In what year did the parks department hold a meeting to solicit ideas? Where did Mary Morris Gamble Booth go with Sweet Briar's first junior-year program? What event caused the inability of the German Empire to cope? What did the Wicked Witch of the West say? When did the hunt start? What type of instruments will the ensemble play in the presentation? Who has already assembled evidence? What did the Pilgrims do to a perceived enemy? Who directed 'The Martian'? Who said "The solutions are good for all as they stand"? Who could not preach strict Catholic doctrine about sex with a straight face? What are the most common feelings tasted by black people in America? What is the trend in comic books for younger readers? What peninsula did the Deep Enders close in on? Who is the senior democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee? Who won the Stanley Cup with Crosby? When did the strip run? Who has raised the question of security threats posed by migrants? What talk show featured female defectors? What is happening? In what city was the newborn discovered? What did the school board increase public spending on? Ms. Davis has asked Judge David L. Bunning to put a hold on his orders requiring what? Who is one of the nation's most senior officials? What country has stricter rules on nitrogen oxide emissions? When were the 151 hand-typed note cards created? In what year did she become the youngest captain in the Sheriff's Department? What is included in the exhibition "Alexander, Napoleon and Josephine"? How many people in South Sudan face severe food insecurity? What country uses the euro? Who did the man try to film? Where were my family and I having lunch? Who was Mr. Rodham's former lawyer? What does static scoring bias? What party does Liz Krueger belong to? Who was Josh Weeks in the audience for? Who had 19 points, 11 assists and 7 rebounds? Why was further military action necessary? What was the religion of the author? What was the average viewership of the first three episodes? Where is Bruno located? What are the permanent members of the Security Council? What is "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" also about? Where was the game played? What does the question now turn from? What is moving so much faster than the regulators can keep up with? What happened to Zachary Hammond? Who is Wenger's assistant? Which two states have the most severe water crises? Who was asked what was next for Towns in his development? Who said they were hopeful that the veto would hold up? What is the age range of the viewers? What do black-and-white images depict? Officials backing demolition say debates over what have gone too long? What is the topic of the United Nations gathering? What is the main flaw of Burnt? Who is the comedian at the KINGSTON Ulster Performing Arts Center? What matters more? What is the name of the exhibition? Who is Tom Freston? Who was the college player of the year in 2013? Who sided with Anita? What is the most expensive disease? What is the name of the process used in conventional budget analysis? Who drives the North American box office? What do conservative politicians oppose raising to livable levels? Who killed Muhammad Abu Khdeir? What is the current circulation of Playboy? Who did the Iraqi refugees flee from? Who was the player of the year for St. John's in Queens in 1985? What channel is NIGHT TOO on? What party is Jeremy Corbyn the leader of? Volkswagen said it would be able to bring its diesel cars in line with which country's clean-air standards? What could cuts create in the country? What country objected strongly to the verdict of history? How much did public spending on private school placement for special education students grow between 2010-11 and 2013-14? Who is Mr. Reed creating a work for? What does Apple's own search engine allow users to do? What is the caption on the movie poster on the F train? Why did Hirosi Saito want to meet with the US secretary of state? What country is providing advanced courses for military professionals? What did I find in her cupboards? On what day of the week did Mr. Netanyahu make his new demand? Who is Doug Shadel? What team was struggling in New York? Who remained active in the Assembly after his arrest and indictment? What does Ms. Ross work just as hard on? What is my favorite part of this outfit? What is the unemployment rate that employers are starting to offer workers higher raises? Why did Hungary decide to shut its border with Croatia? What ingredient is used in Breyers ice cream? Who explained the open doors of the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph? What is Eva S. Moskowitz's job? Who directed "Selma"? What is another name for RBG? What was the second stop on the tour? What does the author say? When did Ildefons Cerda draw up the plan for the expansion of Barcelona? What was Mr. Redstone's total compensation at CBS? What type of train is used? Who did Atticus defend in the 1930s? What was widely disliked by voters? The new version of Apple TV includes a remote control that could be used as what? What does the app let you explain? What does Towns do with Garnett? Who doubts Mr. Trump will be the Republican nominee? Where did catastrophes occur in 2015? What religion did Mr. Carson say he did not think a Muslim should be president? The ruling is one of several indications that some resolution between what may be approaching? Donald J. Trump recently suggested what? What case are no longer "allegations"? How much did Mr. Huckabee raise in 2008? What was the concern about the directive? What did the Syrian refugees make available to some businesses? What percentage of his investment did Song Tairan lose? Which county is investigating the case? When is more snow expected? What does nobody ever sit you down and say? What university did Ellen Langer attend? What would the bipartisan proposal to overhaul the criminal justice system do? Who lasted just five innings? When was the memorial service held? Who did he fail to give persuasive evidence to? What movie immortalized the arched walkways? What did Charles Michel complain about? Why did he become an artist? What seems to have disappeared? What was Charley Hoffman's score in the first round of the Texas Open? What is the ADX covered with? What has been used to power the early railroad? What does Rebekah Jean Duthie gather with friends for? Who was the Award of Courage honoree? What people are sick and tired of hearing about Mrs. Clinton's emails? Where did the Library of Congress add "Songs in the Key of Life"? What entombed their corpses from the elements for thousands of years? Who can help us? How many people gathered at Mr. Dostum's palace? Who is the coach of Arizona? Why did Simon Magakwe miss the 2016 Olympics? How long ago was the civil rights movement? Who led the N.H.L. entering Tuesday's games? What is the name of the fair that combines art and design? How many games was Peterson suspended for last season? Is Mr. Osborne respected by every Tory? What did Christie fear New Jersey would be responsible for? What year was the play written? When will another series of domestic military base closings be approved? What country has an annual kite-flying festival? What does the Venice sign serve as? What finger did Jason Pierre-Paul lose in a fireworks accident? What is Julia Moskin's recipe for? When did Mr. Shoemaker read the book? What part of the country was the gambling market located in? What did Mr. Myers's family insist? What part of Iran is Pouzekhoon located in? What is the name of the largest iron mine in the Middle East? What are the leading causes of pollution in Iran? What is the range of prices for a Yale ID? Who is the deputy director general of general and bilateral economic affairs at Turkey's foreign ministry? When did Cardinal Ortega give a radio interview? How many crossings are on Long Island? On what day of the week did Loretta E. Lynch speak? Who emigrated from Trinidad? What is Mr. Rodham's profession? What is at the center of the exhibition? What was his goal when he sounded the alarm this summer? What is the largest faith in my city? Who are the main two traffickers? Who is Jamie Dimon? What was his job in 2004? Who invaded the Crimean Peninsula last year in unmarked uniforms? When does the season begin? Where has the right-to-work policy become law? What band should you stay on for a stronger, faster wireless connection? What is the issue of maternity tourism by middle-class foreigners? How many classes are being provided by the United States Army? What team did Coach Claude Julien coach? Who was the director of field operations? Who is the chairman and chief executive of Interpublic? Who welcomed the Supreme Court's action? What was the inflation rate in the eurozone in November? What is the name of the man who was suspected of receiving military training? What did Motley paint? Who was the editor of The Minimalist? What company did we buy from 28 West 44th Street? Where did Porzingis spend time? In what state was the Sarasota Police Department halted its body camera program? What have big brewers used as adjuncts to malted barley? Where were the cats placed to look like sleeping house cats? What was one of the largest operators of for-profit colleges and trade schools in the country? What creates ideal growing conditions? What story did Ken Kalfus publish in 2003? Who is the Italian foreign minister? What did Stump call Cobb in his biography? What does Ms. Clément's production try to do? What would dams do for the money? What is her current position? What is lacking in the body type women desire? Who plays Diane? Who is Mr. Rodham's brother-in-law? What network did Mr. Drobny co-found? Who is Danny Sullivan? Why do drug companies discard good ideas? Why did the group file its first class action? What was part of her release conditioned on? What happened to his round? What is a small but increasingly critical part of the business? Who is Irvine's chancellor? When did Lebanon's civil war end? In what year did the two come to the idea of an alternative approach to neuroscience? Who is the president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals? Does the bill make it harder for the department to raise the minimum insurance requirements for trucks and buses? What was the lowest level of the euro against the dollar since June 7, 2010? What is the name of Jack, the Giant? What was the name of the restaurant we were eating at? What competitions did the swimmer win in a major competition? How does the tiny fish age? What phenomenon came to be? What is the minimum temperature to freeze fish for killing parasites? When did Mr. Harper-Mercer pace? What feature of the Dodgers did he use against them? What company is not a broken company? Where did the incident take place? What state has a soybean association? Who arranged the fly-in? How long is the Firefighter II? Who has Aristos Doxiadis been critical of in the past? What did Ms. Brody do after the crossing arm closed onto her car? What type of devices run the Android software? When did Mosul fall to the Islamic State? Who have been targets of buffoonish, vulgar caricatures and cartoons? What show did Mr. Araeen organize in London? Who replaced Mr. D'Andrea as head of the drone program? Who was the Giants quarterback? What was covering the new addition's wings and tail? What city was home to the first professional baseball team? What did Barnum say about the American people? Who is the president of the European Central Bank? Who is the Mercedes motorsport director? What are some of the symptoms of spice users being rushed to hospitals? What was Mr. Harrell in prison for? What year will the "jobs gap" be closed? Which team will play at the Saints? How many vators pursue leads that can be patented? Who endorsed the need for action in East Ramapo? What did Visa recently pegged Visa Europe's value to be? What was Steve Jobs an absolute master at using to sell things? Along with cookies and crackers, what type of food does Eskisehir export to Russia? How many days after Mr. Sweat's death did a state police sergeant find him? Who officiated at the Museum of the City of New York? Where is the catheter typically inserted in an anesthetized patient to examine the small ducts that drain the liver or gallbladder? Who is Trebor Banstetter? How much will the courses cost? What is the name of the piano duo at the TUCKAHOE Westchester Italian Cultural Center? When did I get to know SALONEN? Who is the director of Russian studies at the University of Rochester? What is the problem with the man's foot? What did Mr. Abou Zeid say about the current trash crisis? What did the Advocacy Institute say Judge Bork was? Who plays Nick's wife, Bea? Where did the trail of blood lead? How many crossings are in New Jersey? Where did Paleontologists discover a distant relative of Triceratops? Who is accelerating the pace of negotiations with Iran? What Precinct are the detectives from? In what year did he say that the state was falling apart? What player is being brought back on a below-market contract? What can we do? How many housing vouchers are available to Dallas area residents? Where did the Lowes lure the children? What did Hakeem Jeffries implement? What is withheld from her and Randy when they arrive in Vienna? What channel has the Seattle Police Department set up? What has always mattered in comedy? What team has been able to lure Dortmund's finest players? What sport does Mr. Kaba play? Where did she attend graduate school? What did the party and government do to prevent the rout? What did the host say to Mr. Oyelowo when he participated in a bit with Mr. Harris? What political party does Deborah J. Glick belong to? Who reminded us why she's the front-runner? Who are Mr. Koch and his brother trading compliments with? What do car keys include to prevent theft? Where did Ms. Harper bring her son? What did Mr. Maduro do in response to the ban? Who stabbed Mr. Watkins? What was the final score of the Rangers game? When did the ambulance team reach Mr. Harrell? When was Pete Rose barred from the game? Who won at Talladega Superspeedway? What did some worry that the charges against him could do? What country is a major regional power? Who did the Americans find lacking in soldierly skills? Who was sharing the stage with Mr. Teicher? What is Idmark dos Santos da Silva serving time for? How many of the last six world titles has the United States won? How have adults treated them? What were they advised not to make to the police? Would I be comfortable or uncomfortable attending a same-sex vows in the style of a Catholic mass? Along with Syria, what country has a longer route through Iran? Who is the closest thing the American West has to a water cop? Where can the same information be found? What has hindered investment banks ability to provide liquidity in the market? Where is Ms. Shelley from? What did she open to rediscover the forgotten archives of her great uncles? After what war did Gens. What is great about it? How much money is President Obama calling for for Amtrak next year? What rating did our readers give it? What is the name of the daring interim chapter? What office was established after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001? Who said she was struck by Welles's account of a wine-soaked session with Ernest Hemingway? How can art be an important part of a promotional package? What is the combined market value of the media empire? What type of weapons are used for mass shootings? How many daughters did he have? What shape is the economy of the United States in? Who is paying their kids' tuition? What is the recent rise in mailed catalogs? What are some of the teams Davis played against on the road? What type of violence did a demonstration in support of President Sisi escape? How did the attack begin? Who did not attend the auto show? Who wrote "We hope he will give us another chance"? What did Exxon fail as a global citizen? Which political parties lashed out at the newly appointed director of the Secret Service? What is the first time in Disney's history that a studio releases two films in the same year? What did Chinese officials insist to the Thai government? For how many years have most lenders' wholesale units destroyed value? What has DuPont repeatedly done? Who wrote the screenwriting guide "Story"? Where was the most dangerous public housing project located? Who questioned the fairness of some of the comparisons? How many new iPhones did Apple sell in its opening weekend? When is the event? What is the case study in "Digging for Fire"? Who leads the cast? What did Mr. Dostum turn his pink palace into? What did Mr. Brezner's comedic energy rebound through? What do we know about him? What type of institutions make up the Great West Conference? What is the name of the AMC series that will be broadcast on April 5? When did the city's foster care population peak? How many officers have been suspended? What does unfinished business mean? Why did the story go viral? How many seats were Conservatives talking about winning? How long did it last? Where does the hajj pilgrimage take place? How old was Mattingly when he quit? What is the name of the Slovenian border town? On what side of the political spectrum have anti-immigrant parties raised the question of security threats posed by migrants? Who said they weren't going to do anything until they saw where he was? What did Mapstone vow to do? Who did John Kerry meet with over the weekend? Where was the Valentine's Day concert held? What informs identity? Why did the plans go forward? Who was the spokesman for the Interior Ministry? What is the name of the industry research firm Dave Nadig works for? Who is the Queens district attorney? When do the oldest sections of the jail date from? Does he plan to live in Malta? What does every computer, tablet and smartphone ship with? How much did the movie earn in the seven weeks after its release? What country has European investment banks lost market share to? Who says the idea of tenure has such a strong hold in American education? What did the Italian "condominio" allow residents to do with their homes? What does Yazan Halwani combine? Who is Jane Carpenter? What did Wilma Liebman feel for the players' argument? What was the cause of his death? What agency was implicated in the surveillance abuses? Why is cheaper energy good for companies? What horse is trained by Rick Violette? What is the name of the prominent Israeli lawyer? What is the age of children that would qualify for state-funded Medi-Cal? What type of paintings are Hudson River Moods? How many consecutive games have the Spurs won at home? What theater is known for its interactive murder mysteries? What did GreenTech receive special treatment in the handling of? What is the job of Senator Gillibrand in New York? What is it their duty to do? What is the name of the more conservative party? What caught Ms. Basford and her publisher off guard? What hashtag do we use on social media? Who was the Chancellor of Germany? What is the name of Microsoft's competing product? Who did Dior collaborate with for 10 years? What does the author value? What may be nearing for investment banks? What is Business Insider? How many hits did the Dodgers get in six innings? What is the name of the search engine that connects sports fans to bars? How much will the courses cost? How old was Shaimaa al-Sabbagh? Who created sound works for Daata? What is Wu Rongrong taking medication for? Where is Jang Ki Lim a minister? How old was my mother when she graduated high school? Who's budget for 2016 asks for $1.94 billion? What are the troops learning to break open a door with? What symbol is etched on diamonds that have passed quality assurance tests? What is the name of the 17-year-old advanced student at the school? What are the names of the two Republicans? How many years ago was Hollande ready to bomb Syria? Who is the Republican majority leader in the Senate? What time does the Stamford Art Association close on Saturdays and Sundays? How much did John Rakis spend in less than two years for caregivers? What is the name of the safety consultant? What is the company seeking permission to do? What is the new dietary recommendation to limit? Who raised questions about the potential cost? What was the name of one of the pair? What did the woman say when she got off the first bus that pulled into Sentlij border crossing? What is the name of Cate Blanchett's character? What faction of the party announced it would vote no on the new proposals? What company failed to take appropriate actions when it learned that a defective ignition switch in vehicles it sold caused injuries and deaths? What is the name of the Pentagon's command that conducts strikes? Who did the 30-year-old man kill? Who issued the report? Who illustrated Ramón's literary works? Through what date? What movement did your careers unfold at the forefront of? Who starred in the original ABC sitcom as Danny Tanner? What does Woods do if he is worried about his game? What else do the maps display? How much does a family of four pay Henley to apply? When did the Detroit auto show take place? What type of sugar is needed? Who would he ask for help from? How many refugees have fled to Lebanon? Where did Talbot play college hockey? Who earns points in designated prep races? Where was the Clinton Correctional Facility located? What did Santa surprise his charges with? What is another name for the strange ones? Where can you get treats in Singapore? What city is Union Pool located in? Who did the team trade for? What did the first questioner say at a Trump town hall event? What did the technical fixes proposed by Volkswagen appear to be? What is the name of the network of schools in Connecticut and Rhode Island? What was the system referred to as? What did the Ukrainians want to do? What did Travis do when the game ended? How many gold medals did the swimmer win? Who is the creator of "black-ish"? What would the building come with if it was for sale? How much does Amtrak pay each year? When did Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling get to 300 strikeouts in a season? What did the campaign to bar Ms. Greer from giving a lecture raise the issue of? How do we treat neuroscience and robotics? What other medal has Keflezighi won? What are the names of the triplets in the musical retelling? What is the address of the collegestreetmusichall? What did the union suggest the tentative agreement used? What is the job title of Ian Rogers? What does Ms. Fortier say you have to be? What is the name of the N.B.A. podcast? Who was once a league darling? How many copies has Secret Garden sold? What will persist whether or not marijuana use is legal? Who is the grandson of the company's founder? What did David Makovsky say that Mr. Obama appeared to be doing? What makes me blush? Where is J. Patryce Design located? Who retired abruptly last week because of lingering health concerns? What were Ms. Quick's motives for lying? Who could use the results of an investment to develop and market drugs? Who is a neuropharmacologist at the University of Toronto? Who is the owner of ABC Cocina? What type of views was he known to express as a member of Parliament? What will Querrey have to do before deciding if he can represent the US in the Davis Cup? What is Ms. Andino's profession? What are the names of his daughters? Who has been denied communion? Who built the fortress of racial prejudice? What did we keep away from? What are synthetic cannabinoids? What does he write? How many points did Nic Moore score? What are the unschooled troops learning how to use? What type of government was elected after the ouster of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali? How many US financial institutions had failed by the mid-1990s? What did Pentax Medical disinfect? What year did Tiant go 15-6 with a 1.91 E.R.A.? How much is the Valentino top? What did David Murphy test at a short range of 11 feet and a long range of 43 feet? What ranch did she devote most of her time to? What did the Americans find about the Ukrainians in the first two weeks of training? What do the black-and-white images depict? What city did Islamic State hold? Who is the chef and owner of Chomp Chomp? Who would advise turning an accidental blob of paint on canvas to "another happy tree"? What state was Mr. Bush governor of? Where does David J. Leonard work? Who is Matheny? Mario Santoyo is what? What do you need to do when listening to these words? What does Mr. van Horssen say he has to run? Who identified Logan Tipton? What was the first thing I regretted saying? What was Ms. Chen unable to answer questions about? Who is the director of the city's Education Department? Who does DuPont suspect is a Trojan horse? How many video, sound and digital artists will be commissioned once a year? How many years did we own the building with them? Who does the Patriots offensive line have to keep off quarterback Tom Brady? What happens to farms and families when there is less water? What would Cosmo Sex Tips be turned into? Who did Towns try to learn as much as possible from? What are enterprises looking for solutions to help them transition to the new style of I.T.? How many hours does it take to generate a double? Who did God grant dominion over the fish of the sea? Why could Stanley not accept the scene? What did the troops hear? What was Sullivan's career before becoming a coach? What did Roger Ver offer for his attacker's arrest? Who is the journalist's employer? Where has a suspect been indicted? Who was the first pitcher to reach 20 wins this season? Who was a White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush? When was the Metropolitan Club founded? When did Moreno make his first appearance? Who objected to abortion restrictions in the bill? Through what year will Intel continue to support a separate talent search? Who did I not compare myself to? Who cooked up a tabletop dispenser for incense, LSD, opium and laughing gas? How many delegates voted in favor of divestment and boycott? Since when has the building been in the same hands? What is Mr. Brand known for? What type of buyers often have another option when they do not feel like driving? Why was he arrested? What does Sepp Blatter go by? What did Trice do when his two free throws dropped? What is the Truth and Dignity Commission? How big is the house? What is the name of the plumber? What are the core members of China's new feminist movement accused of? What business lines did the report say had improved? Why did most Nationalist soldiers flee to Taiwan? In what year did he plead guilty to a felony drug conspiracy charge? What did Benzema say to Valbuena? What can make up for population stresses? Who does Kate Reinders do an impression of? What does the continued existence of the Export-Import Bank turn more on than legal niceties? Did Olshan reply to phone and email messages seeking comment? Where does Lee drop Jude off? What is the name of the art center? Where are the middle-income businesses located? Who noticed that the clay in a nearby Cornish hill resembled the kaolin described in newly published letters from China? Who is the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America? What is the address of the rocklandartcenter? How many E.T.F.s does BlackRock have under management? How many people watched Red vs. Blue? Who requested that the authority review its standards? What is Samuel Harrell's history of erratic behavior linked to? What is still overwhelmingly white? What is the name of the book? What was the most difficult decision? Who fears that they could be implicated in the testimony of the defendants? Where is the United States District Court located? What is the gross proceeds of the offering expected to be? What is the name of the collective that created the snail sculpture? What movie made Martha's Vineyard a household name? How long could Iran's provinces become uninhabitable? Who prepared the legal and personal material to support Mr. Norris's clemency application? Where can you save them? Who was Nishikori's coach? On what is it inconceivable that you would go to a search box? What did many people begin to increase their consumption of? Where did Mr. Canby defend against a charge by some critics? What is to blame for Wi-Fi headaches? What did he say about the demands the department received for video during the testing period? How many apprentices were white? What did Trian assert about DuPont? What was the name of the United States team that won the Women's World Cup in 1991? What did Mr. Harris wear to the sketch? What was inside the tacos al pastor? Who did Jim Crow deny service to? How many games were played in Week 7? Who did Pablo Picasso leave behind when he left Barcelona for Paris? What did she change when she moved? When was Kevin Keller introduced? What eludes his grasp? When was Kythera founded? What are most of the practicing analysts eager to learn about? Who does he Skype with? Who's actions may have been motivated by frustration with Norman's smothering defense? Who is bigger than the brand? What is happening to the annex? What was the derogatory reference to? How old is Mr. Sweat? Who did Mr. Erdogan claim was running the opposition H.D.P. campaign? Where was the discovery made? If the pact between the two men is what, the prime minister could rue his Machiavellian maneuvers? When did Mr. Thomas retire? What is her specialty? Who was second after a 68? Where was the parking lot near the hospital? What shape is the staircase? In what year was Ted born? Who was the prime minister of Australia in 2007? What game did Kearse play at Butler's expense? What is the name of the Newark Black Film Festival Youth Cinema? What day of the week did Joan Shelley perform? Who wrote Prudence? How many United States Army trainers are providing military instruction? Which city is closer to Europe than Tora Bora? Who recounted how one of the Yale men kept trying to sneak onto the first-class deck from third class? How much did the median worker with a bachelor's degree earn in 2014? Who is the author of M TRAIN? In what country is the advertising giant Interpublic Group of Companies gaining a stronger foothold? Who was the first to separate twins conjoined at the head? On what day of the week can you brine the bird? What is the name of Adele's new album? What do you want when you board a plane? How many dinner guests were there on Tuesday? What is the expanded array of that will offer video games, shopping and travel tools? What did Dolan testify during the trial? What country did he join for a summer of exhibitions? When did the interview take place? How many Tony Awards has Mr. Rylance won? How many Japanese artists were featured in the exhibition? What country is in a civil war? On what day of the week did Karen organize a small gathering to celebrate Sandy's life? How many people do I have in here? How many hours does it take to generate a double? What country's government will be picking the winners and losers? Who gets his way? Who centers J. T. Miller and Jesper Fast? How many languages has Secret Garden been released in? Was coloring books for adults a thing? What is the name of the book that Fort narrates? What did Marie Harf say the negotiations with Iran were only about? What borough is the house located in? What