#!/usr/bin/env perl # # This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General # Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version. # $Id$ use warnings; use strict; ####################### #Default parameters #parameters for submiiting processes through SGE #NOTE: group name is ws06ossmt (with 2 's') and not ws06osmt (with 1 's') my $queueparameters=""; # look for the correct pwdcmd my $pwdcmd = &getPwdCmd(); my $workingdir = `$pwdcmd`; chomp $workingdir; my $tmpdir="$workingdir/tmp$$"; my $jobscript="$workingdir/job$$.sh"; my $qsubout="$workingdir/out.job$$"; my $qsuberr="$workingdir/err.job$$"; $SIG{INT} = \&kill_all_and_quit; # catch exception for CTRL-C my $help=""; my $dbg=""; my $version=""; my $qsubname="WR$$"; my $cmd=""; my $cmdout=undef; my $cmderr=undef; my $parameters=""; my $old_sge = 0; # assume grid engine < 6.0 sub init(){ use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); GetOptions('version'=>\$version, 'help'=>\$help, 'debug'=>\$dbg, 'qsub-prefix=s'=> \$qsubname, 'command=s'=> \$cmd, 'stdout=s'=> \$cmdout, 'stderr=s'=> \$cmderr, 'queue-parameter=s'=> \$queueparameters, 'old-sge' => \$old_sge, ) or exit(1); $parameters="@ARGV"; version() if $version; usage() if $help; print_parameters() if $dbg; } ####################### ##print version sub version(){ # print STDERR "version 1.0 (29-07-2006)\n"; print STDERR "version 1.1 (31-07-2006)\n"; exit(1); } #usage sub usage(){ print STDERR "qsub-wrapper.pl [options]\n"; print STDERR "Options:\n"; print STDERR "-command command to run\n"; print STDERR "-stdout file to save stdout of cmd (optional)\n"; print STDERR "-stderr file to save stderr of cmd (optional)\n"; print STDERR "-qsub-prefix name for sumbitted jobs (optional)\n"; print STDERR "-queue-parameters parameter for the queue (optional)\n"; print STDERR "-old-sge ... assume Sun Grid Engine < 6.0\n"; print STDERR "-debug debug\n"; print STDERR "-version print version of the script\n"; print STDERR "-help this help\n"; exit(1); } #printparameters sub print_parameters(){ print STDERR "command: $cmd\n"; if (defined($cmdout)){ print STDERR "file for stdout: $cmdout\n"; } else { print STDERR "file for stdout is not defined, stdout is discarded\n"; } if (defined($cmderr)){ print STDERR "file for stdout: $cmderr\n"; } else { print STDERR "file for stderr is not defined, stderr is discarded\n"; } print STDERR "Qsub name: $qsubname\n"; print STDERR "Queue parameters: $queueparameters\n"; print STDERR "parameters directly passed to cmd: $parameters\n"; exit(1); } #script creation sub preparing_script(){ my $scriptheader="\#\!/bin/bash\n# the above line is ignored by qsub, unless parameter \"-b yes\" is set!\n\n"; $scriptheader.="uname -a\n\n"; $scriptheader.="cd $workingdir\n\n"; open (OUT, "> $jobscript"); print OUT $scriptheader; print OUT "if $cmd $parameters > $tmpdir/cmdout$$ 2> $tmpdir/cmderr$$ ; then echo 'succeeded' else echo failed with exit status \$\? die=1 fi "; if (defined($cmdout) && $cmdout ne "/dev/null") { print OUT "mv -f $tmpdir/cmdout$$ $cmdout || echo failed to preserve the log: $tmpdir/cmdout$$\n\n"; } else{ print OUT "rm -f $tmpdir/cmdout$$\n\n"; } if (defined($cmderr) && $cmderr ne "/dev/null") { print OUT "mv -f $tmpdir/cmderr$$ $cmderr || echo failed to preserve the log: $tmpdir/cmderr$$\n\n"; } else{ print OUT "rm -f $tmpdir/cmderr$$\n\n"; } print OUT "if [ x\$die == 1 ]; then exit 1; fi\n"; close(OUT); #setting permissions of the script chmod(oct(755),$jobscript); } ####################### #Script starts here init(); usage() if $cmd eq ""; safesystem("mkdir -p $tmpdir") or die; preparing_script(); my $maysync = $old_sge ? "" : "-sync y"; # create the qsubcmd to submit to the queue with the parameter "-b yes" my $qsubcmd="qsub $queueparameters $maysync -V -o $qsubout -e $qsuberr -N $qsubname -b yes $jobscript > $jobscript.log 2>&1"; #run the qsubcmd safesystem($qsubcmd) or die; #getting id of submitted job my $res; open (IN,"$jobscript.log") or die "Can't read main job id: $jobscript.log"; chomp($res=); my @arrayStr = split(/\s+/,$res); my $id=$arrayStr[2]; die "Failed to get job id from $jobscript.log, got: $res" if $id !~ /^[0-9]+$/; close(IN); print STDERR " res:$res\n"; print STDERR " id:$id\n"; if ($old_sge) { # need to workaround -sync, add another job that will wait for the main one # prepare a fake waiting script my $syncscript = "$jobscript.sync_workaround_script.sh"; safesystem("echo 'date' > $syncscript") or die; my $checkpointfile = "$jobscript.sync_workaround_checkpoint"; # ensure checkpoint does not exist safesystem("\\rm -f $checkpointfile") or die; # start the 'hold' job, i.e. the job that will wait $cmd="qsub -cwd $queueparameters -hold_jid $id -o $checkpointfile -e /dev/null -N $qsubname.W $syncscript >& $qsubname.W.log"; safesystem($cmd) or die; # and wait for checkpoint file to appear my $nr=0; while (!-e $checkpointfile) { sleep(10); $nr++; print STDERR "w" if $nr % 3 == 0; } safesystem("\\rm -f $checkpointfile $syncscript") or die(); print STDERR "End of waiting workaround.\n"; } my $failure=&check_exit_status(); print STDERR "check_exit_status returned $failure\n"; &kill_all_and_quit() if $failure; &remove_temporary_files() if !$dbg; sub check_exit_status(){ my $failure=0; print STDERR "check_exit_status of submitted job $id\n"; open(IN,"$qsubout") or die "Can't read $qsubout"; while (){ $failure=1 if (/failed with exit status/); } close(IN); return $failure; } sub kill_all_and_quit(){ print STDERR "kill_all_and_quit\n"; print STDERR "qdel $id\n"; safesystem("qdel $id"); print STDERR "The submitted jobs died not correctly\n"; print STDERR "Send qdel signal to the submitted jobs\n"; exit(1); } sub remove_temporary_files(){ #removing temporary files unlink("${jobscript}"); unlink("${jobscript}.log"); unlink("$qsubout"); unlink("$qsuberr"); rmdir("$tmpdir"); } sub safesystem { print STDERR "Executing: @_\n"; system(@_); if ($? == -1) { print STDERR "Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n"; exit(1); } elsif ($? & 127) { printf STDERR "Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; exit(1); } else { my $exitcode = $? >> 8; print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode; return ! $exitcode; } } # look for the correct pwdcmd (pwd by default, pawd if it exists) # I assume that pwd always exists sub getPwdCmd(){ my $pwdcmd="pwd"; my $a; chomp($a=`which pawd 2> /dev/null | head -1 | awk '{print \$1}'`); if ($a && -e $a){ $pwdcmd=$a; } return $pwdcmd; }