import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react'; import { useAppStore } from 'app/store/storeHooks'; import { $mouseOverNode } from 'features/nodes/hooks/useMouseOverNode'; import { $didUpdateEdge, $edgePendingUpdate, $pendingConnection, $templates, edgesChanged, useAddNodeCmdk, } from 'features/nodes/store/nodesSlice'; import { selectNodes, selectNodesSlice } from 'features/nodes/store/selectors'; import { getFirstValidConnection } from 'features/nodes/store/util/getFirstValidConnection'; import { connectionToEdge } from 'features/nodes/store/util/reactFlowUtil'; import { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react'; import type { EdgeChange, OnConnect, OnConnectEnd, OnConnectStart } from 'reactflow'; import { useUpdateNodeInternals } from 'reactflow'; import { assert } from 'tsafe'; export const useConnection = () => { const store = useAppStore(); const templates = useStore($templates); const updateNodeInternals = useUpdateNodeInternals(); const addNodeCmdk = useAddNodeCmdk(); const onConnectStart = useCallback( (event, { nodeId, handleId, handleType }) => { assert(nodeId && handleId && handleType, 'Invalid connection start event'); const nodes = selectNodes(store.getState()); const node = nodes.find((n) => === nodeId); if (!node) { return; } const template = templates[]; if (!template) { return; } const fieldTemplates = template[handleType === 'source' ? 'outputs' : 'inputs']; const fieldTemplate = fieldTemplates[handleId]; if (!fieldTemplate) { return; } $pendingConnection.set({ nodeId, handleId, handleType, fieldTemplate }); }, [store, templates] ); const onConnect = useCallback( (connection) => { const { dispatch } = store; const newEdge = connectionToEdge(connection); dispatch(edgesChanged([{ type: 'add', item: newEdge }])); updateNodeInternals([newEdge.source,]); $pendingConnection.set(null); }, [store, updateNodeInternals] ); const onConnectEnd = useCallback(() => { const { dispatch } = store; const pendingConnection = $pendingConnection.get(); const edgePendingUpdate = $edgePendingUpdate.get(); const mouseOverNodeId = $mouseOverNode.get(); // If we are in the middle of an edge update, and the mouse isn't over a node, we should just bail so the edge // update logic can finish up if (edgePendingUpdate && !mouseOverNodeId) { $pendingConnection.set(null); return; } if (!pendingConnection) { return; } const { nodes, edges } = selectNodesSlice(store.getState()); if (mouseOverNodeId) { const { handleType } = pendingConnection; const source = handleType === 'source' ? pendingConnection.nodeId : mouseOverNodeId; const sourceHandle = handleType === 'source' ? pendingConnection.handleId : null; const target = handleType === 'target' ? pendingConnection.nodeId : mouseOverNodeId; const targetHandle = handleType === 'target' ? pendingConnection.handleId : null; const connection = getFirstValidConnection( source, sourceHandle, target, targetHandle, nodes, edges, templates, edgePendingUpdate ); if (connection) { const newEdge = connectionToEdge(connection); const edgeChanges: EdgeChange[] = [{ type: 'add', item: newEdge }]; const nodesToUpdate = [newEdge.source,]; if (edgePendingUpdate) { $didUpdateEdge.set(true); edgeChanges.push({ type: 'remove', id: }); nodesToUpdate.push(edgePendingUpdate.source,; } dispatch(edgesChanged(edgeChanges)); updateNodeInternals(nodesToUpdate); } $pendingConnection.set(null); } else { // The mouse is not over a node - we should open the add node popover addNodeCmdk.setTrue(); } }, [addNodeCmdk, store, templates, updateNodeInternals]); const api = useMemo(() => ({ onConnectStart, onConnect, onConnectEnd }), [onConnectStart, onConnect, onConnectEnd]); return api; };