could affect the Knicks' approach to the draft? Who was the grandfather of the children burned in Duma? What is the name of the place where social media is encouraged during selected performances? What is the general admission fee for the museum? What was the name of the Tom Cruise movie? What was the temperature in Central Park at 7:29 a.m.? What age athletes were on the bus that was involved in the collision? Who was assassinated in Yekaterinburg? Who noticed that the Ukrainians were carrying rifles with the safeties off? What ripped through the first passenger car? What did Austria step up? What company is Blue Rider a division of? How many women in the 2015 field have personal bests of 2:22:38 or better? What trophy did the Celtics win in 2014? What was the score of Evan Turner for the Celtics? Where is the piece of millennial art set? How much was the Lobster Maxime? Who are the world powers? What temperature should you bake at? Who is the Boston shortstop? Who is dialing back its stimulus? Where were the wildlife officer and Port Authority police summoned to? How much money does Google have in the bank? What did the young composer compose? Where is the dollar store located? Why are people looking into Clinton Hill instead of Fort Greene? How many other victims were wounded? What university did I attend in the mid-1980s? What is the name of the Representative who has three children? What was the name of George Lucas's previous film? When did I attend the University of North Carolina? What month did Tropical Storm Erika hit Dominica? Who was the driver? What else did I do to? Who will he meet on the island? Who bounced back from a poor performance? Who was the person at Aveling's expense? Where is Ms. Clyne's apartment located? Who is deliberating on these issues? What city has just added another outstanding museum exhibition? Who does Manuel Leite de Arajo represent? What percentage of equipment was manufactured in the past decade? What week did Coughlin play a significant role? What did the Americans find about the Ukrainians in the first two weeks of training? What did Mr. Disisto claim he was the victim of? What was the time of Madonna's interview? What temporary visa program is being used by Toys "R" Us? Who is a veteran of "Saturday Night Live"? How many counties does the council represent? What year did Mr. Rasputin say civilization came to an end? Where did the Department of Transportation sponsor research? Who is the chief executive of Viacom? What is the virtual currency for hostage takers? How many years did you live there? How much did the bank aim to cut costs by? What did Gary Cohn have no concerns about? Who said he had no idea Mr. Harper-Mercer cared so deeply about guns? Where was Ms. Moss when she was preparing to return to rehearsal? Who financed the science and technology competition for middle school students? What country is rapidly becoming Hollywood's Hollywood? How many other states have banned cities from enacting paid sick leave? How many reports did state poison control centers receive in the first three weeks of April? What form does Dr. Ryan say a large portion of cases involve? What is the name of Jafar Panahi's latest film? What is Ms. Smith about to do? Where was the gymnasium located? Who is the director of Arizona's Department of Water Resources? How many new jobs would the overhauled plan create? How many chain stores were in the Bronx in 2014? What street is it located on? Who swore she had not seen Mr. Hincapie on the subway platform when the murder happened? Who were the sweethearts? What medal did Fabrizio Donato win at the 2012 London Olympics? What country did Entang Wiharso represent in the Venice Biennale? What are the activists pioneering? Who gave an artist talk? What did the Patriots do to give Brady one more chance? What language is some of the work by Poles on the Holocaust now available in? What was the nation's most popular tourist destination? What was Morris Wilkins' former profession? What did the game make the player realize? What is "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" about? How does the last suite of Wild Tales begin? Who did Trinity High School's linebacker run over? What is the name of the book written by Robert Draper? What was the purpose of the video? What is the name of the restaurant in Greenwich Village? What type of contract did Ed Reed sign? Who is the Mississippi state epidemiologist? How many people died in clashes with police on the anniversary? What type of design did the couple want in their home? Where did he write about his experience? What is the central point of the debate? What was the expected completion date for the institute? When did Henrik Lundqvist hit his throat? What appliance does not get cold enough? Who aids Poliuto? Who was cooperating with the government? Who were the educators accused of sexually assaulting? What is the last day to generate money? Adventism has faced tensions with which churches? What did the 2015 appropriations bill bar the Justice Department from doing? What is not clear that the public will ever fully know the depths of? Who is Margrethe Vestager? Where did he later serve as station chief? What is the name of the show where scenes are culled from the wastebaskets of the staff? Who started his 13th season with the Cleveland Cavaliers? When is open? How many homers did Young hit? What does John Yates do to avoid a fine? What is the riskiest of the many high-yield funds that investors have been piling into in recent years? Along with Ghana and Sierra Leone, what countries will be represented at the event? What did a federal judge do to Delta Air Lines' claim? What was Thomas Pieters' score at the KLM Open? What type of politicians oppose raising the minimum wage? Where is Big Brother watching from? What is Pascal Dupuis' profession? Who is Slimane? What team was Gallardo traded to? Who wrote "Dept. of Speculation"? How many touchdowns did the Washington State sophomore throw? What does the law grant? What is one of the goals of the mayor? How much did Mr. Edwards earn a week? On what day did the Labor Department say it would try to do something about the last problem? Who was Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi? Where is the Loft Artists Association located? Who wrote a dissent in Yates v. United States? Where did T bring her for an exploration of American sportswear? What did many students feel during the previous year? What did Arielle Sosland base her musical on? Where is the Oliver Wolcott Library located? How much of America's vegetables does California supply? What was Carly Fiorina's career? What are the similarities in the cases against Microsoft and Google? What do I do when I find something that works? What is Donatella Versace's role since Mr. Versace's death? Where did Hana work with child refugees? What percentage of searches does Google claim in Europe? What company was questioned about its ability to return to financial strength? Who may approve a plan to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers among member states? What company said it would pay $1.625 billion in cash and issue 8.1 million shares to acquire Welch Allyn? What test did Bank of America pass last year? Who wrote the play "Ubu Roi"? What party did he call on left-leaning parties to join together to defeat? How many times were the verdicts repeated? What was there a huge increase in online? Where is GeneU's shop located? What day of the week was the victory? What awkward phrase does Ms. Slaughter prefer? Where is Interpublic based? How many members of the Top Level Group signed the letter? Where is William Mulholland? What is the tub made from? Who was overcome with compassion for Woods? Who is the acting director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control at the Treasury Department? What was the cause of death determined to be? What did Ms. Sandberg plead for? What organization does the European Union belong to? How big is the property? What do Iranian leaders insist if they need more time to reach a deal? Who is the chief executive of Wincor Nixdorf? What does the survey assess? What does the law granting veterans' benefits consider when determining whether a marriage is valid? Who did Picasso become an important friend of? In what month did he perform his last public performance? How long does it take to get to Stepney Green from Victoria station? Who painted "Venus and Adonis"? What is the maximum subsidy for a three-bedroom apartment in Dallas? Who is the Texas Southern coach? What type of music does Catie Curtis play? What does it appear that Muslims don't condemn enough? Which country is the solitary power? What did Evelyn Roth do with discarded videotape film? What position does the Cardinals have a 36-year-old? Who is involved in a lawsuit against Chiquita? What did Allergan pay for Kythera Biopharmaceuticals? Why did Sheldon Silver relinquish his duties? Who tries to prevent Dr. Thackery from returning to the hospital? What did he say? What country was one of the critics of the agreement? Who is the center's executive director? What is the story of the Shanleys? What was happening to him when he was taken back to his cell? Who starred in the movie Minority Report? What types of dance are presented in Korea? What state is the Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association a part of? What did a white Cleveland policeman do to two black motorists? Is there more or less water available? How many village reservoirs in Kerman Province have dropped below levels needed to sustain the population? Who provided financial backing to iSight Partners? What day of the week was it? What would the proposals raise taxes on? What is Balducci's profession? What do the last three features unfold like? Where did they live in the 1960's? Who was replaced as head of the drone program by Chris Wood? What program was used to fight global warming? What was the name of the exclusive wine that was introduced last month? What is the strong ale Old Peculier named after? What was pt. smoking? Where did Russia begin burning and burying food items? How many years before Dent was born were the Yankees involved in a similar make-or-break game? Where did street-level entrepreneurs collect money that rappers were leaving on the table? Who is reunited with Alex? What did an Iranian general declare about the destruction of Israel? What was the name of Mizoguchi's 1936 feature? What college did the bride graduate from? What company charges customers based on size? What did investigators find at the rail crossing? Where would you like to transfer to? What is the name of the gallery in POUND RIDGE? Why is the homing lizard sharing his email address? Who said the governing structure would help advance the project quickly? What league does Bayern not have to be the best in to win? When did fashion plunge? What is the next best thing if the person can't communicate clearly during a health crisis? The new services come after what? What type of rigor does DeWitt apply to a riotously imaginative premise? Who is the purveyor of Little Dickens rooibos blend? Where do I live now? Who initiated its own investigation into Mr. Tian? What was the total amount of the bids? Who's reputation did Mr. Rather and Mary Mapes want to tarnish? When did Kiev ask the US for help? Where did Russian soldiers invade last year? Who narrates how as a kid he had run out of everything but peach labels for the tinned food at his parents' store? What perfumery is right next to a Davidoff of Geneva cigar shop? Why do I need a nap? Along with Arjen Robben, who was injured in the match against Barcelona? When did $200 mean something? What percentage of the American grain supply is coming from parts of the country where the aquifers are depleted? Who was Michael S. Dukakis? What type of project is she writing? What is the movie like? What does the projection device do? What river are Jessie and Virginia splashing in? What is the supposed quarterback controversy in Cleveland about? Who is the lead prosecutor? What could be revised higher when the government publishes its second estimate? What league is facing litigation? What did the first lady's dress cling to her hips like? What was the man suspected of recruiting? How long did it take for him to arrive at letting-go enlightenment? What is the name of the network of charter schools? What was the name of the same-sex partner he married in 2012? How many countries does Malta have double taxation treaties with? What did the research group recently publish? Who could pressure Mr. Maduro to shift course economically? Who is Aron Johannsson? Who did Mr. Menendez accept gifts from? What is Bobby Flay's recipe for? Who will soon run for another four-year term as FIFA president? Who has not been able to explain why it took more than a year to discover that information was leaving its systems at a tremendous rate? Where is Dix Hills Animal Hospital located? What country does Mr. Hamid meditate on? Where does Steward Johnson live? What did many of our teachers bring to the classroom? What program did Ms. Pierpont graduate from? What percentage of BlackRock's clients are buy-and-hold investors? What is the name of the church that is not the St. James's? What is a fundamental pillar of democracy at stake? When was Dr. Schatz's letter written? What language was the indictment written in? Why was a Democratic super PAC created? When could an agreement be announced? Who complained about the breast enhancement ad? Who did Tom Coughlin text after the accident? What was the analysis based on? How long did the pension plan pay employees? What did GreenTech seek for its Chinese investors? What do arcane laws encourage? What did many people begin to increase their consumption of? What did Judith L. Kennedy express in a letter? What is the name of the event that raises funds for Girls Prep Schools? What is Carey Price's job? How much has the value of the property increased in the years since it was built? How was the fireplace lined up with the front door? What two trade groups did Unilever bring on to give the program bona fide? What did it not matter that what Mr. Yates destroyed was not a document? What was the tamarind eggplant topped with? Where did Ms. Sabbagh lay a wreath of flowers? What does the sugar refinery use as raw material? What is in flux? What did Mr. Silver predict? How many head coaches has he burned through? Could the board still decide not to award a license? What is in doubt about Mrs. Clinton's correspondence? What unlocks the door? How long was the trial? Who criticized Mr. Abbott's carbon emissions reduction targets? Who finds out that Paolina has married? How many more years did he buy himself? Where is the courthouse located? What has Mr. D'Andrea convinced lawmakers about the C.I.A. strikes? Who was on the bus with Sandy? What is Mr. McConnell a die-hard protector of? What did Mr. Pollak learn how to deal with? What kind of sense of humor did he have? What is the painstaking process of? What kind of perspective does Prudence have? Who has enlisted the help of Clark Patterson Lee? In what city are the proposals facing a battle? Who builds the dressing? How long after her amnestic M.C.I. diagnosis had she progressed to Alzheimer's disease? Who is the company's chief executive? On what day of the week were legislative elections held? How many farmers have signed up for the program? What did Ted Weisberg initially think of the message? What did editorials in China's state-run news media celebrate? What is the name of the center fielder who dropped the fly ball? What did Pyongyang say about South Korea? Who is a lawyer for Prisoners' Legal Services? Who was allegedly raped? How many years ago did you swear you were going to stop? Mr. Milne asked lawmakers to vote according to their districts' choices in November, not what? What do you have to go through every chord when you go through a score? What was his average per game for his career? What was the plan to build? How many days had oil rallied? What will foreigners not be allowed to inspect? What culture did the "traditional" view of sexuality separate the early church from? Is Mr. Osborne respected by every Tory? Who runs through Times Square in his underpants? Who did Laudomia Pucci attest to? What was Dr. Leal studying? Where was the Foreign Ministry located? Who did Mr. Tsipras agree to survey every move he and his government make? What colors are the studies in? Who stepped down as manager of the Yankees? Who is Playboy's chief executive? Why is Ms. Shurrab focusing her appeals on Mr. Abbas? How many innings did it take to strike out seven Padres? What is the starting price for sound, web and digital works? Matt Harvey strutted around what mound? What is cholesterol found in? When did Mr. Kohlberg start working at Bear Stearns? What did the officer say? What did he want during his incarceration? What was the nationality of the reporters? Where did the government ask for help from the US? What does Poblenou mean? Who is the mayor of New York? Who replaced Mr. Rudd? What show does Mr. Clarkson host? When did Investigation Discovery debut in the US? What would you like to see me write? Who was the magazine's editorial director? Who is Mrs. Chow married to? How did banks raise cash? Where did Ms. Le Pen launch her regional elections campaign? When will the managing director class be inducted? What kind of screenings are included in the new coverage? Who has struggled to control the flow of synthetic cannabinoids? What is the name of the theater that was recently renamed? What does Pierre Bell call the men and women who find their peace after-hours? Whose office was responsible for the statement? When did the ferry capsize? What guides the study and helps explore the application guidelines? Who posted a self-portrait on Instagram? Who did Hillary Clinton remove from her Instagram feed? What did the police confiscate from Mr. Yu's apartment? What was Mr. Hatz referring to? What did the campaign promote? In what neighborhood was the annex to the Brooklyn Children's Museum located? What did Seventh Generation do about it? What is David Ganek a collector of? What city is the company based in? What did people hear and go home? What type of company did the company gain $4.23 on? What did Dorian Carbonell Fernandez use to sculpt Robert Richard Esteves's eyebrows? What made it difficult to go house to house to assess the damage? What is one reason national federations might not be more forthcoming? Who was the main character of the moral? How long has Johannsson played with the Dutch club AZ Alkmaar? What did she reread? Where is the Girls Prep Ultimate Pi Day 5K held? When did the World Health Organization issue its first report dedicated to drowning? What color T-shirt is usually used? What was not present in the area? What are many of the displays accompanied by? How many other passengers drowned before the fishing boat happened to the party? How long did Picasso and Jacint remain in touch? When did Jerome Kohlberg retire? Who played for the Blue Devils in the 2014-15 season? Who has been locked in intense battles? How many visits has the feature had since its debut? What did Stein preside over? What can make all your music easily available on all your devices? Where did Ms. Wei help stage an annual AIDS Walk? Who was dating Magda Cregg? What does Peter Martins refer to himself as? How many members ended up voting against their constituents? What was already building within the company? What is the most reliable ticket to the middle class? How much does Jeremiah Meyerhoff earn? Who wrote "The Folded Clock"? Whose leadership will differ from Mr. Elmendorf's? Who believes that the Dead died with Jerry Garcia? How many euros later was it hers? Who is yet to decide if "Scream Queens" will be renewed? What is Kim Kashkashian's profession? In what continent is Boko Haram based? What party does Gov. Cuomo belong to? What did critics say about Mr. McCulloch and his assistants? What conference was Mr. Carson invited to speak at? What team did A. J. Green humiliate? What did Obama's finish match the flourish of? On what day of the week did Veronika Part perform? How old was Mr. Huang when he was conscripted into the army? What was Brandon Tate-Brown stopped for? Who would receive generous tax breaks for new construction after the Games? Parasites can infest raw or undercooked what? What are some of the questions I've answered? What is the average number of games played by the Mets this season? Who asked John Delahunt to accompany her to a hanging? When is the rent stabilization law set to expire? Who knocked Rousey out in the second round? In what year did the National Dialogue Quartet form? What did some forget on the first day of exercises? Who does not take the imagination to be an electrical byproduct of some naturalist process? What political party does Senator Benjamin L. Cardin belong to? Who signed a pledge to do the bidding of the billionaire oil industrialists? Who never intervened when he saw Mr. Lien assaulted? Who invaded the Crimean Peninsula last year in unmarked uniforms? When was Mike Huckabee's first presidential race? Who did Cruz skewer more sharply? Where is the small robot used to model neural network behavior? The ad promoted the city's "Made in NY" effort supporting what? What college did she graduate from? How many emergency room visits were attributed to synthetic cannabinoids in Mississippi in April? Where was Stein's avant-garde salon located? Who appointed her to be the director of the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management? How many countries does Top Gear air in? Where is Penn & Teller's new show taking place? What can you do if your house is so large that a new router won't be able to cover every inch with a great Wi-Fi signal? Where is Ms. Basford from? Where will parts of Ms. Clyne's chamber opera be performed? When do the talks aim to reach a final accord? Where were Dr. Louise Wong and Paul Whitfield Hughes III married? How much was his compensation in 2013? On what day of the week did the fire leap across Highway 20? What do investment managers handle? In what year did the Yankees hit the most homers of any team in history? What type of art did the Burkes love? Who was James E. Holmes? What did Sheldon Silver agree to do? The agreement covers the main areas of concern over Iran's what program? What is the occupation of Martin Boyce and Williamson L. Henderson? What is the name of the show that takes place on Friday through Thursday? What was the name of the prepaid card that victims were asked to buy? How does Trice appear on the court? What kind of ovations did she receive? What is the role that plays in championship moments? Who resigned as chairman of the Port Authority board in March 2014? What was the speed of the train when it roared through a curve? Who adorns their genitalia with flowers in Lady Chatterley's Lover? What will it reflect on if you're not doing the job you want to do? Who took Lundqvist's place at the opposite end of the goal? How many United States Army trainers are providing military instruction? What two instruments are featured in the slow movement of Piano Concerto? What is an example of a travel website? Who posted a 64 in the second round of the Dubai Desert Classic? Where did European Union leaders meet on Wednesday? What cities have begun offering parental leave to city employees? Why did inflation fall? Where was Raymond from? How long was the delay at Baltimore's Penn Station? What did the administration say the law would not do to spending growth? What is one reason Chinese industries have been exporting low prices to Turkey? What is the name of the Talking Points Memo host? What serves as a center-point of the home? What perception does Mr. Gryn hope to change with Daata? What country has been wanting in its response to the threat? What does he want to be? How many stories is the house? What does the five-year plan aim to broaden? Where did Judge Sidney H. Stein officiate? How many years does it take to generate a report? What was in the main atrium? When was the suit filed? Why was the piece stopped? Why is the show fascinating? What does Mr. Fernandez's hair blower do? Where was the kindergartner killed? Where was the wedding of Tiziano Terzani's daughter held? Where is his wife? When would collectors buy a painting, live with it, and leave it in a museum? What is the Gandhian movement? Who did Mr. Brezner tell in 1985? How long does it take to make a dancer? What month did Giancarlo Stanton win the league's player of the month award? Where did Picasso's family settle from? What did he do after signing his scorecard? Who illustrated the book series? How many times did Barcelona's front three slice open Bayern's defense in the first half? What was the president's speech a striking display of? What is the contemporary relevance of Poliuto? What are experts concerned about for college freshmen? Who worked on Love Never Dies? Who was standing in an ersatz C.I.A. office? Whose burial chamber would boost Egypt's struggling tourism industry? What country had debt problems when the euro was last low? What was added when the house was renovated? What was making serious inroads on Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum's home territory? Who was standing in an ersatz C.I.A. office? What is Stein's profession? What is the name of the Chief? Where did nationalists clash with security forces? What do many believe excessive carbohydrate consumption is contributing to? Who was the lawyer who represented Jane Doe? What kind of views does Ms. Greer have towards trans women? What is the name of the 140-foot boat? What is the monthly threshold for a rent-regulated unit? What type of shirt has a snake embroidered into the collar? What is Hamada Ben-Amor known as? How was the mother stabbed? Where were relatives taken to visit in the 1960s? What is the little blue pill aimed at? Who won the league's player of the month award for June? How many police officers forced their way into Yu Wensheng's Beijing apartment? How much are oversea sales worth for BBC Worldwide each year? What religion has many interpretations regarding women? Who directed the show? Where did he go? What city did he not have a job in? What did Jesus do to the traditional view of sexuality? Where was Samuel Harrellincarcerated? What was the reason for turning down the offer? What was the color of Ukraine's entry into NATO? What is another name for Meat Loaf? What was a disaster for DuPont? Who has a citrus grove on his ranch near Porterville? What is Andrew Papachristos' job? What would be removed from the university system in Wisconsin? What did Hyattsville do in 2015? Who did John Deckenback call a reflection of the church's spirit of love for? What is the phone number for What is the strength of the app? What kind of moment will this be? What is she studying for? Who is Mr. Jeffries one of several elected officials who have chafed at the mayor's continued support for the broken windows policing strategy? What is Selahattin Demirtas' position in the H.D.P? Who did Mr. Boehner announce his retirement to? How many points does Klay Thompson have? Why was it important to identify the best strategy? What type of food is nyonya chap chye? What kind of streams did the hike pass over? What event destabilized European political structures? If you think human nature is good and powerful, you go around being what? What did Obama tweet? Who is a huge influence on your style? Which team has been in contact with the league about their plans? What is the biggest factor when trying to decide where to go for a vacation? What political party does Mr. Burlison belong to? What was the name of the unarmed black 18-year-old shot by a white Ferguson officer in August? What is a tranquilizer? Who was the Schools Chancellor? How old is Robben? What do officials want Amtrak to become? What did I love? Where is the collection of Richard Avedon's portraits now located? Where did Donatella Versace see him two years ago? Who is the founder and director of the Red Bull energy drink company? How many people were sickened in the outbreak of Legionnaires' disease? Where is Grupo ABC located? Who was taken to Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital? How many of the largest conferences have commissioners? Who will play the Eagles at 1 p.m.? Who dropped off the two boxes that were not part of my order? What percentage of Republicans support Carly Fiorina? Who speaks in double talk? How many points had the Dow Jones industrial average swung from its peak? Who produced the series "First Person"? Who did Mr. Slater think might relate to the material? What award should Sepp Blatter be awarded? Who is the bank's other co-chief executive? Who did Mr. Bush's father rely on? What was the fact that came to light as the man's car disappeared? What may buyers have to do as diamond production peaks toward the end of the decade? Whose movie did he look like? Who is the mayor's sign-language interpreter? Who did the witness see raping a boy? How many years has Tap City been around? What movie inspired the founders of DD Technologies? Who is the university's vice chancellor? What is the most important room in the house according to Mr. Harschel? What company recently announced plans to add automated highway driving features? Who wrote the music and lyrics for "Guys and Dolls"? What states offer paid family leave? Who is studying for a master's degree in social work at New York University? Who was pursuing a conventional investigation? What surgery did he have? What has he been a two-term of? What country did Sandy write to? What is the name of the trade group that represents global banks? The weekend's maneuvering probably allows Mr. Renzi to accelerate reforms of what? Who contacted Mr. Rodham about making a connection for a Chicago-area contractor? What happened to Mr. Harrell's mother? What was he fond of? Who was the leader of the State Senate? Who is the chief strategy officer at the Center for Generational Kinetics? Where was the movie shot? Where is Dr. Sexton's apartment located? When is the performance at Damrosch Park? What crime was he serving a life sentence for? What do other people use to get into an altered state? When did Microsoft argue that bundling its web browser with its operating system was good for consumers? When did Charles W. Scharf say "Sooner is better"? Where is Kythera based? When did they live in New York City? What was the coating on the calamari Cochin? Along with Unilever, what other big tea producers followed Unilever's lead? What is not off limits? What are the troops learning to break open a door with? Who is the screenwriter for "The Heat"? Who was the Hawkeyes' leading rusher? Who coached women's hockey? What is the name of the red-tailed hawk? Who is the Prime Minister of Greece? Who's work is featured in the exhibition at the White Gallery? Who was Ms. Smith's husband? Why did I fly internationally? Who wrote the labyrinthine crime drama "Spiral"? Who was Mr. Clarkson accused of attacking? How many police officers were charged for the death of Freddie Gray? Who is the first person visitors see? What happened to Mr. Silver? What runs in Chicago, Houston, San Diego and Seattle? What did David Alaba and Holger Badstuber play as? What