899,"neutral","HaTheQueen1","babysitting my hubby cam cam"
1751178006,"neutral","mjl135","@BreeOlson9 I see your date is showing you a good time    Still want a stripper picture"
1751178042,"happiness","mrdatahs","Home from Ghosts of Girlfriends past with my lovely luddite  Not exactly high theatre, but a good date movie!"
1751178092,"neutral","alove","@amor8 tell me what you think of Pride Prejudice and Zombies . . . if you're not all hyped up on sugar"
1751178104,"happiness","JoaoMendonca","@parislisbonne I'm glad you liked it   Want more?"
1751178106,"worry","qtpiequeen","@SongzYuuup good,get some rest MONEYMAKER"
1751178135,"neutral","MarilynM","@rkref are you making fun of the @cspan call-in guy?"
1751178146,"happiness","melissa_renae","@natashabrown brad's face when he saw that gift is priceless!! Thnx Nat!"
1751178179,"sadness","soyviolet","Pappadeux has some yummy strawberry lemonade"
1751178285,"enthusiasm","Jade15Lee","haircut as short as possible, even change color , new me"
1751178303,"sadness","Made_of_Amazing","i'm causing trouble with my partner in crime."
1751178344,"love","steph_thtgirl15","Awe My Mommy Just Said She Loves The Cat  Meow. Apparentlly The Cat Cried When HE Was Born."
1751178390,"surprise","TheStarShineCo","@astonesthrow @debsparkles @sheabath1  - Overwhelming lead for Strawberry Lemonade!!  My husband voted for Banana Fosters tho."
1751178399,"love","nicefaceMITCHIE","@OhshiiiNikki were gonna go crazy before you leave"
1751178425,"happiness","MorganH03","is enjoying family time. Hoping to be able to make a graceful exit and enjoy some friend time soon"
1751178468,"happiness","joacimhagg","@felixcau Hehe"
1751178554,"happiness","helenadenley","Today is my first Mothers Day with my little boy. Hope you're having a beautiful Mothers Day too"
1751178558,"happiness","tutee","waiting for the plane at the airport   so exited bout going to tasmania see ya when i get back"
1751178610,"sadness","_caitlinrokela","I am sitting at the computer eating grapes  it's hailing outside! o: I MISS SUMMER."
1751178633,"happiness","DaddysGirl1","@girlygirl007 Well done! Happy for ya."
1751178729,"hate","shutupmeg","(@courtneynewton) OMG SHUT UP!!! (sorry. still venting at that person who's annoying me. It's none of you, I swear  )"
1751178758,"happiness","Bellajac","Happy morning to everyone!"
1751179003,"happiness","MissAmanduhhh","@AshleyTaylor_x3 you are too sweet girl!! My food was soooo good"
1751211382,"happiness","phasersonstun","i always have 2 do xtra cleaning b4 leaving... so now were on da road  on 2 springhill suites, then cafe 360, yum!"
1751211417,"worry","Gen22","@Late2thePartee feeling any better hon?"
1751211456,"neutral","beneubanks","@JubileeHR When your wife's a teacher, you spend a lot of time indoors.  Trying to take some stress off the admin for May, writing often."
1751211494,"worry","brea911","@Paigex3 hah yeah, its that bad, not gonna lie. :o Have fun"
1751211517,"love","urbabygirl04","@ArthurFontes check out review for the movie Fighting - http://bit.ly/Fle9j Hilarious!! leave this guy a comment!"
1751211519,"love","MichaelWFloyd","playing my new ds lite!    Love it!"
1751211680,"neutral","paminnewzealand","@Kiwiartist   Hi to one kiwi artist from another kiwi artist"
1751211751,"surprise","Kimbie84","@howie_d aww thats so awesome, i can imagine your little one with a head full of curly hair - i adore Leigh, shes so great"
1751211802,"love","kymstyle","hey my luvs! miss you all . .got the email thanks. Jglam I'll call you in a bit"
1751211813,"happiness","mrobinson85","Helping Devin at his photo studio. I'm sitting back, sipping a green apple martini, and watching him assemble everything."
1751211840,"neutral","LunaJune","@GreeGreece it's the little thing that links us to England"
1751212005,"happiness","EvonneSell","about to play my first game of apple to apples!!   wish me luck..."
1751212036,"neutral","princess_bailey","@sjneptune Hi to you too."
1751212110,"fun","ritacoeling","Dinner with the parental unit is always grand"
1751212131,"happiness","Dhympna","@amhartnett That sounds like fun"
1751212191,"happiness","tinnieprincess","really really getting excited!"
1751212204,"fun","shawnaaaa","@agentdelblaine yeahh"
1751212235,"happiness","CaraKeeble","at home with her fam  see you in CoMo tomorrow!"
1751212329,"relief","jsnapp74","7 hours and many massages later, I can now spend time with my wife and son. It's mother's day ya'll. Don't forget to grab a gift or card."
1751212366,"love","ZwinkyNews","Bored, making a mothers day card"
1751212416,"neutral","Numpty_dog","Dad and Mum are heading that way and I normally jump in the middle and thash about a bit while having cat chasing dreams"
1751212472,"neutral","vanessaroseee","Download Backseat Goodbye's latest album for FREE!  http://freecd.backseatgoodbye.com/"
1751212487,"sadness","RobinMGreen","OK - I'm out of here for now. Just popped in to say Hi and check on things. I'll probably head to the guttah later on tonight"
1751212512,"surprise","Spunki32","@ijustine ... like you're stuff!  Strange voicemails! http://bit.ly/yKxms"
1751212588,"enthusiasm","terila","@inuyaki Macs, food, Spam ... I knew I had to follow you."
1751212598,"neutral","fangsupgina","@applee_pyee sure"
1751212599,"love","SagaChelsea","I'm coming up with a new plan with my bestie. Oh this one is gonna be great."
1751212615,"surprise","beefcollins","boy don't try to front i-i know just-just what you are-are-are"
1751212771,"enthusiasm","ccollinsmith","@jstueve Oh LOL! Yes, on Facebook! That's a nice safe environment. Like a church basement!"
1751212787,"worry","smlinatya","@collective_soul i look forward to your new cd  big fan"
1751212804,"worry","rustygood","@coopertracy   Sorry, we'll try to keep it down."
1751212862,"neutral","mnmland","listening to a Del Barrio records release. I think Cmyk music will have competition over minimal techno in madrid land."
1751212905,"love","gabsandaly","@giiab thanks so much! we love fanmail  talk to us anytime"
1751212916,"fun","chrisettefan","@Sweetcakes16 lol well i learned somethin new  thx !"
1751212928,"love","DylanFan","@johnfishlock thanks! I love a good bargain."
1751212997,"neutral","shellartistree","@bighit15 There is only one you...therefore, you are an absolute original. See? Hanging with artists is good for the soul"
1751213017,"worry","JansportJ","Yao...broken foot...so much for that series  Denver's next"
1751213019,"relief","hellotuesday","1 John is an amazing book. Just what I needed to brighten my mood."
1751213056,"fun","steveneihaus","@stkulp lol. your tweets are always fun to follow  Never a dull moment with the Kulps!"
1751213156,"love","alexandrasays","I don't know how to quit you-brokeback mountain"
1751213167,"neutral","xCarlosx","@xjamiex thanks"
1751213212,"happiness","poopsiemichelle","Swimming party at my brothers tonight. I had an AWESOME time.  Since when am I a sissy about cold water?  Who am I?    LOVED TODAY!!!"
1751213231,"worry","erin8809","presentations done, project done, 1 exam done, 3 exams to go!!! I turn 21 this Friday!"
1751213242,"neutral","ConservativeLA","@mlwebb See? Sucked you right in.  The only problem will be church/Sunday race conflicts, but that's why God gave us DVR. :-D @jen_niffer"
1751213299,"enthusiasm","southalves","@youngscraphics - I produce/direct/film/edit... I write... I coordinate events... I manage Don Fetti... there ain't much I don't do!"
1751213391,"love","Sheree_lee","Happy Mother's Day to Us  FOR NOT BEIN MAMMAS YET and being lucky enough to live our lives a little 1st"
1751213443,"happiness","shoneytek","caught up on emails for my research project.  yay for labels and search in #gmail.  much easier"
1751213461,"happiness","jmacgrath","star trek was grtsat bggeting drunk now"
1751213498,"worry","ErotiquePress","@Dhympna Link won't open, but I will try it when i have a better connection tomorrow. I'm curious now"
1751213553,"worry","LoserfaceLucy","Scream just played on my iPod. First thing that comes to mind, BEAR MACHINEEEEE!!!! Lol"
1751213569,"neutral","CassidyDavis","watching jurassic park.  i havent seen this movie in years."
1751213668,"happiness","Jesusgirl8","Reds win! Great end to a great day"
1751213683,"worry","bigbadJLK","John, are you sure we aren't mtb?"
1751213738,"neutral","mzellous","I see @keysoffaith"
1751213740,"surprise","texantash","Catching up on 2 weeks of LOST and Grey's!!    House is quiet again."
1751213747,"worry","ebnikki87","@SongzYuuup u welcome babe, kill the show! Yuuupp!"
1751213807,"love","rachmurrayX","@nikkeexox think you should catch up on your sleep befor you go back to uni haha  goodnight<3"
1751213851,"neutral","iJulia97","@SarcasticLeaves Iiight thanks."
1751213900,"relief","JRStratford","Back from a long day of working it's good to finally be at home.   How is everyone tonight?"
1751213904,"worry","nbowa","@sargeabernathy purrrrs.... ooooh that will do"
1751213986,"happiness","shudson24","@angusmaclean yeah I've been there, my son is two so we go to only the kid friendly places now;) congrats on the baby!"
1751213995,"happiness","ddmulholland","http://twitpic.com/4w3zh - My son, Finley."
1751214048,"neutral","MuStAnG_sk0m","Now only with Windows 7"
1751214075,"surprise","cbelen","@NahLyssa  hey!! how are you??? you found me"
1751214106,"happiness","MikeWells1","What a beautiful day! Hangin with the guys Graham and Josiah  lol waiting for the others. If you wanna stop by come on over ;) with food"
1751214162,"love","xolauren185ox","finally finished my marketing project only took me 7 hours..now just hanging out and relaxing"
1751214232,"love","DemiJonasMexico","I'm watching The episode 3 Of JONAS OMJ"
1751214260,"happiness","xxgelayxx","says Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there  http://plurk.com/p/stkr2"
1751214307,"love","angelical22","i'm playing left 4 dead with my friends gilbert and louie  its so fun  happy mothers day to all your moms! )"
1751214479,"love","goodnightowl","I have coffee and a Sociology paper to complete. Happy Mothers Day"
1751214517,"happiness","paulcip","stealth shopping - got wife b-day present while at mall together and she didn't notice - buy, hide it in car, back before she missed me"
1751214539,"worry","mycahhhx3","@GreenNinja89 after we pissed you off"
1751214697,"love","konelli","@Honey3223   Hey Honey  Bunny here  big bunny hugs"
1751214717,"neutral","Karina916","Is on the phone with Lena, Czerina, and Libby"
1751214724,"surprise","Fruiteh","@theellenshow Please bring @kalebnation to your show"
1751214750,"fun","Nautinkotbkitty","@JonathanRKnight I am jealous...Ur koi fish are getting ur attention & I'm not.....lmao   I'm kidding!!"
1751214756,"hate","hermajesty777","@cheynefritts You're a real hooker. I'm gonna slap you in public."
1751214806,"relief","Adamfyre","@LilPecan We people? I'm just an amateur Ark builder, no political affiliation. All are welcome"
1751214899,"neutral","xoxoxakota","is finally allowed to go out"
1751214928,"neutral","mnmland","Waiting the next release"
1751214976,"neutral","abbt624","@laralowell well, I know I am!!"
1751215033,"sadness","philgerb","wondering what misery looks like? look at the faces of all the cubs fans at miller park tonite. sorry chicago friends. tonights our night"
1751215043,"empty","alyssa_XD","@theDebbyRyan i left you some messages  -alyssaBRUNO<3"
1751215062,"love","robindiane","getting reading to head home....work on that baby quilt.....can hardly wait to kiss that bald little grandbaby head  55 days to go...."
1751215063,"worry","greenearrings","@djempirical Have to listen to samples to make sure I'm thinking of the same stuff. Loud, odd, Zorn-y stuff as I recall. Not Mr. Bungle."
1751215105,"neutral","paulignatius","@TReiz well, not all. just stay away from those kinds and surround yourself with those who don't. happy mother's day to ur mom, treiz!"
1751215152,"happiness","angiekayz","@sarahismail95 its cool"
1751215200,"love","MilhouseHouten","@Liza_L Thanks,I think your the first girl to say that...besides my mom"
1751215217,"worry","eatkittens","At Green Hill with my phi mu girls for spring formal 2009!!! yeah man! Do it"
1751215265,"relief","sekzieyhazel","seen mi abueltia at the hospital... she's doing good!"
1751215315,"neutral","Mcrmygirl25","@mikeyway http://twitpic.com/4vw9a - lol wow I'm watching X-men: The last Stand right now too"
1751215422,"worry","xIsaaaaacx","New phone pwns"
1751215432,"love","elvenangel","@monchalee *hugs* im glad you got to spend time with your mom.  if your free tonight drop by for some spaghetti"
1751215450,"worry","shannonelari","Ahhh my mommie got me new sheets for my bed  so comfy"
1751215501,"worry","berto_jabula","I want to read my book, but my conscience is telling me to kill off joe   ��l Berto!"
1751215508,"happiness","ByDezin","@JohnLusher You're welcome! It's been a wonderful day  How about you? Stayin outta trouble or should I be ready to crash a party? LOL"
1751215517,"love","TayHalonaD","Um i have the cutest girlfriend in the world<33.. Kthanks"
1751248532,"neutral","CameronSmith93","@dean2105 Stress-free is the way to be"
1751248535,"happiness","ZamiePH","morning sunshine"
1751248539,"happiness","RClapham","@vinnipukh I'll give him a hug when I see him  tell him I say hi"
1751248644,"happiness","ROFan37","My mom just came home and she FINALLY got me a guitar strap! yay!"
1751248693,"relief","heyvalerie","@ddlovato Glad u r back Demi! You're such a talented, authentic and amazing girl. Keep doing what you love, you're making it brilliant"
1751248748,"hate","laughingteresa","Hot damn, I'm at fucking Disneyland!"
1751248789,"neutral","webmaster_paul","Anybody have special drink requests for my party thursday?"
1751248976,"neutral","JulzM","@insomnia I shall drink lots"
1751249009,"love","juniorm2464","Eating at Zippys with candace!"
1751249030,"fun","Knot2serious","@ginjagin That's great Bastos!  I'm happy for you. You gonna do the mabaho leg, to celebrate? haha"
1751249036,"neutral","clair42_","@clickjow depois tu pode ver outras s�ries. te indico two and a half men e the big bang theory. bem diferentes de 90210. com�dias."
1751249052,"neutral","Chrismnix","@malloryforrest you fail. at life."
1751249069,"love","rivespinosa","HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!"
1751249099,"neutral","kfritz","@tylarjay i was at the outlets too"
1751249225,"surprise","djkboogie","@toxiccupcakeCxC LOL have whoopi? Who are u Chuck Woolery?"
1751249264,"happiness","AllieJayy","@BrandonSmithCEO Wow. That's looks really good. I wish I had some. Was it good?"
1751249271,"neutral","TxCloverAngel","@allmandinger yep.  working on the post now"
1751249315,"worry","msquezal","@misterdevans Not living, just trying to earn the grocery money.  I do enjoy eating at least once a day!"
1751249451,"enthusiasm","lillybeth","@chaosandharmony Where are you at the mo Becks??  Guessing it's you.  Met you Tga WBW when you spoke there last yr. Business or holiday?"
1751249469,"neutral","ConnorKent","Happy Mother's day to all beautiful mother. May your love shines the world  Thank you mum....."
1751249554,"neutral","MotoWilliams","@mpool are you call that winning?"
1751249615,"neutral","AjaxthePixie","@DavidWMagee ah. I lived all over the Baltimore/DC suburbs the last 5 yes then finally made it back to my home state"
1751249621,"love","miccee","Happy Mothers Day mummy"
1751249636,"happiness","brassfield","@erik_rubadeau Last weekend I had a pretty solid brunch at Bar Wellington. Hard to screw up steak and eggs, though"
1751249679,"love","hunycat","tweep tweep haha"
1751249768,"love","LilPecan","@TheLogistician Thanks for sending the link."
1751249926,"neutral","GallifreyReject","@DanySpike @Gen22 psst new blog up.. comments me likey"
1751249952,"worry","herlastdownfall","happy mom's day.  i haven't bought a present for my mom yet. what should i get her?"
1751250067,"worry","catbook","Miley Stevens - Waterhouse is at Jhy's house  http://apps.facebook.com/catbook/profile/view/6402509"
1751250073,"love","fallingupstairs","Oh how i love my family."
1751250234,"love","deannsprankle","@NikiScherzinger Hi Nic, i was so excited to heard that PCD will perform in Jakarta. I hope u will visit my town, Bali as well. Love Ya !"
1751250355,"happiness","pokupine","@rescapism hahahah tell me about it tomorrow then"
1751250371,"relief","nitegraciequinn","Fashion Show is done & only one slip...now cooking & having a glass of wine or two"
1751250381,"happiness","nolosername","Happy Mother's Day to every mommy out there"
1751250382,"happiness","svetlanaanggita","@ZooeyDe : It's very nice to be able following you on Twitter"
1751250478,"worry","practicalwitch","@saharabloom Don't we all!"
1751250490,"love","advelasquez","Enjoying Mother's Day"
1751250525,"neutral","erm1306","Watching Ace of Cakes"
1751250592,"happiness","HolyCraft","Guess I was too late  #sigjeans"
1751250593,"happiness","bigenya","It's a Peter & Gordon morning  -> And I, go to pieces and I wanna hide / Go to pieces and I almost die / Ever... ? http://blip.fm/~5yk38"
1751250599,"happiness","VanessaM77","Ahhhhh now If You Go Away  by @nkotb is on @retrorewind YAY my other fav song of theirs"
1751250600,"happiness","cawildrose","Happy to see Kurt spin."
1751250644,"happiness","BlurryJoy","@stryperband - Love the comeback, I will stay tuned! You fellows should follow people on here though. You'll in turn get more followers"
1751250663,"fun","1PrincessSharon","CONGRATS @couponprincess!! I just KNEW a princess would win!!!   #sigjeans"
1751250670,"neutral","KatAragon","LOOOVE the comedian in Obama! hahaha . man  I love this event. Someone get me a pic of Dennis Leary and his wife"
1751250801,"love","cedced","there's nothing like a mama's hug in the world."
1751250830,"fun","Peaugh","@Malunis A couple of other guys did similar mods, so it may not have been mine that @Artoni saw. I think mine's the best, but I'm biased"
1751250870,"love","meggoxoxo","i feel like a princess.  i love lingerie parties!"
1751250908,"neutral","danni82","@k_zulu or get up on that Michael Jackson ish.  Not a bad look IMO"
1751250976,"happiness","MissAnnThrope77","Law and Order! Yeah, I stay home on Sat nite!"
1751250985,"love","crossmyheart93","@TWLOHA http://twitpic.com/4uyn9 - I NEED THIS. RIGHT NOW. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY MINDDDD BLOWING  I love this. So much!"
1751251066,"neutral","blayze316","@ixtumea like the name  what kind did you get?"
1751251087,"neutral","Valeriee__","Ha that was cliche."
1751251102,"happiness","TransitionalTee","@AmberCadabra Wow, I haven't watched that movie in ages. It is quite fantastic."
1751251104,"relief","CanadianJennie","correction...a hot coco in my NKOTB cup  what a sweety!!!!"
1751251109,"worry","jonesbaby","Gremlin is asleep after a particularly challenging bedtime. I think it's safe 4 me to go to bed -what a crazy Sat night for me!"
1751251124,"happiness","vavroom","@wendywings cute   Time for a twitpic ;)"
1751251283,"love","RaeganIsANerd","@Jacobyshaddix Hii,I freaking love you  I would be the happiest 13 year old girl alive if you replied to this."
1751251303,"neutral","Etown_Jenn","Grad present photos on facebook"
1751251312,"worry","shelly","@Barely Got it! Your in the rundown."
1751251359,"happiness","mandigarcia","Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!!"
1751251379,"happiness","hollienichole","@meredithhawkins Aww nice"
1751251478,"neutral","StevieLemieux","first weekend at home"
1751251541,"fun","nathantbaker","@amyswarren ahhh yay! I'm getting into it. Knockin' a lot out."
1751251555,"sadness","ashhsmith","it gets worse every year and 2010/2011 will be the worst. oh, and 6 months today!"
1751251569,"fun","LenyRodriguez","Just bought a flavor for my snow cone machine  mhm!Yummay! I need new sunglasses Rachel&I have a plan!Yezzz-sir-E we do Ruless to Much!"
1751251590,"sadness","barbiej0e","Sitting outside in the cold by the ocean with a glass of wine."
1751251619,"fun","Hannahtastic","@heatherjacobs indeed! we are trying to get it in the Trending topics for the fun of it  all Some Twilighters idea!"
1751251635,"worry","TreaRussworm","I'm kicking it (though feeling a little sick): alternating talking to friends, gaming, watching the playoffs, and writing an application."
1751251766,"hate","susangiurleo","Literally had the worst dinner out ever tonite. So tired of mediocre food in the 'burbs. *sigh* At least we can get good ice cream"
1751251791,"surprise","gailanne12","@aquabh i'm not sure what stracchino is, but it sounds good."
1751251813,"neutral","Laurendoeshair","@heartstarbolt I could get away with it. dare me? I'll go buy it tomorrow"
1751251866,"love","sarah_bear44","@karenthecrasian @caitlnnnnnnn you can have @thomasfiss ice cream, I'll have @jaykpurdy kiss."
1751251923,"fun","MelanieFinance","@kingsthings Larry, yes Obama is pretty much funny today. The kids took airforce one on a joy ride  he is really putting on the shtich"
1751251941,"neutral","StaceysJustFab","@amyb34 you've go mail"
1751251950,"love","Turrislove09","@loverupert13: yes  and ily"
1751251960,"neutral","Kimkim15","@hellosunlight I want to know when the auditions are Mander! Text or...reply please!"
1751251963,"surprise","SeanyBoii","Going to sunnybank"
1751251981,"neutral","KeishaCarter","my dad is mad cause I hid in my room for his entire dinner party"
1751252012,"enthusiasm","fragileaswelie","I'm going to obu for the night."
1751252031,"fun","rockchik31","Tired and gunna go to bed soon!!! First time I've been online today!!  All ready for mother's day tomorow"
1751252084,"neutral","amkars","but i'm talking to the boy first"
1751252130,"fun","kslickr","@BabyVOfficial  aww thatz 2 bad...ud b great in new moon"
1751252147,"worry","judybangers","@tweevii_1222  awwh i heard from daniel that you were sick. feel better!"
1751252181,"fun","martinhuggins","@jasonhoard welcome aboard my friend... the fans are gonna LOVE ya here"
1751252209,"happiness","grizzlypop","Another amazing day. Ever since I got a Twitter, I've been having great days"
1751252271,"happiness","cocolee117","@cocotian of course i do.. such an adorable face."
1751252371,"neutral","Shequa","Nothin better then ridin in a car with your sister while blasting TH, CB and Lady Gaga so loud you cant hear yourself screamin the lyrics"
1751252453,"love","Sideache","@Cassivellaunus Friends in Ent Industry have said it was really really good.  Hopefully I can convince my wife into a date night  #hhrs"
1751285644,"happiness","veronicalynnn","Lossing power while your in your house alone? Not fucckinggg cool. Party at cakss!"
1751285666,"love","shanhutch1","@tyk505 I want 2 see that movie, too!!  Have fun!"
1751285734,"love","YRMV","Listening to Eminem's new album, got leaked a few days ago #Relapse. Pretty good"
1751285743,"neutral","JCMA90","@mantia a mouth for sure"
1751285808,"neutral","ArtgalAZ","@pat_ess Since T will be away - COME TO TUCSON!!!"
1751285848,"neutral","curtishatter","watching role models.. absolutely hilarious"
1751285894,"worry","Liz_perez","Chillin with my Family. We are getting tacos from Ochoa's, they have the best food in all Washington county"
1751285985,"enthusiasm","JLeandNKOTB","@LeslieIN u can see I just twitted them if its the real xmsirius that is. Let me know any other contact info. Lets transmit this!"
1751286016,"happiness","melodieus","@fuelbot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha  that could be interesting"
1751286069,"relief","em_gentry","@leighwsmith better safe than sorry!  Glad everything is okay."
1751286074,"fun","aazenett","watching the games and making some popcornss!"
1751286088,"love","mirandapearl","Yes, Rays beat the Red Sox 14-5"
1751286136,"surprise","elleeeeee","mothers day...love you madre   chels tonight. cant wait for her to see her present!"
1751286217,"love","stammt","Yay - star trek really is "that good"! happy to not be let down  gotta see it on imax now..."
1751286229,"neutral","A_sourgirl","@Eier_Von_Abe  I have no idea!! but all white?? weird!! but not bad"
1751286329,"enthusiasm","chrriiistel","finished the book... vat a good book <3333"
1751286356,"relief","cant_decide","@socks_b_rockin hey it's Julia. On twitter. Don't faint. I'm trying to get it to send to my phone"
1751286360,"neutral","boonluva","@hannahbal ummm. Idk. Courtney's date is hooking us up."
1751286403,"happiness","ginaXnicole","@RachelxVacancy hi 80th fallower"
1751286404,"relief","theofficialyesi","Okay people my fones charged"
1751286519,"neutral","joshdebauche","Guinness at Coogars"
1751286590,"worry","kimmy_mary","@LTCmusic hehe yeah! Its funny that updating people on the random things you do is so amusing."
1751286671,"happiness","librarykitty","@sdelighted Oh yay! Glad you are there and having fun with the baby."
1751286685,"love","LoveShinaMoon","I love Metal Gear Solid 4 and Valkyria Chronicles."
1751286710,"neutral","kaysharp","I'm Such a nerd. Reading my first of many books this summer"
1751286754,"love","LesleyDumas","I love when my hummingbird comes to visit me at the feeder."
1751286830,"fun","lionl",""Then It HappenED", sorry. Watching a movie with some friends in a while!  Fun fun!"
1751287033,"relief","jodytoons","I can only message those who message me, if we're fwends...so those that want replies..follow me.  hmm..that sounds funny.."
1751287059,"love","RealMartaTop","@itsNICKJONAS hi Nick! I really like the serie JONAS  it's awesome! See you soon in the concert! kisses - Marta"
1751287064,"happiness","tpeasetiger","@morgandonovan Haha, nice! ;) Thanks for letting me know!"
1751287108,"happiness","EricJ_art","@VanetaRogers Thank ye, Vaneta.  Much appreciated"
1751287123,"happiness","taraplatt","@kidb thanks again for coming out to support us  you rock!"
1751287150,"neutral","normalguyguide","@jenniferdodd i do show some discretion occasionally"
1751287229,"happiness","jrleckie","New Star Trek movie = Awesomeness. Unnecessary brief underwear scene (pun intended) but besides that, just awesomeness.  #startrek"
1751287254,"relief","brandangajic","I know exactly where i should be"
1751287367,"surprise","gryphusnick","@laexis and the habitat is twitter-active. Neat"
1751287370,"love","keithbooe","@msmommyw She could spend the rest of the night in her room.  At least ONE of you could be happy with a glass of wine.    #surlytween"
1751287481,"happiness","berlykate","goodmorning !"
1751287669,"neutral","anthonylambiase","chillen trying to figure this thing out gettin drunk"
1751287672,"worry","datsmyhouseyo","I am chillin w/ my homies"
1751287714,"surprise","omfgitsGenna","@andwoahalex my tweets??? i rofl'd at this"
1751287729,"love","procopy","@mom_moe Maureen, love to see you here on twitter"
1751287788,"enthusiasm","untouchableTQ","@labelladeanna whatsoever do you mean by 'how I get down' lol I'm always sober"
1751287800,"relief","joemaclover","@PochaccoYoly  as long as you're okay..."
1751287845,"neutral","DAMELAH","@domsmitherz what was said?"
1751287864,"fun","MSamateurradio","@jota_pe awesomeness! Phillip hasn't completely finished it but if goes up, down, left, and right"
1751287919,"neutral","WELLO","@ritajking oh wait, i messed up my own messed up lyrics, that should be "don't concretize it""
1751287930,"neutral","Meredithhhhh","VEGA UNDER FIREEEEEE"
1751287976,"happiness","Custardcuppcake","@aussiecynic LOL #yourock"
1751287979,"surprise","marchiany","full day with Jasper & Bonty!!! my new puppies"
1751288006,"hate","AC_Ent","@erronious Some of yr coworkers hogging the jukebox @ Union Jacks."
1751288008,"neutral","Academystarship","@Dhazza hehe sure thing"
1751288048,"love","nicolepelton","Dinner with the fam... I have missed them"
1751288072,"neutral","Spearsall8907","@dwight_davis Are you headed to a conference?  Oh and if you're doing the book buying ban, you can always borrow, right?"
1751288076,"enthusiasm","ItsJoeLo","Comment my new myspace pictures plz?"
1751288218,"relief","Gleeker911","Laying with lyndi on drive way. Drinking tea. Listenin to music. Takin pictures. Just a Chillin."
1751288239,"happiness","HLoser","seeing Star Trek tonight! Super stoked."
1751288247,"surprise","JohnMazzarella","Finished with my classes, time to start my summer project. Hint: it involves a Wordpress install and what I've been tweeting about lately"
1751288254,"surprise","koalavenom","@mikeplante It's already over? Damn!"
1751288277,"worry","Heartagram","it would sicken most, the number of ways I am able to tweet"
1751288387,"surprise","suzanneee","it's Mothers Day today"
1751288401,"sadness","tequilakitty","@nursedoublek have someone help you with the makeup...you gots to go out looking fine  and have another shot"
1751288416,"neutral","smgagnon","@kalebnation i have to go soon, please can you do a contest!!!"
1751288519,"happiness","WOAHAmber","We did it last year right around the time The Black Parade is Dead! came out. Awesome times, man."
1751288523,"enthusiasm","tdaniel39","Chili night in Minneapolis.  I refuse to turn the heat on in May!"
1751288538,"happiness","cobrafangirl","Movie is pretty interesting actually. Gonna finish watching it.  probably seeing star trek tomorrow. <3 ZQ. lol"
1751288558,"love","Dee515","@BluJazmin21 I'm sure its very cute."
1751288564,"neutral","kjamerson","@Kris_Brown been holding onto this one for a while  http://twitpic.com/4w5eh"
1751288576,"love","nicolexawesome","About to watch JONAS!  I love DVR! @Jonasbrothers"
1751288583,"neutral","ykyat","@grazzini You've been featured on #ykyat  http://ykyat.com/~37nnd"
1751288598,"love","menardsguy1896","@SarahInMI sounds like a great way to to start mothers day! Enjoy your day"
1751288644,"love","VanessaM77","@summertime_grl thanks night"
1751288725,"love","c_arol","so star trek pretty much rocked my life ... oh wait, it DID rock my life"
1751288755,"relief","edgizmo","@ff3725 She must be able to tell we're reprobates, despite your endorsement. She sounds pretty smart!"
1751288773,"surprise","carrieelizabeth","Gusying up for  dinner, Bourbon & Branch, Zeitgeist and surprise party for Taylor!   Shh..."
1751288872,"relief","vondutch4","is  happy  cause  my  voice  is  back  <3"
1751288876,"love","lemichelcaron","@jtimberlake Good luck whit the show tonite man, ill be watching"
1751289010,"empty","cameronfrye","@sarah_connors 1999 called, they want their saying back. Live in the NOW #pens  haha"
1751289036,"hate","Naomi_Sweetness","@official_flo well thats not nice... hope ur all good now"
1751289130,"neutral","SkyEatsJennifer","waitin for some Fall out boy"
1751289131,"happiness","showerman","@AdamTheStudent ISP all sorted i gather?! cheers for the bday wish too"
1751289150,"love","radleah","reunited and it feels so good"
1751289187,"love","anijen21","@kman_19 I watched a little today! Didn't know you were sick, you did awesome nonetheless! Hope u feel better"
1751289234,"worry","solracx03","chillen just started on twitter."
1751289235,"love","shelllovespeter","I love my boy  he makes me so happy... and looks his sexiest in plain black boxers =p"
1751289264,"neutral","chrisgillick","@kimdub I'm learning to"
1751289316,"neutral","CarmaSez","@Chippewa29 they just said she was very elusive; should be tricky"
1751289397,"love","YnJonas","@DemiJonasMexico Oh, amazing  I have two too and I need to have the third (yn)"
1751289468,"fun","trapwire","@vrooje did you see Star Trek yet?  i've seen it, twice already! i didn't like it the first time, the second time was way better!!! hahaha"
1751289483,"love","wendyisastar","@chelseanico Yes! I love him. I have seen the eps so many time that I quote his lines with him."
1751289485,"happiness","osmium","I'm back from my first 5K running race   And still alive!"
1751289491,"neutral","pornobobbie","@TsWendyWilliams AND, We have your fabulous interracial gangbang!  WOOT!"
1751289575,"neutral","Rachael90210","@TheFifthSister So true!"
1751289580,"neutral","kjcloudk","@zedomaxbiz Hmm it seems to me @lone_gun needs the followers."
1751289619,"love","mamaJ0","is loving the fact that Jor can talk and tell me what she wants!! AMAZING"
1751289628,"sadness","JMMARob","@tooshie Interesting people like you should never be bored, Tooshers."
1751289691,"happiness","ubiquitousthey","nursing my scratches and bumps from Festivus mud wrestling. I swear there's still dirt in my hair but a good time was had by all"
1751289703,"neutral","rudecactus","@mamacrow important person?  who?"
1751289714,"love","TeamJonasBros","@woahhitsjess hey whats up? did u like the new episode of JONAS?"
1751321975,"love","enderFP","ahhh ... i don't care, i love this movie in all it's cheesy-ness"
1751322032,"neutral","theresatrujillo","@NotSafeForWork you can vote once per day per computer"
1751322034,"surprise","SandeeDandee","@anamericangod that's what i was last night"
1751322057,"worry","XoAngelJenn36oX","blahh i'm tired and i gotta go to the airport to pick my mom up! && im bored but on the upside im listening to the backstreet boys"
1751322060,"sadness","flannn","missing my hobo/slut/tramp way of life, and cooking for my mother on a saturday night  MAMA I LUV U"
1751322086,"happiness","saraleppala","spring show was super fun!"
1751322097,"neutral","justsuperash","Sleepless in Seattle"
1751322131,"relief","Iesha_Jewel","happy all my studying and all nighters payed off"
1751322220,"worry","xXHardy_LoveXx","@Linz__marie idk...I feel horrible...and I think my mom would be suspicious since I've been in bed for a straight 2 days,but thnx anyways"
1751322237,"neutral","Emm94","Is having a darts party with the parentals, my neighbor, and @livia9778!"
1751322242,"sadness","TraceyHewins","@grovesyrmi08 sorry about it"
1751322255,"neutral","Miareeva","@slighter Thank you!"
1751322265,"happiness","bevinkathryn","@emmielovegood Nope, I'm on my way home now."
1751322296,"neutral","TheRealPrin","@Pearlwhite27 ohh i love green and purple.. and BLACK!"
1751322336,"surprise","aulelei","what? you thought I did it all for mom of the year award? nope, tad bit more selfish than that:"
1751322403,"happiness","TiksHI","@FredaMooncotch turn on your closed caption ... Then you can read and watch animal planet at the same tiime."
1751322487,"neutral","SammyJoB","eat it caps.  3-2"
1751322531,"empty","shellykramer","@KenRamirez Hi Ken ... checking in quickly and checking back out. Will be around all day tomorrow tho if u need something"
1751322564,"relief","melissaaah","i'm so happy i aced my final!"
1751322631,"neutral","ankmom","And- hand made by Dan & Jenn -sock blockers ... made from exotic woods ... one of which is called "purple heart""
1751322674,"happiness","3thirteen2","sittin at home watchin monster in-law waitin for pizza.. yum yum"
1751322736,"happiness","thedarkdork","@PetiteAntoin oh that's cool   Thanks!!"
1751322749,"love","Meghan_H","@Lilayy hi.wanna see 17 again again with me ;) i'll fly to cali and see it with you"
1751322752,"happiness","k00kiecrisp","@mightyvanessa Hahaha, that's a cool pic that Sal made of Daniel and you. lol."
1751322765,"empty","K4i0","Plan, successful?"
1751322770,"happiness","chantelleaustin","@BlokesLib absolutely!  I have a "his view" section on my site.. I know you're busy but you are more than welcome to guest post"
1751322794,"happiness","antishay","@ceramicheart my heart sings"
1751322861,"love","Amanda_Crea","http://twitpic.com/4w5sy - my babe"
1751322906,"love","timmythrowdown","Dave looks so cute in the dark"
1751322916,"hate","tiffythegreat","@hiphopcheerio  I'm bad with understanding there things! You should know this!"
1751322966,"neutral","jennagoff","is home"
1751323019,"happiness","mobile247","@ncarcadio congrats on your new mac book air!"
1751323022,"happiness","mike_le","Whoooooo! Spcn 2009!  ready to cheer for @Dariane!"
1751323027,"neutral","dmonzel","@trisler lol. I see what you did there."
1751323052,"neutral","kandisgray","@just_val_4_now not sure what youre talking about...im not on a ferris wheel im on my couch!"
1751323081,"happiness","swaggamuffin","@davedays i heard one of your songs, and you have an amazing voice  i was stunned"
1751323084,"empty","unkledad","Ok i mean this with no disrespect........ FUCK THAT!"
1751323099,"neutral","Dice00713","Watching boxing and waiting to go out to Hollywood tonight"
1751323104,"fun","toughtess","Off to dinner with @rademach & his fam."
1751323173,"happiness","nikolawannabe","It is so warm out this evening!  And I just met my new neighbors, they're so nice."
1751323198,"happiness","Rachael90210","@TheFifthSister LOL yeah  I forgot about your TweetDeck statuses! So funny"
1751323272,"neutral","wilkes130","You shutting up.   Jk"
1751323402,"happiness","LisaGrissinger","@Krisbellmusic  yeaaa!"
1751323458,"neutral","oogieoo","At the walnut high school prom with becca"
1751323544,"happiness","thusmuffinmoose","@Sarah_LeAnn if it makes you feel better im studying on a sat night w/o blackberries"
1751323570,"love","MaraMcCann","http://twitpic.com/4w5t6 - on my bike"
1751323632,"love","WookieeChew","Twitter is officially the BEST way to advertise something."
1751323645,"surprise","forensicmama","@TaylorRumsey You are welcome."
1751323663,"fun","PamsLove","Listening to Obama with one ear & listening to music with the other"
1751323670,"neutral","ResourcefulMom","@Bearablescents The SiteWarming parties usually do very well....if I do say so myself.    #sigjeans"
1751323735,"surprise","jeninaa","is noow calmmm  eating polvoron .. yuumm"
1751323758,"neutral","flobear100","At Piece now  Possibly Beachwood in a bit"
1751323927,"worry","amandarhoten","Happy Mother's Day to all the Momma's to be and Mommas currently.  Have a wonderful day!!!"
1751323943,"relief","Cadistra","@brigwyn Yup, everything's there."
1751323961,"love","prabhymc","loves the cancuks  <3"
1751324010,"sadness","blckrosejm","@kristenhaulser yuppp. I was gonna get it up top but I didn't. I will soon, but I got 2nd holes instead"
1751324043,"surprise","lorettak","@HeatherShorter I love that song! I was starting to think I was the only one that knew that one!    #sameperson"
1751324066,"worry","AKBeth","We're practicing our blackjack skills. It doesn't look hopeful.  http://yfrog.com/0l2tsj"
1751324079,"neutral","Miss_McKayla","@mileysupportrs1 Definitley Miley"
1751324122,"relief","tonyriggins","Anyone have an extra Keane ticket? I promise to buy you a drink and take rad pics for your FB / Blog / Flickr., etc"
1751324173,"surprise","WestCoastGal88","@MikeDavis88 Rt/WestCoastGal88@mawmaw88 - It's the facial hair, they both need to shave  [Jr and JJ]"
1751324182,"worry","Lauren42","@ReRobb maybe tonights the night to pick it up again?"
1751324192,"relief","scenexxqueen","good! now i don't have to answer the question 500 times a day"
1751324257,"happiness","erasplaza","welcomes my nephew to the christian world."
1751324290,"worry","Omega13","@switchGirl Oh, will do. I had to bring the souffl� home I'm SO full!  It's delicious! One of my Philly favs."
1751324440,"love","Lizzybonizzy","Amazing day with my boyfriend. He's a good drummer."
1751324589,"happiness","Kaymixi","@meghan7x Happy birthday in 2 hours and 54 minuets  Haha"
1751324610,"love","Nupurlovesmusic","Ugh fun concert  screen cracked on phone again because it fell... =\"
1751324691,"happiness","dipsetdebs","@everyboy  give them my best!"
1751324720,"neutral","NHRanchoRelaxo","@KarenAlloy Congratulations  xo"
1751324739,"sadness","cupcakecutie18","i have no idea what im doing and i am completely lost."
1751325023,"neutral","Celine18","Watching George Lopez. Went to my school and played some basketball. Today was pretty nice. And HOT!"
1751325063,"neutral","AGPlemmons","Thinking of what I should do in Vegas??? Any good ideas or places that are a most see!??"
1751325144,"happiness","Gemz30","@Tam98 just looked at your page and realised it was a radio show, get them to play Call It What You Want so love that track"
1751325180,"surprise","YunSTAR","@KeytaJ yes'ma... for an after party too after the show next week."
1751325198,"worry","drea_supaflyy","watching hoping for haley"
1751325216,"love","ImaPacifist","@esmeg discover a whole new beautiful you"
1751325221,"worry","katerbater","@Joel_Hayes I'm at sharkeez!"
1751325228,"happiness","JennoferDrew","umm yeaa i go to like watch-movies-link.com or something like that and there pretty good quality"
1751325234,"worry","SuperdaveKC","@mstrillian sorry I can't help it, hopefully it rubs off on you."
1751325239,"happiness","MeganOgilvie","Just downloaded twitterberry. My life is now even MORE convenient."
1751325268,"love","emilia_beelia","Home from a day of pampering with mom & dinner with family. Am currently snuggied up on the couch with a glass of wine & a new book. Ahhh"
1751325301,"worry","xtraordinaryann","@slapmaster i know i really wanna do some more stuff im out of school in the next week so ill have a few free days a week... ill hit u up"
1751325393,"neutral","Herheartsmiles","takin short nap, gym and work before kids come back home tonite"
1751325415,"love","CharksMcGee","You make me smile....it will get better, you have to believe that"
1751325467,"neutral","hobbit_gd","i thought ur account @DavidArchie was fake. but, it's true, sorry david!"
1751325481,"happiness","TferThomas","@PinkBerryGirl Aha I see...will do"
1751325484,"happiness","angelkorex","fun day with boo. short but fun"
1751325485,"relief","ppittman","@CrZy4Him girl, when you crash, it may last for 2 days"
1751325498,"love","CynLaMar123","Good movie."
1751325559,"happiness","bwilly016160","watchin what a girl wants with mom and brittany.."
1751325566,"love","KennethTanRZ","Happy Mother's Day! Be sure to say I <3 you, Mum."
1751325670,"happiness","lovesoffaraway","cousin leon was born today"
1751325671,"worry","sirmax70","@kmaco214 No code I think @sunnieM coined the phrase Hottie Switchfoot Guy for Tim HSG for short  ~wendy~"
1751325674,"worry","chilelli","Girls night in portland"
1751325772,"enthusiasm","aenacastillo","Just took a shower.We're gonna go to Church.Time to thank Him for my mother."
1751357997,"neutral","teaix","@biankuh no, im a people pleaser"
1751358015,"love","CandaceKuepfer","sweet dreams"
1751358097,"neutral","EirenSpiritbird","@liz920 I would notice..."
1751358127,"worry","TkTwilight","i now know that we've made a difference in each others lives...i feel proud."
1751358147,"happiness","feistyelle","Had a good day selling at Feria Urbana. The ladies love them some laser-cut felt."
1751358148,"fun","katekintail","Caps lost. ARGH! But HP game evening was much fun"
1751358157,"worry","stefanz","@piticu21 4n? ma rog  never heard of it  esti beat acum? u tweet too much"
1751358205,"happiness","jgallo049","@denisev3 it was a biligual sweatshop LOL I talk 2 him once in a while but not as much, he got an r6"
1751358210,"love","jazcan","@rainnwilson E.L.O.  wow, brings back so many happy memories.  LOVE this band!..and yes, I know I'm showing my age but I don't care"
1751358272,"neutral","Ms_Affair","@NYBabe i would say 10 years younger is not too young, but he would have to be intelligent, good convo skills and other skills"
1751358299,"happiness","jl_x3","Family guy reruns, food, and, good phone conversations  ah, saturdays."
1751358353,"neutral","eldeesmith","@seanthigpen i've heard that ST isn't true imax- shot at 1828x1556 and blown up to 4096, still- nice big screen!"
1751358371,"neutral","JennFknFurr","@Vivienne_m do it up"
1751358433,"neutral","docky","@chocolatepixels I have a new found respect for you now that I know you know the Konami code!"
1751358456,"love","alcalx09","i can't stop listening to @Jonasbrothers new single! (paranoid) it's so amazing. i love them."
1751358495,"worry","HeatherActon78","@jerrytaft Can you talk to my hubby @actonm and convince him that that's a great present for ALL mommies???"
1751358606,"love","fayeandcasey","i know when Alexx's debut in Big Butt Magazine comes out...because she loves me"
1751358688,"neutral","DenverFrank","@_missrachel how much?"
1751358690,"love","__giorgia","@patricklanglois I simply loved the pic. I'm glad you're happy, that's makes me feel happy too  love you <3"
1751358697,"neutral","calfeyes","deep fried mars bars! Nice..me like  awake cant sleep..chocolate overload!"
1751358713,"love","boo5692","hommmmmme! good day"
1751358742,"relief","Razz63","Sadness is a necessary evil in life; it gives us reason to remember and appreciate the things we lose"
1751358744,"love","kaylafancypants","Going to the Gold Coast for mothers day lunch"
1751358761,"happiness","tallivansunder","@stephanewws Thanks for finding me!  Have a wonderful evening!"
1751358766,"happiness","NeishaNay","@mizzlianne that's so *sweet*.."
1751358864,"neutral","potatox3","@rawkinalien0917 i smell 'selos'. hihi  kidding. Uh, tsokay i guess. ;;) Pero diba.. FAITHFUL .. LOYAL.. )"
1751358978,"worry","RawrrItsLeighan","@therealkyra awww what's the matter, kyra? we @ SugarLoot miss you"
1751359050,"enthusiasm","shelbygrajeda","who goes bowling anymore?... me and my friends"
1751359080,"worry","KimberleyHill","needs a non-long distance boyfriend/girlfriend. Watching Sonny with A Chance"
1751359094,"happiness","MissxKris93","Watching the Pianist with my dad great movie."
1751359114,"fun","alexwhitman25","@luvinjrandsmoke His beard is addressed in this week's LOLs."
1751359116,"happiness","karleeb17","feels accomplished!!!  She got a lot done today! http://plurk.com/p/stns9"
1751359117,"enthusiasm","freeporn4u","There's just something about a sexy blonde cowgirl rubbing herself in a field  http://worldsbestpornmovies.com/faithmov3.htm"
1751359129,"love","Kendra311","@Mr_Bloggerific OK...you do that."
1751359131,"love","lisislouise","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!"
1751359183,"fun","WendyBendy","I wish I knew how to play an instrument. Lessons for Menace and Missy Moo, for sure. Piano? Cello? Bass? Whatever they want"
1751359197,"relief","elena_london","this aztec mask is harder then i thought! but u kno what, i think i did a pretty good job for not being an artist"
1751359274,"surprise","rbflygal","@guyswithiphones no prob, you have a sexy site there"
1751359364,"neutral","Liyonah","@Carmen_Believer I know! That's ok, most did ;) Thanks"
1751359417,"relief","joodit","Mock AP Chemistry exam today! Then to Central Park!  Is there gonna be a AP Chem v. AP Bio tournament?!"
1751359432,"happiness","josieln","@ITTO88 dear ITTO what could possibly be THAT bad? Xo"
1751359437,"sadness","ChelsNoelle","was an international student today  had sooo much fun at sixflags with friends i don't know well enough!"
1751359444,"love","Elley08","Whoever u are and wherever u go always remember where u come from"
1751359497,"happiness","ChildOfAKing","Had fun at the Airshow with the boys today - exhausted"
1751359533,"neutral","jessabellarella","eyes wide shut is one of the weirder movies ive seen. any1 wanna sell me their.45?  just so i can sleep in my apt by myself"
1751359572,"love","LoveLiveMusic16","Just saw Ghost of Girlfriends Past  it was actually really cute for a total chick flick. Mattew McConaughey is smexy"
1751359646,"neutral","xoLoghan","is watching Because I Said So"
1751359666,"love","mikesuper","@evansdave thanks man!  I appreciate it!  You rock sir."
1751359697,"happiness","samdaams","@elliottng congrats! My wife would oppose live tweeting birth too I'm sure"
1751359723,"worry","newrussells","Watching the fight video.  Still shots of me breaking his nose to come soon.  Austin D. has some pretty good commentary."
1751359730,"worry","GerryCOnline","@rexharrislive Thank you very much Rex for FF"
1751359802,"relief","JoanneFDuncan","@SherriEShepherd hey Sherri -- don't give up b/c they're married; they may have a brother or a friend!"
1751359875,"fun","meghanpeters","@jtimberlake wweeeeooo! snl soon"
1751359907,"neutral","brokerkathy","@KevinRay rub it in now...I had 2 do mine the old fashioned way, & in the heat LOL  Yea U have no excuses so tom grab that beer &....."
1751359920,"neutral","HerGraceTheCat","@rumblepurr That's not what @BabyPatches said  I like you, too, though. @Wildboutbirds is going steady with @ThatStripeyCat, though....."
1751359989,"neutral","sweeneybaby","chillin bored drinking a margarita. txt me"
1751360026,"relief","kaaatieeee","@alaina_ Lmao I know!! They have two days off. Good thing for them"
1751360034,"neutral","brodfitz","going to EK nao... will meet bloggers there instead of Makati  http://plurk.com/p/stnt0"
1751360091,"love","xobonniexo","in rye..happy mothers day mums  ily mummy  lol"
1751360127,"love","myw521","I love my hair blowin in the wind"
1751360134,"enthusiasm","_DINA","@dazzledbydiaper Everyone, please welcome my new friend, Kari, with a warm follow, as she just set up her twitter account tonight"
1751360169,"neutral","Kaelynnwilliams","@chictopia it's ok because one of my favorite movie series is Star Wars. That makes me more of a dork than you"
1751360171,"happiness","antelena","Yummy yum-cha for mother's day with mum, dad, arcel and egg-pants  yuuuuuum  http://twitpic.com/4w65x"
1751360197,"happiness","guifig","@destroytoday hahah I'll try"
1751360216,"neutral","margaritanati","I'm clean"
1751360281,"neutral","scottfaithfull","@spiderdj82 i was about 25 minutes late. i think they thought i got lost but i knew where i was going. yeah right! lol."
1751360328,"happiness","LjTx","@TheKrewe Glad you are having a blast."
1751360329,"worry","shleyah","@njshoreboy89  and what did i do to u kk thanks"
1751360380,"fun","mircsarah","@kirstiealley  Your such a riot!!    You go girl!!"
1751360405,"worry","AGPlemmons","@jakeofficial How about give golf lessons?? AND sing to your student taking lessons??    (JAKEOWEN2009 live > http://ustre.am/2S1Y)"
1751360444,"happiness","isadorastone","@claramattos yea, i should know.. but tell me EVERYTHING!  ps: send me direct messages telling..   haha"
1751360455,"worry","winelovers411","@winebratsf What are those barrels made of? Hey pass that barrel"
1751360463,"love","dopeguhxfresh","@pleasurep i love that song"
1751360554,"neutral","PattiVail","@theremedy4u  5 days"
1751360691,"happiness","kristinemac","getting ready to go read, pray, and go to bed. Enjoy the rest of the night"
1751360695,"fun","monikalovesuu93","watching "slice of life" (laughing at the songgg) and then going to sleep"
1751360782,"neutral","thomby","@MissSaraBee haha breakfast will fix that  w/ a large cwoffee"
1751360783,"happiness","dogdodo4","lvl 96 me vs a lvl 115 owned me i was useing crappy armour"
1751360800,"happiness","omgitsxliss","@FollowSavvy @FollowMandy have funnn!"
1751360862,"fun","Jazzmatazzz","@YoshiTori Yeaup. I was gonna tell ya that"
1751360886,"worry","NClifton","Movin into the Big Room"
1751360918,"worry","premist","@qwe4423 ?. Pick up that, as fast you can!"
1751360984,"happiness","terrymyers","@Praxilla My kids count down the days till Saturday. I hope it's something they remember all of their lives!"
1751361020,"worry","kaboombox","the free fillin' app on my ipod is fun, im addicted"
1751361039,"surprise","alekandsteph","@titanite lol happy you like it"
1751361067,"happiness","amy_eb","happy mothers day x & go the dockers"
1751361074,"neutral","pianobell91","just finished watching Ace of Cakes where they showed how they made the cake for the 100th episode of LOST"
1751361211,"neutral","julianach","@shiminhas boa nooite"
1751361334,"fun","pranjalshahi","i jus love doin night shifts...will be done in an hour"
1751361436,"fun","Stu_D0gg","@LYRiCSnLiPSTiCK me me me!  lol"
1751361440,"neutral","dianesantiago","http://twitpic.com/4w67k - Camping at black butte lake"
1751361442,"worry","Azlen","@verwon and now I am starting to feel really old."
1751361471,"surprise","NinjaAngie","http://twitpic.com/4w67l - Im hard core, you just dont know it."
1751393558,"neutral","sspaz1000","Home from dinner with the parents"
1751393581,"love","Amesyussoff","planning for mothers day special for my beloved mother"
1751393583,"happiness","teganscrush","@jerrytrainor We never miss ICarly - my son has a huge crush on Miranda"
1751393584,"neutral","bkajino","@sugarjones re: @garyvee "Lost" comment: oh yes, classic! That will free up some time fo sho!"
1751393590,"empty","kaylafancypants","@turnontheradiox sure ill follow you hun  ohh thank you are you a subscriber on my youtube?"
1751393676,"neutral","caitlinhosking","oooh yeaah fooood time I've found my seat at this bbq right in front of the food  hahaa"
1751393690,"empty","Joseph1391","So my coworker/friend told me the manager who sent me home is afraid she's in trouble for sending me home haha. Dumb bitch"
1751393716,"sadness","julianamariee","Work, work, work and why did I get so tired all of a sudden. @PaulAros , nicole told me you say 'Hi' aww she was so enthusiastic  hi paul"
1751393727,"neutral","GerryCOnline","@avenueofthearts My Pleasure"
1751393728,"neutral","JaclynFritz","Early Mother's Day dinner with the @AaronBishop family"
1751393790,"happiness","OfficialMsMogul","@iampritty Oh! Outside? Glad to see you didn't melt!!"
1751393822,"love","Mimii1212","@h0ney_ I had curry shrimp yesterday lol I love seafood"
1751393866,"happiness","leafpeddler","@harmonymatters Cool I'm glad.I will save some tea for you"
1751393938,"worry","rneville","Done a bump out and now back in bed seemingly unable to muster the energy to get up again  Sundays are great."
1751394022,"happiness","duckbot","@tanahuffman Same here  Mmmm... Macrina Bakery."
1751394105,"hate","coldnoses","who not here be glad!!!!!!! ur sso luckyyyyyyy i hate u r home n r not enduring dis!!!!"
1751394170,"worry","iloveSNSD","@diana_truong sunbae* my bad jst scratch wht i said  im talking nonsense here.. lol!!! enjoy the perfs"
1751394218,"surprise","shontelsherrea","@jaystokes4 lol oh ok..well n that case..thank u"
1751394235,"surprise","matthewpetro","@collegiate Wowzer! Deep stuff there, but CIS will probably give you more earning potential."
1751394292,"happiness","lilly_tran","So @jtimberlake is on SNL tonight! it's going to be a HILARIOUS"
1751394368,"love","alekandsteph","@TuCheInvoco thank you"
1751394390,"worry","MyTwitsAreReal","@barnaby3 Did I miss you going to The Killers or is it soon? Are you excited? I remembered I needed to ask you"
1751394423,"fun","elaine_07","just got back from hangin with the bestie at the pool, soo nice"
1751394430,"happiness","kellbell68","@BrokePimpStyles Yep Yep! I plan to do nothing  That is bliss to me!"
1751394436,"love","omgzznancy","At dinner with an amazing person i like to call Mom"
1751394498,"love","meganmohyla","really fun day  gahhh i want my new phone this razr is killin me"
1751394546,"neutral","henrybunny","took a nap at the beach..."
1751394553,"worry","Twilamore","clean up day was awesome  portuguese feast was EHHH. lol rain is icky and thunder;lightning is scary"
1751394600,"worry","StrawberryLo","@MissLaniSasha lmfao!!! Yea anyone?? Please?? We're really pretty!!!"
1751394666,"worry","lilmisstam","its so hard to get mum to answer the phone!! happy mothers day to her anyways.."
1751394713,"neutral","maxwellvintage","@capemaybooks woofers, I knew it was you"
1751394730,"love","z90","I tripped over a rubbish bin at Warehouse Stationary just before. Not a great Mothers' Day so far, but I'm thinking it will improve"
1751394745,"worry","Nikwa","About to embark on a large tour of bars for a project.  Hopefully I won't die from alcohol poisoning"
1751394798,"happiness","IMLTY1_26","@ItsNeet Teehee..I know it too!"
1751394810,"neutral","WhoaJohnnie","Laying in bed texting. Good night ya'll"
1751394855,"worry","thimaya","thinks tonight couldn't have gone more perfect."
1751394935,"worry","xchocolatechipx","@purplish08 hey! Sorry I didn't see ur message to me"
1751394968,"worry","CynthiaY29","@GreeGreece oh wait your in Greece, I'm in the U.S of course you think differently"
1751394992,"relief","BunnySun","Had a good end to a busy day and now I'm off to bed with a full belly of sushi"
1751395003,"neutral","MzSharie","is going to see the Hannah Montana movie!!...lol...what a dork huh?!"
1751395087,"neutral","khudak11","@thedcsportspage That's what I told him."
1751395088,"surprise","d_bot","never expected to hear Beastie Boys in a Star Trek movie... was a super great flick though. *pew peww* -- (phasers)"
1751395128,"neutral","Somecitygirl","@corrykbythebay  Some peoples kids.."
1751395180,"love","intanzie","Happy Mothers May to my Mak   Love you always! XOXO."
1751395193,"surprise","GerryCOnline","@Java4Two TY very much for FF"
1751395214,"happiness","petronellatwirl","@cestcassie Aw, that song makes me think of girl scouts."
1751395316,"surprise","buckienaked","Yo somebody's mother just came to the club dresses like she's going straight to church after the club! I feel like I'm going to hell 4  @"
1751395338,"sadness","rvagirl","@RebeccaNavarro @banditTA00 sorry, I'm back.. food was calling my name..lol..all is good here  and HI! , sorry I haven't said sooner lol"
1751395347,"worry","meeeegaan","Alix's graduation party!"
1751395382,"neutral","missamarissa","i wanna move to england! "ello, i must go to the loo. i will head to my caddy,yes." gahaha and the awesome accent."
1751395386,"neutral","iHomeTech","@ZnaTrainer How are you today!?"
1751395402,"neutral","SuperDad_08","@JaneEJohnson If y'all say so, I trust you on that one"
1751395414,"happiness","lizziejb","@jonasbrothers http://twitpic.com/3bnas - oh my god! you're adorable! ilove you so much  you are my inspiration Nick!"
1751395433,"neutral","tammigirl","@jareason legit. Legit cruise."
1751395556,"surprise","annTRS","@Woahitssarah i believe that you are"
1751395572,"neutral","xxloverxx","@kirstyyl Yes because I haven't worn jeans in ages"
1751395589,"worry","lilprophet","@lachrist5067 72-65 Cavs! The score is and was! LOL"
1751395683,"love","rachluvsdmb","hubby is snoring!  but I still love him"
1751395726,"neutral","LarryHochman","Back from NY...just ahead of the rain."
1751395740,"happiness","FashionGuru","@Deejai Nice to meet you toooo  Good to know another one of my followers ACTUALLY speak!"
1751395880,"love","amandasue","what a wonderful day...i am going to sleep so well tonight"
1751395914,"neutral","abledragon","@InnoLab Yes - it's an article I wrote on my blog a while ago."
1751395951,"surprise","tEAM17EdWARd","Omg. i love my parents i juss got a lavender camera as an early birthday present!!!"
1751396064,"relief","nesspabz","@DavidArchie @Hatz94Music i just want to wish your mom a happy mothers day!"
1751396136,"anger","lululasha","omg! goooood ass nappy nap  jusss woke up bout 2 clean up a lil then get ready"
1751396245,"happiness","ladydru820","About to venture forth to Turkey Creek & fetch the boy after his post prom festivities. Hope he had fun"
1751396266,"happiness","R7i1c3K","http://twitpic.com/4w6lf - BBQ time again."
1751396312,"sadness","JLobris","Happy Mother's Day MM mums!!!! hope you all have a lovely day  #mamam"
1751396337,"neutral","Miss_DaCapo","Whoooooo I'm gettin' extra hours today    afterwards I'm gonna see if I can get some marigolds for my mum ^^"
1751396351,"love","dijbermiss","@Carrie_King no worries. Miss you mucho"
1751396384,"relief","Strabismus","@WalkingHorse Fear not! You deserve alot, you care for animals. )) I'll get some food, don't worry!"
1751396394,"happiness","alekandsteph","@nsharm75 thank you for reading Ohlala"
1751396401,"anger","She_shines92","@rockchick0125 yup!  Now I can join in on the nin access fun!"
1751396430,"worry","Ollie_Miles","got so totally lost that I had to pay for a taxi to get me back to where I was supposed to be. Yeah, something like that, lol."
1751396438,"love","Dorkz2","KICKIN BAK......NEED 2 DO MY HW.....I MISS U BABE  LOLZ"
1751396560,"love","pamcakes101","My purple pusrse is pretty  someone tell Katie Holmes!"
1751396631,"worry","suomynona","@lyracole P.S. The "duh" was directed towards myself..."
1751396641,"neutral","Vhutchisoncoach","@tangokjewelry LOL!  Too true"
1751396651,"neutral","neessa_","@meesterbell yes, I do  but why did you change?"
1751396711,"fun","raachheelll","@savagetaylor next year will be sweeet"
1751396841,"love","ShiauFang","Happy Mother's day!  miss my mom so much... Always will be the best mom ever!"
1751396856,"happiness","shalittlesha","Happy Mother's day"
1751396873,"surprise","boewatchat","Ada acara menarik lain: Keys to the VIP di channel V. Ttg straight yg dikasih tasks to approach strangers in the crowd.. Hmm"
1751396904,"love","Kendra311","@Mr_Bloggerific HA!  Nice try.  I will outright deny any accusations.  But good luck with that..."
1751396929,"relief","Teresa_EstN1989","@MICHALL_BODUCH Awww, you will get more friends on facebook. Just be yourself and people will add you"
1751396944,"love","danielshockk","@danielshockk coooooooool, yes, CIWWAF are awesome."
1751396965,"worry","Edithrocio","Just chillin at home"
1751396985,"happiness","maria4ya","celebrating being engaged for 1 year to the handsome @aaronmbaer!"
1751397009,"neutral","isadorastone","@amandavp yea.. I will    haha"
1751397028,"worry","CrestfallenSoul","@iGaia Nope!  She can travel all she wants when SHE can pay for it."
1751397043,"worry","Tanjanica","@V_Simmons everyone has their mistakes to make and lessons to learn. Don't let the negativity get to you."
1751397055,"fun","LuckyRivera","@farwyde quite all right. cock sounds better than clock coming from a female anyway"
1751397099,"worry","PartyPlanPat","@brentleary what with the Force MD Tender love how could not love those guys"
1751397121,"neutral","Mills_WolfeGirl","@TheLonely ::Looks disappointed:: Cause I'm the Hug Princess. And I told you my cyber hugs tend to get violent."
1751397132,"neutral","DuhItsDanny","678 triple 98212"
1751397164,"happiness","leo_peralta","haciendo mi primer app con Thin + Rack + some crazy stuff..."
1751397214,"neutral","eddiejohnston","@jayshake Internet radio thing for one of the many forums I am on"
1751429015,"relief","imveryhumble","@staciemwhite Its over for them"
1751429128,"relief","jroses","A shower feels so refreshing after a long day at the fair"
1751429142,"love","MissMillions","@mtomsjr Thank u hun. Say the same to yours.  Good Night. LIQUID DREAMS"
1751429165,"fun","CeFuego","@ReelJPMorgan I'm tellin u. I'm pretty mean in the kitchen lolol they're yummy"
1751429211,"neutral","TheBetterSexDoc","@packers4 That's interesting to know... thanks"
1751429256,"happiness","RobynsWorld","@eeeegads thank you"
1751429286,"love","CodyfromOhio","@SolaiGWC *whew* Ok good.I really don't want that too happen. All my friends loved it. Can't wait to talk about it monday in class."
1751429470,"love","suzieqolden","@curtsmith Enjoy! Family trumps everything"
1751429514,"happiness","allybulalee","my mother is drunk grrrreat.. It's okay it's mothers week"
1751429630,"happiness","iJmackonDeck","@DiamondBlue hehehe!! Are you tryna find another condom  better get u for boxes cuz ima take u thru all of em"
1751429663,"happiness","rvagirl","@marano2288 aww, thanks babe!  you and yours have plans for tomorrow?"
1751429671,"worry","KayleenDuhh","@JennysMyName baha, i'm gonna have to find some!  i dont think we took any D: but i'm gonna find some!"
1751429681,"neutral","danjiefang","Is back in sunny 95 degree weather though"
1751429693,"love","Antwesleep","Just getting home from work...finally"
1751429705,"happiness","terpkid","Woo hoo party over here. Its gonna be fun"
1751429805,"surprise","cutepossum","a salt pig thing coz she broke her other one! lol  do you guys even no wat a salt pig is?"
1751429807,"worry","AllenBlueLight","so Roman is now on pain killers and some LQ meds. Thanks Jess for agreeing to go get him yogurt before you go out!"
1751429819,"neutral","Xena2010","@hatpak12 Remeber my blue dolphin?  I wore it out, thinking Victoria day gift for me?"
1751429836,"neutral","theamillerryan","@Juan_Kinda_Guy  your kids are growing up around science guys. I grew up around politics."
1751429846,"worry","reffinnej","singing songs and filming movies  what i do best"
1751429882,"empty","martybeaulieu","@mitsougelinas oui ta soeur!!"
1751429956,"surprise","TheSUPERGIRL","@esmebella Kk, I just had 888 followers like a minute ago"
1751429999,"worry","SQLChicken","Hehe nah just doing this and watching Ace of Cakes with @jlsegarra while our 4-legged "kids" run around. Couldn't ask for more"
1751430038,"love","GlitzyGloss","@ykitatequila OH YEAH & U TOO  ALL 4 OF US hehe <3"
1751430042,"worry","FashionGuru","Speaking to my new tweeples.... getting acquainted with them... If you've never spoke to me.. Do so now"
1751430094,"happiness","SARAAAilyy","listening to the best days of your life by kellie pickler"
1751430141,"happiness","dianny6","Yaay congrats Shmolan on graduating  I'm proud of you!! Have fun! <3"
1751430144,"fun","chanciehomemake","just got home from Tillie's dance recital. lol, it was spectacular!"
1751430203,"neutral","bella_mella","spent a few hours being a camera whore with palina"
1751430231,"love","AnnaSundberg","Pub crawling through NE pdx"
1751430250,"neutral","AlanSiegel1234","@lillogs you should totally come get me and bring me to kelslaws house with you."
1751430265,"happiness","demirox613","I'm sooo HAPPY Demi's back on twitter!"
1751430288,"worry","denamd","Excellent, excellent movie!  Star Trek, that is."
1751430296,"worry","SnehaVP","@MeganWrappe Well, guess we just make a pretty great pair.  So, I don't think our birthday date is going to happen. :'("
1751430312,"fun","Jeff0134","@aprilcandy70  also check out @spiritjump and @hatsandhugs  2 other wonderful causes that need our help"
1751430325,"happiness","angieeeeee","is thrilled prom went well"
1751430334,"fun","mommysnacks","My tweet is on cheaptweet.  You wanna vote for me  http://cheaptweet.com/t/syopvd"
1751430345,"neutral","EmBee20","@ThisIsRobThomas Good night, Rob. Sleep well. Safe travels tomorrow!"
1751430365,"neutral","shanonlee","@rahsheen alright, I'll let you slide on that one"
1751430428,"love","amberkittrell","@Brandi408 thank you!"
1751430501,"fun","runfromlions_","finally get my hands on my laptop!  just ate the biggest burrito de asada EVER  and now im gonna get ready for the party-ooo!"
1751430519,"happiness","OliviaWilder","@twtboxdj  Thanks Mr. DJ!"
1751430555,"love","lyraliza","@Oprah Happy mother's day Oprah.  You're a mom to your girls too!"
1751430614,"neutral","pokemonrubie","Just finished watching He's Just Not That Into You.  Loved it."
1751430645,"fun","tommysalami013","Hanging with my cousin Jimmy then hopefully hanging with my friend"
1751430716,"happiness","jessicanista","I had a great date last night...tried to find the CDCaves with Daniel  it was HILARIOUSLY FUN!!!"
1751430793,"sadness","Wonderfuller","With alex"
1751430817,"happiness","aloudhendo","@fureousangel that is comedy  good luck my friend!"
1751430875,"fun","kstriplin","stephs grad party gr8! shoved cake in her face, watchd sis bitch slap a boy, ate good food  satisfied"
1751430921,"happiness","skrivkoop","@jesfive SWEEEEET - San Fran is awesome!!!!  Love it there"
1751430947,"neutral","ashleyrobinson3","is hangin with the love of my life. Tessa McCravy!!"
1751430999,"worry","Rorasaur","I've Got An Urge To Make Music Like Massively.. I'm Going To The Studio"
1751431011,"neutral","annie_silly","@lacrossehawty rofl uh huh"
1751431016,"worry","ellenash","@fankri haha! thanks, Tiff   it went well, but they WORE ME OUT!!! lol. im too old for this ;)"
1751431033,"love","Ewitskaytie","@alyssaisntcool hahah  i loveeee him though."
1751431054,"happiness","mooseinabox","@bunnydrumming Hi bunny! I recently have subcribed to your channel on YouTube! You make some great stuff. Kinda just wanted to say hi!"
1751431183,"worry","MamaManning","Watching Gross Point Blank."
1751431264,"neutral","macgenie","@elliottp I'll follow anyone who is a sticker for usage."
1751431299,"love","Adamfyre","@CChiron Dude you rock"
1751431352,"love","EmilyyyG","@cassfern yes. and it was REALLY good. even though i am not into sci fi i loved it. & haha, i know."
1751431360,"neutral","GerryCOnline","@douglasi TY for FF"
1751431376,"surprise","rgoodchild","@brucehoult oh really? why HELLO there"
1751431426,"neutral","jellooooo","happy mother's day to your moms"
1751431462,"enthusiasm","Paulantin","I'm likable after all HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Still over the moon"
1751431475,"love","techmaniac1","Nice place to eat in sao paulo, brazil  http://twitgoo.com/28hh"
1751431493,"love","linda_85","enjoying my coffee with this super delicious cookie"
1751431625,"happiness","JeffQuickle","@JulieAbel I am in Weirton Julie, way up North at the tippy top! LOL we don't think southern WV folks like us too much."
1751431630,"love","SarcasticFairy","@petrilude OMG, you have curly hair! Too cute!"
1751431670,"happiness","_Natiiiee_","awww i bought my mom the cutest things for mothers day  woop woop mee expert shoper"
1751431671,"neutral","NattyMcElls","Hello to all my new followers..    say hi @ me so i can say its nice to meet you too!"
1751431704,"love","KimberlyyyS","watching supernatural  those boys can hunt me any day <3 haha"
1751431792,"happiness","dittosoedomo","@ddlovato hi ya demi! im glad ur back   http://twitpic.com/4vuuy i personally love the picture! haha"
1751431850,"relief","iKayKay","Finally home sweet home"
1751431855,"neutral","TennyDesign","@grabrielRossi which one? On Sportv ? Will connect righ the way"
1751431958,"neutral","Republican_Girl","@maryjanewatson I'm trying my dang hardest to not watch the movie again until I finish the book, again."
1751431959,"happiness","Renee_Saavedra","the last song all american rejects.......... an amazing song"
1751431971,"relief","xXHardy_LoveXx","@Linz__marie lol..french toast sticks too!"
1751432057,"neutral","andreperry","check out q100 right now..99.7"
1751432092,"surprise","ticopost","@MamiTica what�s hot and new?"
1751432104,"neutral","BikramMemphis","@kerrisnead FOR REAL!  Isn't it exciting!!!!"
1751432147,"happiness","CrZy4Him","@ppittman you are not old!!! You're  just comfy! Like worn in sweats! Said with all the love my sarcastic heart can muster...."
1751432178,"happiness","lesliemitchell","at the farm not enjoying cary ann, but loving the company!"
1751432202,"worry","mikellaetch","http://twitpic.com/4w70j - Left: This is your brain. Right: This is your brain on drugs."
1751432213,"love","patdxx55","chilin with my little brotherrrr  oday was amazing xP"
1751432223,"worry","Sean_Garr","@SECTORLI: just had my debut on Thursday @ The Gallery Lounge! It was fun... can't wait to do the next one!!"
1751432227,"fun","ginobby","goin out wit shina & gigi . moviez"
1751432283,"neutral","benvanik","@dcastellani yes, yes it was"
1751432380,"worry","andreasmiling","@SusanCrenshaw Uh oh!  Hope nothing too damaged."
1751432381,"neutral","hayrose","is #6 seed in regionals!!"
1751432412,"neutral","Cookies2695","Dfizzy if you ever read this Uh i got one question for you ^^ Would you ever date a fan?  Lmao!"
1751432418,"love","PacoChingoBling","listening to ECHO by Gorilla Zoe ahh love that song"
1751432420,"sadness","frankiestarr","Today Dan bought me Bio Dome AND the Reality Bites Soundtrack! Needless to say he gets MAYJAH points!  Also, my tummy is not happy. Boo."
1751432422,"neutral","holidaycarclub","Perth - Ford - Falcon - 1997 - $3,500  - new ad received and will be posted on the HCC site soon"
1751432423,"neutral","veropperez","@corkyloowho i will"
1751432438,"happiness","Minako06","@AnnCurry those photos are lovely! Who knew you were as talented a photographer as you are a journalist!"
1751432462,"fun","amyknapp","@shadrach I'm just following you because we're both wearing Converse"
1751464152,"sadness","KandiceNaTe","having a creative party with me, myself, and moi"
1751464156,"love","LiciaBeads","@char_anderson hehe   fun tweets !"
1751464272,"neutral","dorritos","@ikovannoy seperate = Yum. Together = gross sounding."
1751464290,"happiness","leeahkay","@shakeitblueyes good"
1751464301,"neutral","dreamsequins","@rachael_kearley That's Twitter for you."
1751464336,"neutral","OMGTitsMcGee","Babysitting. Text me and keep me company"
1751464397,"enthusiasm","iamloz_JsPR","Massive morning.. I'm stuffed now"
1751464424,"relief","pattywuu","@rsxy ive been spending time w/my momma! we're celebrating mother's day for her early  ive been good! how was woodburn?"
1751464454,"happiness","nmyers89","I'm ACTUALLY on Skype but ssshh don't tell anyone."
1751464556,"neutral","loveoflondon","nachos and the tudors? i think so"
1751464615,"fun","nikkigoodrich","Downing a glass of ginger ale and then relishing an early evening in bed with "Because I Said So" on Lifetime."
1751464622,"relief","LSUAaron","Yeah, I think we've earned it!"
1751464640,"surprise","SilenceRocks","Chillin out at home enjoying my new house... I must say I love it!!!  Hope your all having a great day!!!"
1751464697,"neutral","ahsan","@mommyof3_angels Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings-seems like u r on right track-keep reminding me to follow u"
1751464764,"neutral","Adrian_7","wow are you serious, another draw for the chicago fire, that's 5 in a row. well at least they're not losing game but we need a win soon"
1751464775,"neutral","allieincredible","bout to have dinner with the Homies. T.G.I Fridays takout, headed bak to the spot."
1751464807,"neutral","aprileelcich","@yourself_onfire I think Letitia is still trying to upload the digital, they were having problems before. I am sure she will let us know"
1751464832,"happiness","Jenniferrboland","The Eagles make saturday nights so much better."
1751464840,"surprise","1lalalove_","So the movie was 3-D and really gooood"
1751464863,"neutral","taintedzodiac","@davemark welcome to the last two years for Flyers fans"
1751464899,"neutral","laceycakes","Going to bed early... got a lot of important women to visit for Mothers Day tomorrow! PS- As of midnight tonight, HAPPY BDAY BOO BEAR!"
1751464907,"surprise","autumnfaery","says good morning everyone! Once again, a happy mother's day to all the mothers out there!  I hope you all h... http://plurk.com/p/stq3f"
1751464948,"love","volcommloverrr3","@mileycyrus airsoft is so much fun! i play with my brothers and it's a great bonding experience."
1751464985,"surprise","MattisonTaylor","@musicdotcom model on a pink motorcycle"
1751465027,"relief","bobbynash","@GregCarter I hear ya. You'll have to go back to work to rest."
1751465032,"fun","jopari","http://twitpic.com/4w7d2 bwahahahahahaha I am so awesome"
1751465040,"happiness","steph_thtgirl15","@GericaQuinn Yay  I Feel Loved  By You And My 113 Creepy Followers."
1751465149,"love","TyMarlene","@ClawdiaClawdia hey you weirdo! haha jk! I love you!"
1751465158,"worry","BADsenorita","@SalioElSol08 Haha most def ^__^ Rob a bank with me so i could get all the swedish fishes in the world"
1751465264,"relief","Momodel180","Chillin at a bbq gettin my drink on"
1751465393,"fun","durb543","at the taste a addison w/ her fav. ppl"
1751465454,"fun","marigoy","@akoyamiazaki #steel toe boots - Good to hear that you're comfy. Hopefully they are Kodiak or Terra brand"
1751465543,"happiness","scenexxqueen","LMAO Twitting... thats never gonna get old haha!"
1751465594,"worry","AlexCunninghamm","'Don't call your mother, 'cause now we're partners in crime.' -KP"
1751465608,"love","livvvsterrrx0","lmfaoooo i fucking love this showwwww"
1751465685,"love","bigjsl","Nice PC Authority review of the Tivo VOD service here: http://bit.ly/Ps7y2  I'm still loving my Tivo"
1751465691,"worry","markjeffrey","@marqueA2 Amazing.  Thereby proving we cannot believe anything we see"
1751465762,"neutral","nomand","@timhaines making a 1 minute animation  a dramatic tragic story~. 2 characters, no dialogue. emotion with movement and setting/lighting"
1751465771,"happiness","tonksloopy","@bunnymousekitt hahaha, yes, our discussions always seem to jump around randomly"
1751465833,"love","esteniaortiz","@PRGabbi AWW thanks hopefully it is"
1751465878,"neutral","StripTeaZe","@columbushort Follow Me"
1751465955,"worry","bennyherrera","Is with our dog at the doggy park!"
1751465970,"love","amelialucy","happy mothers day. @jadeeisabel oh and no i havent read it yet, will do now"
1751466009,"happiness","SamanthaGxo","OH EMM GEE!! QUEBEC IN 16 DAYS. I AM SO EXCITED."
1751466021,"love","reesagraham","Ha. J perfect timing on that message, the cure just came on"
1751466065,"neutral","MsChloe","@beilaq_sodmq ayee, watcha up to ?"
1751466126,"fun","KeytaJ","@teemwilliams Michelle, @tamronhall is on here. Don't u miss her being on Fox? I liked your interviews with her."
1751466154,"happiness","cubbie866","@xstaylor LOL!  Considering the recent debate on DL, I'm not touching the bad boy thing.  I like the logical ones."
1751466155,"hate","kaeb","@tracekase GO TO BED!!!"
1751466189,"sadness","WeHateMustin","gosh! i'm freakin' bored! talk to me!"
1751466238,"fun","inti_minty","@JoyofZen haha. so you are actually doing some cleaning! good actual work!"
1751466251,"love","Remdelarem","shawty next to me like hella good oowwwww"
1751466252,"worry","mizsprieta","watching Star Trek and next to watch it at the movie theater 'cause the movie is really worth it..."
1751466260,"neutral","brozieb","Got moommy somn special for mothers day"
1751466285,"worry","msann0727","k might take long then a minute then"
1751466388,"worry","Wiens111","@khalen it was good. Next time you get oohed you know where to go!"
1751466394,"neutral","rgoodchild","@dhgarske ha. nothing any man does is right on mothers day except for taking kids off mum's hands for whole day"
1751466417,"happiness","ashleyyp","@heidimontag my saturday was good  i cannot wait until this monday night"
1751466434,"hate","atay","@buckhollywood did you go to uga? If so, I liked you better before I knew! Ha!"
1751466436,"love","lindsaycard","iii loove davedays"
1751466563,"love","veshinka","@TaeJun stellar  happy ma's day to them"
1751466597,"relief","avrilchan","@aprilyim @nesarajah he's hard to please, methinks he has the picture in his head just fine"
1751466673,"neutral","Rawrsayskim","is lets chat"
1751466716,"happiness","meepf","Got some beautiful flowers and a mag subscription for Mother's Day  Spoilt! <3"
1751466806,"happiness","Larrysullivan","@isabellacane Thanks! I was gonna make a joke and say they look just like mine!"
1751466988,"happiness","A_sourgirl","@ihatecrayons http://twitpic.com/4w75p - I like it!!"
1751467037,"worry","cranberryquill","Working on several book projects that are due to be released within the next few months.  I need an extra pair of hands!  It's all good..."
1751467055,"love","Sternenfee","@harleyfatboy88b you're welcome"
1751467220,"happiness","crazywritinfool","I have lived through our band's first performance, and it was pretty damn fun."
1751467252,"neutral","crafterm","Watching Oceans 11 in Vegas - seems so appropriate"
1751467520,"worry","FishyLex","Had a nice dinner with the hubby and now on our way home  45 min drive out of the city. *sigh*"
1751467578,"hate","iKasperr","@donutpower ... Kirby playing mario kart? ... Umm ... Donut? Are you sure you're in the right mindset?"
1751467587,"love","gregliotta","Thinking about my mother, and all the amazing mothers I know"
1751467622,"neutral","ayyorudy","@victor_go you sure ?"
1751467637,"love","JDAlex","AK tonight with the lady and friends"
1751467699,"happiness","barbthebookworm","is tired but happy the orphanage was wow.. and babysitting was really fun"
1751467749,"happiness","michbu","is off to Tagaytay with the family! Happy Mum's Day to all you hot momma's"
1751467756,"love","jclayville","@deanlusk I love catching people singing in their cars. Even better if they're dancing"
1751467835,"love","kattteex3","is ready for summer!!!"
1751467857,"happiness","BadKittyFF","Watching water boy  about to grub on some carnisada. Yum,Yum!!"
1751467878,"neutral","ChilitoTwitts","Going to the grocery store with my Best Friend"
1751467896,"happiness","Kat77","@car4dave lol thanks!"
1751467902,"worry","Totally_Toni","@couponprincess Yes!!!! you me @brandyellen and @mkdb won the 4 that were given away    #sigjeans"
1751467909,"relief","CaraDowney","tired as hell!!!! bed time from cara  nighty night twitter world.."
1751467978,"neutral","kurtsevits","Sitting waiting for dough to rise. There's something about it that calms me down. Maybe the knowledge that I'll have cinnamon rolls soon"
1751468064,"love","CooperCraigM","@zactak I know!  I loved it."
1751468096,"neutral","sparklytosingle","@sethsimonds well, my question is on your blog post"
1751468107,"happiness","jadewoods03","Watching superbad with brit"
1751468132,"worry","sheonpoint","@kiwi_kikireestl nooo. you were on my yahoo account. hmm. i wanna say b2k days. idk fo'sho"
1751468150,"enthusiasm","cupcakemafia","@davekennedy Wow, you might be countering the Benedryl with your enthusiasm."
1751468153,"worry","cjxtin","right now, im on the Internet Cafe"
1751468183,"neutral","AutobotBeta","@MedBotJinx #TFARP *takes a moment to translate, then nods* You're quite welcome.  Also, dear, it's probably best if you stay here again-"
1751468403,"neutral","onejan84","@sethsimonds  Re: chocolate thing"
1751500401,"happiness","gcy","@limheeian iPhone is awesome man!! Time to join the Apple cult!!"
1751500468,"happiness","SUPkarenxo","on my way homee  i love long car rides<3"
1751500473,"worry","mskatrina25","Why is @MRCRISIS scared or @Mskatrina25 lmao.. Someone pls tell me!!"
1751500562,"love","stphenmunoz","We just crossed into the golden state, its nice being home"
1751500565,"love","Mahoganie_Jade","@fatbellybella lol cute.  BTW Happy Mother's Day lady"
1751500571,"sadness","neonspiders","@TheSpencerSmith I'm part of a religion called People-With-Good-Taste-In-Music. We don't celebrate Jonas Brothers Day."
1751500614,"empty","sarah_connors","@Ep31 eh...I might drive through Chi-town on my way to Colorado....maybe I'll get one then."
1751500616,"happiness","travispeltz","Did anyone go photographing today? I managed to get a few macro shots of some flowers that were blooming"
1751500736,"neutral","_Just_Shannon_","just downloaded more music and videos on my ipod."
1751500740,"worry","3amartprod","@karramandi Where r u Yvonne?? Haven't seen u in the google groups in a day or so. Miss ya."
1751500807,"love","faziarizvi","@deekgeek Awwwwwww. You two are the cutest.  And gods, I LOVE your hair."
1751500870,"worry","jessicaclarke","@tatumeubanks I think you were dreaming that!  However, my memory does suck so maybe not"
1751500887,"neutral","DirtyRose17","@ShannonElizab dont ya know? people love the human society"
1751500957,"happiness","Vhutchisoncoach","@sparrowstudio They turned out great! And I had a killer workout before-hand so no guilt"
1751500977,"neutral","BabyBlues81","Found out earlier today that I'm going to be an Uncle"
1751501024,"enthusiasm","smiles_inc","Operation Mischevious (Pinwheel) to commence in 25 min... lol  waiting on Ed to show up"
1751501132,"fun","mini_ritz","@miizronnie aha speaking German  haha maybe i should send some stuff in Italian ;)"
1751501136,"empty","tagnew","just doin some jammin"
1751501181,"fun","breakawayjay","right n0w, im on my bed  egotastic r0cks!hahaha.."
1751501183,"happiness","MiSsySuLliVan","@davedays GAH! I got some of your songs off itunes  I'm so happy! They're SO AWESOME!!! keep it up!"
1751501218,"surprise","astroxzombie","@TasteMyInk most likelyy. Just need to save the money and practice my ass off."
1751501247,"worry","jackie_jean","is almost over the legal limit of db at the garage."
1751501251,"love","KelseyKiss","I make delicious pasta"
1751501267,"love","Beckyjsue","@imjstsayin lol  damn...I love those things too"
1751501289,"neutral","dawnbo","@ginaxmarie  but that is the only logical reason why you'd get hollered at 3x in the past hour. but what is dnw?"
1751501372,"neutral","ilovemusic4lyf","Im kinda bored anyone else I think ill listen to some hip hop its pretty good you should check it out www.bseresults.net"
1751501410,"happiness","itsLindseyAnn","flashlight tag!  i love playing games in the dark."
1751501457,"love","denisewarfe","Wishing all the Mom's in the world a VERY HAPPY AND RELAXING MOTHERS DAY. May you get to spend the day with your feet up being pampered"
1751501478,"happiness","drew_knight","relaxing...enjoying the evening"
1751501493,"neutral","kirikitten","@JusticeJuice  That's alright. Add your egg and maybe some sort of leftover meat and it's not so bad <3"
1751501529,"relief","Bizcuits","just got done washing dishes not too long ago"
1751501550,"neutral","Bhooshan","@nimbupani Divya, thnx a lot. Bt IMO it won't resolve the renaming prob? Let me know.  Now if only #apple would act upon my feedback."
1751501576,"love","OshareKeiLove","tomorrow's mother's day  me n my sis gonna make an onigiri for our mom~!! its gonna be so kewl!! cant wait for tomorrow >_<"
1751501620,"love","MaelleMiley","@MandyyJirouxx Oohh Yaay like it !  ?    Love ya"
1751501785,"neutral","cynthialarson","@inesperado Glad to hear you'll have your 1st tournament soon. As KSN says, "We need more practice!""
1751501818,"neutral","shilowallace","I learned the Hoedown Throwdown!"
1751501819,"happiness","xxAshleyKillsxx","I got the new Silverstein CD. aha. Its AMAZING.  I highly recomend it."
1751501832,"surprise","alexisrobinson","OOOH,  i have a question for you all. DOES YOUR CHAIN HANG LOW?  idk! sorry!"
1751501900,"surprise","o7rjche","NGH episode 28 is out! check it out!"
1751501969,"relief","milkbone19","@Hey_B @Cabbrock thank goodness!!"
1751501970,"neutral","a_r_m_e_n_t_a","just came back from the mall"
1751501972,"relief","MrMikeReal","Just finished with a little booty duty  that was a work out. Now I'm hungry. ."
1751501992,"happiness","MsChloe","@JaySodmg heyy jay, wat's going on witcha ? & do you want a twitter background ? you already know i gotcha if you need anything."
1751501993,"worry","MissMisery","@superbjorn as always  how are you?"
1751501995,"fun","ericabrianne","im thinking that im going to have fun tonight....and maybe some changes are coming"
1751502027,"neutral","jenhoehne","@WickedBitch: I'm real"
1751502074,"relief","jroyall89","@MishaSaysRawr i'm totally gonna have money to actually buy a pair of shoes this time"
1751502084,"neutral","shanababy","i wanna b maliks from taking the stage"
1751502097,"love","Teresa016","@jayde_nicole http://twitpic.com/4t6qx - i have the exact same pic except it's my hubby & my chihuahua tucker   very cute."
1751502167,"enthusiasm","watersprite1307","@SeanScottPotter I'm watching girl movies all night! Great night for movie night"
1751502191,"happiness","missdestructo","@lunaliu  You are such a positive thinker, I am for sure keeping you around!"
1751502251,"hate","esteniaortiz","@PRGabbi Y?!?!?!? i would rather punch someone"
1751502274,"worry","sgm128","Enjoying the heck out of spending time with Amanda.  Do i really have to go back tomorrow?"
1751502317,"love","Hetty4Christ","@acforbes wow!! blessings to you my friend...what awesome words this beautiful Saturday..."
1751502360,"surprise","GabezRosales","@lalalalexi read it! lucky, why are you getting a new phone?"
1751502391,"love","djcarlosf","@amberchase more gifts for you"
1751502408,"empty","Kisstheas","So bored... need more people for rsmv !!  jagex doesn't let u say RSMV unless its the first word u say in the sentence.. sad"
1751502422,"surprise","jAyIzMeE","@DAWIIZME lmao!!! ummm duh gurl I need to buy me some more v-necks I like em!!!"
1751502446,"worry","krysdudek","@mlomb hi, the parody for iPhone is hysterical, not because it's funny, but because one cannot play the video on iPhone"
1751502528,"love","Tammy2luvs","Have beautiful dreams all, I'm off to snuggle down with my beautiful babies as they are done with the outdoors."
1751502529,"worry","clark9825","Going to bed after the CAVS game  Don't judge me LOL"
1751502699,"relief","jessikarae","Just got off the phone with garrett.  still cleaning my room. It s raining  that makes me feel better"
1751502806,"sadness","BostonPRchic","@NA617_NKOTB LOL you r not a loser u drove 8 hours in a day.. U need rest  of was it 2 days? I'm still tired lol"
1751502831,"relief","nordette_verite","@seetiggerbounce White House Correspondents Dinner, funny stuff for political junkies. #whcd   I'm a recovering addict."
1751502920,"empty","GenesisGijon","Getting ready to go to the comedy club and listening to some Q-Tip  Who's on iChat or Skype right now? I need an outfit critique"
1751502928,"neutral","sandersmania","@MKinMotion just trying to make you feel at home?"
1751502972,"neutral","sodaly","@pamslim can't wait to crack it open and no doubt will learn from it as well as support my evangelizing cubicle-freedom-ness!"
1751503004,"enthusiasm","erickanicole728","@LauraJames3 I crochet Laura. Simple stitches...I can make a mean afgan!"
1751503037,"fun","HouseKitty310","@TheeRealFDHC Ahhh I can only imagine what you're looking at!! So luckyyy. Hope your having fun."
1751503063,"happiness","LauraLxox","on the phone w. Chantellie ! <3"
1751503116,"neutral","symphorine","thanks !!my real name is nadia"
1751503129,"worry","missbecca77","Lifetime movies are lame.  That's for you, Q!"
1751503147,"love","osmium","@onesweeterlife  Great!  I was hoping to run under 40mins and ended up doing 39:07  Woo hoo!  Gotta love the C25k"
1751503172,"worry","lexicaljewel","@meganwest no we had to go to malibu to find a beach!"
1751503224,"love","ro0tbeerfloat","happy mommah's day to your moms  http://plurk.com/p/stqya"
1751503234,"happiness","brokerkathy","@acummings I am ecstatic client can do a deed in lieu of ...so Monday I will take my sign & lockbox off happy another satisfied client"
1751503253,"neutral","teamjonasnj","listeninq to music; Butterfly Fly Away - Miley Cyrus"
1751503337,"neutral","mickswampole","@SuzanneShaffer You're welcome... and you're welcome!"
1751503362,"happiness","megspeaks","@tadasauce Have a good time"
1751503363,"happiness","mime24","this song called stolen, it soooo amazing!! it by Dashboard Confessional"
1751503384,"happiness","KeytaJ","@janae24 LOL! Let's find something quickly."
1751503446,"happiness","P3ngwy3","I gave a homeless lady named Ruby an Ice Cream sandwich and a cigarette.  That is my g00d deed for the day. :p"
1751503497,"surprise","chaarmaaiinee","- going somewhat out of town? (x visitng uncle boyet & famm!"
1751503519,"happiness","nikkithe1nonly","Chilling feeling really nice.."
1751503527,"relief","aleese","@idann, now that sounds better"
1751503540,"neutral","MsMelissuh","Going to MIyake's for some sushi and sake bombs."
1751503577,"love","hella_gnarly","I wanna be like vocabulary donna, all in Chicago.    I need to put wu tang 8 diagrams on my ipod  that CD reminds me of someone special"
1751503622,"love","deseanstokes","@cranberryquill. welcome to Twitter!!!    Love you!!!  Can't wait to see you next month"
1751503636,"neutral","alyssakochan","@mikaylaap Hey did you get any more info about your graduation? And I think my mom's gonna let me go to CP, if you guys still wanna go!"
1751503830,"relief","WalkingHorse","@Strabismus You are too kind! I swear I'm always feeding someone!"
1751503866,"fun","breebreeee","i forgot how much i love all these songs on my itunes. i love shuffle  and i love watching the pranks from AP Tour!"
1751503906,"neutral","courtneysuee","Is listening to the new jonas brothers song"
1751503929,"happiness","sabrinabrinaxo","@LiveInLove10 YES!!! haahaaa.! break out the jellybeaniesss!"
1751503936,"neutral","fumblebee","@ruecian something for you is on its way in the mail to your PJ address, just fyi"
1751504096,"relief","banditTA00","@rvagirl Oh I believe you...   sooo @RebeccaNavarro thinks she belongs elsewhere, I say I dont think so..."
1751504164,"enthusiasm","UptownSound","Selling my laptop for CHEAP if anyone's interested!  17" Toshiba 1.3gig ram"
1751504169,"love","taraw07","@retrorewind PLS! Play Journey Don't stop believin' By Journey for @Etown_Jenn  THANKS!!"
1751504192,"happiness","AndreaTonti","Watching the CAVS!!!!!"
1751536220,"love","kkkkkkdddddd","mine too <3"
1751536282,"neutral","heyitsvon","happy mother's day to all mothers out there!!"
1751536337,"neutral","destinygodley","@Mazaroddi  hey hey hey b"
1751536377,"happiness","Julie_Weber","FTSK and Mercy Mercedes were amazing tonight.. as always"
1751536400,"happiness","missdestructo","@mahamimo Thank you! Your makeup art is top-notch, come to my house every morning! ha ha"
1751536413,"relief","unintended17","Thank you, Afrin Nasal Spray! Also, I got a giant teacup tonight!"
1751536434,"neutral","rissalynn78","happy mothers day to all those special moms out there.... i luv u mommy!!"
1751536444,"love","sheonpoint","chinese food = love. yess im happy"
1751536474,"happiness","BrittneyCash","just got home after an hour at the track, I feel real good now =P running is nice  and abs work and push ups haha =P"
1751536480,"neutral","BebeZed","@krigeren It's been interesting today... to say the least. Overall a good day"
1751536516,"worry","dopeguhxfresh","(bullhorn] tell ur friends 2 follow me  come onnnnnnnnnnnn ppl"
1751536528,"love","TimMothE","Watched the White House dinner speech by Barack. He's just so many kinds of awesome!"
1751536557,"love","smallbizlady","@LisaPreston Thank you for the follow friday love"
1751536579,"happiness","marlinmayo27","@mynewgroove I said I wouldn't drink tonight, but I say this as I drink this Sam Adams"
1751536586,"neutral","LadyHhugs","@ericviolette hi eric I hope your having a beautiful Saturday"
1751536609,"love","lexielove","Im soo happy Kellz is back from TN, we bout hang out  all the time"
1751536631,"neutral","Meghan_H","@AngeDoubleYou  You can be Cinderelliiee"
1751536657,"hate","fancyfantastic","@heyheybeth dis Dick."
1751536721,"neutral","_CharlotteMarie",""They say I look yummy & they want a taste, but I'm a human not a sandwich." LMFAO makes me"
1751536801,"worry","ThalesDotCom","@ThinkReferrals oh man I'm jealous!  just got it?"
1751536807,"neutral","WootMinisites","@ThinkReferrals oh man I'm jealous!  just got it?"
1751536819,"sadness","antigone_spit","@zouljiin That is the best sticker EVER. Also. I dig your hair. It's gotten long since I've seen you last."
1751536995,"neutral","thehollyscene","@jaymeallover Sry I missed your calls. I fell asleep out of boredom. Colorado Sunrise was enjoyable though.  I actually could hear it. xD"
1751537011,"neutral","LukeBro","Please visit http://vzerohost.com/info and sign up to alpha test a image hosting service!"
1751537036,"happiness","scottfaithfull","@spiderdj82 thank you. yes yes. hooray!"
1751537058,"fun","singinchelle","soooo sleepy.  but gotta finish this game.  lol. gettt it cavs!  whoop whoop"
1751537062,"worry","workingmomma247","@laurie_pooh what kind of party do we got going now?"
1751537103,"fun","vasbestkept","@followfrankie it was jokes!!!  me love the mag..really!"
1751537169,"neutral","HollyBaby2k9","if you are a cute guy add/follow me  i'll do the same"
1751537272,"happiness","jbroxmysox911","had fun at chel's with nicole and cried watching benjamin button   exciting night i must say"
1751537281,"neutral","YodelTrampoline","i started and fisnihsed gossip girl yesert=day"
1751537313,"relief","ladydi245","@KeepinUpWKris  Have a Happy Mothers Day! I thought u had blocked me cause i couldn't get anything thru the other day"
1751537314,"fun","linuxglobe","Star Trek was GREAT yet minor details needed to be worked out, but I give it a Thumbs Up, regardless!"
1751537402,"worry","Mandi_Farr","mmmm chocky cake in the oven.. smells delicious"
1751537403,"neutral","annNow","@travispoling If you click on Settings, there is a link to the public timeline at the bottom of that page."
1751537414,"happiness","kathrynmcfly","@eliasharrak ummm, come on, for me twins and slurpees, and being in a car with the twins is going to be pretty epic!!!"
1751537428,"surprise","AngKam","Its beautiful outside. I wish i was in new york city. But this area is pretty cool. Hip and trendy."
1751537432,"happiness","ashley_sharmy","Having fun with all my dolls  tequillla...carne asada....and my mom dancing funny!"
1751537519,"surprise","Restrictor","Kyle going to the garage. His night is done. Think we'll get an interview?  #NASCAR"
1751537549,"happiness","mstringfellow2","Averaged $31 per hour at work today! Gotta love holidays"
1751537631,"happiness","cmar55","listening to @hardqueen after last nights Up from the Underground screening, awesome job @latapia"
1751537644,"happiness","heytheredeahna","@scenexxqueen haha. welcome to my world. we fail together."
1751537649,"surprise","Bizcuits","@MarcusG704 why are you surprised?"
1751537696,"neutral","Musicgirl119","flordia- and @stellarkartband- where do u send in the pictures of the shrits? saw ur update on facebook"
1751537734,"worry","stuckinlalaland",""Its a calander."Calendar!" COLLANDER!" Bahaha, That part was hilarious, of course, the whole thing was hilarious"
1751537735,"love","janismanis","at BIF.... i love this buliding...."
1751537743,"neutral","brianrayner151","i am on aim getting ready to go to bed. running a 5k tommorow for mothers day. wish me luck!"
1751537776,"surprise","reinierm","Kudai a Pop Rock band from Chile is the last one taking the stage tonight."
1751537806,"worry","SusieMariex3","Spending time with the fammmmm. (: hopefully, going to pay my bill soon..."
1751537869,"love","jillhanner","my mom watched my new video and she actually LOL  Love her! xoxo http://bit.ly/16w6zV"
1751537872,"happiness","giddygid","http://twitpic.com/4w855 Operation Happy Mom a success!"
1751537875,"worry","anitadinamita90","@danielledeleasa yeeah!! me too! it's amazing!!! I'm freaking out lol"
1751537878,"love","emily2975","i had a really good day today"
1751537912,"fun","RealSelenaG","@officialjosephj Hahhaa okaay ily! Lmfao"
1751537982,"surprise","alltimeASIAN","@andcristina OHH. haha ok thanks"
1751538015,"sadness","GabrielRossi","@TennyDesign Rog�rio Minotouro will fight now!"
1751538038,"neutral","aithyne","@MckMama Why are you scared of the mouse? If you can figure out *why* you're scared, maybe you can deal with your fear."
1751538066,"surprise","wookiejedi","@TeeMonster The Case of the Gigolo's Picolo?"
1751538071,"neutral","morgan0mally","@juicystar007 i think you should do it with hannah"
1751538208,"neutral","HollyBaby2k9","i have a buzz"
1751538266,"worry","veryheaven","If u want to change the fruits, u will first have to change the roots. If u want to change the visible u must first change the invisible"
1751538293,"happiness","Theresacl","Finally going to bed! Woo-Hoo! Gotta work at 5am! Lots of love to all!"
1751538534,"love","LadyErlynne","All right, time for happy face."
1751538557,"relief","hafs","took 8 trips to basement to move books from my room - i have a floor again"
1751538569,"happiness","totalgem","Reading, cryin, reading, laughin...  Enjoying the ride while being enlightened and inspired by letters to a young sister!!  Thx Hill."
1751538680,"surprise","Clewick","Just saw Zack and Miri Make a Porno with @marissamariposa and @mlewicki . sooo good."
1751538694,"worry","mollynevins","I know I have lots of emails to answer! I will be home tomorrow"
1751538714,"worry","TinyTottSara","is hungryyyyyyy!! going to eat traditional indian food...the pakistani way. woowoo!  hahaha! >[_()\/3"
1751538725,"happiness","Mizzjanice17","About to pik out my hair, braid it up, scrub off my make up and relaxxxx.... tonight was fun"
1751538854,"neutral","SPAXmin","iis back homee. Boredd. chillinq w| qrandma  � ily Granny"
1751538878,"fun","kkuenkel","@CHRIS_Daughtry You should come play in the college town of Eau Claire, WI.  Seriously, you'd have TONS of people turn out for it."
1751538889,"happiness","nathjoh2","loven the rs ftw pvp is bac"
1751538976,"happiness","tn_femme","@shygamer @Zeralyn I told ya'll I am a good girl. You can see my halo and everything"
1751538982,"love","MrsRios09","Headed to eat with my hubby n my mommy!!  So ready to have some drinks..."
1751539008,"neutral","Snowblood_G","@TraceyDukes Hey, TDukes! I flwd U immediately this morn.when DHmptn mentioned the bit abt the tattoo. LOVE her,she's my #1Fav. twitterer"
1751539020,"neutral","willbutler","@dosjon NOPE.  It's been years since it's happened like this."
1751539049,"happiness","pshimmallama","I love these App things, it be hella awesome bro."
1751539062,"worry","SerendipiYami","Home empty handed.  No comics found today.  I shall now indulge in my cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery."
1751539440,"sadness","aprildunford","@birdsall Sorry about that. I got behind on followers and am still catching up.  I follow folks that @ me (including you"
1751539510,"love","pawilucha","good night people   sweet dreams"
1751539564,"empty","syyddneeyyxox","@MarissaAshley you are very welcome"
1751539588,"neutral","shirleenacho","@ metro with achan"
1751539590,"happiness","Hana07","relaxing night at home with best people"
1751539641,"neutral","dan11ela","@MissPrecious2 "coomee to ja-maiii-cah an feel alllll right!!" hahaha"
1751539649,"happiness","LeviFig","@garrettmurray Same here!  I just wanted it to keep going and not end... ever! ;)"
1751539663,"neutral","keepjoshclose","@tranceasleep if you could get down to easton, you could join us!"
1751539685,"neutral","lilyofoz","@rubydoor hi ruby, u said u were painting yesterday (i think, lose track of time) what are you painting? can we know the concept/subject?"
1751539748,"neutral","iloovegreen","@sueleeBAYbee audiotistic! sneak your little butt in"
1751539818,"neutral","aandreamichelle","Mo williamssssss"
1751539970,"happiness","thomasdohman","@cldoug Jana laughed when I told her about the anniversary tweet."
1751539979,"hate","flordmiel","just fought with my printer...after 2 hours i claim victory... i hate electronics"
1751540044,"neutral","avenue_r","I slept at 2am yesterday"
1751540067,"love","LoveKillsSlowly","just came back from a nice bike ride with her family and is now refreshed thanks to a shower"
1751540094,"neutral","Loliii","@Maariiaan hahahah yeah, you're right! Plus I'm Twitteraddict so, You'll find me here all (well almost) day most likely"
1751540136,"neutral","mccr8","@roccodispirito Right on! Pull up a chair and welcome"
1751571883,"happiness","R1gaT0ny","Played some Mythic Brawl in order to get a good screenshot. Instead, I got a Perfection!"
1751571903,"enthusiasm","KatiexCobraYo","Gonna see the cab twice!  In August, I'm taking my friend Jess to the Vegas one for her bday!"
1751571906,"happiness","pillow11","is cute"
1751571912,"fun","Karine_Mtl","My goal is to be in bed by 2am"
1751571998,"relief","CaitlynBarnes","is home  i love traveling, but there is nothing like coming home!"
1751572112,"neutral","ebl42262","@_Anix_ I bought cheesecake ice cream last week, thinking it was good, and it sucked so much.   I'm taking yours."
1751572202,"empty","France23","@KGeezY3: more interested in watching SNL for Ciara than Justin Timberfake"
1751572218,"happiness","meeaghann","FIFTH RUNNER UP  at keg with @kirsten95 , @devonshire94 , hannah, darian, fiona, & phillipa"
1751572234,"neutral","deeanefeliciano","1.Tiffany is already ten minutes late 2.Reading Flowers in the Attic 3.Late breakfast at Starbucks 4.Listening to Waking up in Vegas"
1751572239,"surprise","petsaretalking","@JanetRoper  Indeed. Maybe somebody needs a new cat."
1751572255,"love","IelleyC","I love my mom! Happy Mother's Day, mommies"
1751572329,"fun","jaworkinonit","@MckMama  This has made my night!!  Way too funny!!"
1751572336,"sadness","redrobinrockn","@HuMBush just nothing perfect in life, darn it!"
1751572363,"relief","scootz99","@bencredible hopefully the weather has been nice/cooperating"
1751572386,"happiness","WalkingMyles","Goood Moring"
1751572387,"worry","Totally_Toni","Okay now that i will not be able to sleep tonight what should we do"
1751572396,"happiness","PharmaScouts","Women in Science & Technology conference in La Jolla - what an interesting day!  Met some really great people!"
1751572433,"love","PhantomPearl","@Jennettemccurdy http://twitpic.com/4w7yp - Haha, she looks a little like me. I'd get ecstatic if and when I meet you."
1751572479,"love","chismegirl88","best part of notting hill is on!!  "daft prick" haha love it."
1751572559,"surprise","SecBarbie","@sfoak I would LOVE to be the dark princess of the PCI evil empire.... oh wait! That would make me an auditor again!"
1751572639,"sadness","jamers43","Feelin really awful. Having mono sux so much. Omg...listening to music"
1751572662,"neutral","michaelequigg","@CVJason @MINDY979 @inotherwords_c @scrapplesandwic @thenewnicole @Sweettreat Thank you for the FFs my friends!"
1751572705,"neutral","Themancipation","@stephbfly Truly? Like what?"
1751572755,"happiness","Arielleezy","@DomSoFresh bl MUTHAFUCKIN ah!  I win!"
1751572788,"neutral","MichaelWHill","@MoocherGirl I'm originally from Seattle, I've just lived everywhere else, including Many places in the south"
1751572794,"neutral","darkday15","stocked for tonight"
1751572871,"neutral","DisneyLuis","@TrevorGoff WOO, I knew I could convert you to @UberTwitter  I think the UI is way more friendly compared to TinyTwitter."
1751572917,"surprise","annTRS","@sup_ashley OH REALLY?!"
1751572947,"sadness","LauraJames3","@NiecieD Nice idea for a M-I-L gift. Did you crochet it? Good idea about looking online.  There are Youtube videos showing lefty crochet."
1751572992,"love","TechDeckDN","@taylorswift13 I just want to say: Both you,Taylor Swift, and Hayley Williams have a great and lovely voice!"
1751573023,"worry","gibmnf","Wats shakin out there y'all ? I'm starting to get nice now,"
1751573075,"fun","punkaynhey","I feel like dressing up for the heck of it.& putting make up on. Haha"
1751573106,"neutral","AlansVlogs","This is my new College project, i just wanted to share it  Hey Mr Bartender - College Project http://bit.ly/Ba3Nf"
1751573111,"love","kaboombox","twittering, texting, and ipoding. i love the invention of mutitasking!"
1751573126,"neutral","tirzaroemokoy","Otw my to church.."
1751573156,"happiness","xMuSiCxDrEaMeRx","Search Ryan Carera & Josh Kelley  They're really good"
1751573159,"surprise","cmmanes","playing board games!!!"
1751573160,"neutral","terrymyers","@Praxilla she can rock a guy's world at night, then make him pancakes the next morning!"
1751573168,"happiness","Cinabun","Hellerrr new followerss. I'm Tricina & uhhm I'm cool"
1751573215,"surprise","powderkeg","i loudly said something & my coworker replied "i dont know brian klemm! But even I love brian klemm!"  ( @Klemm_0_Tronic )"
1751573238,"happiness","tomsalzer","Great motorcycle ride along Hood Canal and through Gig Harbor today. Not to warm, great sunshine, stunning day"
1751573335,"worry","KrystalGuinn","@BayoArigbon what you took your bracket off... ? And now it's time for bed !"
1751573594,"enthusiasm","cheeriokeeper","I'm really excited that I'm a Queen Bee on the Power Mom 50 List  I feel really REALLY honored. #nielsenpowermoms"
1751573613,"neutral","josephcoster","@MSMyPhone I need a code"
1751573673,"surprise","metzo86","@amandabynes will u give ur mother anything special? I'll make a cake and make sure mine gets a stressfree day =p cheesy, but it works"
1751573741,"neutral","TimbrePitch","@RedCapHiFi Ahhhh....  The the wonderful 8-Track adaptor."
1751573813,"happiness","praveenvasudev","Reached Bangalore!! Now gotta hunt for rooms"
1751573845,"neutral","csekulic","@aplusk maybe cause you look so innocent"
1751573856,"love","snikinnub","Happy Mothers Day"
1751573860,"love","heyheybeth","@fancyfantastic you know I love you."
1751573889,"love","Sunkissed876","@Jennettemccurdy http://twitpic.com/4w7yp - this is sweet.  im loving those bracelets btw"
1751573911,"worry","healthyaddict","Sitting at the bonfire, hoping the skies will clears i can use my telescope."
1751573930,"love","daracorrato","@summertime_grl love your new profile pic"
1751574037,"worry","Jill_C","@tesser10 Those are the things that mean the world"
1751574118,"happiness","ellejay130","@shmeezie thanks for having me! i had a great time too"
1751574154,"neutral","funtrap","10pm tonight, International Space Station will by over head, through most of Texas at least"
1751574191,"neutral","issbrent","Sonny you are a mystery man!  I'm into it thoughh."
1751574200,"happiness","VISpandex","@r_city tell brandon I said hi!!"
1751574231,"happiness","jamloveshugs","baseball games whoo hooo  when to banquet yesterday at the hyhtt sooo fun"
1751574234,"surprise","yurigreen","Christa's Mothers Day card, deep in the build phase.   - Photo: http://bkite.com/07k6e"
1751574256,"neutral","alanayvette2","Going to i don't know where with taylor,dolton,jacob, chris and my sister."
1751574280,"surprise","laurenmontonen","Woah! 311 is really good!! The rain earlier was rather nice"
1751574307,"happiness","jessdecutie18","Watching Groove the movie with @mikecase my hubby!"
1751574330,"enthusiasm","MargaylaSabin","@james_stjohn That's what we hope for!"
1751574361,"worry","iaro","@theWaif I was wondering about your sanity for a bit there, dear"
1751574391,"neutral","caferace","@DucCat900 pic, please."
1751574402,"fun","tristinchanel","so who is in for bring at HK lounge tomorrow ? $12 all you can drink till 5pm... then kareoke. I think it will be a nice Sunday!"
1751574419,"empty","hadyngreen","@maetl Doing a Rainbow and Unicorn film then?  #48hours"
1751574617,"surprise","wesbiffar","@girlonlaptop haha. not sure what local is to you, but if i was then you'd have to fight me for it!"
1751574643,"worry","supermANDREA","GOOD MORNING TWEETER WORLD!"
1751574652,"sadness","causticchick","Oh, as usual, I should warn my new followers that I tend to over-tweet during #canucks games. Apologies in advance."
1751574672,"happiness","melhan","Top cashier at work today! woot woot! now off to have a drink..."
1751574717,"neutral","fibere","@phreak09 thinking about you  http://mypict.me/Fuz"
1751574773,"love","mackeywho","@taylorswift13 Taylor Swift I think you're so pretty it makes my heart melt everytime I see your face."
1751574860,"love","Laylow16","Happy mothrs day 2 ; all thaa moms outt thr  *"
1751574861,"worry","kimmmaybby","@KatiaDominos loll , of course me tooo  & i love their new song toooo ?"
1751574905,"surprise","youngscolla","@AmbDuckett should be me"
1751574906,"neutral","alysearlene","@lisalynn19 I've got cups but you gotta come get them"
1751574992,"happiness","DeeBeeEnnGee","a chilled day  party tomorrow."
1751575019,"happiness","umi_palerm","@TheAsterik BETTER BE. ALSO, YES. UNF UNF <3 ...Lisa still hasn't gotten any, btw  *smacked*"
1751575022,"love","chescalu","happy mom's day  http://plurk.com/p/stsir"
1751575075,"boredom","sindy_","Nothing to do. Just sitting here. I can see Mrs. P and her husband"
1751575087,"love","mandiebear","@chellanglo *hugs* love you, MamaBear!  Happy Mom's Day!!!! (in case I don't see you around tomorrow)"
1751575114,"fun","yayita13","http://twitpic.com/4w8kr - meet Bella the new member of the family!!"
1751575157,"relief","daveandchar","It's official - Liberty Grand is my new fave reception venue... Will blog some shots Tuesday"
1751575191,"neutral","ntinaz","@jglass8 its tomorrow."
1751575218,"neutral","xMuSiCxDrEaMeRx","Search Ryan Cabrera & Josh Kelley  They're really good"
1751575301,"sadness","tori_frry","just got back from the Sing It Loud concert // FUCKIN AMAZING"
1751575359,"neutral","annNow","@aMj89 Until @twitter brings back our EVERYONE button, access PT @ http://twitter.com/public_timeline or link in bottom of Settings."
1751575405,"neutral","Jasonpugz","Need a wordpress template designed? contact me and i can design a theme for you cheap"
1751575434,"fun","tcbackstroker","@hiimlianaa haha yea "help" (technically itz called cheating but my teacher helps us anyways so im not cheating)"
1751575475,"love","natneagle","@Lady_Luck13 they are SO cute"
1751575477,"surprise","ms","@liesforliars what about Midge? She definitely has to be in on that tie for first. She's completely dumb  and yeah, punk'd indeed"
1751575536,"surprise","mikephilbin","Thinking my drink is watered down but hey its free"
1751575540,"love","erikavalerie","Happy mother's day!!! oh, I love my mom.. hehehe... happy mom's day!!"
1751575563,"love","twi_obsessed_xo","http://twitpic.com/4w8l1 - Haaha, my bangs are kinda long..? oops"
1751607203,"happiness","iCarluccio","Watching Sex & The City at my brothers soccer game. I have totally defited the purpose of coming.. Hehe"
1751607218,"happiness","kelly_6ft_under","@JackAllTimeLow Im glad you're a lot happier barakitten  <3 see yah in july"
1751607231,"happiness","dogdishstore","@SHCollectibles Aww Thanks!    Glad I appreciated the weather so much yesterday!"
1751607238,"neutral","inrsoul","Off to church now..."
1751607283,"fun","France23","HAHAH, Did I hear MVP Chants in Atlanta's Arena?  At least they get it right there, unlike at staples"
1751607325,"love","HeidiOfVolterra","@evlover0327 You are extremely clever my dear."
1751607331,"neutral","SharonP919","@o0ginger0o Tis me SharonP..."
1751607394,"happiness","OfficialAthenaR","@jerennyofficial Hahah JONAS in 10 min!! woop woop! it was fun me and Doug had a 2 cmmt convo. it was magical hahaha"
1751607439,"worry","trevorjames","@shereenzangana That was fantastic! Thank you"
1751607466,"happiness","rofllaurennn","@jackalltimelow lucky! that's awesome"
1751607503,"happiness","lorenag23","A long day with the family.   I'm so tired now.  Had fun!"
1751607637,"happiness","saritafajita","Come on Kirk, hook up your Wii to the wifi....you can do eeet!"
1751607639,"empty","molleyLiLGfreez","is back from a very long day out at Naz. Gunna crash. Up tomorrow for Mothers Day... editing photos from today, hangin with my mom, etc."
1751607680,"relief","CLing611","It's good to be home"
1751607757,"happiness","greatfitness","@opinionatedant Have a great weekend Mononoke  I may be tweeting from inside the movie theater either Monday or Tuesday  lol"
1751607785,"happiness","McFlystarLDNgrl","Finally making some headway in the family room!  Home is finally begining to look like it!  btw dial up can go die!"
1751607905,"worry","sunbasilgarden","@Nyblaque - halla!!! doing ok- got a cold but trying to ignore it  how about you?"
1751607912,"love","JimmyRHigh","spending the night with mom and Tommy.. just ordered Pizza Hut.. yum!"
1751607985,"sadness","piratescribe","@haldira awww too bad I won't be there - I'd entertain the thought of entering"
1751608006,"fun","lelandstrott","waking up at 6 am? yuuup. still going out tonight? you better believe it."
1751608094,"happiness","Karliloves","And, I'm accumulating money again, so I can use a fancy finance app. Thinking of getting another CD or an IRA.  saving for a house. crazy!"
1751608097,"worry","foxymardy","he's back! meeting him in 40 mins"
1751608146,"happiness","lexiebabeyxox","havin friends over hangin out with christian tonight!!  gonna roast marshmellows and chocolate and cramcrackers.!?!?!"
1751608164,"happiness","mink23","winding down, love having a low key day."
1751608264,"happiness","TextingRockstar","Partied long and hard...goodnight Twitter see ya in the mornin"
1751608386,"happiness","talrasha2007","@bluecrystaldude happy attending kenduri.. eat those yummy stuffs on my behalf ya."
1751608445,"neutral","NaketaNZ","International Version of Stand By Me http://tiny.cc/pAVYi PlayingforChange.com"
1751608461,"fun","blkopal6","I'm one of them... Just got off phone w/ chanel   I told he  to tell u ur a brat for the temptation... Which I couldn't pass up! Thanks!"
1751608462,"neutral","DrewDrew2009","@DiamondBlue follow me please!"
1751608493,"neutral","ashleyyosaurus","@NathanGilmer Haha and you should! State pride is important"
1751608500,"happiness","ThaoPNP","@starryeyedsoul Meeeee! It sounds delicious"
1751608513,"relief","BUTTERFLYWHEEL","@sayitwithecards Thanks for the #followfriday!"
1751608541,"happiness","cosmicrat","I hope they re-run this nerdprom later-  sounds like they're having LOTS of fun.  Thanks all for the play-by-play"
1751608544,"neutral","lovestosing09","babysitting for the Paionks  thinking about going to see "obsessed""
1751608562,"hate","brend0","@snookca looking forward to the reading this post as I like your 'no bullshit' writing and often learn a few things"
1751608578,"sadness","EmilyLautner","@theDebbyRyan How does it look like a Ninja Tutle?!  xo lol"
1751608589,"happiness","MssMarilyn","Getting my hair done bout to hit the club ....... Ha see u later ....... Smooches"
1751608637,"happiness","mariadeangelo_x","Coool. - Weekend wasn�t that great, eeeh. Whattttever.  Friday was better than I expected it to be, so I... http://tumblr.com/x9i1qwu42"
1751608646,"relief","dinug","Mom, happy mother's day  love you. Thanks for everything. I'm sorry for being such a spoilt brat all the whiles. You are my HERO!"
1751608657,"neutral","projectcloud","@fynflood In the end the magic of 'And so to dream' wins, along with swaying back and forth within site of a sleeping mommy."
1751608686,"fun","JayMarZZ","@shootingstarmzx yup Florin cat foo sho, don't worry about the whole pix thing, I'm a sexy piece of caucasian sensation  lol"
1751608722,"sadness","JaqqiJonnas","Yeahh cenare lo mismo qe Rosher! ok ok Roger  wiii"
1751608727,"relief","KerrieBerrie21","The time Is 3.50am and if finished my essay  I can have Sunday off  woop"
1751608800,"love","ShirinSaadeghi","@amandabynes omg in your pic youu look so cuute !"
1751608831,"neutral","flying_monkees","@Megmatthews20 I'll try and find when they do it again, film it."
1751608872,"love","BJKeys","@kaybhart You WILL be succesful  Love You!"
1751608891,"happiness","shemightbedead","Just watched another episode of JONAS. Is it better than Hannah Montana? Very much true!"
1751608908,"love","ladymaryann","@tycrisp hi ty. good morning. happy mom's day to your mom. i love that your entire family is adding me on FB! i love 'em, very sweet!"
1751608924,"happiness","AmySellers","Starting out @chuckreynolds bday bash with a Blue Moon  - Photo: http://bkite.com/07k6X"
1751608934,"worry","camytang","@TrueBlue9 Venus is my fav character, too! LOL I think b/c she's strong, successful, and beautiful."
1751608953,"neutral","maliaOHHHH","At anthony's for prom."
1751609007,"empty","switcheroo","@ernymi Aural goodness"
1751609082,"sadness","jaquelinegarcia","I'm hungry. And single.  heading to the golfing range soon."
1751609100,"neutral","charlottebug","I'm with Alissa"
1751609197,"fun","EmilyMercer","having a bath with epsom salts and listening to carrie underwood"
1751609244,"love","ellievhall","So glad to be home with my family, quite glad I get to see @iflyhighsky in a week. Lots of things to be happy about."
1751609326,"happiness","DanaGoetz","@russiandiva  Tat, You looks beautiful and are a heck of a mama and business woman.   Dana"
1751609347,"love","___shannon","haha. i love you too aimeeeeeee!"
1751609364,"happiness","jrstanley","@assos Eh, it's alright - nowhere near the same quality as a standard keyboard, but still useful!"
1751609382,"relief","kittycoww","lifes been sweet ever since thursday    im totally livin the life right now"
1751609413,"neutral","djchrisallen","@eskimoem7 hope you have a great weekend Em, say hi to the fam for me"
1751609525,"relief","GerryCOnline","@dpbkmb Thank you for FF"
1751609549,"worry","PanNORA","@iampritty sweetie pie, buttercup, married ppl share hehehehehe.....this includes ur shoe collection  I am trading UP!"
1751609602,"love","JenSiopao","Why do you think people say, "save the drama fo yo mama?" I'm sure even yo mama wouldn't wanna listen to ur drama. Ode to mother's day!"
1751609684,"happiness","CherryRedsGirly","Get on a plane! Come drink my Cristal with me"
1751609699,"worry","wendlewendle","@monicacai is over"
1751609723,"worry","mystiquejewels","@DJSpencer19  true. i think its important 2 be sensitive 2 it when we relate 2 others. empathy. a reminder we cant judge a book by a cover"
1751609742,"worry","Peaches285","@watsjaydoin I've got 18 yr @ home & 26 out the house & they're always here! AND they bring FRIENDS! WHY?  Hope you have a blessed Day!"
1751609763,"surprise","rhythmoftherain","rain, rain, rain. wow i actually LOVE the rain...."
1751609791,"neutral","10ara","Take me with u eric"
1751609806,"happiness","nikkir0b0tz","See No Evil starring WWE wrestler Kane. You should watch it"
1751609883,"happiness","jamies102","@Afish0410 awwww jim jam  we're good at dodging meatballs WOO"
1751609898,"neutral","dewata87","@Ethereal87 You should try it. It's the way of The Deena"
1751609954,"happiness","ohthatsjuliet","The Black Canyon seriously have the BEST fusion food around"
1751610003,"love","carrie37601","@michelereinach Molly was born on my birthday!!!! *cue twilight zone music*"
1751610024,"surprise","bhelskie","Happy Mother's day mang!!! thank you and i love you"
1751610119,"happiness","notation9","McDonalds in the car.  http://tinyurl.com/onoger"
1751610132,"love","flatworldth","wish all the mother in the flatworld have a happy & awesome mother's day"
1751610136,"empty","samara7days","Miss simpatia: votem em mim!"
1751610159,"worry","cutiexpatootie","btw @austincarlile, @jaxinhall, @philipmanansala, and @youngfuego, i ordered some of yer merch yesterday.!  <33333333333"
1751610175,"neutral","ladymadonna8","@Ashie1004 interesting to see the differing accounts. mandy is always VERY pc in all her accounts. her robbie is a monk!"
1751610189,"fun","maru_merla","party in the beach"
1751610195,"happiness","_iDANCE19","@xxLOVExxPEACE yes  and i want you to keep going if you would ;)"
1751610212,"happiness","jessie001","@aprilllllx hey girlie!!!"
1751610262,"fun","AEViAN","@jazzii3phiizzl3 oh mm gee we got aerolas in the live tonite"
1751610286,"happiness","kogesama","oo. and studied today outside after having a ben+jerry's.. wearing a sundress, hopefully didn't get an awkward tan line.. haha!"
1751610301,"fun","RobMcNealy","@budceiling Sorry.  I'm a squirrellist, and I only talk to black or sliver squirrels."
1751610302,"surprise","emilyisomg","my favourite song tonight is cheer it on by Tokyo Police Club"
1751610385,"neutral","dethbylolcaust","@amyxstftk bahaha i loook like kung fu panda when i wake up in the morning."
1751610401,"relief","emtp1989","it sleepy time  [<cody>]"
1751610445,"love","VAinParadise","@mexiabill I love it as well!"
1751610471,"worry","Whatisupnow","Is responding to an email."
1751610484,"fun","kirikitten","@etherjammer  I think it's because I'm always offtopic and sometimes inappropriate (germination and "fruit picking" jokes, etc)"
1751610490,"love","nicholaschan","Now I like #startrek. Personal feels that #Startrek movie is better than #xmen."
1751610532,"happiness","jmoni","@onti1 have fun tonight"
1751610535,"love","sommerhennessee","awwww..I love him! His car was soooo CUTE tonight!! I love me some Carl..My 10yr old is sad now..LOL.."
1751610543,"love","MrsZookeeper","Had a great family party for our 14 y/o!  What a great family that God gave us!  Esp those we chose!"
1751610566,"fun","BUTTERFLYWHEEL","@SmBizGuru You are very welcome. You deserve #followfriday every day!"
1751610624,"fun","sbmczh","@tommyreyes OHHH my bad! yes him  heh heh"
1751641693,"relief","TheDailyBlonde","@StorySeeker lol...but they aren't here! I'll tell them to do that Monday. lol"
1751641709,"worry","sujal","@scarybunnies Abrams has his quirks for sure.   I'll summarize my post like this: decent flick, but NOT a "Star Trek" story."
1751641728,"relief","timmy79","@davorado Bet she plays on Medium and you play on easy too huh...  #iPhone #Fun #Game"
1751641807,"love","morningstar21","I really really like the song Love Story by Taylor Swift"
1751641817,"worry","NiraLinn","umm i failed 3 classes - mom's beating my ass in school on monday . RIP Nira .  " yayyy " (the "yay" was a sense of sarcasm) -___-"
1751641828,"worry","LizKpopped","@BruceOCz Thanks for the advice! Went to the doctor's and slept a lot yesterday  Must be the meds."
1751641916,"worry","SaraJobe2011","Just got a new Ipod.  Life's Good."
1751641936,"happiness","sweetdreamer","@actionchick  YAY! I love new ppl! WOOOOO!!"
1751641953,"surprise","Teppie0110","Dinner and A Movie with the Hubby"
1751642013,"neutral","jlotiki","@MariahCarey I feel sorry for your nails. lol... I feel fine thank you"
1751642035,"neutral","caedonsmom74","Aww people must be COLOR BLIND  HUH random1"
1751642043,"worry","usher","@mikewat that picture is priceless! i think @ericharlan might start #sharetub"
1751642048,"worry","audreylau","@minhteeeefresh haiiii sankQ i'm fineee ima js get a checkup cos my rib hurts LOL idk but i shall be fine ~ thanks"
1751642076,"surprise","scenexxqueen","@heytheredeahna NO WAY! i didn't know he was singing ROF thats without a doubt my fave he has done on idol thus far!! EEP~fangirl moment"
1751642084,"relief","rykidricochet","im officially done with school til fall."
1751642129,"happiness","BeeHell","i have twitter, sooo i'm pretty damn cool now"
1751642320,"enthusiasm","jdferries","@Lawrence_n_DC amendment 4.5: the right to be big pimpin? Because gotta say, a positive right at best. Man, 2nd time tonight w/ this thrd"
1751642321,"love","edukateyourself","@theoreo i don't want to do anything specific, i just want to see you and puppy!"
1751642342,"empty","teeco71","@aplusk I would think the pres would be afraid you'd Pun'k him"
1751642359,"neutral","NattyNatNat","@tommygun_ that is the truth."
1751642372,"empty","asteigle","decided that wolf in a future Star Trek Logo game would be much cooler than Chewy in Star Wars"
1751642391,"neutral","albertcmartin","@ellewhite Oh man, that's rough.  Sounded like the weekend went well!  Get some sleep"
1751642433,"fun","HalloranElder","As a reward for getting so much done yesterday, I'm playing World of Warcraft today. Yay!"
1751642499,"neutral","sharonhayes","A beautiful song for anyone that could use a pick me up tonight  ? http://blip.fm/~5ynxo"
1751642539,"love","a99kitten","@sonya415 hotness personified"
1751642548,"neutral","melissaashburn","@3guser im 16 too"
1751642564,"happiness","CandiceKei","@christian792 LOL we're such twitter addicts"
1751642583,"empty","MitaG","@Lo_Bosworth hey Lo!!!!"
1751642620,"sadness","labrt2004","My blackberry ran out of juice in the middle of the day...it was miserable! No twitter or email at my beck and call, truly awful"
1751642643,"happiness","Samuraiox","just woke up from a delightful nap. I can't desribe how much success is involved in an 8am nap on sat night....need rhubarb now"
1751642665,"happiness","tiboopo","Happy Mother's Day!"
1751642674,"happiness","rockphotogirl","Get to see and hopefully meet these guys next week at ROTR!! Can NOT wait!!!  Adelitas Way - Invincible ? http://blip.fm/~5ynxr"
1751642700,"happiness","1991shahan","On my macbook  Inviting Friend to Twitter  and Happy Mothers Day"
1751642805,"love","Reavel","@moncho33 A pues bien small world small world. yo amo a la chiquita esa. she is such a great friend."
1751642829,"happiness","JustinJesselli","@hobbz You really think it was that awesome? We'll have to discuss"
1751642835,"love","WOAHlyssaax3","just made a cake for mi madre  i'm goooooddd!"
1751642861,"relief","MarIaSinger","@SweetIsa it was a crazy time, nothing to be ashamed of that you were timid. you were osocute in your bashfulness"
1751642940,"neutral","c_benz","at the drive ins with daa crewww"
1751643033,"happiness","UglyGerbil","@cassowaryjewel Excellent point."
1751643123,"neutral","sueleeBAYbee","@tonysarti is it in crowntown? i think i may just meet you there? let me get ready and ill let you know"
1751643341,"neutral","stevenisfierce","@jeffreecuntstar they're getting back together for one more album.. or so i heard."
1751643343,"surprise","Tarii93","@1027KIISFM REALLY?  COOL!"
1751643429,"love","Opyo","@dgottesman Happy Birthday!"
1751643463,"happiness","aptg95","yeah! i made a drawing today and now im getting flooded with requests for portraits for people"
1751643490,"love","nomadcraftsetc","@gush4plush Congratulations! Check that one off your to do list!"
1751643583,"happiness","jewertt","Welcoming cimmarongirl  I'm so proud!"
1751643591,"love","SingNTenor","Teaching people the beauty of twitter"
1751643629,"happiness","zhankng","Ushers: You guys made Mother's Day really awesome today! Thanks for coming in early to prep the surprise gifts for all our moms!!"
1751643723,"happiness","Merebearrr","@Postlemonkey Oh, awesome, I have Yahooo!  Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"
1751643783,"sadness","dethbylolcaust","@amyxstftk actually, i really do. mostly when i forget to take off my makeup before bed"
1751643824,"surprise","samanthahub","Dakota just had a her first bath since being spayed... She was in Heaven!"
1751644001,"happiness","suzi98babe","@glossymom yeah i am getting to that point. Need a new phone anyway so its gonna happen real soon!!"
1751644067,"neutral","followerof_Him","@tree_frog... yes they ARE!!"
1751644144,"happiness","angieborrego","@taylorswift13 Mine too! Hayley is great"
1751644282,"neutral","starkiiee","Prank calls"
1751644345,"happiness","MrRobbyM","@MariahCarey can your 500 hrs of beautey school fix that?  haha"
1751644509,"neutral","Roqayah","@islamqa And you as well bro"
1751644586,"neutral","Mjean2790","@taylorswift13 Hayley Williams is pretty much amazzing"
1751644646,"love","mandalovesmusic","@taylorswift13 TAYLOR! are you back in Nashville now..or LA? well, how was your trip? did ya have fun? love ya girly!"
1751644647,"relief","GRETCHYiSDOPE","http://twitpic.com/4w9ce - my future car ! I love it !"
1751644678,"empty","blackwhiteworld","@goodlemax can you send me two coldplay songs?  clocks and viva la vida."
1751644693,"happiness","addieking","@justinsxe woot, woot! super cool"
1751644728,"happiness","AlexnAngel","@CherryBlossoms4 YEYYYY MADDY IS FABULOUSSSSSS GOD BLESS HER"
1751644749,"fun","pillowtalk6188","just got home from work. ready for chill time  shoot me a PM. aim: pillowtalk6188"
1751644752,"happiness","ConnorKaos","Had a ton of fun w muffin today"
1751644814,"happiness","campbellsarko","Bleah a tad tipsy and too many cup cakes. Maddies birthday tomorrow + family party"
1751644899,"neutral","angieborrego","I WANT A HUG!"
1751644958,"happiness","TizBanana","@AimeeLady The girls there last night would have let her! And I figure the boys would have enjoyed watching..."
1751644973,"neutral","philtreagus","really rather drunk  drunk thoughts - how am i getting to work tomorrow?! is loz alive?! does gandhi read comic books?! we will never know"
1751645076,"neutral","kristinskorner","Saw James carville in the store today. His head is really that bald"
1751645200,"relief","margaretdianne","Is it possible to pass out he your laying down? Bed soon if i can sleep <3"
1751645265,"happiness","clueless931","With my jordie for a little bit"
1751645269,"love","Girdl3r3tt3","Happy Mothers Day to all the mums in my life and those that are not"
1751645294,"worry","unjustmystery","Nooo, I'm not in love.  I'm just developing a crush. A small one. Heehee.  My second one. Shadduppp."
1751645375,"neutral","TheRaj","@EileenRight What phone do you have -- an old rotary?"
1751645430,"happiness","StephanieTormey","Just saw the new Star Trek movie. It was so good!! Zachary Quinto is amazingggg"
1751645471,"neutral","anewmode","@feliciaday I did laundry tonight too.  Guess I can admit that now that you paved the way."
1751645520,"worry","jgsayler","@sjowen I had a double cheeseburger and fries from The Golden Arches....I will be sicker than a dog tomorrow."
1751645529,"hate","718drtv","@amilliemills neva mind ya friend had called me jealous and i wanted to kno of what literally of what but its ova  is my tude now"
1751645547,"surprise","Mongoos150","Star Trek was actually really good"
1751645559,"neutral","jshelly777","@pianogirl4jesus oh yes! I was amazed! It was so nice! Next we can go drive it! That's if they trust us! Haha"
1751645573,"neutral","anneANDsam","@megzmegz <-- follow my girl meagan"
1751645587,"neutral","AshLeeNicole555","Gonna go make my Meme's Mother's day card then go hop in the shower and hop to sleep!!"
1751645592,"neutral","mopedronin","@zee8 cut it off."
1751645614,"relief","ivywrong","Made breakfast for bf; went to sears to pass my drivers test! stayed with minh for a lil, sauna&spa with aunt, uncle & mom; FINALLY HOME"
1751645728,"worry","danceKAYdancee","This is fun !  haha re guy from all American rejects looks like he's on crack!!"
1751645793,"worry","DenyceMartinez","i freaking LOVED star trek  now we're watching xmen."
1751645842,"love","ktsummer","@EdenQueenBean sure, as long as you said where they're from! glad you like them"
1751645843,"happiness","SHANEEZYd","@heffabella i dont know u but heeeeeeey  my name is shannn *extends hand* put er there. where u from?"
1751645871,"happiness","CandiceKei","@bumblebeex0 yeah the freedom is awesome, it's great being a little more independent"
1751645904,"love","Jahmilah","@chanterene feel better my love i will bring u some soul food make u feel good"
1751645909,"happiness","vallih","DW, that was funny"
1751645954,"neutral","Talk_iz_Cheap","These girls make me giggle  twinz twinz! Godda hit up the bbq in a few"
1751646030,"love","graveyard_tan","Please everyone to vote for me to become the next Maxim Coors Caddy girl...only takes a few minutes  http://tinyurl.com/dloeyu"
1751646064,"love","_thearoy","I need to change my ways, instead of just being weak. I love @ddlovato she's a great role model"
1751678394,"relief","eddieg88","its funny how people can forget their anger with the arrival of other people they least expect to see"
1751678412,"happiness","jadamae","getting ready for the concert tonight! YAY!"
1751678452,"happiness","jillhanner","@Kicesie or elope  I can't wait to see the pictures of you in the dress. It will be breath taking"
1751678466,"surprise","ksatt","first night in myers. just not the same w/out lydia!  but i'm actually excited about this summer!"
1751678471,"sadness","StEvEnFiErCeNeS","ugh i wish this school year would go faster so i can move on in life"
1751678551,"neutral","victoriabraun84","lao mein and spanikopita HAHA you would have to be here to know"
1751678622,"fun","tmray","animating an ad for work. One of my favorite things to do. So much so that I'm doing it on a saturday night for fun!"
1751678642,"neutral","julmo","@mmitchelldaviss http://twitpic.com/4u5h8 - leon looks supa' fly on that mini couch"
1751678656,"happiness","ArcanumEffect","Bass drum heads breaking equals bust. Who needs tickets for May 15th? You?"
1751678688,"worry","BostonTweet","Finally made it to JP Licks in Coolidge Corner for some Oreo soft serve   http://twitpic.com/4w9pe"
1751678693,"happiness","AllAboutThePain",""It's not rape if you scream surprise first." - my customer just said to me. Haha.  (via @OMGitsJessieLee)LMAO"
1751678722,"neutral","spot1975","has a little buzz from the epoxy paint"
1751678747,"fun","tayyxo98","just got back from six flags  wicked fun. even tho i almost died!"
1751678754,"happiness","HayleyyFitch","@musiclove18 haha thanks  its for history and its on how the invention of television has influence america lol"
1751678789,"love","thaisehygino","Writing my Music Lit final paper on Mozart's Eine kleine nashtmusik. Mom is giving me a hand...and I'm actually having a GREAT time"
1751678824,"love","kakakate","mmmmmm mcdonalds coffee is soooooo good.....maybe going to hookah tonight with the abbster"
1751678836,"happiness","bitihal","@JonathanRKnight BTW I STILL can't believe how Awesome the NEWJABBAKIDZ performance was...U in the masks..I screamed at my pc"
1751678870,"love","KSConn","nothing better than to have your Grandaughter smile and nothing feels better than that big hug!! Grandkids, what a hoot!"
1751678872,"love","insideanhour","@LeesonDoyle Haha, AWESOME! And, clearly, only Trinity is awesome enough to have access to it!"
1751678962,"love","beauche","@AnalystAlterEgo LOL! Yeah, well, same applies to the grocery store."
1751678996,"worry","PhallicWorship","Pictures of Cassie from the Crawfish Boil make me smile real big  Also, my desktop is still fail. Ultimate fail. It hates me."
1751679002,"surprise","DesiJessi","I just saw a shooting star... I made my wish"
1751679042,"worry","NYRunnerJai","@CeeTheTruthy what kind of food Celli? I'm following you now"
1751679064,"relief","TizBanana","@AimeeLady Lol... She is fine the way she is  How has your weekend been?"
1751679067,"happiness","Elizabethhere","just finished YSC runthrough for service! It's gonna be awesome!  - http://tweet.sg"
1751679103,"neutral","ilialiah87","Happy mother's day, mama. You're the most amazing person I've ever known and I'm so proud to be born as your daughter"
1751679114,"neutral","cheshster","@bain2 I'll help if you pay for my reactivation"
1751679133,"happiness","saman4","anyone excited for harry potter like i am. damn twilight postponed my first love   oh well off to find some hai chai"
1751679185,"neutral","dmizushima","@kenazuma actually I meant motorbike. Not much touring, but I commute when possible -- about 90 min. roundtrip so it's kinda like touring"
1751679303,"worry","EmilyLynneClare","Hmm...Whilst, walking through the city I received an inviataion into an SUV Limo via some prom fellows... Don't they have dates? Oh boys!"
1751679322,"sadness","Musikboi89","watching "That Thing You Do" on Comcast. Missing my boo like crrrrrazy!"
1751679337,"sadness","miseha","@ShebaBaby should be a rebroadcast of last weeks Pacquiao-Hatton fight. Don't plan your night around it.  I've said too much already."
1751679402,"neutral","Frank_Whyte","@ChiefEditor4SAU Thanks For The Follow."
1751679428,"neutral","aerodynamic5555","Why am I still away at 4am? Cos I don't have school tomorrow, that's why."
1751679479,"relief","princesstimetoy","@chaotic_barb I'm totally with ya.  I blocked the negative from my stream"
1751679493,"happiness","ColeGibsen","@SairzBillington lol, thanks  I think my husband would classify it as "annoying" - but I like awesome so much better"
1751679520,"happiness","ohhhbabyyy","@GericaQuinn lmao haha nice lolz it's all good though. i can wait  lol"
1751679532,"neutral","HelloKTanna","haul video coming up!"
1751679544,"neutral","TheRaj","@EileenRight Should work fine, as far as I know. *shrug*   Maybe send a tweet to @Verizon?"
1751679719,"empty","jessxwx","About to get crazy"
1751679741,"love","rdmeren","michelle is a hot mama with chichis grande"
1751679770,"enthusiasm","melerycelery","@LoveLinds HEY THAT'S SOMETHING I'D DO!"
1751679799,"happiness","reenalove","good morning everbody!"
1751679868,"worry","dansterdavid","@sweetsheilx Same to your mom too pril"
1751679911,"fun","mlasister","after prom party tonight"
1751679931,"happiness","parisshavelle","you are so right! @Adrianmw1"
1751679945,"happiness","choke_me","good night! im off to sleeep!!!! 5 am  good mornining! xD"
1751680118,"neutral","Maclintock","Played ball at the park, coached a youngster on fundamentals.. Goin home to steak and lobster.. Word up"
1751680179,"love","merrypranxter","Alright! Party was a success! We all had fun, & now it's over"
1751680182,"happiness","tracywriting4hi","@DianaRay1 I KNOW I'm so excited for them!"
1751680216,"love","jjugadawg","mmmmmm, late night Brusters ice cream! om nom nom nom"
1751680245,"love","jellyholic","Happy Mothers' Day to my mom and all the mothers in the world"
1751680327,"neutral","siriuslyheather","@superdes go with firefox"
1751680427,"sadness","DependsWhoItIs","@MeggieMouse what are you going 40 hours with out? i'd say my computer or my phone but i did that last week and i didnt care at all.."
1751680434,"neutral","kaylaAjonas","hanging out with ambyr"
1751680441,"sadness","Jessica3X","Sinse i had dis thing..not 1 reply not 1 message. Nuffin! pshh who cares..i know im special  X"
1751680451,"surprise","Eveningsdawn","@amandapalmer missed interview on NPR, ironic because listened to NPR all day on long fucking car trip, watching Needle now, looks good"
1751680515,"neutral","Sweetcakes16","@chrisettefan hhaha kewl dude!!  but if u dont know & he does have a reason well thats another story mhmhmh...does he?"
1751680574,"neutral","bitihal","@joeymcintyre BTW I STILL can't believe how Awesome the NEWJABBAKIDZ performance was...U in the masks..I screamed at my pc"
1751680620,"happiness","ClickyThePen","*PEN JAM CLEARED* CLICK!"
1751680636,"empty","taylornicole5","pretty tired.. was going to the movies but decided against it.. im pooped"
1751680652,"fun","GlennYeo","Just reached my Cellgroup leader's house and he is surprised that I'm dry. Haha.  - http://tweet.sg"
1751680724,"love","Detroit2LA","don't ya just love a free night to catch up on your DVR shows? ANTM here I come...ha ha!"
1751680726,"happiness","mosaicmoon","Yay! Made it home. Feels great to be back and it's still light out."
1751680868,"sadness","amandaaap","i had the best day ever! i missed him. more tomorrow too"
1751680889,"neutral","flybabymoni","5K done in under 60mins!NoBigDeal? Psst,I weigh 280lbs!Yippee!  Thanks @JonathanRoche #NEWO (No Excuses WorkOuts) & @theFlylady #Flylady !"
1751680914,"neutral","Cuttersftbll","@JonathanRKnight http://twitpic.com/4w9h2 better in person had to send u this, I feel like mouse from "The American Tail" . Over in RI!"
1751680924,"sadness","sg0287","Waiting tables is exhausting! My feet are so sore. Note to self: never become a waitress. Also, kudos to George for the awesome tri-tip"
1751680972,"happiness","CC_Cassin","The food here looks amazing! Our dessert is Frozen Grand Marnier Souffle, of course we have to eat @ the bar"
1751681009,"enthusiasm","victor_lucas","@stevetilley it was a lonely battle, my friend, but you fought valiantly!"
1751681039,"happiness","hkeys","just got back from greenlake.  it was such a nice day today!"
1751681094,"worry","brutus626","@blindllama i can do all that  but wha would i be learning?"
1751681178,"worry","elkieng","Back fr Doctor & officially hv v dry eyes ...  but at least nothing serious"
1751681205,"love","WalkingHorse","@Tellybelly1 Aww...thanks! He's the best husband ever. He really is. I'm so lucky!  Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday evening!"
