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# WaifuNijiMix
* I'm not very good at writing in English, so I'm having ChatGPT assist me in writing the following. Please forgive that there may be some confusing expressions.
## What is this?
### 2.00aa
WaifiNijiMix 2.0aa is a merged model based on the model that merged SD1.5 with Waifu Diffusion v1.3 using trainDifference. I have attempted to minimize the inclusion of related to NAI leaks, and after merging with other models using Add_difference, I adjust the application intensity by merging with the base model using weight_sum.
Most models are based on SD1.4 as they contain NAI leak elements. However, I created this model with the purpose of investigating what kind of model would be created when based on SD1.5. It does not inherit from WaifuNijiMix 1.0a and is merged from scratch, but the models included are likely to have significant overlap, so the overall tendencies may not change much.
I aim to address the issue of circular roofs appearing in outdoor backgrounds, which was a problem in WaifuNijiMix v1.0a, and strengthen weak NSFW components.
Since including LoRA too much tended to increase catastrophic forgetting, I have limited its use to models with less forgetting and applied it in small amounts.
### 1.0a
WaifuNijiMix is a merged model based on Waifu Diffusion v1.3. It merged with the intention of minimizing the inclusion of NAI leak model-related data.
All the merging with other models is done using Add_difference. multiple LoRA/LOCONs are added.
The merging process employs Bayesian auto elemental weight merge. the weights are determined automatically at the elemental unit level, so I don't understand about the specific proportions.
For art style adjustment from Various Lora, like NijiJourny's style.
## Examples
clip skip 2
### 2.00aa
CFG scale 12
CFG scale 8
### 1.0a
CFG scale 12
CFG scale 8
Q: I'm only getting full-body images. What should I do?
A: Please try adding "upper_body" to the prompt.
Japanese desc.
## このモデルは
### 2.00aa
WaifiNijiMix 2.0aaはSD1.5にtrainDifferenceでWaifu Diffusion v1.3をマヌゞしたモデルを基にしたマヌゞモデルです。NAIリヌクモデル関連の情報をなるべく含たないようにしおおり、他モデルずのマヌゞは党おAdd_differenceで行った埌、ベヌスのモデルずweight_sumマヌゞするこずによっお適甚匷床を調敎しおいたす。
### 1.0a
WaifuNijiMixはWaifu Diffusion v1.3を基にしたマヌゞモデルです。NAIリヌクモデル関連の情報をなるべく含たないようにしおいたす。
マヌゞにはbaysien auto elemental weight mergeを䜿っおいたす。これぱレメント単䜍での重みを自動で決定する仕組みのため、䜜成者自身どんな重み配分かは把握しおいたせん。調べられたすが調べおも䜕かが理解できる皋の量ではないので 
## MIXモデルなのに本圓にNAIを含んでいないの
念のため確認した、2.00aaでのASimilarityCalculatior (in局たで拡匵)での占いの結果は次のずおりです。(䞀郚元モデル名からリネヌムしおいるのはご容赊ください。)
sd-v1-4.ckpt [7460a6fa] - 74.36%
sd15pruned_emaonly.ckpt [81761151] - 82.72%
wd13float32.ckpt [4470c325] - 76.25%
wd-v1-2-full-ema.ckpt [45dee52b] - 74.54%
novelai_animefull_final_pruned.ckpt [925997e9] - 75.51%