is the name of the song? What can visitors fill the spaces on a circular grid with? What day was the implementation date postponed to? Who is the measure supposed to free up? What does Jane say about herself? Where is Spectrum located? How many years has the dollar been at its highest level? What position did John Boehner succeed as? What did he call its composition? What does the Justice Department continue to prosecute? Who was to be held accountable for the detentions? In what year did Life magazine publish a two-page photo spread with a smooching couple? Analysts said the language in the document was intended to do what? Are Republican states poorer and have a higher rate of single motherhood and divorce? What law firm is Lieberman a part of? In what year did Ms. de Lavallade perform "The Creation"? Who did she tell? What group did Mr. Wood lead the hunt for Qaeda suspects? Who wrote River of Shadows? What did the stock wipeout do to middle class assets? What are some of the issues they have differences on? What do you always do? Who directed "Inception"? Who did Kyrgios tell Stan Wawrinka had slept with Wawrinka's girlfriend? What type of lanterns are used at night in BAN RAK THAI? What has been implicated in similar outbreaks at other hospitals? Who is the editor of the journal Russia in Global Affairs? What type of event could cause apartment buildings to collapse? What did I decide to publish when I was 8? How many yards did the offense average in its last two games? NeuroLinx supports what? What is an example of a blood test that is a cost-saver? How many meters across was the track? How do prosecutors extract guilty pleas? How much did the Mets increase their average game from last season? What have other countries in Europe been raising against the continued flow of asylum seekers? How much did United States crude fall to close at $44.15 a barrel in New York? Why are departments requiring officers to record their interactions with the public? Who is Jay's new boyfriend? Along with Liberia and Sierra Leone, what country will have storytellers at the event? Who is Mark D. Luschini? What is the name of the website? Where did Nishikori defeat Wawrinka? Where is the gallery's flagship location? Where am I staying? How many days does it take to kill parasites? What country uses the euro? What organization has unwavering support from Capitol Hill? Who plays Castillo? Which city produced the most beautiful of the objects? What was imposed on Russia for its support of Ukrainian insurgents? What happens if the brick is an integral part of the wall? Who plays Inside Llewyn Davis? What have House Republicans recently done? When did the Rangers trade for Ethan Werek? Who wrote Passionate Marriage? Who is the former Sonic Youth frontwoman? Where does W. McIntyre Burnham work? What did Mr. Heastie navigate? On what day did firefighters embark on their sixth day of battling the largest of the many wildfires? What does Malta have with 65 countries? How much did podcast downloads increase this season? How long was the study that analyzed women's hockey injuries? What did some forget on the first day of exercises? How many people work for Fight Crime: Invest in Kids? What kind of drugs are spice and other drugs called? What do neuroscientists and safety advocates say about visual clutter? What tropical storm shuttered the main airport on the island of Dominica? When did the chaos that gave rise to the Taliban occur? What type of note did the yield on rise to 2.25 percent? What led to Don Cameron's idea? What type of tomatoes were used in the sauce? Who is the Republican majority leader in the Senate? What two styles of brews were served at Leeds's traditional taverns? When did the fire occur? What happened to Ms. Olson's mother's money when she died? What is the giant plant of the plant world? What was the average monthly increase in 2013? How many home runs did he hit in eight games? Which colleges are nearby the University of North Carolina? What city did Boston pick over San Francisco, Washington, and San Francisco? What continent's major markets ended mixed? What university was she a board member of? When did Jessie dry her tears? Who is teaching maneuvers? The roundabout was torn down as part of what? What is the cease-fire agreement known as? What does America scorn? How was Rabin depicted in the film? What team at John Jay has won national competitions? Who announced to the fans that there would be no jokes about missing teeth or blondes? Why did the Treasury impose sanctions on North Korea? On what day of the week will the Republican debate take place? What do criminals use to file a tax return? What was the lowest in alcohol in the tasting? What does it have a lot of? What team keeps finding ways to win? What is the profession of Jonathan Hankins? Who is the most powerful figure in the Cuban church? How many members of Mr. Turnbull's own party did not vote for him? Who does the US want to expand airstrikes against? Who is the co-owner of the Boston Celtics? How tall is Mr. Faulkner? What percentage of every transaction does Chime keep? Who did players say played a significant role this week in keeping despair out of the locker room? How old is Decker? What is Stuart Zaro's relationship to the founder of Zaro's? What year will he be free? What was the name of the documentary about Edward J. Snowden? What type of music is played in Falls Village? How long did the BBC wait to hire Mr. Rylance? How much money did Mr. Lander allot toward the project in 2010? Why do they want to upend the 14thAmendment and the country's family-based immigration laws? Who is Syria's president? What was the best meal I've ever had? What is the median sales price of a condo in Clinton Hill? Where is the gendarmerie located? What did Pyongyang's propaganda officials circulate? What happens when a man drops dead in the cafeteria of a cruise ship? What university did she graduate from? What did Google let reporters ride in this week? What was James' rate for the 1993 finals? Where was Mimi Fahs a high school student? What do some people say about terrorists infiltrating European countries? When was Secret Garden released? What did Leigh Linley refer to when he said "Everybody in the know drinks halves"? What will happen to the Export-Import Bank if Congress does not renew its authorization? Who led the Magic with a career-high 38 points? What are crews trying to scrape down to? Who is the Sudanese government negotiator? Who did Mr. Brezner spot in an improv class? What is the new name of the area where Houseman is located? What did she do with her friends around Ithaca? What did the Ukrainian Parliament do? What team's starters were pushing for Johnny Manziel to regain the starting position? What is heralded by state television as a sign of progress and water management? What was the conviction for? Who conveys the striking, multicolored glories of the rough landscape? What flashes of memories does she glimpse when she eats their brains? Who was Mr. Connell's editor? Who is Emmanuel Nahshon a spokesman for? What is Mr. Boire trying to do to Barnes & Noble? Which country was justly seen as an open-and-shut case of oppression? Who is the top editor of The Post and Courier? What type of masks are the performers wearing? What does the future of skin care start with? How many opponents did Mr. Corbyn defeat? What was GreenTech Automotive? Where is the "The Gee's Bend Tradition" group show held? Who did Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum lobby to intervene? Where is based? What is the Christian idea? How long did G.M. fail to report a deadly ignition defect? What colors were ribbons tied around trees during a recent visit to the courthouse? How long did Mr. Harper-Mercer pacing at night? Where did Russian soldiers invade last year? What did he refer to Madeleine K. Albright as? Where did the Detroit Pistons play the Hawks? In what year did he say that the state was falling apart? What kind of prices did traders speculate would force more energy companies to curtail exploration and production? Where was Johannsson raised? What state is the town of HEMLOCK GROVE located in? Who won the best actor Oscar for "Wall Street"? What team is Steve Mills the general manager of? What does Greece want to improve? What did Mr. Turnbull say about Mr. Abbott's policies on climate change and same-sex marriage? Who was arrested on corruption-related charges? What is it called when someone doesn't like what they're doing? How many years of experience do I have with Asperger's syndrome? What city is it half an hour from? Where will the dinner "for six hands" take place? What was the title of the article? Where does William A. Rutala work? Who declined to be interviewed for the article? The recent decline in the euro is a natural outcome of diverging monetary policy path in which two areas? Who filmed his remarks? What is the deal? Where were Russian casualties fighting? What is one of the things that the company may do? Who corroborated Mr. Hincapie's claim? What was the value of Wincor Nixdorf? How many explosions occurred at the 2013 Boston race? Who said that a movie doesn't work very well if it's supposed to make you feel difficult emotions? How many US bases are overseas? What motif is depicted on silver filigree pendants? In what year did Miró return to New York? How many times did I miss a deadline? Who is the first African-American principal female dancer in the company's 75-year history? Who is the spokesman for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Where did President Obama praise the Kochs' support for criminal justice reform? Who are doing gargouillades? Israel's unjustified repression of what group has caused religious activists in the denomination to be outspoken? Who showed reporters purple scars around his right ankle? What type of stone was this one carved from? Who escaped from the Massachusetts prison system? Who heard testimony on whether marijuana belonged alongside heroin and LSD on the Drug Enforcement Administration's Schedule I list? What did Mustafa Kilic share an image of on his press card? How many US bases are in South Korea? What do many of them claim in scripted press conferences? How much was the settlement with General Motors? Who do Democrats say it could make it harder for to vote? What was the state of consciousness? What is a growing sport? What could Vincent have done to help the doctors? What was the raffle prize? How many square miles is the Rocky Fire? What type of position is based on my faith? Who is the host of ESPN's "NBA Countdown" show? For Charlie Hebdo, what was free expression nothing without the right to offend? What is at the tip of a duodenoscope? How old is Steward Johnson? What would the rules assign to investment managers who handle retirement savings accounts? Mr. Sisi's government has failed to resolve a number of problems facing what country? Has the lodge broken even? How much did the Grateful Dead grossed in ticket and pay-per-view sales? Who ordered harsh policies on the inmates? What did he say? What are people looking for when they go to a search engine? Megan Greene is a managing director at what financial firm? How many former players have become part of the class? What was recovered near Mr. Piedrahita's body? Does it charge users or use advertising? Who made an appearance as a pinch-hitter? What did the bank discover? Who can control the tides? What was the operating profit for the unit? What did the Office of National Intelligence coordinate? Who is the active leader among pitchers? What state is Senator Mitch McConnell from? Which family is not so close to us? Who has taken aim at the rollout? What are retail prices likely to do? What sound does the last movement begin with? What is Dr. Amy S. Kelley's profession? How many people were murdered? Who does Walt follow on Instagram? How was the music of the Dead? Was there evidence that fracking was causing harm to the nation's water supply? How many fans are still short of Citi Field's capacity? Who created "Noir 2" at STAMFORD P.M.W. Gallery? Who requested two-year doping bans for 26 track and field athletes? What is Gloria's nickname? What team upset Iowa State? Where is some of the most intense public discussion of the issue taking place? Who was photographed on the front page of the evening paper? Where did the government ask for help from the US? How many United States Army trainers are providing military instruction? Where did Boko Haram strike for the first time? Who has lost three games in a row for the first time this season? What did Granderson do? Where did he receive his M.B.A.? How much will the courses cost? What type of company do I work for? What did she ask? How much is the per-unit retrofitting estimated to cost? How has Mr. Rodham helped the Clintons? What types of information can be viewed from the projection device? Who is the chairman of the Republican National Committee? What is Alia Crum's profession? John Lilly is a venture capitalist at what company? Aya Jones was booked as an exclusive for which brand's spring/summer 2015 show? What is the title of Ms. Pierpont's book? What was the score of the victory against the Sharks? What percentage of men had been in combat according to Oleksandr I. Leshchenko? What percentage of stops led to arrests or summonses in Mr. Bloomberg's last three years in office? How do more Northerners know the truth about South Korea? How many children did the mother have? What does the connection to the center connect the center to? What is Turner focusing on building digitally? Mr. Boire has worked at Brookstone, Best Buy and what other retailer? At what time did the ambulance team arrive at the Fishkill prison? What was the only way out of the precinct? Which country has faced a gap in skilled labor? What is the name of the website that hosts What is the unintended consequence of Title IX? Who is the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee? Why is "Burnt" rated R? Who co-created Daata Editions? On what day of the week will she be accompanied by Broadway performers? What amendment was passed in 1971? Why did the mother place the baby in the manger? Where was the Four Seasons hotel located? What is the job of the player? What are noodles stir-fried with shrimp and soy sauce called? What percentage of seats would the schools set aside for students in those groups? What happened to his initial investments? What did Julien say Lundqvist embellished with Brad Marchand? What should dancers be taught to smile with more than their mouths? What is Dr. Robert Anderson's profession? Who made a new demand on Friday? How many miles an hour were the racing cars traveling? What was the score of the Mets win against the Phillies? What was hidden in the trompe l'oeil design of the American Embassy? What could be authorized for one-time use? What did Gennady Barabtarlo do for Véra? What sense is more vigorous and attentive in your hearts? Who is the Greek finance minister? What game were the Rangers preparing to play against the Capitals? What percentage of women play video games? What time did the main course come out? Where did Coach Mike Davis coach for six seasons? What does it reduce as a whole? What was the name of the teammate who retired? How much more is the league expected to receive when it sells the rights to international broadcasters? On what day of the week did Citigroup issue a statement distancing itself from the report? What shift is more pressing in Europe than any other major region? Pete Docter is a director, writer, animator and voice actor for what? How old is Serena? What is a big advantage to in America? How can messages on news coverage be sent? How many people were on the wait list in early May? Who has funded the International Center for Law and Economics? What team is Watson a part of? Has the seated Buddha gained a popular religious following? What type of images are broadcast on Seattle's youtube channel? What country is the flower burning intended to warn the Netherlands about? How many years does the story of Alexander, Napoleon and Josephine span? What fund company does not have leveraged loan E.T.F.s? Who showed the greatest political momentum in the poll? Who provided funds to build the museum? What are they prisoners of? Who is Owen Jones? What do new routers often include? What is the scientific basis for the prediction of an asteroid hitting Earth? What percentage of the American energy budget is thrown away as food waste? Who noticed that the Ukrainians were carrying rifles with the safeties off? What is attached to the lizards? What type of music does she write? Who might sing at the halftime show? What is it just a matter of time before the Countess slits my throat? Where are smarter readers seeking refuge? Who did the Americans find lacking in soldierly skills? Whose health is the only story to pay attention to? What is the anniversary of the Arab Spring uprising? What did my two days in Leeds include? What was the size of every one-bedroom he saw? What has happened to the company since Mr. Cook joined? Who is the film's director? What is a way to pay for useful things? What did she compare her constant headaches to? Who was the leader of the neo-Westernizer? What spinoff show do I want to see? Who did Mr. Carson say he would defend his Adventist beliefs against? What slipped 1 percent? What vegetable did I slice into thin slices? What party is Gottfried Ludewig a member of? What did the Americans find about the Ukrainians in the first two weeks of training? How much will the courses cost? What was the cost of transporting children in 2013-14? How many trains stop at Atlantic Avenue - Barclays Center? Where were the migrants traveling from? What keeps DNA from fraying? Who was the governor of Massachusetts in 1988? Who did Ms. Merkel note had to pressure the rebel leaders to sign? Along with black and multiracial dancers, what other races are represented on the stages of American Ballet Theater and New York City Ballet? What is the Odds of winning? What sections will the company seek to extend on each of its sites? What is Ms. Simpson's birth name? How were teenagers tested at the 2015 N.H.L. scouting combine? What did Mr. Holder sketch for the show? What have the children of the nation developed? Where is Matariya district located? What is Mario Abou Zeid's job? How old was the modern woman? What company created the test? In what year did the Mets last win a championship? Charles Allen is a member of the Council of what? Who photographed the RHINEBECK Montgomery Row Second Level "Ocular Concepts"? Which team will the Flyers play in the round of 32? When was the right to vote won? What type of infection was eventually suspected? Who could create a Grantland-like spinoff from Bleacher Report? How many points did Britain and Ireland win against the United States? What is the only thing he shoots on the night shift? Who did Mr. Boire hold a conference call with? Who is the Rocky Mountain Vet? What was the score of the Sharks defeat by the Highlanders? Who is the current Knicks president? What team shot well and controlled the boards? What did the Obama administration indicate it would send to Ukraine? Who remained on the bench? Who was critical of the network? What did Playboy stop publishing? What do lenders need more guidance on? Corinthian Colleges was one of the largest operators of what? What is the name of the lawyer that was not returned on Friday night? What percentage of S.&P. 500 company directors had some of their pay in cash? What do many of Mrs. Clinton's advisers doubt Mr. Trump will be? What was the name of the group that was started by a couple of my classmates? How many casino licenses are allowed outside of the New York City area? Is there an agreement on border control? What happened to the fly ball? Who did the ball deflect from? What got almost no assistance from a bright orange raw-carrot sauce? Who drifted over to the area where Vereen was being tackled? What was used as a cushion? What is the name of the American politician? Who did Mrs. Clinton say she had to say about Mr. Trump? Who dismissed reports that Iranians would have to wait more than a few months for the lifting of sanctions? Where does trunkh have an outpost? What are the security agents doing? What do many officers believe there is a greater presumption of with African-Americans? What is the name of the Ukrainian officer? What is the current level of unemployment? What percentage of eligible voters participated in the national election? Where did American companies operate? What did I hot glue to the outside of the hoods? What is the heroin called? What political party is Rep. James E. Clyburn a part of? What does she never stop doing? When did Mr. Ingrasselino retire? How many suites are in "Wild Tales"? What country is Sentlij border crossing between? What was filled with comments expressing outrage that the event could have turned into an inferno? What year did the baseball players strike take place? Who is to officiate? Who is the leader of Russia? What country has a technology-based energy revolution? What is the name of Richard? How much of Simmons's salary would he forfeit if he strikes out before negotiating his exit? Where was the woman's body found? Who filed legislation to close the loophole? How long did the funeral last? What did the virgins choose not to do? What is he supposed to do? Who was ranked third in the draft class by N.H.L. Central Scouting? Why are PC sales in decline? Where was Mr. Holmes a graduate student? What is the failure of water management leaving states more vulnerable to? On what day of the week was the blood drive? charter schools have come under scrutiny for their enforcement of what? Which game did the Rangers play at Madison Square Garden? What do the owners of Noreetuh want to do? What did Xiao Meili trek across China to draw attention to? Who collected the money that the rappers were leaving on the table? What are landlords of properties built with low-income housing tax credits required to accept? In what year was Shiv Kumar Yadav detained on suspicion of raping a female passenger? Who directed the movie? Who is the executive director of the National Association for Law Placement? Where did the families of the dead and wounded watch in taut silence? How many sellers were behind multiple ads? What is the name of Joe Swanberg's new feature? When did New York City fireboats help fight a fire in Edgewater? What side does Mr. Atassi scrutinize? What was the name of the group that was living out the unlived lives of their mothers? In how many years have stocks in Shanghai dropped daily? Who won 45.1 percent of the vote? What happened to Mr. Finney's home? On what day of the week would visiting hours be extended to Spike? When is the next deadline likely to come? How many devices has the company sold to farmers and crop consultants? Did the Senate show signs of life? What is the nationality of the guerrillas? Who is Rand Paul? What did Mr. Camara hear in the hallway? Who sent a reporter to the Monastery of Christ in the Desert? Who commuted the sentences of the finalist? How many photographs did I scan? When will Francis meet with President Obama? How much does it cost to upgrade to remove ads? What is a serious obstacle to economic recovery and rebalancing within the eurozone? Where did Mr. Cohen help galvanize resistance to the war? What should you do with your turkey? Where did the Permian Panthers play? Who gave first aid? What is the Italian master of? What has he decided to be? What did the Senate decline to ban the sale of? When did the Recording Industry Association of America begin certifying records as gold? What ages is the show recommended for? Where did Russian soldiers invade last year? What percentage of stabilized apartments are lost each year? When Monsignor Harrington started work at St. Joseph, the organ had not been played in how many years? Who did the network understand it was about? Where is the island village located? What type of schools are privately run? What did Al Horford teach Towns? How long did the interrogation last? Where is our son graduating from? Who took the final shift as the Deep Enders closed in on the Palos Verdes Peninsula? What percentage of Americans believe that global warming is caused mostly by natural phenomena? Where is the Rockland Center for the Arts located? What was the concern if a woman was doing gender equality? What is expert at keeping the populace fearful and distraught? Where are people more likely to focus their attention after meditating? What does the novel show a mature understanding of? What remains as clear and rich as they have been all my life? What was the name of Sandy Phillips' daughter? When did Richard Brautigan die? Did Mr. Weisberg pay the ransom? What does ketamine do? Where did Ms. Harper and her son move to? What was the older 802.11n router used? Who were the last pitchers to get to 300 strikeouts in a season? What is Patrick Baudouin's profession? When did Henry S. Schleiff arrive? How many people watch Top Gear? What is the name of Katie Goldstein's advocacy group? What is in a long decline? Who got out there? Who has to agree to extend them? Where is Senator John L. Sampson from? What type of film is "The Displaced"? Where did the journalist write a column? Ukraine's entry into what organization has always been a red flag? What city was home to the first professional baseball team? What does Richard A. Friedman's fascinating article begin with? What country was it part of? The Great Hall is triple-hung with what? Where is the County Museum of Art located? How many Ukrainian soldiers will the courses train? What is Avenging Angelo's gift? What pronouns does Ms. Simpson prefer when referring to her drag persona? What does he want to be? Who did Third Text give a voice to? How much did Lorraine Leong pay for a two-bedroom condominium? How many pages of emails did the State Department release? What can a newer router improve? What was offered to the Syrian who was tripped by a Hungarian journalist? Who did Putin say Russia was not concerned with the fate of? What was Mr. Brezner's first profession? How many people are speaking the words? Why are B buildings very management-intensive? Who hasn't yet recognized the market shift? How many stories are in "A Manual for Cleaning Women"? What city are we going to keep an eye on? How many people are there in the world? In what country is the church located? How far is Topas Ecolodge from Sapa? Who is the editor at Boom! What percentage of Apple's profits does the iPhone account for? Who made daily statements railing against the negotiations? Where is Katniss Everdeen squirreled away? How many intelligence streams does ISight have? What team won the Stanley Cup finals in 2014? What organization has warned about the dangers of mohels infecting babies with the herpes virus? Who is expected to have their first sellout since opening night? What three forms of rage were described? Why has Missouri's union footprint decreased? What did James P. Gorman speak about? What website carried an excerpt from Scott's book? What does the woman do when she cuts back on her drinking? What was the effort called? Where does Will move to? Who is the leader of France's National Front? Spurious arguments that the pope tried to manipulate what are vastly outweighed by evidence that the pope tried to encourage free debate and deliberation? What did Mr. Emmerich say when asked if he would have done anything differently? What was the name of the movie that was released? When did the feature first appear? How old is Mrs. Sooy? What does my organization hand out at the end of the year? Cam Talbot got his second straight start in net for which team? Who is the designer of the LL Cool J tour shirts? What is Dr. Fahs' job? What were the people trying to do with the passports? Who felt justified by scripture? Who has emerged as a leader off the court? What may be needed to move floodwater around in the winter? Where was Ms. Simpson partying when she wasn't studying? Which musical was tapped to perform the first musical number on the Tonys broadcast? What was the reason for the lack of access to the client? What do you do when you're done cooking? What is Russia's most advanced air defense system? What does the liberal rival outlook seek? What is 12 East 88th Street? When was Ron Lane shot? Who died? Who is the Slovenian prime minister? Who was the character in the movie played by Tim Robbins? What is a large market? Who is reviving "The Bully"? How much money did the taxpayers contribute to the Games? What does Robert Stern expect a test to diagnose within a decade? What is the government thinking of building above an existing one? When was the Stonewall placed on the National Register of Historic Places? Where was the prison located? What type of fighter is Holm? What team is playing the Cowboys? When was the country's Marriage Law passed? What do citizens value? What material are the walls of the family room made of? Who is the owner of one of the country's top investment firms? What did Dolan and Thomas suggest about the jury? What percentage of people who traveled to work drove alone in 2013? What did the emails outline? Where did we speak? Who and Mohamed's relationship is initially defined by attraction-repulsion? What did Dawkins say about his first dunk? In which game did Mitchell miss getting his glove on Adam Eaton's single? What would mean leaving the broken system intact? Where did Ms. Yellen give her answer in a recent speech? What birds are in cages and flying free? What is the mural being painted for? Who conducted the American Symphony Orchestra? Who says it can often be a struggle to ensure children with disabilities receive services to which they are entitled? Who has been out since May 20? When did Fatah sign a reconciliation agreement with Hamas? Where did Mr. Shoemaker first hear of Mr. Connell? What did G.M. do to consumers? Where did I spend my junior year? How many Yazidis were found in the mass grave? When did Napoleon write to Josephine? When did Samuel Harrell pack his bags and announce he was going home? What has been everywhere in recent years? When were the members of Pussy Riot arrested? What volume did Mr. Harschel wave? Which state is rare as a Midwestern state without a right-to-work law? Who is Kyrgios' mother? Who did the Republican side of the aisle react like a bunch of sixth graders cheering for? What imagery fascinates her? What are the unschooled troops learning how to use? Who is talking Iris into making a move? When did Mrs. Clinton appear on Late Night with Seth Meyers? What teams were playing when Mr. Camara heard a commotion in the hallway? How long was Southern Methodist's winning streak? Who is more enthusiastic about Mrs. Clinton as a possible nominee? What was the name of the apprentice named for City Ballet? Who operates the Secret Cup? In which country did media reports force FIFA to expel two members before the vote? What was carrying a delegation of young athletes? Who is the conference minister of the church's Central Atlantic Conference? What else did she work on? What country was the movie shot in? What institution does the author belong to? Where are shops and restaurants concentrated? Who plays Balducci? When was the gilded bronze