1751681231,"empty","UnDeRsCore1107","@mileycyrus when u get a chance can u post a video of tinkerbell saying peekaboo i kinda wana hear him say it"
1751681342,"worry","jerennyofficial","@OfficialAthenaR haha. It does have a nice ring to it (: Lets get used to that. ok! iloveyoutoo."
1751681347,"surprise","bitihal","@DonnieWahlberg BTW I STILL can't believe how Awesome the NEWJABBAKIDZ performance was...U in the masks..I screamed at my pc"
1751681395,"neutral","shyni_shy","goin to sleep busy day tmrw!"
1751681397,"love","sharietaylor","having a great mothers day"
1751681434,"worry","MysticKnight","@debtguide Cool Guide.. My best Tip.. Do NOT Use Them Unless Absolutely Needed !!!"
1751681453,"neutral","amirahrah","@ekhazahar my cat!!"
1751681616,"neutral","gossipgirly21","If you are my other half - meet me in Groningen, please !!!"
1751681656,"love","gennyLinn","Zzzz... I'm taking my mom out for breakfast tomorrow!  Shall be quite a treat."
1751681679,"surprise","meatstack","@xmainer1 heading over to xbox  will go shopping 2morrow"
1751681682,"neutral","BrJacob","@jeglz Joe just put a new bulb in my spotlight"
1751681700,"happiness","chrisxbarreto","THANKS GUYS! 200 FOLLOWERS"
1751681709,"happiness","LadyProducHer","@inflight1  we get so bored with routine.. lol!"
1751681720,"worry","julielovestrav","@StampGarden PRETTY! I hope I win"
1751681841,"relief","a_ruby","after some pizzas, going sleep"
1751681848,"fun","kiamurphy","Spongebob sing a long. Amandas mom gave me and crystal jonas brothers calendars"
1751681856,"neutral","mopars0","@Blanquis26  Happy Mother's Day to ya tomorrow"
1751681873,"neutral","denisewarfe","@michaelqtodd read your status update & just wanted 2 b sure I was on your follow list  Hope u r having a wondefl wkend Michael~blessings"
1751681877,"empty","melynnda3","constantly looking at the clockkk..come on 11pm!"
1751681880,"fun","hanniespice","I don't care about netsexor cams or the route to heaven, however, #lobster sounds super good.  I'm almost tempted to go get some."
1751681998,"happiness","quinn_keshalyi","@plsdontgogurl That's the one. I wish I have a video compilation of @jordanknight's thrusting"
1751713356,"neutral","verdantardour","has had a nice long nap  http://plurk.com/p/stvqp"
1751713392,"happiness","88michael","@LiveCrunch haha  Thanks!"
1751713394,"neutral","godsgabelle","the apartment is starting to feel like mine."
1751713398,"neutral","NeverShoutNessa","Gettin home frm hangin with Herman"
1751713463,"happiness","tHMDkx3","walking home listening to music and singing to myself. :d Six feet under the stars"
1751713464,"surprise","KlaBrost","Oops!  My mom accidentally signed into my twitter account to comment on my pictures!"
1751713472,"happiness","sruthykumar","@charmainelhs then you must insist you write essays the twitter way - no more than 140 characters"
1751713477,"worry","BarbaraIsCoool","live chat soooon most likely."
1751713595,"enthusiasm","youngstar6gpth","on the north im BOOMIN!!!.. lol.. fucc the club dog i rather count a million buccz!!!..  ..THEY CALL ME STARBUCCZ BITCH!!!.."
1751713626,"fun","lostinfiction3","Writing and researching. Tired of being foolish, so I'm educating myself & moving forward. Gonna marry a white boy they do you right!!!"
1751713662,"fun","Ninnypooh","Go Canada they made Nikkie Payne #1 comic well she is soo yeah but she is only funny to pervs or teens or people in my family"
1751713710,"neutral","marineezy","watching laura's nephew dance"
1751713742,"worry","tayehansberry","@MelvinJames hey there.  How are you. Pleasant surprise"
1751713747,"relief","JamiRae","finally made it to phoenix!  I am home."
1751713767,"sadness","misssammibaby","I'm jumping off the nearest bridge if I can't have it"
1751713771,"happiness","vanstan","@lar206 just saw a baby blue regal with the word "SLAB" written in huge letters on the side  hahaaaa"
1751713856,"happiness","jenvile","@RussellMoyer olawd go see it, its priceless  soooo funny"
1751713867,"worry","moddyboy80","Whoops! Start Trek,...not Start! Duh."
1751713870,"boredom","Kristenword","@jodimariethomas hey Jodi.. what's up??ugg.. im bored.. i just made a sundae.. c u monday.. ( hahaha it rymed...) loll. cu in school"
1751713910,"love","yonaa","happy sunday all"
1751713927,"enthusiasm","JamesElliot","D-Lab on MIT Open courseware http://is.gd/ygt5 There goes my chances of getting any work done in the next few weeks"
1751713970,"worry","Dooomby666","omg having so much fun watcing house bunny, courto isa a ledge for sending me link  <3"
1751713982,"neutral","islandprincess2","@genuinecasper Ur friend @Laradolilly sent me"
1751714020,"hate","kirikitten","@Kenichan  It's fully of grabbyhands and bad candy, thanks! <3 How's you?"
1751714061,"love","Sassette","@kikkitigerwolf @FranciscoIV Oh, and the fan is put together & love it!"
1751714077,"fun","marinalynn","Dinner with Gma and the big sis by the water!  yummmmmm"
1751714082,"fun","CoxRocks","Is waiting for Foreigner start"
1751714100,"neutral","CheerfulHRGirl","@MrYoga I love my mom, she's the best mom on the planet"
1751714177,"sadness","WalkingHorse","@Strabismus I try to ignore..just noticing new M.O.'s . I LOVE Sonic drinks. Cherry limeade mmm"
1751714188,"love","justinowens","@sheasylvia Sometimes I wish Twitter had Facebook's "like" just so I could give you a thumbs up. Great job either way  - I suck too btw"
1751714227,"neutral","melz0812","now, in a weird mood  muahaz"
1751714305,"neutral","rochskidoo","is Level 58  http://plurk.com/p/stvri"
1751714379,"love","duhnielle","Had so much fun with j� and family  Happy bday my beautiful aunt! s2"
1751714391,"worry","bennylemaster","@titothebuilder how crappy for him"
1751714437,"empty","S4N4","Good morning"
1751714498,"neutral","Teeshurrz","@LiLViciousSODMG Yessir"
1751714533,"neutral","chefterridien","At Halu for dinner... Second time this week!!"
1751714638,"neutral","BrandyLionWine","@stuartdavis C'mon, we're talking about philos-ophy - the love of wisdom.   I need a "mat" - a context to intersubjectively "ground" it."
1751714642,"fun","emergency1124","@SaraBareilles That's a great point... but I'm not shitting in ANY! woods, Sara... you should know better.  Haha"
1751714671,"love","Just2CUsmile","@taylorswift13 i love Paramore!  welcome back"
1751714693,"worry","KennyNakai","@Sij8 2002 - the TSX is nice just cuz it's a new car- handles nice but doesn't have the horses of the TL-S"
1751714893,"fun","KianaLuvsYou","I would love to sleep with pete Lmfao   jk"
1751714907,"relief","creights","Make sure your mom knows you love her"
1751714948,"happiness","coolandspicy101","hey guys = ) i went to Jenny's house today!! i had so much fun    so how about everyone else? what did u guys doo?"
1751715041,"neutral","Tsukihysteria","@lyly_hameron I've seen those already. I link them in my lj post."
1751715054,"neutral","born2rokk94","Rox was funn . Amii and Bailey are here"
1751715062,"surprise","ellecolise","@richdeclue that's what she said?"
1751715067,"happiness","XO0ASHH","@KeepinUpWKris hope you have a great day tomorrow!!  happy mothers day!  let us know what you did"
1751715184,"neutral","heatherwagner","Getting used to this shoulder immobilizer thing. Even getting used to sleeping in the recliner."
1751715188,"surprise","NLA","@elliottyamin your new song is AMAZING"
1751715234,"love","theamericanxp","Feeling special @ looking4him first guy to give me flowers."
1751715242,"neutral","Dogbook","PeeWee is napping on the couch.  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/5608012"
1751715247,"happiness","mandyduong","holy smokes! star trek was freaking awesomeeeee"
1751715248,"happiness","digitalperfume","@geramie yeah I was thinking about that ,ahaha"
1751715353,"neutral","feliw","Dinner=Buffalo burger with provolone cheese melted on top with beefsteak tomatoes and spinach. Divine. Pic on facebook to come."
1751715388,"love","willeta01","@LaurenConrad Hey Lauren...I'm a huge fan! I hope you are having fun at Wango Tango!!"
1751715396,"neutral","edholic","watching keeping up with the kardashian on youtube"
1751715440,"empty","Wow_Rocks","just played volleyball?"
1751715466,"sadness","britttnicole","@xxyouSHiNExx hey! haha, yep! that was me! negative comments get me reallllyyy mad; so i always defend them!  haha!"
1751715490,"neutral","KellyShibari","@thomaskattus you asked about my SF schedule, dahling...maybe next time"
1751715505,"happiness","Smiley_Houston","Been Mother Day shopping....wow...big thanks to my sister for coming with me. Sorry about getting you drunk though"
1751715522,"surprise","Shannannagin","got back from the party...suprisingly awesome, NEED to dance more often! overall, awesome night"
1751715555,"fun","Lesbeau519","@BarackObama i heart you"
1751715564,"neutral","MrRobbyM","@MariahCarey she said, UR NAILS LOOK LIKE SHIT WHO DID THIS?! LOL, im kidding, i dont know what she is saying haha"
1751715578,"happiness","bellainthecity","With @MOBARZHARLEM walking the streets of Harlem. Home sweet home"
1751715583,"neutral","BChum","so very thankful for her MOM"
1751715589,"neutral","BigFan11","just got up and updated my ipod"
1751715687,"happiness","CrazyAngel93","@omgdarleny hahaa your awesomee !"
1751715723,"love","hayley_ann_2010","Just got done watching Bedtime Stories! Love that movie!"
1751715726,"enthusiasm","jordonlow","@TheYotesDiva Yep, I tolerate nothing in the facebook group"
1751715773,"fun","startittys","News of the Wierd is so entertaining"
1751715790,"sadness","nofxpr","Arrested in the hotel"
1751715798,"hate","JulianaMarie","@LiteratePervert kewl - standing by to be rocked"
1751715841,"happiness","AKAKimble","feeling like in 16 again - watching TWILIGHT & enjoying it"
1751715895,"neutral","bel7861","@Agent__0range can you make me a coffeeee?"
1751715988,"happiness","UCLAsian","I'm so proud of my NAU graduate friend!!! We're getting ready to celebrate  tonight!!! It'll be an international ordeal~"
1751715991,"neutral","springtimelove","@stars_are_fire Hii"
1751716012,"neutral","Diosce","@talindab http://twitpic.com/4w483 you guys look so nice"
1751716095,"surprise","magicboop","@BillohBill WTF!!!!  LMAO!!! *Just got hit in the head with bloody balls*"
1751716115,"fun","francesinsf","@ MGM grand, mraz on stage! No doubling back opener.  lots of old memories flooding back"
1751716136,"love","mp3mad","@christinerose Congratulations on winning the Indie Award"
1751716151,"happiness","spriyahita","have a good day  @tuanyia @mirandaspazz @augustblossom @amoremotore ? http://blip.fm/~5yomt"
1751716264,"worry","chaachaaaaaa_","@lovetf Alright, sorry. But I think you should go anyways"
1751716278,"relief","shuriwhite","Finally at home"
1751716410,"neutral","JVCA","@aurellion I realised when I got home that I left mine in your fridge - you're welcome to have it if you like."
1751716417,"neutral","zachbarbati","Is warm soy milk and amazake with cocoa powder and agave"
1751716419,"happiness","maxwellvintage","@capemaybooks alright don't want you to overdue it now. LOL you are funny  nite nite"
1751716420,"love","MeganandLauryn","going to bed. i love the jonas brothers!! the last time me and megan were together was the weekend of the premiere of JONAS!! -lauryn <33"
1751716571,"happiness","laurenATLx3","@mikegentile http://twitpic.com/4l85a - best kind of gum ever! I just bought a pack"
1751716610,"relief","aislingphoto","just got home from the show opening.  fantastic. thanks to everyone who came out"
1751716670,"fun","erin_welch","Helping with "kiddie church" tomorrow! Yay little guys!!"
1751716758,"sadness","javasmommie","76 long and painful miles today.  knees ache.  approaching 50 years is rough. not accepting it well.  3 glasses of draft helped."
1751716827,"love","SuperMaryAnn","@mrskutcher you guys are an awesome couple"
1751716837,"fun","jehseejones","has enjoyed her first day of summer"
1751716929,"neutral","AncientSoul","@Teresamerica politicians and celebs have lottsa fun  .. it's just that for SOME of them, FUN is actually ..  SIN"
1751716963,"fun","PourMeAShot","@BigGuitarStore I'll drink to that  #shotdrinksaturday"
1751716972,"fun","dclaryjr","@George_Mounce yes and it lasts way past my bedtime!"
1751716999,"happiness","okamisempai","@SecretVampire:  nice to see you on twitter!"
1751717016,"happiness","captainpj","@loyaleagle good catch!  Thanks a bunch- have to put up a new widget."
1751749038,"happiness","schmessicacohen","Had tons of fun, yay!!  On to after prom for lots more fun, horayyyayayay"
1751749047,"happiness","jmanas","Wishing a Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Mothers out there."
1751749105,"love","deedee_eatspoop","Sad thing is samsam loves my sexy crooked body! And she wants to sex it now"
1751749129,"love","shemah","@mrskutcher Happy Mother's Day!!"
1751749152,"happiness","MelvinJames","@MarvetBritto Awesome! that's how I wanna roll when I become mogul status"
1751749172,"happiness","bbybre","my new phrase is 'you never doubt mo williams'   six game win streak!"
1751749196,"love","melodieus","@sweetangieollie ooh a storm, that's always welcome news  Happy Mothers Day!"
1751749228,"neutral","hollyruth","is waking up somewhat. go canucks!"
1751749371,"worry","hellaKim","@TR0se school and work that's it really. what about u? still in sac? or am I a tittle late"
1751749429,"neutral","Devoted_Harpie","@terbear59 yes the new one, I adore both though  who doesn't love Vincent!!!"
1751749430,"hate","angel9293","i blame you all!  got it??? good :p she better be in good condition 2! <33 night"
1751749461,"happiness","charod","..my mother just WON the City of Terrell, Texas District 2 'City Council' Seat  ..i'm M.i.A lol HAPPY MOTHERS DAY"
1751749482,"worry","iAquarian","@inJenious Pics? Ah, I'll probably see you at work at some point... Hopefully b4 it grows out too much"
1751749490,"surprise","Ps8612","But I am on pg 145 of 165, so I'm getting close!  *yawn*"
1751749560,"love","b0sslayde","happy mothers day to all you mums out there"
1751749592,"fun","Cazper115","@xXmIxEdMoDeLXx im in schaumburg rite now ... and u want ice cream lol its type chilly outside lol i got ice cream here"
1751749612,"happiness","selkis007","mrskutcher & aplusk you two are to funny!"
1751749632,"neutral","lindseynhowell","good weekend"
1751749647,"neutral","billabob","@misshilarypaige i will HAVE to agree w/ u"
1751749690,"enthusiasm","lexingtonmm","@DanSherwood lannen fall?    we have a new EP coming out shortly.  I want you dudes to hear it!"
1751749768,"love","bluecrystaldude","@purplefrogcat Happy Mother's Day to you"
1751749771,"love","tim_from_oz","Happy mothers day to all the mums!"
1751749867,"love","montanaalicia","loves her mummy with everything she has. always and forever mummy dearest. (love to ma and nanny too,  xx)"
1751749927,"fun","Musashi69","@nyisles if you like those cookies, you are going to LOVE my cookies   Lars Tetens cookies that is. You coming to see us on 5/16?"
1751749941,"happiness","EricaMcKenna","just got back from my grandparents suprise 60th anniversary party...it was sooooo much fun!!!"
1751749975,"surprise","Demics","I dont care what kind of graphics or engines video games have nowadays. They are nothing compared to The Oregon Trail and Carmen Sandiego"
1751750013,"happiness","yourgirlsam","11:10pm on a Saturday... you know what that means! BEDTIME!"
1751750047,"happiness","jasra","had a very good day and is now going to get into bed!"
1751750050,"fun","CTesdahl","Updated blog. Shows You Should Be Watching: The Unusuals http://digg.com/u12w7c Go check it out"
1751750085,"love","bellebramble","Fort Greene Brooklyn Flea was lovely! - looking forward to next weekend already"
1751750118,"boredom","BBRRIITTTTYY","should probably do some house work  for my mummy think id better. would cook dinner but im a shit cook lol xx"
1751750148,"happiness","JenniferJackass","haha i just watch a funny ass video on youtube  made my day"
1751750191,"hate","BlatzLiquor","It's not now... Nor has it ever been Weigly North!! Have avoid drive home!!"
1751750236,"surprise","TheGrottoTweets","@OregonMJW Why can't you? Are you rooting for Ali in the Twitter war?"
1751750237,"surprise","bexmith","@etniqminerals it shocked D & I, too!  Puts things in a whole new, empowering, light... now doesn't it?"
1751750253,"relief","Wailingfong","@StickySoyChai well that propels people to change direction. No point wasting your days on something you lost the passion for."
1751750299,"worry","LuLuBelle1","@jo_dazzles Well tonight would be a good time to watch."
1751750302,"worry","SeekingtheSun","@TokiWartooth  Thanks! My mom's seed is larger and already cracked (and planted). I hope Avalina isn't a dud!"
1751750358,"happiness","partridge","I'm learning the guitar very quickly. It's coming naturally"
1751750361,"worry","DomArleane","Baltimore beat the Yankees  @Ashley094"
1751750382,"love","landrsn","Just snappy's delivered some tea and ice cream. I love my sister."
1751750402,"happiness","lindsayann1234","Going to church in the morning...happy mommas day almost"
1751750470,"surprise","sammcote","great party alenka!!  happy birthday chicky! <3"
1751750472,"worry","ShellieJaye","@15minsofmetal sweet, I'm trying to earn my crown for gluten free baking!"
1751750486,"love","jlsouthe","Tom graduated today"
1751750529,"worry","andrearawr","Just joined. <_< Not even sure if any of my friends have Twitters, maybe I'll just be a celeb stalker o.o"
1751750550,"happiness","sama_rama","http://yfrog.com/0guyoj bonfires are my fave!"
1751750552,"neutral","dropdead_laela","With matt."
1751750572,"neutral","Cocodishman","@suprlatina oh hey wasup chic! Ur right, I didn't recognize you.  Thanks-still love the hair!"
1751750587,"relief","MickeyTKnox","@moonfrye I thought I was the only one with the tags on the outside of my shirt"
1751750618,"neutral","nikatnitex","11:11 make a wish"
1751750716,"neutral","sheistheemily","@patricklanglois http://twitpic.com/4w52z - Patrick should come here and say hi!"
1751750773,"neutral","tristanjoey","Funny how hittin a sale at coach and bath & bod works makes my day that much better! Shopaholic? Guilty."
1751750793,"neutral","GoodTimesAreGon","http://twitpic.com/4wah5 - haha that's right"
1751750801,"happiness","thexC00l","I know my sunshine did wonderful today  I had an alright day! Text me twitterers."
1751750859,"happiness","aparajuli","@ExocetAU i always have those for my Champions League parties  Tis awesome"
1751750870,"happiness","Rebecca246","Its 11:11  make a wish"
1751750889,"sadness","Republican_Girl","We need to ban together and recognize that we aren't always going to agree, but that's ok  #tcot"
1751750916,"neutral","holidaycarclub","Brisbane - Ford - Falcon Ef - 1995 - $4,000  - new ad received and will be posted on the HCC site soon"
1751750966,"fun","strawhatasif","got back from visiting relatives...time to watch a movie"
1751751043,"love","nightowl","@emelgeek Btw happy mom's day to hannah and your mom and han's mom! Yey! Moms unite! This is your day"
1751751055,"happiness","lookaftrmyheart","Grilled chicken, broccolli, and water.  Yummy and healthy. Well until I put butter on my veggies but whatever"
1751751056,"neutral","kacawratu","per @ttorrent dew claw = thumb nub"
1751751167,"worry","sydus","now the party begins  prob wont be tweeting again tonight even tho im guessing we'll be up for hours, gnight everyone"
1751751179,"sadness","meganLwalsh","I got me a little too much sun today"
1751751201,"neutral","SherletaG","@Debessence Lol yes she was.  I totally agree with your blog as well!"
1751751228,"love","libbyred","@iandstewart I can honestly say that thematic had a big part in my blogging enthusiam ~ I love being able to do what I want"
1751751271,"neutral","musiqislyfe622","working on a layout 4 my page....prom dress is almost done"
1751751284,"love","weegingerbean","Steel Magnolias gets me every time.. SNIFF... LOL!!! V and B make my days and nights brighter too"
1751751299,"love","FunkyPaul","So happy. Great, glowy, ravey, beery night. Now smokey, pizzary night with cool friends. And I love liz  x"
1751751316,"love","Shad3s0fgr4y","@enderwillsaveme that's such a good movie!!!!"
1751751318,"love","aerial07","watching chelsea lately!  loveeeee her <3"
1751751332,"neutral","Mary_talks2U","I'm off for tonight good night everyone"
1751751363,"fun","rocknrollninja","@mikeyway http://twitpic.com/4vw9a - I'm not gonna buy one...nor two... But three! I will be the ultimate slaughter machine!"
1751751369,"happiness","elanorofcastile","@aoibhe   well, I couldn't get a real clear shot, but I've got the best I could...silly people walking through the admitting of the ER..."
1751751467,"love","sassy0315","Congrats @msdaisy425...so proud of you girl"
1751751468,"enthusiasm","meeshell78","@johncmayer What does it matter? We ALL love you.  Take your pick. HA!"
1751751473,"happiness","viaLovelyLuann","@heyitscheryl ooh like what? I'm planning on spending the night in as well"
1751751502,"happiness","jamiLeighAnne","watchin family guy"
1751751523,"neutral","MissShanaB","Its 11:11...make a wish!"
1751751532,"love","darkhorsegirl","@RSC_Girl123 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers have my eternal love. Benjamin.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"
1751751538,"sadness","lindsayejohnson","I wasn't going to go out tonight but looks like I'll be heading over to Main Street"
1751751558,"sadness","rain_butterfly","@BeccaChan Happy Birthday!  sorry for the blank one my sister messed me up."
1751751574,"love","ComcastBonnie","@SamBradleyTN i looooove me some star trek. runs in the family"
1751751724,"fun","ksmith228","@ginaturner i'm fake. . Is that the same?   ~K~"
1751751751,"neutral","drowcliffe","@chupachupgirl Thanks."
1751751863,"happiness","n00BEEBS","(L) ice grande half-sweet French vanilla soy milk from Starbucks means summaa's coming !!!"
1751751874,"neutral","ashleev","blogging..it's my new passion"
1751751925,"worry","jackiepetri","@AmyyVee didn't make it to 1000 but I smoked her.  She's at 60 and I'm at 260.  thank you! How r u?"
1751751957,"happiness","milofever","@KarlaaM_ A blouse! ahahaha I gave her money and she went to get it!  Where's your mom??"
1751752043,"fun","toplevel","@natashayi between the Garlic Pills, the Spider bite between your toe (LOL-Classic) and you always being hungry. U are killing me 2 funny"
1751752053,"happiness","SKG78","Thanks to @ksatnews and @doublepunching for the updates on tonight votes."
1751752091,"love","emergency1124","@saaphyri Girl, you're crazy... I LOVE! you.  Hahaha, and I GOT! yo' Lp Chap."
1751752125,"fun","aayatali","ellen degeneres and mcfly fans!  i say we try to get mcfly on the ellen show..how about it?"
1751752157,"happiness","CandiceKei","@bumblebeex0 awesome! maybe someday I'll find a book of yours on the bestsellers list? lol"
1751752161,"relief","btwilyrose","over him  finally"
1751783261,"love","whocares8410","At the end, i loved my night"
1751783289,"neutral","jamienelson_","@6uy i feel like a nerd saying it, but the new star trek looks kinda cool, i might see it haha. Let me know how it goes!"
1751783304,"love","Mommykins41","@kirstiealley ROFLMFAO!!!! You love us better, don't you!"
1751783321,"happiness","Kristen0312","I had an amazing night with my friends!!!  now I am losing my voice!"
1751783369,"happiness","Tzafra","@sweetdee15 Your peanut butter soup was amazing and so was everything else!  Your soup was just a higher form of amazing"
1751783433,"sadness","lilbutterfly","Just talked to @samgrover's cute grandma on the phone.  She only speaks Hindi-not my best language-but somehow we manged"
1751783438,"happiness","vallih","@tuffyr that is cute, a manly cute of course.  reminds me of a Scion"
1751783451,"worry","JohnMetBetty","@GetReadySetGo thanks!!  I'm a fabric addict lately - I've bought soooo much!"
1751783457,"surprise","Appilicious","@Dovidul2 really? Awesome!"
1751783530,"surprise","pbandjcreations","Listening to Metal Shop at Mooneys!! All is good"
1751783552,"neutral","mona182","#frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day"
1751783597,"happiness","katethegreat08","happy mother's day"
1751783632,"enthusiasm","ensredshirt","@chickieleighc That was nice. I Just ordered my mom her gift from me and my sister.   Something different and unexpected."
1751783635,"love","jiolasa","@mattgreen110 Yah, I know. I appreciate it a ton"
1751783646,"fun","Team_Burrito","@victoriabsb That sucks! Eat a Burrito!  They're way to fun! Hey check this out: http://backstreetpride.net/teamburritocontest.html"
1751783731,"fun","MilkNSilver","I've got jam! Oh yea."
1751783894,"love","daNanner","@bkGirlFriday thanks! You're the first one to wish me a happy mother's day"
1751784006,"surprise","suprlatina","@alane01 that couldn't be more true! I like ur momma's style!"
1751784057,"love","SarahQ","@bendthelight I heart you girls!! Let's hang out soon!"
1751784114,"love","BMCSTYLE","Watching my fav movie...Two Can Play That Game! "Ever notice how men start to act up around Spring time?" Shante Smith"
1751784115,"fun","claraelizabeth","perfect night in nj."
1751784242,"worry","iheartinterpol","At the movies. . . About to watch Star Trek!"
1751784246,"neutral","Kntillman","God is so good!!"
1751784307,"love","vromeo","I don't feel any pressure right now...    Happy Mother's Day people..."
1751784343,"surprise","ShawnnaLynne","ROFL - me too."
1751784368,"fun","hahaimryan","@baloneyFACE probably the coooolest thing we've ever done"
1751784417,"surprise","natneagle","@odrisck anything  bookmark - keychain - surprise me"
1751784435,"happiness","dorkussMALORKUS","@BeDimples Lmao dimples naww thats cute , ok ill try to remember first of winter is dimple day"
1751784475,"love","annatqzjw","crazy in love sfoot cover 4 that song is awesome better than the original well at least that's what i think"
1751784501,"neutral","Jason25329","@chelemodica i wish, 2:55 i Corning NY 2:56 in Ottawa and 2:53 in Corning NY a few years later... its only a matter of time"
1751784572,"surprise","Justtobe","So theres this boy. Hes so cute. Hes got a six pack.  yum it was fun touchin it."
1751784573,"happiness","EmmieGraceee","Smoking Maryjane is my favorite thing to do  speaking of ima name my daughter Maryjane Lakoda. Lakoda is mrijuana is latin<3"
1751784592,"fun","SusieSprinkle","@iamglennie how fun!  Invite her to the hhs group"
1751784597,"neutral","madisonlynch","to atl in the morning then back to Clemson"
1751784620,"love","Roxychic2887","today was a lovely day! I had fun with @sarzp and @harryv401 this evening!"
1751784686,"neutral","mikewat","@JoyKnows U see what I did there"
1751784712,"fun","audreyula","@emma_daarling haha yah it's walking distance from my house  Mission Tiki Drive-In haha every summer we go like every weekend"
1751784715,"sadness","djrosenthal","@sharkattack44 i wish there was an "i like" option (like fb) for things like this"
1751784736,"neutral","imjstsayin","@charyl most definitely"
1751784788,"fun","miky2jolie","FREE FREE FREE- just a pesky registration but after that  ENJOY http://bit.ly/rlQGu"
1751784845,"enthusiasm","ItsJoeLo","Im eating a salad  and rember to comment my new myspace pictures plz?"
1751784871,"happiness","StillyBee","listening to the falling rain...lalala"
1751784875,"enthusiasm","outrageouslyal","I have found the best songd to have stuck in my head are relient k songs...I know every word and can finish them"
1751784898,"enthusiasm","AprilFilms","@tayloregly I am filming musicans friends of mine  @Landslideduo at a Legion  These people sure know how to dance"
1751784910,"love","bah10","loving life lately!!!!  Looking forward to going to see Samantha! Hanging out with Natalie right now!"
1751784924,"happiness","mkates13","Strawberry margaritas + baked stuffed shrimp ="
1751784925,"happiness","jengzz","Makeup + cute dress = I'm ready to go"
1751784926,"neutral","heyyangela","Can you get me a sub from subway when ur on your way home?"
1751784937,"neutral","iCharlotte","@BadAstronomer what are these ones called?   http://twitpic.com/4wauk"
1751784976,"love","CBery","Saw Star Trek yesterday and Wolverine today....loved them both, Jackman abs and ass and Spock ears"
1751784990,"surprise","Tsukihysteria","@jlneveloff CONGRATS on graduating college!"
1751785053,"happiness","anidoll","its a beautiful,albeit, windy at times, night in So No...."
1751785073,"neutral","kimalojado","@David_Henrie Hey David. Did You enjoyed Wango Tangoo?"
1751785144,"fun","SharifPostal","where is the love by the black eyed peas, so many memories. Watching the hulk!"
1751785148,"worry","truesaiyanangel","Happy Mother's Day one day early to all moms everywhere---you deserve to have your own day."
1751785181,"happiness","JmacFan4","@DanWarp "Shut Up" was the line removed from the locker scene! I bet I could recite that speech easily! Dare me?!?!"
1751785185,"happiness","shoe_addict17","Figured out twitter for my phone"
1751785221,"relief","erinashleyJBfan","finally got my SayNow account up and running  YAYY JBs got a Canadian SayNow number!.. is anyone else using their landline phone? CALL ME!"
1751785276,"love","Pinelz","@jonaskevin I loved it! You guys are amazing!"
1751785302,"worry","blueeyesshined","@christyharrison iloveyoumoreeee"
1751785316,"happiness","JamieV5N","@BeccyR It's a program that shows all Twitter and Facebook status updates all in one.. it's alright, but yeah probably won't use it often"
1751785345,"love","4everequine","@OklahomaStar Good luck 2 u and the babies"
1751785384,"surprise","ubergeekin","The Mediteranian Kitchen...oh well can't get them all right."
1751785407,"worry","Barij","@AboveAllFabric  Hells Yeah. Block away. Just not sweet lil' ole me."
1751785484,"worry","asdquefty","@BPDINOKC Thanks!"
1751785509,"happiness","SniffapaloozaKA","A slice of pizza, a movie (Star Trek), and a shared hot fudge sundae @ Sundae House. Saturday nights are Date Nights again"
1751785511,"fun","ericplunkett","@veeiceekayi look, i'm following you!"
1751785543,"love","maxertheboxer","loves GOSSIP GIRL Episode 23, The Wrath of Con"
1751785561,"happiness","YoGeek","A gift to myself. PUBLISHED! Episode 68 Align and Re-Align with Sensitivity Level 1-2 75 min #yoga class  http://bit.ly/8QAgh"
1751785629,"relief","MissXu","@perivision btw - downloaded iphone 3.0 sdk"
1751785689,"happiness","Sabrinaa_","I just put my TV on the Canucks game and they score  yaay come on VanCity baby (I know, I can't believe I'm watching hockey either)"
1751785831,"love","boyofdestiny","SUPER BUENO FTW!!! I am so proud of you guys."
1751785869,"surprise","Brunette01","@cammyjo Tell me about it! What is obvious in real life makes for great entertainment on TV  It is great to try and figure out the killer"
1751785877,"surprise","giiab","@mitchelmusso!!! Tell us your experience! I Loveeeee Youu!"
1751785908,"love","JohnG500","@David_Henrie have fun dude. Love u on "wizards of waverly place"!!!"
1751785939,"happiness","nicolexawesome","JONAS was absolutely heartwarming. Now, time for bed. Goodnight!  @Jonasbrothers"
1751785960,"neutral","meowxgab","leaving radioboxer show. santos is a saint"
1751785986,"worry","phaedie","as we were disembarking @ Tswassen we saw a pod of killer whales ^^ i'd just finished pointing out that i'd never seen bc killer whales."
1751786006,"love","chemicalzombie","bye! off to the movies with jake"
1751786053,"happiness","lexylegassie","@DanielleAdalis the ending is te funniest, you'll see. ;) @JonasBrothers you know paranoif is always stuck in my head?? Love it."
1751786224,"neutral","TooManyHats","@larrioux Aha the mom super power - guilt"
1751786273,"love","GuitarLove08","@musicislife2010 Really? Bahaha. I love that you relate people to that. haha."
1751786282,"worry","annettebroy","Got to reconnect with some dear friends tonight.  I am so lucky to have so many great people in my life.  I am blessed"
1751786286,"surprise","Queeny_Bee43","Gonna celebrate Mothers Day with the family but gonna start the partying tonite"
1751786313,"happiness","wynterlove","such a fun night with Bekah just talkin and stuff. Wuv her"
1751786314,"love","newsage","I dedicated today to Mothers Day videos because without Moms (and Dads) we wouldn't be here tweeting."
1751786318,"fun","js063664","Gonna go drop some logs in the pool  back in 15 min"
1751786319,"love","Alliespace","http://twitpic.com/4wave - aww since its mothers day"
1751786339,"happiness","AngelinaMCole","lucky to be where i belong"
1751786371,"fun","JenBrockwell","@nathydiaz it was ok after all. a couple of things made us late and stuff but after we got there we had a lot of fun."
1751786386,"happiness","ETown_Lesley","Just got home from a day of pampering and shopping!!!! My white outfit is now totally complete"
1751786473,"happiness","LadyLove88","@Coodieranks Thats nice. My cousin just left my house. He has daughter's their all daddy's girls. So sweet"
1751786516,"relief","Zoekatherine","its awful breezy out here good thing they sold blankets!"
1751786528,"love","MariRamos","Happy Mother's Day!!!  I'm at the beach with my family. It's a warm, clear night with a beautiful full moon..."
1751786533,"fun","stolenzippers","Making a video for HitRecord... hope it comes out well, it'll be my first record"
1751786631,"happiness","misspatron","alone @ home... nice  very nice!!"
1751786651,"neutral","SoFloBoJo","@willemss Lol, eBay? You laugh now...juuuuuust wait."
1751786750,"surprise","jessLove311","Haha!!! Korn is FUNNY!!  ugh... If I drink any more $10 beers , I'm going to... Get fat! :/"
1751818251,"neutral","Bani","@SaundraYee hey, welcome to Twitter"
1751818274,"happiness","bekalowe","@Claymoore for sure! You and your wife seem like cool cats."
1751818343,"worry","hiithurshawn","diiinner  its sooo cold right here D:"
1751818347,"neutral","soashleysaid","So's your face"
1751818440,"surprise","merderfan89","@MerDerNeverOver just sent you the FC link, Courtney!"
1751818443,"relief","SKILLETfan01","@kakakatey That's cause Ovie is the one man team and when they show Pens highlights, it's the whole because we have more than 1 superstar"
1751818449,"worry","luvlyssa","@tiffrobyn lol what did Perez say now?? please don't make me actually go look"
1751818450,"love","twistedsunshine","@manoyjoe: thanks. happy mother's day to your mom as well."
1751818472,"relief","KristenSibbitt","Summer is finally here! Graduation in a week!"
1751818538,"happiness","allisonzayne","is hanging out with the roomies. I adore the 4 gentlemen I live with. Great people and a good talk when discussing boy issues!!"
1751818540,"empty","KROB614","@Lyricist_Juice yeah u do suck, but....... every 1 can't suck & still look BEAUTIFUL like u do"
1751818638,"happiness","_JLovell_","woah! I Love the new twitter app! So many new things to do. just got finished watching Jon4Lakers video on this and it was good."
1751818698,"neutral","ashleybbyx","@David_Henrie hey david, you're hot"
1751818703,"surprise","poeticstarlet94","I had a great time at the surprise party! We got him good!"
1751818775,"happiness","mkoper","what fun!  I got retweeted by a bot"
1751818788,"neutral","DJFruitLoops","@PerezHilton if u want i can send you the naughty snaps taken during teh same shoot"
1751818797,"happiness","annie_silly","@e__O lol but tiz a good song"
1751818819,"happiness","megrey80","Star trek was good times."
1751818823,"happiness","xjezzebelle","Crawling into bed super happy that the Penguins won tonight"
1751818835,"fun","anasmiles","@arielle_marie Justin Timberlake is sooo funny!!"
1751818845,"relief","musicenthusiast","Phase 2 was a success. Self discovery is vital. Phase 3 is only mins away. Cool & Classy baby! Shout out 2 "D" yeah mane!"
1751818852,"surprise","deighe_d","@theevilgumby oh that was when he went down to the crowd...how epic dude"
1751818863,"happiness","an0nymouz","@jtimberlake love the new website"
1751818865,"happiness","LeonTai","@Dynamomagician Dude you are awesome"
1751818871,"happiness","TheRealDJames","@penguinsnews Go Pens go, Gino Wins it for the Pens"
1751818876,"neutral","UmmRawrr","Just sittin here listenin to music.  Follow Me?"
1751818929,"neutral","s0l_uk","@sally_anne85 @CinnamonCloud you 2 are very interesting... in a good way.."
1751818943,"love","lisamusic2000","Mom's day dinner was awesome -  can't beat a taco loco - good times"
1751818944,"happiness","Gayatri","@ayanakamura0428 so excited for you and Paris ooh lala  i look forward to knowing you a long long time lovely ! hugs n kisses g"
1751818955,"neutral","CBCanadaSupport","<3C.B|| Mothers day tomorrow"
1751818956,"worry","ayesiobhan","today was alot of fun. i love my family ,sammy hernandez and caitlin hughes.  goodnight!"
1751818969,"happiness","chubbilypanda","loves John Mayer's updates.  And modeling in the hot sun... and being sweaty... jk. But seriously..."
1751819014,"relief","LM4U16","just got out of the shower.. man i feel good.."
1751819034,"neutral","simplylizz","my boyfriend just bought me tickets to american idol"
1751819150,"fun","thejenncarroll",""She threatened me, I patronized her, we didn't have anything to eat, but I thought there was a connection."    Movie night."
1751819188,"love","DisneyLuis","@Harley_Dude Very nice. Good night"
1751819211,"love","brightrayofsun","my Mom rocks."
1751819253,"neutral","cheergod2002","Up and at'm   getting ready for work"
1751819262,"happiness","BIZZLEBONE","Doin the Damn Thing Here at the Crib..Bout to Watch Star Trek... Yup"
1751819285,"surprise","1Kali3","@littlereddr WHAT! That's a sin!"
1751819343,"surprise","sweetdreamer","@tldavidson Actually there was this other guy I thought I didn't know but turns out I DID know from a previous party..."
1751819349,"happiness","AncientSoul","@Teresamerica oh yeah he IS!  .. you should see him when he REALLY gets going! LOL .. doesn't care WHO doesn't like it heheheheh GREAT!"
1751819380,"love","PrincessBoddi","@TheLonely perfect song!"
1751819425,"neutral","serenete","@equivocality nah, they look better  but i label the tops with the latin names and only access them that way... no need to turn anything!"
1751819433,"love","kareberrie","@kimberlyhopkins probably...why not!"
1751819434,"empty","UglyGerbil","@yoboseiyo Heehee, how did you know who I was talking about?"
1751819526,"worry","clarlune","@andylevy p.s. i heart your face"
1751819559,"fun","khiyari","Playing Ghost Online is really interesting. The new updates are Kirin pet and Metamorph for third job.  Can't wait to have a dragon pet"
1751819669,"sadness","stiinasteen","I jus planted a garden in my backyard"
1751819688,"fun","MarisaRAWR","New pickkshaa! If it's really big then it looks MILKY!  YAAAY!"
1751819700,"relief","thabrinablaithe","@orphanth i just had pasta  from pizzahut."
1751819719,"love","gcaat","@wethedan its my birthday too  but its the 10th of may right now for me.. and its probably the 9th for you.. happy birthday anyway"
1751819735,"neutral","Denise_Ramirez","today has been the longest day EVER! going to sleep.. beach bound tomorrow  good night twitter"
1751819737,"fun","lindaliuser","@10veisonitsway OHSHNAPSSS. is she pissed at blair as usual ? hahah. & yeeeah, i bake cookies"
1751819758,"love","DanaDodd","@mattlogelin http://twitpic.com/4wb52 - Such a pretty baby!"
1751819762,"neutral","Frank_Whyte","@ChiefEditor4SAU Who To Say Hi To And Who To Buy A Shot To. Lol. Jk."
1751819782,"neutral","carmelax","@honestlyx21 the one you have now"
1751819811,"empty","MeghanMaxwell","oh yah her and angel came and harrassed me and tried to break in my house!! lol  Burgen"
1751819859,"love","janellethorsen","@eritchardson  &, i'm sure mom'll have more good food waiting for you at home.  enjoy the good ole bed & your OWN room with no roommates."
1751819875,"love","octavianasrCNN","@mariramos hola Mari. Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy the family and the beach"
1751819878,"love","honey_dew2010","Cant wait to see my boy tomorrow"
1751819879,"happiness","miicaelaa","watching beauty & the beast  haha"
1751819912,"happiness","SWIGmusic","Thanks to good friends for coming out, hanging out and being our ears out there, you know who you are"
1751819922,"relief","eringwin","I should get a metal for making it to work this morning..."
1751819987,"happiness","julie_luv","@justinphillip. Awesome!  what kind?"
1751819996,"love","MatchboxGinny","Signing off. Mom's day tomorrow."
1751820000,"happiness","azapata007","Nice win by the Dodgers, 8-0 over Giants"
1751820024,"fun","penguinsfan","SNL is gonna be great tonight"
1751820107,"happiness","AnglCake17","Parrrtty!..Playing twister and getting tipsy!...well everyone else is lol"
1751820134,"happiness","DolledUpDal","whoohoo! just went to get movies and junk food  its a womens night mwahaha >"
1751820182,"worry","brandeelamb","@govinda108 um that's really scary, please be safe!  Btw ill be in orlando next week"
1751820255,"empty","morty1978","Delish  serendipity3"
1751820258,"surprise","feikoi","@Blue_Rose   *follows back*"
1751820270,"happiness","personar","got it? good. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!"
1751820345,"happiness","bsoler","@JanieceLincoln Ha... Totally go for it. You're a journalism major, so it's a perfect fit."
1751820381,"worry","leatron","@karleigh Can't wait, you & Katie always end up with some of the best interviews.."
1751820514,"neutral","DBWyld","@greggrunberg I think if I was Kirk, I would have probably stolen that sweet ride from you too.  Fancy in car phone ya talk through GG."
1751820556,"hate","bexmith","@etniqminerals though I have to admit that seems less & less tempting. who has time, when there are more complete packages to be had?"
1751820626,"love","steveHNH","Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I hope everybody got their mom something awesome...or at least calls to say hello"
1751820635,"neutral","PandaBone","White House?  This thing's a lifesaver: http://snipurl.com/hkuj9"
1751820683,"worry","ambersmart","@jt nope not yet. but we have to be out of this one before we close. we are closing on both the same day this week"
1751820727,"neutral","MarjorieHdez","at the yard house"
1751820731,"relief","emily_larsen","Today was eventful..."
1751820768,"hate","Azul_Azul","Sometimes I hate myself, but that's normal so I don't worry bout it"
1751820823,"happiness","AmandaPaigeW","@alidg take me with you!!!  Have fun!"
1751820832,"neutral","blue_raven","@shoot4the5hole Welly's the Pinball Wizard.  #canucks"
1751820857,"happiness","zipitjezebel","Watching One Fine Day while eating my cereal. Start a good sunday with a good movie"
1751820929,"fun","RenaissanceAsh","Following new other #sanctuary fans! See the wonders of #SanctuarySunday !!!  good to meet you all!"
1751820955,"neutral","NenetteAM","@daysgoby - thanks!  it'll be great    ... and even better as soon as I get that wallet in my grubby little hands!  lol"
1751820969,"happiness","izzieholst","is going to be in Cincinnati all day Sunday...visitin' with an old friend/brother from Korea, then a date with someone special"
1751820979,"fun","glambert1","Gonna read a story bout adam lambert online then bed. Nighty night"
1751820997,"worry","paigeymac","watching "Steel Magnolias" then going to bed. I have to babysit at one tomorrow. then give mommy her gift!  night, <3 peace.love.jonas"
1751821019,"worry","BrittanyPayne","My husband thinks my Twittering makes me a creeper... whatever."
1751821075,"surprise","indyank","Google goes pink today"
1751821102,"love","beautifulpirate","retweet please  awesome kawaii, anime and cosplay items: http://bit.ly/cUjXg"
1751821139,"love","Adamfyre","Ok. Night sweet people  I'll look for ya tomorrow"
1751821146,"happiness","kimh23","@Shaunie_O Awesome! My family owns it...The Flowers.. and we love having your kids there! They seem to have lots of fun!!"
1751851398,"happiness","CajunFerreira","@josieinthecity LOL!  good men watch the flicks w/us and just sigh!  this is a good flick so far it's called "Because I Said So""
1751851399,"relief","famousfollower","@SinnamonLove Yes we did!  Thank You!!"
1751851423,"happiness","Pretty_Major","@IncredibleLAGO I'd be soo honoured if u cld chk out my beats, perhaps sm advice on wat I nd to do 2 improve da overall sound of my music"
1751851434,"neutral","hillarylovesatl","@elissa_10807 I'm watching the 4th harry potter movieee"
1751851447,"relief","immaathlete","eating oreos and milk"
1751851452,"love","GiulianaMasi","@brian09 Hi, im following you now and i just wanted to say I LOVE FRIENDS."
1751851477,"worry","painfulblue","@vivid13 Good for you! I don't think I'll be joining later. I'm hyper as hell, though. WHEE!"
1751851500,"happiness","Buildabear96","@thatswhack74 aww that's sweet! i made a home made card and i wrote her a song...   it wasn't that much but oh well.."
1751851576,"happiness","Brenna_Bee","at dancing...waiting for my turn  hope i get my newww cd with the funky reel music todayy!!!"
1751851594,"sadness","Verne757","lots of decisions to make...i need an assistant/cook/nanny/chauffer lol lol but 4 real!"
1751851598,"happiness","suprlatina","@CocoDishman wasssup cocoliciousness!!! I knew u didn't recognize me!  how's ur daughter?"
1751851665,"neutral","citrawrenda","@louistm thanks to follow"
1751851688,"surprise","SwankySanctuary","@TexasGarabedian I'm seeing LOTS of SOLD signs"
1751851766,"worry","SavingEveryday","@HomeBizLiz thats rough. hubby had knee surgery but it did help him in the end. Let us know the results. We'll keep him in our prayers"
1751851925,"hate","kevinlunt","@Tigerfluff who cares its hockey"
1751851928,"neutral","Shruesky","im so tired, we have a great time today together, thanks for all"
1751851944,"worry","kaitielovesJAGK","@andrewgoldstein 11 30s way early! anyway nigth night  love you!"
1751851984,"neutral","JusBlazeMan02","@8bitBass man if you gotta whip it you gotta whip it."
1751852066,"love","aespejo104","In a @HANSON mood.. Listening to the older stuff... This Time Around. Not that old but old enough."
1751852075,"neutral","mjodom","has got a degree in BS."
1751852095,"enthusiasm","crimsonidealist","Can't wait for the next twitter."
1751852132,"neutral","drewtedesco","@taylorswift13 , finally, someone spreading the Hayley Love via Twitter. Welcome to the club, Taylor."
1751852145,"happiness","FoCUSED89","@4everBrandy looks like your having fun"
1751852150,"neutral","2012ad","@astrokitty75 Thanks! I downloaded the trial version of Stuffit, and it worked. Good advice."
1751852245,"neutral","dctat2grl","@luv_ai_08  Yeah hopefully but if not then maybe  i can save up and get it for christmas .. we will find out"
1751852301,"love","ilywithanou","@chriskoon aw, sure thing  their in my thoughts and prayers."
1751852348,"surprise","sngick","wants to wish all the moms a Happy Mother's Day.  Hope you're all treated like Queens!"
1751852392,"love","DinsterDobbins","@venzann I have yet to understand any sentence u have ever typed,but it's kinda fun-like learning a foreign language&I love to quote u."
1751852454,"neutral","hugocardoso","Good B-movie... Starship Troopers is cool! Citizen"
1751852523,"neutral","oohmarilou","Back in SJ. Star Trek tonight at 9:45pm at Cinelux on Almaden."
1751852560,"love","LaffertyAddict","Quick thoughts. Tired. Happy. Satisfied. Entertained. Excited. Oh... and a bit in love"
1751852613,"worry","Rattface","Greg back in the top 10. This is why I love Nascar."
1751852657,"surprise","romeoescuyos","says happy mothers day to all mothers everywhere!  http://plurk.com/p/stz7a"
1751852734,"fun","kaye_leigh","Guys. Just got someone with saran wrap. Tuesdays video shall be awesome"
1751852751,"worry","youngnatho","@ladybee_5652 ... =D ok wassup"
1751852779,"love","h_ayleyy","i like this Dr. Seuss quote - �You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -"
1751852791,"happiness","mbija","my two new favorite prayers:  "help me, help me, help me."  and "thank you, thank you, thank you.""
1751852823,"neutral","xxnalin","frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day"
1751853009,"happiness","Smaulren","@avenue_a The rocky kind! With little rockpools & octopi & shells & stuff. Now I want to be at the beach. Its the perfect overcast day."
1751853031,"happiness","nandeb","Thanks! carry on the craziness again!!!"
1751853040,"happiness","TimothyWilliam","2026 2164 6790 9128  Add me up and lets play something."
1751853077,"love","shamayyy","http://twitpic.com/4wbn6 - my hubby and his adoarble baby brother"
1751853106,"worry","alowrey","@alchristopher i know u r!  i wont be there til the 6pm service..will u be there?"
1751853117,"surprise","_LISA_RN","@Mrsdaughtry Some days you must look hard for that good thing."
1751853120,"surprise","xocarissajonas","well its time to hit the hey stack night yalls  TOMORROW IS MOTHERS DAY!"
1751853192,"hate","C_Joy","@lynnnein Bad rum experience in college - still haven't recovered"
1751853213,"sadness","tjdebi","@mbulatao oh no!!!! i hope its not too baad, tell mya i hope she's gets better soon"
1751853251,"love","InvisibleMan79","@devilishdelish awww, that's cute."
1751853305,"neutral","Shelbi_Kay","@mrskutcher nice clutch"
1751853320,"love","mizinha24","arriving at home now.. had a great time with friends today"
1751853331,"neutral","bizymare","@albo60s you must ask the Cubs fans. I can't fathom it myself."
1751853342,"love","wtfvic","Tonight, will be a good night  <3"
1751853373,"neutral","vicalexanderrr","Going Outro... Peace."
1751853402,"happiness","pandjcrafts","@vogleratmizzou yay about breaking 200!"
1751853416,"happiness","asnallar","@MariahCarey Happy mother's day to Ms. Pat Carey"
1751853468,"hate","KirstinVictoria","http://twitpic.com/4wbnd - dont worry , i let him go . i named him fishyyy"
1751853489,"happiness","obilon","@MaryCateOMalley Like the Simpsons? That's like asking, "so you like breathing?""
1751853522,"neutral","agentK","found a pack of United Red Carpet Club booze vouchers. Anyone wanting to have quite a few drinks there, come with me as it appears"
1751853587,"love","xxkristinexxx","Ok I'm going to go read my new Demonata book,so later  <3"
1751853648,"happiness","figPYBFO","FOOOOOD  yummy so. whose washing the dishes now ? NOT ME ! not i ..    rofl"
1751853679,"neutral","stephanierhenee","@derekcody oh ok. Well good for you...can I get some weather updates instead??  jk."
1751853723,"worry","apcoleman","Just got in a fight and kicked out of the bar. At least I knocked him out. Have a fat lip though.  Pulled another number"
1751853830,"neutral","claire_bear18","Watching a movie with sam"
1751853843,"neutral","superrach7","@ChrisMelly Hey Chris...met you in the AI line back in March when neither of us got in...haha  I'm sure you don't remember...what's up?"
1751853874,"fun","afqo","@TheRealMJ87 I saw the game not a huge cavs fan lol. they pay refs. But Yao's out 4 the rest of playoffs so L.a is cruising to the WCF"
1751853903,"neutral","twinbush","@ShepardsFaith I shall annoyingly tweet at you tomorrow."
1751853957,"neutral","jakedeleon","@perze my gut feel says its gonna be a boy ababa"
1751853984,"worry","sweetdreamer","@wordcharmer pffftt! You know how I like to stay busy!  I'm Awesome (and sober...dang)! How are you??"
1751854015,"neutral","pacomontoya","Editing all the photos I took at my brothers soccer game. He's got a lot of work to do as a coach."
1751854022,"happiness","Dak831","@chrissinicole I guess thats just how I am lol"
1751854091,"love","Kri_s","@AlMaddin  enjoy ur night"
1751854129,"neutral","ddfrisbie","@lawoogie That's just how babies are  Their little rhythms are still in sinc with when they were inutero."
1751854136,"neutral","TwiggyFace","Chicago rocks my socks"
1751854154,"worry","hthibb","is hanging with Bryant&&Hailee, possibly Lafayette tonight. 'nd i don't know why i keep updating this because i have 0 followers"
1751854201,"neutral","ImaPacifist","And the boss said thanks for all your work 2day  Peace"
1751854212,"relief","panjela","Four hour baseball game. At least the Crew spent much of it making the Cubbies look bad."
1751854217,"happiness","swim10346","@peacelovekelly and we will all eat it and be happy"
1751854259,"love","phyliciasian","@trswift hahahaha nice. i gave up on bio cos idk what the hell i'm doing, so hello chem"
1751854311,"fun","ellabella32","bowling with cousins  awesome"
1751854317,"love","kyasurin","The power is out! I can't seeeeeeee!!  I love storms!"
1751854331,"love","isusan","gave my mother her mother's day present. she loved it"
1751854418,"fun","gravityweakens","lets play some russian roulette."
1751854432,"fun","girljordyn","@Sarahbear9789 Haha thanks."
1751854436,"happiness","tessamarr","another bday w a special friend"
1751854438,"hate","skribe","@mahmood *cough* star trek *cough*"
1751854460,"neutral","mwredfern","@tonyrobbins it's ok to tell yourself, 'I'm different!' because you are."
1751854466,"love","ricemovesjoe","@ddlovato aw! she's super cute!!!"
1751854546,"love","babepretty","@zefrank have a lovely weekend"
1751854565,"relief","cnicoleprgirl","@worldfamousKid awwwww poor Drew... I hope you feel better before Krush"
1751854650,"neutral","MissBToken","@kid_twist86 strip club is picking up!"
1751854682,"neutral","hbaum10","@mshemoney Aw Yay"
1751854687,"relief","JennyErikson","@dexterlo feel better!   c's been teething all week & its been rough..."
1751854696,"neutral","viasatellite","On the phone to mum  http://tinyurl.com/otdn9u"
1751854724,"enthusiasm","anasmiles","@theteganandsara PRIDE next weekend in Long Beach!!"
1751854734,"worry","chrisg00die","is feelin it"
1751854761,"worry","JoeyHavenLiegh","@thebadhousewife  Goodnight."
1751884781,"neutral","LiveLaughShop","Playing bingo with my mom and other old ladies"
1751884820,"happiness","SherylBreuker","Just watched the movie The Holiday. I had forgotten what a feel good movie it was!  Lovely evening."
1751884823,"relief","lpsimper","Ok, time for bed. Good night Twitter"
1751884904,"worry","lbcollin","@siempreuntigre It's the fact that I need to get through half a course by 9 am tomorrow morning that has me down. I'll be at reunions!"
1751884973,"happiness","JonaJonas","Just at Starbucks with Farrah!"
1751885078,"worry","Hockeygirl12809","bored.. almost mothers day"
1751885079,"happiness","Da_Bitch_XOXO","Going for a ride! Perfect night to go out and chill"
1751885086,"happiness","JenBrockwell","Had a nice dinner with mom! I've started the chicken rolls. They are going to cook overnight. The rest I'll do tomorrow."
1751885146,"happiness","MySweetEbony","please check out www.mysweetebony.com and lmk what you think  ... my first paysite ... post up your site too!"
1751885207,"happiness","tashababyyy","i need to see @betsycon7...now! someone buy me a plane ticket, please?"
1751885216,"neutral","mavipoo","@visualheart another purse? Need to see photos."
1751885231,"happiness","MarylTweets","is NOT watching Star Trek tonight. But is heading to a lovely dinner and fun board games night with @chrisweis"
1751885280,"love","clarkie_16","@jtimberlake good luck! I have no doubt you will be hilarious. really hoping to see you dressed as some kind of foam food item  and go..."
1751885284,"fun","Camillewyatt","WH Correspondant's Dinner Rocked! Wanda Sykes was hilarious and Obama wasn't too bad  Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there......"
1751885285,"happiness","missJS09","Watching one of my fav movies Sparkle  + go get food later!"
1751885288,"neutral","SarinaSuicide","FAWXING CRAYONS"
1751885335,"neutral","StaceyWapak","I'm up way past my bed time.  gonna catch sum snl."
1751885422,"neutral","eedennn","With Russ and Joe!"
1751885460,"neutral","awfuldirection","@lostinthesound  Chris' baby was born today!"
1751885475,"worry","SKILLETfan01","@superfro432 Is it bad that I'm sitting here watching a #Pens replay and getting excited? I think it's the coffee, but... Who knows."
1751885487,"neutral","bluefur","@JorinCowley I see. I guess there must be lots of Hawks fans in Texas on twitter."
1751885533,"neutral","Scyranth","@TheBetterSexDoc nice quote as always!"
1751885680,"love","UrbanGlamxX","@LisaTheDiva all late but I seen your bubble tweet video ) awww"
1751885692,"worry","thisgoeshere","@CarCrashHearts what do i have? lots of stuff."
1751885744,"fun","chrup","this week has been fun...i hope next week will be even better  NYC in 19 days"
1751885760,"love","MelinaPlaza","Watching TV with the best people in the whole world !!!!! My Mum and My Sis Agus (: Love you all ! Twitter you later ha"
1751885800,"happiness","jordancon","Listening to dashboard confessional & counting down the days until the @varsityfc concert on May 16th with @ashgoz"
1751885817,"love","gracecho94","just came back from karaoke & eating dinner with emily. it was sooooo much fun"
1751885907,"happiness","Dacramsey","@coleryanxxx yes LOL that's good one .remeber that bottoms are always the top ."
1751885908,"happiness","CircusKitty","@BabyPatches I had a very good day - lots of stretching and sleeping in the sun"
1751885947,"worry","kaylascott","just spent an hour doing a dino blog on myspace. i loveeeee dinos! <333 Oh and the movie was really funny."
1751885950,"fun","EvanZinser","Bioshock is as fantastic as the first time I played it. Now sleep then more Bioshock tomorrow"
1751886003,"neutral","wordcharmer","@sweetdreamer I'm not too bad. Just trying to get by so I can live the dream AND rule the world.   Saving up for a super hero costume."
1751886008,"fun","BROOKSjbphoto","@JENjbphoto totally digging the napa valley idea! I can deal with wine and a limo ride"
1751886019,"neutral","NadineZawacki","@DuaneCoffin then maybe we should ask Him for a raise."
1751886032,"relief","Michey_x33","Going I sleep today was a long day happy mothers day to all the moms out there"
1751886103,"love","flipanese_mErvz","happy mothers day to all..im gonna help mine right now.she deserves it..you guys should too.."
1751886121,"worry","CooperCraigM","is hittin' the ole dusty trail w/ Miss Morgan."
1751886143,"neutral","Beyondshay","One taken from earlier this week!  http://twitpic.com/4wb42"
1751886180,"worry","taylorbeckett","I'm sadly dissapointed in the show ''Jonas''. Good shows on disney= hannah montana & wizards of waverly place."
1751886221,"neutral","derekcody","@stephanierhenee ha... I thought you would enjoy the Family Guy reference... and I'm more bored than you"
1751886224,"fun","rndspringer","@jumblejim "A hike in the woods with four little kids couldn't be that exhausting, right? Wrong."  LOL.. Try downright masochistic!"
1751886245,"fun","SinnamonLove","If you guys would be interested in watching me get tattooed tomorrow, let me know!"
1751886295,"enthusiasm","JeanOfmArc","Writing this post on my new iPod Touch!"
1751886346,"enthusiasm","MOHFANZ","@jadedcreative did you find me a spot on your team??  wink wink."
1751886351,"relief","aukestrel","@zeenell when we were poor and lived in Germany it was our favourite cheap Saturday. Now we have one 20min away."
1751886366,"fun","AlyyyxJonas","that party was a great time  just got 'paranoid' by @jonasbrothers as a ringtone! yay"
1751886381,"empty","Poisonbykoolaid","Missy higgins kate voegele grace potter and the nocturnals"
1751886449,"neutral","semipenguin","@IdRatherBeSki @siriuslyheather They follow my"
1751886518,"neutral","KellyG5","@KellyOlexa hey girl  How you doin? Did ya hear my BIG interview? http://kellyg.roneyzone.com"
1751886544,"happiness","RobertZepeda","Margaritas with my Momo. I've missed her."
1751886564,"neutral","FFMusic1","@GiulianaRancic I�m also watching a movie with friends (twilight)"
1751886586,"happiness","stevegarufi","@Pamela_Edwards Heh heh. Odd but amusing. Thanks!"
1751886614,"sadness","kristenmdory","@melissa_paige92 AMEN! Clearly, if they did know you, they wouldn't be able to say that! You're WONDERFUL!  I get it too, though... sucks"
1751886662,"worry","FollowAnoopYay","no @AlexisMarie23, I can't make it to the tour. I'm from Philippines"
1751886683,"happiness","govaughn","@PaulaCampbell Happy Mothers Day Paula"
1751886733,"relief","darjeelingtea","@DC_VulcanRaven thanks again"
1751886904,"fun","_tri_state_","time to go swimming in the freezing water at kalies. yeah!"
1751886914,"happiness","enthymeem","@Personal_Trainr Thanks for the link.  It made me smile"
1751886931,"happiness","pederson","@Joannah11 I've had @hempware for a while now, just in case. And yeah, I start work there again tomorrow. Very excited"
1751886999,"enthusiasm","E_M_I_L_Y_","Said The Whale & Mother Mother? OK!"
1751887003,"love","G0DisADj","@David_Henrie haha i WISH i coudl meet you.. you should stop by seattle some time  home of the STARBUKS ;) I LOVE YOU DAVID!!"
1751887029,"fun","despacil","happy thats its finally summer  and cant wait to turn 21 on weds!!!!!!!"
1751887107,"surprise","lizzg29","So glad I'm finally done with finals!"
1751887132,"neutral","Jonotorious","Get into me not going. lol at least I didnt get my hopes up"
1751887158,"enthusiasm","pamperry","@robinware Did you see Star Trek? Now I can't sleep.........too much action. Can't wind down!!!"
1751887176,"fun","asphaltcowgrrl","@DakotaCassidy Hah!  Sparkly ones at that."
1751887246,"neutral","awfuldirection","Back from SOAP, soooo fun."
1751887262,"happiness","THabsburg","@CrysWinchester HAHAAH! Crys, you blowing the fuses is a typical move"
1751887314,"worry","davidsupreme","Yay we're gonna leave earlier!  Can't wait to get back to Hawthorne!"
1751887348,"happiness","AncientSoul","@Pamluther I'd like to put your fruity article on my website if you'll permit"
1751887401,"sadness","xxsweetatixx","@theclairemarie I can't, I'm studying so I don't fail  Come over, I'll make u some tortellini or chicken or a chicken salad."
1751887414,"love","julielovestrav","@ADKmama I'll have to add your shop to my favorites! I love your needle wraps. Right now my needles are all in a mess in a basket"
1751887554,"neutral","PuppyToast","@CareFtw *points at Facebook message*"
1751887570,"neutral","nezzle","Happy Mother's Day, @ninalo"
1751887611,"neutral","NikkiBoon","http://twitpic.com/4wc1k - jake is signing up for a twitter!"
1751887625,"happiness","joyouscomms","Feet hurt...finally in bed...will not forget this crunch when it's over...very very productive day today though"
1751887630,"love","Emariee","Watching snl because the love of my life is hosting"
1751887631,"surprise","joshw","working my way through a Myst maze while my video exports"
1751887744,"surprise","matildham","Baby girl scraped her leg in a bike accident today. Couldn't find any gauze, had to use panty liners and medical tape to patch her up."
1751887784,"neutral","LukeBro","Please visit http://vzerohost.com/info and sign up to alpha test my image hosting service!"
1751887951,"sadness","f00fyf00f3rz","hey everyone, whats up? i got another hour and a half of work so tell me something you think i wouldnt know....this should be a good one"
1751887994,"empty","jazzy71492","with thee ladies getting retarded"
1751888023,"love","OhhCore","@Izzy_Artest  LOVING YOU. Haha =] join the club than! lol please  HAC 36 or 40cm is calling you. Jon told me about Ron, you can do it! LOL"
1751888063,"happiness","StephalliJane23","Wearing "purple with a passion" by OPI and I absolutely love it!!"
1751888101,"sadness","AlyssaCherie","outta the shower, too bad justin couldn't spend the night.  haha"
1751888139,"happiness","bunnypuffs","http://twitpic.com/4wc1y - Cracking myself more & more up..  PhootoBoothingisFunForBunny Volumen Eins!"
1751888186,"worry","rawrvee","Dad just gave me his old BlackBerry. Not that old... But it doesn't even have a scroll ball. I want that Bold."
1751888315,"happiness","Imatoughcookie","Today was fun  I <3 meeting boardies! The acoustic set was just soo phenomenal!"
1751888323,"neutral","semipenguin","@IdRatherBeSki @siriuslyheather They follow me"
1751888344,"love","BubblesFoster","Watching SNL  gahhhhh Will Forte is soooooo funty!!!"
1751888454,"neutral","Blanquis26","@billzucker thanks will try to behave"
1751888461,"neutral","grimmith","cookies are good"
1751888468,"happiness","LauraGuthrie","Time for bed!  Hope your saturday was as lovely as mine was..."
1751888496,"relief","annabananananaa","enough for today, good night all"
1751888498,"surprise","natewate","i am so going to see transformers on imax.   SO EXCITED!!!"
1751888658,"worry","uvifera79","Be my Yoko Ono and follow me wherever I may go !"
1751888820,"enthusiasm","AlexaNDYE","41 Followers? Random people, but okay!"
1751888842,"love","jessnicbitt","watching SNL   yay for @jtimberlake hosting!  I love him"
1751888851,"love","camiwitch","Mother's day has already began! Congratulations Mom! Love u and u know it"
1751918306,"happiness","emiluvsdemi","watching my new season eleven dvd"
1751918323,"happiness","tori_saam","JONAS rocked tonight!  going to bed after I write a lil bit... Night and bless all"
1751918379,"love","GustheBoxer","@mixhelle I *heart* Elvis"
1751918417,"happiness","SirDarkseid","@Kevin_AnR_Shine Feeling pretty good. You should check this out http://www.myspace.com/bigcitymonkey Just saying."
1751918450,"love","StarshineAngel","@erikarbautista ! HE HAS A FAVOURITE! You're his favourite ;) OMGAAH.   sorry for creepering? ..not really lol"
1751918463,"neutral","OneFlipsta","Don't hide your smiles  - http://robo.to/OneFlipsta"
1751918497,"neutral","KristenmKelly84","Watching Body of Lies...good film"
1751918519,"neutral","V_A_","@TerrenceJ106 how's the fam? Well I hope."
1751918563,"love","julesy","@paintedwhispers i miss morimoto! he's too strong a challenger i guess. oh, watch ace of cakes at midnite! they're doing a 'Lost' cake."
1751918587,"neutral","MFKAOZ","Just got nudged by Diane."
1751918719,"love","hazelbird","@Styla73 Tis a book...called Love, Sex and Tragedy. Highly interesting. Influence of classical on modern world"
1751918790,"worry","LadyLeeT","@jyamasaki Ok.. so what do you think of a snapshot befoooore the vid recording on Seesmic so the ladies dont look like freaks? just sayin"
1751918803,"fun","icarlyfans","@TxKFilms Yay! have fun"
1751918807,"love","mrjessMCK","I Love the lady from the Progressive commercials she's so funny"
1751918838,"enthusiasm","Jers3y","hi twitter people"
1751918860,"worry","pbnjammy","@mrskutcher http://twitpic.com/4w9zb - must... stick.. my... thumb.. in .. chin... dimple!! lol  my hubby has one lol  but his is un ..."
1751918977,"worry","iFeelLessAlone","yay i hit 50 subscribers on youtube. go me  lol."
1751919035,"neutral","ferris_is_boss","@emily_laiter we already discussed this today but yeaaaaaah"
1751919043,"neutral","axigy","@devbanana nice! no idea about C++. try IBM's TTS works great IMO."
1751919165,"happiness","juliesee","okay the new jonas episode was awesome"
1751919171,"neutral","xxnalin","#frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day"
1751919174,"enthusiasm","klvonallmen","got a lot of shopping done today...really excited bout my new travel journal! Going to go to sleep watching a movie with my cousins"
1751919256,"surprise","bakerboy864","whoops...  not  in my last tweet"
1751919348,"love","Jules8","@wesdunn haha no kidding... I listen to them all day long bud"
1751919353,"happiness","susanne49","Back in New Mexico again! Happy Mothers day to you mothers out there!"
1751919407,"neutral","SillyGilley27","Heaven- Bryan Adams"
1751919480,"love","lucasnap","Happy mothers day in 25 minutes everyone"
1751919486,"happiness","burnthatbox","@vardenrhode Many thanks, mate"
1751919508,"neutral","Maighstir","@LadyFarrahGiano how's the baby fever"
1751919574,"surprise","Lovevas","@bubzbeauty awww. i wish i had a younger sis ): but i do have an older one!!! i bet your younger sis loves it JUST as much as u do!"
1751919604,"worry","alligator54","sitting in bed thinking"
1751919618,"relief","lerey","@asiareeves I'm just glad it turned out okay for you!"
1751919673,"hate","crystalwithasee","@reinamexicana garcia bend- learned that lesson last night! I thought i was gonna throw up! Got our tix for fashion show at end of mo."
1751919688,"neutral","bendor12","Watching JT on SNL"
1751919737,"neutral","VLightning","Om Nom Nom RICE PUDDING!"
1751919754,"happiness","egdirgomhcirsXe","LIVE FROM NEW YORK ITS SATURDAY NIGHT!  finally a new one"
1751919755,"happiness","Shareena_","had a lovely breakfast with mum...yummy pancakes"
1751919759,"relief","SandyAllnock","*happy sigh* Mom liked the flowers I sent! PHEW! It's never a sure thing with her"
1751919840,"love","kaayerod","They have some BOMBBBB food & dessert here at Prom. I'm sooo satisfied hahahah  Everyone looks pwetttty!"
1751919847,"worry","4everequine","@WalkingHorse New constructions poping up all over there now"
1751919902,"love","oheisner","on our way home after seeing Rodney Atkins in concert...I Love him! Thanks Bob"
1751919968,"happiness","ToksieOlu","@johncmayer Haha your humor makes me happy"
1751920009,"neutral","DebintheWind","Want: Trip to Boston next month. Need: Addit'l motivation to save the $ to do so.  Beloved daughter wants to go with, which = 2x the $."
1751920135,"neutral","jasonfbenton","@WhatsUpGuru Yeah, I hired some guy named Lenny to tend to the rabbits this year."
1751920213,"worry","CristinaDeHart","Ready to chill on the couch and watch a movie"
1751920257,"happiness","Shon_More_Oh","My inner desire is to go to an isle in the middle of the Mediterranean to soak up the sun; Good night... as I dream that inner desire."
1751920266,"happiness","K_dell","finally packed...thinking its time for some sleep! Ready for Chicago!"
1751920313,"neutral","jenniferfiddler","loves my new twitter background...my two heros...wichita and kraussey!  haha"
1751920383,"love","schizophrenic_","@xsparkage http://twitpic.com/3qfqo - awww cuuute! i have a black cat too but she's only 2 months old"
1751920414,"neutral","Congal15","@geraldnapoles College cops: they get suspicious when they see more than one person in a group together."
1751920428,"empty","zzzaney","just sending a twitter from the club! i twittered u"
1751920439,"neutral","xxnalin","#frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day #frenchieb-day"
1751920460,"fun","agweyland","Bones (the show). Check. PB & J. Check. Writing my play. Check. The simple joys are still here, even if the greatest are gone."
1751920534,"neutral","scubadivergirls","@SustainableSeas I do now. thanks for turning me on to them. I follow them on fb but was not here."
1751920550,"neutral","gabiib","@patricklanglois http://twitpic.com/4w52z - hope you're having loads of fun!  i love and miss you all, boys."
1751920602,"love","SweetPeaAngel","@LittleGigiGirl ?Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? And many more!"
1751920844,"happiness","TweepToTweep","@teamwinnipeg  Gerry, THANK YOU for following me!..help spread the news...further...I think this will be cool...thank u thank u thank u!"
1751920890,"love","sarahhhhhrose","@nicksantino i love youuuuu nick santino! thirteen dayssss"
1751920893,"fun","nowthatsmint","@google aahh google, you never fail to make me smile http://twitpic.com/4w9rp (via @richiban)"
1751920908,"neutral","DavidFeng","Found which exit to take. Thanks @Tianjinology."
1751920930,"love","jenniferjoyce88","@joelmchale Please give a shout out to my boyfriend Ron Griffin at 10pm show in Denver. He's in the nosebleeds, so really SHOUT out"
1751920982,"love","Xx0xc4rlyx0xX","Just Saw Confessions Of A Shopoholic...Totally fell in love with Hugh Dancy's accent!! :3 Need $20.00 for tomorrow, new top i want!!"
1751920998,"neutral","LisaIGotYou","watching @jtimberlake on SNL"
1751921002,"happiness","ShannaElizabeth","is obsessing over chris pine  heehee..."
1751921059,"worry","PIZZLEPOWER","Jus hit the casa, changing my swag cloth. Would it be the Pradas or the Dunks tonight??"
1751921071,"neutral","JessDubb","Ok I'm done...  SNL time with #JustinTimberlake my vanilla BF, and @PrincessCiara my girl crush, no homo lol"
1751921097,"love","sweetcherrypop","@torie007 have a great night, it was so nice meeting you last night! You are a sweetheart!  xoxoxo bye for now."
1751921120,"love","KaryGarcia","Getting ready for mothers Day!...I love my mom!!"
1751921140,"love","jchris","@rootify if you've ever seen the way @atduskgreg uses his browser he probably has like 5 copies of it running.   http://bit.ly/1doEEj"
1751921145,"happiness","moonicaa","omg  @nicolekennedy i found it  thnx"
1751921154,"neutral","iAMtasticBER","@spaaluhi bleh yeah we just got over some vog but I'm sure that's nothing compaired to what you get"
1751921187,"happiness","musiclove18","@mrs_nickj07 Um....Nicks Voice,Smile,Eyes,Laugh,and Hes a Great Rolemodel"
1751921218,"neutral","djsarXD","watching 3rd JONAS ep."
1751921233,"happiness","TheGreatMebo","started a great mother's day season!"
1751921309,"happiness","keithmatthew","@Hstreet96 always good to see you - even in cyberspace"
1751921385,"neutral","BradBrutality","Just realized you can get arrested for public disturbance. oh well i'll take my chances."
1751921392,"love","lephova","@o0CHiiNKz (blinks fast) its better now ... Lol thanks :-*"
1751921402,"empty","writesfortea","awwww look at this motherfucking POTUS  #nerdprom"
1751921454,"sadness","TatianaToT","@rafealAnthem http://www.CultureShockMag.com  shoutz 2 @DeeJaySchemes the mix on the site is gonna b nervvoouuss"
1751921518,"worry","bbell04","@loveashlay How about I make some more and bring u sum?"
1751921566,"happiness","wetaworkshop","@AliciaWag hehe - about NZ being the most magical place on Earth."
1751921609,"happiness","jrwasu","@Jakpedz you should come out!!"
1751921676,"worry","NenetteAM","@janicejenelle - thanks... I may have narrowed the location down to the car... hoping it's there"
1751921718,"happiness","hester1992","Jumping im the shower after a long day of work  it shall feel ahmazing I CAN MATH!"
1751921747,"hate","Ja_x_heart","Watch movie must"
1751921789,"happiness","ParisSophia","@YourboyH thank you broooooooo!!!! I've been out of the twitter loop today!"
1751921888,"happiness","GaByDiAz","@ Butlers watching Dr. Farmer rock out w/ the hispanic Jimmy Hendrix ... drinking Cosmos"
1751921927,"relief","LittleMZlilBIT","@Reicya Thanx sis I'll b sure to let them know how many people r praying w/them..."
1751921935,"worry","Kikirowr","@shadowcelery It's great"
1751922047,"neutral","LateFines","@hismuse I sent you a message."
1751922055,"fun","ashleysegars","Live from New York, it's Justin Timberlake!"
1751922081,"neutral","mikioalmasy","@miayuthao: You must rest, don't work hard  How abt Cr-chan ?"
1751922082,"happiness","MadisonxxJonas","OMJ! The 3rd episode of Jonas is too great! They are so funny. I wish I was the Pizza Girll. Lol <3"
1751922083,"surprise","rmwood21","wait...why didn't I know about this wedding? Aren't I supposed to be in yours and vice versa?  btw I know it's not yours"
1751922104,"happiness","natcch","has decided NOT TO GO TO UNI TODAY!  http://plurk.com/p/su0yr"
1751952411,"love","KevinCole509","@stephenhartley Lucky...and a wife who loves me."
1751952413,"surprise","smilelaughitsme","@phantomdata lmao I'm glad you guys liked it"
1751952432,"love","laddiecatherine","So twitter is a journey now.  well, okay."
1751952465,"happiness","abbeyallen","Finally off work!!!"
1751952503,"happiness","elysemize","@DonGeronimo dear michael sorce, you crack me up! sincerely, me"
1751952540,"happiness","bridgeyj","@laniew the exact one i was thinking of  the bestttt."
1751952560,"neutral","wendymilkshake","Finally a Black Disney princess."
1751952568,"worry","TheRealHawaiian","Surfing the web..."
1751952571,"neutral","seoulcitykitty","@CaseylParker yeah, now ranga makes sense"
1751952577,"neutral","shelg64","just listened to Domination by Pantera on Grooveshark: http://tinysong.com/36pz"
1751952606,"love","heatherrawrr","watching my baby on snl !  baby you look greaaaaat ;)"
1751952613,"love","sandlotgames","@zownder Hahah, thanks for the Tradewinds Odyssey bump."
1751952700,"neutral","Peasinapod","@flybabymoni Well the one thing where you lay on the floor I couldn't do all of them....I'm very out of shape"
1751952718,"neutral","LCW1993","my skype is - laqueshaa (just cuz everyone else is saying theirs  and i'm such a loner D"
1751952739,"relief","natalieloves","@nickasaur hey nick  how are youu? x"
1751952757,"worry","BillTamminga","@dudeman718 Have you seen Wolverine?  Might want to change that pic.  There's a new sheriff in town."
1751952761,"empty","spy_barbie","@_supernatural_ http://twitpic.com/4w8cw - Mishaaaaaaaa!!!"
1751952782,"happiness","paudevera","'Cause you have that effect on me, you do ? ?Currently loving Hey Monday. Thanks a lot, @alexrellosa."
1751952811,"neutral","ichichy","@putrinda sti's doin' just fine  how bout you?"
1751952881,"relief","diabay","@Poekasso Howz it going hun??"
1751952918,"happiness","kerwinsentillas","11.40 AM. I don't wanna wake up. Shoo, roommate, shoo."
1751952947,"happiness","ali4619","@glorianatheband hey guys!! saw you in st. louis and LOVED you.. would you ever play in CT?? i met you outside after and u were SO NICE!!"
1751953000,"hate","travelfrancey","Almost got sharpied in the face while falling asleep  being sick sucks!!!"
1751953026,"worry","sg1padawan","@jsie We got out there and the cafe was booked solid. LOL Doesn't matter - Mum got some plants anyway."
1751953066,"neutral","mannymovies","I made Christian Bale laugh today...I told him he's not my man-crush anymore   I'll post my fun interview with him very, very soon!"
1751953073,"neutral","JandeeH","@twospotgobi - thanks for the reply. Of course it doesn't really explain it  I googled it but found no explanation."
1751953090,"fun","albumcoverart","@johnwyattedgar i dont really trust the judgements and vouches of @brandy_xo   jk. i'll think about becoming a friend of yours"
1751953139,"worry","mthgmz","I need followers!!!"
1751953153,"fun","Demi_Lynn","@annaeeee my youtube channel? Demilynnmusic haha cause I love 2 sing & stuff so yea"
1751953172,"worry","millymarie","Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation. Tis nothing, but pure insanity. Can I have the title of Queen of watching bad horror films?"
1751953245,"sadness","travisbonner","@meli_beli haha yeah u did, oh well theres always next yr  chin up princess hehe"
1751953263,"neutral","StDAY","@eeshkapeesh haha. Okay.  have fun with that. Haha."
1751953282,"neutral","AdamBMusic","@livelikemusic Awesome! Saw you added me on MySpace, could you please >NOT< tag me in the photos there?  Thanks."
1751953300,"relief","drewwill","Hawks lost but it was a good time"
1751953322,"love","breatheinchange","Passing out  early  after the  river sounds amazing. To my cozy bed  with my cozy dogs"
1751953326,"happiness","HarryHopkinson","@slashfilm peter!! follow me!! oh and have fun in europe!"
1751953358,"worry","mamajuicy","Learning how to jerk and stanky leg at sunset cliffs. headlights spotlight  with colorado and fam"
1751953368,"love","SamanthaEnnis11","@ashleytisdale http://twitpic.com/4t4jv - No joke my puppy Maddie looks EXACTLY like  Maui!!!  she's so cute!!"
1751953369,"relief","mcraddictal","@mcrfash1 that's great!"
1751953751,"enthusiasm","KINGmoney","Bran!! Watch my video!!!!! please dont make me go stalker status 2nite  http://bit.ly/3Ysav"
1751953755,"fun","thekittycat","@DaRealMrDevine lol! I thought we was suppose to guess..damn, I tried tho..lolol!"
1751953768,"empty","okwtfshawn","Going to bed. Hung out w. Aaron and Robin then took Aaron to Sunnys."
1751953790,"worry","cassienash","We are in the State of Cheese - YUM! Green, moo-cow pastures everywhere, and super friendly Lutheran's too"
1751953820,"happiness","maribel_eg","I painted my nails metallic blue but I�m really sure about how it looks, it�s a pretty weird color!! I think it�s cool"
1751953835,"happiness","bkGirlFriday","@bella456  im going to my inlaws tonight.  hopefully my new niece will be there!  who needs kids when my inlaws have them all for me!"
1751953840,"relief","sabrina215","fiiiinaaalllyyy home after driving all day. speeding ticket. torential rains. ... fun times"
1751953849,"love","Hogman49","@Jennajmsn  Hi Jenna. Hope all is well   Just thinking of you and wishing you the best! Lots of love from over here in New York!!!"
1751953867,"fun","marta_p","Taking the dog on a walk..the weather is perfect rite now  @patty_p sucks becuz she didn't come with me hahaha"
1751953994,"happiness","seoulfood12","Going to Jack's for dinner with my BFF!"
1751954119,"happiness","sizzler_chetan","You should retweet others good tweets at least 10 a day to get involved into things at twitter"
1751954148,"love","michandrade","greek season two, i love this show."
1751954166,"fun","___shannon","@aimeelynne you are right. haha. shes not that bad."
1751954274,"fun","Dogbook","P-Nutt got a new collar and leash today  http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/1034415"
1751954283,"happiness","JessicaForseth","SNL with Justin Timberlake!"
1751954338,"love","Denise1692","Edward Cullen. <3  Hahaha."
1751954344,"fun","NeelyMosca","On my way to dazzle bar!!"
1751954366,"surprise","PeanutGregory","Happy Mother's Dayyyy. Love you mummyyyyyyyy"
1751954458,"love","ameebalawejder","LOVES that lubbock is wet..its about time..no more strip runs"
1751954520,"surprise","sammykoch","My my I have never watched so many movies in one night with my mommy"
1751954532,"neutral","donziebright","@msmack9871  I'm only telling the truth..... You know you have skills"
1751954547,"happiness","XajaSilversheen","@cowpunkmom Sweet deal! I so want to see that movie! Methinks we may have to do a Star Trek movie night some time, hmm?"
1751954594,"happiness","JuneLee","had a awesome day!"
1751954643,"neutral","erwinromulo","@ageofbrillig nice one  what do you suggest I order there?"
1751954662,"surprise","saintpiercing","Message me to book your piercing appointment now !"
1751954699,"boredom","longm","Time to get off the puter. Nite all."
1751954757,"surprise","andieegarza","@gleannignacio hehe true. i wonder what he will come up with"
1751954765,"hate","AlluringBri","@NatalieAurora lmao according to the away, they're there. current focus: tripping, ugly pics, same dress, fat looking"
1751954781,"happiness","adiraina","live long and prosper  #fb"
1751954782,"love","audreyboox3","i love love love silverstein.  work tomorrow. boo!"
1751954831,"love","hellasally","I love that my boyfriends loves my mac n cheese. he even took some to work with him"
1751955037,"surprise","caligirlx","uqh soo boredd supposedd to be asleep cuzz i have too wakke upp earlyy but i juss cantt sleepp.! omq tomorroww iss mother's dayy"
1751955040,"love","stevegarufi","@Cortnee4Christ Made so many new friends on Twitter around USA. Another bike across USA trip would be amazing to see people!"
1751955067,"neutral","annalizzle","Just gave my mommy her Mother's Day present...a purple ipod  http://twitpic.com/4wcpt"
1751955107,"neutral","twstdgrl","happy mother's day to all moms in the planet!"
1751955210,"happiness","mis_lissa","Noticed Wellwood has all his teeth in tonight, that's nice"
1751955238,"love","Heather_Hans","i just wanna say happy mother's day to all the mommy's out there"
1751955269,"relief","JennXOXO","@MarissaC500 Aww!  That's so sweet!  So glad she's home with you now. Happy mother's day to you"
1751955283,"surprise","weblittlepieces","@spicydesign Look at this ! http://twitpic.com/4wcqa  I can't see them at all. What the heck.."
1751955416,"neutral","drmkatcher1","@mrskutcher yes he is hot. you all make the perfect pair. very sexy and stylish. Have a wonderful mothers day"
1751955433,"happiness","shiellamae","OMG... Folding my laundry and matched ALL socks to its perfect pair!  Good laundry folding day it is"
1751955444,"happiness","wesayrachel","Everyone going to the hometown show is excited they get to go on Thames Street. I'M GONNA SEE THE ORIGINAL THAMES RIVER, BITCH. ohhhh."
1751955453,"worry","HeleneVolturi","@afton_volturi ** Slaps self on forehead **  Pardon me!"
1751955487,"worry","tee_gee","also @haveitsweet your caramels are like crack....  just thought you should know."
1751955494,"worry","esteniaortiz","Ima go to sleep long day ahead....And its all Benicks fault ,i so dislike him. >=( Well Good Nite World!"
1751955586,"neutral","LisaCool","@TerrenceJ106 i wanna join the twit Club......"
1751955593,"love","Donnaweathers","Hoping all my friends who are mothers have a wonderful Mothers's Day. I'm spending mine with my 2 AWESOME SONS!   so happy about that!"
1751955605,"neutral","IslandGirl3572","Wishing everyone a good night"
1751955677,"fun","ahsan","@MoreDior if u can smell goodness all around you and energy of big city and pinch on butt feel real YES u are in Chicago"
1751955844,"happiness","love_the_game","@vulcansmuse @lorirusso still waiting to have a beer with Moldovan. At least he's happy I came."
1751955858,"worry","thatkiddVic","Yao is out for the rest of the season! NOOO!..staying home on a Saturday night...SHOCK....got my phone fixed"
1751955859,"relief","TurnMySwaggaON","Y is it when I luv someone I fear them? i just wish someone can exsplain it 2 me"
1751955868,"neutral","natalieloves","Going to bed. Goodnight!  x"
1751955900,"happiness","shelby_says","THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON!!!!! I'm so excited about this fucking movie"
1751956028,"happiness","prez2028","After sleeping in  the rest of the day was busy. however, I got to spend the last of it with my favorite babysittee (the kids are great!)."
1751956062,"happiness","ww35mm","@mundah and I'm really glad you were able to watch the game"
1751956111,"sadness","PrincessBoddi","@ObviousLB *bows*  I try...sometimes it is hard"
1751956202,"neutral","NikkiluvvsU","@TerrenceJ106 heyy terrence u should come to my school on May 29th for our talent show"
1751956264,"neutral","im_nlfb","@rilwis V?a c�n m?c 800/day t?i qua"
1751984995,"love","vetters7","Buenas noches!! Hope I dream of either heaven, music, dolphins, or the sea. Sweet dreams to all"
1751985018,"happiness","teeeeeef","@WatchMeRise youre very welcome....you deserve it!!"
1751985042,"relief","MelBell10","@Mattdavelewis Lol Your tweets are so funny! I met you in Calgary! You're awesome  Can't wait for the next HP movie!"
1751985062,"neutral","Jen_Safrey","@Dhympna Sweetie, if you refuse to offend, who will?  We expect it -- nay, we count on it."
1751985094,"relief","NatalieeVee","Very tired from a day of awesomeness and cake    Now time for a bit of sleep."
1751985169,"fun","makinitrite","@dustyedwards  Those dog pic had me  ROLF!  The one  with the snow stuck too it  has that "if looks could kill look" way funny"
1751985207,"worry","jorgeepower","@madfatter I just re-skinned. Still figuring why tweetsuite isn't updating"
1751985220,"fun","Rachel_aka_RaRa","@BooG_PopuLarEnt awww boog u aint been on in a min....hey to ya.  but that's whats up enjoy ya'll selves especially your lil cousin."
1751985225,"relief","coyotetoo","@Praxilla As opposed to twitter, where all we can do is talk to people.  SL is fun. I already have way too many ways to distract myself."
1751985334,"fun","DJLEZLEE","@nickiminaj pleeeeeease pleeeease make me a dj drop"
1751985468,"happiness","Aiysha","@Roqayah good morning"
1751985495,"neutral","dmorelandphotog","@msdahlia got the txt - holla when ya need me"
1751985508,"surprise","OneEyedMe","What if Twitter was really called "Twatter"? I'm posting a Twat!"
1751985509,"love","noahrachell","@stevecarell Hey Steve.   I think you are such an awesome actor. I love every movie you are in, and I love The Office."
1751985536,"worry","alyssaxHerr","With sean s. watching house of a thousand corpes"
1751985592,"love","tariseasee","@trishapocalypse  and I luh you tooooo"
1751985667,"love","doki_doki","@jovialjen The fever's gone ... Thanks Jen!"
1751985694,"happiness","derricko","had a GREATTTTTT day    taking Liz home now. <3"
1751985705,"love","jck_espinosa","let's make this last forever."
1751985753,"love","brightondoll","@oreoking awe thanks"
1751985785,"happiness","mini_ritz","@missSHANNAbaby YAY  u get to see ddub again ;) those 5 men always keep me happy & motivated"
1751985812,"neutral","SolaScrpturaMan","@swfanworks --that came to my mind. So I said it. And it has now been adapted into my family's vocabulary"
1751985953,"fun","PEACE_LUV_JONAS","@JoeJonas1Fan1 haha yay for crust  (i tend to be a little weird when im super bored lol)"
1751986073,"surprise","carlchua","The ultimate shirt folding tool (http://www.flipfold.com/)- I saw @sheldoncooper using this in one of Big Bang Theory's episodes"
1751986084,"worry","BigBK","K now that, that fiasco is all wrapped and good too go  back to studying for midterms =("
1751986107,"love","theresa162","@deleise @nataliewitcher I miss all you OK girls.    Happy Mother's Day to all y'all."
1751986115,"surprise","molliealley","he's pretty cute."
1751986120,"happiness","Ms_Tericca","Is enjoying staying in the house today"
1751986160,"love","Jakeyybear","I mean i'm tired, and sooooo freakin in love with my @airrbear."
1751986257,"neutral","uncalculating69","after 11 months....back to twitter again"
1751986326,"surprise","alcalx09","who said i can't wear my converse with my dress?"
1751986364,"empty","dreamcartelpr","shouts out to @DujourMag and @jkldesign"
1751986389,"happiness","Domm_LoveLife","Ouutside in the city talkin to trey trey  i misssed him"
1751986395,"relief","IvanJonathan","@konghee It's allright pastor, jiayou for the book!!"
1751986435,"surprise","MissSididdy","@MarijuanaDeals I have the best bestfriend in the whole world .. My Mother's Day present = ambien, klonopin and a quarter! woohoo!  smh..."
1751986502,"neutral","StacyyAcyAcy","Listening to Jesse's music  & on MySpace. Also getting the hang of Twiiter. I feel that i need more followers.  Don't be shy!"
1751986550,"neutral","AncientSoul","@Pamluther ah . thanks .. appreciate it"
1751986624,"happiness","FlyWithNoEffort","i would take the ???s out the sky for you"
1751986626,"happiness","butterfly2024","@MrsTravisBennet its cool.  Im glad everyone had a nice date night.  Maybe one day ill get one too."
1751986630,"surprise","Marievaleri","Cavs do it again!!  Oh yea!"
1751986672,"neutral","kimmybabyy02","blastinggg music."
1751986690,"love","wiwinwiwin","happy sunday peeps"
1751986707,"neutral","JessicaWUT","around, reading, bed."
1751986770,"happiness","LaurenLeakeElza","is excited about so R and R for mother's day"
1751986771,"happiness","DavidRHaslam","just about to go home. I'm usually 'mr. positive' but this has been one of those daze. well, 15 mins until tomorrow!"
1751986854,"neutral","virajspatel","@denharsh i'm afraid im def. a product of the NRI Karan Johar generation- I've been watching a lot of classics this semester"
1751986898,"fun","iLoveNKOTB_","@MzWhatThePuck Good luck  I wanna see them again too. I waited outside by their buses to see them before, no autographs tho!"
1751987096,"happiness","CatyFrye","@Peacehippie04 is a loser;) baha, dude! i'm gonna come & put those pictures on my myspace really quick!"
1751987179,"love","sweetdreamer","@wordcharmer FUZE was giving away capes at Komen's Race for the Cure today! And I'd always love a hug from you hun!"
1751987251,"love","MeelyJonas","loviiing declan"
1751987310,"love","MC1R","@dbvictoria love the necklace!  What a fun idea"
1751987313,"neutral","ashponders","9 imperials later, I'm ready ready for a nap."
1751987326,"neutral","lanswyfte","@tidewaterknits Definitely! I have usually found that critics know virtually nothing of what constitutes a good movie. Rarely am I wrong."
1751987396,"neutral","melissanosyke","@eridge I was just thinking that"
1751987409,"neutral","sheralynn","@TheLonelyGnome Marche! I want rosti and crepes."
1751987481,"happiness","WilliePA","@ChynaDollxo  Na my friend.. why? you ask  is it my great physique lol"
1751987518,"love","redhairgreeneye","Wishing all a Wonderful and Happy Mother's Day"
1751987540,"love","DelianaB","@cecewhi92 That is one of my Favorite EVER!!!! He is THE BEST!! No doubt! I am so glad you like him too! XOXO"
1751987602,"empty","carmienplease","feels sickly. i need a personal assistant to keep fast food away from me! any takers?"
1751987617,"fun","KayleenDuhh","@yaykimo baaha  & healthy choice my friend! (:"
1751987624,"surprise","MarkPinero","@liadoria nat has a twitter acct!"
1751987721,"love","dEd2","Home now!!! LOL but leaving again on monday for flo rida!!!"
1751987894,"love","annie_silly","wow tiz almost midnite o_O bedtime for me!! ha gnite gorgeous ppl  *HADtheBESTdayEVER*"
1751987977,"happiness","ronaanyog","Archuleta & Cook will arrive in 2 days!!"
1751987979,"fun","XMissxXxMurderX","heading to bed with tea to finish Breaking Dawn."
1751987982,"neutral","johnshwilliams","Should be moving in to my apartment but 14 mile bike ride and ice cream instead"
1751988015,"happiness","Mommykins41","@QueenSapphyre So!!! Why should that matter? I bet you would be GREAT at it! I do!!! It's what you love, right? Why not go for it!"
1751988017,"happiness","devyra","@PANICitsLeslie Aww that's still awesome. You had fun though I can assume."
1751988073,"relief","I_am_Jess","@MariM525 lol I am blessed to have you in my life too "mama"  Sorry about your back pain. You should do some stretches."
1751988075,"relief","smashley_ashley","@kristi_crow he's happy because hs is there haha I know we would be"
1751988089,"worry","jimmingthegreat","krys: running, mud baths and nice French food in napa w/ jimming"
1751988104,"surprise","tinaxtantrum","moshing to fall out boy, and confetti bears are falling from the sky"
1751988162,"relief","geeketterocks","@Jayeliwood No it's not sad. Should make you proud"
1751988171,"happiness","virginia_tech","Moveout should be fun. Thank you VT students for working to make VT the best that it can possibly be"
1751988180,"fun","o0adorkable0o","I'm on my way to see '17 Again'.  I've wanted to see it for a looong time"
1751988200,"neutral","iHomeTech","@sueandsteve Wow, thats quite the trip!"
1751988201,"relief","jonthebrit","So apparently i left my front door wide open before going out to my show. With my and my moms laptops on the coffee table. Love my area"
1751988206,"empty","Suzyqbee10","@kirash4 OMG~ that did not sound right...** U Better B Grinning **  thx"
1751988252,"happiness","MyKeiki","@Metqueen sounds awesome.."
1751988258,"sadness","Halfdeck","@pageoneresults more seo voodoo  Google has your cache. NOARCHIVE only hides it from users."
1751988262,"neutral","Jaejeter","@darrala sorry again, I don't have a twitter ap on my phone, so I only text to it, I can only reply on the internet for now."
1751988302,"love","Shalyse_S","Lovin' @miacarruthers, @TheRealJordin, & @Adrienne_Bailon SOOOO much right now!"
1751988309,"neutral","MattieJ","@SKILLETfan01 i had to make sure I was looking at the right game summary..."
1751988384,"sadness","qatesiuradewyo","@bsweichsel That was like eight years ago. Not so sure it would happen now"
1751988411,"happiness","michellee18","@erichalvorsen @LorenBrinton @nicksantino i say you all tour again. same lineup...with austin gibbs!"
1751988431,"neutral","Danklex","@homeworld http://is.gd/yiOj"
1751988481,"neutral","alittlehotmess","Getting some sleep. Stuff with the family and a ton of homework tomorrow. Night"
1751988518,"worry","blissarmy","@myjacksonbrowne  hey y'all, we are waiting for final edits on our cover of "sombody's baby."  can't wait for some input"
1751988559,"surprise","DrKimberly","Gorgeous day!  Worked the Master Gardener plant sale, trimmed smoke bushes, and now to do some writing."
1751988672,"fun","ezzarocks","dancing around and cleaning the house..... loving my sunday so far"
1751988693,"neutral","NicaNoelle","@kylieireland Do you have a facebook page? If not I'll email you pictures of my bangs. If you don't like them I'll blame the kitties."
1751988695,"worry","AGolden1","@studio8 --sorry for running over uncle Terry, but he just wasn't living up to his potential. expecting more from his next return."
1751988883,"sadness","DimepieceMag","@kimgoss i been saying that the past 2 weeks that i miss playing spades and drinkin chillin.. the good old days.. let me know baby"
1751988917,"neutral","glennharm","@BHA It takes a big man to type a sad tweet like that!"
1751988929,"fun","Lozzy_d","@jtimberlake i think u have more than enough friends now, including me lol"
1751988965,"fun","sophie2dopex","@triplesix_ Whoop whooop"
1751988984,"neutral","addiehartsyou","Sooo, I spent most of my day sitting at home in front of the computer in my pajamas...I love these days."
1752017839,"happiness","anna_thomas","@katevoegele that was an amazing concert!!! got some really good video and pictures"
1752017892,"love","sitaowei","@kirstiealley: I like your crazy and witty humor!"
1752017908,"neutral","TKfan27","And I'm listening to "Wrong" by Depeche Mode."
1752017949,"happiness","RossEmm13","@MrsBlue23 its been reli gdd ty its 4.50am lol and im not sleeping :O but im watching tv alls good lol how was yours?"
1752018034,"neutral","The_Dreamer3","@P_LOCA thank you babe  What are you doin this evening?"
1752018053,"happiness","arniearns16","@jerwjr Thank you!  I'm working on @ddlovato's"
1752018109,"happiness","mustangmelissa","http://twitpic.com/4wdgr - Yay! I'm a blonde again!! I feel so girly"
1752018129,"neutral","jennroo","some pics up from groundup event  check myspace!"
1752018133,"love","Hula933","@Blueeyes31 I will be uploading soon!    http://myloc.me/FEb"
1752018186,"happiness","tweet_leigh","@amoonchilde  Thank you!  Tomorrow is my b-day too! I tease my Mom and tell her I was her Mother's Day gift."
1752018226,"love","porschacoleman","@claudiajordan Nice! Elise rolled out  Thas wassup! Have fun, ladies!"
1752018281,"neutral","PheenX","@joeterrell Cool. You should qik some stuff from the newsroom sometime. LOL."
1752018438,"happiness","raiiissa","is up. moooooorning!  http://plurk.com/p/su3dg"
1752018516,"fun","uraninite","@adventureaddict Awesome, congrats on completing it! (I can't believe you cycled the distance to my cottage though in 1 day.  )"
1752018543,"surprise","Restrictor","@Kweeenie He's too old school for burnouts. Just a lap around the track, like they used to.  #NASCAR"
1752018547,"sadness","iTSTRACiMON","my teeeeeeeeeeeeeth, hurt a lot. The mall was funnn today, i made 10dolla, not 15.  better than nothing, right?! HEHE."
1752018602,"happiness","KelseaGail10","Ha, sure  hey, text me normal. 512 718 4879"
1752018714,"fun","Kweeenie","@BarbaraNixon THAT was a GREAT AMP JOKE.. Thanks for sharing"
1752018717,"empty","britney9797","going to bed soon"
1752018725,"neutral","Cynthia1123","dont put behind the wheel lmfao today was fun"
1752018733,"happiness","inf1nite","sleep time  big/little lunch tomorrow at olive garden"
1752018738,"fun","european4life","@PrincessSuperC good luck C have funn!"
1752018792,"love","ChrisTheJeweler","@Jean_Pierce Well the Enterprise E, the NX-01, or the NCC 1701(no bloody A,B,C,D, or E)"
1752018819,"neutral","hialison","too much sulking over being single going on tonight on tumblr - gru3some: I am here to save the day.  http://tumblr.com/xd51qx88b"
1752019099,"relief","RosalieCullen","Going to go kennel the dogs and then I am going to watch Goblet of Fire"
1752019129,"relief","weblittlepieces","@syedbalkhi It's ok now ! I've cleared my cache and everything is fine"
1752019180,"neutral","Mike_Adel","being a computer geek is entertaining.... i think."
1752019207,"neutral","colin0422","@mileycyrus is on the radio"
1752019251,"love","hipsswaylipslie","Watching The Nightmare Before Christmas <3 Ask me if I care that neither Halloween nor Christmas is any time soon"
1752019300,"happiness","heidisa","Thanks for the concern, guys. A few stitches later, all is well. Whew."
1752019408,"love","curlymamaw","curlymamaw @Paul_Colman  thought you'd like it ! 9"
1752019434,"neutral","eunicesandoval","has just arrived in Singapore."
1752019441,"worry","cupcake_nyc","@Carolina2676 lol... that's cool u can enjoy the show together! Tell him I said hi!"
1752019443,"happiness","blueflairphoto","now accepting maid applications.  would be nice if you'd start first thing tomorrow - would make a wonderful Mother's Day present!"
1752019468,"relief","jaGavarra","paramore songs? one of the best! currently listening to "emergency""
1752019543,"happiness","kensprague","Having dinner @ Rainforest Cafe with Laura."
1752019552,"enthusiasm","Crumby_Life","My lesson is finally done for tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to speaking to the high schoolers on dating."
1752019557,"hate","BellaBKNY","@KeriLyn2980 Totally  plain and simple.. i hate all thoes bridezilla shows.. if i was the groom i'd be running far far away!"
1752019575,"neutral","JoshuaKim","Has roughly cleaned his room, and now is heading to Pablos to read"
1752019614,"worry","MissSididdy","@SKORPIOLOVE  I know... just when I was starting to think this break-up was gonna have me up all night tossin and turnin.. no ma'am!"
1752019648,"love","erma76","I Luv Da movie Say Anything...  ? http://blip.fm/~5yroy"
1752019691,"surprise","kelsadilla","@caroldee77 haha I know.  Sorry about all the typos in that last tweet...blehhh.  ps - Because I Said So is sucha cute movie..  awww"
1752019784,"worry","fin_again","@emilmor mmm, wanna go see Little Big Town next Sunday @ 4 @ Chesapeake Jubilee?"
1752019795,"worry","Shmaureey","Laying in the dark thinking of you."
1752019863,"love","ipapi","says gots my mom a digital picture frame bout to scan pics of her wedding n all that mushy stuff  http://plurk.com/p/su3eq"
1752019908,"sadness","Knietzer","Joining facebeek.  What a loser, I have no friends   Amy where are you?"
1752019930,"happiness","ambercamp","59 may be my new FAV number!!!"
1752019990,"neutral","trisarahhtop","@kennytheteddybR I went to target too"
1752020034,"worry","mizzlianne","@NeishaNay im gone miss ya'll Lol.don laugh@me im serious.its bittersweet. lookin forward 2goin home but cant wait till nx semester!"
1752020105,"fun","mssamakoen","going to eat rice and fried chicken from sederhana  the padang restaurant! yummy!"
1752020121,"happiness","shadowwolf","@rowansong !!! It's fantastic!"
1752020155,"neutral","nesyaa","@aziraA YEAYYY! good for you"
1752020164,"relief","iamkhayyam","@arinbjorn Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your honesty  I hadn't tweeted for 30 some odd hours and got a little tweet happy."
1752020195,"neutral","elliottp","@macgenie sounds like an episode of TV Wine Library with @Garyvee."
1752020205,"neutral","KristinWheeler","@lightthematch mmm thanks, if u get too stoned and eat it thats cool"
1752020247,"love","Irv25","@SophiaF3F3 I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ALSO LIKE THE NEW PROFILE PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1752020317,"neutral","un_geek","What about APE and server-side javascript with #mootools ? http://tinyurl.com/odqwgh  (via @paraboul)"
1752020340,"happiness","blue_raven","@courseofhistory Vancouver, so classy.  #canucks"
1752020447,"neutral","vulpixie02","reading Evermore by Lynn Viehl."
1752020463,"neutral","Martiword","@waynemansfield  Mine are older than yours."
1752020507,"neutral","nikhailmukhi","downloading apps for my iphone"
1752020508,"fun","KMACCC","These days have been looking better better betterrrrrrrr."
1752020602,"happiness","mcviands","@Jinxie_G yup - that's where I watch all my movies"
1752020610,"fun","ttolf","Such a long day!!! So much fun though  tomorrow will be just as much."
1752020639,"happiness","suchducks","@valerie2776 Quite a few. Peacocks and Oceanographer's Choice are my new favorites to play"
1752020647,"surprise","mrsmaister","Off to see Wolverine"
1752020748,"worry","KariAblinger","Trying this twitter thing out. Facebook is finally a routine for me, now i need to figure out how to do the twitter thing"
1752020834,"fun","shaunessym","Alright, so playing cards in the rain wasn't the smartest idea, and now I might be sick... but it was fun"
1752020941,"happiness","ashbymh","@Samantha797 Yay! Tell her I said congrats"
1752020963,"happiness","gailelaine","@Mary_R_Roberts I LOOK forward to seeing and sharing"
1752021030,"neutral","hunniebits","I hope Mama likes her Mother's day present"
1752021105,"neutral","WhiteandWong","Happy Mothers day to all mums"
1752021155,"worry","jazzibell93","Chilling wit da bestie kendra...lmao!! she fell out da shower...gotta luv her tho..!!  *~P?T~*"
1752021286,"hate","dylandurrant","@chloewolf Except for Josh, you like some LAME dudes."
1752021300,"happiness","emCo_am","More pictures! It was such a pretty day  http://tr.im/kWOD #fb"
1752021343,"neutral","jghope","@cdlowell Jars was gonna be my answer"
1752021350,"worry","beatnikz","@cl2425 Hey girl!  Yeah, my allergies kick in at the most random times. Hmph."
1752021517,"worry","nbradbury","@critter42 I know   Guess I was hoping they'd revitalize the plot lines as well instead of reverting to old cliches!"
1752021539,"relief","tldrvr","I think Steph will enjoy her first Mother's Day tomorrow."
1752021548,"happiness","CoryWoodard","Nighty night Twits! Tty in the morning..."
1752021559,"happiness","MissSididdy","@WildFlowerSweet lol... hell yeah!"
1752021616,"happiness","ashleyxtellez",""Bad words are a crutch, they lead to tattoos and peircings!"  Hahahaha!"
1752021642,"fun","KevinMartineau","@rjdempsey savour these moments!  #canucks"
1752021691,"surprise","alerc","Eating some ice cream cake  its bomb!"
1752021769,"sadness","courtnoel","@tammytrent **left off the "again" in the title...whoops!"
1752021840,"fun","standtrooper","@Candice_Jo you'll have a drink bc the race is over...I'm telling you,it's an addiction that leads to Elvis presiding over our wedding"
1752021858,"love","tallivansunder","@DarryleP I just have one, he is 14 months. I don't think he realizes that it is Mother's Day tomorrow. LOL!"
1752021880,"worry","zoesayshello","bundy. in 3 days.!!!! warm weather here i come!"
1752021944,"fun","cbhicks","@rockndan dude... i tried the vegetarian thing and i lasted about 2 months... good luck!!! going vegan is intense!!! good move though."
1752021958,"neutral","Themancipation","@vivianakacreoen Oh ok  thnks tho for adding me"
1752022003,"enthusiasm","lenwilliams6","trying to learn to tweet!!  it's all good I hope.."
1752022011,"neutral","BreeLuvsYou","Aserej�, ja deje dejebe tudejebe de  sebiunouva majabi an de bugui an de buididip�    learning spanish through a song"
1752022037,"happiness","CaffeinatedLiby","@bwmson And so very you.  You know I say it w/ nothing but love, dude."
1752022045,"love","HANNAHBANANA25","@MzDeDaze you're welcome"
1752022138,"worry","weatherangel","@bitchmobile I had one of those in south Florida. Mowing around it could hurt"
1752022140,"neutral","StephenBarnes","@roxylove524 hope you have fun tonight"
1752022187,"happiness","christie_ng","Happy Mother's Day!"
1752022205,"surprise","chickydoo","@Soonmethod @clofresh Thanks for the greeting"
1752050872,"neutral","mikimay","@Krrrrsty didnt know you were solo for the game tonight. We should have watched the game together. Maybe next time."
1752050885,"fun","FabioSantosJr","The wife gets stung by a bee and she has been acting like i big ass baby ever since and this was about 5 hours ago.  lol what a baby."
1752050926,"relief","KaylaBabe18","Relaxin after a fun day"
1752051043,"surprise","aileen_","@nucLEAH oh yeah, that's right! thanks for reminding me"
1752051110,"love","babacheep","Saw this lil girl that has big eyes and hair like Dora the explorer. How cute"
1752051182,"happiness","mkroggasch","Just saw Star Trek! It was AMAZING! Seriously, so good. The entire cast was excellent, Spock and Kirk especially.  I want to see it again."
1752051184,"happiness","ericathompson","@SRMPROMOINC lol, sounds fun"
1752051214,"hate","Ahjinae","@TerrenceJ106 lets see.. we hate that groupies are damn near stalkers.. we love that they send gifts.."
1752051221,"worry","darkiieboi626","@IAMSNARKY hmmm how bout my boi an me jammin sum john stephens for ya?"
1752051257,"enthusiasm","1LovelyDreamer","@ItStartsWithUs hey!  sorry for the late reply.but i do plan on posting on both facebook and twitpic."
1752051275,"happiness","KyleeJane","what a fantastic saturday"
1752051298,"fun","Ouliasha","had a nice time with her little sister...baby is all grown up"
1752051325,"happiness","isabellawhateva","watching Justin Timberlake on SNL"
1752051340,"worry","everspring","Happy Mother's day! Sent msg to mom and got her phone call. I wish one day we can live in the same city so I can take care of her."
1752051350,"worry","marthab68","you can learn a lot from another person.. dont try to out better oneself when its all about love and happiness  goodnight"
1752051353,"happiness","toriwren","had a fun time at the concert!  almost got a picture with Taylor Momsen, freakin next in line then she left!"
1752051392,"love","shutupmeg","(@danielleejonas) UGH, i love tila. haters need to shut up"
1752051561,"hate","parisaluna","@rebeccarem I am on here..finally. AND YAY. seriously. that made my day oh fellow hell ruler"
1752051616,"love","krystallouise","the grates & children collide tonight"
1752051618,"love","KrystalOLynne","Miley Cyrus = great actress"
1752051725,"surprise","hoshietashie","walking by the water in annapolis with froyo and no shoes"
1752051735,"love","Obscura","@ewkrause Thanks Elaine. I'm clipping reviews for her scrapbook."
1752051764,"worry","lucas_robb","@stefangilbert thank you"
1752051769,"relief","benlawsonphoto","@NicholeAudrey LOL! Ok, "we" will get right on that. I will let you know the verdict manana. Off to watch a movie with my lovely wife!"
1752051832,"happiness","AbbiJacobi","just watched yes man. bahaha. that movie is messed up"
1752051849,"surprise","Slave2theGroove","@KatDerby Haha ya, my friend and I are totally having a kick off party for the occasion!!"
1752051881,"neutral","glennh13","Adding names to my Twitter account and learning how to use this amazing thing!"
1752052021,"fun","KatAragon","@mrskutcher HUGE difference in temperature from the last time you were here, huh?  Gotta love DC. lol"
1752052047,"relief","laurenadrienne","Yay got the Internet on my itouch working"
1752052069,"surprise","kelmar4","@nerdwife Now, what on earth led you to believe that?"
1752052092,"happiness","shannonstewart1","@KimKardashian saw you today! So BEAUTIFUL!! You looked so good! Glad to see the wonderful turnout!"
1752052218,"happiness","caliikins","got a new prom dress"
1752052229,"neutral","ktlady623","@lilstrobe pshh. Thanks."
1752052330,"surprise","counternotions","@MissXu Would *you* pay $60K for a lunch with Oscar de la Renta?  I don't see her hitting East Village shops, do you?"
1752052404,"enthusiasm","macytheresa","says she wants to be w/ marykay @ sendai right now"
1752052436,"love","ChrisReactor","@odangitsnikki There's a way around that 72 Minute Limit ;) AIM me and I'll tell you"
1752052495,"love","Kelliekk","@androidtomato Hello Gorgeous GIRL! Nice new pic!  HOw are you today"
1752052584,"neutral","lamerhui","having Bigi & Tokyo Fashion Spree tmr  Check out SIH web ^____^"
1752052654,"worry","cece_newnew","@SohFahrKreyZee oooh im sorry to late i smashed it"
1752052799,"happiness","Lauren2206","The horoscopes website I use has all changed around  I like it!"
1752052845,"empty","Scyranth","ending my show with Disturbed: Just Stop! holla at y'all sunday night!"
1752052851,"neutral","casinotwilight","A- on my french paper."
1752052856,"worry","wickeddreamer11","@thomasfiss Lucky you...my day has gone by with large amount of boredom...and a little stress. The detalis can get a bit gruesome"
1752052920,"worry","LeylandB","good talk with @broskey  muchos needed"
1752052937,"neutral","BaronessHeather","@burnthatbox  There's also a fairly recent (w/in past 10 years) quasi-sequel. Plot not as good but v. pretty in terms of art."
1752052945,"neutral","PaulCarterJr","@iamrehman @barbarawaterst @myob247 @hiannie @Jan_Geronimo @JavierChua @ScottATaylor @ozsultan Thanks for sharing with your friends!"
1752052978,"happiness","kelseymoore10","Love, laughter, creativity."
1752053111,"happiness","thisismelisa","@MathewDavid iknowww! Not many people know about it tho. So I like to keep it my little secret"
1752053135,"surprise","kirikitten","Gonna WoW for a bit. Later, Twitter <3"
1752053308,"happiness","WookieeChew","@mattmccoy Interview! 177 views! 22 away from 200!! Thanx for reading ppl!!  http://tiny.cc/GmKbT #mattmccoy"
1752053325,"surprise","stefaniejan","@Ayosilva when in doubt go with the instincts."
1752053331,"hate","sophiebaron","@cjusk im excited for those pics  send me urs w/ him too  i <3 photoshop lol"
1752053364,"neutral","Aasri_Kayy","About to hit the hay. (who came up with that?) goodnight world and all those who inhabit it"
1752053437,"happiness","mariananasser","@Mansur_Rahal Thing about living is that there are always undeveloped pictures in your future."
1752053525,"love","Neville88","Neville88@JBeauty am gud enuh hun...was jus sayin hi n hopin that ur avin a gud nite so far..HAPPY LADIES DAY 2MORO THEN...is dat better"
1752053560,"empty","goldscors","d? ?o�n m�nh s? coi c�i nh?c k?ch n�y 3 l?n ?? n?m b?t ???c g?n ??y ?? tinh th?n v� c�c kh�a c?nh c?a n�"
1752053563,"fun","LeslieToxique","I sewed my shirt  and I fail at screaming v_v but I had a quesadilla!  Quesadiaas are bombbb <3 I will try and scream another day! :]"
1752053585,"enthusiasm","PearlPolicy","today was boring, but i did a lot of homework. tomorrow should be amazing, i can't wait."
1752053603,"neutral","kimonostereo","@kepp been there done that. It always ended up with me selling the machine and going back to my mac"
1752053684,"enthusiasm","abbyisawkward","Just talked to Anthony Rapp. Face to face. !!!!!"
1752053720,"neutral","mcnugget26","at thee mall"
1752053758,"happiness","Tmaisarah","@HannaHassan go to mid valley la boobs  haha! never mind la, i don't wanna go with you anyways"
1752053771,"worry","BuddyDave","Sushi two nights in a row isn't THAT wrong is it?"
1752053783,"happiness","trishj22","Heading downtown! Drinks and dancing!!"
1752053785,"sadness","davemark","@n_dubbs curse you, igloo dwellers!!"
1752053792,"surprise","OneFlipsta","@alekandsteph thanks for adding me, glad to have you"
1752053896,"happiness","FlyygirlKali","http://twitpic.com/4wdui - She's so festive aint' she hehe"
1752053933,"fun","gabriella_93","500! updates! wooow!! haha!!"
1752053971,"fun","j_cheri","Having Margaritas w/ mommie...what a great combo!"
1752054005,"enthusiasm","Obie115","I'm going to go check out DJ Volt."
1752054058,"fun","RyanMaSSacRe","Goin to drive-in movie for the first time"
1752054061,"love","TiaBILL","I still luv my HAWKS! I aint no fair weather fan! I'm ride or die 4 mine!!"
1752054095,"neutral","Joeytragedy","Going to bed, with peter."
1752054112,"surprise","derekcody","@stephanierhenee wow... you're doing this all through text?  I would get tired after a while"
1752054114,"neutral","gabhii","#bouvierb-day is on trending topics. ahh Happy Birthday Pierre Bouvier"
1752054182,"worry","claudiacabrera","@SuperwomanAK that is awesome!  spent the day studyin, chillin a lil b4 goin to bed, its slowly gettin colder in Paraguay, winter is comin"
1752054263,"surprise","cgreeeeeeen","@TheRealJordin so wednesday my mom is making a huge special dinner & whatnot to celebrate the new single, just so ya knoww"
1752054317,"happiness","JKlover","@JenAlaniz Don't worry you will have Ava to distract you on the flight"
1752054505,"fun","_rachelv","recovering from being sick ... anyone want to bring me soup?"
1752054535,"happiness","Aerostella","played okami for 14 hours today"
1752054560,"worry","SMarsheck","@momtoboysx3 I'm here if u need to vent!"
1752054668,"happiness","katielynn783","Just spent the evening at a gala for her high school drama company's 20th anniversary. Lots of memories"
1752054758,"neutral","DerekMolata","@veschwab anytime. I aim to please."
1752054761,"love","CreshMulah","@TerrenceJ106 Hey babe follow me,love u on da show"
1752054803,"neutral","AtlantaJJ","Time to rinse out my conditoner"
1752054810,"love","zaigalib","@jtimberlake rocks my world!!!! soooo funny!!!!  <3"
1752054829,"empty","Official_Roddy","Good night peeps! Give to your mom's the greatest love you have   xxx"
1752054888,"love","cami_rib","has the best friends in the entire world  Thank you for making the banquet and today so special!"
1752054919,"relief","dogacid","Popping out to see SAMSON AND DELILAH this arvo, hear it is good"
1752054962,"neutral","TaviGreiner","orbits-gravity-moon-space exploration-galaxy-exoplanets-universe-life beyond earth-idea of Gods-religions-philosophy-morality"
1752055027,"love","millymarie","@thesedreams I see you didn't shave your head. But I *LOVE* the cut.  I'm glad you didn't shave it. Your hair's too pretty!"
1752055031,"happiness","accidentprone78","lol...my neighbors must think im nuts...for #canucks"
1752055032,"relief","zuess369","Instead of telling God how big my problems are, I like telling my problems how big God is!  http://bit.ly/5ofzj"
1752055050,"neutral","Bobby2525","Just got a Ipod touch  Downloading apps for it now."
1752055077,"happiness","thewildjoker","@Custardcuppcake how is Aussie...im hopin to be there in Sydney in less than a week just got my VISA on thursday whoot whoot"
1752055101,"neutral","khlpond","@cfree123 No worries..  Going to ABP right now. Want something?"
1752086113,"fun","SimplyMe28","@selin162 SELIN-It-To-the-Highest-Bidder!! HEYYYYY MAMA!"
1752086144,"relief","Patty_B","Nearly finished Angels and Demons, awesome book, feel so lame for only reading it now"
1752086156,"fun","melissanosyke","so ready for dc tomorrow, photo trippin'"
1752086172,"neutral","I100","http://twitpic.com/4we4j - Speed lessons on the main screens on center court! I had to take this pic"
1752086242,"worry","thepreppy2007","Just got my 3rd tattoo  owwwwwww lol"
1752086487,"surprise","bren3gold","@BlankMustDie thank you for the followfriday hun"
1752086497,"neutral","Homesickblues","@therobertmorris http://twitpic.com/4wdnn - awesome."
1752086500,"love","imageisfound","just had a great talk with grace about how awesome God is and how he works...that somehow started with how remote controls work"
1752086519,"neutral","LMRB","@Cynthia2478 he's not gay Lol. He's a riot definitely, but not at nkotb concert. I want 2b a smitten girl with no distractions that night"
1752086557,"happiness","g0shortiexx","@courrtneyyy Thank you so much  Me neitherrrr!"
1752086612,"happiness","mightysmith","@DonyaMaries oh absolutely!  I cant wait for the lettuces to come up."
1752086618,"worry","aliciasparks","@tncc24 - yay for getting errands done! oh, an assortment of out-of-my-control things. topped off w/ a crap race, haha"
1752086662,"love","ambersmart","@theresa162 Absolutely! Lookin' forward to it"
1752086685,"surprise","Maaayy","i ate so much"
1752086741,"love","yadikeith","@iveeanne happy mothers day to you as well!"
1752086793,"happiness","nelmski","@dzaniff I was searching for interesting people on twitter then i found yours and the link of your blog was posted on your profile."
1752086903,"happiness","glitteryglossy","@Ms_Nigeria oh yeah I know  We met when I was taking out the trash, hhaha"
1752086929,"worry","BengeeB","@atexasattitude I'm sorry darling... I'm all over the place tonight.. I didn't mean to neglect you.."
1752087043,"enthusiasm","tracyewilli","@JohnnyDeppNews  back in a few .. i will make u a lil something"
1752087098,"neutral","ImTribute","@SticknYOU if you were down the road from me you can bet i would be right there  #MMOT"
1752087119,"neutral","jessepotter","Denny's with Mike, Pat, and Jessie."
1752087149,"fun","trishknight","@otoole4info Check out my latest FB post.  (Things I want to happen). I don't think you can miss it."
1752087191,"neutral","amygmoore","@caitiehendry this: http://www.sife.org/usaexpo/"
1752087192,"neutral","kib0t","is watching movies"
1752087272,"relief","Chantresewright","@ms_hypnotic oh thanx, just when i thought ilost it, iappreciate it"
1752087391,"worry","patrickallmond","@kelleydmcguire I don't know. What does it take to butter you up? Actual butter?  xoxo"
1752087420,"surprise","iiloveeyouu23","@MattG124 you own a didgeridoo?!?!"
1752087488,"worry","kalutty","@positron76 You have to come to Chile... with AC/DC would be fine"
1752087493,"happiness","shamiahatesyou","http://twitpic.com/4we51 - summer is here."
1752087542,"happiness","shinjiblue","@karinphillips it's because you're popular"
1752087568,"happiness","Alexis_Watson","Be sure to let the moms you know how fabulous you think they are!!   Almost Mother's Day."
1752087572,"happiness","SimplyMe28","@dimples_03 He'll know Tupac lyrics too!"
1752087608,"sadness","kaitlintaylor","GREEN DAY IS PERFORMING ON SNL NEXT WEEK!  sorry, that made me happy and i'm still all ditzy from the Justin Timberlake skits"
1752087637,"happiness","AJsCuTiePiE93","@howie_d Wish Leigh a Happy Mother's Day for me! It's midnight in NY"
1752087676,"love","sarasmatic","Bottle of reisling this time... My favorite!"
1752087707,"fun","thatissodope","Multiply's getting boring :| I wish Reichelle has twitter. @isaofoz, convince recruit herr, will ya?"
1752087762,"worry","joekinkopf","@acinerba Oh man, that sux... price u pay for being on the org chart (and responsible, and stuff...)"
1752087824,"enthusiasm","sunnyosl","@JoannePeh jia you !"
1752087839,"happiness","alekandsteph","@mkeguy69 thank you  have a great weekend"
1752087913,"neutral","heyheyrenae","@Livefromthe225, goodnight"
1752087914,"relief","g0shortiexx","@nmogha9 Thank you so much"
1752087963,"worry","ucf0503","@moviegirl09 *laughs* reading?!  not happening!  i'm glad alice was in the shower, she should've seen that we were going to be worried"
1752088034,"love","MaricruzRamirez","Two words: hot pockets. Most delcious food ever created"
1752088048,"worry","alpalmer","@scalzi Happy Birthday  I didn't get you anything, but you have my best wishes."
1752088056,"fun","csupo","@AnoopDoggDesai i haven't watch it yet... but it seems like a cool movie.. anyway happy watching...rate it after u go watched it yea.."
1752088064,"relief","Relene","long weekend. thank god i can sleep in on monday"
1752088119,"neutral","tonimr","Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg do it again.. Mother Lover skit on SNL was great"
1752088121,"happiness","golferrrr","super excited"
1752088160,"enthusiasm","Appilicious","Who thinks I should start doing iPhone App Development business? @ reply to win an EasyWriter Pro code!"
1752088198,"happiness","caribb","Ok that mother fucking duet was hysterical LOL"
1752088238,"happiness","Erock808","Aight, pau au'au... Heading to the Blaisdell Arena for the Ladies of the 80's concert!!! CheeHee... Awwrrite!!!"
1752088255,"happiness","JLovFab","LOL. THX WHIT!!!"
1752088271,"relief","krissyraudys","off to a place where i dream...maybe i ll see you there!?!   sweet dreams, all!"
1752088375,"worry","tshumbie","@blathering lucky e went!  jealous!"
1752088417,"love","teebutt","@mollyroloff tell zach & jer I said happy birthday!  they seem like cool brothers, youre lucky haha"
1752088465,"fun","brownbabyorg","@harrislacewell thanks so much for that!  i will most definitely pass that along to my amazing mother..."
1752088485,"happiness","edgarklein","Looking forward to Sunday b/c the weather should be warm and sunny"
1752088515,"neutral","drk_motiv8r","I'll stop the world and melt with you...the cure"
1752088789,"neutral","MutheringHeight","@myfamilygossip Same to you!"
1752088802,"neutral","KarenRuzek","@mrskutcher How do you include an uploaded photo with your tweet??  I'm new...thanks"
1752088876,"surprise","havmax","I woulda never believed that five years later I'd be a female engineer myself making tracks"
1752088953,"surprise","JenAlaniz","@RetroRewind Yay for Block Party!  You're the BOMB! Blockheads <3 Dave!   Thanks for supporting NKOTB!"
1752089028,"worry","OneFlipsta","Well I'mma tweet out! goodbye tweeters!"
1752089050,"neutral","JenBunnyandbaby","Listenin to some old school new found glory. Hedro, gimi a high school band i can down load. Besides home grown...."
1752089093,"neutral","SilknPearls","@joyntheir going to sleep, falling asleep at keyboard. Talk to Monday  take care! Hugs!"
1752089096,"love","pixelyzed","@lwcavallucci No... we didn't *like* it, we LOVED it!  The tone, the story, the chemistry between the actors/characters, all was perfect."
1752089098,"love","seanbalba","ohman what an AMAZING day!!! thank you mahal!"
1752089134,"enthusiasm","thingsofthesky","@takinghostages ~entonces estas perdonada porque sigues a tom conrad, who we all know is made of awesome"
1752089178,"love","bren3gold","@Skydiver42 thank you for the followfriday. very sweet of you"
1752089198,"neutral","criskubli","Just Returned from Huntsville. Saw Sam Houston's grave, went to a prison museum and ate chocolate dipped strawberries"
1752089249,"neutral","rroddd","On tha' bus"
1752089279,"fun","JimQuillen","Classic JT for a Saturday evening  http://bit.ly/LrzJr"
1752089399,"happiness","nikkighurl14","@ShaylaSenzafine haha..yeah..10th of May..lol..im greeting in advance! haha"
1752089440,"love","The_Tech_Update","It is officially Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all!"
1752089518,"neutral","AutobotBeta","@MedBotJinx (OOC: -we'll do it.  )"
1752089529,"love","jack_love","had an amazingly unproductive day, but i loved it  time to go catch up on sleep!"
1752089552,"worry","ilybreese","At the wedding reception. Having more fun than I thought"
1752089633,"love","mollymari","Sending love & respect to all the mommies out in the twitterverse! You all inspire me!!"
1752089646,"love","melissaprussing","My sleeping beauties  I love my grads!! http://twitpic.com/4we5w"
1752089738,"neutral","JenniferAllOver","I don't think I've ever been so tierd in my life.Ugh,goodnight.So sleeping in tomorrow"
1752089774,"worry","rihk","@scalzi my attention for the length of time to type this? Tell ya what, ill add old mans war to my wish list on amazon."
1752089794,"happiness","restartt","Watching Ace of Cakes: LOST edition omfgggg"
1752089812,"love","1LovelyDreamer","@Eatthecakenyc i know this is MAD late (sorry about that lol) but thanks for the FF love."
1752089813,"love","DAUGHTRY4EVA","It's Midnight - I'm outta here.  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY FELLOW MOMMIES!!!  (And to non-Mommies too).  May EVERYONE have a special day!!!"
1752089851,"love","Rosalinex5","Good Night,  Happy Mother's Day !!"
1752089942,"happiness","starfishandcoff","@Jgurl804 thanks!!!"
1752089964,"relief","cathyelcira","goodnight twitter, ill see you after 10 + hours of sleep or more"
1752090013,"happiness","g0shortiexx","@lizziechristine Thank you so much  Miss you toooo!"
1752090045,"fun","JessBogard","@rebogard READY!!!!!  ... I've heard Bobo probobly 100 times , also BoboByeBye!!"
1752090051,"worry","shannatrenholm","@sodaly you are welcome  @pamslim's book is a good reminder as to WHY we escaped the cube!"
1752090084,"love","GodFirst08","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! If you're an awesome mom, you'll help #savechuck"
1752090139,"worry","tn_femme","@Bball4life lol thanks.  I do like to be on top. I'm going to enjoy this. How long can I be up there?"
1752090157,"love","UrbanxoJONAS","SEX AND THE CITY!  oh i miss this show soo much during the week."
1752090206,"neutral","yslanrulz","@sharonhayes..where is the song?"
1752090324,"fun","Tsoniki","@angienewton You mean set up to start using? just jump in! Use the # sign with whatever word you want to use"
1752090369,"neutral","TheBetterSexDoc","@chantelleaustin I know... Sometimes it's just letting go of it all for a while that makes the difference, eh?"
1752122000,"happiness","NatiTom","@emilyorshan hahaha i have a bob marley one"
1752122020,"worry","lilcookie8","Then me disliking you is a rumor!  cyndi! What made it look like i didn't like you?"
1752122077,"fun","dspecial1","@MsEsquire hmm, interesting... i think im on the way to that club too"
1752122206,"happiness","BravoBride","I like this bride's sense of humor, she wore this wedding gown once...by accident!  http://bit.ly/Tnshf"
1752122277,"happiness","gel31","wants to greet all the mom's out there a Happy Mothers Day!!! May you enjoy your day!!"
1752122323,"happiness","Eazyacess","@BaybeehDoll No u miss me !!!!! LOL"
1752122363,"enthusiasm","isajourney","@schmiss re: Edwards I hope so!"
1752122378,"neutral","anjayyy","happy mothers day! im gunna crawl up in a ball and act like i dont exist  lmfaoo"
1752122397,"worry","StealthGigi","http://twitpic.com/4wegx - @stealthrose Lol.. sorry. Too damn funny!"
1752122512,"sadness","Alysheea","@_danni haha that's the stupid thing, I did and I'm still getting them >:]"
1752122541,"happiness","Matalatine","Happy Mother's Day to all to all the wonderful moms out there.  -Matalatine"
1752122544,"neutral","urneeundead","Starbucks with mother"
1752122608,"happiness","mariissickk","getting off for the night, in such a great mood!"
1752122655,"love","CHACITY","happy mother's day to all the mommies!!!!!"
1752122703,"hate","ickysashimi","i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate mother's day."
1752122740,"love","Jitendraapi","Happy Mother's Day  #mothersday"
1752122873,"neutral","deanlusk","@jclayville I know... But altos usually have cooler parts than tenors. And I wouldn't say that tenor parts are too masculine, anyhow."
1752122900,"happiness","yadikeith","@rockonrebelchld Happy mother's day to you as well!  Have a good one!"
1752122932,"fun","inovermyheadd","you got my vote hottest guy of the yearrrr @thomasfiss"
1752123024,"neutral","arashikim","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to ALL MOM'S HERE and to YOUR MOMS too"
1752123028,"love","Wick0r","@Appilicious if you can and know how, why not"
1752123033,"happiness","samuraiwarrior2","best part of that movie was that kirk was a total babe"
1752123039,"surprise","TIBONG","@wolfchild59 Heh... I send dem when I get dem Jen... I was shocked I found so many these last few days... earlier in the week nothing..."
1752123061,"happiness","oreosarebest","I hope my mom enjoys her Mother's Day gift"
1752123162,"worry","youngyonny","@DROStreetTeam09 well keep me posted if it comes out fully thanks"
1752123273,"sadness","vamp4eternity16","i was screaming like a maniac!  But the thing was u couldn't scream on the ride which sucked the fun out of everything so..."
1752123280,"fun","j0sh_m","@PHILIPGRANGER hey Phillll! Wazzuppppp?!"
1752123290,"love","PssyPrvails_CEO","@DaYziEbAbY THANK YOU MAMA!"
1752123305,"love","heyimcourtney","happy mothers day mum"
1752123382,"love","natcamper","vacay in san luis and i'm pooped...in a good way"
1752123392,"happiness","sippinslow","ang payat ko na, yes! hoping to go down to my Melbourne weight from last year  http://plurk.com/p/su622"
1752123424,"neutral","longbeachdork","@kingsthings i'll go for wanda sykes"
1752123429,"love","Jason25329","@myxletter good luck tomorrow"
1752123454,"happiness","sasha_liz","http://twitpic.com/4wehl - graduation pic"
1752123489,"surprise","sarasmile13","headed into venue.  bbl"
1752123611,"love","mercelleduane","Happy Mother's Day!"
1752123654,"happiness","humanstarr","@4everBrandy nice capture"
1752123656,"relief","ToksieOlu","Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers and mothers-to-be  My mom is getting a special gift from me today"
1752123665,"happiness","Bia_Loves_NKOTB","@AmbersAlerts lol i'll have to look on youtube later  thanks"
1752123678,"neutral","marpizza","@6 doin fine relaxin at work... Hardly working"
1752123693,"neutral","LMRB","@retrorewind Hey  how about some Tommy Page or PM Dawn! I'm new to this whole retro rewind thing!"
1752123740,"happiness","mrdththomason","2night- dance parties, fun times, & awkward situations  highlight- driving w/ nims and annie listening to satellite windows downnnn"
1752123853,"worry","rrbaker","@eclip5e Good lord, man.   I recommend the Dark & Stormy at Casablanca."
1752123858,"neutral","piggiepunchh","I just saw Nick's friend Jose D Fish GH3. Damn. Well, on to Star Wars  I'll probably be going to a MLB game if I get good seats"
1752123927,"neutral","KatieClem","@davidteran haha I wish! I have a BFA in photography now."
1752123968,"love","talrasha2007","@purplefrogcat wow.. purple leopard skin.  fieeerrceee.."
1752124091,"relief","minhteeeefresh","I've mastered the Spongebob"
1752124112,"fun","Gen22","@autumngirl82 hopefully I'll get to see HTB next week and LA really soon!! Can't wait!!!"
1752124118,"happiness","aliciasparks","@tncc24 - so sweet  why aren't you out livin' it up this saturday night?"
1752124230,"worry","jemmjemms","http://bit.ly/T17fl  mary ann & frances are gunna kill me"
1752124233,"love","wendywings","@SicilyYoder no not yet I ate a couple ;) I love Reeces but they are hard to get in NZ, I stock up bigtime in the States"
1752124245,"love","mscaitlyn","12:06am and my "him" is officially the 1st one to say Happy Mother's Day to me   I love it!!!"
1752124259,"empty","Tsoniki","@TammyMunson I have a 2nd monitor I could use but not sure I'll be able to hook it up! Need to make sure I have the room, sure hope so!"
1752124263,"hate","twi_high101","ans so the lion.......kicked the dogs ass!!!!"
1752124293,"worry","JoAnnzLoves","Geeze- I'm just wondering what is wrong with some people. I either need to go for a run or go to sleep. Tomorrow should be a fun day."
1752124311,"worry","lazy_vLF","Chillin Waitin For My Hunny Baby To Get Out Of Work!!!!!  To Get My Drink On While Finishin Da Song I Have"
1752124327,"surprise","sandrahanchard","@edwardharran agree completely. it's all about attitude & chutzpah"
1752124330,"relief","cassynyleve","enjoying this whole relaxation thing"
1752124419,"fun","mjschindler","Saw the new Star Trek movie the other day. I strongly recommend it!"
1752124600,"worry","velofille","@AdiumX time to learn another language?"
1752124645,"neutral","lovelywings14","@dfizzy has a name label on his picture too.. i just hadnt added it in when i took this: http://www.twitpic.com/4hap4 picture.."
1752124692,"happiness","ktknoll1","Had a great day with the moms and sis  really makes ya appreciate those days"
1752124708,"surprise","tallivansunder","@DarryleP I guess that's true!"
1752124716,"love","archiefan726","watching because i said so! happy mothers day!"
1752124725,"happiness","erinmolli","back home with my puppyy"
1752124819,"love","sarakamin","@pameladetlor aw honey... you just relaxin? That's probably for the best."
1752124822,"love","Kweeenie","@NasKarGirl Thank you"
1752124848,"happiness","LuckyRivera","@slinkawoogie I'm so honored to hear my name on a Breezy track  hope u liked my shit! #drunk_bowling"
1752124879,"relief","roseofdusk","pretty tired after a nice full day."
1752124914,"worry","katatouille","Nothing like In 'n' Out and a LOST marathon after a long day of work."
1752124929,"surprise","C_Joy","Oh goody - It's Doctor Who! Hooray for IPTV"
1752124965,"fun","emobecca",""how do you like them apples" is from the movie Rio Bravo. Good Will Hunting make a lot more sense now."
1752125141,"happiness","tmycann","@sharonhayes #twappy http://bit.ly/D9qVk"
1752125176,"happiness","Lindsey651","@tiny1877 Oh no! I guess I'm officially a big nerd now. I heard the movie is great even if you don't like Trek... and I do"
1752125180,"love","PssyPrvails_CEO","@luvKai THANK YOU LOVE!"
1752125189,"happiness","ChrisEnglen","@JessicaCorban stellar! You 2 look great"
1752125277,"fun","BrandonCarlson","Working on the store's Facebook group, getting ready to relax and play some 360. I'm thinking Mercenaries 2 tonight; Me likey explosions"
1752125278,"happiness","HaileySawyer","Falling asleep while listening to James Taylor"
1752125310,"love","NoopDoggNatasha","working on mothers day slideshow, cake, card, and balloons  she deserves the best!"
1752125322,"fun","starbytes","@msulatbuku LOL! Glad you like it!"
1752125411,"love","hithah","@phinnia *hugs hugs hugs* I'm glad you're feeling better."
1752125484,"love","_kelli","@jasonmitchener awesome! What a blessing"
1752125555,"relief","Reenuhcakes","watching ace of cakes  its suwweeeeet they use alot of fondont or howeva ya spell it.(:"
1752125579,"worry","jonaskevin","@xoangelbabiixo @Babygirl9415 @thatmjgurl @kevinjlover @allecat @agirlcalledana @rawritsria @bubbles303 @ILY_beckett Thanks so much !"
1752125628,"neutral","arghie","@Sapient OK. good to know."
1752125630,"neutral","RossPoulton","@lombers www.WhisperGifts.com for bridal registry  dm me for a free premium account."
1752125636,"fun","wendyisastar","@FlipFlopsChels Yes, I would love some more cowbell!"
1752125647,"neutral","tonyferreira","@melaneedark Well, I do what I can for the X spammers watchin'"
1752125648,"enthusiasm","manongstank","@vanessavaldeezy i'll go to the movies with you"
1752125667,"love","JessicaLoftin","wishes all you moms a happy & blessed Mother's Day!"
1752125681,"worry","Mikey70","@Absturbation yeah ... he was 0-3 and SCOREless tonight"
1752125701,"surprise","deenahagen","@hollymccaig OH yea, it's a can't miss w/ Justin Timberlake  I have not had the pleasure of removing a tick from Dakota yet.. Not fun!"
1752125745,"happiness","dmloran","Can't wait for tomorrow ! It's finally over ! Bittersweet for sure"
1752125758,"neutral","sillysweetness","@chikidracula303 good and you? jeje"
1752156889,"happiness","russellgerard","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAYYYY!!!"
1752156898,"worry","taryn205","@xVOJOx It was crazy all day today and I have a feeling it's going to be that way tomorrow, too.  Enjoy your couple of days off though"
1752156947,"neutral","Michelleiscool","but i did have a really nice smoothy at baulko shops"
1752157014,"surprise","readyforthis","Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's in Twitterville!"
1752157021,"worry","KuraFire","@TheRaj I kind of figured. He'd probably be unable to reason out why a lot of the things in manga happen, or the way they happen."
1752157024,"relief","greenteacup","Going out to down town with a friend, long time haven't seen him...OKOK.. i am feeling fresh again"
1752157027,"sadness","sweet_dreams_09","Got caught in the rain. Sand Monsoon all the way home, even though i looked like a complete idiot"
1752157030,"relief","1Handprint","Time to put the weapons on the charger for the night.  Sleep tight"
1752157042,"neutral","Rissa_doodlebob","i am talking on the phone!!!!!! to paul!!!"
1752157060,"neutral","Lurrelle","@ReBeLR My day was cool, a lil twisted...  I won't spam twitter like I did last week tho."
1752157115,"worry","s_beautiful","is on air"
1752157128,"happiness","twilghtgirlie2","@greenpolkadot99 u go to profile then ill help u from there cause ur right next to me!!! he he he"
1752157130,"hate","Dreamer98","Platypuses are the only mammals that can lay eggs."
1752157188,"happiness","ENYLYNMAY","@loadedman look at my background that's how I want my future date to be like  (well if I ever get him)."
1752157256,"neutral","JaydDragyn","@JennLovesM5 yeah whatever...in your twisted mind maybe! ;) LOL  ... oh wait that's mine too!!"
1752157289,"worry","johnnyvirus","@duckamin If it makes you feel any better.. My Saturday night is lame as well. I heart you"
1752157351,"fun","SCJacka","WGN is playing old episodes of Rocky & Bullwinkle. Fractured Fairy Tales for the win"
1752157373,"sadness","LunaJune","@CynthiaY29 dr hook  awesome"
1752157425,"neutral","JWall18","@theKT oh yeah!!! I'm so stoked for Mondays game when caps get destroyed"
1752157447,"love","cocoasaurus","The moon is sooooo pretty"
1752157490,"happiness","123yay","thanks mom, we love you too."
1752157502,"neutral","iyonah","Its like I had a power nap."
1752157543,"neutral","sgoodin","@Sue_Moe well it is #stalkersaturday after all"
1752157633,"happiness","jesseflorig","Haha. Lacey just shutdown the livestream. Party time"
1752157644,"neutral","mexiana_76","@qclindalou Go log in to your myspace page."
1752157659,"happiness","kirkyuhnke","@EPLisa diapers??  Feeding?  Cooking?  I don't do any of that stuff!!!  Hahaha... yeah, right!  Sounds like a normal day for me."
1752157660,"happiness","joeycatanese","Downtown drinking celebrating the cavs victory!!!"
1752157834,"fun","becca_roo","Crabs are amazing...well as long as they're not in your pants."
1752157842,"love","cyndiesoto","Date movie with Nate. Most likely Wolverine."
1752157898,"neutral","iceanimator","Today is Mother's Day  Am going to Grandma place. Boring. Haha! but yay! erm ok make no sense w/e but wee!"
1752157927,"love","stacyelizadams","Sunburned from Venice and watching Fred Claus....Such excitement!!"
1752157931,"neutral","blayze316","Dad's retelling his saskatoon m&g story, love hearing what the guys said to him  I never heard any of it"
1752157966,"neutral","jael777","Waiting for tish to get off. Got to drive my moms CRV to pick her up all my myself and duckie. First time"
1752158034,"neutral","hshekherdemian","On the way to santa monica"
1752158051,"happiness","Comprada","Gotta be at church by ten for camera meeting  Finally!! =D lol"
1752158090,"fun","jesseeeka","just ran through the rain"
1752158111,"love","LukeMTH","recorded some of a new song today! u wont hear it for a long time thooo... we might play it at shows tho! so comeeeeee"
1752158127,"love","iAmZoraida","Justin is too funny on SNL... Ciara finna perform"
1752158137,"worry","larafeldman","in the words of liana corber: Moreover, WIAIH was a humbling experience... i surprisingly had a decent night"
1752158178,"sadness","charasaurus","if you're as lovesick as I am, give me a call, we should go bowling and complain about love"
1752158239,"happiness","jgustaf","@clairezee86 fo sho, im down"
1752158257,"neutral","hollywoodhames","@DarknessBound It's been doing it for two days. We have a comcast technician scheduled for tomorrow morning."
1752158355,"happiness","GetKnownRadio","@QUEENCHINAB He seemed all happy about it"
1752158374,"sadness","abrahamlloyd","@saranw Thank you! You should know that I am both happy and sad (all at the same time) to know that. You've got "The Right Stuff""
1752158376,"neutral","Katspride","I want to wish all the Mommy's a happy mothers day!"
1752158404,"fun","pnut_butta","Cannot wait to get all dolled up and go out tonight"
1752158420,"worry","sweetdreamer","@TrevorAB aww you poor dear! But it was awesome you came out to race!"
