2022-05-07 18:20:41,167 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_setup.py:_flush():75] Loading settings from /home/sanchitgandhi/.config/wandb/settings 2022-05-07 18:20:41,167 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_setup.py:_flush():75] Loading settings from /home/sanchitgandhi/flax-dummy/wandb/settings 2022-05-07 18:20:41,167 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_setup.py:_flush():75] Loading settings from environment variables: {} 2022-05-07 18:20:41,167 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_setup.py:_flush():75] Inferring run settings from compute environment: {'program_relpath': 'run_flax_speech_recognition_seq2seq.py', 'program': 'run_flax_speech_recognition_seq2seq.py'} 2022-05-07 18:20:41,167 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:_log_setup():405] Logging user logs to /home/sanchitgandhi/flax-dummy/wandb/run-20220507_182041-10w2xueo/logs/debug.log 2022-05-07 18:20:41,168 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:_log_setup():406] Logging internal logs to /home/sanchitgandhi/flax-dummy/wandb/run-20220507_182041-10w2xueo/logs/debug-internal.log 2022-05-07 18:20:41,168 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():439] calling init triggers 2022-05-07 18:20:41,168 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():442] wandb.init called with sweep_config: {} config: {} 2022-05-07 18:20:41,168 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():492] starting backend 2022-05-07 18:20:41,168 INFO MainThread:36195 [backend.py:_multiprocessing_setup():99] multiprocessing start_methods=fork,spawn,forkserver, using: spawn 2022-05-07 18:20:41,195 INFO MainThread:36195 [backend.py:ensure_launched():219] starting backend process... 2022-05-07 18:20:41,219 INFO MainThread:36195 [backend.py:ensure_launched():224] started backend process with pid: 37252 2022-05-07 18:20:41,221 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():501] backend started and connected 2022-05-07 18:20:41,234 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():565] updated telemetry 2022-05-07 18:20:41,296 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():596] communicating run to backend with 30 second timeout 2022-05-07 18:20:42,120 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_init():1759] communicating current version 2022-05-07 18:20:42,181 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_init():1763] got version response upgrade_message: "wandb version 0.12.16 is available! To upgrade, please run:\n $ pip install wandb --upgrade" 2022-05-07 18:20:42,181 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():625] starting run threads in backend 2022-05-07 18:20:44,315 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_console_start():1733] atexit reg 2022-05-07 18:20:44,316 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_redirect():1606] redirect: SettingsConsole.REDIRECT 2022-05-07 18:20:44,317 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_redirect():1611] Redirecting console. 2022-05-07 18:20:44,319 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_redirect():1667] Redirects installed. 2022-05-07 18:20:44,319 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_init.py:init():664] run started, returning control to user process 2022-05-07 18:24:21,083 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_atexit_cleanup():1702] got exitcode: 0 2022-05-07 18:24:21,087 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_restore():1674] restore 2022-05-07 18:24:23,489 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 1 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 212953 total_bytes: 212953 } 2022-05-07 18:24:23,624 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 1 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 212953 total_bytes: 212953 } 2022-05-07 18:24:24,297 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 212953 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:24,399 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 227572 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:24,501 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 227572 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:24,603 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 227572 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:24,705 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 256190 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:24,806 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 256190 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:24,908 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 256190 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:25,010 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 256190 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:25,202 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 256190 total_bytes: 256190 } 2022-05-07 18:24:25,421 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_on_finish():1831] got exit ret: done: true exit_result { } file_counts { wandb_count: 5 media_count: 8 artifact_count: 5 } pusher_stats { uploaded_bytes: 256190 total_bytes: 256190 } local_info { } 2022-05-07 18:24:26,922 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_footer_history_summary_info():2865] rendering history 2022-05-07 18:24:26,923 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_footer_history_summary_info():2894] rendering summary 2022-05-07 18:24:26,925 INFO MainThread:36195 [wandb_run.py:_footer_sync_info():2822] logging synced files