image of the seated Buddha created? What team is 3-0? How many hours does it take to generate a double? What are Nigeria's chances in the current tournament? What did Dayton fans watch their team do on Wednesday? How did Rousey start the fight? What is the name of the rule? What percentage of people in the United States said they had used marijuana in the previous month? What is the cost of retroactive rail access? How old is Ms. Berman? What are the troops learning to break open a door with? What team is he the manager of? What is the theme of the William Benton Museum of Art? Who is she the daughter of? Which team was heading to overtime in a playoff game? What are the initials of Mr. Erdogan's party? What is the name of the theater in Lincoln Center? These issues are difficult and what? Who is protecting a pope who does not want to stay in the popemobile? What instrument was the concerto written for? What can kill people? What is the young man entitled to conceal from his father? What are you doing when you're touched by extreme power? How many seconds was Deba behind Jeptoo's course record? How did Mr. Garcia feel about the blizzard? How much was the drop in sales? How much a share did the company earn? What does Ms. Pierpont give to the story of the Shanleys? What did he have to hold by a heater? Who filed the antitrust case against Google? What country had debt problems when the euro was last low? In what chapter of Genesis did God grant human beings dominion over the fish of the sea? How many innings did the Dodgers play? What percentage of men had been in combat according to Oleksandr I. Leshchenko? Who is the executive director of the conservation center? How old is Mohammad Hasan? What country is not good at soccer? What did my mother love? What does the exhibition include? Who objected to abortion restrictions in the bill? Why did Mr. Faulkner say Mr. de Blasio was a divisive leader? Who is the founder of Morning Star? What kind of government is Greece likely to have? Who is Nancy Pelosi? Who is averse to conflict? Regulators in which country are demanding that banks reduce risk? What word was used by some athletes to describe how they want to be perceived by the public? Who is the spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees? What type of music is Tom Rush known for? Who limited the number of people allowed at the burial? What lake is the floating house on? What does someone say that makes them want to yell at them? What did Washington request that went nowhere? What is the name of the festival? What did Mr. Hale say meant that the 1980 analysis did not hold up today? What type of fund is the Third Avenue fund a part of? What type of companies have flocked to the island? What are the first digits of the museum's name? What type of viewer did New York Times Magazine readers use to experience "The Displaced"? What type of car does she drive? What is the title of the movie? Where do some people give everything away in Mahler's Third Symphony? What type of island nation do they not have to spend any time in? What is the name of the piece that will be played at Spectrum on Sunday? What state's attorney general said the guardrail failed in a crash test? What is the goofiest object at Salon? What is Kate Warne's job at Edward Jones? How many seats were Conservatives talking about winning? Where did the government ask for help from the US? What size fund company is Eaton Vance? What does HP Enterprise stand for? What is Scoma's? What type of device was inside? What is the name of the program that allows you to share files between computers? Who missed ways in which Microsoft was vulnerable? What team hopes to have an alarm clock? What are private equity funds not required to do? How did Israel ensure a sufficient supply of water during droughts? In what month were celebrations held at the new United States Embassy? How long do dementia patients need constant care? The tapes show bikers racing down the highway standing on what? Who is the Girl Scouts' area chief executive? What type of prose does DeWitt write? Who is the Phillies' starter? What are bubbles? How big is the master bedroom? What kind of jumps does "Pigeon" make? Who is responsible for investigating and prosecuting such cases? What is the current salary threshold for an employee to be considered part of the top ranks? What company bought EMC? What is Mrs. Chow's job? Who does the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement want to pressure economically? What company does Sandra Smith work for? Who is the author of the Census Bureau report? Who is on trial for what? What was the car-pooling rate in 1980? What type of crash is being investigated in the Netherlands? Who upset South Africa in their first match at the Rugby World Cup? Who is engaged in unusual high-tech efforts to save sick or injured wild animals? What did Trump say about his moves? Who is the representative of Syriza? What was the average cost of care for a person with dementia over those five years? What is Jason Schwartzman's profession? What state has medicinal marijuana shops? What will be one of the eight courses? What does the woman think when she opens the package? What is cracking in its padded jewelry box? Where is Ulster Performing Arts Center located? Why did the use of synthetic cannabinoids and calls to poison control centers decrease? NeuroLinx supports a range of research projects, including an exploration of how what animal sleeps? Who chose her to appear in his Chanel Shanghai show? What did the board leave open the possibility of doing if college athletes brought a similar case in the future? What did Virginia appear to have done? How many face-to-face meetings did they have? What did Mr. Benn ask why we wouldn't uphold? What is a long game? Chad Griffin is the president of what campaign? Who was the passenger? How long was Seaport's website down? Where was Mr. Harper-Mercer enrolled? What does Aristos Doxiadis write about? Who is the blind seer in Greek mythology? Where are drafts for a work for chamber ensemble located? When was "Three Voices" published? What did Serena Williams talk about the week before the Open? What color were the basil seeds on the plate? What is the name of the traditional stone bowl? What is a great danger for small parliamentary majorities? What was the average sales price of the Marquand? What city's sheriff's deputies are on restricted duty? Who has been everyone's reference point this year? Who would oversee all of the board's financial and educational decisions? What is the label of Ms. Shelley's current album? What are businesses facing? What is the name of the largest flower auction house in the Netherlands? When does the Davis Cup take place? When did Towns turn 20? What is pushing prices higher? Who commissioned the video? How many core members of China's new feminist movement are in jail? What was Jordan's rate for the 1993 finals? What film arrives on Wednesday? What is the name of the powerful Islamist party? When did Dealogic begin keeping track? How many contenders are there for the Kentucky Derby? Who is the blind seer in Greek mythology? Where did refugees pack trains from? What was the euro's lowest rate since June 2010? Where did Huckabee's campaign fail to advertise? What kind of drugs are excluded from being considered for development? Who is Daniel K. Tarullo? By what year is the global appetite for food expected to rise 70 percent? What was the name of the 40-pound male wolverine? Where is Aron Johannsson on the verge of transferring to? What is the scourge that states and cities have the moral obligation to protect the public from? How much did the new headquarters cost? Who is the chairwoman of the New York State Affordable Housing Association? Who conceived the museum quarter? In what year did Mike Davis lead the Hoosiers to a championship game? What current exerted significant influence in the past? How many weeks after his first title did Thomas Pieters win his second? Who was the most outstanding player at last year's Series? How much should operating expenses be cut a year? Who came charging back? When did Mr. Holder die? How many United States Army trainers are providing military instruction? Who suggested that Mr. Carson is not a mainstream Christian because he is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination? Who did Mr. Carson not think should be able to be president? What network was Dan Rather an anchorman for? What is the name of the terminal at Kennedy Airport? How has Mr. Rodham helped the Clintons? Who raped the witness? What is the name of the Ukrainian officer? What percentage of Americans are in the labor force? What is an example of a menace? What is hitting the U.S. market? How long did it take Richard Gasquet to win? Who announced their intention to run for the White House? What did the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration begin receiving complaints about? In what year did Meb Keflezighi win the Boston Marathon? Who's task in 1964 seemed a little easier than the one James faces now? Who is David Cone a war horse for? What team did Shane Vereen play for? What color is the Lanvin peak lapel blazer? What is Marcelo Aguirre's profession? Who was on the team that discovered Hualianceratops? How many runs did the single score? What did some forget on the first day of exercises? What are the names of the guardian ogres? What do players favor over public campaigns? What happened to Rudy Gobert, Dante Exum and Alec Burks? What is used for questioning? Who won the third of his first triumvirate of titles? What type of journalism has an enduring appetite? How old is Kate Tempest? What is the name of the recent Brooklyn Law School graduate? Who did Mr. Bush offend? What can happen to flavors from night to night? Where is Infinity Hall Hartford located? In how many languages are the articles on Wikipedia available in? In what year did Tiant win two games against the Cincinnati Reds? What is the first thing I ask a person? What is another thing Californians need to do? What was the problem with the subsidies? Who can he thank for the fact that the damage was only to his reputation and not his bank account? How many votes did the Senate give to reject Judge Bork? How many of his marathons in New York have finished under the current masters record? What position has Sam Bradford looked like a bad fit for? hedge funds tend to pick what? What was the profession of the person who knew Pakistan? What is the name of the short? What did Cookie celebrate? What is the only thing he shoots on the night shift? What does DHUB stand for? What type of works are most of the works? How far did the boat stop off San Nicolas Island? What law firm is Mr. Gant a partner in? How old was I when I escaped? What was missing from the Pakistan he knew? What can prove causation? What is above the fireplace in the sitting room? Where did Dr. Schatz move to teach? Who was the monk at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert? What university takes aggressive steps to recruit, admit, enroll and support low-income students? What would you pair this salad with? Who did Arizona's top water official tell that it was politically difficult and costly to properly account for the interconnection? What was uncalled for? Who starred in "Machine-Gun Kelly"? What does Gazprom export? Who is the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean? Where did he make his presence known? What did critics find the book to be? What team was Gallardo traded from? Who is a Vichy historian and author? Who has to accept this idea? Who is Tim's wife visiting? Who was the person at Aveling's expense? What is the ideal place to be this summer? Who was placed in a psychiatric hospital when he did not take his medication? Where had the combine been held for the last several years? Turkey has been the dominant supplier to what country? What is one reason some drugs won't get drug companies to invest in? What team does Cambuur visit on Saturday? Who is the president of the Family Leader? Who did Putin say Russia was not concerned with the fate of? What type of lager was difficult to define? What did the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) vote to change its definition of marriage? What is Barnes & Noble facing? What was the cost for a cancer patient? Who is Mr. Renzi the leader of? How many unique visitors does the site get per month? What was the tanker truck carrying? Who sells monitors set into the dashboard or mounted to it? Who is Geoffrey A. Manne? What did Jillian Wu say would encourage a habit that continued once they left the nest? What is the name of the book by Mary Karr? What is the Archer C7's strength? When did Steve Cainas receive his associate's degree from Full Sail? Who initiated the petition? Who said "I've heard that"? Why would cutting the corporate tax promote economic growth? How many seats did the National League for Democracy win? Who drives demand for diamonds in the United States? What did they tell Thai officials? When is a good time to buy a new router? How many games does the Mets have in the National League East? SAC Capital was a former what? Who are the two most senior Democrats on the Foreign Relations Committee? Where did Mr. Levinson visit when he disappeared? How much did coal-powered electricity decline from 2007 to 2012? What have banks and law firms talked about sharing information about? Where was the exchange student from? What is Sepp Blatter under criminal investigation for? What language was the morning Mass held in? How did urban Chinese households hold stakes in the stock market? When was the last time the All-Star Game made a stop in New York? What are some of the ways that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party will hurt working people? Where are children being exploited by Quranic teachers? What country was attacked? What will happen to Hewlett-Packard's server and storage businesses on Nov. 2? What is the name of the double album that inspired scores of R&B dreamers? What charge were the sky divers acquitted of? Who is a board member of The New York Times Company? Who is the next ranked player? What was Jim Webb's position in the Reagan administration? What percentage of people figured out that a rubber band could erase their mistake? How tall was Mr. Harrell? Who is the executive dean of Parsons the New School of Design? What natural disaster devastated the waterfront neighborhood? Johann Friedrich ­Böttger was what? What do farmers want to revive the approach that worked for them in the last century? What do the players still wear for the game? How much in net inflows did BlackRock take in this quarter? What did teams use to predict the professional potential of a group of 18-year-olds? What hangs above the circular staircase? What do police use to film their encounters with the public? How many justices accepted Mr. Yates's argument? How old is Mr. Boire? What did Mr. Maduro warn American diplomats about? Where is Hana Abdullah living? Who said it's the talk of the locker room? What do Muslims disagree over most things? Who is Aleix Jarvis? Where was Mr. Watkins from? What was the only practical application for the class? Who would benefit from safe spaces? What was Susan Lucci's former job? How many weddings does the Plaza hotel host each year? What region does Charritos specialize in? Where was Aya Jones discovered? What is the market for Ms. Basford's books described as? Which Clinton inmates were targeted the most? What is Thomas' profession? Who asks if their revolution is to blame for the Islamists' rise? What did he do in between songs? Who will appear at the live show? How old is Ms. Basford? What scene did the actors film? How much did the dinner cost? What did a friend tell Amelie Wisniak after she moved to Manhattan? What type of animals are featured in the show? How many copies did the record sell? Who starred in the play "The Audience"? What is the name of the golden, malty, hoppy beer from Ninkasi Brewing? What are some of the dream destinations? Nashville outshot which team by 14-3? Who taught me resilience? How old was Christopher Lee when he died? Who directed "A Doll's House"? How many accidents have occurred at Ashdown, Ark. since 1975? What did we show him? How much outdoor space did Ms. Wenk have? What is the smartest decision-making app I've used? When did we just finish a recapitalization? Where will the celebration take place? What is the name of the film that Matt Damon stars in? Who was Tiziano Terzani's wife? Who gets the league's top free-agent prize? How much did the annex cost the museum? Why did Connecticut lose manufacturing jobs? What is the only thing he shoots on the night shift? What did Martin O'Malley announce he was running for? When will the new guidelines be finalized? Who impersonated a statistician during the game? What is the name of the local journalist? Who is the president of Afghanistan? Where did Mr. Obama give a speech? Who is the embattled president of FIFA? In what year did Mr. Carson speak to the Adventist Report? What role did she assume as a player and futurist? What are some steps you can take? Why is extra capital kept at the group level? Where is the restriction imposed under a red alert? What are two examples of harmonic structures? When did Kiev ask the US for help? Which state became the latest focus of Europe's migration crisis? What happened to the dollar against the Japanese yen? What do his characters evince? What does PEPS stand for? Along with New York City and New York State, Achievement First has schools in what two states? How many years does the health care system have to give cholesterol-lowering drugs to people to prevent a heart attack? Who identified incidental characters in "Letters to Véra"? What is the name of the small but audacious band of legal defenders who have been willing to take politically sensitive cases? How did the father feel about his son? Who did he refer to as his "mentor"? What did Sophie Richardson say about the jailed feminists? What are some of the most searched cities? How many bacteria can be found on the surface of a surgical forceps? What league did Davis want to set himself apart from? How high is the tinted-glass tower? What prices did he blame the government for keeping low? Where did the coal ship fire occur? Who is brushing democracy to the side? What are Amtrak and local transit agencies struggling for? Who is the chancellor of the Exchequer? What type of pies does Hicklin offer? How long was the trial? Who did the Americans find lacking in soldierly skills? How many goals did Quick give up at Carolina? When did Mr. Mondella install his security cameras? What does the First Amendment protect? Who studied with W. McIntyre Burnham? Who do tenant activists hope to impose restrictions on? What would the building come with if it was for sale? What happened to the soldiers and civilians who were in the hospital? Who runs Pershing Square Capital Management? Who was involved in the riots? What industry has close ties to Gazprom? What are two ways to appeal a verdict? How many high school students used drugs in 2014? Who does Mr. Heastie answer questions from? Who has a citrus grove on his ranch near Porterville? What state is Representative Nita M. Lowey from? What is shouldering their way into the upscale district? What is the result of a small profit? What famous tune did Loesser write? Where was the American Bar Association conference held? What are the two creatures in the movie? Who was out until the semifinals of the Olympic tournament with a concussion? What should we do at whatever job we take? What is the phone number for montgomeryrow? Who pushed for the new standard while serving on the N.C.A.A. Division I baseball committee? What country was torn by assassinations? Where was one of my first big shows? What song did Brenda Bufalino perform? How many seats were not contested? Who denounced the law? What nationality is Donald Tusk? Who did Mattingly beat to replace Joe Torre as manager of the Yankees? Has the examiner given the claimant a name? Who has something going on in their lives besides work? What kind of book do I want to write? What type of residents live in Zaro's neighborhood? What does fiscal policy do? How long has Douglas Elmendorf been director of the C.B.O? Who was the senator that quip to Mrs. Clinton? What did the Yankees win against the Philadelphia Athletics? Who did Mr. Constantine tell that he joined the Erie County sheriff's office? How many airstrikes did Syrian jets carry out on Raqqa? What religion is Home Lifecare? What is a trick? Why did the members of Dead & Company decline to comment? What film is a group of producers working to complete? What was Joc Pederson flailing at? What goes so naturally with baseball, hot dogs, peanuts and conversation? What company will split off its PC business on Nov. 2? When did Ms. Enger and her husband sell their home? What is lurking inside? Since when have we owned the building? How much more do people who have health insurance spend on medical care than people who don't? What is the short-term reason Mr. Putin is coming to the United Nations? Who wrote a front-page news analysis? What organization did Ms. Chen work for? What team will play Barcelona in the season's first Clásico? What was the federal inquiry into? How many college teams did Dr. Paul Echlin study? Who is Gina Rinehart's daughter? Where is Needles, Calif. located? How much were the Yankees players and Manager fined? What is the name of the lecture that Deanne Mincer gave at the PEEKSKILL Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art? Who did Yevhen Sverstiuk know? Why did Mr. Huckabee lose last time? What country is the Volkswagen diesel car sold in? What type of situation does the business run differ from? What kind of innovation were bans on interracial marriage? What company's logo and phone number were still visible on the doors? Who did Trinity defraud? What type of artist is Entang Wiharso? Who is Apple's senior vice president of operations? What are the issues of? Who was ousted in 2010? What are the new rules intended to do? What did the greeting get as the round unraveled? The complaint suggested that the criminals used the site to do what? What was the voice like? Where did they plan a second date? Which conference won the game? Where can legislation to repeal the act not be filibustered? How many books is Kathleen Parthé the author of? What is the name of the castle that was visited by Annamaria Stefanelli and Rory Angelicola? What happened to the days when you could come up here and stick your straw in to satisfy your insatiable demands? What is the name of the Hong Kong organization? What has the prisoner done to a cousin? Where is porcelain now? What was the anniversary of Louis Armstrong's tour behind the Iron Curtain? What city is Bill de Blasio calling for an overhaul of housing programs? What does Mr. Obama conjure as he works to defend an ambitious diplomatic nonproliferation accord with Iran? What might galvanize his base in the short term? What do comedy scenes serve no purpose other than? What other group is being persecuted in the Middle East? What were the two huge pieces of? Why was he thrown out of the G-8 countries of leading economic powers? How many months is left on Simmons' contract? Who provided financial help to women's groups? How much were the 600 Patriot defense missiles valued at? What company was accused of making a guardrail that could malfunction and impale drivers? What did questions about past Iranian activities become in the negotiations? Who is Li Chunfu the brother of? On what day of the week did the Senate approve the legislation? What does Mann set up on the tripod? What did the men do together? What act eliminated the five-year minimum sentence for first possession of crack? Where is Mr. Blum's gallery? Why did the young Chinese feminists storm men's restrooms? What percentage of American households are not getting enough food to live active, healthy lifestyles? What is becoming a serious economic and environmental issue? What country knows that corruption is a monster? Through what date? What is the nature of the automotive industry? What killed many spectators? Who introduced education proposals in January? Where is Joseph D. Morelle from? What political party is New Jersey's Legislature led by? What is the nuclear-monitoring arm of the United Nations? What can be made tomorrow afternoon? Why did Ms. Santana come forward? On what streaming service is the first half of Season 7 available? Who made his debut in the second game? What did Mr. Fraser say? What is the name of the daylong event that will take place after the museum opens? Who is the first pianist at Carnegie since 1979 to double up on a solo recital? What type of program is it? How long have the young activists been taking their righteous indignation to the streets? What have the Rangers reached in nine of the last 10 years? Who was the chief who directed the waterborne response? What do many inmates not get? What does early spending on someone's health do? How old is Omar Shalabi? When did the case make headlines? What time did the German battleship open fire on the Polish military transit depot? Who has challenged the government? What kind of monitors would the fund have? Who is Andrew Zimbalist? Would the true cost of the tax cut be more or less than its static score? What happened to the building after the Glad Hand closed? What trials showed a reduction in all-cause mortality? Where was the last game played? What was the most violent year in New York City history? How much does Chime charge per hour for each additional child? Where is Dr. Kenneth Covinsky a geriatrician? What is Boeing's defense? What was Wang Man said to have done while in custody? What did the jurors find the defendants guilty of? What is the effect of dams? What wasn't really powered by fusion? What team is he the manager of? How many times did he walk? When did the Mustangs play for the first time since the controversial game? Who won the election of 2013? Shostakovich's Symphony No. 10 is in what minor? What is the name of the ride-hailing service? What is stifling the financial system? Who gave the orders to the Bureau of Reclamation? What happened to Henry's father when he was 12? How did Sergei A. Markov give an interview? What is the world's largest freshwater lake? What has caused an expanding middle class to have more disposable income? When will the Ukrainian military and its separatist opponents complete the withdrawal of heavy weapons? What does Jefferson Davis have to survive? Who is the leader of Forza Italia? Who led the Wizards with 20 points? Who has guidelines for the food industry? Where did Mr. Paulson advocate saving certain institutions? Where was relief that a deeper crisis had been averted? What is the name of the daring interim chapter? Are people and nature better off or worse off because of industrialization? What are two apps that have similar features? What rating does Love the Coopers have? Who pressured Mr. Dostum? What did the school say about the case that led to international concern about the competence of the country's judicial system? How many awards does Mr. Holder have? What percentage point did the jobless rate for African-Americans rise by in November? Who was the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority? What states have passed paid sick-leave policies? What does "Unfinished Business" add? What is harder to come by than in Melville's day? What is the name of the unarmed teenager who was fatally shot during an encounter with a police officer? What is another word for nimbleness? What does the weekend's maneuvering allow Mr. Renzi to do? What event was Mr. Watkins visiting New York for? In what year did John Major have a larger majority than Mr. Cameron? What state has four starters taller than 6-7? How much has Marcato International lost? Who made gays feel immoral and inferior? Who hosted the Oscars for the first time? Who sung Cuatro Melodas Tradicionales Indias del Ecuador? Where did the bride and groom meet? What is the retrospective at the Museum of Arts and Design showing? How long was the news conference? Who was the husband's wife? How many points do the Eagles have? What did some lawmakers say they resented? Who is the Arab prisoner? What did the crowdfunding campaign raise funds for? What is Nagraj Kashyap's position at Qualcomm Ventures? What was Mapstone's preliminary diagnosis? What are the times of buses and trains on a given day? In what year did the street rebellion take place in Tunisia? How much did toys and games grow in the last quarter? How many people will attend Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine? What was my job? When did Jacint die? Who faltered on the final hole? How much of a deficit did the Suns overcome to beat Orlando? Who is Athens's biggest European lender? How many films did he have to his credit by 1939? Where can you find a generator? Why did Mr. Obama appear to be hyping his case to the public? How does ISight charge its customers? What city did the news crew ask him how it felt to be playing in? How many companies does the conglomerate own? Detractors attack him as being too conciliatory to what? What is the name of the play that three women are involved with? Who plans to participate in the United Nations development meeting? What can be difficult to get in the summer? What are two examples of natural resonances of instruments? What did Volkswagen admit to doing? Where did the meetings take place? What type of murder mysteries is Investigation Discovery filled with? Who was the team playing against on Monday night? What percentage of 18- to 29-year-old men said they play games? What is the cost of the generator? How many pieces are in the collection? Where does Mr. Saleh depart for? What is the title of the song? How many deaths were reported? What service did the gunman belong to? What is the name of Katie Goldstein's advocacy group? What is the first chapter of? What type of energy supplies do religious groups want governments to reduce the cost of? What was the score of the Mets' win? Who sued under a part of the credit law? What housing project did Ms. White escape from? Who invaded the Crimean Peninsula last year in unmarked uniforms? Who was a student at Syracuse? What hospital has begun sterilizing their instruments with ethylene oxide? Rudolf Höss was one of the commanders at what? What did criminals steal from Target's network? Why did antigovernment demonstrators take to the streets? Who is the author of Ephemera: Holding a Moment in Your Hand? What do Muslims disagree over? What is Mr. Bresloff's profession? Lawmakers should act in the interests of who? Where is the grasshopper mouse from? Where does the tub make it back to? What was the name of the play that sold Ms. Moss to the theater? What do they want to upend? Who is a political science professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow? Who is forced to work outside? Who veered close to an admission that Russian soldiers had fought in the war in eastern Ukraine? What are we in front of when we are outside of court? What was the name of the film for which Mr. Williams was nominated for an Academy Award? Where was the album recorded? What would he take