1752158639,"happiness","Beetlefursuits","Took the dog to the off-leash park today. He overheated then ran and laid in the only mud puddle there and splashed around. Was amusing"
1752158788,"love","judiel65","Hey Oprah just watched the show with Hugh Jackman, I love him too, he is so sexy"
1752158794,"happiness","KrazyJo","thelma & louise, Good movie."
1752158909,"fun","emptylocket","Watching fireworks off the Bay bridge."
1752158977,"neutral","ElanKrylon","@ShelbyRotter on my way"
1752159207,"neutral","youngmickey","@lovemedown hello hello hello  what u up to tonight??"
1752159225,"worry","CanadianJennie","can't wait to see those pics @yikes77"
1752159304,"neutral","ajsouthern","@AlliWorthington hi Ms. Fussy  *waves*"
1752159345,"neutral","danabrit","@AkitaOnRails I don't want to be a complete hypocrite - I attended an R-rated event while I was there - the timing was just ironic."
1752159518,"happiness","tatyanajade","@HarleyPlays you and @dezzy88 are both baitersss  hope tonight is fun!"
1752159547,"happiness","kuroru07","Congratulations Mr. Jay-el and Mrs. Maricar Chu! Wish you all the best in the world!"
1752159562,"neutral","smashgirl","@limegreenmodern I will take a pic for you"
1752159628,"neutral","livecrunch","@cohen_sydney is he on twitter?  I know @problogger he is into photography. Runs also popular photography blog too."
1752159631,"sadness","mh0126","hot wings cafe with willyum  mild, spicy BBQ, curly fries.. delicious!!  http://twitpic.com/4wesr"
1752159647,"love","StealthStacy","@StealthBoomPow night honey..see ya tomorrow"
1752159657,"worry","willflowers","@carlito2009 haha that's always a good jam"
1752159660,"neutral","WhitRo6060","@mahhsaayyy well gracias  haha and why is that? the plays?"
1752159685,"love","fer_nkotb","@jordanknight Oh Jordan! I�m ready for the next contest, baby!!!! Can�t wait! Kisses from Brazil. I love you!"
1752159819,"happiness","lykethebyrd","@aimeesays aww i hope it does fly by because JT episodes are usually really good (and it's early but so far this ep hassn't disappointed)"
1752159875,"fun","taryn205","@xVOJOx It's kind of like your birthday is 3-days long!"
1752159897,"worry","alessi17","@brucefloyd ps- are you a doctor or swine flu paranoid??"
1752159965,"hate","ryanfewins","@johnataylor She should keep her crown and shut her mouth!   Then she'll know what non-judgmental means!"
1752159998,"happiness","jamsterFreak","Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!"
1752160035,"worry","MaddiesMama09","Home with Maddie  I'm tired.. Goin' to bed afterwards"
1752160061,"worry","rgoodchild","@oharris69 JUST like to clarify that I am a unable to acc. review vibrators as have not testrun any. *not an invitaiton for freebies"
1752160096,"neutral","tmyles1608","movie then sleep! Today was good day  [{H!--D3ff}]"
1752160144,"neutral","brosenlund","watching Baby Mama...again. and eating pineapple, orange, raspberry sherbert"
1752160221,"relief","EnjoyBjork","Swiped the last package of fruit snacks! Hell yeah. Finished Catch-22. What shall I read next?!? I'm such a nerd"
1752160222,"sadness","joefeser","@webaggression I can only promise about 150 or so."
1752160258,"love","aldebaran14","@rajtilak thanks for the followfriday promo."
1752160283,"empty","rkerr","It's after midnight & I hear the shower calling me- Technically it's not twice in one day since it's morning-- I'm not very "green"."
1752160312,"love","RoCKeR_MaDDiE","is fixin to clean the house for my mom for mother's day"
1752160370,"happiness","Medros","@Mj69Catz thanks  let me know which print from my gallery you would like, and we can work the details out"
1752160408,"love","JSliqq","Happy mothers dayyy all mothers especially mine"
1752160410,"surprise","JohnnyDeppNews","@tracydidit that was not Venessa that was me.."
1752160501,"love","claire_quileute","@NeSsIe_Cullen10 That's so nice to hear  i love you, you're my best friend and my sister *hug u*"
1752160555,"happiness","putoutthemoon","Goodnight  PS- thanks for jailbreaking my iPod, stacie <3"
1752160672,"worry","vivitaurus","Finished dinner @ apple bees  off to Freds in PB for drinks!"
1752160677,"hate","jordieeee28","@tayl0rmichael i know. But you messed up silly"
1752160687,"neutral","saraliechty","@MIKEMAYER me too!"
1752160699,"relief","topnotchdimes","@JJLola Thanxx for following me"
1752160712,"fun","Natashalaaaavhs","making my mom a mothers day card"
1752160747,"sadness","hrllewis","@aquadj James and I battle over everything too! It's kind of a love-hate relationship"
1752160777,"sadness","CALpumper","@ninnifur   Animas calls it Combo. Sometimes it works pizza, sometimes not. What pump do you use again?"
1752160848,"love","shaynajolie","I love my big brother very much."
1752160913,"love","26c4u","yay i see @PrincessSuperC awwwww damn it's about to be on"
1752160916,"neutral","ucfbri","Although Wolverine wasn't a great movie, I don't think it was as bad as everyone is saying...& at least Taylor Kitsch was in it"
1752160921,"neutral","Zoe1416","@ShellieBr I hope the young'ins enjoyed your wisdom!"
1752190871,"happiness","RMandJG","@Krystania thanks.mine wasn't too bad. Made a card for my mom, had a nice nap, finished some work, wrote bills, I have a surprise for you"
1752190909,"happiness","ausimik","@jpblogger Nothing like "RocknRolla" which is another good film with rock in the title"
1752190934,"happiness","csacra","I'm really happy...and drunk  but really happy"
1752190941,"neutral","lbergus","@Gabesmom The creeping charlie is what happens when I neglect the yard for the whole spring!  Thanks- & @bergus would LOVE to see yr dogs!"
1752190967,"love","KT2010","well going to sleep peoples!! night all twitterers!! loves ya!  *Welcome Home*"
1752190980,"happiness","acowboyswife","Just got home from a wonderful day with my family!!  I had so much fun today."
1752191100,"neutral","PamelaAngus","good morning  6.15 am: plans for the day ...nope, nothing interesting"
1752191136,"happiness","CajunFerreira","@Cohoons_World LOL! poor cubbies! brewers on a roll?? my rangers lost, but my Leafs won!"
1752191177,"worry","CFMikeMiranda","@carlossoto nice to meet you. Mike, video producer CF Miami."
1752191209,"neutral","Jinxie_G","@ChristianIvan Don't try too hard. You'll draw a blank."
1752191333,"relief","kittehkilla","My dad knows i got drunk today. And i didnt get in trouble."
1752191340,"love","Hobo_Web","@thecompletes seen u a couple of times. Liked it"
1752191352,"love","Hobo_Web","@thecompletes seen u a couple of times. Liked it"
1752191509,"relief","_huny","@WAVELORD @dari_tariq @lollipopvomit thank you"
1752191528,"neutral","Mommykins41","@NightShade10 It'll be worth the wait, I'm busting a gut here."
1752191546,"enthusiasm","InvaderTalisa","gahh. my freaking lip ring is going to be the death of me. it never cooraperates with me. and im over it now jack haha;"
1752191572,"neutral","christinajade","@NoahBond Good Grief! I can't say much, I was driving home from Martin through IKE last fall. Be interesting to hear what he says!"
1752191700,"love","claire_quileute","@_Bella_Cullen13 @RosalieHCullen @Esme_Cullen26 @alicecullen01 @NeSsIe_Cullen10  These are my family girls  love u guys *smiles*"
1752191777,"happiness","julez4","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOMMIES"
1752191828,"neutral","Karissssa","Ugh im so tired and i hardly did anything but play with my niece, Im goin to bed Goodnight eveyone! <3"
1752191870,"boredom","bicoastalite","@RaceSpeed You are so welcome!!!  Keep 'em coming!"
1752191878,"worry","angesbiz","@kelvinlls Hey Kelvin, my day's been fantastic so far! We're getting ready for a family Mother's day function shortly"
1752191907,"neutral","slipintothis","http://twitpic.com/4wf30 - EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! IT CAME!!!!"
1752192016,"sadness","GarrettMcCord","@jlskowro @jennsquared will have to wait on the recipe at Simply Recipes.  Sorries!"
1752192031,"worry","skibbymeow","@judez_xo oh and i know brody and erin"
1752192110,"happiness","loveyashlicious","happy mothers day. ekin sayang mak!!!"
1752192181,"surprise","EricaLeigh777","@pursebuzz They do! Lilash I'm guessing, right?  Oh and what camera are you using? That is insane quality!"
1752192193,"sadness","Donniesgirl34","@_writersblock_  I'm having a bev by myself too. Sometimes you just have those kind of days and you need to relax"
1752192287,"love","so__what","talking to my BABE  he's amazing"
1752192376,"happiness","iPhoneFuzzball","Fuzzball is more fun than Mother's Day  http://tinyurl.com/dhpol7"
1752192452,"neutral","Blue_Note23","Oh tonight... Looking forward to it"
1752192496,"neutral","novocained","Back home! Feels great sitting in front of moi desk's 32' LCD"
1752192503,"neutral","melissarawr1216","just got back from skating. Hanging with James"
1752192543,"happiness","yuuyy","chatting with some of my old classmates, hellyeah fun but we have some of very weird conversation haha. @dyankaaa hello? bbm lo error ya?"
1752192558,"happiness","AClockworkToad","@kluless65 I am doing fantastic JJJ!  You? Doing your questions already? teacher's pet!!"
1752192571,"fun","reece323","@A77boy i.m with u on the internet surfing part lol but we.re drinking"
1752192628,"love","Cherrelle_1116","http://twitpic.com/4wf3a - the definition of true beauty"
1752192682,"fun","MyAnimeLover","@Chocolatito ahhh!! haha ... thanks for clarifying"
1752192699,"neutral","smalltown_girl","@cookie_crumbles all the best for art attack. thanks 4d follow"
1752192708,"love","Teradawn","@_mamalaura night! So cute that K loves frogs  http://myloc.me/FI0"
1752192709,"happiness","iheartcoach","Just got a bunch of presents in the mail from my mama! So excited to open them on my birthday... 3 more days!"
1752192732,"love","bootyfulgirl","@fabfatties Thank you! One day at a time, right?"
1752192779,"happiness","bexudoce","just got back from cheescake factory boy oh boy are my guts stuffed"
1752192797,"happiness","LianneHo","@MichaelNi Ooh, I love sweet potato fries! We should definitely go."
1752192801,"love","thedonkeyspot","Happy Mother's Day :] I lovee you mami"
1752192941,"love","nanda_t","oh yeah... happy Mothers day to every mom out there and to my friend's moms"
1752192953,"love","semipenguin","@siriuslyheather I love chocolate. Must be PMS"
1752193057,"happiness","Ciarasaur","just met Sarah Kelly... wow... she is an amazing woman of God!  and she gave me a free t-shirt!  gotta love free merch"
1752193176,"love","_DINA","Signing off to spend time with my hubby   Goodnight / day tweeple!   Have a very Happy Mother's Day!"
1752193194,"neutral","LizzyReid","Prom's over. At denny's now  with katie and kelly<3"
1752193226,"happiness","Ambzz","Very content with my life at the moment"
1752193282,"happiness","eriknight","A little happy for the wine jeje ok it'sm my free time so who cares, jaja i love this day"
1752193300,"happiness","ericakfrei","@misscruisette Glad you like!"
1752193394,"neutral","Smokieflame","It is mothers day somewhere  http://tinysong.com/koV"
1752193474,"happiness","oreoking","@joannarobbins You are 'spot on'...I wouldn't tweet without it!! Thanks for your share tonight."
1752193476,"happiness","Jocey17","@casndra okayy mail me thenn  Lol im hyperrr too much candy && Jello x]"
1752193540,"love","AmyFTW","@MeghanAlanna yes i love manchester orchestra,and sigur ross. all the other bands ive never heard of but ill give them a listen. thanks"
1752193603,"happiness","mkeguy69","@Desert_Paradise Hi Dale, your welcome man! Hope ur weekend is going well. I think I would enjoy your Desert Paradise! fun, fun, fun!"
1752193620,"surprise","sharrrmaine","okay im happy again  i watched the second episode of jonas on youtube. i think tomorrow my family is going to olive garden for mothers day"
1752193648,"neutral","JBlover1494","@musiclove18 the end when they sing this is me and when they sing play my music"
1752193655,"love","edenhig","@jtimberlake Lovin' your performance on snl tonight... so damn funny!!!"
1752193672,"neutral","MaxWrite","@insaneboingo Oh, he's hilarious. I'm just commenting on the fact that he's there so much."
1752193729,"relief","valpalchicka33","Had a good day 2day!  off to bed. Nite tweeps."
1752193771,"love","shadowowns","does it get much better than king of queens and some honeycomb knock-off cereal?"
1752193787,"surprise","lexyvee","took the most amazing power nap ever. now its starbucks time."
1752193816,"fun","MssBucki","@MsNessa thats howya pose ta do get cake  (twitpic)"
1752193865,"happiness","mynameiscare","hungraaaaaaaaay. i'll just eat. don't go away Twitter! @whatchandrasaid LUNCH."
1752193887,"neutral","TweetenTixs","Tweeten Out  Tix deals for NKOTB 5/28 Was $43 NOW *$38 http://tinyurl.com/NKOTBTweetenTixsDeal <-or other SEAT Prices /NKOTB Dates"
1752193915,"neutral","ericaeeks","@Cryo ahh, that would be a good reason.. Heh hope that goes well hun"
1752193994,"love","eric55explorer","@nursewriter Glad to hear that b'day dinner was great! Wishing you a happy Mother's Day tomorrow."
1752193998,"happiness","Calijonesz","@PrinceJamir thanks for the follow bro!"
1752194162,"worry","Mistress_Ebby","@james_a_michael It doesn't look like you're tired in the pic.  Don't work too hard."
1752194217,"neutral","tomokahana","going to shibuya, meet my mom, get my contact lenses, then shinjuku"
1752194235,"happiness","Kathryn17","@james_a_michael CUTE  thanks for sharing! AND PLEASE Direct Message ME before you go to bed James ;) ;) you know you want to!"
1752194242,"neutral","katypayne","@JackAllTimeLow oh mannn i'm gonna be there tomorroww"
1752194258,"surprise","meko1880","@bobrules94: haha i know  it was super easy too. i sat at the toy counter and gave kids what little toy they wanted with they're tickets."
1752194290,"happiness","PinayAnimerican","Roxy was right. This palmade stuffs pretty cool"
1752194326,"relief","mikaelaxlove","Singstar  after stupid downloads finish ;("
1752194333,"neutral","BMBryant","@ Sly party enjoying life  partying tonight.....maybe?"
1752194384,"worry","LivinMyLife01","Ur performance of love sex magic was awesome!"
1752194397,"happiness","gayorbispace","Hi this is http://gayorbispace.com We hope everybody is having a safe & fun weekend"
1752194426,"fun","XxModelGirlxX","@RiotGirl14 Sounds Fun!"
1752194457,"happiness","babydoll0808","Thanks Synn!"
1752194484,"love","ibTed","It is officially Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all!  (via @The_Tech_Update) <-- Ditto!"
1752194498,"happiness","Piercingthsky","@AceArtemis7 well nothing. I can give you a pen."
1752194509,"worry","drew3486","@skie and how are you going to make it up to me"
1752194600,"love","carebear929","Enjoying my yummylicious shrimp burrito... MmMmm"
1752194621,"relief","redtogray","long, fun day  now for some relaxation. some TV with the mom, then sleeeep"
1752194633,"surprise","sacredxheart","Ready for tomorrow. My mommy will get her gift for Mother's Day. Hope she LOVES it!"
1752194637,"worry","liljaz5186","To bed I go   Nighty Night"
1752194651,"love","Gabsharpe","@alcatrazsmith Thanks al...i had a freakin ball!! great company, awesome venues....what more could a girl want?  love ya!!"
1752194673,"worry","JKlover","@KnightGrl OMG I'm sorry to hear that! I will keep my fingers crossed that you find something"
1752194700,"enthusiasm","lettucegirl","@kricket_rc234 good morning sushine!"
1752194754,"fun","Jennilovesyou","Busssssss with everyone!  yayyy!!!!!!!"
1752194762,"happiness","ForeverYours__","Just got home from dinner with my mommy and my new grandma. I'd rather be in Hollywood right now"
1752194795,"neutral","jceatsairplane","just got home, talk"
1752224331,"empty","KyutaSyuko","@KatieCeciil of course"
1752224372,"happiness","helladopex","Art show at dee's place!! Woohoooo."
1752224427,"happiness","KaschaHensley","just saw ghosts of girlfriends past with my bf, that movie was so predictable but so funny! i loved it"
1752224445,"empty","epicemilie","Watching twilight and eating potato salad."
1752224505,"enthusiasm","OttoBott","@skotot Oh, that said, the sellout was a fluke. It turns out the projector was broken.   I still think the film is bloody good times, tho."
1752224536,"love","siriuslyheather","Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! Goodnight to everyone else"
1752224595,"neutral","uSchoolme","@PaulReid and sorry that sounded like a 13 year old texting!!! Just tried TweetShrinking built into Tweed Deck  Just another cool feature."
1752224604,"neutral","EmmyATL","watching Destrey videos"
1752224607,"worry","FlyingPhotog","@FoxWhisperer  My Dad worked for SW when I graduated HS. Worked at HOU 21 years.   He retired 3 years before I joined the Company."
1752224639,"love","Carla_More","any one watching justin timberlake on SNL? He is greattttt! So hilarious"
1752224680,"happiness","Sergiojr","Fun webcamming with caroooo"
1752224705,"neutral","Motleysue","just finished  Emergency - by Neil Strauss - another great read Neil - congrats   miss you by the way!"
1752224789,"happiness","karynang","i had a dream last night, and i was singing  first avid dream of myself crooning away!"
1752224840,"neutral","starlit_nightsx","i'm defying gravity. and nobody in alll of oz, no wizard that there is or was, is ever gonna bring me down"
1752224858,"happiness","whitenebula","http://twitpic.com/4wff3 - Got these pretty sweet stickers from @refyousuck"
1752224878,"happiness","strawberry_tea","@bbelle_ yeah, just knew him because of your link  HE'S COMPLETELY AMAZING AND HE SINGS PHANTOM!"
1752224886,"love","chicken1001","@Veronicahun i will do that.."
1752224911,"neutral","storylet",""The truth is hiding in your eyes" @patita @MissMarian  Paramore � Decode @Daninho502  ? http://blip.fm/~5ytke"
1752224918,"happiness","sonoviva","I am soo happy! Thank you baby for the best 1095 days of my life"
1752224949,"surprise","MyNameIsJaclyn","@defeated possibly! NyQuil will get me through tonight though  Doctors Monday! (I hope for the swine, just so I can be on google maps)..jk"
1752225024,"worry","counternotions","@MissXu Nope  Not that I have to worry about the possibility. I'm more worried about GOOG's design than her personal taste, actually."
1752225103,"neutral","dollzilla","Just had mothers day lunch here  http://twitpic.com/4wfeo"
1752225111,"happiness","MyTwitsAreReal","@barnaby3 I saw them a few on this tour a few months ago in Boston. So good! Glad you finally got to see them"
1752225112,"love","RaddHannah","Gave my mommy her Mother's Day present. Tickets to Aerosmith (her favorite band everr.) Yay for a good reaction."
1752225177,"love","myriadian","Finished dexter season2    start on season 3 next week?"
1752225240,"happiness","mercydrummer","@oliviathiem thank you. We had a blast"
1752225326,"happiness","Clizzzaire","Good show, sleepytime. Goodnight moon"
1752225335,"happiness","OhMyDamnKelsey","tiiiiiiired! Going to bed! Drinking leads to making out with boys, who you later forget their names.... Don't drink kids. Goodnight"
1752225482,"love","ZaTaylor","Shot some footage of a fundraiser to purchase a mobile health clinic this morning then a little web work and a full afternoon of climbing"
1752225502,"fun","Kenetria","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY 2 ME"
1752225511,"neutral","JustPeachyXO","Got caught in the rain with about 7 people  Now, probably just gunna watch Smallville till I fall asleep"
1752225522,"happiness","allisonwannng","Korean music festival <33 i miss you ): Hahaha sexy time ! (: <3 Can't wait till SHINee ! LOL !"
1752225532,"relief","deenahagen","@JonathanRKnight awww thanks Jon! My 9yr old told me I was to sleep in, while they all clean the house.. best mom's day present ever!"
1752225634,"neutral","SweetThursday","Saw Wolverine last night"
1752225643,"neutral","lmpotter","@alaksir Thank you for the FF"
1752225661,"love","jenniab91","@JonathanRKnight Thank you Jonathan! I am the proud mommy to a 6 yr old girl, and a 14 yr old boy!"
1752225666,"happiness","janicevu","love it when jonas brothers are in the trending topics. maybe taylors turn next"
1752225902,"love","funnygirljordan","@BOLDNATIVE Hi Denis, when can we grab coffee?   would love to catch up with you.  Jordan"
1752225935,"surprise","SmoovezWorld","Leme put this bottle of ciroc in ya..Baby i can make you popular!!"
1752225978,"worry","tcheella","@marcelatanaka You are welcome, xuxu"
1752226027,"surprise","JoeCascio","@LoriGama That wouldn't have happened if Ravit hadn't asked me. I met her thru a Twitter friend in CT. Love social media that way."
1752226127,"neutral","banana_lo","Drinking and smoking is very bad.---but im grown tho"
1752226294,"happiness","bellalynne","exhausted, sore and sunburnt. but I'm really happy"
1752226344,"neutral","jordybug2jee","@mnmissy you should do an # for the safesex topic"
1752226358,"neutral","wanyax","@boagworld   In effect, your podcast IS the audio version of your book. Isn't it? (plus, it has the added charm of banter  )"
1752226378,"worry","beneubanks","@HollyMVG That's awesome. Biking is an underappreciated activity these days."
1752226427,"love","vidluther","Happy Mothers day to all you MI.. mothers out there.   Thanks for doing what you do .. whatever that is"
1752226439,"love","knlsmom","@JonathanRKnight Awww, thanks Jon!  I appreciate that"
1752226443,"love","jaistorm","Wrapping packes for mom day   Happy Mom Day to all you hot mommas out there"
1752226449,"surprise","WhitRo6060","@mahhsaayyy imagine i would say"bitch!" lol if i were ma d! haha but im not cuz ur cool"
1752226462,"love","ladymix","@dcorsetto love love love pot psycology. My Friday night treat"
1752226531,"neutral","sarin_girl","@etafish my grandpa called, wants to know what you are doing with his hat.. and when you plan to return it"
1752226651,"neutral","marlpua","nature has just called me  BRB"
1752226658,"happiness","Karine_Mtl","Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow Montreal Blockheads who are moms  I'll join the club...one day! LOL"
1752226690,"relief","Wo0t","@alwayswyser Good night."
1752226691,"neutral","Itzjon","Tired even though i didn't do much today. glad we got to catch the second half of the cavs game @juicyjesso"
1752226693,"love","AlexTrungHuynh","doing Accounting homework  Just nicely got a 50p for the project <3"
1752226727,"surprise","issaas","Jonas brothers concert  was greaattt"
1752226766,"worry","meghan91","The Veronicas are gonna rock the stage tomorrow  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY EVERYONE!"
1752226787,"anger","chicken1001","@Buddy021193 i hear you.. it pisses me off haha"
1752226788,"love","Doomed_Vampire","@Jason_the_bear  I love  the names!"
1752226882,"happiness","forexforums","Just starting integrating Twitter with Forexforums.org ... looks like a great partnership!  I welcome all to our chat room tomorow all day"
1752226926,"happiness","Sweet_UpAndDown","Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there"
1752226934,"love","sophieee27","@db aww that's cute"
1752226964,"neutral","Forilla","was in Palawan a couple of days ago, i'll try to post pictures tom."
1752227025,"love","craudi","I went to prom tonight.  My hair was cooler this time around...and I did it myself for free."
1752227032,"love","DevEXP","What an incredibly great day.  hahaha!"
1752227104,"neutral","jocelynsalazar","@felipeUbill conectese xetitooooooooo"
1752227215,"surprise","PacBlue","@edenriegel Ur going 2 get tired of hearing from me, but I just saw a preview of ur movie Year One, and you were in it.  How funny. Yeah!"
1752227250,"happiness","Terceramon","Finishing this giraffe, then getting some sleep. Super excited about tomorrow!"
1752227269,"happiness","pinkcottencandy","@kelsie_marie1 hey beautiful whats up?"
1752227275,"enthusiasm","natashahurt","thinks the world would be a better place...with more cowbell."
1752227282,"worry","meaganmurphy","@lyssaloo I was gonna text u and ask what puff meant!!"
1752227321,"neutral","EmmaE2K","@MalaReignz Thanks, Enjoy your dinner tomorrow"
1752227369,"fun","jclayville","@tpaulding // your FACE is stupid.   thanks... i miss you too. HA!"
1752227389,"neutral","x01jess17x","finals tuesday and thursday, home friday"
1752227403,"happiness","bunnyrenee","@arielm27 Happy happy birthday"
1752227432,"neutral","Breezy_boo","FO SHOWWW"
1752227453,"happiness","jsuplido","@ocell great to hear you saw Slumdog Millionaire! And yes, that's a Bollywood thing at the end"
1752227501,"love","guiltydeelon","@NickyTvf have a good show"
1752227551,"happiness","allywafflesyo","@shufflebite im gunna juhs so its another way to talk ta yu  <3"
1752227553,"boredom","Comatose_13","Listening to maylene and wondering why cant I pull off as many cool southern metal licks as them"
1752227560,"sadness","Nicole4u","@David_Henrie wat do u mean by killed it  and yes im sure lady gaga did do awsome"
1752227647,"happiness","Cause4Conceit","craving a king sized snickers"
1752227660,"happiness","Flint2008","Tomorrow is Mother's Day! What did you get for your moms?! If you don't have a gift, just tell her that you love her."
1752227669,"happiness","radiostopshere","@IlanRubin Freaking awesome job tonight! You seem to really be having a lot of fun. I have some pictures I wanna send you.."
1752227680,"fun","PleaseSeeUs","@barrysma NEW motorcycle and you POPPED a cable already? wow-you ride HARD!"
1752227682,"relief","keokilee","@kellimiura I'll save the celebration until it's sent to my professor. I am proud that I wrote a 15 page paper though"
1752227693,"neutral","holidaycarclub","Melbourne - Toyota - Coaster - 1975 - $14,950  - new ad received and will be posted on the HCC site soon"
1752227707,"neutral","Angeliiinaaa","in faa thaa night  movie night?"
1752227710,"relief","thisKat","@janetleejohnson A rare treat b/c we're rarely ap and at 'em that early!  But we may make opening bell at the PDX Farmers Mkt a new goal."
1752227750,"surprise","andtellsummer","The hair looks sicckkkk.  Happy mothers day to all the mothers!"
1752227785,"fun","CammieBell","Come an add, new twitter.  Only for fans."
1752227798,"worry","letters2myboys","I had a GREAT day with you guys today! We went to the Clay House for Emily's birthday & had lots of fun. We will have 2 go there again."
1752227820,"happiness","Moshizzle99","@yfeandipoo I'm sooooo excited to see you also love.....let the craziness begin  7 daysssssss YAHOOOO"
1752227845,"neutral","amy3nicole","sassy grandma's make for a pretty awesome mother's day dinner!"
1752255425,"neutral","Calariffic","Sitting in the KAUST offices. Sun is shining and surrounded by busy people... ace"
1752255469,"worry","iCarluccio","@alexosh1234 not worth it! I love the free version for the iPhone though!"
1752255470,"empty","Mommykins41","A little twitter mention on SNL"
1752255481,"happiness","spngirl","Went to friend's house to watch some good old season 1 episodes of Supernatural <3 Damn I love this show soo fucking much"
1752255485,"happiness","TheHarvardian","@ssnape Yes, though perhaps I wasn't thinking. I like vague. It seems a popper term for you."
1752255508,"happiness","Knot2serious","@Gilamuffin Sounds like a good time, very nice of you.  Did you see him, when he played at the Rio or Aladdin? I've seen him live, 3 times"
1752255578,"sadness","alleykat27","Hi Everyone miss me much?  muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;)"
1752255689,"neutral","gabbyirl","Coldstone with kayla and some fat guys, but she is all that matters"
1752255710,"enthusiasm","margaret78","That's it. I'm hooked."
1752255734,"anger","8Rachael8","@PirateTimmy hopefully it don't go that far  sometimes I feel like renouncing my roots"
1752255752,"love","annavivas","Had fried oreos downtown vegas, went to the park with her cousins. BEST DAY EVERRRR.  Happy mommy's day!"
1752255763,"happiness","blueeyesshined","@BoyceAvenue hey guys it's leann. . i dont know if you remember me but i just wanted to say that i'm very excited to see you guys go far"
1752255781,"sadness","heartshapedgirl","@mortuaries your tweets are making my night, bb girl"
1752255872,"worry","SweetTartelette","@Lemonpi PH and I are having a macaron smackdown...except he is not aware of it...It's all being played out in my head"
1752255893,"love","NailaJ","Sleepy time! Happy Mothers' Day to current and future moms around the globe!"
1752256170,"neutral","twisted4joemac","Goodknight Twitterland! Happy Mother's Day to all you blockhead mommas! Have a wonderful day!"
1752256208,"love","uknowulovemeh","Talking to my good friend Neika on myspace... I used to be friends with her, then hated her, and now am great friends with her again!!"
1752256231,"neutral","maddysen","@rhib62 I am now cleaning"
1752256240,"love","KenKopin","@calimiles You live dat glamorous life."
1752256261,"sadness","broadwaybabe123","I just watched my favorite movie "A Walk to Remember" its so romantic and sad i just love it"
1752256264,"worry","kurt_o","Tonight's SNL does not dissapoint. LOL"
1752256292,"empty","exocetau","@andrewsayer again, surely the uploading could wait until you got home?  I'm all about enjoying the party when you can."
1752256316,"fun","meezie97","Snoops uncle who was the COOLEST dancer EVER!!!!!!  http://twitpic.com/4wfqn"
1752256387,"neutral","TimeOutMom","@MyPreciousKid - i can do "Nana" or "Nana Rocks" for you in rhinestones & do printed onesies for them "my nana loves me""
1752256390,"sadness","BlondeJoker",">>Why did the Blonde Keep failing her drivers license test-------->>>>>Everytime they stopped, she jumped in the back seat."
1752256434,"enthusiasm","rlovies","@AboveAllFabric wow! you've been tweeting all night!! looks like you totally made up for the day"
1752256492,"enthusiasm","alliecatx3","is ur boyfriend better than mine? hell no!"
1752256514,"happiness","dringham","@robdyrdek my husband wears the same shirt all the time, think you can send some of that this way??"
1752256523,"sadness","spectrummother","@mamacapps  Know I'm not the only one.  Just harder on me."
1752256545,"neutral","mistakepro","going out to see star trek   be back in a while"
1752256564,"neutral","MorganLW","Bai KT and I have decided that at my Disney wedding we will have a parade and a mushroom trampoline float that KT and Bai will jump on"
1752256604,"happiness","wizardElite","@ChesterBaker Really laughing out loud! Seeing a limo in front of MacDonalds is just to funny!"
1752256619,"happiness","LanieW","saturday night live is amazing & makes me laff lalala  i will always love this show  timberlake's sketches are always funny <3"
1752256725,"love","Laidimples","@jtimberlake give-it-on-up-to-justinville  may i just say...your skits in snl were hilarious! lol"
1752256761,"neutral","alexboles","@melbelle2805 I absolutely LOVE you.  Thanks"
1752256772,"love","hesofamous","@cococutie4u  holla happy early mother's day"
1752256779,"neutral","jenven06","@msmissy two. Just going to visit someone"
1752256879,"neutral","donutpower","used a spare USB flash drive as virtual RAM for my PC. now its got 5.6 GB of memory"
1752256882,"happiness","KylieRae_","Beautiful day  Northwest River Park for Mother's Day then movie night. Church tomorrow is going to be insane! I can't wait"
1752256927,"relief","bruinsfan2010","and it's my birthday tomorrow. Everything worked fine w/that in the end Convinced her not 2 invite ppl she didn't know"
1752256936,"love","SaraThackray","Reading the bible, praying, then bed"
1752256951,"neutral","charyl","@mojustice I've heard this fall. I'm waiting too!"
1752257039,"enthusiasm","SakuraKasugano","Watched The Rescuers Down Under with Dru and ate Mickey d's. This is how Disney sequels *should* be done"
1752257115,"worry","MegMer","i have a sunburn line on my back from the tag sticking out of my tank top all day..... ugh. i need aloe vera!! went to the park again"
1752257213,"neutral","leleana","@jordanbartowski I'm the same way, but with Backstreet Boys. I remember gasping when they used 1 song on Chuck  I was like O.O OMFG NO WAY"
1752257221,"love","Dancer1313","@smf_always3 okay well thank you you are so beautiful too"
1752257333,"relief","tlberglund","@traceym75 Thanks! I will tell her my friends on Twitter say so."
1752257338,"happiness","_alii","@CARAciao haha :S i started yesterday my dad helped me so much!!!"
1752257353,"neutral","chloevk","@Rove1974  I just tried whispering your name like Justin Timberlake does.. it does sound sexy"
1752257363,"love","KrissiMarieXOXO","@MusikFareak i'm doing awesome! Rachel N had a bday party today  it was fun. Btw have you seen  Sam's prom pix? They're GORGEOUS!"
1752257367,"happiness","rawrvee","@LaniNicole Yeh yeh. I would switch to Cingular, but I have more friends on T-Mobile. Free minutes, yo."
1752257408,"surprise","crunchyt","Never realized how good #Techmeme is until I actually read it (duh!) As an avid Tech Crunch reader, this is much better..."
1752257422,"happiness","twebbstack","@iamchrisc haha  cute. ps thanks for the reply made my day haha"
1752257473,"happiness","hurricanekayla","Star trek was SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Spock and Kirk were hillarious!!!  Im seeing it again. sooon."
1752257523,"sadness","kbthebody","DUCKED OFF! I'LL BE BACK IN GA TOMORROW."
1752257559,"enthusiasm","vrivera135","Home finally! Im soooo tired and kinda lonely now, blah but w.e I'll cuddle in some blankets and watch a movie by myself  sounds good. Lol"
1752257583,"happiness","lovelymisterb","trying to figure this twitter thing out!   I'm quite excited about it"
1752257588,"love","Cynderela","@JonathanRKnight thank u sweetie! Can't wait to set sail with u next week"
1752257633,"fun","cjrobinson","@stefanie504 She must have a very adwancrd sense of humor!  That's funny"
1752257664,"love","JKlover","@omgstephwtf  Knighty Knight! Sweet NKOTB freams  Love Ya!"
1752257666,"surprise","jrock807","@greenatelier awww wish I was there! Have a brew for me B!"
1752257687,"worry","Alestrial","'s plans didn't go as followed, but its ok"
1752257785,"happiness","GrantMc","Barack Obama is a legend, just watched his dinner speach, it was pretty funny"
1752257807,"worry","SailorMoonChan","@FlamingBluStar Sorry to hear about the laptop troubles. Hope you can get them fixed and the lappy back to norm."
1752257862,"happiness","JaxRaghibTrail","@m1dnightc1ty I do too!! Sounds interesting"
1752257876,"neutral","tclemans","@Alonis lol "guys in their wet suits", I should go to the beach and view girls in wet suits"
1752257909,"neutral","emmatotheloo09","in about 30 minutes Happy Mothers Day to alll the amazing moms out there!!!  going to bed!!"
1752257962,"relief","melifast","@melgreco thanks for coming in tonight  it made me so happy"
1752257995,"surprise","kimbermai","@fiyahlilly Nice we didn't see the fireworks but we sure heard 'em"
1752258011,"relief","obnoxiousacorns","@ticketranaway It's not sad. To tweet is to twitter, not someone misspronouncing a word kto make it fit a card.  I would have tweeted it."
1752258267,"happiness","secretsdivine","playing 20 questions with Chris"
1752258281,"happiness","dreama7","@danielradcliffe Sunday and Mother's day!"
1752258288,"happiness","pinkpumpkin24","Looking forward for orange juice and fried eggs and cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning!!"
1752258301,"empty","tn_femme","@AnointedPromise Yes, have to be right for church"
1752258346,"happiness","shauneyzilla","had a great night with friends"
1752258365,"surprise","narfzz","STAR TREK WAS PURE AWESOME! LOVE IT!!! <3333 @elwhite It was so great seeing you!"
1752258385,"happiness","Stu_D0gg","@MissJia  Word. Yayy twitter after dark lol."
1752258476,"love","TwilightofDoom","@Lethaldread Awww my lovies! Yes I love it all.  And I'm totally finishing my buffalo sammich after a few hits off the new bongie. <3"
1752258502,"neutral","Fraggle312","This is about as close to Brooklyn as I usually get  This neighborhood has changed a lot in 15 years.   http://twitpic.com/4wfr4"
1752258510,"worry","FoCUSED89","@Tyrese4ReaL hi (My Man) lOl I love you too... The song was clearer just had to turn my phone down"
1752258614,"neutral","alina0","@CuteMadeleine You have a DM amigui"
1752258628,"happiness","turkeyjerky","Baking experiment results: delicious, very sweet, very rich.  Almost too sweet."
1752258673,"neutral","qatesiuradewyo","@misterperturbed You saw that fraktastic zoidberg painting that was tweeted around last week or so, didn't you?"
1752258676,"love","Heavyeyeliner","Oh Justin Timberlake. I love when u host SNL!"
1752258696,"love","nadyakalchensky","happy Bday MOM"
1752258710,"happiness","missflipflop","@JonathanRKnight awww such a sweetie. hope your mom has a wonderful mother's day too"
1752258753,"relief","WhitRo6060","@mahhsaayyy haha! well im glad i made you feel better in your time of struggle"
1752258769,"love","JuDiFMaRie","My 1st Mothers Day Tomorrow"
1752258794,"worry","Katrina_katrina","I like Sunday afternoons ..."
1752258940,"neutral","KristenCampisi","@Bia_Loves_NKOTB yup...as always....wonder when me and V will ever come back to Earth...getting kinda comfy up here"
1752258998,"worry","PrimaJess","@carbaby and @travisgarland great seein you guys today!!! you look so happy  love it!! lets hang out soon!! love yall!"
1752259129,"neutral","TheCrash216","@iamjonathancook how old is jonathan jr? I've got four cockatiels, they're two years now"
1752259150,"love","blaize_of_fyre","@jtimberlake TY sweetheart"
1752259161,"love","anarchistkrist","Good night everybody, i love u Phillip! XO"
1752259270,"happiness","Tamalama21","Sturday night live"
1752259303,"happiness","Nautinkotbkitty","@JonathanRKnight you & chicken soup & I'll be good!"
1752286793,"neutral","t_rishra","yard house too packed. Three people deep at bar.... went to pf changs....got right in"
1752286814,"enthusiasm","leagueoflegos","@chelsealitalien but you always have lee. Let's go to Paris"
1752286825,"fun","aleksbolta","wow i'm tired... going to bed, GOOD NIGHT"
1752286976,"love","emjhoistarr","Got 38 followers now!"
1752287050,"love","reynnadelacruz","@emilove aaahhhh I'm so excited!"
1752287068,"worry","lovelckdwn","cant find my shoes. :/ hope its as bad as itll get 2nite.  im happy."
1752287131,"boredom","MandeeYardz","Nothing relaxing on a Saturday night!"
1752287186,"happiness","craftymamaof4","@LKnerl yes we must I had so much fun at SXSW with you guys  PJ party in my room"
1752287187,"love","BJotwit","@mrskutcher Hi! Im Barb frm IA. New to tweetin. Enjoy reading ur tweets. U seem like a wonderful person..I KNOW ur a wonderful actress"
1752287209,"love","claudgrrl","@lyteforce Ur stat pack made the LB roll. It's like ur there!"
1752287219,"love","FrankieSpag","She is all I can ever think about.  http://twitpic.com/4wg12"
1752287259,"relief","jesszlatos","Done studying bout the earth"
1752287305,"happiness","ModernInkStudio","@CloverandBee YEA!! Way to go! Super excited for a great Midwest resource!!! Midwest pride!"
1752287340,"relief","xyourbiggestfn","My laptop was being an idiot. Its back to normal now"
1752287434,"happiness","VizionQuest","@kellykleinwi okay, thanks!"
1752287461,"happiness","emilyb20","Watching SNL. Awhh, Chris Pine is a cutieee"
1752287524,"happiness","GreenApple1388","TodaY was better. My Panda can eally cheer me up. I dont know, I am Happy, Like the legit happy."
1752287659,"sadness","NosLived","I work all day tomorrow, followed by a date with tits, So Jayden and I gave my mom her mother's day gifts at midnight. She cried."
1752287685,"neutral","brittdeezy","Yo! Its moms day today, so do it big for mom dukes  and behave!"
1752287764,"happiness","ronimom","Ok all have hit the point of relaxation.. heading to bed  sleep well and Happy Mother's day to all you Moms out there!! Night"
1752287863,"worry","DanaGoetz","@ArnaudJacobs  I always thought scuba diving would give me a entirely new perspective of the world, but too chicken to do it. can u help?"
1752287886,"empty","neerajnarayan","@Padmasree So are you going to watch Star trek or Wolverine..? I bet you are going to watch both  Right?"
1752287998,"surprise","abcdefglynis","Happy Mother's Day!"
1752288043,"worry","addamh","Loong line for 7:00 trek. Started around 6. I'm trying to block the sun with my hand"
1752288086,"happiness","arielm27","@bunnyrenee thank you"
1752288117,"love","btaylormusic","@AlSween awwww you got love foe me?  yup yup I got love for mr Sween all day everyday!"
1752288210,"neutral","TalarGee","@garretjiroux Yep, I'm more of a facebook person  http://bit.ly/duFAz"
1752288240,"neutral","tatumpedersen","Is watching the cat in the hat"
1752288316,"happiness","soraelric","May 10 is Human Kindness Day."
1752288332,"worry","sarahsss","@thnkhappythghts HIM shirt at dinner? Do you need to ask??  Does it actually have Ville on it?"
1752288411,"fun","missyhugs","@Werby76 oh suuuuuuuure...rub it in why don't ya!!!!!!!!! LOL Enjoy!"
1752288640,"happiness","KatieArttt","Just finished down loading AIM6.9 and guess what! I can get updates from Twitter on it!  Message me at: i am katie arttt"
1752288652,"fun","brittanydenue","fun fun night  miss you. night tweets"
1752288697,"worry","GeorgiaGirl30","@JonathanRKnight Thanks so much Jon.....same to your mom    That is so sweet of you to think of all of us"
1752288797,"love","lucky319","watching Scariest Places on Earth - I love this stuff"
1752288917,"fun","brandonsteili","Just Another Mobile Monday is back online. There's two days I'll never get back.     http://tinyurl.com/ra48ye (via @justamonday)"
1752288939,"hate","Crisztiina1901","Happy mothers day  I'm so hungry and the resturants are all closed... Damn"
1752289006,"love","YaBoy_Q","is also wishing these two lovely mothers @solangeknowles & @fatbellybella a very special Mother's Day!!!  enjoy!"
1752289027,"neutral","theitskeptic","@metodico "organization ...ITIL, forget about people (and so they fail)" preaching to the converted  IT is the people http://tr.im/kWUA"
1752289074,"happiness","juverna","Fun is being had."
1752289187,"happiness","patrickschlabs","I think I would be a good radio dj...I like awesome music and I have a great personality!!!!  ;) !!!   !!!"
1752289329,"neutral","Damnityell","@akpolegirl I'll be right over, save me a slice"
1752289373,"worry","Tink1272","@mirder http://twitpic.com/4wfs8 - You are so weird. You need to lay off the smokes, because you're talking to yourself."
1752289420,"neutral","mizzattitude702","@DRob23 ya i did i seen all them but Robert"
1752289427,"neutral","Sideache","@Cassivellaunus I'm sure the Mrs. will follow when she gets comfortable on the new computer, may be a while  #hhrs"
1752289508,"neutral","mobilemike","@Ihnatko Huh. I'll have to try that (for no other reason then just to try it"
1752289543,"love","AprilFilms","@offgrid Awwww   i've got some photos of cute bunnies"
1752289643,"happiness","caityoh","making german apple slice  nom nom nom"
1752289646,"surprise","podgypanda","@brutejonny works fine to me"
1752289657,"neutral","CynthiaY29","@tldavidson thanks"
1752289739,"love","locheng","got to see 2 of my favorite guys back on long island  heading back to the city tomorrow or monday to be with the boyfriend! <3"
1752289781,"neutral","Mothman_","going to into freo today with the mother"
1752289783,"fun","myrtlebeachtv","Just back from bingo w/family -- I won over $1100! Fun night"
1752289812,"worry","heynatasha","wow its only 9:30"
1752289852,"neutral","JaY_ReeD59","if aint Bee then it aint me...ya heard me?  {this for u keemie}"
1752289881,"fun","marcogennuso","@__Greer__ Hey Greer! I'm Marco! It's nice to talk with a fellow actor(ress) haha"
1752289894,"relief","caylamarie","9:30pm and this grandma is going to sleep.  20ish Mother's Day reservations tomorrow..."
1752289895,"surprise","andrew_murphy","@Miss604  okay for your Mom and My Mom too!"
1752289907,"happiness","Dance2nite","Thank god for Starbucks"
1752290016,"happiness","Jasperblu","@GoodNightIrene Thanks lady!!"
1752290171,"happiness","hannnnnnnah","@Clara_miss my best friend won tickets to see them from kiis fm!"
1752290229,"worry","claire_quileute","@Renesmeeeeee *hugs back* me too"
1752290233,"worry","jsuplido","@bhl1 I hope so! My sister lives there!"
1752290271,"surprise","David_Copado","@janessapunani concert please explain? im intrigued"
1752290368,"fun","jennberman","@MISS_OTTAWA have fun!"
1752290375,"love","BBWTopazLaDai","Happy Mother's Day to all the Ladies... With all the moments we cherish with our children, today let those moments cherish you in return."
1752290391,"love","simplyyme","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS OUT THERE!!!!!!!"
1752290468,"surprise","pagankinktress","@AlFerretti Uh, yeah.  Totally.  But then again, I am in real life too, sooooo...."
1752290470,"love","pj_endrinal","just woke up. Happy Mommy's Day to everyone's mom and grandma!"
1752290537,"neutral","angelbabybop","@JoeJonas1Fan1 heyy.  how are you?"
1752290580,"surprise","taryn205","@xVOJOx I didn't know you had a blog!!!  That's so awesome"
1752290581,"love","pruschell","@SherriEShepherd   you deserve so much better... hang in there good things come to those who wait!"
1752290726,"love","JoshuaZehner","Thai food with Natalie. She loves this stuff. That makes me smile."
1752290760,"fun","iamcaseface","@katyperry the good life!!! - under a honeymoon"
1752290786,"neutral","d_ella","Gudluck to @Sickamore @richhil !!"
1752290802,"surprise","cassiemayluvs","@Stacilynny Its tomorrow!!!!"
1752290924,"relief","amberpatrick","totally the best part of my day was studying with @beccahicklen  haha ok now i'm really leaving holly's and i'll be there shortly! peace!"
1752290939,"love","fifthand56th","Oh and PS. Since it is already 12:30, I should probably say "Happy Mother's Day" to my Mom and all the mothers out there!"
1752291020,"happiness","NEPlannning","Working on our baseball fundraiser  Get 10% percent off Platium or Diamond wedding package if you let us know you saw us on Twitter!"
1752291083,"neutral","Sillikat","@rayvinhsu welcome to win 7. I am sure you will like the new OS but if you have any issues do feel free to ask"
1752291146,"love","farahcho","Chicken beer and good company makes a good night..."
1752291151,"neutral","tx_tine","@daStasia everyone says that"
1752291165,"happiness","abrownlee","@abiFACE thanks for havin us overrr!"
1752291170,"happiness","blauceel","@JonathanRKnight hey babe, happy to hear from you again on twitter  the today show was AMAZING!!"
1752291232,"neutral","nissie28","@katyperry i think it's under a honeymoon by the good life -- either that or it's under a honey moon by joseph arthur."
1752291281,"sadness","AGORACOM","@howardlindzon You're such a kiss ass   Looking forward to central, mountain and pacific mother's day tweets.  Don't forget about PEI"
1752291284,"worry","DEBBYZ1","he said for real"
1752291296,"happiness","lyssieteebens","I had so much fun tonight!! But i am soo excited to get home and go to sleep"
1752291308,"worry","shaa_leeen","@julieannee sup betch"
1752291338,"love","josaremama","Happy Mother's Day 2 all the fabulous moms out there. The world wouldn't run without us. Keep up the good work! Enjoy ur day"
1752291341,"neutral","MrIncredible09","@heidimontag - absolutely loves it....  u r too many things!"
1752291364,"enthusiasm","ilywithanou","@Turrislove09 but i realllllllly want to. llike im really starting to hate PA. btw, i just messaged the great one known as dylan"
1752291376,"relief","phoebeliaw","Painting is hard work. Very tired. But satisfying to see God's house getting prettier.  And I like the yellow of Tim's room."
1752291424,"hate","OKE_Menachem","@HOMELESSCRISIS And maybe you will get the statue and sainthood you are seeking.  Win-win for all. Can't be a victim like your people."
1752291433,"neutral","aarondelay","Well, enough mushy family talk. To bed I stubbornly go."
1752291436,"neutral","amesters23","Movie night with kate"
1752291501,"happiness","MayaxStarshipx","Prolly going to Jamba Juice in thirty minutes , shop for awhile then hit the airport and see my daddddd."
1752320142,"worry","thwippersnapple","The 22nd can't get here fast enough!"
1752320220,"happiness","biancapastrana","Choir banquet was more than I could've ever dreamed.   I'm so happy! Now after party at Lauren's!!!"
1752320224,"love","xofunnyhoney","@JessicaSimpson I've been a fan of yours for years and you have been such an inspiration to me. You're truly my idol  Best wishes to you"
1752320414,"fun","YoungA2985","@jessiemona mama the boys gon be sweating her hard in Pre K  lol muah"
1752320444,"happiness","natalieannem","is about to Camp Rock with @meltrev & daddy  YAY!"
1752320494,"neutral","eatscakehxc","sheboygan / teekay / other kids / fight / angus / ryan / mall / mcdonalds / high / party / beer pong / drink / drive home. fun night"
1752320501,"neutral","aimes87","sleeping in my own bed tonight... at home!!"
1752320538,"happiness","CandiceSo","fireworks @ KBOOM concert... second best I've ever seen...preceded only by last year's show 2008 <sigh>"
1752320605,"love","yadikeith","@MsEDU Tyler Perry is Hilarious! I think I will.  I'm off to bed though so I tweet ya in the morning. Goodnight!"
1752320627,"fun","JesusNeedsNewPR","@brotallybeh dude, was that you in the new Star Trek Burger King commercial? Bud Light AND Burger King? So proud of u man."
1752320670,"worry","jessieeee","party was awesome. soooo tired, bye. ps: happy momma's day"
1752320673,"enthusiasm","techtastic","@CompanyWoman haha i have 2 ask, are you 2 as beautiful as ur voices? curse u super cool beautiful women who are likely unavailable! lol"
1752320728,"neutral","livnvicariously","@penguinm That comment was just to ..well you know...to not reply to it."
1752320811,"neutral","Appilicious","Tapit:E446WWHLLYAR TK3H6694PRMP 9R46TAHXEFKT please @ reply me if you win! Thanks!"
1752320825,"love","BatmanMike","@LittleGigiGirl Happy Birthday!!!!!"
1752320828,"worry","tesskisner","@cptheartist 'wife a chick' LMAO!!  no problem with marriage. just negative symbolism attached to the jump-right-into-the ring bling thing"
1752320853,"happiness","sherod","@whiteangle We held out, Japanese people were making origami animals for Darcy   Had a great time, amazing place!"
1752320875,"love","tylergalpin","Mmmmmmm. I love Espresso......the app, that is. I guess the real thing helps me work efficiently too"
1752320941,"neutral","eric_merced","@dpocza I hope to take you on that offer one day"
1752320999,"love","Tbeauty218","Happy Mommy Day"
1752321001,"boredom","blue_raven","@heatedskates That may be, I still don't like hearing his name so much.   #blackhawks #canucks"
1752321034,"worry","AllieMorgan","Have you ever been so exhausted your entire body aches? I'm there! Lights out - Goodnight little tweets...sleep tight"
1752321059,"worry","Laurrs","I feel like I need to catch up on twitter haven't done much of it this weekend!"
1752321063,"neutral","ethand","In walmart getting a mothers day card with every other procrastinating guy in chattanooga  slim pickings but got a good one."
1752321071,"worry","nikamarie","@AlimSalahuddin LOL!!! I'm going to see it maybe today"
1752321108,"happiness","NotaCougar","maybe he could drill a hole in me?  LOL    OH SNAP!  (sorry couldn't resist)"
1752321162,"anger","AlexarrKaboom","had a kickass day full of Seaworld, retarded 15 year old guys, and X-Men Origins. Win day?"
1752321186,"happiness","ehammond84","Ok, 4 Star Trek fans have given the new movie good reviews  getting very excited!!!"
1752321191,"neutral","manolosavi","@Bluewolf2072 thanks"
1752321198,"enthusiasm","leatron","Think i'm going to go down to the lobby in a while to get either Starbucks or.. perhaps some ice cream"
1752321203,"love","noremix","wishing mom happy mother's day and ofcourse, happy birthday as well!"
1752321204,"neutral","RutherfordL","@DizzyDezzi You needed to watch the White House Correspondent's Dinner. That would have cheered you up!"
1752321250,"neutral","ShannonSmyth","is a college graduate"
1752321326,"neutral","happybushra","@CLINTIRD she will"
1752321379,"love","brunettechick","Off to bed after hours on the phone gossiping with Bia, lol. Nite nite, sleep tight!"
1752321402,"sadness","ThatsTwit","@profitfu wattup bro, hows it going, i see ya twitter is kicking butt   JV http://twurl.nl/ogzbdl"
1752321421,"worry","PhoebeOH","@omgfasho brent is going to 789... and charles and dave we neeeeeeeeed to go"
1752321471,"neutral","Ericawright13","listing to music while putting the finishing touches on my mothers day present and the cool part is it didn't cost my a thing"
1752321545,"neutral","Amador323","@oiram16 orralle.. have fun"
1752321564,"neutral","MissSimiDarling","MOTHER'S DAY LUNCH"
1752321581,"neutral","chiudpht","@djsleeper u in sd this weekend? Lets grab some tacos tomorrow or somethin if u free"
1752321607,"love","knlsmom","@jesslina Awww, yeah, I love that one.  I remember seeing him at Great America w/ Tassi.  Such a great memory"
1752321621,"worry","mollermarketing","@Jordanbrown Get her Clogging Shoes"
1752321664,"neutral","a7x111","@accidbrrittanny lol hey"
1752321704,"love","SweetTartelette","@userealbutter door's open, your cup of tea is waiting"
1752321714,"neutral","Victoria_Loves","@mmuhlig24 that's cute.  mmmk see you in like 5 minutes."
1752321734,"fun","MusikFareak","mhmm idk i thought of just showing up and freaking ppl out hehe...but yeah i TOTALLY understand if it is just for u guys  VN sounds cool!!"
1752321760,"love","dianacolombia95","Wonderful weekend  I love my family  & friends because they are awesome. Happy Mothers day to all the mommies <3"
1752321771,"happiness","RobbyReedy","Will be going to Indiana Baptist Sunday, Pray for summer missionaries..."
1752321772,"happiness","anddog1","@LeEyecandy hahaha. I think you're pretty far from me. Maybe next time though"
1752321805,"happiness","JeanneEEE","@gemstwin Granny, Linda will be happy."
1752321835,"love","nemonemesis","Im liking escape the fate alot tonight.  excited for ESTK      NemoNemesis"
1752321848,"fun","floridiantwist","@aramos82 yes! the pool opened this weekend"
1752321903,"neutral","katrivinna","today i get to sleep in!"
1752321929,"love","seyerneelie14","happy mother's day!!!"
1752321933,"happiness","seleneybeany","thinks castles are fun"
1752321945,"happiness","beebees27","@MsKnitSox thanks amy, its full of hotness"
1752321961,"happiness","JoViii","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOMMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1752322000,"worry","chyrls","@stovertile Etsy handmade cards weren't any good?"
1752322036,"fun","JHNNAI","wooo...my luck is done"
1752322038,"happiness","jenninabox","Drinks && din w/ Amy and Lori"
1752322091,"neutral","grevian","@aeakett And who says I wasn't just muttering to myself?"
1752322136,"enthusiasm","laurieloo27","needs to escape from this town. getting ready. seeyuhhh."
1752322162,"empty","sunnysmilixer","@duckout Whole Earth Festival"
1752322163,"happiness","BUTTERFLYWHEEL","Welcome aboard to 5 new followers  Thanks, I'm honored."
1752322173,"neutral","areucrazy","I can't believe how many people think it is great that I passed the quiz, "how blond are you?" on Facebook.  I am very blond!"
1752322190,"fun","Melamachinko","@lo_ferrigno YES!! YOU FTW!!!!! LMAO i wasnt watching"
1752322242,"neutral","ariel_mog","Star Trek in IMAX  with Kojikun, seastar, Brian, and George."
1752322245,"love","Endorphine","can't stop playing Fallout 3!  This game is addictive like crack!!  It's bad when you dream that your repairing guns in your sleep"
1752322345,"happiness","seoulfood12","had an awsome salad! I recommend getting the Spicey buffalo chicken salad!"
1752322359,"love","fatimarose","happy mothers day to all motherssss!  <3333"
1752322372,"worry","mrlarrygreen","@TheDailyBlonde No i am not a mom or dad, hmm well I will forward the link to my mom.  I am embarrassed now"
1752322414,"enthusiasm","mytimeishere","@TheWayIRoll HIII!!!!  i've missed you  just bored....what about u?"
1752322437,"neutral","ebfulch","Well that was a fun evening"
1752322438,"fun","rafamejia","@neeliemoo thats why im such an asshole"
1752322451,"happiness","HaloLoves","omgoodness FINALLY back from dinner with the fam bam!"
1752322579,"worry","brantim","@rustycoon Edgefest!  or maybe  since you're driving..."
1752322641,"happiness","danger11","NITE PEOPLES!!!!!"
1752322715,"happiness","cwarden","Today is not lost"
1752322749,"love","BrenxGtz","Spending time with mom tomorrow morning...barbacoa, here I come...  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!"
1752322766,"happiness","k_ferrante","@Jonasbrothers It is absolutely incredible. It's official: My FAVORITE JONAS is FRANKIE. He is the man"
1752322923,"love","Mottchick88","@southernbell361 Yeah, Jimmy Fallon is back to do a skit. Yay!!!!"
1752322928,"worry","Thats_Aryan","Hmm I guess where the world is headed 2day....Lets make predictions"
1752322982,"neutral","jwonderwall","The Barry Gibb Talk show!!!!!"
1752322988,"worry","deepeshdeo","These difficult situation force us to think about marrying a lovable girl"
1752323014,"worry","geminigirl80","@JonathanRKnight so seriously...I need a date to a wedding. Really dont wanna go alone. Its May 23rd...any chance?"
1752323131,"surprise","DanRegalia","@VSchlesinger Hey, look who's on twitter   Very kewl"
1752323140,"happiness","curamelshawty","another fun night!!  chilled wit my homie @ green turtle n the park....good times...good times."
1752323162,"neutral","dougwo","@ScottATaylor Well, there is THAT..."
1752323198,"worry","strutterrr","I do amazing at beer pong with my brother"
1752323232,"happiness","crazytwism","@remzology it was amazing but due to time constraints could only visit the meadows and pine forest. Shall post images later."
1752323252,"neutral","paaulitaa","Goodnight and Goodbye ?"
1752323264,"enthusiasm","brendanb","@jark turn them off, you can still go 100% aero free."
1752323306,"neutral","ReikiAwakening","@resofactor I agree completely"
1752323383,"love","YoungCeothaBoss","To My Moms . I Love u so much , Ur so independent & strong and I hope everything I do in life keeps u happy. Love ur 1st born Mel"
1752323416,"happiness","jord0","I had a GREAT night with Justine and the boys and all the westconn people I met tonight haha"
1752323526,"fun","sweetdreamer","@oheather78 Sweet! I'm a Jaycee one-letter-er I think. Just D!"
1752323532,"sadness","26c4u","@JoWork oh, she gon com back again.........AND YO' AZZ BETTA MAKE A VID ABOUT YO' PROM BOY"
1752323540,"surprise","WhirlwindMuse","@lazakesau "Graverobber, graverobber, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.." Have fun tonight!"
1752323566,"neutral","chrissy1785","@NoopDoggNatasha Fanbase is a code word for something very special to Anoop. Very personal..and special."
1752350460,"fun","andieegarza","@AlexAllTimeLow ohh snapp, have fun"
1752350559,"fun","vagabondblues","@littlemissgina I beat you to the punch!  #stickam"
1752350603,"neutral","DavidCooksWife","@EAJosh Who did you hear that from?  But if thats true. I am right her!!!"
1752350664,"love","xJulianGray","@pakyton i love them"
1752350702,"worry","Shinigumi","@schappie That's just weird... :\  Oh, and what was it you were drawing for me?"
1752350816,"happiness","JoeCascio","@Merlene Cool! You're in the 5-figure-Tweeter Club."
1752350845,"worry","siimpLybeautii","@Yungrichhustla ohh kayy fasho if u go tonight have fun for me"
1752350849,"worry","flyinfoxymama","@FlyAArmy Yep- same here. I have to be in the mood 4 it."
1752350853,"neutral","AAronL1968","Shakedown Street!!!"
1752350911,"love","Bigshoeboss","I love Mindy, She is my favorite employee"
1752350918,"worry","jenniab91","@Nora_78 I'm sowwy u have to work w/an idiot. I will call u if u want. Just to break up ur day."
1752350970,"neutral","kelownagurl","@picsiechick I haven't ridden on dirt for a year. Hate single track, can handle double track, slow."
1752351016,"neutral","ellygirl12","goin ta bed now!   goodnite jessica"
1752351115,"sadness","MAvilez3","@Aroundtheus  cheers!! ;)"
1752351189,"neutral","blackfish","@KrustyCanuck Time for some Halo3 then?"
1752351205,"love","jizzelle","happy mother's day to all moms out there..."
1752351299,"love","TheBajanVixen","@jusreenomas i didnt think the vid was hoeish i actually love it.it was so nasty  lol"
1752351341,"happiness","rosalmao","@HilHolla have fun on flashy fed hill..im sure you're imported cheeto eating ass will fit in lol"
1752351384,"love","elizabethelder","@Quizman15 thanks joeman!"
1752351474,"neutral","Kaylasheckler15","Amazing day!"
1752351488,"love","Azleeshy","@mrskutcher Ashotn looks great, and you look fantastic as always! You two still have the newlywed glow, and that's forever.  TRUE LOVE"
1752351548,"love","HollyMVG","@beneubanks I like your HR shirts. They're inspiring me to think of witty/rude HR-like sayings I'd never actually wear."
1752351564,"love","hermorrine","@hxcfairy No wonder we're married.   Night love. <3"
1752351566,"happiness","nairda17","@freshalina @itsmeAmerie Hey everyone! I just mixed the first single....!  "Why R U" ...I'm sooo excited!"
1752351588,"happiness","nickiraegeous","@kimberlynicole Yay!!! I'm so happy you got to meet her!"
1752351621,"neutral","heytheredeahna","going to bed cuz i have to get up at like seven thirty or something tomorrow. today was actually not that bad of a day."
1752351655,"worry","Yellow_Dog","@lindentreephoto Unless you mean the 2 hours a week i use for sleeping. Yeah, suppose i could use those"
1752351734,"love","Allyrockr","goin to bed, but must say i love that #justin timberlake and #mark martin are the #3 and #4 trending topics on twitter tonite!  rock."
1752351767,"love","Franccinee","at homee..boring but its okiee gonna see the boyfriend and his momma tomorrow for momma dayy"
1752351821,"fun","JillPerson","@WeddingTresses what fun are you speaking of?"
1752351830,"neutral","GericaQuinn","@TravisGarland make sure you call yur mother & tell her how much you love her. Tell her I love her for bringin you into the world."
1752351863,"neutral","wolstenclark","Going to bed. Today was another good, if uneventful day."
1752352109,"fun","ShanDonn","@jefferycjordan Sounds good to me!  Taylor + Kellie on tour together is just pure genious!"
1752352157,"relief","comiendoteresa","im determined to slarm around my house and eat egg sandwiches. and smoke a few bowls. sounds like a splendid evening to me"
1752352162,"happiness","Galiiit","@XKirstyxo haha  I love Dnt Regret It Now with Tyga <3 But just randomly, DeLeon sings on Tifanny Blews! Haha like one line.. XD"
1752352258,"love","jac3k","@crystalmethod LOVE the album guys and can't wait for the official release  Just curious, what top 3 softsynths/DAW were used on it?"
1752352280,"happiness","nickbeaver","@ultraviolet10 the only thing I know about star trek is the joke from tina fey's twitter, "may the 4th be with you""
1752352348,"happiness","herNewObsession","What a great night."
1752352359,"enthusiasm","pawsthejaws","@J14magazine HaHa i Forgot...It'll Probably Be On Youtube...So I'll Watch It Later"
1752352375,"love","CaraeH","@PrincessSuperC you were greeeeeeaaaaatttttttt babe!! It was amazing!"
1752352381,"happiness","LadyLeeT","http://twitpic.com/4wgoi - At bus boys and poets ordering medici and white chocolate banana bread pudding @kspidel!!"
1752352388,"worry","xoxoSamm","i think i might have got a little bit of a tan today"
1752352491,"neutral","DavidMRainwater","@smiley49 I did the same thing in NOLA"
1752352526,"happiness","MegTooh","I love my job. getting some REAL sleep. Icing the birthday cake in the morning!"
1752352536,"worry","LMRB","@hma4983 I'm a laid back person for the most part, Vinny is the opposite.  Guess we compliment each other  it will all work out! How r u?"
1752352556,"happiness","Journey2Inspire","http://twitpic.com/4wgoq - The Beach was phenomenal 2day"
1752352578,"worry","lettucegirl","@kricket_rc234 haha  yup. but still have a terrible headache and super swollen and puffy eyes! i dont think im going out today.ugh!"
1752352669,"surprise","ScottEmpringham","@Belly9Maternity tooth fairy is coming to ur house tonight."
1752352706,"worry","ROZ9173","To all the moms out there in this world have a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY"
1752352707,"happiness","LeonceN","@totallyapple Here, have fun with this: http://bit.ly/PlNm4"
1752352769,"enthusiasm","tasing","#snl...you've gotten better  keep it up"
1752352852,"happiness","EmilyyDawn","just got home from all states honors choir, the 9 hour drive payed off, it was amazinggggg!"
1752352873,"love","QueenMiMiFan","@Alyssa_Milano hahaha i love how u threw in the pets thing.  sooo same to youuu  love ya much"
1752352883,"relief","dancuster","@KatieKatPink it's not a test to find cancer, it's just some stuff in regards to; in this case, positive results would be a good thing"
1752352901,"relief","AJaeA","Just thinking that it will all pay off in the end."
1752352943,"surprise","xhicasey","@taytaystar when you come to me for plastic surgery, I hope you don't get in a car accident 6 days later"
1752352950,"relief","GeorgiaGirl30","I am off to bed now....my family has a wonderful day planned for me today      Happy Mother's Day"
1752352977,"love","babydollminaj","happy mother's day to all the mama's out there, be greatful and appreciate your mama"
1752353067,"happiness","naprince","@Ethan2Rock Thanks for the heads up, Ethan. Watching it now"
1752353069,"neutral","midnightbottle","gonna head to bed then work, then moncton to see Jill"
1752353084,"love","leyjuaymah","Pink google and flowers for mothers!  http://www.google.com.ph/logos/mothersday09.gif"
1752353093,"happiness","ontheflypr","@clighty Invite them to your house instead"
1752353145,"empty","l_e_bellie","@Den_Mom Maybe people would start looking for us... like "where's Waldo" but "where's the CKC"?"
1752353221,"neutral","lilphut","I'm getting more and more followers... look out Ashton!"
1752353270,"relief","tippi_jo","ah! i almost missed snl. thanks twitterfriends"
1752353340,"hate","DayleLauren","Mad tht I didn't make time to hang out with a friend but I already pinky promised tht I will clear my calendar tomorrow"
1752353353,"happiness","imnangl","@TheQuietOne35 so it went well.  Andrea"
1752353374,"fun","Glammyyy","I'm going to try & get some sleep. I got work mostly all day & I'm training for bakery also. Glammyyy crocker on deck. Lmao. Text or call"
1752353433,"love","tiffanyll","gorgeous wedding. hope i can experience that love one day. cheers to the beautiful couple! ummmm did the hawks win??????  no really..?"
1752353442,"happiness","brandicheechoo","going to bed.   goodnight"
1752353480,"love","AnyeloSanabria","I love my Mom. Yo Amo a mi Mama. ? ? ? Thank you mommy... Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore.  Happy Mother's Day"
1752353497,"love","jazzieleigh","Smores plus jacuzzi equals amazing"
1752353540,"worry","MindyNeedsHubby","@CharlieShrem  alright...I'm going to get off comp now, go back to ur party  be safe  & have fun!"
1752353631,"happiness","scorpfromhell","@having hot cuppa coffee made with milk & fortified with Monin's Irish Coffee syrup! Bliss!"
1752353646,"happiness","peasypumpkinpie","@daftlikejack it seems totally awesome to me! you know, two real reasons for celebrating."
1752353678,"neutral","alexaguarni","phillies gamee with mama for mothers day"
1752353702,"neutral","iCANDYtheMANDY","http://twitpic.com/4wgp2 - Bambi will eat you"
1752353763,"worry","DiiamondPhreshx","juss boredd, !"
1752353816,"love","JessiKay22","Okay, seriously. you're all going to have to forgive me while I gush like a little fangirl for a few tweets"
1752353818,"enthusiasm","ShanniiLee","@_catchfire Happy Birthday Chip's sister"
1752353819,"worry","Lindzzzy","enjoyed a good time out tonight.  Stupid movie, but good times losing at the pool table!"
1752353827,"worry","shivOO","@renu19 lol y??? .. trashed the kitchen ?"
1752353898,"neutral","PinkElephant73","@bunnyhungry LOOOOL chips and ketchup ya waili 3alaiiik! Let's have some fish fingers  I'm not too sure about baked beans though."
1752353909,"neutral","SedzOz","@butterflykate Who've u noticed now Kate ?"
1752353956,"worry","bradgal","@JayLink_ I'll be glad to help in any way I can"
1752353996,"neutral","karinaruiz","@Freakonomy hahaha thaanks!  i�m from brazil!"
1752354074,"relief","SRennie86","Mm. Goodnight. Going to play Rock Band 2 'til it's time to watch SNL with Justin Timberlake."
1752354088,"happiness","rebeccabari","great day/night with my gabberss"
1752354104,"love","mini_ritz","@missSHANNAbaby aww such a cutie"
1752354186,"relief","onewalrus","@mr_shiny Thanks for the heads-up. You're an hour ahead of me here."
1752354213,"worry","itZmonmoney","@chi_weets don't hurt me :'[ I meant it in a good way  :]"
1752354255,"love","SApaws","@NoraFrost Thanks for the #followfriday mention. I really couldn't make up a better name for myself."
1752354421,"love","snorkel_queen","@giannicash i saw a piece of that movie...loved it"
1752354436,"surprise","fiercemichi","@midnightbeadery Awww, thank you!  & you're welcome lol"
1752354525,"neutral","TyCody","@ZeeMalMer Bubbletweet it"
1752354529,"worry","allisonryan","Exhausted. Thank goodness my race is almost here! All this training is ruining my social life"
1752354560,"neutral","amure1991","as any1 been up all night like me and now the birds are keeping you awake"
1752382024,"neutral","leatron","@cherrysnaz & then when he left I changed it back"
1752382035,"neutral","Veizame","Going to bed, busy day tomorrow...Happy Mother's Day Madre! Te Amo!"
1752382043,"happiness","tonyadam","@mikeprasad noticed that yesterday too...i'm actually really happy about that  #StarTrek"
1752382073,"love","ChocolateBeaute","Home at last HAPPY MOTHERS TO ALL THE MOTHERS Special thanks to my father he bought me tulips so did my princess  adult swim time (anime)"
1752382085,"fun","SummerLove928","@jennettemccurdy WILL DO!! (of will did?? lol ) great episode"
1752382230,"happiness","BatBrooke","@iamdakota oh cool you're gonna be in van ? thats cool i live in victoria. well ur pree awesome girl"
1752382254,"happiness","lionl","@karlixpaz Hmm... it's a miracle you're using twitter, and it's fun... so... Tweet!"
1752382255,"love","maryxalicexhale","@simonelrp: Potter, are also in that category! Hehe. <3 I love you too!!! So much"
1752382323,"happiness","kershiaw","@anyamarina that was funny! LOVED IT! I almost fell for it. Haha"
1752382348,"love","purplewire","Happy Mom`s day to your moms !"
1752382364,"surprise","simplysg","officially my birthday  so i guess after 21 the novelty of a birthday wears off..?"
1752382368,"neutral","theleopardlady","@mikeshelby Now that's a very nice way to fall asleep."
1752382374,"neutral","edwardvirtually","@techstartups people still mail things?"
1752382375,"sadness","flyinfoxymama","@FlyAArmy @aduvall818 @FlyingPhotog @FoxWhisperer - brief interruption- brb. goodnight if i don't catch u again later. gotta ck something"
1752382455,"neutral","kluless65","@AClockworkToad Im not getting any treatments, we are just gonna hang out at the pool and the hot tubs."
1752382456,"neutral","wsupden","Follow @Dirty_joe he's cool"
1752382476,"love","SunraysPitBulls","Rescued two adorable pit mix pups today.  LC and Brody.  Looking to adopt?  E-mail me for more info and pics!"
1752382552,"empty","TyCody","@IMACLASSIC Hey"
1752382696,"enthusiasm","savasavasava","@flomingo that sounds cool! post video!!"
1752382743,"neutral","Rellz","Little bottle jus for me   http://mypict.me/FLC"
1752382771,"neutral","shaniagowans","is watching the canucks"
1752382859,"happiness","nabejero","@AlohaZen do u hav a garden? bunny probs r decidedly uncool.   thanks 4d link!"
1752382891,"neutral","damalixoxo","chilling at the casa"
1752382978,"happiness","JoshuaChr","So much news on more Android based devices - especially on T-Mobile. I'm all giddy and can't wait  (starts saving up) #android #tmobile"
1752383060,"love","twitFedDy","Happy Mothers day to all the grown n happy & the lil prego smuts lol Just Playing everyone is loved.. happy Mothers Day & God Bless"
1752383063,"worry","kathryn_arnold","i love twitter"
1752383079,"love","sweets_89","Love ice cream... Love cake... Cookies and cream ice cream cake tops them both"
1752383263,"love","Alysterssocool","juss dropped the wife off I love her so"
1752383310,"happiness","kanyofuse","@Warmnfuzzy Re-direct that energy into creating men's jewelry.    And frequent walks too."
1752383332,"neutral","Christiegarcia","Heart To Heart Mom To Mom Open Talk Mom  http://bit.ly/kn3Mp"
1752383338,"sadness","strangegods","@_peanut_ Thank you. Now we'll just have to see how long it takes me to finish the damn thing."
1752383350,"enthusiasm","SNOBREY","@djskee not there but wish I were"
1752383355,"neutral","mindoandnickj","Watching ugly betty"
1752383401,"worry","Batel19","@dorzki good morning  good luck! Belive in you"
1752383430,"neutral","kayriley","Yes... I'll have some ice in ice tea please  LoL"
1752383510,"sadness","FoskettPhoto","@Sparkin1 sorry I missed you at the farm today, but DM me if you would like some photos from today"
1752383522,"happiness","Linneahw","@mahnameisjerik0 THANK YOU"
1752383614,"hate","txjrich","@dearsnippie  I never followed him in the first  place!   He is a useless waste of space. and Im not a conservative! LOL"
1752383627,"fun","Kikirowr","@stellery Thanks!  Got tired of bleaching it. The, um, bangs there... yeah they are actually a bit purple >_> oopsie."
1752383668,"neutral","IfThisIsHate","Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms  It's a tough job, but totally worth it!"
1752383725,"hate","thewildjoker","@Tori_Thompson u may need this pill...i think u are crazy...here take on of mine"
1752383775,"love","tw_804","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!"
1752383812,"happiness","TelegramSamm","Subway always tastes better when some-one else pays for it  http://tinyurl.com/re5s5h"
1752383830,"love","DAMELAH","@teiisha aw thas good im glad your happy  i jus been chillin"
1752383842,"worry","Frassington","@invalid_reality damn, you're gonna feel that tomorrow, or tonight. Coffee = laxative.  How's the writing coming?"
1752383906,"love","purplewire","Happy mother`s day to your moms !"
1752383907,"love","denisefarabee","@RashadHouston @DreamWorthy I love your tweets... Your sweet"
1752383915,"happiness","magnetsmile","writing a song"
1752383932,"surprise","jayyynell","@pepperlive Who doesn't know who The Supervillians are Fails. I saw you both in January at The Warfield in SF.  LEGIT SHOW FOR SURE."
1752383971,"love","simplyshannon","@JonathanRKnight Thank you Jon!  That's very sweet."
1752383984,"happiness","jenniab91","@Nora_78 Elaine's my online mommy too. She gives good advice."
1752384039,"neutral","shivOO","@chicalit  the construction lookd familar"
1752384050,"happiness","NICOwhatever","I am back from the best party ever"
1752384051,"happiness","sarahniemann","@promisetangeman you are such a beautiful bride! you're gonna love the married life. it absolutely rocks! congrats to you both."
1752384085,"empty","krystyn","@BrianEnigma Yeah, I didn't buy that for one hot minute."
1752384105,"love","SlavetoImpulse","says: "Happy Mothers Day!""
1752384206,"worry","noberlander","My sister graduated today  it was amazing and super emotional. Wow ..."
1752384224,"neutral","fbabytv","round 2"
1752384283,"relief","fenifer","@alterna180 i sorry sweetpea... almost over with!"
1752384413,"relief","supertyaa","Sunday morning"
1752384446,"neutral","ngffrussell","@JessicaTGolden yeah I LOVE CALI so much"
1752384506,"happiness","glammyts","happy mother's day!"
1752384561,"happiness","danapaigee","on my way home from ny...then sleeping"
1752384679,"worry","Nanette","@ShannonKuhns Nah, they don't. All my Twiter followers are fabulous."
1752384731,"fun","LoLornaMarie","@AKGovSarahPalin would love a slice of summer from Piper's lemonade stand! do you think i could have a jump on her trampoline too?"
1752384749,"neutral","Roqayah","@ryking ooh good then  Thank you for the heads up bro"
1752384768,"love","madsxy1","http://twitpic.com/4wh0l - im in love wit this fool from college hill"
1752384884,"happiness","younginn22","http://twitpic.com/4wh0o - My mommys gummy mothers day posterrr!"
1752384914,"happiness","heyChasity","just got home from the City Lights show  yeahhh!"
1752384922,"neutral","theplatinumdiva","@ThaEntertainer The Hills- go LC"
1752385042,"surprise","boratheexplorer","making mother's day gift"
1752385054,"fun","MissSab","Didn't meet Rosie O Donnell but it was still a fun night"
1752385073,"love","Nestene","@littlewhip Soooooooooo win the PowerBall jackpot then impose your formidable will upon the weather"
1752385089,"love","blgily831","@AndrewAesthetic  just wanted to say that I <3 ur music(both the scene aesthetic n Danger Radio) Hopefully i will get to see u guys 1 day"
1752385175,"love","JamiexLynn","Incase I forget, Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there, and to my mommy. The very best one in the world"
1752385194,"neutral","nirmitkumar","Happy Mothers Day"
1752385209,"relief","nairda17","@ConcreteLoop @RapUp @itsmeAmerie Hey everyone! I just mixed the first single....!  "Why R U" ...I'm sooo excited!"
1752385217,"neutral","Poisonbykoolaid","Eh, I've had better. I'm excited to see ryan hurley tomorrow"
1752385341,"neutral","swagnerdesigns","Back again. Almost the last haul.  - at Wagner's Casa in Bend http://shz.me/5ke"
1752385364,"love","gibsythegypsy","@david_henrie i would still rather be in your shoes instead in bed bc i work from 10-9 tommorow. i love cold weather."
1752385366,"neutral","saomai","@afm_ haha PHEW!  i've never said that before"
1752385382,"relief","alexschafer","Yup, I'm pretty sure summer could not have started off any better than the one this year"
1752385426,"happiness","amisingh","@ninjen Really enjoying Drown in My Own Tears"
1752385465,"love","EG_Rozon","Btw; happy mothers day! This week its all about my momma; mothersday dinnner-birthday dinner-surprise bday party"
1752385539,"worry","cookie_ninja","About to leave the fights. I'm tired and my voice hurts."
1752385598,"sadness","TheBellWitch","@danielradcliffe snitchsneeker photos were cool -but, dang, what's up with all the comments about your chest hair - that's just creepy"
1752385616,"neutral","Ryanb58","is installing the Iphone and Ipod touch sdk 2.2.1 ..."
1752385656,"neutral","alexkolewe","#Canucks seem to be falling a lot. Must mean they're skating extra hard tonight."
1752385715,"worry","LatifaAlMansoui","Halla Miss Haloom  .. how are you dear? am doing fine so far but .. eeem worrying about rationale project.. Allah eyaseer inshallah"
1752385726,"fun","reevsaj","wants @jubliantJO to come back online so that he can talk about all the gossip and horrible things which transpired today."
1752385745,"worry","breatheyoga","@djStunz HAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA god Randy, I miss you!  hope you're having a great time buddy! catch a wave for me"
1752385789,"neutral","DJ_Double_R","@h0ney_ I'm so tired I think imma go to bed"
1752385791,"enthusiasm","lexyvee","@SEPIS haha...it the booomb"
1752413131,"neutral","Maggiex8","@msdiazz ask how long adrians took lmao ... Intime"
1752413150,"love","Fluvs9","@langfordperry by the way, just saw u on ellen yesterday. here it's late comparing to usa. u were awesome!!!"
1752413158,"love","alyjsilver","happy mother's day to the best mommy in the world"
1752413160,"worry","rokdiesel","@da_gurl_cece what up?"
1752413202,"neutral","igscl","@johncmayer any gear you don't use anymore and want to throw away?"
1752413217,"sadness","ThinkTomdotcom","@agentwill I didn't want to tell you but I think it's your body odour"
1752413241,"worry","shehaddiamonds","I have a tummy ache. Buy me this - http://tinyurl.com/pavh76 and I'll feel better."
1752413288,"love","jenwayne","Loving my boys"
1752413340,"happiness","amber9482","Had an awesome pedicure today!!"
1752413442,"love","josephVelasquez","Going to the alley tonite..Happy Birthday prima"
1752413480,"happiness","Mariana_Cantu","@MrCartersNurse  congratulations for your mom for tomorrow ! buenas noches"
1752413502,"neutral","pamjob","@DarrenRoberts I love Dawn Chorus noisier the better miss Church Bells too...crazy I know...Was going for a cycle with a friend..not now"
1752413525,"fun","JSircle","@DawnRichard Let's go!"
1752413530,"neutral","sniffme","HEY!  i dont know how to use this ._."
1752413555,"neutral","lazugod","@bortron doing research in the library (the building next to that one) will help explain. and not just reading"
1752413603,"happiness","no_surprises","@HeatherNKOTBFan Knight...sweet dreams."
1752413619,"empty","PennyAsh","@monster7of9 You're welcome"
1752413652,"fun","taryn205","@xVOJOx It's kind of like learning as you go...the blog thing, and Twitter, too!"
1752413695,"fun","RobinTaylorRoth","@angelbear7 Getting back online, now. Just shifting locations!"
1752413724,"fun","peacelovexx","just got out of the pool!!   so fun..now gonna watch tv and do stuff on the computer. (:"
1752413752,"love","iCONtips","@sapphire_05 I know booskie. HE is everywhere I am. & U too. Thank u for the reassurance! I love u."
1752413811,"happiness","VannyDel","Happy mama's day to all the mamas."
1752413905,"happiness","shadowcat","@beccamorte Oooh, neat!  Yes, SF has such good food.  Again, so jealous of all you SF people."
1752413928,"worry","himynameisrose","@shaundiviney best movie ever"
1752413976,"neutral","lucymfel","Happy Mother's Day to all of the woman and the men who made them mothers."
1752413989,"love","eBOii_YOUNG_e","wo coffiees to go pleaz!!"
1752414003,"surprise","movieguyjon","I made an animated holiday card thingy. http://is.gd/yjpq - Shh. Don't tell mom yet. It's a surprise."
1752414083,"love","watercolorrose","@krissychau ditto.  love the friggin song!"
1752414139,"relief","aliviaterry","btw. ear is getting better! its about time! finally - i say goodnight twitter world, (even though y'all are already asleep). xoxo"
1752414193,"neutral","CrystalinaaxD","on youtube now!"
1752414218,"neutral","hannahcombsx3","with gracie and dustin! sleepover!"
1752414248,"enthusiasm","sarahreditt","Congratulation's to phil packer on completing the london marathon  x a shining example to us all x"
1752414258,"love","OperaDiva114","Happy Mother's Day, Mama! You're always in my heart!"
1752414332,"neutral","amure1991","shows how twitaddicted you can get"
1752414334,"happiness","HalloweenBaby","@AllanGoesDMB I listen to it alot at work.  Damn good show!"
1752414358,"neutral","LatifaAlMansoui","@Noufah .. thanks dear.. wish you the best too"
1752414376,"happiness","RaeDrake","finally got my own set of keys for the store. how should i celebrate?"
1752414388,"love","krissssssssss","@iamjonathancook you are adorable"
1752414405,"sadness","chloeyeh27","tired and didn't really have an exciting Saturday.  oh well, hope it's better tomorrow."
1752414416,"surprise","SierraaaN","Today was definitely a good day, had fun! Gunna try to get ahead on school now, so text me! <3"
1752414453,"surprise","mjmbecky","@lethebashar That would panic me a little!  Maybe you can read on an orbitron at the gym like I do...when all else fails?!?"
1752414598,"happiness","PrincessShannyn","Happy Mother's Day.. To All The MommiiEs Owt Theaa... & ii Think ii Got Thaa Hang Of ThiiS ThiiNg.. Yay!!!"
1752414631,"happiness","hifivemidgetxX","live long and prosper !  lol star trek was the best!"
1752414644,"love","donniemefford",""Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about." I like that quote."
1752414646,"worry","littlebridge88","Just saw G.O.D perform I love you I thank you by MC Mong."
1752414673,"neutral","vcormier","Special chocr makin rounds @ Gourds show"
1752414767,"happiness","stupidhuman","http://twitpic.com/4whaf Tonight's art show was a success."
1752414768,"sadness","Huddy1124","@Syreeta306 girl u sit ya double decker neck ass DOWN and talk about ppl who are on ur LEVEL and not above"
1752414793,"happiness","mxgirl22","happy happy joy joy    is that good enough for you"
1752414830,"neutral","mary0rtega","exhausting day. And more to come tomorrow! City for mother's day!  can't wait minus the driving."
1752414844,"love","imKarenG","TIRED! goodnight twitter  its mother's day  happy mother's day  lov my moomy <3 yayy! God Bless."
1752414848,"love","sweetdreamer","@Linds56 You may be PC but I love you anyway!!!  Maybe someday you too will become Mac!"
1752414851,"happiness","MamboItaliano","is wishing good night everybody"
1752414905,"happiness","Gypsy_Ria","Birthday was awesome!On video:my daughter opening last gift screaming in joy, "My  Birthday Wish Came True !!"couldn't have been better."
1752414968,"neutral","valicast","Good Morning"
1752414981,"neutral","maureenheck","@WorkFromWithin We were so busy I didn't even get to talk with you!!  Please tell me you got your lipstick?!"
1752415055,"love","jonathangunson","And ... Happy Mother's Day to all Moms   You sure are the ? heart of mankind."
1752415068,"neutral","GGPurple","@Dili Loool.  Thats just the way things are!"
1752415083,"love","gammarayghost","migraine and leg pain and woe ): should go to bed but it is 2 flights of stairs away. Happy mother's day"
1752415152,"neutral","antennica","few grilled mushrooms and olives, feta cheese and coffee for breakfast.. should i try to sleep now..?"
1752415169,"love","mfnbry","Trying to get drunk at alexandre's! I love this place!!! Awesome cheap drinks! And awesome people!"
1752415246,"happiness","simplyshannon","@TinaS71 It was fun meeting you too Tina!  We'll definitely do it again soon."
1752415247,"love","brycemcintosh","wayyyyyy full. love you mum"
1752415287,"happiness","KINGmoney","feeling nice... got a big ass smile on my face for no reason  @mralister take my ass to sleep right? lol"
1752415465,"fun","georgia_cate","Goodnight. Actually, great night. Seeing Daniel tomorrow!"
1752415517,"love","keiran27","It seems my grandmother has found a way to break a pipe in her house, going to go there now and fix it, she is such a blur woman"
1752415682,"sadness","uluvmhart","@abbey_marie Stick with me kidd...you'll be alright (there's a whole sketchy world out there waiting to be taken advantage of"
1752415697,"relief","BrianH00D","@Jesse_Attack thanks dude!"
1752415700,"fun","danieller00lz","I miss @lavren cant wait until June for HIL HANGZ~ Tonight was sososo good"
1752415717,"worry","acarterdntbothr","@SassySpider follow me too"
1752415733,"fun","rockforpeace","I forgot I set my iTunes to display by play count last night. I didn't understand why Taylor Swift was in front of Belinda. Haha."
1752415764,"neutral","Karina916","@LaDyBuG21 Thanks"
1752415765,"relief","Candy415","Roommate gone. All of Moyer away at the Ball. I'm definitely going to be naked for the next 11 hours"
1752415766,"love","Miki_is_Rad","@judez_xo i love you too  how are you? X"
1752415799,"love","franznicolee","HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY!"
1752415806,"love","EBONYDATES","im very much excited to go back to school"
1752415848,"neutral","gabebarillas","@Amador323 in june. the 6th. a sat!"
1752415897,"happiness","anieszkaa","happy motherss dayyyy  so my sister decided to make lunch...hmph. but i decorated the house !  andd then i danced and sang hahaa"
1752415938,"neutral","csoltis","@hotdogwater dayum.  i dont even remember why i started twittering... oh yea, facebook integration."
1752415943,"love","stucatz","Happy mother's Day!!!! No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you - life"
1752415953,"neutral","shaniagowans","is go canuckss"
1752415957,"relief","kykasantos","@AlexAllTimeLow Happy Mother's Day hahaha"
1752415964,"neutral","ReghanJ","Sleep. then making breakfast for mommy"
1752416028,"neutral","nasutiondewi","learning how to use twitter"
1752416030,"love","TayloRAWR","@JohnLloydTaylor aw.  I'm glad you do. Where would we be with out one?"
1752416037,"empty","manishsinha","@soumen08 I know you won't keep a wild dog, or else you won't be able in the situation to use Mandriva in your life."
1752416091,"fun","laurenjessicaH","I'm not going to lie, I'm loving the Ace of Cakes  wooop! LOST!"
1752416141,"happiness","aravain","Just finished watching the last of Star Wars"
1752416221,"neutral","PeresLikayi","@LadyLove88 Boring? Who you been talking to? Lol not me  ( no homo)"
1752416233,"surprise","rayyychell","@JohnLloydTaylor I love my mom tooo"
1752416305,"worry","jjademarissaa","@henrytweet good luck with the pump!"
1752442662,"love","tubbieee","Ahh im in love.  hes theeee best."
1752442686,"neutral","taylormonet23","Just cleaned mii scrolly ball!"
1752442710,"happiness","Nahlam","happpppy mothers day"
1752442717,"hate","taylormonet23","Just cleaned mii scrolly ball!"
1752442743,"neutral","AncientSoul","@Hopesurvives rest well!"
1752442766,"sadness","Nautinkotbkitty","@JonathanRKnight Going so soon? I was hoping to hear late nite humor from you...."
1752442787,"worry","SNOBREY","@denverflyhigh Man it will be a sweep no worries"
1752442819,"neutral","babysitter187","@luluberry_0981 ohh that's awesome of you  probably coulda gotten gifted tickets outta it from the foil queens LOL"
1752442821,"worry","EmmieGraceee","Soooo high"
1752442849,"happiness","kluless65","@AClockworkToad awww! thats sweet TTT!  Im sure she will love it! your a good son!"
1752442931,"happiness","depaulmathew","finally, holiday."
1752442933,"happiness","JadeIce","@dbgrady lol that was a great movie"
1752442956,"happiness","Charmedgal_Val","Time for me to go to sleep! It's almost 1am. Night everyone! Happy mothers day to all the moms out there"
1752443006,"worry","E2K_Magazine","@UncleRUSH Hope you get better. I know you will have the best medical attention. if not let me know, I will be right over"
1752443069,"neutral","verbumveritatis","Thank you"
1752443097,"love","Gerri_k","@marjicurran1 Looking forward to your gig in Ireland!!!  See ya there!"
1752443126,"neutral","Paul_Coleman","Waiting for my friend to arrive so I can eat and stay alive."
1752443169,"surprise","Circitgirl","getting back from smackdown/ecw show"
1752443197,"fun","every1LuvsKITA","@imsomiami86 i been coolin and shit ya know me"
1752443207,"love","Stella_Vee","@hannahmitrovich I'm glad  you def needed a pick me up!  drama free!"
1752443221,"neutral","taraSG","@leekingx3 It was on my CNN subscription on Google Reader. I couldn't help but repost it"
1752443265,"fun","itsariana","@hokutokonishi which means you're just going to have to come back to vancouver and have it our way! hahah"
1752443266,"love","ByDezin","@ByDezin: G'night twitterverse, much twitter luv to you all  ? http://blip.fm/~5yvnd"
1752443393,"neutral","rafa_vaz","@tcheella hahaha u can use my phone everywhere... just use a wi-fi"
1752443433,"love","Linds56","@sweetdreamer hah i'ma knock on wood but my PC has never crashed yet..nor my laptop  but then i'm careful with stuff so maybe that's y"
1752443435,"worry","joelm207","Packing up and leaving inlaws house heading home sweet home... Had a nice weekend and back to work in a few hours"
1752443445,"relief","Southpaw32","@rachamin well thank your phone for me."
1752443526,"neutral","Nololos","@MyShellMeishel Icky bitches piss me off. I am sooo glad you arent an icky bitch!"
1752443578,"love","timecommander","@EMarketingGuru Thanks. Appreciate it."
1752443618,"sadness","nikkigrl85","@AubreyODay aw. wasn't it sad?! give ginger a little pat on the head for me!  mwah!"
1752443658,"happiness","KrissiMarieXOXO","going to sleep. big beach day tommorow. love you guys. nite."
1752443776,"sadness","nom_de_guerre","@okibi Ah.  I just found it weird because it's my screen name  Name of war and all that jazz"
1752443782,"love","radiantbaby","(cont) when @justben told him that I love beans on toast. SO CUTE!"
1752443805,"love","mi55yy","Home from Chelsea's  Jam sessions = <3 = Chelsea + Abby = I luh you."
1752443943,"happiness","sandboxmod","o/*\o (high five) to all of our fans! It's finally here! I'll write up a fancy news post shortly, wanted to get the mod itself out ASAP"
1752443949,"empty","naldylipu","finde de chicas"
1752443974,"love","LaurClaire","Great dinner and great friends! Follow @kristaeccleston! She is my cupcake"
1752444000,"love","Kdogg511","Happy Mother's Day mom"
1752444012,"fun","JamesPMorrison","@jholden23 we'll test that theory  with no right arm to strum with.  Got a feelin I'll be humming my new tunes for a while"
1752444030,"happiness","julieunplugged","@dtatusko thx. will do.  you always make me chatty! night!"
1752444039,"empty","billgatuxinho","i'm searching followers"
1752444054,"love","ciaobella50","@SerendipityJane I'll check it out!  Thanks  and good luck with your book!    Bella"
1752444101,"neutral","wolfchild59","@kel7alpha I only happened to look on a random chance. Timing is everything."
1752444159,"love","jenvan","happy mother's day mothers."
1752444191,"happiness","jacobm","@TXP2 hi there, nice to meet you"
1752444219,"love","funkychickeroo","@iamoph i just want you to know, im still here for you. whover,whatever makes you happy, thats all i want for my sister"
1752444281,"relief","lisahughey","Great meeting...lunch on the patio in the sunshine...nothing more perfect  busy day...time for bed, ahhhhh"
1752444287,"worry","avrilchan","At Bidor with @cincauhangus eating Wantan mee n drinkin Cham Ping."
1752444329,"happiness","IngridSalta15","Had the super massive sandwich mom made last night,Ohh. It was yummy.. Btw, Happy Mother's Day mom!!"
1752444377,"worry","raacheeel","uploading new videos on youuuchuuub!"
1752444400,"surprise","shawnwelch","@AnnyChih Im sure theres a pamphlet out there somewhere  (Oh, foods pretty good too)"
1752444403,"love","CashDolla","Dinner was fun, sat next to this cute old couple  made me believe in love again."
1752444424,"neutral","amylynngrover","At the grove, just watched star trek, grabbing some food"
1752444484,"relief","xxAshleyKillsxx","@DCMA_MEXICO Hey hey. No problem."
1752444490,"neutral","JeniBenni","@xAnitaLx I'll do anything you like!!!!! Just lemme know when you figure out what you wanna do!!"
1752444499,"enthusiasm","Killaya","@xennyeh Sure, I'll be in chat in a sec   Here's the thread http://tinyurl.com/ojcf5l"
1752444612,"neutral","SarahB_BayBay","@jefferycjordan thanks  night"
1752444722,"love","LeslieDean","@shananaomi yippee, darling girls. Love you sooooo much  and so thrilled you found each other!"
1752444806,"anger","maestitia","OIL IS CHANGED!  And I am filthy.    But it's an accomplished filthy."
1752444809,"sadness","hellokeena","@robincareyyo ...you are kickable."
1752444873,"neutral","jeanneendo","@RobCairns My pleasure.  Hear Kelli has new project!   #followfriday"
1752444918,"worry","jaysonkingsbeer","2 hours 3 mins left.....THE PRESSURE!!!! We need to hurry  #48hours"
1752444983,"love","LoveJunkie","@jaztwitta ily babe. Sweet dreams."
1752445010,"love","StackedGroup","@shaundiviney Sweeny Todd is an awesome movie, the best"
1752445021,"love","YessicaSedano","yess! talking 2 a hott guy!  happy ass fuk!"
1752445031,"happiness","relynchjr","@sydeni_f_babei best two seconds of the movie"
1752445102,"relief","loveisrealart","chai tea then sleeeeeeep. lunch with the family tomorrow"
1752445219,"love","mel_7898","@RobPattinson_  I just want to tell you that you guys are amazing, thanks for Twilight. I can't wait until New Moon comes out. Melissa"
1752445220,"happiness","theapplefreak","@LeonceN I have it.  Hehehehe u want the torrent?"
1752445239,"hate","koolpersonrockz",""you think yo shit don't smell? but you are mrs. P-u" Lil Wayne sounds the same in ALL his songs"
1752445248,"surprise","csh1227","1 month 3 wks till the big day!   ~CSH"
1752445272,"happiness","Appilicious","Thank you guts for 360 followers! It means a lot!"
1752445403,"hate","vanessarocks00","@whit3boy nah will didn't tell diego so we at some donminican spot getting fucked up"
1752445404,"happiness","ursie","@Ginchan: AWW! Thank you honey.. Didja get mommy a daddy?"
1752445406,"neutral","k4rl0z","viendo Wolverine"
1752445418,"enthusiasm","RheaBea","@StreetPaparazzi  whenever you are mama!  Let's do it"
1752445475,"fun","CoachMonique","@RonDance **Jaw Drops** **Gasp** Whatever do u mean? I'm as sweet as pie  Allow me to re-introduce myself, I'm Coach & I'm a Cancer & u?"
1752445477,"neutral","KAlexandraG","Just finished watching Star Trek in IMAX. . . Could've watched it all night. . . Live long and prosper"
1752445549,"worry","SydneyDiamond","@JoeyyJ thats cool. My mom is a teacher in Burbank so we're always like right there. XP ahww i wanna go to the Bahamas!"
1752445558,"happiness","JuDiFMaRie","Taco Bell With The Tramp!Yesssssir"
1752445618,"worry","dudeman718","@jmstewart0220 I know!!  It was great!!"
1752445624,"neutral","NotetoShells","@AbeerforBill their playing journey"
1752445628,"neutral","MichelleMontana","@LorettaK me too except move that 7am to 9am"
1752445668,"neutral","misschris_org","@thatjaymie I did"
1752445761,"neutral","AprilCSutton","even if it is spf 55. Besides you don't need a 55. You are just putting more chemicals on you face. Spf 30 is a full block."
1752445799,"neutral","Ashleigh_Marisa","I love being scandalous"
1752445876,"surprise","HOT4INK","watching SNL with guess Justin Timberlake...OMG! He is too funny!  hahahah"
1752446074,"happiness","FmyLife22","Im glad i can make sumone smile"
1752446082,"fun","KatieRacette","hanging with amber."
1752446102,"love","wolfchild59","@limegreenman That be it, my Nathan sense was tingling."
1752446121,"happiness","trapwire","@lovejones83 haha LOL  no one is effing cool as you, you got the Wu-Tang and P.E. t-shirts! You are gorgeous + represent at the same time"
1752446134,"neutral","phoenixacio","drinking a cup of ice chocolate"
1752446157,"neutral","SurfingCyndy","is tired and about to go to sleep. night everyone"
1752446208,"sadness","mhnguyen","@adriandanganan CLAY AIKEN? GET ME AN AUTOGRAPH!"
1752446215,"happiness","listenupjulia","@JanisJ1212 haven't laughed that much in awhile"
1752472654,"happiness","KatElizabethxx","about to drink a hot chocolate  yummy."
1752472687,"worry","seruniputri","@nadyogaga yes2 bgt! if everything goes well i'll catch their reunion concert"
1752472688,"relief","manders_","@dearsarah420 well you can  lol"
1752472737,"relief","polskyidiot","things are looking better and better! i think i might be quite happy"
1752472756,"neutral","KayceLevy","Girls night in"
1752472803,"surprise","thalovebug","@FreshAssNess I think i'm falling in love with you!!  xxx #iloveyou"
1752472806,"neutral","nice_argie","@Tazz602 you're a big man for embracing your tears"
1752472835,"neutral","charlesnw","From top down: 2x2924, 1x2610, 3x2500. Then an 1841 and two desktops. More gear to come over time of course."
1752472842,"neutral","Cazper115","@Digital_Girl well something thaz quick please"
1752472855,"love","aleexbeeg","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!"
1752472882,"happiness","Gio_X","Just had some delicious sushi from niko niko on vermont and hollywood  mm"
1752472899,"worry","AstroInsights","@katekintail Better than nodding off when you're "IN" one  LOL"
1752472908,"love","ilsepla","aww happy mother's day"
1752472930,"love","KTofcourse","tomorrow is mothers day. so good food & presents for mom. good to be back & go to the junction with the coolest people at ollies"
1752473029,"worry","ahockley","Looks like I have a couple hours of software updates to install on the brand-new machine... feels just like Windows"
1752473040,"worry","DimeDivaAE","Happy mothers day!"
1752473042,"fun","Michaeltarrant","@Rick_Tarrant nice! It's mommas day"
1752473069,"worry","kerrikins","@lightbrightly haha, dork  was it good, then?"
1752473119,"love","dreama7","@Andrew_FP Awh shoot. Make a detour and come to PR  forget Indiana haha"
1752473210,"surprise","hyperbolation","@NathanFillion awesome"
1752473285,"worry","MyShellMeishel","@Nololos yeah  just told Stanley its the only time I want to slap girls icky bitches encoraging bad behavior"
1752473298,"hate","texas_girl_90","Tryin to figure all this out!! LOL"
1752473330,"fun","KekaB00","Throwin' down in the kitchen like I do  making Rah's illi Chili and Shalonda's Bangin Cake"
1752473357,"love","nicolesnovicky","@erinnn_43 HAHHAHAH that really made me laugh out loudd! ahahahahahahahahah your fuunny!!"
1752473418,"neutral","asimplesong87","@humanabstract anything!"
1752473452,"worry","dk103213","@jphauk huh what the fuck? Smelly? Noooo. I love alex Vixon"
1752473529,"neutral","WordyDirts","@HannaG87  There you go."
1752473562,"relief","Mommykins41","@Boomstone Thanks and Cheers back at you."
1752473577,"happiness","jillyjar11","overall, tonight's snl = epic win."
1752473702,"happiness","TheDEXpress","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my Mom, and every Mom everywhere.  Off for a stroll at the Beaches later--hopefully..."
1752473706,"fun","thiendido","@MatthewHass008 Love that she couldn't just stop with one picture! First one is priceless, but the speedo is great, too.  Kudos to mom."
1752473862,"happiness","Texang","just had a great dinner with my wonderful girlfriend."
1752473897,"hate","youngnatho","@Ms_GiiGgl3z lmao ight im dun wit the faces lmao id rather see urs tho  lol"
1752473905,"love","mini_ritz","@miizronnie lol nice  I loved that concert! Aha u gonna post these pics"
1752473926,"happiness","Jesse_Jinx","@Mingo123 SUFFICATION NO BREATHING. It's okay. There'll be more. You're invited to mine, but I can't promise fun times.  *Jinx"
1752473927,"love","ChristineAdank","@dollg1974 thank you!"
1752473996,"worry","dannylonestar","Wal mart"
1752474019,"fun","bostonmarketer","@bellesouth Thanks!  Your name strikes me every time I see it, as a friend of mine uses belofsouthie as her email"
1752474064,"happiness","ciaobella50","@oschmid14 How cool is that!   Thank you so much!   luv it!"
1752474069,"sadness","RachelChingy","Aww okayy we'll tell you about it tomorrow then"
1752474161,"fun","izdatgurlmary","@ktique so see you on my birthday visit me  haha why wack Saturday ?"
1752474256,"enthusiasm","RoonskyRiot","I've got Isabel now to get some food!"
1752474303,"love","adolescentlove","@JohnLloydTaylor I love mine, too . happy mother�s day to your mom , John Taylor  . much love to you, too ."
1752474316,"empty","Hyperdesk","@jark It's not as bad if you don't combine. FX are nice. I like Windows 7 1000x better than Vista so far. To me Vista is Win ME reborn"
1752474358,"neutral","Legend_Of_Six","Just watched "Marley & Me." Cute movie. Going to watch "Twilight" soon!  Love it!"
1752474369,"neutral","pico","@yonaa mothers day pak..."
1752474502,"relief","maninaphala","Happy Mother's day! Going to cook something, thank goodness there's tablespotting"
1752474509,"neutral","Kalieeeee","@johnmaine John ohh, I like you. Like, Like-Like you.  Best show ever. <3 the maine."
1752474541,"love","idaelisco","WOW Panic at the disco en Abbey Road"
1752474582,"happiness","M_Cosgrove","Playing with my puppy"
1752474602,"happiness","JaeConnor","I love my Boogah! Can anyone contain Lebron James?  Talk about so sick"
1752474614,"happiness","acacia_chanel","Tribal Cafe.  Watermelon slush.  Natalie singing.  Ashley"s birthday.  Love all around"
1752474627,"relief","Teeg","@TimJackson LOL I can imagine you doing that. Ken said to let you know he agreed with a gazillion percent of what was being said."
1752474631,"relief","AliWilderman","just got out of prom, it was fun  off too after prom text me"
1752474680,"neutral","tamooj","@kitode Well for one thing I might be branded a "public menace" by the state."
1752474736,"fun","ianmuli","can't wait to watch the next season of heroes"
1752474748,"love","IfIcantdoit","@ETHI_O_ASH I do too plus more happy mothers day Sweety"
1752474845,"worry","MF_Serious","Trying to look up Iowa State Fair Art entry information. Hope to get a piece in this year and maybe win something or get noticed."
1752474987,"love","Steph0e","I'm sending a Happy Mama's Day shout to the greatest Twit-mama ever to @NikkiWoods... U kick ass, all day - everyday! Lovely sons!!"
1752475016,"neutral","jerdd","@SAROAR  Trudat... I even have my own peppermint syrup from Starbucks."
1752475075,"neutral","CHarrisV83","@mattlogelin mankini!! i'm not sure i'd recognize him without his signature two-piece. try to get a picture"
1752475084,"worry","Nikki54321","@biancamichellee haha kk tell me when u remember"
1752475094,"love","lonewolfmedia","@LadyKadi Happy Mother's Day, Kadi!!"
1752475196,"love","AnnaTO","@olsonbd80 loved it! Thanks for taking care of me"
1752475206,"happiness","Tuituin","I want cookies for breakfast! Luckily I'm an adult and can do that!"
1752475212,"neutral","houseofmuses","House of the Muses 4, page 28 is now live.   http://bit.ly/egVW3"
1752475225,"sadness","emmyinabox","@arundo_donax ISN'T PUPPY FREAKING ADORABLE!? I didn't want to let her go. FUZZYPUPPY."
1752475287,"love","TheBiiiigMan","sitting here with Nathan, Eddie & Brenden chilling out at 1 AM, haha great day, I love my life!"
1752475371,"neutral","charlesnw","Have space right next to the rack for another one. So plenty of space for CCNA,CCNP,CCIE lab!"
1752475420,"neutral","myestilo","PRE-ORDER collection is launched! EVERYTHING BELOW $20  VISIT US NOW http://bit.ly/haDfr"
1752475515,"fun","dramagirl_50",""i hear its wonderful in california.""
1752475543,"fun","jessjuvenilex",""I want you in my mouth and my butthole b!tch" mm jeffree rawks"
1752475545,"neutral","tammysrecipes","@merchantships You're welcome!  Math is really *not* my favorite thing but it's also so useful, so..."
1752475572,"worry","jadegrrrl","sad that borders did not have guerrilla gardening book but otherwise a most lovely relaxing day"
1752475687,"neutral","tarlen","Writing out to tape.  #48hoursnz"
1752475762,"love","Stephanieee55","@bradiewebbstack well then happy mothers day  ahahahahahaha"
1752475763,"relief","gosner","@urban_asher better.  That wasn't one of my better summaries"
1752476021,"neutral","jodabone","@kierantong I know anne and judy"
1752476054,"worry","Luv_Livia","Happy 11th  I'm going to sleep now lolz"
1752476070,"love","courtneyxox","@davjr  i love you mooorrreeee"
1752476093,"neutral","akojen","@Candis04 Hey, Candis."
1752476121,"fun","jerseyygirl_201","@jimmyfallon you & justin were really funny tonight on SNL!"
1752476356,"sadness","peterc","Apple FAIL. If you set up a new British Mac, the dashboard weather widget is for London, Canada, not the UK one  (Hard to tell too!)"
1752476439,"fun","Paul_PP","Enjoyed Star Trek... More please"
1752476465,"neutral","lilmamazBBN","bout 2 watch a movie nd drink wit martin nd leslie"
1752476564,"happiness","Tylisa","LOL OMG @MissKeriBaby replied back to me out of all ppl!! THX"
1752476575,"sadness","OhLaLaBabe","@dredpiraterob poor thing. come watch tv at my house  lol"
1752476624,"happiness","rockkerbetch","lol! woow okay its not that big of a deal"
1752476640,"neutral","maggieconnors","Sittting in my seat watching the tyra show"
1752476685,"relief","itsliz85","happy mother's day everyone"
1752476724,"happiness","tiffinieTERROR","Anthony's pretty wicked too."
1752476856,"neutral","ruuthporter","HA. Totally posting an update at 2am.Its lightning outside, pretty."
1752476867,"relief","AnitaFajita262","@jimmyfallon Saw you on SNL with your diploma..Congrats. You must be overjoyed.   Now I am finally going to bed..NITE"
1752476869,"neutral","kaylanicream","Link per my daughter  us.mobile.reuters.com/mobile/m/AnyArticle/p.rdt?URL=http://www.reuters.com/article/bigMoney/idUS1284981420090508"
1752476918,"love","PhilHarrison","@peninasharon ty 4 the retweet!"
1752502744,"relief","ayoitsinkley","Tired as hell...long ass weekend so far, chillin wit mi madre 2moro"
1752502783,"fun","jyjimmieg","Cleaning my roooooooooom, about to continue playing with my DSI"
1752502797,"fun","leewaters","@kindlejunkie Hey! I need that book to go with my Amy Sedaris.  @cheesivore is finishing it now, you say? ;)"
1752502825,"neutral","MichelleMMM","@REALConformist Because of the new #Kirk. That's why. Because of the new #Kirk."
1752502838,"love","abel209","yeah.... and im gonna take ur picture off my ipod baby.."
1752502886,"fun","ZombiesTaste","Everyone At My Place Tomorrow  Bonfire, Tofu Dogs, And Austin Powers."
1752502889,"surprise","CharissaCowart","@dougstech Isn't he awesome?? There are tons more coming, that was just one of three locations"
1752502895,"worry","kkrazydaisy","gooooonight twitter...... i hope im better tomorrow"
1752502911,"neutral","macbookair15","The person that I'm giving my iPhone to is the....ready..... @theapplefreak lol ypu"
1752502922,"happiness","ZarinaKayyy","@laurenmontonen I DIDDDD. I MET THEM AGAIN"
1752502961,"worry","FoxWhisperer","What does "drink responsibly" mean to you? Please share a tip (or two if you're drunk right now  )"
1752503013,"love","kristennnnnnn","Happy Mother's Day Mama bear"
1752503049,"relief","BrendanJHanton","Finally able to get Flight Control for my Ipod. Best game app! 123  Damn choppers lol"
1752503073,"fun","twebbstack","@ztnewetnorb yes yes yes lotsa fun  i cant wait. dont like make up with shaun too much in front of me tho cos ill get awkard haha"
1752503088,"neutral","Ana503","on myyearbook, myspace, here and messenger"
1752503151,"empty","cHuMeee","just woke up from a nap..."
1752503200,"sadness","scrappypower","@TheSpencerSmith hush...stop teasing"
1752503206,"love","anthonyash","@rooeh I recommended .net, I guess since they bought something from you they featured you. Hopefully it brings in more business"
1752503230,"worry","GrfxGuru","@DurbinDigital LOL, yeah I do it cuz it just seems that way sometimes don't it"
1752503257,"relief","bruh_rj","P9 for Danica and your team... Not a end of the world, now is just hopes for a great race"
1752503316,"love","rish1103","I think its cute my mom still waits up for me when I go out eventhoough I've spent 2 yrs out of the house. <3 my mama"
1752503354,"hate","sarahgrieve2011","Ugh i hate photobucket! an amazing place to edit pictures is: www.picnik.com  i use it alll the time."
1752503366,"love","janicellamoca","Waiting for the Black Eyed Peas to go up!!!! We got backstage passes thanks @sammysamla thanks again hun!"
1752503367,"surprise","skuldchan","@sporkbot Wasn't it totally awesome?  Seeing the rebooted crew was so nice!"
1752503371,"happiness","StigChica","Just watched Star Trek. A+! That was so well done. I think I'm down to see it again. Who wants to join me?"
1752503441,"surprise","KadyLucas","@shaundiviney Sweeny Todd is deadset one of the best movies of all time"
1752503444,"neutral","brampitoyo","@caseorganic But I�m for smaller companies rather than bigger ones. It�s not like I have worked at a big company to prove it, though"
1752503482,"love","jossiepossie","kill bill pt 2 .....I love em both wish they wold make like three more"
1752503510,"neutral","kbster","Spending Mother's Day with Mom."
1752503585,"happiness","ColorMeLively","@dmaul53854 yus! :3 he was really nice"
1752503589,"neutral","ChristieLeeC","@NikiMoss  It should take you back to colorado where you belong"
1752503590,"sadness","cpoythress31191","about to hit the sheets."
1752503595,"sadness","Thomas_Butler","listening to the new demo! This song is going to be fantastic once its done!"
1752503701,"neutral","elliespitza","one more final"
1752503712,"fun","colintulloch","@tarynromanowich I understand  Computers are fun again!"
1752503808,"neutral","suebrody1","@tonicate10 Yes, we just need ppl to vote. GET OUT THE VOTE. ;) Ciao for now.  Till tomorrow...Is Anybody Listening? Yes, I am.  Night!"
1752503825,"happiness","Ambicom85","Home. Tired. Phone then bed.   Good night tweeters, happy mothers day!"
1752503849,"happiness","Mommykins41","Off to bed - I have a hot date with Sudoku and maybe a chapter or two reading if I can stay awake that long. Have a great night tweeps!"
1752503913,"neutral","DivasMistress","@Dime_Diva_Dee26 teehee Im glad to entertain ye"
1752503954,"love","jessxxtart","tonight was hilariouss  i loveeee everyone that was theree"
1752503979,"fun","courtIN85","@TaraPants Road trip to Cincy to the limb store!!!!"
1752503988,"neutral","CarlosSaysRAWR","@SteveAgent I think I should... But with who? Hmmmm. Maybe a friend in ALASKA"
1752504041,"fun","escribitionist","having coffee with bread. peanut butter today!"
1752504222,"happiness","HannaG87","@WordyDirts Thanks  your my first lol"
1752504249,"happiness","BrandFancier","@Vengenz1 It was a lovely attempt at poetry!"
1752504270,"neutral","xkhaotik","@wuzzyangel anytime!.. literally hahaha"
1752504383,"neutral","mrazalas","Guess I'm on Twitter now!"
1752504438,"sadness","ShabnamSh","09/09 +full moon+ my lovely friends and family= my b-day wish came true;)<3 In addition,gray matters is one of the cutest movies ever!!"
1752504454,"love","ellenash","@propa_gandhi awww, thanks, Brad. hahaha that actually made me laugh out loud    LBD."
1752504455,"fun","SprngRollAllDay","Sunday my last day at apple but I won't be in. Come kick it with me at El FAROLITO 4817 mission street @ 730pm"
1752504534,"worry","tophatdog","@PlumpPeaches I'm glad you're little Prissy is doing well. It's obvious how much you love her w/the treatment she's getting"
1752504535,"happiness","ilynickjxo","watching greys anatomy and just about to take blueberry muffins out of the oven mmm yummy  finished geoggers study notes yay!!"
1752504538,"enthusiasm","ChrisLejarzar","@MelissaSuzanne ha I think I got like two hours of sleep last night and I have an early start tomorrow, so chillin and sleep is needed!"
1752504587,"happiness","acissejessica","loving phuket with melai and badette. i'll be coming home soon  imiss everyone"
1752504598,"love","Tyaddicted","will be doing all the chores just for her mama"
1752504675,"hate","LadyLove88","I dont care who gets mad. I like speaking my mind. Im alreadt crazy so it helps me not go off da deep edge! Fuck u!"
1752504681,"worry","bbtrinh","final one, over. only one more and two pages of an essay left"
1752504698,"worry","FashionGuru","There's a 1,000 you's... there's only 1 of me..."
1752504731,"neutral","limbonite","@mellonikan thank you"
1752504742,"love","ShelbyStroman","@WeTheTRAVIS goodnight lovely"
1752504785,"neutral","laurenshapiro","Can't wait to go to bed"
1752504786,"relief","JLMTH","@MariahCarey thanks you soo much i need this day for these five kids lol"
1752504942,"love","bree_2013","wow, so x-men was pretty much amazing. i love wolverine."
1752505054,"happiness","xXgreenXx","ok.  i got my nails done to day an the are sweet."
1752505080,"fun","sparkle193","Awake, man, i need to go to sleep, i gots to wake up early for church tomorow."
1752505136,"happiness","xChristinaMarie","@Jaimie_tv LOL no girl I'm only 17! Too young for college! But yay congrats to us  where does downtown graduate at?"
1752505149,"love","thinkkindness","Gave my dog a bath & and then jumped in the mud - gotta love it!"
1752505221,"neutral","abbyhoffman","Got a sunburn from Coney Island bike ride"
1752505287,"fun","MsCiAiRRA","@Djsparkx lmao yeaa iight n u shuld put tha c.b flick up w. Panties on ur head .. juss a joke"
1752505303,"happiness","smurfetterox86","LOVED AP Tour in Columbus, OH last night! I'm still exhausted! Goin to bed now so sweet dreams!! gnight!!"
1752505384,"fun","aliddew2kOOl","perkinz..  idk wat after dat tho. maybe sum SEX. lol"
1752505427,"happiness","myzchaos","@MeredthSalenger Ur so cute..I'm a fan of Dream A Little Dream, This Kiss and appearances like in Dawson's Creek  Make more flicks!"
1752505429,"neutral","wind_dancer",": Out to dinner for the fam and Grandma for Mother's Day."
1752505439,"worry","Jeri1204","- had a great time at the 'block party' - so did mackenzie"
1752505520,"fun","bruh_rj","P9 for Danica and your team... Not the end of the world, now is just hopes for a great race"
1752505538,"neutral","inloveanddead","sweet dreams!"
1752505539,"neutral","TweeeterTweet","@LaughingAttack YAA! hi amy. im showing my new friends our youtube"
1752505543,"surprise","michsineath","@mandiengram Ha! Did she find out? The only thing Google came up with was some database acronym and "dibbs" on the front seat aka shotgun"
1752505575,"love","jaepamandanan","http://twitpic.com/4wi9p - playing with ethan. i love you baby"
1752505638,"worry","lorettak","@MichelleMontana lol..well..no. I've had insomnia since I was 23 :-/ & since then dont sleep a lot of hours, but the ones I do are great!"
1752505643,"surprise","deaninwaukesha","@chrisfromracine That's for sure. That's why I intentionally turn my thought processes to the silly"
1752505722,"worry","jadorejoanne","My dad's drunk off his ass. Today was successful."
1752505785,"happiness","CheeseySpoot","Rey Mysterio is so awesome"
1752505836,"love","gelianca","Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing women who put up with us crazy, demanding children. Thank you.  Very very much."
1752505843,"happiness","leleana","@princessdeleon AWESOME! It feels very fulfilling, doesn't it?  I'm gonna work on SOOOO many people over the summer! Totally excited!"
1752505909,"happiness","tanmays","just woke up, having coffee, listening to Music, reading RSS...Sunday feels great"
1752505911,"worry","Shaukdotdj","Yep, this is about as "boonies" as it gets, if you look at the map   In transition. Gotta find a place and a job. - http://bkite.com/07kjR"
1752505962,"hate","joelbirch","@mimicariad Socksy's just plucky and independent to Caspar's lazy and attention seeking"
1752506015,"happiness","KfernRUNS","just had an awesome Girl Scout Day at Dodger stadium with two awesome olympic athletes Joanna Hayes and Heather Bown!  And we won!"
1752506232,"love","xxitslovexx","@claudiaintouch Yeah! I want it too. I love that "Falling Slowly" song. It keeps playing in my head."
1752506280,"sadness","estrella_bby","this is how we do itttt"
1752506292,"love","auxavy","happy mother's day!"
1752506302,"love","Kadynsmama","@rickyhorror but I don't want to hurt you"
1752506443,"neutral","magnetsmile","@hartheart @marlyrae god you guys...i'll call you guys...three way. to discuss."
1752506446,"happiness","_lefashion_","beach...yummy steak and catching up on 'lost' with my man...lovely day"
1752506512,"relief","carbonKim","When I start cloggin up my own Twitter feed, it's time for me to go to bed.. Nighty night. Be sure to go to the TweetUp and meet ME!"
1752506586,"happiness","CajunFerreira","@CiaoBella50 Evening! How are you this Sat night?"
1752532090,"love","OmigoditsXTY","@shoshanabean im following because of @conorclancy  yaaaaaay conor!"
1752532254,"empty","AjahBee","@kgthagreat yea tre hood claim thats atl theme song which it aint!! lol  but its a youtube vid. that i posted yesterday"
1752532333,"neutral","snickel727","Watching movies with my dad and talking about life"
1752532367,"neutral","SirPsycho84","http://twitpic.com/4wij6 - my oldest nephew playin on my guitar hero drums"
1752532402,"hate","Konzadesign","a bedtime story pls...."
1752532460,"neutral","BrandySanDiego","Kyle can make fart noises with his armpit"
1752532469,"neutral","markpaik","48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. It's a little bit much for me, but is anyone interested in a copy? DM me if you are"
1752532569,"enthusiasm","LittleMZlilBIT","Mom is wearing shrug I bought her 2morrow...I can't wait 2 c her n it..cute"
1752532583,"neutral","itsamemikeyo","I think I'm going to go outside and have a very John Cage moment   Music majors rejoice!"
1752532630,"love","scy_krylief","I love my memories. It's almost like re-reading my favourite book all over again"
1752532631,"happiness","radpro","@meesabythewater thank you so much"
1752532751,"happiness","LMRB","@LindzluvsNKOTB I'm not going on the cruise. Wish I was, but I'm just going on vacation. Thanks though"
1752532760,"love","Wolfranco","@positron76 cant fuckin wait mate!!! it is goin to fantastic. its made my week"
1752532768,"neutral","pensblogtweet","@DanalynnD great game!    WOOHOO on to game 6...the final game?"
1752532770,"love","cagatorgirl","be sure to tell your Mom you love her and thank her for putting up with you!"
1752532825,"worry","ChampyChomps","@lightgood thank you  You too! I hope this turns out to be a top week for you."
1752532953,"fun","josephmoney","Come on Vancouver. Throwing stuff onto the ice? I thought you Canucks were supposed to be all polite and stuff?"
1752532969,"love","Tori_Thompson","@thewildjoker I selected 4 people today out of my list. Out of 300 or so I picked the 4 that made me laugh!"
1752533015,"happiness","heatherbot5000","making margaritas and about to watch Milk. Good times"
1752533017,"love","roshroxx","Just downloaded music for over an hour.  Love when that happens"
1752533050,"love","SherylNotCrow","@ahecht25 Thanks Amy!  That video is so awesome!  Did you see TMH?  He's amazing in that too!! Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy!!!"
1752533082,"relief","Diamond_Rose_","to overcome whatever darts the enemy may try and stop you with. We've gotta stay focused tweetz!  God bless you."
1752533086,"worry","lilmamazBBN","im gettin off nd watch a movie nd have a couple of drinks nd shots   ill try 2 get get back on if i can"
1752533149,"fun","nancyadoresjon","@JonathanRKnight het there r u finished cleaning your pond? u shouldn't stay too long u will get all wrinkled up!! kidding"
1752533260,"sadness","PrincesssRosiee","Soo Tired. My head hurts. I Love Andy sooooo much!"
1752533286,"happiness","ShortlyTi","Just ordered henna! I'll be a redhead again in a few weeks."
1752533317,"enthusiasm","gadgetguy63","About to watch the Star Trek movie"
1752533427,"fun","sacredoak","off to bed, I will have pics of the newly finished hat in the afternoon! yea its all done  Night yall!"
1752533434,"love","iGrace","was busy talking with mom and bhabhi.. they liked the cards bro and me made for them  now waiting for sis to get back from Church.."
1752533474,"happiness","spiderw0mana","@Dog_EaredPages Yay!  I can't wait to come in the bookstore and gets some new books"
1752533488,"love","whitelight","Happy mothers day!"
1752533506,"love","Pengygirl","X-men movie was pretty good. Kinda predictable @ points but good action sequences"
1752533510,"happiness","shawnaaaa","@em1234 hahhaha indeed  kinda like the spoon... hahaha"
1752533558,"happiness","JMost","@johncmayer That widewale courduroy'll get ya everytime!"
1752533566,"happiness","abercrombieceo","is drinking. Yay!"
1752533574,"fun","dagmarbleasdale","Landon now announces, "Big poopy coming!" every time. I'm just waiting for him to yell that in a store for the first time"
1752533590,"neutral","leslieerinw","Hanging out"
1752533595,"neutral","skdev","@jehan_ara Good to hear that  Allah aapko sehat de (Y)"
1752533719,"sadness","Goldenkiwi12","@imfunsizee and jarita i'm going home now and i'm with two hot guys  drool."
1752533749,"love","recruitchicago","Just have to say again how much I like the new twitteriffic"
1752533789,"neutral","JimGleeson","@WingsStef Yeah tone is lost on twitter unless you use the emoticons"
1752533802,"neutral","sweetdreamer","USA/Texas Jaycees Debate team ROCKED the house! They now have the opportunity to represent us in Tunsia, Africa! GO JAYCEES!"
1752533806,"happiness","shamara99","@SouthPhilly_Mel thanks that was nice of u and I appreciate u"
1752533810,"neutral","MK2Fac3","@Pandabeara nope, up tomorrow  I'm tired need bed"
1752533822,"neutral","Nestene","@littlewhip Couldn't hurt."
1752533895,"relief","MustBeBenHughes","Ah! Just remembered some (hopefully good) news is coming (hopefully soon) from someone I know... once again may the *happydance* commence"
1752533936,"love","vanidasavory","I Love All Time Low"
1752533959,"neutral","ktjbpa2006","@musicsinmysoul_ http://twitpic.com/4wi78 - hmm thats the BU tour list...but thats so cool!  and why does it say 2008?..."
1752534039,"fun","dottyundies","i look like a horse in my sam's club card picture because i couldn't find my hair brush. hahaha possibly getting noah tomorrow"
1752534069,"love","gilliamvocals","I truly praise God for my mom-the greatest mother in the world  Happy mother's day to all of the mothers reading this. Enjoy your day!"
1752534076,"worry","Crokey247","hanging out with Dan and Brian in my room for my last night"
1752534181,"hate","xgelicax","finished!  took me about two hours, but i got a "B" on it"
1752534207,"love","MrsPiNeApLe","HaPPy Mothers Day!!!"
1752534357,"happiness","Mommykins41","@NightShade10 Wooops! Meant I agree with Boomstone..trying 2 reply 2 both, LOL. Happy Mothers Day to you as well!  TTY soon!"
1752534411,"happiness","trustyfoto","Watching the Twins handle the Mariners again!! Whoo-hoo!!!  Tony http://www.trustyfotografie.com"
1752534447,"worry","KellyG5","@findingurstyle lol it's funny but it's not the back... it's all in the legs ;) and I've never hurt my back! Thank God!  Thanks 4 watchin!"
1752534459,"love","ladykayy","Ugh what an amazing night. Time for bed! I know i'm gonna sleep well. And with no getting up early!  good night!"
1752534471,"relief","TaviGreiner","@islandidea We knew what what you meant!"
1752534583,"neutral","LocalCheapAdz","Here are 4 FREE twitter tools will get you followers  http://short.to/511q http://jijr.com/hulz http://short.to/511r http://2ve.org/xPG0/"
1752534585,"surprise","TempeHanna","Omg amazing twist! This is a crazy awesome movie"
1752534616,"happiness","kluless65","@AClockworkToad yw, it gets really hot there in the middle of the summer like 110+ but right now its perfect! and less then an hour away."
1752534625,"love","Mpegg","@tamamic - Definitely following @TorontoStarMaps - I've been "following" the creator of this feature since 2005!"
1752534638,"happiness","Matik72","@QueenofSpain Good night Erin!  i wouldn't say that this is early or that you are old."
1752534663,"worry","rossi305","if tonight was anything like summer i cant wait"
1752534693,"neutral","shonias","@challyzatb Thankyou, yes. Off to a pre-wedding party now."
1752534752,"relief","Vanessa_bby","good times haha ily christian and mo  gonna watch dazed and confused in a while ha also my first time watching it ha im so lame"
1752534876,"fun","nikipaniki","@facit Hahaha. No, I haven't. I think I'll reserve it for next weekend. Have some paperwork to do. Or maybe tonight!"
1752534965,"neutral","A_End","Cleaned. Laundry. Nails painted. Productive saturday night"
1752534982,"happiness","AniGetThatGun","that was reallly good"
1752534998,"happiness","auti_J","Spending QT with the hubby"
1752535001,"happiness","Tins_Ohh","haha so bored...but happy mothers day!"
1752535007,"love","tayswift13","@MrPresident92 I was just about to put in "@" and then my username.. Wow."
1752535027,"worry","SayWhaaaaa","only got 22.90 in tips last night.. (N) but he earned bulk money anywho"
1752535122,"worry","1fan8u","OK its official I"M OLD! at least I feel likewise OLD & TIREDD & WASTED!!"
1752535134,"love","annettesaavedra","Writing Mother's Day cards for my mom and gran...  hurray!"
1752535215,"happiness","nathynechaeff","Going to bed! Happy mother's day for every mom here!"
1752535327,"happiness","becymay","@Buchautor thanks for the follow friday"
1752535447,"neutral","alynndeluc","Going to bed, no plans for tomorrow, just hanging around  Good night people <3"
1752535472,"boredom","inuyaki","@PurpleFoodie yeah...I hope it turns out... 20 more minutes!"
1752535748,"love","alanazoulay","@David_Henrie you are amazingg. replyy! it's a dream come true if you would reply to me"
1752535778,"neutral","jordanbarr","@juliaakes hahaha, perfect, my procrastination finally caught up with me so I am not part of the savage mob"
1752535798,"happiness","cariquinn","@ashleynewcomb Oh yeah, lots of rambly goodness. LOL You have mail.  Bed? This is early for me. ;) Probably why I'm an insomniac, huh?"
1752535839,"happiness","MaxnOut","@laurenconrad http://twitpic.com/4wh4d - LAUREN is AMAZING....well from what I see on the hills lol  Seem like a great friend to have!!"
1752535935,"relief","reneehlock","Such a good little Saturday. Didn't include Bed Bath and Beyond, but Borders was on the list. Can't wait for tomorrow. Good day planned"
1752535973,"love","jensinspired","@tabbycat224 yay!"
1752535979,"surprise","Music_Al","awesome night in the city"
1752535987,"fun","hannah_duh","Playing cards with my niece."
1752536014,"neutral","PROMISEMUSIC","@aljajackson Follow me honey"
1752536015,"neutral","yosoyian","@markman641 LOL you so insane ... I think that I heard that song b4"
1752536095,"neutral","NicaNoelle","@kylieireland Oh, that's bringing back fond memories... I WANT to, but I can't leave the kittens! (I sent you another pic of Balloon)"
1752536132,"happiness","TJMembers","we finally hit 1,000 friends! thanks!"
1752536181,"neutral","jeanneendo","@neestaples Thx for FF  #followfriday"
1752536207,"happiness","eekanem","hey chelsee its amiera!   <ufc>"
1752562320,"love","Mmunoz2","Happy mothers day mom!!!  i love you."
1752562323,"love","kahhhhla","praying the rosary with my family!"
1752562354,"surprise","A1ix","omg patron is 1ofmy FAVS  @NOEL4PRESIDENT im so jealous icant do 10 but i can do 5 so make it 15  so serious im in alabama visitin fam"
1752562364,"happiness","musicjelly","watching "Look for a Star" with mom again  lub ah C hehe"
1752562397,"neutral","TrinityRayne","@iampritty lol man i got 2 1 /2 hrs an iont how i woulda made it wit out my ramen noodles and t.v. Time"
1752562405,"surprise","birdiebreeze","@TheBeatles Time to reissue all @TheBeatles albums on vinyl!  yesss! that would be fab! fab! fab!"
1752562430,"happiness","k_pamplemousse","@VancityAllie they shall win"
1752562460,"neutral","diannagraf","@LyndonChester hi Lyndon - if you get this before 4pm Monday 11 May - i have mail for you from @amandapalmer via Tasmania. DM me"
1752562626,"love","Shannoxo","how r u feeling? and when r u guys coming back to canad?... come to vancouver!"
1752562628,"neutral","reneelockey","Oops. I'm watching my mom& son sleeping and  ing"
1752562662,"neutral","cherryfizzyface","mum is driving me and the Eric out to jt for the night."
1752562730,"happiness","cannus","Hanging with kevin tomorrow!  out goes being productive."
1752562745,"fun","Saruhx","In weho! They're are playing a lot of brit"
1752562793,"neutral","Zaren89","Enjoying the cool breeze at the beach. It helps me relax and unwind."
1752562804,"happiness","nicolepenney","@artistiquemeg wooohooo! I'm fourth row back"
1752562815,"love","kimballroundy","I'm Having a Baby Girl! (In the next 17 Days!) I think I'm gonna keep this handy  http://budurl.com/f9p5 Funny Stuff!"
1752562863,"worry","MissReichow","@andycane wow.... really?!? is this necessary??"
1752562877,"happiness","onewayhisway7","Awesome  I saw it thursday night. It is so great. 100% perfect casting."
1752562909,"happiness","twi_obsessed_xo","Watching Twilight again  !!! <3 I'm watching the Audio Commentary, it's sooo funny ;)"
1752562939,"neutral","lovenroo","You're never alone Just when you think no one cares, you realize that there' always one person you cares for you"
1752562979,"happiness","mcarta7","writing out mother's day cards to mom, aunts, and AMYYYY can't wait for her to be a mommy"
1752563007,"fun","true_rockstar","i want to sleep XD !!!! but i have a song in my head that make me crazy and dont know if i write the song or not hahhaha"
1752563078,"fun","lovebec","@Jasonniu thanks!!  my friends and I went and watched movies and ate chocolate chip pancakes at one of my friends' house. it was fabulous!"
1752563127,"happiness","claralim","Is having awesome fruits and vegetable juice at the opening of Lam's noodles at 8@tradehub21  http://tinyurl.com/r65c68"
1752563279,"sadness","jooooee","OMG, time to sleep, today was an horror, i really hope best weekends *---*..Goodnight buddies"
1752563324,"neutral","Gotmegoingcrzy","Watching "Hairspray""
1752563328,"fun","anikarawr","I promised to update my twitter every now and then. LOL Greet your mom by simply saying YOUR HOT"
1752563400,"worry","DamienCripps","@kimberley_ thats coz we love you"
1752563418,"happiness","suprlatina","@MollyMazy aww!  happy mother's day to you too girlie! kingston is lucky to have such a great mommy!"
1752563487,"love","Beffawup","I love all my friends  @christickell @micahdwhitehead @johndavidwright @vivianleighturn and drew were fun tonight"
1752563533,"relief","GhanaSweetheart","just finishing studying for LSATs and watching VH1 Soul"
1752563563,"happiness","xt0rrent","Celebrated 18,000 plays on Last.fm with Dez Moines by #tdwp http://bit.ly/GWUHX"
1752563769,"relief","lissytran","This is cool!"
1752563778,"sadness","Carrie_Lane","OFFICIALLY booked for seattle with @cfine1 and @ebotkin12 it's going to be THE best birthday weekend EVER!  @bradlawrence :you made me sad"
1752563793,"fun","lionl","Friends are gone. Sushi, movies, laughter. Just what I needed. FUN!"
1752563803,"neutral","d4rkspike","@jimmydouglas Thanks! I'll have to have you guys over once we have furniture."
1752563858,"love","KaraMAdams","Still love "The Sizzler" though...and Chuck NIce. And Doug Benson. And Paul Scheer. And Nick Kroll.  Love me some geeks"
1752563892,"happiness","LynnAdams1179","If I'm up with Brooklyn when I'm suppose to sleep in...I'll call you  @ LadyBug602"
1752563895,"surprise","splitenz","@chiwhitesox i need 2 b getting 2 sleep 4 the night. Have a good sunday"
1752564030,"sadness","Tifferz1517","I <3 Rupert Grint......& of the boy, Ive accepted tht I do fancy him  But im certain he doesnt feel the same so its not worth telling him"
1752564040,"love","eclecticeddie","@kathyIreland Hugs 4 kathy. Though my mom's in heaven, I know she's smiling at my accomplishments & all the people who keep me positive."
1752564078,"worry","emmelinek","nope, san leandro marina.    how are you?  hope you're well!"
1752564092,"happiness","j_sho","I received some excellent birthday presents!  Party was the usual success."
1752564116,"love","jeanninesioco","@glammyts happy mum's day to ur mom  say you're from the philippines too?"
1752564123,"love","lynnrose14","First Happy Mothers Day  Second what is it that makes us think the way we do? Why do we feel the way we feel? I dont know but i wish i did"
1752564153,"love","mynameiskaye","@DeLaSelis no... But I met a new graphic design friend, so that was dooope!!!"
1752564214,"neutral","Songbird1988","is going to drink a mojito and lay down to watch movies with my hubby. Goodnight fellow tweeters"
1752564218,"neutral","DefyGravity81","@simplyshannon just wanted to say hello"
1752564229,"neutral","superchauie","is satisfied with her FP'09 review"
1752564275,"happiness","chinkleDC","@scalzi Happy frickin' birthday!  Try not to be too bitter about sharing your day with your lovely wife and all other mothers out there."
1752564401,"worry","MarieWillow","Happy mother's day to all mothers here!"
1752564419,"neutral","my_level","watching crimson tide and eating apple sauce."
1752564448,"neutral","sweisbrot","@monicaobrien again, agreed. but having a program showing your friends are on facebook would be easier than giving every1 yer info"
1752564450,"worry","brianaip","@lexjosephine I heard about your reply! im so jealous! kevin is my favorite! haha"
1752564489,"neutral","outednarnian","@jaybeecc hahaha sa una lang yan!  i started with 40 minutes ng 5k.  that was a year ago."
1752564543,"love","pnay","I have the immense pleasure of being entertained by Pride & Prejudice for the 3rd time and I must say that I find it very much agreeable"
1752564545,"neutral","VAEOU","Off for some sleep, g'night everybody! Hope you had a good day"
1752564606,"neutral","bitt3rswe3tlov3","nothing to do >.<..any1 wanna keep me company?"
1752564622,"fun","JBeauty","{cont} that right their is why fake btches shouldnt mess with Real ones... ahhh I love it Real btches excite me"
1752564630,"love","xOxOjennatoOr","@laurenconrad http://twitpic.com/4wh4d - so cute ii love this"
1752564685,"neutral","chibirenachan","I act like I'm 8. Therefore, I am 8."
1752564774,"love","zoemoon","Happy Mothers Day all!  Hugs and love, Zoe"
1752564785,"surprise","chrisandcaleb","@DanielJeffreys we won't be home till like next month"
1752564801,"worry","AshleygirlAz","@SusanRaymond thanks for the ok ...hope we can tweet more down the road"
1752564894,"enthusiasm","bdevil4","Here come the Hawks, the mighty Blackhawks!!"
1752564928,"worry","GreenFreak5507","Omg Wango Tango was fucking AWSOME! I love my baby for taking me"
1752564972,"worry","THe_RuGGeD_MaN","@BLaCkitaLiaNa7 ay uuuu  happy mothers day"
1752564981,"hate","momsontheedge","@KelsyC That just doesn't sound appetizing."
1752564999,"sadness","nkole","@LaurenBakarian: i miss you"
1752565041,"happiness","thatladyj","@bsaeed it was nice to meet you tonight & thanks!!"
1752565078,"happiness","skittlesxlove","@angelemotion yayyy for new videos by amazing people"
1752565154,"enthusiasm","DavidCooksWife","@EADave HEY HEY ready to come to oklahoma?"
1752565238,"fun","znmeb","@camikaos pheasant dreams, kaotic ones"
1752565255,"love","sipthegreentea","@heynadine - not early at all, just say you are running on eastern time  hope you had fun at your auditions! canada ftw!"
1752565289,"love","neonspiders","@ShelbyStroman yes!! it is, like, super-glued inside my head."
1752565312,"neutral","Sondra_","@livenoutlouder wasn't that mother song SO funny? SO wrong but SO funny - I heart @andysamberg"
1752565359,"happiness","FabulousJames","Hangin out with some cool ass people.  http://short.to/8j3p"
1752565362,"neutral","recordstoregeek","@whyinthehell Yoko Ono - Ben Lee  - ? http://lala.com/zAd It's easy."
1752565398,"happiness","andrealown","@bingofuel Why yes, we did see @CaryWilliams tonight. Delicious dinner by chef Geoff chez A-Lo/G-Mo.  Hope to see him again pre-departure"
1752565428,"neutral","snickel727","Okay enough talking for now time for bed. Big mother's day tomorrow! Then back to Greeley for the big move."
1752589750,"happiness","VilandraAlya","She has an awsome voice. Bored nothin to do i should really consider  going back to school yeah right i'd rather cry of boredom  forever"
1752589763,"love","phillippbrewer","Ruff, Ruff, says my sweet little mini chu-weeny dog. Her name is Ziggy and she is just too darn cute for her own good. She says hey guys."
1752589780,"surprise","CynthiaY29","@gregbd you can explore the site 2 and find cool stuff"
1752589916,"happiness","betteboo5","silly you are right here with me"
1752589958,"love","zood0rk","Cathylo-fran! I'm glad i can vent out to you about this. Thanks for being here for me bestfriend"
1752590004,"love","godlesswoman","I have been married 1 year to the most wonderful man"
1752590104,"fun","xxgabi","@patricklanglois http://twitpic.com/4w52z - i bet you ate and missed the brazilian bbq  and i also bet you guys played wii (mostly bec ..."
1752590262,"love","ToKyOBuBbLeS","@Michaelcopon: Awesome. Tell me if its good. I might watch it"
1752590346,"sadness","JJLaBarbera","@ninjapixie83 Sorry for your loss.  I know how you feel.  She or he was a lucky cat."
1752590467,"neutral","duckybutt","@ddlovato Woo! Twitter kind of sucked without you."
1752590471,"happiness","mamakatz","@Scorch_Mom Emailed you - it'll be on the porch anytime. If you come tomorrow, we'll have to miss you! Don't worry about knocking!"
1752590487,"love","gabpreston","yay mothers day  i love mi madre"
1752590550,"happiness","JPhilipson","@alphonso I'm in SF right now"
1752590555,"happiness","RaquelChristine","watching Season 2, episode 1 of House before bed... what a great bedtime story"
1752590564,"happiness","MaanElizabeth","Looking forward to having Dinner with Family and Friendsss! Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there!"
1752590588,"worry","alifbatatsa","mothers day, happy mothers day mom"
1752590598,"surprise","coerter","Had a fun late night talk with @koerter  Good night world."
1752590668,"neutral","MissXu","has her mind abuzz re: advertising industry + standards : don't hate me because I like maths, ok?"
1752590675,"surprise","AprilFilms","@AspaPhoto Ahhhh \you are soo smart  Thanks for this schooling of thoughts"
1752590677,"happiness","aleksagosto","@Im_2nd aww thanks!"
1752590678,"love","armylovelife","@colorarmy: I'll keep y'all in my prayers but welcome back to TX  Hope you have a good,safe flight"
1752590710,"sadness","Susanlmt","@LisaBernart Great to meet you! Thanks for the use of your umbrella...I hope you ate and got some sleep!"
1752590796,"sadness","SUGARvampchick","@jtimberlake DAMN YOU KILLED IT ON SNL...THAT WAS GOOD STUFF I WAS CRYING W/LAUGHTER @jimmyfallon broke you i love it"
1752590860,"happiness","drakoboy","time for The Great Yakuza Horror Theatre, wish me luck"
1752590870,"relief","fangirlpuri","Its good to have an old friend at ur new job. Another good day at work. Paycheck day will be even better"
1752590890,"fun","marisselaoh","i wanna watch tormented. it's showing on May 22"
1752590897,"worry","ShaeFreeman","@FokusChicagoKid Ah....okay"
1752590909,"happiness","reezie90","Is watching "It takes Two".... such a classic lol"
1752590914,"hate","scarlet121","Shoot, are we all done with the mustard jokes now?"
1752590928,"neutral","shaktijs","@Shadez thanks  this one will be a hit. @Nani981 has been a patron since 2001"
1752590956,"happiness","ukdjgrl210","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752591006,"worry","krupali","Wine and Saginaki with 7 friends = good times"
1752591038,"happiness","ChrisLejarzar","and goodnight, twitterland! hope all of your weekends are going great!"
1752591098,"neutral","inotherwords_c","@elm8 my sentiments exactly"
1752591102,"hate","BlazedOutMusic","@gnxmusic But I am with you... I hate doing it... can't we just make music and magically not have to worry about money  awe... sigh...LOL"
1752591120,"relief","sevennrose","I would rather end up heart broken then have regret because i didnt take a chance"
1752591163,"neutral","ukdjgrl339","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752591237,"happiness","Tamara_Adine","Ate too much vegetarian pizza for dinner! But it was so good"
1752591272,"anger","Sabrinakay08","@roberto121 that's some serious shit steve. why didn't you send me pictures or call me!! You know i love a good yard sale."
1752591325,"fun","claralim","is having awesome fruits and vegetable juice at the opening of Lam's noodles at 8@tradehub21  #fb http://tinyurl.com/qnjqx2"
1752591335,"love","Ragnazidnar","@LarieBeck Good to hear! I got a bit of a tan today too, which is unheard of for me- I am SO pasty white all the time.  Mostly I freckle."
1752591340,"happiness","darealsebastian","JUST GOT TO LA  MISS HAWAII ALREADY! DANG"
1752591361,"enthusiasm","ukdjgrl993","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752591413,"neutral","ashwinsharma","@PManiac thats kickass news !!"
