--- datasets: - raalst/squad_v2_dutch language: - nl --- The used dataset raalst/squad_v2_dutch was kindly provided by Henryk Borzymowski. It is a translated version of SQuAD V2. I converted it from json to jsonl format. it contains train and validation splits, no test split. I declared 20% of Train to be used as Testset in my finetuning run. That testset is what the evaluation is based on. when using raalst/squad_v2_dutch, be sure to clean up quotes and double quotes in the contexts The pretrained model was pdelobelle/robbert-v2-dutch-base, a dutch RoBERTa model results obtained in training are : metric = load("evaluate-metric/squad_v2" if squad_v2 else "evaluate-metric/squad") {'exact': 61.75389109958193, 'f1': 66.89717170237417, 'total': 19853, 'HasAns_exact': 48.967182330322814, 'HasAns_f1': 58.09796564493008, 'HasAns_total': 11183, 'NoAns_exact': 78.24682814302192, 'NoAns_f1': 78.24682814302192, 'NoAns_total': 8670, 'best_exact': 61.75389109958193, 'best_exact_thresh': 0.0, 'best_f1': 66.89717170237276, 'best_f1_thresh': 0.0} This seems mediocre to me. settings (until I figured out how to report them properly): DatasetDict({ train: Dataset({ features: ['id', 'title', 'context', 'question', 'answers'], num_rows: 79412 }) test: Dataset({ features: ['id', 'title', 'context', 'question', 'answers'], num_rows: 19853 }) validation: Dataset({ features: ['id', 'title', 'context', 'question', 'answers'], num_rows: 9669 }) }) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("pdelobelle/robbert-v2-dutch-base") from transformers import AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, TrainingArguments, Trainer model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("pdelobelle/robbert-v2-dutch-base") training_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir="./qa_model", evaluation_strategy="epoch", learning_rate=2e-5, per_device_train_batch_size=16, per_device_eval_batch_size=16, num_train_epochs=3, weight_decay=0.01, push_to_hub=False, ) trainer = Trainer( model=model, args=training_args, train_dataset=tokenized_squad["train"], eval_dataset=tokenized_squad["validation"], tokenizer=tokenizer, data_collator=data_collator, ) trainer.train() [15198/15198 2:57:03, Epoch 3/3] Epoch Training Loss Validation Loss 1 1.380700 1.177431 2 1.093000 1.052601 3 0.849700 1.143632 TrainOutput(global_step=15198, training_loss=1.1917077029499668, metrics={'train_runtime': 10623.9565, 'train_samples_per_second': 22.886, 'train_steps_per_second': 1.431, 'total_flos': 4.764955396486349e+16, 'train_loss': 1.1917077029499668, 'epoch': 3.0}) Trained on Ubuntu with 1080Ti