us on? Who invested in risky real estate projects or the inflated stock market? What hurricane was in the path of the state? How many people died from Legionnaires' disease? How many percentage points did average hourly earnings increase in October? Who was in charge of the organization's staff? What will Ms. Whitehead continue to consult with Valeant and Sprout executives after her departure? Who does Mr. Rodham have connections with? What caused the fire to leap across Highway 20? Who was the N.C.A.A.'s player of the year for St. John's in Queens in 1985? Who suggested that he had no knowledge of political prisoners in Cuba? How many barrels of oil does Iran produce per day? Where did Obama speak on Monday? What nationality is the cruise director? Where did Mr. Brezner spot Mr. Williams? Why did the teachers endorse my book? Where is Geoffrey C. Galloway's ranch located? What time is the Starz Cinema? In what year did the Fed intend to raise interest rates? What has been shut for nearly a month in many of the southern districts? John Kerry met with European ministers to discuss harsher economic sanctions against which country? What is the name of Dr. David Schnarch's book? The argument goes something like this: Once people have insurance, they'll go to the doctor instead of an expensive where? Who was the Minnesota goalie? What did Islamic State militants do in Palmyra? What types of apartment buildings are vulnerable to collapse in a major earthquake? What are the names of the portraits of local girls on the cusp of puberty? What is the occupation of the two people? Who is the director of the play? What is everyone's worst day going to be put on? How many close friends has he had since preschool? How many states have passed laws permitting medical marijuana? What group was led by Juan Uribe? Where is Hill-Rom based? Who is the author of KILLING AND DYING? Where did the Chiefs travel to play against the Bengals? What percentage of revenues does marijuana account for? Who received a $10,000 fine for a remark that was picked up by on-court microphones? What happened last season? Where is Officer Munoz from? Where was Michael Brown killed? In what city is Virginia Mason Hospital located? When was Chronicle Publishing sold? What did Swift Boat Veterans for Truth accuse Senator Kerry of? What treaty is an important element in building the rule of law in a region that is being torn up by national, religious and local conflict? What was the score of Harvey's first game? What kind of following has been great for "Scream Queens"? What kind of athlete is he? What injuries did Ms. Sassoon and Siporah sustain? Who suggested a cap on outside income? What was the age of the tycoon? BlackRock does not rely on what to boost returns? What is the only cure? How much is the dividend for each person who has lived in Alaska for at least one year? What are some of the things he has in common with a Buddhist physical ideal? What is it like to raise a family? What do schools do to help students gain experience until they find full-time jobs? When was "The Birth of the World" painted? What happens after the welcome party? What can cause data fluctuations? What did some forget on the first day of exercises? When did Michela English arrive in Lynchburg? Why do police commanders and prosecutors support camera use? Who scored in the third period? What show is the final leg of the exhibition about? What type of retirement plans would people not be able to opt out of? Who does Phil Jimenez say no longer want to see the effeminate stereotype of the gay man in comics? Who said they planned to leave a million acres fallow? How many student deferments did Trump receive? Who is a consultant for nonprofits focusing on L.G.B.T. issues? What city is Di Tzeitung based in? What does Daru need to do? When did the Massachusetts representative step down? In what year did Ms. Smith lose her husband? What do police use to film their encounters with the public? What unit does the nurse's aide work in? What orientation does a person have nothing to do with their ability to be a good parent? What did he do when he stood onstage at the end of his main set? Who is Anna Swenson? Why wouldn't it be possible? Who is the foreign minister of Lithuania? What has Mr. Menendez vowed? What currency is weaker? What are the 19th-century ballets labeled as? Who certifies the chocolate for Magnum ice cream bars? When did Mr. Shoemaker read the book? What does South Korea provide for defectors? Who does Ms. Shurrab focus her appeals on? What did the statement say? Who won all four matches? Who asked Mrs. Clinton to make a Snapchat video? Who is the trainer of Carpe Diem? Who did Barrett take over for in the third quarter? What did Trice say? Where were the Writers Guild of America Awards held? How much will the courses cost? How old is the wife? What is the name of the event? All have been what? What is the name of the Center for the Performing Arts? What is Starbucks market value today? When did Trump launch his campaign? What beverages are sold from a vintage machine? Where does Hicklin's Yorkshire Gold come from? In what country is the National Museum located? What state's law was challenged by health care providers? What was the jobless rate for African-Americans in November? What was the name of the management company that told Mr. Zaro that a Boston Market would replace the bakery? Why has spending on government building projects risen over the last year? Who wrote the poem "wind"? What motorway is within easy reach of the property? Who led the Bulls with 25 points on Saturday? How many other states were also affected? When was the book released? What did he do that made the story more interesting? Do the new numbers offer a sense of progress? What is the name of the exhibit at the TUCKAHOE Westchester Italian Cultural Center? What time was the flight scheduled to land at Gatwick Airport? Who did Mr. Disisto sue? Where does Josephine come from? What type of network was named in the suit? How many years ago did Donatella Versace see Versace at the Ritz? How much did he hope to raise within a year? What did students feel during the previous year? When did Mr. Fox make his transition back to the private sector? Where is Andrew Papachristos from? How many people are in the parish? Who is the Australian feminist author? How many seats did the opposition win? What must wait for further investigation of the site? Who is Mark Tatum? How many majors has Venus won? Who is the owner of the Bridal Bar? What is the only thing he shoots on the night shift? What is the maximum amount of homes that are subject to the mansion tax? Who is a young black mother? Where was the 1-year-old put? Who narrates the film? Who made the film "Sixteen Candles"? What percentage of equipment was manufactured in the past decade? What type of kitchen was needed? What percentage of freshwater is associated with discarded food? Who is the President of France? How old is Colon? What is Catholicism a commitment to? What was the name of the weekly drag party hosted at the Pyramid Club? Who should have come together on Kunduz? What is the name of the show that's going to come from a Broadway theater? In what year was a study conducted that randomly assigned patients with congestive heart failure to normal or low-sodium diets? Where did the government ask for help from the US? What does he take it to be? What does the Marine Battalion respond to more frequently? How many did the company sell this year? What was the figure for insurance? What did the teacher and his assistants beat the talibes with? Who said that she was tired? What does Charritos serve? Who did Sidney Loeb teach how to desalinate seawater? What was the most profitable quarter ever for a publicly traded company? Who is the spokesman for the office of the judiciary? What company is Reed Hastings the chief executive of? Where did the cat get agitated? Who moved here 12 years ago? Who wrote the brief? Who is Mr. Mellbin a representative of? Who is the author of "The Reel Truth"? What could tip the global economy into another recession? What are two problems that make it difficult to rely on smartphones alone? What is Facebook ready to tap as a revenue stream? How long have schools, workplaces and shops been shut? What company does Allergan want to buy? What legislation did he support? What is the size of the city? Who is Ibrahim Ghandour? What will the proceeds of the offering be used for? Who did Cobb beat up? What is the nation-state of the Jewish people? Who was the host of the 2015 N.H.L. scouting combine? What does Madeline Green use to make her jewelry? How long did it take for the first printing of 12,000 copies to sell out? How many people have been killed in protests over the draft constitution? What political party does Mr. Ryan belong to? What was the central bank's official target for inflation? On what day of the week did the game take place? Who filed the antitrust case against Google? Who does ESPN have a relationship with? Who was Dr. Schatz? What is the main reason new drugs exist? What happened to the assailant? Who was unsure whether the increase in spice-related emergencies reflected greater use of the drug or a particularly dangerous formulation? What does the engineer at Google say? What museum does Artie Vierkant speak at? Mr. Sweat and what other person could not help but compare their escape to the escape in "The Shawshank Redemption"? What is one of the cases to be argued next week? When is the deal expected to close? Who fears that a funeral will turn violent? How much did Mr. Rodham project he could make on the Haiti deal? Who said "I am angry"? What did David Alaba and Holger Badstuber play as? Who will be ready to play at some point? Where is the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art located? The car cannot be locked if what? What is changing the world quickly? Who played the Queen? What is the nickname of Christopher R. Heanue? The F.D.A. warns that these techniques may not be suitable for fish thicker than what? Are violent crimes prosecuted more severely today or 30 years ago? What type of mantel did Ms. Enger build? What country has stricter rules on nitrogen oxide emissions? What team is Giancarlo Stanton a part of? Who halted a military training agreement with the United States? Who coached at Indiana for six seasons? How much was the penalty from Deutsche Bank? What event did the Senate respond to by declining to ban the sale of guns? What is the term for a person with deep knowledge and appreciation of the whole medium? What is the family code of a man? What was the reaction in Moscow when the Ukrainian Parliament voted? Who did Mr. Bush hire recently? Who is Kemba Walker? What did the report expose about board members? What did Hollande say the attack was an assault on? What model year was the Passat equipped with a system that uses chemical urea to neutralize nitrogen oxide emissions? What does Islam teach us about human beings and animals? Where did Russian soldiers invade last year? What was the name of the ultralight magnesium alloy used in the 300 SLR? Who did Dr. Schatz write an email to? What team is he the manager of? What is Snyder's offensive nickname? What did the federal police surveillance of the owner of? What did Phyllis Levin liken her subjects to? Who is focused on cutting taxes? What type of groups can enter prisons more easily than human rights groups? How many seats were won by smaller parties? What did a post on social media accuse the company of? What is the cost of 12 oz? What type of deli shouldn't be required to cater events for the Nation of Islam? What is Cookie's real name? What is it easier to be as a black person? How long ago were talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership deadlocked? What problem is the US trying to solve? What company said it would be able to bring its diesel cars in line with European clean-air standards? What are the three main points of view of the Vietnam War? What agency is Scott Albrecht a special agent for? What was the name of the red-tiled tub in Cove Haven's mirrored bathrooms? What did he say about the first week? What is the name of Tesla's sedan? What is the name of the Ukrainian nationalist organization? What is needed to sell private insurance to immigrants? What is Benjamin Netanyahu's position? What is the 2015 Ikea catalog called? What country is living on borrowed time? What is the mustang doing at John Jay? How much had the organization raised by the time the fund-raising effort was concluded? What city is the area starting to resemble? What did Mr. Fernandez do to his own hair? When was Motley born? What is a big reason farmers could be forced to watch millions of gallons of floodwater escape to the sea this winter? Who will provide staff for the corporation? Trice's measured approach was evident at least three times in what? What is the increase in state aid that Mr. Cuomo's education plan includes? How much are we spending on the building? What did he want to repeat in other countries? What is the highest speed a commuter train can travel through densely populated areas? Who designed the "Bolotas" chairs? What did the legal ruling on Wednesday barely refer to? What does the claimant call gravestones? What material exploded in white-hot flames? What is the nationality of Xavier Gabriel? What is what it has been for 40 years? In what time period was Neuer beaten twice? How many other families are here? How much has the main Shanghai share index risen from its low in late August? What kind of jokes does Mr. Andersson make? What is the name of the winter weather system? Who is Jeb Bush's campaign manager? What is the name of the gigantic satellite? Who was gone, but no longer missing? How many songs did Toby Gad work on with Madonna? What have some done? What did he use to say something powerfully? Where is Drummond based? Who has sought to end America's role in Afghanistan's war? Where did he argue against intervention by outside powers? Who is the only person who has won the New York City Marathon? What is one way to decrease the prison population? Who are Chung Chow's partners? What percentage of equipment was manufactured in the past decade? What day were Saturday's attendees allowed to exchange their tickets for? The space will also house the operations of what? Who argues that someone else made the hole? What is the palm tree-derived fiber Eric Raisina transforms into sophisticated lace-like dresses? In what year were advertisements published in The New York Times? Along with Mohamed, who has personalized conversations in "Far From Men"? Where was Julius Erving born? What was Reims? Why did Mr. Obama appear to be hyping his case to the public? What administration was Mr. Hall a veteran of? What is Mitch McConnell's position? Who is the mayor of Chicago? What is the name of the file? Who led Iran's negotiators? Who headed a header from six yards out? Why did Amanda Kessel stop playing? How old was Dr. Garca when he immigrated to Miami? How much did PC chips bring in a year ago? What percentage of wasted food comes from the commercial sector? How many seats were won by smaller parties? How many times will you have to remind her about the pattern? What is the most likely cause of the inmate's erratic behavior? A. Before, I loved it that it happened on what? Who is in a prolonged funk? What has been reflected on the scoreboard? Who will know the strength of our collective will and commitment to rid the nation of terror? ISight's intelligence streams focus on what two threats? How long will the courses last? Who was William Mulholland? When was Electric Ursa released? How many fairy godmothers arrive? What does Greece need to get reliable? Veronika Part's performance was the most wonderful thing in the whole of what? What animal is gelded in the premiere? Who is the Prime Minister of Australia? When did Mr. Boire take over as chief executive of Barnes & Noble? The legislation is based on the idea that what happens when a fetus feels pain? Who would say the bank is trying to do too much? What happened to the coloring book for grown-ups? Where does Ms. Clément update the action? What type of trials did Mr. Silver and Dean G. Skelos face? What is the best option? What are two other names for the Islamic State group? Who is the brother of Li Heping? What is the name of the organization that reported the increase in reports? Who was the original Jesus of "Superstar"? What did she describe about her childhood trauma of watching men pummel their wives in public? What did he not like to read before buying a product? Where is Josh Heupel now? What have many done to him? What city is the set in? Who did Mr. Seymour first drink with? Do some countries respond to queries from the United Nations? What happens after a day? How many reports were generated on Thursday? Who loved Ross' article on him? What group ran a television ad accusing Senator Kerry of lying about his war record? Who is the co-author of Emily Post's Etiquette? What does the company's work have roots in? How many proposals did the Gaming Facility Location Board reject from the Southern Tier? What were some of the features of some of the suspects? How did they call out his name? Where were the Uighurs detained? On what date is McDavid expected to be selected? What type of projections are included in the show? What is erratic? How much did the poll show that Republicans prefer an outsider to a candidate with experience in the political system? What does it allow them to do? What kind of argument does Ross Douthat have? Who is the best reason to see this slick version of the sanguineous tragedy? How many of the shirts are advertisements? How many classes are being provided by the United States Army? What has crippled Iran's economy? Who was the co-founder of Kohlberg & Company? Who is Greg Prince? Who plays Miami's top private pathologist? What team has found and honed a new winning tactic? How old is Mr. Gaden? What country did Latifa Shaab hope to reach? How long has Allaire been Lundqvist's coach? What scandal did Mr. Youssef write on a piece of paper? Where is Hannah Shinehee Cho from? Who graduated from art school in Montreal in 2013? What time will the countdown begin? Who granted human beings dominion over the fish of the sea? What did Cathy Clegg say she developed with the U.A.W.? What was the score of Djokovic in the fifth set? Along with the 401(k) and the Individual Retirement Account, what new vehicle was introduced? How much of a premium is there to Aruba's closing price? When will the Heald College claims be decided? What are the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation required to use when evaluating major changes in tax and spending policy? The letter was signed by eight other members of what group? What would the teenagers in 'American Graffiti' have done to see the movie? What country are the Sharks from? What is Mr. Mana the founder of? What type of church was the baby left in? What channel has the Seattle Police Department set up? Where did he argue against intervention by outside powers? Who is the director and screenwriter of "Spy"? What does the panoramic shot do? What did the judge do to the prosecution's argument that Mr. Hincapie could have called witnesses at his first trial? What is the typical middle school relationship of? What did the peacekeeper serve in Pakistan? What became central to the political debate? Who cashed his diamond ace and club queen? Who translated "Ubu Roi"? Which communities are more heavily patrolled than white communities? How many days did physical testing take place? Who wrote a letter to Prisoners' Legal Services? What will the mortgage underwriter base their eligibility on? Who has a recipe for double-chocolate pancakes with salted caramel sauce? Who wrote a much-talked-about piece for the website My Body My Image? What can they expect at the end of their humiliating journeys? Where did Mr. Reed say he was more warmly received? Who has Mandiant been advising? What genre are both pianists a part of? What does Mr. Roin document many examples of? How long did it take Mr. Boehner to tell Mr. McCarthy about his plans to retire? Who edged out Mr. Trump among conservatives and wealthier voters? Who's voice is unmistakable? What do you do to the breadcrumbs? Who appears at the exact moment you've forgotten he's supposed to? What is Moussa Mohammad's profession? What was even more powerful once I put bitterness and angriness behind me? Who prepared the masa? What did McCain do in a similar situation? How much did "Inside Out" collect? What was the score of the game between the Chicago Cubs and Milwaukee? What did Dr. Coggan say about the “establishment” science? Where was Motley born? Who did the accusation convince to approve the warrant? Who concurred on similar grounds? Where was the Red Cross blood drive held? How many pounds did stress and jail slim him down by? Where is the Sarah Neuman Center located? What does Dr. Hanak believe the state should consider doing with their allotments? What is the name of the Marine Battalion of the Fire Department? Are there more or less people who want water? What is the name of the musical by Cyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein? What is the term for style or wit in instantaneous inventions? What team does Pep Guardiola represent? Who is a former top aide of Senator McConnell? What did the Americans find about the Ukrainians in the first two weeks of training? Where does he go to work with a new troupe? Who reported the news of the discussions? Who was burned in the groin and thighs when she spilled a cup of scalding McDonald's coffee? What would be worse? How many projects were recommended for a license? Who invaded the Crimean Peninsula last year in unmarked uniforms? What do the dollars spent on health insurance do? What did the jury find? What type of business are many of the high-net-worth investors in? What does the yearning of "A Cure for Suicide" motivate? What did Mr. Putin announce two years ago? Where were test shows held? Who is Iran's supreme leader? What sport does the author train for? What did he do to give Latino voters any persuasive evidence? How much were the Turks paid for their passports? Where is Reza Fakhari from? What type of person would buy the painting? Who was Sheldon Drobny? How long has Ellen Langer studied mindfulness without meditation? How old is Dmitri Kolesnik? How many hours does it take to generate a double? What are you talking about? How old is Ms. Booth? What can vary based on your hardware? What was the name of the book published by Basic Books in 1968? What award did she win in 2013? What type of pork should be used? Who fears that stairways cut into the canal's retaining walls will tamper with a World Heritage Site? What is the legislation based on? What were the names of the people who attended? What war did jazz play a role in? What did Mr. Kohlberg focus on? What is the name of Mrs. Obama's daughter? Who did Mr. Rodham settle his bill with? What are the four illustrated coloring books subtitled? Why did he move his family to Switzerland? What is the name of the corrections officers' union? Who staged a sit-in? What ages fast as its targets drop out of public view? What was the median price of townhouses in the third quarter of 2015? What is the name of Chad's armed police force? Who was the spokesman for the American-led coalition? What does Andrew Strauss do now? Who stepped down as anchorman? What is the name of the device that has exceptional performance on a 5 GHz signal? What responds to queries with answers? Who does Francis want to publicly rebuke? What did Garnett advise Towns to do? What is the limit on contributions to a candidate's formal campaign organization? When did Mr. Mattarella resign from a government? Who ran for 204 yards and four rushing touchdowns? How long after passing did the bank discover errors that had led it to overstate its capital by $4 billion? What position did Michael D'Andrea hold? What is the lowest youth turnout rate ever recorded? Who was executed? When did José Morán return from lunch? What is the difference between going before a juvenile court and a lifelong criminal? What is Kelly McGonigal's profession? What is the name of the gallery in ASBURY PARK? How are the tiger prawns marinated? Which current re-exerted itself strongly during the Mikhail Gorbachev years? What was Manning talking about when he met with Dr. Robert Anderson? Who welcomes comments and suggestions? How long did Mr. Fox hope to find a solution for the transportation fund? What type of narrator does the book have? What is the estimated price of developing a drug from scratch? Who is the jockey of Carpe Diem? What department did Mr. Dallagnol visit? How did he group abortion in Washington? Why were migrants diverted to Slovenia? What was the name of the official who was contacted for comment? What can be this year's literature? Are the streets becoming safer or less safe for activists? Who wrote "The uberisation of the economy is godless and lawless development model"? Who is the new commissioner? Who received a standing ovation? Along with Brazil, what countries are considered to be some of the world's most promising emerging markets? How many bullets did the San Bernardino murderers fire with their assault rifles? What will a good-faith mistake look like? What do you drag out of the iTunes window to the desktop Dropbox folder? What is the name of the overseas gay rights organization? Who was she shooting a scene opposite? Who is the chief marketing officer of Anthropologie? What is the title of Ms. Pierpont's book? Where did Russia reduce food imports from? How much did Mr. Ghani pay the Podesta Group? What is the name of the prominent Catalonian family? The series against the Capitals has been what? What did drivers do after they ascended the hill toward the crossing? Who is the maker of Botox? How many points does Materiality have? What was the rise of Google on the heels of? Who are the New York Mets facing in World Series Game 1? What is Marcel Rubel's profession? What type of thinking can be used to become more mindful? Where did Mr. Seymour and Mr. Connell first drink at? Where did Republicans fail to advance a bill on legislation outlawing abortion at 20 weeks after fertilization? What can lead to catastrophic pollution in the short term? What prize was Mr. Stus nominated for? When will Boko Haram know the strength of our collective will and commitment? When were auditions for the school-aged characters held? What did he say in an interview? How long will the courses last? What was the name of the book that was published in 1960? What does Eaton Vance offer instead of a portfolio manager who specializes in United States growth stocks? Where were we both imprisoned? Who ousted his three immediate predecessors? What is "M Train" about? Who are the artists in the three programs? Who was the Japanese ambassador? What does Andrew J. Pincus believe suits should be allowed for? What does adding this type of facility sure doesn't hurt with? What is the name of the group show at the Mystic Maritime Art Gallery? Why did the Italian prime minister need his rival's support? How many smaller bedrooms open onto a second balcony overlooking the lake? How many exemptions have been granted to people in many industries? Who topped 1,000 receiving yards in a season for the seventh time? What would his secretary give us? How long do initial job searches typically last? Who is the man pleading for help from? What two ways are people engaged when they're successful? Who argued that Mr. Sisi's police force was clenching its fist even more tightly than former President Hosni Mubarak's? What did the finance professional give up to move to St. Kitts and Nevis? What is Snow White allergic to? Who is the party guy? Who was beaten twice in the last 13 minutes? How much higher is the out-of-pocket cost for a patient with dementia than the cost for someone with heart disease or cancer? What type of interrogation have the women been subjected to? What league has locked out its players three times? When did Dr. Grier retire? What museum had tensions over the direction of its expansion? Who was disproportionately penalized by mass incarceration? What is Mr. Silver accused of? How much is Simmons' salary estimated to be? What do Boko Haram offer to young people? Where do you save the ones you like? What program was Mr. Holmes a graduate student in? What do you worry about? What were the names of the great uncles? On what date did terrorist acts strike Paris? What do Investigation Discovery fans complain about? Who did Eichel tell that he was the best player in the draft? What did the young Chinese feminists protest? What has been criticized as inadequate by scientists and environmentalists? Who is Mr. Abbas's spokesman? What did the United States increase its reward to for information that could lead to the safe return of Robert A. Levinson? What Rolling Stones song was featured in Lloyd Webber's ode? What war was taking place at the time of the Iron Curtain tour? Who stayed in water waist deep as Jirkovsky emerged from the sea at Cissy Cove? What did Google build its business on? What brand of car did Mr. Clarkson drive? What event is commemorated at the National Memorial and Museum? Who is the prime minister of Belgium? How did Mr. Weisberg's firm repel the bombardment of traffic? Where are the funerals of Palestinian militants held? How did criminals like to receive ransom payments? What type of cabinetry is in the master suite? On what day of the week will it come in handy? How many American rabbis issued a letter of their own? Who was dragged into the fray on Saturday? What is the seasonally adjusted annual rate? What is the name of the building? What kind of clauses do talent contracts typically contain? Who is the United States attorney for the Southern District? When is the festival? What material is the Valentino top made of? How long is the sentencing phase expected to take? What is the world's largest social networking site? What company is using the H-1B temporary visa program? When did he go charging up north? How much was the team projected to be under the cap? Who is the interim chief executive of Emilio Pucci? What is it hard for parents to understand for first-generation students? What is the name of the Tennessee running back? What type of children struggle the most in new neighborhoods? How big is the building? What was the name of the boy? How old is Mr. Clarkson? How were the sales of the Nook division in the most recent quarter? What type of technique does the famous one from the '50s say a composer is useless if he has not experienced the necessity of? What is a cost-saver for the individual patient whose heart attack is prevented by a cholesterol screening? What TV series did Mr. Cainas work on? What is the rating of "The Last Witch Hunter"? Are salaried workers eligible for overtime? Who was just beginning to accept Jews? What is the name of the website that sells eyeglasses? How many hits did Jerome Williams give up? How many times has Woods failed to break 80 in 303 PGA Tour starts as a professional? How old are William Vasquez and Amaury Villalobos? What was the size of our family? What team embraces change with the speed of a glacier? What