1752591444,"relief","kara_sutra","@jlee07 Thanks for the following and support!!!   <3"
1752591469,"neutral","Gen22","@Digooooo yeah yeah gd night then"
1752591545,"love","Toni_KatVixen","We picked up Boston Legal season 5, enjoying it now.  No matter how offensive Denny can be, I love Denny Crane!  He is a riot."
1752591575,"neutral","ukdjgrl794","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752591645,"empty","mitchyy","wants to increased my karma ~  http://plurk.com/p/suiva"
1752591653,"happiness","MandaLoguzzo","@David_Henrie hahaha. you make me laugh."
1752591655,"neutral","xXMCR_LadyXx","@MCRsavedMilife me too"
1752591738,"relief","bitconstructor","Finished practicing for today. A bit tired.  http://tinyurl.com/pypof6"
1752591741,"fun","emery_j","WHOA! Twilight the board game! AAAHAHA"
1752591756,"happiness","ukdjgrl974","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752591760,"love","ashleyatUM","Loved Wanda Sykes' performance at the White House Correspondent's Association Dinner"
1752591761,"happiness","natalierenfro","whole foods, barton springs, yogurt spot & the oasis = perfect day in austin."
1752591782,"worry","missyosigirl","watched 100th episode of numb3rs. loved how they did a throwback to the first episode, using the sprinkler theory"
1752591866,"neutral","TyCody","@AngelicaBeanz Its pretty gnarly"
1752591906,"relief","_thefabulousone","Working out and watching snl"
1752591949,"happiness","Ayeelaurenlovee","i'm eating cookies that have been sitting around for a week now. thanks andrea dear"
1752591969,"fun","ukdjgrl527","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752591993,"happiness","emilygonsalves","Why am I posting so late? Just got back from seeing Star Trek. It was so awesome"
1752591998,"love","Travelcase","@RiChArD_Morgan_  which 1? There r2 that I love and want to share  i just wish I'd made them-"
1752592069,"worry","kat_astrophy","hip hop is alive & well in nashville tn!"
1752592073,"enthusiasm","LanieW","watching a youtube vid of @jonasbrohters sing paranoid live  @njbond007 is so cute when he sings lol"
1752592151,"love","ukdjgrl193","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752592153,"neutral","ZolaMO","@UncleRUSH Morphine and Percocet are ur friends when pain is acute. And we became very friendly recently  Def the morphine..1st 24 hrs."
1752592164,"fun","PatryceLea","Waiting to go to bed. Had a great weekend"
1752592200,"happiness","maritoniroxas","@merabobera I wantttt!!!!!!!!"
1752592206,"happiness","XxAnaKarinaxX","living it up at empire hotel...free bottle service. it ROCKS having connections"
1752592209,"empty","mhdotcom","http://www.miss-hudgens.com/?p=28 Nessa is 27# on Maxim Magazine's Hot 100 of 2009"
1752592228,"neutral","Boshoo","Sunny synday morning. Nicole is up later than usual, mommy got some sleep"
1752592290,"relief","omgsage","Looks like i can go see jeffree star afterall. I told my dad he'd hate the music & he said i could go alone"
1752592317,"neutral","ukdjgrl871","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752592342,"relief","jeeessicaaaa","twittering after 2 days!"
1752592366,"neutral","inthesun619","deleted a lott of facebook friends, ask to be my friend again if you want. if not idgaf"
1752592440,"happiness","AprilFilms","@AspaPhoto Ahhhh \you are soo smart  Thanks for this schooling of thoughts  Have you taught before?"
1752592514,"love","JessikahCap","happy mothers day to all the mommies!"
1752592527,"relief","ukdjgrl894","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752592556,"happiness","xlcbarbiex","Home. Should be in the bed, but I'm just super duper excited about tomorrow."
1752592710,"empty","MyCheMicALmuse","@JohnnyDeppNews EXACTLY!!"
1752592765,"empty","ukdjgrl247","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752592794,"neutral","minxuan","@tshein the iphone"
1752592819,"worry","blainereagan","Campfire and smores"
1752592859,"love","twebbstack","@ztnewetnorb i agree with @masterballerina spongebob is better"
1752592863,"love","BAMOK","watching "Say Anything" - great '80s movies and the starting point of my love for John Cusack!"
1752592917,"happiness","ukdjgrl677","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752592918,"worry","suzbooze","I HAVE NEW WORK COMING OUT"
1752593015,"love","n_k_mamma","@JonathanRKnight Aw..see that, right there is why we all ? you Jon!  Give your mamma a hug tomorrow! Much love ~ Jamie"
1752593042,"neutral","Susanlmt","@JonathanRKnight Thanks"
1752593068,"love","Alyssafarah","I have a license and a car..at least for now."
1752593101,"happiness","ukdjgrl248","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752593189,"neutral","LogicalThoughts","Good morning twitter"ers""
1752593200,"happiness","lydddiiiaaa","had fun at wango tangooo!"
1752593206,"empty","majestic_books","Has finally taken a shower after much distraction from twitter and the bubble wrap off to read  and drink a smoothie"
1752593273,"neutral","ukdjgrl163","FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone"
1752593287,"worry","mzellous","I'm baking cookies. What are YOU doing?"
1752593390,"love","TinainMelbourne","@Miss_Melbourne Sounds good! Say hi if you run into me there! I'm always always having coffee there"
1752593422,"relief","ncarr08","had a fun day at the theatre... glad to be back in town for a while"
1752616994,"surprise","misscole74","@Gosssy I'm good."
1752616998,"neutral","kelliecobra","@wethetravis http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/3512/img2960v.jpg is that an arsenal shirt?"
1752617009,"neutral","CooperCraigM","@harterm04  Tell Brad I said hi!    Drink and sing for me and Morgan."
1752617015,"surprise","Sobou","@temmy_ Sounds like you got a fan in Danstorce."
1752617030,"neutral","yeasheshines","about to go to sleep"
1752617040,"happiness","NewTechBooks","@ishaka Thanks"
1752617085,"happiness","Melp682","@ubernostrum I really ought to pay more attention to my phone tweets... Sure! The more moives the better."
1752617121,"relief","rattlergrl","@AguyfrTX I know, thx  But I'll be ok."
1752617219,"love","AbhorrentAspen","@ishmael5 http://bit.ly/Msize  There you go dear  I love her Janelle"
1752617226,"surprise","jahed","@shanselman http://twitpic.com/4ve84 - Wow! A nice laptop"
1752617229,"love","MyCheMicALmuse","@LilEmoBoi  its like that with the goo goo dolls for me. Then I heard "iris" and absolutely loved it"
1752617271,"love","jonas_nicholas","http://twitpic.com/4wjai - Joe's the photographer of the family. Rehearsing is always fun. For the first couple of days it is at least."
1752617273,"boredom","LaughingAttack","@rhixz16 nothing much, juss really bored! hbu?"
1752617352,"relief","kabutar","@DixonTam maybe I have a different impression. It's entirely possible"
1752617393,"love","BethanyJP","@penny268 Lol. Thanks, Penny. I'm trying to believe you."
1752617468,"love","wordsleadmeon","@torridcrafter One of my good friends in the states has it covered now, but thank you again!"
1752617475,"fun","GlitzyGloss","@officialTila yeah twitter is a lot of fun babe... especially when you've got ppl to talk to! lol & that sounds Goooooood lol"
1752617496,"happiness","RoonskyRiot","Woo! Nachos AND ice cream  haha"
1752617536,"happiness","Appilicious","Hey guys I'm going to create an iPhone app that's a twitter client called Tweetilicious please @reply me your thoughts!"
1752617544,"neutral","minna3101","@vee71 Hey babe. how's Quest?"
1752617604,"happiness","kells81","@petitesuitecb Thanks my girl. True BFF!"
1752617606,"fun","MikeTheTech","That was a fun show. Grabbing a bite to eat now."
1752617752,"worry","telly_trilly","niggas got they eyes on me and i aint talkin bout da BM when i say i got 745 on me"
1752617774,"sadness","brittventenilla","Don't know what to do right now...pretty bored, but I refuse to study. Any suggestions?"
1752617777,"happiness","xXMCR_LadyXx","@MCRsavedMilife haha yes"
1752617839,"neutral","amazingJennifer","Venti Black Ice Tea with 8 pumps of classic"
1752617884,"surprise","klelizann","I just love it when  hot policemen come into my work"
1752617887,"happiness","hannahbeck8","@fatally_yours that's stunning!"
1752617998,"surprise","kimmileigh","is getting baptized tomorrow  and is a college graduate.  Busy weekend!"
1752618023,"neutral","GreenFalcon805","@officialTila Fashion show?? What was this I heard about dating a tweeter? Trying to catch up.. but soo much going on.."
1752618033,"love","lianamoss2425","I also have a certain CD from camp that a certain somebody gave me...  Yeah, there's this guy in the video that's really frickin hot!"
1752618047,"happiness","freddie_b","oh the memories  ? http://blip.fm/~5yxd4"
1752618067,"fun","Guiernesto","@omgbas i'm watching CQC a brazilian humor program"
1752618092,"love","maineladii","Happy mothers day!"
1752618164,"worry","melaniefiona","@DanielAlxander I like that...gonna have to re-tell"
1752618186,"love","KatieHeidie","happy mother's day"
1752618197,"happiness","punkbunny05","can't stop smiling  i'm in the best mood right now!!!!!"
1752618200,"neutral","JessieAutumn123","Just got back,"
1752618268,"sadness","kristacity","Still feel like craaaap and like everyone on earth needs to know this lol... Have fun birdies"
1752618291,"worry","theEquilibrium","@howardlindzon Obama support still at 821 - he's up 13% - needs to hedge his FAS position  heard he bought some stocktwits sweatbands"
1752618311,"neutral","followed","Right now on my Justin.tv channel: GTA4 fav meh  www.justin.tv/djandyw"
1752618374,"love","XaethyxV","@ all mothers, Happy Mother's Day, at all non-mothers, Happy Sunday, the 10th of May."
1752618460,"neutral","dopeguhxfresh","@QueenofKong No need 2 apologize mama i respect you for that"
1752618521,"worry","ashleegaston","@DrMeredithGrey i think she'll pull through."
1752618537,"sadness","katwoman327","Thank you all for your incredible support and encouragement-it means so much!! You constantly bless me & I am thankful for you!!"
1752618578,"happiness","MeshaV","Enjoyed x-men w/ @dwestbrook  now it's time to rest up for this drive home...happy mother's day twit-moms!!!"
1752618580,"worry","sherylmae","@tenticketthrill ahahaha! That's funny."
1752618613,"surprise","ajandmac","@nagelamy The guns not working eh?"
1752618670,"worry","Miss_Melbourne","@TinainMelbourne Will do"
1752618682,"happiness","omfgitsKristine","@redonculous video tape that for me  hahaha"
1752618716,"happiness","AprilFilms","@AspaPhoto I am the same... well peer trained, peer taught, peer learning"
1752618719,"love","astridcallista","Wow.. TAGers ROCK!!!  Awesome performance"
1752618745,"love","ModernFoodie","Dinner party was great!  Happy, full clients that is what I like to end my day with"
1752618813,"love","AgaSalim","@vmahmud I am at my office now, dude. yeah, get one!!! come on, let's go live! geez, all u need is time to practice. U'll get used to it"
1752618902,"neutral","wolwol","@evanhindra Dump this blackberry and uses an iPhone? Basically it compliment each other.  I think."
1752618941,"happiness","C42093","Good nite everybody!  <:Baby Boy:>"
1752618965,"fun","DJTH3KID","@HOLLYWOODTONI. Okay kool... I might be touring all summer long but we can make it happen!"
1752618993,"surprise","sambobway","oh and I got my haircut today. I looove it"
1752619074,"love","SCUB4ST3V3","Oh, tonight is a good night"
1752619164,"enthusiasm","LoveShinaMoon","@AmandaGearSolid OMG! It's the famous Amanda woman person thingy!  HUGS ALL AROUND!"
1752619204,"neutral","SteezyNguyen","@everhines http://bit.ly/QQe7B  heres the link  i'll be talking to you on hereeeeee about it during the movie (x"
1752619250,"happiness","wolfchild59","@duherica Thanks!"
1752619251,"surprise","SlightlySasha","@Tina_Marie_2009 Glad to hear you're quitting. I hope it works out! Also, thanks for the sweet mother's day card. Made me smile."
1752619268,"happiness","ladykimmy","it's beach time!"
1752619306,"love","bREE444","i basically want the world to kno that i have the BEST best friend    love her <3"
1752619355,"worry","miyagawa","@niw Thought you should mention that you don't need to enable Growl in Tweetie to make your plugin work, and to avoid duped notifications"
1752619365,"worry","happyfrowns","can't keep eyes open....*shuts eyes*"
1752619391,"neutral","dk103213","@Benbrochill17 you talk to her alot"
1752619401,"happiness","SparkDawgMusic",""NAPPY'S" da new "N" word....by da way, iLove my "NAPPY" braids  iGot "HANG-TIME" homie lol"
1752619480,"love","kelsfoster","Happy Mother's Day! I love my mommy"
1752619490,"sadness","izzy_graham","happy mothers day  going to the zoo... i have to wake up at 9:30 oh god noo!!!"
1752619507,"love","mashburger","I love how small adelaide is. Just ran into callum, of all people, at the airport. Amazing to see him though"
1752619511,"love","jennohmer","@N_Y_Yankees changed my default pic since you've been showing so much love!"
1752619515,"love","chrisfromracine","@deaninwaukesha Oh yes...quite.  And with that, I really do have to retire.  G'night doll!!  Nice chattin' with ya!"
1752619550,"love","unifiedclock","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752619575,"happiness","lizamsk","Just got out of the VAST show & IT KICKED ASS! Just as mindblowing live as on CD. Sang my fave songs. Im n awe!"
1752619626,"sadness","musix220","@farah_n_pete you do a terrible job of hiding it."
1752619628,"neutral","mickeygomez","@worldofhiglet I don't think it makes you seem shallow. Some actually do respond and converse with followers.  If they don't, no biggie."
1752619643,"sadness","TaLisaWuzHere","@TiptheMilkman awww  no problem , sorry for tha loss"
1752619659,"love","KenPeters","@Morgan_Company Hey Kathy, happy Mother's Day!"
1752619727,"neutral","grey_horse27","@JamesProps very cute kitty"
1752619728,"worry","pstock62","Is coming to the end of his first shift  6.30 local"
1752619761,"happiness","ghulai","is excited for tonight's party of ron  http://plurk.com/p/sujth"
1752619803,"hate","happykatkat","@LeafyTangram Where's the story?! I wanna know! I wanna know!"
1752619838,"happiness","THIS_IS_EMME","aww my son gave me a purple g shock for mother's day"
1752619888,"love","meilindasetio","happy mother's day to all the mothers in the world."
1752619915,"surprise","KeemlaDream","@digitalproduct anytime buddy  I c u @ 701!"
1752619956,"love","Mona_Kaye","Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful mommies out there  I LOVE YOU MOM!!"
1752619966,"relief","KGoodyCakes","Is working out the twitter kinks"
1752620019,"happiness","amandasaur",""dream of a better world because it's coming" -someone could live off of those words dude"
1752620133,"love","JenniferSM","watching some scary movies with my friend"
1752620188,"happiness","lindaSOAD","@SamBennington  cool  you are here too  hi sam  how are you???"
1752620194,"sadness","hKITTYlove","@hollywoodtv just a question.. are you guys liek famous or anything ? haha and MILEY FOLLOWED YOU LUCKKYY ! im so jealous"
1752620228,"love","cassieewassie","Aww, I love my daddy! He works 7 days a week almost all day and still tries to go to SF with all of us"
1752620294,"neutral","gedquist","Well, there goes *that* shirt. Haha"
1752620304,"worry","ShaeFreeman","@MissSididdy ur welcome...anytime"
1752620319,"love","LaBeautifulMess","Happy Mother's Day to everyone's mothers, mothers-to-be, grandmothers, great grandmothers...All the WOMEN! I salute you all"
1752620339,"neutral","Smatt_Glose","@kimberlinax3 oh kimmy really?  I give you one week from when you get home to hangout with me. I better get to see you. <3"
1752643281,"love","wolfchild59","@limegreenman And I thank you."
1752643383,"love","DiiVa_D3MoN","HAPPY MOTH3R'S DAY 2 3V3RY IN TH3 WORLD!!! ILY"
1752643487,"neutral","Knightbutterfly","@_supernatural_ http://twitpic.com/4wjel - . can i keep him tied up for some fun..please..I'll make him feel better"
1752643560,"neutral","Raniaelle","@therealsavannah I think you are a follow-your-dreams-and-they-will-come-true person. That's why your my  favourite YouTube star"
1752643595,"neutral","N0R3","bout 2 have 1 more drink then imma head in da house"
1752643703,"hate","csujd","Watching the Broncos vs Chiefs 1994, Montana vs Elway on NFL Network.  I still have nightmares about this game   FU KC!"
1752643710,"love","rhispect","@swoopthekid I'm good, thanks.  Hope you're enjoying the weekend!"
1752643910,"love","jennberman","#HappyMothersDay to all the moms out there"
1752643945,"love","PeachPosh","@stompthewalrus yay! now ill shall take your picture, and get a tattoo on my arm"
1752643975,"love","bfegter","@FrostyJan Enjoy the ride"
1752643993,"relief","e_freckles","@animeshiredane Okay, as long as you're all right."
1752644030,"love","Kristian4evea","like wat do i do wat do i do.........HA i got it i'll go 2 mushygushy...... so peace out twitter dudes i got a gushy gram 2 make"
1752644319,"neutral","CheerTweet","watching 48 hours"
1752644374,"fun","heartmychloe","@sara3isenough hahah that is hilarious!  when my b/f washes them they usually don't fit the bed anymore.  either that or they turn pink"
1752644446,"happiness","itsJOiii","good day, ya'll! happy mom's day!"
1752644460,"neutral","jhentility","is on facebook"
1752644469,"neutral","IluvaVanquish","Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there...we love you."
1752644552,"love","CJ_Jewelry","A very special HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all Mommies!"
1752644577,"neutral","Sassette","@meghannian {{{HUGS}}} Okay, just making sure!"
1752644724,"love","MaddyFdez","oficially mother's day! Hug & kissa Ur mom today more than U do everyday  cooking 4 her is a good idea, i'm making enchiladas suizas =]"
1752644746,"happiness","mackasaga","*[ It's time for TSCC!  ]"
1752644799,"surprise","twicullen","@aussiecynic it's been hectiv runny around after the women but goof  just making them both a surprise now"
1752644803,"neutral","stph51688","Yeah, my brain does rock!  I am happy to share my knowledge with you Carrie"
1752644818,"happiness","LydiaJorge","just watched Star Trek.. I liked it  I'm making my mother a card and listening to some tunage, Copeland to be exact ;]"
1752644834,"fun","TylerBrooke","@Rachecullen yesh. lawl"
1752644835,"neutral","cgranovski","Goodnight tweeps."
1752644844,"neutral","Cimarron42","@Flawless326 Too much? No, not unless one of the pillows ends up suffocating the one sleeping next to you."
1752645067,"worry","woahitssarah","http://twitpic.com/4wjjs - i aint a playah, i just crush alot."
1752645074,"happiness","h0ney32","Just had an amazinq qirls-niqht-out. I quess its always qreat to have an excuse to wear tiny dresses & heels"
1752645090,"love","SaraRuby12390","Woo CAVS.  Happy Mother's Day!"
1752645095,"surprise","Oracl","@veganza Been there, done that!!  Ew!!"
1752645115,"neutral","pushing_tulips","@ioeides Hello you! welcome to the twitterverse"
1752645148,"love","pnay","@evgibson I have to admit at being a Colin Firth groupie at this point."
1752645176,"love","RocsiBoo92","Bout to go to bed... Happy Mother's Day ladies .... especially all th 1s who takin care of thier kids alone..n I Love U Momma"
1752645261,"worry","sweetiestar7174","@misskg86 thanks kelly! that means a lot.  have you figured out your apt thing yet?"
1752645265,"relief","CoreJas43","@TBHA aww , its ok,we ended up getting in later than expected and didnt go...I would of called you if we were able to, ...C U N Austin,"
1752645280,"love","JenniferHui","@genehiga Your studio! @annhamilton and Bogie became one of your best friends after you guys started it."
1752645296,"happiness","kluless65","@AClockworkToad I will take lots of pics! it is really pretty there, lots of palm trees."
1752645389,"surprise","msblonde1990","wow officially i have no life this month! LOL my friends dont believe me when i say they need to BOOK IN ADVANCE!"
1752645396,"relief","erinfinney","there's not many things better than sleeping with my windows open"
1752645399,"hate","lykeomgew","Sam can go shoot her self."
1752645402,"love","kevinmadison","@BarbaraHauck Hey Barb, I love the line in your bio..Without health, nothing matters...So dead on!"
1752645480,"neutral","wayway8","@Gilamuffin i think i could wear you out"
1752645496,"happiness","FarzanAthari","I'm an incredibly happy person with 100% energy. Love to dance & laugh...the only thing that I know.I'm one of the most down to earth ppl"
1752645504,"love","Wakeupsinging","I love my daddy. Dad's are so under appreciated by their daughters these days ... Not mine."
1752645509,"relief","emilyroseartist","Curled up in bed now... going to wind down with some #G1 solitaire .   goodnight twitterland!"
1752645529,"neutral","missyosigirl","@busaysay thank you isay  kamusta ang bulacan historical gimmick at ang gilmore shopping trip?"
1752645535,"fun","Yagr_Zero","@osdawaya That's not too bad.  Good luck!"
1752645601,"enthusiasm","egomania","@caitlinpasko awesome  have you played there before?"
1752645623,"love","txhotboy","@cubandoll you're welcome"
1752645646,"happiness","sonyasunshine","today was the BEST <3 eff yeah i <3 @ohbabyitsashley"
1752645659,"love","damarisens","@Rayyychell  Jane Austen's books!,    Pride and Prejudice & Emma are great!!, Also  Northanger Abbey!"
1752645664,"love","carpboy","Smiley absolves all"
1752645668,"worry","brassratgirl","@gotsthepeppa woo! I was at whole earth tonight, maybe tomorrow some, let me know if you come back. Yay for wikipedia"
1752645669,"fun","jennzack","They never cease to amaze me."
1752645707,"love","THEChesterDEAN","@SamBennington Hey Sam, happy mothers day"
1752645763,"happiness","oh_nikita","@J0HNNYWYATT amazing tonight glad I could share it with you baby. You are my sunshine"
1752645816,"fun","wolfchild59","@babyvtec lol - that's what hubby's are there for, to think their wives are nuts."
1752645825,"love","growinggold","@zendoc pretty soon gonna have to unfollow myself from @tweet_words to cut the quickly growing "habit" ... but I do love the challenge!"
1752645867,"love","Adrienne_Bailon","@khloekardashian Cause its true!!! It would!!! Hahaha... I Love YOU"
1752645999,"surprise","lilibethstar","watching What Happens In Vegas!"
1752646019,"love","DanaDazed","@charlestrippy LOLL im a college girl...bahahah i love these blogs they're so funny!"
1752646075,"neutral","ashleybella","@jcharming its not mothers day on the west coast, tyvm"
1752646121,"neutral","hannahbanana547","tired goodnight everyone"
1752646128,"worry","DonniesFtureGal","@LMRB besides when u come and visit ill have more room for u!"
1752646184,"worry","DisneyDean","@FLallday Hey Kevin! Yeah, this one's gonna be a toughie for sure - not much sleep. Oh well, only 8 hours to go"
1752646249,"neutral","christasia","@souljaboytellem aw, that's cute"
1752646253,"love","Josette_78","@ATsLady @Josette_78 @DallasJud Thanks for the love yallmy tweeps   <<< fa sho!"
1752646279,"neutral","bellafob","Rofl. I love you too Trina."
1752646304,"worry","sheldonhigdon","Have been writing since 6pm & I only have 300 words. Can't help but edit as I write. Stop it, self! Oh, I've also been researching too."
1752646332,"fun","Chantresewright","We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off"
1752646449,"neutral","xcupcakekidx","eating some dark chocolate peanut m&ms"
1752646455,"relief","i_am_miss_june","he's here   sleep over with the MR. night peeps !"
1752646483,"love","sexysalma","Enjoying my weekend with my sis  xx"
1752646511,"neutral","sidish6","Now i'm fully awake"
1752646673,"love","bnmedlin","Why did i drive and how did i make it? Ahh margaritas are the BEST!!"
1752646684,"surprise","kimberley_","@DamienCripps if hobo and i come next week, we're buying you all a drink."
1752646769,"happiness","KatherineTinTin","Cheifs beat the 'Canes 16-8! Top of the table! Wooo! ...and up go the Sky Sport Virtual Rugby points."
1752646793,"surprise","eminevitableart","Plain White T's and Sara Bareilles...can life get more amazing"
1752646871,"worry","Krsmoma","@cubbygraham I wanna come!!! How come u didn't invite me!"
1752646885,"happiness","XMissxXxMurderX","@Escape2TheStars it's ok.  I'll have reached 3,000 tweets and be in dreamland by then so have a good sleep!! talk later."
1752646968,"love","RebelRod2010",""He was interesting..and brilliant..and mysterious..and perfect..and beautiful..and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand""
1752646978,"happiness","Donniesgirl34","@_writersblock_ Yep! One drink & @retrorewind block party is keeping me up"
1752647005,"relief","rubymoonstruck","@Lady12s Here's some healing/sleep energy, sweetie!"
1752647022,"fun","Samtheman1521","@mileycyrus YOU GAVE A GOOD SPEECH AT THE BREAST CANCER FOR REVLON FOR WOMEN TODAY"
1752647137,"neutral","HouseOfHusar","@ousooner44 "They" being the husband or the girl?"
1752647141,"fun","leftsideup74","This is cool  http://yfrog.com/097dfj"
1752647229,"love","pam_halpert","TIGERS! WOO! YOU'RE MY BABY! omfg. cleveland was a blast. sleeping."
1752647274,"sadness","nhudung53","Im.in.the.room Im.watching.the.HANNAHmovie.withMOM.She.said.this.film.very.great."
1752647458,"love","rsalsa","classic SNL digital short tonight! Be my mother lover  ha ha... too good!"
1752647525,"fun","sarahmarina","@DefyGravity81 oooooooh I KNO  EEEEEEEKKKKKKK! @coriluvthedon ROCKS!! >"
1752647531,"happiness","Giovannaepae","welcome to the family new pillow  im going to lay my head on you tonight!!!"
1752647564,"worry","bytera","@quincyanne Yes, I'm originally from Argentina. And very 'mystic' about that  ...� bient�t de te lire Quincy!"
1752647652,"love","WarrenWhitlock","@datingdad HA.. I look at Twitter games as harmless fun. Despite being author of Twitter book, I try to talk about other stuff"
1752647705,"relief","minwoolee","just downed 10 live abalone sashimi with 2 bottles of sake with father-in-law.  Very happy"
1752647804,"neutral","sweetdreamer","According to TweetStats I tweet more between the hours of 10am and 3am with Monday, Sunday and Saturday filled with Tweetage!"
1752671244,"neutral","LeighAnn1979","@_writersblock_ I'm sure you are.    Toasties wasn't far behind."
1752671259,"empty","kluless65","@AClockworkToad I told him TTT!"
1752671288,"happiness","Figjig","@celikins Yup, us too. Spending time with Mom, Sis and Aunt  Have A great Mothers Day!"
1752671290,"love","InTheNow","@laracasey: LOVE you walking us through this event. So fun. Blue water. Surplus of donuts... what a great night!"
1752671490,"neutral","Prithi_b","happy mothers dayy"
1752671494,"surprise","JadeLam","@purple_cath a couple of years  I knew you had one but I couldn't find you for awhile..here you are!"
1752671512,"sadness","onlysweeter","My legs are so fucking sore. And my feet hurt to walk. Whataday"
1752671650,"love","kwhalen1","Bed. Church in the morning. Happy mothers day"
1752671673,"happiness","SarahJoyy","Tired from work. I hate closing, eek. But all smiles today. Aloha Kitchen, yum."
1752671686,"worry","Guido_Star","havin fun my friend?"
1752671800,"happiness","CrysAnGeL77","@mateoonline I'm sure u did!!! CAN'T w8 4 2morrows shw!!! Happy Mommys day 2 me!!!"
1752671854,"happiness","lindseybuck","@nerdwriter we were close to trying all of them! SO YUMMY"
1752671920,"happiness","KimberlyAcuna","Having bro-lights with g.Soll  CHEERS!  http://twitpic.com/4wjrs"
1752671998,"neutral","lettucegirl","@mulder8scully5 im not a cookie so i wont comment  heh. who were those 2 girls who sang Crush btw? wud u know?"
1752672045,"worry","StunnyBaybe","its mothers day"
1752672058,"neutral","JennnaaBeeean","@rezyelvalerie then your gaaay!"
1752672076,"neutral","Lauren_G_","Practicing vocal warm ups and breathing methods. I should do this the right way"
1752672079,"love","niccikk","Guess it was too much to hope for me to have a nice relaxing Mothers Day!... Happy Mothers Day mommies"
1752672119,"love","AdWave","we broke 2,000 followers!! yay  We love you all <3"
1752672153,"love","myklmurder","I think you are super cute..."
1752672186,"happiness","BlazedOutMusic","@erzonline Thanx... sorry not trying to rub it in... I just get excited... been working hard to make that dream come true for awhile"
1752672194,"boredom","Frassington","I think I might have to call it a night. Getting that falling feeling, need to fall into bed. Night, night, tweople!"
1752672214,"fun","Ang3lito","I love ridding in this weather"
1752672221,"love","zuess369","@herrowitsjess Yeah, but George says something with his words. Otherwise its just..... jiberish junk... love, joy,happy ahh see how nice"
1752672283,"worry","helllodolly","@ChrisPeezy angels even though I'm probably not the third... ANGELS AND DEMONS"
1752672284,"love","wolfchild59","I'd like to thank my normally only randomly working internet for actually staying up from the moment I sew the tweet until now."
1752672289,"neutral","oneblackdaria","That post was for @uncleRUSH"
1752672385,"relief","raer85","Finally off work...long night.  Hangin with @KrispySwiggs"
1752672476,"surprise","GGSophie","@leightonmarissa the new song with cobra starship is amazing!!"
1752672480,"neutral","pop89eyes","starting tm alex and i are doing a whole week of no going out and spending money that we dont have."
1752672503,"happiness","JoeyLaurenKoch","Just got home from Stacey's lovely wedding"
1752672512,"love","dondy","Happy Mother's Day Moms  Take a load of for at least a day!"
1752672541,"happiness","beaglej","@roflwolf yeah they are basically awesome"
1752672546,"neutral","kittieli","Making egg tart & Chinese egg pudding. Yum"
1752672628,"fun","team140","@stmako Yup. Most of my hacks are all for fun  Here's a quick video I made of it. I'll follow up when it's done.  http://bit.ly/3xm7D"
1752672676,"sadness","RAZE502","@Epic_War_MT I'm no longer blue"
1752672758,"happiness","bigkelleh","@TomboyTigress thanks  sweet dreams to you too!"
1752672759,"happiness","scottyriding","@jefebarrio it was put on by our neighborhood, so just a little one. Like 25 runners. I got 1st place, with an okay time. I was happy."
1752672846,"neutral","RobertAguilar","@kingsthings the President was funnier"
1752672878,"fun","Exentrichardt","Is one bar two of the pub crawl... Gonn be a long night"
1752672951,"worry","Aurora2001","happy mother's day!  http://bit.ly/6fGxd"
1752672952,"worry","fatkat309","@iamjonathancook pleaase dont start dating her, that would suck, then disney kids would listen to ftsk. thanks"
1752673096,"neutral","jenna_owens","at @bellmyshell's with @misseichas"
1752673278,"neutral","superjessie31","says it's late. Goodnight people!"
1752673389,"happiness","kaylaphlegar","my life is so exhilerating  family kingdom is such a good summer sport!!! and so is swimming in the ocean at night with kristin"
1752673491,"love","nortemi7","loves summer! and don't forget people, tomorrow is mother's day!"
1752673516,"hate","skelly","@marksmadsen lol, @skelly on blip.fm is not the @skelly on twitter! i hate that song btw"
1752673553,"fun","alexrellosa","@heycassadee One of the fake "you"s followed me. Haha. I so wish it would be you instead!"
1752673558,"love","bbygirl_cheer","With rooobbbbbiiieeeee"
1752673597,"happiness","sxetravis","had a great day"
1752673618,"surprise","equihua_c","@mens_STYLE  I like it"
1752673633,"happiness","LovelyLisa36","@mdjensen I'm a little late but congratulations on your 1st tri, it's a great accomplishment...good night"
1752673732,"hate","carolynstrong","@tamij I'm going to turn it off. We Tribbles don't need tracking devices!     #hhrs"
1752673767,"neutral","lizzledelacruz","@ginogagaza awww! you like anne curtis too tho rite?? it's her soap thats gonna replace it!"
1752673780,"happiness","davidismyangel","@Hatz94Music We got a guy in the chat now lol."
1752673810,"worry","snail_5","@sareybarey I just watched that episode again last night."
1752673834,"worry","livecrunch","@GenesisFireMoon Ah sorry to hear that, just saw pic of chi. and looks cool  I got beagle and ori-pei"
1752673884,"love","KxBxBxKahuku","@angrya ps love the new profile pic!"
1752673904,"enthusiasm","rachelreese","@chrisgwilliams hahaha. I'm driving, so I leave roundabouts when I wake up tomorrow. Arrive proximately 5 hrs from then.  See ya tmw!"
1752673921,"love","Lauren_Annette","@political_queen like it"
1752673930,"neutral","melindamusil","@donttrythis that is why I drive a (teeny tiny) honda civic  http://myloc.me/FRy"
1752673931,"surprise","thomaslawler","@NikkiBenz I'm gonna leave you in peace my most beautiful girl in the world. Take care, baby. Love ya. xxXXxx"
1752673944,"happiness","Karen_Eden","@whatsyourcrime ok, so I'm replying!  happy mothers day, indeed!"
1752673954,"happiness","Kathryn17","@james_a_michael Hey! thanks for another great day! I'm going to sleep now! I'll chat with you tomorrow!  Sweet dreams!"
1752673979,"neutral","heybrittany22","@ARsexhair ohh heyyy"
1752674005,"empty","sugerdunkerton","Just got the Nashville IHOP staff to hit the Dougie with me and Mayne. What a fucking night"
1752674010,"sadness","Hules","@AmyPredsfan Oops..too late.  Already popped in Bridges, since I missed most of it on tv.   (I <3 Blair & Jo too!)"
1752674117,"relief","LesaSeay","@jtimberlake--please do SNL every week!! i couldn't quit laughing!! u+snl=best nite ever"
1752674145,"love","thepalmgifts","@lanaclevermomme @thepalmgifts i love that show. I would totally go on Time Bandit #deadliestcatch TPG:"Love ocean, crab legs suspense""
1752674165,"surprise","carolsandoval","ahaha im here carlos;;  Wasssup?!"
1752674209,"neutral","caseycarter","errbody, please check out http://mscaseycarter.blogspot.com. id appreciate it a bunch."
1752674242,"happiness","HDecaf","probably one of the best surprises ever...you really are amazing"
1752674266,"worry","robsainz","@donttrythis Something like that happened to me once: We closed the side door too hard and the engine locked up"
1752674364,"fun","Buildabear96","@thatswhack74  haha aww hun i bet you are more creative than me"
1752674383,"neutral","Princesscutz","@Antlatwill hey"
1752674390,"fun","DRUMMERBOI9002","@RockDaMullet  thanx mang!  shes due in june 12th and yezzzir the first baby! -drummer boi"
1752674435,"love","TheOrakill","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752674452,"neutral","TheBetterSexDoc","@Dolcetk You too, my friend"
1752674571,"neutral","SpiderxBear","@Pressrecordmag oh i like this idea"
1752674603,"happiness","NikkiBenz","@Tpearson44 me toooooo! Thank u"
1752674605,"worry","Crystaldove","love it when my sister brags! but she's too tired too spell bowling right! haha its ok I <3 her!!"
1752674651,"relief","shooter_mcgavin","Candle wax is very enjoyable."
1752674667,"relief","wolfchild59","I'd like to thank my normally only randomly working internet for actually staying up from the moment I saw the tweet until now."
1752674754,"happiness","LWinthorpe","@SellPuts agreed  it did take me a little while to find my way on stocktwits, but once I did, I cant imagine working w/o it"
1752674786,"happiness","SaiGiddy","@OkayRay thanx for the bday wishes ray"
1752674902,"neutral","KeithNieves","is listening to Jello Biafra at work."
1752674953,"neutral","Yurstrulyy","@JustJazzo n e uterus u wanna rub??? lol its ok u can tell me"
1752674979,"happiness","bigkelleh","Goodnight everyone  Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there"
1752675016,"relief","jessicaRo","Late night...finally home."
1752675018,"happiness","tilleywilly","fuckkk i need sleepppppppp lol, happy mothers day mummy"
1752675050,"sadness","Kelliekk","@CandyMaize its ok..i was kinda feeling ignored anyway  And its sunday arvo 330pm. Going out for Lunch & WINE!"
1752675085,"neutral","karenespinosa","with @k0nartistt"
1752675125,"neutral","r4ziel","@nemke  #stackeoverflow  http://bit.ly/13Nfk1"
1752675156,"neutral","GraceasaurusMad","you've got to read it downwards for it to make sense."
1752675256,"relief","Hel77","@JonathanRKnight ..uuuups today is mother day???....sh***....i�ve forgot it, my work doesn�t have a end *sigh*....thank you for remind it"
1752675264,"worry","samarowais","@cnystedt Good morning! I certainly did"
1752675281,"relief","va_lentin","@TravellingSales WELCOME BACK  see you tomorrow! come pick up your gift ;)"
1752675297,"happiness","znmeb","@boredgirl260 did he ask for your Twitter ID? Your sun sign?"
1752675309,"love","000yea000","thank God we finally found her!"
1752697613,"happiness","shifaazham","Oh! Northern Downpour was just on the radio! I mean, not from the CD or anything. But the normal radio station! Woohoo."
1752697648,"relief","SirPsycho84","@Cattnip lol yeah I guess you have a point"
1752697656,"love","SocialSammy","Now have windows 7 up and running....very very happy  it's got sum wicked new features http://bit.ly/jyWnz"
1752697671,"surprise","timroo6","A Happy Mother's Day to all moms and soon to be mom's out there."
1752697712,"worry","Slugger41","@tamij Where'd that ? come from? No pup for now. But certainly in the near future. Maybe a beagle. It depends. I do muss my fatboy."
1752697726,"sadness","KnoffspringMama","thanks so much for the discount code. looking forward to trying your pads out"
1752697743,"enthusiasm","cassieewassie","@amcknight30 thanks for following"
1752697768,"worry","Chantresewright","@reesnicole We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off"
1752697778,"love","Jonas_Dreamgirl","Happy mothers day mumm  xoxo"
1752697818,"neutral","drwbddy","chillin' with Kealie."
1752697836,"neutral","crrystalbabe","@vivianchiu LOL. You should buy your mummy flowers"
1752697849,"surprise","kevin_thompson",""Everyone has one special thing."  This guy sets the record  for the longest pronunciation of the word "Fresh"    http://bit.ly/3mD9fV"
1752697857,"fun","vin495","@Dropsofreign make a prank call for me"
1752697927,"surprise","caseybad","@shortyyyy Not yet! I'm going to tonight though"
1752697993,"enthusiasm","izzatruslan","sape ada paypal USD70 untuk dijual? offer me your best rate.."
1752698007,"worry","foodphilosophy","@charleshope When are you and @gracepiper coming over so we can violently agree?"
1752698027,"surprise","witsandnuts","@rea_jane yay! buti nagustuhan nyo. isang bar lang enclosed ko sa mail.  to test if matutunaw or hindi. next time uli."
1752698183,"happiness","Jassguindon","Won a diamond for my comp�tition  , yaayy tomorow its the DIAMOND DANCE OFF !! Were the best  .. Still in montr�al !!"
1752698204,"happiness","alissia18","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE WONDERFUL MOTHERS IN THE WORLD!!! myself included..."
1752698214,"fun","tutus18","@mycaricature Keep the suggestions coming...I love the classics!"
1752698233,"neutral","hatrock","Hi @PaintsNature: Found you through @MrTweet. i am indeed a pigment of your imagination"
1752698237,"surprise","xohtina","my hundreth update  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. i love you mum! even with all the fuss and fighting, you're still the one and only."
1752698257,"neutral","musicalmover","@LucasGo so why are you?"
1752698480,"love","SaraIggy","Happy Mother's Day! Justin Timberlake's version a mother's day gift.. http://bit.ly/6fGxd  -- too funny!!!"
1752698535,"fun","runaholickassy","@jesuisnancy that's really ultra sweet"
1752698597,"neutral","explosivelimes","I'm totally going to bed right now."
1752698617,"neutral","ginaXnicole","evryone come here http://www.blogtv.com/People/GinaNicole2 were spamming so much and blogtv is glitching and it might work"
1752698619,"relief","joedevon","Don't remember installing phpMyAdmin on this dev machine but happy to type host/phpmyadmin & find it there!  (didn't use xampp) #senility"
1752698722,"happiness","anonyw","@naidanai nai nai baby. haha i didn't know that you have twitter but oh well"
1752698792,"neutral","oligoglot","@balkrishnanv could be."
1752698800,"love","sharizals","wishes Happy Mother's Day!"
1752698813,"fun","MommysAngel","Years ago when my neighbor told me she went to school with Sharkboy I didnt care...Too Bad, bcuz now Taylor Lautner is a little hottie!!"
1752698814,"surprise","missmaristar","is live on danny noriega's stickam. he said hey to me  i luv him!!!"
1752698815,"sadness","feather80","I just single handedly killed 4 flies and a crane fly with my hairbrush!! I'm gonna go disinfect it now...but bugs beware!!"
1752698838,"happiness","jaybella","Is going to attempt to cook chunky beef & mushroom pie tonight  mmm, i'm hungry already!"
1752698864,"worry","CoreyFoister","NKU - I can get that app after all!"
1752699031,"fun","BigBK","a band from Hawaii with a Sublime sound, so all you sublime haters can just move along  ? http://blip.fm/~5yy4n"
1752699134,"happiness","BaByDoLpHiNz","OMJ JUSt qOt HOME fROM tHAt PARty! it'S 2:OO a.m! i'M MAN tiRED! GOODNiqHt AND HAPPY MOtHER'S DAY 2 ALL!!! tAkE CARE & GOD BlESS!"
1752699157,"worry","Joytoyy","had a good time at prom. They played Jonas Brothers for me. pretty much made my night..."
1752699158,"surprise","asiabillings","is 99% sober at Brittney's with Becky and Brit  <3"
1752699173,"neutral","christinachou","@elliotykim @hochie71 CHEERS! (is it sad that i replied only just 2 minutes later?)"
1752699214,"fun","MakeupByJc","Jeff & I are looking for long lasting love! Just not with each other we both like Men"
1752699222,"happiness","katwoman327","@jasonmitchener Yes sir...I just acquired a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry-a loooooong journey completed today...so thankful!"
1752699251,"fun","Chelssurs","Perhaps the answers to all my questions, lie in the deep waves of the ocean. Beach trip anyone!?"
1752699258,"love","Chantresewright","@gio511 We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off"
1752699351,"happiness","lettycheung","@gKwo  it did, i didnt really watch it haha"
1752699431,"neutral","auddiebug","@iamjonathancook here's a quote for ya: jesus built a bridge with 2 boards and 3 nails."
1752699450,"happiness","volly_grl33","made $30 tonight watching 2 little kids swim and watch a movie!!! haha i love babysitting haha"
1752699488,"neutral","nateritter","@auroraawakes That means you need to start."
1752699507,"worry","maestrosersea","Currently brushing up on the art and science of selecting good domain names (after having 550 domains the year before with poor results)"
1752699535,"happiness","SarahGomes_x","@tabithalynnne lmao, yep"
1752699536,"neutral","Mandyyzz","Kinda meant mother. Im giving props to @tonyabraham for taking us"
1752699560,"happiness","rhispect","I'm so proud of Dr. House for detoxing.  His Amber hallucination is evil!!"
1752699641,"enthusiasm","soccerlyds","@JonathanRKnight awe...Thank you Jon!"
1752699651,"love","weboword","@judielise @PopandIce Wish you both a very Happy and Fabulous Mother's Day!"
1752699671,"happiness","poshpants","goodnight to all"
1752699679,"neutral","casparterhorst","@MissXu - thank you - I take that as a compliment if I may -"
1752699701,"neutral","amandazhang","Hmm. Might try this out for tomorrow.  http://bit.ly/u5rAC"
1752699712,"surprise","Mattlike","@NikkiBenz There is a cool scene at the end that ties in with another Comic Book movie."
1752699750,"love","lizzledelacruz","i feel really blessed to have super awesome best friends"
1752699766,"happiness","designb","@jtimberlake  Thank you and Happy Mothers Day to your Mother also SNL tonight"
1752699870,"enthusiasm","Matik72","Happy Mother's day to all the mom's out there in twitter-land!"
1752699905,"happiness","thenealdavis","Is FINALLY having dinner... At Nishiki Sushi!"
1752699927,"happiness","Chantresewright","@QueenofKong We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off"
1752699961,"happiness","sharonjungx1","had one of the greatest days ever! spent the whole day with besties & celebrated installs with the friends i love oh so much  <3"
1752699972,"love","stephalbright","just got to kansas city and excited for a fun weekend with my family, my sis, parker and josh"
1752700092,"enthusiasm","livenoutlouder","@Sondra_ i guess we will wait & see.."
1752700115,"relief","elysion32","@Mumbleguy We need men to give their input too so I'll fill u in on the time very soon"
1752700138,"happiness","TylerMelashenko","is really really ready!"
1752700176,"happiness","JustineKeAlohi","happy mama's day ladies!  have a good day."
1752700233,"neutral","mrstedder","to all mothers out there... or even soon to be mothers >8D happy mother's day y'all"
1752700253,"neutral","DonniesGirl69","@GeorgiaPrincez ok, smart ass.   You guys should add Marky Mark to the playlist, since Donnie produced a bunch of his stuff."
1752700300,"neutral","jaymes","@KelleeHR well sure hope they can do that..."
1752700306,"love","mschu22","At envy! Loving it  best club ever."
1752700317,"happiness","LovelyLisa36","Good night all, 15 miles of trails with 7 peeks to climb in the morning, fun times ahead"
1752700364,"enthusiasm","jhvee17","Tell your mom Happy mother's day ok be a good child and tell her !!!"
1752700418,"love","cdnmissy","@JonathanRKnight thanks JK!!!  Love ya to death"
1752700510,"love","Amis8907","Night Night Everyone.    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all mothers"
1752700584,"neutral","semipenguin","Good night lovely people. Sleep well"
1752700594,"sadness","KelKuz","@citycynic lol, as a target employee they forbid me from that place, no i usually go in and buy like everything along with commenting"
1752700682,"neutral","Angel42579","@SirReigns   What are you designing?"
1752700733,"fun","Chantresewright","@TMZaol We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off"
1752700760,"neutral","ine_mayer","off to bed, night every onee"
1752700779,"neutral","joshfittell","@Mandixy ahaha thats okay and thanks"
1752700859,"neutral","SupermomNat","Relaxing with my daughter watching Friends"
1752700908,"love","mr_billiam","Stunning weather today/this afternoon/now - couldn't ask for better!"
1752700920,"surprise","GeekMommy","@VDog - I think @taxgirl did an amazing presentation about the whole "keeping review items" and tax thing at BlogHer '08  She's awesome!"
1752701061,"happiness","jmccart3","and guess what? the second time around... it's still fucking great"
1752701089,"empty","LizMackie","@eileenfletcher thanks for your follow  just do you own thing + join in with what interests you"
1752701117,"fun","swong_","I'm enjoying this Sunday very much. No parents. No revision. Just like any other Sunday"
1752701129,"neutral","l8r_g8r","http://twitpic.com/4wk1m - 8th grade formal 2009"
1752701221,"neutral","agobelle","@sunmaker   Yeah it's just based on my e-mails."
1752701245,"enthusiasm","Chantresewright","@GlobeInsurance We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off"
1752722699,"love","canadianarch","@DavidArchie although, there is drama, move forward, smile, and count your blessings everyday. Your actions speak volumes, sooo inspiring"
1752722753,"happiness","shamara99","Hi-5 to ALL my friends and ummm thanks for the follow and enjoy the ride IF I make too many trips (I will) for u and u gotta go i get it"
1752722763,"fun","riogaylife","@cariocastv Stylish soap; lots of sexy people; now we just need a version dubbed in english!  Keep up the good work... Bruno"
1752722770,"neutral","ilmsm02","Happiness is like peeing your pants...nobody can see it but only you can feel it's warm sensation"
1752722786,"happiness","laprinxessa","says 2 1/2 hours to go, uwian na. . .  [phplurk.com] http://plurk.com/p/sun82"
1752722847,"neutral","p011y","http://bit.ly/TGVR7  via @addthis thank you tiff"
1752722905,"surprise","daniellelovesu","@iamjonathancook shes must be a truly amazing woman for having a phenomenal son.."
1752722980,"happiness","BLeigh1130","@JustCierra Yep, they sang your song!"
1752723023,"happiness","SusanHawaii","@angelakeen the next wk I C Drs too but maybe then? I would love it! I did go to Mac Grill.  John was not there! Thought of U!"
1752723035,"happiness","christinajade","@3Magpies Thanks! and to you as well!"
1752723077,"neutral","PamONUTSS","Tyring to pack for my Aruba trip (soul beach music fest)"
1752723099,"sadness","zoebella","@dailypep I'm sure I will cry at the most unopportunte (spelling?) moment!!"
1752723134,"love","SweetDarkDreams","@BeckyLopez Happy Mother's Day!"
1752723163,"worry","zethos","@smithld I picked up some stuff I missed the 2nd time  And to think you missed all the in jokes too!"
1752723207,"happiness","xos3cr3tsox","Chatting with matt from mercy mercedes lol."
1752723248,"neutral","gorigirl","RE: So, finally finished catching up with your blog - no mention of any wedding details...  Do tell, at some point.  http://disq.us/11w"
1752723272,"surprise","mccharm","Wow, my phone was blowing up with tweets all day. Now that I'm home, it's a ghost town! Guess I'll do some chores in my apt. & go to bed."
1752723277,"neutral","SableSnow","@acryfromthesoul "Her's before mine" hon. It's one of few rules I do NOT break, under ANY circumstances."
1752723286,"worry","cesarl","@Nemone1 going to imax @130am"
1752723355,"hate","heathermriley","@YasmineGalenorn  I kinda want to smack that darn skeleton though."
1752723364,"love","ShelbyStroman","night twitter lovelies. happy yo momma day. i luff you mummy"
1752723395,"surprise","vwxander","And I end up in privilege... Oh well, at least I met a cute engineer"
1752723403,"love","theusebutton","@dorothearose you are the sweetest.  love you cuz!"
1752723407,"love","ktaybus","Happy Mothers Day"
1752723510,"happiness","kristineq","is surprising momma bear"
1752723550,"neutral","JonasOJDFever","Its 1:47 here... hmm wat to do? not sleep for shure!"
1752723578,"happiness","SunshineBoat","Orange/Pineapple/Banana smoothie after a very long, very hard day = HEAVEN!"
1752723632,"neutral","Zamborghini","Heading to the airport"
1752723659,"relief","contrarymary13","@sagetune lucky you! They are my favorite flowers ever and they only come around once a year. Wish twitter had a scratch and sniff option"
1752723668,"neutral","msorganic","Wishing all the Mama's out there a very Organic Happy Mother's Day"
1752723717,"empty","nadinosaur","ontd is our god"
1752723731,"love","AClockworkToad","@oeyz Howdy do!  I'm just living my life and loving it.  How's you?"
1752723752,"happiness","TajaSeville","@nathanschultze haha. that's awesome. good job"
1752723757,"sadness","sonnetXVII","@prepchik07 p.s.: UV rays are just as strong with clouds as with regular sun, sometimes stronger. just FYI."
1752723765,"enthusiasm","LaQuasia777","Logging it out. Thank you Kiana...you're something else ma! masha'Allah."
1752723801,"worry","MarleyLvr","boooo on life decisions....bottle of wine be my lucky eight ball tonight"
1752723813,"relief","NikkiBenz","@icammodel thank you"
1752723839,"worry","broken_hearted_","spirit week! Tuesday have to be in make up by eight so I can die later. School wednesday and thursday then, finally sleep in on Friday!!"
1752723912,"happiness","Eviclagg","@KOLsweetie hell yeah! Belgian beer is the bomb!!  :p"
1752723992,"neutral","lynnetsugawa","@cindyasuen - JT on SNL tonight."
1752724046,"relief","nethergreen","So nice to go into the bathroom and not hear the sound of gently running water"
1752724240,"neutral","Jean_Pierce","@Captain_Janeway OOC: Goodnight"
1752724287,"neutral","kevinmadison","THIS IS ORIGINAL FROM YOURS TRULY...  "If you want to become wealthy, learn the things most ppl say they don't have time for" -ME"
1752724296,"worry","MariposaGurl","@prayingmother I like tweet deck and I'll try the other one u recomended Thanks"
1752724324,"relief","JKlover","@n_k_mamma TY! Happy Mothers Day to you too! Love ya...Cel"
1752724353,"happiness","omgcolleen","my blog is now updated"
1752724407,"worry","omgdarleny","@iamjonathancook awe"
1752724471,"neutral","haikit","@aaronmarshmusic or a punch the shape of the card on a card on a card on a card. and then ask people what it is. for free cards."
1752724505,"happiness","JuliaMcCurdie","At t.g.i fridays  With some of my favorite people ever.. We made a reservation for 20 and we have like 50 people here. Hahah"
1752724514,"happiness","Kikirowr","@epicwinmaster Thats great"
1752724534,"happiness","andreeaparaschi","@scottrmcgrew honey is great for your health!"
1752724551,"happiness","raebo","@serenechai that's cool! i think del's going to korea same time as you! have fun!"
1752724598,"surprise","michelleblau","@pameladetlor netflicks! watching milk... better go wife is jealous of my twitter habit"
1752724718,"relief","KrystalMonique","Nothing exciting from me tonight....got some new toys to play with though  Happy Mother's Day Ladies"
1752724737,"fun","iloveSNSD","@diana_truong ahhh~~ is hb done or.. cause we are still hoping for an encore of SNSD  lol!!!"
1752724826,"enthusiasm","shabzcohelp","@appstoremod Mind telling me which book  cuz i was at barnes and nobles today and found 2 books that looked promising"
1752724849,"love","annaaa19","happy mother's day mummy  i love you. xo"
1752724957,"worry","GillLeeIn","Mother's Day has been good for me"
1752724996,"fun","gltch486","is getting ready for bed. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!"
1752725047,"love","quincywashere","today something amazing happened...I fell in love with coupons!"
1752725055,"love","AMINAsPOETRY","Wishing all Mothers Happy Mother's Day"
1752725115,"enthusiasm","gopalraju","@web20empire @copywriting Welcome to my network buddies"
1752725133,"worry","charlesstinger","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752725146,"happiness","TatianaMzPretty","@MrsPinkyIvory Hey Pinky I ordered some stuff from that site you gave me. I got it yesterday in the mail so pretty  thanks"
1752725147,"love","colleens2sweet","I LOVE CHICAGO.   Tonight was AMAZING!!"
1752725205,"happiness","andyanda","Yay, St. Mary's here I come"
1752725212,"happiness","kekiphoto","I'm so excited for Mothers Day!  This has been a big year for me & Olivia, and she's finally old enough to be excited & understand!"
1752725304,"worry","sistapoetry","Hmm..You can't judge a book by looking at its cover"
1752725309,"love","MrRudeboy","i love all da sexy ladiez ya beautiful unique and sexy, and smart. dont let a nigga call u a bitch cuz ladies ya worth then dat i mean it"
1752725348,"surprise","White_Girl04","Ha Damn im ready.  but Fuck that Bitch, i cant believe she had the balls to call me. Haha Wtf!"
1752725391,"love","boomstick317","Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there!  I am not one myself, but I have been called something along those lines"
1752725404,"neutral","One_StepCloser","@madz_xx not as yet... i would just like to know if its okay for your mum before ask my mumm  hopefuly there gonna tell us soon!!!"
1752725418,"enthusiasm","megbu186","Yay for birthdays  sadly my voice is almost gone :/ but it was a pretty good night!"
1752725440,"neutral","pure_believer",""To boldly go where no one has gone before...""
1752725569,"happiness","MelanyTexas","Happy Mothers Day to all of the moms out there"
1752725576,"neutral","WECpoker","@CynthiaY29 Nice info, I forwarded this to a needy friend of mine"
1752725637,"enthusiasm","driiizzzzz","catching up on House  season finale monday!"
1752725645,"surprise","twokidsonelove","Omg. Its 1:47 am and Kim Possible is on Disney Channel right now. I am glued to the screen"
1752725761,"neutral","Javiispro","Going home"
1752725810,"love","safia_","@_callmeCourt always welcome hun"
1752725814,"surprise","nnadirah","ms wee's wedding!!!!"
1752725847,"happiness","ErinMalcolm","Such a fun night. I needed the break. PS- I love you man is effing hilarious! Good night twitter world. Sweet dreams"
1752725968,"neutral","mariusoczon","@irenedepp that includes YOU."
1752725975,"happiness","SkyzSun","@WCharlie I'll register the first thing I wake up tomorrow.  Looking forward to be back with the forum too!"
1752726007,"love","iklash","@nomaez hey man, thanks for twitting for twitter tshirt , appreciated"
1752726068,"happiness","nikiterry","is spending time with her mommy later today!"
1752726129,"love","KettlebellKid","@ashleythegreat I love you too baby  see i'm cool now!!!"
1752726161,"neutral","omgcolleen","@ moonlightflight - try dloading twitterfox"
1752726174,"love","wooweehotborger","@vickycornell HAPPY MOTHERS DAY VICKY!!!! AND TO ALL THE OTHER MOTHERS WHO READ THIS!!!"
1752726203,"fun","ChEmIcALbUlLeTs","@Dezz_MCR  yeahh me tOo haha the mine is Mariel  i luv it! and the urs tOo =D  whats ur fav MCR song??"
1752726207,"enthusiasm","neanie","http://twitpic.com/4wk9i - I should really try a different pose some time."
1752726282,"love","aryokresnadi","@istribawel haha iya  starting to tweet again krn mitzy baru ber-tweeter jg Nit."
1752726289,"neutral","the_nikster","@Tally_whacker skypeeeeee"
1752726295,"neutral","wayner24","@laurentiaa then ill post it"
1752726336,"worry","ParissPrincess","Making my momma a happy mother day card <3 I love my mommy"
1752726389,"relief","ashleyspassion","is about to make a nice cup of tea and pop some benadryl...long day...stay positive twitterbugs...goodnight!"
1752747092,"sadness","KADENMCNEIL","Filming at a carnival for my music video... It reminds me of the Cherry Festival that I used to go to back home... Ahhh memories..."
1752747149,"love","Alyfizzy","It feels like its nine and not one. Guess what? I love making money"
1752747191,"neutral","kahikiii","jason! bend over so i can hit it from the back"
1752747195,"happiness","MDCantu","i found a ride...YES!!! liquor here i come"
1752747199,"neutral","kimsherrell","@HJSWritergal or you could really do someone damage by cutting in front of them in the star trek line."
1752747396,"relief","niKItA00",".... you are my sunshine, my only sunshine...."
1752747413,"neutral","ekksteisi","@babygirlparis dont get trampled on again"
1752747441,"neutral","Jenty","@louisabouwer yummy thanks  strangely quiet too. Kids are downstairs harassing Lance"
1752747490,"neutral","shawna55","Is tired! And is gonna go to bed now!"
1752747581,"neutral","Ashcolvard","don't forget to call (your) Mom tomorrow"
1752747712,"relief","trueshadow21","Sportsmens Warehouse finally got field points in, i can now use all my arrows."
1752747756,"love","KristyDziukala","@terrytokyo i wish we could have seen you girls today. well besides from across the crowd haah. hope you had fun"
1752747791,"surprise","born2rokk94","Bailey's here."
1752747872,"worry","AimeeJ16","Ugh! I have to sleep! Tomorrow I will sttart my photobook for my Jonas' concert!  Its just in 1 week, 4 days and 16 hours (:"
1752747976,"empty","RiniRed","going to southland"
1752748067,"neutral","JenniOnTheBlock","I do believe it's bed time. Knighty knight."
1752748099,"love","ruthiejanine","loves her mum very much! Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers out there"
1752748145,"happiness","GoldenTwittie","@jbrigante haha. I'm on drink #2. Cheat day for me"
1752748229,"worry","asmileforyou","@riceballs Belated kay Tita.  Wow! 2 prizes in a day! Congrats!"
1752748298,"sadness","amarafox","Going to fold laundry and then hit the sack. I have boring saturday evenings"
1752748325,"love","tiaralarasati","I'm cooking meatballs for lunch  yaaayyy ..."
1752748353,"neutral","zubin71",""jaunty jackalope" `s too boring a name; "intrepid ibex" is still my favorite among them all ..."
1752748406,"worry","tarascotteyyy14","JB on the front of factor x!!!!! wooh contest timeee"
1752748427,"love","FitHCky","@plasticpiranha He was my reason for even going too haha.  Shaun of the Dead was too epic haha"
1752748434,"neutral","LillianIsley","@wheatskeleton Uhhh. Bring it over when you can.  Matthew and Keren have never seen it."
1752748477,"neutral","ashleezy3189","@seanownsthewrld: i always am"
1752748521,"neutral","xteenagezombie","@james_a_michael i plan on it! Goodnight"
1752748530,"fun","sagpig","@SlainwithSatan glad he's leavin' got ALL my expensv shit outta his way...did i mention glad he's leavin'? *bust empty beer bttl on head"
1752748653,"happiness","Netbug009","@LemurToes It's pretty good, actually! A few lame episodes, but otherwise good. Give it a try!"
1752748669,"fun","BryceWinton","BEP KILLED IT! Oh and leighton meester waved at us!"
1752748676,"happiness","mrjie","@mellieweena Woah... Haha... Thank you!"
1752748712,"fun","cawineblog","@enobytes  drank a 2003 I guess that doesnt count?"
1752748717,"worry","Seasalticee","@DanWarp http://twitpic.com/4w9w6 - lol you sure love that sushi. you've tweeted many pictures of it."
1752748782,"love","dees_world","On page 214 of 320 of Betrayed by P.C. Cast. really starting to enjoy this series"
1752748833,"happiness","Jason_the_bear","Is finally back from the dinner party, had fun, Alice had no wine. I proposed...we're getting married next week on May 15th 2009"
1752748847,"enthusiasm","ivnuzz","all mom's in the world congratulations"
1752748848,"enthusiasm","angelrawks","@N0S4A2 wowie wooie someone updated their twitter without me having to remind you. I'm not even mad,I'm impressed.  how was the lasagna ?"
1752748894,"happiness","MyCheMicALmuse","@ChEmIcALbUlLeTs thats sweet"
1752748905,"neutral","thomasrichmond","@jimrcummings too kind Jim too kind brother"
1752748929,"happiness","simplylizz","@bloodhoundgang aww that's awesome! he's a good guy"
1752749089,"love","Brielle_25","HAppy Mother's Day to my Mom...that lady is the coolest  I love u ma!"
1752749091,"love","chris_turner","@Bparker_Seattle I totally 4 got about Golden Girls that is a gr8 Show"
1752749108,"empty","HisaJean","@Adam_Lambert Fans from outside the US wish they could vote for Adam too!"
1752749131,"love","_Ambercita_","Tabu. How ive missed you"
1752749146,"fun","DAVEYBOYONLINE","@CesYeuxBleu is making everything fabulous tonight"
1752749175,"happiness","RissaAnnaly","rap battling at second sat, now at the moviesss  haha "i swim in a lake of sex"- Matthew M. ( Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)"
1752749191,"enthusiasm","meganastalos","working on the climb season 2 episode 5!!"
1752749204,"surprise","Mandyboo92","Happy mothers day  just tried on what I'm gonna wear for breakfast and I curled my hair it took forever http://yfrog.com/0gmunj"
1752749239,"love","__TereBleu","@justinbrighten happy birthday justin! have a lof of fun!!! God bless"
1752749297,"love","ashley_brock","Heading home  i love my boys"
1752749302,"happiness","Markthebest","happy mothers day to all   im off to spend the day with my family"
1752749364,"worry","booomboxandy","If someone in the family died you would of heard about it. Duhhhhhh. . ."
1752749465,"happiness","ch8se23","@nnayaj_11 thanks. enjoy the movie! i hope all is well with you te."
1752749503,"love","JohnBeatsNick","@HEYdustin yesss sweet. see. tough love. for real, we love you"
1752749565,"love","xmscarissa","Going to woodland hills  gna swim and drink. Makin the best of a good day. Yee"
1752749648,"enthusiasm","DNACowboy","@Stacina I have no doubt, darlin'!  Just wish you could find a boy worthy is all!  You're good people!"
1752749683,"neutral","renneezz","is back from a weekend get away"
1752749741,"surprise","PeachyPictures","@mrgarbutt TWEET 42"
1752749801,"love","Kitty61487","@kara_sutra what is your next youtube video gonna be about? I love your videos!"
1752749871,"worry","peeks","@DMBwine yes - I'm having my usual battle with my bed. Bed is winning, so far  How are you chick?"
1752749875,"neutral","shclarke","@Whitney0925 You be a good girl Whitney"
1752749913,"neutral","PhuqPhase","Spending the Night at lightner's crib."
1752749939,"happiness","alexdreamz","@juliepilat great show"
1752749968,"relief","credizian","everything is good except that neck shot and Steve's back of the head shot!"
1752749973,"love","6awesome9","Gotta get creative with these mothers day gifts. I'm gonna win them over with my love!!"
1752749979,"surprise","JessicaTGolden","@ngffrussell Awesome.  I'm down in Ocean Beach (if you know where that is.) By the way. "YourBiggestFan" I'm a re-al big fan of you-rs."
1752749982,"sadness","Caitlynnnnnnn","@thomasfiss hahaha now ur gonna tweet.... I awoke to 67 the other night haha Man the concerts here suck. Cali's da place 2 be"
1752750031,"surprise","craazieeallie","@dreamer0407 ohh and Coffee Break is my fave too! they rock!! LOL"
1752750043,"worry","GGSophie","@michaelsheen ekkk..thats ruff..hope you have a safe flight and good meeting"
1752750066,"sadness","rabzz","Sounds like there's a party up the street.  I guess they forgot to invite me"
1752750152,"happiness","djkboogie","@itsQ LMAO... Smh!  that one threw me off."
1752750166,"relief","AprilFilms","@AspaPhoto I'm glad then"
1752750200,"neutral","khoath","@comanike i'm here"
1752750203,"happiness","_gabby15","taking mum to lunch for mothers day"
1752750215,"love","SarahSee95","@jiayu95 Adam Lambert rocks!  He must win American Idol!"
1752750223,"sadness","Snowflak1989","Just got home from work and tired"
1752750309,"neutral","emmanuelmorales","Anybody else think that #win7 is pretty much Vista SP2?"
1752750480,"worry","credizian","everything is good except that neck shot and Steve's back of the head shots!"
1752750483,"neutral","missevangeline","Now I'm at a doppppe rock show in the LES .. Moshie moshhhh pit  http://twitpic.com/4wkhi"
1752750487,"love","TaraMaeThornton","To all mothers out there in Twitterland: Happy Mother's Day. I hope your day is a great one.  ~Tara Mae"
1752750598,"happiness","khasabadmemory","and thanks, @rawrvee , fr. yr congratulatory gweetin'"
1752750610,"love","TomboyTigress","@wordybirdee You're welcome --(that bashful kick's pretty cute too)"
1752750660,"happiness","davidj505","@Therealseeon Birthday Sex is a great song, man.  Something different about it!  That's what ppl want!"
1752750702,"love","peppra","what a lazy sunday... I love lazy days..."
1752750719,"happiness","MercyStreetTeam","@mattmercy yay! we will have to get together soon and do something"
1752750780,"love","brookehaskins","@brypie thanks x x it went really well. I'm tired now though  hope you spoiled your mum-in-law"
1752750790,"love","gregxgore","@mismile you're so cute."
1752750806,"neutral","noemiodyssey","finally gave twitter a try, will find out why is it sooo popular ... hope i wont be too hooked"
1752750820,"enthusiasm","kasmac92","@officialTila who you snugglin with Tila???"
1752750870,"fun","ursirius","@madlyv this is funny, we just discussed Bela Lugosi  over dinner, his apearance in Plan B from outer space "best" movie ever"
1752750891,"happiness","marvinthebox","@brianiwama amen to that brotha!"
1752750916,"neutral","SimbaMtoto","Am good thanks, what's Miami saying? How come u wrote to me?"
1752750942,"neutral","KatDart","@KatDart im talking to myself  didn't know you could do that!"
1752750975,"worry","keishibaby","@MissHeatherG we are tooo fly boo"
1752750990,"surprise","robhimselfFL","My computer is back in business"
1752750991,"neutral","discodelivery","@muumuse Thanks, Brad!  Looking forward to chatting with you too.. btw, like your new pix!"
1752751026,"sadness","Channing1219","@ChaseSanders  if she sees that she will cry! lol"
1752751083,"worry","irenicmomentz","Every day is Mother's Day.... Don't wait for 1 of 365 days to come around to show your mom how much you appreciate and love her."
1752751179,"neutral","NEEFFRESH","@Chioma_ [answer 10] how i dress? its easy, my outfit is $20...yes my outfit  $10 shoes, $5 pants, $2 accessories & $3 left 2 eat"
1752772181,"surprise","enobytes","@fiascowines let me guess. You devoured your duck with Fiasco Pinot!"
1752772198,"love","dahomegirl","At KhSA new years festival. Love the traditional dances and outfits"
1752772211,"worry","Msfab1988","HAHA THIS CONVERSATION WAS FUN BUT NOW IM TIRED! GNITE!!!!!!!"
1752772221,"neutral","JenniLPrice","great photoshoot today with Chris Ryan of Rolling Stone, Keegan Smith & the Fam may be opening for DAVE MATTHEW's BAND THIS SUMMER!  EEK!"
1752772401,"happiness","Isil_Loves_Mcr","@FrankIero Thats amazing quote indeed.Btw Have a nice weekend  !"
1752772434,"neutral","LittlePearls","@LMStellaPR yes, yes .... nap or read gossipy mag if you have one handy"
1752772449,"neutral","inuyaki","@mic_dee yeah, i bought some when I was making those crispy waffles"
1752772492,"neutral","isabelpinkskull","eating chicken kebabs with muffi and chups  watching " meet the spartas""
1752772647,"neutral","nlouisem","@SassyPQ soo like when this shows up on your wall....go to the right side of the post and a reply will show up  TwEeT"
1752772652,"happiness","KrisStepney","Wishes @kirstiealley a Happy Mother's Day!"
1752772675,"worry","TomK32","forgot my macbook's recharger, that means nothing but Pratchett for me today"
1752772684,"happiness","jonnycraig4L","Watching aliens with my boobie at craig rise house 11 early bedtime for the grown ups"
1752772770,"fun","AngelaAvey","@chriscornell Thank you!  The best to you and yours tomorrow... I hope you all have a lovely day together!!"
1752772780,"love","twokidsonelove","Oh, and before that last tweet i spent about half an hour on brushing my teeth with my new electric toothbrush! I feel great"
1752772790,"love","renae_","@Jessica___xx lol. shall be fun"
1752772849,"happiness","cate3221","@MoocherGirl i think it was more the tigers crumbling. so not surprising at all, really ... lol ..."
1752772868,"worry","lealoren","http://bit.ly/wZK3o  <--- Paranoid. I actually like it better performed live rather than the studio version."
1752772908,"love","karinyang","Love love love. One a day does a woman's body good  http://twitpic.com/4wkpe"
1752772931,"neutral","bryan_kavanagh","@lennytoups not for long goin for some sprints now"
1752773102,"sadness","MrsSmith2U","@DawnRichard Awww, that's nice.  You both make a really beautiful couple, you balance each other."
1752773107,"sadness","takoyaki_ball","mmm - home-made pizza (that I helped to make), a home-made cheesecake (to eat soon) & family... a nice day for mother & nanna"
1752773144,"happiness","MightBeMarissa","Lovely night, guys. Full moon  thinking about going out onto my roof lol"
1752773189,"love","Jrsedwards","Enjoying my weekend with my kids!"
1752773199,"worry","HonkeyKong","http://twitpic.com/4wkpl - Widescreen laptop + rotation + comics = Awesome."
1752773213,"love","claudia215","@PrincessArchie Remember to put your phone on silent! lol  Night loveees"
1752773238,"love","SarahSee95","I'm loving Please Don't Leave Me by Pink!"
1752773252,"sadness","leavingforparis","Missed Justin on SNL! AGHHH! Just when I started to love him again, yes it's one of those weeks."
1752773291,"surprise","MissXu","hello! @maggieyan3 ! following on recommendatiion of @casparterhorst !"
1752773325,"sadness","nursetara88","new phone + zero contacts = poo. send me a message with your name so i can save your numbers thanks"
1752773364,"surprise","DonniesGirl69","@GeorgiaPrincez He'd probably spontaneously combust."
1752773413,"surprise","lynnemm7","coming home tomorrow with a car full of treasures"
1752773422,"enthusiasm","TheTankGirl","@Ms_Mary_Typhoid Are you coming to the wedding?  I want all of his friends to be there?    @TheDeadpool Right, sugar?"
1752773477,"neutral","is_selene","@sonic18018 tweettttt."
1752773488,"happiness","allaboutglos","I just got a call from my chimp buddies, want to join the party. Loads to prepare now. Wow this is great. Cup of tea first i think. Erm"
1752773522,"happiness","marquetteturner","@MoCo love that lamp!  We're in Sydney, Australia"
1752773565,"worry","jacksstatus","I have the worst stuffy nose EVER. Lauren's spending the night, and I took too much Sudafed!"
1752773617,"love","RavenSnap","In other news: i like this band, "Lydia", and its easy-going melancholy-yet-cheery songs. It's good listening"
1752773624,"love","Willbeatz01","Psalm 82:6 I have said, You are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Happy Mothers Day Momma"
1752773639,"relief","annamelissa","@LD2k @kampashai sitting next to magicmoment"
1752773646,"happiness","jenlovesthelord","@amygrant Chocolate with peanut butter. One of my favorite combonations"
1752773731,"relief","jankybear","@vrowhani nope - just playing with one  i think i'm going to wait for the next iphone"
1752773768,"neutral","indiegirl175","when the sun goes down!!!   ? http://blip.fm/~5yyud"
1752773796,"surprise","reeselloyd","Chilling with Colton who just redesigned the Cocktail Hacker card backs for me."
1752773803,"fun","blockaleshia","@KristinaxB your right. im so jealous i wish i had gangsterrrr pants like your grandma"
1752773859,"fun","pankajguptadel","@w3edge congrats hey"
1752773933,"neutral","thenanchi","@gf3 Thanks G! My actual birthday is on Tuesday and I will be 24."
1752773954,"happiness","thesleeve","Love the family feud episode with the kardashians tonight"
1752774015,"happiness","YourSavvyVA","Time to sign off for the night! Everyone have a great one! To all the mother's out there "Happy Mother's Day""
1752774023,"happiness","CarloHilton","Just got $200 of my Macbook"
1752774067,"love","anya123","happy mother's day"
1752774068,"worry","kidyungn","@KrissyKris725 well wassup than dont be scurred now! lol you'd probably like it if it came to biting!"
1752774083,"love","ericludzenski","@aaalisson YES. He's fascinating. I love his bedroom.. oh my God. The books."
1752774121,"neutral","candycandycane","is texting"
1752774150,"surprise","aleeeex","@felicityrose why would they take a photo with stuffed animals?! that's pretty funny"
1752774165,"happiness","DorisDelMar","Had a long day at work. Stood home. Now sleeping to have another long day at work tomorrow & happy mothers day to all mothers"
1752774200,"neutral","elaineganm","wants Friday to come quick! I want my beauty sleep and shopping..."
1752774253,"neutral","NextChamp","@The_jimski .....in my book, yes"
1752774287,"worry","4evajongirl","@JonathanRKnight Happy mother's day to ur mom!!! i hope she has a wonderful day!!!!!"
1752774291,"neutral","BelindoFan","@noesh leyendo"
1752774335,"love","mousieee","Bwahah I love the jackass movies!  I have chocolateeee!"
1752774341,"love","jamesbankso","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752774356,"fun","beckyjhamman","@jhughes4 Awesome fortune cookie!  I think you really WILL go to exotic places.  Hope all is well!!!"
1752774407,"happiness","PuddlegearAlex","@BabyvibeNancy Hi Nancy your fine (till it the baby moves!)  Just get out of the house & do fun stuff early! The hardest jump was 1 to 2"
1752774419,"happiness","InLuvwithJON","Thank you for the advice   I'll work on that when Im not at work."
1752774436,"relief","joanndelacruz","saw kim kardashian on robertson today, ate a hella good sandwich at bay cities in santa monica, and just downloaded a lot of new songs"
1752774508,"neutral","manicsunshine87","Dang Im going to be in the Philippines when the new Transformers movie comes out... but honestly Im not too upset."
1752774526,"happiness","bdeng","@vestacaro Did they already get the tax money from Helio for his winning of the pole position! Ha ha!!"
1752774531,"empty","Tatterededges","@JeffTracey I have wacky on series link so it records for me automatically  I'm good, How you doing?"
1752774595,"worry","soumyatilak","Cooking dinner!! Its already late!! am making Cabbage Molagootal for dinner!!"
1752774631,"love","MissXu","@casparterhorst thanks for the recommendation!  I was not following, am now"
1752774684,"neutral","ZachEtake38","contemplating whether or not I will go to prom as I listen to my 80's playlist. "Somethings tellin me it might be you!" Stephen bishop"
1752774688,"hate","trendyass","Arrogant bastard on tap in Oregon. WHAT!!!!!!"
1752774691,"love","Stu_D0gg","@MsDamn Happy mothers day to you beautiful!"
1752774765,"happiness","alanataylor","@kmore Yeahhh... thx. I figured it out"
1752774776,"surprise","micheleng","success! after much grumbling abt how we always waste money on useless gifts, mum sees the ipod nano and loves it"
1752774812,"neutral","Jinxie_G","@WookieStyle Thanks, Wookie-man.  I test stuff out on you. lol"
1752774813,"surprise","itskr1sta","justin timberlake + snl = awesome ... dude should just become a regular"
1752774819,"worry","brightondoll","@kc0219 I will! promise to bring me back something from the moon?"
1752774829,"neutral","ryking","...and Sykes will lose a few gigs while gaining some better ones. Frankly, the best thing the rightards can do is scream about this."
1752774844,"happiness","MarieMedina","My Sissy and I went to a Bridal Shower tonight; crazy women!!"
1752774940,"neutral","sweetsexyshelly","@Nickman611 timberlake... Sorry I am late  caps such I hate them lol"
1752774956,"neutral","Staceyx728","the coffee is in the making!"
1752775039,"love","GlitzyGloss","@officialTila You're welcome Tila!! I love you!! Wish I could have heard it"
1752775061,"neutral","peachiesinla","Maitreya for Bobby's bday!  Yay"
1752775153,"anger","codyn","@brainofdane DUDE.  You're a hax0r!!!1!  You should put Final Cut Pro on there and tell me how stable it is"
1752775190,"worry","dolphinluva923","i'm going to bed. have fun with the drunk ones.  see ya in the am!"
1752775208,"enthusiasm","applemacintosh1","I forgot to mention that I am downloading the Fightstar version of Imogen Heap's "Hiide and Seek"  I have about 15 versions of that song!"
1752775211,"worry","Katreeez",""I'll see you again yeah?" "Its up to you" "I guarantee you will, i dont want to wait to long not seeing you" fuckin fruit basket! Hahaha"
1752775243,"relief","jessjonass","@TayloRAWR if you're watching this...I love you." I almost died. But now...SHE MEANS NOTHING!"
1752775290,"neutral","Apocalyptica","just loves having proper Inet back"
1752775409,"neutral","hadt","S�i G�n s�ng n?ng chi?u m?a"
1752775454,"love","blindllama","@Brutus626 there is the fact that you are the coolest guy you know."
1752775463,"neutral","missphiaelle","@scottrmcgrew me toooooooooooooooooo"
1752775522,"love","CourtneyHale8","@nickyy123 im sure she'll love em  how was work? x"
1752775606,"neutral","apldeapfans","@djMIA Good Luck!!!  keep rockin!"
1752775640,"neutral","bruwmac","@goodlaura Trending you say? Well, there's TweetCannon   http://tinyurl.com/odrza4"
1752775653,"empty","Brendaddio","Captain Jack is back"
1752795803,"happiness","Angel42579","@SirReigns Now that's what i like to hear!   You won't unfollow us little people on Twitter when you make it big will u?"
1752795821,"relief","triplehhbk","Well, at least it's not as bad as I thought. Found a new website to watch movies on and I gotta say.......it's not bad, not bad at all"
1752795842,"neutral","unaznn","on the phone  !"
1752795964,"neutral","OhMyDEAgo","@DawnRichard giv ya mom n gman happy mothers day"
1752795978,"fun","bigben91190","Did you know call of duty has a scenario game called "Nazi zombies?" it's awesome and scary at the same time"
1752795997,"neutral","TerryCPiano","is needing to make a new video"
1752796056,"happiness","KarenKramer","@SherylLoch You too!   Happy Mom's get to rule and kids have to take it day"
1752796073,"love","nbshokie","I have fantastic friends"
1752796111,"worry","Sheald","@iadn Ok, just rub it in why don't ya."
1752796138,"fun","limecello","@jenthegingerkid oh. em. gee. i think that might be it!!! i wonder if i can get it @ a macy's - do you know a/b shipping?  @c2s :X sorry"
1752796171,"empty","zenbb","@gk2007 Yu th? trang n�y xem  http://bit.ly/kMxHk (recommended by )"
1752796219,"surprise","bitterpox","the poetry event was a success. I don't think I ever really thought that my poetry could connect with others. heartache is universal"
1752796265,"neutral","HappyTwilighter","@YasmineGalenorn used is definitely cheaper... may have to get later ones that way... but new is ok for now..."
1752796281,"neutral","mikma","@putnampig Is there going to Sausage on it  yum yum"
1752796381,"fun","katelynroseee","@mariapaulaa i KNOW! AHH!  so fun!"
1752796394,"happiness","High5Machine","(@CoxRocks) Ha, the lead singer gave me a high five and i got one of their guitar pics!"
1752796400,"worry","Christal_Dawn","It's 2am and I still haven't gone to sleep yet! Up early to hit the beach and then shopping! Yays!!!"
1752796421,"fun","SneakerBeezy","just got home from church. The Service was good"
1752796432,"happiness","DisneyLuis","@Willy9e  shouldn't I be going to sleep? Just kidding :p"
1752796444,"sadness","LoveKizzie","definitely OD tired..but backstagepazz.com is no joke..i think i want to be a groupie just so i can tell my tale."
1752796478,"happiness","popcorn44","@whoaaitskristi OMG I'M SOO EXCITED! i've been waiting for it ever since i saw the 5th one at midnight the night before!"
1752796537,"love","_whatsarahsaid","Had a great day: beach, BBQ with old friends (it's crazy that I'm old enough to have 'old' friends!), & learned how to play texas holdem"
1752796562,"surprise","vavroom","@linuxluver I read for pure escapism. Don't make me think, take me away  non-fiction tends not to achieve that, for some strange reason"
1752796622,"love","RandyS33","Watchin' The Soup! This show is the BEST!"
1752796705,"happiness","nicolle77","@xodedexo18 Of course you can come join our sleep-over!! Can you bring me a big dill pickle?!"
1752796810,"fun","Cinnny","@tabbycat224 gooood we miss you!!  hope you had fun w/the in-laws haha"
1752796908,"worry","spaghettiokpc","My whole immediate will be in the same city until some point tomorrow afternoon. This is monumental"
1752797005,"worry","nikkyl17","@__loss good god woman! Get some sleep!!! I'll call/text when I'm in the city."
1752797011,"love","timmytaz7","Hanging with Megan Brooks. Best girl in the world"
1752797063,"surprise","mesmericmay","@mscofino wow that is a great list... Now i need to shop"
1752797072,"sadness","nintya","i'm addicted to home"
1752797073,"worry","SatishEerpini","done with the packing and everything else ... leaving in 3 hours ..."
1752797110,"love","khlydia","@JFabb Ahaha!! I have all of your albums.  Each stuff of your music is so beautiful! That's why I am so in love with them."
1752797205,"fun","ActingisLove16","I think Destiny has officially gone crazy... hahahaha"
1752797253,"neutral","Milliah16","@esmeeworld Hey Esmee. How U doing?"
1752797260,"hate","ipapi","@iam151 and you suck horribly  the world is at an even balance"
1752797271,"love","lidiamarie","@laurenconrad http://twitpic.com/4wh4d - this is a very pretty picture"
1752797290,"happiness","libertysnippet","@leahita Your sweetie is very lucky too!  #liberty"
1752797320,"worry","cesslovesyou","On my way to see diplo with my girl kathryn at smartbar!"
1752797345,"sadness","alexanderchee","@slicksean I'd love that. And, don't think of it as easy. Think of it as enthusiastic."
1752797361,"worry","DanceKelsey","Dahh- I do believe it's time for bed. G'night"
1752797363,"worry","MissXu","@jlojlo you are a very naughty woman - we sooo have to meet!"
1752797423,"love","GregoryGorgeous","I love my life  Ni night twitter!<3"
1752797473,"love","RainShadowVA","@ShawnRobinson thanks for the follow, your family photo is beautiful  happy mother's day to your wife!"
1752797671,"fun","anilam18","@missflipflop Night girl! Seriously want to hear stories when you can"
1752797776,"relief","MylissaDD","@80smusicthebest I'm doing okay"
1752797815,"fun","fyieee","excited to see my cousins this week."
1752797900,"worry","KrisElizabeth22","Who out there loves the soup. I do, I do."
1752797918,"happiness","frankenmegan","@AngelIbarra You guys rocked tonight. And yes, us Tacoma kids RULE."
1752798061,"happiness","abadchris","@cherrybaby2001 Glad you like it!"
1752798105,"happiness","KerriSue3","Gotta buy some onesies for my besties lol ah Yea!  at the club having a grand ol time"
1752798203,"neutral","AznProperty","sleepin at my cousin's"
1752798362,"love","Nin_juH","@l3ree im glad you got on twitter. I love you baby"
1752798363,"happiness","Brielle_25","@MsNewAppearance Hey, thanx for following me, I'll follow you"
1752798406,"happiness","Lee773","Just signed up on Twitter! yay!"
1752798410,"surprise","lesservoice","seriously underrated.. 'porridge', the best breakfast in the world... ever. doesn't need to be gloopy, as long as it is made just right"
1752798430,"love","feeniks","@dinno thanks dinno  appreciate it"
1752798661,"love","amiemccarron","@fiascowines oh oh oh are you offering to send ducks!  I love love love confit duck"
1752798860,"happiness","wiremanart","@alitherunner haha, sorry, it's past my bedtime"
1752798915,"neutral","meredithdara","@ggenung gables apartments has corporate and their nice."
1752798932,"worry","iamfrances","http://twitpic.com/4wkzi - before prom. this is when all the chaos began"
1752798985,"happiness","stvitus","Selling artwork+ risk game with the boys+ startrek= just what i needed. What a good day"
1752798994,"neutral","JMMARob","@lilbuddha04 I'm searching, too. We'll compare notes."
1752799033,"fun","leslieIynn","george lopez, bed, mommys day tomorrow ;)  i wish house was on Hugh Laurie, is sexay. sometimes i like way older guys."
1752799061,"love","koolgiy","@AmbitiousMurphy - i sure hope so  it was worth it for me too  loveu."
1752799071,"love","planettammy","the boys didn't finish their tacos so now I'm eating them happily"
1752799126,"worry","BBCFCASTROFIDO","@MissNeyra hmm...ok, well I hope you feel better soon babe  Ima go to bed, I have a long day tomorrow"
1752799190,"neutral","40shadesofgrey","@laerwen I'll try that, thanks"
1752799205,"happiness","sammieegirll11","but i didnt  krystal spent the night last night..i dnt think i posted that. but ya, we laughed a lot. SQUIRREL! & HOUSE! new inside jokes."
1752799248,"love","kimbobo","@acrocks congrats! Photo of dre?"
1752799329,"fun","anjelayn","says morning plurk  just woke up. haha http://plurk.com/p/supwp"
1752799344,"happiness","kevinmw1987","@AshlieRayann Ashlie, thank you.  You made me feel a little better."
1752799350,"hate","ryking","@DinkyShop Oh yeah, and a few will say she went too far, and it'll all end up putting her back on top, where she belongs."
1752799374,"neutral","oPONOo","@tynie626 ah yet another good one!"
1752799398,"happiness","BalderKongen","Getting Emilie in half an hour, should get up.... Have a nice day all! Talk later I hope"
1752799438,"happiness","adam_wilkinson","just received a personal email from Perez Hilton"
1752799488,"happiness","indhub","Gonna give a guest lecture tomorrow @ PES Mandya on OpenGL"
1752799531,"worry","Rachecullen","@xxmcr_ladyxx just scared for you! youre so young! @chemicalbullets im okay  what you doing?"
1752799740,"happiness","ItsTehEmily","Its offically mothers day!! happy moms day!!!"
1752799771,"fun","Lalabridgett","@bigben91190 its fun though"
1752799825,"fun","kimblahs","@BackpackingDad Whooo Baby! Good luck"
1752799943,"fun","ildstorm","is singing in the rain. Cover your ears, people"
1752799985,"love","madysonhuck","@KManCOBHC You, the other crew and COB tried your hardest to put on great shows and fans all appreciate it. Tell Alexi get well soon  MH."
1752800003,"relief","LesliCameron","SNL after party"
1752800035,"love","JessiG88","Just saw Star Trek...one word: BombTastic!!! Go see it if you haven't already. P.S. I love Jon Cho!!! Haha"
1752800093,"neutral","CarriBella","@rgambarini Instrumentalists like to give singers a hard time. But the vocalist's job is the toughest when he/she is sick."
1752800124,"neutral","melaniemprados","is bored Riah fell asleep and now I have nothing to do maybe I will go to bed good night"
1752800145,"happiness","jashiranieves","Not quite sure what ace of cakes is or are. Gosh I'm tired. Loved bride wars. Fun night."
1752800171,"love","dorritos","Happy Moms day y'all!"
1752800193,"happiness","yayformarissa","Excited for enfest yaaaay"
1752800195,"happiness","creativevixen86","@jmascia yay i found u!! i had a great time tonight!"
1752800292,"worry","Claire_inLaPush","@Bella_in_Forks ::static:: I know! I've barely seen anyone since I got into Paris yesterday.  I've just been walking around.  ::static::"
1752800392,"happiness","theblueskyman","@heidiheartshugs that's cool. Well if you need any more help regarding that, Google is your friend. Plenty of info on that!"
1752800402,"love","KennanM","@lakersnation a celtics-lakers rematch sounds better don't you think? lol"
1752800538,"surprise","chickelit","@bloggingroach: re "pot meet kettle" not so sure of that equation."
1752800707,"love","kaaatieeee","http://twitpic.com/4wl05 - I love this picture, hate this kid. But hey, he's looking at me...lol"
1752800753,"happiness","jameswaters","- God i'm up early. Hayley still asleep but today is party day so i'm getting stuff ready.  x"
1752800867,"love","princesslaurap","@beach_girl3 awww its your b day?!?!?! Ahhh have a party!!! lol and invite me"
1752821186,"love","Tinilove12","At the coast. Too many people here i know.  i love you Nicci!"
1752821211,"love","omgitsnikki","@souljaboytellem say Hi Nikki pleaseeeeee...lol.   (Soulja Boy Tell 'Em LIVE live > http://ustre.am/2UhS)"
1752821305,"relief","k4thyy","my legs are soft  watching a move with my mommm short day @ workk"
1752821376,"worry","littlefoxy","I'm off to bed. Head just won't stop giving me pain. ahgg.. Let this sinus, allergy, whatever you are be over tomorrow! Sogni D'oro"
1752821423,"neutral","mykl4","@alexnobert one thing is good enough for me. friendship retained!"
1752821426,"happiness","debasishg","@joshcough Also it has a dense treatment of CPS and Continuation based Interpreter design, which is not there in SICP. Good to have both"
1752821493,"neutral","glammyts","@jeanninesioco yep"
1752821522,"neutral","ryuuenx","@jennafurbee that is definitely an easier way of saying it, yes"
1752821565,"worry","ferrrny","no clue wtf im doing"
1752821631,"happiness","mitchyy","says my new layout is so cute x) see the cuties ? hahahah  http://plurk.com/p/suqp6"
1752821699,"love","alwaysbeloved","thought Yes Man was good  had a blast with old friends tonight and heard some great music"
1752821718,"worry","Iselin79","the day after.... I`m not sick but a little tierd...a bit to much to drink, but I had fun!"
1752821721,"happiness","DivasMistress","@JaiAsh anytime  that's what Im here for *giggles*"
1752821769,"love","sephArz","@Jorge924 well i'm expecting you for dinner lol.  Jelly Beans for dessert?   have a good night  $teph<3"
1752821774,"neutral","jonsinger","@vautrin i think in the end, remembering the poetry and feeling behind something is far more important than the name."
1752821789,"love","whitbaker","Happy Mother's Day! --  http://bit.ly/LRSnG  Mother Lover - J-Tim & Andy Samberg video, hilarious"
1752821809,"worry","rosoco","@skooter88 me neither at first...but u gotta go thru somethin first to get there lmao...i almost burnt my house down and that set me str8"
1752821828,"neutral","hollywoodboyako","@ricebunny http://twitpic.com/2xjoc - can you paint me"
1752821853,"relief","midnightfeline","Finally cleaned my bedroom. I can see the carpet again   Hurray!"
1752821872,"neutral","James_McC","@philalcorn No offense taken..!  Just one of my many controversial views, I guess!"
1752821957,"neutral","_Deeders_","Going to bed, night all"
1752822015,"neutral","lizjepsen","@heyystephieee AGAIN AGAIN."
1752822048,"sadness","Mismisimos","Shower is taken. It is in the room right by the bed. Yeasterday we had the shower on the balcony, with sea wiew, that was a bit nicer"
1752822102,"love","jeanettiewuvsu","On my way home...today was UBER funn..seriously a great day..i love my family"
1752822149,"worry","Deosil","We're home now"
1752822180,"happiness","chloeyeh27","ima go to sleep now. good night. dnt let the bed bugs bite. haha."
1752822253,"neutral","bsbaegirl","@BBismyBB aww...you're such a softy...I can only imagine you a mess of tears at your own wedding...you won't even be able to talk"
1752822283,"neutral","Tweeshuh","hanging out with the goddaughters"
1752822295,"love","Sheila_Sanders","Beautiful Day..takn it down twitters  tell ALL mothers Happy Mothers Day"
1752822328,"love","VineceaBrown","@TheBeast32 oh okay cool, i love the fast and the furious can't wait to see the new one"
1752822438,"anger","skrubsam","Just sittin here waitin for my coffee to be full grown on farm town before going to bed"
1752822506,"relief","BrentMark","Studying like crazy in hopes of acing all of my exams!!!!!"
1752822515,"happiness","megsly07","@faeriegal713 Yep, finished, chocked full of spelling and grammatical errors, but I'm cleaning it up tomorrow and popping it up  hehe"
1752822533,"worry","Jinxie_G","@shadowsinstone And I'm listening."
1752822581,"neutral","HarryLyme","#web20 -- a good metaphor in democratic process: Truth is better served, not by transparency --  but by the opaqueness of private 'Vote'"
1752822687,"happiness","BetsieNathaly","@whitsundays lol! l love your tweets! Keep them coming"
1752822729,"happiness","BKLYN_BBACH","@divinediva1 Norwood house party haaaaaa... Yaaaaaaay (smiles)"
1752822774,"neutral","SedzOz","@butterflykate Crap, I said the 'V' word...."
1752822796,"love","katbulan","happy mothers' day to all your moms!"
1752822797,"empty","viafalyn","@poopiesanchez in clearwater"
1752822798,"happiness","jdorenicole","watching men n blk 2, wishin all the mums happy mother's day"
1752822813,"surprise","StepherAnne","i can't believe my little brother is married..."
1752822929,"enthusiasm","Javiispro","I win? You now must call"
1752822978,"surprise","rockstrprincess","@DaveStyles Haahaha omg.. dude I read that and almost choked.. haha thanks"
1752822997,"relief","TheORing360","Well friends we just got in and it has been a long day, hope all is going good & every one is happy. All our love Night nite"
1752822998,"fun","ellastrange0013","Going to Newtown soon. (Y)"
1752823041,"relief","skrivkoop","just finished dinner - it was yummy"
1752823048,"happiness","ayshanicole","oh how i love texting my drunk friends  hahahaha"
1752823095,"empty","KatyCorbeil","@McCainBlogette Pretty sure you are hero status... You rock my socks Ms McCain."
1752823109,"happiness","DanTheManAUS","Limo Rides into the City for Dinner, Cruises on the Harbour, Makeovers & Foot/Back Massages *yay* .. hope the fellas can get some of that"
1752823131,"love","officialjessie","butterfly fly away- miley ray  , oh & happy mothers day <3 love u mami."
1752823135,"happiness","SwagBrandi94","Chillin.. Uploadinng The Videos I Took On [MySpace].  The Showw Was Awesomme!"
1752823273,"happiness","kenzaturner","My industrial is repierced, and I made a cute little friend"
1752823311,"worry","kittysmart11","I have a crush on this guy at my job, name is tyler and his eyes are blue and very mesmerizing and he is too cool. Nite"
1752823316,"happiness","jonoissexy","hahaha yay emily i m cool  @emilystack"
1752823382,"love","YaelBeeri","I find this tune to be very sexy. Smooth... have a lovely day  ? http://blip.fm/~5yzb6"
1752823446,"surprise","Montanadog","VAST concert tomarrow night!!!!"
1752823524,"worry","Magdala_nena","i'm staying up to watch it"
1752823556,"happiness","alaksir","@lmpotter You're very welcome"
1752823627,"neutral","aayushsoni","@limeice obviously it wasnt coz u werent there  pc fixed?"
1752823646,"fun","xJerryx24","sweet spice girls sing along w good friends"
1752823647,"neutral","HenkTerHeide","@zanelle your welcome"
1752823698,"neutral","thegoodhuman","@David_Kaufer You cant argue w/them, as they actually have zero things to complain about so they make stuff up"
1752823743,"love","ashposh","Goodnight peoples!"
1752823754,"worry","FRESHMIKE1","tried  to sleep but i cant bout 2 call tisha"
1752823791,"surprise","ciaobella50","@brabakr @Elikapeka @BeachMomOf2 Oh Duh....I see that now .....thank you...."
1752823820,"fun","WookieStyle","went on a ride to tortilla flats this morning with @wookiesgirl, a little warm, but a nice ride none the less"
1752823902,"love","ashleysquishy","is a sleepyhead. looking forward to tomorrow. i love his family."
1752823956,"happiness","demiLnumber1fan","@SarrahRae HAHAH you know you loved the hannah montana movie  it was aweesome"
1752823963,"sadness","mdoylegraves","strongly agrees with Jason about Wolverine, but not about Hugh Jackman.  Sorry. No kids for this Mouse."
1752823966,"love","AhNdReYeAh","Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love You!"
1752823970,"worry","zhenie","@wonderdra IT SHALL BE MINE!! IT SHALL... BE MINE!!! *raises eyebrows*"
1752824063,"love","bonoadamedge","@peteypinata as a nj native, i thank u"
1752824075,"neutral","Harith","@mattcutts - Try this one  @deltaairlines"
1752824156,"happiness","PamelaPratt","@kristenstewart9 WOW, I can't believe u reached the Facebook limit for # of friends! Crazy!!"
1752824165,"happiness","InvisibleBee","Twitter is useful in that it reminds people what they forgot to ask me about on a given day. It is also excellent for inspiration"
1752824174,"fun","lessqqmorpewpew","@gregxgore Make her something. Buying something is too impersonal. She's your mom!"
1752824187,"hate","GregBueno","Just wanted to say, positivity is doin me good! Change it up! Won't regret it... Forsure.."
1752824207,"love","candicedao","@peebilicious and @emnguyens: Aww, thank you!  I love you girls<333333"
1752824209,"happiness","ethanallen94","iced coffee and vanilla ice cream UBER SICK MIX"
1752824277,"empty","KayViperEtc","Happy Mother's Day mommy and grandma haha  ily"
1752824294,"happiness","angstwitr","Done at Disneyland, kid's knocked out, stopped by the hotel bar and grabbed a grey goose & tonic on the way up...peace"
1752824316,"love","gorgeouslei","says Happy Mother's Day!  http://plurk.com/p/suqsg"
1752824381,"love","kijackson","@DawnRichard beautiful inside and out kids like you and que.. ILY guyz  wish i could have met you while you are here in houston..."
1752824444,"love","samsue89","happy mother's day to all the moms out there. i hope i never join that crowd"
1752824489,"fun","emmsadorra","i'm tired but i'm in a good moood"
1752824604,"neutral","tris_the_fall","talkshow with Larry, then Cage?"
1752824610,"neutral","mobiletek","Emergency Radio for iPhone is awesome, listening to Johnson County Sheriffs live scanner stream"
1752824635,"happiness","kerrirenea","Goin to bed... Finally. So sleepy! *Happy mothers day!*"
1752824711,"neutral","Batel19","@dorzki you right  *feel"
1752824720,"neutral","adrence","@SECURITYJ No problem! Look forward to your next tweet."
1752824722,"happiness","forcedambitions","@darkgracie nice song, where did it come from ?"
1752824798,"love","sarahmarche","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752824931,"happiness","no_surprises","@helloheartbreak Thanks bb."
1752844816,"love","itsnotbella","Happy Mother's Day."
1752844824,"happiness","emilyandthemoon","wow I just had a two hour conversation with someone on omegle. it was amazing"
1752844827,"surprise","clau_mexico","@rogergzz es imposible no amar starbucks"
1752844887,"happiness","shadez","@shaktijs http://twitpic.com/4wkym - Looks Yummy...I can haz smal pies pleess??"
1752844921,"neutral","mertzz","first time"
1752844948,"love","itsallaboutnoah","@Meylanie what about the dilfs? Oh wait, wrong month....HAPPY MOTHERS DAY"
1752844961,"love","CourtMcIntosh","Had a fantastic day at the beach. Thanks friends  xoxo."
1752844976,"happiness","Aduskett","Going home. Hope one of you out there saw the play."
1752845035,"neutral","eashmore","@ericludzenski GILF = grandmother."
1752845082,"love","yourawesomeman","Happy mother's day to all the moms"
1752845134,"neutral","Tornannabear","Yes man was good"
1752845146,"neutral","xEMAH","@arcadecore you wish"
1752845170,"love","crissybaybii","Happy Mother's Day to all the mommys out there"
1752845251,"happiness","popcorn44","@whoaaitskristi OMG THAT'S AWESOME. this is the first time ever i'm not seeing it the day it comes out. Demi is taking over my day. haha"
1752845287,"fun","xomichellexo87","Happy Mothers Day! ..ok..seriously..good night"
1752845303,"happiness","JamieABannister","cannot sleep i'm SUPER DUPER DUPER excited pour la PARIS.  the love city."
1752845354,"love","as_Fabi_iam","@FeFa1 hola chica! hopefully ur on your third dream by now. ur cake looks wonderful, ur mami will <3 it"
1752845404,"love","Moonpoppy","Good morning & a very happy mothers day to all those lovely moms across the pond"
1752845459,"happiness","JandJsmommy74","@citycynic Sounds good to me! No more cleaning cynics orders. Haha. Good night. Talk tomorrow."
1752845527,"happiness","shyheartsjordan","@nkotbworshiper me too... it goes to my phone so all night long sometimes my phone is blowing up... so nice to wake up to!"
1752845760,"relief","Idreamjordan","@JonathanRKnight Aww thanks jon that's very thoughtful...u know how to make the ladies feel special"
1752845776,"neutral","jrkgirlnla","taking requests for nkkairplay"
1752845779,"surprise","PokemonNoBaka","@NathanFillion Where DO you get all those wonderful toys?"
1752845811,"sadness","SaschaScarpulla","@vautrin tis' cool..I still stand by my former proclamation! I'm just stubborn that way! #rebellioustwitwhoknowsacoolcatcook lol"
1752845908,"happiness","misskite","break from packing. watching the office  Pam: "I had just woken up. I didn't look cute. That's how I knew he meant it.""
1752845916,"relief","flimgeeks","@nettagyrl Thanks, it's just too good for TV, simple as that.  #dollhouse"
1752845939,"fun","tabitha702","@saraeatscake made me want taco bell, damn you sara! oh well now i'm going to go change into my jammies now."
1752846046,"happiness","stillgray","@NicciSnail I'll most definitely write about it! I look forward to your article on RE5 (if you do write about it) It should be fun."
1752846117,"fun","grepl","is about to go buy his mother a mother's day gift"
1752846400,"surprise","GlitzyGloss","@xXJess017Xx thats great babe!! congrats!!"
1752846412,"worry","SteffNasty","ONE MO TIME BECUZ @AmazingSha HASNT SEEN IT YET!!! AND SHES SOO DAMN COOL, ILL POST IT JUST 4 HER  http://bbltwt.com/0mqko"
1752846468,"love","ThogoriwithaT","I love my Maitu. N she loves me. Happy mothers day mama!"
1752846643,"happiness","xsweetcecix","akissforjersey is amazing<3 sooo soothing."
1752846727,"neutral","goodboygonebad","@Noa_Adamsky Good morning to you and thanks for following me! Cheers!"
1752846753,"love","mileyjb","@rochelline http://twitpic.com/4wl5b - she is just adorable"
1752846755,"neutral","hilarion","@sentimentalizzy You know we do!"
1752846842,"neutral","naeevee","11:11 I made a wish"
1752846874,"happiness","StampGarden","off to bed I go..have a great Mom's Day all you moms!"
1752846890,"neutral","JaydDragyn","@JennLovesM5 @TDLQ awwwww i'm such a scifi geek and StarWars is the TEN COMMANDMENTS for us geeks!!"
1752846906,"neutral","parElz","@justjr  Blushing, blushing & once again blushing!"
1752846911,"neutral","beautifulcurare","Is feelin right rite now"
1752846913,"neutral","enobytes","@cawineblog everything counts  what are you drinking?"
1752847021,"worry","PamehluhhYO","Christian doesn't have a Twitter...But he has a cell phone  Hahah..I'm bored."
1752847035,"happiness","orlund","Pulled out the breakfast sausage for Mothers Day. Hopefully the baby sleeps in"
1752847048,"neutral","laylajonas","happy mothers day.."
1752847089,"neutral","pamsprayng","Its 11:11"
1752847115,"sadness","xo_jess","Just got home i love stake and shake milkshakes"
1752847169,"relief","NakedNeighbors","@amberchase ~ We voted! You have 760 now."
1752847175,"love","wannablessedbe","Good days with good friends make me not regret living"
1752847239,"happiness","obbieob","Shopping day.. headin to central chidlom and siam"
1752847409,"fun","devinnnwashere","@mikexjeezxx I think I've heard of that song. I'll listen to it tomorrow."
1752847559,"happiness","MoZFoto","@Aubergine006 I still have plenty of food left here! Thanks for coming over, I can't wait to see how the pictures came out"
1752847574,"happiness","JMMARob","@FanInfo Absolutely! Just have a good backup for Romo for December."
1752847655,"love","cutes814","happy mother's day to all thee mamas out there!"
1752847673,"sadness","MEL317","@kevinpollak  We forgive you and we have missed you!"
1752847683,"love","laimaitai21","@jenstier Ooooh, that's very pretty Jen! I'm sure she'll love it!"
1752847710,"neutral","JKayP","@yaeljk K will check it out..."
1752847740,"empty","adrianna321","Watching jackass the movie  http://twitpic.com/4wlgi"
1752847785,"love","deepk","Mom, where ever you are; Happy Mothers day"
1752847822,"hate","ElyzeaDones","EFF THAT NOISE!"
1752847849,"neutral","Gen22","@_Freya Good Night"
1752847858,"happiness","thatwas_newyork","Watched Adaptation, Interiors, and The Women (1939). All in all, good movie night. Breakfast with dad and kelley in the morning"
1752847927,"sadness","mannyneps","@kixsal The Star Trek in IMAX wasn't in 3D, but it was huge on the screen.  Still worth watching."
1752847932,"love","TheSUPERGIRL","11:11 pm Perrrfect universal alignment.    <33"
1752848084,"enthusiasm","Javiispro","Your the supporter  its totally up to you"
1752848096,"worry","jaynelee","That was crap."
1752848122,"neutral","aristath","Watching cartoons....."
1752848166,"sadness","chichi7391","Im so done defending him. Im going to bed and im gonna give my mom a happy mothers day.  at least ill try."
1752848191,"neutral","BluePheonix","Hanging with @lacedwithvenom for the weekend"
1752848204,"happiness","ladyrider12","Just got done turning in my pre-final project for my computer animation class. Final is due on Tues. Only 2 more classes or 6 more weeks."
1752848243,"enthusiasm","malicamusic","@i420TRUE THANKUS"
1752848282,"love","dharshana","@phaoloo Thank you so much phaoloo !!!!"
1752848353,"surprise","fr3dbaker","@MattCundill Haha! At the Somerset theatre in Ottawa. I remember that well. The more things change the more they stay the same"
1752848385,"enthusiasm","starfeeder","Great find @NicciSnail  http://amanita-design.net/samorost-1/"
1752848424,"relief","MissNikki22","No matter what I ALWAYS find out the truth."
1752848575,"neutral","Andro_","Borat was so less gay  http://bit.ly/iZkab"
1752848671,"love","EmSheryl","life's good"
1752848701,"neutral","marcocolin","is off"
1752848821,"love","meraryy16","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL YOU MOMS!!!!!"
1752848858,"worry","kscuppy","Had a lovely day with mama cuppy"
1752848923,"neutral","randylander","@chris_ryall What if I thought I was a Star Trek person but I wasn't all that crazy about the new movie?"
1752848958,"happiness","PokemonNoBaka","@HungryGirl That's too bad, the movie's really pretty good.  We weren't scared away even by the people in costume."
1752848983,"worry","kamikameleon","@drhorrible http://twitpic.com/4w8ja - aw you guys all look adorable, but Felicia you look a little demonic..."
1752848991,"neutral","AldonLamb","@DavidYoumans Happy Birthday, David"
1752849045,"love","iDovalina","@tiffany_celeste  finally some sleep in silence"
1752849164,"love","miss_kayti","@fiercemichi, love your background, I just might have to copy it"
1752849204,"neutral","allisonn_g","I think the sun and the moon are God's way of reminding us that he's always watching over us."
1752849235,"fun","LaughLoveSoccer","TODAY WAS SOO FUN!!  happy bday chrissy <3"
1752849260,"neutral","curnew","@KellyContant (votes) sadly no.. but did you vote for my log yet?  I'm gonna vote for yours"
1752849321,"happiness","kolsch","@SJSharksfan haha i agree ! i am her test dummy. i just go in and say "do whatever you want" and i always love it.  she is magic!"
1752849346,"sadness","ciaobella50","@brabakr   ...Thank you Mr. President!...."
1752849393,"love","suggabrown","i'm just sooo in love....i think"
1752849485,"neutral","pattiw23","@JordsCajunCutie Tell him where..."
1752849574,"happiness","justanaussiefan","IT'S MOTHER'S DAY"
1752869937,"neutral","bethanyactually","@mastersunshine You're welcome, of course!"
1752869940,"neutral","michiiko","we'll be visiting my grandparents later. BTW i just heard katy perry's HOOK UP whew so cool i love it more than k.clarkson's version"
1752869985,"neutral","ericmagnuson","@hanabobana mb I'll try to do it once I'm back down at the end of the summer! Well, have fun with the movie, I'm off to watch Lost myself"
1752870026,"love","CourtnieCullen","happy mum's day! i kinduhh have a major crush on alex johnson from the cab"
1752870105,"happiness","Webliquor","What better way to spoil mum than to let her kick back and relax over a nice meal and a bottle of her favorite wine? Our wine was a red"
1752870147,"worry","catchinglights","@megdia tweet often and it'll draw followers to you"
1752870173,"surprise","NerderySOCAL","Mothers day in 45 minutes west coast time.  Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there"
1752870179,"worry","Javiispro","Do you wanna talk"
1752870184,"happiness","le3sa","just got home. went to totoro cafe (finally) for the first time ever. i liked it! what a colorful place. such a happy atmosphere"
1752870303,"fun","hellokimmy","@linnraz home for 4 months  or less. depending on how fast i get bored, hahs."
1752870458,"neutral","rightantler","@nowoo are you giving up on me  oh well. It's not the counting, it's the math and the weighting (or lack of) that doesn't make sense."
1752870477,"worry","danisach","Planning tomorrow's special breakfast Ima cook for mom  she's gona get so happy"
1752870491,"happiness","katielovebug123","legs are still numb from journey to atlantis+coldness... buttt it was an awesome day"
1752870557,"neutral","phaoloo","@dharshana anytime"
1752870619,"fun","rayyynigg","AHHH - Whatchu talkin� baby?  HAHAHA I can�t believe youu:O heh, actually I can. Life is worth taking risks... http://tumblr.com/xs81qy54s"
1752870681,"love","Skybullet","@PhillyD I love your show! I've subscribed and following your tweets. Can't wait to see more"
1752870699,"neutral","thejenniferwong","at tokyo table"
1752870704,"worry","yansie02","@lynne08 okie,thanks ill check it out"
1752870733,"empty","numbnuggets","...normal hours to give any interested twitter friends a glimpse into a topic near and dear to us."
1752870775,"happiness","DonniesGirl69","@JaimeMcKnight YAY!!!!   I have Mark issues, too...you'll find I have A LOT of issues.   lmao"
1752870911,"happiness","mrs_tsaur","Two fantastic shows in a row"
1752871058,"enthusiasm","bookworm_chic","@notlikemedicine Nice! That sounds great! Let me know when and where."
1752871111,"surprise","DaeHyunKim","@kyeungbum going to sleep? why so early? Good night!"
1752871120,"relief","Zharleen","@wstmjonathan cool, so if you could help make that happen, & make sure it happens at least once in houston, that'd be great. k? thanks."
1752871132,"love","mkeguy69","@YoScottie Btw, I smile everytime I see ur smiling face on ur profile here. "Grins"  Damn ur cute."
1752871232,"neutral","oasis1223","Might be in the middle of a perfect weekend..."
1752871269,"love","CherylPeters","Wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day.  xoxo"
1752871285,"fun","ArmyWifey2007","I'm one tough momma. Put together a swing set for Tammy allll by myself today!  My hubby would be so proud of me. :]"
1752871340,"neutral","allisonwills","@hellosawah DANG i want to be on the beach late at night. that's the best. the sound of waves and the breeze!!hope you are well!"
1752871380,"sadness","yaramutiara","bye daddy!! see you on tuesday"
1752871385,"fun","stinaleex","At myhouse with the girls tonight"
1752871410,"enthusiasm","Desulation","@Tidus Yes, you make me want to be a better person, think I mentioned it before, will continue to do so. I'm still EVIL tho!"
1752871497,"empty","GeekMommy","@Elizabeth_N - me too!! I don't want to ooze while speaking either!  (why do I have lame jokes about wiping social media off my shoe? lol)"
1752871587,"happiness","alice_chee","listening to MCR, watching DVD's, chocolate hehe  awesome"
1752871601,"worry","janixamoroso","Happy Mothers Day!  Love your Mom..."
1752871603,"happiness","KatieHeidie","posted a few pics of my college on my myspace www.myspace.com/katieheidie"
1752871751,"neutral","PatchedPocket","@yellowpeel The sight of it made my afternoon"
1752871761,"surprise","ginny9577","OMG.. THIS ONE??? YESSSSS love this Danny song"
1752871771,"love","JonasLovato24","@ddlovato My mum loved the Camp Rock mothers day card I gave her. I knew she would. Happy Mothers Day from New Zealand! Haha ILY lots  xx"
1752871857,"worry","lanabess","@lolove and i got hello kitty tattoos!  she's a ballerina and i'm a ladybug"
1752871920,"sadness","KrisKen626","@Britneyspears : For the Record is still the saddest thing to watch. "I'm gonna go through life like the karate kid"...and so am I."
1752871983,"happiness","moritherapy","@akarra if you weren't "picky" (=precise) i might not find you as interesting to talk to"
1752872041,"neutral","kristenjyoung","@stevepizzati Go to Campos on Missendon Road in Newtown. Ask for Ben. And discover how great coffee can be"
1752872098,"neutral","purplehayz","@justlikeanovel If you keep trying, you'll get it right the last time."
1752872307,"worry","manicsocratic","Semi-intoxicated Tweet"
1752872394,"love","hbhauser","@Smoo409 oh my gosh, loved it!"
1752872398,"happiness","diitcher","@xjam13x LOL. Wow. That's good.  Haha I still can't believe it's mother's day."
1752872432,"neutral","Irv25","Damn these nig*s is all on me, but they won't get this..."Not without a check!" LMFAO"
1752872484,"happiness","monsoonsmangoes","@contrarygirl Hoooray!  I'm hooked already"
1752872492,"worry","bethju93","home! day scale from one to ten is an 8  damn i feel old compare to him, haha so cute."
1752872568,"love","BainMercerGirl","@jovenatheart Great!"
1752872582,"happiness","keevs33","Well goodnight all my twitter bugs sleep well"
1752872645,"happiness","PeachPosh","@stompthewalrus oh ok  good ... now i will jump for joy! M, you just made my day"
1752872650,"hate","Galvanation","An extra night in pasadena with sergi baby cuz i 'missed' my train to riverside"
1752872690,"love","MollyKay128","Happy Mothers Day  Breakfast With The Fam <33"
1752872696,"love","SinoSourcing","Whatever you're thankful for in life, make sure you are most thankful to your mother. Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers."
1752872708,"love","JaySunshine","i love my babe so much, he really means a lot to me"
1752872774,"neutral","Samyzita","@matheusmr sejaaaaa beeeem vindo meu anjo"
1752872827,"surprise","paykan","@questlove  ok just between U and me  and all of  our  followers on twitter what do U really think of @jimmyfallon ? lol"
1752872834,"happiness","KathyWithaK_","What I Meant to Say: At Yardhouse, Waikiki. @lilredbow 's bday @djjmytaco @mixmasterb @mcfloppyears (she Should DJ!) & some dozen others"
1752872837,"fun","stayFRESH_meez","juss came backk from Berkeleyy ; omg its madd fun out there  havent been out there in a minute . whassqoodd ?"
1752872899,"neutral","josephbayot","@shirkinerd thanks shir  I got caught with the commission once but now I get amazon.com gift certificates and they don't take one if I do"
1752872936,"neutral","shyheartsjordan","@Siouxsinner yeah... kind of rude... but thats her business i guess   we just appreciate you and Jodi sharing   thanks again!"
1752872939,"surprise","JudgePoody","@LironD keep dreamin'!!!! Though.... if she does.... hook me up  LOL"
1752872947,"fun","tertindegri","can't wait to see 'Transformers 2'.. C'me on, Shia! Yippiee!"
1752872981,"love","josephroque","just woke up from a 16-hour sleep. happy mother's day!"
1752872999,"relief","sakers","@CarnivoSpouse We Agree!! You guy rock"
1752873026,"neutral","eunicekyna","Baking cakes with my Momma! )"
1752873041,"love","lilladylilone","ugh my head, when will all the headaches stop. anyways, i love my life right now, i couldn't ask for anything more. i love being happy"
1752873046,"happiness","morningcamearly","Sleeeep. Good day, nice night, comfy bed."
1752873098,"neutral","MissCrys_","losing weight  check the pic"
1752873109,"fun","krist0ph3r","@ankita_gaba haha I think we should let the topic drop now. a quick poll would settle the matter if you don't believe me"
1752873206,"neutral","RedTechie","@Delta224 Yes. I also use my desktop's mouse and ketboard as if ot was just a second monitor   http://twitpic.com/4wlpf"
1752873259,"worry","Triple_Adriiian","AHHHH my keyboards getting worse :/ my BDAY's in 1 more day"
1752873358,"happiness","tamaura","Heading to XS with Nadia!! Yeee!"
1752873466,"neutral","dailytwitter","@mariromani http://offf09.media140.com/?p=131  then you must have been there when these four guys sat in the rain!"
1752873504,"happiness","Melaannie","started her new job today! aaand so stoked for may long..  and billy is awesome."
1752873532,"surprise","deka9","still eatin lunch.....n readin comments about last nite....da best comment i receive was "You really brought Anne to life!""
1752873536,"neutral","wendywings","@SammyClaire a whole season behind the US now"
1752873546,"love","Nekokitty010","home! i dont know what im doing tmrw besides the whole mommys day thing. but then what? feeling awesome  NIGHT YOU GUYS"
1752873608,"love","fuseboxradio","@MistahFAB Peace Bro, thanks for not just the music, but proudly representing as a father all over - Happy Mother's Day"
1752873611,"sadness","hugmorehateless","I fucking love Alexander William Gaskarth"
1752873661,"fun","jamescougar","@jameswhitaker Umm most def  We should have a fun Houston day together and then hopefully it'll turn into a Houston night... hehe"
1752873793,"love","DvaAshley","@moonfrye HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! You're my fave celeb to follow"
1752873814,"love","xmanoxx","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752873929,"enthusiasm","sugar_pie_1096","Just joined Twitter hehe"
1752873938,"neutral","ummgeri","@whatyoudeserve hahaha. do it  you'll have a blast."
1752873961,"surprise","CameronSmith93","Going downstairs for more coffee and socialising  Wow... Only 4:16?.. Gives me time for French later"
1752873973,"love","cgp99","@NikkiBenz The Hulk, great movie  You might recognize Toronto's Younge Street in some of the fight scenes."
1752873977,"surprise","IIanS","@rjramos yeh take ur time, no pressure   how did u learn to twirl around the knifes and stuff?"
1752874034,"neutral","loverlyylauren","@heidimontag I'm pretty sure that was like 100 exclamation marks"
1752874071,"neutral","dsimp57","Chick at coles hit on me. Haha Ran into cousin"
1752874075,"enthusiasm","Brina07","@PlayForKeeps I made my parents add u guys on the family myspace...they were impressed by the song."
1752874079,"surprise","DonniesGirl69","@JoesGaGirl Here I'm staying up with you and you're not talking to me.   hehe"
1752874116,"neutral","Quimo","@RetroRewind I know its a Block Party but would love to hear a DH original if you get a chance"
1752894497,"happiness","Baybby","Just got Back from the Gym Wanna chat with some new people  Lets talk! haha"
1752894503,"happiness","PeacefulWmn9","@billbergstrom Looks like a great time!  Happy Birthday to the bd girl"
1752894556,"happiness","Westopher","Yay my friend Glen is here. Now i'm like this"
1752894579,"love","yesthatsme","is starting to love twitter!!! Facebook-detox diet is working great"
1752894608,"love","suicidekitty911","Wishing all the mommies a happy mother's day"
1752894609,"neutral","MichaelMidnight","@metaphoricxeyes You sure have a good voice, better than mine; you should definitely put up a new video. I bet you got better since then!"
1752894621,"happiness","courtney167","playing guitar hero, waiting for Abby to text me after prom"
1752894630,"neutral","ecstaticlove","i'm only updating this so that brett's phone beeps  but really.. looking at wedding stuff. again.for the next five months."
1752894703,"surprise","PharoahB","@mrskutcher I agree... And child labour laws are so old and out dated."
1752894705,"worry","arbiterxx99","Surely you have guessed, the Arbiter is no other than Judith."
1752894710,"happiness","alanniiee","6moredays.6moredays. yay.yay. taken is nearly finished  better be good"
1752894737,"sadness","jwhof","@suzyqbee He says he feels mama tucking him in at night  He's lonely but getting by. Tomorrow will be tough!"
1752894823,"neutral","dcharrison","@brianwierman ... Yay! I can give you a lesson tomorrow, at Church."
1752894838,"worry","jennar","and it is raining in Denver. of COURSE it is"
1752894840,"neutral","_xtine_","whats new with xtine? Got my hair done today  ,waiting for jerry,work at noon tomorrow,currently reading "he's just not that into you""
1752894862,"love","DonniesGirl69","@JoesGaGirl You'd have him sweating and shaking, baby."
1752894898,"happiness","ishtar_astarte","had a nice mother's day with mum. she liked her presents. wondering if i'll ever see some one again. talking to sisa."
1752895113,"neutral","silliemommy","editing and watching movies tonight"
1752895118,"happiness","MaryJCannabian","@aileen2u2 and yep, you've converted me to Blip.  Been great to hear a lot of others suggestions - some pretty great stuff!"
1752895133,"happiness","Mandyreno","The stress of recital is gone!!  It went so well  And Star Trek is my new favorite movie!!! I wish I was in space =/"
1752895157,"love","paulbuckle","my 6th wedding anniversary today... so lucky to have such a gorgeous wife"
1752895170,"relief","JessicaHaley","back home in palmdale. in bed with my mommy"
1752895240,"happiness","LuckyMe0131","totally just got hit on by one of her bar guests! Ha ha...Yay me!"
1752895265,"happiness","aaron_santos","Huge test at the parents' house. The food is so good, but stuck to one helping, no seconds. Feels good."
1752895298,"relief","pkrface","has gone through about 6 tea bags , call me obbsessed , i say thirsty"
1752895354,"love","dopeguhxfresh","@TsunamiWavin Lol  i know"
1752895437,"love","mickoyabut","says Happy Mother's Day!  http://plurk.com/p/sutar"
1752895449,"happiness","PR_Tweets","@SevFletcher exercise is what u make of it. Walk, run, bike, blade, skate, surf, JUST DO IT  feels gooooooood"
1752895523,"love","_smitten_","@cara_rosaen i LOVE your new bracelets!! im a very proud sista...you rock, girly"
1752895530,"love","dandandaniie","To all the gorgeous moms out there, Happy Mom's Daaay!"
1752895559,"love","Mannouma","@mOi_UAE wth! .. 9_9 hello you"
1752895643,"happiness","docvonnie","@kidthings yeah it does...i had fun today...i regret not taking that cup now...it was awesome...i must find one just like it now"
1752895660,"relief","akgoyal","Funtime was not a lot of fun!! But finally done with it"
1752895697,"sadness","thebitemegirl","@Lozingsleep Damn, that charming skater look is kind of....HOT! A hot mess  Catherine pls don't hate me for hitting on your friends. tnx"
1752895725,"relief","HopeVista","Ocean sounds cd"
1752895729,"happiness","arn_e","#PhpEd 5.6 running successfuly via #wine , now to get EMS running"
1752895736,"happiness","ChicagoSane","@ChicagoGirl Gotcha.  My place is Atlantic side.  Better for surfing   Plus I like to be close to the crazy foreign restaurants. Mmm, FL."
1752895758,"neutral","iMonic","@clarexsaula Hey, sorry I got off last night!"
1752895765,"love","preeza","@urbanlifepoetry haha. thanks for listening to me rant on and on about nothing!  have a good NIGHT?"
1752895810,"neutral","Tashy24","Is thinking about enrolling at the School of Fashion and  Arts (SoFA) or Style Studio in Makati. Kikayness eto!"
1752895814,"happiness","crystalleexd","@xxcharrrs aw anytime, boo. I realized that all I need to have some fun are you guys.  We should change our pics to the poofy hair ones!"
1752895827,"neutral","AllyKowalski","@megan_ward i am"
1752895846,"happiness","nenasayshi","HAHA! Follow john mayer..he's a pretty funny guy  I want to move to L.A .... it's so much more fun!"
1752895907,"neutral","amysav83","@Karen230683 waaa you too"
1752895924,"neutral","CMoz","iPhone SDK & I are going to become friends today. Even if it kills me"
1752895975,"worry","aerobic247","@Karen230683 @amysav83 remember and drink plenty of fluids! and no buwieser dose not count!"
1752895982,"surprise","JennyHollis","forgot she had a Twitter account.    Happy Mother's Day!"
1752896036,"happiness","CommandanteOso","I am now Vice President of Social and Cultural Affairs at Southwestern College"
1752896089,"surprise","pschacht","Calling all mothers, calling all mothers...get your butts to bed - the kids'll be here tomorrow"
1752896112,"surprise","kleine_hexe_de","Constructivist learning theory - anybody? Oh wait..... there's always wikipedia right?!"
1752896144,"happiness","dan_solo","yay new computer to fiddle about with"
1752896228,"happiness","rattlergrl","@illegalvenez Mmm, comfort junk food. That sounds good. I always preferred Wingstop"
1752896241,"surprise","peterfawcett","@melbritt_xo hey hey, ur following me  ur gna relise that i tweet ALOT!! haha more than a normal person wud but im not normal"
1752896278,"fun","MiszBeezy","@souljaboytellem gimme some ! i wanna try it   (Soulja Boy Tell 'Em LIVE live > http://ustre.am/2UhS)"
1752896282,"neutral","bitbyabat","@TheDigitalEric I'll believe it when I see it"
1752896294,"neutral","pythonism","http://twitter.com/cruisemaniac/statuses/1752876129 "@Shadez requires python...  but yeah, as i tweeted yesterday, dont install 1.9.4. ..."
1752896295,"happiness","ceceliafindorff","@Steven_Morales I like you. I mean as a random person, because I obviously don't know you. but. we think alike"
1752896320,"happiness","TOY_ROBOT","Happy Mothers Day"
1752896341,"neutral","linuxluver","@rivahratt I did the late thing last night. Curiosity overload."
1752896391,"happiness","morgannn11","Yesssssssssss! A rocket to the moon is  going on warped!"
1752896454,"fun","JonasGirl4ever","@RM16JB haha, yeahh. im still following u tho,"
1752896459,"relief","FishyDave","@touringtenting I don't mind him not paying rent. I'm just over the moon at the idea of him moving out at least 12 years early"
1752896523,"worry","lactulli","has anyone else seen this? the @twitter DM notification email says "reply on we web." i am all for cool accents, but it's weird online"
1752896524,"neutral","BXBomba","92.7 is turning it right about now."
1752896537,"surprise","followstephanie","@LucasPace Wow! I am impressed Pastor Lucas! Great work!!!"
1752896549,"neutral","BossTycoonLZ","@Mr_PaulEvans heyyyyy boo"
1752896555,"surprise","mdotporter","What's up yall! I made it an early night!  I think ima bout to take a shower and chill witcha! Did I miss anything?"
1752896600,"happiness","kerrissaseelan","@RedRosePetals  God bless that oh-so-sexy rahul picture"
1752896606,"surprise","kimmiegibbler08","@MarcScott LOL. me too..werd...:p...hubby's fave driver is Martin so I am happy for him and me!!!"
1752896633,"worry","The_B_Ho_Show","@_AlexaJordan sigh. come to Sac please. it is the Miami of the central valley."
1752896667,"happiness","eunicekyna","@mileycyrus HI!  I'm Eunice Kyna! I'm a HUGE fan of yours! Can't wait for your next album! ;)"
1752896711,"love","oneredrobin","@kootoyoo Thank you Kirst - your posts on running inspired me"
1752896774,"fun","JayyOhh","@brendanvalencia where and when is your next show? or upcoming ones? i really want to see you guys"
1752896783,"worry","paeguay","that's enough! I'll do nothing for 2 hours."
1752896854,"surprise","Songstress28","@JonathanRKnight you're so gorgeous!!"
1752896928,"happiness","FaaaLwayzz","@babygirlparis all ur pic it's so nice  look so cute..oh!!"
1752896933,"neutral","clalalalarissa","@caitlinhllywd love you tooooo  Duuude,i need to make myself a shirt that says something cool! what should it say?"
1752897049,"love","twebbstack","@ztnewetnorb haha me either but like ive always loved hilary  shes the girl id turn gay for  haha"
1752897222,"love","_Chelsea_Marie","@KielysWorld you are such a great person."
1752897225,"neutral","stlprincess","@RisaRM do you like the rain, too?  I love rainstorms and fresh wind.  Nature is amazing"
1752897374,"neutral","sexiiebarbiie","Checkin out what new on Twitter"
1752897429,"fun","hippie_Nate","@vampire_peter let's smoke and watched dazed and confused. that's a perfect pizza movie too"
1752897438,"happiness","german_aussie","mum's day - ended up being happy  not that it's my day or anything...."
1752897451,"neutral","steviekaye","@kaitgoesrawr26 just got them- about to read & reply"
1752897547,"happiness","renskewaser","ready for a day full of His presence  i'm expecting the best!"
1752897578,"happiness","DaylySpecialz","@ThaBoyOPhicial  Good eatin.   Hey, follow my son @P33ZY.  He's on now"
1752897588,"neutral","pameladetlor","@jannarden my dead father had a velvet Elvis painting. He said I would get it when he corpsed. I said, "Don't threaten me, old man!""
1752897605,"neutral","jpadamson","@PostmodernMacro Younger then mine. So no problems here."
1752897722,"happiness","spifftronic","@steve_berra happy birthday!"
1752897723,"love","LisaAndSean","happy  made 23 necklaces in 24 hours lol Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there"
1752897748,"happiness","tallivansunder","@vansunder is making me hot chocolate with almond milk.  Mother Day festivities is starting early!"
1752897768,"fun","AhmedBM","@Kevin_Ross if you look at the js code in facebook you will notice a few js functions...nahh just kidding, a buddy told me"
1752898011,"happiness","omgitsnikki","@souljaboytellem will u say shoutout to NIKKI!!! please   (Soulja Boy Tell 'Em LIVE live > http://ustre.am/2UhS)"
1752898082,"happiness","Rochelle_Lasco","? ALREADY FINISHED CHATTING . HAHA ..  ?"
1752898134,"neutral","wtfmarisa","Phone with Kayla, Johnathan, and Cisco!  Woo!"
1752898137,"relief","ericplunkett","@moonfrye i would think ANYTHING that the kids had a hand in helping with would be EXTRA special!"
1752917115,"happiness","chatterbox1213","@SpoiledMommy thanks  it was one of those goofy in the bathroom self taken dorky shot, ha ha. Hope you have a wonderful mommies day!"
1752917157,"relief","ness0714","I'm the proud aunt of baby Afrikaah Itzel 7.9 lbs 20.2 in"
1752917175,"love","jonthanjay","@mrskutcher Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have an awesome day...and a good rest of the night"
1752917317,"neutral","tophatdog","I'm uploading some videos to youtube, will give link once I get more loaded. Variety from my daily life, not amazing but fun to watch"
1752917378,"happiness","mysticmoons","Officially Mother Day here HAPPY Mother Day to all the MOMS"
1752917514,"happiness","Mskatt","@Corrina2008 your bitches miss you!!!!"
1752917637,"happiness","C_Kim","happy mother's day"
1752917702,"relief","FrenchAngelHorn","After 42 hours of not sleeping it is time for bed. Alaska-so far so good"
1752917726,"love","celineyme","Happy Mothers Day!!"
1752917807,"neutral","djR3Z","@CaMabigail Yes ma'am lol. I'll switch to my inspirational side"
1752917848,"neutral","Elikapeka","@patgiblin blah blah blah.... just kidding dude  i've never had anyone offer up their stem cells before haha!"
1752917901,"happiness","OMGmikeOH","awesomeness....she comes my way...lol..dun dun dun!"
1752917959,"happiness","amyaeuphoria","just missing you&hoping to talk to you soon..I'm so happy you're mine again, though  You have no idea..<3"
1752917969,"happiness","TaraPereraPhoto","cant contain myself, tooooooo excited"
1752917978,"happiness","eliseven","@michaelBchevre and all chevre: please follow me at @elishevabalas for chevre only   I'm using @eliseven for public tweeting!  Thanks!"
1752918006,"happiness","Kearaa","I am excited to be home  finally a week and a weekend with people i know"
1752918015,"neutral","xiaoyi","@PetesterZ @riceagain: They R sending TW business ppl 2 the mainland 2 return the favor - Re: Chinese police representatives in TW"
1752918064,"happiness","krystal_21","so bryan was at the sweet 15 and i didnt think we were gonna talk but towards the end of the night we talked"
1752918085,"neutral","megaboast","im talking about twitter some more"
1752918103,"happiness","cazi007","@nice_argie Yes I am"
1752918107,"neutral","dementes","@ninjapants i see you there"
1752918178,"worry","mrPilat","It's great to be home! Temp is chill, cat is great and I feel awesome"
1752918186,"neutral","mdmacnive","I ... think ... I read 'strawberries'  its hard to have a fav char in your comics: I like bad rabbit and the 'stud' chic - sent to kid"
1752918219,"happiness","RheaBea","@officialTila Thanks for the interview mama!  Enjoy your night"
1752918240,"fun","gambi","Traveling faster than light might actually be possible. (space.com http://bit.ly/7Ex4J ) yeah, enterprise we'r comin'"
1752918255,"love","kirbythecorgi","@09Casper oooooo. i like that too! anywhere near mommy is good for me."
1752918270,"surprise","SteveKardynal","Eminem's new song "Beautiful" is amazing!. Listen to the MAGIC right NOW!!  http://www.myspace.com/steve005"
1752918296,"relief","jwolvin","@bicegirl555 thanks!!"
1752918469,"happiness","IIanS","@rjramos very cool"
1752918490,"happiness","Purity1207","Happy Mother's Day! It's gonna be an awesome and blessed day! Getting ready for bed... for a beautiful and sunny Sunday..."
1752918498,"sadness","lil_ms_minty","@elf_princess69 hehehe! Barry Killer! U need a pic"
1752918514,"happiness","issradio","watching my favorite tv shows on HULU.com for free"
1752918521,"happiness","tallivansunder","@DarryleP LOL! I do splurge on chocolate now and then.  And I plan on splurging a little tomorrow!"
1752918541,"enthusiasm","tspr","@awesomerthanyou Memphis and RCW both have all new songs.  should be good."
1752918575,"worry","mbruckner","Wondering if I shouldn't be gettin to bed about now..."
1752918603,"neutral","laynem","@MrHyrne no juice here, I didntb even let him use my computer."
1752918607,"happiness","Bellydanceraddy","Went to mikey's cousin's wedding. His mom caught the bouquet."
1752918640,"enthusiasm","yoohooboy","went OUT 4 a meet up & MAY B hangin & or hittin a club or bar   IF the car holds up LOL :-P"
1752918644,"surprise","pineconezz","@alyxandracouch what was itt!?"
1752918668,"happiness","JennyandTiffOTR","@MikeTattoos LOL...oh, man, can I un-twit something? haha! I mean my lean mean fighting machine. I sooo can't believe you called me out!"
1752918675,"worry","CarissaNoel","ahhh twitter, I havent seen you all day"
1752918680,"worry","tammytrent","@JennyBax I'm with ya on that one girl!"
1752918695,"surprise","TaraBusch","@Zoexander Very very very very cool.  http://www.inbflat.net/ More details? How it was made? Please tell"
1752918701,"worry","JackHerrick","@theamazon111 Plenty of good trivia on wikihow. Just trying to help  hope u got to sleep by now."
1752918729,"fun","missletz","@loa_ricardo road movies indies rule  haha"
1752918745,"neutral","JAYMEY313","@iLoveDarkEdward    Go get 'em!  lol"
1752918752,"love","suzannepeters","At the Spoke Club - fell in love with Tom Arnold all over again (not Rosie's ex definitely different)... Lucky moi"
1752918787,"empty","shrnclrk","yellow for @meowkitty  ? http://blip.fm/~5z05g"
1752918795,"surprise","jamiethompson69","@bradiewebbstack hahaha my uncle does that coz my aunty is a whore who left her kids"
1752918820,"surprise","Angel42579","@WTFOSO   I'm not leaving yet!"
1752918859,"worry","kechiwinz","@chore4n yeah... WE STILL NEEDA HANG OUT! Lol. I's glad you had a super time at the show"
1752918890,"neutral","mayashoval","@Yosid ?? ??? ???!"
1752918981,"happiness","_EvieBaby","finally got a twitter  follow me tweets <3"
1752919134,"neutral","CarissaNoel","Shower time"
1752919234,"happiness","cyamasaki","@JJRogue I have an interview on tuesday so things are turning around I think!! yay! so dont worry!  And Japsicans are a rare breed. ;)"
1752919266,"happiness","Amber_Bear1","@steve_berra happy bday stevie bee...and if u want followers u have to get a little more tweety  may babies r the best! i'm the 12th"
1752919341,"love","raychL","Thanks @TheCampain for shoutin out my mom today  She also says thanks!"
1752919351,"worry","blauehavik","OK - so I can't sleep...  Twitter it is"
1752919368,"happiness","ReaFaceToFace","Happy Mothers Day Mum"
1752919396,"worry","SimoneKali","@shawtysoDOPE who can do it like we? Noboddddyyyy"
1752919433,"love","natalie720","happy mamas day to all the baby mamas... and the baby mamas mamas"
1752919486,"happiness","mariakayy","Watching the best movie ever: The NeverEnding Story!  I wish my babbby was with me, though."
1752919502,"sadness","cheekymaltesa10","watching the original sabrina the teenage witch movie. so different from the series but so rad"
1752919691,"happiness","elpatronhimself","I want to wish HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my two favorite moms in the world: My own mom of course  and my sister!!! HAPPY MOM'S DAY TO YOU TWO!"
1752919699,"fun","MaryJCannabian","@aileen2u2 It's pretty perfect eh! Yes We Cannabis!  I saw some of those signs at the Global Marijuana March too."
1752919706,"enthusiasm","sabrinagabriela","@cherrytreerec hows the peas doin? if you meet them, tell them i said hello"
1752919748,"worry","AFranks128","Theres nothing like your own pillow."
1752919761,"love","tabbycockrell","Just finished Church. Happy Mother's Day!"
1752919778,"worry","Akiseaj","Church is in 8 hours! I better hurry up so I can get some sleep!"
1752919966,"empty","thehappykid","is looking forward to tonight's dinner date with Mom; is gymming this afternoon; started "bawas kanin" (less rice) movement; is celibate."
1752920049,"neutral","mkeguy69","@Dr_Jared I thought of u man!  The city had a parade for him too. He threw out the first pitch for the Brewers game at Miller Park too."
1752920056,"neutral","MissCocoaLuv","The exception for a short dude: Larenz fineass Tate yum"
1752920087,"neutral","pcturesofcities","@myprivatekeri  Thank you"
1752920107,"happiness","IIanS","@Commander_Cool yep here's hoping"
1752920151,"relief","dinno","@unitechy good luck.. Finally your long time will of panvel tweetup finally coming true.."
1752920165,"empty","wdbcom","Please Review Sunehre Ad Placement  http://tinyurl.com/oow6mk"
1752920234,"neutral","mandagoforth","i'm goin to bed now. see ya tomorrow twitter ppl."
1752920293,"fun","rumparooz","@ThriftyMamaB for lack of having to go do my own hunt (lol) can you refresh my memory on which one is clue #2?"
1752920302,"worry","KatinGirl","@laurafraley01 if only I had half the drive you had!!!  You are my idol"
1752920364,"fun","omgitsnikki","@souljaboytellem SHOUT OUT TO NIKKI....PLEASSSEEE   (Soulja Boy Tell 'Em LIVE live > http://ustre.am/2UhS)"
1752920378,"fun","Bonde90","Going to Scandic to have more food  (and learn about leadership of course)"
1752920398,"love","r0ssma","loves the new Mother's Day snl digital short, mother lover, oohhhh cornyness"
1752920401,"neutral","pinksugacupcake","@xxBigOakxx you are a good child."
1752920413,"enthusiasm","lindagrey","Time to nap w/my giant, early birthday present, Pooh Bear stuffed animal"
1752920415,"worry","nikacakes","Saturday Night Live in 3 minutes  Jimmy should still be on it."
1752920582,"love","oblongshmoblong","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752920636,"love","jonthanjay","@thiscouldbefun Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have an awesome time with the Bug"
1752920768,"happiness","DanielJTownsend","@serenajwilliams Hi Serena just want to say good luck in Madrid and Paris this month"
1752920783,"love","mzcartel","WiSHiNG ALL THE MOTHERS A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY"
1752920818,"happiness","MissionPunk","Laughing for no reason...maybe its because its 2:27 and I'm tired, haha. Maybe i should go to bed  Night!"
1752920849,"happiness","_Stacy_T","Goodnight, good morning and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Visit my profile to see my silly offspring.Its funny, the love of my life picks his nose!"
1752920978,"neutral","Audreyrose90","watching jackass. then bed"
1752940524,"surprise","trac1e","SNL w/ Justin Timberlake"
1752940588,"love","RenaBrown","@reenna96 My long lost friend!"
1752940630,"sadness","oolalaitznana","@geneva_rockett i know! And he laughed at the stupid 'women's right's' joke. Wth! Glad we have the same humor!"
1752940641,"neutral","seattlegeekly","@neptunecoffee yep it's only even better on tap"
1752940689,"neutral","dkdesigns","@WeddingRadio Want to learn how to make flowers????"
1752940734,"love","RegineFilange","@BumbleBeeBree He says thank you"
1752940763,"neutral","martycitylife","I am new here"
1752940783,"love","mypetpeevescom","I love Google's Mothers day theme  http://tr.im/jtl8"
1752940843,"worry","SuzzieQ21","@mrskutcher Years ago, my brother saw you and Bruce walking on the sidewalk in Sanibel. I used to live on Pine Is. Great place"
1752940848,"happiness","MzNiceBlue","Exhausted to the tee.. So i'm knocking out! Nighty night tweety birds"
1752940895,"relief","PriyaRaju","@scorpfromhell Well said"
1752940910,"love","arleyworley",": Happy Mother's Day"
1752940918,"love","shoesandbooks","@cager83 wow I love it !!! thanks"
1752940961,"relief","CaMabigail","@djR3Z okay just checking!"
1752941025,"love","maddy83","@IAmCattSadler Catt i TOTALLY love your default picture! You seem like such a fun mom!"
1752941030,"relief","dopemaneazyecpt","@DjSpeedDaGreat good shit homie, hahahahaha thats what im talkin about  ;)"
1752941069,"love","Mz_lovely","Okay Im going to bed..Toodles twitts i've had my fun for the day"
1752941131,"love","PsychoTank","Happy Mothers day  with my boy of the doom! (my dog xD)"
1752941145,"happiness","matsrg","@natalietran I did really like that http://tinyurl.com/c63mhr reminds  a little of my favor hfw"
1752941148,"sadness","iamasar","@CHACITY has more followers than me. I wanna be as cool as her. Follow her so that will never happen."
1752941161,"neutral","uofmguy85","Tomorrow is house shopping..."
1752941206,"love","vansunder","@tallivansunder Too easy! Happy Mother's Day, to a great mom!"
1752941223,"worry","its_lien","Less than 99 days til warped tour."
1752941229,"fun","tanikargh","@bceband i cant wait to see you guys @ hq on sunday!!"
1752941248,"fun","_newnew","// sounders game tomorrow! and mother's day"
1752941263,"worry","newtonseye","@vobes WE Quite Like Worthing its a relaxing place with nice coffee shops and fresh air.. and not too many Oiks"
1752941293,"love","jyothee27","http://twitpic.com/4wmaw - pink.green.. Love it.!"
1752941326,"happiness","BrianLockwood","@hitechhall I love the site what a hoot, really enjoy the hair cuts in Thailand, always try to time ir just right, thanks for the tip"
1752941449,"neutral","SasaLoves","@green_i_girl that's why you are #twitterbff"
1752941491,"neutral","athenytas","watching marley and me"
1752941515,"happiness","cassiehobbs1","my phone keeps beeping at me... thanks alan and speeeeeen!"
1752941596,"love","4EvaYours19","Is...Sayin Happy Mother's Day 2 Everyone!!!!!"
1752941660,"happiness","Arhum","@veropperez great!!  i've gpt tp put the lyrics in, finsih the background, then go over some writing, and then done!!"
1752941763,"relief","AlissaFisher79","@CaseLynn Not us as far as I know  hee hee. We're thinking a few more years first ."
1752941781,"relief","rkmonkey","great reason!! @Karuna: "I'll be there  @rkmonkey: "trying to find an excuse to go to LA for 5/22 show @mello... ? http://blip.fm/~5z0dc"
1752941789,"neutral","fobluv3r","@justinbrighten Happy Birthday!"
1752941794,"neutral","christine_marie","@LetterstoCHRIS Tell everybody I say hello."
1752941885,"neutral","ButterFlyLove09","New To twitter"
1752941888,"neutral","megachris_pct","@ElegySanft I don't say it, I KNOW it.  Because I'm just good like that"
1752941916,"neutral","ajandtjsmommy","Good night everyone  im going to lay in bed and watch eraser!"
1752941943,"neutral","MMeltonUT","@brookenparsons not nerdy at all. I made one yesterday."
