import torch import click import cooler import warnings import numpy as np from torch import nn from tqdm import tqdm from torch.cuda.amp import autocast from importlib_resources import files from polaris.utils.util_loop import bedpewriter from polaris.model.polarisnet import polarisnet from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix from scipy.sparse import SparseEfficiencyWarning warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SparseEfficiencyWarning) def getLocal(mat, i, jj, w, N): if i >= 0 and jj >= 0 and i+w <= N and jj+w <= N: mat = mat[i:i+w,jj:jj+w].toarray() # print(f"global: {mat.shape}") return mat[None,...] # pad_width = ((up, down), (left, right)) slice_pos = [[i, i+w], [jj, jj+w]] pad_width = [[0, 0], [0, 0]] if i < 0: pad_width[0][0] = -i slice_pos[0][0] = 0 if jj < 0: pad_width[1][0] = -jj slice_pos[1][0] = 0 if i+w > N: pad_width[0][1] = i+w-N slice_pos[0][1] = N if jj+w > N: pad_width[1][1] = jj+w-N slice_pos[1][1] = N _mat = mat[slice_pos[0][0]:slice_pos[0][1],slice_pos[1][0]:slice_pos[1][1]].toarray() padded_mat = np.pad(_mat, pad_width, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # print(f"global: {padded_mat.shape}",slice_pos, pad_width) return padded_mat[None,...] def upperCoo2symm(row,col,data,N=None): # print(np.max(row),np.max(col),N) if N: shape=(N,N) else: shape=(row.max() + 1,col.max() + 1) sparse_matrix = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=shape) symm = sparse_matrix + sparse_matrix.T diagVal = symm.diagonal(0)/2 symm = symm.tocsr() symm.setdiag(diagVal) return symm def processCoolFile(coolfile, cchrom, raw=False): extent = coolfile.extent(cchrom) N = extent[1] - extent[0] if raw: ccdata = coolfile.matrix(balance=False, sparse=True, as_pixels=True).fetch(cchrom) v='count' else: ccdata = coolfile.matrix(balance=True, sparse=True, as_pixels=True).fetch(cchrom) v='balanced' ccdata['bin1_id'] -= extent[0] ccdata['bin2_id'] -= extent[0] ccdata['distance'] = ccdata['bin2_id'] - ccdata['bin1_id'] d_means = ccdata.groupby('distance')[v].transform('mean') ccdata[v] = ccdata[v].fillna(0) ccdata['oe'] = ccdata[v] / d_means ccdata['oe'] = ccdata['oe'].fillna(0) ccdata['oe'] = ccdata['oe'] / ccdata['oe'].max() oeMat = upperCoo2symm(ccdata['bin1_id'].ravel(), ccdata['bin2_id'].ravel(), ccdata['oe'].ravel(), N) return oeMat, N @click.command() @click.option('-b','--batchsize', type=int, default=128, help='Batch size [128]') @click.option('-C','--cpu', type=bool, default=False, help='Use CPU [False]') @click.option('-G','--gpu', type=str, default=None, help='Comma-separated GPU indices [auto select]') @click.option('-c','--chrom', type=str, default=None, help='Comma separated chroms [all autosomes]') @click.option('-t','--threshold', type=float, default=0.5, help='Loop Score Threshold [0.5]') @click.option('-s','--sparsity', type=float, default=0.9, help='Allowed sparsity of submatrices [0.9]') @click.option('-md','--max_distance', type=int, default=3000000, help='Max distance (bp) between contact pairs [3000000]') @click.option('-r','--resol',type=int,default=5000,help ='Resolution [5000]') @click.option('--raw',type=bool,default=False,help ='Raw matrix or balanced matrix') @click.option('-i','--input', type=str,required=True,help='Hi-C contact map path') @click.option('-o','--output', type=str,required=True,help='.bedpe file path to save loop candidates') def scorelf(batchsize, cpu, gpu, chrom, threshold, sparsity, max_distance, resol, input, output, raw, image=224): """ *development* Score Pixels for Very Large mcool (>30GB) ... """ print('\npolaris loop scorelf START :) ') center_size = image // 2 start_idx = (image - center_size) // 2 end_idx = (image + center_size) // 2 slice_obj_pred = (slice(None), slice(None), slice(start_idx, end_idx), slice(start_idx, end_idx)) slice_obj_coord = (slice(None), slice(start_idx, end_idx), slice(start_idx, end_idx)) loopwriter = bedpewriter(output,resol,max_distance) if cpu: assert