has left the country without a president for 14 months? How many grand slams did he hit in 1987? When was the parish established? What website is Mark Tapson the editor in chief of? When did Sandy Koufax get to 300? What is Morten Kamp Jorgensen's job? Who opposes the way provinces are being demarcated in the draft constitution? Who is the director of Arizona's Department of Water Resources? What was the name of Ms. Slaughter's tour? What is the religion's focus on promoting? How long was the photo-op? How long is the Girls Prep Ultimate Pi Day 5K? What did Mr. McConnell dismiss the Paris climate change accord as? Who did early research in the field of autonomous agents based on neural networks? How many people are killed a year by air pollution? Why did people close to the investigation speak on the condition of anonymity? How many Charleston churchgoers were killed? What list did the Senate decline to ban the sale of guns to? Who favored wind turbines in Mr. Young's district? Who is responsible for the renewal project in Chimbote? In what year did he say that the state was falling apart? Where does W. McIntyre Burnham work? Who created the glass and intaglio prints at the MAMARONECK Bullseye New York Gallery? Who asked the union to support ousting Mr. Silva Neto? How would Volkswagen be able to bring its diesel cars in line with European clean-air standards? What did Ms. Wei start collecting footage for a documentary about? Who would have to assume responsibility for the loans if the banks failed? Who had the largest House majority since the midterms? What type of communities hope that a casino would spur a reversal of fortunes? What did the moving company ad depict? What would the House measure require? Where did we find a lot of good stuff this week? Why did Collins meet with the police? What did Mr. Cuomo ask the board to consider after hearing criticism? What currency did investors put money into? What country has a sophisticated enrichment program? Who scored a career-high 18 points? When is the summit meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Obama? What kind of flour is used for gravy? How many points did Towns collect? Who did Mr. Faulkner fault for failing to reassure police officers? How many sections are in the exhibition? In what year was Emmett struck by a car and thrown 50 feet? What two instruments do Cookie and Lucious play? Where is the Monastery of Christ in the Desert located? How much is a Bitcoin payment? What was the name of the film that relied on documents, photos and videos? What have nine of the children in the family earned? What are the large-scale paintings depicting? Where did Flanagan finish in 2013? What type of environment do insurance companies and pension funds have to invest their money in? How many patients died? What do we pull out for the Open? What did she say? What is the name of the unemployed gamer from Bensonhurst? Mr. Williams said he would present the tentative agreement to union officials from what company? What is the name of the museum that holds the exhibition "The Coast and the Sea: Marine and Maritime Art in America?" Who did critics of the new agreement say it would help? Who plays Jay in "It Follows"? Who did a college student ask to make a Snapchat video? Who is Jack Shoemaker the editor of? Who advocates saving certain institutions? Who is the Prime Minister of Britain? How long was James sidelined with a sore lower back? What is Martin Baron's current job? What year did the taper tantrum happen? What is the Ukrainian PEN Center? How did Mahler's music sound? What came with the puri? What country did he not want to bad-mouth while in a communist country? What political party does Sam Young belong to? What time did the attack occur? Who is baseball's career hits leader? What two modes did Lloyd Webber decide to write in? Who is the conductor and composer? What did some forget on the first day of exercises? What is the amount of money that can be generated? Who is the director of hospitality at the Plaza hotel? What is the profession of the bride's father? Johann Friedrich ­Böttger came to public attention when he was observed doing what? What are the two Mizoguchi pictures that have been most widely seen in the West? How much was the penalty imposed on G.M.? Who is Crédit Agricole second to among French lenders in terms of assets? How many retired numbers does the Yankees have? Who suggested that Jason Schwartzman could play him in a movie? In what country did the increase in long-term interest rates occur? What club is Trey a member of? What was Mr. Cradle on? What country is Omar Pironel visiting? What does the agreement state? Where will Mr. Wonder visit? Where was Joe Thomas speaking? Near what institution did Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe rent an apartment in 1967? How did PolitiFact rate Fiorina's comments? Who did Showtime work with on story lines? What did Obama say on Tuesday? What is the limit on an agreement? What was the subject of an international incident? What race of Americans suffer disproportionate police violence? What company was NXP formerly a division of? What did this help to do in the US? Why are private equity funds not required to pay back investors on demand? Which country was the top marketplace until Indonesia slid past it two years ago? What did it do for him? What does he want to be? What are other Wall Street banks putting pressure on the legal profession to do more of? Who is the Secretary of State? What university is the Anschutz Medical Campus a part of? Who is considering a challenge to the government's interpretation? Which group has higher profit margins? What is Russia's shared goal? Where will the draft take place? What is the purpose of the new regulations? What has replaced movie stars as the primary reason the masses buy tickets? What did Mr. Singhal illustrate in his recent interview? How many subplots were there surrounding Armstrong's East Berlin concert? What day of the week does the Golden Dragon Acrobats perform? Who became one of the game's fiercest dunkers and most notoriously lovable characters? What did the studies explore? What did the executives base their bet on? When was the pullout originally due? Who is likely to seek the White House? Where is Intel based? How much money has Kohlberg & Company raised from investors since its inception? What question regularly comes up in public meetings? Who played the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Who is it especially popular among? When did American troops overran Baghdad? What does it require to get somewhere? What is one of the big health care needs that the new coverage makes it easier to pay for? Who began the morning with no illusions? Who did Kevin Hayes center? What kind of police behavior did Zachary Hammond have? What does Mr. McConnell think of the Senate? What is the range of prices? Who thought Westbrook was more of a dog? Rudolf Höss was one of the commanders at what? Who is the governor of Ohio? What did Jerome Kohlberg focus on after he retired from Kohlberg & Company? How many illustrated coloring books will Little, Brown release this year? How many of Sweden's top women's rights lobbies wrote an open letter last month? Tonio Fenech is a member of what? What is the federal statue about? How many fingers was the heckler missing? What is the name of Joan Miro's clairvoyant masterpiece from 1927? Who is the coach of the US national team? Where does Needles get most of its water? What was Hana documenting? What was Mr. Hincapie's first order of business? What is the new trend in cloud computing? What time is the screening? What kind of government is Greece likely to have? Who is a builder developing five homes in Middle Island on Long Island? What compound is being manufactured and trafficked? Who was the officer listening to? Where is Porter Ale House Gastropub located? What does the gene TERT do? What did Ayatollah Khamenei say to the military graduates? What does he believe the connection to the street will telegraph the institution's intention to become? Why were some electronic state tax filings suspended last week? Who is the manager of Zaro's? Who emerged from the sea at Cissy Cove? What do I always ask people? Who played for the Knicks in Game 7 of the 1994 finals? What was the name of the person who was talking to me about his father's absence? What was the unemployment rate? What is Mr. Zaro's home? What is the phone number for Where was the maximum-security prison located? What does Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's majority opinion allow? Who is the district attorney? What did the Ukrainians do to the news? What did the league introduce after Dawkins's backboard-shattering spree? Who released a jobs report on Friday? On what day of the week does Lundqvist play? Who did Mr. Habib say there was rivalry or conflict between? How much did Song Tairan invest? What percentage of shareholders backed the merger? What did Darren Sproles do? Who is a Guardian commentator? What are financial regulators cracking down on? What percentage of respondents felt depressed during the past year? What is the name of the shared ride service offered by Uber and Lyft? How many people live in the neighborhood? Where does Dawuti live? What did Bernie Sanders say the American people are sick and tired of hearing about? What did the South need when "To Kill a Mockingbird" was published? What is the capital of Yemen? How many people worldwide are there? DuPont has bloated costs in what two areas? What was the name of Alan Cumming's 2013 Broadway show? Who presented him with a list of political prisoners? How much will the courses cost? Where was Ms. Clyne born? What country is Russia fueling a conflict in? Who was walking toward his family in the parking lot? What is the name of the show that takes place on Saturday? What was he criticized for? How many track and field athletes did the Italian Olympic Committee request two-year doping bans for? Ms. Clyne started out as a composer of what type of music? What has left the island facing a chaotic situation? How old was Ms. Moss when she began acting? What are the riskiest kinds of multitasking? Who wrote "An American Tragedy"? What is Ms. Harper's profession? How many programs are there? What state is Ms. Phillips a captain in? Where did Henry's family move when he was 12? What would the Taliban do when they raided a village? Who wrote the drama "Good People"? What is the limit on contributions to a candidate's formal campaign organization? Who was he born to? When was Millerton Lake built? Who is Ms. Batiashvili an artist in residence with? What did Mr. Hincapie testify? What should Hillary be put in? How many players have at least 70 plate appearances each? What do some people find striking? Who did the town's police chief say had agreed to help buy a cruiser? What did the new Republican leadership decide to do? What is the central bank moving closer to broad-based purchases of? When did Republicans gain the Senate? When will some pieces be rotated out and replaced? What is necessary to stem terrorist acts? Who did Pekka Rinne make 19 saves for? Who gave herself an imaginary solo show at MoMA? When did Kiev ask the US for help? What was taking off in this country when I came of age? What type of supreme court does Pakistan have? Where did Mr. Tsipras spend most of the day? What is the current budget of the Afghan force? Who decided to appoint someone new to head the C.B.O? Was Freud wrong about slips and mishearings? How many years has America been in Afghanistan? Which two prominent party figures have surpassed Mr. Huckabee? What did Mrs. Clinton use while she was secretary of state? What is the movie like? What team is guaranteed to enter September in first place? What type of defense were the Panthers in? What company kicks off results season next week? Who did John P. Carlin want lawyers to inform of attacks? Who did Mattingly play against in Texas? What is the robot used for? How many world records did the 18-year-old set? Who is in her early 60s? Napoleon and She are both what? In what year did he set the major league record for most grand slams in a season? How many inmates have filed complaints with Prisoners' Legal Services of New York? What did the police leave with when they searched Fernando Collor's home? What is the name of Shelley's second solo album? What is the name of the reservoir system? Who performs metzitzah b'peh? What is Mandiant? What did Thomas do to emphasize his innocence? What was the original time of the Giants' next game? Who did Mrs. Chow host the Gala with? Where did the film "The Legend of Pale Male" open? Where did the woman flee to in the 1930s? What can be used to attract conferences? Who was the study conducted on? What did the people eat in the theater? Ford is in talks with Tencent to develop messaging functions for its cars in what country? Who did officers warn him not to tell about his injuries? What type of story is Ball telling? What is the name of his son? What college do the students go to? What is the exterior made of? What did Ms. Basford say when she came back? Where does Baumgart eat a lot of vegetarian food? On what date did the massacre take place? What position did Cindy Whitehead hold at Sprout Pharmaceuticals? What kind of arrests are made against people who photograph or videotape police activity? Who is monitoring what they read and write? Who backs the separatists? What color are people's reactions to my mishearings? What type of sneakers are featured in the store? How long have I been watching the ballet? What country backed Ahmad Chalabi? Who asked the board to consider a new round of bidding for a casino license? What is the name of the search start-up Keith Rabois invested in? What is the other element in eggs that the federal government is about to retire its warnings about? Who directed the movie? At what debate was there a lot of talk about experience in running a government? What sport could we almost field a full team of? What is the name of Mr. Bush's wife? How much did the bill reduce spending on Amtrak by? Where is the Tracy Mansion located? What is the name of the show about New Jersey's two towpath canals? What was the market capitalization of Freescale as of Friday evening? What department is Brian Cunningham a spokesman for? Which two countries are leading an effort to give the 193 member states a greater say in the selection of the secretary general? Who is Tom O'Brien? Who was the Globe's editor during the church investigation? Where was there chronic instability? Who is the Obama administration's top appellate lawyer? How much of Viagra did Pfizer sell last year? What does the employer have to do to make a person more likely to save through a 401(k) plan? Who wrote "Grave of the Fireflies"? When does China's securities regulator plan to lift its moratorium on new stock market listings? Where was the Malaysia Airlines jet shot down? Where is Condon from? What is the name of the Ukrainian officer? What rose 0.2 percent last month? Who is the tour guide? How old is Omar Pironel? What kind of color scheme does the app have? Who is Phil Orlando the chief equity strategist for? Are prosecutors more or less likely to charge violent criminals as felons? What did Mr. Cardin and Mr. Menendez oppose? Where did Mrs. Clinton lay out her proposals? How many secretaries general did the United Nations have? What disease does Engelhardt contract? What do police use to film their encounters with the public? How long will it take for fully autonomous driving to reach consumers? What did the Americans find about the Ukrainians in the first two weeks of training? How much has the Shanghai composite index risen so far this year? What season did they go up in smoke? Who does the Giants communicate with by text messages? Who did Mr. Jain argue Deutsche Bank needed to serve? What is the competition for buying properties? Who wrote "Wild Tales"? Who was not invited to celebrations at the new United States Embassy in August? Who is the author of the sets? What did Dell announce on Monday? What was the proper warning cadence? How much does the middle-tier model cost when fitted with the Milanese loop wristband? What did he say? What is the total number of fatalities nationwide this year? Who is the executive director of New Yorkers for Parks? What is the description of the horror film "It Follows"? Who do I owe for dealing drugs? Who can read the handwriting on the wall? What are catalogs a waste of? Who plays Aaron's best friend? How did the Russian leader behave during the news conference? How have the students been failed? What were Pakistani peacekeepers accused of doing in Haiti? Where are the Eagles ranked in the N.F.L? What can lead a country to an outcome far more promising than a coup? What did he promise his wife? Who has been unwilling to cooperate with the tribunal? What is the name of the conference that congratulated N.J.I.T. on the announcement of the new arena? Why do consumers benefit? Who couldn't stand out? What did the cat do to the urn? Who is the campaign's communications director? What type of waste erupted last year in an underground dump? How does Balducci describe the prisoner who cut the throat of a cousin? What was the Mets' average television audience in 2007? Where is Gordon College located? What did she leave the store with? How can you let us know what you think of his argument? What did McCain support efforts to overhaul? How many years ago was the first show in Nashville? What is the company's view? Where could people buy drugs from? Who was fighting on the peninsula? Who won his second European Tour title? Who is the secretary of state? What did Henry R. Kravis and George R. Roberts form in 1976? Who is a partner at Khosla Ventures? When does Yukiya Amano have until to provide the final assessment on the resolution of all past and present outstanding issues? Naomi Campbell introduced the evening's honoree for what award? How many of the home runs came during a streak in mid-July? What law did the mother follow? What are the troops learning to break open a door with? Who visited Fells? The proliferation of ransom demands has provided an unhappy reminder of the virtual currency's continuing appeal to what? What is breaking through today? Why did Mr. Hincapie give a false confession? Who does Wikipedia connect to its global community? Where is the Bruce Museum located? Isa Kalantari warns that how many of Iran's provinces could become uninhabitable within 15 years? Who controls everything in Idaho? What did George Steinbrenner order Mattingly to do for not getting a haircut? What do Times Square's pedestrian plazas require? When did Chris Mullin become an All-Star in the NBA? How old is the Californian who has had a rapid rise in the party ranks? What country can flirt with countries like Russia, China and France? How many locations opened in Malibu in 2012? What is the name of the tired denizens in "The Waste Land"? How much was Pierre-Paul guaranteed to make this season? What do many Chinese use instead of phone calls? When did Full Sail begin offering master's programs? Why didn't Coach Cal let him shoot it? Who released a report in August? Which country did the Patriots play in? Megan Greene is a managing director at what firm? What did the man and woman do after the Long Island Rail Road train passed through? What does it mean if the police haven't done enough? What does God do when we fail? Who said the epitaph of the Obama presidency would be: "He couldn't govern, but he sure knew how to campaign?" How many years ago did Triceratops live in North America? Whose agricultural and industrial policies were a death knell for traditional village life? Who is at the spot marked by the repaved patch of street? What is produced by bacteria? Who elevated her to the Supreme Court? What follows a certain script when a girl's voice chimes in? Where did the government ask for help from the US? Who was his backup? Who has had enough of Donovan? What percentage of people are thought to be hyporesponders to dietary cholesterol? Where would the correspondence have taken place? What was the name of the coffee shop that was located in the building? What did the government try to keep reporting of? Where did Russian soldiers invade last year? Why does Russia not want to get involved with the separatists? Who was the justice in United States v. Windsor? Who was expected to move further at this tournament? How long has it been since the Syrian crisis began? What was the name given to the northeastern Pennsylvania mountains? What is the name of the case in which Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote a majority opinion? Who is known for his work on Wonder Woman and the Amazing Spider-Man comics? When was the landmark election in Burma? Where is NASA's Near-Earth Object office located? Who beats and kills people? In how many years has the number of available jobs been at its highest level? Who was convinced he would be the goat after Kearse had played pinball wizard at his expense? What is the name of the book? What type of factory was it? How much cholesterol should Americans limit their intake to? When did state regulators vote to impose a new round of water conservation rules? What did the data cause? What did many analysts fault Rousey for? How many touchdowns did the teams score in the fourth quarter? What do Rolls buyers not feel like doing? What have fireboats responded to? How many carries did Vaughn get? What area displays images saved or created with other apps? What industry receives subsidies for water-intensive crops? How much was the settlement with the Career Education Corporation? Where are the men fighting in Syria from? Who replied that Congress did not have the power to create a legal right to sue for plaintiffs who have suffered no direct and concrete injuries? When did the housing market collapse? What was the name of the young black man who was injured in police custody and later died? What instrument does Corey Robinson play? Who took a two-game lead in the series against Golden State? What do some buyers prefer to use the space for? How many people were killed when the train derailed? What did the squatters live off of? Who is the Patriots quarterback? John Jay sits on a busy thoroughfare near what? Who is the book's translator? Who did Mr. Firat say caused resentment in some places? What political party do I belong to? Who rejected each of the arguments? What did Century 21 require? How did Mr. Bush dismiss Mr. Trump? Who is a political scientist who specializes in the National Front? How do I deal? What is Mr. Foley's position at Rubenstein Communications? How many seats did the governing party win? Is the book feminist or masculine? Was the service pleasant or sloppy? What type of cap did the rebel leader wear? Who is the owner of Dix Hills Animal Hospital? What kind of people are I looking for? What serials was the book an apotheosis of? What organization is a scientific consultant? What company was the transaction valued at? Who was 0 for 4? Who developed tools to probe the biology of the turquoise killifish? After how many advertisements did some studies suggest diminishing returns? How many pounds of synthetic drugs were seized? When did Mr. Wilkins die? Mrs. Sooy is the manager for product support operations at what company? Who did Lisa Brennan-Jobs speak to for the film? What was the central bank's official target for inflation? Where did Entang Wiharso represent Indonesia? What are people afraid of? What is the maximum subsidy for a three-bedroom apartment in Dallas? Which team had momentum that the Tigers couldn't reverse? Who was the head of the C.I.A. Counterterrorism Center? What can be co-determinants in mishearing? What is Mr. Andrew's book about? What team went to the World Series in 1982? What happens if water is not taken to the complex? How big is the ferry that sank? Conducting is partly what? Over how many years was DuPont's growth margin based on earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization? What office did Mr. Constantine join after working in a radiator factory? Who plays Phil? What business does Uber claim to be in? What company is the Surface a competitor to? Does the reviewer seem to have met the women? How many units of affordable housing did the mayor promise to build or preserve over 10 years? What nationality was Lucia Berlin? When was the landmark election in Burma? What are some of the meanings of the Russian word for "bright"? Who filed the lawsuit against AT&T? Who is Christopher Koopman? What does the Kauffman Index measure? What is the name of the team that plays for the Cavaliers? Where was porcelain invented? What did he remove from the tree? Who is John's junkie ghost? What made Mr. Sweat's work unbearable? What did Mr. Blankenship's lawyer ask for? Who is more concerned with helping students achieve the balance? What marketplace is fluid and unpredictable? How much is Larry Robbins down? What type of complex ales are easier to produce? How many drowning deaths were there in China in 1990? Who hit the fly ball? Where was the church's general synod held? How many hours a day was he in solitary confinement at the ADX? What is Towns' average for the Timberwolves? What is the percentage of people who generate revenue? Where is the video set? Why did the police want to talk to Collins? What did Congress impose restrictions on? What is the new threshold in 2016? What organization is Ricardo Caballero a part of? Where did Mrs. Clinton criticize price gouging in the drug market? What is the colony devoted to? What is the nation's second-largest bank by assets? What is the name of Shohret Hoshur's third brother? What is Trice's average in the N.C.A.A. tournament? What has been soft about "Scream Queens"? How many hours is the postnuptial gala? What company is acquiring Broadcom? How many schools will be allowed to reserve slots for children from low-income or non-English speaking families? When was the original concept album for Jesus Christ Superstar recorded? What type of public transportation did Ms. Upi use to deliver products to customers? How many seasons did Coach Mike Davis coach at Indiana? What should you use to be sure that your freezer will work for controlling parasites? When was Mr. Clarkson suspended? What type of church did Rev. Brian Sauder attend? Who noticed that the Ukrainians were carrying rifles with the safeties off? What did the government take extraordinary measures to stop? What was a work in progress for Mr. Faulkner? How can you transfer files between computers that you did not purchase in iTunes? What do Fed officials keep saying about their policy choice? In what inning did Harvey strike out? Who is the judge of the Federal District Court in Charleston? How much did the N.F.L. agree to pay the plaintiffs' lawyers? Who is teaching maneuvers? Where did the blue-blooded dynasty have roots? What pitch did Dan Warthen want Colon to rely on? How long is the park? Who was the chief digital strategist for Senator Rand Paul's campaign? Who wrote the musical retelling of Rapunzel, Cinderella and Snow White? What was the title of Scott's book? Jean Pisani-Ferry serves as a policy adviser to what government? What was the initial request for the company? What is the name of the Church on Blood in Honor of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land? What kind of temperatures does the process generally require? What was the budget? Where did the Britain and Ireland team play? What is causing audiences to consume shows differently? How was the album made? Who did not approve of white buck shoes? Who played number games? When was the government report released? Where did the information about Dudley Williams come from? What is the only thing he shoots on the night shift? Who was the second worker? How many buildings were constructed for the fair? Who will not seek financial aid from Russia? What are the troops learning to break open a door with? When did Mr. Fawwaz work for Osama bin Laden? How much does the Archer C7 cost? What position did the bride's father retired from? How many counts did Judge Carlos Samour Jr. read against Mr. Holmes? What does the music feel like? Where did the chain hold a coloring event? What would happen if we had a bar? Who is communion offered to in a war judged to be unjust? What type of system does the app use for rating how much each of the influencing factors should weigh? What year is Trimble a guard? What league are the Rangers in? What idea started to sink in? What did the previous four years look like? What kind of reference did he make to the children of unauthorized immigrants? Who refuses to approve uncontroversial measures like universal background checks for gun sales? When does California get 90% of its water? How long would each swimmer swim before yielding to the next? What party was Kevin Rudd a part of? What city took the top spot at the metro level? What is one of the virtues of "Digging for Fire"? What could cuts create in the country? What is the name of Mary Mapes? What did the president invoke in his speech? Lawyers, accountants and real estate agents say the citizenship program has catapulted Malta onto the radar of what? When did I grow up? Tianjin imposes a strict odd-even license plate driving restriction under what alerts? How many members are in the core of the Dead? What is expected by college admissions boards? Who was one of the guests at Women in the World? What did the commonwealth do for years? What does he no longer care about with the opposition? What would Alan Duncan like his colleagues to be careful of? What is their closest approach to a classic pie? How many games did he play for the Rangers last season? Who wrote the musical 'The Bully'? Who was shocked by the violence of the Uber brawl? Where was the crowd? How long had Dr. Sexton occupied the faculty apartment? What should Coach Bill Belichick consider doing with Brady? What is the name of the dance company's downtown location? What should you use? What did Mr. Fielding think would happen to Mr. Corbyn's opponents? What workshops were held at the Mini Maker Faire? Who did Mr. Borle play in "Peter and the Starcatcher"? What engine did he want to drop into sporty cars? What sport does the piece start with? What does Ms. Wiseman say about girls and their gaming skills? How many jobs did the legal sector lose during the recession? Where did Kelly receive his walking papers? What kind of reckoning has Tunisia embarked on with its past? When is the rent stabilization law set to expire? What type of adjuncts did lagers use in the industrial style? What does the Persian New Year do? What nationality is Simon Magakwe? Who does Mr. Huckabee hope to dominate among? Where is Steven Pitt from? How many times has the N.H.L. locked out its players? Where was Emily living? How many rivals did Huckabee face during his first presidential campaign? What generation in Ban Rak Thai speaks of the past in terms of the traditional minguo calendar? Who wrote an important and eye-opening piece on this subject? When does Holland Cotter end? Where did investors expect interest rates to rise? What did Billy Cunningham admit about himself? What city was lost to the Taliban? What were the protesters protesting? Who is the Red Bull aerodynamics