1752941945,"happiness","JennaMadison","@michaelmagical Been crazy busy here! *grins* It's Mother's Day weekend. Lots of my abies sending me well wishes"
1752941975,"surprise","mj282","@carolina90 hahahaha omg you win the internetz today!  "Why are you trying to turn me into Zac Efron?" hahaha"
1752942026,"empty","WonderCaia","@shydgn ???? ?? ???? ??? ???????"
1752942074,"love","LissiC","Happy Mama's day to all mothers"
1752942264,"neutral","cprsumalinog","Checked if there's a new comment on friendster!"
1752942271,"happiness","Ms_Apes","@jtimberlake Yay!  SNL is on!"
1752942276,"love","alderina","@jtug all the photos  niceeeee"
1752942329,"happiness","EnkeiViel","@JaybzS Hi! We get to try out new restos..so yea, it fuunn  Let's have dinner when you get back!"
1752942331,"happiness","_comtesse","watching miss cytheria"
1752942354,"love","kellyDstubbs","happy almost mother's day"
1752942360,"neutral","iamnotepad","This is my favourite shirt, because its true.  <3 grumpy.    a) cute  b) huggable  c) life of the party  (d)... http://tinyurl.com/q7eax7"
1752942362,"love","heyylinnaa","MY best 'thing' on the planet"
1752942404,"happiness","mealienprobeu","GOT MY RITE EAR PEIRCED! brother got his first peircing, his left ear. I also got 2 new septum bars, one is a  black c bar with balls!"
1752942429,"neutral","growinggold","@MaraBG OK!  ~ you are such a wild one - can only imagine this one..."
1752942495,"love","luvsanimals2","is going to bed soon. happy mothers day to all the mothers  <333 ryan less than 3 weeks :]"
1752942543,"happiness","dreamcatweaver","whohoo!  Erin just got accepted to Ottawa U nursing school at the Algonquin Pembroke campus.  I just may get my girl back"
1752942577,"empty","Ashleysykesomg","@Infidel007 people ask a lot.. and plus i thought id contribute to a SYKES to the trending topics"
1752942598,"happiness","CalderonBEAST","Has finally learned how to think before he speaks. And it works wonders"
1752942627,"neutral","chico_stick","mmm...reconsituted meat products and week-old veggies...gotta love that rehydrated warm milk for breakfast"
1752942748,"neutral","pattiw23","@NKSuseDHTweep and again - You're welcome!"
1752942818,"empty","dmcox","@ItsJustDi Been there done that with the laundry!  you know it sucks, but it is so nice to of them to do it...just say thanks."
1752942882,"neutral","ABonin","@grungeheart_ - hey there.    How was your day?"
1752942907,"neutral","connoraa","Making a milo"
1752942927,"love","AngelicaS2","@alyssacalderon  I love you too! I'm kinds reading. But you can call if you'd like"
1752942948,"neutral","dennishegstad","buy one of my shirts at http://www.districtlines.com/revertfashion you know you want to"
1752942954,"surprise","evelyn380","@jtimberlake Why thank you... Us Mami's are bringin' sexy back..."
1752942966,"neutral","stefannyribeiro","to indo dormir, good night"
1752942968,"love","SochieLeiha","Watching scary movies with Ruby and Michael"
1752942987,"surprise","squarefaced","@skinnylatte many! mine included. ahem. shld have known better back then, wldn't have missed so many opportunities haha"
1752943030,"happiness","TDLQ","Alright gang. Gotta go park with family for an hour. Back then  Mwahs to yu if you head to bed before then"
1752943062,"happiness","AlyseMooney","Goodnight Beautiful world  sweet dreams. olive juice!"
1752943071,"neutral","InMyPANTS","(@MauiPixie) Gonna watch JT on SNL tonight - not a fan of his music but think he's hilarious! 'Jizz in my Pants' - WAY too funny"
1752943138,"worry","Deeeda","@blawnoxgirl Yes, we will! We should maybe do it in a DM though so we don't annoy our followers. Thought of that too late.    Good night!"
1752943155,"worry","sketchbug","@chrisettefan the step show was fantabulous! (hi @lcsweets !) my sis's group won 2nd in their division and 2nd in the show overall! WHOO!"
1752943200,"neutral","spahkleprincess","@BB517  you and I apparently  how are you?"
1752943222,"worry","JajaRama","@meyen: You MUST watch Grey's. It was their 100th episode. Let me know once you do. I don't want to give out any more details"
1752943234,"happiness","socru","@jwdilla I'm glad you've been having fun babe"
1752943317,"happiness","clairesabaire","Mother's Day family dinner on a rainy Sunday night"
1752943341,"love","Arhum","@ShelbyCohen mothers day gift"
1752943357,"worry","flabb","Ha we made it safely home"
1752943367,"neutral","valeriekhoo","@AshLaws You know what they say about great minds..."
1752943449,"anger","Mat2DaW","my gawwddd ! 6 headshotss inna row? im on fyaaahhh!"
1752943459,"love","ohh_donna","@missxlellabelle mon ami since 5 years young  I loveeee her. Foreverrr"
1752943467,"neutral","sheblobbers","@_lightmare There are like six that hang around my house. If you can get it to come up to you... you can keep it."
1752943470,"fun","Geovone","Heavenly Donuts at 11:30 at night...sounds like a heavenly match to me.  SIYAL8R"
1752943526,"hate","privatestudmuff","what am i doing drinking a shitload of water to get rid off me hangover then training at 9am"
1752943537,"happiness","DeSurge","Ah wokking was great. You could eat as much ice cream as you what. I never eat so much ice cream in my life..."
1752943543,"happiness","ThankYouProject","@ggw_bach Thank you for YOUR positive energy + contributions here!"
1752943557,"neutral","missdeandra","@mrlowesadvice time will tell"
1752943561,"love","megspeaks","@swamwine Yeah! Thanks! I'll be back in soon to see what ya got!"
1752943574,"love","jamesburris","great night hangin out with my family... mom and dad loved the extra company tonight!  can't wait for FRC Pcola Tomorrow"
1752943583,"neutral","itsannabeelle","Getting ready to go to sleeep! Grinding early in the morning! Yay, money!"
1752943605,"neutral","rosemarieee","It's hard to tell But I think I'm right   I hope."
1752943609,"happiness","RenaBrown","@sirlance16  Hope ur havin fun in da club"
1752943643,"happiness","prophet1022","I have seen Star Trek, so now you guys can't spoil it  If you haven't seen it, Go. Go now."
1752943647,"neutral","MikeTheTech","@iggyp We gotta hand out when you get back."
1752943730,"relief","VioletLily","@beverly Thanks love  They are much better today."
1752962240,"happiness","riwulandari","is eating lunch at Sushi Tei, Sency yum! met Ghina earlier"
1752962276,"neutral","candiesandmusic","It's Just So Audioo."
1752962301,"happiness","missamarissa","i beat aye to the music hall.  babyy, im like the cinnamon that beat the apple to the apple jacks."
1752962307,"love","minxuan","Tinkling the ivory keys on a grand piano tomorrow. The small things in life that keep me excited!"
1752962368,"neutral","devyra","@lotusheartbreak You should check yourz Rayne."
1752962414,"relief","CharlieBrianna","Im free at last, tomorrow I get to remember what Sundays look like"
1752962439,"love","kamelperez","The battle at Minas Tirith is still very impressive. Return of the Jedi is the best Lord of the Rings movie IMO."
1752962447,"happiness","kathrynmac123","4 hours of shopping over... good effort. Best part = chocolate shop.... YUJM!!!... yum even"
1752962448,"relief","mackilovesmusic","first day of work: sucessful  i didnt do anything stupid or hurt/embarrass myself too much..."
1752962466,"happiness","tulip_petals","Headed out at 6 today, shopped for Mother's Day gifts. I love B&BWs new scents ? AND finished my book I bought yesterday."
1752962488,"happiness","wrynex","Covering my portfolio to send to my *dream job* in ny! Send good vibes!"
1752962500,"happiness","katwar318","back in Durango. Chaperoning a party. interesting. catching up on my internet surfing and drinking a woodchuck. ha."
1752962514,"happiness","GeaKoleva","@inkrediblenyc hey Lonnie! I'll be there next weekend  I can't wait."
1752962533,"surprise","mzmeshad","@darealTinaT Hey Love!!!"
1752962626,"worry","verma84","following some body on twitter"
1752962627,"neutral","brindamarie","seeing shane dawson videos"
1752962670,"surprise","kickthehobbit","@sakka: What, you're not really an alcoholic? I AM V. DISAPPOINTED! D: Seriously, though, I got that you were kidding."
1752962692,"neutral","lisa11191","@JackAllTimeLow wow. you guys get better every time i see you...come back to chicago soon! chicken cutlet"
1752962698,"neutral","rachel_looves_u","hanging with the cousin"
1752962753,"worry","brodiethecrazy1","It's not even cold here, but im wearin a big jacket! It's got cat ears on it"
1752962789,"surprise","bid00f","@esuh so what if i cried"
1752962891,"love","etc86","watching HGTV at 236am lol wtf must love me some home decor"
1752962968,"love","susaneh_02","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there."
1752962972,"happiness","stacefarmface","@ikonora Have a great night!"
1752962999,"happiness","dr0b0t","although @pickupshanan (Volterra) is killing it right now here in la"
1752963117,"neutral","MarikaRae","Happy Mothers Day"
1752963154,"happiness","ABonin","@error505 - well i greatly appreciate your comment.  That means a lot to me.  I'm working on both of them...work in progress, you know."
1752963165,"neutral","iMartha182","well i guess it all depends,undergarments."
1752963192,"happiness","Halo3pro","just had an orgasmic sandwich"
1752963201,"love","tiffanyblair09","@Makaio8688 Will you uh, marry me?  haha just kidding. Kind of. You're hot though. Just so you know."
1752963293,"neutral","PriyaRaju","@thej If a Cong govt was ruling Karnataka, Cauvery wouldn't have found a mention  Truly, our politicians have no integrity."
1752963307,"surprise","YourBoyNextDoor","@deleonthegreat lolz at your modesty...***kix rox***...now all the gals will be lined up at your door"
1752963429,"surprise","poeticblasphemy","@bella88love I was gonna go for aiden but I had a girl so I went with scarlet"
1752963456,"worry","Viper89","hung out with Misty today!!!"
1752963461,"happiness","JacobGoesGreen","home now!"
1752963541,"love","sharonhayes","Happy Mothers Day to all the mom's around  Hope you have a wonderful day!"
1752963557,"relief","nylahsmomma","@antdeshawn awww thank u. Feels good to be here"
1752963658,"happiness","Quimo","@BB517 YES he just said for 2 more hours"
1752963681,"happiness","Sabullkaa","Good Morning Everyone"
1752963794,"relief","macmuso","okay, I'm back to painting! will check in with you guys again soon!"
1752963797,"love","dtzyblonde47","Just want to wish everyond a Happy Mother's Day. Hope it's a great one!"
1752963801,"surprise","devinashton","touchin the starss"
1752963823,"relief","JaydDragyn","Night all!! i'm trying to get to bed early for once...well as early as 1:40 can be for a normal person..."
1752963828,"happiness","dancinggdays","Probably the best birthday I've ever had. I got to spend it with all my favorite people."
1752963829,"sadness","tvasquez86","going to sleep now...5/10/09 > Happy Mother's Day...&...Happy Birthday to ME!!!"
1752963908,"love","ShaynaGriffith","Happy mothers day to all the mommies"
1752963919,"neutral","brampitoyo","@mrBallistic Right. But I�m a stickler for correct DPI export and color value  I�m going to dig in and find out if this is possible"
1752963984,"worry","ningnangning","@mmitchelldaviss Hello, I see your online, can u talk to me pleeez!  From a fellow BAMF. lol"
1752963991,"love","Janelynebre","@RaineRomano yay for bj and lorraine amd their baby! hahaha"
1752964004,"neutral","MCLOVESME","@MariahCarey  hi mariah"
1752964133,"empty","crosshaire","@jsyadao Soooooo true. I don't dare ask for something like that!"
1752964167,"neutral","bondibeachgirl","@Franner_tastic Great  cant you twitter from there?"
1752964191,"love","eastcoastjac","@jamie_oliver Please pass on our "happy mothers day" to Julz. Have fun with your girls"
1752964199,"relief","DawnofOURnight","@Suzyqbee10 thank you very much!!!"
1752964338,"neutral","kowgod","@gregh_tdh Can you install ruby, gems and rails on keep? Please?"
1752964373,"happiness","emily_cs","happy superwomans day !"
1752964404,"happiness","holyhiphopper","SNL hosted by Justin Timberlake startssssssssssss NOW!!  WOOHOO!!"
1752964442,"worry","iambmann","@robyn3890 it was way worse than that ...and where were you why didnt you say hello?"
1752964498,"neutral","drewdude10507","Well ive had a twitter account 4 a while, but just started using it."
1752964536,"love","lorrief","loving that spring definitely seems to be here now"
1752964550,"fun","tallivansunder","@journik LOL!  That is just the way I was brought up."
1752964605,"love","alybry","is liking this feeling"
1752964662,"empty","phillip0125","@drami no its the same"
1752964724,"relief","CaMabigail","@verwon was that sass I detect?  As long as it isn't back sass! Haha"
1752964751,"fun","sara_smile","damn...Ive gotten so much packed up already lmao, well little shit anyway. Either way, I have a good start"
1752964760,"worry","tsarnick","@Twilighter_OfOz cool, catch you laterz!!!"
1752964799,"neutral","_writersblock_","*sigh* joe sings so purdy.  he makes me feel better"
1752964849,"happiness","wayway8","@dmcox fantastic day in the AZ sun"
1752964874,"happiness","YounDk","my first 'star trek' anything was really entertaining.. now if I can just see Harold fly the enterprise to 'white castle'"
1752964885,"fun","omelet_805","@WaDuRosario yay! you should do it. just think about the animals and it's not as hard"
1752964886,"love","nzdeany","@fiascowines good luck with the deer next weekend!! Hope it isn't too cold or snowy"
1752964932,"neutral","AhhBecky","new location for spam off! http://www.blogtv.com/People/xbecksx"
1752964944,"worry","TracyAnn_W","@IdolScott That is so great Scott!  So glad to hear it went well   People just love you!!  I'd sure have been there if I were closer."
1752965030,"neutral","mariathemuse","@elizrn Your Welcome"
1752965033,"relief","erika09","Happy to have a Sunday off from work"
1752965048,"happiness","WookieeChew","I still can't believe the Matt McCoy interview got 255 views!! Twitter truly is....AWESOME!"
1752965067,"happiness","PaulFrankWang","Restoring new iTouch 2.  Excited to use it. Yeeeeeeeee. Goodbye iTouch 1."
1752965073,"worry","PaulFrankWang","Restoring new iTouch 2.  Excited to use it. Yeeeeeeeee. Goodbye iTouch 1."
1752965112,"relief","dEeNiSeY","is gonna shower, and take a nap...very tired..."
1752965119,"worry","wolfchild59","@DOOMBUG Totally single."
1752965155,"happiness","chrissiea","family bbq today & my fave cousin comes too"
1752965193,"happiness","AniaRysz","just finished baking some cinnamon rolls   soooo yummy!"
1752965250,"neutral","M_I_M_O_R_I","@clevert I thought so, I will text you later this week to catch up  Did you open the links I sent you via email yet? heh"
1752965288,"love","lilpiggynose","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1752965304,"happiness","xceptn","Show gratitude when someone does something nice for you... A small "Thanks" goes a long way  ~ @Mike_Wesely   #twitip"
1752965325,"love","josh3333","goodnight to all."
1752965401,"fun","AmiraHasni","Going to watch Monster-In-Law at 3PM today"
1752965524,"happiness","liakov","@TDBeadles as to sleeping with whom ? You have your rocking sheets  I hope the smoothness is endulging can't wait for my blankets)"
1752965532,"love","Chef_Matthew","@jamie_oliver And the other half of the twitterers are enjoying what the wonderful Sunday afternoon has to offer"
1752965540,"enthusiasm","AYOdeemee","super duber high! this klondike bar is thee business."
1752965659,"worry","fingersxcrossed","@ionlydrumnaked i've done that before, don't worry. you're not too crazy."
1752965679,"love","jennmarie17","i wanna be in michi with my moma!! Love you Mom"
1752965714,"hate","KristaCrowther","Stupid liars. Glad they are ignorant, because I had a blast!!"
1752965757,"relief","m4s","@krystynchong Hello Krystyn  have a great Mother's Day celebrations"
1752965823,"love","Ronjayy","happy mothers day."
1752965833,"neutral","80smusicthebest","@RetroRewind great show today"
1752983525,"neutral","catherinelaure","@souljaboytellem  Lord Have Mercy ... TECHNOLOGY ! So much Tattos MON DIEU �� a d� faire mal !"
1752983566,"love","zaneology","@sharonhayes GIRLFRIEND!"
1752983591,"happiness","marjorieyan","@kayemeff its almost your birthday!!"
1752983634,"love","xluckyscrubs13x","Only has under 200 words left to write on her assignment"
1752983756,"love","xsuzanne","happy mother's day! I love you mama"
1752983838,"happiness","TamaraEcker","@SamBennington  Welcome to Twitter  It's really cool that you are here! Greetings from Vienna,Austria"
1752983855,"happiness","sweetener","traveling alone makes i meet new people,new circle ..strangers become friends"
1752983927,"happiness","OneAndOnlyLia","Morning everyone! Hope you have a great Sunday!!"
1752984048,"hate","iammusic86","macs ftw btw. .just because.. and if you're still using the grandaddy pc's you lost at life.. jp  (..not really..)"
1752984090,"happiness","joesebok","Fatigue settling in, but gotta power through! Awesome seats again tonight. I'm pretty lucky. Life ain't too bad..."
1752984126,"worry","hyperjetrod","@JayLink_ yeah"
1752984186,"sadness","reesan","@shibuya246 yeah, but no closer to the secret of stumble."
1752984194,"love","angsbaybays","With my baby drinking. God I love her"
1752984224,"surprise","cherimerriam","Happy Mothers Day to all the Mommys."
1752984235,"relief","beast_","@aeche We didn't...but we did have to wait a good twenty minutes for one.  Good night, though!"
1752984325,"neutral","ianmuli","watching saturday night live; justin timberlake hosts"
1752984363,"love","gabizza","Good morning, sunshine! I`mm gonna start my day wth some movies."
1752984386,"surprise","Apolladora","@McCainBlogette Congrats!  I cuss like that in a matter of minutes, But didn't know until now there is a reward for it."
1752984407,"love","ama21187","Paper writing til my heart's content"
1752984457,"neutral","twebbstack","@ztnewetnorb then i kill Bradies gf and have Bradie"
1752984489,"enthusiasm","Paigey215","@mismile when are u gonna host Saturday night live!! i've been waiting for like 2 yearsssssss!!"
1752984495,"neutral","mariah_Jachelle","@souljaboytellem my name too    (Soulja Boy Tell 'Em LIVE live > http://ustre.am/2UhS)"
1752984557,"love","jyothee27","http://twitpic.com/4wmoa - yeyy.."
1752984609,"love","HeatherMaine","Tonight was fun. Love my girl Tanna!"
1752984772,"neutral","xXMCR_LadyXx","@MCRsavedMilife night"
1752984828,"neutral","KellyShibari","@ElJefe_GM That's the plan"
1752984832,"relief","jessicastrust","@LucasBlack Yeah, I know! Thanks so much"
1752984845,"surprise","actionlamb","nice turn of phrase from @samsoir "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey! Time for coffee and the back to code!" have fun at  #openhacklondon today"
1752984927,"love","_CottonCandy_","yo yo yo! i like ice cream"
1752984948,"love","sdotpro","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY  ASAP EVERYDAY!!!"
1752984965,"neutral","KaylaMari","I looked up some differents stuff for mine, today."
1752984990,"surprise","zelciia","@titanite My ex-colleagues from Shaanxi kept boasting of their native noodles. So I'm REALLY curious about Shaanxi food."
1752985042,"neutral","LivinMyLife01","Going to sleep now goodnight!  xoxo"
1752985052,"happiness","Natasha5855","good morning everyone"
1752985065,"relief","Beyy","@lauraaaknight grr @ naplan. just finished my commerce & geo exams  good luck (Y)"
1752985088,"love","arysongs","thank you for teaching me values and to be a better person each day  I LOVE SO MUCH, YOU'RE THE BEST MUM IN THE WORLD"
1752985103,"relief","wrecktify","@krystynchong  E3? Nice! I wish i could go! make sure to take tons of pictures!!!"
1752985191,"love","xHeyKelseyyy","You make me happy, whether you know it or not  <3"
1752985231,"neutral","Miki_is_Rad","@torilovesbradie we are in perth  lol... I wish!"
1752985289,"worry","lynne08","@yansie02 not yet. im still loading it.  have you?"
1752985371,"surprise","MollySueK","@PeachiKeen AH! STEPH TWEETS!"
1752985409,"love","XMissxXxMurderX","@solangeknowles happy mother's day! you are beautiful."
1752985506,"love","stephydarling","is going to go have some cuddle time with her C baby and woofies...I love our nightlife"
1752985581,"worry","tara__marie","@indieandyy  I hope when you're calling this the shitshow you mean that in a good way. because this will be fun."
1752985586,"neutral","shrnclrk","@troublebrother very much much much mash!!!! more please"
1752985610,"happiness","omgitslindsay","I got a Coach purse"
1752985625,"happiness","GlitzyGloss","@officialTila YES!! I wanna come hang out with my H-TOWN gurl u know whats up!! haha @MrDeNiro it'll be bangin! We gotta hang out chick"
1752985660,"neutral","Gabiilee","OMGoodness, I need sleep........"
1752985662,"neutral","carolina90","Nightlife Commando is like, chanting. The music is cool.  & Now I'm listening to INXS. The music in this song is amazing. The bass is win"
1752985668,"neutral","KYLEISHAPPYCORE","Thinks he may have broken his nose at the show"
1752985717,"sadness","boozejenkins","finding out a song you had no idea was a cover is actually indeed that .... and then thinking that that is awesome makes my day."
1752985806,"worry","MotherTruckker","just got my BMTH concert tickets  ? youknowimsofreshtilldeath?"
1752985817,"surprise","taraawalker","Had a great time singing karaoke with the fam...good times"
1752985896,"neutral","TomPiperFresh","@WaxMotif I'm @tompiperfresh yaoo, not @tompiper sonnnny"
1752986002,"fun","janeyface","@erikmd you should sing out loud"
1752986005,"neutral","unkledad","Im so just heading home"
1752986009,"happiness","ashschweitzer","@ashgen sounds good!! Can't wait"
1752986032,"neutral","acountryrobin","I say it's in the cards."
1752986076,"surprise","torilovesbradie","I'm going to town on these two dinner rolls and some dark chocolate  yummmm"
1752986110,"worry","pameladetlor","@jannarden  I may see the sun come up. All my bits are sore today - but life is still grand  Tomorrow is a new day! Sleep well, Friend!"
1752986151,"worry","jeanninesioco","@andrew_apuya hey hey andrew!!! haha! ;P well happy mother's day to your mum."
1752986152,"surprise","yasinbd","Happy Mothers Day people. i love my mom a lot still"
1752986205,"love","candiedcharcoal","Making yet another attempt to attend church on a Sunday morning!  Looking forward to it y'all."
1752986290,"worry","ABonin","@janmcq - that is awesome."
1752986351,"hate","favi_ohoh","i have a degree,bitches!!! moving t o dallas in a few hours"
1752986522,"fun","quickthorns","@devilsnight Hey, that's my Bug! And my martini glasses . . ."
1752986600,"neutral","rjramos","@officialTila YES!!!"
1752986642,"relief","mrdraco","@LindseyMadonna I'm glad for you  I'm fine, thanks. Just another night full of M"
1752986776,"happiness","Achrijoli","@jtimberlake Hey I saw SNL 2nite&I loved it!! especially the crumpin' tit-boob scene  "crumpin'34 dub" wow hilarious"
1752986798,"neutral","Merikko","@robotmunky I've read good things bout it. Just not feelin it tonight. Proly finish it tomorrow, after Star Trek"
1752987016,"relief","ItzEddie","Finally got Xbox Live up and running again, stupid router, ah well. Serious gaming time later on"
1752987030,"happiness","tariqh","@ayende LOL it's not the army it's starfleet, rules are meant to be broken to get the job done. That's why he gets the medal"
1752987075,"happiness","blairchaney","@kevpar he was soooo great!!! loved him! He was so good live, haha it poured on us though... makes it that much better!"
1752987105,"happiness","caspert983","i met one of the nerdiest servers at chili's today lol... he was awesome and i was his favorite"
1752987108,"happiness","deragonflyz","@DonEads  Cool...a VERY productive day! I just got a spot as an extra in a feature film that is filming tomorrow  AWESOME week all around!"
1752987153,"fun","jacobpreedin","@jamiedelaine the wedding was amazing and I'm not gonna lie... I can't wait to see the pics either!"
1752987382,"sadness","Spirit_of_Mars","@SpicyBev yep, it�s Mothers Day here as well but me and my family ignore it!  we�re celebrating it EVERY day ... LOL"
1752987404,"surprise","JenCackett","pretty bummed that it had to rain last nite! oh well  still had fun! Goldfish is highly overrated!"
1752987418,"worry","hdav","Please remember you need a helmet for the bike asap, talk to you later ok hope your head not to bad"
1752987462,"neutral","Olya24","Somewhere in the center..."
1752987500,"love","mfdc","@directorSandy I fucking love the fucking internet."
1752987530,"relief","rayyfacee","night improved."
1752987554,"neutral","denbeteren","@TheComputerNerd weird as usual, but ok... that's why we like it"
1752987572,"neutral","cookiemonster82","@sinfulsignorita Its sunny atm, need to drop my brother for his classes later, so will find out then"
1752987593,"worry","Icametumbling","@Azlen Don't go there  it is all good"
1752987650,"neutral","AprilFilms","@rastin Nope I am in Coquitlam"
1752987826,"love","_writersblock_","@TRACTAHPULL   I love you"
1752987846,"neutral","DonniesGirl69","@JoesGaGirl Oh...ok...didn't know that."
1752987895,"love","AshTheBeautii","happy mothers day to my mom & all the other mommies / moms to be! have a qood one ladies"
1752987896,"worry","NorCalRachel","@switchfoot My youth group was there! I would have liked 2 go, but I couldn't afford it, & I had a drama performance/party...  Luv ya tho!"
1752987973,"happiness","jess123b","@Carlkr please wear glasses in your next video!  you look amazing in them."
1753006183,"fun","Siouxsinner","@MOAM66 I love old school horror movies more, I got Elvira tattooed on my back"
1753006206,"relief","discombob","@snakelady I'm sure she'll be fine. They're not as daft as they look (sometime)"
1753006311,"happiness","kelholden","Had an awesome lunch with the family & now dinner with the in-laws"
1753006332,"happiness","xojoejonasox","@TickleMeJoey goodnight baby loll jk night"
1753006391,"relief","Ashleighmariie","finally got home and get to sleep! had a great time with @jessimon and friends!"
1753006429,"happiness","v_e_e_n","@Spandexx hahahaha wtf dianne????? who twitters that lol...i guess it depends who the person is....."
1753006618,"love","blkrichyrich","@solangeknowles awwww yur a awesome mother keep up the good work"
1753006626,"fun","Broooooke_","@andyclemmensen haha well then maybe u shouldn't be so weak  hehe jks  xx"
1753006680,"happiness","RisaRM","@cyberprvideo heard of. And you're the first to mention him to me!"
1753006722,"neutral","BossTycoonLZ","@poetic_violence heyyyy babyy"
1753006726,"worry","BigFreaky","@skullgirl22 you will never be the same..."
1753006812,"happiness","Awesomejp07","just got home. today was fun"
1753006820,"neutral","Inspirationals","@yesbabyyes Hi Its not about howmany people follow you its about how much you help others"
1753006823,"happiness","StingaKerr","likes the smell of the roast in the oven mmmmmm must have dips and sakatas to tide me over till the roast is cooked"
1753006874,"love","ayah03","i think taylor laughtner and selena gomez are the cutest couple! i love them both! just read it on M! my fave mag"
1753006896,"love","seventenths","rblpn  @kaaeyl , You know, I could listen to every version of War Pigs ever recorded  ? http://blip.fm/~5z10d"
1753006903,"surprise","joe_novak","Grinding Skyguard rep. This is less awful than I anticipated. Yet, still awful. Last tabard I need"
1753006963,"neutral","abiiiiiiii","Back from uminaa"
1753006989,"happiness","youngfreshnew","@Afrykah heyyy girl.. havent tweeted u all week. hope all is well with you"
1753007002,"worry","krist0ph3r","the voter paint just peeled off my skin. or maybe my skin just peeled off with the voter paint"
1753007118,"happiness","KirsMoore","@maliamorgan Thanks for following!"
1753007253,"love","luluflirt","hapee mother's day t all the mothers out there!"
1753007267,"surprise","Chantresewright","@FinIsKing thanx 4 thee follow"
1753007276,"happiness","breethevampire","Girsl night ! on my way to foam party  No sleep tonight !!"
1753007415,"love","misszwaan","happy mothers day mam   little bit of a hangover now:$ need to do everything for mam now, but I love her, so for one day I'll do it."
1753007513,"happiness","vicardave","@philritchie Boom, and if you will, boom! Saw the movie last night - really enjoyed it"
1753007522,"neutral","rastin","@AprilFilms meh! You should try the one on commercial drive with all the cats"
1753007606,"neutral","AbeerforBill","@NotetoShells yes it does"
1753007647,"love","amywatters","Some of us are both. We may have strong loyalties in one direction, but I have love for TNG as well"
1753007659,"love","RegineFilange","@adnamay Yeah  The entire time I was all *swoon* b/c of his eyes..... *swoons thinking about it*"
1753007675,"love","aSaladADay","@just_another_1 I love that we just get a little peek of your dimple"
1753007686,"love","Tina541","Just finished yet another amazing book by Susan Elizabeth Philips!!!  God I love her books so much!!! Which one to read next??? hmmm..."
1753007728,"neutral","dmcox","@David_Kaufer And should have been before!  Well, I mean instead of Iraq...see that is the beer talking freely!"
1753007816,"sadness","anJELLOca","So I was just angrily told I was extemely abusive...mentally, emotionally, & physically. It made my day.  Nightss."
1753007841,"enthusiasm","Pamlovesit","@DirtySteveRock I decided you should help me make my first solo album"
1753007850,"happiness","Hildy77","All in all this has so far gone so much better than expected.sure helps to have raised a dog before and i feel im doing things right"
1753007986,"worry","DivaTomboy","@cArtPhotography Hey, it was a GORGEOUS, day (and night) here, too.  Played in the sun then a full moon lit my way home.    Life is good."
1753007990,"love","THe_RuGGeD_MaN","@bioncaaa oo never played it  thats so good that u like 2 play games most females dont like too"
1753008065,"happiness","joyce_jay","heeey heeey!   about to go read..."
1753008070,"fun","chelsasaur","Just burped at the same exact time as Steph LMFA0"
1753008118,"love","xiabobia","time to go to bed... and hopefully wake up to a better day  niiiiiiiights yall"
1753008119,"happiness","SMAshleyRenee","My goodness! I go single and shit goes crazy! Haha. Fuck this. I like being single too much. I do what I want...holla!"
1753008148,"fun","livvvyy","@tommcfly You're welcome!  Actually, the all Swedish fans are trying to get McFly to  us! We are very close now"
1753008158,"love","khyungbird","@debaoki Thanks for getting me bottled water."
1753008162,"love","elevenution","Love the 3 mile 3AM runs. They make me smile"
1753008245,"neutral","jimwins33","@sloanfinley  i totally would house you if i lived there"
1753008249,"happiness","ddubscovergirl","this one's for the children..the children of the world....again i say happy mommies day to all and me too"
1753008360,"love","HeavySnatch","read twilight and new moon keen to read eclipse and breaking dawn hmm twilight was better then new moon but there still awesome"
1753008415,"worry","Mior_faiq","has just figured out his username and password for his twitter account"
1753008418,"happiness","e7iu5tyt","@tarabellejeanne awhhh It was so nice to see you."
1753008515,"happiness","ohhh_mannn","@JackAllTimeLow it was fun anyway..thanks for taking pics with us last minute"
1753008567,"happiness","juiicysam","Amost there"
1753008594,"happiness","sparklyperson","@amber_benson thanks for the message! been a fan since forever; actually met you back in '03. So glad I stumbled upon your twitter"
1753008721,"neutral","GloriaMFisher","Hello Everybody   'Tis a cloudy day here in Amanzimtoti today."
1753008732,"happiness","hfordsa","@jaimedr Thanks for the recommendation"
1753008733,"neutral","psipook","Would like to remind people that I am OUT of Kansai Scene, and whatever the current issue is like, I have had nothing to do with it"
1753008736,"sadness","ShannonRoseLive","@aplusk Awww, here...WAZ UUUUP!!!   Seriously, glad y'all had fun.  Too bad my invite got lost in the mail lol. peace. xo"
1753008801,"relief","MzGemini87","I wanna say happy mother's day to all the mom's including mine love u mama"
1753008862,"neutral","MissCakes2","Is leaving in the morning to go to her mommys"
1753008908,"happiness","JustVox","@sashagrey since I'm reading the Twilight series and watching Underworld today, I gotta say...perfect pic for my day"
1753008924,"hate","JulieMilano","had a 100% raw day"
1753008958,"love","lara_luv","feelin nice after this bottle of bacardi"
1753008965,"neutral","sextatious13","Going to bed now  *thinks I Twitter WAY too much*"
1753008968,"happiness","NicolaWwilts","well Sunday the weather looks great gone take my bike to visite my mom on her day"
1753009155,"happiness","FollowMandy","tonight was fun"
1753009183,"love","kanzaz","I'm off 2 dream awhile. Thanks 4 everything tweeple. Many blessings & much joy. peace, love & happiness 2 u all. Hope ur dreams come tru"
1753009202,"fun","andykleinman","@eavellan that was so much fun! the banana dessert alone is worth the trip to austin! we'll be back soon"
1753009229,"love","SharElizabeth","Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1753009362,"happiness","bdkelly87","first night sleeping in my new home"
1753009372,"neutral","JorgeIvan","@iamraphael to bad yo dint cast to late times like 4am"
1753009383,"love","lovesnow1117","4 hours till Mothers Day Party  Yeah!"
1753009393,"love","MeowRilo","@green_i_girl  is okay! Hearts getting lovin! Sorry for sneezes."
1753009454,"fun","zoeydecay","Watching videos on youtube with the bf.  Thinking about going to bed soon."
1753009480,"relief","annyhs","laundry and loud music.... relaxing"
1753009523,"relief","_x_rebecca_x_","45 minutes until im off from work. I guess i'll go back to work in 15 minutes. It's slow today thank god for one of those days"
1753009535,"happiness","jessicaberto","@jemambrose congrats!!!  I highly doubt u'll have buyer's remorse...u've wanted that car for a while."
1753009556,"worry","ladyluckbug","Can't sleep. Fucking morning will come to soon. Have to rest! It will be a new day. A perfect day to start new changes"
1753009592,"fun","shyheartsjordan","@RetroRewind it is sooo hard.... truck and fish please"
1753009615,"worry","mochiland","@pabloest beer from japan.  google it"
1753009651,"worry","KaitieO","lip syncing "im so excited" wit blairr then were gonna youtube it"
1753009713,"neutral","RastaBeanZ","@idreamofjeanny Chowder is the shit!!!!!!"
1753009718,"neutral","apriannemarie","Happy Mothers Day!"
1753009742,"surprise","caserfam","happy mother's day!"
1753009856,"love","unitedstatesfre","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1753009871,"neutral","livvvyy","GOOD MORNING!!"
1753009874,"love","AmberLuallen","loves it when mom and dad come to visit! nothin better"
1753009923,"happiness","nataliamurgui","@Chi_twnzfinest Happy birthday, sweetie. Have a great day in the best place of the word (sorry Chicago  jeje"
1753009995,"love","hyperjetrod","@JayLink_ luv it  so true"
1753010225,"love","Meghaen","had a wonderful evening with those I love!"
1753010285,"fun","omgitsjamiseal","my sidekick is awkward flashing. oh well. leaving my mommy out her flowers and stuff"
1753010340,"worry","LShalottCamelot","@mrskutcher Yes, people skills and social manners are quite nice.  If you a few billion, guess you need MORE love to gently guide you."
1753010456,"love","ianmuli","i love it when justin timberlake hosts snl; hilarious"
1753010463,"relief","SandyCalico","@peaches5068 Happy mom's day to you too"
1753010490,"neutral","hotchiq915","JT should just be a regular on SNL"
1753010519,"love","d_zigga","Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there!!  i love my mom! GOODNIGHT everyonee!! ?"
1753010536,"neutral","nin_janine","@marsalkey ui. where arre you going to study?"
1753028667,"love","vsr0013","Loves him but most importantly loves my mom! Happy Mothers Day!"
1753028738,"worry","aeriin","@KilllWill nope, just whatever you speakin a couple tweets ago lol, but fuck it, i can get u a raider jersey"
1753028776,"surprise","darkknight_101","add me up: http://profiles.friendster.com/americanidolislove  friendster."
1753028785,"enthusiasm","Ahrae","Night peeps. Hope you all had a great day! Untill tomorrow."
1753028799,"happiness","JarodBroeker","Goin to bed. Goodnight everyone."
1753028923,"love","adlyman","@DawnRichard have an amazing time with your mommas tomorrow! Show them how much they mean to you  Whatever you do they will love it"
1753028957,"relief","Tree80","finally leavin tha studio.Made some really really good music! Very pleased wit tha turnout  !"
1753028962,"sadness","GeorgiaPrincez","@DonniesGirl69  Yes,... I blame you all"
1753028982,"fun","SedzOz","@janine_j9 Jess just posted some hawt pics on the board J ... u should check them out..."
1753028996,"fun","sparklerule","T9R8AM booked. im arriving medan on 27th june. 1155hours"
1753029027,"fun","LacryAlex","@conpcom too many Germ�n rodr�guez's results. Which one are you?  I mean, how do you look like in your profile picture?"
1753029054,"worry","mandyrose1028","@JoelMadden Awe man, that sucks. Everyone makes mistakes. I have a feeling that people can forgive you"
1753029135,"love","DazzleMeThis","@andyclemmensen would that just eat away at your masculinity? What masculinity did you have? :p haha u'd probs beat me tho  haha xo"
1753029182,"surprise","ashtormie","@Movin925fm When I heard "No One" from Alicia Keys like, 10 minutes ago? You made my night"
1753029225,"love","makeedoo","i'm also on plurk  try it"
1753029242,"happiness","LJ4U","Well, it was very inspirative day. There's no room for design in todays schedule, so i'm heading to bed"
1753029273,"neutral","deisy23","i hate having the same hair for too long. i think i want super looong hair now"
1753029301,"worry","snakelady","@discombob Yeah, she's done it several times. My Dumerils boa did it a few times w/ no prob. Just wonder if my hognose needs bigger food."
1753029314,"neutral","McShittyScooter","http://twitpic.com/4wn21 - one of the presents that i made my mom"
1753029316,"neutral","TangerineTang","@eboni_ife not to forget cinnamon!"
1753029318,"neutral","habarlow","@ConformityIssue Haha I should. But I won't. lol Then I might miss something."
1753029431,"love","ascully","I am a big fan of Danny Dyer I have to say this movie looks awesome  http://snurl.com/hpwnz"
1753029442,"love","GlitzyGloss","@Shontelle_Layne you're welcome sweety!  muah! xoxox luv ya!"
1753029500,"fun","ATG","@KellyShibari @AmberCadabra @Mollena All this flirting going on - The ATG smiles. Yay.  ((hugs))"
1753029592,"worry","Azlen","@Icametumbling Yeah, I've seen that before, funny   *Hey honey, Jill just sent me a dick in a box*"
1753029595,"happiness","annabearbaby","PUSH was amazing"
1753029606,"surprise","sleek_oa","Going to bed, stores are closed"
1753029845,"surprise","Alcedine","i think i just about have all my info syncing properly between my mac, mobile me, and iphone. yay! finally"
1753029856,"love","emilyatlantic","great night"
1753029897,"happiness","shezzy153","this thing really demands a lot of time! anyways, gotta get some breakfast and watch naruto's latest episode"
1753029992,"love","psrodwaters","Happy Mother's Day everyone"
1753030009,"neutral","SherletaG","@DanInBarca mmMmMm I've been craving sweet potatoes and almonds I'm going to have to incorporate those super foods tomorrow"
1753030050,"neutral","idaboo","LAKERS TOMORROW  KB and DF ftw!"
1753030069,"neutral","frankiefurter","Talking to amber... showtime baby"
1753030072,"neutral","sjrozas","@imsoapee Hang in there. I can be there in about three more hours."
1753030097,"love","MrMailman","@UndeniableQueen ooooo i love pretty feet"
1753030128,"happiness","Itisdiana","@EricS576 Thank you! You know I really love 'BHB'"
1753030164,"happiness","siljehagen","@Nat4daWorks hope the show is going well!  just wanted u to know that im home now.. muah!"
1753030328,"happiness","gwynsmom","New day in new home   happy mom day 2 me!"
1753030351,"fun","DCR249","Six flags was awesome can't wait to go back"
1753030358,"relief","mommy2kaylee","@ home with my lovey.. Busy day td.. Baby shower.. Then a wedding.. Made 2 pies.. Now bed"
1753030387,"fun","jcmoreno14","Look, everyone! I'm a bad boy! I'm ranked higher than Meghan McCain!  http://tinyurl.com/oj76mz"
1753030475,"love","CarmenMolder","Happy mothers day everybody"
1753030521,"neutral","oceanslyric","So, I picked up Chris Botti's~Live in Boston CD, listening while driving home tonight under the moon. Didn't want it to end."
1753030525,"neutral","emjay96","i have to put it out there...... I ADIDAS JOSH DENYER  xoxoxoxoxoxo"
1753030532,"neutral","geezly27","good afternoon.  http://plurk.com/p/suyev"
1753030621,"worry","coreman2200","@ms_ta_ta haha It's BAD! Anyway goodnight, gorgeous  Sleep super well n shizz"
1753030630,"fun","sssayuri","homee from wango tango, i had fun  really tired now. wrapping moms present and passing out. <3"
1753030678,"sadness","freakingepic","So tired and I have to work till 10:30 tonight!    Happy mothers day to everyone too  http://tinyurl.com/qu62bl"
1753030706,"love","PinkWind","@kmergs It is, Pinkwind is a thing from Vanessa's dad. And My sister made me that SN in the 4th grade"
1753030750,"love","a33g","happy mothers day, too all mums out there  remember treat your mum well, she brought you into this life =]"
1753030826,"neutral","DaylySpecialz","@LILBOOTY24 If u do, please pray 4 me.  Lord knows I need it."
1753030854,"sadness","twtrfail","Twitter, you just fail at life sometimes.  Oh well. http://tinyurl.com/qkxh7q"
1753030887,"worry","killyourband","better get some sleep soon. she has to get up and go to Sunday meetin' so she can pass out invites to her jewelery party."
1753030896,"neutral","sinfulsignorita","@richa_august84 hahahaha now that is a spooky wish babes  how about a lifetime supply of shoes with matching bags and constant weight?"
1753031007,"happiness","Heyyitscassie","Won a gps at post prom"
1753031015,"happiness","MelonRolek","Bored...um...Song of the day: "I caught myself by Paramore" and "No good deed from the musical Wicked"  Oh! And Fully Alive by Flyleaf!!!"
1753031061,"happiness","keithcochran","Finally home after a night of dinner and drinking with friends.  Going to sleep now, hoping the bed doesn't spin too much."
1753031117,"love","ktchaoz","@mrskutcher Happy mothers day"
1753031118,"happiness","twebbstack","@ztnewetnorb hha yeah  like they have your heart too but weve met shaun and bradie... it seems more real ;)"
1753031165,"love","katelaker_","@melissamark_ hehe go dye it beb! put more blonde innn  mine is lighter than it was, left it in  a bit too long oops><"
1753031197,"neutral","Encygirl","@easmart can u online on your hotmail?"
1753031206,"love","d0nrumata","Welcoming new #followers: @chillisoft, @Hansieboy, @keylman  @luongdat, @pleasehelpmenow & @FLWbooks. Thanks for the love. Tweet on!"
1753031233,"surprise","Trish1981","@MattBovell I think he meant this pic - I don't know what other one he might have seen! But really - this is as hot as it gets"
1753031349,"happiness","MrsRance","Nungguin my Sista in law lahiran di RS Asih...kayaknya sih sore ini lahiran. Yeayy another baby girl in the family"
1753031360,"love","PurpleZoe","@polyzzz Goodnight and sweet dreams to you also"
1753031365,"neutral","MiniRowRow","has uploaded her runs onto NikePlus.com ...   Run, Row.Row., RUN!!!"
1753031411,"happiness","DonniesGirl69","@GeorgiaPrincez Like you're not enjoying the hell out if it."
1753031447,"surprise","SColombianita06","GOODNiGHT...HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MAMi'S ON TWiTTER"
1753031456,"sadness","privatestudmuff","@jamie_oliver whats for breaky then, russtle something up for my hangover please our jamie lmao"
1753031471,"worry","JeffreyNYC","@SkinnyInTheCity Good to hear... several of my peeps are working tonight..."
1753031497,"neutral","potroast","@MedicQT geez, 15 years? You'd think they would have had that checked out years ago!"
1753031515,"sadness","ANGIESWORLD1","lmao im stupid just felt like sayin tya� in my red caf vioce..nite ya'll"
1753031565,"love","random4423","Moms everywhere stop what you are doing and get a good night sleep for tomorrow its your childrens turn to pamper you.  enjoy your day"
1753031629,"neutral","Li_a","GRANADA BOWL WITH THE CREW! Birthday bowling for Fisch and me  http://twitpic.com/4wn29"
1753031678,"relief","georgie_phx","@andrewkfromaz Thanks dear, I know this, but I appreciate the validation as always"
1753031689,"neutral","lys47","*yawn* i think imma go to bed. night guys"
1753031719,"happiness","swandives","@frombecca Oh yum - rhubarb. These links are fab. Thanks"
1753031726,"neutral","rubenerd","Cleaned the screen on my new PC DOS machine and took another "screenshot"  http://bit.ly/QLzP2"
1753031741,"love","BossTycoonLZ","@REALConformist I loveeee cashis  ms. Jenkins is my shitttt!!!"
1753031790,"enthusiasm","rawkstraxl","@caatheedee maybe you should greet her for good."
1753031811,"neutral","Gen22","@twicullen good day K!"
1753031862,"love","mustdobetta","shoutout to all the beautiful moms out there that these niggas dont appreciate! some one cares Happy Mothers Day!"
1753031903,"worry","ginny9577","@RetroRewind ty for feeding our NK addiction..ermm i mean our uhh nope yup addiction covers it"
1753031915,"neutral","marjorieyan","testing out ymtumbkr on my iphone  http://tumblr.com/xiy1qycvc"
1753031938,"sadness","Angel42579","@SirReigns Good luck with the design....remember the little people   Heading to bed, goodnight!"
1753031962,"surprise","tannwick","Up and breakfasted, about to jump in shower then heading off to the land of the black pudding for playoff part 2"
1753031994,"love","dovilee","going to church  god bless you all."
1753032017,"worry","carakikay","save me--i feel like i'm going crazy.  ? http://blip.fm/~5z193"
1753032071,"surprise","MrReeks","@PaintByWord, word!?"
1753032079,"relief","xzxjennaxzx","Laying in bed with a book & some beautiful music.  thank you kaki & nicholas sparks."
1753032084,"neutral","bweeshoff","@skimso freako on roidz! Hope d lifts his legs to stay out of your way while you clean."
1753032097,"happiness","sharonhayes","@SharneseLaNier Thanks hon, doing great and yourself? Happy Mothers Day"
1753032199,"love","easmart","i'm going to try to get some sleeeeeeep. goonight twitter  have a nice mother's day."
1753032250,"empty","ruoivietnam","@GiangcK: o�i, ph?i 'ru' cho b� � ng?, tr??c khi b? th?y c�i r?ng tr�i c�y n�y, ?�i mua m?i th? 1 kg ?? ?n th� ch?t"
1753032343,"anger","Vanessah_JC","I'm way to sleepy.. Ill watch my shows lata..Good nite twit-fam!.. God bless!..XoXo"
1753049273,"surprise","naattx","according to mary chaayaa, i look like a sexy emo in my dp  i not emo."
1753049296,"neutral","amanduh_paige","@MariahCarey IN Filipino if u say "Nakuh grabeh!" it's like sayin OMG"
1753049334,"relief","Tracielp","@Meshel_Laurie sending love, blessings & healing thoughts to you & family  peace"
1753049558,"happiness","_rckwitu","feelin a bit 'dangerous'. off to watch tha vids  http://bit.ly/9X0Us"
1753049583,"relief","paulskinny","nice night  bed time; work from 4:30-8:45 tomorrow"
1753049668,"love","mkoumarianos","Happy Mother's Day to all mothers"
1753049793,"fun","christopherrr","Dancing in the rain makes of complete"
1753049819,"neutral","YoungTurbo5","@BAMbam_12 relax mama, u kno we got u..Breathe easy..need some piff is all"
1753049858,"neutral","MarqJacob","@Anthony_y_Tony Hey"
1753049864,"worry","megandyke","Artwork at 3AM. Gotta get this portfolio done for MECA by wednesday. Meeting with milonzzi to review it then."
1753049951,"happiness","erynhalice","@michaellington hahaha that made me laugh"
1753049979,"surprise","AnikaMichelle","So fresh n clean"
1753049987,"neutral","florencedesruol","FOR @john_b_waters and  @mr_suh, you must read that please http://bit.ly/nPpiV"
1753050034,"surprise","michaelsheehan","Obama's Speech at the Correspondents Association - He has promised to complete his next 100 days in 72  http://tinyurl.com/qmu8mk"
1753050065,"neutral","_writersblock_","@LuvinMeSomeD thanks :0 I will try"
1753050121,"neutral","GD01","about to run the hinckley half marathon!  Fingers crossed for a <1h30m time"
1753050181,"surprise","Amanduh03","The night is still young ;) <3"
1753050199,"relief","iGustavo","@BrisbaneGirl I like tweetie better, that is what I use all the time"
1753050231,"neutral","aLeKnight","@RetroRewind Dave i ask you for "The Fix" by JK!!! and send HI to my sister Lisette and me ( Alejandra ) from Mexico!!!!!"
1753050282,"neutral","droidgeek","ok twitter fam.. my mom has plans for tmrw that dont include me  but i still have errands to run in the early morn, so nighty nite all"
1753050325,"fun","RoShine","@Afrykah Happy Mothersday btw! Look at the bright side, you can chill all day today"
1753050363,"love","falcon204","Happy Mothers Day to all the Mommies!"
1753050370,"love","chelseydee","Still totally excited that my oldest friend @Spencesaur has twitter. I luff my Spencer! Even though he has rabies"
1753050392,"enthusiasm","LuCiajavon","@lavvocato got it. Welchs grape too please"
1753050425,"love","viswaa88","Happy Mothers' day!"
1753050481,"love","stopthefiction","@officialTila Your so down to earth..and REAL! I love that about you  woo! Tila Army!"
1753050559,"worry","frumpburger","@ratherlargedog You should hate your gender less. Not all men are bad. In fact, I quite like mens."
1753050595,"happiness","Iris87","@JoelMadden great song even if i can't understand lol"
1753050603,"fun","marvinrobles","Reminiscing my old days by listening to old music."
1753050651,"sadness","LisaRez","@oohhMandy ITSNIKKITIME haha...shiiit, that was Austin o'brien..pardon my BAD call!"
1753050652,"neutral","stephsmilesx3","@Kev_95 WangoTango  where were you? lol"
1753050690,"worry","mimiluv09","OMG disco is PACKED!!!"
1753050740,"happiness","deborahn00b","time for mimi's"
1753050743,"neutral","kistinfrancia","@nadyanandita hey hey.. ketemu lagi kita di twitter"
1753050762,"neutral","Keepthefaith_","@iamjonathancook goodnight, God bless"
1753050778,"surprise","LadyLegend","@CPE24 I was waiting on him to tell me what he want"
1753050795,"fun","JeNnI_EiDe","@jojowright I will bring you cases of mountain dew if you give @_Slamma_ 2 tixs to see taylor swift!"
1753050834,"worry","frostedbetty","@akomuzikera clearly need to crack the whip some more"
1753050839,"love","cece_newnew","@iNanz bet sexy; i added u on myspace!"
1753050850,"fun","cprsumalinog","If someone have a friendster profy!,.just add me!,.ayt!?,.lol!,.http://bit.ly/UsPlN !"
1753050904,"happiness","jhairstyle","third date went well....moving on to fourth!!!!!!"
1753050947,"neutral","SanjanaSharma","@OlmyT Sure. I'll try n keep that up! =P You enjoy studying. Cya!"
1753050958,"surprise","luisgalarza","@pane2 Really! No even a little bit of #pane"
1753051017,"happiness","DarkMireille","@solangeknowles HAPPY MOTHERS DAY  I hope you'll have a great day today"
1753051095,"neutral","gallery32","going to bed"
1753051129,"happiness","flipsideb","Back from hospital. Doc says I'll live"
1753051169,"empty","imsoapee","@sjrozas LOL. About to leave."
1753051180,"love","babydestiny24","@AaronLHB you got her a watch? Thts sooooo sweet"
1753051235,"happiness","Mollyshih","Wango tango!!! Good night all"
1753051305,"love","ricz_abyss","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY"
1753051432,"love","sweetdreamer","@tldavidson Totally!!! Rock onnnn!"
1753051436,"fun","ensetsu","is addicted to the pet society app on facebook"
1753051444,"enthusiasm","RegineFilange","@adnamay Yup  On to Mother's Day. Any plans for your birthday?"
1753051479,"relief","NickMcLaren","@cloud79 I thought the same thing, but felt a bit better when I saw no less than 5 other cameras there"
1753051529,"neutral","mickiiiii","i really wanna go to australia and england."
1753051537,"neutral","keonr","Drink #7 or 8 for me (at the club). Been drinking for the past 6 hours.  http://twitpic.com/4wn9q"
1753051656,"love","roxygurl98","I'm emailing my best friend Deanna with my yahoo account. Emailing is FUN.  <3"
1753051693,"surprise","metally9","just bought 5 bouquets of flowers and put em all together and arranged them all pretty for my momma in the morning!  ::proud of myself::"
1753051788,"happiness","garretjiroux","no clubs...no parties...ive spent my friday and saturday night workin on music and am quit content"
1753051824,"happiness","steenie","I'm Christine and I'm a friggin' shopaholic. Check out my new coat  Had to promise someone I wouldn't spend for 2 weeks after buying this"
1753051839,"fun","xojoejonasox","Goodnight fellow twitters and tj ststas"
1753051905,"hate","ianmuli","samberg and timberlake collaboration; dick in a box"
1753051947,"enthusiasm","catdeeezy",""The weather outside is weather" hahah made me feel better"
1753051953,"neutral","Sir_Almo","Hey i'm on FaceBook come check me out http://bit.ly/17jIy8   tell me ur username if you ADD ME"
1753052017,"love","kiannabanks","@liltwist twist cld u follow me  ill love u forever"
1753052040,"love","CarmenMolder","@tweerrerbot  Well I was following you because I think your interesting ... and I was right"
1753052181,"happiness","ncjack","Great day...Rode the beach cruisers into town to see Culver City Antique Car Show. Found my next bike.   http://twitpic.com/4wn71"
1753052257,"fun","cookie_crumbles","@prateek_agwl Talking to whom? This 'Shah Rukh Khan' is an imposter here... LOL! BTW thanx for the follow..."
1753052267,"neutral","arvl17","Adding Comments for my friends  want sum?"
1753052276,"worry","Quimo","@RetroRewind Thank You I came on late so YES didn't have a chance to hear it"
1753052338,"sadness","jacksonpalmer","@twisty7867 i'm using paint.net x64 and it's running crazily fast - can't afford CS4 unfortunately... yet"
1753052362,"love","unifiedclock","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1753052376,"sadness","Milliah16","@solangeknowles I'm proud of You Solange."
1753052380,"fun","epalayan","Cum fiesta at my house in my mouth  hit me up for the password"
1753052468,"relief","superannuation","@guittaraxx Trust me, that's a GOOD thing. Your 40-something self will thank you."
1753052502,"neutral","nikimere","@Lynne_Lyons You get championship points for the heats too"
1753052537,"fun","AshleyWondersss","Seeing my brother graduate tomorrow. Should be fun."
1753052594,"happiness","JTheMachine","@B_Wright THANK YOU! "Return of the Mack" is THE jam!"
1753052720,"surprise","getsmeoff","@nicaliciousx hale yeahhh that's the coolest part about it ;) hahaha. And I can match grieco!"
1753052727,"surprise","drnormal","@7thscreen Damn! First Yes, than Frank Zappa..."
1753052765,"worry","tomokahana","HMV Shinjuku"
1753052794,"neutral","pedrocs","@jpdonga been there, done that"
1753052843,"fun","georgie_carroll","@Toongen before he could do it. So, so sad. You should read it"
1753052949,"neutral","Rikkio16","Uppp. dnt feel like goin to bed? blahh boredd.. thinkin about men hmmm  ha"
1753052960,"happiness","MarkMayhew","@filos @elliottucker thanks for the r/t, I was hoping I had some *classy* followers"
1753052978,"worry","carmalog","@Marcyluvstravel omg! I dont blame you! hope you didnt hurt him too bad"
1753052995,"relief","LovableKeKe","@DawnRichard Dawwwwwwwwwwwwn, I hit u back and told u y..........so please Read it, and pray before u decide"
1753053104,"happiness","jony2008","is going home after an awesome time with the peeps"
1753053143,"surprise","Xenoprime","Actual wiki entry "The Million Dollar Homepage" made me just shake my head due to the fact that ... sometimes...somtimes things just work"
1753053248,"happiness","ItsJustDi","Signing off for the night. Watching "The Reader" and I'm sure I'll snooze off at some point. Good night all"
1753053317,"neutral","sexiiebarbiie","@PhillyCustoms Naw forget it then. I will only if u take them"
1753053346,"relief","DisneyLuver","it's midnight."
1753053351,"neutral","muzicg","@JoelMadden how long did it take you to learn the song"
1753053426,"happiness","deannatabone","drunkfda twittering is lone of my favorite hobbies<3 being drunk is my PROFESSIONNNNN"
1753072218,"love","jimzak","@suppz yeah, but Mr. Mom's I would say, appreciate their wives much more than the avg dad   I have a new found respect for mothers now"
1753072255,"worry","rhettroberts","@marco_cali Good morning"
1753072302,"happiness","moobit426","random night of fun  now im chillin at home.. happy mothers day!"
1753072357,"hate","tugorditalinda","Fuckin padtron  con sheila.neil.gio.dex.wongo.poncho.bebo.ant.lulu&therest of the niggasz"
1753072427,"happiness","dongwayne","my hair doesn't look completely retarded. success"
1753072514,"happiness","blammo_space","To every mom, mommy and mother, Happy Mother's Day   Hope you all do something special and fun today."
1753072558,"worry","georgie_carroll","@LauraRepetti i tested on an old shirt first, which was good coz they failed, but the two i did properly look awesome"
1753072629,"sadness","THANKyUNIVERSE","Enjoying the happiness of this special day. Another day that I can make the best one of my life"
1753072673,"neutral","Asfbabay","#test SEO SMO marketing  try it"
1753072705,"neutral","jessedelling1","Scotts the only guy for me   Good night<3"
1753072839,"love","shellyrose1915","@Immunerock Good luck on Monday!  Keep on rockin'"
1753072899,"happiness","mircsarah","@a_tall_blonde   ~~Hello~~~  and thanks for the follow."
1753072905,"love","napalm_ron","back from melly's party... i had fun...  i'm sleepy now..."
1753072909,"relief","JasonHaberman","@chillman2 dude... Can you really be a bachelor at this point?? Don't worry about it."
1753072949,"worry","snoopmikey","@jeffcannata before I contemplate that any further, I'm gonna go ahead and take that as a compliment."
1753072966,"neutral","kistinfrancia","@sheilasela shelaaaaaaaa"
1753073008,"love","danyelleb","watching Bones with Naty. Have made her a fan! Mission convert Naty: Success...now onto Mission convert Meagan"
1753073024,"neutral","Kazarelth","@Rockstar_Sid I did  $3 for a full length video. Not bad"
1753073031,"happiness","CiaraRenee","@pjhoody "It's your birthday, so I know you wanna riiidddddeeee out!" Have fun in the club"
1753073075,"fun","Aly3s0n5","On her way home from prom  so fun!"
1753073204,"fun","lynne08","eeehhh. my right eye's twitching. gonna go and watch Boystown. @camerontdf happy birthday!"
1753073219,"surprise","droagan","oh about you lol sorry my minds always on you"
1753073225,"neutral","kirash4","@Suzyqbee10 I told you ... big head."
1753073261,"happiness","CultureSnobette","Had the Best lazy/really productive day ever. So many options lay ahead of me.  My only job is prioritize them  Thank u universe. -Luv DD"
1753073275,"fun","dmcox","@David_Kaufer Well, I am crossing my fingers!  We have another year so, lots of hope in my heart! We will see! Thx! G'night!"
1753073294,"worry","afavoritemelody","See FTSK tonight in Grand Rapids"
1753073319,"fun","safia_","@BrainiacSociety have fun at the viper room tomorrow night  i know the fam out there will be in attendance to support all of yall"
1753073340,"happiness","lotusheartbreak","@devyra lol you always make me happy.  i promise i won't. lol its only 1 silly. you are up late too my friend"
1753073383,"neutral","eL_Cheg","says good morning world!  http://plurk.com/p/sv034"
1753073385,"love","nilla","@khasabadmemory thanks for teaching me how to play a part of that song"
1753073487,"love","lisacapone","@SweetAmes - SO.... yeah. I VERY much appreciate that."
1753073578,"sadness","omgnewnew","been high azza bitch all day.... was goody... i missed u twitter"
1753073592,"fun","Savvygrl7","@Milzyxx just hanging with my bestie"
1753073637,"happiness","aussiemcflyfan","@DebbieFletcher Happy Mothers Day! i hope tom got you something special! enjoy day!  xo"
1753073642,"neutral","coooties","@stacyyuu your mom, actually"
1753073650,"neutral","miriamsays","@AnnaMariaPdT Hey!  Who are you closest to among all the Disney stars?  [I'm a Filipno too. D]"
1753073652,"fun","ATWAstephanie","haha @ playing fall out boy in a bar full of older people.  they's need to be educate."
1753073653,"happiness","cassone","Mariana ~ Photography by Cassone's May 2009 Feature http://bit.ly/E2bjm  - Thanks so much"
1753073717,"worry","justlil","gotta hit the hay y'all. big day with the kiddos 2maro. i love being a mommy  much love-- lil"
1753073722,"surprise","Scyranth","@Alexxstar wow thot we'd lost ya lol lol"
1753073780,"love","roxy_anne","Happy Mother's Day!"
1753073797,"love","LauraLieffring","The kids were awesome today! They loved the face painting!"
1753073823,"love","samthepenguin","@doc18 awesome! cheers man! don't know if i'll have much money left after todays shopping spree though!"
1753073847,"surprise","nuiko","@SFOBear Goodnight!!!!!!"
1753073869,"love","SiAnNaMaurieta","@cacsb911 thank you cici  right back at ya!"
1753073910,"love","kiannabanks","@angiemartinez happy mothers day ang"
1753073989,"love","kathleen118","I forgot, Happy Mom's day."
1753074016,"worry","Glide21","Beautiful sunny mornig here in London, time for the morning meditation and some inspired living  http://ff.im/2L36n"
1753074039,"worry","xxcassidyxx","Well then andy i dont think you should date me"
1753074101,"happiness","bettinapancho","Michael Cera has a new movie!"
1753074126,"happiness","farahthirteen","is resting. ahhhhh. I feel good"
1753074153,"happiness","BrooklynnWatts","Ryan Stiles is still the funniest man ever. Got some great news and some not great news tonight. So happy I could burst"
1753074154,"empty","marielenh","@AchtungMusic haha. I know. Why are you up so early, then?"
1753074179,"happiness","Brokwatcher","@howie_d It's a pleassure making you both smile.  Have a nice day and you are making me smile as well being on twitter.. aahhh nice.."
1753074238,"neutral","LovableKeKe","@DawnRichard Dawwwwwwwwwwwwn, I hit u back and told u y..........so please Read it, and pray before u decide"
1753074250,"neutral","amsjavi","Drinking bud light lime"
1753074264,"surprise","Killuminatii","@yuyaymimi Okay, make sure he's alright kk? Cuidalo. Let him know he's a got friend in us aha.."
1753074415,"neutral","naanick","dang ya'll mothers day already. goodnight twitter world. i start shooting monday."
1753074418,"worry","leather_sole","@jespern Oops! I got taken ..."
1753074496,"happiness","guittaraxx","@superannuation haha i'll keep that in mind  so far, i reckon i have enough money to stop my hair greying when i retire ;D"
1753074520,"hate","Pina","i dont know why i follow sme of the ppl that i do... they e anoying and boring. * note to self -unfollow peeps on monday morning"
1753074681,"neutral","positiveside","might be at cornerstone this year"
1753074751,"fun","violetarchie","@DavidArchie : Hi, i think u should try Ph? in Vietnam, it's really quite delicious"
1753074814,"fun","AskNaughtyNikki","@HornyMe I was kiddin' with you. Shy is not a word i'd use to describe me"
1753074934,"happiness","ekwonn","/ happy mommy's day"
1753074948,"neutral","kirash4","@DawnofOURnight I'll try (not to be a stranger) ..."
1753074958,"neutral","ChristopherMast","@anakin1814 I did do that one Twitter while driving, although the iPhone keypad sucks for driving and typing"
1753075007,"happiness","AgonTheRican","@PsychoBeauty word?? ima be there this summer....just move back with me  lol"
1753075045,"boredom","NoteRobot","(@Pina) i dont know why i follow sme of the ppl that i do... they e anoying and boring. * note to self -unfollow peeps on monday morning"
1753075050,"love","Janki_Patel","@Tacquira anytime love..you looked beautiful! Next time your in nyc, hopefully we can link up! Enjoy your evening"
1753075121,"happiness","Phoebesheahan","yum - mother's day lunch at The Food Business in Burnside was delicious! such a gorgeous day"
1753075260,"happiness","xlsxlls","colds nearly gone, yayness!! greys anatomy on tonight . . . . . .double yay!"
1753075270,"neutral","losingmythighs","@hockeygal4ever SSSSSSSSSSMACK!!!! Get back at it girl!  Are you doing WW?"
1753075368,"sadness","AleksiAlexi","@KManCOBHC he has been really brave but this is the best thing to do - now he can rest and get better. Get well soon, Alexi"
1753075478,"neutral","Zaira_Durazo123","about to go to sleep"
1753075514,"love","cintothemoon","@camerontdf Happy Birthday  Hope you enjoyed us singing to you Wednesday <3"
1753075520,"happiness","iamchiur","This is the best E-commerce site, I hope you've watched the big bang theory. http://www.pennyblossoms.com/ Please hit "buy now""
1753075540,"neutral","sunmusicbaby","wearing spidey boxers"
1753075575,"enthusiasm","offorsobianco","Hecks yeah. Jandy timsamlake is too rawesome!"
1753075612,"love","Tizia_","Daniel has won DSDS. His voice is great."
1753075625,"empty","ruoivietnam","@gk2007: bibi em  Th? l� 1 ch�m d�u ?� ra ?i..."
1753075638,"sadness","loverod_JessiB","Music soothes the soul..."
1753075696,"happiness","daniellefrontz","listening to jubey snoring on the phone  hehe goodnight"
1753075724,"relief","Hip2Hooray","@christinawrites look who I found just for you  --->  http://twitter.com/DJT2009"
1753075815,"happiness","desa82","@ferrao California waiting, every little thing's gotta be just right ? Putz, adoro essa banda"
1753075895,"neutral","sally13_","@andcasey lol we should start a group lol the slut sisters"
1753075898,"fun","lisisilveira","@vimoh there are other signs too  of twitter addiction!!  Levels from 1 to 6.... LOL I am probably on level 4 ... lol"
1753075907,"fun","ursader","@ChesterBaker not so awesome now, huh? LOL"
1753075936,"love","Johnson_katie","love the sweet g'nights every night"
1753076033,"enthusiasm","ColorBakery","@ScottATaylor Other than that, you are totally bereft of faults in every way"
1753076036,"worry","oldskool90","@solangeknowles And that's what makes you an amAzing MOTHER  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY SOLO!! LUV YA!!"
1753076044,"love","SonjaWatt","Happy mothers day to all of you amazing moms!! Hope you have a wonderful day with your loved ones. You deserve it!!  You do a great job!"
1753076059,"neutral","stefichiu","car just drove past my house blasting celine dion's "it's all coming back to me now""
1753093854,"sadness","gnattynat","@sanda86 ummm.. sure! i miss ya'll alot too.  i think you know who i meant."
1753093979,"neutral","KyleZosum","faith and daphne"
1753093981,"boredom","FETISHJADE","@DanniPandemos ok .... Here 409 is a cleaning soln .... Blah.... Over and out"
1753093982,"fun","CyrikRiand","Wow.... I thought we'd only be gaming for 8 hours but here I am 13 hours later seeing the last person out. <_< Long session, but fun."
1753093989,"neutral","SarahAddicts","Still bored but not long now till the next tour date"
1753093993,"surprise","bekkynixon","@tomricci And how!  It's already been 1 year, it'll be WWDC 2010 before you know it."
1753094024,"happiness","MsIona","I'm Still Celebrating My Bday Even Though It Was Friday"
1753094037,"love","nickyy123","@peter_rabbit_ I have been begining to think you are showing signs of becoming a sped haha  Love ya!"
1753094086,"worry","dwizzby","...and for the record...this is the best its ever felt not to cross anything off my "to do" list at the end of the day"
1753094160,"love","maadddiihunnn","I am at my grandparents place"
1753094304,"relief","leelakrishna","Recovery! The secret weapon of a Dba  glad 2 hav my files back"
1753094317,"neutral","Appilicious","@mattmarquess may I please have a couple promo codes to your EA apps? Thanks so much!"
1753094338,"fun","kawb1970","@jtimberlake Very funny Thanks"
1753094352,"relief","nokking","@Idolfanaddict haha. u can look up best week ever podcast on iTunes. it is May 1 episode  he seems more relaxed & funnier than on Idol."
1753094374,"happiness","pattycor","I had a super cool dream last night. @TheEllenShow asked me and @danify to be on her show. Wooowww.  *hopes it will come true* )"
1753094409,"happiness","ICDr3am5","@Seicra_The_BC well, in the end, everyone's happy (most of the time)"
1753094447,"happiness","timwilde","Just used my last DVD-R for the Windows 7 ISO. Next batch will be Lightscribe dicsc - I want to see how that works"
1753094453,"sadness","TIBONG","@wolfchild59  heheheheh... lol... I always figured he'd send them your way if he got any dupes... I felt bad not sending him stuff..."
1753094496,"surprise","gatokitty","surprisingly had a wonderful day"
1753094557,"relief","camila55","reality needs to check in. schools over. time to party  not tonight tho, im going to bed. night, night."
1753094560,"worry","CVJason","@mosdefaqueen My pleasure. I can't be with my mom on Mother's Day. But I can spread love."
1753094609,"neutral","oliviahitch","@SkipABeat anytime from now on lol. i'm just reading and stuffs"
1753094619,"happiness","alisiic","@Austra Thank you for smoking!!!!!!  viennoziimiigi"
1753094686,"worry","WildAngelJoy","@TracyAnn_W Happy Stopping by to wish you a Happy Mother's Day. Tracy   Looking forward to meeting you at the concert.  Hugs....Joy"
1753094734,"love","alyssafernandez","Oh Mother - Christina Aguilera. Happy Mothers' Day to all the mamas!  ilovemymommy! <3"
1753094743,"love","akdenise","@mexecution your right, it is a great plant  i love it"
1753094756,"happiness","whitsundays","@BarryManilow Not been on for a while eh Barry lol.Tweet deck is like prehistoric lol"
1753094768,"neutral","aayushsoni","@limeice I saw the pic. You surely don't look like Amisha Patel nor like a mum of one"
1753094770,"love","LAgirlhawaiimom","I am so grateful I am your daughter!  Happy Mother's Day, Okasan.  Thank you for everything... always!"
1753094775,"love","princess_saraht","Had a BLAST this weekend with my sweet girls in Vancouver, watching my awesome Celtic lads... AND I got to see Alissa! Now I'm home"
1753094779,"sadness","iam_rAiNe","@FoOie yea just fun dive..a bit scary sometimes but fun.  u like diving?"
1753094805,"happiness","ARelie","Just had a great study time followed by a delicious Japanese meal with Arty! Now, trying to get back into the study mood"
1753094861,"love","shyheartsjordan","@crazyness  o sweet i saw him last year with kenny & sugarland will be with kenny this year.. i have seen them b4... love them.. gknight"
1753094954,"hate","iGustavo","@backpackerinoz I don't like fishfingers. I don't like fish or seafood really. But enjoy it"
1753094965,"happiness","__Ashleigh__","Stack on deck patron and sprite on ice baby he said I can have whatever I like... Right @ajaleigh?"
1753094987,"fun","amit3d","@burbleon hope your dreams don't come true"
1753095030,"happiness","Ankit_A","@LimeIce *happy to help*"
1753095035,"enthusiasm","itsjulio","@npyskater Thank you!"
1753095037,"happiness","JenakaGorgeousB","@cherrythegreat hay naku!!madaya ka talaga ah hehe ..hey happy mothers day to your mom nga pala  @baditz and to your mom also"
1753095041,"love","nigs","@JasonBradbury Have a great Sunday wit the kids and Mickey"
1753095060,"happiness","lilbabygirlloz","@kerkat28 i posted it! let me know what you think? theres a really cute cut out in the back too."
1753095085,"neutral","ParkerJoe","I used to be in ferris buhler's day off...now i'm in the graduate  -[sotaboys.com]"
1753095127,"happiness","BARFerley","ahhh, i FINALLY went to yogurtland.  i saved my spoon. hahaha."
1753095139,"worry","melj_1976","@nikki_78 yes i have to agree it does"
1753095182,"relief","42istheanswer","@starreemoon yes!  Glad you're coming."
1753095216,"happiness","0melvin","tried oprahs free unfried kfc and loved it  i went back for another try and topped it with boba and wolverine.Chilled with pope,dave,ben"
1753095264,"love","gillsjottings","Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies"
1753095269,"neutral","mimi7222","@mileycyruuus what are u doing now ??"
1753095413,"enthusiasm","130587","joininghe bandwagon.... wheeeeeeeeeeee."
1753095454,"love","studioyourcom","@EdoCH thanks!! Yes!! A lot!"
1753095467,"enthusiasm","IEatHappiness","Watching some movie and playin on my computer."
1753095481,"love","Ioan_Said","@WollemiPine Or nudge the partner! Good birthday/ christmas/ I just want to buy you something gift!"
1753095533,"neutral","fivewithflores","@jonathanfields Does The Game by Neil Strauss count? Those guys seemed to do lots of persuading"
1753095534,"love","08vintagelove","@Shannannagin haha. Thanks Shannon.  3 out of 5 boats got first."
1753095562,"love","Quimo","Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers"
1753095692,"happiness","Obsessee","@oscarrplz thanks oscc  i have been changing it up lately, and I like this layout the most <33"
1753095739,"fun","niccomusacchio","Thinkin' Twitter is interesting."
1753095760,"neutral","_tiffSTAR","My friends are awesome! @JNBlack @koreantomcruise -- and the non Twitter ones here right now too!!"
1753095816,"worry","shuaibkhan","@jimmietryon You can use it for #iPhone app dev."
1753095835,"happiness","savannahstern","Can't wait 4 a real bed!  haha"
1753095855,"relief","spahkleprincess","@BB517  so far surprisingly good responses. My dad offered to airbrush the old logo on the wall..but I think that might be overkill"
1753095984,"happiness","ypiokya","@emilyjonesmusic  awww thank you"
1753096182,"fun","LincolnRolls","Just for fun: Jessica Alba weekly Twitter follower count: 35,138 (+5,468). This is starting to look like a movement.  @RealJessicaAlba"
1753096231,"fun","iz_g","slept for 11 hours after an exhausting but a fun fun out of town trip. high for the day so far? woke up to good ol' fried chicken"
1753096309,"love","BreeSmiley","@mileycyrus tell everybody i said happy mothers day!  love ya! #1 fan love you miley you rock"
1753096317,"happiness","SkeletonPinata","@DinoLich I know! But I still want to see it"
1753096320,"fun","okatano","@GabrielSaporta @SUAREASY @NovarroNate you guys were absolutely amazing tonight, as always. thanks for always bringing the dance party."
1753096331,"fun","AsianLoveee","@Sayshunshow Hi  how are you doing ???  *just joined twitter...*"
1753096343,"love","YoItsTravie","shes so cute when shes sleepy"
1753096414,"love","OneAndOnlyLia","I'm addicted to the Jonas Brothers' new single 'Paranoid'! It's awesome!! If you haven't heard it already, go check it out!!"
1753096486,"love","Mini_okdoksmok","@MariahCarey Happy Mom's Day!  Here in Spain it was last Sunday!! Any hint of when the first single will be out on radio? LYM!!  Mini"
1753096510,"happiness","phunybuny","@xennyeh FUCK YEAH DUDE!!! I would ask how it was, but I already fucking know!  How're you?"
1753096538,"love","TheOrakill","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1753096552,"love","aishakasan","Mothers day today!"
1753096598,"happiness","chachada1","@JT_NigerianBoi thanks JT i also enjoyed it i will. r u following me? ill follow u back"
1753096690,"neutral","MagicKira","A post on my Warhammer blog for anyone interested  http://bit.ly/Uwl7M"
1753096721,"happiness","unkledad","Drivin home and listenin to 50! fucking lightweights! left me stag! bullshit!  love you though  especially you toesha  haha HA!"
1753096813,"happiness","alliechristian","It seems like everyone us watching X-Men now, I feel like I've started a revolution  feels nice"
1753096846,"love","massiecooper","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Just finished having lunch with my  relatives. I wuv you mommy and granny.  HAHAHA."
1753096878,"relief","agweyland","PB&J makes me happier than anything else in the world  I love that when I'm tired, my demands are so simply met"
1753096894,"fun","mdcastro","still awake.. will get some sleep i have to drive to Fortuna early.. Red Bull will guide me"
1753096905,"relief","wafflesgirls","@bethharperwalsh @TaiLi22 @thesolutions @hippiekat from g's to gents season 1"
1753096995,"neutral","Cam_Anju","I finished a bit of sketching.... and now to some writing!"
1753097023,"happiness","jujube5160","this one goes out to Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake...doin' their Gibb Bros show on SNL  ? http://blip.fm/~5z1vd"
1753097115,"fun","Delfwago","i have a whole day planned for my mom today that i know she will love!"
1753097124,"love","fabbydavisjr","@suckaMC alright cool. See you tomorrow  thank you!"
1753097153,"surprise","koolant","Happy Mother's Day to all you tweeting mothers"
1753097259,"surprise","dollyhaorambam","sweet situations."
1753097349,"happiness","mangosmiles","for some strange reason, 'paranoid' sounds like U2. but i love them too, so it's aaaaall good."
1753097391,"neutral","suryasnair","@osulop I didnt mind the movie myself, may be because Im not that big a fangirl myself"
1753097439,"neutral","imnot2bzy","Back home.  Preheatin' oven before popping in a pizza"
1753097467,"relief","ChericeyG","Finally home  Gonna hit the hay n sleep till noon lol"
1753097655,"worry","Kingarthur1079","@ MsRobynp  thank u for that"
1753097670,"love","RHawthorneIII","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Special shout to my momma...Luv ya! And Pat....even though you're a Jehovah's Witness"
1753097671,"happiness","aussiemcflyfan","@Scarlettx3 omg i forgot about that! you lucky thing! hope you have fun!!  x"
1753097690,"sadness","yellowdaisygirl","Missing @smartbrain from BKK na."
1753097692,"happiness","bushidospirit","@gretchenrubin I love this!!  our body should tell us how much sleep it needs, and its always good to be mindful at mealtimes"
1753097697,"neutral","litalove","just at home, not much going on, had a long day"
1753097719,"neutral","trinemt","up way too early for a sunday.. watching old episodes of grey's"
1753115218,"relief","ongengjee","@glennguan your test works fine for me  tweetdeck is so cool eh?"
1753115233,"happiness","DREAMINGOFD","@RetroRewind working out to your station - cool. Love yer music  kk back to the sweating part .....lol l8a xxx"
1753115264,"worry","ebygum","Bye. Tekzilla, then revision."
1753115269,"neutral","netbramha","@hiyer - wait for the third day!!"
1753115311,"fun","mellieweena","@crazymadzy hahahahah!! 04 would be the chief contributors. lol."
1753115396,"love","leilaaani","happy 1 year! <3"
1753115428,"love","razy15","wants to greet all the moms a Happy Mother's Day!!"
1753115495,"happiness","evanaraiza","@michellephant it was nice, we didn't stay long because we all got a hotel room."
1753115514,"empty","__SANDY","@kevincriz http://twitpic.com/4wh5x - LUCKY! I'm so jealous even though I don't like her that much"
1753115533,"worry","4_idiots","@anyidiot I think we could be related"
1753115575,"happiness","xdaniccca","Wooow, I haven't charged my iPod Touch all day today, and it's still ALIVE! That's so coolio"
1753115598,"happiness","Elizabethhere","is getting ready for an awesome service!  - http://tweet.sg"
1753115601,"happiness","tvasquez86","@yvasquez82 Thank you sister!!"
1753115624,"empty","tabithatay","@kristen7cream well done!!"
1753115651,"love","ajazyra_0515","happy mother's to all the moms out there.."
1753115681,"neutral","gilliummm","@rainbowmonkeys_ that is not even a question. when/when is the question"
1753115709,"happiness","ir0cko","that was a fun bacontaco night"
1753115825,"happiness","MattAlonzo87","D-group Saturday's, with a little bit of football, an hour nap, 3 hours of soccer, basketball in the TSU and Yogurtland... Life's Good"
1753115861,"neutral","mznita216","@TheRealYungBerg u said u was gonna follow  its nita from ur live chat"
1753115878,"neutral","amysav83","need to leave now.. tweet laters"
1753115890,"love","Jana1976","good mornin�everybody  happy mothers-day to every mom"
1753115909,"surprise","scorpsista","@jamie_oliver No Happy Mums day for the Mums, only the guys????"
1753115920,"sadness","kristenadams","Happy Mothers Day"
1753115940,"empty","Kels757","ok ok ok yall do me 1 more favor..... plz follow @dopeguhxfresh  .... i'll owe u lol"
1753115965,"happiness","JT_NigerianBoi","@chachada1 Yeah im following you, Hun! Goodnight"
1753115970,"neutral","cece_newnew","@jayrock thnx babe  just call me when u finish it...."
1753115986,"neutral","GintareAuglyte","@keirajonas LATER! fine   YOUmissed joe on bebo, he was online x]"
1753116031,"happiness","drewkolar","spent a little too much $ at Wombat, but it's cool 'cuz it was time to take care of Tamara good.  YAY!"
1753116039,"neutral","mackeywho","@alextuthreefour Well, maybe you should ask yr cousin to get you a shoutout video or something. Btw, I'm just randomly replying to people"
1753116156,"worry","chaosbot","Not to worry, noone got that one. Next question starts in 1 minute, get your thinking caps on"
1753116334,"happiness","liaalu","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!"
1753116369,"neutral","soaps3","@wicked12 So, the official transition from Donathan to Danathan has occurred?  Want 2 sell me ur shirt?"
1753116390,"surprise","snakelady","@baconvodka Alternate name for a "Bacon Mary"... A "Bloody Piggy!" ;) (I have to give my boyfriend credit for that idea!)"
1753116458,"happiness","Elsalux","just put the brats to bed, now im chillin with noodle"
1753116484,"love","thebestchanelle","@Zac_Efron 17 Again was amazing! I have seen it three times! It's just hilarious, and you are fantastic!"
1753116587,"love","Mmmorgan7","Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.    Have a beautifully blessed day!"
1753116642,"neutral","THe_RuGGeD_MaN","@bioncaaa  so thats how u spent ur weekend so far?"
1753116652,"happiness","jessbabe","Cultural tour 102 by loiusa's family: kangaroo sight-seeing in cemetary. Lovely"
1753116702,"worry","thedazman","@erica_lick sounds like you need a week of digital detox"
1753116738,"love","tabithatay","happy mommy day!!"
1753116754,"sadness","DonMcAllister","@teksone No, I'm in the US for the weekend not the UK"
1753116825,"love","Jill88","@melvin_16  Hope u had a lovely lunch Mel   Your Dad's place sounds nice , I love polished floorboards  ."
1753116854,"worry","AndrewHansen1","@mylesagnew NICE! Got any that are indexed that you want to unload?  I need a few."
1753116954,"hate","vipvirtualsols","@jakeron I'm not trying to get more followers. I'm trying to get MORE INTERACTION!!!!!!!!!"
1753116986,"neutral","anniemaude","@ACIMLTD playing with image"
1753117018,"love","onewomankatt","happy momies day!"
1753117031,"neutral","EDENightmare","everyone should listen to Hadouken. they're fun"
1753117066,"enthusiasm","ian1cooper","Ian is waiting for a very important pic"
1753117092,"love","baditz17","@JENakaGorgeousB happy mother's day to your mom"
1753117120,"happiness","Ivy_Blue","@TheUnclean Thanks. Busy as fuck is good in my book."
1753117126,"neutral","ammiisaurusrexx","my grandpa was telling me how they used to cut up human bodies in med school"
1753117171,"neutral","xjmiex","I'm so sleepy now...g'night! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to your Mother, Mama, Ma, Mommy (whatever you call them. LoL) from Mie!"
1753117184,"worry","TyCody","@SheriRocks What are u doin Sheri?!"
1753117201,"love","mysehnsucht","@halian: Happy Mother's day to my Mother. Thank you for being such an awesome mother"
1753117297,"worry","Sayradotcom","@jacquelinesteps Thanks!  Actually, when I first got my twitter, my pictures wouldn't upload either. But they upload, it just takes a"
1753117309,"love","ksekher","Had a nice chat with an old frnd... its been a while since v talked  was fun..."
1753117359,"neutral","ankurgupta","@LimeIce Ferns n petals (fnp.in) should help you accomplish that task"
1753117407,"surprise","bill_oh_bill","Amazing night at the drive in"
1753117470,"happiness","ESwee","@sarieee thanks for finding the amusing rubiks pictures tonight. making my evening via @chrisfreeman ..."
1753117497,"neutral","GemmaCocker","Dance this morning before getting new headshots taken.  loooong but fun day ahead"
1753117509,"happiness","ilovengland","I have a better idea: need a couple hour of relax. bed time. Sweet dreams to everyone!  love u all"
1753117527,"surprise","jwhof","@MarkMayhew True - to each his own  I would let my sis do what she wanted. Work or I'd help her. Up to her, really."
1753117531,"happiness","dpfdpf","@gnat So what does that make a queef"
1753117569,"happiness","cenelson83","Happy Mother's Day  http://bit.ly/LRSnG"
1753117585,"surprise","misstetiana","@gulersem Kazim Kazim  i didn't know that name )))"
1753117631,"neutral","willswanson1980","Loving the # dreambears on #britains got talent"
1753117649,"happiness","xjayzx","@officialTila that is my idea of good dinner  happy munchin"
1753117795,"empty","SisiNicole","watching little bear"
1753117873,"sadness","rolynn719","Waiting for the bus back from cripple creek to pick up the twizzler town seems kinda quiet tonite    *rolynn719*"
1753117957,"happiness","NikkiBenz","@stuntazian I still have them!! Yay! Gonna eat some now"
1753118030,"fun","ReggieBeas","@nianoelle Hey Nia! I used to be the PD at Hot 102.9 in Dayton. I met you in Cincinnati at the Wiz Christmas party. Hope all is well!"
1753118059,"neutral","cammy_halliwell","we don`t need no education"
1753118131,"worry","shyheartsjordan","@jairodriguez you are super hot on your show"
1753118179,"fun","I_Marie716","finally gonna get sum sleep  that concert was crazy!!! God Bless those ministers!!!"
1753118181,"happiness","floppyandbear","Now I'm off to bed - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ALL - HAVE A GREAT ONE"
1753118221,"love","noreenjuliano","made this for you when i got home from wango tango http://bit.ly/1UjzQ    what a wonderful day."
1753118225,"love","LayneCullen","@therealsavannah I know you would be successful. And you're just starting. You would do great in the coming years. Good luck to you"
1753118227,"love","PennyWalden","Cant believe how lucky i am to have such an amazing boyfriend"
1753118252,"love","Lesley_M","@marjamma What's your doggie�s name? so cute... Same breed as the Obama�s"
1753118253,"happiness","berlinblackout","Just got back from @LorenaJimenez 's party! Sooo much fun! Boom boom pow~ hahaha! ooh and I just told my mom happy mother's day"
1753118286,"happiness","SandyCalico","@smartiej Sounds lovely, hope you have a great day"
1753118298,"neutral","Velourian","@JanayS Actually SoS won't be here, VI will be accompanied by Gliss and Make Me. The day after Brandi Carlile, busy month gigwise"
1753118489,"love","miiszcoiibby","And on that note im going to bed happy mother's day to my mommy +& all the other mom's out there love u lady"
1753118547,"fun","J_Salazar","Ive been passed out drunk for the passed couple of hours.  Good to go now"
1753118568,"happiness","yeahitsjames","I don't think I've ever been up this early on a Sunday in a while. Meanwhile, the #bigweekend awaits!"
1753118635,"happiness","Leedengman","social was fun. Swam in the water in my boxers"
1753118641,"neutral","THe_RuGGeD_MaN","man u know things get very interesting sometimes lolll....im just 2 damn good"
1753118703,"happiness","alsointocats","Happy anniversary to @tayloredot and @hellohouston. You know whyyyy. Three years baby!!!"
1753118791,"neutral","iLOVEstars","@HelenWraight i think i am a bit, in love with his creations and wit but not that physically attracted to him although he has great style"
1753118799,"happiness","dragonflaiii","off to a date with vaahedh! -_- well...atleast its the last one"
1753118806,"relief","LMAshton","@shaunduke That sounds like a good compromise."
1753118830,"surprise","HarryLyme","#web20 .#prologue - Modern Liberalism, Misconstrued (2nd 1/2 of Bible  -- "Christ -- without the Crucifiction"  Abstraction w/o 'Skin'"
1753118870,"enthusiasm","Deidre_D","@LeslieCraig haha maybe someday I will be your publicist! that's what i am going to school for"
1753118922,"neutral","ssslllooo","@joannelee7 !!! Tell everyone I say hello"
1753118953,"worry","raeh","@bsbaegirl unfortunately I know I would like them - which is why I am avoiding them,"
1753134735,"surprise","missienelly","Yippee! Happy birthday to me"
1753135065,"relief","misspearlygates","FINALLY finished studying, 7 pages of double sided notes later... off to cook tea and dessert now. Happy Mother's Day!!"
1753135100,"neutral","cloudconnected","@gatorayd I sawn it three times"
1753135144,"hate","MrDBrooks77","now cassidy is butcking that i am bitching lol cant ever win"
1753135191,"neutral","LarkinBC","Playin' didgeridoo in the living room and thinking about the world going by.... lovely life  #fb"
1753135275,"neutral","mayorsam","@LelahG Next time"
1753135276,"happiness","PureBlissVocals","is thinking what song to use for the next chilled edition video!"
1753135278,"happiness","kimlyclarete","I'M FEELING GREAT!"
1753135296,"worry","kaaarp","is at denny's right now with the group. prom was fun"
1753135331,"sadness","robbz81623","about to go to my boo's pad"
1753135354,"love","KTrader","The best thing I have ever done is carry and birth a child"
1753135359,"relief","Jolitabrilliant","http://bit.ly/5e7dr  this is cool, van helden."
1753135427,"neutral","zhanekang","Is getting the hang of Twitter."
1753135434,"happiness","Funnyguyls","Word to all those i call mom, and there are a lot of yall.. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY  i love you all!"
1753135493,"love","WildAngelJoy","@carinafox5 Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day, Carina!!  Hugs...Joy"
1753135522,"neutral","polarscribe","@shahruz84 Don't fall to celebrity worship, though... just write what you think, do the best you can and rock on"
1753135613,"love","MalDuhDee","@Sammysamsam5 That movie made me cryHARDCORE!!!!!  I loved it..."
1753135640,"neutral","SimoneSerhan","http://simoneserhan.tumblr.com new post"
1753135643,"love","lolly2420","@spahkleprincess it's my fave!"
1753135718,"neutral","candeewest","@bartandlife DM me your email addy n i'll fwd dem 2 ya"
1753135905,"neutral","PMPham","@liljizzel dope background"
1753135937,"love","RevN8r","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!  You are all amazing, and we would be nowhere without you!  Thanks for being our moms"
1753136021,"fun","sathya1110","@azaxacavabanama  kashtam ! wonder what would be the similey  for CSK"
1753136042,"love","kalunina","a slightly less disturbed night, after a while, which is a Good Thing. Looking forward to some quality time with my toadtastic boy"
1753136043,"happiness","Milliah16","Watchin TV. HAPPY MOMS DAY."
1753136055,"neutral","shestaylautners","just installed youtube downloader  anyone knows how to make a trailer out of videos??"
1753136141,"happiness","britishgirlsoph","enjoying lazying around eating roses chocolates  x"
1753136162,"relief","xX730LadyxX","Finallyy done !! And done clean'n lay'n down time 4 bed.. goshh its 3 o'clock !! Lol nite nite twitta heads"
1753136190,"neutral","wineott","@alisongo i heard it is not illegal unless you are caught"
1753136248,"surprise","petermcq1","@shawnemerriman go to vegas, but don't spend all ur money!!!!"
1753136262,"neutral","EmperorNorton","@robineccles Yes,  by 16 minutes now."
1753136293,"happiness","krist0ph3r","@rohanbabu I brought a buffalo 320gb for 3800...it has the fastest transfer rate for a usb hdd...I benchmarked it at 34mb/s on my comp!!!"
1753136371,"love","klarkins","@princesssuperc you were amazing on snl!! loved it!"
1753136402,"worry","AndyCorney","@amysav83 you'll be fine  don't worry ... good luck again"
1753136422,"love","allyb8918","Pretty amazing weekend so far  but its bedtime ,, I'm exhausted ! Mothers day tomorrow  nighty night"
1753136438,"love","CullensRule","I loved Star Trek. It was so awesome. And the effects were brilliant! "Live long and prosper." Hehe. I wanna see it again"
1753136463,"happiness","Natasha4586","@Sanazypoo OMG!! Hahaha! I thought you were joking about Twittering that, hahaha!! Awesome, good times were had by all"
1753136618,"happiness","irisdaniel","About to go to sleep. Fun"
1753136686,"neutral","IAmCash","Free for all... good nite I mean its a good nite, wateva"
1753136687,"enthusiasm","DujourMag","@xantherrific online! www.dujourmag.com/subscribe"
1753136728,"neutral","urbanfly","@katehughes What were you doing up at that time??"
1753136769,"neutral","noremorse1985","working away just now, hopefully it stays nice for the afternoon and evening! possible BBQ weather!"
1753136854,"worry","KaliLekkas","Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful Moms out there.  (I'm kind of a Mom, i think my little pup counts!  )"
1753136950,"happiness","AAA_Amerah","It turns out I'm really, like, sixty years old, guys. You were right!!!!!  I'm off to seek my future a little later than planned!"
1753137137,"love","Gemleo25","@jordanknight Hey JK...Wish Evenlyn a Happy Mothers Day tomora for me..I had a Great Day, my gift will be tickets to see ya's ere in Oz"
1753137150,"sadness","MyNameIsJohnson","@DirtyLiz It's because we're right"
1753137194,"surprise","Isil_Loves_Mcr","@PumpkinPeazy Aww Thank u hun i cant believe ah  i will send you when i look pc =D cuz im login from mobile.i will send you,dear friend ^"
1753137352,"worry","stonermc","@dagadong  probably why he's still married to Joan perhaps?"
1753137426,"fun","JustineJealousy","@FrankieFiction Thankies.  I'll never be able to watch the movie Madagascar the same way again... hehe."
1753137477,"happiness","ShelleyDelayne","@flygirls "Mom set the bar so high I need to learn to fly to reach it!" -- now THAT's an awesome sentiment to read on Mother's Day."
1753137488,"neutral","manu_preet","Adams morgannnn for jumbo slice"
1753137502,"love","video_girl17","@LaneySmiles you know you lvoe me!"
1753137600,"happiness","SassyPQ","@nlouisem thanks!!"
1753137601,"empty","Olivia077","Perfect way to end a totally boring day? Sleep. Goodnight"
1753137607,"neutral","rosstrich","@gabemedina my problem is the other way around.  Except I have a loop hole.  Education = equivalent experience"
1753137608,"happiness","Summer_jane","@fedgrub  dull life was on the soundtrack of one of my favourite showss"
1753137671,"neutral","MsT_Renae","listening to some brandy...never say never cd"
1753137685,"happiness","CooperCraigM","@MorganH03 Thanks for a great night, dear.  Perfectly completed my weekend."
1753137747,"neutral","cathylando","@ohmeabby: any kimbeommie updates?"
1753137787,"neutral","frostedbetty","@mzflip82 Simple my a#@"
1753137915,"surprise","wahliaodotcom","@zelciia weird. I tot it will usually rain east coast first. And east coast usually gets more rain."
1753137933,"happiness","xtelleclassique","I am having the TIME of my LIFE"
1753137999,"happiness","pawsthejaws","@simoncurtis HAHA ...Your Hotter Than Justin Timberlake"
1753138008,"love","SkinnyBitchBook","@karaokevegan Happy Mothersday"
1753138011,"happiness","fallenstar_","@EmmaCL thanks"
1753138061,"sadness","princess_91","is feeling good.. kinda tired.. miss him... can't wait for grad this weekend!!"
1753138062,"love","Sayradotcom","@jacquelinesteps Haha you're welcome! I was honestly going crazy too. Have a great night as well"
1753138066,"love","charlesstinger","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1753138134,"neutral","SkyandZimba","@horsesaavy82 Morning Amy  xxxxxxx"
1753138177,"enthusiasm","MegAppleford","@FelixKev hey Kev - keep with it. It seems crap at first but will def be worthwhile! Add LOADS of people, much more interesting"
1753138237,"neutral","longbowe","@nitesofsuburbia that's SO YOU!"
1753138259,"worry","kiwifigure","is off to Body Power Expo! Thanks to Mike at Performance Network for the free tix!"
1753138280,"love","nkotbgal21","@NKOTBSummertime LMAO. Joey is mine  I cant wait to meet them in july!"
1753138374,"happiness","illyzz","just rocked home from maccas, and now signing a petition for big bang to tour aus  LOL"
1753138375,"worry","Azlen","@nsane8 @Icametumbling  Whether that's good or bad, I can't disagree with you there."
1753138421,"neutral","JLu1295","@MichelleZen you need to follow me so I could send you a direct message."
1753138444,"happiness","getsitfaster","Oh that just made my evening.  I forgot Merlin was on tonight!  But its a toss up between Rove and Spielburg on Spielburg on ABC2 choices."
1753138469,"love","tec5x5","Star Trek was so good Im seeing it a third time...corse I do work at the movie theator"
1753138605,"love","vicnicde","@chaosd1 I love you, baby"
1753138632,"happiness","joniboloney","@erniehalter yay Happy Mothers Day to me  Screw burnt breakfast in bed I'll take some E.  (erniehalter live > http://ustre.am/2VkO)"
1753138676,"neutral","ilynaziaaa","BOYSTOWN.  I`ll leave for Eastwood in 3hours."
1753138719,"relief","rheasantos","...WITH PENNEY! thank you for letting me in at 11 at night"
1753138758,"love","Firecracker16","@Naughtycowgir1 I LOVE music!!!  I like almost everything!!"
1753138825,"love","kunday","@verma it was an awesome talk  find it very true that i am watching the ruby community closely"
1753138831,"love","Gemleo25","@mini_ritz thnx sweetie  how r u this evening? xo"
1753138847,"happiness","stillawake","@Buddhistethics  congratulations  were you being mindful through the run as well or / and listening to music?"
1753138858,"love","magdastefan","@waynemansfield thanks...."
1753138859,"love","RenaeKwonDo","@misterfuji I've always been pretty athletic, I especially love b-ball. Anyway, yeah I can run"
1753138860,"love","MelanieFinance","@KimKardashian Ciara was great at SNL..Kim...you were mentioned on SNL tonight..Justin T was really good also"
1753138965,"worry","serinaismail","just did my bit to stimulate the economy"
1753138968,"fun","MustBeBenHughes","assumes it wasnt so taboo to start an email with "LOL" considering that the reply it got started with "ROFL. PWN3D." I love the internet!"
1753139015,"worry","snookz77","its like 2 in the morning..sometimes I just don't know exactly what is best to do..but I will def. figure it out!  ...HAPPY MOMS DAY!"
1753139025,"happiness","zomoo","Had a great time with mpix shootout, just great  thanks mpix..."
1753139045,"happiness","angievalentines","first day on new job,, bought a new clothes already and it was 40% off for employee discount!"
1753139060,"neutral","brinagon","i like them all i just saw the movie 4.8 i would give it a 5 if Tyler Perry wasn't in it"
1753139080,"worry","faulko1","@pamjob yay  i'll do you a heart mk shout in a sec pam"
1753139111,"fun","WarrenWhitlock","@lamarjmorgan looks like you need a local marketing person. I'm booked for 2 gigs in Vegas that day"
1753139135,"love","homeedforums","@creamspyder  thanks  you've been quiet lately!"
1753139144,"happiness","Insomnianblood","@great_northern http://twitpic.com/4wiqv - Awwww she looks like one of my kitty  little furry balls are the best!"
1753155093,"relief","Jakepoop","Finally home, watching saturday night live, then dreaming about my amanda boo"
1753155105,"happiness","alexderossi","@rayamartin http://twitpic.com/4wlpv - whooooooooooooa!!!!!!!!!!!! ang ganda ko dito ha!!!  thank you!"
1753155190,"love","NotEmoJoe","is happy mothers day!"
1753155229,"relief","totallybiannca","still playing wii fit LOL fun fun fun,, movies tonight ill upload photos i took today right now check next tweet"
1753155288,"worry","marshaeleanor","@ ginniejean there's a lot of mojo all over the place...  yes."
1753155289,"surprise","Mzpurrfection","Just finishing shooting, can u believe it, but got the job done"
1753155297,"love","rhianalise","@freddurst I am semi in love with you. Just so ya know"
1753155325,"worry","rockerlp","@RedJeans542 I have to pee."
1753155340,"worry","lovesnow1117","Hope everyone is okay, especially Americans who are affected by the fire or the Swine flu(h1n1) . OKay, I should pray for them"
1753155364,"happiness","beatrizbayudan","Went to a party last night. Dindin and I showed up in matching outfits ) GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE ) Anyway, happy birthday, ate lara"
1753155436,"worry","sammartino","@Lukevdp Actually people were more decisive than that."
1753155475,"relief","hannahhampton","@erniehalter love your voice  sing Whisper!   (erniehalter live > http://ustre.am/2VkO)"
1753155489,"happiness","sskariah","Missing my mother... t-11 days! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!"
1753155493,"neutral","arixsafari","Movie and popcorn time"
1753155524,"worry","highonhealth","I was feeling guilty about buying a luxurious pair of shoes yesterday until my house mate just saw them and got over excited"
1753155565,"neutral","aayushsoni","@limeice arre main toh bakwaas kar raha tha. Sunday morning bakwaas"
1753155708,"fun","patrick_atoon","Hey cool: http://oproer.com/twwwitter/"
1753155765,"neutral","freshyounghott","Almost dere  really tired eyes r really dry"
1753155849,"worry","CassyG","is clamped out...haha"
1753155893,"worry","zaneology","@ezrabutler ...I wonder if the Dog is thinking the same thing....   #fml"
1753155905,"fun","zach2130","Just got off the phone with lainey the love of my life  . . . Now im taken a crap"
1753156150,"happiness","JWCUDD","had a great night with some old friends...we're still "home-town heroes"....some things never change"
1753156180,"neutral","cowgirlbeck","had a great night"
1753156198,"neutral","TweetStats","@gm5000 I'll take a look tomorrow - definitely want to graph as many tweets as possible!"
1753156205,"neutral","RikuJ","Trying to get out to enjoy the weather & train a little... Some minor beer tasting activity took place yesterday with @opsaksa etc"
1753156270,"neutral","tmh88","home bound for mothers day"
1753156281,"love","kcaccidental","@KenFTWIN I just started watching 30 Rock too, borrowed seasons 1 and 2 from my dad   so good."
1753156352,"neutral","allthebestblog","@abcddesigns Do you ever sleep?"
1753156564,"happiness","mrPilat","N now the end to another wise great nite! Excuse me while I dream a little dream"
1753156576,"neutral","mimi7222","@mileycyruuus yes I can talk friench and in my picture this is me in france !!  Now , i'm in london and soon i'm going to L.A"
1753156607,"neutral","paulpuddifoot","@joshtastic1 Going to see Star Trek"
1753156649,"neutral","monstafaktory","@samthepenguin Wowza o____O you went the whole hog then"
1753156696,"happiness","annabanana131","I love how when I leave my laptop on my bed it creates a nice toasty spot"
1753156710,"love","Brossolini","I love my mommy."
1753156720,"surprise","katiebarrowman","@jason_2008 thanks  there's a men's version in June. It's very popular."
1753156775,"love","jacobm","@Lotay haha im jewish, i love that one"
1753156820,"worry","Criscs","@kristenstewart9 Hi!good luck for the mtvawards, Im sure you're going to win!I hope so!I Love your work! ha you speak spanish? take care"
1753156854,"worry","MrsMW","I chopped a fringe in last night got tired of having it hang in my eyes. Made a mess"
1753156855,"love","KirstiieKam","@sweet_avenue Love your website! Wish I lived closer to sample the cupcakey treats"
1753156913,"sadness","adityamishra","@unitechy wud like to. But I actually have a free weekend this time and family is visiting. so I'm staying put. next time"
1753156915,"love","Netra","@Chet6 yep infact she is popular, miss india 99, talented film actress .... and lot more"
1753156988,"love","J7isthe818","@thisgelly @missneecie Happy Mother's Day to both of yall.  from me and my boys..."
1753157024,"neutral","Nakarumi","We in bed now."
1753157036,"fun","BMBryant","Had fun early night Vegas because Pool tomorrow"
1753157066,"neutral","brightondoll","@djwhiteboyyy what's up? Not much, just listening to music  I'm in TX"
1753157090,"love","InocencioJubee","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.!"
1753157104,"love","daavito","I love crowded cars  and Ayanna!"
1753157121,"love","vejiicakes","@lionschmion Honey I don't think you're kidding for a MOMENT, I feel that your dedication to the gorgeous smirky men is STRONG indeed!"
1753157176,"neutral","ClaesAct","@KerronClement Have a good flight!"
1753157214,"empty","LaDi_KsTaR","@pyrat_ ay beezy! finally lol its time to hookah so get off twiiter...love ya"
1753157217,"love","davidismyangel","@DavidArchie Good morning David! Happy Mother's Day to your mom lol. Too bad u can't be with her. She is so awesome!"
1753157270,"sadness","bucksatan666","Only just past 8am and already been spoiled rotton"
1753157330,"surprise","jcfrog","hello twittttty world! how do you do?"
1753157461,"love","nkotbgal21","@NKOTBSummertime Sweet i'm 5'3 so perfect for me"
1753157467,"neutral","kabutar","@blue_raven oh, I'm skeptical too. I just think it's the best thing he could have said under the circumstances"
1753157491,"love","IsyScandalous","Good morning guys!  Dont forget: Today is mothers day! Mommy? I LOVE YOU ! You�re the best <3"
1753157523,"happiness","VeloriumCamper","Had a blast, babe. Thanks joe. <3  i love everyone! Tyler...happy birthday."
1753157536,"sadness","rockstrprincess","@DaveStyles Haha yes and that is BS! all men lie. show me one who doesn't and I'll marry him"
1753157553,"happiness","ChanelleP","cynthia and jenny are spamming my twitter! haha"
1753157631,"happiness","wolwol","@vivanews_com All breaking news will be tweeted here I hope  welcome to twitter!"
1753157635,"surprise","jehsface","ouch i have a headache. but i am in a ridiculously good mood"
1753157661,"relief","smelle_o","Kandice and I just found 'Baby Sailor Blue' at Casey Moores  http://yfrog.com/0ltrdaj"
1753157846,"neutral","Ava_Horackova","@dhewlett Stress test: http://www.selfhelpmagazine.com/psychtoons/glasbergen/StressManagement/StressTest.gif  Good luck!"
1753157923,"worry","amberwhiting","i changed my picture  i am soo screwed, i have an assignment due tomorrow that i havent started, i just cant concentrate argh"
1753158020,"love","lisakimfleming","helll yeah  i found a melon bar in the freezer ....mmm best cure for my hangover"
1753158077,"happiness","lauderdizzle","@jen004 Nope, not "done" yet"
1753158125,"enthusiasm","cblack23","Shite night, tomorow, I get to hang out with my little brother and neice, should be sufficient enough to change my mood"
1753158188,"neutral","iamtehfox","Standin in a forest, just got the maddest photos taken"
1753158227,"love","Katherineie","Toris was SO fun! JB MOVIE WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! and i had a good day at work!  YAY i loved the movie! :0"
1753158239,"happiness","mini_ritz","@Jae878  thanks  I'm holding my mini laser light thingy lol. How are u?"
1753158253,"neutral","jennacharbs","finally got to see you"
1753158265,"happiness","TheBetterSexDoc","@michaelmagical #warmfuzzies to you, my friend"
1753158337,"happiness","oliviazn","boopboopboop. still talking to ashley & brittany.  i've been talking to ashley for forever, and our convo still goes places. we're awesome"
1753158340,"happiness","MikeMilan215","@MISS_OTTAWA ur welcome, sweet dreams!"
1753158376,"happiness","SweetRye82","@bribee84 LOL too funny!!!  I love my Angels hehe"
1753158462,"worry","Karen230683","@colinkelly thanks colin hearing that bad knee Imor not il crawl over the finish line  your a wee star"
1753158499,"neutral","sean_rl","@amcourtneyeman kirk is hotter than spock"
1753158515,"happiness","Funnyguyls","@johncmayer lol that just totally made me laugh, which made my day"
1753158672,"happiness","minette95","@SarinneJonas thats so cool"
1753158781,"worry","BeckyPidz","Morning, up early to travel to today's game but reli happy my bro is coming to watch me  x"
1753158787,"love","CharlyJohn","@TomFelton Aww Stanley, have you still got him, they can live for like 20 years right?  x"
1753158840,"happiness","chelseagutowski","@JackieShimamoto i love cobra starship!!  thanks for the suggestion!"
1753158848,"love","karlaloeffler12","Pretty sure my kitties missed me...one is laying on me and the other 2 are on each side of me. They are so cute though."
1753158965,"love","velofille","@rowsell you really chose the wrong time of year to do this didnt you"
1753158979,"neutral","rodet","CloneCloud: actually it's distant processor provisioning  like the idea http://bit.ly/b9v90"
1753159004,"happiness","_Slamma_","@jojowright thank you, god bless im going to eaat my in in out"
1753159186,"fun","piaaguirre","@patriciaco Youtube. ) Really awesome quality, actually."
1753159224,"neutral","KarlsG","Having first beer in over 8 days what has happened to me and Im only having it cause Miss 8 wanted to get me one for mothers day."
1753159299,"neutral","lianafenton","Jennnnnn richhhh wast to the ed"
1753159321,"love","swiv","This is dedicated to all those moms out there - Happy Mother's Day  ? http://blip.fm/~5z2g9"
1753159347,"neutral","anggunn","Watching the kids eating an ice cream."
1753159520,"neutral","kisekiaoi","@njoups thnks for followin"
1753175642,"relief","heyitskc","@lexi_bexi I totally and completely agree"
1753175686,"happiness","Alejandra22492","just watched what happens in vegas  it was really good"
1753175720,"love","TweetChina","@farewellcup thank you for the re-tweet"
1753175740,"happiness","TxPrincess31","Ready to crash!...had a great day and a FUN night! I couldn't ask for anything more  Night!"
1753175755,"love","UlanMoore","@beyondthestars omg! shannon Happy Birthday!!!! I'm celebrating for you!"
1753175778,"relief","iellie","I didn't check Twitter till just now. Thanks everyone for all the Congrats! I really really appreciate it  #fb"
1753175801,"love","unitechy","@adityamishra yeah next time"
1753175811,"surprise","Soultwin","And they are so censoring over at nin.com, nobody can really speculate about these things are disagree with anything"
1753175814,"relief","laurenkel","@salece the green one! It's limey"
1753175994,"surprise","madelmonte","Loves when hard work pays off. Yay for being nominated for the National Society of Collegiate Scholars!! Wow!!"
1753176007,"happiness","denisewarfe","@DebbieZachry very relaxing thank you. Hope you get to put your feet up tomorrow and enjoy the day"
1753176120,"surprise","abmcullough","Finally back in bed with my puppies after a LONG week in Jamaica. loved it, but lve to be home too!! Night"
1753176131,"love","chloepaddington","@TEAMJAYDENICOLE love the background! those are my fave pics of them when they're at the beach!  thanks for the follow!"
1753176210,"neutral","COMPUTERLOVE","@ThePBG look, no matter the ethnicity, women are something else!  fellas, can I get an amen? *dueces*"
1753176250,"sadness","killermanatee","off to mothers day brunch with the gang. YAY!!!!! It's not the Zoo, but should be just as much fun."
1753176291,"relief","gnat","@dpfdpf probably something to do with FriendFeed"
1753176316,"love","archangelmaggie","@DavidArchie morning David! i hope you're able to contact you're mom for Mother's Day!she seems really sweet  i guess you get it from her!"
1753176320,"surprise","The_Town_Witch","Something strange in the air lately. Been setting everyone on edge. Going to do a good smudging of the house. Good to do those anyway"
1753176322,"worry","jwhof","@MarkMayhew ha! lemme know what you find (tho I suspect it will be a lot of complaints). Have a peaceful night my friend"
1753176344,"neutral","MCRIsAPleasure","@mcraddictal byeeeee"
1753176362,"happiness","sarahmarina","@jordansgirl81 they can be a drag,,but for the most part they come in HANDY  hee hee"
1753176422,"love","Melcakes88","is awake earlier than expected but is in a good mood and the sun is out"
1753176526,"happiness","privatestudmuff","if i ran the mile to mcdonalds and ran the mile back would that burn off a double sausage and egg mcmuffin lol"
1753176582,"neutral","MelanyTexas","@michaelmagical Hello again  How'd ur saturday go?"
1753176638,"happiness","dianamaria","@vieriu I am blessed beyond measure"
1753176653,"empty","themoontower","@taraaverette You seem Cool"
1753176659,"sadness","annabellecarter","@dangercharlie you're welcome char, glad you liked the cake, it's pretty simple you should give it a try"
1753176667,"happiness","hanna_bee","watching snl with my ucsd girls and laughing about twitter/blackberry jokes  thought i'd tweet that."
1753176676,"neutral","TyCody","@SheriRocks Aww   I know, we used to chat but you became too cool for me ;)"
1753176703,"happiness","Bronwyn","Also I was conviced to do a happy dance and then told it was the most adorable happy dance ever"
1753176747,"neutral","MustBeBenHughes","@atownbrown08 you cooould say that"
1753176757,"happiness","Ask_About_Brie","We got JoJo in for free and free drinks for Mom! My kind of night"
1753176774,"love","TheYaoiReview","@libras_art That would be the one.  It's awesome sauce."
1753176777,"love","drlnmey","i love the music video of you belong with me by taylor"
1753176851,"love","milcar","Happy Mother's day to allMothers, Cheers!!"
1753176870,"happiness","zenbaum","@emmilyxoxo wow,that must be sooo cool"
1753176907,"fun","urbanfly","@katehughes So what do you do when you wake up? Morning by the way"
1753176966,"worry","SabriniaDawn","@mandysaturn13 @_Bella_Cullen13 posted and its good"
1753176978,"empty","jennx65","@trendscaping Check and check!   And yes, I did (and am)!"
1753177055,"surprise","EugeneWare","@michellem You have DSL? Welcome to 2009!"
1753177172,"surprise","eclecticeddie","Hi tweete, surprised to see everyone still up...maybe it's the full moon"
1753177276,"happiness","briarstack","@r_u_b_y_l totes it's gonna be fun as bi-otch. yeah she'll do it... we'll make her!!"
1753177279,"surprise","alirich79","@Dnldub Hey! I am back.  Been listening to retrorewind.  How you do always know everything."
1753177306,"neutral","mack005","@TradingGoddess OK! Oops sorry"
1753177311,"love","Princey1981","@indigofish911 Ooooh! I thought eggos were some kind of synthetic egg or egg sustitute or something. You crazy Americans"
1753177322,"happiness","CodyChem","@teresanguyen oo ok. When I opened up twitterfon and it said I had a reply I was like lauren Conrad andswere me  haha"
1753177340,"happiness","moriahdiana","had an okay day. but hanging out with brianna and saelina was good"
1753177354,"happiness","MisaChien","@nikkidang Yeah I've been going there for the last month!!  SO amaaaazing, I'll bring some back for you"
1753177483,"happiness","Brookwoodjr","you tell yo mamma an em i axe how she durrin, and that i said happy mothers day."
1753177520,"fun","STARLETLOVE","I want some candy!!!"
1753177597,"neutral","tjunger","3,144 words later, it's bedtime"
1753177668,"surprise","syzygy","@vobes Sounds a bit Alan Partridge  A-ha! (Good morning, by the way)"
1753177720,"happiness","denisewarfe","@mistressmia had not heard the title or author before, must look it up  Enjoy"
1753177744,"love","TYMENUS","@patofnavar Dylan Dont think twice."
1753177748,"fun","freddyfierce","@mcmike337 Yeaa I Know She is Smartier Then That, plus She Knows The real Thing Is Better Lol"
1753177763,"neutral","greysails","@valleymon HELLO friend!! Welcome to Twitter!!"
1753177802,"happiness","JoannaRuth","is having fun with the traditional family dinner party for Mother's Day..."
1753177879,"love","jamesbankso","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1753177915,"neutral","demonick","@nikicheong try installing Twibble which is a Java based app that should work on most phones"
1753177922,"sadness","jwoon888","just got back from..ahem, meal#4...was boring but had to eat nonetheless"
1753177939,"hate","Soultwin","And they are really censoring over at nin.com and I really hesitate to go over there are talk about this"
1753177962,"surprise","hielmy","addict to "long time gone""
1753178013,"worry","mzcartel","Calling it a night .... talk to yall tomorrow"
1753178035,"happiness","JustMe_Viv","Good Morning and Happy Mothers Day everyone"
1753178059,"neutral","himynameisrose","@masterballerina tell your grandmother i say hello"
1753178064,"enthusiasm","lyssamia","@jessicasydney i did, haha. i'll run is more suitable, at the moment."
1753178153,"fun","jadetremarco","This is the earliest I've been up for ages! Body is crying to go back to sleep... Must resist! A shower should do the trick"
1753178227,"love","itssimplygee","haven't twittered in forever. yeah, just had my sixteenth birthday party tonight"
1753178290,"happiness","HSALPS","@Meshel_Laurie your dad is a superman for pulling through! Take it easy"
1753178320,"neutral","tommylane","@misscupcake Of course. I'd send it to you, but I don't think it would survive the trip."
1753178327,"neutral","emilyhsuh","Playdate with Jenny was fun."
1753178360,"fun","kaitielovesJAGK","that boy over there is something worth admiring"
1753178383,"happiness","yaaracohen","Ra'anana is a wonderful place"
1753178417,"love","justachels","ending my evening on the best note.  i will love you forever, tweets."
1753178458,"neutral","violentinsanity","living in ballarat again"
1753178512,"love","cille07","@delamarRX931 haha, happened to me a lot of times. Know the feeling. Happy mums day to ur mom too delle"
1753178575,"love","zookieinps","Happy Mother's Day to all mothers including my own mom!"
1753178610,"happiness","EranSun","Prism is the MY nEW wEBTOP.. mozilla labs rocks my world..."
1753178612,"happiness","Quimo","@BB517 @mespptc Yeah I'm okay been icing and ace bandage and sitting on my @$$ on twitter... LOL Thanks"
1753178619,"fun","notcot","@yongfook  ack ~ of course i'm a person! but i think @alaskamiller knows that"
1753178625,"hate","Deathofarobot","@ericludzenski Fuck you"
1753178701,"love","dannibright","@akingbayo umm i like lucas and peyton  wbu ?"
1753178710,"neutral","emonicoleee","Hanging out with Dan from Houston Calls!!"
1753178722,"worry","tikitik","@disang iya, nyokap gue pernah berkata demikian  :-|  and it's so hard to share what we have"
1753178758,"neutral","sims562","Watching Almost Famous with Andrew, Michael, and Yolanda"
1753178836,"worry","MissxMarisa","@Rayyychell They're for my mama  I always bake late and get worried that the mixer is gonna bother people."
1753178918,"love","ryoji","@Chaela12312 yay, I'm glad  THOUGH MAN I WANTED TO SEE IT"
1753178973,"fun","marco_cali","@rhettroberts haha no, I was referring to the band... http://www.myspace.com/lcdsoundsystem"
1753179007,"happiness","musicalmover","@robdelete yo  what you think of last night? was good to see ya!"
1753179014,"happiness","JennyChang90","Mango Medley has yummy mango and mango ice cream!"
1753179028,"love","MandaLoguzzo","Gotta get up early to spend some time with my mommy before I go to work, so I'm off to bed. Goodnight twitter"
1753179051,"neutral","Monkan74","Good  morning! Just went to bed it feels and already morning...goes fast! Now i am going to the gym soon. Have a nice day!"
1753179070,"neutral","Ray_Anthony","@whoariley riley hacked my twitter!  hahaha :]"
1753179112,"love","daliaadel","well.. i just saw the dead zone for the first time. its a good TV show. @ddlovato is back"
1753179130,"love","hasol","God, i lOVE quizzes. when i get my phone im gonna be on it 24/7 doing facebook quizzes."
1753195255,"love","bmovienightmare","is getting married in Vegas in November by an Elvis impersonator am so happy!!!"
1753195265,"fun","katiebarrowman","@jason_2008 don't be sorry  you can race for charity or just for fun. I do this one for fun."
1753195329,"happiness","electrofreeze","Man, finishing "Operation Anchorage" sure gives you an unfair advantage, loot-wise... I love the stealth field suit and Gauss rifle"
1753195330,"neutral","coachcostella","@beverlykidd also happy mother's day"
1753195381,"neutral","Applechic","@FunkShoi You can save it for next time!!   ? http://blip.fm/~5z2sv"
1753195438,"surprise","brampitoyo","@jakobo A mocha at 12:30am? My, you�re brave"
1753195441,"happiness","serenawu","@yinawu Happy Mother's Day  http://bit.ly/iJm54  (my friends made the video)"
1753195479,"sadness","SharonLDavis","I am usually more creative on Mother's Day but lately I have not been feeling creative. O.K.. Good Night.  uh Morning..."
1753195573,"love","ly_thoselies","off to pearlyn's place - gran's bday + mothers' day dinner tonight!  mom went for adults' svc today!!!  (L) happy mothers' day moms!"
1753195595,"surprise","bensholk","@slicedlime That your blog? - didn't realize I was following the blogger on my RSS feed! Great idea btw"
1753195597,"fun","FannyAddams","This morning is for smiling smugly to oneself. Anyone can join in"
1753195700,"worry","BrandonRe","@snoopmikey will terminator be on next week's TRS by chance? and i dont mean tuesday's release, but the next"
1753195763,"happiness","soooperpenny","@TomFelton awww. sooo adorable!  how old were u in that video?"
1753195886,"love","hilzfuld","@ahoova Thanks, that was gonna be my next tweet...You the man  Figuratively speaking"
1753195934,"happiness","mellieweena","Sha and i are fcp/macbook pro buddies now."
1753196012,"worry","cassidymckinney","new photo   im hungry...getting off the computer now!"
1753196081,"surprise","prayercircles","@jo_locanawan: sure! Of course i'll pray for her too. Thank you, jo  send my warm regards to ur mom.: @jo_loc... http://bit.ly/Beih5"
1753196087,"happiness","PrestonnnnNaomi","Hahhahah I'm watching the greatest movie ever"
1753196175,"happiness","bubblymeggie","I'm going to see sweeney todd on stage with my best friend for her bday today (I know I'm going to be the one who sings along!!)"
1753196199,"worry","humanintersect","@foprof LOL.  Leave a kid on internet and the kid will do stupid things."
1753196202,"worry","juiicysam","Here  dude we got here n a table readyyy fo us"
1753196208,"happiness","Shouq","@DelicatelyReal looool .. me 2 !! ana i will vote 7ag ele ye6le3ni taqa3od now"
1753196265,"fun","hermajesty777","@ahbilly are you in need of another kiss attack??"
1753196271,"neutral","miriad","@dbgrady Shop smart.  Shop S Mart."
1753196459,"neutral","b2therooke","sleepy time! and, my room is finally clean."
1753196489,"relief","JJLuver756","@crystallynn09 I know!! Yayy"
1753196493,"relief","johnmiller29501","@heidimontag - Bless you as well sweetie, and i hope you have a wonderful weekend"
1753196570,"love","mr_gadget","Happy Mother's Day to all Mums on Twitter"
1753196588,"fun","XMissxXxMurderX","@raytoro just kick their asses and call it a day."
1753196612,"fun","lexy315","Alright, I think it's time for bed...even though I'll probably surf the net for another hour before I go to sleep lol! Goodnight"
1753196630,"happiness","Vivicam","@Emmieman So ur moomie liked the Pandora? you can buy me one next lol"
1753196640,"love","maya_mia_iya","Happy Mothers Day!!!"
1753196835,"surprise","atemarthie","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY !!"
1753196865,"enthusiasm","wlturland","@greggrunberg Can you please @elazar with that? I'd love some egg +bacon +ranch +bed for giving birth 3 times in 4 years!"
1753196882,"love","MonarchPiratica","Happy Mothers day to all the Mothers in my life"
1753196905,"sadness","PembsDave","@parboo LOL - Birmingham was my 1st love... but it's time to move on! ;) Good Morning"
1753196998,"love","ohheyjaz","3:31 loved the rain this morning,"
1753197009,"happiness","caraalexandraa","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!"
1753197101,"happiness","Ray_Anthony","@ddlovato demi if you can i think itd be amazing if you covered thats what you get by paramore haha im sure you know it"
1753197163,"love","mahlditality","wishes that you would see not with your eyes but with your heart.  http://plurk.com/p/sv5bb"
1753197187,"neutral","Danni_Grl","@stevenbward I was just at Geno's 3hrs ago.  Would have went to Pats but the Neon Lights got me lol.  Had drinks at South Philly Bar too"
1753197209,"worry","jordanreyn","@godlessgirl ha, great description of your jealousy I must say.  I will upload a pic 2morrow.  the tat actually represents free-thinking"
1753197222,"worry","JJLuver756","@twilightfan01 Lol, me too!!"
1753197236,"happiness","xXDrgnGirl76Xx","G'night Twitterverse! Thanks for keeping me entertained!!"
1753197260,"neutral","MKeenan85","happy mother's day"
1753197320,"happiness","artbizness","@solobasssteve Morning, dude! Ivy has decided she wants to go on a boat today. Are you guys around this PM? Would be nice to see you."
1753197352,"neutral","ianmuli","@sunsetboba lulz at robert"
1753197354,"fun","hotpinkporkchop","Hence the smiley face.  ha ha ha ha. Lol yeah i'm hong to be tired as fuck tomorrow. But guess what i do not care."
1753197376,"neutral","mishi_davidfan","Listening to Lady Gaga... Relatives just left after our Mother's Day celebration"
1753197381,"surprise","dollforlife","Happy mother's day to all the mom's! Love you mom"
1753197453,"fun","mscarlamaria","@stanlopez awesome..am headin there that nite after my grad dinner  c u then boi! hehe"
1753197469,"neutral","NikkiBenz","@Lovetogivenuts not yet. I save the pages to read for when I travel"
1753197472,"empty","Ellen_Stafford","Morning, I'm shattered. Couldn't sleep last night....got to sleep about 5am then had to be up at 7am! Doh!"
1753197588,"sadness","Musicalandy","Star Trek movie: riveting. Soundtrack: superb. Overall experience: fantastic. Alyssa jumping at german shepherd: priceless."
1753197770,"relief","LoveAshleyJ","can't believe I just drove all the way back to school...whatever HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY: Mommy, Precious, Candis and Granny"
1753197775,"fun","YoBitsNik","@ryezzzzahh hahahaha yay!!!! Lakers!!! And I would please like some of that dip!!"
1753197780,"neutral","_IdaT_","my first mother's day and next one in two weeks"
1753197794,"love","farrytimesvr","Happy mothers day mom.. i love yew..."
1753197797,"hate","leatron","FUCK EM"
1753197892,"neutral","wyndwitch","@Mamalonglegs resistance was futile! Needed pretties to knit with"
1753197936,"happiness","lenediane","Travel blog up and running!  http://charlenedianetravels.blogspot.com Can't wait to start filling it up with entries! )"
1753198092,"love","flake86","happy mothers day!!"
1753198134,"happiness","LisaLikes","@snarkandboobs LOL! I liked the log ride reference, but all I think about when I think of that ride is how wet you get"
1753198151,"worry","beantownbabe11","@tooshort55 it'll probably come out like I'm drunk or something...I'll be so nervous!! LOL...thats why we will be there to help eachother"
1753198180,"sadness","CeFuego","At social.  just saw G-1.. Awwww"
1753198267,"neutral","EBBYL","Going to get dinner with the parents"
1753198319,"love","lakeeffectskid","GoodMorning, Hope Everyone Has A Beautiful Day Today  x"
1753198405,"neutral","MamaBunnyTweet","@pinkisux you still pretending to be metal?"
1753198429,"love","TaraGoltz","With My Boy Still  He's everything to me"
1753198600,"fun","MissWilder","Is pretty hammered drunk! Props to me! Two nights in a row!!!"
1753198674,"surprise","olividan","stood for 4 hours in heels. all for looks and to b able to look over tall people."
1753198693,"happiness","WollemiPine","@nita49 A big ginger and white male cat and a little female tortoiseshell. Both indoor cats and rule the house"
1753198732,"neutral","baditz17","@cherrythegreat kasi naman mahirap na hindi ma-notice ang beauty and kasexyhan mo (bumabawi)"
1753198779,"worry","AntoniaChow","Home now  phone with jason and it's off to bed i go  good night and good night"
1753198788,"worry","methodphoto","@wildmanrouse cool shot!"
1753198803,"neutral","rcdarbary","i am letting you read this......."
1753198809,"neutral","aleeehh","yaaw some one want call with me?? 5529634599"
1753199013,"neutral","Tittch","@AndrewRatcliffe  they certainly warmed mine"
1753199078,"worry","logodesignlover","@BizChamp yes! it definitely paid off ... thanks 4 the advice"
1753199121,"neutral","zannnie","Will cook a sumptuous lunch today"
1753199176,"happiness","JJLuver756","@JoeJonas1Fan1 I know, me too!!"
1753199182,"happiness","TranceClayton","is going to help lancey cook"
1753199183,"anger","vimoh","@NerdIndian Take that back. I am insulted."
1753199187,"relief","suprgirl83","@stephenhartley Gotta love skype! Make sure you get their new update!"
1753199191,"happiness","lacestockings","@silverarcheress ah, ok  thank youuuuuu!"
1753199223,"neutral","Jenice78","I'm realizing I'm horribly awkward."
1753199297,"happiness","curbsid3","@TomFelton Haha! What's it like looking back on work? Or fun, as I'm sure it was"
1753199313,"sadness","JasonAngelini","@juliegoodacre I was thinking of changing it but it is a hassle for everyone who follows us so I get to be Jason"
1753199332,"love","Wampaku","I am in total love with my Lip ring...more than all 12 of my piercings...it is my ut-most favorite"
1753199333,"neutral","nicoleandjason","According to Marco smoking weed makes you philosophical.... I consider myself philosophical. In the shower."
1753199361,"hate","ashugg","@kryanth heh, you seem to have a complex about your iPhone jealousy. This self-denial is harmful! Just let it out."
1753199392,"happiness","MajesticFlame","@pcsketch Well I am going to get off now so I'll talk to you later. Goodnight and good dreams"
1753199457,"worry","mattunderground","@DHughesy @rove1974 dudes, c'mon - that's almost the ghey!"
1753199637,"sadness","st_andrew","@solangeknowles you are so freaking awesome Solange. Happy mother's day. i wish i had a mom like you...sad. blah. but best wishes!"
1753215295,"love","PRETTYLADYDEE","@ Ember with Dante... I have so much fun with him  can I smile any harder..."
1753215347,"love","SassyLadYy","@JoeEGO I never 4get bout u .. Your my boyfriend #2... whom I lovesssss down .. Let's chill this week"
1753215388,"happiness","Supersonik90","@GriffReviews LOL yea I know! I'm almost done with my semester this week  yay!!"
1753215534,"happiness","cakesterr","niqhty niqht niqht .. all toqether, GREAT day  ;; @AyyoJayFresSh ily yall !!"
1753215612,"worry","djaspeth","Exhausted but happy  supercool gig at Love amazing crowd amazing club so happy to be there! Now off to sleep for a few hours"
1753215621,"fun","Sb_kiCkSNdxCks","better get to sleep, dodger game/mothers day 2maro  ewl i have to wake up at 8!"
1753215640,"enthusiasm","JacobG018","Morning People!  Just woke up now!"
1753215690,"happiness","audi_daudi","Had a great night! Tomorrow is mothers day"
1753215730,"love","Anita189","Happy Mothers Day. Take ur mothers into a special place."
1753215790,"happiness","mrjeff_714","The sun is shining brightly and the day has just begun! What's in store? Wandering around les calanques maybe? Vin, definitely!"
1753215791,"happiness","sticckler","Justin Timberlake and Leonard Nimoy? And a Dick in The Box sequel? priceless"
1753215813,"fun","t_kawai","Thank you OpenDNS for saving me from Comcast's crappy DNS server. My internet is back up to par finally."
1753215814,"sadness","houtany","@NikkiBenz i hope so, recorded the pit/was game to find out it didnt record... lucky it wasn't the leafs, i woulda lost it by now"
1753215845,"fun","kgopal","@iMBA haha Good job getting close. Her eyes are set somewhere else though"
1753215854,"fun","lenayada","Wrestlefest was fun! Now tune into www.latalkradio.com from 2-3 sunday and chat with me"
1753216045,"sadness","VinoCW","aww thats wikid, i need to book myne again sooon  miss you to lovely!! im off ned some brekkie.. speak soon dudde xxx"
1753216052,"worry","janiejennings","@kelsistoudt kels i think i figured this out.. and yer my only real friend on here so im pretty much just stalking you"
1753216090,"love","ReginaRoyan","Steak and shake with ramon, matt, and chris."
1753216139,"sadness","rsuenaga","@joooo The rest of the week is less than 2.5 hours long"
1753216150,"happiness","adorelavida","My 100th post- dedicated to Sarah,sunny weather,and my love for that Snakes On A Plane (Bring It) song that should have died already."
1753216170,"neutral","DixonTam","@hosea24hours I'm still on the bandwagon. Figured I've been on this ride so far, might as well see what happens."
1753216185,"neutral","nic0ledj","in the process of learning how to drive stick shift. its getting easier thanks to @mrjimson"
1753216188,"sadness","cHuMeee","just got home! LET US ALL BE CONNECTED WITH GOD, CONSTANTLY!"
1753216234,"love","GilberteC","Oh, and yippee for Lyn-Z Way who gets to celebrate Mother's Day for the first time as a mother."
1753216270,"neutral","jbgonnagetuhigh","Good night everyone"
1753216289,"love","CathSjolen","Best day at park for Mother's day -- love my Mum to bits!! Massive weekend tho -- wee bit weary but super content!"
1753216316,"love","MiDesfileNegro","Yes, I love tea. If that makes me typically English then so be it"
1753216387,"love","misschloe","@juleswriteslove you're absolutely welcome.  i love you too and am happy i was able to help make that moment happen."
1753216399,"love","mp3mad","@mileycyruuus Hi  You are such a babe. Want to hang? I love you ! xD"
1753216403,"worry","shaylyndanae","Sleep is not coming easy. Sleeping pills. Need them. Maybe this is why my mind is soo wild lately. No sleep=craziness. Proven fact!"
1753216422,"neutral","ryancarson","@ded Hey bud, we just shot you an email"
1753216463,"surprise","jessicastrust","Back after a tea and a blog post. A few more awake I see - good morning"
1753216524,"worry","chapstickkisses","hairspray on tv!"
1753216537,"worry","sheryonstone","[ I'm not sure what you mean by "blowin this joint"?? "] rb@ladypn lol lol good one......  ? http://blip.fm/~5z2zo"
1753216572,"neutral","jeuel02","uploading some pictures"
1753216710,"neutral","MzRocSunshine","I'm trying to decide if I want to go camping for Memorial Day...any help from my twitter friends?"
1753216827,"neutral","Phoebe_x","Twitter! It's been a while"
1753216855,"neutral","ForSeriousGary","In this exact moment i have decided that in some point in my life.. i am going to adopt a child"
1753216869,"love","spahkleprincess","@BB517  lol he does love spahkly gold things...."
1753216903,"happiness","thehappykid","@camilleprats aaaw... that's very sweet of him. my girl friends gots to drag them hubbies just so we can "nite-out". unless my beer. LoL"
1753216929,"happiness","daugspurger","sittin by the fire...yes!"
1753216938,"neutral","TroyMcDonald","@FrankRumbauskas Really bad ones are also classic."
1753216957,"worry","Brenna_Bee","just came bak from dancing with my NEEWWWW cd  haha im dancing again"
1753216979,"neutral","lashakrikheli","@pixelmatrix Because those companies that make the bag sealers will go out of business."
1753216999,"happiness","chelscaldwell","watchin my favie @themandymoore in because I said so..then catching up on much needed sleep!! goodnight"
1753217016,"happiness","HoneyAntoineGem","@ernalicious36 @raerosero thanks homskis! Its like christmas!"
1753217040,"surprise","PRiN2SW33T","@mousebudden ten update away from 2000 whooo hoooo budden!"
1753217132,"love","octajohn","Long day of dancin, travelin, and celebrating life  happy mothers day!!"
1753217147,"love","Jessicalam112","is the luckiest girl in the world <3"
1753217148,"neutral","mel768","just bought a magazine"
1753217151,"fun","HellYeahKate","@katofawesome Praying for love in a lap dance, and paying in naivety. <--One of my fav songs"
1753217179,"happiness","jodiesays","@tom_conrad you take such good photos."
1753217376,"love","NazliKhorrami","@MariahCarey The first thing she said means "Your new album is really good" and the second thing, "Don't it's broken". I am Persian!"
1753217407,"happiness","djspy","Listening to some house music!(what else?) I got a gig in San Francisco next Friday. BE THERE  details on my www.myspace.com/djspy"
1753217499,"love","smspad","Dang baby i love you ma"
1753217541,"happiness","ThatsTwit","@StevenSmith1990 Indeed, twitter is where its at mate, its all happening on here.  Enjoy. Hope to see you arou.. http://twurl.nl/j4o1xe"
1753217560,"surprise","essaco","just now i know how twitter exactly work"
1753217565,"empty","WheresJessica","Goodnight world and all who inhabit it!"
1753217674,"worry","Marisynos","Just got home. :3 Was pleased with Star Trek."
1753217705,"surprise","Quimo","@megspptc Okay will work on that too but please remind me again"
1753217707,"neutral","sentral","Good morning. Just bought flowers for mothers day and now it's breakfast time"
1753217758,"love","irenecarag","is at the salon with my mom  happy mothers day mom!"
1753217801,"love","xolaurixo","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to everyone lucky enough to be a mommy. extra special happy to @LuciIrene who became a mommy 2day"
1753217866,"neutral","star_girlsophie","@dorkydeanna I'm watching it at the moment  -sighs- and straightening my hair which takes hours as my hair is so curly!!"
1753217946,"neutral","icebergstorm","@cbraik very cute and pretty"
1753218027,"love","meriel","[Dashboard - Modest Mouse] First Modest Mouse blip! Oyay, not bad.  ? http://blip.fm/~5z309"
1753218045,"neutral","Taonga","sees your Steve Coogan and raises you a Dylan Moran."
1753218064,"worry","karynang","i had a vivid dream last night! i was crooning away"
1753218183,"love","tiffstarr815","@lilmisssunstar will do! Tell my mommy I said the same n I love her mucho mucho!"
1753218228,"love","sarahmarche","I just received a mothers day card from my lovely daughter wishing my a happy mothers day  http://tr.im/kWK9"
1753218253,"love","KevinFierce","The Star Trek movie was amazing! omg everyone has to go see it"
1753218331,"neutral","releasethepeace","good topics. and ciggarettes."
1753218339,"worry","valeriesee","These nice boys realized that we were too short to see over them at the concert and moved   Ugggg, now it's time to pack.  Early flight."
1753218521,"worry","Tittch","@iantalbot It was indeed a lovely evening. Over far too quickly  I got home at 1115 in the end. Coffee in bed this morning"
1753218528,"neutral","SoyDonna","Wonderful day for my photo practicum of the Fotoschool. I wouldn't mind some typical Dutch clouds though"
1753218598,"happiness","zophia","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the wonderful women out there.  Have a great and relaxful day."
1753218626,"enthusiasm","gawed","browsing thru adopting agencies, i'm gonna get some exotic kids"
1753218640,"love","Solskugga","I am tired of my phone. Walkman works like a charm, but l need better video and wap really. Thanks for yesterday and for buying my album"
1753218751,"love","AnnaRoseDuterte","Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommiessss"
1753218795,"happiness","IIanS","@mattgarner haha what's up Matt ?"
1753218798,"neutral","krystynchong","What's up!!? @guillermop"
1753218880,"fun","jemmarene","@KandyBee we shuld do  a dance like that its seriously the best thing haha. see yu tomoro."
1753218918,"happiness","critter_TV","@TravelTweetie I will go to sleep now. Might be awakened early w/breakfast tray from my 'spark' & my 'joper' w/their Dad's help"
1753218951,"happiness","2ndclasscitizen","@nak1a "If there's a camel up a hill" and "I'll give you plankton" ....HILARIOUS!!"
1753219043,"love","CherylH77","@Bern_morley LOL I love your kids"
1753219070,"sadness","brittneyjean_","@davecandoit dude that honest to god happens to me all the time.. minus the trail mix."
1753219073,"happiness","dengmayuslow","Home. Tonight was fun  thanks!"
1753219117,"worry","RoniBryantMusic","Happy Mother's Day to the tweetin' mamas  Nite tweeple!"
1753219135,"happiness","viver211","On my way home...then SLEEP! Seeing Amber Pacific tomorow with the besties"
1753219251,"relief","StDAY","@xoMusicLoverxo I'm using it in a story. I actually already wrote it but have to write the chapters before it."
1753219277,"surprise","a_web_designer","@poptrashmusic How's your dog?"
1753219306,"surprise","pingpingss","@misterchun tts ridiculously sweet of you"
1753219388,"relief","lolwithjeffy","...definitely the first time I've felt alive again in years. Super happy"
1753219411,"neutral","Sharon_Stanley","@megdia you just got one more!!"
1753219500,"neutral","lazaru5","has just finished ironing his clothes for #Church. Gonna walk the dog now then grab a shower/shave and be off  #jottonia looks good too"
1753219560,"sadness","ruthwijaya","In a lazy sunday; just had a very late lunch,and forget to buy PR,we're on page 16"
1753219576,"love","xoprecious","@camilleprats http://twitpic.com/4woj2 - omgssh  ang cute ng bby.!"
1753235104,"happiness","kypeli","@trekkerguy Yeah, I have seen the reviews and they are great! It is just that the reviews surprised me. Now getting tickets for tonight"
1753235113,"neutral","MarshallSheldon","@Tim_in_NH night bud"
1753235119,"enthusiasm","JoyceMason","@joyfrequencies Yes, but I'm quite rusty.  I'm hoping to get back to it and "tune up" my skills.  Tim plays guitar.  We threaten duets."
1753235126,"surprise","DeborahMcPhail","@daNanner Hi there! Nice to meet you"
1753235129,"hate","mcmike337","@freddyfierce google away"
1753235165,"love","IAMCANADIANFIRE","Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there I happen to have the greatest Mom in the world  I love my Mom she's my best friend"
1753235209,"happiness","elsmit01","@blp2008 lol yep  tell rhonda i said happy mother's day!"
1753235241,"neutral","nytryk","Happy Mother's Day - Happy Mother�s Day  http://tumblr.com/xnx1qyn0j"
1753235306,"happiness","bizzylittlebee","@laurenkel pancakes!! with lemon and sugar thanks!"
1753235311,"fun","DawnofOURnight","It's not my best writing, well i don't think. LOL. but it's some! I'd read it all if i were you!  It's pretty damn good after all! =}. LOL"
1753235354,"worry","Prinbird","@bubbalou1969 Morning Lou, I Have some housework to do then im off to Church"
1753235416,"sadness","paeguay","rain drops keep falling on my head.."
1753235453,"surprise","sweynh","@tourscotland Enjoy - we know you will"
1753235468,"love","teammonet","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOMS OUT THERE !!!"
1753235506,"neutral","Oren_The_Red","@paskalamonik If you know such agent, do let me know"
1753235650,"love","nickolas_xD","Today felt so much more crazy than it was!!  I digg the new addition to the family! there pretty cool"
1753235783,"neutral","demiswissfan","@hanastephenson I sent u a direct message.. there's my mail"
1753235875,"sadness","MisPenay","@JayceiiNc im disgusted as well and baron, spelling lessons homie!! haha it's "effort" and "team" r u shwasty? shloshed?  i love you"
1753235900,"enthusiasm","DazzleMeVivi","@RisaRM I tried replying to your mono lake tweet but dunno what happened. Just said I know that lake very well."
1753235913,"sadness","martinpolley","@HilzFuld Patience, it's worth it"
1753235931,"fun","Nenny15","Wine..beer..and champagne..lets see how that goes for me tomorrow..lol"
1753235984,"love","helloaberdeen","hahaha. tea at grandma's was sweat. yep."
1753236136,"surprise","TwistedMacSista","@boilerfan_98 Damn, that's my favorite part...lol...ok, i'll just keep in stock alot then"
1753236193,"love","CSpain09","Took yesterday off & treated myself to an outfit & shoes, I have not treated myself in a while, my mothers day gift to me"
1753236231,"fun","kurtisblow","Just got home from morongo.. Havin a corona  Won 100 bucks woo! Lol I wish it woulda been 100,000 instead :-/"
1753236290,"happiness","LuvTisdalexx","@WestEndActress Haha same as miine"
1753236307,"love","shrnclrk","@troublebrother no, stay and play!!!"
1753236313,"love","katenadell","Favorite little cartoon movie in the world"
1753236356,"neutral","IIanS","@Wo0t nice suggestion  thanks"
1753236419,"fun","SCPphotography","is back from the play cafe, was great to enjoy a coffee while the boys played, have some Rose choccies for later when the boys are in bed"
1753236424,"fun","cheekylittlemis","tonight my bed has been the Enterprise and I was Mrs Kirk"
1753236475,"happiness","TheMiss47","I ate a foot long from subway like an hour ago! OMG! I'm happy and full. I hadn't ate since b-fast.  happy Lis."
1753236531,"happiness","LuckyRivera","@kayleelovexx love those panties"
1753236539,"neutral","NicoleRRyan","@dbackwardsman yes  a blonder one for sure"
1753236541,"surprise","corcouture","Happy Mothers Day Mommy!!! I love you && your the best..."
1753236548,"relief","raachfaacee","Sasha's helped too, of course"
1753236572,"sadness","Squalie","@DespinaCook or least for the firmware upgrade. just buying some time until I get my tax return really"
1753236615,"love","Amanduh03","Happy Mothers Day!!!  <3"
1753236675,"love","GoDoSomething","Can you tell that *Someone* has been reading Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer?    All his work should be required reading."
1753236678,"love","bellacullen1918","Happy Mother's day to all mum's in america"
1753236704,"love","britt_mxgirl","Wow Justin Timberlake on SNL tonight was hilarious! You gotta love that dude!"
