--- license: apache-2.0 library_name: sklearn tags: - tabular-classification - baseline-trainer --- ## Baseline Model trained on train5a1e8w7 to apply classification on label **Metrics of the best model:** accuracy 0.693101 recall_macro 0.665973 precision_macro 0.657625 f1_macro 0.656998 Name: LogisticRegression(C=0.1, class_weight='balanced', max_iter=1000), dtype: float64 **See model plot below:**
Pipeline(steps=[('easypreprocessor',EasyPreprocessor(types=      continuous  dirty_float  low_card_int  ...   date  free_string  useless
v_21       False        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_32        True        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_15       False        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_4         True        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_1        False        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_8        False        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_12       False        False         Fa...
v_34       False        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_35        True        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_36        True        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_37        True        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_38        True        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_39        True        False         False  ...  False        False    False
v_40       False        False         False  ...  False        False    False[40 rows x 7 columns])),('logisticregression',LogisticRegression(C=0.1, class_weight='balanced',max_iter=1000))])
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**Disclaimer:** This model is trained with dabl library as a baseline, for better results, use [AutoTrain](https://huggingface.co/autotrain). **Logs of training** including the models tried in the process can be found in logs.txt