guru? What did Ecclestone say this was sport and not? What did the Ukrainians want to do? Who performed Shiva's Dance Yoga? What types of potatoes are needed? Who is China's central bank governor? What was Mr. Canby considered to be? How many of the last 18 women's titles have been won by Kenya and Ethiopia? Calvin Kentfield was an early editor of what magazine? What is the rate of inflation in Russia? How many starts has he made this season? When did Moussa Mohammad receive refugee status in Germany? Who impersonated a statistician during the game? What is the biggest challenge in 2015? What does the continued existence of the Export-Import Bank turn more on than legal niceties? Who do American instructors recommend to serve as trainers within other Ukrainian units? What is the number outside of the United States? What did Washington request that went nowhere? How do the duck and human families learn to face challenges? Who wrote the Fact Checker column? Who directed Love's Labour's Lost? What is the name of the evil fairy? How long can it take for the situation to be resolved? What country allows Palestinians to travel from here to there? Who was accused of three murders and two attempted murders? How old was he? What is the source of the data? Who is the attorney general? What did the advertiser hope for? How many seats are open in the State Legislature? What university should set tuition at $1 billion a year? What type of salad was served? Who is Philippe Dauman? What is a major focus of the Iraqi pavilion? What did Catherine Leahy Scott review? What was the look of the car? What is the name of one of the private equity owners of Refresco Gerber? Who worked with Ms. Harper at a Southern California subacute care center? Who passed an annual regulatory test? How much is Puerto Rico's debt? On what day of the week was a hearing held for the newly appointed director of the Secret Service? Which team is playing at the Broncos? How long did the detective wait before telling the Police Department that he had been involved in the attack? How many classes are being provided by the United States Army? Who sang Walk on the Wild Side? Who issued a game plan to appeal to Senate centrists? Online gambling companies and what else have flocked to the island? What encourages overconsumption in urban areas? What is the phone number for tarrytownmusichall? What is the phone number for How many fraudulent returns did the Utah State Tax Commission identify? What medal did the American team win at the 2004 Athens Olympics? Who lent money to the National Front party in France? What network did the devices do better on? Who is the deputy secretary of the Interior Department? What company is the new trend of cloud computing remaking? What was the name of his brother? What type of hedge funds do I.S.S. favor? What would be a good thing? What is the educational gap between rich and poor outside of California? What were the conflicts marijuana was causing between? What does Mrs. Clinton remind voters? What meeting takes place after the annual General Assembly? Where did he go to get to the Mets' game? How many straight wins did the Celtics have? What happened after the antibiotics were changed? Who was talented? What is the name of the player who was compared to fine wine? Who is the St. Louis County prosecutor? What is Raylan Givens' job? When did Force Friday take place? Who is the president of the union representing prison employees? Where was the hospital located? Who is a very aggressive person? What was the name of the company that received special treatment in the handling of visa applications? What kind of ideas cannot be patented? What is one of the reasons there are so many trans actors and actresses waiting for their big break? What is the nationality of the manufacturer? Where did Dr. King write his letter? How long will it take for Iran to carry out all the steps required before sanctions are lifted? How many shirts are documented in the photo book? How much was the scholarship? What can be heard in a video posted by insurgents? How many consecutive match points did Nishikori save? What did the government acknowledge would happen no matter how the motions were decided? Where did Sandy go for cognitive testing? What do they have less in common when it comes to how they are likely to play out? Who is Mark C. Toner talking about? Who is in charge of the parish's day-to-day administration? How many children does Moussa Mohammad have? How many trips has Mr. Capponi made to Haiti since the 2010 earthquake? What was the name of the bar that Mr. Seymour and Mr. Connell first drank at? What type of leave does Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream offer its employees? What song played over Boylston Street after bombs had exploded there? When does "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" open? What was the name of the popular boy band from the late 1990s? Who criticized the position? What is the difference over a lifetime? What network broadcasts EMPIRE Cookie? What did Stanton have surgery to repair? Where does the question of security threats come up? What is the investigation officially known as? Who was James' teammate? What would Mr. Rodham use the money for? What did he want to repeat in other countries? Why did Hill-Rom want to acquire Welch Allyn? What would bring the audience closer? What type of news-media coverage does the United States Open have? Where was Ruth when she was sterilized? What were the ads for? Where did I go to get an M.B.A.? What does McKinsey research show? Who is SAMUEL ADAMS BOSTON LAGER? Who took power after the military removed Mr. Morsi? When did market adulation reach its peak? What does Mr. Swanberg conduct his investigations on? Who founded SAC Capital? Who was arrested on corruption-related charges? What is the name of the congregation that Loren Stillman and Gary Versace belong to? What was the reaction in New England to? Who said she writes only about people she likes? Who became a pariah as his game deteriorated? What does Mr. Perkins consider the movie to be? When was I shot? Who was the former chairman of the Port Authority? On what street is H. Rodgin Cohen a lawyer? When did the local police department announce that an autopsy had been performed? What will probably make their way to the average boater in the future? What is Marcelo Aguirre's profession? What event is being held at Raritan Valley Community College? What did Mr. McConnell warn Democrats against doing? What was the name of Mr. Adès's song that opened the concert? Who is the Academy's president? Where does Craig Elbert work? In what year did student riots occur in Paris? How long was Walt Mossberg's column? Who sat back and waited for someone to pay? How many antiques and junk-seekers come to the market each week? What do the designers ask their friends about to translate into their collections? What type of play was the Seahawks counting on? Where was Kasper shipped from? What did Mayor Bill de Blasio face? Who edited "Backward Ran Sentences"? When did Trish Hall ask me to write a column for the new Dining section? Who did Volkswagen say had approved the changes? Who do American instructors recommend to serve as trainers within other Ukrainian units? Where was the screening of Women in the World held? What would my ballpark concession require a couple of good? What was Mr. Youssef's former job? Who did the Americans find lacking in soldierly skills? What state has seemingly ruined quarterback Robert Griffin III? What was the magazine's trademark? What network went to its final commercial break? Who shot down a Russian warplane? What were our expectations of Orama? Who said "we always pull out all the stops for the Open"? How many days before the concert was a news conference held? What is the name of the stir-fry? On what day of the week did the School of American Ballet hold its annual Winter Ball? Who was a critic temperamentally? How many works are in the exhibition Grand Illusions: Staged Photography from the Met Collection? Where did the objects come from? When did Serena Williams discuss her Open outfits? Who continues its tribute to American International Pictures? How many years does Iran have a drought? What does BRAC stand for? How many entry-level employees does G.M. employ compared to Fiat Chrysler? Where do workplace changes typically happen? What religion is Ben Lowe? Who took over the tobacco and food conglomerate R.J.R. Nabisco? What two computers do I have? What did Siporah cry? Who is the latest high-ranking figure to leave his post amid the investigations? Who directed Tamasha? What was the name of the Japanese director? What do analysts say about China's stock markets? Where can you see a collection of your Samsung screen shots? What order was the gunman the subject of? Why do some still see the stock market as the best investment? What science shows that in the future there will be less still? Who was sworn in on Tuesday? In what inning did the Yankees score on a single by Randy Velarde? Who was born on Feb. 7, 1926? How nice was he to her father? Where will the exhibition be held? What is the average amount of money consumers spend on catalog purchases? What types of lagers were included? Who was an All-Star starter this season? What year were the Pennsylvania mountains branded the Land of Love? What was the range of David Murphy's tests? What school is Willoughby Britton a professor at? Did the leaders sign the agreements? What has not lived up to their promise? How much has Delta spent on lobbying since 2012? What did the athletes do for the final five hours of the swim? Who now promotes research on the link between freedom and everyday happiness? Who bought the tracks you want to copy from Apple? When did the savings and loan crisis occur in the US? Where does the graphic intro soar through the innards of? Who won the race on Sunday? When was Gerald Reitlinger's study published? Who is the director of programs for transgender media at Glaad? Where did I try to get a less prestigious job? What are two cloud computing leaders? What do the band zip around on? When did Motley die? What was "The Jones" podcast rebranded as? How long is the play? What can lead to entrepreneurship and economic innovation in a regulated market? What is Marcelo Aguirre's profession? When did the military take over? Who is criticizing the bureau? Up4NYC wants to reform the program so developers pay what to construction workers? Who played acoustic guitar with Ms. Shelley at Union Pool? When will Rezaian go on trial? What is the name of one of the top baseball teams in the National League? What were some of the abuses he described? Who founded Business Insider? What does the export credit agency do? What is the only thing he shoots on the night shift? Who was Ahmad Chalabi? What does Ted do for a living? Who did Pussy Riot protest against? What do newer routers typically have? Who is the governor of Massachusetts? Who was the president of Time-Life in the 1970s? Who studies trade-offs? Who did Mr. Courser claim to have been caught with? Who was left to try to make sense of her puzzling actions? On what day of the week did the commission finish its work? Who did the United States expand sanctions targeting? Who's actions may have been motivated by frustration with Norman's smothering defense? What is the main differentiator? Which two candidates deny the consensus of human-caused climate change? What should the central bank's decision to remove limits on deposit rates force? What helped end the year on a note of hope and grace? Why is it better to drink at a higher level than usual? What emotion is bred into Cubs fans? Where are most Russian goods transported by large ferries? What is the emotional climax of the film? Where was Cadmus' work removed from? Who is the plaintiff in the case? What did Washington fear Russia would do to Ukraine? What are not completely distinguishable for the first half of the book? Who wrote the novel "Psycho"? What has been slightly different each time I've tried it? How much did "Spy" cost to make? What will the Broadcom Foundation continue to support? What was the name of the two-year college the student started at? How old is Ms. de Lavallade? What did Baltimore not invest in? What type of company is Broadcom? What did the department use to replace much of its fleet? Who is the secretary general of the Bangladesh Imamia Welfare Foundation? Who did I email to request a tour? What year was MAREA WEXLER born? What moment did the song capture? What country imposed temporary border restrictions? In what year did the Prime Minister promise to hold a referendum on Britain's continued membership in the European Union? The measure is supposed to focus on beefing up defenses at what level? Who was Kokkinakis' opponent? What were Mr. Abbott's carbon emissions reduction targets criticized as? What is the statue of inside John Jay? How often is the feature updated? How old is Jim McConica? Who did Ms. Quick tell that she had lied about the men's involvement in the fire? Who is the head of Intel's data center group? How big is the condo? Where can you send your workplace conundrums? When did Super Bowl XLIX take place? Who painted "A Place to Remember" at the Donald Gallery? Who wrote 'The Godfather'? What is Blatt's status as a coach? Who is an analyst close to Ayatollah Khamenei? What exhibition did Mr. Martin write wall text for? How many seats were won by smaller parties? Who did James approach during a first-quarter timeout? What is the Lincoln Center? When did the townhouse at 695 Sackett Street burn? What militias have made rapid inroads? Where was Irwin Jacob Schatz born? Is Dr. Garca happy or unhappy with what he has? John P. Carlin is assistant attorney general for what? What breaks out by the river over Virginia's watch? What is the name of the slippery nü-disco track? Which two players had onerous contracts? What did he and the other members of the board emphasize about the new proposals? What did Boulez study with me? What nationality is Kyrgios? When did the Education Department announce that seven schools would reserve slots for children from low-income or non-English speaking families? Who is Tim Neale? How many clients does Mr. Fernandez have? What type of city is it difficult to measure the fan base in? How many jurors wanted Thomas held financially responsible? Where was the victim taken? Who covered Apple as a syndicated technology columnist for The San Jose Mercury News? Who was Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi? Who is the league's lowest-scoring team? What city did the band travel to for its Broadway debut? What did Fiorina say of the attack videos released about Planned Parenthood? What was she known for? Patents can be denied for ideas that are what? What island was affected by Tropical Storm Erika? What is Simon Magakwe's profession? How many new hires were announced last month? What is flanked by large windows in the living room? When did Mr. Clarkson use a racist term? Where does Song Tairan work? How old is Jay? Who disagreed with the part about Coughlin always being on an even keel? Who were the lawyers who recounted the conversation? What city's public schools does the Fund for Public Schools raise money for? What is the purpose of the bill that is making the rounds in Congress? What was Michela English wearing when she arrived in Lynchburg? What is the name of Tiresias' collection? What happens when you prevent people from dying from one disease? What did Leonard Lauder tell me someone needed to say to ask for a job? Who stabbed an Israeli police officer? What area did Mr. Dostum declare clear of Taliban? Who collected other things? What is the risk? Where is the war taking place? What kind of injuries did the woman have? Who was a critic temperamentally? How much did Mr. Harrell weigh? What country is Rabat located in? What will happen to you if you try to do something that isn't allowed? Who did she complain to about the noise? What is the union for city police detectives called? When was the first resolution passed? Where are cultural and recreational events held? Who said this? What is Keith L. T. Wright the chairman of? Who had the freedom to choose their subject matter? What type of paper did Patagonia begin printing on? How much did the F.B.I. offer as a reward in 2012? In what year did he speak to Congress? Who is the editor at Boom! What would Pierre-Paul become if the Giants withdraw their franchise tag offer? Who is violating international law and fueling the conflict in eastern Ukraine? What names were misstated in the obituary of Dudley Williams? What is the question that religions are at their worst when they muddle in sex? What is the case study in "Digging for Fire"? What city connects James and Brown? What university does Daniel Esty belong to? What was Court TV Network known for? What is the name of the store where I bought the dress? How did Shin Dong-hyuk shock the world? When did Tina Chow die? Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul are trying to win the support of who? What team was Zach Redmond a defenseman for? What would be a real solution? Where is the art collection located? Who did Mr. Renzi nominate as president? How did the Yankees win the Subway Series? What did Mr. Sweat finally stumble on? What does Mr. Searchinger say we only have one of? What is the federal-state program for low-income people? Who was the program's architect? What does the eldest daughter want to go to? When do taxpayers often learn of fraud? Who created Hooked Rugs? What is the predominant theme of the show? What is the name of the case that Justice Elena Kagan wrote in dissent? What is the name of the monitoring group? What did Mr. Sassoon ask the community? What test did 80 percent of students meet state standards on? Where does the Gold Cup take place? How long did it take Andy Dufresne to escape? Who asked lawmakers to vote according to their districts' choices? What does Johannsson's move do? What is the name of the advocacy group that endorsed the B.D.S. movement? Where did the truck show up on the front lines? When is the big game at Levi's Stadium? How much did consumer prices fall in December? Where did she eat for Sunday brunch? Who was accused of killing Ron Lane? Where was the Wild Project located? Who can be removed? What journal did Rasheed Araeen found? In what century was the generic song-and-dance blockbuster from? What did Flanagan say? When is the bipartisan proposal to overhaul the criminal justice system to be unveiled? Who stopped 31 shots? What do migrants chant as they weave their way across the Continent toward their new promised land? How much does the bank aim to cut costs by a year? How many minutes were the trains to New York's Pennsylvania Station delayed by? Who is the speaker of the New York State Assembly? Who are Will's twin daughters? Maltese is the official language with what other language? Who is the 29-year-old who shattering convention and conventional genres? What would be a more dangerous threat? Who does the claim that the negotiations place tough constraints on rings hollow? Who scored goals in regulation for the Flyers? What is the title of Octavio Cisneros? What team had not won on their own field since Oct. 12, 2014? What percentage of men play video games? How many submissions were flown to Beijing? Where did the boat stop? What country is providing advanced courses for military professionals? Where is Ms. Friedman from? Who did Ms. Harper give advice to? What does the museum have a series of public talks about? How many states suspended purchase of the guardrails units? Who plays the derelict? Who is the director of the carnival? How much did Paul Mellon pay for Cézanne's paintings? What are the unschooled troops learning how to use? Who said the institute was hoping for a September 2017 completion date? Who noted that she had spoken to Mr. Heastie many times in the past? How many months has the boutique been open? What did Mr. Clinton do to help Mr. Rodham get a job? Is anonymity certain or far from certain? What did Lundqvist call Julien's remarks? What advice does Cate Huston give to women? Which subway lines serve the North Slope? How many innings did the Mets' bullpen throw? Who is handed a form-fitting, tamper-proof neoprene case as they enter a theater? How many people were killed in the Amtrak derailment in Philadelphia? Where is Fiat Chrysler's plant located? How did previous governments cut state spending? What did Mr. Yates do to the fish? Who does Earl and Greg mock and revere? Who wrote in The Times about "The Boy"? In what year did he marry Jim Ready? What is the story about? What type of schools are close to the building? Who did President Obama host for a summit meeting at Camp David? Who hosted the KPFA radio show? Who did Wade trail in usage in 2011? How do most people search and read Wikipedia? What was the license plate of Mr. Clarkson's Porsche sports car? What is the validity of the technical patch that Volkswagen presented at company headquarters? What university strongly urged its players to vote down the union? What percentage of Democrats said they would support Hillary enthusiastically? What kind of people are there among the people who are being interviewed? How much was the renovation of Brooklyn's second Roman Catholic cathedral? What did Jewish leaders do with the document? Who's focus is currently on what to do next year? Who is the city's public advocate? In how many years had the directive not been updated? Who plays a once-hot chef? What type of writing has been published by Harper's and The New Yorker? What was Mr. Harrell's nickname? What are the characters torn between? What must plaintiffs be able to do? Where is Mike Huckabee from? What did he say? Who is the 29-year-old who shattering convention and conventional genres? What did the central bank remove? What do myths lend continuity and weight to? What is a way to do it? Who approved the legislation to repeal President Obama's landmark health care law? On what day of the week were the flames erupting? How many years had each of the men spent in prison? What was the name of the ship that arrived? What channel broadcast a special on the book "To Be Black"? Who was the colony's governor? What are the dedicated rail lines fitted with? Whose government is being pressured? Who did Utah play without? What is the choice the Afghan government is making? What is the name of the musical by Harvey Fierstein and Jerry Herman? How many times did the sergeant strike the prisoner? Who wrote "Dept. of Speculation"? What is the name of the Westchester County campus of Jewish Home Lifecare? Who has the Consumer Financial Protection Board sued? What was one of the reasons the government was willing to give ground for the sake of stability? Who died from the plague? What type of surveillance does the N.S.A. use? What did he say? What do doctors believe about Mr. Shin? What did SAC plead guilty to? Who ruled that the copyright on "Happy Birthday to You" is invalid? What was the name of the railroad that crashed last week? What message are students getting? What is the name of the senator from South Carolina? What species can neither speak nor walk or eat? What did Miro Cerar say would be used to deal with the flow of refugees from Croatia? What do smartphone users not have to do in order to glance at their phone and move on if the answer is right? Who published Every Day I Fight? In a recent poll, who did Republicans prefer an outsider to a candidate with experience in the political system? What types of fats are in the hard oval shells? Where did Mr. Brezner meet Melissa Manchester? How old was the boy who lured the 8-year-old into his apartment? What did the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration begin receiving? What type of analysis will be presented to the grand jury? What happened to Malik Zaire? In what decade did Moving to Opportunity take place? What did Mr. Mondella install after a break-in? When did the conference disband? Subsidies for water and electricity encourage overconsumption in what? Judge Mueller ruled that any adjustments to the law were better left to whom? What did he lead in Nairobi, Kenya? What is the name of the point guard who had a ragged performance? When would it step up reporting to the federal background check system? What does it mean that a diamond is not man-made? What percentage of the world's commercial marble reserves does Turkey have? Who owns the Capitol? What generation is accustomed to online shopping? Who is the majority leader? What do people want to boycott a movie because of its trailer? What percentage of cases appeared to involve a form called mab-chminaca? What team is he the manager of? What did the bureau's system grow into? What are some of the people that begin to pound the shoreline as soon as the doors open? What did the Slovenian police give the people before walking them into Austria? What did the governor's statement not include words of? What are the unschooled troops learning how to use? What is the name of the Minnesota second baseman? What does Coughlin think needs to be done? What is happening in Syria? What did David Cameron say about Russell Brand? What is the name of the suspect? What is the name of the top academic institution? Where is the novel set? Where was Siporah? What is the name of the older version of Android? How many deaths did the police investigate? Who assisted the stranded members? Who is the global chairman and chief executive of Tupperware Brands Corporation? Who is the German chancellor? Where is "Through the Looking Glass: Daguerreotype Masterworks From the Dawn of Photography" held? What three ingredients smooth things out? What is an example of an exchange? How many months in a row did unfilled orders decrease? What organization conducted a study on anger with the federal government? Who might cheer Mr. McConnell's acknowledgment that Barack Obama is actually president? What company bought EMC? What do people often do to their voices? What country objected strongly to the verdict of history? What team represented a potential land mine for the Wildcats? What was Collins never named as a suspect or person of interest in the shooting death of Brittney Mills? What was Mr. Huckabee's previous job? What degree did he earn from Cornell? Who is the museum's executive director? What did the team get to stay put? What did Boulez have an influence on? How much is the Tracy Mansion on the market for? Who is William Schubert? What percentage of the sale does Wanderu take from the bus or train company? What was the second most common injury? What nationality's drone strikes can kill in Pakistan? What percentage of global investment banking revenue did European banks account for in the first quarter? Whose lack of determination was an accidental enabler of the group? What was the name of Rasputin's 1976 novel? What is the name of the British rock group? Who did Congress not have the power to create a legal right to sue for? Which Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals disagreed? Who is the developer of the cover article? Where was Michael Jordan born? Who was cracking down on dissidents ahead of the pope's visit? Where was the ride-hailing service banned? Who provided occasional vocal harmonies for Ms. Shelley? What was there no significant difference in? Who studied gaming habits among middle- and high school-aged people? What does the figure not take into account? What causes a foul stench? What type of thriller is Spy? Who detained the Uighurs? What parts of the brain are involved in mishearing? What impressed executives and scouts about Porzingis? What did Andrew Albany realize when he was putting a load of laundry? What race is causing more people to click the "unfollow" button? Who do they need to re-sign? Who is the coach of the Washington State football team? Biofuels are an inefficient way to convert what to fuel? Who are Roy Smith and Brad Hintz? Who was Cincinnati's first stop on a national tour studying community policing? What is the business that the expense was referring to? What is Trice trying to be sure of? Who tried to explain that Robyn was "Dad's sister"? Who nominated Mr. Fox to be commissioner? What series is about summer camp experiences? Who was sculpting the eyebrows of Robert Richard Esteves? Meditation might be the most efficient way to reduce what? What will the Labor Department solicit in the coming months? What type of district is East 59th to East 96th Streets? Who began to soften his stance on the church? Where is overpumping of water more severe? Who did he play with at the end of regulation? How does Mr. Andrews's book look on paper? What did one of the hate posters compare Trump to? What does Mr. Roin want to motivate with a period of market exclusivity? Why do defectors defect? Who said that once the investigation is complete, all evidence and expert analysis will be presented to the grand jury? Who gets naked? How many of Lundqvist's last 16 games has he won? Who held Puerto Rico bonds? Who did Mitchell miss getting his glove on? What department did Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Rodham contact to complain about the visa process? What will the federal statue not do to the state version? What's the name of the book that's been compared to 'Little Women'? What did the nurse do to patients? How were the wood reliefs painted? Along with bean sprouts, what condiments are served on the side? Who complained that they were bypassed in previous attempts to open talks with the Taliban? Who created new oversight rules for the industry? How long had she been pregnant? What does Mr. Venable recommend? Who will be Cameron's real opposition? What state did the person die in? What happens to Pinocchio's nose? What country does the Komadougou River separate from Niger? What kind of curry did the breast sit in? When does Yukiya Amano have until to provide the final assessment on the resolution of all past and present outstanding issues? Who selected him as the fifth overall choice in the 1975 National Basketball Association draft? Who is playing around with a local dish? What is the website address? Who found Ms. Dawson to be very engaging and always smiling? When was the article "Balancing Body Image With Ambition" published? Who has not said whether he would sign it? Who took the helm as chief executive of Barnes & Noble in September? How many members of Turnbull's own party voted for him? What is one example of a wasteful practice? Where did the rides end? On what day of the week did Mr. Ghani have dinner with many of the dinner guests? How many disciplinary infractions did he have while incarcerated? What do filmmakers try to do? Who were the motorcyclists accused of assaulting? What type of orange juice did Mr. Jobs want? What did Aya Jones explore for T? Who has been accused of trying to create a frozen conflict? Who did Dellavedova and J.R. Smith both miss? Who is the Intel spokeswoman? What does profit-increasing activities do? How many parking spots does the house have? Who did Iran's supreme leader rule out interviewing Iranian nuclear scientists? When was the rapper arrested? What does the government need to makeover? What should be served on top? What film starred Tom Hanks? Who were willing to pursue