--- datasets: - reorderdata/ReorderData --- # Unified Scoring model We build a unified scoring model based on the ReorderData dataset. This model aligns with the convolution- and entropy-based scoring method across all four visual patterns in both binary and continuous matrices and can also measure matrices of varying sizes. ## Quick start ### 1. Download data Download the ReorderData test set from [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/reorderdata/ReorderData) and the source code from [here](https://github.com/reorderdata/reorderdata_code/tree/main/unified_scoring_model). ### 2. Setup environment ```bash # install from requirements.txt pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` ### 3. Run ```bash python test.py \ --data_folder \ # the path to the test set folder --model_path \ # the path to the unified scoring model checkpoint --model_type \ # one of convnext, res50, vgg16 ```