novelai_animesfw_final_pruned.ckpt [1d4a34af] - 74.25%
ACertainty.ckpt [0e200e66] - 72.04%
Anything-V3.0-pruned.ckpt [2700c435] - 75.32%
anything-v4.0-pruned-fp16.safetensors [53d80ac0] - 79.29%
anything-v4.5-pruned-fp16.ckpt [fc018a75] - 79.12%
AbyssOrangeMix.safetensors [cc44dbff] - 77.32%
AbyssOrangeMix2_hard.safetensors [931f9552] - 77.41%
AOM3A3_orangemixs.safetensors [9600da17] - 78.13%
Elysium_V1.ckpt [44bf0551] - 79.16%
Elysium_Anime_V3.safetensors [1a97f4ef] - 77.83%
ElyOrangeMix.ckpt [6b508e59] - 78.38%
Evt_M.safetensors [2a2c58bc] - 73.00%
pastelmix-better-vae.safetensors [4048130a] - 77.42%
grapefruitHentaiModel_grapefruitv4.safetensors [e7542b65] - 76.63%
hassakuHentaiModel_hassakuv1.safetensors [b3fa28ba] - 76.64%
offset_noise.ckpt [9453d9a1] - 82.77%
nightSkyYOZORAStyle_yozoraV1PurnedFp16.safetensors [94245290] - 76.47%
7th_anime_v3_C.safetensors [6b3ba9a7] - 76.52%
Counterfeit-V2.5.safetensors [9b36871e] - 77.71%
neverendingDreamNED_noVae.safetensors [9ce0df7a] - 79.68%
* offset noiseを含んでいないのに近いのは数少ないsd1.5系モデルだからか
* 最早waifu diffusion 1.3の成分が匱すぎる
* NEDもdreamshaperも含んでいないのにNEDに近すぎるのは䞍明。リアル系モデルにおいおはinsta-cafe等のsd1.5系モデルがあるので、sd1.5芁玠に反応した
sd-v1-4.ckpt [7460a6fa] - 84.40%
sd15pruned_emaonly.ckpt [81761151] - 65.68%
wd-v1-2-full-ema.ckpt [45dee52b] - 84.85%
wd13float32.ckpt [4470c325] - 86.76%
ACertainty.ckpt [0e200e66] - 81.50%
Anything-V3girls talking at living room, from below3.0-pruned.ckpt [2700c435] - 84.61%
anything-v4.0-pruned-fp16.safetensors [53d80ac0] - 84.70%
anything-v4.5-pruned-fp16.ckpt [fc018a75] - 85.14%
AbyssOrangeMix2_hard.safetensors [931f9552] - 85.34%
AOM3A1B.safetensors [9600da17] - 85.06%
Elysium_V1.ckpt [44bf0551] - 86.46%
Evt_M.safetensors [2a2c58bc] - 80.54%
pastelmix-better-vae.safetensors [4048130a] - 85.33%
grapefruitHentaiModel_grapefruitv22.safetensors [2506047e] - 84.93%
colorBoxModel_colorBOX.safetensors [a80fee84] - 83.89%
7th_anime_v3_C.safetensors [6b3ba9a7] - 84.55%
Counterfeit-V2.5.safetensors [9b36871e] - 85.34%
* NAIを含んだマヌゞモデルで䞊蚘モデルずの比范を行った堎合、倚くのモデルずの䞀臎率が90%以䞊になる。
* 最も高い䞀臎率を瀺しおいるのがwaifu diffusion 1.3
* Elysium_V1ずの䞀臎率が高いが、そもそもElysium自䜓、waifu diffusionずの䞀臎率がNAIずのそれより高い。waifu diffusionをマヌゞしおいる
* waifu diffusion 1.3ずの比范ですら90%を切っおしたっおいるのは、いろいろ足しすぎお最早テセりスの船ず化しおいるのでは 或いはマヌゞの途䞭で砎局的忘华もマヌゞしおしたっおいる。
## どうしようもなくお珟圚諊めおいる芁玠
* いろんなポヌズが出ない。
* いろんな構図が出ない。
* カメラアングル関連ワヌドの効きが悪いor効かない。 => 2.0aaにお改善
* 瞊長にするず露骚に構図が眠たい。
* ファンタゞヌ系背景が出づらい。 => 2.0aaにお改善
### 察策
* 出したい構図があるならcontrolnetを䜿う。
* LoRAやLECOでこのモデル専甚に孊習する必芁があるかも
## このモデルをマヌゞしお新しいモデルを䜜ったら、それはWD系だずかNAI䞍䜿甚を名乗れるの
良心に任せたす。簡単な刀断基準ずしおはNAI系モデルず通垞のweight sumマヌゞを䞀回でもしたらだめだず思いたす。
- マヌゞの蚈算匏䞊、同じ郚分が含たれるモデル同士でweight sumマヌゞを繰り返すず、異なる郚分だけが配合比の圱響を受けお薄められたす。具䜓的には以䞋の通り。
## nsfw成分は
## 䞖の䞭のLoRAをいろいろマヌゞしたらnsfw成分を足せるのでは