--- datasets: - relbert/semeval2012_relational_similarity_v6 model-index: - name: relbert/relbert-roberta-base-semeval2012-v6-mask-prompt-a-nce-0 results: - task: name: Relation Mapping type: sorting-task dataset: name: Relation Mapping args: relbert/relation_mapping type: relation-mapping metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.746468253968254 - task: name: Analogy Questions (SAT full) type: multiple-choice-qa dataset: name: SAT full args: relbert/analogy_questions type: analogy-questions metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.5561497326203209 - task: name: Analogy Questions (SAT) type: multiple-choice-qa dataset: name: SAT args: relbert/analogy_questions type: analogy-questions metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.5667655786350149 - task: name: Analogy Questions (BATS) type: multiple-choice-qa dataset: name: BATS args: relbert/analogy_questions type: analogy-questions metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.7092829349638688 - task: name: Analogy Questions (Google) type: multiple-choice-qa dataset: name: Google args: relbert/analogy_questions type: analogy-questions metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.888 - task: name: Analogy Questions (U2) type: multiple-choice-qa dataset: name: U2 args: relbert/analogy_questions type: analogy-questions metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.543859649122807 - task: name: Analogy Questions (U4) type: multiple-choice-qa dataset: name: U4 args: relbert/analogy_questions type: analogy-questions metrics: - name: Accuracy type: accuracy value: 0.5532407407407407 - task: name: Lexical Relation Classification (BLESS) type: classification dataset: name: BLESS args: relbert/lexical_relation_classification type: relation-classification metrics: - name: F1 type: f1 value: 0.9186379388277837 - name: F1 (macro) type: f1_macro value: 0.9155808335650759 - task: name: Lexical Relation Classification (CogALexV) type: classification dataset: name: CogALexV args: relbert/lexical_relation_classification type: relation-classification metrics: - name: F1 type: f1 value: 0.846244131455399 - name: F1 (macro) type: f1_macro value: 0.6697612594207677 - task: name: Lexical Relation Classification (EVALution) type: classification dataset: name: BLESS args: relbert/lexical_relation_classification type: relation-classification metrics: - name: F1 type: f1 value: 0.6663055254604551 - name: F1 (macro) type: f1_macro value: 0.6524226839660551 - task: name: Lexical Relation Classification (K&H+N) type: classification dataset: name: K&H+N args: relbert/lexical_relation_classification type: relation-classification metrics: - name: F1 type: f1 value: 0.9513806774709606 - name: F1 (macro) type: f1_macro value: 0.8678963774341718 - task: name: Lexical Relation Classification (ROOT09) type: classification dataset: name: ROOT09 args: relbert/lexical_relation_classification type: relation-classification metrics: - name: F1 type: f1 value: 0.8987778125979317 - name: F1 (macro) type: f1_macro value: 0.8966892516191803 --- # relbert/relbert-roberta-base-semeval2012-v6-mask-prompt-a-nce-0 RelBERT fine-tuned from [roberta-base](https://huggingface.co/roberta-base) on [relbert/semeval2012_relational_similarity_v6](https://huggingface.co/datasets/relbert/semeval2012_relational_similarity_v6). Fine-tuning is done via [RelBERT](https://github.com/asahi417/relbert) library (see the repository for more detail). It achieves the following results on the relation understanding tasks: - Analogy Question ([dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/relbert/analogy_questions), [full result](https://huggingface.co/relbert/relbert-roberta-base-semeval2012-v6-mask-prompt-a-nce-0/raw/main/analogy.json)): - Accuracy on SAT (full): 0.5561497326203209 - Accuracy on SAT: 0.5667655786350149 - Accuracy on BATS: 0.7092829349638688 - Accuracy on U2: 0.543859649122807 - Accuracy on U4: 0.5532407407407407 - Accuracy on Google: 0.888 - Lexical Relation Classification ([dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/relbert/lexical_relation_classification), [full result](https://huggingface.co/relbert/relbert-roberta-base-semeval2012-v6-mask-prompt-a-nce-0/raw/main/classification.json)): - Micro F1 score on BLESS: 0.9186379388277837 - Micro F1 score on CogALexV: 0.846244131455399 - Micro F1 score on EVALution: 0.6663055254604551 - Micro F1 score on K&H+N: 0.9513806774709606 - Micro F1 score on ROOT09: 0.8987778125979317 - Relation Mapping ([dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/relbert/relation_mapping), [full result](https://huggingface.co/relbert/relbert-roberta-base-semeval2012-v6-mask-prompt-a-nce-0/raw/main/relation_mapping.json)): - Accuracy on Relation Mapping: 0.746468253968254 ### Usage This model can be used through the [relbert library](https://github.com/asahi417/relbert). Install the library via pip ```shell pip install relbert ``` and activate model as below. ```python from relbert import RelBERT model = RelBERT("relbert/relbert-roberta-base-semeval2012-v6-mask-prompt-a-nce-0") vector = model.get_embedding(['Tokyo', 'Japan']) # shape of (1024, ) ``` ### Training hyperparameters The following hyperparameters were used during training: - model: "roberta-base" - max_length: "64" - mode: "mask" - data: "relbert/semeval2012_relational_similarity_v6" - split: "train" - split_eval: "validation" - template_mode: "manual" - template: "Today, I finally discovered the relation between and : is the of " - loss_function: "nce_logout" - classification_loss: "False" - temperature_nce_constant: "0.05" - temperature_nce_rank: "{'min': 0.01, 'max': 0.05, 'type': 'linear'}" - epoch: "8" - batch: "128" - lr: "5e-06" - lr_decay: "False" - lr_warmup: "1" - weight_decay: "0" - random_seed: "0" - exclude_relation: "None" - n_sample: "320" - gradient_accumulation: "8" - relation_level: "None" The full configuration can be found at [fine-tuning parameter file](https://huggingface.co/relbert/relbert-roberta-base-semeval2012-v6-mask-prompt-a-nce-0/raw/main/trainer_config.json). ### Reference If you use any resource from RelBERT, please consider to cite our [paper](https://aclanthology.org/2021.eacl-demos.7/). ``` @inproceedings{ushio-etal-2021-distilling-relation-embeddings, title = "{D}istilling {R}elation {E}mbeddings from {P}re-trained {L}anguage {M}odels", author = "Ushio, Asahi and Schockaert, Steven and Camacho-Collados, Jose", booktitle = "EMNLP 2021", year = "2021", address = "Online", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", } ```