gpu is None, "\033[91m QAQ The CPU and GPU modes cannot be used simultaneously. Please check the command. \033[0m\n" gpu = ['None'] device = torch.device("cpu") print('Using CPU mode... (This may take significantly longer than using GPU mode.)') else: if torch.cuda.is_available(): if gpu is not None: print("Using the specified GPU: " + gpu) gpu=[int(i) for i in gpu.split(',')] device = torch.device(f"cuda:{gpu[0]}") else: gpuIdx = torch.cuda.current_device() device = torch.device(gpuIdx) print("Automatically selected GPU: " + str(gpuIdx)) gpu=[gpu] else: device = torch.device("cpu") gpu = ['None'] cpu = True print('GPU is not available!') print('Using CPU mode... (This may take significantly longer than using GPU mode.)') coolfile = cooler.Cooler(input + '::/resolutions/' + str(resol)) modelstate = str(files('polaris').joinpath('model/')) _modelstate = torch.load(modelstate, map_location=device.type) parameters = _modelstate['parameters'] if chrom is None: chrom =coolfile.chromnames else: chrom = chrom.split(',') # for rmchr in ['chrMT','MT','chrM','M','Y','chrY','X','chrX','chrW','W','chrZ','Z']: # 'Y','chrY','X','chrX' # if rmchr in chrom: # chrom.remove(rmchr) print(f"Analysing chroms: {chrom}") model = polarisnet( image_size=parameters['image_size'], in_channels=parameters['in_channels'], out_channels=parameters['out_channels'], embed_dim=parameters['embed_dim'], depths=parameters['depths'], channels=parameters['channels'], num_heads=parameters['num_heads'], drop=parameters['drop'], drop_path=parameters['drop_path'], pos_embed=parameters['pos_embed'] ).to(device) model.load_state_dict(_modelstate['model_state_dict']) if not cpu and len(gpu) > 1: model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=gpu) model.eval() badc=[] chrom_ = tqdm(chrom, dynamic_ncols=True) for _chrom in chrom_: chrom_.desc = f"[Analyzing {_chrom}]" oeMat, N = processCoolFile(coolfile, _chrom, raw) start_point = -(image - center_size) // 2 joffset = np.repeat(np.linspace(0, image, image, endpoint=False, dtype=int)[np.newaxis, :], image, axis=0) ioffset = np.repeat(np.linspace(0, image, image, endpoint=False, dtype=int)[:, np.newaxis], image, axis=1) data, i_list, j_list = [], [], [] count=0 for i in range(start_point, N - image - start_point, center_size): for j in range(0, max_distance//resol, center_size): jj = j + i # if jj + w <= N and i + w <= N: _oeMat = getLocal(oeMat, i, jj, image, N) if np.sum(_oeMat == 0) <= (image*image*sparsity): data.append(_oeMat) i_list.append(i + ioffset) j_list.append(jj + joffset) while len(data) >= batchsize or (i + center_size > N - image - start_point and len(data) > 0): count += len(data) bin_i = torch.tensor(np.stack(i_list[:batchsize], axis=0)).to(device) bin_j = torch.tensor(np.stack(j_list[:batchsize], axis=0)).to(device) targetX = torch.tensor(np.stack(data[:batchsize], axis=0)).to(device) bin_i = bin_i*resol bin_j = bin_j*resol data = data[batchsize:] i_list = i_list[batchsize:] j_list = j_list[batchsize:] # print(targetX.shape) # print(bin_i.shape) # print(bin_j.shape) with torch.no_grad(): with autocast(): pred = torch.sigmoid(model(targetX.float().to(device)))[slice_obj_pred].flatten() loop = torch.nonzero(pred>threshold).flatten().cpu() prob = pred[loop].cpu().numpy().flatten().tolist() frag1 = bin_i[slice_obj_coord].flatten().cpu().numpy()[loop].flatten().tolist() frag2 = bin_j[slice_obj_coord].flatten().cpu().numpy()[loop].flatten().tolist() loopwriter.write(_chrom,frag1,frag2,prob) if count == 0: badc.append(_chrom) if len(badc)==len(chrom): raise ValueError("polaris loop scorelf FAILED :( \nThe '-s' value needs to be increased for more sparse data.") else: print(f'\npolaris loop scorelf FINISHED :)\nLoopscore file saved at {output}') if len(badc)>0: print(f"But the size of {badc} are too small or their contact matrix are too sparse.\nYou may need to check the data or run these chr respectively by increasing -s.") if __name__ == '__main__': scorelf()