large-scale hostile takeovers? What is Steven Pitt's profession? What did the interview drown out? Who wrote the three-panel portrait of Jobs? Who said he tried to minimize the disruption caused by waiting for the end of "Iolanta"? What does Mr. Faulkner oppose? What kind of dancers are being recruited? What has wrecked the place? What was a difficult novel to read? Where did Ms. Sassoon meet her husband? The architecture is a mix of wood-frame houses predating what war? Who did the Republicans nominate? Who is Dr. Arjun Srinivasan? What airport is 15 minutes away? In what division has Washington caught up to the Rangers? What is part of the reason for the inexhaustible appetite for versions of Ms. Mantel's story? What country has one bowler who has proven effective in English conditions? What did the judge say about the matter? When did the abuse begin? How many people are there in the world? What did corporations fail to do? What is the name of China's official news agency? What was Sidney Loeb's nationality? What type of sport has become popular in recent years? What is the budget of the couple? Who is Laudomia Pucci? What day of the week was the session? Who is the manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object office? What accent did she have? How many Tony Awards is the musical nominated for? The Relaxation Cube, the walk-in Knowledge Box and Microhouses for the masses were created in what decade? What did the nominating letter praise? What did the police say was stolen? What nationality is the gunman? Where were the small number of cars with 1.6-liter motors imported from? Where will the celebration take place? Who has shown Notre Dame in a positive light? Who did Harrison believe was hiding behind tennis's genteel code of conduct? Who made a feminist call to arms at the end of her acceptance speech? How many new jobs would the overhauled plan create? When did Ms. Chalabi organize the last pavilion? The remarks bore little resemblance to who's previous dismissals of Mr. Trump? What newspaper first reported the discovery in Yakutsk? What type of services will be offered on flights? Who is Fraser Nelson? Donations from countries with poor records on what presented a difficult appearance problem for a candidate running in part as the embodiment of what? What is Megan Konar's profession? What was the name of the person who interrupted a book being read? Who does Jean Pisani-Ferry serve as a policy adviser to? How many months did he miss to recover from back surgery? How many men were involved in randomized controlled trials before 1983? What percentage of equipment was manufactured in the past decade? What did he want to repeat in other countries? What did the American rabbis issue? What did Mr. Makovsky say about the two sides playing off each other? What is the name of the art center? What time is it? What percentage of the vote did Mr. Shumlin win? What team did Washington State defeat to become eligible for a bowl game? What has devastated newspaper staffs? Where did Wawrinka lose to Djokovic last year? What type of train stops in Trenton? Who did James steal the trumpet from? Where is the only viable female artist in the universe? What show is Big Time a parody of? Who would divulge the project's projected cost? What races had a higher pass rate? How long did it take to rebuild the boat? How many member states are there? Who is the new manager? Why should we not try to win on our own what only local forces can sustain? Who did Bob Saget play in the original ABC sitcom? Who did Mr. Bush give a boost to? How many area hospitals had people been sent to as of Sunday evening? What Simple Minds song is associated with "The Breakfast Club"? What school is Nicholas W. Allard the dean of? What do Apple's iTunes Match and Apple Music services cost? What type of munitions is the US preparing to resupply Saudi Arabia with? Where was Mr. Nuez interviewed? What do the two places share? What do new search start-ups focus on instead of information and the web? Who oversees the Kochs' political donor network? What is the name of the charity in the Bronx? Who is overseeing the investigation? Who was the last player to record a point in 20 straight games? What is the only thing he shoots on the night shift? How many officers were involved? What is the name of the musical? Who gave Bombardier a $1.5 billion cash infusion? Who said "I can't believe we have to leave"? What is the name of the advocacy group that released a critical report? In what year did the city host a European Union conference? What company is Pixar Animation Studios a part of? Who welcomed the agreement? What are two apps that have become enticing and addictive? Natalie was interviewed by a TV reporter because she survived what? How many Bitcoins did the attackers collect? Who is urging law firms to be more open about reporting incidents? How many deaths were caused by the defect in ignition switches? Is there a going back? How much did shares of Eaton Vance rise after the fund's approval? What are young voters more inclined to do? What does common sense gun violence prevention reforms do? What is the title of the exhibition at HUDSON Davis Orton Gallery? What state is Bernie Sanders from? Who was the former secretary of the Department of Homeland Security? Who wouldn't do any of this? What was always a track in a park? How long will the courses last? Where did the meeting take place? How can you play and view unrestricted files on a smartphone or tablet? Are there more or less people wanting water? How many neurons does the robot model? Who is Donatella Versace? Why did Mr. Rodham contact Sheldon Drobny? What did the negotiators put worker rights and environmental protections into? Who was secretary of state in 2011? What did Mark Galeotti write in Foreign Policy magazine? When did Corinthian Colleges collapse? When was the Russian debacle in Afghanistan? How many other top United executives also resigned? What percentage of Wincor Nixdorf's outstanding shares must be sold to Diebold? How should the preserved turnip be chopped? How old was she when she died? Who would act out the sexy tips? Who was the Grim Reaper's trusted caddie? Where is the group exhibition by the Manhattan Quilters Guild held? Why do I not take it seriously? Who is the director of Salon 94? Where is the panel discussion and screening taking place? What do the costumes nod to? Who was struck out three times? What did Sandy retrieve from the packaging? What color are the floors? What is the mission of Guardiola? Who directed the movie? What country is providing advanced courses for military professionals? Who did Neuer misread a high, swinging free kick from? What team was Zach Redmond a defenseman for? What did the Cubs coach not like about my son? Where were the Israelites? What do you need to enter to start the Tesla or unlock the doors? How much is the Six Hands Dinner? What is the feeling of what's happening to the Mets? What country is Europe once again wary of? Thomas W. Libous was convicted of lying to F.B.I. agents about his son's hiring at what? How many carries did Ferguson have? What company produced "Mr. Lincoln"? Who does the Americans open the Gold Cup against? Who visited Washington this month? Jake Arrieta became the first pitcher to reach how many wins this season? What does Mr. Ganek's lawsuit contend that the warrant supporting the raid falsely represented he was involved in? On what day of the week did John Boehner announce his retirement? What was the prohibition on electronic communication on the Sabbath? What do some market experts say? On what day of the week was the New York City police officer charged? Who was Alastair's predecessor as captain? What is the URL of the Flinngallery? What is the only tournament where the insistence on traditional white limits the fashion options? What is the name of the world's largest automaker? Who wrote the Goldberg Variations? What city sponsored the program of assassination? What is Tiziano Terzani known for? What must be promised before a company will sink millions of dollars into a potentially lifesaving idea? What percentage of Chinese households had bought stocks directly by midway through the year? What was the name of the successful fashion line? Where did Mr. Constantine work before joining the Erie County sheriff's office? What do some of Jeb Bush's supporters say he may need to learn? What did Henry S. Schleiff bring to Investigation Discovery? What is the best way to handle multitasking? What was the on-time rate of Amtrak trains three years ago? Where was the possibility that it would soon appear? Where is the exhibition "Alberto Burri: The Trauma of Painting" located? What could you set the currants in? What does Trump call climate change? Who was dismayed by the decision? Who wrote "The King's Speech"? Who invaded the Crimean Peninsula last year in unmarked uniforms? Who was sitting cross-legged in a canopied Chinese daybed? Who did the Rangers play against in Game 7 of their playoff series? Companies are almost entirely run by what kind of guys? What was Gerald Reitlinger's 1961 study called? Who did Mr. Shoul leave his house to? What was the former job of the writers? What did Ms. Russ call the most dangerous in the city? What nationality was the young woman's mother? How many children are in the family? How old is Song Tairan? How long can the after-parties last? What did Washington fear Russia would do to Ukraine? What is the skinny strip of the Upper East Side dominated by? When was his highest rate? What did critics call the program? What did Mr. Caro use in his early pieces? What views does Germaine Greer have? How much did consumer prices fall in December? What neighborhood is a mix of dockside and waterfront communities? How far is the Capitol Theater from Port Chester? Where did the rape take place? What charges could Mr. McNamara pursue? What is the name of Mr. Bridges' debut album? What did police say about Mr. Myers? Where does the bill go? Who is the real estate mogul now running for president? Where was the error repeated? When were the results released? Who said "Clint is about scoring goals"? Who was the chief executive of United? What is the savings in dollars from efficiency upgrades to Unilever factories? What region did the Gaming Facility Location Board reject two projects from? What is the name of the subsidiary of Mattel? How many analysts dialed into a group call with counterparts in Argentina, Brazil, Cyprus, India, Romania, Spain, Taiwan and Ukraine? How many classes are being provided by the United States Army? Who received a second penalty for roughness? What was the percentage of people who "felt overwhelmed" by schoolwork? What track did DuPont seem to be on before the I.S.S. report? What is the name of Page Potter Reynolds? What challenge is the bureau failing to meet? Where is GREAT LAKES BREWING DORTMUNDER GOLD LAGER brewed? Who is a hard-hitting team? Who is the advocacy group siding with? What kind of outcome is the recent decline in the euro? How long did Digit Murphy coach women's hockey? Where will the free concert take place? What was the Mets' average television audience in 2013? When did Monsignor Harrington start work at St. Joseph? Who was promoted to principal dancer at American Ballet Theater? What is very reassuring for employees? Nol Le Grat is the president of what country's soccer federation? What was David Koch's opinion on gay rights? What did Mr. Yu say? Who is teaching maneuvers? Who is the lead counsel in the case? Where can you find other recipes for the weekend? What type of delivery does Gatz use? What is it necessary for girls to have an environment in which they can feel comfortable and progress at their own rate? When does Mitchell say you get better? What did she say about her gender when she became C.E.O. of Hewlett-Packard? How many troops should be sent into Syria? What has happened to thousands of shallow wells? Who faded from public view as Mrs. Clinton began her 2016 campaign? What does the Constitution and customs do for us? How many yards did Shane Vereen run? What percentage did the 10-year Treasury yield sink to in April? What is Didion at her most original when she writes? What do his characters evince? What is the name of the retelling of Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale? Who is Amtrak's executive vice president for the Northeast Corridor business development? What campaign exhausted stocks of precision-guided munitions? How many seats did the National League for Democracy win? What does Leigh Linley say everyone in the know drinks? What was the rate at which the economy expanded in the April-June quarter? What size engines did Volkswagen not sell in the US? Who is a file clerk who's now completely invisible? How many years was Mr. D'Andrea in the position? What league's marquee team is in the midst of an identity crisis? Who will moderate the event? What type of support does the university have? Who did Ms. Moss sometimes imagine as Heidi's older cousin? What is the title of Veera Hiranandani's book? What percentage of people realized that a rubber band could also be used as an eraser? What neighborhood did Torey Moore live in? When were the paintings created by the Italian artist? What do experts not know about cameras? What did some forget on the first day of exercises? Who is the uptight guy? Where did Suna Vidinli report the broadcast? What is the reason Washington has caught up to the Rangers in the Metropolitan Division? What percentage of American households have an adult working? In what year did Mr. Menendez last run for re-election? How much did law school enrollment drop over the past four years? Who is the No. 2 House Republican? What month did Woods last better par in a competitive round? Who is caught up in drug-related crimes? Who does the Deste Prize recognize? What is the New Jersey Institute of Technology? What becomes a biography of Cantor? What can happen when a baby gets sick with herpes? What religion is Ms. Le Pen anti? What did the school board do to its public schools? What time is it on June 26? Who is the coach of the Broncos? When did Mr. Gilbert conduct Shostakovich's Symphony No. 10? What do Jessie's legs resemble? Who said "We can't take in everyone"? What is the name of the group show at the Rockland Center for the Arts? What is our food system deeply interconnected with? What is the name of the world's largest automaker? What population is growing in America? What is Don Mattingly the author of? What is the cause of Australia's current political turmoil? What does transparency in China often mean? Who is Mr. Douba's mother? What is the name of the exhibition? Who is Rob Manfred? Who is the president of the United States? What percentage of men had been in combat according to Oleksandr I. Leshchenko? When did he have a big band? What is the mansion tax? What do the soloists and groups of orchestra instruments keep injecting into the tranquillity? How much was the second-quarter growth rate revised? What type of transaction is being considered? What city has paid out millions of dollars to victims of police brutality? Who did Mr. Koch trade insults with? What type of cars did Volkswagen say it would be able to bring into line with European clean-air standards? In what state would a proposal pushed by Gov. Scott Walker remove the notion of tenure in the university system? Who will look at the week ahead in the N.H.L.? Who is Rousey compared to in mixed martial arts? What did the surveillance video show the agents' car slowly nudging out of the way? What is false, silly and insulting? Who drew strong support from self-described moderates? What was the baby lying on? What was a big thing for my parents? Who announced the feat on TV? Who is a resident of the honor block? What does the author say about a person? What theater is known as a testing ground for Broadway? Who kept the papers in Croatia? Who turned to Bev after Emily walked out? How did Israel ensure a sufficient supply of water during droughts? Where was the skeleton discovered? What does he always say? What is the name of Ms. Basford's coloring book? Since when had various Giants officials contacted Pierre-Paul? What show does Tracee Ellis Ross host? What is another thing that is going well for us? How much has the ridership of the corridor increased in the last 30 years? What do I think of people who equate their self-worth with their airline status? When did Rasheed Araeen become an art-world legend? Who did Mr. Bush's father rely on? When does the exhibition open? How many Ukrainian soldiers will the courses train? Where is the museum located? What is the name of the train station in New Jersey? What is Ca' Dandolo? Who is Google's search chief? How long in advance should items for the calendar be sent? Who is the former chairwoman of the N.L.R.B? What did Mr. Law note at the meeting? How many of the home runs came during a streak in mid-July? What is the name of the chain restaurant in the Bronx? What type of ballot election did Northwestern University hold last year? What is the automated highway driving feature called? What is waiting to be pickpocketed in a mall? What do you feel when you go through life believing that our reason is not that great? Who declared that Mr. Lamberton nailed it? Who was sentenced to nine months in jail? Where does he run? What was the name of the process that allowed the man to buy a gun anyway? What is Majestic Realty Group? When did most of the pistachio trees in Kerman Province die? Who plays the head of the Yonkers housing authority? What medal did the American team win at the 2000 Sydney Games? When was deposit insurance introduced in China? What is a big part of why policy makers use the tools at their disposal? What part of a vehicle was defective? How old was Tariq when he was killed? What country did Mr. Ghani represent? What form is Frank's diary in? What does the Constitution not protect? What is the name of the company that performs the DNA test? At what speed was Levegh racing? What type of grass were the hills peppered with? How long did it take for the site to receive donations? What did some critics claim Star Wars was a seminal work of? What did some of the men later say? In what country is the next potential leader of the church located? What makes the island so magical? How many pounds of bean sprouts are needed? Where were the world championships held this year? What is the distance of the Derby? Who did AZ sell Johannsson's rights to? Who posted the footage online with subtitles? Who planned his own commemoration at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris? When is Mr. Silver up for re-election? How many appearances did he make in the World Cup squad in 2014? How was Allach porcelain made? Who wrote the three-panel portrait of Jobs? About half the population lives on less than what amount of money a day? Why was Xu Xiang arrested? When would New Jersey's fund for roads be out of money? In what year did the Yankees retire? How many Denver sheriff's deputies are on restricted duty? Who describes how Goldberg became Gehry? What block is Paul Davila a resident of? Who wrote "Confessions of Felix Krull"? What is the name of the well-regarded elementary school on Seventh Avenue? Who is the director of the Ensemble Signal? What is the name of the Pope family's home? What have I seen? What is the most expensive artwork sold at auction in modern times? What is the worst thing about beating a man? What does the new vehicle not have to disclose? Who is the Probate Judge of the Los Angeles County Superior Court? What does the statement say about Isiah Thomas? What was Sidney Loeb's nationality? What is needed to reduce the number of private contractors working for the Pentagon? Who do American instructors recommend to serve as trainers within other Ukrainian units? What does Mr. Roin want to do to any organization addressing an unmet medical need with a drug that isn't patentable? Who was shot to death on the day she left? Saudi Arabia is an American ally in opposing both the Islamic State and what other country? What did Mr. Makovsky say about the two sides playing off each other? What does it mean to constantly reassess? Who took a piece of paper and started writing the names of participants in the Petrobras scandal? How much did my husband give him as a gift? What does the phrase "renewal" mean? What is needed in both chambers to overturn Mr. Nixon's veto? When did the Ivy League school start accepting women? Who is Toni Sacconaghi an analyst at? What type of people share spaces and resources? Who did not want to give the same engine that its cars use to a team that could well beat it? Who covered a police raid on their own offices? What type of show is "Scorned: Love Kills"? What did Woods do after a bad day on the PGA Tour? Who does Mr. Lewis play in the series "Homeland"? What is the purpose of spending time on a site? Where is one of the children thriving? How much food does a family waste each year? Who did Mr. Fawwaz work for? Who said there are only a handful of cities where people live and work along densely populated corridors? Who is Mr. Lisberg? What was the on-time rate of Amtrak trains along the Northeast Corridor from October 2014 to May 2015? What record label was "When a Man Loves a Woman" released for? Why did he get in trouble? Where did the fight take place? Where is the second bedroom located? Who won the United States Grand Prix? What helped fight a fire in Edgewater? How many points did the Wizards score? What was the House committee investigating? Who introduces Will to Diane? What state is Richie Roberts from? How many points did the Packers have against the 49ers? What is the name of the film that seems at odds with itself? What was the crime scene like? How many adults aged 19 to 28 used drugs in 2013? Who is making the rounds in uniform? How many motorcyclists are accused of taking part in a gang assault on a young family? What is burning? What is difficult to find when a financial system implodes? Who painted Hudson River Moods? Who is the president of Turkey? When did Boulez first conduct the Cleveland Orchestra? What was flooded for months in the winter? Who is J.D.'s top choice? What is the title of Charles Leerhsen's new biography? What is the amount of money that can be generated? Who was dating Magda Cregg? What did I want to find out more about? Who said investigators reviewing the workings of the rail crossing found that the warning lights, the alarm and the gate arms were functioning at the time of the crash? Who is Steve Elmendorf? How long has Allaire been Lundqvist's coach? What was "The Jones" podcast rebranded as? What was the name of the guy who tended the bar? How many seats were not contested? Who died by gunshot in 1995? Under what supervision have some units committed abuses? Where was Mr. Cainas inducted? What country is indispensable to Saudi Arabia? Who inspected a Syrian man at the border? What is Abby Wambach's current job? Who spends more on medical care? What position has Snyder started more than a dozen times? What type of wig did Page Potter Reynolds wear? What is the name of the raccoon in Central Park? What are the common stocks known as? What type of driving restriction does Tianjin impose? When did the producers unveil their Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign? What does the film warn those who ignore or rationalize? How long will the courses last? Where was the warehouse located? What committee did Mr. Menendez serve on? What flooded the body with wave after wave? Is maternity tourism what Mr. Trump is talking about? What is the name of the Indian leader? How many Secret Service agents crashed a government car into a White House barricade? Who did Mr. Courser have an affair with? What is the phone number for the Duck Pond Gallery? Who noticed that the Ukrainians were carrying rifles with the safeties off? When did Tiziano issue his challenge? How many blockbusters have been released by Pixar? What did Mr. McConnell consider the appropriations fight? What caused the Syrian to be offered a job by a soccer school in Madrid? How long is the show? What does he want to be? How many people did Mr. Obama speak to at American University? What type of tray did she use? What does Mr. Gomez-Rejon do to the plot? What did Washington fear Russia would do to Ukraine? Where is Buffalo Trace Distillery located? What is produced by bacteria? Who wrote "Suite Espaola"? What is the name of her co-star? How long did it take to pedal a bike against stiff resistance while wearing an oxygen mask? What did New York magazine claim to be the city's most impressive new bread course? What country is a good example of a country where industrialization can lead to catastrophic pollution in the short term? What did the interim government lead to? What did I have from Day 1? What is the Salon Art + Design trying to do with art and design? What percentage of questions asked at Venus's news conferences have been about Serena, Serena, Serena? What is the name of the veteran tapper? What would not be covered? What are the questions below? What is the new phase of Mr. Obama's public campaign for the accord? What is the proposed casino project? When was Izzo asked to explain Trice's jump in production? What was the word for the feeling of being "overwhelmed"? How many times was a person struck by lightning? Who was wounded and now walks with a cane? What is the name of the Broadway musical? What does the move make Johannsson? Who was the former head of the Russian atomic energy ministry? Who were the hard-liners in Iran making common cause with? How many points did Duke score in the title game? The Great Hall is encircled by what? Who does Sullivan prefer to get the puck to the net? How much did wages rise in November? When was his earliest release date from prison? Who is the coach? What is the budget for 2016? What Dr. Seuss classic did Justice Kagan cite as authority? What is the seeding of Oklahoma? How many pitchers did the teams use during the final seven innings? What is the nation's worst-ever outbreak of? What role did Mr. Ryan want to take on? What song did the couple have on their phones? What is the cat free to sit on its porch with? Where were we both imprisoned? Does the I.R.S. initiate contact by email? How many of those can you use to make stock tomorrow afternoon? Who did you persuade to not retire? What is the phone number for What is the name of the United Nations program that provides school feeding for Syrian refugee children? What were the cubs named? In what year did Yoko Ono give herself an imaginary solo show at MoMA? Who was the petition addressed to? What was the name of Mr. Foley's mother? Who did the Americans find lacking in soldierly skills? Where was Rosenblatt built? What is the name of the BEST NEW RESTAURANT? Where does Randy arrive? Who resurrected the old instrument's virtues? How long did it take to build a product like the Knowledge Graph? Who said he didn't want to get into a class and just read books? How many deals has Kohlberg & Company struck in its own right? What is the name of the song that you bought in the iTunes Store on your work computer? What month did Loretta Lynch make Cincinnati her first stop? What do experts say about dashboard cameras? What is one standard way to adjust historic art prices to account for inflation? Senate Republicans have spent the year trying to prove who wrong? Where was Mr. Watkins from? What did the Mets acquire on July 31? What did Hussein Dawabsheh hope for? Who was the president of the United States? What ballet does Ms. Bradley have a chance to get into? How much are we spending on the building? Who joined Justice Kagan's dissent? How much is the Kropf? Why are Americans consuming fewer calories? Who is behaving unethically? How many workers were killed in a Massey Energy Company mine in 2010? What is Marco Simons' profession? What would the new guidelines allow members to do? Who is the European Union's special representative to Afghanistan? Who said he helped lead a terror cell in Nairobi, Kenya? When did the financial crisis erupt? What do we need to do when the industry continues to change? What country had a savings and loan crisis in the 1980s? When did manufacturing inventories increase by 0.6 percent? What does BlackRock not invest in these types of securities? Who was the Bruins forward that Lundqvist embellished a collision with? What does early evidence suggest? Where did we travel to see the Cubs? Whose performance has moved him into the good graces of many Yankees fans? What was Mr. Rasputin nostalgic for? What is Marcelo Aguirre's profession? Who handed the Inclusive Communities Project an important victory in a lawsuit? What is the trade-off for? What does the author say about the experience? What happened in the reptilian version of the children's song? Who do Mr. Stillerman and Mr. Collier treasure their relationships with? What kind of artist was she? What day is the last day to generate money? What is the purpose of the new bill? Where is Rubenstein Communications based? What was the name of the signature entree? Who said "I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure all lives matter"? On what day of the week did the U.C.C. take action in the Middle East? Who criticized Mr. Cuomo? What is another fear that prostitutes have? How many apartments are in the building? Are salaried workers automatically eligible for overtime? What do some officials fear the militia expansion amounts to? What is the cost of the generator? What states have sued Corinthian? What was the yield on German two-year government bonds? Where is the Alger House located? What is Janet Yellen's position at the Fed? What was the name of the movie? Who pays the $2,072 dividend to each person who has lived in the state for at least one year? What type of government does Cuba have? When did Apple release the iPhone? What percentage of the pistachio trees in Kerman Province have died in the last decade? How many people's remains were found in an abandoned truck last week? Who made 19 saves for the Predators? What does he say it needs to be? What are the Republican presidential candidates promoting? Who moderated the discussion on the global refugee and migrant crisis? What other player can contribute immediately in the N.H.L? How many inmates are in the jail? Where did Mr. Kissin echo some of the same melancholy but transposed it into a warmer, more sensual sound world? When did Ms. Wise graduate from art school in Montreal? What team did LeBron James start his 13th season with? How many employees were exposed to radiation in February 2014? What native instrument is used in the Sinfonia India? What is the New York attorney general trying to determine? Ocean Park is encircled by what type of homes? Where was the interview posted? Who was the Times editor who first assigned me abroad in 1976? Who is the team's most consistent defenseman? Are the biases inherent in static scoring the same for all possible policy changes? How old is Peterson? What sells magazines like Sleek and The Great Discontent? Is Congress getting older or younger? What did King Salman identify as the centerpiece of his economic agenda? Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation have met with law firm leaders to discuss what?