A question about iteration speed with gtx 1650

by cancan403 - opened

i've 1650gtx ( 4GB VRAM) gpu and I usually get a speed of 3.80s/it ( 0.26 it/s ). Is it normal at 512x512 sized generations?

Webui-user -> set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --medvram --opt-split-attention --precision full --no-half --xformers

cancan403 changed discussion title from A question about iterate speed to A question about iteration speed with gtx 1650

Yeah try removing precision full no half. I did that and now i get 2.0 - 2.1s/it

I am using set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--autolaunch --no-half --xformers --medvram on my gtx 1650
and its taking 10s/it, If I remove no half, I am getting 4 s/it but at the end I get Nans error.

set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--disable-nan-check

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