--- license: openrail++ language: - en tags: - 'stablediffusion ' - openvino - ADD --- The SDXL-Lightning model is converted to OpenVINO for fast inference on CPU. Original Model : [SDXL-Lightning](https://huggingface.co/ByteDance/SDXL-Lightning) You can use this model with [FastSD CPU](https://github.com/rupeshs/fastsdcpu). ![Sample](./out_image.png) To run the model yourself, you can leverage the 🧨 Diffusers library: 1. Install the dependencies: ``` pip install optimum-intel openvino diffusers onnx ``` 2. Run the model: ```py from optimum.intel.openvino.modeling_diffusion import OVStableDiffusionXLPipeline pipeline = OVStableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained( "rupeshs/SDXL-Lightning-2steps-openvino-int8", ov_config={"CACHE_DIR": ""}, ) prompt = "A dolphin leaps through the waves, set against a backdrop of bright blues and teal hues" images = pipeline( prompt=prompt, width=768, height=768, num_inference_steps=2, guidance_scale=1.0, ).images images[0].save("out_image.png") ```