--- library_name: transformers datasets: - webnlg/challenge-2023 --- # Model Card for Model ID T5-XL seq2seq model trained on WebNLG dataset # Use ```python from typing import List, Tuple from transformers import pipeline def prepare_text(triplets: List[Tuple[str, str, str]]): graph = "[graph]" for triplet in triplets: graph += f"[head] {triplet[0]} [relation] {triplet[1]} [tail] {triplet[2]} " graph += "[text]" return graph g2t_model = pipeline(task="text2text-generation", model="s-nlp/g2t-t5-xl-webnlg") graph = prepare_text([ ("London", "capital_of", "United Kingdom"), ("London", "population", "8,799,728") ]) g2t_model(graph) # [{'generated_text': 'London is the capital of the United Kingdom and has a population of 8,799,7'}] ```