1753236746,"neutral","theplayethic","@gapingvoid 20 at least hugh  happy trails"
1753236810,"love","beezaf","Happy Mother's Day to every single mom out there. I love my mommy"
1753236833,"neutral","MissxMarisa","@MeMinty Yeah it's afireinside687"
1753236871,"neutral","aliefaulkner","Me & @HolsyJak29 are laying in the back of a fox truck on the drive down to the race!  LOL"
1753236905,"love","elvirawijaya","@heycassadee thanks for following, it means a lot to me  i love hey monday!"
1753236927,"worry","gabzpanda","Happy Mother's Day. . ."
1753236937,"happiness","MikeMathia","@MarshaCollier It was indeed, an excellent movie."
1753236995,"worry","cindersinc","http://twitpic.com/4woxf - Hehe, I flew a plane.. the pink t-shirt is me"
1753237075,"happiness","xAnniL","http://twitpic.com/4woxi - Btw, concert was freaking awesome"
1753237092,"worry","SarahWenban","@captainludd I will have to see the unveiling of your new LR arrangement!  Is there an official event planned"
1753237099,"neutral","dees_world","@lisaaaa_ twitpic it. I wanna see"
1753237115,"sadness","seventenths","rblpnqte @sheryonstone: "sheesh I am sending one up to you @ladypn.  I think you could use it  lol" RB DELUX... ? http://blip.fm/~5z36j"
1753237141,"love","StacisHwy","just finished my mothers day gift  ill post the link after she sees it!"
1753237174,"sadness","_nataliee","Early morning walkies really aren't my thing... at least it's vaguely warm"
1753237186,"neutral","davefowler","@Kool_Aid16 Goodnight!"
1753237208,"empty","itsdarryldsmith","@illuzion11 You right...we are "arguing" about nothing...I thought it was healthy conversation"
1753237211,"love","pinkllamas820","Made coffee cake for her mom"
1753237228,"happiness","maisizzle","@tommcfly i saw you on tues and last niiiighht <3 so amazzzing, didnt even notice you forgetting the wordddss"
1753237299,"neutral","haterface","@MindandBodyYoga one of my favorite quotes ever"
1753237302,"love","enjelee","says HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!  http://plurk.com/p/sv70e"
1753237315,"love","alexrellosa","@paudevera Oh sure  I'M IN LOVE WITH THEM ?"
1753237375,"neutral","clarkeana","@JoJoWright 4X4s are the shizz"
1753237407,"fun","xshinx","i saw my credit-card statement. maybe i should receive the unholy Aiden fan package!! yaaaaay."
1753237420,"neutral","jonANTH0NY","@abbyjanky whooop! you got me on twitter!!  dang our line of communication keeps growing!"
1753237452,"happiness","theglassparade","@candyconquest Yes you are, thanks  Haha you do? Field of flowers don't exist in Singapore, well not ones that you can frolick in:S"
1753237481,"worry","TheBetterSexDoc","@rocketman528 How are you?"
1753237485,"neutral","ABonin","@error505 - call her.  She will be surprised."
1753237500,"neutral","lindseynhowell","skyping with katie  & Allison yeah boy katies mom mooned us"
1753237541,"enthusiasm","cHuMeee","be back later!  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS IN THE WORLD! � GOD LOVES US ALL!"
1753237665,"neutral","Jessica1567","going to sleep now! Goodnight twitter!"
1753237760,"neutral","IAMCANADIANFIRE","So treat your Mom's like Queen's cuz they are"
1753237937,"love","Siddy71","@walkingthetalk So true Donna  Wish you a joyfull sunday ~Siddy"
1753237962,"happiness","nnorafiza","@CSI_PrintChick exactly! Thats the first time i saw his @ reply to Jon. Never going there again. Oh have fun with d new phone."
1753238032,"worry","SarahAnnGreen","@tonyt787 I read them a couple of weeks ago  They work really well with the movie."
1753238087,"sadness","nirrasue","Just woke up from nap and then ate nasi padang and pisang cokelat"
1753238091,"relief","babbyb23","watching bruce all mighty at home"
1753238111,"surprise","adecembertruth","hey twitter  hows it going? let us know how your day is going"
1753238118,"worry","KimOFDakiraAve","*sigh* Off 2 bed 2 try 2 get these crummy 2 hrs of sleep b4 my horrid 12 hour day..smh. Niterzzz evry1. Don't let the twitterbugz bite.."
1753238171,"love","deadey","it's amazing, makes my heart sing"
1753238197,"neutral","jackley7","@Jeremyscott002 Above Garden of the Gods in C Springs. My parents work for the Division of Wildlife so we get to go on private land"
1753238214,"happiness","DjGundam","@rhettmatic happy birthday"
1753238218,"love","AlyssaNoelleD","@alyandajfanatic YAY!! that's so cool  aww that woulda been sweet, no worries though! I'm just glad you had fun!!"
1753238222,"relief","atariuu","@amnitaleandra Ow. Okay.  It's good you're better now."
1753238266,"happiness","Babygi6003","Is relaxing in bed for a while before I go to sleep. It was nice to get out of my house for a while tonight"
1753238307,"neutral","enjelee","had a nice time with juno  http://plurk.com/p/sv71z"
1753238323,"worry","itsmemcee","im such a sucker for great cottys"
1753238374,"love","candylbc","Happy Mother's Day to yall (and me too!!!) My damn son takin my coolness for a weakness... But it's all good. Keepin it all positive"
1753238381,"worry","yc_ananda","Hearing a surprising news about my bestfriend...where are you sis ? You have to tell me the whole story"
1753238485,"love","poptrash","Out and about in Deal, Kent. More sunshine required me thinks  http://yfrog.com/0egwanj"
1753238534,"sadness","Irv25","Well twitts I was waiting on a response from @DawnRichard, but she's out partying and having a good time,so maybe some other day!"
1753238633,"worry","kittyvane","Off to enjoy a Hanami picnic at the cherry tree park. Hope the weather stays nice."
1753238636,"love","jessiaks","@heatherbond I'd love to!!"
1753238646,"happiness","JTheMachine","@tyleigh Thanks! Hope you find a job soon!...OH, almost forgot: I landed a role in an indie flick!  My first audition ever lol."
1753238655,"neutral","TheBetterSexDoc","@malibudude Hey Dude, how ya going?"
1753238757,"fun","sugumama","fun night tonight, and my house looks so purrrty. Until tomorrow when the kids come home"
1753252955,"love","spahkleprincess","@BB517  not even a little bit biKnightual  (ha ha... tweedeck doesn't see the spelling problem with BK....ha!) but love it anyway."
1753253011,"fun","boonewallbeds","Good morning to another too late sleeper @DesignsbyValeri.  One of my excellent designers is Valerie (see @BooneWallbeds) picture"
1753253106,"happiness","iTishaMarie","@djunity thanks!"
1753253189,"surprise","primehex","If there is one thing the Internet has taught me, is that if I get enough people to listen to me I get to be on The colbert report.  #USA"
1753253216,"neutral","simonsinfield","@paulbay1028  Mornin'."
1753253239,"fun","Soultwin","@trent_reznor Trent don't get mad at me but I keep thinking you're pretending to be engaged for some reason"
1753253412,"happiness","garretjiroux","a night alone with my piano...and a pro tools session... ill take that ANYTIME."
1753253419,"neutral","developar","@SabrinaDee paint it, like what u did with ur hair"
1753253473,"worry","fjkeogh","@janeybelle15 morning sounds like hard work"
1753253478,"happiness","ikaipot","is going to watch the two davids. yey"
1753253504,"fun","dudesss","@johndb10 LOLOL.. i think it's funny that about 190 people think you're lieing about being "the REAL john barrowman""
1753253549,"love","Oooskurr","Photovia secondstar05) i dreamt i was doing spells from harry potter yesterday night lol  i loved it. http://tumblr.com/xyt1qynya"
1753253581,"happiness","cindersinc","Today is another good day for some less extreme experiences... Anyone a fan of #24? I'm watching season 4 now"
1753253621,"neutral","dolari","@aminorjourney - We owe you a LOT."
1753253655,"neutral","kitz007","@vimoh that was funny n almost right"
1753253684,"love","Bia_Loves_NKOTB","sweet nk dreams love you all"
1753253791,"love","_DINA","@ lovelytrinkets I like the way you worded that about Rocky Road"
1753253858,"happiness","fiercemichi","@amedawg18 Haha, that's great. Yeah, Zachary Quinto as Spock is really awesome indeed!!!"
1753253968,"happiness","allegedlyalex","Romantic evening in with papa murphys and "battle BC" from the history channel"
1753253992,"worry","babyitseasy","FINALLY GOT THE BIKE I WANTED!"
1753253993,"relief","annesiasat","YAY! My temperature went down!  I can have dinner with the family tonight."
1753254081,"love","Mipho","Lying in bed with my most favorit girl in the world. happy mommys day to me."
1753254138,"happiness","beautifuld","@trippingtracy if there's a pow wow in the chicago area, definitely check it out, they're so fun! Happy Mother's Day"
1753254188,"fun","muchloveanna","@thylady yay! welcome to the etsy-seller world"
1753254249,"fun","vulcansmuse","@HockeyTShirt Folks thought it was hilarious when I told them the story, and then they saw the shirt I wore tonight.  Laughter all night."
1753254268,"love","tsarnick","@AniaRysz oh cool i can't wait!! yours are awesome!!!"
1753254329,"neutral","SarahAnnGreen","Good Morning  Plan for the day: Church followed by F1 & lunch at mum & dads. Then DM discussions of Star Trek!"
1753254334,"neutral","flyingwulf","Send me your Blog's RSS feeds I have a site that will republish and send traffic to your site..."
1753254344,"sadness","rsuenaga","@joooo No, but Geek Minds Think Alike."
1753254378,"worry","brekk","No burgers to be found. New (old) camera to play with though, so that's excellent."
1753254413,"love","ohnanersdany","love new shoes  thanks wine lo"
1753254449,"neutral","pmeds","watching the movie 1984 for my book report  im lazy to read"
1753254457,"worry","DeathbyUnicorns","@iamoph Happy mothers day sharon"
1753254473,"enthusiasm","Skiingfreak77","@anna_007 Don't worry, they'll get bored of it! Just hang in there and don't give in!"
1753254488,"happiness","sakikomuranaka","@sunmee hope the studyin went well"
1753254509,"relief","Krisjoyous","Is finally home, fed and ready to go to bed and its only 2:45am.  That's gotta be a record"
1753254516,"neutral","jeenn_mcxix","@AudritaApplebum I'm 3 days late, but happy birthday  Hahahaha"
1753254536,"love","riomccarthy","Happy Mother's Day all of the mom's around the world!  I love mine more than anything in the world and can't wait to celebrate! WOO!"
1753254624,"fun","xEllieex","Hopes to find more mates that are on this thing"
1753254685,"surprise","mjrichardson28","second song is coming along nicley"
1753254734,"enthusiasm","maggienash","@lexxie_couper  I've heard that. 2 of my sons have seen it and one wants to see it again. I can't wait to get there"
1753254815,"love","wrecktify","@krystynchong Love to see that!"
1753254833,"enthusiasm","urbanfly","@shaki_sm I'll have a look. Do you live in the centre of Glasgow? I was born on Bellshill & grew up in Bothwell. I miss Tunnocks pies"
1753254838,"enthusiasm","cwtsh","@scottiejen knackered! been awake since 5 as couldn't sleep! just started work now. coffee and toast sounds awesome  chris has been busy!"
1753254860,"fun","kirstybear","In bed after a good last saturday in ec. I'm gonna miss this place but can't wait til summer"
1753254884,"empty","tttsarina","Is @ the pantry"
1753254897,"worry","Kaylaaduhh","stilll awakee :] and its 3am"
1753254976,"worry","chelsea_martin","Oh thank god!  so sad that I'm this happy."
1753255024,"enthusiasm","DannysGhirl","@RetroRewind hey dave im just up in the UK and first thing i done was put RR on  could u play ill be there new kids on the block thanks"
1753255112,"fun","stereosean","Seriously though. Amazing night."
1753255268,"love","lindseyghouse","going to bed. good night everyone! i love you all (or should i say good morning?)  sweet dreams"
1753255275,"sadness","SarahChauncey","@dcal44 Been meaning to email you for months. Your pre-reunion party must be coming up soon. Really wish I could be there. >140 char soon"
1753255283,"neutral","himynameisrose","@Skiingfreak77 and by the way it's short stack, not sway sway  sway sway baby is a song of theirs"
1753255303,"neutral","KatherineTinTin","@yeawatev Lame remarks like "I wonder if they like blondes in NZ".  Umm...only if you have to ask."
1753255304,"neutral","khali_blache","@Scared_soul No idea!  Probably. Actually, yeah, I know there's at least one Zelenka. I looked for him XD"
1753255353,"happiness","DayneKingsford","@AmyQcoocachoo THANK YYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU!"
1753255434,"worry","1ManicButterfly","@TaoGem I hope you didn't take that quote personally!! I've been throwing them out here and there all day-guess I shoulda waited a bit"
1753255441,"relief","2NiteBoy","@cookiedorksx3 Me too,but i'm goitn to go to shower!And cleanin' up my room and later eat somethin'"
1753255533,"neutral","pmeds","forcing myself to watch the movie 1984 for my book report  im lazy to read"
1753255545,"neutral","poorboymark","@marktesch isn't that a local dish? borrow"
1753255552,"happiness","mealz101","@celia_brads i've finished  lol"
1753255624,"neutral","bscation","@JMIKE3 U no that little prob with ur twitter that happen @ that old pep resteraunt! mayb this will help u fix it"
1753255708,"worry","heykim","happy 4 all of U who R celebrating mothers day w/ yr moms  i lost MY mom 2 cancer sevrl years ago..."
1753255782,"love","dianauy","@penitch awwww..... thought it'd be a "yummy" experience.  Will try it next time. Kapag magkakasama ulet tayo nila Mapet ;-)"
1753255821,"sadness","melaniesays","uploading photos. ughhhh, i have to go to school early tomorrow. fml. but woo excursion. i win"
1753255850,"worry","danieljoslin","@SteamyDarcy Apple's ads aside, I'd rather have recommendations from real people who have real experience with the iPhone apps I seek."
1753255914,"neutral","skylessbob","HAPPY MOTHER DAY JANEY! EVEN THOUGH IDK IF YOUR A MOMMY!"
1753256055,"neutral","mylapa","@bloggerdad I'll use that for my next defense."
1753256071,"happiness","yer_mum","I'm calling your room-mate!!!"
1753256073,"happiness","KellyLouiseee","@tommcfly AHHHHHHH!!!!! its my 16th birthday  And i cant belive i found out im seeing yous tonight  Best present everr!!! <333333333"
1753256097,"happiness","cassi_kitti","o, and happy mothers day"
1753256138,"surprise","italyburns","I quite enjoy this Lady Gaga person. She's of Italian heritage, apparently.  ? http://blip.fm/~5z3co"
1753256158,"surprise","devyra","@XKirstyxo Really? A good distraction now. I'll check it right. now."
1753256244,"love","illumedbeauty","@Bassisland that is really brilliant!"
1753256252,"neutral","darren_carter","waiting to be picked up. We're off to aston this morning"
1753256260,"happiness","mizzlizwhizz","Morning everybody"
1753256287,"love","ChristinAlexis","@SOLAMAYA Went to your site! Would love to help & work with you! I will do whatever I can to help support your cause! Awesome!!!!"
1753256372,"worry","comicIDIOT","No phone call yett... Hrmm. Maybe a call from my end is in order?  I'll wait a bit longer, Prom nights are often 'spuratic' moments."
1753256420,"neutral","shortstack09","It's my wall, and I like saying I banned Zac Efron  lol sonny"
1753256544,"surprise","Coookieesom","@ALLyannaaa oh thas cool  you know, I only kinda knew bouts you cuz of Ericson haha when you guys were together x)"
1753256558,"neutral","Sydeney","is watching 1000 places to see before you die"
1753256571,"love","vulcansmuse","@love_the_game GIRL!  Work it! Hope you had the Slammer, and had fun with the Moldovan! I want to hear details!!!"
1753256599,"love","Paul_Areias","Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful MOMS out there. MOMS are what makes the world stay balanced. Have a great Mothers Day"
1753256670,"love","love_meself89","I Love You MOM....alwayyyyyyyssssssss"
1753256783,"neutral","andrewwicker","@mobiusrecords yeah, ok, that'll probably happen too."
1753256786,"neutral","Badgirlen","@Sexyjoy386 What are u going to do today my girl?"
1753256865,"neutral","tranvinhnt","@thaidn exactly  Prime Minister doesn't need take care this issue"
1753256885,"empty","tdrury","@capricorn_one ok, I realise your up early because you've joined the cult of mac, nvm"
1753256990,"fun","Wolfen13","@BrendaSimons do i wanna kno wat u mean by more than fine? Lol now i'm curious lol. I may have money by then  tis good too."
1753257099,"neutral","Jinxie_G","@shadowsinstone G'night!"
1753257107,"fun","lovexmeghan","@NickMLTM  oh man that sucks hardcore! haha good luck finishing up recording"
1753257138,"sadness","Nezbo","Feeling like crap today. Hopefully a nice relaxing swim will do the trick"
1753257156,"empty","redlipliners","@juicystar007 Both of you"
1753257239,"anger","caityyyyyy","@anieszkaa haha i did a ltiitle bit yesterday and ive been out all day  so i think ima chick an allnighter  hahaha NOT COOL"
1753257258,"worry","nadyogaga","found @grahamcoxon's Spinning Top instead of outtamyleague mp3. pardon me sir. but i promise i'll buy a copy of the cd. i'm saving up"
1753272387,"relief","Pallekenl","Morning tweeps  Looking forward to a relaxing Sunday. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!!"
1753272415,"fun","sunmoonstargirl","just woke up...for  once I managed to sleep in!! going out for lunch later then back to essay"
1753272430,"neutral","aleeehh","monday at the school  gosshhh what I've been waiting for"
1753272443,"love","lifeisadream89","One more thing "Shattered" is an amazing song by O.A.R."
1753272457,"worry","Freakonomy","@2indya anytime"
1753272527,"enthusiasm","reiniervv","Done...now another gem of a day in Cape Town"
1753272574,"neutral","labangbang","and again http://twitpic.com/4wp8l"
1753272579,"happiness","zaneology","@steveplunkett  Hey, I need a car too. I'll dm you my address."
1753272603,"hate","MissMarmelstein","@CKHerm Glad you got to walk.  Finish the damn thesis."
1753272729,"neutral","maalolan","paathra ....khandvi....kamanee    ...watte sunday mrng"
1753272767,"worry","MariellaFromBe","It's mother day, my mom is still there and better than a week ago, I am happy  Weird knowing it's the last one, tho."
1753272794,"love","macmuso","@spanglegluppet thank you for the link! it explains a lot! and I'm glad you're feeling good! I've a friend coming tomorrow. will be fun!"
1753272795,"enthusiasm","SusanRamosS","http://twitpic.com/4wp8s - My ear hurts, and THIS is my medicine. GUM"
1753272874,"relief","felipehoppus","goodnight and good bye to all of you, hope you have the best of dreams"
1753272879,"neutral","thehttpgroup","what you doing?"
1753272937,"neutral","AJuOnLiNE","So its Superstar Sunday? @pradeepto is one superstar I know   #sunday"
1753272945,"love","HanaStephenson","@demiswissfan love you 2  so how are you? xxxx"
1753272955,"neutral","dorothy1985","@drhorrible http://twitpic.com/4w8ja - damn Felicia is freakin cute"
1753272960,"neutral","bittyx","fellow twitterers. if anyone one has a leather jacket for the size of a fat person (aka me) please let me borrow it."
1753272991,"fun","PS3Resistance","Now comes the fun part  Because you can find only a few offers per country or you live outside US, your changes can be quite tiny."
1753272995,"fun","yoshi_fatlace","partied w/ @jboosf @_SML, elitecamp, rock steady crew + the ladies (wow), and of course crazy legs - holla! lmao - sober. totally sober"
1753273007,"love","teeenuhh","@saltyboots @teeenuhh happy mommy day Teens-thanks FFF"
1753273009,"neutral","raiseyourglass","horseback riding"
1753273058,"happiness","longhornbrit","watched sex & the city season 1 & drank a little wine w/ my date...just ended w/ a goodnight kiss. i could get used 2 this  night night!"
1753273068,"neutral","ImCecilie","good moring  gonna take a shower, fix my hair and then Im going out ."
1753273069,"love","Cutevixen1","Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers every where"
1753273079,"happiness","Mads_XxX","SWAY SWAY BABY zommgg love it  need more screamo tho boys"
1753273100,"relief","G1991","just finished tlking to laura 2 hours and 7 minutes lol... going to sleep. night ppl"
1753273204,"worry","FriedToast","@simplyjesslee she's hot     What is up w/ all the unknown followers? I've got quite a few- no clue as to why they're following ME."
1753273230,"neutral","dolcelaalaa","@Taylorgotbeats lol -catch me if u can"
1753273252,"happiness","melodyzhou","finally gone to the beach, yeaaaah!"
1753273452,"neutral","DarwenMTBClub","Planing on going on a little ride on the mtb on monday  may be in over to the tower..."
1753273464,"neutral","indiareyna","@Lil_Shawn when do you go back home? Want to see ya B4 u leave Homie"
1753273531,"neutral","SandyLovesMiley","http://www.twitpic.com/4wp26  i made a cake for my mom  she loved it ? yay"
1753273656,"enthusiasm","_DINA","@joywilder That's a popular one! (cccd)  Thx for replying"
1753273789,"neutral","kampfkaetzchen","backe backe... MUFFINS!!!"
1753273842,"neutral","USeTi","@Mira_Brody What is BF ? Is it a glue ?"
1753273849,"happiness","ShogunHatamoto","@chokewho Nah, rolled with Jason Manly, who is a talented BJJ ace who mauls me any way...   Jake is looking great, can't wait to fight."
1753273918,"happiness","cow_grrrl","@knatchwa Buenos Dias! How very sweet, thank you"
1753273928,"neutral","AmandaReye","@mithilacowan hey uh til? Is this u? lol I'm a bit lost here. but it would be cool if we could update from our phones u know?"
1753273957,"neutral","akpolegirl","@Mayor_of_Twtr Beautiful!"
1753274021,"love","Paul_Coleman","@ZnaTrainer Ahhh Music to my ears!"
1753274028,"worry","jos897","@noisydogstudio sorry 2 hear albert isnt well? dont know whole story, so i'll keep ya'll both in my prayers. (((hugs))) 2 u both!"
1753274041,"worry","faithymwah","i am a freshman in this site. how to update? help"
1753274067,"enthusiasm","anjszulc","i'm lookin for email to this man  i have his photo -Spray Painting in Wroclaw(Poland) by Kosmo http://bit.ly/EOvVN"
1753274074,"happiness","Ccami_",""suprised" mom with a cake and a present, because it's mother's day!  dad had bought flowers. : >"
1753274138,"love","commonsense4","Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! Do have a good and enjoyable day"
1753274194,"empty","CathieTranent","@rickyboylamb LoL!!  I still would have got a look at his face just in case!!"
1753274224,"happiness","NickSSP","What a fantastic full-on weekend!  Going to finish on a high, with a cheeky chilli thai fried rice & a few glasses of red"
1753274246,"enthusiasm","rehan_92","Aiden KNIVES out May 12th www.myspace.com/aiden. excited!!!!!"
1753274300,"love","sid88","@avgs I like only the james bond series. Thats what a spy movie is!"
1753274337,"neutral","AmandaFoo","just got home from the sunshine coast"
1753274459,"neutral","mashitootz","Goodnight!  Happy Mothers Day!"
1753274476,"love","Chubz8746","@Eganan- I LOVE YOU!!!! YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!!!"
1753274537,"happiness","lesorleslie","eating truffles  yum!"
1753274539,"fun","remuke","Swords make everyone sexy.  Oh, Harold."
1753274568,"happiness","AusRob","Installed NetGear 802.11n (draft) router today, throughput has definately increased"
1753274630,"sadness","britt_mxgirl","Sweet dreams!I'm tired  I'm so excited I might actually get to golf in the morning! Family tradition!"
1753274704,"worry","Captivated_","@deedeedet i know. i need to get their cd somewhere.. hopefully they sell it here in finland."
1753274705,"worry","bkGirlFriday","words to live by  ? http://blip.fm/~5z3ij"
1753274759,"neutral","kathleenparkerb","@ChrystinaGrace Chrystina Grace Timberlake has a ring to it!"
1753274773,"worry","dolcelaalaa","@dspecial1 awww  thanks lol - ermm what happened to the studying !? ha ha"
1753274909,"surprise","HOOKMEUPENT","Sexxxy tiiiiiimmmmmmeee!...whatever that means."
1753274911,"happiness","Holani","@LeslieLang It will be an Adventure!  Have FUN with your 5 yr old and 8 mo old! (You're brave.)    Hope you have a great time!"
1753274982,"love","leilah","Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there, old & new."
1753275028,"happiness","ailish79","@KerriAnson  My day was good!  Spent the day catching up on sleep, relaxing.. kind of a lazy day! hehe. oooo shopping! How did you resist?"
1753275128,"worry","XBox360Free","Now comes the fun part  Because you can find only a few offers per country or you live outside US, your changes can be quite tiny."
1753275144,"love","prateekgupta","@shubhamsingal oh I am so sure they do get everything. They live their like celebrities"
1753275188,"love","LesWedzonka","is Happy Mothers Day.   Taking Mum out for dinner to one of my favourite restaurants down Glenelg now"
1753275207,"relief","em501","last leg of my travels today. totally exhausted, but thank goodness "Ed" is keeping me company"
1753275227,"neutral","munichmacy","Hello World"
1753275237,"fun","VesperLynd007","sunday is runday- outta bed and onto the road"
1753275280,"neutral","nvartist","@kevinpollak Penguins win in OT, probably why you were busy.  One more game to win."
1753275323,"love","surbhiraj","Happy Mother's Day!"
1753275358,"happiness","mafraederscheid","@Buffalokid Thanks for the feedback. Surreal life, surreal oils"
1753275375,"love","RochelleReyes","@NathanFillion Your window ledge is decorated quite appropriately. I love it"
1753275383,"neutral","Mach1Music","@poeboyandy actually workin from home tonight...  you?"
1753275444,"happiness","candylbc","@MusicalChilly Thank you and u too lady!!!!"
1753275489,"neutral","JoshuaMcClain","@TwiztidRose I'm digging your twitter picture"
1753275492,"love","shannasaurusREX","Ive got the greatest boyfriend in the world. I love him so so much."
1753275525,"happiness","tirzaroemokoy","@lulliecarole that was delicious! lets have a walk sometimes with you and your hubby.. and others! me misses you"
1753275540,"love","newcutegirls","http://www.eabeauty.net - The world of beauty and pretty girls   I'm testing new version"
1753275565,"neutral","TheSUPERGIRL","@kat15lee Yups!  I still have a lot of pruning of unfollowers to do. It takes  time"
1753275709,"surprise","demiswissfan","@hanastephenson I'm good! thx.  and how are u? what are u doing?"
1753275827,"love","Zombulator","@aerform I love you so much.  Just got into my hiding spot, gonna go check out datalounge"
1753275863,"neutral","danielleroxy","family matters, followed by roseanne"
1753275871,"happiness","fizgig75","Last week I had 516 hits on my guinea pig pictures on webshots! And I didn't even promote them! Way to go"
1753275971,"fun","PegasusAngel","#SanctuarySunday @nirroca yay for #Sanctuary, I may watch Requiem after breakfast!"
1753275990,"love","FrenchTeamVF","@DougieMcfly Haha dude, we have the same b-date :p I'll wish u ur b-day the 3oth November. I'll also turn 16  Can u reply to me please ?"
1753276035,"worry","cassieewassie","This is to all the people who have MySpaces: PLEASE ADD!!! http://wwww.myspace.com/fiftyfivethreads it's my friend's clothing line"
1753276036,"relief","fakkedap","@calikara22 @darthamandar @trippplesweet grats to aaron and christine"
1753276039,"neutral","Freakonomy","Ppl dont miss out on me on this Follow Superstar Sunday"
1753276055,"happiness","stellarxnadja","@burbankhays ohhh I remember when you gave your dad a shoutout at the mcr at MSG show last year. that was so sweet"
1753276209,"neutral","ClassicalGamer","Totaly smell like camp fire now lol its gross to feel the dirtiness but the smell seem to just relax me  i wonder why:S"
1753276242,"neutral","imcute519","@awalliewall my *mom*(not aunt haha) and uncle were both adopted with very diff adoptive stories. if you want to chat sometime lmk"
1753276249,"neutral","soulsweetness","@LYNETTE21XL when u go, LMK. Let's go together"
1753276269,"worry","cupkakebuttons","@jesssseca i won't make u cry"
1753290727,"surprise","voyamis","Wow - the dude said I was better than Bobbi Lewis.. never heard the guy - but I take that as a compliment  (just read the BL web site)"
1753290782,"happiness","assiram13","is wishing everyone a blessed & beautiful Mother's Day!"
1753290804,"neutral","vegetablepie","tweeterizing from a mobile"
1753290823,"worry","vulcansmuse","@Caps_Girl Girl, those are bangin' shoes!!!  Work it!"
1753290886,"neutral","himatako","@Archeia_Nessiah Yeah I will  In fifteen minutes or so."
1753290937,"happiness","RHICHo_O","@MariahCarey "VISION OF LOVE" Play now "i had the vision of luv n it was aaaaaoOUoOuoOUU that u..turn out..toOoo" Mariah this ur part"
1753290956,"fun","DDRFanatic682","BWAHAHAHAHA! Shut the fuck up... @BarryManilow is TOTES following me right now! Who made the account? Made me giggle like a school girl!"
1753290965,"empty","ashycee","Uber Bored ATM, after Out of the Blue, will have shower, then watch house or numb3rs (vid) then CSI + CSI NY + Bones Double . .. . YAY!"
1753291002,"neutral","mo3ath","@Shouq take a nap bedalii"
1753291015,"happiness","amleht21","Twas a good show. I even liked Ciara's last song.   Time for me to go to bed. G'night!"
1753291017,"relief","noodleblue","@RetroRewind You're a good friend Dave.. we can wait!! Hope we dont have to wait too long though"
1753291098,"hate","MrsKimberly","The best thing about Ciara. She just finished singing!"
1753291101,"empty","cursedbyevil","Has about 10 hours work to do, on a Sunday. Boo. I will find time for a two hour lunchbreak though. Yeah"
1753291120,"surprise","pathik","@krazyfrog I got me to watch it.  Recommend some other kickass shows too. Phast!"
1753291190,"love","kahoy76","@katyperry it's Under a Honeymoon by The Good Life"
1753291247,"happiness","simonsinfield","@paulbay1028 Bit of a lie -in. Eaten all the bread.  It's way too good to giveaway."
1753291281,"neutral","_emmajane_","@talesfromthepit Loved your blog from the MusiCares event, good work"
1753291283,"love","_savi","@therealsavannah Today was fun  <333"
1753291284,"neutral","imcute519","@jaked76 HAHA! 'dont-a tap your last season prada shoes at ME honey""
1753291321,"neutral","MummaBear","@richardepryor you can use my alotment"
1753291340,"happiness","euan","@snowded nice one"
1753291356,"neutral","tshamg","just started twittering"
1753291677,"relief","burjwazi","@angelistic u understand now why i keep telling u MAKE A TWITTER app that understand MY NEED"
1753291715,"love","iamkhayyam","@sharonhayes: "Congrats my friend on ruling Canada @iamkhayyam *hugs&gropes*" Just for today I'm #1  ? http://blip.fm/~5z3oi"
1753291730,"love","Criss_doll","having a great time with family!! big ups to my bro n sis in law for hanging out  love n peace! {be free}"
1753291745,"neutral","thorsonb","@LCFLORIDA @JPMizDELiCiOUS Lets change this S0ulja B0y te|| em trending topic to, "Soulja  Girl Told em""
1753291786,"neutral","BbyG19","@jimmymarsh617 Just wanted to let you know, that I just heard " I Don't Give a F&@k" on the @RetroRewind online radio program..."
1753291810,"sadness","katherinep","@asombroso bahahaha. I love Gabriel - absolutely fucking hilarious!!!"
1753291861,"neutral","narayankulkarni","Mother's Day Wishes from google... Pretty & beautiful flowers on google logo  http://www.google.co.in/"
1753291957,"empty","Lukegordon","Staying in the mercure"
1753292038,"happiness","DigitalTourBus","Does anyone still play N64 anymore? or Super Nintendo? Weren't those days the best? haha. So many flashbacks!"
1753292065,"worry","Mum_of_Six","@faulko1 was always told to keep sucking something like fruit gums"
1753292184,"fun","iPhoneFuzzball","Day dreaming of Fuzzball and SNL  http://fuzz-ball.com/twitter"
1753292191,"surprise","kmart24","@andmegansaid <<< Just like in HIMYM"
1753292226,"relief","NEWS25LanceWilk","@firedwarftj i was right about the wave off"
1753292229,"enthusiasm","emilio_delgado","Happy Mothers Day mom!  I love you!"
1753292232,"surprise","scggNevaehEden","@kenma321 of course!  i love 24 hr donut shops! he he -yours truly -"
1753292238,"happiness","AndreaBryan","@SelenaGomez selena's mom congratulations' have a nice day"
1753292242,"happiness","Hetty4Christ","He brings SOOO much joy!! Show it!!  great song! ? http://blip.fm/~5z3oq"
1753292261,"surprise","sassykai","Just saw Star Trek with the boo.. Now off to bed! Never again will I go to a Vallejo theater. hAppy mOthErs dAy to all!! I love my mommy"
1753292300,"love","cuteredshoes","@And_OKeefe Yay! You're on Twitter! You're my secret celeb crush!  (too much info??)"
1753292304,"neutral","thenameisneish","happy mother's day! everyone have a great day and make sure you go see ya mommas"
1753292357,"relief","sarah2557","Home at last 1 more day till my weekend begins!!"
1753292358,"love","Hetty4Christ","He brings SOOO much joy!! Show it!!  great song! ? http://blip.fm/~5z3oq http://ff.im/2L63l"
1753292412,"love","FrankVarela","@Jewels14333 Happy Mothers Day"
1753292455,"empty","MrsWilliams","@hrmarkus welcome"
1753292510,"happiness","JaneAgbayani","@ReeceReece Kind of, good job though.  I know no better.  I might see you this Friday w/ Arbie."
1753292623,"love","luisgalarza","OK dear tweeps, goodnight! I need 2 get up early 2 say Happy Mothers Day 2 wife n mom"
1753292624,"neutral","bazilahali","i had walkathon this morning.  and i'm among the first who arrived at the finishing line!"
1753292685,"happiness","missybrowneyes","feels at home to be back at church"
1753292737,"happiness","tweety2771","had a great time talkin with Mike tonight for three hrs."
1753292799,"happiness","BlokesLib","@pcsketch I am actually wanting to buy a bus one day & turn it into a motor home. Imagine a whopping big BlokesLib logo on it"
1753292825,"fun","rossnoise","The most epic weekend I've had in atleast a year. Night cap with @aaron_matthes and @trumpy03. 2 hours of sleep in 3 days! Goodnight"
1753292858,"love","caaassandra","Happy Mother's Day"
1753292866,"fun","LYNETTE21XL","@soulsweetness I will, n btw happy mothers day sissy"
1753292887,"surprise","SirCortez","@SummerSeaweeds Wow that's very Buddhist o_O HOORAY JEWS"
1753292893,"neutral","IWouldSayCathal","Watchin Hannah Montana  Hoedown Throwdown"
1753292949,"fun","coffeecandle","08.05.09 partying at the Pineforest  http://tinyurl.com/ojugsb"
1753292960,"sadness","Fraggle312","Finally home and exhausted.  Work week is over, but I still expect less than 5 hours sleep tonight.  Happy Mother's Day! I luv you Mom"
1753292993,"neutral","KimmiMcfly","@kerri_louise Sweet.  My mum wanted to go see that. Then she didn't but I did :L IN the end, we never went to see it. :/ The film is great"
1753293012,"neutral","jllj_billy","oooh harlow is so sweet"
1753293032,"neutral","hngryO","@ppchen hehe, yes i did change my name. like it?"
1753293039,"neutral","crystalvision99","@keithflaherty  yes my dear    V"
1753293053,"surprise","alicegoudman","thursday night was amazing taylor swift gave me one of her braclets"
1753293084,"neutral","joshtastic1","@vectisdebs no plans are the way forth"
1753293149,"sadness","voyamis","and to think that all I've ever played for is just fun   I suck at marketing and promotion.."
1753293184,"happiness","Cococorrinahhhh","Using my old phone!  gosh! I miss this phone!"
1753293192,"love","Michelle_mbelle","get down tonight: http://bit.ly/QxXhi  the bridesmaids, moms, bride & I rockin' the reception"
1753293246,"neutral","LilithClaire","@Caroljs Nice  I've never been to Spalding but one year I will make it to the flower show.  Is Springfields a good shopping centre?"
1753293298,"love","ladybossy1","Happy Baby Mommas Day!!  to all the>> MOMMAS<< on Twitterville"
1753293338,"happiness","henryb35","@ishaNikki congratss to them"
1753293351,"surprise","deadkidney","@leona_y time really flies my frd..how's you love-hunting mission going? abt time to bring the sexy "yu yung" jacket out"
1753293379,"sadness","krystynchong","@guillermop you should."
1753293435,"relief","ShadiGray","@kenakasoulstar thank you."
1753293551,"neutral","AriesChild","@Karen523 it's ok lol  I think we might do the same dates."
1753293580,"happiness","Siddy71","Good morning World   This will be another wonderfull day, starting with breakfst with champions...  my kids ofcourse"
1753293599,"love","Cinnny","@dada8dee you tooooo dada!!!  such good times!!"
1753293629,"surprise","babyxcrissy","Hella wow .  no doubt ."
1753293641,"neutral","kimmikennedy","@TheFurKing @robertd_16 @TwiceR TY AS WELL"
1753293662,"happiness","NAYKIDD","i just realized im off tomorrow. goin to the beach! who wana come?"
1753293674,"enthusiasm","sheryonstone","here we go.. captain says "shut it down" we are on our way  ? http://blip.fm/~5z3p8"
1753293703,"neutral","LiLi214","@darealTinaT thank u"
1753293748,"happiness","bayhillred","12 more days until CA!! i get to see my paniniii"
1753293835,"empty","ayamiharu","will go out  oh yay me http://plurk.com/p/sv9lc"
1753293862,"worry","KimmiMcfly","@kerri_louise so i can just watch that again  x"
1753293879,"happiness","BB517","@QuiMo haha Mon...Do you really want me too send it?"
1753293896,"neutral","James_Waters","@Lesley_M make sure you watch in HD"
1753293910,"happiness","sjsmart1","@heycassadee SUPER EXCITED. JUST BOUGHT MY TIX TO SEE HEY MONDAY ON 6/20. AGAIN.  ~SVETLANA J. DENVER,CO"
1753293986,"happiness","schmae","Going to get some strawberries for the champagne tonight!"
1753294007,"empty","MattyBulman","@BBlane yeah i work 7 days"
1753294046,"fun","Gotjuicygirl","@lmatechnologies Gotcha ! Let's meet up @ The Twitt Cafe"
1753294062,"fun","Huddylicious","@mzmraz Ha, fun! I think I�ll rewatch (parts of) season 5 today...in preparation for 2morrow night!"
1753294069,"worry","SashaOnline","@iamcomedy how abt we wait til summer, and do this at ur place...ima need somewhere to stay anyways"
1753294115,"surprise","Michaelnuk","@Yorksville ...Yawn is it that time already!"
1753294280,"hate","necolebitchie","@officialtila if I have 5000 friend requests tomorrow, I'm blaming you  nite"
1753294281,"happiness","sexysapphire","@MrHollaOut hahah  u know this mannnnnn trust me ima  freak and  proud of  it"
1753294336,"neutral","S4tisf4ctionz","Hey Girlie, How are you doing?  @ThaMissus"
1753294433,"happiness","benz87","Off to Woolsery this morning to (hopefully) see North Molton U16 clinch the North Devon League title. Lovely day for it"
1753309736,"love","wootitslucy","yummy yummy ice creammm  i hate heels &whoever made this pair."
1753309767,"neutral","N0R3","thanx @MsLaurenLondon"
1753309792,"love","armalinda","scan my childhood photos hahah its soo fun"
1753309840,"fun","LisaW1975","is having a lazy sunday"
1753309879,"sadness","candyGOREx","im slowly losing followers one by one."
1753309953,"worry","livingbello","Omg soo tired! On my way home! Long busy day ; had fun meeting new people and catching up with some people!"
1753310024,"neutral","JustVox","@MadisonMitchell I'd help you if I weren't poorer than you lol! I'm mexican living in .mx, which automatically makes me 13 times poorer"
1753310026,"enthusiasm","OrgaSAM","could do with some bacon and egss. mm"
1753310108,"worry","Stanto","Huh @kaichanvong ? What's wrong with UNIX environment dev's ?"
1753310143,"neutral","BlokesLib","@pcsketch I'm considering buying one of these. Hence the 'Monk" look   http://bit.ly/9VbzG"
1753310174,"love","copyheart","@PerryMarshall  I was seeing only one side of it, but it looked interesting.  And deep."
1753310240,"happiness","BeccaASchroeder","You know you're up too late when the TCU nightly scan starts! Oh well, I graduated today"
1753310243,"happiness","_MissDeville","had cold rock, choc mint+bubblegum+cookie+flake+nerds= YUM!!!! XD .  had a fun day."
1753310261,"love","IngridSalta15","@Brandiheyy have a Happy Trip!!"
1753310290,"neutral","FISHKINZ","@Orcon DMed you."
1753310315,"neutral","jasonmitchener","@Whipoorwill You must like my song."
1753310326,"neutral","lisacapone","@SweetAmes - That Jasper clip is my first "favorite" Twitter message."
1753310359,"worry","steph1227","@4everBrandy Looking forward to your show tonight! Enjoy your time in Belgium"
1753310430,"fun","marteinn_se","Now, lets do funkey stuff, talking with magento, through xmlrpc with codeignite and output with amf (Zend) to flash"
1753310433,"neutral","TheRealDod","@giladby In rural #thailand, 2630 is considered posh"
1753310504,"love","Mig177","Im sending this to my mother!  http://bit.ly/1aa1RF"
1753310583,"neutral","SBlove_crafts","@Tinkersdamn ah yours is better! enjoy"
1753310611,"sadness","fiercescouting","@theaidenash hey hunny bunny, what's a weekend? is that like a day off or something?"
1753310888,"neutral","lostintheforest","@pennydog nope! especially as you have just got them and they're still settling"
1753311068,"surprise","newwavemarketer","@MariSmith last week @crozfromoz and I interviewed @waynemansfield and we told him you are the FB queen! Glad to see you both connected"
1753311094,"happiness","DGimme","Happy mother's day and to the god mother's and step mother's too...."
1753311096,"happiness","florianvick","the sun is waking me up. what a beautiful day"
1753311105,"happiness","skoop","@madberry TestFest was weer een groot succes"
1753311156,"happiness","michaelmknight","@rebeccao372 Thats ok  Yeah I had a good night thanks. Glad you did too. Hope you enjoy your BBQ"
1753311171,"enthusiasm","KeshLondon","@marafromci its bout smoking weed"
1753311178,"love","becccasgotit","watching W. with jas. i love my brother he's my best friend"
1753311267,"surprise","dmbsredhead","@slessard thank u, thank u, thank u for everything this weekend!! U guys are AMAZING. I'll see u again at alpine! Thx for chattin w us 2!"
1753311322,"happiness","kyIejames","@LesleyER Its goin good takin it easy ths weekend  Im preparing for the big events comin up for me U girls INSPIRE me 2 do great things!!"
1753311429,"love","majaricious","@mrskutcher A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. Happy Mother's Day"
1753311487,"love","jovialjasmine","I really should rant about my bad day but I wont.  I am grateful for my mother, Gma & other powerful & influential ladies my life!!! ILY"
1753311494,"fun","THe_RuGGeD_MaN","@Rajkumari22 o snapppp look who i found on twitter lollll"
1753311535,"love","carlaferrer","Hunny was here today  or should i say last nite. Haha. 5 months<333"
1753311711,"neutral","Boardies","@Diond408 ooooo I was/am using the iPhone version, I just use the web and sometimes twidget on my mac"
1753311741,"neutral","MsNessa","@djenemyofnts @NemoIsBack @JPMizDELiCiOUS Goodnite sexy twiggas"
1753311804,"love","jessicacestari","great night! great peolple!"
1753311848,"happiness","Karilo13","@adnamay nite nite bday girl  have fun at concert"
1753311852,"relief","hallucinations","@kgopal Ah! Thank you!"
1753311858,"worry","kkkkyle","This site made me "lol", take a look when you can: http://bit.ly/zUjKf"
1753311902,"neutral","mick_rooney","good morning to everyone"
1753311925,"happiness","andreaurbanfox","@tim_buckley Good morning from sunny London...sounds like an oxymoron but happens to be true of today  Hurrah!"
1753311929,"happiness","CindyheartsJon","@jonathanrknight so great to hear from u again today! U r the best! Cannot wait to see u on the cruise!!! <3 Cindy with the sign"
1753311984,"love","S4tisf4ctionz","Never better! I had to follow some local Tweeples! It's only right!  @ThaMissus"
1753312082,"happiness","Babybandit","@cactopus - You too, thanks for completing  Calvin Appreciated"
1753312137,"neutral","KatManalili","had a great day...and now I'm off to bed. tomorrow I'm back in sd"
1753312151,"surprise","nineight","I somehow miss you."
1753312266,"neutral","findingmickey","if u missed #disney pirates skit on SNL http://bit.ly/p1p6F"
1753312364,"happiness","vulcansmuse","@jodiontheweb Isn't that hilarious? Hope you saw the Crosby is a douche shirt I picked up and wore bc of it."
1753312388,"worry","DonovanGentry","@porquechutzpah Their coming tomorrow morning and it's sort of an impossible task. I just need to clear some space. Thanks though"
1753312406,"worry","nikadudkina","Woke up really late today. Just had breakfast. Planning to stay home, watch TV shows and do nothing. Eat too."
1753312412,"worry","stephanieobrien","Best show of my life. Guess I'm going to sc this week"
1753312496,"happiness","athenavirtus","thnkn bout yesterday..best day ever!& 2day Virtus vs Treviso at da futurshow..hard game,gotta win! FORZA RAGAZZI!!!"
1753312530,"neutral","Rhi133","@nkotbgadget Follow me please, so I can DM you..."
1753312558,"love","evelynsharma","@kman_19 aw check out what i JUST posted http://eveinbangkok.blogspot.com  i really admire your mom. she's a strong woman. god bless her"
1753312623,"neutral","NOVAscotiaa","Yay finished my journal. Gonna go sleep now. Church tomorrow. Yay!  don't forget it's MOTHERS DAY!"
1753312737,"worry","JPTG","Good Morning!!! Work and then it's ESPN's Sunday night Baseball. hopefully it won't get rained out"
1753312744,"sadness","inselelfe","i have no swine flu! because of the temperature screening here i feel like a criminal with my cold."
1753312756,"worry","Irv25","@DawnRichard OMG!! I done died and went 2 heaven...thanks so much 4 the response...I'm cryin' right now...Luv ya!!"
1753312759,"neutral","simplyshei","happy mothers day... *i love you mom...*"
1753312762,"enthusiasm","lostintheforest","@thebirchtree i'll try sort that fabric out for you today...been a busy bee!"
1753312788,"neutral","devyra","@lotusheartbreak Yeah, I'll probably 'stop' when ALL of my stories are completely finished. That won't be for a while though. Wide awake."
1753312816,"happiness","PeanieWeenie","@henryandfriends thank for Thinking of us and caring"
1753312822,"happiness","sinfulsignorita","@cookiemonster82 ohhh yea it is from the same film  and this one had been a fave for a longgggg time... any1 for humma humma?"
1753312921,"happiness","itsuhrapp","trying this out with my sweet lil iPod... I am totally nerding out. and... totally ok with it"
1753313010,"love","Trixie75","@CptCswife Thanks!!!!  Happy Mother's day to you too!!"
1753313024,"neutral","hugomttz","@kendraamichelle  hi kendra whats up? follow me"
1753313034,"neutral","iGustavo","@KateEdwards yay, you get to ride on the tow truck. How cool is that?"
1753313043,"fun","cookiemonster82","As kids, this is how we attempted to dance http://digg.com/u12xAo No idea to what the words mean,but the moves are so cool!"
1753313052,"happiness","omgjenna","Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers!!"
1753313181,"happiness","misssarahb","had fun at her b-day celebration."
1753313214,"surprise","carekoba","surprisingly liked Star Trek (contrary to the theory that star wars fans are anti trekkies)"
1753313219,"happiness","spokkeh","Ordering pizzas, watching Diggnation, trying out Tweetdeck. All is good"
1753313248,"happiness","SynCitee","home! tonight was so much fun! goodnight twitterbugs!"
1753313257,"worry","angel26121979","@nick_carter http://twitpic.com/3mdce - ONE ROAD, WHERE IS THE DESTINATION?"
1753313276,"neutral","elderwand","HOME!!!  from my relatives. my sissy, @jennyisms, posted pics of her and our cupie cousin Audrey.  ???"
1753313277,"worry","Nate_da_gr8","@selenagomez u should tell ppl where u'll be in vancouver."
1753313301,"happiness","djaudissey","@netmogul actually, i play keyboards for pohaku lol. we played a 12st bday earlier and now i'm spinning at the shack"
1753313382,"happiness","ListenKnowDream","I had fun at Daisy's Mexican Fiesta ."
1753313408,"relief","charlotterich","@natzini 16lbs is still a huge achievement though"
1753313510,"love","Hyperopia","@Claire_Cordon LOL that split second of peace is truly amazing"
1753313514,"love","Happigoluckee","Had a neat mothers day - nothing flash, just some chillin time with my girls"
1753313524,"happiness","MelanieFinance","@ArchNiaLeitl Hello my friend...you found me on GBW? How are you doing? Glad to see you twitter but I have to learn German"
1753313541,"neutral","SkinCareDoc","Be beautiful        http://www.theskinsociety.com"
1753313555,"worry","france_normandy","@holidayrooms Whoah, slow down, you're filling my screen! Maybe more effective if you spread tweets out?"
1753313631,"love","Joannethecat","@roccoman aww you are so helpful  we getting sweepy here, sis says we can have whipped cream before bed , i save u some"
1753313659,"happiness","dibbbles","wooh! 100th tweet  i have no life xD"
1753313676,"surprise","Cerysemusic","@Ryan_Robert ha that was ages ago!  youre in LA right? the weather is much better there..."
1753313772,"neutral","natobasso","@rgoodchild I think that normally we are drawn to people familiar or similar to us. The cougar thing is for some quick fun."
1753313816,"love","weezonkilla","@DerrickWayneJr  she was sleep and then she woke up to check on me see if i was cold or hot i love my mom"
1753313834,"neutral","karmadillo","@juliankimmings Never touched a drop, me!"
1753313837,"worry","KrisGye","Watching "Hostage"! Also got an idea for that animation i'm making. Hope to have it ready and post a link here by the fifth of June"
1753313855,"happiness","sanja_jay","i find John Mayer's tweets mighty entertaining for a hearty laugh...so thanks John"
1753313899,"worry","pilepgumpy","Chris pine, please be mine.  haha"
1753328074,"happiness","dmbsredhead","@irishprincess41 it was great to meet ya katie...awesome shows for sure!! Safe travels home."
1753328084,"sadness","Cubikmusik","@paulmwatson not gonna ask what a boom boom is!  morning."
1753328235,"neutral","krystynchong","@wrecktify LOL ok we gotta get the folks from Microsoft and live360 in WA to hire me."
1753328254,"happiness","LittleStarXx","@Jason_Manford Awww thats such a lovely thing for u to say to me  are u doing any in manchester? x"
1753328321,"love","myzdelilah","happy mommys day!"
1753328452,"worry","theapple","oops! ignore last post  meant to be a direct message!"
1753328512,"sadness","KenKopin","Crap. I have lost the game more times today than any other day in history.  #lostthegame (Blame @meekakitty )"
1753328518,"neutral","humerfred","@solangeknowles www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FtuV3xMrN0"
1753328663,"neutral","imJustOut","Beer pong! yee"
1753328670,"fun","Klemharris","can't sleep... Thinking of holidays"
1753328676,"happiness","sooejay","Fab sunny day"
1753328677,"happiness","bamboobuddha","Celebrated Mother's Day with the best lamb roast lunch followed by a box of Cadbury's shared around the table. It was a wonderful day"
1753328713,"fun","hsuthar","@gulpanag watching dor on utv movies again great performance"
1753328721,"relief","TeresaHonoursMC","@calypsominerals haha well, kinda! I'm Mommy to my lil' pom-chi  hehe  thank you! ;)"
1753328734,"neutral","Teppotastic","@shuttler oooh that's clever. I bow to your economic wisdom sensei"
1753328798,"relief","johnjohnman","I'm sooo hyper! And I don't even know why! Hahahahaha!"
1753328808,"worry","Reptar01","@_ahseya_ cool i want you to take a look at this and tell me what you think"
1753328818,"fun","reba_marie","@jillieface lol very much appreciated!!!  so excited!!!"
1753328898,"neutral","Samyak_timmi","fuck maaaaannnn.. its holidayzzzzz..."
1753329015,"happiness","jjbaby0409","Sex on the beach, cosmo, kamikaze, captain america, ahhh fun night. Still not over."
1753329044,"worry","GeekMommy","@jedwhite - hey, they're at least in PST! You & I are even later... wait, that's not good, is it?"
1753329069,"empty","mjthomas7980","Watching Season 7 of GG!"
1753329120,"enthusiasm","adecembertruth","@RussellBfan90 ah its getting there  still a fair bit to go, but it's coming together fairly well! aw  where are you from?"
1753329148,"love","abbiiix","I really wanna see the Jonas Brothers in Novemeber but I need to find someone to come with me!  xx"
1753329149,"surprise","stonermc","@dagadong  do you remember them all.... do not take that as a challenge to!"
1753329168,"neutral","lme002","Going to bed after a great night with a friend  glad to know she has the same feelings about classes as someone else"
1753329216,"enthusiasm","Littlebird3107","@ChrisAxe Thank you. Keep it down, there's a good lad."
1753329250,"love","jaredcesare","happy mothers day to all the baby mommasss! rofl"
1753329254,"surprise","KatsManDEW","@QuiMo You know I love me some Jordie...but that is not the best version of CG, admit it....lol..."
1753329266,"neutral","amylovesro5204","http://twitpic.com/4wppe - we are one hott couple  eventho this was a few yrs ago but we still r"
1753329274,"surprise","claesogren","wonderful Gerrard scores 2 and we're at the top of the league for the moment.. Hopefully City helps us today.."
1753329390,"surprise","XGraceStAcKX","@torilovesbradie aww bradie loves perth  I love the ad at the top of his page too lol xx"
1753329433,"neutral","Hanaw","http://twitpic.com/4wppg - Oh yeah  Bring on Morning tea tomorrow."
1753329435,"love","MCRIsAPleasure","@jasminezarasani haha iya. your welcome sist!"
1753329504,"love","MMelissa","home sweet home  sleeping until monday I hope."
1753329523,"neutral","franck_dollarz","@keitaeden Sent u a few DM's..Hollaback"
1753329588,"fun","CSI_PrintChick","@RetroRewind Joe's version is pretty but it's a sleeper.  Shouldn't be played at 1am."
1753329671,"worry","Katrinaaa_x","@fromblueskies Just wanted to point out that on Youtube, you have more subscribers than Tom Felton. Thought that might make you happy."
1753329722,"happiness","Mothman_","watching freo on a sunday arvo is a good hobby"
1753329729,"happiness","jpjnic","liking my fake tan orange colour"
1753329847,"neutral","HelloLizzi","@ohaiijess that's odd as it's on my lap  maybe that's your cat O: s:"
1753329860,"neutral","gaborcsigas","Browsing digital art tutorials (like those found at Henning's site: http://bit.ly/WJg5A ), refreshing my knowledge... and then my skills?"
1753329862,"neutral","achitnis","A movie's worst fate used to be "Straight to DVD". Now it is "Straight to DivX" or "Straight to Internet""
1753329888,"happiness","TrcyGotSeoul","is updating you LIVE from Benihana of Tokyo in Waikiki  Happy Birthday Mark!!!"
1753330066,"neutral","NMG2409","just relax"
1753330069,"worry","charlotterich","@natzini Oh no, that's so annoying! I have the same problem - 14 thighs but 10-12 hips! I hope they catch up soon"
1753330275,"happiness","5FDeathPunch","Chillin' following some cool people!"
1753330276,"fun","obeyjef","http://twitpic.com/4wppn - This is how wild at down and derby... TRNDS3TRS"
1753330377,"fun","KayteeOrmond","sup guys, just downloaded tweetdeck, gettin a move on right now : D tweet me some nice clothes sits or summat  x"
1753330409,"happiness","aedrian_shaene","Had a good time at Flap-a-taco with @daveyboyonline, @LadyLaurali, and @CesYeuxBleus"
1753330412,"happiness","fryfan20","@loris_sl happy sunday to you to"
1753330459,"love","msblueoctober","WISHING ALL THE MOTHERS A VERY SAFE & HAPPY MOTHERS DAY"
1753330460,"surprise","camillawalker","off to my cousins confirmation + confirmation party"
1753330468,"happiness","darrenmonroe","What Darren on Linkedin? YES!   Just say your a twitter friend I NEVER IDK people! http://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenmonroe"
1753330477,"neutral","gsuveg","green computing http://bit.ly/8gb8R"
1753330503,"enthusiasm","gabegonz","@biomedwiz miss u too. I'm still at a club...u know...west coast shit!"
1753330665,"happiness","kirstlovesdelta","@jobondi Awsome thanks Jo...Can't wait for her to be on  xx"
1753330775,"neutral","BB517","@megspptc @BJoie Yeah, what Megs said...when the After Block Party is ovah"
1753330820,"neutral","Upstatemomof3","@4boys4now denial can be very powerful"
1753330849,"neutral","zoanca","mozert requiem tonight"
1753330867,"worry","Katiiffluff182","Getting anxious for Blink- 182's new album!"
1753330893,"neutral","noobcook","simple recipe for creamy spaghetti with bacon, corn, mushrooms and peppers  http://bit.ly/KtfBR"
1753330914,"worry","NiksieThePixie","@victoria1810 im so fucking proud of you"
1753330946,"love","thenewbmw","i just read the sweetest story in the entire world  love it http://bit.ly/118lGL"
1753330957,"love","indrawati","Decode by Paramore is a great song... Love it..."
1753330969,"love","kiannabanks","@RealWizKhalifa courtney seems like a cool chick & shes pretty"
1753331070,"neutral","bjkxy25","Update 100"
1753331093,"happiness","mjthomas7980","Ps... I got Ben Button today... completes my Best Picture noms....got all 5 now. It was a GREAT year!!"
1753331223,"neutral","lindatusti","@ddlovato http://twitpic.com/4vtlm - awww, she is really cute"
1753331237,"happiness","xJerryx24","alkaline trio was sweet, saves the day sucked.  but i had a great time anyways.  it was awesome seeing everybody and hangin out"
1753331308,"neutral","TheEmilieH","Just got on twitter"
1753331311,"surprise","philipwang","@trixchasin suh-weet! perfect timing."
1753331319,"happiness","evAllTimeLow","'Allo there twitter  how are we today?"
1753331445,"worry","lionofjudah56","@igobypambeasley glad you could make it"
1753331449,"neutral","richardwilko","Nearly grand prix time"
1753331493,"happiness","zoanca","mozart requiem tonight"
1753331537,"enthusiasm","JoanneRighetti","@Beati3 moving from rod to justin, even persuaded sons to join me"
1753331565,"neutral","badands","@escurel jessiebear  i need to think of more names to call you.."
1753331581,"love","OhLookATree",""Ooh-ooh... it's SHINY". An dmore awe-tastic quotes from THE BEST ANIMATED MOVIE EVER coming up"
1753331665,"happiness","Shawna311","@LunarLife hes definitely my fav host ever!  Can't wait to watch the rest tomorrow!!"
1753331666,"fun","scurb_se","Ah, lets start working! Livingroom here I come"
1753331737,"fun","swimnegget","Wow, such a crazy night of ever changing emotions! I liked it tho"
1753331750,"surprise","ashleamoon","@alannahclaire my your rather random."
1753331774,"worry","aedrian_shaene","Flap-a-taco was nice until the plebs came in."
1753331791,"love","locsei","Yes! Cold coffee from yesterday. No sugar, no cream !  The way I like it !"
1753331806,"neutral","hummbaby","At branding iron with drea! White boubous and cowgirls can get down! Haha crunk! For the next couple hours! Haha fun times!"
1753331834,"happiness","IvyJones","For those of us who's hearts break a little more this time of year know that you are loved and next week is a new week."
1753331856,"neutral","xjamezyx","Cock Please"
1753331881,"love","ddubscovergirl","@retrorewind ok, i believe you now and it was worth staying up for..joe macs version  i luv being covergirl..will luv it more after next 1"
1753331915,"love","hollybarakat","@chasepino oh chase. i love you. you make me laugh & btw you were surely were dropped on the head as a baby."
1753331922,"happiness","Shashlye","Woah!! Awesome show!! Glad to be back at the hotel, though.. Nightie night and Happy Mother's Day to all you mommy's!!"
1753331986,"neutral","S_Wash","@rhettmatic happy birthday!!"
1753332047,"love","Quimo","@KatsManDEW No I LOVE Jordie's version as well as Joe's and Donnie's ALL 3 are DIFFERENT"
1753332064,"sadness","heykim","@bluecat7 absolutely tru...the horror of it still washes ovr me sometimes if i think  abt the actual last days, but the gd memories go on"
1753332136,"happiness","ksaucee","time always seems to fly when im with wade, its weird; but i like it... a lot!"
1753332170,"neutral","MelissaJohnsen","@BruNYC okay dokay... coming up"
1753332175,"neutral","blazinx_","I hit up that special and ordered a sound bar from woot.com."
1753332219,"relief","laurawrsaurus","you are acting like 5 year olds   @player112345 @Carole09"
1753346604,"neutral","anapaula02","@Jonasbrothers see you..... 08.08.09"
1753346698,"fun","Luvlynikki","hey hey hey!  lol."
1753346737,"neutral","aerobic247","heading of to spin"
1753346743,"love","sharonhayes","Kinda feeling in a reggae mood.... hope you all enjoy the smoothness on this lovely weekend"
1753346760,"worry","NiGhT_RaVeN13","I can't open my eyes properly, maybe if i sleep for a lil' while longer it'll fix itself"
1753346825,"happiness","teenymum","Enjoy your hols  xxx"
1753346855,"neutral","Hyperopia","@Lesley_M Awww, our Mother's day has been and gone :o(.  No work today, off out witht he camera in a little while, hopefully"
1753346947,"sadness","mile3177","first time in weeks to see the clear blue sky"
1753346962,"fun","bjeanes","Just got back from Apple Store in Robina. Managed to get a replacement iPhone because it couldn't access the web properly. So shiny"
1753346968,"neutral","Skiingfreak77","Tomorrow i mean anna"
1753347012,"neutral","karmadillo","@gabysslave haha no chance, I tweet rubbish back!"
1753347111,"happiness","Monica_Star90","Well off 2 bed...cant wait 2 party 4 Mother's Day in like 14 hours or so"
1753347240,"empty","mikewillemsen","should sleep more."
1753347275,"love","1widesi","lovin' my new blackberry"
1753347288,"surprise","kboboland","@chichic Charlie Brown  What are you doing today? What time is it??"
1753347290,"happiness","emmabphoto","Last night went really well. Got some cracking shots"
1753347376,"neutral","AnnoyingTweeple","@outlawontheedge If I may suggest: http://tr.im/kXkw"
1753347449,"happiness","Jennifers00","@sooj899 LOL  I know what ya mean. Watching everyone else act a fool is much better the  not remembering acting a fool yourself"
1753347540,"fun","bentelil","@amanga46    WOW!  That is so awesome, Andre!   It will be great, I know!  Can't wait.   And you dad's aren't so bad either!"
1753347552,"worry","Mkkaspar1","@lulaeats how was the ice cream?"
1753347576,"happiness","Deathofarobot","@eashmore like, for reals this time guys. Ha. G'night. & happy birthday kid"
1753347606,"neutral","merkzero","@Captain_Phatass hopefully you're up before 8, as meeting is at 8"
1753347624,"love","turquoisefairy","Excited!!! Trousers on their way from Topshop, should be here in a couple of days"
1753347634,"worry","joelogs","@jdlcaro,  In pre-Twitter days, I'd need   to wait  for a formal  invitation  to speak on edu2.0  from @rom  #Y4IT"
1753347682,"boredom","DropDeadRiana","today was boring...harry potter ftw"
1753347695,"neutral","jbee83","@ilhongy would get u some if u were here"
1753347732,"relief","mandagoforth","i'm doin my tweets on my phone so i have on clue how to reply to anyone. but thank u fiercemichi, as soon as i can i'll check it out."
1753347749,"relief","musicjelly","okay.. so i "thought" i was getting sick... but NOPE!!!  HAHAHA PHEW! (sry mike lol - hope you get better soon!)"
1753347752,"relief","StyelSpecialist","<< Finaly Back to home.."
1753347756,"love","ronaldbonte","To all mothers in the world : happy mothers day"
1753347780,"neutral","michellestrub","@asencil So stinkin' adorable!  I want to come check out the studio"
1753347813,"neutral","x_kelsey","Got a new lyric book!"
1753347863,"happiness","shico80","I had the best weekend ever"
1753347865,"worry","meriisaa","Mama? you're the best thing that ever happen to me. thanks for everything  & and sorry for hurting you... I LOVE YOU!  <3"
1753347927,"neutral","DJMKubatovic","@maryk3lly  i didnt watch star trek yet.... i thought that i will watch it last night ... but i didnt... =( ... i will watch it today..."
1753347976,"happiness","TitanUK","Morning all its beautiful out already, glorious sunshine. Wash and vacum car Done, fill with petrol Done, bbq stuff buy Done."
1753348007,"neutral","bitterSWEETties","@thisisryanross pictures ross."
1753348015,"neutral","ajinkyaforyou","most of da time on gtalk ! pls make my follow count 600"
1753348032,"happiness","MsVFAB","@TerriLPN Thanks, Terri!  I am so excited to pick Parker up on Monday.   I hope he gets along with David! #pixiebob"
1753348125,"worry","GeekMommy","@califmom @sendchocolate - we're getting closer rather than further from REAL lobby dates - Chicago, BlogHer09 - squee!!!"
1753348161,"love","AngieMacaroni","@sumtxkid loved our lil tent-side jam session/mosh pit!!! EDGEFESSSSSST!!!"
1753348253,"hate","himynameisalan","@Emoly_ really!? that son of a bitch, screw him, ill talk to on msn later k  xox"
1753348277,"neutral","Shaun_R","Downloaded EeeControl for my Eee PC today. Was playing with the settings to make the fan kick in at 1500RPM if above 55C, 0RPM if under.."
1753348324,"love","zillatron","@griffmiester last time I looked, they were about 400. They gave us a demo, so cool"
1753348458,"neutral","WookieStyle","@Werecat1 good to know   thanks"
1753348516,"happiness","Dine7184","Gooooooood morning, campers!  And happy Mother's Day!"
1753348528,"relief","nettyp","Lol @ me and @kittykatmakeup whispering so we don't get in trouble and being almost 30! Feels great to be home feeling like kids"
1753348544,"empty","merakicore","@markcrecco woot!"
1753348548,"neutral","BearNoiz","@computermuseum http://twitpic.com/4wptj one of my prized mags/book/annuals dunno if any others were published prolly should google it"
1753348555,"hate","mnowluck","Inspite of the spams.. I can't stop losing this twittergadget. I love twitting from Gmail"
1753348602,"neutral","Tani122","Wishing all MOMs a very Happy Mother's Day!!"
1753348653,"neutral","Dag_Intern","There mite be a article in the trib bout portia, keep an eye out for it."
1753348704,"worry","cozadboy14","I feel 5 pounds lighter"
1753348754,"neutral","Rajkumari22","@THe_RuGGeD_MaN hi vishal"
1753348757,"fun","megspptc","@BB517 sounds like a plan.....yea excited now"
1753348779,"neutral","judez_xo","@andcasey sweet! make sure to put some in your bag for me"
1753348836,"neutral","Oaia","I can has cheeseburger"
1753348866,"neutral","fryfan20","@singitback82 no you didn't,  not more then me anyway"
1753348873,"fun","skibbymeow","@adecembertruth hey adt, guess what. my princelple's number plate is adt�000 well its not 000, i just dunno the numbers."
1753348995,"surprise","kricket_rc234","@alyssa905 Ooh, there you are, haha. Thanks, posted it!"
1753349013,"neutral","KimmiMcfly","@kerri_louise Aw, do you have the McFly calendar?  x"
1753349021,"neutral","dauche","fel�z dia de madres  | happy mothers day"
1753349049,"neutral","debbiye","is watching life of ryan"
1753349070,"love","majaricious","@DENISE_RICHARDS A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. Happy Mother's Day"
1753349127,"neutral","Hyperopia","@Claire_Cordon LOL, you're welcome"
1753349164,"fun","dreamitliveit","morning!  well excited dancing down the park todayyy! should be good!  wooo c'mon venue!  xx"
1753349179,"neutral","aedrian_shaene","I think @daveyboyonline sure looked sexy in the hat that belongs to @cesyeuxblues"
1753349191,"happiness","cindyongko","this is my movie weekend!! i've watched 5 movies so far"
1753349218,"neutral","GeorginaB_blah","going out for dinnerr soon. thai"
1753349230,"surprise","ameliavillani","MY UNCLE BRUCE MORROW WAS JUST ON THE NEWS!"
1753349261,"relief","gm_s","@millportonian Don't worry. You'll be 38 soon"
1753349272,"relief","kylabean","Last library day before Doomsday. Urgh. Was nice to wake up with my J-bum though. He's still sleeping now. Cute"
1753349370,"sadness","SimonPow","Morning all. Up and about and about to wash the car. Remind me; Why did I choose white again??  http://bit.ly/Y92Mb"
1753349455,"worry","InfectedBoot","4am. And Im on the beach. Pretty"
1753349544,"worry","Pattie96740","@konaish Do you know if you text to 40404, it'll go to your twitter after you set it up with the settings.  And FB posts - text to 32665."
1753349615,"neutral","abhishek_b","@scorpfromhell The latest season doesnt air on any of the Indian tv channels. So, I kinda download the episodes / view them online"
1753349625,"worry","Dani_P7","@crazyjen85 gotta love the summer"
1753349651,"happiness","pwscho","got a new dog"
1753349669,"neutral","LANjackal","Upgraded Exact Audio Copy to v0.99pb5"
1753349717,"relief","grum","@pantone801 heh, thats the same theme I used on http://leetbix.net"
1753349739,"neutral","skinnylatte","@grasswren hahaha maybe it was certain groups of juniors.  hello, and what are you doing in Korea? We're all over the world!"
1753349749,"love","TyCody","@kristensaywhaa Good deal! Im doing good thank u   The one about me loving my mom?"
1753349780,"happiness","espoir21","what a beautiful morning! nice to be out"
1753349845,"happiness","anniesayshii","Watching Everything Is Illuminated  and dreaaaming<3"
1753349914,"neutral","mannyfresh88","its ROUND THREE TONIGHT!!"
1753350052,"neutral","kingbasic","@FASHIONISMYLIFE just giving shouts to all my peoples in Twitterville"
1753350084,"neutral","zada_z","@PejuA LOL NOPE, saw a show on TV that claimed so, figured i'd try and get my own non-media stats"
1753350086,"happiness","BelindaCox","Gorgeous day! Off to Hash around Waterley Bottom - wonderful name for a village! Quiz Mistressing at the Porto this evening"
1753350163,"happiness","HanaStephenson","@demiswissfan yer  i hope the competition doesnt end before i post my video! lol but there are some really good singers who entered....."
1753350199,"enthusiasm","Rebekah_McFly","@amalinaaa You said your getting McFlys live album 2morrow, whats it called?  xx"
1753363410,"neutral","BlokesLib","@pcsketch It would be cheaper to take on The Spirit Of Tasmania (The ship from the island I am on). Busses are expensive to ship"
1753363418,"hate","BearNoiz","@computermuseum shame I dont still have my 286 compaq portable, which was really anything but portable LMAO, last tweet 4 now, toodle pip"
1753363514,"happiness","crucifire","@ankita_gaba evrytime i listen to the name of tat plce i am reminded of Mojojojo from dexter's lab"
1753363544,"neutral","ciscokid_nl","Is twubbing again"
1753363558,"love","Red_sainte","Happy muthath's day to all moms!!! I salute you!"
1753363611,"happiness","alexiswestphal","Just Decorated Moms Room While She Was Asleep For Mothers Day  She'll Wake Up To A Banner And Balloons! Woo!"
1753363637,"neutral","KatelynMichele","Don't 4 get to call your moms tomorrow...mothers day"
1753363713,"happiness","Quimo","@megspptc I don't remember cause I was watching so many on youtube... LOL will get back to you"
1753363826,"worry","leighakristina","mothers day..didnt do anything exciting...saw a movie"
1753363934,"happiness","lotr4000","Happy mother's day everyone!"
1753364032,"love","harleybabe101","Wishing all the mommies out there a very happy day!!!"
1753364165,"worry","mz_icandy","@kaysesoze u drink mor than all th #g1freaks put togetha!"
1753364174,"neutral","itsanimesh","On my way to CP.. Got some work there."
1753364186,"relief","mokargas","@jedwhite Err yeah...me too...can we sue ?"
1753364245,"neutral","Shizzy_","Eating ice cream at swensens"
1753364300,"love","xebex","just sitting here watching my babies, life can be amazing afterall"
1753364334,"love","artbizness","@Joannevance Morning there."
1753364353,"fun","Nicsey","@AhmNoHere Thanks! Didn't watch the movie.Wasn't able to decide. :-/ Hope you had a great time with your friends!"
1753364364,"love","MarkDarnell","@jimmyfallon Hey Man Congratulations On The Graduation Man You'r World Wide Popular In Philippines"
1753364414,"fun","shaunau","@dhanji meet @Marawitch - she is the Zombie expert i believe.."
1753364594,"happiness","dinahlyn","Happy Mother's Daaay!!"
1753364605,"happiness","lauramaddison","watered the tomato plants, pepper plants and lettuce, feeling all homely! off out with Freddie for a fun-packed day"
1753364701,"sadness","ChrisCTB","SCENE SLUTS AT 4AM IS ALWAYS THE SHIT"
1753364719,"love","urbanangel8","@philipwang lol sweet!!! ...i still have yet to watch the 4th movie  hope ur having a lovely weekend! happy mother's day from aus! =P haha"
1753364731,"neutral","PDXvlog","Happy Mother's Day everyone."
1753364780,"neutral","Glad2","@JavaGypsy You'll get the hang soon. I've sent you an email."
1753364815,"love","PembsDave","@Morrica Good Morning to you  I trust you are well ?"
1753364829,"neutral","davidthegreater","@wildarmsheero That's exactly why I follow you."
1753364853,"happiness","shinydragonfly","@RobPattinson444 thank you for accepting my request!! must take care of my little girl, maybe i write back later"
1753364868,"fun","MrJBourne","who's for a boiled egg with soldiers?"
1753364902,"worry","ginader","a bacon roll and a tea and the (hack)day is your friend  #openhacklondon"
1753364914,"worry","kelsey_r","@kay2thetie she's a feisty little cat! she'll keep them on their toes maybe.  yay kitties!"
1753364950,"relief","lwarren17","@BeanJuce thanks, feeling good and off to New Forest later"
1753364967,"neutral","zenbiscuit","En route to Minnebron, where cell reception is notoriously unreliable. Until I tweet again, have a great day yall"
1753364999,"neutral","alexrellosa","Watching the 3rd episode of JONAS"
1753365010,"neutral","shntenchi","@Stillmywords You just noticed this about girls?  Welcome to adulthood!"
1753365019,"worry","valenzetti","Another loser: Crap. I have lost the game more times today than any other day in history.  lost.. http://tinyurl.com/qa4cdv (@ilostthe ..."
1753365066,"happiness","amykate","@FlissTee I think the very late night on Friday just hit me  off to town to meet a friend soon for ice cream and coffee"
1753365269,"empty","khachatour","goodnight world.... goodnight eddplant."
1753365341,"worry","barnicles1","Recogns he could get his assignments out of the way by June  bring it on"
1753365642,"happiness","talltom14","looked up weather for greece this weekend....80 and sunny OMGZ"
1753365656,"sadness","Hoessayoh","Full, thanks for the food Jean  I should have brought that half of the watermelon with me and eat it on the freeway and crash and die."
1753365687,"surprise","emoly28","work was splendid"
1753365730,"surprise","lohang","is listening to music. really happy about !librefm #audacious combination  here's my profile http://is.gd/yopo"
1753365785,"love","Lindsayloo1881","thinks Aaron is pretty darn awesome"
1753365787,"fun","BenMcDonald1","today i salute all mothers and honour the feminine....and now its time for a beer"
1753365813,"relief","KatsManDEW","@BB517 Hey girl, yeah I did..thanks a bunch!! I haven't started downloading them yet...I totally owe you."
1753365871,"happiness","ririnyan","@markii187 Eeee! Hiya!  Haven't spoken to you in ages! How you doing? *enormous hug*"
1753365918,"happiness","MylissaDD","@LittlePinkStone I'm not either. We should have went out *snicker* Although I am enjoying listening to RR and my beer"
1753365930,"love","fabiankr","@AppViz Problems seem to be fixed now! Thank you!"
1753365943,"neutral","laneyvongrimm","conan is so funny."
1753365978,"sadness","sanaguin","HaPPy MothErS Day!!! Feliz Dia deLAS MAdres  mine is already in Heaven.. =( Miss you..."
1753365988,"happiness","TiffanyDow","@commonsense4 Thanks! I appreciate it  I know my unsubscribe list will grow tomorrow LOL"
1753366020,"fun","aflow","@TeeBiscuit - crazy fun! You make that man be nice!  Sri Lanka is a spiritual place, yes?"
1753366035,"happiness","supshawty201","ok.. BEST SNL episode i've seen in a hot minute. Justin is wonderful and Ciara has muscles..the end. G'nitey, tweet tweets!"
1753366051,"neutral","geenah_","just had a gym sesh."
1753366068,"neutral","MandyPandy32","@richardepryor Can I have a splodge of ketchup on mine please?!"
1753366094,"worry","jessabella_","Loves fatty take away nights... yummy  then coming home and facespacing with my roomies"
1753366097,"fun","zaneology","@get2knowpro oh, left off the  smiley face so you knew I was kidding."
1753366121,"happiness","mrjohnjohnson","just got home from work.... and is chugging down a big bottle of apple juice."
1753366184,"sadness","MisaMadness","@BrandenHaydon Yes, I really do."
1753366203,"happiness","treasureblaizin","Is on her way home  aloha and good night everyone!"
1753366224,"love","metalmeagan","<----------- is listening the FUCK out of Lamb of God"
1753366250,"neutral","rnbgenius","@EricIsiah *takes out a $20.00 bill* you can keep the change"
1753366289,"surprise","sokie79","had the best mother's day! breakfast, shopping and lunch, drinks, chocolate galore!"
1753366424,"love","Danqerous","Happy Mother's Day x3 ..Mum? I love you"
1753366581,"love","AwiCutie","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!"
1753366604,"fun","syamantak","@lazycat jass warn me b4 u go to nxt war...i am there to have fun..."
1753366674,"worry","neeett","just got home  but about to leave again"
1753366717,"sadness","margaritanati","@london I miss u like cotton candy  <3"
1753366722,"happiness","PrincessSunja","Wow! That's what I say about star trek.  very cool."
1753366743,"surprise","petterk","Having dinner with my grandma since I couldn't be with my mum."
1753366826,"neutral","hejtii","happy mothers day!  <3"
1753366838,"worry","maddieprior","@PinkyNKOTB hi I'm ok   still not feeling great"
1753366853,"love","janethglz","happy mothers day"
1753366876,"worry","Wo0t","@IIanS I love U2! Lol, I you ever need a slow but good audiobook Oliver Twist is a one I've been listening to lately."
1753366952,"neutral","T_oxygen","@twixer1 got it at answered"
1753367025,"neutral","HeatherBAustin","@LilCease aww what kind of dog do u have? I have a chihuahua named Zoey"
1753367086,"relief","Ms_Hernandez","@kyleterrell Yeah I'm kinda glad I did stay home"
1753367101,"enthusiasm","Oroborus1057","@johncmayer "arrest her" or, anything ending in -est that can be done to her."
1753367141,"happiness","Paul_Areias","This is Really Cool put in a topic and its a twitter show...If your a tweeter twittering twit u got to luv this http://bit.ly/a0nw"
1753367150,"love","CrazyClaude92","Happy Mom's Day to everyone in the US"
1753367164,"love","geeezeLouise","The frank black (and his wifey) show was aaaaaaaaaamazing  sd trip is made!"
1753367197,"love","smiles4dayyz","4:15 finally home from the city.  - now time to head to sleep!!  goodnight! & happy mommy's day to all the mother's out there!!"
1753367225,"hate","amykate","@FlissTee I miss my cats.... But not on Sunday mornings! Mine did that to"
1753367226,"love","AnnoyingTweeple","@outlawontheedge Tofurky.... You owe me a new keyboard now!"
1753367238,"worry","DesiPuspandini","OK tweeps.. sorry. too many twitpic. I'll delete those pics as soon as @serephinaa had 'em copied"
1753367256,"happiness","Angelfish007","@Courageous_one Very much so.  Setting some goals for the next couple of months in preparation"
1753367292,"happiness","MadMaxMel","Nine o'clock on a Sunday morning - Outside, sat around the table enjoying the early rays of sun, reading Twitter article in Sunday Times"
1753367295,"love","identicaupdates","lohang: is listening to music. really happy about !librefm #audacious combination  here's my profile http://is.. http://tinyurl.com/r5o3zj"
1753367304,"happiness","brett","@lauriepercival it was a great wedding! the band was awesome (they played a ton of great 80's songs) as was the food!"
1753367308,"worry","Gabs1468927","@johncmayer or lester....pitcher for the red sox"
1753367316,"happiness","jendeweerd","@stevelensink thanks stephen, appreciate it"
1753367477,"neutral","damarisens","@nickNOTLIVE  eat something!"
1753367478,"worry","metalmeagan","@JustinofG4P i hope you feel better"
1753367489,"neutral","japhun","@wlauw  yea dongggg"
1753367492,"neutral","AblativMeatshld","@pinksage "Thank god you didn't go gay until after you had me...""
1753367494,"happiness","Mandarific","After the sketchy moments at A mtn, the friends and I moved up the trail and sat at the end of the road, just talking and being silly"
1753367509,"happiness","guillermop","@krystynchong that's part of what I've been working on...use the AppStore on the phone  - there's a whole other piece of the puzzle"
1753380657,"neutral","Fish_chat","Burp the Frog  http://is.gd/rae9"
1753380659,"happiness","ShyGirl323","Having dinner at Jiuliani's with family YUM!!!"
1753380779,"empty","Red4Life77","@hollywills   hi holly  i'll volunteer to try it out first for u! hope ur having a fab weekend xoxox..."
1753380790,"sadness","pornstuff","This wraps it up. Well, again a lesson that you shouldn't take nude photos of yourself when you're famous. Or maybe you really should!"
1753380796,"neutral","Monica2112","@claudia215 I'm now a member of the street!!"
1753380826,"surprise","Cairn101","@LoN_Colossus Lol, cheers 'mate'. Yeah it went well thanks"
1753380897,"love","lotr4000","My lovely husband made me breakfast in bed this morning. Who says chivalry is dead?"
1753380904,"love","_justjimmy","@reags_ that's why twitter rocks!"
1753380911,"neutral","benfulghum","Driving home after an ok night  Iwish"
1753380913,"happiness","Domulka","@aNDeeDrummer yeah   when he goes there he always brings us these things. + he just let me last something called "bird milk" and it"
1753380933,"happiness","TMJP","but worth it i spose"
1753380946,"surprise","ashleydanger","jfc, it needs to be the 23rd. i will have been graduated, and i ended up getting AWESOME hook-ups for FTSK and Rocket. so excited!"
1753380960,"love","samster09","@itsAnnaFriel Hey Anna.I bet you look so cute when ur blushing"
1753381079,"hate","amerriell","@Sissillie i honestly hope the theatre gets hit by a meteor before you get there"
1753381126,"happiness","KymStar","Oowweee!!! China club wuz poppin!!! Lipstic n Pumps were in full effect!"
1753381307,"fun","TiffyBeth","Tonight was fun"
1753381310,"sadness","helen_bop","@rebelraising Yeah, that lying in bed thing's a bugger for blocking creativity  Worse if you're pinned down by a pet cat, apparently..."
1753381311,"happiness","NettieGrl","@johncmayer maybe she's funny like a jester"
1753381360,"neutral","StampfliTurci","@Tittch The sweet Swiss Toblerone does his best to come soon and meet fabulous Rita in Chichester"
1753381372,"worry","SASSS09","@bgbrwneyesNY hm... i don't I can recommend any white chocolates though.. you have to move to the 'dark' side first.."
1753381377,"fun","Dontklickhere","Playing "The Simpsons Game" for Nitentdo DS Light *_*"
1753381402,"surprise","KodinLanewave","Mmmm, shower."
1753381439,"happiness","AlOliver","I'm sure all you people with hangovers will be glad to know I'm hangover free  @fjkeogh hope you're not too fragile this morning!"
1753381449,"worry","atomicgirl","@dxpsycho Thanks amigo!"
1753381464,"worry","djLicious89",",:Mother, Happy Mother's Day.... and to all Mom's there......  God Bless yhaw all... ?"
1753381519,"neutral","AlexaGallardo","@Alexa_13 You are"
1753381594,"happiness","bree_gee","happy mothers day"
1753381615,"neutral","fionatay","happy mothers day to all mummmyyysss out there"
1753381643,"happiness","ChunLum","@typezero3 Hehe...until it comes back, your FB friends get a Twitter respite huh? JK!"
1753381742,"surprise","lilpiggynose","Happy Mothers Day. Havent got mom a present yet? Print off an Amazon Gift Card for her!  http://snipurl.com/hq0n1"
1753381772,"love","go_boldly","just noticed that two of the top ten topics on Twitter right now is "Star Trek" and "Spock."   That is so cool!    I am in love with both!"
1753381793,"neutral","carlbarrow","Going to Leeds"
1753381888,"love","brycenguerrero","Ill catch you at the very last second"
1753381939,"worry","limalicas","damn - Apple store is down for updates... what's coming, I wonder?"
1753381944,"neutral","LostMarilyn","@TySeale Mark Twain quote is spot on, my cat is a bugger when it comes to crime! Handy at times"
1753381975,"neutral","louisa92x","@AshleighGrace93 morning ashleighhh  x"
1753382111,"neutral","faranaaz","@beckystarzmcfly  Yes, you should go see Star Trek!  It's sooooo much fun!"
1753382115,"sadness","MiDesfileNegro","@mcrmy_lisa ...one online? Yeah, me"
1753382123,"happiness","ash_kay","@djcmc carls jr sounds hella good, you should bring me some  http://myloc.me/G3o"
1753382133,"sadness","JMBuckett","Mana - Everything they've ever made since 1986"
1753382162,"neutral","MrRobbyM","@TeresaHonoursMC goodmorning/night to you too! sleep well"
1753382224,"love","JustineMorris",": So wonderful to spend Mother's Day with my mum."
1753382251,"relief","samthepenguin","@JamFactory Andy of Crazy Label has found me a Vimto droplet! Yay!"
1753382304,"surprise","ArchNiaLeitl","@MelanieFinance thanks, I found it already"
1753382358,"happiness","_markymark","Watching Nemecek go on her computer, fun!  Lol I keed!  Norms was fun"
1753382366,"hate","escurel","@badands cupcake!!  you can call me anything but "bitch" i suppose..and even then under certain circumstances...."
1753382402,"love","JerseyM_Awesome","@wethedan http://twitpic.com/3pb8j - hahahahahahaha why have i never seen this pic?!?!?!?! lmao!! hey look too cute"
1753382411,"love","love_yazmo","you know you love your mom when you stay up this late just to wrap her gifts (which look glorious) & hand-make a card.. happy mothers day"
1753382466,"happiness","Iluvium","@MaxizPad hahaha! Guess you will have to reinforce your skates, haha... Remember who u r my friend, our semi-God with a gluten intolence"
1753382538,"love","Georgio_1999","Went to the hawksmoor last night and probably had the best  steak I've ever had"
1753382542,"happiness","ReemTeam","@divadivachrissy lol wat u making me come all da way overr there for?v"
1753382634,"love","TaylaGane","@HayleyxWilliams Hey, I love freakin love you"
1753382650,"enthusiasm","pinkalici0us","@MA12CUS - You can do yiiiit!  Night"
1753382737,"happiness","kylapolley","had an awesome day at the zoo yes2dy!!!!! now gettin ready 4 church  yay!!!"
1753382827,"worry","BB517","@BJoie It's my theme song ya know  lol..."
1753382848,"love","torilovesbradie","mum just made me cry coz she said something so sweet to me  i love her so much! MUMS ARE THE BEST!"
1753382849,"love","micasantiago","just got home. Yay!  Hi guys! http://plurk.com/p/svdpu"
1753383100,"neutral","BD247","As old as the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe & everything. That's 42, for all the non-Hitchikers Guide fans"
1753383118,"happiness","mykeamend","@Ivy_Blue - the chauffeur from "Some Kind of Wonderful" was my idea of a perfect woman"
1753383145,"empty","cockerel","@Hyperopia Hi Ok i hope its head comes out of the clouds for you> i love Meadowbank shopping center"
1753383202,"happiness","nwcncr","@Jennettemccurdy http://twitpic.com/4v0vr - cool! you and your mother have awesome hair styles,! Wish her a happy mother's day!"
1753383237,"love","ddubscovergirl","@JordansUKgirl jonathan tweeted a happy mothers day  but that is all..lots from dave @retrorewind though"
1753383288,"happiness","andrewsayer","@ForsakenDAemon Hooray!"
1753383359,"fun","lediscko","and she was all like "dude. I care about you." and it made me smile  yea that teaches me not to drive on E, lol"
1753383381,"love","bexiclepop","@isacullen  yay thanku! *hugs*"
1753383476,"love","pyrroman","@meanpower si de cand ai twtad?"
1753383593,"surprise","filmwithcharles","@niksterz  Get Up, You are NOT old!  What did you do?! =O"
1753383619,"sadness","silly1kay","@yan_ming @affascinare me is gg for summer sch though.. not attachment... yan can go see the blog. check my msn or ask kinny"
1753383621,"neutral","cupcakesfortwo","@utjenn  Do u mean ur tired because u have 2 go 2 work or u got ur Wii 2 work & now ur tired?"
1753383667,"neutral","fazabdulgaffa","@jigang Was pawing thru Elle & saw you innit!"
1753383679,"happiness","Jill88","@janice7092001  I know  lol . I'll grin and bear it"
1753383831,"fun","scribblegurl","totally addicted to xbox carcassonne.  i also really love tomb raider legend.  and still badly NEED bolt."
1753383868,"love","JWALTERSFAU","ofcourse they start fightin aight the party buts its cool theyu held it down now im chillin with my home girl  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY"
1753383901,"happiness","indhub","I'll get my new laptop in 10 more days! Excited! It is Dell Inspiron - core2duo 2.0GHz - 4GB DDR2 - 250GB hdd - 15.6 inches screen"
1753383953,"love","addictedtonkotb","@DonnieWahlberg Ready and waiting Donnie   We love you too"
1753384010,"happiness","thebirchtree","@lostintheforest thanks!  Remember the SAE for the we make stuff too"
1753384012,"love","KarinaSue","What a fun night"
1753384033,"love","zaneology","@cow_grrrl   You have the sweetest children.  You are obviously a great mom. I loved reading your blog w/ their msgs to you.  Kudos."
1753384040,"surprise","PureAngelic36","To Lisa: Yes I know who ur talking about and yes he is an ass. Dont let him get to ya...you have a great thing going with this chris"
1753384072,"love","JKayP","@RetroRewind How much longer is the NKOTB Block Party? Love it! I need to go to bed so just wondering what time it's over..LOL..thanks!"
1753384073,"sadness","wendywings","@KiwiLucy ahhh ;) I know who wins the entire thing, I TRY to avoid these things but it never works"
1753384164,"happiness","MummaBear","@lrpw1302 hey ty for tip, wifi networking is one if my many talents  I'll get on it when I can be bothered LOL"
1753384246,"neutral","MiDesfileNegro","Oh, Happy Mother's Day in those countries where that's what day it is. Mother's Day was March 22nd here"
1753384258,"love","utsche","says again.. happy mothers day to all your moms  http://plurk.com/p/svdsh"
1753384263,"love","SarraSky","Here again  how are u all??"
1753384284,"love","cow_grrrl","@cathjenkin hehe  with milky white skin, dressed in silver spider's silk, with a crown of snowflakes ..."
1753384307,"happiness","anupitkanen","Fantastic weekend - hairdressers, stylish luncheons & a Fabulous girlie night with wine, cheeses & chocolates...And dancing till morning"
1753384327,"worry","deehdeeh1984","@johncmayer if ur as awesome as i think u are u would sooo write me back  a lil something   <--- crossing fingers"
1753384345,"neutral","selenagrcy","@selenagomez Hi Selena i made this team to support you in Greece and Cyprus"
1753384398,"worry","llamalaura","so now that I have a whole 20 followers, 5 of them actual people, I don't know what to write in here anymore"
1753384457,"surprise","dinno","@sanjana_58 great.. My best wishes for great future of the site.."
1753384556,"happiness","leslied06","@missxtatti Thanks for adding me"
1753384711,"happiness","MichelleZen","@racemode lol.. who know the president could be a comedian?"
1753384768,"love","veraah","i love my mommy"
1753384804,"neutral","yayitsezekiel","made a new youtube background in photoshop!  http://bit.ly/AWwzn thanks to @householdhacker"
1753384838,"neutral","Kuwait_Mates","@Shouq So you have to call the Customer Care .. or try to enter any wrong pw and see the result , is it "invalid user name or password" ?"
1753398407,"love","Cilleskott","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOM!"
1753398415,"love","RubberduckRanch","thx for all the nice "it's going to be alright" mails ... and yes, of course you can leave a comment on my blog ! cheers, i ll be napping"
1753398441,"surprise","angesbiz","Happy Mums Day This is Nelly's shout out   http://skitch.com/t/tac"
1753398454,"worry","carriekoch","@johncmayer Lester?  Guessed her?  Yester-day?  You can think of something.  No cop outs now."
1753398481,"relief","DiCapo","@JPMizDELiCiOUS Good to hear..!"
1753398551,"love","TeeSaid","@caarooliineex3 I love the guy that was standing behind me"
1753398558,"sadness","SkinnyInTheCity","@Curren$y_Spitta Was caught in traffic around the Howlin Wolf for about 30mins. I was wondering WTH was going on.....musta been nice!"
1753398600,"love","angeliu66","@ThatSillyLily haha i only love you too sissy!!!!!  ring power! lol"
1753398641,"fun","tamyka","@fashion_retweet I do my best - that's why running skirts are on the scene as well"
1753398668,"neutral","Deejai","@juiceegapeach it's called dirt, go take a shower! jk"
1753398679,"fun","ftrott","@tommmlives i think you should follow me. as i only have on follower. stalk me please"
1753398700,"worry","farazrabbani","@azharusman Walaikum assalam...  Alhamdulillah... I'm in Chicago the w'end of May 29th... Are you there? Would be nice to meat... Duas!"
1753398767,"worry","imogul","@drumzonly yay. das tut trotzdem weh."
1753398807,"neutral","Relz","@titletrakk gee, thanks"
1753398931,"fun","karmun_sutra","@eckastatic sure I would like some cream right now"
1753399077,"surprise","brighteyez912","@AubreyODay wut u want a shot of ma?"
1753399091,"love","CllrJC","Porridge with nutmeg, rasberries and honey  mmmm"
1753399104,"happiness","epicsoul","@MichelleZen i knew that, jus givin u a hard time hehe"
1753399110,"happiness","DawnofOURnight","@Suzyqbee10 that'd be awesome!!! I don't think i've ever been blogged about!!!"
1753399114,"neutral","aparajuli","@Muzzzza rat run steve irwin way to avoid long delays on bruce highway"
1753399196,"happiness","jenamynig","Yay me! I did good on my com final  I needa step up next semester forsure tho. No more distractions."
1753399228,"happiness","stylefeeler","@TheRealIngrosso is nto milk deffo!"
1753399299,"fun","chenchin35","I am listening to the music of Super Juniors of Korea. I so like the way they sing and dance. I hope someday i can meet them."
1753399305,"worry","tiickleMii","About to make shit happen  *Pu+ !+ 0n M3*"
1753399348,"neutral","MarkusTheArtist","@yomissb no problemo!!! Family Guy is on there too"
1753399371,"happiness","bhelskie","catching up on my reading... twitter n BF break"
1753399504,"neutral","RaysonElectra","Having fries plus greentea. Mmm  - http://tweet.sg"
1753399537,"happiness","Flintsgirl","@augustine25 TY my friend. Yes ur right.... a daughter is a daughter forever."
1753399539,"surprise","PembsDave","@Kirsty_H_99 LOL - Hiya - alls good  Ben has a superb day yesterday by the looks of it - well chuffed"
1753399565,"happiness","LokeshAwasthy","@dotmanish dude, i pestered army personnel at Mumbai airport to let me hold it so much that they had to *request* me to leave"
1753399569,"love","fayeezah","nice baked spaggetti for family & not out to grandparents house!"
1753399576,"worry","Adesto","@kaleidoscopeFTW But he got to do it with Effy!"
1753399577,"neutral","harjinder","made breakfast today......Happy mother's day .."
1753399607,"love","Perspicacious01","@SashaGrey http://twitpic.com/4wixz - Your such an interesting girl. So much potential in so many ways."
1753399635,"fun","omarsamra","white-water rafting in the tripics"
1753399743,"happiness","gypsyraven","Wow, Hugh Jackman TOTALLY bulked up for Wolverine. So so movie...but helloooo nurse! He's dreeaamy  Yup, my crushed spirit is on the mend."
1753399829,"neutral","miztwilight","using my twitter account"
1753399857,"relief","johnbeynon","@fuzzyorange i thought people only went to hounslow when they'd gone the wrong way, didn't know there was anything there"
1753399888,"worry","AnnHope","@kathyIreland super stressful day & can't sleep...glad I found you your so sweet to take the time to make strangers feel good."
1753399968,"love","addictedtonkotb","@JonathanRKnight @jorddanknight Happy Mother's day to your Mum"
1753400034,"worry","ExtremeAnnette","@SoTravelNow Hey - Thank you!x and You're Welcome! Must say - I love to travel and where are you at the moment?!x"
1753400114,"worry","vocd","big hair rock day today me thinks  here I go again to start xxxxx ? http://blip.fm/~5z4p7"
1753400133,"hate","_ahseya_","@Reptar01 alives.... Less highness feeling.... Sometimes I hate that feelings.... Talking about an exhusband as if he's dead is funny"
1753400151,"neutral","HeavyMetalJesus","@glennlunder Yep. Wasn't that much to play with though. Just install and voil�! It works  But you need a fast connection..."
1753400210,"relief","joaqui_miguel","I will not be late.  I will not be late.  I will not be late."
1753400220,"relief","TELLMETWICE","uploaded a new song to the Tellmetwice myspace today by DOLLAROSA >> please come listen  http://bit.ly/JAE1v"
1753400278,"love","TheIronist29","Happy Mother's Day!  http://tinyurl.com/re74xc"
1753400331,"enthusiasm","MrBenzedrine","@xCarCrashHearts ironclad determination?"
1753400338,"worry","plasmaegg","@JessicaBooth LOL @ozdj said to look out for you - but I was in canberra -"
1753400345,"love","simply_yas","happy mothers day to all.."
1753400365,"neutral","liveslower","Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Softshock"
1753400424,"fun","zoetunstall","is seventeen today  and is trekking from chorleywood to see @dannymcfly @tommcfly @dougiemcfly and @mcflyharry in cambridge  <3"
1753400430,"neutral","Joshua_Palmer","Winding Down for the night. Rode the duc home from a B.B.Q. at my pops house. Time to pass out as soon as the adrenaline wears off!!!"
1753400529,"love","youlovealyssa","Love my mommy happy mothers day"
1753400553,"neutral","everydaygiveawa","@mom2twnsn2000  you should enter the giveaway then!!!! who couldn't use $25...I know I could"
1753400559,"happiness","ap0kc","Beer pong and dubstep. Good nite"
1753400583,"worry","hollijay","I really need to turn my swag off it's 3:30 time for bed!"
1753400587,"happiness","HanaStephenson","@demiswissfan thanks  lyxxx"
1753400601,"neutral","kasey79","@wicked12 Have a good night and thanks"
1753400602,"love","Samm_xo","@johncmayer ur really the sweetest person ever! thanks for making everyone's dreams come true..(p.s) my dream is for u 2twitter me back  x"
1753400643,"love","laurenfenwick","loving my new tv"
1753400680,"fun","PegasusAngel","#SanctuarySunday @Fredto it's our mission to make #Sanctuary a trending topic for the day, lots of people on board for it...join in"
1753400706,"sadness","xSpotlighted","trying to do a blend. i know, i suck at them but there's no harm in trying."
1753400711,"empty","lilsiss","so i guess we r sleepin over."
1753400739,"neutral","xChelliPopzx","www.youtube.com/user/sammyandchellishow          videos will be up soon"
1753400757,"neutral","pklsantos","is new to twitter.... needs some studying here"
1753400839,"happiness","alpilo320","@markman641 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MARK"
1753400856,"worry","whitsundays","@TferThomas  We are both following and I don't think I have seen him online lol"
1753400906,"fun","ocgirlsue","@LindaLocke My daughter went to a Bday party today caled, "Grace" of Cakes...the little girl is named Grace & they made cupcakes!"
1753400934,"neutral","Lux_bird","@nataschaartworx Thanks"
1753400957,"happiness","chilled35","@rossianson invite sent   You can now invite more collabs too, pass the word around"
1753401040,"neutral","courtneykuhn","is home whoott. Happy Mother's Day Madre"
1753401075,"neutral","BradyJacobsen","@aami1982 probably a bit short on the rude words and I bet it was on time"
1753401084,"worry","nicklatham","Crap i'm gonna miss the grand prix.I'm going to have to try and sneak back to the room"
1753401106,"neutral","KarenDayle","@sm bacoor  wahaha may wifi toinks new hair wiih short.. short.. http://plurk.com/p/sveoi"
1753401119,"love","BumDiddlyDum","mothers day at the spit was awesome!!!!!!!  listening to Paranoid by The Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!"
1753401124,"worry","llamachloe","Didn't make to my cousin's yacht convention. Hope he doesn't get upset. And hope he won."
1753401133,"neutral","hibo928","i think they play michael buble in Heaven. He's that great."
1753401172,"happiness","Pichounifer","Morniiing twitter  eating cereales and watching BLG dvd like every sunday morning ^^�"
1753401257,"fun","keaFbaby","@AubreyODay Just got kicked out the club, bout to try to get into another, Lmao! Shot of Patron on you?! Haha."
1753401278,"love","Girlidene","@RobertKazinsky Congratulations on the award - totally deserved"
1753401327,"happiness","KimmiMcfly","@JessMcFlyxxx that would be an idea  haha xx"
1753401391,"neutral","buyrihn","@JodieGiese yeah- there was definitely a pillow fight."
1753401437,"love","shadez","@sanjana_58 I also like 'Aasman ke paar shaayad'"
1753401493,"love","oneonesix","Repeat final seconds of Game 3 Dal-Den please! DAMN THOSE OFFICIALS. :| Anyway, happy mothers day."
1753401579,"neutral","aria42","@curioustwibbit Makes sense, I'd totally show off a girlfriend by asking her to wear her high school prom dress"
1753401610,"fun","kehleexxo","kellie: Its a major problem okay. alex: what is? Kellie: hahahahahahahaa your face"
1753401666,"worry","Donnette","@AnnoyingTweeple You having fun LOL? hehe"
1753401791,"happiness","chantelleaustin","@drjoesDIYhealth weekend is going great  Yours?"
1753401803,"love","addictedtonkotb","@JonathanRKnight @jordanknight Happy Mother's Day to your Mum"
1753401820,"happiness","kirsuuu","Yaaaaaaay, bday!"
1753401878,"happiness","LostMarilyn","@scattyjan All the best with the Cup Final today. Have fun"
1753401904,"happiness","tinagrey","Happy Mommy's  Day to all you moms"
1753401907,"happiness","sharanx182","yay  my 'only on sundays' maid came!! the house will be clean again!!!"
1753401913,"surprise","KellyShibari","@themishi Wanna come to Mifune tomorrow? Impromptu #Tweetup , 11am"
1753401917,"love","ersle","@Health4UandPets Hi Lisa, you have the most BEAUTIFUL pups! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!2 Raven, Rio& Thors WONDERFUR mama!!  *kittykisses*"
1753401937,"happiness","sureshstudio","wah....American Chocolate Cheese Cake for my chweet mummy ! muaxxx"
1753401944,"relief","jeffdoug2","Sitting down for a nice English breakfast. The one meal they do right"
1753401947,"happiness","abhijitkumar","@xsub1 Was at Ruby Skye last night as well! Superb set by Steve. The last hour was loaded with Thrillseekers material old and new"
1753415091,"happiness","paushi","@jeninamaree has just voted for you. hope you win!"
1753415123,"worry","Shigehisa","Still feeling tired, tink will go take a nap again n wake up durin dinner time."
1753415137,"love","DJTREZ","oh what a night love me some aces"
1753415203,"happiness","mishiesings","Downtown was fun tonight  The walk back to the car was rediculous lol"
1753415230,"happiness","rawritsamy","@light_bikes sounds good to me  hahaha"
1753415307,"happiness","emilyjensennz","@maxcarver Hey im a fan from New Zealand. Loving the show even tho we are soooo behind in the episodes! haha. Keep up the good work"
1753415376,"empty","SamanthaDH","@petrilude "Shaking My Fucking Head" or "So Much Fucking Homework" according to Urban dictionary"
1753415392,"neutral","azdog","I feel I owe it to @tinaarena to listen to her new albums (everything released after 'Chains') since she was nice to me on Twitter!!"
1753415457,"enthusiasm","thepurplehawk","@YvetteCYL Awwww so sweet of him."
1753415460,"happiness","miguel_csf","Good night everyone...... Time to go mimmiz......"
1753415479,"hate","scoobypmac","wonder what white supremists have to say about this  I abhor racists. http://bit.ly/Rd31F"
1753415554,"love","joannebryce","Back from cycling 20 miles on virtually traffic free roads,the sun almost shining,new PB great start to the day"
1753415569,"neutral","Shannnnen","COTTIN WITH EMILYYYYYYYY"
1753415633,"neutral","PegasusAngel","#SanctuarySunday @Sus555 thanks for joining on #SanctuarySunday, follow more Sanctuary people to keep up to date on the tweets!"
1753415639,"neutral","NovaWildstar","@CherryBear so go back for more"
1753415775,"love","meteorite16","wishes happy mothers' day to all moms out there."
1753415911,"relief","newrichluv","Ok I am going to sleep for real now good night twitter land"
1753416011,"neutral","summer320","170th update"
1753416069,"love","vidiva","@kkindlen and @MandaBown thanks  hoping its just allergies and not a nasty flu!"
1753416092,"neutral","xOrangeCreamx","@aewang he didn't know there was going to be a test"
1753416115,"happiness","LukeFTF","@Vocalyz Hi  Im Better... Drinking Hot Tea With honey ^^ ... Thanks... Take Care Plis"
1753416233,"neutral","ybika","in case you missed it on my fb status: looking for maui hotel recommendations. yes, maui!"
1753416257,"neutral","MitchPerry","@VeritasUnae hahahaha. im listening to my iTunes library, a bit of Sonia Dada atm,  ITs good"
1753416290,"love","iamloz_JsPR","@just_another_1 yeh I can't even imagine.... good luck to them"
1753416339,"happiness","Kelky","This weekend has been probably the best and there is still another day to go!!"
1753416411,"neutral","Mhaey","@camilleisleta My wand? It's a black hawthorn wand with a core of kraken heartstrings.  You?"
1753416527,"worry","donamay","going out with my tita gi, sister and my beloved lola! Were going to treat her for dinner! Wohoo... So excited and hungry..."
1753416531,"worry","JDGarner","Wedding anniversary meal yest. - first 5* proper meal out with wife since Rohan born. She did well and only checked her phone 80 times"
1753416543,"worry","CrazyLama","#Happy Mother's Day euch allen"
1753416569,"neutral","NatashaMRamay","Pizza and gelato at Newport with hubby and boys"
1753416601,"love","Allen_","Off to mass, Happy Mum's day to your mums"
1753416608,"relief","violetbakes","@hilaryjp  I've already done my washing, I have a spring in my step this morning"
1753416631,"neutral","georgiibeatle","@iJanette http://twitpic.com/4wl7x - Very pretty Janette  I have that exact same Hey Monday band!  And its on the same arm :O"
1753416642,"happiness","t_schiff","@TheFuzzyBlueOne me? A doctor? *laughs* oh, no, no, no. I was @dr_crane's patient at Arkham Aslyum, but now I work for him"
1753416668,"happiness","kylamcdonald","Happy sunday, beautiful day in London... off to meet Chergo for breakfast  xx"
1753416677,"surprise","vocd","It's the final count down to bigger hair people   ? http://blip.fm/~5z4uq"
1753416706,"love","thestar_rage","@icemist @sankeertanan Have fun! Wish your mums a happy mother's day for us!"
1753416781,"worry","Lesley_M","@Hyperopia That's gorgeous. I'll check out your new pics!"
1753416782,"fun","JazLive","@roe4ever1 Happy Mother's Day ~ Did you watch SNL?  If not U missed a hoot with Jimmy Fallon"
1753416785,"worry","Bhetz90","Bout to hit the sack...got shit to do tomorrow. Happy mothers day MOM!"
1753416809,"happiness","germywormy","aaauuuggghhh! in n out, check! mcdonald's, check! haha, next is hot cheetos!"
1753416827,"neutral","hanaames","Oh, these are all from www.overheardinlondon.co.uk The others were from the New York version."
1753416859,"happiness","loveme4moi","OMG 17 again... I'm so buying that on DVD   Yeahness for another good movie  Also thanks to my movie buddies :]"
1753416865,"fun","Bith93","good mornig to everone... it's a great morning ...in the evening i play in the theatre in lord of the flies. it's so much fun!"
1753417043,"surprise","valzore","Pizza arrived but driver didn't have change for a $50, guess thats why they deliver Pizza, too stupid to give change. Still got Pizza"
1753417062,"happiness","AnthonyCastro3","@bryybryyy is a lumberjack  http://twitpic.com/4wqe8"
1753417077,"hate","shutupmeg","(@amandastorlie) Shut up and put your money where your mouth is thats what you get for waking up in vegas"
1753417085,"love","dittebb","Happy mother's day to my sweet mum"
1753417140,"neutral","underexpose","@duangkeo eat (cup)cake"
1753417233,"neutral","andreproost","@home last night after long drive, slept really well, now time for dino's wasstraat"
1753417490,"love","ladyjaysfc","happy birthday to me!!"
1753417511,"neutral","cko101","Wow, a calm evening"
1753417523,"love","rewindyourtime","@geishadoll you're welcome Chica"
1753417555,"surprise","tehlinkisstrong","I am in a middle of a industrial estate in pirate ffancy dress,ready to do a 7 mile walk"
1753417607,"surprise","dopeydoo","@talkaboutluck oh haha thanks again! that's something new!"
1753417668,"worry","MrRobbyM","i need to make more of an effort to meet some of my best online friends like @aryanmaine  <3 but damn the money it costs D:"
1753417678,"neutral","papermasks","@wolfkitten Should be drank with sugar and milk, not coffee. You have coffee on my brain."
1753417684,"neutral","samgillespie","@pennydog seen him! he's beautiful"
1753417712,"love","LexiePixie","@zoriancrx It's the "Vampire tarot of the eternal night", Lo Scarabeo, going to be released sometime this autumn  Cool, huh?"
1753417753,"neutral","rhettroberts","Just going to shower. Brb in 10 mins or so"
1753417754,"surprise","gillanhoss","@ScylisSynaptic NO WAY MAN! i like 21 year olds"
1753417761,"happiness","pcalitz","One gear, baby!!!"
1753417850,"happiness","StDAY","Goodnight twitterworld. I'll tweet y'all later.  Goodnight, J."
1753417931,"neutral","jonjennings","@bella_b I met @jonbreisnes at EPIC - he said you were at SS Coffee... I thought he just meant sitting there drinking a lot of coffee"
1753418007,"happiness","shmerin","@typezero3 thanks! Slooooow hehe but I'm stoked  hope you're having a good weekend!"
1753418026,"worry","sillysweetness","@johncmayer esther rhymes with: investor, tester, jester, pester, polyester, semester, sylvester, requester... just to name a few"
1753418040,"happiness","mr_moberts","@Rove1974 looking forward to the show tonight. Can't wait for ol mate @DHughsey to"
1753418048,"worry","syafiza","Sheena Othman Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world......  I'm yet to experience the joy of being a m.. 31: Sorry, but you ha ..."
1753418066,"love","sionnnn","@steve_w_a cool, looking forward to it now"
1753418132,"neutral","Abieee","Good morning! I'm just woke up it's Mother's Day"
1753418227,"happiness","Hegel_k","wow! party! my new life! it is awesome! no more girlfriends they just create tons of drama! babes at a party is the way to go!  just w ..."
1753418236,"love","Geishaaa","Happy Mothers Day"
1753418245,"hate","TiffanyThais","@dom_dollaz Yay...you like CT. People always tryna shit on it when they've never even been there."
1753418289,"surprise","SarahPersonal","Watchin' JONAS"
1753418373,"love","HanaStephenson","@demiswissfan awesome  thats what im likewith the song paranoid. its stuck in my head! and i love it  lol xxxx"
1753418386,"fun","30STMWithJared","? listening No Doubt �  " It's My Life " 59 listeners<< ohh yeahhh thanks   ? http://blip.fm/~5z4va"
1753418433,"happiness","ecobirdlove","Justin Timberlake totally rocked SNL tonight. Ooh, and Happy Mother's Day, another Hallmark mkting tool."
1753418463,"love","billingtonart","@Holly59 you certainly can, and good morning to you"
1753418505,"happiness","Shontelle_Layne","@Albz86  oh man i wanna be in the bay asap! Thank you   Have a great day!"
1753418550,"empty","MariaEbbesen","had a great night last night, and happy mothers day to every mother in the world"
1753418588,"relief","LukeFTF","@iamsemmi Im Drinking Right Now  Hot Tea and Honey!... Take care u too"
1753418609,"love","emoly28","i love my mummy"
1753418610,"happiness","amberrrrrrrrrr","@NaiZhao the pictures tells me me that u were surrounded by adorable children!  hehe"
1753418642,"love","aiacobellis","Sitting in mels house, just finished eating mcdicks, laughing at all the dumb stuff I said tonight!! Ready for bed? I think so"
1753418661,"worry","seventenths","rblpnBro @dhair Not quite where I need to be here ... sad but true. Soon however all will be WELL  6wks ? http://blip.fm/~5z4ve"
1753418687,"worry","MIGYMIGS","Shooould be sleeping already, but got caught up watching some late night 'Roseanne'. Officially off to bed after the next episode!"
1753418693,"surprise","chantellepaige","@Geetwity (RE:"your joint w/ @Traxamillion408 is crazy!!") Thx    Hey Trax heard a 49er rear ended you??"
1753418695,"neutral","jazzical","@thegrates My friend and I have a request that you play Nothing Sir when you hit Perth on Tues. From Jazz and Charni"
1753418725,"hate","AmyIsDayDreamin","@Carolina_G  ur a poopy head"
1753418742,"neutral","Scyranth","k ladies and gents...time for us to go ni ni...trishy and i will tweet at you lata...peace"
1753418826,"love","ddubscovergirl","@melidm luv the vid!! can't wait to hear it live on summer tour  luv how d always shows is drawers and nice moves by joe mac.."
1753418873,"happiness","phyliciasian","@trswift yep, meeeee  I'm awesome hahahha"
1753418920,"happiness","Shawna311","@LadyLogan Thats awesome!!  Good idea!!"
1753418941,"love","Filine","@Ali_Sweeney - Happy Mother's Day, Ali  I hope you have a great day today! Hugs and kisses from The Netherlands xoxox"
1753432449,"neutral","Toma___o__","@rudygossin Salut  alors le mariage? ^^"
1753432457,"neutral","carolchyau","@micahrowland Step by step. I'll work on the cheesecake after I master the quiche."
1753432458,"relief","bullitt33","@xanister I'm glad you liked it though"
1753432465,"fun","KimmiMcfly","@JessMcFlyxxx yeaahh; punch her!  haha. xx"
1753432482,"love","Raecho","happy mothers day, love u mom"
1753432549,"surprise","lizztheum","@RastaBeanZ yes sir i sure did."
1753432578,"sadness","renabean","Today I wrote two songs (one for temple which I will probably never perform ever) and one for mothers day. Happy vesak everyone  rena xoxo"
1753432586,"neutral","RayshawnB","is TATTEDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1753432599,"neutral","jeayese","Photo: hannahisdead: omg i wanna read Pride and prejudice and zombies fuckyeah zombies  http://tumblr.com/xol1qyw8v"
1753432671,"happiness","benji_johansson","On a boat. On the way out to Norr�ra. Gonna chill for a while, Party tonight!"
1753432692,"neutral","gh_rocks","@gonzalolopez thnx a lot for the recommendation dude"
1753432712,"love","MattMarshall420","@lis0r i love electro house"
1753432779,"surprise","JodieCouture","googled mothers day, PHEW, US & UK have different dates! Learn something new every day"
1753432807,"fun","drschwarz99","Getting ready for our annual old boys hockey competition  let's bring down the students!"
1753432822,"love","khong79","wants to wish all the moms out there (and moms-to-be) a very happy Mother's Day!"
1753432905,"love","sarahjanelopez","already knows 3 dishes: Torta, Hotdog, & Itlog. Hurrah for me!"
1753432987,"surprise","Santbrink","wow this morning 8.15 hrs ding dong breakfastservice, was a surprise of Marjoleine, Guido and Dirk for mothersday.Mother hapy, father too"
1753433001,"fun","diyagirl","http://twitpic.com/4wqfv - dark berry mocha frapp.. heaven.. TRY IT EVERYONE!!  here.. let me pass it to you"
1753433013,"worry","allyssaivey","why wouldn't I?"
1753433025,"boredom","lexwebb","Prom is so over rated!! Irritated... Going to bed goodnight"
1753433100,"worry","DominaCaffeine","@NovaWildstar Erm yeah watch as it sways and collapses into the river below lol.  Next time you are here we shall have to drag you there"
1753433112,"relief","MaruPlancarte","time to bed now!!"
1753433119,"neutral","HermRippey","Off to Saigon in the morning, n Hanoi from there....."
1753433120,"surprise","MalcolmBarclay","@mwakeham oh ok cool will get back to you on that"
1753433124,"worry","xxxlisaperry","finally tommorow is monday.. and the last day of school.. gonna miss them all,  preparing for holiday. i prefer go to bali yeaaay"
1753433216,"happiness","MitchPerry","@VeritasUnae Ahh that's fun  I had work last night, a party after, went to the movies today to see Wolverine. Was a good weekend"
1753433326,"happiness","Mileyfan4eva8","listenin do da beach girl5 on itunes"
1753433380,"empty","torilovesbradie","@xoxmillyxox 26th February"
1753433399,"happiness","AlexandraMcFLY","@jasonperryrock Is you cat clean again?  Hope so ;) Xx"
1753433442,"love","Kennan27","i am outta here... see you guys later (or tomorrow)... happy mom's day again!"
1753433446,"love","miragelamb","@MariahCarey MC, happy mother's day to your mom ;).. love yah"
1753433582,"love","ChristinaToh","I think I might fall in love with jihoon in boys over flower."
1753433607,"happiness","voidboi","@baggers haha yeah it was"
1753433654,"neutral","kirash4","@DawnofOURnight Um yeah ... role model for your peers you may not be.   But, I know you will be for your little one, so chin up."
1753433680,"happiness","DJCLA","@XKookie03 whyyyy hellloooo! Thx 4 checkin up on me  how r things? http://myloc.me/G4p"
1753433719,"relief","ezrabutler","@sageeb finally -- someone recognizes my genius"
1753433766,"boredom","Phantom223","1:36 AM screw it im going to bed... one love"
1753433791,"happiness","deafknee","too much good food on this Mother's Day. not that i'm complaining! Seafood, durian puffs and macarons! yum!"
1753433812,"love","dariane","And thanks for the gorgeous flowers."
1753433819,"neutral","sweynh","@CynthiaBuroughs I will - but you will never know it's me"
1753433969,"love","DawnofOURnight","@Suzyqbee10  very sweet!!! HAHA. I am like super proud to be a new mom!!! I feel like, i got the PERFECT daughter. And i am a GREAT mom!!!"
1753433987,"love","Babygrl_D","Ahhh mothers day  My first one YAY!!!"
1753433993,"happiness","carambs","@Pimplepopper: Where did you get a copy? I wanna watch that also."
1753433994,"hate","JessMcFlyxxx","It's agreed if i find out who this girl was I'll punch her from everybody  xxx"
1753434007,"neutral","garethmck","Toasted blueberry and White chocolate scone the breakfast of champions"
1753434072,"happiness","cintush","HAPPY MOTHERSDAY TO ALL MOTHERS!!!!...and to mine  I LOVE YOUUUUUU"
1753434076,"fun","HelloLizzi","@ohaiijess it would be cool if they had people make videos of themselves miming the song and make one big video  so EVERYONE can be in it."
1753434161,"sadness","Williamblake","2,697 views on my FLickr Account.. Maybe is not much for you...  but I'm happy  ... YAY http://www.flickr.com/photos/bonassin/"
1753434169,"happiness","ManiacD","@annadwan90 excellent good to see"
1753434218,"enthusiasm","Jane866","@johncmayer what about name Jana? there you've got lots of options.."
1753434255,"happiness","avandehey","2am feedings for the baby are fun when he is all smiles and coos"
1753434283,"happiness","Hippiecraze","Happy Christmas! No wait... What is it again happy M...........easels day. No but seriously.... Happy Mothers day...  lmao"
1753434322,"neutral","Lightningz","Might buy some iPod apps later, hmmm..."
1753434361,"love","princessnadys","@nicolerichie Happy mother's day! Hope you have a great one with Harlow, your mom and those you love  You're such an awesome mommy! ^^"
1753434418,"neutral","theblackpaws","@alexeiv tell his people to contact my people"
1753434472,"fun","kstainke","@smileindenial you're so much fun  Star Trek soon, ok? ;)"
1753434507,"love","vanityfacade","Gossip girl & pizza on the way = thank you to my lil babe"
1753434530,"love","thecrazyjogger","@G_E LOL yeah I had a few slices of cheddar cheese b4 sleeping."
1753434533,"neutral","Stratosphear9","wishes a Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! Especially her own.  http://plurk.com/p/svg9d"
1753434603,"surprise","bnycastro","@spmwinkel Didn't realize you were that young! Advanced Happy Birthday Stefan. MTFBWY... Always!"
1753434610,"neutral","simplyvanessa","I had a small tweetbreak from twitter I think I needed it"
1753434615,"neutral","InLuvwithJON","@soaps3 Knighty Knight"
1753434620,"neutral","LSI_Rob","I'm not. If it looks like a legitimate profile, I'll counter-follow.  @leighgrace Are you picky about who you follow back? Why or why not?"
1753434709,"love","drjoesdiyhealth","@chantelleaustin  Good one"
1753434732,"sadness","ThirdEye3","@yiannis_k good question  could they?"
1753434766,"worry","mznita216","@TheRealYungBerg FOLLOW ME BABY U SAID N DA CHAT U WILL  LUV YA GOODNITE"
1753434837,"surprise","allysont","@taufiqz LOL. You know me. I aim to please."
1753434843,"surprise","vocd","A girl in my big hair rock today, black velvet baby  ? http://blip.fm/~5z50g"
1753434854,"neutral","t_schiff","@InvisibleOrchid Thank you  I'd share my sundae with you but it's really late and @dr_crane says we shouldn't tell people where we are"
1753434957,"neutral","Ioan_Said","@joshtastic1 thanks for trying"
1753435029,"neutral","alexderossi","@teachereeya and to you too!!!!"
1753435081,"love","NikkiMontana","@deena_p aww thanks"
1753435099,"enthusiasm","Tyrs4u","@MrCav lol.. ass monkey"
1753435272,"love","asmithh","@Tyrese4ReaL thanks, I deserve it."
1753435364,"neutral","darkliquid","Fog horn of DOOM! A great way to start the morning... living next to the harbour is really great"
1753435378,"love","lozzzzzy","such lovely weather, i wanna go out!"
1753435395,"neutral","vbose","Happy Mother's Day!"
1753435401,"surprise","michellica88","@mschiefmaker Thanks madam.. you're lucky coz you had a wonderful dog.. and sooo cute..."
1753435407,"neutral","irlita","@mrsrance congrats ya ran"
1753435439,"enthusiasm","lyssiecc","I'm bored, extremely bored. in the car. waiting for my dad. and dinner. chinese. yummm."
1753435494,"relief","asronline","@Touch_Reviews THANKS!"
1753435500,"fun","skribe","@dekrazee1 You are doing the right thing though.  A fridge is where vegetables go to die"
1753435564,"neutral","Karenins","Hasta ma�ana twitters"
1753435571,"surprise","ggaby1014","just got back from seeing Star Strek"
1753435576,"neutral","MrsDusick","@_supernatural_ http://twitpic.com/4u0r9 - if you need help for a shower... I'm here for u"
1753435710,"happiness","violetbakes","@hilaryjp  I have sun here"
1753435713,"love","alanzeyes","@markparton just going through some of his tracks in iTunes and buying his awesome tracks I don't have. Loving it"
1753435751,"neutral","tweeddelights","G'morning Twitter World   A relaxing family Sunday methinks"
1753435760,"neutral","etheya","@robbymacbeath safari 4 always works fine here, had no problems at all.. You need to love it Robby"
1753435834,"love","ktml","@DaLzz Nice glasses. Looks good"
1753435863,"fun","kimistry","@iamTAYON I would if I was drivin :\ hahaha. but get me a Carol C. Special, yeah?"
1753435949,"love","spmwinkel","@nevrothwen thank you! It's sunny outside so that's a good start"
1753435973,"happiness","theweird1ne","Happy Birthday to @AndrewGirdwood !"
1753435998,"neutral","xbumbiix","soon going to germany.. just one hour left"
1753436046,"love","_evann","just got in. I have the best friends"
1753436099,"neutral","Katy_kotenok","I read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde (on english). It's not easy for me but I try to make out"
1753449063,"neutral","snowjobb","@_TWEE haha thanks to you that's my new word for the week! MOFO"
1753449110,"happiness","Kixxs","@RealBillBailey Cool show last night had me in fits"
1753449261,"neutral","sonnofjohnn","Good night you twitter people"
1753449280,"neutral","malibudude","@scriptgirl Check this video out -- ScriptGirl Report 05.08.09 http://bit.ly/hclXP ... I can officially now survive the weekend"
1753449300,"surprise","N8d0gg7","@HeatherAnnP Yayyy"
1753449321,"love","WaitingYOU","at @JonasBrothers   Happy mother's dayyy Deniseee <3"
1753449427,"happiness","breezers","?????????????????????YAY it works haha"
1753449450,"happiness","belinda_jane","@hopeluvfaith aww lovely! Hope you had a great mother's day, our little mother hen  did you get in contact with sharn?"
1753449542,"sadness","TheDEXpress","Hitting the sack now, fellow Twitterheads...so, where are you treating your Mom today?"
1753449546,"happiness","supersupersam","@Tayler_Nicole wow you are lucky  happy birthday!"
1753449569,"happiness","PaterzAttack","@RAVERJONO good, good.  what could it be then? :o"
1753449612,"happiness","rose_art","@ElvenstarArt Great !!! Your book looks fantastic ? I want it"
1753449634,"happiness","ryezzzzahh","@ohshititsdre awww! i didnt see this till now and edwin just left! i knew you wanted some! forsure tomorrow i'll make u a new batch!"
1753449668,"neutral","squarebracket","Is eating poutine and listening to mitch hedburg"
1753449673,"love","PrincessLisa3","Happy Mommy's Dad Mommy  watching the football  Yay The Eagles Are WINNINGGGGG  they better keep it up *sigh!"
1753449727,"love","SweetxWhitney","Happy Mothers day  <3"
1753449765,"love","noah_cy","Happy Mothers Day Everybody!!!!!!"
1753449822,"happiness","ainchan","Outz wif the BIG BIG BIG HAPPY FAMILY for mommy's day meal. And Happy Mommy Day to all Mommys out there!"
1753449844,"worry","paigeebaby","@twebbstack haha & you can tell your kids how I was the one who hooked youz up  lmao"
1753449869,"happiness","wonder_nat","@natsnapper haha. Booked my lie in last night. Just woke up. Must have needed it!!"
1753449884,"neutral","Mommyzrebel","The ship has landed."
1753449893,"neutral","oregondave","@MarkBorkowski greetings- jump in pool- water is warm. But you might want to avoid shallow yellow end where @MisterNoodle and I play"
1753449926,"happiness","queo","@mogz Yes, I downloaded it from the website and since I'm tweeting from it now, it must work"
1753449964,"love","jiiov","happy mother's daaaaaaaaay"
1753449982,"worry","Rosellyanna","church bellss are ringin  got to go. adieu,(god bless in german)"
1753449994,"surprise","JJAnistonFan","WOOT! favourtie, well second favourite episode just came on TOW ross and rachel ... you know"
1753450021,"relief","2NiteBoy","@mareenshere How it was slept?"
1753450074,"neutral","GermanAnvil","@DatGuyScott better check YouTube"
1753450167,"neutral","Oofxx","@AubreyODay it's a she and she's way too stubborn right now. thanks for caring though"
1753450219,"happiness","jasmooti","Happy Mothers' Day to my mom, your mom, his mom and her mom! Woot woot.. moms rule!"
1753450235,"worry","JuicyODay","@AubreyODay happy mommas day . ging is so lucky to have a momma like u  enjoy ur nite! luv ya"
1753450270,"happiness","lisakimfleming","oh yeah the grill is out...its bbq tonight at the house"
1753450305,"happiness","CrystalBerniece","BBQ with Andrew, his sisters, and Jeff.  So much fun!"
1753450315,"relief","CHAlOE_lARESE","@YoGottiKOM when u gonna come show minnesota some love though hun?!"
1753450376,"love","crazy_sarah","happy mother's day, mom  I hope the breakfast was nice.  I love u ?"
1753450379,"hate","biancamichellee","@JazZyLov3 loll my dad leavingg and moving to las vegas and myy now ex boyfrienndd is FINALLLY done talking to me and has left me alone"
1753450380,"happiness","uniteddogs","10 Cutest Cat moments video - http://shrt.st/4ce - enjoy"
1753450437,"happiness","DawnofOURnight","Alright... i need to get sleep so i can ACTUALLY be awake for my mothers' day! ;) Nighty Nightzzz Or good morning my twitter friends!!!"
1753450457,"worry","SteveTallamy","@debraoakland  Only telling the truth Dibster"
1753450654,"relief","loltothepower","No credit left on my mobile sorry Brit! *pounces back* Thanksss Tania for the EPIC photoshoot"
1753450676,"neutral","MiDesfileNegro","@Jacket_Slut I'm leaving at half 10  but I have to get ready and things"
1753450684,"neutral","N8d0gg7","Ok NOW I can hit the hay. Thank you"
1753450827,"love","arnteriksen","@Bleau thanks for the retweet, man  having a quiet Sunday morning... how's yours?"
1753450832,"neutral","daphne_uijen","Whooops... wrong smiley... it's supposed to be  LOL"
1753450835,"love","nagem83","got THE best mothers day present from Tys. It made me cry uncontrollably, and it wasn't a present"
1753450838,"surprise","CSI_PrintChick","@sarahmarina mmm hmmm and big big bro too! I have a crush on David Knight."
1753450847,"happiness","triphazardmusic","... We are playing an acoustic set @ Styles Bar today @ 3!!! Hope to see you there  ..."
1753450889,"love","chickivicki","Spending a wonderful Mothers Day with Brad, Mom and Dad.  Happy Mothers Day to all Moms"
1753450921,"neutral","Mattro","@jessca86 on iPhone? Soon they're adding auto-fill on logins, so you won't have to type it all out everytime."
1753450968,"sadness","sianybaby1","Just been asked to sing yet again....aha. coffee mornin this time. psychology past questions&revision suck!"
1753451043,"love","rickooo","going out for the good ol' 'soak' tonight for a mothers day feed.       in love more then ever"
1753451102,"surprise","scribblegurl","some of my new followers are pretty cool peeps; check 'em out."
1753451146,"fun","vitaisme","Obama is the ish!!!!  he is funny!"
1753451172,"neutral","queo","@GiancarloN Good morning"
1753451247,"happiness","forthepaparazzi","Happy mothers day!"
1753451249,"relief","ShannonRawls","@drkchna Lunch, yes. A date, nope."
1753451281,"neutral","Kwimsie","@Katebelletje can I have one too?"
1753451318,"empty","Mashimuzy","Is going to sleep. Good night everyone!!"
1753451363,"happiness","MicahforReal","Living my life"
1753451375,"happiness","ceceliafindorff","Photo: thelovelybones: I SPY JONAS BROTHERS AND DEMI LOVATO OMG D: Ahhh yea, 3d movie premire  http://tumblr.com/xbb1qyx0e"
1753451397,"happiness","ezrabutler","@sageeb you say the nicest things."
1753451488,"happiness","andreeqng","@adamjackson With McDonald's promoting the McCafe (similar to Starbucks), we may soon see McSmoothies (like Jamba Juice) next"
1753451511,"relief","billingtonart","@StampfliTurci  yes I can imagine, I need my morning coffee otherwise I cannot function, have a good and relaxing Sunday"
1753451609,"neutral","Dani_P7","ok, i'm actually going to sleep now =] i've been on here only an hour...i tweet far too much already"
1753451625,"happiness","karmadillo","@timdifford ohhh beautiful place. You on hols? Go steady on the mead!"
1753451660,"worry","bpmz","and we're in"
1753451711,"love","2anewMe","@PerezHilton Guapisimo, chico you and Ms. Lady Gaga looked amazing as usual"
1753451849,"fun","jamesSK8R","@anamoorz yeh i do like playing sk8 but i dont own it . i dont even own xbox 360 lol. i skate down at the skateprk tho"
1753451868,"neutral","meaningful","@dinuks switch to something else then"
1753451907,"sadness","feistyfrogg","can't believe the weekend is over already!  Where does the time go?  Had a nice day with the fam. today.  Mum had a good day too."
1753451912,"fun","keaFbaby","Forget it. Callin it a night! It's MOMMY'S DAY!"
1753451924,"love","jennaphillips","@timmcclintock gasp!!! I love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing Tim!!"
1753451932,"neutral","vanxiaoyi","Watching wizard of waverly place"
1753451939,"neutral","Chewizz","Match of Handball this a the afternoon"
1753451986,"happiness","scribblegurl","some of my new followers are pretty cool tweeps; check 'em out."
1753452034,"worry","EwaInTheGarden","@Gardenwiseguy This is truly enlightening for me"
1753452188,"happiness","brianjshoopman","@catsinthetree Listened to Eyes on Fire and enjoyed it.  Thanks"
1753452216,"surprise","saysthegirl","I love @therealsavannah! Thank you SO much for saying "hi to Jenn & Laura" yesterday in Arcadia! My friend Shannon surprised me w/the vid"
1753452259,"worry","Portakal","Mariachi'nin yeni kampanyasi ve beraber gelistirdigimiz Facebook Uygulamasi (Shut The House) Hurriyet'e haber olmus: http://tr.im/msthhh"
1753452377,"neutral","staarliteangel","Is time for a little carbs and big cup of water. And sleep next to my 5 year old son. Goodnite all"
1753452448,"sadness","Olshk","is working it out allll day long."
1753452456,"love","Jonpro","Thumbs up to Wolverine, Taco Bell Cheese Roll-ups, and mothers... you're all the best"
1753452469,"happiness","kaylaaleeann","Just finished filming for the day  another fun day on the set! Hahaha!"
1753452538,"neutral","MarioParkerM","@MichaelMCrowley i saw wolverine too!"
1753452539,"love","varshamohan","Happy Mother's Day, amma!  I made u cake, remember? U loved it!"
1753452546,"happiness","forthepaparazzi","Happy moms day"
1753452555,"worry","marinarockinger","1:40 am...seriously can't sleep. I heard the last thing you should do is be on the computer when you can't sleep. hmmm. what do they know"
1753452561,"worry","EmzLP","All ready for work... except my arm"
1753452640,"happiness","fumblies","those secondary school cooking lessons came to good use today. I made shepherd's pie for my mama."
1753452651,"neutral","bradsemp","So anyone looking for a vinyl-clad playset with a 30 year mfr warranty? 3 slides, 4 swing slots, rock climbing wall, more! Amish built!"
1753452812,"fun","fjkeogh","@ALOliver lol liking your style Alice tell him you've got standards to maintain lol, it's national Cork girls go wild in london week"
1753452832,"happiness","faulko1","@tracysummers04 Im pleased hun"
1753452852,"worry","Mashmashmallow","@Do38 home? where the heck are you? Ima be home so soon! iA!"
1753452861,"enthusiasm","5toSucceed","@Jenehhh Feeling inspired this evening, huh?"
1753452988,"worry","garethslee","@Sion71 Indeed plenty of jokes to be had  Lying on bed hoping it's going to free up, I'm on Jury service tomorrow..."
1753452999,"fun","shaktijs","@pranaydewan thanku  cooking is simple but the law is- u hve to have fun while u make it"
1753453007,"happiness","dmuth","I'm seeing quite a few proto-furries here, now that I think of it.  #acen"
1753453015,"happiness","purplelyna","@chearn73 thank you  make sure u read the groups description to better understand this project"
1753465881,"worry","Bebalicious69","nite nite twitts i wish u all a happy sunday i already have my major gift my my 2kids-my bro-n @_agressiva23 n 1 other gift on d way  tyg"
1753465959,"happiness","lotusheartbreak","@devyra  do you know if anyone from the believers never die tour is going on warped? i know  i can't wait haha"
1753466025,"happiness","NajiahYahya","@KhairulHulk @SyamMasri supporting superfly all the way"
1753466052,"neutral","TheAshleyGreene","@stephyanime Yeah"
1753466163,"happiness","nichelady","@rkuang i know, right? i'm super-excited - i told y'all this is the busiest time of year for me"
1753466210,"happiness","DawnofOURnight","Hey! Let's Follow each other! Wouldn't that just be awesome!?"
1753466228,"neutral","PhotographerEm","is having a quiet mothers day evening... happy mothers day to all the yummy mummies"
1753466315,"neutral","NofarSh","At Home"
1753466342,"surprise","chinlovesyou","@nicnicole nah i followed them first then they followed me. i think 12-306 overnight is pretty good"
1753466348,"neutral","Chersie","@cromnac slice you up a treat?"
1753466350,"happiness","taii_vuitton","happy mother's dayy!!! to me andd the rest of the fabulous mommy's out there"
1753466404,"fun","monkiiii","@psstHOY of course.  jdoramas are the best."
1753466444,"happiness","Misslissa78","brendon thinks i'm lame..but i'm just drunk!"
1753466448,"relief","Tanithr","I think that's our first proper contact with each other. It was amazing and brought a few tears to my eyes"
1753466453,"sadness","GedeonN","Deathstar destroys Starship Enterprice http://bit.ly/2agcTh Can't get enough of this video  #starwars #startrek"
1753466527,"love","dhiyyay","feeling, breathing, believing, keeping you on my mind and never ever gonna think to let you go.."
1753466536,"neutral","DenyceMartinez","now on pg 237, night"
1753466539,"relief","juecov","Marking going ok so far A's and B's so far - relieved it looks like I have future programmers in class"
1753466547,"happiness","Quimo","@BB517 OMJ my sister brought Coldstone cupcakes today instead of a cake to celebrate bdays in family and I was so excited taking pics"
1753466612,"happiness","grinpeace","i can't wait. 2 more days till happiness."
1753466613,"happiness","Validaaa","Haha. I just won a $1000 bet. I settled for $100.  Not bad."
1753466634,"worry","eliinb91","@_Emily_Young_ okey"
1753466703,"neutral","devinamonica","studying math ) it brought my brain to explode"
1753466709,"happiness","waynemaw","finally bought my new house"
1753466742,"neutral","saraswati81","@blade376 hermits, such as myself, like to stay in"
1753466774,"happiness","XGraceStAcKX","about to have some cake for my sister's birthday"
1753466776,"relief","Pseudomorrow","@morningroc Dont worry man. You'll see me just as much this week as you did last week."
1753466788,"worry","FrenchTeamVF","@DougieMcfly Haha dude, we have the same b-date :p I'll wish u ur b-day the 3oth November. I'll also turn 16  Can u reply to me please ?"
1753466795,"love","greggycendana","Happy Mother's Day!"
1753466837,"fun","RasaJustBeingMe","I need 4 followers to get 100 followers!!  Fallow me!!!  I fallow you back!! ;)"
1753466880,"love","Jujjaloo","@xxmarypoppinsxx thanks. Ive got a holiday in a few weeks and also more concerts to look forward to"
1753466921,"love","BSigns","Happy Mothers Day to All the Mom's out there!! We Love You!!!"
1753466925,"relief","kurtisblow","Sleepy time..   happy mothers day all u momz"
1753466952,"happiness","shiemonopirate","@solidmetalsnake that movie is awesome!"
1753466969,"happiness","happy_jan","Yes, I am"
1753467002,"love","andersky","happy mother's day"
1753467006,"relief","Ask_About_Brie","phone was acting crazy today so i missed all my tweeties' updates  but i fixed it"
1753467101,"happiness","celinehlbk","@ShanteRowlandd so how is the most wonderful mommy in the world doing?"
1753467140,"neutral","JonnySayer","getting ready so i can go out"
1753467202,"love","madison0416","Happy mothers day to all the mothers out there and to me also"
1753467232,"neutral","hilzfuld","@sageeb Well you can only find out WHY by first knowing WHO?"
1753467247,"love","_rebtel","Don't forget it's Mothers Day today, guys  But a smile on your moms face by giving her a call."
1753467350,"neutral","TDiasshole","currently watching American Idol"
1753467351,"worry","annawees","Got pulled over by a cop, got a warning"
1753467354,"neutral","sergionigga","and before i crash Grilled Chicken breast w/ reefried beans  Gnite Twitties"
1753467378,"happiness","broken_beauty","Its sunday morning and birds are chirping. Hoping for the best and praying that its the best."
1753467500,"worry","vipwoody","@mromairi They paid you to go? Think before voting, each vote counts"
1753467547,"sadness","HelloLizzi","@Hanster7705 ahhahahaha ARIYAN  i want to listen to that now  i used up bandwidth by downloading a hamish and andy podcast"
1753467619,"empty","shadiko","@ZirconCode I like how the binary code under your name says ZirconCode as well. XD It's looking very nice. Better than before."
1753467624,"sadness","Sion71","@ExtremeAnnette I can't seem to find it, can you send it to me again please  oh and tag it too lol"
1753467668,"love","kleen22","Happy Mother's Day!"
1753467706,"love","Mimouna","@lina83 Like your pics, Lucky Girl, again"
1753467718,"hate","JessMcFlyxxx","@xxlaurenbeexx aha yeah  all else fails just push  yeah we are dont know what time were leaving yet though xx"
1753467741,"enthusiasm","ethandhan","i want to wake up early, and get a coffee tomorrow (today) !  it's going to be a busyy day! but have to keep writing.. booo whoo!"
1753467748,"worry","Genever","Ed is off to Cornwall with school for a week confused   +"
1753467761,"fun","LEYIAY","@Tiaantjee Name the rest? Let's see. Mystery Jets are pretty cool. Ida Maria AND you shud rly listen to Say Anything!"
1753467764,"neutral","thecelebhost","@MSNEWYORKER26 I doubt I will tho !  twit pic sumthin"
1753467812,"surprise","omgitscath","dice watching Heroes again.  http://plurk.com/p/svhvh"
1753467820,"worry","jesicaca","@johncmayer polyester, protester, quester, semester, sequester...hope this helps"
1753467825,"happiness","fjkeogh","@ALOliver You've got to have standards Alice otherwise were would we be ,,,,,? you got to enjoy life it's what life is for"
1753467844,"love","whimsical","@bdeezy @PleasureNPain lol you guys are awesome"
1753467868,"neutral","eliinb91","@MissRosalieHale hello, i'm great!  how are you?"
1753467881,"neutral","krisc2000","@simonusher fancy Sunday lunch in The Albion before the game?"
1753468050,"love","starbuckscup","happy mothers day"
1753468063,"happiness","immoral_angeluk","is going to get her ass in gear, have some brekkie then make a start on the kitchen! woo! BBQ later too  Good times"
1753468109,"neutral","speedysailor","Trip to the zoo today"
1753468176,"neutral","KessaLynn","I have a cam sesh lined up tomorrow with my c4s winner  ill post screen shots in my lj. Friends only unless you convince me otherwise."
1753468231,"neutral","desertgirl_2","Oh, time to eat and make conversation with the domestic partner."
1753468283,"enthusiasm","barrysnedden","All the bike chat, makes me think we should sign up to this http://www.bigbikeride.co.uk @darrenstenhosue @niceguyali @ anyonewithbike"
1753468341,"neutral","nosinbk","Heading to bed with a book. Good night"
1753468443,"love","joeyfrsh2dth","@AubreyODay god bless u and I hope the rest of your weekend is joyfull"
1753468452,"worry","Becky_RockChick","twitters gettin a lil bit confusin... twitterific?twitdroid?twitterberry? i understant the txt bit tho lol  ah well, twitters cool anyways"
1753468511,"love","Cizzoltah","Happy Hug Your Mom Day!! love you mom"
1753468515,"neutral","Defre","@Mitry909 no Belgian an not a record collector"
1753468548,"happiness","Quimo","@Oreosandcheese That's a great idea"
1753468593,"happiness","SexxiTinker","ok im about to passs out. tonight was lovely  buenas noches mi gente.. tomorrow we shall party it up again!"
1753468604,"sadness","Gemleo25","@Jae878 oh yes, i ave never orderd from there, a lil funny at first to do so, i will check it our ta"
1753468635,"happiness","spiller2","@ALOliver I am!  going on a hike today!"
1753468643,"surprise","nicktheowl","@karmadillo You are very, very good. Why didn't I think of that?"
1753468646,"worry","Williamblake","@pamjob Thanks"
1753468651,"fun","gentlerabbit","Star Trek is awesome!! Kirk is hot, Spock is cool. It's fun, cool and sexy. Definitely worth seeing. I saw it at the Cinerama."
1753468670,"neutral","jedwhite","@mokargas darn open source software and it's security holes"
1753468706,"neutral","WinnieBoyGenius","time to play"
1753468792,"relief","julius_eckert","@boelzebub automated porn-downloader would have to know which porn you like. youporn has this new recommendation feature"
1753468809,"neutral","MiDesfileNegro","@PotFace Yeah, you're right"
1753468813,"happiness","LexiePixie","@Natalie_Brown Thank you so much Natalie, hope u are well"
1753468825,"love","rmmarquett","making a Life w/o Bounds! T-Shirt for Second life"
1753468884,"neutral","Paul_Areias","@Peterpepperpark u dont have to quit smoking  http://bit.ly/CHZLW"
1753468918,"happiness","mzmezz","Made a bomb and it blew in my mouth!..just made the best F*ing dinner!"
1753468987,"fun","leemz","And I'm back, from a sooper dooper, extra bharia, extra dhumchik two day stay at mom's place, yay!  It's a fun fun feelin'"
1753469046,"happiness","Kathrynjoy25","Ps Brian just announced his message title, "what is in you will flow from you" My friend replied "cheescake??" Ha!"
1753469111,"neutral","sugarwilla","@mozy19  thanks!"
1753469122,"fun","NicolaWwilts","@billingtonart think gone enjoy the beautyy of the nature , maybe sit down anywhere and write a little ,just trying to finish my last pic"
1753469181,"happiness","DaveCallum","@okneil welcome home wherever that may be"
1753469232,"worry","BB517","@BJoie I sent u the download link for Spanish "Don't Cry"...let me know when u get it"
1753469270,"love","CafeDisco","Happy Mothers Day!"
1753481391,"worry","c5","@michau Sounds like a good five days"
1753481392,"neutral","candiesandmusic","I am probably spamming my follower's account."
