from rich import box from rich.columns import Columns from rich.console import Console from rich.panel import Panel from rich.tree import Tree console = Console(record=True, width=110) tree = Tree(":call_me_hand: [link=]Vaibhav (VB) Srivastav", guide_style="bold cyan") python_tree = tree.add(":computer: Computational Linguist | ML Engineer", guide_style="green") python_tree.add("⭐ [link=]ML with Audio") python_tree.add("⭐ [link=]How to ASR") python_tree.add("⭐ [link=]Performance Prediction") interests_tree = tree.add(":speaking_head: Interests") interests_tree.add("Speech Enhancement & Generation") interests_tree.add("Text Understanding") interests_tree.add("Python and adjacent communities") tree.add(":runner: Runner") about = """\ I’m a Developer Advocate at Hugging Face focusing on open source, audio & on-device ML. Been a freelancer, tax analyst and a consultant for the past 5 years. I’ve invested significant time in past 3 years volunteering for open source and science organisations like Hugging Face, EuroPython, PyCons across APAC. Delhi native, I now live in Paris, France! Follow me on Twitter! [link=]@reach_vb """ panel = about, box=box.DOUBLE, border_style="blue", title="[b]Hey Hey! :wave:", width =60 ) console.print(Columns([panel, tree])) CONSOLE_HTML_FORMAT = """\
""" console.save_html("", inline_styles=True, code_format=CONSOLE_HTML_FORMAT)