# LaVIT: Unified Language-Vision Pretraining in LLM with Dynamic Discrete Visual Tokenization This is the official repository for the multi-modal large langauge model: **LaVIT**. The inference code of LaVIT can be found in [here](https://github.com/jy0205/LaVIT). [[`arXiv`](https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.04669)] [[`BibTeX`](#Citing)] ## News and Updates * ```2023.10.17``` 🚀🚀🚀 We release the pre-trained weight for **LaVIT** on the HuggingFace and provide the inference code of using it for both multi-modal understanding and generation. ## Setup ### Requirements The code for this repo is tested with PyTorch 1.13.1 and CUDA 11.7. You should first install and configure the Pytorch Environment (including torch and torchvision) can then install the requirements with the following commands: ```shell git clone https://github.com/jy0205/LaVIT.git cd LaVIT pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Model Zoo We release the LaVIT weight that is built upon [Llama-2-7B](https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-7b) as the large language model. > Note: Due to the license restrictions of Llama1, we cannot publish its weights. Thus, we release the weight of LaVIT based on the Llama2. LaVIT achieves the state-of-the-arts performance on various multi-modal downstream tasks. The detailed quantitive results are shown as follows: #### Zero-shot Multi-modal Understanding
Model Image Captioning Visual Question Answering
COCO NoCaps Flickr30K VQAv2 OK-VQA GQA VizWiz
Flamingo-3B 73.0 - 60.6 49.2 41.2 - 28.9
Flamingo-9B 79.4 - 61.5 51.8 44.7 - 28.8
OpenFlamingo-9B 79.5 - 59.5 52.7 37.8 - 27.5
MetaLM 82.2 - 43.4 41.1 11.4 - -
Kosmos-1 84.7 - 67.1 51.0 - - 29.2
Kosmos-2 - - 80.5 51.1 - - -
BLIP-2 (Vicuna-7B) - 107.5 74.9 - - 41.3 25.3
BLIP-2 (Vicuna-13B) - 103.9 71.6 65.0 45.9 61.0 19.6
CM3Leon-7B 61.6 - - 47.6 - - 37.6
Emu (LLaMA-1-13B) 112.4 - - 52.0 38.2 - 34.2
LaVIT (LLaMA-1-7B) 134.0 114.2 83.0 66.0 54.6 46.8 38.5
LaVIT (LLaMA-2-7B) 134.6 113.1 83.2 68.2 55.7 48.0 45.3
#### Zero-shot Text-to-Image Generation
Method Model Model type FID
Text2Image Specialist DALL-E Autoregressive 28.0
CogView Autoregressive 27.1
StableDiffusion Diffusion 12.6
GLIDE Diffusion 12.2
DALL-E 2 Diffusion 10.4
Make-A-Scene Autoregressive 11.8
MUSE-7.6B Non-Autoregressive 7.9
Imagen-3.4B Diffusion 7.3
Parti-20B Autoregressive 7.2
Multimodal Large Langauge Model GILL (OPT-6.7B) LLM 12.2
Emu (LLaMA-1-13B) LLM 11.7
CM3Leon-7B LLM 10.8
LaVIT (LLaMA-1-7B) LLM 7.4
LaVIT (LLaMA-2-7B) LLM 7.2
## Usage LaVIT can serve as a multi-modal generalist to perform both multi-modal comprehension and generation. Below, we provide some example. Only a few lines of codes are needed to use **LaVIT** for inference. We also provide the detailed examples in the jupyter notebooks: `understanding.ipynb` and `generation.ipynb`. You can refer them for learning how to interact with LaVIT. ### Multi-modal Understanding ```python import os import random import torch import torch.nn as nn from models import build_model from PIL import Image random.seed(42) torch.manual_seed(42) # The local directory you save the LaVIT pre-trained weight model_path = '/path/LaVIT_weight' # Using BFloat16 during inference model_dtype = 'bf16' # Or set to fp16 to enable float16 inference # Inference using GPU-0 device_id = 0 torch.cuda.set_device(device_id) device = torch.device('cuda') # Building LaVIT for understanding and load its weight from huggingface model = build_model(model_path=model_path, model_dtype=model_dtype, device_id=device_id, use_xformers=False, understanding=True) model = model.to(device) # Image Captioning image_path = 'demo/caption_image.jpg' caption = model.generate({"image": image_path})[0] print(caption) # an old photo of a horse and buggy in front of a building # Visual Question Answering image_path = 'demo/qa_image.jpg' question = "What's that drink in the glass?" answer = model.predict_answers({"image": image_path, "text_input": question}, max_len=10)[0] print("The answer is: ", answer) # The answer is: orange juice ``` ### Multi-modal generation For the Image generation, the Classifier-Free Guidance scale is important. A larger scale will encourage the model to generate samples highly related to the input prompt while sacrificing the image quality. We recommend to set `guidance_scale_for_llm=3.0` by default, you can increase this scale (e.g., 4.0 or 5.0) for encouraging the generated image to follow the semantics of given prompts. ```python import os import torch import torch.nn as nn from models import build_model from PIL import Image torch.manual_seed(42) # The local directory you save the LaVIT pre-trained weight model_path = '/path/LaVIT_weight' # Using BFloat16 during inference model_dtype = 'bf16' # Or set to fp16 to enable float16 inference # Inference using GPU-0 device_id = 0 torch.cuda.set_device(device_id) device = torch.device('cuda') torch_dtype = torch.bfloat16 if model_dtype=="bf16" else torch.float16 # Building LaVIT for Generation and load the weight from huggingface model = build_model(model_path=model_path, model_dtype=model_dtype, device_id=device_id, use_xformers=False, understanding=False) model = model.to(device) # Text-to-Image Generation prompt = "a sculpture of a duck made of wool" with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=True, dtype=torch_dtype): image = model.generate_image(prompt, guidance_scale_for_llm=3.0, num_return_images=1)[0] image.save("output/i2t_output.jpg") # Multi-modal Image synthesis image_prompt = 'demo/dog.jpg' text_prompt = 'It is running in the snow' input_prompts = [(image_prompt, 'image'), (text_prompt, 'text')] with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=True, dtype=torch_dtype): image = model.multimodal_synthesis(input_prompts, guidance_scale_for_llm=5.0, num_return_images=1)[0] image.save("output/it2i_output.jpg") ``` ## Acknowledgement We are grateful for the following awesome projects when implementing LaVIT: * [LLaMA](https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama): Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models * [BLIP-2](https://github.com/salesforce/LAVIS/tree/main/projects/blip2): Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training with Frozen Image Encoders and Large Language Models * [EVA-CLIP](https://github.com/baaivision/EVA/tree/master/EVA-CLIP): Improved Training Techniques for CLIP at Scale * [BEIT](https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/beit2): Masked Image Modeling with Vector-Quantized Visual Tokenizers ## Citation Consider giving this repository a star and cite LaVIT in your publications if it helps your research. ``` @article{jin2023unified, title={Unified Language-Vision Pretraining in LLM with Dynamic Discrete Visual Tokenization}, author={Jin, Yang and Xu, Kun and Xu, Kun and Chen, Liwei and Liao, Chao and Tan, Jianchao and Mu, Yadong and others}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04669}, year={2023} }