--- widget: - text: አዲስ አበባ example_title: Example 1 - text: በ ኢንግሊዝ ፕሪምየር ሊግ example_title: Example 2 - text: ፕሬዚዳንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ example_title: Example 3 language: - am metrics: - perplexity library_name: transformers pipeline_tag: text-generation --- # gpt2-small-amharic This is a smaller version of the [gpt2](https://huggingface.co/openai-community/gpt2) decoder transformer model pretrained from scratch for **2 days** on **290 million tokens** of **Amharic** text. - It has **33.7 Million parameters** - The **context size** of this model is **128** tokens. - It has the same **tokenizer** as gpt2, trained from scratch using the same Amharic dataset as the model with a vocabulary size of **16384**. - This is a base model and hasn't undergone any supervised finetuing yet. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set: - `Loss: 3.96` - `Perplexity: 52.55` ### How to use You can use this model directly with a pipeline for text generation: ```python from transformers import pipeline gpt2_am = pipeline( "text-generation", model="rasyosef/gpt2-small-amharic" ) prompt = "በ ኢንግሊዝ ፕሪምየር ሊግ" gpt2_am( prompt, max_new_tokens=64, temperature=0.8, do_sample=True, top_k=8, top_p=0.8, repetition_penalty=1.25 ) ``` Output: ```python [{'generated_text': 'በ ኢንግሊዝ ፕሪምየር ሊግ የዋንጫ ባለቤት የሆነው ማንቸስተር ሲቲ በ9 ነጥብ ተበልጦ አራተኛ ደረጃ ላይ ይገኛል ።\nከትናንት በስቲያ ምሽት በእንግሊዝ ፕሬሚየር ሊግ አርሰናልን 3 ለ1 በማሸነፍ ነጥቡን ወደ 7 ከፍ በማድረግ በደረጃ ሠንጠረዡ ግርጌ ላይ የሚገኘው ሊቨርፑል ትናንት ማታ ከበርንሌይ ጋር አንድ እኩል ተለያይቷል'}] ``` #### Hallucination Due to the model's small size, hallucinations occur often in the generated text. Here's an example ```python [{'generated_text': 'በ ኢንግሊዝ ፕሪምየር ሊግ የ5ኛ ሳምንት መርሃግብር ዛሬ ምሽት 4 :00 ሰአት ላይ በዋልያዎቹ 2-0 አሸናፊነት ተጠናቋል፡፡\nከጨዋታው መጠናቀቅ በኋላ የኢትዮጵያ እግር ኳስ ፌደሬሽን ስራ አስፈፃሚ ኮሚቴ ሰብሳቢ አቶ ኢሳያስ ጂራ እና ምክትል ፕሬዝዳንቱ አቶ ሰለሞን ገ/እግዚያብሔር ለሶከር ኢትዮጵያ እንደገለፁት የሁለቱ ቡድኖች ጨዋታ ነገ ጠዋት 3:30'}] ``` ### Demo You can use the following demo to generate text using gpt2-small-amharic. Please **enter a prompt** and click the **Generate** button to generate completions for the prompt. https://huggingface.co/spaces/rasyosef/GPT2-Amharic