1753481434,"happiness","PaigeInFlorida","@Neil_Duckett GREAT pic!  How fun!  Love food and wine festivals...well, beer fests too"
1753481474,"neutral","issahime","@Sequanne he so is! <3 hence, my new forum signature!"
1753481487,"happiness","thewildjoker","@Mummyofmany Jesus heals"
1753481491,"worry","wobblything","I am trying to figure out how to use Twitter"
1753481721,"neutral","candiesandmusic","I need one more follower."
1753481786,"neutral","Sion71","@ExtremeAnnette ok  thank you"
1753481795,"happiness","Tigstweet","Toasted Baked Bean Sandwiches and red wine, a perfect  sunday night dinner combination"
1753481820,"worry","supermarcey","@CokedUpBabyBoy No nothing wrong with thinking he's hot, but he belongs to me"
1753481861,"love","carlyw66","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you wonderful mothers!!"
1753481875,"happiness","JanicaTe","@Orch1d: i really adore your K-POPPED site ! http://k-popped.com/ haha"
1753481876,"surprise","smaaz","Join the biggest and bestest group on facebook  http://bit.ly/cDrbt"
1753481923,"worry","djmarkm","Oh yea, and I feel really feckin tired today !"
1753481939,"love","luissasalazar","hey!! at home about to sleep i cant believe weekend finished so fast! happy mothers day!! good morning and have a great sleep"
1753482054,"happiness","xxlaurenbeexx","@JessMcFlyxxx gdgd well i better go and get ready for work :| haha have fun tonight  x x"
1753482084,"worry","serbellishious","@CindiCupcaking that's family for you  imna crash, woke up 630 3 days in a row....lol"
1753482227,"hate","billingtonart","@worldarts I see we are approaching a nice round 5500 number, I expect you will have crashed through that by the time I come back tonight"
1753482250,"empty","roburp","@blitzio pic as promised  http://twitpic.com/4wqy4"
1753482253,"neutral","tsuvik","@Asfaq He is on an iPhone"
1753482260,"neutral","serinurshira","okay fine. i'll start studying NOW. bye twitter world"
1753482292,"happiness","Eganaholic","@MichelleCorydon Thanks!"
1753482351,"neutral","dees_world","is watching D.O.A"
1753482398,"relief","conversechick92","@ddlovato Good to hear you're bck!! don't let stupid rumours put u down! as long as ur fans r behind you, you got nothing to worry bout  x"
1753482418,"sadness","dillala","looking for my sister on facebook, miss you yani"
1753482447,"love","calvincropley","What have you done for Mother's Day?"*people who are a day behind us*"what will you be doing?" I took my Mom to Starbucks, she enjoyed it"
1753482471,"happiness","humerfred","@jadeofjades www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyJvgnP9-vA sowwwwyy! U girls make me twisted all time"
1753482611,"happiness","TiwuRayie","@AdistaKim I was going to hidden-file it and you're thinking about youtube? SO NOTT! Lol. Hey put the phone down and more swimming"
1753482621,"neutral","pichpich","http://twitpic.com/4wqyn - See? I'm Twittering!!!!"
1753482692,"happiness","JungleDudette","@lilbumbles Happy Mother's Day to the only mother I have on my list!"
1753482856,"happiness","BexMyxHero","Watching Rugrats  anndd Tweeting, of course!"
1753483141,"happiness","sarasizzle","@halden2714 Thank you!"
1753483145,"happiness","LEYIAY","@Tiaantjee BTW: Does it offend you, yeah? - We are rockstars. Pretty ok."
1753483154,"happiness","Caldeia","Good morning   http://bit.ly/Tjvhv"
1753483167,"enthusiasm","68kevin","got in a fist fight with a old biker guy.......and how dare you even ask, yes i kicked his ass"
1753483184,"relief","charlesstinger","http://snipurl.com/hq0n1 Just printed my mom an Amazon gift card  for Happy Mothers Day talk about last minute."
1753483215,"worry","gentlerabbit","The geeks were out in full force to see Star Trek. Yes, myself included."
1753483217,"love","616thirteen","@thelast1uthink ZOMG SO CUTE MATT. shit thats a good movie"
1753483296,"neutral","gippopippo","@francesbell Yes, actually there was some jam twitter traffic yesterday... But it can happen. Don't worry"
1753483334,"neutral","ChloeChurch","Well hello twitters"
1753483353,"love","simplyruthy25","happy mother's day  & later on i can't wait to see @que_day26 in concert. lol. well ima see all of day 26 but i like him the most ;D"
1753483357,"love","WinnieBoyGenius","happy mothers day mum"
1753483523,"neutral","iichicoo90","At Twin Peaks. High  Yay!"
1753483536,"happiness","zaneology","@vincenthofmann  Yes. But, Cute AND Predictable works for you..."
1753483596,"worry","fogfish","Zombies make great huggers b/c they don't lower their arms or move to fast...  � @zaneology (via @sharonhayes)"
1753483670,"neutral","larin_model","@ivanjohnivan Well actually - Larin is my name. The "model" is what I do  (besides sleeping, crawling, etc..)"
1753483708,"relief","MichelleCorydon","@GoonersNato - Aww, yeah, dear Nicky  ."
1753483712,"fun","KimmiMcfly","@JessMcFlyxxx yeaahh xD i think one of them are dancing!! A little kid! woo!  xx"
1753483734,"happiness","jeanninesioco","@heartbomb haha i do! that was my fave san-x character. that's rirakkuma."
1753483768,"love","jordySAUROUS","@PerezHilton loving the shoes perez, looking fine as always  oh,and lady gaga, what can I say. Outstanding!"
1753483832,"love","Wendile","Happy Mothers Day! Same day, more chocolate"
1753483886,"worry","ashleyyray","talking on the phone with someone I've missed a lottt."
1753483904,"neutral","prakashaiesec","Nice lunch... Even better when mom pays..."
1753483951,"worry","thetricktolife","@kutski brill  i'll try and keep an eye on twitter, didn't help yesterday, ran outta battery right when i needed it."
1753484044,"love","annaelvira","@tonyrobbins "paradise is where I am." he also said"
1753484071,"happiness","M_G1","Morning all  Up and at the washing machine already!! Going to mum and dads house to get the house ready for wedding day...busy busy busy"
1753484089,"neutral","_spell","@Juicytots Don't worry, you spelt 'NO' correctly! It just looks wrong"
1753484115,"sadness","emdiddy","Trying to sleep, watching CNN and thinking about todays meeting at work...Best Buy 24/7 in my life, oh well.. whatever pays the alcohol"
1753484155,"neutral","villapeikko","Good morning!"
1753484164,"happiness","NoPantsDance","@gcrush thank YOU!! You guys did awesome things for my blog tonight  so grateful!!"
1753484190,"neutral","DavidLuzsi","@christay0102 that sounds awesome.."
1753484206,"love","justineainsbury","DIVERSITY DIVERSITY DIVERSITY TODAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1753484219,"relief","KessaLynn","@theasiangoddess thanks for the #followfriday  right back atcha!"
1753484247,"fun","bluehero","Getting ready to go study outside while having some fun in such a nice sunny day."
1753484264,"happiness","nowamunkie","@Sharmi A pretty black top with flowers in pink hues"
1753484308,"love","bindymack","in Newcastle enjoying the family  With mum on mother's day for the 1st time in years!"
1753484460,"enthusiasm","heykim","@bluecat7  i definitely will , although with the caveat  that i normally only read non fiction..but have more in recent years read novels"
1753484480,"love","deathnotebook","Kakabalik lang from Tarlac. Good aftie."
1753484525,"surprise","JessMcFlyxxx","@xxlaurenbeexx thanks  have fun at work lol xxx"
1753484552,"neutral","renepall","Going for a walk in N�mme to test out new hiking equipment: telescopic trekking poles, boots, coolmax socks"
1753484564,"relief","Irsalicious","Is Skyping with family"
1753484584,"fun","ChristianMcr","@RealBillBailey Bill, absolutely fantastic programme. Loved the 'cow bell' bit towards the end."
1753484687,"happiness","ctdhs","Someone just admitted to having a crush on me.. That's cool"
1753484704,"neutral","ashleyxtellez","I am soooo saying this phrase now "Stop be so false" thanks to some @aliciaway "hater"/yoda person!  Goodnight and stop be so false!!"
1753484725,"love","AlexRoseDavis","Why do people have 2 be so deceitful and unreal?  But my love for Steve Jones and Channing Tatum has been renewed lol...their soo nice"
1753484744,"hate","dalziel_86","@Darcrider ... rather than outdated & bigoted at worst, and outdated, patronising, imperialist, monoculturalist & self-righteous at best."
1753484758,"neutral","gillllss","freestyle exam  x"
1753484770,"worry","heyyouguesswhat","@ScubaStev3 jfufnfwucnbqjic im bored"
1753484865,"neutral","DiSCOLENA","@rominafahem morning romina."
1753484903,"love","rose2784","Just got back from 5km run!  It was really good!"
1753484969,"happiness","Maykats","@Mrjaydeeone thanks for the add  I'll try again signing in later when I get home. If still no such luck then I'll email someone"
1753485077,"neutral","kristiebaibe","@calvinharris is this really calvin harris"
1753485123,"relief","Miggg","Everything is better with a bag of weed"
1753485156,"surprise","JesssEdwards",""somebody calls you, and you answer quite slowly, a girl with kaleidoscope eyes"     yeah, im normal."
1753485201,"neutral","aaaaaaanna","bbq party"
1753485261,"worry","Tory_x","@daniel_beckwith it cant be that good if your twittering instead of watching it  xx"
1753485303,"relief","simonjensen","Finally made it through Dead Space, that only took half a year"
1753485326,"love","Meche106","Oh and Cali plans are a GO! I might get to see DA too and she's my hero and rocks my socks"
1753485355,"worry","freshegg","Getting ready to go to #Brighton to find myself a new suit from #GreshamBlake - Sunday = me time"
1753485362,"worry","rockstar2nyt","has stuff to do but refuses to do them.  :["
1753485383,"happiness","RaeMacP","is at work...gettin paid to sit on my arse as there are no guests down yet!! mum is comin up after  eexcited"
1753485398,"happiness","pootiechang","@duck_ily Thanks for coming out, cuz"
1753485408,"happiness","ithinkifarted","i learnt something new today"
1753485426,"neutral","Nes85","@friendofanimals they are my shoes--circa is the brand name."
1753485456,"worry","laugh_harder","Ugh i can't sleep and it's reallyy gettin to me gahif pisses me off so bad sometimes. Atleast i know who my friends are"
1753485673,"surprise","rajkarnik","@Lanulahbelle thankfully, no  why are you still up??"
1753485727,"love","OC_GirL","@jmarie7481 http://twitpic.com/4vvou - Ok...I LOVE IT!! Melika come on do your make-up like this next time we go out"
1753498051,"fun","nicolecoke","@fatinee haha  i did! many times before!"
1753498085,"happiness","ragemanchoo82","@angryfaggot, Whered you end up going? I stayed in & watched SNL, one of the funnier shows theyve done this season."
1753498095,"fun","HayleyCrossar","@Shannonbabeee Are y'all coming out today??? We could go to the graveyard!!  HOORAYY!!!!!"
1753498142,"surprise","LydiaStack","mmmmm my hair smells guuud.  the wonders of "pantien" ;D"
1753498230,"surprise","fjkeogh","@ALOliver i bet they did  some people have no ideia or standards  have a lovely time the pair of you"
1753498234,"surprise","joshwhacker","@jalenrose Cavs has the easier route than Denver."
1753498277,"neutral","stef_shortstack","@bradiewebbstack umm ok you sound verry proud of yourselff bubb"
1753498344,"hate","amalinaaa","@Rebekah_McFly LOL nah ! of course you'll get the DVD first since you've already ordered it. i'll sign up to Bebo on Tuesday then! lol  xx"
1753498357,"happiness","emilylagrange","@PeteMoring Well it's nice to 'see' you. Have a great day and tweet again soon"
1753498359,"worry","johndrew25","Time to wind down and relax a little.  I can only change the world a little through Twitter each evening.  The rest will be up to others."
1753498396,"happiness","natsnapper","@Thea_Smith glad the zoo was fun and you had a great mothers day hun"
1753498416,"neutral","gendisugar","new on twitter"
1753498487,"fun","igjianc",""Completely dishwasher safe, except that the pattern might come off." Blue Coat humour at its best  Three cheers for Viz"
1753498511,"love","Kameron_3","happy mother's day"
1753498527,"neutral","DemiLSupporter","@marypascoe thanks buddi and it's no problem  your my friend  yah i should post more pics of London! nothing much really u?"
1753498555,"love","Fingal77","Yet another good weekend with someone. Sigh. Man I like the boy.."
1753498572,"worry","josephranseth","@C_DIG up late again I see?  You missed a great time at Donny's birthday... remember to call him on Monday!"
1753498704,"surprise","Quimo","@BB517 Well I will send out an email and you all can pick your fave cake and ice cream flavor  and the "cup" part is belgian chocolate"
1753498756,"love","baditz17","@_PurpleRose_ Happy m0ther's day ms. Rhix"
1753498758,"neutral","voiceoverartist","@ElleSergi Fab new pic by the way"
1753498770,"love","nuviolet1","Someone left me an anonymous card. Thank you! It was incredible"
1753498776,"fun","GrosenFriis","@MichaelDalmer It's IQ is high when it comes to knowledge about how to swim round'n'round in the bowl..."
1753498777,"neutral","jokru","@smsm1 or you could geocode the events with the @cloudmade api�s"
1753498834,"relief","Netra","@shubhamsingal ....nope.. its for the 1st time we invited her at SSM  and she very graceful accepted it !"
1753498874,"worry","AngelLJ","Up and about on a Sunday morning after about 3 hours sleep AND alcohol - I should definitely be studied"
1753498915,"fun","ZenMommie","http://tinyurl.com/oqsqz6 Grace's FunZen magic mood tool for keeping her cool in the pool of real life which is now yours too"
1753498920,"happiness","takemebythehand","Good morning everyone  It's a nice day #iloveitwhen the sun is shining. And now I'm going to write some stuff"
1753498936,"happiness","samanthacoxon","@bradiewebbstack every time you write a tweet the always make me smile  just had to let you no"
1753498952,"happiness","mmla40","@sarahnd for nearly a month!!  So exciting"
1753499155,"neutral","themosaicist","@khairul She's unassuming and unpretentious. She's just, as. I suppose that's why she's so endearing--because we can relate to her"
1753499201,"fun","dolari","@aminorjourney - I did see it...looks so retro!   I wouldn't say no to rerecordings...fans LOVED Given One Change.  You have CS Fans!"
1753499225,"relief","steveyg971","@kjofficial I'm sure you left the audience awestruck Katherine. Looking forward to reading some wonderful reports."
1753499237,"surprise","ShinsPearl","@anjelfich yay! You're on twitter!"
1753499262,"surprise","johndurcan","Found controls for left hand people like me on twitterrific. Excellent"
1753499281,"happiness","255rachel","@bradiewebbstack i had had a baked dinner yummy  cant wait for new short stack tv, what kind of dips shall it be?"
1753499286,"fun","heyimcourtney","@bradiewebbstack haha sounds like your going to have heaps of fun  xx"
1753499420,"neutral","MsBambie","Okay I'm about to "crawl" into bed and ummm ummm. We are about to talk. We need to talk about somethings, Good Night Tweeters."
1753499690,"worry","Tidus","@mariancall I'm just glad that you didn't think that Star Trek didn't live up to its hype, and wasn't a waste of your time and money."
1753499736,"happiness","Dplanet","Was quite amusing watching Pangaea sing "F*** Killah Priest!" I guess he won't be featuring on their album"
1753499754,"fun","MiDesfileNegro","#mikeywayday? Count me IN"
1753499767,"neutral","svnk1","thanx peeps 4 following me"
1753499832,"neutral","bibibubut","will continue my dramathon! episode 14 here i come!"
1753499834,"neutral","neenz","@hinessight she still got it going on!"
1753499965,"neutral","bxbon","@LWoodhouse btwn the two i prefer "300seconds" (for me, datapoint evokes danapoint or data from star trek TNG) just my $0.02"
1753499987,"neutral","LEYIAY","@Tiaantjee Cool rite?"
1753500003,"neutral","lisball","@ManonBlaauw ooh i know it, i can hold your hand"
1753500008,"neutral","sabihkhan","@JennInOman it will be 45+ in June/July"
1753500019,"happiness","Lifestyle_gifts","@ShannonCleary1 sounds like a perfect way to spend a sunday evening. Enjoy"
1753500035,"happiness","SpringSpring","Yesterday was AWESOME ! Sunny day, best friends, good food & tons of fun - what more could you ask for ?"
1753500053,"fun","chelseandrachel","hey guys  we just wanted to announce a marathon! so, let's just say...GET READY FOR A COUPLE EPISODES!"
1753500069,"sadness","gutt3r","... sorry GPGMail"
1753500103,"worry","AndyCorney","@daveg38 I was thinking that too this morning. Don't worry it soon passes"
1753500166,"neutral","tophatdog","@pntbtrkisses You're welcome. I'm going to repost several times to get the message out, maybe help another dog"
1753500206,"neutral","heystephy","@dulani247 Yep, I do."
1753500236,"neutral","Toxic_Concepts","@TheEngTeacher it's always time for coffee"
1753500255,"neutral","ThinCasey12","@djmoonlight Yay! I dont have one  lol All of my clothes go in draws... I dont have many and I need a place for my high heel shoes"
1753500277,"enthusiasm","itzKat","word to yer mother!!   \m/"
1753500295,"neutral","Vdubbed","@MarcBmusic Pineapple rocks bud"
1753500376,"fun","Poidoghomeslice","@courtney_ozaki LOL you gooot that riiight!!  i mean, how can you not twatt about something so cool xD"
1753500430,"neutral","MisterJack","@JonasRask thank you Jonas"
1753500505,"happiness","FluffySnowball","Dear journal, i had sex with earl tonight. It was the most amazing thirty seconds of my life!"
1753500547,"love","GongBsMom","checked out Green Day on demand & saw the new live videos. U were right, they did blow my mind  I love u SGB, even more all the time, Mom"
1753500620,"enthusiasm","beau05","Happy robbie drank a good bit, as long as he doesn't wake up sick"
1753500627,"happiness","rayannefox","had a cracking night last night, don't think i've ever laughed so much  nice, lazy day today woop!"
1753500643,"neutral","pyrroman","no ce tare is.. tin castile pe urechi si n`am dat drumu la muzichii  bun asa .. cred ca vopseaua m`a afectat rau .."
1753500668,"love","makeupbybellla","@CORiNALYNN I had so much fun with my bffs and iyla!!  love you!!!"
1753500671,"love","nataliewilsdon","@bradiewebbstack awww ily you're so sweet"
1753500759,"fun","MyAppleStuff","@Cubikmusik ah great  will have a fiddle later and see what I can figure out!"
1753500761,"love","Erphun","@djneilquigley   Just saw it tonight as well... Great movie!!  Hope you're well mate! Cheers E"
1753500772,"neutral","bopeepsheep","@msclara in fact apparently I was your first follower, 4 before M himself. Um. *embarrassed now*"
1753500784,"enthusiasm","EarlaRiopel","@trainright http://twitpic.com/4vgzy - Moving is great, especially if lots of them help."
1753500846,"love","krslm","@rixx03 How sweet, heart to heart talk with mom!"
1753500942,"happiness","TAVOBLACKWALLIN","just got eminem tix for friday"
1753500944,"happiness","toririchardson","@chrisaston Woo hoo!! Congratulations"
1753500976,"relief","duskdiamond","I guess I'll use TwitterFox for a while, now"
1753501002,"neutral","sarahmarina","@CSI_ PrintChick thx for sharen LUV IT"
1753501023,"sadness","taluta","@AshantiGirl HELLOOO!!! How are you?? Gosh I miss seeing you around. Thought of you last night when I had some amarula"
1753501199,"empty","isisproject","This is a status update to twitter from ICE  Timestamp: Sun May 10 10:57:44 CEST 2009"
1753501223,"worry","taltalk","@taltalush I have both her CDs and know them both by heart. Really, Tal, you think you can intro ME to country music?!"
1753501233,"hate","Foxysofa","got a little scare tonight. couldnt fall back to sleep. so i started working on my digital imaging project. looking good."
1753501264,"neutral","akr93","Woke up at 7:50 then fell back to sleep. Woke up at 8:50 and back to sleep again. Woke up at 9:50 and I'm staying awake! MORNING!"
1753501328,"happiness","susimoo","@ukcatalogue fabulous combination till A. It arrives, B. The bill comes! Fun chatting to you. Have a good Sunday!"
1753501353,"happiness","hollow_af","up and at work im ina good mood"
1753501431,"sadness","Steolicious","@JoyVBehar I�m sorry for that"
1753501449,"enthusiasm","k8zilla","has found a free wifi point ... and it's sunny"
1753501496,"worry","farpointer","Send Movie recommendations my way please anyone"
1753501529,"surprise","iththi","@Maxsy seriously?? link plzz"
1753501549,"love","misspoetica","i'm celebrating my mother!!  and also celebrating my legacy as a woman of God."
1753501645,"neutral","kristiebaibe","@Galaxykaren hiyahh karen always listnin to the show on a morning , tweet backk"
1753501700,"worry","Filmmaker___","@Soudabeh What happened? ... Doctors don't get sick!   hope you get well soon..."
1753501730,"enthusiasm","jespern","@mitsuhiko Np mate, was great meeting you in Prague"
1753501752,"worry","SketchyFletchy","@TzakShrike and I have a gentleman's agreement: Whoever wins the first match (or is it best of three?) pays for the other person's copy."
1753501772,"sadness","vocd","everybody needs some time on thier own  Guns N Roses x ? http://blip.fm/~5z5kz"
1753501775,"neutral","MitchyEstrop","so after church, i went to the mall with my parents, i got a new backpack that can fit all my schoolbooks AND my laptop"
1753501802,"happiness","welshblue78","Is up, coffee in hand with laminate floor to lay then Footy to watch and play, living the dream"
1753501811,"worry","Lupoloui","@leelougheed no deal I want it as well as my netbook and iPhone please"
1753515575,"love","squink","@crazylabel Ordered mine, thank you!!"
1753515593,"worry","wiredmusician","epic day/night. disappointing loss #canucks but watching star trek made it so much better  live long & prosper friends. night \\//-_-\\//"
1753515664,"worry","blindllama","@Brutus626 that you got to see your bubb"
1753515747,"fun","SunnySP","gonna walk around for an hour now :I but I'm totally motivated! Wahahaha"
1753515748,"happiness","LoveJunkie","@jaztwitta welcome home babe!"
1753515831,"neutral","tizzle","my first ruby app, let's see how far i get  #pww"
1753516037,"fun","ficklampa","@wendy_fred6 Awww... :/ I guess that's both good and bad, moving is not an option I guess?  Mhm, so are you, hehe ;) (we have same time?)"
1753516075,"neutral","chaachaaaaaa_","@ohmonika Star Trek is really good. I loved it too"
1753516084,"fun","Squishtof","@welshblue78 I did?!  yay! Where did I get that extra �300 from? Hmm.. anyway  I'm going to be partying hard when I get it"
1753516095,"happiness","aussyaa","@ChieriNagase 120mm films usually handled at Fuji  Oh I met a girl at San Diego. Kwento soon. I miss youuu!"
1753516124,"hate","Tanziima","Why is it that America celebrates mother's day on a different day to England? Anyhooo...Happy Mother's Day 2 All American Mumzys!  x"
1753516166,"hate","nzdeany","@amiemccarron yes but they hate it when we do it...silly boys"
1753516216,"happiness","toririchardson","Fab wedding yesterday, feet still sore from dancing so must be a good sign. V glad to wake up in my own bed this morning"
1753516268,"happiness","Lassam","@Catboy_Dubai Enjoy sounds idyllic AND Geordiebird has lost her bikini...perfect holiday!"
1753516272,"happiness","miamakopa","is back at home...had a great day  http://plurk.com/p/svkc8"
1753516280,"hate","I_Am_A_Geek","Can't wait for @timminchin live! It's ages away but still I should do a @DancingRocks and plan what I'm going to wear lol"
1753516399,"neutral","Chloeeexox","yeh. merch shopping to look fab."
1753516405,"fun","sassychiqueshai","just finished watching my copy of the Twilight DVD. Ganda ng mga deleted and extended scenes.  http://plurk.com/p/svkch"
1753516408,"happiness","SamyChristin","........ Lala.. Little girl! I love these new songs!  @HiPPiEHO I�ve answered u ^^ Love to all you freaky twitter guys ;D"
1753516432,"love","sydsational","@LifeofaDQ I am so proud of you"
1753516448,"neutral","TheRealSabrina","http://twitpic.com/4wr8k - Ashley Tisdale - Love the shades girl"
1753516468,"happiness","jmarr0688","man only thing i would chng about vegas is those british boys wayyyy to hot"
1753516513,"neutral","UKLisaW","@sunvitd I like your new profile pic. Very cute"
1753516572,"happiness","MelanieFresh27","Roast was yummy, I think mum was impressed!!!"
1753516640,"happiness","mariairina","I love being in charge"
1753516656,"worry","feedicon","http://bit.ly/PenQl  I've added a new icon to the feedicon database  Have some fun with it!"
1753516760,"surprise","Alifeurd","First surprise birthday ever, best night I've had in a damn long time!"
1753516801,"fun","jaimeeashley","@ememcoolj your face makes people laugh. cause you're so ugly. so you're half-way there"
1753516806,"happiness","mel2ndchances","barely awake, eating breakfast.. marathon morning!   Good luck to all the racers, and happy Mother's Day!"
1753516838,"empty","sammiej93","having my hair dyed today  ugh im bored. still tired from friday lol. swear down bossman ;)"
1753516917,"love","preetishenoy","@sahilk It was on March 22nd in UK..today all quiet here regarding mothers day  Very sweet of u to wish though..thanks!"
1753516963,"love","unbecominglily","self-portrait week http://unbecominglily.blogspot.com/2009/05/announcing.html  would you like to join in?"
1753517009,"love","thekach","My brother is making banana shake. Yesterday he made mango shake. He's our shake guy."
1753517092,"happiness","crunchybunny","@FindingCeej hala! you're finally here"
1753517097,"happiness","jqrd","@punnie I don't use it, but I heard that PowerShell is nice"
1753517146,"hate","ilynspiration","stop making assumptions about me when you dont even fucking know me!  haha stupid bitches. thanks for defending me, matthew."
1753517154,"relief","SweetnnSour","I Got it!"
1753517159,"empty","dorothy1985","@JujuDeRoussie come overhere then, the Dutch don't dub  might go in an hour #BringTaraBack"
1753517160,"neutral","rmtiwari","@eddai  Then Google Vs. Twitter . Mother's Day Vs. Mothers Day . . Mother's Day - web1.0 type. Mothers Day is Social Media -web2.0"
1753517296,"fun","fragilecat","Sang on xbox lips and drunk beer my weekend rocks so far"
1753517310,"happiness","ChreeesDunn","I think im becoming obsessed with MGMT- kids  <3"
1753517342,"happiness","sez101","its ok @samcarterrules saw u with joey thought u looked interesting like the same things on  #SanctuarySunday"
1753517370,"surprise","817jpb","Ooopps over slept. Is it really 10am? Best get up then and get my shizzle in gear"
1753517374,"happiness","tirzaroemokoy","i dyed my hair back to super black again!"
1753517381,"neutral","1flyharmony","@Tmptd2Touch thnx 4the support girl, ppl b like ooh u shouldn't say that, but why can't we say something that we honestly feel u know ..."
1753517425,"fun","EmmalynEstrada","@IshraSharif ISHRA!! haha, cassie ventura? ...not after her haircut! where were you yesterday during the beat music awards?"
1753517444,"happiness","soozeekyoo","Tiesto in Vicky Park - how excellent"
1753517471,"surprise","kazzie","had the BEST Italian meal EVER last night! twas godly! i thinks we may get our kitty cat today"
1753517492,"love","RedChile","Luv you sissy"
1753517522,"surprise","sharajacinto","Just came back from my first city rooftop party  Man, even when you're next to THE New Yorker Bldg, it still gets pretty windy up there."
1753517547,"happiness","Recamel","@TheSUPERGIRL Extremely excited! i'm 15 days behind you"
1753517604,"happiness","therealchloe","watching merlin omg he is cute"
1753517633,"worry","Soultwin","I'd rather sit on a bench with a friendly psychiatric patient than go a party with some "cool" person"
1753517660,"empty","janinealino","uploading photos.   (on: Facebook, & Friendster... Myspace later.)"
1753517684,"sadness","mandagoforth","@greggrunberg just showin some love to ya. and i'm really gonna miss Greg Beeman's directing next season. ya'll's commentaries r so funny"
1753517727,"neutral","aerofandan","Doin' the Crocodile Rock"
1753517747,"enthusiasm","XGraceStAcKX","@bradiewebbstack ooh yay, its been forevs since last ss tv  baked dinner is so good, how yummy. I had prawns  xx"
1753517807,"happiness","salviano","F1 & Star Trek...what a great Sunday"
1753517811,"neutral","Tory_x","128 days till beyonce"
1753517916,"fun","Kathrynelle","@TonyEmmerson Sounds nice! If you try the recipe you gotta tell me how it turned out!"
1753517940,"neutral","claudiamaxine","ping pong tomorrow"
1753517974,"sadness","adrienne_daniel","@princ3sskrys10 lmao I've never met anyone who liked caramel this much"
1753518024,"fun","phosy","@KevJaffray you too!  Cloudy day here in Madrid, typical Spring day"
1753518166,"neutral","ImperfectBlue","@kingofthelab I'm sleeping on the wooden couch tonight!"
1753518217,"sadness","arizona_rune","@fayewhitaker shame Freud can't follow up on those implications"
1753518222,"sadness","LaurenBrent","Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and Leonard NImoy on SNL tonight was quite possibly the most fun I've had geeking out in a long time."
1753518231,"worry","hippyofdoom","Morning all! Something for the weekend and leftover dominos. Noiiiiice"
1753518259,"happiness","LindyHopGreece","good day to all of you!! Another lindy day today! Level A, B, FREE tester at 20:00 (Olympiou Diamanti 25, 6th floor, Thessaloniki) !!"
1753518278,"love","Dragon76aus","@MrsMW Really worth watching at the cinema.  Mum really enjoyed it"
1753518320,"neutral","jimmymc","@hazel_joy it's entirely possible"
1753518335,"happiness","heyimcourtney","@Tegs03 bahah that would be really funny she would be really cut haha"
1753518337,"relief","yasminhindi","@DanWarp http://twitpic.com/4so0u - OOO i wish i was her  he's hot"
1753518350,"neutral","IsaMilano","@LittlestarRed Good too thanks  So, you had a nice evening with your father? that's cool  Thanks for the link BTW!!"
1753518355,"love","ChubbySexiKool","My mom doesn't have twitter but imma post this anyway ..... I love you mommy"
1753518359,"sadness","Marionkp","@giblahoj Oh! It's not the mothers day in France, but in Germany and in the USA that is it"
1753518490,"hate","PlanFan","@Huntley22 haha fucking hell i know ay. shit son he's just making trouble. we could take him."
1753518494,"surprise","Donnette","@AnOldMasterJukz You're welcome"
1753518584,"love","stephenmdowney","Very succesful Cancertown Launch yesterday"
1753518658,"happiness","lizTWTS3","&&the night continues!  w/ my fav mazie; kristina; ericka && robin!"
1753518716,"fun","londicreations","@scottrmcgrew I know sleep is so over rated! who needs it, right!"
1753518811,"love","angusyounglove","@TomFelton d'aaaaawhh you're so cute"
1753518838,"surprise","thecelebhost","@MSNEWYORKER26 wow cute Pic"
1753518841,"worry","farranbagg","@joelhouston maybe I missed my chance this time"
1753518905,"worry","jaysonstreet","@daveaitel I'm already here  see you there!"
1753518965,"worry","QueerLife","Do you ever get the idea that your are completely talking to yourself on Twitter?"
1753519081,"neutral","ryancarson","@balsamiq I'm sure you'd consider it if they offerred the right price"
1753519082,"love","riiiizza","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL OUR MOMS!"
1753519111,"worry","ChuckSmith","@p47 Not universal. See http://bit.ly/TmJtz  for details."
1753519119,"fun","JrShortStack","@bradiewebbstack Haha  i like you default picture.     Meow."
1753519122,"neutral","anniep94","Glad I went out, glad I didn't leave early, and glad to be afterpartying it up @ Beth's  I'm back!"
1753519127,"love","courtbackstreet","happy mothers day mommy  i love you so much, dono what id do without you ??"
1753519132,"love","sayitwithecards","@sandraschubert This is true... Clean clothes is a VERY good thing!   Enjoy your day! Love your new avatar BTW!"
1753519135,"happiness","vegan_sarnie","@thirtysix Funnily enough, Roland is President of my social club!"
1753519136,"love","lizzy1e","Happy mothers day to all the Twitter moms, sent my own mom a very sleepy video by phone and called after."
1753519188,"love","alamby","@deadmanwade awwww ray you're the best.  it means a lot to me that you say that! i can't wait to hang with you again, hopefully soon!"
1753519199,"neutral","esemdi","Going out. A barbeque maybe?"
1753519314,"neutral","BlizzyBlack","sleep sounds good right about now"
1753531702,"happiness","DreamsRFree","Greys Anatomy is so fuckn awesome atm!!"
1753531760,"neutral","emma_hands","48 days till brighton"
1753531785,"enthusiasm","humerfred","@solangeknowles www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UrRxta8doM this was the first 1!"
1753531805,"happiness","kipaxe","Still in bed enjoying the spring  sunshine streaming in the window, woke at 5am rigid, extreme pain and exhausted but i'm positive today"
1753531847,"neutral","frickxx","yep, good morning to you all  or night or evening or whatever xD"
1753531891,"worry","realouisesmith","with emma  going 2 see diversity today :O  x"
1753531918,"fun","papascott","the cuckoo is back! this year's model starts chirping  at 11 am instead of 4 am."
1753531963,"fun","KarlsG","@DJ_AM Well what can I say - you do look Hot in your pic... That's gotta work for most of us..."
1753532038,"surprise","evatweets","I finally went and found some of the songs we sang in church in Wellington online. Was easier than expected - yay Google!  #fb"
1753532084,"worry","danger_skies","@BrookeDavis_x I've got my essay plan written out now  Looking for a couple of references, then I'll get writing!"
1753532131,"happiness","freddyb87","Wishing @Blacksocialite a Happy Mothers Day"
1753532179,"neutral","j0na_","starting twitter"
1753532203,"love","SaxonJus","@greggrunberg Or a wonderful talking alarm call from I-Phone or Bed side Alarm call! I can just imagine the wake up messages lol"
1753532220,"empty","queo","@idolart Good morning"
1753532255,"enthusiasm","markveldhuis","@harmonjames You geek!"
1753532327,"happiness","judez_xo","@chelsea_playboy yehh just signed"
1753532336,"surprise","MandyPandy32","@emmacrook Not going to dwell on it. It happened, it's passed. Just a shame as he was so supportive! Such is life!  x"
1753532372,"love","gailywonder","My home made red velvet cupcakes were pretty damn good! now to master the frosting... goodnight!"
1753532492,"love","TiffanyThais","@RemyBanks Did you see my message mandingo jr.!!..lol. I hope its music i'll like."
1753532508,"happiness","ragemanchoo82","@angryfaggot, Decaf? I can do some teas late but never coffee- Id fly around the room. Justin Timberlake hosted. FUNNY sketch w/ Samberg"
1753532551,"worry","StephiieG","Happy Mothers Day to all the mummies  oxoxo"
1753532677,"happiness","Brad92190","@hollywoodtv alison is great around miley love to meet her, when you see her can you tell her to give a shoutout to @brad92190  #1 fan"
1753532693,"worry","HelloLizzi","NAPLAN testing, tuesday, wednesday & thursday. i'm afraid about the maths one, english ,not so much"
1753532697,"worry","gsempe","It's just a click without subscription needed  Vote for my tweet on http://openzap.com/ (in today best list)"
1753532710,"love","Emily_xoOx","@shaundiviney :O:O:O:O:O:O:O You Like Sweeney Todd TOO!?!?!   (Y) Best Movie (Y)"
1753532733,"neutral","speedyb","Ooh, new Bonkers is out tomorrow, nearly forgot about that"
1753532737,"surprise","SarahCyrus","@TeamCyrus morning  how are you?"
1753532765,"relief","anja_heymoon","I haven't slept this good in such a long time... I feel great."
1753532806,"surprise","policano","@Matthew_cowan oh cool!  I'm gonna crash and sleep. I have been like 40 some hours working lol"
1753532826,"neutral","slicedlime","@bensholk Yeah it is. Thanks"
1753532889,"happiness","estoni","@MyCaribbeanFood enjoy and congrats! thanks for the recipe we'll do it tomorrow morning."
1753533011,"fun","drbettymd","Sewing things is nice  I feel crafty and productive. And foxy."
1753533049,"love","Erin_M_J","Feeling very grateful for such a great Mum, and family"
1753533052,"surprise","skinn3r","Bread in the oven, room cleaned... almost done with the things on the list for today"
1753533072,"enthusiasm","MandyPandy32","@lrpw1302 Thank you  x"
1753533094,"love","calfeyes","@PerezHilton you givein lady ga ga arun for her money in that get up hee hee love it"
1753533124,"happiness","TheOrakill","http://snipurl.com/hq0n1 Just printed my mom an Amazon gift card  for Happy Mothers Day talk about last minute."
1753533142,"neutral","Hetty4Christ","Sending blessings out to @gailelaine"
1753533162,"relief","haonhien","Came tantalizingly close to acing a Facebook communism quiz. One question has "I hope Britain will be next communist" as correct answer."
1753533207,"neutral","efeinsch","About to Enjoy the Silence"
1753533268,"happiness","cubedweller","@mr_trick It's all good  The next 6 months are going to be awesome."
1753533339,"happiness","catiams","good morning everyone! hope you al have a lovely sunday!  (and i do hope it doesnt rain tomorrow :|)"
1753533348,"neutral","frvx","mm it was cold in your shadow anyway. Ooh monday"
1753533426,"happiness","jamie674","getting ready to leave school on wednesday"
1753533542,"fun","musicalmover","My favourite photo (that I took) from last night: http://tinyurl.com/oto5sz can't wait to see @byronrode's pics"
1753533559,"love","wcucho","@shinytoyguns you guys ROCKED IT tonight in LA!! Love ya guys and cab wait to see another awesome show soon"
1753533605,"worry","tothepc","@mayurjango @Blogsdna Yeah eCpm is going UP and down badly - hope things improve"
1753533650,"worry","nicole_honey","@Emily_Murtough I'm sure you'll be fine   Have you learnt it?"
1753533682,"happiness","dhelios","Efteling was great, had a nice time with family, had dinner.. forget my keys in the car  hmmm! Bless the ANWB! Back in Germany now"
1753533712,"fun","LauraLambFries","I always forget how much fun kyle is!"
1753533774,"happiness","steffi_weffi","Just woke up. Gonna have a shower and go to Nan's for Mother's day lunch. Happy Mother's day"
1753534103,"relief","esotericsean","Ah, finally at home in my comfy bed. Goodnight"
1753534183,"fun","Sims3Nieuws","@Sims3Nieuws just have been away for 2 years: not playing sims but World of Warcraft"
1753534224,"neutral","Marla_n_Scott","Trying to put down some veggie soup, and watching Bride Wars while my body recovers.  Hope I'll spring back tomorrow"
1753534246,"worry","Holani","A VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS OUT THERE! Mamma Mia - Abba   ? http://blip.fm/~5z5uw"
1753534297,"relief","Hetty4Christ","@DeanBenninger God bless you my dear friend..."
1753534329,"neutral","mclm82","let me dream about my spock now goodnight"
1753534350,"worry","jariisola","Number 999. My next tweet must be something really special."
1753534357,"neutral","smithcnn","@IvanaF Right now it is 5:07am.  Ugghhh."
1753534371,"neutral","midilli","happy momies day  http://bit.ly/Skqli"
1753534398,"happiness","Alberte_Balerte","Aly & AJ new album this summer. YAY!"
1753534399,"neutral","SeanyBoii","http://bit.ly/qiPUU  Jon 4 Lakers Video Blackberry"
1753534441,"surprise","NightShade10","@ebrown2112 LoL that's from last winter (only a few months ago December) I'm in Seattle, felt like Siberia this last winter"
1753534455,"neutral","larizzard","@selenagomez your mad"
1753534458,"love","cHuMeee","@ShalondaGordon @britneyspears @mrskutcher sending you love on mother's day and wishing you more happiness in the days ahead!"
1753534488,"love","perpetualspiral","@flamingokitty I'm surprised your bf didn't want to play with u! Although that would require another guitar...Glad u had fun"
1753534515,"love","Squishtof","OMG!!  Booth's hallucination in the latest epi of Bones is absolutely brilliant  "you're a gud lookin guy.. if u keep an open mind" LOL!"
1753534539,"love","ems_london","@DavidBurke1 morning David have a safe journey and enjoy your time in the states  xxx"
1753534545,"love","Ingvild1211","@heynadine yayy! i cant wait to see them!"
1753534563,"fun","mandagoforth","@fiercemichi well that's good  and i'm a fast learner. Mmm  Zachary...be prepared 4 me t randomly mention him at any given time. he yummy."
1753534585,"worry","twiterbug9992","@ANGiExcoco3 hay wats ur AIM? we should chat"
1753534613,"neutral","modenerd","Good Morning good old Germany - I wanna say hello to New York.  I'm not in love. . .not really."
1753534672,"happiness","0xyg3nxD","im exploring my home xD (back from vacation!) Nice to be @ home!"
1753534690,"happiness","leo9018","is about to eat a hot link torta!!"
1753534694,"happiness","charliestyr","@laingrithdz Thanks a lot! You're very kind!  I just got back from a nice drive in the 500. Such a fun car to drive  Have a nice day!"
1753534746,"love","pareidoliac","@aljones15 thank you!! ooh I see you've read Desert Islands http://is.gd/ys6K great book!"
1753534794,"happiness","CormacOfFleetSt","Mornin world! Hmmm... I was supposed to be up early. Oh well!"
1753534800,"happiness","RAZE502","@vieirasboots - all is fine  thanks! you guys dont have any quakes there?"
1753534811,"neutral","omgcharz","Happy Mothers Day!"
1753534816,"neutral","candiesandmusic","In Y!M, when you sign in and sign out repeatedly, you're not annoying."
1753534888,"happiness","sofiesunshine","i miss mcfly last night so much!! i was front row centre  danny was making me laugh so much LOL"
1753534904,"love","McJuniors","Good Morning  Jess here  Just wanted to say thank you to everyone following us  tell your friends about us please  xxx"
1753534943,"happiness","KobieThatcher","@adneonheart oh my god, i finally found someone online! haha"
1753534948,"neutral","facibus","@lu_lu I must be getting old and bent: that is the second thing you've said in the last couple of days that has not really been a turnon"
1753535122,"worry","GeoAtreides","@stefanz i have a weird subconscience. i wonder who will i dream next"
1753535136,"love","MattLewisMusic","@Beverleyknight enjoy!!!  have a good day. don't forget to twitpic xxx"
1753535161,"enthusiasm","fomw","@marginatasnaily Yes, you really should!"
1753535169,"happiness","ursieg","Proud 2 B a trekkie . The new Star Trek movie RUUULLZZZ"
1753535263,"enthusiasm","queen_ila","@NLiukin OMG so exctied"
1753535314,"neutral","EstrellaAzul","If you wanna read something, I recommend  http://estrella05azul.wordpress.com/"
1753535317,"happiness","missXash","@Takaki_I Yeah poor Yao! Hope u had fun looking at the Lakers JerseyZ haha! Enjoy ur time buddy !"
1753535444,"love","angelic22","@taylor_dayne OMG!!! Yr like a goddess to me. Prove yr love & love will lead u back are 2 of my fav old skool tracks  x"
1753535536,"surprise","skyfirestudio","@studioyourcom on 14th of may we exist 5 years!"
1753535589,"happiness","bekka_koan","yays poker win!  that and sketchy student decided to show up today. lawl"
1753535604,"happiness","miss_at","the globe theatre rocks.......nothing better than romeo & juliet as it was supposed to be watched"
1753535630,"happiness","Ashley_Palmer88","the sun is shinning! im off out!!"
1753535660,"happiness","truelurve","rsvp-ed qiuqiu's wedding invitation"
1753535806,"love","abiirishdancer","Got a Saturdays framed signed foto last night  and a Valentino rossi 1 aswell  eee what a night"
1753547986,"neutral","kh7spiritual","using yahoo pipes to combine feeds - doable & reliable I guess"
1753548039,"sadness","Caswiee","fighting with mum on mothers day"
1753548041,"neutral","zoeydecay","But I do know is that I am extremely happy with him and wouldn't change him for the world and don't want anybody else."
1753548135,"neutral","Karilo13","@BumbleBeeBree love you more. cant wait to see ya soon  night"
1753548171,"love","jessa_hugz","@andyclemmensen have you seen the game on the website?! awesomness!!! go on msn"
1753548187,"neutral","simdav","Happy Mother's Day ~ and for single dads who plays both mom and dad role enjoy your day too"
1753548269,"fun","ubergeekin","@lancearmstrong is that like Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?  Best of luck Juan Pelota."
1753548433,"happiness","elderwand","@oohnoo that's great!! weee!! visitors!"
1753548451,"relief","MelissaWOOF","@laurenwhispers Greenday are coming in December"
1753548456,"happiness","jessa_hugz","@andyclemmensen have you seen the game on the website?! awesomness!!! go on msn!"
1753548471,"fun","PShilling","@rebeccamezzino It's a great movie - My best is the Welsh flatmate"
1753548481,"love","nrgins","@zaneology Correction: "facetious" not "sarcastic." Apologies.  Oh, and happy Mother's Day!"
1753548496,"fun","pandaeyes82","@supergrassfan Cheers John, thanks for following me. Look forward to your twitterings too. Think this'll be a good place for my rants  xxx"
1753548620,"happiness","jessa_hugz","@andyclemmensen have you seen the game on the website?! awesomness!!! go on msn"
1753548750,"boredom","Colemaninho","Watching mens volleyball on TV.  For some reason its not as good as womens beach volleyball.  Cant quite place why"
1753548786,"fun","MiDesfileNegro","If EVERYONE constantly retweeted that it would make it!"
1753548791,"happiness","ThaiRivera","I'm at Cobra, Mexican bird flu hub/gay bar, and hate when they play the 80's mix. Oh shit, FREEZE FRAME"
1753548792,"happiness","jessa_hugz","@andyclemmensen have you seen the game on the website?! awesomness!!! go on msn!"
1753548819,"neutral","sweet_tomorrow","off to lunch with all the people from aikido"
1753548874,"worry","lauraEchilds","i love pink, and i don't care. today i shall not tweet as i have to hardcore work with jamie! have a nice day everyoneeeee  xxxxxxloser"
1753548883,"neutral","wiseleo","@chhophyel That's not how we share links on Twitter  Yours is http://bit.ly/QljYb and you can view your stats at http://bit.ly/info/QljYb"
1753548959,"neutral","norme","@laura_diaz I did notice more men with kids in stores on Sat.I am heading to church and sing in the choir in the 1st & 2nd services."
1753548989,"worry","Tabitha_Camps","Thank you all for the huge response w/ blessings & congratulations for us and Anna... We're indeed a family in church  love that so much"
1753548998,"neutral","iGrace","Talked with mom. Al sang a song for me again  am off to sleep now.."
1753549039,"happiness","johnstweet","just came back from seeing the boat that rocked, it was an amazingly cool movie, definitely getting it on DVD once its out"
1753549042,"happiness","WookieStyle","goodnight all in the twitterverse"
1753549048,"neutral","blowie","@mohdismail saya yg reply"
1753549059,"neutral","gosub3000","Catching up on holiday expenses, and two weeks of Gift Grub"
1753549111,"fun","Cong_","@Eemma http://twitpic.com/2aa0m - So this is where you're getting the $$$ for the island"
1753549175,"love","DLWilsonsWorld","@judyrey Thank you, Judy! Same back at you!"
1753549196,"neutral","leishae","off to glue stuff onto poster"
1753549233,"empty","pimpmydiet","@seventy_eight  Thanks for the thoughts... I think I'll do that then."
1753549274,"worry","Hybrid911","i'm hungry. i want scrambled eggs again. my grandma always makes perfect scrambled eggs. my mum sucks at it. so i'll go make some myself!"
1753549358,"happiness","stineyu","@_NyLana_ An! Happy Mother's Day!"
1753549390,"love","glaaadz","says I LOVE YOU MOM  http://plurk.com/p/svm0w"
1753549423,"love","twebbstack","FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, @bradiewebbstack please comment me back  ILY"
1753549553,"happiness","xspunkransomx","good morning folks!   what ya gonna do today? it's mothers day"
1753549614,"happiness","1busymum","One for the Mum's - HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! & a special mention 4 one of our newest members: @Holly_Jane, Hope @DHughesy was good 4 u & 2 u"
1753549664,"fun","sineadgleeson","@forkncork I'll be thinking about how many goals United are going to knock past City. How 'bout you?"
1753549830,"worry","kayteajonesa","is suppose to be studying"
1753549897,"sadness","GeeUrie","Mmmm Ham  Yummy! I have hat hair...Stupid Deli ._."
1753549904,"neutral","24kphotography","@misspleasure I'm on my way...!"
1753549911,"love","tauriam","@mari_possa Happy Happy Bday Baby Girl. Love Ya!!!! Hope you get EVERYTHING you want"
1753549921,"love","tauriam","@mari_possa Happy Happy Bday Baby Girl. Love Ya!!!! Hope you get EVERYTHING you want"
1753549934,"surprise","asamiramirez","@slinqui - Aw, well I'm glad to hear you're okay. Try a hot bath or a cup of tea maybe to calm you down. I worry about you!"
1753549990,"neutral","KellyShibari","@KinkyInkTattoos Always have wanted to go to Oz"
1753550036,"relief","jaksdeflatdego","Is still awake at 5AM but for way better reasons.  A fantastic night with fantastic people... and fantastic food!!"
1753550086,"sadness","pavelegorkin","Strange day  I forget all what i can"
1753550240,"love","Moonlake","Morning all  and its a lovely day at last"
1753550242,"neutral","andyneumann","@danielbowen Just saw you on ABC News - wife and I are having a "discussion" as to where you were. Nunawading or elsewhere?"
1753550283,"happiness","SezDee","Having a cup of tea  I have a cold so it's tasting really good!"
1753550328,"worry","sethu_j","@TaylaMcCloud yeah i did haha 3rd episode is up as well"
1753550351,"happiness","Olli87","yesterday was fun.. 1st concert of the year [i know, i'm late xD].. buena vista social club live FOR FREE.."
1753550409,"neutral","kelbot","@theseainwinter did you tweet me? i thought i remembered seeing one but i cant see it now! SO glad teatree is ok!"
1753550431,"happiness","Tea_Stacks","Headed home, see yall in the A.M. Tweets"
1753550464,"happiness","corinawashere","still working on my mom's mothers day gift....shh, its a slideshow"
1753550481,"love","kkateface","@katelynndivine I just texted you but I hope you know you are my favorite"
1753550520,"worry","nicole_honey","@Emily_Murtough Yeah, I know what you mean. I was really worried about it, but the exam was fine, I'm sure you'll do well"
1753550648,"neutral","glamriffic","@cember_ember yay! thanks.  cover-i sad ang alist please. )"
1753550754,"fun","lordcope",""Thick as pig shit - went to Oxford" - Helena's (Cantab) friend's description of me to her boyfriend, yesterday..."
1753550815,"fun","MrRobbyM","@MariahCarey im kinda tired enough to sleep, but "Migrate" has got me up singing along, haha"
1753550836,"worry","TMJP","@Tory_x little Taylor? i feel sorry for the way she spells her name"
1753550933,"enthusiasm","dianedenmark","DH at work, DD7 at party. Seriously thinking of treating DS9 and myself to sushi lunch - after all, it IS Mother's Day here!"
1753551079,"neutral","brightondoll","hi beautiful! How's it going?  @ashleylovegood"
1753551099,"neutral","resh44","says np- Because of You -- Ne-Yo  (music) http://plurk.com/p/svm3r"
1753551121,"empty","IIanS","@Weezul my friend it's 5:10am here and can't fall asleep I need to be counting sheep too ha"
1753551161,"worry","PrestonGreen3","@SimplyRe A week away from 21 huh!? So what do you wanna sip on - I got 'cha! Shhh... we won't tell  Love you!"
1753551179,"relief","bianca_maria","@sweethoneyguy awww THANK YOU!  you are a great guy too  how's ur weekend been so far?  hugs xxx"
1753551236,"happiness","macmuso","@spanglegluppet *laughs* I'm glad that you have self confidence - it's a wonderful trait to have  I'll applaud extra loud for it, okay?"
1753551273,"neutral","fjkeogh","SFTW & pot of tea"
1753551275,"relief","Malkavelli","Have just slept for 14 hours, would have been longer but working this pm"
1753551351,"sadness","mezbro","@askfrasco ooh,,, am fine, how about ya??? I know toooo late,,, sorry for dat...."
1753551367,"surprise","Redvy","Watching Battlestar Galactica Season 1...Yeah you read it right!"
1753551397,"neutral","OfficialShew","@caaakes Tell X to email me pics! OfficialShew@gmail"
1753551449,"love","lotusheartbreak","@devyra haha one day we will have a huge roadtrip"
1753551466,"happiness","cwtsh","@GeekySteph also, try Friendly Fires if you haven't already heard them. great stuff  AND Florence and The Machine. Great, great music"
1753551492,"neutral","snailbite","learnt how to drive a manual on the weekend"
1753551588,"love","kristimbre","@RealHughJackman Wolverine is awesome.. love it! your such a great actor.."
1753551661,"neutral","jemjem1983","@MistressJoJo @delicateone  good point!! Mine is on its way. How did he get delivered?  I will post pics too wen I get him"
1753551704,"love","Silentending","@CMZart you should get your work everywhere.. Articles etc. Love it!"
1753551774,"love","TMJP","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MAMMA"
1753551840,"neutral","gridlock","@agostino_ http://bit.ly/ngjkN Told you it was probable"
1753551855,"love","SpikeShinnizle","@talindab http://twitpic.com/4m9up - ?s this your house ?? The dog is really sweet"
1753551897,"neutral","johankoerts","@jequalo tweeten maar"
1753552011,"enthusiasm","CreativeWolf","@LimeIce Err, I get that  Now, with the TimThumb, what's with the url?"
1753552080,"surprise","Nickobear","@djbrandigarcia we got Watts, Chingo Bling, The Chile.. can't do this thang without BGeezy, we need u on the show!   http://bit.ly/12R3c3"
1753552089,"surprise","terrywfchong85","@kyan_onefm on air celebrating? ur mum is there? Not working la. Starbucks alone. My mum is in hometown. So had a delay till next week"
1753552097,"neutral","ChreeesDunn","@CameronJNP lol! Ahhh well its a good song"
1753552122,"fun","aimeeallen","Mexican coca cola in a bottle. New favorite thing.  No high fructose corn syrup....  sugar is so awesomely old school."
1753552175,"neutral","mo3ath","@Noufah make it full girl 120%"
1753552215,"happiness","CeFuego","had a cool lil night. Now at Berrie's about to eat pizza waitin for @NOEL4PRESIDENT"
1753552239,"happiness","thejobdude","@xoJennyPennyxo I like too  how are you?"
1753552270,"happiness","lynneb09","the sun is shining and i'm off for a driving lesson"
1753552296,"love","gabimurray","i'm looking forward to the joy of the f1.... hoping its another disaterous race for ferrari and button gets another well deserved win"
1753552527,"happiness","smilestheace","has done the ChocoSlam with his brother. As usual, there were some failures.  I finally burnt my tongue. HAHAHAHA! Stupid me."
1753565702,"surprise","EveRebecca","@joshboulton Yeah I guess he does sound a bit odd 'cause he's saying really quickly"
1753565724,"neutral","Custardcuppcake","@BlokesLib Sorry blokey, 6 hrs later & i'm still holding ur fluffy towel. had to dash. Hope u found other means to dry ur self"
1753565742,"neutral","ChristineFarmer","@pcsketch hello  Well it's sunny out but my head is fuzzy and coffee isn't brewed yet... how's your day..?!"
1753565743,"love","little_imogeni","@petewentz eerrrrrrrrr.......... no i would say not.  i heart ur background though!"
1753565790,"worry","RCandAJ","is predicting a heavyweight battle between Lakers and Cleveland on the Finals! Well, hopefully! *crosses his fingers*"
1753565976,"happiness","IMissBradAndJen","Watching videos on Facebook makes me feel like the biggest creep. Which I guess I am. Also, tweet #200! Woohoo!"
1753565993,"happiness","ALCBradford","Paul Scanlon sharing from God's Word this morning, he's sounding a bit hoarse perhaps a touch of *#cold*? It won't hold our Pastor back"
1753566036,"surprise","samchan23","aw 82 - 90. only 8 points & we kicked 4 behinds to their 18 .. we're getting better and better each week!"
1753566062,"happiness","featureBlend","@noxhanti  LOL --> don't mention it, my pleasure!!"
1753566082,"neutral","EarlaRiopel","@ericharr This definitely separates a professional robber & from an amateur one!"
1753566088,"worry","faisalkapadia","Is @ peace with himself happy mothers day to all"
1753566105,"neutral","caitlinlavergne","Went and saw Fighting last night with the best friend. It wasn't all that great but Channing Tatum is amazing!"
1753566109,"worry","Starfish93","@mileycyrus Airsoft is horrible!! Hope you didn't get hurt"
1753566134,"fun","CMontecillo","lookin forward to jam with DJ Kimosave on the 16th @ The Loft"
1753566139,"happiness","bikerbutch","munchin BACON BUTTIES! woohoo!!  my faves!!!"
1753566175,"happiness","davidcushman","Here's @Euan and @stoweboyd at our evening drink on Thursday night in London.  http://twitpic.com/4wrrp"
1753566191,"love","oszikra","@mileycyrus http://twitpic.com/4ukqe - haha cute and beautiful  U R cool Miley.^^"
1753566298,"happiness","comeonecomeall","Eating a dillybar from DQ! Yuuum"
1753566300,"fun","MattLewisMusic","@Beverleyknight so is it a day of 'pleasure' for you or is it a Personal Appearance?? all in all, sounds a good day with good weather!!"
1753566318,"neutral","frama_c","@kondziu I was certain which show you were talking about by the letter g in "Camera Cafe: a misog.." I think that answers your question"
1753566358,"neutral","janiferrr","actual updateee...sleeeping soon. watching the lion kinggg."
1753566415,"neutral","StampfliTurci","@iantalbot Sion and Sierre are very close about 20 km, about a 110 from where I live .  No comment about the SWiss Army dog tags"
1753566438,"neutral","Rachellis14","Morning world x its sunday already i think im guna chill at my house 2day"
1753566483,"neutral","manutdmad13","talkin to sum1 special"
1753566520,"love","RobSJohnson","Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers! Especially mine!  Enjoy ya day mothers!"
1753566548,"love","chyrls","@Grannny63 Happy Mother's Day!  Hugs~"
1753566555,"worry","niisel","morning the sun is back!!! me like"
1753566595,"happiness","alexderossi","@rv109creek ay buti pa kayo!!!! uy thank you!!"
1753566665,"happiness","mcsandrr","just got the bouquet of flowers for my mom  HEHEHE SWEET )"
1753566680,"happiness","missgiggly","@gnomeangel Yep!!"
1753566708,"happiness","MarksMischief","Home from work. A few hours of sleep then putting some miles on the new bike."
1753566837,"happiness","HelloLizzi","@OhaiGabriella O: aw, frank  i like that movie, it's cool. i don't fully understand, but i think that's cool (:"
1753566872,"worry","moriesbel","@artgrrl still a bit of a warning signal in my head saying: "you want yesterday's headache back? ok, get yourself a coffee then, quick!""
1753566927,"happiness","smkb007","@achurches why yes ... a bag of goodies  lol"
1753566962,"neutral","pikl77","Still up playin rock band woot woot"
1753566977,"happiness","LittleYellowJen","@BrianMcnugget rofl that's what we like to hear"
1753567005,"surprise","Anime81","For @Claire_inLaPush because she misses Quil so...  Far Away ~Nickleback ? http://blip.fm/~5z639"
1753567025,"neutral","liihyam19","eating pie right now...  yumm.."
1753567125,"happiness","TGWTG","This is for all of you ppl! The 1 year Anniversary Video. http://is.gd/ysbs more to come after the break"
1753567138,"happiness","TheOrakill","http://snipurl.com/hq0n1 Just printed my mom an Amazon gift card  for Happy Mothers Day talk about last minute."
1753567225,"happiness","TuffGirl","@telesilla Indeed. Thanks for sharing that! Now I can go to sleep giggling. Night!"
1753567231,"hate","mo3ath","@Noufah at least its legal , here in kuwait if u weren't driving SUV then u will get a ticket with big smile"
1753567260,"worry","brightondoll","sorry to hear that  It's going okay, just tweeting away  @ashleylovegood"
1753567400,"sadness","nagem83","my shoes taken off and my slippers put on my feet!"
1753567424,"fun","ddlovatofan1","I WANT RED CRUISERS!!  i don't like the other ones. LMFAO!"
1753567562,"neutral","craigpl","@milestorres #sometimes also emoticons sometimes"
1753567604,"surprise","_ahseya_","@Reptar01 what do you mean it sit funny? I like the way it looks!!!  and I took the other part of the nail off. It didn't hurt that time!"
1753567702,"love","RCandAJ","Happy Mothers Day! Will be going out later at 6 pm to watch a well renowned group of singers!"
1753567720,"worry","MiaDulia","Just came back (well yesterday) from the Hannah M. movie, I LOVED IT! I went to the highest part of the cinema to dance! BEAUTIFUL SONGS"
1753567836,"relief","LisaWellington","Stitches out. Very brave boy, no anesthetic, just cbeebies to dull the pain."
1753567931,"neutral","peachonice","@brightondoll good  I have long believed that boys are stupid. I need to meet new ones, the ones I know only cause problems"
1753567943,"neutral","caitlinlavergne","Just got finished cleaning and putting out my mom's presents.  Happy mother's day. I'm going to sleeeeep."
1753567969,"neutral","Emily_xoOx","@xbron http://twitpic.com/41dbn - :o I See Your Dog..  Bella..?"
1753568048,"surprise","michdulce","@blackmantra yes indeed!  nice to see you on twitter! Why do you ask? xx"
1753568060,"worry","nickirae17","misses my Mom today. She was my Best Friend and even though she has been gone several yrs I still miss her dearly. Happy Mother's Day"
1753568098,"happiness","Spamotics","Good Morning  i ate pizza for breakfast"
1753568205,"love","chaosprincess87","Happy Mothers Day"
1753568229,"neutral","Bertitude","#f1 in a few hours guess who is sleepin in the living room"
1753568258,"happiness","eepitsmia","I love waking up and thinking it's a weekday, but then realizing it's the weekend."
1753568322,"relief","TheEmmaHamilton","@littledeaths Thank you  xx"
1753568340,"relief","underpressure","New toys."
1753568397,"worry","pascalfinette","Finally came around to shorten my Twitter username from @pascalfinette to @pfinette. If you follow me - no need to change anything."
1753568400,"happiness","TaylaMcCloud","@sethu_j 4ever, it was in she's the man aswell  I love them now. I want gossip girl too! Have decided summer = spending lots."
1753568411,"happiness","ninthspace","@FlissTee Oh, fabulous ta.  I'm with the coffee too, obviously, although my cup is not large enough to embrace which is its deficiency."
1753568418,"happiness","dalebandoni","@Lee_bandoni Ok, see you at da climbing"
1753568457,"worry","masarat","@Audiomonkee Because you're not exactly in those parts of Northern Emirates  It was 5.3 Richter I think."
1753568466,"happiness","laycie","Just got home. So glad I decided to go out. Yay for new friends. Yay for a hug from my crush. Happy"
1753568516,"neutral","judez_xo","@ponny rofl! we aren't wearing dark grungy though! I asked bradie if it was ok he said yess"
1753568582,"worry","mikelcu","might still be eating and drinking then"
1753568601,"happiness","Bubble_x3","good morning twitterworld!  slept too less.."
1753568602,"happiness","edward202","if u have a friendster add me!!!!!!!!!        my email adress      add me  loco_crime_1st@yahoo.com        add me leave some comment"
1753568643,"happiness","supriseitsme","@moonfrye Happy Mothers Day"
1753568647,"fun","JuannyBear","Still awake lol Finished talking to a really good Brawl player. We talking in SmashSpace.ning.com  Join the website if you like SSBB!"
1753568654,"surprise","Siimoneee1","@PerezHilton it looks like you have a lot of fun with lady gaga"
1753568666,"fun","natashabailie","Hello twitting world!  We are off to best buddies bbq  but untill then Jay z is on Spotify"
1753568676,"neutral","DialSforSav","@malhermann I just made tacos and nachos"
1753568695,"love","MyOnlySecret","Today is my first real mothers day with my son actually here  he wasn't born yet last year , can't wait to hug him when I get home"
1753568701,"happiness","imthatgirl13","Perfect night. Best month of my life so far!! You my boo, @RyanFeero"
1753568747,"happiness","lia11","@dougiemcfly hey cant wait 4 u guys 2 come over 2 jersey woop.... hope ur lookin 4ward 2 it coz we r  x"
1753568771,"happiness","lotusheartbreak","@devyra hahahaha definitely!  still writing?"
1753568827,"worry","maoxian","Makes sense that greatfirewallofchina.org, a site to test whether a site is blocked in China, is blocked in China. Get that?  Any others?"
1753568832,"happiness","marimbamiss","Yay! Go wyattt your totally amazing'!'! Im So happy for you.  yay"
1753568833,"happiness","bpicone","@JayJager well donkey has his own appeal, for sure."
1753568848,"surprise","PaulDuxbury","@TiffanyDow well I hovered over the button LOL NOT - sleep well Tiff and you are welcome"
1753568868,"happiness","martbear","Had the best night I've had in a while."
1753568914,"happiness","petcortright","@brgd oh cool you are coming to berlin    ! ! !"
1753569007,"neutral","smishpixie","@Angela_Griffin I spent yesterday nursing one of those, only replace Vodka with wine, and Japanese with posh dinner!"
1753569122,"neutral","wordscryer","listening to the cat snore"
1753569150,"neutral","missmausz",""Mamma Who Bore Me" hat es mir echt angetan.  90210 l�sst gr��en. ^^"
1753569208,"happiness","realbabymilk","@ParentByNature that is so lovely"
1753569251,"neutral","eidann","I hear you @silentending..."
1753569308,"enthusiasm","KajiDraolf","@whitepaws_husky Thank you!  And I hope karma beats those fuckers into the ground."
1753569382,"surprise","abcha","@BrianMcnugget Yay! Lets welcome Mrs Mcnugget to twitterverse!"
1753569388,"happiness","markmicallef","up and reading the (maltese) sunday newspaper over coffee... Aaaah.. Glorious Sundays"
1753569407,"love","CarlODwyer","I'm a bit late, but the new twitterific interface for the iPhone is very cool, oh and Richie and Lauren on their engagement"
1753569409,"neutral","brightondoll","how is it, is it good?  @miss_flora"
1753582063,"neutral","TessaG","@Talula25 How have you been"
1753582108,"worry","brijeshdaga","Started following QueenRania for a change"
1753582151,"love","sophieholly","i'm awake, too early for my liking on a sunday...but i'm looking at my pictures  last night was bloody awesome, there are no words..."
1753582208,"happiness","janicellamoca","Finally going home! Its been a long night.. Ready to crash and have awesome dreams"
1753582210,"neutral","douglaselder","Yes... its 4:18am, yes... we are driving all night back to dallas to lead worship in the morning. Sleep is overrated."
1753582297,"happiness","rachelkaylene","a surprisingly good day, now its time to sleep. hopefully sweet dreams await me"
1753582320,"happiness","carolcrash","Goooood beer tiiiimes"
1753582335,"fun","its_Kristen","HEY TWEETERZ. GO ON ITUNES NOW & BUY @JoshBkelley and @ryan_cabrera 's NEW HIT SINGLE "TELL IT LIKE IT IS""
1753582363,"empty","PeteSingleton","@niza_kritt GPS location: http://bit.ly/SPW5s here I am"
1753582401,"happiness","LeonorRA","she is only 2 years and she's the funniest thing when she is dancing! she's sooo happyyyy!"
1753582404,"fun","TokyoShowdown","@InfamousDolly oh yeah them too. LOL"
1753582411,"happiness","TheSamanthaJo","meeting up with strangers. lol. alone in vegas. amazing."
1753582428,"fun","Grimlock99","Yeah for Smallville, my late night savior. It's the one where Clark meets young Flash, total awesomeness"
1753582466,"sadness","HelloLizzi","@OhaiGabriella i hate it. it should just be english all day everyday"
1753582576,"surprise","fishdirt","@LMangueArt Yeah, Sabrina..though I keep thinking it's something else.  Cary Grant ain't too shabby either. Bringing up Baby"
1753582585,"relief","jessicasantosa","@mslittlekho love this one, especially the shoes  anyway, gmn punya acc lookbook ya? http://lookbook.nu/look/92920"
1753582712,"fun","Gemleo25","@DannysGhirl hehe i found ya"
1753582745,"happiness","alicephilippa","@Storm_Crow Morning!"
1753582778,"worry","nuria2k9","Take antibacterial to school to clean your hands when you cant go the loos"
1753582806,"neutral","cabana_a","I dont associate with fake asses!"
1753582870,"fun","conorsaintcool","@katherineclare australian hardcore/metalcore scene is amazing right now. look up third strike and chelsea smile. AND BMTH IN 7 DAYS"
1753582959,"surprise","IsaMilano","@LittlestarRed Oh you understand French?  Well, maybe I exxagerated it a little bit lol but they all want at least 1/2 years of exp. :-/"
1753582985,"love","gortron","@spiller2 @ann_donnelly  Cool, Thanks for re-tweeting it guys"
1753583035,"love","JennicaXO","xhausted after an amazing nite at the w.house corr.dinn--whatta nite!! zzz twitterland"
1753583066,"neutral","icebergstorm","@123PriceCheck yeah that's fine man! no worries"
1753583067,"love","hiChristiana","Just spent the last two hours playing L4D with babe  Had HELLA fun. I love him <3"
1753583117,"fun","katepatto","@BrianMcnugget excellent  looks like you'll have some twitterific competition"
1753583122,"relief","kimmee0424","Off to work"
1753583149,"neutral","mo3ath","@Noufah i have tickets worth about 70 KD - about 880 Derham - for ta'3yeem my car's window"
1753583163,"love","MisterRo","Right! Into action! Grab a shower, grab my camera and, I think, a walk in the sunshine along the canal. Later, good tweeple"
1753583194,"surprise","moriesbel","http://twitpic.com/4wry2 - look, @camathome, the rosemary in my back garden, in CameraBag's "Lolo" mode"
1753583221,"happiness","kondziu","@frama_c Oh yeah. Point taken"
1753583267,"neutral","Dr_DinaSadik","@drhodenbaugh Yes Hindustan Rocks dude! Dunia mein asay koi fusion nehi milegi"
1753583327,"hate","fayth00","i hate snoring. remind me if my future husband ever snores, we're getting a divorce."
1753583340,"love","CutieHelen","happy mother's day, mommy! hope you will have a good day"
1753583370,"neutral","ShexXxGOTxXxIT","Date Like A Man So You Dont Get Played Like A Bitch"
1753583522,"neutral","publicvoid_dk","@rasmuskl @rwj_defcon1 I gather you guys continued the drinking after I left?"
1753583636,"neutral","campolla","he calls me bella"
1753583671,"sadness","Jepperz","@AlanCarr Quaver Sandwiches  and tea."
1753583689,"love","louisebolo","There are wonderful people in my life who I think I can handle only in small doses  & there is just 1 I cud be with every hour, everyday."
1753583741,"surprise","TheValentina","@Gedankensturm Thank you  How's your daughter? And by the way, how did you get 1017 followers? :O"
1753583752,"relief","NikiaOn1035","@24kphotography Thank you! I appreciate that."
1753583806,"relief","LawrenceKwek","is at my grandma's place with my mum, celebrating mothers' day in 3 generations. The 4th will come"
1753583836,"love","xandeskywalker","SUNNY DAY!  going down to Stonehenge with my parents..."
1753583865,"love","Newy_ShortStack","@LittleMissHaya awekay kewl. thanx."
1753583944,"happiness","chez1986","@russellburnham  nice one"
1753583961,"neutral","esquevin","@GirlButGeek ton iPod est mort? Dur... Prends un iPhone"
1753583964,"love","RobSoCool","He's a mess. But iLove him"
1753583983,"relief","designingfresh","@marinasmom Yucky! We had our last soccer game of the season today...tryouts start Friday"
1753584089,"love","melodieus","@Neekatron that sounds delicious"
1753584095,"neutral","Paulasummer","@mariamtronchoni Have a nice Sunday  xx"
1753584132,"worry","nuria2k9","I took a picture of me looking at my bottle of antibacterial. Wicked"
1753584277,"love","petalsofroses","man i just made a fat ass buger mmmmmmmmm  taste so fuckin delicious i love food, i eat my feelings lol"
1753584316,"relief","dondy","Season 2 of The Wire, done! Kinda weak compared to the first season but I expected that... Still good though  Season 3 here I come!"
1753584338,"worry","einsteinradio","@iRobC Well there's you, another Twiiter person...erm...difficult to say really...   Let's just say that you could fit all into a minibus!"
1753584405,"fun","GabezRosales","@justineville that's what i did with my other friends dati e. i could totally do that.  Lian, Eina, Gelli, you, Zero & Francis. we'll fit!"
1753584486,"hate","BrookeAmanda","@allysonalfonso hahah lucky!! i have to wait 4 days! poop lol where abouts in the gold coast are you? (if u dnt mind me asking)"
1753584516,"neutral","NonieDaizy17","Nice sunny day"
1753584525,"surprise","larizzard","@ArianneFTSK you finally watched he's just not that into you arizzard  justin long is sexy isn't he! i told ya"
1753584551,"sadness","wendy_fred6","@ficklampa Hehe it's an option if the (advertising) world wasn't such a mess! So I might in future! We're on same time yes. L�get i d�g?"
1753584600,"happiness","fryfan20","@JfB57 good morning"
1753584606,"worry","OhaiGabriella","YES. and then they should in non test conditions!"
1753584620,"love","Mannouma","@MariamUAE awesomeness"
1753584631,"neutral","astralart","Made some good money for 5 1/2 hrs worth of work not bad I needed that tonight good stuff  after the murphys law week I had the other wk"
1753584698,"neutral","phoeNYkx","@junkyardbluess Report your findings to me"
1753584811,"relief","Neecole09","It's so awesome to know that there are people who think I have what it takes to make it in Nashville, and who offer to help if I want it."
1753584842,"love","Dwaynario","@empresstrena have a nice time, with plenty of dreams"
1753584874,"neutral","BlondMobile","@HilzFuld @YarinHochman there will be a session of #MoMoTLV at #iva09"
1753584897,"worry","automaticheart","@hellosascha I'm currently into Emarosa. Their new album is the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Haha"
1753584909,"love","PaytonJonas","@Jonasbrothers The episode was AMAZING...I cried when I saw the home videos they were soooooo cute"
1753584922,"neutral","BrookeAmanda","New picture  bored."
1753584977,"relief","andrewwooddiver","not at work today .i have my car back she is perfect  going random shopping later ."
1753584985,"happiness","Jaded_Crypt","I have Vampire Knight  music!!!  I feel very special.."
1753585051,"worry","Christian0386","@BrianMcnugget 167 Brian 167 that's 1...6....7 followers count them and weep. And they ALL know who is the buzz champion by now"
1753585089,"worry","Xperimania","@justlonely we all have our moments of intense genius...and power...and well, at times, sheer insanity  i need a sanity check!"
1753585221,"happiness","jesssicababesss","@Jadeyyg http://twitpic.com/4wrxq - whens your little gingg getting twitter ? from g + j"
1753585226,"enthusiasm","imuyachan","@sookyeong u mean VIP this time ? coz of the KBS thingy ? haha.."
1753585249,"neutral","MarDixon","@hypnophil Good Morning"
1753585270,"neutral","TheEmmaHamilton","@shantl Thank you!"
1753585271,"fun","kiera95","going to get waterguns from tesco today   haha.   its sunny."
1753585327,"happiness","blissery","@sentimentalizzy lady in the water is pure bs, but i remember enjoying his other films."
1753585361,"love","Redjotter","@alexwaddell I love Broughty Ferry"
1753585371,"enthusiasm","HayleySimmonds","Is having a BBQ today!"
1753585429,"relief","skybluesfc","And the Sun is shinning.........at last"
1753585446,"love","sweetntastyl","Oh p.s. Thank you so much for the flowers Mr.Akins your mamacita loves yoooou papa  Kevin is the best muuaah!"
1753585459,"neutral","majzen11","All ready for costume making! But... there's no one here...!"
1753585539,"fun","misslez","Bumping dj opus in the drunk in the car.  lmao. Don't act like u don't know."
1753585558,"worry","Heike_77","Good Morning everybody and happy Mothers Day!!!!"
1753585586,"happiness","gerox1015","doing some DIY- I'm dying mg clothes black again...save some money"
1753585618,"love","lazykatie","Joel Mchale just made a Puyallup Fair reference on The Soup! I love this stuff. Snuggled in bed with my best girls"
1753585641,"worry","SplashMan","@RichNeville well you scared me saying there may be rustling in the trees!  Happy Sunday to you sir"
1753585656,"enthusiasm","mycahearten","she's smarter and classier. she's perfect for him. and, IM NOT."
1753585672,"neutral","WeedSan","@UKpokerReview Going to start very small, like $0.10 or $0.50  Then slowly to higher stakes"
1753585695,"relief","CatsCompilation","Tidied & hoovered the whole flat - and all b4 10am today  Now we're heading out2 German bakery 4 breakfast followed by a walk in the park"
1753585696,"happiness","leezl","@musicalmover @shotbeak got my grubby paws on a live recording of paramore. you have to hear. its better than chocolate"
1753585772,"worry","fauz_rahm","thanks 2 become my friend,twitter..  selalu ada ruang untuk sahabat"
1753585798,"happiness","AngryYoungMan2","Guten Morgen/ Good Morning/"
1753598709,"happiness","HelloLizzi","somebody smuggle me to sydney, i'll be your slave for eternity"
1753598711,"happiness","Mikki_Vee","Had fun 2nite...i was pleasantly surprised"
1753598740,"enthusiasm","Katie_McFlyy","Mcfly evolution for the 4th time round"
1753598814,"neutral","gniknus","Music Update Before Leaving. Check out the songs Photograph by Air, Disco Friends by Just Jack, Stand Up by The Prodigy. And Enjoy!!!"
1753598837,"worry","jackssolike","just got in from michaels and had some shreddies  im well tired, it was fun though ryan wright stoned = LOL"
1753598863,"relief","OreosRule","just woke up...feelin a lil better  <3"
1753598886,"neutral","YellaTrouble","Just woke up to go to the bathroom, had the weirdest dream before I woke up...back to sleep night/morning ...wateva"
1753598933,"happiness","iCarluccio","I'm still at the mothers day lunch at my uncles house. Having a nice time!"
1753598987,"happiness","Heyystacy","http://twitpic.com/4ws3m - I love family guy  2 hours of work to go.."
1753599011,"surprise","destinyhope92","Hello Twitters"
1753599032,"surprise","MaliStack","@bradiewebbstack bit excited are u bradie lol"
1753599052,"surprise","celinieee","@ohmyjooo why did Ate Maita give you a message?  *curious* xD )) BTW,nice polaroid shot! ;;) from polaroid.net...? xD"
1753599198,"happiness","karmiz16","@camilleprats Happy Mother's Day!"
1753599245,"relief","voguematerial","have you ever met a guy thatv was everything you want and need but you never really went for it w/ him ? g'nite Daddy"
1753599254,"neutral","KristinGermany","i'm varnishing my nails baby-blue now..."
1753599267,"love","Custardcuppcake","@BlokesLib lmao you witty wacko...loves it"
1753599270,"sadness","sloney","@GabrielSaporta heard you slutted it up! I'm totally jealz~ I missed it. Maybe next time!"
1753599277,"neutral","laurenbrez","BGT TOURRR 18THH JUNEE  <3 2ND ROWWW  GEORGE SAMPSONN!! <3<3"
1753599299,"neutral","carla081996","starting an account here on twitter"
1753599307,"neutral","grannypamnz","@JohnJCampbell its the wine!!"
1753599329,"neutral","luisete","@ricardcastellet te gustar�!"
1753599397,"love","pa3cia","@OJthekid LOL yeah ima mama  thanks. happy mama's day and lakers day! i love it!"
1753599420,"love","JaCeYVahiz","wishes Happy mother's day to all mothers!!!"
1753599449,"surprise","yourethevoice","@jakeyboy26 cool, i'm glad you had a good time.  x"
1753599541,"neutral","youroryoure","[Wrong!] @azuril your the earlybird so you suck  http://tinyurl.com/p47mdp"
1753599550,"worry","alexderossi","@arlocordova yes super lakas ng ulan. buti nalang i have a red bandana, body ko lang ang wet look  hahah!"
1753599559,"sadness","ExtremeAnnette","Stop Everything! Are YOU extremely UNCOOL & I don't know? IDENTIFY yourself NOW! Don't be shy let me know so I can UNfollow! Thank you!x"
1753599602,"neutral","MandyPandy32","Right, is too glorious a day to be sat inside....must go and do something more active! Have a good day all"
1753599659,"happiness","pisnimbus89","Out for ultimate training. looking forward to the sunset!"
1753599661,"happiness","Skibble","@MandyPandy32 Thanks hon!! Project Bra starts today!"
1753599694,"love","dimitrivh","@freekdp we will support you"
1753599719,"worry","siovene","@Fitoria how's the translation going?"
1753599721,"love","KaoZar","My frist post... Off to find a new car for my parents, exciting!"
1753599755,"happiness","tessbedard","looks like yet another beautiful day in London"
1753599796,"happiness","LuisaFranklin","@sweetlilmzmia Thanks for the song! You�re awesome.  I can sing along all day!"
1753599827,"neutral","homebasenyc","en route 2 the airport!! la bound"
1753599838,"happiness","hannahismyname","can't be arsed to get out of bed  hello sunshine"
1753599871,"worry","H0TP0T","Just got back from a run & I'm feeling grrrrrreeeeeaat!!!"
1753599882,"worry","TJ6106","Beautiful sunshine when I woke up  but litterally 2 minutes later it starts to rain! I must be cursed."
1753599900,"love","ilovekeroppi043","says Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there."
1753599914,"neutral","dennisrosdalle","Took some phogs"
1753599958,"worry","TheNGTV","@vennsoh Oh good, this thing is viral now"
1753600034,"neutral","nocivus","BB lunch room for breakfast muffin"
1753600043,"love","EnricoDc","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS OUT THERE!!!"
1753600052,"neutral","cidawson","@givemestrength Ha - check the high scores today, currently I have the No1 slot at 306,000"
1753600060,"love","beiicon","@rushtoaugust @wonderchae @elyfont Happy mother's day to your moms."
1753600086,"love","TobyWanKenoby","So drunk!  Love u guys!"
1753600155,"love","Minda_Zetlin","Peter, the bar owner is working his way up to 1000 beers-all Belgian. Has coffin for drinkers of Mort Subite"
1753600179,"happiness","Thea_Smith","@natsnapper Thanks   Our little girl just loves animals so all the 'oohs' and 'aahs' were very cute!"
1753600251,"fun","Noa_Liberator","Got me a dark red hair dye, going to get some bleach"
1753600331,"happiness","fiercemichi","going to head to bed now finally...goodnight! Hopefully my dreams will consist of ravishing things, such as: Zachary Quinto."
1753600346,"fun","ameliasperm","going to a garden centre today. should be funn :/ currently drinking egyptian spice tea and watching hollyoaks"
1753600383,"worry","PS3iTrophies","@DaveyJam live live or leaked live? If it's live properly I may just role outta bed and download it"
1753600386,"love","theblackqueen","nothing is as lovely as rolling in after a long night with a boyfriend and a kitty"
1753600431,"surprise","iNinja2009","@lesley007 morning sweetie, you cool?  xxx"
1753600483,"sadness","diandizzle","i believe only my black personality can explain how i feel... that boyfrann of mines gots me sprung"
1753600493,"neutral","YayoLynn","@cherrythegreat Nako! Umuulan pa naman!  Anyway, enjoy the bike rides!"
1753600508,"fun","xvikki","Is gonna go for a shower  goin to see hannah Montana laterz woo well excited"
1753600514,"love","JKayP","@yaeljk NKOTB world is the best place to be"
1753600604,"fun","HillaO","@shiraabel going through your tweets right now, probably missed all the good ones in the last 4 hours"
1753600634,"worry","royalkilla408","Spend a great time with family and friends. Thanks you guys"
1753600697,"sadness","JennyFanpire","Really tired this sunday morning  xxx"
1753600837,"neutral","ilovetwilightxo","Gonna have some brekkie get ready and then do it"
1753600864,"worry","kangel_05","forgot the pin of my debit card. thank God the card still works after several attempts. just bought cake for sister's birthday. wheew!"
1753600874,"neutral","JordanShepley","morning tweat tweat twitter"
1753600929,"love","pam_thompson","@jlamshed Not had an offer like that for a while"
1753600947,"neutral","khal_d","Cooking brown rice  http://bit.ly/gihac"
1753600998,"happiness","Rachhy","@Jonas_babe woo! im getting mine on monday,cant wait  x"
1753601006,"relief","KatsManDEW","@BB517 LOL...I think it's safe to say that we are not alone in our thinking!"
1753601015,"surprise","L_Twin","@t0mf Not really stuck on F1.. but as the weather is here today I might just stay in and watch it."
1753601042,"worry","einsteinradio","@iRobC It's a an MK mentality...I think"
1753601213,"neutral","LisaNhan","Hot ramen soup to end a longgg munching night"
1753601227,"neutral","jsuplido","@penreyes actually I think Doogie Howser got the idea from the Captain's Log."
1753601244,"love","Rose_of_Sharon_","Our God is an awesome God, He is a God of 2nd,30th,100th chances..I give Him ALL the glory for my 2nd chance at 'love'.. Am still stunned"
1753601253,"neutral","daniel_beckwith","@TMJP I sure she can"
1753601260,"happiness","radcookie","had a shitload of fun with her friends"
1753601298,"love","paulwalkerissoh","and Happy Mothers Day to All you Moms out there i hope you had a good day"
1753601344,"empty","imba","@Naina @dinno so ur name is also Naina"
1753601368,"neutral","ahgareesh","we're one, but we're not the same, we get to carry each other"
1753601392,"neutral","Goldyfinch","@JasonBradbury Oh dear, what a rotten life you lead, NOT!"
1753601407,"love","fdaallday","@kellydollyrot aww... my mom will appreciate it   Much the same to your familias! When do you leave for tour?"
1753601419,"surprise","DallanB","But caught Bullet Boys, Trixter (Pete was great), LA Guns AND Kix (who stole the show). Hung out backstage like a real rock and roller."
1753601472,"fun","LoveMeIDareYou","@symphnysldr  you have every right to feel like a crazy fanboy! jason mraz and james morrison? the jealousy is tangible"
1753601500,"fun","kamskade","Cant stop playin' in my head  -- pussycat dolls jai ho ellen degeneres [HD] http://bit.ly/HxLfm"
1753601519,"worry","PeachyPictures","@Alicat13 Looks like both to me Alison."
1753601522,"happiness","MrsDusick","Listening Maroon 5 .... "Songs About Jane" is one of my favourite albums in time"
1753601531,"worry","taluta","@pcsketch Oh dear, it will be late there.... good ol Michigan!  Well I look forward to chatting with you when our wakeful hours overlap."
1753601551,"happiness","Chiif","@mitchalbom. very much enjoyed your "whats in a name" article"
1753601602,"neutral","pr0xyfl00d3r","@jimmycarr Yup is ace film tho"
1753601619,"surprise","x_manda","Morrningg  just slept for 12 hours and now i have a headache D;"
1753601790,"love","vvisitors","@jacehall http://twitpic.com/4nbx4 - great photo! bravi! we are looking forward for the upcoming pilot in Italy too"
1753601799,"neutral","Alpharalpha","@goebicyu rentaphone  yesy have"
1753601899,"love","naomijade","@morrick I'm feeling much less alone now in my love for Fitzcarraldo, most people I mention it to have no idea what I am talking about."
1753601926,"neutral","dimrac","gm! me with @doox  now @ http://podilates.gr/pp2_10_5_08"
1753601930,"happiness","juliababexo","just had cheese on toast with ham (: about to get ready to go to LONDON!"
1753601963,"happiness","mmmj","@f_nadzirah thanks!"
1753614835,"worry","vanillaic","@turohaapamaki suck it up"
1753614903,"neutral","w1zk1d","Mother's Day - cherrylolita: That�s not true. My bad - I didn�t check it  Thank you  http://tumblr.com/xxv1qz4ge"
1753614917,"love","valenzetti","lost HIATUS noooooooooooooooooo D: back to school tomorow. back in 10TY  (@NamastexD)"
1753615079,"neutral","caityluvsyuu","noghty night twitterific twitter tweeting pals"
1753615107,"happiness","sammylove","@timz_twitz lol...hiiii yourself. Maybe lay off the patron and down a bottle of water!"
1753615177,"love","paigeebaby","@twebbstack =O you need to ask him something? Lmao I love him too"
1753615184,"worry","mmmj","http://twitpic.com/4ws8w - Look who I brought home"
1753615226,"worry","jafsal","is slowly crunching the reality that june is fast approaching. in other words, classes again, and another year will be added to my age."
1753615246,"enthusiasm","joshwhacker","@firequinito From the champion team in the defunct MBA, Cebu Gems!"
1753615263,"fun","PrincessAvalon","watching run fat boy run...haha its soo funny."
1753615271,"neutral","drink_feck_arse","@LJsBaby not just me then"
1753615317,"happiness","cherylpayne","sooo pleased the sun is shining today! garden here I come"
1753615335,"worry","JacobG018","In shower and getting ready after I come out!  Going Christening!"
1753615352,"love","comeonecomeall","@makikaysantos thanks love ) btw happy mother's day to your mom"
1753615390,"relief","itsdarryldsmith","@onlyvicky Would you believe that I'm done with homework for the rest of my life?"
1753615410,"happiness","funkyfairy24","@Misstaken77 did you go out last night???? My Girls' Night In was fab, everyone made an effort dressing up"
1753615446,"happiness","roweeeena","@sarahfloss went with john grisham instead... she was very pleased & never suspected a thing, lol. hope tomorrow is a better day for you"
1753615448,"love","loborohan","@LiveJoy i love to read ur little quotes"
1753615469,"enthusiasm","Jess_Moody","there is never anything on tv, on sundays. CAN'T WAIT for america"
1753615471,"relief","realjas","@gentlerabbit Awesome!  I'm glad they didn't screw it up!  I'll let you know Monday where we are going to watch it."
1753615512,"happiness","xangie1984x","14 days until Boyzone"
1753615660,"surprise","TyCody","@shezDOPEx3 Hey u  Whatchu up too? Isn't it past your bed time?"
1753615666,"happiness","grapesoda","is in a good mood"
1753615685,"love","adronbh","Anyone else go train tripping on National Train Day?  http://tinyurl.com/p2l88x  Leave a comment of your adventures on the site."
1753615700,"happiness","GueldenE","What a perfect sunday morning!! Sun is shining, i feel so good - time for a perfect breakfast !!"
1753615764,"empty","KirstTreth","Thanks @PARKPLACEMTG @StopChronicPain @Kerrysherin @Health_Twit01"
1753615850,"happiness","angesbiz","@geehall1 LOL! I had a peek at http://geehall.blogspot.com it's coming along nicely  I totally understand about leaving the set quiet too."
1753615933,"empty","Katsmell","@Jessmsmell im seeing this guy 2moro arvo after skl cus he asked me to"
1753615940,"love","Lozzatheblue","I just realised how much i love sundays"
1753615979,"enthusiasm","stumads","@JasonBradbury YES! but keep them coming"
1753615997,"love","eCharlyn88","is going to the Derny race with Sofie & Cindy.... And i'll see Eric there !"
1753616017,"love","ComedyQueen","@RWA88 Yay thanks  and awwh no you will feel grand soon  #TwitterTaleover"
1753616054,"neutral","drummerlove17","happy mother's day!!!"
1753616058,"worry","AndyCorney","@vonnvonn why thank you. Couldn't resist it"
1753616066,"neutral","zxed","all done., time to finally start shuting down"
1753616072,"neutral","jessiee2","@A_Bizzle Checkin that out right now"
1753616078,"love","FrenchTeamVF","@ddlovato I missed u. Stop defending urself. Your true fans are with u  U're the best. And for me u didn't change. -Ur biggest french fan!"
1753616092,"neutral","Kirsty_Foot","Come See Me Live On Stickam  http://www.stickam.com/valentine_rock"
1753616129,"neutral","HOURCAST","looking at an insane view of hollyweird....in an altered state."
1753616216,"love","AlexM11","Loving Lego Indiana Jones. A game-researching aracheologist's dream"
1753616287,"fun","moopf","Our kids are both in a Derbyshire schools string concert at the Buxton Opera House today. They're both quite excited"
1753616289,"happiness","rwdave","@NovaWildstar  Damn right!"
1753616330,"happiness","Stephbob","OMG i'm so happy as now,thanks to Micheal Sheen (aka Aro)  i know that the photoshoot for the volturi has been done!!! happies!!"
1753616345,"love","Emily_Murtough","@nicole_honey thank you  i have a business exam tomorrow too :/"
1753616384,"happiness","soulkid_len","just joined twitter thanks to my M&M!"
1753616395,"neutral","Tory_x","anyone remember those izone cameras? Well i still have mine. Pretty rad"
1753616457,"happiness","LukinLove","Reading my book in the sunshine, goona be a good day"
1753616459,"happiness","The_allister","@bbrownnewcolleg congratulations!"
1753616522,"relief","chrismartin7","is relaxing after working on Mothers Day.  Oh well. A good day had.  Hope you are all well"
1753616577,"relief","ahoyalexandRAH","finally synced iPod"
1753616582,"worry","izzagillianne","@ilhongy if i can buy sleep for you, i will... that's what you need!"
1753616680,"neutral","DemiLSupporter","@DestinyHope92 i'm fine thanks  wbu?"
1753616749,"neutral","kliptu","Happy mother's day !!!!"
1753616752,"worry","ohheyrob","back on the twit. much hw's to do... will post something interesting when i think of it"
1753616773,"surprise","siobhian","@ABIBAN where you ladies off to?"
1753616849,"love","angelzweb","Hello all... wishing all mothers a very happy mother's day today.. & everyday... & Happy Tweeting..."
1753616934,"enthusiasm","sfee","catching up on my teevee shows."
1753616961,"happiness","silly1kay","@affascinare hehee!! yea its supposed to sound mean.. hahhaa"
1753617036,"happiness","gemmalequesne","awesome milkshakes, i had areo mint,. we just blended it up, it was like a lumpy smoothie  so then we did some more chattering and ..."
1753617091,"happiness","brian_rob","@saltyshutter cool beans, yeah man - no prob at all"
1753617107,"worry","evilshandar","Robbie Wadge where are you? Does anyone know Robbie? Calling Robbie!"
1753617123,"happiness","matpike","@britneyspears thanks for following me, hope all is well and cant wait to see you in australia when ya come."
1753617124,"worry","Kreate_Your_Art","Indo Girl in Thai Traditional Clothes being object for tourist at Wat Arun"
1753617156,"happiness","FrenchTeamVF","@DougieMcfly Haha dude, we have the same b-date :p I'll wish u ur b-day the 3oth November. I'll also turn 16  Can u reply to me please ?"
1753617164,"happiness","mschikee","Happy mother's day @mrskutcher"
1753617172,"empty","CoachDeb","@stephenTiano Esp with Twitter access! the party NEVER stops - even "at nite" cuz it's always daylight "somewhere" around the world!"
1753617185,"happiness","SashaKane","@tkpleslie Have a friend that calls me "Mother Earth" when ever he seems me. Nurturing is second nature to some. (me) Have God Babies."
1753617188,"happiness","LeaseTYM","Happy mothers day to all u milfs out there."
1753617239,"fun","indiebeats","@teamellyn sounds cool! Liverpool's ace, especially if you like the beatles cos there's museums and shops dedicated to them"
1753617327,"neutral","iPierre","@henriok not really  Just have to install OS X on a harddrive and get it to boot on schools iMacs."
1753617398,"happiness","giagia","@JasonBradbury Not addicted, just sociable."
1753617403,"neutral","girlj67","Morning all  sun is shining, birds are singing - time for a cuppa T in the garden while reading tweets  http://twitpic.com/4ws9r"
1753617422,"happiness","Taurinh","@RODSMACK_10k much appreciated!  yeah, it sure is a challenge and a great reward. wouldn't trade it for anything."
1753617440,"happiness","cooperfyfe","@novahalle i love everrything from breadtalk  i would eat the whole place if i could"
1753617449,"surprise","LindseytheFirst","@simonpeggster Hi Simon, I'm new to this too - but just thought I'd tell you Jimmy Carr has tweeted that you make the Star Trek movie."
1753617455,"neutral","MargreteH","Good morning  I don't think it has stopped raining once for the past three days or so, but who cares?"
1753617473,"happiness","AngelaPinjuh","@bugmum oh and twas my very brilliant idea if I do say so myself  what can I say i'm an ideas woman"
1753617499,"happiness","glennguan","Boarding the USS Enterprise.. Warp speed ahead!   #fb"
1753617529,"happiness","jockquesha5","@victorglenn saw your pics, so awesome!"
1753617611,"relief","adrianh","@markng Sounds like a plan. Nice to see some positive thinking though rather than the usual "media is dead" tosh"
1753617629,"love","xSusaaaaan","Happy mothers day mom  ?"
1753617642,"love","mangolisa","had nutella croissant+mango+melon+coffee and a lovely stalk of iris for breakfast in bed courtesy of N  Have the house to myself til noon"
1753617731,"happiness","arinbjorn","@iamkhayyam Haha, i came home from a long night out, and all i saw on Tweetie was Khayyam Wakil. I usually don't announce and shit - LOL"
1753617741,"happiness","janeambrose","@fixxatedstar Aww, thank you Soulmate! Haha."
1753617789,"sadness","dawniecahill","@emilyhall92 awww bless him  i am indeed coming, 68 days woooo! are you?"
1753617921,"neutral","emily_lee","mmm one more thing... I forgot to give Kudos to Drea, Elisa, Ise, & Shelane for all helping out with greek week! Thanks ladies!"
1753617924,"neutral","demolitionpansy","@Ofana33 Happy Mothers Day"
1753618042,"sadness","silverSpoon","@shortword ah cool yeah i can see that . really handy thanks"
1753618192,"neutral","mr_1nvisib1e","http://bit.ly/5pBLz  for McCoy's initial rant."
1753618274,"happiness","sharonhayes","I like @catep36 already  (new follower to join in midst of zombies mayhem)"
1753618276,"hate","TheYaoiReview","@scarlethyacinth I'm working on a painting due for school and hating myself for sleeping all damn day and starting this so late."
1753618277,"neutral","samofoz","@Meshel_Laurie my thoughts rae with you and your family"
1753618288,"happiness","maxmcfly","@LittleFletcher hey ive seen the musical live its funny lol"
1753618346,"sadness","n00dlez","Gatorade first thing in the morning = yumyum  feeling shattered but must arise and revise for IT tomorrow."
1753618400,"happiness","bruddahG","just came back home from NE gig, another fun night skankin...what a workout!"
1753618411,"neutral","Mielo19","Listening 'Hallelujah' on Youtube. Leonard Cohen wins.  #xfactor"
1753618412,"neutral","Jennaidh","Just woke up  shopping today for my birthday....kinda"
1753618450,"happiness","JuicyCoutureLuw","Hi, i was just getting up now so i tought i could write something. Today i'm gonna go shopping! Soo fun, isn't it?"
1753631027,"happiness","GibbMatt","@Sera030 heya  40 hour famine starts on may 22nd - are you gonna take part?"
1753631044,"hate","carebear11147","is bored hehehe  i hate IPT"
1753631046,"relief","barbz6344","happy mother's day to all mom's out there!!  we gave our mom a rose and we treat her to max's restaurant..how about yours?"
1753631055,"neutral","automaticheart","@nindrawr ngobrolin favorite bands at the moment cii... kesian ya kamu speakernya rusak HAHAHA  benerin dong ci."
1753631087,"happiness","anoochit","At the avenue, raining  so cool"
1753631099,"neutral","josiiii","@shaundiviney i already do"
1753631137,"relief","wonder_nat","Lovely hubby has just spray tanned the back of my legs for me so hopefully won't look like an allsort for much longer!!"
1753631169,"fun","casual_intruder","@daveg38 You really are always dirty!!! Ha ha!!!! Do you have a sex addiction???"
1753631172,"fun","reikimaster88","Justin Timberlake, How You can easily become a reiki master?  at http://tinyurl.com/reiki88"
1753631178,"happiness","johnegg12","@wp101 Cheers! will do"
1753631276,"neutral","send2paul","http://twitpic.com/4wseo - Our picnic table cruet set"
1753631286,"surprise","karl_goddard","Cheers Tony!!!! Btw notice no swear words in my tweets!"
1753631427,"neutral","aleeeeee","@MeBec go on the msnnnn or ring my home phone  NOW"
1753631617,"sadness","dibbbles","@Parsnipzilla ohtays, it all makes sense now... Cool"
1753631640,"sadness","pudseyrocket","need to push diet to last level. Not too good last week lost 1 lb. . Better than a gain"
1753631708,"happiness","aaronbassett","@newtoid oh jealous. Though you're missing the fried potato bread"
1753631743,"happiness","rwdave","@NovaWildstar Nothing of the sort! Nevertheless, I shall now go out and share my magnificence with the wider world!"
1753631765,"happiness","lesley007","@LJsBaby Hahaha...gutted !! it's his birthday soon,so he'll have to wait until then. haha"
1753631866,"worry","sosickwiidit","up odee early qot a call from some1 who I haven't heard from in a very lonq time"
1753631905,"worry","anbu_soph","Good morning Twitter!"
1753631935,"happiness","Glennydrums","@sallyLFC I did my best, it is Sunday after all"
1753631961,"neutral","metamatik","@Exirel It's on today's menu, don't worry"
1753631983,"happiness","maaaaisie","coraline was scary yesterday, didn't puke luckily.  ahaa. 1 week & 1 day till i'm 14 baby"
1753631998,"happiness","zoelovesarchie","@louiiseeeeee LMFAO. omgosh when i first heard that song with you,i felt like i was gonna pee myself, OMGOSH THE WALTZER MAN!  lol xoxo"
1753632042,"worry","LittleBitTwistd","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL MOMMIES"
1753632052,"enthusiasm","DannysBaby","Is A Very Happy Bee, She Is Starting To Feel Better, & Cant Wait For Her Birthday, what is 23 days"
1753632104,"happiness","violetbakes","@BridgetSupple  you have been busy, have a lovely time"
1753632105,"love","chrissydokka","@CassieScerbo: 'Bring it on: In it to win it' is the BEST movie ever!!  U are the best actress, singer, dancer and role model ever<33 xoxo"
1753632141,"happiness","Cansu87","@SamBennington hey Samantha welcome  and happy mother's day!!"
1753632191,"worry","DiMat2009","@BrianMcnugget are you getting my messages or do you have to add me to recieve them, soz I'm new to this"
1753632239,"relief","Fredrikkk","I feel better today."
1753632242,"happiness","antony","@mbrevoort Thanks - that works a treat  Need to post that xml really though - thinking about how to emulate rails' ActiveResource"
1753632265,"love","sargarcia","happy mother's day mom. love you always"
1753632291,"neutral","londicreations","@NiftyKnits I was saying the same thing yesterday! So I droped 120 tweets! No the smarted thing bussiness wise, but can find real people!"
1753632320,"relief","HelloLizzi","i definitely win at life"
1753632399,"surprise","ChamaeleoLabs","@JasonBradbury for sure  ...suprisingly addictive tho, i only just signed up after months of trying to resist."
1753632411,"fun","Hollie_Ainslie","Just got back from Kuantan Had sooooooo much FUN"
1753632426,"enthusiasm","_Abbi","http://bit.ly/sJDLp  - Great Song! Cobra Starship Feat. Leighton Meester"
1753632437,"happiness","groggits","On our way to take photos at the park"
1753632479,"happiness","XzXskittlesXzX","wooo am recovering from running race for life yest!!! i managed 36 mins 44secs, not bad for absolutley no trianing"
1753632493,"neutral","steph_ifly","keeping it chilled."
1753632499,"worry","CasualCottage","@londicreations  I don't mind whistlers if they are actually whistling a tune, but those who just whistle nothing drive me crazy!"
1753632526,"enthusiasm","Gappiie","awake and ready to learn a little more"
1753632531,"happiness","aleeeeee","bought awesome shooeessss"
1753632533,"neutral","gschan","@emjhoistarr Hello. New follower lang po. Tweet to meet you."
1753632624,"love","Stephbob","band recommended by Steph --> PARAMORE! who else? a great band, consists of->Hayley Williams,Josh Farro,Zac Farro,Jeremy Davis  best band!"
1753632657,"happiness","Jackphillips1","Is off to watch arsenal v chelsea today"
1753632709,"neutral","jimmy_zed","That's the way it crumbles, cookie-wise"
1753632768,"neutral","NiksieThePixie","@lozhush let be me your first"
1753632779,"worry","senthilnayagam","got a prerecorded phone call from JJ asking to vote for ADMK led front, phone number is +914044621160, hyderabad connections"
1753632782,"love","twebbstack","@paigeebaby  HAHAHAAH LAMO  thats so bad xDD i want my oneshot to go thurther hehe like ... BEDROOM xDD"
1753632786,"neutral","bbrownnewcolleg","@ULL Thank you.  Usually the learning happens after I get a little rest and review my notes.  Which reminds me, I'd better get some rest"
1753632790,"happiness","hypnophil","@JeffTracey forward to starting teaching new students all about hypnosis, will have plenty of laughs I'm sure"
1753632815,"love","Spidersamm","ohi i would marry Travis Pastrana in a second... hes not that attractive, hes just the sweetest thing  and what he does is attractive ;)ha"
1753632818,"neutral","missphiaelle","http://bit.ly/137cTy How about some Celtic up in our lives?"
1753632863,"happiness","Scaatkits","@bluevolvic  awesome   I'll have to keep a look out for it!"
1753632881,"fun","Phylomene","@itslauraaa Yeah i like it"
1753632936,"neutral","HelloLizzi","tamlyn wishes she was as cool as my sock draw"
1753633068,"fun","RODSMACK_10k","@TaurinH I agree, it truly is the coolest/best thing I do everyday. I definitely wouldn't trade it for anything. Dads FTW!"
1753633113,"hate","TMJP","@Tory_x hah, well at least we are not saying; tory is a fatty watty"
1753633210,"neutral","wardrox","@DaveP_47 hey, watch out you don't post too many adverts on your twitter feed. I wouldn't normally follow, but your blog is interesting"
1753633283,"relief","oliverronaldson","Just downloaded a podcast @ the bus stop"
1753633295,"happiness","courtney_xoxoxo","Omg,... just had the best roast ever! but now im full haha,.."
1753633302,"neutral","nom_de_guerre","Cake anyone? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kayveeinc/3517129153/"
1753633337,"love","funnja","happy mother's day"
1753633357,"worry","justineville","@GabezRosales i'm still crossing my fingers for a fun group"
1753633455,"sadness","LoveCynthia1","@queetsss thanks babe. I guess I will find the right person one day, til then I'm better off alone"
1753633549,"happiness","ashleywada","finally home!! tomorrow is day 2 of "Amazing"."
1753633561,"surprise","jasonsalas","@jsrobertojr uh-oh...you're creeping up on my 4th spot! hahaha."
1753633598,"hate","joleeluna","this song is overplayed and i hate that but i don't care right now cuz i wanted to listen to it  ? http://blip.fm/~5z6n5"
1753633611,"love","officialjule","@ddlovato : yaaay,  you're back .FINALLY!!! i love reading your tweets ;D. and you ;P"
1753633673,"relief","stu_art_ist","@Moonchild66 I'm sure It will be repeated soon, seems to be on  TV quite a lot lately. Glad you mentioned it last night, watched it again"
1753633722,"relief","pollyxx","@ichliebexdich  hhahaa!    its well strange just woke up to an empty house ahah  lolllllyyyyyyyy<3 love that dog"
1753633723,"fun","eljayr","morning  football today! thinking of learning some Applescript"
1753633729,"neutral","tigeladakawaii","Thanks @ClaudiaMagic   ? http://blip.fm/~5z6n8"
1753633738,"happiness","madeinberlin","@Serenity265 Thanks hun! Next time we'll all go again"
1753633750,"neutral","ahjj","I think I'm going to the movies tonight with Oda"
1753633764,"happiness","smallbecca","@SubClub I was, I took your advice and it was most enjoyable  I am too small to be out alone or I would've just come over lol"
1753633782,"relief","Smift","@sharkara dunno. Maybe the flu. I feel a bitbetter now."
1753633788,"empty","anomit","@aditya Easy. Put on a mask. Hack. Even though the cameras record you, no one can do jackshit"
1753633810,"worry","FacesByFarah","Finally getting to bed! Night tweeples"
1753633829,"neutral","missosology","@sukitgood well Minas Gerais is the first runner up  she did well"
1753633836,"relief","wlwarriorsuzie","@azdog they already are in my books"
1753633886,"happiness","JeremyCShipp","Off to the Dream World to battle the evil Spork Horde.  Later, folks."
1753633995,"enthusiasm","GnarBlast","did some more work on Dig Dug. can get to level 16 without dying now  Mega Man tomorrow after work. Goal: 2 levels in 5 minutes"
1753634034,"love","shecky95","shecky95 @renatak  Happy Moms Day to u as well and many more to come"
1753634039,"neutral","shmuxel","@JasonBradbury - Yes, you are addicted - half my twitter friend updates are yours"
1753634041,"worry","madeleinemcfly","@fletcherxx maxxie and anwar. ep 5? i think. i am up to that one next."
1753634090,"happiness","ComedyQueen","@Jamie_127 good morning  one m,ore day YAY! #TwitterTakeover"
1753634162,"happiness","Remelyn","yay playing scattegories and being random with Joel, May & Sherman"
1753634174,"neutral","ludlojai000","Off tha internet now Txt it"
1753634184,"neutral","thefinal310","Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's"
1753634185,"neutral","sam21paper","@SuperTriviaGuy Hey we were at Tallebudgera Creek at 5pm.....visiting Anita's special tree........could have almost bumped into you"
1753634195,"happiness","FoTizzle","went to church with @JessAttack t'was different lol"
1753634203,"love","danabeemusic","happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there"
1753634322,"surprise","SarahJacinta","@spoonerist Oooh! goodluck for the rest of them"
1753634336,"neutral","jonsky","@mandirudge  just listened to the songs on your myspace.  really good"
1753634347,"worry","lesley007","@casual_intruder well said...please take him off my hands..i can't cope !!!! Set that fox on him"
1753646849,"relief","SandsOfAfrica","Now I KNOW my shares are up...have 7 followers...wonderful!   The sun is now shining brightly in 'darkest Africa'..."
1753646869,"empty","wolwol","Yogulicious? another sour sally competitor"
1753646920,"fun","HollyAnne18","Driving fast is SO much fun. I went 80 in a 25. Hahaha. Goodnight!"
1753646944,"happiness","MarkCorden","@clairemaxwell i know that feeling way too well - have a nice walk"
1753646975,"happiness","ddkns","watching americas next top model yah haha"
1753646978,"love","hairytrees","..but did i mention spending time with two bffs .. Totally worth it"
1753646984,"neutral","justinpitt","Guess what the blue skies mean today?  http://twitpic.com/4wsj3"
1753647007,"love","oceanicitl","@LondonW12 aww lovely pic"
1753647034,"neutral","AmyWal","@amandab_4 Morning, just checking you can still find your Twhirl"
1753647046,"love","SugarfreeTrance","Making a mix! 22 minutes so far, aiming for 30 minutes  loving it so far!!!  DJ Sugarfree"
1753647051,"love","TaraMcDonaldTV","Just had the best hot chocolate ever with chilli  On my way back to the UK now, I need my lovely bed....oh and a sunday roast mmmm."
1753647102,"happiness","ficklampa","@wendy_fred6 It's REALLY cool! No, I'm on a PC now, I don't have a Mac  well I do but it's ooooooooold  I do have an iphone tho"
1753647107,"worry","kyong","no food in fridge... time for grocery shopping... via internet!!  could get used to shopping like this."
1753647128,"happiness","harisn","My phone is ultra fast now with all the latest firmware updates installed!"
1753647156,"happiness","watermelon04","had an amazing night with the girls"
1753647167,"love","withloverianeee","left 'Naked' at @iarebinky on her little ass bed  even though my feet stll hurt my nite was made ;-)"
1753647230,"happiness","sridhar94","FacePanda is cool"
1753647248,"surprise","ParisianChic","@mr_billiam whoa..you're fast. Check it out I've submitted my comment . Oh, and thanks!"
1753647424,"sadness","caityjones","Oh, and I'm obviously back on my stupid sleep schedule. Luckily church isn't until 2 tomorrow."
1753647597,"happiness","funkyfairy24","@Misstaken77 always good to polish off a few in the comfort of your own home  Nothing mischevious went down, just a fab night gossiping..."
1753647635,"love","hot_music_news","Happy Mothers day to all the Mom's on there!!"
1753647638,"love","steph1985","@yasminkol yea it looks good, the flower i mean."
1753647699,"neutral","seyba","Just saw Star Trek. I am not a hardcore fan or anything but it was really good! Get at it"
1753647704,"love","xplane0202","lookin forward to a lovely meal out for grandparents 75th at posh italian"
1753647738,"worry","Spidersamm","start again... so now theres 6 people coming with us when we go to melbourne...for short stack. originally 4. but still only 3 for ss"
1753647826,"worry","mainakjas","@kamathvasanth: wait till the vacation ends! u shud be cycling a lot then!"
1753647831,"neutral","kristinallund","@joelhouston well... As long as you're back for Elevate!"
1753647856,"fun","LukasVandenberg","@caitiejayne ok sick which date suits u they are thursday night friday night and sat night i think laast 3 nights get in quick"
1753648059,"happiness","jonathanforster","Heading to the office through a very quiet Stockholm, at least its not sunny"
1753648090,"fun","KSCB92","#f1 soon  good luck brawn and mclaren fix up look sharp :p"
1753648132,"fun","ScottyWu","@Celebritymound peep this remix from "The Wu Dynasty" remix tape its delayed but this will give u a idea"
1753648294,"neutral","leonard_elento","check on ya'll in a bit. im in for a Mother's day haircut. ciao!..."
1753648300,"hate","Parakeeet","@jaulin Maybe you have, my memory sucks."
1753648357,"neutral","kitz007","Oh my 'Mix Khichadi' seems to be ready now .. time for Lunch  !"
1753648370,"happiness","roseCHARLOTTTE","had the best weekend EVER  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
1753648404,"hate","Daisylittlestar","@MandyBookLover Hi  Yes wasn't she absolutely terrible! How on earth does she hear a good tune from her ears? Lol"
1753648500,"neutral","aravindjose","@sid88 Also @unitechy"
1753648658,"relief","rebeccamezzino","@a_web_designer Lookin' good, mate"
1753648714,"worry","Erdbeerstern","Hey don't write yourself off yet. Little girl you're in the middle of the ride"
1753648770,"worry","infinityio","gonna go outside with my daddy... gonna take a ride with his new triumph!"
1753648811,"worry","FletcherC","Listening to We Are Dead Ocean by @Draculatron. I actually listened twice in a row because it's so short and pleasing"
1753648822,"love","ViolaMaths","Listening to Mendelssohn - Italian Symphony.  Lovely."
1753648888,"neutral","davaobase","Hubby just arrived. We're getting ready for Ranchero's."
1753648894,"fun","Catvamp","@LollyDaskal Notebook ...what a marvellous film"
1753648923,"neutral","crystal311","Loong day. In bed cuddling with papabear and watching south park. Yay my bday bbq tomorrow! Can't wait"
1753648935,"fun","necessary_ev1L","You follow me , I follow you. As simple as that"
1753648951,"neutral","OliBBStorm","Now watching ZDF Fernsehgarten. Its so great that Andrea is back, at last"
1753648969,"enthusiasm","lozzie20","Lazy sunday is finally here"
1753649007,"neutral","millerian","@jussinen I've just gone back on and can't see anything too obvious. Who knows, but off to the Apple store today anyway"
1753649013,"love","lalalandtoday","@amandabynes heey  your awsome. god bless."
1753649014,"happiness","aussiemcflyfan","@AmyMeredithband amy meredith has a soccer team? well i also have news about soccer. my team won aswell!!  xx"
1753649099,"empty","ropiko","Just got up with @Vinn0sx"
1753649143,"worry","BlokesLib","@pcsketch There is a motorcycle for sale down the road. Mind you it'd be stupid of me to get it. Summer 5 months away."
1753649145,"happiness","faithsonshyne","@SeanTheROBOT  Good Evening!~"
1753649181,"neutral","GhostOtaku","@ElizaPatricia Pair it up with Fringe on Tuesday? That smells like a win imo as well."
1753649220,"love","andykoom","Yay Happy Mother's Day  #fb"
1753649237,"happiness","HoJonas","Heading of to the theatre! Having a show tonight, I'm so exited!"
1753649240,"hate","rhettroberts","http://twitpic.com/4wsjr - Leisure Bay beach  (I see the pic. wasn't uploaded last time, grrr!)"
1753649317,"neutral","sameoldgabi","@theEmzi h�rlich!"
1753649371,"love","crazytwism","@kaushal i am a bit more curious: how much did you pay for it?"
1753649397,"happiness","mrsgooding","@Narelle_NZ busy,fun mother's day thanks  got what I wanted...a Wii Fit!!! Yay"
1753649469,"worry","jencummins16","@Meshel_Laurie sorry to hear about a horrible weekend! It can only get better! Keep smiling."
1753649489,"neutral","jordanhowell","Watching Basement Jaxx's set on Radio One site"
1753649533,"happiness","BirdOnOrchard","Awake. Husband snoring faintly by my side. So happy"
1753649535,"happiness","Lany7","I have new slippers! They are piggys! So so cute and very warm"
1753649571,"happiness","Alysiaisgay","Excited for Rove tonight! Jennifer Garner and Gina Riley!"
1753649578,"neutral","Alpharalpha","@VRadio if you take backstreet boya and put them in silk mc hammer pants with sgt peppers/beatles coats and lame music then you have SMAP"
1753649579,"neutral","meenalanand","It's about to rain!!"
1753649581,"happiness","DLWilsonsWorld","@laraslattery Lara, thank you so much 4 the #FF recommend!"
1753649583,"fun","urbanexperiment","@mmmonkman Nice one. Hahaha  Thanks for last night <3"
1753649584,"neutral","adrence","@verwon Thanks for sharing it. Anything about COFFEE is good. I'm a big FAN!!! Can't live w/o it."
1753649625,"neutral","ubfid","@EvertB I gather from that that @mrsbopp is still asleep"
1753649654,"relief","simarquette","it's the last day  in lonesometown"
1753649695,"neutral","LuvMyGurlz","@issacfourth haha dork .. That sounds so yummy .. Share!"
1753649733,"relief","Harris_Junior","goes to church  hallelujah!"
1753649746,"surprise","willgoodwin","where r all the 5am tweets from @oakleafchurch people...oh that's right...they opened the #houseofrock last night so they're still in bed"
1753649775,"happiness","llJessicall","@GoldenFish00 Thxx!! I was in the bathroom when you said it.."
1753649777,"enthusiasm","ComedyQueen","@Susie_Nutbar Good morning  how are you? #TwitterTakeover"
1753649813,"neutral","gemmalequesne","to jodies and played sims till my daddy picked me up        and that is what i did yesterday. basically it was my social time"
1753649909,"love","Anime81","@NinjaFanpire And the 1600th tweet goes to you because w/o you, I'd have no one to talk to at 3am in the morning! lol <3"
1753649920,"happiness","NicholasLoRusso","ever been in a pointless argument with drunk mum, drunk nan and drunk mums bf while having dinner??? i have.... fun times all round  hahah"
1753650000,"worry","HelloLizzi","@Hanster7705 yeah, it's tragic  i need a haircut"
1753650068,"worry","KellyLynnB","I'm suffering from restless legs and butt syndrome."
1753650116,"love","ryanmwilson","im home!  Dinner with mum was delicious and nice  had a good time. Happy Mothers Day to all mums"
1753650126,"love","mzclaudia109","omg! i luv u guys, thanks for keepin me entertained, and awake !  .... missinmydgbigtyme"
1753650191,"happiness","spoonerist","@SarahJacinta Thanks!"
1753650234,"worry","maxomatosis","right, caffeine levels topped up, few more hours revision then #f1 time  'mon the jenson."
1753650267,"love","themilkclub","@mygirlhiro blogtv was fun! can't wait til next time"
1753650268,"love","Lauriix3",""I can givee you anything but lovee" - Daniel Schuhmacher"
1753650269,"happiness","prettierNpink61","Beer pong  at 6am  with jess"
1753650318,"neutral","judez_xo","@zuppalizzle you should come over before friday and teach me how"
1753650378,"happiness","ElodieMoreels","@LeMonjat Hehe, funny (the midget thing) ! Cheer up Alex, and wave from below  Is it that you are in Germany right now? .. or in Spain? ;D"
1753650408,"happiness","Chirael","So so happy to be with @theblackqueen - she even makes doing laundry wonderful"
1753650476,"empty","chantelleaustin","@rssanborn games? Just wanted to clarify"
1753650489,"love","shevaughndala","@arjbarker I am so excited you're touring with FOTC! I had no idea!! I'll be seeing you tomorrow"
1753650535,"sadness","zuppalizzle","I am the empitome of epic fail, just you know, more epic than fail."
1753662211,"love","lovemandy","had a good day driving up mountains, visiting katie, eating chips & fudge and stocking up on lovely smelling soaps"
1753662239,"love","DLWilsonsWorld","@vene2ia Yvonne, thanks 4 the #FFrecommend! Lovely profile photo, you have! And I agree w/u on the "what is sleep?"  LOL! It's 5:46 am!"
1753662309,"love","_lonewolff","Saw the new Star Trek movie yesterday 'twas  very good. Having a quiet day today - off to the gym then for lunch"
1753662338,"happiness","xxmileyfan02xx","@MileyCyrusRox25 iam eating pizza, want some??? haha.."
1753662342,"relief","CognitiveGirl","Two days in country victoria and my stress is gone! I think I left her there to fend for herself"
1753662439,"love","lostonli","@mikealeonetti Thank you!"
1753662445,"worry","earff","home after spending a day catching up with my old pals"
1753662648,"relief","helen_lo","@fnyc At least you're getting closer to normal bedtime. Enjoy your trip. Keep us updated. Sweet dreams"
1753662668,"worry","val3nc1a","@Scarfresh i want u to know i don't like u hun  j/p u know we go back"
1753662786,"neutral","kinaj","morning everyone!"
1753662830,"worry","Kent_Vinson","@Dina_Vinson no need to worry. I'll be by your side"
1753662946,"happiness","BecBrusa","@Meshel_Laurie Your father is a lucky man! He sounds like a fighter"
1753662949,"worry","neavieao","@Meech13 oh i love sunday mornings like this - mum just made scrambled eggs on toast"
1753662966,"neutral","FrancoisRetief","Franco made breakfast for Mom. Here he's trying to cut the strawberries (only safe knife  #fb http://twitpic.com/4wsmw"
1753663023,"happiness","dancingmanikin","Dinner with the family. Watching wild child in the car"
1753663029,"neutral","Jot123","flying is falling, getting distracted and missing the ground"
1753663308,"happiness","GeorgieYo","I'm feeling higher than Mt Everest"
1753663309,"neutral","ToxicRagdoll","Chillin on here"
1753663370,"worry","eglassman88","Getting my shit together then leaving work and going to bed"
1753663372,"worry","Ninerwiner","has plopped TWICE! TWICE!  http://plurk.com/p/svs0y"
1753663484,"enthusiasm","himynameisrose","@masterballerina yeah, it's all teased up into this boofy bit...i'm buying red hair extensions btw"
1753663501,"neutral","RosieL","Just woke up.   Uhuru out"
1753663512,"neutral","fanxx","@sylserra please let me know when you've found it  I'd like to know as well, although it's handy on your mobile..."
1753663521,"worry","QuinzybySara","@alexa_chung oh get well soon Alexa, take some rest"
1753663528,"happiness","brandisweet","Shhhweeeet-jay-z, bros back from from prom"
1753663621,"neutral","smithcnn","@IvanaF Oh, that would be riveting TV!   Trips to the break room, coffee, toothpicks in the eyes to keep them open."
1753663622,"happiness","geordiesharla","morrrning! the last day of a random but awesome weekend, gonna round it off in dbar style!  good timezzz."
1753663672,"worry","thecaity","Orange vitamin water 10 is my new addiction  U should try it."
1753663731,"sadness","6quartzdst","just had the most emo moment too many tears love my family and sorors"
1753663736,"happiness","kaystanding","@furlongthedog Welcome to Twitter  I hoped it wouldn't be long before you saw the light and joined us!"
1753663760,"relief","Aliina1","enjoying the sun with daddy, learning for englisch exam, watching gilmore girls"
1753663778,"neutral","red_ambert","Happy Mother's day to all mothers including mom-to-be and moms of 4 legged kids"
1753663795,"neutral","hollie__","@B_tifullyTragic ... in London last night so give it a few hours & I'm sure a few will appear"
1753663805,"relief","Lisakristinee","At home about to go to sleep! Goodnight twitter world!"
1753663881,"love","shazzee00","Happy Mother's Day.....................I had a gr8 day with my kids & my MUM"
1753663915,"love","AlexanderKrag","Basically I've listened to Miley Cyrus for fourteen hours now, and I love it."
1753663966,"love","fan0sh","Love "good girls go bad""
1753664061,"happiness","nettehassel","@paula_mcfly Haha! Yeah, I heard they that Leicester won  I was home by my self, with a movie, some candy and a pizza.. ! Amazing evening"
1753664108,"love","addiecoop","it's good to see all my family  was a good day today"
1753664124,"surprise","NotForThisWorld","OMG - Madness Just Came On The Radio"
1753664163,"love","evafuentez","hi to all twit friends  happy mother's day to all the beautiful and amazing mothers out there"
1753664188,"worry","mlantswelshgirl","just chilling out in my room on the computer"
1753664306,"neutral","erald","upss..her name is writen like chesca."
1753664326,"neutral","RasaJustBeingMe","Looking for new picture for my twitter background@  HELP little here!!"
1753664369,"happiness","F1Wolf","Packing up for the trip to Ascari track, thank you Bacardi"
1753664442,"love","zeet75","@CocoFontana I'll have to watch it soon then!  An I love, New York? Sweet! I'll be on the lookout for that."
1753664548,"hate","Dropsofreign","@TheTAZZone That's what I like to hear. I am unabashedly not cool. That's what makes me so cool byw  #logic"
1753664558,"relief","Amandabla","Watched GossiP.Girl. Dan's so funny, haha."
1753664594,"happiness","kateblogs","Good morning"
1753664608,"relief","Susie_Nutbar","@Ste1987 relax, relax and relax a bit more  bbq today maybe? How about you?"
1753664630,"hate","BudgieUK","@gailtwist I hate doing em, but get dragged here by @emzmum... at least it's a beautiful day"
1753664697,"neutral","mob61uk","@SteveLangton Yes, they clearly relished acting together, sparking off each other's performance. And milking all the laughs!"
1753664724,"happiness","enjenue","is celebrating her 21st birthday"
1753664839,"neutral","WildAngelJoy","Love song for the night, "Then" by Brad Paisley.  Happy Mother's Day   Love & Light ~ Joy"
1753664844,"neutral","karinametro","follow @johnofisher just because... or don't either way they have really cool tshirts  hey johno x"
1753665001,"neutral","twebbstack","@iheartrachael no its pre made jelly and its for me and bradie"
1753665055,"neutral","lancekatigbak","says Diana, you wanna burn the pics for me on a DVD or CD?  http://plurk.com/p/svs4c"
1753665189,"fun","josephchristian","@Dr_Jared you guys can match... cute!  PS when are you visiting LA?!"
1753665239,"neutral","uhohcaitie","Reese's pieces ily"
1753665242,"neutral","humerfred","@JayElectronica Good Morning Chairman of the board! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivFM0pYyUcy its a living thing....!"
1753665270,"love","Daisylittlestar","@MandyBookLover Yes so did I  Some of the Acts are really very cringe worthy! Though I do find it very entertaining."
1753665295,"neutral","its_KateH","is up, slightly later than planned... gunna get this essay done 2day!!"
1753665299,"happiness","Anime81","@NinjaFanpire Anytime! I'm off ~ I can't match your stamina... my nice, warm, comfy bed is calling (screaming) my name...lol Night Ninja!"
1753665331,"neutral","nakulshenoy","@nikhilnarayanan Had not noticed. Must be leading to some inventory tracking issues too, if the s/ws only support standard SKUs"
1753665364,"neutral","novarez","still making icons"
1753665371,"happiness","brigande","i like this new trend ,  who's next ? http://tinyurl.com/qcy8d4"
1753665527,"love","smueller94","Happy Mothers Day"
1753665541,"neutral","ThomasGudgeon","@hihat7 Go to the setting on the iPod/iPhone home screen & scroll to the bottom & you will find twitterfon settings"
1753665564,"relief","allie_tee","going to bed happy mothers day people"
1753665568,"fun","MissHollywood90","@heycassadee I can't wait to see yall Friday !!!! I hope I meet u guys!! That would make the night even better"
1753665618,"worry","Vorundor","Sunrise by Blvd East is awesome. Now to get some sleep. YAY!!"
1753665638,"happiness","xFIRESPIRITx","@AgonisingNewt morning Newt...hope you are well!"
1753665646,"love","bondibeachgirl","@Franner_tastic Awww that is sweet"
1753665728,"enthusiasm","leighdj","@fawcett94 - I'm not letting Reach sink. Thats for sure. I'm still presenting and joint HON! Owens Mon 8pm-10pm & I'm Sat 2pm-4pm"
1753665801,"worry","HaleyMegan","Great day. And another one awaits"
1753665803,"neutral","simchabe","@israeliwine They should add Dunkin Donuts to their menu too."
1753665861,"neutral","KirstyBurgoine","off to collect a tv I acquired from freecycle"
1753665866,"happiness","KadyLeila","It's sunny and I feel really well today!  Yippeee!"
1753665900,"worry","oOclairebearOo","...and a big bag to take up as well as a rain coat. This is the bad part about having to places to live  Twitter Later  xxx"
1753665915,"happiness","emwalker","@IntelliCAD Perfect! Thank you.  <3<3"
1753665927,"neutral","FANTAH_PANTS","@Chris_Bayliss Naww... when should we go on mega scotter?"
1753665936,"happiness","Rona_C","Good morning!! Gonna clean the house a bit, then maybe clean some more, then do nothing for the rest of the day"
1753665967,"relief","miniash89","is chillin' with my hangover, hollyoaks and a plate of chips....sunday mornings"
1753666015,"happiness","EllieBigBoobs","Good morning everyone"
1753666035,"enthusiasm","purplefae","@michaelmeloni Yes! Join us! All we require is a cupcake donation..."
1753666057,"worry","westlondonchick","@monabarry Ohhhh! Ok! thought that I was going nuts!! Maybe they will pass through here on the way back!"
1753666084,"happiness","RowanPellegrin","@JasonBradbury nice on the jet ski testing! Hope the book is going well. Cheers for adding me, got twitter after watching the gadget show"
1753666088,"worry","ComedyQueen","@MrTomHill Thank a yoou  how are you? #TwitterTakeover"
1753666110,"hate","NetPLAYERapp","discovered cause of a bug in the new #NetPLAYER 4 build. Publishing bug fix now, hopefully new beta by tomorrow"
1753666153,"neutral","Maryyon","Have a nice day  ? http://blip.fm/~5z6y6"
1753666190,"happiness","Julitrex","Listening to Weightless by All Time Low. Thanks to @Katarinahj for making me listening to it!"
1753666192,"hate","toniwithanI","So over it!"
1753666220,"sadness","Keggies","@V_KONG Record Grand Prix to skip through later, watch Man U game, Radio 1 .... well sport comes first"
1753666241,"relief","cammjones","just gott home from work and now relaxing"
1753666245,"love","imajagfan","@Mrsdaughtry Happy Mothers Day!"
1753666256,"happiness","Kmw6724","finally made it to the QC...happy mother's day!  got my car!!"
1753678146,"love","JennaMadison","@BlokesLib lol trying to take after her old man eh? Good for her! hehehe very cute!"
1753678185,"relief","BoydyxO","sunnn finnalllyyy!!  aint slept :| need some sleep"
1753678201,"sadness","Garythetwit","@Nicsey Snap! I know that feeling well"
1753678246,"worry","jockh","spending more money on trademe, hope i got a bargain"
1753678291,"neutral","BrenFM","just got thru watchin @stephenfry on bones now topping off with House reruns"
1753678335,"neutral","joshueoconnor","@johnfoliot I think we all need a oil change wash and wax every now and again"
1753678393,"happiness","warnis","@strandell that was several days ago! it was great though"
1753678401,"enthusiasm","LittleYellowJen","@BrianMcnugget I was sleep for all that and missed the fun! Hey DG.  lets play another gammme brian"
1753678426,"relief","TwilightNorbie","preparing to visit a friend  And we're gonna watch Twilight! Yay!"
1753678449,"surprise","ikki_oo","@JasonBradbury mmmmm you have someone on the inside ? or are you being brlliant again"
1753678461,"happiness","paramoreroxx","is really enjoying my weekend soooo much  hope u all are ."
1753678577,"happiness","SyamMasri","@NajiahYahya YEAY!. haha. thank you so much jiah"
1753678582,"love","tomaschorvat","@hl2run Anyone with big fingers  But I've loved it..."
1753678603,"worry","amigastu","@jonathanlerwill do you want to do my laundry as well?"
1753678686,"enthusiasm","xTammy","morrisons here i come!"
1753678741,"happiness","theironyinmeg","I'm so pleased with myself. I actually managed to run the whole 4km mothers day classic without stopping"
1753678760,"surprise","Marina_26","Should I say goodnight or good morning?"
1753678791,"love","Boasterjuice","Just Chilling after MCFLY last night! ABSOULUTELY INCREDIBLE! =D i love them!"
1753678802,"love","Erychan86","@SongBuildersUK wow is a good idea... but the b-day was yesterday and I already took him a present! Thank you anyway!!!"
1753678820,"love","TheOrakill","http://snipurl.com/hq0n1 Just printed my mom an Amazon gift card  for Happy Mothers Day talk about last minute."
1753678849,"hate","pam_thompson","@jlamshed You're sending tweets to yourself again!"
1753678855,"love","tophatdog","@pntbtrkisses LMAO...but you'll still have me! I am thoroughly enjoying our conversation"
1753678899,"love","LoonyBookworm","I'm really full. Had a HUGE breakfast."
1753678918,"worry","PhotographerEm","http://twitpic.com/4wsst - one of my models from a photo shoot.  stacey"
1753678984,"surprise","courts_16","hmmm i neeeddd foooddd  nd is looking forward 2 playing with the puppy 2 day nd seeing lewishhh"
1753679073,"fun","Lunar88","has just joined the twitter community"
1753679101,"worry","and_now_we_rise","@squaringkarma thanks"
1753679107,"happiness","PegasusAngel","#SanctuarySunday awesome news about the Leo Awards for Sanctuary, looks like they got 4 out of the 10 they were nomintated for, not bad!"
1753679110,"neutral","andreeaparaschi","@kawehdashti ahh..nice idea..but I'm already done! Thank u!"
1753679145,"love","glamlambhoney","@MariahCarey I'd say it a million plus plus plus times !!! I love you and appreciate you I'd choose your happieness over album any day"
1753679205,"worry","lakezter","Remmber time crisis ? Try it on the #iPhone"
1753679218,"happiness","labprim8","just had the first lie-in in months  it was great. now for mooching about the house"
1753679312,"love","carmenlhy","@rachelongkili a walk in the clouds; sweet november; lake house."
1753679341,"happiness","xmercado","can't wait to make that call tomorrow. gotta keep moving forward!"
1753679424,"happiness","janiecwales","@hypnophil  it's looking bright, so I think the sun will put in an appearance, and then guess what - lawn wants cutting !!"
1753679467,"neutral","SueMurphy","@RealBillBailey Thanks for the headsup re: tour, just booked 4 tickets for the Palace on 20th June"
1753679502,"relief","unmediated","http://twitpic.com/4wssx - Don't be cross. Just jamming.  X"
1753679607,"happiness","enamoredsoul","@ThetaHealerMaya u're welcome...thank YOU for sharing such excellent content"
1753679618,"neutral","MrsBadGirl62","I Sing Everytime"
1753679625,"love","MollieMcFly","@AmazingPhil How BOut What Your Doing Now, or what you gonna do today  lol"
1753679637,"neutral","HettyElibet","@PembsDave classic, my word you are on a roll this am"
1753679727,"neutral","melacynthe","@ElizaPatricia Tuesday, any other day... long as we still get to watch"
1753679731,"neutral","SammiiSTACK","just had KFC"
1753679764,"worry","technochamp94","mothers day today      school tomorrow and a full week of National Testing"
1753679765,"love","kayla_michelle","really want to see JB3D.. cant wait for thursday"
1753679848,"happiness","tweeterism","@RocknRollQueene @Loretta_aston Welcome to Twitter! Let me know if you have any questions, would love to help."
1753679930,"relief","gemmaaaax","aw taxi man is going fast just for meee"
1753679966,"love","ramin987","I love how simple my Safari toolbar is!  http://twitpic.com/4wssc/full"
1753679978,"happiness","sparrxx","@ruthieor THANKS!"
1753679999,"happiness","doorofkukondo","As of today, @Peek_a_Bo0 and I have been going out for two years. Best two years ever"
1753680041,"fun","AprilMc","Enjoying my Mommy Day!!!!"
1753680130,"neutral","KimmiMcfly","@gfalcone601 Hi Gi  are you going tonight?  xx"
1753680170,"fun","Munki001","watching finding nemo with my nephew so cute!"
1753680189,"worry","hyppe","@gabexmosh "with done"?"
1753680257,"worry","saurabhshah","Njoying sunday @netrockers plce and learning abt more in joomla"
1753680326,"love","BabyGirlAmy","@PerezHilton you look smashing darling  is trent reznor really getting married i just want to rip out mariqueen's fake boob's -_-"
1753680364,"love","Elmstreet81","Happy Mommy's Day to all the mothers in the world!"
1753680399,"hate","Xx_McFLY_xX","@UniqueGuitarist Had parent teacher thing yesterday!! So boring going to skl on saturday!!  lol"
1753680463,"love","celemack","@kymdotcom in anticipation of him making me a cup of tea, I'm agreeing. Now it must happen!  No, he is awesome."
1753680467,"fun","meggymooloos","is up for lots of revision today and then out toniight"
1753680482,"neutral","aussiemcflyfan","@xo_mcflyandjb its okay!!!  x"
1753680490,"fun","pslgreg","@megatronnn Drinking alone after working til 10 PM can be relaxing, or made better by adding one fun person to laugh with."
1753680545,"happiness","poppyscorner","@MyAppleStuff oh he is so cute... is he in uniteddogs.com? Poppy is there"
1753680565,"worry","F1_Steve","@F1TailPipe_com Thanks"
1753680578,"happiness","imajagfan","@redheadlori Happy Mothers Day!"
1753680586,"worry","ManuFarenzena","@lewisking don't you procrastinate!   (like I do...)"
1753680615,"neutral","migin","@cfsam 7pm? So early. Dat's 4pm my time."
1753680682,"happiness","missanzyy","uploading photos to myspace from musical i was just in"
1753680689,"happiness","jenny_n_alen_06","@officialTila tilaaa just make you feel so special  haha haters now days"
1753680705,"neutral","steenbergen","@rockingla Thanks  New work will arrive in a few weeks"
1753680706,"happiness","ThomasGudgeon","Weetabix and Choco milk  Yum!"
1753680796,"fun","raindropper","Jogged in the forest with Nina. Heavy wind reminded I need to set up some turbines: free electricity."
1753680798,"neutral","the_mackem","@hypnophil  oh hiya phil am well ta hope u are too"
1753680804,"relief","IamTam","@jenifel Aww thanks! I am indeed graduating on Friday. Just 4 finals stand between me and freedom...or Teach for America and law school"
1753680881,"happiness","disyonezer","Pegel..cape ya keliling kuil..but,totally awesome!was amazed by the temple,culture,ambience..truly amazing thailand"
1753680891,"neutral","starrinthesky","watching Pineapple Express and is seriously thinking that they used real weed in this movie"
1753680892,"relief","AuShY","Finally home after a big of travelling!! ahhhhhh now time to realx!!"
1753680911,"worry","OlliexPOVx","@gfalcone601 dont you think this tour went fast? i do"
1753680917,"happiness","gowbo","Toast in the morning"
1753680920,"love","enamoredsoul","Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers...time for me to hit the hay! much love my tweeps!"
1753680980,"neutral","jessicastrust","@Kirsty_H_99 I'm good, still enjoying the #fryeffect  You?"
1753681038,"neutral","slivoshee","@ Cleaning the house! going out at 3 to see a soccergame with friends"
1753681183,"worry","F1_Steve","@LLC1983 Thanks"
1753681252,"surprise","muzikaficionada","@bunnyc saw it too..hmmm, she's sexy, nice twins"
1753681265,"surprise","Prayter","@UniqueGuitarist ment to be doing hw but not going to happen!!! Ill pray for tia!  Rose is in the shower so sh.. http://bit.ly/VMv6U"
1753681288,"worry","Sikretsy","iono...I guess I'm getting off now. L8r twits"
1753681366,"neutral","Prayter","@DKMatai Let's hope and pray, we go a wiser way! : @DKMatai Let's hope and pray, we go a wiser way!  http://bit.ly/TzxqN"
1753681369,"happiness","natroksjayz","so this my last week of school then finals yesss"
1753681414,"worry","Redjotter","@jbaldwin Perfect. Thank you. Enjoy your sunday of no work"
1753681427,"neutral","kitrona","@eimajuno Hey, you don't have to be sorry! Absolutely understandable; I was just poking at you a little."
1753681446,"love","Southpaw217","like your first broadcast @supitsemily"
1753681449,"happiness","QuinzybySara","@mileycyrus i think it's fun, you gotta hide, and defend from your enemy, fun huh?"
1753681460,"surprise","jamesfurey","@phon Or should I say, ROL!"
1753681489,"worry","FoTizzle","@kazzababe95 cut yourself a slice of cheese cake.. it makes everything better"
1753681498,"love","Sandy330","Happy Mothers Day to all the mommy's out there!"
1753681507,"happiness","JeromeEsplana","@jonbongato haha it will be interesting haha"
1753681515,"love","jenp2","The sun is attempting to increase her efforts. Alas the same cannot be said for me. I see a bath, a couch & a book in my immediate future"
1753681585,"fun","Sofie_JO","Hmm... It's my birthday tomorrow... Fun!"
1753693839,"happiness","Ozquilter","@Ganga108 my pleasure, its a great recipe"
1753693922,"relief","stu_art_ist","@McGiff Thanks for sharing that"
1753693932,"happiness","SOTR09","Woo hoo.  Sun outside might be able to get some sunset shots tonight...  fingers crossed!!!!"
1753693995,"happiness","tubepornxxx","@sexysapphire Thanks, I love it"
1753694010,"enthusiasm","zoja87","It's raining cats and dogs in Gda?sk today , looks nice 'though through a window"
1753694076,"enthusiasm","kahemeh","@kiwi_from_hell @sporkess how's monday for you?"
1753694083,"happiness","marypascoe","@purdyboy thank you! i was just playing that a moment ago, actually! a very different, even more chill version.  *spooky*! haha."
1753694151,"relief","R3beccaF","@kjarrett Thanks for tweeting a very useful set of refs - I'm in the middle of adding them to a chapter I'm editing"
1753694175,"love","lilpr1nc3sz","Awesome beer pong party at my house in the yard tonight  going in when the sun is rising is officially B.A."
1753694190,"enthusiasm","AndyGER","In about 2 hours from now i will find out how good the STAR TREK Film from J.J. really is. A Ticket costs 9 Euro and i hope its worth it"
1753694274,"neutral","lindtdale","Headin' to church now..."
1753694279,"fun","shassyn","my first moms day as a mom  now im off to long island to see my mommy  <33 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!"
1753694301,"neutral","Ms_KissKissBang","Offline for now, I'll tweet again later..."
1753694327,"neutral","bugshaw","Buying pretty shiny beads and things  I feel quite girlish. http://elisem.livejournal.com/1473318.html"
1753694388,"happiness","skarthikm","Buongiorno !!! woke up and of for my Italian lunch"
1753694398,"love","robhampson","@rbtlshow really enjoyed the podcast with @jasonsantamaria This was my 1st time listenening to the show. Will def listen from now on"
1753694411,"happiness","gilbert_melki","Enjoying "Gears of War" on my PC ! This game is really gooooood"
1753694437,"neutral","freecloud","Looking at the pix from #dbuc09 - seems like everyone was doing good stuff - *almost* wish I wasn't in Nice at the time"
1753694445,"worry","StarBreatherLuv","Good night all... Just set this twitter thing up. I'm very new at this, but I expect it to come in handy."
1753694477,"surprise","KayleighMcJonas","@gfalcone601  im sooo excited!!"
1753694584,"love","friendlysavage","Kyneton for breakfast this morning at Slow Living. Noice. Such a beautiful sunny autumn day  Drove back to Melb via Daylesford"
1753694596,"relief","schrader","Mother's Day breakfast is over, getting back to work now. Back on Rails"
1753694667,"enthusiasm","dooganized","Hour til lunch, can't wait. Ima go to Mcd's"
1753694691,"surprise","mercurialblonde","He hated my writing, so I made him my academic adviser."
1753694697,"sadness","x2xkrizellex2x","Hot showers make everything better  all i need is sumbody to tuck me in. . ugh miss my gramma"
1753694701,"happiness","ceydalovesnick","@nick_ebru thank you for the link...very cool...see you on monday!!!"
1753694766,"worry","bennyling","On another note, geoDefense Easy down. Onwards to the medium maps, where a whole other world of pain awaits my exploration!"
1753694774,"worry","filmmania","hoping to hear from you all soon"
1753694783,"surprise","EJCx","@tinchystryder I'm going big weekend  cant wait to see u! x"
1753694791,"hate","SarahCyrus","@LisaHopeCyrus sry twitterfon is kinda shit i will stay at tweetie  this world is so unfair you always have to pay for good stuff :/"
1753694882,"neutral","isthawaii","http://twitpic.com/4wsxi   F3 w (demo) aero wheels. Louder, but they cut like a knife. U will hear me coming, passing on your left"
1753694902,"fun","Niniel89","enjoyed yesterday Star Trek. Awesome movie! With great actors - I prefer Karl Urban as Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy  Live long and prosper!!"
1753694912,"happiness","teachernz","@dorothyjburt very well, nothing flash - but different to chocolate 4 a change. good 2 meet U yesterday  gr8 atmosphere & discussion"
1753694925,"love","thejessicashow","aww @skyelikeupthere you loooove me"
1753694946,"happiness","itsleish","@Joshwaleigh    i did on my walk home. it looks amazing"
1753694961,"love","Milllllla","I love my mom we are going to greece this summer"
1753694976,"relief","prmack","@cssglobe thanks Alen, it seems that we can only submit community news, is this an error, or must we prove ourselves"
1753695005,"fun","funkyfairy24","@monabarry yeah whatever, so that means he was chatting about me all night then, lol"
1753695052,"love","JustinsDialogue","2 dates to go and i'm done booking this first tour  anyone wanna help me find shows in and around NYC? June 2 and June 4?   Thanks!"
1753695058,"love","amber9482","Happy Mother's Day @shannon180"
1753695130,"happiness","ladyCircus","Good morning!! It's 12:00, I think it's time for breakfast!!"
1753695135,"fun","codelust","@aditya page genny to rescue you"
1753695156,"neutral","visualthoughts","@from10to300mm gut"
1753695158,"neutral","Riki_Merav","@jbgreece yeh  A little.. How are you ?"
1753695235,"happiness","N0odles","@StevieWynn good morning. How is my favourite pcso today?"
1753695370,"neutral","XMissxXxMurderX","@xb4byfac3x 6 am.  you?"
1753695480,"sadness","Shaz4him","Went shopping for sports tour yesterday with Garley... very very very funny!! Now I need some brunch  And a shower."
1753695513,"worry","bluesheeva","@Peddlee Haha... How could u? dun eat properly rt? see lar~ Go take medicine"
1753695517,"neutral","ronnyvengeance","@caseysevenfold there coming this year ^-^  wiL said it himself  but yes now would be good."
1753695551,"neutral","kidakaka","@Saurabh oks  yes infact we had chatted earlier on n00b.in as well"
1753695577,"worry","benbarren","@mellalicious fey slays it in #30rock but title of that film sounds bad  #Inbruges is a funny indie little euro city hitman gone bad tale!"
1753695582,"worry","slipper_gee","@Elliecopter_ rofl im glad! haha yeah me tew! but usually i get up at the same time and just spend more time on twitter! tehehe!"
1753695591,"love","LoveEmms","@elijahr26 Hey thanks for following  Love the name Elijah thats what im going to name my Son"
1753695598,"happiness","jpnnbak","[Sarah Mcglaclan song in background] Please donate to jpnnbak' fund of "Dinero for the cable bill" think of how you will make her"
1753695691,"hate","KirstenJ77","watching M eat a hotdog...gross.. he's so drunk and annoying.. trying really hard not to glre @ him"
1753695696,"love","jorelleB","http://twitpic.com/4wsy6 - Beauty.  Going out now!"
1753695736,"neutral","rumoko","@sleepydumpling yeah I'm fine not to raid most things. Excepting liquor and cheese & bacon balls"
1753695855,"empty","VetaKniaz","Going to Al Ain.  Need to check out one store. Hope i find things that I'm looking for."
1753695869,"neutral","natewinn","Grabbing coffee from @dunkindonuts then making mom breakfast"
1753695932,"hate","wolvesusa2010","hates samanthas guts"
1753695939,"happiness","ShadyAlgorithms","First sleep then spending the day with mom since it's mothers day and all. There might even be Chinese."
1753695942,"neutral","mayschool","@loisheilig your welcome. you have picked up the slack the last few days, my turn to get it."
1753695944,"relief","TheStephy","is back...been feeling ill and extremely busy all week. happy mother's day, to all you mama's out there"
1753695983,"neutral","onlydanno","@CocaBeenSlinky morning! I'm in the garden getting air"
1753696004,"happiness","kertuu","Lady Gaga - Poker face (acoustic)  is really really good, she really can sing"
1753696021,"love","kethni","Exchange story gone, yaaaay! On with Sweet Charity"
1753696068,"happiness","ATRIUSMUSICX5","Had a good time out , now I must sleep lol. Gym & dance rehearsals in like 5 hours,"
1753696119,"happiness","BaltarStar","@mattcampagna You know, your updates are really amusing.  How was the prop auction?How much did that baseship bed go for?"
1753696224,"love","Luvnijo","had a nice brunch by the bay.. Thank God for Mommies!"
1753696231,"neutral","rizkyinayati","@Janit thankyou sugaaar  btw I'll leave this town on 7, really hope could see you next time ya ra. Skrg sempit bgt sih waktunya ya"
1753696241,"neutral","FarihahBegum","Off To Do Pilates Now! Tweet Y'all Soon!"
1753696250,"sadness","tchvinkle","simple greetings from unexpected people can actually lighten our mood, doesn't it ever happen to you?"
1753696286,"fun","Joner","@GayAdoptionDad please do  I'll settle for cheap cider for meeting deadline. Have you seen our new blog at www.havealovelytime.com?"
1753696334,"love","BoxxxyBabeee","Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers out there"
1753696336,"worry","sirswaqq_scooby","still up, JUST GOT HOME.  ready to go to sleep.."
1753696349,"happiness","amazingantonia","@GGEastLDN im cool  cant wait to hear these stories xoxo"
1753696359,"happiness","sillybaby","Good morning all! Its a fabulous morning here!"
1753696401,"love","lenaaileen","going to eat some pasta bake, my favourite food! later going to the flea market @jadirox you're my lilime"
1753696441,"worry","TanujDua","@josepicardo Ahh okay makes sense to start the preparations now then"
1753696453,"happiness","ramdomthoughts","@sassij That's good to hear - morning"
1753696516,"worry","old_splice","I'm not! They frighten me to death............I just like to see all the boys in their leathers!  ;) We go every year. Brilliant atmos!"
1753696567,"happiness","aknotofemma","time to do some revision while listening to @direngrey albums non-stop all day, again!"
1753696593,"neutral","colintuohy","That's cause you are old mate hehe"
1753696595,"neutral","ruoivietnam","haizzz, hem c�n ai, t? ?i ?n ?�y... ?�i b?ng qu�  Bibi c? nh� tr�i c�y"
1753696628,"neutral","SomeNew","On a day like today. I am thankful for my mom's teaching (proverbs 6:20-23) and thankful that she's on twitter too! Love you @planit1"
1753696649,"happiness","knutschel","my mum was really happy about her pretty small present^^ oh wow tomorrow we can test one of her presents: one of the pasta recepies"
1753696650,"enthusiasm","naomiwv","Surveying my NEW LAWN from the upstairs window!"
1753696727,"fun","leopard81","going to watch a dvd with hubby,'Eagle Eye', twit u all 2morrow, cia"
1753696778,"happiness","Zoezxxx","@LittleFletcher I saw the play of it here, it was amazing"
1753696837,"happiness","xLorneyRawrx","2 days till birthday! I just hope the weathers good!! And it best be good on thursday and friday! Otherwise il scream! happy b'day keiron"
1753696850,"happiness","prettymuchcrazy","Singing along to MyChem."
1753696862,"relief","missgiggly","@JennaIsWriting You've got a deal!"
1753696905,"worry","smallbecca","@SaliWho morrissey will cure you  I am jealous. but not in a slash your tyres way just in a hope you enjoy it wish I cuold go way"
1753696934,"neutral","laurawrsaurus","@Carole9 im not confused"
1753696942,"sadness","SiobhanLily","Has finally found her new flat."
1753696963,"neutral","KKCappie","New twitter background"
1753696967,"happiness","shivOO","@b50 heheh ....qualifying was pretty exciting tho  .."
1753697008,"fun","CarrMiMi","is Chillin', listening to Tunes"
1753710423,"love","jedijon","@amyserrata in the sun and changing my default icon just for you  what're your plans?"
1753710535,"fun","officialofsue","Hanging out at cousin's house, getting a manicure and pedicure.  Then off for some beauty sleep..."
1753710549,"surprise","Kevism","@curiousmike Maybe until Wednesday?"
1753710573,"relief","klawrance","http://skipall.com/8p.png  The come apart easy enough"
1753710831,"love","BrandyWandLover","@pinkbunny69 o i c. i have no excuses i just love bein comfy"
1753710843,"love","cravenjade","Went on a short flight around the Geelong waterfront.  Surprised at how well I handled it, as I'm still exhausted from last weeks meetup"
1753710920,"happiness","JessMcFlyxxx","@KimmiMcFly i think it starts at  7.30 with that david archuleta  i might just throw glitter all over myself aha xx"
1753710925,"happiness","littlelylygirl","http://twitpic.com/4qfl3 - haha^^ I love it"
1753710950,"love","charlesstinger","Happy Mothers Day. Havent got mom a present yet? Print off an Amazon Gift Card for her!  http://snipurl.com/hq0n1"
1753710959,"happiness","coupld","@HairBoutique Thanks, btw which men's hairstyles are in right now? I'm growing my hair long  anyway hope you are having a good weekend!"
1753710972,"neutral","ellasadiee","actually just woke up, going to attempt to see 17 again with Natalyy"
1753711004,"happiness","annaliese_sarah","haha gunna go buy a whole bunch of emo/punk clothes"
1753711019,"neutral","shawnwy","changed my h/p number go online msn messenger to see"
1753711031,"neutral","cssglobe","@prmack Community news only  I sometimes accept guest posts, but not at the moment."
1753711074,"neutral","ahmednaguib","@Brandensilva Most of my friends wanted to try it yesterday but failed because of the whole .Net thingy...it worked fine with me"
1753711113,"neutral","nik_kee_dee","Morning all.... Sorry for missing tweets yesterday @damohopo @Boddingtons How are you today?"
1753711210,"empty","Spidersamm","i want a top that says ' www.bilko22.com '"
1753711224,"empty","mike_met","Hoping my mom likes her pamper gifts I sent her"
1753711308,"relief","JadeMH","@SabrinaNorris they were lushh wernt they, i managed to keep up to lol aww they were amazing  xxx"
1753711321,"neutral","NathanaelB","@facibus @Allyeska's mum asked us to thank you for introducing us to Kenny's - we're having Mother's Day dinner here"
1753711335,"neutral","Kevism","Where did I leave my Citeh jersey?"
1753711385,"sadness","CptFantabulous","nothings really going *well*...however currently theres nothing else to look forward to so may aswel make the best of it"
1753711481,"happiness","wordpresthemes","I meditate, I feel I am vast, very vast.  do you know it?what do you think about?"
1753711558,"enthusiasm","exonumi","@alucinari Moral support for students"
1753711562,"sadness","DebbieBenstein","@ezrabutler - they have their headaches the morning after, instead!"
1753711601,"fun","emmakorhonen","learning to play guitar is one of the best things I have done out of boredom"
1753711605,"love","Claireyyx","@lorilooker oii oiii  hope the run goes/went well (whenever you get this message!) love youuuuu ?"
1753711667,"love","shanajaca","@xXFriendXx That is amazing she will be happy with it enjoy your sunday  XX"
1753711724,"surprise","BrokenMasques","I have just read up on lactose stuff and I CAN EAT HARD CHEESE!!! There is no lactose in it!!! *Jumps of Joy this rainy day* YAY!!!!"
1753711756,"neutral","Sneddonia","@wychbury They did a song called Toothpaste Kisses which I quite liked"
1753711872,"fun","suzi_q","Hope all the mums out there had a wonderful day    my kids know me, I got a game for my DS and weights for my wii fit... woo hooo"
1753711981,"happiness","DannyBevers","Wake up x.x But tired. On this moment i listing some music for make me happy and let me wake up"
1753711985,"neutral","mrkimchi52","@brianna you liked braid? Did you guess what the whole relationship story is a metaphor for? I sure as hell did not, it just confused me"
1753712018,"fun","defrio29","busy exam week coming up! always look on the bright side of life  *whistle*"
1753712021,"fun","chantelleaustin","@rssanborn true, depends on the couple  Personally we've found adding more has increased the fun & increased our bond"
1753712045,"love","smokeserbes","marko got in a fight outside the roseland tonight.. it was rather entertaining!"
1753712252,"empty","Nerrida_","@Matt_D_ happy birthday"
1753712282,"neutral","cookiemonster82","Sunday sunshine track  ? http://blip.fm/~5z7cg"
1753712345,"neutral","emilyburnett","Same Difference Today  going to go and have a shower then get ready!"
1753712346,"neutral","lukeey_S","is slowly gettin more followers  vry slowly"
1753712356,"fun","pattisonlife","ahhhaaaaa is gunna get straight back on it!"
1753712371,"relief","kashaziz","@skdev I left that for people to complete"
1753712554,"neutral","ellejonees","bruxels - 12:02 at home... really tired... end the song"
1753712697,"relief","EliTriguero","flu or allergy??? ... Doesn't matter, just try to squeeze my Sundayyyy"
1753712790,"happiness","xxprettyhoneyxx","Is listening to Prima j - rockstar so dang catchyy"
1753712824,"neutral","xmind_net","http://bit.ly/s7hQe   Translate XMind to your language."
1753712825,"worry","BaltarStar","Here's a brief preview: http://bit.ly/eHCfP   OMG James is creepy in that role! I'm scared of him"
1753712868,"happiness","sixdaysandy","Picked up a Jesse Lacey/Kevin Devine/Grace Read bootleg off the net from their acoustic tour, it's really good"
1753712898,"sadness","sunshinehollyyy","even when we're miles and miles apart; you're still holding all of my heart    4 days until jonas brothers 3d concert experience w/candice"
1753712928,"surprise","Jinxie_G","@DrRus You too, Rus!"
1753712955,"neutral","fidobada","eating breakfast and drinking coffe - strong coffe!"
1753712968,"fun","kimsherrell","@RollinsWallace hahaha, as cartoon mascots go, the virl.com monster has some very nice details... a good shadow + realistic tonsils."
1753712986,"love","candeejaye","Happy Mother's Day Mommies"
1753713092,"happiness","H0TP0T","@miraihl Sounds like you're in for a great day!  Enjoy"
1753713122,"love","Micole_","@MariahCarey u go Mariah,never listen to the haters  I have been a fan for so long and am so grateful for ur music. Can't wait 4 the album"
1753713193,"happiness","JensTGZ","off to westend now, enjoying the sun."
1753713194,"worry","facibus","@zuzu I didn't get a lot of sleep myself last night. And it is a good thing, reading"
1753713210,"worry","littlelylygirl","http://twitpic.com/4wsue - yeah  well thanks *blushes*"
1753713269,"surprise","indoguatenina","@Hatz94Music HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!  Tell ur mom that's she an awesome madre & such a great example to the Archuleta familia!!"
1753713283,"neutral","rgoodchild","@TheWineVault oh I know. and I aprreciate it  it can be my back up plan"
1753713288,"happiness","yochilli","Good morning Tweeple of the sun! What you all up to?"
1753713318,"happiness","rangii","happy mothers day to all the yummy mummies on twitter"
1753713337,"love","xMnonniix","@DebbieFletcher Nice Mothersday! *gives you a viritual chocolate"
1753713346,"happiness","t_de_baillon","OK. Done with Sunday morning findings. Time to enjoy the sunny day"
1753713396,"relief","smarr","Sitting on my sunny balcony and learning for the Dutch exam"
1753713450,"worry","RavenBlakh","I feel rather cheery, despite being stuck indoors all day revising"
1753713454,"happiness","Brookberrys","Up at 6am on Sunday... Going to meet my mom for breakfast at the beach!"
1753713455,"fun","ConnorJack","@TheSimsHub I'm going to kill the person who should have went down to Manchester for me.  (only kidding; don't want the police on my door)"
1753713473,"surprise","BoxxxyBabeee","? American Pie FOREVER. I'm watching it right now. They're running naked around on the Streets! Would you do that? I would  [ NOT ]"
1753713502,"happiness","yarono","@Orli @Snapily you are now famous in Houston, take a look  http://is.gd/ysAh"
1753713523,"love","jess0389","Happy Mother's Day!"
1753713528,"surprise","TijanaSelak","@SerbIaNGoDdesS Hmm Ok next time i see you il just get you to explain to me the whole process  haha"
1753713543,"happiness","SashaPanda","Good Morning Everyone"
1753713575,"love","sharonmaytee","Loves random acts of kindness and laughter"
1753713579,"sadness","pigiuz","2 days after #all4web ...i'm still tired"
1753713728,"neutral","Malihahansen","@giblahoj how sweet"
1753713732,"happiness","kountklepto","Enjoyed the new Star Trek movie last night.  I want to see it again!    Up and ready to work... on SUNDAY!  BLAH!"
1753713812,"worry","GiniTea","happy birthday great-grandmother  ../././. bad news on a good day >< but ame is living"
1753713879,"worry","LosingTheLbs","Feeling the effects of the party last night. Drank far too much. 2 chicken burgers and one lamb burger. I did dance a fair bit tho."
1753713902,"love","IamIli","I will surely vote for @AllisonOfficial."
1753713907,"worry","missyesenia","I loveeee NY! Getting breakfast then gonna go mimis I'm sooo tiredddd! missing him ODeeee! Love you"
1753713922,"happiness","josephlavigne","Senior ball was hella fun!!!  good night!!!"
1753713928,"neutral","ItsJustEsther","Hey hey get tickets to ALL TIME LOW when they're in Aussie kay. www.myspace.com/destroyalllines Yup. Go there get tickets"
1753714030,"neutral","XandraEvans","Good morning... I�m soooo tierd"
1753714066,"love","TanaisG","Happy Mother's day !!!! Show some love to your Beautiful and Amazing Mom!!  <3"
1753714074,"neutral","vmcconville","#DuckRaces in the bath don't quite work  Especially if you have no ducks! Only a polar bear,a seal & a whale."
1753714086,"neutral","offdaheezzy","It's 5:03 in the morning.. I think it's time I went to bed. - so, goodnight everyone  http://tumblr.com/xaj1qz8v3"
1753714097,"surprise","skyhawkmatthew","@Patty_B You didn't see everyone going on about it on Facebook about 3 months ago?"
1753714138,"empty","jajasters","@GeeNee08 nothing this time.  just got home. yah?"
1753714197,"worry","jamesbankso","http://snipurl.com/hq0n1 Just printed my mom an Amazon gift card  for Happy Mothers Day talk about last minute."
1753726676,"happiness","lovemetal","@danielradcliffe Nice to see you tweeting!  It's Sunday 10th May and we're celebrating Mother's Day here today. So be nice to yer Mom"
1753726680,"happiness","hugwh0re","Just got home from another wonderful night"
1753726692,"happiness","lotusheartbreak","@devyra haha i love both of them too  hmm.. lol i'm in need of some good bands too"
1753726708,"neutral","marteinn_se","Well, for java atleast  Im still working on my php solution"
1753726733,"enthusiasm","illicitlyyours","@NYBabe No ways. If you can nab a youngster, go for it! My best friend swears by younger men - apparantly they can go for longer too!"
1753726760,"happiness","doki_doki","just made a South-Korean email pal. Happy!"
1753726764,"happiness","eleedeelee","Happy mother's day to all moms!"
1753726866,"love","felixley","@melissagreen http://twitpic.com/4wsk3 - too cute"
1753726877,"fun","jadeflame","@dannymasterson the honesty's to much...........  Sorry couldn't resist;)"
1753726891,"worry","aureliegomez","@inesthefreak - Wtf Polyvore? what's that?  enjoy it though."
1753726950,"love","Laiixy","@stephaniepratt I Love This Song lol, You're amazing Steph , xoxo"
1753727054,"happiness","DLWilsonsWorld","Nighty night, ya'll!    Tweet Dreams!"
1753727056,"happiness","rob_caporetto","@snarkattack kicking it incredibly old-school� I whole-heartedly approved"
1753727095,"sadness","JamesMackney","@MiaLotta why do u feel shit? Nerves? I tripped over that plastic telescope at 6:40 am yesty, I fell into the wall my head still hurts"
1753727121,"neutral","Sappersmum","Off the a village May Fayre now.  Bag packed ready to bring back home-made goodies."
1753727132,"worry","Abbie_Judd","@McFlyingGirl omg i had that book its soo funny"
1753727133,"love","ralphabet","I am sooooo happy! Finally, Kean Cipriano replied to my chat messages. I hope he's not fake."
1753727134,"happiness","Whitnee_Sian_93","Good Morning! Looking Forward To Listening To THE PRODIGY On Radio 1 Big Weekend.  Brought Their Album Yesterday!! =P AMAIZE Tbqh. x"
1753727147,"sadness","vinithepooh","Forgive me good lord for this time I /knew/ wat am I doing.. Except the mighty oracle just didn't *&@#ing care to fully support UnixODBC."
1753727152,"hate","Tizia_","@chocoshabi I'm going to ask Waldi. I hope he makes a new keyword for me"
1753727250,"happiness","mini_moop","good morning  finally a day of sunshine for my summer hol!  away to watch the footie in the sun  x"
1753727281,"happiness","littlebluebird5","in Singapore! its so warm over here! Having a blast already"
1753727345,"relief","Peter_lzh","Star Trek.. Did not disappoint!  5 star!!"
1753727357,"neutral","kokosfussmatte","just typing this message"
1753727373,"fun","eleiyy","changed my picture on my profile in friendster"
1753727431,"neutral","K_A_T_R_I_N_A","Fish and chips for din dins"
1753727482,"happiness","Ravenspirit41","Hello everyone im just sitting here rocking out to 9412 sam on the air The best classic rock station on twitter here"
1753727565,"love","Javamomma","is wishing all of the mother's out there a very Happy Mother's Day!! Love ya!"
1753727577,"love","Anonymousboy03","@BurT_E  It's an honour being your friend!!!! http://bit.ly/LhgZ2"
1753727579,"happiness","jacoblovie","@LeoWolfe Haha! Night man, and no, but Im sure I'll meet her again in my lifetime, in fact I will...no doubt about it."
1753727585,"neutral","Mashon96","is working hard or maybe thats hardly working"
1753727587,"relief","froggie775","ok all, bedtime for this bonzo! i just got done with my math homework and my brain is done for the day. Nite nite  have a great day!"
1753727598,"happiness","stringedmusic","support @jessicastrust trust and honor all your moms!  support #matternal health. happy moms day:  http://bit.ly/Bpekk"
1753727670,"happiness","_kkkrizo","Just like the old days  drinkin at the old spot ."
1753727716,"happiness","sherenejose","@cydonian why? i enjoy fancy meals on my own smtimes, thr's joy in solitude, u can REALLY enjoy the food & it's lk a date with the world"
1753727784,"neutral","GtheGreat","okay okay sleep for realz now! Goodnight!  ::waves to followers::"
1753727830,"fun","hollow_af","hmmm dollhouse sounds pretty good, http://bit.ly/z3aZv  i think ima download it and try watching it"
1753727872,"neutral","marchartsuiker","@tommk tell your friends to tie you to the railing. I expect a tweet tomorrow about headaches and feeling tired"
1753727883,"worry","MostHappyMe","@Santbrink boffert"
1753727917,"surprise","WilliamBrougham","William@sharon_williams I have the mike and everything if that is what you mean  This is all so new to me lol"
1753728016,"love","nataliemccallum","@davidarchie needs to make plans to come back to uk! yest he made my year  love him xo"
1753728021,"love","youlovechelsea","happy momma day to myself and all my other beautiful moms out there!cant wait to get pampered tomorrow"
1753728048,"happiness","xkhaotik","@beautyholic woohoooo ;) to BOTH! retail therapy and surprise visits  two things i love."
1753728061,"neutral","Camissa","Just woke from the longest sleep in months-so nice! Now to get some work done so i'm prepped for next wk & free for K coming home tonight"
1753728077,"worry","leslie666","Listening to have heart. Aka i took over carlys last.fm      its 4am need to be up in 4 hours.  Looooong day tomorrow"
1753728080,"happiness","allierigby","http://twitpic.com/4wt8a - pretty damn good friday night"
1753728167,"worry","shinelikestars","a pink balloon for mum on her day"
1753728173,"neutral","rumoko","@theroundup I'll be sure to"
1753728192,"worry","ernanelson","Hey Stu did you see the cool 'family' picture on Jess' facebook?  Soo good to see You All"
1753728315,"sadness","AshleyElina","Today I'm lonley girl with a guitar"
1753728338,"happiness","hugwh0re","Just got home from another amazing night"
1753728462,"relief","libcab","last sunday before going home!"
1753728489,"happiness","pnuch","Gloomy day can't stop my bliss.  I hope Ronaldo will score in derby match today."
1753728508,"happiness","caitlin_jones3","@wow_its_sarah Congrats Sarah!!!!! thats awsum"
1753728561,"neutral","nicolamtan","yay, short stack episode 20 is being recorded on tuesday"
1753728637,"neutral","marcoha","@_ado I don't think it's still that one  I've had this one for about six years though, so with Moore's law taken into account..."
1753728704,"love","saaam_","YES! getting my sky + back on wednesday  been waiting weeks for it (:"
1753728755,"neutral","PegasusAngel","#SanctuarySunday don't forget to post on the forums and FB about our mission success!!"
1753728779,"love","auzah","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS!"
1753728780,"happiness","jima6636","ok peeps have good morning I'm going to bed   @ClickedApps hit me up later"
1753728843,"worry","xmelanieee","sandwichesss, then work"
1753728858,"love","Stefanvds","wow the weather is amazing today!"
1753728859,"neutral","superjono","@SarahJacinta Hehe, you're an expert now eh?"
1753728925,"happiness","oinkflu","@11hunabku11 Swine Flu victims unite  http://oinkflu.info"
1753728950,"happiness","Vicstar","@dahntay OMG that dunk on Dampier was MASSIVE! Big ups!!! Love it..."
1753728953,"worry","denisa_nica","Training #Stud-Life: A fost Tiberiu Lovin la noi. Am aflat ca sunt imbecili peste tot. FUN"
1753728963,"worry","heathermarie86","Hats off to a slightly unexpected yet very successful end to a grouling day!!! Night all"
1753729055,"love","ScotsterPulse","auntiegail says 'Today I am picking up the hi-vis vests for the kids they say 'Auntie Gails Childminding Service'  xxx.'"
1753729074,"worry","nik_kee_dee","@damohopo I didn't headbutt anyone! Not that I know about anyway! ;) You ok today?  Football today?"
1753729099,"happiness","goodwinmok","partying in the study room"
1753729116,"love","JULIettaR","Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there, but especially to my wonderfuly Mommy"
1753729123,"empty","jennifer_kay17","@arjbarker A+ for effort though  http://bit.ly/Mco5v"
1753729161,"love","yoeii","happy maders day"
1753729194,"neutral","joellllllll","@dark_jayy It might hav to cost u a History essay."
1753729198,"empty","xoKimixo","back here, I was busy xD Wirting Stars Loves, almos 400 pages xD and listenint AFH and TV"
1753729221,"worry","enfant_terrible","i thought spock's vulcan sign looked a bit weird - turns out zachary quinto couldn't do it so he had his hands glued. but he's still hot"
1753729230,"fun","sweetjennytini","@junebugshhh life is funny and ironic at the same time isn't it?"
1753729244,"worry","vivalaemily","@zoziekins ACSM. it's unfathomable.  i think the other one .. and the .. is one that should be kept to the comfort of our bedrooms. yes?"
1753729265,"surprise","glam_girl_92","@LydiaStack yeah exactly the fans overpower the haters anyday u know wat do wat u wnt i dnt even care anymore i know the truth about them"
1753729291,"love","Bianca4Life","@MCsavedmylife thank you, your dedication as a lamb is unparalleled also, all true lambs dedication is unparalleled"
1753729302,"happiness","saititatan","On the way to see my grandparents"
1753729311,"happiness","KattyKitt","@RobM67 I just retweeted your jesus post as it made me laugh... don't worry, wasn't a subliminal code"
1753729365,"happiness","richardepryor","Just taking my dad in law for a Sunday stroll down Old Leigh  a beautiful morning, say Hi to Morris LOL  http://twitpic.com/4wt8k"
1753729382,"neutral","MelissaJohnsen","blogging, cleaning and chatting while listening to phoenixfm"
1753729451,"neutral","RememberMe0_0","just woke up"
1753729458,"surprise","sealtian","is hopeful!"
1753729461,"neutral","rgoodchild","@TheWineVault thanks. but it IS seriuosly my back up plan"
1753729536,"happiness","Branded","Hurray for old friends with beer and lady friends!!!!"
1753729556,"happiness","REOWsarah","hope schools gonna be good tomorrow"
1753729587,"love","linnetwoods","@MacQuid We travelled the world & I grew up on a diet of everything you can think of! Still, my Genoese grandma made her own pasta...."
1753729647,"neutral","6uy","@gracepearl Oh I forgot to say, if u want anymore friends on xbox send me a friend request. G11Y if u want a friendly game sometime"
1753729684,"happiness","allysonalfonso","@BrookeAmanda YEP  it'll be awesome to the max =] haha"
1753729726,"love","galvinguerrero","Digging a downloaded film with mi familia. We love iTunes"
1753729789,"worry","katiecain","@tommcfly but it all went too quick and there wasn't a chance lol"
1753729979,"worry","illuminantceo","Yang4 - finally got it  Chinese is hard when every other kid has a Zhonguoren adult at home! We're all foreign devils here ;)"
1753729983,"happiness","sudarmuthu","Went to a Muslim marriage for the first time in my life. Came back with my stomach full of tasty briyani. Really like it very much."
1753742335,"neutral","ToF_","Playing logical gates games with Charles on : http://tinyurl.com/6jwjmy  Charles took less than 5 mn to make a light bulb flicker"
1753742350,"sadness","ramdomthoughts","@sassij Or he's gonna chop you up into tiny bits - one of the two"
1753742351,"neutral","Aurelie88","off to the family party"
1753742381,"neutral","hollywoodhakan","directing a theatre play"
1753742389,"enthusiasm","nicfinno","@mrated Yeehah, quality"
1753742390,"neutral","Ellen_Stafford","@andrewschof hows u? lovely day here!"
1753742447,"fun","danwellman","finishing off a quick magazine article for CAP, can't wait to get it done and get back to the book"
1753742589,"love","mattchedit","@JasonBradbury What brings you to our fair Island today?"
1753742606,"love","EveRebecca","@joshboulton  I should be doing history....."
1753742630,"surprise","lavuarne","Me just sign up Twitter..."
1753742633,"happiness","twebbstack","@paigeebaby hahahah lols you have fun with that aye  i had the div too ) the experience but i love my spongebob ) (L)"
1753742649,"neutral","ilan_peer","@Topify just for a little while.. to get an impression of how twitter-copy-topify"
1753742663,"love","jonaslovato","your the voice i hear inside my head, the reason that i'm singing, i gotta find you, i need to find you"
1753742729,"surprise","Vemsteroo","@katieinthehat The one and the same! Should be a good gig"
1753742737,"happiness","carsickdreamer","Hey, hey, happy mother's day!  http://plurk.com/p/svwii"
1753742755,"neutral","x_tara","@andyclemmensen whens the sway sway winner announced?"
1753742790,"love","StineMariell","@fredrikth Hi, there you are! Rise and shine. Yes, I did. Pretty early for the last nights hours  But I slept like a baby though ..."
1753742812,"enthusiasm","br1cen05","had an awesome time with @spotspot85 and @xerovoltage"
1753742818,"worry","thedeeya","Just got back from AC. Why am I not freaking out of the midyr exam ? :o HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MUMMY"
1753742857,"happiness","KymTran","Yummy, 2 tacos at Jack In the Box"
1753742870,"happiness","fcandle","@quicheismadness  thanks for following!  pretty complicated id you have there lol"
1753742957,"happiness","Maga88","Great exercise for a Sunday morning: "stopping the wheel of karma" (R.A.W.) and transforming negativity into love... Life!"
1753743087,"happiness","MartaRoggeri","@howie_d  I'm really happy for u n leigh  thnx for sharing this happiness with us, this means the world to us all!  love ya! Marta"
1753743102,"love","IIIrifhanIII","Mom ur the greatest.. HMD"
1753743115,"neutral","esmeg","@RoryCoaster btw, do you realize your profile pic makes you look much older than you say you are?"
1753743118,"worry","kevinapple","Woke up at 5am. Cleaned camera gear from last nights wedding. Should really go back to sleep, but kids awake."
1753743144,"happiness","JoJo8304","Up,dressed, and out the house for 11 am on a Sunday. Off to see the fishy fishys"
1753743206,"love","icebergstorm","@unahealy Brent Cross? wow! I live very close from there!"
1753743221,"neutral","Inzecity","Bonjour Twitterland !"
1753743262,"love","chrisdashrob","Happy Mothers Day!!"
1753743277,"boredom","wyndwitch","@carlysmum lol takes some getting use to  Just replying to your email. Power keeps cutting out here :S"
1753743298,"neutral","supermodelscom","Happy Mothers Day to Heidi Klum"
1753743307,"neutral","ruimoura","@nocas j� estou a ver que sim  , aqui - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother's_day#Dates_around_the_world"
1753743344,"fun","misstoats","@skeetonmytwitts its slimy but its fun"
1753743452,"relief","dejanlesi","I am currently doing a few posts on my business blog http://venturefile.com  check it out if you like it"
1753743487,"happiness","jdrex73","Happy Mother's Day"
1753743497,"surprise","OdoriFolle","Just got home  interesting night"
1753743501,"love","Leylaaa_x3","@dashkaaa we always miss each other, don't we?"
1753743524,"enthusiasm","naataalieee","@kyoisorange ok ermm I'll meet you in the gym at half four then"
1753743548,"boredom","Misses_Gola","@lovely_sara I'm sitting in the bus to dublin And listen tokio hotel-reden.And i must laugh.you know why"
1753743555,"neutral","pj_kent","@FM1079Oxford A 25 year old zebra with wind? Lol"
1753743600,"neutral","twebbstack","@LittleMissHaya i make them good girls go bad"
1753743628,"relief","hanaames","@jmlares ...actually find something they'll like. it's easy to get a good gift with a lot of money tbh. nowhere near as personal though"
1753743655,"love","SBygrave","14 dayssss ahhhh super excited   'they're telling me that my heart wont beat again'   JLS were awesome yesterday (:"
1753743687,"relief","genea1430","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOMMY!!!!"
1753743704,"love","irCheryl","has just watched antcam7 ahh love it"
1753743789,"happiness","SociDev","Good morning to the world. Hope everyone is ok"
1753743859,"neutral","Joshwaleigh","@itsleish That it does  just wish more people would notice it"
1753743861,"worry","simsslovenija","@TheSimsHub Really? Hooray! Can't wait!"
1753743947,"worry","julie_bergmann","G*morning! Rain, rain and more rain.. ! But I don't care so much"
1753743953,"happiness","goonjan","Lan Poker is so much fun!!!!  Someone help me remember ki compre chal raha hai abhi!!!!"
1753743998,"worry","Sirjolt","@NursingDrPepper I told you I'd be back  Just won't be updating as much before my exams. Looking forward to a day or two in your house ;)"
1753744056,"neutral","ycaiscit","@heycassadee oh.. tnx for following cass."
1753744095,"neutral","Daisylittlestar","@sandy195850 Bit of sunshine out there and it perks us all up  Especially when you have a mountain of towels to wash and get dry!"
1753744129,"worry","mindofkennedy","oh thats hard-going. I'm writing a book at the moment so am motivating myself to press on with that."
1753744142,"fun","tompsterrific","@enfant_terrible haha, that was new  the fact that he couldn't do it should have cost his part. What kind of Spock is that!"
1753744146,"love","padoods","@RX2904 you, my friend, are a true fan"
1753744204,"love","figibank","Happy Mother's Day to all your wonderful moms!"
1753744263,"happiness","carmenego","@Elliot79 I don't think I can bear such cuteness this early in the day! Kudos to Fair Empress"
1753744289,"neutral","Babarum","http://ping.fm/2UrGP (MPAA shows how to videorecord a TV)    via @Despil"
1753744306,"surprise","spawngo","@alancarolino whaaaat?! New section to La Cantera?? That has #UrbanOutfitters?! OH MAN I'm stoked to get back to Texas"
1753744358,"worry","linnetwoods","@MacQuid Soetimes I envy those who have spent their whole lives in one place and have deep roots... the grass on the other side syndrome!"
1753744383,"relief","jamesbankso","http://snipurl.com/hq0n1 Just printed my mom an Amazon gift card  for Happy Mothers Day talk about last minute."
1753744427,"love","brookelouisex","is waiting for the final of shipwrecked to start. goodtimes.  <3"
1753744431,"happiness","marinedejou","has just discovered a great site!"
1753744471,"neutral","celinieee","@VogueChic http://tinyurl.com/64ozr7 :: from Ate Kaila Ocampo  of the.rainbowholic.me&&eerie-silence.net"
1753744472,"neutral","soulkid_len","test test from the LG enV2"
1753744474,"worry","alexisstorm","Sippin on the goose & bull all night has got me twisted lol...on my way home from Club Wet. Interesting night"
1753744535,"love","CandyWWGM","All the money in the world could never make me as happy as being a stay-at-home mom with my son"
1753744543,"love","koloSigma","Is sat in her PJs drinking tea and watching the Politics Show. Lovely"
1753744546,"neutral","samalin24","reconnecting with amadeus and friends"
1753744571,"neutral","topify","@ilan_peer you ll soon be back  just replace topify email in twitter settings and that s all"
1753744612,"happiness","rrrodrigo","it's nice to see my #euruko pictures (http://twurl.cc/xd1) on the big screen during a conference break"
1753744721,"happiness","xSilyeah","I'm eating and chatting on my computer.. Really bored! -_- I think I'm going to have some tea, HAHA.  Listning to 80's music! WOOHO <3"
1753744722,"neutral","ryankanno","@abaggy Yeah, I was always embedded staff.  I recognize your name from emails."
1753744727,"happiness","SarahLovesMcTom","@vixx1983 haha so the whole worlds there then lol"
1753744739,"neutral","Kiwiiimakeup","just made 3 videos"
1753744744,"surprise","djfunke","home from STING..crunk (of course)..long ass day N nite..also, visited my boy Rob V..all is good..happy mother's day!!..word to yo mutha"
1753744753,"hate","ozgurcemsen","@sh1mmer ) I can relate to the frustration.I ruined my wp blog many times during updates.They warn you a few times."back the ^$!@# up""
1753744755,"sadness","dstorey","@Malarkey ok point taken.  I'll tell my team to stop our cynical championing of standards. Active-X is far better anyway"
1753744820,"happiness","RinoaTakako","On the home stretch now, by Friday night I'll be piss drunk and finished my exams!"
1753744849,"sadness","WillyB1980","unfortunately people at work let me down so I am now having a bad morning! it's official... but revenge is a dish best served cold"
1753744858,"love","harry4711","@AFineFrenzy ali, just like you do!!!   have such a wonderful sunday!"
1753744886,"fun","jessicaconnell","@chasepino ur funny  gnight"
1753744974,"worry","gems1989","Has got to go to work with a slight hangover gd nite thou"
1753744998,"happiness","kaffeecoder","@_anh Hmm, tasty!  Going to have curry rice with peas probably. ;)"
1753745022,"happiness","aeonbeat","alright, rawknroll.net live on radio23.org - next 2 hours of vivid spring to summer music  rawk on and enjoy!"
1753745035,"love","simonisCRUNK","@georgieBOOM it's like triple what i've got, so it's a lot to me as well. Well done"
1753745094,"worry","Daisylittlestar","@sandy195850 That's me set up for an exciting Sunday lol"
1753745098,"love","TMJP","@phillyhead aw thank you sam phil, i love you"
1753745160,"neutral","epi_longo","@jishanvn y�n t�m, sang n?m s? th?y ti?t m?c Tr?n tinh twitter tr? l?i L� Th�ng , Th?ch Sanh nh? l�m quiz m� c??i ???c c�ng ch�a"
1753745226,"love","OMCollective","@phoeNYkx Yes, I liked it very very much  It wasn't even cheesy!"
1753745235,"fun","countryvicar","@caromans Would applaud self-validation for all sorts of good theological, psychological & sociological reasons. But agree - lighten up!"
1753745242,"neutral","deepakshenoy","@sohamdas I agree - they will start - and I forgot, all that news is HT @sohamdas"
1753745279,"happiness","nadinesaupeart","Just found out I'll be a Food Engineer in a future life. Cool. *iPhone app called Afterlife"
1753745287,"happiness","angeleggsays","going shopping with my mammyy.... my makeup and face are being generally quite nice to me today"
1753756896,"neutral","CourtneySit","@courtpet hmmm no but I am member of knitterati.com.au what is ravelry offer?"
1753756918,"fun","shutupbec","@CeeCeeJayez episode 17 season 1, i love chuck bass.  who's going to the short stack filming next sat? Im making a flag. ;D"
1753756952,"happiness","aleashqara","likes heavenly blushhhh"
1753756979,"happiness","_Tim_Tam_","@SherriEShepherd Hey Sherri! Thanx 4 da messages Wondering if u could follow me? Plzzzz"
1753757063,"happiness","laura_eyedea","@f2point4 oh, that is very nice!! I will do something nice next week ~ going to Madrid next weekend for few days"
1753757097,"worry","Char_SOS","Just downloaded parnoid"
1753757183,"happiness","doorofkukondo","@rudedoodle thankyou"
1753757232,"neutral","kateblogs","@PaulDuxbury Morning Paul  How are you?"
1753757242,"love","xsmiileyamii","@theclimbx3 i knooow  its the pizza girl episode xD <3"
1753757251,"neutral","czarnecki88","got one because of my babygirl"
1753757259,"neutral","Lord_Kartz","@richa_august84 I think Chrony meant an ape called TR Rajendran. Not Russell Peters."
1753757390,"happiness","Thequeenoffree","Almost ready to leave the house to head to WTHR!"
1753757414,"surprise","jessicamcgrath","Off to go B&Q for new outdoor furniture"
1753757438,"neutral","peachonice","@everyonesmad but its pretty at least, I think I need to catch some sleep soon though"
1753757494,"happiness","librat873","Good morning, to all the mommies happy mothers day.  Now I am off the pull the cats tail.  I know she likes it"
1753757537,"happiness","schatzie0302","@AndreaKoeln I listen it right now - so much fun!!!  No I just have to get it somehow"
1753757540,"sadness","Mirandaa89","Just came home from my sister where I spent the night"
1753757542,"fun","soniakd","summer clothes panic over..I see rain clouds !!  still going swimming though..I'm feeling in a holiday mood"
1753757702,"neutral","bballsp","@veeekay07 haha wats this about?"
1753757747,"fun","charmainelhs","@sruthykumar hahaha totally  yaayy i don't feel so alone on twitter"
1753757761,"empty","jonsky","@emiug how is your coding going?"
1753757772,"worry","carrotcoriander","@madnessofmany called about it, no answer shall try again tomorrow"
1753757785,"worry","Tory_x","@TMJP actually i would prefer you not check me out ....."
1753757868,"neutral","emzstars","revision...what fun...still I have thursday to do basically nothing"
1753757880,"happiness","imrui","@itsonlywords You're welcome!"
1753757942,"worry","cucbka","@vadimkozhin why do you think so?"
1753757945,"love","TeamJonasLovato","@ddlovato http://twitpic.com/4vuuy - That's so cool."
1753757978,"relief","tophatdog","@pntbtrkisses a midwest girl, lol....so close and yet so far"
1753758000,"neutral","wildasaur","Here's a link to Gregg's performace, its amazing  http://bit.ly/GsWrk"
1753758013,"relief","perchee","my miss doesn't read my tweets so she wouldn't know that the emo guy won #dsds"
1753758014,"relief","EarthLifeShop","@CandyWWGM well, as i mother & grandma i am a bit in a kidding mode"
1753758049,"worry","scottishrabbits","I wonder what you're doing, imagining where you are, there's oceans in between us, but that's not very far.  http://plurk.com/p/svxe1"
1753758050,"relief","_Karlita_","Made it home..Night my twitties"
1753758113,"happiness","JoyaCamaisa","finally home  crazy party 2nite! thanks @jacksterlope 4 driving me home!"
1753758120,"love","deragonflyz","@MARCOME I like the sound of a love breeze...sounds beautiful! Love the wind on my face"
1753758129,"surprise","Jessy_babes","@bradiewebbstack Bradiee  may I ask why your picture is a cat?? haha ily xx"
1753758139,"relief","D_Rox","@ecjulie You're welcome..."
1753758145,"neutral","pawsalmighty","@sophiaalmeida lol thanks, I really needed a reminder that I'm an old hag mom lol"
1753758305,"happiness","bcsta","is very shocked and feeling sick... but happy all the same"
1753758359,"neutral","meimAsinglecell","Watching John Edward Cross Country"
1753758396,"worry","twobeatsoff","happy birthday to my little sister gee! in celebration, have an article"
1753758401,"love","Durbsy","Hope all the Mum's out there had a Mother's Day with love, close family & friends."
1753758409,"love","Kalan_blends","Happy Mother's Day !  I feel blessed on this day to have wonderful son who is also my best friend"
1753758421,"neutral","andrewheiss","@Tom_El_Rumi I just do English with them. Half my conversation is in English anyway - fii mushkila ma'a al modem wa al router"
1753758449,"happiness","mr_apollo","like why the fuck am i still up...maybe because im drunk as hell and had a great time tonight..shit was crazy"
1753758503,"relief","foleyy","AmmoxXx great day? Woman, did you NOTICE the smile that never disappeared off my face? Ha, Murray... All cos of you, I owe you"
1753758504,"neutral","nuiko","@bearboyph69 just got home lng."
1753758591,"happiness","tamspstyle21","I wish  I could choose what bands played trash on june 20th...hmmm!!!"
1753758597,"surprise","kckennett","Happy Mother's Day to all the American mamas!"
1753758647,"neutral","Higji","Time to play the drums"
1753758665,"love","annasaccone","@TotallyM hi hun!!  i really loved your tutorial yday!  soooo much, it was one of the best tutorials i had watched in a long time!  xx"
1753758689,"love","ssshhmack","just got home and my kitty was by my door waiting for me"
1753758709,"neutral","DH999","@nicktionary by the way...i got D.T"
1753758743,"surprise","hjmay22","meet the robbinsons! best movie ever"
1753758749,"relief","samktan","just installed Windows 7 RC, so far no mushroom cloud yet."
1753758780,"surprise","guittaraxx","@__Parasite__ haha im always turned off by coontails...so it kinda kills me XD i like the spikes though"
1753758823,"happiness","gweninterrupted","My Rishloves make me smile: @rishlooband ..."
1753758841,"love","JessieValentine","@frenchiep :  i know i*m late but i didn't had internet. so happy bithday to you and pierre!"
1753758972,"love","eliiiiza","@maenad_au I love it"
1753758991,"neutral","amandas121","On the bus.. Yay six flags"
1753759011,"surprise","missgiggly","@_sarahwilson_ Absolutely love your hair and outfit in tonight's ep"
1753759046,"worry","Brandesme","@ronnilab Hahahah, I will be using that saying from now on!"
1753759057,"love","foleyy","@AmmoxXx great day? Woman, did you NOTICE the smile that never disappeared off my face? Ha, Murray... All cos of you, I owe you"
1753759137,"neutral","raacch","off to liverpool now!"
1753759155,"neutral","hannaberkenfeld","sport-day with charlotte"
1753759224,"happiness","clementyeung","@ROAR_Fear_Me Doing very well thank you very much - spending a lot of time behind the PC but with a focus and determination"
1753759318,"sadness","catterpillarrrr","@simbaaa @mahimaaa SORRY! I couldn't help it. 'Twas to try and get if on the trending topics."
1753759323,"fun","Laryllan","@aanneeB ok  i kinda thought so... i mean those 2? ... it would be funny though."
1753759328,"happiness","JessicaCook_","Hoedown throwdown- all I can say is... I'm getting there!"
1753759375,"love","OMG_ITS_BRiNA","Sleeeping ; just had to say Happy Momdukes Day"
1753759426,"surprise","mkanat","had an amazing time dancing to DJ Dan at Ruby Skye tonight. And I'm still looking for that roommate in SF if you know anybody!"
1753759463,"love","Jessy2403","@backstreetboys Congrats to Howie! I hope you bring little James to germany soon  Wish you all the best for your family!"
1753759516,"neutral","ficklampa","@wendy_fred6 I haven't canceled my account yet and I haven't logged in since november I think, maybe I Should  My main was a rogue, lvl73"
1753759546,"neutral","ThetaHealerMaya","@khtemplar is my son - he gets my vote today coz he has grown into a loving, caring 'soul-full' man - who loves his mum"
1753759555,"love","Ellen_Stafford","@MollySchofe on another note I totally love this pic of you and your dad....old pic -  http://bit.ly/18aEG8"
1753759571,"neutral","arwickens","sleep all day then back at work for another 12 hours of psych nursing"
1753759640,"fun","cherylelapitan","@TheLakersNation Game 3 today. Oh YA."
1753759695,"surprise","rumoko","@duskyblueskies I am pretty sure that's the sort if tweeting that will lose followers. But stuff it- it was well worth it"
1753759701,"surprise","x5nder","Awake. And my head hurts. Which probably means last night was a good one"
1753759828,"neutral","harold1066","Loads of little jobs to do today.  Going to be playing walking themed music today from BrickMan"
1753759902,"happiness","SAMBABYY","Good morning! Driving to work"
1753759918,"enthusiasm","lauralovebby","http://twitpic.com/4wtii - new hair going to greeattt use!"
1753759955,"neutral","star_girlsophie","Getting the JBA out"
1753759985,"love","vibzfabz","It's like I'm living in a Dream Land. I (always) get what I want. God, thank you for everything. I'm so grateful for this lovely life"
1753760012,"fun","JoyaCamaisa","@MikeyNEF mmmm... looks so yummy! good seeing u"
1753760086,"relief","lola_princess","YES! I DONE IT! at last.  my homework is ready dx and i can go waaalkiiing because the sun is shining ^^ oh yeah."
1753760131,"neutral","Jinxie_G","@marshawrites Yes, you should write an article."
1753760150,"boredom","jarrelt","@astrylnaut yeah talking to you was too boring"
1753760220,"relief","brendaneyder","Happy Mother's Day !"
1753760267,"neutral","shortword","@murrion nope.. sliverlight is client a side tech"
1753760417,"happiness","Anitaa31","Good morning everybody !!"
1753760423,"happiness","geolette","@decadentdecay Chica! Two more days!  I want the US Elle too."
1753760494,"happiness","BigDaws","@LucyKD lmao, im only joking mate"
1753760511,"love","melanietaylor01","@Katie_McFlyy FINALY MY CHANCE HAS CAME. . TO KILL YOU MWAHAHA! ha. not cool. .  ha  xx"
1753760541,"neutral","Broooooke_","watching the simpsons"
1753760621,"fun","bakasan","Thanks all for coming out tonight, hope ya had fun!"
1753760641,"worry","samozzy","Oh. Now it doesn't need updating all of a sudden. Ok. Will get dressed anyway"
1753760674,"happiness","burning_angel","Oh, I've just watched the third episode of JONAS, it's awesome."
1753772499,"neutral","moodlefairy","@dafyddhumphreys I don't see why not"
1753772523,"neutral","butadream","@Sarcasmoo ... Waited for the band before the Singapore show, met Chris M and got tickets... Nothing you don't know!"
1753772640,"neutral","emilylagrange","@jakolien hee hee - btw thanks for your LinkedIn tips - i've still to use them, but thanks in advance"
1753772658,"love","DannysBaby","@Dannymcfly http://twitpic.com/3ernb - Loving The Jumper"
1753772672,"neutral","joekavp","Really good night"
1753772698,"relief","Chrisatevelyn","@Boothamshaw i dont really know..i saw it on the gadget show about something thatmakes messages easier to find or something thank you"
1753772714,"happiness","bt4burntoast","Off to have a sumptuous Mexican meal!"
1753772803,"happiness","hannahsheri","@davidleibrandt good to know you had fun"
1753772813,"neutral","mpb","When spelling is important.  http://bit.ly/jdk0Z"
1753772814,"worry","kaz00_40","@twilightgossip I hope you feel better soon"
1753772823,"surprise","mikeredding","@jmlares Awake. Suprisingly. Couldn't get to sleep last night so gave up and pulled an all-nighter.  How are you?"
1753772902,"sadness","CourtneySit","@courtpet oh sweet! I'll definitely check it out when I get the chance..."
1753772960,"neutral","i_dont_know_22","is having carbonara for dinner made by my mum mom"
1753772971,"worry","__kristina","just as i finish checking all my emails, i get 5 more. because like 5 more people are following me on twitter. hi people following me!"
1753773027,"surprise","SuzyDaFloozy","@vanwau Ooh really?!! Well you know you're always welcome!!"
1753773088,"neutral","vwebling","happy mothers day"
1753773121,"love","Meganandlizfans","HAPPY B-DAY TO LINA  haha, your birthdaypresent to me would be to comment on the new video ;) http://bit.ly/17Cy61"
1753773145,"love","iEgg","@Magnum74 I knew my mom loved flowers and she loves the Rieger Begonia so... hanging basket seemed perfect"
1753773180,"fun","MaryCAOx","derby day! woooo, come on UNITED!"
1753773217,"fun","Jodes42","Completely EXCELLENT Dave Matthews concert! Jason Mraz opened & I heard "stay or leave" & "crush" for the first time live"
1753773234,"neutral","cheesecakelove","happy mother's day to all your mom's"
1753773249,"worry","muphlus","Cleaning up from yesterdays wild party"
1753773331,"neutral","ghostbusterz","@polaroidsof182 okay cool  we can have like, a camool zoo"
1753773393,"sadness","pr0mythius","if you hit a car .. u should leave a note http://bit.ly/P274B  but yea put whatever u want on the note"
1753773412,"neutral","rebkah","@dotnetcowboy Thanks ! even though I'm just 'mother' of our cat"
1753773449,"surprise","chriscpritchard","Methinks it's time to read A Doll's House + Streetcar and get some quotes, and then PHYSICS!"
1753773523,"happiness","petermccormack","early morning golf on a sunny day"
1753773643,"happiness","dawson1997","@ManBag79 awww I love me some charlies  we are enjoying some lucky food LOL"
1753773720,"fun","prof_woland","mozart's requiem!"
1753773733,"fun","Alpharalpha","@mopedronin come to kyoto  weather is great here"
1753773749,"happiness","sophycake","couldn't resist ? http://blip.fm/~5z7v3"
1753773757,"neutral","cydonian","@sherenejose : Yes, that's what I was implying. Was a bit too subtle, as usual, I suppose."
1753773782,"love","djohnstone78","LOVED Britain's got talent last night!  Shaun and Greg were both amazing!  Were they HOT too..can't say I noticed?!!"
1753773824,"neutral","xXTDHavokXx","@hottieann2145 you live in AJ me too"
1753773859,"happiness","FrannyM101","Happy Mothers Day!!!!"
1753773893,"relief","mymemoirs","HALLELUJAH! I've finally finished my Careers assignment! The feeling of finishing a task is great, you have no idea. Or maybe you do. lol"
1753773906,"happiness","jeroenmirck",""Viewers of my LinkedIn profiel also viewed Barack Obama, Francisco van Jole and Erwin Blom." I'm in good company."
1753773941,"neutral","ayselo","Just FYI, there is also turkish star wars rip off  here http://bit.ly/AeSnk"
1753773956,"sadness","pbe_","Rove Live in 3 mins, kinda excited."
1753774056,"fun","iOriana","I can Rome without Ceasar"
1753774190,"happiness","tsarnick","@MissxMarisa hahaha, it's *massive* compared to the others!! you're so sweet Scenie"
1753774213,"love","Smexible","Happy Mother's day VALK!!"
1753774228,"neutral","kelz017","@RacoonResidue (But they're the awesome quotes, not the corney ones!  )P"
1753774245,"love","kennygo","@Hermanryu Thank you! Tadi jam 12.30pm"
1753774285,"love","maitababy","@tprettyman ask them what they have done with their lives. be annoying human beings? tell your mama happy mother's day!"
1753774298,"love","keremsedef","Good mornin' everyone . Beautiful sunday for all the beautiful moms of ours. Had my breakfast with the lady ....   Lets move on ."
1753774397,"worry","Truthbomb","I guess she's not the type of songwriter who dreams the great ones."
1753774438,"neutral","rhino75","@Pierrino yes DON'T FORGET the koala pics   I'm pubquizzing tonight in the 11e if you're back in time. Sinon, mardi?"
1753774447,"love","xoxkristen","With Aubrey at pearl!!!"
1753774454,"enthusiasm","zoul1380","@horcrux01 happy bday!"
1753774460,"happiness","DiSCOLENA","@Swedish_em I'm ok I guess. talking to - biiip - right now, or..on sms. haha well, how are you?"
1753774472,"love","mboogie","LA bound!!"
1753774500,"love","Rachierachw","So grateful for my amazing family. How blessed am I. Happy Mothers day everyone"
1753774525,"fun","thelipprint","@ansje_44 Thanks!! It was a bit out of my comfort zone but it was fun"
1753774526,"fun","StengelP","Just funny sitting here with external keyboard, mouse, and macbook on bed  just looks strange but it's comfortable"
1753774536,"happiness","SmilinNursAnnie","@Nemitabbah HAHAHAHA...yeah you mess up that crossing and kneeling bit you will get called out...JOKING"
1753774584,"neutral","GentleSinner","@RainyCityLove I like that  Tehe x"
1753774633,"happiness","moodlefairy","@moodleman somehow I am going to have to figure out how to come to Sydney one day"
1753774649,"love","sarahmarche","Happy Mothers Day. Havent got mom a present yet? Print off an Amazon Gift Card for her!  http://snipurl.com/hq0n1"
1753774659,"neutral","KhalidAlzanki","Today is FREE day of speaking.. I am at the office handling some business issues"
1753774675,"surprise","sweetener","@bowrainbow at Le mont's door ..it's closed maybe they are too rich  passed pairung as well"
1753774728,"sadness","iamloz_JsPR","@iamhenrymorgan my screen is covered with BLUR ...  how's ya day been kiddo ?"
1753774749,"happiness","kateblogs","@MandyBookLover Same here, having a nice, quiet Sunday"
1753774807,"worry","proteusguy","@sleepynikki - I will see if there's a used organ shop there & let you know. But why not just sign up to ejamming.com and rock out!"
1753774858,"neutral","demiwood","@monkeyknopfler you're welcome, on the road today so will save those games til next week... Cant wait"
1753774894,"neutral","girlfromspace","@moeneekah i hope he does ; join @dailybooth and you'll find one"
1753774936,"sadness","Janey_x","shower time"
1753774991,"neutral","GaryKLai","@viters the hotel should be thankful"
1753774994,"happiness","Tanya_xO","Had a great night, ashleigh makes a good dance teacher  And we kicked Bens butt at a pillow fight!"
1753775015,"fun","kennygo","@marthinnayoan Ahahaha... thanks bro. Will do. I might take the day off tomorrow"
1753775032,"happiness","icednyior","ahh, juz got a new Rapidshare account that lasts till Oct 09. 10gb download limit daily"
1753775109,"neutral","joshwhacker","@firequinito OT! OT! OT!"
1753775134,"neutral","SUBSONIX","is mixing Techno, Progressive and Tance with Ableton Live for Ben Vapid's birthday  #Ableton"
1753775143,"neutral","monkey1980","@BenchmarkIT does clapping bring them back to life?"
1753775161,"relief","bronwenhyde","@simonemaynard thank you"
1753775186,"happiness","ideasmaverick","Enjoying a great buffet brunch at Friends & Bachus on St. Marks Road. The food, service & ambience get a 4.0/5.0 Definitely coming back"
1753775210,"hate","yebbaaa","http://twitpic.com/4wtom - This day is soo stressful! Geee.. Lunch was a blast tho! How are you guys??"
1753775212,"happiness","sharebrain","yeah .... just bought tickets for Pearl Jam in August"
1753775259,"surprise","yaseminx3","@Lindsayslifee goodmornin  as soon as i saw ur pic, it reminded me how embarresing it was yesterday. with oliver&peter. it was fun tho xD"
1753775287,"neutral","CecileLP","@lectronice yes indeed                                                                                               here I am again"
1753775318,"neutral","scootz99","To all moms out there, Happy mothers day!!"
1753775376,"love","lameymacdonald","@MelodyLeaLamb Goooood Morning Melody! Wishing you a Wonderful Mother's Day with your family!"
1753775388,"surprise","RCandAJ","Is eating BBQ Jalapeno Torta Subway from Los Chaparros right next door.."
1753775431,"love","insung","I saw Thirst which is korean movie made by chan-wook Park . this movie isn't hard but good"
1753775438,"neutral","ntxstormchaser","@sarasso619 i'll have to be more creative in choosing my next alias.  Adding the N to the front obviously was not stealthy enought."
1753775474,"worry","ramdomthoughts","Show 147 in pre-pre production ....... a bit behind"
1753775490,"neutral","TheLakersNation","@cherylelapitan Should be a good one even w/o #Yao in the middle. Expect the #Rockets to play #Kobe hard. Nothing the mamba can't handle."
1753775509,"fun","BonesCrazy24","Ooh I have snazzed up my profile with summery colors"
1753775510,"happiness","marypascoe","@urfavoritegrl i'm sure you're sleeping, but you'll have to tell me your favorite part tomorrow. i laughed pretty much the whole time."
1753775522,"love","ilikeucozmos","you always seem to know exactly the right thing to say. thanks.  - http://ilikeucoz.com/m/1123 #youregreat"
1753775661,"neutral","beckahbaby","@lukemarsden aww bless  you guys are so cute.. are you still in touch with any of the other BB contestants? xxoo"
1753775662,"surprise","sparklerule","i had a new friend who called himself shame."
1753775672,"neutral","IndpndntMogul","@AmericanYard g'mornin lolz more like g'nite 2 me-I'm JUST gettin home from work. & yes ur label or agent/mngr"
1753775709,"surprise","gearonrails","@tferriss That's very funny.  Cute kids."
1753775786,"love","Belphanior","Happy Sunday. We have sunshine in Frankfurt. Hope all mothers enjoy this day"
1753775817,"worry","hworsnop","did 14.5 miles in the Peak last night, with a nice 5 mile run back to the car this morning"
1753775873,"fun","StengelP","going to program now  haven't programmed for a long time now"
1753775971,"neutral","Daisylittlestar","@DoctorWatsonSx Morning"
1753787695,"worry","ArvindRocks","My bet on Mumbai Indians today... Anyone to take a bet on this for 500 bucks??"
1753787768,"neutral","MonicaDrum","band practice"
1753787776,"surprise","thirkill","@hihat7 Go to main settings page for iPhone and scroll down - you will see it"
1753787819,"worry","JyotiBasant","@JPMizDELiCiOUS  hii"
1753787855,"happiness","mummypreneur","Happy Mothers Day to all my fellow mums - have a great day - mine will be spent in my garden with all of my family"
1753787949,"worry","jords_","has now been informed by a close personal friend that the sore head is due to infact 4 pints not 2"
1753787955,"happiness","jaswindervirdee","@andrew1913 theme tune? Your robin I'm BATMAN!"
1753787973,"anger","momtodanielle","@johncmayer you are one of my favorite musicians/artists ever!! Please keep up the great work John"
1753788010,"love","marypascoe","@DemiLSupporter i LOVE your hat! so cool. that looks like it was a fun day.  and i love that you used the word "crikey" just now!!"
1753788014,"empty","brightstar23","Sooo tired and have a headache-all self inflicted of course! Good times though"
1753788035,"love","stringedmusic","HAPPY MOMMA's DAY ALL. HONOR YOUR MOMs  sign up for #maternalhealth  here's for all mothers and luvin kids out there:  http://bit.ly/Bpekk"
1753788104,"hate","gpeipman","Huh, another ScarePoint coding Sunday"
1753788118,"happiness","maybeedeluxe","@pretentiousgit what a cute dog"
1753788132,"worry","irphunky","@codepo8 I must admit when i first saw that name posted i thought it was an exploit attempt"
1753788138,"happiness","taufikn","try to play John Travolta's "Grease Lightning" bassline.. it's cool"
1753788255,"happiness","SarahJacqueline","@hollymcombsbr somehow i cant reply to your message LOL and yes i know  Thank youuu"
1753788294,"worry","LolaFordGossip","sorry i havent tweeted in a while- i was on holiday then was ill but im better now"
1753788308,"relief","tysrn","Umm. What do we have here? Apple pie, check. Cupcakes, check. Green tea, check. Coffee, check. Then we're ready for tea time"
1753788350,"enthusiasm","charliesome","@DannehOak hey there! your web URL looks good"
1753788401,"worry","CaitlinMcMullen","@TheRealJayRome heya thanks for accepting the add"
1753788434,"happiness","onesian","our south style exhibition is on in less than a week  member fresh gallery otara!"
1753788497,"happiness","gattermeier","Did it!!  back in pakistan! - http://bkite.com/07kBP"
1753788533,"empty","Harith","While @mattcutts on vacation, @nytimes having golden times spamming Google by 5.350 redirects. http://bit.ly/18kwzh"
1753788614,"love","urvi_rox","It's Mother's Day! Went out to lunch to celebrate and then went shopping for a gift for my mom"
1753788628,"happiness","kate0404","@chriscuzzy ...Now I'm going back to bed. LOL. Enjoy your time at the gym. I'll be sleeping."
1753788730,"happiness","Spidersamm","@HelloLizzi oh hahah thats ok then"
1753788767,"love","immymoo","star treeeeek?! only one hot guy there  and i get to watch him do his hot stuff woo."
1753788773,"love","rheaction","bathing with two little angels, Keyla and Janice."
1753788839,"love","stevieg69","@Kenzielee_ Mother's Day in the U.S today. I won't tell mine, she'll expect another present"
1753788875,"fun","nnneelrahc","Just watched Camp Rock  Eating raspberry ripple icecream. Awesome"
1753788931,"neutral","LuvMyGurlz","Off to bed .. Nighty night everyone"
1753788939,"happiness","luposius","hmm icecream for breakfast  #springtime"
1753788975,"fun","CherylH77","Signing out for the night - have a good Sunday night all"
1753789037,"worry","thinkingdigital","@jonoble Hope you'll be able to join us for future editions"
1753789087,"worry","MCFLYFREAK","just watched One Tree Hill episode 22 season 6... never cried this much since keith died!!!!!! OTH is epic for sure!!!!!!  Xxx"
1753789088,"love","MichaelDWalker","@davelakhani Did you get to meet Ace Frehley?  Love his guitar playing.  Not sure how coherent a speaker he might/might not be."
1753789195,"worry","gattermeier","did it!!  back in pakistan! - http://bkite.com/07kBQ"
1753789208,"happiness","krockheart","I say "oh man.." jovani asks, "did you just call me an old man?" haha"
1753789218,"neutral","gattermeier","Did it!!  back in pakistan! - http://bkite.com/07kBR"
1753789243,"happiness","Yvie","@jordanknight Please wish your wife Evelyn a Happy Mother's Day for me and tell her I hope that she has a wonderful day. Spoil her today."
1753789282,"worry","mjrsuperstar","@jonesyladdd SAME. its just not happening, and im going out too!. UH-OH."
1753789321,"worry","greysnowogre","That's more like it - 3rd  #fb"
1753789334,"worry","davonie09","2 more weeks of school not including weekends. omg right on. im so excited yet scared. omg. ahhhh. i can't wait to grad."
1753789368,"love","KUMELL","Had a great weekend... but ate too much I think..  I am looking forward to my trip to Hobart on Friday the 15th...."
1753789374,"happiness","krist0ph3r","@rehabc give him a gift voucher for something like shoppers' stop or something. that's as good as cash. unless he's immigrating, that is!"
1753789427,"love","kristimbre","@RealHughJackman Wolverine is awesome.. love it! your such a great actor.."
1753789518,"neutral","hilzfuld","@erezmizrachi @mominisrael thanks"
1753789666,"happiness","ROBsessedBlog","We have tons of updates including pics of Rob from yesterday. Check them out  www.robsessedpattinson.com"
1753789740,"surprise","RiRiFenty","@Beautiful515  thats awesome!"
1753789760,"neutral","richardwnewton","finishing session handbooks - Just Health and Safety and Manageing Discipline and Grievance to add!!"
1753789775,"worry","sarahliesegang","Happy mothers day Mummy  ?"
1753789783,"worry","sugardayfox","... I will launch (make or break) the alpha phase of my residential real estate rental website. (Commitment of first grade"
1753789800,"surprise","bonnnn","glad I wore my black rats and a flowy shirt im so full from my dozen mixed oystsers seafood platter and death by chocolate"
1753789805,"neutral","NoSheds","@LJRICH hello - as requested"
1753789921,"love","DemiLSupporter","@marypascoe thanks  i love the word CRIKEY it's like my sayin'"
1753789952,"happiness","Applechic","morning darlin' @DaHilster Hope you're feelin' tip-top  ? http://blip.fm/~5z7zs"
1753789955,"neutral","katrinawebb","@masterballerina yess  you?"
1753790027,"happiness","laura310585","http://pic.gd/fad84c One Sunday night at Helsinki. We hadn't drink anything... xD yeah RIGHT!"
1753790064,"happiness","HayleySmith16","@xo_nessa Hiyaaa hannah asked me if i wanted to come to Girls Aloud  i wil see if i can skank some money somwhere is it �33 you need?"
1753790091,"neutral","heathfox","@robluketic Hey Mr Luketic! I don't have your number to send by phone.  You can email me at heathfox@heathfox.com if that would be ok."
1753790122,"neutral","melisadisti","@jessiealeea lol.well.hope you find someone to give you a massage  wish i could but i'm half a world away lol"
1753790144,"happiness","wouf","@Vitriol_: "@lordmitchnz  Good evening, kind sir *bows*" ? http://blip.fm/~5z7zv"
1753790164,"love","alidoki","happy mothers day!"
1753790186,"relief","DominiqueGoh","@BoltClock oic.. will need to get upgrade space if I do want to use it then.thanks  Will most prob only use photoshop and dreamweaver"
1753790197,"love","rosshill","@CirkusMike tweetie is very good for multiple accounts too. Grab the Mac Desktop copy too if you have one"
1753790238,"fun","prenvo","@edsaint lol @ half - I already have a bulky desktop- I'm geared up for super slim and light: SSD performance is unreal"
1753790261,"love","kmcconaughy","Happy mother's day to all of the moms out there! Don't forget to send a card!!"
1753790264,"fun","Skip145","will do it  in a  couple od days , when I have  more time.,  for  now  I   need to  get some sleep. Night Night  All.  Peace.!!!!"
1753790277,"happiness","faulko1","@cybercabz i'll take a lookie, sound great"
1753790305,"love","_adair","Happy Mother's Day"
1753790316,"relief","cksmiles","Seeing 'Love at the Club' actually made me"
1753790362,"neutral","Jinxie_G","Crawling into my den for the night now."
1753790380,"neutral","brightondoll","Top 20 ways to go green! http://tinyurl.com/otjttu - this is pretty helpful, and kinda cool actually"
1753790395,"fun","tsarnick","@aussiecynic haha better drunken tweeting you mean?"
1753790429,"surprise","vp2008","just found out that i'm a robot"
1753790497,"happiness","Sir_Almo","@aussieboby i like it    #masterchef"
1753790551,"worry","fookied","@doctorbond if you meant to heavy rain n flood in bkk last night, lucky I was out of bkk"
1753790576,"happiness","binarylife","@sevenspiral no worries, good news are good to spread"
1753790598,"love","DH999","@nicktionary and its amazing  x"
1753790599,"surprise","finalomega","Just read a book called "Gamer Girl" and it wasn't too bad."
1753790623,"love","Goochs","@NeNe96 happy bday to her  and happy mothers' day too"
1753790645,"happiness","Not_A_Kid","morning im up and ready weeee its a sunday"
1753790658,"happiness","DivasMistress","@therealjspace *bows* glad to be of service"
1753790716,"worry","teaganxoxo","@28doomdoom28 I saw that on jonas too  But where is that line from cos I've heard of it my I can't remember where?"
1753790725,"neutral","maitababy","@craving4sweets Happy hot mamas day!"
1753790753,"relief","mlantswelshgirl","@tessajames01 cool i wear black most of the time when i go out"
1753790782,"relief","ChampagneRDub","@Jo3ll3 going to bed for real this time. Have a good day"
1753790802,"fun","kissichigo013","I want to play audition with Anna ~ -mHc-SMOOCH"
1753790877,"worry","MandyBookLover","@sandy195850 we have two small dogs, good to hear that Center Parcs wd take them. Cruising to New York on the Queen Mary 2, real treat"
1753790888,"relief","Beckii123","goin to watch some friends DVD's"
1753790907,"happiness","eijra","happy mothers day to all moms out there!!"
1753790941,"happiness","miaalewis","Just finished my 1st new song !!!  Soon on Youtube !  Keeping you updated !"
1753790967,"neutral","rtt","@WilHarris http://tinyurl.com/q3u32x isn't that the podcasting gear you got in for bit-tech?"
1753791005,"neutral","HayleySmith16","Off to revise for a bit back soon"
1753791027,"worry","Silpher","@originalgabriel Sure thing!"
1753791138,"happiness","iheartrachael","Hahahahaha i rember when i riped that william picture out of one of claires mags. I beated zoe to it"
1753803278,"happiness","tsarnick","@freshypanda haha drunk golf sounds *awesome*!! i predict a great score for today"
1753803337,"neutral","horukuru","Good birding trip within 7 days with 5 Pitta and Bornean Bristlehead"
1753803393,"love","john_yeo","@ModelSupplies thank you for your comment"
1753803399,"happiness","geiger167","@headgeek666 watched the standard dvd 3d version, no blu in UK yet, 3d effect was best I have seen on home system yet, titties in 3d"
1753803428,"love","ChreeesDunn","Currently in costa coffee  im liking this place more and more. Were sat in the business lounge. ooo were businessy today."
1753803429,"neutral","Shineaquahphace","got an RE exam on Tuesday. Wish me luck / pray for me? Thank you.  xxx"
1753803442,"happiness","MaddieG_","did ice skating last show part this morning. Mozart. awesome, can't wait to do it Friday and saturday. love U all"
1753803576,"relief","Ssisch","Filming the very last scene of Afflicted - then it's on to sound design... soon! soon!"
1753803627,"relief","psnp","done with the fkn exam! n just bought the mothers day gift, finally... tada! the new prada fragrance  going to meet up mum n fam now : ..."
1753803652,"neutral","Taarna_Welles","@Krysss I invite you"
1753803657,"neutral","paulaaaron","all in a days' nasism"
1753803726,"worry","sirsparkington","Photo: My New Shoes!  http://tumblr.com/xmx1qzcts"
1753803741,"enthusiasm","millie79","@Jennifrayne  Thanks for the link, ive voted & i'll send that out too."
1753803749,"neutral","PembsDave","@RedMummy Good Morning  Hows u ?"
1753803905,"neutral","primatage","@toreo that's cuz you're cruising the twitter #nightshift now"
1753803929,"love","jessiealeea","@melisadisti lol i hope i find someone to give me one too! lol"
1753803964,"worry","JimmyBurney","@drewryanscott then u should went to vegas like u did last year  I think this was around the time u killed that animal with ur old car LOL"
1753804027,"love","itsjoeh","happy mom's day"
1753804067,"happiness","yaseminx3","@Lindsayslifee they look nice atleast  haha. <3"
1753804068,"neutral","gilbertthera","@Linniesuniverse Lucien Kerk, one of our church vocalists"
1753804259,"neutral","DJMKubatovic","@maryk3lly sure i willl ...."
1753804311,"happiness","lenzor","On twikini while enjoying the sun"
1753804326,"love","MissxMarisa","@gh_rocks Aww how sweet you are"
1753804369,"neutral","minteva","@lickmycupcakes specifically, like these  http://i36.tinypic.com/mwz6uo.jpg (also i adore this outfit http://tinyurl.com/q63obq yum)"
1753804388,"surprise","Rebekah_McFly","@DebbieFletcher If you come to a gig in Dublin you can be my dancing partner.  whatcha think? Hehe xxx"
1753804395,"relief","Emma_Collins","I PUT A SHELF UP lol im well proud and yes its my twilight shelf  my books the movies going on there and obv my prezzie from lara XD (L)"
1753804396,"hate","Stiffleeer","Hockey was so fukin� good  Fuck you hole! xD"
1753804471,"happiness","HillNetley","@hottieann2145 nice to meet ya!"
1753804503,"surprise","krisc2000","@simonusher a bit too early for me and wanting to have nice lunch too... have a good time"
1753804543,"neutral","rioleTa","....damn articLe, need creativity _isn't it 16:20h already?"
1753804641,"neutral","LucyKD","@BigDaws I know."
1753804683,"relief","mkcarolino","is finishing off related lit during PlanSem break  http://plurk.com/p/sw05s"
1753804741,"hate","jodsclass","Sunglasses whores   http://twitpic.com/4wtzj"
1753804745,"worry","30STMWithJared","Guys will go see Constance 	 logically"
1753804790,"happiness","SharonM_23","@Tor87 it's an awesome book, can't wait for the film - enjoy and don't be scared  x"
1753804828,"relief","joseadan88","off to JFK (again), should be in texas soon."
1753804871,"relief","HelenaRaxton","Going to take it quite easy today actually. Yesterday was great but it took a lot of energy out of me. Going out for some pirating later."
1753804890,"happiness","ThEirin","Hopefully going back to work tomorrow!! tired of having a flu.. Beside, I love working with the children, so fun to play with!!"
1753804899,"happiness","saileshonline","@pkollar very heart-warming indeed. I'll be looking forward to that day"
1753804905,"relief","Janyenorth","Good Morning Tweets, I like lazy sundays"
1753804919,"worry","linnetwoods","@MacQuid No! Strange, each time we return I feel like I have come home and yet I have no Spanish blood that I know of...."
1753804937,"neutral","Vaporeon888","@sosolid2k peanut :o, cute name  lol get another turtle and call it jelly :p, if i get a pet i'll call it cabbage XD lolol"
1753804976,"love","gotjeanpierre","happy mothers day  esp to my mommy"
1753805166,"love","RiRiFenty","@CimmiCSYMSOffic i think i'll pass the worm! haha, but good morning!"
1753805167,"surprise","nic__nic","walking the dog on horseforth park, no hangover on a Sunday morning, yay!!"
1753805206,"love","trishaelyca","@jaded0ll HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO UR MOM JAH. TC."
1753805371,"relief","douche_cunt","@jaderibeiro lol event management. no prerequisites"
1753805404,"neutral","weekee","@davidchua i think they only play psp and pokemons."
1753805405,"worry","brendanb","@hunz i tend to freak most people out - I am, err, somewhat mad."
1753805423,"empty","BigAssBadger","@chillybreck that would be lovely, alas the cubs would not be gracious enough to stop wrecking the house while we were soaking our bones"
1753805460,"relief","arshavince","just finish clean up my computer/guest room's cupboard! my stuffs"
1753805514,"happiness","mattcaplin","@kellieann1 haha hi mum! wow yes, very modern of you. now you just need to get a facebook account! p.s. talk to me by writing @mattcaplin"
1753805648,"worry","marjon91","I'm in need of someone with a good gaydar ... Seriously"
1753805688,"neutral","Spamotics","@esmeeworld thanks"
1753805738,"happiness","sakotakanonosue","Always thinking about to look for a good place to appericiate everyone who supports me on every site I joined"
1753805844,"neutral","Lord_Kartz","And Sanath smacks it! Jaya-ho!"
1753805870,"love","lollipop4354","@RobPattinson444 hello  i am ur biggest fan, and i rly carnt w8 till new moon comes out! good luck 2 u nd all the cast filming  xxx"
1753805947,"happiness","LeeanneKellett","Early lunch then getting all dressed up for Amy's confirmation"
1753805976,"fun","alice_c_d","Is playing bubblewrap on her iPhone. Over and over and over again. Still, beats working..."
1753806033,"neutral","Meliciousx3","good morning tweets"
1753806135,"worry","dansmythphoto","@MollyMaison moooooooooooooooo? lol i copied that last.fm thing you had  looks good"
1753806156,"happiness","GabrielleV","hi @blowmefool thanks for the follow  good luck with your friend? ha"
1753806179,"neutral","achitnis","@priyaflorence I'll say  Even I don't do Dominos anymore - I prefer Pizza Hut's crunchy fresh veggie pizzas"
1753806270,"fun","coriyapavon","@macel_erika oh oh! that's a nice song!  yeah! You ain nuttin budda hawndog!"
1753806317,"sadness","buttface20","Off to see the Tiny�s, thinking thoughts about smiles I caught from the radio  and big daft grin all over my face...."
1753806432,"love","TeddyBonesGriff","@MrCrunchiebar  love the new pic! Isn't the sunny sky nice!"
1753806542,"hate","Scottyboy292","@fergmaster Sons of bitches, why couldn't they put them on the releases we already bought"
1753806563,"sadness","keremgogus","@ElizaPatricia Never met you in person but miss you like hell. That must be your charm..."
1753806564,"love","JBnVFCLover786","@drewryanscott Awww that's so sweet  Wish you could see yourz 2"
1753806590,"fun","leo___","Who's going out tonight? I want to go out  xxx"
1753806598,"happiness","tgrall","Done... with the #run : 14.5km / 1h33mn / 153bpm . Feeling great, no fatigue... and no speed"
1753806599,"neutral","glossmania","@miguel_n Where can I get some?"
1753806660,"sadness","JamesMackney","Basil will be the highlight of my day. I've just had an old man lecture me on the greatness of the Telegraph. What an idiot"
1753806661,"love","sexychina410","@youngnatho LOL.  **BLows Kiss** did u Catch it daddY ??.. neways im chillin hun and u i see u up early have u been a sleep"
1753806665,"enthusiasm","Sylvarwolf","@jazz_machine lol - Good evening/morning/day (just to catch everything!) to you too!"
1753806726,"love","nicolax89","actually loves nesquik cereal"
1753806773,"happiness","KirstiMatthews","Had a great weekend with One, hanging with Nick & Brendon, church this morning! Can't believe Loretta won the Mothers Day raffle again!"
1753806819,"love","IdolFanatic","its so nice.. I LUV KELLY...she's such an amazing singer  LUV HER"
1753806888,"worry","yayitsezekiel","Going to bed...I love the weekends"
1753806977,"relief","AubweeMawee","Finally home and ready for bed!  night!"
1753806984,"love","rumplesEs","@nicolejacinto Ahh, your baby is so cute! Happy Mother's Day!"
1753807001,"love","RinoaTakako","@verflucht Thanks"
1753807031,"worry","kravmascara","kids  b'day party/picnic  in canazarro park.  The other half 'hurts' today"
1753807050,"happiness","SeanKing93","@BryonyCatrin hey hey, some else has twitter!"
1753807059,"neutral","Alpharalpha","@goebicyu try direct message to me here on twitter"
1753807128,"love","LADIE_LUK","happy mother's day!!!     gr8 day"
1753807141,"neutral","babysa92","actually did progressive studying today.."
1753807162,"fun","StevesaStud","John john and I just switched the meaning of PIMP to someone who still pwns at halo when they're wasted  hahahaha Another amazing night"
1753807218,"neutral","knightleyyeahh","@AmazingPhil tweet us a story  X"
1753807221,"love","AndyCarolan","Im LOVING the #Squarespace Tutorial Videos, real helpful"
1753807222,"relief","stingerx","http://twitpic.com/4wu0a - Sunny day at vivocity, yupz just showered.. Runs into airconditioned mall.."
1753807226,"fun","jpvoisin","Next movies for me : Terminator Salvation and Transformers 2, gonna be a meka spring this year"
1753807235,"worry","freshypanda","@tsarnick Oh, yeah.. I'm aiming for a 160 on the scorecard today man!  I'm gonna be in vicious mental/physical pain in a few hours..."
1753807303,"neutral","mubelteeb","shopping in Keswick"
1753819546,"worry","voxena","Mothers day isnt until the 31th here in sweden.But thnx for the pm's"
1753819606,"happiness","rawrhunlachia","finished essay. dinner went well me and my brother acted like kids and had spoon fight  then fought over who woould sit in my sisters lap"
1753819649,"worry","nlite","@Fooddesigner good luck in the pressure test! don't worry everything will be great"
1753819653,"love","artbyeve","Happy Mother's Day, Moms!!! You are wonderful!! Have a great day"
1753819674,"neutral","Silentending","@Bettyispretty yes please"
1753819681,"worry","evilbugz","Spent the night finally relaxing with Nogard on WoW after finishing some work Needed to take a small break from art. I really missed this"
1753819699,"worry","loubeejones","is looking at that person from a very different pov.  never thought i'd see this day arrive!"
1753819822,"happiness","paperklutz","Had an amazing night with my favorite lady friend"
1753819850,"worry","MissxMarisa","@freshypanda I work with drunk golfers, it can be exciting! It wasn't bad  Yours, sir?"
1753819851,"fun","jasquith","@shamim86 Cool!!! No wonder you didn't sleep much"
1753820043,"neutral","ReginaNazyrova","a Dutch marketing agency is asking job applicants to apply in 140 characters or less  http://www.energize.nl/twillicitatie/"
1753820083,"sadness","nicollepinchen","my back and legs kill from yesterday and we have a big old leak in the kitchen, looks like staying in pjs all day infront of the tv"
1753820084,"hate","CharlottegC","hopping in the shower,  @ricandhislife you can help me tidy my room  its a shit hole, mums fucking friends"
1753820087,"happiness","michaelacoletta","GETTING A PUPPYYY!!!!  What should I name him? I think Romeo is cute."
1753820093,"neutral","ahmednaguib","@Lastoadri or maybe start your own Arabic teaching podcast?"
1753820107,"love","Ceza78","Had a lovely Mothers Day"
1753820117,"neutral","KatLStreet","@asym Love the unique accordion thief buffs - thank you!"
1753820231,"neutral","hamiltonbarber","alright @brainerdbaptist. let's do this"
1753820254,"happiness","digthatmate","Having a (Y) weekend with Karen. Off to Swansea today"
1753820311,"neutral","Magixi","@EllieJouzdani nothing is going on here is guess"
1753820318,"neutral","inseperablejb","OMGosh I just saw Hattie wake up! Must be summer when your garden hedgehog comes out of hibernation"
1753820332,"love","susanhaugheyx","Goin to ma cousins soon, there dog is soo cute"
1753820348,"happiness","nlite","@Fooddesigner good luck in the pressure test! don't worry everything will be great  #masterchef"
1753820382,"happiness","fridley","@Reemski Might be a while before I get around to it. Not sure if I will make it flat out in HTML or through WordPress. .. Fun fun fun"
1753820444,"empty","rohan_orton","@Donny_B if you're in leeds you can have one from me"
1753820450,"neutral","techtrucker","@zionxpress happy mothers day"
1753820458,"love","SerinaPerera","While the family is out to Mother's Day Party, Shannon & I took a stroll downstairs with the pram. She's bathed and happy. Me too."
1753820474,"love","nuggetstump","You want ittt, you got ittt!"
1753820552,"love","kristenXD","@dannywood we standing here meeting up with everbody!!!! Let us kno u kno where here! Love ya!"
1753820563,"happiness","Vaporeon888","@sosolid2k turtles and shoes make an awesome couple  if only shoes could talk back to the turtle :p lol"
1753820620,"happiness","Shepperton","On way to the wimbledon with @sweezle to watch star trek, IMAX baby"
1753820655,"neutral","mynameishinny","rainy day, i'm getting starving, dream of hot tea with noodle"
1753820709,"love","Heeiiiid","Happy mothers dat"
1753820794,"love","sumitsuri","like the sound of a tweet"
1753820936,"neutral","demilliken","@Robert_Houdin blind faith. Thats a crack-up"
1753820942,"neutral","AnnemarieEvans","@Claire_Cordon Morning  done a bit more. I do have 2 weeks to go, but am trying to get most of it done in advance. How's you?"
1753820947,"neutral","slickta","@nelsonsito Hi fellow Peruvian"
1753820963,"relief","justdenise11","just got home."
1753821058,"love","delliefletcher","@robertkazinsky so you should. You're a fantastic actor it's about time you got some recognition for it."
1753821160,"neutral","TwistedHelen","@randomblonde Sounds like me"
1753821244,"empty","cavorting","@MrNutt blues for me please"
1753821265,"love","SarahWV","@Wattyz You got it! YAAAY!!! I was really worried your phone wouldn't fit, so glad it does!  Happy Mother's Day, lol!"
1753821266,"happiness","Gabsharpe","i am fucked...damn you lucas at your czech republic beer that tastes like heaven in a bottle!! Your amazing"
1753821296,"relief","girlnotgrey","Time to turn the phone off and get a full nights sleep"
1753821377,"surprise","Galiiit","Rove  going to be cut short though to wash my hair so I can watch Family Guy and Harpers Island"
1753821384,"neutral","iTSLeeZyyyBaBie","@KINGREF thank u dear"
1753821411,"neutral","mohdabdurraafay","@imkeshav I love flock on ubuntu"
1753821430,"neutral","melody","on our way home"
1753821440,"neutral","Floris","Goodmorning twitter, oh my gosh, i woke up soooo nice, lol ... oh hai thar twitterverse. Happy #mothersday everybody  (especially mine)"
1753821478,"love","tehgp","i'm seriously lovin 'hometown glory' by adele. about to hop on itunes and snag it"
1753821670,"love","catherinecas","Happy mother's day to all moms out there!  i just played tong-its a while ago."
1753821677,"neutral","hothfx","Happy Mothers Day to all Mom's"
1753821752,"happiness","im_nlfb","?ang cho con hamster m?p t?p th? d?c b?ng c�ch: b? v�o banh ch?y l�ng v�ng trong ph�ng"
1753821848,"happiness","Aboundlessworld","Off to finish the book "nudge" then going to write some"
1753821878,"worry","anneliese123","trying to NOT fall asleep while doing ancient assignment. Drinking some water with ice and lime! yum"
1753821921,"neutral","BeccyR","@topdeckjess Me thinks the twitter revolution will be a success. Rove is on  Me love @rove1974."
1753821932,"neutral","anirbanchatz","@PicSeshu there u go"
1753821968,"empty","crazymiley","morning done my school work doing nothing all day now  what about u twitters"
1753821983,"love","faithzhen","received her first pressie. Happy happy."
1753822007,"happiness","MsLexiKe","I FOUND A PROM DRESS"
1753822028,"relief","rayinstirling","Today I'm working on my "Quirky Q" cue or maybe it will become a concerto"
1753822032,"fun","twebbstack","@paigeebaby HAHHA yeahh  like SS on ellen xDD"
1753822222,"happiness","shrydar","@solkana I want to see "Too Fast to Transport in 60 seconds""
1753822226,"worry","Stoutpants","Fishing on WoW while listening to ska on Pandora. Such a lazy Sunday morning"
1753822287,"love","parlai","@christinaof94 Lol  It's like you have a cult.. haha"
1753822347,"neutral","joshwhacker","@firequinito 105-all SMB possession 33.4 sec remaining."
1753822351,"neutral","belbels","@tieraa places to find you if you're not home- marilyn and seria beach"
1753822376,"happiness","Orchidflower","Hello all my new followers, there is suddenly a lot of you, so will take a little time to get round to you all"
1753822389,"happiness","MiriamCheah","my head feels sooooooooooo much better"
1753822392,"worry","JamesHancox","@smilyross Do tell..."
1753822419,"neutral","Jistina","@sojanjose4u it's working now,IT'S OKAY!"
1753822420,"worry","serengetisunset","@damana Was he big and strong - and would he like a pedometer?"
1753822422,"love","MandyBookLover","@Lady_Twitster ohhhh, I love Morse, have every episode on video & sometimes gaze lovingly at them"
1753822492,"love","macmuso","I have such fantastic friends, including several ones met through here! thanks for being in my life - you are such amazing people!"
1753822606,"fun","akubintangkecil","@comedian cafe, sky dining plangi  http://plurk.com/p/sw17j"
1753822683,"surprise","lananana","@officialdrake Pfft. FAN THIS *helicopters imaginary penis* ....  HI DRAKE! WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!!!"
1753822702,"surprise","GrosenFriis","@Brandesme No this is not redirects, this is just updating posts on our website massage.dk .. next item => publish, next item => pulish"
1753822737,"surprise","BillyIzzznoGooD","@junoluvsu OMG that's right HAHAHA I'm Stupid"
1753822747,"love","NYBabe","@fjkeogh Ha Thats good. Thats why I love my boys, cos they never stir up the hatred that the mighty red scum do  Everyone loves City"
1753822753,"happiness","baarbyy","@ashleytisdale http://twitpic.com/3a5ho - hahaha ily ashley u'r like the best in the world"
1753822789,"neutral","lottierox15","@kennywormald ohh I was so confused!:p I haven't seen it. It's your favourite?"
1753822884,"neutral","addy_110","I think me gettin a physical change"
1753822900,"neutral","Karishmaababyy","@marysarahmusic Hey Mary! This Is My Twitter  (Karishmaa1) Luvv Youu ?"
1753822953,"empty","gzebedin","is trying to make this sunday last 48hours"
1753822958,"neutral","FashionITNC","www.myspace.com/fashionisthenextcity  check out and started new tee's  limited edition in different ways !! check facebook group too"
1753823029,"love","carty67","happy mothers day to all the beautful mums."
1753823074,"empty","youngnatho","@niariley follow me too"
1753823130,"relief","evilbugz","Cleaning all day today after he runs off to do his stuff and setting my schedule for the week.  I feel much better now and calmer too!"
1753823163,"worry","greavsieb","Is ahhh, ching chong wing wong ping pong ding dong!"
1753823244,"worry","lalalizzie","@errolbeats - no, @hamsterfurrey is buttfuck stupid. I'm just silly and forgetful"
1753823319,"worry","tracekase","Happy mother's day all you moms!"
1753823327,"love","littlehotmess35","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAYYY!"
1753823337,"happiness","baa_","@who_the_heck Haha LOL @ the english work they doo in college"
1753823340,"happiness","danielvan","@samanthadepanta Doing really well! I will stay here as long as is needed!  So you can definitely come and visit me!! Look forward too ..."
1753823391,"relief","kshitijb","beats the heat with cool guava juice in handi water"
1753835990,"neutral","CourtneySit","@rustycharm retail paper... Sounds like a plan!!  should probably start so somebody will be awake to answer them..."
1753836011,"happiness","daysparkle","@sarahteaa good girl, sarah. now we've got ourselves a club"
1753836035,"love","panda_bear_prim","winter flu has to twitter about logies to get noticed. haha. I love rove"
1753836085,"hate","sonicalpha","@GeminiAngel24 lol, my current mp3 player is a brick. It would be nice to have something slim"
1753836111,"worry","chrissydokka","maybe going to see the hannah montana movie todaaaay  i've seen it one time before, but can't wait to see it again!!"
1753836141,"neutral","leelowe","@terrycafolla I could act in most Buffy eps  I have seen them so many times, but s1 was shaky (apart from eps 1,2,6,7 & 12)"
1753836145,"happiness","PurpleTriangle","Happy Mothers Day to all that are, all that are trying, and all that haven't nailed their teenagers to a tree"
1753836168,"happiness","pio420","@aphrodaisy Thanks!   I'm making homemade lasagna for my mum today."
1753836178,"fun","cescadr","http://twitpic.com/4wua7 - I can't wait to see them!"
1753836200,"neutral","MIMI_loves_YOU","@popstop yeahhhh!"
1753836206,"love","RepeatWendy","Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there"
1753836215,"love","__tay","finished english. very happy. watching rove and talking to one of my fav girls tyla. i love you"
1753836244,"love","patherbieJONAS","Happy mother's day everyone! still playing pet society!"
1753836288,"neutral","Nemofalcon","@walesbirds - great site.  The photos on it are fantastic.  Will be very useful for my visit to Pembroke (inc Skomer) in June"
1753836289,"neutral","rachelbeer","Yes - before you say it - I know I split a train of thought over three tweets. I think the last time was summer '08. It happens sometimes"
1753836356,"love","el1e","has had a wonderful day with some gorgeous girls, followed by dinner and drinks with the Swedes"
1753836359,"love","BassJunkie","@blundell07 Aye, I loved it too  @cyntaxerror over analyzed it me thinks"
1753836435,"neutral","foodbloggernews","Twello Foodie Tweets @josepicardo Do you fancy coming up to my house and cooking?  Sounds.. http://tinyurl.com/qz88co"
1753836490,"love","aanneeB","@Laryllan not really ;D nice pic . @lenaaileen no but could u imagine those 2? ... i thought so"
1753836535,"empty","whippetout","@Catwoman123 Something like that"
1753836604,"relief","VioletsCRUK","@jason_2008 lol oh dnt worry u'l be able to squeeze it soon enough!! Hope you have a good day today!"
1753836615,"love","sadeburnett","you are my apple and i wana take a bite"
1753836629,"surprise","PrimeDelight","18.42 recalling the events of a great wk/end - Star Trek movie is fantastic, Zach Quinto is hot! Study, shopping&dinner, life is perfect"
1753836641,"happiness","PeaceDiva","@SusanCosmos @speakgirl Thx 4 sharing!"
1753836665,"neutral","FrOpp","@richard1988 because you saved the frog. I thought I replied to that so it would make sense. so how does twitter work?  gehts abi gut?"
1753836674,"surprise","tapatmywindow","Keep forgetting we only need to revise one topic for the 116 exam! It's a nice surprise every time I remember though"
1753836730,"love","Speed2007","@MsFantastic776 goodmorning& Happymothers day"
1753836746,"worry","Bluewolfie","At my parents, net is good  Enjoyin myself too."
1753836795,"love","kixxa","@BaltarStar Hee! He looks totally drug addled and handsome.  Glad you found a clip you could view."
1753836798,"relief","popoyambao","All in all, a good weekend"
1753836802,"happiness","HeartPanda","Law week is gonna go the fuck off  SO EXCITED"
1753836820,"neutral","pwilson","You know when your make late night calls to India team members for more pictures, your struggling with your message.  Thanks @angelac519."
1753836894,"love","3djay","Great to be sunbathing in my garden.  And this afternoon I'll be watching ADO to see if they can win this important match (on tv)."
1753836941,"neutral","toniakande","alot of new pictures tweets  ; some really old some new. check out the new ones if you wish . Tweeeet. http://twitpic.com/4wtyj"
1753836989,"neutral","theaak","is going out in the rain"
1753837126,"sadness","LauraCorbieres","@nigs Ah so 15 months. I'm sure he is advanced, and it's not you being biased  they seem to grow up faster these days - now I sound old!"
1753837146,"neutral","JBnVFCLover786","@ashleyluvsjbvfc LOL how many stalkers today?you just love getting creepy stalkers"
1753837221,"happiness","marienborg","Getting somewhere with my first "real" KiokuDB and catalyst app, yay"
1753837297,"love","The_Rodg","Glorious sunny day in London town.. I'm in drama school fighting people with swords while protecting my romantically structured face"
1753837302,"happiness","McflyBabee","mcfly gig last nightt omg it was amazin didnt sit down through the whole thing  mcfly did you see me and ma best mate we were in tutus"
1753837307,"worry","olivijavan","@daniellebabeyy babe  ive been aight, urselff?"
1753837311,"empty","michaelacoletta","http://twitpic.com/4wuaq - another prof pic."
1753837365,"worry","KimmiMcfly","oh no its ok  they are coming on just now x]"
1753837593,"love","starryluvly","loves the smell of roast in the oven - thanks @sharnazzle for the ideas!"
1753837690,"love","Annagizer","Hopes every1 had a nice mothers day!"
1753837734,"love","duhyantan","i love you more than you'll ever know."
1753837739,"surprise","GoldenFish00","@llJessicall What did you get?  My day is alright.. haven't done anything yet. leaving soon to my stepsister though!"
1753837782,"empty","maxomatosis","@NukeSpoon precisely.  The more followers you have, the more important you feel  http://twitter.pbworks.com/Hashtags explains a bit more."
1753837791,"happiness","FSDS","@robinmatthewfry thats great I'll make sure I get a copy"
1753837822,"fun","roelvanbommel","Yeah, let's build an app #euruko"
1753837951,"neutral","pauldavison","@c_j_davies Maybe it's time for Judith to step up to the plate then"
1753837968,"neutral","SarahCyrus","@LisaHopeCyrus xD  hello that's an important date!"
1753838003,"happiness","crazymitchell","#SanctuarySunday fav character @pegasusangel has to be Ashley!  Why? cause she's awesome"
1753838031,"love","Applechic","OK. break over. Back to the books. Have fun lovelies!  ? http://blip.fm/~5z8da"
1753838044,"neutral","fanoidof13","it's mother's day...i already bought and gave my mother's day present to my mother."
1753838071,"fun","joelgrey_1234","my girlfriend still likes sesame st, and so do I"
1753838103,"relief","KellyMaree91","@Rebeckela that is no problem, i know you will win with the butt kicking as i can see into the future,,, its your destiny.. jaiho"
1753838138,"sadness","Ocnarf10","@scouserach Not today Rach"
1753838149,"enthusiasm","Lori_Jayne","is off to RENT soon  Hope I can get home tonight though with all the train problems :s ..."
1753838181,"neutral","PeaceDiva","@berdtwit Thx 4 sharing!"
1753838210,"happiness","Hattylovinmcfly","@sammihouse  awww lol yh it is worth it-  mcfly are worth it 2  eekk"
1753838222,"surprise","ramdomthoughts","@ksymmonds @lcaller Sorry to have missed it. Yes, I'm a lazy bastard  Up, but still not dressed"
1753838257,"fun","Zombie_Plan","Listening to the new Green Day album  Fingers crossed!"
1753838344,"surprise","Elanatra9","@PsychicRadio Thabks! This made me feel very special!"
1753838349,"happiness","David_GG","So, I finally got my but on Twitter. Let's hope I make good use of this site"
1753838350,"neutral","Scaleytron","morning(ish)  hows everyone?"
1753838357,"worry","cmaye35","@TradingGoddess "Perfect Practice makes Perfect""
1753838493,"love","Catvamp","welcome to all new catvampees, enjoy the ride"
1753838535,"neutral","RaraACTIVE","@xo_mcflyandjb in heaven, i'll go everywhere"
1753838580,"happiness","Paul__Taylor","@travelrants that's cool, I'd be happy to contribute to any future articles. Enjoy the rest of the weekend"
1753838615,"neutral","ThePatient94","@gracechareas Okay. Are you still out? If not, how was dinner?"
1753838633,"surprise","pamelaheywood","Round and Round the Garden: The amazing thing is that he's still talking to me!  http://rly.cc/JNFwN"
1753838643,"neutral","legrandelf","@alexandraxaxaxa Alright, I'm coming  get another spoon ;)"
1753838665,"happiness","Mehdi_10","Proudly watching my film  http://bit.ly/dP2Uh"
1753838677,"neutral","akr93","Happy Mothers Day  even though its not in the uk lol"
1753838703,"neutral","sarahlay","@ChimeraX *Hand up* Me, I'm going  #localgovcamp"
1753838785,"sadness","Ravenspirit41","OOPS I meant 9412tr sorry lol"
1753838867,"happiness","BoilingIce","Migrating a Sybase ASE SPARC Sun Solaris based into a Solaris x86 based. That should be fun"
1753838936,"neutral","deminickjokevin","Changing Guitar strings.. Getting Ready To Perform 'THE CLIMB' at my cousins birthdayy"
1753839028,"fun","handi","gets sumthin special, but i want more. akankah suatu hari ku kan mendapatkannya...? only GOD knows..."
1753839094,"love","carter_family","We are having a day 'at home' today - which is proving to be rather lovely"
1753839119,"happiness","uktvaddict","Just finnished my Double Cheeseburger. It was good  Ready to watch the Spanish F1"
1753839226,"sadness","pamelaheywood","Round and Round the Garden: The amazing thing is that he's still talking to me!  http://tinyurl.com/dx8as4"
1753839236,"love","jackiesworld","Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there"
1753839269,"happiness","dawuss","Yay, a live demo of Rhodes. Loving this more and more  #euruko"
1753839272,"love","tanja_ros","Awesome sunday service  God is for you, Jesus is praying for you - What can man do to you?!"
1753839287,"love","privatestudmuff","@sh4rkship thanks for the follow"
1753839337,"love","codelust","@asmita it is very cheeky one, but nice too"
1753839346,"love","PeaceDiva","@Mariment @macangel @VisionaryEyes Thanks so much!"
1753839357,"worry","rasyraminey","@nezorousylex hey!  not much, you?"
1753839399,"surprise","Adam__Carter","@familyguyonline thanks for following !"
1753839400,"sadness","Custardcuppcake","@michaelmagical Oh its dinner time here. still sulking over missing your fillet min   *sob* so having tea & toast"
1753839405,"love","ishaNikki","@nickmovs omg!! I'm tweeting sooo late sorry I miss u 2 good times ...NO I didn't marry him still great friends"
1753839439,"surprise","AutomarketRo","@andistancu Un mesaj de eroare: ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /photo/3180758.jpg on this server. Am ghicit?"
1753839446,"happiness","fulltimecasual","@Sweet_Libertine um, glad you enjoyed it..."
1753839473,"surprise","bassylover","Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of the best day ever! YAY MCR!!!!"
1753839535,"worry","sarahG","I don't think our ISP is too happy with us this weekend!"
1753851784,"neutral","Karishmaababyy","@jessicasimpson http://twitpic.com/4wb8q -  Gooood"
1753851799,"love","charlesstinger","http://snipurl.com/hq0n1 Just printed my mom an Amazon gift card  for Happy Mothers Day talk about last minute."
1753851824,"love","michellepitman","my darling dd says "my mum is my best friend"... and she told me to tell you all she said that in here too  so I did! love ya moo (jd too)"
1753851827,"neutral","scsheep","@j4mes_c ive sorted it now operating system and all apps are on a seperate 60gb drive"
1753851836,"happiness","bmoyle","@ScottRhodie so you liked it. Glad to hear"
1753851840,"boredom","chickenpantz","just finished some Sunday cleaning, waiting to read the next chapter of Kiyosaki's book so i can hit a cleaner"
1753851868,"surprise","adamcoomer","has finally started his serious revision - has just completed an english BG mock"
1753851895,"love","Cletae","@ciaag3nt thats great  (((hugs)))"
1753851954,"enthusiasm","hdiowl","Early bird gets the worm.  And in my case, birder gets to witness the carnage."
1753851984,"love","marayfranay","Happy mothers day! Be good to your momma's!"
1753852037,"surprise","Graphicaholic","@thebeaddoodler You are welcome  I love cute stuff!"
1753852044,"love","jmva","off to do some gardening and get lots of fresh air - i love Sundays"
1753852063,"love","oohlookacat","speakerphone with the bestie  love that kid http://tinyurl.com/qxyc2n"
1753852095,"neutral","jasarien","@teabot Use the facial recognition feature in iLife '09"
1753852096,"neutral","illbumyouout","@Bellisma can we please?"
1753852149,"hate","xombiekitty","@Rove1974 LOL @ the cards. So very, very wrong"
1753852216,"love","j3im3","greeting again every momma : Happy Momma's Day!"
1753852253,"sadness","cupcake79","@sassyback you were right about karla not the best movie made"
1753852261,"fun","mickeytherat","Collabro w/JPhlip called "California" was another hot one."
1753852364,"neutral","ryan_mitchell","@KristySlater this has been like the never ending story....all I seem to be doing is packing and now unpacking!!! Soon over, great here"
1753852508,"happiness","paulonair","@Jennifalconer I was happy to see on Something For the Weekend that Flight of the Conchords is back on BBC4!"
1753852523,"neutral","wendy_fred6","@ficklampa Isn't MSN in this case a lot easier? Hahaha!"
1753852570,"happiness","athomemom","@brazilianlinda Whoops, totally read that wrong. Ahem. Yes, I am participating in the 10 day may madness. My ebook is up there."
1753852639,"happiness","jannee3","cleaning day!"
1753852646,"worry","Saamra","@Kekic Lmao i know !! pleaseeee reply  You got any replies yet? :L x"
1753852695,"hate","necenzurat","@cristinica21 kill her"
1753852741,"neutral","mahrobi","happy mother's day to all moms and pseudo stepmoms"
1753852785,"happiness","amybaby63","@langfordperry woah in the uk it isn't mothers day werid! I've been watching friends all day helps me revise. Oh and 17 again is awesome"
1753852786,"happiness","rahsiaebiz","learn to fly higher...!  http://tinyurl.com/30tools"
1753852815,"happiness","maddycee","just got back from footy, thankgod eagles won"
1753852848,"sadness","garypine","Enough already about Wolfram Alpha: The Next Google, Or the Next Cuil? http://bit.ly/6HESZ"
1753852891,"happiness","natburleson","@MizFitOnline @lance02 Morning!  Happy Mother's Day Miz!!!  Thank you Lance!!!!"
1753852929,"neutral","Sir_Almo","@kevinmoreland) hello"
1753853024,"neutral","Miranda_Kate","is looking forward to revision sessions in cassio park/cafe nero depending on the weather with @mikey_montana  x"
1753853027,"surprise","iSantishow","omg! i didnt even know my friend knew @ijustine !!! lol its a small world"
1753853028,"sadness","peace4world","@leeye yep trying to beat the cold winter. Morning swim is always refreshing~ good start of day"
1753853066,"fun","likeamovie","@GabeHumble tysm but i just made +uploaded one so its okay! but lol im looking thru your pics now  il the just wanna fuck shit up one lmao"
1753853124,"neutral","xDanEdward_","Twitter is kinda confusing , but fun"
1753853173,"happiness","chickenpantz","just finished some Sunday cleaning, waiting to read the next chapter of Kiyosaki's book so i can hire a cleaner"
1753853198,"love","ADoggPerson","@ClaytonMorris Thank You Clayton. Going to my favorite Greek Resturant after church for mom's Day!!!!  Loved you on Huckabee"
1753853204,"enthusiasm","Klemharris","Thinking of summer"
1753853220,"neutral","shmurphyyx","@breatheprod Maya Kibbel DOES NOT have a facebook or myspace page"
1753853305,"love","Orlijonas","My mom was happy with my present  yayy"
1753853394,"happiness","mini_ritz","@Jae878 aha thanks Jae"
1753853492,"worry","stonermc","ssshhh everybody, I think @dagadong is asleep... don't disturb him."
1753853582,"worry","Rachelina21","im at scotts being a fatty"
1753853630,"sadness","MissLaura317","Finally going to bed after staying up reading the script for "Remember Me." So sad but sooo good! Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's!"
1753853636,"relief","sleepless26","@frankiemuniz hey there? hope you're all right. Just watching F1 Warm Up for GP Spain!"
1753853676,"neutral","KennethErickson","Spent some time with the Guild Wars 4th birthday update. Menagerie is a welcome new feature... For Rangers anyway."
1753853714,"neutral","sofiesunshine","mcflys bus driver told my dad yday that dougie is smitten with frankie. AWWWWWWW. also, we are going outside to have a lawn party  LOL xx"
1753853723,"love","Bodisaffa","@ash_786 It's no secret I'm an apple boy! Have considered the iphone dark side MANY times"
1753853725,"sadness","baxiabhishek","@codelust @prolificd caught me at lunch today... you were correct of he stalking me"
1753853800,"neutral","Ekipstonmai","@FaveColourPink  And to you too, how are you today?"
1753853940,"love","emmabeadle","is having a loungey sunday"
1753853986,"love","emmsu","@samjmoody @DebbieFletcher Happy Mothers day!! Xx"
1753854038,"happiness","maryruthanne","work 7 to 4.... happy mother's day!"
1753854179,"relief","jstreetley","Revision continues. Getting so bored and tired. I can't wait to get out and do interesting things. Only a week and half left though"
1753854223,"enthusiasm","lonnie101","follow me!"
1753854256,"happiness","StephanieeAnne","finally finished my mom's card. took so long getting all the pictures! it looks good though, i'm happy & can't wait til she sees it"
1753854276,"sadness","DvynePR","Dans public transport again and have decided it's just everything north of London that's utter crap these southern trains are alright"
1753854311,"happiness","JCTurner","@dalekwidow I'm hearing lots of good things about the new Trek movie. I'll see if my Dad, "a fellow Treky", would like to see it"
1753854349,"neutral","fabsh","@goibhniu Yeah, I agree. it does.  BTW, check out !linuxoutlaws. ;)"
1753854376,"love","elleLOVESgreys","@madilovesmerder yeahh. i loved it how addie was being supportive  and in s3 epi4 when addie was like to Der "dont hurt her again".."
1753854399,"surprise","IainHay","Just woke up and catching up on the nightly tweets!!"
1753854550,"neutral","vascellari","@luebue thanks + agree  http://bit.ly/7vIKc"
1753854588,"neutral","superbadking","suivez moi  (=  follow me everybody"
1753854607,"neutral","AmericanYard","@zjelektra that's how it is supposed to be and sometimes we get too busy to recognize that but always family after God"
1753854609,"fun","pigpog_s","@ashestoashessn2 Fab, eh?  Feel free to come along for some pre-ep 4 chat and drinks over at Luigi's - http://www.luigis.org.uk tomorrow!"
1753854612,"neutral","CourtneySit","@rustycharm seems that you, @samnzed and I are all ex-baristas!  Commonalities ftw!"
1753854786,"happiness","BeeMagazine","Happy Mothers Day to all the beautiful mom's out there  A day to cherish the best women in our lives"
1753854834,"neutral","Natevelyons","@NicoleMissNikki -HI lady! sorry for the delayed response. appreciate the luv.will be in T.O this month.. hows everything going with you?"
1753854845,"relief","linnetwoods","@aneD Well thank you! I'll try and remember to put it somewhere"
1753854867,"neutral","8sneezes1orgasm","@nomaditation  oo? u?op ?p?sdn ??d?? ss???sn s??? u?????? ???? ? 'p??? o? p??? ?no? ?u?u?n? ?q ?o?p? u? ?o ??o? ???? ?oo? o? ???? o? ?sn?"
1753854880,"happiness","casey_kent","Hey mates. I just came home from the beach.  I'm hella tired. It was a 4-hour ride."
1753854891,"neutral","Thea_Smith","@krissysalisbury Morning, that's not mean, that's just smart"
1753854909,"love","AmberJay11","@JoelMadden People from England can watch this one  Thankyou"
1753854917,"love","PlayboyManager","im an avid fan of playboy magazine and i love your magazines"
1753854924,"happiness","rainfallsdown","watching #f1. I live near Montmel�, I'm so excited about this race"
1753854931,"neutral","plugimi","@bopuc Kinda the same here, maybe just a damn good coffee? Same dilemma, tho."
1753854977,"neutral","designwashere","Happy Mothers Day to all your moms!"
1753855040,"neutral","melindarice","@PeterPaega You better believe it!  @tigers09champs and I wouldn't miss it for the world!"
1753855043,"enthusiasm","sensible","@BlokesLib i look forward to that. if u ever write 5 Things a Misanthrope Must Do to be at Peace w Humanity i'm up for that as well"
1753855045,"neutral","xoAlexHeartsxo","Stupid alarm!! LOL Morning Twiits....."
1753855065,"love","saycheeese","@mzfuller8, @mynervouscharm, @littlebirds, @sonsah, i hope you all have a happy mothers day!"
1753855075,"worry","ncreations","@carrotmadman6 @sjdvda @Morinn The folks at MBB are no  longer reviewing blogs? Long time I have read a new blog review."
1753855112,"relief","Will_Scott","@IronLantern Yup. And pulse.im is withstanding the hits so far"
1753855148,"love","comeonecomeall","@makikaysantos http://bit.ly/izhdy  here looove."
1753855159,"love","kussi91","@BenWay08 mmm but nothing i can do. lucky ive got great friends like u to cheer me up"
1753855166,"empty","BigDaws","right im off for a shower my little treasures, ill see you later on"
1753855279,"worry","chamiechamie","13 hours til i'm on a plane. Ahhh yay"
1753855357,"relief","AnaHelenaSousa","just woke up still in bed  sundays r the shit, its the do nothing day of the week"
1753855446,"sadness","Docdr","Last night, bad guys tried to enter in my garden . I was alone and I really got scared. Now, i feel really stupid. NOT FUNNY"
1753855447,"happiness","Flickie","Had such a boss night out."
1753868668,"neutral","solobasssteve","@Documentally he was always a bit smug as a whistle-blower. The 9-11 denial stuff is pretty spectacular too"
1753868670,"relief","niteguardianx","long night. Sleeping now."
1753868694,"worry","TheBibik","@reivad so's the smell of cigarettes and alcohol... at least *i * like it."
1753868703,"enthusiasm","ericeriksson","@usagiii sweet  i should have something new to show you by then, too"
1753868746,"fun","ryanculling","http://tr.im/kXCL 'Immigrant hid passport in pants' What a genius."
1753868771,"happiness","antiheroine","Happy Mother's Day to all my favorite moms."
1753868796,"happiness","Emmmma_Bemmaaa","@looosie Agfest? it was pretty awesome.. loads of people were there lol"
1753868842,"happiness","bjfletcher","@joechacko thx! i became IBM Master Inventor in 2008. really enjoyed your blog, particularly with the vegan tag"
1753868848,"empty","ImaPacifist","Here we go again, back to work. Happy Mothers Day to all  Peace"
1753868865,"neutral","ChrisMacAloney","Listening to Apparat, about to make bacon and eggs.  Surprisingly functional this morning"
1753868885,"sadness","MoiraJonas","@dangerjoe hey Mr Danger!!!"
1753869024,"worry","Custardcuppcake","@JamesHancox i don't know why but, i can only find miss matched socks during winter. i mean, where do they all go?"
1753869038,"love","LeaQT","GM Tweeters! Happy Mother's Day to the mothers and pretend mothers out there!"
1753869048,"happiness","TistyLee","Had a great talk with Tony this afternoon... we're going to give it another go"
1753869051,"happiness","gen224","For US tweeps, don't forget to call your mom today..."
1753869096,"neutral","gdog20","Almost lunch time"
1753869105,"surprise","SabrinaLuna","Happy Mother's Day!  @>--->--->--- A rose for YOU!"
1753869124,"happiness","DubarryMcfly","@Rebekah_Mcfly how cool will that be  she is so nice!! Bless her=] so what ya upto? Love you (L) XoxoX"
1753869145,"love","Schleifchen","happppppyyyy mothersdayyyyyyyyy  mummy you are the best"
1753869182,"happiness","Esteff11","mOod. was way too much fun. lol..  I lOve to dance TEchno !!! <3 ... life.lOve.stress &&. set backs <3 gnite"
1753869207,"worry","PrestonnnnNaomi","9 hours and 10 mins until I can go home and sleep  I hour till I have to go to work :| can't wait for 5 days off this week!"
1753869248,"worry","pauljstapleton","@mutantsounds i was think of something with a better view, but i am on a tight budget."
1753869302,"happiness","DayneKingsford","feels like warm things"
1753869305,"relief","r7aal","@halibrahim Europe sounds gr8! Will finish my exam on Teus and then we'll  talk about it"
1753869320,"happiness","Adam__Carter","just woke up, hopefully going to see the Xmen film today?"
1753869380,"neutral","original_one","@Terry_Allison Catch you later Terry...."
1753869452,"happiness","agirlnamed_elle","Happy Mothers Day to all you mom out there"
1753869462,"neutral","kinkytinky7","waiting for my mum to come back with me pasty"
1753869471,"fun","JessAndNicole","look up our youtube JessAndNicoleMusic, we are new, leave comments and subscribe  thankyou x"
1753869494,"worry","freshypanda","@MissxMarisa Yeah, I think you're hyper enough girly."
1753869568,"enthusiasm","andreeaparaschi","@marius101 right..  making compromises is what kills us!"
1753869591,"relief","rana__xx","ps liam we're going to look like tools on the train to the city  hopefully we can scare some old people"
1753869607,"happiness","littlesteve","3500 downloads for quickpwn 3.0b5 with cydia, Thanks for playing"
1753869614,"happiness","LesleyMacDonald","Ahh, sunshine.  Just deleted 404 spam emails from 2 days - now off to BBQ in sun  wonderful..."
1753869660,"neutral","inspiredm","Is it OK to send iFlowers to your mom for Mother's Day trough this iPhone app? http://tr.im/kWnX"
1753869702,"enthusiasm","gigimixcd","ah midday - great time for breakfast"
1753869728,"fun","blouisep","@ashsimpsonwentz http://twitpic.com/2uzx4 - haha, his heads bigger than yours! awwwh, lol"
1753869731,"neutral","rrrrobby",""you said "darling what happened? did I fall asleep, and you carry me home? Cuz I know I wasn't here"" Goodnight twitterererers"
1753869732,"boredom","carrotmadman6","@ncreations MBB has been cryopreserved. May return in the future..."
1753869835,"happiness","SaDcharlotte","@AbbeyEmm Haha. If you like him, then you should go"
1753869877,"worry","myfunclub","@Yoga_fan Been busy trumping your cheese omlette with a cheese and chili omlette. An omnomlette"
1753869925,"happiness","tiffanygrace8","Its a lovely 58 degrees right now at 7am.  amazing. Enjoy melting vegas. :l"
1753869988,"happiness","MizFitOnline","@natburleson nope  husband is golfing & tornado & I are playing. Im so spoiled everyday. esp LAST sunday (tattoo )"
1753869991,"fun","sockhwee","mothers day drama was awesome!"
1753870058,"happiness","hereitwaslively","@astaldoia definitely something with eggs  Yummy"
1753870081,"sadness","RedNikita","Happy mothers day to those of u that are mothers, and happy mothers day to all of your mothers      I miss my mom...."
1753870107,"happiness","xoxmillyxox","Yay, I should be able to make it to 700 updates tonight  lame compared to other ppls i know lol"
1753870108,"happiness","briethehippo","@bobbinrob SPARKLY PEEN FOR THE WIN! It solves all of life's problems"
1753870123,"empty","shannonfarrell","@PhilippaJane the "no pants" idea could be the new attempt world-wide to attract business back to the airlines."
1753870135,"happiness","Mina_Secrets","@btillo Hehe ! Thanks for your advice  I choose the shoes, only three of them, so hard !!!"
1753870203,"happiness","Vockil","@LennyKravitz - Hey, Lenny, we are waiting you in Bulgaria again soon! The concert last year was... OMG!"
1753870354,"happiness","Hollywood_Trey","@PeaceDiva Nice! What r ur plans for 2day? Oh n Happy Mothers Day if u happen 2 b a mother"
1753870498,"happiness","ChristovShow","Sunday morning and i realised im a film snob  as it said on MSN entertainment"
1753870519,"happiness","CharlieBanks","jolly good last night"
1753870554,"happiness","loveactually","My laptop grew speakers. Now I can watch Charlie with the sound on"
1753870555,"empty","amy_wright","@sloanyxxx Thanks"
1753870560,"worry","ThaiSupplies","but I keep updating."
1753870566,"love","AlexanderKrag","@LisaHopeCyrus I know, she's great!  The Climb is sooo good!"
1753870575,"surprise","juicynat","Chillaxing in Hyde park"
1753870601,"love","Lukerice86","Love sundays. Especially when F1 is on!! Still in PJ's, no plans to get out of them any time soon"
1753870633,"happiness","GoldenFish00","@llJessicall SOunds goood!"
1753870648,"neutral","aayushsoni","@red_hawt So, how's the fitness regime coming along hehehehe"
1753870735,"worry","LittleBitTwistd","@TwistedHelen i emailed you back baby   how goes???"
1753870755,"happiness","Mr_Marty","@TimmyTenga awesome, I'm looking at sourcing some as well."
1753870799,"enthusiasm","QsuKKa","Hellooooooo... Whats the scene people !!!"
1753870819,"hate","Kiminrainbows","@n00rtje Thanks  I'll explain on msn or something :p and I HATE SPIDERS TOO! What happened, one attacked you? xD"
1753870862,"happiness","andreeaparaschi","And I am off to my sister's to partyyyy!"
1753870886,"love","JESSABRAHAMS","http://twitpic.com/4wuko - This is 'Teddy Bear', we might be getting him - isn't he so cute"
1753870942,"neutral","johndurcan","the sun is out, can you believe it"
1753870966,"neutral","StephanieJayneP","@lindseyrainbow save me one"
1753870981,"happiness","LAURA_x_ESS",".. good morning peoplee  looks like it's going to be a nice day today! better than last week it was raining =(."
1753870999,"fun","ramdomthoughts","@ksymmonds We can compare horror stories mate LOL"
1753871012,"happiness","natalievass","http://twitpic.com/4wukt - We bought Ludi her own rug. Dogs are the best"
1753871017,"worry","lailaeasum","Going to Hong Kong tonight. Hope I can sleep in the airplane. Worth case I have the last G. Musso to read"
1753871130,"love","Emmmma_Bemmaaa","is loving the magic pens"
1753871293,"worry","zygiox","My english is broken"
1753871323,"neutral","brooke_rice","Just made breakfast for her mom"
1753871396,"happiness","l4flare","More beans on toast for breakie! Gotta clean my room and study for final Cisco exam, then watch #LOST . Can't wait!"
1753871408,"worry","LizethJonasx3","HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!"
1753871410,"happiness","GretchenBraun","@agoodstein @timknapton what good role models...  i like how yinz think!"
1753871418,"happiness","warren_bennett","@sarahjpin Good work.I've only just managed to turn my studio on... I envy your productivity"
1753871424,"love","brainbits","@emilybaranowski congrads on engagement/bridal shower! sounds like fun for upcoming "jump out of the audience"  wd love to join in!"
1753871471,"neutral","Titus1nine","@DawnMarieH Excellent!  You got a name for him yet? Don't forget to twitpic him."
1753871494,"neutral","sabrinahanim","@jamsyyy @sheeradjafar My class will be at Chem Sc building. Will see the both of you after 5 yeah?"
1753871518,"surprise","blouisep","@ashsimpsonwentz http://twitpic.com/2sw4v - i love BOTH your hairsss"
1753871644,"neutral","limgt","http://twitpic.com/4wukz - At Covershots, Kelana Jaya, for Carter & Nicole's wedding"
1753871663,"worry","MrFloydNL","That's it! My local coffeeshop has sold me shitty stuff for the last time... I'm quitting!"
1753871742,"worry","TheColonial","@gustaf_nk Wouldn't call that cool or dangerous. Reckon it fits into the stupid category"
1753871746,"love","michaelgross","Happy mother's day to all the mums out there"
1753871763,"fun","DinahLady","@bobby_rey Nah you do it really gradually with PTFE tape. so goes up 0.1 mm at a time. Ive been doing it for years, I love it!  x"
1753871776,"love","Mia__Cavallo","@Maggiemelba Good morning hun! I will, promise  Glad you like 'em. Have a lovely day :o)"
1753871849,"enthusiasm","MileyCFanClub","When we got more followers we gonna have a competition.Hope you all look forward !"
1753871864,"neutral","zubb37","@bggrice home now and added a few more Grice's to my list"
1753871870,"happiness","louisianatravel","Happy Mother's Day! What are you doing for your Mama today?"
1753871880,"neutral","problogdesign","@sarahG lmao - That would have taken me at least a week!"
1753871921,"happiness","louise_roxy","Headache is gone,thank god!Time for tea i think"
1753871934,"relief","torilovesbradie","@sarahhh3 ill call you on my home phone to your home phone    after dinner tho! coz im almost ready to eat, is that ok? xx"
1753884391,"neutral","Astronick","@ABZQuine Oh, and source a sleeping bag"
1753884408,"fun","contrarygirl","@JohnBirmingham Yay, so the nekkid writing is working then?You keep warm now! Am in awe of the 6k - am always cactus by 5. Good luck"
1753884423,"love","Saaaaah","happy mothers day @ my mum  (also to my sis @kamyisonfire and my "mum" jess, ahah)"
1753884453,"fun","shortword","@mneylon I'm doing an experiement"
1753884502,"love","smcbajan","some relaxation. so much things on my list... but really not that much"
1753884557,"love","Uhmm_ellee","Heaos keen for next weekend.        Mummy. <3"
1753884598,"enthusiasm","jorjaLEExx","why do we even live on this earth ?? i wanna live on mars :|"
1753884639,"neutral","MattSando","Thanks to: @soultravelers3 @marcphotoshow @WorldTravelBlog @cthechange @annaphoto New followers!"
1753884644,"relief","ellipses","@nataliefisher I like the idea of eliminating bludgers and beaters just tackling ppl, makes it nearly as dangerous as book quidditch"
1753884668,"worry","janiecwales","@PembsDave #wheniwerealad can you explain how that worked? lol  and no rude  explanations pleeezzze"
1753884689,"surprise","marco_cali","@rhettroberts I taped them when I was still at school! They look pretty retro now, but the theme song is still recognisable"
1753884721,"happiness","smallbecca","@Emmaloid you? hungover? never  I am not hungover & I don't know how. I think it may be my new superpower. Is la Whalen at home? xxx"
1753884818,"neutral","dever","waiting for the battery to charge for my new DSLR"
1753884833,"neutral","roxiijonas","is watching the jonas brothers special on sky movies"
1753884849,"worry","anelisecarneiro","@RealShamu Wow, that is great!! I'll do that!  Sorry for the misunderstanding! And see you soon! Going to Orlando in two days!! )"
1753884860,"neutral","shenkhort","@beepin328 Well, that's good. STudy is good."
1753884949,"neutral","NUMB3R1D1VAA","omg.. srry guys i'm not 2 focused this morning but.. some ppl have been askin questions bout me on direct msg's n such so ima answer them"
1753884956,"fun","mark_r","@carocat  13:00 is kickoff. The red cars hopefully"
1753884974,"worry","tsarnick","@Zanna85 i changed my mind dammit!! a Tsar can change his mind at any time without no prior notice"
1753884983,"relief","onyxparadise","fear crept in but it's already been dismissed. now let me do this thing right, coz this time the feelings are there and it's so different"
1753885049,"relief","Greg_McDougall","Morning all, finally got to stream media from PC to PS3 via wireless router, much easier than using a USB dongle, ah, techy simplicity."
1753885098,"worry","Tickelmeaimed","Searching my home for a few things to cook them for dinner this evening. It's mothers day so guess who im eating with"
1753885116,"neutral","minuit18","i wish the birthday massacre would come to australia  i think they said they're thinking about it though!!"
1753885141,"happiness","JohnDalziel","@timlichfield alreet chap! Have an awesome time! N congrats on it recent results!"
1753885287,"sadness","khierah","Happy mothers day  ugh sick...school tomorrow  watched E!News, keeping up with the kardashians and dreamgirls"
1753885322,"love","lola_Ge","had a great time celebrating mother's day  to me, being a mom is the best job on earth!"
1753885325,"love","freshypanda","@Zanna85 Almost, almost.. Thanks on the "good save" Z!"
1753885345,"relief","perkierthanyou","juz donated books/mags 4 charity. Not only do I feel good but it gave me a good workout from all that heavy lifting"
1753885377,"neutral","xo_mcflyandjb","@aussiemcflyfan shes not dead yet"
1753885385,"love","ross_macrae","@camillapierry better than throwing them out"
1753885391,"happiness","ayriana","last drops of the thesis... God let it end today."
1753885410,"happiness","gawbler","@hairrocks happy birthday!"
1753885423,"surprise","NXNWWigan","twitwoo! i can tweet from my phone"
1753885425,"worry","distrakzion","watching click, they are talkin about twitter and celebrityTweet  im just gonna get ready for work"
1753885481,"happiness","BareCheek","@CheekyKerri Defo can't wait we will have a nice afternoon and some music"
1753885513,"sadness","netei","@digitalpainted oh mann das ist super lustig  du armer... macs age 2 months, battery charging NO. garantiefall..."
1753885557,"sadness","dem_09","Home from Whitney's. No sleep. Church in a bit. Dangggg....I'm tired. But it was worth it"
1753885562,"neutral","emma_BMTH","@Rove1974 tell pete he looks sexy with a beard."
1753885586,"happiness","ayana09","is playing MYBRUTE!  follow me at: http://yhana09.mybrute.com"
1753885674,"surprise","linnetwoods","@MacQuid Oh really?!"
1753885726,"neutral","zhanning","im surfin.."
1753885757,"neutral","jayteabby","sociology is done, english and biology left... i'm going to DIE"
1753885765,"happiness","DRK13","@insteadofdeath this is really helpful,  you swear a lot, i just realized. haha."
1753885782,"happiness","renmiu","@sadknob OK. Happy to hear that you are feeling fine"
1753885786,"happiness","greenjon","#firefly weekend on SciFi channel  I'm a happy man"
1753885897,"enthusiasm","afeitar","@pinkdaze Yes! That sounds like a great idea. Message me on LJ about it"
1753885950,"love","dtinth","rt @bact #barcampbkk3 for entertainment at night, bring your favourite mp3s .. there should be a way we can enjoy music together"
1753885984,"neutral","abbey_johnson","in bed watching Rove"
1753886014,"happiness","Reach","Celebrating mother's day with apple pie"
1753886108,"happiness","TheAtomicMommy","HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY LADIES!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day."
1753886120,"worry","ElodieMoreels","@davepenny47 Actually, I also thought Mother's Day was May 31st until I was remembered of Pentecost  Uselessly complicated, I would say"
1753886131,"happiness","seeder_lab","@cssglobe hahah, you own lab.hr  I own lab.ba, seems that we think in similar ways"
1753886145,"relief","paulverhoeven","@halia Smile. Everything worked out."
1753886147,"surprise","Foggie47","@ethmet Hello  ...hehe yup we sure do ...lovely to 'see' you xx"
1753886183,"empty","sophienetter","@xxxRobyn Yeah *fingers crossed*"
1753886198,"worry","kateblogs","@rustycharm Evening  Yorkshire's warm but overcast. How's NZ? Don't tell me - dark lol"
1753886218,"surprise","MarisaRibeiro","Sensation Ocean of White Portugal: absolutely amazing  Adoreiii!"
1753886238,"happiness","twishes","[-O] i wish the birthday massacre would come to australia  i think they said they're thinking about it tho.. http://tinyurl.com/p6lfch"
1753886317,"worry","Spidersamm","doing the andy dance  the one on fonzie gomez show ;) haha"
1753886323,"love","Korindini","is freaking exhausted...need to go to bed....gotta get up early YUCK....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOMMIES OUT THERE"
1753886405,"happiness","foolandtheopera","@JOY949 thanks for promoing the show for me in my absence  Glad you liked it. @sealfur and @flipthetape rock!"
1753886417,"neutral","mymemoirs","@tinja69 lol fine, I go for her too"
1753886418,"neutral","brokenglasseye","@shezababe Star Trek? Me? Nah. My Dad is one for Star Trek right enough. Today, I'm off to see 'Corlaine'. Much more my style Shezz."
1753886496,"happiness","Smashy_","@Bitchface91 Well im hving another one today yey"
1753886507,"neutral","surfer__babe","50 Kayla-lee, i think your the only one that knows what that number means lol  x"
1753886541,"love","_Lizzayy_","photomedia ASSIGNMENT! thanku mum for the tea  thanku shower for making me feel clean!"
1753886542,"love","nilsnagele","Happy Mother's day; God bless you & all mother's worldwide; mother nature...  technology emotion in motion..."
1753886666,"neutral","CharlotteMcFLY","hmmmmm.. have exactly one hour to do three pieces of coursework. no motivation. just gonna watch mcfly.. then i'll do it.."
1753886681,"love","Miamarie33","Happy Mothers Day"
1753886726,"neutral","sixdaysandy","@MissToniii so glad i'm not at uni anymore"
1753886745,"fun","Jag999","@irishpixie36 ok Im off to pc world then  x x tweet u later x x lol"
1753886802,"neutral","agentkebong","says gud eve guys.. lets play poker@facebook yeah!! cant read my poker face  http://plurk.com/p/sw4yq"
1753886824,"surprise","freshypanda","@MissxMarisa Then I guess that makes me Dot?"
1753886833,"happiness","jtrotti","but no, i really do. long exposures with no tripod, not looking through the viewfinder, unfocusing. its great"
1753886836,"worry","NUMB3R1D1VAA","Whats your name: Adelaide-Marie How old r u: 14 Where Do u live: IN THE WORLD  lol i jk, canada(toronto)"
1753886847,"surprise","LittleBitTwistd","@TwistedHelen her son is 7 and captured it outside...THANK GOD I HAVE A LITTLE GIRL"
1753887070,"love","purple_lover_96","is so  just made a card 4 my mom!!   can't wait to see the smile on her face when she see's it!!"
1753887073,"worry","ficklampa","@wendy_fred6 *shivers with fear*"
1753887094,"neutral","bokardo","@21five would love to hear all of this from a Nokia perspective..."
1753887157,"fun","soon_Lim","@exhilarating haha, not always, just a 2-day-trip, for a friend. But I've been here some times. That's why I know basic Japanese"
1753887163,"neutral","vvyes","@RajaSen Sports Bar Shatranjanpoli Rest Ph 26498457 All Sports Bar Andheri W 26733333 Dont know whether that helps. Google ki jai ho"
1753887165,"worry","surbhi04","@ram014  thanks...but what happened?"
1753887200,"sadness","robyoungrob","Man i hate church. Has to be done though. I like the way it makes other people feel good"
1753887240,"neutral","REAL_Ian_Morris","@kellywilliams4 On what.."
1753887283,"neutral","zhanning","is surfin'.."
1753887284,"worry","SAGasser","thinking about recent job opportunities and hoping to get one! and gettng ready for church"
1753887295,"neutral","SeanKing93","@Chris_Hayward go two way mirrors"
1753887318,"love","isaberabera","@leah_dizon it's a little late but congratulations, leah  happy mothers day!"
1753887339,"neutral","whatswhat_sian","@camen_marris I know. I'll have to get some soon"
1753887344,"love","MarisaRibeiro","@SensationPT Sensation Ocean of White Portugal: absolutely amazing  Adoreiii!"
1753887552,"fun","lauralouisaa","@hernameisnicki is it? :O im gonna get that"
1753887579,"sadness","Uhmm_ellee","Heaps keen for next weekend.     Mummy. <3"
1753887627,"neutral","stevenskaggs","Obama last night: "Most of you covered me, all of you voted for me. Apologies to the Fox table."       http://bit.ly/bGcnW"
1753887660,"worry","thehermitage","@Puppetguy indeed, we live a life on the edge of things, and one foot foul of the law!!"
1753887665,"neutral","JulzM","@rockeye Well I *did* put in a good innings...sweared at the brother in law..was in fine form"
1753887666,"worry","linnetwoods","@kateblogs It's never too late - they just need to buck their ideas up and stop being such a bunch of stuffy old reactionaries!"
1753887685,"happiness","shizzle408","Home !! Home @ last !!!!! Time to step outside for some life"
1753887718,"love","joshdavid","@Stellar_MC string out the dress.. Work that into a track please!!! What do u have coming up?? I'm ur biggest fan"
1753887762,"happiness","ainsnie","greeting you all a happy mother's day!"
1753902360,"happiness","me73","@idibs oh, a really good 1 dude, thx... added"
1753902379,"neutral","beckahbaby","cook ; do you wanna measure my dick? its daddy-size."
1753902381,"surprise","SimonaStanescu","OMG!!! am luat examenul la SPSS! Me so happy!"
1753902383,"happiness","EkoEko_Azarak","@AkashaTheKitty I've read about those. They're cool. You should definitely get one"
1753902385,"sadness","bobbi85710","@renagades Have a great day..... if the rain keeps up I may go swimming instead of dining here"
1753902404,"worry","dubbayoo","@capricorn_one Could use GarageBand though it's probably overkill."
1753902429,"worry","LizLemonCologne","�Chillingoutnow Just testing how to work Twitter from my phone"
1753902467,"fun","cydonian","From Hyderabad Blues 2, on mimicking the American accent: You won't be an ass if you roll your R's."
1753902524,"love","xoxodominique","happy mothers day!"
1753902544,"neutral","alanagottfried","is going to go get some food."
1753902565,"enthusiasm","elizamanson","@HIstapleface answer my really cool questions"
1753902603,"love","timbuchalka","@Mike_Wesely he he   love it."
1753902622,"worry","walski","It takes nearly 2 days to figure out what causes the mic problems at #euruko: Do not hold the mic at the bottom!"
1753902656,"worry","Ryan_A_Smith","@chrispringle Luke M here, thanks Ps Chris! Ur husband is pretty cool I reckon! Sorry u were feeling sick and hope you feel better soon!"
1753902658,"neutral","martyuk","Up early so washed and waxed the car. I'm sure the neighbours think I'm mad, I wash it nearly every week."
1753902713,"love","danipoynterjudd","really bored today. just ate a bowl ful of rasberries and grapes, now i'm waiting for my dinner"
1753902732,"enthusiasm","loborohan","@ascrivner come over to my place for a cup of tea"
1753902748,"hate","connoraa","@sophieamy yer, oh that's gay cause u hell need to post more haha so we can talk"
1753902750,"happiness","supercoolkp","@rasga Yep: http://bit.ly/15yyId  We go there for Christmas treats!"
1753902771,"sadness","tormodgibson","@Ssisch Hmmm... Sisch & sound design. So when you say soon, you mean weeks"
1753902785,"enthusiasm","miloocyrus","CAN'T SLEEP TONIGHT . Oh see ya! Bye"
1753902793,"happiness","DragonflyeDream","@Juniesgurl WOOHOO!!!  My broom isnt up to standards....there is no seatbelt on mine....*whispers*  I like the Swiffer..."
1753902805,"happiness","nicepaul","@Hoopsiscrazy U think web design wld go down well at the International Brotherhood of Magicians? Maybe. The magic was a success at SXSWi!"
1753902827,"happiness","wailanik","happy mother's day!"
1753902939,"happiness","hellonenen","watching Bolt with my brothers and my mom."
1753903008,"love","ennahdii","happy mother's day everyone"
1753903039,"neutral","Rob2805","is going to spend the day with the in laws"
1753903055,"relief","Jimmy_Jojo","Assignment actually looking pretty decent....so glad I changed my topic at the last minute"
1753903062,"love","IndiaReville","@DebbieFletcher Haha! I'll try that next time he's up north!  Thanks for the tip. xxx"
1753903072,"neutral","marco_cali","@Kayleigh_Stack  Nearly there..."
1753903075,"love","who_the_heck","thankies  no pictures in yet...but soon!! M'off to wash up love, have a good satdee xx"
1753903086,"love","HillNetley","@wossy http://twitpic.com/24mer - i like Mr Piggls I mean Pickles!!"
1753903114,"happiness","SocialPro","@billzucker Thanks for making me laugh"
1753903123,"neutral","JewKrys","@JonasFanJade ok2  g'nyt? Haha too early."
1753903145,"love","rana__xx","@jaredmaine @kennedymaine @johnmaine @patmaine @garrettmaine I LOVE YOU GUYS! get your ass to australia in december for my birthday"
1753903156,"love","Jessica_Luna","Happy Mother's Day! It will be a good day"
1753903172,"happiness","Sushubh","http://bit.ly/X7D1c  Spanish Grand Prix 2009  in one hour!"
1753903203,"happiness","macmuso","instant-messaging with two of my favourite conversation guys"
1753903237,"neutral","CateP36","@BlokesLib thats where hitting enter before u check the tweet can get tricky!! I was rude without trying to be. Makes a change!!"
1753903262,"love","SarahLazer","Happy Mothers Day! allergies are gay. Oh and I hope Miller has a better day too"
1753903288,"fun","Tannie512","8:30PM... it has just hit me i have school tomorrow :O ahaha! I'll stay on til 9 i think  Xx"
1753903294,"fun","thehermitage","on a sunny walk round the lake this morning we met a mother goose and father goose and five baby goslings"
1753903299,"love","cyrenitis","happy mothers day to all the mothers, grandmothers, furbaby mommies, etc!  heading out for breakfast with my mom shortly"
1753903325,"happiness","LinneaBjorken_","Had a great time last night!"
1753903334,"neutral","bobby_rey","oh ok i always wondered how that worked. i only have the top of my ear done. i dont think i could get anything else pierced"
1753903421,"love","zeeshan_ahmed","@harisn I love to Read  And i love Film making"
1753903426,"worry","carastjohn","tomorrow is going to be sooo awkward & embarassing. lights & sounds last night was awesome"
1753903454,"neutral","epistolary","has a string trio."
1753903505,"worry","primatage","@icebergstorm hey! negative on the primatech, this handle's been on the tubes for a decade longer than heroes has"
1753903509,"sadness","wonder_nat","@watermelon39 haha! And Twitter! Hard though isn't it?!"
1753903552,"happiness","aymanelhattab","@HosamKamel Thanks for the follow man"
1753903578,"worry","somemandy","@PH7S sure. But be careful also of making statements that we don't do it. Parallel ideas do happen. I've seen it myself."
1753903593,"surprise","marisa_mm","@Rove1974 anychance you can get matthew to give a shout out to my mum Sarah for mothers day! we saw "Ghosts from girlfriends past today""
1753903620,"love","cellphonebestbu","Happy Mother's Day to all my twitter moms (including myself)"
1753903723,"love","henryb35","goooodnight everyone!  and Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there."
1753903727,"love","chronophasia","Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!"
1753903731,"neutral","irishjenny66","I made a MySpace for Twitter with the name "The Twitter Kingdom". Here is the link: http://bit.ly/13PQtw  - join me!"
1753903784,"surprise","marcelbooth","@MancunianLee Oh aye.....he rocks, shes horny"
1753903793,"enthusiasm","ilinajoy","@sierrabardot whaatttaatttt! she is a good cook and really creative, silly sierra"
1753903798,"happiness","Sion71","@dai_bach daps were the best lol"
1753903814,"happiness","taylormcfly","@DebbieFletcher haha i will remember that  xx"
1753903876,"love","missgreens","follow my dad @GeorgieBouy he wont have much fabulous2say,but it will make him feel loved"
1753903881,"happiness","catiams","@sharlynnx ME TOO! please come online *-* hope you've had an amazing weekend"
1753903904,"neutral","Damir","@balkanbeat No, a-ha is unfortunatelly from Norway. We have a big family happening and therefore we need some old hits"
1753903927,"surprise","yandrasap","today was interesting..."
1753903951,"neutral","AprilLouiseeee","has just got out the shower"
1753903987,"worry","nadszy","How Do You Sleep - Jesse McCartney"
1753904028,"enthusiasm","TaylorWakelin","BEEN TOWN WITH THE MOTHER  NICE & SUNNNY"
1753904142,"happiness","Custardcuppcake","@JamesHancox LOL or maybe it's the tooth fairy, takes 'em to keep all the kiddys  teeth safe in"
1753904145,"relief","RAWRitsBryony","Gooood party last night (: Although I am extremely tired now. xD Off to bed to lounge around watch tv and sleep all day"
1753904172,"neutral","Zaraa_x","In my moms hair salon, dying my hair"
1753904185,"happiness","joseph_ottorino","Wow! Up, coffee in hand and already outside.  So peaceful on Sunday mornings."
1753904269,"love","miizzhiispaniic","Happy Mothers Day, Mum.. Love you lots   1 month and 11 days to go.. AND 1 month to go for ma bby  love you Bash"
1753904357,"happiness","Kiaroux","Watched Wolverine yesterday ... a spur of the moment kinda thing. Awesome! So proud that a South African director did that"
1753904398,"sadness","t33r4n","is heading off to the fair"
1753904399,"happiness","smileshutter","the sunset view is SO beautiful from my room!"
1753904448,"happiness","linnetwoods","@McMedia Very well thank you! How are you, more importantly?"
1753904494,"happiness","TwangTwong","@muffinwomanxo EH! u dont like retro? tisk tisk, what u been upto? ...apart from waxing ur "mustache" lol"
1753904502,"love","CaptainFletcher","Anyone knows a site like the Swedish site "sl.se" or the great useful "www.tfl.gov.uk", but for Liverpool?"
1753904518,"love","lisa24270","@Rtib happy birthday"
1753904526,"enthusiasm","Freakonomy","@SarahSaner Hey Sarah! Hws u? Hope u remember me"
1753904626,"happiness","tchvinkle","@acchanosaurus good luck chan! gue kmrn bawa backpack kosong, quite helping"
1753904668,"fun","Mirunnetje","good morning/midday nation!  FORMULA ONE IN ONE HOUR!"
1753904674,"love","DivasMistress","to my pretty lady @nikkiwoods HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! She's the mother of my future son-in-laws"
1753904682,"empty","patphelan","@lexia Or even listen to Susan's green policies"
1753904748,"neutral","CharlotteMcFLY","right. coursework now. PROMISE"
1753904799,"surprise","Ocnarf10","@BuddingGenius you dont say"
1753904868,"worry","theknickermafia","@givemestrength bloody Feds, they lost last statement and r hounding me for another one. I dodged them one last week"
1753904911,"surprise","fadedmoon","@prinsezha awesome. Wha'dya get her?"
1753904912,"happiness","RyanJL","Sitting in Gatwick- going home for a week! cant wait to see family"
1753904919,"happiness","DominiqueGoh","@maynaseric good luck with your auction"
1753905020,"neutral","2str20lt","hey guys, if you have something to ask, just ask, okay? we'll accept your critics and comments. thanks guys"
1753905073,"neutral","ABZQuine","@Astronick not really just leaving flat now, on the lookout for lunch  fancy having a wee stroll but dunno where... Oh well!"
1753905113,"surprise","kanjigirl","@iscreamshinki Oh that's why."
1753905121,"happiness","MizFitOnline","@McMedia husband is golfing & the Toddler and I shall frolic. Am I the consummate mama in that Im so happy with my day?"
1753905153,"happiness","sue_jr","going to watch boy in the striped pj's hope i don't cry"
1753918809,"happiness","njohari","gave the bikes a thorough wash, degrease it and grease it. think i did a really good job!"
1753918818,"happiness","RachellSmithles","had SUCH and AMAZING time last night, McFly were INCREDIBLE"
1753918822,"love","Rellz","His snoring is so annoying n it keeps me from sleeping (like right now, lol) but I honestly wud miss it if it eva left  I love him."
1753918829,"neutral","kdpaine","@shonali I think the lesson of the day is not to have luggage"
1753918846,"neutral","x0159432","@lovelylisaj can you give me the link for the kimba diaries please?"
1753918881,"neutral","_Alectrona_","@jasimmo Ooo showing of your French skills!! lol Things good over here. Lovely weather, so should be outside  How's u?"
1753918892,"neutral","bushidosan","@sendsome2me haha, yeah. Twitter has many uses. For me it's just to know what the ppl i care about are doing"
1753918900,"happiness","courtside101","Succesfully following Tayla!!"
1753919001,"love","drapeaux","Happy Mothers Day  All my love"
1753919005,"love","JenniRox","Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there, be you woman or man as long as you're 'momma' to someone this is your day!"
1753919049,"love","Alpharalpha","@mopedronin bullet train from tokyo    the gf and i have been visiting japan since thursday  vacation/sightseeing    gaijin godzilla"